#I am just a bitter goth tbh
anotherfallenchild · 1 year
A personal affront to me that they haven’t put Nick Cave songs in gomens cause who else is doing it like Nick re catholic longing and discourse trauma breakup songs
Boatman’s call is about aziracrow to me now
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Far From Me and Idiot Prayer were made for them I don’t need to elaborate
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steddie-island · 5 months
I was tagged by @augustjustice to do the 5 songs you actually listen to! I've done it once but tbh I love talking about the music that I like so I am happy to do it again!
Someone Else - Loveless (again, they have just. Taken over my spotify.)
Feel Reel - Deptford Goth
Go To Hell - Clinton Kane (it gives Stancy vibes kind of if Steve was bitter about his breakup with Nancy? IDK it's just a great song and it makes me think of them.)
Run Away to Mars - TALK
The 'I' in Lie - Patrick Stump (if y'all haven't listened to Soul Punk you are missing out)
I'm not tagging anyone since I have already tagged people but if you see this and want to do it please tag me! I want to see what you listen to/ what you like/ LET'S TALK ABOUT THE THINGS WE LIKE TOGETHER!!
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Okay so it's only loosely a crossover (the characters don't directly interact until the end) but whatever.
Anyway, after 1500 years, Excalibur has become....kinda like Mjolnir (hammer of Thor) meaning it's semi-sentient and Will Not let itself be picked up except by A) Merlin, B) Arthur, or C) someone it knows to be worthy. The bitch don't stay in the lake, either. It goes where it's needed, and right now, that is the Clusterfuck of Beacon Hills, where it appears buried in a rock (commit to the bit) and when the pack finds it, everyone has a good laugh bc they think it's a prank....except none of them can pull it out. Even with super werewolf strength.
But Stiles can.
(Deaton almost has a fucking stroke when he sees it)
And the rest of it is kinda just vague monster fighting shenanigans at this point, tbh, with plenty of Sterek (obviously) and also Stiles learning magic (I swear I'm not bitter) and at one point there is a dragon that does not get slain but very politely agrees to find a different plot of land to claim after "the blade-bearer" asks her to please leave.
Legit Merlin and Arthur only show up in BH at the end, after the crew is Tired and Bloody and Just Wants A Nap, and Merlin's like, "Christ, can you never stay where I leave you, you overgrown letter-opener?" to Excalibur, and Arthur is just like, "DON'T BE MEAN, MERLIN, hey, kiddo, can I have my sword back now?"
Leaving the rest of them to just be like "..........." bc they just met THEE King Arthur and Wizard Merlin, and they were dressed like a spring break Chad and his prep-goth lesbian wife.
lmao love how Merlin and Arthur come like they've just finished their honeymoon (well deserved tho)
but yes of course Excalibur ends up at Beacon Hills (a beacon for the supernatural am i right? eh?) just sitting pretty in its rock, chilling. it probably didn't even expect to be picked up by anyone other than Merlin or Arthur. sure, Merlin had said "someone [the sword] knows to be worthy" in his spell, but that was never meant to actually happen.
then the McCall Pack saunter in (well, maybe not saunter....more like stumble into the sword's domain because of some outside force or something) and begin their fun little challenge to see who gets to pull the Excalibur out of its stone. it's the most fun the sword's had in ages. then fucking Stiles Stilinski goes to pull out the sword as a joke.....and Excalibur feels its hold on the stone loosen.
oh dear
and you know, you'd think the sword would be pulled out for Scott (main protag and true alpha, all that jazz), but the sword is in Stiles's hands, and now all of them are freaking out (Stiles is the most smug he's ever been, much to the annoyance of everyone).
and then after all the shenanigans are over and our lovely Arthurian duo come in to retake Excalibur. cue Arthur and Stiles becoming petty rivals over the sword because i said so.
Stiles: Finder's keepers Arthur: Uh, no, that's my sword Stiles: And you abandoned it for a couple centuries, and it chose me, sooooo...mine now Arthur: Merlin-- Merlin: No, no, the kid's got a point. I mean, you were dead for 1500 years, give or take Arthur: ....yOU thREW the dAmN sWOrd iN thE fUCkiNG LAKE
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mattelektras · 3 years
Hey what are your favourite + least fav x men characters and why im curious i love seeing ur thoughts (also, to make it easier hopefully???, i mean specifically X-Men you do not need to include like the 100+ teams connected to them like new mutants or Excalibur etc)
tbh these are just from. everywhere. a lot of my favs are xforce and sub teams. just mutants in general really
least favs
xavier. hes just a dick like. objectively. hes got no business mentoring young kids with the way he went about treating young scott and young jean. also mr i would never invade someone's thoughts without there permission. and then he DID
beast. just kinda boring like. we get it youre smart and patronizing and blue and furry, what else is there. kurt is the only blue man
havok. i dont like. hate him. i just think he should be made fun of more. mr all lives matter avengers stan. bully him more
deadpool because i hate that some people think he’s a mutant n it irritates me idk
brian braddock sorry betsy ur brother is dull as all fuck. he barely has anything to do w mutants as a whole and it’s like why do we even claim him as one when he ran around calling himself captain britain for so long like. cringe, sir braddock
storm. like objectively i think if anyone doesnt favour ororo in some kind of way then theyre insane. she has a lot of wonder woman isms in that a lot of people see her as this. ethereal above reproach goddess but shes ironically a very human character. like just the little facts that shes into botany and is claustrophobic etc. and the fact that everyone loves her is because shes a good person, not because she’s beautiful or powerful or perfect in anyway. like she’s loved because she’s earned it and she deserves it. she’s a good friend and a GREAT leader without needing to physically be in charge. shes very open and loving and loyal but is also someone u really only get one chance with?? she has a much smaller circle of incredibly close friends than people would think. idk i love that shes allowed to be both kind and flawed AND hugely powerful
domino. ive gone on about how i love neena a lot before so i wont bore u but she is. genuinely one of my favourite characters of all time from anywhere. she has a persona that she puts up but there's so much in her backstory that no one would expect if theyd only read recent domino stuff. like she really shines in her solos more than anywhere else i cant stress that enough
magneto. if i had to like. objectively pick a best character ever i think it would be magneto. i think superhero comics are best when they SAY something. like not to be all We Live In a Society but if youre not making some kind of commentary on the real world with your good vs evil media concept then what are you doing. and we all know the mutant metaphor doesnt hold up like. ever. but its as close as it gets with magneto because his fictional mutanthood is linked w his real jewishness and its never like. a replacement or one or the other. and one fuels his activism in the other? idk im not sure how to phrase it but i think he embodies what being a MUTANT is about, in universe, not what being an xmen is about. hes so REGAL and smart and so powerful just in the way he carries himself, even when he was depowered. they simply do not make characters like magneto other than magneto. and YES the dilfery of it all
kwannon. i love where her story is going and how much attention theyre giving her since the body divorce. just that shes being allowed to be bitter and resentful of betsy about having years of her life stolen. her learning how to be her own self again and what's her own. also i like betsy just fine but my first intro to ~~~psylocke was the betsy/kwannon mash up and like. for ME. with what i like in characters??? pretty much all of what i liked was kwannon's. the assassin stuff, the sword stuff, her brutality and harder attitude. like u all know my taste in female characters and shes IT. and theres a lot of potential in exploring her backstory
wolverine. unfortunately. i love a little weasel man. He Is My Dad. i think he has such a rich variation of relationships with other people whether it be as a rivalry, romance, friendship, parent etc etc. this bitch contains multitudes!!! i think he as a character has so much bought to him by the other characters around him. likes YES he is a grmupy old man who probably hasnt showered today but hes a very loving person despite everything
angel. this might seem like a wild pick for me but. the concept of a rich pretty boy with seemingly everything going for him being turned into this monstrous apocalyptic razor bird with varying self control is SO GOOD TO ME IDK IDK. like hes very gentle and atypical for a male character in a lot of ways and i enjoy that a lot??? just the contrast of it all. i think there should be more horrific pretty boys
monet. forever obsessed wither attitude and her confidence even when so much of her story is wrapped up in people stealing her identity and the betrayal in that and being controlled by others physically w the penance stuff like. shes been through all of that and is STILL probably one of the most sure of themselves characters out there. her yes i AM the shit actually, better than you attitude, not afraid to be a bitch superiority. ladies i think we should all be more like monet as a rule. her powers just being that shes pretty much better than everyone at everything. also shes just funny as fuck
im allowed to say this because shes in x books on the regular now but selene. i think shes so fuckin cool and maybe this is the wannabe goth death witch from my teenage years possessing my body right now but i LOVE an insanely powerful woman. shes like 20000 years old, shes physically incapable of dying, shes the FIRST mutant and has a very rich backstory. shes a great villain but i think now shes more vaguely xmen aligned with the krakoa situation theres huge amounts of potential with her to be on heroic teams as the untrustworthy but begrudgingly helps out kind of addition. with everyone being like. remember that time you resurrected half of us as zombies and traumatised us all for life and she’s just like. god don’t you people ever move on
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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theteapotofdoom · 4 years
I know you love the Shigabowl but may I present: Tenyabowl Also Tensei being the wingman for all of them, but at the same time is like “break his heart I break your soul :D”
I feel like I really need to talk about Iida more on this blog so you can all fully realise how much I love him and how much I think about him daily. I completely agree with you, Tenyabowl is real and canon and the only bitch I trust.
