#I didn’t get a mean comment or anything but did get a bookmark that made me raise my brow a bit so I went to their profile and oof
losersimonriley · 5 months
I—??? Do people not realise that authors can see readers very public bookmark comments??? Why are you bookmarking a story if you don’t like it???
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lumiereandcogsworth · 5 months
lydia’s 2023 ao3 wrapped!
works published: 46!! 🥳
word count: 45,757 - i love that i average to about 1k per fic. y’all know i love a little 1k moment!!!
bookmarks: 122 - WOW!! i’m so honored
shortest fic: my new little new year’s eve drabble :) 100 words!
longest fic: macarons, my fic set when adam is a little kiddo 🥺🥺 very angst but has a soft ending 🥲 2,841 words!
gifts: none!
collabs: none!
events: none!
most popular by kudos: a kiss for every sorrow ! emotional hurt/comfort MY BELOVED🥺
most popular by hits: same as above!!
most popular by comments: a tie between the the same as above (i’m so glad that one was so appreciated!!😭) and autumn love !!! a most beloved family fluff time
fic that made me smile: i gotta give this to @roberrtphilip. like just in general???? all your fics make me SMILE!!!! make me twirl my hair and giggle and kick my feet!!!! they’re so in LOVE!!!! go read all of alex’s fics right now
fic that made me cry: i mean alex has definitely made me cry. but i don’t think anything makes me cry as much as my own gosh dang writing does. the empathy i have for my blorbos is frankly unmatched. i have SOBBED my eyes out over scenarios i completely made up. thanks autism!
overall thoughts: this year was interesting. i didn’t have any particular goals, i was kinda just letting myself write & publish whenever the mood took me, and not worrying so much about trying to post at least once a month like i did last year. i also didn’t write anything exceptionally long (for me that’s like, over 5k) which is okay! i love my little moments! but i did sort of miss having a slightly bigger project to work on. i wrote like 99% of my fics this year each in one sitting. just a burst of AHHH I NEED TO GET THIS DOWN, followed by some re-reading and editing, and it was all pretty much signed, sealed, and delivered within a couple hours. which is FUN and WONDERFUL. i just mean that i also enjoy working on a longer project, but no idea ever struck me. but! i’m still incredibly proud of myself and i love writing so much. i love these guys!!!!!! here’s to many more lovely little moments with my sweet sillies 💙💛💙💛
tagging: @gayassbenaffleck @freakwiththeknifecollection @roberrtphilip @gavotteangel @blorbologist @katia-dreamer @romeoandjulietyouwish @misscrazyfangirl321 @autumnrose11 + any other writers can say i tagged them!!
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Thank you @hellolovers13​ and @neondiamond​ for tagging me! I loved reading your answers to these questions.
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 11
with love on the line
i get so lost inside your eyes
still, somehow
like sun on the rise
subverting expectations
Darling, so it goes
baby, you’re the end of june
The Referral
something to dream about
enough to make a girl blush
make you mine this season
2. Word count posted for the year: 288,979
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
4. Pairings: Nick/Harry/Louis, Niall/Zayn, Liam/Louis, Nick/Harry, Harry/Louis, Louis/Harry/Tom Hardy, Niall/Louis, Zayn/Harry, Nick/Louis
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: baby, you’re the end of june
Bookmarks: Darling, so it goes
Comments: make you mind this season
the rest under the cut!
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): Darling, so it goes. I’m proud of myself for finishing it, because it took about three years to research and write and I had about three bouts of horrible writer’s block on it during that time. And I’m proud that it’s exactly what I wanted to write and that I posted it even though I wasn’t sure if people would respond to it. It has the heart and warmth that I try to infuse my writing with. It’s me, on a page. 
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): something to dream about. I still feel like reworking it, even though it posted in October. I don’t think it’s bad, but I think it could be better.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: I would say this year it was the experience of posting make you mine this season and getting comments and reactions every day. I’ve never had people engaging with a fic that way because I’ve never posted a wip before. I gave myself some anxiety a few times (Will people be mad I didn’t write the scene with Louis’ family?? Is this zarry ending the kind of happy people want???) but everyone was so kind and lovely and it really made my heart grow three sizes.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: It’s kind of hard right now. I don’t feel very motivated or excited about writing, even though I really like my current wip. I think it’s because I’m having a hard time at work, it’s kind of killing my motivation to do anything, I just want to curl up on the couch and self soothe all day.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: In enough to make a girl blush, I thought it would be more of a slow burn before I got to the smut, but truly the first time the Louis and Niall characters hung out, they wanted to hook up right away, so that’s what they did!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: from like sun on the rise
“I don’t know if like is a strong enough word,” she confesses, continuing to open boxes so she doesn’t have to look at Louis while she spills her guts. “Like… if that was anyone else trying to talk to me about casting a circle, whatever that means, I would think they were full of shit. But with Harry, it’s like I can tell she really means it, you know? And I start to think, oh, maybe it’s not so bad, I guess I get how that might be comforting to believe in.”
“Whoa.” Louis stops unpacking the box and just looks at Nick.
“I know! It’s like, who am I?” Nick stops working too and sits on one of the unopened boxes. “With every other girl I’ve had a crush on, I’ve always kind of mentally edited out the stuff I didn’t like about them. You know? Like remember Ariana?”
“Yeah, she was hot.”
“So hot, and funny and cool and smart and–”
“So fucking pretentious,” Nick agrees, running a hand through her hair. “So I kind of just ignored that part. That way, I could still have a crush on her.”
Louis shrugs, laughing. “Been there.”
“But Harry.” Nick blows out a breath. “Harry is different. All of her weird stuff, like auras and spells and whatever – that’s exactly the type of thing that I would usually just ignore. I do this all the time, I get a crush for a few weeks, I ignore some stuff, maybe we go out a couple of times, and then it ends because they were all wrong for me. But with Harry, everything I learn about her just makes me like her more. It’s… intense. And I know I haven't known her that long, but I’m starting to think that maybe this isn’t just a crush.”
“So why do you look sick to your stomach? Isn’t this a good thing?”
“But what if she doesn’t like me back?”
“Nick.” Louis levels her with a look. “Are you serious?”
“Is that a rhetorical question, or–”
“Of course she fucking likes you back,” Louis says, turning back to the opened box next to her and unearthing a bag of filters. “She’s been coming here to study every time you have a shift. You text constantly when you’re not together. You speak in shorthand, you two don’t even need to finish sentences around each other.”
“So you think–”
“I know she likes you. And listen, Nick,” Louis says, looking over her shoulder, “don’t fucking hurt her, okay? Or you’ll have me to deal with.”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: By trying different things! I love challenging myself that way. I wanted to see if I could good alpha/omega girl direction smut (and I think I did!). And I wrote my first advent fic! After I came up with the basic idea, I had to think about how to pace two stories and interconnect them and keep each chapter short enough so people could read along if they wanted to, and I’m really happy with how it turned out.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: By continuing to try new things!
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): I have SO MANY positive influences, truly my little community is an embarrassment of riches. I’m going to say @queenofquiet17​ who doesn’t even go here but always cheerleads my fics and helps me when I need it. She gave me a lot of suggestions for queer literature to include in make you mine this season, and then for my birthday she went to the bookstore from the fic and bought three of the books for me! When I opened the package, I cried. She always makes me feel like I’m part of the queer community and like I’m enough, and that means so much to me. 
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I wrote still, somehow after my husband trimmed my split ends for me. I was in the middle of a depressive episode and I didn’t realize until I was writing in Liam’s voice that I felt guilty about it, even though it’s not something my husband would ever resent me for.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Take each piece of writing advice with a grain of salt. Something that works for one person might not work for another. If you want to use adverbs, use adverbs. Write for yourself. 
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I definitely feel more excited about the american tragedy au idea after posting about it, so I might actually attempt it this year even though it’s a darker idea and my fics always end up being nicer than I think they will.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@uhoh-but-yeah-alright​ @homosociallyyours​ @louandhazaf​ @kingsofeverything​ @wabadabadaba​ @littleroverlouis​ @onesweetworld18​ @brightgolden​ @absoloutenonsense​ @allwaswell16​
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2022 End of the Year Fic Review
The wonderful @underragingwaves tagged me, thank you love! (I put the longest part under a cut)
1. What is your AO3 account? for the vikings fandom it's my pseud vikingstrash.
2. How many words did you write total in 2022? 117.233 *whistles* not too bad if one considers what a year it's been.
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots? 39 one shots and 2 multichapter. All Hail the One-shots!
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic? Longest was Kings of Kattegat with 39,878 words and the shortest Story as old as Time with 119 words.
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic? Most popular (going by subscriptions, hits, comments, kudos and bookmarks) has to be my VBB entry Kings of Kattegat. Personally, the most self-indulgent fic I ever wrote.
Least popular is Sweat. I guess it would be a lot more popular if it wasn't hidden behind the AO3 log in. And also if it had full on smut and not just teasing, but oh well, I like it and in the end, that's all that matters xD
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would? Huh, that's a weird thing to think of, I never really give it much thought if my writing is going to be popular or not so that thought of a fic not "perfoming well" is kinda...absurd to me. Anyway, if I had to take a guess, I'd say Greedy Gods? While it does have a lot of hits and a couple kudos, it's weird to me that for a fandom with so many people claiming they want more fic about the female characters and how much they love Aslaug, there was not as much love for it as I would assume. Must be a me-problem.
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would? Basically anything I wrote for D. P. - Deserter Pursuit. I didn't think there would be enough people in said fandom to read, kudo and comment, but was positively surprised.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022? For Vikings: Valhalla, Daughter of the Fearless. I loved giving Altöra more background story and this glimpse of her relationship to Freydis. It was fun to write.
For Vikings, Strung up, Tongue-Tied. I mean....sub!Hvitserk restrained and dom!Amma playing with him? Ubbe observing, just being present without doing anything besides kissing Amma? Yeah, I loved that one. It's full of tension.
For D. P. - Deserter Pursuit, Pity. My dumb ass actually made it a published WIP because there was more to tell and I liked it a lot. Only the Gods know if I will actually write more though xD
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022? Well, for someone who couldn't be paid to read other people's fics, I managed to read quite a lot in 2022 for free. Mind boggling, I know. But here go my favs:
Gotta start with Not A Fairytale by underragingwaves, because...have you read that fic? It's really a fun read (for those who like crime stuff which is basically exactly what I love) and promising a bigger universe underneath that small treat she wrote.
Will totally never stop making hearteyes at Twice Now by ritual-unions. Love how Kara (heh) is so clumsy and unable to function in the real world and the way Ubbe basically just watches and smiles to himself, before his eye-roll moment that will make him intervene. I also love myself some good hurt and gosh, this is gonna hurt so damn bad at the end and I will love every second of it.
There were a couple to pick from and it was hard to choose, but when someone can make me read an Ivar fic, then it says a lot about that persons writing skill. The Mental Tyrant by grimeundglow deserves so much more love than it has been given.
Reactions Of Your Kind by Ulfrsmal was my fav of him in 2022, but only because I didn't really get to read the rest of his fics xD I'm sure there are more gems in his list, but this one stood out to me because...Hvitty and Ubbe 🥺
A Prize of Battle by Mercurygray, is absolute Emma/Canute goodness and Idk what else to say, because this womans writing skills are beyond anything I could muster, so hearteyes from afar will have to do for now.
For Mince Pie by emma-ofnormandy, another author that captures Emma and Canute's relationship so well and it's so fluffy, I wanna hold it really tightly against my chest.
And last but not least The Queen of Kattegat by northernxstories! I will remain deeply impressed by how effortlessly she managed to pull me into her story and made me read it in one go, even though it's 12k of words xD It was such a new way of approaching the characters and it's brilliantly written. An absolute treat in 2022.
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
most have already been tagged, but perhaps one of you want to do this? But no pressure! @emma-ofnormandy @nothingtolosebutweight @author-morgan @lmillay @barnes-lothbrok @errruvande and anyone who feels like doing the fic review :D
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otaku6337 · 2 years
Posting Fic Is Like Graffitiing Your House
Okay stay with me here - but posting fics publicly for others to read is a lot like taking the art you might make inside your bedroom and graffitiing it on the outside of your house - it’s public, maybe you even post a few pictures on social media, but you don’t physically drag anyone except perhaps friends or family to look at it, and you get nothing from people other than, at best, kind words or a few social media likes for doing so. Maybe you live in an artsy neighbourhood, or you’ve done this before, and people choose of their own accord to come and have a look around.
Nobody has to look at it, and they certainly don’t have to say anything to you about it. They can just glance at it, and either not care or decide your particular art style/concept/content isn’t for them, and keep on walking. 
Or they can knock on your door, or comment on a post you might have made, and say “wow this looks so cool!” or “finding your art really brightened my day”. That’s lovely of them - unnecessary, but very much lovely.
People have no right, no right at all, to knock on your door and say “this is disgusting” or “why on earth did you draw this” or “you should’ve used red not yellow”.
After all, this is your house, and your art. Just because you made it publicly able to be seen, that doesn’t mean you gave over a single iota of ownership. You didn’t blackmail everyone walking down the street to look at it, and you didn’t ask for tickets from three doors down either way. It’s still yours, and you made it at no cost to those people walking past, so they have no right to criticise you for it. (And that includes, in my opinion, writing cruel or harsh things on a letter and posting it to you, which for this analogy is my equivalent to writing it on a public bookmark on AO3 - because it is attached to you, that letterbox/bookmark space, and maybe you don’t check your letterbox, or at least not regularly, but it’s still yours, just like your house and art are.)
I’ve seen people saying that once you post a fic online it isn’t entirely yours anymore. And to a degree I understand their sentiment, but I don’t agree with what they’re ultimately saying - you as an author still have complete ownership over that fic, and can do whatever you want with it, including deleting, editing, or rewriting it. You don’t have ownership over other people’s memories, impressions, or interpretations of it, but that still doesn’t magically give them ownership of your fic. 
Publicly available/viewable does not mean publicly owned. 
You don’t own everything you see - if you go to a friend’s house and sleep in their guest bed, you don’t suddenly own the bedframe or the sheets or the pillow, no matter how much you might have had the best night’s sleep of your life.
You can repaint your house. You can add more to the art on your house. You can maybe accept a kind request from an admirer of making art for them too. You can demolish your entire house, art included, with a hired crane and a cackling laugh or tears in your eyes.
Your house, and the art you have painted on it, are yours. Your fics, and the worlds you have created with them, are yours. Never let readers, well-intentioned or not, guilt trip you into thinking otherwise. It’s absolutely okay to consider the feelings of others in how you paint your house, but never do so at your own detriment. That isn’t what art, or even life, should be about.
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✨ 2022 Writing Year In Review ✨
Thanks to @feeisamarshmallow​ for tagging me!
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 12
2. Word count posted for the year: 299,454
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Criminal Minds
4. Pairings: Luke Alvez/Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, lots of friendship stuff between the team
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: A Collection of Blurbs Featuring Autistic Spencer Reid with 844
Bookmarks: Also A Collection of Blurbs Featuring Autistic Spencer Reid with 242
Comments: bau super seven loving-reid-a-thon with 159 comment threads
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
to seek and to find the narrow way. it's so personal and i was so nervous to post it because of the religious themes but i'm really pleased with how it turned out and i've gotten some amazing feedback <3
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
secret storm. i'm not not proud of it! but i wrote it for a challenge and i think i rushed it a little and could've done a lot more with it if i'd given it the time it deserved.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
there's one person who's been reading you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own and leaving long, detailed comments on every single chapter. i love this person so much. every comment from them makes me cry, they quote my work and talk about what they liked and what they're looking forward to. it's a writer's dream.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
writing the little scenes that i have to get through to get to what i really want to be writing. it's so hard to slog through sometimes, but it's always worth it once i make it to the good part and it gets easy again.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
an upcoming chapter of you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own has a nightmare aftermath scene that i wasn't planning at all but i'm really into it now that i'm writing it and i'm excited to see how it affects the story as a whole. it literally came out of nowhere but i love it so, so much. also, that fic as a whole has surprised me - it started as a really long oneshot and now i'm at about 75k and only halfway done.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
“Oh. Sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” Morgan asks. 
