#I can't promise I'll go through with this. It feels pretty big and I don't want to end up regretting anything.
11cupid-tarot11 · 2 days
A Letter From Your Future Spouse
1 -> 4
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Cupid's Services Cupid's Master List Socials
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- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
︻デ═一 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 1- Four of Wands, The Fool, Page of Swords, Nine of Cups, Page of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune.
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"Hi you! I've been sleeping a lot, can't seem to do anything else lately because of how tired I've been. Finally. I can sleep as much as I want to now because of a situation that just so happened to end recently. Death.
What now? See, I've been wondering the same thing. But let's not even worry about it, let's just sleep as much as we want to because we finally can, even if it's only a little nap time out of your day do it because I gotta see you one last time later, I've got a message for you in your dreams. Spirit will tell you, don't worry about missing it or when <3
Resting so much so when I do have to work, you know, find that balance again between work and fun, I can focus on what's so important to me a lot better, I mean really give it my all... You know? Lol
Sorry, I dream a lot, you might notice my head is always in the clouds. I have very air energy like a Gemini.
Things are finally clearing up for me! I feel at peace, maybe we mirror each other and things are also getting better for you too? You have to let me know, okay? I feel like I can finally breathe again, be optimistic without being scared the rug is going to get snatched from underneath.
I've been working so so hard on my craft, putting in so much love and effort into my work and I feel really hopeful that all of my productivity will pay off soon, consistency is key, right?
I really like the color yellow, 😄 talk again soon!"
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll below 👇🏾 ✨
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Pile 2- Knight of Wands, I forgot to write down the rest of the cards I'm so sorry 😞
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"I have no problem with putting in hard work for anything I want, even you, you know? If you don't want me the moment we catch eyes I'll make you ;)
The moment I catch you I'm going to make sure I never stop loving you, I'll make sure every day is beautiful, even on our bad days we'll kiss each other good night before bed still. I love you!
Why do you keep worrying yourself? All of that doubt in that pretty little head of yours isn't good, you should lay it all to rest before you make yourself sick baby. Sleep more, practice some self care before you run yourself crazy, okay?
I'm so proud of you, you know, for whatever amazing things you've accomplished lately. I believe in you, I'll always be your #1 cheerleader!
You should go out and celebrate! Enjoy the sun, you deserve it my angel! Promise me you won't let this go by like it's just not that big and you'll go out and do something? Pinky promise?
Stay focused! You're on the right path, you're doing amazing! I promise you, all of this will be worth it, it's worth our future 💓 keep going, I know you can do it! 🎉"
Hope you enjoy!!☺️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 3- Queen of Cups, Justice, Four of Cups, The Moon, Three of Swords, The Star.
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" Hi my love, you know I don't talk a lot haha, so I'll make this quick as usual and get out of your hair so you can go on.
I just want to remind you, you're my queen, my favorite, my whole world ❤️ I think red looks really pretty on you btw but anyway, I love and miss you like crazy at times like these.
I am going through something right now, a legal situation, a situation I wish would come to an end right now because it's so heavy on me, it's hurting me but I know at the same time it's happening to me because it's part of my karma, something that's forcing me to look so closely at myself, at every shadow because I think it leads me to you. My everything. We're going to get married, I'm so sure of it.
I'm keeping hope alive, I'm hanging on to every thread of it I've got. I'm working on everything right now, I'll catch up with you soon sweetheart 💋 I'm going to kiss you when I do, you won't be able to get rid of me. ;) "
Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 4- Ace of Cups, The Hanged Man, King of Wands, Nine of Cups, Knight of Cups, Nine of Wands.
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"I want to come to you with amazing news but I can't, I'm sorry to say, I've taken a turn for the worst right now. Don't worry, it's temporary.
I am slowly building myself back up, that's what I'm doing right now if you're wondering what I've been doing all this time. I'm healing day by day and I hope you are too sweetheart. I might be a bit stuck and tangled up right now, but I'm clearing through it!
I'm the kind of guy who will pursue you with nothing but kindness until I make you fall for me with your charm, I'm cute, I know I am, you'll love me, I have curly light hair, and a really cute smile. You'll think I'm so adorable.
I want to offer my heart to you, fully, 100%. You have me, all of me as long as you give me you in return, I hope you do, I can't be without you once I know you.
Take care my love ❤️."
Hope you enjoyed ❤️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
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httpsryu · 3 days
ideal type
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pairing: huh yunjin x fem! reader
summary: getting asked a question during an interview leads heartbroken fans looking for the specific lady that's already in huh yunjin's big heart
category: rock band au, college gfs
genre: fluff, angst for the heartbroken fans
warnings: a LOT of jealousy from the fans and small suggestive talk
a/n: i loved writing this! thank you to the person who requested it :)
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the music echoes throughout the clubroom where hundreds, maybe thousands are jumping up and down while they sing along to the song being played. the drummer starts to play by beat slowly, indicating that the bass solo is coming up.
lights in the room are ferociously blinking red, along with sirens going off into the background as huh yunjin does what she's best at; going full-jam on the bass. she gets on her knees, swaying her hips to the beat in the background as her hands attractively strum the strings.
fans take pictures and videos while screaming their heads off at how insanely attractive the specific red haired is.
however, from afar, yunjin knows the only girl she's playing for is the fair pretty lady in the back bartending drinks to customers.
you take a quick peek up at the performance in front of you while cleaning a shot glass, turning red at the way yunjin managed to send a wink towards you.
"gross, not in front of my salad." heeseung gags as he throws the towel back on his shoulder to go grab the newly sat customer.
throwing your head back in laughter as you also pay attention to the girl who finished yet another shot of straight rum for the eighth time. "another rum shot with splash of water?"
"yes, thank you."
the music starts to die down, indicating the song is going to halt at the end.
you let out a smile at the way fans are supporting the rock band, everyone is singing along, screaming and most importantly feeling the music.
"thank you all for taking the time of your night to watch us play." chaewon, the leader speaks in the mic, as she sticks her tongue out in a form of affection for the fans. "everyone make sure to get home safely, kay?"
more screams start again at the sight of the red haired bass player. she lets out a chuckle at her fangirls before speaking into the mic. "and for those who managed to score tickets to the after-show interview, can't wait to see you then."
everyone in the band stands up, waving and bowing before shortly disappearing backstage.
"they manage to get the girls off their feet, huh?" heeseung comes near you, washing more glasses. "you gonna clock off soon since your girlfriend is done playing?"
with a proud grin, you nod at your brother as you wipe your hands down on the towel draping from his shoulders. "i promise i'll open tomorrow."
"okay okay, priorities are putting your girlfriend before the family's bar and club."
you shrug, pouting playfully which earns a ruffle from your older brother.
"see you tomorrow, kiddo."
taking off your apron and hanging it in the back, you grab your items to scurry off into the backstage of the club.
looking for the room that the band was assigned to, your phone vibrates, grabbing your attention to it. digging for your phone in your bag, you hum in content once feeling the cellular block of a device.
an arm around your waist startles you, leaving you to jump.
"stop! don't do that! especially in this dark scary part of the club." you turn around, playfully smacking the taller.
yunjin laughs, nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck and inhaling the scent of you. oh, how she missed her girlfriend.
"i missed you." she murmurs in your neck, tickling you and leaving shivers down your spine. "i felt like i haven't seen you in forever!"
you can't help but to hug back your very tall girlfriend, inhaling the earthy-cherry smell of hers. "we saw each other in class."
"still felt like forever."
"EW GET A ROOM LOVEBIRDS!" chaewon's voice rings through the backstage, closing their room's door behind her.
both you and yunjin let out a laugh in each other's embrace.
"did i play amazing, baby?"
letting out a nod with a smile, your girlfriend excitedly squeals before attacking you in another hug once again.
"my eyes were always staring at you." yunjin whispers, encircling her arm around your waist to pull you in for a kiss.
a kiss where both parties are longing for each other. moving your lips along her signature cherry red lipgloss that you gifted to her while you two were fresh lovers. her tongue glossing over yours in a fight for dominance and ultimately you give in. letting out a quiet sound of pleasure while you pull her in a bit closer by her neck.
"you're so damn addicting baby." yunjin says in between the kissing.
feeling the air in you run out, you ultimately pull away with your forehead leaning on hers.
"after-show interview is going to be on in 15." she whispers gently, holding your face in her hand to give you one last peck. "i'll see you tomorrow after my engineering lab?"
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"does anyone in the crowd want to ask sserafilm a question?" the interviewer asks, scanning out for hands in the audience.
everyone in the crowd raises their hands in hopes of being called on for their fun yet juicy questions.
"hmm..how about the girl in the middle with the star studded bracelet." the interviewer calls out, a smile on her face as she waits for the question.
the female in the audience clears her throat, making sure her voice is loud and clear. "this question is for yunjin."
"okay! go right ahead!" the interviewer nods, letting the girl continue while yunjin anticipates on the question from the fan.
"yunjin, being the well-known womanizer of the group, what do you say your ideal type is?"
"ooo~ that's a nice question." the interviewer laughs.
the red haired giggles, tilting her head to the left slightly in a processing-type-of-way. "i would say my ideal type is someone who has a sort of angelic vibe to them. she's determined for what she wants to do while also supporting me. oh! and she has these cute dimples that matches along with her moles."
before finishing her answer, yunjin looks down at her hand with a small very smitten smile. "lastly, she has a beautiful heart, inside and out."
every girl in the audience blinks, not ONCE, not TWICE, but THREE times in being dumbstruck at how specific their red haired bass player was at describing their ideal type.
"sounds like you have a specific person in mind?" the older woman looks at the bass player, hoping to get an answer from her.
yunjin can only let out another chuckle, holding the mic to her mouth. "just describing my type of lady, that's all."
the way the club was silent, everyone could hear the sounds of so many fangirls' hearts just broke at the bass player's words.
chaewon rolls her eyes, wanting to gag at yunjin's greasiness. how do you actually deal with this every day? chaewon feels sorry for you, honestly.
"sounds a little too specific, huh everyone?" the interviewer turns to the fans, earning nods and 'yeahs'.
the red-haired can only shrug in response, wanting to tease her fans.
"she's definitely dating someone." a fan mumbles to herself, suddenly wanting to play sherlock holmes as she whips out her cell phone to tweet about 'finding huh yunjin's secret gf'.
the interviewer continues to pick on a few fans to ask the rest of the others questions throughout the night. clueless on what is going to happen in a span of the young night, which involves huh yunjin and her ideal type.
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stretching your arms out, you take your headphones off to take a quick 15 minutes break from the paper you're working on. reaching for your phone, you immediately smile at the notification on your lock screen.
"ew. i did not want to walk into the living room to see my roommate smiling over a text from my greasy bandmate." chaewon gags, covering her mouth dramatically as she picks up her car keys off of the coffee table.
rolling your eyes, you look up from your phone, noticing her keys in her hands. "going somewhere tonight?"
"i scored a date with some hot girl." the blonde sticks her tongue out, indicating that she knows she's awesome and to compliment her.
"you're so awesome, kim chaewon." sarcastically complimenting her with a blank expression.
chaewon scoffs, placing her hand on her chest. "shut up."
"make sure you're using protection."
"will do~" chaewon leaves the dorm apartment, shutting the door behind her to make sure nothing happens to her sweet roommate.
you let out a laugh at the antics between chaewon and you. leaning back down on the soft comfy couch, a satisfied stretching noise comes out of your mouth at the sudden cushion. oh, how nice it is to be chaewon and not have piles of homework and projects piling.
perks of being an architect major, you suppose.
waking yourself up with a self-inflicted smack to your cheek, you abruptly sit up to grab your headphones. however, a knock on the door startles you.
"chaewon must've forgotten something." you mumble to yourself, seeing your headphones on the place besides you before getting up to open the door for your roommate.
unlocking the door, you turn the door open and what a pleasant surprise.
"HELLOOO MY DARLING!" yunjin excitedly sings with a cheery smile on her lips.
before you're able to react and respond, the taller is attacking you with a hug as she starts peppering cute kisses all around your face.
"what are you doing here? i thought you had a lab?"
the red-haired gives you your space as she walks into the dorm. "it ended up getting postponed to next week so i decided to pay my little celebrity a visit."
what is this crazy lady talking about??
"huh? what do you mean?" shutting the door close before you trail slowly behind your girlfriend.
yunjin lets out a proud smile, showing you her phone's screen.
displayed on the screen was a 'X' tweet in search of huh yunjin's beloved lady. under that tweet were filled with replies, retweets and quotes agreeing on searching for the supposed angelic ideal type.
"what the hell?" you squint to get a better look at the other's phone.
yunjin nods, shutting her phone off and throwing it on the couch. "wanna go out on a date today?"
"i have to work on my paper."
"BOOO, please let's go out." yunjin begs, her eyes looking up at you with the look that you could never say no to. "and you look so pretty today, baby."
shaking your head as you shut your eyes close. "no. no. no. i am not falling for it this time."
a strong force grabs you from where you're standing, pushing you into a specific female's lap.
"fall for what?" yunjin whispers gently, her tone sending chills down your spine as she reaches over to grab the side of your face to kiss your jawline.
"don't act cute with me." you pout, not wanting to fall for her and her little plans. "i have to really write this paper, i'm sorry jen."
the red-haired nods, giving you one last peck on the cheek. "i understand. i'll be a good girlfriend and sit quietly next to you while waiting patiently."
"yay!" :>
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long story short, the date ended up blowing the internet like wildfire. with fans of huh yunjin congratulating her while a few were nitpicking and were jealous. many others were jealous of yunjin for having a pretty lady breathing in her direction.
"we are never going out again." yunjin pouts upon entering your apartment.
you don't know what else to say before throwing your head back in laughter at the way your girlfriend is acting.
"why not? you don't want to show me off?"
the red-haired girl can only throw her head back in agony at the thought of everyone wanting to steal you from her. "you're literally the epitome of where one says their ideal type is pure."
"and i think that's half of the men and women who eyed you down in front of me." yunjin can already feel her hair coming off, if there was another reason to dye her hair blonde again, she would in hopes of it coming all off. "i was next to you, holding your hand and they STILL eyed you like you were SINGLE."
taking off your docs, you can only shake your head at how the older is acting. "well, for one, at the end of the day..i'm only yours. second, even if they look, you just need to know that you're the only one i ever only look at."
"i knowww but UGHH-"
grabbing the taller's face into your hand, you tip-toe up to reach her lips to which you peck multiple times.
yunjin still is pouting but nonetheless, she lets out a very smitten smile. cooing at how pretty you are, while she too kisses your moles on your face.
"i guess i am pretty lucky to have this beautiful lady in my arms, huh?"
nodding at her words, you kiss the older's neck. "wanna help me with my paper?"
"if you let me hit it raw."
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june 15, 2024; publishing date
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Ok so. Hypothetically if I were to create an Oc discord, would anyone be interested?
