#I can't write about her without including Freddy
thehomophobe · 1 month
"Best. Masseuse. Ever.", the period comfort fic, I forgot to mention that Chica also gives the best massages since she knows about muscle aches and what soothes the pain.
The reason behind Monty and Moon's bitterness towards each other is that Monty made an insult about the twins in what he thought was "private". Turns out Moon overheard that and in return for that, stole Monty's sunglasses, then his bass. After Monty found the thief, the two bickered and then the rest is history. Their relationship was born out of triviality rather than jealousy like Monty with Freddy.
Here's a nice incorrect quote: 
Roxy: The door's locked! (Y/N) give me your credit card. (Y/N): Sure, here. *Gives credit card* Roxy: *Puts credit card in her pocket* Cool, now Monty bust down the door.
Roxy's prone to spend money on your bank account. What do you mean get a job like a normal human? She's already a big star.
A while back I said that Sun writes his own scripts as a way to grieve over his original job. They're very private, only the bestest of best friends get access to his book of plays. Which is obviously, you. The notebook consisted of little pieces of dialogue to actual script writing include scene changes, action captions, etc. He usually writes children's plays but some are a bit more thorough and deep and has themes like “death” and “intimacy”. He loves gushing to you about it. (A real theater kid)
Moon likes to watch horror movies. I know I said he'll make snarky comments about the plot during movie date night, but he really enjoys them. Helps find new way to scare (Benison) intruders; recreating iconic horror movie scenes like The Ring (he crawled out the vent like the girl crawled out the tv), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (he ran around with those finger pointer things and recorded chainsaw sounds), Carrie (he filled a bucket with red paint and dropped it, Sun cleaned up the mess) as well as others. Will also say some iconic horror movie lines. "I want to play a game." As he shows up with red spirals on his cheeks.
Claire has such bad luck when it comes to love. She got catfished, dumped, cheated on, sexual assaulted once. Her love life was horrible. 
Lorelei knows how to sew. She sewn a heart with the bisexual colors on the back of a bomber jacket and gave it to you.
The mini Music Men are named after musical terms. The main three that hang out with DJ the most are named Alto, Tenor, and Soprano. (And they're all treblemakers ha ha 😏)
Sylvester married his wife Julia a while back. Before he quit his job at Circus Baby's Pizza World, Ballora said something to him. "If you ever cause Julia pain, I will find you and send you to your death." The strangest thing about that was Sylvester never mentioned his wife's name on the job, nor does Julia even work remotely close to the place.
Claire can't see without her glasses. At all. Please don't take them she's been through enough already.
Bonnie had ADHD, so it was really hard for him to focus. Freddy's the only one that helped reduced it. 
Sylvester and Bonnie were good friends back then. Bonnie would call Sylvester "old man" and they would bowl together on his [Sylvester] free time.
Foxy once mistaken a map bot for a worker, to which led to a little argument before, Sylvester had to tell him that wasn't a worker and walk the old man out of there. Foxy also pulls up reading glasses when reading small print, just to emphasizeshis old man demeanor.
(Y/N)'s personality is chill and carefree, maybe a little too carefree. But she gets shit done, and will bite back if her or any of her friends get hurt. That's why she and Vanessa don't get along well. Sometimes she screws with her on purpose.
Hey Nessa, you have any tampons? 
Y'know cuz me period just came and I--
Ok! ok! Yes I have...that.
*This happened in the locker room.*
Also (Y/N):
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Also also (Y/N): If I had a nickel for everytime someone thought I was a guy, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
To this day, Monty still doesn't know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator. Which is really bad...😬
Freddy likes Hallmark movies, probably because his life is like one.
Benison's dyslexic. He also has a phobia of pregnant women. Idk what traumatized him so badly to have a phobia of it but yeah...
Claire's aesthetic is light academia. Lorelei's aesthetic is goth and/or pastel goth. Benison's more casual/beach wear. (Y/N) and Sylvester are minimalistic.
Lorelei believes in nihilism.
Sun gets nervous when it comes to undressing and nudity. Even though he doesn’t have a dick, he still puts a towel or a blanket to cover down there. You have to tell him that all bodies are beautiful and he has literally nothing to hide. Monty and Lorelei have a cousins relationship. Somehow the two end up together causing whatever chaos they can do. They also bicker but it’s a good time.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Hi love! I'm a new follower, and I was wondering if you could do a night with badlinu?? Like what he would do on a night in with his s/o?? Thank you! I also love you're writing and I hope you are having a good day:)<3
hi!! welcome to the family 🫶🫶 ; and yes of course!! I love writing for him sm I literally can't. ; also help sorry I just saw this halfway through writing 💀💀💀 THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENT, HOPE YOURE HAVING A GOOD DAY/NIGHT AS WELL!!
BADLINU ; a night inside
summary ; spending a peaceful night with freddie
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 372
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you came over for a movie + a sleepover because it's a weekly tradition
bro he got your favorite snacks and everything
"I'm so sorry it's so cold right now, the heater broke but I got some space heaters and a bunch of blankets for you"
my brother in christ he says a "bunch" of blankets and it's even including duvets. like, whole heavy ass blankets 😭
he didn't know what you liked the most blanket-wise so he gave you all the options
and put one of the space heaters right in front of you
once the movie finally starts he's just chilling next to you like 🧍‍♂️
you grab his hand on a part that jumpscared you a bit and he just silently smiles
he leans into you a bit and djksndnmd
don't think you're getting out of this without doing dumb shit
you eventually start a cooking stream because you guys wanted to make a box cake and why not make some content out of it yk
the amount of everything everywhere. that kitchen needs a deepclean
don't get me started if one of you needs a recolor on your hair...
"Freddie, get your head over the bathtub!"
"My neck hurts!"
you're genuinley up most the night goofing off
dancing around on stream to fuckin Rihanna and Lady Gaga like okay get into it
roasting Twitter trolls as well
making 30% of the stream about Jojo Siwa and just shit talking her and about all the everything going on with that atm
yall start to get tired on the couch and watch your comfort movies for a while
lots of just hugging kind of cuddling
eventually you fall asleep and he's trapped there like "fuck" but he doesn't wanna wake up all sore either LMAO
traces your features while you sleep
also takes a ton of pictures of you sleeping 💀💀💀 just to fuck around with you
any other night if it was labeled a date, there would've been candles, trust
he probably knows how to cook up some mad good food for a white British guy, that's all I'm gonna say
youd probably stray off from the "date" and make puppets or something
yeah idk this is all I got
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goldeneyedgirl · 2 months
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Sonya! (Imagine, for a moment, that Tumblr Staff actually fixed the bug that means I have to screenshot and tag you @sonyawix for replies.) I missed you!
