#I didn’t think I was gonna read all of the manhwa but I did
mammothartist · 1 year
Reasons why Ijin is great :)
This is going to be partitioned In sections because actual essays are for school. :/
All this is gonna be my opinion and what I see, so yeah.
Reason #1: He is so genuinely kind.
    What I’ve seen is that it’s a common theme that the main characters of manhwas are kind, but it feels like Ijin wishes the best for people. For example, he never brings down others emotionally. What I’ve seen is that people make MC’s inherently jealous to add flaws to their character, but with Ijin his flaws come from his inability to be vulnerable ( we’ll come back to that later). It’s really refreshing.
Reason #2: He cannot lie for his life.
    I just find it so funny that he is only able to lie by omission and when he actually gets a ‘good’ lie out , they see right through him. That leads to our next point
Reason #3: He has no poker face.
    Sure, he is able to hide his past, but by other characters he is extremely easy to read. Like how Maya was able to find out that he didn’t kill the numbers just by his face alone. I just find it funny because of his non- existent poker face it we get those bulging eyes shots. 
Reason #4: He is pretty. 
     Do I have anything else to say ?
Reason #5: He is so hot .
    I swear my heart skips a beat anytime we get a handsome Ijin shot. 
Reason #6: He has androgynous features and Characteristics 
    To be honest, he has so many ‘feminine features/Characteristics’ that aren’t his strength,skill in fighting, and like- his hair. I swear if you were to turn him into a woman he should serve that exact same purpose in the story. He has such a gender neutral role in the story. But tbh,I think it’s my bisexual ass speaking but 🤷‍♂️
Reason #7: He’s so traumatized 
    I have a love-hate relationship with this fact because yes, it’s the main reason why he is a pretty 3 dimensional character but also it’s like , :’( . He acts the way he does throughout the story because of his grueling past, for example…
his food insecurity- food was probably not a main concern to the camp.
His constant paranoia- when those girls asked for his number in the most recent chapters, even when they did nothing wrong, he still had that jolt of fear before they asked. 
His inability to be vulnerable- not allowing people that aren’t hospital staff to tend to his wounds, was taken advantage of by the people in the camp.
His stare- he’s gained as a way of warning people to not harm him. 
He seems to dissociate when under stress- I noticed this when we where showed the first time he got a nightmare while he was in Korea, and instead of crying or reacting strongly ( What I would’ve probably done) he blanks out.
He has trouble rationally thinking when under intense stress- when his grandpa and sister was kidnapped and he was pitted against the numbers, instead of killing the numbers , he just squeezes his eyes closed like he is a child waiting for a bad thing to pass. 
He has an extremely emotionally damaged inner child- We’ve seen Ijin get sentimental over things that would be considered the bare minimum ( it’s a bit of a stretch but eh) but we as the readers know that he has experienced one of the worst things that could happen to him at a young age . But, he never grew up with a frame of reference of what a normal life is . I believe this also leads to how he never matured at a normal pace, he is just allowing his inner child to have some fun, we’re told this by the other characters.
( This is the ones I could list off the top of my head) He becomes an inherently ‘flawed character’ due to how emotionally stunted he is. He gets a lot of character development that revolves around him being more honest. That leads me to my next point. 
Reason #8 - Character Development 
         He gets a lot of character development, like him progressively opening up to his family, him making deeper connections to the people he cares about. Not being on edge all the time. One that I’ve seen the most is his ability to be merciful. He progressively becomes better at determining who deserves mercy or not and I think he’s awesome for that.
These are the reasons why I think Ijin is pretty awesome. I could write down more but it’s 11:55 and my brain is melting. Let me know if I got anything wrong about trauma response stuff. And if you disagree I’d like to know why! I don’t bite :) ( sorry the grammar sucks, I have no excuse ). 
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morningstarwrites · 6 months
Thank you for answering me back, and yes I think I am having difficulty at writing Al in a relationship, mostly when it comes to Al receiving something keen to a compliment, my mind kinda just shut down, like when u put nifty in front of a camera lol. I don’t know where to go from there.
I would love to read your essay on their characters, I haven’t seen anyone do that yet and it would definitely be an interesting point of view to take, besides being a great help with my fic. But I am also curious to know if you take inspiration from some manhwa or maybe books when writing your dialogue, cause they’re always so good. Beside this I have a great idea where to go with my fic and I can’t wait to share it with every one here. Honestly by the all characters I can’t believe I most stuck with the one I share a spectrum with lol
Heheh can’t wait to see that delusional IPad having a mental break down cause there is no way he didn’t saw them hugging. Actually how in the hell did he ménage to take all that pictures of them without them noticing to begin with. Real creepy behaviour if u ask me XD
Thank you!! English is my favourite subject in school, and I've devoured millions of books at this point. I don't have a specific inspiration, sorry ahhh.
I honestly think it just comes from the heart, you know? Like, what do you want someone to say to you? What would make you swoon?
Good luck with your fic writing! Maybe I'll post a treatise on Alastor and Lucifer someday, lol. And Vox is definitely gonna flip out!!
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bowtocakemaster · 2 years
i’m the villainess but please don’t talk to me
i was reading a villainess manhwa as one does when i suddenly got the urge to write this little thing. im not gonna continue it but i wanted to share it. i hope you like it!
“How did I end up in this situation?��
Blue eyes swept across the sea of people in the ballroom. There were whispers here and there, some people glancing over at the stunningly beautiful blue-haired lady standing by the wall.
“Aaaahh…I want to go home and watch stream vods and play video games! But that’s impossible!”
A perfect smile twitched slightly behind an aquamarine fan. The lady held her fan closer to her face in order to hide her crumbling composure.
“What composure? That never existed the second I woke up in this place!”
Lady Juliana Mintaura, the most beautiful woman in the Empire.
“That’s right…”
She is the daughter of Duke Nathan Mintaura, the Sword Saint and the most powerful noble.
But she is also the most cruel villainess with an infamous reputation.
Blue eyes closed, the perfect smile crumbling behind the aquamarine fan.
Inside Juliana, an internal conflict was happening.
“Why did this have to happen to me?! I, Karina Weiss, am in the most dire pinch of my entire life! Or would that be my entire second life…?”
That’s right. This was not Juliana’s first life. The soul inside Juliana was that of a humble introvert named Karina Weiss. Born and raised in the modern world of her past life, Karina–now Juliana–was panicking in the midst of a party for nobles.
One month ago, Juliana had a dangerously high fever, and in the midst of her suffering, she remembered the life she lived as Karina. She was a normal girl who was quite the introverted otaku, but otherwise led a normal life. She didn’t have big goals like becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but rather she wanted to be a housewife and enjoy her hobbies. A simple happiness was all she wanted.
Juliana sighed quietly. “That was all I wanted, but then that damn driver just had to be texting on his phone!”
The fire of anger burnt within her and those who were nearby nervously shuffled away.
“This is why you don’t text and drive, people! I was just on my way from picking up my long awaited figure of my favorite character from ‘Winding Wonderland’ and then some idiot ran me over! Now I’m never going to get to play the event I was waiting so long for that had him as an SSR card! And don’t get me started on how scared I was when I realized I was dying!”
She sighed again, shaking her head to compose herself. She looked back at the sea of people, taking in her surroundings.
“I died and got reincarnated into that game I played, ‘For the Light of the Saintess’. I really just got isekai-ed, huh? Didn’t think I’d actually live out the life of one of my favorite genres.”
“For the Light of the Saintess”.
It was an Otome RPG set in your typical magic academy for nobles. The protagonist is a commoner girl named Marie who was adopted into a baron family. She was admitted into the academy as the baron’s daughter and over the course of the story, it is discovered that she has light magic, making her the saintess that will purify the world of evil alongside the men who adore her.
Of course, any otome game had to have a villainess to be the rival of the protagonist. That villainess was Juliana Mintaura. She was elegant and beautiful, but looked down on commoners and as a result, looked down on Marie for her commoner background. She was cruel to the servants and was quite the elitist. Truly a villain of villains.
“And now I’m that Juliana. Just like in anime and manga, I got reincarnated as the villainess. Not only that…”
She started walking, heading to the terrace for some fresh air. After confirming that no one was around, she sat on one of the chairs and folded her hands in front of her, nervous sweat falling from her face.
“I don’t even remember how the story went or what triggers the events! It was a fun game and I enjoyed it, but holy crap do I not remember everything about it. How did those people in anime and manga manage to remember every event and dialogue choice?! I have vague memories of how things happen, but a lot of it is pretty hazy.”
Juliana put her hands on her face in despair.
“Luckily everything that Juliana learned is in my head, so I can whip out noble manners and etiquette without a problem. That part is covered, thank god. But I’m still an introvert through and through. I don’t want to talk to these noble people as much as possible. There’s so much that goes into it and all I want is to gush about my favorite stories with fellow fangirls!”
Truly, Juliana was in the most dire pinch of her second life. Somehow, someway, she had to fix her reputation as a cruel woman and not follow the plot of the game. Easier said than done, but at least she had the grace period of one year before the game started to try and salvage things.
“Let’s just hope things don’t turn out like they do in anime and manga. All I want is to live quietly, indulge in my hobbies, and NOT get involved with the main cast. I just wish there were video games here…the internet too…”
Being the daughter of the Sword Saint and the most powerful noble meant that Juliana was loaded. She could laze around for the rest of her life, doing whatever she wanted
“I have so much money that I could roll for all of my favorite character’s cards and it wouldn’t make a dent. Ah…I could’ve had that SSR masquerade ball card…”
Her hands fell from her face and she looked up at the sky.
“Well, at least this game had a glasses character, my ultimate favorite type of character. Maybe I could get some glimpses of him while I try to fix up my reputation. That’s some sort of comfort I guess.”
Juliana looked back down at her hands and clenched them. This was her life now, and she had to deal with it. No matter what, she was not going to end up like the original Juliana. In the game, Juliana was executed for dabbling in dark magic in order to get rid of Marie.
“There’s no way I’m gonna end up like that. I’m gonna laze around and live a life of luxury! I know that every time a reincarnated protagonist says that, they get involved with the main cast, but I’m gonna do my damnedest to make sure that that doesn’t happen!”
She stood up, determination burning within her as she walked back to the party. Come what may, this introverted weeb was going to do her best to avoid the game’s story. A life of luxury awaited her if she could just play things right.
Juliana stopped, putting her fan in front of her mouth in thought.
“I hope the heroine isn’t a reincarnated person hell-bent on making the story happen…”
Marie hummed happily as she combed her hair.
“In one year,” she sang. “In one year, I’m going to have my very own reverse harem~!”
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armyhome · 2 years
Lost In Your Love Story | Yeonjun
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⇢ summary: Hwa Suji is a very skilled makeup artist who works at her best friend's salon, serving major Korean entertainment companies and that includes the artists she is a fan of: Tomorrow x Together! One day when protecting one of the members, she ends up having a car accident that takes her to another universe! The universe of your favorite fanfic called "Winter Song" but the thing is, life is not a strawberry, her new universe got a target on her back, she's the villain and has no idea how survive this cannon.
⇢ pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Hwa Suji.
⇢ Chapter 1 : Life is not a strawberry.
⇢ Chapter 2 : Love is a Disease.
⇢ Chapter 3 : Made a little cookie...
⇢ Chapter 4 / 5 / 6
⇢ Chapter 7 : Why Don't You Stay?
⇢Chapter 8: Beyond this universe
⇢ Chapter 09 : I know I love you
⇢ Chapter 10: Lips on You
⇢ Chapter [11/16]: Opening Sequence
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Chapter 12: Sour
POV Yeounjun
The doctor seems pleased after seeing my diagnostic "She seems worried about you too, I'm gonna see if is possible to arrange a meeting between you, but right now you should rest"
"How long have I been in a coma? Did I don't rest enough?" Before the doctor could answer, all TXT members enter the room, they jump in my bed, and each one hugs one part of me, laughing "Did you guys see Suji?"
"Yes, noona is fine, she sends us here at the moment she knows you were awake! Her mom says that you are the first person she calls" Hueningkai explains, did she remember about the other world? She says that she loves me there in all worlds that we met, this makes so much more sense right now.
"Okay, I need to see her in person, now," I say looking at them "And you have to help me guys"
"Sweet is better for you rest, didn't you listen to the doctor?" I hold my mom's hand.
"One of the most terrifying things for me always thinks about living in a world without you mom" She held my hand with more strength "I know you were afraid of losing me, but Suji was the last person I see, and I only will found peace and take a rest after seeing her, I'll be back in minutes I promise!"
The boys help me to get a wheelchair, the way Suji was she will be all worried about me, the last time she made Beomgyu put us in the same room, this world would be more complicated, but I'll be calmer just after seeing her and also Suji will be more relax to see me well. When I get to her room, Suji is trying to get off the bed, during Ji Eun's speech she has to think about her recovery. 
"Suji" I whisper, she freezes, and looks at me, she is okay, more than okay seeing that she was almost standing up, my legs were stronger enough, but she was, like always.
"Yeonjun-ssi" Her eyes are full of tears, I get close to her bed, and hold her hand, why she was being so formal with me? Because of other people? Silly girls, I don't care. 
"Well from what I can see you're okay" She smiled a little, and I realize, I never see her without makeup, I put her hair back her ear "I never see you without makeup" Suji cover her face with the other hand "Don't worry, you are beautiful! But how are you feeling?"
