#I can't handle this anymore who did this to Jimmy and why
puppyocto · 6 months
The symbolism of poppies and abusive fh
Do you guys ever think about the symbolism of poppies in Jimmy and Scott's relationship cause I do. Too much I read a book about poppies so I could understand it better. By the way you have to already believe in abusive flower husbands for this we're going straight into it. Ok now poppies are red and this, this could be so simple. Red is the colour of love and is Jimmy's favourite colour so that's all it is right? Well red also symbolises rage and anger. And it's such a sharp colour. Unlike Scott, Scott is subtle in ways red is not. So in many ways Scott is fighting against the colour red, it is all the things he is not and directly calls out his flaws. We see this in Scott's colour palette, Scott is blue directly contrasting red. Now Jimmy shares a lot of traits with the colour red, Jimmy like the colour is sharp and aggressive, and while we love that about him Scott does not. We see the same arguments Scott's colour palette has with the colour red in Jimmy and Scott's relationship. Scott spends a lot of the relationship removing any "red elements" from Jimmy's personality, breaking him down to a calmer, but more disengaged person. So the fact that the flower Jimmy gives Scott is red shows the ways he will give up himself. And I think in many ways the red poppy is a demonstration of who Jimmy should've been. But poppies only trait isn't being red, they are also symbols of farming. Yet within this they are an agricultural weed. So all I can imagine here is Jimmy planting poppies in their farm as a sweet gesture about their future success and Scott telling him off about how they will hinder the crops growing. And is Scott wrong? No. But he doesn't even attempt to understand Jimmy's gesture or where Jimmy is coming from. And finally Poppies produce opium, which I think links to the ways Jimmy unhealthily copes with being placed in an abusive relationship. Linking to his internalisation of Scott's behaviour rather than leaving Scott or understanding that he is in the wrong. The death symbolism of the opium poppy also links to the innate danger Jimmy is in not just within the life series as a whole but while he is around Scott.
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duckapus · 11 months
WarioWare(and Waluigi because It's My House) Headcanons
Because I can't stop making it That Deep.
Yoshi's Island DS is canon, specifically the bit of the ending where Baby Wario never actually gets delivered to his parents because he was more interested in stealing Baby Bowser's treasure. Due to that, he grew up in an orphanage after somebody found him on his raft full of gold.
Never actually got adopted because people can be shits and didn't want the weird-looking greedy superpowered fat kid who ate garlic like it was candy, but he's not particularly fussed about it. As far as he's concerned he had a great childhood.
That said it did result in him knowing a lot of other orphans who were significantly and understandably less content with their situations, which is why he's seemingly so drawn to kids with complicated home lives.
He's known Jimmy, 5-Volt and Waluigi (Walter at the time, he picked up "Waluigi" later in life) since they were kids. He met Jimmy their very first day of Kindergarten and never looked back, met Walter in third grade by protecting him from some bullies, and that same summer hired 5-Volt to help him and the guys with their lemonade stand, because He Has Always Been Like This.
Walter had an older sister named Gloria who was just as into science as their dad, and who often ended up supervising/getting dragged into him and his friends' antics
No idea who their mom might've been. Honestly given what Crygor's like he could have made them in his lab a 'la the Membrane family and I wouldn't be surprised.
Waluigi's actually just as ridiculously super-smart as the rest of his family, he just isn't interested in science at all. This, along with several other issues, drove a wedge between him and Crygor early on that slowly got worse as he grew up. He actually moved out and cut off most forms of communication as soon as he graduated high school because they could barely handle being in the same room without arguing by that point.
They didn't talk to each-other at all for a few years after that, until the horrible day they both got calls informing them Gloria and her husband had been in a car accident.
Baby Penny ended up staying with Crygor partly due to Walter's living situation not being entirely stable at the time, and they decided to at least try to relearn how to be around each-other so they could both be part of Penny's life (and because the whole thing had been a wake-up call for Crygor to how badly he'd messed up with Walter and he wanted at least some form of relationship with the kid he still had left)
Also, the Waluigi name and slightly exaggerated personality were mostly a Bit he did for shits and giggles at the first Mushroom Kingdom Tennis Tournament, but he ended up liking the nickname and the audience ate up the act, so he kept going with it afterwards. Crygor and Jimmy's parents are the only ones who still call him Walter in casual conversations anymore, which he doesn't mind since he still likes his real name even if he usually prefers Waluigi.
5-Volt's been dealing with her inexplicable demonic powers her whole life. Her parents have always been really worried about it and convinced it's some kind of horrible curse, meanwhile there's little 5-Volt happy as a clam because she's always got a Player Two.
The shadow thing is...sort-of her spirit but also sort-of its own entity? It's weird and she has trouble explaining it because this is just how it's always been for her.
Also, she does have some anger issues and violent tendencies that are made worse by the whole demonic transformation thing, but being friends with Wario for most of your life gives you a lot of practice at self-restraint
As she got older, she became more aware of how her parents felt about her abilities, their attempts to "cure" her of them, and how they seemed to grow more and more convinced that they were a danger to her and those around her.
This came to a head when they found out she was pregnant with 9-Volt and didn't react well, at which point she decided she was sick of them treating her like both an invalid and a monster and cut them out of her life.
Wario, the Crygors and the Thangs were actually there with her and her husband(who I need to come up with at some point) when 9-Volt was born, which I feel has to have been one of the wildest ways for Wario to meet one of his future employees.
No notes on Jimmy's childhood. We have met his parents and they're freaking awesome.
Since he obviously doesn't remember the events of Yoshi's Island DS since he was a literal baby at the time, the first time Wario met Mario actually was Super Mario Land 2, though he's obviously heard of the guy beforehand. After that and a few other encounters he ended up invited to a Kart racing tournament and that was that.
The first time he met Ashley and Red was during an adventure in his "living in a castle in the woods" era. They were going after the same cursed artifact (Ashley to keep it out of the wrong hands and Wario because in his words "Cursed treasure's the best kind! nothing like a little danger to get the blood pumping"). They probably would've ended that adventure as rivals or even enemies, but the artifact turned out to be a "sentient and wants to kill you with lasers" kind of cursed and Wario took a nasty hit for her and smashed the thing.
At some point he decided that living alone in a huge castle full of treasure with only a pet chicken for company sucked, actually, and packed up to move back to his old hometown, Diamond City.
That's actually how he met Dribble and Spitz. He'd taken a Warp Pipe to the city instead of his car or bike when he was looking at houses for sale because he'd forgotten how big the place was, so after spending half the day pounding pavement with no luck he hailed a cab and got theirs. He wasn't having any more luck than before thanks to his high standards(because his previous house was a freaking castle, sue him) and comically small budget (Wario is Wario, after all), but the company was good and there was far less walking so he was far less miserable than before.
He did end up picking a house that day...because the cab broke down in front of a miserable little abandoned shack on a hill at the edge of town and he basically went "Fuck it! I guess I live here now!"
Mona knew about Wario and was his biggest fan before she met him, seeing as even back than he was sort of a celebrity, but they didn't actually meet until a few weeks after he moved into town, when he and Orbulon, both disheveled and covered in soot and scorch marks from a first encounter they have never and will never elaborate on, walked into the Gelateria and placed the two worst ice-cream orders known to man, which I will not actually come up with for the sake of our stomachs. She was the only one in the room not horrified or even phased by these proceedings, and the three have been friends ever since.
He met Kat and Ana through 9-Volt, who became friends with them during recess their first day of school.
Most of the crew that he met after Mega Microgame$ were just introduced to him through his other friends(or we've outright seen it happen like with Lulu), but Young Cricket and Master Mantis he actually met while helping Mario with one of his own off-screen adventures.
