#I do not own ST3V3
If Ashley found a shrunk con, like fit in your Palm small what would she do with them ? What would the experience be for the con ?( I blame bittyformers/tinyformers tags for this question)
It would depend...
Ashlyn would most certainly not be picky. After all, she is a fan, a little trauma does little to erode the foundational love (one-sided as it is) she carries for these characters. A little mini-con? How can she not pick it up and give 'em a little SQUEEZE?
She would be collecting them like Pokemon.
Knockout would be a little... upset. How dare the grimy human touch him?!?! He can feel his finish eroding every nanosecond those oily digits make contact with his paint!
He'll cool down once the buffer comes out. It's a full-body massage now. The Doctor might even find himself enjoying his new state, the routine compliments, the ease of getting prime varieties of paint and polish, and, better yet, no one to scratch or dent his frame. It could almost be idyllic if it wasn't so pet-like. Yet, lounging in his microfiber blanket, suggesting new modifications to the toy mini race track, KO can't find it within himself to be too upset. Ashlyn for her part is rather diligent with his upkeep, relatively entertaining banter, and doesn't seem too hostile.
He could get used to this. Just until the process is reversed and he's free once more.
Breakdown is more confused than agitated. Ashlyn took one look at him, made a strange strangled noise, and plucked him up. Now he's here, wrapped like a burrito in a mattress nest as the human coos over him and plays monster truck rallies on the TV. It would almost be relaxing if not for the concerning focus in her eyes, the impressive assortment of bug spray and lighters, and the odd sentence she mutters every so often.
What does she mean he won't get torn apart for the third time? What does she mean the second happened when he was dead?!?! KO, please come pick up BD- he's scared.
Makeshift is the most proactive out of them all, fighting valiantly till he can't anymore or risk going into a forced stasis. He transforms in her hands, stabs, and slices as exposed flesh, his vocal processor glitching as his curses in Neocybex. It's not till Ashlyn starts bleeding that the Mech's joints lock up, mind flashing to a particularly sore memory as the warm fluid gets between his gears.
He's still frozen as he's gently washed in a basin, warm water soothing and his ruined arm treated with more consideration than even he's bothered to give the useless limb. Makeshift is still thinking as the human mutters, questions about how he's alive, apologizes for the injury, and promises if he hurts someone again. It's very confusing; an odd mixture of guilt and justification that seems dwarfed by his existence.
Ashlyn Moore promises to take responsibility for this discrepancy she's created in the timeline, and Makeshift feels both threatened and assured by it.
Starscream will be a shrieking mess. He will claw up everything he can get his servos on and insult everything he can think of. Which is a lot. He's entirely unprepared for how the organic snarks back at him, pointing out the height difference in a coldly factual way while she's also ensuring everything is Starscream-proof and comfortable. Including an assortment of cat posts arranged in a way that could almost mimic Vos's skylines.
It's not until he witnesses Ashlyn being, well Ashlyn, that Starscream finally shuts up. A human did that? THAT? That crater, those screaming wails, the sheer fear radiating off masked soldiers as they back away from the same organic that put a cat seat by the window for him?
The seeker can't help but smile, clawed digits and stoking the hand that protectively holds him like a supervillain with a favorite pet. If this is what she can do to MECH, how else can he use this nugget of chaos?
Megatron is shocked to be in this situation, but, similar to Starscream, he believes he can use our darling chaos goblin to his advantage.
That plan is quickly sidelined.
Ashlyn treats him relatively well, maybe a tiny part of her is hoping to change that rusted bucket's mind about the war, or at the very least, about humanity's perceived status as inconsequential. It would be nice not to have to worry about the giant alien in the sky raining down super weapons every other week, okay?
It quickly devolves into a rather obvious game of mental chess, one side with manipulation tactics, and the other with dubious philosophy and ethical questioning. Both sides prove adept at picking up the other's traps. Ashlyn knows what Megatron is, she knows how he works and is quick to call him out when he presents a logical fallacy or deviates into emotionally based evidence. Megatron is quick to pick apart her questions, dealing with even the Trolley problem with simplistic but probing ideas.
It turns into a game, and, eventually, a respectful friendship. There never going to agree, never going to be allies. Ashlyn is not going to let the Warlord go, and he is not going to stop a millennia-long war for a short-lived organic. But they can respect each other.
It's easy to respect a mind that works so similarly to your own.
Soundwave and Ashlyn just stare at each other. Eventually, the Survalince Officer is also added to the hoard. Ashlyn isn't quite sure what to do with him, the mech is a legitimate threat just by existing, but she can't leave him or mini Lazerbeak where they could get stepped on.
Totally not because it's freaking Soundwave and it plucking all the right cords of her fanatic heart to see him in a mini version.
In the end, Ashlyn starts walking around in a tin foil hat and makes a miniature Faraday cage. Hopefully, that keeps the con from hacking her phone.
Soundwaved takes this as a challenge and a vacation :)
Airachnid is found first by Jack. Solid willpower morphed whatever reality this drabble peers into, and Jackson Darby found the spider first. Lacking bug spray and a lighter to attach to it, the teen does the most sensible thing he can think of. He kicks her.
The sadist, six bonus legs and all, goes sailing through the air, her attempted threat cut short by her own teeny tiny squeal.
It's a mercy. Ashlyn would have just stepped on her.
JA332 dropped the final sugar cube onto the ground. Chuffing in a pleased manner as he wiped the few remaining granules from his armor, the little vehicon turned to gather the rest of his brethren to complete the ritual.
He'd prove the existence of Unicron's spawn today. The offering, and now a name ready to be chanted as his kin witnessed him summon the giant. Yes, JA332 would offer proof of what he witnessed so long ago today, and they'd command the giantess to grant them what they desired. Energon, territory, the death of the ants that kept trying to steal the offering sugar. Perhaps even a miracle would be done and ST3V3's true love would finally reciprocate so they didn't need to hear how amazing the Commander was every single vorn.
Yes, this could only end well.
(if you know, you know.)
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decepticononline · 6 months
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TFP Knockout X Breakdown “Tell me you need me.”
This is a secret santa gift for a discord server I am in, dedicated directly to @neonhoneycomb ! Merry Christmas 🎄 I enjoyed writing this!
Warnings: NSFW, size kink, medical gore, angst, spike comparison, squirting.
The hologram target fizzled out of a view, which caused the ex-wrecker to growl in frustration. His rapid vents exhausted one after another as he retracted his blaster in defeat. He'd been in the training room for almost the whole cycle to work on his shooting aim now that he was… impaired. His non functional optic made all forms of combat almost impossible. He couldn't make a clear shot to save his own aft, let alone his partner's. 
Before Breakdown could exit the armoy room, his comm system loudly pinged. A slew of cybertronian curses fell past his dermas when he saw the comm was from Knockout. That indicated to him that he had been absent from the med-bay for far too long. 
“Need something?” With a nonchalant tone in his voice, the navy blue deception tried to play off the situation. It wouldn't work, but there was a 99% chance that if he didn't sound like he was doing anything wrong, then maybe he wasn't.
