#I decided I should go back and colour my sketches to post every now and then!
aquastellae · 6 months
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kozachenko · 5 months
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So a little while ago I did this background thingy of my interpretation of Hakugyokurou in Touhou 7, then left it at the sketch and forgot about it for a while. Then after changing up my art style a lot, I came back to this and decided to finish it as a way of testing out how my new style would look on backgrounds. Then when I finished it, I also didn't look at it for a while, until today where I decided that I liked it and wanted to post it.
Artist's Notes:
IDK how much this actually looks like Hakugyokurou tbh, but I liked the idea of there being a fuck ton of trees that just kinda grow on the stairs and Yuyuko's garden being on an island of some kind, though tbh as I write this now, this same feeling could be accomplished with just having the stairs be on top of a hill with the trees soooo... oops. IDK how mythologically/lore accurate that would be, but hey, just a cool idea I had. I feel like we need more fan interpretations of certain Touhou locations because I think those could be really fucking cool, like, I should do more of these myself because I have a fuck ton of ideas (plus I need the practice with drawing backgrounds so win-win).
Even if this... doesn't really look like Hakugyokurou in Touhou canon, this was still good practice for perspective, as well as getting better at drawing backgrounds/environment pieces (plus what annoys me is that I wanted to make the tori gate red but had to make it pink because the red was too much for the colour scheme and I should have adjusted the rest of the colours but I don't feel like going back and fucking with this piece now because I feel like I am going to end up like Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill with this drawing).
I think the reason we don't see those as often is because there's a lot more consistency with the location designs in Touhou than the character designs. Like, in the mainline games themselves, Marisa's outfit changes every fucking game, and small details in how characters outfits are drawn also lend themselves to that looser character design base. As long as you keep the core design philosophies of the character (i.e. Reimu keeping her loose, baggy clothes, Yukari with her hat and ribbons, Keiki with her headkerchief (I FINALLY LEARNED WHAT IT WAS FUCKING CALLED WOOHOOO!!!! I COULD HAVE JUST LOOKED IT UP ON THE WIKI THIS WHOLE TIME YAAAAAY), and many more examples) you're basically good. However, the actual locations in Touhou have been so set in stone with all the printed works that I think it's a shame we don't see any more variations of how they could look.
I'm not saying to completely ditch how each location is portrayed in games (also don't take this whole thing as me completely dissing the canon looks of the locations) but, treating the locations like character designs in and of themselves. Like, take Sakuya's canon design and her Touhouvania design. Both of them are very different takes on the same design idea. Yet you still recognize Touhouvania Sakuya as... well, Sakuya. And also, keeping the same mythological/historical/irl inspirations for said locations (again, don't know if having a floating island in the Japanese netherworld is accurate but it was a cool idea)
Some other location ideas I have include:
The SDM looking relatively normal from the outside but when you go inside it looks like a fucking gothic cathedral/castle because Sakuya keeps fucking with the space time continuum and there is also an organ the size of a fucking house in there that Sakuya dramatically plays. Also having it be surrounded by trees and having some mountains surrounding the misty lake would be cool as well.
Keiki's base in the animal spirit garden being reminiscent of the ancient technology in Laputa, some of the zonai technology in ToTK and some of the Lanayru desert buildings in Skyward Sword (i.e. Lanayru Mine, the shipyard, etc), as well as a lot of the other ancient technologically advanced sky people ruins seen in some other Zelda games, but with the clear Kofun era theming she already has.
Old Hell having a mix of western influences with it's prodominantly Japanese ones, mainly inspired by how the Palace of Earth spirits looks significantly more western than the rest of Old Hell (though that could be because it was more recently built idk), as well as there being emblems from the time that Old Hell was actually Hell being strewn about in the ruins of old hell, also being inspired by a Japanese historical anecdote about how certain families had specific crests/emblems representing them and how when a new clan would take over everything would be replaced with that families' emblem although my memory is a bit foggy (since I saw it a while ago) and I got info from a Youtube short so take this info with a huge grain of salt (and it anyone actually knows if this info is legit or not, please correct me if I get anything wrong).
Overall, don't think this looks too much like Hakugyokurou, but I am glad I drew this anyway because I needed the practice with drawing backgrounds.
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My Artist’s Year in Review
Unfortunately, I haven’t put out much art this year. So I’m using my favourite sketch pages from this year instead of pieces. I’ve had a lot of struggles w/ my mental health and personal real-life problems, so doing full pieces seemed a daunting task. But hopefully in this new year, I’ll be able to do more full pieces!
Pages (and artist’s notes) under the cut!
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December 2022
This was a difficult time for me motivation-wise, and this was the only full page I made at that point, as most of my (now-lost) art was digital then! My favourite sketch here is the Grant Cohen in blue at the bottom.
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2. January 2023
Another especially-difficult month for me. Again, the only full page I was able to fill, unfortunately. I really like the Norman in the top-left corner; he was so fun to draw!
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3. February 2023
My bestie (@harmonyblossom19 btw, hey girl) had said that MatPat gave off Fred ScoobyDoo vibes, so I drew their fusion—dubbing him “FredPat” shortly thereafter. It was the best of February’s doodles, though I’m still not proud of it. This was around the time I moved here from my old blog!
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4. March 2023
Do y’all remember The Orchard Mystery Series, that set of OCs I had a while ago? Well, here's the main two characters–Dick and Melanie! I wanted to try a washed background and layering the sketch on top of it—though I should have looked up some tutorials before taking on this task lmao
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5. April 2023
I posted this one on my Instagram (@/biblically_accurate_art btw if you want to see my art)! I got back into TMA after finally getting over the hump with some depression. Ngl, absolutely love drawing s3 Jon.
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6. May 2023
Ace but with a binder. Nothing else to say here, except that this was when I rediscovered Yugioh. These suckers ware going to get me through uni istg….
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7. June 2023
More OCs! These guys are part of my Arthuriana-based universe, The Quest for the Atlas Dias / The Atlas Stone. Meet Sol, Lyra, and Finnigan!
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8. July 2023
The only complete page I have for July lol. I’m especially proud of Ryou in the Spotify colours here!
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9. August 2023
I drew this after coming home from the camping trip that inspired the DMAU! I picked my favourite (left) and least-favourite (right) outfits, and drew my blorbos in them. Yugi’s bag is still my favourite bag I own irl to this day.
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10. September 2023
My favourite page out of this collection fr. I did fuck up Season 0 Yami/Maou’s hair, but the whole page is just a joy to look at. Tbh, I wish my current style worked with this type of page format.
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11. October 2023
My birth month babeyyyyy! And to celebrate ya boy’s 18th, I decided to draw some really nice-looking Ryous, and a full-body Yugi! The Ryou doodles are my favourite here, purely for the way the hair looks.
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12. November 2023
I love every aspect of this piece to DEATH! The way Atem is looking at Yugi, their facial expressions, the clothes, the pins on Yugi’s shirt! This is definitely one of, if not the best piece here.
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13. December 2023
This is all of the OCs I’ve stuck together for various universes. Lilith and Star are from a D&D-inspired universe called Spires of Heavenly Light and Shadow, and of course, Lyra and Sol are from TQFTAD. I’m so in love with the Star doodle here.
This was a train wreck of a year, but I think I pulled myself out of it pretty well. I hope your years have been just as great, if not better!
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genmakesmedia · 1 year
alternative narrative project ideas: my planning process
By now, I've spoken about how long it takes me to choose an idea in several posts, so I figured I’d give an example to back that up! Because my creative process sure is a process.
Okay, a bit of background about this project: we decided as a group that our theme would be "Reflection of Childhood" on the 20th of February, and the project was due in on the 10th of April. This gave us roughly a month and a half to conceptualise and produce our artefacts, alongside coding the website and writing our reflections.
I finalised my concept maybe two or three weeks before the project deadline.
You might be wondering: what happened? It's a good question - a great question, even - and I'd also quite like to know, to be honest. So let's examine:
My original idea was a physical stop-motion animation drawn entirely on paper with crayons. After some sketches, and experimenting, this turned out to be a logistical nightmare. For a start, to produce 60 seconds of smooth animation I probably would have needed an entire tree's worth of paper, and that felt expensive and wasteful.
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So then I altered my idea slightly - I would complete the animation digitally doing what I'd initially planned, and just using brushes that looked like crayon to produce the same effect - easy fix! I now knew I wanted to work with the idea of “firsts” as my age bracket was so young, and so a lot of planning took place here.
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However, when it came to actually animating, I kept finding that nothing was really looking how I wanted it to. The style didn’t lend itself well to much movement, apart from an animation boil of flat colour, and that felt lazy - though I did end up with some pretty cool title and transitional frames I wish I could have used:
I thought about how I could have a more visually interesting concept that still fit the era of childhood that I was working with, and that was when I came up with the idea of working in the style of a children’s tv show - I felt it almost fit better thematically, honestly, because I’m a lot more nostalgic about the shows I used to watch than any drawings I might have done. So I mocked up a few example animations. Unfortunately I only have screenshots from them, as Tumblr has a 1 video per post rule, but I was pretty happy with myself for this idea (though truthfully was worried by both my technical ability and the timeframe I had to work with, as animation takes a lot longer the more detailed it is).
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I finally figured out an idea I liked after absently experimenting with a simple animation of a character spinning around - this ended up being the final frame of my actual animation (read that post here) which ironically enough I finished first. First of all I storyboarded, and then put together a Google slideshow with some references for bits of animation and concepted the character in full so I knew what her personality should be like.
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It doesn’t look like so much when it’s all laid out, but I also spent an extensive amount of time thinking about the project and doing work that I’d end up deleting a couple of hours later because it wasn’t looking right.
My process looks similar every time I have a creative project, and I’ve been thinking hard about how I could reduce the time it takes. I think maybe taking the time to create a mindmap and visually get out as many of my ideas as possible could help me to figure out which ones are the most possible/realistic faster, so I’m definitely going to try that next time instead of just jumping straight in to my first idea.
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bobombun · 2 years
Tag people you want to get to know better!
Thanks to @crowcrownprince for the tag o/
relationship status: single, and my aro ace self prefers it that way. Though I suppose living with someone could be good, I hear loneliness can really get to you in the long run. Hmm, better ask around if anyone wants to be my roommate when I move out...
favorite color: I don't have a strong preference, but I do come back to red a lot. It's a bright colour, pops out easily.
favorite food: popcorn! Especially the kind sold by the movie theatre (or at least the one over here). Sadly that's expensive (trust me, I used to buy it often) so I instead tend to buy the regular type from supermarkets.
song stuck in your head: this one song from FFXIV Shadowbringers, but I'm not going to look it up in case I find spoilers. The really determined sounding one, surely you know it.
last thing you googled: "Duke Resident Evil" because a tumblr post mentioned him, and I have no idea who he is
dream trip: hmm, hard to say... I suppose a trip to Rome could be fun? Honestly, as long as I can find some museums or historical sites and go on the trip with friends, I'm good.
time: 21:19 as of writing this part
last book you read: uh, good question... Probably Thud! by Terry Pratchett, if manga doesn't count. If it does, then Moriarty the Patriot 1 by Ryosuke Takeuchi and Hikaru Miyoshi.
last book you enjoyed reading: Thud! I absolutely adore Terry Pratchett's Discworld books, and this is one that I happen to own, and so have re-read multiple times. I especially enjoy the ones with Vimes, he's a fun character to follow.
last book you hated reading: hmm, I wonder... I can't really remember one I really hated, nor which one I read last, but I do remember not enjoying The Unknown Soldier by Väinö Linna, but that was because I had to read it for school, and was quizzed on nonsensical minor details such as "what fish did this character mention in his joke?" I never finished the book, though I probably should, considering it's one of those books that every Finn should've read, or at least vaguely know the story of.
bonus: I would be just the worst at being a Let's Player, because I tend to pause a lot to think about something that's vaguely related to the topic at hand, which leads to lengthy pauses in doing quests or progressing a cutscene or what have you while I ponder about the meaning of fish in my life, or how a specific injury would affect me. Then again, maybe there's a market for streamers like that.
favortite thing to cook/bake: dumle muffins! Very tasty, and biting into a muffin and getting warm, melted dumle in the middle is just so heavenly. Though I cook that rarely, so I guess I should say spinach pancakes instead, they're my go-to when I'm alone and need to cook something.
favorite craft to do in your spare time: I've been recently into watercolour pencils, so I'd say sketches of characters being coloured with those.
most niche dislike: the sentence "never change," because while it's meant as a compliment about how you like someone's feature so much you wish they'd keep it forever, I strongly believe in the necessity and inevitability of change, and to me telling someone to never change feels akin to a curse.
opinions of circus(es) now and in history: I love the aesthetic, give it to me any day thanks. I remember enjoying going to a circus as a kid, I should look for a chance to visit again... When it comes to their history, I don't know much, but I've heard plenty of freak circus stories to feel pity for those situations.
do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: let's put it like this: my go-to way of finding my way to the quest marker in games is to go directly there, no matter what mountain or ocean stands in my way, or if the quest gives told me to just take the boat or turn left over there. As for the worst way... As a kid, I once was near a forest with some people, and we found a frog we decided we had to take to a puddle. We went into the forest, set the frog into a puddle, did a little loop and just missed the exit, prompty getting lost for a few hours. I was wearing shorts I think, and the forest was full of nettles. Next time we hung out at the place again, a few weeks later, we went into the same forest, and purposefully got lost. Kids, I guess.
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Yūgen | Sunwoo (The Boyz)
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Yugen (n.) a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe that triggers a deep, emotional response. 
Requested by anon! In which Sunwoo, the ace of the volleyball team, is curious about what you’re drawing all the time. Until one day, he stumbles upon a drawing of himself made from yours truly. 
Genre: fluff, volleyball player! Sunwoo and art student reader, shy love, softness, and inspired by haikyuu because I have been obssessed with the anime lately TT__TT  A/N: It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve posted here! Slowly but surely, I’m going through my inbox and replying to your requests. Thank you for your patience, stay safe loves, ily all xx 
Sunwoo wasn't artistically inclined.
But that never stopped him from admiring those that were. He was always so curious as to how just a flick of fingers managed to create a shadow, or how just one glance at a subject made it through onto paper without so much as an effort to remember the details. It was like it was automatically recorded into one's brain, hands already registered to mimic the curves and the folds and the shadows that turned into nothing short of a miraculous piece. So when he caught sight of someone drawing, it always piqued his interest. He stumbled upon you one late afternoon after his volleyball practice, with sweat dotting his forehead and his training bag slung casually over his shoulder. He was about to direct his way to the parking lot upon exiting the gymnasium, only to spot a lone figure huddled upon the bleachers and curled into a ball that caused Sunwoo to frown. Slowly sidling up to the stranger in question and peeking over the railing to catch a glimpse of your face, his eyes are instantly driven to the sketchpad in your hands.
You didn't notice him though, so absorbed in your own world with earphones blocking out reality that a tsunami could've gone unnoticed. So Sunwoo took advantage to climb over onto the opposite bleacher and, after ensuring that your back wouldn't turn to greet him, leaned over the separation to catch sight of a lone figure cartwheeling freely over the page. Woah. You were talented alright. There was nothing else to describe the fluidity of movement you caught with your pencil. It made Sunwoo's breath catch in his throat. He had the sudden urge to know exactly what kind of face hid behind the visual mastery manifesting before his very eyes. After all, there must be other things for them to see rather than the boring literal reality that most people settled for. What kind of imageries were they creating in their heads? What beautiful stories were they crafting? Worlds they got lost in? You moved then, causing Sunwoo to jolt back and scurry away with his heart beating out of his chest, deciding that it was enough spying for the day. After that day, he made sure to seek you out every time after practice although he noticed you never strayed too long in the same place, always moving about like a shadow lingering in the corner, invisible yet omniscient. Sometimes you would find a quiet spot in a patch of sunlight by the tennis courts. Sometimes you'd be found on the bleachers, alert eyes observing every pass, every move, every twist of a body like  camera taking everything in. Sunwoo never approached you. Not that he didn't want to, but he found it awkward to just come up to you and present himself as the guy who'd been stalking your drawings. So he admired you from afar instead, relished in the passion of your dark coffee coloured eyes and in the attentive focus dipping your eyebrows in a soft frown, lips paeted slightly in concentration. "Do you know her?" He'd asked one of his friends from the volleyball team once, during their lunch break as he saw you line up at the cafeteria. Changmin took a peek at your face before he shook his head, "she might be in one of my electives." "Which one?" "I think it's art." Sunwoo forced his face to remain in a mask of calmness as he grabbed a steak sandwich, no fries, "do you know her name?" "Nah. I don't think she's ever spoken in class," Changmin's eyebrows quirk up then, "why'd you ask?" "No reason." Changmin's pointed look defined anything but that.  Although he did have the decency to drop the subject as soon as the rest of the volleyball team joined the table. Sunwoo got his answer a few days later when he practically toppled over you and your drawing crayons. It was his mistake. He'd been leaning too far out from the top of the basketball bleachers, struggling to get even the smidgest glimpse of what amazing piece of art hiding under your jacket sleeve, only for his foot to slip. Down he went with a curse, crashing straight into your body and quickly scrabbling to wrap his arms around your head, a pathetic attempt to cushion your fall as you fell into a heap in front of the bleachers. "You--you okay?" He huffed out, breathless and heart beating like a time bomb. Pulling his arms away slowly, gently, he finally met your gaze straight on and --oh my, your eyes were not coffee coloured at all.  But more of a honey-brown, wide open and framed by soft lashes. Currently dilated in panic. "I'm fine! What--What about you? Oh gosh, I'm so sorry--" "No it was my fault," he made a grab for your sketchbook and scattered pens only for his orbs to register the face messily etched onto the paper. His breath caught. For a minute, he could do nothing but stare at the replica of his face made in charcoal. Those were his eyes, his slightly crooked nose. The scowl he wore during his soccer matches. That was him. The resemblance was akin to that of perfection. That was before your hands snatched away the sketchbook before you quickly slammed it closed, cheeks blazing red, "that's-- I swear I"m not a creep, I-- I just do that for practice--" "It's amazing." Your head-- which had been bowed this entire time for fear that anger would be his response -- shot up in surprise, "what?" "It's amazing," Sunwoo repeated. He wouldn't mind repeating it forever, he realized, if that meant he got to see that aforable blush of yours. He reached out with his hand, "can I look at it again?" So you allowed him after some slight hesitation, and if he noticed, he didn't comment. Fingers brushing against yours slightly, he handled the sketchbook with utmost care as he flipped through the pages with child-like awe. He'd seen your drawings, sure, but mere glimpses here and there, a sneak peek, always accompanied with the fear of being found. But now, he could take his time and actually relish in the soft tracings of your crayon, admire the gentle shadings that made up the tip of his nose. You had managed to capture that frown -- the one he used whenever he concentrated -- to perfection and for a minute he swore he'd fallen in love with himself. "You're really good," he murmured, though that definitely banalized the array of praises popping through his head, "you should keep doing them. I mean it." "So, you're not--" you paused, "mad?" "Well I think you'd have more reason to be mad if you knew I was stalking you from before." "What?" Oh Sunwoo, you idiot. Your eyes had tripled their size and you were looking at him like he'd just grown a second head. He lifted his hands as defence, "that sounded so much better in my head. I swear I'm not that creepy, or a stalker, I just--well you're always drawing and I got curious but I can't really come over and tell you to show me so I had to hide and peek and--" You burst out laughing in his face and despite the fact that he was the cause, he couldn't help joining in with a small chuckle, a grin spreading across his features at how alive you looked at this very moment. "You can ask me next time," your grin settled into a soft smile, "I don't bite." "Your words, not mine," he said, tone lighter and teasing. He helped you gather your belongings and as the pair of you started towards the school gates, he asked for your name. "Y/N," you answered, "and you?" "Sunwoo," he noticed the sky was darkening into purple, a sign that twilight was approaching. Usually, he'd be in a hurry to catch the last bus of the evening to avoid the pain of traffic after six. But it was like his body was slowing down on its own to join your pace, as if he was automatically tuning in to the rhythm of your steps. He found he didn't mind. "So why athletes? Any special reason why you like drawing them?" He asked as you reached the gates. "I just like watching the way they move. It's ...graceful," a hand went to rub the back of your neck, "and they come in handy for figure practice." "I mean, we're not that graceful when you're on the pitch ready to get blown away," he chuckled, "but thanks. At least we know we don't play like animals." "Oh god no. The volleyball team's pretty good. The rugby team on the other hand..." you sigh before you shake your head, "that team is nearly impossible to draw." His shoulders shook as he laughed, "well I don't think they aim for graceful. They look like a pack of wild dogs. Even I don't understand how they play." You had reached the said bus stop by then before you spotted your mother's car along the sidewalk, "oh, my mom's here," you turn to him, "where do you live? Maybe we can drop you--" Meeting your mom? On the first day of meeting you? Sunwoo's hands flew up, shaking them wildly in response, "oh no no, that's not necessary. I'll see you tomorrow!" Thank god for the bus that pulled up at the right time so that he didn't have to linger longer than he needed to. But he didn't miss the small wave of your hand as you watched him go, the smile on your face warming his heart even when it was one of the coldest winter days of the year. From that day onwards, Sunwoo made it a must to make his presence known whenever you were deep in your sketches, always observing, sometimes silently keeping you company and sometimes getting so wrapped up in conversation that your pens would lay forgotten by your bag as you bantered back and forth about subjects that would've made people throw you looks of concern. It became routine to have Sunwoo's head pop up from behind the bleachers or to see him walk up the path to your special hiding spot, right where your gaze would meet the tennis court. You sketched him more and more, folding your drawings