#I could resist x'D
mitamicah · 8 months
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Prompt 18 for @kaarija-inktober (Frank Edition); Distance
Did I spend too much time of this? Probably. Do I regret it? Nope x'D
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nana-b0b · 2 months
》🔞 These panels are censored, you can go to the last of the post to find out where to see them!
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A little historical info to better understand:
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♡♡♡♡♡!!! I really feel happy and overcome with these panels, I was thinking a lot about how to make them since there were several obstacles: I had never drawn something NSFW before as it should be 😅 I never got that far so to speak, there was always a line that prevented me from taking that step, since it is not the same to draw some small scene where you only see something specific to a whole pose as such and all that implies. But after many ideas and turns I managed to take that step (maybe small for some but for me it was like reaching the moon 😂) and the most important and most feared was that the essence of the drawings and the style would be lost but I could keep it well and make it coexist ♡.
Note: as for the text accompanying the panels I want to say that it's not my best work as a narrator hahaha I don't write anything since I was about fifteen and it was my era of fanfics and stuff, so I feel its very basic and empty! 😅 ♥!
Now, let's talk a bit about the panels! Well, as we all knew this moment was coming, it was no surprise -3- Ryomen really had to be patient to get what he had been thinking for a while, but he didn't want it to be something random as it could be with any woman he wanted, he was really curious to see how Aurora could look like with the full appearance of a lady of the Heian era and when he saw her, he just couldn't resist. One thing will be clear: Aurora won't wear black teeth again, there will be no way to paint her teeth again without someone losing a limb. As for her eyebrows: she's really mad about that, but I'll let it go.
And to close this post I come with a novelty (I've been thinking about this for days) now we are going to be able to have these drawings completely uncensored on patreon.
I'm not going to lie, using more than two social networks for me is already a lot 😥 if it were up to me I would only post everything in one place but we know how the rules are and we have to respect them, if just by showing a nipple (which is a pixel 😂 ) they almost censored me on Instagram I knew this would be difficult and Tumblr is not lagging behind, while there are things that it lets pass there are others that it doesn't and it's not nice to have to make such complex drawings so that the AI doesn't detect them as 🔞 since there comes a certain point that you get tired too and it loses the grace.
My patreon will be the place for all my works 🔞 without any censorship already, you are going to be able to enjoy both public and private content depending on the type of work ♡. I think also for me it's an incentive to be able to start letting go more of my ideas and continue with everything I want to do :)
To say goodbye first I want to always thank you for all the support you give me and all your messages 🖤 and second to warn you that this CAP of Ren will be in patreon already published privately but all the other censored drawings are public for you to see and enjoy them as they should ⭐
Here are the publications that I censored and that you can now see, there are not many at the moment x'D
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
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“Here Halara! I made you some of my coffee! Just like I did in Ginma! This will heal your body right up from your terrible cold!”
“I’m not sick Fubuki…it’s just allergies…”
Whew! I finally got this doodle done ;w; I have officially drawn all of the detectives of the Nocturnal Detective Agency at least once yay :3 I never thought I would tbh... x'D
I think Halara came out pretty good, but I think I could've done better on Fubuki ^^; This pose was complicated but once I got Halara to a nice pose, I had a bit of trouble with Fubuki x-x
Yet another ship I could kind of understand due to Fubuki's DLC.
How Halara suffered such an awful allergy attack? Lets just say that Fubuki took them to a cat cafe somewhere in Ginma...this was before she learned their deep dark secret. And Halara couldn't resist the cuteness so...they went anyway despite the penalty... x'D
Fubuki regrets it the minute Halara suffers a sneezing fit on the way back to base and has to lay down due to their head pounding from the sinuses. They end up not only with a runny nose and eyes, but they sadly got a few skin rashes too... yikes, the poor thing x-x; They make sure to have an extra sweet lollipop to help with their mood, as well as act as a substitute lozenge for their dry throat, some nasal spray for the stuffiness and an ice pack for their headache.
Fubuki tries to do whatever she can to help, even if the cause of it was her fault to begin with... xD And Halara cannot move much so...they just take whatever the ditzy time detective throws their way. Fubuki lovingly babysits the stuffy postcogditive detective while they recover.
This was my first time experimenting with allergies as an ailment so...I tried to read up on it before I drew so I could at least be accurate. Allergies isn't really the same thing as being ill. But it was still fun to draw it out :3
(tfw halara looks sicker than everyone else did... lmao improvement?)
