#I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing about school shootings in the us every other day
minnov · 10 months
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atarathegreat · 3 months
Hi can I get a Bakugo x reader
(Honestly I have this Oc and I kinda based it of her but I wanna switch it more of a reader type thing)
What if reader has a electrokinesis power where they can confuse ppls energy to shoot out lightning but what if something happened to them causing them to leave UA leaving bakugo (her lover) confused on why they disappeared (yk breaking up) but years later they see each other again reader doesn’t really wanna talk to ppl even tho they used to be talkative
You can end it with fluff if you want (sorry if it’s to much😭)
UA second year. You weren't sure you were prepared for it. Sure, you survived the first year and all the trials it brought for you. But doing it all again?
You walked beside your mother into the school, not for classes or for meeting teachers. No. You were dropping out.
During your first year, you learned to grip your powers while also fighting for your life. Forcing the aura of another, or even your own aura, to morph and become an energy you could tangibly use took a heavy toll on your psych. It was a slow progression into mental instability. Your quirk was just too... much.
None of your friends received warning of the major decision you had made, aside from a vague message to the group chat and a private DM to your boyfriend- ex-boyfriend- Bakugo.
Bakugo tried to get ahold of you after the strange text. He wanted to know what the hell you were going on about, but you were completely ghosting everyone. Had you decided to join that idiot Deku and his group? No, because you hadn't even shown up to class. Aizawa didn't even seem concerned with your absence. Aizawa knew something was going on, he knew what was happening, but he refused to share the information with anyone who asked.
For the first few weeks, everyone was busy trying to contact you and trying to figure out what your texts meant, then they started reminiscing like you were dead.
Mina's favorite story was about the time you had glared at a man in public for calling your outfit cringe until you managed to spark him with a pinch of his own dark aura. Or the one Kaminari loved to partially tell: the time you got so angry at a group of jerks that you screamed until bolts of electricity shot out of your pores to tase all of them. Bakugo was getting sick and tired of hearing these stories about you. He missed you like hell and hearing about you was only hurting him.
Hearing about how you were so perfect with your quirk or about the time you absolutely obliterated a group of heroes who tried to test your metal.
"Shut up!" Bakugo screamed, throwing the controller of the gaming system to the floor. Everyone stopped to stare at him, shocked by his outburst. "I am so sick and tired of hearing about everything she was fucking perfect at! We get it!"
Even with all his yelling, he wasn't mad or anything. He understood their want to keep you with them in UA despite the fact that you left them. Aizawa silently ushered the boy back towards his dorm, giving the vaguest explanation to your disappearance.
He went through the rest of UA with the same bitter attitude, refusing to take part in any conversation that had to do with you. Even when he started his own agency and worked alongside Kaminari and, to his surprise, Momo, Bakugo would not speak about you. The man didn't know how to feel about it, being a grown adult and still yearning for his high school girlfriend, or at least that love he felt for her.
It's not until he's on patrol that he catches sight of you. You hardly changed. Older, yes, but still the same. Same hair, same face, same walk.
"Y/n." He doesn't hesitate to grasp your elbow, not thinking about how you may have moved on, gotten a new partner. He doesn't care. "Why'd you leave? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Still not beating around the bush, huh?" You chuckled awkwardly at his stern expression. Of course he would want to know. You dipped out without a word to anyone as to why. "Don't piss around with me, woman. Explain yourself." Bakugo backed you into a corner, not really caring that people were taking pictures of him. To those extras, he probably looked like a hero cornering an innocent woman, but to him, he was keeping your face from the photos. Obviously, you wanted privacy, right? That had to be a part of why you left UA. It only made sense.
"I couldn't take it... my quirk..." You mumbled, "It posed too much stress on me mentally... I had to leave for my health..." How long had you waited to be honest with Bakugo? How long had you waited to see his handsome face and apologize for leaving without footsteps? Too long.
Bakugo squished you more into the corner, keeping you out of view of lenses as people shouted at him for him to leave you alone.
"I've got you... you'll stay hidden..." Bakugo sighed, "You should've said something, jackass... we all would've understood."
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floxbuddy · 7 months
Chapter 1 of my NoCo fanfic, I’ll post it here although it’s also on wattpad : )
1. Midnight
I stopped being able to hear the sound of trees rustling. I flinched, realizing that I had not noticed myself submerged in water. I opened my eyes, half-lidded, glaring into the foggy moonlight. It all stopped, all noise, besides the faint echo of the night seeming to fade away quite quickly.
With the echo fading away, so was my breath.
However, it was nothing. Everything is nothing, as opposed to what I used to believe; I know what is better now. I felt my clothes flutter as the water took me in, deeper I went, the less it mattered. There was so use in trying to fight the suffocation if there was no breath to begin with. succumbing to the gravity against my weight, I closed my eyes.
    Shooting awake, I gasped in a cold sweat. My throat was killing me, I must've woken up due to dehydration. Unfortunately, going back to sleep wasn't an option, for my head was pounding and I felt like I was about to vomit. I stepped out of my room, tip-toeing down the hallway as to not wake anyone up, before grabbing a cup of water and heading toward the sink.
    As I proceeded to fill the cup with water, I looked into the reflection to see myself with huge dark circles. I wonder how late it must've been, anyway. It's not like this is the first time something like this has happened, but I'm usually not up this early unless I'm sick. Fuck, maybe I am sick. Oh well. No sickness is getting in the way of the plans I have today. Making my way back, my room was waiting for me as I laid back into my sweaty bed, with the vent ringing being prominent as ever. I couldn't stop sweating, but it was fine, because I should be fine by the time I wake up.
    I forgot to go back to sleep. I rotted all night. Oh, and that dream, I remember it clearly now.
    Hearing the sound of my mom leaving her room to make coffee, I assume, I took it as an opportunity to ditch my bed and get ready for school. I may feel like a zombie, but staying here any longer isn't doing me good. My morning routine was nothing memorable, as it was about 7:30 AM by now, and I grabbed my backpack to head to the car for school.
Stepping into the car, I made funny faces at my baby brother. It was nice to see him after such a long morning spent doing absolutely nothing. Other than the sound of our laughs, the car was utterly quiet. It stayed that way until I was dropped off at the front of campus. Feeling too unmotivated to speak, I gestured a light wave to my parents before they drove off.
I wonder if my parents even care about me. Like, yeah, I know they love me, but I bet they didn't bother to glance at my sick face. I should hurt myself, to see if they would notice. wait, no, thats a horrible thing to say, scratch that.
I opened my phone to see a text from Izzy, one of my closest friends ever since the 'Total Drama' thing. I've kept up with some friends since then, more than I've ever had, really. Izzy, Eva, Owen, and Cody. I really don't talk to Cody much, but I'd feel bad for not considering him a friend. Izzy and Eva are just about the most insane couple I've ever met, but I enjoy the chaos, as much as I'd never admit it. Owen is sweet, and thats really all I can say about him. He is always there for me when things go to shit.
As I was about to open Izzy's text, I flinched at the sudden feeling of someone coming up from behind me and shoving me.
"Aye, Noah!" Said a familiar voice, Cody. I ought to be used to the way he greets me by now, but this particular morning, I was on edge.
"Fuck, man! Stop doing that," I yelled a bit too harshly, darting my eyes the opposite direction, finding myself already losing stability at first interaction. At least it was Cody of all people, I'm sure he would understand.
"Sorry, sorry. Anything on your mind?" He paused, "Sheeesh, you look real tired." Leaning closer to examine my face, it was starting to piss me off; I turned back to him sharply in hopes of him deciding to keep his eyes to himself, but he couldn't take a hint.
"What's on my mind is that you're invading my personal space. Back off." I said in my usual, monotone voice. He finally decided to look away as we walked inside, but not for long.
"... Okay, so I feel like you're not gonna believe this, but just look at my scars real quick." He said as he pulled me to his attention, pointing at the three prominent scratch marks stretching from his left cheek to his neck. He hasn't stopped talking about them and how it helps him pull girls, but I don't see it... literally. This man is no magnet.
    "They've changed a lot this week! You know what that means,"
    "Yay! You're delusional." I said with enthusiasm.
    "Nuh uh. It obviously means good luck, and I know that someone will ask me out soon!" He happily exclaimed, which wasn't anything new. If there's anything I know about Cody, it's that he's never not begging for a love life. I gave him a skeptical look, but I couldn't care enough to burst his bubble; I shrugged it off.
    "Good luck with that, Cody."
    Making our way into the cafeteria, I saw Izzy and Eva, to which I realized that cody prevented me from checking Izzy's text in the first place. It's fine, she was probably just letting me know that they were in the cafeteria anyway. I waved to them as they noticed Cody and I, and Izzy began running our direction, while Eva stood.
    "Cody! Noah! I'm so glad you both hurried over here — Noah, you read my text, right?" Izzy said, practically jumping up and down with excitement. To my confusion, she usually isn't this jumpy in the morning.
    "No. All thanks to someone nearly tackling me to the ground, I got distracted," I stared back at Cody, with half-lidded eyes. We began walking back to Eva so we could find a seat in a place that, hopefully, wasn't incredibly crowded.
    "Oh, whatever, I said sorry!" He taunted back, with a pouty expression.
    "Learn to take a kind gesture every now and then, Silly!" Izzy said before throwing a punch at my arm. It really fucking hurt.
    "Ow, how the fuck is that a kind gesture!?" I yelled. Izzy and Cody started laughing, to no surprise. My suffering is a melody to their ears, I presume.
    "Come on, do it back!" Cody happily said, before I elbowed him in the stomach.
    "That's what you get for shoving me this morning," I then threw a weak punch back at Izzy, "And stop punching me!"
    "Ow, Haha — Whatever, Noah!" Cody laughed off, whilst clenching his stomach. I could tell he was in pain but didn't want to admit it. Theres a little confidence boost for me, I guess. However, Izzy was completely unbothered, looking at me with a taunting face.
    "That's all you got, wimp?" She said, trying to lure me into punching her again, but I'm better than that. And unfortunately, that punch was a genuine one — I'm awfully weak, especially this morning. "Come on, fight me!"
    "No, absolutely not!" I yelled at her, as we found ourselves meeting with Eva. I looked at her desperately, with a 'You're her girlfriend, do something' face. She studied my face for a split second, noticing my dark circles and then turning to Izzy.
    "Izzy, calm down a second. How about you tell them your surprise?" She said, pulling Izzy away from me. Such a small gesture just did a number for me, I'll thank her when I can. Izzy's excited attitude is not something I want to face this morning.
    "Oh, oh, oh! I want to wait until Owen gets here," She said, to which I realized that Izzy must've texted me in relation to said 'surprise'. I turned to Cody, and we met eye contact with a confused look on our faces. I reached into my pocket and read the text Izzy sent to me. I was right, the text read along the lines of 'Noah! Hurry up, I need to tell everybody something'.
    "Did you get a text from Izzy?" I asked Cody.
    "Uhhh, hm— Let me check," Checking his pockets for his phone, he frantically took his backpack off and searched there too; after he found it, he replied, "Yeah, but I didn't read it up until now."
    "I wonder what she's waiting to tell us," I said curiously, glancing a bit more at the text. Before Cody and I knew, Izzy and Eva were already off to find Owen. Feeling lazy, I decided to head the other direction to find a place to sit.
    "Noah, where are you going?" He said, following me.
    "I'm finding a place to sit until they come back with Owen." I said. It wasn't long until I found a good empty table in the corner of the cafeteria, Eva and Izzy must've been sitting there before we got here. Cody and I sat next to each other, as I scrolled on instagram for a bit. Although most of the content was old news, due to just how much time I tried to waste this morning scrolling, I needed something to occupy myself until the others returned.
        "Watcha doing?" Cody said, leaning closer to my phone.
    "What does it look like im doing?" I scoffed. It was obvious, was it not? nonetheless, Cody's kind of stupid.
    "I'm just curious," He said, moving back towards the wall, "My morning was so boring. I'm like, dying for conversation, y'know?"
     "Well you're in luck then, because they'll be back soon." I said, glancing back at my phone.
    "They'll take forever, cause Owen's always late. I just really want to talk," He paused, noticing my unamused face, then beginning again, "Look, I know that I sound crazy right now but that's because I was just diagnosed with ADHD last week. Isn't that weird? So really, I might just bounce off the walls if im not occupied!" He rambled. As much as I appreciate Cody as a friend, I literally couldn't care less.
    "That explains a lot," I said lightheartedly. I continued to scroll on my phone. Cody continued rambling, but I pretty much muffled it out whilst finding myself zoning out the more I scrolled. I'm pretty sure he thought I was listening thanks to my occasional nod and an 'Ohh' every now and then. I wasn't finding much amusement on my phone, but it was better than paying attention to Cody's annoying rant.
    "And so I went— Oh, Noah, They're here!" Cody said, which broke me out of my cycle. He pointed over at the three walking towards us: Izzy, Eva, and Owen. It took them long enough.
    "What took you guys so long?" I said, annoyed.
    "I told you that Owen is always late," Cody interjected.
    "Whatever," I said, "You guys found a good table."
    The couple looked at me, confused, then Izzy replied, "Oh, we were sitting in a completely different spot. I guess the people who were sitting here ended up leaving. So really, you found the table!"
    "Oh," I muttered. Everyone took a seat, and Owen was kind enough to bring breakfast sandwiches for the five of us. We talked for a bit, before Izzy stood up and slammed her hands on the table.
    "Guess what, guys!"
    "Come on, tell them!" Eva said, handing Izzy her phone. Izzy quickly snatched it, and fidgeted the screen until she flipped her phone to us to reveal an image of some white domesticated rat.
    Owen gasped, while Cody and I stood confused. "Woah, another one?! Oh my god, now your other rat wont be alone!"
    "Uh-Huh! Cody, Noah, I have another pet rat now! Her name is Molly, isn't she cute?" She said, as she practically shoved the phone in our faces. I couldn't lie, it was a cute rat, but I hate rodents.
    Cody gasped in excitement, and replied, "We should all come over to meet him!"
    "Uhm, Molly is a girl. And I was planning on just bringing her to school, but that works too," She said, putting her phone away and sitting back down.
    I quickly turned and said, "Whatever you guys are planning, I'm not going." At least, whatever they were going to drag me into, it wasn't going to be today.
    "Aw, come on Noah, not even this weekend? I'm sure we are all free on the weekend," Cody said, giving me a similar pouty face to the one before. He's really good at being convincing, with those giant blue eyes of his. It's freaky. I'd never say that to his face, though.
    "Sounds like a waste of time to me. I hate rodents and you guys know that," I said. "I hate your other rat too."
    "But you like us, right? I have no plans on the weekend, do you, Eva?" Izzy asked, to which Eva shook her head. "Do you, Owen?" Owen shook his head as well. "You don't have to go near the rats, Noah! If you don't want to go, that's okay, but I'm sure we have a plan now, right guys? How about Saturday?"
    "Sounds good to me!" Cody said, as the rest nodded. Focusing their gaze on me, I could tell that they were awaiting a response.
    "I'll think about it," I said, giving in. I really don't have any plans for the weekend, and it's been a while since I've gone to Izzys. I miss company on days when there's nothing to do.
    "Well then, it's settled. See you guys at lunch," Eva said as she and Izzy got up to walk to class. Soon enough, we were all on our way.
    The day continued like every other day, like every other week. Except for the fact that I was exhausted, I guess. I couldn't help but think about the dream I had all day. I got home and washed my bedsheets, then locked my bedroom door and stood there, alone.
    Something has to change eventually. But I don't see it coming any time soon.
    My life is a steady imbalance. It always feels like something is wrong, but I can't pinpoint it. I never can. It's that feeling which drives me to keep that steadiness, in hopes that, maybe, if I dig deep enough, dig into those parts of my brain that make my stomach twist; I will find that 'something'. I don't really seem to care if I'm continuously breaking myself apart each day by following the same instructions as yesterday and yesteryear. I feel like I need to find myself, by any means.
    I wish I could be admired by somebody. To feel worth someone's time.
    I know I'm only 17, but, I don't think I will ever find that 'somebody', which is why I'm in search of a 'something'. Maybe I can find the reason behind my life if I just dig into myself deep enough.
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cerothenull · 1 year
I am so fucking sick and tired of anytime someone criticizing America or some american makes even the smallest simple comment about another country, it's immediately followed by people, usually europeans, going "OH I bet they had to be loud to hear other kids over the school shooting!"
or some other fucking tasteless bullshit.
I KNOW the USA is fucked, we have to live here. I was in school when Columbine happened, I've witnessed how fucking batshit this country is and despite SO MANY PEOPLE working hard and actively being hurt or even killed for trying to improve the country, because some American was "rude" the world has to remind us how awful our country is and how awful we are for living in this fascistic nightmare
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raevenlywrites · 2 years
Do you know how to sew poll
My tags
#church youth group by hand#punishment for being kicked out of school by machine
@inscrutably-coy tags
#i've done both but I'm not great at either#also raev I want to hear this story
Not that interesting I'm afraid. I was kicked out of my last two weeks of senior year and my mom thought I did it to spite her so she insisted I still learn something with those last two weeks so she made me learn how to sew (we worked together on some basic peasant tops and skirts I wore to renfair later that summer)
...okay, maybe it is that interesting? Lemme set the scene
The year is 2004. 9/11 is still very fresh in the small minds of my small rural town, and the powers that be (vice principal with little man complex) already hate me bc I'm goth and smarter than he is etc etc.
Be Me. Be voted "Delightfully Different" for the year book superlatives. Goth it up for picture day bc I know why tf I got voted this way. Give the people what they want. Dress like the motherfucking Crow.
(Fun aside, my now wife then girlfriend and I are responsible for SEVERAL amendments to the school dress code, including a beautiful line about "no trench coats, dusters, cloaks, opera capes, or other such outwear that hits below the knee. anyway)
Be me again, sick but at school bc that's how it fucken works. gotta train up teh work force etc etc. So i'm sick, tired, and in my fucking pjs bc fuck that noise. Get pulled out of homeroom by the wardrobe police (librarian) and be fed some bullshit line about how my pics for the year book "didn't turn out". On a digital camera. Bitch fuck you. whatever. take my picture, get out of my face, i hate you all.
Back in homeroom, buddy asks me what that was all about. me, grumpy, explains the above bullshit. complains, goes to last period.
get called to the office
principal mc inferiority complex stares at me, I stare at him. he asks if I have any idea why i'm here. i had honestly assumed it was to receive another scholarship and have my pic taken for the news paper, as has already happened a few times this month. smart senior, remember? so I just stare. Prin. Bullshit tries to do a hard ass routine, all cop drama style, am I sure I don't know why i'm here etc etc. I honestly have no idea and say as much. Something I said maybe? he asks smugly. Nope, no bells my dude. Something threatening?
Dear reader, I am truly lost. I'm sick, have a headache the size of texas, and just wanna go back to choir, the one period I share with my gf. I finally do the adult thing (sad but one of us had to be) and tell him I truly have no idea why I'm here so if he could just tell me we could both move on with our days.
He tells me a fellow student overheard me making a bomb threat.
