#I contacted them politely to be like ''Hey. Credit me. This is not ok.''
lucky-numberme · 1 year
found out a popular literary magazine website has been using a piece of my fanart as the header for their Hallowoods page without crediting me 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hey :]
Its my first time that I have a request for you so I don't know if you wrote this before🙈
But my request:
Could you maby write a enemy to lover fanfic with Jooyeon x Y/n?
Maby that both if them meet in the same school and realized they were in the same class and they sat on one table.
And they had to do a group project and there they were a lot together.
I hope you can write it with my bad instructions🙈😅
Thank you <3
Hope you have a good day/night ^^
You explained well, no worries :)
Lee Jooyeon
Summary: Lee Jooyeon disliked you and disliked him. When you’re not only forced to sit next to him, but also be his partner for a project how will things unfold?
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photo not mine credits to owner The first time you met Jooyeon was on the first day of school. You were walking around a corner when you suddenly bumped into someone.
“I’m sorry,”
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time. Now taking a glance at the boy you just ran into.
“Guess it’s a bit of a blind corner,” you said awkwardly.
“Yeah, guess so. I’ll be on my way now,” the boy said just as awkwardly before walking away. 
Later you find out that the boy’s name is Jooyeon, since you shared a class together. How this first awkward interaction took a turn for the worse you're not too sure yourself. You suppose it started when you two were assigned to sit next to one another. Maybe it was because he instantly chatted with his friend Jiseok across the aisle or the way his right arm would always invade your space on your desk. Not to mention his annoying pencil tapping that claimed to be “great music”. Perhaps it was that no matter how many times you politely asked him to stop or at least tone it down he never did. Telling you that I wasn't doing anything that bothersome. Mayhaps at first he truly didn’t think he was being bothersome, but now he definitely knows that these actions bother you and continues to do them on purpose just to make you mad. The one thing you don’t understand is why. What could you have possibly ever done to him?
“Class,” the teacher called everyone's attention about ten minutes before class ended. “We’re gonna be doing a group project and you’re going to be working with your shoulder partner. Come up with a topic and submit it to me by the end of class, so I can approve it,” the teacher explained. “Oh also don’t ask me about switching partners sometimes you have to work with people you don’t like in life, be mature about it,”
“Great,” you sarcastically told yourself.
“I think it’s just great too,” Jooyeon said, matching your sarcastic tone.
“What topic do you want to do?” you asked, trying to be civil.
“I don’t know, you pick,” he told you. Perfect he’s already no help you thought.
“How about color theory?” you suggested.
“What’s that?” he questioned.
“It’s the science and art of using color. It explains how humans perceive color. It’s also about matching, mixing, or contrasting colors. It also includes messages that colors communicate,” you thoroughly explained to him.
“Sure, sounds interesting, let's do that,” he agrees quite easily. Something you didn’t quite expect him to do.
“Ok, I’ll go submit it,” you say as you write your name and his name on a piece of paper with your chosen topic on it.  You handed it over to the teacher. They briefly looked at it before giving it a check mark indicating that you’re good to go.
“We’re all set,” you say, returning to your seat.
“Cool, give me your phone,” he says
“Why?” you quiz.
“For the project. We need to communicate,” he stated obviously.
“Right here,” you say as you pull out your phone and unlock it. Pulling up to create a new contact. He does the same before you exchange phones. You simply type in “y/n” as the contact name before adding your number. When you exchange phones back you see that he typed “Jooyeon 😃” as his contact name. You wondered what the smiley face was about, but chose not to say anything about it. It probably didn’t mean anything.
The bell rang dismissing class and you went about the rest of your day normally.
After arriving home from school you went to your room and did whatever work that you had to get done. Following completing your work you grabbed your phone and debated if you should text Jooyeon about the project or not. You had two weeks to do it and the teacher was giving you time to work on it in class tomorrow, so there wasn’t anyneed to rush. Although it appeared Jooyeon had similar thoughts to yours since your phone lit up displaying his contact name with the simple message “Hi” succeeding it. You waited a few minutes before responding back mirroring the previous message “Hi”
Jooyeon 😃
Any ideas on how we should do the project?
I was thinking we could do a slideshow
Jooyeon 😃
Sounds good 👍
Let’s sort out the details tomorrow
You didn’t expect Jooyeon to be so cooperative about the project. Definitely thinking he would be stubborn and unaccommodating. It's a pleasant surprise though and it makes you think maybe he’s not as bad as you thought.  
The proceeding day, you headed to your shared period with Jooyeon, but something was different this time. There wasn’t the slight feeling of dread knowing that you would be annoyed by Jooyeon’s antics for the majority of class. 
You walked into class and took your seat, pulling out the materials you needed for class. 
“Hey,” Jooyeon greets you as he takes his seat beside yours. His greeting takes you back a bit. You’ve never really greeted each other before.
“Hi,” you greet him back nonetheless. The teacher gives you the whole class period to work on the project. You and Jooyeon sort out the layout of your slides and decide who will do which ones. 
“I’m free after school if you want to work on the project more,” Jooyeon brings up.
“I’m free too. Do you have a place in mind?” You say.
“My house isn’t far from school, but if you’re not comfortable with that we could just work at the library…My house has snacks though,” he sounds like that awkward boy you bumped into on the first day of school.
“I like snacks,” is your answer.
“Great, let’s meet outside this classroom afterschool then?”
“Sounds good,” The both of you work on the project for the remainder of the period.
Once the final bell of the day rang you made your way to meet Jooyeon. When you arrived he was already standing there leaning against the wall. Just as he saw you approaching he stood up and walked towards you meeting you halfway.
“Ready?” He questioned.
“Ready,” you replied. You followed his lead as he walked out of school and began walking in the direction of his home. Upon arriving at his home he told you that you could set up in the living room while he grabbed the snacks. You made your way to the living room pulling your laptop out of your bag and other materials you had that were related to the project. Soon Jooyeon made his way into the living room with various snacks in hand. You guys made yourselves a little set up on the floor and began getting to work.
“Y’know we actually work well together,” you spoke.
“Did you think we wouldn’t?” He probes.
“We usually just annoy each other throughout class so I didn’t expect us to no,” you respond.
“Each other?” He questions your word choice “I’m usually the one annoying you,” he continues.
“I just thought my presence alone annoys you,” you tell him. He laughs at your statement.
“It doesn’t,” he informs, still slightly laughing.
“Then why do you always annoy me?” You interrogate.
“Because I’m stupid and bad with feelings,” he admits.
“What?” you ask, wanting him to explain more.
“Remember the first day of school when we bumped into each other?” He queries. You nodded your head yes. “Well I thought that you were really pretty and that made me nervous so I quickly left. Thinking it’s fine I probably wouldn't see you again, but then we had class together and even had to sit next to one another,” He stops for a moment to look at you. All you do is gesture for him to continue. “I really didn’t mean to annoy you at first. I have a tendency to tap my pencil when I’m nervous and the arm on your desk was because I wanted to be closer to you,” he reveals. 
“Why didn’t you just talk to me?” you ask.
“Like I said I’m stupid and since I knew that I already annoyed you I thought it was too late I guess I don’t know really,”
“You think I’m pretty?” You teased him.
“Stop!” He groaned, hiding his face behind a paper that picked up from the floor.
“How about this?” you question him.
“About what?” He asks for more clarification.
“After the project. Let’s go on a date,” you declare.
“Seriously? Don’t play with me,” he tells you.
“I’m not,” you chuckle lightly at his reaction.
You and Jooyeon aced the project and the day after your guys date the pair of you entered the classroom holding hands.
“Woah. What’s that?” Jiseok questions pointing at your interlaced fingers.
“It’s a thing couples do,” you reply.
“Couple!?” he shouts surprised.
“I’ll tell you later,” Jooyeon tells him as the pair of you take your seats happily beside one another.
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ryosmne · 3 years
Three brats??
Dad!Sukuna x f!reader
So this is basically a comfort fic, featuring dad! Sukuna because the brainrot was too much. Ok so, the reader and Sukuna have a son together, yes their son is Yuuji, I know this is usually the single father Sukuna trope, but I wanted to give it a go, feedback is always appreciated. Thanks for brainrotting with me @likeab-o-s-s cause this is the reason this exists. That's all from me enjoy reading.
Warnings: none really, just family, heartwarming fluff.
The air was crisp and fresh, unusually refreshing for the beginning of summer. Parents were already gathered outside the daycare, Yuuji, y/n's and Sukuna's son attended, patiently waiting for their kids to run in their arms again.
Sukuna arrived a couple of minutes before the final bell on his motorcycle, he took off his helmet, leaned back on his bike and waited for the familiar little pink head of hair to come wobling to him.
The three mothers next to him, scooted a bit closer to him to get a better look nothing he's unfamiliar with and no one can blame them, Sukuna is a sight for sore eyes. Leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up, extenuating his board shoulders, exposing his tattoo covered skin, v neck white t shirt, allowing his toned chest and even more of his tattoos to show and a simple black pair of pants hugging his muscular thighs in the best of ways.
In the past some of the bolder ones had mustered the courage and asked him if he was a single father since they had never seen his son's mother, but with a laugh Sukuna brushed them off telling them how his lovely wife was a working parent and her schedule just didn't match the daycares. Maybe the very unconventional wedding rings they got weren't the best idea in this situation, even though they were extremely beautiful and unique.
"I really admire the work you put in the little guy" Sukuna's gaze met a woman who attempted to strike a conversation, oblivious to what she had meant by her statement he replied, maybe these three minutes would pass faster talking about normal things and not stressing about work.
"Don't we all put work on our kids?" He spoke calmly with a slight smile that he always wore when talking about Yuuji.
"Yeah, we do, but it still must be hard I can't imagine what you're going through" Sukuna's mind went to the worst scenario. Was Yuuji a trouble maker at school? He is a very well behaved child, both him and y/n made sure to teach him proper manners and how to be polite, that couldn't be it right?
The bell rung, and kids made their way out of the daycare, Yuuji in the blink of an eye was hugging his father's leg, exited to see him after the hours he was gone. In a swift motion Sukuna put Yuuji's little backpack on his own back and scooped the boy up in his arm.
"Yuuji's a pretty good kid, hes never been difficult" Sukuna smilled again resuming in the short conversation with the woman next to him. "Single father's like you don't get the credit they deserve". She spoke again smiling sadly down to the little pink haired boy who seemed too fixated on the earrings his father was wearing.
Sukuna finally understanding what this whole thing was about, chuckled, this had happened before after all, he should've known.
"I'm not a single parent, speaking of that your mom said she has a big surprise for you after dinner" he said directing his attention to his son again, the woman next to him quickly fumbled an apology for missundertanding, to which Sukuna replied to with a simple 'dont worry about it'. He placed Yuuji on his bike, put on both his and his boys helmet and drove off.
Y/n was still stuck at work, thankfully her husband would cook dinner tonight cause overtime was killing both her and her mood, good thing she finally had a day off tomorrow.
Y/n checked her phone to see how close she was to going home only to find a text that Yuuji's teacher had send her that was obviously meant for her husband.
Hello Mr Itadori, this is Mrs Laura from the day care. I was wondering if you wanted to get launch with me after school tomorrow, you can bring little Yuuji too, I'm awaiting your response, have a nice night.
What the hell was that? Well y/n's number was in Yuuji's contact information, she chuckled at the words displayed on her screen but she couldn't really blame the teach, Sukuna was a walking temptation, she knew that first hand, hell she fell head over heels for the dangerous looking guy who hid a heart of gold under his hard exterior, but the teacher could at least check who the number belonged to.
Y/n run her last errands and made sure to pick up Yuuji's surprise before heading home, she even tipped Sukuna off so their son wouldn't know what hit him.
Y/n made her way inside the family house, tossing her keys somewhere on the living room couch.
Yuuji immediately after hearing her car in the driveway came rushing down the stairs, jumping around her like he always did when she came home.
"Mom, mom you're home." The happiness was evident in the boys face, his smile was wide when y/n dropped to his level to pick him up and spin him around
"Yes I am little devil, did you give your father hell like we agreed?" She spoke in the happiest of tones with Yuuji still in her arms. Another set of arms engulfed her frame making her halt on spinning the little boy.
"So you're telling him to be a little brat now huh?" Sukuna's breath tickled the side of her neck and ear as he rested his head on her shoulder and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. "Welcome home love" he spoke again giving her jaw a ghost of a kiss.
"Daddy is the food ready" Yuuji spoke from y/n's arms, Sukuna only laughed at his son's appetite, and directed both him and y/n to the kitchen where he had already set everything up.
"Mommy, what is a single dad?" Yuuji asked in the middle of dinner in typical fashion of his, any question he had from something he heard through the day would always come up during dinner.
"Well Yuuji, single fathers are the fathers who raise their kids alone." The young boy seemed to think about his mother's words before speaking again. "So its just a daddy ?" Yuuji asked again with his eyes growing a bit sadder, his mother nodded, and Yuuji's eyes started to water.
"Baby what's wrong?" y/n asked. "Hey buddy what's going on?" Sukuna was growing quite concerned too. Yuuji burst in tears leaving his seat, climbing up his dad and hugging him tightly. Sukuna was rubbing his back to comfort the young boy and y/n's hand was stroking the kids hair in an effort to calm him down. "B-but why did that lady c-call you that, is m-mommy l-leaving?" Everything seemed to click for Sukuna, y/n was still confused but in the calmest sweetest voice said "Yuuji, baby look at me, I'm not going anywhere ok?" And the boy left his father's arms and clung on to her like his life depended on it.
Sukuna cracked a few jokes and lightened Yuuji's mood so he could enjoy the rest of his dinner, which went pretty well, he was his smiling adorable self very soon after his parents reassured him that none of them were ever leaving his side and the boy was now drawing with crayons in the living room. He seemed to have completely forgotten about the surprise his father mentioned when he picked him up.
Y/n and Sukuna were doing the dishes in the kitchen, each one talking about their day, Sukuna explained the awkward conversation he had at the daycare that sparked Yuuji's sadness, y/n took a turn in talking about how her son's teacher, basically asked Sukuna out on a date but messed up and texted her. "How about you set up a date and you show up? I mean it's you she texted right?" Sukuna joked "Babe, that's cruel" y/n chuckled at her husband's mischievous nature.
"So you've got everything ready?" Sukuna asked. "yeah who'll bring him over?"
"You do it I'll keep Yuuji busy."
Sukuna joined Yuuji on the couch. "What are you drawing little brat?" Y/n heard him ask their boy in the usual sweet tone he had with him. She made her way down the basement, where she kept the surprise since she came home. Yuuji was going to love this, Sukuna was too, she knew she was already in love as well.
Y/n climbed the stairs quickly, and snuck up behind her son, who was occupied by his dad, she gently tapped the boys shoulder.
"A PUPPY" Yuuji announced exited making sure his voice was still soft not to scare the eager dog that his mom brought to his arms. Yuuji gently held the puppy that was licking his face as he was in a fit of laughter and excitement. Sukuna was as exited as his son and y/n had a huge smile on her face too. Their son had begged and begged for a dog ever since his best friend, Megumi got a black German shepherd puppy. Of course y/n and Sukuna wanted to comply to Yuuji's request right away, but they took time to teach little Yuuji everything there was about the responsibility of owning a dog. They took him to dog cafes and shelters, so he would be the perfect little dog owner, they taught him patience and responsibility beforehand. Sukuna visited the local shelter and decided with y/n on a white Shepard puppy that Yuuji always pointed out in your visits because 'he looks like Megumi's puppy they can be friends like we are' who can say no to that little adorable devil?
The puppy momentarily left Yuuji's arms to lick Sukuna's face. "Now we've got two little brats and a big one in our house." He laughed, enjoying the moment.
Y/n was admiring her son and husband as well as the newest member of the family with a smile plastered wide on her face, life was indeed beautiful.
The next day, both Sukuna and y/n were waiting for Yuuji to finish school, since y/n had the day off. Sukuna had his arm protectively around her because this time, others were staring at what was his, but he was proud to show her off to everyone, even in a place as mundane as his son's daycare.
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mcheang · 4 years
Edna Mode was a renowned designer, famed for her harsh but accurate critiques, her fierce and practical lines, and of course, being the designer of the majority of superheroes.
And now she was hosting a fashionista gala, inviting those worthy of a Mode gala. As for those asking for an invite, Edna just asks who they are and calls security.
Lila, as the self-proclaimed BFF of Ladybug, and Gabriel’s muse, had already boasted of receiving the glamorous invitation. It didn’t just come in an envelope, it came out of the sky in a rosewood chest, accompanied by a bottle of wine and canapés. (Or so she says. Adrien and Marinette rolled their eyes. Chloé wasn’t paying attention)
Alya: Girl, I’m so jealous. But hey, maybe this will be a good thing. After all, Adrien is going with Kagami. Chloe will just stick with her mom. That means it’s a chance for you and Marinette to know each other better.
Oh yeah, did I mention that everyone knows Marinette is MDC?
Lila forced a grin but didn’t want to make any promises.
Imagine Lila’s rage to know she wasn’t given an invite because she was just a model. Adrien was the heir to a fashion company. She was not.
With all the bragging Lila did, she can’t back out or Chloe and Marinette will call out her absence. (Chloé learned about Lila being a guest from Sabrina later from gossiping)
So, she stole Marinette’s invitation. She did some editing and made her own customised invite, brandishing it for her class to see.
Marinette saw her invitation missing, rolled her eyes and reported the theft to Edna. Plz, everyone knows Edna invited her. She didn’t really need a piece of expensive paper.
The day of the gala arrived, and Lila brought out her invite.
The guard looked at his clipboard. “You’re not on the list.”
Lila: No, but I do have an invite. Obviously someone must have made a mistake with your list.
The guard snorted. “If that’s the case, then your fingerprints and eye scans should have already been registered. That’s what opens the doors.“
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Lila gulped and thought about sneaking in with the next guest. But no such luck. Security made sure one person entered at a time.
As the security guard moved to push Lila back into the crowd of fans, Lila cried out that she knows Ladybug and Gabriel.
Guard: what’s your point?
Lila: You’ll be fired for this!
Guard: Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard this all before.
Another guard just scoffed. “You’re only a model. One of many in the industry. Miss Mode doesn’t care for models.”
Lila: what are models if not the face of fashion?
“Spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only of themselves” Edna herself was at the entrance, wondering what was causing the disruption in her guest entrance flow.
Lila: How can you say that? Then why would Ladybug be my Best Friend?
Edna: the day Ladybug says she is your Best Friend is the day I wear crocs. And I don’t mean crocodile leather.
Edna points at a random guard. “You, get this so-called model out of the way. She is blocking the queue.
Oh by the way, Edna calling out Lila was caught on camera by the reporters.
One of them questioned why she was kicking out Gabriel’s muse when his son, a supermodel himself, was invited.
Edna: I did not invite the boy because of his face. I invited him because I saw potential (basically she realized he was Chat Noir. She would never invite Adrien otherwise. As seen from her quote, she doesn’t have a high opinion of models) That is, if he ever gets out of his father’s shadow. Because, let’s face it darling, what can Adrien do besides look pretty and play with swords and piano? You would think the boy would be in part of business meetings, but no. At this rate, Gabriel needs this gala to get out of that stuffy house. Realize that maybe his parenting methods are flawed compared to some other talented figures here. Look at Miss Kagami, focused on upholding her family legacy of fencing. MDC already knows how to run her own business after learning a bit from her parents. Even Audrey’s daughter has been joining in on becoming a fashion critic and throwing parties for political parties. But I must go, my guests await.
Back inside the party, guests were avoiding a seething Gabriel’s eyes. He had come to scout out the superhero guests, only to be called out by Edna on live tv.
Marinette went up to Edna and asked one of her fashion idols why she burned the Agrestes in public.
Edna: do you think Gabriel would change his parenting ways if we did not expose them to the influential figures of this industry, as well as the public eye? I guarantee you Adrien will be allowed more freedom of choice, lest Gabriel wants his son to be known as a coddled boy who can’t even make his own decisions.
Edna didn’t bother softening her sharp voice as she says these words.
Adrien flushed.
Quickly changing the subject, Marinette asked why Edna hated models.
Edna: it’s not that I hate them personally. I just hate their jobs and what they represent. Models nowadays are beautiful only according to the world standards. People who see them want to be like them, never mind that the models they see on the screen are airbrushed to unrealistic and impossible perfection. Now models focus only on their own appearance, trying to maintain their beauty as time ages them. They go on diets and become superficial. Whereas outside the modelling industry or such like, you don’t need to be stereotypically beautiful to be worthy. Where your worth is measured in kindness and bravery and talent and intelligence and anything beyond superficiality.
Adrien overheard and he frowned, not liking the idea where his appearance on ads is not exactly right. He only joined the company to make his father happy. But maybe it’s time he stepped into the business side of things and exit the modelling world. Bonus: no more Lila!
Edna snorted, “Though I must admit Gabriel surprised me with his newest model. Her attitude is lousy but she doesn’t strike me as a model. She just doesn’t have that model walk. But enough about the old man, my dear MDC, let’s talk about you. I love your gender-neutral line. And was wondering if you would like to join me in creating my next line of clothes for the Incredibles. A rare opportunity but I like style. Now take this offer before I change my mind.”
Marinette: wait, do I have to fly over or-
Edna: you are too excited, darling, but don’t worry, my assistants will send you the details.
Why are the Incredibles getting a new look? The kids are growing up and Edna wanted to move on to new styles.
As Marinette was flabbergasted, Audrey congratulated her for landing the job. Kagami and Adrien also beamed at her good fortune.
Even the Incredibles admitted they looked forward to working with her. Violet was a big fan.
Gabriel was seething and thought about akumatizing himself but come on, one villain against a room of superheroes? No thanks.
Drinking a glass of wine, he eventually admits that Edna had a point, however loudly and rudely it had been announced.
He would not be around forever and he wanted to leave the company in Adrien’s hands. In order for that to happen, his son needs to know business (if he can’t design, he can hire designers)
And yes, Lila was a lousy model. She survived by shooting with professional models who managed to overpower her mediocre work. But a deal was a deal. Besides, her contract was only for a year.
After the gala, Adrien happily quit modelling (aka Lila) to spend more time with his father, learning about how to run a company.
Marinette and Edna proudly claimed credit for the fashionable Incredibles.
Violet also became the talk of the school for her MDC exclusives.
Lila had been humiliated on air. Alya hesitated but finally did her research. At the end, she collapsed over the ruined credibility of her blog. But she can still get revenge by informing the principal, Ms Bustier and Mrs Rossi what Lila lied about. The perks of being a class vice president for a busy class president is that she also has the contacts list for emergencies.