"I don't know how to explain, one moment we are in the car talking, and later we are here..." My heart fall, she doesn't remember, or it was only a dream? "And you?" I try to hold a neutral expression and smile a little. 
"The same thing" I force a laugh, looking at her carefully, everything was so real, it is not possible, so I see in her bed, that manhwa, she see my expression and try to hide, the name on that change I can notice "Can I see that? Please?" With a worried expression she gives to me, the story change apparently "Can you lend me? I didn't read this one..."  
"You can take one, the author sends one for her with an autograph" Ji Eun takes off her purse one version "She knew that Suji was a fan so send this for her.."
"HAHAHAHA FAN? THAT IS A STRONG WORD UNNIE, MAYBE AN MANHWA FOND, FAN? HAHAHA," It was the first time that I see her so nervous, so cute, "I think you hate this story's Yeonjun-ssi..." Suji was worried, so I smiled.
"That's okay, we will have to stand here a feel more days, this will be perfect to distract me" I hold her hand i little bit more "Well I just pass by cause I was worried, now I see you're okay I will let you rest, see you soon Hwa Suji!" Cause this time, is my turn to take care of and protect you.
Suji POV
My life was turned upside down, before the accident I was just a makeup artist that has a salon popular between actors, actresses, and feels idols companies, but no one beyond my clients knew my face, and right now I was all over the internet, social media, youtube, even newspapers and I was without control of all those things. I open my favorite channel about kpop news and they have unless one video a week about the case, so I make a playlist and start to watch, these weeks that we were in a coma people got crazy about the details of the accident, I hope Yuri say those things about me because of the shock and unless that psychopath was in jail, I was so focused in the vídeos that didn't realize Soobin was here, he put his head between me and the notebook screen.
"Tsc, you shouldn't watch any of these, people can be really stupid and mean, Suji you should focus on your recovery!" He smiles showing his dimples.
"They're good people, I mean just David cause Danny wearing a TEAM Yuri shirt, that hurt my feelings" I make the fakest sad face ever, and Soobin laugh 'Talking about her, did you still have her number? I hope she got the wrong way, and say those things because of shock or anger..."Soobin's expression became serious.
"Doesn't matter the reason, she accused you, with no proof, and when they discover that was her crazy jealous ex-boyfriend she doesn't dare to say sorry in public!" I never see Soobin so angry.
"Is she okay? This guy is really dangerous, she is being protected?" Soobin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, so I hold his hand "Maybe you don't understand because you're a guy..."
"I know I'm a guy, but also I'm an idol, in the last tour one crazy person invaded my room saying that I belong to her I know is scary Suji, but I don't blame any innocent people or my fans because of this, I know there is not their fault, noting is an excuse to do this!" Soobin entwines our fingers "But let's do it this way, I will be trying to contact her, but you have to promise me that until there you will only care about your health and getting better!" I bite my bottom lip smiling. 
"Okay, I promise! Now tell me something good, how was your confession, you have a lot of time to do these last weeks!" Soobin gives me his shy smile.
"Was impossible to contact her this whole time, but all these make me see that I need, better saying I must tell her about my feelings!" I clap because his determination was inspiring.
"You look so cool because of this girl, she is that special?" He pouts like he's thinking about it.
"Yes, she is!"
Yeonjun's pov
The doctor finally allowed me to eat solid food, the sensation of the steak in my mouth was amazing, to chew, feeling that going down the throat is almost haven, even with Yuri's presence. I got so mad when I discovered everything she did when I and Suji were almost dying…
"It's nice to see you recovering so well..."She says and I force a smile, I was angry but the managers already say to me that the better way to get what we need and deserve her to do was being as much approachable as I can be "Look.." I make a pause signal with my hand. 
"You have, you must apologize to Suji, in private and in public, 'cause you knew that was Chae-soo's fault and no one else." I drink a little bit of the soup and look into her eyes "Suji got hurt because he was obsessed with you, she almost dies, you should be sympathetic to her! But no you accuse Suji, with no proof!" Yuri drops her spoon on the table.
"Who guarantees that she doesn't work with him? "Yuri almost screams, okay that's enough.
"I do know she is innocent" Oh the strength that I'm doing right now to keep myself calm, strength enough to screech a truck "And from now on we shouldn't see each other anymore."
"You can't be serious Yeonjun." For days, since I woke up I think about that, how I would feel about saying that, if I was taking the experience that I live in my head during a coma too far, but when I read the manhwa all my doubts were gone, maybe Suji can't remember, maybe was just real in my head, but one thing that I learn with all this is: love needs faith, someone needs believe with no doubts on that love, and right now I'm this person.
"I was between life and death and without my contentment you make my private life public, my mom was crying right next to my bed because I was in a coma, Suji's mother was crying right next to her bed, and you were making a circus with the situation! You run to the newspapers!"Yuri gasp.
"I was wonder attack, your fans..."I clean my lips and take a deep breath.
"Don't you dare talk about my MOAS, they were searching for information about the reason me and Suji were holding hands, and if you trust me wouldn't let that jealous consume you..." Yuri's eyes are full of tears. 
"So why you were holding hands with her?" I bite my bottom lip to not say that I love Suji, I need to say that for the first time looking into her eyes and not for anyone else.
"The thought of dying is lonely, I don't wanna that Suji feel that way and I think she feels the same way."
Suji pov
Soobin helps me to get up on the hoverboard, we adapted to sustain me and give me balance, I put on an overcoat to hide all our equipment.
"Are you sure about this?" He holds my hands to help me stand up, I shake my head in the affirmative, "Why do you have so much consideration for her? Really? I don't explain or you don't read everything she says about you? Everything she blames you for?" I balance myself on the electric hoverboard and take a deep breath.  
"Remember the first day that I work with you guys?" Soobin looks at me trying to remember I guess "Well, I accidentally bump into Yuri and the hairstylist, and the hair dye falls all over Yuri? Well that day I feel paparazzi taking photos at that moment and everyone takes me as a villain when was just an accident, this probably happens with Yuri just because Yeonjun was in a different car, she was the manager responsible for that day" I sigh and remember that day when I bumped in her, she was all mean why I'm doing this? Soobin was right, but that feeling on that day, the injustice I feel in my heart "She probably feel cornered, unless I wanna think that way, and that's why she says those things about me, so I wanna give her what I wanna people give to me, the benefits of doubt, and hear what she has to say" Soobin hold my hand, that was new, but I feel that happen before, in a warm day, or was just a dream.
"You are too good you know that right?" I look at him, his makeup was a mess, who did that?
"I doing more for myself than for her, I will sleep better after speaking to her..." I use my thumb to try to fix his eye shadow "Who did that? I doubt was Ji Eun..." He smiles in a shy way.
"It's a new internship that she hired, Jinnah, she still training so give her a discount" Her name wasn't strange.
"Okay," I sigh "But after my conversation with Yuri I will fix that!" Oh lord, what Ji Eun made of my team. 
Soobin accompanies me to the door of Yeonjun's room, I wait, that was the worst part cause I don't think bout if she blamed you for those things maybe she was not in the mood to talk to me, and maybe was dangerous to talk to her alone. If she hurt me? No, she wouldn't do that, there are too many people looking, security guards… Is Parallel 38 here? I didn't see him since I woke up. 
"Are you waiting to see Yeonjun? He is inside, from I can see he prefers your company to mine" Yuri calls me from my toughs, oh she seems angry, you will be fine Hwa Suji. 
"To be honest I'm here to talk to you Yuri, did you have time for a coffee?" Her expression became suspicious.
"Yeonjun barely can sit, how you are all standing up?" I smile, okay that conversation would be difficult. 
"It's hard for me too, but Soobin helps me to do work and made up this" I show a little bit of the equipment that helps me to be like that "We just can't be caught by my doctor!"
"Why are you putting so much effort?" Cause I don't wanna you to see me vulnerable.  
"There are too many eyes, I don't wanna people to make a victim and villains, there is enough hate in social media, I'm doing this so that after we are discharged from the hospital we can live in peace" Yuri take a deep breath but we start to walk in the cafeteria direction.
I buy something decaffeinated and Yuri chose an Ice Americano, we get to a window where have a high table for people that don't wanna or can't sit like me.
"First of all, nothing happens between me and Yeonjun, that day he just wanna explain to me, because that psychopath saw my face..." My legs start to hurt, but I hold on, my doctor will kill me later "And I'm sorry, as a woman and human for you being a pass for this when a guy like that feels free to act like a woman are his proprieties that means that we fail as society" I drink a little bit of my cup "I like to think that you did those accusations because of all this pressure..." She drinks a long sip of her coffee.
"I was jealous" I hold my laugh cause this was so absurd that my brain can act like an adult "I feel the pressure, but I was jealous of you both being found holding hands..."
"Was just survival instinct..." She looks into my eyes.
"It really was? It doesn't seem like that to him." My heartbeat fast thinking about Yeonjun, we don't talk too much before we were waking, the whole thing was so chaotic even inside the hospital, sometimes the team communication speaks with me say was for the best we see each other just before we completely recovered, that was the priority, cause we should do a press conference and feel interviews so the public calm down, even this conversation with Yuri would be happening but I wanna do in private not with a journalist as mediator. 
"I don't have opportunities to talk or have an appropriate conversation with Yeonjun, but I can assure you, right now, nothing is happening between us, or happened to us before!" My dream doesn't count as experience, so she compliments me, for bending at 90 degrees, I got shocked. 
"I'm sorry Hwa Suji, for the things I accuse you of, and I mean that!" I hold her hand. 
"Yuri you don't need to be so formal, I'm not the kindest human being, and we have the same age, I don't know if we can be friends, but I don't wanna be your enemy once I step out of this hospital, I don't wanna we holding bad feelings in our chest" We hold hands, and I leave her in the elevator. 
Once I turn back to my room I found my doctor holding a wheelchair and Yeonjun by his side, I'm over. The doctor give me a speech about how this could retard my recovery, and my physiotherapist Yeonjun stay by his side always agreeing with him, when the doctor lives the room, Yeonjun stays, and his expression was angry.
"I already say that I'm sorry Jun..." I say accidentally, his eyes wide "I mean Yeonjun..." He smiles a bit but quickly comes back to a serious expression.
"Why did you did that?" Yeonjun's voice was low.
"Because, I remember the day I mess up, with your hair dye, the way you look at me, the way everybody looks at me, no one dares to hear what I have to say, everybody just assumes that I was a bad person, and I almost lost my job" So I take a deep breathe "I just wanna give her the opportunity that anyone gives to me of being heard, even if was something that I don't wanna listen" Yeonjun suddenly hold my hand and smile.
"I'm sorry, I'm keeping doing this, not listening to you, I promise to do better from now on, I just get nervous thinking you would hurt yourself, the recommendation for both of us is to rest and do physiotherapy," Everyone says that I was tired of just do that, I even ask my mom my makeup but she says that was no time to think in my job. 
"I'm bored of this, has been weeks, I'm not allowed to leave this room, I can't do makeup cause my mom say I shouldn't think about my work, I can't look at the social media cause doctors think would be bad for my mental recovery, they put me in a jail!" So Yeonjun gives me that look of someone that planned something wrong, he takes off his hospital clothes, foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and highlighter, that was haven? I press the button and make my bed low enough for to Yeonjun sit there "Get up, I'm gonna give you a free appointment today!" The way he smiles will make my heart melt. 
"And I'm grateful!" After the accident, our relationship became closer, almost dying together can really bound people, and I was so aware that we were closer than was a need but both of us just don't care, the feeling of using my brush on his skin was beautiful, I was born to do this "Nothing can make you happier than so makeup right Suji?" So I automatically think 'marrying you maybe' Hwa Suji you are the worst.
"I can't think of something right now" I start to do the eyeshadow "Hum, I really like to read manhwas, but I think makeup is for me what music is for you..." I was so close that I could feel his breath against my face.
"That's true, the first thing I did after wake up was composed" His chicks became red, "I wrote something for you Suji" Okay Suji don't freak out NOW. DON'T FREAK OUT WOMAN!
"Oh really? Can you sing to me?" I finished his lips just with a labial protector cause it was what we have.
"When we live in this hospital, that music will be your gift!" I pick up the hand mirror right next to my bed, and put it in his hand.
"I will wait with all my heart. Hold for me so I can do my makeup now please?" Yeonjun holds with care, oh lord one more thing to wait for, my makeup is basic because the foundation is not my skin tone, but I look better than before.
"We're looking really good to stay in our rooms.." Yeonjun started.
"I think I'm kinda grounded..." He smiled like a devil. 
"That's the best part, you are already grounded, and have no way to get worst" He jumps back in his chair.
"The problem is, they take away my wheelchair because of my sneak out" Yeonjun looks seriously at me at taps his leg "You can't be serious" He points to his serious face.
"I will do nothing that you don't ask for Suji" Oh boy you don't understand, that was the problem, I maybe ask, oh lord I'm already in the rain, let's accept that.
We sneak out of the room, the hall was empty, so we take the elevator to the rooftop, there was a garden, but the only thing that survives that winter coming was the tulips, so Yeonjun put a headphone in my ear and "Can't you see me?" starts, we stay in silence so the snow starts to fall.