into your bag so that he wouldn't see although the urge to catch his face on paper was a growing addiction you couldn't ignore. Even your friends had noticed his lingering presence, proceeding to prod you with questions reflecting their curiosity. "He's from the vòlleyball team isn't he?" Yeji asked one time during lunch, upon noticing the way the said young man's stare lingered over the back of your head before turning away just as quickly, "do you know him?" "We've spoken once or twice." "How do you know him?" Your other friend, Saeron, nudged you with a wriggle of her brows. You brushed her teasing away, "we bumped into each other and then he saw my drawings." "Oh right, you do sketch athletes," Yeji leaned forward, mouth full of bread, "did you sketch him?" "I did, actually." "Oh awkward," Saeron giggled, "he's handsome though, can't deny that. You gotta introduce us sometime." You mumbled out an agreement even though you sat with them just for the sake of having people around. It wasn't that you didn't appreciate them. You did. But they seemed to speak a language you couldn't quite grasp. You would rather sit in your own silence, enjoy your own company if that made sense. Maybe that was why it was so surprising, that you allowed Sunwoo to linger as long as he wanted to. There was something authentic about the way he reacted to your words, an unguarded expression that made you comfortable enough to speak up without fear of judgment. Spending time with Sunwoo was listening to water trickle down the river. Smooth and free. Peaceful. But Sunwoo seldom knew of your high regards, was not aware of the tiny sketch of his figure in mid-spike that was hidden in the pocket of your school skirt so that you could take a peek whenever you felt out of place or nervous. It calmed you down to admire his composure, even if his expression was a mere mimic that could not replace reality. "Do you have any material in particular that you like to use?" Sunwoo asked one cloudy afternoon, breaking the silence while huddling a little closer to peek at your newest sketch of Lee Juyeon; a basketball star player known for his quick reflexes and adept playing style. Not only was his skill on par with that of a Nationals team, but his looks had garnered him quite a fanbase from the get-go. Sunwoo would've liked to say that he wasn't jealous of the way your thumb gently applied shade to Juyeon's lower lip. But the spike in the middle of his chest proved him otherwise. "I like charcoal the most, it's the easiest to work with," pausing to admire your work, your eyes glanced over at him, "do you draw?" He scoffed, "like a five year old." "Wanna try?" "No way. I'll ruin it. I'm okay with admiring it from afar." You hummed an unknown tune as you pulled back your sketchbook, "how is practice?" "Alright. Could be better. We won a practice match last week so we're kind of taking it easy." "That's good though isn't it?" Your gaze met his. His eyes were various gradients of warm maroon and you wished-- at this very moment -- to paint his features into memory. That was when you realized how close you were. You shuffled slightly back and didn't notice the frown Sunwoo threw you in response, "it is. And I'm happy we get to rest. The team deserves it." "You're pursuing it in College?" Your eyes tried not to linger too much over his lips, "volleyball, I mean." "Depends," he smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes, "if we make it to the Nationals." "You will." "Someone's confident," he chuckled. "Well I'm no pro but even I can tell you're talented, Sunwoo," you peeked at him from behind your fringe, glad that you could blame the cold for your red cheeks when just the intensity and closeness of his entity made you want to squirm, "so if there's anyone who can do it, it's you." It was impossible to keep eye contact after such a confession. You lowered your gaze, glad for your sketchbook that acted as a distraction. It was at that very moment that the paper tucked so neatly in your pocket slipped out, causing Sunwoo to quickly make a grab for it. You made a noise of protest before trying to snatch it back, but the boy only chuckled before unfolding the creased page so that there he was, depicted in all his glory. "Is that--" his voice was hoarse and you took this as your chance to steal it from his grasp, reddened cheeks burning and fingers shaking as you folded it back to its tiny square shape, "is that me?" "Y--yes." "You--you keep that with you?" "I--I do," you lifted your chin up defiantly, though you felt your limbs trembling. His eyes, they pierced your own, piecing together a coherence that caused your stomach to fill with butterflies. When he spoke next, his words were a mere murmur. "Why?" "I--I don't know," eyes darting towards the ground, you mumbled, "I just like watching you...play." A pause. Then, Sunwoo shifted a little bit closer. "You like watching me play? Or do you like," he cocked his head, "watching me?" If you were red before then you were probably the colour of a fire engine truck by now. Averting your eyes and turning your head away were instinctive responses due to the blood rushing through your face. "Stop flirting with me," came your mumble. Laughing softly in response, he scooted himself a little closer, so close that his shoulder brushed your back. He leaned over, head tilted to catch your expression. "Cute," his lips broke out in a crooked grin and you swore you felt your heart explode. Flustered, you shoved him away out of instinct but he wasn't having any of that. His hand grabbed your wrists and with a yelp, you were dragged even closer to his chest. "You like looking at me that much huh?" His tone was teasing while his eyes glimmered with playful mischief, "why is that,Y/N?" "You ask as if you don't know," you mumbled out through jumbled words and you were glad he actually understood you. But instead of laughing some more, his features softened into a smile instead as he proceeded to gaze down at you with an expression you couldn't quite place. It was in your normal behaviour to admire people. Not the other way around. And at this very moment, you felt way out of your comfort zone. "I don't know." Your orbs flew up to his in surprise and what you found in those coffee-coloured pupils made your breath stutter, heat coiling through your abdomen. "It...it calms me down," your whisper was barely louder than a breath but by the way Sunwoo's smile widens to reach his eyes, you could tell he heard you just fine. "I like watching you too," he replied. A strand of your hair caught in the wind and he raised his hand to curl it around the back of your ear, his touch ghosting with sparks wherever flesh bumped into flesh. You felt warm. He didn't pull away. Didn't bother hiding the slight dust of pink in his cheeks either, as he slowly allowed his palm to cradle the side of your face. Gently. As if he feared you might run away, recoil back. But you didn't. Even with your breaths going staccato, even if your heart felt like a wild animal. You calmed yourself down with the knowledge that he seemed just as nervous as you were and suddenly, out of a stroke of boldness, your hand went up to hold on to his, pressing it close to your cheek. His breath hitched. You shivered. The wind blew against your figures, a gentle reminder that the day was coming to an end. You weren't exactly sure what changed that day. There were no verbal agreements, nothing that suggested your relationship had changed. Yet, the subtle touches of his hand against your back, your shoulders, moving your hair from one shoulder to another, complemented by his gentle doe-eyed stare that made your toes curl, these changes were small, but significant. And you couldn't find it in your heart to say that you disliked it. What are we? The words lingered at the tip of your tongue, as bitter as the aftertaste of coffee as you stole small glances in his direction. You were sitting comfortably under a tree that overlooked the tennis court where Sunwoo had decided to join you. He'd fallen asleep halfway through your beginning sketch and was now leaning against the tree trunk, face relaxed and body leaned towards yours, close enough that you could admire his face. Countless hours you had spent tracing Sunwoo's features on paper. Countless times you had imagined tracing his lips with your thumb, wondered whether they were as soft as they looked. Maybe it was just curiosity or maybe you had let him walk into your heart so easily that you hadn't realized it yourself. But if there was one thing you could swear your heart upon it would be that you could no longer imagine every day without Sunwoo's presence at your side. As if on instinct, your fingers took a life of their own as they reached up to push a few strands away from his face. They gently carved a path down his cheek, landing at the corner of his jaw. Dangerously close to his open mouth. There was no denying it. Sunwoo was beautiful. Handsome. Had those features on par to that of a model's. You were so focused on edging your way to touch his lower lip that you didn't realize you had been staring, until you glanced up to see his brown orbs fixated on yours. You froze. Shit. "Like what you see?" He murmured. Then, before you could scramble back and probably run with your tail between your legs, his own hand grasped your own and he pushed himself off the trunk before his head angled towards yours, finding your lips. Soft. Sunwoo's lips were soft. You panicked. Not used to the closeness. The fire that sparked between your lids. But his other hand went to clasp your jaw, holding you close as he kissed your next protest away and unconsciously brushing his thumb against your cheek. Shivering in his touch, there was no running away from the way his mouth molded against yours so snugly, and you didn’t want to. You found yourself addicted to the sweet pressure of his upper lip meeting your lower ones and soon enough -- without realizing -- you melted into his touch. 
Sunwoo made a noise that sounded like a soft grunt, his other hand lacing around your waist to pull you closer so that you tumbled halfway into his lap. With embarrassment suddenly flooding through you, you let out a squeak that he answered with a chuckle of his own before distracting you once more with a series of kisses that left you gasping.
Your hands, initially balled into fists in your lap, went to rest against his chest and you didn’t realize that you were gripping onto his school shirt until you parted for air. Only were you aware of your compromising position, of the hard ridges of the young man’s thighs, of the firmness of his chest against your palms, of the way he seemed to be so much bigger than you even though he was a lean athlete, meant to be light and as speedy as the wind. 
Breaths coming out ragged, you tried to slow the beating of your heart. Though it seemed to be quite the challenge, given how lovingly, how intense, Sunwoo seemed to be in making love to your neck, nibbling on your pulse point and causing a soft whimper to fall from your lips. 
A whistle blew in the distance.
The soccer team. They’d be crawling up the hill any minute now.
“Sunwoo,” you breathed out, eyes hazy with mixed feelings of desire and embarrassment. You feebly tried pushing against his chest, to no avail. He merely groaned, head tilting upwards to catch your mouth into another kiss. 
“Sunwoo,” you groaned against his lips. But he held on for dear life, one hand clasping the back of your neck, tangled into your locks. The other around your waist, pressing you as close as he could possibly get you to be. 
“Just one more,” he mumbled in-between kisses, hooded eyes fluttering closed and head slanting to kiss you a little deeper, a little harder.
Your body was on fire. You weren’t used to this intimacy, nor all of the affection he was raining down upon you. 
But it felt good. It felt amazing. Eye-opening.
He finally relented after what seemed like an eternity and you quickly made a move to scramble out of his lap. Though he wasn’t having any of that, grip made of iron as he held on. You looked up to snap at him to let go before everyone saw but was faced with his pout instead, which was enough to bring down your defences. 
“Please,” his pout deepened and your heart practically vaulted through your chest. Cute. Cute. Cute. Stop. Burying his face into your neck, he whispered, “I just wanna hold you.” 
So he did. And thank god the team had decided to take a different route so that you would avoid their imploring, questioning gazes. Though Sunwoo admitted that he’d already known they would go up from the other side of the gymnasium, considering they did that every other week to train their stamina in the process. 
That earned him a light smack on the side of his head, making him whine, “What did I do to deserve this Y/N?” 
“You knew!” You wanted to throw him a glare, but it was impossible when you were busy fighting the grin spreading across your face. 
He grinned back at you, that crooked smile that always resulted in a burst of butterflies roaring through your abdomen. Just like now. 
“So, since you have a drawing of me that you keep staring at every day--” his words died into laughter when you tried smacking his arm, proceeding to cage your wrist with his hand before kissing your knuckles. You squirmed as he continued, “does that mean I can get a picture of you?”
You let out a noise of protest, “that depends,” you mumbled, unconsciously finding refuge in his neck.
Chuckling, Sunwoo grasped your chin lightly to pull you back so that his brown orbs gazed right into yours with a gentleness that had you weak at the knees, “on what?” 
“On what I get in return.” 
“What if I say I’ll take you on a date?” he said wickedly. 
You couldn’t help your smile. 
“I guess that could work.” 
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ffeynn · 3 years
Hihi! If possible, can I ask for some fluffy headcanons for Kazuha and Albedo with a very shy but sweet/angelic fem! s/o who has a tendency to downplay her amazing artistic abilities please? Thank u and please take care of yourself!!
「 shy, sweet!s/o who’s too humble with her abilities: kazuha and albedo 」
a/n: :(((( anonnnn sorry for taking so long to post, actually I've already finished this a long time ago but I didn't post it :((( idk where im going with this and take care of yourself too!
pairing: kaedahara kazuha, albedo x reader (seperates)
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↬ when kazuha first saw your art, he was surprised by how much you underestimate it. he genuinely thought your art is a piece sent from the celestia, that and there’s a slight bias on the opinion. although you never seemed to favor showing your arts to the public.
☆ “dearest, must I say how beautiful your art is? because I think you’re having a different opinion than me.” he saw the way your ears reddened after hearing his compliment. you put your sketchbook over your face, only letting the eyes show, “you’re too nice kazuha, my art is nothing beautiful.” so you said.
he almost sighed when you downplayed your ability yet again, well as your lover, kazuha is more than pleased to assist you in gaining more confidence. he wouldn’t want to see his favorite artist feels bad about her own art as kazuha loves it.
↬ the poet loves to admire your art, he loves to watch you drawing, he loves to see you get shy when you noticed he was staring at you as you quickly hide your drawing. so by no means does he love watching you be proud of your own art with a bright smile on your face despite it rarely happening.
☆ you peeked from your sketchbook to see kazuha staring back at you, your eyes scurried from him to your sketch of him and back to him. “ah! it’s.. you look beautiful there so I thought.. I want to draw it, sorry.”
the light haired warrior stayed still at his spot and with a voice that seemed softer than ever to your ears, he said, “it’s alright, I rather would like to see how my love perceives me, you wouldn’t mind that right?” his words received your usual bright smile as a response. to smile that bright just because of his selfish request, you were too sweet for this world.
↬ kazuha appreciates that you’re letting him go through your sketchbook but how should he explain the way his heart beat flutters with each drawing of him. you who’s in front of him looks like she wants to cry from embarrassment the time you realized that there were many drawings of your lover in said book.
☆ “ah.. so this is how you see me.. I’m honoured.” kazuha let a smile up his face. did you cast magic in this drawing? if not then why can he feel your love from your drawing?
you were sitting beside him, enduring the embarrassment you feel every time he compliments your art. yet you can sense he was genuine about it and you are happy with it. “no, that’s just a drawing.. the way I see you is much more blinding than words or pencils can describe, because I love you.” after saying that, you immediately put your forehead on kazuha’s shoulder. looking at the pretty ground while your boyfriend chuckles.
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↬ in knowing that you’ve such artistic abilities, albedo was proud of you. but that wasn’t the case for you. he wonders why you tend to downplay your art when in fact it’s one of the best in mondstadt. maybe in teyvat as a whole but the man has no way to know that with his piled up works. you’re his lover who he so much adores, akin to an angel some had said.
☆ albedo glanced at your drawing figure before shortly continuing his experiment with a smile barely visible on his face. you probably had noticed his mood shifting, that’s the reason you asked him if something good happened. “I was just looking at you.” the male said as he noted something in his experiment. whether you figure out what he was implying behind his words are up to you.
and judging from your gradually reddening face, you figured it out.
↬ sometimes when albedo has free times, you two will take a walk around mondstadt and if spotted a pretty scenery, you’ll stop by to rest there. maybe whip out a sketchbook and leave trails of the view on a paper with a pencil. view of the nature, of the creatures around it and also view of your lover.
☆ you tugged on albedo’s shirt, pointing at the tree nearby. it’s pretty big and able to act as a shade from the sun’s light. there were also flowers growing scattered. a nice place to rest and sketch without any disturb. albedo doesn’t seem to have any reason to deny which led them under said tree.
arriving there and going through your bag, you just realized you forgot to bring your sketching tools. a shame really. the alchemist decided that his next art should be you considering how long it has been since you both had the chance to leisure around like this. you who have nothing to do instead of playing with your boyfriend’s hair, excitedly did up a natural pose. albedo’s drawing is your favorite in the whole universe and every time you see yourself on someーmore than half actuallyーcanvas of his, you’ll always be immensely touched by that.
↬ you don’t really favor showing your art to others which explained why you usually draw somewhere closed off or where people rarely visit. or maybe you just draw in your room. albedo frequently catches you in an action of observing your current process. a coloured canvas in front of you, one hand holding the palette and one hand the brush.
☆ the alchemist also frequently catches you in an action of sleeping with your favorite pencil in hand and your sketch beside your sleeping face. possibility that you were waiting for him to come home until you fell asleep. albedo feels guilty for having you wait for him that long but he also wants to be selfish and relish the fact that you waited for him.
he slipped his arms under your back and knees, carefully lifting you up from the uncomfortable position you were in. once he put you on the bed, albedo took his time cleaning up the desk. the male turned to look at the drawing you were making just now. ah, this was during your second date, he recognized. did you draw this based on pure memory or what? nevertheless the answer, albedo will still find himself become amused of your arts. let it be then you tend to downplay your ability, he’ll just do his part to let you gain more confidence in your ability. his sweet lover deserved to do so.
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suckerforcate · 3 years
You are loved
Pairing: Cordelia Goode×Reader
Word Count: 5386
Warning: smut, a bit of insecurities but mostly fluffy
A/n: So this is more of a slowburn and I want to warn you, this is my first fanfiction of Cordelia ever and I'm not sure if I got her character right. It happens right after Fiona and Cordelia talking. (I quoted it) Also English isn't my first language. Also I am feeling kind of insecure about this cause I've never posted something from me. Feedback would be great!
Summary: Cordelia feels horrible because of Fiona, and your try to help her. In that process you become friends or maybe more?
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You can't help me. You can't help anyone. You're worthless, hopeless. Get out of my sight.
You were sitting on your bed reading a book as always when you heard somebody slamming a door. You fastly realised it was Cordelias, whos room was just next to yours. You didn't think to much about it, it could have just been the wind, and went on reading.
A little later you heard sobs from somewhere quite close to your room. You put your book aside and left your room to see if it was Cordelia. As you came closer to her room you could clearly identify them as hers. You really didn't want to annoy or bother her but you started you get really worried. This wasn't like her at all, slamming doors and crying alone in the bedroom. You gently knocked on her door, without an answer. "Miss Cordelia? Is everything alright?" Still no answer. "I come in now, ok?" As she still wasn't answering you slowly opened the door and looked through the little door gap. You were shocked and didn't know what to do for a second when you saw Cordelia sitting on the floor in the middle of the room sobbing and crying. You ran to her and pulled her into a hug, you didn't want her to feel uncomfortable because of this but it would have broken your heart to see her like this and do nothing.
The moment you pulled her in she held on tight to your shirt and didn't want to loosen her grip. Her sobs grew louder as you gently rubbed her hair. "Shhh...Everything is alright. I'm here, Miss Cordelia." You held her like this till her sobs started to fall silent. You pushed her a little away from you to see her face and wiped away some tears that were still falling down her beautiful cheeks. You felt a wave of anger coming up towards whoever hurt her and made her feel this way. "What happened? Who hurt you?" She wanted to look down but you gently pulled her face up with your thumb. You looked her directly in the red and teary eyes and all the pain, insecurities amd sorrow you saw there broke your heart. You wished you could keep her safe from the world and take all this pain away from her. "I-... she is right I am an absolute failure..." she sobbed again, her voice wasn't more than a whisper now, "I did nothing meaningful in my life I can't help anyone, I'm useless!", "Shhh, don't say that Delia, please! You're wonderful, you lead this school. You are like a mother to all of us and we need you, you help us everyday! Whoever told you this is an Idiot!" as you said that you realised you didn't know who told her these horrible things but you already had an idea. You couldn't think about it longer as Cordelia swung her arms around your neck and started to sob again.
"Come on, we'll take you to bed. You need some rest know." You helped her stand up and brought her to her bed. You pulled the covers over her and the same second you gave her a kiss on the forehead she fell asleep.
You slowly and quietly left her room, but the instance you closed her door you stormed down the stairs and rushed into the living room. You felt like a fire was burning inside of you. The moment you saw Fiona sitting on the couch with a cigarette in the hand like nothing happened you got even angrier. "How dare you tell Cordelia those things? How dare you tell her she is useless and doesn't help anyone? Everything was fine until you came back! You had no right to come here after all this time and insult her all day! And don't tell me that you are the Supreme, I don't care! You are her mother." "Come down (Y/n). Its not that big of a deal, ok? I Just told her the truth." You steped closer to her and slapped her across the face. "NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL?! She sat crying on her floor because she believes all those things you tell her! She is the most wonderful human I know and I won't tolerate this behaviour towards her. I don't care who you are!" you saw the corners of her mouth rising. She was laughing, really?! "I think Delia found herself a girlfriend? Didn't she?" "Careful what you say!" and with that you rushed out of the room again.
You stormed into your room again and laid down in your bed. How can Fiona say something like that to her own daughter?! That's horrible. I need to make her feel better somehow, she shouldn't believe those things! And with an idea how to help Cordelia on your mind you fell asleep.
The next day you woke up before everyone else, put on some clothes and went into the greenhouse. You wanted to put some roses onto Cordelias desk, so you grabbed some and made a nice little bouquet for her. But you weren't quit satisfied with the shade of yellow they had. You wanted to turn them into a different colour, the problem was just: you never managed to do that before. But you tried it, the colour you thought of was one that reminded you of Cordelia. She ones wore a nice blouse in a beautiful light shade of pink. You focused on the image of Cordelia in that blouse and closed your eyes. You remembered every detail of that blouse, that shade, Cordelia. As you opened your eyes, the roses had the exact colour of the blouse. For the first time you did it.
You grabbed the flowers and went to your room. Your wrote a little note saying:
I did it, just for you.
Love (Y/n)
You pushed the note between the flowers, put some water into a vase and quietly brought the flowers to Cordelias desk. After that you read a little bit in your book until it was time for breakfast.
After breakfast you saw Cordelia going to her office and the next time you saw her was in class an hour later. You sat at the table focused on the potion you should make when you felt someone standing behind you. "Thank you, Darling. I appreciated your help yesterday and the flowers very much."  whispered Cordelia in your ear and walked away. For the rest of the class you couldn't stop smiling, the thought that she felt better made you happy. After class as you wanted to leave somebody grabbed your wrist. It was Cordelia. You turned around just to be pulled into a hug within the same second. You heard her mumble something into your ear: "Really! Thank you, you don't know what that means to me (Y/n). Even though I would appreciate it very much if you wouldn't tell anyone. You saw me at one of my weakest points, not everyone needs to know about that." You wiped away a single tear that fell down her cheek as you said: "Shhh, everything is alright. I didn't even think about telling somebody! This is our little secret. And please know that you can always come to me when something is on your mind, alright?" She slowly nodded and you hugged her again before you left for Myrtle's class.
After that you and Cordelia became friends, you spend much more time together and you often helped her in the greenhouse. You also always had an eye on Fiona. You wanted to make sure she wouldn't hurt Cordelia again.