Considering how Lila framed Marinette, there would be no suspension or detention. Only expulsion. Good luck finding a new school when Edna’s gala was a global topic.
When Lila returned to school for her last week (it takes time to gather evidence and get the attention of busy adults), nobody wanted to talk to her or even exchange glances. She quietly kept to herself, hoping for this to blow over soon. She was still a model working for Gabriel. She could befriend other supermodels (as if. Like they would want to befriend her after Edna called her out)
Hell, even her jobs were down. Gabriel just told her to take test shoots to fill up her portfolio until the hype died down (aka her contract expired)
When Lila was expelled, she was ready to be akumatized into Chameleon again. Except one problem. Everyone avoided her like hell so how could she kiss her target. Even Adrien was told to stay away lest his reputation be tarnished.
Ok, I admit it. I was hit by “I’m no Angel” quotes as I wrote this. But seriously, does anyone feel weird at the idea of trying to become thinner when your weight is just right, all the while you know there are people out there even thinner than you are and are starving, not because they want to be stereotypically thin, but because they cannot afford food?
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
The First Boyfriend-John Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @ilovna​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hey when u have the time can you please do a John Shelby imagine where they are married they have been since they were young and Katie their oldest child she’s like 14 or 13 she want to bring a boy to meet her parents and y/n has to calm John down and tell him to give the boy a chance and they they do finally meet him he seems ok but then he starts being all Percy towards y/n and John gets protective and y/n gives him permission to kick him out . Hope it makes sense 😂❤️’
Characters: John Shelby x Reader (Married), Katie Shelby x Reader (Daughter)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, age gap between teenagers, violence, inappropriate touching, fluff
I groaned as I heard a thump come from upstairs, the kids screaming at each other as they bickered. Looking down at the washing up, I decided to leave them for now, they could sort it between themselves. That was, until there was a louder thud, and all of them were screaming. I dried my hands on a tea towel, checking on the pie in the oven before stomping my way upstairs. That always freaked out the children, they knew they were in for a telling off.
“Right,” I announced my presence in the boys room, where the younger girls were also playing,“what is all of this racket?”
“He snatched the toys away from me!”
“She hit me!”
“She said a naughty word!”
“He pulled my hair!”
Everyone shouted over each other, meaning I got nowhere close to an actual answer.
“Alright!” I snapped.“Before you all yell at me again, this is what we’re going to do. Girls, go back to your room, boys you stay in here. You will wait in those rooms until I call you for your baths.”
They all groaned, none of them ever liked bath time, it took valuable time away from their playing. 
“I will have none of that, do as I say.” the children made an act of slumping around, the girls dragging their feet as they walked past me.“I love you all.”
They murmured ‘I love you too’ before the doors to their rooms shut, and I laughed under my breath. They certainly had their father’s dramatics and unfortunately, both of our stubborn tendencies. As I headed back downstairs, the front door opened, John waltzing in and smirking as he spotted me.
“Now this is a pleasant greeting.” he cockily said as I got to the last step, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I cupped his face in my hands, leaning down to welcome him with a kiss.“Thought you would be at the Garrison.”
“You say that like I’m there every night.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, before we both laughed.“Just got to bathe the children, then we can eat.”
His eye line was at a perfect height to stare at my breasts, and he made a point of it.“And what’s on the menu tonight?”
I scoffed, raising his chin to look me in the eyes.“Pie. And that’s it.”
“We’ll see about that.”
The door opened again, this time Katie walking in. She made a disgusted face at the sight of her parents showing love for one another.
“Ah good, you’re back on time for once. You can help me with you brothers and sisters.”
“Alright.” she replied, intending to head towards the front room when I stopped her.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“What? Nothing.”
“There must be, you didn’t protest or huff at me when I asked you to do something.”
“Come on, spit it out.” John pushed.
“It’s nothing, really!”
“Katie, we can do this all day. Perhaps you should have less time out with your mates-”
“Fine!” Katie quickly gave in, which was unusual for her.“I...I have a boyfriend.”
“You what?”
“His name is James, he’s really nice! I’ve been seeing him for a while-”
“How long’s a while?”
“Uh, three weeks, maybe four.”
John’s jaw dropped, looking at me with wide eyes before going back to Katie.“Three weeks?!”
“I said maybe four.”
“Well it certainly won’t go to five.”
“No Katie, he’s just a crush.”
“He’s not! I promise I really like him!”
“But how much does he like you? How do you know what his intentions are?”
“OK police inspector,” I patted him on the chest as I stood between them,“calm down, both of you. Now, Katie obviously like this boy, so we have to respect that. But Katie, you know you have to be careful around boys.”
“Yes, I remember you saying. I was wondering...could he maybe come round for dinner one night?”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, he liked the idea too. It’ll mean you can get to know him, then you know I’m safe.”
“I think that’s a lovely idea Katie.”
“What?!” John exclaimed.
“John.” I warned him.“You arrange it with him, perhaps sometime next week?”
“Thanks mum!” Katie beamed, giving me a quick hug.
“That’s alright darling. Now, go get your brother’s and sister’s ready for their baths whilst I draw it.”
I kissed the top of her head before she rushed past her dad and up the stairs. I just laughed at John’s shocked expression, wondering how on Earth that all happened before him.
“Oh, Katie!” I quickly shouted.
“Yeah?” her head popped around the corner.
“How old is James?”
Her face dropped. She was still hiding something.“Um, he’s...he’s seventeen.”
“Excuse me?”
“He just turned seventeen! Got to go and do as you asked me!”
Right, that wasn’t the answer I was expecting. I slowly turned to face John, who had an extremely angry expression on his face.
“Seventeen?” he scowled.
“Yeah, I’m not happy about that either. But let’s give him a chance.”
“He’s fucking seventeen! He’s taking advantage of a fourteen year old!”
“Darling, calm down. Please, let’s see what he’s like. Not everyone was like you at seventeen.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“They weren’t all as charming as you.” I quickly saved, though he knew what I meant.“If he’s a little shit, we can stop her from seeing him.”
“Or stop him from seeing her.”
“John, do not traumatize that boy.”
“No promises.”
John had not been in a great mood for the rest of the week. He was constantly fussing over Katie, questioning her left, right and centre about anything he could think of. She was getting frustrated, she couldn’t even pop out to buy us bread without John asking if she had seen James on the way. I tried to stop him, but he was so persistent. He was only being like this because he wanted to protect his little girl, he knew what boys were like at that age. I was worried about the age gap. It wasn’t much, but Katie was still so young, only just becoming a teenager, whereas this boy was a year away from being an adult. I only hoped he would prove us wrong at this dinner.
We had scheduled the dinner for the following week, and the day was already upon us. Katie and I had been preparing a meal all day, feeding the kids before us so they wouldn’t act up or take my attention away. Katie was dressed in her best dress, hair pinned back with a nervous smile on her face. However, John was no where to be seen. He had been gone all day, he was at work, but I hoped he hadn’t been snatched away for Blinder business. Katie stressed over this, sitting by the window on the lookout for him. 
“He’s here!” Katie announced, dashing through to the kitchen.
“Your dad?” I asked, wiping my hands on my apron.
“No, James! Why does dad always have to ruin everything?!” 
“Hey, look at me,” I grabbed her by the shoulders,“it will all be fine. Let him him, we will start talking and just excuse your dad. He will be here Katie.”
I pushed her towards the door, taking off my apron and making sure everything was in order; when really, I was stopping myself from rushing out and bombarding the boy.
“Mum,” Katie called me, and I stepped out of the kitchen,“this is James. James, this is my mum.”
“Pleasure to meet you Mrs Shelby.” he politely took my hand, and I thought he was going to shake it, but instead kissed it, keeping eye contact for a little too long.
“You too James.” I smiled, wondering if he was just trying to make a good impression.“Katie’s dad isn’t home from work yet, but we can sit in the front room whilst we wait.”
We engaged in small talk, me asking about his life and if he had a job. He was a good speaker, no stuttering or wondering what to say next. So far, so good. Katie hung onto to his every word, it was a wonder her cheeks weren’t hurting from smiling so much. However, some things James said were a little...I didn’t know how to put it, but the way he spoke was as if he was wooing me, he would sometimes wink, or make a suggestive joke, which would fly over Katie’s head. I was starting to side with John, this young boy made me uncomfortable.
Another hour passed, still no sign of John, and if we didn’t eat soon, the food would burn. I tried waiting for a little longer, but I could tell Katie was starting to worry again. So I suggested we start eating without him, not having to explain why John was late. James would have to be an idiot to not know who her father was. We had only been eating for ten minutes when the back door opened, John walking into the kitchen as he took off his Peaky cap.
“Couldn’t wait for me then?” John said, no humour in his voice.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr Shelby.” James stood respectfully, ready to shake John’s hand, but he didn’t take it. I wanted to scold him for that. 
James hesitantly sat back down. John took off his coat, hanging it on the back of the door, making a show of unbuckling his jacket, which revealed his guns in the holster. I rolled my eyes, this boy was only seventeen, and not one his enemies. He sat down beside me, which happened to be opposite James, a stupid mistake I should have seen coming.
“What have I missed?” John asked as he tucked into his food.
“I’ve been getting to know James, so he’s probably going to have to repeat everything again to you.” I joked.
“Go on then.” 
“Go on, tell me what you told my wife.”
"Dad." Katie hissed.
"It's alright Katie." James placed his hand over hers, and I caught the sight of John tensing up, nostrils flaring."I was just explaining how I'm working now, earning quite a bit actually. Finished school too, so I'm not an idiot."
"My brother, Katie's uncle, didn't finish school. You calling him an idiot?" John leaned back in his chair.
"N-no, Mr Shelby. I just meant that-"
"You just meant to keep your mouth shut."
"John, a word."
I stood up from my chair, walking towards the door and waiting for John there. He stared at James as he slowly got up, reluctantly following. I shut the door after us, shoving John towards the front room.
"Whats wrong with you?" I snapped.
"Why did we leave them alone?" he realised."Make it quick, he could be doing anything to her in there."
"Oh my god, John. They're teenagers but they're not stupid. Could you just give him a chance? Please?"
He huffed."I don't trust him."
"Of course you don't. He's the first boy Katie has brought home. She might end up bringing more-"
"No. No she won't."
"John, can you just relax? If we get through this dinner quick enough, he'll be gone."
"Let's just get back in there."
I moaned to myself, quickly going after him. We sat back down, Katie and James had been silent when we walked in. I cleared my throat as the silence continued, starting to ear again and hoping the others would copy. Luckily they did, we were able to make small talk, though John didn't participate.
Once we were done, I collected the plates with Katie, telling her she didn't have to help with the washing up. I thought she would be able to spend time with James (and keep her father away from the poor boy), however, James offered to help me instead. At first I was about to tell him that it was nonsense, until I saw John waiting by the front room, his eyes still set on James as Katie tried to drag him away. 
“I’m sorry about my husband. He’s very...protective of his children.” I said as I passed him a plate to dry.
“I understand Mrs Shelby. He’s got a beautiful family to look after.”
“Aw, that’s very sweet of you to say.”
“A very beautiful family.”
I didn’t like the way he was looking at me. The comment before was lovely, but now he seemed to be suggesting something. Being almost an adult, he was the same height as me, if not slightly taller, and I wasn’t sure how to continue the conversation.
“I could instantly tell where Katie got her looks from, though I must say, the original is always better than the copy.”
Who did this little shit think he was?
“Honestly James, you don’t have to be stuck drying the dishes. Go spend time with Katie.”
“I’m quite enjoying myself here, actually.”
This was weird. At first, I thought maybe he was being over friendly, knowing that his girlfriend was a Shelby and her father was a Peaky Blinder; or perhaps he had some alcohol to fuel his confidence. But now I could sense he was here for something else, as if he ever had a chance.
“Oh, this one is still a bit dirty.” he pointed out.
He walked behind me to place it on the other side of the sink to be cleaned again, however, he pushed his body into mine behind me, and I froze at the action out of shock. His breath was fanning on my breath as he slowly placed the plate down, hand sliding up my arm to my elbow, before tracing across my lower back as he moved away again. I dropped the plate I was washing into the sink, picking up a knife beside me and pointing it at him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” I snapped under my breath. It pissed me off that he didn’t look bothered by my threat.
“Just appreciating what’s in front of me.” he cockily replied.
“You have no respect for anyone, do you? I want you out of my house, now.”
“And break Katie’s little heart? Don’t think she would be too pleased by that.”
“She’ll be happy to know I got rid of a pervert. You;re never to go near her again.”
“You sound like your husband. Katie has been complaining about you two for weeks. She’ll only listen to me, and I’ll deny whatever you tell her. And how would your husband feel knowing we had this moment?”
“He’ll want to cut your balls off.”
“You know, I wasn’t sure if I was absolutely into you when I walked in. You’re beautiful of course, but the foul language...I don’t know, something about it is quite exciting.”
I chucked the knife into the sink, storming past the bastard and out of the kitchen, until I noticed the door was slightly open. I hadn’t left it like that. Continuing on, I took a big, deep breath before walking into the front room. John (unsurprisingly) had a glass of whiskey in hand as he sat in his chair, Katie sitting on the longer sofa, seeming upset.
“You saw, didn’t you?” I asked her.
She nodded, her eyes glued on the floor, they were glassed over.
“Did he touch you?” John snarled.
I sighed.“He...he did but-”
“That’s all I need to hear.” 
He put down his drink, making a beeline for the kitchen. I stood in the doorway of the front room, shielding Katie from what was about to happen. James yelled out in protest as John roughly dragged him out of the house. I watched as he literally threw the boy outside onto the street, people wanting to watch but also not wanting to be involved. 
“You stay the fuck away from my family. You’re lucky I don’t cut you, or do something worse. Watch your fucking back boy.”
Although I enjoyed the fear in James’ eyes, I wish he had the same look when I dealt with him. John slammed the door, causing the pictures on the wall to shake. Katie ran upstairs, upset that the boy she liked wasn’t as respectful or lovely as she thought he was. I decided to leave her for the time being, everyone needed to calm down.
“Are you alright?” John asked me, still breathing heavy.
“Yes, thank you for getting rid of him.” I sighed, wrapping my arms around him.
He embraced me, trying to calm himself down.“I love you. I won’t ever let anyone else touch you like that again.”
“I know you won’t. I’m sorry I didn’t listen before.”
“Nah, I was being over protective. He just turned out to be a twat.”
“But he’s gone now. And he won’t go near Katie again. Just know, she might be crying for a few days.”
“I’ll let you deal with that.”
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
blog/pod faq:
first go support abortion rights
hey guys my name is cam (or cameron, camcake, cammy, camcorder, camborghini etc) and i'm the producer of the what i will say podcast! i use she/her pronouns and i'm gay as hell. i'm from the southeast of the US and i'm here to talk pop culture, gossip, celebs, and offer a bit of sisterly advice should you so want it! this started out as a gaylor swift blog but now I'm open to talking about just about anything that piques my interest so let's jump in!
if you use any of my original theories or analysis please credit me by tagging me on whatever social media platform you're creating on
podcast links (can be found wherever you get your podcasts):
cash app (for 911 pods)
follow me on tiktok!
follow me on instagram!
follow me on twitter!
1989 is about Dianna Agron masterdoc
Red is about Dianna Agron masterdoc
click keep reading for blog/pod info and overview!
community guidelines:
1. i used to call it dark shipping but let's just call it what it really is - harassment. if you read or interact with this blog you agree never to contact a celeb or person that we gossip about in regards to their personal life. you agree never to tweet at someone about how gay they secretly are or dm them on instagram about a suspected ship or comment on their pictures gossip about them or contact their friends and family. this is harassment and i know for a fact celebs sometimes see it and they do not like it. be respectful and keep fandom content such as gossip and shipping to the appropriate fandom spaces or you ruin it for the rest of us.
2. absolutely zero racism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other form of bigotry will be tolerated here.
3. understand that I am here in good faith. this means I am not here to troll people, to be petty, to be unfairly and overly critical, or to get into pedantic pissing matches based on semantics with people. i am generally, or I at least strive to be, a sweet person (a camcake even). i do not want to fight with you. if you want to have good faith debate I'm all for it but if you just don't like me, that's completely fine, but please just dni. we don't all have to get along it's a big internet there's room enough for all of us.
4. understand that disagreement and conflict do not equate to abuse. just because I may hold a different opinion than you do does not mean am harming or abusing you. when I answer questions with a disagreement please read my comments as if I have a calm and respectful tone because that's how I intend it. i'm not here to fight with you.
5. please do not seek out fandoms that we "disagree with" and try to "educate" or "convert them". for example if you think taylor swift is gay please do not seek out people who think she's straight or people that ship her with joe alwyn and try to tell them they ought to think otherwise. it just makes people dislike you and all of us and can lead to abuse of innocent people. another example would be if you think swiftgron is the superior ship to kaylor. that's all well and good but please leave kaylors alone. in general, let's all be cool and stay in our own lanes. 6. i consider this blog to be an R-rated space. act accordingly.
q. what can I anon or message you about?
a. basically anything but I can't promise I have an answer! i don't love to post anything explicitly sexual, mean-spirited, salacious, or critical + i don't like to talk about e.d.s, judgments on bodies, or granular level queer politics.
q. why haven't you answered my message yet?
a. i get dozens of questions and comments a day and sometimes it takes me a while to get through them all or i may be researching my answer! but there's a chance your message is repetitive or just not Discourse i want to host here and if that's the case it may never be answered. that's ok just try another topic!
q. i saw (or heard) you say something the other day and then the next day you said the exact opposite! what’s up with that?
a. i am here to have fun, goof around, but also to report as close to the truth as i can. if i get new information that contradicts my previous beliefs i will update them accordingly! i also love a thought experiment where i just try on believing something for a while. in general, this is a gossip blog and a very speculative space. please try to just go with the flow as we all try and sort out what we believe together. q. you offended me personally or made me mad or hurt my feelings! what can i do about this?
a. i’m sorry i promise i didn’t mean to! like i said in my guidelines i am here in good faith. if you want to have a calm and level-headed discussion with me about something i am doing or saying that’s bothering you i beg you to IM me or DM me and i will be happy to talk it out with you like adults! i am not here for fandom drama, or childish behavior. i am very open to feedback and constructive criticism and i want to get along with everyone and i want to make you personally feel welcomed in this space! q. why don’t you follow me?
a. this is a side blog i can’t follow anyone from this URL!
links of interest (to be expanded upon):
swiftgron masterpost
taylor's ok with speculation on her sexuality
songs about dianna
best "proof" of swiftgron
1989 is about dianna agron powerpoint
watch my swiftgron playlist on tiktok
link to my old faq
@tilynation for tily content
pro-tip: if you hit a dead link somewhere on this blog taking you to a blog called "swiftgron-get-married" with a missing post, simply replace the "swiftgron-get-married" bit of the URL with "whatiwillsay" and you'll be taken to the post properly!
also, i'm trying to get better with tags. you can filter "ot" to not see off-topic stuff, i will put advice under the advice tag, and if you see me guys missing a tag don't hesitate to let me know! my trigger/content warnings will be typed as such: "tw topic" so for example "tw abuse". i will also try and tag posts with sarcasm as "light-hearted" for those that have trouble discerning tone in text.
this faq is a work-in-progress 😉
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
A Bad Day
Emily has a bad day, Aaron is there to make it better. 
A mini fic set in my Glittering Mica series 
For my dear friend, @jetaime-jespere, who deserves all the good things <3 
Words 1.3k
Warnings: none
Emily knew it was going to be a bad day the moment she woke up, and it was his fault. 
Her stupid, perfect husband had all but jumped her the moment she got home from work the day before. A case had kept her away for almost a week, her contact with Aaron limited to texts and short phone calls. It was an awful case, not that there were ever any good ones. Half a dozen dead women, a man hellbent on destroying them just because they were successful. The team was silent on the way home, all of them thinking about how it could have ended differently. If they had got there only a few minutes earlier they would have saved the last victim. The decision that led them to be too late to the unsub’s home laid with her. 
Every decision the team made did.
As soon as her go-bag hits the floor of their home he was on her. His arms wrapped around her tightly, holding her close, as his lips descended on hers. This is what she needs, she knows it and he does too. She needs him, the distraction and comfort he always gives so freely to her. She doesn’t need to talk, not yet, and he won’t ask questions until she is ready.
Emily wonders who told him. Which member of her team had given him the heads up. They were as loyal to him as they were to her. 
Aaron attempts to carry her to their bedroom and it makes her laugh against his lips, the closest thing to joy she had felt in days.
“Nice try, Mr Hotchner. We’re both too old for that.” 
She leads him upstairs, his hand never leaving hers. He has her shirt off before their bedroom door can close behind them, and she's grateful Jack had gone back to college only a day before she left for the case. 
She oversleeps, her alarm not waking her like it usually would. The slow, sleepy way she opens her eyes quickly gives way to panic when she notices the time, that she only has 20 minutes to leave the house if she even wants to think about making it to work on time. She shoots out of bed, Aaron’s arm slipping off of her waist as she gets up. 
He doesn’t even stir, their late night that had become an early morning clearly having taken its toll. His usually ability to wake up well before her stolen by a night of sex and pointless conversations between their sheets. 
She showers quickly, only to discover her hairdryer had stopped working. She huffs out her frustration and puts on her makeup and clothes, grimacing at the way her hair has already started to curl at its ends as it dries naturally. 
She actually growls with annoyance when she realises they are out of coffee filters.
“Damn it, Aaron.”
She gets to the office 30 minutes late. A sharp look that she sends Luke when he makes a comment about her tardiness shuts him and the rest of the team up, her mood obvious to anyone who cared to look. 
Meetings blend into each other, her paperwork almost insurmountable. She feels a headache forming around her temples, pain spreading as tension builds in her body, JJ’s report about the death of the final victim in her hands. Emily sighs as she hears her phone ping and she picks it up from her desk, smiling when she sees a new message from her husband.
Dinner tonight? 
She smiles when she replies. A familiar warmth and love spreads through her chest that she felt whenever she thought of him.
Yes. Sounds good.
He texts back almost immediately, twice in succession. 
Great. Love you.
I’ll pick up more coffee filters.
Emily laughs, typing out one more message before she gets back to work.
Love you too. 
Emily gets home later than she expects, called into her bosses office and told about an inquest into the team's actions on the case they had just come back from. It’s almost enough to tip her over the edge, tiredness and sheer frustration forcing her to have to hold back the tears she wants to shed. 
By the time she walks into the house its dark, the smell of her favourite meal floating out from the kitchen. Aaron walks round the corner and into her line of sight, looking relaxed in jeans and a polo shirt and she smiles at him, can feel how it shakes as he walks towards her.
