#I am in sticker hell thanks for asking
stinkybrowndogs · 1 year
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I am finally uploading all the new designs I did for the upcoming dog show! Had to start with my favorite breeds ofc
You can grab the, on my ko-fi!
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roebeanstalk · 4 months
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6/2 Update: Security deposit has been paid!! Thank you so much to everyone for the help 💚 I still have to pull together all of June rent for my current place which is $675. Thank you everyone for all of the help so far 💚
I’m asking for help with June rent, which is $675 and needs to be paid ASAP.
Cashapp https://cash.app/clawshot
venmo https://venmo.com/rmck89
ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/roebeanstalk
Any help at all is super appreciated. Every dollar adds up, and shares are so helpful too. I know that I’ve received so much help from people in the past and I can’t thank you all enough. I hope that this is the last of these that I have to do.
June rent: $23/$675
Security Deposit: $495/495 Paid 💚
July rent (First month at new place): $495
Movers + Uhaul: $300-350
More info on my situation under the cut!
Thank you so, so so much.
I have a history of mental health issues, and as a result I have a very difficult time getting and maintaining employment. My mental health also impacts my ability to keep up with and complete freelance/commission work in a timely manner. While I have made some incredible steps forward lately thanks to the right combo of therapy, medication, and a support system, I am still not at a point where I am self-sufficient yet. I am getting there – and I am committed to keep trying no matter what.
Original post blurb, taken out of main post since deposit has been paid:
My landlord has decided not to move forward with me as a tenant due to my history with payment/mental health. While this is frustrating as heck, it’s allowed me to find a better, more affordable housing situation. I have signed a lease at a new place and move in July 1st!Once the deposit is paid, my space on the lease is officially secured and I am good to go. This is the main thing that I am looking for help with.
Why I need help:
This new housing situation is incredible for me – it’s a room in a quiet house with two other queer folk, and the rent is very affordable compared to my current situation. The new place is $485/month, the current place is $675/month. Even with utilities, my total overhead for shelter will cost less than rent at my current place. If I can secure my spot in this house and move forward, I see such a clear path forward for me in terms of self-improvement and self-sufficiency.
For the first time in 15 years, I feel like I can tackle the things ahead of me. If you’re able to help out I would really, really appreciate it.
What I’m doing:
I am job hunting for something that works well for my situation. With the cost of rent, I think that a part time job will be able to cover it. The process of getting a job is difficult for me, but I am committed to continuing to work at it.
On the art front, I have occasional comic coloring jobs that help me out. I also have commissions – I have finally been moving forward at a good rate and have been really happy with my work. In time, this will be able to be a more standard income route. I also have a Patreon that brings in about $65/month.
Cashapp https://cash.app/clawshot / venmo https://venmo.com/rmck89 / ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/roebeanstalk
Thank you so much for reading over all of this. Thank you to everyone who has helped with donations or kind words or reblogs. Thank you so much to every commissioner and customer who has been patient as hell with me on artwork, communication, and stickers. Thank you thank you thank you. Thanks to every single one of you I have been able to keep pushing myself forward, and I'm so happy to keep doing it and make good on everything. And eventually, give back to my community. I love you all so much, even though i don't know any of you that well. Thank youuuu. <3
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Hello there!
I thought of a cute scenario a couple days ago and wanted to send it to you then but your asks were closed. So here I am, ominously crawling out of the bushes like some Lovecraftian horror to ask you this.
Can you write Bonten with a child reader that makes them something during arts and crafts class!
Like; a warped modeling clay ashtray for Takeomi, a too small felt eyepatch for Kakucho, a messily beaded bracelet that spells "kill all traitors" for Sanzu, a dried mochi made of playdough for Mochizuki, a papermache name placard for Koko's desk, a poorly drawn picture of a dog for Rindou, a construction paper card for Ran and a macaroni heart for Mikey.
You can do all of them, one of them, a few of them and even none of them; whatever you're comfortable with.
Please and thank you, regardless of if you decide to write this or not; you just reading it was a kind enough gesture to be honest. Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
Absolutely this is adorable
Father's day.
Something Bonten didn't think about before (name), the three year old starting preschool and boy did he have his work cut out for him.
Thankfully they were doing many fathers day activities in his preschool, the Bonten men putting in crazy money for the highest education thru could give their little one.
"Hewr papa, a neck-o-lass" (name) said handing Koko a painted macaroni necklace that was frankly tragic looking but Koko thought it was absolutely precious.
"An ass-tray!" (Name) proudly presented the frankly fucked up looking ashtray to Takeomi as the men tried to not bust out laughing at what the boy said "Ash Tray (name), and thank you" (name) smiled at the praise and the head pat before going to the next father in the list: Mikey.
It was again macaroni art, on construction paper was a glittery macaroni mess shaped like a heart with a 'i Lov Yu papa!' At the bottom and Mikey silently cooed at it "thank you (name)" he said softly and (name) continued his mission.
"Moh-cheey for you papa!" (Name) handed Mochi a lump of clay with glitter and a smiley face on it "very unique bud, thank you" it was ugly as hell and it was in fact going on his home office desk.
"We made bacelets" (name) handed Sanzu a pipe cleaner bracelet with poorly put on beats and it was ill fitting but the words "cool papa" warmed his heart "thank you.." when he had the chance he planned to replace it with a more durable bracelet strap.
He wanted to keep this forever.
Bonten tried not to laugh at Kakuchos gift, a poorly shaped felt eyepatch glued together.
"For your ouchie!"
"Ok this is being used for work" Koko said holding the cardboard name plate with "papa" written in crayon and stickers on it.
"This is going on the fridge!" Rindō said at the shitty drawing of their dog Coconut, looked like a bunch of scribbles but the "Koko-nut" on top dignified what it was.
Ran followed with his construction paper card and (name) beamed at their praise "now, why don't we go out to eat, hm?"