On a nice Saturday evening, when Zoe, Madison and Queenie decided to go out and party a little bit, you had planed a nice movie night with Cordelia."Just put on some comfy clothes and come to my room. I will have everything prepared." you had snacks, something to drink and one of you favourite movies "Pride and Prejudice" picked out. She hadn't watched it yet so you found this as the perfect opportunity to change that. When Cordelia came to your room in the evening you were speechless. She was just wearing some joggers and a loosen shirt. Her hair was tied together into a low ponytail but she looked absolutely stunning. You always thought she was beautiful but now without make up in those comfortable clothes she just radiated pure beauty. So you choose to tell her so, you were still trying to convince her that what her mother says is bullshit.
"Is something wrong with my clothes? Why are you staring at me like that?" Cordelia suddenly looked very shy and insecure. You directly stepped forward to her beacuse this was absolutely not the reaction you wanted. You grabbed her hands and looked at her " No,no,no.. I was staring because you look so beautiful." She rolled her eyes and went to my bed. "What?" I turned around in disbelieve. "(Y/n) I look hideous, I don't even wear make up!" a single tear rolled down her cheek. I immediately went to her, sat down next to her and wiped the tear away. "Cordelia don't say that! You look beautiful with and without make up! You are beautiful from the inside and the outside. Please Delia believe me!" It broke your heart to see that she thought so bad about herself. You laid down on the bed and pulled her with you. "Come on let's watch the movie." You smiled and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, (Y/n). For everything!" You watched the movie together and soon you felt that Cordelia fell asleep in your arms. You let her sleep in your room, she looked too peaceful to wake her.
It was Sunday and everyone was doing something by themselves, you were sitting on your bed and tried to draw something. You hadn't drawn something for ages. You slowly started to sketch the outlines of a face, then the eyes, the nose, the lips. When you were finished you looked at it and realised you drew her. Cordelia. You didn't plan to do so but it happened. As you looked at it something came to your mind so you searched a pen and wrote it under the sketch.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
I want to see you all the time,
I want to feel you day and night.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
As you heard footsteps coming closer to your room you put the paper into your diary and pulled the sheets over it. Zoe opened the door, "Dinner is ready, do you come?", "Sure!". You stood up and headed to dinner with Zoe.
After dinner you headed back to your room and sat down on you bed. You still thought about the drawing you did earlier. Why did you draw Cordelia? Of course she was yo friend she meant something to you, but... you didn't love her. Did you?
You laid down and started at the ceiling. Your thought drifted off to Cordelia. You closed your eyes and imagined her face. Her beautiful laugh, the way her eyes light up when somebody succeeded a new spell, her soft voice that always comforted you. Her soft hair, that always fell perfectly over her shoulders down to her breasts. Her beautiful skinny waist and her long and elegant legs. We'll maybe you were in love with her, but actually who wouldn't fall I love with her. She is an angel, shining like the moon, warming up your heart like the sun and calming like a cold night breeze. As you were still thinking about her you slowly fell asleep. Your dreams were haunted by her golden hair, her soft skin and her radiating, warming laugh.
The next day as you were entering the greenhouse for your Class with Cordelia, you winked at her and sat down on your seat. "Looking good today, Miss Cordelia." She wore the blouse you thought about while colouring the flowers. She was radiating warmth and beauty as always but especially when she was in the greenhouse she seemed even happier and more at ease with herself. That calmness and confidence she had with her than made her even more ravishing. It was hard to concentrate throughout the class, it always felt like you were looking right into the sun, you picked the wrong ingredients, used too much of the herbs and even accidentally threw the bowl down.
At the beginning Cordelia joked about it and always looked at you with an amused smile but as it got more and more she started to look quit worried. After class ended and you wanted to leave she pulled you back at the wrist. Deja vú. "What's wrong (Y/n)? You seemed so absent today. Is everything okay?" She gave you a comforting smile that seemed to say it's okay, you can tell me. But you couldn't tell her. She liked you, yes. But she didn't love you. Your friendship with her was too precious to endanger it like this. "Nothing, just tired. Everything's fine!" You gave her a fast, reassuring smile, turned around and left as fast as possible. With that you left a confused and worried Cordelia.
She knew you well enough by now to know that there was more behind this than just being tired. So after she had cleaned the greenhouse and did all her paperwork for the day she chose to talk to you again. Something was wrong and she was determined to find out what it was. So she went to your room an gently knocked.  As she got no reaction she knocked again but there was still no reaction. She slowly opened the door and stepped in. She looked through the room but you weren't there. As she wanted to turn around and leave she saw a book laying on the floor. Because books shouldn't be on the floor, she picked it up and put it on your bed. As she did that she saw a paper looking our of the book, normally she wouldn't have cared but she saw her name Delia on it. She hoped it would be an answer to why you were acting so strange lately. She opened the book and pulled out the paper. At first she didn't even understand that you had drawn her but as she did and then read the little poem you wrote under it, her confusion just grew. She actually knew what it meant and deep down she already knew even before this but her self esteem was too low to believe anyone could love her. The one time she did believe that that was possible she married a witchhunter. Her mind started making her believe that what she thought about your feelings was something she imagined. So as she read the poem her mind pretended it had to be something different, something she didn't understand.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
I want to see you all the time,
I want to feel you day and night.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
She folded the paper neatly and left your room. The only other place were you could be was the greenhouse. You loved to read there because the only person who came there out of class was Cordelia. You didn't mind her presence at all so that was fine. But Madison used to talk all the time, Zoe wanted to know what you were reading and Queenie just wasn't your best friend. That wasn't an reading atmosphere. Cordelia knew that so she went straight to the greenhouse.
She entered the greenhouse and her eyes wandern through the rooms and corners between all the plants until her eyes met yours. You heard her coming in and already looked at her. "(Y/n) can we talk?" You started to get nervous, this phrase never meant something good. You slowly put your book aside and stood up. Cordelia had sat down at one of the tables that were normally used for classes. You pulled up a chair and sat down next to her. "What is it? Has something happened. Your scaring me, Delia!" you looked her right in the eye cause normally you could easily read her like that but today there was nothing. Like she wanted to hide it all away from you. It hurt because you thought she wanted to shut you out but as she heard that she scared you, something happened in her eyes. They softened for a second and showed empathy. "No, nothing happened. Don't worry!" She shyly smiled at you. But as fast as this empathy came it was away again. She didn't look angry or the way she does when you or the girls fucked up. It was just nothing.
This nothing probably scared you even more than her being angry.
"Please Cordelia, tell me what's wrong?!"
"I actually wanted to talk to you, because you were so strange in class today. I knew something was wrong but I wasn't sure what it was. So I went to your room to see if you were there. But you weren't. I knew you were in the greenhouse then. So I turned around to go. But I nearly stepped on a book on the floor. Books down belong on the floor (Y/n). I picked it up to put it on your bed and I.... I saw a piece of paper in it with my name on it. I, (Y/n), I didn't mean to look at it but I thought it would explain your strange behaviour...." your eyes widened as you realised that she saw the drawing and the little poem. Why did you leave it open in your room. It was just a matter of time that someone saw it. But of course it directly had to be Cordelia. She probably hates you now. You couldn't even look her in the eyes anymore.
"...so I pulled it out. (Y/n) I am really sorry you have to believe me I didn't respect your privacy. But as I looked at it I didn't understand anything. (Y/n) what does that mean?" She put her hand above mine and gently rubbed over it with her thumb. I felt the urge to pull my hand away cause I was so embarrassed and afraid what she would think but I didn't want to make it worse. I felt the tears well up in my eyes.
"(Y/n) what's wrong. Please talk to me, don't shut me out. It's all okay." she gently pulled my chin up with her hand and I finally looked into her eyes. All I saw was love and worry. No anger no coldness and no nothing anymore. This look of her gave me strength and before I could think about it I blurted it out. "I love you, Cordelia. I didn't mean to fall in love with you. It just happened. We spend so much time together and we got so close. I'm sorry." Cordelia said nothing, she just looked at you in shock. As she wanted to pull her hand away you grabbed it. "Please Cordelia say something!" You had no idea what was going on in her because her eyes just showed shock. Suddenly she stood up and left. She just left you alone sitting there.
There were a hundred thoughts in your head all asking questions to which you didn't have an answer. You knew you had to talk to Cordelia. She was your teachers and one of your best friends. You couldn't just not talk to each other. That didn't work. So you stood up an searched her. There weren't alot of places where she could be. You knew she probably wanted to be alone so the options were her office or her bedroom. You first went to her office. You didn't even bother to knock you just opened the door but Cordelia wasn't there. You left and went to her bedroom. You just wanted to open the door as you heard someone crying. It was a really quite crying but it was there. But I didn't come from Cordelias room. It came from yours. You quietly approached the door and opened it. You saw Cordelia sitting on your bed crying.
As you closed the door she looked up. "What are you doing here (Y/n)?" You smiled amused. "Well, I could ask you the same question. This is my room Delia. Your sitting on my bed." She opened her eyes widely and wanted to stand up. "I am so sorry. I must have mistaken our rooms. I will leave. Sorry!" You quickly stepped forward and grabbed her arms. "Stop, stop, stop. You will go nowhere. Neither am I angry nor do I want you to go because we have to talk. So sit down again, please." She shyly looked at you and sat down.
Her eyes were still red and puffy from the crying. Her cheeks still wet. You carefully dried them and sat down next to her. "Why did you just leave?" She didn't answer your question and just ignored it. "Why didn't you tell me (Y/n)?". You had to think about this question a little bit, but the truth was you were just scared. So so scared. "Look Delia, I...to be honest I was just scared. I was afraid of your reaction, of what you would think and that it could damage our friendship. This friendship means more than anything to me. Your my best friend." Your voice started to crack and some tears escaped your eyes. "And I think your reaction said more than words could have ever. But it's okay, really. As long as our friendship won't be damaged." You tried to smile but it more looked like you were being tortured.
"No, (Y/n). Don't say that, I... I think you got the wrong impression. I run away because I couldn't belive that you could love me. I mean look at me. I am like, what? 20? years older that you. Your still young and beautiful. How could you love me? Why don't you love Zoe or Madison?" More and more tears fell down her cheeks. As you felt a tear drop on your hand you realised that your were crying too. But not because of your feelings. No, you were crying because of the things Cordelia said about herself. It broke your heart that this person that you saw as the most amazing person in the world things so bad about herself.
"Oh, Delia. Please don't say those things. Listen to me okay? You are not just beautiful, your beauty is ethereal. You are perfect in any way and I never not for one second thought about the age gap. Okay? I don't care about you being 20 years older. You are the one I chose, the one I fell in love with. I want to spend my life with you. You make me feel so warm and so loved. More than I've ever did before. I am the happiest me ever. Because of you. Because of you I have a reason to stand up every morning. The thought of your warm smile and your honest laugh makes my heart light up. Where ever I am, the thought of you makes me feel at home. And I-...I just don't want to be away from you. I want to be with you all the time. Fall asleep in your arms. Wake up with my eyes on you. Walk through my day while you tell me stupid jokes. Want to listen to your voice every minute until we die. You make me complete, Delia. I love you!"
Without thinking about it you leaned forward and cupped her cheeks before you kissed her. Her lips were still wet from her tears so you layed all your love into this one kiss. You wanted Cordelia to feel what you just told her. Your right hand slowly wandered down to her hip to pull her closer to you.
Cordelia hesitated at first but than she laid her hand on your cheek and kissed you back. The kiss ended as you both pulled away and gasped for air.
Cordelia swung her arms around you and laid her head into the crook of your neck. You could feel some tears falling onto your shoulder. You could hear her whisper something into your ear so quietly you weren't even sure you were meant to hear it but she pulled back and repeated it louder and with more confidence. "I love you (Y/n). I always did. I just didn't think someone like you could love me." You kissed her again. It was a short kiss but it was full of love and adoration.
"Just because your mother and Hank made you believe your unloveable and not worthy of any kind of love or affection doesn't mean its true. Okay?" You gently stroked her hair as you said that. You hugged her around the waist and pulled her closer to you. She pulled you down with her so you were both laying on your bed arms in arms. You fell asleep in this position and you both slept better than ever before.
The next weeks were perfect, better than you could have ever imagined. The relationship with Cordelia filled you up with love and warmth. You wanted to make her feel your love and adoration every day, every second. You told her how beautiful she is every day and always tried to make her smile when she had a stressfull day. But there was still one thing that she was really insecure about. Her body, her naked body. She always changed clothes in a hurry, in the bathroom or she turned around. You couldn't understand why because you guessed she was absoultely stunning. But you also didn't want to push her so you accepted it.
It wasn't just that you felt sorry that she still felt ao insecure, even towards you but also that you wanted to make her feel good too. She had pleasured you a few times but everytime when you wanted to give back the favor she said it was okay, that she was tired or that she just wanted to cuddle. You couldn't imagine that she didn't want to feel this. She wanted it you knew it but she was too afraid. Eventhough there was no need for that.
One evening when she had searched an excuse again and you were both laying in bed just cuddling you decided that it was enough. By know you wanted ro pleasure her and let her scream your name more than you even wanted to be fucked. You gently pulled yourself out of the position you were both in and sat up. "(Y/n) what's wrong? Don't you want to cuddle?" She got insecure again and slowly tried to pull the sheets over her body. "I want to cuddle, Delia but.. and please listen to me don't interrupt me. I want to touch you, the way you want to be touched. I know that you want it, don't try to deny it. And I also know that you are really insecure about your body but we talked about this. I love you, I don't care what you look like. And I also think you are absolutely stunning. Please Delia, trust me. Sex is something where both are involved. Both should feel good. That's not the case at the moment."
"Of course I want it (Y/n). How couldn't I, but I am afraid of your reaction. No matter what you say, you can't deny that I am older than you. A lot." "Older doesn't mean less beautiful, Delia." You smiled at her reassuringly.
You slowly pulled down the sheets and looked at Cordelias body. She was just wearing a big oversized grey shirt. You put your hand on her tight and started to rub it while going higher. With that you also pulled up her shirt a little. Before you pulled the shirt over her hips completely you looked at her to make sure she was still fine with everything you were doing. She shyly nodded so you started pulling the shirt up again. She raised her arms and you pulled it off completely.
She had the urge to cover her body and you knew that. But you didn't want that so you gently held her arms at the sides and started to gently spread kisses on her body. Starting with her mouth, her neck, her shoulders, her tummy and then you slowly got closer to her breasts. With one hand you caressed her left breast and with the other you calmly started to draw her bra strap down. She raised her body so that you could grab around her body and open the bra. You pulled it off and threw it to the floor. You sat up a little bit and couldn't do anything else but stare at her.
"(Y/n), don't please. I told you, I..." You shut her off by kissing her. "I didn't stare because I thought you were ugly, it was quite the opposite actually. You are amazingly beautiful and attractive, Darling." You saw her eyes starting to tear up so you leant down again and kissed her, more passionate this time. And while doing that your hand started to knead her breasts and pinch her nipples. She quietly moaned into your mouth so your hand went down over her tummy to the waistband of her underwear. You again looked at her in question. The instance she nodded your hand slid into her panties.
"Oh, Darling. You're so wet already, why didn't we do this earlier?" You slowly started to part her folds and gently stroke over her center which made her moan again. That was your sign and you fastly pulled off her underwear completely. As your mouth wandered down her body again you put both your hands on her waist. You spread kisses on her inner tights and slowly approached her center. As you got closer she spread her legs. You took this as an invitation, so you slowly started to kiss her center which made her moan. Your tongue slowly stared to lick her clit while your left hand moved down to play with her entrance. Delia grabbed your hair and you could feel that she started to breath heavier. You started to slide into her with one finger and gently fuck her. At the same time your tongue got faster and you sucked hard with your mouth. "Oh (Y/n), please..." You looked up at her and smirked. " Use your words, Delia. What do you want?" Her breathing got heavier but she managed to get the words: " Please.. fuck me. Use two fingers.. oh" out.  So you did what she wanted. You pulled another finger inside of her and thrusted them in and out fastly. You knew that she was close so you grabbed her breast with the other hand and pinched her nipples. That was too much, Cordelia came screaming your name and moaning loudly. But you didn't stop sucking and licking her pussy. You heard her moaning even louder, she was so sensitive right know. She bit her lip, because she didn't want to scream so loud. "Please Delia I want to hear you, moan and scream my name for me" so she did exactly that. "OH (Y/n), please let me come" you stopped your movements and looked up to her. "You come when I tell you to come Cordelia. Ok?" She nodded, taken aback by your outburst of top energy. You slowly started to play with her clit again and because she was so sensitive she directly screamed again. You saw that she tried really hard not to come and that view turned you on so much that you could feel your own wetness again. "Come for me baby!" And she did exactly that,  she came screaming and panting. Her whole body trembled. "Please (Y/n) stop, I can't take this anymore. It's too much." So you slowly stopped and moved up to kiss her.
"I love you (Y/n)"
You pulled her into your arms. "I love you too"
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iatethepomegranate · 3 years
Just a post-Aeor fic where Caleb buys a house with Beau and Yasha in Rexxentrum, becomes a professor, and learns how to be a person and protect people from what he has endured.
Content warnings: Caleb's backstory (a lot of it)
Chapter summary: Caleb's mind was in overdrive. There were so many calls to make, so many spells to prepare, so many things that could go wrong at every stage of this delicate operation, so many plans and backup plans and backup plans for backup plans. He could not let the past repeat itself.
Chapter notes: Say hello to a major plot arc. Also, I did my best to figure out a vague layout of the relevant parts of Rexxentrum but I am bad with directions, so *finger guns*
Chapter title from Eight by Sleeping At Last.
Chapter 6: I’m just a kid who grew up scared enough to hold the door shut and bury my innocence
Caleb’s scars itched as he headed home from the Academy, mind buzzing uncomfortably. His hands were somehow steady as he messaged Beauregard.
“Beauregard. I had an unsettling conversation with Astrid and Wulf. Two Volstrucker students are missing. Felix and Nicolaus. Evocation wizards. May have self-orphan orders.” He realised belatedly that he had forgotten to ask Astrid for a description. Also, he hoped Beauregard never told anyone he had used the term self-orphan. He’d made himself a little queasy in his haste to keep to the word limit.
“I’ll make sure the Soul keeps an eye out. And I’ll get a description from Astrid in the morning. Get over here. Dinner’s ready.”
Beau and Yasha kept the conversation flowing over dinner, absolving Caleb of that social responsibility. He felt useless, sitting here while there were two boys out there somewhere, who were possibly in the process of deciding whether or not to kill their parents based on an implanted memory of treason. If they weren’t found in time, Caleb wasn’t sure he could ever forgive himself.
The two women hugged him goodnight after dinner, and he shook so hard he feared he would collapse. Yasha held onto him a little longer than she had probably planned, while Beauregard stepped back to take a look at him.
“Caleb.” She had that tone, the one what told him he looked like shit but she was trying not to freak him out. “Maybe you should take a spare room on this side tonight.”
“I’m all right, Beauregard.” He knew he sounded ridiculous. “Hear me out. Please.” Beauregard tilted her head in a silent challenge. “I need to think. I need to process this. I need to come up with plans for every possible outcome. And I may need to make some calls.”
“Do you want to talk it out?”
“I would like to be alone. Just for tonight. We will talk tomorrow.”
Beauregard looked for a moment like she was going to argue, and then she quite intentionally relaxed her shoulders. “Okay. You’ll tell us if you need anything, right?”
“Ja, of course.”
Yasha gave him one last squeeze. “We mean it. Anything.”
“I know. Danke.”
Caleb escaped to his bedroom. He forced himself to slow down a bit, take deep breaths, and get dressed for bed. He settled under the covers, slowly circling his palm over the quilt and feeling the different animal patterns. He’d already committed them to memory. But, on a night like this, it helped to know that what he thought was reality before was still reality now.
What a fucking mess. Before he could get too deep into his head, he messaged Caduceus.
“Hallo, Caduceus. Two of Trent’s students are missing. We suspect memories may have been modified. If we locate them, are you available to help us?”
There was a short pause; Caduceus was probably weighing his response, aware that he would not be able to track the wordcount once he began to speak. “Of course. Let me know when I’m needed. If you could spare a teleport, that would be great.”
Caleb cast the spell again. “I will give you a head’s up when I need you and then grab you from the Grove. Danke. Today has been… a lot.”
“Get some rest, Caleb. I left some sleepy tea in your kitchen if you need it. I’ll be here when you need me.”
That was one problem handled. Caleb burned through another Sending.
“Astrid, Caduceus is on call to correct any memory modification. Beauregard will be in touch with you tomorrow to get their descriptions.”
“Danke. I will ensure the Cobalt Soul is adequately informed. Now go to bed.”
Caleb let him feel her unspoken concern for him, just for a moment. Maybe one day they could be friends again. He curled up beneath the covers and closed his eyes. He would have to ensure he packed Counterspell and Sending every day. Perhaps Hold Person would also be useful. Control Flames would also not go amiss, just in case. And Expeditious Retreat or Fly would be useful in case time was of the essence at any point. Suggestion could be useful if they had the chance to talk. Running through spells he should prepare made him feel a bit better about how little control he had over this.
He was still losing his mind a little bit.
“Caleb,” came Essek’s voice, pumping air into Caleb's lungs. “Apologies. I meant to message earlier. I’m safe. Saved a child’s pet cat from a tree. He hugged me. Strange. How was your day?”
“Intense.” Caleb wasn’t sure how much to say, and he would definitely have to burn more spells to go into any detail. “Astrid promised to find a venue for the ex-Volstrucker support group. Two boys are unaccounted for. We are concerned. They are… almost graduates.”
Before Caleb could decide whether to say more, Essek Sent again. “Are you all right? Can I help with anything?”
“Not right now. We will… see how this pans out. They’re from Blumenthal, and I didn’t hear anything when I was there. May have time.” Caleb burnt another of his own spells before Essek did. “I have Caduceus on standby and Beauregard will talk to the Soul tomorrow. We may have a chance. I hope.”
