#I bet this is what alhaitham feels
kavehayati · 3 months
Raisa telling me I’ll find “my one” but she forgets I already found him 😔
#kidding#she told me that but she forgets the fact I visibly cringe at the sight of couples being affectionate#I’ve honestly never been a physically#affectionate person#hugs were never my thing I just hugged people cause it was what I had realised is socially preferred or something#but one thing I can’t do is physical affection with my family it’s so uncomfortable even when everything was all good#I always found family dynamics cringe since I was a young kid for some reason idek#the whole doing things as a family was seriously never my cup of tea#but I’m getting side tracked ! yeah I saw this one couple#they were being so touchy and stuff on reels#and everyone was talking about those classic the highway looks nice jokes or something LOL#they’re such fakers cause to me the highway ALWAYS looks nice without a stimulus like that but teehee#yeah and gosh the cringe I felt was astounding#cause man how are you doing that and like it’s fun or something ?!?! like why are you touching her face 😭#I don’t understand#I bet this is what alhaitham feels#like people are so interesting cause I never understand even tho I do what they consider the norm I just don’t get it ☠️#hmmmmmmmmmm#I mean they call him autistic and my parents call me autistic and I used to shrug that off but atp#like bpd and autism go hand in hand maybe I’m autistic too ?!!!!#that would explain lots of things#but untreated autism becomes bpd so !!!!#fantastic#dora daily#also kaveh rerun soon EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEE#loml come home c6 PRETTY PLEASE ILL GIVE YOU A ROOM IN MY TEAPOT#ANYTHING YOU WANT SWEETHEART#I’ll pay for anything your heart desires just come HOME#like it’d totally make sense why it feels like I’m constantly putting on a performance and I can’t ever stop cause it’s probably masking and#I can’t unmask
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angelsrcute · 3 months
I suck his dick, it's big, it's very-very big! ᝰ.ᐟ✮⋆˙
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◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd make you cockwarm him while he works, the door unlocked, his dick so close to your g-spot but he wouldn't let you move! hands keeping your waist in place as his dick keeps you all stuffed n warm.
“I'll be done soon, sweetheart, you can wait a little more right? So, be a good girl n stop movin’ so much.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd praise you for sucking him off so good, tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you try not to gag on his huge dick. Guiding your tongue on his dick, gently holding your hair, shooting thick ropes of cum in your mouth.
“God, your mouth feels so good, my sweets. Keep goin’ alright? looking so pretty f’ me.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd taunt n insult you while you gag on his dick, roughly grabbing your hair and making you take him fully. Your mascara n lipstick all ruined, eyes rollin’ back when he cums in your mouth. :(
“You look like some cheap whore like this, y'know. I bet you're getting wet from me degrading you, hm? As expected.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you in a mating press, his big cock stretching your insides, hitting your womb. Pressin’ his hand on your tummy to feel his dick in you, making you whine. Your tummy already full from how much he cums, you definitely can't go for another round.. + he's gonna fuck you till you need a wheelchair.
“It won't fit? Don't worry, darlin’. Gonna make your cunt remember my dick, don't worry! Even if it does forgets, I'll just fuck ya again.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you till your dumb n can only think of him and his dick if you do decide to act all bratty or he'd just tie you up n put a vibrator on your clit and watch as you squirm around trying to get a release, but he turns off the vibrator just when you're gonna cum. :(
"Should've thought before being like that, what did you expect, princess? acting all flirty with that random guy, trying to make me jealous."
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who’re either super experienced from sleeping around or just fucking virgin losers, walkin’ around with that big ass dick in his pants.
— FYODOR, Leona, Dazai, NIKOLAI, Beel, Chuuya, Diavolo, SEBEK, Lucifer, Malleus, MAMMON, Jack, Blade, Neuvillette, Sampo, IDIA, Zhongli, Scara, CHILDE, TOJI, Jing yuan, Gojo, Sukuna, NANAMI, Dr. ratio, Wriothesley, ALHAITHAM, CATER + your favs.
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midnightmoonkiss · 1 year
Language Of Love
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AlHaitham X GN! Reader
“‘Italics’” = he’s speaking another language
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“So.. you can speak 20 languages?”
A random conversation.
It was easy to guess how you got to this point, boredom.
Spending time with your.. acquaintance, who you may or may not have a crush on, wasn’t on your agenda today, but here you are - sitting on a chair in his office as he effortlessly scribbles down sophisticated words onto parchment.
The sound was certainly pleasing to the ears, skrch sccrch sckrch.
You had no clue what he was doing. Oh, the duty of a scribe..
Or why you even came here..
You knew why you came here, to spend time with him, as a friend only. Or maybe you were less than friends. It was hard putting a label on things when it came to the emotionally stunted AlHaitham. He was almost as bad as the General Mahamatra.
You just forgot how boring spending time with him can be if he’s busy working, thus leading you to flip through one of the many books on his bookshelf.
Yeah, you quickly got bored of that too.
These weren’t story books, they were informative books. You suppose to a man like him who enjoyed learning, this was like being surrounded by candy. To you? Its like being surrounded by encyclopedias.
He probably reads encyclopedias for fun.
So here you were, starting a conversation on a little fact you heard an academia student mutter like it was a piece of gossip even though it was probably outlined somewhere.
“Yes,” The scratching of quill to paper continues even as he glances up at you for a split second, “It’s important for scholars to broaden their knowledge and fluency of languages as to not hinder important research that may be written in a different dialect.”
All of Teyvat spoke the same language, it was easy to wonder why everyone from ancient times suddenly decided to switch. Of course you wouldn’t ask him such a thing, not right now anyway.
You had a plan.
A plan to woo this man.
The many failed attempts before can not hinder you.
Smugly, you said to him, “I bet I know one language you can’t speak.”
Oh, you were already giddy.
Curiosity peaked, his scribbling halted, eyes on you, “Is that so?” He was eager to hear you answer.
Whether you were toying with him, or genuinely knew a language he could add to his list, he was willing to listen.
“Do tell.”
Clearing your throat, you sat up straight and gave him a cocky smile, “The language of love.”
You were met with silence, as expected.
He was starstruck, surely. In awe. Was he wooed?
You could easily speak up with the punchline after his response, oh!! You would say, ‘but I can teach you!!’
Oh, he’s about to respond! He’s-!
“You must be referring to the ancient Fontaine language used by higher class citizens, commonly known to scholars as the language of love due to how words would ‘roll off the tongue like silk’ when speaking it.“
–an idiot? You were gobsmacked.
And he was smirking on the inside.
“I’m surprised you know of this language, you must have learned something from one of the books you’ve flipped through in the library.”
“That’s not,”
“I can even demonstrate it for you.”
You began to fluster as he indeed began speaking a language completely foreign to your ears.
He was right, the words did flow silkily. This did not make you feel any better. Your pickup line failed miserably.
“‘You are so adorable, trying to trick me like this.’”
You can’t help but pout, wondering just what he was saying.
“‘Look at you, cheeks flushed and puffed like a fish. Honestly, how am I supposed to work efficiently if you’re here distracting me.’”
“Aw come on,” You began to complain, frowning at the gloating male, “I can’t understand you, y’know.”
“‘I do wonder if you’re aware that I know you like me, you wear your heart on your sleeves, my dear,’” he smiles ever so slightly, which completely unnerves you, “‘I like you too.’”
His cheek rests on his knuckles as he leans back and observes your frustration. Oh, how happy he was you brought this up. Any chance to show off his ability and confess without you knowing is always a good opportunity.
He’d shower you in compliments and confessions in all 20 languages if he had the time, perhaps even spill secrets to your unknowing ears.
Oh, how he would like that. He could say his deepest, darkest desires and you’d only look at him with confusion.. maybe even annoyance.
The thought pleased the busy scholar.
“That’s so mean you know, am I supposed to look up your words in a dictionary or something?”
“Oh, they wouldn’t be in a dictionary.” He reaches forward and tugs at your cheek, elation swirling in his broad chest as you whine and swat at his large arm.
“Should you remind me at a later date,” when he’s finally made you his, of course, “I’ll happily tell you what I said.”
“How about right now.”
“It is not a later date, only the time has changed.” Breathing out a sigh, faking annoyance, he turns his attention back to his paperwork, picking back up his quill.
“Ok, so I can ask you tomorrow.”
“You can, however, I’m under no obligation to tell you until I want to.”