Like, we don’t talk enough about the fact that Horikoshi said that Iida is canonically considered as one of the pretty boys of the class. I mean we been knew, but it’s good to have Horikoshi’s written words to prove it. I have this very strong headcanon that literally EVERYONE in 1A (and all of the first years tbh) has some sort of crush on Iida. For most some of them, it’s full-on hardcore yearning and pinning, for others it’s more of casual “damn he is pretty”. No one is immune to the Iida charm, he is the beautiful beefy jock, prep, nerd who loves his friends and learns from his mistakes and goes feral when no one is looking. Chaotic good KING ...
Just for funsies, here are my favourite Iida ships in ... some sort of specific order but not completely? Mostly in order of preference, but things tend to switch around.
1) Shiniida (Shinsou x Iida) YEAH I KNOW IT’S A CRACK SHIP but I really can’t help it ... Iida and Shinsou are my two favourite students characters, and there is surprisingly a lot of good art and fic out there and I’m weak. Also, Iida is jock/prep/nerd and Shinsou is 1000% pure goth, so they complete each other as soulmates and reach perfect balance together. (Please talk to me about Shinsou joining class 1A and Iida being a good class rep who helps in to fit in and Shinsou going full yearning ...)
2) Iideku (Iida x Deku) CANON KINGS!!! The number one spot can switch around between Iideku and Shiniida depending on how I feel. Iideku is so incredibly powerful and important to the story, and I’m actually really bitter that most people sleep on it. It’s literally from enemies to rivals to best friends to lovers (yeah remember that Iida and Deku’s relationship didn’t have a super smooth smart). I am enamoured with how much they trust each other, respect each other, and how much they keep influencing each other for the better. Like, the Stain arc and the Bakugou retrieval arc are PEAK Iideky content. Horikoshi is blessing us with beautiful parallels and emotionally charged scenes, we love to see it. Like, the scene where Iida punches Deku is one of my favourite scenes in the entire series (and I’m lowkey bitter that the fandom keeps reducing it to “shouto is mad that iida punched his boyfriend”). I’m could actually write a whole ass essay about iideku and why I love it so much, but I will have mercy on yall. 
3) Todoiideku/Todoiida (Todoroki x Iida x Deku and Iida x Todo) I’m putting this two together because they have similar energy and I like them for similar reasons! I just think that Iida deserves all the boyfriends you know? Todoiida doesn’t hit me as hard as iideku because they don’t have much connexion and history but it’s still so good. It’s just a really cute ship, with just enough drama to give it the good flavour. And also the concept of Todo and Deku just both being super smitten with their cute tall speedy bf is just beautiful to me ... like i said he deserves all the boyfriends.
4) Iidachako (Iida x Occhako) THAT SHIT IS JUST CUTE AS FUCK MY DUDES ... here I don’t have too much meta to share. It’s just that Iida is my favorite boy after Shig and Ochako is my favorite girl after Toga, and I love their friendship, so the idea of these going from best friends to awkward pinning to actual couple is just ... it’s just that good shit, you know? Actually, they remind me a lot from one of my favourite ship ever from the show Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun (it’s good you should all watch it) between Nozaki Umetarou and Sakura Chiyo. Chaotic clueless oblivious toll boy and small fierce emotional cute girl. We love to see it. It’s not favourite ship for either of them (I’m actually a HUGE closeted kacchako shipper, don’t @ me, they’re cute) but I love it nonetheless. 
5) Meiida (Mei x Iida) I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT ... CHAOTIC NERD BABIES ... I THINK THEY SHOULD KISS ... I think they had a very fun chemistry during the internship arc and I would love to see more. I think they have a lot of potential because Iida has a very mechanical quirk and Mei is well, an expert mechanic, so you could do so much with them!!! I also like it because Iida looks very organized and chaotic on the surface but is actually very chaotic and messy deep down, while Mei looks chaotic and messy, but she is actually very confident and organised. LOVE ME SOME PARALLELS ...
6) BakuIida (Bakugou x Iida) I just ... I just like ... the dynamic ... Bakugou looking like a punk but actually being an ace student who goes to bed at 8am and never breaks any rule, and Iida acting like a nerdy lawful prep but actually being a full ass punk who goes tries to murder villains in dark alleys. THE POTENTIAL OF THIS DYNAMIC ... GIVE IT TO ME ... I WANT THE FICS ... FEED ME ... I feel like they would just be very passionate and so the relationship would be chaotic but they would actually help each other out SO MUCH ... i love it.
There are a lot more Iida ships I like (IidaMomo, SeroIida, IidaYama ...) like I said, I’m pretty sure that every first-year student in UA has a crush on Iida because how could you not??? But these are my favourites at the moment.
Hhhhhh that post got out of hand, I didn't even get to talk about Tensei BUT I AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE!!! He is equally best wingman and protective big bro who will kill whoever hurts his baby brother. Tensei is a pro hero so he has the potential of being TERRIFYING I just know it. (Also I suddenly remember that Shigaraki x Tensei is one of my crack ships ... don’t @ me, I know ...)
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… We’re to the point that I’m nitpicking aesthetics.
Like… It’s not that I think the 02 henshin is bad, I just think there are a few too many lines in laser Zea and it clutters up the effect? Simplify laser Zea, and I think it’d work better? Just something a little more minimalist. The laser Zea is cool and very, very accurate, but I don’t think we needed all the detail… Like, honestly, that’s possibly the only ‘complaint.’ It’s just that when I look at it I feel more like I’m getting a light trigger migraine than seeing something cool… If we cut down on the glow on the giant laser satellite, it might be easier to process. And I liked how 01′s suits were mostly sleeker and simpler than some of the more whacky and complex things that have occurred (I will never let golden dreadlocks go, sorry Ex-Aid).
Tbh, I do think the 01 henshins that worked the best were the simplest ones? Ark Zero’s was… Not exactly aesthetically pleasing, what w/ the horrible ooze every where, but I feel like that was the point? Even Fuwa’s henshins were primarily pretty simple and all shared a basic theme… Obviously Horobi’s did until Azu decided to fuck around w/ it. While I will die on the hill that Naki’s Key should either have been Sea Mink or Burrowing Boa (although the latter would have required a massively different suit), contrasting their and Ikazuchi’s very basic transformations w/ Horobi and Jin’s animals ones had a cool effect. As far as aesthetic goes… I personally think maybe Jin’s second Key should have been ‘Phoenix’ rather than ‘falcon,’ not a huge fan of the SlashRiser mainly bc it feels like a mock up of the ShotRiser and also I am bitter and full of rage towards ZAIA (but seriously, where do they find these guys???), but I’m glad the animal effect stayed for the purposes of cool patterns in the mbjr henshins. Can’t really talk much about Yua’s henshins bc they were so restricted, and I don’t like Gai. Haven’t seen any of the movie Riders transform, so don’t know about them, though I’m excited for KR mbjr and expect Goth Thous—I mean, KR ZAIA to transform a bit like Thouser and the Ark combined.
Honestly, though, I’m not usually that interested in the primary Rider’s henshins, usually bc, like I just ranted about, I tend to prefer more minimalistic stuff, w/ exceptions (Geiz), and as they go on, primary Rider’s tend to get more… Complicated. I liked that most of 01′s suits were sleek and contained, but they bumped on the ‘too much going on’ edge of the situation a lot. Like putting too many lines in laser Zea.
No, I will not let this go. When I find a bit, I commit.
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lila-sarows · 4 years
tct ep 15: what CAN’T alex gallner do
Hello!! I cried my way through this episode and now I am processing my thoughts by word-vomiting them below. Full disclosure a lot of these are just my favorite lines because there were so! many! good lines!! thank you Briggon!!
Of COURSE it’s a black parade remix adam you fucking emo nerd i love you so much
Adam’s entire monologue. Wow. @ Briggon i did not need to be exposed on live radio like this
“When you feel like a supporting character in your own dumb story” and “If you do find a way out, please tell me” and “Those feelings are mine and they matter.” GOD. It’s so hard to listen to Adam, who I know is funny and smart and interesting and brave, be so self-deprecating. But yes Adam your feelings do matter!! 
(He sings to himself that’s adorable)
I really spent like 2 minutes trying to figure out if the convenience store guy was a recurring character who was going to kidnap Adam
“God, let me come back as a fern in my next life so I can rest” ME. @god i just want to be a succulent
Love that Mr. Wannabe-Goth thinks he likes crows but is actually terrified of crows
The number of times that Adam has talked about holding Caleb’s hand in the past few episodes is very good. so much Yearning in this boy
“I should call him - nope! Nope nope nope nope. .... but maybe? No” dork <3
Sitting under a tree on campus at night feeling emo... the true introverted college student experience
I really like that Adam is aware that his insecurities aren’t rational but that doesn’t make them feel any less convincing. That’s very realistic to me
“I think he was the love of my life” + “Why didn’t he want to be with me?” + “So much of me getting through high school was having Caleb there helping me to navigate this stuff” every time Adam’s voice breaks I feel Vulnerable. 