“Keeping you here. Falling asleep on you. Trauma dumping on you.”
“You didn’t trauma dump on me. I asked questions and you answered. And I don’t mind that you fell asleep on me. You clearly needed the rest.”
Spencer buries his face in his hands. “I don’t usually talk about these things.” 
“I know, kid.”
“I don’t like talking about these things.”
“I know.”
“I don’t want this to change our friendship,” Spencer sighs. “I don’t want things to be weird from now on. I don’t want you to treat me differently.”
“It won’t change anything,” Morgan promises. “I won’t treat you differently.”
“I don’t want you to be worried about me all the time now.”
“Reid. I was already worried about you all the time.”
from you've got a friend
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: 
i wrote a lot this year! i did a lot of sprints, and that made me really productive, and i forced myself to write even when i didn't want to. and i think that was good for me. i also have been making a conscious effort to write what i want to write and not what other people necessarily want to read, and not getting hung up on hits or kudos or comments. if i start worrying too much about what people are going to think about what i'm writing, i stop and regroup and go back to writing what i want, even if that means deleting a whole bunch of stuff.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
i want to better balance my writing time with the rest of my life. i'm not always good at determining how much writing is enough and how much is too much, and i neglect other aspects of my life in favor of writing which isn't always healthy. i do want to continue to write for me, though. and i've started a trend of writing a chapter ahead in chapter fics so i don't get overwhelmed, and i want to keep that up because it's working really well. i also want to put more effort into brainstorming for the discord fic because i love that one and i feel like i've neglected it a little lately.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): 
chris (@domestikhighway58) and maze (@tobias-hankel) have been so supportive and encouraging and spent so much time sprinting with me and chatting with me and reading my little snippets and keeping me motivated to keep writing. they also both write amazing fics that inspire me to write, period. i am endlessly grateful to both of them.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
i mean, i write fanfiction to process my emotions and issues, so yes, a lot of my real life shows up in my writing. spencer's coping mechanisms are my coping mechanisms. his stims are my stims. his autistic traits are my autistic traits. i have dozens of unfinished fics in my google drive that i've used to process issues in my marriage. also, spencer's therapist in one fic is an exact copy of my favorite former therapist, all the way down to her first name.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
write what you want to write and don't worry about what anyone else is going to think. if there's something you're dying to read and no one's written yet - write it! if you have an idea that won't leave you alone - write it! don't worry about if it's good or if other people are going to like it. you are the most important audience. just do the thing!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
i'm really enjoying writing you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own and now that i have an idea of where it's going to end up, i can't wait to get there. we're only about halfway through, so there's still a lot yet to come, and i can't wait to find out what that is, haha. Besides that, i guess we'll just see what happens. i've spontaneously written a couple of oneshots in the past few weeks and i'd like to do more of those in the future instead of always getting stuck in my long fics.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@eldrai @masterwords @tobias-hankel @domestikhighway58
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burstingsunrise · 1 year
2022 Writing Evaluation
thanks for the tag bella @clumsyclifford​! thinking about writing and stats is weird for me in a lot of ways right now but I thought this might be a nice way to try to reflect on it in a constructive way.
1. number of stories posted on ao3: 21
2. word count posted for this year: 341,517
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos
4. pairings: cake, muke (I know what I like)
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: 
Kudos - for real
Comments - this city screams your name (which makes sense because chapters) but then there’s a massive drop to a ton of fics that all have about the same amount.
Bookmarks - new shapes and for real are tied
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): 
hmm. I think probably for real? It’s the longest fic I’ve ever written and one of the few this year that generally came fairly easily for me overall. i really thrive in a world where I can just describe Luke in a way that feels very true to actual Luke but also am scared of canon friends to lovers, so famous aus are a sweet spot.
And I guess maybe interlude too, because I hadn’t really done a “big” muke fic in a long time, and it was challenging, but in an overall rewarding way.
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): 
I guess I don’t often feel good about a fic before I post it these days, but there’s not necessarily one that stands out here as something I’m least proud of. 
I’ve posted a few fics this year that have just been lingering wips I managed to wrap up, and they tend to feel the most incomplete to me, like lowercases and capitals and keep these dreams. I feel like you can tell that I originally wanted more for them and just didn’t have the inspiration to make it happen.
8. share or describe a favorite review you received:
Meg read my muke! And made a meme!
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9. a time when writing was really, really hard:
It’s been hard all year. Especially the second half of it, there were multiple times I wasn’t sure I’d ever finish another fic. And I’m still kind of in that space of…I’ll keep trying to write, but I can’t guarantee anything will get done. 
I think some of that is just because after writing for the same fandom for a certain amount of time, it’s kind of hard not to just feel like you’re repeating yourself, which saps inspiration. There’s also so little engagement with fic these days that it’s hard to actually tell if your writing is any good, which makes motivation difficult for people like me who don’t write specifically for engagement but DO have a strong desire to Be Good.
That said, I’ve still managed to post a lot of content, so the way my brain is processing this isn’t necessarily in sync with reality, and that’s something I can try to be aware of and try to reframe when I get in my head about it.
Above paragraph brought to you by meg encouraging me to be positive and celebrate the work I’ve done this year.
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
Maybe comfortable silence Luke. He really turned into something a lot more nuanced than I expected. 
that fic in general became a lot different and more than i expected. it wound up being maybe the most “real” thing i’ve ever written and ever will write.
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing: 
Oh god. um. That would require me to remember what I write. I literally have no idea. There are some scenes that stand out, like the beginning of for real when calum and luke meet for the first time at the coffee shop, and the porch scene in new shapes.
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? 
I’m not sure that I did. And I don’t mean that in a bad way necessarily. I just feel like I fell into a groove in 2022 and have not really grown but am also quite comfortable in my groove.
13. how do you hope to grow next year? 
I think to grow as a writer I need to work on my perspective in terms of what counts as “success,” what are reasonable expectations to have for myself, and learning how to be better about dealing with the times I don’t feel inspired. Figuring out how to do that in a more constructive way mentally.
And, in answering the next question, I thought of another thing - I tend to assume people don’t want to hear about my writing unless they ask directly. So I stew in things a lot. I get stuck, I get frustrated, and I feel like no one cares, so I just don’t talk about it. But when I do manage to talk about it with the right people (see below), it’s always helpful. so maybe trying to get out of my own head more and be more proactively open about my writing.
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)?
Meg @kaleidoscopeminds​. It’s meg. In so many ways. Not just in terms of supporting and encouraging my writing and helping me through sticky spots, but also being my audience. Like even if no one else reads a fic, I know meg will, and that makes it worth posting.
Aria @calumthoodshands​ has also been a key influence here by being an idea machine, always prepared with suggestions. Not to mention the moodboard she made for comfortable silence before it was finished, which ended up inspiring several scenes in the fic.
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? 
there’s at least one fic that’s very specific to personal experiences in many ways, but I think generally the way real life sneaks into my fics is through little details. Things that have happened to me, things that have happened to someone I know, or just things that I talked about with someone. Like in the spirit is the direct result of a “real” conversation with meg, even if nothing in it is remotely real.
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? 
I think last year I talked about writing something even if it means writing out of order or jumping between docs. And I still think that’s good advice for a lot of writers.
Beyond that though…this year has been all about learning to create in an environment where it doesn’t feel like the content is really being consumed. Finding ways to be okay with sending a fic out into the world and not really knowing how it’s received. Which is something I’m still working on.
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? 
This is going to sound more negative than it is - but not really, no! I have a couple WIPs that I might at some point get inspired to finish - including podcast cake! But I have no big ideas for new fics, and I don’t have anything I’m currently working on that I feel enough strong inspiration about that I’m confident I’ll finish. 
But you never know when something will hit, and there’s something nice about the sense of possibility there.
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: 
@ashtcnirwin @calumthoodshands @daydadahlias​ @crossedwiress​
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timelesslords-faq · 1 year
Where is ____ fic? Why can’t I see it anymore?
Because of reports of AI scraping AO3 works, I’ve locked down a lot of my fics. This means that you need to be logged into an AO3 account to view the fics.
If you’re logged in and you still can’t see it, I might’ve hidden it. Sometimes fics get too much attention or I really don’t like them anymore so I put them in time out (a private collection). They’re not deleted off the archive, but only I am able to view them. I have the option to restore them but may not. It just depends.
Why can’t I comment on some of your fics on AO3?
Some fics on there were magnets for comments that upset me. I turned those off, and then realized I was happier and less stressed out when most of the comments for my fics were off. I left the fics themselves up there because I still want people to be able to enjoy them, but if the comments are turned off it just means its easier for me to not have to think about that particular fic.
I tried to put one of your fics in a collection and you rejected it. Why?
People who maintain collections have the ability to hide works from public view and I don’t want someone else to have that ability over my fics.
Collections are designed for moderated events like big bangs etc., not necessarily personal collections of fics (that’s what the bookmark function is more designed for). So it gives collection owners a lot more privilege over the fics than they should have unless they are intending to use the collection for an event. I have seen authors have hugely popular fics get privated bc they allowed them into collections where the owners didn’t realize that their settings affected the visibility of the fic, which is why I always reject the request!
Why don’t you talk about PJO anymore? Did something big happen?
Nope! Just lost interest and was not enjoying my interactions within the fandom. There was no big dramatic event that made me leave. If anything, it was just a lot of small things over a long period of time that were making me unhappy. When I turned the comments off on most of my PJO fics, I realized I was a lot happier and less stressed out and that made me realize it was better for me to just not interact with the fandom anymore.
Why don't you answer asks about PJO?
90% of the questions I get are answered here, and whenever I answer one it spurs a bunch of people sending more asks with basically the same questions and it's just a mess. I just ask everyone to respect the fact that I don't really want to talk about it anymore.
Do you hate PJO now?
No. I’m still proud of the fics I wrote for PJO but I’m not interested in engaging with the fandom anymore for the above reasons.
Are you ever going to write for PJO again?
Carrie and I have some plans for NSWD that we hope to follow through on. That is the only writing I plan to do for the fandom again.
Why is your blog minors DNI?
I’m in my 20s and I write mature and explicit content. I also reblog mature and explicit content. Also I tend to find that minors are on a different vibe than I am (which there is nothing wrong with!) but it’s not the energy I’m trying to engage with on here. Ty for understanding <3
Why didn’t you answer my ask?
It’s possible that you committed one of the cardinal sins of the timelesslords ask box by sending an ask that includes:
your trauma, illnesses, or deep-rooted self worth issues
come-ons or sexual content
over-familiar playful rudeness
disagreements with my harmless subjective opinions
something PJO related
Or I just didn’t have time to answer. Sorry!
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beyondxmeasure · 1 year
2022: A Year In Review
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Thanks for tagging me @larrysballetslippers @thinlinez @brightgolden @kingsofeverything and @larrieblr
I know this has been going around a lot and most people have done it already so I’m not going to tag anyone but if you see this and want to have a go at it please consider yourself tagged! Id love to see what goals you have for the year.
✨ Let Your Heart Be Light 59K WIP | Teen+ | Harry/Louis Louis Tomlinson, a self-proclaimed holiday-hater, loses his job two weeks before Christmas. Broke and desperate to see his family back home in England, he takes the only job left at the mall as one of Santa’s helpers. Harry is an unconventional mall Santa, the youngest one they’ve had in years, but with as much holiday spirit as any other seasoned Saint Nick. He’s determined to un-Grinch the new guy in Santa’s Village if it takes until Christmas, then he finds out the devastating reason Louis has lost his Christmas cheer. Will Harry be just the thing Louis needs to help him get his sparkle back?
Featuring Liam as the manager at Santa's Village, Niall as an easy-going Irish elf and Harry's best friend, grumpy Grinch Louis, his best friend Zayn and one matchmaking Mrs. Claus.
A 2022 Advent Fic
✨ Lazy Days and Pancakes For Two 4K | Teen+ | Harry/Louis They haven't seen each other in eighteen days. What better way to spend a much-needed tour break than having a lazy day watching shit TV and having breakfast in bed with your husband.
✨ I Gave Up Hope and Found You Instead 14K | Teen+ | Harry/Louis The entire village warned him not to go. It was an odd-numbered day, after all. Still, the peculiar boy from Eroda set sail and, without knowing it, headed straight into the OFMD universe. While being held captive aboard the pirate ship Revenge, the boy meets a fisherman named Louis.
Tasked by the captain to teach the reluctant boy to fish, Louis struggles to hide his frustration and hold his tongue. As difficult as it is to deal with this clumsy stranger, the skilled fisherman had worse assignments and more unpleasant partners, but none of them with a smile as bright as this peculiar boy had. A moment of unexpected distress catches them off guard, and both soon find out it’s much easier to catch feelings than fish.
OR: Where the Adore You music video ends and the Our Flag Means Death story begins.
✨ I Was Born Like This, Don't Even Gotta Try 2K | E | Harry/Louis Louis and Harry return home after a long day of promo events and cocktail parties. They’re both exhausted, but that doesn’t stop Louis from keeping a promise he made to Harry in the limo earlier that night.
A certain geometric Gucci suit might have played a part in helping Louis’ keep that promise.
Thank you to everyone who's read my writing, shared my fic posts, left kudos or comments. All of your interaction has meant so much! -xx 💙 Cy
2022: A Year In Review (My Annual Writing Self-Evaluation) ...below the cut...
Number of stories posted this year: 4
Word count posted this year: 78,815
Stories with the most… Kudos: I Was Born Like This, Don’t Even Gotta Try
Comment Threads: Let Your Heart Be Light
Bookmarks: Let Your Heart Be Light
Work you are most proud of (and why): Let Your Heart Be Light Because other than the time spent outlining, this fic was started and finished in two months (except for the last 3 chapters, still to come). That’s the fastest I’ve written/edited/posted anything. I’m proud of my ability to let go of my perfectionist tendencies, that usually keep me editing and polishing a fic long after it is written. Due to the nature of the posting schedule (advent fic- 1 chapter a day for December) I didn’t have that luxury. I am still just as proud, if not more so, of this writing in general without having the time to dote over it as much. I also dealt with some heavier topics and am so happy with how it came out. It’s sentimental and sad at times, while still being light and fun. I did exactly what I set out to do and am very proud of the result.
Work you are least proud of (and why): I Gave Up Hope Because I had so many ideas for how I wanted this to go, and in the end, I ran out of time to make it what I wanted it to be. While I love this fic and am still very proud of it for so many reasons… the crossover element, writing something out of my comfort zone (fantasy/pirate fic), to name a couple, I feel like I missed the mark of what I set out to do. But there’s always room to add to it.
A favorite excerpt of your writing: Taken from chapter four of Let Your Heart Be Light
Harry eases back into his chair and waits patiently for Ginny to start again. She goes to fetch a vintage-looking suitcase with a large red bow on it that sits beneath the tree they just decorated that afternoon. Harry had urged her to give it time, allowing her space to grieve, not wanting her to push herself too much. She insisted, saying that’s what he would’ve wanted, determined not to turn Paul’s favorite time of the year into a time for pity and sorrow. The twinkling lights and the smell of fresh pine throughout the parlor made it feel like he wasn’t that far away.
