#I don’t mean the bad batch specifically
chewbaccawithouthan · 5 months
Me, now that the Clones have finished their story arcs completely:
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Thoughts on Echo as amputee/disability representation
First and foremost, I am not disabled or an amputee and I don’t claim to speak for those communities (and if I was I couldn't speak for everyone). What little I do know mostly comes from this youtube channel (@oakwyrm), this post, and other research I’ve done for my writing (and like one amputee I kinda knew in passing). By all means correct me and add to the conversation, I just have some thoughts I want to share because I haven’t really seen this discussed anywhere
So Echo is interesting. He is a triple amputee which is pretty rare in media. His disabilities come from extremely traumatic circumstances: injured in a near-death experience, imprisoned and dehumanized as an experiment with no autonomy over what happened to his body.
There are a few moments in the shows where Echo is treated… questionably. Like this bit where Rex uses him as an example of the Separatists' evils to convince the locals to fight back:
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To be fair, yeah Echo’s treatment does prove that the Techno Union is not neutral like they claim. The modifications that everyone is gasping in horror at here obviously weren’t made with comfort and accessibility in mind, nor with Echo’s consent. But you still just want to be sure that “They took away his freedom, his humanity, they tried to turn him into a machine” is about using him as a living computer, not the fact that he is missing limbs. 
The Batch is also pretty insensitive toward him and his trauma imo, which is weird considering they've supposedly also faced discrimination for their mutations
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Disabled people do have to deal with stuff like this in this day and age so I guess it can speak to those experiences. I think especially him being mistaken as a droid (and Hunter going along with it (bruh)) might resonate with some people. 
Aside from that stuff, Echo isn't really treated any differently as a character/person which is really good (as low of a bar as that is).
We get this moment in CW where Echo contemplates that yeah things are gonna be different now
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While also (imo at least) showing that he is still the same person regardless, evidenced by the fact that he just echoed Rex :,) I also think it's significant that he joins the Bad Batch on his own terms and we're given a really emotional scene to specifically show that he's not just like 'lumped in with the other misfits' but that it is his choice to go where he feels his place is.
A lot of people, myself included, are disappointed that TBB didn't have more time to explore Echo's PTSD, but I think the one panic attack scene we did get is really good. Even thought it's minor it at least is an appropriate reaction from a guy who was medically tortured (which is more than I've come to expect from Star Wars shows lol)
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And it's really sweet to see Omega showing Echo some empathy and consideration.
It would have been nice to see more of his adjustment period, and other side effects like chronic pain and maintenance, but there’s a lot of daily life stuff the show never had time for (i.e. we don’t know if he removed his prosthetics to sleep, but we also never saw him sleep anyway). His disabilities might take on a background role (much like the character himself sadly) but for the most part they aren’t invisible or erased, nor do they define his character and arc.
Physical Appearance
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Okay this one is bit dicey, bc on the one hand, yes complaints that Echo’s paleness (most likely caused by burns from the explosion or chemical burns from the cryo-chamber) is whitewashing are totally valid. But I also think you can draw comparisons to real life conditions that affect pigmentation/complexion (like you know burns). So while I understand why a lot of fanart will depict him with his original skin tone and with hair, consider that there are real people who have to live with temporary or permanent changes to their appearance, and the idea of “fixing" him by making him look more like his old self can be problematic.
It's also interesting to note that Echo could act as a reversal of the 'disabled/disfigured = evil' trope. He's pale and bald and wears black and red, which is so often visually associated with villains, but we all know Echo is the bestest boy™
The Headpiece
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Echo’s headpiece is interesting because within the show we don’t actually ever learn much about it (idk if there is more info in books or whatever bc i don’t have them so?). He didn’t have it in CW so we know it didn’t come from the Techno Union and therefore Echo probably had more choice with it. We don’t know its exact purpose but it’s most likely related to his scomping abilities. When he is hacking with his scomp in CW, before he has his headpiece, it’s clearly very mentally straining:
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We don’t see him struggling like this in TBB once he does have it (though that could be bc he got more used to it over time). There doesn't seem to be much of an impact when he removes his headpiece in s3 ep14-15, except that he gets stuck in the ports every time he uses his scomp which is not something we’ve seen before: 
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There might not be an exact real-world equivalent, but the headpiece is some kind of accessibility aid. It means that someone specifically designed a device to help him adapt to the changes the Techno Union made, as well as a helmet that integrates it. It’s removable and visually very present, much like a cochlear implant would be. (A lot of people actually headcanon it to act partially as a hearing aid, since it makes sense that Echo’s hearing would have been damaged in the explosion, but there isn't really any indication of this in canon.) The headpiece is never really acknowledged in the show, but I think that's a good thing. It's something he needs/wants and it just exists, completely normalized, and that's pretty cool 👍
Sigh... So from the very first episode of TBB I was really disappointed that the animation team or whoever completely visually erased Echo’s prosthetic legs (I think we all were, honestly, if fanart is anything to go by). It’s one thing when he’s in armor because he would probably want to protect his prosthetics, but we literally see him in his blacks and there is no indication whatsoever that he lost his legs even though it was not left up for debate at all in CW:
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Like ??????!?
This is just really strange to me! Idk what went on behind the scenes with this decision but I don’t really see why it would be that much harder to animate or anything since it’s 3D and they've done it before. We do see some pretty sophisticated cybernetic technology in Star Wars canon that mimics real limbs:
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But Luke’s fancy hand is technically 20ish years from now, so Anakin and Maul are more of a representation of what level we could expect here
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So yeah, for no apparent reason, his leg amputation is effectively, visually and narratively nonexistent. Which is not great 👎
The scomp on the other hand (uh lol!) is the complete opposite and I kinda love it!
At first I, like many others, thought it was a bit odd that they didn’t give Echo a prosthetic arm. Losing hands is basically a Star Wars tradition at this point, so robotic arms/hands are well established within the worldbuilding: 
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We aren’t necessarily given a canon reason for why Echo doesn't get a cybernetic arm (again unless it's in some lore book I haven’t read, sorry). General fanon explanations I’ve seen are that he either couldn’t because the Techno Union wired the scomp too far into his nervous system, and/or the resources to give him one were deemed too expensive for a clone (what about his legs tho?), or that he chose not to, usually because he thought the scomping was useful. 
Regardless, I actually really love this choice (and it's the whole reason I made this post), because here's the thing: There’s a lot of problematic tropes out there that either erase/cure disabilities or compensate them with perks (like how pretty much any blind character is actually not blind by some sort of magic power). With amputees that is done with robotic arms. The character is still an amputee or course, and there is still value in that representation, if this story from Mark Hamill that makes me tear up is anything to go by:
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but for the most part these characters function like anyone else, just with a limb that looks a little different. It’s no more than a video game skin, an able-bodied actor with a green screen glove. It “cures” the disability, or it actually makes the character even stronger than usual: 
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It usually makes sense within the world of the story, but the reason it’s not so great in my opinion is that in the real world we just do not have technology anywhere close to that yet. Prosthetics can more or less replace any mobility from lost legs, but not for all the complexities of a hand (and even if they could the average person wouldn’t be able to afford it).
I think it's actually really super cool that Echo’s scomp bypasses the canonically-established amputee erasure and functions much like a stump would irl. He integrates it into his movements and everyday life and it’s (as far as I know) a lot closer to an everyday amputee’s experience. 
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It doesn’t define his character, it doesn’t hold him back, he lives a full life, the other’s don’t treat him any differently, and he’s still a total karking badass 
The only additional thing is that he sometimes uses it as a weapon (which given his story, I think it’s cool to see him taking back autonomy in a way, and we only see that like twice)
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And also the scomping, which could be seen as the 'added/compensating superpower' trope. But narratively it's no different than if he was plugging in with a hacking gadget of some kind (he didn't necessarily "need" to lose his arm for it) and it’s not like Echo is completely defined by this skill. Personally, I think it's well worth the positives of him actually having a visible and realistically impactful amputation. 