“Hey.” She says, placing her briefcase on the ground. 
“Hey sweetheart.” He closes the gap between them, cupping her cheek as he presses a kiss to her forehead. “Are you ok?”
“No.” She shakes her head, putting her cheek on his shoulder as she wraps her arms around him. She clears her throat, tries to dislodge the emotion that had settled there. She chooses her words carefully, hoping he remembers the conversation they had years ago.  “I’m having a bad day.” 
Aaron presses his cheek to the top of her head, the smile she can feel against her hair tells her he does remember. He holds her tighter as he runs a hand up and down her back.
“Let’s go eat, and you can tell me all about it.” 
They eat, and Emily tells him everything. How awful the case had been, how she felt guilty for not being able to save the final victim, how her skin had still been warm when Emily checked for a pulse. How difficult it was to lead, how she hated the politics of the job. 
The best part was she knew he understood, that as he empathised with her as they moved to the living room, a glass of wine each in hand, he truly knew what she was talking about. He had done the job for years, much longer than she had. It had almost cost him everything, and even before he’d come back into her life she wondered how he had done it for so long.
She leans against him on the couch, her glass of wine resting on her knee as she sighs. 
“I’m sorry, Em.” 
Emily looks up at him. “What are you sorry for?” 
“For dumping this job on you. I don’t think I ever actually apologised for that.” He says leaning down to kiss her temple.
“You didn’t.” Emily laughs as she takes another sip of her wine. “I forgave you a long time ago, and even when I was mad at you I understood why you did it.”
Aaron smiles and kisses her, pulling back enough to rest his forehead against hers. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
They sit in silence for a while drinking their wine and enjoying each other's company. Eventually it’s him who speaks, words whispered against her hairline. 
“I should get you to bed.”
She groans. “No. Let’s stay here. Watch a movie or something.” 
He chuckles against her, and she is grateful that he holds back his usual comment that he knows she’ll fall asleep within the first 30 minutes no matter what they put on. 
“Ok sweetheart. But you have to let me get up for a minute.” 
“Why?” Emily asks, her voice closer to a whine than she would like, burrowing further into his side. “I’m comfortable here.” 
“Because when I was at the store earlier I bought you some of those Halloween Reeses pumpkins you love.” 
“And you’re only just telling me?” She says, mock outrage in her voice as she sits up allowing him to slip out from beside her. He’s back within the minute, a bag of chocolate in his hand as he sits down next to her. 
Emily picks the movie, and Aaron loves her enough not to say anything when she falls asleep 20 minutes in. She wakes as the credits roll, Aaron’s fingers running up and down her arm, and she smiles.
He made the bad days better. 
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gothamsglam · 3 years
Can I have Your Name? (a SamBucky ficlet)
for @samshield hope you enjoy 😘
(also on ao3 under @/the_fifth_marauder101)
“Thanks, can I have your name?” asked Bucky with a charming smile on his face, pulling out a sharpie. However, instead of writing on an empty class as the poor customer thought, he scribbled down “Tony” on one of those ‘Hello, my name is…’ stickers.
“That’s a wonderful name by the way,” Bucky compliments, because fck you Steve, he can be polite. 
He fcking told Steve going into customer service was a great idea. Idiot wanted to continue doing door to door shit, or, even worse, mope around forests for wandering travelers. He told him it wasn’t the 1400s anymore, and to grow up. Damn the supernatural council and their ‘hunt in pairs’ rule, he will go rouge and leave Stevie, he will do it. 
“I’m this close,” Bucky had hissed, holding his fingers in the air so Stevie could see, 
“Your fingers are touching,” Steve deadpanned. 
The man doesn’t look up from his flurry of typing, “Thank you, it’s a family name.”
“Sure,” Bucky replies quietly “Alright, your order will be right out,” Bucky grinned, replacing his name tag with the new one without looking away from the brown-haired customer. The second the tag sticks to his shirt, he feels a refreshing rush of energy. Kind of like what he imagines those ‘caffeine/sugar rush’ those damn teens keep harping about. 
“Thank y—” The customer—Tony—looks up from his phone to flash him a grin, only to have it fall from his face when he sees the name tag. 
This was the fun part. Bucky didn’t break eye contact, maintaining it with the same smile, only now he could tell it felt eerie to the human. Like something wasn’t right. 
The man’s brown eyes flitted up and down between Bucky’s face and the name tag, before he surged forward, “What di—”
“Have a good day,” Bucky bit out, still keeping the smile and cheery customer service tone. His eyes were blank, he made sure of it. Honestly, this whole song and dance was unnecessary. Stevie usually just wrote the name tags, and then stuck them on as he was making the drinks. Their shop was typically slow enough that there wouldn’t be people behind to question why the tender had a new name. But Bucky loved to fck with humans. What the hell else was he supposed to do? He’s been alive for 70 generations, let him have his fun. 
However, today was a bit different. Another two walked into the shop, Bucky didn’t see it as much as he felt it. Bucky kept his back turned, hollering “Welcome to Stars and Stripes, I’ll be with you in just a moment,” over his shoulder as he made the three drinks. What asshole ordered three drinks?
Bucky’s question was answered when he saw the two men walk over to Tony’s table. One of them kissed Tony on the cheek and the other just faux-gagged before giving Tony a hug as well. Bucky called out the order, eyes tracking the way Tony mumbled something to the two men and both reacted oddly, as they probably should. Bucky would expect no less. 
Apparently, he jinxed himself, because the man who hugged Tony came to pick up the drinks. 
“Nice name,” said the man.
“Thanks,” Bucky flashed his uncanny valley smile and offered nothing else. The man winked and then walked back to the table. 
Bucky did not look at his ass, he didn’t. 
The next day, the man comes in. Not Tony, but other guy. The cute one. 
“Hi my name’s Jacob, how may I help you today?” Bucky asks politely. 
The man, to his credit, didn’t bat an eyelash, “Hi I’ll have three—” And he rattled off the same order that Tony had. Bucky resisted the urge to frown, maybe it was just a two-time thing? This group has only come into their shop once before, what are the odds of it happening again, for a third time?
“Perfect,” Bucky slid the receipt across the counter, “Can I have your name?” Bucky asked, as he reached for a pen. 
“Nope,” the man replied. 
Bucky froze in his moments, “What?”
The man shrugged, face showing nothing but politeness, “I’m the only person in this store, you’ll be able to find me.”
Bucky was stunned as he watched him walk back to the spot the trio was in the other day. As he sat down, the man gave a nod of acknowledgment to Bucky, who was still staring. 
His brown—almost hazelnut with the light of the sun—eyes stared into Bucky’s own, and in them all he saw was mischief. 
For the next two days, Bucky kept a—subtle, he wasn’t obsessed or anything—watch out for Tony or The Man. And for those two days, he didn’t see hide or hair of them. Bucky figured they must have been college students from nearby campuses, wandering in when Starbucks was too full, which happens often enough. Then on the third day, he returned. 
“Hey, Jacob” greeted The Man, his smile so bright—so bright that Nat would have burned like she does under the sun and threaten to bite the man in the jugular. Bucky, who was too gobsmacked to even deliver his customer service opening, stared at him. 
“Not Jacob,” Bucky said, his voice strangled. 
The Man chuckled, his eyes sparkling with the same look from the first day he ordered, “Ok ‘Not Jacob’, may I have—” And repeated the same order from the last two times. 
“Um, right, uh” Bucky stammered, face growing hot as The Man raised an eyebrow at him smugly, “Can I have your name?”
“Put Redwing,” The Man said, shrugging. The corner of his lips pulled upwards into a happy smirk—how can a person have a fcking happy smirk?—, not that Bucky was only looking at his lips or anything. 
“Redwing?” Bucky asked, stupidly. Because why ask, idiot, why ask for clarification? He read somewhere that the psyche is powerful enough to make the body do things, like fake pregnancies. Whether that’s something only reserved to humans is up for debate, but maybe, if Bucky doesn’t ask and lives in blissful ignorance, he can feed off of a fake name. But no, because he’s a bloody fool, he asked. 
“It’s my pet’s name,” The Man answered, then looked tilted his head, giving a sheepish smile, “Or at least, that’s what I want to name a pet, I don’t have one.”
“Right,” Said Bucky, suddenly feeling empty in ways that have nothing to do with hunger, “Your order will be right out.”
Their conversation was longer than normal, so when the man went to sit down, the couple came in moments afterward. All three sat in the same place as before. 
‘Oh no,’ Bucky thought in dawning horror, ‘Regulars.’ 
“Falcon,” grins The Man, now foregoing any attempts to be subtle and simply being a little shit.
Bucky looked at him, face void of any amusement. At this point, he’s shucked the polite customer service voice and snarked back and forth with the regular like there’s no tomorrow—only in this situation, there is a tomorrow, there always is tomorrow.
Their staring contest probably goes on for a bit too long, judging by the way Tony and his boyfriend—Bucky can feel comfortable calling the two a couple, based on how disgustingly affectionate the two get in the cafe—walk in. 
The Man flashed a smile and turned away to greet the couple. An audible ‘Rhodey!’ reached Bucky’s ears. Now, finally, he has a name for one of the dark-skinned men, the one who kissed Tony’s cheek and was currently walking in with said Tony, arm around his shoulders. Only Bucky doesn’t feel that familiar warmth pool in his gut, refreshing his energy levels. 
‘Oh,’ Bucky thinks, and watches as the man—his regular—laughs with his friends but also how his eyes flit back to peek at Bucky as names are spoken. ‘oh, loopholes.’
Bucky is so screwed. 
The names his regular gives become increasingly goofy, and Steve teases him about how flirty they get—Bucky absolutely didn’t have a favorite, and it absolutely wasn’t Angel. But Bucky only believed Stevie when he got a number instead of a random moniker. 
“What?” Bucky short-circuited. 
The man just sighed, “Come on, I gave you my number, work with me here.”
“You finally did it, huh, Sam?” Tony called out from where he was typing away on his computer, which rested on Rhodey’s legs. Rhodey, who was sprawled out in one of their chairs, nudged Tony with his foot, “Shush, let them have this.”
‘Sam,’ Bucky thinks,  and all he can come up with in his blue screened mind is, ‘Perfect’.
In his phone, the name Sam’s contact is under is ‘Angel’.
Steve heckles. 
“How did you know, Angel?”
Sam looks at Bucky, and Bucky’s struck into silence, The whole world falls around them in muted sounds and lights fade into balls of blurry color, because as they lock gazes all Bucky can notice is Sam’s eyes. Sam’s eyes—his wonderful, soul-deep eyes that shine with mischief and laughter, that glow so bright and rival the heavens when the sunlight reflects off it just so—are sad. 
“My friend,” Sam says quietly, “Riley. He was one of yours.”
Bucky nods, and reaches out with his metal hand—an injury from decades ago and a gift from a shapeshifter who hissed that his debt was repaired before slithering off into the night—pulling Sam closer to him. They watch the sun go down from the top of the roof, the stars revealed one by one, twinkling against the darkness of the dusk. 
(One day, Bucky will ask for Sam’s name again, specifically his last name. Only then, will Sam reply honestly.)
AN: This is a more bastardized version of faeries/fae, I just made up my own creature for what Bucky and Steve are. Simply because I just wanted to write a little ficlet about SamBucky and didn’t do much research. Don’t think too hard about it :)
(and the link to the Tik Tok I saw on tumblr that inspired this is also linked on my ao3 fic)
Hope you enjoyed! 
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Movie Night
A flashback kinda thing, I guess, showing Connie back before she met Death (when she still went by Chimera)
Contains some of Glo's shenanigans, some of her friendship with Cobalt, and even some of her friendship with her demon buddy, too :P
I know it leaves off at kind of a weird spot, but eh. I wasn't sure what else to add ^^"
Chimera let out a soft whine, and her companion snorted, arching a brow bone, "See? I told you that you wouldn't like this movie." The female skeleton made a face, lightly swatting at his arm, "Oh whatever, Cobalt! I don't remember you ever saying anything of the sort!" Cobalt sighed softly, absentmindedly wrapping his arm around Chimera and tugging her flush against his side. As a masked killer emerged from a building on the tv screen and began to pursue a group of young monsters, she turned, cuddling as close to her friend as possible and burying her face in part of his shoulder.
He sighed, content to have her in his arms as they sat on her living room sofa. Appearing in the entrance to her kitchen, an all too familiar pink and blue fire elemental held up a bag of unpopped popcorn, "Hey love birds, I'm making popcorn. You want any?" Both skeletons immediately froze, Chimera's face flushing bright orange while Cobalt's became a faint shade of blue. Chimera made a face at the fire elemental in question and groaned, "Come on, Glo! I thought you said you wouldn't tease us like that anymore!" Glo hummed, "No idea what you're talking about. Now do you want any popcorn, or am I only making it for myself?" The female skeleton rolled her eye lights, "I think I'm good for now. What about you?" She looked to Cobalt and he shrugged, "Sure, why not? I'll take a bag, I guess."
Glo playfully scoffed, her attention focused on Chimera as she gestured to him, "I'm tellin' ya, he knows what's up." Cobalt couldn't help the amused grin that found it's way onto his face and Chimera waved off her adopted sister's words, trying to hide her own tiny smile, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Glo." The fire elemental held the flat, unpopped bag of popcorn in both hands, and as her body temperature began to rise, the bag began to unfold on its own, the kernels inside loudly popping. Once the bag was done, she called out, "Incoming!" Chimera looked up in time to see Glo toss the bag in her direction, and her sockets widened. She let out a soft gasp as Cobalt moved without warning, raising a hand to catch the bag with seemingly no effort. Quickly trying to regain her composure, she prepared to scold Glo, only to find that Glo had already vanished back into the kitchen, likely to get another bag of popcorn from the cupboard.
When Glo returned and made herself comfortable on the floor, everything went silent as the three went back to watching their movie. As the end credits began rolling, Glo scooted away, and the pair of skeletons watched curiously as she wedged herself inside the unlit fireplace. Her body temperature began to rise again, warming the room ever so slightly and casting a pink and blue glow across the space. Chimera raised a brow bone, visibly confused, "Uhh Glo, what are you doing in there?" Glo took her phone out of her pocket and pushed a button, sliding it a bit away from herself and grinning mischievously as 'Careless Whisper' began to play through their Bluetooth radio, "I'm about to see this ship set sail. Now ignore me. I'm your warm, cozy evening fire and nothing more."
Chimera's orange blush slowly spread down to her shoulders, and she attempted to hide her face again, very clearly embarrassed as she murmured, "Oh my God, I cannot believe you right now..." Cobalt's blush gradually began to darken as well and he sighed, lifting his free arm and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, unsure of how he should respond. An unexpected guest cleared his throat and Chimera squeaked in surprise, jerking her entire body back away from Cobalt. Her guest arched a single brow, the rest of his expression appearing bored, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The female skeleton stared up at him with wide eyes, her face still burning a vibrant orange as she shook her head, "N-No, of course not! I-I um... What are you doing here, Dr. Wright?" The demon sighed softly, "Please. It's 'Soren', remember? We're past the point of needing formalities." Cobalt offered him a polite smile, "Hey there, Soren. What's up, dude?" The demon's attention snapped to him and he hummed in disapproval, "I said it was 'Soren' to her, not to you." Cobalt held up his hands in surrender, "Sorry, sorry. I guess I forgot about that."
In what felt like the blink of an eye, Glo slipped out of the fireplace and lowered her body temperature as she zipped across the room. Reaching out to delicately touch the demon's arm, she smiled sweetly up at him and purred, "Well hello there, Doctor~ I was starting to wonder when you'd come see me again." He deadpanned, his vibrant, almost neon green gaze boring into her, "It's 'Soren' to Chimera, and 'Dr. Wright' to that other bonehead. To you, however, it's 'Diamondback.' Please refrain from calling me anything else. If you do, I may have to hurt you for it. Do you understand?" Glo was frozen for a moment, nodding slowly, "...Yeah. I read you loud and clear." Diamondback sighed, "Good. Now will you please remove your hand from my arm? I don't care much for physical contact." The fire elemental nodded again, promptly releasing his arm and taking a step back, watching quietly as he looked over his sleeve, as if inspecting the area she'd touched.
Chimera also watched him, her breath momentarily catching in her false throat as his gaze locked with hers. Clearing his throat again, he lifted a hand, conjuring a small stack of books, "I thought I'd stop by to drop these off, since I remember how interested you were in them last time you were over." She smiled politely, standing and making her way over to him. Carefully accepting the books with one hand, her other gently patted his arm and she hummed, "Thank you, Soren. I appreciate that very much, and I'll be sure to get them back to you as soon as I'm finished reading them." The demon nodded, "Of course. Despite my numerous attempts to push you away, you kept coming back, and as fate would have it you're my friend now, so it's only fair that I allow you access to my personal library." Her smile widened slightly as she stepped aside, gingerly placing the books on a small stand, "That's very kind of you. I'm really happy that we're on such good terms like this."
Diamondback offered her a slight smile, his fangs peeking out of his mouth, "As am I." As Cobalt caught sight of the fangs, he shrunk back the smallest bit, absentmindedly lifting a hand to prod at one of his own, much smaller fangs. Glo's flames very briefly flickered in interest as she caught sight of the demon's fangs, and she let out a soft breath; For all she knew, Diamondback could be venomous, but she was dying to know what it'd be like to experience a bite from him. As if her interest was beginning to show on her face, the demon shifted his attention to her, his small smile falling into a frown, "Whatever disgusting thoughts you're having had better be gone soon. I don't like that you're ogling me, young lady."
Glo's face became flushed with a faint blush and she smiled awkwardly, "Sorry... Can't help it, I guess." She paused, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, "Not when you're this good looking. If you weren't so attractive, maybe I wouldn't ogle you as much." As if a switch had been flipped, the demon warped through the space between them, his hand firmly catching her jaw as he leaned down, his eyes narrowed as he hissed, "I would've let it slide this time, if you hadn't added on that additional little comment." Glo's soul began to beat faster in her chest and she stared at him with wide eyes, frozen in place. Not giving her the chance to say anything more, he bared his fangs, letting them both be fully exposed as a liquid - more than likely venom, Glo assumed - began to gather at the tips and a faint rattling sound could be heard from somewhere nearby. A single drop of his venom dripped down onto the carpet, and the demon drew in a deep breath, attempting to calm himself, "For the last time, you're not my type, and you never will be. I'm in the process of courting someone else, and I would like it very much if you could stop flirting with me."
The fire elemental continued to stare at him with wide eyes, still visibly in shock. Taking her silence as agreement, he released his hold on her jaw and the rattling sound around them began to fade away. Closing his mouth and allowing his lips to conceal his fangs again, he sighed softly, glancing up at Chimera as she cautiously approached him, keeping her voice low, "I'm sorry for all of her flirting, but I do appreciate that you're able to control your temper. Thank you for not lashing out, Soren." Diamondback's shoulders seemed to sag a bit and he hummed, mumbling back, "Of course... I might be a demon, but that doesn't mean I'm some irredeemable creature that enjoys causing harm." As if she could read his body language, she frowned, "And I've never thought that of you. Not even once. You have your good days and bad days, just like everyone else."
Diamondback offered her a small, vaguely saddened smile, "I appreciate that, Chimera. I think I should head on home now and call it a night, though... It's getting late, and I have work tomorrow." The female skeleton nodded in understanding, "That's alright. I hope you rest well tonight, Soren. I'll be over again tomorrow to drop off your mail and some goodies, since you seem like you could really use a few right now." Diamondback made a sound in acknowledgment, "Ok, that sounds like a plan, I suppose. Thank you in advance for the goodies, in case I'm not there when you stop by." Chimera offered him a small but genuine smile, gently patting his shoulder before taking a step back. Shifting his attention back to Glo, he sighed, "Apologies for the outburst. I hope I didn't traumatize you or anything." Glo nodded, her voice cracking, "I-It's ok. It's on me, for always hitting on you." The demon offered her a tiny smile, glad to hear that she was finally taking responsibility for something. In the blink of an eye, he seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving the pair of skeletons and the fire elemental alone.
Chimera let out a soft sigh, returning to her seat on the couch. Casting a glance up at the clock that hung on the nearby wall, Cobalt frowned; Like Diamondback had said, it had gotten later than he'd realized. Because it was getting so late, that meant he'd have to head home for the night. He wasn't working tomorrow, so he could always ask if Chimera wanted to hang out again in the morning. He stole a glance at her, quietly appreciating her perfectly smooth ivory bones, the way her nimble fingers moved as she idly picked at her clothes, and the soft, peaceful smile she wore. As if she sensed him looking at her, Chimera met his gaze and tilted her head curiously, her cheekbones gaining the faintest hint of a blush, "Something on your mind, Cobalt?"
Snapping out of his thoughts, he cleared his throat and shook his head, his brow bones furrowing as he shook his head and offered her a small smile, "Nah, it's nothing, 'Mera. Just spacing out again, I guess." The female skeleton made a sound in understanding, "Ah, I see. You know, I think that's something that happens more often when you get tired. Have you been sleeping alright?" Cobalt shrugged his shoulders, glancing away from her and hoping she wouldn't notice the slight bags under his sockets, "Eh... My sleep schedule hasn't been the best, but at least it's better than nothing." Chimera frowned, reaching out to gently touch his arm, "Coby, you should've said something. If you'd like some medicine to help you sleep at night, I have more than enough in my cupboard."
At the nickname, his cheekbones flushed a soft shade of blue, and he grinned sheepishly, "I know, I know... Sorry about that. Are you sure you'd wanna give me any of that medicine though?... What if you run out sometime soon and don't have anymore when you need it?" Chimera arched a brow bone, "I can always make another trip to the store, you goof. It wouldn't be a problem, I promise. Just... You seem like you could use some, and I'd be happy to share." Cobalt let out a soft sigh in defeat, still smiling sheepishly, "Ok... If you're sure about that, then I guess it'd be alright. I just don't wanna inconvenience you at all, y'know?" She scooted closer to him, and without warning, lifted both hands, delicately cupping his face and prompting him to look at her. Locking gazes, his breath momentarily hitched, and his soft blush because a bit brighter. Making sure to hold his gaze, she offered him a reassuring smile, "Cobalt, it's ok. I don't mind giving you some medicine, if it means helping you sleep better at night."
She paused, lightly tapping on his cheekbone with her thumb, "I really like being able to help you, you know. It makes me happy." Cobalt was frozen, his blush very gradually becoming even brighter. His gaze drifted downward, briefly settling on her teeth. For a moment, he couldn't help but notice how smooth they looked, and then when he coaxed himself to make eye contact with her again, his sockets widened the smallest bit; Those beautiful eyes... They were focused solely on him. The soft glow from her eye lights cast a faint glow, and the warmth in her gaze made him melt. He snuck another quick glance at her teeth, and then he watched quietly as she seemed to mirror what he'd just done, her eye lights flickering downward to his own teeth.