Anyway, hope you enjoy this snack Clockmare Nation🩵🩷
Viviakou Kokobolt
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amethystina · 4 months
I wonder how Gaon and Yohan are going to explain the change in their interactions to Elijah, since it's going to be obvious to her that something has happened between them. Since Elijah knows that there's nothing between Gaon and Soo hyun, I wonder if she will play a role in clearing Yohan's misconception? Thanks for the update! I can't stop thinking how many ways this story can play out😅 Btw i really appreciate the time and effort you put into responding to our questions with such detail.
That definitely depends on who's doing the explaining xD Yo Han would just brush it off and pretend that nothing is happening — which would just piss her off — while Ga On would make a stilted effort to explain without making it too obvious what it's actually about. Which would also annoy her.
That poor girl, seriously. She doesn't deserve to get caught between these two idiots.
I'm not sure I agree that Elijah "knows" that there was nothing between Ga On and Soo Hyun, though. I think she very much thinks there was something between them. I mean, sure, they denied it when she asked if they were dating, but THE WAY they did so was pretty telling (especially in Soo Hyun's case). Even more so since Elijah is a bit... well, innocent? I think most of her experience with love comes from media, books etc. and how Ga On and Soo Hyun behaved is, well, straight from a drama xD
And Elijah also had that talk with Soo Hyun when they were eating ice cream on Ga On's terrace, where it became pretty obvious that Soo Hyun is in love with Ga On and has already confessed to him several times.
So I think Elijah very much believes they were in love. Which means she won't really play a role in convincing Yo Han otherwise — if asked, she'd probably only make it worse, even. Because her understanding of love is a bit superficial and probably pretty geared towards straightness. That's not to say that she's not aware of gay people (I think she might actually know more about that than Ga On does xD) but from the evidence she's seen both Ga On and Yo Han seem straight to her (because I can't imagine that Yo Han has flaunted his dalliances with other men in front of her).
I know I'm very, very firm about this but Elijah doesn't know that Yo Han and Ga On have the hots for each other. And not because she's stupid, but because she's grown up in a country where straightness is the norm and Yo Han has done everything he can to hide the depth of his and Ga On's relationship from her. Also, she's a self-centred teenager x'D
Like, take me for an example. I was around 23-24 and very comfortable in my own pansexuality but was still IN NO WAY PREPARED when my mum basically went: "I may only have had sex with two women in my life but, let me tell you — 10/10, would recommend." Because I had only ever seen her date and talk about men before and therefore assumed she had no interest in anything else. That's how easy it is to miss that someone close to you isn't entirely straight — especially if it's a parent/guardian.
So I really don't think that Elijah would notice until it gets a lot more obvious than this xD
Which wasn't technically what your ask was about (sorry for the tangent xD), but still important to know because Elijah really won't be all that helpful when it comes to Yo Han and Ga On figuring out their feelings for each other. In fact, she might just end up making things harder for them without meaning to. But more about that in later chapters ;)
ANYWAY. Thank you so much for the lovely ask! I'm so happy to hear that people are this excited and involved in my story! And, tbh, I can't help replying because I'm very excited, too, and love talking about my writing, my thoughts, and my takes on these characters. How could I resist? More often than not, I have to cut my answers short because I keep writing longer and longer ones.
Like, you guys have no idea how long the first drafts of my author's notes usually are. One time I had to cut half of it because it was reaching truly spectacular lengths. And sure, I know that some of you probably wouldn't complain if I had posted that first draft, but I'm trying to contain myself, okay? And also not reveal too much since it might end up spoiling future plot points. It's a constant struggle.
So yeah. I'm actually consciously holding back a lot of the time because I'm trying to not come off as completely unhinged x'D
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theslowesthnery · 10 months
Man, I know I've posted the gifs before but I'm not sure if you ever saw 'em.
There was this one time a long while back where I was goofing off with the Boss Summons and letting, like, Morgott and Mohg romp around like omen bros on zoomies.
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Lookit 'em go.
Anyhoo, I had gotten curious -- because by that point I had seen so many of those boss vs. videos, but I had never once seen, like... Godrick vs. Mohg.
Probably because, from my observation, Godrick has the durability of a tissue paper. I've seen him win maybe one fight, and that was with Margit.
In any case: I figured I'd bring Mohg to Stormveil to say hi to his... Nephew... Or whatever you might call him. The results themselves weren't all that surprising.
Like, we get it. Godrick can't win a fight EVER.
... But the way Mohg just comes FLYING in...
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Especially after watching and seeing just how slow Godrick is with his waddling forward.