I see a lot of posts or comments out there that say stuff like “how come Echo doesn’t get a hand?” or fanworks that do give him one and I just think it’s a bit of a shame. If he did get a robotic hand, it just would have disappeared the same way his legs and Anakin’s arm did (aside from that one time he got yoinked by a magnet). When Echo did “get a hand” in the last two episodes there were comments like “yay he finally got a hand! but it doesn’t even work” but I was actually so relieved that it didn’t! Bc for one thing that wouldn’t make any sense, he grabbed it off a droid, it wasn’t designed to implement with his scomp, that would be really complicated. But more importantly because it again refused to erase/cure his disability! It functioned like a real-world cosmetic prosthetic (useless beyond appearance) which is exactly what he needed it for, so that he could blend in better with his disguise.
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And he continually took it off throughout the episode and ditched it at the end. He only used it for the necessity of a stealth mission, he doesn’t feel the need to visually “fit in” in his daily life. 
And, last but very much not least, he made a dad joke and from my intel that is very accurate representation!
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TLDR: Echo’s scomp is actually really cool from an amputee representation perspective, especially within Star Wars, and I think that deserves some appreciation 
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the-bi-space-ace · 8 days
top five crosshair and echo tropes GO!!
(yes this is incredibly specific lol)
My top favorite trope at the moment is one that I started adding into my fics during The World Tumbles Down which is Crosshair finding comfort in holding Echo’s scomp. I don’t know why but it just makes me wanna chew drywall.
Crosshair latching onto Echo immediately and being the one to suggest inviting him to the batch. You couldn’t pry this from me if you tried.
Something I love using and will use again is Echo having no problem turning his back on enemies while Crosshair watches and protects him bc thAT RIGHT THERE IS GOOD. ITS VERY GOOD. COMPLETE TRUST.
I really really love the two of them calling each other mean little nicknames. An affectionate little bit of bullying, ya know?
The two of them being gossip buddies. Staying up late chatting. Having a private comm channel so they can talk shit about people.
I’m adding more bc I can’t stop: Crosshair becoming extremely protective of Echo the minute he meets him. Will throw hands for Echo. Is Echo’s biggest fan.
Echo sitting next to Crosshair when everyone else is asleep because he doesn’t want to be alone and Cross is awake so might as well sit next to to him and it becoming just a Thing They Do™️. Echo has a bad night, sits next to Crosshair. Echo can’t sleep, sits next to Crosshair. Echo feels too anxious to speak, sits next to Crosshair. Him finding comfort in the silence and constant presence of someone who has watchful eyes and is willing to listen when he’s ready.
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Crosshair's Character in TBB: A Study
“Loyalty means everything to the clones,”- Anakin Skywalker
I wanted to start my study with this quote because it basically personifies who Crosshair is as a person. Over the course of three seasons (plus CW), there is no doubt that Crosshair is arguably the most well-written and developed member of the Bad Batch. His journey and inner conflict isn’t neatly wrapped up in a little box and tied with a cute bow in only one season. No, his journey spans the entire show. It is very compelling, filled with a deep inner conflict, broken relationships, and the struggle to find one’s self again. In this study, I wanted to look at the major themes of his character and how his relationship to them has changed. 
Crosshair’s strongest and best quality is loyalty. It is everything to him and it’s why he reacts so strongly when the Batch leaves him in “Aftermath.” However, misplaced loyalty is dangerous, especially when it’s blinding. The core struggle of his character, specifically in season 1 and 2, is discovering who is worth his loyalty. Crosshair isn’t the type of person to just save his own skin when things get bad; S3 disputes that multiple times. As rude and off-putting as he can be, Crosshair cares deeply for others. Unfortunately, it’s the choices he makes and where he invests his loyalty that conflict arises. 
The Worth of Loyalty
A part of understanding Crosshair is understanding how far he will go for those he’s loyal to. 
“Do you know why they put me in charge? It’s because I’m willing to do what needs to be done.”
This line is stone-cold, but remove the context and apply it to Crosshair in general. It speaks volumes. Crosshair isn’t driven by some moral compass like Echo or Omega are. He’s not loyal to some grand cause. He’s loyal to people who’ve earned his respect. He’s loyal to those who value his skills as a sniper. Crosshair will not hesitate to go to extreme lengths for others. He killed Tawi Ames because he is a soldier of the Empire. He dragged a half-dead Mayday back to base because Mayday saved his life and showed him compassion. He went back to Tantiss for Omega because she saved him and he loves her. Crosshair’s journey is about him discovering who is worth that kind of loyalty. Who is worth dragging someone through sheer hell even though the optimal solution would be to just leave them? As Crosshair learns, it’s not the Empire.
The question remains, who is worth his loyalty? The answer is simple: Omega, his brothers, and other kind people such as Mayday and Cody. But Crosshair’s loyalty is severely misguided at first. There are a multitude of reasons as to why. One of the most obvious reasons is due to his fractured relationship with his brothers. By the time the entire Batch reunites in “Return to Kamino,” Crosshair can’t help but voice his pain and anger.
“They don’t leave their own behind… most of the time.” “You weren’t loyal to me.”
Due to the chip, Crosshair doesn’t understand why they left him. Did years of loyalty from Crosshair mean nothing to them? Did their relationship as brothers mean nothing? At that point in the story, he hasn’t realized how damaging the Empire is to him. So, he turns his anger to the group of people who meant more to him than anything else in the entire galaxy. And his anger isn’t completely unjustified. He was deeply hurt and he didn’t know why. Unfortunately, his beliefs about the Empire and struggle with identity push the Batch away. But as Crosshair’s feelings were continually challenged by others and his environment, he started realizing just how deep of a hole he’d gotten himself into. Crosshair’s brand of loyalty is something the chip absolutely would take advantage of. It’s fixating and fierce, hard to break. Only something severe such as removal or damage can break it. 
In S3, we get an exchange between Rampart and Crosshair. Rampart comments that Crosshair used to believe good soldiers followed orders. Crosshair responds that it depends on who’s giving them. This statement is absolutely true. Rampart doubts that Crosshair has changed, but it is Rampart who hasn’t changed. Both were betrayed by the Empire, but only one recognized where he went wrong. Crosshair now understands that his deep and fierce loyalty belongs to those who won’t hurt him or others he cares about. Loyalty is reciprocal and not to be taken for granted. This is a sentiment he shares with Howzer.
“Loyalty meant something to me. But with the Empire it didn’t go both ways.”
But Rampart can’t understand that because he’s only loyal to himself. And when you’re only loyal to yourself, you don’t care who around you falls. 
The Empire: An Environment of Shame
Why doesn’t Crosshair see just how bad the Empire is? That’s an argument I see often, but I think it’s important to understand just how manipulative and demonizing the Empire really is. Crosshair deeply internalizes his identity as a soldier. His value comes from his skills and if he can’t do his job properly, he will be discarded. The Empire is an echo chamber of that insecurity. 
“There are other ways of producing loyal soldiers”- Rampart
Rampart, Tarkin, Nolan… the faces of many imperials who remind Crosshair of what happens if his loyalty falters. He will be discarded. All around him, Crosshair hears the imperials speak about replacing the clones. They speak about the value of loyalty. It pushes him to keep proving his loyalty to the Empire. Crosshair is a sensitive soul despite appearances and he internalizes what others say around him. 
“Not the ones that matter.”- Cross to Hunter about the Empire phasing out clones
If Crosshair can continue fulfilling his purpose, then he will be spared, or at least that’s what he tells himself. We see this in real life too. Social media can influence others by feeding into their egos, only to rip them apart should they step out of line. It’s the same scenario with Crosshair. Rampart mocks Cody’s absence and talks about clone loyalty not being what it was advertised. Crosshair tenses up at his words, clearly bothered, until Rampart asks if he has a problem and then dismisses the issue without a care. The Empire makes Crosshair feel so alone. But he’s a soldier, right? This is where he belongs, right?
Compare that environment to the one put forth by Omega and Mayday. Omega is warm and compassionate. She cares deeply for others, even when that person probably doesn’t deserve it. As Crosshair struggles, Omega remains nothing but encouraging. She believed in him from the very beginning. 