I am floored. I do not recall saying such a thing because I didn't fucking say such a thing. I go over my conversations in my head, and it is only now after the fact that I realize what I must have said. in my tired teen tirade, I invoked the dreaded columbine and said something to the effect of "[in regards to my goth wear] it's like they're afraid I'm going to shoot up the school or something".
I really don't remember if I pieced that together there or later. I truly didn't care. Old dude says they can sett me up with ISS (in school suspension) which would take a week to set up so I'd only be in there for like three days anyways, or, and this is clearly his smug preference, I got home and never set foot on school property again.
This is, of course, the dream scenario. Finals are done; this last two weeks of school is seniors dicking around and practicing for graduation. I have no interest in any of this. It does not feel lik ea celebration or milestone to have slept my way through four years of high school. I gleefully accept his terms and drive myself home in my hot pink geo tracker I wrecked so that mom would let me paint it purple while it was in the body shop anyways (trying to impress a girl. it clearly worked, she married me)
Mom is furious. Swears I did this on purpose. I wish I had thought of it, honestly. Two weeks of crash course home ec ensue. I learn to sew on a machine and wear adorably bland peasant top to ren fair.
Graduation comes, I don't go (banned from school property). Friends after teh fact tell me that 1) the choir doesn't sing alma mater bc my beautiful gf refused to sing w/o me present, and we were the alto section. Popular girl in my grade who is unthinkably sweet and everyone loves and we were on the basketball team together in 7th grade goes on and on about how awful the person who made up lies about me must be and how terrible they must feel etc etc. Snitch is in that class, has to heard it, wants to die on the spot. Absentee victory.
See above where I was smart. Top 10 in my class. Announcer goes to read the students names. "Announcing, the top 10 graduates of 2004. Number 9..." Just skipped right the fuck over me. Goddamned hilarious.
So basically this is the story of how the adults in my life made fools of themselves and I had my Ferris Buehler's Day Off of it all.
And also sewed my younger sibling a monkey for their birthday.
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bellesowl · 4 years
kiss and make up
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- multiple characters 
⤷ atsumu, sakusa
genre: (an attempt at) angst to fluff ; established relationship, timeskip 
synopsis: in which you have an almost relationship-ending argument
word count: 2.1k total - about 1k each
warnings: fighting (obv), being called a burden, the boys are kinda mean but they make up for it i swear
- a/n: tbh i was kinda getting sick of writing just fluff so i wanted to spice it up a lil! if this sucks i’m probably going to stick to fluff fics but i think it should be fine? this one also only has 2 characs cause idk how i would be at writing angst LMAO if this does well enough i’ll post the one i have written w kuroo and iwa <3 but i feel like this kinda sucks so oh well
- thank u @kybabi for beta-ing <3
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- miya atsumu
you n atsumu have been together since high school which is why you’ve always been inseparable
you went to the same college & moved in together right after, but once he got his job with the jackals, he insisted that you didn’t work and focused on getting your master’s degree
you reluctantly agreed, if only to be able finish & earn your phd soon after
because atsumu is always busy, it’s kinda become commonplace for you to do the chores around the house- like doing the laundry or washing the dishes or cooking dinner for him
but it’s gotten to the point where he expects it
atsumu sighs, unlocking the door to your shared apartment. today’s practice was rough, it was a day of hard conditioning and bad sets and he wanted nothing more than a good meal and to cuddle. the first thing he noticed when he walked in was the mess. instant ramen bowls were scattered everywhere, empty coke cans and dirty napkins were all over the floor, and there you were, in the eye of the hurricane. the second thing he noticed was that there was no homecooked meal.
surprised, he walks into the dining room to see you, furiously typing away at your laptop with four different books surrounding you. you hear his footsteps and look up.
“hey baby! how was practice?” you ask with a smile
atsumu grunts in reply and gestures toward the kitchen, “so.. what’s for dinner babe?”
your eyes widen, “oh shoot! i’m sorry, i was so busy studying for this final that i forgot to cook. do you mind-“ you stop when you see him roll his eyes and head out.
“um, where are you going? you just got home?” you ask, following him.
“out. i have to get food somehow” he replies, “especially because my useless s/o can’t cook a goddamn meal for me” he mutters under his breath
you stop in shock because did he really just say that?
“i’m sorry, i don’t think i heard you right.” you start but he interrupts you
“i said, i have to go get food because someone is too busy to cook a goddamn meal. what do you even do anyways- well, besides spend my money? the least you can do is cook for me, god.” he finally turns to look at you but he feels his heart stop at the look on your face.
not wanting to escalate the situation any further, you try to calm him down, “tsum, hey, i’m sorry i forgot to cook okay? this is my last final before the year ends and i just can’t afford to fail it, so i’ve been studying all day. if you come back to the kitchen, i’ll make you something, okay?”
“i don’t want to eat your half assed attempt at a meal, y/n. the whole point is that you couldn’t get off your ass for an hour to cook when i make the money, i paid for the apartment, hell, i’m even paying for your school! is it really too much to ask for you to stop being such a burden and cook and clean everyday?” he fumed.
you gape at him, shocked that he would even say that. to hell with not escalating things
“at least i want to do something more with my life than hit balls around and retire at 35” you hiss, “and i do everything in this house! i do the laundry, i clean the bathroom, i cook - i do all the things you refuse to. and do i complain? no. i offered to get a job but you refused.”
you turn around to grab your laptop and your textbooks, “just- just do whatever the hell you want to, atsumu.” and with that you walk out the door.
atsumu’s heart drops when he realizes that you actually left. sure, you’ve had arguments here and there, but you’ve never left. he pulls out his phone to call you when he sees you’ve left yours on the counter. knowing there’s nothing to do but wait at this point, he begins to clean up and calls osamu over.
it’s already 3 am when you walk back into your apartment, and you blink multiple times when you open the door. it’s ... clean? you’re sure it was a mess when you left, so how would it be clean? you sigh, too tired to think about it more and walk into the kitchen. your eyes widen at the sight. not only is your favorite food on the stove, but there your boyfriend is, asleep on the dining table. you smile slightly, well that explains things.
“ ‘’mu, hey, wake up babe.” you kiss him lightly and shake him.
he grunts and sits up, “baby! i’m so so sorry for what i said. you are in no way, shape, or form a burden, i have no clue why i said that. today’s practice was just really tiring, but i know i shouldn’t have taken it out on you. just please-” he sighs, “just please don’t leave me again.”
your heart breaks your teary eyed boyfriend. “shh, of course baby. i’ll never leave you again okay?” you say, tugging on his arm, “cmon babe, let’s go to bed, okay?”
“mm okay my love.” he replies and practically pulls you into bed. “i love you, okay?”
“i love you too baby.” you reply
“to the moon and back?” he asks
“yeah, and to infinity and beyond.” you reply, your lack of sleep hitting you hard
“oh, i didn’t know i was dating buzz lightyear”
you let out a loud laugh and just like that you both fall into the same routine, love radiating off both of you in waves.
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- sakusa kiyoomi
dating sakusa was,, challenging
it definitely took him a while to get comfortable with you
so you guys have been dating for a couple years now, and at this point he’s def clingy
however there still moments when he reverts to his old self
this just happened to be one of those times
the stadium is silent before the ejp cheering section erupts in cheers. you stay silent, watching your team below. you watch as sakusa stills, still in disbelief. you make your way down, practically sprinting to your boyfriend.
he sees you on the sideline and makes his way over to you. you put on your biggest smile and attempt to make him feel better.
“you did great, kiyo! you’ll get them next time, yeah?” you beam, knowing how hard he’s been training to beat his cousin
he eyes you warily, not knowing what to say.
usually, sakusa gets pretty clingy after games, so you you move to give him a hug.
“don’t touch me” he barked, jerking away from you. “if you hadn’t been distracting me, we would’ve won.”
you stare at him, refusing to let the tears flow. you both turn when you hear a certain setter yelling at the opposing middle and you sigh.
“um, okay then. i’ll see you at home, yeah?” you ask
sakusa merely nods and makes his way over to his teammates. you look around to see if anyone saw what just happened and you lock eyes with your boyfriend’s cousin, who walks over.
“congrats on the win komori! you guys did so well!” you cheered
“thanks, y/n! and i’m sorry about kiyoomi. i’m sure you know he gets that way sometimes.” he explains
you smile and shake your head, saying that you’re used to it and you both bid your farewells. as you walk out of the stadium, you think back to how your boyfriend, the one person you loved with everything you had in you, utterly embarrassed you in front of his whole team. before you know it, silent tears start streaming down your face. 
you enter your home and immediately rush to the bathroom. you draw yourself a bath and make some dinner while waiting. you assume that kiyoomi wouldn’t be home to have dinner with you anyways- and now that you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you had dinner together. after you finish your bath and eat your dinner, you decide to wait up for boyfriend and watch a couple episodes of your favorite show to pass the time. 
kiyoomi walks into his apartment at around 1 am, completely and utterly exhausted. he kicks his shoes off and drops his bag on the floor. The rustling rouses you from sleep and you sit up.
“hey kiyo” you say with a yawn, “where’ve you been all night?” 
sakusa ignores you in favor of getting ready for bed and you frown when he brushes past you. 
“kiyo, babe, what’s wrong? you’ve been ignoring me all night and i-” you start but he interrupts you before you can finish. 
“god, just shut up, y/n. can’t you tell i don’t want to talk to you right now? i’ve already had the worst day, i don’t need you making it any worse.” he snaps
"kiyoomi, look, i understand you’re upset but you shouldn’t take it out on me.” you reason, reaching out towards him, “listen, i’m here if you wanna-” 
“i said, do not touch me.” he seethes. “you are so fucking clingy y/n, lord, let me breathe a little.”
with those words, you explode. “you know what, sakusa,” he flinches when he hears his last name come out of your mouth, “i think i have the right to want to spend some time with my boyfriend! i haven’t seen you in god knows how long- you leave before i wake up and i fall asleep in an empty bed. i’ve been working my ass off to get some time off to watch your stupid volleyball game and what do you do? you embarrass me in front of your whole team!”
you sigh, wiping away the tears that continue that continue to fall. “listen, i don’t want to fight right now. i’m going to go stay at a friend’s house for the night, alright? i’ll see you tomorrow” you say, grabbing your purse. “if you’re even home tomorrow,” you add under your breath.
sakusa is in shock. the moment he saw your tears start to spill, he felt an undeniable and unrelenting ache in his chest that only seemed to grow with every work that came out of your mouth. and when the door shut? sakusa fell on his knees, his heart dropping. he truly couldn’t believe he said that to you. now all he had to do was wait till you got home.
2:38 pm - you check the time on your phone before pulling out your keys. you hope you made the right move, choosing to come back home while kiyoomi was still at practice. you open the door and the sight causes your eyes to widen.
there, on the couch with your favorite flowers in hand, is your boyfriend. he hears the door open and stands up abruptly.
“y/n, my love, i am so sorry. i truly cannot express how horrible i feel, and i cannot begin to understand how you feel.” he takes a deep breath, seemingly holding back tears. “i- i do love you. i love you more than i’ve ever loved anyone in my entire life. i know i’m not the best at expressing it, but you mean the world to me- no, you are my world. without you, i don’t know what i would do. so please-” his voice cracks, “just, please give me another chance?”
you run towards your boyfriend, practically tackling him. “kiyo, baby, of course. i love you too, you know? you just can’t do that anymore, yeah? you shouldn’t feel like you have the right to embarrass me just because you had a bad day. and please, don’t call me clingy? i know i do stick to you like glue sometimes, but that’s just because i never see you anymore.” you reply.
“that will all change, darling.” he answers sincerely, “i’ll make more time for you, i swear. in fact, i’ll take the week off, how does that sound?” at the sight of your smile, he relaxes.
“that sounds wonderful, yoomi.” you answer
sakusa feels the weight that’s been dragging him down lift and he realizes the effect you have on him- you’re his breath of fresh air. he also realizes how utterly idiotic it was to push away the one person who could make him feel better.
it’s fine, he reasons, he’ll just never make that mistake again. he swears it.
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comfortwriting · 4 years
Her Façade - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Fred Weasley x Fem Hufflepuff Reader
Prompt 23: “your brother fancies me” you teased him, smirking. 
Requested/About: The reader hides behind a façade that everyone believes so easily but Fred. The two of them hook up occasionally but every time it happens, Fred swears he’ll never do it again. Ron is crushing on the reader and Fred dares him to make a move, which he does and succeeds. Fred thinks he can handle things until Ron invites the reader to the burrow for the summer, pushing Fred to his limits. 
Warnings: Jealous Fred, unprotected sex, breeding kink, mention of choking, swearing, mention of Dom/Sub.
Walking out of the great hall, Fred’s eyes burned into you from head to toe, watching you laughing at some lads terrible jokes. He couldn’t stand it, the innocent act you put on like a regular part of your clothing - because you weren’t innocent, you weren’t the ‘submissive little angel’ the Hufflepuff team gloated about and Fred knew it. 
You would bat your eyes, smile slightly, laugh lightly and sway. When having sex, you would obey your partner, lay on your back and act the part of the façade you picked out for yourself  - but when it came to Fred, you did nothing of the sort. You didn’t obey him, he obeyed you, you didn’t bat your eyes, you didn’t sway - you would mount him whilst he lay down, choking him whilst you fucked him.
Fred loved spending time with you, he loved the sex, he loved anything if you were in the picture - but after each hook up, Fred left feeling guilty, swearing to himself that would be the last time the two of you merge as one - and you noticed, and truth be told, you were hurt. 
“Hey Freddie” you chirped, snatching your attention from the Ravenclaw student.
Fred turned to face you, his hands stuffed in his pockets, the conversations between other students breaking through his head and drowning out his thoughts.  
“Alright Y/N?” he replied coolly.
Shaking your head you crossed your arms “not really” you replied “why have you been avoiding me since last week? was the sex too much for you-”
Fred tried to shush you, not wanting everyone around him to hear how you dominated him “no, I’ve just been busy” he lied “the usual, joke shop ideas and stuff, look - I’ve got to go.”
Pushing past you, Fred blended into the crowd of students before you had a chance to stop him, your heart pained for a moment but you didn’t ponder on it, Fred always came back to you, you didn’t even need to ask.
Fred would rather avoid you and you hate him than you knowing the real reason why he couldn’t bare to be around you. He shook his head, trying to rid the memories of you and him -  blaming himself for the reason you changed, for your true innocence to now be nothing but fake. 
Before you met Fred, you were innocent, you were a virgin, you knew nothing about asphyxiation, edging, squirting - and he changed all of that for you.
 Instead of showing up for Quidditch practice one afternoon, you laid in Fred’s bed, staring up at him, moaning out in pleasure and holding onto him tightly whilst he took your virginity. 
“You feel amazing Freddie” you moaned out, gripping onto him tighter.
Fred grunted and continued to penetrate you “I’m not hurting you am I?”
“Not at all”
One game absence multiplied and before you knew it hooking up with the more outgoing twin became a regular thing and because you weren’t dating - the two of you also saw other people which allowed you to remain your old self with them but become someone else entirely with Fred.
Riding him, your hand fastened around Fred’s neck whilst you moved your hips in circular motions.
“you look so hot with my hand around your throat” you moaned out.
“What's up Freddie?” George asked, seeing his distressed twin barge into the common room. 
Fred shrugged and sat next to George and his younger brother Ron, “just tired” he replied. 
“Well you’ll be glad to know, Ron is finally brave enough to tell us who he’s been fancying for the past year” George smirked.
Ron rolled his eyes and nudged his brother in the arm “shut up” 
12 months ago Ron noticed you, your gorgeous face, your stunning body, the way you laughed, smiled and the tone of your voice sounded when you got excited - the way you looked in your house colours making his heart skip beats. He constantly spoke about you to his older brothers, the two of them mocking him but ever so eager to put a face with the mystery girl. 
“go on then” Fred encouraged Ron “who is it?”
“Y/N Y/L/N” he muttered.
George raised his eyebrows and let out a whistle but his twin felt his heart split in two, he felt enraged knowing his little brother had fallen for your façade - not even close to knowing the real you. 
“I heard she’s a bloody good sub”
Fred couldn’t take it anymore, hoe everyone talked about you, the image of you laying with other people splashing in front of him, knowing how everyone wanted you and there was nothing he could do to stop it because you weren't his. 
“Just go talk to her!” Fred burst out “shoot your shot, make your move” 
Ron and George gave each other a strange look, both of them unsure as to why Fred sounded and looked so angry but Ron followed his brothers advice, and by the end of the school year, Fred couldn’t wait to be back at home, as far away from you as he could be - you and Ron flirting made him sick to his stomach.
“your hair looks so good when it’s long” you blushed, pushing Ron’s hair out of his face. 
Ron smiled “well, you look so good all together”
Fred in the distance watched, grumbling to himself knowing it wasn’t right for him to say a word - he felt relieved knowing that over the summer he wouldn’t have to see or hear anymore of you and Ron together.
“just tell her how you feel, Freddie.” George encouraged his brother, sitting on his bed. 
Fred sighed “there's no point, she prefers Ron anyway”
“don’t be bloody stupid, she’ll realise how much of a plonker he is.”
“I just don’t want to make things worse”
The first week back at the burrow felt like absolute bliss for Fred up until he heard your voice ringing through the kitchen, he paused and held his breath, looking at his brother George.
“is that Y/N?” George beamed, hopping off his bed to his feet, leaving the room and running down the stairs.
Fred took a deep breath and pursed his lips, also getting to his feet and leaving the bedroom, he walked down the many flights of stairs and down to the kitchen. 
“It’s so lovely to meet you.” you smiled at Molly, accepting a warm and loving hug from her. 
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like dear, Ron has told us so much about you” 
Ron smiled and offered to give you a tour of the house and show you to his bedroom, Fred stared at you, his heart pining for you and aching in desperation to break free and hold you but the more he stared, the more infuriated he grew over his little brother having you.
You stay at the burrow went fast, in fact they had been the fastest three weeks of your life. You loved the atmosphere of the house, helping Molly cook, getting to know Arthur and his obsession with muggles, getting to know all of the family was an honour; you felt quite sad knowing that tomorrow you were going back home.
As much as you liked Ron, you couldn’t help but notice the lack of chemistry, he made you laugh, he made you blush and had lots to keep you engaged in conversation - but he didn’t really know you, like everyone else but Fred, you felt like you couldn’t be your true self around him. 
Over the dinner table you kept flashing looks at Fred, smirking at him, winking, running your foot against his leg under the table - anything to get his attention you had been deprived of for over a month now. 
Fred shuffled in his chair, clearing his throat and trying to contain himself, flashing looks of annoyance over at you, earning a grin from George who knew how much the tension had grown between you, how much it had been rising to the surface.
Sitting outside next to Ron in the garden in front of the outdoor fire, you sipped on Molly’s delicious hot chocolate which engulfed your insides in warmth, the sugar rushing to your head. Fred watched and chewed on his bottom lip in frustration at the sight of Ron making you laugh, he balled his hands into fists. 