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... Doesn't Mohg have, like... Really kickass fire defense also? Which sort of adds another level of hilarity to the whole "Bear Witness!" cutscene where Godrick makes this huge spectacle of having a dragon head, and then comes Mohg who finishes him off by yeeting blood.
mohg is always so crazy aggressive in these fights, it makes me laugh everytime :'D other bosses might take it slowly and size up their opponent a little first but not, mohg, he just
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and yeah, mohg has one of the highest (if not the highest!) fire resistences in the game, if i recall right his is even higher than the fire giant's! i remember a boss vs boss video where all of the demigods went against rykard and you could always tell where mohg was in that utter chaos: all you had to do was look for the smallest taking-damage-from-the-lava-pool number x'D
but yes, mohg is clearly not very impressed by his grand(?)-nephew and his shenanigans
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fizzingwizard · 10 months
weird (tmi warning)
so I often bitch about how much I hate shaving. well, when I was a teen, living at home with my parents, and didn't have a boyfriend, and wasn't going out, I used to go without shaving my legs whenever I could. usually thats because I was wearing long pants most of the time, but in the summer i might be wearing shorts only at home, where only family members would see me.
all I was trying to do was not shave because I hated it so much and got such awful razor burn, and also I was like still a kid and had a very limited income from my part time job, which I was saving to go to Japan. so i didn't spend on random products to help with shaving that I didn't even know whether or not they'd work. I just didn't want to be itchy all the time, and I thought my family, at least, wouldn't mind me being a little hairy. I mean my mom shaved but not everywhere >_> and my dad being a man of course didn't but also he very often walked around completely naked except for his briefs. was it really ridiculous of me to think that if my dad could strut around the house in his underwear no problemo, i could be a little hairy sometimes?
anyway on my last phone call with my dad, I don't remember how we got on the topic but I mentioned shaving and my dad was shocked to find out that I shave regularly. I was like yeah dad I've been doing it since I was thirteen. "but you didn't all the time" "no dad because shaving sucks and if no one was gonna see me i didn't do it" and he said "I thought you were doing that rebellious European feminist thing, you know, they like to go full body har"
I'm unreasonably annoyed by the this x'D for like twenty years my dad has thought I express my feminism through refusing to shave. (a position btw he doesn't respect) never did it occur to him to ask me. or that shaving just sucks. this is doubly funny bc when my mom taught me how to shave (remember I was 13) she told me to use my dad's razor. (which is probably pretty weird but thats what happened) and then I just... never had my own razor x'D until I went to college. so i was shaving with my dad's razor all through my teen years, and my dad still didn't think I was shaving??? he thought i was intentionally choosing to look like a yeti, at like fifteen, because I was such a radical feminist. that is hilarious because if anything describes me at fifteen, it'd be conservative. I was still pretty entrenched in evangelical christianity back then. and i'd been taught by church, and specifically by my dad, that feminism was just whiny and full of lies. if he said he thought i was being a European feminist lol when I was like twenty-five, that'd be different, but at fifteen? bahahaha.
and then more recently. i don't remember what it was but some video on youtube I think, someone was talking about rejecting make-up as a form of feminism, resisting the patriarchy and all that. and of course I know about that, same as I do know about women who choose not to shave for feminist reasons. but because of the conversation with my dad I'm now wondering. are people looking at me and thinking she doesn't wear makeup because she's an extreme feminist? she goes to protests and flashes her boobs while shrieking into a megaphone? looooool. I don't wear makeup because I hate the feeling of having stuff caked on my face, I hate having to take it off, I hate having to pay for it, I hate having to try a hundred different brands just to find something that kind of occasionally works on me. I'm fine with my face. It's not an amazingly beautiful face. but it's mine. i have no problems with it. other people might but i'm not being some super feminist by not caring about it, i just don't actually care.
that being said I am feminist and will defend anyone's right to shave or not shave, wear makeup or not wear makeup. just like maybe ask people before you leap to conclusions. its so weird that everything i do has to be some kind of statement. i just don't like wearing makeup or shaving, that is it, there's no deeper meaning to it lmao
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ventigh · 1 year
hey i was wondering if i could ask you opinion on something~
i've been replaying pokemon black for nostalgia's sake and got myself an archen because i love my sweet feathery boy and also wanna try and put together an ingo and emmet team -- i recall you saying you too would use him anyway despite his ability and was wondering if you had any fun ideas for movesets? you seem to enjoy working with meta but if this is presumptuous you don't have to respond x'D
(also side note your art is very cute)
heyhey!! thanks so much! i'd be glad and honored to help u with ur archen!! im always down to talk shop w pokemon n battling! :D
let's see if i could still remember my stuff!