Jasper's just there realising that a couple of decades of training and practice with the Cullens was no match for a tiny teenage girl who looks at him like he's the second coming. She did more for his self-esteem in one night than anyone has done for him since he was human.
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Jasper's softer in STL and his trauma has already been sorted, organised, and filed in his mental storage unit so he just has to simp over worry about Mary-Alice. Mary-Alice has the trauma conga-line but it gets pretty soft for both of them starting next chapter.
But it's why Jasper chapters are usually easier to write.
And listen, we all switch hyperfixations. I read a whole bunch of MCU fics that had Correct Vibes but Incorrect Takes, and beautililies had to stop me from writing MCU fic before I worked on Jalice fics. Also the idea I am carrying 70% of your Jalice experience is fucking wild. What do you want? I feel like I need to give you something because 2024 was not my most active year ever.
My little Mabel has recovered from the infections she had well, but decided to keep things interesting and acquired an ear infection which has since been upgraded to a double ear infection because what's more fun than a lot of credit card debt? Even more credit card debt! She is why I can only stare longing at Coach bags and not own fun stuff like that.
And honestly, I join you in solidarity that my sister and father are also Shitty Fucking People. Sometimes, people are rancid, and we just need to salute their bullshit and carry on our merry way.
It is law that if you bring up Anathema, I post something. I picked this scene WIP because Alice being a dramatic teenage girl is somehow so funny in my head? I can't wait to get to a scene where she's dramatic in front of Jasper and he's just "...you're adorable, you know that right?" And she's like, "absolutely not."
But for now, Alice makes a small scene.
“This is to never get back to the Clearwaters,” I could hear Freddie saying to Charlie Swan in a low voice. “Any of them. I trust you, Charlie.”
Charlie sighed. “Fred, I’ve known you a long time, and I don’t like this at all. What is so important you have to meet with them alone, without Sue and Billy knowing?"
Silence, and I was tempted to creep up the hallway to be able to hear better.
“… This is about Alice and her well-being. If… I have reason to believe that if Sue, Harry, and Billy knew more about Alice’s … health and genetic make-up, they would be deeply unhappy."
That was most likely an understatement. I had a feeling that if Sue found out that I was biologically half-vampire, I would be persona-non-grata in the Clearwater household. There was a fifty-percent chance that Harry would hunt me for sport, honestly. His aim with a shotgun was second-to-none.
Dr Cullen had brought his wife, and there was something almost funny seeing them in our home - they were both dressed in very stiff, fancy clothing, standing in the entrance looking awkward. I was in the kitchen finishing the washing up in pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt; both Freddie and Charlie were still wearing work clothing.
The apartment was still mostly in the late 60s style from when it was built. Lots of brown and yellow. Freddie always intended to renovate, but we never seemed to get around to it - moving all the books would take us days, and we’d have to stay downstairs. It was cozy up here, and if we made any changes, it would be to clean out the third floor.
“Hello Alice.” Mrs Cullen smiled so warmly at me, but I felt oddly shy, offering a little wave as I put plates back into the cupboard.
“Turn on the coffee maker, love, before you go,” Freddie said, and I got the message that this wasn’t going to be a meeting I was included in. I wasn’t upset about that; somehow Dr and Mrs Cullen were far and away more intimidating than Jasper was. Somehow the golden eyes and the pale skin that looked so right on him made me nervous around them.
Thankfully, Dulcie was having dinner with her brother’s family tonight. It meant we could have this meeting at home and she’d probably bring home left-over dessert. Hopefully that really good blueberry donut thing that Mrs Stanley usually made for Dulcie’s birthday.
It also meant that whilst I had been told I wouldn’t be joining in on the meeting today, there was no one in the house that would check to make sure I was wearing headphones and watching movies on my laptop instead of eavesdropping for all I was worth. And in my defence, I had to know what Freddie was telling everyone so I didn’t mess up the story later on. It was just planning ahead.
“He can read minds?” I shrieked, giving myself away instantly.
Charlie Swan swore, sloshing his coffee in surprise, as the rest of them spun around to look at me in the hallway.
“Alice,” Freddie groaned but I didn’t care that I would be doing extra cleaning this week or whatever as punishment.
A girl’s mind is private. There are things happening up there that die with me, okay?
Things like me contemplating the logistics of having sex on a gurney now that I’d met Jasper and realised he was a foot and a half taller than me, and probably 100lb heavier.
Or the fact that whilst my visions hadn’t been instructional, so to speak, they had given me a certain amount of reference material to reflect on. I might never have been a Girl Scout, but I do like to be prepared.
And the idea that one of the Cullens could mind-read and had probably told the entire family that a good fifty-percent of my brain power was solely dedicated to what I had seen of Jasper’s body in my vision at any time was… not ideal. Not at all how I planned to integrate myself into their lives. I was aiming for lovable future daughter-in-law, not mouth-breathing creeper.
“Edward considers the contents of everyone’s mind private, unless harm would result in keeping it secret,” Mrs Cullen quickly reassured me. Please. I had seen Leah and Seth together; I knew what siblings were like. There was no way in hell that Jasper hadn't been informed that I had absolutely noticed he was ripped when he helped me up.
“I’m taking a lot of emotional damage learning this,” I said slightly hysterically. “Can he hear everything?”
“Only when he’s present.” Was Dr Cullen laughing at me? He looked amused.
“Alice,” Freddie sounded tired. “There are brownies in the downstairs freezer if you want some dessert.”
Huh. It was bad if Freddie was bribing me with the catering supplies.
“That would help,” I said, trying to walk through the kitchen to get a knife with some kind of dignity. “You understand why I would be uncomfortable with a teenage boy reading my mind, right?”
“I think we’re all on the same page about that,” Charlie said. He didn’t look amused.
"Alice, I really don't think there's anything in your head that Edward Cullen would worry about," Freddie said, obviously trying to sound comforting and mostly made me want to slam my head against a wall.
"I've had unmonitored access to the internet since I was eleven and no boyfriend! Or girlfriend! There's plenty up there I don't want Jasper's brother knowing!" I snatched up the cake knife and looked over to see Freddie looking like he needed a drink, Charlie Swan looking the most uncomfortable I had ever seen him - and that included the ass-injury incident - and Mrs Cullen trying very unsuccessfully not to laugh at me.
"And now I've made it worse. I'm calling Cynthia!"
It's not the fact that my father was a vampire that makes me a freak. I manage to do that all by myself.
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404-mind-not-found · 5 months
The Drawing (short OC thing)
I was bored and I haven't written anything that isn't Theatrics at Freddy's related for a while so I decided to write a short piece introducing a few of my OCs. There isn't much of a plot, this one focuses mainly on Lola and Andrew. I will probably make more of these in the future until all four characters have made significant appearances. :] Story under cut!