Ginny pushes the cards off to the side and places the weathered case in front of Harry.
“What’s this?” He wonders, running his hands over the distressed leather bindings and tarnished brass buckles.
“It’s for you, darling. Open it.” Ginny cups Harry’s cheek, caressing gently with her thumb, eyes shining with unshed tears as she nods, encouraging him with a tender smile. “Go ahead, dear.”
Ginny sits down cautiously, waiting with bated breath for Harry to flip the buckles open to reveal what’s inside. Harry takes a deep breath, hands shaky with anticipation. He has a pretty good idea of what's inside, and he’s not sure he can keep his composure if he’s right. Slowly, he unlatches first the left then the right side, flick… flick… The hinges creak as he opens it with care. Layers of deep red velvet trimmed with snow white fur lay neatly folded inside, all wrapped with a black leather belt and matching boots adorned with shiny gold buckles.
Harry feels his eyes flood with tears as he lets out a shaky breath. “Ginny, no. I can’t—You can’t give this away. Paul wouldn’t—”
It’s Ginny’s reassuring hand over Harry’s now. “I’m not giving it away, sweetheart. I’m passing it down. Paul asked me to. He wanted you to have it.”
“What?” Harry utters in disbelief. “Why me?”
“It’s your turn, now.”
“What? No! I couldn’t. I don’t even know how—”
“You have the heart for it, dear, and Christmas spirit in abundance. That’s all that really matters.”
“But it’s too soon. For you, I mean, like, we couldn’t—oh my god. Ginny? Do you mean? You want me to—”
She nods enthusiastically, tears falling from her eyes just as much as Harry. “I said yes to him, of course, right away, but buried the thought of it. Because, well, you know—I just couldn’t imagine even thinking of going through with it this year. But the more I think about it, I think the only way I could go through with it again, is if I do it with you. I can’t even think about playing Mrs. Claus to some complete stranger. It just wouldn’t feel right. But you. You, my dear, would be perfect.”
“Are you serious?”
“Absolutely!” Ginny holds out her arms, inviting Harry into her warm embrace. “I couldn’t imagine anyone else filling my Paul’s boots better than you.”
Harry turns the boots over to find the number ten embossed on the bottom of the arch. “They’re my size,” he declares with a smile and a dry laugh, wiping his eyes, still in shock as he looks over the contents of the suitcase in awe. “I guess maybe I could fill Paul’s boots, couldn’t I?”
“You sure can, my dear. Go, try it on!” A glint of delight flashes in her eyes and, with her approval, Harry is up in a flash, eager to get into the legendary red suit. “Oh, here, look at this.” Ginny lifts the jacket, pulling back the inside lapel to reveal a monogram with the letters PA hand sewn inside a red heart border. “See, now he’ll always be with you. Never forgotten.”
Share or describe a favorite review you received: @berzerkshires left the following comment on Let Your Heart Be Light
I have finally got a chance to catch up. And my heavens! The emotions of this story! So wonderfully capturing the ups and downs of the holiday season through all your characters. So heartbreaking and hopeful all at once. So intriguing and festive all together. You’ve got me hanging on the edge of my seat for the true Christmas spirit.
Such kind words… but I’ve also gotten so many other wonderful comments from people who’ve had similar experiences with grief and loss and how my fic helped get them through a difficult time. That, to me, is the ultimate compliment. To be the light in someone’s otherwise dark day is a lovely thing and exactly why I wrote this story.
A time when writing was really, really hard: Completing my Eroda Fic Fest fic was pretty tough. I had a lot of writer’s block and got stuck so many times I really thought I would not complete it on time. Also, the end of this year was tough. I let the year get away from me and while I had it completely outlined for months; I didn’t start writing my Advent fic until November. It became a scramble to complete it on time to be ready for December 1st, which didn’t happen. I could only get about half of the chapters written ahead, and the rest had to be written on the fly the day before or day-of posting. Adding to that, the emotional toll of my grandmother losing her battle with Alzheimer’s. All that being said, I am incredibly proud of myself for pushing through. While I still have the last three chapters to post, I wrote and posted 60K words in less than two months, and it’s some of my favorite work I’ve written thus far.
How did you grow as a writer this year?: While I didn’t post as much on Ao3 as in previous years or that I might have set out to do, I wrote quite a lot. I completed 4 fics but also made a lot of genuine progress with a few WIPs that were holdouts from last year. I also listened to myself a lot more—only writing when I really wanted to, not over-committing to too many fic fests or holding myself to unreachable expectations. I enjoyed writing a lot more without all the pressure I usually put on myself. I don't know if I'd call this growth, but I hit a pretty cool milestone... Twisted Fate reached 500 kudos! ❤️ That's a first for me. I'm still shocked at how popular that one is.
How do you hope to grow next year?: I'd like to step out of my comfort zone and try podficcing. I’ve been tossing around the idea to turn a fic or two of mine into one. So we shall see. Otherwise I have small goals… complete the WIPs I've been dragging my feet on, stay consistent with my writing and get better at interacting with my mutuals/responding to tags, etc...
Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year?: Yes! A lot of my real life made its way into Let Your Heart Be Light. A reimagining of a friend’s home break-in became a major plot point in the story. I also used my Nana as an inspiration for the characters of Ginny and Louis Nan. A few of my own memories from Christmases past made their way into the fic as well.
Any new wisdom you can share with other writers?: I don’t have much wisdom to impart but from my experience this past year of slowing down and just writing at my own pace more I would say forget about the pressure from outside sources, or even your own self-imposed pressures and just write… for the fun of it, for the escape, for the release… whatever. Just write. Don’t let anything hold you back. Whether you think you’re not good enough, experienced enough, fast enough, insert ___ enough. You improve the more you do it. Step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself… but always write for yourself first, not for other readers, deadlines or anything else. If you’re writing something you enjoy, others will enjoy it too and if they don’t, then fuck ‘em.
Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year?: I’m dying to finish (fxckn finally!) the second part to my Arcades & Lemonade fic… follow up to I Know You Rider. It’s been in the works for far too long, was supposed to be my Big Bang fic last year, but it keeps getting pushed to the back burner for various reasons. Also, my bootcamp/fitness instructor Harry fic--- Also been a drawn out WIP for some time. A Twisted Fate epilogue and few others. I’ve also got my outline started for my 2023 advent fic, but first things first, I need to finish the last three chapters for this year’s advent fic. That should keep me busy enough, but I’m sure I will come up with some other new ideas that will derail me along the way, per usual! LOL. The rest of my goals for 2023 are here...
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A Difficult Question
Word count: 3000
Warnings: continued second-hand embarrassment? 😉 tickling, fluff as always
This is in response to a prompt from @sigyn-laufeyson0609 for a sequel to An Embarrassing Secret. Thanks for the idea friend! 😊 I snuck in a little soft Loki toward the end, just to switch things up a little!
* * *
You had avoided Loki for a solid week after he had revealed he knew about your blog. Although he didn’t seem to find it as strange as you’d have expected him to, you couldn’t help but feel a little exposed. Your writing wasn’t something you’d intended to show anyone, much less the tall, handsome, alien god who made you feel giddy every time he said your name.
Despite your concern that he would tell the others, no one else so much as breathed a word about your little secret. Either they were too kind to say anything for fear of embarrassing you, or he truly hadn’t told anyone else. You hoped it was the latter, although you supposed it couldn’t get any worse than Loki finding out.
You couldn’t avoid him forever, though. The first time you ran into him, other than those brief moments in passing where you ducked your head or turned the other way, you were sitting in the library again, this time actually reading something rather than typing on your laptop. (No way were you risking leaving that out in public again…) Loki had entered the library without your knowledge, having been engrossed in the novel you were reading while sitting in one of the comfortable armchairs. A sudden squeeze to your side alerted you to his presence, causing you to jolt and whip your head around to find the god smirking down at you. He shot you a wink before continuing on to browse the shelves.
Somehow, that brief interaction had eased your anxiety around him. You didn’t really want to stay away from him, after all. And it seemed like he was going to treat the whole situation as a game, which in a strange way made you feel better about the whole situation. You would much rather he use this little secret for some lighthearted flirting versus making a big show about it.
So, you went back to your usual routines, no longer trying to shy away from him. He rewarded you with the occasional poke to the side while passing by you in the hallway, or a quick pinch to the soft skin above your knee during movie night with the team. And, maybe, you started trying to provoke him a little more. Doing little irritating things like stealing the last cookie right from under his nose or changing the channel during one of the rare moments he was actually watching something on the television usually earned you a couple extra scribbles to the belly, or a fluttering of fingers to the neck.
It never lasted longer than a couple seconds at most, though. Most of the time that was plenty for you, just long enough to make your heart beat faster with adrenaline and for heat to prickle in your cheeks.
But not today.
No, today you were really in the mood to be tickled senseless. You were even making sarcastic comments to some of the other Avengers, hoping that someone might just decide they’d had enough of your sass. Although no one else knew you actually enjoyed it, everyone was aware that you were more ticklish than the average person. It was uncommon for the others to take advantage of it, but on rare occasions Thor or Tony would dig their fingers into your ribs to get you to stop talking if you were being particularly annoying. Today, though, no one was getting the hint.
You didn’t see Loki until later that evening, when you stumbled across him in the common room. He was alone, sitting on the couch with his back leaned up against the cushions and his feet up on the coffee table. He had a book in his hand, which he seemed pretty focused on, turning a page every few seconds as his eyes skimmed across the aging pages.
“You’re hovering again,” he observed suddenly, never once lifting his gaze from his book. Startled, you left your position from the doorway and entered the room, taking a seat on the other side of the couch.
“I’ll never understand how you know people are there without even seeing them,” you marveled.
“I’ve told you before – it’s impossible to sneak up on me.”
“Well maybe I’ll be the first someday.” You sat back against the couch, and silence blanketed the room, save for the occasional crinkling of the pages of Loki’s book as he continued to read. You realized that this would be the perfect opportunity to try to provoke the Asgardian to tickle you – you were alone in the common room, and he seemed to be in a state of focus where he would be pretty irritated if you broke his concentration.
You wanted to be subtle, though. You wouldn’t want him to think you were asking for it, after all, and as he was the only person who knew about your secret, you figured he would see through you pretty quickly if you tried too hard. So, you started simple by leaning forward and picking up the remote from the coffee table, turning on the television. You found a program he had previously expressed disinterest in and set the channel to that, settling back against the couch cushions, and turning up the volume.
Loki was silent despite all of this, so you stole a glance in his direction. His brow was furrowed a little, but his gaze was still fixed on the pages of his novel. Need to try harder, you thought to yourself. You cranked up the volume a little more and laughed a little extra loud at every joke. After trying this for a few minutes, you risked another glance in his direction.
Nothing. Not even a flinch.
You were starting to get a little desperate. The desire for someone to tickle you had settled itself like a flame in your belly, and it had been slowly building all day long. But you were too proud, too embarrassed to just come out and ask for it. You had to find another way.
You turned your body so you were leaning back against the arm of the couch and stretched your legs out across the couch cushions, your feet only inches away from Loki’s leg. This time, you didn’t even chance looking over at him, knowing he wouldn’t try anything if he thought you were expecting it. You sat still for a maddening amount of time without finding any success in your attempts. You stretched one leg out a little further and tapped his leg with your foot.
You tried again, this time with a little more force. At long last, the trickster looked up from his book to glare at you.
“Can I help you?” he asked, his tone flat.
“Uhh… no, sorry,” you replied quickly. He turned his attention back to his book, and you turned back to the TV, feeling a bit deflated. Your mood was still gnawing at your insides, though, and you weren’t quite ready to give up just yet.
You waited a few moments, trying to think of another way to get on his nerves. Maybe you just needed to try a different angle.
“So… watcha reading?” you inquired.
“Shakespeare,” he stated without looking up.
“Oh. That’s really old though, isn’t it?”
“’Old’ is a relative term. What you consider ‘old’ is actually quite new for someone my age.”
“Right. Because you’re old too,” you snickered. This got him to look up at you again finally.
“Pardon?” he asked, his eyes narrowing.
“Well, like you said, ‘old’ is relative. So, compared to me, you’re really old.” You held his gaze, a triumphant grin threatening to spread across your face.
“Yes, I am ‘old’ compared to you I suppose. And yet, you still seem to like what you see.”
Your face flushed hot.
“I- well- that’s not… never mind,” you huffed, turning away from him once again. You heard his book snap shut, the cover making a small thumping sound as he set it down on the table.
“You seem a bit off today. Is there something with which you require assistance?” You glanced up to find his blue-green eyes fixed on you. It was difficult to read his expression – he wasn’t annoyed, but he wasn’t overtly amused, either.
“What? No. Why do you ask?”
“Well, you’re watching a television show you and I both know you hate, laughing loudly and turning the volume up, and just generally trying to capture my attention,” he listed. “If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you were trying to get me to tickle you.”
“W-what!? Pshh. That’s… that’s ridiculous,” you stammered, folding your arms defiantly across your chest. “Just because I don’t mind it doesn’t mean I would ask for it.”
“I see.” Loki sat back against the couch again, picking up his novel and reopening it to his bookmarked page. “So, you won’t mind if I go back to reading in peace, then?”
“Nope,” you affirmed, popping the P for emphasis. You leaned back into your seat once again, your arms still crossed. You changed the channel to another show you were more interested in so you could try to forget about this whole thing by distracting yourself.
Once again, the room fell silent, with the exception of the voices on the television and the flipping of Loki’s book pages. Your heart sank deeper in your chest in disappointment. You almost had him there – why did he have to go and ruin it by observing out loud that you wanted to be tickled?
“Honestly, y/n, you look as if someone put something sour in your drink,” Loki said finally, placing his book back on the coffee table.
“I’m fine,” you insisted flatly, refusing to look at him.
“I’ve told you before – if you want me to tickle you, all you have to do is ask.” You observed him in your peripheral vision, your stomach swooping at the mischievous gleam in his eyes.
“No,” you stated.
“No? No what? No, you don’t want me to tickle you? Or no, you refuse to ask?”
“Just… no.” You pulled your feet closer to your body, sitting crisscross on the couch with your arms still folded across your torso. Loki chuckled, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“You sound like a petulant child.”
“Do not!” you argued. Loki didn’t respond – he merely held his hand out at you, silently noting that you’d proven his point. You huffed and turned away from him, pretending to turn your focus back to the television.
“I know exactly what you’re trying to do, darling,” he sang, scooting closer to you on the couch. “You are hoping to provoke me sufficiently to make me retaliate and tickle you. You’ve been doing so since you saw me from the doorway. Don’t try to deny it.”
Heat was crawling up your neck into your cheeks again, and you squeezed your mouth shut, shaking your head defiantly. He shuffled a bit closer, now only inches away from you. “I’m sorry to tell you, dear, but you’re going to have to ask me properly.” You let out an involuntary groan at that, your heart pounding at the sheer proximity of the god beside you. “Use your words, darling. What is it that you want?”
Your resolve was breaking. This whole exchange was only enhancing your lee mood, and he’d made it clear that you wouldn’t get anything out of him without actually coming out and asking for it bluntly. It was difficult to form the words in your mouth.
“I… erm… could you… uh…”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” he teased, his smirk broadening.
“Could you… would you, maybe… couldyoutickleme?” The words finally came tumbling out of your mouth, and as soon as you said it you found yourself pinned down on the couch, the god of mischief hovering over you with a victorious smirk on his face.