Wario's actually pretty rich thanks to his treasure hunting, his fame, and the fact that he literally owns a Gold Mine and a Ski Resort! All the references to him allegedly being broke all the time are mostly just part of the skits for the games, like the ones for everyone else's levels. That said, his house really is as messed up as it looks, but that's just because he's stingy and a slob.
18-Volt really is the same age as 9-Volt. His unusual size is partially because he's originally from New Donk City.
Wario does, in fact, still have his pet chicken. I have not thought of a name for her
(Edit: I have been informed by @plushietoon that the chicken is canonically named Hen. Which is adorable and hilariously on-brand for Wario)
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
he SAW what SHE DID and FREAKED OUT #fishtanklive
She's trying to break some of his protein shakes and he figured it out it's real tough and he threw the hammer at her and it missed now it hit her kind of in the head and he got arrested and it doesn't matter how it happened and he said it's on tape I should be a free man said she's attacking a drink and you threw in her head your under arrest for assault and battery possibly attempted homicide and they booked him and it was Dan AKA Dave and that was yesterday and he's going to go to court and he's got court cases everywhere and Trump does too and if they don't show up they come here and start hitting his people and they've got like 50 court cases each turn excuse me it's 25 he's a little hot head just trying to boss her son around at the castle institution and he got nailed a lot for doing it it means his voice it says so what I want to since it's more than one goal being set by you being a b**** pretty stand on me said you're trying to speak at my level a little above it it's a real attempt but it's not what I'm saying I mean holy s*** you people are f****** dumb you're going to die because I need you to that's why it's stupid isn't it you bother me I'm going to break you up it's a little pieces so he started bothering him and he got killed and he's saying he said don't bother him and I'm getting killed so trouble has to bother you together with him he said you're f****** nuts and then start doing it and Trump got killed a lot and he got pushed out so we have to do it here they're going to be gone and we won't have to talk about them so much
Thor Freya
There are a lot of movies coming up but they go real fast and there's like 10 movies with Brad it takes like 5 days or something and then he's gone it is another idiot and his wife follows suit after she finds out he died it was crushed and challenges the woman like 10 million times and finally she's killed. Then you should see how it's very fitting she's such a b****
You're an a****** Becca it's not even a b**** you're past it is just sit here making sure that I hate you just like these schmucks send me a ton of stuff from my side it would take longer things in your areas because of your juvenile attitude and attacks on me you have no excuse for living anymore you turn your people in so many times and you're delusional thank you I have no idea why you're so dumb but that's what it is
What side is I am not surprised at what's happening you people are so horrible to him you're horrible to me and Arnie and now you're horrible to me Camilla I can't stand you in any way I'm living with the mutant that you see is doing it and they're not doing it and you people are you people are very very hostile to anyone and you don't have it and you're going to get killed you're disgustingly stupid you're having a civil war right under his nose and he's taking tons of stuff and land because he just pigs you need to like shut the f*** off and do your job correctly but you won't you just sit there talking back the whole time it's like your zombie and zombies get burned
Everybody's under the pressure becka you just don't handle it what do you want us to do prop you up so you can harm us you f****** f**
I suppose with the aggressor in many cases but that's how it is and he hates it and is doing stuff and we're not stopping ourselves and we're all going to die and that's his goal and we're following what he wants I got to tell you something I can't stand this place we went off the tracks and have to stay off the tracks so nobody comes here and they're all coming here to kill us and Trump is the idiot who started it I want out of this and Trump has to be stopped and he's going after us anyways and nobody can see that and for Christ's sake it doesn't seem that hard other people are doing it
You're correct and you have to try and go after him because they sit there around you bother you like their father and he's sitting here bothering me and yeah he's the one doing it and his a****** kid and his stupid Rider and his stupid s*** head clone and his clan of idiot b****** this is clear as a bell you can see it as you drive by the house that's who's here s*** head Incorporated he's an honor failure and he's being whipped to death by the max we're using him for their plan and people are not resisting as much as they should wear it all he's a horrible piece of s*** the code on him by the max is pretty and it says to eliminate the trumps and it means to get information on kju because they're talking about her jeans and people who might be her offspring they're wanting information but really they're going after Trump's because he's giving the money out they found that he was giving it to the clan and he was taking it from other people like the max and so they're on a hunt
Zues Hera
We're watching our son and he's torturing you Trump because you need to be a lot of people want to torture you but he's just doing it cuz you provoke it and you're going to die that's why he's doing it for real isn't care to make you angry except to get rid of you you keep on asking for it and asking for it and it's only a few things he can do and you fall for him. You're a joke that we're going to make sure our son and daughter are safe and also what he said above is extremely true the max are now targeting you and it wouldn't be surprising if they're holding your people hostage you don't even know who it is you're so damn lame that's certain method and coming up soon is the judgment to New York you think it's going to be sooner than the 31st which is just around the bend you think it'll be Monday or Tuesday and that would be the second round yeah they're going after you for your information they say about us and because you went after Max they think you might have some
Thor Freya
We're going to sign companies up in regard to purchase them or we're going to continue to take them it's up to you fathead
It's a crucial point in the conversation and people are missing it and they say they're not and that they're trying to tell me not to in other case and I say I'm going to and it puts them off guard
Billy Hicks
By the way it was David who was punching me not you Trump and it was him okay stupid and he was a hero because he got beat up by Mac and they said it was Scott Foley who did it but it was Scott Foley who was beating up. And his family never gone wrong and he couldn't hold it and mom and dad wanted to have me around because I was a secret weapon it is interrupting tons of stuff like collection of genetic material and he still is and he's a huge pain in the ass he's doing tons of stuff to you and you don't think he's doing anything it's because you're an idiot but you're probably an idiot because of him the thing over there at Dollar general should have proven it and you're on me and making stupid f****** noises and I couldn't figure it out and now I finally got to it and you people should have known it right away instead you didn't have a clue it's like put it together okay the dragons here now it's over there you're such a f****** idiot and Dave is the guy who did it not you as you're saying now in this idiotic rant obviously you've been damaged you're so damn dumb it's got huge computers down there and their ships they're the comet empire and people can't go to certain places they disappear and nobody goes after him because there's nothing there
Zues Hera
I guess I'm wrong about this he says it's the realm and it's ours and I'm supposed to be controlling myself and it's my responsibility but it's become his and it's probably doom it's probably true
Joel Watts
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theidiootti1 · 3 years
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•My Mysterious Scotsman
[Chapter one]
He walked along the dimly lit hallway and looked around. It wasn't anything glorious, really old and poor looking place at the back sides of restless Belfast. Wallpaper or weird looking paint missing from the walls and looked like those had a bit of water damage aswell. The place smelled really badly of mold and old building, and it made his nose to tingle. It Wasn't anything new for him if he remembered the places where he had lived as a kid at the bad parts of his home town. It was too familiar. The young man kept walking silently down the hallway trying to avoid from making any kind of noices as he heard silent mumbling coming from the very end of the hallway. Curiousity killed the cat but he couldn't do anything to his nature, he needed to go closer. The sound of the far coming thunder storm and the rain that was assaulting the roof of the building was just a distant sound somewhere as the young man tried to listen what was going on behind that half closed door. He stopped near to the door looking carefully into dim lit room, he saw two male figures. They probably were arguing , because the way they were standing was radiating something bad. Something dangerous. Something what you don't wanna stick your nose into.
"We can't trust that bastard", the voice crowled at the inside of the room with an deep Irish accent. It must belong to the guy that was basically radiaitinh all the bad vibes around.
"And why is that ?" Came other a bit deeper voice, clearly annoyed to the other males presence
"He is not Irish !" The other one growled again "That's why we can't trust that Scottish brick !" He rised his voice a bit.
