#I constantly suck at showing my admiration directly but all of them were so cool
marawhydontyoudraw · 1 month
ER OCs appreciation post
I just wanted to use this post to say that I adore it so much when someone makes an elden ring oc that isn't the protagonist!Tarnished. No disrespect to the protagonists intended, but it really fascinates me to see what people can come up with when they are not restricted by the game's main plot.
So yeah, if you've ever doubted your ER ocs - do not, they are cool and valid and are one the main reasons why I love this fandom so much.
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1 picture = 1000 words  Oikawa Tooru x reader
Words: 2140
Warnings: fluff
A?n: sorry guys I had an off day and I wanted to go ahead and tell you that I have the other requests for the event and I am planning on doing them either when I climb into bed or tomorrow!!! I also only have a few requests left so please bare with meee
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Going to Aoba Johsai was an easy choice for you, they had an amazing art program that was one of the best in the prefecture as well as being well...the closest to home. You walked maybe five minutes to school which was absolutely perfect when someone walked home with you, it was just long enough that you got to chat but never got into something too deep. Another wonderful reason that you decided on Aoba Johsai in the first place was a beautiful man named Oikawa Tooru. You and OIkawa had been in the same class now for five years, and you had had a crush on them since day one. It was something you would never ever admit to anyone, you wouldn’t even risk putting it in your journal because of all of the what if’s involved. 
You found yourself taking little peeks at Oikawa throughout the day and just admiring how beautiful he was. You loved how he was easy to talk to, even though you had only done so a handful of times, how his smile never faded, and you especially loved how his heart never strayed away from what was right. You had seen him go from just some boy playing volleyball to someone who was regarded as one of the best setters in Miyagi. Oikawa was always cool, calm and collected traits that you could only admire.
You had gotten a simple assignment for your art class, paint a stranger. Without trying your brain went to Tooru and you were set on painting him. The task was that you should paint a stranger, but a stranger you could watch so it would be perfect. You sketched him later that day in class before taking it home and starting to paint. You had been working hard on getting every little tuft of hair correct as you tried to imitate the boy you had secret feelings for. 
Today was the day you were supposed to turn the projects in and you were fretting more than usual. You didn’t like how lopsided his lips looked and wanted to fix it up but ran out of time. You were one of the first in the classroom, as it was about five minutes before class actually started so you decided to set your stuff down and head to the bathroom. On your way back from the bathroom you suddenly didn’t feel so well. Halfway down the hall you stopped and took a sip from the water fountain before slowly sinking down next to it. You couldn’t help but see that the world was spinning and you couldn’t help but watch as it went black. When you woke up you were in the nurses office, quickly being asked a series of questions. You sat up and scratched the back of your head as you figure out what exactly had happened to you. 
Oh shit. 
You forgot to eat breakfast this morning, you were up late working on the painting, then this morning woke up so late that you had to sprint to school and you’d spent the whole morning stressing. You passed out. 
Double oh shit
You left your painting on your desk, exposed to everyone and your next class had already started in that room. THe class you shared with Oikawa Tooru. He was going to see your painting and there was nothing you could do about it. Luckily for you the nurse decided that you were not feeling well enough to continue on with the rest of your day. Your mother came to pick you up. She walked you to the car before going back to the school to grab your backpack.The car ride home was short and you had to admit that you were relieved to put off the inevitable for at least another day. You felt sick just thinking about the rude things that the girls that hung around him would say. They were the meanest, and the prettiest, in the school and you just practically cast yourself as even more of an outcast than you already felt. You liked to keep to themselves and that was something these girls knew nothing about, you heard stories of all of the guys they liked and dates as well as gossip about everyone else in the room. Once you were home you shook off these uneasy feelings as you ate some leftovers and went to bed. You slept the rest of the afternoon, waking briefly to have dinner before going back to bed in a mindless slumber. 
Getting ready for school in the morning felt like the most tedious drag and you found yourself dragging your feet more than usual. You grabbed your backpack and quickly made your way to school. You got to school, passed the gates and went straight to your first class, ready for this day to be over already. You sat in your chair with your head on the desk hoping to get a little bit of shut eye before you had to go to start your day. Class started and came and went as usual, lucky for you this was just home room and OIkawa didn’t share this part of the day with you. Next was art, oh shit. Art. You didn’t have your project. No. It wasn’t with your backpack, it was probably in your mom’s car. You couldn’t imagine turning it in two days late, that was completely unheard of and unacceptable. Walking into class you tried to think of the best things to explain to your teacher but she just smiled and told you welcome back. You sat through the lecture with a lingering worry as you tried to figure out where your stupid project had gone. 
At the end of class you decided to suck it up, “Mrs. Paddich I’m sorry about missing yesterday and about my project, I-” you start, nervously. 
“Oh dearie, a young boy turned in your project for you yesterday clamining that you left it in the class. I do have to say that your painting looked awfully like the boy, it was incredible” 
Your heart sank. 
“Oh, um thank you,” you stuttered before leaving the classroom quickly. Oikawa had seen your painting and had turned it in for you. That was the only explanation for this, you had never seen him near an art room, even if he was dating an artsy girl he didn’t meet them down here. Why did he do it, how did he do it, all of these questions were a mystery but you had to deal with it. You went to your shared classroom today and instead of using the bathroom you went straight in and say down. When Oikawa entered the classroom you didn’t bother to run and look at him because you didn’t want to have him notice you. Little did you know that when he saw you in class he smiled just a little bit before getting drawn into talking to the same girls as usual. The entire class you were focused on avoiding Tooru while he was focused on ways to catch your attention. He wanted to ask a million questions about the painting, it was beautiful and he wanted to know how and why you made such a beautiful thing of him. Even though he seemed to be the most confident in the room Oikawa wasn’t. He wasn’t even the second or third most confident, he was closer to the end of the list but seeing you capture him and make him look so happy, so alive made his heart flutter. Tooru couldn’t help but stare at the painting when he first saw it and tucked it quickly away before the other’s could say anything about it. He knew it had to be returned to you, except you never came back and he had no idea what to do. Oikawa decided to bring it to the art teacher in hopes maybe you would show back up there next period and get to have it back. Secretly he wanted to keep it and treasure it forever, it was the most sentimental thing anyone had ever done for him, and the sad part was it wasn’t for him. Your painting stuck with him for the rest of the night and he found himself constantly daydreaming about it, about you. He had to confront you and talk to you, but he didn’t know how. He knew that you were in the same class for many years but you were always shy and even if he was interested you two were sat on the opposite side of the room. 
The class was over before he had even finished his day dream and you both tried exiting as quickly as possible, for complete opposite reasons. He had barely missed you but was determined to get to you but you rounded the corner into the mass of people before it was possible. 
It was now the last class of the day and Tooru had the same thing happen three more times to him, he had no idea why or how you escaped him so perfectly every time, but you did. This time was going to be different. He was going to get the advantage and get to talk to you once and for all. The bell rang and he jumped from his seat faster than anyone else in the room, and instead of trying to get you to talk to him right there in the busy hall he followed you just a few steps outside before catching up to you. 
“Y/N,” wait,” Tooru tried calling, but it came out as more of just a whisper. You turned back to look at him, both worried and confused, this was the first time he has ever said your name. 
“I-I just wanted to say that I saw your painting and I really liked it and I wanted to know how you did it,” he caught himself stuttering out. That was weird, Oikawa never stuttered. 
“I don’t know I just did,” you shrugged trying not to let your heart beat out of your chest. 
“It looked amazing Y/n, I just can’t stop thinking about it, I have never felt that way about something before. Why did you choose me?” 
“If you want it, you can keep it. It was just for a project, I had to paint a stranger and I just guess I chose you,” you were looking down at your hands now, unsure of where this was going and trying to keep the heat from rising to your cheeks, “because we were supposed to paint strangers and I thought you would be a good subject,” 
For reasons unbeknownst to Oikawa those words stabbed him directly in the heart as he felt himself suddenly breathless at the word. Strangers. Nothing in the world could have ever prepared him to have such a reaction, after all it was the trust, you were strangers. “If you don’t mind Y/n, I would like to change that,” Oikawa tried his typical flirty boy thing with you, but you could both tell that he was faking it, “I mean, I would like for us to not be strangers anymore,” he quickly corrects himself.  You look up at him in almost disbelief, had the Oikawa Tooru just stuttered in front of you and messed up his words. You took a second to process it all before nodding at him. The butterflies that arose in both of your chests was something that promised happy days to come.
You exchanged phone numbers before he left for practice and before you knew it texting an old friend. Oikawa was funny and flirty but also real over texts, he sent you dumb picutes of what he was doing and you felt comfortable enough with him to do the same back. Girls in your class quickly noticed the change in their king and when they attempted to approach him about it, he was already engrossed in a conversation with you. It had been almost a week since you turned in that project and you had totally forgotten about it, moving on to other portraits. You got the painting back and walked to class with it behind your back hiding it from Tooru until you gave it to him as a gift. 
He gave you the goofiest smile as you found yourself smiling back at him. He told you he had a surprise for you too, when you asked what it was he refused to tell you. All throughout class you kept bugging him and all he would tell you is that you would have to go with him and see. 
“But Tooru, where are we going?” you found yourself shyly asking him. 
“On a date silly,” he beamed back. 
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bluemoonpunch · 5 years
BigHit just announced today that BTS is going to be on an extended leave for a while now. What can you read about that? To me I'm extremely glad that they'll be getting some proper rest after all these years but at the same time I can't help but shake off that it might be an omen for something bigger [anonymous @ bluemoonpunch(.)com]
Anonymous: Do you see anything around the vacation the boys are taking now? I’m so happy they’re taking time for themselves (even though I already miss them lol). I feel like this is almost a test run to prepare ARMYs for when they enlist T_T [anonymous @ bluemoonpunch(.)com]
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There’s an ungodly amount of stuff here to talk about, lol, so I’ll just start from the first set and work my way down.
The first set of cards out was The Lovers in reverse with The Devil, which is interesting as these cards are naturally inverses of the other. Immediately, I was seeing this as a Soul Body situation, something where they are disconnecting from the public on a soul level, disengaging those connections that make it feel RIGHT to constantly be in the spotlight, constantly be turned on for the sake of entertainment, and through that they (or some of them?) will consciously recognize The Devil where they once recognized The Lovers, meaning they will recognize the toxicity of living as a fantasy for mass amounts of people. They will be able to find themselves, the purer versions that are separate from what they’ve created to share with the world because no matter how deep they seem, there’s always a layer of protection that a human being will put around themselves in order to appeal to whoever they are trying to speak to, there’s always purpose behind it other than just simply speaking their mind.
This is reflected in the set that “falls out of” The Devil, like The Devil drops these things as he runs away from their awareness. The Ace of Wands, which I was seeing visually as them physically reaching inside of their own bodies to grab onto the Solar Plexus, the default core projection, the base of the ego, the light that is always on. They grab onto it there, they feel it rather than just allowing it to constantly extend past them, and their perception of it shifts through the reversed Hanged Man. I thought this card was an interesting choice for the depiction of this as the reversed Hanged Man is actually upright. His perspective when upright is of the world upside-down, out of reality. He is a figure representing the point at which objective and subjective reality merge. When reversed, the man in the image is upright, he is seeing the world for what it is at face value, rather than from his own personal perspective which could be clouded by emotions and subconscious veils. He’s seeing The Lovers in reverse or seeing The Devil.