“Now, y/n, was that really so difficult?” Before you had the chance to tell him exactly how difficult it was, he cut you off by digging his fingers into your ribcage. He knew it was a weaker spot, drawing rambunctious laughter from you as you grasped his wrists. You weren’t really making any effort to try to push him away, of course, but it gave you something to do with your hands. “For someone who wanted this so badly, you’re making it exceedingly difficult with your incessant squirming.”
“I cahahan’t help ihihit!!” you exclaimed, arching your back as his fingers darted down to your belly. He wouldn’t give you the chance to get accustomed to one spot, quickly moving to scribble into your sides or drill his thumbs into your hips. It was exactly what you’d been hoping would happen all day today, and yet still you could barely handle it as ticklish shocks wracked through your body.
“Let’s see, now – where else are you ticklish? I don’t have your little narratives open for reference this time, so I suppose I’m going to have to find out for myself,” he pondered aloud, tone laced with mischief. “Ah! How about here?” Loki slipped his fingers under your arms, causing you to clamp them down to your sides. That didn’t stop him, though, continuing to vibrate his fingers into your uppermost ribs. The sensation made you shriek, throwing your head back and laughing with abandon.
“Nohoho Loki! Not there!” you cried, feebly pulling at his wrists as much as you could with your arms pressed to your sides.
“No? On the contrary, dear, I think it’s a perfectly effective spot.” You twisted involuntarily, accidentally rolling off the couch and face first onto the floor with a thud. Loki was at your side in a flash, kneeling beside you with a hand on your shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yehehes,” you giggled, heart fluttering at the idea that he was so concerned about you possibly being hurt. You turned to roll onto your back to look up at him, but he pressed down on your shoulder, holding you in place.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked ominously, his fingers moving to dig into your ribcage with renewed vigor. Not being able to see his hands was so much better worse. You tried desperately to roll onto your side but each time he would shift both hands to the newly exposed side, forcing you to roll back onto your stomach to protect the sensitive skin there. “Shall I ‘go in for the kill’ as they say?”
“No! Don’t! Anything but that!” you pleaded, although you both knew your heart wasn’t really in it.
“Sorry, darling, but as I recall, you did ask for this.” With that, his fingertips scribbled into that wretched spot on the back of your upper ribs. You kicked your feet against the floor in ticklish agony, your laughter pitching up an octave. Before long, your laughter grew silent, prompting him to ease up on you and scratch lightly at your sides. You turned to roll onto your back, and he allowed it this time, chuckling at your disheveled state. You took a moment to catch your breath, chest heaving with exertion, and you twitched occasionally when his fingertips found an extra sensitive spot on your side.
Loki’s fingers stilled against your sides, and you frowned up at him, feeling a sense of loss without his touch. He laughed heartily at that, a genuine smile spreading across his lips.
“Silly girl, was that not enough for you? Do you need me to continue?” Before waiting for your answer, he reached down and fluttered his fingers behind both knees. You squealed in surprise, giggles spilling from your lips. Loki sat on your shins to avoid any accidental kicks to the face, shifting to knead at the soft skin just above your knee on your inner thigh. You hadn’t anticipated just how unbearably ticklish that spot could be.
“Wait wait wahahait!! Stahahap!!” you cried, trying desperately to yank your legs out from under the Asgardian.
“Ah, I see I’ve identified a new– what do you call it? ‘Death spot’?”
Your laughter was growing hoarse, and Loki took this as his cue to let up again, getting up off your legs and kneeling beside you. You were exhausted, but the endorphins coursing through your veins made you feel giddy.
“That… that was mean,” you said breathlessly.
“I’ll remind you once again, you asked for it,” he retorted.
Loki stood up and offered you a hand to help you off the floor, which you gratefully accepted. You stood there awkwardly for a moment, not certain what to say. For the first time, you noticed Loki was also at a loss for words; his hand moved to the back of his neck, and he glanced around the room, uncertainty in his eyes.
On a whim (or maybe it was just the residual adrenaline, you’ll never know) you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around the bewildered god in front of you.
“Thanks, Loki,” you whispered into his shoulder. He stood frozen for a moment before finally sliding his arms around you as well, squeezing you tight.
“Anytime, love,” he replied, his voice low and gruff, softer than you’d ever heard him speak. You hugged him for another moment before releasing the trickster and hurrying off to your room, hoping to hide away before you could say anything to ruin things.
And, you can bet, you would be doing some more writing tonight.
Part 3: A Cozy Evening
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spacedikut · 3 years
the very insecure dr reid ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
summary: “Could you write another fic about early Spence where he’s all insecure” combined with another request :) 5730 words
a/n: title taken from s1e5!! i wrote this months ago aka before i decided to try to make my fics gender neutral and i tried to make the appropriate changes but im also a dumbass so! yeah! 
Spencer is a man of science, if you didn’t already know.
This means he doesn’t spend his time fretting over what isn’t there, what doesn’t have facts and evidence to back it up. Of course, he dabbles in reading conspiracy theories and enjoys learning about various religions and things of that sort, but these are to expand his already infinite knowledge, not because he particularly believes in them.
The first time he believed there was some kind of God was when you kissed him.
It was after the case where both Elle and Spencer were trapped on a train with a paranoid schizophrenic – he still remembers how you reacted when he agreed to being sent in, how you tried to keep it light-hearted but pulled him aside to solemnly tell him you didn’t think you’d be able to live without him (if you do something rash and stupid, Spencer, I swear to God-). You threatened to nipple cripple him if he did die, and it was weirdly motivating.
After he was checked over, and teased Elle about saving her life, you came crashing into him with an audible oof and a whisper of, “God you smell so good I’m so glad you’re okay don’t ever do that again.” It was probably the adrenaline, the near-death experience high, but instead of gently pushing you away like he’d do with anyone else, he discovers your waist has a wonderful dip that his arms fit perfectly into as he tugs you close.
He’s hugged people before, obviously, but it’s always different with you.
You must think so, too, because when you pull away just enough that you’re still in his arms but can clearly see his face, you take a minuscule intake of breath that Spencer wouldn’t notice if he wasn’t, you know, Spencer.
A strand of Spencer’s hair falls from where it was tucked, falling into his line of sight. Without hesitation you’re pushing it back, fingertips brushing against Spencer’s cheek as you fold the hair back behind his ear. Your eyes meet when there’s no obstruction, electricity crackling in Spencer’s ears when he realises there’s nothing between you, nothing stopping you, and there’s something about the lack of space between you and how he holds you that just makes you ask-
“Would it be weird if I kissed you right now?”
Immediately, Spencer thinks yes. Not because he doesn’t want you to (he couldn’t think of anything better to do, to be honest), or because of where you are (although, knowing the whole team is not far away does make him feel a little funny), it’s because he’s him. Gangly, awkward, with very sweaty hands that feel at home on your body, and you don’t want to kiss that. You can’t want to.
Yet, he shakes his head, and finds himself copying you when you lean in and close your eyes.
It’s short, sweet, and somewhat weird. He thinks he blacks out, loses himself in your lips despite it happening so quickly.
When you pull back, Spencer’s eyes remain closed for a good few seconds before he’s brought back to Earth. And he doesn’t know what to say - pretty people don’t just… kiss him. They certainly don’t ask if they can kiss him, then follow through, and… stare at him like that.
“Has anyone seen Reid? Y/L/N?”
Whatever was supposed to happen after, whether it was good or bad, you’ll never know. Hotch’s footsteps are thundering towards you and, despite your daze, you step away from Spencer just as he spots you.
The second time he believed there was a God, he asked you on a date. And you said yes.
Neither of you mention the kiss. In your defence, he supposes, it happened merely an hour ago – everyone’s rushing to get back to Quantico so no one’s had time to make any kind of small talk, let alone have the talk after a kiss.
Elle gives Spencer a look of confusion when she slides past him, moving into the jet as he hovers in the entryway. He’s obviously waiting for someone, passing out tight lipped smiles to the team when they all squeeze past. Spencer isn’t a big guy, but it’s bizarre for him to be standing there like that, swaying like the palm tree he is – he’s usually setting up for yet another game of chess with Gideon at this moment.
Then you shuffle on, faltering when you catch him waiting for you but smile nonetheless. He straightens, hands remaining in his pockets when his mouth opens to speak. You interrupt him (before he can make a fool of himself, thank God).
“Wanna sit together?” You ask, eyes never leaving his. He nods and follows you like the lost puppy he is.
The second you invite him to sit next to you instead of opposite he wants to pull you tight into his side, but that seems like too much. He’s not Derek, for Heaven’s sake, and you’re not Garcia – all you’ve done is kiss once and really, when he thinks about it, you were probably on an adrenaline high too, so it might’ve been a heat of the moment thing. It happens, Spencer’s read about it, and although it would break his heart that it meant nothing, it’s likely. Oh, it’s so likely.
Spencer might be the first one on the team to cry on the BAU jet.
Halfway home, the team is lost in their own pass-times to notice when you bookmark your page and place your book on the table.
“Spence,” You whisper, testing if he’s awake.
He is. He hasn’t been able to catch a wink of sleep, no matter how hard he tries. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry if what I did earlier- you know-“ You gesture vaguely in the air, completely oblivious to the fact Spencer is very familiar with what happened earlier because he can’t stop replaying it, “-If that made you uncomfortable. Or if I forced you, or-“
“Would it be weird if I asked you on a date when we land?”
The grin you send him shoots straight to his heart, eyes crinkling with laughter at his echo of the words you used earlier. If you notice you don’t mention it, but his hands can’t stop fidgeting under the table, slick with sweat.
“It’d only be weird if you don’t kiss me after.” You say.
His brows furrow, a small incredulous laugh leaving him. “What? Why?”
“We’ve already had our first kiss, so it’s out of the way.”
“Are you saying… You want to kiss me again?”
You thought that was obvious from when you kissed him earlier, but you’re happy to remind him. “Yes. I would like that very much.”
“Okay,” He says, bashfully, with a lick of his lips. “I can- I can arrange that.”
This time, when you turn back to your book, your head finds his shoulder and Spencer thinks his it has turned to gold, blessed by being touched by you. Would it be too much if, the second you get back to base, he writes about this moment in great detail to his mother?
All of that leads to now, where The Date is in three days.
He plans to take you to his favourite book café, a place you’ve always wanted to go but never had the chance to, and he was so, so excited. Any time he gets to spend with you is cherished and means more to him than it does to you, because to him it’s an excuse for you to give him more reasons to fall in love with you. And he does - fall in love - every single day.
Was is the important word here. He’s not excited anymore.
It’s terrifying how quick the tides can change.
Just this morning, he was glancing with child-like excitement at the outfit he’s already chosen for the date. You brought him some coffee, whispering an endearing, “Three days!” as you did, and, according to Derek, Spencer’s love eyes (what the hell does that mean) were so big even Derek fell in love with you for a second.
Now, Spencer’s not territorial, but that comment stuck with him. Maybe that’s why he’s here now.
He has to cancel the date.
It pains him – God, does it pain him – but he has to. He can’t go on that date with you. He can’t… put you through that. Make you spend time with him and have to let him down gently, slowly, like you’re talking down a temper tantrum. He can’t then pretend everything’s okay in front of the team. He won’t be able to pretend, because he’s liked you for months.
He won’t force you to go on that date with him. You deserve better than that, and better than him.
That’s what it comes down to: you deserve better than him.
It started that morning with Derek, as previously mentioned. Then the team was whisked away on a case, and the detectives were all over you. JJ, too, but they were too intimidated by Elle and Morgan, who just laughed at their attempts to impress you. It was borderline inappropriate, but you were too concerned with the victims and finding a serial killer to pay some officers and detectives you’ll never see again any attention.
Spencer noticed, though. And he couldn’t concentrate.
The detectives are dressed too well – by that, he means the suits and the Rolex watches are way above their paygrade – and they keep emphasising how good looking you and JJ are and how lucky the BAU is to have such dolls working on the team. What is this, the 40s? Who calls anyone doll anymore? And, yes, the team is very lucky to have you and JJ, but because you’re both great minds and wildly intelligent people that, yes, are also very gorgeous, but your looks aren’t all you have to offer, thank you very much.
There’s a detective approaching you, again, as you stand by the water cooler.
Spencer frantically looks around, trying to find a member of the team. “Morgan!” He weakly calls, because Spencer won’t scare him off. Maybe Morgan can chase them away like they’re stray cats, with his big muscles and scary eyebrows. Or Elle, who earlier merely lifted an eyebrow and the officers scattered like cockroaches.
All he catches of the conversation between you and the model/detective at the cooler is, “I appreciate it, but no thank you,” and that’s all he needs to hear.
He should’ve known someone would eventually make a move. You’ve said no, clearly, and Spencer doesn’t understand why. I mean, yes, he knows why – you have a prior engagement – but the detective… As much as he’s kind of a dick, he complements you better than Spencer does. Physically.
And there starts the spiral.
There must be something in the water, because every officer and detective and everyone in between is in peak physical condition with dashing looks to boot. They’re all straight out of a magazine, as if the popular kids from Spencer’s high school graduated and followed him here to remind him he is incredibly unworthy of you.
Spencer is lanky, unlike the broad men and curvaceous women here, and slicks his hair to the side rather than up like the others. He wears sweater vests, not blazers, and he’s so skinny that his trousers always look like hand-me-downs – nothing is fitted, like so many outfits are here.
They’re all everything Spencer is not. And Spencer is realising, quite quickly, that they’re the better ones – and that’s what you deserve. Better. The best.
It gets worse when they deliver the profile.
He finds his spot next to you, gives you a tight lipped smile, then looks at the outfits of his team compared to his own. Both Hotch and Morgan wear dark suits, well-proportioned and sophisticated in a way that Spencer is sure isn’t even in his calibre. Elle wears a deep green t-shirt, tucked into her tight black pants, and looks wonderfully intimidating with her double gun holster wrapped around her shoulders.
And you. You.
You wear a white shirt tucked into nicely tailored trousers, hair effortlessly styled with a pen tucked behind your ear. You all look like FBI agents. Intimidating. Prepared. Put-together.
Spencer… looks like he’s still in high school. He threatens no one, intimidates no one, and definitely does not make anyone feel inferior with his masculinity. He’s not an alpha male, is what he’s trying to say, and for each person he encounters in this wretched police department he feels himself shrinking.
So when they give the profile, he tries to say as little as possible. Tries to attract as little attention as possible, so when Hotch says his usual, “Thank you.” He can slip away unnoticed and hide from the superior beings.
It works, given everyone is too busy trying to save lives. Except you notice, and Spencer has to pretend he’s okay when you find him at the evidence board and tell him you’re excited for the date. He wants to believe you, truly does, but no matter how hard he digs into his brain to find a part of him that can fathom you see him as a better option than literally anyone else, it doesn’t exist.
You don’t seem to notice. He tells himself he’s glad, but there’s no denying the disappointment.
Hotch calls it a night when the clock nears midnight. He says the team should get as much rest as possible and come in with fresh eyes tomorrow – despite this, the team knows most if not all of them will get little to no sleep, given that they’ll all be going over everything they’ve got so far in their hotel rooms.
You slink up to Spencer, a pep in your step even though you’re running on pure caffeine and nothing else. It’s then Spencer realises he has to do it now, because if he does it in the police department then he’ll be called unprofessional, but if he waits any longer than that he’ll be cutting too close and that’s a bad look.
“Y/N,” He says, coming to a stop before the elevators, allowing the rest of the team to head up. “I need to say something.”