Tbh I think Sadie’s being too hard on Adam. Does she really need to berate him right now? (And thank you Adam for pointing that out!). For one, even though Caleb was also hurt by the break-up, he did absolutely dump Adam (and ghost him afterward) and they are technically exes. He gave Adam no reason to think that breaking up wasn’t what he really wanted, so it feels weird for Sadie to tell Adam that he shouldn’t have assumed Caleb wanted out. And for another thing, his apartment just got invaded by four very intense people! Let the man sit under a tree if he needs to!
I like knowing that Caleb still talks about Adam all the time, that’s sweet
“Why don’t you think you fit in?” “because I’m me” ... ouch
“It’s why I- “  what does that mean Sadie? Why you what???
Again it kind of rubs me the wrong way for Sadie to tell Adam that he should be less focused on himself and more considerate of Caleb’s feelings. I know Caleb is struggling, but he put Adam through a lot, then and now! 
I can’t listen to the stakeout and not cry, it’s just a fact of life. Also the parallel between them at the start of their relationship, hopeful and goofy and sweet, and Adam now, lonely and doubting his own worth, is excellent and I hate it.
“You felt... tired with it. Does that make sense?” “Yeah. That makes sense.” the delivery of this line haunts me. alex how dare you.
Some marginally more collected thoughts:
There’s something really beautiful about hearing Adam say that he wishes someone would really listen to and understand him on live radio, where in the real world so many listeners are hanging onto his every word. I love getting to feel like we’re there for him even if he doesn’t know it
It sounds like Adam always saw the Atypical gang from TBS as more Caleb’s friends than his (even though Caleb and the rest told him that wasn’t true), and he was really hoping Yale would be where he’d find his people, his community. And when that didn’t pan out, and he lost his boyfriend, he blamed himself. I just wanna shake him until he realizes how much the people around him love and value him! I mean, look at Sadie - while I think she was too harsh, she did give him a pep talk in the middle of the night. That’s not nothing!
Alex did SUCH an amazing job with these monologues, I was practically holding my breath through them. Thoughtful and wry and bitter and nostalgic and dorky and insecure all in one incredible (and very painful) performance. 
I didn’t connect the dots between Caitlin being so strange and Caleb at the time but yikes!! will discuss in ep 17
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replcantsmoved · 4 years
OWO... FOR THE CHARACTER THING UHHH PERHAPS.... perhaps... lauriam... and or brain....
first impression: i was so shocked to see him in union cross, i remember gasping at my screen. so my first impression was definitely just surprised and intrigued! and i still am! i really wanna see how he falls and becomes a nobody n just where he goes from here on out in general!
impression now: pure, unadulterated love. he’s so kind and gentle, he wants everything to work out and he just,, wants to see his sister again, he’s working so hard,, im sosbb,
favorite moment: i was just talking about this scene with my sister actually! i really like the scene where elrena drops that she saw a glitched out strel in the abandoned house and he barely lets her finish before he rushes in and calls out to her. ofc there’s no reply, but the fact he didn’t hesitate to seek her out is so sweet imo.. also i love when he teases strel about her crush on the player in the field that made me giggle like a schoolgirl.
idea for a story: him meeting back up with the union leaders as a nobody? i’m interested to see how they would react to him loosing his heart. like,?? would they talk to him? attack him? who knows.. maybe i’ll write out my thoughts on that some other time!
unpopular opinion: i don’t think i have one! maybe how i think the reason he’s going to become a nobody is because of his lack of restraint/hesitation when it comes to finding his sister like i mentioned earlier! it’s probably going to also be the reason elrena falls. he’s probably gonna endanger her or somethin in his panic and they go down together.
favorite relationship: all the union leaders tbh, i cannot pick.. i like the idea of him interacting with ventus but WITH the knowledge of ventus being an asset to his sister’s disappearance. i ofc also love him and brain. i like how they both have a definite end goal, but the road they’re taking is full of uncertainty and turns, i think it can make for an interesting dynamic! and him with strel ofc. they’re siblings! they’re so sweet and care about each other sm!! esp after the new cutscene with him being a teasing lil brat. and, lastly, him with elrena is always so funny. even more so when they’re humans, cause she acts nice to him and around people, but she really isn’t that sweet n stuff. they’re so ride or die for each other too, it’s hilarious.
favorite headcanon: besides the lil garden one, i like the idea of him actually not liking getting his hands dirty with plants. he admires from afar when he can. cause? dirt? under his nails? oh honey, absolutely not. also he puts hours into his look, you can’t convince me otherwise.
first impression: ok, i’m gonna be honest i did not give a shit about brain. i thought he was basic and didn’t have much of a personality. i definitely think the lack of voice acting is a major reason people think the ux characters fall short. after going back and watching playthroughs with people reading out the lines with tones n voices, it really helped me like ux more!! i even went through the cutscenes and read them out myself, it was lots of fun!
impression now: honestly i think he’s so funny. he’s so laidback n lowkey suspicious, but that’s just who he is. he’s just so chill and that apparently is cause of alarm in the kh fanbase. i definitely throught he was suspicious at first (another reason i didn’t like him much). he’s so lazy, but actually is working hard now and putting in effort in what he does with the book of prophecies,, im so proud..
favorite moment: when he’s trying to explain how the world works in daybreak town and ephemera is just “haha yeah yup that makes sense.” like stfu dude you have no clue what he’s saying. also when he says “so these laws? they aren’t set in stone, right?” and skuld has to say. “uh. they’re laws.. it is set in stone.. that’s the point.”
idea for story: he’s the only character out of the union leaders we don’t even have a theory as to what happens to him! i think it could be neat for there to be a story about how he’s going to get from the ux time to the modern time if he does.. also i am actually writing out a fic centered around brain and how he views his assignment from ava. it’s around 4k words now hehe
unpopular opinion: brain isn’t even popular enough for popular/unpopular opinions.. :(
favorite relationship: once again, i love him with all the union leaders! i want him to be goth bros with skuld
favorite headcanon: he has to really try to be nice. like, he’s naturally just a bitter kind of person and doesn’t care what others think of him, so he has to put in an effort to make sure he doesn’t say anything too snarky or inconsiderate, esp to ven n ephemera
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
all of @howdydowdy‘s most loveliest tags for my fanfic, you are so wonderful i don’t know how i deserved the good luck to find you ;A;
1. #OH MY GOD!!!!!!!#it's here!! i'm gonna lose my whole entire mind!!!!!#well i hope everybody's ready for me to scream about every single installment as it comes out because this is the most important thing now#i didn't even know turnip!ah yuan was gonna be in it THIS IS THE BEST SURPRISE!!!!!#i feel so honored that my tags had anything to do with inspiring this incredible au but this is absolutely so much better#even in this short installment i'm getting such a good feel for the three characters who have made an appearance so far!#excited to see your lwj!!!#'the only thing his viewers enjoyed more than his content were the occasional take-downs Wen Qing was dishing out in the comment section'#ahahaha you are so funny#PLEASE EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS AMAZING FIC! I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT!!!!#i don't know all the things that are gonna happen but i have a general idea and guys it's such a good au#op is so creative and brilliant!!!#the untamed#ah yuan and his two dads will be the death of me#fic#these are a few of my favorite things
2. #second! installment!! time!!!#i feel like i'm a reader in dickensian london waiting for the new chapter to come out in the magazine#except there's less pollution and i don't have to put coal in an oven#why are those my associations with dickensian london? idk don't worry about it#jiang cheng makes an appearance! okay so i have never really understood him but i've been reading a LOT of fic#and i'm starting to get the picture i think#this is like...just the right amount ominous to get me super excited to see what happens next#WYD JC????#also wwx's characterization is just *chef's kiss*#<3 <3 <3 love u op you're too good to me#puns
3. #ohhhh shit everybody lwj is here! things are happening!!!!#i love all the sibling feels lxc gives me always#in every single fic i read he's like 'lwj i found another boy your age please be friends with him i love you so much'#oOoOoO the shoot will be four whole days i wonder what can happen in four days you guys...#like maybe...mister stoic guqin falling in love with disaster farmer man????#STAY TUNED#you know what just occurred to me is that lwj needs an emotion translator#i'm thinking like luther the anger translator for obama in those key & peele sketches#except it's just someone interpreting all of lwj's stoic faces#i mean lxc can read his faces so you'd think he could do it but idk if lxc himself is emotive enough#i'll have to think about it more
4. #this fic is the gift that keeps on giving#slowly introducing new characters...now we're meeting my sweet baby wen ning...i don't deserve this happiness...#also wei wuxian's carefree chaotic energy is just to die for#and what's this? jiang cheng appears on the horizon? narrowing his eyes at a tumbleweed that rolls across his path#his spurs jingling menacingly as he stalks ever closer?#hold on to yer hats cowboys i smell some Plot approaching#the untamed#fic#(okay also 'explosive arts & crafts projects' ahaha you are the best at these descriptions)
5. #oooooooo things are really coming together my dudes...#more jiang cheng content! okay he is really growing on me. grouch with a heart of gold. huge schemer. just wants to make fun of his BIL with#his brother but feels like he has to prioritize his ~responsibilities~#he loves wwx and understands what motivates him and at the same time just wants him to like. chill#the air quotes ahaha#that wwx makes them and that jc hates it#also i think my favorite image from this is the fact that one of the draws of the tv show is that all the cultivator hosts are handsome#which means that when lxc needed someone to cover for him he just went to the producers like#'no worries my little brother is also super hot so he should meet all your requirements'#'is he personable? no. does he speak in complete sentences? also no. but are the viewers gonna go batshit over his face? absofuckinlutely'#and the producers were like 'oh yeah dude say no more'#this is so fun i'm really enjoying these updates!!!