“Do I need something?! Great question because what I need is some assistance in the med-bay.” Even without seeing Knockout's face plate, it was obvious the mech was highly irritated.
 “Got it. I'll be there in a-” The comm ended abruptly, and Breakdown's singular beaming yellow optic rolled in its socket. Over the comm Knockout had sounded like he'd blown a few and a half gaskets since he'd been gone, and that made him much more resilient to take any longer to return.
Upon heading towards the med-bay, the mech passed by two badly cauterized vehicon drones, one of them still leaking energon onto the deck plates of the ship. Knockout must have been too busy to repair him correctly, but it didn't look severe, so the vehicon could walk it off… eventually. 
Two red glaring optics followed the ex-wrecker's movements as he entered the med-bay. If looks could kill, Knockout would surely be vaporizing him with just his vision right about now. The red medic didn't offer a greeting nor a chastising remark as his silence was more than enough to do the trick. 
“Sorry, got carried away in the armory.”
Knockout still said nothing while he cauterized a gaping wound in the shoulder-plate of another vehicon. He took his time with this one as the injury was fairly deep into the cybernetic metal. Knockout gestured to the data pad on the medical berth, without saying a word Breakdown knew he wanted him to start logging in the Vehicon’s credentials for an injury report. On his way to the opposite medical berth, the ex-wrecker let a servo graze against his partner's hip strut.
“Don't you dare start.”, a deep chuckle rumbled within Breakdown’s chassis as he tried to calm his highly displeased lover. The reaction Knockout gave him didn't make him feel any less determined with his goal. 
“I need a set of sharp pliers. There's a bullet fragment still in here.” Knockout's digit inched into the deep cavern of wound the vehicon drone shuddered with pain. The sensitive protoform within his shoulder-plate was exposed, and leaving the fragment in there would never let the gouge heal properly. 
“You know I'll give you whatever you need.”
“How about you drop it?” 
"How about you hold it."
Knockout's red optics widened, and he debated on whether or not he should hurl the cauterizing scalpel at the larger mech. “Enough!” The red medic said with a hiss before snatching the pliers out of his partner's servos.
After removing the plasma bullet fragment and completing the cauterization of the wound, the Vehicon designated as ST3V3 was evicted from the med-bay. Knockout shut the sliding doors and began logging all the services perfomed for that cycle within a data report for future reference. He had never seen so many patients at once, especially not when there weren't any instances of Autobot retaliation. 
“This cycle has been one of the worst in awhile -” Knockout's digit tapped rapidly against the datapad screen, furiously filing his own report. He knew his paint job looked like a wreck and that he would need a good polish and wax after a cleansing station visit.
“- You weren't here helping because you decided to go frag off to the armory room.” It wasn't often Knockout needed to scold the other mech. He was usually resourceful and there when he needed him, lately Breakdown’s been consistently absent from his duties and refusing to pick up extra shifts with him. The mech declined going out on a patrol of a newfound energonmine, which Knockout deemed to be completed out of character for him.
“I'm still missing almost every shot, I can see but at the same time I can't see slag! Everything just looks off, I've never felt so useless.” Both of the ex-wreckers servo’s slammed down on the medical berth in front of him out of frustration.
Knockout's posture softened, and his optic ridges slightly raised. Breakdown was being… vulnerable around him, this was rare. He knew the mech had been having some difficulties accustoming to his sight with the subtraction of an optic, but he wasn't aware of how critical the situation was. If anything he thought the mech was toughing it out like he did with everything else.
“Your vision, it'll take some time to restabilize. The lack of an optic is going to make things hard for you, but it won't be impossible.” The medic approached his partner and let his servo grasp the side of his faceplate. He'd never seen such defeat on the decepticon ex-wrecker before. 
“And you're not useless. I wouldn't be able to do this without you, and you know that BD.” The dermas of the two mechs came into contact with one another and that gave Breakdown all the permission he needed to pick up the smaller mech and pin him down on the medical berth. 
The size difference between the two of them wasn't as severe as it may have been amongst other cybertronian relationships but it definitely gave Breakdown the upper hand at being able to maneuver Knockout how he wanted. The connection of oral receptors continued as Knockout slipped his glossa in and danced it along Breakdown’s, enticing him of what was further to come. 
The ex-wrecker's thick digits circled around Knockout's interface panel before the plating willingly slid down with a hiss. The aroma of the red mech's dripping valve filled the med-bay, and Breakdown broke the kiss. 
“You're already ready for me?”
“You think I didn't enjoy your antics earlier?” Knockout vented deeply as Breakdown pressed a digit at his entrance before slowly sliding it in.
His lubricating slick coated the intruding digit, and the quick clenches of his valve walls urged it to start pumping. A growl left Knockout's vocal capacitor when a second digit joined refuge within his valve. Breakdown knew exactly how to angle his digits to make the medic's frame twitch and heave. A loud moan erupted from Knockout when one of Breakdown's digits began rubbing circles around his outer-node. 
“Tell me you need me.”
“Frag- I do!”
“Then say it.” Breakdown quickened the pace of his digits, and the lewd slick noises only became audibly louder with the furthering of Knockout's pleasure and excitement.
“I need you!” The medic's sharp digits dragged along the underneath of the medical berth leaving gashes across the underside. Breakdown's servo was showing his valve no mercy as it shamelessly guided him to a long and drawn out overload. It didn't take long for Knockout's walls to start to spasm and small spurts of lubrication to erupt from his valve. He rode out his climax with a guttural groan and a very brief rev of his engine. 
Even the interface panel housing his errect spike slid off to allow him to leak thick beads of blue transfluid from his tip. Only when the medic was coming from his high did he pay attention to his partner's thick spike leaning up against his own. Their size difference wasn't just on the outside, as Breakdown was a good size and a half larger than Knockout in the spike department.
Knockout could swear to primus they were made for each other with how well he'd fill his valve when they interfaced. Breakdown lined up the tip of his spike against the soft mesh valve folds in front of him before pushing forward to enter. The entry was quick and painless as Knockout's frame knew this game the two of them would play all too well. 
A beep went off on the docked datapad stationed at Knockout's desk, which indicated that there were new inbound patients to the med-bay. Knockout looked back over at the mech, who was currently still inside him, who bared the expression of a sad cyberfox pup who'd just been told to stop. 
“We're finishing this. They can wait... Besides, I still need you.” A smirk appeared on his faceplate, telling his partner that the two would have a much longer cycle ahead of them...
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coyotescribbles · 1 year
Because what the hell why not.
It's a brilliantly clear, bitingly cold afternoon over the Atlantic Ocean, and you're a prisoner aboard the Decepticon warship.
It's not... terrible, you reason. You still don't know why - wrong place, wrong time, probably. At least they don't keep you locked up in a box or anything like that. If anything, they barely even seem to notice your presence at all. Probably because there really isn't a whole lot you can get into to cause trouble.
That lanky Slenderman-looking fucker watches you, though - his unnervingly silent gaze makes the back of your neck prickle even when you can't see him.