“I dislike you very much, Scribe.” You grumbled, settling back in your seat.
He chuckles to himself, “I’m sure you do, ‘sweetheart.’”
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silkjade · 1 year
alhaitham x mermaid! reader (2)
⤀ warnings: fem!reader, no pronouns mentioned a/n: recommended to read the previous part first, since this is a direct continuation next ノ series masterlist ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𓇼
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For the past three weeks since your last encounter, alhaitham returns to the cove as usual, only to be met with no one. On the fourth week, he finally spots you lounging on a large rock, moonbathing under the pale light. The thought that it’s no wonder sailors are so easily enraptured, flits across his mind as he wades towards your rock.
It’s a shame that the moment your eyes meet, you dive back into the sea, the clear waters darkened under the blanket of night. He calls out your name only once, betting on the assumption that you’re still lurking close by. Sighing, he continues.
“I apologize for last time. I’d like to take you up on your offer.”
“… if it still stands of course,” he adds quickly.
There’s a hint of hesitance that lines alhaitham’s words, which is unusual for one normally so confident. Even more so, you notice he isn’t wearing his headphones— not over his ears nor around his neck. How interesting… perhaps you will surface.
“No ‘soundproof earpieces’ tonight?”
“They’d never last in the underwater pressure, so I’d really prefer if they at least stay intact for use on land.”
“And what if I decide to drown you right now? You wouldn’t be able to resist my song.”
It’s true, he probably wouldn’t. But logically speaking, a mermaid who’s chosen to aid him in perfecting his linguistics (multiple times), likely wouldn’t pose a huge threat. On the other hand, he did possibly offend you during your last meeting. In addition, mermaids were notoriously known to be headstrong and fickle as the sea itself. If that were truly the case…
“Then that would be bad luck for me.”
Always so cool, always so calm. The back of your fingers graze past his ear, tempting fate.
“Aren’t you afraid?”
To be honest, alhaitham isn’t sure if you’re somehow testing him, what with the way your voice comes out honey sweet to his ears. But his mind is clear and his resolve is strong. He just hopes it translates well to you, despite the slight waver in his hushed voice.
“I know what a kiss means to you humans…” you say, tracing your fingers down the side of his neck, stopping only to toy with the gem on his chest. It’s faint, but you can feel his heartbeat pick up. Blinking once, twice, you look up, holding his gaze, and repeat the question that had left a questionable mark on your correspondence. “Do you trust me?”
There’s no denying that alhaitham is a smart man; he’s learned from his mistake and knows how to answer this time around. Lifting your chin, he gently pulls you in and seals the distance between you with his lips. Your arms wrap around his neck, deepening the kiss, before sinking below the surface, effectively tugging him along, and sending him tumbling into the water with you.
The coldness of the ocean is worlds apart from the warm sumeru air. Alhaitham jerks away, expecting to feel the familiar sting in his nose, but it never comes and he finds himself breathing water like air. You grasp his hand, dragging him into a world unknown— at least to him. You will happily be his guide.
“Well come on. Enough floundering around, we’ve got lots to see.”
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After a night of swimming, alhaitham is absolutely exhausted by the time the two of you make it back to the little cove. Even with the ability to breathe underwater, his human body is still no match for the strong currents of the depths.
“I’ve always wondered why you call yourself feeble, but I see it now,” you tease.
He really only has the energy for a halfhearted retort. “Come to sumeru city, and then we’ll see.”
It’s a long pause before either of you speak again. Only the rolling of tides breaks the silence in the night.
“Do you mean it?” you ask softly, glancing at your tail. The remaining water droplets glisten under the full moon; you’d have a pair of legs once completely dry. Some of your kind yearned for the world above, but you’ve never quite understood the appeal until now.
“Mmm..” It’s a half conscious hum before drifting off to sleep against the cavern walls.
Behind some rocks lay his usual belongings which he had left hidden earlier in the night. You drape his strange half-cape over his sleeping form, recalling how humans tend to get cold easily in the sea breeze, especially while wet.
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“Hey, wake up. It’s noon.”
And so alhaitham opens his eyes to find your face hovering inches from his. Upon further inspection (and after blinking away the sleep from his eyes), he notices that not only has your tail been replaced with a pair of legs, but that you’re also… completely bare.
“What are you—”
Immediately, he turns his head away, choking on his words as a heated blush tints his face. With the reveal that you did in fact know the human implications of a kiss, he’s sure you also know what you’re currently doing as well. But for now… he swiftly gets up, tossing his cape in your direction. He’ll have to make a stop at port ormos to buy you some real clothing later.
It’s amusing, how a man so collected falters in the face of intimacy. With a sly grin, you cover your naked figure, though it quickly fades when you see him packing to leave the privacy of the cavern.
“H-hey help me up!”
“Oh? Feeling feeble, are we?”
a/n2: help i'm so invested in this au i'm probably going to do a third part, so send me an ask or just reply below if you'd like to be added to the series taglist ! thank you for reading ♡
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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ayaboba · 1 year
what if i told you none of it was accidental?
summary: you play hard to get. what’s their reaction?
chars: xiao, childe, tighnari, kaveh, diluc, zhongli, albedo, dainsleif, cyno, kazuha, ayato, heizou, kaeya, alhaitham, wanderer, baizhu.
cw: gn reader, just them being whipped for you, character can fit more than one category.
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just tries harder - xiao, childe, tighnari, kaveh.
they can be a little oblivious to your initial reaction. but, no matter how difficult you’re oddly presenting yourself to be, they’ll just take it as a sign to try harder and be better. of course, this newfound motivation does lead them to do some questionable things, that’s for sure. all in the name of love, you could say. all to grasp your attention, all to make sure you’re thinking about them, and hopefully, with fingers crossed, that you’ll understand how hard they’re trying. all for one chance.
knows what you’re doing, but continues trying - diluc, zhongli, albedo, dainsleif.
they love how discreet you think you are. but they definitely know what’s going on. perhaps they simply adore watching you enjoy yourself, harmlessly toying with them. it’s like a little game between the two, a bet to see who’ll be first to crack. the first to spill their not-so-secretive feelings towards one another. they’ll persist through the obstacles you, whether purposeful or not, without a second's doubt.
knows what you’re doing, and turns the tables - cyno, kazuha, ayato, heizou, kaeya.
these guys can play a little bit dirty, but only for the good of you both. you could view it as a favor, saving you from being hopelessly infatuated, or rather, an irritating thing he’s put in place to ruin your pride. somehow, in a span of days, it went from you establishing a meek idea to ignore him to you looking for him. it’s delirious. unfathomable. how could this have happened? what did they do? but to them, it doesn’t matter. they already know you’ve fallen, just waiting to be caught.
confronts you - alhaitham, wanderer, baizhu
look, they can be a bit straightforward with their emotions and actions. though they usually prefer to hide their innermost thoughts, this new feeling is something he believes should be told to you as soon as they’re sure. but it sure doesn’t help at all how you’re behaving—nonchalant actions hidden behind teasing smiles. although they agree it’s a bit of a strange act, they won’t deny how endearing it proves. calling it common sense, they confront you about it. It's a bit abrupt, but if it gets them their desperate answers, then it should be worth it, right?
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ ily ♡
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-> how often would the genshin men say "I love you"?
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Itto, Venti, Childe
Their hearts are overflowing with love for you that they can't help but say the phrase whenever you're near. They'll say it at the most random times too.
If you're in another room, you bet your bottom they're going to peep in just to say they love you. If you were in mid-conversation they'll tell you they love you. In anything that you're doing, they'll interrupt you for a moment to tell you they love you. They'll keep on telling you they love you until any shred of doubt that you might have of them loving you is nonexistent.
They need you to know that they love you, so that you know you can rely on them, trust in them, and that you know that you're never alone. Call them whenever you need help, go to them for comfort, use their shoulder to lean on because as they've said time and time again, they love you. And if it takes 1000 more times to show you, then so be it.
You've got to know how loved you are, how precious, and how valued you are. Especially when you're feeling low, they don't ever want you to forget that.
Heizou, Kaveh, Gorou, Thoma
They share a similar sentiment as those who like to say it all the time, but they're less overbearing about it in comparison. They'd usually make sure to say it before they leave or at the end of a conversation with you. In general, they're the types who would have no reservations when complimenting you, lifting you up, or expressing any of the adoration they have for you, which includes saying "I love you".