i'll try to make this one short and focus on archeops' build since i assume u'll be aiming for emmet's bird :3
since i'm also assuming u'd just be finishing the game and not going for vgc, we'll skip installing status moves on the cheops! :)
archeops is a great mon! his moveset is the envy of many. and no doubt he has killer stats with a base total being one of the highest in his gen, only to be hurt w his own ability-- defeatist. an achilles' heel pkmn that's still totally workable, wc is why i like to configure him as a speedy physical attacker ^^ so if you're going for ev training, i suggest u pour it all onto his attack and speed.
moveset includes (suggestion written in order):
acrobatics (verrry important)
stone edge/rock slide/head smash (differs on accuracies. head smash has recoil)
earthquake/earth power (coverage for electric and steel types)
crunch/u-turn (dark types help a lot against the E4, but if u have a check against that already, just do u-turn)
head smash's recoil might activate its ability. wc is a big no-no if u've poured all his stats on attack. earth power might provide a spa.att alternative, however atp it'd just be better to pick eq and load this glass canon to its fullest ;)) head smash and earth power r both egg moves
held item would preferably be a flying gem. flying gems increase flying attacks by 1.5x, to which it's then consumed. acrobatics is a STAB flying move whose power increases w no held item! that first acrobatic would def be a nuke, but that doesn't mean u'll waste it on just any pkmn ofc! esp if it's resistant :)
for teams, ur archeops would be on the side of the offensive. balance him out with a couple of walls for the sake of longevity by switching out--possibly after u-turn. my suggested moveset is preferrable, however u should also look at ur teams' coverage in-case! that last spot could actually be rly flexible bc of archeops' wider move pool. u should always take note of ur attackers and whether u still have enough power against ur opponents. archeops is pretty frail so think of when u think he can survive not just an ohko or two-hit ko, but also when he hits half-health.
the good news is, he's actually strong enough to deal a good amount of damage still even with less one stage attack. he's that good.
(u could use roost instead for that last spot too, thus removing his flying weaknesses but w archeop's defenses, u dont usually expect him to bulk it out.)
case-in-point, archeops is a good mon to carry u throughout the games
his strategy differs greatly in vgc though! good luck with bw! :)
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the-nysh · 2 years
If Garou joins the HA, Amai Mask would lose his mind, I am sure...
And a part of me would kill to see those 2 interact.
I am still kind of pissed than Amai Mask wanted to kill Garou that badly, like seriously, not even the others nobody heroes wanted that, they were just getting out their frustation and past humiliation in him, they never said anything about killing.
How do you imagine things going with the rest of the class S than Garou did not fight (in contrast of the webcomic)?
With Sweet Mask, his black & white no-tolerance policy is understandable knowing what he is, and the extreme edge he's been living on where he cannot afford any leeway, pardons, or lapses in control, because it's reflective of the mental battle he's having within himself, so I'm not angry with him (and knew he had his role to fulfill.) :'3 However, many other heroes in the wc were on board with Garou's execution, finding reasons to 'justify' enacting it and all, while the ones in the manga either stood by as bystanders, or gleefully joined in a petty/vindictive mob of payback that called their 'good' behavior as heroes into question - cause Tareo could not stand by and called them all out for their unheroic behavior (good for him~) with King on pacifist support to emphasize how shameful they were. Cause 'good' heroes need to be above indulging in this type of impulsive, 'feel good' backstabbing violence, or they're no better than petty thugs or at worst, the inhumane monsters (oho..SM) themselves.
So naturally, SM will likely resist and still be vehemently opposed to Garou joining (unless...SM's identity is exposed and thus removes him as the 'barrier' from entering S Class), but as for what the rest of S Class will think of Garou??
I'm actually going to laugh if the manga's 'Garou vs S Class' is going to be a post-arc held competition/tournament to determine his placement among them! x'D So let's go down the list.
Blast: future Garou fought him and learned his portal powers + gravity techniques, but for all current Garou knows, Blast is the one credited for defeating him with the 'Zero Punch' out of nowhere. As for Blast himself, unknown how he'll come into the picture again.
Tatsumaki: was knocked out and never interacted with Garou. In the wc she had reason to fight him thinking he'd hurt her sister, but not here. This time manga Tatsu probably won't care about Garou (esp if she’s focused on Psykos in the post-arc), plus she knows she's the boss anyway.
