#I am so afraid of the vod
soars22 · 9 months
I am.
I have so many fucking thoughts about what happened today. I haven’t watched the vod because of class but Jesus Christ.
First off, what the actual fuck. Second off, I genuinely hate how little agency the players have had in what happened. Like, they haven’t been able to win the fights-that’s clear. That’s obvious. But to make the fight so overpowered specifically and deliberately to kill an egg is absolute infuriating as a viewer.
Like, it’s clear to me that the admins knew what was going to happen (there’s no other reason for the eggs to keep returning to the fight) but the players? I don’t think they were made aware of that fact. And to a certain extent that makes sense because they want reactions to be more genuine or whatever. But like… there’s a difference between wanting a reaction and stripping agency from the creators.
I don’t know. Someone will likely have a more in-depth analysis on this but today felt… inescapable in a way that made me uncomfortable-and I haven’t even watched it yet.
(On a separate note, trust the admins and creators to communicate about things. They ultimately know more than we do. Trust the story; trust the process. They’ve done a brilliant job so far.)
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cherrifire · 16 days
i was legit moving out of my apartment the entire time mccr was happening, but i just got to watch aqua's vods in my new bed kicking my legs in the air like a fourth grader
it was so, so awesome to see you guys crush half the competition :] truly artimators can do anything anf i am afraid
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Whenever, Wherever
pairing: Fives x Reader, Torrent x reader (platonic)
This is a little gift for @the-bad-batch-baroness
Warnings: Fluff. Maybe a little suggestive towards the end. Kisses and cuddles y'all.
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The sassy lean against the wall ™️
You raise your comm to your lips. "Are we ready?"
Hardcase's hushed voice answers. "Yep. Target is in place. I wanted to watch but someone won’t let me out of the medbay.” Hardcase sighs.
Kix groans frustratedly in the background.
“‘Case, you got thrown twenty feet and you have a concussion. That’s plenty of reason for me to keep you here.”
“That might backfire on you, Vod.” Jesse snickers.
Kix echoes Jesse mockingly and Hardcase signs off with “good luck” while you peek into the mess hall where the rest of Torrent is.
The 501st are on a mission to Naboo, but temporary barracks have been set up to accommodate the troopers planetside, allowing them to enjoy the rich scenery and culture.
Dogma and Echo sit off to the side, having a conversation about something while Tup and Vaughn play Sabbacc with the very person that you came to see. Fives’ back is turned to the door as you slip quietly inside and make your way to the table, draping yourself over his shoulders.
With a smirk, you coo into his ear. "Hey there, stranger. Mind if I crash here for a bit?"
He turns to face you, cards forgotten on the table.
“Mesh’la? What are you doing here?”
You giggle. “Nice to see you too. Can’t I surprise my boyfriend?”
He smiles and tugs you into his arms, nuzzling his face in your neck and breathing deeply. Sure, it’s probably a dumb idea to go soft in front of his brothers, but they’re no one to judge either.
Besides, it is you; his cyar’ika.
“You came all the way out here to see me?” He asks, placing a lazy kiss to the side of your neck.
“Yeah, I did. Senator Amidala owed me a favor so I figured I’d come see you.” You say, gently tugging his hand so he follows. After bidding farewell to his brothers, the two of you retreat to a terrace away from prying eyes.
As soon as the two of you are out of sight, his lips crash against yours, needy and passionate. You return the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair. He mumbles how much he loves you against your mouth, arms tugging you closer still. You’re inherently grateful that he isn’t wearing the top half of his armor, enjoying the warmth of his chest.
You couldn’t ask for anything more as you relax in your trooper’s arms and watch the sun set over the water.
You sigh contentedly. “I missed you.”
Fives tucks his chin over your head and squeezes you tightly. “Missed you more. This is nice.”
You hum happily in response, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“The senator got me a suite at a hotel. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I had I dunno, say...a bodyguard?” You smirk, relishing in the groan that rumbles through his chest.
“I’m afraid I’d be a little too preoccupied with something else to be your security detail.”
“The closer you are, the safer I am,” You tease.
“Well then,” He says playfully, picking you up easily. “Where exactly is this hotel?”
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Again, way too detailed notes about a Cleo stream (15.3.2024) because it was great and I want to remember. (Please Cleo upload your VODs again please.) Featuring an Ancient City, Hermit scariness ratings, a new Emerald Daddy, and Life series reminiscing with the Clockers.
Plan for today: Ancient City raiding!, to get books
She´s definitely going alone because Ancient City raiding on her own is terrifying but you know what else is terrifying? The other people on the server.
The only person on the server Cleo is afraid of is False. Not Gem, Gem´s a kitten. False could take Cleo in a fight and kill her dead, but more importantly False can scare Cleo because she´s quite sinister. 5am Pearl is kinda cute. “can kill you, probably won´t,” if you entertain her. Cub isn´t scary either, the only thing to be scared of with Cub is the grind. Doc is 95% bark.
(In hindsight, finding a Swift Sneak II book so early is a tease knowing that it´ll be the only one.)
Chat is way more scared of the Ancient City than Cleo is. Worst that can happen, you summon a warden, you die, and your gear despawns, so what. Cleo thinks people are trying to freak her out and scare her into making mistakes.
This stream was right after or during Mumbo´s video on Hermits´ weird playing habits came out so there were plenty of questions about Cleo´s set-up. Cleo defends their choices, also they have a desk now.
Hypno drops by to show off his new armor and announce a raid. Cleo calls Cub her Emerald Daddy because he supplies her with emeralds.
Hypno drops off a shulker full of emerald blocks for Cleo, for free. Cleo then tells him he gets free books now. Hypno is astonished and delighted, and asks for a written voucher. Cleo writes him one and calls him Emerald Daddy too. Cleo: “Double Emerald Daddy, I´m good.”
Cleo won´t tell her fellow Hermits that they´re great to their faces because it would ruin her tough guy image.
Fun in chat: Etho sleeps. Bdubs: “sorry dad” Etho: “son I am at your place to give you a scolding” Bdubs: “be right up” – Cleo is sorry she saw that
Cleo discovers Joel´s glow ink shop and the glow squid Joel built from candles and is delighted. Joel is now her absolute favorite person. Armor stand buddies!