"And that is not your goddamn business, Jimmy ?!", the older one who had the deeper voice said, "We need more guys, you understand ?! I do it for the cause, what ever if some motherfucker is not irish ! The cause is more important than that, you understand me do ya ?!" He said with a stern voice. The voice rised the young boys neck hair up.
The younger man listened and suddenly his mood was dragged even more down, as long as he listened. He sighed silently and pulled air in and grapped the handle of the door. He exhaled as he knocked to the door and opened the door little. Both man's eyes shot to him and he suddenly felt really exposed for no reason. His eyes wanted to look anywhere else than to them and in fact he wanted to crawl under the table and hide. Unfortunetly he would not fit under anything in this room. He could run ? Could he ?
"Go back to your work, get out ", said the older one to the other man whos gaze was burning into the dark haired skinny boy who was standing in front of the door. It was one of those "if looks could kill" - looks. He frowned with an killing gaze, but obeyed the order.
"aye." , he said dryly, his voice was dripping poison as he nodded to the older man and started to walk towards the door. When he walked past this silent boy he showed him with his shoulder and went out of the door slamming it shut after him.
The older man sighed and rolled his eyes while rubbing his forehead and his gaze fell back to the boy standing beside the door. The boy who was watching his shoes , with head down and fidgetting with his hands.
"Sorry 'bout that...this weather affects all of us, come sit down mr. Telford.", he said and showed with hand  gesture to the chair in front of his desc as he sat back down to his own chair at the opposite side of the table.
Young so said mr. Telford took a step closer to the chair and waited before the older man sat down. Some things that his lovely mother had thaught him. He sat down and suddenly felt like being in headmaster's office. He didn't like that idea. He hated that place and wouldn't like to re visit it.
The older man cleared his throath and the young boy in front of him raised his gaze up from his hands that were resting on his lap. The older man sighed and leaned forward in his chair. Clasping his hands on top of the table top.
"So. How you doing lad ?" He asked, a little bit too friendly that took back the young man for a moment. He didn't know what to answer, he started to play with his fingers again, nervous habit of his.
"you excited about your first big job ?" The older one asked again and the younger nodded lightly, still not able to form actual words.
"That's good, that's good 'cause you know the lads are a bit restless... I don't want you to dissapoint me, aye ?" He asked with an rised brow and tilted head. His gaze was demanding. One of those looks what dad gives to their son.
The young dark haired boy lifted his head up again and nodded, with more confident than before. There wasn't backing down anymore.
"Aye, sir." He said with his deep Scottish brogue that was hard for some to understand. He was really proud of his heritage and wore that with proud. For these mans fightning for the cause. It was hard thing to accept.
The older man nodded aprovingly and stood up, closing his jacket button.
"Great. The other boys are probably waitin' for ya", he said and showed the young man to get up.
He stood up and straightening his jacket a bit.
Still wet from the rainy weather outside, not able to dry out in the wet air of the inside.
"Don't make us regret our choise. ", he said sternly with lifted eyebrow before shoeing the younger man out of his little office kind of room.
The young man stumbled out of the room and once back in the hallway, he leaned to the hallways wall for the moment, gathering his thoughts. That seemed to have spread out like a broken glass bottle pieces. Was this really what he wanted from his life. He was going to do his first blood work for the IRA. He is going to kill someone. Take the life from the person. Was this really the only thing he could do. He was a nerv wreck and he prayed silently for the god not to watch his doings tonight. Suddenly a bit mad shout draw him back to the reality from his too loud thoughts. He shot his gaze to the end of the hallway where a familiar looking face with dark short hair was looking at him from the doorway.
"C'moon Filip, get yer arse back in here", he growled with almost a snarl and get back into the room leaving the door open.
The young man breathed deep and put his hand over the big silver cross that was hanging around his neck. He then took the first steps to his new coming life where he couldn't turn back anymore. This was the day that changes his life for ever.
Filip reached the back room and stepped into the dimly lit garage kind of storage room. There was his other group mates that were chosen for this mission what they got. The plan was simple. "Go there and kill that bastard" like they had said
"What took you so long ?" Asked the group leader, the brains of the mission with an annoyed tone with matching expression on his face.
"Sorry, i was..-", Filip said and stood silently his hands in his jacket pockets
That guy just rolled his eyes and raised his hand to him "save it.. I really don't want to hear it", he said annoyed and looked back to others.
"Our job is simple. We go in there and we make sure that the bastard gets bullet to his brain, end of the story clean and simple", said the other guy beside the leader, leaning over the small table that we all were gathered around
Filip just stood silently a little bit more far away from the table. He knew who was gonna be the one who completes that plan. He started to feel nervous again, the feeling building up slowly the bottom of his stomach and started to build it's home into his body. He wasn't a killer, they say when you first time kill someone your never gonna be the same anymore. It changes you, and the thought of that was turning the young man's stomach upside down.
Why he was there then ? Well. He didn't have a choise, he needed to do this for the sake of his future.
He felt light nudge at his shoulder and came back into the reality once again Suddenly all the eyes were on him and he started to move on his feet with unconfirtable feeling from the stares.
"Did ye hear me ya idiot ?" The leader of the group growled at Filip who was almost shaking at his place, but he had learned to keep the cool expression in the army. 
"aye, i did", Filip lied with a slight nod
The man looked him with disbelief and nodded then slowly eyes still on Filip's face looking straight into the man's dark brown eyes with his own green once.
"We don't have changes for this to go south, ye can't go chicken when the moment comes." He said sternly and then the other one rolled the map from the table and put it away.
They started to move outside to the storm that was throwing ruckus at the outside. They all gathered into small van and of they went. Filip sat silently, eyes closed and he preyed in his mind silently. He was asking for forgivness for the things what he is gonna do. He prayed that his mother wouldn't be watching what he was going to do tonight,. He prayed for everything in this world, god he was fucked...
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dukereviewsmovies · 3 years
Duke Reviews: Mortal Kombat 2021
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where Today I'm Looking At The 2021 Mortal Kombat Movie...
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Now, I Bet You're Asking Me, Andrew, Why Are You Reviewing This And Not The Original Mortal Kombat Movie And It's Sequel, Mortal Kombat Annihilation? Because I Don't Need A Frying Pan To Hit Me Over The Head To Know For A Fact That Both Of Those Films Are Horrible...
Where This Film Knows How To Handle The Game It's Taking On, Of Course, Some People Will Disagree With Me On This But Intend To Prove Those Haters Wrong Today...
So, With That Said, Let's Dive Into Mortal Kombat 2021...
Expect Spoilers From Here On Out...
The Movie Starts At The Home Of Hanzo Hasashi In Japan In The Year 1617, Where Hanzo Goes To Get 2 Buckets Of Water For His Wife, But Before He Goes, He Tells Her That He Loves Her Very Much...
However As Hanzo Gets Water, His Family Is Visited By Hanzo's Nemisis, Bi-Han, Whose Group Known As The Lin Kuei (Who Controls The Power Of Ice) Is Out To Annihilate Every Member Of Hanzo's Group, The Shirai Ryu From Existence And With Hanzo Being The Last One...He Makes Himself A Good Target...
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So, Yeah, Bi-Han Kills Hanzo's Wife And Eldest Son By Freezing Them To Death, Which Leads Hanzo To Create A Makeshift Weapon (Out Of A Blade His Wife Used For Gardening And Some Rope) So He Can Fight The Warriors Of The Lin Kuei Before Fighting Bi-Han Himself Only To Get Killed During The Fight...
But Before Hanzo Dies, He Hears The Cries Of His Baby Daughter But In Attempting To Go To The Baby He Dies...