"Is that the first snow?" I ask to put my head on his shoulder.
"I think so..." Yeonjun answered, the smell of his perfume was so good, I close my eyes.
"Are you putting a spell on me Choi Yeonjun? First the snow, now your perfume..." Why I was feeling so asleep "I think I'm gonna take a nap okay?"
"You were the one who shows me a magical world Hwa Suji, when you will see me again?"
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myearts-uwu · 3 years
I am... confusion
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To this day I am still confused about the Who Made me a Princess timeline in the manhwa (I’ll also talk about the novel soon even though I’ve never read it).
I am not kidding. One of the biggest problems for me when it comes to WMMAP is just how time really flows in the story. 
Sure, there are certain issues in the story itself but that’s not the point I wanna make here!
Most of the time, I have no clue just how much time has passed in certain events in WMMAP. Like... how long has Athanasia been on the run for after almost getting killed by Claude in the garden? Weeks? Months? Half a year?! Perhaps they actually stated it in the manhwa and I just overlooked it but that doesn’t mean that the way the plot progresses isn’t paced properly.
I think... WMMAP’s weakest point that prevents it from being a greater story is its pacing in its plot. Because sometimes certain things get dragged on for chapters and chapters (most of the second season comes to mind) and then there are other times where we’re just zooming through a lot of things that could be touched upon. For example, the majority of season 3. A lot of things were happening at once and it took a while to take everything in. Like Roger being brainwashed, Jennette’s and Anastacius’ sudden appearance at the palace, the fact that there is a potential rebellion going on?! 
Can I ask something? Just... how long has Claude been in a coma for? For us, it’s months! Around November to... June, right? So, what about in the manhwa? Surely he’s been out for some time now if Anastacius is freely walking around the palace without a single care in the world, thinking that the guy is gonna die soon, right?
I really wish the people working on the story can clear up on how long it actually took for Athy to save Claude. It’s probably a few hours but who knows? It did seem like Lucas didn’t budge at all ever since Athy went to the World Tree.
Ahh... thinking about the whole timeline is just so confusing to me at this point.
I feel like I’ve left out a lot of other examples about how poorly paced each event in WMMAP is? But I don’t plan on dwelling on it for too long.
I’m really hoping that someone could make a post about the timeline for the manhwa.
And now... the novel.
As someone who has never read the novel nor do I plan on going to since I know for a fact that I won’t enjoy it much, I am mostly confused about one thing from it.
It’s related to the side-story about Diana’s past.
I am only talking about it because I’ve read some posts about the side-story and there are certain details that I would like to discuss with you guys.
So I don’t really know if this came from the side-story about Diana’s past but I still remember reading about how after Diana got pregnant, she was slowly poisoned by the other concubines because they were jealous of her? And apparently, it was Penelope’s and Anastacius’ idea to have her be weakened to the point that she couldn’t survive after giving childbirth?
Is that how it goes?! Because I have no clue since I’m only writing about this from memory alone!
And when Claude and Diana first met, it was at a party I guess? I just remember reading the part where Anastacius and his father staring at Diana as if she were a... I don’t really wanna finish this sentence.
And now, the main issue.
... Claude met Diana after becoming emperor, right? So that means he killed Anastacius already, right?
... You see where I’m going with this, right?
Penelope and Anastacius are most probably dead by the time Diana and Claude got together if we assume that Jennette is born earlier in the same year Athy is born. So how are they involved in Diana’s poisoning? 
Just a side-tangent? In my opinion, I consider Who Made me a Princess’ novel and manhwa as two separate pieces of works even though the manhwa is based on the novel, Besides the main reason why I think that which is the whole plot is different now starting season 2 and the fact that Anastacius is actually alive... there are just so much information from the novel which contradicts the manhwa.
Like how Claude and Diana apparently met up in the middle of the town at night?
How Diana is apparently a princess from Siodonna but she’s already been labelled multiple times that she is just a dancer from Siodonna? And nothing more?
Sigh... I feel like so many people in this fandom often get confused about the differences between the novel and manhwa and in the end we just jumble them all up together, thinking that they’re still the same story. When they’re completely different stories.
And this is why I don’t want to use any info gathered from the novel while writing WMMAP fanfics now. I just accept any sort of information gathered from the manhwa alone... as well as some headcanons from the fandom because most of them are hilarious.
So in conclusion...
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I am still confused about the WMMAP timeline.
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team.
Miya Atsumu x Reader
Miya Osamu x Reader
Anon,,,,,, I..... I did not mean to go off the way I did. And for the Miya twins?! This is so humiliatingggggg,,,, ugh I’m gonna go...... bathe in atsumu content. 
S M U T 
WC- 1,919
Miya Atsumu
Atsumu is such a fsfhweufhwei,, I hate him, please this bitch would be soooo annoying
Tsum-Tsum would probably be proud that you called him daddy in front of others, whether it was accidental or not
Even though, he is a little selfish at times and would very much like to keep you to himself,
You and Atsumu are not exactly ‘offical yet’, you might as well be though
I mean, what else do you call two people who fuck around with only each other and no one else?? That’s dating…….
Especially since a motherfucker caught feelings, but you don’t need to tell Atsumu that yet
“Why does he look like a character from a manhwa I read?” Your friend trails off while staring down at the setter, her eyebrows are pinched together in thought
“Please stop talking.” You beg but she simply shakes her head
“Who does he look like….” She mumbles and you roll your eyes, Atsumu does not need to get his head any bigger by knowing that he looks like a handsome cartoon character “This is going to bug me all day”
“Why did we come to their practice match?” You ask instead and she clasps her hands together excitedly
“Because Oijro is a hottie!” Her voice echos throughout the gym and you bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing at the way multiple people turn and look at her
“You got a point there,” You can’t help but admit, Ojiro is hot
“But Atsumu, ah!” She starts fanning herself and your face pinches with disgust
“Atsumu is not hot and has the personality of a toothpick” Your insult sounds throughout the gym, not that you or your friend noticed, your friend simply scoffs and flips her hair
“I don’t want to hear it from you, ‘miss I would call Atsumu daddy’!” Your jaw drops at her words and you immediately sputter excuses
“I never said that!”
“Yes, you did!” She pushes
“Why the fuck would I say that I would call Atsumu ‘daddy’, do I look like the type of person to do that?” You screech and your friend nods slowly and places her hands on her hips
“Uh yeah” She answers like it is the easiest thing in the word, she interest herself in her nails rather than your seething form in front of her
“Fuck you” You gasp mockingly, placing your hand over your heart in feign hurt
“Why don’t you fuck Atsumu first” She retorts 
“Already did!”
“You motherfucker-“ 
You aren’t sure what you’re scared of more, the look of horror on your friend's face or the volleyball that hits the railing you were leaning on. However, when you see the look of anger on Atsumu’s face, you know which one is more terrifying. Your eyes trail to his figure and notice he is in the corner of the court, fuck he was serving.
The rest of his team are trying to hold back their laughter, even Kita is laughing loudly at you and your friend’s bickering
“I interrupted his serve,” You gasp in horror and your friend pinches her lips together, her eyes filled with guilt
There was something deep in Atsumu’s eyes and you could tell just by the passive look on his face that tonight he is going to ruin you
“Nice and loud for daddy.” Atsumu plunges deep inside of you, his hips ram into the back of your thighs over and over again. Your eyes prick with tears at the sensation and you moan loudly while squeezing around his length. “There you go, baby.” 
This is so humiliating, the way Atsumu has you positioned. You’re on your hands and knees while he mounts you with the ferocity of a beast.
“You know I hate it when little girls disrupt my serve,” He growls out, and you whimper when his hand comes down to strike your ass. “so why did you do that? Hmm, squealing with your friend like a little pig?” Atsumu spits his words and you feel your heart clench at his anger and disappointment.
“Atsumu, I-I’m sorry-“ You begin to apologize but he simply interrupts you with another slap. “Daddy.” You whimper and your eyes fill with tears at the sting, at the sound of your sniffles Atsumu pulls out of you. He gently places his hands on your shoulders to rest you on your back before climbing on top of you.
Atsumu eagerly fills you once more, this time more gently, while he kisses the tears off your cheeks.
“You’re sorry, baby?” He grunts and you nod too many times, the guilt in your eyes makes Atsumu’s head hurt. “It’s okay. Did daddy hurt your feelings?” His question almost sounds sarcastic and you’re not sure how to respond. “Awe, sweet girl. Let daddy take care of you now.” 
Atsumu moves one of his hands down to fondle your clit while slowly thrusting into you, allowing you to feel every inch of his hard cock toying with your walls.
“Thank you, daddy,” Your back arches off the bed and Atsumu is quick to take one of your nipples into his mouth, rolling the nub into a peak with his tongue. The moan that leaves your mouth bounces off the walls of his bedroom and you feel Atsumu twitch inside of you.
“That’s it, baby, let it all out.”
Miya Osamu
Osamu probably wouldn’t care, maybe he’d laugh at the embarrassed looking on your face but other than that, he thinks it’s funny
Though if Atsumu teases him enough, he will cuss a bitch out
Myaa-sam is such a cutie, much more of an angel than his demonic brother 
It’s a random Saturday afternoon and you’re hanging out with your boyfriend in his room, with his brother….. of course
Osamu has his window slightly open and the summer air flows into his room, you’re laying upside down on his bed while playing your switch
Atsumu is scrolling through YouTube with his back resting against the bed and Osamu is at his desk ‘trying’ to do his homework
Keyword : trying
“Now a loser who can’t even set the ball,” Atsumu narrates the video he is watching and you lean over his shoulder to look at the player
“Who even is that?” You ask out of curiosity and Atsumu shrugs
“Just some player I know from the training camp I went to” His reply is so nonchalant that you barley even miss the insult
“Clearly he knows how to set the ball if he went to the training camp Tsum-Tsum” You tease and Atsumu groans in annoyance
“Why did you let her meet Bokuto and Akaashi?” The kinpatsu stares at his brother, Osamu simply flicks him off and continues to focus on his book
“Leave him alone, he’s trying to study~” You narrow your eyes at your boyfriend, annoyed that he isn’t paying attention to you
You can’t blame him though since he is working on school work
“(Y/N), he is reading some cooking magazine” Atsumu rolls his eyes and you place the switch down softly before standing up and walking over to your boyfriend “Oh, I’m going to fuck Tom Nook up!” Atsumu grabs the switch and starts peacefully playing the game
“‘Samu,” You groan and wrap your arms around his shoulders, cuddling into his neck and looking at the paper in front of him
Yup, he is actually looking at all the different ways to make rice balls
You know he isn’t going to pay attention to you, but maybe…. Just maybe it will work if you text him instead
You grab your phone from your back pocket to text your boyfriend
You : Tell Atsumu to leave so we can fuck
You : Please, daddy???
Osamu’s phone vibrates on the edge of his table beside his bed, right where Atsumu is
You watch in horror as the setter grabs the phone and you jump on top of him to get it back
“Atsumu, give me that!” You screech and try to grab Osamu’s phone
“You’re one of those psycho girlfriends aren’t you, let’s find out if Osamu is a cheater!” He gasps excitedly and you two barley notice how Osamu’s eye starts twitching
“No!” You cry
Atsumu finally ends up on the other side of the room while you sit on top of Osamu’s bed with humiliation written all over your face
“Oh,” The blonde snickers and screenshots the messages “now that is going to the group chat”
Atsumu laughs once more before throwing metaphorical shame on you, he places the phone down by his brother and skips out of the room
“Osamu do something!” You whine and move to stand next to him, filled with enough embarrassment to last a lifetime
Your boyfriend simply wraps his arm around your waist and brings you down onto his lap, his lips are pressed into the top of your head as he continues to read through the magazine like the unbothered king he is
“Don’t you want to know what I texted you?” You ask and Osamu shrugs
“I saw it when Atsumu put it down”
Ah, fuck.
Osamu stills inside of you, you’re resting on his lap and desperately want to move but your boyfriend refuses to let you. His large hands hold you flush against his chest despite the way you squirm to find any sort of pleasure.
“You wanted me to fuck you, didn’t you?” Osamu asks, lazily glancing at you before going back to scroll through his phone. You know he is just doing this to punish you, you can feel the way he is grinding against you, you’ll need to coax him into moving. Eagerly you nod, answering his question just as quickly as he asked it.
“Daddy,” You moan quietly into his ear and Osamu drops his phone onto the table. He leans back in the chair and brings his hand down to slap your clit, the noise resonates throughout the room and the bitter sting leaves tears in your eyes. “please fuck me.” You beg and Osamu lays another blow onto your cunt.
“Fuck yourself, darling.” He commands lowly and your eyes widen at the task, you lift yourself off his lap before falling back down. Your head leans back at the sensation of being stuffed full, with Osamu’s cock so deep inside of you that you can barely think straight. Your boyfriend leans forward to attach his lips to your throat, sucking deeply into the skin just to make you gasp.
“Daddy, daddy.” You cry out and Osamu moans against your neck, you grab onto his hair and pull tightly. There is something about Osamu’s moans that make your insides churn with need. You need him to fuck you so badly.
Just as you were told, you continue to fuck yourself on his dick. Osamu preoccupies himself with your neck and occasionally lays more blows to your clit in a way that runs you up the wall.