This was a problem.
It wasn't a grown-ups problem. It wasn't going to continue to bother her in about a day's time, and it certainly wasn't going to haunt her mind at night in a decade's time. It was a child's problem. Children's problems tended to feel very extreme in the moment, and Lola was feeling an extreme amount of weight in this moment.
Green... or teal? she wondered, looking at the 24 pack of pencils in front of her. Each one was ordered out by colour and sharpened to perfection. She always had them that way, except for when she was in the middle of colouring something. But even then, as soon as she was finished, it would go back in its rightful place.
Her hands eventually settled on the green, its triangular grip making it much easier for her to steady her hand. Before the instrument could hit her current piece, however, she heard the sound of her door opening and looked up.
In came Andrew, her father, with a smile on his face. He must have been in the garden again, Lola inferred, as she could see the dirt on his pants even from where she was sitting. She didn't say anything.
“What's going on in that little mind of yours now?” he questioned, leaning against the wall with a tilted gaze.
“I'm drawing,” she told him, looking back at her work. Despite her flat voice, her father knew she was in a generally good mood.
Andrew didn't have to step over anything as he approached. Lola was a neat kid, after all. Once he was close enough, he bent down to get a look at what she was drawing, instantly smiling once he recognised the identities of the characters. “Oh, is that us?”
Lola put her pencil down. “Yes. And Cotton.”
He scratched his stubble. “And Cotton,” he echoed. “But what about your mother?”
“No,” she said simply.
He sat down on her bed, making sure not to get dirt on the crisp floral pattern, and sighed. “I think it would be a very nice family picture, Lola.”
His daughter looked down at the picture. “This is my picture,” she read the title of the drawing out loud, tracing her finger across the letters to keep track, “daddy, Cotton and me.”
He frowned, seeing how stubborn she was acting. “Don't you think she would be sad if she wasn't included?”
Lola thought about it. “Maybe she would be sad. But I already wrote the name. I can't change it.”
But Andrew continued to be persistent. “Why not? You can add her title next to mine.” He pointed to a blank space on the paper. Lola was silent for a moment, but eventually nodded.
Her father sighed in relief, brushing his light brown hair out of his face. He resisted the urge to lean back onto the bed, knowing how Lola's mother was about keeping the house clean. He was surprised he was even able to sneak into his daughter's room without getting caught.
Meanwhile, Lola got to work, picking up her sharp black pencil and drawing her mother onto the page, next to her father and separated from her. She added the simple face and triangular haircut, before giving her a body.
The portrayal seemed normal, for the most part, but there were some... consistencies that confused Andrew. The depiction of Cotton, despite being a rabbit, was the only one smiling in this particular picture. Both he and Lola had blank stares, and her mother looked as if she were talking, but her mouth was just a little too large. He specifically had no arms, doing nothing but staring forward. Even having an art style was impressive for someone her age, but when it came in the form of missing or warped body parts, it wasn't something to brag about. He decided not to question her about it, however, for he had already pushed her enough.
That was a grown-ups problem for another day.
Suddenly, a noise came from beyond the door. It took Lola a moment to realise it was her mother. In a flash, her father was gone to her rescue, though she already knew it was either Cotton running around under her feet or maybe even her finding one of Andrew's recent messes. She wondered what her reaction to his pants would be. Would they argue again? Or would she just chastise him? It was hard to tell with those two, sometimes.
Lola sighed to herself, then reached for her green pencil once again.
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itslunaakasaki · 4 months
Name: Luna Akasaki
Pronouns: she/her
INFJ | female | Pisces
BDay: 20th June
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Fictosexual and Fictoromantic (type of aroace)
✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Hi! I'm Luna, a self taught artist! And occasionally I am an animator and writer!
Here to post the stuff I make/write and also to find similar works!
To give inspiration and get inspiration!
CONTENT ⋆。˚ ❀ *
The content I post will mostly be about SCP Foundation and my AUs about it as it is my main fandom and I'm pretty much obsessed about it.
I will post about the other fandoms I am a part of, but it will be comparatively very less than the stuff about SCP.
Some of the fandoms are:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Five Nights at Freddy's
Stray Kids
Every existent horror game, from small ones to well made ones, including those with gore.
Etc that I can't remember rn lol.
Why am I mentioning these? Well, so that I find more fellow simps and we can ramble together!
SCP 035 (SCP)
Dottore (Genshin Impact)
Karl Heisenberg (RE8)
Shockwave (Transformers)
William Afton (Fnaf)
Douma (KNY)
(I think I have a type here XD)
Completely feel free to talk with me! I love talking and getting to know people! You may freely discuss about fandoms, characters or stuff in general! Just keep away from sensitive topics or personal stuff unless we are very close friends!
Do NOT trace or steal my work! Do NOT repost without my permission!
If you notice someone doing so, inform me IMMEDIATELY.
Fanarts and drawing my ocs are allowed only when given proper credit! Using my art as profile pictures is allowed only after asking my permission and giving credit.
While talking/interacting, please do keep away from sensitive topics/hate messages etc. If you do not like something here, please scroll on but do not hate!
If you are homophobic/anti-LGBT, racist, ableist, pedo, proshipper, character hater or a problematic person in general.
The content I make might contain suggestive themes, blood and gore. So, if you're sensitive to any of that, please do not stay. I'm highly into blood and horror and if capable, will make such content.
Also, I may use curse words sometimes, if you're uncomfortable with those then do leave.
WRITINGS✎ᝰ. (In progress)
SCP : Break With The Past (AU)
Thank you for your reading!
Have a wonderful day/night ahead! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡
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scorittanius · 2 years
Tell me the lore of your Millie. You’ve intrigued me and also if you have a design to maybe draw that would be cool
you sly dog, you got me monologuing.
i'll draw later-
note; includes hints of a slight crossover w pokemon uranium, yet nothing much besides the news station's report.
yknow how i mentioned she looked like a victorian era orphan? well, she spent majority of her early life in foster homes. she doesn't remember much, so i can't really say much more on that topic.
she was adopted by the fitsimmons when she was 8, and at first they seemed to be a lovely family; she had a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and a roof over her head, unlike many of her previous homes. when she turned 10, she started to catch on to how... weird they were. for starters, they only ever fed her vegan-friendly diets without proper vitamin supplements, so she was dealing with iron and calcium deficiencies. and occasionally they tried to have 'the talk' with her. when she accepted, it turned out said talk was just telling her she was allergic to almost all meat ( an obvious lie ), so she stopped caring.