“You’re still more capable than most.”- Omega
Omega’s constant display of loyalty and affection towards him eventually wins Crosshair over. He finds himself in an environment where his fierce devotion is not only reciprocated but goes above and beyond. Mayday shows compassion to Crosshair even though he barely knows him. He also shares Crosshair’s unspoken frustration. The Empire didn’t care about the clones despite them being good soldiers who followed orders. When danger strikes, Mayday doesn’t hesitate to protect Crosshair. Once again, it’s this reciprocated loyalty that shows Crosshair the truth behind the curtain. The Empire is all take and no give. Omega and Mayday display the opposite; they give Crosshair their all and don’t expect him to grovel on his knees for their praise or friendship.
But loyalty is only one major aspect of his character. Crosshair’s willingness to stay with the Empire also stems from his struggle with his identity. Clones are taught to be loyal and the behavioral modification chip only reinforces that notion. For Crosshair, it’s not so easy to just throw away something he grew up his entire life hearing. Thus, he finds himself in conflict between his loyalty to his brothers, loyalty as a clone, and identity as a loyal soldier. It’s so heartbreaking to see him when the chip partially activates. The chip makes him so fixated on Order 66 and yet, he can’t help but still stay by his brothers’ side. It is only when the chip is enhanced that he attacks his brothers. 
The Soldier and the Clone
The moment they are born, the clones are raised to be soldiers. They have no say in their fates, only that they have one purpose in life. Crosshair is no ordinary clone though; he’s labeled as defective for looking and sounding different. However, he has exceptionally sharp vision. One of the first things established about the Bad Batch is that they use unorthodox methods and they’re very showy. They also have a 100% success rate. As a result, Crosshair views himself and his squad as “superior.” As a soldier in the Empire, he expects to get the same recognition. The Empire is fueled by individuals who love feeling powerful. For Crosshair, to get special treatment because he’s a “superior” clone definitely would feed his ego. Unfortunately, the Empire also will pull the plug on anyone at any time. On Kamino, being defective is a death sentence. But Crosshair’s enhancement makes him useful; it’s why he was kept around. Interestingly, the more isolated Crosshair became in his time with the Empire, the more he began to seek companionship with the regs. S2 sees Crosshair shed his views that he’s a “superior” clone. He slowly begins to accept the fact that he and the other clones aren’t actually that different. We see this change in many ways: he tries to sit with the regs, he enjoys going on a mission with Cody, and he quickly gets attached to Mayday. 
Crosshair’s journey of accepting himself as a clone and finding companionship with others outside his squad humbles him and makes him an overall kinder person. It is integral in how he becomes disillusioned with the Empire. The Empire makes him feel so alone. Look at his room in “The Solitary Clone;” it’s no better than his cell on Tantiss. “Nat-borns” don’t understand what it is like to be a clone and his squad isn’t there anymore, so Crosshair turns to “regs.” He starts realizing that their experiences under the Empire aren’t much different from his. It’s Mayday and the mission on Barton IV that really pushes him over the edge. Mayday, a reg, understands him more than he’d like to admit. He’s lonely and feels like his efforts aren’t enough. 
Crosshair has let the Empire mistreat and abuse him for months, but eventually he snaps. He can’t do this anymore. He’s a person. Mayday is a person. Has his and Maydy’s loyalty meant nothing? Has the loyalty of the clones in general meant nothing? 
A clone’s identity is intrinsically tied to being a soldier. Why did Crosshair stay with the Empire? A simple answer is it gave him a purpose. Crosshair deeply internalizes his role as both a sniper and a soldier. He can’t see himself in another role as it is all he has known. What will happen when that’s taken away from him? Crosshair struggles with that exact dilemma. As I said early, being defective and unable to fulfill being a soldier means decommissioning and being discarded. I’ll bet this is why Crosshair struggles breaking away from his soldier mindset. He was taught to be loyal and there is no place for him if he can’t fulfill his purpose. Let’s take a look at his role as a sniper. Crosshair’s role is to wait on the outskirts and observe for danger. He’s supposed to keep his team safe from afar and spot trouble before it strikes. He’s a protector. That role gets shaken when his tremor starts. What happens to Crosshair if he can’t shoot? What happens to his brothers? 
S3 introduces the arc of Crosshair learning to accept help from others and becoming more than a soldier. A sniper is supposed to be distant, a loner, and always on the lookout. Once that role is challenged, suddenly, Crosshair realizes he can’t do this alone. He initially tries via brushing it off or shaking his hand. But it’s not enough. Both Hunter and Omega grow concerned. Omega takes the initiative and gently encourages Crosshair to try meditation with her. Even if it doesn’t work, the fact that he tries already speaks volumes. Throughout the season, Crosshair tries multiple times to do things alone. However, Hunter declines that proposal and says they should work together. The most glaring example is the climax of "The Cavalry Has Arrived." Crosshair is missing his dominant hand, weakened from his injury, and on top of that, it’s pouring rain and Hemlock has handcuffed himself to Omega. It is only through the help of his siblings that Crosshair makes the shot. He did it with the support of his family. 
In relying on his family, Crosshair becomes more than a sniper. He becomes more than a soldier. Even if he had his hand, Crosshair still would’ve had to overcome the huge barrier of making a steady shot. Either way, Crosshair overcomes by accepting the love and help from his family. Looking back, I’m really glad that this was a part of his arc. Crosshair has spent so much of the show alone, having to rely on himself and his skill to survive. But as time passes, he learns that it’s ok to have help. As people, we’re not meant to carry all our burdens alone. Crosshair learns he doesn’t have to remain distant all the time to protect others; sometimes, our greatest strength comes from each other.
The Beauty of Self-Worth
“Omega, don’t risk anything for me. I belong in here.” (This line is one of the most heartbreaking lines in the entire show). “So, I’m doing this alone. It’s what I deserve.”
A smaller, but just as important arc, is Crosshair’s journey of forgiveness. By “Tipping Point,” Crosshair has largely tackled his inner conflict. He knows who deserves his loyalty and who doesn’t. He realizes that he isn’t so different from the other clones. However, the guilt from his actions still lingers. Although he gets his message out, everything else fails. Tech dies, Omega is captured, and he doesn’t know what happened to the others. Crosshair suffers for a long 5 months due to Hemlock’s conditioning. His days are filled with the same mundane (and painful) routine and there is no sign of hope… that is, except for Omega. No matter what happened in the past, Omega undying love for him never yields. 
“None of us belong in here.”- Omega 
Omega’s words are reassuring and they hit Crosshair in a way he doesn’t expect. How can he, who has done these terrible things and has been forgotten by the world, be worth kindness? For all the times he said/did something cruel to Omega, she still came back for him. It’s Omega’s compassion that helps push Crosshair to finding his own self-worth. She loves him when nothing seems to be working for him. She encourages him to talk to his brothers. Crosshair wants to be accepted and belong again with his brothers. But up until that point in the narrative, everything around him seems to tell him the opposite. 
As much as I would’ve liked more from Hunter, I’m still glad he and Crosshair are able to have a conversation. In “The Return,” Crosshair admits how wrong he was. To come to terms with the darker parts of one’s self is important in forgiveness and the courage to do so is immense. There are things in life we as people can all do better. It’s what makes us human. The last time Crosshair interacted with his brother, it devolved into anger and pain-fueled argument. Crosshair so desperately wanted his brothers back, but it had to be on his terms. As the brothers fight again, Hunter antagonizes him into getting answers. A quick “blink and you’ll miss it” moment is that Cross’ hand trembles when Hunter brings up betrayal. Crosshair initially clamps up before biting back, blaming Hunter for Omega’s capture. But as both brothers learn to realize, both of them need to do better. The past hurts immensely because of that broken bond. Now, they have the opportunity to mend it. 