“Keep going, you’re such a good girl.” He praises and you feel the compliment fuel your orgasm. “A good girl with the most delicious little cunt.” He nips at your ear and you fall against his chest tiredly, you can’t do it anymore.
“Please, please, fuck me, daddy.” You weakly clutch his shoulders and Osamu grabs onto either side of your hips with both of his hands while planting his feet onto the floor.
“Since you asked so nicely,”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane
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papellie · 3 years
1. Y/N is the eldest child of the head of one of the most powerful families of jujutsu sorcerers making her next in line for the seat. But she cannot control her curse energy and technique. Given this situations she was constantly discriminated in the household. Even if things were like this, her father loved her and did not take the position from her.
To remove her from the lineage, the elders conspired against her giving her a special grade rank. With the fact that she has no control over her powers they thought she'll eventually die from taking on special grade missions and her father cannot do anything about this.
Little did they know, because she was on death's door they made a monster that will wreak havoc and will destroy everything on its path.
2. Y/N is a curse spirit/cursed doll who—at first—had no free will. She acted only what her creator wishes.
3. Y/N can see curses.
When she was younger she lived in the country side with her grandparents. But she started seeing curses specially in school and it affected her so much that she doesn't leave her grandmother's side. Her parents were working in Tokyo and decided to bring her there too, thinking that she won't be scared anymore because the city is always busy. But little do they know that there are more hideous and frightening curses out there.
She doesn't want to burden her family anymore so she stayed quiet while shaking in fear everytime she encounters one.
4. MC is one of Choso's younger siblings (Preferably female)
Same parents with Yuji. Her mother (when inhibited by Kenjaku [the ancient sorcerer {mentioned in chapter 145}]) had kept her a secret. The body was alive but it has no soul making her just bedridden for her whole life. Her cursed technique is that whoever and whatever touches her with cursed energy, she instantly nullifies it. Kenjaku had been experimenting on the body for years taking her on the verge of death everytime. That's where Choso see's visions of an unfamiliar girl(MC) just like when his other sibling are on death's door. Kenjaku planned to take the body as his after possessing Suguru Geto's.
Soul inhibitants options:
• MC is Isekai-ed and transported to jjk world. (I've been reading way too much historical reincarnation manhwa for this on lmao)
• Heaven blessed the body with the soul probably by the time kf Shibuya arc. Personality is like a child because it's the first time waking up to the world and she is just learning. Relationships: has a strong connection to Choso and Yuji because they're siblings. (Getting a overprotective older brother Choso yeyy!!!)
5. MC is part of the Gojo Clan
She was strong as a jujutsu sorcerer but she does not exceed their family's standards, specially being one of the strongest clan. Y/N admired Satoru so much as a kid. He was her idol and the only one who cared for her in the suffocating household. But when he started to go to Jujutsu Technical College he had made friends the same age as him and gave his all to them. Y/N had felt left out but deep inside she knew he'll have to live a life that didn't circulate on just protecting her.
The little attention she gets whenever he returned to the household during his school breaks was okay. But then some time after when she heard he had killed one member of the Zenin clan he had became cold and distant. Not long, he had permanently left the household and never visited, he had left her all alone.
In rare times when they talked he was cheerful, yes, but Y/N had became more sensitive to so many things because of the pressure of their family and Satoru didn't know her anymore.
She no longer enjoyed the time she had with him. All he does was lecture her or only talk about his students and her jealousy eats her up whenever he mentions and boast about the black-haired kid who had the shadow technique that he practically raises.
When she entered high school she had pleaded to Kyoto Jujutsu Technical College just because he hated that white-haired jerk so much. But Satoru always gets what he wants. Now she lives in constant anxiety that she thought she would've scaped from her household but now she's getting the treatment from the person who had saved from from at first.
I don't know what's the ship here lmao. But for me it's no Y/NxGojo Satoru. They're cousins here(emphasis on that).
You can use her hatred to Megumi though. Make an angsty Megumi x Y/N where they're rivals.
6. Y/N is one of Tokyo Jujutsu Technical College third year student(s).
(We got some info on one of the third years in the lastest chap so MANGA SPOILER) (Noritoshi Kamo x Y/N rivalry & secret feelings)
She's a first grade sorcerer that was suspended with her other classmate(s) and she actually liked being suspended. She hated being a sorcerer. Coming from a powerful jujustu clan she was forced to be one. She has been making all sorts of delinquent acts but her family won't let her go because she was wielding the family's powerful curse technique. But as a woman, her clan fully denies of her being the head of the family. So they are tying her down to the heir of the Kamo Clan.
She hated the boy, how he was prim and proper while she dyed her hair for several times this year. She hated him because of how he was dumb for letting his family control him. But the truth is she hated his clan for changing him to a person that has no freedom. He broke the promise that they made when they were children. That they will only marry the person they loved because their parents never did that's why they didn't loved their children(them) too.
In her eyes, she knew he didn't love her but she did. She will never admit to that fact because she knows he will just be suffocate by it. But little did she know that they have the same thoughts—and probably feelings—of each other.
(Lmao I'm going to separate this cause y'all gonna know when you read)
As a past time for being suspended she goes to best friend Takada-chan's concerts and sometime she gets invited to go to stage to perform. (Forgive me. I've been watching way too much kpop performances lately)
will add more ideas when I get more. So make sure to come back! and if you guys have some don't be afraid to comment!
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nobodycallsmerae · 3 years
Hey, I hope you’re well! 🙃Can I ask #7 and #32?
Hi hi!! I'm fine! I hope you're doing great too!! I've written another shot based on prompt #32, (which im quite proud of) and you can find it here. You haven't mentioned a pairing, so I'm just gonna write for bbrae :)
I humbly tried to dabble into the holy world of office romance. You should see my manhwa reading list. My last 6-7 webcomics are filled with office romances XoX
'What? But I've been working overtime for the past twelve days!' He whined, practically on the verge of tears.
'Well that's tragic,' The vice president rolled her eyes. 'But you are my secretary now, and you have to be competent in what you do.'
Raven Roth had no idea how she'd gotten herself into this situation.
She was the vice president of a successful company, an accomplished and respected 28-year-old woman, but now she was stuck here, in her office, arguing pointlessly with a man-child.
Her old secretary (and only friend) Kory Anders, was on her honeymoon, leaving Raven with.. Him.
‘No “buts” Mr. Logan,’ Raven cut him off. ‘The company is going through a critical time now, and I want every employee to give their hundred percent. And you-’
Sometimes she wondered why she didn’t just fire him, but, truth be told, even if he was messy, and lazy, and was definitely not used to working behind the table, 27-year-old Garfield Logan was actually quite good at what he did.
And also that her old secretary had personally hired him, and Raven did not want to deal with an angry Kory Anders.
‘M-Mr. Logan are you…?’ She looked at her now secretary, who had slumped shoulders and was looking downwards.
‘How do you expect me to work like this?!’ He finally snapped, looking up at her and walking closer to her desk. ‘I get sleep for a grand total of three hours a day, I haven’t had a proper meal and have been practically living on caffeine and I don’t have any plants in my new apartment!!’
‘Plants…?’ She raised an eye-brow.
‘I just needed a third thing, okay?’ Gar cried out. He took a few deep breaths and with his chin touching his chest, his shoulders began to shake.
‘Mr. Lo- Logan are you… cryi-’
‘Yes! Yes, I’m having a mental breakdown right now!’ He exclaimed, looking up at her with tears in his eyes. ‘You may be perfect, Ms. Roth, but I am not! I’m nowhere near perfect, and I’m trying my best to keep up with you here. I’m trying my best, I swear, but I can’t anymore. You’ve ought to give me a break. If I had a girlfriend, I bet she’d want me to quit.’
‘..Well, you don’t have a girlfriend…’ Raven quietly muttered, feeling kind of guilty all of a sudden.
‘Because I’ve been working for you the whole time!!’ Gar yelled, watching her wince as he did.
He finally exhaled, and calmed himself. He stepped back, and suddenly, a professional aura surrounded him, which made Raven blink twice.
‘..I’m sorry Ms. Roth.’ He regarded her. ‘I’m sorry for behaving in an-’
A quite peculiar, but not not-good sound made him stop in his tracks, and in front of him, he could see his superior…. Laughing?
Gar had worked for Raven Roth for almost a month now, and he had never even seen the sides of her lips turning upwards, often making him wonder if they were fixed in a slight frown. But now, in front of him at 10 pm, The Raven Roth was laughing her heart out. Gar blinked, and even rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating, because, truthfully, the scene in front of him was… making his heart flutter.
‘I-I’m sorry Mr. Logan..’ Raven said between laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. ‘But no employee has ever talked to me like that before… I would say that you’re almost being… cute.’
‘Well.. of course they haven’t,’ Gar coughed, trying to hide his obvious blush. ‘They’re practically working zombies…’
‘Heh, well you know what,’ Raven sighed, rolling her stiff shoulders into her plush chair. 'You can go home for today… But, I need those papers present on my table by next Monday. Understand?'
'Yes, Ma'am!!' Gar happily exclaimed, saluting her.
‘I may say… you’re being quite perky for someone who was whimpering not two seconds ago.’
‘Heh.. yeah, about that..’ He blushed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. ‘Can we just pretend the last five minutes of our lives never happened?’
‘Even the time I told you to wrap it up for the day?’ Raven slyly played along, not knowing what had gotten into her… but not disliking it either. ‘Okay, then, get the files from-’
She looked at him, pouting like a cute little puppy which was kicked in the- wait…
Raven Roth didn’t think things were cute, let alone other humans. She didn’t go around swooning over other men like some women, but what had invaded her thoughts right now?
Well, she did say that the puppy was cute… that had to count for something, right?
‘It’s okay, Mr. Logan, you may go. I was just messing with you.’
‘Phew.’ With a hand on his fine chest, the secretary let out a sigh. Wait, fi- ‘And also, now that we’re off the clock, please, you can call me Gar, Rav-’
‘And you may call me Ms. Roth.’
‘Ms. Roth.’ He smiled. He slightly bowed his head as a silent greeting and walked out of her office.
Raven thought about continuing her work, like she’s been doing every single night-
‘Mr. Garfield?’ She called out, surprising herself as she did.
‘Si?’ Gar immediately popped his head back into her office, almost as if he’d been standing in front of the door the whole time.
Now that he was looking oh-so intently at her, she blushed. And the last time the vice president had blushed was probably(?) when she was in kindergarden…
‘I.. J-just.. I wanted…’ Raven stumbled, making Gar raise his eye-brows with disbelief. ‘Just.. ah, thank you. I.. I needed this. This may seem a little out of character for me-’
‘A little?’ He teased.
‘Okay, well,’ She huffed. ‘This may not seem like myself, but..’ She sighed, almost bashfully fingering the folders on her table. ‘You know I don’t have many friends, everybody knows that. There are only people who are more-or-less fearful of me because of my designation. And ever since Kory went on her… vacation, I have just been working without a care in the world. But… this, whatever weird little confrontation we had right now… it was refreshing. I really needed that laugh, honestly,’ She chuckled. ‘So.. thank you.’
Gar’s face was colored red, and she was almost sure it mirrored hers, but he just smiled. ‘Anytime.’ He winked. 'And.. I'm your friend now! So don't hesitate to come to me anytime you're in need of a pal.'
Raven awkwardly smiled and got back to the task she was doing on her computer.
‘Umm.. Ms. Roth, aren’t you gonna go home too?’
‘Huh, me? No.’ She shook her head, stifling a yawn. ‘I have this presentation to be tak-’
‘What? But today is Friday.. You have the whole weekend ahead of you! You should take a break!’
‘No, Mr. Loga- Garfield, it’s okay.’ He'd taken a seat on one of the chairs in front of her table. ‘You should go ahead...’
‘Oh, Ms. Roth..’ He sighed. ‘If you take a break now, and get a decent good night’s sleep while you still can, you’ll be refreshed and will be more energized to do your work later on; which will make your work even better! So.. what do ya’ say?’
Gar smiled at her, but he seemed dumbfounded once he saw the expression on her face. She was blushing, very heavily, and Gar wasn’t sure if he’d done something which made her face flush. He raised an eye-brow, to which Raven shyly responded by pointing towards her desk with her eyes. As he looked down at where her eyes were pointed, he saw that his hands were covering hers, almost in an affectionate way.
‘Ahem.’ He pulled back at once, his face flushed with shock and embarrassment.
Raven tried regaining her composure, flattening the front of her suit as a distraction and trying to not concentrate on the warmth that was still lingering on her usually cold hands.
‘Well, Mr. Logan, I thank you for your concern, but…’ The VP sighed, eyeing the files on her desk, thinking back on what had happened a few moments ago. Raven wasn’t the kind of person to reconsider things; She had a schedule and she followed it accordingly. But she also wasn’t the kind of person who’d be easily flustered around people, blush (so many times!), or have such… inappropriate thoughts about a co-worker. (Raven believes “cute” is highly inappropriate.) She also made a mental note to go for a health check-up soon, because she wasn’t sure if her heart was supposed to be beating so fast. Or be missing beats.
‘..I’m going to say something and regret it real quick.’ She mumbled. ‘Okay.. have it your way!’
‘Sweet!’ Gar laughed. ‘Seeing as we’re the only people left, let’s head out together!’ He suggested before walking out.