And sometimes the Vehicons bring you things. You never ask where or how they get the snacks or the odd camping supplies (or the oversized purple puffy coat currently wrapped around your shoulders) and they never volunteer the information. They mostly just seem happy when you thank them for their "deliveries."
But mostly you're ignored and left to your own devices.
That's how you first crossed paths with him.
It was an accident, honestly. You'd just been shadowing someone's heels - was it R1d3r, or was it St3v3? You couldn't quite tell in the half-dark when they weren't chatting - and had followed them out onto the landing deck.
The huge fucking robot dragon lounging out there had distracted you long enough for your unwitting tour guide to accidentally lock your outside with it.
...It didn't turn out too badly, at least. The big guy was more curious than anything, and you (eventually) got back inside with little more wounded than your pride.
(Turns out, "cat playing with mouse" is only funny when you're not the mouse.)
So why had you gone back?
Boredom, perhaps. Or curiosity. Or maybe you were just lonely. Or a combination of all three. Each answer made about as much sense as any other, which was "none" when the object of your curiosity was, again, an airliner-sized robot dragon.
The fact that he didn't seem too keen on actually hurting you played into it, probably. Even if he didn't talk, you could tell that he was very aware of how fragile you are. Which was, well... it was a bit more consideration than most anyone else gave you.
So you went back again, and again, and again, until even the usual door guards stopped trying to catch you and shoo you away. And you would sit with him, or talk - about what was going on around the ship, or about things and people you missed, or just nothing in particular... he never said anything in return but it was obvious that he was listening, and that he understood, no matter what that screeching jet claimed. Sometimes you would even sing a little. And a few times, you even fell asleep against him, curling into the warmth he radiated.
And the more you visited, the more he seemed to warm up to you.
Which ultimately brings you back to now, standing on that flight deck under a clear, cold sky, with that huge dragon-mech lounging nearby, watching you curiously.
You look out over the indigo ocean - even from this height, it shimmers like a roll of silk in the bright sunlight.
And a terrible idea crosses your mind. A terrible, horrible, half-baked, exhilarating idea.
You've been bored for way too long.
You look back over your shoulder with a grin, the wind whipping through your hair. "Hey."
He cants his head at you in return.
"If I jumped, about how long do you think it would take for you to catch me?"
He lifts his head a bit further, and you can almost see the calculations running through his head in the way he eyes you
Before he can think to grab you, you're already sprinting away as fast as you can go. There's a sound of alarm from behind you, followed by the thunder of heavy footfalls, but it's too late.
"BOMBS AWAY!" You shout, throwing yourself headlong into the open sky with your arms open wide.
The plummet is like the first drop on the tallest roller coaster you've ever ridden - it knots up your stomach, makes your eyes water, and sucks the air from your lungs, and it takes you a few seconds before you're able to let out the delighted shriek that's built up in your chest. The icy wind buffets at your face and pulls at your thick coat, but even that bit of drag doesn't do much to slow you down.
A second later, and a massive shadow hurtles past you, and you watch as your dragon unfurls his wings to slow his descent and maneuver into your path.
(You're falling so fast now that you don't have the presence of mind to wonder just when you started thinking of him as your dragon.)
And it takes you a second more to work out that he's approximating your velocity. You'd half-expected him to snatch you out of the air, but of course that sort of tactic would probably (definitely) kill a squishy little thing like you. No, he's bringing himself alongside you, maintaining a flawlessly-calculated speed and position until you can safely reach down to catch the edge of his armor plating with your fingers.
Then, with the slightest adjustment of his broad wings, he pushes back up beneath you, and you find yourself lying flat on his back.
Your freefall slows, slows, until you're no longer at terminal velocity.
Then, with only meters left to spare, he banks into a wide turn, the tip of one wing just barely skimming the ocean's surface. You just laugh and press your cheek to his armor, holding on for dear life when the wind is forced from your lungs for a second time as you ascend. Your heart is beating so hard you're almost sure that he can feel it, too.
You're still laughing, though, giddy with reckless delight, when he finally catches back up to the warship and backwings into a skillful landing on the flight deck. Instead of climbing - or sliding - down like you'd expected, though, you find yourself briefly tossed back into the air when he transforms.
That was new.
He catches you again, this time in two clawed hands, and you fall back against his talons as he glowers fiercely down at you.
"Little fool. What is the meaning of such reckless behavior?" He demands; it's impossible to miss the concern coloring his voice. "You cannot fly."
"No, but you can," you smile as disarmingly as possible; "I knew you would catch me."
He lets out a huff.
It's adorable.
"I've always wanted to go skydiving, anyway," you continue, "I could just never afford it, so... I saw an opportunity, I took an opportunity. And you're way cooler than any stuffy old Cessna and a boring parachute."
If you didn't know any better, you might have sworn that he looked flustered for a moment.
He kneels down and gently deposits you back onto the flight deck; you're too wobbly to stand on your own just yet, so you just collapse back onto the chilly metal hull with another breathless laugh.
"The next time you wish to 'sky dive'," he rumbles, looming over you, "warn me before you fling yourself over the edge."
"I'll try to remember that."
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cupcakesandteawrites · 10 months
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Eddie had been waiting for this for weeks. His new android had turned up. He had traded his old model in and had purchased the latest model when pre orders went live. Since becoming famous Eddie had become, what his therapist had called, paranoid. Just a little. One night stands were no longer something he could do, too big of a risk of someone talking to the press, too big of a risk of something bad happening. 
He opened the box up and what greeted him was simply beautiful. Almost something out of Eddie's wet dream. Tall, muscular, caramel coloured skin, skin that was flawless and littered in moles, well the bit of the skin that Eddie could see, a mass of brown hair, quiffed perfectly. 
Eddie took out the start up instructions and followed them to switch his new android on. 
“Hello, I am St3v3, your personal android for all of your personal needs.” The android spoke. 
“Hi, I’m Eddie. Welcome to your new home I guess. Can you call yourself Steve instead of St3v3? It’s much easier.” Eddie asked.
“I can. From now on my name will be Steve. Thank you for welcoming me into your home Eddie.” Steve smiled, oh what a smile, it made Eddie stop in his tracks.
“Feel free to have a look around where you’ll be living.” Eddie said, gesturing around him. 
“Thank you,” Steve replied.
As Steve stepped out of the box Eddie couldn’t help but appreciate just how much work had gone into the St3v3 model. Its whole physique was drool worthy and the clothes it wore helped. Jeans just tight enough to enhance the muscles and the ass. The polo shirt pulled right across the abs, pecs and biceps. 
Once Steve had had a look around and Eddie had shown him where he would be resting, along with the new wardrobe full of clothes, less preppy and more alternative, they sat down  to talk. 
“So you’ll keep the house clean and tidy. But you’ll also take care of any other needs I have, is that ok?” Eddie asked. 
“If that is what you would like then that’s what I shall do. I am here to do as you want after all.” Steve replied. 