She seemed to debate something for a moment, before she leaned closer, gently pressing her forehead to his. Cobalt stared at her, breathing in her scent and noting what seemed to be a hint of oranges in the smell as he looked at her. He opened his mouth to speak, wanting to somehow acknowledge how beautiful Chimera was, but to his frustration, no sound would come out. Keeping her voice soft, the female skeleton murmured, "I'm gonna go get that medicine for you... I think I'm gonna send you off with some of the leftovers from dinner, too. Is that ok?" Cobalt nodded, making a sound in confirmation as he murmured back, "Yeah, of course. I love your cooking, so it's not like I'd have any complaints with that."
A soft orange blush dusted across her face and she smiled, almost looking shy, "Ok... I'm really happy you like it that much." Cobalt could only smile back at her, his soul thudding inside his chest. As she withdrew her hands and backed up a bit, he let out a deep sigh, trying to push back to disappointment he felt; She was so close, and he could've sworn he felt something there. If he had acted on it the way he'd wanted to, then maybe, just maybe, he could've-
Chimera stood, vanishing from the room and leaving him alone with Glo, who was quietly staring at him with raised brows and the hint of a smug grin that was hidden within her flames. Looking at the fire elemental, he arched a brow bone, "What?" She hummed, still grinning, "Oh, I think you know 'what,' mister man." Cobalt willed his blush to fade and he deadpanned, "Nope. I have no idea what you're talking about." Glo let out an exaggerated sigh, moving closer to him, "Oh come on, yes, you do. It was all of that, just now. Her touching your face, the foreheads touching, all of that prolonged eye contact, and the way you guys kept looking at each other's teeth. You wanted to kiss her, didn't you?" Cobalt's blush reignited, now so bright that it began to glow faintly, "Shut up, airhead. What if she hears you saying stuff like that?" Completely unbothered by what she'd been called, Glo tilted her head, "I'm gonna take that as a 'yes.' If I'm right, then why didn't you?"
Cobalt fell silent, his gaze shifting away from his companion. He watched to entrance to the kitchen for a few seconds before mumbling, "...I dunno if she even likes me, like that... And I wouldn't wanna feel like I was forcing anything on her. If that's what it felt like from her perspective, that means I might as well say goodbye to my friendship with her." The fire elemental stared at him for a moment before reaching out and flicking his face. He jerked back away from the contact in surprise, "What was that for, weirdo?" Glo raised a single brow and sighed again, "You're such a dweeb, y'know that? If you're not sure how she feels about you, then ask. If she doesn't give you the response you want, you can either pass off the question as nothing more than curiosity, or you can make your big confession. If you take a risk and tell her how you feel, then who knows... Maybe she'll end up feeling the same."
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lilydalexf · 4 years
Tumblr media
Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Vickie Moseley
Vickie Moseley has 252 stories at Gossamer, some of which have also made their way to AO3. She has obviously contributed a ton to the fandom over the years! I’ve recced some of my favorites of her stories here before, including Giving Thanks, Stunned, and a bunch of post-eps for particular episodes, including “Firewalker” and “Pine Bluff Variant.” Big thanks to Vickie for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Not really. Well, actually, it has always surprised me that anyone would read my stories even during the heyday of the series, but that’s my self-consciousness talking. That people are discovering The X-Files is not at all surprising and that they are stumbling on fan fic is a natural extension and I find that wonderful. My husband and I never watched Grimm when it was on network TV and we’re currently going through that series, so it’s the streaming-on-demand-there-isn’t-anything-new-on-TV times we find ourselves.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
Friendships. I have a group of women that I’ve been friends with for over 20 years. Until this year we gathered in person every year. We are in contact on Facebook messenger all the time and a conversation will start up just out of thin air when we haven’t conversed for months! It’s been wonderful knowing these women from all parts of the country (and the world for that matter).
And strangely enough, medical research. My writing tended to focus on ‘injured Mulder’ (or Mulder Torture as we termed it) and I also liked reading that in fan fic. Two years ago this managed to help me in real life. My husband experienced a bilateral pneumothorax (both lungs collapsed spontaneously). One of my favorite stories that I have read and reread is “Short of Breath” by the incomparable dee_ayy. She did some serious research while writing that story and it’s all in that fan fiction. I’m not saying it’s the same as a medical degree, but I knew what was happening, why the doctors where performing certain procedures and it really eased my mind as we went through the whole experience. I never would have known what was going on if I hadn’t read that story so many times.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Email was the ‘social media’ for the day. That, and newsfeeds. There were two newsfeeds in the beginning: the official FOX website had a message board, and there was one on ‘alt.tv’ which was an internet newsfeed where fans posted spoilers and discussed episodes. The alt.tv newsfeed got tired of the fan fic writers posting stories so a separate newsfeed was formed just for fan fic. EMXC, which was an AOL mailing list, was invite only and somewhat exclusive at first, but opened up to everyone. When the old OSU (Ohio State University) mailing list turned into Gossamer and Ephemeral, the fandom, and fan fic just skyrocketed.
But what you lived for the most, as a writer, was actual feedback. Emails from people all over who read your story. It was nice to get a quick ‘Hey, read this and really like it!’ but the wonderful emails, the ones you kept in folders on your inbox, were the ones that went into detail, sometimes critical, sometimes grammar related, but always showing where you could improve, or where you touched someone. Every friend I have from the fandom started as feedback, either to me or from me. I’m on AO3 and I appreciate ‘kudos’ but I really love getting comments.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Confidence in my writing. I learned a lot from other writers. Constructive feedback was a gift! I may never write the great American novel but I don’t think I’m afraid to give it a shot after all my years in fan fic.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
They had me at ‘aliens’. I’m a sucker for UFO shows. Was front row center at Close Encounters of the Third Kind, read many of the UFO standards, still watch Ancient Aliens on History Channel. I was waiting for The X-Files based on the tiny blurb in the 1993 Fall Preview Guide from TV Guide.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I kinda got fired from a job I loved and couldn’t go back into that arena for a long time. I was so depressed I was cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. My husband ‘gave’ me the internet for my birthday just to get me out of the dumps. I went straight to ‘yahoo’ and typed in X Files. After reading all the character bios I saw a ‘hyperlink’ (yes, that’s what we called them in 1995) to something called ‘fan fiction’. It was the OSU tree directory of about 100 fan fiction stories. I was instantly hooked.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I still love the show and all the fans I run across. I was not happy with S8 or S9 but I did watch The Truth. I was on Haven for a while during the reboots (S10 and S11) but it wasn’t the same. I’ve got all the seasons on DVD or blu ray and both movies. When I hear from fans, I’m so happy to connect but I don’t go out and look for new stories anymore.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
None. My heart belongs to Mulder ;)
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Captain Kirk, Spock, Captain Picard, Will Riker, Luke, Han, Leia, Poe, Rae, Kylo at the end. I like strong characters but it’s OK if they have flaws. I’d like to see more strong female leads in science fiction (Gammora and Nebula are favs of mine, too). I love Brea Larson’s portrayal of Captain Marvel!  
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
Sure. When the Pandemic hit we started going through the series for maybe the 20th time. It’s nice to watch them on a larger TV screen. Kim Manners was a genius with lighting and showing just enough of the ‘monster’. I suspect he will be better appreciated in the future than he was at the time he was alive.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I still go back and read my favorites from XF. I read Blood Ties by Dawn about once a year, the whole series. I go back and read the Virtual Season X seasons. We had some really good stories in those years.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Too many to list! Dawn, of course. Susan Proto (I co-wrote with her), Sally Bahnsen, dee_ayy, Suzanne Bickerstaff’s Magician Series was the first (and only) fantasy I ever truly liked! I loved all my co-writers and there are plenty of writers that I wish we’d gotten around to collaborating.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I’m proud of Out of the Cold because it’s Mulder before Scully. I’m partial to the Flight Into Egypt series because I like ‘righting’ what I thought Carter got wrong in the end.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I keep trying! I’m working (have been working for almost a decade now) on a Flight Into Egypt story set at Christmas. Each fall I drag it out of mothballs, write a paragraph or two and get busy doing Christmas stuff. Funny, but it was easier to find time to write when I was a working mom of 6 than as a retired grandma of 3.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I’m putting together a cookbook for my kids and grandkids of all our family recipes. It’s not just the recipes, but the stories behind them. It’s a WIP (work in progress).
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I had a book, just a cheap paperback of unexplained events—all true stories, supposedly—that I got a lot of ideas from. Or, like Carter, I would see something in the news and it would turn into a story. One time I had a dream about our Pur water filter and it turned into a fan fic.
What's the story behind your pen name?
My older sister named me because my Mom and Dad let her. I never used a pen name. That’s my real name, you can google me and find out all about me. I used to have a wiki page or so my kids told me.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
My kids used to tell their friends that ‘Mom is famous on the internet’ as a joke. Most of my friends know. My other life is in politics and the two lives usually don’t cross but once on a campaign I was asked by a reporter if I was the ‘same’ Vickie Moseley who writes fan fiction. If I had lied, that would have been the story—that I lied about this hobby of mine. Like it was something to be ashamed of or I was ashamed of my writing. So instead of ducking the question I said ‘yeah, have you read any of my stuff?’ Fan fiction was not mentioned in the finished article.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I’m on AO3 but only a partial list. My website is still up thanks to Mimic.
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Back when I started writing (1995) it was a sort of commune. We all loved reading fan fiction, we didn’t want the story to end with the credits. So if you wanted to read, you were encouraged to write, too, so that others had stories to read and share. It was a cooperative arrangement very much like the old Literary Societies back in the 19th Century.  I really miss that, so I hope that on some level that is still going on.
(Posted by Lilydale on November 10, 2020)
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Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Evolution
A/N: Since Detroit: Evolution has taken over my life, it only makes sense that I make a fic about those two boys. So this fic is based off the film Detroit: Evolution so some information may be confusing if you haven’t watched it yet. If you ship Reed900 I highly recommend watching it. It’s an hour and fifteen minutes and free on YouTube. It’s so good and very pure and full of good representation. But here is the fic.
Word Count: 3,043
Gavin gave the handcuffed criminal a particularly hard shove to get him to walk forward into the station. Nines walked behind, keeping an eye on the criminal to ensure he didn’t try to break from Gavin’s grip and run off. “Fucking cops.” The man in questions was shouting. “You’re fucking useless.”
Gavin immediately spun the man so he was pressed face first against a wall. “Here’s what’s gonna happen.” Gavin snarled. “You’re going to stop fucking around and walk nice and quiet to the interrogation room.” He yanked the man away from the wall and roughly guided him to an interrogation room. Nines watched as Gavin forced the man into a chair and attached the cuffs to the table.
Then he walked out of the room and let out a sigh. Nines placed his hands on Gavin’s shoulders. He gave a gentle squeeze before running his hands down Gavin’s arms. “You need to relax.” He said. “No need to get unnecessarily rough.”
“I know.” Gavin sighed. Nines brought up a hand and rested it on Gavin’s cheek. Gavin leaned into the touch. “He’s just a dick.”
Nines gave a small, understanding smile. “Will you be ok interrogating him alone?” Nines asked.
Gavin swatted Nines’ hand away gently. “Yeah, I got it.”
“Alright. Chris asked me to take a look at some files.” Nines leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Gavin’s lips. Then he left Gavin to do the interrogation.
Gavin yawned as the pair entered his apartment. They closed a case today, which meant that Gavin’s stress levels weren’t that high. Nines felt better knowing Gavin wasn’t stressed out after work. Nines went to the kitchen to make dinner. Gavin followed. He didn’t help much. In fact he sat on top of the counter and was more distracting than anything.
Any time Nines walked by, he tried to pull him in for a kiss. He succeeded quite a few times, mostly because Nines let him. As Nines finished up, Gavin hopped down and got drinks from the fridge. Nines could eat, but often didn’t. He did have a thirium based drink every night though so he would sit at the table with Gavin.
While Gavin wouldn’t help cook dinner, he would always wash the dishes that couldn’t go in his dishwasher. Nines would grab a towel to dry them off. After dinner, their evenings were completely free.
They would watch a TV show or movie, Gavin was convinced he needed to educate Nines on all things pop culture. Sometimes Nines would read a book. He could read them at top speed but could enjoy them more reading them at an average reading speed. Gavin would play a video game and could sometimes convince Nines to play as well. They were often on teams unless Gavin was feeling particularly competitive. But every time the play against each other, Nines would always win.
This particular night was spent with Gavin playing a game while Nines read. Nines often slung his arm around Gavin’s shoulder, just like tonight. Gavin eventually turned off the game before turning the news on. He leaned against Nines as he watched. He looked over at Nines and decided he didn’t actually care about the news. He smirked knowing that Nines would know exactly what page he was on in his book.
He turned to Nines, grabbed the book and dropped it on the coffee table in front of the couch. He leaned up and kissed Nines soundly. Nines smiled against Gavin’s lips, bringing his left hand up to rest on Gavin’s cheek as usual. The synthetic skin on Nines’ hand had retracted, the lack of control always obvious.
Gavin moved so he was essentially kneeling on the couch facing Nines, his legs on either side of his boyfriend. He was honest when he told Nines he didn’t face about having sex. But he did like having physical contact with Nines. And Nines never protested Gavin being close. Eventually Nines pulled back though. “Let’s get to bed. You look like you could use a good night’s sleep.”
Gavin raised a brow. “Are you guessing or scanning?”
“You asked me to stop scanning you.”
“Did you actually listen?”
“Ok, I still scan you.” He leaned forward to give Gavin a small kiss as an apology. “It’s only because I worry about you.” Gavin rolled his eyes. Then Nines slid his hands under Gavin’s thighs and lifted him from the couch as he stood up. He not so gracefully dropped Gavin on the bed, only because it got a small smile from Gavin.
Nines changed into a black t-shirt and black gym shorts, given to him by Gavin. Gavin wore a tank top and gym shorts as well. Gavin clung to Nines, uncharacteristically touchy. Nines said nothing about it, trusting Gavin to tell him if something was bothering him. As Nines sense Gavin was drifting off, he slipped into stasis.
It was no longer a garden. It varied though. Sometimes it was Gavin’s apartment, complete with the cat prowling around. Other times it was the police department. Occasionally it was Connor and Hank’s home or the bar downtown that the police officers often went to. It changes depending on what he was doing. He was simply sorting through information tonight so during stasis he was in Gavin’s apartment still.
He only came out from stasis as he felt Gavin still moving around. He thought he was asleep. So he opened his eyes and looked over to Gavin. “Oh sorry.” Gavin said as Nines caugh him staring. “I don’t often get to see you sleeping.”
“Technically, you’ve never seen my sleeping because androids don’t sleep.”
“Oh I know. Shut up.” Gavin said with no real malice. He kissed Nines against to ensure he was quiet. As they broke apart, Gavin turned so his back was to Nines. In response, Nines curled around Gavin, his chest to Gavin’s back.
Nines monitored Gavin’s vitals, noting that he never actually fell asleep for longer than a few minutes. He never got real sleep. Again, he didn’t push it. If Gavin wanted to talk about it, he would.
Gavin was irritable the next day. He at least thanked Nines when a coffee was brought to him though. He was mostly polite to Nines, but even Nines could pick up on subtle attitude changes which proved he was short tempered.
He yelled at Hank, who thankfully didn’t add fuel to the fire. Nines short the lieutenant an apologetic look, which Hank nodded to in understanding. He spent an extended break talking to officer Chen. And he was rather unmotivated to work. Eventually Fowler sent them a new case. An case of a kid suspected of running Red Ice for a larger operation.
Gavin worked on it with renewed vigor. He even brought the case files home with him. He took a break for dinner but dove right back in after washing dishes. Nines watched him work, adding input when asked. He knew why this case was important to Gavin. He sympathized. Eventually Nines kissed Gavin’s cheek. “We should get to bed.”
Gavin waved him off. “I’m busy.”
“Gavin, I can work the case while you sleep.” Nines offered. “And share any intel I find. But you need to sleep. I know you didn’t sleep well last night either. I didn’t mention it because I figured you’d talk to me if you needed to.”
“Well you figured right. And I’m not talking. So I’m fine. And I’m fine right now. I’m not that tired.”
“Gavin, please. A few hours maybe?” Nines bargained.
“I’m fine, Nines!” Gavin practically shouted.
Both men stilled. Outburst weren’t uncommon. Gavin had them often, but neither man enjoyed when they happened. Gavin gelt guilty, and Nines got mad himself when Gavin would lash out at them. “Sorry.” Gavin mumbled. “But I’m not going to bed.”
“Fine.” Nines said. Nines made himself comfortable on the couch, not intending to go into stasis if Gavin was going to go down a self-destructive path. He didn’t actually need to go into stasis every night anyway.
“You can go into stasis or whatever you do.” Gavin said, not looking away from the files.
“Unlike humans that require sleep,” Nines said pointedly. “I do not need to go into stasis every night. I’ll be fine. I hope you will be too.” Gavin grumbled but didn’t give an intelligible response. Later, when Gavin looked at Nines and asked for a coffee, Nines considered not getting it. But Gavin had said please and looked so tired that Nines actually gave in and brought him one from the kitchen. But after that, he refused.
Gavin grumbled as he went to go get his second cup of the evening. To his credit, Nines couldn’t detect him saying anything bad about the android. Mostly just grumbling about being unable to stay awake all night and the stupid human need to sleep.
He got back on the couch and kept going through the files. He made a list of family and friends to contact. He made a list of people who he was more recently contacting. He looked into the kid’s past, he grumbled something about a most likely abusive family member.
Gavin leaned back against Nines at some point. Nines wanted to push him away, tell him that Gavin needs to go to bed. But he also loves Gavin and can’t stand to push him away. So he wrapped his arm around Gavin’s waist and held him close while Gavin kept working.
“Hey, Nines.” Gavin said, clearly still reading case files. “I want your opinion on this.” He started. Nines rolled his eyes and moved the arm the was around Gavin’s waist so he could cover Gavin’s mouth instead. It earned him a questioning and offended glare from Gavin. It was very ineffective with Nines’ hand covering his mouth though.
“Look, Gavin. I’m done arguing that you should go to bed. You know what I think but clearly I can’t change your mind. But I am not going to help you with this self-destructive behavior. I will help you with this case during work hours. But while you are staying awake for the second night in a row, I won’t help you.” He removed his hand from Gavin’s mouth and snaked his arm around his boyfriend’s waist once more.
Gavin gave Nines a look. “So you’re just gonna sit there silently?”
“Until you agree to get some sleep or our normal waking time come, yes.”
“Fine.” Gavin snarled. But he didn’t move away either.
The rest of the night was quiet. Gavin would doze on and off, never for long either. But finally the morning came and Nines got up from the couch. He made coffee and brought it to Gavin. “We talking now?” Gavin asked as he took the cup.
“This is the time which we would usually be waking up for work. So since it’s no longer time in which you should be sleeping, then I think it’s fine to act as we normally do.” Nines explained. “May I at least suggested you shower before work today?”
Gavin took another gulp of his coffee then set the cup down. “Yeah, ok.” Gavin stood up. He paused in front of Nines then leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Nines’ lips. Nines gave a small smile. Then Gavin went to shower. Nines’ LED spun yellow as he composed a text to Captain Fowler.
The pair headed to work and Nines was grateful that their usual banter returned during their car ride. He knew Gavin’s mood was going to go south as soon as they got to work. And sure enough, the minute Gavin set his bag down, Fowler shouted for Reed to report to his office.
Tina came over and watched Gavin argue with Fowler in his office. “What did Gavin do this time?” She asked.
Nines let out a small shrug and crossed his arms over his chest. “Nothing. But he hasn’t actually slept in 48 hours. I informed Fowler, although Gavin doesn’t know that I did that. Fowler will most definitely send him home. Then, hopefully I can convince him to get at least some sleep.”
“Good luck.” Tina said. “That boy can be difficult some times. But I guess you’re equipped to handle him.” She nudged Nines.
Nines gave a small smile in return. Tina retreated to her desk as soon as Gavin stormed out the office. “Son of bitch.” He muttered under his breath.
“What’s wrong, Gavin?” Nines asked, playing dumb.
“Fowler said my work the past two days has been ‘less than satisfactory.’ So he sending me home today. Said I can’t work if I’m not at my best. So this kid’s case has to sit still for 24 hours.”
“You’re no use to him in the state you’re in anyway, Gavin.” Nines said. “I’ll take the day off as well.”
“You don’t like taking days off.” Gavin accused.
“But I like being with you.” Nines said with a smile. “And I want to ensure you sleep.”
Gavin didn’t say anything but snatched his stuff and stormed out of the station. Nines followed behind, far calmer than Gavin. The car ride home was not at all like the one on the ay to work. It was silent and Gavin was fuming. Nines wanted to say something to break the silence but didn’t know what to say. Especially since anything could make Gavin angry.
Back at home Gavin dropped his stuff on the couch. He went a grabbed a beer from the fridge. Nines saw and immediately grabbed the beer before Gavin even opened it. He put it back in the fridge, ignoring Gavin’s protests. “Go lay down, Gavin.” Nines ordered. “You’ll feel better in the morning if you sleep instead of drinking yourself unconscious.” Gavin didn’t say anything. “Come on.” Nines led Gavin to the room by the hand.
Gavin reluctantly changed out of his work clothes and into his pajamas. He laid down but didn’t make any effort to actually sleep. Nines laid down beside Gavin and grabbed his hand. “Sleep, Gavin.” He requested. Nines laid down and pulled Gavin down with him. Gavin fell asleep only minutes after Nines began rubbing his back.
Gavin had only been asleep for about an hour when he started shifting in his sleep. He let out a distressed noise. He seemed to mumble a word but Nines couldn’t make it out. Nines sat up and placed a hand on Gavin’s chest. “Gavin. Wake up.” He urged. “It’s not real. Wake up.”
Gavin’s eyes shot open. “Nines?” He propped himself up so he could sit and lean against the headboard.
“Yes.” Nines said. “I’m here. Just like always.” He reassured Gavin with his small smile. “Same dream?”
Gavin huffed. “Yeah.” He paused. “Well, close enough anyway.” Nines raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t mention it before, cause it didn’t seem important. But while I’m laying in the snow and dying, I’m calling out for Fowler. My brain knows he should be showing up, but he doesn’t. So I’m trying to call out, my voice is scratchy and barely works. I’m fucking coughing up blood. And Fowler never shows, no matter how much I call.” His voice was soft as to not disrupt the quiet environment of the room.
