#I considered just getting into one subunit but then i feel bad. so
When I started stanning Stray Kids I thought a eight-member group was the highest i’d go. then I eventually fell into Seventeen and I was like okay FINE. thirteen maximum. not gonna do more than that. unfortunately instagram has been feeding me nct content recently,
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leonaluv · 2 years
Hi. I hope you are well. Love your blog 💋. Could you please do a reading on WayV (subunit of NCT)? They are my ult group and I am worried they will soon be put on the shelf. P.S I just saw you will be only doing tarot readings for relationships/love for the month of February. I apologise if this is not your usual asks. Thank you so much.
A Yo.💌
I am doing well , and just started to workout again. Found a new good drama to watch to. Hope you are as well.
They may be the subject of a lot of discussion at the moment within the organization due to the numerous promises they made to WayV. Simply put, it won't be exactly how they say it will be. It may seem like they got a good deal, but when they read the small print, or in this case, the contract, and consider the hidden causes, they will realize that they have additional work that is more difficult and physically taxing to complete. They will increase their fan base and activities this year, but I believe they will do so later.
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Right now everything is a mess in SM, so the 7 cups of energy are just the current energy. Key said he wanted to do an ending stage but didn't know who to talk to.
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In the group, someone will face a bullying scandal but the bully card is with angel card RX .
Some authority figure that seems like Angel but a devil in disguised.
Someone in group can take a mental health break.
Nine of swords ~ In a general sense, Lucas is having a hard time adjusting to the spotlight. He can find it difficult to have any time to rest, and he is feeling more in defense mode.
Justice ~ The bullying scandal is about him, but it will be proven false. a time where things will come back to you. Both good and bad karma.
King swords ~ . It definitely feels more logical. Work smarter rather than harder
Three of swords ~ He has to move more carefully and be more of a planner. It would not be good for him to just be reckless with his words.
tower~ Things are going to feel out of place for him. This was a sudden change that he never expected. Now that I am doing the reading, the former people in charge were the ones to set a schedule for the group. So now that they are gone, it makes sense that they are all confused. Sudden news about him could emerge near the group's comeback season.
The high priestess~ He is now moving more privately during a period of reflection.
the chariot ~ He is the most confident about everything. He knows precisely what he wants and how to obtain it
Page of Pentacles: "That will be able to move toward a more stable energy and actually get a comeback schedule." Learn more about money with contracts and the business side of things in general. They've all got sword energy, which can be the energy required to cut out the things you don't need in your life but also has that destructive energy.
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Air element
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yutafrita · 1 year
continuing the anon's question (who asked you to assign Lana Del Rey songs to 127) how about the songs in your Spotify liked playlist?? songs that fit the vibe of each 127 member from there
Ooooo okay i can do this! I love this question. I’m going to avoid putting nct music to assign to any of them because that’s too easy imo lol.
Johnny 🐱
In my head I can just SEE Johnny going crazy on the drums to this song….. i want him Yuta and Ty in a jrock unit so bad. I also feel Johnny would have listened to old FOB back in the day and probably loved this album in a nostalgic way. That’s my head canon at least and the vibe I get!
Taeyong 🌹
Considering all of the work and production ty has put into his solo, I really like this song for his vibe. The original song was good but this rework (despite who did it) is excellent and I feel like that’s Taeyong. He knows how to take things that may already be good and make them near perfect. He’s an amazing leader and artist, so I feel like the flicker rework is just perfect.
I still hope one day to have a Yuta-Johnny-Ty Jrock subunit. I love this song, and I think with Yuta’s vocals and stage presence this song very much reminds me of him. Love it and I think it gives very much his vibes.
Doyoung 🐰
I always think of Doyoung when I hear Taeyeon lol. He’s so supportive of his label mates it’s so sweet. Regardless, I chose this one specifically because Doyoung very much likes the emotional songs and this is my personal favorite from this album. The drama of it all really to me is Doyoung.
Jaehyun 🍑
So I initially was looking for a 00s rnb track for Jaehyun, but I feel like this song perfectly encapsulates Jaehyun. He would so lie in her eyes closed vibing out to this song or he definitely has.
Jungwoo 🐶
I LOVE THIS SONG so I was super excited when Jungwoo recommended it!! It’s very much Jungwoo just in that it’s a good, fun bop. Definitely see him having it on repeat in the dorms until they make him shut it off.
Mark 🦁
I knoowwww Mark has this song saved and loves it. It’s a good dance song and one of my personal favorite bad bunny songs lol. Honestly a Mark feature on a bad bunny song or vice versa would be earth shattering but I digress… anyways yes this is very Mark to me.
Haechan ☀️
I knew Haechan was going to be an MJ song since he just exudes Michael Jackson, and after going back and forth between Bad and Dirty Diana, I feel like this is the one. Haechan in his solo would so try to emulate Bad in terms of his image. It just so gives me Haechan and I can’t help but think of him when I hear Bad.
This was fun, thank you for the ask! Let me know if you’d like me to assign for any of the other units/ members :)
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
Cotton Candy
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Changbin
Caregivers: Stray Kids
Changbin gets a sinus infection and his members take care of him.
No one’s POV.:
Over the course of the past weeks, Stray Kids had been buried knee-deep in work, trying to get as much done as possible before being off for the holidays. Most of the time, the subunits had separate schedules, not seeing each other till late at night at their dorm. Which was also why most members were entirely oblivious to the cold Changbin had been coming down with over the course of a week. Chan and Jisung didn’t really notice it either because it had been progressing so slowly in front of their eyes that the change almost seemed invisible. Sure, their friend was a bit sniffly but he had been sniffly for a while and still seemed okay. Changbin himself hadn’t considered his cold as too bad either. Yeah, he was a bit stuffed up and his nose running constantly but that was it, well, aside from the headache and fatigue. He wasn’t sure whether he was running a fever at all but also didn’t bother to check. What difference would it make anyway? Surely, he would be fine if he just made small changes to his lifestyle, like getting himself a cup of tea when the trio went out to get coffee. Changbin wore a scarf pretty much the entire time, brushing it off as part of his outfit, when in reality, his throat felt swollen and dry. It was just a cold though and pass in time, he just had to take extra care of himself.
While the changes had been too slow for Chan and Jisung to notice, the contrast was a lot stronger to the members who hadn’t witnessed his cold progressing. The group had a day of recording and for once, all of them were reunited at work. Felix was the first to notice how tiredly the older melted into his hug but didn’t comment on it. Changbin was a lot more withdrawn than he usually would be, not reacting to any of the teasing he was subjected to, which was a major red flag to most of his friends. When he ended up speaking, his voice was quieter than normal and though it didn’t sound as scratchy as it felt to Changbin himself, it did sound reluctant, like he was choosing exactly what to say, so he wouldn’t end up talking more than he really had to. While most of the members had taken a seat on the couch and 3racha in the producer seats, Felix made himself comfortable on Changbin’s lap. The older was more than grateful for the extra warmth as he had felt a bit chilled the past few days. Sitting so close to his hyung, the young Aussie could hear every tiny sniffle, getting more concerned as the hours passed.
When Chan gave Seungmin instructions for his recording, Felix whispered: “You feeling alright, Binnie-hyung?” He didn’t look at Changbin’s face, instead focusing on his scarf as he worked to tuck it in properly, so that not even the smallest spots of his neck were exposed. “Caught a bit of a runny nose recently, nothing serious though”, the rapper hummed, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead against his dongsaeng’s shoulder. “Does that mean extra cuddles?”, Felix pouted, petting the other’s head. The soft action brought a smile to Changbin’s face and he chuckled: “I really don’t want to give you my cold but I’d love to have some cuddles.” The younger didn’t answer him verbally but instead cuddled back into his chest, watching Seungmin get ready to record.
As the day progressed, Changbin felt progressively worse. Soon he wasn’t able to breathe through his nose in the slightest, his hearing muffled by the thick congestion. Which was also when all of the members caught on. They often had to call Changbin’s name multiple times to get his attention, his voice quiet and nasal-sounding. He could see Chan open his mouth to say something to him but closed it again to wait as his dongsaeng turned away to cough into the crook of his arm. “You feeling alright, mate? How did I just notice now, how awful you look”, the leader tried again, when the other looked back at him. Clearing his throat, Changbin sniffled: “I’b okay, jus’ stuffy.” With a sympathetic wince, Chan brushed his fingers against his donsaeng’s forehead, humming: “Not feverish but certainly warmer than you should be.” - ‘Welp, that at least explains the headache’, Changbin thought to himself. Rubbing his face, he tried to bring his focus back to his work but every sense felt dulled. He didn’t even notice how a few of the members left to get coffee for everyone. The only thing the rapper did notice, was that Felix was gone from his lap and with him the soothing warmth that had gotten Changbin through the morning.
“Hyung!”, Felix called for the umpteenth time, this time nudging Changbin’s shoulder to get his attention. When the older blearily looked up at him, the Aussie cooed: “I got you some hot chocolate. What were you so distracted by that you didn’t even hear me calling your name?” – “Wasnd’t distracted”, Changbin muttered quietly, taking the warm cup and wrapping his hands around it, “By head jus wond’t work. ‘s like it’s filled with cottond ca’dy.” – “You’re really not feeling well, hm?”, Chan frowned after overhearing his dongsaengs’ conversation, “Is your head just fuzzy or does it hurt too?” Carefully sipping his hot chocolate and allowing the sweet warmth to soothe his throat, Changbin admitted: “By head dot so buch bu’ by face hurts. Bostly by forehead a’d cheekbodes.” – “Hm, that sounds like a sinus headache to me”, Minho mused, “Maybe you wanna go to the restroom and blow your nose, try to get as much of the congestion out.” The younger nodded, getting up on unsteady legs. His ears were so affected that it was messing with his balance. The group worriedly followed him with their eyes, contemplating if someone should go with him in case he fell but eventually decided to just wait for him to return.
Changbin eventually made it to the restroom and tore off a piece of toilet paper, at least attempting to blow his nose. What he hadn’t expected, was the intense pain behind his face, that brought tears to his eyes. Whimpering hoarsely, the rapper gave up on trying to blow his nose and shakily made his way back to the studio to join his friends. “How do you feel now? Did it help any?”, Chan frowned, seeing the younger’s reddened eyes. Massaging his forehead, Changbin quietly admitted: “I could’t it jus’ hurt too bad.” An emotional tear slipped from his eye as Felix pulled him into a comforting hug. “I think you should go and see a doctor”, Minho stated, looking at Chan for confirmation, “Maybe you can get some decongestants and feel better pretty soon.” The leader nodded, adding: “The way you sound right now, you can’t record anyway and Jisung and I can handle the producing. Just focus on yourself and getting healthy again.” Nodding defeatedly, the younger slipped on his coat and accepted his cup of hot chocolate with a smile. He’d most likely have to wait a while, so having something warm to drink with him would be great.
Like he had predicted, it took him an eternity to be seen by a doctor and when that happened, he was shocked to learn that he was actually having a sinus infection. He hadn’t expected that in the slightest because he hadn’t been sneezy at all, simply fatigued and stuffed up but thinking back to his failed attempt at blowing his nose, it did make sense. With a prescription for antibiotics and decongestants in hand, Changbin stepped out into the cold winter air, shuddering instantly. Felix had offered him cuddles, so all he wanted to do was get back to the studio. On his way back, he visited a pharmacy to collect his medication and texted his friends he’d be there soon.
Changbin was welcomed by his Aussie dongsaeng koala-clinging to him, the other members shooting him worried looks. “So, did you get anything helpful?”, Chan asked expectantly. Plopping down in his seat, exhausted from being on his feet for so long, the rapper sniffled: “Well, I habe a sidus idfectiod. They gave be a’tibiotics a’d deco’dgesta’ts.” – “Sorry, what?”, Minho frowned, barely able to understand a word, “You have a sinus infection?” The younger nodded, scrubbing at his face. “And they gave you medicine for that?” Another nod. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off then? Focus on recovering”, Chan offered, “The members who already finished their recordings can leave as well. Everyone has been working hard.” Though Changbin knew he wouldn’t be of any use at the studio, he felt reluctant to just take the day off. He didn’t feel that bad. “Come on, hyung. I finished recording while you were gone, we can cuddle and watch movies back at the dorm”, Felix promised, holding his hand out to the older to help him up. The offer of cuddles was what actually got Changbin and he hummed, following his dongsaeng outside.
Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin left for their dorm while Chan, Minho, Jisung and Jeongin remained at the studio. His three dongsaengs ushered him to sit on the couch, not allowing him to get up for anything other than to go to the bathroom. Hyunjin and Seungmin switched on the Christmas decoration and dragged multiple cozy blankets to the living room to set up for a movie marathon. The other members would be welcome to join them when they’d get home later. While the pair set everything up, handing Changbin a blanket first, so he could get comfortable, Felix brewed a large pot of spiced chai tea. Also plating a bunch of different cookies, he took both to the coffee table before heading back to the kitchen to fetch four cups. Then the Aussie joined Hyunjin and Seungmin in the living room, shooting them a confused look because Changbin was nowhere in sight.
After excusing himself to the bathroom, Changbin used some nasal spray in hopes of clearing some of the congestion, before shuffling to his bedroom to get Gyu. He looked like a dear in the headlights when his dongsaengs had already settled in the living room and were only waiting for him to join them. Felix’ face instantly softened, when he noticed the rapper’s startled expression. The Aussie lifted the blanket for his hyung to get under and helped him get comfortable with his head in the dancer’s lap. After nicely tucking the blanket around Changbin’s shoulders, Felix used his thumb to massage the spot between the older’s eyebrows and whispered: “What movie do you want to watch first?”
They ended up watching ‘The Polar Express’ first, though Changbin barely paid attention to the movie at all, choosing to keep his eyes closed as Felix switched from massaging his forehead to stroking over his cheekbones. Sadly, the rapper couldn’t even enjoy the treats his dongsaeng had prepared for them to eat because everything tasted bland to him. With his muffled hearing, Changbin also barely noticed Jeongin returning to the dorm close to the end of their movie but he felt Felix shift in his seat, having a hushed conversation with their maknae. Not long after, the Aussie ran a hand through his hyung’s hair, whispering: “Hyung, since you’re not really watching the movie anyway, just keep your eyes closed, yeah? I’m going to place something over your face.” Changbin gave a stuffy hum and felt his hair being brushed back before something warm touched his face. Felix had draped a warm cloth over the top half of the rapper’s face, leaving his mouth free, so he could still breathe. Maybe the warmth would be able to loosen the congestion in his sinuses and therefore ease the pressuring ache a little. What it did for sure though, was help Changbin relax, enough for the rapper to fall asleep to Felix playing with his hair. By the time, Chan Minho and Jisung got home, the members were watching ‘Home alone’ on low volume, which was accompanied by thick snoring coming from Changbin. Not that anyone minded because it meant that he was able to get the rest he needed.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
being honest i dont get jm using a award to say he misses tannie... we don’t know 90% of their lives but they are very close to the point of still sleeping together sometimes. and going deep if they were really a couple jm woudnt miss taes dog right? and even as friends he could visit it. unless its because of their schedule right... this kind of comment sometimes confuses me and haters will use it as “they arent close” lol. i just wanted to know your pov.
Judging by Admin 2's reaction, as well as some others in our asks, I have a feeling I was the only one with a more realistic expectation, or lack of expectations, as I waited for the BTS profiles to be posted. Based on last year's, I knew expecting something grand out of Tae, and especially Jimin, would just be me setting myself up for failure, which is what I think happened here.
But, let's discuss it.