Steve spent the rest of the day reading and Eddie did some writing for the new album. They spoke a little about what Eddie did and where Steve would be expected to fit into that on a day to day basis. 
“Stevie, baby, I know it’s only the first night but you’ve been driving me crazy all day. Will you come to bed with me tonight?” Eddie asked late into the evening. 
“If you wish, then I shall” Steve replied. 
“Come and give me a kiss then baby” 
Steve walked over to Eddie and kissed him. The kiss was soft but firm. It quickly became deeper and more passionate, Steve’s programming meant that he quickly learnt what Eddie liked and kissed back accordingly. 
They took things to the bedroom and Eddie quickly stripped Steve down. Eddie kind of knew what to expect to find under the clothes, having owned the older model. He knew there was going to be all of the normal things he’d find under his own clothes but this was perfection to look at. He had to take a moment to appreciate it, splashing out on this version was well worth it. Eddie knew, when looking at the new androids that were coming out, that he needed an android that could also be used in the bedroom. Some models only had holes allowing you to fuck them, the St3v3 model also allowed you to be fucked by them as well, the best of both, just like Eddie needed.
Eddie guided Steve to the bed, laid him down and got naked himself. 
“Turn over for me baby,” Eddie whispered. 
Steve turned over, arched his back and stuck his ass into the air. 
“Fucking perfect” Eddie purred, grabbing the lube from his bedside table. 
He slicked Steve’s hole up and pushed one finger in slowly. 
“Fuck, Eddie, feels good.” Steve said, almost breathless. “Ready for you though, always ready for you”
“Holy shit, fucking hell.” 
Eddie slicked himself up and added more lube to Steve’s ass before pushing in slowly. Steve opened up with little resistance and soon enough Eddie was fully inside Steve. 
“You feel so good baby, so fucking good. So perfect for me” Eddie babbled as he set a slow pace. 
“That’s it, fuck me. Harder if you want Eddie, you can fuck me harder” 
Eddie started to fuck Steve harder and harder, the feeling surrounding his cock was as close as it could be to fucking an actual human. Steve started to push back at Eddie, urging Eddie on. 
Soon enough Eddie was getting closer and closer to cumming. The feeling around him and how responsive Steve was had his orgasm hitting him like a freight train. 
“So good for me” Eddie cooed. 
“As I am intended to be.” Steve replied. “I shall go and get myself cleaned up now and lay down to charge, this is unless you need something else?” 
“No, its ok, thank you Steve. I shall see you in the morning” Eddie said, dismissing Steve. 
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junichan · 8 months
Of Scouts and Seekers
A short story I wrote for a friend’s Transformers OC and mine, set in Transformers Prime. Shimmerwing / Saberwing (Kat's OC) is a Decepticon seeker and Intelligence Officer. Lucky (my OC) is a Decepticon energon scout.
23k words, some unnamed Vehicons and Insecticons get killed (Poor St3v3!)
It was a huge vein of energon which was great except it meant they would have to excavate a really big mine to harvest it, and the bigger the mine, the easier it was to detect. Lucky knew the Autobots would show up eventually. She urged the Vehicon laborers to work as quickly as they were able, stacking filled transport crates at the back of the mine. As soon as they had gathered the required quota Lucky would call for a groundbridge to move it to the Nemesis.
It was too dangerous and too demanding on the warship’s power reserves to keep a portal open continuously. So, between shipments they were pretty much on their own. At least her crew had already extracted and transported more than half of the energon. Lucky just hoped they would have the good fortune of finishing before the Autobots found the mine.
She examined the datapad in her servo once again, even though she knew there had been only a minimal change since the last time she looked at it. Anything to keep her distracted from the awful sounds of the Insecticon guards crawling and hovering around the perimeter of the mine. She couldn’t stand the way they chittered and clacked when they moved; and the sharp buzz of their wings made Lucky’s audials hurt. They were so creepy!
Lucky didn’t have it in herself to truly hate anyone or anything, but she strongly disliked the Insecticons. She felt like ever since they had come aboard, things on the Nemesis had gotten way more tense. Admittedly they were far more effective soldiers than Commander Starscream’s armada of seeker Vehicons. However the Insecticons only seemed to listen to Megatron and even then only in the context of who they should kill first. They were willing and eager to kill everyone, even fellow Decepticons.
The little scout winced and ducked as one of the Insecticon guards buzzed by overhead in its beetle-like alt mode, very nearly taking off her helm. She glared at it but didn’t bother yelling. It wouldn’t listen to her anyway. If anything it would just growl back at her, or worse do one of their audial-pricing shrieks. Now that Lucky would admit she hated! It sounded like claws dragged across a chalkboard combined with a riff from a badly tuned electric guitar.
As if on cue one of those dreaded shrieks sounded near the entrance of the mine. All at once, every single Insecticon guard reared up its head and looked toward the awful noise before sending up shrieks of their own. The mine became filled with the sound of buzzing wings and clacking mandibles as the bug-like Cons swarmed. Somehow even the awful cacophony couldn’t drown out the noise of blaster fire and explosions coming from the mine’s entrance.
The Autobots had arrived!
Lucky frantically opened her comms, “Soundwave, we need an emergency groundbridge!” But the line was filled with static; something was jamming the signal. The Vehicon laborers had all stopped what they were doing and were looking at her anxiously for orders. She felt dread make a cold lump of her internals as she informed them they were stuck. “We’re going to have to fight our way out, I’m sorry.”
Guilt racked her as Lucky watched the Vehicon’s prepare to defend themselves. It wasn’t her fault that their communications with the Nemesis were cut off, but as their officer in charge she felt responsible for their lives. There was a good chance that most of them were going to get offlined. They all hoped the Insecticons would be able to drive the Autobots off, but if the Prime was with them that was unlikely.
For whatever reason Optimus had shown up at Lucky’s energon sites more and more often lately. Arachnid said it was because the Prime wanted to eat Lucky’s spark, but Lucky was mostly certain the spider-like Con was only trying to scare her. Optimus Prime was dangerous, but he wasn’t a spark-eater! …Right??
The fighting got closer and closer until missiles were flying into the mine and igniting the exposed raw energon clusters. Some of the remaining Insecticons got pushed back into the mine, and the Vehicon laborers began firing back. Knowing how useless she was in combat, Lucky tried to stay out of the way. She hunkered down behind a spur of boulders at the back of the mine, desperately trying to get through to Soundwave or anyone aboard the Nemesis.
She could only watch in horror as the Insecticons and Vehicons were taken down. From her hiding spot, she couldn’t quite see the entrance of the mine, or the Autobots that were attacking. It very quickly became clear that the Autobots had the upper hand and the Cons were flagging. Lucky began to realize her only hope of surviving was staying hidden. Fortunately for her, her glittering green paint job was already covered in enough dirt and dust to blend in rather well with the rocks she was hiding behind.
There was little comfort found in the sounds of blaster fire and explosions starting to wane. Lucky held perfectly still, refusing to even vent a little as she waited and listened. She expected to hear the sounds of tires or peds and Autobot voices. Instead she heard the whine of turbines? The little scout risked a peek around the edge of the boulders she was crouched behind and saw a seeker moving through the settling dust and smoke.