I also feel like they're the types to say "I love you" in between kisses, hehe 🤭 (Like, imagine them kissing your face. They kiss your forehead, "I love you". They kiss your nose, "I love you". They kiss your cheeks with another, "I love you". They finally kiss your lips, "I love you" and they continue to presses kisses upon your lips, saying "I love you" over and over again with each one)
Just enough
Zhongli, Kaeya, Kazuha, Baizhu
They prefer not to use the phrase too much nor too little. After all, they don’t find it necessary to say it so often as they are assured that you know they love you very much already.
Diluc, Ayato, Xiao, Albedo, Tighnari
These guys will say "I love you" sparingly. They believe saying it too much diminishes its value, so they tend to preserve it for when they're feeling great emotion. Usually after having not seen you for a while, or when they're internally overwhelmed with joy over something pertaining to you, they'll say it.
It’s likely not going to be an outburst, like "I LOVE YOU!!" lol. It's rather a soft, "I love you", whispered in your ear as they hold you close, their fervor showing in the firmness of their embrace.
Almost never
Alhaitham, Dainsleif, Scaramouche, Cyno
Don't mistake their lack of saying the phrase as a lack of love for you. In truth, they love you terribly.
They are firm believers in showing it through their actions. To them, "I love you" doesn't mean much if their actions don't prove it. So they say "I love you" by being there for you, caring about you, listening to you, and in other numerous ways.
"I love you" is also a vulnerable phrase for them to say. Though, this doesn't mean that they won't say it at all. They'll say it when their hearts can no long carry the amount of love they hold for you inside. It'd come out of their mouths unexpectedly when they are swept up by overwhelming emotion.
Again, similar to those in the "rarely" category, their overwhelming emotions wouldn't come out as an outburst. Most of it is internal.
They'll be looking at you, eyes full of tenderness as their mind would be swirling with thoughts of how much they adored you. Lost in these thoughts, an "I love you" would subconsciously slip through their lips, earning a surprised look from you. It was only until then did they snap out of their thoughts and realize what they've done. And before they can brush it off and switch the topic, pleeease stop them and tell them "I love you" back. Heck, do whatever you can to savor this precious moment where they've finally expressed their innermost feeling because it's RARE.
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a/n: ngl I did the "just enough" category really dirty by not giving it more substance compared to the others lmao 💀 I just didn't know what else to write 😭
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saetgvia · 2 months
genshin boys when you’re sick
characters: lyney, wriothesley, gaming, xiao, alhaitham
established relationship, nicknames (sweetheart, missy, etc)
tw: mentions of food, mentions of snot (is that a tw??), lmk if i forgot anything
- cares abt u very much
- a lil TOO much sometimes
- he just doesn’t want you hurt
- so the moment you show signs of sniffling you’re magically transported to the bed to get some rest
- he will FAWN over you
- kinda frantic ngl
- cooking
- magic show to cheer u up
- ‘i know the medicine tastes bad, but it’ll help you get better’
- older brother mode ACTIVATED
- lynnette and freminet are so weirded out by their usually chipper brother being like… this
- will take care of u until u get better
- whatever you need, he has <33
- tea
- he makes u tea
- and is overall a funny person
- like lyney he’ll want you to get as much rest as possible and yk cook for u and stuff
- ‘i’ll use my cryo vision to make the cold leave your body!’
- gets sigewinne to check on you because he has a MELUSINE DOCTOR so ofc he’s gonna ask her to check on youu
- lots of forehead and cheek kisses
- always makes sure you take medicine!
- cuddles!!! to make you warm!!!
- yea <3
- i think all the boys would cook and clean and take care of you
- but NONE better than gaming
- except maybe thoma
- but we’re talking about GAMING here
- he knows like 50000 people so you can bet he’s calling in favours
- ‘hello? yes remember that time a killed a bunch of hilichurls for you? yea can you make me soup? my partner’s sick.’
- tries to keep your energy and spirits up
- walks to get fresh air
- unlike the others he doesn’t really want to keep you in bed all the time bc he knows it can get irritating
- so he’ll spend time with you :))
- does the chores so you don’t have to worry about them
- overall i love gaming gaming best boy
- ‘…tf’
- ‘[NAME] DON’T MOVE A SLIME IS POSSESSING YOu- oh. it’s called a cold? and your body mAKES SLIME TO KEEP IT OUT??’
- humans are weird
- poor boy doesn’t know what to do
- you can bet he’s feeding you almond tofu
- and going to zhongli and cloud retainer etc. for advice
- ‘i can kill demons and protect teyvat… but i can’t help you feel better’
- sad boi
- so ofc you comfort him and everything
- makes sure you take your medicine all!!! the!!! time!!!
- doesn’t wanna leave your side
- caring and slightly confused bf but so sweet :(
- he’s so calm
- lyney’s total opposite
- cooking, chores, he does the lot
- provides better alternatives than the store antibiotics and they help u get better so much faster
- rare unserious alhaitham moment he claims it’s his love
- maybe it is!!
- reading sessions together!!
- u both reading books or him reading to you
- such a perfect bf
a/n: hope you enjoyed this one <33 smashed it out today after some depressing valorant LOL be back with more soon and pls reblog so more people can see my work!! my taglist is now open so if you want to join just drop an ask <3
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bedoballoons · 8 months
Just a random request at a random time.
Sumeru boys with an S/o that carries a small purse or something like that, and when they say they need something like if it's joking or genuine s/o is ready to pull it out of her purse and give it to them. Like she's that one friend that will have almost everything in their bag, like they were prepared for this
I've always wondered how so many things could fit in one purse, this is a adorable idea!! Thank you for requesting it and I hope you enjoy!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~The never ending purse~༺}
CW: Just some fluff! Fem reader!
(Includes: Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Wanderer, and Cyno!)
Tighnari watched you dig into your purse, his ears twitching with amusement, "What are you doing hmm? I feel like it would be easier to just get a pair from-" You cut him off mid sentence, holding a miniature pair of scissors up in victory, "Why get another pair when we already have one? I told you I had some." You winked at him, leaving him speechless while you went to work on cutting his loose thread that currently had him attached to a door, within seconds he was no longer trapped and you stood by him proudly.
"...why do you have scissors in your purse?"
"Just in case, I mean why not?"
"...Fair point."
When Alhaitham causally mentioned that he wished he'd brought one of his books to enjoy while you waited for your food, he didn't think you'd actually reach into your little purse and pull one out, it was odd to carry a book in the first place and...when did you get one of his books? "Thank you, for the book.."
"Anytime, I always make sure to keep a copy of one of your books, in case you ever forget to bring one and get bored."
"That's...very sweet of you. Thank you."
Kaveh chuckled, watching you with adoring eyes as you somehow managed to procure a mini sketchbook, colored pencils and even a eraser, from your small bag. Everything he had wished he had a couple moments ago was now sitting in front of him, ready to be used for the inspiration he had found, all because of you. "You know, you're the true inspiration here. Thank you so much, I'll never doubt what you have in your bag ever again, it's magic as far as I'm concerned."
You chuckled with a light blush painting your cheeks, "If I'm you're inspiration, does that mean I get a whole building designed after me?"
"Actually that's not a terrible idea.."
"What about a knife? Theres no way that bag of yours has a knife." You giggled at Wanderers persistence, he had really gotten so worked up about what you had in your bag and now he was asking for everything under the sun, which you somehow had tiny versions of....you even had a mini tool set in there, which included a pocket knife that you held up for him. "Care to try again?"
"What about another purse, inside of yours? Ha I bet you don't have that."
"Actually I do! I use it to hold bandages."
"Cyno, you alright? You look a little down." You gently touched his arm, looking at his downcast frown, he had been fine just a few minutes ago... "Yes I'm alright, I've just somehow misplaced my tcg dice, meaning I'm unable to play the current round. You could even say they've dicecided I'm not allowed to play at all." You smiled happily at his joke and reached into your bag, after a moment of moving random other things out of the way, you finally found it! "Here you go Cyno! Tcg dice, just for you!"
"...how...you know what, I'm not going to question it. You're my saviour, thank you." He pulled you close and kissed your forehead, leaving you flustered as he ran up to enter the games.