Nines said nothing, letting Gavin explain and talk through what was bothering him. “The thing about this dream, the reason I hate it, is that I feel like no one gives a shit about me. I die with no one there. No one comes to help me.”
“You know that people care about you, Gavin. Fowler, Tina, Chris, Me.” He rattled off.
“Yeah, I know that Nines.” He said. “But in the dream, it doesn’t feel like it as I die. And Like I said, I usually call out for Fowler but he never comes. It was different tonight.” Gavin grabbed Nines’ hand. He hesitated, clearly uncomfortable sharing this. Nines let his thumb rub back and forth on Gavin’s hand, hopefully soothing him. “Tonight I kept calling out for you.” His grip tightened. “And you never fucking showed.”
Nines removed his hand from Gavin’s, only to pull Gavin in close and kiss the top of his head. “Gavin, as long as I am able, I will always come to your aid. Just like you did for me. I would never leave you to die.”
Gavin sighed. “I know, Nines. But shit, that nightmare makes me feel alone.”
“You aren’t alone now. And, as long as you put up with me, you won’t ever be.” Nines assured him. He kissed the top of Gavin’s head again. “What brought on this nightmare?” The last time this happened was when they met Lazzo, a young man close to having a past like Gavin’s. It couldn’t be just the new case. Gavin refused to sleep the night before they got the case.
“The suspect we brought in a few days ago.” Gavin answered.
“What?” Nines asked, his LED spinning yellow in confusion.
“During the interrogation he like digging into the fact that I was alone while I questioned him. He liked making comments that I had no one watching my back. It was just a bunch of shit talking, but I knew that the minute I tried to sleep that everything he said would manifest into this dream. Then throw our news case in there and I knew I’d have the damn dream again.”
“Yeah, Nines?”
“You should really try to sleep some more.”
“Really?” Gavin asked around a huffed out laugh. “I bare my fucking soul to you and that’s your response?” His words weren’t hostile, his playful tone coated the question.
“Yes, because like I said, I am right here. And I plan to stay here. So you can rest easy and know that I mean what I said. As long as I am able, I will always come to you.”
“I know Nines.” Gavin said, resting head on Nines’ chest. “You already did once, back at Cyberlife. I called to you and you came to me.”
“And I will always continue to.” Another soft kiss to Gavin’s head. “Sweet dreams, Gavin.”
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
Run. (Pt 3.)
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Part One /Part Two / Words: 2469 Pairing: Tony Stark & Reader   Timeline: Iron Man [2008] Other Info: Run AU   Summary: A lot can change in three months. Reader finds this out the hard way as she readies herself the afternoon of her wedding. Among all the guest who arrived and the congratulations being given there’s only one person she wishes was standing before her, but no one’s seen or heard from him in three months. A/N: Okay I was going to wait till next Wednesday to drop this one but it's actually my favorite Chapter so far, is I’m sending it! Next update will be Wednesday May 20th!!! 
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May 2008
“Don’t worry Dear, everyone is nervous on their Wedding Day.” Your mother assured you. She reached up and adjusted the veil that felt like it was pinned to your scalp. The teeth of the veil’s comb, along with several bobby pins holding the hairpiece in place, were supposed to ensure that it didn’t fall off. Instead it felt like a crown of thorns.
“And rain is supposed to be good luck!” Your Mother said, casting her eyes outside to the thunderous rain. “You look so beautiful.” Your mother whispered, her gaze returning to you. She was blissfully unaware of how the white wedding dress that had been tailored to fit you perfectly, now felt suffocating.
“Mom, could you go check on, Serina?” You managed to ask despite an unusual dryness in your throat. “I’ve been getting ready all morning and it’s making me more nervous not knowing where she is.”
“Oh. Okay.” Your mother nodded. “You know, it might be easier if you had help more often. Especially with a second one on the way.” She’d been dropping little hints like this all week leading up to the wedding. Truthfully, both of your parents had made it clear that they thought you and Michael should move back home after the wedding. The wedding they had been waiting eleven years for.
A lot can change in three months. You thought to yourself as you glared at your cellphone across the room. It was only three months ago that you packed up Serina, drove to Malibu, and contemplated running away. It had been three months since Tony left for his weapons demonstration and never came home. It had only been a month since you’d told Michael you were pregnant. It had been your idea to get married. He’d asked a few times over the years and you always turned him down and you’d always had reasonable excuses at the ready. The timing wasn’t right, or you needed to save money to pay for some larger expense. He was elated the day you finally suggested “making things official”.
Your cellphone chimed. You rolled your eyes. It was most likely just another well-meaning congratulatory text from a friend or extended family member who couldn’t be in attendance on your “special” day. None of it mattered because the one person who meant the world to you wasn’t around at all anymore. No one even knew if he was alive.
You hardened your resolve and decided to sneak a peek at your cellphone. You’d have to get used to hearing “Congratulations!” and ‘You Must be so happy!” in person all day long anyway. One little text message couldn’t have hurt more than hundreds of words would.  You didn’t have the number saved in your contacts, but you weren’t always diligent about updating them. You thought nothing of opening the message from the unknown sender and when you did, you
saw something that could have made your heart stop. It might have been the combined effort of the message, the pain and pressure from the veil on your head and the constricting dress, but your knees buckled, and you sank to the floor.
It would have been impossible for anyone else to know what the word meant. You’d certainly never told anyone, and you doubted Tony had. He’d never been much for sharing anything, especially his personal business. A rational person may have imagined several scenarios in which the person who’d sent that texted wasn’t Tony Stark, but in your heart you knew it had to be him.
“[Y/N]? What are you doing on the floor?” Your mother gasped. She had returned with Serina trailing closely behind her.
“Hmm?” You looked up at her, trying to explain yourself. “Oh I just…it’s really hot in this room.”
“Well then open a window.” Your mother sighed. She crossed the room, the heels of her shoes click-clicking across the hardwood floor as she did. She cracked the window just enough for fresh air to get in but not enough for the rain water to spill inside. “I’m going to head back downstairs to let them know you’re almost ready, alright?”
“Yeah sure.” You agreed hastily.
“Mama, you look pretty.” Serina said once you were alone together. She was wearing a red dress, her current favorite color. She adored the swishing noise the fabric made whenever she moved. She smiled at you widely, her cheeks baring just the slightest of dimples on either side.
“You look pretty too, Rina.” You told her. “You came here with Daddy, right?” You asked her. She nodded her head. Did he bring any of your toys with you?”
“No.” She shook her head. Her smile fading. “Daddy said weddings aren’t the place for toys.”
“He’s probably right.” You nodded, making an exaggerate face that you knew would make her giggle. “Would you like to come for a walk with me, just a quick one? But we’ll have to be quiet, because we don’t want anyone to see mommy in her wedding dress okay?”
“Okay!” She agreed. “Oops. I mean okay.” She added in a whisper. You looked around the room for anything you couldn’t live without. In the end you grabbed your purse, shrugged on the hoodie you’d worn to the wedding venue and your cellphone.
Run. You texted the mystery number back and set the ringtone volume to vibrate.
You led Serina down the back stairwell of the wedding venue. To her credit your daughter tried to move as quietly as an eight-year-old in a noisy nylon and tulle dress could. The cellphone in your hand buzzed.
“I’m outside, I’ll be the guy in the limo.” The new text message read. You stopped your daughter at the bottom of the back staircase.
“Ok, Rina, it’s raining outside and I don’t want to ruin your fancy dress. So, I’m going to put Mama’s jacket on you okay?” She nodded, remembering that she’s supposed to be quiet. One arm at a time, you helped Serina into your hoodie, making sure to roll up the sleeves so she could still use her hands. You then pulled the hood up over her head. “Ready to go?” You asked at last. She nodded. “Okay.” You held one of her small hands and led her out the back door.
Once outside you had to squint through the hazy mist surrounding the rain drops. The sun was going down which only made it harder to see. It took several seconds for your eyes to adjust, but finally you saw a familiar frame standing outside of a limousine.
“Rina?” You called out to your daughter quietly.
“Yes Mama?” She tried to look up at you but the hood obscured your vision.
“I’m gonna put you in the car, so you’re not out in the rain okay? Then I’m going to talk to someone and we’ll both join you in the car, okay.”
“Okay, Mama. It’s cold out here.” She shivered.
“It will be warm on the car.” You promised, picking her up.
“[Y/N]?” A familiar voice almost sent you toppling to the ground once more. You never thought you’d hear that voice again. You walked past Tony with a finger over your mouth and nodded at Serina. Letting him know you didn’t want to talk until you put her in the car. Tony nodded and waited for you to put her inside.
“Happy!” Serina exclaimed, recognizing Tony’s driver. She crawled across the limo and tapped excitedly on the glass divider. You placed your purse safe inside the limo and watched as Happy lowered the divider. He nodded at you with a familiar grin. You smiled back before shutting the door and finally turning your attention to Tony.
“How long before they notice you’re…” Tony didn’t finish his sentence. The second the limo door was shut you’d turned and shoved him, hard. The lack of traction in his expensive shoes and the muddy terrain caused the billionaire to fall fast and hard on the ground. “It’s nice to see you too.” He gasped from the ground.
“Where the hell have you been?” You shouted over the rain.
“I’m sorry Sweetheart!” Tony grumbled getting to his feet. “Next time I get kidnapped by terrorist I’ll be sure to ask them if it’s okay with you first.”
“I fucking missed you.” You confessed. The cold rain hitting your face was now mixing with warm salty tears. “I needed you.”
“I know. I know.” He replied. “But I’m here now.”
He opened his arms to you, but seemed slightly hesitant, like he thought you may push him again. You leaned forward, almost folding into him. Tony’s arms encircled you as you breathed in the familiar scent of his leathery cologne. You shivered slightly as the wind picked up around you.
“C’mon we can talk in the car. Unless you’re staying or you want to push me in the mud again.” Tony opened the car door for you and waited for an answer.
“Pushing you in the mud again is tempting, but I’m freezing.” You climbed into the limo. Happy was listening politely to Serina as she told him all about the different kinds of unicorns.
“Happy do we have blankets or towels or something in here?” Tony asked, poking his head inside the car.
“Uncle Tony!” Serina shouted when she heard his voice and saw his face.
“Hey there Serina Ballerina!” Tony clambered into the limo to catch the eight-year-old who was about to launch herself at him.
“Uncle Tony, Mama said you were going away for a really long time. Maybe forever!” She told him. “Are you going away forever?” She asked him.
“Not anymore, Baby Girl.” He promised. While Tony bonded with his favorite tiny human, you followed Happy’s instructions to find the blankets stored under one of the seats. Tony shut the limo door and Happy began driving the getaway car.
“Rina, come here and sit down.” You patted an empty spot on the leathery bench next to you.
“But I want to tell Uncle Tony about all the things that he missed while he was gone!” Serina pouted. Despite her protesting, she dropped down next to you and let you drape a blanket around her. “Like Pebbles.”
“Pebbles?” Tony repeated. “Did your dad finally let you get a pet while I was gone?”
“No!” Serina laughed. “Pebbles is Mama’s new baby.”
“Baby?” Tony looked to you with his eyebrows shooting up to the ceiling. “That’s new.”
“Where are we going anyway?” You asked, looking out the window.
“Airport.” He said as if it should have been obvious. Tony took the second blanket from you and wrapped it around your shoulders.
“Rina, it’s a long way to the airport.” You told her. “Why don’t you lay down and take a nap.”
“No!” Serina shouted suddenly. “Last time, I went to sleep and Uncle Tony was there but then I woke up and he was gone!”
“That must have been scary, huh, Serina Ballerina?” Tony frowned. He moved so that he was sitting next to her. “How about you rest your head in my lap. I’ll hold your hand the entire time that way you know I’m not going anywhere.” Serina looked up at Tony and her face scrunched up as she concentrated on his offer.
“Okay.” She accepted. She laid her head on one of Tony’s thighs and tucked one hand under her cheek. She then held up her free hand expectedly. Tony made sure she was covered up with her blanket before wrapping his fingers around her open palm.
“So, Pebbles?” Tony brought the subject back around with his usual level of tact.
“I’m three months along.” You said, allowing Tony to draw his own conclusions.
“Three months. So right around the time that we…” Tony glanced down at the child pretending to sleep in his lap and decided not to finish his sentence. “You should have pushed me in the mud again.” He told you.
“No, it wasn’t your fault.” You told him, looking back out the window again.
“It was at least half.” He disagreed.
“I should text Michael.” You announced. “They’ll have noticed us missing by now.”
“What are you going to say to him?” Tony wanted to know.
“Just that we’re safe and I’ll call him in the morning. I’ll tell my parents to same.” You reached for your phone and started sending out messages to the people that you thought you should.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N].” Tony blurted out. He finally removed his sunglasses, which were still speckled with raindrops. You looked up from your phone and for the first time, you got an image in your head of what the three of you must have looked like. You with your veil and your wedding dress soaked to the bone. Tony in his second favorite suit caked with mud, his eyes red with tears. And Serina, laying in Tony’s lap. Her hair already frizzy. Tony dragged a hand over his face.
“If I wouldn’t have known I would have come here first before the press conference.” He lamented.
“Press conference?” You asked. “How long have you been back? Days? Weeks?”
“In the US?” He pinched the bridge of his nose, doing some quick math in his head. “About Fourteen hours. Pepper and Happy picked me up at an Air Force base around four am and the press conference was at eight or nine. Then Pepper mention the wedding and we hopped on a plane. Which by the way,” Tony removed the hand covering his face so that he could look directly at you. “Who gets married at six pm on a Monday?”
“Architects whose firms are closed on Tuesdays.” You snapped.
“Who the fuck marries an architect whose business is closed on a weekday!” Tony hissed, barely audible. “And another thing, I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t marry this guy, ever.”
“Yeah, well you said you’d always be there.” You argued. “I was pregnant and you were missing and I felt alone. And then that video came out...” Your voice cracked and more tears threated to come out. You took a deep breath and steadied yourself. You reached out and lightly brushed a hand against his cheek. “You’ve got a scar there. It’s faint, barely noticeable. I know you lived it, but seeing you like that, Tony? I was scared. I needed someone to protect me.”
“Well as the mother of my…favorite niece.” Tony’s eyes briefly flashed to Serina before looking back at a you. “I hope you’ll extend me the same curtesy. Give me eleven years to prove that I can make you feel safe again.” Tony held out his free hand to you. “Starting right now. Take my hand so you know I’m still gonna be here when you wake up.”
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sin-oh · 5 years
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A/N; this is literally nothing but some trash that came to mind after seeing the above gif. It’s rushed, probably full of grammatical errors and my first small fic for a Pedro. I apologise in advance for the following mess.
Warning(s); some curse words but nothing too crazy.
GIF(s); NOT MINE. But by god I wish he was.
The problem with being use to solitude is, well— just that. You’re use to it, you forget what’s it’s like to have a partner in crime, someone to share the minor things in life with.
So it really didn’t bother Pedro all that much when he took his seat in the movie theater, alone. This was a common occurrence for him really, he’d buy his seat in the far corner of the back row, or as close to as he could— and keep his hat on to avoid being recognised. Admittedly he looked a bit.. shifty, but it usually kept the attention away from him and on the movie.
He was surprised when you sat next to him, smiling politely as you both made eye contact for a moment while you took your seat. Pedro cleared his throat and shifted in his seat from his slouched position to a more upright pose, feeling somewhat nervous that a beautiful woman would be sat next to him for the next 140 minutes.
You didn’t seem to notice though and for that he was grateful. He silently noticed the seat on your left was still vacant and assumed you must have been waiting for someone, a boyfriend or girlfriend perhaps? Most likely. But when the lights in the theater started to dim, a clear indication the movie adverts were about to start— it became less and less likely and he wondered just how many people actually came here alone.
The room fell to an almost perfect silence, only a few hushed whispers from people around the room could be heard until suddenly the loud roar of sound through the speakers came splitting the quiet, vibrating the air around them all.
You jumped at the sudden break in silence and Pedro could help but chuckle through his nose, he tried to cover it up by placing his hand to his mouth and rubbing his lips, but the shaking of his shoulders gave it away he had noticed your reaction.
You looked at him on your right and giggle along with him with embarrassed flushed cheeks. You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and looked down at your lap, the smile still evident on your face.
“Sorry,” He apologised quietly to you with a grin. He watched you shake your head and look back up at him.
“It’s okay,” You assured him, feeling the embarrassment slowly slip away. Pedro liked your smile, internally stating it was the prettiest thing he’d seen in a while and with it came new found confidence to talk to you a bit more.
“Friend running late?” He motioned to the empty seat beside you with a small nod and watched as your smile dropped slightly while you shook your head. “I wish that was the case but she bailed last minute, and I had already bought the ticket so..”
“That’s too bad.” You shrugged at his response, noting the genuine hint of sympathy in his voice.
“It’s OK, not my first time here alone and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”
Pedro was stunned at the thought of you not being accompanied here more often but hid it well. “I know the feeling,” He added.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and you were about to speak but an angry Shhh! from an old lady that sat in the seats below you had cut you off. The woman glared at you both over her shoulder which in turn caused Pedro to raise his hand in apology and give his best charming smile.
When the woman had turned back in her seat with a click of her tongue, Pedro looked back over at you while trying to contain his laughter but the moment your eyes met; neither of you could hold it in. You both snickered quietly together, feeling like two kids being scolded by a teacher for paying more attention to each other than the lesson in front.
Now Pedro didn’t care much about the movie about to start on the large screen, he just wanted to keep talking to you, to hear you laugh again. But with movie now starting; he refrained and simply offered you his popcorn with a smile instead. You grin at him in response and take a few, offering him up the bag of your favourite candy you had just opened to share.
And for the next two hours, no words were spoken between the two of you. Pedro would be lying if he said he was completely absorbed into the movie— he was mostly silently cursing at himself for feeling so giddy sat beside you.
But by god you were beautiful, and with a smile so contagious he didn’t even realise he was smiling too until you looked away.
Get a fucking grip Pedro.
But as you continued to share your snacks because somehow you had managed to fit a whole concession stand in your bag and laugh together at the funny moments that occurred in the movie, he felt himself wishing it wouldn’t end any time soon.
Between the hushed whispers, a slight touch of hands as they rested on the arm rest between you both and the silent cheers as the heroes fought their epic battles— man was he hooked on you.
A sniffle caught his attention next and he quickly turned to see you wipe a tear away from your cheek. He frowned and looked back at the screen only to notice the ending of the movie had already began taking place. He’d been so caught up in his own thoughts that he’d probably missed a good chunk of the plot so he didn’t feel too emotionally attached while watching a main character of the movie die heroically.
Your movement from the corner of his eye turned his attention back to you as he watched you wipe away more tears, he chuckled deeply, causing you to nudge his arm with your elbow and feign shock and anger.
“Oh shut up,” You didn’t keep up the façade for long before your giggle broke out, eyes still watery from the scene but a lot less emotionally distraught.
Unfortunately for Pedro; the movie credits had already begin to play and the theater room soon came to life with the lights now turning back on. People began shuffling and standing but he made no rush to move and neither did you, both silently agreeing to wait for the room to clear a bit more before you tried to leave among the sea of people.
Say something you idiot.
“I can’t believe they killed Ironman.”
“Are you trying to start me off again?”
Conversation about the movie continued to flow freely between you both as you stood and made your way through the theater together.
“—but dad body Thor is definitely a new favourite.”
“Is that your type?”
“It is now.” Pedro laughed at your grin as he walks in unison beside you to the doors of the theater, pulling one open for you. You smiled a thank you and walk ahead, waiting outside for him to join you.
“Well, thanks for getting me through that emotional rollercoaster. Don’t think I would have survived alone.” Pedro pushed his hands into the front of his jean pockets and shrugged his response.
“Thanks for the company. Been a while.” You bit your lip and smiled, looking down in a shy manner and Pedro could have sworn he almost lost it there and then. His brain went into overdrive trying to think of something, anything, to keep you there that bit longer.
“I should get going,” His heart sank but he nodded his reply. “Yeah, of course. Take care.” He watched you turn and begin to walk away, all hopes of seeing you again going with you because he was too much of an idiot to ask you—
“Hey!” You walk back to him with rushed steps, a hand buried deep into your bag that hung over your shoulder as you seemed to look for something.
“If you ever want company again— call me?” You hand over the item you had been looking for, your business card. Pedro looked at the small piece of cardboard and immediately read your name and number printed smoothly in black ink. He doesn’t hesitate to reach for it with excitement and almost relief.
“Yeah, I most definitely will.” He said almost breathlessly in a daze. You smile at him one last time and turn around walking away again.
Quickly realising something, Pedro called out to you.
“Don’t you want to know my name?”
“Goodnight Mr Pascal!” You call back with a hand in the air, not looking behind. Pedro laughs to himself and shook his head, enjoying far too much how his name sounded coming from you.
“Of course you know.” He looked down at the card in his hand with soft eyes, already planning what movie to see next.
Only this time, he’ll have company.
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minsyal · 5 years
Stan83, [Sam x Reader]
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Word Count: 6k
Summary: The life of a hunters assistant wasn’t easy, especially when two of them come knocking on your door posing as Agents investigating the recent deaths in the area.
Warnings: General SPN stuff, nothing crazy
This was the third time you had woken in the middle of the night. This was the third time you had jolted upward in bed only to find an empty room and unsettling feeling falling to the pit of your stomach. This was the third time you had searched your home in the dark of night with an old metal baseball bat that you kept beneath your bed. This was the third time you had found countless open windows with no recollection of leaving them so. This was the third time you had come to the conclusion that nobody was here. It was just you.
It was later than usual, or perhaps simply earlier in the morning. The clock on your bedside table blinked on and off in big red numbers “4:45 AM.” Your job wasn’t exactly a nine to five with a set lunch break and mandatory stopping points throughout the day. You were an on-call, entirely electronic, assistant to the vast grapevine of hunters that so chose to reach out. Who they were didn’t matter to you. For all you knew, you were telling vampires how to kill one another and witches where to find the ingredients they needed for an unsuspecting ghoul.
The tradition passed through generations of your family, from grandfather to father and now to you. Your father had decided he wanted more thrill in his life; he didn’t want to be tied down to his computer desk for the rest of eternity. That decision led to hunting, and within months he had passed. Your mother, on the other hand, was a runaway. She abandoned the family as soon as she learned of your father’s secret life.
Ice crept from the old, cracked tiles of your kitchen. Fall’s spiny fingers had wretched themselves from the ground and were now climbing your legs, sending chills up your spine. The tiles weren’t helping much. They hadn’t seen white in years and were now permanently stained what you preferred to call cream. Going bad to bed, while the best outcome of the night, was no use as your phone and computer lit up with five new notifications all from “Stan83.”