“I will come in a heartbeat if you need me. Keep me updated. Get some rest if you can. Goodnight. You are in my thoughts.”
It helped, just a bit. Caleb still tossed and turned for a while, unable to turn his brain off. But things were… maybe they were manageable. He had half a mind to take himself to Blumenthal tomorrow, find out where the boys’ parents lived and get them somewhere safe. Or maybe he could… no, they would not handle a stranger showing up at their door in the dead of the night very well.
Astrid came to the house the following morning, with sketches for Beauregard to distribute to the Cobalt Soul. It was odd to sit on the couch with her. Like friends would.
“Eadwulf is in the city with the Volstrucker we could mobilise,” she said. “If either of them come to Rexxentrum, between us and the monks, we will find them. I spoke to my guard contact; the families are okay.”
“Have we considered evacuating them?” asked Caleb. The thought had kept him up for a long time last night. Maybe it was the best option.
There was a flicker of discomfort across Astrid’s face for the barest of seconds. “I don’t trust the Crownsguard to handle a delicate mission like that. It would be up to us. Or perhaps the Soul, but I’m already stretching our relationship with them.”
“Yudala Fon knows the stakes,” said Caleb. “If you are not comfortable visiting Blumenthal yourself…”
“Are you?”
“I have been once. I can bear it again to save half a dozen lives.”
They both knew it wasn’t just the parents whose lives were in danger. If Felix and Nicolaus followed through on this and were not stopped…
Well, Caleb had lost eleven years, and then another six running and running and running. Astrid and Wulf had lost their freedom as well. And Caleb could not even begin to comprehend the special kind of pain it would bring these boys if they murdered their parents only to discover Trent had been in prison for weeks, his crimes exposed, his orders no longer in effect. Caleb wasn’t sure he could have survived that.
Astrid must have understood what Caleb was feeling, because she spoke gently. “It is an option. We could also leave them in place under guard to draw the boys out.”
“I would rather not.” Caleb could already conjure a dozen scenarios in which that could go horribly wrong. “Astrid, we cannot fuck this up. You and I both know these boys could overpower a Crownsguard, or sneak past a security detail. No risks. We have to move the families.”
Astrid opened her mouth to respond, and then paused, eyes drifting upwards in concentration. “Thanks, Wulf. Do not engage. Herd him towards us if you can. We will be there shortly.” She focused back on Caleb. “Felix is in the city. Eadwulf is trailing him. They are approaching from the south.” She hopped to her feet, and helped Caleb up. “Shall we?”
As they raced out the door, Caleb messaged Beauregard. “Felix has been spotted. Approaching The Tangles from the south. Wulf is trailing. We are headed to intercept. Could use a hand.”
“I’m in the Court of Colours, southwest of your position. I’ll link up with Eadwulf. Will get the monks to surround. We got this.”
“Beauregard is southwest of us,” Caleb told Astrid. “She’ll try to find Wulf and have the monks form a perimeter.”
“We only have one shot with Felix,” Astrid muttered. “This could make or break everything. No fuckups?”
“No fuckups.”
They ran.
As they drew closer to the suspected middle point, Caleb shot a quick message to Wulf. “We are close to the midpoint. Turning invisible now.” He grabbed Astrid’s hand, hiding them both from view.
Wulf’s response was a whisper. “Slowing down. I think he knows I’m here, but hasn’t done anything yet.”
Caleb was grateful most seventeen-year-old wizards had not yet figured out teleportation. He and Astrid also slowed, still hand-in-hand.
“We try to talk to him before we do anything aggressive,” Astrid whispered. “Get us close.”
“Worst case scenario, Beauregard stuns him and Wulf carries him somewhere we can have a secure conversation. I can try casting Suggestion if necessary, before we do anything to freak him out.”
They turned a corner and Caleb spotted the boy in a crowd of people carrying baskets and cloths and the like, probably headed to market. Felix was slim and blonde, and looked like he hadn’t slept in a few days. His shoulders were tight. The pair stayed ahead of him. Caleb spotted the instant Felix started getting a little too nervous, his eyes darting backwards for the barest of moments, towards Eadwulf, buried even as he was in the crowd.
Caleb tugged Astrid’s hand towards an alley before letting go and stepping into it, hoping he had read this right. Felix also turned into the alley, putting his back to the wall of a nearby inn, raising a hand to prepare a spell. Caleb recognised the somatic components of Scorching Ray. He prepared to counter it.
As soon as Wulf emerged, Felix tried to release the spell, and Caleb counterspelled, losing his invisibility.
Felix shook out his hands, still focused on Wulf. “Why are you following me, Eadwulf?”
Wulf raised an eyebrow. “Did you consider asking that before trying to set me on fire?”
Felix’s eyes narrowed, and Caleb wondered if Trent had tried to drive a wedge between the Volstruck, and Astrid and Wulf.
Astrid dropped her invisibility, appearing next to Wulf. “Felix, what’s the matter? Are you well?”
Her emergence did not calm Felix in the slightest. “Am I--” He scoffed. “Are you kidding?”
“We have been looking for you for weeks,” she said. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I have a mission to complete.”
Caleb considered recasting his invisibility, but the spell required verbal and somatic components. He just had to hold still and hope Astrid and Wulf commanded Felix’s attention until Caleb figured out what to do.
“Felix, you have been gone from the city for a long time,” said Astrid, and Caleb slowly reached for his component pouch. “Things have changed. Your mission, whatever it is, may no longer be viable.”
“We need to take you back to the Candles,” said Wulf.
Caleb felt his snake’s tongue and a piece of honeycomb, and began to slowly extract them from his pouch.
Felix didn’t move. “Why?”
Astrid glanced at Wulf, before evidently deciding on a course of action. “Trent has been arrested. We are trying to gather the Volstrucker so we can explain the charges against him.”
“That makes no sense.”
“Felix, what did he ask you to do?”
“It’s confidential.”
Caleb had the materials in his hand, so he rubbed the honeycomb against his lip, and spoke. “Felix, we are here to help you, but we need you to help us. Could we please have an honest conversation with each other?”
There was a moment where Caleb feared Felix would resist the Suggestion spell, and that Beauregard would have to swoop in and stun him. Felix turned to him, head cocked.
“Okay,” he said slowly. “You are Bren, right? Trent talks about you a lot.” He glanced at Astrid and Wulf. “He seemed worried the three of you were scheming behind his back.”
“Let’s head to his old office, ja? We have a lot to talk about. We will answer your questions, if you answer ours.”
“All right. Lead on.”
Caleb could not fucking believe that had worked. Judging from Astrid and Eadwulf’s brief but clearly shocked glances in his direction, they couldn’t believe it either.
Caleb couldn’t risk sending a message to Beauregard explaining what had happened, but she seemed to get the sense she shouldn’t reveal herself. Caleb led Felix through the city to the Academy, and up to Astrid’s office. They sat him in front of the fireplace.
Caleb crouched in front of him while Astrid stood by the fire, and Wulf leaned by the door. “Thank you for cooperating, Felix. Give me one moment. I need to message a friend who is going to help us.” He cast Sending. “Caduceus. We will need you in a moment.”
“I’m ready when you are.”
“I’ll go,” said Eadwulf. “Be right back.” With a muttered incantation, he had vanished.
“Where is he going?” asked Felix.
“To fetch a cleric friend of mine,” Caleb replied. “You look tired. Are you well?”
“Had a lot on my mind, I guess. Sleeping has been difficult.”
“I know the feeling.” Caleb looked to Astrid. “We should explain the situation, ja?”
“Why was Trent arrested?” asked Felix.
“A number of Volstrucker spoke with the Cobalt Soul about his training methods,” Astrid replied. “They documented it and took him to court. He’s in prison for life.”
Felix frowned. “I’m confused.”
Caleb should have expected Felix probably wouldn’t understand Trent’s behaviour as abuse; Caleb hadn’t either. “Felix, I would like you to listen to me.” He rolled up his sleeves so Felix could see the scars, which he was certain Felix shared. “A good teacher does not force his students to endure what we have.”
“We will face worse every day in our work,” Felix replied. “The pain… it makes us stronger.”
“And the residuum experiments? With no pain mitigation? I know people who have passed out in the process. Has that happened to you?”
“Once or twice,” Felix muttered, evidently still under the effects of the spell. “Puked more often.”
“Me too,” said Caleb, resisting the urge to scratch his itching scars. “It made me very ill most of the time. Astrid and Eadwulf had to force me to eat.”
“Why are you telling me this? Why are you asking me these questions?”
Astrid was gazing into the flames. “Felix, how old were you when Trent first hurt you?”
Astrid managed to look at Caleb, just for a moment. “The same for him.” Astrid was a year older so it made sense to invoke Caleb instead, and maybe it was easier for her to project these things onto him.
Wulf popped back into the office, with the very welcome form of Caduceus beside him. Felix jumped, but Caleb had told him what was happening, and that seemed to be enough to stop him from bolting.
“Hallo, Caduceus,” said Caleb. “Can you give us just one more moment?” He turned back to Felix. “I’m going to have my friend Caduceus take a look at you and make sure you are well, but I would like to ask you a question first.”
“What has Trent ordered you to do?”
Felix dropped his gaze to his lap. “My mother and father are plotting to betray the Empire. I have been asked to stop them.”
“That must have been weeks ago,” said Caleb. “What’s the matter?”
Felix scowled, and tried several times to supply an answer, as he was required to be honest while under the effects of Caleb’s specifically-worded spell. “I don’t know. They are not the people I thought they were. They are traitors. But. It’s not… I don’t know what to do. I’ve been waiting for Trent to give me more information, but I haven’t heard anything. I guess I was trying to figure out if there was a way I could convince them to…” He shook his head. “No. There is no mercy for traitors to the Empire.”
“I am sorry to hear that,” said Caleb. “It must be very difficult. May Caduceus take a look at you? You have clearly been under a great deal of stress.”
Felix had probably never seen a firbolg before, and he eyed Caduceus with trepidation. “What is he going to do?”
“It’s all right,” said Astrid. “He is a healer. The three of us have spent time in his family’s garden.”
“I… suppose…”
Caduceus approached slowly. “This will be quick, I promise. Just a healing spell to make you feel a bit better.” He already had the diamond dust for Greater Restoration in his palm. He touched Felix’s shoulder. It took a second for the spell to sink in, during which Caleb couldn’t breathe.
Then Felix slid to the floor, head in his hands. Astrid knelt beside him, whispering too quietly for Caleb to hear.
“One down,” Caduceus said softly, smiling at Caleb. “One to go.”
Caleb couldn’t speak. He watched Felix curl up on the floor, muttering to Astrid. She looked up at him, beckoned him over. Caleb knelt by her side.
“I don’t understand,” Felix said. “Why? Why? I don’t…” He shoved his fist against his mouth and screamed into it, eyes squeezed shut. “Why would he do this?”
There were a lot of things Caleb could say; he was not convinced any of them were right. But he had to say something. “He’s done this to all of us. Every Volstrucker went through this to graduate.”
“He does it for a few reasons,” Astrid said, quiet but somewhat detached. “It eliminates any family connections, leaving us reliant on Trent. And then, we’ve done the worst thing we thought we could do. Anything Trent has us do after that means very little. And those who break…” She looked at Caleb. “They are held up as an example of failure that we are measured against. We all know Bren’s name for a reason. First, as an example of failure, of weakness. Later, an example of endurance, of admirable but problematic stubbornness. A cautionary tale nonetheless.”
Felix looked to Caleb as well. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this information?”
Caleb wanted to comfort him, but didn’t know what Felix would tolerate, and there was a pressing matter. “First things first, we need to find Nicolaus.”
Felix drew his knees up to his chest and hid his face against them. “I don’t know where he is. We argued and then we went our separate ways.”
“What did you argue about?”
“I wanted to come here and find Trent. Ask about the order. See if there was anything we could… I don’t know.”
“And what did he want?”
“Nico doesn’t know what he wants. He was always more scared of Trent than I am.”
“Okay, we have ways to track him down. Caduceus, can you scry today?”
“I can,” Caduceus said slowly. “Might I also recommend, if Mr Felix knows the spell, that he should try Sending to him.”
“I don’t know that spell,” Felix said thickly. Caleb would just make out the side of his face, to see it was screwed up as if in pain.
“I can teach you,” said Caleb, “but I suspect it will take more time than we have right now.” Sending was an Evocation spell, so it would probably only take Felix three hours instead of six to copy it into his spellbook and practice it until he could do it, but that was still too long.
Caduceus sat cross-legged on the floor. “Do you have anything of his? Or a likeness?”
Wulf handed him a sketch. “Does this help?”
“Yes. Thank you.” Caduceus closed his eyes and began the ritual.
“I can try messaging Nico,” Astrid said, gripping her copper wire. “Nicolaus. It’s Astrid. I must meet with you in Trent’s office. It’s an urgent matter.” She waited, scowled. “Nothing.”
Caleb refused to panic, no matter how bad that sounded. “Okay. Good to know.”
Felix lifted his head. “What if we’re too late?”
“We don’t know that yet,” said Caleb. “Whatever happens, we will deal with it.”
Felix frowned at the floor. “What happens to me now?”
“We can take you home to your parents once we’ve got an idea of Nico’s situation,” said Caleb. “Unless you need more time.”
“Just a bit. I think. But I’d like to see them. Not today.”
“There is plenty of dormitory space for however long you need,” said Astrid. “Bren will visit you regularly once you are with your parents, to check in.” Felix nodded. That had not been discussed, but it was something that Caleb would want to do, so he let it slide.
The ten minutes it took for Caduceus to complete the spell were some of the longest of Caleb’s life. But then Caduceus’s eyes went white, and it seemed to be working.
Caduceus began to narrate what I saw. “I see your boy. He’s in a field. The clouds are pretty dark. It’s hard to see much. I think I see some buildings ahead of him. I’ll follow him for a bit.”
There was a sick feeling in the pit of Caleb’s stomach. “We should be ready, just in case.”
Astrid’s fingers weaved around the wire. “Expositor, are you close by? We may need your assistance. Come to my office on the--ugh, just ask for directions.” She listened. “Expositor Lionett is outside the Academy. She will be here soon.”
Caduceus spoke again. “He is approaching the village. Not many people in the streets. Probably the incoming storm. He looks like he has a goal.”
“What can you see of the buildings?” asked Caleb. “Any signs?”
“The signs are Zemnian,” said Caduceus. “The buildings look like farmhouses, mostly. I think I saw an orchard.”
“Blumenthal is a farming town,” Caleb muttered. “Fuck.”
Beauregard burst through the door, gasping for breath. “I’m here!” She doubled over, hands on her knees, as she sucked in air.
“Get ready to move,” said Wulf, stony-faced. “It looks bad.”
“Shit.” She gulped in another breath. “Okay.”
Caleb felt a little better now that she was here, but he was wound too tight to process it. “Caduceus. Is there anything else?”
“He’s picking up speed. Turned a corner. Looking at a house in the distance, I think.”
Caleb did not let himself feel anything. He turned to Felix. “Felix, do you know where Nico’s parents live?”
“On the northeastern edge of town.” Felix’s voice was as tense as Caleb. “Look for the cabbages.”
“Danke.” He squeezed Felix’s shoulder and pushed himself to his feet. “We need to go.”
Caduceus was still in the vision. “Go on ahead. I’ll stay here with Felix. If I see anything I think is useful, I will Send. But it will break the scry.”
Caleb gathered Astrid, Wulf and Beauregard around him and cast teleport, aiming for the northeastern end of Blumenthal. He knew it well, once.
Caleb’s scars itched as he headed home from the Academy, mind buzzing uncomfortably. His hands were somehow steady as he messaged Beauregard.
“Beauregard. I had an unsettling conversation with Astrid and Wulf. Two Volstrucker students are missing. Felix and Nicolaus. Evocation wizards. May have self-orphan orders.” He realised belatedly that he had forgotten to ask Astrid for a description. Also, he hoped Beauregard never told anyone he had used the term self-orphan. He’d made himself a little queasy in his haste to keep to the word limit.
“I’ll make sure the Soul keeps an eye out. And I’ll get a description from Astrid in the morning. Get over here. Dinner’s ready.”
Beau and Yasha kept the conversation flowing over dinner, absolving Caleb of that social responsibility. He felt useless, sitting here while there were two boys out there somewhere, who were possibly in the process of deciding whether or not to kill their parents based on an implanted memory of treason. If they weren’t found in time, Caleb wasn’t sure he could ever forgive himself.
The two women hugged him goodnight after dinner, and he shook so hard he feared he would collapse. Yasha held onto him a little longer than she had probably planned, while Beauregard stepped back to take a look at him.
“Caleb.” She had that tone, the one what told him he looked like shit but she was trying not to freak him out. “Maybe you should take a spare room on this side tonight.”
“I’m all right, Beauregard.” He knew he sounded ridiculous. “Hear me out. Please.” Beauregard tilted her head in a silent challenge. “I need to think. I need to process this. I need to come up with plans for every possible outcome. And I may need to make some calls.”
“Do you want to talk it out?”
“I would like to be alone. Just for tonight. We will talk tomorrow.”
Beauregard looked for a moment like she was going to argue, and then she quite intentionally relaxed her shoulders. “Okay. You’ll tell us if you need anything, right?”
“Ja, of course.”
Yasha gave him one last squeeze. “We mean it. Anything.”
“I know. Danke.”
Caleb escaped to his bedroom. He forced himself to slow down a bit, take deep breaths, and get dressed for bed. He settled under the covers, slowly circling his palm over the quilt and feeling the different animal patterns. He’d already committed them to memory. But, on a night like this, it helped to know that what he thought was reality before was still reality now.
What a fucking mess. Before he could get too deep into his head, he messaged Caduceus.
“Hallo, Caduceus. Two of Trent’s students are missing. We suspect memories may have been modified. If we locate them, are you available to help us?”
There was a short pause; Caduceus was probably weighing his response, aware that he would not be able to track the wordcount once he began to speak. “Of course. Let me know when I’m needed. If you could spare a teleport, that would be great.”
Caleb cast the spell again. “I will give you a head’s up when I need you and then grab you from the Grove. Danke. Today has been… a lot.”
“Get some rest, Caleb. I left some sleepy tea in your kitchen if you need it. I’ll be here when you need me.”
That was one problem handled. Caleb burned through another Sending.
“Astrid, Caduceus is on call to correct any memory modification. Beauregard will be in touch with you tomorrow to get their descriptions.”
“Danke. I will ensure the Cobalt Soul is adequately informed. Now go to bed.”
Caleb let him feel her unspoken concern for him, just for a moment. Maybe one day they could be friends again. He curled up beneath the covers and closed his eyes. He would have to ensure he packed Counterspell and Sending every day. Perhaps Hold Person would also be useful. Control Flames would also not go amiss, just in case. And Expeditious Retreat or Fly would be useful in case time was of the essence at any point. Suggestion could be useful if they had the chance to talk. Running through spells he should prepare made him feel a bit better about how little control he had over this.
He was still losing his mind a little bit.
“Caleb,” came Essek’s voice, pumping air into Caleb's lungs. “Apologies. I meant to message earlier. I’m safe. Saved a child’s pet cat from a tree. He hugged me. Strange. How was your day?”
“Intense.” Caleb wasn’t sure how much to say, and he would definitely have to burn more spells to go into any detail. “Astrid promised to find a venue for the ex-Volstrucker support group. Two boys are unaccounted for. We are concerned. They are… almost graduates.”
Before Caleb could decide whether to say more, Essek Sent again. “Are you all right? Can I help with anything?”
“Not right now. We will… see how this pans out. They’re from Blumenthal, and I didn’t hear anything when I was there. May have time.” Caleb burnt another of his own spells before Essek did. “I have Caduceus on standby and Beauregard will talk to the Soul tomorrow. We may have a chance. I hope.”
“I will come in a heartbeat if you need me. Keep me updated. Get some rest if you can. Goodnight. You are in my thoughts.”
It helped, just a bit. Caleb still tossed and turned for a while, unable to turn his brain off. But things were… maybe they were manageable. He had half a mind to take himself to Blumenthal tomorrow, find out where the boys’ parents lived and get them somewhere safe. Or maybe he could… no, they would not handle a stranger showing up at their door in the dead of the night very well.
Astrid came to the house the following morning, with sketches for Beauregard to distribute to the Cobalt Soul. It was odd to sit on the couch with her. Like friends would.
“Eadwulf is in the city with the Volstrucker we could mobilise,” she said. “If either of them come to Rexxentrum, between us and the monks, we will find them. I spoke to my guard contact; the families are okay.”
“Have we considered evacuating them?” asked Caleb. The thought had kept him up for a long time last night. Maybe it was the best option.
There was a flicker of discomfort across Astrid’s face for the barest of seconds. “I don’t trust the Crownsguard to handle a delicate mission like that. It would be up to us. Or perhaps the Soul, but I’m already stretching our relationship with them.”
“Yudala Fon knows the stakes,” said Caleb. “If you are not comfortable visiting Blumenthal yourself…”
“Are you?”
“I have been once. I can bear it again to save half a dozen lives.”
They both knew it wasn’t just the parents whose lives were in danger. If Felix and Nicolaus followed through on this and were not stopped…
Well, Caleb had lost eleven years, and then another six running and running and running. Astrid and Wulf had lost their freedom as well. And Caleb could not even begin to comprehend the special kind of pain it would bring these boys if they murdered their parents only to discover Trent had been in prison for weeks, his crimes exposed, his orders no longer in effect. Caleb wasn’t sure he could have survived that.
Astrid must have understood what Caleb was feeling, because she spoke gently. “It is an option. We could also leave them in place under guard to draw the boys out.”
“I would rather not.” Caleb could already conjure a dozen scenarios in which that could go horribly wrong. “Astrid, we cannot fuck this up. You and I both know these boys could overpower a Crownsguard, or sneak past a security detail. No risks. We have to move the families.”