“I have regrets too, Crosshair. All we can do is keep trying to be better and who knows? There just might be hope for us yet.”- Hunter
Like Omega, Hunter’s words offer reassurance and comfort. Can Crosshair, a person who hurt his family, be worth that forgiveness? Hunter’s words all but confirm that Crosshair is forgiven in his eyes. Crosshair’s struggle to find forgiveness and worth in himself is eased by the people who he cares for the most. Even something simple as a hug from Wrecker catches him off guard, but it’s something that tells him “you’re loved and wanted.” As the vulture leaves the outpost, Crosshair slowly learns to forgive himself for what happened. 
It all culminates in the hug he gets from Omega in “The Cavalry Has Arrived.” Crosshair believed he deserved to die in order to atone. After everything he’s done and been through, does he still deserve a happy ending when it’s all over? Omega’s hug says yes. Tantiss is the heart of his pain and agony. In another world, Crosshair would never have set foot there if he chose differently. Perhaps Omega wouldn’t have suffered there. Perhaps Tech would still be alive… Without any hesitation, Omega wraps her arms around Crosshair and he is shocked. She reaches over to pull Hunter in and Hunter wraps his other arm around Crosshair, holding him close. And without any words, Crosshair leans in and closes his eyes. As the trio begin to head back to the shuttle, it’s Crosshair who reaches out and places his stump on Omega’s shoulder. In doing something as simple as leaning into the embrace, Crosshair accepts the love he is given. He lets himself be loved and understands that he is worthy of that love. 
This isn’t the end of Crosshair’s journey, of course. Crosshair has a very long and difficult road ahead of him. No, his PTSD wasn’t stored in his hand. Cutting off his hand isn’t a magical “cure” for it. Crosshair still has to work through a lot and he will. The big difference is that he knows he doesn’t have to work through it alone. With the help of his family, Crosshair can continue that journey of healing he began in “Bad Territory.” He’s so loved because he’s Crosshair, a brother, a protector, with fierce loyalty that could never be truly broken. 
Anyways, we’ve reached the end of my character study. Thank you all for reading. Crosshair is a very complex character and one who faces many trials. But no matter how many times he falls, he always finds a way to pick himself back up. At the end, he makes it. Crosshair has learned a lot, but I’m grateful that TBB team chose a long and complex route for him. Because guess what? Healing and growing as a person isn’t a “one size fits all” scenario. It’s a messy and difficult process. When all is said and done, Crosshair has one of the best realized redemption arcs in all of Star Wars and I couldn’t be more thrilled with how it played out.
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
♡ Tips To Make Washing Dishes Suck Less ♡ 
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Sorry if this is hyper-specific, it’s totally not inspired by my kitchen counter which is covered with dirty dishes I'm pretty sure every dish I own right now is dirty T-T
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♡ Dirty dishes are a positive thing! They mean you have food! You're eating! Maybe you even cooked something! That's awesome, hell yes.
♡ You don't have to do it all at once. If you only clean two mugs or if you only manage to get the food off of some of the dishes but not actually wash them, that is totally fine.
♡ Take as many breaks as you need. There is no rule that says you have to wash all your dishes at one time. (Although, I understand this may not be possible for everyone - I live by myself so I am the ruler of my own dishes & I know not everyone is in that situation).
♡ Sit down while you do the dishes. Who says you can't sit down to wash dishes? I do it all the time! I have a kitchen stool I use to sit while I cook or clean. (Don’t sit while working with the stove or oven though - if you’re working with hot things like that you need to be able to easily move to get out of the way if anything happens or you could get hurt)
♡ Dirty dishes are allowed to touch the counter. If you are struggling because there are too many dishes actually in the sink - put them on the counter. Clear up some space so you can focus on small batches one at a time. Give yourself space to breathe.
♡ Use gloves. One of the reasons I despise doing the dishes is because I hate having my hands wet for a long period of time. I also hate the feeling of my hands sweating in the gloves so I use a little baby powder to keep them from getting sticky or wet.
♡ Use a soap you like the scent of. If you like the scent of the soap you’re using, you’ll dislike doing the dishes a little less. There’s also a million scents to choose from from lemon to lavender to watermelon. I’ve seen passion fruit scented dish soap? The opportunities are truly endless.
♡ Use cute sponges! This sounds so dumb but genuinely I bought some fruit-shaped sponges and it makes doing the dishes so much more bearable for me. It feels a little bit less like a chore when you enjoy the aesthetics of it.
♡ Quit scrubbing! Dried-up food stuck to the dish? Don't waste energy scrubbing it, soak it in hot water with some soap and come back to it later.
♡ Listen to music or a podcast. Not only does it help keep you entertained while you're doing the dishes so it feels less draining, but if you're like me your sink is LOUD and I HATE that so I put in my earbuds so the noise of the sink doesn't bother me as much.
♡ Don't worry about the rest of the kitchen. Just. wash. the. dishes. I have a bad habit of being like "I need to clean my entire apartment" which would take a lot of energy and take forever so then I'm like “well I just won't do that it's too hard” - but if I decide “I'm just going to wash the dishes" that seems much more doable & the chances of me actually doing it go way up.
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starwarsbundle · 5 months
TBB Headcannons they probably deserve.
Did you know that a headcannon means something you (YOU) think is cannon about a character?
WELL I DID NOT. Until a couple of days ago.
Also I started binging the Bad Batch; so now I have thoughts.
Hunter is probably most of those thoughts, so he’ll go first.
He absolutely listens to Hozier’s “Too Sweet”. And Britany Spears’ “Gimme More”. No I will not elaborate.
He looks like he should know how to braid hair but DOESN’T. He’d let Omega braid his hair though. Or Tech, but only those two. Again, I will not explain the specifics.
His Fett(tm) Dad(tm) instincts immediately emerged the minute he saw Omega. Unfortunately poor guy makes up parenting as he goes along.
He has reactions to certain sounds/scents/textures, due to his enhanced senses. And by reactions I mean cat-bristle-pine-tail-standing-up-on-end reactions.
Awkward hugger. Doesn’t know how to hug/be hugged. This guy hasn’t figured out how to properly express affection. He’s getting there.
LIKES hugs though. Just doesn’t know what to do about it.
Would definitely throw random sh$t at his batchmates if he was annoyed. Like, whatever is to hand - tools, Lula, socks (sometimes his own boots).
Can and will sleep sitting up with his helmet on if too overstimulated. Will be cranky the next day though from an aching back.
Sleep migrates. As in, went to sleep in his bunk, woke up in someone else’s. With them. The Batch is used to it. Wrecker gives him hugs if he finds him. Crosshair complains but will snuggle closer to Hunter if he wakes up first. Echo pretends he doesn’t notice. Tech gets annoyed because Hunter sleep-steals his blankets. Doesn’t shoo him away though.
Mends his own socks. Can’t mend anything else for the life of him, however.
Spinning his Knife(tm) is a form of stress relief. It definitely intimidates strangers who don’t know the poor guy is just stressed.
Surprisingly is NOT food fussy, despite his enhanced senses. It is an ongoing mystery for Tech.
I might make more of these. We’ll see.
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hugmekenobi · 4 months
S3: The Bad Batch (8)
Chapter Eight: Bad Territory
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Gif by @rebekadjarin
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: The group is divided, each side with a mission of their own to follow
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, angst, fluff, limited (y/n), Crosshair feeling left out, me making up how the Force can work/be used, more dancing around M-count things, and me making up a rough timeline
Word Count: 5.2K
Author's notes: Not gonna lie, I struggled a lot with this one for a variety of reasons but I hope people still like it! Thank you @burningfieldof-clover for your much needed and valued assistance during this!
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Omega sat on the steps of the Marauder anxiously tapping her boot as she stared at her commlink.
“You know staring at your comm won’t make Echo contact you any faster.” Crosshair told her as he approached.
Omega got to her feet with a sigh. “He and Rex lost most of their squad in that attack. All because the Empire was after me and (Y/N). I have to do something to help them.”
“You are. Follow (Y/N)’s example and keep staying away.” Crosshair said.
“Wow, I’ve never been used as a positive example before.”
Omega turned to see you and Hunter standing in the doorway of the Marauder.