In seeing The Devil rather than The Lovers, he sees where he’s been trapped or where he’s been holding himself prisoner to expectations and connections. What felt like love and admiration from the angel was actually suffocation and the stripping of his own autonomy from The Devil. As that falls away and those ties are temporarily cut, things that were pushed aside come back into focus. The 7 of Pentacles is there at the end of this which I saw as the guys returning to passion projects, taking this opportunity of less obligatory travel and such to take time for more personal matters. This can be family and friends as well as solo music or other business dealings that they haven’t been able to do with so much time constraint. 
From that comes a set with nothing but reversed cards that include the 10 of Wands, 4 of Cups, and the 4 of Swords, which to me said, this is not a time of rest and relaxation, it’s a time to heal, and to heal is to work. The reversed 10 of Wands shows no strenuous work, no work that leaves them completely drained and physically and mentally exhausted, but there is also no time to sleep or lie around dreaming. They’ve already been dreaming and those dreams were the blooms that were left behind in the 7 of Pentacles, and they are now having the opportunities to pursue them. No rest, just more work, but work that fulfills them on a personal level, something that charges them up rather than sucks the life out of them. 
On the other end, extending from The Lovers in reverse comes The High Priestess in reverse, Judgement in reverse, and then the 9 of Cups. This mirrors the set of 10 of Wands, 4 of Cups, and 4 of Swords. The previous set is more about the conscious level work they are doing now, whether it be completely for the individual or something for the group that will come about later, it is more willfully done, not an obligation. On this end, from The Lovers, the same thing is occurring on a soul level, as in the Soul Body. The High Priestess and Judgement being in reverse show a complete separation from their Guides and Source energy. I don’t know if you guys remember all the details of the Soul Body healing and all that, but Namjoon was being used as a conduit and just kind of is all the time, in order to send information, activations, and codes through the others down into the physical space. That isn’t happening here. There is no guidance happening here, nor are they being watched and contained on that level.
With this I head “test run,” as in this separation that the soul body experiences now from their Guides is a test to see what they will actually do with it, what the individual souls do with that freedom — are they going to completely disconnect themselves from the body? Are they going to complete their integration processes? Or are they going to work purely on a soul level and just heal through soul-satisfaction? The 9 of Cups is the show of the soul — not even the Higher Self, just the soul — being in charge. It’s like their souls have been contained inside their energy centers, inside the Soul Body for a long time and they had been compressed together in order to bring the physical forms together in this particular lifetime. It was cramped and as I mentioned in other readings, they could only move together as a unit, but now it’s wide open, they’re free to move. Some of them are dying to move while others are hanging on for dear life, so it’s a test to see who does what and for what reason. It’s kind of cool, but I don’t know what the information gathered from this test is supposed to do other than maybe see how the body would actually break down. IDK.
Then in the center there, everything kind of converges, and this may answer my previous question about what this test is really meant to be for. There is the 8 of Swords in reverse leading down into the 6 of Wands. This would suggest that this opportunity was put into place physically (their vacation) in alignment with the current state of their soul process so that they would individually have the opportunity to take the blindfold off, see The Devil in place of The Lovers, and in turn see what within themselves they’ve been holding back for the sake of the group or the audience. There can be a weird thing where when working in groups of friends, people will sometimes hold back on their own talents in order to not outshine anyone else, and when you’re in a group where, amongst the audience, it becomes a big topic of conversation of who is better at this and that, it can become an emotional obligation to hide or play down talents and passions for the sake of staying on an equal playing field. But if EVERYONE is doing that, and EVERYONE is trying to stay down, you could assume they could all rise up together, support each other, and be supported in their individual paths.
That’s what the 6 of Wands is, it’s the individual, all seven of them on their own, coming around with the Ace of Wands, with their core, their passion, their talent, their pure soul on display, and they are being praised and supported by the others and the audience for it. Not mocked and shamed for “trying to get all of the attention” or whatever bullshit some people spew anytime someone who isn’t their fav breathes.
And BEAUTIFULLY, the set that follows this is all upright. The 8 of Wands is carrying energy directly down, as if the internal state that each of them find in the 6 of Wands through this process of disconnect, will manifest on a conscious level as The Magician for all of them, as individuals who are in complete and total control of the outcome of their paths and what manifests for them. They are neither tied to The Lovers or The Devil here, they are simply tied to their soul and the recognition of power they have. This then stems into the Ace of Cups which I was seeing as a complete recharge of creativity, a complete recharge of emotional strength and awareness, as well as a deeper clarity and awareness of the soul, or what would consciously be perceived as passion.
For good measure, I asked what energy would surround them when they come back from this vacation physically and from this process on a soul level, and they got The Star with the Ace of Swords… which is pretty bomb ass. I honestly don’t even know how to describe this because I’m not getting any visuals or words or anything, it’s just a feeling… and a smell? Lol? I don’t know what that means, but I smell mint or eucalyptus with it. But the feeling itself, which is much more prominent, is just clear water. Perfectly still, clear, cool, water just spreading out around them. It’s like they are The Star. The Star isn’t an influence that they will be under, they are literally The Star, they are the water bearer, and it’s coming from a state of clear-mindedness, the truth, the awareness of all that nonsense that I just talked about. There’s a sense of new purpose, but it’s individual and it’s not entirely controlled anymore the way it is now with the Soul Body. Again, this is an energy that they will carry so I don’t know how that would manifest or if we would see it, but it’s coming through as if it’s going to spread out from them. The water feels like it just pools and spreads out of the ground and just keeps going and going. 
Shits dramatic as hell, I love it.
More Mini-Readings | Celebrity/Idol Readings 
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for-fucks-sake-h · 5 years
Always Thinkin’ About You
You’re eager to see him.  You could hear the disappointment in his voice that he tried so sweetly to hide when you told him you wouldn’t be able to see him tonight.  You had plans of grabbing dinner after meeting him at the studio so he could show you what he was working on.  But you were in over your head with work and needed to put a dent in your assignments.  
Harry is good like that, understanding that you have your own things going on and can’t simply drop everything for him, even if you want to.  So you agreed you would just see each other in a few days once you didn’t have so many things hanging over your head that you needed to do.   
It was a little after 8pm when you were pulling into his driveway in the hopes of him not being home yet so you could surprise him.  You weren’t that lucky as you noticed his keys in the bowl on his entry table and the kitchen light peeking through the doorway down the hall.  
Poking your head into the kitchen to find a still, quiet room you turned to head upstairs.  You could hear what you thought was the water running coming from his master bathroom, it being confirmed when you made it to the top of the stairs and saw his bedroom light on.  
You snuck into the room quietly, noticing his clothes in a pile on the floor before you stopped in your tracks and your ears perked up in what you could have sworn was gasped “shit” coming from the bathroom.  
Your skin raised in goosebumps, just the possibility of being blessed with perfect timing making you antsy. And as you slowly pushed the bathroom door open you were greeted with a slight that made every nerve in your body ignite.  
Harry, standing directly under the shower head, his head tilted down to the floor as the water curtains his hair around his face. You could make out the profile of his nose and the long expanse of the back of his neck. The skin of his neck and shoulders were red from the consistent pounding of water that ricocheted down the muscles of his back.  
Your eyes trailed down his long body, over the small curve of his bum to then zero in on the forearm that was flexing with the constant strokes of his hand over his cock. Seeing him from this angle just emphasized his length - long and thick and begging to be wrapped up inside you.  
The twist deep in your belly was excruciating, your center pulsing with need when you heard another quiet curse fall from his lips. You couldn’t keep watching him like this without making your presence known. Taking only two steps forward made his head quickly jerk in your direction.   
“Fuck love, you scared the shit out of me.”  He lets out a quiet chuckle as you make your way over to him. “What the fuck are you doing here?”  His voice is light and breathy, yet the excitement is evident in his tone.    
“I missed you. And couldn’t look at my computer any more tonight.  Can I join you?”  
You don’t miss how his hand is still wrapped around his cock for the exchange, and you definitely don’t miss how he gives himself a slow stroke at your request.  
“Course. Get in ‘ere.”  
He turns around to face the back of the shower, watching as you pull your shirt over your head.  Your eyes are raking over one another as you undress. Harry dips his head under the shower head for a moment so that the water can push his hair back and away from his face just as you step into the steam.  
You’re standing right in front of him when he lifts his head back up, stepping into that last bit of space so that you can wrap your arms around his waist.  
“Hi,” you speak quietly into his chest.  Your cheek vibrates with his chuckle as he mumbles a quiet “Hi,” back as his hands stroke down the expanse of your back to cup your behind and pull you closer.  
You turn your head so that you can pepper kisses along the skin of his chest and up his neck.  As you suck a mark into the base of his neck, right above his collarbone, slipping your hand around his hip to brush against his cock that is currently resting at the bottom of your stomach.  He releases a low grunt when your fingers make contact with his tip, brushing over it lightly once to then circle your index finger around the head.  
“This is what you do when I’m not around?” You tease with your lips against his neck, trying desperately to keep your cool, to conceal how turned on you are.  
“All the time,” he confirms with a chuckle before it’s cut off with a moan as you stroke your hand down to his base.  
You pump him in a slow rhythm, similar to the one he had set for himself a few moments ago. “Hope you were thinking about me.”  
The last word of your sentence had just passed your lips when you were spun around by your hips, your hands quickly flying up to brace yourself as he pushed you towards the wall.  The coldness of the tile made chills run through your body, your nipples pebbled from the shock of what felt like ice grazing them.  
Harry’s front was pressed fully against the back of you, every inch of your bodies touching from his thighs on the backs of yours, his chest pressed against your back and his cock resting perfectly between your cheeks.  
“Always thinkin’ about you love. You make me have to play with myself constantly, cause I’m always thinkin’ about you and your perfect little cunt.”  
You moan at his words, his breath against the skin of your neck as he bites into the flesh.  He presses his hips forward more. “But you’re here now. Gonna let me have it?” His hand reaches around the front of you to brush the very tip of his middle finger against your clit.  “Gonna let me have you?”  
Your head tilts back to rest against the very top of his chest as you nod, your words completely trapped in your throat.  Until he’s using his first and ring fingers to spread your lips apart so he can graze the most sensitive part of your clit with his middle finger.
“Fuck! Harry please,” you gasp, the light tickles of his finger repeatedly over your clit making your eyes roll back into your head.  
“Yeah? You want it, love?”  His fingers glide down to dip inside you, his two middle fingers slipping inside you with no resistance. “Fuck, this all for me?”  
“Ohmygod, yes,” your words run together as you fail to hold back a moan.  
He pulls his hand away as he kisses your cheek, the act gentle and warm, just like him.  Even when he’s torturing you with pleasure, he’s leaving small moments of love on your skin like that. Showing you that he appreciates every side of your relationship whether you’re being incredibly dirty like this or not.  
