#I am so sorry dude
Corrupted Elder Faerie au shitposting part 1
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Man the moon sure does look beautiful doesn't it?
Or in other words: Silverbell can never remember things aren't "normal" anymore
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tribus-semitae · 2 years
"I'm not a hobo.."
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“Wow you aint...well you might still join me for coffee anyway, unless you got better things to do ? “ she shrugs still not moving and honestly is down to chill with a random homeless looking guy. 
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crows-junk-pile · 11 months
Shit I forgo what this was for hold on
*checks notes*
Yeah still no clue
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gaydrewrealll · 3 months
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just saw this ask from april 30th omg,,,,, i'm gonna draw it rn........ anon whoever u are im SO sorry gen idk how i didnt see it before....
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
are. are you telling me that if the romanced mage warden dies and alistair is king, he deadass stares greagoir down over her dead body and grants the circle of ferelden its autonomy after ordering it rebuilt somewhere safer. first you have to deliberately leave him behind so he won't die for you and then he does that for you once you're gone, even when you're broken up??? absolute and literal king behaviour of the highest order????? the actions speak louder than words of it all??????? I think I hauve covid
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khaotunq · 1 month
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"You're the worst kidnapper I've ever met." Ohm Pawat as Min (Kidnap, coming Sept 2024)
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heybiji · 6 months
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toxixpumpkin · 2 years
RIP to that one specific Splatoon YouTuber with genuinely good informative videos but has the most god awful voice ever
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yudol-skorbi · 2 years
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this concept is so funny to me like s1 steddie fucking hilarious eddie would have the most embarrassing crush on the worst human being ever (in his opinion) and would be SO ANGRY about it
part 2
part 3
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panakoui · 5 months
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post canon laishuro prelude :>
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 28 days
Can we have mama Ben with his youngest moth baby? I need more mama Ben moments.
Sorry for giving so many asks. I just really love your works-
ok you reminded me of that goddamn touching scene when Ben/Big Chill said goodbye to the baby and im just 😭 suddenly got emotional, so i hope you won't mind an angsty doodle???
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i know that its canon that Ben forgot about the whole alien pregnancy thing (and that the fandom collectively decided that he is a lying liar who lied about it lol), but i like to think that sometimes he gets dreams about tiny little creatures that have his dna somewhere out there in boundless space.
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quiddling · 5 months
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he's homeless
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rookclan · 9 months
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Moon 7: A Chaotic Month!
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betasuppe · 9 months
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A charming cozy comm for my good mate @nartothelar of old man Emmet enjoying a peaceful chill day out & lunch with his lil pal joltik about in Nimbasa, free from the world crumbling down on him like so many other AUs hold in store for the poor subway boss!
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leviraaaaaa · 1 year
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It'd been years after the war.
You no longer had to fight anymore.
The ODM bruises had started to fade as you don't have to tighten the straps anymore, so hard that they dug into your skin. You don't miss the familiar weight of the gas tanks and thunder spears around your waist.
No more recovering only the remains of your dead friend. No more running for your life. No more corpses, no more blood.
You don't miss that life.
You've found your peace, a life with Levi.
You would have never thought it was possible. Not just you and him, but the whole concept of it.
That finally, you can sleep peacefully, without being scared of an urgent call that a wall was broken through. Though you'd still have nightmares but still. And even then it was fine because you had Levi now, to help you get through it. You no longer hard to curl up to yourself and try to calm yourself down, hug a pillow and sob silently so none of your dormmates wake up. You had Levi now.
Or the mornings, you think. The odd sense of peace, the feeling of safety. You can wake up beside him and stay in bed for as long as you want. You don't have to get up and search for your uniform. There's no training to be late to. You just curl yourself around him and watch him sleep, peaceful. And you get to watch when he'd woke up, sleepy sleepy eyes peering through and then arms wrapping around you tighter. He looks so vulnerable then. But you're glad, you think. That he can sleep like that now. That he feels safe enough to, safe with you. His dark circles aren't so visible anymore and he doesn't look as tired as he used to. He still can't get a full rest, but the insomnia isn't that bad.
Life had changed. And for the best. Peace for him and peace for you.
But try as you may, and oh dear God did you try, you can't actually forget. Can't actually leave the life you had spent so many years living behind just like that.
No, the scars never faded.
Souvenirs, you think. Reminders etched into your skin, reminders of who you were and what you've done and all that you pray to forget.
Yours stopped bothering you at one point. It used to. Once. Severely.
You'd stare at the bruises on your thighs for hours or the livid pale slashes along your arms or your stomach. Rough knuckles and calloused fingertips, the constant usage of ODM had left marks there too.
It's more the memories than anything that comes with it.
You used to think, how could anyone possibly look at this marred mess you were and still love you?
Oh but Levi.
He never told you but you knew.
He thinks it's not enough. That he's not enough. That surely you deserve someone with all their fingers, and both their eyes.
And you think it's ridiculous.
But even now, after so many years, you'd sometimes catch a glimpse of him staring at himself into the mirror, fingers grazing his face.
The world had been so cruel to him. And he didn't know how to be kinder to himself.
Unlike you, who cried it out, he never learnt how to actually handle his emotions. So when it's one of those days, he merely shuts himself out. In his own dark little mind. And those days, you leave him alone, because he only curls into himself deeper if you try to get him out. And you learnt to give him space, for him to come out on his own. Though every inch of you wants to help him, but you don't know how.