You nod with a smile, covering a cute yawn when he takes a couple seconds to gather his thoughts.
You’re not sure what he’s gonna say, but you assume it’ll be to do with the date. Maybe a change of time, or a change of venue – he did mention the library café can get super busy on weekends – or, worst case scenario, the date will have to be postponed for whatever reason. And none are particularly bad, because you’re excited and just want to be with Spencer – it doesn’t matter if it’s not when he originally planned or where he originally planned.
But Spencer has always unwittingly been full of surprises.
“We can’t go on that date.”
Instantly you ask, “Why not?”
“Well-“ He seems caught off guard, like he wasn’t expecting you to question the sudden change of heart, “It’s complicated-“
“I’ve got time.”
“We should go to sleep-“
“Is it your mother?”
“No. No, it’s not.” Of course you look empathetic when you consider his mother might need him – a stab to the start. Add in the flicker of concern in your eyes – two stabs to the heart. “It’s not her. It’s- it’s nothing. Just, can we cancel?”
“And reschedule?”
The disappointment is clear on your face and makes Spencer feel so guilty, but not guilty enough to take it back. You’re not disappointed that you’re missing out on dating him, you’re frustrated that you’ve been building up to having plans on the weekend and they’ve suddenly been cancelled without reason. By Spencer, of all people. In a couple months’ time you’ll thank him, when you’re dating some bodybuilder who can grow a mean beard. You’ll thank him for not making you go on that date with him and forcing you to tell him you’re just not my type, Spence, and making everything awkward.
He can’t look at you. Maybe that’s why he misses the genuine sadness, the sudden glassiness of your eyes that humiliates you enough to make you angry. His words have ignited a fire in your chest that burns through your body like you’re made of gasoline, and you wish you could turn your thoughts off so you don’t start questioning how long he’s been wanting to reject you, if he even wanted to date you in the first place, how embarrassing it is to have been so openly eager when, apparently, he was very much not.
“I’m sorry.” He says, like it’ll do anything. He still can’t look at you and he feels like a coward.
“Yeah.” You sniffle.
He decides to take the stairs. You head for the bar, just for one drink.
The following day, when an officer tries to talk to you, you blatantly ignore him. You tell him that unless it’s work-related, you’re really not interested, and word spreads quick that your pleasantries have died out and you’re not in the mood to tolerate creepy compliments.
There’s a permanent frown on your face that haunts Spencer the entire day. He knows exactly what’s going on – it’s his fault, after all – and he finds himself simultaneously avoiding you whilst witnessing your downcast mood.
Morgan starts investigating not long after you barely react to his terrible joke. He makes them for you, because you either choke on laughter or throw your pen at him, but this time it was like you weren’t even in the room. When Morgan poked you and asked if you heard him, your lacklustre reply was, “Hm? Yeah, good one.”
Morgan perches on the desk Spencer’s using. “You got any idea what’s going on with Y/N?”
“They’re mad at me.”
“You’re the reason they’re like this?”
Spencer doesn’t physically react, just says, as casually as possible, “Unless another person asked them on a date then cancelled without reason, then yes. It’s my fault.”
There’s no point in lying. Especially to Derek. Spencer doesn’t know how you’ll go about explaining your sudden poor mood, if you’ll curse his very existence or lie about it, but Spencer’s never been a good liar and the sooner everyone knows it’s his fault and he sucks, the better.
Morgan leans forward, attempting to make eye contact with the doctor who very much does not want to. “There’s a story there.”
“…You wanna go ahead and explain it?”
“Not really.”
“Alright,” Derek shrugs, “You stir in your sadness and continue being a sourpuss, I’ll go check up on Y/N and find out what really happened.”
Derek’s barely moved off the table when Spencer stops him, voice small like a child, “Wait, Morgan, I-“
You walk past then, too focused on a suspect list faxed in by Garcia to pay attention to anyone else. Spencer’s eyes follow you the whole time, and the look in Spencer’s twinkling eyes make Morgan slump back onto the table in realisation.
“Why’d you cancel, Reid?”
“I had to.”
“You had other plans?”
Spencer chews his bottom lip. “No. But I… I couldn’t take them on a date.”
Derek waits for him to elaborate.
“Have you seen the kind of guys hitting on them?” Spencer asks, scooting his chair closer so no one can eavesdrop. “They’re all… They’re- they’re like you, Morgan. All cool and put-together and actually look their age, for one, and I’m not that. I could never be that – and that’s what Y/N wants-“
“Have you asked them that?”
“No. But I’m a profiler, in case you forgot, and I think it makes sense that these big-shouldered, super muscly guys are all over-“
“But you haven’t actually asked them what they want.”
“No.” Spencer sighs, leaning back in his chair.
“That’s your first, and most vital, mistake, my man.”
Spencer purses his lips, catching you watching him over Derek’s shoulder. You immediately look away, shooting off to the evidence room as an escape, and Spencer’s cheeks burn with guilt and embarrassment.
He can’t believe he thought he had a chance with you.
“I feel like this should be obvious, Genius, but Y/N said yes to a date with you, then turned down every offer that came from someone that wasn’t you-“
“That’s because they already made plans with me and they’d feel terrible if they had to cancel for another, better offer. I made it easier for them.”
Derek gives him such an incredulous look Spencer wonders if he should burn his PhDs. “Are you serious?”
The crestfallen expression on Spencer’s face is enough of an answer.
“Come with me.”
“C’mon,” Derek tugs Spencer up from his chair. “I need to show your dumb ass something.”
All that’s missing is classic spy music when Derek and Spencer sneak into the conference room the BAU is using. Only Hotch is in there, scribbling something down, barely glancing up when the two agents creep in like they’re on a mission.
Spencer doesn’t say anything until Derek reaches for your bag. “Whoa- Morgan-“
Spencer just stares, brows halfway down his face, and watches silently.
“That’s they’re journal, Morgan, you can’t just read it-“
“It’s not, pretty boy.”
Hotch watches the interaction, mildly confused, then nods to himself when he realises what Morgan’s holding.
Morgan splays the journal on the table in front of them, flipping through pages with precision like it’s his notebook and not yours. When he lands on his desired page, it’s slid towards Spencer.
He reads it.
The Doctor Spencer Reid cheat sheet. (Because I do not have an eidetic memory and feel bad whenever I forget something he tells me)
He’s too stumped by the words cheat sheet to look further, so Derek does it for him, flipping to the next page where very basic information about Spencer sits – full name, date of birth, hometown. As he looks to the page next to it, he realises it’s full of his favourite things – favourite coffee, favourite candy (which has multiple answers, by the way), even favourite pair of socks. Like a switch has been flipped, Spencer comes to life, frantically switching between pages that are overflowing with facts and tidbits about him, from his favourite monologue from his favourite film to his favourite shelf in his apartment. All things he’s told you either in passing or when he’s confided in you at random times, you’ve taken note. You’ve listened, and for some reason you’ve written it all down so you’d never forget.
“What…What is this?”
“It’s everything there is to know about you, Reid.” Derek watches as Spencer slips through the rest of the book, filled with random to-do lists and phone numbers of various people, looking for the same information about the rest of the team. “There’s only one for you, you know. And if you ask me it’s a little creepy, but it’s saved our asses when it’s come to buying gifts for you a good few times.” He slaps a hand on his friend’s shoulder, smirking at how Spencer’s awe-filled eyes never leave the pages before him. “They care about you a lot, Reid. More than you think. So…”
“I need to talk to them.”
“Yes, idiot, you do.”
That night, Elle and Derek invite you to join them for some drinks at the bar, promising they won’t let it escalate to arm wrestling and childish bets like they always do. Even though they make a compelling argument, add on that you’re stressed and upset and really, really want to forget emotions exist more than anything else, you’re half tempted to accept and lose yourself in some cocktails.
Then you spot Spencer talking in hushed tones with Gideon and everything comes flooding back. So you tell Elle to have a drink for you, please don’t make a ruckus when she gets back to your shared room, and bid them adieu.
In your room, you distract yourself by renting one of your favourite movies. It’s overpriced, and a part of you wants to look over the case files again, but being sad and burnt out won’t lead to any good outcomes.
It’s a futile attempt at switching your brain off so you don’t have to think about how excited you were for the date. You’ve had twenty-four hours to get over it, but every time you see him you’re thrown back into the bitterness you feel – bitter that you fooled yourself into thinking it’d work out, bitter that your hopes were so high, bitter that you let your feelings for Spencer become such a big part of your life.
You’re lying on your scratchy hotel bed, thinking about Spencer and how he’s going to be complaining to Morgan about said scratchy beds, when there’s a knock at your door.
Naturally, you assume its Elle. She reminds you so much of your older sister who used to slide you some money so you’d stay up late into the night and quietly let her back into the house after she’s sneaked off to go to a party – except Elle is probably swaying outside your hotel room after losing her keycard rather than swaying on your doorstep.
So when you open the door, teasing quip ready, you legitimately choke when you’re faced with a fidgety Spencer Reid.
He tries to ignore how the way your face drops when you realise it’s him feels like a punch to the gut.
“You-what-“ He’s never seen you so flustered. “Are you lost?”
Just in case, Spencer leans back to check the number beside your door is in fact 208. It is, and he turns back to you, “Please don’t slam the door in my face.”
It slips out. “I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise your pretty face.”
You’re humiliated that he has this effect on you, the ability to obliterate all your filters and common sense just by existing. But the look on his face alleviates the want to jump out of the window – his mouth opens, twitching into the smallest, most bashful smile before it falls and morphs back into disbelief. You just… You just called his face pretty, a word that makes some feel emasculated but no, never with you. You compliment people and mean it, which makes Spencer’s guilt worsen and the urge to tell you he loves you with his entire heart more intense.
You speak at the same time.
“Why are you-“
“I wanted to-“
You roll your lips together, holding back a smile, and nod for him to go on. He does the same, so you shake your head with a, “I was just asking why you’re here.”
He holds up a finger, signalling one moment, and opens his satchel to start rummaging in it. “I know this is a complete invasion of privacy, and theft, really, but Morgan showed me it and I just- Why do you have this?”
You gasp.
In his hand is the journal you’ve been working on since a month into your employment at the BAU. The gifted notebook was initially used to jot down any bits of advice your superiors gave you (on your first day, Elle gave you a list she lovingly titled “If I wasn’t an FBI agent I’d sock these people in the mouths”) but, before you knew it, it had an entirely different purpose.
It started when you witnessed Derek stumble when asked Spencer’s favourite colour, to which he said no one remembers stuff like that! Aptly followed by Spencer reeling off everyone’s preferred colours (even delving into second favourites and favoured colour schemes) and you realised then that… Spencer’s whole life, he’s remembered so much about the people around him and very rarely have they returned the favour. So, in an attempt to build friendship and because you had the fattest crush on him already, you started the Spencer Reid cheat sheet.
You didn’t think he’d ever see it, even if it’s always used by the team on various occasions. It was the team’s little secret, bar Spencer, that assisted in nearly every decision made on Spencer’s behalf – what to order from restaurants, drinks, birthday and holiday gifts, how to comfort him when he’s stressed or upset.
The responses vary. Derek thinks it’s weird, as did Elle at first, but JJ and Garcia insist its sweet and, really, no matter what they think they’ve all come running to you when time has called for it.
“How… Did you steal it?”
“Yes,” He tells you, guiltily, “I had to read it – it’s incredibly accurate, by the way.”
You don’t know if that’s a compliment or not.
“So… Why?”
“I don’t know,” You say, a bold-faced lie and Spencer can tell, but he lets you continue, “You remember everything about everyone else, so I wanted to… do the same for you, I guess.”
“I have an eidetic memory.”
You airily laugh – does he think you forgot that? “I know that. Doesn’t it get tiring recalling all this information about your friends and not having it reciprocated?”
He clicks his tongue at that, eyes falling back to the notebook in his hands that he fiddles with while he thinks. It is tiring, he supposes, but that’s how it’s always been. He remembers everything, the people around him just… don’t. He realised at a young age that he’ll often have to remind himself that friendship isn’t measured by what they remember, but by other ways – like this. You, with your unassuming journal that is full of things Spencer assumed no one would ever care to remember.
You, with your tensed jaw and fluttering eyes because you’re embarrassed.
You, who’s done quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for him, and it’s been happening for years right under his nose.
You, who he cancelled a date with because he was so sure you were dating him out of pity, out of obligation after he asked and you felt forced to say yes, but now he realises you care about him just as much as he cares for you.
Touched feels like an understatement.
“If you find it weird, I’ll burn it the second we get home. Pretend it never happened, we can… discuss a restraining order if we must-“
“Thank you.”
He smiles at you, hands tight on the book in his hands, smiles so big that his eyes crinkle and his teeth show and he looks gorgeous. It tugs directly on your heart strings and just for a second you forget that he cancelled your date, forget that you’ve been pining for years, and bask in the warmth that radiates from him.
“This is… Insane, really.” He laughs, “But also so… so cool. I don’t deserve this, at all, and to think we could’ve gone on a date but I chickened out-“
He shrugs with faux-nonchalance. “The-um- the reason I took back the date was because I think you deserve so much better than me. In a, you deserve someone like all the police officers down at the PD, kind of way. I don’t want a pity date-“
You scoff, then with an indignant, “Come in here,” You grab Spencer’s satchel and tug him into your hotel room, closing the door with a forceful push as he turns to face you.
With your hands on your hips, you stare him down with furrowed brows and a look that screams really? “Is that really what you think, Spence? It was a pity date?”
“Well, yeah,” He tells you. The conviction in his voice is so strong that, if you weren’t this riled up, you’d probably tear up at how sure he sounds.
You give another scoff. “Not only am I offended you think I’d do that to anyone, but I’m also mad that you don’t see how I look at you! Spencer, I’ve been into you since I started working here-“ His mouth falls open. You’re exasperated. “-and the notes were a way to get to know you, yes, but they were also because I couldn’t stop watching you and had to play it off like I was doing it for a reason. You’re my favourite, Spencer.”
His heart aches a little, full of such a tenderness he’s never quite felt before. He feels loved, and so, so touched that someone would put so much effort into getting to know him and… years. Literal years you’ve liked him, and he’s been blind to it.
“I like you a lot.” You’re breathless after your little speech, “And if you still don’t want that date, that’s okay. But I like you, Spence, I really like you.”
Your gaze never wavers. Spencer wants to scoop you up and place kisses all over. For the first time in a while, he feels worthy. Like what you’re saying isn’t being said for the sake of it, because you’re his friend and you have to support him, but because it’s what you genuinely think and feel and Spencer might be in love.
He swallows deeply before speaking.
“I really like you, too, Y/N. And I’m-I’m sorry that I cancelled the date and- I should’ve talked to you, maybe, before doing it, but… We’re here now, right?”
“You want to have a date right now?”
Thumbing through the book, he says, “Actually, there’s some blanks in here I’d like to fill, if you’re not busy…”
You’re very clearly on board with the suggestion, basically skipping to your bed, plopping down and patting the space beside you with a grin. “I’m not busy at all, Doctor Reid. Tell me everything I don’t already know.”
So he does, thigh pressed against yours and blush on his cheeks when you let your head fall onto his shoulder.
The night is spent giggling over the most random information you’ve gathered, correcting only one mistake (his favourite socks change every week, not your fault), and adding onto the already plentiful fact file.
And the date that weekend happens, ending in a sweet kiss on your doorstep that leaves you both with shy smiles and thundering hearts.