She was 12 when the bullying and depression started up. each day when she went to school, she faced what can only be described as torment. usually the abuse from her peers was mental, but sometimes it would be physical; broken bones, scraped knees, and a left forearm so mangled it needed to be amputated were some of the main injuries sustained. Sooner or later she found homestuck, and started reading it. she found a sense of comfort in the story as a whole, yet especially vriska. with this sense of solstice, she slowly recovered, which was greatly helped when she was placed in her grandfather's care due to her parents taking up a career overseas.
Soon, we come to the main story. The day of her supposed demise was an eventful one. nothing interesting happened until around 9PM; her family gathered around the TV, watching as a news reporter talked about a nuclear disaster happening to a nearby region. she took the oppertunity to sneak out to the workshed, thus her fate was sealed. Man, the news didn't lie; radioactive air had already made it's way to their small coastal town, and it was hard to breathe. That didn't matter to Millie, though, considering she had just found her adoption papers. but before she could get them, a metal claw grabbed her waist, and she was pulled into the nightmare we all know. After the fact, after the nightmare, Millie managed to get out of the animatronic's cage despite her injuries, and with her last strength, started reading the papers. Nothing interesting recorded at first, but she felt there was something urgent in there she needed to see before she passed. Soon enough, she found the page. skimming through the words, trying to find those damned words, that damn name. She only managed to read it in her final seconds. Birth name: Millicent Rose Afton.
The final words she read as a living person. The final thought she'd have. These 3 words had been so important to her, she failed to notice the black inchor dripping from her neck before she collapsed, seemingly dead.
Here's where we divert our attention away from her POV for. 'i cant fucking write mhy hands are sore' reasons.
After her disappearance, rumours started to spread of a mysterious figure roaming in the graveyard below jumper's cliff. almost like a spirit cursed to roam the earth forever more... Reports of the figure revealed that it was feminine, and appeared to have died a teenager. while it seemed mainly human, certain limbs, half of it's face, it's ears, and it's apparent fluffy tail, showed a likeness to an old freddy's animatronic. alongside that, it was always seen with a murder of ravens surrounding it, and a black cat by it's side.
this strange cryptid was thus named nevermore, the raven-friend only spoken of in whispers. nobody knows if it's hostile, but not even the cockiest of adventurers dared to find out.
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trashhoarder · 3 years
Uh... this is a warning for drug talk, mentioned child murder, uxoricide, judicial prejudice, overdose, etc.
It seems ooc for someone like Krueger to have solemn moments regarding drugs unless he experienced negative consequences. So, I looked at the most commonly abused drugs available during his teen and adult years with this assumption in mind. Marijuana(illegal), LSD(legal), cocaine(illegal), heroin(illegal), amphetamines(regulated), and barbiturates(regulated) were the most frequently abused. Many of these, LSD, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, can cause premature ageing. LSD was also legal before 1966 until the year of his arrest, so it likely wouldn't have been hard for Fred, someone known for risky habits, to get his hands on it. 
And if it was marijuana, maybe that's how he got busted. The Boggs Act of 1951 set mandatory sentences for drug convictions. For example, the first offence conviction for marijuana possession carried a minimum sentence of 2 years, which would fit his timeline, considering he was caught in 1966 and released in 1968. If his wife is suspiciously missing and children abruptly stop dying, things look questionable for Krueger. It'd be like (almost) catching Al Capone on tax evasion.  
One important thing to note for Loretta is that while available studies have shown that prevalent drugs like ecstasy, marijuana, and cocaine do not diminish the efficacy of hormonal birth control, barbiturates will. Enovid as a contraceptive was used in 1960, a year before Maggie was born. So, besides simply not believing in birth control, this could explain why the couple had their child when Fred was 19, and Loretta was presumably(?) the same age. Barbiturates became popular in the 1960s as a treatment for anxiety, insomnia, or seizure disorders.
Barbiturates are highly addictive and deadly, with several high profile actresses overdosing from it in the sixties. If consumed daily for longer than one month, the brain forms a dependence, which causes harmful withdrawal symptoms. Barbiturates are highly addictive and deadly, with several high profile actresses overdosing from it in the sixties. If consumed daily for longer than one month, the brain forms a dependence, which causes harmful, even lethal withdrawal symptoms.
If Loretta was proscribed Barbiturates, Krueger could've acted the role of the concerned husband because his wife would have a history of seizures and took medication that also put her at risk. When speaking to Katherine, Krueger specifically mentioned medicine, and five-year-olds are young enough to be guided in a courtroom setting if she recalled anything at all at this point. It could put some doubt in a (likely ableist) judges mind whether young Katherine witnessed a murder,  a seizure, or the side effects of Barbiturates.
From a judge's standpoint, this set up might become (slightly) more reasonable that they'd release the charges as well. Did he murder the children? Yes, yes he did. When the police searched the local pariah's home on drug charges without a judge's signature, possibly "forgot" to read the man his Miranda rights, incarcerated him, then tried to finish the prisoner off with murder charges afterwards, a person might suspect something was off. It wouldn’t be the first time police bias has interfered with a case.
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Tldr; the wwdits writers know a thing or two about depression and being tired of life, nandor is a prime example, allow them to bring about his character arc in a natural way
Nandor's 'I'm whispering bc I care about marwa and don't want her to know I'm about to replace her' gives me hope and much food for thought. Excuse the rambling because I'm fleshing this thought out as i go.
Because he's just self aware enough to know when his actions are making people sad. It means that he knows when he's doing/ done something wrong, and actually, I was super mad about this episode be guillermo and marwa and freddie deserved better, but now that I'm thinking more clearly, the writers have been leading up to this.
Everytime nandor does something wrong, he does notice. A lot of it is stupid dumb shit like getting locked in a cage at the rescue shelter. But when he pushed guillermo off the balcony during their fight, he has a millisecond of hesitation before he says OOPSIES. Likewise, when he's discussing the freddie fiasco, he considers for a moment that he's doing something wrong, then very deliberately glosses over it like it's nothing. (For more, see nadja figuring out he pillaged her village, leaving benjy alone and hypnotised, turning Gail without her consent, etc)
I believe the reason for this is a very specific turn the writers want to take with nandor as a character. It's a fact that nandor hasn't been happy for a long time, but this fact only becomes evident from the latter half of season 2 onwards. This is also when he starts fucking up more, and instead of taking responsibility the way he did with Sean and the brain scramblies, he starts to write things off like they don't really matter.
Had the vampires not stated clearly that he was going through vampire depression, it would have been evident from the way he just... stopped caring about everything and everyone. Compounded by guillermos apparent betrayal in 3×10, I believe he just kept sinking into these feelings, until he became the nandor we see in s4.
I know in a previous post i said they'd just made him into an asshole incel (which btw I do still think), I believe its a mask for the terrible depression he's going through. He's a lonely lonely vampire who wishes he could be human, who wants a lifeline so badly he'll cling to one made of gum and feathers at this point, and he's been in this despairing state for a while.