Bang: self-explanatory. He's already on board supporting him and setting things up to make Garou his replacement following his hero retirement.
Atomic Samurai: ooh this is interesting. Cause he and none of his disciples fought Garou to build a grudge against him. (Aww, missed opportunity for Garou to ‘catch’/parry the Sun Blade~) Plus he respects and trusts Bang. So he’ll either be in support of Bang’s judgement OR he’ll want to gauge Garou’s strength (aka his worthiness as Bang’s replacement) with the ‘apple test.’ If AS doesn’t leave on a post-arc journey in search of the Moon Blade, then either he or his disciples could show interest in fighting/training with Garou, with respect to Bang.  
Child Emperor: ohhh...unsure here. In the wc he was in support of Garou’s execution, but here he stayed out and (aside being knocked out by radiation in the future) never interacted with him. So unless CE still insists on putting up a fight (or if he still leaves for the Neo Heroes with his own reasons), Garou probably won’t be that thrilled to face a child either. 
Bofoi (Metal Knight): lul....he showed up at the VERY END on cleanup and healing duty to treat everyone’s radiation poisoning with magitech. Not bad! But he honestly still has other urgent targets on his paranoia radar to bother with Garou, so he’ll likely stay out to focus on his own, more pressing problems as usual.
King: what a nice guy! :’D He stepped up as a hero in support of Tareo to save Garou, while Garou had previously saved him vs the cadres (as King’s literal Ultimate Wave Motion Cannon.) So King has no reason to oppose Garou...but IF there’s a hero competition requiring some fighting, then King could react like ‘oshit’ as his new reason to want to train himself among dojos. 
Zombieman: hmmm...he’ll probably have more reason to want to investigate ‘god’ as a detective than do any fighting. Unless his ever-healing body is used as target-practice to hone techniques, there’s not much for Garou to gain by fighting him either.
Drive Knight: LMAO he peaced out early and has more dirt to uncover on Bofoi and Blast than to honestly give af about Garou.
Pig God: he’s a nice guy and dependable hero too. Unless Evil Natural Ocean is still out there for him to ‘eat,’ he probably won’t have much problem with Garou. 
Darkshine: ah. He DID directly fight Garou who broke his confidence + heroic spirit (along with all his other ptsd from suffering at the hands of the cadres.) Poor guy. He honestly won’t be in any shape to want to fight, and will probably (retire hero work) want to focus on training/body building instead. (In the wc, this is his reason for leaving for the Neo Heroes to help train others at their facilities.) He IS a nice guy at heart and even welcomed Garou to train at the HA’s facilities...but yeah. I don’t think Darkshine will be in the mood to oppose Garou again. 
Watchdog Man: so Garou did fight him way back, but unless the city he guards is in direct danger, he probably won’t have much reason to care (or remember) much about Garou either way.
Flash: aha! He already picked a fight with Garou vs Platinum. So naturally when it comes to Flash’s pride, he probably won’t give up the opportunity to challenge Garou again. The ironic thing however - that Flash might not even realize, is how he was defeated by Platinum, but Garou ‘avenged’ Flash by defeating Platinum in turn. x’D
Genos: ohhh...how unfortunate. Because Genos has future memories, he’ll have that much strong reason and ‘evidence’ to distrust and oppose Garou. (At the cost of everyone else thinking he’s fanatical to downright ‘mad’/insane for having such wild claims.) So depending on how it’s presented to the audience, Genos could appear like he’s in support of Sweet Mask. D: BUT if Saitama calms & convinces Genos otherwise, Genos will support him, so that’s another story.
Metal Bat: ah good, no problem. Cause while he’s fought and interacted with Garou, he’s also seen some of his better sides + heroic potential to be ok with Garou, and pointedly did not agree with Sweet Mask (ayy). So Garou won’t be Mb’s reason to join the Neos (if he still does, cause he might not this time.) But aside consoling Zenko Mb’s still a friendly meathead bro enough to want a competitive rematch with him, anytime.
Tank Top Master: while the Master himself is a reasonable man, it’s his...tank top army that’s another story. Him saving face and managing their grudge/dissent with Garou will be one of his most pressing problems.
PPP: hmmm...cause Garou already effortlessly defeated him while unconscious, he could still believe Garou’s dangerous. Unknown if he’ll want to fight Garou again, but if he does, he won’t be that much of a challenge to Garou either way.