The figure was tall and elegant, obviously a femme. The only femme seeker Lucky knew was Lieutenant Shimmerwing. Even though the femme’s back was to her and her faceplate was covered by a battle mask, Lucky had to assume it was the Lieutenant. For a moment Lucky’s spark flared with hope. Shimmerwing had come to the rescue! They were saved!
One of the Vehicons staggered upright from where he had been knocked down by an energon explosion. The seeker blew his helm off with a blast from her gauntlet cannon. Lucky pressed a servo over her intake to stifle the gasp that almost came out of her. She watched in horror as the seeker went around, methodically finishing off any Con that was still moving. The femme couldn’t have been Shimmerwing! There was no way Megatron’s own Intelligence Officer would kill her fellow Decepticons!
Lucky had the good sense to duck when the seeker looked around. She made herself as small as possible, fighting not to move a single part, straining her audials to track the seeker’s movement. Her spark shuddered at the sound of pedfalls moving closer to her hiding spot. The little energon scout shut her optics down, unable to keep from trembling as she waited for the end —
The roar of engines and the rumble of tires announced the arrival of the Autobots. Lucky could hear them transforming as they entered the mine.
“Saberwing!” Optimus’ voice boomed off the walls of the cave, accompanied by the whine of several blasters powering up. “Stand down!”
The voice that responded carried a calm self-assurance that sounded a lot like Shimmerwing’s, although the battle mask distorted it enough that Lucky wasn’t sure. “Sure. I’m done here anyway.” Then came the unmistakable sound of a flyer transforming into their alt mode, and the roar of turbine thrusters as it took off.
As the sound of the seeker flying of faded, Lucky could hear the Autobot two-wheeler Arcee vent in disgust, “Looks like another massacre. She didn’t even take any of the energon.”
“Why would a ‘Con go around killing other ‘Cons??” the one called Bulkhead wondered out loud, “Not that I’m complaining of course.”
“Saberwing clearly has a vendetta she’s carrying out.”
“Against energon harvesters??”
Optimus hummed, his voice heavy with what sounded like pity. “I believe the Vehicon laborers were just collateral damage. It appears Saberwing was targeting the Insecticon guards. Why she is doing so remains a mystery.”
Lucky mustered up enough courage to chance another peek. Primus’ mercy was still with her as the Autobots all had their backs turned to her hiding spot. She waited silently as they called back to their base for a groundbridge and took all the gathered energon with them when they left, reasoning that it would be foolish to allow it to go to waste, or worse let some Decepticons come back for it.
“Surprised Megatron’s little energon sniffer wasn’t here,” Bulkhead remarked just before they disappeared through the groundbridge.
“It is a good thing she was not,” Optimus replied, “Or Saberwing would have killed her like all the others.”
Lucky stayed hidden long after the ground bridge closed, too scared to move. Eventually she slowly stood and took a wary look around. All of the Vehicons and Insecticons assigned to support her were dead, laying in broken heaps of metal and slowly leaking energon all over the cave floor. And the energon they had harvested was gone. Lubricant filled the femme’s optics and a rattling exhale left her vents as remorse and dread washed over her. So many lives lost! And worse, she was going to be blamed for it.
The quiet beep of her comm going off made her jump. It was Soundwave, likely wanting to know why her report was so delayed. It seemed her comms were no longer being scrambled. It took her a few moments to muster up a response. “Something really bad happened down here, Soundwave. E-Everyone’s dead, and the Autobots took the energon. I - I’m so sorry!”
No surprise, she didn’t get a verbal response from the Decepticon Communications Officer. Instead, a small ground bridge opened up in front of her, summoning her back to the Nemesis. Stepping through put her on the bridge of the warship, where Lord Megatron was standing in his usual position of command. Lucky’s circuits went cold with terror and she cast a pitiful glance over at the impassive Soundwave. He didn’t even spare her a return glance; she had messed up and now she was going to have to explain herself.
Megatron’s back was to the young scout as he gazed out of the warship’s massive forward windows, his massive claws folded behind him. Commander Starscream stood at his side at a respectful distance, and even Lieutenant Shimmerwing was there, standing opposite. Starscream’s red eyes fixed her with the usual disapproval, but there was something different about the way Shimmerwing was looking at her.
Lucky’s engine sputtered, remembering the sight of a very familiar looking seeker slaughtering her fellow Cons. Saberwing, she thought desperately, Not Shimmerwing, right?? Normally the taller femme’s smirk was cocky but at least a little amiable toward Lucky. But now her smile was cold. There was a knowing look in Shimmerwing’s optics, as if she could see right through the trembling scout.
Could it be Shimmerwing and Saberwing were the same Cybertronian? If Lucky told Megatron what she had seen, would Megatron believe her? What if he didn’t? Even if he did believe, what would stop Shimmerwing from killing her too?
Lucky’s venting became erratic, escaping her form in sharp puffs as her frantic thoughts spiraled.
Megatron’s voice snapped her back to reality almost painfully. “It’s unusual that you fail so spectacularly, scout,” he observed almost casually. He turned just enough to glare over his shoulder at his smallest minion. “Tell me, exactly how did you manage to let the Autobots kill an entire squadron of Insecticon guards and steal a third of that mine’s energon yield?”
Lucky’s armor was rattling she was shaking so hard. “B-but, Sire, i-it wasn’t –” She started to correct Megatron’s assumption, but then she met Shimmerwing’s optics and her words died in a squeak. The look the femme was giving her was a clear warning. “It – it wasn’t my fault!” she managed to eke out, “Please don’t be angry! I tried calling for help but my comms were blocked!”
Megatron rolled his optics at the pathetic display, while Starscream seemed to become incensed. The seeker commander came forward and slapped Lucky across the helm with enough force to send her stumbling sideways. “Lord Megatron doesn’t want excuses, you pathetic little scrap!” 
“I’m sorry!” she pleaded again, and she really did mean it. But her continued apology only earned her another slap and a kick for good measure. Starscream’s sharp peds really hurt. Lucky didn’t even try to defend herself though, excepting her punishment for failing to keep her fellow ‘Cons safe.
Everyone in the room knew there was nothing Lucky could have done to stop the Autobots. She wasn’t a combatant. But someone had to take the blame and the punishment for a failed mission, and she was the easiest target. After a few more moments of enduring Starscream’s abuse, Megaton deigned to have mercy on the little scout. Lucky’s energon rations were halved for a deca-cycle and then she was dismissed with the warning that next time she wouldn’t get off so easily.
Lucky ran out of there so fast she left scuffs on the floor. She went straight to her habsuite and threw herself on her recharge slab to cry. She cried in remorse for the poor Vehicons that had been killed. She cried at the hopelessness and unfairness of being the Nemesis’ scapegoat. But mostly she cried as she tried to process what she had learned that day – Shimmerwing had been out there murdering Insecticons as a rogue Con called Saberwing. Why?? And what was going to happen to her now that she knew Shimmerwing’s secret?? Would she be killed too?