You arch your back, pushing your ass out for him when you feel the tip of his cock graze between your lips to nudge against your clit. When he pushes into you he does so quickly, in one smooth thrust.  His pelvic bone is pressed tightly to your bum, his hips circling in a deep, sort of digging roll.  
“Fuck, feel so good,” he moans into your ear, his lips brushing against your skin with his words. “So much better then my hand.”   
Your chuckle is cut off by a hard snap of his hips.  His pace is quick. Deep, reaching thrusts that make moan after moan fall from your mouth.  He pushes into you effortlessly, his cock feeling like it’s deep in your stomach on every thrust.  His hands are gripping your hips as he pulls you back to meet his hips each time.  
You feel powerless but somehow completely electrified. Reaching back to thread your fingers into the back of his hair, you grip tightly to elicit the moan from his throat you know he’s holding in. “I’m not gonna last,” he warns.  
The slapping of his skin against yours is filthy and echoing through the shower. You’re pulsing around him and clenching down as tight as you can, egging him on.  His face is buried in the side of your neck, grunts passing his lips to brush against your heated pulse on every thrust.  One of his hands comes up to grip the front of your throat, his fingers pressing into the skin just below your jaw as he pulls you back harder.  His grip squeezes that little bit tighter to make your mouth fall open in a silent moan before he’s pushing deep inside you and stilling.  
His moan is so deep and drawn out as he comes.  You can feel every pulse of his cock, holding you tight to him as he fills you.  You stay like that with his cock deep inside you and his body a heavy weight pushing you further against the wall as he tries to catch his breath while coming down from his high.  
“Happy I came over?” You ask as you turn your head to look at him over your shoulder.  The hand that was gripping your throat has started stroking fingertips against the outside of your neck just under your ear.  
“Fucking hell,” he laughs breathlessly before he brings his mouth to you so he can slide his tongue over yours in one smooth pass.  “I haven’t finished that fast in ages.”    
His softening cock slips out of you as he places a single kiss to the side of your neck. You turn around to face him, your hands holding to the sides of his ribs, admiring the deep flush of his cheeks. You watch him with a confused furrow to your brow as he leans over to turn the shower off.  
“H, I might as well actually shower while I’m in here,” you chuckle as you scratch your nails down his sides.  
“You can shower, love. After.”  
Thank you for reading!
Ask / Masterlist 
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msruchita · 5 years
In Lies: You Hide - The Moon
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Indian Reader
Words: 2.1k+
Warnings: None
Summary: From Tumblr Prompt @writing-prompt-s ‘When someone lies to you, you can feel the weight of how bad the lie is. little white lies are a barely there pressure while lying about murder feels like a truck is being balanced on your head. You’ve just asked your spouse how their weekend at their parents was, and the answer makes you feel like the entirety of the world is crushing you.’
(So after months, I’ve finally come to part 2. There’s a point that seriously, I have no idea what i’m writing anymore. I changed from Indian lawyer to Indian reader. If you want, you can always still imagine the reader as yourself, minus the skin tones and such. Let me know your thoughts about this. All mistakes are mine, and I really love feedback. Hope you enjoy this!)
Part 1
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There was a thrum of energy as Judge Rogers leaned back against his chair listening to another fresh-faced associate struggle to explain how they had treated the case with bias due to the lawyer on the other side being Loki. Restraining the urge to grin like a shark especially when the smell of blood was so lovingly wafting over to him, he merely kept his smirk on.
The courtroom was Loki’s favourite place to be; the lies, the deceit, the sheer chaos of it all, was a wonderful cup of rose earl grey tea to him. He thrived on being a lawyer - embracing the slow coil of desire at the liberty it gave him, allowing him to twist and tease fact till it no longer held any shred of credibility - as his victim lay destroyed by another one of his lies. Such an incident would usually give him much satisfaction, however, his mind was preoccupied today.
His dear betrothed; a fierce spitfire compared to his ice, with her curves and butter soft skin, and he couldn’t help but chuckle soundlessly at the irony of opposites attract. They were meant to meet up today, together with their caterers for the cake and food testing, however, he had smoothly evaded her question of when he would arrive by answering that a case held more precedence.
He could very well leave by now, seeing how Rogers seemed to be pulling the last vestiges of his patience as the associate continued to blunder on till he help a hand up.
’Mr.Carter, if you don’t shut up, I will personally file a few lawsuits just so you will my chambers. Due to your personal bias, Mr.Loki’s client has been waiting for the past 8 months for this charade to come to an end. Your client has 2 hours to think about the plea deal, otherwise I’m taking this to trial. Now, leave, before I shoot you.’
Loki’s smirk slid off his face when the Judge turned to glare at him. He may be a shark, but Rogers was a mountain compared to him. Exceedingly brilliant as he was honest, he reminded Loki very much of you. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a low chuckle.
‘Counsellor, I don’t know if I should warn her or hug her. From what I heard, she’s more than capable off handling you. Anyways, get the fuck out. We all know this case is in the bag.’
Striding out of the office, Loki checked the watch on the wall in front of him. He just had enough time to meet you at the caterers, a small smile playing on his lips as he contemplated your reaction. He could have made another excuse but the thought of seeing your flustered look made him groan softly to himself. Finding his phone, he punched in a number heading towards the courtyard, ‘Niles, the caterers please.’
I struggled to keep a straight face as Loki moaned low, licking buttercream frosting off his finger as we both tasted the third cake. He had been attempting to seduce me the moment he slid out of a black BMW, lean and powerful, in a simple three piece suit. My jaw almost dropped when he reached down to squeeze my butt through the pencil skirt before sliding his hand up to the small of my back, ushering me inside. His low chuckle telling me he enjoyed my wariness and surprise.
The caterers were friends of Judge Rogers; Maria Hill and Pepper Potts together owned a small bakery that was just on the edge of town and it was only due to my love for long walks off to nowhere did I enjoy the seclusion it provided. I had managed to throw Loki off when I mentioned that our menu for the buffet had already been set.
Ignoring his look of surprise, we settled down to try the five different cakes I had selected to try. Loki dismissed the first cake the moment he laid eyes on it while I still chose to try a slice, closing my eyes the flavours of hazelnut chocolate and raspberry preserve hit my tongue. The second cake was called banana foster, a simple butter cake with a caramel and banana filling, that also included rum and cinnamon.
I wrinkled my nose at the slight scent of alcohol, shaking my head as I did not want to get drunk off a cake. Loki on the other hand, enjoyed it a little too wholeheartedly, his hand on my knee leaving no mystery to what he wanted. The third cake, was definitely a treat to my eyes and everything I had wanted for a wedding. Cherry blossom - half fruity, half floral, this cake was a unique dessert with a light, refreshing taste and an equally delicate flavour. Combining layers of strawberry and vanilla with rose ganache and cream cheese frosting on top, it was a girl’s dream come true.
Loki on the other hand, teased me by sucking buttercream frosting off his finger, quietly telling me how much he loved the soft pink and how good it would look on my skin in contrast. What a pleasure it would be to lick off this flavour off my clit, when I clamped a hand down on his thigh, squeezing hard.
‘Tell me, are your parents dead?’
Your voice washed over him like a cold slap of air. You didn’t care when you saw the flash of hurt in his eyes before he grimaced at the taste of the cake, pushing the plate away. Masking the surprise at your words, he attempted a nonchalant shrug, wondering how long had you known that he had been lying about his parents. Nobody knew the truth about his family and he chose to keep it that way - being the black sheep of the family would be of no surprise to anyone.
Slowly standing up, he pulled her chair away from the table, circling her, like a wolf stalking its trembling, paralysed prey. She was anything but terrified as he leaned towards her, growling in her face. She sat promptly, completely unaffected except for the frown still in place, her legs crossed. His eyes darkened to bottle green as the scent of cinnamon and chocolate tickled his nose. Even when he stopped behind her; puffs off his hot breath brushing against the skin of her neck, she didn’t move.
Her skirt slightly rode up as she leaned forward to reach for the next cake - the ever classic red velvet. His mouth watered at the sight of fabric stretching over that luscious, round ass, vivid images of her bending over his desk, his hand coming down to spank each globe filled his mind. The simple white blouse she wore accentuated her full breasts, and he wanted to tear off every button, watching them expose inch after inch of creamy brown skin as the fabric moved from each breath she took.
‘Your parents don’t approve of you, or your proclivities, do they?’ Pressing his lips to her shoulder, he stilled as she slowly turned to offer him a bite of cake from her fork. Sighing, she finished the slice and stood up to cut herself another slice willing her migraine to stop. It felt like a truck had decided to sit on her head and she wanted to head home and knock herself out with sleeping pills. Turning around, she leaned against the edge of the table. A foot shorter than him and yet she showed no fear, her gaze directly on him. ‘Were you planning on making them disappear? Is that why you lied about your weekend?’
He took a deep breath, shock lancing through him as her words hit their mark. How could she have possibly known the truth and his true intentions? Unless, he suddenly took in her demeanour, she wouldn’t stop scrunching her nose muttering about balms and sleeping pills, constantly sighing and turning away from the sun’s glare shining through the windows.
She was a open book; her honesty and goodness shining out of her every time she smiled. He wanted to preserve that smile on her face, not see her frowning in displeasure especially because of him. His lips thinned slightly as she huffed out in discomfort. The moment she looked him in the eye, every cell in his body screamed to dominate her. Her confidence in her abilities as well as her body was admirable - he could see the seams of her pencil skirt were about bursting.
Stepping into her space, he tugged her closer to him, his hand burning through the thin layer of her shirt at her back, trailing a long, cool finger down her cheek as she stared at him wide-eyed. Finally, a reaction worthy of his taste.
‘It’s alright, my darling. I will never hurt you, not you. Not here…’
The desperation to taste her, mark her was slowly driving him mad. How sweet it would feel, her soft moans as he stretched her arms over her head and her legs apart; wrists and ankles in his leather cuffs bound to the bed. His silk sheets gliding against her skin, as he would tease her with his fingers and lips; his skin tone a direct contrast to her beautiful bronze.
Picking her up, he gently set her down on the table, her head tipped back against his hand reached up to cradle it. Rummaging in her bag, he found the small bottle of sweet-minty smelling balm that she so coveted. He held it above her head when she reached for it, his voice slightly husky. ‘Let me, my dear. After all, it is my right as your husband to take care of your every need.’
Her eyes widened as the weight tripled, letting out a silent scream and she slipped into darkness.
He gently spread the balm in soothing circles on her forehead, the sudden urge to protect her, cherish her filling him. Even fast asleep, Y/N let out a small moan of relief that was music to his ears, his eyes glued to her body. Sinful thoughts ran through his head whenever she shifted, his shirt sliding across her hips. Every breath he took was carefully exhaled, perfectly planned as his eyes wandered up and down.
Softly, he pushed aside her braid, letting the overside of his fingers slide down her collarbone that was exposed in his shirt. He didn’t understand the need for him to have to dress her in something with colour, but he dug in his wardrobe till he found an old yellow shirt, slightly worn from several washes. You shivered, whimpered softly as the anticipation of branding his mark over her creamy brown skin had him clenching his fist tightly.