It’s the first date of many, followed by the creation of a new journal full of all there is to know about your and Spencer’s relationship.
tags: @pinkdiamond1016 @bluerose512 @andreasworlsboring101 @bitchyreids @roses-and-grasses @ta-ka-shi-ma @chiffonchronicles @rexorangecouny @unmistakablyunknown @goofygubler14 @jasongideonapologist @gublertoon @averyhotchner
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Not Just Another Day
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Jack Frost x Reader | ☁️ | 1.4k
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The sound of someone tapping your window made you look up from the book you were reading. Spotting Jack waving to you from outside your window, you grabbed your bookmark and stuck it into the book.
Rolling out of your bed, you opened your window to look at the Guardian of Fun.
“(Y/N)! Took you long enough,” Jack said with a huff. 
You stuck your tongue out at him. “You mean you’re too impatient, Jack.” 
Jack chuckled and hopped into your room when you stepped aside. He glanced around your space, noticing the book you had been reading prior to opening the window.
“That doesn’t look like a very festive thing to be doing,” he commented. “Is it a good book at least?”
“Yeah, you should give it a try, if you ever read,” you responded, moving the book off your bed and onto your desk. You could see Jack rolling his eyes at your remark, but ignored it. Moving back to your bed, you sat down to watch the winter spirit. “Besides Jack, not everything you do during the holidays has to be festive.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Jack agreed. He turned around and tilted his head, peering at you curiously. “I’ve noticed you seem a bit off lately, everything okay, snowflake?”
You froze at his words.  “Have I seem off?”
“Just a little.”
The Guardian of Fun moved to sit down next to you.
Of course he would notice this much, you and Jack been friends for a while after being introduced by Sandy and Tooth. Something about you and Jack just clicked - the two of you hung out on a regular basis.
“You want to talk about it?”
The kind tone that Jack used made you lower your guard a bit. This was Jack, after all. You could trust him with almost anything.
“My birthday is coming up,” you began. “It’s after Christmas.”
Jack nodded, listening intently. He didn’t say anything, worried that you might decide not to say anything at all. 
“I... don’t really like to celebrate my birthday. It’s just...” You paused. A frown appeared on your face as you thought back on what happened. “Let’s just say I have bad memories associated to my birthday.”
“Ah, I see,” Jack softly said. “Thanks for letting me know, (Y/N).”
You offered him a small smile. 
The white haired boy seemed deep in thought for a moment, as if he were trying to figure something out. But before you were able to ask what was on his mind, he jumped up.
“I almost forgot why I came by!” he exclaimed. “The snow outside is perfect for a snowball fight! You have to come out with me.”
Deciding to mess with him, you pouted.
“But it’s the perfect weather to stay inside and finish reading,” you whined playfully. “Why can’t we just stay inside and read all day.”
At this, Jack began to pout too. 
You laughed at his expression. “Alright. I was just joking - I’ll finish my book later. Let me grab my jacket.”
Jack cheered as he hopped back out your window, telling you to hurry up.
Anything was fine to help you take your mind off things. A snowball fight was definitely something you were up for anyways.
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After spending the day with you, Jack had gone back to his usual duties of bringing snow around the world. The entre time however, he couldn’t help but think back on what you had told him.
Birthdays were supposed to days to be celebrated. They were days to express how much you cared about having someone be part of your life.
Ever since meeting you, Jack had found himself drawn to you. He never said anything about it, but it seemed like Tooth and her fairies seemed to catch on straight away.
“Seems like you have a crush on someone, Jack,” Tooth had pointed out one day. “Baby Tooth says you’re always busy, trying to see someone.”
“What?” Jack asked, surprised by this accusation. “I...”
He couldn’t find the words to defend himself. 
The word crush made him think of you - and that made his cheeks heat up.
“Ooh, who is it?” Tooth asked excitedly. She flew around Jack in anticipation. “Do I know them?”
“It’s... (Y/N),”
Tooth clapped her hands together with a smile.
“That’s great, Jack. I hope things go well between the two of you.”
Just like how you were always able to get him to smile, Jack wanted to the same for you in return. Especially if your birthday was a day that bring you good memories. 
“I should go talk to North,” he murmured to himself. Jumping up, he called out to the wind. “Take me to the North Pole!”
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“Hey (Y/N), wake up...”
You let out a groan, slowly blinking your eyes open. Pushing yourself up, you sat up in your bed. As your eyes adjusted to the dark room, you could see someone standing in your room via moonlight.
“Bunny?” you asked, confused. “What are you doing here?”
“I have a very important task to do,” Bunny said. He offered you a paw and pulled you out of bed. “There’s somewhere we need to go, are you ready?”
You looked down at what you were wearing. “Do you think it’s okay for me to go like this?”
Bunny smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry about that, you always look fine.”
“Okay, I guess I’m ready then,” you agreed.
With a tap of his foot, one of Bunny’s rabbit holes opened up and swallowed the two of you. Sent on a wild ride through the tunnels, you soon were sent flying out of the other end. 
The loud cheers startled you as you looked up to see that you were at the Pole and all the Guardians were there. North, Sandy, Tooth, Bunny, and Jack. Slowly getting up, you noticed how the room had been decorated to celebrate a party. Even the yetis were wearing birthday hats.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N)!” Tooth said, putting on a birthday tiara on your head. 
Sandy waved to you with a smile, a little picture of a cake floating above his head.
“Good to see you, birthday girl!” North exclaimed, pulling you into a quick hug.
“You guys...” you said, your eyes welling up with tears. “You did this all for me?”
“Of course, it’s your birthday, how could we not celebrate?” Tooth replied. She flew closer to you, whispering a message in your ear. “This was all Jack’s plan by the way.”
Hearing her comment made your cheeks warm up. Looking over at the Guardian of Fun, you decided to go confront him about it. As you headed towards him, you were slowed down by others who wanted to wish you a happy birthday along the way.
By the time you were free again, you noticed Jack had slipped into another room. Following him, you noticed how much more quiet this room was compared to energy from the other room.
The white haired boy turned around, a soft smile gracing his lips when he saw you.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N),” he greeted. “I hope you’re feeling okay.”
“Tooth told me you planned all of this,” you said.
Jack scratched the back of his head as his blue eyes turned downwards. “Ah, she told you.”
You moved to stand in front of him, reaching out to touch his cheek.
“Thank you, Jack.”
“I’d do anything to make you smile,” he responded. “Today’s a special day for you, after all.”
As the two of you gazed into each other’s eyes, the sound of someone clearing their throat startled the two of you.
Baby Tooth waved, grinning at the sight of the two of you. A cheeky smile grew on her face as she pointed above the two of you before flitting off somewhere.
Looking up, you felt your cheeks heat up.
Jack’s cheeks were red too. But that didn’t stop him from gently pulling you closer and asking, “May I?”
“Yes,” you whispered.
Hearing your consent, Jack pulled you in for a sweet kiss. When he leaned back, he rested his forehead against yours and a bright smile was on his face. Arms wrapped his neck to pull him close, you were blissfully happy. Today was going to be a day to remember.
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lululawrence · 3 years
hello!! i was wondering if u had a werewolf tag for fics? i would search it but not sure how to use tumblr that well :)) if not do u have recs? LOVE U HAVE A NICE DAY<333
hi babes! i don't have one here... damn that's a fucking great idea. hahaha i'm HORRIBLY unorganized when it comes to tags for fics on tumblr. i mostly use ao3 for the organization of fics. so! that said, i defo DO have recs for you!
you didn't specify pairing, which makes me smile because i get to rec rare pairs in addition to larry and hope you read them hehe okay, here we go!
He Carries The Key by me (8k, NR, niall/louis) - this fic is the only one of mine i'll include, okay? promise haha but it is also one i wrote for wordplay just a week or two ago and it's werewolves and a pack fic and i just had a lot of fun. very soft. much fluff. many feels. i hope you enjoy. lol
There's Fur Everywhere by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (4k, G, Harry/Louis) - this is a 5 times fic, and it's HYSTERICAL. it feels slightly spoilery for me to even be including it on this list, but also... it's still fucking hilarious. emmu is queen of the crack fic that makes you feel all the soft and wonderful things, and she doesn't disappoint with this one.
I Hear Them Calling for You by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis) - this fic is... not for everyone. like at all. please please please read the tags and the summary and if you don't like it or it makes you uncomfortable, then close right out of it. as for ME i loved what she explored with it, all the emotions and the story and worldbuilding of it all. i thought it was fantastic and incredibly interesting. it is A/B/O, pack fic with claiming and... yeah. it's amazing.
Campus Creatures by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything and @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld (25k, E, Harry/Louis) - werewolves! vampires! fae! university! frat houses! science research positions being vied for! enemies to lovers! like... not sure what more you could ASK for, but there's also a fuck ton of humor and nudity and sexual tension and... it's just a lot of fun. can't go wrong, really. haha
From What I've Tasted of Desire by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (72k, T, Harry/Louis) - okay so i'm including this one even though like... harry and louis aren't werewolves. but it's a twilight au, so there ARE werewolves and i'm ASSUMING you know twilight and therefore know that means you know they're pretty involved and... that's true for this fic too. ahha for real, though, i love evi's writing and this fic was one of my first introductions to it and it was a fun read, so i wanted to include it in case it had enough of the werewolf flair to entice you haha
Compete Against the Stars by @daggerandrose / amomentoflove (31k, M, Harry/Louis) - omg okay so this one is like ANGSTY AF and i FUCKING LOVE IT because it's one of those fics that you HOPE you have figured out, and you probably do, but also there's SO many twists and turns to it all that you just have NO idea how it's all gonna work out and omg are they gonna just ruin it all for themselves by being stupid and ahhhhh the tension of just FIGURING OUT HOW THEY GET IT ALL TO WORK OUT!!! and of course it does. hahaha but HOW??? this is a RIDE and in my mind feels like a longer fic than 31k in the best of ways, they did an amazing job of packing a LOT of world building and storytelling into those 31k.
the straight for your heart (wolfpack au) series by foreverkneeld and foundfamilyvevo (96k, T/G, Multiple or No pairings including Niall/Louis, Zayn/Liam, OT5, and Shawn/Niall) - This series is the ultimate hurt/comfort and healing pack fic series omg. it was recommended to me when i was in a super hard time and my anxiety was so bad i couldn't focus on anything. These short fics that all focused so much on healing and found family were exactly what i needed. so so soft, so lovely. I still haven't read them all because i'm saving them for when i need them. they're glorious.
when the air ran out and we both started running wild by darlingjustdont (48k, M, Nick/Louis) - OMG OKAY LISTEN THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVS. a tomlinshaw werewolf pack fic?! ahhhhhhhhh i was SO happy when i discovered this one. louis is alpha of the pack and things are... shaky, shall we say. there's a lot going on that he's worried about and then he meets nick and it's kind of enemies to lovers? okay, more than kind of. but omg the FEELS. SO. MANY. FEELS. but also danger and a;lsdgkhas;ldfkja just please read this and rave with me because i don't have many i can talk about this one with and i LOVE IT.
You Smell Like by mystic_believexx (185k, M, Harry/Louis) - i had no idea this fic was so long hahahaha wow ANYWAY louis is human, but he's always been close with harry and therefore basically a part of his pack. but then one day harry leaves and louis kind of accidentally becomes the pack alpha. even though he's human. but there's SO much more to it. there's just sooooo much with the friendship and the pack bond as well as the danger and trying to figure out what the hell is going on... it's just a LOT and one of those epic fics that i still think about even though i read it...a year and a half ago i guess. but it's amazing and i highly recommend it if the word count doesn't scare you away haha
Canyon Moon by @eeveelou / delsicle (41k, E, Harry/Louis) - this is a lion king au, made a/b/o werewolves! i really enjoyed this one a lot, actually, because i could absolutely see the parallels, but also the way it was adapted made it so it wasn't always obvious how it would all play out. it was a really interesting and cool world building as well.
The Truth I Can't Explain (Smoke and Mirrors) by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (9k, M, Harry/Louis) - ohhhhh this one is SO cool cause it's by tabby so she made it incredibly fun and fascinating to try to figure out. there's magic and mages and werewolves and feuds and they're basically on the eve of battle and holy cow it's just SO cool.
One Touch Is Never Enough by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (4k, E, Harry/Louis) - once again lauren delivers and there's just so much i keep giggling about with this because it is SO fun. there's a lot that louis is dealing with in this fic hahaha and the way she writes it all is so funny. the poor man just wants a fucking massage! lololol it's lighthearted, humorous, and basically filled with fluff, crack, and smut. hahaha
Knot Safe For Work by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis) - a;sldkgha;lfdkjas listen i forgot about this fic until i found it in my bookmarks for werewolves because jenna writes so many fucking amazing fics that when i think of werewolves, i think of at least two others first, but i could NOT do this rec without this fic because now that i remember it exists i am going to have to go and read it again! hahaha harry's a werewolf, louis is a wizard, there's knotting dildos and table sex and... just read it. lolol
Saving's What I Need by @jaerie / jaerie (17k, M, Harry/Louis) - writer louis is out for a drive one day and he hits a dog. THIS POOR DOG! he takes it to the vet and tries his best to take care of it... but things are not as they seem. because yeah, harry is defo not a dog. lollllll this fic was hilarious and sweet and omg there's just so much to love about it. there were so many more emotions in it than i expected. loooove!
Out of the Wild by @jaerie / jaerie (22k, E, Harry/Louis) - this fic has such fun world building, which is actually a huge strength of jenna's fics and you'll hear me rave about it with all 50 of her fics that will end up on this rec list (not really 50, but ya know lol). louis is a fairly wild and undomesticated wolf and harry's from the city and they end up as roommates during the x factor process. oh my word this fic is so fun because of all the challenges they're going through PLUS the wolf side of things and just... the way they work together and navigate it all as well as falling for each other is pure gold.
Out With The Old, In With The New by, you guessed it, @jaerie / jaerie (7k, E, Harry/Louis) - listen, just. this one is smutty as hell and it's gonna take you some places that some people will be uncomfortable with, which is totally valid and fair. please be sure to read the tags and make your decision on whether or not to read accordingly, but also know that its written in a super interesting way that is also pretty amazing if you do decide to give it a shot. lol
Instincts by @marastarfar / StarFar ( 100k so far - it's a WIP!, T, Harry/Louis) - omg listen. i LOVE mara's fics so much and when this first posted it was a one shot little thing that was FASCINATING. i loved it! and then i was happily surprised when i learned more was added to it. and then it was turned into a wip and omg i am so far behind now but i trust mara with my life because i love everything i've read by them and what i've read of this so far is INCREDIBLE so just. yeah. lollll
There's a Power in What You Do by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (7k, T, Harry/Louis) - i just read my comment i left on this one and it was just mainly me begging for time stamps because there wasn't any way for her to improve upon the perfection of this fic (nesting! softness! even a silly comment in her endnotes to perfectly cap it all!), but i still wanted to remain in the story just a bit longer and learn more about them. hahaha anyway, those time stamps aren't happening, but this fic is still complete perfection.
amaryllis by @hattalove / hattalove (147k, E, Harry/Louis) - for a long time this was thought of as THE werewolf fic. if anyone was talking about a werewolf fic, it was probably this one. is that still the case? probably. i'm not sure. ANYWAY. there's a REASON it was THE werewolf fic and that's because this is amazing. it sucks you in and you feel like you're truly a part of the action. it's filled with the vibe of found family and wanting to figure out what happened while also adjusting to your new life and just... so many feelings. so much angst. SO fantastically epic.