Raven looked dazed for a moment, but then quickly sorted through the files and folders. She organised what she needed and what she would take a look at later, and sighed at her empty table.
Rummaging through her bag, she looked for her car keys. ‘Shit.’
'You okay?' He called out to her. 'Whoa, that was so cool!' She heard him say to himself as his voice echoed through the empty office.
'Nothing, just..' She exhaled. 'I locked the keys in the car, and my spare keys are at home...' She looked frustrated.
'Oh man...' Gar stood at her door, looking down. 'Uhh, can't you just call up your butler or something?'
'It's almost 11 at night, Garfield.' She let out a long sigh.
'Wait.. but can't you rich people like, call your butlers anytime and they'll be present?'
'What do you think this is, a no-budget fanfiction?' Raven rolled her eyes. Her head was laying on her clean table, and Gar couldn't help but blush after seeing her look so laid-back in front of him. 'Well, I can call them, but I wouldn't want to disturb them. Besides, I can just call a cab for now.'
'Or I could give you a ride!' Gar abruptly suggested.
'Umm?' The woman awkwardly raised an eye-brow, not able to find her words to reply to him.
'I mean..' He started, scratching the back of his neck. 'I was the one who suggested we wrap up for the day, and I'm here with you now. If anything were to happen to you, it is really unsafe now, late at night, I wouldn't help but feel responsible. So let me-'
'Garfield.. I-' Raven blushed. 'I don't think it will be suitable for me to accompany a co-worker like this... And also if people think there's an ulterior motive-'
'I don't have any ulterior motives, Rae.' He smiled. 'I'm just a concerned guy looking out for a friend.'
'Very well... Thank you, Garfield.' She looked down at her table, trying to hide her flushed face. 'Also, nobody calls me "Rae".'
'Yes ma'am!' The secretary smiled and walked out to his cubicle to get his things, leaving Raven alone in her office.
Right then, Raven Roth knew something had changed. Be it the atmosphere or herself, she wasn't sure, but something had definitely changed between her and this Gar Logan.
Maybe it was just one-sided; maybe it was because nobody had made her laugh like that, (even though he didn't do it on purpose.), maybe because no one else had ever suggested her to leave her precious work and get sleep. It could be because for the first time, someone had talked to her as Raven (...or Rae) and not “Vice President, Miss. Roth”. Or probably because it was the first time somebody had cared for her enough to stay back and offer a ride.
She wasn't sure why (or what exactly), but she knew something had changed... and in the deepest, darkest corners of her mind, Raven selfishly hoped it didn't change back.
‘You ready?’ He reappeared at her office, bowing a little melodramatically as he caught her eye.
'Yeah…' Raven smiled. 'I'm ready.'
Believe it or not the whole meltdown-in-front-of-lady-boss thing is based on a real incident lmho.
Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this!! Please share your thoughts :>
[send me a prompt]
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yanbaere · 4 years
You accepted the Secret Alliance ending, I live in my own fantasy where Yul got a better ending, we’re not the same.
Also to all the people sending me asks and messages telling me I’m an abuse apologist, I’m not. So stop.
Spoiler if you haven’t read the manhwa.
Please do note that this is just my opinion and my analysis on it, it’s been a while since I read the manhwa so if something I say is wrong please remember that I’m just writing this using my pure memory and some little notes I had, so if something seems off or you notice I’m saying something wrong, you know why.
I obviously don’t condone abuse in any way or form. But I do have to admit Yul deserved better, yeah he needed to heal and move on but I also think he deserved to find someone that truly loved him for who he was, baggage and all.
Even if it wasn’t explicit I do think he deserved someone new to love so he can truly move past all the stuff that happened with the main character (I don’t remember her name because I don’t care about her).
I always thought Yul did physically abuse the protagonist but after learning their backstory and learning all the stuff that happened my opinion shifted. The protagonist is a very unlikable character, at least for me, and a very plain one if I can even say that.
At the begging I related to her because I also have a very deep fear of men, I don’t physically react to their presence but I try to stay away from them as much as I can. But after learning more about her there’s wasn’t much to work with.
Yul was deeply manipulative and even scary, but also mind you, he did everything he could to get the protagonist away from her abusive mother, he even put himself in danger for her so he could save her and give her a better life where her mother wasn’t abusing her, he swore to protect her from all danger because that’s what she did at some point in the past.
Yeah he threatened her into hurting her so they could have some proof/excuse that her mother was abusing her but never really acted on it.
She saw Yul differently from other people, he treated Yul for who he was. Yeah he was prettier that boys and more “feminine” than the rest but she never took that into consideration, she saw him as a boy, and that was something that really stayed with him.
When they both stay at school overnight I really thought “wow he’s really gonna abuse her now” and yeah it was a scary thought but it is a pretty dark story, so I kinda saw it coming, but he didn’t abuse her. And that confused me.
For obvious reasons I didn’t wanted for her to be abused or anything, even if I didn’t like her I wasn’t gonna wish or hope for that. He didn’t even hit her of anything; they just stayed all night at a warehouse at school.
The protagonist had a deep fear of men even before meeting Yul so I always thought that blaming him for ‘ruining her life’ and ‘making her condition worsen’, again, I don’t recall him ever abusing her in “that” way or even hitting her or stuff like that, but again it’s been almost a year since I read the story so my memory could be betraying me.
Another thing to take into consideration is the fact that the story tried to bad to make a parallel between the protagonist’s mother and Yul but I never really thought there were any.
The girls mom always blamed her for attracting dirty men, she even told her she was the one that was dirty and that corrupted men around her. Yul on the other hand never blamed her for any of that, he even said at some point that he himself was a “dirty person” for being so obssesed with her but never really blamed her. He always wanted to protect her even if he knew he was just as dirty as the people that got near her in the past.
I do think that as Yuri, Yul was very manipulative and maybe a little obvious. I always thought it was a little weird he was so open with his obsession towards the main character with other people, but then again the story is relatively short so it could be that. But I always thought it was weird considering he went all the way to dress like a girl so he wouldn’t get caught.
The blonde guy was very unappealing, yeah he was handsome but his personality was all over the place. I think his change of heart with the protagonist was to fast and I don’t like him. I don’t know why.
I think that was the main problem with the story. It tried to push the endgame couple down your throat so bad and never made a good chemistry with them. I always skipped the chapters that focused only on them because believe me when i say I wasn’t interested.
When the protagonist thinks she gets rejected and ACTIVELY SAYS she was gonna be with Yul so she could take out all her anger and pain on Yul I was like girl please seek a therapist please.
Breakups and rejections can be hard, I lived both and believe me it was painful to watch her think she was rejected, even if I didn’t like the main couple. But still, she getting rejected was never and will never be an excuse for her treating Yul/Yuri like how she treated them. She was excessively cold and mean towards them. Even when Yul was respecting her boundaries and wishes, giving her space to get changed, not letting himself see her naked and accepting they were not gonna have s*x. To Yul this was an absolute victory, he was happy he finally won and was able to live with her even if that meant pretending to be a girl the rest of his life.
First thing to come up in blond guy’s head when the main chara is in his bed? Lewd stuff, yeah. Just like the guys the main girl used to flee so much but okay. I swear I tried to like the main couple but they made it so hard.
Lastly I do think Yul going over the guy’s house to hurt him was kinda overkill for me? But then again, he never really hurt him, he hurt himself just like he did back when he was trying to save the protagonist from her mother. He cut himself because I do believe he was tired of having to work so hard for something so simple as being loved and accepted and not be alone. And by the only person he thought accepted him for who he was.
Yeah we see her worried but then being all cold towards him at the hospital? Not my cup of tea.
And her telling him to his face she did not feel anything for him? I don’t know.
I think her reading Yul’s letter and crying was a very cheap way of saving her character but again, I never found her likable so...
Yes I cried during Yul’s letter because it showed just how much he wanted to change and wanted to become a better person. And he did, he found a way to distract himself from her so he could move on. And he does, he says he’s sorry for everything he did and tells her how much he used to love her but he doesn’t feel that way anymore and is happy and ready to move on with his life.
I think it would’ve been nice to show him with somebody else, maybe even mention he was with somebody else because he really deserved to be loved but someone who has actually willing to accept and love him despite all he did.
He was an amazing character and I would’ve loved to see him be fleshed out more or get a better ending.
Good for the main couple for having happy life, I don’t care, but Yul my boy deserved better.
But again this was just my opinion so please take it with a grain of salt.
I love Yul. He’s my boy.
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nitia95 · 3 years
Here is another manhwa I'd like to recommend and I really like 💖
The Time Of The Terminally-Ill Extra
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Summary: As the middle child who is neither the heir nor the cherished youngest twins, Karina has lived her whole life hidden away from others. She, who only had one hobby of painting, found out that she only had 1 year left to live. So without a plan, she went to visit her fiancé who she barely knew… To annul the engagement as he always wanted. But, she didn’t know then. That she would receive the unconditional love that she had never received her whole life from him, and that she would come to have a desire to live her once meaningless life.
❗Warning: from the title alone, you can guess it's gonna be a very sad story, possibly with a tragic end (unless they'll find a way for the illness). If you are weak to heartbreaking stories, avoid this❗
Let's rant now!
First of all, AMAZING ART! ✨💯✨
Really, I was in awe as I saw the covers and read the chapters.
Below, the protagonist Karina:
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Look at her!
She's so beautiful and lovely and cute and everything!!! How dare the people of her world say she's "plain"?!? They must have sausages instead of eyes!
For me, she's a fantastic FL. She endured so much neglect from her own family, to the point of having zero self confidence and expecting nobody would even care for her!
However, she never forgets to smile, while hiding her hurt feelings, and tries to enjoy the last year of her life. All this abandoning her family and trying and failing to not bother his fiancé.
It really breaks my heart to see what she's been through! I just want to hug her and comfort her! She deserves so much love! 😭
Also, she's an artist 😍 She has a rare power of performing miracles through her drawings and her passion was her way to escape her reality and finding comfort.
Below she draws a fairy who comes to life, and yep her eyes become golden-colored:
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Sadly, she fell ill because of her art and performing too many miracles and they say that just shows how bad her relationship with her family is.
Below is her fiancé, the ML:
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In the beginning, he might be annoying because he treated Karina rudely, but he's really one of the best MLs you could ever find in a story!
Understand this: Karina just showed up at his residence without warning and wanted to stay there. He saw the poor state she was in and treated her as guest, even though he had many things to worry about (such as winter's coming and monsters).
He is considerate, caring, respects her and her wishes, keeps his word, actually listens to her and notices when something is wrong!
On the first night of her stay, he was worried about her and notices her fever. She doesn't want to be seen by a doctor, so he looks after her even though he never did such a thing.
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Their relationship will just get better and I can't wait to see more of them! 😍
The family: she never was abused, but she was so neglected! Just thinking about them makes me angry! What I hate the most are her parents who expect her to be a mature older sister when she was just a child who also needed love and attentions. And they kept saying things like: "you are healthy" like it was an excuse for not needing to look after her. I won't say more because there are just too much to say and I don't want to waste more time and words on the trash they are.
Also, the family doctor is also trash.
Personal comments:
While reading, I was really emotional because I kinda relate to Karina. Every bit of chapter that included her family just hurt me.
My situation is not as bad as hers, but I had my down moments. Maybe this is another reason I like this manhwa so much?
Anyway, I do recommend to read it but be ready for SADNESS.
That's all, have a good day. 👋
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itsapapisongo · 3 years
Cast: Jaemin x Female!Protagonist ft. Taeil, Johnny, Yuta, and Jeno
Genre: Angst | Dramedy
Word Count: 4.7K
Word/Object: Bouncy Ball (tennis-sized ball)
Warnings: Allusions and brief mentions of suicide and strong language throughout.
Summary: Admitted to an underfunded psychiatric clinic, Na Jaemin feels stuck and the “nice” girl that always says hi and waves at him isn't helping.
Collab: “A Vibe”
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“I WONDER IF you get your kicks off of being problematic,” said Jeno, his wet black hair practically covering his brow and eyes like a thick curtain. “And, to be honest, it wouldn’t surprise me if you did.”
Jaemin, who was laying in bed and reading a porno mag he’d managed to sneak into the clinic, shrugged. He didn’t have to look at his bunkmate to know that Jeno (1) had taken a shower and (2) was staring right at him. He had heard him talking with one of the orderlies, their conversation frustratingly cheery for two people stuck in a nuthouse.
He chuckled. Remembering that if Jeno—or anyone else, for that matter—heard him refer to the clinic as a nuthouse, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. It wasn’t positive language, they’d told him. Jaemin would find it funny if it weren’t so ridiculously depressing. People were sensitive like that. People lied to themselves like that.
Call it a psychiatric clinic, a hospital, a mental ward, or what have you but the truth was that every single person that had been admitted to this damn place was off their nut.
But, hey, people kept themselves sane in strange ways. Calling things by other names seemed to make them forget—no, repress—their reality of their lives.
Whatever floats your boats, Jaemin often thought.
“I think I’ll just keep you wondering,” Jaemin replied, smirking. He passed a page and whistled. “Nice b—”
“Could you not?” Jeno cringed as he dried his hair. “I've had my share of horniness today.”