Unable to help himself, he slid the blanket covering her lower half, exposing her to him as he slid a pale hand up her leg, tracing the thighs full of hickeys, and the finger shaped bruises on her hips where his fingers had bit into her when she rode him. He knew her breasts held the same marks, her throat lightly bruised from his chokehold.
He couldn’t believe it when she passed out from a simple lie; yet, instinctively he knew, she had figured out that he had made plans for her to disappear like his parents. Stealing a quick look at her, he lightly stroked a bruise on her thigh, lightly pressing eliciting a soft sigh from her.
Picking her up in his arms, he had told Maria they would take the last cake; Honey and lavender - vanilla cake soaked in honey-lavender-white wine with honey-goat cheese frosting, something that suited the both of them. He had Niles rush them back to his apartment, understanding that his lying was physically hurting her.
After applying the balm and changing her out of the confining clothes, he laid her down in his king sized bed with silk sheets that now just seemed too much. Sitting next to her, he had gotten the shock of his life when she suddenly sat up to straddle him, rubbing herself against him. ‘Loki, you have to help me. It’s too much, and I need relief. Need you in my wet pussy.’
Crude seduction had never worked on him before, he preferred women of class and stature but those words sent his cock springing to attention. The next few hours were a blur as she humped him until she came again and again, completely soaking his pants till he lost control, and buried his tongue in her pussy just so he could answer the question of how she tasted. The answer: divine and sweet. He stayed there for several minutes, alternating between biting the soft skin of her thighs and licking her clit as she dripped onto his tongue before collapsing still after the 9th orgasm.
Breathing hard, he stared at the small woman next to him. She was a match made for him.
In one week, they would be man and wife.
What would she do when he told her the truth?
Forever bae <3:
@dammn-dean @aniketadeptinmacabre
@thesaltyduchess @book-dragon-13 @eurynome827 @cchellacat @anyoneforteaus @hail-meezus @whitewolfbumble @time-travel-bouqet @the-wayward-robot @supersoldiersruined-me @stanclub @buckmesideways22 @unicorns-and-fairy-dust @cutie1365 @theonelittleone @saundrasays @kingbouji3 @h0-h0-h0micide @some666shit @lostinspace33 @midnightdream83 
My taglist is open, so if you want to be a part, just send me an ask. If you don’t want to be a part of this, that’s fine too, just send me an ask!
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rhodes-terminal · 6 years
Prompt writing Group? 20,Apr,2018 - 04,May, 2018. Prompt: IT’S NOT MY FAULT. Final word count: 2270. Written By: Keenon Rhodes.
It’s not my fault I am trespassing, the hotel receptionist didn’t interact with me, No ‘How can I help you today?’, not a ‘Is there anything I can do for you?’, not even a simple ‘welcome!’, just a half second uninterested glance. It’s thanks to her negligence that I can do something I have always wanted to do; see the inside of this place.
This building is much older than I thought it was, I knew it was old but seeing a year really puts it into perspective. In the lobby there is a painting of the hotel from the perspective of the streets in 1913 when it first opened. In the painting there is only one street, a lot more trees and one other building; the train station that is still open today.
Let me think, my grandmother died in 91’ she was 83 at the time meaning she was born in… 1908? So she would have been five! Wow my grandmother is older than this place, or was. I sound like a little kid thinking like that it’s kinda nice. I remember she told me she had stayed in this hotel on her wedding night on the tenth floor, said looking out the window was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen.
Unfortunately I need a card key to gain access to the elevator, that’s okay I’ll just walk along green marble floor for a while, it’s unexpectedly empowering. Maybe it’s seeing a reflection of various shades of mossy greens looks quite handsome I think I will sit in one of the lobby chairs, admire the reflections of others.
The upholstery of the chair look like it had a lot of care put into it, very intricate and the closer I look at it the more detail I notice, like a hand made tapristy, truly a work of beauty. I really don’t belong here, I must stick out like a sore thumb everyone I have seen walk by are wearing some very fashionable fine looking clothing. I am just here in jeans and a t-shirt Is it normal for someone to walk in from the street, sit down and watch people as they walk by?
The sight of a family in the reflection compels me to break my eyes away from the emerald floor, they embodied aristocracy like whoever designed this hotel also designed this family. One of the kids has a card and activate the elevator, I decided to wait for the elevator with them. All of us are completely silent watching the red digital numbers count down.
I remember when I was about fourteen mom and dad took my sister and I to Ottawa and the whole time we were so loud, constantly making jokes and telling stories it’s like we never ran out of things to talk about. We even got a noise complaint from another guest in the motel we were staying in, but that was on our last night so we just ended up being louder. It was a lot of fun.
The elevator door slides open making almost no noise, it’s spacious enough to fit a couch which half of the family floop onto as soon as they get in. Without looking up from his phone the father presses on the button marked seven I step in and press the button marked ten. Just like that I am on my way? No one is going to see if I have a card of my own?
The sharp ping from the elevator hitting floor ten breaks my thought, I was so wrapped up in my own head I didn’t even realize the family stepped off the elevator. Did one of them try to ask me something? I must be mistaken. The door of the elevator begins to close, I stick my hand out activating the motion sensor, the door jumps to a stop like a startled rabbit before slowly retreating. I step onto floor ten...I think all the doors are locked.
Why did I never get a pet rabbit? I remember at one point in my life I had that thought or at least the idea of having a pet rabbit. Now that I think about it, was it that I wanted a rabbit as a friend? How young was I when I had this thought? For some reason I remember my hand was full of marshmallow. RIGHT when I was four my parents had taken me camping for the first time. I burnt my hand trying to grab a hot marshmallow off the fire, I must have thought about wanting a rabbit as a friend right before the pain hit me, I wonder if I still have the scar.
It’s there, it’s very faint, I have to stretch my fingers very wide and hold it at a specific angle so the light hits it just right, but it’s there. I use to look at it so much even show it off when I was in my teens, it use to be so much more predominant I guess time really does heal all wounds. I lower my hand and notice something directly in front of me, on the ceiling; a security camera pointed right at me.
How long have I been standing here staring at my palm like a weirdo? Has hotel security been watching me this whole time? I let my arm fall back to my side and walk away from the mechanical gaze but now I can’t shake the feeling that I am being watched very closely. I turn the corner and find another camera, this one is not looking directly at me like it’s pretending not to notice me.
I have walked past the first camera I spotted at least nine times now, they must know I am here. Any minute now I am going to be thrown out, possibly even charged. I need to find some way out soon, but all the doors need a key card, so does the elevator. I have to get out, I need to- hang on, this door is different.
First thing, this door is about two centimeters into the wall unlike the other doors which stick out about half a centimeter. The door itself looks older, that it’s tattered, the paint is thin in some places, particularly beside the doorknob which is what makes the door stand out the most. The other doors have handles with a slot on top to insert your key card, this door has the most simple grey, slightly beaten knob you could think of, with a slot on the front for an average everyday key, the best part? Someone either forgot or simply did not lock it.
Whatever the reason the door was left unlocked is ultimately beyond me, what does matter is how irresponsible it is, I mean look at me. I was trying to get away from security and now I am in this cramped hallway. Wouldn't it be interesting if the reason was for convenience? Well it’s not my problem.
It looks nothing like the rest of the hotel, it’s like I walked into a completely different building. This hall is almost as narrow as the door I walked through. The walls, a basic drywall, painted with a plain eggshell colour. The floor, large evenly squared tiles, same shade as the walls. Every surface is so dirty is like looking at rotten eggs.
In my last year of high school my friends and I had planned on egging the teachers cars, except for Mr.Gardner he was cool. We had let twenty cartons of eggs sit out in the sun for a week! Then Adrien went a bragged about the plan to whoever would listen and of course Peggy Watts found out and went crying to the teachers about our plan. I wonder whatever became of them, not just my friends but Mr.Gardner and Peggy too.
I just realized, I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I was not paying attention to where I was going, lost track of where I am. I remember every few feet the hallway broke left or right into more hallways, I guess I chose whatever way looked more interesting. Eventually the walls became a maze of pipes and wires, except this wall in front of me now it’s littered with graffiti and the hallway does not break left or right, hold on there is a door frame around this wall but no door.
It’s a service elevator, I didn’t notice it at first but on the left wall on the other side of the door frame there is a number pad. Beside it is a big button with an arrow pointing to the ceiling, below that is a hole, with a pin sticking out of the center of it, I bet it originally had a big button, with an arrow pointing the opposite direction as the one above it.
I press the top button, I hear a faint click but nothing happens, I try holding it, nothing. Maybe it’s broken? I press on the pin in the hole, I hear a similar click but still nothing. Well I have cornered myself, it’s only a matter of time before someone finds me, whether it's security or maintenance makes no difference, this is the end on my journey. Might as well have a peek behind the curtain that is the hotel employees.
My first job was customer service at a chain restaurant, it was terrible and the only reason I took it was because I wanted my own car. It was in my last year of university and was tired of taking the bus, my parents were willing to pay for a lot of things while I went to university, but a car? That was a luxury in there mind. I was at that job for less than a year then I got my first accounting job and never looked back.
If there is one thing I miss about that job it would have to be the collective bitterness all the other employees had towards most of the customers in general especially the regulars, you would at least expect one of them to have been awesome to deal with, no everyone is headache in one way or another. Looks like these hotel employees agree with me.
‘I hate dealing with people’ is either carved or written at least three times on each wall, on one wall someone used permanent marker to write ‘I want to escape this hell hole’ and judging by the shape of the ‘E’ the same person wrote ‘the old management was better’ on the wall across from it. Below that someone wrote in blue pen ‘Fuck off Eric! the old management sucked’ whoever wrote that also wrote ‘dickbutt’ on the far wall, opposite the door frame. A drawing of a cartoon character I have seen circling around the internet, standing boldly on the word that names it. One person simply carved a variety of profanitys all over the place along with a carving of four numbers.
2270 I punch that into the number pad, press the big button, hear a click, the revving of an electric motor, the sensation of being hoisted upwards, concrete wall slowly covers the opening I walked into. Really? It was that easy? At no point upper management saw the elevator code exposed for the whole world to see? Who would have thought such negligence was aloud.
Because there is no door on the elevator because of that I have the pleasure of watching a moving mural of hastily written profanities I really do enjoy seeing as much of it as I can. Suddenly the elevator comes to a halt. But there is no hallway in front of me just concrete and graffiti. I try the code and button again but nothing, before the idea of being trapped enters my mind I hear a rattling behind me.
As I turn around I remember the door frame was also on the other side of the elevator. I find a small room there is a pile of copper pipes leaning against the far wall, a plethora of 2x4’s cut to random lengths, a few broken and abandoned tools and cans of paint with the lid haphazardly placed on top. One can in particular calls out to me, it’s dried soft yellow colour drips down the side of it almost compels me to remember.