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Sending this again 🥹
Back with my favorite loser (FAST FOOD READER WITH TATTOOS‼️I tried very hard with the peonies)
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If Fast Food Reader is a loser they are the king of the losers for the sole reason they have a job (and one of their yans is god or whatever)
I think you did amazing with the peonies. Bathroom Succubus would definitely be a copy cat. Their stickers made me think of Reader passing them out to the rest of staff for good behavior and I am very tempted to write it because it would be hell. Rambling aside, your version of them is really cute. Thanks for resending this. Gonna have a fight with whatever demon keeps eating my asks
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moonstruckme · 1 year
imagine the boys ( poly!marauders ) with a muggleborn s/o who's very artistic but super humble and casual abt it
like they're all chilling together, and she's just like "hey sirius, do you think i got your nose right?" and she turns her sketchbook and it's the most beautiful drawing of all of them smiling together in pencil and the boys are like ":O!!! what the hell babe that's so good!!!" and she's trying to tell them it's nothing special, but they're all over her
and assuming she'd know about their animagus forms, imagine sirius offhandedly mentions wanting a new tattoo!! and s/o shows him all of the designs she made based off padfoot, prongs, and even moony, he gets one of them and shows the other boys
BONUS POINTS IF IT'S MODERN TIMES! and s/o has a sticker maker thingies, and prints stickers with those designs and is so proud to show them to her boys, and then suddenly a few of them are gone and she's like ":((" bc she thinks she lost them. but then she finds them on james' broom, and on remus' journal, and sirius' bike, bc they love showing off her work and being like "oh, this? yeah it's so good right?? MY girlfriend made that 😏😏 she's so talented and cool"
Omg I left this in my inbox forever because I thought it was a request and was like "wow I've got a lot to include in there" but now I see that it's not haha (I hope I'm not wrong now, sorry if I am!)
This is sooooooo sweet though!!! I can just imagine how impressed they'd all be, and Sirius and James being bolder in asking her to draw them but Remus secretly keeping every one she makes of him in a special place and looking at them all the time :((
And there's NO WAY they didn't frame that first drawing you mentioned if they all share a flat, that is their MASTERPIECE and they want everyone to see!! The idea of her doing tattoo designs for Sirius is so cute, I feel like slowly more and more tattoos in her style would start to appear on his body and he'd love having that piece of her with him so much.
The sticker thing AHHH!! They're showing her off, they're smiling each time they look at it, they're taking every opportunity to tell anyone who asks (or doesn't) that their girlfriend is an amazing talented artist and isn't is this sticker such excellent proof??
I <3 the idea of the boys being so totally fascinated and honestly dazzled by their artistic gf and her insane talent, thanks so much for sharing my love!!
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itsevanffs · 5 days
wip wednesday
it's wednesday in no sense of the word but honestly the past two weeks have been wack as fuck and my concept of time is shot to all hell. thanks for the tag @scribespirare!
i've been working on a select few tomarry fics still, every once in a while, and this is one of them. to the anon that said my vibe is 'incest tomarry'; you get a gold sticker for prophecy
“Look at you,” Tom murmured, impressed. “Tell you what, let’s get out of here. Aside from your stunt this morning, I’d say your behaviour has been more than reasonable today. How about a treat? I need to do groceries anyway, we’ll stop on the way.”
Harry stared at him, an expression of disgust on his face. “Am I ten?”
“Closer to ten than my age,” Tom said, rolling his eyes and grabbing his coat from the coatstand in the corner. “Now or never, Harry. What do kids like, anyway? Nando’s?”
“I’m going to throw up,” Harry deadpanned. “I’m puking right now. Take me to McDonald’s like a normal person.”
When they eventually got to the promised McDonald's and made their way inside to the counter, Harry surprised him by pulling a bus ticket out of his jacket pocket.
"Dailies are only valid for one day, you know," Tom drawled, about to add that they don't count as cheques, either, when Harry cut him off.
"No, you git," his nephew hissed at him. "There's a voucher on the back. It's good for ten weeks and I'm not about to waste it."
Tom's raised his eyebrows, but to the boy's credit, there actually was a voucher on the back. One ninety-nine for a Big Mac and fries, instead of whatever the usual price was. Three quid something. All spare change to Tom, honestly, but he couldn't help enjoying his nephew's oddly generous mood, so Tom let Harry do as he pleased.
"You don't want anything?" Harry asked him once they were sitting at one of the rickety plastic tables, Tom's nephew having just scarfed down about ten fries in one swallow.
"No," Tom answered, crossing his arms a polite distance away from the probably rancid tabletop. "I'm selective about what I put in my body."
Harry snorted inelegantly, grabbing another handful of far too salty fries. "You're a snob," he said, and crammed the fries in his mouth.
"You're disgusting," Tom retorted, relaxing. It felt easy, this. A routine, almost, some habit to fall back into. "I've got food at home."
"Oh yeah?" Harry started to goad, but Tom reached over the table to stop him with a grimace, clamping his hand over his nephew's mouth.
"Swallow before you speak," Tom said, disgusted.
"Tha's wha' she said," Harry said, muffled, and despite his mouth being covered, Tom could tell he had a shit-eating grin on his face.
tagging @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger, @moontearpensfic and @mosiva :D no pressure obviously. open invite to the rest of you, btw
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t1oui · 8 days
can I please get your thoughts on rosekiller raising Luna?? I've been obsessed with it lately and you've mentioned it before I want to know more about your headcannons!!!