So we have....team support Bang, open-minded to Garou: 
Bang + Bomb (self-explanatory)
Sitch (HA staff already on board)
Atomic Samurai (friendly fighting - ok)
Metal Bat (friendly fighting - ok)
Along with the support heroes (Mizuki, Needle Star, Shadow Ring, Food Tub, One-Shotter, Gearsper) and staff (Sekingar) Garou saved in the helicopter from Sage Centipede. Suiryu may be open-minded vs the wc too.
Team no-show, probably won’t care either way or give af about Garou:
Drive Knight
Watchdog Man
Team neutral/undecided (might not fight him):
Child Emperor
Pig God
Team who’ll fight Garou competitively either way:
Team who’ll have strong reason to oppose/distrust Garou:
Sweet Mask
Genos (conflicted but will remain team Saitama)
Tank Top Master (to placate his angry followers)
Darkshine (defeated; too demoralized to fight)
PPP (defeated; may not want to fight him again)
Along with the other heroes Garou hurt who’ll still have beef on him (Blue Fire, Loin Cloth, Red Nose, Death Gatling’s group, etc) Golden Ball might, but Spring Mustachio is a gentleman who’ll worry more about his melted master instead.
So once Sweet Mask is gone....it honestly leaves more top heroes who’re probably open-minded (or who won’t care either way) to Garou, vs those who’ll oppose him with hanging problems. But there’s plenty of interesting/mixed opinions it could go either way.
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
If Sokka is the most durable man in Gladiator, then who are the others most durable? Your response to the last ask reminded me of one of the funniest moments in canon imo when Ozai take on AS Aang's attack here. Not sure if the following should be taken into account, but I remember ages ago that Avatar wiki considered this something worth mentioning, so it's probably a more deliberate choice than Sokka's comic relief.
Well, regarding Ozai's resistance being featured in Avatar wiki, it is run by fans primarily, so they get to decide what to feature there and what not to. What's most ironic is they probably have a better grasp of what's going on in canon than some of the people involved in producing canon... :'D but it does feel like a wild thing about Ozai that he could take the Avatar State's planet form (?) fully and I sincerely doubt that the comet was enhancing his resistance in any way... XD
As we can all see based on the ridiculous physique of the man in canon, Ozai is probably a fitness nut and never stops working out. So I think it makes sense for him to be very resistant, even to the point of surviving what you just pointed out... at the same time, I can only wonder if he'd be resistant but whiny, haha. I don't think Ozai has dealt with suffering a lot of physical damage in fights because he's generally not involved in fights to begin with, judging by what little we've seen in canon. Maybe he's got what it takes to resist serious damage, but I can soooo see him complaining about getting hurt the whole time... x'D
Anyway, on to the question!
Renzhi is probably the buffest and most resistant character in Gladiator, I kind of built him on the premise of being a firebender who virtually never runs out of steam. He's had so much fighting experience, he's survived countless wounds... the man's definitely what one would consider a tank in a videogame, haha.
Next... I think probably Mei Xun, actually. Another very experienced character, very strong, very buff, definitely could take a lot of damage without faltering. She's pretty epic that way :D
Honestly, Bumi. I know it feels random but it's kinda not considering he's been in horrific conditions for over ten years and, uh... he's still alive. Dude may have weird judgment, but he's a veeeeery tough one to break, for sure.
Among Azula's guards... I'd say Wuhan, Jianghuo and Qiang are the most resistant ones. The others are a lot more likely to lean on damage output than damage resistance.
Rhone sure as hell was a resistant fucker, half the damage he suffered across the story would have killed anyone else. Even if he's dead now I think he deserves to be part of this list
Lastly... Zhao is going to be quite durable eventually in Gladiator. I'm not going to elaborate on why. I'm sure some people can start guessing :')
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
My internet is working again, thank god!! I'm home alone so I just... Hibernated in my bed until noon, just finished reading the pocky game I requested and I loved it, you made my day!!! I dunno why, but I like to imagine Kuko with a bratty s/o, I'm sorry X'D
At least this time I could read until the end without my cat asking for cuddles and pushing the phone away with his head, this happened yesterday while I was reading the "s/o touching herself" one and I couldn't resist, I had to cuddle my baby, he is so precious T.T - Maid Cafe Anon
Ahhh hi hi hi!! <3
Glad you had a day of relaxation just by yourself!!