I spent a solid couple of hours making an excel table last night that contains everything every member said about every member (sourcing 3 translators for maximum insight) to see if really what Jimin chose for Tae is so "bad" that suddenly people are sending us asks like this one, and another one I'll add later down the line. And the conclusion I've come to is that...what he gave to Tae, as well as Hobi and Seokjin, as awards are the only ones that have any actual emotional/personal connection to them.
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With Namjoon and JK Jimin basically states the obvious--Namjoon is tall and JK has gained muscle mass, meaning nothing new or with a proper emotional connection was stated; to Yoongi he made the same request many other members have made, so a work connection, nothing inherently personal.
Now, compared to that--Seokjin teases him/them, which isn't new info, so Jimin asked him to stop or do it less, a valid request which I'm sure he also voiced to Seokjin outside of this FESTA profile and also shows a degree of personal connection; Hobi gets requested to not walk away after asking Jimin a question, which again shows a personal connection and that it's a reoccurring thing; and lastly Tae with Tannie.
Something I've noticed is that some ARMY, who are used to our western celebrities and draw conclusions about idols based on those parameters, forget that BTS are busy, like whatever you consider busy, take that and multiply it by ten. During his vlive with Hobi and Yoongi back in April, Tae said that they are much busier and their lives far more hectic than any of us realize. Taking that into account, and the fact that one of the members (I think it might have been Seokjin) mentioned they work at least ten hours a day for 360 days a year with practice, MV and CF filming, photoshoots, interviews, recording and working on music, meetings, and many other things we have no idea about, do you really think Yeontan lives with Tae full time? A dog needs to get walked and fed but if Tae is out of the house every day for at least ten hours, what would happen to Tannie? He'd just sit around at home alone all day which just isn't fair, so I'm sure Tannie lives with Tae's parents much the same way Micky lives with Hobi's parents and/or his sister, JKs dog lives with his family, Holly lives with Yoongi’s brother, Moni with Namjoon's, and years ago Seokjin had to give his sugar gliders to his parents because he was too busy to take care of them.
Based on that of that, I'm not sure how often Tae get's to see Tannie. Probably not all that often, to be honest. So, if Tannie's owner doesn't get to see him often, I'd assume Jimin gets to see him even less (if we work on the assumption that Tannie lives with Tae's parents and thus Tae could only really see him when visiting them or when they visit him, that means Jimin wouldn't be able to see Tannie just like that either, since that would be like intruding on family time, right?). And we know Jimin loves Tannie, so him using that award to say he misses him and is asking about him shows care and an emotional connection to Tannie. Do I think Jimin also asks Tae privately about Tannie? Absolutely. And still, while Jimin didn't give Tae the, I don't know, "hot body Award" like Yoongi did with Namjoon or the "person I love most in the world award" (which we should know by now would never happen, and if you expected something of that intensity level, than I'm sorry but you've set yourself up for disappointment from the start), he still drew a personal and emotional connection between himself and Tae, as well as the pet Tae loves dearly.
More below the cut:
Jimin could’ve asked about the other pets of the members, but he didn’t, he only ever really talked about Tannie, and here he does it again, so doesn’t that show that he has a bond with him, a closer one than the other members since they don’t/didn’t ask about him (except for Hobi that one time on weverse)?
Speaking of Hobi, am I the only one who finds it interesting and cute that he only drew little hearts for Jimin and Tae when writing down their awards?
Also, we have to remember that these profiles are for us, fan content (remember when Jimin asked Tae last year to post more pictures of Tannie on weverse because ARMY miss seeing him, so what if this is drawing a connection/parallel to that?), and not meant as the members “confessing” something to each other that they otherwise wouldn’t or don’t have the chance to do so. It’s not meant to be all that serious and instead just be fun and nice for us to read, show us a bit of their dynamic and that’s it, no world shattering revelations to be found, from any of them. Or do you really think Yoongi doesn’t like Jimin just because he told Jimin he’s trying too hard to be funny? It’s just part of their dynamic. Or that none of the members have anything else to say to JK besides commenting on his body/appearance? As for vmin, I’d like to remind us of this moment from their Friends subunit interview for FESTA 2020:
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Whatever Jimin and Tae want to say to each other, they don’t need FESTA to do it, or us to be there as witnesses. Like Tae didn’t already say enough by telling us that 95z is love. Or Jimin by writing Friends.
From anon: because of you I came back da Namjin. I am a senior army and 2 years ago I left Namjin because I thought they broke up. You made me three Vmin but after what JK wrote about Jimin and after Jm himself about his chances I think that vmin are not together or Jimin withdrew. I think Jk would not dare to write about Jm that he has cute fingers etc if vmin were a relationship. it goes too far and confuses Jk too much. I don't want to say that J / k*ok is real because it certainly isn't !!!!
Now this is where I just sit and sigh heavily because it’s exactly what I expected and I will admit it irks me to no end. Let’s establish a little timeline:
Based on the FESTA Mission! BTS 4 Cuts Teaser that was posted earlier we can deduce that at least part of FESTA was already being prepared back in the first half of March, since on March 12th Jimin, Namjoon and Seokjin had their salad making vlive. Let’s suppose that everything FESTA related was prepared and written out by the members around that time as well. Sometime later BTS filmed YOU QUIZ followed by LET’S BTS and BTSxGame Caterers and everything else we’ve seen after that.
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Or going a little further back to sometime in November 2020 while they were preparing for MMA 2020 and the Black Swan performance. We got the practice video today and if you pay attention to Jimin and Tae even there you notice that while Tae is waiting for his turn in the choreography, Jimin runs past him after his part is done (0:55) and they pat each other or do a “high five” or something along those lines as a way to cheer each other on. A very “we’re broken up” or “I will break up with him soon” thing to do, right? Or in min-January when Tae posted seven pictures out of which three were of just Jimin after an ARMY on weverse asked if anyone had any nice pictures they could use as wallpaper for their phone. Between all that I’m having a hard time honestly finding any moment where either of them seemed sad or “cold” toward the other the way you would be and feel if the person you love pulled away from you or broke up with you.
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If you are still unconvinced and still think that is what Jimin tried to communicate to us, would Tae really have gone on national TV and said he likes Jimin the most? And would Jimin have agreed that he likes him a lot as well? Or looking at the making video of their Kloud Beer CF that was posted today as well, would Jimin really be looking and interacting with Tae this way if he decided to end things between them?
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Also, going back a little, your mention of Jimin reflecting upon opportunities/chances now that it’s a new year. My question is based on what you made the judgment that this comment has to be about vmin and not about something entirely different in Jimin’s life, or maybe something connected to BTS as a whole? Just because of him asking Tae about Tannie? Jimin, as well as Tae and the other members, have entire lives outside of just their bonds with each other, entire careers, passion projects, families, friend groups, and that little bit of time they have to themselves, so immediately thinking Jimin’s comment must be related to his relationship/bond with Tae basically makes it seem like Jimin’s life is a romcom or a TV show in which the only thing that matters is if the main character will date or remain in a relationship with character B or not, but life isn’t like that.
Personally it reminded me of something Tae said during their Bring the Soul documentary about how BTS had the opportunities to go higher faster but they decided against them. Perhaps Jimin’s comment was about something like this as well, especially since we know Jimin is a very private person and very selective of the personal things he shares with us and the ones he doesn’t.
For the FESTA profile JK decided to give Jimin the “Cute Award” with the explanation that his “Face, height, fingers are cute” which, honestly, is just saying something that a) is true and b) has been said in millions of ways by every member across the last couple of years. I don’t see what the issue here is? During one of the episodes of BTSxGame Caterers Seokjin said that Jimin is very cute and that he has a small, beautiful face, so really he even added the word beautiful in there, which JK did not, so what really is the issue here? The fact its JK, right, that’s where the issue lies, to which I ask why? On this blog we’ve already established that there is (in our opinion and based on everything we’ve seen and heard) no romantic connection between JK and Jimin (nor Tae), not now and not in the past either, so why is him saying that Jimin is cute (which he is known for even by people outside of ARMY, or like James Cordon calling him his cute baby mochi) is an issue but Seokjin or any other member is not? Either we use the same measurements for everyone or we don’t compare or make such assumptions about any of them.
What I find curious, because this does make it seem like you, anon, are someone influenced by J*k*ok shippers and their opinions, see an issue in JK saying that about Jimin, and how that’s “proof” that Jimin and Tae can’t possibly be together, and yet you took no issue to Namjoon basically saying he wants to give Tae an award because he is so handsome he is above every list or Yoongi comparing him to Michelangelo's David, both of these being much more superlative and grand complements/awards than JK saying Jimin’s face, height and fingers are cute.
It’s funny how things that Jimin and Tae have said about and to each other that make their bond very clear (I want to live with my lovely Taehyungie forever or here is my love for you while handing Tae a bunch of red heart balloons or 95z is love, a statement I’m sure he wouldn’t post if that sentiment weren’t mutual) are all questioned or ignored, but something as basically trivial as a comment about Jimin being cute is turned into a major issue. The mental gymnastics is fascinating.
Lastly, going back to the first anon and their mention of how haters will use Jimin’s Award for Tae as “proof” that they “aren’t close anymore”--why do we care? Like Namjoon said in the Mic Drop lyrics Haters gon’ hate. They will say a lot of things about a lot of things and even make things up if they feel like it to push their agenda, so really, regardless of what Jimin would’ve said, or not said, they would’ve found a way to twist it and make it fit their narrative. Besides, what haters think has no actual effect or bearing on what Tae and Jimin have with each other, and neither does what other shippers claim. Haters and other shippers don’t control the narrative, BTS do, and everything Jimin and Tae have shown us in 2021, as well as the last eight years, shows me that their bond has only ever grown stronger and closer and more beautiful and awe inspiring, even while haters claimed they stopped being friends years ago, so why should you or I care what they think?
Like Yoongi once said in one of his vlives about how haters can write all they want, he won’t read it while they will get sued.
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Conquest: Epilogue - 1
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP & ENG)
Translation: hyenahunt & haranami 
Nagisa: …I have still yet to become God, so all I’m able to do is sing and dance atop this stage and hope I bring even the smallest amount of happiness to everyone’s lives.
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[Location: Conquest Stage]
Ibara: (At long last, the big day is finally upon us.)
(After the incident, Eve went on what can only be described as a rampage…)
(And, as per His Excellency’s orders, Adam carried out a vast array of jobs and a countless number of performances to keep up with them.)
(Consequently, His Excellency — who’s now gotten a taste for this “God Mode” or such — declared on TV that he would “expel” Jun and I as well if we didn’t obey him…)
(Amongst other inflammatory statements.)
(I was planning on following his every command, anyways; there was no need for him to resort to threats.)
(Although, I have devised a plan that would allow me to break away if worse came to worst…)
(But that will be much more difficult to execute now that he’s made such a grand, public declaration.)
(Aghhh, he’s so infuriating. What on earth is he planning? Why has he chosen to behave in such an unhinged manner—)
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Nagisa: …Fufu. This is fun, Ibara.
…I was always jealous. To me, it seemed like you were the only one who got to do what you wanted.
Ibara: Saying that I was “the only one” doesn’t quite reflect reality.
Those ES idols have been following their every whim lately — Trickstar especially, although this can even apply to His Eminence Eichi now.
Nagisa: …Yes. What was it that they did… “Tempest Fest”? That looked like lots of fun as well.
…It seemed like a very important event to Eichi-kun, or perhaps the entirety of fine . So naturally, I wasn’t able to join at the last minute.
…Not even those who found the event pointless would enjoy watching someone ruin it with a smile on their face, after all.
Ibara: Yes, it’s exactly as you say.
In fact, I’m sure that the reason His Highness Hiyori was so enraged after hearing this plan was because he felt that his bond with you was being severed for the sake of mere entertainment.
It’s aaaall about feelings… Every last one of you just acts based on your feelings and nothing else! I, for one, am trying to actually work here.
Nagisa: …Yes. However, “work” and “torture” need not be synonymous; if we can enjoy the work we do, that is naturally preferable.
Ibara: If everyone started affirming and agreeing with that, this world would become one wherein no one would work if they didn’t feel like it, and the economy would collapse.
Modern society is but a castle of sand. It is only able to remain standing because we all devote our labor and money to it, distributing burdens amongst ourselves.
Nagisa: …That’s right. If only there were a God who’d be able to shoulder everything.
…I have still yet to become God, so all I’m able to do is sing and dance atop this stage and hope I bring even the smallest amount of happiness to everyone’s lives.
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Nagisa: …I do not find that painful at all. On the contrary, it is a joy, and I am extremely fortunate to consider it so.
…Ever since I was a young child, completely ignorant of the ways of the world, that has always been how I’d understand and communicate with him.
Ibara: “Him”?
Oh, good ― you’re finally here.
Hiyori: ......
Jun: Heya. Sorry we wound up cutting it so close...
Ohii-san's been taking on a stupid amount of work, so he'd put off everything else and let it all pile up to the point it was getting crazy outta hand.
Hiyori: Hmph, I'll hold onto anything and everything as much as I please and whenever I please, thank you very much.
And if I can't, then it's your duty to carry it, Jun-kun, so basically the fact that we're starting late is on you.
Jun: Goddamn. Honestly, sometimes... it feels like you reached out to me all for the sake of getting me to lug your bags around.
Hiyori: Even if that were the case, the fact that you even caught my attention should be a reason to rejoice, no?
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Hiyori: Be it a simple bag-carrier or anything else, I aspire to pick out only that which is beautiful and lovable.
Jun: (Mm~... As I thought, Ohii-san still seems to be in a bad mood.)
(He may be talking normally with me and all, but he won't even look in Adam's direction.)
(This is supposed to be the final performance of Conquest and he's still acting like this — it's really not looking good.)
(The plan was for Adam and Eve to stand side-by-side despite their apparent fallout, and sing all together as Eden—)
(As a grand finale where we reconcile with the power of song, or love, or something...? That's how the outline for this goes, anyway.)
(The only songs we've got prepared are four-person numbers, too.)
(So if he doesn't at least patch things back up before the start of the show, we're gonna have a real problem on our hands...)
Ibara: (—That’s likely what Jun is thinking at the moment.)
(After all, our fans online have decided to take baseless rumors as official information for some reason; they’re all rather riled up at the moment.)
(Adam and Eve will both strive to earn as much L$ as possible for the duration of this performance…)
(And the subunit who earns the most will gain the right to henceforth lead Eden.)
(Of course, we’d never make such a change in reality. We’re simply adjusting to how the general public is viewing this event.)
(Well, we could have simply declared the rumors false and ignored them completely.)
(But that would diminish the fans’ excitement; it would be a poor business strategy, and as such I’d prefer to avoid doing so.)
(There will be nothing to worry about if Adam ― if His Excellency ― wins. There would be no need to relinquish leadership.)
(But Eve got something of a head start, so it appears that they’ve got the edge over us, if only by a bit.)
(As such, there was another last-minute announcement.)
(We’ll have all the fans gathered here vote for either Adam or Eve, whoever they think gave a better performance.)
(The administration will be the ones to calculate the number of votes, so I can simply have them make up some figures arbitrarily in order to ensure Adam wins.)
(Adam and Eve are supposed to have a true confrontation here in order to reconcile, so this isn’t the smartest way to do things…)
(If the fact that we forged the numbers was found out, the public would lose all trust in us. There’s simply no other way, though ― I can’t think of any other feasible tactics.)
(This is but a necessary evil. That’s all it is.)
Hiyori: ......
Nagisa: ......