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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in-halingstardust · 3 months
Hiiii! I wanted to ask a fic of fem!reader using a remote vibrator on Alhaitham during a meeting. Like, she somehow slid it into his pants under the table and had fun teasing him :> and Alhaitham had to try hard maintaining composure
oh you can add kaveh too (separately please) thaaaaank you
[A/N: We love roomates. We love roommates even more when they have matching couple vibrators. Also, sorry this took so long I have been super busy the last couple months. I wrote this tired so sorry for the mistakes, I will go through it the next day or two!]
Alhaitham x fem!reader
˚₊· ➳❥ When Alhaitham stands up to present the quarterly sales of the marketing team he starts to second guess himself on why he continued to wear the vibrating ring from last nights session with you. You smile and give a thumbs up of encouragement from across the table as the lights go dim.
˚₊· ➳❥ Its a struggle as his voice shakes when you switch on the vibrator to a low hum. Not enough to be noticible, but something will be afoot if Alhaitham stops speaking for a second. During a particular long segment you turned up the vibrator another notch as your boyfriend gives a sharp inhale, mashing his lips together as a soft whine leaves his lips.
"What about the third month of sales?" both of your boss ask tapping a pen against paper, "explain that for me." Alhaitham straightens his back, "Of course, if you look here..." he continues as you bump the vibration pattern to a quick pulse. You can barely see the red flush against his ears in the darkness of the room, but you can hear the wobble of his voice as he drags through the words. Not that anyone took it for anything other than nerves.
˚₊· ➳❥ As the lights return to normal as the members clap moving on to the next topic. As Alhaithem sits down next to you short breaths leave his chest. You give a bright smile as you pat him on the shoulder. Undernath the desk , though, is a buldge straining against his pants. That is definently something you could take care of after the meeting.
Kaveh x fem!reader
˚₊· ➳❥ When Kaveh is asked to demonstrate his architecture in front of his academic classmates he begs for you not to do this. Too bad he lost the bet and has to wear a prostrate massage infront of you and twenty other people.
˚₊· ➳❥ You are kind to him the first ten minutes into his lecture that he almost forgets the about the uncomfortable feeling, until he feels a small vibration turn on then off. It shocks him enough that he breaks off his sentence during the question period.
"Ah ah- sorry, can you repeat the question?" Kaveh says gripping tightly on the podium. The student repeats a question, something about support beams, and you flick on the vibrator directly to the third level. "Nghhh- support is important, *hah*, especially the parallel s-structure distributes weight m-more evenly." Kaveh rasps as he flushes. As he answered questions you would fiddle with the intensity level seeing Kaveh turn into a red tomato. He must be glad the podium is covering a majority of his lower half.
˚₊· ➳❥ Kaveh doesn't even finish the questiosn as his time runs out. He quickly excuses himself to the bathroom as he stumbles out. You see him return in five minutes with a glare being shot directly at you.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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when alhaitham’s eyes finally open - albeit barely - the first thing he notices is that the books on his nightstand aren’t there. 
the second thing is that, judging from the pulsing behind his temples, he is definitely hungover. so he attributes the missing books to whatever drunken state he was in last night thanks to cyno, a bet, and way too much alcohol. 
groaning, he closes his eyes again. maybe it’s for an hour or maybe it’s only five minutes, but when he peels them open again, he realizes that the sunlight that’s hitting them is coming from a window that’s not in the right spot.
it’s startling enough for him to jolt upright, because it’s enough for him to realize that this isn’t his room. 
it’s with mounting horror that he realizes that isn’t his window, that isn’t his nightstand, and that certainly is not his underwear laying on the floor. 
and he is certainly not alone in what isn’t his bed either. with an increasing heart rate, he moves as quickly as his alcohol impaired body can manage, collecting his discarded clothes and slipping them on. 
when he whips his head around to look at you, his brain feels as if it smacks against the side of his skull. 
kaveh peels himself off the front porch as alhaitham shoves his key in the lock and pushes the front door open. 
“where were you last night?” the architect asks, already seeming suspicious. “you said you were going home when you left. i was waiting for you!”
alhaitham sends him a flat look. “you poor thing.” 
“don’t bring my financial status into this! just answer the question!”
he grabs a glass, weighing different lies and their effectiveness in his head before answering. “i was out.”
“obviously,” his roommate huffs, catching the door and following him in. “but where?” 
alhaitham fills and chugs his water to soothe his parched throat (and to avoid answering), turning the answer over in his mind. he quickly comes to the conclusion that answering honestly would be extremely unwise. 
so he simply shrugs, setting his glass down and heading towards his room.
unfortunately, he isn’t fast enough to escape kaveh’s long limbs and insatiable appetite when it comes to his private life. he practically body blocks him, hand cupping his chin contemplatively, eyes boring into him as if they could pierce his skull and read his thoughts. 
“is that a hickey?” 
“of course not, don’t be crass.” alhaitham pushes past him, then tugs the collar of his shirt up. he needs a shower and fresh set of clothes. 
but kaveh is hot on his heels. “you were out with someone, weren’t you?” 
normally, he’d be much more adept at diverting kaveh’s attention, but there’s a strange, paralyzing panic rising in his chest hindering him. it must be the remnants of the alcohol lingering in his system. “no.”
“then why didn’t you come home?”
“i’m not a child who has to explain why they were out past curfew.” 
kaveh rolls his eyes. “right, you’re a grown man that’s always in bed by 9pm. now, was the house of daena burning down or were you out with a…certain pretty doctor? you guys were both pretty tipsy when you left.”
in the years that alhaitham has known kaveh, he’d learned that the man was never able to simply accept certain comments at face value.
for example, last week alhaitham may or may not have said that he thought you were pretty. he’s never been one to exaggerate, and meant it purely objectively. like if he said tighnari was smart or that cyno went through card backs faster than dehya went through steel gauntlets. it was just a fact. 
but whenever it was about you, kaveh always managed to distort his simple observations into something borderline scandalous. 
“it’s none of your business,” he snaps, sounding much too defensive for his liking. “if all you’re going to do is make baseless accusations, save them for later. i need to get ready.” 
“where are you going?!”
the table alhaitham shares with you at puspa cafe is silent. 
usually, having coffee with you is easier. conversation flowed easily and the few silences you’d share never demanded to be filled. at first he’d thought that it was because you were compatible in all the right ways, but he’d quickly come to the conclusion that it because, well, you were you. 
and last night he’d kissed you. he’d felt your lips press against his own and felt your soft skin under his fingertips. he may have forgotten how the two of you had ended up back at your place, but he’d never forget that. 
but now the air is so brittle he fears it may snap. he glances up at you. your expression is almost unreadable. like him, you’re probably over-analyzing the situation at hand.
“i don’t regret it,” he says simply, internally cursing his lack of social tact when you startle. “do you?”
“i don’t,” you say quickly, looking sincere enough. “but…fraternizing is against akademiya faculty policy.”
“i suppose because those are the rules,” he says slowly, reaching across the table to twine his fingers with yours as he adds, “we’ll have to terminate all contact then.”
“yes,” you nod, a smile spreading across your lips. “we will.”
but when he leans in to kiss you, you don’t stop him.
well, alhaitham’s never been one for rules anyway.
cyno rubs his temples. it was much too early for this. “kaveh, i can’t order an investigation on the akademiya scribe just because you think you saw him hold hands with someone.”
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azullumi · 1 year
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summary — you present the grand question to him and you await for his answer; will it be good or bad?
characters — wanderer, kaveh, alhaitham (w/gender-neutral reader)
tags — some fluff, some crack, established relationship, not proofread ; scenario
words — 1025
note — i wrote this at 3 am
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"would you still love me even if i was a worm?"
instead of a sarcastic remark given by him, you were instead greeted with silence as you lay your head on top of his chest. it lingered and lasted for not longer than just a few moments before being broken by the confused tone of his voice saying, "did you hit your head earlier while i was away?"
"perhaps but i want to hear your answer to the question."
silence once again but you waited, perhaps he's only collecting his thoughts and coming up of a response that you'll like, coming up of an answer that he'll say which will make you smile and he'll receive a lovely kiss from you—
"i'll pour salt on you and watch as you wiggle and die."
honestly, what were you even expecting? this is him you're talking about, sappy and affectionate words don't come out of his mouth so easily. he's much more fluent in the language of sarcasm and being mean, however, hearing his answer didn't hurt you or anything but instead, it made a chuckle emit out of your throat—the answer was so just like him. although knowing him, perhaps he's still contemplating on what to say or maybe that answer isn't what he really meant to say, he just couldn't find the right words to convey to you; this is a question whether he would still love you if you were a worm or not.