Taking advantage of the fact that all words are made up, Cleo makes a few more hoppadingdongs
Bdubs demands quiet because he and Etho are about to record one of their famous Bdubs-and-Etho clips. Cleo says they should get in a group. Etho: “Mum is so bossy, right Bdubs?” Bdubs: “She´s so bossy.” Cleo: […] *hits him* “Don´t talk to me that way.” Bdubs: “I´m sorry.” Cleo: “You will be.” Bdubs: “I´m sorry. That was a no-no, I´m sorry.” Etho: “Never talk back to your mummy.” Bdubs: “No, never.” Cleo: “Yeah, you two role-playing this thing again, it´s weird.” Etho, laughing: “You´re done with it, aren´t you, Cleo.” Cleo, also laughing: “I´m done with it. I was kind of done with it when it started, to be honest.” Bubs: “That shows your level of commitment.” Etho: “I feel like we move on from it and then Scar brings it up once in a while, and then Bdubs…” Cleo: “Me and Etho are kind of over it, so…” Bdubs: “Really? I saw Joel today and I thought, this is my uncle.” Etho: “Baby-sitter, right?” Cleo: “Cousin.”
Cleo offers to mute again but Bdubs asks her not to, having her there is great. Like audience chatter.
Bdubs shows Etho and Cleo his scaffolding challenge as his shop advertisement. Etho: “He´s so clever.” Cleo: “He is, he´s a genius. That´s our special boy.”
Bdubs starts his spiel: “You think you´re so cool…” Etho: “I thought I was…”
Bdubs wins the first game because Etho has trouble ringing the bell. And the second one. Cleo soon realizes that it´s easy to make Bdubs lose by sabotaging the scaffolding. Bdubs swears Etho and Cleo to secrecy about this easily exploitable weakness.
Cleo keeps talking about how wealthy they are. Very profitable shop, after all! (…true but I saw Cub´s stacks of diamond blocks the next day. Fear the grind.) Cleo bankrolled Etho already.
After a conversation about pricing Etho tells Cleo they have to teach Bdubs about peer pressure. Then remembers that “she doesn´t like it when we do that, we gotta stop.” Cleo says it´s fine. (Yay boundaries.)
Cleo asks Bdubs for a horse. Bdubs accuses Keralis of fraud (secretly swapping the horses people bought from him if they don´t buy the extended warranty.) Cleo asks if Keralis is gingering his horses. They talk about the meanings of the word, and why ginger is also used for red-heads. Etho: “Is it ´cause gingers are spicy?” Moment of silence. Cleo: “…sure?” Bdubs: “Yeah…” Etho: “I think we nailed it.”
Some talk abut spelling variations. “You can just say you don´t know how to spell, Etho, it´s fine.” And then talk about British dialects, how they drop the “t” in the middle of words (or phrases). Etho and Bdubs try to imitate it, badly. They don´t seem to understand what “in the middle of a word” means.
Shopping district talk, and some reminiscing about Shade-E-E´s. Cleo steered clear because she didn´t know Etho very well back then. Etho has a different glass prank in mind for this season. Etho and Bdubs also remember an end rod exchange thing they did, they neither remember what started it or how it ended. 
Cleo: “I feel like you´re not spiteful enough, Etho.” He lets too much go. Bdubs protests that Etho lets it go with him, because they have a history – Etho: that´s right – but to anybody else Etho is very spiteful. Cleo: He´s never been particularly spiteful to me, “and I deserve it.” Bdubs, dismissive: nah. Etho: “Well, to be fair, Cleo *builds up a dirt wall like he did between them in Third Life* I am kinda scared of you.” Both crack up. “You´re not necessarily who I wanna be poking.”
Cleo clarifies that the reason why False is the only one who scares her is because False is very quick on the insults. Cleo can be fast, but False can be faster. Bdubs: “Now I´m scared.”
Etho tells Bdubs the story of why he´s scared of Cleo: “I always viewed Cleo as, like, sweet, innocent, you know, quiet…” Cleo cracking up. It was because Cleo stole Pizza, for no reason. “She was laughing the whole time, like a crazy psycho.” Cleo: “It´s a llama.”  “I just thought it was interesting, I had a complete shift of what I thought of you at that moment.” Bdubs: “Yeah, she can do anything.” Bdubs was also shocked at that moment. They hadn´t talked about it, Bdubs just supported her in her plan to cause trouble. Stealing Pizza was more of a crime of opportunity because Scar didn´t want to talk to her and left Pizza there. “Bold move.” “It´s just Scar.” Etho reminds everyone that the Life series was fresh at that point, they know now that this sort of thing happens but they didn´t then. Cleo didn´t know most of the people in the series very well so she went full-on chaos gremlin. She blames Bdubs.
Etho repeats that that´s when his perspective on Cleo shifted. “And it never shifted back. Like, the more stuff she did, it just got further in that way.” Cleo can understand that: she got worse, as time went on, chaos-gremlin-wise. Etho: now we´re in season ten of Hermitcraft, she´s stealing villagers… Cleo points out that it wasn´t her idea, but admits that she fully embraced it. Etho isn´t sure he would have, Bdubs says he wouldn´t have. Cleo: “What´s Doc going to do to me.” Bdubs: “Uh, have you seen the sand dial?” Cleo: “Have you seen what´s inside it?” Bdubs, clearly grinning: “Oh, yes, yes.”
Scar is online and Bdubs invited him over to find out if he was actually upset about Cleo stealing Pizza. Scar arrives on his horse, but stays away a few blocks. Etho walks up to him: “You may approach, Scar.” Scar ender-pearls up to them. Bdubs asks how mad he was at Cleo over Pizza, Scar claims he was looking up tickets to the UK to seek his revenge. “Pizza meant more than I can express.” Does a whole sad monologue. Cleo and Etho think it was funny, Scar demands they take it back. Worse, and what also really threw Etho, when Scar asked Cleo to her face if she stole Pizza she denied it.
Cleo: “Yeah, but I´ve had my punishment now, ´cause now I´m your mother forever.” Scar just realized: “The family! What a wonderful moment.” Etho: “Out shopping together.”
Scar has to wait for Skizz to enforce rules in the shopping district, but Skizz is off on the high seas. Scar: “What if the boat went down.” “What the hell, Scar!” “That´d be awful!” Scar imagines it as, you float for a while, maybe see a shark, then get rescued in a helicopter. Cleo: you might see someone else die, while you survive ´cause you´re the main character. Scar asks after a Titanic character and is surprised Etho immediately knows her name because Etho is usually bad with movie references.
Cleo: “I would never do anything to you guys, you´re my family.” Bdubs: That´s sweet.” Scar: “That was sinister.” Etho: “Trolls us.” Cleo: “Correct.”
Scar got a tip to keep a horse from wandering off inside a circle of berries from an e-mail. Only the best things come from e-mails.