First, he clutched onto guillermo, thinking if he made him a vampire then they'd be happy. Then, he decided a wife would fix him. But she didn't, so he thought she needed to be changed. All this while he's struggling both with depression and buried feelings for guillermo. Which means when guillermo and freddie show up, happy and gay, he is intensely envious and immediately latches on to "what he's been missing".
Freddie. Freddie is the stand in for everything nandor wants but can't have. A human, slightly nerdy boyfriend, who dresses like the pits of fashion and knows enough about nandors niche interests to be interesting. He's the "perfect fix". Until he isn't.
This episode made a lot of people, including me, very very angry. But I think we need to look past this to what nandors really struggling with and allow the writers to let him grow without praising them for some episodes and cursing them for other, heartbreaking but necessary ones.
Honestly I'm pissed about the ending they forced on marwa, because yes she deserved to stab him at least once. But once again, I think that last shot of them together just highlights how far gone nandor is. She looks miserable, because he IS miserable. Marwa doesn't like him because he doesn't like himself. Marwa doesn't like living because nandor doesn't like living.
Sure, he smiles and laughs with freddie, but he's uncomfortable not knowing human jokes. Even the second time around he looks deeply unhappy when he's laughing at the roomba joke. He wants to be a part of this little clique humans have SO SO badly, but at the end of the day he is other.
And finally, that shot at the end where nandor cries after leaving freddie on the train. Is he grieving leaving freddie or is he grieving the travels he could have had with guillermo? Is he really crying or just scrunching up his face for the cameras? It all comes down to the original question: does he care? And the answer is, no, not anymore, not for a long time.
In conclusion, this has been long and rambling, but I can't wait to see how far he has to fall before he hits rock bottom, or if this is perhaps rock bottom. At that point I would like to see if he wishes to become human, or wishes that he'd always be happy. Or, my favourite option, I would like to see who the writers bring in as the person who shows him how to heal himself. Either way, the writers have brought the show this far without ruining it, and I trust them with this episode and the bigger picture, and I can only hope that they follow through on that.
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Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
Whooping, cheering, hollering, a chance for me to yell about my faves ❤️ here are my faves in no particular order:
Eddie Munson, Stranger Things - This one is obvious. He's a character I really connect with as someone who was also the school freak throughout most of my time at school. He also gives me big gender envy and I've never been so attached to a character like I am with Eddie.
Dorian Pavus, Dragon Age: Inquisition - I love this man to the moon and back. He's witty, funny, intelligent, handsome as hell, but most importantly he's an incredibly important character for me. A gay, POC character, who fights for what's in his heart and who he is regardless of what his countrymen back in Tevinter think of him. (Also fun fact they based him and some of his design on Freddie Mercury)
Sagacious Zu, Jade Empire: Ah, one of the first edgy sad men I had a crush on when I was younger. I love all of the Jade Empire characters, but Zu especially holds a place in my heart. He's also the first fictional character death I cried over.
Morgana, BBC's Merlin - I love Morgana. She's a great, complex character and her transition from good to villain will forever be iconic to me. Her whole character arc in the show and the way the writers sewed the seeds for her to become a villain very early on is what inspires me to write badass, morally grey women with the potential to become a villain if the story calls for it.
Solomon Wreath, Skulduggery Pleasant - Can't have a favourite character list without a character from my favourite book series! SP and the character of Solomon were my first introduction to necromancy and the concept that life and death flow into one another rather than being completely separate concepts. Even now, when I reread the books for what must be the millionth time at this point, he's still the one I loom forward to meeting again.
Bella Goth, The Sims franchise - She is beauty. She is grace. She disappeared in Sims 2 and I adore the lore surrounding her and what happened to her. Plumbella has some amazing videos on it and there's also a v cool Sims 4 Machina called Bella Goth Reborn on YouTube that is absolutely incredible and you should all watch it.
Vergil, Devil May Cry - This man. This man is hot. I love a hero to villain arc, but what I love more is a villain to ally arc. Vergil going from villain to ally in more than one game and his motivation being having the power he never had to save his mother as a child are I credibly interesting to me and what make his character more complex than a character such as Dante or Lady. Those layers that the fandom explores are what make me love him so much (also he's hot).
River Song, Doctor Who - Listen. She has me in a chokehold. She's a badass woman and the moment I first saw her onscreen I was in love. Getting to explore more of her character through watching the show amd having to wait for that pay off while trying to figure out who she was with the clues that we were given is one of the fondest memories I have of watching Doctor Who when I was younger.
Raikou Shimizu, Nabari No Ou - My favourite ever manga and honestly, hand on heart, the one manga I recommend to everyone. It's a beautiful manga and choosing a fave is difficult, but it has to be Raikou. He's once again a fascinating, multi-layered character, and I think he's a v good example of a character that appears to be a villain at first but at the end of the day is just trying to do what's best and make the world a better place just like the other teens and young adults in the manga are.
Giorno Giovanna, JJBA Vento Aureo - Giorno is the best Jojo you can't change my mind. Also the fact that had he been included in Part 6 of the manga the whole ending likely would've changed dramatically is smth I think about a lot. I adore Giorno's character and he is what made me enjoy Part 5 so much. I've even got a figure of him in my childhood bedroom and a poster of him in my uni bedroom. I often wonder what his relationship with his father would've been like had he not been killed off in Part 3 and if they'd ever met.
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chaoticrobotics · 2 years
I want to say I fully support your choices writing about the nonromantic relationships between the animatronics. I can't really find the words for how to say it but I (at least) like seeing the characters interact without constant shipping undertones, and I appreciate you having them in your world but not forcing them. I also think it makes the story more entertaining to read and see them interact as friends knowing how they feel about each other. It also gives you more freedom with your story than just romance. Thank you for trying to make sure all of us are on the same page on what you want your story to be and I support your decisions because I enjoy it and I hope you do too.
[Thank you so much for your kind words!!! I will say, I use to be a person who would ONLY find fun and value in romantic relationships, to the point that if I didn't ship two characters, they would just never interact or would be super boring. I am glad to say that I grew out of that mindset, or at least I feel like I have!
I think once I fully accepted that I was aroace is when I started to put more value in relationships other than romantic ones. I realized I was just projecting my lack of romantic love onto characters to try and "fix" myself. But now that I know that romance is not the only valuable relationship, I can have a lot more fun with characters without having to justify myself for a ship that just wouldn't work. (though I still sometimes project myself onto characters and want to have an ideal relationship, which is why I tend to ship Moon with Monty and DJ, because I really like Monty and DJ and project myself onto Moon that it is almost like a self-insert without it actually having to be me lol)
Also, like, some of the non romantic relationships are so fun to write! Roxy and Monty are absolutely my jam of chaos! Sun, Chica and Freddy are such cute friends and just want to help everyone out! And then just Mapbot with everyone causing their own special chaos!
