#Someone asked Sharp!
sharptoothed-gaze · 4 months
Hi! Just wondering since im new and wanna be respectful, is shipping allowed here as in any ship with cubitos even "non canon" ones? Its just that another reason besides the generalization and hate towards us patit0s that some of us are escaping here is that we are usually not allowed to ship stuff like for example Ro or C3ll with other cubitos beside themselves and I wanna know if its cool to do so here like for example sp1derduck (ofcourse it being tagged)? Hope this isnt too much trouble to answer and hope it doesn't sound dumb, english is not my first language jaja
Hello and welcome!! Yes, all shipping of the block people is allowed here. You can ship, write about, or draw non canon ships without the entire community hating you. The majority of us like having fun and like being weird without the limits of canon.
Just tag things properly and there will be zero issue! Tags allow people to filter out content they don't want to see. Some people dislike certain characters and others dislike entire ships so tagging correctly will help them out. Many will tag all characters involved in a work (ex. "qsmp cellbit" or "qsmp foolish") or tag the most common ship name (ex. "celltw" which is cellbit x pac).
Please DO NOT censor the names of characters or ships if you put it on the main tag. If you put the word "qsmp" in your tags then it will be main tagged. Putting "C3ll" instead of "cellbit" or "cell" will just be confusing and not filter correctly.
Of course, shipping discourse will appear now and then, but it's honestly very rare. If you tag things correctly, most people here will defend you if a person is being unreasonable and hostile to you.
(Lo siento, esta es tanta información en inglés. ¡Intentaré aprender más español pronto!)
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inkly-heart · 9 months
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
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a wee dormouse perkins for @aranov!
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spotsupstuff · 3 months
Cap's got a new voice claim! feat. a tiny bit of Sparrows n her's unchanged vc because 1. it's cute to hear them together and 2. I snorted. The vibes are so different
[songs: So Familiar by Jean Castel and Driving Myself Home by Rose Betts]
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oatbugs · 2 months
procrastination is starting to have its consequences finally
#on my friends living room floor they love together but one of them has been london for weeks or maybe months#to be with her love. im on a foam mattress from one of their beds next to a glass bottle of water opened by one of them#in a mug given to me by another. the weather felt like my childhood today and it also felt like 2 years ago.#(put space in the heavens Einstein's idea and hes your friend too so nothing to fear) around the table they drank and laughed and i thought#i hope you keep growing so full with the love you receive . i hope your appetite becomes insatiable from how used to it you are#and i know youre all leaving soon but i hope one day you miss this and that youll be happy you miss it#its worth missing i think#i thought he didnt care but he said after exams hes going walk around this area over and over#(this is near where he lived and where we visited almost daily for a year)#(hed come across the bridge on a lake)#we went where she used to live and at the entrance a fox sat calmly. it just yawned and stared.#it felt important somehow. i think maybe their impressions of me will never be close to how i feel inside but i think#i love them enough for that not to matter. i dont think theyll ever know this. i dont think if they did it would change much.#and seeing them smile makes my heart glow anyway. today i tried their malaysian tea the ginger burned my throat#they warmed my heart. hes going to canada soon and hes going to the US soon and shes going everywhere soon ill never understand#how were supposed to live with memories and with seperation and with the past but we do it anyway so i think it doesnt matter much#i wanted to write a poem for the lab rats with the fibre optic wires lit with blue forcing them to turn around and around#something about how im sorry that the two photon arrays burned the inside of your brain. im sorry about the sharp points of multielectrode#arrayes. im sorry about everything we do to you. she asked to see me tomorrow. im trying to have self control but i miss her so awfully#last night my friend talked to me and i updated on everything that happened with love and the lack of it and she just started laughing#and she told me about the same thing from her side. and she told me about how she loved london because she would walk the streets#and she felt like the people were her. and her eyes would go over the people and the bag of bagels and the construction men they probably#have a kid at home maybe shes a daughter. this kid is crying for her mother and the building you just walked past caused#blisters and pain and people died in it and very likely people were born in it. we talked for hours and i felt like#i was holding her hand just like that time she held mine watching a horror film. i love her so much#my friend is a genius and i remember her picking up the charms of my phone and staring at the leaf hanging from them. shes side stepping to#music drinking dangerous cider and cocktails from a movie and chit chatting with billionaires and undergrads#i love her dearly. his head covered in electrodes. she tells me about a syrian guy shes in love with and she says#what you feel and what i feel is like cocaine. ive tried a lot of fucking cocaine.#she says ive reminded her of what living actually feels like and to never put energy into someone who doesnt see me this way.