Astrid opened her mouth to respond, and then paused, eyes drifting upwards in concentration. “Thanks, Wulf. Do not engage. Herd him towards us if you can. We will be there shortly.” She focused back on Caleb. “Felix is in the city. Eadwulf is trailing him. They are approaching from the south.” She hopped to her feet, and helped Caleb up. “Shall we?”
As they raced out the door, Caleb messaged Beauregard. “Felix has been spotted. Approaching The Tangles from the south. Wulf is trailing. We are headed to intercept. Could use a hand.”
“I’m in the Court of Colours, southwest of your position. I’ll link up with Eadwulf. Will get the monks to surround. We got this.”
“Beauregard is southwest of us,” Caleb told Astrid. “She’ll try to find Wulf and have the monks form a perimeter.”
“We only have one shot with Felix,” Astrid muttered. “This could make or break everything. No fuckups?”
“No fuckups.”
They ran.
As they drew closer to the suspected middle point, Caleb shot a quick message to Wulf. “We are close to the midpoint. Turning invisible now.” He grabbed Astrid’s hand, hiding them both from view.
Wulf’s response was a whisper. “Slowing down. I think he knows I’m here, but hasn’t done anything yet.”
Caleb was grateful most seventeen-year-old wizards had not yet figured out teleportation. He and Astrid also slowed, still hand-in-hand.
“We try to talk to him before we do anything aggressive,” Astrid whispered. “Get us close.”
“Worst case scenario, Beauregard stuns him and Wulf carries him somewhere we can have a secure conversation. I can try casting Suggestion if necessary, before we do anything to freak him out.”
They turned a corner and Caleb spotted the boy in a crowd of people carrying baskets and cloths and the like, probably headed to market. Felix was slim and blonde, and looked like he hadn’t slept in a few days. His shoulders were tight. The pair stayed ahead of him. Caleb spotted the instant Felix started getting a little too nervous, his eyes darting backwards for the barest of moments, towards Eadwulf, buried even as he was in the crowd.
Caleb tugged Astrid’s hand towards an alley before letting go and stepping into it, hoping he had read this right. Felix also turned into the alley, putting his back to the wall of a nearby inn, raising a hand to prepare a spell. Caleb recognised the somatic components of Scorching Ray. He prepared to counter it.
As soon as Wulf emerged, Felix tried to release the spell, and Caleb counterspelled, losing his invisibility.
Felix shook out his hands, still focused on Wulf. “Why are you following me, Eadwulf?”
Wulf raised an eyebrow. “Did you consider asking that before trying to set me on fire?”
Felix’s eyes narrowed, and Caleb wondered if Trent had tried to drive a wedge between the Volstruck, and Astrid and Wulf.
Astrid dropped her invisibility, appearing next to Wulf. “Felix, what’s the matter? Are you well?”
Her emergence did not calm Felix in the slightest. “Am I--” He scoffed. “Are you kidding?”
“We have been looking for you for weeks,” she said. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I have a mission to complete.”
Caleb considered recasting his invisibility, but the spell required verbal and somatic components. He just had to hold still and hope Astrid and Wulf commanded Felix’s attention until Caleb figured out what to do.
“Felix, you have been gone from the city for a long time,” said Astrid, and Caleb slowly reached for his component pouch. “Things have changed. Your mission, whatever it is, may no longer be viable.”
“We need to take you back to the Candles,” said Wulf.
Caleb felt his snake’s tongue and a piece of honeycomb, and began to slowly extract them from his pouch.
Felix didn’t move. “Why?”
Astrid glanced at Wulf, before evidently deciding on a course of action. “Trent has been arrested. We are trying to gather the Volstrucker so we can explain the charges against him.”
“That makes no sense.”
“Felix, what did he ask you to do?”
“It’s confidential.”
Caleb had the materials in his hand, so he rubbed the honeycomb against his lip, and spoke. “Felix, we are here to help you, but we need you to help us. Could we please have an honest conversation with each other?”
There was a moment where Caleb feared Felix would resist the Suggestion spell, and that Beauregard would have to swoop in and stun him. Felix turned to him, head cocked.
“Okay,” he said slowly. “You are Bren, right? Trent talks about you a lot.” He glanced at Astrid and Wulf. “He seemed worried the three of you were scheming behind his back.”
“Let’s head to his old office, ja? We have a lot to talk about. We will answer your questions, if you answer ours.”
“All right. Lead on.”
Caleb could not fucking believe that had worked. Judging from Astrid and Eadwulf’s brief but clearly shocked glances in his direction, they couldn’t believe it either.
Caleb couldn’t risk sending a message to Beauregard explaining what had happened, but she seemed to get the sense she shouldn’t reveal herself. Caleb led Felix through the city to the Academy, and up to Astrid’s office. They sat him in front of the fireplace.
Caleb crouched in front of him while Astrid stood by the fire, and Wulf leaned by the door. “Thank you for cooperating, Felix. Give me one moment. I need to message a friend who is going to help us.” He cast Sending. “Caduceus. We will need you in a moment.”
“I’m ready when you are.”
“I’ll go,” said Eadwulf. “Be right back.” With a muttered incantation, he had vanished.
“Where is he going?” asked Felix.
“To fetch a cleric friend of mine,” Caleb replied. “You look tired. Are you well?”
“Had a lot on my mind, I guess. Sleeping has been difficult.”
“I know the feeling.” Caleb looked to Astrid. “We should explain the situation, ja?”
“Why was Trent arrested?” asked Felix.
“A number of Volstrucker spoke with the Cobalt Soul about his training methods,” Astrid replied. “They documented it and took him to court. He’s in prison for life.”
Felix frowned. “I’m confused.”
Caleb should have expected Felix probably wouldn’t understand Trent’s behaviour as abuse; Caleb hadn’t either. “Felix, I would like you to listen to me.” He rolled up his sleeves so Felix could see the scars, which he was certain Felix shared. “A good teacher does not force his students to endure what we have.”
“We will face worse every day in our work,” Felix replied. “The pain… it makes us stronger.”
“And the residuum experiments? With no pain mitigation? I know people who have passed out in the process. Has that happened to you?”
“Once or twice,” Felix muttered, evidently still under the effects of the spell. “Puked more often.”
“Me too,” said Caleb, resisting the urge to scratch his itching scars. “It made me very ill most of the time. Astrid and Eadwulf had to force me to eat.”
“Why are you telling me this? Why are you asking me these questions?”
Astrid was gazing into the flames. “Felix, how old were you when Trent first hurt you?”
Astrid managed to look at Caleb, just for a moment. “The same for him.” Astrid was a year older so it made sense to invoke Caleb instead, and maybe it was easier for her to project these things onto him.
Wulf popped back into the office, with the very welcome form of Caduceus beside him. Felix jumped, but Caleb had told him what was happening, and that seemed to be enough to stop him from bolting.
“Hallo, Caduceus,” said Caleb. “Can you give us just one more moment?” He turned back to Felix. “I’m going to have my friend Caduceus take a look at you and make sure you are well, but I would like to ask you a question first.”
“What has Trent ordered you to do?”
Felix dropped his gaze to his lap. “My mother and father are plotting to betray the Empire. I have been asked to stop them.”
“That must have been weeks ago,” said Caleb. “What’s the matter?”
Felix scowled, and tried several times to supply an answer, as he was required to be honest while under the effects of Caleb’s specifically-worded spell. “I don’t know. They are not the people I thought they were. They are traitors. But. It’s not… I don’t know what to do. I’ve been waiting for Trent to give me more information, but I haven’t heard anything. I guess I was trying to figure out if there was a way I could convince them to…” He shook his head. “No. There is no mercy for traitors to the Empire.”
“I am sorry to hear that,” said Caleb. “It must be very difficult. May Caduceus take a look at you? You have clearly been under a great deal of stress.”
Felix had probably never seen a firbolg before, and he eyed Caduceus with trepidation. “What is he going to do?”
“It’s all right,” said Astrid. “He is a healer. The three of us have spent time in his family’s garden.”
“I… suppose…”
Caduceus approached slowly. “This will be quick, I promise. Just a healing spell to make you feel a bit better.” He already had the diamond dust for Greater Restoration in his palm. He touched Felix’s shoulder. It took a second for the spell to sink in, during which Caleb couldn’t breathe.
Then Felix slid to the floor, head in his hands. Astrid knelt beside him, whispering too quietly for Caleb to hear.
“One down,” Caduceus said softly, smiling at Caleb. “One to go.”
Caleb couldn’t speak. He watched Felix curl up on the floor, muttering to Astrid. She looked up at him, beckoned him over. Caleb knelt by her side.
“I don’t understand,” Felix said. “Why? Why? I don’t…” He shoved his fist against his mouth and screamed into it, eyes squeezed shut. “Why would he do this?”
There were a lot of things Caleb could say; he was not convinced any of them were right. But he had to say something. “He’s done this to all of us. Every Volstrucker went through this to graduate.”
“He does it for a few reasons,” Astrid said, quiet but somewhat detached. “It eliminates any family connections, leaving us reliant on Trent. And then, we’ve done the worst thing we thought we could do. Anything Trent has us do after that means very little. And those who break…” She looked at Caleb. “They are held up as an example of failure that we are measured against. We all know Bren’s name for a reason. First, as an example of failure, of weakness. Later, an example of endurance, of admirable but problematic stubbornness. A cautionary tale nonetheless.”
Felix looked to Caleb as well. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this information?”
Caleb wanted to comfort him, but didn’t know what Felix would tolerate, and there was a pressing matter. “First things first, we need to find Nicolaus.”
Felix drew his knees up to his chest and hid his face against them. “I don’t know where he is. We argued and then we went our separate ways.”
“What did you argue about?”
“I wanted to come here and find Trent. Ask about the order. See if there was anything we could… I don’t know.”
“And what did he want?”
“Nico doesn’t know what he wants. He was always more scared of Trent than I am.”
“Okay, we have ways to track him down. Caduceus, can you scry today?”
“I can,” Caduceus said slowly. “Might I also recommend, if Mr Felix knows the spell, that he should try Sending to him.”
“I don’t know that spell,” Felix said thickly. Caleb would just make out the side of his face, to see it was screwed up as if in pain.
“I can teach you,” said Caleb, “but I suspect it will take more time than we have right now.” Sending was an Evocation spell, so it would probably only take Felix three hours instead of six to copy it into his spellbook and practice it until he could do it, but that was still too long.
Caduceus sat cross-legged on the floor. “Do you have anything of his? Or a likeness?”
Wulf handed him a sketch. “Does this help?”
“Yes. Thank you.” Caduceus closed his eyes and began the ritual.
“I can try messaging Nico,” Astrid said, gripping her copper wire. “Nicolaus. It’s Astrid. I must meet with you in Trent’s office. It’s an urgent matter.” She waited, scowled. “Nothing.”
Caleb refused to panic, no matter how bad that sounded. “Okay. Good to know.”
Felix lifted his head. “What if we’re too late?”
“We don’t know that yet,” said Caleb. “Whatever happens, we will deal with it.”
Felix frowned at the floor. “What happens to me now?”
“We can take you home to your parents once we’ve got an idea of Nico’s situation,” said Caleb. “Unless you need more time.”
“Just a bit. I think. But I’d like to see them. Not today.”
“There is plenty of dormitory space for however long you need,” said Astrid. “Bren will visit you regularly once you are with your parents, to check in.” Felix nodded. That had not been discussed, but it was something that Caleb would want to do, so he let it slide.
The ten minutes it took for Caduceus to complete the spell were some of the longest of Caleb’s life. But then Caduceus’s eyes went white, and it seemed to be working.
Caduceus began to narrate what I saw. “I see your boy. He’s in a field. The clouds are pretty dark. It’s hard to see much. I think I see some buildings ahead of him. I’ll follow him for a bit.”
There was a sick feeling in the pit of Caleb’s stomach. “We should be ready, just in case.”
Astrid’s fingers weaved around the wire. “Expositor, are you close by? We may need your assistance. Come to my office on the--ugh, just ask for directions.” She listened. “Expositor Lionett is outside the Academy. She will be here soon.”
Caduceus spoke again. “He is approaching the village. Not many people in the streets. Probably the incoming storm. He looks like he has a goal.”
“What can you see of the buildings?” asked Caleb. “Any signs?”
“The signs are Zemnian,” said Caduceus. “The buildings look like farmhouses, mostly. I think I saw an orchard.”
“Blumenthal is a farming town,” Caleb muttered. “Fuck.”
Beauregard burst through the door, gasping for breath. “I’m here!” She doubled over, hands on her knees, as she sucked in air.
“Get ready to move,” said Wulf, stony-faced. “It looks bad.”
“Shit.” She gulped in another breath. “Okay.”
Caleb felt a little better now that she was here, but he was wound too tight to process it. “Caduceus. Is there anything else?”
“He’s picking up speed. Turned a corner. Looking at a house in the distance, I think.”
Caleb did not let himself feel anything. He turned to Felix. “Felix, do you know where Nico’s parents live?”
“On the northeastern edge of town.” Felix’s voice was as tense as Caleb. “Look for the cabbages.”
“Danke.” He squeezed Felix’s shoulder and pushed himself to his feet. “We need to go.”
Caduceus was still in the vision. “Go on ahead. I’ll stay here with Felix. If I see anything I think is useful, I will Send. But it will break the scry.”
Caleb gathered Astrid, Wulf and Beauregard around him and cast teleport, aiming for the northeastern end of Blumenthal. He knew it well, once.
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hteragram-x · 3 years
Firefighter AU [again]
New story for the AU. This time about Virgil wondering who the hell is Logan. Also, apparently, Virgil’s main personality trait in this universe is thinking that Remus is very pretty and then being like: “hey! who said that?!”.
If it’s the first time you see this AU I think you can still understand what’s going on without reading older posts, but in case you’re interested: [HERE] is the introduction, [HERE] are some general HCs, over [THERE] you can find a story where Remus and Virgil met for the first time, and [HERE] is previous story :>
--- ----- --- ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---
Word count: 2240
Relationships: technically Dukexiety, but they’re not there yet; Creativitwins
TW: mentions of fire (what a surprise), small injury, mentions of blood, some animal bones, swearing (because I’m mentally 12 and think that swearwords are fucking hilarious)
--- ----- --- ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---
Because Logan Said So
             Over the last four months Virgil has learnt a lot about his new co-workers. Not every information he managed to gather was particularly interesting or even worth remembering, but having that knowledge helped with making the new workplace more familiar. And familiarity brought comfort.
           He learnt, for example, that their janitor – Jeremy – was the most grumpy and easily annoyed person in the entire firehouse despite being the youngest janitor Virgil has ever met. It was relatively easy to avoid him most of the time, but if he wanted everyone to know about his problems with something you would be informed that he’s unhappy regardless of your own involvement, or lack thereof, in the situation.
           Virgil also learnt that Anna was pretty helpful when it came to failing equipment and technology. They weren’t employed to do the repairs, but it didn’t stop them from trying to fix everything anyway. The guy with very short hair, whose name Virgil could never remember, was leaving his helmet in unexpected places and had three kids that he talked about all the time. Alex was often late, but always stayed at work longer than anyone. And that one girl everyone called Apple for some unknown reason was currently building a house and you couldn’t escape hearing about it, no matter how much you didn’t want to at the moment.
           Talking to Virgil about issues he wasn’t that interested in seemed to be the common thing among most of his co-workers.
           Pretty standard stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary.
           What was also not out of ordinary was the bird skull lying on his desk this Tuesday.
           “Remus! Is this a gift or are you just leaving your stuff all over the office again!?”, he half-yelled knowing that the younger twin had to be somewhere in the building at this hour. Not that he memorized his schedule or something. He just knew…
           Suddenly a head with a mass of unkempt hair and spider webs on top of it popped from under his desk. It was not the first time Remus was staying there, but Virgil still winced seeing the man crawling from the tiny space. It cannot be comfortable, he though for probably fifteenth time.
           “There’s no way it’s comfortable in there,” he pointed out, also for fifteenth time.
           “It isn’t”, Remus said, like he always did and smiled, stretching his long arms above his head. Even without his shoes – he always walked around the office in just his socks, because of course he did – he was still much taller than Virgil which somehow managed to fluster him more every time he noticed the difference.
           Virgil decided to ignore the futile argument instead pointing at the skull and a couple of sticks he’s just noticed next to his computer.
           “Can you keep your mess out of my desk?”
           “You didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me today”, Remus pouted.
           “I’ll say ‘hi’ when you take your stuff from my space,” he sighed.
           Remus groaned, his arms hanging loosely at his sides in resignation.
           “God… you sound like Logan.”
           A-ha! There he is. This mysterious “Logan”, whoever he was.
           Over the last four months Virgil has learnt a lot about his new co-workers. But no other person was as interesting and worth knowing as Remus himself. The number of weird quirks Virgil has memorized about the guy was unmatched by any other person working at the firehouse which was in no way a surprising score given the circumstances in which they’ve met.
           He was weird in so many ways that it almost seemed normal again. And according to Roman he used to be even more chaotic and unpredictable when the twins were younger. At first Virgil was pretty nervous around the guy – with all of his jokes about violence or with his creepy staring – but now this… interesting behaviour became just a normal and entirely expected part of his days.
           If Remus run into the room and didn’t stop until he hit the wall… fine. Virgil just checked if the guy was okay and went back to work. If he bit the bar of soap… also fine. You just had to make sure he didn’t swallow it all and forget about it for the rest of your day. When he left some of his most disturbing sketches on the fridge, you just commented on his skills as an artist or flipped them, so the picture was facing the door of the fringe, if the drawing was particularly disgusting.
           A standard day with Remus.
           Apparently talking about some “Logan” that no one ever met was also a standard part of his character. And Virgil was very annoyed at himself knowing how jealous he sometimes felt because of this mysterious guy. The jealousy, however, seemed to weaken a bit when he realized that Roman was also bringing the name up almost every day. It started to sound like an inside joke that Virgil was too nervous to ask about.
           “Okay! Your desk’s just as clean as my legs yesterday when I jumped into the river to find a shiny stone, but it was a broken bottle, so I got glass stuck in my hand!” Remus smiled even wider, showing a little too many teeth and lifting his palm with three fingers covered in bandages.
           Virgil pinched the bridge of his nose.
           “Why do you have zero self-control?”, he asked, very much aware that the question was pointless.
           No one knew. And if someone did know, it definitely wasn’t Remus.
           “Sounds like a question Logan would ask”, said Roman who has just appeared out of nowhere behind Virgil. The shorter man shivered a little, not expecting anyone except for Alex who was finishing his shift to be in the room with them.
           “It does!”, Remus agreed poking the bandages with a finger. Knowing him, Virgil assumed he wanted to check if it’ll make the wound open and colour the fabric with blood. “And like I said, I just cleaned up your desk.” The firefighter moved much closer to Virgil towering over him with some different kind of smile. He really was smiling a lot for a person, who wanted to appear at least a little scary most of the time. “Where’s my ‘hi’?”
           The shorter man glanced up at him, suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed with the whole situation and all of his conflicting feelings. It definitely wasn’t the first time he found himself in a position like that. He should have got used to Remus being annoying and invading his personal space long ago. Or maybe he did get used to that and he was just confused by the fact that he really… didn’t mind?
           “Hi,” he said finally, the corners of his lips lifting slightly.
           “Hello,” Remus answered with something twinkling in his green eyes.
           There was a minute of silence. None of them seemed to want to move.
           “You’re both gross,” said Roman decisively and ruined the moment by rolling his eyes and walking right between them to the adjacent kitchen.
           Virgil felt blush creeping up his neck. He completely forgot about the second twin being in the room with them. Wouldn’t be the first time he got distracted like that.
           And he couldn’t even get mad at Roman… that was a little bit gross. …In a good way.
           “You can keep the bird skull if you want to. I planned to paint it and add to my new sculpture, but I have plenty more to use instead.”
           Virgil was more than grateful for the change of the topic.
           “No, thanks. But show me the sculpture once it’s done.”
           That was apparently a right thing to say, because Remus looked very satisfied with himself which was always nice. Virgil really liked to see him so cheerful, even when it meant complimenting some naturalistic painting or listening to his unsettling ideas. He was even more handsome when he seemed genuinely happy… wait, what?
           Virgil coughed nervously and quickly moved to the desk, putting his bag down and turning the computer on. When he was adjusting the headset and checking his microphone he looked back at Remus and gave him a little shy wave.
           “Don’t set yourself on fire today,” he said using their usual equivalent of ‘good bye’.
           “No promises!”, was a standard reply.
             Roman grabbed a bag of gummy worms from Remus’ hand preventing him from showing them all into his mouth at once.
           “Stop eating so much sweets. You’ll already too energetic today.”
           Remus shrugged and took a long sip of some energy drink he’d been hiding behind his back.
           “Don’t tell me what to do.”
           “It cannot be healthy for you!” Roman tried to grab the can as well, but Remus was sitting on the kitchen counter, so he easily lifted it out of his brother’s reach.
           “Why?!” he asked in a whiny tone.
           “Because Logan said so!”
           “No, he didn’t.”
           “But he would if he was standing here right now.”
           Remus jumped off the counter sending his twin annoyed look, but he put the drink away, only now noticing his slightly shaky hands. He hasn’t said anything to not give Roman the satisfaction and moved to the changing room to dress for their upcoming training.
           Virgil followed him with his eyes, not even trying to hide the confusion. Remus almost never did anything, because it was healthy or responsible. What was happening?
           Who the hell is Logan?
           “Roman! …Roman! ROMAN!!!”, Remus looked up seeing his brother sitting atop the fire engine with a book. It was his favourite place to escape the noise, people… and work. “Get down here, you lazy motherfucker! We’re moving the old hoses to the new room.”
           “Have fun then!”
           “They’re heavy! Come back here and help me!”
           “I’m busy…” Roman looked at Remus from behind the book, hoping he’d just get bored and walk away. “And you can lift them yourself, come on.”
           “No, I can’t! They’re packed in those bigger boxes. If I do this myself I’ll drop them on my feet or hurt my back and Logan said it’s dangerous!” Remus smirked, already knowing he won the argument. “And do you really want to leave me unsupervised?”