And ahh you have a pet?! ♡ I'm more of a dog person but I adore cats very much too, they're so cute and funny, especially kittens..(=^・ェ・^=)
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mitamicah · 4 months
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And now to something completely different; Happy Birthday Billie Joe Armstrong :3
Bonus under the line
I wanted to make a redraw of a 12 year old drawing I did for his 40 year birthday yet I had a bit of trouble finding the reference picture I used so I found one that was sort of close :'D
In this order we have: original (2012), "redraw" (2024), (new) reference
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I’ve been thinking more and more about being the spoilt, protected and owned little toy of an older rich and powerful man. I’m very endearing and easy entertainment for him. I mean, sure I make him laugh a lot but mostly the entertainment is about how he can put his thumb on my bottom lip and watch me immediately, instinctively try to suck on it, or only give me one look in order for me to open my legs for him with pleading eyes and squirmy hips. Getting texts from him when he’s on his way home to get myself ready for him, so when he walks into the bedroom I’m spread out on his bed with his collar already around my neck and my fingers already buried up to the knuckles in my soaked pussy, wishing they were his. He looks after me so I don’t have to work or think about anything other than what makes me happy - and the next time he’ll be guiding his cock into my mouth or turning me on my stomach on the couch or bending me over the kitchen counter use my cute little holes. Do what you love and never work a day in your life, amirite fellas! :D
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fatal-error-blog · 6 years
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papaya-nordica · 2 years
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When you do not know what I am, I am something, But when you know what I am, I am nothing....
What am I ???
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyways, I was practicing some new painting techniques and I could not resist the urge to draw this silly (yet very dangerous) man, I love all of his desings. ( I tried to do mine since I had no other reference but the ones from my memory x'D cuz I had no Internet at the moment :'0 )
Hope you like it! 🎉🎉🎉
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT MY PERMISSION 🔪🔪🔪(Yes you can ask for it, I don't bite ✨ )
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scrawlingskribbles · 7 years
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so I haven’t actually gotten around to playing the game myself yet but I’ve heard/seen it going around that Raymond has umm at least one... interesting line that I couldn’t pass up on when this post came across my dash again the other day~ ||3c
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fizzingwizard · 8 months
My shoes are broken so on Wed I tripped and smashed into the sidewalk. Scraped up one hand and knee. Haven't done that in a looong time, forgot how annoying the sting is. Several people stopped to see if I was okay, though, which was sweet. And the next day a woman who saw me fall actually stopped me at the train station to ask how I was. Aw, humanity. (I switched to another pair of shoes, but they aren't waterproof so *sigh* I have to go shoe shopping, which I hate. Why do people even make shoes that aren't waterproof? If it goes on your feet it should have defenses against the elements imo.)
We had our second yearly observation this week and my students were angels. I mean their halos were glowing aaaall day. I got nothing but great feedback and it was an awesome day, yay.
Last week a fast food place opened near my work and my coworkers have been going like every day. On the first day they all went together bahahaha. I resisted because I'm technically trying to not eat so much ~*bad stuff*~. But on Thurs, my coworker ate a big burger and loaded fries right next to me and I couldn't get the smell out of my head. So I had to go XP Honestly, it's good that I went, because the food I got was really pretty not good, so I was reminded that I... don't actually like that particular fast food place anyhow x'D So hopefully, despite it being so close, I won't be tempted often in the future.
Work bitching under the cut:
Over the rest of the week my students slowly morphed back into their usual gremlin selves x'D with Friday being the toughest day of all, because of course I was sick and so are a bunch of the kids, and of course, it was also the first day in a while where we had almost a full class (just one absence). My usual coteacher was out, the other was there, and great as she is she is still new and very young, so it leaves all the classroom leadership and behavior management to me. Hard enough on good days, but so damn tough when the kids are extra wired like they were on Fri. If the observation had been on Friday I'm sure I'd have gotten one or two critiques during the feedback session hahaha.
I do know what the issue is too, why some days are so much harder than others: certain kids aren't good grouped together. I have one student who thinks other kids are playing when they tell him to leave them alone or get angry at him. He just keeps chasing and provoking them with a big smile. After several months, he still doesn't understand anything we say to him in English. He understands Japanese, but there's understanding and then there's understanding, lol. We explain to him that right now it's time to walk and we will get to run once we are outside, but it doesn't stick. He's a sweetie who doesn't get angry or try to hurt anyone, but when you try to talk to him and explain things, he twists and goes limp and does everything he can to avoid looking at you and engaging, no matter how calm your voice is. So he obviously knows he's "in trouble" (we try hard not to make the kids feel like they're being punished, and to respect their individual wants and needs alongside what the class needs. But even two year olds aren't stupid: if they're the only one being pulled aside while the other kids play, they know it's because the teacher isn't happy with something they did. They don't believe smacking their friend with a toy tomato hurts anyone, but they believe the teacher believes it does... haha -.-;)
Among the other kids, it's a lot of very high energy boys who love to scream at the top of their lungs during free play. I know that if a teacher sat with them, she would be a calming influences. And I know that if I could shorten the length of free play time, this would be less of a problem too. We don't have so much trouble on days when for example Student A is there but Student B isn't, because they ping off each other and that gets the rest going etc. Unfortunately, when everyone is together, I'm not able to put a teacher in the middle of them due to having way too much to do in way too little time. It is getting better compared to the beginning of the year, when lunch time and clean up took foreeeever. The main reason is because the kids are for the most part eating by themselves and eating faster.