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bibiana112 · 8 months
I'm going to draw wktd fanart (to cope with a highly specific situation) while I still have the time for it (looming employment) and that is a promise to myself (I probably have something else I said I'd work on but whatever)
#I strt at the end of the month and I'm#I'm not even gonna say I'm scared I'm not I'm just not quite excited either? I'll pull through#and hopefully eat better and be able to buy fun things thaNK FUCK#however also taxes. I am not looking forward to taxes#like it's literally an ideal position if I don't manage it for whatever reason that'll be uh. something big for me to find out limits wise#but it's whatever I'm curious and I gotta try#and like I said god I'll be so happy to be able to afford hyper specific autism approved food that's gonna make everything so much easier#oh also the hyper specific situation? don't worry about it. just know I'm going to cry into whatever I draw for that game atm#I mentioned it in the post I made about it these days I literally skimmed through lines of one of the endings and immediately cried a single#Annoying tear. I feel like I don't cry about life things as much as would be healthy to and when I do I don't cry right#so I just get so annoyed at these sudden single tear moments when I'm not even putting effort into anything they just leak out#because something on a screen hit too close to home in an instant but I can't even properly Feel it because I'm focused on something else#and the thing in question has well been Acknowledged and rendered Irrelevant#it's not satisfying like crying for being engrossed on a story and/or characters and I absolutely hate how idk picturesque? it feels#people criticize drawing crying with a pretty single tear all the time it feels so fake and forced to fit the medium in a way that's still#appealing and consumable but I'm just a person with depersonalization issues. reverse derealization. everything's real except me#anyways I wasn't spiraling I will continue to not spiral about that at this moment but that's constantly there in my brain#and I'm going to draw the body horror lesbian polycule about it#Void fala aí#oh yeah I promised field sib content uh I can easily do that as a warm-up on a work day obviously pfft#''end of the month'' she's so pretentious you mean next week
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darknight3904 · 6 months
See You in the Morning, Coryo
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𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪:ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʀɪᴏʟᴀɴᴜꜱ' ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜᴇꜱ ᴀ ᴄʟɪᴍᴀx ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴀ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ / ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ / ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ / ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜰᴇᴡ ᴘᴀʀᴛꜱ. ᴄᴏʀʏᴏ ᴄʜᴀɪɴꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴜᴘ. ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴ ᴀ ꜱᴇxʏ ᴡᴀʏ, ꜱᴀᴅʟʏ.
The first time you met him you were 12. It was only your fourth day at the Capitol's Academy and you wished you could go home and bury yourself in your bed and never return. You had yet to meet anyone interested in being friends with you, the homeschooled freak who started oh so late compared to her peers. Sure, you had met Arachne and Festus at big lavish parties your parents threw but that didn't mean they liked you.
And then, on your fourth day of school, everything changes. Big blue eyes are fixated on the overly large sandwich and fruit bowl that had been in your lunch bag. A soft gurgle of a hungry stomach fills your ears and you turn to see a boy with the prettiest blonde curls atop his head staring at you.
"Do you want a piece? Our maid always packs too much and I can never finish it. You can have some if you want." You ask, picking up a strawberry and holding it out to him.
He hesitates for a moment but eventually reaches out and takes a small bite.
"Don't you have a lunch today?" You ask
"I already ate it." He said
Something inside you said he was lying and so you offered the rest of the fruit to him. Your sandwich would be enough for today, after all, no one should go hungry if another had something else to give.
You chat with the boy with blue eyes and pretty blonde curls. His name is Coriolanus Snow and he lives with his Grandma'am and his cousin. You smile at him as he eats the fruit, savoring the taste of the grapes that were mixed in. As you sit beside your new friend, you smile to yourself and hope he'll be your friend tomorrow too.
"You're not leaving. I won't let you."
Coriolanus knows how bad it sounds. He knows you're angry when you go to step around him and he blocks your path. Your engagement ring feels like a brick as it sits in his shirt pocket.
"Coryo. Move. I'm going home." You say, determined to get away from him.
Where do you think you're running off to? You have no place in society besides your spot next to him.
"You can't. You have to stay here. With me." He insists, hoping his softer tone will change your silly little mind.
"Please, Coriolanus. Just let me go home for tonight. I'll come back tomorrow. I promise." You whisper.
He hates that. Coriolanus. Why are you calling him that? He's always been Coryo to you why are you changing it now? The way his full name lingers in the air makes his blood boil.
Rage is something that's hard to control. Coriolanus has seen it first hand when the Districts rebelled against the Capitol all those years ago. He saw it Dr. Gaul when Lucy Gray survived her snakes thanks to him. He sees it now, in you as you give him a hard shove to his shoulders and begin moving toward the door.
Rage. That's why he does it. It's something he and so many others can't control. Rage. What a funny concept it is, how it causes someone to think so irrationally.
Truly though, you are to blame for it all. If only you had just talked to him rationally. taking off your ring and throwing a fit, demanding to go home like you're some petulant child who needs a nap.
Perhaps this will change your attitude, after all, you couldn't just run off, he needed you.
There's an ache in the back of your skull when you finally open your eyes. A soft blanket is covering you and the soft scent of apples and cinnamon is wafting through the air.
"This is your favorite, right?"
A voice that used to bring a smile to your face now sends a jolt of fear down your spine as you quickly sit up.
Coriolanus is sitting in a plush-looking chair, with your favorite candle burning on a little side table next to him.
What the hell had he done to you?
"You sat up too quickly. There's some painkillers on the nightstand if you want them." He says
His voice is so calm as you gradually take in your new surroundings.
"Where am I?" You croak, your voice sounds terrible.
"You're still in our mansion. This is the basement. Part of it anyway. Over the past two weeks, I got them to transform a section of it into a room perfect for you." He says, closing the book in his lap.
Weeks? How long had it been since that dinner when you tried to leave? What the hell had even happened? The last thing you clearly remember was shoving Coriolanus and beginning to walk away. Had he hit you with something? But then how did he keep you down for two weeks so he could bring you here?
"You're wondering what happened. I'm not proud of it but I hit you with a serving tray before you could leave."
Your mind briefly conjures up the silver trays that the food you often enjoyed was served on.
"I had a doctor give you injections to keep you asleep until this room was ready. The headache you feel is the hangover from the drugs, not a concussion. I made sure he gave you an exam and he's cleared you from any injuries."
Corionus' explanation is making your brain ache. What the fuck was happening? Why are you in a basement bedroom instead of your normal one? When was he going to let you out? Would he ever let you out?
Your stomach gurgles and you just barely make it to the small garbage can that's sitting on the ground next to the bed.
"Ah, the doctor said vomiting was another side effect. I'm sure it will pass soon." Coriolanus says, unbothered as you heave up whatever gunk he had gotten the doctor to pump into your stomach.
You wipe your face with the back of your hand, wishing for something to take away the burning at the back of your throat.
"Alright. Since you're awake now, I'll be leaving. Lots of meetings today and the arena is nearly ready I just have to approve a few more things." Coriolanus says, standing up and fixing his tie as he begins to walk away.
"Wait." You groan, trying to reach out to him
"I'll be back for dinner. I know how much you love to listen to me talk about my day."
Two months later
There's been a certain warmness about you recently. Perhaps it's the flowers he brought you your maybe the fact that he takes the heavy chain off your ankle when he visits you. He decides it's the latter as he watches thumb through the new books he handed you.
"Do you like them?" He asks
"Yes." You smile as you gently place them on your shelf.
You're so effortlessly pretty, even here, locked away from the sunlight and every inch of society. Here, you're all his, every bit of you hinges on him opening the heavy metal door that keeps you here. It's been so long since you had even tried to argue or fight back against him. Sure, the beginning had been rough, you had thrown things at him and had at one point threatened him with a butter knife but now you we so docile. Almost like he had domesticated a wild animal and now it was trained perfectly.
"Could you bring the little cakes tonight?" You ask
"The ones with the powdered sugar on top?"
You nod as you sit on your bed, stretching out your right ankle which is marked with a heavy bruise from the chain he had to put on you. It wasn't what he wanted but after you tried attacking him when he entered the room on the second day of your enclosure, he knew it was a necessity.
"I'll have the chef make extra. We can eat as many as you like and get fat." He teases
You smile at him but he can see something else behind your eyes.
You remind him of a bird with clipped wings. Freedom so effortlessly in reach but unable to fly to reach it.
If only he could trust you enough to let you back into the main floors of the mansion.
Time passes slowly whenever Coriolanus is gone and it gives you time to think. You were going mad, chained up all day, waiting for him to bring you your meals and sit with you at night. So in an effort to chase your impending insanity away, you thought. You thought about your childhood and if things would be different had you never given Coriolanus that stupid bowl of fruit. Perhaps you'd be head of your father's company now, or maybe you'd be married to some elite capitol man.
Your mind was always racing, overanalyzing every little thing and every little mistake you had ever made.
Perhaps you should've never confronted him about those pictures. If you had just slipped out of the mansion one day what would had happened? Maybe he would've caught you or perhaps you would've made it back to your parents, back to your old life and self.
How naive you had been at that gala years ago, thinking that you didn't need anything but Coriolanus. What a stupid girl you had grown up to be.
The past few weeks had been rough. You had been sucking up to Coriolanus to be let back into the main part of the mansion. You claimed to just want to feel sunlight again. Of course, you also planned on running the moment you had an opening but he didn't need to know that half.
Coriolanus was simply insane, it was a conclusion you had come to after all these long days. Maybe he had always been like this but you were just too blind to see it. Maybe his nice gestures and honey-coated words had disguised the monster that lurked behind those eyes. All you knew was that he was the worst man in all of Panem and here you sat, suffering all because you were his favorite.
"My heart burns for you."
What a load of bullshit.
He stays true to his word and arrives that night for dinner, cakes in hand. Silenced Avoxes serve you your food and Coriolanus sits across from you at the table that had mysteriously appeared one night when you were asleep. The chain on your ankle made an unpleasant sound as you shifted in your seat.
"The salmon is nice, isn't it?" Coriolanus asks as he eats
"Yes, it's wonderful. Very buttery." You say, struggling to find exactly what was good about it.
You didn't want salmon, you didn't really want anything anymore, perhaps you were finally giving into whatever game he was playing by keeping you here.
"I've decided to replace the curtains throughout the mansion. I've found the blue to be a bit ugly. Tomorrow there will be beautiful maroon ones hung." He informs you
You had hand-picked the blue ones, years ago.
"I'm sure they will be beautiful." You say looking down at your lap.
Coriolanus stops chewing and sets his silverware down.
"If you're going to mock me, you shouldn't even open your mouth. You know I hate it when you're full of attitude so why do you still try?" He says
It's a warning. You know it, he knows it.
"I know. I was being serious." You say, "I hope I get to see the maroon curtains soon, Coriolanus."
"Coryo." He corrects, placing a bite of food in his mouth
"Coryo." You parrot.
He smiles, pleased with you.
"You will, soon."
Dinner passes slowly as you finish your salmon to the tune of Coriolanus' talking. Something about the latest games being a wonderful success and that the big finale would be either tomorrow or the next. He suggests you watch on the little TV that sits in the corner, untouched, it was something that was added a week ago, specifically so you could watch the games. You promise to watch and he smiles at you again.
Coriolanus bids you goodnight after dessert. He double-checks your chain before straightening up and gently kissing your forehead.
"Goodnight, darling. I'll see you in the morning."
"See you in the morning, Coryo."
The past week had been going nearly perfectly for Coriolanus. Not only had the games been perfect, but you had been impressing him. Sure, a few days ago at dinner you had called him Coriolanus and he nearly lost his cool after he thought you insulted the curtains but that was behind him now.
He had finally concluded that he'd release you from the basement. He missed your presence in the mansion and at the normal dinner table. He wasn't quite sure about letting you have full roam yet, perhaps he'd sedate you during the days and let you walk around at night, when he could personally keep an eye on you before bedtime. The idea of one of the Axoxes watching you didn't sit right, after all, if you ran what would they do? They couldn't even shout for help to bring you back inside.
He was positively giddy as he walked down the many flights of steps that led to where you were. He wanted to show you the greenhouse first. Sure, you had seen it before but the way the roses were blooming recently was simply too good to pass up. He had planted new ones recently too, blushing pink ones that reminded him of you and your warmness to him.
The metal door was cool against his palm as he opened it to reveal your darkened room. The door let out a heavy groan as it shut behind him.
It wasn't uncommon for you to be sleeping when he entered, he often visited during the night and would watch you, as if you were going to disappear. However, this time the darkness confused him. It was the middle of the day, surely you weren't still asleep?
The soft clink of that ridiculous chain filled his ears as he stepped towards the lamp that sat on your shelf.
"Are you hiding from me, darling?" He asked into the darkness, ready to scoop you up and hold you close.
Silence answered his question as his eyes tried to focus on anything.
The softest rustle of fabric fills his ears as he quickly turns to his right. The slightest shimmer of color reaches his eyes, illuminated by what little light wormed its way under the door. It's you, in that sweater you often wore.
"I see you." He says reaching out to what he thinks might be your arm. "What a pretty shade of blue that is. I'll have a designer make a dress in that color for you."
He swears he hears you whisper his name but perhaps it was just in his head as he steps forward.
Coriolanus feels the smile that was on his face drop into his stomach when he hears it again, the rustle of fabric. You were behind him now.
His hands twitch one, then twice, and before he can react, you're there, in front of him again, anger polluting your pretty face.
His lips form your name but it never leaves his mouth. Instead, the cool metal of that chain he had intended on removing was cutting his vocal cords off.
The chain he hated putting on you, the chain you had desperately tried to claw off many times as he watched through a grainy video feed was rapidly wrapping its way around his neck, ready to destroy him.
Next Part
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daxerian · 10 months
Mama y Papa
Carlos Sainz x Reader x Lando Norris
Warnings: my grammar😻, sickness and fluff
Words: around 4k I think
A/n: I am so sorry I was gone for a month but girlie was sick and wanted to spend time with her friends and family🤞🏼
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Y/N was talking to Carmen about life you know? Work, their relationships, family, etc.
It was a pretty deep conversation until they heard "Y/nnnnn?"
Of course, it was Lando asking his 'grid mum' for something to help him with, which was no problem from her side but when she saw Lando holding a bottle of water and looking a bit annoyed, she couldn't help but chuckle.
"Oh, Lando what's wrong?" Carmen asked smiling knowing that the 2 had a mother/son bond that will never be broken.
"I can't open the bottle and I couldn't find Carlos" Lando answered Carmen. "Hand me the bottle darling" Y/N said while waiting for Lando to give her the bottle. She opened it like nothing and handed it back to him, "There you go" Lando just looked at the bottle for a few seconds and then took it, "Thank you Y/N" "No problem Lando"
It was around 1 am when Y/N found herself looking at the wall cursing herself out for drinking coffee at 7 pm. At least Carlos is having the time of his life sleeping and clinging to her body.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when somebody decided to call her. She only wondered, who the hell would want to call at this hour? Surprisingly it was Lando, she went into an instant worry in seconds and picked up almost immediately.