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primergon · 4 years
How Would the Decepticons React to Seeing You Dance in Rollerblades ?
( A/N: So I’ve been seeing a lot of cool tik toks about rollerblading and I’d just think they’d find it rad )
Megatron would pretend to not notice your dancing, in the beginning, telling himself to continue walking down the hall. Yet, you were gliding around in a circle while Vehicons cheered you on. He saw that you have once again convinced Soundwave to help you turn the mess hall into a ‘skating rink’, from the strobe lights by the ceiling to the music blaring from the speakers. He allows it under the guise of it boosting team morale, but in reality, he enjoys watching you smile and laugh as you show off the sway of your hips and legs. He would never let anyone find out, but from time to time he would indulge by leaning against the doorway to admire your frame dancing against the rhythm.
It was hard to tell what Soundwave was thinking, especially when you could only see the colorful lights bounce against his tinted visor. But surely he enjoys it? Considering that he always allows you to skate in his quarters. He would remain passive, typing against his screen as you skate around in joy. It’s only when you’re bending to tie your shoelaces did you notice him look away from the mirror, and that’s when you realize that he had been (respectfully) recording you.
The moment you had brought the boombox into the lab, Knockout and Breakdown had instantly stopped what they were doing to join you. They would displace their mass and show you the makeshift skates they’ve made. The three of you would laugh at how absurd it looks, but the moment Knockout tried to outdance you, you’ve decided that it was war - and you were doing going all out with an array of old school tunes ranging from ABBA to Queen. The two of you would stop from time to time to help Breakdown and assist him from both sides, as he struggles to keep his balance, only to topple over from his weight and end up laughing on the floor.
You knew Starscream was petty, but once he saw an array of Vehicons complimenting your legs as you skate down the hall, he had immediately pulled you away and demanded that you teach him how to do it. He failed multiple times, but eventually, he got the hang of it, and after that you could see him skate everywhere - just as often as he flies, and it drives everyone insane (especially Megatron ) but you take this as a bonding moment between you two. He had even tripped you once, only so he could catch you. In the midst of that heated moment, you had seen just how flirtatious he could be when he’s confident, and after that, you promised to never teach Starscream anything ever again if he could utilize it to impress you to the point of blushing.
Shockwave would never participate in rollerblading, not even for an experiment, but he does find the human culture surrounding it odd. Yet, you were smug about the fact that your skating was one of the few things that could actually distract him from his work. Once, you had caught him overfill a test tube when you glided against the lab floor in your shorts, and even if Knockout didn’t believe your claims, you’ve made it a mental note to tease him with the sport. Even if he remains indifferent towards it most of the time.
The moment Dreadwing watched you glide by under him, he had immediately shown his concern for the sport. He had seen you crash into the wall several times, but you told him it was nothing to be worried about, and once you showed him that you were skilled enough to keep yourself out of trouble, he had relented. He would try his best not to stare, out of chivalry, but you didn’t want him to be polite, so you’ve made it a habit to skate when he’s nearby - just because you know he secretly likes the sight of you disheveled, sweaty and laughing.
Just like a curious cat, Predaking would stare as you glide past his sleeping form. He would immediately be roused from his sleep, and would bombard you with questions. Eventually, he would settle with watching you twirl in front of him, and frankly, you can’t help but feel flustered from the way he was shamelessly observing you dance. He would always be on alert whenever you go to fast, knowing that you might fall, but overall he finds the skill impressive. On a side note, he finds the choice of music for the sport rather irritating ( too upbeat for his taste, he said) but then again it’s not like you could really skate to Mozart.
The first time you introduced ST3V3 to skating, he had scoffed at you and showed you his own pair before continuing to show off his moves. It turns out he has a very diverse range of interests, rollerblading being one of them, and so he had whipped out his Spotify ( premium) playlist and started a party for the both of you. You’ll goof around, do several dramatic twirls and dips, before plopping on the ground laughing with exhaustion.
( A/N: as you can tell I have no knowledge of skating as I once hit my chin against the pavement attempting it, so I’m sorry for the lack of research, hope you guys still liked it! )
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
I pitch to you a concept:
Starscream Redemption/Neutral story
told with
Transformers: Prime characters + Emperor's New Groove style
Starscream keeps pausing the show and coming onscreen w a marker to scribble over Megatron and keep reminding us the story is about him.
Starscream gets stuck as a grounder, vehicon, or human. Or he lost his T-cog.
"ugh they have their own theme music?" (Breakdown beatboxing with Knockout humming intensely)
Starscream: "Why do we even have that lever?"
Knockout: "Ah right, the poison, the poison for Megatron, the poison chosen specifically to kill Megatron, Megatron's poison."
Optimus: "Admit it. There is some good in you."
Starscream: "What's the big deal? Nobody's that heartless!"
Starscream: "I was the nicest guy and they ruined my life for no reason!"
Megatron: "Agh you threw off my groove!"
Soundwave: "Soundwave: Sorry. St3v3: Threw off Emperor's groove."
(pan to St3v3 being chucked off the Nemesis)
Optimus: "Why would I kidnap you!?"
Starscream: "I have no idea. YOU'RE the criminal mastermind, not me."
Optimus: "what!?"
Optimus refuses to help him overthrow Megatron until he agrees to make a peaceful treaty once he's in power. He's lying od course. When the bridge scene happens Starscream gloats about it... Until it bites him in the ass.
Starscream: "Wait! How did you get back here before us?"
Megatron: "Uh.. How did we Soundwave?"
Soundwave: (Projecting a small glowing map of their path riddled with question marks) "Soundwave: Uncertain. All accounts: Doesn't make sense."
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transformers-why · 6 years
Thank you, Walmart.
Plot: Starscream's little human is sick! What will he do?
(RID Starscream x Human! Reader)
Hope this is to your liking, @stardustantlers! I kind of went with a cold type of sick.
(You can ignore this, stardust, lol) And @kalechips9, do you want some headcannons or something like this to tide you over until I can finish that DJD rescue request? Cause these I can whip up pretty quick and I'd be happy to do a character for you while you wait! I feel bad for not being able to write all the stories yet.
- The moment he sees you sick Starscream is upset.
- Why are you not moving around as usual, s/o?
- Someone answer him!
- When he learns it's a common cold he still believes that this is outrageous.
- Becomes completely overdramatic.
- Can't you be healed? Is the human race really so young that they haven't found an instant cure for such a minor illness?
- He's more mad at the world than you, to be perfectly honest.
- "Stars, I'll be fine, I just need some cough medicine." You sniff.
- He immediately points to one of the guards, demanding that they go to Walmart.
- You haven't the slightest idea on how he knew what a Walmart was.
- Until they return he sits by you, legs crossed and eagerly awaiting your next sneeze to pass you a tissue.
- He even managed to bring you some blankets that you had kept on the ship, fluffling them up and tucking you a bit forcefully into them.
- When you're sick let's be honest you're treated as if you're royalty.
- For about five minutes.