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zorlok-if · 8 months
what does dorian look like? 👀
In response to this ask.
A beautiful, beautiful man.
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(if you think he resembles another video game character... you're not wrong)
And so you know exactly what he's up to... [minor spoiler below]
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exec-proton · 2 months
How's bat night going?
[ Image ID: Oh hey a Proton selfie! Oh. Nevermind it's not cute. He has a baseball bat slung over his shoulder, and a bit of blood is splattered on his face. He's grinning manically. In the background, Missile can be seen on... someone's face (Or, what's left of it). They've apparently been the recipient of Bat Night. ]
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Link to template for anyone who would like to do this as well ( ˙ ▽ ˙ ) ノ♡
Thanks for the tag @meownotgood :3 ♡
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can you tell which one’s the jokester and which one’s the serious one??
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Lucille Sharpe over here like “my love language is Acts of Service. :)”
and the act of service is murder
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sometimesanalice · 7 months
For the emoji prompts
🌑: a dark headcanon
When Bradley finds out about Mav pulling his papers he definitely calls him trying to get answers to understand why the man who raised him betrayed him in the worst possible way. And when he doesn’t get that answer he tells Mav “You’re as dead to me as my Dad is” before hanging up on him.
And that’s the last thing Bradley said to Mav for over 15 years until the “Yes, sir” on the tarmac in TGM.
emoji prompt ask game
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sharptoothed-gaze · 4 months
Hello! If you don't mind me asking, why is there is another twitter —tumblr migration? What happened?
Hi anon! I don't mind at all. As far as I know, this newest migration are a group of Quackity fans escaping Twitter as a result of the qsmp worker's rights situation.
The platform has apparently become much more hostile for fans over the past week, which has led to a large account suggesting that they just move over here.
We are welcoming to all of the tired and well meaning fans, but it is also known that there are people leaving Twitter because they defend Quackity to a parasocial level and disrespect unions.
That is why a lot of us are making it clear that French people, Brazilians, and Unions /will/ be respected here. If people wanna move in, they cannot bring in hatred/ignorance.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
I keep thinking about the rookie!Nico au and was wondering if you have more? 🥺👉👈
hi there! it's your lucky day cause I woke up today thinking about them... hehe. for the uninitiated; here's Part One
the AU is 7 time World Champion Lewis Hamilton gets transported into a universe where Nico Rosberg was never his bestie turned worstie, but a young rookie who got the 2022 merc seat.
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Lewis sometimes stared at Nico with so much scrutiny Nico has to wonder; does he hate me? Does the 7-time World Champion, the greatest of all time bar Michael, hate me? And Nico always thought Lewis is better than Michael, growing up. Because Mika was better than Michael, and Lewis is better than Mika.
World Champions are neurotic, asshole, perfectionists -- Nico would know, he was raised by them. If he wanted to be one, he had to let all of it slide down his back and take it as a learning opportunity. He knew this. But sometimes Lewis made these pointed remarks, like if he spoke German with his German engineers or hung around Toto more for guidance, assuming malice where there wasn't any. Nico had to wonder if his relationship with Valtteri wasn't as good as it was portrayed in the media to justify this deep seated paranoia when it came to Nico.