6. #not the city centre itself but a nearby mound#which sounds unusual and ominous#honey you got a big storm comin'#lwj is getting there early...oh fuck the suspense...#also 'either this is just how show business works or no one really knows what they are doing' why not both lwj??#ahaha i am cackling and steepling my fingers imagining how this is all gonna go down#babe i'm glad you decided not to give me spoilers because it is so fun watching things unfold
7. #i'm just imagining the perspective of the film crew showing up and it's a barren wasteland#they're like...wtf kind of establishing shots are we supposed to take of this??#don't worry guys the cutest child on the planet lives here. just get some footage of him frolicking in the turnip fields#the audience will lose their effing minds
8. #i love jc's logic like 'no one can find out about this or it'll be bad for the family. how to accomplish this? better get a film crew'#also i love how he's lowkey bitter that no one wants to interview him AHAHA jc you peach#and he's like 'maybe i'll watch the show. JUST TO MAKE FUN OF WWX FOR NO OTHER REASON'#wow i'm like becoming really fond of this character op!!!
9. #AHAHA love this image of lwj staring after nhs as he traipses down the street#'fancy birds? tf kinda innuendo is that??'#also lwj deciding to wear all white so that people won't approach him ahaha damn where is my equivalent outfit??#MATCHMAKER LXC STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!#did lxc even have to go out of town for real or was it all a setup to get lwj and wwx in the same place??#wouldn't put it past him tbh#lwj is so perfectly taciturn here i love it#and not just because he's not personable or something it's because he's having FEELINGS#also because wwx never shuts up lol#'he is doomed just like before because even this unknown wei wuxian he wants to be close to and find out who he is'#ughughguhgghhghhh how are you finding and pushing all my buttons???#hot DAMN i am HERE for this!!!
10. #i've now read this three times and i love it more every time!#you have such a way with words and i love how you're getting into wwx's head#it can be hard to relate to him with how dense he can be but you make it all seem incredibly plausible and realistic!!#i love him like 'wonder what it would be like to share a hotel room. it's totally normal that i'm thinking about this'#and like. you show how he got there in his thought process and it makes total sense!#also: lwj as eye candy YES EXACTLY#nhs is the perfect choice for a tv interior designer expert. that is SO what he would be doing in a universe with tv about interior design#okay and MOST IMPORTANTLY we have come to the part in the gifset!! this is the best crack that ever caught feels omg ilysm#demonic blood pool WEI YIIIIIIIING#wen ning being all yeah goth guys and blood pools two great tastes that taste great together#i love everything about this and it was so worth the wait. very excited for the next installment!!!
11. #you are LITCHRALLY killing me with this sharp characterization!! how are you nailing all their voices!!!!#nhs just in it for the hashtag drama that's so spot on omg. breaking all the rules HE wrote just so he can torture jc#all 'are you seeing this??? ARE YOU??' poor nhs and jc having to watch these two lovesick fools make googly eyes at each other#for YEARS and not REALIZE it well it's your lucky day mr. fan man because soon the whole world will see this UST and validate you#okay but what i love the most is jc the masochist being so uncomfortable he has to keep turning off the video ahahahaha#wangxian out here romancing so hard that jc needs a barf bag. or therapy. or selective amnesia.#you ever get secondhand mortifying ordeal of being known? that's what's happening for jc here#it's mortifying watching other people experience the ordeal of being known. this is the hardest i have ever related to jc#it's like oh fuck. lwj loves wwx and it's so obvious. oh my god. i'm so embarrassed.#wwx is so gone for lwj and it's right there on his face for anyone to read. i'm in agony.#ALSO 'jiang cheng can feel his head get hot and he drops the phone on the table like it personally betrayed him' THANK U FOR THIS#everything about this is the best and my favorite#ahhh i'm so excited for the next chapters and so glad they're already up so i can read them right now!!!!
12. #lxc shooting lwj pointed looks every time the jiang sect comes up in conversation for the past 13 years!!!!! he would!!!!!!#i love the way you describe wwx through lwj's eyes. the love just shines through#also you are so insightful about his character but what else is new??? you're the character breakdown QUEEN#OH MY GOD AH YUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111#i am writing these tags as i read or that would have been the first tag it's SO important#i mean my tag isn't important it's incoherent but AH YUAN IS IMPORTANT!!!!!#you really want me to die. you really want me to be all the way murdered.#this image of lwj just standing there with impeccable posture one arm behind his back the other holding a sword in the air randomly#with this squirmy lil bab clutching at his clothes and reaching up on his tiptoes#okay dang i didn't know there was gonna be action! intrigue!! an ambush!!!#this fic really has it all#bamf!wwx and rescuer!lwj#battle couple ftw#NOT TO MENTION DRUNK!LWJ!!! SELF SACRIFICING!LWJ!!!!!#how am i supposed to live knowing lwj Did That#ughghughghgughgh#'at least i made him happy.' at least you made him happy???!?!?!?#just let me live for a second!!!#just one second though then i'm gonna read the next chapter
13. #awwww jiang 'I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU I'VE JUST BEEN CUTTING ONIONS' cheng gets a tear in his eye#they are...a fambly.....#my man lxc coming thru for the people!! title of my upcoming inspirational children's book: Lan Xichen Takes a Stand#op you made me love jiang cheng. i'm in it now
14. #omg i forgot that you had written this and sent it to me weeks ago so when i read it just now i was like...obviously that's what happened???#i had already just fully incorporated it into my understanding of these characters in my head and forgotten how it got there#so this was the BEST surprise#i can't believe you. putting ah yuan and bunnies in the same chapter because you love drowning me in cute#soft domestic adoptive dad content???? ugh i literally need to lie down and go into a coma.#just a lil coma. to recharge my feels.#i don't know what you could possibly be putting in the 'extra' but i am. vibrating with excitement!!!!#this is one of my favorite fics ever and i'm forever happy that you came up with this amazing idea and executed it so well#I APPRECIATE AND ADORE YOU!!!#HEART EYES EMOJI#these are a few of my favorite things#the untamed#ah yuan and his two dads will be the death of me
15. #OH MY GOD NHS MASTERMINDED ALL OF IT#this is so perfect i'm in awe!!!!#of course he did!!!!#also 'he had been very invested in this romance he had even painted themed fans for this' ahahaha#these schemes! these machinations!! he got lxc out of the way! he put the idea in jc's head! ahhhhh!#mr. fan man
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margridarnauds · 5 years
the takarazuka production of 1789 please ✨
So, this is definitely one of those things that I don’t think I can conceivably put ALL my thoughts into in one place, because it’s a LOT. This was definitely the production that got me back into the saddle after my 1789 phase when I was a teenager (You know. Back in my Ronan/Olympe 5ever days.), it was the one that got me into writing fanfiction, it was the one that made me dip a toe into Takarazuka. I love Toho very, very deeply, I still have a LOT of affection towards the French even if I relentlessly make fun of it every chance I get, but the Zuka really is IT. 
There’s a lot of things that we kind of take for granted that the Zuka KICKED INTO GEAR by basically scrapping all but the most basic elements of the story and building around it. Evil!Artois? A fully sympathetic Antoinette? Solène having more than 10-15 minutes of screen time in a two hour musical? An expanded look at Ronan’s relationship with the revolutionaries? Olympe with a gun? Olympe in a soldier’s costume? The added Peyronan content? LUCILE? (Like, don’t get me wrong, I criticize it as well, but like. It did a LOT)
There are some things that I’ll never be 100% HAPPY with, while also acknowledging that they HAD to do some things to suit Zuka’s tastes. Am I necessarily HAPPY with the domestication of Solène? Or Camille taking Je Veux le Monde? (Though I personally think that Toho handled it WORSE in the sense that we’re forced to see her “apologize” to the poor, aggrieved bakers for....doing pretty much. Exactly what Ronan had done. In the first act.) Or the forced Ronan/Olympe kiss? (Or any Ronan/Olympe kiss? Or the concept of Ronan/Olympe in canon in general, which I manage to block out of my mind?) Not REALLY. But with MOST of those things, I can also understand why they did them. It’s kind of a matter for me of...if I want to see a western production, the French is right there and Parrot!Laz’s arms are wide open. But if I want to see a Zuka production, then I have to accept that I’m playing by their rules. I mean. I CAN complain. But it’s unlikely to go anywhere because I’m not exactly the target audience.  