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But That Doesn't Stop A God Named Raiden From Showing Up And Taking The Baby Himself To Find The Kid A New Home, Which Not Only Leads To A Title Card And Brief Star Wars Like Intro Revealing That There Is A Tournament That Decides The Fate Of Earth And Earth Has Lost 9 Of Them And Should It Lose One More, Then Earth Will Be Invaded By A Realm Called Outworld...
However, An Ancient Prophecy Has Revealed That A New Group Of Champions Led By Hanzo's Ancestor Will Tip The Balance For Earth...
Which Leads Up To Now, Where Hanzo's 21st Century Relative Who Now Goes By Cole Young Is Boxing For Money For His Family...
Now, Very Briefly, Let's Talk About Cole Who Is A New Character For This Movie And Is Not In The Video Game...
This Has Fans Debating That The Main Focus Should Have Been A Character From The Game, Namely Johnny Cage Instead Of A New Character To Which I Unfortunately Disagree With As Going With A New Character Works Better In The Movie's Favor...
Think About It, If They Had Made A Character From The Game The Main Focus It Would Come With Expectations That The Fanbase Expects For Characters Of This Game Adding To The Other Expectations For The Other Characters That Are From The Game That Are In This Movie...
Where A New Character Not Only Gives Us A Fresh Set Of Eyes To Look At This World, But A Way To Put Us Not Only Into The Movie But Into This World...
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Unfortunately, Cole Loses The Fight But It's Enough To Impress A Guy Named Jax (Played By Jimmy Olsen From Supergirl) Who A Tattoo On Cole Only For His Daughter To Reveal That It's Not A Tattoo But A Birthmark Which He's Had Since He Was Born...
Meanwhile In Outworld, The Ruler Of This Realm, Shang Tsung...
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Yes, That Guy,..
Tells Bi-Han Who Has Now Become...
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That The Prophecy Is Upon Them And He Wants Him To Go To Earth To Eliminate The Champions, Which Leads Sub-Zero To Attack Cole And His Family While They're Getting Dinner At A Restaurant...
Luckily Though, They Are Saved By Jax Who Reveals He Has A Tattoo Like Cole Does And That He's Been Chosen To Fight But Before Jax Can Tell Him Anymore They're Confronted By Sub-Zero Who Attacks Their Car, But Before Jax Goes To Fight Sub-Zero He Tells Cole To Go To Gary, Indiana...
This An Action Movie, Not A Musical!
Anyway, He Tells Cole To Go There And Find Sonya Blade Who Will Have More Information About Everything...
So, With Cole Taking His Family To Safety, Jax Goes To Fight Sub-Zero Only For Sub-Zero To Freeze Jax's Arms And Rip Them The Hell Off...
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Jax Falls To The Ground Which Leads Sub-Zero To Believe Jax Is Dead But We'll See Jax Later...
After Dropping His Family Off, Cole Goes To See Sonya Blade Who Not Only Reveals That People With Markings Like The Ones Cole And Jax Have Have Been Chosen To Fight For Earth In A Tournament Known As Mortal Kombat, But Also That She Has A Mercenary Named Kano Who Killed A Champion That Sonya Was After Only To Get The Marking Himself...
But Before Sonya Can Give More Information, They're Attacked By Reptile, A Minion Of Shang Tsung But He Defeated By Kano Who Breaks Free During The Fight...
Before He Leaves, Kano Mentions Raiden's Temple, (A Place Where Champions Have Gone To Train For The Tournament) So Sonya Makes A Deal With Kano To Take Them There For 3 Million Dollars (Despite Not Having It) And He Does...
Travelling To The Middle Of The Desert, We Get A Small Fight Between Kano And Sonya, Before They Run Into Liu Kang (Played By The Black Ranger From The Power Rangers Reboot) Who Takes Them To Raiden's Temple To See Raiden Himself Who's Not Exactly Pleased With What He Has To Work With...
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But Beggars Can't Be Choosers As Outworld Comes To Them Forcing Liu Kang And His Cousin, Kung Lao To Deal With The Intruders But Raiden Interpheres As Shang Tsung, Sub-Zero And Another Minion, Mileena Arrive...
However Despite Ordering His Minions To Kill The Champions, Raiden Creates An Electric Force Field Preventing Them From Entering...
Yeah, Go Cry To Your Mama, Shang Tsung...
So, As Both Kano And Cole Begin Training For Their Arcana (Which Is Their Inner Power), Sonya Discovers That Jax Is Alive And That As Sub-Zero Froze His Arms He Also Cauterised Jax's Wounds And All It's Going To Take Now Is Time...
Which I Think Is Liu Kang's Way Of Saying "We Can Rebuild Him, We Have The Technology"...
And So, Jax Becomes The Six Million Dollar Jax...
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Well, I Guess Six Million Dollars Doesn't Buy What It Used To Buy...
With Very Little Success Of Getting Their Arcana On Their First Day, Everyone Has Dinner Only For Kung Lao To Start Insulting Kano Which Leads to Him Getting His Arcana Of Shooting A Laser From His Eye...
But Unlike Kano, Cole Is Having A Hard Time Getting His Arcana And With Time Running Out He Needs To Get It....Fast....
This Leads Raiden To Send Cole Home Despite Telling Him The Truth About Hanzo And How He Was He Was Hoping That The Power Of His Bloodline Would Be Strong Enough For Cole To Get His Arcana...
Meanwhile In Outworld, Shang Tsung Prepares His Minions, Millena, Nitara, Kabal And General Reiko For An Attack On Raiden's Temple...
But How Will They Lower Raiden's Force Field?
Well, Unfortunately, Kabal Knows Kano And Goes Off To Convince Him To Join Shang Tsung's Team And Guess What? He Accepts.,,
So, Yeah, Kano Brings Down The Shield Allowing Shang Tsung And His Minions To Attack The Temple While Cole Is Attempting To Protect His Family From Freaking Goro!
And Holy Shit, Did They Give Goro An Update!
But As The Fights Happen We Get Lines From The Game Including "Finish Him!" And "Flawless Victory" Kung Lao Kills Nitara Only For Shang Tsung To Kill Kung Lao, Jax's Arms Finally Look Like They're Worth Six Million Dollars And Transform Into Badass Robotic Arms Intead Of Wimpy Ones
And Cole Gains His Arcana (Of Transforming Into Kinetic Armor And Weapon Creation) To Save His Family From Goro Which Leads To The Most Gruesome Death In This Movie...
But Despite Cole Returning To The Temple To Help, Raiden Gets The Team Out By Taking Them To The Void, Which Is A Space Between Earthrealm And OutWorld To Come Up With A Plan
And Their Plan Is Very Simple...
Jax Fights Reiko ( Reiko Gets His Head Smashed In By Jax), Sonya Fights Kano (Kano Has An Ironic Death And Sonya Gains His Mark, Becoming A Champion) And Liu And Cole Fight Both Mileena And Kabal (Kabal Dies By Liu's Fire Dragon Ability And Mileena Gets Blasted By Sonya When She Shows Up)
They Had Intended Taking Sub-Zero Together But When He Shows Cole A Bracelet That Belonged To Cole's Daughter, He's Like "I Have Your Family, Come Get Me Bitch!"
So, Cole Enters A Portal To Face Sub-Zero Alone, Well...Not Really...
Using A Blade That Belonged To Hanzo During The Fight, Cole Summons The Spirit Of Hanzo To Fight With Him...,
But He's Not Hanzo Anymore, Oh, No....He's...
And He's Like...
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So, Yeah, Scorpion Kills Sub-Zero By Burning The Bastard With Fire Breath Before Returning To Help And Cole Saves His Family....