Bdubs tries to prove scaffolding superiority to Scar. Etho and Cleo support the pitch. Scar is disappointed by mom and dad. Etho and Scar agree to give it a try sometimes. Bdubs says Tango puts redstone on scaffolding sometimes, Etho is horrified. Etho shows them that you can use scaffolding to clutch a fall. Scar tries it because it would also work on leaves – unfortunately Etho forgot to tell him that you need to crouch and he dies. He´s not going to be happy, but ultimately it was clearly his own fault. It´ll take him a while to come back, Bdubs feels like he should go get him but Etho and Cleo need to leave.
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hey-i-am-trying · 10 months
We need to talk about your depression, Richas
Bagi's Vod - QSMP - LORE, sim hoje tem LORE 8/12/23 Time: 5:08:29 - 5:13:21
After Bad and Richas pranked Bagi into believing Richas had died.
Bagi: Richarlyson, you are playing and you don't even know if you still have 2 lives. You need to stop being crazy and a dreamer like that
Richas: They(the admin team) are taking so long that I forgot kkkkkk
Bagi: They are taking a long time but that doesn't mean it is not going to happen. We need to be prepared because if you only have one life and this kinda stuff repeats, I will die! I will actually die! It has been 5 years since I went to the cardiologist, Richarlyson!
Richas: Imagine, I am bad-mouthing them(the team) they might take it(the life). Richas: I am sorry, Mom.
Bagi: I won't give you too much of a hard time but we need to talk about this. It feels that has been a long time since you started with those habits, you keep playing with your death. Do you need to talk about this? Do you have any feelings that are locked in your heart? We need to schedule a talk. This feels like depression.
Richas: Tio Bad is a bad influence but nobody talks about it
Bagi: Ooh, I have talked about it with him. I have been talking with him a lot. I have been trying to make him talk for 2 months but he doesn't like to talk about his depression
Richas: His depression? o_0
Bagi: Richas, you are changing the subject. I am talking about yours(depression), we are not talking about him right now. He will recover, he is turning red again. But, you, Richarlyson. I need to know your mind better to understand why are you behaving like that. Why do you keep trying to change the subject when we talk about depression and sadness?
Richas: Me? I was always like that
Bagi: Depressed? I used to say that to my psychologist.
Richas: Crazy and a dreamer
Bad: He is crazy. True, don't try to hide it.
Bagi: I know you like to be crazy and a dreamer. But it has been a long time since you started to play with your own life. And it has been a short time since we met, it has been too much for this small amount of time
Richas: Mom, you only live once. Imagine I go missing again? Or you all? We try to enjoy (life).
Bagi: Here it is. I found the source of the problem. Richarlyson, we are not going anywhere. You are afraid of losing the ones you love. You need to talk about your feelings.
Bad: Talk about your feelings.
Bagi: Yeah, this also applies to you, Bad!
Bad: Nah! Feelings are overrated.
Richas: I was also not going anywhere. But last time, we did(ended up missing) anyway kkkk
Bagi: I know you want to live all days like they are your last ones. But the problem is that they are actually going to be the last ones if you keep acting this way. But we can talk later, in a more private way, about this delicate topic.
Richas(about the last days' comment): And everything is alright, isn't it?
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tjodity · 7 months
Oo what about cHannah?
I'm just getting increasingly enraptured with her. Summaries for lore are helpful but going back and rifling through old vods gives me such deeper impressions of their characters. She talked about how she's aware of how women and femininity are usually ignored and underestimated and how she actively plays up femininity in her builds and general vibe so she can catch them off guard and kill them more easily, and also how her evil lair thing under her base isn't representative of her either and is exaggerated partially as an intimidation tactic. It's interesting to me how these things aren't necessarily 'acts' but that she leans into certain aspects of her personality while masking others depending on the situation. It's also more apparent in more subtle things like her level of politeness, how much she insults people, whether or not she makes an effort not to swear, etc. I think it's fun that she is a person who will insult and argue with you more if she likes/trusts you and I think it's an interesting and subtle level of guardedness for her character.
I also think it's interesting how much she enjoys fighting. Some characters like the feeling of violence or control or vengeance but she enjoys the act of fighting and it like. is very neat to think abt seriously. When she's running around on the first day she thinks its stupid that she's fighting zombies, not because they're irritating but because she thinks they're below her to fight. She lists her ability to kill other people with pride and a main core fact about her. The context to her joining the server is her losing in a fight to Dream but beating Punz. She is actively excited to fight Sapnap when Puffy tells her about him. She gets into repeated rematch fights with Punz outside his house. I think the only other character I've seen on the SMP that actually likes fighting as much as her is maybe Techno.
I also am fascinated by what Hannah's afraid of and what she's not afraid of. She's terrified of cave spiders because they've killed her in her previous hardcore worlds. When she and puffy get trapped in a void maze trap and Puffy's freaking out she just silently brute forces her way to an exit and seems undisturbed, but she's very scared when she thinks the two of them are lost and can't get back to the main SMP. She's initially freaked out by the Egg vines and says that they look 'poisonous' but after Puffy explains it to her she is totally frightened by it. She believes that it's evil and that it can mind control people and she's cautious but not. afraid in the same way other characters are.
One last thing I looooooove how much she carries over from her old experiences. As said before she's scared of cave spiders due to a hardcore series but also carries a bunch of her stuff on her instead of storing it and makes a ton of crafting tables because of it. She calls the Central SMP 'Mid' out of habit from Minecraft Hunger Games. Her entire fighting thing and most of her pre-smp knowledge of other characters comes from bedwars and other fighting minigames. I just like when people do that
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arkngth · 3 months
Antonio doodle/info dump since he was around last month :3
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left is the most recent doodles before i knew he'd be coming back
right is the first drawings of him (coincidentally exactly a year ago from June 1st)
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more uncolored doodles n sketches. i kinda draw Antonio the most, but i rarely post about him (been gatekeepmaxxing)
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last drawings that i actually still kinda like.. i have much more, i just don't like how they look anymore lmao
rambling wall of text infodump below the cut cuz i am just so autistic about this character LMAO sorry i'm a yapper-
anyway, contrary to popular belief, Antonio is actually my favorite RP character. just in general. and i've never actually seen him live until the other day. unbeknownst to me, i was waiting for a whole year to be able to actually see him live, i think i was more excited about it than cc!anthony was 💀
which might contribute to my love for him bc i had to piece him together like a puzzle from everyone else's POVs and clips n stuff. so at first i didn't want him to come back bc i was afraid he'd be different from the Antonio i made up in my head... but then. i haven't sat n watched, at mostly full attention, a whole stream for 7 hours in a while LOL
when i watched cc!buddha's rdrp vods a year ago n saw Antonio, i thought to myself "oh no... Tony isn't actually my new muse is he...?". and for a while i didn't draw him bc i didn't have any ideas + i didn't really know how to draw him. but i did know that when i did learn how to draw him, it'd be over for me (i wouldn't want to draw anyone else, and i was right oops 😭)
my idea of Antonio is he's just a dumb, impulsive, silly little theatre kid that got wrapped up in being an outlaw bc of Wu n Dot after his house burned down. they woulda been moving around in old box cars wherever the trains took them. Dot dies before the events of WildRP(headcanon), and Wu to me, is the autistic kid that follows Antonio around bc he talks a lot n has charisma lolol. also, to me, Wu is not as evil as he was intended to be, he just follows in Sonny's footsteps who's calculated n violent. While Antonio chooses Cesare's path to be more diplomatic and focuses more on his reputation. Antonio can't win a fight to save his life, and i love him for it. he thinks he's scary n dangerous, but to me, he couldn't hurt a fly hehe. i mean, one of the first things he did in the crossing was host a talent show at the local theatre. i'm a big fan of pathetic men, what can i say.