“Crosshair’s right. We need to know more about why Hemlock’s after you and what his M-count experiments mean.” Hunter added. “Until then, you both have to lay low.” He said with a firm look at the two of you.
Hey, Omega is the priority here, not me.
“Don’t start with that.” Hunter chastised. “It’s a high chance that Hemlock being after Omega means he’s after you too, especially if M-counts are involved somehow.”
We don’t know that he’s after me specifically, I’ve always just had issues with any Imperial official. I’m more of a general Imperial threat. Me getting captured, I could wind up anywhere.
“That’s a very reassuring thought, thank you.” Hunter muttered sarcastically.
Besides, even when I handed myself in, I wasn’t sent to Tantiss so I might not even be on his radar since he seems to be looking for clones and not Jedi to test on. Omega is the one we know for sure that Hemlock is after.
“Hey! Incoming transmission. From Phee!” Wrecker came to tell the rest of you.
To be continued. You placed a chaste and pacifying kiss to his lips before you headed towards the cockpit.
“No, not to be continued, you’re laying low the same way Omega is!” Hunter called to your retreating figure before he too headed back in.
“They were arguing, and I didn’t hear a single word she said?” Crosshair as the two of you walked back inside.
“Hmm?” Omega stopped patting Batcher and then understood his question. “Oh that! You mean she hasn’t tried it with you yet?” Omega asked curiously. She’d honestly barely noticed the interaction; she was so used to moments like that now.
“Tried what?” Crosshair asked.
“It’s a Jedi communication thing.” Omega tried to explain but that was really all she could provide. “I don’t quite understand how it works but she does it with the rest of us. I’m sure if you asked her, she’d be able to do it to you too.”
“Right.” Crosshair said hesitantly, unsure as to what he could’ve done to make you think you couldn’t trust him with that. But he pushed that to the back of his mind for now before inquiring, “And Phee?”
“She’s a liberator of ancient wonders.” Omega said with an appropriate amount of showmanship.
Crosshair just stared at her unamused and not playing into the mystery she was trying to create.
“Pirate. She’s a pirate.” Omega admitted with a sigh.
How you lot had managed to make allies with a pirate was something he found himself wishing he’d been there to witness.
Wrecker put the transmission through.
“Hey Phee.” Omega said warmly.
“Hey kid.” Phee replied.
“What do you got for us?” Hunter asked.
“I’ve been asking around about this M-count thing, which hasn’t been easy, by the way. Tech’s brain was the data bank, not mine.”
The grief you were in constant battle with asked for another way in, but you let is wash over you as Phee continued to speak.
“But I came through. As always.”
“And what did you find out?” You asked.
“Word is, certain class one bounty hunters have been retrieving M-count target for the Empire.”
Again, you ruminated in your thoughts over this. Omega couldn’t have a high M-count, not in the way the Empire seemed to want, you’d know if she did. And it was all to do with clones, so it had to be something about their DNA specifically. “A high M-count signifies Force user potential. But that’s not got anything to do with you.” You added hastily as you saw Omega’s look of excitement. “So, why else would they need her if she has one?” You asked Phee.
“Don’t know. You’re better off asking a bounty hunter.” Phee replied.
“We have run into a few.” Hunter revealed.
“What about Fennec?” Omega suggested.
“Who?” Crosshair asked.
“Fennec Shand.” You said, your feelings about her made very clear by the distaste in your voice. “She was hired by Kaminoans to abduct Omega. Tried to pick me up along the way.”
“She might know something.” Omega said.
“She’s dangerous, but it might be our only option.” Hunter agreed and she definitely a better option compared to Cad Bane.
“I can probably track Fennec down for you.” Phee said. “But she’s not gonna hand over that information for free.”
“Naturally.” You and Crosshair said in the same wry tone.
But as he said that you, Hunter, and Omega noticed the way his hand began to tremor despite Crosshair’s efforts to stop and hide it.
“I gotta split. I’ll get back to you.” With that, Phee ended the transmission.
“Yeah, I don’t like it.” Wrecker said nervously to Hunter. “We can’t trust Fennec. Not around those two.”
“Agreed. You and I will go alone.”
“But-” Omega protested.
“Hold on-” You began to argue.
“This isn’t a debate.” Hunter said definitively. “Stay on Pabu and stay out of trouble. All of you.” He said to the three of you.
“Fine by me.” Crosshair drawled before he left the ship.
Hunter addressed the two of you once he’d gone, concern in his voice. “See if you can convince him to get his hand looked at. Ignoring it won’t make the problem go away.”
You walked back to the ship as you saw Hunter and Wrecker getting ready to depart.
“I already told you no.” Hunter said as you stood on the bottom of the door staircase.
“You and Fennec have a score to settle and I’m not going to tempt her with it. What we need to know is more important than that.”
“I know that but she’s dangerous and I don’t see how having someone else there to help would be such a bad idea.” You disputed.
Hunter went for another tact, “Did you hear Phee say the phrase ‘high M-count targets?’ ”
You ground out a sigh, “Yes.”
“And don’t you have one?”
“Yes, but I-”
“Did you hear that bounty hunters are being used to retrieve them?”
You shot him an exasperated look. “Yes.”
“Do you see where I’m going with this?”
You exhaled a defeated breath. “Yes.” You begrudgingly acknowledged.
“Good.” He came down a couple steps and placed both hands on your shoulders as he kissed your forehead. “We’ll be careful.”
“Yeah, you better.” You threatened but with a caring smile on your face. “I’ll see you soon.” You hopped off the stairs and watched the ship take off.
You rejoined Omega and Crosshair who were standing by the Wheeping Maya tree. “Sooo, what do we want to do today? Walk around, go for a boat ride, chill by the beach and talk about our feelings?” You broached casually. You couldn’t get away with making him sit down and push him into doing something about his hand- Omega had the better shot of using an approach like that. What you were doing fit the rhythm you and Crosshair had before everything in the galaxy went to shit.  
Crosshair ignored your suggestions. “You can help me train.” He said as he grabbed his rifle.
Omega glanced up at you to see if you wanted to say anything yet, but you only shook your head as you both followed him down to the beach cove.
“How’d you want to handle this?” Omega asked as Crosshair started prepping his scope.
I’ll open the door for you. Give us a few minutes.
“Target practice or hand-to-hand?” You asked as you reached him.
“Target.” Crosshair with a hard stare at you, warning you against any further unrelated conversation.
“I’m here to help as you requested.” You raised your hands in surrender, “I only ask because the most recent time you tried hand-to-hand; you got your ass handed to you.” You taunted as you made your way to your position and removing your lightsaber from your belt. “Now remember, the goal is to aim for me which finding the motivation for shouldn’t be too difficult.” Omega, when you hear the blaster fire stop, you’re up.
You weren’t facing him when you sensed the shot that was being aimed for the middle of your back. You ignited your lightsaber and blocked it on the half turn. “Hey, that was good!” You called back. “More like that and I might actually have to try!” You got into your stance and waited.
Crosshair heaved a sigh as he set himself again.
You disengaged your blade to signal that it was time to stop, and you lightly jogged over to where Crosshair was waiting. “Twenty shots, but only eleven I had to actually dodge or block… you really gotta sort that out, it’s not like you.”
Crosshair glared at you, “I forgot how annoying you were to train with.”
“Oh, I’m just the warmup.” You said with a knowing grin. “She’s the real challenge.” You nodded past his shoulder.
Crosshair followed your eyes, and he gulped as he saw Omega walking towards with gritty determination on her face. He already knew exactly how this was going to go.
Finding Fennec Shand hadn’t been very difficult, the hardest part now was getting her help without giving too much away.
“So, what kind of information can I help you with?” She asked, relaxing into the booth but she saw the wary look the two clones shared with each other. “See, the way this works is you tell me what intel or target you’re after, and I give you a price. So stop wasting my time.”
“We hear the Empire has a bounty out for M-count targets.” Hunter replied tentatively.
Fennec adjusted her posture. “Why do you wanna know about that? You trying to find your girl?” She looked at the helmeted clone who visibly tensed at her words. She sipped her drink. “She’s been quite the busy Jedi, nice price on her head too.”