That made Jaemin look up and ignore the porno mag for a second. He slightly lifted his head, that wicked smirk of his plastered on his face, and wiggled his eyebrows. Jeno, who was too focused on hanging on his towel by the window, missed this. He got to see again when he turned and was met by Jaemin sitting on the edge of his bed, magazine flat on his lap as he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Fair share, you’d say?”
“Yeah, fair share . . .” Jeno trailed off, raising an eyebrow. He felt the spotlight on him and it was a burning and shameful sensation. “What are—what are you on about?”
“Oh, nothing.” Jaeming shrugged one shoulder, winking. “Only that sharing is caring, you sly fox.”
Jeno scoffed as he sat on his bed, opposite Jaemin’s. For a second, he remained unfazed until he sniggered. His eyes became nonexistent, a wide smile reaching them and touching them with a glint of embarrassed amusement. Jeno seemed to open his mouth to share but instead shook his head and turned away.
Above his bed, a collection of manga and manhwas was alphabetically organized and stacked on a wall bookshelf he’d put himself. Jeno was very proud and possessive of all of his volumes. They were one of the few things that offered comfort and enjoyment in this rather dull and isolating place. Jaemin never touched them and was more than okay with admiring them from afar. Not because he wasn’t interested but because he knew how much they meant to Jeno.
“So, puppy boy, who was horny today?” Jaemin asked, intently watching as Jeno reached for a manga volume he’d read over four times this month alone. “Come on. Don’t be a tease.”
“No one,” Jeno replied sheepishly. He laid on his bed, opened the manga, and stared at it.
“C’mon! You said you had your fair share of—” Jaemin paused, searching for the right word. It fell on the tip of his lips and his smirk reached his eyes. They had a distinctive glint of mischief as he added, “—arousal.”
Jeno blinked, uncomfortable. “Well that—that slipped out.”
“How very freudian of you.”
Jeno said nothing, pretended to read. Jaemin swore he saw the hint of a smile on his face, but he relented from asking him again. He wasn’t going to push him any further. Not tonight, anyhow.
With a huff and a chuckle, Jaemin hid the porno mag underneath his mattress, laid back on his bed, and decided to call it a night. He could annoy the ever living shit out of Jeno—and everyone else—in the morning.
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THE NEXT MORNING, as he entered the cafeteria, Jaemin saw her before she saw him.
She was finishing her cereal as she talked with a guy. He was older than both of Jaemin and her, had pink hair, and was kinda loud. She was laughing at something he said and Jaemin felt an urge to ask her what the fuck was so funny and punch him right in the gut. He’d ask him the same question, but he really hated repeating himself.
“There she is,” Jaemin grumbled, barely parting his lips. “Miss Waves-A-Lot.”
Jeno, who was skimming through the fifth volume in the manga series he’d recently started reading, looked up and immediately squealed when he felt Jaemin pinching his forearm. It hurt so much he almost dropped the manga and cussed out loud.
“What was that for?” Jeno asked, gently rubbing his forearm. He gave the rec room a quick glance and saw who Jaemin was aggressively staring at. “What happens when she catches you looking at her like a psycho?”
“She’s not gonna catch me.”
She wouldn’t. She was too focused on Pink Hair to pay Jaemin any attention. Or so he thought.
Just as Jaemin blinked and thought about looking away, she met his gaze and they made eye contact. That’s when Jaemin noticed something. Though her hair was short and dyed blue, she had turquoise highlights he had previously missed.
“Fuck!” Jaemin gritted his teeth.
“Could you be more obvious?” Jeno rolled his eyes. “The least you can do is pretend you’re not looking.”
“Looking?” Jaemin scoffed. She was looking at him. He was looking at her. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Jeno scoffed. “Way to play dumb.”
“Did you just call me—”
“Good morning!”
“JESUS!” Jaemin screamed in a high-pitched voice. He punched the air—twice and upward—when he noticed who had startled him. “You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!”
“Morning,” Jeno greeted her with a warm smile. “Sorry about my—” he paused, looking for the right word. “—roomie. He can be very loud.”
“That’s okay,” she replied, smiling. “Just wanted to say hi.”
Jaemin scoffed, grumbling, “You could have just waved.”
That made Jeno and her turn to Jaemin. One had an eyebrow raised, the other looked surprised. While Jeno shook his head and mouthed “what the fuck is wrong with you”, she simply shrugged and said she felt it was better if she actually introduced herself for a change. Jaemin felt something akin to butterflies in his stomach. Whether he was hungry or genuinely feeling something due to how she was looking at him, he couldn’t tell.
“I see you guys often, but I hadn’t gathered the courage to say hi face to face.”
“We’re idiots.” Jeno pointed to himself, but relented from pointing at Jaemin. “We’re alright. We don’t bite.”
Jaemin scoffed. “Speak for yourself, puppy boy.” He looked at her, smirking. “I bite.”
“Not hard, I imagine,” she retorted, her tone casual and affable. “You look like the type of guy that’s all bark and no bite.”
“All bark and no—yah—when were you born?” He pointed a firm finger at her, pushed it against her shoulder.
She looked at him, glanced at the finger, and removed it with such calm that Jaemin felt his blood boil. Jeno seemed to have realized Jaemin was close to doing something incredibly and stupidly impulsive because he tried to drag his roommate back to no avail. Jeno glanced over his shoulder, backed off, and disappeared from view. They barely registered that it was not the two of them.
“1998,” she replied, her voice barely a whisper.
“Why would I lie about that?”
“To fuck with me.”
“Really?” She smiled. It was both beautiful and irritating. “Just you?”
Jaemin tilted his head to the side, pushed his tongue against his cheek.
“When were you born?” he asked again.
“I already told you.” She reached out and took his hand, shaking it. “Name’s Ryu. Born June 30th, 1998.” She let go of his hand and winked. “Let’s treat each other well, okay?”
“Jaemin, Ryu,” said a familiar voice. “Is everything okay here?”
Ryu smiled a small smile and bowed. “Everything’s okay, Yuta-san.”
Jaemin didn’t have to turn to see Yuta nor did he have to guess who had brought him. He nodded and, without turning, said, “Yeah. Everything is okay, Yuta-san.”
Yuta stood between Jaemin and Ryu, smiling that friendly smile of his. Jaemin didn’t meet his gaze but he could tell his hyung was looking intently at him and that he no doubt had that disappointed glint in his eye.
“Drop the honorifics,” said Yuta, beaming at Ryu. “It’s too early for that.”
“If you say so.” Ryu shrugged one shoulder, slightly bowed, and turned to Jaemin. “See you when I see you, lanky.”
Lanky? Did she just—you cheeky shit, Jaemin thought. He feigned a smile and a chuckle, waving her off when she left. It took him a second to realize that it was now just him and Yuta. Great.
“You’re looking a little worked up there, Nana.” Yuta gently clapped him in the shoulder.
“I’m okay.”
Yuta shrugged. “If you say so,” he said, half-smiling. “You do know that it’s too early to get this worked up, right?”
Jaemin bit his tongue but before he could nod and come up with some lame answer, he heard himself say: “Is it? I hadn’t noticed.”
Yuta raised an eyebrow then smiled fully, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. He clapped Jaemin in the shoulder then nodded towards the cafeteria’s small line.
“Try your best to be kind,” Yuta advised in a gentle voice. His gaze was stern but not unkind. “Try your best to not be—”
“An asshole?”
Yuta’s eyes widened for a second. There wasn’t anger or disappointment or pity in them but heartache.
“You see yourself as an asshole?”
“Everyone else does. Why should I see myself any differently?”
Before Yuta could reply, Jaemin bowed and said he’d rather get in line before the banana milk he liked was gone.
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HE SAW HER again in the rec room.
Ryu was playing dominoes with Pink Hair when he sat down with Jeno and pretended to be entertained by a bouncy ball—about the size of a tennis ball—he’d nicked off someone.
(Jaemin couldn’t remember who it was. He just knew he managed to get his hands on it and that was all that mattered.)
Whether Ryu was too focused on her game with Pink Hair to notice him or she was genuinely ignoring him, Jaemin couldn’t tell. After a while, he stopped caring. And with good reason—he fell asleep on the couch.
After what felt like hours, but had only been about twenty minutes, he woke up and noticed someone had left a note. They had stuffed it on the waistband of his sweatpants. He opened it and scoffed.
The note read:
you never told me when you were born
Jaemin thought about crushing it into a ball, tossing it aside, ripping it apart. He didn’t.
He gently closed it and stuffed it in his pocket.
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RYU HAD BEEN admitted about three months prior.
Jaemin had seen her once or twice, but had never paid attention to her. And, sure, she was pretty and he had noticed, but he was more concerned with more important stuff. Like, say, getting away with sneaking porno mags and cigarettes and bouncy balls into the clinic. Granted, the smuggling wasn’t his job, but he helped to enable it.
So when she started saying hi and waving at him, he felt like she was onto something. She was too friendly, too enthusiastic, for Jaemin’s taste. He preferred it when people ignored him or gave him shit. At least that way he could play dumb or trade patter with them, hurling insults that would definitely shatter someone’s self-esteem and were occasionally played off as good fun.
The more she waved, the more she said hi, the more Jaemin grew irritated by her. He did his best to avoid her but about a week ago they were placed in the same therapy session. Ryu often sat two or three seats to his right and Jaemin could feel her staring.
For an entire week, he ignored her—her stares, her soft but enthusiastic greetings, her incessant waving—and felt he was doing a fine job of it until this morning.
What the fuck does she want?
That’s all he could think about as he aimlessly wandered around the clinic. He walked past the lobby, the cafeteria, and one of the outdoorsy areas—the one everyone referred to as the wee park—but found himself without a glimpse of Ryu.
After half an hour, Jaemin decided to call it a day and renew his nap.
Not in the rec room, though. That place reeked of neglect.
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JAEMIN HAD BEEN admitted about two weeks prior to Ryu’s admission.
To no one’s surprise, he had issues. Which was a condescending way of saying he wasn’t in the best headspace. Ryu had asked around about why he’d been admitted but no one really had an answer. Every time someone asked him, Jaemin would answer differently and contradict himself. It seemed funny to him.
It wasn’t. On the contrary, it was genuinely frustrating because the staff couldn’t help him take the necessary steps to achieve some kind of positive progress. Ryu wanted to understand why he was such a pain in the ass and had tried time and time again to catch his attention. He ignored her—rudely, blatantly, every chance he got—and that only made it more intriguing for her.
“He’s handsome but he sure is mean,” mumbled Hendery, playing with his pink hair as he chewed on the biggest wad of chewing gum Ryu had ever seen. “He cussed at me just for looking at him.”
“Na Jaemin’s a sweetheart,” said Yuta one day as they—him and Ryu—cleaned the rec room. “But he has a mean streak.”
“Heard that before,” Ryu replied, nodding.
Yuta shrugged. “Dr. Choi mentioned it’s a coping mechanism.”
And maybe it was. Maybe he was just an asshole. Whatever the reason, whatever the motivation, Ryu gathered he wasn’t the easiest guy to be around. And yet . . . she felt some type of camaraderie with him. They no doubt came from different places, had lived different experiences, but she related to this impulse to put up a wall, a preemptive measure against anything that could hurt you.
Na Jaemin was no different.
Difference was that while he put on this snarky and confident façade, Ryu wore her emotions on her sleeve and kept her head held high even when she felt like crumbling. Being vulnerable didn’t equate to weakness in her mind. Vulnerability was acknowledging that every once in a while she might need a word of advice or a hug or simply someone beside her, sharing the silence when words failed.
Jaemin seemed to reject that idea. Ryu knew not because she had seen it but because she had sensed it. That and she had lived it. Once upon a time, she put a wall so high and thick that it took a lonely walk in the middle of the night and a stop by a bridge to make her reconsider her life and they way she was living it.
Whenever she remembered that night, Ryu remembered how cold it was. She remembered how angry, sad, and lonely she felt. There were days she wished she didn’t remember that cold night in Busan. And then there were days when she looked back and felt genuine relief that she had decided to step away from the ledge.
“The road to recovery is a long one,” Dr. Choi had told her, smiling softly. She was a woman in her thirties with a motherly aura. “Some days you’ll walk with your head held high. Others, you’ll stumble. And you know what? That’s okay.”
Ryu took these words to heart. She embraced them, keeping them in a little corner near her heart so that whenever she felt close to the edge, she was reminded she wasn’t alone and that she was capable of healing.
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JAEMIN FOUND HER in the studio.
It obviously wasn’t really a studio, but it sort of functioned as one. Here, there were several instruments and the space to play them freely. The whole point of it was to release stress, learn something new, or otherwise just play for the sake of playing.
He was walking past the studio when he caught her silhouette through his periphery. Ryu was sitting on a small stool, plucking the shit out of a gayageum’s strings that had no place being there. The plucked zither was old but had been taken care of and Jaemin couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
Ryu wasn’t playing alone. She was jamming with—was that Yuta? Holy shit. It was. He sat behind a drum kit, jamming, eyes closed, a goofy smile spread across his face. Standing opposite Ryu was a tall, broad-shouldered guy with long brown hair tied in a man-bun; he was playing bass. They were caught up in the moment and unaware that they had an audience—inside and outside the studio—as they grooved to the funky groove of Dr. John’s Right Place, Wrong Time.