“I think I’m going to call it a night” you beamed “got a busy day tomorrow”
Everyone waved and said goodnight, Fred stood up and said he needed to get his scarf as it was getting quite cold. 
Walking up the stairs, Fred followed you as silently as he could, walking into Ron’s room you picked up your belongings and turned around to shove them into your bag, bumping into Fred. 
“Do you mind?!” you hissed, clutching your chest.
Fred stared at you and scoffed “I could ask you the same thing”
Pushing past him, you stuffed your belongings in your bag “you’ve been acting as if I don’t exist Fred” 
“because you’re a liar, all you do is trick people, acting like you’re innocent when you’re not - you’ve roped my little brother into it!” Fred sounded more furious than ever.
Sighing, you zipped your bag shut and faced the lad your heart ached for “I don’t lie or trick people, I just don’t share every part of me with them.” You defended yourself “why do you care Freddie? why now?” 
“You wouldn’t understand” Fred started to pace around his brothers room, his hands stuck to his forehead. 
“your brother fancies me” you teased him, smirking.
Fred lost it, the desperation and hunger gleamed in his eyes, storming over to you, he pushed you against the wall and smashed his lips against yours. His tongue dragged across your bottom lip and you opened up your mouth, his tongue dancing with yours, his silky saliva pooling into your mouth. 
Letting out a moan, Fred’s hands went underneath your top, his long fingers fumbling with your bra strap and undoing it whilst your hands worked on getting him out of his trousers. 
Melting into his touch, you could feel yourself getting wet through your knickers and noticed Fred’s hard on poking through his trousers.
Pulling away from the kiss and pulling your shirt off, the two of you undressing one another, Fred lead you over to his little brothers bed, his hands gripping you by the hair. 
“do you want to know why I care?” he growled, bending you over the bed. 
You could feel yourself getting wet, the excitement fluttering in your tummy “yes Freddie, tell me.”
Fred kicked your legs apart, his free hand applying lube to his hard length and your desperate entrance he missed so much.
“I care because I’m in love with you” he finally confessed, lining his hard cock against your entrance “it infuriates me knowing that you pretend to be something you’re not to please other people you fuck, hearing them gloat about it riles me up, you’re fucking mine.” 
Fred slammed himself inside you without warning, causing you to yelp out in both pleasure and surprise, you missed the feeling of him inside of you, the way he filled you all the way, never making you feel empty.
“then make me yours Freddie, because I’m in love with you too”
Fred felt his heart skip a beat, all he ever wanted was now underneath him, telling him something he thought he wouldn’t ever hear. 
Continuing to slam inside of you, your juices coated his cock and his grip on your hair tightened. 
“I’ll make you mine” he growled lowly “cum deep inside of you and get you pregnant”
You moaned out, pushing yourself back against him so he could get deeper inside of you, your moans muffled against the bedsheets “I want to feel you shoot your load inside of me so bad.”
Fred started to pick up the pace, fucking you faster, his cock now shiny from your juices, the sound of him slapping against you filling the room.
“I will Y/N, everyone will know and you won’t be able to hide it.”
You moaned out even more, gripping onto the bed, your cunt wet and your walls tightening around his glossy hard cock.
“No one else will be able to go near you” Fred grunted “fuck... I’ll have you right where I want you”
As your walls continued to tighten around Fred’s length, his cock couldn’t stop twitching inside of you - the two of you getting closer and closer, being this close after so long apart, it finally filled the holes in your hearts.
“Freddie, I’m cumming!”
Fred smirked and pounded you faster “come for me Y/N, get yourself ready for my seed.”
The tension in your stomach built up and finally burst, your cum seeping out all over his cock, Fred watched and pushed himself deeper inside of you, releasing his seed.
Fred waited for a moment, the two of you cooking down and letting his load embed inside you to avoid any spillage.
Pulling out, you instantly felt empty and already missed him being inside you, Fred laid on the bed and pulled you into his arms, placing a loving kiss on your forehead.
“I meant everything, well, the I love you part.” He said softly, stroking your hair.
“Me too, Freddie. I want to be with you.”
Fred smiled and placed his hand against your cheek “me too.”
Taglist: @amourtentiaa @inglourious-imagines @reeophidian @alwaysnforeverfangirl
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blush-and-books · 4 years
i am always yours
canonverse juke one-shot, light angst with a happy ending :) as a part of the effort to get juke back on the tumblr fandometrics ship list! title from the end of all things by p!atd. again, fuck brendon urie, but i’ve had this hc about luke for awhile (you’ll see what i mean) and had to get this out! <3 enjoy!
When Julie told Luke about Panic! At The Disco, she didn’t just give him a list of songs to check out. She advised to listen through entire albums. 
“You have a lot to catch up on,” she said, grinning over a mug of steaming tea. Her smile could convince him to do anything. “And these guys were a phenomenon. Despite… A lot that has happened with their lead singer, you’ll appreciate the music. Just give it a try when you feel like it.”
Julie never rushed him on anything. It was one of the things he loved most about her -- she only really insisted he know how to use her phone and the internet and maybe know some memes, but the rest was up to him. She loved him -- he hoped -- even if he wanted to stay in 1995. 
However, whenever she told Luke to do something, like “look into it if you’re interested” or “check it out if you’re ever bored,” he would jump on it in an instant. 
He wondered if she ever noticed. Acts of service was one of those love language things that Flynn was always talking about, right? Does making the effort to show an interest in the other person’s life by listening to every album by a band they like count?
He would ask Reggie or Alex, but Reggie doesn’t have much experience in the love department and Alex and Willie are much better at communicating than he is with Julie. 
To be clear: Luke doesn’t have experience either. In fact, Reggie probably has more romantic experience between the two of them. 
But none of it was as serious. This weird thing he has with Julie; this undefined, label-lacking supernova of passion and emotion that he has curled up in his chest is so strong sometimes it hurts. When Julie was upset at him and ignored him, it felt like the time his mom took his guitar and locked it away for a week. 
But when Julie is around, and she’s smiling at him, he could swear that not even a roaring audience could spark the kind of nirvana he feels. 
So, the day after she gives him the name of every Panic! album to date, she goes to school for six hours and he sneaks her laptop down to the garage and starts his deep dive. 
(Yes, Julie gave him computer privileges. He knows boundaries. She’s just broadened hers.)
Blissfully and with few interruptions from his other bandmates, he goes through the first albums quickly. He skips most of Pretty Odd -- Julie should have warned him about that one -- and is enjoying himself until he gets to the later projects which are significantly less his sound. 
But he keeps going. He reaches their album from 2013, which has this neon-angsty-alt-pop vibe that he honestly has a neutral opinion on. The songs are all good until he realizes that half of them have a painfully romantic overtone that ropes his mind back to Julie every time he tries to stray. 
Fuck, one of the songs is literally titled Girl That You Love. How is he not supposed to have a montage of Julie in his head?
And then some shit called Far Too Young To Die comes on, and yes, he agrees, he was far too young to die. He also vows to never listen to it again in the next 24 hours because he is ultimately tempted to loop it until Julie comes back and kiss her breathless the second that she walks through the door. 
Moving on, Collar Full doesn’t make things much better. He is sick and tired of waiting and dancing around his feelings for her, and every time they are together he is filled to the brim with lyrics and love from just minutes in her presence. 
(“If you’re gonna be the death of me, that’s how I want to go” definitely shatters him. But only briefly. He wants to soak up every ounce of love he can get from her before the world catches up to them and he’s crossing over without his consent.)
Luke thinks that he’s out of the woods when he hits the album-ending ballad, The End of All Things. 
And then he sees that he’s still in the thick of it. 
The way it hits him is nearly indescribable -- but every line hits like a read-aloud of his diary. 
No matter where he is, or where he ends up, his soul will always belong to Julie Molina. And that’s the truth of it. He can cross over or the band could break up and he could wander the planet as a lost ghost for the rest of eternity, but his soul will linger; tied with Julie’s in an unsolvable knot. 
He is hers. 
He is hers, he is hers, he is hers. 
And he’s in love with her. 
He can’t ask her to love him back. But he can hope, right? For just a single moment where they can lay together and be Julie and Luke like they should have been.
The tears on his cheeks and under his eyes don’t register until they are streaming down his neck and onto the pillow that he’s laying on. 
He doesn’t deserve Julie, he knows that. And he knows how fucking selfish it would be to even try. But sometimes the wanting reaches inside of him and individually snaps each and every one of his ribs, and that feeling keeps him pushing and pulling like the tide. Get close to her, make her smile, make her laugh. 
Leave her alone. Stop flirting. Don’t you dare hurt her. 
Think about somebody other than yourself. 
This song, he ends up looping. Over and over and over until his emotions are exhausted and he doesn’t have any tears left to cry. He’s on his… Probably his ninth listen when the doors crack open, and the piano music is leaking out of the garage as Julie slips in. 
“Luke! Hey, uh… Oh! You’re listening to Panic!”
He guiltily allows his heart to skip at the pleasant surprise in her smile. Clearing his throat, he swipes his hands viciously across his cheeks to rid of the tear stains and shoots her one of his classic smiles. “‘Course, Boss. You told me to.”
Her backpack hits the coffee table as she slowly approaches the couch to settle next to him. “Yeah, well… I didn’t actually expect you to. People normally just say ‘yeah, I’ll check it out!’ and then no one talks about it again.”
Something rubs him the wrong way about her not thinking that he would actually follow through with her recommendation. Does she doubt him? How does she not know that she could say jump and he would ask how high?
“Well, I’m not normal people. I care about what you care about.”
He knows he got her when she averts her eyes to Alex’s drums across the room; giving Luke a perfect view of her blush. Maybe he lets himself revel in it for a moment longer than necessary. 
“Anyways, how was school? Did you have a good day?”
“It was fine,” she shakes off her previous flusteredness, tucking her leg under her body so that she can turn to fully face him. “But there's nothing to tell. I would much rather hear about what you thought of Panic! And you have to tell me why you were wiping tears off of your face when I came in.”
Luke mirrors her position and gives her a joyful grin, trying to ignore the fact that she clearly noticed him trying to clean his face and wants to talk about it. The two of them have been so good at communication, and if it were about anything else, he would tell her. 
But he was nearly sobbing because of how much he loved her and couldn’t have her, so… 
“They were pretty cool, I’ll give it to you. I liked the album… Vices and Virtues?” Julie nods her head. “Yeah, that one. I was finishing the Vegas one when you got home.”
“Did you like it? The album you just finished. It sounded like End of All Things when I came in.”
With wide eyes and an exaggerated nod, Luke is praying internally that she will move on and go on a tangent about her favorite albums and songs because he just wants to listen to her talk and quietly love her instead of dodge questions about his emotions. 
“Okay, and did you like it? Is that-” She chuckles. “Is that what got you emotional? I mean, I get it, that song hits different sometimes, but-”
Luke stays quiet. If he keeps his mouth shut, and just smiles and stares and nods, it won’t slip. 
“... Luke? Are you listening to me?”
“Yeah, of course!”
“... So? Are you… Are you okay? Did it remind you of your mom?”
It reminded me of you, he instantly corrects her with the little voice in his head. 
But the voice sounds louder than usual, and then Julie’s eyes widen, and Luke couldn’t even smile and nod well enough to cover this up. Since when is he so bad at bottling up his emotions?
Right. Since he couldn’t write songs about his feelings. Because if he did, Julie would see them, so every word of affection toward her was shoved into an overflowing filing cabinet in his brain that was probably waiting to explode at any moment. 
“It- Really?”
Mental checklist: She isn’t running away. She isn’t crying. She isn’t running away while she’s crying. 
She isn’t slapping him, or screaming at him, or expressing any negative emotions. 
Maybe he can push another inch… Just for some relief.
“Y- Yeah.” The single word takes considerable effort to stutter out, but he says it. 
Julie formulates her next move. “And… Like, what about it? What reminded you of me?”
Is Luke imagining things, or did she just shift closer to him? Oh, God. The selfishness has already done it’s damage. He’s initiating something that he definitely shouldn’t for both of their sake, but-
God, why does she look so pretty?
“Y’know,” he scratches the back of his neck, “the… The lyrics.” 
“The lyrics?” “Yeah.”
“Which ones?”
She’s leaning in. Her fingers are trailing up the side of his leg, and he wants to poof himself out of this conversation but what would hiding do? Just create a bigger gap between them?
His mom always told him he was selfish. He really, really doesn’t want to be selfish to Julie. He wants to protect her. He wants to put her health and happiness and life before his. Hurting her will never give him peace. 
Is he being selfish either way? Telling her his feelings to make himself feel better, and avoiding his feelings because he thinks it will be better without talking to her about it -- neither are ideal, are they?
His hand, which was previously resting in his lap, inches down to brush against hers. “The first verse…” Their index fingers wrap around each other. “And the chorus, and the second verse…”
Both of their hands tangle until Luke doesn’t even remember what his hand looked like before, because all he sees is a bronze-ivory marble of skin and he knows he doesn’t ever want to see his hand without hers again. 
“Yeah, Boss?” “Why were you upset?”
She really won’t let it go. She clearly knows him too well, because he would hope any other person would be distracted by the fact that they were about to kiss, but this is Julie. They’re friends first. Family first. 
He owes her honesty, doesn’t he?
“Because the song was right,” he answers, staring deadlocked at their joined hands. “No matter where I am, or how much time goes by… It’s gonna be you. On my mind. My feelings will never change.”
He can’t tell, but Julie’s heart ignites in her chest. 
“Feelings? What-”
Somehow, the words still don’t want to come out. The eight letters are resisting every opportunity she has offered him, so he resorts to actions and cuts her off by raising their joined hands to kiss the back of her hand. 
His lips linger before their union drops back into the space between them.
“... Oh.”
In a moment of courage, Luke peeks up at her, just to see how she looks. If he can read everything she’s feeling in a millisecond of a glance. 
There are tears in her eyes. 
“Whoa, Jules, why are you crying?” “Why were you crying?”
“Because I’m afraid of doing this!” Her hand tightens around him at his volume. “Julie, I- I don’t want to do anything selfish. I can’t have you thinking I’m selfish. I’m afraid of-” He has to take a deep, shaky breath. “When we hold hands or when you smile at me and I just feel so much and then I tell myself that I can’t, because you have so much ahead of you, and I don’t even know what’s in my future.”
The tears well in her eyes. “What would you be doing that’s selfish, Luke? You have a second chance at life. You should fucking live it. You have a future, and it has the boys, and the band, and me. I’m in your future.” 
There’s a beat, because he’s looking at her, and he wants to cry but he wants to say it so badly. 
He still doesn’t know how much time he has in the future, but Julie is telling him that she’ll be there. And he needed that more than anyone would understand. 
“Well, aren’t I?”
Julie’s question shocks him a little because he hadn’t realized that he had been quiet for so long. Her bottom lip trembles the smallest amount when she sucks in a deep breath, and it sets him off to do what he had once deemed to be the most selfish act of all. 
His free hand tucks itself in the hair on the base of her neck and tugs her towards him before he covers her mouth with his in a kiss that he has furiously dreamed of for a long time. For such a sweet moment, there is an overload of passion behind it. All of his fantasies were rushed and adrenaline-fueled after shows before he would talk himself down; and now, that is translating to this kiss.
“I’m sorry,” he gasps as he pulls away. “That’s the selfish thing I was worried about. Fuck, I-”
Her hand wrestles free from his, and suddenly, two hands are on his cheeks like the night after the Orpheum and the love of his life is pulling herself into his lap. On autopilot, he untucks his leg from underneath him and shifts to sit normally on the couch while Julie’s legs hold her up on each side of his hips. 
And she’s kissing him again, touching him again, before he can let the panic set in. She moves her lips against his like she has her own overflowing filing cabinet of feelings and fantasies and lyrics just for him.
Her hands wondrously drain every jolt of worry and anguish from his nervous system as they run from his face to his arms to his chest and back again. Kissing Julie Molina is a thousand little feelings and it’s own feeling  in itself.
When you get cold water from a water fountain and it’s so refreshing that you insatiably want more. When the set ends and Luke is taking his bows and watching people scream and clap for their performance, knowing once again he’s succeeding in the one thing he’s ever wanted to do. 
Only now, making music is now tied with making Julie happy on that list of priorities. 
Holding her under his hands is stupidly one of his favorite things, and in this context, it is leaving him clawing for more. He applies more pressure against her back to try and press her closer, but it never feels like enough. 
Julie is an endless fountain of fervor, and he can only drink up everything he can get. 
She’s the one who pulls away this time; but she keeps her fingers knotted in his hair because she plans to not stray far. 
“You’re not selfish,” she sighs, chest heaving with deep breaths. “If you think that’s selfish, then I’m selfish. And we can do this together. We deserve it.”
Hearing the words tumble from her lips cancels out every fight he’s ever had with his mother. 
She’s right -- they do deserve it. She shut the world out for a year, he was locked away from the world for 25, and by some miraculous turn of fate, they were brought to each other. 
“We deserve it,” he repeats, a little distracted by her blown pupils and delirious smile. “We deserve it.”
They lean in at the same time to fall back into one another like it’s a new routine they’ve set. Luke doesn’t say the words, not yet, at least-
Because like she said, they deserve this. Julie Molina is on his lap, in his arms, playing him with her soft hands like his skin is the ivory keys she’s been playing since childhood. He loves her, and he’s pretty sure that she loves him -- so maybe, even though the future is uncertain, he can just wait a little longer to tell her. There’s simultaneously less of a delay and less of a rush. 
Later, when they’re in her room and staying up way too late for a school night in deep discussion, he mumbles it against her forehead while she has her head tucked into his shoulder and their shared earbuds are playing The End of All Things. 
Any concerns of selfishness fade when she wastes no time in reciprocating his declaration and punctuating her feelings with a cripplingly soft kiss above his collar bone. 
If any of this is selfish, they can be selfish together. Luke can find himself to be content in that if Julie is right there with him. 
tags: @lydias--stiles @bluefirewrites @willexx @moreflowersthanweeds @ruzek-halstead @xxprettylittletimebombxx  @unsaid-emily
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
For Timari January - Day 16: “Why would I ever date someone like you?”
Tags: @timari-month-event @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan @vixen-uchiha @nathleigh
“He’s just perfect!” Marinette ended her rant with a dreamily sigh, squealing when she picked up a stuffed animal in the shape of a black cat.
She petted the thing like it was an actual cat, even going as far as tickling it under its chin. Tim frowned as continued to fawn over the mangy thing, forcing himself to type away at his recent case.
“I know I said I wanted us to have a hamster, but now that I think about it, I don’t think Adrien would mind having a cat. Oh! We can name it Noir! Maybe-” Tim tuned Marinette out again, attempting to cool himself down. “-do you think Tim?” he snapped from his turmoil. He looked up from his screen, noticing that Marinette had her hair down before using one hand to put it into a ponytail.
“Is this for that group hangout later today?” Tim asked her, Marinette picking up on his annoyance. 
“Tim. Are you alright?” She asked, letting her hair drop and deciding to sit by his feet. “Is Bruce-”
“I’m fine.” Tim gritted out, huffing before turning his attention back to the screen in front of him. “Ponytail.”