“The why is our business.” Hunter said stiffly.
Fennec let the evasion slide and shrugged as she lounged back once more. “I haven’t done one of those jobs myself, but… I might know someone who has.”
“Can you put us in touch with them?” Hunter requested.
“Now that will definitely cost you.”
“How much?”
“More than you’ve got. But we might be able to work something out.” She took another gulp of her drink. “I’ve read your files from before.” She addressed the bigger clone, “You’re good with demolitions and ordnance, right?”
“Ha! ‘Good’? I’m the best.” Wrecker boasted proudly.
“And you’re the tracker.” Fennec said to the other one.
“What’s your point?” Hunter questioned warily.
“There’s a bounty I’ve been trying to bring in. Worth a lot. But he’s been hard to catch without a crew.”
“Oh, so you want us to work with you?” Wrecker sussed out.
“No. You’ll be working for me.” Fennec corrected. “You follow through, I’ll get you what you want to know.”
Hunter barely debated the situation in his head. Getting the information was all that mattered. “Deal.”
Fennec nodded and grabbed her stuff. “We’ll use my ship. And so we’re clear… I keep the payment on the bounty. All of it.”
Omega sat next to Crosshair whilst you crouched by Batcher’s side, absentmindedly petting the hound as AZ finished scanning Crosshair’s hand.
“How does your hand feel now?” AZ inquired.
“The same.” Crosshair grunted dejectedly as he massaged it with his good hand.
“Unfortunately, it may never heal 100%.”
“There’s nothing else you can do?” Omega appealed.
“I have exhausted all the medical treatment options. Perhaps the issue is not something physical.” AZ theorised.
“You think it’s in my head?” Crosshair hissed angrily.
“If you were to elaborate more on the experimentation you were subjected to, I could determine the cause.”
“Forget it.” Crosshair snapped as he shoved past the droid.
You jumped to your feet attempted to catch his arm, but he shrugged you off.
“Crosshair?” Omega called out to him as he left but he didn’t look back.
“If he won’t talk about it, I’m not sure how else we can help him.” You pondered anxiously.
“I have another idea.” Omega said. “But you need to be there too.”
“We’re working for her now? We don’t even trust her.” Wrecker whispered as he and Hunter stood in the back of Fennec’s ship. It wasn’t like Hunter to not think through the dangers of taking a job like this on.
“What choice do we have? We need that information. Just be ready for anything.” As soon as Hunter said that the door slid open, and Fennec appeared.
“We made a deal. I’m going to keep it as long as you hold up your end.” Fennec reminded the clones.
“Wanna tell us who it is we’re going after?” Hunter asked.
Fennec brought out the puck and activated the image. “Sylar Saris. ‘The Slayer od Ordo Eris’. One of the slipperiest marks around. Got a tip on his location.”
“Well, what did he do?” Wrecker asked.
“Hmm. Got greedy. Took out a couple top bosses for the Haxion Brood and escaped with a cache of credits. Powerful people want him found. The other hunters that went after him? Never came back.” She waited half a second before continuing, “Sylar knows the planet like the back of his claw. But eventually, everyone’s luck runs out.” Fennec turned off the puck as she finished the brief and retreated to the pilot seat.
You watched the line of fruit on the rock ahead as Crosshair raised his rifle, but his hand was still trembling, so his shot skimmed the top of the fruit he had been aiming for. You had thought a degree of normalcy was what he needed but now it was time for both you and Omega to push him- even a little bit. “That was close.” You said encouragingly.
“Close doesn’t count. It’s either a hit or miss.” Crosshair replied sharply.
“You’re still more capable than most.” Omega said with a soothing touch of his arm.
Crosshair only sighed and sat with his back against the rock. “That’s not good enough for a sniper.”
You and Omega both hopped up on the rock.
“Have you ever considered that AZ might be right?” You proposed slowly, your voice kind and gentle. You knew how hard accepting help with something like this could be and it couldn’t be rushed into.
“Whatever they did to you on Tantiss could’ve affected you more than you realise.” Omega backed up the suggestion in a similar tone.
“No. No, no. It’s not in my head.” Crosshair disagreed.
“Just because there’s nothing AZ can do, doesn’t mean your hand can’t get better.” Omega said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “Maybe you’re the one who has to fix it.”
Crosshair considered it. “How?”
“I’m glad you asked.”
Crosshair glanced over at you to see a familiar scheming smile on your face but there was a kindness to your eyes that told him you weren’t messing around with this. “I’m not gonna like it, am I?”
You and Omega shared a smile, “You don’t like anything.” You two said in unison as you left the rock.
“True.” Crosshair conceded with a sigh as he got to his feet.
The light was all but gone and between the toxic swamp air, the mines in the river, and the gators that attacked them, it had already been a trying journey and things weren’t getting much better since Hunter couldn’t get a proper read on the current anymore.
“Well, tracker? Which direction?” Fennec asked as she slowly steered the hired boat.
“The currents are too calm to tell.” Hunter admitted reluctantly.
“Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you guys aren’t cut out for this job.” She said irritably.
“Oh. You think you could do better without us?” Wrecker challenged.
“I wouldn’t be doing any worse.”
“Well, (Y/N) got the best of you and even Omega managed to get away.”
“Apparently, they both got away from you too.” She watched as that clearly hit a mark with both of them. “So what happened? I know what your girl’s been up to, tracker, but what went down for her to get to that? And how’d you lose the kid?”
“What’s it to you?” Hunter deflected coldly as he pulled out his macro’s and searched ahead for any sign of Sylar’s safehouse.
“Just seems odd. You’re both willing to work for me, considering our past. That information must really be important to you.”
Hunter said nothing. He feared that anything he would say would give something more away.
“And just so you know, I didn’t lose Omega. I let her go when the bounty was called off.” Fennec informed them.
“By who?” Hunter asked, turning to look at her.
“The client. They thought Omega would be safer with you guys. Guess they were wrong about that.” She glanced between them both. “And your Jedi wasn’t worth the trouble since there wasn’t a set bounty on her at the time. Though, if I saw her again, with the price on her head that might change.” Fennec couldn’t help but goad. She scoffed as she saw the helmeted glare from the tracker.
“I guess you’ll work for anybody as long as you get paid.” Wrecker said with a hint of disgust.
“Good guys, bad guys. Their money is all the same.” Fennec said breezily.
“Well, money’s not everything.” Hunter said.
“That’s cause you don’t have any.”
Hunter couldn’t respond to that because there was nothing to argue against. He simply brought his binoculars back and scanned the water. “Someone came through here. Veer starboard up ahead.”
‘Slippery mark’ had been right. They’d been able to find his hideout but actually subduing Sylar had proven a far more difficult feat than anticipated.
In the end, it had taken a team effort from the three of them to knock out the insectoid and even then, it had taken four stun blasts to successfully managed it.
Wrecker released a breathless groan as he stepped over the target. “You were right to bring us along.”
“I’m always right. Grab him and let’s go.” Fennec instructed.
“If this is a Jedi technique, how is this going to help me?” Crosshair asked dubiously as he saw you and Omega sit cross-legged with your hands on your knees on a rock facing out to the sea, the orange sunset giving the water a warm purple hue.
“One, it’s not solely a Jedi technique because, as you can see, Omega does it.” You pointed out.
“Two, I’m also out of practice so we can both learn together. Come and sit down.” You encouraged, patting the space between you and Omega.
Crosshair reluctantly mirrored both your positions. “So, this technique…”
“Mediation.” Omega reminded him. “It’ll help you heal. Not just your hand, but your mind too.”
“I doubt that.” Crosshair tried to follow the example of you two, but he couldn’t quiet his mind and his hand had started to shake again. He inhaled sharply as he felt Omega take a hold of it and turn it so that his palm was facing up.
You closed your own eyes and spoke calmly. “You need to breathe. Take slow, deep breaths and find your centre. Focus on yourself and what you’re feeling and accept it. Let it pass through you and don’t run away from it.” You guided him as you followed your own advice and found yourself becoming one with the living Force around you.