And it was one of those days, you realized when you walked into the bathroom.
He was staring at the bathroom mirror, arms braced on the counter. So focused he didn't even hear you coming.
"Levi?" You called out gently.
He didn't answer, but his head tilts towards you, eyes shifting to meet yours. He only gives a slight nod.
"You... okay?"
"...yeah." He takes a moment but nods. "Fine."
And it was then you noticed how hard his fingers gripped onto the counter. And you noticed his expression, the look of guilt there. How he wouldn't even look at you properly.
Your heart hurt.
If only he understood.
You didn't say anything but walked towards him. And without a word, you slide on top of the counter, shifting so he was standing between your legs. You locked your legs behind him, pulling him closer. He was startled but he didn't say anything, his eyes downcast.
There was so much pain inside those gray eyes.
"Levi." Your voice gentle, soft. "Look at me."
At that, he only tilted his head, looking further away from you, eyes darting sideways.
"No, look at me." You held his chin, turning his head towards you. He flinched at your touch, but you could see the resistance breaking under your gaze. The walls coming down.
With that, you held up your hair, tilting your head to show him a slash that went up to your neck.
"See this?"
He looked at you, confused. And without a word, you tugged on your t-shirt, taking off the clothing in one pull.
"What are you... doing?" He asked, warily. Eyes on your face. Even after so many years, he still got shy.
"No, eyes here lev." You said firmly. "See this?" You pointed at a scar along your elbow, then towards the bruises that ODM had left on your chest. " And this?"
He only stared at you, expression hard. His jaw tightened.
"Tell me Lev." You sighed.
"Does these repulse you? Creeps you out? Do you think they're ugly? Do they make you love me less? Or not at all?"
Levi looked horrified. He was immediately shaking your head, desperate to deny the words. How could you even think that?
"No." He said hastily, eyes wide. "No, what are you saying? Of course not—"
"So why on earth," You gently cupped his cheek, shushing him down. "Do you believe that yours makes me love you any less?"
Your thumb pressed along the scars on his cheek. They were white now, no longer blood red and livid on his skin as it was back when Hange stiched them up. You swallowed, pressing your forehead to his.
"What made you think," You whispered. "That these makes you worth any less levi? "
He didn't pull away, but he stiffened. His face hardened but there was a look of despair beneath his eyes. "That's not the same—''
"How is it any different?" You cut him out, your voice firm. "You tell me, I'm waiting."
He hesitated, staring at you. And then he looked down.
"...I'm crippled."
"Your point?"
"You deserve someone younger. Someone whole. Someone who's more than me."
"There's no one that's more than you levi."
"I'm damaged. "
"We'll fix it. I'll fix you. So, help me fix myself."
"I'll hurt you. I've already hurt you. I don't know how to be better than this. I don't know how to love someone. "
"You're the only person who have never hurt me. You make me feel more worthy than anyone else in this world ever could. And holy shit, if you can't," You whispered. "If you can't, let me. God, I'd love the shit out of you if you'd just let me. So fucking let me in Levi, don't push me away. Don't shut me out. You've done that enough in your lifetime."
And Levi was still. He was made out of stone. So hard, so rough, the edges so sharp. He tries to soften himself for you, but it goes against everything he ever taught himself his whole life and he doesn't know how to do that. He tries, but somehow it never feels enough. Not enough for you. And he wish he could believe that you didn't love him because you do and he could feel it. He can always feel it . Like the way you were looking at him and he felt so, so exposed.
It makes him feel guilty. Someone like you doesn't belong with someone like him. And he wishes, for once in your life, you'd stop looking at him like that so he could convice himself that you don't want him and he could walk away.
And he knows he makes you feel like you're not good enough, because he sees your sad expression when he locks himself out. But it's not you, he wants to tell you. God, you're fucking perfect and it's never you. It's him. He's the fucking problem. The space inside his head was so dark he was scared that just might be enough for you to leave.
But you. The tempt of it.
The warmth of you. You were all softness and gentless and goodness, so so kind to him and it makes him want to hold you tight and never let go again.
But somedays it gets so hard.
He isn't used to this. To show his feelings. To feel so bare in front of someone. Instinct doesn't let him.
He isn't used to feel so loved.
But he thinks he'd try. For you.
Because now that it's you, he doesn't know how to go back to a time there wasn't you.
"Levi?" Your voice pulls him out of his mind. Like you always did. His saving grace, his angel. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling you closer and he can hardly breathe.
"Don't give up on me, Levi." You whispered to his ears. "On you. On us."
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@sad-darksoul @anxious-chick @raginginferno267
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seafoam-aliens · 6 months
I don't trust artists that openly criticize liking posts.
We're all aware that liking a post is the simplest form of interaction and doesn't get your art boosted as much as it used to, but it's also the easiest way for other people to engage with your work. Putting on a post that you should always reblog and not "just like" even to the point of threatening to block ppl for it is just not a good look for anyone. Of course, you as an artist deserve to have your work seen, and I'm not talking about ppl who politely put "reblogs appreciated" under posts, but I promise you, you'll get more interactions by not treating people like an algorithm number cruncher.
I queue most of my posts, and I've gotten blocked by artists before because I didn't immediately hit reblog. It's frustrating! I can't continue to support someone who can't even trust me to share their post.
Your followers do not owe you anything, you are posting artwork for yourself first and others last.
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