Jaemin smiled in sheer disbelief, unconsciously tapping his foot to the song’s beat. He realized that Ryu and Yuta were singing the chorus whereas the bassist was singing the song, putting on a gruff voice that didn’t match his appearance.
“Good shit, huh?”
“Oh, fuck off—” Jaemin gritted teeth, slowly turning to meet Moon Taeil, and immediately felt his face drop. Nervously, he cleared his throat. “Taeil-ssi.”
Taeil was looking forward, smirking. “Do you play?”
“That’s a very vague question.”
“What about it?”
Taeil sighed, a mixture of exasperation and amusement. He looked at Jaemin and tilted his head to the side, showing a smile that reached his eyes. He wasn’t mad or annoyed or disappointed; he was just looking at Jaemin with endearment in his gaze.
“You’re being deliberately dense, aren’t you?” he asked, calmly.
“No—” Jaemin blinked, then deflated. “Yeah.”
Taeil chuckled with a small nod. “So . . . do you play?”
“Piano,” he replied, “but I haven’t played in forever . . .”
“Shame. I heard you were a pretty good player.”
Jaemin raised an eyebrow, feeling a glare coming up. “Did my mother put you up to this?” he asked, doing his very best to sound even-tempered.
“What if she did?” Taeil shrugged.
“Yeah? Well, she’s the reason I no longer play the fuck—”
Taeil laid a hand on Jaemin’s shoulder, smiling ruefully. “I know,” he said in a low, understanding voice. “But it’s never too late to try again.”
Jaemin groaned, closed his eyes, and threw his head backwards. “Sure,” he grumbled, reluctantly nodding. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good to hear!” Taeil clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t forget. Therapy session at—”
“3:30. Yup. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Taeil gave him a thumbs-up. He knocked on the studio’s wide window, nodded with a smile and a wave, then walked off without another word. All eyes were now on Jaemin—Ryu, Yuta, and Mr. Bass—and he desperately wished for the ground to open up and swallowed him whole. They had stopped playing, which meant the studio and the corridor had fallen silent. He awkwardly waved and cringed when Ryu met his gaze and waved back.
Yuta waved at him, motioning for Jaemin to join them in the studio, but was met with a stiff head shake from the youth. Jaemin opted for pointing at Ryu and motioning for her to meet him outside. She glanced at Yuta and Mr. Bass, shrugged, then joined Jaemin in the corridor.
“Whatcha think?” she asked, smiling.
Jaemin frowned. “About?”
“About us playing?”
“Oh, that. You were gre—okay. It was okay.”
“Just okay?” Ryu raised an eyebrow, curious.
“I mean the bassist is pretty damn good.”
Ryu looked at Mr. Bass. “Yeah, Johnny’s a hell of a player,” she agreed. “But what about Yuta-san and I?”
“Yeah, you were good—”
“I smell bullshit, but okay.”
Jaemin blinked at that. She had a mouth on her, didn’t she? Then again, he supposed, so did he. Instead of feeling irritated, he felt at ease; he couldn’t understand why. Ryu knocked on the studio’s window, mouthed that she was taking a break, and pointed at Jaemin.
“What was that about?”
Ryu blinked then shrugged. “Wanna go for a walk?”
“Walk—er—no—” Jaemin began to protest, but was yanked by his forearm away from the studio and into the God knew where. “What are you doing?”
“Dragging you away so that we can have a civil conversation.”
“Civil? I’m being kidnapped!” Jaemin grasped Ryu’s wrist and tried to squeeze it, but instead found himself on the ground, groaning and moaning. “Ouchwhatthefuck?”
Ryu put him on a hold by twisting his wrist and she was glaring daggers at him. It took her a second to realize what she was doing and immediately looked apologetic.
“It was—I didn’t mean to,” she whispered, sheepishly. “It was just—”
Jaemin raised a finger and looked at her intently. “If I come with you, promise me you won’t assault me,” he said, almost pleading.
She nodded, offering her pinkie. “Promise.”
“Okay—fuck—lead the way,” he said, offering his own pinkie to seal the deal.
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They were throwing the bouncy ball against a wall on the courtyard. They stood about six feet apart to not bump into each other when they moved to catch the ball.
Jaemin threw it. Ryu caught it.
Ryu threw it, glanced at Jaemin, and smiled at him when he caught it.
Jaemin threw it harder than usual, winced, and guffawed, rather impressed, when Ryu caught the ball without looking. To his surprise, she was staring at him.
“Something in your mind, dear?” he asked, smiling smugly.
“Loads of things, really,” said Ryu, throwing and catching the ball without breaking eye contact. “But nothing that I’d bother sharing.”
The smug expression disappeared from his face. He looked more confused than anything; he felt himself slipping and giving into irritation.
“I thought you wanted to have a civil conversation,” he grumbled, hands on his hip.
Ryu sniggered. “Yup.”
“Oh-kay,” Jaemin intoned, rolling his eyes. He caught the ball, gave it the once-over, then—thud-a-pomp!—threw it again. He sighed and cracked his neck, staring at the clear blue sky above them. “I was born in 2000.”
A wide, proud smile spread across Ryu’s face. She tapped her foot and nodded, tongue in cheek.
“So that makes me your noona, huh?”
Jaemin’s annoyance was palpable. “Aish,” he groaned. “I guess so.”
“I’m older,” she said, giddy to the point of dancing, “which means you must be respectful.”
He twirled the ball in mid-air, watched it return to his hand a resting bitch face. “Yeah, yeah, reverence and low bows and all that jazz.”
Ryu chuckled, though it wasn’t an amused sound. It was the sound of someone running empty on sympathy. When he looked at her, he saw that she was running her hand through her hand and pulling on the roots; it looked like a bad habit. She was staring at the ground, a frown disfiguring her beautiful features.
“You okay?”
She shook her head. “Nope,” she replied, calmly.
“Something in your—”
“Why are you here?”
Jaemin blinked, aghast. “Excuse me?”
“Honestly, why are you here? You seem like you’d rather be elsewhere.”
“It’s not like I had a choice!” he retorted, throwing the ball at her instead of bouncing it off the wall. “It’s not like I enjoy being here!”
“Seems like you really dig this place. Doing what you want. Talking to everyone and anyone without a filter.”
“If you got something to say, don’t mince words.” Jaemin crossed his hands. “Sugarcoating is a waste of time.”
Ryu nodded, raising both eyebrows. Her posture displayed that she wasn’t afraid of conflict or calling others out. It reminded Jaemin of Yuta and Taeil. She looked between the ball and the wall then hurled it with all of her might.
“You’re an asshole,” she finally said.
“I’m a—did you just call me an asshole?”
“You heard me right, Jaemin, so stop being coy.”
Jaemin squeezed the ball hard, felt its material giving in but not quite breaking. He looked away and feigned laughter. He wanted to throw the ball as hard as he could and watch it explode against the wall or the ground, but he disasuded himself from the idea when he simply dropped it to the ground. The small thump-thump it made was equal to the low thudding of his heart as he tried to calm himself down.
“Why are you here?” Jaemin threw Ryu’s question back at her.
“Depression,” she replied without a hint of embarrassment. “That and a bungled—” she paused, unsure if to use the word. “—incident.”
“Did you try to—”
She nodded, grimacing. “Yup.”
The question slipped out of his lips before he could reconsider asking it. But his tone wasn’t malicious or mocking; it was instead one of preoccupation and dread.
“Leap of faith.” She motioned with someone walking on the edge of something then plunging into the depths below. “Or lack thereof.”
“Fuck,” he mumbled, then looked at her. “Why?”
“Why does anyone do anything really? You’re not in the best headspace when you’re close to . . .” Ryu trailed off with a small shrug. She noticed Jaemin looking at her differently. Not with pity, but with understanding. “My brother left to study abroad. My parents found themselves falling out of love. They divorce and were very open about how much they disliked each other. Things changed. The life I thought was almost perfect sort of—” she closed a fist and slowly opened it, making a sound akin to an explosion. “—imploded. Everything just went down the drain.”
Jaemin heard what she wasn’t saying—the desperation, the loneliness, the fear—and the wall he had worked so hard to put up and keep others away began to crack. The way she was looking at him showed him a person that had descended into rock bottom—not crashed like he had, but instead slowly found themselves in the depths of their own despair—and was finding their way back.
“Now,” she piped up, stirring him from his reverie, “why are you here?”
He shrugged, pouting. “Anger issues . . . depression . . . delusions of grandeur . . . stubbornness,” he replied, nonchalantly. “Take your pick ‘cause I don’t really know.”
She stared, said nothing, then picked the ball from the ground and—thud-a-pomp!—threw it.
“It’s never too late to start again, y’know? To try and better yourself.”
“Heard that before.” He scoffed.
“Don’t let it pass, Jaemin.”
A frown. “Don’t let what pass?”
“Life,” he repeated, as if the concept was foreign to him. “Easy to say, don’t you think?”
“Very fucking easy, yeah,” she admitted with a chuckle. “But nothing in life is easy. Progress requires work and time. Everything starts, y’know, way from within.”
He looked at her, gobsmacked. “You really are wise for your age,” he said, using aegyo. “Noona, teach me your ways.”
“Oh—” she threw the ball at him, “—fuck you!”
His laughter echoed in the courtyard, warming her heart.
Her smile was contagious, reminding him of what happiness was.
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IN THE COMING weeks, these are the things that will occur:
Na Jaemin will make an effort to make progress and deal with his anger, and other unresolved but heavy emotional baggage. The wall, which had already cracked, will crumble and he’ll strive to be a better person. Even after leaving the clinic, he’ll visit the few friends he made; the people he promised to support.
Ryu finds that talking about her experience helps her strengthen her resolve. She helps those that have found themselves contemplating suicide; she supports them and secures resources for the clinic through her brother. She and Jaemin maintain contact. It will bloom into something wonderful.
Jeno will donate his manga collection to the clinic. Letting go is one of the things he learns. He and Jaemin become roommates. He’ll be exasperated for the next four years until he ultimately decides to live with his penpal, a Chinese lad with artistic aspirations.
Everything will eventually be well.
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[prologue] in the back of my mind
Fandom: WMMAP Rating: G Ship: Eventual Lucathy, Felily, Calena, and more Note: the Twin Sibling AU that i tried so hard not to write, but i DID, so naturally i have to call myself out for writing it. will be cross-posted on ao3 and wattpad under the same title
Arc 1: Beginning of the End [0] | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Arc 2: Of Princes and Villainesses 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Side Story: maybe, i’m afraid (verena/athanasios) 1 | 2
He was pretty sure he transmigrated into a fanfic of [The Lovely Princess] — after all, he would’ve remembered if Princess Athanasia had a younger twin who died.
// A retelling of WMMAP with a vital difference — Athanasia has a younger twin brother.
0. prologue
He finds himself standing at the top of the building as the sky begins to set. It’s difficult for him to breathe, but then again, that’s a simple problem to have with a broken nose. The dull ache is a reminder, as he climbs over the fence, his hands holding the railing behind him as he thinks about his life, about the bandages on his arm and the stinging pain in his heart.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough,” he whispers, as the stars begin to shine as the orange sky fades into purples, as time passes and the sun rests into the slumber of night. “Maybe next time.”
As the wind rushes through his long hair, his eyes begin to shut.
He jumps.
His heart slams wildly in his chest as his eyes snap open. An abrupt cry escapes from him, high-pitched and whiny — like a baby’s — and his eyes tear up, staring wide-eyed in what appeared to be a large fancy room.
‘Whoa…!’ he hears a startled voice. ‘What’s wrong with him?’
‘Who…?’ he blinked away his watery eyes to see a blurry baby laying beside him in what seemed to be a… crib? ‘What the fuck?!’ he looked down, feeling his chubby cheeks touch the soft fabric on his chest. ‘Oh my god, I’m a child… I hope I’m cute at least.’
‘We’re twins, so I’d assume that we look alike,’ says the other voice. ‘Good to know I’m not alone in all of this, at least.’
He glances back at the baby dressed in a pink onesie with a floral headband. ‘Okay, okay… first thing’s first — I transmigrated into a baby like one of my manhwas.’
‘You trans-what now?’
‘Assuming that I haven’t lost my marbles — which is debatable, really — I’m basically living as Arjen and Arien from The Twin Siblings New Life because I can read the mind of my self-proclaimed twin sibling. Again, assuming that the voice in my head isn’t a figment of my imagination.’
‘You haven’t gone crazy,’ the voice in his head confirmed. ‘And I’m literally right next to you.’
‘And let me guess, we’re hated royals with a good for nothing dad?’
‘Pretty much. I’m Athanasia and you’re Athanasios.’
‘Couldn’t they have given me a better name? Is it a twin thing to just get similar sounding names? I guess it’s kinda cute, but still…’
‘Our name literally means immortal,’ the voice flatly stated.
‘I know, I read The Lovely Princess, too, and I remember all of that. I’m just saying that it sounds like a shitty premise for a Lovely Princess fanfic on FFN. Well, fuck it! Call me Athanase instead — I refuse to follow a storyline written by a person who doesn’t have anything better to do with their time! It’s a shortened version of Athanasios, and I’m not gonna lie, I really don’t want to constantly use Athanasios if I ever introduce myself. Besides, it’s too similar to Athanasius, isn’t it? God, if I transmigrated into Starshine-Dreaming’s fanfic, then I’m screwed.’