“And don’t compare yourself to her. It works slightly differently.” Omega told him.
Crosshair glanced at you from the corner of his eye to already see that you were completely at peace, and it looked like nothing could ever bring you out of it. “Where did you learn this? Did she teach you?” He asked Omega.
Omega kept her eyes shut as she replied, “No, she hadn’t done it until after I picked it up from my friend Gungi, and the other Wookies on Kashyyyk. But she helped me with it thereafter. I think she needed that moment again too.”
“You’ve been to Kashyyyk?”
“Uh huh.” Omega took another deep inhale and exhale. “You’ve missed a lot.”
“I know.” Crosshair realised.
“Now, close your eyes and focus.” Omega repeated.
Crosshair did as you both suggested and let go.
“Pleasure doing business with you.” Fennec said as the clone departed her ship.
“Hang on.” Hunter turned on his heels. “You promised us information.”
“I didn’t say I had it on me, but I’ll get it. Ater I deliver Sylar to my client.”
“That’s not what we agreed on.” Hunter growled.
“You can either fight me or trust me. Take your pick.”
Hunter shared a look with Wrecker but decided it wasn’t worth the risk.
“Good choice.” Fennec before she stepped into her ship and brought the ramp up.
Hunter and Wrecker could only watch her ship leave the station hangar. Having to trust the word of a bounty hunter was not the ideal situation they wanted to be or leave in.
Fennec put through the transmission and addressed the hologram.“I just finished a job with some clones. They were asking about the Empire’s M-count bounties. What can you tell me?” She digested the muffled chatter that came in response. “I’m sure you can find them easily enough. I’ll send you what I have.”
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), we’ve finished.” Omega shook your shoulder. “Come back.”
You jolted back to the current moment. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is fine. Just wanted to tell you that Wrecker and Hunter are back.” Omega said as she stood back up. “How was it this time?” She asked you.
You exhaled deeply. “Better but I could still feel my focus drifting more than it used to.” Plus, no matter how often you trained in it, you had never gotten to see your master again and you were beginning to think it had been a one-time deal. If what you needed to talk to him again was to reach a certain level of emotional turmoil, you wouldn’t want to get to that place again. “How was it for you?”
“It was good.” She replied cheerily before she set off to meet up with Hunter and Wrecker, Batcher close at her heels.
“How’d it go?” You asked Crosshair as you got to your feet.
“Eh, I still don’t get it.” Crosshair grunted in reply.
You smiled understandingly at him. “It gets easier.”
“I know, I’ll keep trying.” He took a step in the direction Omega had gone but your voice stopped him.
“I’m not talking about the meditation.” You said softly as you grabbed his shoulder to turn him to face you. “I’m talking about dealing with whatever it was that happened to you.”
Crosshair cast his eyes to the ground. “I can’t tal-”
“Believe me, I understand how hard it can be to recount experiences like that, so I don’t expect you to, not any time soon. The second you wanted to; I would be there but that’s not what I’m saying right now.” You reassured him.
Crosshair regarded you carefully. “Then- then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that whatever you’re feeling, whatever memories in your head that are so fresh it feels like they’ll haunt you forever, it’s okay to feel them. And, while they may never go away entirely, it does get easier.” You looked at him with warm sincerity. “Just don’t bury them because that’s when they’ll eat you alive.”
Crosshair’s eyes widened slightly at your words as he recognised the place you were coming from, and he was grateful for them.
“Or not dealing with them can lead to reckless and damaging decisions that get your face slapped on every Imperial noticeboard across the Outer Rim. Take your pick.” You joked to lighten the mood again.
Crosshair managed a smile at that.
You patted his shoulder. “I meant what I said though, it gets better. We’re all here for you.” You started to walk away to see Hunter and Wrecker to find out what information they got from Fennec.
“Omega mentioned a Jedi communication thing you do?” Crosshair said to your back.
“Yeah, I do it with all of them.” You called back over your shoulder.
“Uh huh.” You said casually before you stopped in your tracks as you realised what he was getting at. You swivelled around again, “Oh! Yeah! I can do that to you whenever you want!”
“But you haven’t.” Crosshair countered as he walked over to you.
You shrugged. “You said you needed time to adjust, and I didn’t want to freak you out.” You replied simply. “I wasn’t conspiring to keep it from you, I just didn’t want to assume anything.”
“If you still don’t trust me, I-”
You rolled your eyes. “Would you shut up; I just said it was because I thought you needed more time. Do you want me to do it with you too?”
Crosshair shifted on his feet. He didn’t like the position he suddenly found himself in, it felt rather pathetic.
“It’s a simple yes or no, come on, we have places to be.”
“I’m sure Hunter can last ten minutes without your mouth attached to his.”
“Okay, see now you’re just pissing me off.” You tossed your hands in the air and went to turn away.
“Yes.” Crosshair grumbled. He’d already missed out on so much and he didn’t want this to be yet another thing.
“That wasn’t too hard, was it?” You drolled. “Give me your hands.”
“Why?” Crosshair asked suspiciously.
“Because I’m actually in love with you.” You jibed flatly as you shot him a look of exasperation.
Crosshair rolled his eyes at you. “Gross.”
“Sometimes it helps when it’s a first connection, especially when I haven’t been around someone for quite a while.”  You explained. You held yours out and waited expectantly.
Crosshair hesitantly complied- both hands steady this time- and watched you intriguingly.
“Fair warning, it can feel a bit weird.” You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You reached into his Force signature, and it was what you expected. It was barbed and you could feel a resistance- a wall- to it. But there was also vulnerability, a longing for growth and acceptance, that wanted to let you in and that was what you appealed to. When you felt that the connection was there, you opened your eyes and looked at him. Now, can we go see your brothers please?
“Okay, that’s really fucking weird.” Crosshair said as you let go of his hands.
Hey, you asked. You grinned at him before the two of you officially set off to go meet the ship.
One week later
“Any word?” Omega asked as she and Crosshair stepped into the Marauder. They’d been mediating by the Maya tree and decided to come check in. The news that Fennec didn’t have any immediate information to offer had been disappointing and each day that went by without any communication only let that disappointment grow.
“Nothing.” Wrecker groused.
“Fennec never told us how long she’d take.” Hunter admitted before he noticed you weren’t with them. “Where’s-”
“Don’t know. We thought she was with you.” Crosshair said as he placed a toothpick in his mouth.
“You’ve not seen her all day?” Hunter double-checked. He’d seen you when you’d woken up but then you’d left, and he and Wrecker had been on the ship for most of the day.
“No, we haven’t. Batcher must be with her too.” Omega guessed since the hound hadn’t been with them and wasn’t anywhere on the ship.
Hunter mulled this over in his head. This isolation you were now putting yourself in since you’d heard the news about Fennec’s lack of information was beginning to become a real habit.
“Three seconds. That’s all it took for you to decide to go find her.” Crosshair teased, earning a snicker from Wrecker in the process.
“Shut up.” Hunter mumbled as he left the ship.
You had been aimlessly wandering the shoreline, occasionally chucking a stick Batcher had found for her to chase.
The Empire,
The Empire,
You ran that list over and over again in your head but couldn’t see the connection. The Jedi were dead and hated by the Empire- what could they need that M-count for? Omega wasn’t Force sensitive and neither were any other clones but that was Hemlock’s main test subject choice. So, what was it about an M-count in clone genetics that mattered so much? What were you overlooking? A demanding bark pulled you out your thoughts and you saw Batcher had dropped the stick at your feet and was waiting expectantly.
“Tell me, Batcher, what am I missing?” You crouched down and held the sides of her face in your palms and smiled at the hound. “Tell me, girl!” You laughed as she let out an affectionate whine and licked your cheek.
“You know, it might help to share your theories with someone who can actually talk back?”
“Uh oh, the tracker found me.” You said as you scratched her jaw before you glanced past her with an affectionate look to the clone walking towards you. “And how’d do you know she doesn’t?” You disputed light-heartedly as you stood up taller.