I can’t or that is I don’t want to remember it’s...it’s just too much. Turning my attention to the source of the rattling I suppress the memory once again. I walk up the four steps leading to a steel door which leads to the roof of this hotel. I step outside, greeted by a heavy warm wind and pock-faced man, who looks to be about my age smoking a cigarette.
I give him a simple nod and walk further away from the door, he greets it with a long pull from his cigarette and a suspicious scowl, I can feel his glare burning into my back as I admire the sight of my city from this perspective. It’s one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen I wish I could have seen stuff like this everyday.
As I draw closer to the edge I can hear the pock-faced man shouting something, it doesn’t matter what he has to say it’s already too late. I close my eyes and continue walking and let one comfort envelope me; the truth that it’s not my fault.
@lazy-author​ @writersroses​ @willowandsnow @fightingforwriting @melodielgrace @jaimistoryteller @imawriterhelp @fictionpot @panticwritten
Sorry if I missed tagging anyone, I hope you enjoy my story and I look forward to reading everyone else. I had a lot of fun writing this. For anyone who is a little lost.
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w-sincerity · 3 years
i saw a new reality behind my eyes last night, when i slipped into a deep sleep. Even if it was unsettled, I will still try to put the pieces together to describe the serenity, the peace, the happiness i glimpsed behind my eyelids last night with my heavy body melted into my mattress. I saw him in my dreams last night, Jeong, I saw him again. Yesterday was a hard day, it seemed as if every fragment of my reality was turned up too loud. My demons seem to be more vibrant in colour these days. I have around 24 hours left, maybe 30. I think my subconious is counting them down. I was so tired yesterday to the point of collapsing on the cream-coloured carpet at our new house, but like an old friend, my ed forced me from the ground to work-out. my legs were burning, I was feeling a lot weaker under the pressure of the guilt, I am not enough for the people who claim they love me and I am constantly letting myself down, i can’t handle the dirty looks anymore. I thought I’d be in a better place right now and it really hurts, i just want it to stop hurting. I collapsed on the floor an hour later, laying on the floor of my new room, gazing at the ceiling. My guilt was swirling in my mind, i wished I could call him. I wished he could show up on the door step and sit with me. Being around him eases my mind greatly, it melts the pain, it makes everything hurt a little less and the last thing i want is for things to start hurting because of him. I am exhausted of never being enough, always not doing enough for my family. Everyday has become a fight, and that’s okay, it has to be okay because the only other option is giving up. My heavy eyes traced circles on the worn out ceiling, envisioning a new life within the four halls around me. I saw my future self flitting around the room like a shadow. I still heard his voice as if he was speaking to me directly. My soulful state was disturbed by my sister returning to the front door, I jolted myself out of my thoughts. After moving an entire living room set upstairs, I once again passed out on the couch from pure exhaustion. It’s my birthday today and I wish from the bottom of my soul, my ed wasn’t so loud right now. These little demons are taking everything I have from me, I just want to be truly happy and free today as if i am floating above the past. I ate, got in my car and drove home. Little comments triggered my already stressed mind, a couple seconds away from a break down, it hit me like a water fall. I broke, fighting to put on a smile when I want to turn to ash and blow away in the summer breeze. My head resting on my sunken pillow, I thought about this life, whatever that means. The past, the future and lastly where I want to stay the present. My reality’s merged and I opened my eyes to see I was standing in the doorway of an oddly familiar apartment, I’m not sure what time of day it was. Upon opening my eyes into my dream I noticed Jeong asleep on his bed in front of me, his mouth slightly open with his heavy snores. I hadn’t heard the sound of his breathing like this in a number of years, since we were still young enough to ask our parents for lunch money. His expression appeared more weary, he had seen things. I was conscious, my immediate thought was to climb onto the bed next to him, lay down and slip into sweet slumber beside my friend. I followed my thoughts to the bed next to him, upon sitting down on the mattress next to his sleeping body, I sunk my boney fingers into his ink black slightly curly hair. I admired who he is, who he was, who he will be and who he is to me. Everything he means to me, I recounted memories of when we were children, years of friendship. We watched each other grow up, but sadly, as all things must come to an end, we grew apart. As if seeing him for the first time again, I dragged my fingertips delicately through his hair, brushing my thumb against the side of his temple. Without a thought, I laid my head down on his shoulder, the soles of my feet lifting off of the ground. I let my cheek press into his shoulder, i breathed in his sweet scent, I felt my stress begin to melt away as I felt truly safe in his presence. I couldn’t fake it, this life felt okay even if it was just a dream. Watching his chest rise and fall with his breath, I wanted to stay, despite it all being an illusion, it felt real and in that moment, Jeong and I were all that mattered. But, as all things tend to do, that moment faded too. With his tattooed hand clasp tightly around mine, his curly hair bouncing with his light jog I run after him through the furniture store. Surrounded by furniture displays, it was as if we were looking in the past of memories that formed my now lost childhood. Jeong pushed the metal door open to reveal a small bathroom with a single white fluorescent light bulb hanging from the tile ceiling above our heads, I was confused in my barely conscious state, the only feeling that crept over my skin was warmth. The metal door closed behind me, I glimpsed Jeong’s reflection in the perfectly clean mirror, I didn’t see myself. We smiled at each other surrounded by warmth, he laughed, I couldn’t make out any conversation but I knew it was casual but honest. His smile was sincere and full of life, life I hadn’t seen painted in a person’s eyes since the summer of ‘18 before who I was left forever. We fell into a warmth embrace, the slightly rough fabric of his parka winter jacket sinking around the pressure of my figure against his and I let the sweet but masculine scent of his skin engulf me. I clasp the back of his black parka, resting my cheek on the inside of his shoulder, he was slightly taller than me which was unusual for me. Upon leaning into him, I closed my eyes, my brow furrowing with the relief of being held after months of crippling loneliness. I grasp onto him tighter, i didn’t want to let go just this once, it all hurt so bad. Jeong had averted his gaze down to mine, without a thought, a regret or anything in between, his chin had tilted down to mine. We kissed each other, the pressure was soft but meaningful. I think he meant it. I couldn’t help but get lost in the moment, as if melting like butter on the top of souffle pancakes on a cool Monday morning, i melted into the subtle floral cherry flavour of his soft lips. The hurt deeply embedded in my soul began to fade even for a second, I felt as if I was worthy of love, like someone saw me if it was brief, even it was a dream, i didn’t want to open my eyes. I sunk deeper into his ocean, his crooked teeth knocked against mine. The thought of falling into each other had crossed my mind a couple times over the past couple of weeks, I thought it would be a late night on his sofa filled with drunken laughter or tears, I would’ve kissed him with passion, he would’ve kissed me with passion. I didn’t cling to that thought too tightly and let it drift through my mind effortlessly. As if I knew it was time, despite not wanting it to end, our lip locked state ended. Jeong smiled again as if it was nothing, although it couldn’t be. i don’t want to know. Dream or reality, I felt something, I felt blood in my cold, numb hands. It was the comfort I needed, even if for the longest time I saw him has a little brother that needed caring for, that image of him has faded, I am beginning to see the man is growing into. Jeong faded and I opened my eyes to the weight of my demons sitting on the back of my shoulders, I sucked in my heavy breath. Dazed I recounted my dreams, confused of the meaning I am still looking for, I wished I could call him, the same as the day before. It was just a dream. Just a dream.
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Breakups suck. I’ve had a few- less than most but more than many. After a breakup my feelings for the other person lie somewhere between heartbroken, totally ready to move on and hoping the other person’s fingers grow fishhooks and that they also develop a strong itch in their genitals. Somewhere in there...
There are those select humans that can somehow remain friends with their exes and genuinely support them. I admire those people and I hope to be one of those people when I grow up. That said it does take two to make that work. But in general I think those people are on a different plane and there probably don’t need to read this blog. Actually no one needs to read this blog... who reads blogs anymore? Let’s be honest this is just a glorified online journal for me to unpack the crazy making in my life. But I digress...
Breakups happen. Wish them fortune or ill but eventually you move on. Right? Sure... assuming you CAN actually make a clean break. Assuming you don’t live/work/go to school together. Assuming you’re not married (because divorcing someone is a undoing a legal contract and that doesn’t happen in a vacuum). Also assuming there’s not a child involved because then that person that you’d much happier never having to see again EVER is someone you are forced to continue interacting with for the next 18 (minus your youngest child’s age) years longer.
We have a triple threat and that’s where our story begins...
This isn’t our love story (or is it?). Well okay... a quick background. It’s 1995, Wilson high school, Portland Oregon: I’m a Senior he’s a Junior. We didn’t date but we both liked one another- but I had a boyfriend and having a crush on two boys was too much for me to handle!! I graduated, went to college, loved my life. No idea what happened to him. 12 years later years and I’d just moved to SF and who do I see on the bus? What?? Still cute, he just moved to SF from DC after a few years living in Iowa... with his wife. He’s married. Of course he is. Cool let’s be Facebook friends and I’ll see you never. Berceuse WTF would I say if I ever met your wife? “Nice to meet you I had a big crush on your husband in high school”. That’s just awkward.
But we did exchange numbers. He was a chef and I was a waitress so when he got a new job he might text me and tell me to stop by (I never did) or if we needed a new line cook I’d reach out to him (he never replied). At some point on Facebook I saw that they had a kid. Cute little thing with a buttload of hair.
Fast forward 2.5 years. It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m showing a couple friends who aregg bet single how Tinder works: “Oh no... he’s no good. See you just swipe left- hard left!”. He was like the 3rd guy that pulled up. We chatted back and forth through the app a couple times then I just texted him because I had his number and I’m paranoid about conversations through apps. (I just imagine people who work for Tinder reading them and laughing their asses off at my attempts to play it cool.) Anyways, a week later we went on our first date and it was pretty much game over for me.
He was 8 months out of a 10 year relationship and had a toddler why am I not running the other direction? That’s a great question and I have no good answer. Or at least not a sexy one... I’m attracted to vulnerable men? They’re like my catnip: “Come here kitty- Mama like”!
His son was 2.5 when we started dating. I knew I was dating a man with a child and I knew exactly what that meant. I babysat A LOT and I was a nanny for 5 years. It’s not the same thing as being a parent by any means. But compared to an average childless woman I did have a better understanding of what I was getting into and what spending hours with a toddler was like. I knew that if we were going to be in a relationship the kid comes first, I’m replaceable the child is not.
His ex was trying to move to Hawaii to live with her new boyfriend and wanted to take their son. That’s a hard no. Absolutely not. R had already filed for divorce but that got sidelined by custody. She hired a more aggressive attorney and insisted she would be taking their son. When describing his ex and her behavior R was throwing around with like crazy and narcissist and borderline.
Okay, okay... this situation is really stressful. I’m sure she’s not that bad- you married her right? Stress does not bring out the best in people’s personalities- quite the opposite. It’s hard to think straight. This is probably situational- I’m sure she’ll calm down soon. Maybe try phrasing your text this way so she doesn’t get defensive- I’m sure she’ll be reasonable if you just explain it really clearly...