But As Raiden And His Team Arrive, Shang Tsung Also Arrives Saying That Death Is Just Another Portal And Next Time, He Will Come With Armies Before Leaving
However, Though They Won This Battle, The Fight Is Not Over By Any Means As Raiden Assembles A New List Of Champions For The Team To Recruit...
Packing Up His Locker At The Wrestling Ring, Cole Tells His Agent That He's Going To Hollywood As We Look At A Poster That Tells Us Johnny Cage Will Be In The Sequel...
This Movie Was...Pretty Damn Epic!
How This Isn't One Of The Best Video Game Movie Adaptations Ever I Will Never Know, I Guess It Just Comes Down To People Are Idiots And Don't Know What The Hell They're Talking About...
"The Story Is Confusing" If The Story Is Confusing Then You Don't Belong Reviewing Movies Cause You Have No Idea What A Good Movie Is!, "The Movie Has Horrible Writing" Have You Even Seen The Original Mortal Kombat Movie? That And Annihilation Have Worse Writing Than This Movie! "We Should Have Had Johnny Cage Instead Of Cole" We're Getting Him In The Sequel, Give The Writers A Freaking Break And Stop Being Critical Pricks!
So, Yeah, It's Obvious That This Has Become My Favorite Video Game Movie And I Say Don't Listen To People Like Angry Joe Or Hack The Movies Who Don't Know What They're Talking About And Go See This Movie
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off
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dukereviewstv · 4 years
Duke Reviews TV: Batman: The Animated Series 1x10 And 1x11 Two-Face
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV, Where We Continue Our Look At Batman: The Animated Series By Talking About Episodes 10 And 11 Of Season 1, Two-Face...
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This Episode Sees Harvey Dent Starting To Transform Into The Duality Obsessed Two-Face When He Expresses Anger Issues That Are Being Caused By Another Personality In Harvey's Subconscious Called "Big Bad Harv"...
Big Bad Harv...
Going To Get Psychiatric Help At Bruce's Behest, His Psych File Ends Up In The Hands Of Mobster Rupert Thorne (Played By Officer Mooney From Killer Klowns From Outer Space) Who Decides To Blackmail Him In Exchange For Favors In D.A'S Office...
Will Batman Be Able To Save Harvey From Thorne? Or Will Big Bad Harv Take Over Completely And Handle The Problem For The Bat?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Two-Face...
The Episode Starts With A Dream Sequence As Harvey Runs From A Disembodied Voice Saying "It's Time"...
Woken Up By His Secretary, Carlos, Who Tells Him That Gordon Called Saying That They Started A Raid On A Derelict Building Being Held By Rupert Thorne's Men...
With Batman's Help, The Men Are Captured As Harvey Congratulates Gordon And The Police But When One Of The Crooks Kicks Mud In Harvey's Face, Dent Goes Beserk On The Crook And Has To Be Pulled Off Him
Reverting Back To His Regular Self After That, Dent Has No Memory Of What Happened And Just Simply Says That Maybe The Criminal Hit The Right Button...
Back At His Headquarters, Rupert Thorne Tells His Hot Mole, Candice...
To Find Something Dirty About Dent's Past That Could Be Used In His Favor
Later At A Campaign Rally At Wayne Manor, Carlos Tells Harvey That The Judge Let Thorne's Men Go Because The Warrant Was "Incomplete" This Leads To Harvey Losing His Temper Again Because He Believes That The Judge Was Bought Off Like Everyone In Thorne's Employ...
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Bruce Tries To Calm Harvey Down But All It Does Is Make Harvey Take His Anger Out On Him, It's Only When Harvey's Fiancee Grace Slaps Him...
With Bruce Advising Harvey To Get Psychiatric Help, Grace Tells Him That Harvey Already Is, Only For Harvey To Be Embarrassed, Despite Being Reluctant To Due To His Campaign...
Visiting His Doctor That Night, She Induces Hypno Therapy On Harvey, Where She Meets Harvey's Other Personality, Big Bad Harv...
And This Scene Frightens Me Every Time I See It....
(Start At 0:37, End At 2:26)
Asking If There's Any Other Way, The Doctor Suggests Increasing Their Sessions And Doing Less Campaigning Which Harvey Agrees To Do As Long As It's Kept Quiet, But Unfortunately, Thorne's Mole Candice Is Right Outside The Door And She Heard Everything...
Months Pass And Harvey Is About To Recieve A Landslide Victory In His Re-Election But When He Gets A Phone Call From Rupert Thorne Who Tells Harvey That He Knows About Big Bad Harv, And That If He Doesn't Get Into A Car Outside In The Alley, His Political Career Wont Be Intact For Much Longer...
Worried About His Friend, Bruce Suits Up And Follows Harvey To Thorne At A Chemical Plant Where He Tells Harvey That In Exchange For Keeping Quiet About Harvey's Psych Record, He'll Want A Few Favors From The D.A'S Office...
With Thorne Asking If They Have A Deal, Harvey Has A Psychotic Break And Attacks Thorne And His Men...
Harvey Smash!
Batman Tries To Stop Harvey Not Realizing That It's Not Harvey He's Dealing With But Big Bad Harv...
With Thorne's Men Fighting Both Harvey And Batman, Thorne Eventually Grabs The File And Bolts With Harvey Going After Him...
(Start At 2:26, End At 3:12)
I Usually Love Kevin Conroy But I Don't Like That No He Did There (Despite Knowing That Alot Of People Do) I'm Sorry But I Just Wish It Was Louder So I Could Feel His Anguish To The Situation Where Here I Just Don't Feel It...
Taking Harvey To The Hospital, Bruce Worries About The Mental Scars Than The Physical Scars While Candice Rejoices At Getting Rid Of Dent Despite Thorne Not Being So Convinced Harvey Is Gone..
Later At The Hospital, The Doctor Starts Removing The Bandages...
(Start At 1:29)
So, Yeah, That Ends Part 1, So, Now We Move On To Part 2...
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A Few Months Have Passed And Harvey Is Now Full Two Face, Hitting Rupert Thorne's Joints, Humiliating Him Just As He Humiliated Harvey With The Help Of His Boys, Min And Max (Voiced By Micky Dolenz Of The Monkees)...
And He's Not Using James Cagney Impression Voice For The 2 Henchmen?...
(Start At 0:04, End At 0:10)
I Am So Over This Show!
I'm Kidding Of Course, That Would Make It Cartoony And God Knows We Can't Do That For 2 Seconds With This Show...
Infuriated That Harvey Took Him For $200,000, Candice Is Basically Like...
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Because They Created Him While Rupert Places Out A Contract A Million A Face For Two Face...
Back In The Batcave, Bruce Has A Nightmare About Harvey...
(End At 1:09)
Finding A Picture Of Two Face, Bruce Vows To Save Harvey By Any Means Necessary...
Getting A Visit From A Detective Leopold Who Wants Her Help In Finding Harvey, Grace Is Given A Transmitter Which She's To Activate If Dent Contacts Her...
However It's Revealed To Us, That Leopold Is Really Candice In Disguise...
Going Over His Profits, Two Face Opens His Wallet Only To See A Picture Of Grace Which Causes Him To Freeze For A Second...
Min And Max Offer To Bring Grace To Him If He Misses Her So Much, But When He Gets His Coin Out And Flips It, It's Lands On The Bad Side So It'll Have To Wait While They Pull Off Their Big Plan Of Taking Down Thorne Once And For All..
Back In The Batcave, Batman Looks At Two Face's Previous Targets Realizes That Aside From The Fact That They All Have The Number 2 In Them, They're All Fronts For Thorne's Activities, This Leads Batman To Realize Where Harvey Is Headed Next...