AAAAAA OKAY im obsessed with them too but i think this has been established. just
first of all think canon luna but 10x more unhinged bc rosekiller are not doing her any favors in the "having morals" and "acting normal" departments (we love that for them)
BARTY CALLS LUNA PRINCESS. i am so... no i cant even lie and say im normal about this it's just a fact of life. he calls her princess and he treats her like one too.
they probably commit crimes or something (if you want more info on this search "criminal au" on my blog bc i have so many thoughts... there's also like 3 things under the tag "criminal au 2 electric boogaloo" lol)
this tag on one of my posts. it says a lot
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back to what i said about luna being treated like a princess: does she dress weird? yes. but her clothes and necklaces and the radishes she makes earrings out of are TOP TIER QUALITY bc their girl deserves that.
the three of them wear friendship bracelets
what luna calls them depends on how she's feeling - sometimes she calls them uncle barty and uncle evan, sometimes papa and dad, sometimes just barty and evan
luna gets her offputting gaze from evan and it shows
somehow she's actually such a well-rounded child?? absolutely nobody expects this
rosekiller encourage luna's interests!!!
the three of them cuddle a lot, especially luna and barty.
luna gets all the hogwarts gossip and reports it back to barty via owl
barty 100% teaches luna to drive at age 10 (evan is sitting in the backseat hanging on for dear life)
barty teaches luna how to pickpocket and evan teaches her potions (he doesn't talk about pandora and reg that often, but he makes sure she's got their skill sets)
autistic luna getting a new pair of noise-cancelling headphones. barty and evan helping her cover them in stickers. barty asking to try them out. luna and evan getting him his own pair and covering them in stickers for him :))
(barty cries)
(he actually cries a lot bc "hey, it's okay to cry, luna. no, i'm not crying because of that card you just gave me, but the drawing was really nice and i'm going to cherish it forever")
(she sees right through him but she doesn't say so)
whoever luna ends up with gets a very serious shovel talk from barty and evan (evan does most of the talking, barty just sits there glaring at luna's partner).
ginny finds it funny as hell. anybody else is scared shitless. (this gets ginny a good rep with barty and evan.)
they're soooo soft for each other.
i'm a personal fan of luna and cho being friends and i have a feeling evan and barty would, inexplicably, love her.
barty and evan hate sirius. sirius hates them back. the order of the phoenix has an unspoken rule that the three of them are not allowed in a room together.
barty is italian and luna & ev both know italian for him, so they speak italian with each other a lot.
muggle au rosekiller raising luna!! they hold a special place in my heart. barty and evan run an italian restaurant together and luna is a waitress there. (so is harry.)
yk how snape treats harry like shit bc he hated james? yeah, barty and evan treat harry well bc regulus loved james. (also bc they don't take out their anger on children but mostly bc being mean to someone who reminds them of regulus would hurt too much.)
i swear i have more thoughts about them but i'm totally blanking right now so uhh... feel free to send more asks and i will reply when i have thoughts !! thanks for the ask :)
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rosypenguins · 2 months
I am NOT the you are to drew like Henry is to me anon I am a completely different person however. I'd like to share a little something about Henry.
I had a friend on discord once and we talked about Henry quite a lot, and we made what is what I think my FAVOURITE Henry theory of all time.
Okay, think about it: what's the ONE tmf character that has a design trait that literally HIDES or CHANGES their real appearance to the audience? That's right; HENRY. Henry's real EYES are never seen (except for the glow up video which I'm really not counting because that's like... a silly little thing BUT ANYWAY) in the show. And we all know eyes are the window to the soul. What I'm getting at here is that I don't think that Henry is genuine, not in a malicious way, but in some sort of... like, joke... way?? Gosh I can't explain it but here look.
Think about it. Why the hell would Henry spit gum into Zoeys hair? ZOEY, aka Drew's girlfriend, aka THAT ZOEY? For the comedic value. Because its funny.
Why does he like lettuce juice? Really think about it. Really. What. Does lettuce juice. Taste like. Just fucking water. Maybe terrible water but you can't juice a fucking lettuce. This is a gag, yes, but the only closer similar gag is maybe Zander drinking grape juice I guess... but that's not similar. Grapes can be juiced. Where would you even GET a lettuce juice box? That's right, NOWHERE. Henry must've crafted those boxes, or at least stuck a sticker onto a green juice box, for a bit. Wouldn't that be insane ass effort to put into a bit? Hell, the juice is green. If you juice a lettuce it wouldn't be green. It's not a lettuce smoothie, it's a "lettuce juice". Meaning that Henry either getting green juice or dying water himself isn't out of the picture.
Why is he always goofing around? Sure, you can say thats just his silly goofy aura, but just THINK. He is DESIGNED with silly goofy in mind. His literal physical appearance is silly. HE LITERALLY HAS MEME EYES. HE'S THE ONLY ONE WITH MEME. EYES.
I know this is just an archetype. I know he's just a character.
But just. Think.
He isnt just "a comedic relief character", he IS the comedic relief character. In their show. That's the role he put on himself. The role he's putting effort to play no matter the consequence.
But why would that be? I mean, look at Liam! He's silly and goofy too, why am I doing this whole ass essay?
I bring another point into discussion; the fact that he's a WEEB.
Now, I may be projecting just a smidge here, but that just means I have personal experiences of that happening.
We all know Drewy Bear loves to adopt absolute fucking losers and up their status, as shown with Jake. And, come on, think about it, Henry is like THE most bulliable character in the show, no offense. So, what I'm proposing,
Is that Henry must've gotten bullied before too. It would make total sense! He's a weeb, excitable, probably says "nani!?" Unironically, etc. And you know, sometimes when you're picked on... you really start to internalise that shit. Sometimes the attention you get from people laughing at you feels good. Terrible, hurtful, and devastating... but good. Because they find you funny.
And you then put ALL your effort into being funny. That's the only thing you're gonna be, after all, you're hillarious. Oh, you can only eat X food? What are you, a rabbit? Hahaha, turn that into a funny bit! Etc, etc etc.
We don't know how long this went on or how long Henry was a Dromie, but one things for sure (in my theory): all of this slowly made him less and less of a person, and more and more of just a joke.