Ibara: (It appears that there’s still a rather frigid atmosphere between His Excellency and His Highness. I’m sure the audience will be able to believe this more than a forced reconciliation―)
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sluttyten · 5 years
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summary: you and mark hate each other, but that line between hate and love is really so very thin
words: 4,394
tags: knifeplay, blood play, dry humping, penetration
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When SM decides that there should be a female subunit of NCT, you’re one of the members. At first the guys hate the idea of there being female members, but it doesn’t even really matter because your subunit operates almost independently from the rest of NCT. Until one day your manager tells you that NCT U is having a comeback and they want you to be in it.
You’ve met the guys before of course, but you’ve never really practiced with them or even had like a full conversation with any of them. Until now.
The unit is made up of you, Mark, Yuta, Doyoung, Renjun, and Hendery, and one other girl from the female subunit. And instantly, you and Mark don’t get along. Maybe it’s due to a bad first impression or something, but you just grate on each other’s nerves, but it seems that Mark really can’t stand you at all.
Before you met him, before you were in the group, you knew who Mark Lee was. You’d seen videos and stuff of him and he always seemed so nice and sweet and friendly. But now you definitely see that he’s not like that at all. You can’t believe that you were lowkey biasing him before you were actually in the group. Like he’s still very visually attractive but everything else about him…
At some point you’re doing a little bit of overseas promotion for the group, so you’re all staying in a hotel. It’s fun to get to travel overseas with the group and it’s your first time doing so, therefore when you’re talking with the other girl in the group you’re both being loud and laughing, enjoying yourselves on this trip. You’re talking with Hendery and Yuta as well since they’re friendly, but Mark just glared at you, not even a part of this conversation, and he tells you to shut the fuck up. Specifically you. Not your other girl group member, not Yuta, not Hendery. You.
You do shut up, but you sit there internally seething, arms folded as you glare at the back of his head, and just radiate all of your anger, hoping Mark feels it. You can’t stand him, he makes you furious, and it just races through you, violent urges appearing in your mind like pushing Mark up against a wall or maybe having him push you against a wall, hands rough on him or maybe him being rough back with you, and then your imagination shifts and suddenly it’s not just pure anger—the urges in your mind shift the visualization to Mark’s bare shoulders under your hands, his hips against yours.
It’s fucking stupid. Hate and lust are so easily tangled together for you.
Just a few days later, you’re just generally pissed off. You didn’t sleep well the night before because the other girl was talking in her sleep, plus you’re just still mad at Mark for telling you to shut the fuck up, and you just feel angry and frustrated at yourself for your mind creating scenarios that turn sexual every time you want to be mad at Mark.
So, when you’re coming back to the hotel from a performance, neither one of you is actually in a good mood at all. Everyone’s keeping their distance, and as you walk toward the bank of elevators in the hotel lobby, the rest of your group members hurry ahead and the staff members drag behind, but you notice none of this until you’re already in the elevator with the doors closed behind you.
It’s just you and Mark.
“What the fuck.” You groan, turning your back on him.
Mark makes an equally dissatisfied noise as the elevator shudders to life and begins rising. It shudders again and stops. You wait for the doors to open, for some poor hotel guest to step into the hostile air of this elevator, but nothing happens.
The doors stay closed.
And then the lights flicker.
“What did you do?” Mark asks, moving over toward you to move you out of the way so he can look at the panel of buttons you were standing in front of.
You frown at him, wrinkling your nose at his close proximity. “I didn’t do anything. Why would I? You think I want to be stuck in here with you of all people?”
Mark snarks back, and you are just not in the mood at all to deal with him, especially not in light of this new situation.
You shove him.
Mark stumbles backwards until his shoulders hit the opposite wall of the elevator. For just a second his eyes are wide and confused, but then that look disappears and he’s sneering at you, like a challenge.
You close the distance between you, press your hands to his shoulders to keep him pinned like that, but Mark just keeps staring right back at you without any shame or fear or anything more than like this look of satisfaction. As if he’s been waiting for you to snap like this.
And that infuriates you.
“I fucking hate you.” You spit the words, but Mark just smirks.
When you first moved to Seoul, when you left your family behind in pursuit of your career, your father slipped you a gift before you got in the car to leave. “Don’t tell your mother,” he’d whispered. “I just want you to be safe. It’s a big city and there are dangerous people.” He’d pressed the gift into your hands, hugged you tight, and let you climb into the car that would take you away from them.
It was a while later when you finally looked at the gift and found that it was a switchblade he’d slipped you. At first it seemed over dramatic. You would just carry like pepper spray or something. But within your first week in the city, as you walked home alone from the convenience store one night, you wished you had the blade, so you began carrying it.
And even now, a few years later, with bodyguards who protected you, you still carried the switchblade.
You leave one hand on Mark’s shoulder, pinning him to the elevator’s wall, and your other you dip to your waist.
Mark hisses in surprise when you press the cold metal of the blade against his throat. Not hard enough to do any damage, just enough that he feels it’s presence, the sharpness, the threat.
It’s a risky move and you realize it the next second. Mark could freak the fuck out, report you to your managers for threatening him with a weapon. You could be terminated for this.
Luckily, Mark just swears under his breath, and you feel his fingers curl over your hip as he tilts his chin up to expose more of his throat.
Heat unfurls in your belly. The whole atmosphere in the elevator changes. Your pressed against every inch of Mark, your blade grazes his throat when he swallows. When he moans and shifts his hips forward, just enough that you can feel something hard against you, you drop everything, step back.
“Are you turned on, you sick fuck?” You stow the switchblade back in your waistband, noticing the way Mark’s eyes follow it. And though your tone is accusatory, you push away the voice in the back of your mind that reminds you that you’re turned on too. That heat is just pooling inside you; you can still feel the ghostly warmth and weight of Mark’s body against yours, feel the thrill that zipped through you as you held a knife to his throat and he liked it.
The elevator shudders again and moves, smoothly this time until it stops on the floor where your rooms are. You leave the elevator, slipping out before the doors are even all the way open.
You hear Mark leaving behind you, and then you hear the beep of his hotel room unlocking and the soft sound as he falls shut behind him. You shape your head, trying to clear your thoughts that invade, telling you to walk back to his door, to knock and go inside, to just let the list consume you and be fired by that hatred.
Your roommate is sitting on her bed when you come inside your room, and she glances at you sneakily a few times before saying, “What took you so long? We were making bets in our elevator on if you or Mark was going to kill the other first. I don’t see any blood or anything, so I’m only assuming that he’s alive too?”
“Yeah. Our elevator stopped for a couple minutes.” You dig into your suitcase. “I’m going to shower.”
She doesn’t say anything else, just watches you gather your clothes and go. And you’re grateful for the silence because it lets you run things back in your mind, repeating every encounter you’ve had with Mark to date. Is there something you’ve missed? Some detail that showed to you that he would like you holding a knife to his throat like that?
You think about it in the shower until your roommate knocks on the door and says she has to pee. You think about it more as you lay in bed in the dark, your roommate’s sleep-talking making you incapable of falling asleep. Though the thoughts running through your mind could also be to blame for that—how could you sleep when you’re thinking again of Mark’s moan, his hips rolling forward to grind his erection against you.
It’s after one in the morning when you decide you can’t stand it anymore. You pull on a sweatshirt, slip on some shoes, and you tuck your blade into your waistband again.
Mark’s rooming alone. You know that because everyone had made a fuss about it. The other guys hadn’t wanted solo rooms, but Mark won the draw. So you know there’s no one else there to disturb when you walk over to the door. You consider knocking, but it’s late and the noise will echo, it could wake someone else up.
As you stand there contemplating what to do next, your hand raised as if to knock, someone walks up beside you.
“What are you doing?” Your manager asks.
You jump, drop your hand down to your side. “Oh God, you scared me. I’m just—I was coming over to apologize to him. We were arguing in the elevator earlier, and I’ve been thinking about it instead of sleeping, and I just want to apologize. But if I knock it could wake up everyone.”
Your manager, who you know hates that you and Mark don’t get along, smiles. “I think apologizing is a great idea.” He reaches into his pocket, sorts through a few room cards, and then hands one over. “Don’t take too long apologizing, okay? And please don’t make it into a bigger argument. We have a schedule tomorrow that you need to be well rested and on your best mood for, okay?”
You nod, swipe the keycard, and then open the door before handing back the card and watching your manager walk away.
The room is completely dark once the door closes softly. But you stand there for a moment and let your eyes adjust to light offered by the city, shining in through the window since Mark had barely drawn the curtains.
He’s in bed, asleep on his back, so you move carefully as you crawl onto the bed, straddle his waist, and then pull out your switchblade and press the button on the side of it.
Mark’s eyes fly open when he hears the snick of the blade opening. You put the blade to his throat in the same move, quickly quieting him, though he still whispers your name, his voice raspy, surprised and turned on. His hands are on your thighs, his eyes are wide and shimmer in the faint light.
Slowly his lips form into a smile. “Did you come to hurt me?”
You don’t answer him, just carefully draw the tip of the blade over his throat, over the soft skin under his jaw, right to his chin so he angles his face up. You reach with your free hand to touch his hair, brush your fingers through the gentle curls on the top of his head. Your heart pounds in your chest, this close and this intimate with Mark.
“You know, before we were in the same group, I used to really think you were hot. You were my favorite in NCT.” You explain softly. “But then the first time we met, god, it was nothing like I expected. You were totally different than your image, and then the next time was worse. You weren’t nice to me, and I didn’t know what I did wrong. Since then it’s only gotten worse for the two of us, but, shit, you’re still very, very attractive, Mark Lee.”
You nod, and say nothing, just slowly roll your hips down over his dick. His fingertips skin up your thigh, dipping under the edge of the shorts you’d worn to sleep in. Your pussy tingles with desire, but you’re in charge here and you want him to feel that.
You sit up, moving your hand with the blade away as you drag Mark upright as well with your hand in his hair. You keep that hand in his hair, but your other goes to his shoulder, and in the moment before you kiss him, you hear Mark’s breath catch and then pick up, and he lurches forward to press your mouths together, a moan slipping from his lips.
You slide the blade over to press against the base of his neck, and Mark groans, his hands on your skin twitch as if to draw your down against him. You sink down against his cock growing hard in his shorts, circle your hips and bite his bottom lip.
“You’re so weird, Mark. Does this turn you on?” You drag the blade down over his collarbones to the neck of his tshirt. “A sharp blade against your throat, a girl who you hate sitting in your lap and wielding it?”
He hums. “Love it. I think I’ve—“ Whatever else he was going to say fades away as you kiss him again.
The tip of the blade snags against the neck of his shirt, and the fire ignited in your belly tells you that maybe it’s time that you just get rid of the shirt all together. You’re pleased at the east slide as your switchblade cuts just right through the fabric. Mark makes a startled sound, but you shush him and kiss him some more until the blade slides sideways and refuses to cut anymore of the shirt.
You sit back on your heels, drop the knife to the side, and grab his shirt instead. Mark watches you with his bottom lip caught beneath his teeth, and you tear his shirt the rest of the way apart. It falls down from his shoulders, leaving Mark’s bare chest in front of you.
When you lips touch his collarbone, Mark makes another quiet contented sound, but the farther down his chest you kiss and lick, the less quiet he gets. When you reach the base of his sternum, he tries to rock his hips up against you, so you press a hand to his shoulder, and push to get him to lay flat again.
You pick up the blade once more, slide it down the center of his chest as you sit up on his hips. Mark watches you closely, try not to breathe too hard when you skim the blade close to his nipples, and when you have it near his abs, he flexes them.
It’s when you start to slide back from his hips, bringing the knife closer to his waistband, that Mark squirms.
“Relax.” You palm his dick. “I’m not going to cut this off or anything.” He pulses in your hand, and you give a gentle squeeze that has Mark closing his eyes and biting back a sound. “Unless you want me to really cut you? The thrill of the knife itself isn’t enough for you, is it, Mark?”
He shakes his head.
You move the knife back up his chest. You hesitate, not wanting to do it in the wrong spot or too deep or anything actually dangerous to him.
“Don’t tell me you’re pussying out now?” Mark asks.
“Of course not.” You touch the tip of the knife to a spot on the right side of his chest. “I’m just building the tension. I know you like it.” You pump your hand over his clothed dick again.
“Then why don’t you just—“
For a moment you think maybe you didn’t actually cut him at all, then a fine line of blood wells up on his chest. Mark hisses, his dick moves in your hand. You drag your thumb through his blood, smearing it over his chest, and you realize your pussy is dripping wet. You didn’t know that you were really and truly into this knifeplay or the blood until right this second.
Mark almost whimpers when you press your thumb against the cut again. “Fuck, fuck. This is hot.” He rocks his hips up into your hand.
It’s a shallow cut, already it’s stopped bleeding.
Mark rolls his hips, trying to get more friction than your hand is offering. When you bring the knife down to his abdomen again, he goes still, but you can almost feel him quivering with the need to move, held back by the thin sliver of the knife’s edge.
Quickly you drop the blade, put both hands to the waistband of his shorts and his underwear and bring them down. His cock springs up, wet and hard, shiny with precum. Mark kicks his shorts off to the foot of the bed, his hand flies to touch himself.
You take up the switchblade again, and gently tap it against the back of his hand, slide it along this forearm and then toward his palm. Mark lets go of his hold on his dick before the blade gets too close to that sensitive part of him.
With nothing touching him, no knife or hands or anything, just you staring down at him, his cock bobs in the cool air, dripping a clear drop of precum to his belly.
You skim the blade through it scooping some up, and you bring it up to Mark’s mouth. His breath clouds the metal, and he looks into your eyes as he holds out his tongue.
You’re very careful as you wipe his wetness off on his tongue. Mark’s cock twitches as he tastes it, the taste of his precum and the cold bite of the metal. You feel powerful like that, fully dressed over his nude body, making him clean his precum off your knife.
And the power feels nice, but as you watch his cock so hard against his abdomen, you’re pretty sure that having him inside you just might feel nicer.
You slip your sweatshirt over your head, and you hear Mark’s gasp as your tight tank top has your tits on full display for him, your nipples stretch against the fabric, and he moans again. You see him lift his hands before he second-guesses himself and drops them to his sides again. You want to feel him touching you, palming your tits while you’re seated on his cock.
You move forward, properly straddling him again, rubbing your still clothed pussy over his bare cock. Mark moans, and you muffle the sounds with your lips on his.
He touches you then, his hands dive into your hair, his hips rock up against you, dry humping you, and making such lovely noises that you swallow down.
You sit up, breaking the kiss, and holding your hands to his shoulders so he can’t follow you (as he tries to do). You glide your hips forward and back, savoring the feel. “Fuck, Mark. Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want to be inside me?”
“Yes, I always have. First time we met,” Mark’s nearly panting as you keep humping him. “That first day, do you remember? You were fresh from practicing your debut? You were wearing a tight top and short shorts, and you looked so fucking pretty, dewy from exertion, and I just looked at you and thought about how good you would look like that but from my cock.”
He’s saying all the right things right now. You’re soaking wet, and you stop to just grind your clit in little circles against the head of his dick.
“I want to make you cum on my cock, so just stop with this fucking teasing.” Mark groans, bucking his hips up.
You rise up on your knees, reach back to pull aside your shorts and panties, and then you sink back down, rubbing your bare wet pussy over his erection. Mark nearly whimpers, but he covers his mouth with his hand, just watching you tease.
When you sink down on him at last, his cockhead dips inside you, and you just keep going, sinking down down down until Mark’s cock is fully inside you. You sit on him for a minute, savoring the feeling of being full. He hits all the right spots just like this, and you wonder how angry it would make him if you just stayed like this, cockwarming him. Would it make him angry enough to take control?
You couldn’t have that. So you move.