“Tim, we’ve known each other since we were kids, so tell me. What’s wrong?” She asked as she placed her hand on his knee. 
He honestly didn’t know why he did it. Really, he didn’t. 
Was it because he was sick and tired of hearing Marinette talking about him? About the supposed love of her life? 
Was it because that’s all she was ever talking about the minute he stepped into her room, just like every other time for the past two years? How she would tell him all of her fantasies she had with golden boy Agreste?
So why? Why did he ever do it, even though he knew how it was going to end.
“Does it have to be Adrien?” Marinette tilted her head. “Does it have to be someone like Adrien, a rich model, to make you happy?”
“Tim, what are you getting-”
“What about,” he closed his laptop, “someone like me?” He asked, looking directly at her.”
“Why would I ever date someone like you?” Marinette asked him, a tiny laugh following. 
It hurt. 
“Why wouldn’t you?” Tim pried, something he knew he would regret saying. 
“Why? Let’s see,” Marinette began, getting up to lean against the ladder that led to her bed. “First off, you’re my best friend.” Marinette counted. “I rather not make things awkward between us. 
Then there’s the fact that you're a vigilante. I don’t want to become a possible hostage if i ever go to Gotham to visit you. I’m there to spend time being with you, not spending time being bait.
Yes, I may be Ladybug and know how to defend myself, but that doesn’t mean I will react the same if I ever get caught in a Gotham attack. There’s no miraculous magic to guarantee my safety, so who knows if i will be lucky enough to escape an attack unscathed.” 
Tim watched as she fiddled with a loose hair strand. “And even if you weren’t a vigilante, I honestly don’t think our relationship would even work.” Marinette confessed. “It would've been one thing if we lived a single border away from each other but a whole ocean? It would never work.” 
Tim watched as Marinette counted another finger off. “Then there’s the fact that you’re a bit too dedicated to your job.”
“My job?” Tim asked, feeling himself reaching his limit. 
“A workaholic at  Wayne Enterprises during the day and a case obsessed vigilante at night. When will we ever have the time to just relax, to be with each other? The answer is that we won’t, so I don’t-“
“Case obsessed?” Tim couldn’t believe it. “Marinette, I need to be case obsessed -as you call it- to help keep Gotham safe.”
“But to the point of depleting your health? I don’t think it’s worth-“
“Gotham isn’t Paris. We don’t have magic to restore everything after a massive fight, to repair any collateral damage done to the city and people of Gotham.” Tim defended himself. “Studying cases helps to create-“
“But you take it overboard, Tim.” Seriously, why is he getting so defensive? “I mean just look at you now! Bruce sent you here so that you could take a break and get-“
“Evil never rests Marinette.” Tim looked at her dead in her eyes. “I thought you would know that by now.”
“I do.” Marinette growled, crossing her arms.
“Do you? Do you really?” Marinette let out a heavy sigh. 
“Tim, can we just drop this?”
“Drop this? You’re the one who brought it up and now that I’m trying to defend-“
“Defend something that’s harming you. You're harming yourself without even knowing!” Marinette felt like ripping her hair out.
“At least I’m obsessed over trying to keep Gotham safe, unhealthy but necessary.” Tim said. “Unlike you who's obsessed with trying to get the attention of someone who wouldn’t even bat an eye in your direction.” 
Marinette gasped, knowing exactly who he was referring to and insulting. 
“I’m not obsessed with Adrien.” Tim let out a dry laugh, Marinette watching him shake his head as he got up, slamming his laptop on the lounge chair. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I’m not.” 
“You don’t call this an obsession!” Tim motioned to the entire wall by her desk, covered inch to inch in photos of Adrien. 
Some weren’t even photos from shoots he took for his father’s company, but photos Marinette had printed out after taking them at school events. 
“It's inspiration.”
“Inspiration?” Tim ran his hand through his hair. “It could’ve passed for inspiration if you didn’t have his damn face in each damn photo on this wall! It would’ve been inspiration if his stupid smiling-“
“His smile is not stupid! It very pleasing to the eye, and warms-“
“Don’t you ever stop babbling about him?” 
“I don’t babble about him. I-“
“You only ever talk about five things: Lila, school, deadlines, Hawkmoth and this idiot!” Tim listed off, slamming his hand over a picture of Adrien winking towards the camera. Marinette shrieked. 
“How dare you! That photo is signed!” 
“Are you listening to yourself?”
“I can ask you the same-“ 
“I’m not obsessed with Adrien! Can’t you understand-“
“How blind are you to believe-“
“I’m not blind!” Marinette defended herself. 
“Then you’re in denial!” Tim opposed. “And don’t say you’re-“
“I’m not!” She yelled, wanting to stomp her feet. 
“Then explain this!” Tim pulled down the old projector board, exposing a giant schedule filled to the brim with different events, post it notes and doodles. But despite it filled with trivial info about her friends, everything else was about a single person. “Explain why the hell you have Adrien’s information to a t.”
“You act like you don’t do that same!”
“Villains, Marinette! I make charts and webs to help me track down villains! Not to know what what in the ever fucking love my crush is doing every second of the day!”
Marinette remained silent before Tim saw something slip into her mind. 
“I don’t just have Adrien’s schedule, but also Alix’s and my other friend’s-“
“Are you talking about these?” Tim asked, pulling out only six laughable notes about her friends. “These events?” He asked again, shaking the measly six things she had on her friends. “Marinette. This.” He gestured again to the immaculate replica of Adrien’s schedule in front of them. “This is called obsession... being a stalker.”
“I’m not a stalker and I’m not obsessed! I only have his schedule in case-“
“Not a stalker? Not obsessed? You know his schedule, by heart! You know where his room is located within his home, you knew the password to his phone -fuck you’ve taken his phone-, get jealous over other girls even being with him despite not being in a relationship with him, fantasize about a future with him-“
“Shut up!” Marinette screamed. “What the hell do you even know about me? About my feelings for Adrien? Tell me Tim!”
Tim remained quiet, watching as Marinette glared at him, tears pooled in her eyes. “You can’t, can you? You know why? Because you don’t know anything about me?” She let out a dry laugh. “Bet you don’t even know what it’s like to even be in-“
“I have. And I do know what it’s like to feel worried, concerned, fearful about the person you love. Because believe it or not, I have been in love before. But as you can see, that didn’t work out. And here I am, experiencing it all over again,” Tim watched as something flashed before her eyes. “But this time...this time, I feel like it was just a waste of time…”
Tim walked to his laptop and picked it up, opening the hatch to leave.
Marinette watched as he slowly descended until only his head peered over the entrance of her room. “If I knew opening up to a new love was going to be like this, I would’ve never given love a second chance.” 
With that, Tim left, leaving Marinette alone in her room. 
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mashiraostail · 4 years
Can I get Gang Orca, Aizawa, Present Mic and Midnight with an S/O who gets really awful nightmares and has a hard time coming out of it when they wake up? (Needing to be reminded where they are, getting sick, etc?)
yea for sure!! thanks for the req! ((me appearing and spamming as a treat for writing a whole paper in one sitting)) TW vomit mention under the cut
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Kugo Sakamata: Kugo always knew you to be a restless sleeper, ever since you started spending nights together he’d often wake up with you in a far different position from the one you’d started the night in while he stayed mostly unchanged. He didn’t attribute it to much beyond normal variations in the way people slept, of course until you started having the nightmares when you were in bed with him. He wasn’t a particularly deep sleeper, though he’d adjusted well enough to your tossing and turning, but the gasp and the way you seemed to spring up from bed was unusual enough to stir him.  “What’s the matter?” He turns over to face you. “No-” You’re shaking your head, “no, no, no, no-”  “Hey.” He sits up, “hey you were having a nightmare, you were just having a nightmare it’s okay, it’s fine-” He reaches out for you but is careful not to touch, the last thing he wants is to startle you anymore.  “No-” You say it again, “no no I don’t I- what’s going on?” You didn’t look like you even recognized your own bedroom or your own boyfriend for that matter, and he was hard to forget even on his worst days.  “What’s happening- who- I-” You look around nervously, hands clamped into two tight, shaking fist. “You were just asleep,” He tries to calm you, to pull you back down to earth, “you’re in bed you’re with me. It’s just Kugo. You know who I am, It’s Kugo. Say my name back to me, take a deep breath.”   “Kugo?” Your eyes are wet with big blobs of salty tears when you look up at him and your lips are chewed bright red. But you sound so happy to see him as if you didn’t get into bed with him barely 5 hours ago.  “Yeah, it’s Kugo.” He soothes, honestly a little bit relieved himself, “it’s just me.” You grab ahold of his wrists where they hover in the space between your bodies and he takes that as an invitation into your space, pulling you close to him, under his arm, and into his chest. “Just Kugo-” You barely whisper it and he nods and offers a quiet hum of affirmation, he other arm coming around you, “it’s just me and you. Whatever it was it’s over now, it wasn’t real. It can’t hurt you, I’m here.”  
Shouta Aizawa: Intentionally or not he usually stayed up a fair bit later than you, sitting up in bed getting some last-minute grading or paperwork done for the next day while you snored beside him, sometimes curled up around his waist, other times not. He noticed a fair bit about you in these times, you talked in your sleep, sometimes indiscernible mutters, but other times they were clear and obviously distressed. In these times he’d usually just put a hand on you, not to wake you up just to ground you, it usually worked in quieting you. You also moved around a fair bit, he didn’t think much of it though, and if you were a little too restless for his liking he could normally wrap and arm around you, or throw one over your stomach and it’d keep you in place fine.  Though tonight you seemed to be sleeping fine. You were laying on your side next to him as he sat up, cross-legged, and scrutinizing Mineta's mostly illegible handwriting, they really need to have a talk about this. If you didn’t look so comfortable he’d wake you up and ask you to give reading this a shot, you were better at it than he was, but you really did look all too comfortable. Until you were shooting up like your life depended on it, chest taking in a huge heaving breath. Honestly, it started him, he dropped the paper, and the small stack beside him fell onto the floor with his pen. “Oh my god,” You gasp, “holy fuck-”  “Hey, it was just a-”  “No.” You shake your head, “no, no I can’t do it-” threading your fingers nervously through your mussed hair, “I can’t do it again I can’t go back in there I’ll-” you choke on your words. You looked thoroughly lost, totally confused, unsure of everything and so utterly panicked by it. Like you were about to drown despite the lack of water surrounding you. Tears fell freely, easily, like they’d save you somehow, like a lifeline. He couldn’t begin to imagine what you’d seen. “Hey.” His voice is loud, but firm and grounding, “look at me.” You jump at the sound of him, you were so confused you couldn’t even feel his presence beside you and look over to him.  “It was just a nightmare. You’re safe.” “Where am I-” You just looked more panicked at the sight of him, like he was some stranger you’d met at a bar and not your partner of multiple years, you looked at him like he was a major miscalculation on your part and not the guy you were constantly grinning at and confessing your love to. “We’re at my place.” His voice gets softer now that he had your attention, the last thing he needed was to frighten you anymore.  “It’s Shouta hey, you know me. Come on, you know me, remember? It’s just Shou, that’s all. I’m not gonna hurt you.”  “Shouta-” The sigh that leaves your lips is borderline heartbreaking. The way your face shifts from that resentment from before, the nervous confusion and anger to the sheer thankfulness on it now is enough to make him think whatever you dreamed about must not have been too far from what had been a reality for you before. You looked at him like he’d saved your life.  “Yeah, that’s it, Shouta. It’s only me, you know me. Remember?”  “I know you.” You nod as his hand comes down on your back. “It was just a dream. Just a bad dream.” He squeezes your shoulder and lets you fall sideways onto him, “a nightmare.” His arms come fully around you.  “That’s all it was. It wasn’t real.” He presses his face into your mussed hair, “it’s just me and you, nothing’s gonna hurt you, it wasn’t real.”  Hizashi Yamada: You were a notoriously uneasy sleeper. Hizashi was a notoriously deep sleeper. Honestly, it was a match made in heaven if you asked anyone. Sure you’d go to sleep at night all cuddled up to one another but by the next morning one of you would be fully on top of the other, you weren’t sure who the drool on your shirt belonged to, but you didn’t really care either way. Hizashi knew you had the occasional nightmare, but he figured most people did. He knew he’d had his own fair share of them, especially in the years after he graduated high school. He didn’t mind being shaken up by you if you were nervous or upset by a bad dream, he thought it was cute honestly, even in his groggy and tired state. But you didn’t wake him up tonight. He was a deep sleeper sure, but if you got out of bed without telling him he’d wake up for sure, the lack of your presence was louder than any cars honking outside or noisy neighbors stomping around above. When he rolled over and didn’t have something solid to grab onto of course he woke up. What else was a guy to do? He sits up.  “Hey, babe?” He calls it into the empty room, voice gruff and thick with sleep. There isn’t a response.  “Babe?” He’s a little worried, it is his job to assume the worst-case scenario, even if he isn’t as gloom and doom as some of his colleagues his mind always goes there first too. When he hears coughing it doesn’t do much to help. He gets out of bed and rubs his eyes which are still bleary with sleep, though the rest of him was alert as normal. The bathroom door is wide open, and the light is on.  “Hey, babe are you alright?” He doesn’t wanna look inside, so he stops a little behind the entrance, “can I come in?” It sounds like your sick, which is worlds better than his previous worst-case scenarios. He can hear the heaving, groaning, “I’m coming in okay?”  Sure enough there you are, on the ground by the toilet, one arm slung over it as you returned all the contents of your stomach to the world.  “Hey, god why didn’t you wake me up-” He’s rushing to your side but you don’t look happy to see him at all, instead you’re scrambling back into the wall. “No please I-”  “Hey, what?” Hizashi holds his hands up in mock surrender, “I’ve seen worse than vomit it doesn’t gross me out if you’re worried-”  “go away please I can’t do it I-”  “Do what? Babe, what are you talking about?” You don’t even look like you know who he is, it’s like you’re seeing a totally different head on his shoulders or something. Whoever you’re seeing, you don’t like them one bit. “Babe it’s Hizashi-” He holds his hand out to you, “what are you so afraid of? There’s no one here but us.” You just lurch back to the toilet bowl.  “I’m gonna touch you, okay?” He pins some stray hairs behind your ear, dropping a hand onto your back, rubbing long soothing strokes there as he presses a kiss to the curve of your shoulder.  “It’s just Hizashi. You know I’d never hurt you, babe. You know me. ‘s Zashi, you remember now?” You’re nodding meekly into the toilet bowl at his words as your stomach clenches and heaves.  “Hizashi-” You choke it out somehow, voice raspy, you just sound desperate for him, for help. “Bad dream?” He drops his forehead onto you and you nod again. “Must have been really awful, huh?”  “Terrible.” You barely push the word out and wraps an arm around your back. “I’m sorry. Please wake me up next time, if you can, so I can help, just kick me or something it doesn’t matter.” You nod again as you slump back into him.  “It wasn’t real. It was just a dream, it can’t hurt you. I’d never let anything near you like that again.” He presses his face into your neck from his spot behind you. “Let’s get you cleaned up and back into bed, that sound okay? A warm shower might help?” You nod again at that, “it might...I just-” “No, I know, I’ll go with you. I’ll stay with until you fall asleep again.” 
Nemuri Kayama: She didn’t mind the tossing and turning, no, what she did mind was how upset you look when you did it. She tried to keep an eye on you when you went to sleep before her, to join you when you looked especially uneasy but she supposed there was no way to really be sure of things like this, the only person who knew when it was an awful nightmare was the person having it. There was no catchall, no surefire way to know how bad it was until you woke her up and asked her for help.  But tonight you just shot out of bed, she hadn’t even felt you moving much before.  “Angel-”  She’s rolling over, groggy still but wanting to offer any comfort she can, it was habitual, but before she could get another word out you were up,  “I’m gonna be sick.”  You were off down the hall before Nemuri even knew what was what. She’s only a few seconds behind you though, as soon as she’s in the bathroom door saying your name you’re waving her away, shaking your head as you heave up your stomach contents. But it doesn’t feel like you’re embarrassed, it’s not a ‘go away I don’t want you to see me like this’ sort of thing...it’s like you’re afraid, a deer in headlights, confused and so awfully afraid of your own confusion.  “Please leave me alone I can’t do it-” You warble it out helplessly like you were just a few grams away from breaking into a million tiny pieces.  “No,” She tries to make her voice as soothing as possible, despite her own nerves, “hey no, I’m not gonna hurt you, or make you do anything you don’t wanna do.” She assures you, approaching slowly and kneeling behind you, “I wouldn’t do that to you, I love you.”  You’re still shaking your head, eyes squeezed shut. “I can’t-” It’s barely a whimper. “You know who I am don’t you? Where you are? You’re with me, it’s Nemuri, we’re just at home.” She carefully touches your back, feather-light, “you remember? Nemuri? We got take out for dinner and decided to go to bed early today. Whatever has you so shook up..it’s not real. It can’t hurt you, you’re with me.” You’re holding your stomach woefully.  “It’s me, Muri, say you remember, come on angel...” She rests her head against you. It’s familiar and mild, you relax at it. Slumping back into her.  “Muri-” You hold her arms around you, “thank god.” You sounded so softened like she’d just rescued you from a burning building or something. “It was just a bad dream. A nightmare, that’s all. None of it was real, okay?” You nod weakly at that as you drop your head back, “god.” You groan, “I’m sorry to scare you like that-”  “Come on, don’t be sorry about that. You’re the scared one here. I was just worried, it’s okay now though, you’re alright with me. Let’s clean up and get some real rest now, how about that?” 
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achliegh · 3 years
Alright, I had this wonderful idea come into my head about Clayton, honestly he deserves his own fic. So here is his version of events! Lots will tie together with Golden so I recommend you read that as well. But you don’t have to of course.
Before Letter is the present.
Letter is updating the lives of the people back home, of whoever wrote it mostly.
After Letter is memory.
The first few letters will be very awkward because writing letters and not being sure what to talk about and what not to talk about is hard and confusing. Stick with me! Yes, this prologue is just a letter.
TW/CW: Discussions of death, miliatry training, smut, cringy jokes, underage drinking, dumb choices, swearing, and more later on.
Beta: @walking-crisis
Some Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Chapter 2:
For You
Chicken Fried
It was silent besides the radio humming faintly over the walkie attached to his vest. Every breath he took in filled his lungs with dust.
Nothing felt real.
The mission was to take out a target. Clay left it at that because he hasn’t been in the military long enough to be able to consider targets… people. He felt sick anytime he put the two together but he knew this is what he signed up for. This target has taken many lives and he was watching through his scope, gun pointed at the door of the building where the target operated.
He had to put himself in the headspace where he couldn’t think about anything other than the trigger where his finger flinched whenever the door opened.
He didn’t have the signal so he didn’t shoot.
His partner sat next to him, completely relaxed tapping his thigh to the beat of the music. Every hit of his thigh almost made Clay flinch. This wasn’t his first mission where he had to take a target out, but this was the first where he didn’t see them actively doing something horrendous. The slight breeze felt like it could push him over with just the right amount of pressure. Everything was sensitive… yet he felt numb.