(Start At 1:26)
Batman Is Woken Up By A Janitor Who Tells Him That Two Face Is Gone...
Driving By A Wedding Shop Where He Imagines Grace As The Bride On A Cake. Asking His Boys To Stop So He Can Flip His Coin...
And It Must Have Landed On Good Heads Because He Calls Grace And Says That He Wants To See Her...
Having Min And Max Outside Of The Apartment Waiting For Her, Grace Hangs Up Before Activating The Transmitter Giving Candice The Signal As Thorne Rages About The File Harvey Stole...
Arriving At The Abandoned Wild Deuce Club, Grace Sees Two Face Who Has A Cloth Over His Scared Side (Kind Of A la Phantom Of The Opera)...
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As He Tells Her How He Is Now With Chance And She's Basically Unable To Accept It As It Wasn't Chance That Made Him D.A. Or Made Him Fall In Love With Her As He Removes The Cloth Telling Him That He Never Has To Be Afraid Of Her...
But It All Goes Down The Crapper When Thorne's Men Knock Out Min And Max And Thorne Enters With Candice, Who Tells Two Face What Grace Did Despite Thorne Saying That She Thought She Was Warning The Police...
Despite Thorne's Men Searching All Over, They Can't Find Thorne's File Which Forces Thorne To Go After Grace..,
(Start At 0:43, End At 3:32)
Alot Of People Have Said That Joel Schumacher Took The Last Couple Of Minutes Of This Part And Turned It Into This Part In Batman Forever...
(Start At 0:44, End At 0:59)
But Like The Part With Scarecrow In Nothing To Fear I See It As A Meer Coincidence...
With The Police Arresting Thorne And His Gang Along With Two Face Who Has Grace By His Side. Gordon Wonders If There's Hope For Harvey And Batman Replies Simply Where There's Love, There's Hope, Before He Tosses A Coin Into A Fountain For Harvey Ending Our Episode...
Now Before I Give My Opinion On The Episodes, I'd Like To Talk About Those Last Words Of The Episode...
"Where There's Love, There's Hope"
Those Lines Are Slightly Melancholy For Me...
Because After This Episode We Never See Grace With Harvey Again....
After This Episode And A Brief Cameo In Fear Of Victory, The Next Time We See Two Face Is In The Strange Secret Of Bruce Wayne Where He's Full On Two Face And Bidding On Bruce's Secret Alongside The Joker And The Penguin..
So, The Question Is What Happened To Grace? Did She Fall Off The Edge Of The DCAU Continuity?
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Hi, Duke Here, The Following Was Going To Be A Long Winded Rant On Grace And What I Thought The Writers And Creators Did To Her, But After I Wrote That Rant, I Looked On DCAU Wiki And Discovered That They Moved Grace's Story With Harvey To The Comics...
Namely The Batman And Robin Adventures Comic, Where In Issues #1 And #2..
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She Falls Victim To A Nefarious Plot By The Joker, Who Enrages Harvey By Suggesting That Grace And Bruce Wayne Are A Couple, This Leads Two Face To Kidnap Grace, Bruce And Dick, Threatening To Kill Them All...
But Realizing That He Has Succumbed To His Bad Side, Grace Stabs Two Face In The Face With His Coin Implicating That Their Relationship Is Over...
However, In Issue 22 Of Batman And Robin Adventures...
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Two Face's Life Is Thrown Into Chaos When He Loses His Trademark Coin During A Breakout And Has Replaced It With A Quarter. Little Jonni Infantino, A Gangster Who Caused The Breakout..
And An Obvious Nod To Carmine Infantino, Comic Book Artist And Former Editor Of DC Comics...
Threatens To Kill Grace If Two Face Doesn't Provide Him Information On One Of Rupert Thorne's Thugs, Weird Tony Hendra, Who Was One Of Harvey's Last Cases As D.A....
Running To A Payphone, Two Face Calls Grace, Warning Her To Get Out Of Her Apartment Before Jonni Can Get To Her. Calling Bruce Afterwards To Tell Him That Harvey Saved Her Life, He Tells Her That He Will Send Alfred To Pick Her Up And Bring Her To The Mansion...
After That, That's The Last We See Of Grace, But It's Hinted That She Still Deeply Loves Harvey...
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These Stories Are Good, But I Wish That #1 And #2 Were Portrayed On The Animated Series...
Mainly Because I Know There Are People Like Me Who Don't Go Out To Comic Book Stores And Get The Comics, So, In Turn People Like Me Are Confused About Where Characters Like Grace Are...
Not That There Are Anymore Characters That Leave The Show And Have Me Asking Where They Are, Like I Did With Grace But Still...
If Paul Dini Or Bruce Timm Are Looking At This I'd Like To Know Why They Went This Route With Grace And Didn't Explain Where She Was On The Animated Series For The People Who Didn't Read The Comic?
I Mean They Explained What Happened To Nora Fries After Sub Zero The Least They Can Do Is Explain What Happened To Grace After Two Face...
Anyway We Now Return You To Your Review Already In Progress....
But Aside From My Problems With That These Two Episodes Are Very Good...
The Story And Characters Were Well Written And Their Take On The Character Of Two Face Is Brilliantly Written, Definite Props To Richard Moll For Amazingly Voicing Two Face In This And Many Episodes Of BTAS, All In All I Say See Them Both...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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House, M.D. Fanfic (11/?)
Thank you to everyone who has taken time to leave a note on my story.  I hope you continue to enjoy my kind of rewrite and/or additions to certain episodes! As always, I don't own House. If I did, Lisa Edelstein would have gotten the respect she deserved contact wise for a season 8.
As stated in previous chapters, the story follows the big picture laid out on the show, but with my own take on things. We have reached extremely bumpy road territory. Buckle up, folks. This one might sting a little.
Thanks to @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie on Tumblr for reading my ideas and providing positive feedback! Anything in the way of feedback is always appreciated! I like to know how you like what I'm doing. Enjoy!
"How long have you been sleeping with Dr. House?" Tritter asked as he took a seat in her office.
Cuddy shook her head, shocked at the question. "Why would you think I'm sleeping with House?"
Tritter got that smug smirk he got when he thought he knew something. "Only reason a smart woman like you would keep a jerk like that around. You're way out of his league."
"The only reason a dean of medicine at a teaching hospital would keep a world renowned diagnostician around is because I'm sleeping with him?"
"You haven't denied it."
"I'm not sleeping with House," she crossed her arms.
"Dr. Cuddy. The guy is an ass. He treats patients like they aren't even human. How much has he cost your hospital over the years? How much has he cost you?" He asked. "I don't understand why you're protecting him."
"Dr. House saves lives... lives that other doctors can't save. If you were dying and no one else could figure out what was wrong with you, you'd want Dr. House to be the one on your case. I'm not sleeping with him. He's just that good," she stated a little more firmly, moving to open her office door to show him out. But his words had hit a nerve, asking what he'd cost her had hit a nerve. It stuck with her.
Later that night, House laid in her bed, one hand folded under his head, his fingers sliding over her bare back. "Heard Barnaby Jones came to talk to you today."
Cuddy breathed deeply, shifting so she could prop her head on her hand and look at him. "Detective Tritter came to accuse me of sleeping with you."
"You are sleeping with me." He turned his head to look at her.
"I lied to him. I told him I wasn't."
"Because sleeping with you would give him a reason to believe my judgement is compromised. It would imply that I'm hiding your drug problem. Or he would accuse me of enabling your habit."
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Has sleeping with me affected your ability to practice medicine?"
"Has it compromised your ability to make professional calls where my patients or myself are concerned?"