"Lando, are you okay?" The worry in her voice was incredible because people wouldn't worry like that when their friends called at night, well that was not the case for Y/N and Carlos Sainz.
"Can you pick me up? I'm near the coffee shop you like and it's freezing and I don't have a jacket or a sweatshirt" Lando answered her, "I'll be there" She hung up the phone a started to wake Carlos up. "Carlos, wake up! Carlos!" once he did wake up he asked his wife "What's wrong mi amor?"
"It's Lando" and that sentence was all it took for Carlos to fully wake up. "Well, why are you still laying in bed? Let's go" Carlos hurried his wife out of bed because if something would happen to Lando he wouldn't survive it. He promised himself that he would take care of him the second he met him.
It was the day after the British GP and Lando wasn’t feeling well, was it because he went out clubbing to celebrate? Probably yes.
He tried calling Carlos and Y/N but they weren't picking up, that was the moment Lando accepted his fate. He had to go through the pain alone. Until a miracle happened. Carlos called back.
"Lando, are you okay?" Carlos asked curious, "No, I feel horrible and I've been throwing up" Lando admitted, "You've been what?" it was Y/N's time to ask Lando questions, "Have you taken any sort of medication? You know what, we'll go to the pharmacy and grocery shop so I can make you soup okay?"
Y/N told Lando the plan she created in seconds because there was no way she would let Lando deal with it by himself. Carlos hung up the phone and followed his wife asking her more questions like 'What do we need?' type of questions.
20 minutes later the couple was in Lando's apartment. Y/N made some soup while Carlos had Lando laying in his lap talking to him on the couch. "Lando you will take this after you eat okay?" Y/N showed him the medicine, "Mhm" he answered with this tired tone to his voice which Carlos or Y/N didn't like.
Lando fell asleep on Carlos' lap, and the couple was now having this genuine conversation. "He's like a few years younger than us but acts like a teenager" Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the last part, "Oy mi amor, he's our son at this point no?" and Carlos was right "Our firstborn!" Y/N added.
Carlos, Y/N decided to take Lando with them for their vacation. They decided to visit New Zealand first, and after that, Carlos and Y/N will be going on a big family vacation to Ibiza.
They went to a restaurant because they got hungry and when they arrived Y/N was ready for this;
"Y/N can you please order for me?" Lando asked politely, "Tell me what you want to eat then". "This pasta and this mixed drink please" Lando pointed at the menu while telling Y/N his order, Carlos just sat back and quietly enjoyed the moment because even though Lando is old enough to be enjoying life on his own, he would rather spend it with the people he idolizes. Carlos and Y/N Sainz.
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taylormarieee · 5 months
Unspoken Feelings...
part 4.
social media au: Charlie Bushnell x Fem!Actress!Reader
| Y/N |
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♡💬 Liked by Iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, roseyposey, aryansimhadri and others
y/n- Huge shoutout to @Iamcharliebushnell for being an amazing person and an even better best friend. We've been through so much together this past year and I love you so so much. You will always have a special place in my heart until the day we die. Me and you Charlie, Always and Forever❤️💕💋
Iamcharliebushnell- Always and Forever me and you pretty girl. I love you so much. Your my bestfriend and My future 💕 You will also always have a special place in my heart and I will always be there for you. Through your ups and downs, high's and lows. Through your accomplishments and your failures. I love YOU, so much and I appreciate everything about you.
↪walker.scobell- This is sooo cute!
↪y/n- dw, your next walker!❤️
↪walker.scobell- yayayayayayayaya!!
dior.n.goodjohn- Awwwww, your friendship is actually adorable!
↪y/n- thankssss! I love him so much!
↪dior.n.goodjohn- Oh honey, I know....😉
↪y/n- stop.
roseyposey- ooooo, what's Dior implying????? Hmmm y/n?
↪y/n- girl, you don't start LOL!
↪roseyposey- hehehehehehe
aryansimhadri- This is adorable:)
↪y/n- thanks Aryan!
Iamcharliebushnell- Don't forget we have an interview tmr! I love you more btw
↪y/n- yea! I didn't forget but thanks for the reminder! No I love you more!😡
| Iamcharliebushnell |
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♡💬 Liked by y/n, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, walker.scobell and others
Iamcharliebushnell- 2023 recap with @y/n. I think you guys can tell I spend the most of my time with her.
y/n- Can I just say that I took like half of these pictures if not all???
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Oh yes, creds and praise to you!
↪y/n- stawpp, you know how I get when you praise me...🤭
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Your so cute pretty girl.
↪y/n- gee thanksss🫣🤭
leahsavajeffries- I'm convinced you guys are dating, JUST COME OUT AND SAY IT ALREADY!!!!
roseyposey- Do you know HOW BADLY I NEED THEM TOGETHER!!???
↪loveydoveydove- I AM SERIOUSLY NOT OKKKKKK!!!!!!!
walker.scobell- GUYS! I JUST GOT NEWS! That surprisingly only Dior knew?!!?!?!
↪y/n- @dior.n.goodjohn YOU TOLD WALKER!!!!?????
↪dior.n.goodjohn- IM SORRY BUT THAT'S LITTLE BRO RIGHT THERE! I coulnd't keep it from little bro! (plus he wouldn't stop bugging me)
↪y/n- omggggg!!!!!
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Do I need to be informed on this little secret????
↪y/n- NO CHARLIE! IT'S NOTHING! I'll tell you on my own time...
The Demigods
Tuesday, 4:21pm
My Pookie Charlie💋- Guy's what's going on???
Twinn!!💕- wdym???
My Pookie Charlie💋- This thing happening on Insta!!???
y/n- Ohhh it's nothing! Something about me and then only dior knew, so she told walker!
My Pookie Charlie💋- Yea, I wanna know too
y/n- OMG, This is too much! Ughh Dior whyyyy!
Twinn💕- I'm sorry, I didn't expect Walker to say anything! Especially on social media of all places!
Seaweed Brain🪸- I'M SORRY! I'M SOOOOO SORRY Y/N!
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n, I'm gonna text you! Cuz what the hell is going on???
y/n- Omg Charlie I promise it's nothing...
Little sis🦉- It's clearly not nothing if Waler made a big deal about it! If it's an embarrassing memory or photo then we won't judge
y/n- that's the thing, it's not any of those things! It's something personal that I trusted dior with. I'm not saying I can't trust any of you guys but I just wanted to keep it a secret with just me and dior. I'm not mad at you dior or walker. I was just scared to tell the rest of you...
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer me. Now y/n.
Twinn💕- Again, I'm sorry pookie.
Seaweed Brain🪸- I'm sorry too y/n.
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My Pookie Charlie💋
Tuesday, 4:31pm
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer me
y/n- Yes Charlie?
My Pookie Charlie💋- What is going on? You can tell me anything. Always and forever remember?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Why are you keeping things from me?
y/n- I just don't know how to say it...
My Pookie Charlie💋- pretty girl please... just tell me
y/n- I'm sorry I can't... I love you, I do but I just can't tell you. Not yet at least...
My Pookie Charlie💋-Y/n...
My Pookie Charlie💋- cmon answer me!
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n? ARE YOU OK!
My Pookie Charlie💋-Why aren't you answering me!
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer my calls now!
My Pookie Charlie💋-cmon I need to know if your ok!
My Pookie Charlie💋- baby you're scaring me...
My Pookie Charlie💋- cmon pretty girl... please text me back
My Pookie Charlie💋- Are you ok????
Messages between Charlie and the groupchat...
The Demigods
My Pookie Charlie💋- Has anyone heard from y/n!!!???
Seaweed Brain🪸- No, why?? WHAT HAPPENED!?
My Pookie Charlie💋- we were talking and then hours go by and i'm texting her and she's not responding!
Little sis🦉- The last time I texted her was around 5:00, she didn't text me back tho. Is she ok?
My Pookie Charlie💋- I texted her 15 minutes later, she didn't respond. I can't drive to her hotel because I'm all the way in Vancouver.
Twinn💕- OMG! Maybe she's taking a break? Turned off her phone?
Seaweed Brain🪸- I just tried to call her... straight to voicemail...
Twinn💕- I mean I'm the closest to her hotel, I'm 15 minutes away. Want me to go over there?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Please. My flight isn't going to arrive until 9:30, I won't get down there until around or after 11:00 today for our interview tomorrow. I'm omw to the airport now.
Twinn💕- i'm on my way now! i'll be there soon!
Back to you...
Your sitting there contemplating on whether or not you should really answer Charlie or not.
You finally turn back on your phone and see a whole bunch of worried and missed calls from Walker, Dior, Leah, and Charlie...
Oh god what have you done...
Just as you were about to call them back you hear a knock on the door... Who could that be?
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Taglist: @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @glorywielder101 @urmomsbananabread @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @csifandom @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @reader-bookling123 @maryann2013 @angelinajolie0213 @rhydianissuperior @kneehe-nehar7
A/N: CLIFFHANGERRRRRRR! I'm so sorry! Lol, but I will be posting the next fic today, I'm so sorry it's taken so long!
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ddejavvu · 1 year
poly marauders eating reader out for the first time!! it’s such an intimate, vulnerable act so readers probably nervous. as much as they’d be sweet and soft and stuff, i think they’d be fighting a bit with each other to actually get at you first, like usually they’re so good at sharing and it comes naturally, but with this they just can’t come to a conclusion because this is eating you out, and you’ve never done it before and you seem to be really curious and kinda needy for the experience (this could be amplified if they kinda only just started the sexual side of their relationship, and it’s the next big step for u before actual sex yk)
james ofc swears up and down it SHOULD be him bc it’s his passion not his hobby, he’s been dreaming of it, but remus makes the argument that he’s the most dominant (?) over you, so you’d feel more comfy with him doing it, but then sirius is like >:( my face is pretty, you really wanna deprive her of that view???? for her first time as well, you monsters
babe the day you stop sending me these is the day i'll quit tumblr. you're a treasure i hope you know that <33
this post is 18+, minors dni.
!!!!! no because you're probably really nervous !!! maybe it's your first time altogether, or just with them, but either way it's scary !!! what if you smell weird, what if you taste weird, what if you cum too fast, what if you can't cum at all, what do you do!!!!!! remus probably feels your heartbeat going crazy when he braces a hand on your chest to lean down and kiss you where you're laying back on the bed but he misinterprets it, just chuckles and goes 'excited, hm?' and you don't know how to tell him that you're actually scared he's going to be repulsed by you :(( you just sort of stutter an mhm and when James tries parting your thighs from where he's kneeling at the edge of the bed you tense up, and that's when they start wondering if something's wrong.
"Pet," Sirius croons, stroking a patch of skin over your upper thigh, "What's'a matter, hm?"
and maybe it's James's puppy eyes, maybe it's remus's soft touch on your waist as he helps you sit up, or maybe it's sirius still petting over your thigh, but they manage to get it out of you that you're nervous!! you don't want them to get grossed out!!
i do think sirius would laugh. not at you, not to be mean, but he's just so flabbergasted by the thought of you thinking he could ever be disgusted by your cunt that he probably snorts, and james and remus have to overcompensate like nono darling he's not laughing at you! we just- we don't really know why you'd think that, 's ridiculous, we could never be grossed out by you. promise.'
maybe james offers you a pinky, to swear on the fact that he'll never be repulsed by you, and then it comes down to the matter of who gets to have the first taste.
sirius insists that he should, to make up for the little scare he caused by laughing, and, of course, like you mentioned, to give you the most handsome view you'll ever see.
james begs for it to be him because c'mon, you know him, he loves body worship! and what better for your first time than slow, soft, and sweet, plus he's already got his chin resting on your tummy and he's pressing soft little kisses to the skin there just in case it'll help sway you into letting him to the same to your clit :]
remus still has a hand on your waist, now he's sitting beside you, and he leans in to kiss your jaw with this gorgeous throaty little hum. he noses at your ear, murmurs 'or me, darling? 've always been good at keeping you calm, yeah? 'think you could use a little bit of a leader here'.
James is >:O because what !!! he's a leader !!! he'd guide you through it!!! but remus says 'you'll melt in there, prongs' and everyone knows he's not wrong.
i'll leave this open to reader interpretation, somewhat of a choose-your-own-adventure story, but just know whichever two you don't choose to go first will occupy themselves with your tits or your mouth, and they'll all get a turn eventually, so you're in for a long night <3
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fallenneziah · 1 year
How they are in bed
Includes John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John Price, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick.
CW: pretty self explanatory, NSFW
Soap 🧼
He can be a Dom and a sub, just say the word. He loves to be dominate but can let you take the reigns no problem at all.
Has a mommy/daddy kink when subbing.
Sloppy oral. Super oral fixation and whether he's given clit or cock he will lose himself on you. Sloppy and greedy he'll could make you cum six times and he's still not satisfied, holding you down and lapping at your cum through your sensitivity.
Absolutely a brat and will try to provoke you.
Loves to wear clothing he knows will make you want him then and there.
Will also try to fuck you on mission a lot. One big horny brat.
He's down for any position but loves when you'll pretzel/saddle with him. It just gets his heart going in ways he's never felt.
Eye contact or not, if there's no intimacy to the interaction he cannot enjoy it. One night stands will him to an orgasm probably, but he doesn't truly enjoy himself without the intimacy.
Your nipples also fit into his oral fixation. They could be sore and sensitive but he'll suck and bite your sensitive nipples until he can't get anymore.
The kind of guy to get so drunk he's spilling nonsense before you are. loves watching you roll your hips, thrusting along his cock so nicely. How your insides clench and tighten around him so greedily. It makes him feel so good.
If he's subbing you must pull his hair. "Mommy/daddy!! I'll be a good boy for you, I promise- augh!!" Once you start pulling his mohawk it's over for him. He's cumming regardless.
Loves orgasm denial no matter what way it goes if you're torturing him or vice versa.
Loves rough sex but will also wake you up early in the morning, ready to soak in your presence with gentle love.
He loves to call you his sunflower (gn), mommy/daddy, and the more teasing and playful name Sud. (Get it, like, soap suds?? Ok, I'll go)
Ghost 💀
He hates being called daddy. If you call him daddy he will immediately lose all arousal in the interaction. But if you call him sir, or lieutenant, he will lose his mind over you. "Sir- I'm so close, please l-lieutenant!!"
He doesn't want to disclose it but he's kind of kinky. He never wants to hurt you, and despite popular belief he is not a sadist unless he has your full consent eight times over. Consent is so important to him you don't understand. If you have not confirmed to his face in simple words you like something, he will not do it.
Impact play. He loves to bend you over doggy style and slap your ass until it's red and sore with his handprints. They're like his way of marking you even if they will disappear soon.
Doesn't have much of an oral fixation but will mark you with so many hickeys it's impossible to hide them.
Bites your inner thighs. Before he takes you in his mouth to give you the most heaven forbidden, bone hollowing oral he will nip and bite your inner thighs and along the soft flesh under your ass.
He does not sub. He's not always a strong Dom unless he's in the mood but he does not like to sub at all. He likes to be in control at all time and a lack of such will immediately pull him out of the experience and turn him off.