           “Okay, okay. I’ll help… It’s not your fault you’re a weak baby!”
           The rest of the conversation was too quiet for Virgil to hear through the open window from the garages below. The twins probably moved to the other room to finish the task. And Roman, who truly didn’t like this kind of repetitive labour, helped without much complaining… Strange.
           Who the fuck was Logan?
           “Roman, you forgot the scarf. It’s freezing. Logan said you’ll catch a cold!”
           “Logan would already give you a lecture for sleeping on a chair like that… At least move to the floor… I’ll bring you some blankets… Yes, I know it’s 4am. You think I’m happy about it?”
           “If Logan saw the mess you’ve made he be so disappointed with you…”
           “Okay, stop staring at cute boys and get back to work! Just imagine if Logan saw you right now. It’s pathetic. Oh… is my little brother blushing?”
           “What do you mean ‘why’? Just stay safe. Because Logan said so!”
           “Because Logan said so!”
             “Okay… who the hell is Logan?”
           Remus looked at Virgil from the axe he’s been sharpening on the office floor. He was clearly confused, not expecting anyone to talk to him after Roman left the room a few seconds ago.
           Virgil gripped the fabric of his trousers nervously.
           “I’ve asked who’s Logan.” There was a moment of silence. “You… you two keep bringing him up and I… I know that no one with that name works here and no one else is ever talking about this guy. If it’s a guy.” He stopped himself before he started rambling. “So… Who is Logan?”
           Remus was looking at him with a very weird set of emotions in his eyes. It was impossible to decipher what he was thinking or feeling at the moment which was pretty unusual for a person who was normally so open with what he thought or felt.
           Finally he went back to cleaning the axe lying on his knees.
           “Wouldn’t you like to know operator boy…” he said with a smirk.
           Virgil blinked, even more perplexed.
           “Y-yes! That’s why… Of course I want to know! That’s why I asked in the first place!”
           This time Remus openly laughed as if Virgil just told him a joke. It was one of his loudest and wildest laughs that most people learnt to ignore after working with Remus for a while, but it was still pretty creepy for anyone unfamiliar with the firefighter’s personality. Virgil would find it pretty pleasant to listen to if it wasn’t meant to mock him at the moment.
           “I don’t know what’s so funny…” he said defensively. He already regretted ever asking the question. Maybe it was a wrong moment? Maybe he should have asked Roman instead?
           “Of course you don’t! Oh, the irony…”
           He was very close to asking “what’s the irony”, but decided against it. Apparently he wasn’t getting any actual answers right now. Okay. He could wait and be patient when he wanted to. He’s already been waiting for months before the curiosity finally pushed him to say anything. There were other ways to get that information. It might be a difficult task, but he’ll learn the truth… eventually.
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General writing taglist: @imma-potatoo
Taglist for this AU: @isabelle-stars @wintersandsunshine
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist or removed from it :>
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Oct 28th, Wednesday 16:51
Robbe was off in a heartbeat, once he saw a familiar boy waiting for him by the entrance onto the school grounds. Without any regard he leaped forward and was immidiately welcomed into a big hug, picked up off the path and put down only when he had kissed his boyfriend. 
„And that is Sander.“ Moyo said as a matter of fact. And in addition. „Wendsday is Sanderday.“
Lucas who was with them, as they all had just finished economics class together, looked over confused. „Sanderday?“
„Wendsday is the only day of the week that he has off earlier than us. So he can come pick him up. Sander is of course his boyfriend there, who had just dropped his precious art folder and everything else in order to catch Robbe in time.“
Jens could only nod in agreement to Moyo’s thorough explanation.
„Hence, Sanderday.“ Aaron concured. „Trust me, they will leave us behind somewhere between now and the next hour, and never been heard of again until tomorrow.“
„U-huh.“ Was all that Lucas provided as they catched up with the couple.
„What’s up, boys?“ Sander greeted cheerfullfy, hugging each of the broerrs, before extanding his hand towards the newling to their group. „And you must be Lucas. Robbe, and basically everyone else, had already told me about you. Glad to be able to actually see you in person as well.“
„Great to meet you too.I hope there were only good things so far?“
„Absolutely.“ Sander proclaimed and picked up his things from the ground. „Ready to go? I actually had planned to sketch a bit by the park, if you want to come as well.“
A simultaneous shrug followed by affirmative mumbles, that made them all head towards the left, straight down the street. It was a ten minute walk tops, though they stopped for some drinks on the way. Long enough, that the sun even peaked through the clouds once they arrived.
„Lucas, can I post this on my insta? If you don’t mind, of course.“ That was Sander asking a little later, just as they had found a nice sunny spot in the park to occupy a bench. He pushed the display of his camera towards said boy’s face. Jens wasn’t sure when Sander had taken it out of his bag, but that wasn’t really what he wanted to know. Lucas seemed a bit taken a back, looking at it, as he did a double take and watched Sanders smiling face. He did sound a bit unsure of himself but replied: „Sure, I guess.“
Now everyone’s curiousity demanded a look as well. And after Moyo had sommented on it with a whistle on his lips, it finally was Jens’s turn. He wasn’t sure if he was breathing at the moment, but his jumping, beating heart, assured him he was alive. Though on second thought, maybe this was dying.
He tried not to give  away, how beautiful he thought it was. Or to be more presice, the boy in it. Sander took amazing photos, that wasn’t a secret, but he captured Lucas just in such a way that Jens’s throat dired up.
Aaron took the camera off his hands, leaving him with words of protest on his lips. But luckily his brain was smarter and decided to stay quiet. 
„Eh Lucas?“ Sander tapped the dutch boy on the shoulder: „If you’d be interested too. My photography course is doing editorials next month and I’d love for you to model for me. I already have the perfect idea! Trust me, it is gonna be great. Nothing too big. Maybe three, four photos? Black-White. Classy. Clean fashion editorial. We can get a designer on board and have Robbe do lights. What do you say?“
The broerrs looked at each other amused and than to Lucas who had absolutely no clue what to do. He also never had met Sander and his seemingly spontaneous grand plans before. He certainly was the type to go big or go home. Before Lucas had any chance to answer though, Robbe’s voice broke the silence.
„Here I thought I was your only muse. But now a new pretty boy comes along and where does that leave me?“ He pouted at his boyfriend, who’s grin immidiately vanished of his face, replaced by an expression of horror that Robbe would even entertain a thought like this.
„You are, and will always be my biggest muse in every universe! Always and for ever! Unconditionaly. I’d carry you on my hands each day, and would canonise the ground you are walking on. Gift you every moon, and star, and sun I’d be able to reach. The whole sky and beyond. You are the one thing I truly love more than aynthing in this world, myself included. You are...“
„Oh shut up and kiss me! Then you can go back fanboying over Lucas again.“ Robbe smirked, blushing in the brightest colours imaginable by Sander’s devout decleration of love.
„I most definitely will kiss you!“ Sander exclaimed and took a very broad and swift step towards him, his hands immidiately finding just the perfect hight on Robbe’s hips to pull him excrushingly close.
Jens felt like an intruder seeing something he shouldn’t. It felt very inapprobiate to watch, as Sander leaned in to an open-mouth kiss. Lips and teeth and tounge. Robbe reciprocated like it was air to breath, let himself fall into it, his wrists crossed behind the neck of Sander, as they devoured each other. Jens knew he never had kissed nor had ever been kissed by anyone like this. He really should look away, but just like the other boys he couldn’t quite draw his gaze from them. 
He swore they had completely forgotten about Lucas, Moyo, Aaron and himself, as Robbe and Sander ended their kiss with a heavy gasp, staring into each other eyes as they pressed their forheads together.
These lucky bastards were together for almost a year and still it seemed they had just found each other anew.
Jens loudly cleared his throat, while Moyo couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer and Aaron slowly clapped, deeply impressed. Checking up on Lucas though, Jens found the dutch boy looking absolutely overwhelmed by this public display of affection. Or maybe because it was between two boys? Jens really hoped that that wasn’t the case. And it didn’t appear that Lucas had been disconcerted before when Robbe had pecked a kiss to Sander’s lips infront of the school. But that didn’t really had to mean anything, right? Jens just prayed he was wrong about the way Lucas seemed to be a bit uncomfortable at the moment.
„Seriously, I almost want to be kissed by Sander now.“ Moyo joked, patting Robbe’s back, who seemed to suddelny realise where they were.
„That could be arranged, I believe.“ Sander provided with a wink, greatly amused by Moyo’s wide eyes of total shock to the suggestion.
„Oh shit, sorry!“ Robbe said apologetic at the same time.
„All good.“ Jens let his best friend know, searching for Lucas’s eyes. „Right?“
The dutch boy suddenly looked up and over towards him, nodding strongly.
„Of course. I just...eh....it came...unexpected.“ Lucas settled on and tried a reassuring smile. „Are you always like that?“
„Like what?“ Robbe inquiered, perhaps a bit defensive. He hated when people assumed anything remotely negative when speaking about Sander, and or their relationship in general.
„So open about it? I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve seen that before. My circle was very straight in Utrecht. But really, I didn’t mean to imply anything else by it. Honestly. Full support on my end here.“
„We are just us.“ Sander provided simply to ease the tension, while he turned back towards Lucas with a warm expression. He never let go of his boyfriend though, tucking him nicely to his side, with his arm slung around the other boy’s back for support, his hand resting on Robbe’s waist.
Lucas’s smile grew brighter, nodding reassured that this had turned out alright.
Jens released the breath he didn’t knew he had held. But it felt like some weight was lifted by Lucas not being against their relationship. Why he had been so effected though, Jens didn’t know. He assumed it just had to do with the happiniess of his best friend, that he wanted to protect. 
„Trust me, they can get even worse than this. At least on two seperate occasions I had to slip out of Robbe’s room. They only have eyes for each other from one moment to the next. It’s incredible. And hands! God do they have too many hands.“ Jens told Lucas, exaggerating his annoyance over them, by rolling his eyes in a big motion. It earned him a smack by Robbe and Sander’s laughter.
„Bro! I swear to god, it happened to me too once. We were playing CoD and sat on the sofa together, until they started. I spend the next hour in the kitchen with my headphones on, not even wanting to try to get to the bathroom.“ Moyo declared and now everyone was laughing. Til Robbe decided it was enough and waved them all off.
„Okay, okay, I think everyone got the point. Can we go back now to appreciating Lucas’s beauty and how he should model for my stupid boyfriend here?“ Teased Robbe, patting Sander’s chest. Who was back on track of his mission the next second, leaving his boyfriend’s side to take his camera back from Aaron and settle into the dutch boy’s immidiate vicinity effortlessly. Jens sometimes really found himself jealous by how easy it seemed to be for Sander to do.
„So what’s your insta? I can message you everything about my idea later.“
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
#MarichatMay Day 24
Long post ft. a Reveal, Marichat, lowkey other sides of the lovesquare and fluff :3 Hope you guys enjoy! xxx
Based on the prompt list by @marichatmay
Day 24: Confession
“Purr-incess? I might have to confess something.”
“What have you done this time?” Marinette sighed, barely looking up from her newspaper. She was reading the fashion pages, regularly bookmarking pictures from the Paris Autumn Fashion Week report. She wasn’t so much interested in the stars as she was in the trends that were emerging, although there were a couple of good shots of Adrien Agreste that would definitely be making it to her picture-board.
Had Marinette been focusing on Chat Noir instead, she would have noticed how fidgety he was, a lot more hyper than usual. He paced around her room, biting his claws in a nervous habit. Ever since he’d found out Ladybug was, in fact, Marinette, he’d done his best to conceal his own identity, while secretly trying to get her attention, but not knowing how to. He hadn’t meant to follow Ladybug Home. In fact, he hadn’t realised he was until he had gotten close enough to Marinette’s flat. He’d been blinded by a familiar red flash just as he prepared to jump onto her balcony, and seen his friend casually walk out from behind the chimney, fishing in her bag to get a macaron out for the red being that floated next to her. 
Chat had been meaning to visit Marinette that particular night to welcome her back after her holiday. Which, now that he thought about it, matched Ladybug’s own time off. He thought about all the times he’d missed the connections. How Marinette had never been akumatised. How fast Ladybug appeared when the attacks happened at school, how well she seemed to know the targets. How the only time he’d seen both Marinette and Ladybug together, Trixx had conveniently been amongst the kidnapped Kwamis. How similar Ladybug and the illusory Marinette had looked, down to the hairstyle. For somebody whose main line of business was looks, he certainly had been very blind.  
Chat had almost collided with a wall as he ran back to his room, laughing about his discovery and the irony of him calling Marinette an everyday Ladybug. Knowing his Lady, she probably had been panicking inside at the thought of being unmasked. Yet it made so much sense that the most caring, mindful and genuinely kind person he knew was the person behind the mask. How had it escaped him for so long?
 He’d spent the rest of the Summer pondering what to do with the information. Should he come clean to Marinette? At least about him knowing? She was the guardian after all, surely it was only a matter of time before she ended up knowing about his identity anyway.
When school started again, still unsure about what to do, Adrien had probed Alya and Nino to figure out if they also knew. Alya being hot on LB’s tracks all the time, surely she must have been aware that her favourite superhero was her best friend. After talking with her, he concluded that either she didn’t know, or she played her cards reaaaally close to her chest. She’d let something slip about Marinette liking him, though, which, once he’d calmed the butterflies in his stomach -the girl of his dreams liked him back-, had lead him to spend a lot of time trying to get closer to her. He thought it would be perfect; he’d know the truth, but she didn’t have to.
Except that to everyone’s disbelief, Marinette had gently rejected Adrien’s date invitations. Once. Twice. Three times. Alya could not fathom what was going on in her best friend’s head, and she wouldn’t tell her. She just said she had a secret crush, but that she couldn’t say anything more. Adrien’s heart ached a bit, but guessed that after all the time he’d made her suffer by calling her a “good friend”, it was normal that she had moved on. He might have been slightly jealous, but he had respectfully backed away. 
Until tonight. Chat Noir had been visiting Marinette (just because she wouldn’t date him didn’t mean he didn’t want to hang out with his friend), and she’d left him for a bit to get some croissants from the bakery. Left unsupervised, Chat had skimmed through her latest sketches, her talent never failing to impress him. And that’s when he’d seen her diary, open wide. It had been pushed back behind her computer monitor, probably when he’d arrived. He really hadn’t meant to pry, but as his gaze landed on the page, he saw his name. Chat Noir. 
His curiosity getting the better of him, he had read the diary entry, his cheeks warming as he read her silent confession that she liked him. She seemed a little conflicted about her feelings, but his bad puns were the main thing she held against him. It was all he could do not to waltz with her when she came up the stairs. 
Marinette mistook his delight for over excitement at the thought of eating pastries, which she faced every time she gave Chat anything to eat. She refrained from worrying about his eating habits, given that he’d admitted to being a high level, part time sportsman (he wouldn’t say which sport, but the fact that his right arm muscles were a bit more developed than his left had made her assume it was tennis). His enthusiasm had made her smile, but she hadn’t paid much attention to it as she opened the magazine Chat had brought her.
“I might have agreed to us going on a double date? Adrien Agreste asked if I could organise a dinner with Ladybug, and well, I didn’t want to be the third wheel so I said we’d both go...” Chat was making it up as he went. This could be a solution to his conundrum. An opportunity to tell her who he was, that he knew, and (he could dream) to make out with her on the Paris rooftops.
“You what?” The magazine fell flat on her lap as all colour drained from her face. 
“I’m so sorry, I know I should have asked first, but he has a photo shoot opportunity for us and wanted to meet her in another context first... And Ladybug said yes.” He looked straight into her eyes as he iterated the last sentence, daring her to contradict him.
Marinette gaped at the audacity. The blatant lie. It hit her that there was nothing she could do, nothing she could say except accept the proposition. The way Chat looked at her told her he at least suspected there was a link between her and Ladybug. She couldn’t call him out on Ladybug’s supposed agreement to go. Outright refusing the dinner invitation would be fishy. 
She took a deep breath before replying. “Okay, fine, then.” She could always make up an excuse closer to the date.
Her answer took Chat by surprise, but he did his best to hide it. He promised he’d be in touch as he left, and pressed a longing kiss on Marinette’s forehead, drawing a bright shade of crimson to her cheeks as he did so. 
Ladybug swung from chimney to chimney on her way to the rooftop. She’d decided it would be Marinette bailing tonight. How could she explain getting there otherwise? And after all, it was Ladybug whom Adrien wanted to see. 
She landed at the meeting point, expecting to find the two boys she’d ever had feelings for. Instead, only one was present.
“Good evening, Adrien.” She smiled. Her romantic feelings for him had melted as her relationship with Chat bloomed. Adrien’s recent interest in her had further confused her, but she was certain now that her heart belonged to a certain leather-clad cat. “Has Chat not made it yet?”
“Actually, he has.” He gave her an oddly familiar smile, one she wasn’t used to seeing on him.
“Oh?” She asked, discreetly looking around. She noticed the candle-lit table in the center of the rooftop, a single rose laid on one of the two plates. Ladybug stared at him blankly, her brain taking a minute to register the information. “Is he not staying for dinner, then?”
“Just as much as Marinette will.”
“Do you mean...”
“Plagg, claws out.” Adrien called out, holding his hand out. A black blur cycloned towards his simple, silver ring, and in a green flash, the model was replaced by her partner.
Her face was tense from trying very hard not to gape. Her jaw would probably have hit the floor otherwise. 
“You knew.” She managed to articulate.
“I did.”
“Tikki, spots off.” She felt more comfortable speaking as herself. Which she knew was stupid. She was Ladybug. And Adrien was Chat Noir. “I can’t believe you managed to make me fall for you twice.” She knew there were more pressing matters. They were out in the open, they’d both transformed. They now both knew who the other was. But for once she let her heart speak for her first.
“In my defense, you claw-ly have a type.” He chuckled. They were facing each other now, close enough for his hand to come and cup her face, his thumb gently stroking her cheek.
“As if you don’t!” She snorted, her eyes lost in his green ones. They reflected the flickering candles in a warm way, making her feel at Home. 
“Never said I didn’t.” He kissed her lightly on the forehead. On her nose. On her cheek. “You know, I lied the other day when I said I had to confess something.” He whispered as he continued trailing kisses on her face, behind her ears, just below her jaw.
“Oh yeah?” She sighed, savouring the moment.
“My actual confession is, I love you, my Ladynette.” He smiled tenderly as he drowned into the sapphire of her eyes.
“And I love you, my Chadrien.” 
Their lips found each other like two butterflies as they stood in their own bubble, the Eiffel Tower erupting in lights behind them as the clock struck the hour.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
The Luck of the Draw
For @klaroline-events KC Bingo -  Sketchbook - On FF and AO3
Klaus loses his sketchbook at school and Caroline (his sister’s best friend) finds it. The problem is it contains drawings of her and Caroline has enlisted his help to track down its owner. What could possibly go wrong?
“I need you now.”
“I know I’m amazing, but…”
“Would you just shut up and get in here?’
“If you wanted a tour of my bedroom, all you needed to do was ask, sweetheart.”
“Shhhhh,” she hissed, pulling him inside the room and shutting the door behind them. “Do you want the whole house to hear you, Mikaelson?”
“Says the girl who invited herself into my bedroom.”
“I’ve been trying to get your attention all night. What did you think I was doing under the dinner table?”
“Well, to be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure if that was you or Arabella doing that,” he smirked. Arabella was the Mikaelson’s pet cat. Although friendly, Klaus knew exactly who was doing the rubbing. “Now, is there a point to all the dramatics, Forbes?’
“You infuriate me.”
“Enough with the compliments, love,” Klaus replied lazily, lying on his bed and placing his hands behind his head.
“You promised to help me find, well you know.”
“If we knew who it was you wouldn’t need my help.” Her response was an exaggerated eye roll. “Fine, I don’t have anything for you.”
“To be fair, you only brought me this proposition a couple of days ago. I need time to track down that kind of information.”
“Okay, calling it a proposition, which it so isn’t, makes it sound untoward,” she shot back. “How difficult is it to ask around?”
“Artists aren’t like cheerleaders and jocks; we do things differently. You know less flashy and more…”
“Sullen and brooding?”
“I personally take offence to that.”
“Says the broody guy who called me flashy,” she muttered. “How difficult is it to ask all your arty people if they’ve lost a sketchbook? One that just happens to have drawings of me on every page.”
Hearing that reminded Klaus just what was at stake here.
Sure, he’d lied when she’d brought him the sketchbook. He’d been looking for it for days when she presented it to him after finding it on the bleachers post cheer practice.
After kicking himself mentally for leaving it in such a public place, Klaus assumed she’d worked out it was his and was madly trying to decide out how to explain himself.
Sure, it probably looked creepy to an outsider, but Klaus had been sketching her for the last two years.
Given Rebekah had told him in no uncertain terms “to keep his mitts off” her friends, he had no choice but to draw her instead. Klaus considered it his way of dealing with his unrequited feelings.
They were worlds apart in the school hierarchy. Caroline was a junior and did pretty much every extracurricular activity on offer. Klaus, a senior, liked his space far too much to go to football games and parties. He much preferred spending time with his few close friends, reading books and drawing.
What he wasn’t expecting was for Caroline to ask his help in tracking down the sketchbook’s owner. At first, he considered coming clean but then had no idea how he’d explain himself so went with the alternative.
Tracking down someone who didn’t really exist.
What Klaus hadn’t expected was to have so much fun being around her. He knew she was beautiful, intelligent and all-consuming but the past few days had given him a glimpse of what could be. Or, given his sister’s views, what could have been.
Although, Klaus wasn’t going to let those thoughts get in the way. He was having far too much fun to stop now. One thing, however, had alluded him. What were here plans once she discovered the secret artist?
“I’m curious, Forbes. What exactly do you plan on doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Once you find your mystery artist, what happens next?”
“I, uh,” she faltered, her blue eyes filled with uncertainty. “I suppose I haven’t worked that out yet.”