Like, I am just really happy to explore all kinds of relationships now and not put all my energy into shipping. Sure I still project onto characters, and there can be shipping undertones, but I don't want to make that a focus. Mainly with Chica and Roxy, the two can still have a friendship along with a potential romance. So many times I see ships where they are just romantic partners and barely have anything outside of that. Without the romantic love they don't even seem like friends, and that is something I want to avoid.
I don't know if any of this is making sense, I am legit rambling and going back and adding stuff. Not making this all that coherent because it is really hard to get my words out on this topic. And sometimes I feel like a hypocrite because I FEEL like I am putting too much emphasis on ships and crushes, but then I SAY I want to try and avoid explicitly shipping stuff. IDK. I contradict myself all the time.
I just want characters to be friends and family! To let them have dynamic relationships with layers to them. My main goal is to make characters feel 3-dimensional, and not just a caricature (which I was starting to fall into with Chica, but I think I've developed her a bit, now I just need to work on Freddy).
Anyway, small ramble over! Thank you for your kind message! I want to try and include everyone I can on my blog and in my ideas. I know everyone has their own ideas and opinions and most are valid (if they aren't harmful) and really I just want to have fun and play around with characters and stories!]
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etheraella · 4 years
The Lost Letter for Love
(Fred Weasley x Reader)
Summary : 10 years of friendship through letters, and being a hopeless romantic didn’t help you realise your feelings for your best friend, until it might be too late.
Warnings : MUGGLE!AU slow-burn, angst, violence if you squint, best friends-to-lovers, a few cursing you probably won’t realise.
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Feet shuffling against the living room carpet, you finally let your body slump on the sofa with a sigh. The sound of wrinkling leather waves through the empty corridor of your shared house. You ignored it, knowing that one of your housemates (who also happen to be your best friends) might come huffing into the room for continuously abusing furniture. With the same occasion happening countless number of times that week, you expected them to grow tired of your mood swings.
You reached for the nearest cushion beside you, digging your fingers onto the sides of the rough object, before stuffing your face into it; rage burning in your chest for a peculiar Weasley. You lift your face from the cushion furiously, running your hands through your hair.
"Is it that hard for that git to take time and write to me?" you cursed under your breath.
You heard a scoff before lifting your head and meeting eyes with your friend, Delilah. She was leaning against the archway of the living room. "Go on, explain yourself." she said, walking to the couch beside you -- leaving a gap, knowing you might blow off any minute if bothered. Before you could reply, she shakes her head. "And don't lie to me, you've been acting like a maniac, plotting a murder for a week now."
"She probably is, It's been 3 weeks since she last received a letter from her long-distance boyfriend. Of course she's gone mad." You needn't turn around, knowing it was your other roommate, Sara.
"Fred." you say gripping the sweat-stained pillow and throwing it at her. "Is my best friend," pausing before adding "Nothing more," then leaning against the couch.
You bit your lip in frustration, pulling off a few loose threads from the hem of your sleeves in anger, "Be patient, Y/N," Delilah says, patting your back. "He might be busy with his shop or dealing with.. well, whatever he might be doing," You rolled your eyes, seeing the now sitting Sara looking at you, sympathetically.
"Well, he can do whatever the hell he wants for all I care. No actually--I don't care, they're just letters." You stood up and stormed up to your room. Shutting the door with a click, you hear muffled voices of your two friends, one of them saying "Wasn't she enraged three minutes ago".
You feel your head spinning before pulling out a specific letter from a wooden box and leaning against the desk. The words that were inked on the paper still enliven the butterflies in your stomach, even after you've memorised them. It was the last letter you received from him before his gifts came to an abrupt stop. You felt like a 16 year old teenager feeling giddy over a crush. Your eyes widen -- reminding yourself "NO Y/N, he's just a friend!" Suddenly remembering you weren't supposed to be 'caring', you cringed to yourself before shoving the letter back in the box weighing a heavy heart.
━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━
You let your body fall against the soft mattress with a squeal, staring up the ceiling whilst clutching the new envelope up to your chest. Without realising the rapid rate of your heartbeat, you impatiently tore open the envelope and unfolded its content.
Dearest Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits.
I deeply apologise for this delayed reply as I have been quite busy with the joke shop here. Formalities aside, I'm going to be making a few business arrangements in your town. George thought I should go instead of him, and I definitely agree with him. I can't wait to see you, and expect me to ring your house phone tomorrow to discuss. Sadly, I'd have to make this letter short, pumpkin.
P.S bring along that beautiful smile of yours when we meet.
Yours lovingly,
Fred G. Weasley
A smile forms across your face as you read his words, your heart doing summersaults. Before you could trace his signature, you hear a knock on your bedroom door. Sighing, you opened the door, seeing an eyebrow raised Delilah and Sara. Seeing your friends just makes you want to squeeze them in a hug of joy. The smile on your lips didn't falter as you tried forming words "I-"
"We know, Y/N." Delilah interrupted. "We guessed the moment you turned all giddy when coming home. You even fell from the entrance stairs! What'd he say?" Sara asked, smirking. You stared at them, the red mark on your ankle feeling suddenly obvious.
"He said he's going to be dealing with a few business things here. I think he's coming in a few days." You say, your smile growing wider as the words escape your lips. Fred and you have met before. Only, it was twice or trice a year from a long-distance decade of friendship.
Your friendship with Fred was a rather complicated story that even to you, seems a little cliche of how it started with a single complication.
A letter,
The letter had somehow mistakenly ended up to your address, knowing that a 'Hermione Granger' doesn't exist in your household. Being the hopeless romantic you are, you thought it was some kind of love letter so you tore open the letter and read it. In the midst of the paragraph, you feel a pang of guilt as the letter has only to do with family matters. You cursed yourself, and felt sorry for the sender and immediately returned the letter to the signed name 'Fred Weasley' with an attached paper for explanation.
A few days after, you received a letter a letter from him, this time with your name as the addressee. Fred apolagised and offered his gratitude for returning his letter, as it was his mistake for writing the wrong address after all.. And that ladies and gents, was the story on how your friendship was formed.
Although the two of you had exchanged numbers on paper, you fancied the idea of continuing to use the old method with letters, as it was a reminder of how the two of you had gotten to know each other. Fred had always been open about his family and business to you. The both of you admitted that you weren't romantically involved with anyone, but decided to leave that topic 2 years ago. Surely, if he was in a relationship, he'd let you know anyway.