I spent months empathizing with her and trying to help R better communicate with her. All in vain- it toa long time to realize she doesn’t want to communicate or compromise she just wants her way. And any attempt to have an open honest discussion is just ammunition for her to use against you in a future conversation.
If she asks R for a favor and his answer is no she’ll twist the conversation into her being victimized.
If she asks R for a favor and his answer is yes she’ll twist the situation and say that she actually did him a favor.
If R asks her for a favor she ignores him, calls him names and/or tells R he’s harassing her.
To be clear, most of the time she doesn’t ASK- she demands.
If R agrees to something once he has to agree in the future it or he’s a hypocrit.
She flat out remembers things wrong and when R shows her the screenshots of the text she wrote proving she’s m wrong she says he’s being petty.
When R asks her to discuss child related issues directly with him rather than asking their 4 year old son to communicate the message to him she tells R he’s being difficult.
When it’s her custodial time and R has a scheduled FT she bribed their son with candy or ice cream to end the call early. (He can have it after he’s done).
I feel like we’re in an alternate reality. She’s constantly coming after R legally with baseless claims. She projects all the shit she does to R and accuses him of doing it to her!! We read her motions and were like “What’s is she talking about? R didn’t do that to her she’s doing that to R!”. And no is not a misinterpretation and they’re both doing it- she’s doing it and accusing him of doing it. It’s crazy making.
Claim: R refuses to communicate with her and insists on going through attorneys.
False. She has ZERO emails or texts to back this up- they agreed to communicate via text and email. She hasn’t sent a single email or text to R to “discuss” anything so how is he refusing to communicate? R has written numerous long and detailed emails to her for years and even more over the past 10 months of Covid trying to communicate and co-parent with her, share information and get schedules finalized without the courts involvement and her responses are dismissive and often only one sentence. His attorney and her attorney even tried to resolve issues without the court but she refused to comply and court was the last resort.
Claim: wasn’t even a claim really, mores demand that both parents needing to be flexible about scheduled FaceTimes in their child is swimming or playing during that time and also be accommodating if the other parent wants to do an unscheduled call they can.
Reality: Totally... R has never denied her a FT, has been flexible when she’s asked to reschedule and he’s sent MULTIPLE emails to her saying she can do an unscheduled FT anytime she wants (just give him a heads up). She’s done maybe 4 unscheduled FaceTimes in 2 years. We don’t plan any activities during her scheduled call time because it’s her scheduled time... so her calls don’t ever “interrupt” anything. Please, I beg you, show any evidence to the contrary.
Oh and while she’s looking for evidence that doesn’t exist I’d like to show the email she just sent from December 2020 telling R that when their son was with her during Christmas he was ONLY allowed to FaceTime during his scheduled time of 6:40-8. No “bullshit” unscheduled FaceTimes calls like he did last summer when he called their son “every day” it was “harassment”.
(Calling every day would have been excessive, but not harassment. But he didn’t call every day. He had 2 scheduled FaceTimes per week by court order and in addition he called 1 extra day a week (so three calls a week). Also, important to point out is that their son, who primarily lives with his father, was going to not see his father for three months because of conflicting language in the ruling and delays in getting it clarified due to COVID and Jennie’s refusal to discuss shortening the time to what they’d agreed to.
He always texted her before his scheduled FaceTime to confirm the time would work and it wouldn’t conflict with activities they’d planned. But even though it was a scheduled call it always seemed to interrupt something fun that their son was doing: swimming, hiking, skateboarding. Funny how when she asked him to push back his call 2 hours he STILL was interrupting fun plans. It’s his SCHEDUKED time- plan your shit on a different day OR if you can’t contact R ahead of time to reschedule the FaceTime so it doesn’t conflict or interrupt your plans.
As for unscheduled FaceTimes he’d text in the morning asking to do a FaceTime in the afternoon (so giving her at least 3 or 4 hours notice so she can pick a time that works for her). She wouldn’t reply, instead he’d just immediately get a FaceTime call. To her credit she doesn’t refuse the calls and conveniently their son is often immediately available.
But it’s funny how if she knows R’s gonna call she seem to have plans, but when she doesn’t know he’s going to call she’s just sitting around the house doing jack shit.
She is bananas.
0 notes
5hfanfiction · 6 years
Coldfall, NY: 1 - "How Come I've Never Met You, Then?"
“Remember to smile and be nice today, amorcita,” my mom smiled warmly, placing a hand on my cheek, “have a wonderful day, I love you!” She called as I stepped out of the car.
“Love you too, mama,” I waved, slamming the door of our old minivan- which still had its Florida license plates, a blatant reminder: I’m new here.
I shakily pulled myself up the concrete stairs, face to face with the doors of my new hell: Coldfall Regional High School. As I stepped through the entryway, I looked around at the light blue walls; the fluorescent lighting combined with my anxiety was giving me a headache. I tried to slow my breathing and heartrate as my eyes fell on a digital clock that hung from the ceiling: 7:48. That was 7 minutes to kill before I’d have to start walking to my first class… but wasn’t I supposed to meet-
“Hello, there! You must be Lauren Ja-Jauregui?” A spritely girl around my age appeared seemingly out of nowhere. She was really short, but I knew only sophomores shadowed new freshmen, so she had to be older than me. She had long brown hair, olive skin, and chestnut eyes. She must’ve only been around five feet tall.
“Yeah, that’s me. And you’re Ally Hernandez?” I raised an eyebrow, fiddling with my fingers out of anxiety, hoping I’d at least gotten her name right.
“Yup! You can call me Ally Brooke… or Ally, it’s all good,” she offered a welcoming smile and gestured to the room around us, “this is the lobby, and that’s the main office.” She started her tour, walking a few feet forward, but I didn’t follow, “well, come on, class is gonna start! You have English with Morrison first, so we have to go to the second floor.”
Walking down the hallways with Ally, I felt a certain atmosphere that was quite different from Miami. For one thing, its hallways were enclosed and packed with people, unlike the open-air hallways I was used to in Miami. But besides the physical differences, it just seemed a little more tense, as if the whole school was on edge about something that I didn’t know about.
It didn’t seem too bad at first glance, though, in fact, it was probably better to start fresh in high school. Only problem was that for every decent situation life handed me, it threw me three shitty ones to go along. Life always fucked up when things started to be good.
It’s not that I come from a bad household, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. My mother, Clara, is an award-winning teacher. She’s won Florida state and national teacher of the year. Unfortunately, this left me and my siblings alone with my father for most of the time while she traveled the country for conferences.
My dad was my best friend; he’d taught me how to play guitar, sing, and even took me to local auditions for singing competitions. We were basically inseparable. After serving 2 deployments in Afghanistan, however, it’s like my father left, and never came back. Now, he suffers from PTSD and alcoholism, which leaves my brother, sister, and I, constantly on edge. He isn’t abusive, in fact, when he’s sober, he’s still the man we knew and loved. But sobriety is once in a blue moon for my father. Sometimes he’ll disappear for a day, and sometimes it’ll be a week, but whenever my mom isn’t home, I’m the one taking care of my siblings.
Taylor and Chris, or as I call them, my nuggets, are the only two beings who keep me going in life. Don’t get me wrong- I love my parents, but without my siblings, I probably would’ve been long gone by now. My younger brother, Chris, was my three-month-early third birthday gift. Or at least he was in my opinion. I remember holding him in my arms and feeling like such a grown adult. He was always there to play with me, and now that we’re older, he’s the best to talk to- though only in sixth grade, Chris is wise beyond his years.
Taylor, my littlest nugget, is the dream younger sister that every girl wants as a child. She was born when I was five, and she quickly became my world. I took it upon myself to teach her all the sisterly things about life, even when I was too young to figure life out for myself. Taylor and I would take dance together, play dolls, dress up, and house. But now that she doesn’t wanna do that shit anymore, we share music, and clothes, and see movies. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but it sucks that they didn’t get to know real dad as long as I did.
“Lauren, are you okay?” I hear a soft voice next to me, it was Ally- though it really couldn’t have been anyone else.
“Hm? Oh, yup,” I stumble on my words. People often catch me zoning out in my own thoughts, and though I’m used to it, it usually embarrasses me.
“Alright, well, I have to go, but have a great first period and wait here for me after class,” Ally smiled, patted my backpack, and disappeared into the traffic pattern of the crowded hallway; leaving me to myself and my thoughts.
“Hey! Are you from Ashridge?” I hear a voice behind me just a minute or two after Ally left. I turned around to see a girl who was a little taller than me. She had caramel-colored skin, long, wavy, blonde hair, and big brown eyes. She was really pretty.
“Uh, no. I’m from Coldfall,” I muttered, shyly, looking past her to avoid eye contact. I’m not sure if I’m not straight, but pretty girls always intimidate me.
“How come we’ve never met, then? I’m sure I’ve never seen you.”
“Oh, well, I just moved here,” I shrugged, looking directly at her face for the first time. She was gorgeous.
“Really? Did you live close?”
“No, not even in the state, actually. I’m from Miami.”
“Wow! That’s so cool!” The girl exclaimed, “well, you can be a part of my group, if you like. What’s your schedule like?”
I handed her a copy of my schedule, given to me by my guidance counselor a few weeks prior.
“Girl! We have four of seven classes together! And we’ll have class right before lunch, which is perfect. I’ll show you the ropes if you’d like,” the girl smiled, handing me back my schedule, “I’m Dinah Jane.”
Huh, does everyone in New York go by their first and middle names?
“It’s nice to meet you, Dinah Jane, I’m Lauren,” I offered back, “and actually, I have a sophomore who has to show me around, but I’d love to eat lunch with you.”
“Oh cool, cool, who is it?”
“Ally Hernandez?” My reply turned into a question as Dinah’s face started to change, she must’ve known who Ally was.
“Allyson Brooke Hernandez! My one and only sunshine!” Dinah broke into a grin, “love that girl. I’ll show you around with her, then. Let’s get to Morrison’s class, he’s a bitch when it comes to people coming in late.”
“So this is where we eat,” Dinah mumbled through a mouthful of food, swallowing before she finished, “it’s not fancy but it’s not the worst,” she shrugged. Ally and Dinah had led me to a section of what they called the choir hallway, since the hallway had only led to the band and choir rooms, and as Dinah put it: “nobody gives a fuck about band”.
“Why don’t we just eat in the cafeteria?” I questioned, “there seemed to be plenty of open tables.”
Dinah made a face and shook her head, “I know you’re new, so I don’t expect you to know the unspoken rules, but one of the most important is that freshmen aren’t allowed to sit in the caf.”
I scrunched up my face, “why? That’s bullshit.”
“Well, it’s been this way ever since they converted the schedule so everyone has the same lunch period at once. Every year, the sophomores move up and become bitter jerks who kick the freshmen out of the caf, while the juniors and seniors just don’t care,” Ally explained.
“Sophomores are assholes, no offense, Ally,” Dinah scoffed.
“None taken, but language, Dinah Jane,” Ally shook her head, moving to sit on the tile floor.
I was about to ask another question, but as I opened my mouth, I heard someone call to Dinah and Ally as they approached.