And no, the lettuce thing isn't a reach. I've had this genuinely happen to me personally; people kept on making fun of me because I had to soften my food because of my chronic fatigue, so i turned it into a bit. I'm not ruling this out for Henry.
But hey that's just a theory A FREAK THEORY thanks for watching aaaaand send ask
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That is a WILD theory but I TOTALLY see what you’re getting at!! That makes so much sense! And it takes his silly role as comic relief and spins it around to be hella depressing. (Turning yourself into the joke just to make people laugh is way too real-😭)
Almost makes me wonder too what if ALL the Jomies were bullied prior to meeting Drew? I mean Liam’s not exactly the definition of cool either. That’d be really interesting to see.
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crunchyheartbeat · 3 months
Lost and found -König-
Tw: some cuss words?
When I tell you that König is a southern man in my head, heee is.
You knew that when you were in high school listening to the speeches of how to not to do drugs, or how bad drinking is for you, or how its double bad to drink and drive, you start to wonder why you didn't pay close enough attention because if you did you wouldn't be stranded on the side of the road.
Truthfully you weren't that tipsy, a shot here and there didn't kill you but having a run down car and only a small amount of water definitely did. You did not think that this was how your night was going to turn out. Watching your feet as you walk along side the road you put your thumb out in hopes of catching somebody, anybody really would be perfect. "Come ooooon" you yell out as another car passes you for the umpteenth time. You sit down in the grass feeling a bit embarrassed for yourself while trying to keep your puke in rather then out. How nice it was to finally see a truck pull over to the side of the road after sitting there waiting for so long, your knight and shining armor. You stood up to slowly start walking to the truck while you feel your nerves go haywire, when the biggest gol darn man you have ever seen steps out of the drivers side. "Hey are you okay?" "Do you need help?"
Your entire body is frozen in place, that is not a knight in shining armor, that is a executioner, why the hell does he have a rag over his face, why is he so big? he looks like he could squeeze your head right in between his arms and you would pop like a cherry. "My name is König, I am sorry to scare you, I just saw you sitting here and wanted to see if you needed any help". You watch as he takes off his red flannel and hesitantly hands it to you. "Here, you can wear this, its a bit chilly out here" As you slowly reach up to grab his flannel you peak at the back of the sticker that on his truck. "Military" you state out loud. König chuckles a bit and nodes his head. "Ya I am in the military, a good chunk of my life really"
"If you want I can drive you someplace safe, or you can use my cellphone to call someone"
If only you knew any numbers on the top of your head, you politely ask him to take you back home. He walks around his truck to open up the door for you as you climb into the passenger seat. Trying to cover your bottom with your hand as you do so, because your skirt might just be a little to short. You watch as he closes the door and steps back into the drivers seat. Sitting there as he starts to drive back onto the road you slip the flannel on. You never would have expected his flannel to smell as good as it does. Like a crisp wood smell with a hint of smoke, and definitely some sweat and dirt to. Maybe because you have been a bit buzzed, only know you have realized that this man has a thick Australian accent as he is speaking to you. "Your jacket is so warm" you say as you cut him off. You see him peeking at you through the corner of his eye, but as he starts to ask you were you live you fall asleep with your head against the window.
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This image is from hqsugax on twitter.
So I do have an idea of maybe adding a second part to this but I am not positive yet. I hope you enjoyed my little story of one of my favorite husbands. Thanks for reading.
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ceilingfan5 · 9 months
If you're still looking for an object + emotion prompt, "holographic vampire sticker" + "I am looking Respectfully???" for Taakitz pls?
“Hey, sick stickers,” the barista that Kravitz has been dreaming about like some kind of avenging angel whispers, cleaning tables conspicuously close to Kravitz’s set up in the cafe. 
He can’t help it. He jumps, embarrassing himself properly when he bumps his coffee and it slorshes unto the table. He scrambles to save his piles and suffocating piles of papers, and barista-angel, Taako, if his nametag can be trusted, which is doubtful, comes to the rescue. 
“Man,” he laughs. “Why didn’t you have the lid on?”
Kravitz sweats. 
“Is that why you have whipped cream on your nose?”
Kravitz imagines leaving the country. 
“Um,” he manages. “Hello.” It isn’t as suave as he hoped. Like if suave got ran over, frozen,  put in a blender, and transmitted via am radio in that order. You can hear the texture, and it’s really…something. “What?”
‘Taako’, probably, laughs, a goofy, musical sort of thing that makes Kravitz’s guts squeeze like some sort of non-FDA approved “medical” “equipment”. 
“You good, dude? You want to start over?”
“Yes!” Kravitz wants to disappear completely, but this angel is not, apparently, an angel of mercy. “Hi. Hello. Thank you for liking- I’m- they’re good stickers, yeah.”
“I like the vampire one.” He leans over and his floppy frilly shirt with the crazy sleeves for baristaing falls open over his apron, and Kravitz can see all the way to his navel. He can’t look away. He’s looking respectfully, please, please, please, he promises. 
“The, uh, the, holographic- I’m sorry, I promise I can sound like an adult man in control of himself, can I-” Kravitz takes a breath. “Yeah, they’re good, do you like vampires?”
“Hell yeah.” Taako grins, and shoots up (noooo, don’t go, Kravitz was catching a glint of a happy trail on his tummy and having Church Sanctioned Thoughts For Sure.) He throws an arm out and pretends to hide behind a cape. “Bleehhhh, I vant to suck your dick!”
Two paths diverge in front of Kravitz. There’s a breezy, sun-dappled path called Oh yeah? The feeling is mutual, stud, what time do you get off? Because if you want to get off, I’m your guy. 
The other is a steep downhill bear infested boulder plinko, called flipping his coat out like a cape, adopting the thickest dracula he can, and making a horrid face, firing right back at his blessed saint Taako, if that is his real name, “You thought I vas arousink you for horny reasons, but now all your blood is in your dick! I’ve got you now, ah- ah- ah- ah!”