Fucks like an animal. He enjoys consent but once he's getting it he will fuck you until you forget your own name. He pulls your hair to arch your back and wraps his hands around your throat.
He could fuck you Doggystyle or have you on your back facing him, your legs resting on either of his hips.
He doesn't like to fuck in clothing. It's just weird. He will only wear his mask or his gloves to fuck you and nothing else.
If you wear one of his balaclava's in bed- sorry but you will be getting zero rest.
He does not have a very high sex drive but he's the kind of guy who can get you to orgasm eight times by the time he cums.
He calls you his precious whore, baby, love, and his only.
John Price 🥃
Definitely Doms. And he Doms hard.
He likes to tie you up in his office while he does his paperwork, disregarding you except for you needily grinding your wet cunt on his shoe or rutting your erection into the sole of his boot.
Loves to be called daddy. It goes right to his cock. Will praise you throughout sex or daily tasks. When you finish up a ton of paperwork he will kiss your neck and mutter "Such a good girl/boy."
"When you're finished up your tasks, daddy has a reward for you." And that reward is fucking your throat.
He enjoys watching you squirm helplessly with him. Lighting up a cigar while you grind against him, trying so hard to come while he refuses to touch you.
Strokes his fingers through your hair while guiding you down on his cock.
When you're in the privacy of his room he likes to fuck you in front of the mirror, forcing you to watch your entrance stretching and welcoming his cock. "See how I wreck you sweetheart (gn)?? Look at your hole taking daddy so well."
Is always open to trying new stuff with you as long as it does not involve hurting you too much.
If you bug him while he's in his office he will either make you fuck yourself on his cock while still sitting in his chair or he'll pick you up like you weigh absolutely nothing, slam you on his desk and demolish your hole while you scream his name.
Although he really enjoys sex when he can admire you doing all the work. Touching you during sex depending on the. He instance isn't always a huge turn on.
He loves cowgirl, watching you writhe on his cock, shifting your hips, your thighs burning in exhaustion to keep yourself going while Price does absolutely nothing to help you.
Eventually when you give in he'll take your hips and proceeds to fuck you silly.
Loves receiving oral over giving but when he does give oral he sends you to heaven for a quick checkup before you come back to your body and realize you just came so hard.
Calls you his good girl/boy, daddy's whore, princess, darling (gn), beautiful.
Gaz 🧢
Can dom and sub. He isn't always a strict Dom but you will be reminded he is in charge.
Loves to control what you are allowed to do during sex. If you are reading a book and he wants to delve himself on some oral, you better not say a fucking word.
He loves giving and receiving oral, keeps it's clean for the most part but when he makes you cum he laps at your delicious spend, all for himself.
Loves to mark your beautiful skin with hickeys and nip at the sensitive patches, hearing you gasp and whimper.
Doesn't have any special names he likes, if you want to call him daddy or Kyle, it all does the same things to him.
Also the type of guy to fuck you in the mirror and make you watch your own face as he gives you what you want.
Hard sex, rough, desperate, carnal sex. He's rearranging your insides, especially if it's after a mission. The rare occasions when he's gentle is in the mornings when his cock is pressed between your thighs or lazily dragging in and out of your tight hole.
Can and will spit down your throat. If you open your mouth for a prolonged amount of time he is lubing up your throat with his own saliva.
Can get absolutely bottom drunk like Johnny. Lapping at your pre-cum and licking you through your overstimulating. Loves to nip your clit or your balls just to be a bit meaner while you writhe from just seeing your life flash before your eyes.
"Look at you, absolutely destroyed by my cock. Look at your beautiful face sweetheart. Such a beautiful face ruined on my cock."
Loves for you facing him, legs over each of his shoulders or sometimes both legs over one shoulder while he fucks into you.
Aims to please you over himself 9/10.
Loves to call you sweetheart and babe most.
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bonny-kookoo · 6 months
what does someone older oc likes to bake? is she more of a cookies and frosting girlie or does she like to bake cakes or something else? I love them so much, this story is so healing it's actually crazy
She makes the prettiest cookies and it leads to a big problem...
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"Do you.. not like the icing on the cookies?" You ask, as you notice Jungkook only ever really targeting the one's without any icing- or only very plain ones.
But he never touches the ones you put visible effort into.
"Uh.." He's clearly caught off guard by the question, nibbling on one of the bare heart shaped cookies, as his wide eyes look around like the excuse could be found somewhere around his living room. But it never shows up, so he instead almost chokes on the crumbs as he inhales to speak, causing you to push a glass of water closer to him.
"It's not a big deal if you don't like it." You giggle, trying to make him feel better. "I can make them without it in the future." You reassure him, but he shakes his head.
"No, I like it." He denies, before he looks at one of the decorated cookies almost with.. guilt. "But they're.. too pretty to eat." He mumbles, taking a snowman to inspect it. "..makes me feel bad."
You look at him, quietly, for a good, while, before you start to giggle as soon as he looks at you, hands reaching out for his cheeks as you peck his lips.
"Jungkook, that's so cute!" You coo, making him whine as he rolls his eyes. "I promise you they don't mind being eaten!" You joke, as you reach for the snowman he's holding- but he's pulling it out of reach in the very last second, as if to protect it. "Jungkook-"
"No- I'll eat him..." He says, before looking to the side. "...later."
"You won't." You squint your eyes at him in warning. "I'll steal him and eat him instead then."
"You wouldn't." He calls your bluff. "You're not a murderer."
You look at him almost challenged, before you pick up a santa-one, before biting the head off, catching the crumbs in the palm of your hand, while he looks at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, head shaking.
"Cold blooded." He exclaims. "I can't believe I'm in love with a psychopath." The man sighs, before stealing the leftover body to eat it.
"Hey!" You scold, but he only grins.
"Can't have you leave any evidence of the crime." He jokes through his bite, before he swallows and leans over to peck your lips.
"Can't have you go to jail, after all."
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loveunto1d · 6 months
Hihi and welcome to SKZ Tumblr! I loved your DILF!Chan post sm. 😵‍💫 here's a question: which of the members has a thing for MILFs? Not in terms of they'd pursue someone who's already a mother but, which of them become even more obsessed with their wives once they've had their kids? Breeding kink go brrr
thank you love!!! i'm glad you enjoyed it & thank you for the question! ♡
they all love it tbh but big chan, hyunjin, jisung, felix and seungmin energy
chan and seungmin who genuinely think you're ten thousand times sexier after having their kids (they tell you all the time) and lovingly yet teasingly call you "mommy" outside of the bedroom knowing that they'd never even consider calling you that while they're fucking you even though it's obvious that you like it (although they might just to mock you on days where they're feeling a bit mean. "who knew mommy was such a dirty little slut?")
hyunjin and felix who are somehow turned on by how good of a mom you are. they love the way you love and have always been most attracted to your tenderness and intuition out of everything about you, which just so happen to be qualities that motherhood naturally brings to the forefront. you work so hard to take care of your husband and your kids, it would be so terrible if they didn't return the favor and help you unwind. their preference is by having you sit on their face or going down on you for hours. "let me take care of you, pretty girl. show you how grateful i am for everything you do."
and then there's jisung who always wants to pump you full of more of his kids but gets distracted by how hot you are. ever since the first one, he's formed a habit of worshipping your body more than he ever had before, often spending what feels like forever on your tits when all you want is for him to fuck you. he says he does it because he likes to hear you beg but he's really just obsessed with the changes your body's gone through, namely your chest. "don't rush me, baby. that eager to have another? i'll give you what you want soon, i promise. you're just so pretty. can't help myself."
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Are your requests open? I would love to request a dad!carlos fic if you feel like it ❤️ also side note, I’m not a huge Max fan but your baby fever fic literally had me kicking my feet and giggling so well done
Picture of Perfection - Carlos Sainz
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<word count - 9785>
If you were being honest with yourself, you shouldn't have been in work today. You had never felt worse, and it was really putting a damper on your performance. You had been Fred Vasseur's assistant since he had replaced Binotto at Ferrari, and your job was pretty easy.
You sorted his schedule and his emails into different sections. But today, you couldn't even muster the energy to respond to the numerous unimportant emails that Fred received on a daily basis. Your head was throbbing, you felt sick to your stomach, and you wished you could shrivel up into a ball and die.
As the phone rung, the shrill ringtone felt like a nail being tapped into your skull with every note, and you were sure your head was going to explode. Picking up the call wasn't at the top of your to do list, but if it stopped the ringing, then it was worth it.
"You're speaking to Y/N, how can I help?" you said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. As long as people didn't look at you, there was no way to tell that you felt like you were dying. "I think you're the one that needs help," a voice chuckled, and relief flooded you when you heard it.
"Did you call to talk to Fred, or to make fun of me, Carlos?" You asked your oh so sympathetic fiance. "We have our fun, but I was calling to check up on you. How are you feeling, querida?" he asked, his tone changing to a slightly more soft one.
"I'm fine, just a little rough. I'll bring your lunch down in a few," you said, checking the time on your computer. "You really don't sound fine," he pressed, but he had bigger things to focus on today. Him and Charles were testing out some upgrades on the car.
"I will be after lunch, I'm sure. Can you ask Charles if he wants anything as well?" You said, walking to the canteen. Carlos knew you wouldn't be fine, but he would wait to see you to make his final decisions about what he would do with you.
You heard some muffled voices through the phone, before Carlos said, "Yeah, get him the same as me, I'll see you in a minute," he said, putting the phone down. You trudged down to the canteen and picked up the food for the pair of them.
As you walked, people cast dubious glances in your direction. You knew you felt awful, but it was apparent that you weren't looking great either. You kept your head held as high as you could as you wandered down to the garage, and found Carlos and Charles sat by their cars as the mechanics adjusted some things.
"Lunch is served," you smiled, painting on your best poker face. But, there were cracks running through from the start, and Carlos saw straight through it. They both thanked you as you handed them their lunch, and you stepped to stand back beside Carlos.
"Come on, tell me what's wrong," Carlos said, barely loud enough to be heard over the noise of the cars and machines that the engineers and mechanics were running. "I promise, I'm OK," you reassured him. He knew that was a lie, and so did everyone around you.
Your skin was paler and your eyes looked sunken. You were also looking more dishevelled than normal, since you were usually quite bright and bouncy. "If you don't tell me what's wrong, then I can't help you," he said, looking up at you with those big brown eyes.
His fingers slowly trailed up and down your spine as you stood next to him, and you felt a wave of nausea rush over you. The smell of the oil, the fuel and burning rubber caused your stomach to twist in knots, and you firmly gripped your hand onto Carlos' shoulder to steady yourself. You were slightly dizzy and unsteady on your feet.
"Hey, hey, sit down for a second," he told you, standing up and gently pushing you towards the seat he had just vacated. Sitting down was arguably the last thing you needed right now. Your eyes darted around the garage, hunting something down that would be the best option to spill your guts into.
Nothing checked out.
Your last option was to sprint to the bathrooms at the back of the garage, and you came up with all of this in around a second. Your mind had never worked so fast. Within a blink of an eye, you had run all the way across the garage, hand firmly pressed against your mouth.
"Shit," you heard Carlos say behind you as his footsteps followed you closely. You barged through the ladies room and into the first open stall. Everything that you had eaten throughout the day exited your body in a violent wretch, and your throat was left burning and raw.
"You're OK, just let it out," Carlos said, rubbing your back and pulling your hair out of the way. You looked up at him, concern written all over his face. "You guys OK?" you heard Charles shout, confused at how fast everything had gone south.
"Could you pass me a water, please?" Carlos called back, going to the door to catch it. Throwing it might not have been the best idea, but it certainly was the quickest. He cracked it open, before handing it to you.
"Thanks," you said, your voice scratchy and hoarse as you spoke. The taste of it still lingered on your tongue and it was far from pleasant. "I'll go get your stuff, then I'll drive you home," he said, handing you some paper towels from the dispenser.
"I'll be fine, it'll pass," you said, taking a sip from the water.
"No, you need to go home," he said, taking a step towards you. You were never sick, so this was unusual. He would be more worried about you if you were at work, because you'd be more comfortable at home.
You took another sip of your water. "Honestly, Carlos, I'll be fine in-," you started, before hunching back over the toilet. It was just straight water, and your body was rejecting everything you put in it. "You were saying?" he teased, leaning against the sinks.
You just looked at him, discomfort etched onto your features. "Come on, you're going home," he said, gently taking your elbow. "I can drive myself, you've got important stuff to do," you said, not wanting to interrupt his day.
"I'm on break for an hour, that's enough time to get you home," he said, his heart aching to see you like you were. "OK, I'll go and tell Fred I'm going,"
"I'll take care of all that, you just go to the car and I'll get your stuff," he told you, leading you out of the bathroom and back through the garage. "You alright?" Charles asked, realising how much worse you looked in the pan of five minutes.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine," you weakly smiled at him.
"I'll be back in a bit," Carlos told him as he helped you walk out to the car. You sat in the passenger seat, actually quite glad to be going home. Carlos went to get your things, and came back to the car. "When we get home, you're going straight to bed," Carlos said.
"Sure, dad," you laughed, the motion of you giggling making your stomach churn. You closed your eyes for a minute, waiting for it to pass. "Just breathe, baby," he told you as if you hadn't already tried that.
"Easier said than done," you said, gripping your thighs to try and take the edge off, to focus your mind on something else. Without another word, Carlos took one of your hands and threaded his fingers through yours as he drove home. His thumb subconsciously ran up and down, just out of habit.
You pulled up outside your house, slowly stepping out of the car. You took another moment to steady yourself, the dizziness returning. "Take it steady, take it steady," Carlos softly instructed, looping an arm around your waist as he walked you inside.
"Couch or bed?" Carlos asked as you stood in the entrance hall.
"Couch, it's close to the kitchen and the bathroom," you said as he sat you on the couch.
"You want to get changed?" He asked. He had this compulsion inside of him to take care of you. Seeing you uncomfortable made him uncomfortable. It was like this itch inside his brain that couldn't be scratched unless you were happy.
"The less moving involved, the better," you said, flopping down on the couch and not wanting to move from your position. "I'll see what I can do," he nodded, ascending up the stairs and rooting through the drawers to find what he was looking for.
Yes, it was his hoodie, but you wore it more than him. He would wear it once, then it was yours for the taking. "Here, do you want a drink?" He said, passing you the hoodie. You slipped it over your head, not bothered to take off your clothes from work.
"No thanks, it would come back to bite me anyway," you told him, bringing your knees up to your chest as you settled against the armrest of the couch. "You need to stay hydrated, you'll feel worse if you don't," he said, disappearing into the kitchen and returning with a glass of water.
"I'll try," you said. Carlos picked a blanket up from the back of the couch and draped it over you, making sure you were cosy. "You need anything else before I go?" He asked, not wanting to leave you by yourself. This was one of those days where you would benefit from his presence, from him holding you.
"I don't think so, I'll see you later," you tried to smile, not wanting him to be late for the end of lunch break. Charles would be waiting for him and so would everyone else. "OK, call me if you need me, alright?" He said, approaching you and kissing you on the forehead.