You keep it slow at first. Still teasing, loving the way that Mark bites his lip to try to keep quiet, how his eyes flutter shut when you pull up to just the tip and clench around him. You love seeing him like this, totally under your control.
The switchblade lays forgotten in the sheets beside Mark, so you pick it up, close the blade and toss it onto the bedside table. Enough of that, you got what you came here for, though there is one other thing you want to try.
You sink all the way down on his cock, circling your hips, and you moan his name. Mark hums in response, his hands come up to grasp at your hips, helping you in the way you move. You trail a hand up his chest, and when your fingertips touch his throat, Mark opens his eyes to watch you warily.
You press your thumb in, applying light pressure. You just think Mark would look so pretty with your hand on his throat, and if he likes the threat of a knife, maybe he’ll like being choked too.
Mark’s face shutters, closed and cold suddenly.
“No,” he says, batting your hand away. His tone goes so serious that you fully back off, sitting totally upright. At least now you know not to test it again. So instead you reach for his hands, bring them up from your hips to your chest.
His hands are warm and good, massaging your tits, but then also pinching your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. You drop down hard on his cock. Heat blossoms inside you, hungry and seeking all the pleasure you can get.
Mark sits up as if he needs the same thing. He kisses you again, a clash of lips and teeth and tongues. You swear you catch the metallic tang of blood, but then it’s just the taste of Mark’s kiss, a hint of mint and something else, and you fuck yourself down on his cock, harder and faster, no longer trying to tease him because you just want an orgasm, want to feel yourself unraveling with Mark inside you.
He gets there before you. Your fingers move over his chest, one of them dragging over the cut you gave him, and that’s what finally sets him off.
Mark moans out a series of swears, his hands fall to your hip, pulling you down on him as he rocks up into you, and cums. Shooting his load inside your pussy.
You fall complete into him. Chest to chest. You grasp at his back and his shoulder, your nails scrape his skin, and Mark groans, pulsing the last of his cum inside you. You moan his name, whimpering as your orgasm finally hits you, buzzing to life and burning through you. You shake and clench, and you bite down on Mark’s shoulder as his hands press you down on his cock, still grinding you against him.
After the last of your orgasmic bliss fades and the uncomfortable over sensitivity sets in, you put a hand to his arm, and Mark stops moving your hips in those slow circles. You don’t move, not more than detaching your mouth from his shoulder. You just rest your head there instead, breathing slowly and just settled in to this feeling of being wrapped up in Mark.
Everything is quiet. Maybe somewhere outside the room in the city you hear sounds, distant sirens or road noise. But inside it’s nothing more than quiet breathing and heartbeats, the rustling of sheets when you finally move off of him to lie down beside him instead.
In this quiet it seems okay to touch and be touched by each other. Mark’s fingers are light on your skin, tracing your curves, the shapes of shadows, just touching you to touch you.
“How did you get in here anyway?” Mark asks after an eternity, his fingers stop moving over your body and instead curl against your inner thigh.
You take a moment to answer, to finally find your voice again. “I told our manager I was coming in here to apologize to you. He let me in without another question.” You take his hand away from down there.
Mark smiles and twists his hand around so he can play with your fingers. “Apology accepted, I think. And if this is how you always apologize, I don’t see any reason that we should stop doing what we do outside of this room.”
“I still hate you.” You tell him. “You just happen to also really turn me on while annoying the shit out of me.”
“Good,” Mark guides your joined hands to his chest, brings them down to rest over his steadily beating heart. “I still hate you too.”
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based off this message: masochist/sadist mark? You're in a co-ed group, you see eachother everyday and for some reason he fucking hates you?? The longest conversation you had was him telling you to shut the hell up because you were laughing (not even that loud)? The nice christian boy is for press? One day you're not in the mood and you snap on him and threaten to come to his room when he's sleeping with a knife(it gets graphic) and he thinks it's hot?So you grab that knife and hold it to his neck and he smiles?
a/n: this was a message that at first I wasn’t too sure about, but god then I started thinking about it and I had to write this
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happycoincidences · 3 years
Big Kpop question tag
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I was tagged by @myeoning-call thank you!! ♥
•Song That Got You Into K-Pop: Bae Bae by BigBang. I first clicked on Loser, I wasn’t feeling it completely but liked it enough to give them another chance so I clicked on Bae Bae, that one was on repeat for weeks. 
(Idk... I think I might seem like an older kpop fan but I got into kpop in 2015. I’m one of those people who when getting into sth they really dig further until the origin of a thing, especially when it comes to music. So I know a lot about 1st and 2nd gen too, and I am mainly a fan of 2nd and 3rd gen bc I’m more around the same age as late 2nd gen - 3rd gen kpop idols, we grew up around the same time so I relate to them the most. For reference I am 2 years younger than Gikwang (late 2nd gen) and Yongguk (early 3rd gen), same age as Ken (early 3rd gen) and Sunmi (late 2nd gen). I heard about Kpop before 2015 ofc but i was in an industrial/obscure electronic music fase before kpop)
• Song That Gets Stuck In Your Head: The Chaser by Infinite is an earworm
• Fav. Male Group: When it comes to male groups, I make the distinction between ults and mains (ults are the most important, but “main” means I listen to them all the time as well, I just don’t feel as connected to them as people).
Ult: B.A.P, Highlight/Beast, iKON, VIXX
Main: BigBang (they were my first group which is special but I feel less connected to them than with my ults), SHINee, TVXQ/JYJ, H.O.T, SuperM, NCT (WayV mainly), 2PM, Super Junior, Block B 
• Fav. Female Group: Wonder Girls, 2NE1, f(x), Orange Caramel, Brown Eyed Girls, 9Muses, Ladies’ Code, T-Ara, Kara, 3ye
• Fav. Underrated Male Group: “B.A.P we didn’t deserve them”  <- agreed!
• Fav. Underrated Female Group: Spica
• Fav. Male Soloist: Lee Gikwang, Taemin, Bang Yongguk, G-Dragon, Jonghyun, Woodz, Ash Island (last one is actually khh, and Yongguk used to be kpop but I guess he’s more khh now)
• Fav. Female Soloist: Lee Junghyun (her debut album “Let’s go to my Star” is my favourite kpop album actually!), Sunmi, BoA.
• Fav. Male Choreography: Drip Drop by Taemin is a classic for me + So many other Taemin performances.
• Fav. Female Choreography: Paradise Lost by GaIn, another one would be 24 hours by Sunmi.
(-> I generally like solo or pas de deux (duo) more than entire group choreographies, it grabs the heart more imo. Tbh as I’m writing this I have ballet performances in mind when it comes to touching you emotionally through dance. Kpop dance has some impressive tricks but it isn’t particularly emotional, which is what’s most important to me)
• Fav. Subunit: Orange Caramel!! (and WayV if that counts)
• Fav. Senior Male Group: H.O.T if we’re talking about disbanded senior groups, TVXQ/JYJ, Super Junior and Sechskies if we’re talking about still active senior groups.
• Fav. Senior Female Group: Brown Eyed Girls
• Fav. Disbanded Male Group: B.A.P ♥
• Fav. Disbanded Female Group: Wonder Girls and 2NE1 ;;;;
• Fav. Band: N.Flying
• Fav. Male Rookie: Idk.. Oneus maybe? I listen to them casually. (I consider them rookie)
• Fav. Female Rookie: 3ye (They debuted in 2019, to me that’s still rookie)
• Fav. Male Dancer: Highlight/Beast Gikwang, SHINee Taemin, B.A.P Jongup
• Fav. Female Dancer: BoA
• Fav. Male Rapper: B.A.P Bang Yongguk
• Fav. Female Rapper: Brown Eyed Girls Miryo
• Fav. Male Vocalist: iKON Junhoe (he has a very unique and ‘harsh/rock’ voice for kpop, my fav voice in kpop), VIXX Jaehwan (Ken), Highlight Yoseob and Gikwang (Gikwang has a good voice but it’s not the most powerful one, but I just really love hearing him so.. :)) ♥♥)
• Fav. Female Vocalist: 2NE1 Bom
• Fav. Male Debut: Warrior by B.A.P, 7th Sense by NCT U
• Fav. Female Debut: 와 (Wa) by Lee Junghyun
• Fav. Music Video: The Closer by Vixx !! 
Honorable mentions: Yamazaki by Bang Yongguk, We are the future by H.O.T , Mirotic + Rising sun + O -正.反.合. (정반합) by TVXQ, Lies + Haru Haru + Last farewell by BigBang (those MVs bring me back to when I was a teenager, the low rise jeans, the pink Motorola flip phone.. one of my friends had the exact same one at the time), One Shot + Skydive by B.A.P., Mystery by Beast (both the official mv and their self-made mv) + Adrenaline by Beast/Highlight (a very basic mv but I instantly become happy when I watch it)
• Fav. Underrated Song: The Closer by Vixx, again! Also Outside Castle by H.O.T, Copy and Paste by BoA, Dear. Rude by JeA ft. Cheetah, She’s gone by G-Dragon, and Hikikomori by Bang Yongguk(♥)
• Fav. Male B-Side: Obsession + Divina Commedia by G-Dragon, Blind + 주소서 (Pray) by B.A.P, Love me do + Silence + Trigger by VIXX, Sexuality by Taemin...  
• Fav. Female B-Side: Ca teint moi + GX 339-4 by Lee Junghyun (!! the entire Let’s go to my Star album is a no skip for me), Wonder Girls: almost all of the Reboot Album...
• Fav. Comfort Song: (Most comfort songs are either by B.A.P or by Beast/Highlight because they’re the ults of the ults lol)
B.A.P: Save me, Diamond 4 ya, almost the entire Noir album (+ Ya by Bang Yongguk)
Highlight/Beast: Lightless (unplugged version), Sad movie, Curious, Danger, Sleep Tight
Some H.O.T and TVXQ songs
Top 5 BG + Fav. Song/s:
B.A.P: Young, Wild and Free (my very first Bap cb and their very first cb after the hiatus and law suit), the entire One shot EP, Power, Feel so Good, That’s my jam, Warrior, Unbreakable, Badman, Excuse me, 1004, Bang X2, Hands up + the ones I’ve mentioned above (+ many of Bang Yongguk’s solo stuff)
Highlight/Beast: Plz don’t be Sad (<- always makes me happy), Breath, Bad Girl, Mystery, Shock, Special, Fiction, Shadow, Good Luck, Celebrate, Love like this, Not the End, Disconnected + the ones I’ve mentioned above (+ many of Lee Gikwang’s solo stuff)
iKON: Killing me, Rubber Band, Bling Bling, Ah Yeah, Dive, Why Why Why, Dumb & Dumber, B-day, Rhythm Ta, I’m Okay
VIXX: The Closer, On and on, Voodoo, Secret Night, Black Out, Hyde, Light up the Darkness, Love me Do (actually produced by Yongguk and it does sound like it could’ve been a B.A.P song♥), Rock ur body, and almost the entire Eau de Vixx album
BigBang: Blue, Bae Bae, Tell me Goodbye, Lies, Last Farewell, Haru Haru, Café, Fantastic Baby, Bad Boy, Let’s not fall in love, Beautiful hangover, La la la, Last Dance (+ many solo songs by G-Dragon, T.O.P and Taeyang)
Top 5 GG + Fav. Song/s:
Wonder Girls: basically the entirety of the Reboot album, So Hot, Tell me, Why so lonely, Like this, Like money (the version without Akon), and last but certainly not least So Hot + I Feel You (band version♥)
2NE1: Crush, Come back home, Hate You, Can’t Nobody, I love you, I am the Best, Don’t stop the music, Fire, Goodbye (;;;)
f(x): Pinocchio (Danger), Mr. Boogie, Nu Abo, Hot Summer, 4 Walls, Chu, La Cha ta, Electric Shock, Lollipop (ft. SHINee) 
Orange Caramel: Abing Abing, Catallena, My Copycat, Lipstick, Gangnam Avenue, Shanghai Romance, A-ing
Brown Eyed Girls: Kill Bill, Sign, Cleansing Cream, Sixth Sense, Abracadabra, How Come
Groups Planning to Stan:
A.C.E: (I listened to them casually for a couple of years but I want to get to know them better and I’ve been binging a lot of ace videos these past 4-5 months.)
After School: (I LOVE Orange Caramel, but for some reason I never listened to the main group’s songs)
Infinite: (been wanting to for years, I know a good amount of songs and been listening to them for years but yeah)
(These 3 groups feel like they have the potential to become fav groups of mine.)
I tag: @alldayxia @fashionbitchgd @epiphanicwiring @larktrash @novararavis @224-12​ @skyisfull​
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viastro · 5 years
lowkey | xu minghao
ミ★ synopsis: in which you’ve been pining after your fellow dance member, xu minghao, and he helps teach you the choreo one night.
ミ★ genre: mainly just humor, some fluff, y/n is a dummy, minghao is a softy
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 3,648
ミ★ pairings: minghao x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi!! it’s been awhile uhh, i think i’ll be writing a lot more since i’m quite literally self quarantined. don’t hold me to that tho cause i’m a shithead when it comes to writing 🙈
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You know, you weren’t that big of a fan of dancing when you were a child. The first day your mom brought you to your ballet class, you started crying because they wouldn’t give you the big, pink, fluffy tutu. As soon as the class ended you told your parents you were never dancing again, but look at you now. You’re 21 and you are still, in fact, dancing. To make it even better, you’re dancing different genres and are also now part of the dance team at Seoul University.
While you’ve obviously grown to have a love for the art, your parents still like to tease you and copy the way you used to cry about not wanting to go to dance. The most popular quotes they mock you with are, “Wahh! You can’t make me go to ballet! I’m not even the Sugar Plum fairy, this isn’t fair!” as well as the very special, “I’m not a dancer, for I, am The Rock.” (You had a The Rock obsession, so what?) Even then, you let them have their fun because you were truly a nightmare to get into the studio as a child. The three of you made the conscious decision to only j​oke about it together and to ​never ​bring it up to your dance team.
Especially since the guy you’ve been pining over for a good year is part of the dance team. In fact, he’s one of the aces of the team. There’s four of them: Soonyoung, Chan, Junhui, and last but definitely ​not the man of your dreams, ​Xu Minghao. The Uni students like to refer to them as the Four Aces, A4 for short. They’re practically Gods at the University, all the freshmen have a crush on them whether they want to admit it or not. Whenever the big showcase comes up the four of them are a subunit and have their own choreo. It’s pretty epic.
You’re rather close to Soonyoung and Chan since they help you out after practice is over so you can touch up on choreo. Soonyoung’s usually the one you go to to ask for help considering he’s the one who comes up with the choreographies half the time.
“Okay but y/n, make sure to make that move sharper. It shouldn’t be that soft, it has to be aggressive. Yeah, like that!” Soonyoung tells you with a big smile once you correct it. You grin, pushing your bangs off your sweaty forehead. You glance over at the clock to see that it’s 12 am already.
“Let’s continue on Monday, Soonyoung. It’s already really late.” You tell him and he looks up at the clock, shock now displayed over his features. “Holy shit. I didn’t even realize it’s already midnight.” He mutters, making his way over to his bag to pack up his stuff.
“Time flies when you’re with a cool gal like me.” You joke.
Soonyoung looks up and stares at you, no emotion on his face. The room is in pure silence.
“You are hilarious.” Soonyoung says blankly after a beat and you throw your sweat towel at him. He lets out a giggle, dodging said sweat towel. You chug the last of the water in your bottle, before tossing it into your bag. You throw your gym bag over your shoulder and pick up the sweat towel you threw at Soonyoung.