Hey, crazy story. Need your help.
Hunting – little to no details – marks on victims
You there?
It can wait if you’re busy.
Sorry if this wakes you up.
Stan83 had quickly become one of your favorite hunters to converse with. He, you assumed, was in his late twenties to early thirties based on the “83” in his name. He had told you little to no information about himself other than the fact that he hunted with his brother and moved all over the country. Your conversations were more casual: what did you have for lunch, what are you hunting today, what type of music do you like, what’s up. The simple things. A few conversations spiraled. It was rare for them to happen. Only when big things happened and Stan83 had no one else to talk to would he pick up the phone and send a text.
Picking your mug up from the counter, you flicked the kitchen light off and started for your room where you’d likely spend the rest of the day. Your desk was a mess. Books littered the surface opened to all sorts of weird information that anyone would have you locked in an institution for. Scribbled notes were pinned up on your wall that detailed the whereabouts of those you spoke with. If they didn’t contact you for about a month, you’d contact them.
You didn’t wake me up. You responded, waiting for only a moment before a small text bubble popped up indicating that the person on the other side was typing.
You sure? It’s 5:00am. Stan83 answered. It was easy to imagine the tone he used, a little sarcastic, a little smug.
That wasn’t you. It was the nightmares. It’s 5 for you too? Finally taking a spin in the BEST time zone, huh?
The best time zone that spans about 600 miles?
Ok, sass me then. What’s up?
Weird hunt. Women in this town are dying at a pretty fast rate. Their children are acting strange. Weird marks on their necks are making fathers think they’re cheating.
I’ll take a look through what I have and get back to you.
Thank you Sav!
Sav, your own nick. It was the easiest to think of on the spot when your old system had gone kaput and you needed to as quickly as possible set up a new database and communication network. It’s short for saver, or savior, or whatever the hell these hunters wanted to believe. Maybe it meant savvy but given the state of your home and wardrobe you wouldn’t put money on that.
The rest of the morning consisted of research. Each lore book and journal your father left behind was thoroughly scanned through with big yellow sticky notes marking the pages that held possible leads. With your luck, you’d be able to message Stan83 back by noon with possibilities. That is, you would have been able to message Stan83 back if your doorbell hadn’t rung 13 times in a row at an alarming rate.
You passed by the entry hall warily. Nobody in this town really knew you, and you didn’t care to know them either. The only people who dared step foot on your property were usually city officials complaining of the broken window on your small garage or political campaigners who were being paid to pester and harp on people for votes.
The figures beyond were large, looming even. Two dark shadows were cast over your frosted-glass door and you watched as the shorter of the two raised his hand once more to ring the bell another five times. “I’m coming!” You finally yelled back, turning quickly to the mirror in your hall that held no particular purpose, but it was supposedly your mothers. You looked awful. If the garage hadn’t scared off whoever stood beyond your home’s threshold, your physical appearance definitely would.
Loose hairs fell from the messy, slept-in ponytail that hung lazily and lopsided at the back of your head. Your skin was flushed from the lack of breakfast, and now lunch as you had lost track of time attempting to help one of your favorite hunters. The shirt you wore was luckily clean, but the sweatpants had small holes from where they had caught on the kitchen counter and torn.
“What can I do for you?” You asked without bothering to look at the two men standing on your front porch. Nobody knew of your “hunting” life, so there was a slim to no possibility of any real threat coming to your door. Unless, of course, these were tax collectors coming to repossess something for another unpaid credit card.
The shorter of the two men spoke “Agent Stark,” he quickly flashed an ID, “Banner,” he motioned to the taller man beside him, “we’re here to investigate the deaths of a few of your neighbors. Do you mind if we come in?”
You took a moment, Stark and Banner, really? “Let me get a look at that ID.” You nodded your head in the direction of his coat pocket where he had neatly tucked the leather protected card. Agent Banner acted faster. “Here.”
Banner, or whoever this was, was far taller than the man who self-identified himself as Tony Stark. He had the classic triangle shape to his body, broad shoulders, slim waist. His hair was formally tucked back from his face, but strands kept falling from his ears as he shifted from foot to foot waiting for your determination. Mr. Stark was shorter, but still a giant none-the-less. He had a finely set jaw, green eyes, and a short business-cut style to his hair.
“Mr. Banner.” You pressed your lips together. The ID was awful. The leather was fake, scratched and worn from what you guessed to be a few uses. “Where’d you get this ID?” Twisting it in your hand, you offered it back to him.
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation, ma’m.” He replied smoothly, not showing how his heart rate picked up at your questioning of their identities.
“In some back alley?” You shrugged. “At least choose realistic names next time.”
“Look.” Agent Stark stiffened as he crossed his arms over his chest. Agent Banner immediately went wide-eyed and motioned for him to stop whatever he was about to do. “We’re here to investigate your neighbor’s deaths. Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?”  
Waiting a moment, you held your grip on the door, willing it to close any second. “You got guns on you?” An eyebrow raise from Agent Stark confirmed your suspicions.
“Leave them in your little muscle car over there.” You peered between them at the black Impala parked on the road. It was pristine, well taken care of, clearly waxed recently. “Then come back and we can talk.”
Hunters, while difficult to talk to online, are insufferable in person. These big meat heads always want to get their way. They never relent and admit they’re wrong or they’ve been caught. So, when the two nodded and began off your doorstep toward the car, you were taken aback.
Both unloaded two guns from their waistbands. “Other weapons too!” You yelled from the step. Agent Stark grumbled something inaudible as Agent Banner seemed to soothe him.
Why are all you hunters so horrible? You typed into your phone, smiling as you pressed send and immediately saw Stan83 typing back.
What happened this time?
Real hunters interrupting my work! I think I got you guys some leads though. Will tell you later. Gotta deal with these bozos.
Bozos? Really?
Guess I inherited my father’s vocabulary too.
“Alright, Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk.” You were perched upon the arm of one of your recliners, arms crossed over your chest as you eyed the two men looking out of place in your small living room. “You’re hunters, I know. Real names?”
“I’m Sam.” The taller of the two said, being stopped with an arm over his chest from the shorter one. “What?” He shook his head. “She obviously knows…”
“Too much.” The shorter one said. “Who are you?”
“Nobody important.”
“Important enough to know what hunting is.”
“[Y/N.]” You replied, shifting in your seat. “Ok, your turn.”
“Last names?”
“Mhm.” You hummed, really uncaring of their last names but trying to pry anyway. Sam tilted his head, looking around the house. “What do you think you’re hunting?”
“Aren’t sure yet.” Sam piped up, snapping his attention back to you. “Have you been keeping up with the news here lately?”
“I rarely leave this place. I don’t even know my neighbors.”
“We can tell.” Dean chimed in earning himself a heavy elbow to the gut. Sam shot him a dirty look before turning back to you. “A couple of women have died. Their husbands think they’re cheating on them, but after they pass their children disappear too.”
“Sounds like a changeling.”
“Told you.” Dean commented, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back on the couch.
“Grab some matches and go crazy.” You pushed yourself up from your chair. “Wait here a second.” Escaping to the back hall, you returned to your desk and began to gather a few things about changelings that you had read this morning.
I think we figured it out. A message stopped you from returning to Sam and Dean. It was Stan83.
No, wait I figured it out first.
Why didn’t you tell me, then?
Because I like keeping secrets from you.
“Hurry up back there, will you?” Dean’s voice called from the living room.
“Hold your horses.”
“My what?” You heard Dean whisper to Sam who either didn’t respond or responded quietly. “Dude would you get off your phone?”
“Here. A couple pages in this should help. I’d loan them to you, but I’m not sure I’d get them back.” The books landed on the coffee table in front of the two. Dean began palming through the contents while Sam sat glued to his phone, typing something quickly.
“Did you not listen to me a second ago?” Dean bickered. “Phone, off. Hunt, now.”
Sam pressed something speedily, closing his phone before pocketing it out of sight. Your phone in your own pocket buzzed, causing you and Sam to stop. Dean hadn’t noticed, he was enthralled in the journal you had presented to him. “Where’d you get this?” He asked, not looking away from the page.
“Grandfather had it.” You began to pull your phone out of your pocket. “He passed it down from one of his hunting buddies to my father and now to me.”
Secrets are supposed to be for crushes and broken plates, not things that are killing people.
Oops! You typed back slowly, eyeing Sam who was doing the same. When you hit send a notification rang from his pocket causing Dean to groan.
“Stan83?” The words scrambled from your lips before your tongue had time to catch them. Dean snorted as he shook his head and flipped the journal’s page.
“Sav?” Sam replied as Dean gave yet another snort, this time accompanied by a head shake. “Are we still bozos?”
“You called us bozos?” Dean chuckled.
Sam is Stan83. You’re Sav. That much you can say for sure. After the initial shock of it all, you quickly mellowed out and fled to the back room to gather the materials you were saving to message Stan83 with. Turns out, you had just saved yourself an hour of typing.
Stan83 was far different from Sam. Stan83 presented himself as a somewhat sarcastic, confident, flirtatious man while Sam sat much smaller despite his frame. He was clumsy and nervous, stumbling over a few of his words before catching himself as he went full speed down a hill. When he had attempted to describe what he looked like, he was being modest. He said he was tall, had an average build, brown hair, and liked to run. You had assumed he was skinnier and less muscle.
Sam blushed at each comment you made concerning your conversations online; you could never imagine Stan83 to be a blusher. He was so different, yet so similar. In a way, it was endearing.
“So, it’s targeting women on this block?” You frowned; your hand outstretched to Dean as he accepted the coffee you had just made. “Good thing I’ve got no kids.” You joked.
“That’s the thing, though.” Sam had long since discarded his blazer and was now sitting in the armchair you had initially been sitting on. “It’s targeting all women. We think there may be more than one.”
“Well, yeah. Changelings have kids.”
“No, he means more than one adult changeling.” Dean added.
“They don’t typically work together like that, though.”
“Which is why we think it’s weird.”
“So, what’s the plan?”
The two brothers waited a moment before seemingly conversing without a single audible word. Dean raised his eyebrows, eyes moving back and forth between you and Sam. Sam immediately went on the defense. “Dean, no.”
“Come on! You don’t even know what I’m thinking.” Dean pouted. He brought his now-chilled coffee up to his lips, a frown laced upon his lips as the cold bitter liquid spilled over his tongue. “Gah.” He crinkled his face up and bit his lip. “It’s a good plan.”
“What is he talking about?”
“[Y/N],” Dean began, “me and Sam, big dudes. We aren’t exactly this things cup-of-tea. It’s going after women… and you happen to be a woman…”
“You guys want to use me as bait?”
“Correction. He wants to use you as bait.” Sam added.
“I’m not really a hunter though.” You shifted in your seat. “I can’t even shoot a gun.”
“Just think about it.” Dean said. He leant over and grabbed his blazer. Throwing it over his shoulder, he motioned for Sam to do the same. “We’re staying at the motel on highway 62. If you’re up for it, feel free to uh…” he pulled a slip of paper from his pocket – a fake business card, “call us.”
“I have Sam’s number, you know?”
“Right.” Dean withdrew the card and returned it to its rightful home, tucked away in his pocket.
The next day came and went with no contact to either Sam or Dean. You had relented and finally turned on the local news channel. Four women in your neighborhood had passed away with their children all going missing afterward. The fathers were sending out heartfelt pleas for their children’s safe returns. One woman was considered missing and immediately seen as a suspect in the eyes of the law.
You, along with two other women, were the only ones left on the block. One was a daughter living with her single father as she finished up her college degree. The other, a widowed elderly woman living alone with her two dogs.
“She’s not a hunter, Dean. We can’t just expect her to drop everything she knows and jump straight into action.” Sam groaned, throwing his blazer down on the old worn couch. The motel room was as they left it. The desk’s chair was pushed out slightly, an open laptop sitting upon the cracked oak wood. Each bed was still neatly made, the two brothers hadn’t had the chance to sleep yet as they only arrived in the morning.
“All she has to do is wait around at her home while we keep an eye on the other two. Something bad happens and we run 50 feet.”
“What if 50 feet is too much? She could get hurt.”
Dean pulled his shirt over his head, adjusting the neck before accessorizing with a blue button-up. He ran his fingers through his hair, wiping the excess gel on his jeans. Sam sat on the edge of one of the beds, already changed and working away on his computer.
“Fine. Then we have to figure out something else.”
Changelings are awful creatures. Not just awful looking, but awful in general. They act so quietly that it’s hard to detect them before they get their first few kills. Your eyes scanned the screen before you, days since you’d spoken to the brothers. It had been two days of waiting, watching, and hoping they’d finish this hunt.
4:45AM. The clock blinked. On and off, on and off, the red numbers illuminated the room. Your routine stood, wake, check the home, and return to assisting hunters. The window was open. It had been rather nice outside lately. Fall was setting in after a grueling humid summer and you were excited to have a good excuse to stay indoors.
Sorry about the other day. The message popped up around 6, and it took you til 7 to answer.
It’s okay. Typical hunter jazz. No big deal. You responded.
Do you mind if I stop by?
With your brother? This early in the morning?
Just me. Dean’s still sleeping.
You pondered for a moment. Sure, you had been talking to Sam for years at this point, but the Sam you had come to know was so vastly different from the Sam that knocked on your door impersonating the Incredible Hulk. It had been years since you actively attempted to converse with others in person. Your social life had mostly been contained to the world of technology.
Sure, give me 30. You regretted it the moment you hit send. What were you supposed to talk to him about? “No, I don’t want to be bait, but I also don’t want to come across as an asshole who doesn’t care?”
Sam sat, looking comically large, in the small armchair he had taken to the last time he visited. A fresh cup of coffee was warming the palms of his hands, fighting off the cold that spilled in from the windows. You sat on the couch, across from him, mirroring his position.
“So,” you started, breaking the strained silence that fell between you, “have you guys found anything on the changelings?”
“Nothing more than what you told us, and we already knew.” Sam sipped the coffee. “Hey, I uh, do you remember what we talked about a few years ago? That promise?”
Promises were touchy subjects in hunting. Often, they were meaningless. “You mean when I promised I’d quit drinking?”
He laughed, “Close, but no.”
“When I promised I’d never get into hunting?” He nodded. “Don’t worry, Sam. Not planning on…” You closed your eyes and began to speak, but upon opening them found him with a rather pensive look. He almost looked guilty. “You want me to bait the damn thing out, huh?”
“We’re out of leads. Dean and I have been watching the block for the past few days and we have nothing.”
“You’re asking me to break my promise?”
“Just for a night.”
“What happens when I die?”
“You’ll go to heaven.” He said as if there was no question to it. “But that’s not going to happen anytime soon. When it’s over, you’re going to be okay.”
“You promise?”
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “I promise.” He brought the mug to his mouth, “and I won’t break mine like you break yours.”
That’s how you ended up with all your doors unlocked, most of your windows parked, and a Black Impala parked a few doors down in front of an empty lot. You paced in the living room, nervous for whatever this night would hold. Sam promised you’d be okay, and you’d be damned if you didn’t hold him to that. Sam said if anything went haywire, he’d be on your doorstep in no time flat. Dean was happy to hear you had “come around” and briefed you on what you needed to do which was mostly “stay put, act normal.”
It was 12:00am when you finally moved to ready yourself for bed. Flicking off the lights, your eyes flitted from the curtains blowing slightly in the night to the computer screen that had long since gone dark. Sam and Dean were just outside, there was nothing to be nervous about. At least, that’s what you told yourself.
Settling into bed, you felt the exhaustion of the day rush through your body. Everything felt heavy. Your eyelids attempted to will themselves closed, but you pushed yourself to remain awake. Just as darkness seeped into the corners of your vision, an incessant knocking pulled you back to reality.
“[Y/N]!” It was Sam. He continued knocking incessantly, with each collision of his knuckles to the door the knock got harder. A cold wave rushed over your body as you ran to the door, a sense of dread caused your arms and legs to go limp. Had something gone wrong already? “Come on!” He called. “Change of plan. We need to get out of here.”
The door opened loudly, the handle knocking against the wall shook the thin walls of the home. Sam’s eyes were wild, he looked scared. “Sam? What the hell is going on? Did you guys catch it?”
“It got away, come on. We have to get you somewhere safe.”
You followed him through the house to the back door but stopped dead in your tracks as you passed the hall. The mirror, the one you dreaded keeping around, caught your eye. Sam gripped tightly to your hand, tugging you forward. “Come on, [Y/N]. We need to go.” He insisted, pulling you harder now.
It was like nothing you could put to words. His eyes were hollowed, where hazel once looked back at you were now pools of black. His mouth had become round with hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny pointed teeth layering downward. Its skin was tanned and discolored. It looked dry but was slimy to the touch. The face that looked back at you was not Sam’s.
Tearing your hand from its, you cringed at the tiny lacerations left from its grip. “Sam” turned to you; his face was still human. He looked confused, slowly approaching you as you moved backward.
“Sam?” You yelled, hoping the real Sam was just outside.
“[Y/N]? Are you crazy? It’s me.” The changeling said, holding its hands up in a non-threatening way.
“Like hell! Sam!” You screamed now, continually taking steps backward. “Dean?”
“Hey!” The front door, which had been closed by the changeling, burst open with more force than before. It was Dean, but like Sam something was off. He wasn’t wearing the same red button-up that he had briefed you in. His hair looked longer, his posture was different, and his eyes were hollow.
There was no time to react as the world fell dark.
The crack of a door closing is what finally shook you awake. The room around you was your own, an unexpected sight. What happened last night was beyond you and whether this was real or not was as well.
“[Y/N]?” Footsteps echoed down the hallway, falling closer and closer with each step. “You awake?” It was Sam’s voice. He sounded more sound, solid even. There was a slight hesitation lacing his tone, something delicate, as if he was walking around broken glass. “Hey.” He let out a breathy huff of air, hazel eyes meeting yours.
Retracting in your bed, you moved against the wall to put as much space between the two of you as possible. Your hand quickly found the base of your neck where a rim of scabbed-over skin protruded in a circular shape. Your chest constricted; your heart felt as if it was crumpling up attempting to make itself as small as possible. Sam watched as your eyes widened and he felt a pang in his chest as you retreated away from him.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he kept his body low, attempting to make himself as small as he could, “it’s me.” He mentally scolded himself for not taking precautions. “Hold on.” His held-out hand did nothing to ease your nerves. Sam returned a moment later with the mirror from the hall. It was cracked now, two large fractures split it down the middle. He positioned it against the wall opposite you and sat in front of it.
You expected the face from the night before. You expected those haunted hollow eyes, the dry scaly skin, the rounded-out mouth of razor-sharp teeth. Instead, you only saw Sam. His gaze was soft, brows drawn together. His lips parted slightly as he debated whether he should say something or not. He decided against it; you needed to be the first to act.
“It’s you.” You said, more to yourself as opposed to him. “What happened last night?”
His eyes flitted from your returning gaze in the mirror to the mark that now scarred your neck. “There were two. One was dragging you back in the woods while the other was fighting Dean. It’s dead. Dean knocked it out, took it out back, and burnt it.” Hesitantly, he moved from his position on the floor to a kneeling one in front of your bed.
“What about the other one?”
A crooked smile moved across his features. “You may need a new living room floor.”
“Is it bad?”
“If you’ve ever wanted new hard-woods, now’s the time.” He chuckled. “We’re going to stay in town another day, just to make sure everything is gone.”
You didn’t wake that night. The rising sun woke you along with the ding of a phone notification. It was one of your other hunters, requesting assistance on a hunt in Nevada. You stretched, feeling a dull ache in your muscles and a pop where one shouldn’t be. Slipping your phone from your nightstand, you promptly sent out a message to the other hunters in that area and discarded the technology in favor of the idea of finally sleeping in.
It was 11:00AM when you woke again. The bed was warm, a strong arm was slung over your side resting snugly against your stomach. Sounds of steady breathing filled the room; a heavy heartbeat played a calming melody in your ears.
It had been a long time since you shared a bed with anyone, but after the antics of the night before it was well-deserved. Sam didn’t offer, rather you did. You didn’t want to be alone.
“Morning.” His sleep-filled voice was smoother than his typical one. Groggily, Sam tugged you backward into his chest as he buried his face in your neck.
“Morning.” You replied, relishing in the moment you wished could last forever.
The day passed with ease. Dean had taken to the couch, insisting that the hole in the floor didn’t bother him and that he’d go out and purchase some planks to at least patch it up. Sam spent the day at your side. Most of it was spent lazily dozing, the rest was doing mundane tasks that seemed so little in comparison to what you experienced the day prior.
Sam had insisted that the effect would wear off soon. It was just some shock and trauma, he told you. It would all get better as time passed.
When the night returned along with Dean who had gone out to pick up dinner, you expected them to tell you they were heading out. But they didn’t. They chatted about nothing and everything at the same time, acting as if you had been part of the team for years. You had a lot in common with Dean, and just as much if not more with Sam. He was an intellectual, smart, kind, caring, and the softer-around-the-edges of the two.
“Hey,” Sam popped his head into your room as you readied yourself for bed, “Dean will be out on the couch. I’m going to set up on the floor out there. We’ll be here if you need anything.”
You felt something. Something sad. Your heart ached at his proclamation of staying down the hall from you. Nodding, you decided it was best. There was no reason to get attached to the boys, it’s not like they’d be coming back any time soon. You and Sam would eventually fall back into your routine of texting at all hours of the day and night and you’d become a distant memory of one of the hundreds of hunts they went on.
“Good night.”
With darkness came distortion. The pile of unlaundered clothing cast shadows across your room where shadows weren’t supposed to be. Despite the curtains being pulled taught over your window, red glowing eyes permeated the fabric and watched you for hours. It wasn’t real, you continually told yourself. It was just your mind playing tricks on you. But the tricks were cruel and holding you back from sleep.
You weren’t sure when you did finally slip into unconsciousness, but you were sure it didn’t last long. Strong hands shook you awake along with the soft coos of someone telling you it’s okay and that it’s all over now. You felt something, someone, in your bed. You laid in someone’s lap as they held your body close, rocking slowly back and forth.
“It’s just a dream.” It was Sam.
“Sam?” You felt meek, your voice mimicking that sentiment. “What happened?”
“You were screaming in your sleep.”
Feeling your face flush red, you wanted nothing more than to bury it along with the changeling in the forest beyond your yard. “I’m sorry.”
“No,” Sam felt his heart drop at the sound you made before the tears fell. “You’re okay. You’ve been through a lot.”