"but what if i turn into a human once i experience true love?"
you rose a question once again and you swear you could imagine how his eye rolled upon hearing what you asked.
"this ain't princess and the worm or any fairytales that you have read, (name)."
a hum slips past your lips as you went into a deep thought before an idea popped up inside your head in which you immediately voiced out: "would you love me if i was a frog then?"
"i bet you wouldn't even love me if i had turned into an animal."
"what are you even on about?" poor kaveh was only basking in your presence as you shared another lovely moment together in each other's arms when he was confronted by that question. he couldn't even tell if you were joking or not based on the serious tone of your voice so he grew nervous.
"you wouldn't love me if i was a worm, would you?"
you could immediately imagine the look of confusion and worry on his face, swirling in the depth of his eyes and muddling his sense of judgment—he just simply didn't know what to say, what to answer, or what to respond upon hearing your question. it was so unexpected, so strange, and just so out of the blue and he wonders where did you even pull that out from while you're having a romantic with him in his embrace. what even goes inside your head?
"are you perhaps drunk or anything, (name)?"
"just answer the question, would you?" you looked up to him, as if you were trying to burn him with your gaze with how you don a serious look on your face.
you pressed on, pressure consuming the air around you and weighing heavily on his shoulders and it feels as if he was being questioned and interrogated about a grave crime he didn't even commit when in fact a ridiculous question was only being thrown at him; he swallowed hard and looked down to meet your eyes before answering.
"i will."
"i will what?"
you know what he was talking about, it's just that feigning innocence and making him have that look on his face muses you and you tried to hold back the grin that threatens to break out of your pursed lips.
"i will love you even if you were a worm. i will even build you a palace and give you flowers everyday. i will do everything that you want. there, that's my answer."
"would you love me if i was a worm?"
you had asked him while he was sitting beside you and reading the book on his hand, this time, the cover was different from what he was reading yesterday. you recall it to be green but now it's brown indicating that he had already finished the one prior—though why are you thinking about that right now? you should be focusing on his answer to your question instead.
"nobody in their right mind would fall in love with a worm."
he responds, straightforward and honest as if he didn't even give it time to think about it—just like what you have thought he will do so it didn't surprise you really. he's a man who leads his life with a pure sense of rationality, basing major factors of his life from books and logic; you rolled your eyes before you retorted, "but what if i was one?"
"logically and rationally, you wouldn't turn into one unless there's some sort of potion or craft that could but based from the books that is im—"
"stop being a nerd and just answer the question: would you still love me if i was a worm?"
you had interrupted him, knowing what will fully come next to his statement. you have been with this man for god knows how long already and you might have already memorized the pattern of his words and analyzed each one of it, it's a strange ability to have but still amazing.
there was a moment of silence between you two, persisting for a few seconds before disappearing. for alhaitham to entertain such question was definitely something and you were quite eager to hear what he would say:
"...it depends on what kind of worm you are."
"so you won't?"
"i didn't say that—"
"save your words, i'm not going to listen to you."
needless to say, alhaitham had to spend the whole night trying to woo you and have you right back in his arms.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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silverflqmes · 1 year
synopsis. in which you go from utterly despising what you’ve dubbed as your ‘rival’, with every fiber of your being, to loving his stupid ass self.
academic rivals to lovers ( alhaitham’s version )
for @reiqings <3
tw. mildly suggestive, mentions / consumption of alcohol.
alhaitham x gn!reader.
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“look at him, sitting all smug with that stupid little book of his.” you grumbled to your best friend, layla, taking a bite out of your pita pocket. “i bet he’s reading smut, i can just feel it.”
“smut?” the female repeated, nestling her head in her arms. “alhaitham-san is super serious about his reading and reputation.. doubt he’s reading that.. sort of content..” she trailed off into a snore and you nearly face palmed. there goes your friend again.
unlike him, sadly layla didn’t share the same major as you, as she was into astrology, rather than languages and writing. so it was only around lunch hour that you could hang out.. although it was more like nap time for her while you sat in silence.
with a huff, not wanting to be shown up, you finished the last of your meal before grabbing the book you’d been reading as of late. if alhaitham could read without it being for an assignment, so could you!
except he didn’t care.
his eyes barely lifted from his novel as he flipped to another page, deeply immersed in the story.. which in turn, frustrated you each time you peeked at him.
what could you do? there had to be something.
and like a metaphoric light bulb flashing, an idea came to mind.
opening your school bag, you reached for your linguistics notebook, recalling the newly assigned homework.
silly alhaitham was busying himself with his dumb little book, blissfully unaware of the homework you had just received. only a good noodle would make it the day it’s assigned — and that.. would be you!
as you buried your nose in your text book and notes, writing the necessary notes for the homework, you failed to notice groan of the chair few tables away.
until the culprit was standing across from you, overshadowing your work with their stature. it didn’t take any guesses to know who it was, but you were a petty shit.
“can i help you, dear alumni?” you asked without lifting your head, words like knives covered in honey. if you had your way, they’d be covered in bees, too. “your breasts are blocking the natural sunlight.”
“are they now? i hadn’t noticed.” the person in question answered, his tone low, yet there was a hint of amusement. “does that mean you were eyeing them each time you glared over at me?” he inquired, and you scoffed.
“me? eyeing your rack? that is preposterous. i would never do something so absurd. you flatter yourself too much, alhaitham-san.” who was he to think so smugly of himself? like you would be staring at that terrifyingly gorgeous physique of his.
but the silver haired male wasn’t buying it, not one bit. “hm, perhaps i do when flattery is in order. maybe next time you should try being more stealthy if you wish to stare.” he advised, turning on his heel with a faint smirk on his lips, knowing precisely how to rile you up.
and it worked like a charm, as your jaw nearly dropped. “flattery is NOT in order and never in a million lifetimes would i be caught red handed staring there of all places!” you blurted, slamming your books shut before dashing past him to your next class.
alhaitham only rolled his eyes, knowing damn well you would tire your legs before even reaching half way. like the turtle and the rabbit, he would come in like the wise turtle to beat the naive little rabbit.
from the lunch table, layla stirred at the sound of the bell, looking around tiredly before blinking. “y/n-chan?”
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and alhaitham was correct, once again, for you did tire yourself before even reaching the doorway to your next class.
he passed you wordlessly, an innocent smile on his lips as he took his seat, watching as you dragged yourself into the seat next to him — the only one that remained. how touching.
“not a word.” you hissed to him, fixing your hair up as best as you could before taking out your materials.
the male ignored your comment, shrugging with indifference as he took out his own things.. along with that book of his. just what in the world was he reading that was so much more important than today’s lesson??
as your eyes darted to the book, you noticed it was unguarded while alhaitham reached into his bad for pencils. an opportunity.
with a wicked grin, you reached out for the book, nearly snatching it from alhaitham’s desk.. had it not been for the hand that encased your wrist. foiled again.
“i believe you should ask before taking one’s belongings, wouldn’t you agree, y/n-san?” the dendro user spoke, his words like a chill breeze. it made you shiver as you looked up at him before trailing your eyes to his hand. yeah, yours was going nowhere.
“quick, think of an excuse!” you warned yourself, clearing your throat as you did so. “you think so illy of me, alhaitham-san. i wouldn’t dare take that abstruse book of yours.” you huffed out, snatching your wrist back. “i was waving a fly away like a good classmate of yours! i should have known my actions would always go by unappreciated with you.” you pouted further, turning away from the gray haired swordsman, who only rolled his eyes, as he knew.
“sure, we’ll go with that.” he retorted in his usual monotone, missing the irritation on your visage as he refocused his gaze on the lecturer.
the twin tailed female below averted her gaze from the bickering pair, clearing her throat. “perfect, now that we’re all listening, allow me to commence today’s lecture with returning your test papers to you.” the teacher — faruzan spoke, smiling while half the students groaned. “i will be going over the all the answers, so should there be any mistakes in my corrections, do approach me after i finish.” the anemo user finished, grabbing the stack of sheets off her desk before handing each out.
as she reached where you and alhaitham sat, she sent your a proud grin. “amazing job on last week’s test, y/n-chan! your story was lovely to read!” the professor praised as you took your sheet from her hands, blinking in surprise. a perfect score!
curious, you looked over at alhaitham’s paper, wanting to shove your grade in his face.. only to find he had also gotten a perfect score.. with a bonus point.
you nearly wanted to smack yourself.