Guess which path Kravitz careened down like his life depended on it. Guess. Guess.
But Taako doubles over laughing, knocking Kravitz’s nearest stack of books down. Oh no. 
“Ah- I’ve-” but Taako’s already grabbing Kravitz’s erotica research off the floor, and his eyebrows go Way Up. 
“Lookin’ up new methods?” he teases. 
“Writing original fictions,” Kravitz says, dying a thousand days. Maybe two thousand. And a half. 
“Fuck yeah, that sounds rad. Not vampire erotica, is it?” Taako looks interested. Taako looks interested??
“Not this one, but my last one, yes? Yeah? Do you- are you. Interested in vampire erotica? I have a copy in my bag, I could even sign it for you-”
“Mmmmm,” Taako grins. He grabs Kravitz’s pen and scrawls a phone number right on top of his notes. He crosses his sevens. That’s so hot of him. “I’m illiterate. How about you dramatize it for me.”
“I can do that,” Kravitz manages, swallowing thickly. “I can do that. I, hey, you’ll be an expert in the plot when you walk away.” 
“Sweet,” Taako winks, turning and heading back to work. “I’m really into plot.”
Kravitz sits there, stunned. He wonders if Taako’s serious, or if he’s just been fucked with. He wonders if he asks real nice, he can go ask for more whipped cream, cause his is gone, gone, gone like a freight train, or maybe a goofy sugar-crafted train like you’d ride to Candyland. Is there good infrastructure in Candyland? What’s their taxation like? Surely not great, right? It is a monarchy-
And then Taako jump-turns, stanced, and lifts his apron for one more “BLEHHHHHHHH!”
And Kravitz knows he’s got a chance. 
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vaspider · 2 months
Hey! There was a lot of people there and also it's been a bit but I saw you at Seattle pride and I bought some stickers and I just wanted to say thank you for being super chill to me. It was my first pride outside of Texas, and first time I was openly wearing the trans flag. Hell it was the first time I used my cane other than when I walk home at night and it was nice to talk to you.
Waited till now to send an ask about it due to anxiety but yeah. Thanks again!
Thank you for your kind words, and for reaching out, period. I am delighted and honored to have been present at two such momentous firsts. :) Hope you like your stickers!
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emo-gremlin · 1 year
Banban as vines because Unthman threatened my family if I didn't make these.
Feat. Choo Choo Charles
Stinger Flynn: I don't need friends they disappoint me
Banbalena: Captain what's on your face?
*camera pans to Captain Fiddles with a period pad stuck to his face*
Captain: a sticker
Banbalena: a sticker huh?
Captain: uh huh
Unthman: release all of those sounds that are trapped in your mind
Banban: *unholy screams of agony*
Banbalena: on all levels except physical, I am a human
Banbalena: taxes
Jester: hi welcome to chili's
Opila: o.0
Sheriff Toadster: what makes the perfect man?
Slow Selene: you're asking the wrong snail I'm gay
Sheriff Toadster: *regret*
Banban: whatcha doing up there Unthman?
Unthman: I lost my Frisbee
Banban: you doing more Givanium experiments up there?
Unthman: .... yeah
Parent: hey how yall-
Nabnab: *starts growling*
Banban: it don't bite
Parent: YES IT DO GET-
Banban: Smack cam!
Jester: you have a beautiful smile
Bouncelia: thanks. You're not that handsome
Jester: wow
Parent: *falls from another elevator* hey Banban
Banban: hey
Parent: that hurt
Banbalena: what yall get for number 12?
Josh: I got 18
Captain: I got 9.5?
Jester: I got Abraham Lincoln, for some reason I don't-
Stinger Flynn: there's only one thing worse than a rapist
*reveals the word 'child'*
Banbalena: *gasp* a child
Banban: NO-
Banban: *hits parent upside the head*
Parent: Daddy?
Banban: toss me my keycards
Jumbo Josh: *throws printer*
Banban: I said my keycards???
Jumbo Josh: I thought you said printer!
Banban: why the fuck would I say printer?
Stinger Flynn: so we're at this store that only sells Christmas stuff and it's August
Banban: *singing as loud as he can* WHITE PEOPLE~
Jester: So I'm sitting there, BBQ sauce on my titties
Queen Bouncelia: *Falls the floor laughing and causes the end of the world*
Parent: Sheriff this is a crime scene
Sheriff Toadster: *pulling out an ice cream from the freezer* WHAT IS THIS THE MURDER WEAPON?! GET OFF MY DICK
Sheriff Toadster: yep
Sheriff Toadster: this is a bucket
Banban: *playing guitar*
Stinger Flynn: hey, how ya doing well I'm doing just fine
Stinger Flynn: I lied I'm dying inside
Sheriff Toadster: *while throwing toadstar at Jester* BEGONE THOT!
Sheriff Toadster: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Banban: hell yeah
Sheriff Toadster: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Stinger Flynn: thanks for watching our dog
Banban: no problem where is he
Choo Choo Charles: bark bark bitch
Banban: that's a whole train right there
Banban: This bitch empty YEET *proceeds to chuck Nabnab at the wall*
*Banban and Stinger Flynn are fighting in the background*
Parent: Can I get my kid back? Can I 0lease get my kid back?
Sheriff Toadster: STOP RIGHTTHERE! You're going to jail!
Nabnab: what, why?
Sheriff Toadster: for breaking the laws of physics
*cue camera showing Nabnab on the ceiling*
Nabnab: >:)
Banbalena: I'm eating a cake right now, and it's great! I'm about to go kill people
Nabnab: I have no soul *hands Stinger Flynn a balloon* have a nice day!
Stinger Flynn: I don't have one either
Stinger Flynn: let me ask you a very fair question
Stinger Flynn: what do you do successfully?
Jester: ...