Ryuu Masaki is still, to this day, my ultimate favorite Ronan, with Teppei Koike coming VERY close. Both of them have similar takes on the role, with Ronan being less an Alpha Male-esque figure with some toxic masculinity issues and more a dumbass little twink shit who ends up getting himself into Lazare’s bedroom situations that he can’t easily get out of but who CARES for people, even though he still has some issues when it comes to being an 18th century male. (See: Solène.) She has a bit of a problem actually seeming like she’s in PAIN when Laz tortures him, but. You know what? That’s actually for the best. There’s this wonderful, naive “I’M IN LOVE AND I CAN TAKE ON THE WORLD” feeling to her Tomber dans sans yeux that gives me feels because I stan a dumbass puppy. 
Which, tbh, is important. There NEEDS to be that spark to Ronan, that idealism, that life that also exists outside the bitterness. He’s PISSED, but a decent part of it is that he believes that things could be so much better. You need to be thinking at the end “Damn, if he’d lived in a different world, he had so much to live for.” Especially since I tend to estimate him at being no more than about ~22. Which seems old when you’re 17 and watching the French but then when you’re standing at the edge of 21, it starts to look a lot younger. He makes dumbass decisions because he never had the time to learn from them. 
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It’s so FUNNY seeing the concept drawings though because you can SEE how the concept artist was imagining Ronan and then Masao came in and did her Thing on the role. And tbh? It’s much better for it. That and knowing that someone actually PLANNED OUT the yellow jacket. 
Likewise, Chapi as Marie Antoinette is still probably my ultimate favorite take on the role. MA isn’t really an EASY role to pull off, because an actress has to sell both Act 1 AND Act 2 Antoinette, charting that development to her inevitable fate, as well as obviously being able to sing the Hell out of the role. And her domestication, but THAT’S another rant. And Chapi SOLD it, both in terms of her acting and in terms of her singing. She really, really sells the party girl from the 1st act to the grieving mother and then the dignified, doomed queen. It’s funny because, looking at the Toho, I do think that Masao actually took a few cues from Chapi when it came time for her to don the fluffy dress. 
On the subject of Iconic Characters...it PAINS me, given what’s come out, but Magee’s Laz really is an Iconic take on the role. I’m not going to say that I’m ever going to be 100% behind Villain!Laz as a concept; a part of me always favors him being portrayed as a much more gray figure, ala the French but...well. It’s one of those things that I can’t really hold against it because 1789′s always HAD a villain problem, and Laz being a straight up villain (Well...insofar as any part of Laz can be described as “straight), DOES pair nicely against Artois, as the two of them essentially become the embodiment of the darker side of the Ancien Régime while Louis, Marie, and Olympe form the brighter side that simply turned a blind eye to the dark. (Do I think that’s what they were REALLY going for? Maybe not, but it’s what I’m going for.) 
 And it also leads to a fantastic villain combo of Laz being Ronan’s primary villain/Artois being Olympe’s. (This wasn’t AS much of an Olympe-centered production as, say, the French or the Toho, the system being what it is, but it still packed a lot in there. This particular show was REALLY good at being an ensemble production and giving everyone a chance to show off.) And Magee’s take in particular is absolutely BRUTAL, haughty, cold, with a temper that flares up when he’s defied, but with something slick about it as well. He’s an aristocrat, with the mannerisms that you’d expect from it, but he’s also an officer, and he’s one who can force his way either with words or with force. And Masao and Magee had PHENOMENAL chemistry. There are a few moments here or there where you can almost SEE something work beneath the surface before it’s smothered, and then he doubles down on the brutality, possibly to convince himself just as much as the audience. He’s completely unrepentant and has no redeeming qualities, but my GOD is it compelling. I can’t say that she’s my FAVORITE take on the role, not anymore, but her take on the role was definitely what made me really start to focus on Laz as a character. 
Miya Rurika’s Artois is phenomenal. Like, there are two things that I think most people walk away from this musical remembering: Maniaque, for obvious reasons, and Je Suis un Dieu. Because it’s a HELL of a villain song and you can practically see Artois (and Miya as well tbh)  having the time of her life loudly proclaiming himself as a God on stage. The entire sequence is just...gorgeously done and wonderfully goth with the church backdrop and the smoke lifting up from the aphrodisiacs. And it goes from a song sung by the comedy relief in Olympe’s creepy furry sex dream to being a pretty chilling villain song in its own right. And Miya Rurika is PHENOMENAL at facial expressions, which leads to some truly fantastic moments like when Olympe finally pulls the gun on him, where there’s that sudden moment where he’s truly face to face with his own mortality for the first time. (ALSO. BABY ASAMI JUN IN THE SHINKO. EVIL BABY.) Also, even though obviously “Predatory Evil Bisexual” isn’t...STELLAR from a rep standpoint, I do appreciate Artois hitting on Fersen and Necker as well. Because what a thot. I was so disappointed when Toho ruined my Nartois  dreams. 
Tbh, Saotome Wakaba’s Olympe is probably the single most influential Olympe as far as how I write her. She didn’t have AS much to do as, say, her Toho or her French counterpart, all of her solos were taken away and given to other characters, but she still shone. Wakaba has this fantastic ability to look like she’s dying on the inside, and even though we make fun of it a little whenever a Ronan/Olympe scene comes on #Mood Wakaba, #Mood, she does a fantastic job of having that distinctive little tightening of the lips from time to time, where it’s like there’s a hundred things she wants to say but she can’t because it’s too dangerous and she knows her place. Her Olympe, possibly more than any of the others (Though I suspect that Nene Yumesaki took a few cues from her in the Toho), is someone who is basically split into two between the acting that she has to do to survive palace life and what she actually feels, and she uses her mind to work her way out of complicated situations that require tact and lethal politeness. 
Solène doesn’t have all that much to do so I’m not going to DWELL on her too much, but I really love both of the actresses who played her. Harune Aki’s take on the role in particular is GUT WRENCHING during La Nuit M’Appelle, and one thing that I’ll ALWAYS love about this production is Ronan trying to initiate that hug. Like, I can understand how people complain about it centering Ronan (Though. He IS our protagonist. Like, love him or hate him, Ronan Mazurier is very much our protagonist and it’s a Top Star world), in a scene that’s supposed to be SOLÈNE’S, but, at the same time, it’s a fantastic moment for Ronan realizing EXACTLY how badly he fucked up but not being able to do anything about it. Because it’s too late for that, there’s always going to be that little bruise between the two of them. And you’ve got Solène LOOKING RONAN IN THE FACE when she sings about how she was “abandoned by [her] brother.” Possibly more than any single production that came before or after it, this is Solène CONFRONTING Ronan for what he did, and it’s sad and it’s gut wrenching but there’s also an odd sense of power that comes with it as well. And I do appreciate that this version DID give us the Mazurier Sibs Reunion albeit via forcing respectability on Solène which...see above. Not what **I** would have done, but I’m not Zuka, I don’t have their cultural context, and I don’t have to create for their audience. Basically, ANY Mazurier Sibs content is good content, because that was something that was a huge hole in the French production. 
Also not to be gay on main but Harune Aki is GORGEOUS. 
...I said i wouldn’t dwell too much and then one long-ass paragraph later... 
I love the Revolutionary Bros as well, but I don’t TEND to focus on them the same, so I’m going to lightly skip in the interest of preserving space. As much as I can preserve space on ANYTHING. 
One thing that I really, really liked with this production was how they utilized music that had been cut. Pour un Nouveau Monde is FANTASTIC, and tbh it’s a little bone-chilling when Artois takes control of the song, as you see who’s REALLY pulling the strings of the meeting. I LOVE the Toho puppets, but I also like Civics Lessons With Uncle Artois. And it also replaced the non-musical scene from the French that...well...I’m not going to say that NO ONE likes it, because some people do, I’m sure. But in years of either streaming or attending streams, I’ve never really heard anyone say they LIKE it and many, many groans. Likewise for “ Les mots qu'on ne dit pas” which...tbh...I STILL love as an Act 1 finale. I really like how they bring all the main cast on stage in that one, the way that we go through all the central character’s arcs, and, of course, Peyronan being paired together. 
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Don’t mind me, I’m appreciating the masterful choreography. 
Also I REALLY love the use of the turn table during Pour la Peine, I think that it did a really good job of showing off the cast as they put in their bit of the song, and Laz SEEMING (?) to turn away at the end never ceases to break me on multiple levels. Like, it really IS everyone who’s been involved in this playing their part, from the lowest class in society to the highest, villains and heroes, ALL of them saying that they changed history, and that’s something that I STILL think about regularly. It’s not AS dark as Toho!1789, because...Toho, but it’s still is a Lot for me to think about.
tl;dr: It’s really kind of impossible for me to talk about how MUCH I love this production, because how DO you really concisely talk about something that’s kind of defined my fandom experience for the last two years (and, really, my fandom experience in general, since I didn’t PUBLISH fanfiction before it, and my publishing fanfic in the first place was because [1] I had a GRE the next day and I finally had something I was terrified of more than a bad review and [2] There was so little fanfic in English that I basically put on my Artois hat and was like “THEY HAVE TO LIKE IT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER), but this really is my baby. My precious child. My precious, ridiculous trainwreck of a child that I will defend until my last breath even if I routinely forget that my self indulgent AU isn’t canon. It really probably saved my ass in the last stage of my undergrad because I would be FREAKING OUT on my Capstone Project and then I could turn this on and be like, “Ah. This is nice. Happy Calming Feel Good Musical. Oh no, Ronan got shot. Oh well. REVUE TIME.” 