“Why’s that?’ Klaus asked, hoping his voice didn’t sound as desperate as it felt. 
“Caroline! Where are you?” Rebekah’s voice pierced the air. Even with his door shut she could still be heard. “I need help removing this face masque before it decides to stick on me for good.”
“Quelle horreur,” he joked in French, earning a knowing smile from her best friend. “Sounds like you better go tend to the screaming banshee given this disaster could rival the Titanic.”
“I’m not finished with you.”
“I kind of figured,” he nodded thinking that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing at all.  With another eye roll and a hair toss for good measure, she made her way towards the door. “Next time try and refrain from accosting me in my bedroom though, love.”
“You wish, Mikaelson,” she retorted, turning around one last time before pulling the door closed behind her. 
He really did wish.
It was only after she’d left, leaving a scent of vanilla and strawberries in her wake, that Klaus realised he already missed her.
2 days later
“What exactly are we doing here?”
“Why are you whispering? This isn’t the library last time I checked.”
Klaus had suggested they stake out the school’s art studio at lunch to try and track down her sketchbook owner. Yes, he was lying, but couldn’t resist being around her without the whole school watching them.
She’d been texting him a lot the past day and they’d fallen into their usual banter via cell phone. If he knew how fun this would have been he’d have started much earlier. 
C: How does someone draw like this?
K: Like what?
C: I always thought my stick figures were lifelike but then I saw these.
K: Stick figures get way too much criticism if you ask me.
C: Now you’re just being facetious.
K: That’s a big word for such a little girl.
C: It’s okay, I’ll buy you a dictionary so you can look it up, Mikaelson.
“So, this is where everything happens?” She asked, looking around at the myriad of paints and brushes, easels and canvases. Klaus liked the art studio, he found it incredibly relaxing and tranquil.
“You mean the painting?”
“No, dumbass, I mean the brooding.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re hilarious?” He teased, swatting her playfully with a paint brush.
“All the time,” she replied deadpan. “I’m thinking of majoring in drama at college.”
“Well, you have that drama queen thing going for you.” She gave him a look which clearly said he’d gone too far. “I’m not saying you’ll win an Academy Award for best dramatic performance though, that has my sister written all over it.”
“I’ve never understood how you two are related,” Caroline mused. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I love Rebekah, but she’s so loud and bossy and you’re…”
“Obviously you missed out on that and she missed out on the smart-ass gene,” she laughed, her whole face lighting up. Klaus loved watching her love, hell he loved watching her do anything.
She was wearing her cheerleading uniform as there was a game that night. Her blonde waves were piled into a high ponytail and the school colours only made her eyes that much bluer.  
“So, how are we going to find this mystery person when no one is here?”
“That’s the whole point,” he insisted. “Take a look around and see if anyone’s artwork looks familiar.”
“Where’s your work?”
“Why?” He asked curiously but also probably too quickly. Was she onto him?
“Well, we’ve known each other all this time and I’ve never seen your work,” she offered. “You must be pretty good if you’re going to RISD after graduation.”
“How do you know about that?” Klaus was shocked, although they saw each other frequently he didn’t think she ever actually saw him. 
“Your sister must have mentioned it,” she murmured. Klaus noticed a slight blush cross her cheeks and decided it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. “So, I, uh, guess I should take a look around.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” he only just managed to get out. 
“Not many stick figures and here I thought I had a future in art.” 
“I can teach you.” It just came out before Klaus had time to process his offer. Maybe it was a stupid thing to suggest but it was too late now. 
“I might be a lost cause,” she admitted. 
“Come on, let’s give it a try.”
“Well, there’ll be less embarrassment if you draw a stick figure without the judgmental, brooding artist crowd watching.” Before she could argue, he’d moved in behind her, placing a sketchpad on the desk and a pencil in her hand. 
He was trying to ignore just how good she felt against his chest. He noticed her breath quicken, hoping for even just a second that she felt even a shred of what he did for her. 
“Okay, so point the pencil towards the paper,” he instructed, placing his hand over hers and tilting it slightly. Her skin was just as soft as it looked. “This is how you need to hold it.” 
“So, that’s what I was doing wrong all this time,” she teased. He smiled against her hair, thinking just how comfortable he felt, his hand guiding hers gently to the paper. 
Later that night
“I thought football games were a waste of time,” she teased, approaching him on the bleachers. The crowds were long gone, the field empty. “I seem to recall you saying something only a few days ago about cheerleaders and jocks being too flashy.”
“Well, if the shoe fits,” he muttered. “I was bored, what can I say?”
“Did you at least catch my halftime act?”
“I did actually,” he smiled, thinking he quite liked what he saw. The pure athleticism on display was impressive and it didn’t hurt that she looked beautiful doing it. “Those spirit fingers had to be my favourite part though.”
“Uh, huh,” she growled sarcastically. “I knew you were secretly watching Bring It On when you thought Rebekah and I didn’t notice.” 
“In my defence, Finn and Elijah watched it too and I had a crush on the Clover’s Captain.”
“Wow, he even remembers the team name,” she laughed, taking a seat and putting her pom poms down. “You sure do like this spot.”
“Excuse me?”
“On the bleachers. I remember you used to watch me and Rebekah practice before try-outs from here. I could tell you weren’t really interested but it meant a lot that you did it for Rebekah.”
“It wasn’t just for Rebekah, Caroline,” he murmured, his gaze now downward, finally finding her red pom poms a much needed distraction. 
“The reason this spot stands out to me is not just because of that,” she said, moving closer. “This also happens to be where I found the mystery sketchbook.”
“Really? What a coincidence.”
“You know, I don’t think it was, Klaus,” she pressed. “I know it’s your sketchbook.”
“You do?” He asked, finally looking up into her eyes. 
“I’ve known since I found it and looked inside,” she admitted. “It seemed too much of a coincidence that it was in this spot and those sketches were of me.”
“So, you were testing me?” He asked, suddenly put out that she’d known and didn’t feel the need to be honest. Klaus felt stupid enough about her finding them as it was. 
“Maybe,” she murmured. “But not for the reason you think.”
“Why then?’
“Remember in your bedroom the other night, you asked me what I’d say to the person who owned the sketchbook?” He nodded by way of response, unable to get much else out given what was transpiring. “I didn’t know because it was yours.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Of course I knew what I wanted to say but I guess I but didn’t know if you wanted to hear it,” she admitted. 
“Why would you think that?”
“You didn’t own up to it, I thought maybe you didn’t feel...”
“Feel what?”
“Hey, no fair! You’re the one who drew the most beautiful pictures that, by the way, I’ve only looked at hundreds of times. Which gave me all these feelings and emotions and I’m the only one having to fess up?” She was rambling but Klaus thought it was so adorable it didn’t matter. 
“I think what you wanted to say is exactly what I wanted to say back to you.”
“This conversation has become awfully confusing but what I think you might be trying to say is...”
“I love you, Caroline Forbes.” She was silent for a moment, obviously processing not only his interruption but what he’d admitted. Maybe he’d gone too far?
“Wow,” she whispered. “Way to steal a girl’s thunder.”
“Is that all you’re going to say?”
“How about we stop talking all together and do something else instead?” She grinned, looping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. “But for the record, I love you too.”
“Rebekah is going to kill me, isn’t she?”
“You’re really thinking about your sister right now? Just shut up and kiss me, Mikaelson.”
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ghosttotheparty · 4 years
say my name and say it twice (cotton candy skies)
16. also on AO3 chapter fifteen
Lucas smiles almost the whole way home, and he has to force himself to stop when he steps through the door, but it’s hard. Just a few minutes after he left Jens’s, Jens sent him a text message.
I miss you :(
And Lucas had giggled to himself like a schoolgirl.
He goes to his room before going to the kitchen, to leave his shoes and jacket, and to let himself smile, covering his face. His cheeks squish under his hands and he closes his eyes. He can still feel his lips tingling, and he presses them together, trying to calm his smile down before dinner. He drops his phone on his bed when he hears Milan sing his name from the hallway.
“Lucas, what did you do today?” Senne asks after they’ve all sat down, looking at him over the table. Lucas swallows a bite before answering, a response he planned on the way over.
“Just wandered around the city.” He nods to Milan. “I went down to the canal and saw Sander’s mural again, I totally forgot about it.”
“Fun, fun…” Milan says. “Did you make any art?”
“Yeah, I did some sketches.” Lucas takes a small bite and reaches out to his glass next to him.
“Can we see them?” Senne asks.
“No,” Lucas says lightly, lifting the glass as if in a toast, before taking a sip. “Milan, did you finish that project?”
“Well we would have but Matthis didn’t do his part...”
As he talks, Lucas catches Senne staring at Lucas, his brow furrowed and his eyes slightly narrowed, his fork stalled on its way to his mouth. Lucas mouths What? to him and Senne shrugs, shaking his head and looks away.
“So I have to do that part of it, and I’m upset,” Milan finishes.
“Really? I can’t tell,” Senne says, covering his full mouth.
Lucas and Zoë both snort as Milan lets out a sarcastic laugh.
There’s a knock at Lucas’s door and he flips the page of his sketchbook, from a drawing of Jens to a simple sketch of the city, before he calls, “Come in!”
The door opens and Senne steps in, but he doesn’t enter, just leans against the doorframe, holding the door against himself. He looks at Lucas and smiles when he sees the sketchbook.
“Hi?” Lucas moves the sketchbook down to give Senne his attention. “What’s up?”
Senne sighs, glancing at the window before looking back at him.
“So… You weren’t really wandering the city today, were you?”
Lucas stares at him, unsure of how to respond.
He doesn’t even know if he should be worried. How would Senne know about him and Jens? It wasn’t like they met in a public place; he’d gone directly to Jens’s, and they hadn’t posted anything about being together.
“I don’t know where you were,” Senne says quickly, seeing Lucas’s confused, worried face. “I just…” He trails off, staring at Lucas, eyes narrowed, thinking. “You seem happy.”
Lucas suppresses a smile.
“And I’m not gonna pry, I’m just…” Senne smiles, almost knowingly. “I’m happy for you.”
Lucas can see Jens standing outside the studio in the distance as he skateboards down the pavement quickly. Most of the dancers that are usually waiting outside with Jens are fone by now, as Lucas is a few minutes late.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he says breathlessly as he stumbles off the board, clutching Jens’s shoulders so he doesn’t fall and Jens is grinning, grabbing his wrist as Lucas bends down and picks up the board. “I was, like, halfway here and then I realised I forgot something, so I had to turn back, and--”
As he rambles, Jens pulls him by the wrist to the alley and tugs him into it, turning to face him.
“--and then the lock got stuck and it was--”
Jens kisses him, his hand letting go of his wrist and going to his neck, his thumb brushing over his jaw as their lips open against each other, and Lucas gasps lightly, placing his skateboard against the wall by bending down, his head tilted up so their mouths don’t detach, and then he reaches up, twisting his fingers in Jens’s hair.
Lucas’s hands slip down, and one grips his shoulder as the other holds the strap of his bag, and he gets up on his tiptoes, pulling him closer and kissing him harder, his tongue slipping past Jens’s lips.
Jens hums, wrapping his arms around Lucas’s waist, between his back and his backpack, and lifting him slightly. Lucas squeals, his hands jumping to hold Jens’s face, and his palms press to his cheeks, squishing them.
Jens lowers him, bending down and kissing him once more harshly, biting his lip, and Lucas lets out a quiet whimper. Jens lets go on his lip and pulls back, his cheeks red, smiling as Lucas tries to follow him.
“Wait, no--” Lucas slides his hands to his neck and pulls him in, kissing him again, and Jens grins against his mouth, clutching at the small of his back as Lucas sucks on his lower lip gently.
“Shit,” Lucas breathes when he finally pulls back, and Jens hums in agreement, sliding his hands to Lucas’s waist, holding onto him tightly as Lucas grips the lapels of his orange jacket. When he opens his eyes, Jens’s lips are shining and red, curved into a smile.
“What did you forget?” Jens asks quietly.
“Huh?” Lucas’s brow furrows in confusion, his eyes dazed and spacey.
“You said you forgot something and had to go back to get it,” Jens says, amused.
“Oh, that’s right!” Lucas doesn’t let go of him yet. “It’s for you.”
“For me?” Jens’s brows raise.
“Yeah, you wanna see it?”
They let go of each other and Lucas takes off his backpack, glancing up at Jens as he unzips it and pulls out a thin folder.
“For your wall,” he says, handing it to him and zipping the bag again. “I tried to keep with Lotte’s theme.”
When he looks up again, Jens is holding it open, looking through the cutout drawings, studies of plants and birds and butterflies and beetles. A few of them are coloured with pencils, others gone over with pen, others left in just graphite.
Jens’s mouth is ajar, his eyes sparkling as he looks at them in wonder, and Lucas grins.
“You like them?”
Jens looks at him and just reaches out, pulling him in by the chains around his neck, and kisses him. Lucas happily lets him, bringing a hand up to hold his face.
“Yeah?” he says when they pull away again.
Lucas lets go and steps past him, grabbing his backpack and skateboard as he goes to the dumpster, where he tosses them both up on the lid before turning and jumping, pulling himself up. He watches as Jens puts his bag next to Lucas, carefully sliding the folder in.
“Dance for me,” he says, catching Jens off guard.
“Dance for me. I’ve only seen you do a plié.”
“What do I do?” Jens zips his bag again and steps out in front of Lucas.
“Uhm…” He smiles as Jens gets in first position. “Do a twirl.”
“A twirl? A pirouette?”
Lucas nods, giggling.
“What are you laughing at?” Jens asks as he steps a foot out in front of himself, holding one arm out to his side and the other to his front, his hand directed at Lucas, who notices a silver ring on his finger.
He shrugs, still giggling.
“I don’t know.” Jens raises his eyebrows, and Lucas cocks his head at him, laying his head on his shoulder as he puts his hand to his side, propping himself up. “I like it when you talk ballet.”
Jens makes a suggestive face at him and Lucas makes one back.
“Okay, this is probably gonna be bad because concrete. And sneakers.”
Jens sends him one last look before kicking off, spinning on one foot twice, his eyes catching on Lucas every time he faces him. When he stops, stumbling because the rubber of his shoes catches on the rough gravel, Lucas claps, smiling brightly, and Jens takes a bow.
When he raises his head, Lucas holds his hands out, grabbing at the air, and Jens steps close, between his legs. Lucas wraps his arms around Jens’s neck, pulling him into a hug, burying his face between his arm and his neck.
“That was pretty,” he mumbles as he feels Jens touch his waist, pull Lucas against himself tightly.
They hold each other for a few seconds, gently swaying, until Jens turns his head and kisses Lucas’s neck lazily, and Lucas’s shoulders come up and he flinches away, giggling.
“You’re ticklish?”
“You are!” Jens kisses his neck again to prove it, his lips to his throat when Lucas shrugs again.
“Jens!” Lucas whines loudly, pushing at his shoulders, and Jens grins, letting himself be pushed back.
“That’s so cute,” he says, gazing at Lucas, whose cheeks have flushed. “Oh, my god.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“I did.”
“My lips, Jens.”
Jens pulls at the small of his back and they kiss again. It only takes a second for both their mouths to open, their tongues tangling and their breaths mixing as Lucas slides his hands into Jens’s hair. Lucas gasps as Jens bites down on his lip, moving his body closer to Jens, whose hands slide to Lucas’s legs, squeezing his thighs.
Lucas moves his hands to Jens’s neck and back to his hair, and back to his neck like he can’t decide where to stay. His legs wrap around Jens, his ankles locked, and he uses them to pull Jens in more. Jens slides his hands up and down his legs, squeezing his hips, and sighs when they pull away.
Lucas holds his face, gazing at him. Jens’s eyes are closed, his lips red and parted like he’s sleeping. Lucas runs his thumbs over his brows, smoothing them, and then across his eyelids and over his cheekbones, kissing him once more.
“You remember how you said you sleep better with me on the phone?” Jens murmurs, their foreheads pressing together.
Jens takes a deep breath, smiling softly.
“Me too.”
“This is a good routine we have going?”
“A great routine.”
They’ve called every day this week, around 11:00 pm, just to chat for a few minutes, about school or what they’d done that day, before they both lose the energy to talk. Until they both fall asleep, listening to each other breathe.
Jens opens his eyes and they gaze at each other, their eyes soft. Lucas stares into his brows irises, how they get darker toward the centre, and his eyelashes, how they spread like fans. He presses a kiss to Jens’s forehead.
“I’m finally taller than you.”
Jens’s face hardens, his brow furrowing.
“Mm… no.”
He detaches himself from Lucas, letting go of his legs, and steps way before pulling himself up next to him. Lucas rolls his eyes, looking over at him.
“You’re not allowed to be taller than me,” Jens says.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You love it.”
Lucas makes a face, moving his head back and forth like he’s considering it.
“Jury’s still out.”
Jens snorts, pushing himself back against the wall, and Lucas watches, turning, and smiles mischievously.
“What?” Jens asks warily, narrowing his eyes at him. “What are you thinking?”
“Nothing,” Lucas says, shrugging innocently.
He leans forward and pecks Jens’s lips before putting a hand on his shoulder, and looking down as he crawls close, swinging a leg across Jens’s lap.
“Oooooo…” Jens says, his voice high, lifting his hands as Lucas climbs on top of him so he’s straddling him.
“Ooo? Are you excited?” Lucas laughs, and Jens’s hands fall to his legs, gripping him, and he nods, grinning.
“Silly,” Lucas says as he leans in, and he kisses him, hard and open-mouthed, immediately sliding his tongue into his mouth. Jens squeezes his legs, leaning in, his back coming away from the wall and pushing Lucas back.
Lucas pushes right back, licking into his mouth, his fingers tangling in Jens’s hair at the back of his head, and Jens lets out a sound that maybe, possibly, just might be a moan as Lucas bites down on his lip.
Lucas hums back, slipping his hands down to his chest, softly gripping his jacket, and he accidentally rolls his hips against Jens’s when Jens’s hands slide across the small of his back to his bottom. Jens pulls his mouth away with a gasp.
Lucas pulls away, searching his face anxiously, but Jens’s hands don’t move. Jens drops his head against the wall, looking away, almost panting.
“I have to calm down,” he says, looking at Lucas, and Lucas grins.
He waits for a second, feeling Jens’s chest rise and fall under his hands, watching Jens’s face. His eyes flick back and forth between Jens’s, and after a second, he bends down, tilting his head, and presses his lips to the side of Jens’s neck. Jens inhales, pulling Lucas is harder, and tilting his own head. Lucas closes his eyes, kissing him a few more times before opening his mouth slightly and biting down softly.
“Mm, Lu, wait…”
Lucas pulls his head back, looking at Jens, whose cheeks are pink, his eyes dazed.
“Are you gonna leave a mark?” Jens’s face turns red, and Lucas smiles.
“I can.”
“Can you do it where they won’t see?”
Lucas quirks his eyebrows at him and somehow Jens blushes more.
“You know what I mean.”
Lucas laughs quietly, kissing his mouth softly.
“I know.”
He looks down, unzipping Jens’s jacket and gently pulling down the collar of his black hoodie until a section of his chest is exposed. He touches the skin lightly, just grazing it with his fingertips, and glances up at Jens.
Jens is watching him, his eyes soft and sparkling, his mouth smiling. He nods when Lucas raises his eyebrows, and Lucas bends down, kissing the skin a few times, feeling Jens’s hands shift on him, before opening his mouth and biting, sucking the skin between his teeth. Jens moans softly, biting his own lip, and Lucas can hear him breathing heavily. After a minute, Lucas pulls away, looking at the reddened skin before licking it and kissing it softly, and lifting his head to look at Jens.
“You fuck me up,” Jens says quietly, his eyes still closed, and Lucas giggles, leaning in and kissing him.
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bittervitter · 4 years
ang0mang0′s “copycat” claims
I didn’t want to have to make another post about this, but since people on sonicfan799 / thatAnge / @ang0mang0′s Tumblr profile are getting riled up about this ridiculous drama that should have died ages ago, I figured I’d defend myself. Some people who are trying to support me have been saying incorrect things too, so I also wanted to clear that up. This crap has been going on for months, everyone is sick of it by now. Instead of being brief like I did for other social medias, I’ll be as detailed as possible this time.
[1] “she’s copying/imitating/heavily referencing from my art style!!!”
Like people have said a million times, no I’m not. And nor is anyone else. Just because someone draws the Sonic characters in a similar style to you does not automatically mean they took, copied or “stole” those ideas from you. You don’t own the concept of buff, fluffy bodies or chubby muzzles. COINCIDENCE, as much as you hopelessly deny it, is very much a possible thing- even in crazy situations such as this. There are several other artists who have similar art styles by mere coincidence. IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. As examples, these Instagram artists have similar styles: @ azulytoons and @ indigonite0 / @ magenta_mel and @ zer0finix / @ himemikal and @ natirix. NONE of these artists are “stealing” or referencing from each other- they just have similar art styles, and that is perfectly okay! They draw completely different things with completely different mindsets. The world does not revolve around you, ang0. Not everyone knows who you are, so some people who use the same traits that we do don’t even know we exist.
Also, to anyone unaware, an art STYLE is not merely how one chooses to portray a character. An art STYLE is also what brushes you use, how you sketch, how you line, how you colour, how you shade, how you choose to portray certain objects or ideas- basically your entire fucking understanding of how something’s supposed to look and how you LIKE it to look. It’s not just “chubby faces, poofy curly hair, buff bodies”. It’s everything in a piece AND that.
[2] “she’s tracing my art/ redrawing my ideas!”