Stinger Flynn: Quickly
Stinger Flynn: *talking to Jumbo Josh* let's tell each other a secret about ourselves, I'll go first
Stinger Flynn: I hate you
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utahlive · 1 year
Sticker update + Q&A
All the stickers have been sent out! Hopefully those of you who bought them will be receiving them in the next few weeks! Honestly I wasn't expecting them to all be bought so fast... THANK YOU!!! I really hope you enjoy them :D
Quick Q&A (because I need to clear out the inbox a little bit)
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The art usually takes anywhere from 5 - 20 minutes for a regular episode. The hardest & most time consuming part is figuring out a good response (and I get distracted very easily) so that part can take from anywhere between literally 3 minutes to 45
Special ones take... 1/1.5 hours minimum. I don't usually time them and I don't always do them in one sitting. the haircut episode probably took 4-6 hours?
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HELL YEAH I AM!!! I'd love to read or see whatever art (in every form) people make for this blog, it makes my day every time. Tagging is probably the best way!
That being said sometimes Tumblr is a little funky and doesn't show me tagged posts, so if you sent art in and it's been 4-5 days and it still hasn't been posted, feel free to tag the blog again or send in an ask with the link to your original post.
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And my blog loves you, random citizen
(ps I’ll try to get back on regular updates tomorrow :] thank u for the patience!)
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ravennaortiz · 2 months
The Sitdown: A Manny & Lil Joey Story
Summary: Manny volunteers at his daughters school and finally comes face to face with Lil Joey. Takes place about a week after this story. As always my stories are 18+
A/N: Lil Joey Anon I hope you enjoy this!
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"Thank you again Mr. Mendoza for coming in today. I know you are a busy man but its truly always a delight when you grace our halls. Lets the young men see a good role model which as you know in our community is truly lacking these days" stated Julietas principal as she escorted Manny to the playground. He had just spent the better part of two hours helping clean and reinstall tables in the schools cafeteria. Too say he was wiped was an understatement.
"Its not a problem at all Mrs. Romero. Always happy to help in the building up of the next generation." replied Manny as he offered the woman a warm smile. Been awhile since I've been called a good role model he thought to himself as they neared the doors that led out to the playground.
"Well, I must get back. I know you know the rules of the playground so I won't bore you with a refresher. Thank you for volunteering to stay later again as well. "stated Mrs. Romero before giving him a small pat on his shoulder and making her way back to her office after he had nodded.
Stepping outside Manny closed his eyes to the blinding Yuma sun as they adjusted to the outdoors. Looking around he noted a shady bench close to where his daughter was playing hopscotch with some other little girls. He beamed and waved as Julieta saw him and waved her whole face lit up.
Just like her momma thought Manny as he watched her play. Thinking of his wife he thought back on her words this morning as she rushed out the door. "Do not fight a first grader or his father Manny. Nor embarrass our little girl or I will rain down hell fire upon you." Manny chuckled to himself as he pulled his phone out to send Liliana a quick text
Manny: So far no eyes on public enemy one
Liliana: Manny.
Manny chuckled to himself as he heard the warning even through the text.
Manny: Kidding Mami. If I'm on my best behavior today can I get a reward?
Liliana: I'll pick up some gold stickers on the way home.
Manny: Funny.
Liliana: I know. Love you!
Manny: Smartass. Love you too!
"Mind if I sit sir?" inquired a nerdy looking kid with glasses that made his eyes bug out some.
"Go right ahead son" replied Manny as he tucked his phone back in his pocket.
Manny grinned as the kid slunk down on the bench and tiredly popped a straw into his juice box he pulled from his back pack. Letting out a sigh as if he was a old man. "You good?" inquired Manny.
"Long day on top of a long week. I also got me some woman problems" replied the kid as he turned to Manny slightly as he slurped his drink.
"I hear that man. What kind of woman problems you got? I might be able to help. I'm somewhat of an expert." offered Manny as he grinned.
"Alright. Its a doozy though so buckle up" started the kid as he turned to Manny. "She asked me if I would still like her if she was a worm....I am scared of them. Long story. So of course I said no. Then she was like I see and walked off. Hasn't talked to me since and I fear I might lose her to Carlos. He is much cooler and keeps worms" explained the young man as he shook his head and sighed again. "He also eats them sometimes, which is kinda gross"
"Oof." replied Manny as he nodded. "Well son if I 've learned anything over the years. When your woman starts to talk the hypothetical you just gotta roll with it." started to explain Manny as the kid watched his closely. "End of the day she's just looking for that reassurance. That you are here for her and going to be here for her. " finished Manny as he smiled at the kid who was looking at him like he was a god.
"Gosh. That makes so much sense. Thank you mister!" exclaimed the kid as he jumped off the bench. "Imma go tell her now I love her as worm" he exclaimed making Manny laugh.
"No problem. What's your name?" he called as the kid started to take off.
"Josiah but my friends call me Lil Joey" called the boy over his shoulder before making a bee line for the hopscotch area. Mannys smile quickly disappeared. Had he really just given public enemy number one relationship advice?
"Its not that funny" grumbled Manny later that night as he recounted the story to Liliana. Who was currently doubled over on the couch laughing her ass off.
"I mean it kinda is. Did his dad look like he could fight?" inquired Liliana her eyes full of mischief as Manny rolled his eyes.
"Funny you should ask. His daddy is apparently a dead beat and both his mommas are very polite women but both pack and take Brazilian jiu jitsu. Safe to say they know how to fight." stated Manny as he shook his head. "Also Pam and Karen invited us over for margaritas and tacos in a couple weeks. I accepted" he added with a grin.
11 years later
Manny sat quietly in Templo as Pam and Karen sat across from him. Both women were hard to read as they absorbed his words. Pam grabbed Karens hand and squeezed drawing her attention to her.
"If its what he wants. We should respect it. We've raised a good boy dear" soothed Pam as Karen nodded reluctantly before glancing back at Manny.