“You’re lucky this bitch didn’t land on your face. It would’ve been a tragedy.” You tell him with a smile, going in for a high five.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later y/n!” You wave bye and head out the door.
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“UghhhHHHH!” You screech into your pillow, kicking the bed with your feet at the same time. Seungcheol stares at you as you have a mental breakdown from the chair by your bedroom window. You lift your head up to suck in some more air before slamming your face back down into the pillow to scream some more.
“Y/N... please... I just wanted some ramen.” Seungcheol begs from the chair, flipping himself so that his head is hanging from the end of the seat where your ass is supposed to be. You lift your head up, shooting him the scariest death glare you can muster. He squeaks, closing his eyes and turning away.
“Haha.... Just kidding... go ahead...”
You turn over in bed, now staring at your ceiling. You recall the previous events of your day that has led up to this exact moment of internal self ​LOATHING​.
“Soonyoung, can you come look at this?” You call from the floor of the dance studio, he turns and jogs on over you after telling Jun and Minghao to wait a minute. Minghao stares at you and you glance down at the IPad right away. ​Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.
“What’s up?” Soonyoung asks as he plops down beside you, back against the mirrors. You show him the competition list, and he lets out a sigh. “God.” He mutters, turning off the IPad and pushing it to the side.
“Guys, we’re competing against Mayhem.” Soonyoung announces to the group and almost everyone groans. Well, pretty much everyone except Wheein. She ends up choking on her water mid-sip and leaves the studio in a coughing fit.
“Literally why. I swear, they have something against us. Not even kidding, they literally wanna eat our ASS!” Jun yells and Minghao pats him on the back. You put your head into your hands, closing your eyes as you realize how much harder Soonyoung and Chan are gonna push the group to make sure we get another win.
So basically Mayhem are your biggest competitor, but they have a vengeance against your group specifically. You’re not sure whether it was because of the time you accidentally walked in on one of their lead dancers using the restroom because she didn’t lock the door, or the time Chan ate the last chocolate donut in the rehearsal room. Either way, they’ve made it their ultimate life goal to beat you guys in every competition.
Too bad they haven’t been able to do that.
“As long as we work harder, it’ll all work out in the end. Everyone, get in formations.” Soonyoung announces, clapping his hands. Everyone makes their way to the middle of the dance studio, but you sit there and pout.
“Y/N, c’mere.” Chan calls over, shooting you one of his dazzling smiles and making a grabby hand towards you. You sigh, unable to say no to one of the cutest men alive.
Guess I'll die.
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“Y/N, hit that move harder! Good!” Soonyoung yells as he watches you practice in the mirror. You feel your cheeks get warm after he calls you out in front of the rest of the team.
In fact, you were so embarrassed by the constructive criticism that when it was time to change the formation you accidentally tripped over Minghao’s foot, aka the foot of the guy you’ve had a crush on for the past two years haha !
This causes you to fall forward, about to plummet your face into the hardwood floor, only for Minghao to quickly step forward and wrap his arm around your waist, spinning you around, basically saving you from a lot of physical pain. It was, indeed, one of the biggest cliches you’ve ever been through in your 21 years of living, but did that stop your heart from beating out of your chest when you were looking into Minghao’s eyes? No. :D.
“Are you okay?” He asks breathlessly and you try to find your voice so that you can answer and not look like a buffoon. Alas, you cannot escape from who you truly are. ​A buffoon. ​You end up squeaking out a “yes.” and twirl yourself out of his grasp, only to trip over your own two feet so he reaches out and steadies you once again.
“Welcome back.” Minghao jokes at the fact that you’re in his grasp once again and you squeak once more, jumping away from him.
It’s only then that you realize the rest of the team is just gawking at you two. Well, except the rest of the A4. Their facial expressions range between a look of surprise and mischief. Minghao begins to take notice of the silence in the room and ends up coughing into his arm to break it. Everyone starts acting normal to avoid getting on Minghao’s bad side.
“Well.. let’s run it from the top shall we?” Chan says as he casts a smirk in your direction. You stick your tongue out at him and he chuckles, heading over to restart the song. You glance up into the mirror and notice Minghao’s eyes on you, and he gives you a sly grin.
Oh good god.
“So.. what you’re telling me is that you not only embarrassed yourself in front of your dance team, but also in front of the guy you’ve been pining after for the past what, year?” Seungcheol asks. You nod your head slowly, and he has half the mind to giggle slightly.
“Motherfucker why are you LAUGHING at my MISFORTUNE!!” You yell, throwing your pillow at his face. Seungcheol dodges the pillow while laughing at your outburst.
Frowning you mutter in tiny font, “It’s actually been two years.”
“I have an idea.” You glance up at Seungcheol with a slight hopeful expression on your face.
“What if... you just talk to him?!” You are now frowning at Seungcheol.
“Are you crazy? After our four years of friendship you think ​I’m​ going to talk to the person I’m secretly in love with?! Absolutely insane, love. That would never work anyways, I’ll just admire him from a distance like I usually do.” You explain, sitting up in bed.
Seungcheol stares at you for a moment. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you pout down at your folded hands. Your hair is a mess from slamming your head down onto your pillow for at least ten minutes. You may have passed out for a minute due to that but that’s a secret we’ll never tell. He cocks his head to the side, now thinking about how dumb you are. What you apparently don’t know is that Seungcheol is close friends with A4. He’s heard Minghao complain about how shy he is towards you, and how he just wants “to hold her hand sometimes, maybe even a hug and kiss on the forehead. Perhaps even... a kiss on the lips.”
But I’ll just let her suffer. ​Seungcheol thinks to himself.
“Whatever you say y/n. I’m gonna start making some ramen ​myself​ now since you seem to not wanna get out of bed. Came over for us to have a ramen bonding study session only for it to end up with you being stubborn and threatening to murder me with a hanger. I hate it here. This is Seungcheolphobic.” Seungcheol complains under his breath as he gets up and steps out of your bedroom. You glare at his back, laying back down so that you’re once again staring up at your white ceiling. You grab your white pillow beside you and hold it up, imagining that it’s Minghao.
“​Hi. M​y name’s Minghao, I have nice black hair with pretty brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Not only am I tall, lean and fashionable, but I’m also a multi-talented man. I like to volunteer at the animal shelter for funsies and I have a part time job at a dance studio teaching little kids how to dance. Fuck YOU Minghao. Perfect ass bitch. Literally being my dream man I HATE it here.” You mutter to yourself as you glare at your pillow you’re holding above you.
You scoff, throwing the pillow onto the floor and turning over in bed, now staring out the window. The scent of ramen goes through your nose and you find your tummy beginning to rumble. You hear a new sizzle as you assume Seungcheol is making you both eggs. You sigh, getting up from bed.
“Wallow in self pity later. Have fun with your bestie now.”
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“Y/N!” You glance up from your phone to see Chan standing in front of you with a knowing smile that has you feeling a bit nervous. “What...”
“So the incident that happened on Monday-”
“Oh hell no! We aren’t talking about this.” You shut him down real quick, standing up to walk to the other side of the practice room. Chan giggles and reaches out to grab your arm, stopping you from running away to safety.
“Channie! I don’t wanna talk about it please!” You whine and he laughs even more, patting your shoulder to calm you down.
“Alright, alright. I just wanted to let you know that Soonyoung and I have to go to a seminar tonight so we won’t be able to help you later with the choreo.” He tells you regretfully and you raise an eyebrow, heartbeat quickening a bit.
“Then why are you here? Who’s gonna teach me-”
“Chan?” You pause as you hear that familiar voice.
Oh... my god....
“Hi Minghao, I’m just letting Y/N know that you’ll be helping her out tonight since Soonnie and I are busy.” Chan says, and flashes you a sly smile. You almost reach out and choke him but he pulls away.
“Have fun y/n!” He sings and walks out the door, leaving you and... ​him ​alone. You glance up at Minghao as he sets down his bag, taking his hat off along with it. Your eyes widen once he looks over at you and you glance down.
“How often do you do these late night practices with Soonyoung and Chan?” He asks, taking off his windbreaker as well and you feel yourself ​break out into a sweat.
“Um, every week. Soonyoung started helping me once he walked in at like 2 am only to find me practicing for our first showcase in freshman year. It’s been our thing since then, Chan joined in on our late night practices when he was a freshman as well.” You explain, putting your hair up into a low ponytail. He nods with a satisfied look on his face, heading over to plug his phone into the aux.
“What are you struggling on? Is it the part before the change in formation?” Minghao asks and you almost throw yourself off a cliff once the vision of Minghao holding you from last week pops into your mind. He turns to look at you once he notices how you’ve become silent, “I just thought because of what happened on Monday that you were struggling with that-”
“No, no I totally understand why. By the way, I’m so sorry for uh.. falling... on you...” You mutter quietly and he shakes his head, waving his hand as if to say, no biggie!
“But yeah, that one is kind of hard because the formation change is one that we don’t do often, ya know?” You answer and he nods. “Yeah I totally get that, don’t worry.” He responds and you find yourself staring at his black hair, which now covers his eyes a bit.
He’s the only guy who can make a mullet look good, you think to yourself. He glances up at you and gestures for you to go to the middle of the dance floor, to which you comply.
“Alright, so let me play the part right before the formation changes so that I can see you do it. Then we can work on what I see you struggling on and fix it.” You nod. It didn’t hit you until now that the guy you’ve been pining over is going to watch you dance by yourself, analyzing your every move to see what mistake you’d make. Now that it’s hit you, you think you’re gonna shit yourself.
Minghao gives you a thumbs up in the mirror and starts the music. Once you notice the part coming you glance up in the mirror, feeling your stage persona take over and the nerves ease away. Minghao watches you turn from the shy, timid person he knows, to a confident and talented woman as you dance. The change has him in awe as he watches you wink in the mirror when you hit a move nicely. He sees you fumble a bit shortly after before catching yourself, continuing to perform as if it never occurred. He pauses the music once you go to your spot in the formation, and you catch your breath.
“You’re really fantastic at what you do, I could see your stage presence come out and it was really uh, attractive, ​to see. I noticed the technicality error, and it’s really small so don’t worry. I’ll just run through it with you.” Minghao explains and you nod, feeling your face heat up when he compliments you. What you don’t notice is that Minghao’s full on blushing right now from his slip up, but he turns away before you can take notice of it.
“So you need to watch your footing here, because you fumbled a bit during this part,” Minghao performs the specific move where your feet cross over before going into a spin. His movements are similar to water, usually so soft and gentle but later become sharp, similar to an ocean wave crashing onto the shore.
“Try that.” He tells you after he specifies what made you slip up and you nod. Getting into position, you redo what he did and he smiles, clapping his hands.
“Nice! Okay now,” He does the small body roll and you bite the inside of your cheek, cursing to yourself. You stare at his face, noticing the small furrow to his brow as he puffs up his chest for the next move. Minghao glances up into your eyes as he does this and pauses. Warmth floods your face as he seemingly stops teaching you. ​She’s so pretty, Minghao thinks to himself as he watches you for a moment. He runs a hand through his hair, breaking the eye contact as he glances down at the shiny wood floor.
“Is there something on my face?” He mutters and you break out of your spell, shaking your head profusely.
“No! No, sorry I just...” You panic, fingers fumbling together as you try and come up with a response that doesn’t mention how handsome he is and how much you wanna run your fingers through his hair.
“You just what?” Minghao asks, cocking his head to the side as he watches you internally freak the fuck out.
“I just... I really think you’re an amazing dancer and you’re really handsome but it’s so much more than that. You’re so passionate and good at what you do, but I’m really intimidated by you and I’ve been crushingonyouforyears so being in a room alone with you is really nerve-wracking.” You quickly explain. He freezes, staring at you with wide eyes. You also quite literally pause.
“I... am so sorry. I’m going to go. You don’t have to like me back, I’m so sorry!” You apologize profusely, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes as you start to back up towards your bag. He reaches out and gently takes a hold of your wrist, pulling you to him in a hug. You freeze in his embrace, and he nuzzles his head into your neck.
“Don’t go. I like you too, y/n.” He mutters quietly.
And this. This is when you start sobbing.
You fall to your knees, covering your face with your hands as you ugly sob right in front of the guy who you no longer have to pine after. He’s staring at you helplessly as you cry into your hands about the fact that you thought your crush was hopeless for years, and how you never expected this to happen.
“I-I’m so sorry. I’ve been really e-emotionally unstable, ​hiccup, r​ecently for no reason. This is like, the best day of my, ​hiccup, l​ife.” You explain through your tears and Minghao lets out one of his cute little giggles that sends you over the edge once again. You let out a loud sob and he giggles again, pulling you to him in a hug and rubbing small circles on your back.
“That’s okay, we can keep it a secret from everyone that you sobbed after I confessed to you.” He tells you soothingly and you hit his arm softly, making him chuckle at you.
“How are you so calm right now?” You complain, pulling back ​regretfully f​ rom the hug and looking up at him with tear tracks running down your face, along with a bit of snot. ​How cute, h​e thinks to himself. He reaches over to his bag from the floor and grabs his towel, wiping away your snot and tears.
“I’m quite literally shitting bricks right now from happiness, but I’m just not showing it because I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” Minghao explains and you bite the inside of your cheek. You glance back up at him and he gives you a small smile, reaching up and patting your head.
“You wanna get back to the choreo?” He asks you and you shrug, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. Crying made you tired.
“Can we just hug for a bit more?” You ask and he smiles, pulling you back into his warm embrace. You sigh contentedly, nuzzling your head into his shoulder. You both stay like that for a while, letting the recent events settle into your thrumming hearts.
“Does this mean we’re... boyfriend and girlfriend...” (👉👈) Minghao asks shyly, breaking the comfortable silence. Giggling, you reply, “I believe so Minghao.”
He squeezes you even tighter, nuzzling his head further into the crook of your neck.
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luvbotclub · 4 years
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content warning for angst & character death. 3,044 words. inspired by the k-drama “while you were sleeping” and red velvet’s “my second date”.
author’s note: i’m sorry dis is actual Shit. >____< i have a thing where i think of sad fic ideas while listening to cute, happy songs and this is one of them!! i have a lot more ideas based off the red songs in the perfect red velvet but this is the one that stuck to me the most :] i think this has been in my drafts for two years already, yikes. 
deep breaths.
you closed your hands and grasped jaemin’s hand tightly.