Literally no. People have constantly asked you to provide evidence and you refused to. All you did was scream “but it’s so obvious, just look at it!” or “are you dumb? use your eyes!” and several other insults. If you want to prove a point or make someone see something, GIVE. EVIDENCE. The only person who actually provided “proof” was pin_kpeach, your ever so loyal whiteknight, but her “proof” only backfired and proved that the both of you are extremely delusional. In the drawings of ours that she layered over each other, next to NONE of the lines lined up. It looked like a clustered mess of scrap, and the reason for that is because IT WASN’T TRACED. In the one or two drawings where ONE. SINGLE. PIECE. actually lined up was entirely zoomed in to make it seem as though the whole thing was traced. No, honey, that’s not how you provide proof. That’s how you pull a muscle by reaching so desperately to lie about me. The rest of the drawings in those pictures didn’t line up at all, and one- or I believe both- needed to be titled to line them up in the first place. You could say that some people trace things and resize or rotate them, but if I were as dumb as you persist to say, then I wouldn’t have done something like that. Either way, one aspect of a drawing lining up is a common thing for people who have similar styles because- well, I just said it. THEY HAVE SIMILAR STYLES. If they draw something the same way, well fucking duh, it’ll match someone else’s drawing almost exactly sometimes.
[3] “she’s too petty and too much of a liar to credit me! saying the art isn’t hers will hurt her oversized ego!”
Ahaha no. The only one here with an inflated ego is you, ang0. You call me the egotistical one yet you act as though your life is falling apart just because someone else draws like you on the internet. Stop acting like a special snowflake, you are not the only one on this planet with an art style of that nature. I don’t credit you because crediting you makes no damn sense. Why should I credit someone who’s had absolutely no impact on my work whatsoever? What in the hell did you do for my drawings that makes you deserve so much credit? Did you sketch it? No. Did you line it? Nope. Did you colour or shade it? Not a chance. Just because I came up with a design for the characters that happens to look like yours does not mean I owe you jack shit. You cannot. own. a style. Get over it.
[4] “she worsened my depression and is the reason I can’t draw anymore! I have no motivation when there’s some idiot copycat stealing all my art!”
I don’t want to sound like that kind of person, but you worsened your own depression. You painted this false picture in your head and continue to hang onto that belief like your life depends on it. I haven’t done ANYthing to you. You came to ME with these stupid claims back when my art looked LESS like yours, before I even knew who you were. You’re making yourself feel horrible because you, for some paranormal reason, refuse to believe that you’re not the only one with that kind of style. This is why people call you childish, you’re like a whiny baby that can’t accept another child having a toy similar to yours. I can’t even decide whether I should say “grow up” because you’re older than me- not to mention you’re an ADULT.
[5]”she constantly sends her whiteknights to attack me, harass me and send me threatening messages!”
I’ve said several times to my followers NOT to harass you or your followers or anyone against me in this mess at all. I do not send anyone after you. People say things to you out of their own free will and with their own words. I can’t magically know when this happens, why they decide to and I especially can’t control anyone. I’m sorry that my friend Koro sent you all those DMs and horrible messages wishing a lot of very bad things onto you and your family- I asked her several times before and after not to do that, but I didn’t have a clue she did it until after the fact. Either way, don’t go around assuming that I put people up to this or I intentionally ask people to do these things to you. Why in the hell would I do that? What good does that do? All I wanted to do was talk things out but at this point, you don’t even take me seriously, so I can’t even try anymore. The few times we did talk you refuse to see my point of view and just see me as a liar. What the hell am I supposed to do then?
[6]”all vio does is lie, she’s so fake all the time, lying for her petty ego”
I’m not even sure how to respond to this but I thought I might as well bring it up. No matter what I do or say, ang0 sees me as nothing but some retarded liar that can’t help but lie their way around everything, even though I’ve been nothing but genuine all this time. It’s why I can’t even communicate with her anymore, because “shut up, stop lying you copycat” is all I get in response basically.
[7] her insane hypocrisy
Ange and pin_kpeach have said numerous times that I’m rude or insult her, and there have been times where I’ve been mean out of anger, but I know for a fact I apologized for it in DMs. Ange apologized too. I don’t remember ever insulting her after that, but ang0 doesn’t ever stop ridiculing and insulting me with almost every comment she makes on the drama. If she really was sorry, she wouldn’t have done it again, but I guess she said “fuck it” and just continued anyway. Pin_kpeach likes to say I’M the hypocrite for saying Ange is harassing me yet being rude to her a couple times, yet they do they exact same thing, but even worse?? I try my best to be as civil as possible, but ang0 and pink don’t waste a second calling me and my supporters all sorts of colourful names just because they don’t agree with her claims. In fact, here’s a list of every single thing ang0’s ever called me:
retarded, retard, stupid, idiot, dumb, low IQ, mentally ill, crazy, talentless, skill-less, copycat, art thief, (dumb) cow, fuckhole, asshole, bitch, wanna-be artist, unreasonable, clown, fake, liar, hypocrite, delusional, dick, stalker, bittershitter, dumbass, immature
There’s probably more than that, but that’s as much as I can remember. Not hard to forget when she repeats them almost all the time.
[8] gatekeeping ideas
Ange and pink act as if two people drawing a character in the same outfit automatically equals “du bist kopying mein style!!”. I can’t even begin to imagine the mental gymnastics you need to do in order to believe a thought process like that is logical. She thinks that anyone who draws Amy in a dress with a white under-skirt or white ruffles underneath is nothing but a copied idea from her. She thinks that me drawing Amy in a green tank top, blue backwards cap and blue sports shorts is copying her drawing of Amy in a green unidentifiable top (you could only see her back, she didn’t seem to have straps) and blue sports shorts with a slightly different design is automatically copied from her. The poses, shading, angle and idea behind the drawing were COMPLETELY different- but nonono, “this is stolen because the outfit is the same!” They also use the excuse of the whole chubby faces, curly hair, blah blah blah- see point [1] as to why that’s BS.
[9] her perception of my followers/supporters
Aside from Koro, I don’t know if anyone has seriously threatened or harassed her. Her followers comment on my posts, my followers only comment when she brings up the drama or whines about it. She insults my supporters when they don’t agree with her and act like they’re a bunch of immature brats who are wrong while she’s the high and mighty mature one seeing through non-existent lies. I’m used to her making fun of me, but I’m sick and tired of her insulting people who have nothing to do with the drama just because they don’t agree with her. Like, seriously? You call everyone immature and stupid yet you’re the one insulting people non-stop just because they realize how ridiculous and childish you’re acting. That’s why “childish” has become a popular adjective for you, ang0. BECAUSE YOU’RE BEING CHILDISH. CONSTANTLY. You get pissy, insult others and put people down but whine and cry the next minute because you constantly like to play the victim. Speaking of which...
[10] the victim card
I have absolutely no idea what ang0 goes through in real life, but there is no excuse for how she’s behaved during this drama AT ALL. Ange constantly defames her own artwork, calling it shit, calling it every bad name in the book, but doesn’t hesitate for a minute to gatekeep her style as if it was the best thing in the world. She says it’s because she “worked her ass off” and doesn’t want people just stealing her hard work. Okay, but you do realize that other people put just as much work into their own art, no matter if it looks like yours or not, right? She demands that people change their style to stop looking like hers, acting as if that can be done in a matter of minutes, because people having similar styles makes her uncomfortable. Well, surprise motherfucker- welcome to the internet. No one is original and everyone is original at the same time. People are bound to come up with similar ideas and you’re just going to have to deal with it. But despite the similarities, people are still original in their own right. If you believe that people can change a style so easily, why not just change your OWN style? Because you worked your ass off? Well, THEY WORKED THEIR ASS OFF TOO. So don’t act like you’re the only one who’s put effort into their craft. Art is hard, and that applies to EVERYONE- even professionals.
You blame me and other “copycats” for all your problems, blaming us for worsening your depression, ruining your passion for art- when you’re the only one who does this to yourself. Yes, there have been genuine art thieves in your life, and people who have stolen your art- but what I’m talking about are the people like me who DON’T steal your art or are merely inspired by you. People who say “you should be happy they’re inspired!” aren’t saying “you should be happy they’re copying!”. They’re saying that you should be glad that your work is so inspiring that people create their own unique ideas based off your own. Inspiration doesn’t require credit unless they’re purposefully taking a massive part of the original. But being inspired by a hair style or even a pose isn’t stealing. It’s inspiration, that’s it. I’m not inspired by you at all, but I can at least appreciate your art- even if you think I’m just being fake.
[11] ang0mang0′s history and why this shit doesn’t even make sense
Ange has said publicly and to me in detail about how she’s been accused of the same “art style theft” in the past. From what I’ve gathered or heard, people used to accuse her of copying a popular artist called myly14 who’s Sonic art is pretty much everywhere. Whether it be in edits, MVs or whatever else.  Looking at her old art when she went under the name sonicfan799, her art does look similar to myly’s, but ang0 insisted that she didn’t copy myly and didn’t even know who she was. She legit said “it’s not my fault my art looks like someone else’s”, so basically- it was coincidence. She said she changed her art style because she “isn’t an asshole and didn’t want to make the other artist uncomfortable”, even though art style theft isn’t a thing and no one needs to be forced out of a style just because someone else already draws that way. I have no idea what myly’s stance on that situation was, but the fact that it happened just proves how stupid her current claims are.
Ange says that her style is “too complex” to be coincidentally similar to someone else’s, even though the fact that it’s happened 30 times (according to her) just proves that no, ang0, no it fucking isn’t. Your style isn’t complicated at all. Detailed sure, but no style is too complicated to be similar to another’s. Being complex doesn’t make something any less likely to be identical to another complex style.If you didn’t copy myly14 in the past, what right do you have to accuse me of the same damn thing? If I really am copying you, then you have to admit to copying myly, because you can’t just lie about your past and then shit on me for doing the same thing. So it’s either you stop this nonsense or you drag this drama down with you to your grave and admit you copied myly14.
Another thing, myly14 didn’t even have a “simple” style. The fact that her art was almost instantly recognizable and popular meant that she had a signature style that stood out. Yes, she used a lot of the original Sonic style’s anatomy, but her stylization of said anatomy, her shading and the way she composed her pieces gave her a signature style. The most stylized thing I could see was how she drew muzzles, and guess who drew muzzles in a similar way as well? You did. People saw how your way of drawing faces and some parts of the body and thought it looked liked myly’s. The similarities in your anatomy, and not your shading or colouring, was what made people think you copied her. That exact same thing is happening between me and you. My shading, colouring and composition is entirely different from yours, but some parts of the anatomy are similar.
If you really didn’t copy myly14, you have absolutely no. fucking. excuse. to accuse me of the EXACT. SAME. SHIT. that happened to you.
You never needed or deserved to be pressured out of your old style just because people thought it looked similar to someone else’s, and that’s why I refuse to change my style now. Because it isn’t. fucking. fair. To ANYONE.
[12] how I feel (this is copied over from my DeviantART)
At this point I've grown used to what she has to say, but it still hurts. She thinks that I'm some kind of cartoon villain maniacally laughing behind a computer screen every time I post something because she's so deep into her belief that I really copy everything she draws and that nothing I've never posted has any true effort put into it. She genuinely believes she owns all my art and that I devote my entire gallery into recreating her image or some crazy shit like that. It sounds really dumb, but from what I've read from her poorly constructed comments and rants, that's basically what she believes.
She thinks I don't care at all about how all this affects her or anyone at all, but I do. It doesn't just hurt me in the sense that she makes me feel awful with all her insults, but I just feel so bad for her. I feel guilty in the sense that I couldn't do anything at all to help her, not that "shes prolly feeling guilty and made that april fools joke to let out some guilt!!". (If you don’t know, on April Fools Day, I changed my Instagram bio to say “clown” and call myself “the ultimate copycat” as a joke.) That was a really stupid reaction from her by the way... who the hell comes up with that? Now that she's going away for a month, I feel even worse because all I wanted to do was try to make her come to her senses and end this mess. I thought I could talk some sense into her- that didn't work. Her delusions are so strong, she's like a brick wall. I thought I could ignore the drama- that didn't work. She "clowns" and talks about it so annoyingly often. Not to mention people do things on their own to stir shit up. I thought I could support her regardless and maybe try making her feel better about her art- that didn't work. She thinks I'm fake and that everything I say is a lie. Because of me, she probably doesn't believe other people too- and that makes me feel even more terrible.
No matter what I do, I'm automatically the villain and she's the tortured, helpless artist that everyone is against because "everyone is dumb, supporting a copycat" and she's just "used to it, because she's dealt with so much shit already!". It's so ridiculous. If she would just try to actually better herself or the situation, she wouldn't feel so horrible all the time. Like... for god's sake, she relied on a video game to make her happy- that's not healthy, and just like I suspected, it didn't fucking work.
more of how I feel
Because of ang0, I just feel like garbage. My self esteem and confidence in my art was already low. Thanks to her, I don’t feel original (or as original) anymore- and I’m afraid to show many of my new or old ideas because she or her whiteknight pin_kpeach may spring out and say “copycat! stolen! you’re not original!” and a plethora of other insults. I can barely sketch or draw Sonic content without panicking and feeling worthless because all I have is her words and her opinions stuck in my head. She blames me for her demotivation and shit like that when she’s done the same thing to me. She thinks I don’t care about her or her art, when I do, but when I say that, she calls me fake. In reality, ang0 couldn’t give a damn about me and I’m pretty sure she’d be happy if I were dead. She has said before that she doesn’t care if I killed myself soo... there’s that. Anyway lemme not drag my feelings out too long, I just thought I’d say it to anyone willing to listen since her immediate response would’ve been “fake, liar” etc, etc. I really don’t want anyone to feel bad for me or anything like that, I just want people to listen and understand. That’s all.
a final note
I’m really thankful- like, REALLY thankful- for everyone who’s been on my side throughout this. I don’t like picking sides, and I’d hate to make people do so, but there doesn’t seem to be any in between to this at all. It’s either you believe I’m copying her or you don’t.  Most people don’t- thank goodness for that- but some do. And there’s nothing I can do about it. At this point, whatever man.
Please please PLEASE do not harass ang0. Don’t threaten her, don’t insult her, don’t do anything rash or fucking illegal. It’s all fair game if you want to POLITELY SPEAK to her, or try to start a discussion, but please don’t do anything stupid. And especially don’t do things in my name. If you want to debate with me or her, do research first- don’t just jump to conclusions or make assumptions.If you want nothing to do with this drama, then simply don’t say anything- just be aware of what’s going on, that’s all I ask. So nobody gets the wrong idea on either side.
Sorry for this being so long, I think I’m done for now.
Thank you if you read the whole thing.
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2sunchild2 · 5 years
Daminette au: Slow burn
I’m writing this instead of my fic because I just got hit by a little bitch, named inspiration.
Au by the great and powerful wizard of Oz @ozmav
Tags owo: @mindfulmagics @realrandomposts @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @slytherinsheashire @kelelamentia @justatempo-writes @jaynintodd @maribat-archive @starry-bi-sky @ayuchan07 @kaitlinmarley @miraculous-mangoes
15 year old, the meeting
Damian Wayne was never the social type. He mostly kept to himself and tended to stray away from any social interaction. There was plenty of that at home. He repeats to himself every time he gets upset over not having a friend.
He walked up the steps of Gotham Academy so he could escape whatever embarrassment Jason was planning on putting him to. The kid around him began whispering, and although immune to it (they talked about him a lot), he couldn’t help but eavesdrop at th conversation going on two feet away. He didn’t want to be obvious so he didn’t lean in too much, but he heard snippets.
...new girl...
...just moved...
A new girl? Interesting. He would look into that when he gets the chance. He made his way to the science classroom, bumping into an unfamiliar body. The people around them quieted down, staring curiously. The body ended up being a girl, who unfortunately dropped her books. She blushed in embarrassment and started speaking in a language he knew, but never really spoke.
She was rambling in French.
She was unfamiliar to him.
Oh... she was the new student.
She stopped when she noticed the silence and looked down, probably more embarrassed than before, if that was even possible.
“Damian Wayne.”
He had no reaction to the voice of Olive Silverlock (a real character I swear I looked it up) who marched up to him with a steely gaze.
“Are you trying to scare our new student on her first day?” The silver haired class president didn’t give him a chance to answer since she turned to face the flustered French girl, “You’re Marinette, right?”
The girl managed to nod. Olive grinned and locked their arms together, “Let’s get you settled in your dorm, ‘kay? And then I’ll give you a tour.”
The girl smiled at that, her blue eyes shone brightly. She let out a soft ‘merci’ to Olive and she turned to Damian before being dragged away.
“Je m’excuse.”
16 years old, the first step; starting out
Damian Wayne was not one to go out with a girl. That was Dick’s job. And yet, he looked at his best friend, whose head rested on his shoulder as she thought of a new design.
They were at the park today. Marinette mumbles something about the need to be inspired. They were in the manor at the time and Titus, with his amazing timing, wanted to go outside. It was a win win for everybody.
Damian watched as she focused on the blank page she seemed to be at war with. It was actually funny to see her this frustrated. He tried to hide his chuckle and failed. It was rewarded with a bone-chilling Marinette Dupain-Cheng glare. He put his hands up in surrender and smiled sheepishly. She went back to her glaring match with the paper.
Damian sighed and leaned back against the bench, “Don’t stress too much about it Angel, inspiration will surly make its way to your lap in no time,” he gestured towards the book set on her thighs.
It seemed like someone was in fact listening to him. A pretty pink petal had landed in the middle of the sketchbook. Marinette picked it up curiously before letting out a gasp. She turned to Damian with the biggest smile he’d seen today, “My best friend Damian,” she started, “I was hit, by a little bitch called inspiration.”
Damian let out a laugh. Only Mari.
17 years old, the second step; accepting
Damian Wayne didn’t like a lot of people. And Chloe Bourgeois was far from being one of the few. She arrived in Gotham, claiming to be a friend of Marinette’s. He was doubtful but the girl kept insisting and frankly, he wanted her to shut up.
Turns out the blonde girl was right because the next think he knew she was being tackled by his best friend. They were both on the floor, laughing in the lobby of the student dorms.
They sat in the cafe and he couldn’t help but notice how much lighter Marinette seemed to feel with this girl. She looked happy.
Damian decided that Chloe Bourgeois wasn’t so bad. As long as he got to see his Angel smile, he was content.
18 years old, the third step; falling
Damian Wayne was not an emotional person. He didn’t cry when he failed that one exam. He didn’t cry when he got badly hurt in a fight (though he tried to reassure Mari he was okay but she was not having it and he kept flinching every time he moved). Hell, he didn’t even cry during graduation.
So you can imagine the shock he was feeling when he felt a tear rolling down his cheek as Marinette stepped out of her dorm room in her prom dress. He could see Olive smirking at him from the corner of his eye but he paid no attention to her, he was to busy gawking at the beauty in front of him.
He never left her side during the party. And if she ever walked off to talk to some friends, he would always be watching her. Some guys kept telling him how ‘whipped’ he was. He did was he did best and ignored them.
The last dance of the night was surely something he’d remember for the rest of the night. They held each other closely while the music was playing in the background. He stared at her bluebell eyes as though nothing else mattered. It was just them.
It was safe to say he wasn’t expecting a slow kiss. But it happened. He enjoyed it. And he kissed back.
19 years old, the fourth step; realizing
She left.
Well, not entirely. She just wasn’t in Gotham at the moment. And she wouldn’t be back until Christmas.
Marinette had gone off to college abroad, in Paris, specifically, to pursue her fashion career.
And even tough they video chatted every weekend, it wouldn’t fill the gaping hole in his chest. He wanted her there, with him. He wanted to snuggle up to her while they watched one of those cheesy rom-coms she enjoyed so much. He wanted to sit in the kitchens and watch her hum a Disney tune while she baked. He wanted to hold her whenever she cane running to him with good news. He wanted to be with her while she sat down and sketched. He thought it was adorable the way she scrunched her brows in concentration, or how she stuck her tongue out when she was sketching, or, whenever she had artist’s block, when she’d doodle little things on his hand. He wanted to hold her dammit. He wanted to take her out, court her. He wanted to be with her, and for her to be with him. He wanted to hug her so tightly and tell her how much he loved her.
Huh. Love.
That’s something he hadn’t thought about before. Did he love Marinette? Or was this just admiration?
No. Fuck that. Fuck admiration.
He loved her. He fucking loved her.
He was in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
20 years old, the final step; confessing
Damian Wayne was not nervous. Of course he wasn’t! He was Damian Wayne! He was Robin for fuck’s sake. Surely that would be harder than a little confession.
That was what he had initially thought.
And he was wrong. Oh so very wrong.
Damian Wayne was a fucking wreck.
Marinette had been rambling about one of her design projects. One she, obviously, passed with flying colours. That wasn’t what he had been paying attention to though. Maybe it was how the July breeze seemed to brush her hair, making it fly. Maybe it was the way she used her hands so animatedly whenever she told him a story. Maybe it was the way her eyes sparkled when she got exited over something.
“I love you.”
That made her stop. And it made him regret opening his mouth.
She stared at him, mouth agape, face as red as the strawberries in the bowl she was holding.
Well, he couldn’t take it back now. And he did mean it. God this was noth how he had imagined confessing.
“I love you,” he took a sharp breath, “I’ve loved you for quite some time now actually. I only realized it last year.”
He raked his had through this hair and let out a shaky breath, “I honestly don’t know how it happened, but it did. And I’m glad it it.”
He looked back at her to see how she’d react. Her eyes were still wide and it didn’t seem like she’d be saying anything so he decided to continue.
“You don’t have to answer immediately! I was uhh... wondering if... you would let me court you... you don’t have to accept I mean you already have so much going on but if you’re willing—”
He was cut off. It took him a second to process what was happening.
She was kissing him.
Holy shit! She was kissing him!
But before he could kiss back, she pulled away, much to his disappointment.
“I love you too, silly,”she gave him a big toothy grin, he swallowed the lump in his throat. He could practically hear his hear beating in his chest.
She intertwined their hands and leaned in, “And I would love for you to court me.”
They were about to kiss again, but, this time, someone else decided to interrupt.
A faint ‘yes!’ was heard near the bushes, the voice sounded scarily familiar to Dick’s, which followed by a slap and an offended ‘ow’.
“Should we tell them we know they’re spying on us?”
His Angel laughed and shook her head, “Let them have their fun.”
Last post before I start school!
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