At the same time... being with Lewis was exhilarating. It's hard to not let the hero worship cloud his vision, he is every bit the man in the flesh and even though Nico jerked off to his shirtless Snapchat stories countless times; pretending they were sent to only him. But being able to trace the compass tattoo in the middle of his chest with his tongue, feel his beating heart and dark gaze on Nico -- who stared at him through the blonde hair falling across his face, it felt no less than a devout religious experience. He would stay on his knees forever if Lewis Hamilton asked. Lewis also didn't disappoint, he must've been a sex god or something because he seemed to know Nico's body better than he even did. Knew exactly how he fell apart when he pressed the inside of his wrist and bit down on his shoulder, knew how to treat him so well; so intimately familiar as if he had known him in another life. Lewis was so, so intense, would handle Nico like a starving man to water, as if it was the last time he was allowed to touch him. It's the type of sex that made one stupid and blurt out things like 'I love you' so Nico would bite down on his fist instead.
Afterwards though, Nico always made sure to never overstay his welcome and leave the motorhome first. This time he was bragging about he had 3 dates that Thursday -- he'd finally qualified as famous enough for Raya and wanted to let someone know, and Lewis was known for his string of famous girlfriends.
Instead, Lewis frowned, "You don't have a committed long term girlfriend, or something? One girl forever type deal?"
"Fuck no?" That made Nico feel defensive. Lewis, of all people, was judging him? When he knew how hard it was to have a relationship when all people saw was shiny, sparkling racing driver. Yeah, he went on a lot of dates and never settled down, so what? Everyone his age was on multiple dating apps, Lando couldn't stop DMing girls on Instagram no matter how many times he got exposed for it.
"Huh." Lewis leaned back against the pillow, sounding a little surprised. "Who would've thought. Nico Rosberg's a slut." He sounded joking, even though Nico in unsure when he had given off pure, virginal vibes that Lewis would any impression to the contrary at all. He raised a middle finger at him, grinning, if only people knew this is how their forever grateful World Champion spoke in private. It felt weirdly intimate, to see Lewis so relaxed with his guards down, even if they had just had sex.
To get back at Lewis though, when they were all at the Mercedes after party Nico found his way towards one time WDC turned commentator who has recently been very complimentary about his driving, Jenson Button. Jenson was very much his type; older, handsome, folded like a house of cards as Nico shamelessly flirted with him.
"You remind me a bit of Britney Spears, cause you're so beautiful." Jenson leaned to say in his ear over the noise of the party, and Nico rolled his eyes. Jesus, that's the thing about going for men twice his age -- their references are dated as fuck.
"Bet I am, old man." Nico bit back, dangerously close to be appropriate in his arms. It was 2022, who the fuck cared if a guy had long hair anymore? Across the room, he made eye contact with Lewis who seemed to glaring at the display they seemed to make.
Later, Lewis had Nico pinned against the bathroom wall, pants around their knees, and he'd whispered harshly against his ear, "You don't fucking change, do you?"
Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean. Nico got too caught up enjoying himself and the thrill of winning to care.
Nico pits for softs. Lewis fumbles the safety car restart. Verstappen wins, yet again. Nico finishes P2 -- still his career best so far.
Lewis is furious in the Merc debriefing room, what could've been his win had the strategy team had the foresight and made the correct call. Nico couldn't help the slink down in his seat as it felt like Lewis' criticisms were being pointed more towards him than the team, still wearing his P2 cap because his hair was champagne soaked.
"You can't be a team player for once, can you?" Lewis seethes at him when everyone's left. Nico blinks at that, that's a little unfair as if he has been anything but a team player so far.
"Lewis, my tyres were gone. The team agreed to pit me. Take it up with them." Nico says coolly, bubbling inside in hurt. That Lewis thought he was purposefully screwing with his race or something.
"You make that call heading into the pits, that's not a little suspicious?" Lewis points out with an edge to his voice, laughing sarcastically. "Sure thing, man."
It really got to Nico, it burned at him to be accused of something he flagrantly didn't do, that Lewis was hellbent on seeing him without any benefit of the doubt -- like he hadn't earned it. As if he's not painfully aware if the team had to choose between one of them on the podium, they'd prefer Lewis. He knew his role in this team, even if Lewis thought otherwise.