4:07 pm.
jaemin was bound to be here any moment now, you thought as you shuffled through your makeup bag for that one shade of lipstick you knew he loved. today is your second date with your boyfriend of a year, which was a fact that your friends found ridiculous when you told them about it.
because of your very busy schedules, you two saw each other rarely and relied only on texts and video calls for communication. you were surprised jaemin had the actual patience to keep a relationship like this, since you knew that he was the kind who constantly craved to be in the presence of the person he loved.
you didn’t expect to be with him. to put it straight, you two were just drastically different from one another. jaemin was always bright, from the way he smiled to the way his hair colour changed constantly. he was the actual personification of an ideal summer morning, a picnic under the warm sunlight where you lay on the grass and smell the dew against your cheek, feeling the refreshing burst of watermelon and strawberries meeting your tongue. always smelling of roses and that one expensive brand of cologne you wanted to sink your face into. 
and you? well, you hated being bright. you hated sunny days. you hated summer. you hated roses (god, you really despised roses and jaemin knew perfectly well of that). you hated that specific brand of cologne, but with jaemin, you soon grew to love them to the point your constant need for him to be by your side was almost insatiable.
when you two met, it was sudden. an actual cliche. probably something you could see in those romantic korean dramas you watched when you were bored during work. a force made you bump into a strong figure in your favourite coffee shop, the content of your cup spilling down both of your shirts. when you met his eyes, you feared for your life. he looked like a mean boy, again like one of those spoiled rotten bitches from dramas who’d slap you with a stack of their money for simply staring at them. but instead of the expected sneer, he gave you a big genuine smile that spread a small warmth in your stomach  that didn’t leave you for days. apologies quickly left your lips as you tried your best to clean up his shirt for him with the tissue you were holding, but he stopped your wiping when he reassured that it was okay and that he didn’t like that shirt anyways. you felt so embarrassed that you thought you were going to die that moment. a blush soon grew on your cheeks as you noticed the growing outline of his toned stomach through the damp fabric.
he introduced himself shortly as na jaemin, an idol from a quite popular boy group. you didn’t recognize him and weren’t into boy groups at all since you were too immersed in your career to actually pay attention to everything else, but it didn’t come out as a surprise that he was some sort of celebrity — people in the coffee shop were already pointing at the two of you and whispering urgently into each other’s ears behind their hands as their eyes raked you from head to toe, probably making up a rumour of some sort and judging you for the bungou stray dogs t-shirt you decided to wear today. your ears went hot as you realized the sudden attention and jaemin led you out of the shop once he noticed your flustered state, not before apologizing repeatedly to the staff for the sudden uproar that you two have caused.
you found out that he snuck out of the dormitories with his other members to walk around since promotional season just ended. he wasn’t expecting to be out this late when you reminded him of the time. he said that he didn’t want to leave you and stayed with you until a taxi came by. before riding the taxi, jaemin asked you if you two could exchange numbers, since he wanted to pay for the coffee that was spilled on him. you told him that he didn’t have to yet he insisted, so you grabbed his phone with a pout and typed your number in as he did the same. just before you left he smiled at you and pulled out one of his spare sweatshirts from his bag and pulled it over your head.
“so you wouldn’t be cold.” he spoke shortly, before opening the door of the taxi and closing it once you got inside, but not before he shot a wink at you and away you drove.
you had to admit, you were scared that he forgot about you. you were trying to forget about the boy named na jaemin who you met accidentally, because it wasn’t like he’d be actually interested in you. you did a little bit of research on him and indeed, he’s an idol from a group named nct. you started listening to their songs and you can’t call yourself a fan, but you do enjoy hearing their music. 
two days after meeting na jaemin, you weren’t expecting a sudden notification from him while  listening to an ep by the subunit nct 127. you had to put your mug of green tea down, pause the song which you checked was named “jet lag”, and stare at the notification before tapping it and contemplating whether you should reply or not. he asked you how you were doing, apologized that he hadn’t checked on you right away if you got home safely since he was busy, and introduced himself again just in case you had no idea who he was.
the conversation was pretty awkward, but you tried not to think about it too much. you didn’t know each other that well yet and you were still testing the waters, both of you saying “no you” so many times that it drove you mad. you reminded him of the sweatshirt he left you, and asked when he was free so you could give it back to him. he told you that you could keep it and consider it as one of his “payments”, the other payment being a coffee date.
you had to draw back from your phone for a whole minute before sitting down on your bed and screeching into your pillow, phone in hand. he had asked you on a date so smoothly that it took you a few rereads before you got the meaning behind his message, and when it hit you, you felt blood rushing to your cheeks— a feeling that left you a little lightheaded.
you agreed on the date.
it happened later that week, on a friday. he told you to dress comfortably and thickly since you were going to watch a movie before going to a coffee shop so it might be a little chilly. you decided to wear the sweatshirt he gave you, basking in the strong scent of his cologne that made your ears go red as you thought of the way he smiled and flirted with you. you hated cologne, absolutely hated it. you felt sick whenever you got a slight sniff of it and the cologne jaemin wore was similar to the cologne your annoying coworker you sat next to at work wore, so it made you confused as to why you suddenly liked it (but it’s not like you were complaining).
the rest of your relationship went pretty smoothly, which surprised you. you thought you weren’t going to get along pretty well because of his flirty personality and the lack of patience you have for people like him. jaemin’s honey-like voice calling out to you, giving you compliments about the littlest of things like how the earrings you wore for today’s date fit you so well, and the way he’d act all cute and pouty whenever you rolled your eyes at him and his flirtatious advances— you usually found such things uninteresting, repetitive, annoying— but with jaemin, you found yourself slowly falling for him.
as you started dating, you and jaemin practically shared everything with each other. embarrassing stories that still haunt both of you to this day, your deepest darkest secrets, your fears, your interests, your aspirations, the strangest things that have happened and are still happening to you. you both agreed that it was a good way to communicate with each other, so that there wouldn’t be any feeling of doubt and embarrassment between you two. 
but the only strange thing about you that he didn’t know about was you often had dreams that came true since you were just a child. sure, it sounds pretty ridiculous, but you didn’t know any other way to explain it to others without sounding a little crazy. you thought the same thing about jaemin. a part of you thought that he’d react normally to it since he loves you way too much to think negatively of you in any way (a thought that brought a small smile on your face), but another part thought that he’d probably find it strange in a way.
these dreams sometimes involve people who are close to you, but sometimes you see people who you have never met once in your life. most of your dreams aren’t that bad. some dreams end up being good, some end up being so gruesome to the point you were scared to go to sleep. you eventually lost count of the late nights where you laid awake in your bed, eyes fighting to stay open for you were afraid you’d see the bloody scenes that were practically imprinted on your eyelids again. you knew there’d be a new murder investigation by the moment you woke up the following morning or another car accident broadcast on the news for the whole country to see.
you couldn’t do anything about these dreams. you didn’t know how to stop having them or how to stop the things happening in them, but it wasn’t like you didn’t try. you saw a close friend of yours, seulgi, get into an accident during one of her friends’ summer out-of-town trip in one of your dreams where luckily she came out alive, but she suffered many major injuries that left her bedridden for months. you tried to convince her to stay in the city for at least one more day the night she was about to leave, but she insisted she needed to get out of the city to relieve some stress as soon as possible and your pleas fell on deaf ears.
as much as you tried to do something, you knew that whatever you’ll see is fate and who were you to go against that? even if it sounded way too hopeless to admit, you were only an observer, helpless in this situation. 
you heard the front door slam shut once you were done applying the lipstick on, smacking your lips together and seeing if you missed any spots or overdrew. you looked up to see your boyfriend leaning against the doorframe, looking fresh with his freshly dyed grey hair and smiling down at your dressed up state.
“i really love that shade on you, baby,” he murmured, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead before setting his bag and cap on the bed.
“that’s why i picked it for today,” you giggled and you saw the big grin on his face through the mirror, watching him undress and rummage through the closet for his clothes. “are you going to wear that one dress shirt?”
“you know me way too well, y/n,” jaemin laughed and pulled out the exact dress shirt you were talking about.
it looked simple, like any dress shirt would look like— a crisp white with translucent buttons lining down the front, but he always looked so handsome in it.
“of course i do,” you chuckled as he buttoned his shirt on, stopping midway once he saw you standing up from your chair and making your way towards him. you replaced the fingers on his shirt with yours and buttoned the last three two buttons on his shirt.
jaemin hooked his fingers under your chin, facing your head up so that you were looking at him. the look of pure adoration in his eyes made you swallow harshly and a shy shade of pink dust over your cheeks. he never failed to make you feel like this, as if you hadn’t been dating for a year already. your friends always told you that their boyfriends weren’t this affectionate after a year of being together, but you guessed that jaemin was different from them.
you were lucky he was different.
he leaned down to press a kiss on your lips and you kissed back eagerly, balancing yourself with tipped toes to kiss him deeper. you whined when he pulled away, a teasing smile on his face when he saw the pout on your lips.
“doing that won’t make me kiss you again, baby,” jaemin cooed, pinching your cheeks and smiling wider at the frustrated whine you let out. “anyways, we’ll be late for our reservation if we continue.”
“why?” you teased, walking to the mirror besides the bed to look at yourself and adjusting the dress you were adorned in. “you can’t resist me, can you?”
“you know i can’t.”
you looked back at your boyfriend and smiled at him, sticking your tongue at him before grabbing your purse from the bedside table.
god, you were going to miss this.
you bit back the tears that threatened to fall as you and jaemin exited out of the room, both dressed and ready to go outside. you swore you could bask in his scent all day long and you’d never get tired of it, the soft scent surrounding the car as you both got in and he pulled from the driveway.
as usual, jaemin’s unoccupied hand met yours once he started driving, his attention at the road not wavering once. you could only stare at his side profile and wonder to yourself what you did in your past life to deserve this kind of view right now.
you felt your heart swell, a mix of sadness and adoration swirling in your stomach and making it twist; you adjusted yourself on the carseat and looked ahead, fingers intertwining with jaemin’s.
you were really going to miss this.
last week, you saw yourself dying in your dream.
since jaemin had absolutely no idea that you had these occurring strange dreams that always end up happening, he thought that you were only having a nightmare so when you sat up in the middle of the night, a drop of sweat running down your cheek and eyes teary, he held you in his arms as you cried into his shoulder until you fell asleep, the bloody images still visible in your mind as you dozed off.
jaemin brought it up the following morning over breakfast and asked what happened in your dream that made you heave and struggle for breath the night prior. you shook your head and refused to answer him, jaemin soon stopped asking and didn’t pry any more into the situation as you stuffed his mouth with toast with a sleepy smile on your face.
what you saw in your dream was exactly what happened a few minutes ago; you were getting ready for a date with jaemin (you were adorned in the same shade of lipstick you were wearing right now), the time in your clock was the same, 4:07pm, the way jaemin looked at you was the same, even the featherlike brush of his lips against yours felt the same.
just as you were nearing the restaurant you made a reservation in, a loud honk startled both of you and jaemin, making you let go of his hand that wasn’t occupied by the steering wheel. just mere seconds before the car got hit, you remember looking at your watch and reading 4:49pm.
in your dream, you saw the aftermath of the accident. the images made you feel sick to the stomach as the photographs from the crash flashed on the screen, blurred so that it wouldn’t look as disturbing as the real thing but people could still see the skid marks smeared with hints of a deep red left on the streets through the filter.
the news anchor was talking about the accident the day prior while the headline flashed through the television screen— y/n y/l/n, victim of a brutal drunk driving accident in seoul, 20, pronounced dead at the scene. apparently, the truck driver was drunk during his shift and he was still yet to be found after he fled the scene, after a glint of fear appeared in his eyes after seeing your practically deformed body hanging out of the car’s windshield, limp and lifeless.
the silence in the car made you feel uneasy, heart beating in your chest way too fast and teeth biting onto your lips to not breathe so hastily and alarm jaemin. 
you remembered yourself in the dream mumbling:
one two three.
before the truck made an impact with the car.
your eyes darted to your watch, the hands aimed at 4:48pm.
deep breaths.
you looked over at jaemin, and finally let the tears fall from your eyes. you grasped his hand tighter and inhaled deeply, holding it up to your lips and pressing a small kiss on the soft skin. you couldn’t see his face, vision becoming blurry as more tears fell, but you could feel a smile growing on his lips.
this time, you didn’t want to let go of him.
“yes, baby?”
you were going to miss him.
so fucking much.
you let out a little laugh, choking on your own sobs and jaemin was so clueless to it all as he finally looked at you, his concern growing when he saw your tear-streaked face.
“i’m happy i get to spend my last day with you.”
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
(dances) 📖 what if, idol au 4 all ur beebs
i may know shit abt idols and how everything works BUT id die on a hill for this au (dances with u)
also pls dont mind my inner kpoppie coming out, my bias for certain styles is rlly shining through... IM ALSO NO EXPERT, SO DONT JUDGE ME
idols au
roza: she is in an unit but occasionally releases single albums due to her astounding popularity! roza follows usually girl crush concepts or concepts focused around love (including heartbreak) but her fans also adore it when she deviates from that and takes another turn - for example, in their latest comebacks (and roza’s solo), their concepts changed more into self-love!
despite that, people are so surprised to find out how much of a playful sweetheart she actually is. due to her clueless but entertaining personality, people love seeing her in interviews or shows.
roza is vocally quite strong and is usually praised for her range. she definitely has room for improvement in the dance apartment, but in her unit, she is the main vocalist. other people would consider her to be the visual alongside with another member.
examples would be; blackpink and mamamoo but as well as heize and iu
xiang: this man works as a solo idol and he is known for his more mature, sensual and sometimes rather explicit concepts. his albums are always a... sight to behold, honestly. let’s just say, they follow rather risque ideas - but hey, the producers and managers can’t complain, he’s bringing in the cash.
xiang is most definitely a more visual and dance heavy idol - his good looks attract attention and not to mention his build allows for some rather unique wardrobe choices. fancams of those love to go viral and they make people’s jaws drop.
other than that, he is actually excelling quite well at demanding dances - people like to praise him for keeping up a great vocal performance despite the difficult dances.
compared to actor au, however, he is viewed with a much more critical eye; xiang’s bold and doesn’t hold back his tongue, after all. not to mention, his fans grow quite jealous of him being possibly involved in love affairs.
if i had to give examples of the type of music he’d have, i’d say... wonho - it’s exactly what i imagine for xiang. other than that, i’d add taemin, nct or vixx
theodor: sweet lil’ theo is in an unit! his height brings him a bit at an disadvantage but his vocal abilities are very outstanding for that. he very much fits in more cheerful and crush themes - people eat that shit up and think his unit’s eras with those concepts is where he shines.
people love to gift him plushies of alpacas or llamas during fanmeets. he keeps every single one of them and the amount of photos that he posts of them with himself is astounding - not to mention during the fanmeets, you can see him hugging them for almost the whole duration.
watching the dance practices is usually pretty fun because you can see theodor making funny faces; he always brings a lot of sunshine with that cute face of his into the room and that makes him a huuuuge fan favorite for the stans of his group.
examples would be: shinee and got7
balgair: ASSUMING balgair would be in stagrove as a sort of. subunit? OR AT LEAST in a group with a similar style. i’d say he is definitely a dance heavy idol. most likely lead dancer AT LEAST. i think of like... very on point and synchronized. definitely also pretty rebellious and bad boy concepts going on.
like i said, i'd deem balgair to be a lead dancer - people would say he is rather underappreciated and deserves a lot more recognition. they also complain about the lack of his lines. but further than that, balgair's got a very charming and charismatic character - he only lets his mischievous side show during shows or interviews. he also appears to be fluent in a few foreign languages, so international fans always joke about him having a secret account to see what content the fans produce for him.
during fanmeets people LOVE talking to him, just because of how extroverted and friendly he is. they also comment on how, close up, you can really notice his unique fox-like face structures.
examples: nct and block b
chloe: she's a rather more 'unknown' idol, if you are not part of the community, but still has a certain reputation. as a solo artist, she goes against the typical girl crush concept and follows something more gender stereotype breaking.
she's very heavy on the vocal parts and also is praised for her pretty face, despite the lack of facial expressions she shows during lives or interviews. however, according to her fans, the longer you follow her and her content, the more you realize she's just a very awkward girl, bad at expressing her feelings - but that's what makes her so loveable.
she isn't the most actice idol, thus comebacks are rather not frequent for her, but you can very often see ads where she participates.
examples: moonbyul
madeline: good ol' maddy is the visual of his group. his vocal range is outstanding, but he is only considered as the lead vocal in his unit. he's another one where people like to say that his dancing leaves room for improvement; it's an inside joke in his fanbase that he is stiff like a log during dance practice.
madeline was formerly just an actor before he switched branches. his fanbase carried over as well, so he already made a name for himself. people did enjoy watching his growth, though; at first, it was hard for him getting used to teamwork, as he appeared to see it all as a competition instead of a group project, thus he was rather hostile in his trainee days. but he grew and developed and his fanbase really enjoys pointing that out about him.
his concepts are often a bit more on the emotional side; showing a rather vulnerable side of love, so to say. other than, his concepts are a lot more 'artsy' and tend to carry a convoluted plotline throughout the album. it's unusual, but certainly unique.
examples: bts and exo
briar: and lastly! our pricky prick himself! briar is one of the unexpectedly older idols but for that he is pretty much a talent in all fields - dancing, singing and even his visuals are nothing to complain about. he is a bit more... controversial, so to say? a lot of multistans think he is rather arrogant and really unfriendly - while they recognize his talent, they are critical of his attitude.
his concepts are varying, but it's usually also more of a bad boy and mature theme. his dance routines are fun to watch. sometimes, behind the scenes, you can see him teaching other members or helping them out. it's not too unusual for people to believe he is the leader of the unit.
examples: nu'est and 2pm
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kyunsies · 4 years
Oh hey you listen to NCT too? I’ve been trying to get into them recently since I like SuperM and was trying to get into the groups that like makeup SuperM. But I admit it is a bit overwhelming they have 23 members and all those subunits. 😅 Do you have any song recs for any/all the NCT units??? Thanks!
yes i listen to nct!! i’ve been stanning since 2018 which doesn’t seem like a long time but i always tell everyone they are almost like, my first “love” LOL even tho i was into many other groups before them!! superm is very nice but i don’t even consider them a “original group” bc it’s just SM artists lkfjsdkf it’s a very odd concept right?? my thing is if ppl stan superm then you would expect them the stan the groups that those artist are actually a part of bc if not,,,,,,,,,,,it’s just a little odd right?? (i’m not aiming this towards u AT ALL this is just my thought process lol) but maybe it’s because i was interested in the groups before superm was created :’) ANYWAYS!! 