The more often you and Fred exchanged letters, the more you felt a tinge of excitement as he expresses his life and thoughts to you, hoping he'd feel the same. Sometimes, you'd spend endless nights rereading a few old letters of his which you cherished in a wooden box, paragraphs memorised.
Fred took you to meet his family on the third year of your friendship, even Hermione who was Fred's future sister-in-law back then was there. Molly Weasley had sent you presents for Christmas since then, which contained her self-made sweaters. You wondered how much Fred mentioned you to the Weasleys.
━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━
Later that week, Fred gave you a call, arranging your meeting for an evening. As soon as you saw the red-head arrive on your front door, you smiled and embraced him in a friendly hug. Fred, who was towering over you, looked the same as he always did; charming, with freckles painted on the bridge of his nose, enough to sway any girl’s feet.
"How's my pumpkin doing?" he grins, with a raised brow. You feel your face heating from the sound of his low-pitched voice calling the nickname he gave you 4 years ago. "I'm doing fine, Freddie." you said, returning his grin. The two of you immediately caught yourselves in a conversation on the journey. Clueless as to where Fred was taking you.
"Are you trying to kidnap me?" you scoffed jokingly, after the fourth time you had asked Fred for the destination while he was continuously refusing. "Pumpkin, I would have ordered someone to bring you to my hotel if I was." he winked, glancing sideways at you, making your cheeks blow bright pink in the shadow of the night. "But then again, I won't be kidnapping if I don't do it myself".
Finally, the two of you arrived at a coffee shop, "Is this the 'surprise', Freddie?" you asked him, getting out of the car.
"Not exactly." he smiles. The smell of baked muffins hit your nostrils as you enter the shop. Fred led you to a seat while you silently followed him, he stopped at a corner table next to a huge window, a girl with long black hair was already occupied.
"Y/N, I'd like to introduce you to Grace, my girlfriend." Fred turns to you with a prideful grin plastered across his face. "Darling, this is my best friend, Y/N." You felt your heart stop. Following his gaze, your eyes landed on the girl appearing to be his girlfriend, smile up at you, showing her pearly white teeth. Quickly pushing your overfilled thoughts away, you shook her hand, the room suddenly became insufferable. You forced a smile as you hesitantly took the seat opposite to them.
"Since, you're my best friend and all, I thought the two of you should meet." Even though he sounded as if it was meant for you, he didn't spare you a single glance. "Yes, Y/N. Seeing how much you meant to him and all." Grace smiled slightly, "I mean.. as friends." Grace added pressing the word 'friends'. You could’ve sworn you saw a sly look in her icy blue eyes, but shook it off, trying your best to act natural, smiling back at her sweetly.
━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━
Every time you glanced at Fred, you felt a stinging pain in your chest; maybe you were just feeling protective over him? But does that include wanting to have him all for yourself, as selfish as it is? It felt wrong with the idea of loving your best friend, but it felt right loving him.
Regretfully, you felt like an idiot for not recognizing your feelings sooner and denying them. The missed opportunities you could have experienced if you had just revealed your true feelings to him whether it was on paper, on phone or even in person. Were you just scared of ruining your friendship?
Sara and Delilah noticed your change in behaviour when Fred’s name pops up in random conversations, until one night you burst into tears and poured your bottled-up feelings onto them. It didn't help matters when you and Fred met, the blue-eyed minkle always tagged along. When Fred wasn't around, she bared her venom-like teeth. "I've seen the way you look at Fred, I'm not stupid."
And from there onwards…
"You're too immature for Freddie."
…you started knowing her more than Fred ever will.
"The two of you have been friends for what? A decade? He's known me a year, guess we all know who he sees as his lover and who as a friend."
That last statement hurt enough for you to have to restrain yourself from slapping the smirk off her face as she said it. You tried your best to act normally in front of Fred, but you knew seeing them together was a pain too unbearable for you to handle, so you declined his hangout calls and started seeing him less and less.
The last thing you wanted was to destroy their relationship by breaking down in front of the person you cared for, and revealing Grace's true colours. Knowing Fred, he'd side with you and break up with Grace, but seeing them together made you realise how happy they were. Fred deserved the happiness Grace brought him. And you’re well aware that the feelings he shared with her were much more in depth than the ones he shared with you, because when he looks at her, his face says it all
A/N : Hi ! This is Luna, SO the ending wasn’t what I had in mind but overall, this story gives me victorian era vibes idk why lmao. OMG all my love goes to Celeste for helping me edit this, please reblog and comment if you like this fic :) We haven’t been active lately due to studying and all, but now we’re back with more fics. + taglist form up soon 🤝
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brownsugar-chan · 4 years
My children!
I kinda went all out and created a list of headcannons for them and a playlist ^-^ (see if you can guess which song is for who)
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The big sister! Her hearts big and she likes to take care of everyone
She's one of the stronger kids, being sporty. She plays rugby. If you sneak up behind her you have a 99% chance of being punched.
She used to get teased a lot in school because of her physique. Her bullies have a fear of a pissed off Thomas now.
Rosie plays in the mud a lot and it's usually in skirts and her jersey. No she doesn't care.
Love's plants, especially ones that are strange looking. She keeps a pair of primroses in her pigtails. Biology in general is her favorite.
Her birthday is November 23 and she's 14 and is also 5'2
Really likes pasta, especially macaroni and cheese
She lives with Henry, but has been known to sleep at other houses as well.
She has a pet cat that is basically like a dog with how he plays with her. His name is Thorn.
 He's a good kid but can't sit still for 5 min.
The fastest of everyone on here. He plays soccer where he is an attacking midfielder and runs track.
Surprisingly smart but lacks situational awareness. Needs to be told when to give someone space.
His birthday is July 28, he's 13 and he's the tallest at 5'4''
Thinks chicken nuggets should be their own food group. Edward disagrees.
Wears his soccer jersey over a yellow shirt. Really needs a hairbrush tbh
Jokes that he was found in a box, technically he wasn't.
He does like to write fun stories a lot! He thinks it’s especially fun to share them with people who will listen. (Or people who won’t listen)
He lives with Edward and gives him so many heart attacks because of how reckless he is.
Amphibian time! My child who was literally named after a break van.
A very good swimmer! He's usually splashing around in a creek or the ocean,looking for friends.
Cannot sleep without Oliver being nearby. It's a leftover habit from when they escaped together.
Polite to a fault, even if someone is being rude to him. He takes most insults in stride. 
His Birthday is August 30th, he is 4’10’’ and is 13
He loves beef stew (me too dude)
Though he is a cheery, optimistic person he doesn’t really like bright colors. Most of his clothes are a slate grey. Usually dresses semi-formally.
Probably the calmest person in the group. He’s the voice of reason for when things go awry. The others usually come to him for advice.