speaking of, i love how pathetically in love he is with Renni. and i love how, despite how much they like each other, they never actually get together n still respect each other as friends. they are the embodiment of the saying "if you love something let it go, if it comes back its yours" but without the last part.. they are so tragic to me.
in the last 3.5 years of watching rp, i've never had any character or character dynamic make me cry. like, as much as i love how doomed n toxic Donnie/Lang is, i've teared up a bit, but they've never made me cry just thinking about them. but Antonio, n by extension, his relationship with Renni, has made me cry multiple times just thinking about them 😭 and yeah, i cried the other day when Antonio was thinking about Renni LOL
idk why he's the character that changes my brain chemistry, but uh. he is. i've literally never rambled about a character so much online, sorry for the great wall of text bc of it.. i'm usually masking so hard a lot of the time, but i've been wanting to talk about Antonio for so long with no one to yap to so, yknow.. he gets me to unmask and i also love him for that :']
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sharptoothed-gaze · 7 months
So after watching vods and bads stream and clips:
When things calm down or they get a moment.. I NEED for qTubbo and Sunny to actually sit/chill with qPhil Chayanne and Tallulah and TALK. Okay?
I am so sad/upset.. concerned of things in seen within the chats and stream. And I make this clear every character is valid their own feelings and pov but we as the audience are able to see more than one pov. And when we CHOOSE to ignore other povs or closed minded things can/have gotten a bit toxic.
"..you have phil chayanne and tallulah.."
Tubbo chat: they don't care...
Hallo?? Qphil cares for Sunny!!! Her God sibblings including tallulah cares!! Just like any other egg. Yes lullah was worried in the beginning but anyone paying attention can actually see they are closer than they were. They are children and sometimes things need time. Happens. Lullah adore her God father, she was there for his bday and talks to him when can. But just like sunny she can choose who she wants to talk and be around. She has a comfort level just as sunny has one. Chill. When tubbo died it was not clear to Phil, even chat was confused but once Creation came up, he understood it was real. He even apologized because seriously didn't know it was real.
On top of having to deal with his friends death he has to assure his kids have cookies. And at that point the cookies were expensive and he could not afford them. Chayanne had to assure him things would be okay. Fast forward this week he has more than enough and can help any egg if need be. Since Tubbos death qphil has had to assure the kids theyvwould get tubbo back and to not worry of sunny because they will make sure she is taken care of. But note he will not force Sunny to hang around, she is free to what she needs to thrive for now.
The miscommunication between these characters is strong. On purpose or not. Story wise I love it but as viewer I don't know... concerned now?
I just want everyone to be better and happier than the day before on the island. And the audiences to be more understanding and open minded of the ccs/characters and admins
Sorry for the novel. Sorry OP
Please never be afraid to send a long ask! I promise that it’s not a bother, and I genuinely enjoy reading people’s analysis/thoughts on both characters and the fandom.
But yeah, I totally agree with you that miscommunication and unintended pov bias are at the core of the issue here! It really sucks to see people who legitimately think that Philza hates Sunny when it just isn’t supported by canon.
Sunny might /feel/ hated or disliked, which makes sense for her pov, but that doesn’t mean qPhilza actually hates her. He’s given no indication that he hates her being around him, his children, or his home. (His only concern about her hanging out has always been the potential safety issue of 1 adult watching 3 eggs.)
So far, qPhilza has always been very direct with his language, so I don’t think there is a reason to assume Philza is secretly lying when he tells Sunny she can stay over or ask for help whenever. He might be stressed about his own capacity to protect and care for three kids, but that doesn’t mean he wants her to be alone.
Everything in canon says that Philza wants the eggs to be safe and happy just like everyone else on the island. Nothing has contradicted that. He might prioritize his own kids the most and sometimes fail to understand some social/emotional situations, but the eggs’ safety is everything to him.
Plus, canon shows again and again that qTubbo trusts qPhilza and loves his godchildren dearly. Tubbo knows that if Sunny really needed help, Philza would do everything in his power to do so. Even if all he can do is direct her to someone more capable of getting resources like bbh. That’s him thinking of and trusting the island’s collective parenting to ensure that the kids have everything they need. Considering he logs on the server an avg of 3 times a week I think that’s fair enough.
I don’t mind conflict between characters, but yeah, fans claiming things that canon doesn’t support can annoy me. Canon pretty much says that Philza /does/ care, but he can do a shit job of showing it. He’s not meeting Sunny’s emotional needs, and I think that can be worked on with communication. There’s truly no reason to assume that qPhilza is maliciously harming Sunny.
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Hi! I am very interested in Trickshot's reaction to the fact that his beloved found a lightsaber and took it for herself. "You shouldn't have this." Or she just took it without saying a word. How angry will he be? Where does he keep the sword? (English is not my native language. I used a translator. I hope it turned out to be clear.)
Hello there, Nastasia (I hope it's okay if I use your name? I couldn't @ you because I wasn't sure how to spell your username 😭), thank you for the ask!
I'm assuming you meant to ask about Trickshot's reaction to his darling being shocked and upset that he had taken a lightsaber for himself? Also, no worries, I understand it can be tricky to translate to English since it's an amalgamation of all sorts of wacko lingos. Trust me, when I was taking Spanish and French classes, you can imagine my shock to the complicated simplicity 😭 🙏
Main character is referred to as: reader, cyare, cyar'ika and some use of you/your pronouns. I kept it gender neutral as much as I could!
TW: Yandere behavior, I do not condone this in real life. Stalking, possessiveness, mild violence (mentions of killing Jedi, stunning reader) kidnapping, light mention of gore. Read at your own risk.
EDIT: contains blatant beating, killing reader and oneself.