The door opened for the fifth time in the last hour and an old woman waddled out of the building, she smiled at a small group of children who ran past. She has aged with stress from the lines of her wrinkles. Her baggy clothes looked homemade.
She was sweet, reminding him of his own mother.
He relaxed when he saw her, knowing she couldn’t be the target. Watching her talk to a man on the street he hears the signal. His partner rolls over to lay next to him and takes out his binoculars to look at the woman and gives Clay the signal to get ready.
Two Fingers Pointed Up: Get ready.
Two Fingers Pointed Out: Shoot.
Hesitating for a moment, his partner notices and gives him a look to get his shit together. Swallowing his hesitation. He takes the safety off his gun and ready's himself for the shot.
One he would hear forever.
Dear Honey Bee,
How's my baby doing? Making friends I hope, that’s the one thing you always amaze me with. The way you make friends so easily. I could never, shy little thing like myself. I was terrible at breaking out of my shell. Your daddy always convinced me to go out though.
Which reminds me! You remember Miss Bell down the road? She is pregnant with triplets, and no one knows who the father is. How scandalous! I always thought she would end up with that farmer Micheal across the river but she never liked him much.
Your lovers stopped by last week and Little Miss… what do you call her? Sparky or something. She was absolutely glowing when we gave her a photo album of you and Leo from when you were in middle school. The hunk you managed to catch had hour long conversations with your daddy about the latest sports which I didn’t understand so I did what you always tell me to do.
Smile and Nod.
It’s odd writing letters to you, I remember writing to my family when I first moved in with your Daddy because we didn’t have the email or the phones. But I am so used to writing to you over the phone that writing on paper is odd. I hope you’re getting these letters, everyone has said you haven’t responded but I remember when Wyatt was in the military and Eloise was a mess, long before you and Leo were around. So, I’m not too worried.
I am sending you and your Team the best wishes for safety. Praying y’all all get home safe and make lots of babies. We need more kids, I want grandbabies and I made sure your lovers know that.
Now, on a more serious note. Your Daddy is still upset with you for just leaving like that. He wishes he could have convinced you to stay because he wants you safe. I want you safe too but I know this is something you need to do. From the calls I've had with Leo he is also still angry with you.
I keep trying to convince your Daddy to write but he says it hurts too much. So know that He sends his best anytime I write to you. Anytime you think of us.
We love you so much Clayton London Bruss. Now get some rest, I know you’re tired.
Your Mama
He knocks on the window of Leo’s truck, horny fuck can’t control himself. Clay doesn’t mind it much though, walking over to Ashley who hands him his phone that she was routinely checking.
“Find anything interesting?” He takes his phone and puts it in his back pocket, putting an arm around her shoulders.
“Nothing besides your terribly gay nudes.” She rolls her eyes. “Just because Leo is a faggot doesn’t mean you have to sink that low.” Clay furrows his brows and is about to say something back when Finn walks over to them, looking like he just had a great make out. Clay smiles.
“How was the truck?”
“Warm, I forgot how hot it gets in the south.” Finn pulls his shirt to get some airflow and Clay nods while Ashley scowls a little at the redhead in front of them. The music starts to play over the speakers. Logan joins them after a couple of minutes.
Clay has gotten a few… interesting vibes from Logan when Leo isn’t looking. He notices the hesitation that Leo can’t see. He sees the way Logan wants to tell Leo to back off and to pull him closer at the same time.
Leo doesn’t deserve that.
Clay likes Finn better because Finn definitely likes Leo, and Logan probably to a point where it's bad for himself. But Finn is someone who cares with all or nothing.
Leo does deserve that.
They start heading over to where Leo has parked, a Bronco in between their trucks, Clay notices Logan hesitate reaching for Finn’s hand. So, it wasn’t only a Leo thing. Lots of people think Clay is an oblivious idiot but that would be sort of wrong. He is very observant when it comes to people, maybe not so much when it comes to safety.
“CLAY!” He looks upt just in time to see Leo chuck a BudLight, yuck, at him. Obviously needing to get rid of it, he pulls out his keys and punches a whole to shotgun it.
Way to start off the night.
Lot’s of drinks later, one of his favorite songs came on over the speaker. Chicken Fried by The Zac Brown Band, it's a great song. Casually singing the lyrics he turns to Ashley who is on her phone, he shrugs not caring and runs over to Leo and jumps on his back. Hopping off after Leo lightly elbows him in the ribs, Leo turns around and joins him in singing the lyrics.
Dancing like idiots he looks at Leo’s infatuations and sees them with sappy looks on their faces but he knows Leo won’t notice them.
As the night goes on they do more stupid shit, crawling into the passenger side of his truck he let’s Ashley drive him home. The blind trust he puts in her is something he will regret later. About 20 miles from his house they see flashing red and blue lights behind the truck. Ashley pulls over and sighs annoyed, crossing her arms.
Clays anxiety is off the charts, he knows he isn’t sober and underage. If this is who he thinks it is then there is a 100% chance he will be taken down to the station. Of course, they would get pulled over when Ashley’s dad knew she would be at a bonfire with her “degenerate” boyfriend.
“Hi Daddy” Ashley smiles a little at the officer as he shines a flashlight into the cab of the truck right into Clay’s eyes.
“Sir, I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle. Hi Ash, can you drive your car home after you drop his truck off? I’m gonna book him down at the station.” Clay gets out and about falls over and neither Ashley or her dad is impressed.
Getting thrown into the back of a cop car after an aggressive handcuffing and pat down is not how he wanted to spend his night. He honestly just wanted to go to bed.
Having been arrested for no reason so many times he knows the process by heart now. So well in fact that the officers don’t even have to tell him what to do. He just does it and goes to sit in his favorite cell. Where he can throw pieces of paper at the Sheriff’s desk.
He calls his mom with his one phone call and tells her what happened. She is out of town with his dad for a conference about cattle prices in the south this year so Clay gets to spend the night in the cell. Great.
Just what he wanted.
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geminijoonie · 4 years
Take care of you
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Summary: “No I’m a surprise,” you say sounding all sassy and smiling where your cheeks fluff up and you look like a pufferfish and it always gets Namjoon. His eyes are crescents, dimples peeking from his cheeks.
“What would they say if they saw the big bad Kim Namjoon like this?” you ask raising your brow not as good as Namjoon but it gets the job done.
note: Hello, I am back after months with this piece. Feedback is always appreciated! Thank you for reading.
➡Mafia!Namjoon x reader
➡Warnings: 18+, Mentions of sex, reader’s family not letting her eat
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Namjoon hates parties. Sure he’s the CEO, of one of the biggest crime syndicates in the world, the biggest and most feared in South Korea so he could have sent his associates or one of his brothers to attend this party but he was there for a very specific reason. Y O U.
With a frontal name of BigHit Inc., run by the most fearsome mafia BTS behind it, the most fierce crime lords and not by the old fashioned guns and murders way well, that sometimes yes, but mostly financial crimes, stealing money and intellectual property theft done so well they’ve been thriving the last few decades when their fathers, mafia bosses, seven families joined hands together to be sworn allies promising to take down and gain power over the corrupt government. Now run by their sons seven men, most of them educated in Ivy League schools. 5 of them even hold dual degrees, their leader Kim Namjoon or RM even holds a fucking Ph.D. A born genius, his IQ only amplifying his true potential. His members' capabilities, work ethic complimenting the jobs they pull off together as a team. This team was perfect and solid in all ways made to rule. As if fate had brought them together.
The party was boring as usual. All of the crime lords and mafia bosses with their families were here. It reminded Namjoon of the party, similar to this where he first laid his eyes on you. His gaze traveling from the bar section of the huge ballroom towards you at the opposite end where you were forced to make small talk. You stared back at him with the same intensity. Your eyes catching his gaze, latching onto his dragon eyes drowning in those dark orbs that stared at you. You weren’t afraid, not even intimated. No sign of a blush. You weren’t swooning like those other girls. You simply stared back at him equally fierce taking his presence in. Your own doe-like eyes even if not as sharp as his, held enough power to not only draw the attention of the most powerful, eligible bachelor, most feared CEO of an empire himself but also spark something in him. And ever since then your life and these parties have been different. You solely come here to see him. And the same for him. To see you.
What Namjoon and you shared was special. With your family owning amalgamation of big companies, reputable among the mafia bosses and crews it came with lots of curfews for you the heiress to your father. You were an asset. One that would be traded someday. To a man that would be chosen for you, based on his family, money and what value he can derive for your father and his business. And you shall be his dutiful wife, produce an heir and then wait for death inside some mansion. This was your fear. You were disgusted whenever any thoughts of how your future would be like crossed your mind. Amidst all the chaos, uncertainty and lack of control in your own life, you met Namjoon, your Joon. The man changed your entire perspective on love, intimacy and boy he had you pining for him even yearning. But what you didn’t realize is he was yours since he saw you for the first time two months ago.
Namjoon’s at his usual spot. By the bar. Waiting for you. With a drink in his hand. There was no way he could take you on dates given your family. The curfews. And that bullshit about what girls and women can and cannot do. He hated the way women were treated. He was lucky that his father was not as stupid as the others. He made sure that his sister was sent away to Switzerland to study, and live her life the way she wants to like any normal girl. And she was happy and so was his mother who lived in Japan with her own small business, even enjoying life. He hoped one day he can go away somewhere with you. Away from all this. Take you on dates. Hold your hand while he walks next to you. Kiss your cheeks whenever he wanted to. Make you giggle with all the cheesy compliments and then make out till his heart's content. Right now he had to settle for stealing glances in between. Carefully brushing his hand whenever he walked near you. This is all the affection or physical contact he’d get. On a good day, when people at the party would be preoccupied with taking some political party member down or something like that Namjoon would sneak you out to the roof, or to the parking lot inside his car to steal kisses. Heated kisses. Passionate kisses. One where he’d drag your soft lips between his teeth just to hear that moan. Running his hands all over your body while you clutched his torso, held on to his pecs and squeezed his biceps for dear life gasping for air. His plump lips swollen, his shirt buttons open, neck and collarbones littered with hickeys and marks you’d leave every time you had one of your little adventures. Namjoon would give anything to mark you just one small hickey but he couldn’t and he won’t risk your family finding you out. You have stylists and beauty consultants that will scan every inch of your body and he couldn’t afford to get you in trouble. So he holds back and tells himself that he’ll wait for the day, that one day you’ll be his.
All these thoughts suddenly clouding his mind made him feel so empty his forehead sweaty. He decided to step out to the balcony a little disappointed that he’s not seen you yet. He made sure your family was invited. He knows you’ll be there with them as your parents like to show you off like some diamond jewelry piece or an ornament they possess. The thought of you being married to someone else makes Namjoon’s blood boil. And even at these parties the way the other men scan your body, while you’re in your tight-fitting dresses draping your body perfectly makes him want to take his gun out and shoot them all. He looks over to the night sky sighing and drinking his third glass of scotch. Namjoon suddenly feels a pair of hands right above his navel and he’s ready to smack that person but he hears your voice and jolts instead trying to turn.
“Were you supposed to meet me here?” Namjoon asks with a grin, lifting a brow as if he didn’t just get scared and pulls your wrist around his waist towards his back so he can hug you.
“No I’m a surprise,” you say sounding all sassy and smiling where your cheeks fluff up and you look like a pufferfish and it always gets Namjoon. His eyes are crescents, dimples peeking from his cheeks.
“What would they say if they saw the big bad Kim Namjoon like this?” you ask raising your brow not as good as Namjoon but it gets the job done.
“If I didn’t hear your voice, but only felt hands and if it weren’t you, they’d be dead princess” he responds voice deep and low holding that timber, his the last four words whispered into your ear. His breath making you feel ticklish so you giggle. He looks around to check if any eyes were on him and then, quickly pulls you into a hug. You smell divine as usual. Namjoon dips lower and places his chin near your neck. He loves it. The smell of your perfume, your shampoo combined with your own sweet natural scent. Makes him feel like some kind of animal, primal instincts kicking in and he knows if he keeps his head there he’s a goner. But what he feels now is different than usual. Your body is warmer to his touch. He’s used to how you normally feel. And right now you feel warm, your skin hot when he slots his fingers on your forehead brushing your hair to the side.
“Looks like you’re running a fever are you okay princess?” he asks his voice suddenly all serious, brows furrowed his gaze boring to where his hands meet your skin. You want to say that you’re okay, but you’re not. You feel sore everywhere. Your legs hurt from wearing heels. Your dress is too tight and you’re hating the way it feels all over your body. It’s making you feel uncomfortable. The material just feeling torturous against your feverish skin. You haven’t had proper meals because your family starved you so don’t look bloated for today’s event. They wouldn’t even feed you when you were sick. You threw up twice but they still made you come here. You need an IV probably. You thought you’d text Namjoon but since they were going to make you attend this party anyways might as well be here and get some serotonin from seeing him. You were always trained to say you’re okay. Making yourself seem strong. Your needs were never to be put first. But right now the way Namjoon looks at you, with so much care and concern makes your heart ache so you give in, tell him and you just want to sit down because you don’t know when your dizziness will be back. You want to cry because you’re so annoyed and irritated your brain a mess.
“No” you squeak out. You eyes now glossy and Namjoon’s heart just breaks at that. Only after a few seconds does he realize how your face gives away the exhaustion after he looked at it a little longer. The bags under your eyes can be seen. Even if the concealer did a good job of hiding the dark circles Namjoon can see how truly tired and exhausted you must be feeling. Your cheeks more hollow. Your posture barely making you stand straight or still. Fidgety. Weak. You lean into his arms. Your forehead meets his shoulder. His black blazer feels so soft. You sigh. you want to just stay there. Namjoon carefully pulls you off him while he cups your cheek and tells you that you both should move somewhere more private. You nod and sneak out of the room. Thankfully the party today was at a hotel, one of Seoul’s biggest and Namjoon makes some calls while you’re walking his hands securing you by his side while you make your way out. Namjoon notices how it’s hard for you to match his stride today. Even though the man is 70% legs you usually keep up with him by walking faster or leaping. But today you’re barely able to keep up with his slowest smallest strides. You walk for what feels like an hour but it’s just been two minutes. You’re back at the reception lobby and you see someone guide you and Namjoon to the elevator. The next thing you know you’re in a hotel room.
Namjoon leads you towards the bed once you’re in the room and the door is locked. A few seconds later you hear rustling and you know they’re the guards placed outside the door for security. You sit on the bed your legs finally catching a break from carrying you and the stupid dress around with those stupid heels. You loved wearing heels but not today sis. In your hazy state you try to pull them off only that you forgot to remove the strap first through the small metal buckle. The dress making it a struggle to bend over and reach for the straps. Namjoon sees your struggle and can’t help but let out a small giggle. You look up at him with those doe eyes, confused and there it goes his heart sinks again. He makes way his towards you, leans down on both his knees. He gently takes your right foot into his palm and with the other hand makes quick work to get you out of your heels. Within seconds he was able to accomplish what you were trying so hard to do. And with one of your problems gone, you just fall back onto the plush bed all grace forgotten. Once the head hits the soft cloud-like mattress you let out a sigh of happiness and then a groan. Your feet are still hanging downwards to the floor, your back was on the bed arched so you can rest your head down. But more comfortable than standing or walking right now but you’ll take it. Too tired to move you give up fatigue finally settling in.
“Move up sweetheart you’ll hurt your back” you hear Namjoon say but you have no energy. You don’t even respond sleep already taking over you. Especially now that you were safe, away from those eyes, your parents probably thought you’ll be talking to some guy impressing someone but little did they know you’d be here a few floors above the party with Joon. You don’t know what to call your little arrangement or these little sneaking out sessions are. You don’t know what Namjoon is to you. The two of you haven’t talked about it. It’s weird because you’ve talked about fate, why Namjoon hates seafood and how much you love the rain, the fraud patterns in his business but never about what Namjoon is to you. Not that you need a label, and not that maybe calling him your boyfriend would be a label like that, you’d actually like it. All you know is Namjoon likes you, for sure I mean he wouldn’t be kissing you like a starved man, you shoving your tongue down his throat or else. You know you love him but you don’t know if he loves you yet. It’s too much to ask for. Given the circumstances. You’re just glad you found him. And whatever moments you’ll get to share you’ll cherish them now and forever. You start thinking about all these moments while sleep pulled you in completely and you don’t hear Namjoon call your name again. You don’t hear him trying to wake you up. You don’t feel his hands cupping your cheek. You sure as hell don’t even feel his lips peck yours which is the first time in a while now. You don’t feel him undo some buttons and zips to get you off that dress. You don’t even feel the way he tucks you in.
All you now know is you wake up in a blanket nest. Soft blankets against your cheek, your hands, your legs. You sigh at this feeling smiling to yourself. You’re moving and stretching. Feeling like a new person. You’re fully awake now even though you haven’t opened your eyes and that’s when you hear him
“Can you hear me now sleepy head?” you know he’s only teasing you but you pout before opening your eyes to see him at the other side of the room with an amused smile.
“New person who dis” you reply only making him laugh. Namjoon’s shirtless. He’s wearing his dress pants, his blazer hung at the corner neatly next to your dress. And that’s when you realize you’re wearing his shirt while you napped.
“What time is it” you ask yawning. and when Namjoon says you register you’ve napped for three full hours. He makes his way towards you. He slowly climbs on the bed stretching his arm out for you and you waste no time in jumping to his embrace with your new-found energy. Namjoons smiling at that. He can never get used to how perfectly you fit against him. He’s the one sighing in comfort now. Sometimes Namjoon can’t tell if you know that he loves you or not. The way you make him feel. The way you make him crave your heart.
You peek up from his shoulder to look at him, his eyes never leaving you.
“Hi” you whisper smiling at him
“Hii” he replies back matching your hushed tone dimples on display and you can’t help but poke them. From here you can see how versatile Namjoon is. His expressions outside the usual are deadly. His sharp dragon eyes, jutted jaw, furrowed brows he looks dangerous and lethal. But now all you see is a soft dimpled giant with the cutest button nose and crescent eyes. His eyes hold so much warmth.
He gently cards fingers through your hair asking if your feeling better to which you nod. You reach up to peck his lips. And once you slot your lips onto his plush and soft ones you want more. You move your hand to the back of his head lightly carding your fingers through his hair spurring him on. Namjoon takes this incentive and slots his lips back to yours. You look so damn good in his shirt and now his mind is going crazy. Thoughts racing. He tilts your head so he can angle himself better. Little sucks and swipes of his tongue against your lips and mouth have your knees weak. He knows how to claim his jackpot already knows what makes you react and what you like. One hand reached down to knead your ass. You moan against his mouth breathless as you take him in. Lips swollen, luscious and glossy. Your eyes are unrelenting. And he decided it is at this moment, he has to tell you. He fears the worst will happen. That you’ll say no. And he might never get to see you again. Ever. But the way your body molds in his arms, the way you only always react to him, the way you make his heart always beat faster.