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dcrkhrs · 6 years
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;    hey there! take this cute icon of changkyun bc you’ll never see connor acting like this. ): anyways, hello i’m nic !! as i am sure you can tell, connor here is a returning muse to canary cream! i’m super stoked to see this place back tbh as i have been missing my goth boi!!!! i have a discord if you’re interested in plotting there ( wonho lovebot#4077 ) or a twitter which i will make available upon request. please like this post if you’re interested in working something out with connor and without further ado, let me introduce my punk ass goth boi to u - be warned though.  he bites.
meet connor kang, ninth year gryffindor with a really bad attitude AND a hot scottish accent to boot!
muggle born child who didn’t believe in magic until he was forced to believe in it.  because you know.  turns out he was a wizard all this time!
the first of his family to actually BE a wizard, hence the disbelief
stupidly grumpy about it.  but at the moment, he’s just taking things as they come because it’s not like he really has a choice in the matter and he’s already gotten nine years out of wizard school so …..
honestly, he just wanted a normal life with a normal job and a normal future wife but no! he had to be a wizard
oddly enough, his little brother ( pending! ) also turned out to be a wizard but he had the exact opposite reaction that connor did and he’s stupidly excited and always happy to learn about wizard things.  connor really doesn’t know why
even though he’s got a real bad attitude, he ( begrudgingly ) always does the right thing.  so he’s pretty moral / just and doesn’t like it when you’re not
not afraid! he’ll throw punches if he has to
starting around his third year, connor started divining things … through his dreams.  as if he wasn’t already grumpy enough, now he sees the future when he sleeps and it makes him really tired … all the time.  all the time
doesn’t really want anything to do with being a diviner either but this is .. his life now.  
naps in class a lot bc of the issue with his dreams.  how did he pass through to his ninth year? the world may never know
he is the kind of guy who will save u from falling down a flight of stairs and then bitch at you for being stupid for like two hours …
cares too much. pretends he doesn’t
kind of aloof? doesn’t have many friends because of his bad attitude ( go figure ) but generally if you get past the bristly bitterness, he’s a good guy who just wanted something different for himself
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coldalbion · 7 years
Enfolding Darkness
...I’m continually taken aback by some of the darker aesthetics around furor and madness and death and so forth which for various tbh perfectly good and intelligible reasons I do have to contend with and I, just. I’m not nearly goth enough for this shit.  - @anaisnein
A little background, in reference to this post and my to my not entirely flip comment of:  Does this make me Just Goth Enough, then? 
I’ve told the story of my, well, what I term theft, by the Old Man many times, but what is relevant here is the retrospective - a recognition of a certain figure in childhood nightmares, as I once wrote: “In the recurring nightmares wherein he is pursued through labyrinthine corridors and redbrick sewers of Victorian make, there is a watcher who stands in shadow. Observing from balcony and hallways that lead to nowhere, this figure seems faceless, features obscured by the broad brimmed hat and dark cloak thrown over spare shoulders. There is an air of quiet menace about him, but it is never directed towards the boy himself – rather a sense of sinister potency, as if even the demons of nightside consciousness would rather avoid his scrutiny. Many times the pursuit is interrupted by an awareness of his presence, as if he draws everything to him like some strange gravity well. The laws of the dreams seem to bend and twist when he appears, as if somehow he overrides and diverts the very presence by simply being there. For his part, the boy always awakens the moment contact is made, the moment the figure swells to encompass the entire awareness. Seized, he is ripped from the nightmare and sent to wakefulness in frozen shock. For a moment the nightmare is obscured by the presence, and then it recedes to rest in half forgotten memory until the next contact, and the fears from the dream drive him to call for parental comfort.” Rather than being a figure that caused  the kid that I was to experience nightmares, it was that presence that broke them. Time and time again, the  Old Man has, I believe, fundamentally changed my attitude to what could be described by outsiders as ‘goth’. And that attitude has in fact enabled me to deal with fears and privations, starting from the very beginning - in the sense that present affects past, and future.: “Taking a leap into the void, the foetus begins ramping up the chemicals still further as the oxygen falls away and the neural network begins to undergo a near-terminal brownout. Sacrificing neuro- receptors that act like circuit-breakers, it overloads the grid and gives in to last ditch fury, half-finished muscles twitching, on some level delivering a kind of spastic semaphore as the evacuation plan begins. Chemical messengers begin haemorrhaging outward, staining the sea with biological cargo that permeates membrane and sets uterine walls to twitch. Writhing weakly, the unborn sends up the last of its distress flares, abandoning anything we call normality in exchange for survival. In that moment, hanged and slowly dying, there is no return. In that moment, nine weeks become the never-was, etched into a body that is never truly complete, operating on its own plan as an outlier made flesh. In that moment, the unborn is seized and gripped – fettered and loosened all at once by the tightness of the noose, an echo of something awakening underneath what should have been and yet is not. The rune is risted then, the carving made as the world contracts and the sea breaks like a roaring wave. Then it drains away, leaving behind a channel of pain and fear pressing all around in uncaring pulses of slick muscle and crushing bone - cord cutting ever deeper as death blooms like a beautiful flower in the brain. The brownouts roll on as cells begin to die, sections escalating into cyanotic night, blacked out forever, as the fear reaches a crescendo, as the unstoppable force bears down in response to the first chemical spell the unborn has ever unleashed.Somewhere, a hanged man – lord of the gallows – grins an awful grin. The drum of a mother's heart pounds a wild staccato, a frenzied accompaniment to this terrible crushing dance.
Resistance comes then, a hand shoved hurriedly in place to halt the doomed journey, midwife's desperate skill prolonging the torture still longer, cord not quite taut and death not quite there. But time is racing on and amidst the pain and fear, a capture occurs, all unremembered until almost thirty years later:
The brush of a raven-black wing against skin and a guttural call, the nip of a beak crafted to rip and tear as an old grey wolf stalks closer, padding purposefully over a plain of bones in a land of frozen mists.
 A rueful grin crosses a bearded face, accepting the inevitability of it, timeless and fated by choice – a doom grasped in both hands while laughing in bitter joy at the glory of it all. He greets them then, these visitors, and gathers his cloak about him, all black and rainbow colours like a  crow-feather in the rain. Then he walks along the poisoned  paths, hissing wyrm-words as he reaches the river and follows its writhing banks to the well that boils and bubbles like a  roaring kettle.”
The above is of course, a personal telling, the speaking-of stepping into, and returning to, the realm of the mythic. Why do I include it? Precisely because that joy, leavened with the bitter, is in my personal experience the perfect offering to - and I mean this affectionately, and tongue lodged firmly in cheek - Ultimate Goth Dad.  The fear, the nightmares, the anxiety, the death, the war, the fury - the angst in its original technical sense - is all that we want Away From Us. It is carrion, and the Old Man is, in a very real sense a carrion feeder - transmuting the horrific, the abject, the terrible and the awful into something fearfully and vitally Potent. So, personally, I give my fears, my terrors, in all their immanent hearts-hammering, breath-stealing embodiment, to the Old Man. I envisage myself enshrouded by the enfolding darkness of his presence, the shelter of carrion-wings beating eternally on cold winds, summoning it all to its most terrible extent. And I see him smile, that rictus of grinning bone, sharp as a knife - feel my lips peel back in the exhilaration of communion, feel my nerves sing with the knowledge that I am most terribly mortal, most aw(e)fully alive. The carrion does not vanish - rather it becomes a banquet - and in doing so, it is something we are capable of sharing.  Every pain and privation, every anxiety, every terror, ever known? He has known them, he has gnosis  of them - extracting the poetic, the magical, the furious wisdom from all things. For he is not content, never content - and in this is wise beyond being middle-wise as the Havamal  recommends. He is the Most Terrible, and he feasts on lesser terrors where others might avoid them - he looks them straight in the Eye, ready to receive them as they are, unadulterated, and unavoidable.  No mere confrontation, or Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway, the alchemical transformation is like the transmutation of Kvasir’s murder-blood into the mead of poetry. The grim aesthetic conceals a glorious joy, a mordant exultation which not only inspires poiesis - the bringing-forth of Creation, it enthuses and infuses vitality into mankind. Such a feast of inevitability is remembered when, according to myth, the kosmos is composed of a corpse . Ultimate Goth Dad. Just sayin’...  
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dirt-goth · 7 years
answer all the numbers
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sonicenvy · 4 years
i was tagged by @otterandterrier​ to talk fic. which i am also doing lieu of working on any of the 50+ WIPS of mine that are haunting me from iCloud purgatory. This is going to be long because I don’t know how to shut up lmaoooo.