AUTHOR EDIT NOTE: I realized I hadn't said all that I wanted to when writing Trickshot's response! There were definitely some points I forgot to bring up so that's why you might see some more stuff 💚🩷🧡
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
I wanted to make this inclusive for all! I'm thinking of making one of my characters aro/ace but I need to do some research before I do that. (ZZ). I would love it if any aro/ace people reached out and told me about their experiences! I wanna make sure I write him right. 💚 🩷 🧡
Translations from Mando'a:
Cyar'ika - Sweetheart
Cyare - Beloved, loved, popular
Vod - Brother
How would Trickshot react to being told that he cannot possess the lightsaber he stole by his darling?
Trickshot would react rather badly to his cyar'ika trying to take away his illegal lightsaber. If cyare takes it back, his position and life is marked for death. He would rather die on the battlefield than to Kaminoin scientists or old age, as any of his brothers. His treasonous actions mean execution by either his fellow clones, the Republic Court or worse, putting he and his brothers down like dogs on Kamino. (Yes, I reiterated this).
(ZZ would most likely be the next one in charge if Trickshot dies— his Vod's silent but commanding nature will help keep Shaft and Heyday in check. As much as they all squabble with one another, the brothers will help take care of their cyares).
Trickshot is not afraid to commit a crime if it means he gets to keep "his" lightsaber; he might just stun his cyare and hide them somewhere where only he and his brothers can find as punishment. Trickshot trusts his brothers more than anyone else in his life, he believes that if he dies, his dear brothers, his squad mates, will take care of reader. And if reader fights back, Trickshot isn't afraid to put his obsession in their place.
Trickshot would likely kidnap and condition his cyar'ika to lie about the sacred weapon. No, he didn't kill a Jedi padawan. Not at all! What happened was he found the weapon at an old battle ground, covered and hidden well with dirt. Trickshot only kept it for so long because he couldn't escape that deathtrap that was his last mission without that saber. He apologizes for his use of such a blade. He brought his Jedi back with him and everything is fine.
Where would he hide his cyar'ika though? (If he takes such a bold move). Wherever he is deployed the most and most likely if he has rare friends who support his actions. Recently, Champ Squad has been deployed to infiltrate a Separatist planet and take down the command center, helping the regs (meaning regular clone brothers) below take the rest of the planet with their Jedi counterparts. Heyday is the most sociable of Champ Squad, so he's made a few allies that Trickshot would use as a last resort for hiding his darling and keeping her out of his business.
That lightsaber belongs to him now. And if his dearest cyare has to be chained up on a planet, left with little food, water and decency, so be it. When cyar'ika behaves, keeps their mouth shut and never brings up the subject of that damn lightsaber again, Trickshot will release them and formulate an excellent cover story for why reader went missing. "No sir, reader was held captive by weequay thugs for about forty-five standard rotations. Reader should make a quick recovery, if given the proper rest. I can standby and question if need be, they seem to trust me more than anyone."
If in the case though, he cannot get out of trouble for having a lightsaber, Trickshot will take a more aggressive approach to keeping his trophe. He might just beat his cyar'ika into submission, use his training and possibly die trying to force you to let him keep his saber. Or worse. Kill you and then himself. But that's a little too drastic, even for his taste. He'll force you to come with him and his brothers, to desert the GAR and live far out in the galaxy. Destroy all communication that you can get and live out life in this safe place.
When on missions or back on Kamino, or anywhere, how and where does Trickshot hide his illegal possession?
The lightsaber, originally belonging to a Jedi padawan named Merial Karin, is hidden not so discreetly on his utility belt. Trickshot had Shaft make a couple adjustments to the lightsaber to look like an extra rations pack to avoid suspicion but, he did not account for the Force sensibility of other Jedi, leading him to kill those smart leaders. Since then, Trickshot did some research with his brothers on how he could hide the Force surrounding the blade.
He learned that in an old Jedi prison, designed to hold Jedi who had lost their way from the light side of the force, that there was such technology developed to completely stop the use and of course, detection of Force-sensitive devices such as lightsabers. It was hard to get his hands on it but, after much effort, Trickshot had finally gotten the rare materials needed. Never did he ever want to visit a Sith planet again. He had to spend the next few standard rotations in a bacta tank and lie his way through detection.
Who knew Sith planets had creatures that liked to eat humans? A chunk of his thigh had been taken out, leaving a new and wicked scar. Either way, Trickshot got what he wanted. Shaft was able to work with the dangerous artifacts to make advancements to the lightsaber, cleverly hiding it from detection once again. Now, Trickshot would be able to wear it wherever he wanted. Hell, he could complete missions far faster and methodically than before.
When Champ Squad isn't on deployment, Trickshot hides his lightsaber in his backpack, placing it where all his rations go. It would take a Jedi or lightsaber architect to recognize that Trickshot had stolen something that doesn't ever belong in a clone's hands. Trickshot and his brothers joke about the close calls they've had all the time, easing off the guilt and looming punishment if they are discovered.
Bonus! I have a dialogue for my OCS!!
"Heyday, do y'think you could talk the Jedi generals outta duty fer' a day and into partying, " asks Shaft.
"Dunno, from what I hear I'm the most liked outta all of us. Probably why I pull the most fun. And 'course, introduce ZZ to a new friend every now and again." Heyday finishes cleaning out his Deece, looking up at Shaft with a coy smirk.
ZZ rolls over in his bunk, frowning but, he's now smiling. He didn't say much, ever. Quirking a brow, ZZ gave Trickshot a silent and obvious question to all of the brothers. All heads turned to look at the squad leader.
"At this point, Heyday's our professional negotiator. Able to convince my cyar'ika that my lightsaber is just a new viroblade, by the way, thanks Vod." Trickshot stopped messing around with his pack, sporting a softer expression for his serious face.
"Glad to know you don't have stone-face, Vod," Heyday joked, playfully jabbing at Trickshot's stoic nature. All the brothers broke into laughter, the same voices of Fett. The clones received the darker and sinister side of the Mandalorian and the galaxy didn't know what they were in for.
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x-bee-x · 1 month
When I Don't Remember You
I remembered this song. It was too painfully perfect to not write about this with these two. It hurt me to look back at parts of vods to make sure I had everything correct and write this, it will probably hurt you to read this.
705 words
The room was somewhat dark, and a bit cramped due to the amount of people it held, and then the walls lowered.
Seven children, looking so very small and displaying almost three months worth of dirt and a series of small cuts, hiding in corners and hunched in on themselves behind barriers.
"Dapper! Come here, oh my goodness! Oh son, hi little one!"
We ran to each other, my bigger hand up against one side of the glass, his tiny one pressed against it from the other side.
"Dad, why do you look like Sans?"
They looked at as much as was visible of my face behind the cloak, taking note of my left eye now being a light shade of blue, I missed him and the things he says so much.