Lives with the entire little western. (you think this is bad, wait till Luke lmao)
Boat boy who switched a shit dad for a good one and will not hesitate to brag about him.
Likes the beach mostly, but doesn’t like getting his face wet so swimming is out of the question. He does like volleyball though.
Gets rather grumpy when people ignore what he's signing. And that's when he slips in more vulgar words to see if anyone will pick up on it.
He has a crap load of scars on his neck, but isn't afraid to show them. After all it meant he survived. 
He likes fish and rice dishes a lot. (also same)
Really likes to read old myths and fairytales. Captain Joe tells him some from time to time when he has trouble sleeping.
His Birthday is February 12, he’s 4’7’’ and 12
He lives with Captain Joe
Clumsy, but is going to be the best inventor ever!
Doesn’t play any sports, but running around the shop with Victor is very good exercise lmao.
Has the tendency to stay up all night making blueprints.(yes he consumes the gamer juice.) Doesn’t actually mind if an invention explodes, which happens rather often.
His prosthetic leg was designed by him! Victor helped him build it. He likes to make cool decals for it.
He pretty much likes all spicy foods! Especially handheld quick things to eat.
His Birthday is Feb 3rd, he’s 11 and 4’5’’
Please don’t play tricks on this child, he takes things literally. 
He of course lives with Victor, and is the giver of many a headache. 
Anxious green pea, needs a weighted blanket
You can always find him on top of something. He's always climbing trees… and cliff faces.
He's a polyglot! He's learned a few different languages besides english including: Spanish,French,Welsh, and Irish.
He has a bed, but is always sleeping in someone else's because of nightmares and because he gets cold easily because of his anemia.
He loves sweets, especially ice cream and popsicles. Add chocolate or strawberry to the mix and he's sold
He doesn't actually know his birthday, but celebrates on Spring equinox. He's the shortest at 4'0 and is 11.
Wears 30+ layers even in the summertime so he looks even smaller sometimes.
Collects rocks! He has a few really cool ones with fossils too.
He jumps around all of the narrow gauge houses
Ivo hugh
Pink baby with eyes brighter than a thousand suns
He's the strongest out of everyone on here! If you need something heavy moved, he's the one to call!
Pretty emotionally intelligent. Knows what others are feeling even if they aren't sure yet. Is probably the best to talk about said feelings with.
Blunt as hell. He thinks it's best to be honest, calls others out on their bullshit quite a bit. He literally can’t tell a straight lie.
His birthday is Oct 5th, he’s about 4’10’’ and he’s the youngest at 10.
I feel like he’d be really into breakfast foods like pancakes and eggs. Since he is an early riser
He’s got about a hundred stuffed animals that he sleeps with. He really likes fluffy ones that remind him of his friends.
Lives with Bertram and Freddie because I love that headcannon from @princeluckybug13 lmao
The playlist:
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eagleslouis · 6 years
No it's not an asshole move because their contracts were coming to an end. Why would Harry continue doing something because other people want it? What kind of idiot do you think he is? The only thing Louis carried were water and twitter fights. Legend! Harry is a better singer than Louis, he's better looking and he's classier. That is why he has a solo career and Louis is a judge on X factor. Get it? There's zero debate regarding Freddie's paternity. Babygate can't end because it doesn't exist.
this ask singlehandedly made me want to choke myself but uhh okay lets go piece by pieceIT STILL IS AN ASSHOLE MOVE. its fucking selfish. if he was suffering so fucking bad he literally couldve pulled a zayn before zayn did and left, especially since hes had the azoffs literally in his back pocket since 2013 (irving was literally named the most powerful person in the music industry in 2012, remember?). HE WOULDVE BEEN FINE. and 'doing what he wanted'!!! we know why though, right? he needed to keep his image squeaky fucking clean. even though it is all coming out now, probably didnt expect that one, harold. none of them planned a solo career and louis literally said he expected to be back in 18 months and once that hit and there was no contact, it was like, wow.. its really official. FUCK HARRY. and honestly? i think hes a huge idiot, we know this. he doesnt know who the fuck he is, the 1975? prince? david bowie? idk! is he a singer? an actor? whatever gives the most money i guess! and he doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about it, 'umm yeah i mean umm sott is kinda like about my response to blm and all that, you know? umm yeah just like.. shut up stop crying.' the kid was NOT meant for fame. he couldnt even answer a question without hesitating or having bad word choice, the boys literally teased him. damn, god forbid louis to interact with his band members in a fun way that engages his fans (during times that he didnt have to sing). hes such a dick. hes had fucking dumb scraps on twitter, who hasnt? afawk he did talk to zayn after jay said he should and i highly doubt either of them hold such a grudge for something said over social media. better for louis to actually use social media and admit it than to say he doesnt use it because he doesnt see the point (completely ignoring that when not on tour thats the only way to interact with fans) but then proceed to be liking posts on instagram nearly 24/7... like someone we know. now.. everyones entitled to their own smelly onions so i wont go too deep into this but uhhhh harry can stop straining his voice by fucking yelling in all his songs if he doesnt wanna lose it by 30. he can maybe pick like one fucking genre to stick with??? hes very gio from x factor, who louis coincidentally hated lol. i GUESS beauty is in the eye of beholder, even though harry is fucking ugly. they were right when they said his hair was always greasy, i dont know why everyone was pressed! also i think its pretty damn clear harrys cupcake image is all fucking fake now, hes not fucking classy at all lmao what are you on? real fucking classy move to write a song about an underage girl he met and probably fucked for one night without telling her but including her name so her dad could call her and say that he wrote a song about her :) real fucking classy to slut shame girls for how they dress in his songs but then again play it off that he has the utmost respect for women. too many more to say. his solo career is going well yeah i guess right? honestly a good move to pick tiny tiny venues so they would sell out quickly and people would pay attention to the time sold out versus the size. even though he did fuck over the fans with that whole ticket fiasco beforehand. i suppose!!!! my only criticism is i hope this next album is more cohesive :). dont exactly see whats so horrible about louis as a person regarding him doing x factor? he again went back to his roots and is helping people achieve their dreams which is something he said he would like to do anyway!!! i want his music so fucking bad (and we're getting it in like a month anyway hopefully) but i mean... ill be... patient. i dont think his solo career is normal so far at all lmao and its due to syco because other artists came out and said the same!!!! that they wouldnt let them release music or would give them NO promo. not the same situation at all for multiple reasons. harrys been planning a career w his best friend whose under guidance of his dad, one of the most powerful men in the industry whereas louis wasnt planning a career and is with a well known awful company. also i mean theres ton of debate about freddies paternity lol and if its real anyway, then there HAD TO BE A LOT MORE with the situation he wouldve been in. if 'babygate' will never end, the conspiracy will never end either so get used to it i guess.
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