“Y/N I really re-really like you”  there it was. That slight stutter. To Namjoon each second felt like a minute now but your eyes become wide and yoU smile a million-watt smile a second later. His hopes are back up. A warm feeling in his chest. Like a lightbulb inside him was lit. You can see him glowing. Now that the weight of his worries is halved. You cup his cheeks. And he thaws in your affection.
“I like you too Joon” you say voice barely above a whisper. You feel like a teenager confessing to her crush. You cheeks are painted red and Namjoon hasn’t seen a beautiful sight before. And now it’s actually your turn to get something off your chest.
“Heck I might even love you Kim Namjoon what are you doing to me” you say before you can think more and it has Namjoon visibly gasping and he pulls you in for another kiss. This time softer. Truly holding you against him. The way you belong to him. And the way he belongs to you. No more unsaid words. No more doubts.
“fuck baby girl be mine I love you too” he whispers inbetween kisses. You want to say something back but his lips are back on yours, molding them, tongue exploring. Leaving kisses at the corner of your mouth. On your chin. Your jaw. Slowly making its way down to your neck. You’re already so far gone you’re a whiny mess. Your body jolting backwards each time his lips touch the skin on your neck. fuck, you were so sensitive and that had his mind filled with filth. Moans dripping when he sucks and licks so gently. Your hand on his pecs, gripping his biceps or at the nape of his neck. Gentle touches, gets him so riled up and you know it. Moments with you like this lets him break his facade. Dive into his desires.
“So sensitive for me” Namjoon mutters to himself continuing his ministrations. One hand at the back supporting you, holding you strong. Another rubbing circles at your stomach for a few seconds, then holding you by the shoulder the next few seconds or groping your breasts softly making you whimper and suck in breaths.
Only when he slips his hand under his shirt on you does he realize the added warmth to your skin is from your fever reminding him of exhausted state and whatever you have going on will only make it worse if you don’t get to rest. Namjoon feels how flaccid and sunken your tummy feels. Not the way it usually does. He can easily notice all the inches you’ve lost. And suddenly there’s a change of energy.
“Those assholes, fuck princess let me take care of you” he says letting you go. His eyes have already changed. The hurt and anger you could see in them made a shiver run up your spine. You can never get used to his eyes. The anger he is actually capable of. He’s always so kind, gentle and sweet to you but that’s just one side. Within minutes there’s food at your room. Everything that you like is here. Gimbap but with extra cheese. Kimchi-jigae with egg-fried rice rather than normal rice because you like it that way and even some dessert. This man really put in everything he knew about you. You looked at him with so much adoration it only made his face turn red while he looked down and scratched the back of his head. Kim Namjoon was shy right now all dimples and smiling. You giggled and pulled him towards you so the two of you can enjoy this meal. You don’t know when your phone will start blowing up. You don’t know when you’ll have to leave, go away from Joon, his warmth, his comfort and his solace. So you take in this moment with everything it has to offer. Grateful that even the few minutes you spent awake with this man made you feel loved to the extent where you're always at a loss of words.  
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divider: @graph1cs
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captaindodson · 4 years
7AM confessions (t.h oneshot)
Synopsis: You just finished working a graveyard shift at your summer job. Just as you’re about to get into your car to leave to sleep the weekend away, a familiar face appears to confront you on what happened. 
Paring: Tom Holland x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k+ 
Warnings: Angsty (?), Swearings??
Once your apple watch displayed 7 AM you knew the long week you had was finally over. The assembly line filled with car parts ready for inspection remain still and untouched as everyone switches off with the next group of shift workers who are already coming onto the floor. Luckly, its Friday, so you get to sleep the weekend away and reset your sleep schedule for your last week of shifts before the fall semester starts. You tidy up your small station and when you think you’ve done enough you turn around to leave and then you see your co-worker/work friend Raj approaching. You both wear matching white hard hats, blue gloves, white jackets, dark blue work pants, and brown steal toed boots.
“Hey, how was this morning,” Raj stops a few feet away and raises his hand to fist bump and you happily reciprocate before sliding your hands into your jacket pockets.
“It wasn’t a bad night, Lauren didn’t come in tonight cause she was sick with a stomach bug. Oh I did finally registered for my university courses during my break, and I got so lucky with my extra circulars.The moment I went to register there was only one spot left for the ones I wanted.”
Raj just nods and glances around the work station, inspecting to see you cleaned it to his standard. You notice his wandering eyes but you aren’t bothered by it. You’ve been in that position where you have to work a long eight hours on your feet and the person before you at your assigned station leaves it a mess and you’re stuck cleaning it for the first hour of your shift. So after he finishes inspecting he meets your eyes and nods in approval.
“Oh shit really? I should probably do that sooner rather than later. I’ve been going to university for three years and I almost always forget every time  to register on time,” He replies.
“Don’t you have your final research seminar and reading seminar this year? I thought certain classes had a small capacity?”
“Oh. Well guess what I’m doing during my lunch break,”
You lightly laugh at him as the sound of a warning buzzer echoing through the factory floor goes off. You look around and see that most, if not all of your night shift people are already off the floor and you take this as your cue to leave.
“Anyway, talk to you later Raj,” he gives you small smile in response and steps around you to get started. You make your way off the floor and to your designated locker, providing some of the people from dayshift a warm smile as you walk past them.
You walk through a pair of white double doors which leads into a a bright baby blue hallway which eventually guides you to where the designated bathrooms are with the lockers. When you get to the end of the hall you turn left and head into the female washroom where the you’re met with an empty room. Usually, when everyone’s shift ends they’re rushing to get out (and you’re no exception). You would normally find yourself squeezing by people and dodging elbows trying to get to your locker but today is different. Staying behind for an extra few minutes to talk actually lets you take your time for once. By taking your time it also means the parking lot won’t be backed up as usual and you can drive home without any major delay to sleep your weekend away. That’s the only thing you have to look foreward to, your bed because there is no one at home, no roomates, no pets, no boyfriends, no nothing. The place you were at two months ago was totally different from where you are now. You lived abroad in London with your then boyfriend for six months until you broke it off because you were lost. 
You had to get out because your identity slowly became tightly intertwined with the person you were with. Everything revolved around them and their job and you were going no where in life. Your dreams were pushed to the back of your mind as you stayed in fancy hotel suites, alone waiting for your ex-boyfriend to come back from an exhausted day on set to only desperately try to keep his eyes open when you two watched a movie or went out for a night on the town.
He really did try his best to make your time with him exciting even if he was burn out from working all day. He made small dates in your hotel room feel magical. He had your hotel room decorated in fairy lights and planned a romantic dinner looking over the city you two stayed in. He made love to you in the early hours of the morning to the organy rays of the morning sun. Or another time, when he wasn’t allowed to leave the hotel at all, he took you to the hotel roof to slow dance under the stars to music playing from that headphones you two shared. You’d pay a million dollars to experience these small moments over and over again.
Over a weekend back in London by yourself while Tom had to catch a flight last minute to do film re-shoots in LA, you decided to have a self-care night.  After lighting some candles, ordering take-out, dimming the lights, and scrolling through Netflix to finally find a good-feel show, you finally sit comfortably on the couch and relax. You found a generic rom-com from the 2000’s that looked mildly interesting and even if the plot wasn’t any good you could still get a good laugh about it.
As the movie progresses and the main character struggles to choose between a boy and her dream job you find your mind slowly loosing focus with what is happening on the screen and  reflecting it back into your own life. After a few seconds pondering you realize something,  had no idea what you wanted to do. You were in your early twenties, you were doing school part-time online with a program you liked but you spent most of your time with Tom. Traveling to country to country to join him while he filmed, staying in hotel rooms waiting for him, sometime visiting set when you were allowed too, it was truly an exciting and calming lifestyle.
Even though you believed you finally found the guy that you could spend the rest of your life with, a second family you got along with, a place you could see yourself settling down in, you didn’t have anything for yourself. When you thought you of trying to return to in-class schooling with a larger course load and renting a place for the semester and trying to sustain a long-distant relationship with someone in the limelight, it just stressed you out. You knew it wouldn’t be easy and just seeing how deflated Tom looked when he returned to you after working, you knew the relationship would push him to his limits.
Even after initiate moments you realized how tired and over worked he was. The look in his eyes when he had to leave for work the next morning couldn’t go unnoticed.  You felt your heart squeezing itself and your breathing became heavier. You would never want to cause Tom any pain on your behalf, and you can’t continue to drag your feet with your education because you felt like you . So, you did what you did best, shut someone out and leave. You made up lie about how this relationship wasn’t working on your end, broke it off and flew back to the town where you had been attending school online. Scrambling enough money together to buy a used car and a small studio apartment and apply to as many jobs as you could. You got lucky, that when you were applying that a car factory needed more summer students and they were paying their workers a decent living wage and you just jumped on it. The job helped you get settled but it also helped ignore the small amount of regret you felt. It is too late to turn around now and now you must live with your choices. 
You shake yourself out of a daze you didn’t realize clouded your mind, and it seems your feet have carried you to the front of your small grey locker. It looks like what all typical high school lockers look except half the size. You raise your hand to the lock to do one full twist to the right, one full twist to the left, and half a twist to the right again and my the lock pops off with a light pull.
You reach in to collect your phone, black spring jacket, dark blue water bottle, then you reach into your jacket pocket to fish out your car keys. You hum in satisfaction when you feel the cool metal of your keys in your pocket. You drape your jacket over your arm as you shut the locker quietly and slide the lock over the hook and push it shut. You proceed to continue to follow the baby blue hallways until you’ve reached the double glass doors of the exit. You push open the glass door and is met with a cool morning breeze also paired with a peach colored sky.
You make your way across the concrete of the parking lot, following the line of different coloured cars parked next to each other, eyes wandering at the different licence plates, soaking up the calmness of the morning sun until you stop dead in your tracks. You look up to see someone leaning on the hood of your car. This person is dressed in some blue jeans, a black hoodie, dark red hat, and it seems they’re just casually looking down and scrolling through their phone unaware of your presence a couple feet away. You think for a minute before speaking, should you just walk back inside and get someone to confront this guy or should you just do it yourself? I mean it is your car in a private parking lot, someone will hear you scream right? After a few seconds go by you just say fuck as the longer you stand here the less time you get to spend sleeping. 
“Ah hem, excuse me you’re leaning on my car. Can you please get off,”
You keep your distance and tightly grip your waterbottle. Just so you have a head start if you need run back into the factory or even defend yourself. Their fingers stop scrolling, but their gaze is still facing downwards, hood and hat hiding their features.
“Uh hello, you need to get out of this parking lot its a private. Ill call security if you don’t move, ”
You shallow nervously as the figure stays still, unresponsive. When it seems like this figure is just going to continue to ignore you they stand up abruptly causing you to jump.
“Hi Y/N,’ An english accent comes out from the hood and your expression changes from fear to dread in seconds. Heart still pumping fast in your chest and you feel yourself getting even more nervous. 
“What are you doing here, Tom”, You cross your arms the best you can and start staring at your feet to avoid eye contact.
“Can’t I come visit my girlfriend after she finishes work,” Tom questions as his foots steps get louder as they get closer.
“I am not your girlfriend remember.  Besides the point, how do you even know where to find me. I haven’t talked to you in two months.”
‘You left without a much of explanation. You said when I came home from LA that this was over because you couldn’t handle this relationship, it stressed you out to much. I thought everything was going good mutually good in all aspects of the relationship, but I guess I was wrong. After months of trying to unravel what I could have possible done wrong, I just had to find you and get the truth of why you left,”
He ignores your question as he bends his knees to try and get a look at your face. Your mind almost speeds up, unable to come up with a good enough half-assed response, you mouth blurts out the truth without much thought.
“I love that you’re able to pursue your dreams, and god Tom I wouldn’t want you to do anything to compromise that. But I want to be able to pursue my dreams too Tom. The only way I can do that is if I leave and doing a long-distant relationship hardly ever works out for anybody! I don’t want you wearing yourself out because of me and being long-distance was going to tear you apart,”
You sniffle away the tears building up in your eyes while focusing on the curves on the concrete.
“Darling, why didn’t you just talk to me? I would and do understand if you want to pursue something on your own. I would never want to settle for anything less.  “
He reaches out a finger to find a place under your chin to lift your head gently so your eyes will meet. You glossy eyes meet his soft, gentle brown eyes and that alone makes you want to cry. You never meant to cause pain to reach those eyes, you just thought you were doing yourselves a favour.
“Baby, we could’ve done this together you know that. We would’ve never survived our first year together if we didn’t talk stuff out. Trying to make a relationship work with a person I’ve loved since our first date is worth the endless amount of stress life causes. Y/N, my darling, I would do anything to make you happy but also stay in my arms forever,”
His soft tone makes your knees weak and that is when the dam of tears breaks from your eyes and they flow down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I-I just thought I was doing the right thing for both of us. I was watching a movie and I started stressing my sell-out and just thinking for myself .I’m sorry I put you through this, I know I can’t turn back time, but please forgive me for causing you any pain because my love for you got me all fucked up, “ You say trying wipe away the salty tears dripping down your face. 
“I’m not mad nor am I upset with you. I’m just glad I can have you back in my life again.”
Tom smiles even bright as he pulls lightly on the hand he has a hold of to drag your body over to his. He embraces you into his warmth and your body curls into him and all you can think is there is no place you’d rather be.
“Now, why don’t we go back to your place and catch up on some sleep huh? Then you can give me tour around your new place and make up for lost time,”
He hums into your hair as you pull back from his embrace to look up, wiping your eyes with your sleeve to look at Tom more clearly.
“Yeah, I’d like that”.
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perlmen · 4 years
the party
WARNINGS: angst, cheating, fem!reader, Timmy in a band
SUMMARY: maybe there’s something about crowded rooms that causes people to make mistakes.
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Smoke. Alcohol. People. 
She was never one for parties. It wasn’t her scene. Timothée, however, was never one to shy away from a “get together.” His band, L’enfance Nue, was adored by all of the kids that went to his college. She doesn’t go to his school, she had met him at a party like the one they were at right now. Her friends heard about his band and wanted to check them out. She and Timothée met, got burgers, and spent the whole night talking about, and to, the universe. A couple of months later, a few more parties attended together, and here they are — she’s walking a couple of steps behind him, and he’s getting high fives, yells of “Timo!” with slaps on the back, and flirtatious looks. He turns around and shoots her a smile — oh, that smile —  and all of her uneasiness is pacified.
It’s a little while after his band finishes their last song. She goes to the kitchen in search for a band-aid after she’d somehow cut her finger but doesn’t find any. She then makes her way to the bathroom.
She knocks. Once. Twice. No one answers, so she turns the knob and opens the door. 
Her eyes start at the bottom of their figures. It’s a couple. The girl is sat by the sink, legs around the boy she’s kissing. The boy looks familiar. Before She can stop herself—  
Timothée stops kissing the girl at the call of his name. He knows that voice. It was the same voice that he loved hearing sing his songs in the early hours of the morning while making coffee. It was the voice that told him all of her fears when it was late at night. It was a voice he could never get tired of hearing. It was Her. 
It took everything in him to look at Her. What a sight he was. His hair was a mess from having his mistake’s fingers running through them. His shirt was unbuttoned. He was a mess. He looked at Her, and his mouth opened to say something, anything. He wanted to say that it wasn’t what it looked like, but that was a lie. It was exactly what it looked like. “I can explain,” he starts but is interrupted by the girl saying, “There’s nothing to explain, babe. Timo said I shouldn’t worry about you. He says you guys aren’t together, so whatever we’re about to do isn’t a problem.” Timothée wanted nothing more than for her to shut the fuck up. 
“Oh,” She starts, “Yeah, yeah. You’re right. Yeah, no. we’re not together. Sorry I interrupted. I- uh. Have fun.” 
She, after finding Timothée and the girl, stumbles through the crowded apartment filled with people having the best night of their lives. It was a fleeting thought she had —how she’d give anything to be one of the people dancing, feeling nothing but happiness, yet here she was feeling nothing but sadness, betrayal, and utter humiliation. The apartment feels like an endless maze of bodies, and she’s fully aware that she looks like a mess. 
Timothée, after buttoning his shirt back up and leaving the girl, begins to chase after Her. A single word echoes through his head: stupid, stupid, STUPID. How could he do something so stupid? He finally spots Her across the room, ready to make her way out of the apartment. He yells her name even though he knows the music is loud enough to drown his voice out. Maybe it’s what he deserves. Maybe he deserves to be drown out and forgotten by Her, so she can be with someone that won’t hurt her as much as he knows he did. Still, he calls her name and maybe it’s for the best that she isn’t turning around. She’s almost out of the building now, already mentally finding the nearest subway station.
She hears him, of course she does. She knows his voice anywhere. She loved his voice when he sang on stage for people and loved it especially when he sang just for her. She loved his voice when he was speaking French to her. It was slightly deeper, slower, and somehow, impossibly more emotional. She adored his voice when it was late at night and he’d tell her about his hopes and dreams. She nearly smiles at the memory, but she doesn’t because she thinks of him with the girl. Now she can’t stop thinking about the girl’s hands in his hair and how his lips were on the girl’s. She heard his voice. But she kept walking. She walked until she made it to the end of the block, then a hand on her elbow and a “please” made her stop. 
The voice sounded so unfamiliar that if it weren’t for the feeling his touch gave her, she would have run off. The voice she heard sounded nothing like him. It was broken, vulnerable, weak. 
She turned around, looked him in the eyes, and it wasn’t until he saw how utterly defeated she was that he truly realized what he had done. The guilt he felt was almost unbearable, and he’d give anything to turn back time. 
“Please,” he starts, but whatever thought he had going, disappeared when he realized that the love Her eyes once held was gone, and she looked at him as if he was a stranger. Still, he continues. “I’m sorry. I am so sorry. I was fucking stupid, and I was drunk, and that’s no excuse. I know it isn’t. I’m not drunk now. I just- Please, don’t walk away from me. Don’t walk away from this. I wouldn’t be able to bear it, please. Just- can we be okay? I am so sorry, I really am.” She looks down at the ground then says, “I think I should go home.” 
A beat. 
He exhales, relieved. “Yes, yeah. Okay, yeah. All right. We’ll go home, and we can talk about it, right? Yeah, okay. Let’s go.” 
She shakes her head before saying, “No. I need to go home. I need to go, Timmy. Not with you, I can’t be with you.” He’s frantically shaking his head and his arms are in front of him, ready to protest. “What? No, you’re not thinking straight. It’s you and me, right? What happened back there was a mistake, and it meant nothing. Absolutely nothing- please, you’ve got to believe me,” he says.
She thinks before saying, “No, no. you were right. I’m not your girlfriend, we’re not together. You never asked me. I shouldn’t have assumed we were anything more. I’ll, um, I’ll go.” She starts to walk away from him. 
“Don’t go. Please. I-I love you. Don’t go,” he all but yells. 
She turns around and she says, “Timmy, don’t say that. Don’t say things you don’t mean to try to get me to stay. I can’t stay.” 
“Me loving you isn’t enough to make you stay?” He says. It hangs in the air. She was silent for a moment and hope beings to build up inside him. 
“No, it’s not enough.”