SO yeah nct’s concepts are super confusing but once you know how everything works it’s really not too bad :’) so you know i’m sure nct consists of nct 127, U, dream, and wayv (even tho wayv is it’s own entity hehe) // 
nct 127: i can’t choose a song LOL but i must recommend the entire cherry bomb album + regular-irregular albums they are so incredibly amazing! also if you haven’t heard already, neo zone is a great album too <3 but i don’t think it encapsulates nct’s older sound
nct dream: this is tough bc i was never into dream’s music in the beginning bc it was way too bubblegum pop for me :’) but i think my favorite song from nct dream is either GO or 1,2,3 !!
nct u: i love the concept of nct U bc basically you can fill that unit with how many members SM sees fit the concept idk i feel a lot of ppl don’t like U’s concept but hey!! anyways my fav songs from U are yestoday (honestly one of nct’s best songs ever), boss, the 7th sense (my first nct song) and baby don’t stop <3 
wayv: tbh i am not a fan of their new discography LOL like it’s not bad or anything like that!! they have come a long way!! no one used to talk about them much and then like, after bad alive or moonwalk or love talk came out everyone has been giving them the love they deserve so that’s really great <3 but i really like their dream launch song!! it’s precious :)
nct: as a whole u must check out the empathy album!! has all the units from 2018 and there isn’t one bad song <3
hopefully this is helpful for you hun!!!!!!!! enjoy nct!!! they are so talented and prove themselves with every cb :)
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Hello! How are you? I hope you're doing well :).
Uhm, well you see....I don't know if it's okay if I kind of ask you for advice (?) but please feel free to ignore this if you don't want to reply, I understand if you do and I will respect it.
Well, you see... I don't want to get into great detail with the story of my life, but, long story short, I have adhd-pi and I was bullied at school and I kinda swept it under the carpet when I got a year held back because I got to meet new people so I tried to leave it in the past.
I thought I was over it throughout the years, but turns out I am not over it and this year after quarantine a lot of things have started surfacing again and it's horrible because my head will bring up stuff that I don't want to remember and whenever I try to distract myself my head will now kind of associate that distraction with another unpleasant memory.
I also have more issues trying to socialize which is something I didn't struggle with that much last year. Like I was able to start a conversation with people and classmates almost smoothly but now I can't, and I've gotten like, two attacks in class. One because I was terrified of presenting a project and the most recent one because the teacher asked me something in class.
I was trying to become friends with a new student in my subunit because my few friends are in the other one because we had to be divided because of Covid.
It was good at first, really nice, genuine, etc.. but things went down when I was paired up with them for this project and I told them I was terrified of presenting and they told me they felt the same way and I remembered they told me they have anxiety. When the day of the project came it was a mess. I had to tell the teacher about our problem because they wouldn't say anything and I broke down when the teacher pulled me out of class to talk. The teacher told me that I wasn't loosing anything at her class but I could lose my job in the future and that this was and exception and could not happen again. She added that I should stand by my partner's side during the presentation to support them but I didn't have to present and that I would have to read the titles on the slides if I could. When she stopped talking I tried my best to tell her that my partner has the same problem and with a heavy sight she told my partner to come out of the class. The teacher started kinda scolding us (which made me feel worse because it's not something I could control) and then my partner made up the excuse that I had just told them that day about my problem which is a lie because I did tell them before. They later on after the presentation proceeded to look at me with one of their friends and they said something along the lines that I had left them hanging. They stopped talking to me and I at first felt guilty but then I felt mad. I would also try to ignore their presence in spaces we had to share and I would not even look at them.
It's been a couple of months since that incident and I really don't want to get into deeper detail about what I saw about this person at first and what I see now or what other events have happened in my life that have made me feel like utter crap, but basically I've been paired up with this friend of them (the one they told about me leaving them hanging) and another classmate. Despite them already knowing that I have this problem (or at least I assume so because they saw me when I was standing by this person's side) I don't know how to explicitly let them know about it. I don't really trust them (especially this person's friend) and I really don't know how to tell them because it's not easy but I need to tell them.... how should I tell them? Thank you so much for your time! I love your blog!
Ah, I forgot to add that I mentioned all the things that happened to me because I believe that my attacks are linked to it in some way (?)
(just clarifying so it doesn't look like I said all of that without any context at all)
Once again, thank you so much for your time!
Hi anon!! Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you.
As long as my ask box is open, feel free to send these things in!! Keep in mind I’m not a professional, and I might not get back to you immediately, but I’m always willing to help someone who needs it. The exception is if you’re considering suicide or are otherwise in immediate danger, in which you need to contact an emergency line or a hotline.
You’re not alone in having things resurface that you thought you were over - that’s happened to me too, during quarantine.
It was wrong of your partner to lie to your teacher and lie to their friends about when you told them about your problem, and I’m sorry you had to go through that. I hope you know that feeling mad is totally valid. *hugs* 
If you have trouble talking to people in person, could you email or text them? I’d suggest sending your partners something along the lines of “Hey I don’t know if you guys know this, but I have really bad anxiety and I’m not able to present. If you guys want, I’ll do extra work on the slides so that you guys can present. I can also read the titles.
I’d also email the teacher beforehand explaining your situation again so that there isn’t a problem on the day-of. Something like 
“Dear Ms ___,
I know it’s been an issue before, but I wanted to reach out beforehand about my inability to present. I’ve talked with my groupmates, and we’ve agreed that I’ll do extra work on it and only read the titles. I wanted to let you know so that there wouldn’t be a problem on the day-of.
I wouldn’t talk to your current partners about what happened in the past, because if anything that could turn into drama pretty fast. But if you want to talk to your original partner from a few months back on it, you could send them something like “I know this happened a few months back, but it really hurt me and I’d like to talk about it if you’re open. I felt really hurt when you told the teacher that I hadn’t told you in advance about my presenting problem, since I did. And when you said something similar in front of your friend, it also made me feel hurt and angry. I understand that you have anxiety too and I’d like to be on good terms again. If we’re ever paired up in the future, could we try to talk to the teacher about any problems we have beforehand? And if I’ve miscommunicated in any way, I’d like to be told so that I’m not blamed for failing to do something, when I did do it.”
Of course, I wouldn’t send something like that if you don’t want to repair the relationship. And either way is okay! You’re not obligated to forgive or be friends with them.
Going back to what you said earlier about memories resurfacing - how I deal with them is grounding techniques! Like you mentioned, distracting yourself doesn’t always work and might just lead to more associations, but using methods to ground yourself in the present moment might be super helpful.
They work well for panic attacks, too. I might have linked this before, but 7 Cups has a help guide on panic attacks that might be helpful for you.
Sending you love and I hope things turn out alright for you! 💚
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Hi, I know you’re a fan of namjoon so I wanted to ask your thoughts on this ring thing? I’m kinda new and assumed all these namjoon is married with kids stuff were a joke. But some people seem to totally believe that. I mean where he’d get the time to see a partner and kids is beyond me but who knows? Anyways I was looking at some of their recent pics and he doesn’t wear it all the time - which if it was a couples ring - wouldn’t he? I thought maybe he would only wear it if they were appearing on Run or Korean shows, but he didn’t have it on for either of the new shows they’ve been on recently, as they may not have been as widely watched. I mean I guess it’s none of our business - but I’m trying to rip of my delulu hat for making me think Seokjin gave it to him 🙈
Hi anon, I hope you don’t mind that I’ll combine my answer for you with my answer to another ask since I feel like they fall into the same kind of category, as in people taking things too far and/or blowing things out of proportion. And, coincidentally, both have something to do with rings.
I’ll start with your question though and give you another example that followed a very similar trajectory as the omg namjoon is married with kids because ring narrative/theory. Some months ago, Namjoon posted a few pictures on twitter and among them was a picture of him with another guy wearing a green sweater. His face though was covered. At first ARMY didn’t think much of it, but then, eventually, someone started a joke that “remember that sweater Joon wore for BV4? The guy is wearing the same one, what if that's his boyfriend?” and it went viral.
It started out completely harmless with hundreds of positive and funny tweets made in good humor, no one taking it that seriously knowing that we’d never find out even if it were true. But, as the jokes started to simmer down, everyone had their laugh, the next wave came in and this one decided that this isn’t a joke at all but serious matter. Quickly this harmless fun turned into a witch hunt of “ARMY” trying to figure out who the guy might be, if he is Namjoon’s mysterious friend that once sent him a coffee truck with custom drawn designs on it, perhaps the same one with whom Namjoon already once posted a picture sitting on this garden porch swing type thing, some even trying to prove that the guy is either Seokjin (in which case, what would be the need to cover his face?) or Florist Isaac whom they met during that one RUN episode.
So, very quickly a few idiots turned harmless fun into something almost malicious and got into fights with ARMY who were trying to tell them to stop.
The ring thing followed a similar story. It was once a harmless joke based on the fact that Namjoon wants to have kids one day, so some made jokes about what if he’s already married but we just didn’t know etc. But very quickly that got out of hand as well, going as far as people claiming the little girl in his pictures which he posted around his birthday or something is his daughter (even though it was said it’s probably the child actress from BTS WORLD) and that him making jokes (during a BangtanB while trying on glasses before their MOTS7 press con) about his child being able to read/write hangul at a very young age wasn’t jokes at all but solid proof of the fact that he is married with a child (despite the fact that he would’ve had to have gotten married and his wife pregnant not long after their debut for the timeline to even work out somehow which makes it seem even more ridiculous). This even went as far as people spamming the comments during this vlives with questions about it, flooded his selcas on twitter with questions and “jokes” and, again, attacked anyone who told them to stop.
In all of this, watching it happen from the sidelines as someone whose bias is Namjoon, I was confused why these particular rings (which I don’t even think were the same ones each time) caused such a reaction. The members have all worn so many different rings over the years, on all fingers, sometimes even like eight at the same time, and yet it wasn’t until 2020 and their KBS interview after their first BBH100 #1 that things went bonkers. All because Namjoon decided to take the ring off before they started filming or something.
In all of this I see two things that make me wonder:
When would he have the time to find a girl (since same sex marriage is not a thing in Korea) with whom he would have enough time to befriend her, trust her (considering who Namjoon is, that one is a major thing), fall in love, date and be together for a few years, and then get married? From Seokjin we know they have maybe two or three days off a month and work at least ten hours a day on their BH regulated schedules. Add to that the time they spend in the studio working on music outside of schedules, gym time, a few hours of sleep, and perhaps a few scarce hours of free time to (in Namjoon’s case) go to a museum or ride his bike, does that really leave enough time for romance (with an outsider) that leads to marriage (and a child)?
Is age 26 at the height of their career really the time for marriage? Even more so when you are someone like Namjoon, the leader of the world’s biggest group with more responsibilities than we can likely imagine as outsiders. Sure, he said he wants kids, but he can still have those in his thirties, he can also get married in his thirties, after all, life does not end once you hit thirty despite what some teens believe.
Lastly, I actually think that if it were true, Namjoon, or really anyone from the hyung line, would be the ones who wouldn’t have to hide it, at least not when compared to the maknaes. You could argue that “it would threaten their career” but would it really? Perhaps if the ring were from a man (some namjinists did make jokes that it’s like his promise ring from Seokjin or whatever, but it was all in good fun, nothing more than that), then yes, but connected to a woman? That one member from EXO also came out and said he’s getting married because his fiancé was pregnant and all it did was cause a few fansites to close and a handful of people to “protest” in front of the SM building. 
Little correction about my comments about that EXO member, though even with this my point still stands:
From anon: Re: your last post about namjoon’s rings! I agree with everything you said but just a small correction. I’m not an EXO stan but it wasn’t just a a few “protests” or fansites closing. From what I read online, he his fiancée and later wife, and his child were harassed, threatened and stalked to the point where he enlisted early just to give his family some relief. We all know there are people like this in every fandom and I know BTS would be aware of these things, so they’ll be extra careful.
Would there be delulus like this who’d go crazy if Namjoon were to say “ARMY, I’m (getting) married”? Of course. Would it ruin BTS’ career? I seriously doubt it. Do I think Namjoon would actually come out and say it if it were the case? No, but not because it’s bad idol etiquette or because BH wouldn’t allow him, but because people are insane and who knows what they would do.
It’s the same with times when people argue “I wish X ML members would just say he has a girlfriend so the ship wars would end” without taking into consideration the girl’s safety and the fact that a partner different than the one X member is shipped with has never been that big of an obstacle for some before. Just create a conspiracy theory about the company forcing this upon them and voila problem solved. We’ve seen that before when the tattoo scandal happened, and people thought JK might be dating that tattoo artist and therefore it would mean he isn’t in a relationship with Jimin or Tae.
Whatever happens in the members private lives, it is safer for all parties involved if it stays private, even more so if their romantic partners were non-idols, or non-celebrities, or another member.
Now onto the second ring question:
From anon: I am a young army and I am slowly losing my bearings. I've seen Vlive S, H and V. Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it, and the V even wore the friendship ring for Jungkook. Is it true? I don't understand anything about it, I don't see it. After the last BTS interview on TV, I thought Vmin are best friends, not Tk*ok. I thought V said he didn't want Tk*ok and yet he was so happy during Vlive because it was Tk*ok day? Help!
Now this one, I was curious if we’d get an ask about this, even more since, if you’re a reader of our blog, you likely already know what I’m going to say.
Let’s start where you usually do—at the beginning. The day of the vlive coincided with what T*ek*okers have decided on is T*ek*ok Day, based on how supposedly some years ago this was the day Tae and JK named their subunit like this. I tried to find where exactly this happened, as in in which piece of official content, but I couldn’t find anything except for a screenshot. Anyone have a clue or a link?