“I come bearing gifts!” I tall girl with dark skin, long, beautiful black hair, and chocolate brown eyes announced with a smile, showing off her bright, white teeth. She was holding a stack of cookies. “YOU get a cookie, YOU get a cookie, and- wait, who is this?” She inquired, one eyebrow raised, as her eyes landed on me.
“I’m Lauren,” I introduced myself, bashfully.
“Normani,” she nodded, a look of confusion still present on her face, “how come I’ve never seen you before?”
Is it that hard of a concept that people move? I thought. This was the second time I’ve gotten this question.
“Well I just moved here from Miami,” I explained.
“Ah, got it. See, I was just surprised, because nobody’s moved to Coldfall since-” Normani started, but abruptly stopped speaking.
“Because…” I drew out the word, prompting her to continue.
“Shh!” All three girls hushed me.
“Wha-?” I started to protest.
“See that girl over there?” Dinah whispered, moving her face closer to mine. I nodded.
Normani continued her story in a hushed tone, “that girl’s name is Camila Cabello. She’s kind of a loner now, but she used to be pretty popular and well-liked. About two years ago, her father and sister mysteriously disappeared. It turned into a huge investigation for a while, and it ultimately took our town off the map. Not many people have moved here since then.”
My mouth fell open, but Dinah continued, “after that happened, rumor is that her mother kinda went off the deepend. She was living with her mother and her mother’s boyfriend after that, but they were pretty abusive, and she was taken by DYFS. Camila’s been looking for her father and sister ever since. It’s really shitty, she was a nice girl.”
“God bless her,” Ally shook her head, frowning sympathetically.
“I wanna talk to her,” I mumbled, admiring the girl sitting across the hall. She was staring blankly at her laptop, both earbuds in. She had tanned skin, beautiful pink lips and wavy brown hair. The thing I noticed most of all, though, were her doe eyes. They were gorgeous, but pained. I desperately wanted to see them smiling.
“Oh no, you don’t. Do you want to fit in here, new girl?” Dinah scoffed.
“If you want a chance of seeming normal, you’re not gonna say a word to Camila,” Normani said with finality and Ally just nodded her head.
I loved my new friends already, but I wasn’t going to take their advice. There was no way I wasn’t going to try to help Camila if I had a choice in the matter- if only I could figure out a way to talk to her.
- A/N:
Hey all!
First of all, this is @itsall-acosmicjoke … I created a new tumblr and deleted my old one.
Secondly: It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything! I’ve been working on a few things that ultimately didn’t go anywhere, but more importantly, I’ve been trying to get my mental health together. I️ came up with this idea basically out of nowhere, but as we all know I️ can’t keep up with anything other than an OS, so I’m gonna try to make this one work! Anyway, I️ hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any suggestions, as always, and happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow US residents :)
Tumblr: https://whoooooooooooosh.tumblr.com/
Wattpad: @itsall-acosmicjoke
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canaliculi · 7 years
Everything Stays
Gravity Falls
NC-17: Fluffy goodbye intimacy for the trash couple, tentacle sex, praise kink
Only one of them sees the inevitable end approaching.
Ford’s mindscape was calm, and utterly dominated by the monolithic version of their portal his mind had created. The star studded night sky was still a governing feature of the human’s mental playground, but now the steady thrumming of the portal filled the air constantly, the light radiating from the machine surging in pulses like a heartbeat. Bill had begun to appear more and more frequently as their work had progressed. As the completion date drew closer, it had become a nightly occurrence – the muse would be there as soon as his eyes slipped shut, and although their time spent together wasn’t something Ford would describe as restful, he never felt more alive than when he woke from his shared dreams.
This night was proving to be no different. Dark, smoky, dripping tendrils were wound around his legs, their surface slick and shifting like an oil spill. Eyes and mouths would form at seemingly random, peering at him, grinning at him, snaking out a tongue and licking against his clothed skin. The sensations felt so real, it was sometimes difficult to remember he was asleep. It was also vaguely unnerving and definitely unsettling. The slit-pupiled gaze of his muse was familiar though, in whatever form the normally yellow creature chose to take.
They had been talking about something – equations, techniques, endless checking and rechecking of their work – but Ford’s mind had drifted. When his hands came close to the strange tentacles that were slowly climbing his legs, he had discovered, thin shoots would pull themselves out of the black mass, twining through the air like vines. He had made a game at first of drawing his fingers away before the tendrils could attach, watching as they sank back into the darkness they had hauled themselves out of or dissipated into swirls of smoke. But he had grown more curious, as he always did, and allowed one to latch onto his finger.
When he brought his hand closer to his face to examine it more thoroughly, the small tendril had broken free completely from its larger twins. Ford had expected it to expire as the other projections had, but it had just continued to wind around his fingers, apparently propagating itself. Fascinating. Was Bill consciously controlling it? His eyes flicked guiltily upwards to the air, where long lines of glowing numbers and letters were still flickering and changing rapidly as Bill ran through their work, making tiny adjustments here and there and reverting them just as quickly. He really should be paying closer attention, couldn’t deny that he was awed at the speed with which Bill could shuffle through endless calculations, but the inky blackness was coiling around his wrist now, and seemed to show no signs of stopping.
In fact, as it curled further up his arm, it appeared to be growing faster, though it didn’t seem to be sprouting the eyes and mouths the larger versions sported. He twisted his arm this way and that, admiring the bands of winding colors that appeared and reappeared as the light bounced off the tendril’s surface. It felt cool and slick against his arm, but it didn’t leave any substance behind as it roved across his skin. Ford briefly squeezed his fist, finding the dark material surprisingly firm between his fingers, against his palm, and suddenly the world went completely dark.
His whole body jerked, but he could still feel the small tentacle tangling itself around his arm, and from the resistance he felt against his kicking legs, the others must be there as well. A huge eye opened in front of him, gold cut with a thin black strip, the only source of light, and it narrowed. Narrowed, not curved. Oh boy. He gave Bill what he hoped was a sheepish grin, hand automatically moving to scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment. It wasn’t until his fingers were brushing the skin of neck that Ford realized he’d used the hand covered in living darkness, and he cringed as he felt tendrils raise themselves off from their brethren to begin winding around his throat.
“Am I DISTRACTING YOU, SIXER?” Bill asked, voice echoing from every direction.
“N-No! I mean, well, yes, my attention may have wandered…” May have. Even now, Ford was slightly preoccupied with the things coiling around him, had hurriedly jerked his hand down and was now debating trying to rip them off his neck with his unbound hand. Bill typically had patience for the human – it must be vast as an ocean, as he watched Ford struggle with alien concepts and mathematics – but Ford was certain it had to have a limit, and practically ignoring his muse while he worked so diligently on their portal was probably pushing it. He prepared himself for a scolding, for disappointment that would chill him to the bone, but instead the eye curved up in a smile.
“COURSE IT DID! I should have KNOWN better!” Ford let out a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding. The eye abruptly closed but there was now a subtle light infusing the… wherever he was, without an obvious source.
“Bill, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“NAH, don’t SWEAT IT, why don’t we just TAKE A BREAK? You’ve been working ROUND THE CLOCK for the past FEW WEEKS!” Ford found himself smiling, thanking whatever – luck or fate – had brought he and his muse together. How would he have ever been able to guess that his journeys in Gravity Falls would lead him to such a kind, knowing creature? “BESIDES, if any of the EQUATIONS were WRONG I guess it’s TOO LATE NOW! The only thing LEFT to DO is POWER THAT BABY UP!”
There was suddenly a chill on his skin, and instead of the damp and slightly itchy sensation of the tentacles dragging across his clothing, there was the slick and sliding feeling of them tracing along his flesh directly. Ford’s breath seemed to catch in his throat as he glanced down at himself, a furious blush from his collarbones to his ears erupting as he found himself naked. His face only grew hotter as he heard Bill laughing. It was hardly the first time his muse had seen him in such a state, but as always both pleasure and anxiety were curling heavy in the pit of his stomach.
“Hey, Fordsy, RELAX – this is supposed to be a BREAK! A PRESENT, even, for a JOB WELL DONE!” The tendrils around his arm had made their way up to his deltoid muscle, and they squeezed his entire arm in rhythmic pulses. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, in the column of his throat where a collar of darkness constricted tightly, just this side of uncomfortable. He swallowed, feeling the tentacles press against his Adam’s apple as it bobbed up and down. His head buzzed with the pleasure of Bill’s compliment.
As if some decision had been reached, the dark limbs around his legs suddenly writhed into motion, coiling upwards, wrapping around his thighs, his hips, slipping in between them. Ford shivered, a chill running up his spine. All at once, he felt the surface of the tentacles against him warp, mouths opening against his skin, licking and biting at him, dragging a startled gasp from the man. He felt his cock twitch, growing heavy, and as though the slight motion was enough to draw attention, thin, slick tendrils began to twine around him. Ford groaned, the sound choked off as the collar at his neck tightened, cut off his air supply entirely for an exaggerated moment and released again.
“I knew you could do it, IQ.” Bill’s voice again, lower than usual and sending shudders through his body. “You’re the only one who could.”
Ford was fully hard now, eyes closed and panting as black tentacles slithered up and down his length, hips twitching fitfully. It felt as though the limbs were all around him now, touching every inch of his body, opening when he least expected them to bite and suck at his feverish skin. Even the one looping around his neck would nip along the sides, licking at the junction of his jaw, squeezing painfully tight and making him lightheaded with both arousal and air loss. When he opened his eyes again, the sky was dotted with Bill’s eyes, each of them trained on Ford, drinking in his reactions, and the human moaned aloud at the thought that such a being’s attention was fixated solely on himself, was as enamored with him as he with it.
“B-Bill…” he murmured, wishing he could touch his muse as well. Bill chuckled, and Ford felt the smooth end of a tentacle teasing against his entrance.
“You want my attention, don’t you?” All of the tendrils squeezed tighter, around his limbs, around his cock, around throat. “But you already have it, always have it – how could I ignore such a brilliant mind, the only worthy one of its generation?”
The tentacle thrust inside him, the one at his throat slackening to allow broken groans to slip out unrestricted through his lips, the sounds almost constant now. It began gently, stretching Ford on its length, driving deeper and deeper with each insertion, purposefully brushing against his prostate, teasingly light. The ones circling his cock twisted, their pace constantly changing to keep him on edge, slowing every time Ford thought the sweet tension in his body was about to be relieved. And his mind replayed Bill’s words over and over, praises new and old alike swimming in his thoughts.
Brilliant. IQ. Genius. Only you.
The movement around, inside his body came to a slow halt, and Ford’s eyes blearily opened. Why had he stopped? His limbs were shaking, hot and drenched in sweat, and his hips jerked almost uncontrollably, desperately trying to grind back on the length that remained stubbornly unmoving, frustratingly close. Bill finally appeared in his triangular form, eye crinkled with a pleased smile, and he reached out to grab Ford by the chin, his other hand combing through the human’s damp hair.
“Bill, please,” Ford panted. He tried to lift his hands up to pull his muse closer, but he founds his movements restricted by the tentacles.