"I know you can't promise us he will be safe. But" started Karen
"I promise you I will do my best to keep him safe and out of trouble" declared Manny cutting her off.
Return to Two Worlds Universe
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what-eats-owls · 1 year
hello! love your books! I just wanted to ask if you're cool with artists selling fanart of your books? I have some normal art planned regardless, but I have some sticker ideas too. thanks!!
For contractual reasons I cannot actually talk about, I cannot give written permission for folks to sell fanart based on my books, nor can I currently issue licenses for it.
Unrelatedly: I think fanart and fan merch is cool as hell, and it's amazing we have such variety of it available in the world!! Every time I see fanart of my books my HP bar grows 10 points!!
Separately: I sure do support artists getting paid for their work, and honestly, fanart and fan merch are a powerful way to both engage the community and catch the interest of potential new readers!
Tangentially: Writing is a full-time job, and I definitely don't have time to fill out DMCA takedowns over anything that isn't utterly heinous and hateful!
Hypothetically: if someone were to connect those three things, someone might guess how I feel about artists selling fanart of my books! But for contractual reasons (please imagine I am staring directly into the camera) I cannot give written permission to sell fanworks based on my books.
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nostalgic-woodwind · 11 days
It Takes a Hotel to Raise a Cub
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Chapter 3 - Something That Can Help
Plot: Crymini gets her hand patched up, and Charlie discovers a treatment plan that can help her.
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Content Warning: Mention of physical/corporal punishment, mention of abuse, trauma, injury, outburst of anger
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Once Husk and Angel arrived at the hotel infirmary, the spider set Crymini down on one of the beds.
“Alright, lemme take a look,” Vaggie said.
“Can I fix Crymini’s hand?” Niffty asked eagerly. “Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?”
“Uh… well, you can hand me the supplies I need.”
Niffty sped off to grab the first-aid kit while Vaggie carefully removed the glove from Crymini’s paw. The cyclops quickly returned with the first-aid kit in her arms.
Vaggie got to work patching up the hyena’s paw. Crymini sat there in silence. She knew that she was probably going to be in huge trouble for the stunt she pulled, but she didn’t care. She was used to being punished at this point.
“Alright, I fixed it up for you,” Vaggie spoke after bandaging Crymini’s hand. “You’ve gotta quit getting yourself hurt.”
Crymini rolled her eyes as she pulled her hand away.
“Gee, not even a thank you?”
“Want a sticker or a lollipop?” Niffty offered as she held up a box of colorful stickers and Dum-Dum suckers.
“No, how old do you think I am? Five?” Crymini scoffed.
“Okay, more for me! I can use them for my bug traps!”
Niffty ran off while Charlie entered the room.
“Is Crymini going to be alright?” Charlie asked.
“Yeah, she’s gonna be fine. The cut wasn’t deep, and the bleeding stopped,” Vaggie responded.
“Crymini, why’d you sneak off like that?” Angel questioned. “We didn’t know where you were. You could’ve gotten yourself more hurt than you already are!”
“And why would you steal alcohol from the bar?” Husk added sternly. “You know that you’re not old enough to be drinking.”
No response came out of Crymini’s mouth. She stared at the floor as the grown-ups continued lecturing her about the dangers of what she did, about how underage drinking was dangerous, along with sneaking out of the hotel. God, this was bringing the hyena back. She felt uneasy. Her heart began to race. Her body started to tense up. She could feel herself getting angry and overwhelmed. She was sick of being bitched at.
“I get it…” Crymini grumbled.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Husk asked.
“I said I get it!”
“Excuse me, we’re not gonna have you talking to any of us like that.”
“We’re trying to help you get better,” Angel scolded.
“You guys aren’t my parents! Why should I have to fucking listen to any of you, anyway?” Crymini yelled.
The hyena got up from the infirmary bed and then stormed upstairs, not before punching a hole through the wall with her non-injured hand.
Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Husk stared at each other, thinking to themselves “What the hell just happened?”
“Maybe I need to go talk to Crymini,” Charlie said as she started to leave, only for Vaggie to stop her.
“Why don’t we just let her cool off?” Vaggie suggested. “You can’t reason with someone when their temper’s at an all-time high.”
“But she looked so upset.”
“I know, we all know. However, sometimes, you just need to let people simmer down for a while.”
“Alright, but I wish I could at least talk to her,” Charlie sighed sadly. “I’ll get Niffty to patch up the wall.”
When Charlie and Vaggie walked out of the room, Husk and Angel were still speechless. They looked at each other again, not sure of how to react or respond to what happened in the last hour.
Meanwhile, Crymini slammed the door behind her once she reached her bedroom. She didn’t feel sorry about what she did. She was tired of getting pushed around like a child. She was tired of these childish redemption exercises. She was tired of everything. However, her stomach began to turn once her mind began to imagine the worst, once again thinking of the possible consequences she might receive after all the trouble she caused. She wouldn’t be surprised if the hotel had corporal punishment as discipline. Crymini then slid down the door and curled up into a ball. Why did she have to make everyone around her so frustrated with her? Why can’t she just go back in time and redo everything? She didn’t choose this life of suffering, but she deserved it. After all, it was her fault for making God angry.
Charlie was looking through her files in the office, trying to figure out a solution for Crymini. She couldn’t help but mentally replay what happened today, nor figure out why the hyena had been so callous ever since her first day at the hotel. Charlie made a promise to help all the sinners in need, but she nor the hotel has ever dealt with someone so stubborn and defiant. Well, Angel was stubborn and defiant when he first joined the hotel. However, he at least participated in the redemption exercises. Where was the anger coming from, and why was Crymini so mad and reclusive? If only there was a way to help the hyena…
“Honey, Husk and Angel are here,” Vaggie said as she walked in, interrupting Charile’s train of thought. “They want to discuss something.”
“Oh, they do? Sure, they can come in,” Charlie nodded.