“A lot?” The gates held no match to the tears that shook and clambered their rusted metal bars. Your vision blurred as you closed your eyes, willing away the oncoming storm. “I hardly saw anything!”
Sam didn’t respond, only held you tighter as he pressed wordless kisses to the top of your head. “Sam, how can I even call myself a hunter if I can’t even face something as weak as a changeling?” A heavy breath fell upon your lips as you inhaled deeply. “Useless.”
“You’re not useless.”
Hushed voices woke you, arguing about something incoherent as one voice raised over the other. Sam was no longer with you, but the bed was still warm where he had spent the night.
“We’re leaving today, Sam. Nothing’s around anymore.” A muted whisper danced down the hall.
“We can’t just leave her alone now.”
“She’s safe. Changelings gone, wiped out the entire family tree. I’ll be out in the car; we’ve got another case. Bobby called this morning.”
The front door shut, and footsteps fell down the hall toward your room. Sam peeked his head in, a smile immediately spreading across his face. “Hey.”
“You’re leaving?”
He sighed, wiping a hand down his face, dragging slightly at his chin. “Dean wants to get to the next case.”
“Oh.” You shifted in bed, propping yourself up on your arm. “Well, thank you.”
“I wish we could stay longer.” Sam moved to the edge of the bed. The mattress dipped as he sat on the corner, the weight willed you forward. He laid a hand on your shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?”
“I’ll be fine.”
Seeing Sam out was one of the first times you had taken a hard look at the hole in your floor. Dean had done a make-shift job in patching it up. Thin sheets of plywood were nailed together haphazardly with different sized nails hammered in here and there. The wood wobbled as you walked over it. Maybe it was time to skip town.
Dean stood on the curb with a disposable cup, with what you presumed to be filled with coffee, sipping away as he relished in the morning sun. Perking up, he waved a big hand to you. “Stay safe, kiddo!”
“Will do, Mr. Stark!” You hollered back, eliciting a laugh from Sam.
“You sure you’ll be okay?”
“Yeah.” You turned back to the living room. “I’ll probably have to move. I don’t need the cops on my tail for the missing people burnt in my backyard.”
Sam waited a moment, a thoughtful look on his face. He bit the inside of his mouth and glanced back to Dean who was now climbing into the driver’s side front seat. “You could come with us.”
“I’m serious. We have a friend you could stay with. He does the same stuff you do. Lots of land, if you hate him you would never have to see him. He’s an older guy, a little rough-around-the-edges but has a good heart. It’s our home-base.” He grasped at your hand. “I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“I’ll consider it.”
“We’re home!” The front door slammed shut as two sets of footsteps fell down the front hall into the kitchen.
“Hunt go well?” You wiped your hands and moved to greet the hunter. Sam smiled, slipping his arm around you as he planted a kiss on your cheek. “Mhm.” He replied.
“What?” Bobby had hardly looked up from his desk as he tapped away on his phone. “No kiss for me?”
“Good to see you too, Bobby.”
Dean slid into the kitchen, making a disgusted face as he took in the scene before him. “Couples.” He grumbled, tugging the fridge door open and grabbing a beer. “No kiss for me either?” He grinned smugly, making quick time as he found a bottle opener and lost himself in the cold liquid.
It hadn’t taken long for you to accept Sam’s offer. After an entire five minutes of deliberation, you agreed. The important things fit perfectly into the back seat of the Impala, mostly books and electronics. Dean grumbled at the slight delay in events as he directed himself back home as opposed to the case. Your relationship with Sam had blossomed from there.
A ding rung out from the study. “That’s me!” You slipped out of Sam’s grasp. “Got work to do.”
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nickelkeep · 5 years
Slice of Your Pie
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Naomi/Zachariah Rating: Mature Word Count: 6900 Warnings: Homophobic Language, Sexism, Dean going off.  On Ao3
It wasn't like Gabe to call before noon. Usually, because Castiel was working and Gabe knew better, but also because Gabe would be in the middle of a busy shift at one of his bakeries. Castiel hesitantly picked up the phone, grateful for the week off from his job.
"Gabe, are you in prison?"
"Come on, Cassie. Is that the only reason I would call you?" Gabe's voice was boisterous yet nervous. "I'm just checking in on my favorite baby brother."
"I'm your only baby brother." Castiel pulled the phone away from his ear to confirm the time. "Shouldn't you be elbow deep in flour or something, right now?"
"Nope. All three shops are under control, and I took the week off to fly in. Staying with Mom and Dad, you know?" Gabe's happy charade was faltering, and Castiel had a feeling of what was coming. "It's always great being home. Especially when I get to spend time with my favorite brother."
"Still, your only brother. Did Anna say no to you crashing at her place?" Castiel leaned back in his couch and kicked his legs up on the coffee table, careful to not disturb the stack of papers he had been grading.
"Anna's out of town until Thanksgiving, and something about she doesn't trust me to not burn down her house."
Castiel laughed. "That's a legitimate concern. Are you asking to crash here?"
"Actually, no. Mom and Dad have left me alone, for the most part." Gabe let out a heavy sigh, as though he had been burdened with the most laborious task on the planet. "Are you coming for Thanksgiving?"Castiel pulled the phone away and looked at the clock on it for the third time. "Gabe, have you been drinking?"
"Look, I told them it would be pointless, but they didn't listen. They want all three of us there for the holiday. Dad said he's getting up there in age, and he wants to be surrounded by his children and non-existent grandchildren."
"Like he's getting grandchildren from any of us." Castiel rolled his eyes. "No. I'm not coming."
"You know that's not going to fly." Gabe suddenly sounded exhausted. "Me and Anna will be here."
"Great, then he's got his two kids, happy marriage and white picket fence. Make sure you pick up a dog for him before you leave."
"Castiel, please. Don't make me beg. Or sic Anna on you."
Castiel pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. "Anna's smart enough to not call or to tell our parents to piss off."
"It's just a couple hours on one day. You can cold shoulder them and give them the good old silent treatment." Gabe's voice took on a subtle hint of pleading. "Help me get them off my case and yours."
"I'm much happier spending my Thanksgiving at home with take out and a movie marathon. I might be alone, but at least I'm not getting attacked every other word out of their mouths." Castiel rubbed his forehead, trying to erase the thought of going to his parents for the holiday.
"That was one year, Cassie."
"Excuse me? What fiasco have you been watching?" Castiel stood up and moved to the kitchen to get a beer. "'Why are you single, Castiel?' 'Are you over your phase, Castiel?' 'Castiel, are you going to find a nice woman and give us grandkids?'" Castiel scoffed. "Don't even get me started on the digs they take at my job."
Gabe took in a suction of air, indicating that he was working on an idea. After a pause, he spoke up. "Bring a date."
"Right, like I'm going to find a guy to date me in less than a week." Castiel rolled his eyes.
"There are escort services, Cassie." Gabe paused. "Wait, that's it. There's also Craig's List. See if you can find a date for the day."
"That's ridiculous."
"I'm serious, hop on, look in the area, and check out casual encounters. That's got to be someone else looking for someone to spend the day with."
Castiel rolled his eyes and grabbed his laptop off the coffee table. "I thought that was for more... intimate encounters."
"HA! Like I'd send you to that part of the website. I certainly don't want to picture my baby bro doing the do with a dude."
"But, you just want me to bring a random person to Mom and Dad's to keep them off your back and mine." Castiel cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder as he typed in the address for Craig's List. "Look, I make no promises. If I don't make it, you can tell them that their worst fear came to fruition."
Gabe laughed. "That you married some random guy behind their backs, and you're moving to Venice to be Gondolier Captains."
"Maybe that one would push father over the edge." Castiel laughed. "Maybe this isn't a bad idea. I'll call you tomorrow with a definite answer. You and I both know either are good."
"That's my Castiel." The warm affection caused Castiel to smile. "Please give it a sincere look over, ok?"
Castiel promised to give it the old college try and disconnected his call with Gabe.
He pulled up the Casual Encounters section of Craig's List and was surprised to find out how right Gabe was. Many people were offering their services for Thanksgiving company. As he scrolled through the ads, one with an interesting title caught his attention.
Alone on Thanksgiving? Want to stop the ‘Why are you still single?’ questions?
I’m a 35-year-old guy with a GED and a loud, beautiful muscle car that’s older than I am. When people try to guess my age, I get anywhere from 32-38 depending on if I’ve taken the time to put on clothes that aren’t holey jeans and flannel shirts and do my hair. I work as a cook in my friend’s restaurant and tend bar for an aunt when I need extra cash. So if you’re looking for a platonic person to be your SO for a day, I can do it.
I am bisexual, so I don’t care if you’re male or female.
At your request, I can:
Hit on family members (including your parents).
Start an argument over politics and religion (I’m a liberal atheist).
Propose to you (I have a ring that works perfectly for this).
I can also act drunk as a skunk, but I personally don’t drink. I’ve been sober for a few years now. Need a ‘drunken’ fistfight started? I’m your guy.
I’m not looking for payment other than the free meal that comes from accompanying you.
Castiel smiled. This was perfect. It was a guy, he would appear to be less than to his folks, and he promised that he could cause a ruckus. Castiel quickly clicked the contact link and got their number to text them.
[1:00 PM Castiel:] Hi, I just found your add on Craig's List. Is your thanksgiving dinner date offer still open?
He waited several minutes, scrolling through a few more adds, just in case, when his phone's notification for a text message went off.
[1:07 PM 555-555-6767:] Hey, yeah. I didn't think anyone was interested, or it got buried. Name's Dean. You?
Castiel smiled, this crazy idea might actually work.
[1:09 PM Castiel:] My name is Castiel, and I am very interested in you pissing off my parents.
Castiel hit send and realized he needed more information about the random stranger he invited to Thanksgiving with him. As he got ready to send a request to meet in public, Dean beat him to it.
[1:12 PM Dean:] Interesting name there. You free in about an hour to meet? Would kinda like to see you and talk to you before I conform. It also sells the dating thing better. [1:15 PM Dean:] Any particular place where we can meet?
Castiel sighed out a breath of relief before sucking in a breath of panic. Where could they meet?
[1:17 PM Castiel:] A cup of coffee or tea, maybe? I only know of Right Ground, but they're good.
[1:19 PM Dean:] Oh hell yeah! My friend is the owner. The petite redhead?
[1:20 PM Castiel:] Charlie, right? I've seen her a couple of times.
[1:22 PM Dean:] Perfect! I get off soon and can head right over.
[1:24 Castiel:] Sounds good. What should I look for?
[1:30 Dean] Black Impala. She's my pride and joy. If you're looking for me, Sandy Brown hair, Green Eyes, lots of freckles, and uh...
[1:31 Castiel:] What?
Castiel tilted his head in confusion as he waited for Dean's reply. Was this going to be where he mentioned he had a humpback?
[1:36 Dean:] I'm a bit bowlegged. I've been told it's a bit of a turnoff, but I figured I'd be honest upfront.
Castiel let out a laugh of relief.
[1:38 Castiel:] There is nothing wrong with bowlegs. I've heard they make some things easier. 😘
As soon as Castiel sent the message, he instantly wished he could take it back. Instead, he quickly sent a follow-up message.
[1:39 Castiel:] I'm going to go get ready. See you in about 25 minutes.
Castiel let out a huff of air while waiting for lighting to strike, or a boulder to be dropped on him.
[1:41 Dean:] LOL! See you soon, dude. (Dude, right?)
Castiel didn't get a chance to respond as he quickly hopped in the shower and got ready to meet Dean for the first time.
Castiel had arrived slightly ahead of his and Dean's arranged meeting time. He didn't see a black Impala anywhere, and when he walked inside, there were no men that matched Dean's initial description. Castiel headed to a corner seat that he normally tried to grab when he went to get coffee and found it surprisingly empty.
He sat down, facing the entrance with his back against the wall. A little kernel of self-doubt starting to grow in the back of his mind. Charlie was behind the counter, and he briefly wondered if Dean texted her to tell him to keep an eye for him.
Castiel went to grab his phone to check the time when the low rumble of a muscle car stopped him. He stole another glance at Charlie, and a huge smile crept upon her face. Castiel looked out the front windows. Dean's black Chevy Impala pulled into a spot, and out exited Adonis himself.
Dean didn't give himself enough credit when he described himself. The sandy brown hair was styled short and looked as though it would be soft for Cas to run his fingers through. And the freckles! Dean was a walking star map, and Cas wanted to trace his fingers along the freckles he could see. The only thing he couldn't see were Dean's self-proclaimed green eyes.
Once Dean entered the cafe, Charlie yelled to him and ran out from behind the counter. She wrapped her arms around him and started animatedly yelling at him for not checking in often enough. Dean graciously accepted her punishment and walked further into the shop. Castiel could finally make out the bowlegs that Dean appeared to be self-conscience about. If anything, the legs emphasized everything perfectly.
Castiel shook his head once, twice, and a third time for good measure. This was supposed to be a professional business interaction. He stood up while sliding out of the booth and walked over to Dean and Charlie. "Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting, but are you Dean?"
Charlie looked at Castiel and smiled before looking back at Dean. "You come to my shop for a date, Winchester? Not to see me? I'm offended. Now you don't get that slice of pie." She punched Dean in the shoulder.
"Hey! It wasn't my idea, it was Cas'. He said he liked your coffee." Dean looked at Castiel.
"He is right, I can show you the text message." Castiel reached for his phone in his pocket before finding his hand being swatted away. 
"I believe him, and you. Gotta give the old man shit, though."
"Old man?" Dean blinked in shock. "I'm offended."
Charlie shrugged and walked back around the counter. "If you two want drinks, get up here and order before we have the final rush of the day."
"After you, Cas." Dean gestured. "Also, is Cas ok? Not sure how to pronounce your full name."
"Cas - Tee - Ell. But Cas is fine. If anything, it would infuriate my mother and father more." Cas smiled. "My brother calls me Cassie, I hate it, but I let him get away with it."
"Okay, one brother. Any other siblings?" Dean smiled at Cas.
Cas blushed from Dean's smile, "I have my brother Gabriel and my sister Anna."
"Are they part of the deal? Or are they off-limits?" Dean asked. "I mean, I clearly know you want me to go after your pops at the very least."
"You can jab at them if they jab at you." Cas conceded. "Looking for someone to come with me was actually Gabe's idea. So he may not appreciate being a part of the prank."
"Okay. We can play that by ear."
Cas tilted his head. "You said you wanted to see if we clicked before you agreed to the whole thing."
"What do you think I'm doing?" Dean winked. "So, tell me about your parents?"
The pair got up to the counter before Cas could answer, and Charlie sat down two cups in front of them. "Dean, black americano with room for cream. Cas, if I remember correctly, spiced chai latte."
"Thank you, Charlie," Cas responded as he went to grab his wallet.
"I threw it on Dean's tab. You two have a fun date." Charlie winked at them and shooed them so she could get to the next customer.
Dean blushed and looked at Cas and mouthed Sorry before picking up his cup and walking over to where they kept the cream.
Cas took the opportunity to grab his booth back and waited for Dean to join him. "So, you asked about my parents?"
"They're the targets, right?"
"Yeah." Cas nodded and took a sip of his drink. "My mother is Naomi, my father is Zachariah."
Dean held a finger up as he finished taking a drink. "Your family highly religious?"
"What gave that away?" Cas tried to hide his disdain, but by the look on Dean's face, he wasn't doing a good job.
"Gabriel, Castiel, Zachariah... Pretty sure there's a Naomi in the bible too." Dean placed a finger on his lips. "Not too sure about Anna."
"Prophetess in Luke's Gospel," Castiel responded.
Dean nodded in quiet contemplation. He paused a moment, and Castiel could see the gears turning. "Safe to assume you're gay or bi?"
"Very much Gay. I've been told it's a phase my whole life. My parents keep asking when I'm going to bring a girlfriend home. You're the first 'boyfriend' I'm bringing home." Castiel took another sip of his drink.
"Got it. What do you do for a living?"
"High School English Teacher." Cas scoffed. "Reason number two hundred fifty-one I'm a disappointment."
"Being a teacher is a disappointment?" Dean shook his head. "Well, I'll make sure that they know I'm a cook by day, bartender by night. I'm sure they'll love that."
"Your sarcasm is perfect. They both hate sarcasm, despite it being their first form of communication." Cas leaned back in his chair. "They definitely look down their noses at people too."
"Well, I'm sold. Food, chaos, and spending time with an attractive man?" Dean rested his elbows on the table and rest his chin on his knuckles. "This may be one of my best Thanksgiving in years." Dean winked. "What time should I pick you up?"
Over the next few days, Cas found himself texting back and forth with Dean frequently. He kept trying to remind himself that it was just so they could get to know each other so they could pass off as a couple on Thanksgiving. However, with the way that Dean flirted, it was harder and harder to keep that line from blurring.
[Wednesday 3:47 PM Dean:] Hey Cas, I know I'm supposed to be an asshole, but should I attempt to bring something with me?
Cas laughed, picturing how his mother would react if she were brought a gift from Dean.
[3:49 PM Cas:] You don't have to bring anything at all, although the image of my mother turning up her nose is both amusing and disappointing.
[3:51 PM Dean:] So, bring a six-pack of cheap beer. Got it.
[3:52 PM Cas:] You're incorrigible.
Cas found himself setting a special notification for Dean's text messages. He fought hard against doing it, as they were going to go their separate ways after Thanksgiving. Still, it seemed like something you would do for a significant other.
He heard the notification go off, and he picked his phone up again.
[4:00 PM Dean:] If I were a betting man, I'd bet that you liked it though.
Cas found that he couldn't disagree.
Cas' parents, completely surprised that he was coming and bringing a date, asked Cas to arrive around 3 PM on Thanksgiving.
Dean showed up at 1:30 PM.
"Hey, Cas." Dean stood in the doorway to Cas' apartment and leaned against the doorframe.
Cas couldn't help the smile that grew across his face. Dean was dressed up in a nice pair of jeans with a black tee-shirt and an open deep red button-up. "Hello, Dean." He stepped back to let Dean in. "You're early."
"I hope you don't mind. I was a little nervous." Dean smiled sheepishly. "Meeting the parents is kind of a big deal."
"That was the whole deal, Dean. You join me, free dinner, you make them regret telling me to come to dinner."
Dean's smile dropped a little, so slight that Cas almost missed it. "Right. I knew that."
"Everything okay, Dean?" Cas stepped closer and placed his hand gently on Dean's shoulder.
"Yeah, of course." Dean's face betrayed his words, but Cas let it go. "I figured I could also come over and help you load anything that might need to go with us in the car."
Cas frowned, unhappy at seeing this side of Dean. "Want to take a seat? We have some time to kill."
"Actually, can I hit the head? Then we can pack up Baby. You said it takes about 45 minutes to get there on a good day, and there is some traffic."
"Yeah," Cas responded as he pointed to the hallway. "First door on the left." He watched as Dean stepped away, wondering what changed so drastically.
Dean quickly finished up in the bathroom and found Cas in the kitchen, juggling a casserole and a couple of pies. "Dude, please tell me your pies are good."
"As long as they don't hit the floor, they should be." Cas smiled and allowed Dean to take them off his pile. "I remember Charlie teasing you about pie, so I stopped in special to ask what kind you like."
"Pecan?" Dean asked, a huge grin coming back across his face when Cas nodded. "Dude, you went to Charlie to ask her? Why didn't you just ask me?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise, to thank you for this week." The next words escaped Cas' lips before he could stop them. "I'm glad that at the very least, I got to make a new friend out of this."
"Well yeah, Charlie's awesome," Dean responded without missing a beat.
Cas rolled his eyes. "I mean you, Dean."
"I, uh..." Dean's cheeks flushed scarlet as he stuttered over his words. "You're awesome too, Cas."
"Come on, then, let's go load up your car." Cas held up the casserole dish and nodded his head towards the front door. "Sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave."
The pair of them quickly loaded up the car, and Dean handed Cas his phone to punch in his parent's address. The first few minutes of the drive were quiet, as Cas appreciated the roar of the engine. 
"So, uh, Cas." Dean broke the silence once they got on the highway. "Question for you."
"I'm listening." Cas looked over at Dean and took a moment to admire his outline, highlighted by the sun. 
"Well, we determined that we've been together for a few months and that we met when you came by my place of work. But, uh, are you ok with a little PDA to sell it?" Dean's cheeks turned bright red again, as though he were embarrassed to ask.
Cas slid a little closer to Dean to be able to reach his hand and hold it. When his skin brushed against Dean's, it was as though sparks of electricity shot through his body, and Cas shivered involuntarily.
"Okay there, Cas?" Dean stole a glance at Cas and smirked, before returning his eyes to the road.
Cas nodded as he found his words lacking. They enjoyed the rest of the ride in comfortable silence, only the music and the occasional hum from Dean filling the car.
Once they arrived, Cas took a moment to look at Dean and give him a final once over. The shade of red he was wearing was enticing and made his freckles and eyes pop more than Cas would have thought possible. It had taken all of Cas' willpower to not trace over them with his finger.
"Ready, Cas?"
"I am." Cas nodded before looking up at their dreaded destination.
The pair got out of the car, and Dean took Cas' hand before going to the trunk. Cas looked down at their hands and felt a soft warmth against his cheek. He turned to find that Dean had kissed his cheek.
"Sorry, I should have asked first." Dean apologized, running his free hand through his hair.
"Dean, you already asked, and I had given you permission." Cas smiled and let out a little sigh. "Let's grab the stuff and get this over with."
Dean popped the trunk and handed the pies to Cas, grabbing the casserole, before closing it back up and following Cas to the house. Cas had shifted the pies to one arm and rang the doorbell. His hand immediately went back to Dean's, and he tried his hardest to not let his nerves show.
"You don't just walk into your parent's place?" Dean tilted his head in confusion. "Even if you don't get along, isn't it home?"
"This place has never been home, Dean," Cas replied, clipping his response as the door opened.
A stoic, cold woman answered the door, looking down at them, despite the pair being taller than her. "Castiel. You came." She scrutinized Dean more thoroughly. "And you brought a friend."
"Mother, I told you I was bringing my boyfriend." He turned to look at Dean and smiled. "This is my significant other, Dean."
Naomi's lips pulled in to a tighter pout. "That term wouldn't be correct, Castiel. Come in. You know where to set them up." She stepped back into the house, allowing them entrance.
"I make two pies and your favorite cheese and spinach casserole," Cas mentioned as he walked past. "I'll need to borrow the oven for five minutes once the turkey is done."
"I don't know, Castiel." Naomi picked up her pace to walk in front of them. "You should have asked if the oven would be available to cook things in."
Dean stared in disbelief at the way Naomi was talking down to Cas. "You mean you can't spare five minutes to make the cheese gooey again? I didn't realize heat was a limited resource."