“You want to come already, is that it?” Something like excited dread pooled in his stomach. Bill had played games like this with him before, goading him to the absolute brink and then dragging him back down, toying with him for what felt like an eternity. He seemed to enjoy making Ford lose control, lose himself in frustration, in need. Ford wasn’t sure he wanted to play right now; Bill just shrugged. “Suit yourself! This is YOUR gift, after all!”
The creature swapped his eye for a mouth, blew a kiss at the bound man, but Ford surged forward, captured Bill’s lips with his own. It was weird, it was creepy, it was only distantly similar to kissing another human. As everything with his muse was, it was a unique experience that Ford had found himself shocked (perhaps embarrassed) to enjoy, the crackling heat of Bill’s flesh against his lips, in his mouth, a slick tongue entering him, long – too long – and curling around his own, and sometimes down his throat. Everything else finally started moving again, faster, almost frenzied, had him moaning against his muse, against electric heat that begged to burn him.
The tentacle slammed hard inside him, bordering on painful, and Ford came with a muffled cry, Bill pulling away from him. It kept moving inside him, his body wracked with shivers of overstimulation, and the tendrils around his dick milked him dry, until he was almost whimpering, pleading wordlessly for it to stop. He hung limply, chest heaving as he tried to recover. The black limbs withdrew carefully, their tips tracing invisible patterns along his skin as they retreated, until there was nothing but a net gently supporting him. Bill was dragging his claws against his scalp, backwards and forwards, and Ford floated, relaxed, enjoyed the quiet blankness of his mind for a while.
“One day SOON we’ll be able to do this with your BODY, Fordsy! If you think THIS is blowing your mind, just WAIT!” Ford couldn’t help but think the pun was intentional, and he opened his eyes to smile at his grinning muse. The human reached out to pull gently at the triangle, gratified when Bill docilely followed his direction, settling against Ford’s chest.
“What do you want do to when our portal is open?” Bill looked at him blankly. “I mean, you’ll have a whole new dimension to explore, you’ll be able to meet Fiddleford and so many others – you won’t be stuck with me anymore.” Something ugly was twisting around in his stomach now, at the thought of Bill being cooed and awed over by others, as they were bound to do once the muse had come into his dimension. Ford had looked away from Bill while he spoke, but he dared a glance, surprised to find such an unreadable expression on the usually animated creature. A moment later, it seemed that Bill snapped out of whatever funk he’d briefly been in.
“Aw, you can’t get rid of me THAT EASILY, Sixer! ‘Til the END of TIME, right pal?” Ford felt some unnamed tension drain away, and he settled back against the hammock-like net, closing his eyes again.
“’Til the end of time.”
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pan-matsuri · 7 years
Pokémon Moon Update 2
Last night, I finished Akala Island and the brief plot events directly following. Continued thoughts on my adventure below. Ye have been warned, there be spoilers. Akala Island: A Bunch Of Things You Have To Do
My current team is Brionne, Misdreavus, Ledian, Fomantis, and Umbreon. All girls except for Umbreon. Marowak is traveling with me and was used briefly on Akala, but she is currently on the bench. A Rock or Electric type would be a good replacement for coverage, or maybe a Dragon, or maybe Vulpix because I do what I want. I just noticed that my whole team, save for Ledian, is single typed. That’s not too uncommon for me, but usually in these instances I have a Raichu. Not this time because Alolan Raichu is not cute. I really like the cinematic sequences between you and Hau. He is my favorite character other than myself, but he continues to not be taken seriously by the rest of the cast. Before you even really set foot on the island, you’re introduced to two new characters, neither of whom properly introduce themselves. You’re told after the conversation that they’re a kahuna and a captain, but maybe they could have said as much. Or maybe they could have even said their names? I think captain Mallow did but the kahuna Olivia definitely didn’t. And another thing. The cast of characters I’m supposed to care about is huge. After the first meeting, you’re quickly introduced to Sina and Dexio, who we’d apparently met before in Kalos during XY. Plus there’s the oldest 8 year old ever, Hapu. And also the Team Skull people, Gladion and pink hair. And also also the Aether Foundation. There’s the clearly evil green dude, the clearly evil boss lady, the really nice administrator, and the unnamed employee that Rotom has the hots for. There’s too many names! Speaking of Rotom, I’m actually warming up to it. It’s not that intrusive and tends to think what I’m thinking most of the time anyway. This island, like Melemele, is very linear, unfortunately. The stupid boy and his Stoutland constantly block your path and force you to explore only in the designated areas. This isn’t really new for Pokémon, I guess. I don’t like how many surprise battles there are. I know by now I should just expect that a story marker on the map will have a battle, but more often than not I forget and my whole team will start in the yellow. I’ve used more healing items in this game than any other, but that may also be because my team is far less balanced than ever before. Ledian and Umbreon are walls and are bound to take chip damage. Fomantis is a glass cannon and slow to boot, so she’s hard to switch in without Ledian or Umbreon’s support. I didn’t like the ranch town. You couldn’t go into hardly any houses, which hurt the immersion. I don’t like how unceremonious it is when you are given access to Stoutland as a Ride Pokémon. For Tauros, you had to chase him all across Melemele and make friends with him. It felt like you earned the chance to ride it. But for Stoutland, it’s basically Mallow saying “oh hey here’s the itemfinder okay bye” I didn’t like how the first trial captain was Lana. On Melemele, we met Ilima several times before the first trial. I feel like it’s been standard for a while now to meet a gym leader at least once outside of their gym before the challenge. But once again, you walk into Brooklet Hill and meet someone you’ve never met before and it feels unceremonious. Also, you are given a new ride Pokémon, again with no ceremony. This time it’s the surfing Pokémon and I knew it was gonna be Lapras but I just really hoped it would have been anyone else. By this point, I had not yet caught Eevee or Cubone. But that’s fine, as Fomantis was able to single handedly take on the Totem Wishiwashi and it’s allies, thanks to Razor Leaf being an AOE attack. The fishing pole can seemingly only catch Magikarp which continues to be stupid. In GSC, the Old Rod can actually catch other things, like Poliwag. Apparently we forgot that tho. I don’t remember at what point we’re introduced to Gladion and his Pokémon. It has the worst name ever, Type: Null. It’s a cool concept tho. This is also about the time that we’re introduced to Hapu as well. I don’t like her. She’s failed to show me any reason to be interested in her. She has a horse. Cool. I really like Battle Royals. I do not like the way that you’re forced into your first one without any time to prepare, per the usual in this game. I had been level training my Eevee, which had just hatched, so I was way lower level than everyone else. Luckily, they all ignored me for whatever reason. So I just used Growl repeatedly, so that no one could do any damage to me if they tried. Once somebody was in the red, I used Quick Attack to steal the KO. I really liked how you didn’t hear from Kukui hardly at all on this island. I don’t like Kukui. I did like the build up to Kiawe’s trial. This was again another person we’d never met. But the dance thing was pretty funny. I did not like Totem Salazzle. This match was very difficult, but only because the rules suddenly changed for this fight. Totem Pokémon can call for help from predefined allies. In the first two trials, when you defeat the allies, they’re gone for good. But in this match, the ally Salandit keep coming forever. So if you don’t focus on Salazzle from the start, you’ll have a rough time. Annoyingly, I’d never seen either of these Pokémon before. They might have been in the wild in this area, but I didn’t bother looking because 1) catching Pokémon sucks in this game, and 2) wild EXP gain is not worth the time. So I stopped spending a lot of time looking in the grass, notably around the ranch, because I was sick of seeing Lillipup and nothing else. There’s 800+ Pokémon now, can we have some variety please? Anyway, they are Poison/Fire types. I had my whole team at this time, and they all were put through the paces, except for Fomantis who had no chance here. Misdreavus missed on the first turn with Thunder Wave and then died, which set the stage for an awful battle. Ledian could survive their stupid combo, but wasn’t fast enough to get a Light Screen up. Umbreon could survive but couldn’t do much on its own other than tank for a turn and let the others heal. Cubone could do serious damage but couldn’t survive for longer than a turn. Brionne was the MVP, but only after I switched focus to Salazzle and used Hydro Vortex. Poison was the killer here, even though this was supposed to be a Fire trial. Anyway. I do not like the ride Pokémon for flying, Charizard. It seems that even Nintendo thinks Gen 1 is the only good one, which is just not true. There are so many Flying types, you didn’t have to pick literally the first one on the list. I really like the music. Especially the ambient music in calm places, like where you first meet Tapu Koko. Mallow’s trial was neat. I did like how it incorporated Lana and Kiawe. I think Mallow’s trial should have been first. Totem Lurantis was not as hard as people on the internet said it was. Ledian was the MVP. I first took out ally Trumbeak with Brionne and Umbreon. For some reason, Lurantis kept using Solar Blade instead of X-Scissor on Umbreon, so I kept using Growl. After 3 Growls and a Reflect, Lurantis could only do 5~10 damage to Ledian using X-Scissor. Castform was taken out quickly using Brionne and Ledian. Brionne admirably tanked a sunny Solar Blade thanks to prior support. Ledian’s Infestation was able to outpace Lurantis’s Synthesis after an X Sp Atk. Professor Burnet is way cooler than her husband. I don’t like Kukui. I don’t know what to think of this Ultra Wormhole thing yet. Diglett’s Tunnel is stupid because Steel type is stupid and Zubat is annoying. I’ve even raised one before. I loved my Crobat in Crystal. But that was well over a decade ago. I really like how there are two clothing stores on Akala Island. I also really like the hair accessories. They are way better than hats. I was not a fan of all the surprise battles with Team Skull on the way to the grand trial. I like that Team Skull is dumb, and I’m glad to start meeting their leaders, and I like that even their leaders know that Team Skull is dumb. The grand trials are similar enough to gym battles that it’s refreshing. I like Olivia as a character. I don’t like Aether. They’re clearly all evil, except for Wicke and the girl who was nice to Rotom and me after we saved Slowpoke. I wish we could have actually explored their island a little. I liked the encounter with the Ultra Beast. I wish I could have beaten it before it fled. All in all, I generally felt the same as I did on Melemele. Kukui seems to want me to take this adventure way more seriously than anyone else. I wish I could have an adventure with Hau, where we could take it slow and enjoy our travels through the islands, perhaps without Kukui breathing down our necks. I don’t like Kukui. Some other thoughts: • I like how the trainers actually stand with their Pokémon during battle. It’s an idea that I had in my head a long time ago, and I’m glad it made its way through the aether into reality. • It seems like a lot of the moveset changes were made with competitive battles in mind. Which is annoying, because I don’t play competitive. I want to actually use cool Pokémon like Ledian and cute ones like Glaceon that are not very good in competitive, but it makes the single-player game more difficult. • I don’t like the version-exclusive clothing. I’d love to wear more red and yellow without having to figure out the Festival Plaza. But then again, like in real life, I only wear black and white so maybe it doesn’t matter. • I’m not sure why I feel so discouraged to wander into the tall grass in this game. My favorite thing about Pokémon is catching them all. It’s probably a combination of SOS battles being garbage, catch rates being lower, wild exp being lower, and my team being slower and more defensive.
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