- But he's very impatient when it comes to your health improving.
- Like, when you're up and about you can handle yourself, it upsets him to see you so put down, you're one of the few people in his crew that can actually do something!
- So he feels the need to help you if you're sick, it's not something he'd think to do often, but you mean a lot to him.
- After the fourth sneeze though Starscream's kind of disgusted and decides to just go sit at his desk and work on his projects whilst keeping a close eye on you.
- When the guy he asked to go to Walmart returns he's surprised to see they actually managed to get cough medicine.
- Isn't ST3V3 the best?
- When you take the medicine he's back to upset-mode when you aren't immediately better.
- "You said it was medicine!"
- "It takes about a half hour Starscream, chill!"
- When you go into another coughing fit he feels bad for yelling at you.
- But then you slowly get better, and it's obvious to see him perk up a little when you come back to your senses.
- Once you're all better he low-key is on the lookout for anything that may attract germs.
- You're a surprisingly valuable asset, he can't lose you!
- And that was a surprisingly disgusting experience for him, that too.
- He goes on believing that Walmart solves life's problems.
- And he doesn't believe you when you say that Sam's Club has better deals.
I don't own Walmart or Sam's Club and I'm not sponsoring this is just a joke had to say that incase great okay.
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Download Paddy Kelly - Kelltic Prog & House 029 for free now!
Artist: Paddy Kelly Show: Paddy Kelly – Kelltic Prog & House 029 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: Soundcloud
Discover more Paddy Kelly live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Kelltic Prog episodes HERE
Paddy Kelly – Kelltic Prog & House 029 Tracklist
00:00:00 – 01. Kazi – Lonely Stars [ Progressive Vibes ]
00:05:29 – 02. Demna – Black Hole [ Progressive Vibes ]
00:10:57 – 03. Dave Ruthwell & Wizzard – Lights Go Down [ TurnItUp Muzik ]
00:14:39 – 04. Ross Cairns – Nothing I Can Do ( SHADOWS Remix ) [ Submission Recordings ]
00:19:02 – 05. Rush & Hydro x ZelliX – Night [ Found Frequencies ]
00:22:07 – 06. SQU4RE – ISO [ Sosumi Records ]
00:26:31 – 07. Kryder & DEADLINE – You & I [ Black Hole Recordings ]
00:29:23 – 08. Andain – Beautiful Things ( Mr. Sid & March Forward Remix ) [ CDR ]
00:32:55 – 09. Damon Sharpe and Josh Cumbee – Lost Years ( Cubicore Remix ) [ Armada ]
00:37:27 – 10. Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Vs. Eleonor Leone – Wolf [ Gemstone Records ]
00:41:05 – 11. JVSTIZ & Musata – I Got You [ Musata Music ]
00:44:06 – 12. Sebastian Mateo & Dj St3v3 – Hypnotized [ Revealed Radar ]
00:46:54 – 13. Tom Budin – Push It Real Good ( Alec Bonnici Remix ) [ Universal Music ]
00:50:53 – 14. R3spawn – Beat Of My Heart [ Crash & Smile ]
00:53:57 – 15. Plastik Funk, Sickrate, Rentz & Repiet – Never Let Go [ Revealed Recordings ]
00:57:29 – 16. Butterworth & Bennii feat. Robin Vane – Get Over It [ Revealed Rader ]
01:01:01 – 17. BVHROMA – Sweet Tea [ Gallant Records ]
01:04:06 – 18. Progman – Concise [ TAR Oasis ]
01:09:08 – 19. BVHROMA – Fly of Butterfly [ Gallant Records ]
01:12:18 – 20. AFTERUS – The Devil I Know [ Progressive Vibes Music ]
01:17:13 – 21. Bryen – Blaze [ Suanda Base ]
01:20:51 – 22. Adip Kiyoi & Amin Salmee – Wolves [ Suanda Voice ]
01:23:59 – 23. Janberg – Sleeping Orchestra [ Trance All-Stars ]
01:27:33 – 24. Xavian feat. Paul Bartolome – Crawling On Your Own [ Arkham Digital ]
01:32:33 – 25. FORCES – The Power [ Reaching Altitude ]
The podcast Paddy Kelly – Kelltic Prog is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Paddy Kelly - Kelltic Prog & House 029 for free now!
Artist: Paddy Kelly Show: Paddy Kelly – Kelltic Prog & House 029 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: Soundcloud
Discover more Paddy Kelly live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Kelltic Prog episodes HERE
Paddy Kelly – Kelltic Prog & House 029 Tracklist
00:00:00 – 01. Kazi – Lonely Stars [ Progressive Vibes ]
00:05:29 – 02. Demna – Black Hole [ Progressive Vibes ]
00:10:57 – 03. Dave Ruthwell & Wizzard – Lights Go Down [ TurnItUp Muzik ]
00:14:39 – 04. Ross Cairns – Nothing I Can Do ( SHADOWS Remix ) [ Submission Recordings ]
00:19:02 – 05. Rush & Hydro x ZelliX – Night [ Found Frequencies ]
00:22:07 – 06. SQU4RE – ISO [ Sosumi Records ]
00:26:31 – 07. Kryder & DEADLINE – You & I [ Black Hole Recordings ]
00:29:23 – 08. Andain – Beautiful Things ( Mr. Sid & March Forward Remix ) [ CDR ]
00:32:55 – 09. Damon Sharpe and Josh Cumbee – Lost Years ( Cubicore Remix ) [ Armada ]
00:37:27 – 10. Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Vs. Eleonor Leone – Wolf [ Gemstone Records ]
00:41:05 – 11. JVSTIZ & Musata – I Got You [ Musata Music ]
00:44:06 – 12. Sebastian Mateo & Dj St3v3 – Hypnotized [ Revealed Radar ]
00:46:54 – 13. Tom Budin – Push It Real Good ( Alec Bonnici Remix ) [ Universal Music ]
00:50:53 – 14. R3spawn – Beat Of My Heart [ Crash & Smile ]
00:53:57 – 15. Plastik Funk, Sickrate, Rentz & Repiet – Never Let Go [ Revealed Recordings ]
00:57:29 – 16. Butterworth & Bennii feat. Robin Vane – Get Over It [ Revealed Rader ]
01:01:01 – 17. BVHROMA – Sweet Tea [ Gallant Records ]
01:04:06 – 18. Progman – Concise [ TAR Oasis ]
01:09:08 – 19. BVHROMA – Fly of Butterfly [ Gallant Records ]
01:12:18 – 20. AFTERUS – The Devil I Know [ Progressive Vibes Music ]
01:17:13 – 21. Bryen – Blaze [ Suanda Base ]
01:20:51 – 22. Adip Kiyoi & Amin Salmee – Wolves [ Suanda Voice ]
01:23:59 – 23. Janberg – Sleeping Orchestra [ Trance All-Stars ]
01:27:33 – 24. Xavian feat. Paul Bartolome – Crawling On Your Own [ Arkham Digital ]
01:32:33 – 25. FORCES – The Power [ Reaching Altitude ]
The podcast Paddy Kelly – Kelltic Prog is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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primergon · 4 years
How would the TFP!’Cons react to an s/o who always laughs ?