"I will," you said, picking up the TV remote and pressing the 'on' button. You shifted around for a second, before finding your comfy position. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he called, closing the door and heading back to the factory.
After around an hour, you tried sipping at the water, but it just came back up after a few minutes. As the movie you were watching came to a close, you were left in silence after the entire credits had rolled.
You were left thinking. You hadn't been feeling too great for the last few days, but this was the worst of it. It didn't take much thinking for you to come to a conclusion. There were a few factors that added to it too.
Surely not though, right? And this wasn't the time for that. You and Carlos hadn't been engaged for that long, and you weren't thinking about that now. Maybe in a few years, yes, but definitely not now.
You sat there, fighting with yourself in your mind, feeling sicker with worry than you did with nausea. You told yourself you were being silly, and that you were just jumping to the most drastic conclusion possible.
Everything was going to be fine.
Carlos, on the other hand, was worried sick about you for a whole other reason. He thought you were sick, like, sick sick. Not the kind of sick you thought you were. He thought you had a stomach bug, but not a literal one.
Him and Charles had another quick, fifteen minute break to sit and have a drink while the mechanics tinkered on some things. "Is Y/N alright?" Charles asked, glugging some more water down. "Yeah, she'll be fine. It's probably just a bug or something,"
"You sure?" Charles questioned, cocking an eyebrow at his friend. "She's been off for what, nearly two weeks?" he said, referring to your numerous complaints about different ailments you had.
"I'm sure it's nothing," Carlos dismissed. You'd be right as rain again in a couple of days, that's what he kept telling himself. "You two have plenty of fun, just think about it," Charles smirked.
"No, no, mhm," Carlos shook his head in embarrassment, "I know what you're implying, but no," he rushed. "That you get up to a lot or what could be up with Y/N?"
"Both," Carlos said, standing and leaving Charles by himself. He couldn't think about either of those things right now.
"Carlos, is that you?" You called out, trying to act like everything was fine and you were feeling better. Well, you were feeling better, but you were just anxious. "Yeah, it's me," he said, walking into the living room and sitting on the couch next to you. "How are you feeling?"
"I feel alright, but the water came straight back up when I tried drinking it," you explained, not able to meet his eyes. He could tell there was something wrong by your body language. You were stiff and your hands were fidgeting.
"Come on, what's wrong?" he pressed, and you could feel his eyes burning holes into the side of your face. "Nothing, I feel fine," you told him, shrugging your shoulders.
"Then what's really wrong?" he asked, grabbing your chin and turning your head so that you were looking at him. You didn't want to tell him. You didn't want him to be mad. This wasn't part of the plan.
You whispered what you wanted to say, but so quietly it was unintelligible. You weren't even sure you had fully formed legible words. "Louder, querida,".
"I think I'm pregnant," you said, staring into his eyes, searching. Searching for any sense of anger, annoyance, hatred towards you. But you saw nothing but the soft brown eyes you had become so accustomed to.
"Have you done a test or anything?" he asked, not really knowing what to say to you.
"No, not yet," you muttered, averting your eyes down to your hands instead of at Carlos.
"Then I'll go to the store, pick one up, and we can see, OK?" he asked.
"Yeah, OK, sounds good," you nodded, and he was gone nearly as quickly as he came. You didn't have a clue how he felt, he was completely neutral. He didn't show any emotion.
Before you knew it, you had left the test on the bathroom counter and sat with your back against it while you waited for the time to be over. Carlos wordlessly came and sat next you, resting his hands on his knees.
"What're we going to do if I am?" you broke the silence, the question being on the tip of your tongue since he had gotten back home. "I'll support whatever decision you make, no matter what," he said, his tone dripping with sincerity.
"If I am, I want to keep it," you mumbled, waiting for him to yell at you or walk out.
"Then I'll be here every step of the way," he said, "I- I want a baby with you, Y/N, I really do," he told you, placing a calming hand on your thigh. "I feel like there's a 'but' at the end of that sentence," you nervously said.
"No, baby, no, there's no but. I mean it," he said, and a part of you felt comforted at his words. The minutes went by and they felt like hours. Long, agonizing hours. "How long has it been?" he asked.
"Two minutes, I think?"
"OK, we'll give it a bit longer so the results are clear and everything," he nodded. He didn't want to tell you how much he actually wanted you to be pregnant, just in case you weren't. He didn't want you to feel like you had let him down or anything.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, turning to look at you. You were still pale, and you were still mindlessly fiddling with your fingers. "I'm scared, nervous, but excited at the same time. I'll be kind of disappointed if I'm not, but also terrified if I am,"
"Well whatever the outcome is, I'll be here. If you are, then that's great. But if you aren't, we can think about it fully and maybe start properly trying if that's what you want," he explained, and it sounded like music to your ears. "What would we do about the wedding?"
"I'd still have our wedding if you were pregnant, but if you don't want to, then we can wait. I honestly don't mind," he smiled, his fingers tracing random circles on the skin of your thigh. You were counting your lucky stars that you had ended up with a guy like Carlos.
"You think we should check?" you nervously laughed, genuinely not knowing what you wanted the outcome to be. "Do you want to do it or do you want me to do it?" he asked, wanting to make this as easy as possible for you.
"Could you go and stand outside while I do it?" you asked, and he happily nodded and stood outside the bathroom as you closed the door. You blocked out the world around you. In this moment, it was just you and your thoughts.
You took a deep breath, trying to slow your heart rate down a bit. You thought prolonging it would only make it worse, so you turned over the test on the counter and had to clap your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from screaming.
You stared at it, as if looking at it longer would change it. As if it would make that second pink line disappear. You tried to compose yourself before going to tell Carlos. You were trying to hide the joy, just incase what he said earlier was just him being supportive.
"Y/N? Baby? Are you alright?" he said, knocking on the door gently. You didn't answer, unsure of what would come out if you opened your mouth. "Querida? Por favor, diga algo," (please, say something). You could hear the concern and worry in his voice, but your mouth wouldn't say the words you wanted it to say.
"Can I come in?" he asked, getting really concerned at your lack of a response. He wouldn't have been surprised if he walked in and you had passed out due to your silence. Just as he turned the door handle, you opened the door.
You looked at him, wide-eyed, as you handed him the thing that would change your lives forever. You searched his face, trying to find any hints of emotion. You could see the beginnings of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, but you were certain your eyes were playing tricks on you.
You couldn't handle it anymore, so you threw your arms around his neck. "Are you happy?" he asked, not wanting to give his full reaction until he knew how you felt. "I'm ecstatic, you?"
"I'm over the moon, baby," he smiled, squeezing you back. He let you go, and you couldn't help but allow a few happy tears to slip down your cheeks."I think we're going to have to postpone the wedding," you told him, and he smiled and nodded.
"You're having my baby, your wish is my command," he said, vowing to be there through every little thing, and he was your slave for the next nine-or-so months. That was the least you deserved.
"This is amazing," you smiled, not really finding the words to express the joy you felt. It had all been so quick, but it had led to this, so you weren't going to complain. "Looks like you're stuck with me forever, now," you joked.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," he smiled, trailing his fingers up and down your hips. You were all he ever wanted, and now you were having his child. His child. It didn't sound real, but in the best way possible.
You had gotten home early, and you couldn't stop looking and touching at the small bump you had growing. You were around 4 months pregnant at this point, and you couldn't have been more excited for your impending arrival.
You had just received a text from Carlos, asking if you wanted anything from the store while he was on his way home. He did this every day, no matter the time, no matter how tired he was, no matter what.
You and your baby came before everything and anything, with no exceptions. He treat you like a princess, and sometimes he stepped around you like you were a paper-thin sheet of glass. He didn't let you do much by yourself anymore.
You didn't mind, but you had asked him to stop treating you as if you were incompetent. You replied to his text with a food combination you had been desperate to try all day. Your brain was just telling you it would be good, so you thought you would feed it what it wanted.
Carlos responded with a 'That's gross, but sure', and you couldn't help but laugh. He was back after fifteen minutes, your items in hand. "If you get ill, don't blame me, OK?" he laughed, handing you the jar of pickles as well as the peanut butter.
"I honestly hate how good this looks to me right now," you laughed as he took a seat next to you. "Y'know, the lady at the counter said, 'It's either you know someone who's pregnant, or you've got weird tastes," he told you as you cracked open the peanut butter with a pop.
"What did you say?" asked, trying to open the jar of pickles, but struggling immensely.
"I told her my fiance was pregnant, and she was relieved," he laughed, finding it very amusing to watch you struggle. "Hand it here," he said, and you passed him the jar with a huff. Effortlessly, Carlos opened the jar of pickles, and you hated the way you felt about it.
It just made you tingle all over, and you blamed the hormones for making you go crazy. It was just something about the way his arms flexed to make his muscles pop and how his knuckles went white because of how hard he was gripping the lid.
"You like what you see?" he smirked, handing you the jar again.
"Maybe I do," you replied with a grin, batting your eyelashes at him. He looked at you with the eyes, and they never failed to reduce you to mush and answer his every last little request. But you had him under your spell.
"Later, querida," he winked at you, pushing himself off the couch. "I'm going to have a shower, you think you can cope with the thought of me till them?" he teased.
"Oh I'll be fine, don't you worry," you giggled.
"But first, I want to see the disgust on your face when you realise how disgusting that combination is," he laughed, leaning over the back of the couch to look at you. You dipped the pickle into the peanut butter and took a bite out of it.
"OK that is actually really nice," you smiled, going back in for another taste. Carlos' nose scrunched up in disgust. "That is nasty, ew, no," be laughed, backing away and up the stairs. "You should try it!" you collared, and you were met with a hearty laugh.
When Carlos came back downstairs from the shower, his hair was wet and he look a lot comfier. A lot hotter too. "How were the pickles?" He asked, looking at the pickle jar that only had a quarter of the pickles left in it. And the half-empty jar of peanut butter.
"Great, you want one?" you offered, brandishing the jar in front of him. Carlos didn't like pickles on the best of days, but definitely not now. "Not a chance, that shit is nasty," he laughed, pushing the jar back towards you.
"I'll tell you what else could be nasty," you smirked, looking at him with a devilish smile on your face. "Oh, so you're being like that, baby?"
"Maybe I am," you said, leaning back and watching as that mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes. "I'll see what I can do for you, then," he grinned, walking towards you. You knew just what to say to make him tick, and you had done it again.
As much as your bump slowed you down, it didn't make you work any less hard. Fred had asked you to carry a box of some sort of documents down to the guys at the garage, and you were glad to be able to stretch your legs.
You got to the door to get out of the office, but you couldn't open it with the box in your hands. As any normal person would, you put the box on the floor to open the door, and then bent over to pick it back up.
"Hey, hey, hey, you OK?" Carlos appeared out of nowhere, pulling you back so you were stood upright. "Yeah, I'm just taking this box down to the garage," you nodded, appreciating the concern. He thought you were doubled over and in pain, but he was glad to be wrong.
"You go sit down, I've got it," he said, picking the box up.
"Carlos, I need to do something with myself, a bit of exercise is good for me," you told him, trying to pull the box off him. "No heavy lifting, that's what the doctors said, you can walk with me," he said, setting off through the door.
"You think that that box his heavy? You need to work out more, Carlos," you mocked, walking beside him. "No, but you know that's not what I mean. Minimal strain,"
"I think you pay more attention than I do," you laughed, skipping down the stairs.
"Someone has to take care of you," he playfully rolled his eyes at you, watching your every move as you hopped down the stairs. "Where do you want this?" He asked as you reached the garage.
"Just put it down there, they'll know it's there," you said, pointing to the corner Fred told you to put the box in. He had told the mechanics that it was there, and someone would come and find it later.
"What are you even doing here today?" you asked, the question suddenly dawning on you. You knew there was no testing on the car, and Fred didn't have any meetings with him or Charles today. "Just some stuff with the media people and stuff," he lied.
Well, half-lied. They did have a meeting with the media people, but that had finished an hour ago. He didn't need to be at the factory anymore, but he was compelled to keep an eye on you. It wasn't that he thought you were incapable of taking care of yourself, he just needed to be there in case anything went wrong.
If you needed him, he would be there. If something happened and he wasn't, he would never be able to forgive himself. "OK, well I'll see you in a bit," you said, seeing that something was up but not thinking too much about it.
You walked away and off to your desk to do another hour-or-so's work before you broke off for lunch. You checked Fred's calendar again, answered a lot of emails, but you felt a pair of eyes lingering on you.
You looked up from your screen, but you didn't see anyone there. But, as soon as you focused back on your work, you felt the eyes glued to you again. This time when you looked up, you saw a motion in the doorway in front of you.
Sighing to yourself, you figured you would leave Car- I mean the mystery individual to play their little games. You let him watch for a bit, let him think he had won. Then, you looked up again, catching him dashing behind the doorway.
"Carlos, what are you doing?" you called out, staring at the doorway. There was zero movement, and he clearly thought he was being slick. "Carlos, come on darling, what are you doing?" you called out again, and he slowly wandered out.
"I was just inspecting the doorframe, making sure it wasn't going to collapse or something," he rambled, leaning on your desk with his hands on the edge of the wood. "Sure you were, don't you have media stuff to be doing?" you skeptically asked.
"Yeah, actually, I have to go and do that, right now," he said, turning around and walking away as quickly as he could. It was very odd, but you just thought it was Carlos being Carlos.
Finally, lunch rolled around and you took yourself to the kitchen, where your lunch sat waiting for you in the fridge. The kitchen was empty, since you tended to take lunch later than everyone else, and it was nice to have some silence during the day.
Next to you, you heard something falling off the table, and turned to see a potted plant on the floor, with soil everywhere. Then you saw the perpetrator. "What's your excuse for sitting under a table while I'm eating my lunch, Carlos?"
"I was uh-," he stuttered, and you could see the cogs turning in his brain, trying to churn out an excuse. "Go on, lie to me," you said, staring daggers into his soul.
"Fine, I was just making sure you were OK, that's all," he breathed, sitting down opposite you.
"I can take care of myself, Carlos. You don't need to watch over me 'secretly' like you have been all day," you told him, watching as his cheeks tinted pink and he couldn't meet your gaze. "Querida, I know that, I just want to be here if you need me,"
"If I need you, I will call you. Go home, relax, have some peace and quiet. We will be completely fine," you reassured him, and you could tell he still wasn't fully convinced. You also didn't think it would take that much, but there you were.
"Look, I really appreciate you wanting to be here for me, I really do. But you don't have to watch my every move. If I need you, I will tell you," you further pressed, taking his hand from across the table.
"Do I have to go home though? I can just sit with you at your desk, bring you snacks, talk if you get bored. You won't even know I'm there, baby, I promise," he pleaded, looking at you through those big brown eyes.
"Go home, and take some time for yourself. It's not a request, it's an order," you said sternly. Carlos looked dejected, and he had resigned himself to the fact that there was nothing he could do. "Yes ma'am," he sighed, unhooking his jacket off the rack with a sulk.