Vaggie opened the door, allowing Husk and Angel to step inside the office.
“Hey, guys! I’m glad you could make it,” Charlie greeted as Husk and Angel took their seats. “So, what’s going on?”
“It’s about Crymini,” Angel said.
“You guys have been thinking about her, too?”
“Yeah, Angel and I talked a bit at the bar and wondered what we could do,” Husk said.
“Crymini’s been hurting herself in more ways than one,” Angel added. “She’s… unfortunately, she’s starting to become kinda like me in a way…”
Husk patted Angel’s shoulder sympathetically.
“There’s gotta be a way for Crymini to stop self-destructing…” Charlie rubbed her chin as she heard a knock on the main door downstairs. “Excuse me for a moment, guys.”
Charlie went downstairs and opened the door. She looked down and spotted a bunch of letters scattered across the ground. Knowing Hell, it doesn’t always have great postal service.
“Huh, looks like the mail came,” the princess said as she scanned through the envelopes. She then paused once she saw a light purple one, which was addressed from a therapist named “Dr. Lullabi” from the Sloth Ring. She opened the envelope and noticed a letter, along with a pamphlet inside. She scanned through the letter and found something interesting.
“Hey, whatcha got?” Vaggie asked as she came downstairs.
“I think I found something that can help Crymini.”
Crymini was scrolling through her phone, looking through her photos of her and Raven and Ash. She then heard a knock on her door.
“Hey, Crymini. Charlie wants you in her office,” Vaggie said from the other side.
Crymini’s stomach dropped. She knew that she was going to be punished for what happened today.
“Tell her I’m not here,” the hyena responded.
“She said it’s important.”
“If it’s another one of those redemption exercises, I’m not interested.”
“It’s not that, it’s a meeting, and Charlie needs you right away.”
Knowing there was no way out of this, Crymini groaned as she got up and walked with Vaggie to Charlie’s office. On the way there, the hyena tried to keep her cool, pretending to still have her I-don’t-care attitude. However, on the inside, she couldn’t help but feel that familiar feeling of anxiety. If only she hadn’t snuck off and isolated herself… if only she hadn’t had such a bad attitude… if only she…
“Hey, we’re here,” Vaggie said as she opened the door.
Crymini stepped inside the office, and her eyes widened when she saw Angel and Husk with Charlie.
“What’s going on? An intervention or something?” Crymini questioned as she took a seat.
“Not an intervention, per se, but it’s a special kind of redemption exercise for you,” Charlie said. “Before we talk about it, we should talk about your behavior here at the hotel. We’ve noticed that you’ve been excluding yourself from the activities provided, and you’ve been down on not only everything but yourself as well.”
Crymini just shrugged and rolled her eyes.
“Have you always felt this way here and on Earth when you were alive?”
Another shrug and eye roll.
“I guess my childhood was shitty… my family was shitty… lots of shame and hitting…” Crymini admitted.
“We’re sorry,” Charlie apologized. “You shouldn’t have been hurt by those who raised you, but your actions have shown how you’ve been possibly coping, and it’s not really healthy for you to live that way. Sneaking out, underage drinking, having a bad attitude…”
“I’m a grown-up like you guys,” Crymini rudely interrupted. “I died when I was nineteen, and I’ve been here for twenty-eight years.”
“But you’re stuck in the age that you died, so you’re still nineteen,” Husk pointed out.
“Oh my God…”
“Anyway, moving on,” Charlie said. “Instead of punishing you, Vaggie and I’ve talked with Husk and Angel and we decided for you to do a special redemption exercise.
Charlie pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to the hyena, who had a befuddled look when she saw the title “Age Regression and You” and the picture of Dr. Lullabi — a pastel-pink turtle demon — on the cover.
“The fuck is this?” Crymini questioned as she read the content inside the pamphlet.
“This is age regression,” Vaggie said. “Age regression is when your mind regresses to a younger mindset, and you’re sometimes taken care of by a caregiver or more.”
“What… what does all of this mean?”
“It means that your headspace can go back to the equivalence of a younger age, such as a kid or a toddler. Some people’s mindsets sometimes go back to as young as infancy. Some regressors — or littles — play with toys, watch cartoons, read children’s books, et cetera.”
Crymini was gobsmacked at that point. Does that mean…?
“Am… am I going to have to act like a baby?!” Crymini glared.
“Well, no, not per se, but this is more of giving yourself a second chance at childhood,” Charlie explained. “To let yourself be reparented, to—“
Crymini ripped the pamphlet in half and became pissed.
“Fuck no! You’re really going to pull the whole ‘act like a baby, get treated like one’ punishment on me, aren’t you?” the hyena yelled.
“Crymini, calm down. It’s not a punishment, we promise,” Angel reassured.
“Angel’s right. Age regression’s not a disciplinary action for what you did, but rather a treatment plan to help you cope and regulate your emotions better,” Charlie added. “You don’t have to regress to infancy or a toddler’s headspace. It’s your regression.”
Crymini groaned as she buried her face in her hands.
“And to add, Angel and Husk have agreed to be your caregivers,” Vaggie stated.
“What? Them? The drunk bartender and the porn star caring for me like I’m a kid all over again?” Crymini scoffed. “Why can’t you and the princess do it since it was your idea?”
“As much as Vaggie and I would love to care for you and your little self, we’re busy with the hotel and running the redemption exercises with the rest of the residents here,” Charlie said.
“Plus, Husk and I’ve had our fair share of struggling with unhealthy coping mechanisms,” Angel informed the hyena.
“We’re still helping each other out, and we’re gonna do the same for you,” Husk said.
Crymini rolled her eyes and slouched in her chair, hiding her face in the hood part of her hoodie. She really can’t fucking believe this. She’s really going to have to go through with being watched over like a fucking kid. She’s really going to have to be a baby… she’s going to probably have to relive her childhood… she felt fucking sick.
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