“you’re staring again, y/n-san.” the taller mocked, a smug look on his annoyingly attractive face. who made brains and good looks legal, and why did it have to be him?!
you puffed your cheeks out, tearing your eyes away from his paper. “i’m not staring, you’re imagining it with how inflated your ego must be!” you retaliated, folding your arms over your chest as you sank back into your seat.
stupid alhaitham and his stupid games. it’s like he wanted you to taste the bitterness of defeat while he soaked in the sweetness of victory. what an ass.
his only response to your outburst was a hum, and if that didn’t throw you over the edge, you weren’t sure what did.
“him being right, probably.” you answered in your head before muttering a curse under your breath.
just who does he think he is?
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“alhaitham-kun, w-would you go out with me??” a female squeaked, holding out an envelope to the haravatat student as she bowed her head.
a confession a second after the bell rang.
you nearly gagged at the sight, wondering to yourself who in their right mind would want to date the likes of him. he was despicable! annoying, and egotistic! there was absolutely nothing attractive about him other than those horrifyingly gorgeous features of his.
and yet.. there was this strange bitterness you felt, as your gaze lingered on the pair longer. you weren’t sure why, but there was this nervous feeling of what he might answer with.
“sorry, but i’ll have to decline. i have my eyes set elsewhere, hope you can understand.” he responded curtly, rising from his seat beside you as he passed the girl to take the stairs.
the poor maiden barely got a word in after his answer as she watched his retreating figure disappear through the doorway, letter still in hand. “he.. didn’t even take it..” she muttered to herself, frozen in place. all eyes were on her, including your own.
somehow you felt this sense of relief, hearing alhaitham say no. and yet.. you couldn’t help but feel for the scholar as you placed a hand on her shoulder. whether to comfort or wake her from her trance, you weren’t sure. but the female lowered her hands, keeping her head down as she descended the stairs before taking off at the doorway.
it stirred something in you other than that strange relief but rightful pity. fear, was it? you weren’t sure why.
though something else boggled your mind impossibly more.. that being alhaitham’s response to her confession.
i have my eyes set elsewhere.
and just where on teyvat was that?
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“your rival sounds awful, y/n! breaking the poor heart of a girl..” the blond across from you sighed out, draining his glass of wine. “reminds me of someone i know..”
you nodded vigorously, lowering your glass in front of you. “see what i mean, kaveh gets me! i can’t stand being around that man,” you hissed out, wiping your maroon stained lips. “he’s always reading his dumb book half the time — i don’t get how he scores higher than i do?!” you groaned out, clenching the column of your glass. “it makes no sense!”
“perhaps if i meet this fellow, i can rob him clean of his tcg deck as revenge.” the albino haired male across from you spoke, twirling a card between his middle and index fingers, which drew a low exhale from the male beside him.
“tcg isn’t to be used as gambling material, cyno.”
the male question sunk back in his seat, grumbling. “who put the sigh in cy-no.”
“moving on..” you cleared your throat before looking down at your watch. “when is this roommate of yours is supposed to arrive, kaveh? he’s awfully late and we’re already on our second glasses..”
“wow, i didn’t picture you as the alcoholic type. perhaps that’s why you stare so often where you’re not supposed to.”
it couldn’t be.
almost instantaneously, you whipped your head around to look up at the newly arrived figure, widening your eyes. “a-alhaitham?!” you blurted before turning to the blond beside you. “you live with him?!”
kaveh sank back in shame, draping a hand over his forehead. “unfortunately.” he muttered back, sending you a glance after a short pause. “you know him?”
“i wish i didn’t.” you grumbled back when alhaitham sat between you both without warning. it irked you greatly as you looked up at him, brows furrowed together. “do. you. mind?! i was in the middle of a conversation!”
alhaitham only glanced down at you, raising a brow. “did you say something?” he asked, lowering his hand from his ear.
“can he not hear?!” you asked yourself, nearly shattering the glass between your hands. “forget i even asked, you’d probably just annoy me more than you have already today!” you fired back, turning away from your classmate.
that piqued kaveh’s interest as he shared a knowing glance with cyno and tighnari before smiling innocently at you. “say, y/n.. you never did tell us who that guy was.”
the color drained from your face almost instantly as that guy.. was right next to you.
“maybe you could de-scribe him to us?” the spantamad major added and his fennec eared friend groaned.
“can we do without the puns for once..”
a wicked snicker. “well that’s no pun.”
“you guys!” kaveh hissed out before turning to you once more. “so who is it, y/n? you can tell us.” he encouraged, grinning brightly.. for someone who held a similar distaste for the male in question.
it left you in a panic, not wanting alhaitham to know you had been blabbering about him in particular. you’d never hear the end of it if he found out!
“i-i need a drink!” you babbled, nearly jumping out of your seat as you rushed over to the tavern bar, face flushed, and not just from your last two glasses of wine.
when the bartender approached, your ordered another glass of wine and water, smiling awkwardly. you probably sounded like a complete mess as your words jumbled out from your nerves. why was alhaitham making you feel so on edge — so.. flustered. was that the word?
“having too much to drink is no good, you know.” speak of the devil.
startled by his presence, you nearly slapped the boy as you tensed beside him. why was he there??
“sneaking up on people is pretty weird, you know.” you retorted, huffing quietly. “this is the third time today.”
alhaitham hummed in amusement. “and you counted each time?”
“i hope kaveh destroys that book of yours..”
“jealous of the attention i give it over you?” he asked and you nearly choked on your breath.
you? jealous of a book? as if!
“and why would i be jealous of an inanimate object, least of all one belonging to yourself.” you countered, scoffing at his words. “that’s completely ridiculously, even more so when it’s coming out of your mouth.”
“then what was that look on your face, earlier today.” he inquired, side eying you. “when that girl confessed.”
you hesitated for a moment, thrown off by the sudden question, but you didn’t back down. “disgust, perhaps. a normal person would be appalled to see someone confess to you of all people. it’s idiotic when you’re more likely to be committed to a library than a significant other.”
the silver haired male hummed again, which annoyed you, but he wasn’t finished. “funny, it looked like envy to me.” he mused, finally turning to face you. “and repose when you heard me reject her.”
archons, his eyes were so striking — so alluring. was this why he never looked you dead on? or paid you any mind, other than some side glances?
it made the beat of your heart quicken with fear, maybe even excitement. wait.. what were you saying? this was alhaitham — your class rival! he was just trying to throw you off your game!
and yet.. why was he suddenly so close to you? so entrancing? was it the alcohol? no.. the alcohol was bringing it out more — the truth, that which you’d been hiding.
“am i making you nervous? or was i correct with my conclusions?” he asked after a period of silence and you gulped. how long had you spaced out for?! speak!
“a-and why should i tell you anything?” you finally voiced, a puny comeback. “thought you had your eyes set elsewhere.” you elaborated, mustering up whatever confidence remained in you.
alhaitham leaned in closer, a prideful smile on his lips. “correct, i’m looking right at them.”
you blinked once and then twice.
there wasn’t anywhere else or anyone else he was looking at.. except for you.
“that..” you stumbled, feeling your face warm up up. “that can’t be right — you’re joking, you have to be.. did kaveh send you over purposefully? i swear to-mmph!”
and just like that, your disbelief was silenced with a surprisingly soft pair of lips as you felt a hand cup your cheek.
“still think i’m joking?”
notes. this was longer than i expected and oml istg it went everywhere.. ANYWAY here you go rei i hope you liked it BAHAHAHA half of this was me clowning around with an old idea i drafted soooooo yeah.. but i hope i did the boobman justice and fulfilled your request<3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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maplleaf · 1 year
《 The Prettiest of Them All 》
Giving them a 'strange' outfit after losing a bet
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(Dainsleif, Alhaitham, Shenhe)
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{☆} Dainsleif: Maid Outfit
- he is... an old man
- Dain knows that certain things are romanticized nowadays, but he doesn't really get why you want to see him in a maid outfit.
- though, seeing how it's you who requested it, he couldn't help but say yes. He did lose the bet after all.
- plus the stars that seemed to have formed in your eyes from excitement rivals the stars on his cape so... can he really just deny the request?