"Please?" he begged one more time, standing by the door.
"Go home." You told him one more time. He pouted, and you glared at him. He knew not to argue with you when you were being really stern with him, and he knew he had to go. Carlos didn't know what he'd do without you at home.
He literally lived to serve you, and make sure you and your child were OK. That was his life, besides racing. He hadn't been by himself in a while, and he felt kind of lost without you. But he did as he was told, and went home, by himself.
The second he got home, he couldn't resist the urge to pick up his phone and text you. 'Hey baby, how are you doing?' and you just sighed, looking at your phone. There was no way you were responding to him.
'Hey, is everything OK?' he texted back around fifteen minutes later, the show he was watching wasn't occupying his mind like he wanted it to. No matter what, every thought in his mind was replaced by panicked thoughts of you, in pain or something.
He couldn't go by a second without worrying for you if you weren't around him. You ignored this message too, thinking it would teach him a lesson. 'Querida, if you don't tell me you're OK, I will come straight back to work,' he messaged, his leg nervously bouncing up and down.
He was staring daggers into the car keys on the coffee table, almost willing them into his hand by telepathy. When you read that text, you knew he was deadly serious, so you had to text him back. 'Carlos. You come back to work and we are going to have some serious issues. I'm fine,'
Carlos almost didn't want you to respond, just so he'd have the excuse to drive back to work. But he needed to know you were alright, he just wouldn't be able to make sure of that himself. He had a secret weapon lurking up his sleeve.
He might have been sent home, but he knew someone who hadn't been. Charles was at the factory, and he was actually supposed to be there, because he actually had meetings. He would check on you between meetings, and report back to Carlos.
You were sat on your desk, when Charles walked past and smiled. Obviously, you smiled back and didn't think twice about it. Ten minutes later, he came back and stood right in front of your desk, seeming to be doing something on his phone.
You caught his eyes as they flicked up from the screen and onto you, before he walked away. "Hey, do you know if Fred had any messages for me?" Charles asked, coming over to your desk. "No, nothing," you shook your head.
"Can you check?" Charles asked, as if he were expecting something, but you knew there was nothing. "There's nothing," you told him again.
"Fine, fine," he said, knowing there was nothing he could do, "How are you feeling?" he asked, leaning over the desk. "You can tell Carlos I'm fine and that nothing is wrong," you said, instantly sussing out what he was doing.
"I'm just asking how you are," he sheepishly explained, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You're a bad liar, I'm fine," you said, resting your head on your hands.
"But he-"
"Charles. Tell him I am fine," you instructed, glaring at him. He put his hands up defensively, backing up from the desk. "OK, OK, I get it," he said backing away and out into the hallway. He texted Carlos to tell him that you had foiled their plans.
You rolled your eyes as he walked away, but a small grin spread on your lips at the thought of him, texting Charles and asking him to watch over you.
"Shit," you whispered to yourself, turning over for the literal thousandth time. No position was comfortable, your overly swollen stomach got in the way at every turn. You just decided to lie there in the dark, your eyes wide open as you stared into the blackness.
There were rims of moonlight coming through the sides of the curtains, but that was it. Carlos was so tired after a day at the factory, and he had been out for hours at this point. In the end, you thought you'd lie there until you became so tired you would pass out.
No matter what, everything was aching. Your back was constantly sending uncomfortable shoots up your spine, and it made everything a challenge. Including falling asleep. This combined with the pounding in your head didn't help. Turning your head to the side, you saw that it was nearing on three am.
You turned your attention back on the ceiling as you thought about what you were going to do tomorrow. Well, later that same day. You had been on maternity leave for around two weeks, and you had already done everything you wanted to do around the house.
Time ticked agonizingly by, the silence and darkness driving you crazier by the second. And more frustrated at the lack of sleep you were getting. Just as you were going to go downstairs and do something to try and make yourself tired, the bed shifted next to you and the bathroom light flicked on.
You stayed in the same position, expecting him to just walk back to bed and not notice you. The second before he turned the light off, he notices your open eyes looking back at him. "Hey, baby, did I wake you up?" he asked in a hushed whisper, getting back into bed and shuffling as close to you as possible.
"No, don't worry. I wasn't asleep," you said, sighing.
"What, so you haven't slept?" he asked, lying on his side to face you as his fingers traced shapes on your stomach. "No, I can't," you shook your head, hoping he would just brush it off and go back to sleep, but you knew he wouldn't.
"What can I do?" he asked. You may not have been able to see him very well, but you could feel his eyes burning holes in the side of your face. "I'll fall asleep soon, I'm really tired," you told him, your right hand tangling into his dark locks.
"Well then, what can I do to help you fall asleep quicker?" he lightly chuckled, prodding you gently in the ribs. "You've had a long day, darling, go to sleep," you instructed, not wanting to make him tired later.
"You've had just as long a day as I have, querida, you need to sleep too. You not sleeping isn't good for you, it isn't good for the baby, and that therefore means it's not good for me either," he chuckled. "So you're trying to guilt trip me into letting you help me?" you asked, and you could just picture the smirk you knew was on his face.
"Yes and no, and I know it's working. We're in this together, if you're awake, I'm awake. If you need something, I am here," he told you. You weren't the biggest fan of always relying on him for things, since you liked to have some form of independence, but it was times like these where you were extremely grateful to have someone so caring and doting.
"So, do you want a tea, or an extra blanket, or we can go and do something until you get tired?" he listed, masking the yawn he was letting out. "A tea sounds great," you told him, and he was gone like a flash. "Do you want anything else while I'm downstairs?"
"Could you grab two paracetamols and my book off the coffee table?" you asked, the hall light switching on outside. "Headache?"
"No points for guessing that one," you laughed, rubbing your temples as Carlos headed downstairs. A few minutes later, he was back, with a perfectly brewed tea in one hand, and your book with the paracetamols balanced on top of it in the other.
"I didn't make it too hot so you can drink it straight away," he smiled, "Watch your eyes," he said, turning the lamp on as you screwed them shut. It took a second for them to adjust, but you were fine after a few seconds.
He handed you the mug and the white tablets, downing them in a second. "Thank you," you smiled, and you could still see the tiredness in his face. "Anything for you," he hummed, setting your book in your lap and sitting next to you.
You had nearly finished your tea, and it was already making you feel sleepy as the paracetamol seemed to be working on your headache, it turning from a pounding to a soft thumping instead. As if on cue, you and Carlos yawned in unison.
"I think we should probably try sleeping now, yeah?" you asked, shimmying back down under the covers and putting your book aside. You wouldn't need it after all. "Yeah, yeah, c'mere," he smiled, switching the lamp back off and shuffling into you. He pulled you against him, his chin resting atop your head as his hand lazily trailed across your stomach.
Even now, it was a strange sensation that he relished. Knowing that your baby was just beneath his fingertips, only separated by a few centimetres, made his heart sing with glee. It made him look forward to the impending day that they would arrive even more, and he couldn't wait to hold them and give them the best life possible.
He knew the two of you would be brilliant, loving parents to your child, no matter what. He also knew there'd be hard times, but you'd get through it together. Just like you always did.
"Goodnight, darling," you sleepily whispered, tangling his legs with yours.
"Goodnight, baby," he mumbled into your hair, trying to force himself to keep his eyes open. Unless you were asleep, he wasn't allowed to. Thankfully, he waited for around ten minutes and he was confident you were fast asleep, and nothing could harm you.
Not while his two favourite people in the whole world were at home, in his arms where he could keep you safe until the end of time. That was how it would always be, for forever and longer if the world would let him.
God you were tired. Well, you had every right to be. No more than an hour ago, you and Carlos had welcomed your newest family member into the world. You nearly refused to sleep so you could watch over her, but your body wouldn't let you stay awake.
"Baby, please sleep. I'll watch her, she'll be fine," Carlos had told you, even though his body was also desperate for rest after being there through every second of the 9 hour labour process. He didn't care about himself though, he could stay up for hours to make sure you got the rest you needed.
You were exhausted, and deservedly so, and he would happily wait up for longer to give you the time. Also, he couldn't take his eyes off of your sleeping daughter. She was absolutely perfect in every way, and she was currently sleeping in the corner as he watched her.
You were sleeping lightly, your parental instincts keeping you on edge, ready to strike into action at the drop of a hat. The silence was nice, as well as the lack of pain. It was like your body was floating you felt so peaceful, yet alert. Carlos was holding your hand, his habit of running his thumb up and down not being broken just yet.
His eyes were pinned on her, monitoring her every breath, searching for any tiny abnormality. She was his responsibility, and he was not going to let a single thing happen to her. He had only held her once so far, and he was so desperate to hold her again, but he couldn't wake her.
He wasn't even able to hold you right now, so his arms felt cold and empty. Every now and then, he would check the digital clock on the bedside table on the other side of you, just to see how much time had passed by.
He lost track after a while, and your girl woke up, the small beginnings of a cry escaping her lips. "Hey, hey, cariño," he said, approaching her and picking her up. One hand was under her head, the other one under her back as he handled her like she could shatter at any given time.
He held her against his chest, lightly bouncing her from side to side. His every touch was as delicate as a feather, not wanting to harm her in any way.  "You're OK, Daddy's here," he soothed, rubbing her back. She was slowly getting louder, but he didn't want to wake you up.
"Shh, don't cry, you don't want to wake Mommy, she's tired," he said as if she could understand him. It was almost as if she had, however, because her cries quietened and stopped as she fell silent against Carlos' chest. 
"Thank you, cariño," he smiled, planting a kiss atop the soft skin of her head, "Now let's sit down and wait for Momma to wake up," he told her, refusing to put her back down in her cot. He wanted to keep her tucked against his chest, where she was safe. 
She was so tiny against him, her back barely the size of the span of his hand. It felt so weird to have such a high amount of love for such a tiny someone, but she was just too perfect not to adore with every fibre that he had in his being. 
"While we have some Daddy-daughter time, there are a couple of things I want to say to you," he started, looking over at you to see if you had woken up. Your eyes were still closed, and your position hadn't shifted, so he assumed you were still asleep.
"For starters, you have no idea how excited I am to finally be able to meet you and hold you. I guess you'll only really know if you have your own kids. But I don't want you thinking about that yet, you're not allowed a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever whoever you like until you're at least twenty-one, and I'm serious about that,"
"Next up, you're going to have to work with me here, I am going to teach you Spanish so we can gossip and your Mom won't know what we're saying, since she failed miserably when I taught her Spanish. No sabía escuchar y siempre estaba distraída," (she was not a good listener and always got distracted)
You didn't have a clue what he had said to her, and you didn't like the sound of not being able to understand what they could be saying. But, you had to bite back a giggle at his comment about no romance until she was twenty-one.
"Finally, since I'm sure you're already getting bored of me talking at you, but get used to it, I promise I will love you no matter what, until the day I die. I will protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old and frail I might become,"
"I also hope you know just how lucky you are to have the best mother in the whole entire universe. I might not always be with you, since I'll be racing, but she will be. You will grow up with the best role-model you could ask for, and I know you'll be a fantastic person too. I love you, cariño,"
"Thanks for making me cry, Carlos, I appreciate it," you spoke up, wiping the tears from your eyes. You loved what he had said, and your hormones were still all over the place. "You weren't supposed to hear that," he chuckled, shifting in his seat to face you more.
"You can try and teach me Spanish again, I don't want to be left out," you smiled, looking at the perfect picture that was set out in front of you. "Sure, we can try that again," he nodded.
"Can I have her?" you asked, holding your arms out for him to put your precious girl into. Carlos just smirked and shook his head, "No, she's mine," 
"Please?" you pouted, leaning forward to try and take her away from him. You just wanted to hold your daughter, it really wasn't a big ask. "OK, baby, OK," he triedly smiled, placing her in your arms. "But move up, I want to sit with you," he said.
You made sure she was comfortable, and scooted to the side so he could sit on your hospital bed with the two of you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, not able to stop his fingers from brushing against her. 
Carlos was finally able to close his eyes and let his guard down. He was finally able to rest for a bit. Not for too long, but for a bit. "Hey darling, before you sleep, we're sticking with the name we chose, right?" you asked.
"I think it suits her," he sleepily nodded against your shoulder. You agreed, and left him to get some well-deserved rest. He had been there through every torturous second, sat through all the abuse you had hurled at him, and stuck through his hand getting crushed or his shoulder being punched. 
And he'd do it all over again. He'd do it all for his girls, he'd do anything.
"She's normally very talkative, but she's just pretending to be shy," you laughed with Toto as Harper giggled and buried her head in your neck. She was always the center of attention at every race, and she had grown to know a lot of people.
Toto received a text, and had to dash off. You thought it would be best to head back to the garage anyway, so you set off across the paddock. A couple of people were having interviews, and she waved at her favourites as you passed by.
She waved at a certain curly haired boy, and his eyes lit up at the sight of her. Sure, he was in an interview, but he just said, "Sorry, I have to go," and dashed over to the pair of you. 
"Well if it isn't my favourite little lady!" Lando exclaimed, plucking her out of your arms as she willingly let him take her. "Muppet!" was all Harper she said, since it was her way of greeting him since she had heard Carlos say it a few times. 
"Now what is this?" he asked, poking her in the stomach and making her giggle uncontrollably. "Your Daddy might race for Ferrari, but your favourite uncle Lando doesn't. This should be papaya, not red," he playfully scolded, tickling her even more. 
Her laughter was contagious, and you could see other drivers and personnel around smiling at her.  The cameras clicked as the press took some photos, and you could tell she was loving the attention.
"I also wear red, therefore she is in the perfect colour," Charles said, popping up beside you. "Carlos is just finishing up an interview, he'll be out in a few," Charles told you, as Harper held her arms out to him and did the grabby hands. 
"I have been replaced, my heart is hurting," Lando said with feigned sadness as he clutched at his heart. Thankfully, Harper was used to being passed around from person to person often, so she didn't much mind. 
"Think how I feel, she's always leaving me for one of you," you laughed, nudging him in the ribs. "You do make a good point, but you're not her favourite uncle," Lando said, folding his arms and he swayed from side to side.
"No, you're not, I am," Charles said, bouncing around with Harper on his hip as she continued to giggle at him. "We're not starting this now," you sighed, not wanting to hear the favourite uncle argument again. 
But before they could answer, Harper was on her feet, running away from Charles. Tag was their favourite game, and he could never say no to her when she asked to play. Well, he never said no to her in regards to anything, but tag was the most important. 
"Charles, be careful!" you called, not able to not worry about her running around a very crowded place. "I know!" he called back, slowly jogging to try and catch up to Harper.
"Don't worry Y/N, I'll keep an eye on them," Lando grinned, and you could see he was itching to get involved in the game. At this point, Harper was chasing Charles as fast as her little legs could carry her, but Charles was barely even walking away from her.
But, Harper saw opportunity strike when she saw Lando next to her. She hit him in the leg with a squealed, "Tag!" before turning and running away. 