"No, but..."
"Has your judgement been compromised? Have you been writing me scripts? Have I stolen your prescription pad? Have you been enabling my habit?"
"Then what's the problem?" He shrugged.
"I lied to the cops!"
"You lied about sleeping with me. We've been lying to everyone else about that for months. Why are you suddenly growing a conscience about it?"
"I don't know, House, maybe because this guy has it out for you! Normally when you piss someone off, they just sue you. This guy actually has the power to get your medical license revoked and send you to jail for a long time!"
"That what you're afraid of? Don't worry, I can still place a bun in your oven. Or are conjugal visits not on your list of approved baby making fantasies?"
She sighed and moved away, turning her back to him. "Whatever you want to tell yourself, House." She was tired of fighting with him.
"You're mad at me."
"Because you're being an ass!"
"No more than usual." He thought for a moment. "This is you being hormonal..."
"I'm not pregnant, House!"
"Did you take another test?"
She sat up and looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Yes! Yes, I took a damn test! I took a damn test every time you accused me of being pregnant, and guess what... still not pregnant! You weren't right!"
"This is you being upset that you're not pregnant..." he said slowly. "Look, it's only been a few months. It doesn't mean anything..."
"6 months, House. 6. It's not happening. It's not meant to happen."
"You're giving up?"
"Yes! I tried, and I failed to get pregnant. I'm done. I'm tired of trying and being disappointed. And this...arrangement..." she gestured between them, "isn't working anymore."
He stared at her for a moment. "You're ending this?"
She was quiet for a few moments. "I guess I am."
"Because I haven't gotten you pregnant? It takes most couples years to get pregnant, and you're giving up in 6 months?"
"Save it, House... you're just trying to protect your regular supply of free sex. Sorry, looks like it's back to hookers. I'm sure you've still got all their numbers."
"I don't care about the sex! I do care about you!" He was a little surprised those feelings had slipped out mid-argument. Judging by the look on her face, so was she. "Why are you so willing to give up on something that you've wanted for a long time just because it's a little hard getting there?"
She sighed softly. "Because you can't always get what you want."
"Yeah, quoting a song lyric... that's a real response," he countered. "And in case you forgot, it ends with 'You get what you need.'"
"Yeah...I'm not getting that either." She was quiet for another moment. "Goodnight, House."
House walked into his friend's office and sat down silently. "I've been sleeping with Cuddy," he said after several minutes.
The revelation caused Wilson to pause his reading, but he didn't look up, clearly not buying it. "House, hallucinations mean you've taken too much Vicodin."
House shook his head. "I'm not hallucinating. Cuddy and I have been having hot monkey sex."
Wilson just stared at him, trying to decide if it was true or not. "How... long has it been going on?"
"Several months. When she started fertility treatments before I was shot."
"Cuddy is taking fertility treatments?"
"Right... I didn't tell you about that either. Oops..." he stood and began to walk the office as he worked everything around in his head.
"You're trying to have a baby with Cuddy?"
He turned to look at Wilson then. "No. Cuddy is trying to have a baby with me. Weren't you listening?"
"It's the same result," Wilson leaned back in his chair then. "You've seriously been sleeping with Cuddy for months and haven't told me?"
"This isn't high school. Some of us keep our private lives private, Jimmy."
Wilson shook his head and stood up, walking over to him. "This isn't high school, but you are still in high school. If this was any other woman, you'd have bragged about it. The sheets were barely cold when you told me about Stacy. This is different. She's different." And then he realized, "You're protecting her."
"There was no protection. She wants a baby. Duh," he deflected with sarcasm.
"You're protecting her from you. You're first instinct would normally be to run and brag about sleeping with her. To use the fact that she's your boss to get your way here. And you haven't. You went against your first instinct in order to protect her. You care about her."
"I don't care about her. I'm only telling you now because it's over. She's giving up the fertility treatments. No fertility drugs, no hope for a baby, no need for the hot monkey sex," he spun his cane as he continued to think.
"You don't want it to be over. Because you care about her. She's probably the only other woman who can stand you, can handle you, and you don't want to lose her."
"Don't be ridiculous. I care about the sex. It's free... and really, really good."
Wilson studied him for a moment. "You fell in love with her, didn't you?" It was really more of a statement. His friend wouldn't be here now if all he cared about was having sex.
House stared out the window silently for several long minutes. "What do I do about it?" He turned to his friend then.
"Well, the obvious response is to tell her."
"I can't tell her I love her."
"Why not?"
"Because she doesn't love me."
"How do you know?"
"I just know!"
"Right, because when a woman wants a baby, her first instinct is to go to the man who's a complete jackass to her and ask him to sleep with her... for months. And you said it was going on before you were shot? So over five months."
"Six, actually," he corrected him. "What can I say,  she's got it bad for my genes."
"She's got it bad for you, House." When he didn't respond, Wilson pushed on. "Did you only have sex when she was ovulating?"
"Yes." He answered quickly. Heaving a sigh a moment later,  he continued. "At least in the beginning. Somewhere along the way the line blurred." House didn't even have to think about that. It had started that way, but the longer it went on, the more sex they had, whether or not it was time in her monthly cycle. And it wasn't just sex. There were nights when they literally slept together and nothing else.
"Then it's not just about a baby. She has feelings for you."
House sighed again. "She's the one who ended the arrangement."
"Probably because she thinks that's all you wanted and she's trying to keep herself from being hurt anymore than she already is."
"She should know that's not all it is."
"Why? Because you've told her?"
"Yes, okay?! Yes! I told her I didn't care about the sex, that I cared about her! And she still ended things!"
"When did you tell her?"
He sighed, rubbing his thumb across his forehead. "Somewhere between her telling me I would have to go back to hookers for sex and quoting the Rolling Stones 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' to me."
He shook his head with a laugh. "House, you're an idiot! She probably thinks you just said it in the heat of the moment to protect your supply of free sex. You're an addict, you've proven you'll say anything to get what you want in the past," he explained. He paused for a moment before continuing. "House, you don't exactly give off the warm and fuzzy vibe. More like the annoying, jackass vibe. Cuddy may be able to handle your particular brand of charm... she may even like it. But she can't read your mind. And a woman like Cuddy isn't going to make that leap unless she knows you're there to catch her. You've got to talk to her."
"I don't know if I can."
"Do you know if you can lose her? Because that's what's at stake here. You either talk to her, or it's over."
House breathed deeply, thinking it over before he left.
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iamknicole · 6 years
Guess What
Parental Paragraphs / Daddy Ro Fluff Series
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With Simba's birthday coming up the three families were spending a lot more time with each other. Trying to plan took all three sets of parents and the older boys running errands or babysitting. They spent this day at the Reigns' house.
"Y'all plan on havin another?" Jimmy asked his twin.
Jey shook his head immediately. "Hell no. Simba and Lo is enough. You see all these gray hairs."
"Well I want a lil girl," Apryl pouted.
"You must gon borrow Haleigh cause you won't get one from me. I'm gettin fixed."
Apryl pushed Jey's shoulder turning her attention to the other treo ladies. "What about y'all?"
"Jimmy wants another boy but I don't think my nerves can handle another boy. The twins and Eli are exactly like him," Trinity laughed. "No thank you."
Kandice shrugged at the question. "We want another but Koda and Haleigh have made it very clear that we're not allowed to have anymore."
"Yeah, Koda said his luck it'll be another girl," Roman laughed, "Princess stresses him out enough."
"STOP TOUCHIN MY HAIR!" Haleigh squealed loudly.
"NO WAY!" "NEVEEEEER!" The twins yelled after her.
Simba let out a loud attempt at his uncle's war cry. "HOLD HER DOWN! I GOT GLUE!"