Anyone who wants to do this should! This made me actually think about my WIPs wildly enough :)
Rules: Look at the most recent 20 (or however many) fanwork titles on your AO3 account and answer the questions below. All under the cut:
harsh and sweet and bitter to leave it all  (2019)
i dwell in possibility, (2019) which is really a collection of extra short fics (that may someday be real fics lmaooo:
i. Give me, Lord of the Skies, victory and true belief so that I might cut down this dispenser of crimes
ii. Who bears these burdens?
iii. Keeping cheery, we vowed quite often that none but death could separate us
iv. to take arms against a sea of troubles
v. don't look too good, nor talk too wise
vi. There shall be the fairest of joys when they meet at the beginning
Thus goth al to the devel, by thy tale (2019)
who would bear This heavy servitude one moment more? (2019)
I dared, still, not bow to earth (2018)
I looked thereupon with eye of my understanding (2018)
HIST 251: The Age of Heroes (2018)
And disobedience On the part of Heav'n (2018)
but thy eternal summer shall not fade (2018)
Frog (Take 2) (2018)
The Warmth of Starlight (2018)
Star Child (2017)
The Puppy From Hell (2017)
Look Who's Digging Their Own Grave (2015)
askfic! for kaynibbler16 (2015)
Taking The Burn (2015)
4:47 AM (2015)
Frog (2015)
to make this an even 20, i am going to.... *shudders* dig out two titles from my teaspoon.
Of Course He'd Be a Bloody Doctor (2014)
By the Way I Love You (2013)
1. How many are you happy with?
Eleven, mostly the most recent ones. Some of them are .... really bad and you shouldn’t read them even though i just gave you the direct link above lmao.
2. How many are you not happy with?
I guess, like four of them on AO3 are ... really bad, and both of the teaspoon ones are pretty awful, bringing me to six. There are a couple of older ones that I like the concept but the execution was dreadful because i was like fifteen when i wrote them. As for titles themselves, like six, most of which are very lazy titles.
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
hmmm, definitely some of the ones within i dwell in possibility, because I was frantically trying to google scraps of medieval poems i like that i remembered but not accurately lol. Also, most of my early fics because I didn’t think about titles when i was writing stuff as, at the time, i hadn’t considered i was going to post them. Some of them in my old archive folders have some truly atrocious working titles to their respective word documents. Most of my titles are just poetry and song lyrics because im both lazy and a poetry nerd/musical theater trashcan. Looking at it, probably ~8. 
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
Definitely harsh and sweet and bitter to leave it all, as the song (and that lyric) inspired the fic. When I listened to Stay, I Pray You during my third rotation of The Anastasia Broadway soundtrack I was hit with this very vivid image of Padmé sitting on the the veranda of Varykino having an angsty existential moment about leaving Naboo. I kept thinking about homes and leaving and Anidala and eventually ended up with the fic. Re-reading my author’s note for Look Who’s digging their own grave I guess I had that title in mind prior to the fic as well; I don’t remember much about the writing of that fic tbh. Finally, The Warmth of Starlight and Star Child, were titles that appeared to me very early on in the writing process, from the text of the fics themselves. This brings me to 4 pre-made titles. Most of the time, I find poetry lyrics afterwards that speak to me about the theme or feeling of the fic in a poem i like. 
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
Nine, plus the 6 chapter titles in I dwell in Possibility. The poems/songs are as follows:
Harsh and Sweet and Bitter to Leave it All - Stay I Pray You from the Anastasia Broadway Musical
I dwell in possibility - I dwell in possibility (466) by Emily Dickinson, and the respective chapters:
i. the anglo saxon heroic poem judith
ii. the exeter book riddles.
iii. the wife's lament
iv. hamlet
v. If, by Rudyard Kipling
vi. The Life of St. Guthlac of Crowland (Guthlac A)
Thus goeth al to the devel, by thy tale - The Wife of Bath’s Tale from the Canterbury Tales
who would bear This heavy servitude one moment more? - Servitude by Ivor Gurney
I dared, still, not bow to earth - Dream of the Rood
I looked thereupon with eye of my understanding - Chapter V of Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love
And disobedience On the part of Heav'n - Milton’s Paradise Lost Book IX
but thy eternal summer shall not fade - Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18
look who’s digging their own grave - Icarus, Bastille
ooof that’s .... a lot. enjoy the poetry i guess?
6. How many are other quotes?
0. poetry or music or bust babey
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
That’s tricky lol. I think I’m going to go with harsh and sweet and bitter to leave it all. I talked a little about how that happened in my head in 4. 
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story?
I quite like Keeping cheery, we vowed quite often that none but death could separate us and Give me, Lord of the Skies, victory and true belief so that I might cut down this dispenser of crimes, for this. Both of them I think kinda, double over in meaning for me if that makes sense?
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/pov of the framework?
The Puppy from Hell. Like, it’s about a hellhound, so it’s literally a puppy from hell, but Chloe is also, um, not entirely down with the sudden appearance of a family dog.
10. Which is your favorite title?
I dared, still, not bow to Earth.
0 notes
calzonekestis · 7 years
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@agent13: Jackie hasn’t been active in quite a while, but she’s always been kind to me and her blog has has A+ opinions and content. 
@ar-se-ne: IDEK how long I’ve been following Cristian, but he’s a really nice guy with whom I have similar interests. He’s also someone that I’ve kind of of been inspired by in some ways. I don’t want to get too personal information, but it involves introspection and self improvement and yeah. I’m proud of him. He should be proud of himself.
@chujo-hime: I remember like circa 2012-2013 I had a ~moment~ because the webmaster of FYBN followed me. Chujo always has quality content, and is someone I respect for being very genuine and respectful. If something’s drawn her ire or made her bitter, she has a reason for it, and can write a solid meta on why it’s bullshit. At the same time, she’s someone who I’ve looked to when I consider how to handle my own fandom disagreements. It’s not worth arguing with people on the internet, it’s never fun. So long as people enjoy what they enjoy? Stay in their lane and let others do the same? We can all get along~~~
@cimikat: Katie is another person who I don’t even remember following. I can’t really remember my tumblr experience before her, though? I can say without any hyperbole though that she’s probably the nicest person I’ve ever encountered on this website? Literally, I can’t think of a single time I’ve seen her be salty. Upset and disappointed, sure, but she doesn’t wallow in negativity the way some people do and have in the past. If she enjoys something, she’s enthusiastic about it. If she no longer enjoys it? You won’t see her b*tch about it. She’s just very upbeat.
@dazzledfirestar: Daz shares my love of certain villains (Sin and Crossbones) while fully recognizing they’re deplorable human beings. That’s just one of the more superficial reasons I respect her. She’s another person who’s also genuine, and whom by following I feel like I’ve actually learned a lot? And I actually like to learn. Ignorance isn’t always mean spirited, and in the past I’ll admit I’ve been an ignorant white boy. Not that I was prejudice, there was just a lot I was either blind to or unaware of.  I’ve learned a lot about Romani culture by following Daz. A lot of history, a lot about the struggles and persecution they still face to this day. I also learned lot about the LGBT community; which honestly was a big help when I was trying to figure out/accept my bisexuality.
@diaryofawriter: What do I even say about you? believe we met because we both RP’d in the same fandoms and enjoyed the same content. Comics, OUAT, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. She’s both listened to me flail or rant countless times, either feigning or expressing genuine interest… for that I’m truly appreciative. She’s also helped me when it comes to letting go of things that are no longer fun or enjoyable for me (OUAT) and focus on the things that do bring me joy. A role model in that sense. >.>
@diisnerd: Leah. Leah was someone I met though a mutual friend, and while they’re closer than I am with her… I let me just say I have so much fucking respect for Leah. She’s just a good, loyal, protective, and caring friend. We have a lot of the same interests, too. We don’t talk all that often about them, but when we do it’s always an enjoyable conversation.
@dreamimpcssiblethings: Kath. Jesus. You know how much you mean to me, I should hope. You’re one of my best friends. It’s not even that we like a lot of the same things (we do) but you’re just very hard not to like? You’re super intelligent, super passionate. Be it about fandom things, classic literature, or just life. If one good thing came out of the rise and fall of my OUAT fandom, it was meeting you. All the salt is worth it for knowing you~
@ilikethequiet: Ally was one of the first people I met in the OUAT fandom, via a mutual friend/aquiantence. She’s a wizard when it comes to making edits and graphics. She’s someone with whom I’ve been salty on many an occasion, and I lured her into the iZombie fandom with me when our favorite actors transitioned over to that show. She’s just a delight. She also somehow made an AU graphic for a trashy ~problematic~ hateship look classy? Real friends hunt down topless screencaps so they can make you smutty collages for your birthday.
@jjoelswatch: Sarah is one of the first people I can remember following on tumblr. She’s another person where I wouldn’t recognize my dash without her. I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but I really respect her. She’s just a good person, very down to Earth and very witty. We don’t talk that much, but it’s always very pleasant when we do? Sarah was the first one to reach out and respond when I came out as bi. I’m still not out to my family. When I posted that little confession, I didn’t know what to expect. I simultaneously cared and didn’t care how people responded. It was weird, because it was something I had tried to deny and rationalize for so long. It’s something that no one should even care about, but Sarah empathized and realized it was kind of a big deal for me? Her reassurance that I wasn’t alone, even in such a short and concise message meant a lot. She’s one of my favorite mutals tbh.