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gamergirl929 · 3 years
Forgiveness Is The Final Form Of Love (Christen Press x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: Christen Press x reader: Where R always gives her a single forget-me-not every time Christen has to go away, but before she leaves one time they get into an argument, so they aren’t on speaking terms before she leaves. It affects Christen until she goes to read a book she brought with her and finds a flower pressed into the pages with an apology and they make up over the phone. Just some angstiness with some cute fluffiness.
Hope you’re all ready for the fluffy angstinessssssss! 
You were being foolish, that was obvious.
The fans usually didn’t get to you, but it was hard to ignore the comments about Christen and Tobin, Preath as the fans had dubbed them.  
You were jealous, and tried to tell your girlfriend how to act around her best friend which was entirely wrong, you knew it was wrong when you said it, but the words still slipped out.  
Christen was livid, and she had every right to be, you’d basically told her how to act when in the public eye and that was not fair to her.  
You trusted Christen with all your heart, the fans and their comments had just gotten to you, their comments dug deep, but it wasn’t Chrisen’s fault, it wasn’t because she was friends with Tobin, it was because the fans latched onto that relationship, seeing innocent moments as more than they truly were.  
You brushed your fingertips across the flattened flower.  
The same type of flower you’d picked on your first date, sticking it in your girlfriend’s hair with a toothy grin, the woman’s cheeks pink as her eyes sparkled.  
You’d pressed the flower weeks ago, planning, as per usual, to hide it within one of her book’s pages she’d always take with her.  
This time, the flower had a deeper meaning than the typical forget-me-not.  
It didn’t just mean, I love you and I’m still here even though I’m not there physically, it meant, I’m sorry and I was out of line, but I’m still here if you’d have me and let me work for your forgiveness.  
You press a kiss to the letter, the flowers pressed into the back of the apology letter that you slip into Christen’s book, right where her bookmark had been.  
Inconspicuously, you slip it into her bag, right where she’d left it, hoping your apology letter, along with the sentimental flower would be enough to at least begin your steps to forgiveness.  
“No Y/N, after what you did last night, the LAST thing I want to do is talk to you.” She grabs her bags and heads outside, towards her car.
“You aren’t going to tell me what I can and can’t do in this relationship, and if you think you’re going to, I don’t know if this is a relationship that I want to be in.”  
Christen freezes at the heart broken look on your face, your eyes immediately filling with tears.  
You turn away, swallowing hard.  
“Whatever your decision... I understand. I was out of line... And I’m sorry, and if...” You sniffle, brushing a tear away.  
“If that’s what you want, I understand, just know how sorry I am. I let the fans get to me and I shouldn’t have... I trust you Christen and I know nothing is going on between you and Tobin, and trying to tell you what to do was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever done.” You take a deep breath.  
“I don’t deserve you and if I lose you because of my mistake, I understand.”  
You stare down at your shuffling feet, ignoring your tears as they stream down your cheeks.  
“Just, be careful please... I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I didn’t say that and something happened...”  
You turn around, your teary Y/E/C orbs locking with Christen’s glassy green orbs.  
“I love you Christen. I hope I get to see you again soon, but if not, if you don’t want to see me. I understand.” You whisper before turning away and making your way back into the house, leaving the woman behind, tears in her green orbs as she whispers.  
“I love you too.”  
“You look like you’ve had a rough night.” Kelley frowns at the look on Christen’s face, the purple bags under her eyes the first thing they notice when they look at the woman, the second being her bloodshot green orbs.  
Tobin frowns as the woman takes a seat beside her, her hand running down Christen’s back.  
“What happened?” Tobin whispers, frowning and Christen sniffles.  
“I think Y/N and I just broke up...”  
Tobin’s eyes widen as she wraps her arms around the forward who buries her face in Tobin’s neck, tears streaming down her cheeks.  
“It’s okay, it’s alright.”  
Everyone turns to the forward, frowning.  
You and Christen had been a committed relationship for nearly 2 years, the two of you were inseparable, and incredibly happy.  
Christen pulls back, turning around when she feels a hand on her back, that hand belonging to Ashlyn.  
“What happened?” She asks, her and Ali worriedly eyeing the forward who shrugs, realizing Alex and Kelley are also turned her way.  
Megan too has moved up the aisle, ignoring the narrowed eyed glare she gets from the bus driver.  
“The fans got to her.” She mumbles sadly, turning to Tobin. “She didn’t want me hanging out with you so much.”
Everyone lets out an outraged snarl, but Christen shakes her head.  
“She took it back less than a second later...” She shrugs and Kelley sighs.  
“She definitely was WAYYY out of line, but you know how the fans can be.” She shrugs and Christen nods.  
“She knows I’d never do anything with Tobin, just fans have been relentless lately...” She frowns, remembering the names Y/N had been called by some of the USWNT so called ‘fans.’  
“Deep down Y/N knows we would NEVER do that to her, she’s always made jokes about the diehard Preathers, and you and I together?”  
Tobin snorts.  
Christen rolls her eyes, giving her best friend a nudge.  
“I think in the same breath you have to think about Y/N’s trust in you, if she said it, she’s thought of it.” Megan frowns.  
“We all know how demanding our jobs can be, and the fans don’t make it easier, maybe Y/N is a little jealous that you get to spend so much time with her Tobs, and she doesn’t.” Alex gives Christen a soft smile.  
Christen glances at her lap, her brows furrowing when she spots something in her bag.  
“What’s wrong?” Ali asks as she tries to sneak a peek into Christen’s bag.  
The forward takes the small flower petal between her fingers, recognizing the flower immediately before she starts searching through her books.  
It doesn’t take long before she finds it, the flower pressed in its pages on the back of a scrap of paper, a scrap of paper that she realizes has been written on. 
“Is that a forget-me-not? That’s so sweet.” Ali places a hand on her heart and Christen’s green orbs glaze over, her fingertips tracing the flower as she remembers the first time, she’d seen the flower for the first time.  
Christen remembered the first time she saw you in town, she specifically remembered it because you were so busy looking at her you accidently walked into a door that someone had just opened, immediately falling onto the sidewalk with a grunt.  
Christen immediately rushes across the street and helps you to your feet, the forward giggling.  
“You okay?” She asks, her green orbs locking with your Y/E/C orbs, your cheeks pink as you rub the back of your neck.  
“Ye-Yeah. I’m alright.” You grin, a grin Christen can’t help but return.
“I’m Christen.” She smiles sweetly, your heart skipping a beat.  
“I’m Y/N.”  
It was a matter of weeks before you’d planned a date, the two of you eating at a fancy restaurant in town, eagerly getting to know one another.  
It was after the dinner though that Christen realized she was absolutely smitten. 
“What are you doing?” Christen squeaks as you jump a nearby fence, running into someone’s yard to pluck a small flower from a bush before running back, nearly falling over the fence when you jump over it.  
“Put that back!” She giggles, but you shake your head, tucking it behind her ear. 
“They won’t miss it.” You smile, your fingertips brushing her cheek as you adjust the flower.  
“It’s a forget-me-not.” You grin, cheeks pink. “I don’t want you to forget today.” You glance away, shuffling nervously from foot to foot, your heart racing in your chest.  
“I don’t want you to forget me.”  
Christen takes a step towards you, cupping your cheeks as she leans in for a kiss.  
“I could never forget you.”  
“I think we lost her.”  
Christen jumps at the sound of Kelley’s voice, glancing around the bus, finding nearly everyone’s eyes on her.  
She clears her throat.  
“Where’d you go?” Tobin nudges her, smiling when she realizes Christen is still gently stroking the flower.  
“The past.”  
Tobin looks down at the flower with a grin.  
“Don’t let a little argument end your relationship.” She whispers. “Just talk it out with her...”  
“Wait, do you guys always do this?” Alex asks and Christen nods.  
“Y/N hides forget-me-nots in my books, she’s done it ever since we started dating.” Christen cheeks flush.  
“This is the same kind of flower she gave me on our first date.”
Christen’s teammates watch her with a grin, that is before Tobin snorts.  
“You mean the flower she stole from someone’s backyard?” She asks and Christen giggles, nodding.  
Kelley, Ali, Ashlyn, Megan and Alex all share a glance.  
“Alright, this we got to hear.”
You’d nearly fallen asleep when your phone starts to ring, the phone had literally been inches away from you, just in case Christen had decided to call you.  
You abruptly sit up, answering the call immediately.  
“Chris?” You whisper, your heart racing.  
“Hey.” She says into the phone, the way she says it tells you she’s smiling, and that brings a smile to your face.  
“Did you make it to the hotel safe?” You ask first and foremost, the rest could wait, your girlfriend's safety was what was important.  
“I did, I’m safe in my room...” She glances around and you swallow hard, your gut twisting with nervousness.  
“I found your forget-me-not.”  
Your eyes widen and you swallow hard.  
“Did you uhh... Did you read my letter?” You whisper, head hanging and shoulders hunched.  
“I did.”  
You patiently wait for the woman’s response, a smile spreading across your face when she giggles.  
“Did you steal the flower from the same person’s backyard?” She asks and your eyes double in size, your cheeks flushing as well as your entire body.  
“Uh... Ma- I mean...”  
“You totally did, didn’t you?” Christen giggles wildly, the sound of Tobin’s laughter in the background making you laugh, the feeling of jealousy the furthest thing from your mind.
“Yeah, yeah I did... I had to hide in a bush when the owner came out.” You snort, the sound of a roomful of laughter filling your ears.  
“I love you, even if you’re a dumbass.”  
You still, your heart skipping a beat as the butterflies' flitter their wings in your stomach.  
“You still love me?” You ask nervously, wondering if it was a slip of the tongue, but when Christen laughs you grin.  
“Of course, I do... We have a lot to talk about. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I don’t want to end our relationship like this, I want our relationship to work, and the first step to doing that is us communicating more.”  
You nod, glancing around when you realize Christen can’t see you.  
“Sorry, I was nodding like a dumbass.” You groan, the sound of Chirsten’s giggle making your embarrassment worth it.  
“I love you too Chris, and I know we have to talk... I made a mistake, and let my insecurities take over... I trust you and I trust Tobin; I know neither of you would ever do that to me... I just need to be more open with you about the fans and how the media makes me feel and... Yeah.”  
Christen smiles, leaning against the bathroom wall where she’d snuck to have a private conversation with you, away from the team.  
“We’ll talk more when I’m back home. I love you Y/N, and the last thing I’d ever do was break up with you. You have my heart, and I never want to take it back.” She confesses and you grin, squealing as you wiggle in the empty bed.  
“I love you too, and that’s the last thing I want... I’ll work on this... I promise.”  
You glance at your alarm clock, humming.  
“You need to go to bed, it’s late there.” You yawn and Christen laughs.  
“Checking up on me?” She asks and you chuckle.  
“Of course.”  
Christen takes a deep breath, beaming.  
“I love you Y/N, more than anything in this world.” She whispers and you grin.  
“I love you too Chris, and I’m sorry for what I said.”  
“I know you are. Go sleep Y/N, you sound exhausted.” She says softly and you yawn, realizing too late that your mere seconds from sleep.  
Christen’s brows furrow when you go silent, it isn’t until you snore softly through the phone that Christen grins.  
“I love you, you idiot and I could never EVER forget you and never EVER let you go.”  
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highqueenofelfhame · 3 years
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An: I’ll add tags later, i just wanted to get this posted because I’m like pretty happy with it, it’s alright. So i hope you guys enjoy! I’ll also attach links and stuff later, I’m posting this from my iPad and i just am too lazy for the tagging process. Me wants to sleep. This is part of the Disney au! Shoutout to @tangledraysofsunshine and @punkassbookjockey26 for the help on this one! This is mostly fluff (i know, how wild) but don’t worry i’m working on some angst for you soon. Fafs update soon too! I’ve already started on it and I’m going to keep working on it as the week goes. Thankfully it’s an easy chapter for me to write bc i have plenty of OG stuff to pull from. Okay, anyway! Enjoy!!
With every second that ticked by, it was getting harder and harder not to rummage through his belongings like she lived there. Even worse was that Rowan was sneaking glances at her with a smirk on his lips like he knew she wanted to. It made her scowl, a frown line appearing between her eyebrows as she glared into his back.
“I’m making you dinner, and you’re still finding a reason to be unhappy with me?” He asked her, putting down the spatula and turning to lean against his counter. The man looked criminally good in an ivory cable-knit sweater and dark jeans, an outfit combination that Aelin had never seen him in before. Thinking back on it, she was positive that when he wasn’t in a costume at work, she had only ever seen him in jeans and a t-shirt. There was also the single flannel he’d worn on Halloween, but all of that was simply incomparable to how he looked now.
“You said dinner would be ready ages ago.”
“I said it would be ready in half an hour when you got here, which was twenty minutes ago. I still have ten minutes before you get to hound me about lying.”
“Maybe if you’d prepared an appetizer…” she teased, hoping with every cell in her body that he knew she was kidding. When Rowan had said he wanted to cook her dinner, she’d been floored. The only meal that she could successfully make was breakfast, and the options were limited. Additionally, she couldn’t remember the last time a romantic interest had cooked for her at all. Probably Sam several years earlier, and it had been so bad they’d relented and settled on drive-thru burgers instead.
Rowan’s eyes narrowed at her, and she knew she’d missed the mark with her joke. The date had been going well so far; not much could have been ruined. He’d kissed her hello once, or four times, then told her to make herself at home. Rowan even had a beautiful arrangement of kingsflame at the table in the dining area. Their banter had ensued as it always did, casual teasing comments. Until she went too far. Obviously.
He turned his back, and Aelin tensed, moving across the kitchen to get to him. Just before she touched him, he turned back around, eyes widening almost comically when his elbow nearly hit her temple. Without her boots, her footsteps had been near-silent on his hardwood floors.
“I’m sorry,” he chuckled, fingers brushing her temple where his sweater had grazed her face. “Hi.”
“Hi.” With their dinner sizzling in the background, she was sure that he could hardly hear the soft whisper of her voice. That didn’t seem to matter because Rowan leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, short and sweet and leaving her wanting more. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Rowan’s brows knit together, green eyes tracing over every feature of her face before settling to meet her gaze.
“Being… me? Teasing? I don’t know. This is a date, and you’re so nice to be making dinner, and I shouldn’t be--”
“Aelin,” he laughed. “You wouldn’t be you if you weren’t busting my balls for something. I don’t think we would be us.” At the mention of them as an item, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth to ward off the embarrassingly large grin that was threatening to take over her face.
“That doesn’t mean I can be rude,” she grumbled, earning another smile from the man in front of her.
“You aren’t.” Rowan turned away from her for a brief moment. When he faced her again he held half of a cookie in his hand. “You just get hangry.”
She stared at the small offering in his hand before accepting it with a smile. Not only was he making her dinner, but it seemed he had also baked her double chocolate chip cookies. It made her heart squeeze in an almost painful way, but she took the cookie and nibbled on the corner. Whatever recipe he had used was perfect. It only made the rumbling in her belly worse, but she was determined to finish it without chocolate smeared all over her mouth.
“I’m almost done with dinner. Go snoop. I know you’re dying to.” Aelin wrinkled her nose, and Rowan was quick to kiss the tip of it, despite her failed attempt to swerve. Not that she wanted him to miss, really. Aelin wanted to beg him to kiss her until she was physically sick and couldn’t stand to feel his mouth on her body ever again.
The apartment was simple. It had one bedroom and an open living and kitchen area. Rowan had a small table that could seat four between the two rooms. It was sparsely decorated but had a few personal touches here and there that provided a glimpse into Rowan’s life. She walked around the living room, noting the pile of books stacked neatly next to the TV contained some of her favorites. She hadn’t pegged Rowan as an avid reader, but she realized that despite working with the man for the past two years, there was still so much she didn’t know about him.