"Excuse you?" Naomi placed her hand on her chest in shock. "Castiel, you will keep your friend in line."
"Boyfriend, Mother. But he's right. This is your favorite dish. I made it just for you. You don't want it warm?"
Naomi rolled her eyes as the pair set down their food offerings. "I'll figure it out." She glared at Dean. "Why don't you go find your father? He should be in the TV Room watching the game."
"Football. Sure. Let's go, Cas." Dean watched as Naomi cringed at the shortened version of her youngest son's name.
Cas tried to not laugh as he led Dean to the TV Room. He leaned in close to Dean to whisper about Zachariah. "Dean, he absolutely hates his name being shortened to Zach, and he hates the Eagles."
"Oh, I am all over this." Dean winked and wrapped his arm around Cas' shoulder.
"Father?" Cas inquired as they entered the room. 
"Castiel. You came." His eyes traveled to Dean. "And you brought a friend."
"This is my boyfriend, Dean." Cas felt the words falling easier from his lips. "Dean, this is my father, Zachariah."
Dean unwrapped his arm off Cas' shoulder and extended his hand to Zachariah. "Please to meet you, Zach."
Zachariah stiffened, and his eyes became cold as ice. "Zachariah, please." He took Dean's hand and shook it.
"Of course, sorry about that, Zachariah. I'm just a nickname kind of person, ain't that right, Cas?" Dean took his hand back and wrapped his arm around Cas' shoulders again, leaning in to touch their foreheads together.
Cas could see the vein in his father's forehead start to throb. "Castiel, do you have no respect for your name?"
"I do, as does Dean. But my name is archaic, and sometimes it's just easier to shorten it." Cas looked at his father and stood his ground.
"Hey, I'm sorry, Zachariah." Dean stepped between the two. "Cowboys vs. Eagles, right?" He pointed at the TV.
"You watch sports?" Zachariah asked, his doubt not hidden at all.
"Hell yeah!" Dean hopped over the back of the couch and landed next to Zachariah on the sofa. "Just cause I like to suck a dick every now and then, doesn't mean I can't like sports." He leaned forward and grabbed some crackers off a platter on the coffee table. "Oh shit, Eagles up, 21-3! Fly Eagles, Fly!"
"Castiel, a word!" Zachariah demanded, scrambling out of his seat. Dean looked at Cas in worry, not relaxing even when Cas gave him a gesture indicating he'd be fine.
Cas followed Zachariah into the kitchen, where Naomi was mashing potatoes. "Who is this bastard friend of yours?" Zachariah hissed, grabbing Naomi's attention to join in.
"He's not a bastard, and he is my boyfriend," Cas emphasized the word boyfriend for the umpteenth time since arriving. 
"You are in a phase, Castiel. We've found some nice girls who are very interested in you." Naomi added. Before she could continue; however, the front door opened, Gabe and Anna walking in.
"CASSIE!" Gabe called out, causing both of their parents to cringe. "You came home!" He dropped Anna's duffle bag in the foyer and bolted into the kitchen, trying to pick up his younger brother in a bear hug. "You seriously need to stop growing!"
Anna walked up behind Gabe and pushed him to the side, wrapping her arms around her younger brother. "Hello, Castiel. I've missed you." She pulled back and offered an apologetic smile. "Gabriel told me you were bringing your boyfriend to dinner. Is he here?"
"Castiel's friend is in the TV Room," Zachariah responded before Cas could. "And he is a rude, ungrateful, little prick."
"I can assure you it's not little." Dean walked into the kitchen. "Sorry, I heard the commotion, and I just wanted to make sure Cas was ok." Dean walked over to Cas and wrapped his arms around Cas's waist. "Gonna introduce me, babe?"
Cas melted into Dean's embrace, allowing their actions to cross into new territory. "Dean, this is my older brother Gabe and my older sister Anna."
"I've heard all about you two." Dean lets go of Cas long enough to shake their hands before holding Cas again.
"Well, why don't you all go into the TV Room. Your father and I will finish up dinner." Naomi responded coldly, clearly annoyed by Dean's presence.
"That sounds like a plan. Get that damn football off the TV." Gabe responded.
"But the Eagles are winning. They're hands down the best team in the NFL this year, wouldn't you agree, Zach?"
If looks could kill, Zachariah would have killed not only Dean but all three of his children as well. Gabe, sensing his father's temper rising, herded Dean and his siblings out of the kitchen. "Jesus, Cassie, where did you find this one?"
"Took your advice." Cas shrugged.
"Word to the wise?" Gabe looked at Dean. "Keep him."
"Dean, you don't happen to have any siblings, do you?" Anna asked.
"Brother, half-brother, and an adopted sister. I'm the oldest." Dean tilted his head. "Why?"
Gabe and Anna exchanged looks before Anna followed up with another question. "They single?"
Dean laughed, a rich, warm sound that made Cas melt. "Sammy's not. I don't know with Adam, but he's the youngest of us all, barely legal. Charlie's single, and flaming lesbian."
Anna looked at Gabe. "Sorry, guess I win this round."
"Wait, Anna, you too?" Cas' head tilted in shock and confusion.
She looked over Cas' shoulder to see if their parents were listening. "Bi, Castiel. I'm Bi."
Castiel looked in shock at Anna, then turned to Gabriel. "Are you going to drop a bombshell on me too?"
"I don't care about gender?" Gabe responded.
"What? When?" Cas palmed his forehead and sat on the sofa.
Both Gabe and Anna had the decency to blush. Anna responded first. "I figured it out in college."
"I've dated many people over the years, Cassie. I just didn't always bring them home to mom and pops." Gabriel added.
"You're so much braver than the both of us," Anna whispered. "You brought Dean home with you."
Dean sat on the sofa next to Cas and wrapped his arm around him. He leaned in and quietly spoke into Cas' ear. "Want me to prank them, too?"
Cas burst out laughing, shaking his head and throwing his arms around Dean's neck. "I know why you two did it," Cas stated while hugging Dean tight. "I don't even think I can be mad."
"Dinner time," Naomi announced, appearing in the doorway to the TV Room. "We would appreciate no hanging all over each other at the table, Castiel." Naomi turned her nose up and walked back towards the kitchen.
"Let's go knock out this wonderful holiday, shall we?" Gabe clapped his hands together.
The dining room was awkwardly quiet as the all entered and took their seats. Naomi stood at her place and looked at Zachariah. "Grace, Dear?"
Zachariah nodded and clasped his hands together.
Lord, bless this food and grant that we May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. Lord, make us thankful for our food, Bless us with faith in Jesus' blood; With the bread of life our soul's supply, That we may live with Christ on high. Amen.
When none of his children nor Dean responded, Amen, Zachariah cleared his throat. "I said, Amen."
Gabe and Anna quickly said it, and Castiel murmured it, but Dean refused to say it.
"Dean, is there something wrong with your voice all of a sudden?" Zachariah shot another deathly stare at Dean.
"Nope, my voice works just fine. I just don't do religion." Dean shrugged. "Guess you could say I'm an Atheist."
Cas flinched as he heard his mother gasp and prepare to yell at him. However, before she could get a word out, Dean spoke up.
"Are you about to yell at Cas? Cause Cas says Grace before every meal. I respect that he does. You know why?" Dean picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes and scooped a heap onto his plate. "Cause Cas doesn't force me to believe something I don't. He's kind, he's caring, and he's understanding. Clearly, you two didn't teach him that." Dean scooped a heap of potatoes on Cas' plate then passed the bow to Anna.
"How dare you!" Naomi spat. "You are a guest in this home."
"Yeah, let me tell you how guestly it's felt since I entered your house." Dean stabbed at the plate of turkey on the table and grabbed a few slices for himself and a few for Cas. "You both refuse to acknowledge my relationship with your son. You both have looked down on me for being a man who is attracted to men and women. God forbid I slip that I work two jobs." Dean smiled sarcastically. "Oops."
Dean passed the fork to Anna, who was staring at her mother as though she would explode. "You know, Naomi. How would you feel if I told you the farce between you and Zachariah here were invalid and not real?"
"We are one man, one woman. That's how it was created. You don't find any instances of your perversion in nature." Naomi gripped the edge of the table.
"Actually, Mom," Anna spoke up. "This last trip for NatGeo? I told you where they sent me. I was in the Savannah. I saw gay and lesbian animals everywhere."
"And the rangers released a document saying that the animals learned it from homosexual humans." Zachariah pointed sharply at his daughter. "You will speak when spoken to."
"You're going to tell the smartest person at the table to shut up?" Dean let out a low whistle and took a bite of a roll he had grabbed. "Man, I'd listen to everything she has to say. She works for National Fucking Geographic." He turned to Cas. "I'll still talk books with you all the time, though, sweetheart." He leaned in and kissed Cas' cheek.
"I said there would be no hanging over each other!" Naomi slammed her hands down on the table.
Dean snorted. "Me, kissing Cas' cheek, is not hanging all over him." He rested his hand on the small of Cas' back. "I bet a hundred dollars if Anna had brought along a boyfriend, or Gabe a girlfriend, you'd call a kiss on the cheek cute."
"Leave." Zachariah's voice sent a chill through the room. "Gabriel can take Castiel home."
"Like I'm going to leave Cas here to take more of your abuse. How long have you been telling him that he's wrong?" Dean whipped his head to Naomi. "How long have you been calling him a pervert?"
"We've never called him that." Naomi defended.
"Mom, you literally just did." Gabriel finally spoke. "You just called being Gay a perversion." 
"Castiel isn't gay," Zachariah spoke up.
"Yeah, he is, Dad." Anna stared at her father. "And I'm bisexual. When I told you two about my boyfriend, Rupert? I was actually talking about my girlfriend, Ruby. Ruby and I broke up, and I couldn't properly mourn that relationship because I didn't have a mother who understood me."
"Well, if we're all coming out. I have slept with more dudes than I have fingers." Gabe added. "I've also slept with as many women. I've slept with as many non-binary people. And you know what? I've also slept with Trans people. Love is love, and attraction is attraction."
Naomi looked as though she were about to faint, and Zachariah pointed a knife at Dean. "This is your fault."
"MY FAULT?" Dean yelled, finally raising his voice. "I just met Gabe and Anna today. They were queer long before I met them. I'm dating Cas, who came to me and asked me out. Tell me how this is my fault."
"You made them think it was ok to share this information."
"And you made them feel like they were less than nothing. You're the problem here. Not me, not a single one of your children."
Cas stared at Dean in awe. No one had ever come to his defense so quickly, and here Dean was also defending his siblings. "Dean, I think we should go."
"That's the first smart thing you've said all night, Castiel." Naomi snapped.
"Oh no, you did not." Dean turned to face the Ice Queen at the end of the table. "Did you seriously just call my boyfriend stupid? You know, your youngest son? The person I fall for more and more each time I talk to him?"
"You know nothing about this family, and you came in here and–"
"Ok, Boomer." Dean cut Naomi off, and Gabe spat out his drink laughing. "Cas, let's grab the food you brought and head back."
"Get out of my house!" Zachariah shouted.
"Already working on it." Dean shot off a one-fingered salute and stood up with Cas and followed him to the kitchen.
Dean quickly found the two pies, while Cas found his casserole hidden in the fridge. He pulled it out and frowned, showing Dean. "She was never going share."
"Cas," Dean set down the pies and took the casserole, setting it down as well. He pulled Cas into his arms and held him tightly. "I'm sorry if I did too much."
"I think you could have kept going." Gabriel entered the kitchen. "Cassie, you brought pies? Trying to one-up me?"
"Dean likes pecan pie. You usually bring pumpkin." Cas melted into Dean's embrace, determined to make sure it wouldn't be the last time Dean held him like that.
"Touché." Gabriel let out a sigh. "Got room for two at your place?"Anna entered the kitchen. "Go pack your things, Gabe." She looked at Cas. "Your address still the same? We're not staying here."
"You're just going to crash with me? How do you know I don't have a roommate?"
Anna cut Cas a look. "You two are a new couple, you haven't moved in together yet."
Gabe called to them from the foyer. "Let's roll before they figure out how to trap us here."
"Coming, Gabe," Anna replied. "Meet you at your place, Cassie?"
Cas' face lit up at his sister calling him a nickname - even if it was one he wasn't particularly fond of - and not Castiel. "Yeah. Same address." He reluctantly pulled out of Dean's arms and grabbed the casserole, placing it in Dean's hands. "We should escape too." Cas picked up the pies and followed Anna out of the kitchen.
"Yes, sir." Dean smiled and followed the siblings out of the house.
Once back at Cas' apartment, this time with two siblings in tow, Dean helped Cas get the food in the house and prepared to leave.
"Where do you think you're going?" Gabe tilted his head in confusion, a trait all three siblings shared.
"I messed up a lot for you guys today. I'll let the three of you have your Thanksgiving together."
Gabe and Anna looked at Cas, who took Dean's hand into his. "I know we haven't been together long."
"Yeah, when did you find him, Monday, after we hung up?" Gabe smirked.
"Shut up, Gabe." Cas, Anna, and Dean said in unison.
Cas waited to see if Gabe would say anything else before continuing. "When I did this, I didn't think it would be more than a business arrangement. But I want this to be more. Please, Dean?"
"I'm not sure why, you still want that after today, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want more with you." Dean pressed his forehead against Cas'.
"Well, that settles it." Anna smiled. "Welcome to the family, Dean."
While Gabe and Anna set up in the guest room, Dean called up Charlie, and Cas ordered some Chinese food. Within a few minutes, Charlie was banging on Cas' door, bringing gifts of rolls and croissants and coffee from the Cafe. The two fiery redheads were introduced and instantly hit it off.
Their dinner arrived shortly after, and they all curled up on the various chairs and sofas together. They took turns picking movies to watch and created their own Thanksgiving.
As the night crept upon them, Charlie apologized but reminded them that she had to get up early for Black Friday shoppers who would hit up her cafe for coffee and breakfast. She exchanged numbers with Anna and told them to not be strangers.
Dean got up to go, and Cas grabbed his hand. "You said you're not working tomorrow. That the restaurant was closed for a long weekend."
"I did." Dean smiled at Cas. "I also don't want to impose. You have a full house right now, and I'm not sure if Gabe or Anna are claiming the couch."
Cas tilted his head in exasperation. "Did you think I wanted you to sleep on the couch?" He looked around, Anna had run to the restroom, and Gabe went to go grab a couple more of the chocolate croissants Charlie had brought. "I want you to stay with me tonight."
"You do?" Dean swallowed - hard. "Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to." Cas stood up and led Dean back to his bedroom. "We don't have to go that far tonight," Cas added as they entered the room. "I'd actually prefer that we didn't.
"This is new, but it feels like forever at the same time." Cas continued, "Did you mean what you said?"
Dean wrapped his arms over Cas' shoulders. "I've meant every word I said today, but what phrase comes specifically to mind?"
"That you fall for me more and more each time we talk?"
 Dean leaned forward and pressed his lips against Cas', a soft caress that left them breathless. "One-hundred percent, Cas."
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hillnerd · 5 years
I read your fanfic The Wonderful Won Won and I really liked the christmas at the Burrow scene, and I am sorry for bugging you with all these questions but, what was going through Percy’s head during this all. And I literally just thought of this, but wouldn’t this be the first time Percy would see Ron’s brain scars? Ok i’m sorry i’m like hyper focused on Percy right now. I have a lot of questions. Again sorry for bugging you.
Oh I'm so glad you liked 'The Wonderful Won Won'! :) And I actually love it when people message me questions about fics or canon! Keep em coming! :)
So as far as Percy in this scene, Percy starts out being stiff and cold with his family when he arrives with Shacklebolt because it's the easiest thing to do. By being aloof and trying not to engage with them he can keep his standing with the Minister (remember he really wants to appear professional/competent at all times- and an emotional scene would very much undercut that.) He is feeling SO many emotions though. He's still angry at his father and family for a lot of things, he's a bit afraid that his mum hugging him and showing so much love might make him cave and just forgive them all and let bygones be bygones (which is partially why he's rejecting her all the time- he's in a prideful snit and definitely doesn't want his carefully built emotional walls tumbled by her.) 
But as for what he's feeling throughout the scene- let's take a took at it:
Mum was trying to give him another hug, but his brother twisted out of her outstretched arms without a glance at their mother. Percy’s eyes ignored the entire family, and were trained on the door he desperately wanted to flee through. He’d never particularly wanted to spend time with the family, but this was a whole new level of coldness.
“How dare you!” Dad exploded just seconds after the door closed. “Using us to hand Harry over to the Minister? We raised you better than this.”
“The hell, Percy?” “You’re a right prat!” cried the Twins. Ron didn’t care which said what.
He wanted an explanation from his brother. Even a glance of regret would suffice. Anything to justify selling out Harry the way he had. Percy remained perfectly still, his jaw clenched as he silently weathered their words.
He's always felt like an outsider with his family, and almost immediately it's clear that they are choosing Harry over him and that they have little respect for Percy. He is angry as hell, but trying his hardest to keep it under wraps so he can get out of there the moment the Minister says they can leave.
“Percy?” Remus' calm and soft-spoken voice broke the tension. “What does the Minister want with Harry?”
For the first time since he’d entered the Burrow, Percy made eye contact with someone.
“You’re not my professor anymore, Mr. Lupin, and I don’t have to answer any questions about this matter,” Percy let out rather succinctly.
Percy likes to think of himself as better than his brothers- and part of it is that he's polite, while they are not. Thus he answers Lupin-- as best as one can and in a very decorous and professional manner.
“And that’s all you have to say for yourself?” said Dad rising from the table, looking furious. “That’s the only explanation you’re giving us? I never thought I’d live to see my own son act like such a coward.”
“Now, Arthur!” Mum pleaded, trying to keep the peace, but she was too late.
Percy was staring Dad dead in the eye and the two were getting closer to each other with Mum in between.
“I’m no coward! I’m demonstrating my diligence and showing loyalty to the Ministry, which is much more than you’ve been doing!”
Saying 'coward' to a Gryffindor is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. The twins can try their best to get Percy angry- but NO ONE can pierce through it all better than his father. Percy has years of deep seated resentment with his dad, and the whole reason he left the family was his dad-- he truly hates that his dad is labelled a disloyal dumbledore follower.. He hates that he has to contend with his father's reputation and is worried it will destroy everything Percy's worked so hard for. And he hates that his father, whose opinion he once held so dear, truly has no pride in his son at all. 
“Loyalty?” said Dad. his ears going red, voice dropping to a frozen whisper.  “You’ve turned your back on every single value we’ve raised you with, and every single one of us. You can’t prioritize a job over the well-being of your family, as you have.”
“That’s big talk for a man that always put his job over his family’s well-being. We could barely afford new shoes and school supplies, but hey, Arthur Weasley got to have fun piddling about with Muggles. You never stop to think about the impact of that, do you? We were all in rags through Hogwarts, and Ron even had a broken wand for a year, but you didn’t even try to replace it--”
Here it is. That deepseated resentment hes been building since he was a kid. Of all the Weasley kids, Percy was the one who most resented the look and feel of being poor, who most resented the impact of it on himself and his siblings, and who most felt that their poverty was a CHOICE by Arthur. He saw his father's job as silly, and failed to see how important Arthur's job was for muggle-wizard relations- and how much respect his father DOES have in the Ministry. He failed to take in what was really important because he kept prioritizing 'rich people success'- that was prestigious, in fine robes, had power and money. He felt he could pursue it and remain morally superior to his father. You're SUPPOSED to be loyal to the ministry, you're SUPPOSED to have ambition, you're SUPPOSED to prioritize your own family over random people. 
And you know what? Percy isn't entirely in the wrong. At times Arthur wasn't as there for his family as he could have been. There are ways he could have prioritized his kids a bit more, and protected them more-- But in the end Arthur is FAR MORE in the right on this. And deep down Percy knows that. 
“Leave me out of this!” Ron cried out, but neither of them spared him a glance.
“You don’t know the first thing about loyalty to friends or family, Percy. You betrayed them every day you ignored our warnings about Voldemort for a year, and did little to check in with any of us when you knew our lives were in danger.”
“You know what? I was wrong to say you care most about your job,” Percy said so quietly, Ron could barely hear it. “I saw how little you cared about your job last year, with all the skulking about the Department of Mysteries for Dumbledore… And then, five months later, two of your kids nearly died there because they were following Harry around in that same place. I guess it goes Dumbledore, job, Harry Potter, then the welfare of your children?”
“Oh you suddenly care about your siblings, do you? Is that why you’ve not contacted any of them, even after your youngest nearly died?”
“At least I wasn’t involving them in dangerous business kids shouldn’t be involved in! What were you even doing for Dumbledore?”
“That is business for family to know about. Seeing as you don’t want to be a member of our family anymore, I will not answer any questions about this matter!” Dad seethed, his face quite red as he poked Percy in the chest. “Unless your attitude changes you are not welcome here.”
“Oh, believe me, I don’t want to be welcome in this crumbling antique of a pig’s pen. I don’t want to spend one more second with any of --”
Before Percy could finish his sentence mashed parsnips flew at him from several directions, some splattering his glasses. No one laughed as mash dripped down his face. Percy went purple.
“Fine! It’s all a great big joke to you all! I work as hard as I can to make something of myself, fighting off the horrible reputation Dad’s made for us, calling him out for things you’re all too cowardly to say. I work so damned hard, and none of you ever care or give an ounce of credit to me. You treat Potter more like family than you ever did me and eff off to piddle around with that Machiavellian Dumbledore. You’ll see how wrong you’ve been and you’re all going to be sor--”
^pretty self explanatory, that part ^
Percy’s words were cut off by a silencing spell. Bill was holding his wand aloft and looking as angry as Ron had ever seen him.
“You’re not going to say one more thing about this family,” Bill said with piercing deliberation. “Now shut it and wait for your boss to come get you.”
Mum let out a sob as Percy silently stomped out the door, not bothering to wipe the parsnip mash from himself. 
Being humiliated is Percy's worst fear, pretty much. And he's been very much humiliated- his father's words (calling percy coward, disloyal, not part of the family; choosing Harry over Percy etc) how his siblings were cursing at him and throwing food at him, and Bill (the eldest and most respected sibling) cutting him off and almost saying Percy isn't part of the family (while also making it clear that Percy isn't there for anything noble- he's being a henchman for his boss.)
After all this Percy has to wipe his face off next to his irrate boss- has to stand by and listen to Harry and his family get dragged through the mud- and his anger towards them no longer seems to bite at him the same. 
Somehow Percy feels sadness, loneliness, and a touch of self-loathing? But that’s nonsense of course! He was completely justified in everything he said and did... wasn’t he? 
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