"Dapper, what the fudge."
Is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world?
And there was the ticking of a timer somewhere in the distance, and there was yelling from adults and children alike, and Dapper's little hand was holding my clawed one without glass between it now.
"Come on Dapper, follow me son, I'm the only one that can watch you, let's go, we have to get out of here."
The sky was red, it matched the blood splatter stains on my cloak and under my nails and on my face, it was red like a warning of inevitability.
"Come on Dapper, stay with me! Stay ahead, keep ahead of me, keep going."
The boat was so far, and the timer was still ticking, I couldn't have her leave my sight again.
That must be so confusing for a little girl
"Dapper, listen to me. I need you to go, I need you to run, I need you to keep going without me. I have an elytra, I need you to use it, keep going, okay?"
He stopped suddenly, eyes looking into mine, shaking their little head so fast.
"Dapper, pick that up, take this firework with it. You need to use it and go over the mountain and keep going okay?"
We were running again, still so far away from the boat, visible tears matching speed in streams down her cheeks.
And I know you're going to need me here with you
I squeezed their hand as we ran, they squeezed back, he was still shaking his head, still crying.
"Keep going, Dapper, use your ender pearl. Go Dapper, go go go, use the elytra. Go son, keep going, use your ender pearl, go without me, it's okay!"
There was a tiny glint of green among the sea of red, my voice shaking as I yelled and prayed for something I wasn't sure if I believed in anymore for them to be okay, and then it was white.
But I'm losing myself, and I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too
Back on the island where six months ago my world was still colorful.
Back on the island where three months ago my skin didn't have patches of blue and green on it.
Back on the island where today I had been sitting on an iron bench with a girl with eyes different colors like my own and I told a boy with a hat in the shape of a cow head to take care of himself and his other family.
This magic keeps me alive, but it's making me crazy
"You'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."
And I need to save you, but who's going to save me?
"There was something, I know it. I can't remember. I think it was, it was, it was."
There were flowers as far as thee eye could see in front of me, but I could only focus on a blue cornflower, it felt familiar for some reason.
"Where am I?"
Please forgive me for whatever I do
My eyes stung as tears welled inside and formed at the corners.
My chest hurt from trying to keep more coughs at bay.
"Dapper, crawl to the entrance. Dapper, you have to crawl, now. Crawl to the entrance, you need to make it, Dapper."
And then it was white.
When I don't remember you
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bugflies00 · 7 months
dude sorry for going in ur inbox but i am like. so sick rn and my anxiety spike is so high what is happening im not very awake
okay so last night shubble went on stream and talked about her experience of being abused in a past relationship. i believe she took the vod down and i've seen very few clips so i'm afraid i don't have the full picture, but i know physical abuse for example was brought up (i think something about biting and other thigns im unsure again im missing a lot of info). i do know she said she hoped this would help others recognise signs of abuse in their relationships. and she also said her silence was protecting that person who is dangerous. and many people are going around saying that apparently "a lot of the facts line up" to point that this abuser would be wilbur. however this is entirely rumours so far there is absolutely nothing officially confirmed and many people are angry with these posts because a) it centres shubble's story around wilbur when people already do that a lot b) it's dangerous to spread things like this without like proof . but many people are still distancing themselves from wilbur "just in case" . i hope that clears things up.
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intrusivepng · 1 year
hellooo i am Intrigued by the qsmp i keep hearing about things that are going on there and im like "oh i gotta get into this" so. where should i start with it. like should i go back and watch a bunch of vods or do i just hop in to whatevers going on now and worry about it later. and like who should i watch/start with
Omg hello!! First of all I’m honored you’ve come to me about this!! :D
I’ll link below the first and second part of a qsmp recap made by the qsmp itself! This is a good start if you don’t wanna go ALL the way back to the start of the server, as it has been a few months now!
There are a few certain days I would recommend watching VODS for! Ex. Cellbit and Roiers wedding, First egg adoption day, festa junina, election dinner, as well as the days the French or Brazilians arrived if you wanna get more in depth!
VODS are not a necessity though and there are plenty of people who will update you and/or gladly tell you what’s been happening! There are so many update accounts everywhere on different social medias too!
As for POVs that is entirely up to you! I would recommend at least 1 person per language but that is just a recommendation! It’s just how I do it to keep updated! But it’s not a necessity once again! There is also many different aspects! I enjoy more lore heavy people as well as people who stream for a LONG time! So keep those things in mind!
You can find so many people who watch the other povs to provide info though if you decide to only watch one or two!
Some lore heavy CC’s are Forever, Cellbit, and Max off of the top of my head
Some longer stream people are Foolish, Badboyhao, and Cellbit again off the top of my head
The people I watch in each language are:
English ( the largest one bcs it’s my native lol ) - Foolish, Philza, Niki, Fit, Tina, Jaiden, and Quackity
Spanish - Missa, Roier, Rivers, Pol, and Quackity
French - etoiles, baghera, Antoine
BR Portuguese - Tazercraft, Cellbit
Now a huge part of qsmp is the community !!
Not to BRAG but I am apart of a discord that is full of rlly cool people and we all update often as well as makes funny posts!!
Heres just a few eggworld people you should follow hehe
@cubitozinc @greaterspawnislands @mmyashas @marigoldmagpies @re-bi-vebur @popcornsalty @j810princess125 @thesmpisonfire
And here’s some other blogs eggworld recommends !!
@/zerosalt @/kadextra @/pixiecaps @/mikaikaika @/yb-cringe @/majora-is-lurking @/DISFRUTALAKIA @/ghlitchbee @/vynlets
If you have any more questions do not feel afraid to send another ask to me or any eggworld person !!!
This was a lot but the server is a lot lol
I hope you can have a good time in this fandom!! <33
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year
Unconventionally Easy
(Part 2)
Read here on Ao3!
Read Part 1 here!
By KyberCrystals94
Whumptober 2023|Day 11|Prompt 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.” | Captivity
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Bleeding Out
Rating: T
Words: 1080
Summary: Tech is worse off than he first let on to Echo.
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The first thing Tech is aware of is pain. Although difficult to pinpoint, after some experimental movement, he decides that it originates from three significant places: his right thigh, the right side of his abdomen, and his right arm in its entirety. Cleverly, he deduces that he must have landed on his right side.
Next, Tech becomes aware that his helmet is missing, and that he also has a head wound, though it is not nearly as sensitive as the three other injuries. Mild concussion? Likely. However, blood loss is his greatest enemy at the moment. However, if their brothers find them in a timely manner, he should be safe from immediate demise.
He is about to work on locating Echo when the scream practically gives him cardiac arrest...not something clones are prone to, at least at this age in their development. However, so startling in the silent darkness comes the blood curdling cry, that it takes every ounce of resolve to prevent a fear induced verbal reaction.