"Harps, you're just too fast!" Lando laughed, trying to chase her. His sights turned on Charles, however, who was cowering away from him. As Lando set off on the hunt for Charles, Harper laughed and clapped her little hands, "Run, Charlie, run!" she shouted as Lando grappled Charles and tagged him. 
Harper started to run away again, when an arm slithered around your waist. "I have to be in an interview while you guys are all out here having fun, so unfair," Carlos smiled, pulling you into his side as he kissed you on the head.
He was so glad that his best friends were so good with his daughter, and she loved them just as much as they loved her. "I know, it's just so unfair," you laughed, smiling at him as he watched Harper, his eyes full of love and wonder.
The two of you chuckled as Charles caught Harper, picking her up as he tickled her. She squirmed in his arms, fits of giggles sounding out around the paddock. "Stop it!" she laughed, hitting him in the chest. 
"Oh hey Carlos," Lando said, breathlessly coming and standing next to you. At the mention of her Dad's name, Harper's attention turned from Charles to Carlos. "Papa!" she exclaimed, wriggling out of Charles' arms and running over to Carlos.  
She leapt into his arms as he picked her up and spun her around. "Hola, cariño, ¿qué tal?" he asked, holding her on his hip as she squished his cheeks. "Estoy bien, ¿y tú?" she smugly grinned, loving that she could show off the Spanish Carlos had been teaching her. 
"Yo también," he proudly smiled, "Eres muy inteligente, ¿lo sabías?" he said, and your understanding of his words stopped right there. "Yo no comprende," she looked at him, confusion written all over her face.
"All I said was that you're my clever girl, sweetheart," he smiled kissing her on the cheek. She let out a giggle of happiness, her smile lighting up Carlos' face. You could watch them together all day, and it was your favourite form of entertainment. 
He kissed her on the other cheek, and she scrunched her nose up. Carlos started kissing her all over her face, as she squealed and squirmed. "Daddy, stop it! That tickles!" she laughed, trying to push his head away from her.
"Does it? I hadn't noticed," he chuckled as he carried on. But he eventually stopped, leaving her breathless from laughing. Harper rested her head on Carlos' shoulder as you, Charles, Lando and him stood and talked. 
You noticed she hadn't said anything in a while, so you stepped to stand behind Carlos. "Harper? Sweetheart? Are you tired?" You asked, her eyes looking droopy as you brushed a lock of her dark hair out of her face. It was nearly as dark as Carlos'. 
"Mhm," she nodded, her face squished against Carlos' shoulder. 
"OK, do you want to go for a nap?" you asked, gently massaging her scalp. 
"Yeah," she yawned, all of that running around with Charles and Lando clearly making her tired. "Come on then," you said, she flopped out of Carlos' arms and into yours. She buried her head in the crook of your neck, her breath soft on your skin. 
"I'm going to her to your room, I'll see you guys in a bit," you said, rubbing your hand over Harper's back soothingly. "Yeah, that's fine, is she OK?" Carlos asked, instantly thinking she had fallen ill or something, "Estoy cansada, Papa," she mumbled, lifting her head to look at her Dad.
"OK, I'll see you later," he nodded, kissing Harper on the head and tugging you close to him for a kiss. "See you later, Harps, say bye to Muppet and Charlie," you told her. She smiled at the two drivers, waving them goodbye.
"Bye," she sleepily chuckled, and Charles took her hand and kissed the back of it as he smiled at her. "Sleep well, Harper," he said, and she always giggled at the charm of Charles. 
"I'll beat you in tag next time, little lady," Lando smiled, fist bumping her before you walked away. You took her all the way over to the Ferrari motorhome, and into Carlos' drivers room. It was quiet in there, and the couch was comfortable enough.
"Do you want to sleep on the couch?" you quietly asked Harper as she looked up at you with those big brown eyes that were identical to Carlos', and you could see the tiredness in them. "No, I want to sit with you," she mumbled, shifting around until she was happy in your lap. 
"OK, sleep well, sweetheart," you said, planting an affectionate kiss on her head. For a while, you just sat there, Harper soundly sleeping on you. You looked at the table opposite you, and all of the pictures on there brought back the best memories in your life.
One of them was the day Harper was born, and you were sat in the hospital, sleeping with her on your chest. Another was of the three of you on a carousel when you went to a carnival the previous year. You took the picture, and Harper was smiling while sat on Carlos' knee as the horse flew up and down. 
The final one was just of you, and you remembered it was from on of your first dates with Carlos. He had offered to take a picture of you with the full moon behind you, and it instantly became his favourite photo. 
The door to the room opened, and you were initially alarmed. You were afraid that the person thought Carlos was in there and were going to wake up Harper by accident. "Hey, baby," he quietly said, slowly closing the door behind him. 
"Hi, darling," you smiled as he came to sit beside you. 
"How long has she been asleep for?" He asked, his hand moving to the back of your head and gently playing with your hair. You pushed your head into his hand, the feeling sending warm tingles through your brain. 
"Half an hour, she was asleep as soon as we sat down," you told him, slotting yourself into his side like a puzzle piece. "Do you want me to take her? Your legs are probably getting numb," he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pressing a kiss into your hair. 
"I'm alright, I don't want to wake her," you told him, leaning your head onto his shoulder. 
"OK, but let me know if you want me to take her," he told you, resting his head atop yours. You closed your eyes for a moment, just feeling a little sleepy. But you had what you wanted, and all you needed in your life.
Carlos looked down at his girls, both sleeping and safe with him. You had given him everything he wanted in his life, and he would never be more grateful for that. The two of you were the picture of perfection, and neither of you would have it any other way. 
A/N - This has been a long time coming, but it's here! Rest assured, all requests are being worked on! Also, I know I always give them daughters, but they're all girl dads to me, y'know? Feel free to submit any requests, I love to write them! Hope you enjoyed 💖
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carolmunson · 10 months
must be a kind of blind love
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(older!modern!eddie - interlude blurbie) orange colored sky setlist
a/n: wrote this little older!eddie blurbie in honor of me needing glasses. my birthday is tomorrow so consider this an early present from me. this doesn't have to fit in order of any time line, it's just cute and fluffy. however, there are some exciting revelations in here.
tw: references to smut, foul language, otherwise pretty tame. idiots in love.
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"Yyyyell-o." "You gotta stop answering the phone like that, Ed."
"It's how I always answer the phone, baby -- it's like a muscle memory."
"Ooh, muscle memory, big word for you," you chuckle, you can hear him click clacking against his keyboard on the other end, "You busy?"
"Not too busy, you okay?" he asks, the click clacking slows down to a stop, you hear the roll of his desk chair and some shuffling, the sound of an iPhone being unplugged from his computer.
"So um, I just left the doctors..."
"Okay before you finish what you're saying, I need you to never start a phone call with 'I just left the doctors...' fours days after we had sex," he interrupts, "We clear on that?"
You laugh, it's hearty and bubbly, enough to calm him from the heart racing 'what ifs' running through his head, "Yes, we're clear -- but you knew I had this doctor's appointment!"
"I know, but still -- how'd it go? Everything good?"
"Well..." you start, "It was an eye doctor appointment, like, an optometrist."
"I know what an optomestrist is, baby girl," he says sweetly, "But thank you for clarifying."
"Anyway I went and got my eyes check and uh..." you trail off, not wanting to say it. You can hear the low giggle coming from his throat, practically see the smile in his next sentence.
"Aw, you need glasses, don't you, peach?" he smirks into his question, heading down the metal staircase into the kitchen to refill his coffee cup.
"Yeah," you say poutily, "And now my eyes hurt cause they did dialysis on my eyes I mean -- dialated my eyes, whoops."
"I would hope they didn't perform dialysis on your eyes, jesus," he still can't hold back his gruff giggle, "Is it bad? What's your perscription?"
"I think it's honestly just an astigmatism? But better safe than sorry," you explain, "Don't make fun of me."
"Oh baby, I'm gonna make fun of you," Eddie pops the mug into the microwave, "Now you know how I feel every time you tell me to put my glasses on. Not fun gettin' old, is it?"
"You make it look pretty fun," you shrug, walking over to the train. The printed out paper with your perscription on it is blinding outside, the white glaring into your dilated pupils, "Fuck that's bright."
"I'm almost done with work for today, you wanna just come to mine?" he asks, "We can go look for frames for you."
"You're gonna be mean," you complain, "I don't like when you're mean."
"I won't be mean, I promise."
"Do you want me to come over?" you ask.
He bites his tongue, wanting to reply with a snappy 'Would I have invited you if I didn't?' but he can tell you just need the reassurance.
"I'd love to see you," his voice warm honey while it drips into the receiver, "Of course I want you to come over. You getting on the train?"
"Yeah I'm like, maybe twenty minutes way," you smile.
"Well then I'll see you in twenty, okay?" "Okay."
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He spends the first couple minutes teasing you when you get in to get it out of his system, peppering you with kisses when your fake pout gets too cute for him. Eddie gives you his glasses to try on but you squint.
"These are too blurry," you shake your head, scrunching your nose in a way that has him melting.
"Well that's cause my visions a little worse than yours," he shrugs, plucking them off your face by the bridge and popping them onto his own.
"I think your glasses are nice," you shrug, "They make you look handsome."
"Handsome, huh?" he quirks a brow, "I think they make me look like my uncle. He's like, 74."
"You don't look 74," you roll your eyes.
"No, babe," you say sweetly, tilting your head when you look at him, "You look at least 72."
He clicks his tongue and puffs out a breath, "How did I know?"
"You love it," you smirk, kissing his cheek and then the tip of his nose.
"Yeah, yeah, I love it," he nods along, tilting his head up to kiss your lips. He pulls you in close to him, taking a seat on one of the barstools at the kitchen island where you stand between his thighs.
Yeah, yeah, I love it. I love you. I think I love you.
"When your eyes feel a little less blurry you wanna look for some frames?" he asks, noses touching. You nod, feeling safe in his hold, eyes fluttering closed when he kisses your cheek. Eddie's full lips kiss from your cheek to your jaw, to the top of your neck -- implying all the ideas he has in mind to pass the time.
"We can fool around if you want," he asks against your skin, "That sound good to you, four eyes?"
You groan into a laugh, shoving him lightly off you, "Fuck you."
Laughing in the kitchen together is his new favorite past time.
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Cat-eye, round, square, wire-rimmed, low brow -- there's too many options. You chew on your lower lip looking at the walls of frames, trying to not get in the way of other people while they grab pairs to try on in the brightly lit mirrors.
"Where do I even start?" you ask yourself, feeling Eddie close behind you. His hand presses against your mid back, leading you over to a wall that doesn't have people crowded around it. It gives you a moment to breathe, he rubs your shoulder as it relaxes.
"What types of sunglasses to you normally wear?" he asks, "That's a good place to start."
You had a few fake pairs of Raybans, a couple cat-eye frames from when you were in your early twenties. One pair of rimless glasses from a 90s party that you don't totally hate. You reach for the Wayferer shaped ones, wire rim bottom and flat top -- you find it accentuates your brows in a way that isn't quite right. They sit uneven on your face.
"These are awful," you mumble, taking them off.
"No they're not," he assures. He grabs a few pairs that are sort of ridiculous just to get you laughing -- big wild pairs with bright colors, a pair of transition lens aviators that look straight out of a serial killer movie, exaggerated cat eye lenses that he said his great aunt would've worn in the 80s. He heals every tease with a gentle kiss to your temple or forehead just over the bridge of your nose.
Eventually he starts looking at sunglasses for himself while you gain the confidence to go for it on your own. It's not lost on him when some of the ladies who work there come over to see if he needs help that they're flirting, and to be fair, he's never one to not indulge. You catch his eye in an opposite mirror where he gives you a wink -- he blushes when you roll your eyes in return.
You finally think you've settled on a pair you like, one that surprises you. Thin wire rimmed, brushed gold, they sit slightly round over your face, dipping a bit onto the tops of your cheeks. They don't accentuate whatever is happening with your brow line, they almost feel like they're supposed to be there. Your next thought sounds like your mom in your ear -- They go with everything!
You push your hair back, seeing if you'll still like them with your hair out of the way and down again. You snap a picture -- well, you snap a few. You don't hate it.
"Hey," you call out, tapping on his shoulder when you get behind him, "What do you think?"
Eddie turns, smoothly taking off the new sunglasses he was considering, "Lemme see."
"Oh honey," he coos, "Oh my god you look like a sweet little secretary."
"Stop," you laugh, heat hitting your cheeks at his praise. "Gotta get you a type writer so you can come work for me," he eggs on playfully, "You can screen all my calls. Maybe earn some over time..."
"Don't be annoying," you chide, slapping at his arm when he snakes it around you.
"No, peach you look so sweet," he gushes, "Really."
"I don't look like a nerd?" you ask, looking into the mirror again.
"Of course you do," he confirms, "But that's what I like about them. Plus, they go with everything."
"We'll be like twins," you say with a nudge, "Yours are sort of like this but silver."
"You're right," he nods, "Look at that, nerds in love."
He gives you a quick kiss -- but both of your hearts sink when the weight of what he says hits both your ears. Nerds in love.
In love.
In love.
You hear him swallow and you do the same. There's a jitter to both of you after, like both of you are pretending to not have heard that sentence. Like it didn't happen.
"So you like these ones?" he asks, voice cracking like a teenager. He clears his throat before flagging over one of the women who offered to help him before, "Can we uh, can we get these set up with her prescription?"
The woman's smile is dazzling, perfect for retail -- you'd buy anything she told you to buy. She takes the pair in your hand and goes to work, calling you both over to the iPads by the check out desk to get the order in. Your heart hammers while you make your way over.
"Ed, I don't even know how much those cost," you say under your breath.
"It doesn't matter," he mumbles back, "You're not paying for 'em."
"Ed," you protest, "No." You shake your head, the serious look on your face makes his chest hot with embarrassment.
But he's quick, he's a loverboy for a reason, "Just think of it as insurance for all the jokes I get to make at your expense. I'm earning my right to bully you by buying them."
"You're so dumb," you huff, taking his hand while he reaches out to you to place your order.
"You love it."
"Yeah, yeah, I love it."
I love it, you think, I think I love you.
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moremaybank · 1 year
aaa i love your writing! i thought of 22 with JJ, it sounds too cute 🫣 anyway, thank u for considering it and happy 4/20!!!
"i'll be gentle, baby. don't worry."
warnings 18+, unprotected sex, overstimulation, (sort of) oral sex
author's note very, very late but happy belated 4/20 to you too, my love!
prompt list (requests closed) / jj masterlist
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You whimper for what feels like the umpteenth time as JJ's cock nudges into the very depths of you. He's so close, so deep, while he thrusts his cock inside you. Your cunt is sore, having cum for him a few times already, but JJ just keeps going.
Your grip on his biceps strengthens as you brace yourself for what's to come. The overstimulation is already so overpowering, but you can't help yourself. You wrap yourself around your boyfriend like a koala as he pours his heart out to you with his actions.