- for the entirety of the day, which he lends to you fully to fulfill the bet, he acted like a maid that he's used to seeing back in Khaenri'ah.
- old man even promised he'll do everything you ask him to for the entire day.
- by that he meant everything.
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"Dain, honey, this isn't really necessary."
Dainsleif shook his head as he stood beside you, holding a tray he found in one of your cabinets. His posture is straight, the short frilly skirt and stockings he's using doing wonders to your imagination.
"You requested a maid outfit, it would be fitting for me to act like this," he stated. Yes, you did do that, but it was to see him in a cute maid outfit; not being taken care of like fragile glass for the whole day.
The twilight sword, who picked up a dustsweeper for a weapon now, cooked you a delicious meal for breakfast this morning; now he's insisting that he do the same for lunch. It's comforting being cared for by your lover, but you barely had to lift a finger the entire day, Dainsleif even helped you wear your own clothes!
You sighed, it's still worth it seeing Dainsleif in this outfit; the frilly skirt didn't cover anything below his knees and an adorable headband he's wearing. Yet, you feel guilty for making your lover act as a maid than a lover, even if it's because of a bet.
Placing a hand on top of Dainsleif's as he placed down the tray. "You said you'll do anything as my maid, right?"
Dainsleif's starry eyes looked back at yours, feeling your thumb caressing his rough hand. "Then I request you to have lunch with me as a lover," your free hand pulled the chair not so far away so it'll be right next to you.
Dainsleif chuckled, a smile formed onto his face. He didn't mind this whole maid thing, truly. Even if the design of the maid outfit isn't something he's used to seeing, he didn't mind taking care of you for the day; it's one of the ways to show his love for you after all.
The twilight maid stood straight as he finished preparing your meal, then sat down on the chair you offered. You couldn't help but smile as you took a spoonful of the food and directing it to Dainsleif's mouth.
"Open up, love," the blonde does as he's told, tasting the food he made himself. "Good isn't it," you said, or more like stated. Dainsleif's methods of cooking are simple for the sake of ease when adventuring, yet the results are always a delight.
"It's good."
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{◇} Alhaitham: Nurse Outfit
- He was... not happy with this.
- He's not into wearing different outfits for fun, choosing to wear the same style of clothes everyday. But he knows what this is.
- Humiliating, to say the least, but he's not backing down from his words; honestly, losing to you in a bet is surprisingly more shocking than wearing the fontaine-like nurse outfit.
- a nurse? You could've chose a doctor and he would be happier. The outfit didn't even looked like an actual nurse outfit, choosing the version with a tight skirt, pastel green color, and a hat with the red plus sign signifying a hospital
- he sighed and agreed on wearing it, but only for half an hour and no pictures.
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"You're stranger than a hydro slime that prefer being in the desert."
"Shh, nurses don't insult their patients, 'haitham." Alhaitham scoffed as he continued reading the words on his book, "you're not even a patient."
Closing the page to go to the next one, you leaned on his broad shoulders. "I might be one if my heart gets broken by that attitude," it was a joke, clearly. Alhaitham knew you didn't mind his distant persona, you were able to be in a long-lasting relationship with him after all.
The acting grand sage is currently sitting on your lap, a book in his hand and your hand holding onto the page waiting for him to finish his reading. His legs are cross legged, the tight skirt had preferred it and he wasn't in the mood to have his legs spread out.
Alhaitham sighd as he tapped on your hand, a signal for him to go to the next page. "Why did you even want me to wear the outfit if we could do this without one?" Alhaitham asked, or more like demanded an answer to.
Your hand slowly turned to the next page before idling on the page beside the one he's reading. "You look cute with this," you complimented, "well, cuter than usual."
The last sentence came with a chuckle, one that made Alhaitham's cold heart melt into a puddle, even if his blank expression says otherwise.
Meanwhile due to the lenght of the skirt, Alhaitham felt a particularly cold wind hits his legs and almost made him shudder, perhaps it was a bad idea having your kitchen window open.
It's not uncomfortable per se, but seeing as he's so used to using long pants, his body simply doesn't feel familiar to it. Noticing the slight shake, you began to worry.
It's been getting colder slightly in Sumeru. The rain season started and the bright and warm sun had rarely hit the city nowadays, stranding the place of the usual warmth.
Not wanting Alhaitham to get another cold wind hitting him your legs starts to shift and your hand getting him off your lap. "Hold on, I'll get a jacket for you," a push on your chest made you fall back to the couch. It's strangely attractive how strong Alhaitham's arms are.
"You made me wear this ridiculous outfit yet leaving at the same time? Since when were you this rude," Alhaitham scoffed, placing your hand back to the pages and the same position as before. The acting grand master smirked at your dumbfounded and reddening face, how couldn't he?
Coughing to relief some embarassment, your hand had slightly gripped the paper stronger than before. "Right, of course. I couldn't just leave my favorite nurse alone," you tried to regain some control back.
The two of you continued on reading after that, for every page that Alhaitham finished your fingers would delicately move on to the next page.
By all mean, Alhaitham finds it strange how you feel attracted to an outfit. Though seeing as he's the only one you want to see in this oufit, he'll count it as a win of his own.
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{♤} Shenhe: Bunnygirl + Blazer overlay
- "Oh, Yelan showed me this once." "what."
- Much like Dainsleif, she doesn't really get it. Though, it is her first time wearing a blazer as an overlay for the outfit, you gave it to her saying "This'll make you look cuter than ever."
- the addition of a headband with bunny ears made her slightly confused but brushed it off since you looked happy when she wore it.
- the entire day, the two of you played card games and showed Shenhe some recent Fontaine inventions.
- It was a rather relaxing day, even if she's wearing a strange bunnygirl outfit you found being sold by a travelling fashion designer. Shenhe doesn't mind and you almost melted at the cuteness of your lover.
- the only complaints she had about the outfit is that you can't place your head on top of hers due to the headband.
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Your heart is close to melting into a pile of goo as Shenhe looks at you with a neutral gaze. This isn't the first time you wanted her to wear something, though usually it's matching clothes you have for eachother.
"Just one more thing," you mumbled, taking the bunny eared headband from the counter. Shenhe leaned against your hand to match your height. Backing up from your girlfriend, you gazed at her happily.
A balance between elegance and cuteness, the blazer did well making her look sophisticated. This moment just couldn't be wasted, not even a second! You started to search for something you bought another Fontaine invention.
Shenhe turned her head to look at your direction. Though the woman perked up in curiosity as she saw you held up a box whilst yelling 'got it!'
Shenhe watches as you took a device from the box, her own curiosity beating her as she read the words on it.
"A memory preserving box of wonders," Shenhe read on the side. There was an influx of Fontaine inventors coming to Liyue for the Lantern Rite festival. In that time, you had the dazzling opportunity to buy certain clothing made by their fashion designers and some inventions they sold.
"It can take and develop a picture at real time, the result would be similair to the one you usually carry around," you answered, head on her head before realizing it's an uncomfortable position and backing away. Shenhe flinches as you placed your head beside her ear instead.
"Now smile to the camera, love," you told her, a flash of light taking over both of your eyesight as the picture was slowly being developed within the machine of the kamera.
You were still behind Shenhe, waiting for the results. Though the adepti's student turned her body around to see you on an eye-to-eye level. She carefully took off the headband and placed it on your head instead.
"Shenhe, what's wrong?" you gave a nervous laugh, fearing the headband or the outfit might've made her uncomfortable. Shenhe's beautiful eyes looked back at yours with no hint of being flustered by the distance between you.
"You didn't place your head on mine because of it, I don't like it," she admits, making you confused on wether to sigh from relief or chuckle at her. The picture from the kamera slowly developed, colors emitting from the once darkened frame.
Now with your head on top of hers, both of you appreciated at the picture. Shenhe even kept it alongside the picture she has of her old home, carrying it around everyday as a reminder of you.
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thatonegenshinsimp · 1 year
Sleepy Cuddles Part 3
Time for part three of this lovely headcanons series!
Part 1, Part 2
Characters: Cyno, Enjou, Itto, Gorou, Kazuha, Kaveh
He likes to cuddle a lot tbh.
I feel like he’d be one of the ones that just kinda… latches onto you and won’t let go whatsoever.
Since he’s usually busy, cuddles are a luxury in his eyes, and when he gets them, he doesn’t want to let go.