"You weren't fast enough for the Redbull. I made the right call for my car, without which we wouldn't even have a Mercedes on podium. I won't apologize for racing." Nico's heart thudded in his chest as he confronted his literal hero, a seven time World Champion over strategy calls.
Lewis does something extremely peculiar. He backs off, from where he was crowding Nico, a bittersweet smile on his face. He just assessed Nico, silently, before leaving.
Nico was left wondering, completely confused, if Lewis preferred that he stood up for himself for once? Did he want him to stand his ground more?
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
What do you think about the theory that Spider-Man 2099/Miguel O'Hara will pull a "Kingpin" in ATSV and scour the multiverse for an alternate version of his daughter briella?
interesting question let's see what balloony from phineas and ferb thinks
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i dont like it
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oatbugs · 2 months
#meeting the sociologist/philosopher who flew in from barcelona and got basically no sleep just 2 be on time to our date soon#im wearing the earrings the ex situationship person chose for me. they have 3 sharp metal bits hanging down from them. it feels#cold like a knife and also they make noise whenever i take a step which acts a little like a friend and also a beating. dont forget who cho#for you. do you miss her? do you miss her? when you see his face will you miss her?#im going to look someone else in their eyes today#im going to study with my friend today and tomorrow#i had a call w a friend yesterday . he taught me logic metatheory intensively and he also said this whole experience has been painful for#him and the rest of my friends bc its like watching someone nearly drink cyanide over and over#it made things a bit clearer#he said its like watching a lion get declawed and that i was essentially unrecognisable. something happened to his friend#and he wanted his friend back#so im going to go back.#he said he doesnt mind dying alone. he asked why hes doing philosophy and i said pure love and he said thats true#im supposed to be in love w abstractions more than ppl#and im supposed to be in love w my friends before any romantic partner#ok going up tottenham ct escelators is a religious experience recently bc every time i will either make eye contact w the most beautiful#person ever or be reminded of the way they held me on the way down here or how i held them on the way up#anyway lets go
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Movik-Taar: Future proprietor of a very popular natural hot spring spa & inn on Vulcan. Husband of T’Meni-bu, Sek’s daughter. He’s self-conscious about his hair loss.
Movik is a braggart, a bit of a lia- exaggerator and a gigantic coward and T’Meni-bu knows that yet earnestly thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread. I’d say she’s that ‘If I had a lame boyfriend-’ post but she genuinely doesn’t think he’s lame and would be defensive if you said he was. Sek thinks Movik is odious but tries to take solace in the fact that T’Meni finds him extremely pleasant. T’Meni and Movik were married before either of their pon farrs because T’Meni wanted to and both families saw no reason to delay if that was her wish. Movik wore a toupee to the wedding and was hesitant to take it off in front of her but when he did she just seemed weirdly charmed.  Movik has a Vulcan parental unit (mother, father) who sired him and another father who is Bolian. He has a Bolian younger sister who’s around elementary school aged.  He has a tendency to exaggerate his accomplishments but often quickly backpedals into the truth. He isn’t a malicious person and is actually a bit of a push over. Said he was going into Starfleet most of his life but when he was the age to apply he suddenly said he was going to take over his family’s inn instead.  T’Meni is very bad at doing actual work in the inn but very good at guest relations and trends which makes the inn even more popular. Movik showers her with attention and gifts so she’s perfectly content. Movik thinks she’s an extremely capable, intelligent person (an excellent match!!) and the two are absolutely insufferable together the way close couples are <3 
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trickstersaint · 5 days
Hm… what do you think you’d be like as a siren? Should I be scared of you?
wow... what a question... well. first of all. i think i am the most beautiful boy on earth and a very good singer and i think i would be a very effective siren. i believe in beauty and violence so if i were a siren i would absolutely be drowning people just to drown them i think that's the whole point of it all... i do like to think i'd be a threat. that's the fun of it if you ask me :)
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