"J, you're so fucking big, stretching me so wide," you whine, feeling him nudge his way to the depths of you. His cock is right up against your cervix, nudging and pushing at it with every thrust. "Can't take it."
"You can take it," he assures you. JJ's quick to press a kiss to the nape of your neck, "I'll be gentle, baby, Don't worry."
"I can't."
"You can, pretty girl. 'M gonna make you feel so good, I promise. Be my good girl," he coos, nuzzling your cheek with his nose. JJ's fingers press into the seam of your lips. "Suck for me."
Your tongue licks and sucks at them, getting them nice and wet like he wants you to. He draws them back and places them on your clit, massaging it with soothing motions. You shiver as your breath hitches, the stimulation making your toes curl.
"Oh my god, J. Too much, too good." Your walls close in on him, clamping down as you fast-approach your climax.
"Shit, you're so fucking tight. You gonna cum for me?"
You nod as best as you can, your eyes shutting closed as you feel yourself teeter on the tightrope.
You're right there.
JJ bottoms out completely, now losing himself inside you. "Look at me, baby," he pleads. "Tell me you're gonna cum for me."
Your eyes open, locking in on his beautiful ones, and your hands slide up to his face. You kiss him slowly, with all your feelings for him and all the might you can muster up. A moan emits from your throat, and JJ swallows it.
"Gonna cum, J," you mumble, your lips brushing against his.
The intimacy pushes you both over your edge, and JJ's forehead presses against yours. You feel his shuddering breath fan against your swollen lips as he cums, and he lets out a slight whimper when his seed fills you for the last time.
You both feel like you're on fire, the pleasure buzzing through your veins and radiating off your skin.
JJ pulls out, and you wince, feeling the aching loss of his cock after filling you up for so long. His body slides down the mattress, and his palms find the insides of your trembling thighs. His lips graze over your folds, and he licks at your entrance, then through your folds up to your clit. He kisses the sensitive nub, and a cry slips past your lips.
"JJ," you beg. "No more. P-please."
"Shhh," he coaxes you, leaving a trail of wet kisses around and over your fluttering cunt. "Let me kiss it better, mama."
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jj tag list (join here!): @pankowperfection @oncasette @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @maybank-archives @whoisdrewstarkey @mvybanks @aliyahsomerhalder @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @poppet05 @saturnband @adoreyouusugar @rosie-cameron @f4ll-for-you @rafesdirtyslut @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @venomwh0re @jjmaybankisbae @enhypens-hoe @pankhoeforlife @cecesrings @wildflwrdarlin @loverofdrewstarkey @cumbuckett @insanelycrazyanddelusional @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @glen-powells @papillonoirsworld @em0-b0ysworld @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptherecs @veescorneroftheworld @maybanksbabe @sarah5462
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First time
Series link
A/n: Do not engage if you don't like smut, thank you.
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I roll out of bed, not being able to fall asleep. There's been a lot on my mind lately, and I can't seem to shake it off. I walk over to the window, peeking over my shoulder to see if Jack is still asleep.
I'm staying with him for the night after we attended a celebration for his record label earlier.
In my 22 years and a few months of living, I have never had sex before. I've had sexual interactions before but never had a penis in my vagina.
It feels so embarrassing 'cause Jack is so experienced and I, on the other hand, don't even know how to suck a cock to begin with. After what happened at his party, I told him about my virginity, and nothing has happened ever since.
He's not touching my butt anymore and hasn't even let me sit on his lap to avoid unexpected hard-ons. And honestly, I want to feel him. 
It's not that he's being distant, but I just want him to be less cautious around me. I don't want him to apologize for squeezing my thigh or for pressing his dick against my ass when we're cuddling. I want him to take charge.
I hear shuffling behind me, indicating that Jack is waking up. U turn around and give him a soft smile even though he can't really see it in the darkness.
"What are you doing up this late?" His raspy voice muffles as he covers himself.
"I couldn't sleep." I slowly walk over to the door. "I'm just gonna get something to drink."
I walk outside and down the hall to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water and lean against the fridge taking a big gulp, letting my eyes shut.
How am I going to tell him how I feel? I really want this. I hate it, and I'm so mad at myself for it. But I need this. I need him to rut against me and make me explode, not like a bomb but like a woman, so, so badly. God, I need to scream my lungs out as he makes love to me like his eyes promises me every single time he looks at me, ever since I told him about my innocence. I hate this need.
I run my hand over my breasts as I imagine him touching me, planting kisses to my neck. My hand goes further down my body, finding my bud through my pants.
The image of his face planted between my legs pops up in my mind. The way he knew exactly what would give my body the most pleasure drives me insane. It's like he already knew every nook and corner of my body.
"Cheesecake, what are you doing in the dark? Come back to bed." I open my eyes, standing up straight, seeing Jack standing there, rubbing his eyes.
"I was just savoring the water. I'll be right there." I finish the bottle and toss it in the trash can.
"I can't fall asleep if you're so restless." He comes to me and picks me up bridal style, carrying me back to his bedroom. "What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" He asks as soon as we're cuddled under the sheets, holding my hand in his, placing a kiss on my knuckles.
"You know we can talk about it in the morning. You're so tired already."
"No, tell me."
This is it. I'm about to fight my demons and I don't know if I'll win the battle.
I take a deep breath, collecting my sanity, "What happened between us at your party..."
"Once again, I'm so sorry my love. I didn't think that it would still bother you." He sits up a little, very alert now.
"You have it all wrong." I sit up, crossed-legged, facing him. "I feel like the fact that I'm a virgin scared you from doing it again. You don't even wanna touch me in a way that's intimate. And it's all I want you to do!"
And now I'm going to regret for saying what's about to come next.
I sit a little closer to him, "I'm ready, Jack. I'm ready for you to take my virginity. I've been ready for quite a while now."
Jack looks taken aback. He takes a big gulp and lets his head hang low, "I didn't know that's how you felt. I just didn't want to make it seem that I'm putting pressure on you. It's supposed to be your choice on when and how it should happen."
"Well, can it happen now? I've never wanted this more than anything."
He pushes me down gently, his body hovering over mine, "And you're sure about it?"
I nod and smile nervously. I lean in to kiss him, my heartbeat becoming unsteady. His lips slant over mine, hot and needy as his tongue tastes my mouth and his arms hold me so tightly.
I move my hands down his back, tugging on the hem of his shirt. He neglects my lips for a while to take it off and tosses it to the floor.
My skin feels flush, and my nipples hard as stones. And the ache between my thighs are so intense that it takes a monumental effort to keep me from pulling him closer to me.
His head leans back down again and his mouth closes over my earlobe, his tongue wet and dexterous as he sucks. I go limp in his arms, my eyes fluttering close with a sigh. He hums from deep in his chest, the sound so close to a moan. My body responds in every erogenous zone I have, plus a few I hadn't known existed.
He attaches his lips to my exposed skin just below my ear. I gasp as soon as his lips touch my neck and I can feel his smile against my skin. Another hum, this one edging on a growl. His hips roll into mine to press his hard length against a very, very sensitive part of me.
His dick grows harder by the second, causing the pool in my pants to grow. His head turn so his lips are on mine again. This kiss is way more intense than the one from before, as if he's inhaling my breath.
His hand shifts between us lifting my shirt up, breaking the kiss as he takes it off. He sits up, staring at my chest before he slides his fingers over my nipples. Suddenly he begins moving his hands everywhere, sliding over my arms, caressing my breasts, my hips, my thighs.
He takes my breast in his mouth, drawing circles with his tongue around my nipple. His hand doesn't leave my other boob unoccupied, rolling my rock-hard nipple between his fingers. He switches frequently, making sure my boobs get the same amount of care.
With his mouth and his hands, he slides down my body, leaving a hot, wet trail on my belly. I shiver under his touch and allow my fingers to rake through his hair. He pulls my pants and underwear down in a swift move, pushes my thighs apart, kissing them tenderly, spurring on my gasps and moans. And then he moves slightly, so that his mouth is on my sex.
I gasp and clutch at his head, as his tongue slips through my folds. Jack holds me firmly so that my body stays in place and he casually strokes me, his tongue dipping in and out languidly at first, tasting me, exploring each crevice, moving up to the core, then down again, to where my body throbs. As my groans and writhing increases, seemingly his urgency does as well. He strokes me harder, his mouth covering me, and I shoot my body up, pressing my vagina against his face.
He licks and sucks me into a frenzy of delicious torment, until I'm literally gasping for breath. And then I cry out, "FUCK!" I release an orgasm that was long awaited for.
Jack lifts his head up after placing a gentle kiss on my clit. He sits up in front of me, smiling widely, "I missed doing that."
I blush and cover myself up, realizing how naked I am. Jack is quick to pull the sheet away from my body, exposing myself to him. In silence he stares at my body, swallowing hard, the moonlight emphasizing the side of it.
I take the opportunity to stare at his chest. I haven't really had a good enough look at whenever I've seen him shirtless. The shape of his body is lovely, like the David statue Michelangelo created. I reach out to touch him, to run my fingers across the hard skin of his stomach.
His response is immediate and startling. He sucks his breath and closes his eyes, his body going very still. I run my fingers along the waistband of his trousers, heart pounding, hardly knowing what I'm doing. I dip my fingers inside, pushing his pants and underwear down. My breath hitches in my throat as his erection jumps out, hitting his stomach.
Before I can have a further look at his dick, he leans to the side of the bed, fumbling for the drawer on the nightstand, grabbing a condom. He quickly tears the wrapper with his teeth.
I prop up on my elbows, wondering how he'll fit inside me, "Can I put it on?"
His eyes widen slightly in surprise but nods, "Y-Yeah. Just remember to leave the tip open."
I take the condom from him, rolling it on him, using both my hands to do it, both hands to stroke and tickle him and make him absolutely crazy. Before I can explore any further, he grabs my hands.
"You'll have enough time for that. Right now, it's all about you." He looks in my eyes as he speaks.
I lay back, making myself comfortable. He hovers over me, aligning his shaft with my hole.
"Tell me when to stop, okay." He pecks my lips, resting his head against mine.
"I trust you, Jack."
Just then he pushes himself in slowly. I groan at the discomfort and Jack grunts, trying to fit his whole length inside me. I bite my lip, trying to hold back the tears. Along with the discomfort and pain I'm feeling, I'm also embarrassed. This all comes so easy for him. I don't even know what to do!
Just when more negative thoughts start evading my head, Jack speaks softly, "You're so perfect."
He starts moving his hips slowly. I grip onto his shoulders, trying to bare the pain. A whimper escapes my lips, giving it away.
"Should I stop?" Jack lifts his head, a concerned look on his face.
I look in his eyes reassuringly, "No! Just go a little faster. I'll be fine."
His thrusts become slightly faster as he plants a loving kiss on my lips. The pain eventually vanishes after a while and he speeds the pace up. A shock of ecstasy drowns me in warmth as he thrusts harder. My body is burning with lust fire. Need and desire rages like a storm, and I feel ready to combust. There is something so sexy about this position. As if he's in complete control. All I have to do is let him manipulate my body, and in return, he gives me pleasure like I've never known.
"Yes! Just like that." I let out between moans.
And that was all it took. He groans as I clench around him, his hands in my hair, his eyes wildly roaming my face, driving into me, over and over and over again until he closes his eyes and finds a very hot and very potent release with a strangled cry, which a return with a loud moan, finally reaching my orgasm. With one last, residual shudder, he collapses on top of me and kisses my forehead.
We lay there in silence, catching our breaths. He nuzzles his face in my neck, stroking my head. I can't help but smile at what just happened. My cherry popped, and Jack was the one to do it.
"Bear, I don't think this is gonna be so comfortable for long. You'll crush me."
"Shit, sorry!" He gets off of me, wincing, realizing he was still inside me.
I help him take the condom off and wait for him while he goes to throw it away in the bathroom. I cover myself with the sheets, watching as he moves across the room in the dark.
He gets in beside me, pulling me in a cuddling position, "How do you feel?"
I grin widely as I rub circles on his hairy chest, "It's a little sore down there but otherwise I feel great. I'm lucky that it happened with you."
"I'm just glad you enjoyed it." He strokes up and down my arm. "Next time you can do whatever you want, I promise."
I lean up and kiss him, "I actually like it when you're in control."
"How about we discuss our newly found sex life at breakfast and rest for now?"
"Good idea."
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
So in to the werewolf who needs to be collared and gently dommed. He’s a sweet boy but he’s just so carless sometimes. Leaving messes. Knocking things over. Getting dirt and slobber in the house. Naughty boys have to be punished. And don’t get me started on how thinks he deserves to get his dick wet. He thinks he’s a big tough guy who’s cock you cannot live without, but as soon you deny him even a little bit, he turns into a whining mess that will do anything you ask. He’s gotta work for that reward.
You're sick of it. you're sick of cleaning up mud every night just to have fresh muddy paw prints tracked through your house the next day. You're sick of dirty dishes piled in the sink when your werewolf boyfriend promised he'd do them. You're sick of feeling more like a maid than a partner.
It started off small, just brushing off his advances. There was something really un-sexy about a guy who apparently can't even do his own laundry.
He was frustrated. it had been so long since he'd gotten any release. and he has no idea why you're giving him the cold shoulder. enough is enough. He catches you, pins you against the wall, and demands to know why you're avoiding him.
"I'm putting my foot down. I'm not going to have sex with you until you start cleaning up after yourself. I'm not your maid. I don't want to have sex with a man-child," you huff. He smirks down at you
"Awee is that what you're upset about. okay okay, I promise that I'll start cleaning up after myself. now come here and give me a kiss-" he said leaning in to kiss you but you jerked your head to the side avoiding his mouth.
"No. not until after you proved yourself," you stood firm. he grinned down at you, condescendingly, You look so cute, pouting and pinned to the wall, completely at his mercy.
"Yeah, babe? Do you think you can resist me?" he asked, reaching down to pull down his pants just enough to show the base of his cock. "you know you want this dick," he thinks he's being sexy. Normally you'd be all over him- playing along and agreeing that yeah you do want his dick but now you're just... glaring at him. You don't look a little bit flustered or tempted.
"I'm good thanks," you say briskly and brush him off. He's left there stunned. How can you not want him at all? He feels like he's going crazy without you.
You reject him at every turn. Can he get just a hand job? no. Will you let him go down on you? no. Can he just- please pretty please hump your leg? You don't even respond to that one.
The next day the home is spotless and dinner is cooked for you with flowers. You're a little stunned at the swiftness of the change.
"Please can I have you now? I've been a good boy, right? Please I need you," he whimpers, nuzzling at your neck, needing any kind of stimulation, just your scent is enough to get him hard.
"...no," you decide. he about cries, how could you be so mean to him?
"You'll just go back to ignoring the chores tomorrow if I let you have a reward now," you say more teasing than anything.
"How much longer until you give me a treat?" he asks.
"At least a week."
For the first time since the two of you got together, he jerks off. it's unsatisfying, to say the least. He's learned his lesson. he'll be a good boy from now on just please please, please make him cum.
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