‘Uh, Athan… what’s a fanfic?’
There were a lot of things that Athanase remembered.
(No, that didn’t apply to fanfiction, mind you. He remembers more than a college drop-out hyped up on caffeine working on a fanfic at the ass crack of dawn.)
For starters, he was more of an anti-fan of The Lovely Princess in his previous life and often preferred reading fanfics and fix-it AUs that he managed to find online. He was an Athanasia stan, and he was fairly confident that he’s in one of those AUs — the one where Athanasia has a younger twin sibling. Unfortunately, in almost all the fanfics that he used to read, nearly every single one of them all had bad endings for Athanasia and her twin — something about how the fandom collectively agreed that it was poetic for the twins to die together and have each other and not be alone (cue sad face emoticons here).
That always raised his blood pressure, that’s for sure. He’s surprised that he didn’t die from all his undying salt towards the fix-it writers that seemed to make Athanasia into the bitchy older step-sister trope of Jennette’s Cinderella-type of story. Only a few people criticized the writing, but due to the book’s immense popularity, those voices more or less went unheard.
According to his newly acquired sister, the novel’s timeline was essentially like this: Athanasia’s younger twin brother escorted her for her débutante, and was the only one who danced with her. The Athanasios from the novel was one of the few who openly loathed Jennette who seemed to have taken everything that his beloved older sister deserved — the Emerald Palace, the spotlight among nobles, and their father’s love. Therefore, he had to disappear like many of Ezekiel’s admirers for being the “Villain” of Jennette’s story. However, despite being in an unfavourable position in life, he was still a prince, so he wouldn’t be an easy person to get rid of. He didn’t live past their sixteenth birthday, and instead died two years earlier than Athanasia due to being poisoned by Jennette’s relatives.
Apparently, Athanasia also took the blame for his death when she turned eighteen and was killed for supposedly poisoning Jennette, only to have her aunt be revealed as the true mastermind. The mystery behind his death was never really solved, but the nobles spread rumours that questioned Athanasia’s credibility. If she was known to have brought the death of her precious younger brother, nobody would doubt that she was behind Jennette’s assassination attempt.
Which didn’t make much sense to Athanase. Was the online version of the novel drastically different from the published copy? There wouldn’t be any point in changing the storyline, right? It’s not like film or comic adaptions, either.
It was interesting to find out that their recollection of the story was drastically different from each other.
At least there were a couple of things that seemed to be fairly consistent: they both lived in the Ruby Palace, a place meant for the Emperor’s concubines and lovers — the Empress excluded. Which sucks, because it’s no place to raise kids. Their dad was pretty much a deadbeat asshole — I mean, seriously! Why have kids if you’re not going to be a part of their life?
And then there was another issue…
There were a couple of blanks in his memory. It’s strange how he’s able to vividly remember a lot of details of his life, and yet he can’t even remember anything about his death. At least Athanasia had a vague idea of how she died — a mix of a sleeping pill and sleeping without a heater in the middle of winter — and she definitely remembered more about her past life than he did.
All he can think about is that sunset sky and a starry night on a roof, late autumn or early winter’s cold caress against his cheek, the wind running through his long hair.
His previous life seemed nice, at least.
  (But, deep down inside, he wonders if he died because he was born in the wrong body.)
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 411
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up some bits here and there. 2 pieces of Laundry sorted. Took a shower!✔
Reading things - - No holds no holds NO HOLDS!. 131 for the year, 2 for month! - Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson DNF@18%! Welp. That was a right disappointment. Whew. Too many characters not fleshed out, so deeply British and i struggled to understand half the shit going on - and every other word was “fucking”. Yes i use it constantly too, it’s a good sentence enhancer - but holy shit there are other swear words? Hot damn. - Together We Burn by Isabel Ibañez 100%! 3🌟 my heart, my soul, we bleed, we cry, SO GOOD wow! Liked this one quite a bit. ♡ - Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches by Kate Scelsa 3%! That opening - that’s good shit. i’m hype for this! - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 9/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 28/50! Also! 24/40 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Chasm gem thingy is level 7/10! ♡ω♡✔
- Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 17/17! 18/21 besties! More stuff more things! ♡ω♡ ✔ So many new things ahh!
Shells - 102/254 - 40.2% Fish - 95/180 - 52.8% Bugs - 115/199 - 57.8% Flowers - 265/372 - 71.2% Cooking - 64/71 - 90.1% Raw Ingredients - 38/54 - 70.4% Materials - 51/63 - 81% Recipes - 399/3619 - 11.03% ♡ω♡✔
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 8/10 get! 174 caught, 104 max level research pages~.
|Alpha||Catch||MaxR/Total - Area |   49  ||   72  ||   70/85 - ObsiField |   47  ||   66  ||   64/75 - CrimMire |   52  ||   79  ||   78/96 - CobCoast |   49  ||   77  ||   75/90 - CoroHigh |   35  ||   71  ||   68/91 - AlabIce ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Coromon - ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Ooblets - 42/131 little frands, because why not track something. ♡ω♡ 🚫
- SWtOR - Up to 1d5h2m played time. ♡ω♡✔ i got heckin’ glammed up! Very nice. UwU♡ ✔✔🚫🚫🚫✔
#TTRPGThings - Doot doot keep on workin’.✔
Watching things - - Think i narrowed it down to SAO Alicization. TBF i ain’t gonna start shit until steroids are done, so that could totally change. - Misfits and Magic episode 2!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Good enough on this front. SHOWER! Scremmmmm Yas! Shower and bed change and everything is lovely! Didn’t get the hair cut but! That’s a good thing for after all the things next week. So yea, we are doing my appointment tomorrow, fuck it. Monday is CPAP appointment day and also Acthar start day. It’s gonna be lovely! i’m very excited. i’m very exhausted. i did so much oml. goddamn i need sleep.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: C
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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reading s3 76-77 but i hate nature, future nes won’t shut up, stop the domination talk, catboys have issues, someone didn’t proofread the prev chaps, hatz gets posessed by khun, im making use of spiderman comic panel, and white is a fandom
ok i just wanna mention it one more time cos future nes be appearing here
so these reactions were made while ago with fan translations, and now i’m editing in the official translations to not promote privacy - however after newest not yet translated officially chapters im buzzing with theories so future nes has appeared once or twice (there’d be small spoiler warning put once)
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btw can you hear the fandom screaming
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also forgot to mention, but someone really hasn’t proofread the prev chapter
or maybe that’s on purpose
there’s this darn spiderman panel that sums up last battle perfectly
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“ever since that night u were destined to be dominated by me” “my heart feels like it’s going to explode kitty”
im that old man
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u rly think he’d do that?
future nes: but also i’m still bamboozled he’d propose any kind of mercy for not even that high price (i mean yes it’s humiliating but that’s about it, it isn’t much in the tower where everyone gets their cheeks clapped)
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“some stupid sense of pride” yastratcha seems pressed
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//small spoiler v
ok no i got the theory, but this is also future nes speaking so a lil bit of spoiler here: yasratcha mentioned the head of the family -  said how he and yama are just like pets to him - perhaps long ago yasratcha has been so intimidated, he gave in, and now is trying to justify it by saying it’s “foolish to deny one’s insticts”, after seeing yama not submitting to the greater power no matter what
alright back to the past nes
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well he is a dog, dogs be loyal
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but also damn, khun posessed hatz
(but also fr i know hatz and bam been teammates for years but did they ever have conversation or even just interaction one on one? honestly because it feels kinda random)
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because all he got from evan was “lol gl lmao”
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future nes: ok no but the official translations has done this scene so dirty
fan translations be like
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t h e ‎‎ ‎‎ d o m i n a t i o n ‎‎ ‎  t a l k  ‎‎ ‎ n e e d s‎   ‎‎ ‎t o  s‎ ‎ ‎ t  ‎ o ‎  ‎ p
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this is masterpiece
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no but hatz really has went ngl
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bish disgESTUN
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i’d just like to formally apologize to everyone because i’ve read it as “fortnite” 
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“bro help we’re being terrorized by rabbits”
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gosh their cute
but this triggers re zero flashbacks...
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oh god i’m taking it back i hate nature. (after finishing the backstory)
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if i said that to myself i’d accidentally think “ok now give me gummy bears” and the sword would just shut down :v
also i’m suprised the purple guy has gotten just his head bitten off - like i was confident he got eaten whole ( :v was gonna use word “swallow” but vore has ruined the word for me)
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that’s the fandom speaking
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
Hi Doreen. I hope you are well and alive after LOM’s last episode.
AND BEST BOI SHINWOO FOR NEVER BACKING OUT WITH HIS WORDS?!?!??!!!!! Always assuring Taekyung that he is honest and real about his feelings omg its amazing. So amazing!!! Pure love for themmmm 😩❤️
Tbh I had low expectations on any kiss scenes in this drama coz y’know its Korean, shown on a pretty big platform and had some well-known casts. So I had doubts 😅 But God I love it so much more now! How to move on? Maybe in a few weeks haha 😅
Anyways, I hope we’re getting Mr Seo Haetbit’s storyline now. I had found the manhwa when LOM just started airing but didn’t read it to avoid spoilers. Read it yesterday and its pretty steamy lol however, the characters are a bit different from the drama. I hope you’ll tell me what you think about it if you’ll ever read it hehe
Now we can finally say that we have the endgame that we always wanted and needed. SHINWOOxTAEKYUNG! 🥰❤️
hi there nonny!
I am alive but not well after the finale sdkjfsdk
gosh. It's probably gonna take me weeks to recover LOL. I love them so much 😩🥺
And yes I was surprised by TK kissing SW first lmao but it was so cute??? And yeah I didn't expect a legit kiss either and I lowkey wish TK had kissed back lol but I'm not complaining. It was lovely.
I was very surprised by the Mr. Seo cliffhanger because that really did suggest a sequel. Idk I wouldn't mind him getting a spinoff or something but I would prefer a regular second season with all the others. Also just cuz I need an entire season of TK & SW as bfs djkgdf
That's interesting about the book. But yeah it's obvious that they would tone it down on the spiciness for the live-action lmao. I'm not a fan of anything manga-related though so I probably won't read it.
But i still can't believe #teamshinwoo won hhhh it's what we deserve 🥺🥺🥺 (no offense to #teamdaon if they're still around jsdhfds)
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byzantiumshades · 3 years
I’m gonna use your suggestion box to rant, so sorry 😭😭.
I’ve been lately into reading manhwas (korean mangas) and I’m so sick of seemingly femdom manhwas ??
Like, the stories are always so harsh and rape-y, the female lead doesn’t get consent and even if the guy says stop she never stops, and that’s almost every manhwa I’ve read. I don’t know what mindset do writers have but when I dom I need to get full consent and make my sub feel comfortable I just can’t whip out a leash and go at it.
Just very very absurd, what do you think about it?
Nah, I have absolutely no problem with using my inbox to rant, you can drop by whenever you want to, really.
Anyway, fasten your seat belts my dear readers, 'cause this is gonna be a long answer. This subject is a sociological one, and I really like to freely philosophize over such matters 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, I'm gonna rant, so yeah, you've opened a Pandora's box lol.
This is actually something I've seen for a long time now, but didn't really pay attention to it, just avoided it because I'm not really interested in inflicting pain on others in any form. However, recently I've been reading and thinking about violence a lot, and I came to a conclusion that I don't like reading/watching the typical femdom works, because they seem deeply patriarchal to me, with a big ass portion of toxic masculinity on top instead of a cherry. One could ask where the fuck did I get that conclusion from - after all, women are in charge in those storylines, so it should be a feminist thing, right? No.
What we're getting here is a literal gender reversal, and that's all that's being done here. Women in those works (be it a movie, a pornographic movie, a book, a fan fiction or a manhwa/manga etc) are just complete assholes in my eyes, I'm not going to lie. In my opinion they don't act like people should - they act like those stereotypical "manly" men who're the masters of life and death, use people for their own pleasure, and discard them, or even kill them, when they don't need/want them any more. Now, some people might say that yeah, they act like those sickening men, so what? If they can do that, then we can do that to. Well, no, we can't.
The problem is that we live in a society 🙄. A twisted society that doesn't give a single fuck (not always ofc, thankfully some do care) about violence against women, but they don't care even more about violence against men. Those words are a little hard to swallow for me because I want to fucking scream when I think about all those women that are getting beaten up, raped, and/or murdered by men as I'm writing those very words, but yeah, men are also the victims of this fucked up system, and sometimes they got it so much worse than women. In the stories such as i.e. "Sadistic Beauty", "S Flower" men are things that can be used, hurt to the absolute limit, and then discarded like some broken furniture. Women can hurt men too, and that's a fact that needs to be known, but for fuck's sake why are people showing a man getting raped as something that's arousing? What the fuck.
We should all try our best, and be overall better people. If someone acts like an asshole, then we should be better than that person, not stoop to their level. It doesn't matter with which gender, if with any at all, someone is identifying - hurting others without their consent is fucking sick, and shouldn't be justified in any case.
To sum it up: C-O-N-S-E-N-T is a fucking key, along with communication, and I can't stress it enough. Sex is supposed to be fun for everyone involved, no matter what kind of activity it is; could be orgasm denial or whipping, but it always has to be agreed upon. I also hate the society, yes.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, I guess, and have a good day!
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