Side note: T*ek*okers love using the “ship” naming as proof that not only are they real but also proudly showing it off by giving themselves a name but continently forget that they are not the only ones who gave themselves subunit names. After all Jimin and Namjoon named themselves MiniMoni, or Yoongi and Jimin who are MiniMini, Namjoon and Seokjin calling themselves RJRJ last year, or that one vlive with JK, Jimin and Seokjin where they also put together their names the way you build ship names. At the end of that vlive Tae, thanks to come prompting from the chat, named their trio vsope, so does that mean they are a romantic ship now too?
If you were watching that vlive as it was happening, and decided to look at the chat, then you know what was happening. For those who did not, basically the chat was flooded with comments about T*ek*ok Day, asking where JK is whom Tae loves, where his boyfriend JK is, congratulating Tae for T*ek*ok Day etc. Basically shippers took their shipping into a space where it doesn’t belong, into a space where the members can see it, and therefore purposefully broke one of the shipping rules (I even saw some tweet about how they were proud of themselves for literally spamming the chat with T*ek*ok comments which is so wrong, and I mean that regardless of which ship we talk about). In between those were the usual other comments like speak English or say hello to XYZ or say XYZ in whatever language, and very few comments that actually reacted to what the members were doing on screen. Like when Tae said he didn’t shave, instead of telling him that it’s fine, which it is, it’s his face after all, some decided to tell him he should shave more often, basically telling him what to do, which he saw and read out. Great job.
But all the madness came to a “climax” when Hobi was reading comments and among some other ones read out T*ek*ok, just the word not the T*ek*ok Day ones, and unfortunately we all knew he wasn’t reading out the Korean word for Thailand, which sounds the same though it is spelled a little differently. In that moment all hell broke loose. Focus cams of Tae’s facial expression in that moment went viral among shippers, most of course claiming he looked so happy, while other non-shippers claimed he didn’t look happy at all. It’s a micro moment so I won’t get into it, who knows what Tae thought in that moment and what his facial expression meant and if it even had any connection to the word and Hobi reading it out loud at all.
Because he read that comment, Hobi was basically crowned the new leader of the T*ek*ok shippers (I thought that role already went to Jimin?) and twitter basically had a meltdown.
As for the ring, I know this is something a lot of ships have, with romantic connotations according to their shippers, so I was curious how these rings supposedly look like in T*ek*ok’s case and if they even match the ring that Tae wore in the vlive. If it would, fine, if not, well…
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If it’s not clear from the picture, the “supposed couple” or friendship rings are very delicate and thin, and sure enough I did find a lot of pictures in which both Tae and JK wore them, usually at different times, I will admit that. But the ring Tae wore during their vlive recently was much thicker and had some kind of design on it, therefore it’s a completely different one. Sorry. Why he wore it, if he bought it for himself or received it from someone, what emotional connotation to may or may not have, those are things we won’t know anything about unless he would tell us, so there's no point in speculating.
“Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it” now this is curious to me since I watched the vlive as it was happening, and I didn’t see that at any point in the vlive. Sure, Hobi read that one comment, but if 95% of comments were about that, I wasn’t even surprised by it. Perhaps he thought that it would get people to stop? Perhaps he just read whatever comments his eyes landed on? Perhaps something else entirely? We have no way of knowing it so there is no point in trying to fixate on it. But besides that, they were talking about many other things and having fun making their smoothies, decorating them and just having a good time together with each other and with ARMY. 
So, this way of presenting the vlive basically comes down to shipper perception, confirmation bias, and simply, almost, rewriting history.
Rings do not determine who your best friend is (according to a quick google search, wearing a ring on your index finger simply means friendship or self-esteem/authority), after all many of the members have rings either from each other or ones that match, like Namjoon buying Jimin a Cartier ring for his birthday a few years ago which Jimin proudly wore since it’s really pretty, or pink and blue rings (there are several different ones, actually) that Namjoon has worn with Seokjin in the past (which fits into the Namjinist pink and blue agenda), or the rings Jimin and JK have together according to their shippers, and many more. Jimin and Tae have a whole plethora of matching jewelry in form of necklaces, rings, bracelets, even contact lenses (as in wearing one of each pair to match each other), some which were chosen by their stylists and others they bought themselves for themselves (which are all conveniently “forgotten” by those who ship either big ML ship). Though we’ve seen that even with clothes given by their stylists they were still the ones to choose their own accessories, like Namjoon choosing a pair of glasses from a whole box of different ones, or the members choosing rings from two big boxes before going on stage.
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Tae himself said, on multiple occasions across multiple years, that Jimin is his best friend, even his one and only best friend, and that he’s the one he likes most which he even proclaimed on national TV. As long as Tae doesn’t say that this has changed in the last, what, two weeks and suddenly JK is officially his new best friend, those who claim otherwise are basically nothing but shippers pushing a narrative that willfully ignores Tae’s own words. Just like they ignore and twist his Weverse comment about how T*ek*okers should get out of their imagination. What doesn’t fit is ignored or adjusted until it does fit.
Lastly, sure enough, Tae really was happy during that vlive but I’m fairly certain (though neither you, them or I will ever know for sure, we’re not in Tae’s head) it had absolutely no connection to T*ek*ok Day, something shippers created and not Tae and JK themselves, seeing as Tae has been in a very good and happy mood for a few months now. Whatever makes him so happy, I truly hope it’ll continue making him happy and I wish shippers (and solo stans) would stop trying to force a reason (which fits them) upon his emotions.
I know it’s easy to get confused by how loud shippers are online, especially as young ARMY (in this case both ARMY who are young age wise but also young in the sense of being new to the fandom), but shipper opinions, in many cases, are just noise, and also noise twisted and skewed a certain way to suit them. If you kept to OT7 spaces on the day of that vlive, no one really paid attention to the ring, most were annoyed by and furious at the shamelessness of the shippers in the comments, and tried to just focus on how fun the vlive was instead.
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btsandvmin · 5 years
Hey did u see we are getting a vmin subunit for the comeback and its called chingu/ friend. So this kind of debunks the christmas song theory...i gyess bcoz they would have already been working on this song last year before v spoke about the christmas song on 14/12/19 vlive so he didnt have to be sad bcoz he was already singing a song with jimin which is also coproduced by jimin? Also i dont know why i feel sad like they are commercialising their friendship bcoz they know we were dying for this.
I wouldn’t say that Vmin singing “Friends” debunks or make moot what happened with the Christmas song. I think Tae can be sad for that song on it’s own even if he knew he would get to sing a song with Jimin. The Christmas song was still something he had personally worked on and hoped to sing with Jimin, that was denied. It’s not like one good thing makes all the bad ones disappear.
I think he still seems sad in the Vlive, and I don’t think he would act sad just because it’s something that was true before, if you know what I mean?
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We should also remember that even though “Friends” is a lot, and includes them calling each other soulmates and a lot of great sweet lyrics, the lyrics from the Christmas song are much more romantic. “Friends” is a platonic song, even though it feels much deeper than the average friendship.
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The Christmas song talks about falling for someone and really I think personally this song does sound romantic in tone and with the lyrics. That being said I basically think we should remember that Tae always said the problem with this song being sung with another male (Jimin) was because of the lyrics. So what we can think now is that maybe Vmin wasn’t really the problem, but rather just the lyrics. But it could also have changed with time. Even if Vmin get to sing a song now, it’s already over 2 years since Tae wrote the Christmas song and in general we have actually seen Vmin be more and more open with other things since then as well.
I also think we should consider how Taehyung talking about this Christmas song and showing his want to sing with Jimin and the fans reaction to it could have effected the decision to let Vmin sing now. Most fans got angry for Taehyung getting denied to sing the song with Jimin, and very few made it about shipping as well. People said they saw no reason they can’t sing it and compared with other songs the members have sung etc. So maybe Big Hit saw the reactions and realized that denying the song was actually just making things worse because Taehyung told us about it. Because Taehyung was sad about it and ARMY got upset with him it got much bigger. But maybe it wasn’t something we should have even known about? You know, the decision might have been made and Taehyung just talked about it out of frustration which wasn’t something they expected him to do when they told him no.
And about your second point about commercialising their friendship I can’t change how you feel. But I don’t agree at all. I already said it in my post Vmin analysis - “Friends” but this song is not really a song made for ARMY at all... I know we have songs about BTS and their struggles and intimate thoughts. But the lyrics for Friends are basically just Vmin sharing moments and inside jokes with each other. I think it’s obvious with how most people who listen to the song at first get a bit confused about if they are singing about each other and second, doesn’t know about the references made. It may be an official song on an album that they get payed for, and perhaps that makes it seem less organic or personal if they released it for free. But personally this song is extremely personal and something they have worked hard on, and bringing that down to them or Big Hit just wanting money doesn’t seem right to me.
It wasn’t just ARMY dying for this, it was Vmin themselves wanting this. How many times do you think Taehyung has tried making a song for him and Jimin?Jimin also produced a song for the first time and that means a lot too. He wanted this, and we know Taehyung wanted this. Then if they name the song “Friends” and put it on the album it doesn’t really matter because the meaning of the song remains the same. 
Thanks for the ask, I hope you understand what I was trying to say. :)
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fyexo · 5 years
191009 New K-pop Band SuperM: ‘We Don’t Want to Step on Other Groups to Get to the Top’
With K-pop firmly entrenched in the mainstream, SuperM say it’s time to start raising the bar
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The well-coiffed guys from the new K-pop supergroup, SuperM, are sitting around a conference room at the Capitol Records building in Los Angeles, and feeling like they may have left something on the table.
Two days earlier, the seven-piece unit — put together using members from four established K-pop boy bands — had shut down an intersection in the heart of Hollywood and made their live debut before more than 5,000 frenzied fans, some of whom had lined up for days just to get a prime spot to see the guys perform.
For SuperM, the outdoor show — which was also streamed live worldwide on YouTube — served as their official group debut as well, with the boy band finally being introduced to the world after months of secrecy.
“Going in front of our fans and performing as SuperM was nerve-wracking, and it’s not something we usually feel because we’ve all been in this industry for a while now,” says Kai, the pretty, pouty-mouthed singer who was chosen to join SuperM from the band EXO. “There were some members that felt like maybe we could’ve done better with this or stronger with that, but it’s okay,” he says, smiling. “More than anything, I was just proud that we could finally show everyone what we’ve been preparing for.”
SuperM is the latest creation of Korean management company, SM Entertainment (the band’s name is not exactly subtle). Founded in 1995 by Lee Soo-man, a man so famous in Korea he’s just known as “Mr. Lee,” SM is regarded as one of the pioneers of the global K-pop movement, having first brought Korean artists to North America in the early 2000s at the height of the teen pop craze.
SuperM is the company’s latest attempt to make a dent in the U.S. market. After years of breaking all sorts of records in Asia but remaining relatively unknown in the States, the crossover success of bands like BTS and Blackpink have given entertainment companies like SM a renewed interest in reaching the international market, with the U.S. as a pivotal launching pad.
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For SuperM, it wasn’t about starting from scratch, but rather starting from the top. SuperM culled its members from some of SM’s most popular groups, who collectively have sold more than 14 million adjusted albums combined, and amassed nearly four billion views of their music videos online. SuperM’s fans lovingly refer to them as “the Avengers of K-pop,” stemming from the belief that the group features the most talented and popular members from each of the individual bands.
Baekhyun and Kai are from EXO, a stylish and well-packaged boy band that, as of 2018, had actually sold more records than BTS in Korea (the release of BTS’ Map of the Soul: Persona this past April have tipped the scales back in the latter group’s favor). At 27, Baekhyun is the oldest member of SuperM, and has unofficially acquired the title of group leader.
Taemin, the second oldest member at 26, is from SHINee, considered one of the veterans of K-pop, after having debuted in 2008. The group made news in 2017 after founding member, Jonghyun, died from an apparent suicide, which sparked a debate over working conditions and unreasonably high expectations for these young performers, many of whom are pulled from school to begin “training” for their debut.
The last four members of SuperM were culled from subunits of the massive 21-person K-pop group, NCT (Mr. Lee calls them the first “unlimited” boy band, with a constantly rotating roster of new members). Taeyong and Mark are from NCT 127, and Ten and Lucas are from NCT’s Chinese subset, WayV.
The idea for an all-star group was first discussed last year, though the seven members didn’t actually come together to record until earlier this spring. While the guys had met before — SM organizes an annual “SM Town” concert tour, similar to say, when Diddy took his Bad Boy artists on the road — they had never actually worked together until SuperM was formed.
The group’s debut EP, The 1st Mini Album, hit stores last week. The five-song set opens with lead single, “Jopping,” a turbo-charged track whose name comes from a combination of the words, “jumping” and “popping” (a publicist sighed that the name was both crazy yet catchy at the same time). The song mixes hip-hop with EDM, with the members trading verses in both English and Korean. The video for “Jopping,” meantime, was filmed in Dubai over the summer and has already amassed more than 22 million views online. Fueled by massive buzz for the song and album, SuperM announced this week that they will be hitting the road for a North American tour, kicking off November 11th in Fort Worth, Texas.
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While BTS have blasted into the mainstream, with number one albums, appearances on all the late-night talk shows and even Grammy buzz, the guys in SuperM are motivated to find success on their own terms.
“Yes, the competition exists and we can’t ignore that,” says Taemin, “but we don’t want to step on other groups to get to the top. We want to stand alone as a group and bring something fresh and new to this K-pop scene.”
To that end, the group has been working on carving out a more signature sound for their debut LP, which will still sit comfortably in the hip-hop/pop/R&B arena, but also see them weaving in and out of different genres within a single song. While other groups — such as Blackpink and BTS — primarily perform in Korean, SuperM could also be releasing more English language tracks. (Though Mark was born in Canada and speaks fluent English, the band’s publicist confirms the rest of the group’s members have been taking English lessons.)
They’ve been doing their homework too, listening to the radio while they’re in Los Angeles and streaming an eclectic mix of artists like H.E.R., Ella Mai, Daniel Caesar and Billie Eilish (“Let’s get that collabo!” Taemin hollers).
And while Korean management companies are notorious for controlling their groups’ images and keeping their artists on a short leash (I once arrived to meet EXO in Seoul and was told I couldn’t interview the guys in person because they didn’t have their makeup on), from this perspective, SuperM feels a lot… looser.
On this recent swing through L.A., the young men reveal that their first stop after landing at LAX wasn’t straight to their hotel, but rather to In-N-Out. Though they’ve booked dinners in Malibu, the members also rave about the traditional Korean tofu stew at BCD Tofu House, a 24-hour Southern California chain of cheap eats (“It’s honestly better than Korea,” Taeyong says). During the interview, the guys are decked out in leather jackets and oversized sweats, sipping on iced coffees from Starbucks, and fidgeting with their phones like any other twenty-something, as they dish about trying to take a group vacation after their tour is over. They travel with a translator, but all of them try valiantly to respond to questions in English before they crumble in laughter when they lose their words. If their original groups gave them a crash course in making it in the music business, it seems SuperM will give these guys a chance to be themselves — and in doing so, a chance to grow.
“If I said I didn’t feel any pressure that would be a lie,” says Kai. “We all come from successful, established careers, but in a way, we are still unknowns, at least when it comes to this formation. But with that pressure comes this new level of excitement,” he continues, “because there’s so much more we can try and do, and the possibilities are endless.”
“There are a lot of groups out there and a lot of competition,” Taeyong admits, “but our goal is to make K-pop shine even brighter. The spirit of competition is not necessarily bad, because it pushes us to want to put out better things.”
Kai is more specific: “SuperM is here to level up the K-pop genre,” he asserts. “We are ready for K-pop to start raising the bar.”
source: Tim Chan @ Rolling Stone
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