@kennyhoemega: Bethany is a Goth Goddess. I’m not just saying that because she demanded the best compliment. On a superficial level, she’s just really pretty?? Now that’s out of the way, let me tell you legitimate reasons why she’s one of my favorite people to follow. She’s got great taste in music, she loves Star Wars, dabbles in Marvel and Harry Potter. You see a theme here with people I follow. She just also tends to reblog really neat things unrelated to those? I’ve gotten into astrology because of her. It’s mostly her fault that I’ve started watching wrestling again, bc there’s nothing good on TV and her passion is contagious and the gifs she reblogs are wild. She also has the best tags out of anyone I follow, bar none. I don’t even know when I first followed her either, around 2012 or so, but I know that it was absolutely 100% Sarah’s fault. Thank you, Sarah. TBH the first time I remember interacting with Bethany was when I added a gif and sarcastic comment to one of her salty posts about people trying to woobify Brock Rumlow. The next day, I realized this was likely not the best way to make a first impression? Fortunately she assured me that she got it, and that we were cool. Which is a relief, because as I’ve told her (and IDK if she believes me) she’s probably one of the coolest people I follow? It’s come to light that neither of us are big talkers, so we don’t actually talk that much… but she’s really rad. IDK when it started but she’s consistently been in my tumblr crushes for ages. Lots of mutual reblogging, again, lots of respect. She’s witty and intelligent. That’s not butt-kissin’, I’ve seen her post about certain tests and looked them up out of curiosity and wow. Yeah. Bethany also has the longest compliment, so that should make her happy. There was something about my needing a nuclear bunker if she wasn’t on this list. She deserves it though, she’s another one of my faves.
@kittenspawn: Nichole is my unofficial big sister. I say that as someone who actually has a big sister. She messaged me in 2012 with questions about Bucky and Natasha, and from that point on she was screwed. She got me into Hellboy in turn, but I like to think I’ve thoroughly corrupted her and caused her to spend far too much money on certain things. Nichole is someone who I can go weeks without talking to, and yet we can fall right back into conversation as if we talked the night before. She’s been a terrible enabler over the years, but she’s also been there for me during some difficult times and when I’ve done very stupid and questionable things. I know she’ll say I’ve been there for her as well, but the scales are seriously tipped here. When I need advice, or when I need to talk to someone about something serious… she’s the person I go to. I can always count on her, and she’s pretty much family at this point.
@ohmygil: Gil. I think I found you through Davis? You’re just a very sensible person, and very rational about a lot of things. It’s refreshing to see that on the internet these days. You’re someone who I don’t think I’ve ever had a actual ‘discussion’ with, but I’m including you here because I really enjoy your presence on my dash. I stopped reading DC regularly with the New 52, and pretty much all my DC intake these days is absorbed through your blog. You also get points for liking Superman. Some people think he’s too powerful, or a big boy scout, and while I’ve never regularly collected his titles I am a fan.
@prof-anity: …You know, I was tempted to leave you off this list just to be a dick. Yours would be the longest entry, so I’m keeping it short because what is there to even say? How much needs to be said? Seven years ago you met a bitter teenage douchebag on a message board. You made the mistake of accepting his friendship when he reached out to you. You’ve stuck with me through highs and lows, man. It’s one of those relationships again, where we may not talk every day. We may not be up to date on the details and goings on in each other’s lives… but you said it yourself. Our friendship has been one of the best constants in the past seven years. A third of your life, btw. Isn’t that depressing? You are, truly, the best friend I have ever had. One day I’m going to meet you, hug you, and then insult you to your face. You’re truly a brother to me. I love you.
@readytocomply: Stef! Stef is a delight. Always pleasant, always fun. She’s also super creative? She makes great edits, great cosplays, and is just pretty damn great over all. Stef is another person who I try to model myself after when it comes to shipping things. Re: Multi-Shipping. Stef ships Steve and Bucky. I do not. Stef also ships Bucky and Natasha. Stef respects canon and appreciates Sharon Carter. All this may sound inane but I’m glad I didn’t meet Stef until I did, because 2013 Tim might have been a little asshole re his ships and missed out befriending a great person because of his own stubborness… that could cross into douchebaggery. Stef has quality content on her blog at all times. Sebastian Stan. Marvel. Star Wars. Mark Hamill.. Harry Potter. Tron. Just general film. Chicken nuggets. Stef is a quality person with a quality blog.
@rocktheholygrail: Dana is someone I met through the iZombie fandom, and she is another wizard. A gif wizard, who has too often indulged my requests or suggestions. She’s another person whose enthusiasm is contagious. I was able to convince her to watch the entirety of Prison Break (save the revival) in less than a month before it was taken off Netflix. I don’t think I ever apologized for that. Dana also is trash tho, bc like me, her favorite iZombie character is the trashiest. I say that tongue in cheek, at least the first part. It’s really been great though to have someone who recognize a character as both human and horrible, and who is capable of watching and enjoying them despite their being problematic. If this was another fandom, I’d expect to be judged or ostracized, but instead I’m enabled once again.
@swanmagic: Gia is another person who doesn’t post on tumblr much (at least her personal) these days, but I’m including her because she’s been one of my favorite RP partners for years and we still talk from time to time on twitter. She’s just a great writer, great person, great friend. She’s another person who has excellent (and varied) musical taste.
@thealbooty: I met Alberto through Davis. It’s another thing where I don’t remember the circumstances, there was just one day where suddenly Alberto was in my life. Alberto is just a good guy… and I just mean good. He’s pure. If Davis is Spongebob, I’m Squidward and Alberto is Patrick. Only not as dumb. We don’t talk as much these days which makes me sad, but I love him too. Back in the day the three of us used to have group Skype chats and watch movies together. There was one day when Davis couldn’t make it or wasn’t online, and he and I just watched Hellboy and chatted for a few hours. That’s when Alberto went from being a friend of a friend to my friend. I’m glad he’s my friend.
@thejazzdalek: Max is another person, like Gil, who I’ve never really had a discussion with? He’s followed me for ages though, both on tumblr and on twitter and I appreciate that. I don’t really know him that well after all this time, embarrassingly. He seems like a nice guy, though. Big into Doctor Who, OUAT, DC, Marvel, just sci-fi and fantasy in general.
@timelessmulder: Emily-Alice is someone who I’ve been mutuals with since like 2012 I think. I don’t even know if we’re in the same fandoms anymore, but we keep following each other regardless. Over the years we’ve discussed everything from OUAT to DC, and these days when we talk it’s mostly to pick apart The Flash. She’s someone who has been with me for ages though, and has seen things.
@uhohjonsnow: So Betty is one of the first friends I actually made on tumblr when I engaged in fandom? I was an obnoxious teenage white boy who thought he was straight and acted like it, and she tolerated me anyway. Again, she’s someone who was witness to a lot of nonsense. We really were dicks to each other, lmao. I adore her though, bc she really is sweet and laid back. We went for years without talking,not due to any falling out, but we just drifted apart. She actually took a year off tumblr and recently returned, and we reconnected. She also accidentally deleted her blog and started fresh, so um, go follow her!
@uminoko: We’ve been mutuals for like years, and she’s just a nice person? Again, that’s a pathetic compliment, but it is true. She’s also another individual who I feel I’ve learned from by following? Part of that has to due with her being a former civil rights lawyer, but beyond that she’s just yet another smarty pants who I don’t talk to that much. She also  messaged me privately when I came out, and made me laugh when I needed it. Also, she’s an actual Russian who is a fan of Black Widow and Winter Soldier.
@uncleclustersthirdbrain: Donnie. This might be a little weird, because Donnie and I only reconnected like two weeks ago after three years of not really talking to each other? Again, there’s no bad blood, and he deserves to be on here. I’ve actually known him for five years, we met through his girlfriend Morgan. Donnie’s another person who has seen things, re seen me at my worst. Most obnoxious, outspoken, salty, dickish… and so on. I’ve always sort of looked up to him, though? Back when 17 going on 18 year old Tim met him, there was a sort of ‘notice me sempai’ thing going on. He’s yet another person who is too cool for me. In spite of toolish tendencies, there were times when Donnie reached out to make sure I was okay when I was being dramatic and having anxiety attacks over damn comic books. It sounds ridiculous, and it was, but at the time comics were my escape and how I dealt with a lot of tough shit I was going through. I was invested. Heavily invested, to an unhealthy degree. He’s just a good person who cares about his friends, and people in general. He’s also a fucking brilliant writer, who just recently put out his first comic. So I’m going to use this as another excuse to pimp it for him. Not because he’s my friend, but because I’m a selfish bastard who wants to read more and wants you to give him money so he can make more. He makes no personal profit from it, all the money goes towards paying his artists and the production. I’ve pretty much walked away from buying monthly comics, but as I’ve told Donnie, this is one I would pull. The first issue of And The Hare had some of the best dialogue I’ve read in a comic in easily the last year. At least.
@xeleyan-tequila: I met Chelsea through the OUAT fandom, and like me she gave up on the show a long time ago. She’s another person I don’t really talk to that much these days, but she’s a lovely person with a lovely blog who posts a little bit of everything. There are personal details to our relationship I won’t get into bc it’s no one’s business, and though we’re still friendly we sort of fell out of touch. I enjoy following her though, and she’s a wonderful human being.
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