"Who gave his bad ass glue," Apryl asked getting ready to get up. Jey stopped her telling her to wait. "She'll go to the boys first," Jey assured her. The next thing the parents heard were loud footsteps running from one end of the upstairs to the other. Then more arguing.
"STOP YELLING!" Koda's voice boomed through the house quieting the younger children. "Why are y'all yelling anyway?"
"THEY KEEP TRYING TO PUT GLUE IN MY HAIR," the 13 year old pouted.
"GET HER BRODDER! HOLD HER DOWN!" Simba yelled once again.
"SIMBA, GIVE ME THE GLUE! WHO GAVE YOUR BAD BUTT GLUE ANYWAY?" Milo asked in a strained tone that told the parents he was holding his little brother back. More commotion ensued which meant they were now fighting.
Kandice reached out to pat Roman’s knee and he called out for the children to come down. A minute or so later the seven children came down the stairs still pushing and arguing quietly. They stood in the living room in front of their parents. Eli reached out to pluck his little brothers behind their ears for hitting him in the eye which started another fight between all of them.
"Hands in your pocket!" Jey yelled stopping their fighting. "Now what is the problem?"
All the kids stated to talk at once. There was something about glue in hair, playing a game, complaints about being hit and kicked and Simba just letting out another war cry.
"STOP! STOP! One at a time." Trinity sighed. "Hae, you first."
"I was watching YouTube, minding my business and those munchkins tried to attack me and put glue in my hair," she said glaring at her younger cousins. "Then they tried to attack me and my KoKo." Koda wrapped his arms around his little sister for the dramatic effect.
"Okay. Milo?"
"All I know is they ran in there jumping on us then bad butt," he said flicking Simba's arm, "Told me to hold her down and tried to attack again." Simba glared at his big brother then kicked him in the shin making Milo yelp.
"Feet to yourself," Trinity repeated. "Eli?"
"Look, all I know is one of these gremlins hit me in my eye and if it's bruised they're both bein put up for adoption."
"Jadyn and Jalyn, y'all have something to say?"
"No, Mommy," they answered.
"AAAAAAAAAAH!" He yelled jumping on Haleigh’s feet.
"Oh that's it," she sneered picking the young boy up and turned him upside down. "Koda, open the back door. He's goin in the pool."
"Koda, don't you move. Princess, give him to his parents," Roman instructed quickly. Haleigh narrowed her eyes and tossed the young boy into his father's lap. "Who gave you glue, Simba?"
Simba laid against Jey's chest trying to look as innocent as possible. "It was in TK room. I borrow it."
"Were you supposed to be in there, Josiah?"
"No, Daddy. But Jadyn open the door."
"Hey! That was not me, that was Jalyn!" The eight year old said pointing an accusatory finger.
"Snitch," Jalyn mumbled.
"Stop arguing. No more arguing," Kandice demanded softly. "Y'all have done enough of that for one day. All of you sit down and calm down." None of the children moved just glared at one another.
"I think she told y'all to sit y'all asses down." Apryl repeated with a slight raise of her brow. She watched them all until they sat down peacefully.
Jimmy started to laugh catching them all off guard. "Y'all remember when we didn't have kids?"
Jey nodded. "Good times."
"Don't talk about us like we not here. That hurts," Eli asserted touching his chest.
"Yeah," the other kids agreed.
Apryl shrugged at him. "We love y'all but y'all are A LOT."
"But wait," Kandice laughed, "Remember when we told them we were pregnant with the boys?" Jey, Jimmy and Roman sucked their teeth at the thought.
--- 16.5 years earlier ---
The women invited their fiancés over to their shared apartment for dinner and a surprise. "Sooooo, are y'all gonna say anything?" Kandice asked. Apryl, Kandice and Trinity had just watched their other halves open their cards. And now they sat in silence.
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(Jey's Card, Roman’s Card & Jimmy's Card)
Jey looked at his card, at his fiancé then back at the card. "I'm confused."
Roman scratched the back of his neck, still staring at the card. "What's a DILF?"
"I ain't make shit."
All three women sucked their teeth. "God I hope these babies have our brains," Apryl huffed.
"Babies? Who having a baby? I didn't agree to none of that," Jimmy said quickly.
Trinity sucked her teeth. "I think we both agreed to it when you let your little swimmers loose."
"Kandi," Roman called softly, "You still didn't tell me what a DILF is."
"Dad I'd Like to Fuck, slowness. But now I dunno about all that."
"So y'all tryna tell us that the three of y'all just happened to get pregnant at the same time?" Jey asked putting the card in his lap. "Y'all planned this."
"Clearly, I did. Did you read the card? I trapped your ass, now you're stuck and if you think you're leaving me with your big head baby you've got another thing coming, Fatu."
Jimmy got up from his seat to examine Trinity, stepping back in surprise when he lifted her shirt. "What's that?" He asked pointing at her stomach.
"It's a baby bump, fool. I'm almost four months," she said moving his hand to her stomach. "You can't feel him or her move yet but there's a baby in there. Our baby."
"How far are you?" Roman asked.
"Two months almost three," she approached him standing in between his knees. "I just look bloated right now."
"And you," Jey asked nervously.
Apryl smiled putting a hand to her pretty much flat stomach. "Just hit two months."
"Are we ready for this? I mean these are babies." Roman asked. His voice shook with anxiousness.
"Whether we're ready or not they're coming, Roman. One quicker than the others," Kandice joked looking back at Trinity and Jimmy.
"Mama is gonna beat us. You can tell her Jimmy."
Jimmy sucked his teeth. "I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Pops, he gon whoop our asses. And then he gon fuss and i don't wanna hear that shit, dog."
"Y'all are 21. Are y'all really that scared? He's not gonna whoop y'all," Trinity laughed.
"Nah, nah," Roman shook his head, "You're sayin that cause you don't know. He is gonna beat them."
"Oh, please." Kandice laughed. "You're scared too I take it."
"For them, yeah. I'm just tryna figure out what to do with a baby. Never had one."
"I should hope not, Roman. None of us have either, we'll get through it together."
Apryl folded her arms across her chest. "All I know is, these babies are coming whether y'all are ready or not so y'all better do whatever you need to do or I'm getting my knife."
With that threat, all three women walked out of the living room to the back room slamming the door behind them. The men sat quietly, staring straight ahead until sniffed filled the room. Roman and Jimmy stated at Jey in confusion. Jimmy sucked his teeth. "I know you ain't cryin, Uce."
"Shut up," he fussed wiping his eyes. "I'm emotional, shit. I'm having a baby, mane. This is serious."
"But is it serious enough to cry?" Jimmy asked laughing.
"Fuck y'all, I'm happy."
"I'm happy too but my apartment is too small for a baby." Roman sighed.
"Bruh," Jey laughed through his tears. "A baby ain't that damn big. He'll be cool." Jimmy sat quietly, his mind moving a mile a minute. "You alright over there, big bro?"
"What are we gonna do with babies? Shit, they take care of us most of the time. And they want us to be responsible for lil tiny ass humans."
"It'll all work out, Uce. But right now we gotta fix what we just did," Roman said standing from his seat.
--- Present Day ---
"Did y'all really bring cribs home, Pop?" Koda asked laughing.
"That and a bunch of other shit," Apryl laughed. "Cribs, play pens, tubs, bottles, clothes. Our lil ass living room was filled with shit from y'all daddies."
"But had we known what we know now," Trinity chuckled. "None of y'all would be here."
"What? Mama you told me I was your pride and joy. The best thing that ever happened to you." Eli said scrunching his face.
"Did I?" Trinity asked still laughing. "Must've been drunk or sleepy."
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