( A/N : wrote this because 1. I always laugh to the point where i had to go to the doctor once because i nearly sprained a muscle in my stomach and 2. i’ve been laughing the whole day today and 3. I hope you guys have a good laugh/smile too today :) )
Megatron: It was already strange enough that Megatron took interest in a human, much more one who couldn’t keep a straight face most of the time. The sight of their leader, grim and stoic, standing next to a human who is doubling over from laughter was more than unusual. Then again, no one would risk saying anything unless they would want a sword down their throats. All throughout the day, he would at least hear his s/o laugh once, the noise echoing down the halls. They would be wheezing and crying in a pile, usually over something insignificant, and as much as he expresses his indifference and sometimes irritation - over the idea that he couldn’t understand what was so funny, he couldn’t deny that he was starting to grow fond of it. He knows Starscream is already spreading rumors about how he’s gone soft, but he couldn’t care less when you’re in his hands grinning ear to ear. When he’s alone and reliving the sight, he would find himself smiling - and it was growing harder every day to ignore the fact that he would someday miss it too.
Soundwave: You can never tell what was going on behind that visor, but you knew whenever you were laughing, he was also enjoying himself - in his own quiet and private way. Knockout once told you how nicely you complimented one another, and that the sight of you guffawing next to the silent mech was the funniest thing to come out of it. Albeit, you would be laughing over little things, such as a random meme on your feed or the sight of Vehicons arguing with one another - it almost made you feel guilty for being so loud and obnoxious. Until you wake up in the middle of the night to hear Soundwave listening to an audio clip of you snorting by his desk, and it made your heart flutter to know that it was his go-to mood booster when things were hectic.
Knockout: Laughing by yourself was already chaotic enough, laughing next to Knockout was borderline dangerous. You would always start first, showing him a picture or telling him a joke and it would escalate to him making a witty quip that has you hunched over the table. You both also love to shove one another and it would sometimes get carried away, considering that when you shove knockout he barely moves but when he does it you’re sent flying off the chair. Whenever Megatron passes by the medbay he would always make it a habit to make sure that the doctor was actually doing work and not fooling around with his ‘pet.’ Thankfully, both of you can stop for several minutes, but one look will be enough to dissolve you into laughter once again.
Breakdown: Your good-natured attitude and humor were one of the things that drew him to you. Your laughter was contagious, and with a guy like Breakdown, you can almost turn anything sour sweet with a couple of quips and jokes. He gets a little impatient from time to time, his temper wearing thin, but you’ll always be there to diffuse his anger - acting like some kind of catalyst unconsciously pacifying his anger with a single smile. You once joked that he only keeps you around because you acted as some kind of stress-ball, but little did you know that your jokes and laughter have the ability to make him forget that there was a war going on. And it was one of the things that nearly made him consider what to truly fight for.
Starscream: When you first showed him that you can’t control your laugh he got irritated pretty quickly, berating you for being so loud. But you can’t help it, and so you kept on laughing - throwing your head back, falling onto your chair, crying as you massage your cheeks. Eventually, you thought Starscream just grew tired and decided to do nothing. Turns out, while you had your eyes shut in laughter, he would be admiring you from the corner of his eyes. He’d be smiling, wishing that he could join in - but he has a reputation to uphold, and he’s still trying to convince himself that he’s not overly attached to you. That’s why he would rather be caught dead than laughing with you because once he does it’ll be a sign that he’s gone soft - for an organic. He can’t ignore the sadness that would follow after every laughter, but it was also one of the few things keeping him sane within the Nemesis. And from time to time it’ll make him consider deserting this war for a life where he could just smile with you. Humans, he thought, how scary is it that you could simply tempt him to give up everything with a single smile?
Shockwave: Whenever you’re around Shockwave, you make it an effort to keep laughing at a minimum. You know he wasn’t one for distractions, and so you’ve tried to act as professional as you can around him. Yet, one time St3v3 had come to deliver some test tubes and ended up falling on the floor. You would have helped him if he didn’t knock over T0m, who knocked over Fr3d, and three other Vehicons. At the sight of the bickering soldiers on the floor, you had squatted on the floor to laugh, howling as you cradled your red face. It took you a while to realize that Shockwave was staring at you, red-eye piercing as they observe your tears and wheezing. He then proceeded to ask you about ‘ the physical reaction in humans consisting of rhythmical, often audible contractions of the diaphragm’, followed by a dozen of other questions about your biology. The next few days, you had no choice but to participate in one of his side projects regarding humans and ‘laughing’. You thought it had been a serious project until Breakdown dropped by to say how he’s been obsessed with studying your laughter specifically, and that he was starting to think it was more of a personal fascination rather than a scientific inquiry. You didn’t want to believe it until Megatron himself told you this. After that you couldn’t look at him properly, knowing that your laughter affects a mech once believed to be unmovable.
Dreadwing: You were hesitant to laugh around Dreadwing, knowing that the commander was against any form of nonsense and was very straightforward. Yet, you had caught him watching you when you were sharing a laugh with Knockout. Then you caught him again when you were double over in the mess hall, and when you were clapping with ST3V3 in the hallways. You assumed he found it annoying and began to be more careful of where you laugh until you watched as a butterfly landed on the crown of his head once. It’s safe to say that he was smiling at the way you were grinning and that he would have said something earlier if it wasn’t for his fear of growing fond of you. It was a nice change, you thought, to see him so shy and in awe. He does need to relax from time to time, and what better way than to spend it with you - even if your laughter sounded like a dying seal.
Predaking: He was always brooding, always so serious and angry that you had steered clear of him. Yet, he was once awoken from his nap by your laughter down the hall, the sight of you hollering by yourself as you scrolled through your phone nearly concerning if it wasn’t for how happy you looked. After that, he grew interested in you. When you formally met he pretended to hate your laughter, looking annoyed and irritated when it’s actually under the guise that he's jealous. Jealous of the fact that he was never the one to make you laugh. He wanted to be on the receiving end of your smile, and so his frustrations have led to a series of arguments with you, one resolved when he told you to stop laughing and you responded with “ make me.” He took the witty quip as an invitation, which was surprisingly something you had wanted to, and when you were both lying together you had laughed at something he said. That was the first time you’ve seen Predaking smile, and it made you so happy that you made it your responsibility to remind him to laugh from time to time.
ST3V3: Don’t get me started on this. There’s a lot of shoving, table banging, head throwing, and screaming when laughing with ST3V3. He’s an archive of jokes, puns, memes, and even ridiculous screenshots. Sometimes you even purposely avoid him knowing that he’s about to show you something funny when your cheeks have barely recovered from the last joke. There’s not a day where you’d feel sad with ST3V3, but there won’t be a day where you won’t have tears streaming down your face too - and you’re genuinely surprised that you now have abs from all the laughing you’ve done with him.
( A/N : hope you guys liked this !! find me on @/primergonn on instagram <3)
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