“No! Let me out!”
Tech has never heard Echo sound so panicked, so utterly terrified. Even during night terrors. Tech calls out to him in a frustratingly unsteady voice, “Echo!”
A beat, a choking breath from just a few meters away. “Tech...” Another gasp, a sob. “Help. Don’t leave me here. Please.”
Tech tries to steady his voice. He needs to keep Echo calm. Who knows what injuries he might have, what he might aggravate if he struggles. “I am not going anywhere, vod. We are going to be okay, Echo, but we must remain calm.”
It takes a few minutes of careful conversation before Tech is confident that he has talked Echo off the ledge of a hypothetical cliff of hysteria.
“What are your injuries?” Echo asks.
Tech responds vaguely but honestly. “Several lacerations on the right side of my person, possible concussion.”
“Are you bleeding badly?”
“It is difficult to tell,” Tech lies.
He knows that Echo is far too intelligent to believe him; however, his older brother does not push the point. After all, what good would it possibly do? Not trapped as they are. All they can do is wait, and hope that they are found before it is too late.
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The heat that scorches the planet is deadly, and Hunter is fully aware of this. Which is why he calls for a break again, insisting that Crosshair and Wrecker drink electrolyte mixture added to their canteens.
“We don’t have time for this,” Crosshair says, snatching the packet out of Hunter’s outstretched hand. “They could be dying down there while we just sit here.”
“We aren’t just sitting here, Cross,” Hunter argues. “We won't do them any good if we collapse from heatstroke.”
Wrecker has already downed one canteen and is reaching for another. “Do you think they’re okay?”
Hunter doesn’t answer right away. Honestly, he isn’t even sure at this point if they’re rescuing brothers or recovering bodies. It’s been almost two hours since the blast, and they are still sorting rubble in hopes they won’t cause further collapse. The trackers on Echo and Tech’s comms are pinging a signal, so they know they are digging in the right place. What they don’t know is how they are injured, what will cause further injury, or if they are already dead.
“We’ll find them,” Hunter answers with empty certainty, “and they will be.”
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Echo knows something is wrong when he can smell the metallic tang of blood through the dust and ashes of destruction holding him down. He tries to keep his voice as level as possible when he asks, “Tech, how badly are you injured. Really.”
“I have lost a substantial,” Tech pauses breathlessly, “amount of blood…I’m afraid.”
Echo curses under his breath. There is literally nothing he can do except lay here while his brother bleeds to death.
“Echo…” Tech says, “I don’t feel well.”
“I know, vod.” Echo swallows. “The others will be here soon. I know they will.”
“Not in time, I think.” Tech’s voice breaks at the end.
“We’re not going to talk like that,” Echo says firmly. “You said you’d stay with me, remember? I’m going to hold you to it.”
There is a long silence that stretches between Echo’s words and the ones Tech utters in transparent anguish. “I’m sorry, Echo.”
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Between dehydration and trying to keep Tech conscious through endless, meaningless words, Echo’s voice scrapes like sand in his throat. He isn’t sure when his brother stops responding except that he doesn’t stop trying, even when it feels like he has to scream to manage an aching whisper.
Something shifts above him, and that’s when he hears familiar voices filtering through the barrier between himself and freedom. “Hunter!” he calls out, but his voice rasps pathetically.
But Hunter hears him. Thank the force for enhancements.
“Echo! Keep talking, we’ll get you out.”
“No, get to Tech first,” Echo says, “He’s to my left several meters. Severe blood loss. He lost consciousness a while ago…”
“Okay,” Hunter says, “we’ll get him. Are you injured?”
“Nah,” Echo tries to say lightly, “just in a tight spot.” The joke falls flat.
“We’ll find him,” Hunter says, voice so much stronger and sure than Echo’s.
Echo takes a breath.
He’s not alone anymore.
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“Thought I’d let you off the hook just because you were bleeding out?”
Tech winces awake to the bright, white light of a medical bay. He blinks as comprehension sifts through foggy awareness. “I am alive. That is most fortunate,” he says, voice hoarse from disuse.
Echo scoffs, and Tech turns his head to see the reg sitting next to him. “Yeah. How fortunate.”
“I suppose this is the part where you would like for me to admit that you were right,” Tech returns with a faint smile. “They did get to us in time.”
Echo grins at him, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I was barely right…and besides, you were the one who said they’d get to us soon first, so I suppose we can both take credit for being right.”
“And we completed the mission, I assume? Supposing the data stick was not damaged in the fall.”
“Shockingly, it was one of the only things not damaged in the blast. You should design your armor like you do your pockets.”
“Another successful mission,” Tech says contentedly. He settles back, closing his eyes. “And I’ll keep that armor design in mind for future alterations.”
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil @amorfista @patapouille
✨Let me know if you’d like to be on my Tag List!✨
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dwtdog · 6 months
im really really stressed about how it will go,
i dont i just, support system wise i have almost nothing
these guys are kinda it and one person whos neutral
its just the aftermath, i dont know if everything will be okay and i get so stressed about it
my tummy issues been fucking me up man
anon :( i'll do my best to give u some general advice, but if u need anything please don't be afraid to dm me <3
the thing that really helps me through these type of situations is sitting with myself and thinking okay, what's the most likely thing that's going to happen, and how am i going to feel about that.
to start with what i think will be the outcome, the only things we know for certain that are going to happen are caiti's final statement/stream, and george's final statement.
based on what caiti has said, her final stream is going to be more general, and i assume she's going to discuss the problems with misogyny within the mcyt space, or something similar, along with the future of her content. i do not think she will say anything more directly about the situation, and if she does i don't think it will be new information, except to maybe clear up the story ghostie told
for george's statement, judging by what the rational sides of the internet are calling for and his most recent tweet, i think he is going to give a sincere apology, no matter what form that may come in, along with some sort of private, personal apology to caiti that we may never see. some people will accept what he has to say, and others will continue to call him terrible names that do not fit the situation at all. and from there, we move onward (press w :3)
i can't predict how you're going to react to these events happening, but if a look at myself, i know that i'll probably watch caiti's stream as a vod, so i can give myself time to pause and take breaks. i want to try to watch the stream before seeing others input, so i can form my own opinions without going in feeling overly negative/positive.
worse case scenario- she says something that completely puts me off the space as a whole. i don't know what that would be, maybe just some observations she's made as a female creator in the space that puts a bad taste in my mouth, and i no longer feel comfortable being here at all. in that case, i disengage completely, or let myself sit and think on it for a bit before coming to a final decision
best case scenario (realistically)- caiti does her stream, and she talks about many of the things we already know about as problems with the space, and we take that as closure from the whole thing, and send our love and support.
when george's response comes, rinse and repeat. take the time to read/watch through it without the influence of others, and come to you own conclusion before looking what anyone else has to say. do not look at twitter. if you feel that his response is satisfying to you- however that may be- than assess how active you wish to be in the community going forward, what you want to spend your time doing online. and then we heal together, as a community.
and eventually, things will get better. dream and george might take hiatuses, but i find it very, very unlikely they'll quit entirely. eventually, we'll get titan videos and the plethora of shorts and content that dream has planned, even if a wrench has been thrown into the plans
obviously, we can never predict unexpected elements, but i genuinely believe that if something big were going to drop, it would have already. don't let the behind the scenes bullshit get you down, because it always comes from ccs who either hold grudges or are trying to save their own skin/get views
hope this helps at least a little bit, but please, please reach out if you need anything. no matter the responses caiti and george give, i'll stick around to talk to u guys
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Fox can't understand his kih'vod at first.