His hope is ripped out of him, stomped on, and pummeled into the concrete sidewalk of the city they had made their own.
She walks away, and this time he lets her. 
note: okay, so this is my first time trying to write something about Timmy being in a band. I couldn’t think of a name so I just used L’enfance Nue because, let’s be real, it’s a sick name. please be nice, lmao. if you like it, thank you. if you don’t, that’s fine too. let me know if you want a part two or something. sorry for the typos, and sorry if it sucks! 
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #6
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A/N: 1 word, 5 letters: D R A M A
Pls peep the vote at the end! I know there are not very many of you who read this so I want to make it enjoyable for y’all 🥰 it’s sooo important to me that I write what makes me happy
Hours After You Noticed Aone For The First Time And Had Lunch Together! 🤫🥩
With a very discreet bounce in his step, Aone Takanobu walked into the Date Tech boys volleyball team changeroom after exchanging numbers with you after school.
Upon entrance, the entire team jumped him, tackling him to the ground while shouting praise and acclamations of joy loudly!
Aone was actually grinning, shoving the boys off of him to pretend that he was annoyed.
But anyone could tell that this mountain man was on cloud 9!!!!
Futakuchi reached out his hand to help Aone up and the mountain man took it. They shared a look that only Aone knew meant his best friend was happy for him. Proud of him.
Actually, Kenji’s look was one of happiness and pride, yes, but it was also full of nerves for his friend’s potential heartbreak. But Aone was too overjoyed inside to pick up on that.
“So Y/N finally knows your name!” Koganegawa yelled as he jumped on Aone’s back.
Shrugging the big boned setter off, Aone blushed. He has never been happier in his entire life and it was kind of embarrassing that the whole team knew why that was.
“I’m very happy.” Aone nodded at his team who smiled brilliantly back at him. “But please, do not get your hopes up. I’m trying with everything in me not to get mine up, in case Y/N decides she doesn’t like me. She and I are just going to start talking for now. And for that I am grateful.” Stomach in knots, Aone bowed to his team in thanks for all the encouragement and praise.
“But Aone-senpai, Y/N asked you to lunch! We all watched you guys, she looked ecstatic talking to you and she even glared at these other girls in the hallway because they were checking you out!”
Aone’s heart dropped. “She did?”
Kenji smiled, patting him on the back. “Saw it with my own eyes too, big guy.”
Aone felt like he was so happy he could sing, but he knew how odd that would look coming from such a big and serious guy like himself.
“Oh. Well... that’s quite nice.”
What a turn of events! This morning, Aone was going through another day with a heavy heart because the love of his life would never like him back. Then, it only took him defending you against the class snitch for everything to change......
✏️ Earlier That Day ✏️
Aone was sitting in class like any other day, doing his work, listening to the teacher intermittently and your daily conversation with your friends. The teacher excused himself to run a club errand for 20 minutes, trusting the class to stay quiet and complete their homework. Like most typical high school classes, the volume raised as soon as the teacher stepped out. Aone glanced over at your talkative self for the 15th time that period and noticed how much you were glowing because your team had returned last night placing second at Regionals. You looked radiant, absolutely stunning with your brighter smile and louder angelic laugh.
In Mountain Man’s daydream, he imagined telling you that you looked beautiful today followed by a congratulations for placing second. You would rush over to him and kiss him in thanks then start ripping his clothes off so that you could—
“Y/N! I am sick and tired of you and the rest of the popular kids not listening to the teachers instructions! What part of ‘stay quiet’ is hard to understand in that pea brain of yours!?!??!”
To Aone’s left, sitting in his row, he looked for the yelling voice. It was who everyone (except Aone) called ‘the class snitch’ and school mascot: Tsume Lian.
Also known as Y/N’s arch nemesis.
Seating looks like:
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Y/N glared at him.
“Tsume, no one was talking to you.”
“I know that, dork!” He fumed. “BECAUSE WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TALKING! I’m trying to do my homework as asked, and you and the popular crowd just ignore everything the teacher says and it’s disgusting! I’m tired of it! I want you expelled!”
Aone noticed Y/N’s startled expression at the prospect of being expelled, because he knew from overhearing your conversations that your parents were this close to sending you to Seijoh to get your grades up and live on campus there. According to your gossip last week, if you failed another class or got another complaint from a teacher then your parents would under no circumstances allow you to cheer again.
Aone clenched his fists tightly around his pencil because he couldn’t stand the idea of seeing Motomu or Kindaichi drooling over you at his enemy school.
One of Y/N’s friends who Aone knew as Kusa, spoke up in defence of Y/N. “Oh shut it, Tsume. Us chatting isn’t bothering anyone else.”
“I don’t care! You cheerleaders think you can do anything you want and that’s that!! YOU WILL face repercussions if I can help it!”
Kusa feigned fear. She turned her entire body toward him in her seat, meaning business. A bitch had time today.
The entire class gave this drama all of their undivided attention when they witnessed that move, ready for the show like:
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“Oh yeah?! And why are you just snapping about this now, huh? Why not before?” Kusa snapped. You put a hand on your friends arm, silently trying to tell her he isn’t worth her energy.
“Because I realized just how selfish, inconsiderate, and deplorable you good-looking, popular women are! You don’t deserve to be bowed down to like I thought! You should be treated like everybody else!”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N interjected. “No one treats us like that. Even if they did, we don’t ask them to nor do we ask to be popular and we especially don’t ask for special treatment, Lian. Why are you so mad??? Get your life.”
Aone smirked to himself. In all his years of crushing on you he has never seen you look so fierce and he too put his pencil down to enjoy what was a different and fiery side of his crush. It made him want to fuck the shit out of you, you looked so sexy. Aone found he liked every side of you.
“I did have a life. I was a mascot and—“
“—And you were spending too much time looking up our SKIRTS instead of hyping up a CROWD, making the first years uncomfortable and borderline stalking Y/N so badly she asked that we terminate you! You are lucky she kept that to herself for so long! 🤬 And THAT’S why you’re mad!”
The class collectively gasped. Some whipped their phones out to snapchat the gossip. Aone widened his eyes in silence, since he was in between, he was looking back and forth at the fight like a tennis match.
Hahahaha 🎾 
Live footage of the classes reaction when Kusa READ TSUME FOR FILTH:
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Tsume went red with anger, but anyone could tell that he was guilty guilty guilty !!!!
“When the teacher returns, I’m telling him and the principal the truth that you Y/N are a bully and you constantly disrupt the class! Who do you think they’re going to believe?! Their best student? Or their worst?! Say hi to AobaJohsai summer school for me!”
You frowned, scared out of your mind because Lian was right. The teacher’s believed everything he had to say and ever since you exposed him for sending you creepy messages and inappropriate pictures from a fake account that you knew was his, the class snitch has had it out for you. Even if the cheerleaders had your back, your parents would just think they are trying to protect you and never believe it! Tsume Lian was smart and dead set on planning your demise. It was unfair. You wanted to cry. Kusa whispered something to you in encouragement but you could feel the back of your eyes warming due to impending tears.
Meanwhile, with Mountain Man - Today was a day of firsts in his ‘Crushing on Y/N’ book. It was the first time he’s ever seen you glowing because of the Regional results, it was the first time he’s ever seen you so sassy, and now............. Aone notes that today is also the first time he’s ever seen you on the verge of tears before.
Unlike your glowing and your sassiness, Aone decided that he hated the last first more than anything in the world.
It consumed his emotions, how badly he didn’t want to see you cry.
“You really are slimy, Tsume. Wait until Katana hears this.” Kusa spat, rubbing her hand up and down Y/N’s back to soothe you as you willed your tears not to fall.
Seeing you so sad, Aone’s heart clenched.
He knew what it was like to be hurting but he never ever wanted that for you—not ever.
“Hey Y/N-chan, why don’t you show me that video your mom got of our reaction to us placing second yesterday?? I’d love to see it.” Kusa has accurately distracted you because she texted Katana what was happening and Katana knew just what to do until she got there.
You smiled, thinking about the overwhelming happiness from yesterday when your team placed second. You whipped out your phone and showed Kusa, smiling and giggling in a matter of seconds as it played.
Aone was glad you seemed good.
He turned to look at Tsume, who seemed to be raging inside. Shooting daggers at the two cheerleaders because they weren’t crumbling under his threats. They were laughing, in fact. Ignoring him as if he didn’t matter. Aone could tell Tsume was a ticking time bomb with how mad he was. His anger toward you looked severely unhealthy.
You let out a rather amusing laugh with Kusa as you two pointed to your screen and Aone’s heart skipped a beat because he loved that laugh so much. God, he is so fucking whipped.
When you laughed like that though, it sent perverted-snitch Tsume over the edge, bubbling over in anger like a piping hot kettle.
Aone watched him with studious eyes as Tsume took a deep breath to say something else that Aone was sure would stop your harmonious laughter that he adored......
“Y/N—“ Tsume started, but without warning, THE AONE TAKANOBU, DATE TECH MIDDLE BLOCKER, OUR MOUNTAIN MAN, interrupted him! Stopping all speech in the class with his simple, deep-voiced command:
“Leave her be. She’s having fun.”
The class:
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The class went silent because they’d never really heard Aone’s voice before. :S
Still riled up, the class snitch took one look beside him (he was too distracted before) as to locate the voice. Once his eyes set on the verrrry muscular and verrrry mountainous man sitting between him and Y/N, he decided it would be smart to not be riled up anymore. A drop of sweat leaving his hairline, Lian scanned Aone’s gigantic body with his eyes, seeing that the volleyball player just barely fit in his desk—he gulped.
Aone had a relaxed expression, meaning to say what he said nonchalantly, but one needs to remember that Aone’s relaxed expression looks like this:
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Needless to say, the ex-mascot almost pissed himself.
Is that Y/N’s b-b-boyfriend now? Tsume wondered to himself in panic as several more drops of sweat ran down his face.
“O-o-ok-o-o-oka-okay-y....” Tsume stuttered out as he turned back to his school work.
Five minutes later when the teacher came in, Tsume had nothing to say. He only had a sweat damped stack of homework to give him before he fled, not waiting for the bell of dismissal.
Did I frightened him? Aone thought.
He didn’t mean to. Sincerely. He was as gentle as giants come (except in bed if you rile him up enough or when someone is bothering you).
The class went back to normal and Aone continued working too.
But one person didn’t—no, couldn’t go back to normal:
You sat in your seat still slack jawed because someone you didn’t know came to your rescue and quite possibly single handedly stopped your expulsion. How have you not noticed him before?! He is gorgeous!
Tall, muscular, handsome. Shiny white hair, beautiful lips. And he came to your defence.
In your opinion , he was a FINEASS mountain man! 🏔🤤
Yes ma’am!!!!
Anyway, while everyone was talking, working and minding their own business—including Aone—you slid out of your desk and bounced over to his happily.
“Hi! Thanks so much for defending me a little while ago!”
Bitch, this was you: ☺️😊😄
lost ass
Aone raised his head to look at you, jumping back slightly because he never even heard you approach. He stared up at you with a heart that stopped beating, absolutely speechless.
WHAT IS HAPPENING? He thought. YOU WERE TALKING................TO HIM? You were NOTICING..............HIM?!
You reached over to touch the handsome giant’s arm in his sweater, smiling at him endearingly.
“I’m Y/N! It’s nice to meet you!”
yeah you lost af, bitch 😐
Aone wanted to say something, he did. But he was just too shocked that the girl he thinks about nonstop, the girl he wishes was his, the girl he just had a wet dream about last night, was talking to him and only him for the first time.
Takanobu always thought you two would first speak because of Futakuchi or the teacher but not because of him.
Aone couldn’t fathom the fact that HE made this happen! HE was the reason you were over here!
Aone: 🤯🤯🤯
It was ALL. TOO. MUCH.
He couldn’t speak.
You removed your hand from his arm, silently chastising yourself because you shouldn’t touch people without permission.
Not that Aone minded. That boy would want you to touch him anywhere, on anyday, at anytime that pleased you.
“Sorry.” You looked down shyly, then met his serious expression again, wanting to be sure he knew how grateful you were for his help.
“Um.... you probably don’t know this but you getting that pervert to leave me alone is quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. And you did it for a stranger like me, no less.”
You tucked your hair behind you ear while holding his gaze. Aone could only nod because his throat was dry. You looked so incredibly perfect up-close and he wanted to make sure he remembered this. He just couldn’t speak.
Feeling a little awkward now because you just tried starting a conversation with this FINEASS classmate of yours to only get a nod in return, you laughed timidly.
“Okay, well I guess I’ll...” you turned on your heels so you could make your way back to your desk with your L. “....see you later.” You finished, telling him over your shoulder.
Much like when he defended you against Tsume, Aone didn’t know what came over him then: maybe it was all the memories of him feeling heartbroken that you’d never notice him or return his feelings—maybe it was the promise he made that he would do something toward pursuing you if you would just notice him first—or maybe is was because his best friend Kenji would have his HEAD if Aone told him he let you walk away right now without trying....... after TWO YEARS.........that compelled him to respond to your “see you later” bravely, FINALLY UTTERING WORDS TO YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE:
^Asked Aone, just as you were walking away from him.
You stilled, feeling excitement in your body because he answered. You spun around and jumped back in front of his desk. You gave him a questioning look.
You responded, “When, what?”
Even though he was melting under your attention, Aone couldn’t give up now. He had to shoot his shot. This may be his only chance.
“When is later?” He elaborated.
Huh? You thought.
You blinked at the stunning classmate. What is he—OH, does he mean.....
“As in...when will I see you again?”
Aone nodded at you, holding his breath.
You massaged your chin, thinking 🤔.
You can admit you wanted to know more about this gorgeous man who came to your rescue. There was something about him that made you feel safe and warm. You couldn’t quite place it. You’ve never wanted to spend time with anyone outside of cheerleading more than this guy—so you owed it to yourself to explore that small feeling, right?
“Okay. Well, how about now? Lunch is after this period. Would you want to have it with me?!” You asked cheerily.
Though he didn’t show it, inside, fireworks went off in Aone’s mind, heart, and stomach...!
Actual footage:
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Aone nodded quickly. Way too quickly for someone who did not want to come across as the most eager beaver in the world.
But he was...... and you noticed. It made you smile.
“Okay. So when the bell rings you can walk me to my locker and I’ll put away my stuff, then we’ll go to yours....then we can go head to lunch together. Sound good?”
Aone nodded quickly again!
You gave him the big smile that made him become a simp for you in the first place and you took your seat again.
Takanobu was so excited he literally almost stood up to spin the hand clock that hung up beside the door himself so that time could go by faster. He couldn’t even move to text Kenji because he knew his hands would shake.
He just sat there, his mind whirling mad until the bell finally rang. You said bye to Kusa and watched as this blonde hottie stood up from his seat, towering over you.
God, he was so freaking HOT! You wanted to jump him.
At the same time students filed out of the class, Aone turned to you as he collected his things then slung his bag over his shoulder.
“May I carry your books for you, Y/N?” Mountain man asked sheepishly in his stern voice.
Your heart fluttered by how cute and sweet he was to ask!
“Umm, sure! Thank you so much!” You smiled and handed your heavy books over.
You two walked beside eachother and Aone held the door open for you. You didn’t know why he was being so nice but you couldn’t lie that you felt very charmed.
You looked up at the handsome giant with curious eyes after he called your name.
“My name is Aone Takanobu by the way. You introduced yourself before, but I did not answer. I’m sorry. Either way, I knew who you were already. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Your smiled widened as you bounced on your feet while walking. “Very nice to meet you too, Aone Takanobu. I’ve actually heard of you before.”
Aone’s eyes lit up like 👀
“Wait r-really?”
Omg precious bby 🥺🥺🥺
“Yes. At a cheerleading sleepover. All good things, don’t worry. It’s just funny because I said that night how hopefully I’ll meet you and now here we are!”
Aone chuckled as he held open another door for you. When he did and you two walked down another hall, he caught sight of two very conspicuous volleyball players (one looked eerily like Justin Bieber, the other looked big boned) hugging eachother and slumping down to the ground at the sight of you and Aone. Aone rolled his eyes, thinking that they were lucky you never noticed your surroundings.
“Here we are.” Aone repeated, shooting a secret thumbs up at his friends who were on the verge of crying.
Nearing the end of an enjoyable lunch for both of you where you spoke a lot and Aone listened with heart eyes: he pulled your chair out for you, he was responding, he was chuckling, and overall hanging onto your every word, never wanting your time together to end. You became rather smitten.
“The bell is gonna ring soon, Aone. I just want to thank you again for buying my lunch and spending this time with me! I know it was super random!”
Aone got lost in your eyes as you said his name, because he’s never taken a moment to analyze how nice it could sound if it was caressed by your voice. Also, he’s never heard his name said by someone so beautiful (when it wasn’t being said in a question). He was BATHING in joy.
Although Aone didn’t answer and he’s maintained his stoic expression the entire lunch, deep down you felt that this man had a thing for you. He was very intense so it was quite obvious. But since you enjoyed the lunch so much and you were starting to have a thing for him, too, you wanted to confirm:
“Also, Aone-san, I’m happy to know that you can say more than 4 words 😲! I asked my friend earlier and she said you basically never speak.” You exclaimed, fishing.
Aone smirked, feeling the need to defend himself on that front. “It is true that that is the consensus of the majority of people who come in contact with me. However, that is because there exists few people, that I feel inclined to speak to.”
Hook, line, and sinker. Your eyes twinkled at his words. He looked like a jock but sounded so eloquent! You loved it:
“Oh wow well you spoke a lot to me today so I guess I must be a little special then, huh.......?” You twirled your hair around your index finger as you asked, causing Aone to almost drool.
listen, you...kind of..... wanted mountain man.
And you were only flirting minimally okay.....minimally, so don’t judge
You just wanted to know if your suspicions were right that he had a little crush on you or if he saw you as a friend
Aone looked down at you, thinking of a way to respond to you asking if you were special to him.
“This is our first time speaking. So I am not entirely sure if you’re special yet...” He started.
You quirked your eyebrow attractively, anticipating how he would end that sentence.
“...But I hope that even after this lunch ends I can take you out again a few more times, Y/N-chan—somewhere nice and off-campus, perhaps—so that I can truly decipher whether you are or not.”
You quirked your eyebrow even higher, impressed by the smooth way he told you he wants to keep seeing you!
“I’d love to.” You accepted, making Aone smile.
He was absolutely stunning when he smiled, it was almost unfair.
The bell rang.
“Mind walking me back to my locker, Aone?”
Aone stood on internally shaky legs that he willed to be normal. “Of course.” He took both yours and his tray and dumped it out before escorting you out of the cafeteria.
✏️ Back in the Locker Room ✏️
“We are happy for you, Aone.” Kenji patted his large friend on the back.
“I had your voice in the back of my mind, Kenji-san. I owe this happiness to you and your support. I know you’re worried that I’ll get my heart broken and be crushed but I’m thankful for you supporting me anyway. You will forever be my brother.”