However, when the number of kids in the class is large, it's always going to need a certain amount of time. In addition, afternoons are SO tight. In order to do our afternoon activity, I need to be starting it at a certain time, and I absolutely need to be cleaning it up by half an hour later, because our room is also the nap room, so we need to put out all the cots. One quarter to half of our time is used just getting out all the cots and blankets four the two classes who nap in my room. That's also one teacher I don't have with the kids during that time, because she's doing the cots, and I need to change diapers as well as take kids to the toilet and teach their end of the day lesson, all within 15-20 minutes. Yesterday it was beyond impossible. We only got through it by hustling.
In terms of how to deal with the timing, I had a talk with two other classes a week ago about their schedules. They are not nap rooms, so their entire post-lunch period is all to themselves. They have half as many students as I do, but their kids are a year younger so do need even more help. That's why it's tricky, I can't push them to do things faster than the kids are able, especially since we're also always trying to foster independence, which means teachers can't hurry things along by doing it for them all the time. However, I did try to point out that nap rooms don't have the luxury of a full afternoon to do all our chores and activities, and that while our kids are a year older, they're still very young and there are a lot of them. So I asked that as much as possible, the other classes try to finish their bathroom breaks on time, so my class doesn't keep having to wait and wait and wait. The waiting isn't the problem so much as it keeps one of my coteachers in the bathroom for forty minutes. So I'm down one teacher when I reeeeally need all hands on deck. Last year this period only took 20 min and I thought that was too long. It's taking 40 min no joke and the reason is both because the younger classes are taking more time to start and finish lunch (they have to be in the bathroom before and after and we get held up both times) and also because my class and the other 2-3s class have 18 kids nearly every day. We don't take all 18 at once of course. But the bathroom isn't exactly a safe place, and yet we're always winding up with 18 kids from three different classes in there anyway... To me it's a safety hazard and I've mentioned it before. But I'm definitely a lot more cautious than many of my coworkers, and even the ones who say "Yeah, I agree with Fizz," just keep doing the same thing, so. I wouldn't say what we're doing is dangerous, but I do think it's inefficient and confusing, which can lead to danger. However, the main effect is the sucky timing.
For years I've felt that what we really need is 30 min more wiggle room. If we just had that, there wouldn't be these constant traffic jams. The school building is way too small for the amount of students it has (typical Japan) and if one thing is delayed, everything is delayed for everyone. So it's such a tight tight schedule. And we wanted to build in more flexibility this year, because there were so many new teachers (lit just me and my coworker who stayed from previous years, although another experienced teacher did transfer over and a sub who worked here before ended up sticking around a lot - but that's like 1/5 of the staff, all the rest are brand new and some are brand new to working with young children too). So we eased up the schedule, with the caveat that it was probably going to be too hectic at the end of the day for me and the other 2-3s class. However, I really don't even know whether the other class is struggling with their afternoons the way mine is. One thing in their favor is their classroom is next to the bathroom. They just send their kids back and forth from one room to the other. Mine is all the way down the hall and often, if you yell, no one hears you, so usually I have to take groups of kids at a time and keep them until everyone's finished. It would be nice if the other class was having the same issue as mine because then I'd probably get more support convincing the 1-2s classes that they need to try to stick to their schedule a bit closer, but. I don't really know what else I can do at this point: kids eat at the rate they eat, kids need to pee when they need to pee, and we teachers only have two hands apiece.
In the end I don't think any of this particular stress is anyone's fault, but the fault of the school's schedule, which is out of our hands. I don't get why we can't start class time 30 min earlier, it would make it all so much easier. I was told the reason once but I can't remember it. I'll ask again just because I'm curious. We are expected to do so much in four hours it's like. So much goes on in those four hours that they feel like a whole day, but once you're done with them you still have four more hours of work. It is really nuts to look at the clock realize that you're totally exhausted and it's only been an hour since lunch, hahahahaha.
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