And she realized, more than anything, that she wanted to know everything.
Furthermore, she’d been right about the books stacked on the coffee table. They were travel books, some of them with tabs and post-it notes sticking out of the sides. With a sly glance to the kitchen, she perched on the edge of the couch and pulled the biggest of them with the most annotations toward her, flipping through the pages to see what all he had bookmarked.
One of the first pages was a map marking all the parks and their major attractions. It seemed Rowan had a key for himself, little stars, triangles and squares marking various locations.
“The stars are my favorite places I’ve been,” Rowan said, pulling her gaze from pages of mountains and canyons and over to his green eyes.
“Is this what you do when you aren’t working?” Aelin closed the books and restacked them neatly on the table. Rowan was carrying two plates of stir-fry over to the table. In a few steps she joined him, sliding into the seat beside his.
“When I can, yes.” She was so hungry that she merely nodded, taking a too-large bite of food and meaning at the taste. Rowan’s eyebrow quirked while he took a bite of his own, and to avoid speaking with a mouthful she gave him a thumbs up.
“So good,” she reiterated after she swallowed, clearing her throat.
“I’m glad you like it. I was worried you wouldn’t.”
“It’s food. I like food. And you baked cookies,” Aelin reminded him, popping another bite in her mouth. The tickle she seemed to be developing in her throat worsened, forcing her to clear her throat again after she swallowed. Actually, the tickle was becoming an insatiable itch that she tried to chase away with water. She had no luck. “Is your um— is your throat itchy?”
“No…?” Aelin tugged on the collar of her shirt, nodding her head instead of responding. Rowan leaned over to brush his fingers along her cheek, worry settling in the wrinkle between his eyebrows. “Are you allergic to anything?”
“Gods, my mouth is itchy,” she mumbled, mostly to herself, while she downed the rest of her water so quickly a drop slipped down the side of her chin.
“Aelin. What are you allergic to?”
“I’m not allergic to anything,” she insisted, despite the way her tongue felt undeniably too big for her mouth. Rowan had already left the table, though, disappearing through a door off the living room and coming back with a small white bottle. His phone was also now in his hand and the numbers his thumb was pressing looked a lot like 9-1-1 from her vantage point.
“Take these,” he said softly, holding two pills to her lips that she opened her mouth for and downed with Rowan’s full glass of water.
“That’s dramatic.” She nodded at his phone. “I can breathe fine. My mouth is just itchy. And my tongue is a little too big.” To prove a point, she stuck her tongue out. Rowan’s eyes were saucers and he was ready to hit the call button.
“Your tongue is twice the size it usually is!”
“Did you do this on purpose? Is this getting me back for the syrup?” Aelin was kidding. Half-kidding, maybe, but kidding all the same. When she spoke, drool dribbled down her chin that she wiped at with the collar of her shirt. The whimper that sounded in the back of her throat wasn’t voluntary. It was their first date and she managed to drool on herself in front of him. Aelin Galathynius was the epitome of cool.
“This is not getting you back for the syrup.” Rowan’s voice was sharp, if still soft around the edges while he watched her carefully. His thumb was still dancing over the call button, but Aelin refused to be carted out of his apartment on a stretcher. She took his phone, locked it, and held it hostage in her lap while he fussed and mumbled about how big her tongue was. “What are you allergic to?”
“I didn’t know I was allergic to anything,” she swore again, grabbing his water for another long drink.
It went on like this for several minutes: Rowan listing the ingredients for the stir-fry that she may not have had before, or maybe she’d not had it in such a long time she forgot she had a mild allergy to it. MSG, soy, celery, sesame, carrots, on and on. He ran through everything twice before Aelin asked him to please stop, she had no idea and listing them over and over wasn’t going to spark a memory or knowledge she didn’t have.
The signature frown he wore most of the time was all the more prominent the droopier her eyes got; the effects of Benadryl were hitting her harder than she cared to admit, but her throat wasn’t as itchy and her tongue was feeling closer to normal. Rowan held both of her hands and guided her to his bedroom. Aelin wanted to make a joke about how this wasn’t what she’d had in mind, but she was too sleepy to find the words.
Rowan undressed her, pulling her jeans off before guiding her to sit on the edge of the bed. The duvet was softer, fluffier than she’d anticipated him to sleep on, and she wanted to burrow down into it as he replaced her shirt with one of his own. When he pulled back the blanket, she crawled under and didn’t settle until he laid down with her. His sweater was soft beneath her cheek and she felt like she was cuddling with him on a cloud. Gods, his bed was so comfortable she wanted to sleep in it forever.
“I’m sorry for ruining our date,” she mumbled, tilting her head back to look at him beneath heavy lashes and heavier lids.
“I’m sorry for accidentally almost killing you.” Despite the way his lips were turned down, there was amusement hidden in his words. Aelin smiled and tilted her head back enough for him to take the hint: she wanted to be kissed. A half smile spread across his lips and he kissed her gently, fingers brushing loose strands of her hair behind her ear.
“This isn’t how I imagined our date ending,” she grumbled, ducking her face down into his sweater. Rowan chuckled and Aelin knew that it wasn’t what he had in mind, either. “I thought I would end up in your bed but not to sleep. I mean, maybe after you fucked me senseless, but I didn’t think we would be skipping that part altogether.”
“I didn’t think I would make something that had flare up an obscure allergy you didn’t know you had, either. So I guess we’re both surprised.” Aelin snorted, sitting up enough to tug on the side of his sweater. Rowan took the hint, sitting up to pull the sweater and his shirt over his head. While in the process of undressing, he stood and pulled his jeans off, too, tossing them over the back of a desk chair in the corner of the room. Aelin swallowed, eyes dipping over the expanse of golden skin he’d exposed.
Her eyes caught on a scar on his lower abdomen, zeroed-in on the trail of hair that disappeared into his briefs. It dawned on her then that she hadn’t seen him completely naked. At work, they saw each other in various stages of undress while changing costumes, but the only time they’d had sex had been a quickie in Lorcan’s bathroom. They’d both been mostly clothed for that. She was making it a goal to see him entirely naked in the next twenty-four hours, because he looked so good like this it was unfair.
“Maybe I’ll feel better when I wake up,” she said, breathlessly. Rowan grinned, a dimple appearing in his cheek that she didn’t see often enough.
“I’m counting on it.”
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mggssocks · 3 years
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Not My Gif!
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Content Warnings: None just fluff :)
Summary: Spencer makes an Instagram and stumbles across reader’s page.
Word Count: 1,899 words
A/N: This is Season 10 Spencer with Season 13 looks. Also, instead of it being Kate on the team, i put Emily instead because who doesn’t love the season 3-7 team? Also I might make a part 2 depending on how much this blows up. Honestly i’d be happy if i got one like. Anyways.. hope you enjoy!!!
masterlist // part 2 // part 3
It was 8:00 in the morning. Spencer walked in the doors of the bullpen to the bau. He sat his satchel down and began to settle in for a long day of work. It was pretty early so the team wasn’t in yet. Except for Aaron Hotchner who had gotten in an hour prior to Spencer and been in his office ever since. Apparently others had the same ‘get to work early’ mindset as Spencer. Spencer opened a case file but his attention was quickly whipped away due to the sound of the door opening. He sees Penelope Garcia with all her attention focused on her phone. Spencer quirked his eyebrows when she bumped into a fellow coworker and her attention remained on her phone while quickly mumbling a quick “sorry”. As she passed his desk, Spencer decided it would be the great time to speak. 
“Hey, Garcia.” Her feet came to a stop and her head snapped up at him. 
“Boy wonder! I’m so glad you’re here. I really need someone to talk to because if I don’t I’m going to explode!” She sits in the chair across from his desk. 
“Is everything alright?” He leaned back in his chair. 
“No… no everything is not alright. If anything.. everything is all wrong. Very very wrong. I-“ she takes in a deep breath “I was stalking Kevin’s page because the other day I seen him at the mall with another girl. And while I was 56 weeks down in his page, I accidentally liked a picture.” She explained, in a huff. 
“I’m afraid I don’t follow.” Spencer was even more confused now than before she started. 
“I liked a picture that he posted 56 weeks ago!” Her eyes were wide.
“How is that a bad thing?” His lips pouted as he’d never understand social media. 
“Ugh! Reid, you really need to get with the program and get you an Instagram. That means his picture was old and now he knows that I was looking at his page. You understand now?” She asked. 
“Oh. Yeah I understand. It’s bad that he knows you were looking at his page.” He asked as Prentiss, JJ, and Morgan had walked in. 
“Yes. And now I must go into the bat cave and wait for him to call or text me and ask what me lurking on his page was about.” She whined as she stomped her way to her office. 
“What was that about?” Prentiss asked, setting her bags down on her desk. 
“Uhh- rough morning” Spencer shrugged, still not really understanding the whole social media thing. 
“Hey do you guys have an Instagram?” He asked the three. 
“Yeah but I’m barely on it.” Prentiss answered.
“Same here” says Morgan as he takes a seat at his desk. 
“Yeah but I only get on to post the boys and myself sometimes” answers JJ. 
“What about Hotch and Rossi?” He asked.
“Yup! Rossi likes to post about his expensive wine and cigars. Hotch posts Jack every once in a while and a throwback Thursday.” JJ says. 
Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed for what seems to be the 100th time that day. 
“He doesn’t know what that is” Prentiss looks over to JJ.
“It’s something you post like an old picture of yourself every Thursday.” Morgan explains.
“Do you guys do that?” Spencer asked.
“I did last Thursday.” JJ pulls out her phone and opened the app. “This was right after Emily, Penelope, and I caught a guy who was trying to pick up Prentiss by pretending to be an FBI agent a few years ago.” She chuckled showing him a picture. 
Spencer takes her phone in his hand and examines the post. 142 likes. 57 comments. He clicks on her name which takes it to her page. 302 followers. As he scrolls, he sees a picture the team took a while ago and sees a little person profile thing the corner and clicks on it causing other names tagged to each individual team member. Except him. After he examined all of their profiles, he gives JJ back her phone and gets to work like the rest of them. He felt a little left out but he knew it was because of his own decisions and not his team. He liked that they didn’t press him about having a social media because they new he was more old school than anything. And it was ironic because he wastage youngest member of the team with the more old school habits. 
When Spencer got home he decided he wanted the social media app. The idea of being able to share with his friends and only his friends excited him. Being able to post about his favorite things for his friends to see without talking their ears off.
He opened his phone and went to the app store, typing “instagram” into the search bar. He followed the sites instructions as he made his account. Using a snapshot he took of his bookshelf as his profile picture. He sees the option to add the people in his contact list which was only his team, mom, and his mother’s caretaker. But everyone’s profile popped up and he quickly followed each and every one of them. Except for his mom and her caretaker of course. 
Soon enough, he got a follow back from Garcia, Hotch, Rossi, and JJ in that order. Morgan and Prentiss weren’t lying when they said they weren’t on often.
After two weeks, Spencer hasn’t posted anything yet, not knowing what should go on his profile. Morgan and Prentiss ended up following him back and the app ended up adjusting to his interests. Nothing but accounts about interesting facts, books, and doctor who. 
It was Friday night and the team had just got back from a case in Chicago. Spencer opened the door to his apartment and set his satchel down on the couch, exhausted. His mind wonders to get something to eat being that he wonders to get something to eat being that he hasn’t ate since before they caught the unsub. Which was about 5 hours and 7 minutes ago but he still needed to get something into his system. Spencer opened his fridge and sees 3 day old Chinese takeout. He shrugs and pops it into the microwave while looking for a book of his to reread while he eats. After he finishes dinner, he gets on his phone and subconsciously pulls up the app. He clicks onto his explore page to discover something else he likes. While scrolling, he sees a picture of someone reading and clicks on it.
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Yourfriend’sig whenever people ask me what to give you for your birthday or Christmas, I always tell them to get you a book or something green and it works every single time. Happy Birthday to my best buddy, @yourinstagram !
View all 84 comments
Spencer smiles and clicks the heart button and bookmarks it to look at later.  He liked the picture. Both the picture and caption reminded him a lot of his own love for books and the color green (hence his apartment). 
Once he got out of the shower, he brushed his teeth. He found himself subconsciously scrolling through his instagram bookmarks to find her post. He doesn’t know what it was but something about the picture brought comfort to him. As he brushed his teeth, he clicked on the post once again.This time, he actually clicked on your account. It was a private account with 186 followers. The bio read:
Y/N... bookworm.
Her profile picture consisted of a black cat surrounded by either a bunch of well taken care of plants or artificial ones. His finger hovered over the blue “follow” button. As he bent down to spit his toothpaste out, his thumb accidentally clicked the follow button. But he didn't realize so until he looked down again to see the “follow” button replaced with “requested”. His heart basically drops out of his ass. He quickly clicks the button again, taking back his follow. 
It was now one in the morning, Spencer laid in bed awake staring at his ceiling. Once again, he clicks onto the app. He scrolled down his timeline and saw a picture Penelope posted of one of her new desk animals with the caption “Got her at a thrift shop! Isn’t she cute??”. He saw that Hotch and JJ liked 45 other people. JJ also commented with two red hearts. Spencer likes the post and keeps scrolling. His thoughts wander to the post about the girl again. He’s never thought about a social media post this much since he’s created an account. He wonders what sparked his interest so much about this one. As he makes his way to the post, clicking on her account. Debating if he should follow her. She’s a total stranger. Do the others follow strangers? There’s no way JJ knows 302 people in real life. He mentally shrugs and presses the follow button. Requested. Again.
He swipes out of her account back onto the post now seeing that she commented on it.
yourinstagram thank you, bubs! ily to the moon n back <3333
It was commented thirty six seconds ago. Meaning she’s currently active. Again, Spencer’s heart sinks and he immediately regrets his decision. Going back and unfollowing her. He doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s a mess. Over a stranger. But he feels like an idiot. Reacting the way that he did just because he saw that she was online. So he goes and follows her.... again.
After clearing out all of his apps, he turns off his phone and lays down trying to get some sleep before work in a few hours. His thoughts wander to her. What she was like. if she was nice or mean. If she was socially awkward or very outgoing. Before his thoughts could get too far into what she was like, he receives a notification from instagram. He opens his phone and clicks on the notification. His heart began to pound when he saw it.
yourinstagram would like to send you a message! 
He clicks on it.
yourinstagram You’ve followed and unfollowed me about 5 times in the past 3 hours. Is there something I can help you with?
Spencer completely forgot that other people got notifications and now he felt like some kind of creep.
spencerreid I’m sorry. I came across your friend’s Instagram post wishing you a happy birthday and i guess i got curious and wanted to follow you if that makes any sense. 
He felt so dumb. 
yourinstagram and following me once wasn’t enough for some reason???
spencerreid Sorry about that. I’m new to this whole social media thing and don’t follow any strangers. You are the first person I’m following that I don’t know in real life. Again, my apologies for the disturbance. I’ll unfollow you’re account If you’re uncomfortable with me. 
yourinstagram i just hope that you’re not one of my raging exes, someone trying to catfish me, or a psychopath lol.
Spencer smiled.
spencerreid Nope. Just me.
She leaves him one read. Spencer’s smile fades when he doesn’t see any three loading dots. She wasn’t texting him back. As he’s about to exit the app, he sees two notifications. 
yourinstagram has accepted your follow request!
yourinstagram has requested to follow you.
I hoped you like this!!! If this blows up,i will do another chapter!
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