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica
Outtake #7: CLICK HERE
Upcoming outtakes (NSFW):
Losty Aone answering Kenji’s call while you’re having sex. He told you to please wait but...um....no. Hang up, buddy 😈
When you tease poor Losty Aone during class and make him want to f*ck you hard
You telling Aone that you’re horny before his game knowing you’d be cheering next to him the whole time being suggestive
Sending Aone a nude for the first time
First Kiss (In which Aone gets his first urge)
Discovering Aone’s ear kissing kink
Upcoming Fluff outtakes:
Aone on your first birthday as a couple
The official confession
Aone Embarrassingly telling Y/N about the things he did when he was crushing on you :/ (cupcake, donation, wet dreams, hoping to be your tutor, etc!)
When Aone fills in at one of your cheer practices!
Aone having to save you from your annoying admirers
Send me an ask/message/comment below with the number(s) of the outtake you really want me to write and the ones with votes will be done
Say “Losty Aone Story nsfw number ___” or “Losty Aone Story fluff number ___”
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Seventy-Six
Words: 3.8k
Warning(s): Explicit language, explicit sexual situations, drug abuse, violence, domestic abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1
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I glance over as Emi starts on God, seeing her absentmindedly fumble with her cross as Mick listens intently, a small smile coming to my face. 
She's as enthusiastic about her beliefs as I am. It's a little more comforting having someone around that's on the same page as I am. 
That is until Nikki gets tired of hearing her go on and on about Christ. 
It's probably giving him flashbacks of conversations with Vanity. 
"Can you shut the fuck up?!" He yells back here to her, and she abruptly stops, looking at him. 
"Sixx, you're not even back here, just mind your own business." Mick boldly replies, too tired to fight about it. 
"What did you just say to me?" He cuts his eyes sharply. 
"He said mind your own business! It's not our fault your blood starts boiling and combusts into flames anytime someone mentions God! Shut up and deal with it and stop being a little bitch!" I state and he glares at me. 
A Jack Daniel's bottle is hurtling my way in no time, and I duck, causing it to hit Mick and Emi, soaking them in Jack. 
"Fuck you!" Nikki yells at me. "And you know what?! If God is so real why doesn't he just strike us out of the sky right fucking now?!" 
This sends Emi into a frenzy, grabbing her crucifix, praying, while Tommy and Vince join in on further terrorizing her, dropping their pants, along with Nikki, while they all shout on about how God needs to suck their dicks. 
I'd be offended if I knew God was. He's more than likely just looking down at them, shaking his head, wondering why he decided to create them in the first place when all they're doing is wasting their lives on booze, used pussy, and any drugs they can get their hands on. 
All the sudden, Tommy disappears into the pilots cabin, and within seconds we're doing a barrel roll, making Emi start screaming and crying. 
Once we get level, I'm taking a few deep breaths before coming to my feet. 
"Vivian." Fred scolds me, knowing what's coming, but I ignore him, marching to Nikki, Vince and Tommy, punching them both in the back of the head as hard as I can before slapping Vince with the same energy, Fred and Doc getting in the way before they can come back at me. 
"Fucking bitch!" Nikki barks at me. 
"Heard that one too many times, it's starting to bore me!" I bite back as Doc pulls me to the back of the plane. 
"See how boring my fingers around your neck are gonna be when I get ahold of you again!" He yells after me, Fred shoving him into a seat. 
"Maybe you'll kill me this time and do us both a favor!" I reply. 
"We have a gun at home just put it in your mouth and fire a-fucking-way!" 
"I would if I didn't know it'd make you so freaking happy, you sick junkie!" 
"God forbid you do anything to make me happy!"
"I sacrificed my dancing and my schooling to make you happy!" I throw at him.
"You threw out your chance to go to school and do what you were passionate about for me when I never even wanted you to do that! I wanted you to go to school, I wanted you to keep dancing but you didn't because you were too much of a pussy to leave 'cause you thought I'd break up with you!" 
"And we see where that fucking got me, don't me?! Married to a sick man who has no qualms about screwing his wife's best friend for over a year in the house he bought for her, in the bed they share!" 
"If that sick man didn't marry such a selfish, evil, farm fresh cunt from hell he wouldn't have felt the need to step out on her!" 
"You stepped out on me for drug love!" 
"I stepped out because I was bored with you and she fucked good!" He's venomously snapping at me. 
I want to say, "trust me, I know the feeling!" but decide not to. 
"Just be sure to mention that to our lawyers when you get back from Japan because I'm sick and tired of being married to you!" I shout. 
"Fuck you!" He screams. 
"Fuck both of you!" Doc snaps at us, heaving heavy breaths. "Now, I've had it, dammit!" He screams. 
We're all silent for a moment, before I'm glaring at Nikki. 
"See what you did, asshole?!" I accuse him. 
"What I did?!" He yells back, brows furrowing.
"Yes, what you did, since the only thing you're good at is stressing people out!" I shout at him. 
"I stress people out?! I stress people out?!" He starts laughing humorlessly. "I turned to fucking smack to escape your stress inducing bullshit, you delusional, rabid cunt!" He barks at me as Fred tugs me to the bathroom before I can get the last word in, locking me in until it's time to land. 
By the time we get to Fort Lauderdale, we've both calmed down enough to tolerate each once again, which is good considering paparazzi is on us like flees to a dog. 
"Vivian, Nikki!" Press shouts as cameras flash, Nikki reluctantly grasping at my hand as Fred clears a path in the people to car. 
When they see Vince, Tommy, Mick and Tansy behind us, they go after them next, giving me and Nikki time to duck into the car. 
"Geez." I sigh out, fixing my hair as Nikki moves across from me the second the door shuts. 
He leans his head back, cursing under his breath, raking a hand down his face. 
"You okay?" I ask him, genuinely, and he sneers, his eyes still closed as he catches his breath. 
"No, Vivian, no, I'm not okay." He huffs out with a sharp scoff, and I rub my lips together. 
"It's hard on me, too, you know. You aren't by yourse--"
"--Bab--Vivian, just shh." He catches himself before he says, "baby," and my heart tenses up in my chest. 
"Would you rather me scream at you and start an argument?" I ask him and he sits up, looking at me with smeared, running eyeliner, circles under his eyes, and ghostly skin. 
"I'd rather you just keep your mouth shut." He states, fumbling with his boot, pulling some tar, a spoon and a syringe out. 
"Oh, you aren't serious..." I say to him, raising a brow. 
"Me,Tansy, Izzy, Andy, Michael...don't act like you haven't seen someone shoot up before, Viv. If it makes you pussy out just close your eyes. I'll be done in a few seconds." He mumbles, about to start heating it in the spoon. 
I do just that, until I decide I'm not sitting around and let him kill himself anymore. 
I go to snatch the syringe and lump of smack away from him before he can stop me, opening the sunroof and throwing it out, going for his syringe next. 
"Stop!" He barks at me, guarding it, the both of us ending up on the floor of the limousine. 
"Nikki!" I scream, fighting with him to get it, but a sharp pain is soon shooting through my pointer finger as the needle stabs through the underside of my finger and out the top. 
It was by accident, being that he wasn't even holding the needle. 
"Motherfucker!" I scream to myself, Nikki's face paling further at the sight, as he lays underneath me while my tears are rolling down my cheeks as stinging pain spread through the nerves of my fingers, followed by the buzzing of the micro-amount of heroin on the tip of the needle that pierced my skin. 
I hiss as I pull it out and aim the needle at the car's carpet, getting rid of the shot, holding my bleeding finger as I sit up, Nikki still looking sick as I get off of him. 
"That shit wasn't cheap." He tells me, pulling himself up.
I don't pay him any attention, my finger starting to throb. 
He stares at me while I have my little pity party, before he takes a long sigh and grabs at my hurt finger, making me sniffle. 
"It's not like it went through the bone, Viv." He says dismissively, although he still holds to my finger as if trying to make it better. 
"Just shut up." I snatch away from him, frustrated.
"You shut up." He replies in the same harsh tone. 
"You fuck off." I kick my heel into his knee and he grabs my ankle and tugs at me, causing me to slide into the limo floor again. "Nikki!" I kick again with my other foot, this time, missing his crotch by mere centimeters. 
He slides to the other side of the seating to get away from me. 
When we stop at the next light, I'm reaching for the door handle and opening it up, causing him to pounce on me, and slam the door as I open it, yelling, "goddamnit, Sixx!" pinning me under him to keep me from opening it again. 
We both take heavy breaths, looking at each other...he smells repulsive, but I've missed the presence of his close proximity. 
The door opens suddenly, Doc and Fred looking down at us. 
Apparently we didn't stop at a red light, but our destination.
We both look up at them like guilty puppies, piled on each other, Fred, in particular, eyeing me like a hawk. 
"We're here." Doc informs us as we pull ourselves out of the car, and I brush off as Doc and Nikki walk ahead of me and Fred. 
"Don't say a word." I tell Fred.
"Wasn't going to." He assures me.
"It wasn't what it looked like." I say next. 
"Never said it was." He replies.
"Yeah, but, I know what it looked like, and--"
"--Viv, I'm not saying a word about it." He reassures me as we walk into the venue to see Steven, Slash, and Izzy sitting on the stage. 
Stevie sees me and makes a beeline for me, making a point to hug me. 
Steven was like Vince, but a hell of a lot more genuine and wholesome. He just loved love, affection, flirting, and women--especially women.
"Duff's really upset over what happened, Viv." He tells me in my ear. 
"I'll talk to him." I reply with a slight nod. 
"I don't know if just talking it out is gonna help much of anything, babe." He says lowly and I let out a breath. 
"I'll talk to him." I repeat, brushing off his warning. 
When I get on the bus, Duff's got his shirt off, shuffling through his bag, glancing at me. 
"Hey." I say to him.
"Hey." He mumbles back, grabbing another tshirt to put on. 
"Steven said you were still pretty upset about last night." I tell him, stepping a little closer. 
"Not with you...just...the situation." He explains in a low, frustrated tone. 
"Well, do you wanna talk about it?" I offer. 
He looks at me, letting out a breath, licking his lips.
"You've already said you guys are getting divorced, so, it's not like it really matters." He shrugs. "Just having a little trouble pretending like he didn't damn near kill you, but..." he trails off, seeing the look on me face before saying, "I'll get over it, Viv, alright? Don't worry about me jumping on him again or anything like that." 
"I'm not worried about that." I assure him, grasping at his hand, tugging him closer to me in the aisle, a small smile on his lips as his hand runs through my hair, our eyes locked. 
"I love you." He tells me, my arms wrapping around his waist. 
"I love you, too." I grin, and he presses his lips to mine, sweetly, before I'm pulling away. 
"Alright, your show starts in an hour and a half." I inform him. 
"Okay." He says dismissively, kissing me again. 
"Duff, we gotta go." I giggle, his lips kissing at my cheek, then my neck. 
"We will." He says against my skin, chuckling. 
"If you're late, Axl's gonna kill us both." I remind him, kissing him again. 
As always, one thing led to another, and then…
"Duff," I whimper out, my bare back wet with sweat from the humidity in the Florida air, my thighs spread as he pushes his fingers in and out of me on the table of the empty tour bus--my dress discarded to the floor, leaving me in only my heels since I wasn't wear a bra or panties, specifically prepared for this moment. 
The wet sounds of his fingers toying with my soaked pussy reverberate off the walls of the bus, only making the ache in me more hungry. 
His tongue swirls around my nipple, and he bites it teasingly, making arch into him, his fingers plunging deeply into me, purposely brushing that spot. 
I runny fingers through his hair as he goes to my other nipple, doing the same to it, making me sigh out in pleasure. 
He kisses my lips before grinning, taking a step back to look between my legs as if admiring me, his bare torso tensing with each breath in, his hand raking over his blonde hair. 
I pull my lip into my mouth, placing my heel on his chest, gently pushing him to sit down across the aisle, and I look at him smugly as he watches me, his hand palming at his crotch. 
I turn over to my hands and knees on the table, arching my ass up and my face down before reaching my hand underneath me to rub at my clit, watching over my shoulder as he takes heavy breaths. 
Two of my fingers tease at my entrance, and I moan out as they slide into me, my walls tightening around my digits as pleasure prickles up my spine. 
He keeps his eyes glued to me as I move my other hand to my clit, my toes curling as I eventually bring myself to orgasm, but I don't have time to recover before Duff's hands are grabbing my hips and his tongue is lapping at my center, sucking at my clit from behind. 
I gasp, my hand reaching back to hold his face to me, my body moving in rhythm with his tongue. 
Moans and whimpers come from me, and he pulls away for a moment, only to pull me into the aisle and push at my back until I've got my hands on the floor, completely bent over as he gets a better angle at eating me out. 
I nearly scream at the sudden accessibility he's got, on his knees, lips and tongue going to work. 
"I'm gonna come." I gasp out and he presses one more kiss to my clit before two of his fingers thrust into my cunt, making my eyes roll back at their demanding pace, curling to hit against my g-spot. 
He stands up, never pulling his hand away as the other hand holds at my hip, leaving to run over my ass cheek for a moment as I begin to spasm around his fingers, my legs shaking as cum runs down them. 
He pulls his fingers from me and I'm standing and turning to face him, sucking them into my mouth and he curses under his breath as I keep them in my mouth, my hand unbuckling his belt and pulling his hard cock out of his jeans, wanting him down my throat at the sight of precum beading at his tip. 
I keep my control, letting his fingers from my mouth as I'm licking my lips and rubbing my thighs together. 
I sit on the edge of the table, my legs spread, my hand between my legs as he steps to me, grabbing his prick and rubbing it against my sensitive folds. 
"Fuck, Vivian." He says softly, smile on his lips as if he still can't believe he's sleeping with me. 
I just grin at him and pull him down to kiss me. 
I cry out when he takes the time to push into me, hitting as deep as he can with a few more inches to spare. 
"Make me take all of it." I tell him after he thrusts a few times. 
He watches my face as he slowly inches it further and further into me, his tip hitting my cervix and pressing against it, making it give way little by little until he's buried in me to the hilt and I feel like he's in my stomach, tears in my eyes from the painful pleasure. 
"This is how deep I want you to go when you come." I tell him, sweat beading between my breasts and he watches it, leaning forward to lick it off my skin. 
"You want me to come in you?" He asks me, knowing the answer but wanting to hear me say it. 
"Yes." I nod, gasping. 
"Why?" He asks and I look down, his shaft disappearing into me and coming out glistening with my juices. 
"Because it feels so good." I reply and he grabs my jaw, his tongue meeting mine in a sloppy, passionate kiss as he picks up his pace. 
I grab his hand and guide it to my bruised throat. 
He almost pulls his hand away but stops when I look at him. 
"You're not gonna--fuck--hurt me." I assure him, my hungry pussy being fed the way its needed, making my eyes roll back and my lids close as my head tilts back.
He slowly grasps my throat, harder and harder, and the sensation sends sharp pleasure straight to my clit. 
My fingers go to play with it, but his fingers move mine from his way, staying in fast rhythm with his thrusts.
"I'm--" I can't finish what I'm saying before he moans out with me tightening around him, further wetting him with my juices as I finish
Within a couple more minutes he's breathing out, his dick twitching before he fits all of his length into my cunt and my body's being christened with his hot cum. 
Once I cool down and clean myself up, I'm going back to him. 
I pull my shirt back over my head as his hand runs up and down my back, his lips catching on the space between my shoulder blades before the fabric of my shirt can cover me, making me laugh. 
"Duff, we--" 
"Dude, we eat on that table!" We hear Stevie pipe, and turn to see him and Izzy looking at us in horror, by the door, where we're sitting on the table. 
"So did Duff, apparently." Izzy says with a crooked smile, cigarette smoke cascading past his lips as he finds it amusing. 
"Sorry." I say to them, quickly getting dressed as Duff gets up to pull his pants on. 
"We didn't see anything, don't worry. We just waited for the screaming to subside." Izzy lets out. "Axl's wondering where you guys are."
"Of course he is." I roll my eyes. 
"Not for that reason. I think he wants to talk to you about Tansy." He adds. 
"Tansy? What about her?" 
"What do you think?" 
"She's not going to rehab until she wants to." I immediately know what he's referring to. "And being that she's not enthusiastic about living, I doubt she cares whether she dies or not." 
"Well, Axl's all worried and googly eyed and gross." Izzy huffs out. 
"Plus, she's our friend, too, and we've all been trying to talk to her about getting some help." Steven tells me, next.
I get my shoes on and step past them to the door. 
"See ya in a few." Duff tells me. 
"See ya in a few." I reply, smiling at him, before going to find Axl.
The irony of anybody from Guns being worried for Tansy due to her drug addiction was exactly that: ironic. 
But I don't blame Axl for not wanting to see the girl he was miserably in love with (well, obsessed and unhealthily infatuated with) on the brink of her own final destruction. I guess because I'd been there with Nikki, myself, and knew how scary it was--even if big, bad, mean machine Axl refused to admit he was scared, I knew he was.
"Have you seen Axl?" I ask Doc as I pass him by, and he furrows his brows. 
"Might check their dressing room, I think." He replies and I nod. 
"Oh, and I'm sorry for mine and Nikki's fight earlier." I say before he can walk off. 
"Don't worry about it, Vivian." He nods a little as I offer a small smile and head to the guys' dressing room. 
The ginger isn't in there and I groan, heading to Mötley's dressing room to check in there, coming face to face with Sparkie. 
"What the hell are you doing in here?" I ask him, cutting my eyes. 
"Waiting for Nikki to get back from the bathroom...what about you?" He replies smugly. 
"Wondering why you're back when Nikki and Axl have both made it clear they don't want to see you again." I state. 
"The bitchy redhead isn't getting in the way of my business." He says, referring to dealing to Nikki. 
"You're so sick." I hiss out in disgust, turning to leave. 
"I'm kinda wanting to add a few drops of fuel to the fire, ya know...tell him about you and Duff." He starts, and I tense up, slowly looking at him. "End the last show of this leg of the tour with a bang." 
"He won't believe you." I try to say it confidently, but my voice cracks just slightly. 
"I don't think you're giving him enough credit, Viv. Sure he's high a lot of the time, but it's not hard to believe when almost all of your time is spent with Duff in some form or fashion--not to mention you lied about your friendship with him from the start, so…" he points out. 
"What gets you off about seeing people in pain? If you're not helping them destroy themselves, you're making things a lot worse for their life." I grit out. 
"I'm not making things worse for his life by telling him about your inability to keep your legs closed. You did--well, still are doing--the crime, I'm just giving him a heads up about it because he's my friend, and my friend needs to know what kind of snake his wife really is." He remarks and I grind my teeth, turning to go again, but he grabs my wrist. 
"Unless she wants to persuade me to keep her secret?" He suggests, his cruddy eyes traveling up my body like they always do. "Last chance, Viv." He adds. "If he finds out, it'll completely shatter him. You don't want that on your hands, do you?" He keeps on, stepping closer to me, his arm sliding around my waist slowly as I stand still, frozen, as my heart pounds in my chest. "It'll just take a few minutes, and then you can go on your merry way, and I won't say a word." He grins, the tip of his nose touching mine, his chapped lips grazing mine as the door opens, revealing Nikki. 
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