The call came in hours later than he was expecting, and for the millionth time, Fox is afraid. Reports of what had happened on Umbara, what Pong Krell had done, it had spread faster than anything else, every unit raging and mourning what had happened. Krell had been a name to fear, and despite clone after clone requesting the Jetti look and see why so many brothers were dying in massive numbers, they never did.
Rex's number has barely enough time to flash up on the screen before Fox accepts the call, and at first, all he can hear is haggard breathing. Rex is pictured sitting against something, gloved hands gripping his slightly grown-out blonde hair as he struggles to do more than hyperventilate.
"Vod? Speak to me." He needs to know he's alright, that Rex is at least safe, but cut out muttering and sobs are all he gets in return for some time.
"Don't let him die." Rex finally gets something out, and despite the shitty quality of the hologram, Fox can see he's crying. "I can't..."
"Who, let who die?" The Guard commander is distressed he can't be there for his kih'vod, but locks that down and out of sight. He needs to be calm, and like a lost sailor looking for a guiding star, Rex focuses.
"Dogma, he...they...I..." Rex pulls at his hair, and Fox growls to make him focus. "Decommissioning, I already heard it."
"Is he still there?" Rex nods, and Fox sets his comm down to lunge across his desk for his computer. "Designation, now."
"CT-6922." It's not his name, they never call it a name once a clone earns his actual name. Fox has never navigated the red tape that constantly strangled him with ease more than he'd ever done so in his entire life so far, and Rex collects himself as he watches Fox.
It takes him almost two hours, and Rex can tell something went right by the way Fox sits back in his chair.
Dogma expected to be decommissioned, he killed a kriffing Jetti despite him actually being a Sith. He was terrified to his core as he was escorted off the Resolute, the last view being his vod's all watching in despair, but he willed himself to stay strong. He felt only guilt for allowing Krell to get so far, and hopes that when he dies, he joins his brothers wherever they all go after death.
Coruscant was...not really what he expected.
The Guard had always been such a strange concept, the two awaiting him having gleaming red armor that commanded respect as he was escorted off his ship in cuffs and left by the non-clone officers that had retrieved him.
"Let's take those off." One of them steps forward with the key, the massiff at his feet regarding Dogma with a curious grumble as the cuffs are taken off, and the clone rubs his wrists in relief. "Welcome brother."
"Why am I here?" Dogma asked curiously, yet caution underlying as the other Guard member joins them.
"Welcome to your new posting. Name's Thorn, and that's Hound, with Grizzer at his heels." Thorn radiates safety in a way that nearly sends Dogma to his knees, said commander gripping Dogma's shoulder and keeping him upright. "Give yourself a moment and breathe."
"You've got the time." Hound pats his other shoulder, and Grizzer nuzzles against Dogma's leg with a whine. "You're alive."
"How?" Dogma is just confused, he killed a superior, he should be going to his death.
"Fox wasn't going to let anything happen." Dogma's eyes went wide, he'd never even seen the fabled head of the Guard before. "Come on, the others can't wait to meet you."
The Coruscant Guard wasn't like the 501st, but they accepted a new member to their core like he'd been there since day one as a shiny. They had kept introductions to a minimum, knowing that Umbara was still a raw wound he had yet to work through, and offered him a private room for the night. Dogma didn't really sleep, just meditated on the floor of his room until his comm beeped somewhere near three in the morning. Fives, Kix, Jesse, Rex, the four clearly know they shouldn't be contacting him, but Dogma pretends to ignore the flagrant breach of protocol that he couldn't care less about right now. Rex is the only one who isn't grateful to see Dogma was alive, the two sharing a knowing look as the others bombard him with questions, questions he doesn't have many answers to, yet they accept what he can tell them with sheer relief.
"I'm sorry." The words spill out when there is a lull in the conversation as if they had been lying in wait. "I should have listened.."
"You were doing what you thought was right." Jesse cut him off, shaking his head.
"What is loyalty if it's blind?" Dogma averted his gaze for a moment, and Fives moves closer in the holo.
"You did what we all wanted in the end, and I have respect for that." Dogma looked back, and Fives is giving him the first serious look Dogma had ever seen on the ARC trooper since losing Echo. "One day, we'll bring you back into the 501st, where you belong."
"He's right." Rex nodded, and Dogma feels a weight lift from his shoulders. "Just do as Fox tells you, he'll keep you safe while we sort out everything here."
"Yes sir."
Eventually, they have to end the call, but as Dogma actually lies down on the bed, he allows himself to just...let go.
This time, this time he would make things right.
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len-wither · 1 year
Why I vow to never watch a Mythical J. Sausage stream EVER AGAIN
So it was MCC yesterday and little ol' me decided that she wants to watch Sausage's POV (it's his first MCC, Fight me)
and so just a few minutes before MCC starts, I open his stream (Completely forgetting that I put the sound on my phone really loud), AND THE FIRST THING I HEAR
Keep in mind that in my timezone MCC starts at about 10 pm so hearing THAT this late at night was not a good thing
And then... my internet went down, immediately after he said that, and my stream turned to black. I couldn't even see who he was talking about (Assuming it was Scott, cuz why wouldn't it be?)
So i'm just sat there, im my room, thinking:
"Did Anyone (my family) hear this?? there is no way they heard this, Everyone is asleep and the sound wasn't that loud anyway (it was)" all while also thinking "How the fuck am I gonna explain that this is Minecraft not some weird ass show on youtube?? like... WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO??"
thankfully, no one heard anything, and i hot out of this free lmao
and honestly with this as the only thing I've seen from a Sausage stream, I feel like it's a sign that I should not watch him (I haven't watched the vod yet and I'm too afraid. I don't even know who won m8 my internet just went back up)
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