I also feel like he’d be one of the ones that hates getting up, but has to because he’s got work.
His favorite position to cuddle in is facing you with his arms wrapped around you.
Don’t tell anyone, but it’s because it makes him feel safe.
He also likes it when you scratch his scalp if you have long nails.
His body runs warmer than most when he’s in his abyss form, but he still absolutely adores cuddles.
Since he works for the abyss, he usually just takes you with him wherever he goes.
If he’s able to sit down for even five seconds, you best bet he’s already got you in his lap.
He’s the big spoon, I don’t make the rules.
Whenever he gets tired, he’ll just sit down beside you on the couch or wherever you are and just lay his head down on your lap, demanding your attention.
He also loves having you lay down on his chest, with him holding you.
He also likes holding your hands whenever the two of you cuddle, just as a sort of reminder that you’re there with him.
When you ask him for cuddles, be prepared for him to wrap you up in a bear hug and not let go for a while.
Another big spoon, he likes to hold you like that and it also prevents him from possibly hurting you with his horns.
It takes a bit of convincing on your part, but he eventually grows to love resting his head on your lap.
He sometimes drags you into his lap whenever he’s sitting down and you walk by.
He also loves head scratches, it’s one of his favorite things because you always scratch just the right spot and he swears he falls even more in love with you every time you scratch his scalp.
Occasionally, he’ll give you a massage if he sees that you had a really hard day, and honestly, he gives the best massages.
He likes having you close, and one of the best ways he shows it is when he cuddles with you.
His tail wags a lot whenever he cuddles with you.
One of his favorite things to do is rest his head against your chest, and have his arms wrapped around your waist.
He won’t admit it to anyone other than you, but he loves it when you scratch his ears.
He’s pretty warm, so he’s a really good cuddle partner.
You’re the only one who gets to touch his tail though, no one else.
He usually cuddles with you whenever the two of you are alone.
Although he’s all serious and stuff whenever the two of you are in public, he’s practically glued to your side whenever the two of you are alone.
He likes laying his head on your lap.
If he can’t do that, then he’ll wrap his arms around you and rest his head against your chest.
He usually just goes with what you prefer, but if it were his choice, he’d probably hold you like that.
He’ll read you poems that he’s written while the two of you cuddle together.
Also loves it whenever you run your fingers through his hair and take it out of its ponytail.
If you’re traveling with the Crux, then his favorite place to cuddle is up in the crow’s nest.
He’ll also tell you about his travels as he holds you.
He’s a little spoon, I’m not changing my stance on this.
There’s only one scenario where I can see him being the big spoon, and that’s if you had a really bad day.
Whenever Alhaitham bothers him, he’ll seek you out and cuddle with you until he feels better.
He likes it when you play with his hair, it relaxes him if he’s had a stressful day.
Another position he likes cuddling with you in is having you lay on top of his chest.
There are few times when he genuinely overworks himself to exhaustion, but when he does, and you take care of him, he’ll want to stay with you forever.
His body runs relatively cold, so his hands are cold, but that’s all the more reason to hold yours, isn’t it?
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aesthetevolans · 1 year
what genshin ships i ship because i want to rant about them
disclaimer if you don't ship these that's totally cool please don't attack me ok
kaebedo - agh like so first of all: the pining. like i bet these bitches were staring at each other in the halls of the favonius building and every time kaeya would drop off klee with albedo they would just stare at each other a little too long and klee would be like "uh guys?"
established relationship i feel like kaeya's love language is gift giving and albedo's love language is acts of service. they leave each other little flowers or notes by their doors/on their desks during their days <3
kaeya's really touchy but respects albedo's space and knows he doesn't like a lot of that. but when albedo initiates the touch kaeya goes fucking bonkers
chili/tartali/zhongchi - ok so childe fell first and MUCH harder than zhongli did. but zhongli did catch feelings after a bit and was like "of course it had to be the rascal from snezhnaya. of course." established relationship: zhongli gives childe massages a lot because he's always sore from fighting :> and at first childe was self conscious bc he has a lot of scars (i also headcanon childe has moles/freckles all over his body) which he was nervous about zhongli seeing but zhongli just like completely affirmed him that he was beautiful <333
childe's love language is physical touch and zhongli's love language is gift giving :)))
heikazu/kazuhei - so like. hc heizou intentionally pretended to not figure out kazuha's case when he was a fugitive because he was too pretty to be arrested :pleading eyes: and like after the vision hunt decree is over they start to talk and theY PINE SO FUCKING HARD. VERY HIGH LEVELS OF PINING ALERT ALERT
i think kazuha would confess first through a poem and despite heizou being smart he can't get this poem through his dummy thicc skull and didn't even realize he was confessed to until months later lol. yada yada yada they confess they kiss and they date. and despite their relationship being long-distance because kazuha's still a traveler, they always cherish the moments they do have together :> (both of their love languages are quality time)
thomato - these gays. THESE GAY PEOPLE. so like. they both fell hard but i think ayato fell first tbh. but he was like in denial about it cuz yk "oh he's my housekeeper" but he just couldn't stop thinking about thoma and gave in to his feelings heheh established relationship: thoma calls ayato by his name in private and "my lord" in public, but has slipped up once or twice and the other maids at the estate were like wtf lmao. hc thoma is even more caring and devoted as before and ayato makes sure he takes care of himself and rests properly :) and when thoma gets sick, ayato forces him to stay in bed and just spoils him with love and care eheheheeh
ayato's love language is physical touch and thoma's love language is acts of service. ayato's may come as a surprise but i feel like this man is so unbelievably touch starved that as soon as the two of them are in private ayato immediately goes to hug/cuddle with thoma lol
kavetham/haikaveh - and they were roommates.
so. alhaitham originally hated having kaveh around but eventually got used to and even enjoyed his company (he'd never admit it, of course) but they both have their routines - kaveh makes coffee in the morning for the both of them, and despite alhaitham never allowing anyone else to make coffee for him, he lets kaveh because kaveh knows exactly how he likes it. one morning when kaveh had to leave early, he left alhaitham's coffee on his nightstand for him :> hc they confessed in the middle of an argument, like "IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY?" and hilarity ensues.
alhaitham's love language is acts of service and kaveh's love language is words of affirmation. haitham will write "i love you" super small on the bottoms of kaveh's sketches just to see if he notices ehheh
cynonari/cynari - these two. cyno definitely fell first and has been pining since like their akademiya days lol. cyno kept visiting tighnari constantly in avidya and it got to the point where tighnari asked him why he visited so much and cyno simply said "because i love you" and that was that lots of sleepy cuddles together, late night chats, long tcg games ~
cyno's love language is words of affirmation and tighnari's love language is physical touch. tighnari just always wants to hold cyno's hand or let him touch his ears/tail. tighnari will randomly say "i love you" whenever they're doing literally anything together, and it always catches cyno offguard lol
thanks for reading my massive long fucking rant lol
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dustofthedailylife · 7 months
Drunken Shenanigans (with the Roommate AU)
Alhaitham, Kaveh x Reader // fluff, crack, brainrot // [-> Roommate AU brainrots]
Imagine you, Alhaitham and Kaveh went out for a Tavern night and ended up getting utterly wasted.
It all started over a game of cards with Kaveh betting he could beat Alhaitham when it came to drinking (spoiler: he did not, he was the first to get drunk). And you were in on it too and went ahead and ordered some wine and other alcoholic beverages.
One bottle in and Kaveh was lying on the table already, visibly drunk with pink cheeks and a slurred speech, while Alhaitham and you were still going strong. Although you were beginning to feel a little fuzzy, too. And while Alhaitham would emerge "victorious" in this drinking battle, you all would end up equally wasted by the end of the evening.
Fast forward to all of you walking back home together and somehow the guys start fighting over you in their intoxicated states. This causes them to have no filter whatsoever and they end up confessing their love for you simultaneously in a very slurred and drunken way (and also start a fight over that).
"I see how you look at me, hmmm... come on, admit it." "*hic* Admit what?" "That you like me." "You are absolutely blind and stupid *hic* on top of that, too. They like me." "Oh, don't you start with that again, Kaveh!" "Hehe~" "What? Why are you giggling." "WHAT?!" "With the way you're fighting right now, you could *hic* think you guys are into me." "... I am." "NO, YOU'RE NOT. I AM."
On the next morning, neither of you remembered that any of this happened.
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