“You’re right, I don’t.” Hunter played into the joke as he reached you before he turned more serious. “What’s going on, sweetheart?”
“Nothing.” You said dismissively.
Hunter just stared at you with a knowing look on his face. “Don’t do that, don’t shut me out. You’re not keeping to yourself for no reason.”
You remembered your own advice to Crosshair and swallowed tightly. “It’s right in front of my face, Hunter. I should know why this M-count matters for Omega but it’s not clicking and it’s driving me insane!” You rubbed a hand across your tired face. “I don’t know what I’m not seeing.” You confessed as you hung your head with a defeated breath.
Hunter placed his hands on your upper arms and brought his eyes to your level. “If it were obvious, we’d know it already.” He said as he rubbed his thumbs comfortingly up and down your arms. “You don’t need to keep working through this alone.”
“I just feel so useless. I should be able to figure this out!” You said with a frustrated huff.
“I know, it’s hard to just wait it out, but Fennec will come through. Until then, we just have to be patient.” Hunter said as he put his arm around your waist as the two of you and Batcher headed back to rendezvous with the others. “Jedi are meant to be good at that, right?”
“Would it shock you to know that I struggled with that?” You remarked satirically as you mirrored his actions.
Hunter chuckled. “Not in the slightest.”
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @arctrooper69, @notgonnaedit, @dominoeffectsworld, @andreaaxy, @nightmonkeysstuff @superbookishhufflepuff
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hyperfixated-fan · 5 months
I have some semi-coherent thoughts now. I want to specifically analyze that final scene and why that in particular had me bursting into tears. (I still can’t watch it without tearing up.) I use the term “analyze” loosely and really mean stick around and listen to me emotionally ramble.
FIRST of all, they hit us with grown up Omega, which automatically hits you in the feels because this is the naive, bright-eyed child we’ve watched be amazed by dirt now getting ready to head off and fight in the Rebellion.
Then, they hit us with her exchange with old man Hunter. We got that bittersweet ending in the best way possible.
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This is the payoff. The Bad Batch has raised her well. She has grown up into the type of person who sees the injustices in the galaxy and wants to do something about it. It’s time for her to take up a cause and fight.
Hunter’s response. “And we want to keep you safe.”
Omega: “You have. But I’m not a kid anymore. You don’t have to worry about me.”
Hunter: “You’re our kid, Omega. You always will be.”
Admittedly, this exchange here hit me deep on a personal level as someone who’s going to be moving out very soon. It’s time to grow up and I want to do this to step into who I am meant to be. But I also know in my parent’s eyes, I’ll always be there little child. And that both warms and breaks my heart just as it does theirs.
My personal life aside, from a storyline perspective, it is adorable how Omega reassures Hunter that they have kept her safe. I mean, just look at her! Look at the bright young person you’ve managed to raise, Hunter. The father genes are strong in this one.
Omega tells him: “Hunter, you’ve all fought enough.”
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This in it of itself is heartbreaking. The clones have all fought enough for a Republic that ultimately failed and discarded them. Clone Force 99 was fortunate to end up fighting for something worthwhile. For them, they fought for family and they ultimately won. And now, it is Hunter’s turn to lay down his arms to let the next generation take up the fight. And that stings because while he managed to eventually raise Omega in peace, he cannot fully shield her from having to bear the burden of war.
Honestly, I often think of Thrawn’s lines when talking to Hera and I think it’s applicable to Omega as well. “War is in your blood… You were forged by it.”
Here is Omega telling Hunter that it’s her fight. As a clone, it’s in her blood, in her genes, to fight. As a child raised on the tail end of the Clone Wars, it is her fight because she inherited it. As a person, it is her fight because she’s not one to stand aside while others are oppressed. Once again, a sign of how well-raised she is.
Hunter acknowledges Omega’s readiness, “I know you are… but I’m not.”
Oof. His admittance is a double edged sword. He knows she’s ready, he helped train her himself after all. It’s obvious he is so proud of her, but he doesn’t feel ready to let her go. Listening to his perspective really makes me tear up because it really gives insight on how my parents are handling my move. They don’t necessarily want to say goodbye but they are willing because they know I can accomplish what I set out to do.
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Yeah, I’m drowning in a sea of tears. This is so wholesome!
Before Omega boards her ship, Hunter is sure to tell her, “If you ever need us,
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Omega need only say the word and you best believe her brothers are crossing the entire galaxy more than five times to be at her side.
And yeah, that makes me cry all the harder because I know my family will do the same.
And the goggles scene was such another bittersweet punch in the gut.
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She’s definitely older than Tech was when he died, but the life she got to live on Pabu and what she’s going to do in the future is exactly why he sacrificed himself. She can live and live well. She’s forever going to be carrying a piece of him with her and carry on his legacy by utilizing the knowledge that he bestowed upon her. I’m definitely sobbing even harder. Tech girlies, I think denial is no longer an option.
Omega takes off in her ship and her theme swells in the background and it a scene of pure art and emotion. Batcher whines as she departs and I am so sad that Omega didn’t get to take Batcher with her because it parallels how I have to leave my fur babies behind!
The Bad Batch has showed us how change greatly affected everyone’s lives and how they learned to adapt to such changes. Yet, there was the constant that no matter what happened, family is still family and you can find a way to carry on to a brighter future.
Hunter’s final lines really get me, “It’s all right, girl. She’ll be fine.”
To me, I can almost take it as a message for myself. As the Bad Batch draws to a close and Omega steps into a new chapter, so must I. It’s rather daunting, but you know what, I’m gonna be fine and I’m gonna make it.
Whatever you are going through, just know you’re going to be fine as well.
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limabean42 · 2 months
Hello, I like how you characterize Anxiety and I wanted a headcanon with it, here. Romantic Anxiety x reader, she is a new emotion that embodies indifference and so on, simply put, she is the complete opposite of Anxiety, due to their different purpose, they don't get along with each other, they even quarreled a couple of times, but thanks to other emotions, their relationship improved, gradually their relationship became more friendly, after which, later romantic feelings appeared, and they became a couple, now it's hard to imagine what they were when they hated each other, other emotions tease them because of this. Thanks in advance, and sorry if it's too long, I've never been good at writing short 😓
Anxiety growing closer with an indifference! partner
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Thanks for requesting! Don’t worry about it being too long, detailed requests are a treat! Hope you enjoy :)
• You arrived in headquarters after Anxiety and her gang, a little further into puberty
• The rest of the emotions were confused because you were alone and not accompanied by a batch of new friends
• Anxiety initially had no problem with you although she found your intentions suspicious
• Indifference? What did that mean? Would it get in the way of Riley’s life?
• Just her usual questioning
• She soon realized after you took control of the panel for the first time that you’d be trouble for her
• Riley was in the middle of making a big choice
• Every emotion was eager to get to the panel to decide what happened next
• “Hold on guys, this is where I come in.” You said
• Everyone paused and watched you walk over to the buttons, letting you do your thing
• Anxiety was nervous. No way everyone was entrusting a single emotion in big decision making, she thought
• You pressed some buttons and Riley said, “I’ll think about it.”
• You nodded satisfactorily and moved back from the control panel
• “What was that!?” Anxiety uttered
• “My job.”
• Anxiety felt like she was going to pass out, “Indifference, we’re quite literally talking about our entire future here, this is college!”
• Riley was a sophomore in high school but she was looking at colleges to apply for and what to do already
• “There’s always time to think about the future, there’s no rush to make a decision. College is years away.” You said calmly
• Anxiety ripped a chunk of her hair out
• Everyone looked concerned for her, you just stood there with a blank expression
• This was only the beginning of your little feud
• In the following months you and Anxiety were nothing short of rivals
• You always disagreed about making decisions and even quarreled a couple times
• Sometimes you both grabbed a side of the lever and pulled it back and forth, arguing over a specific choice Riley had to make
• You just wanted things to be serene, choices didn’t always have to be made. Sometimes the best route was no route at all
• You believed that Riley should just sit back and relax because there was no rush to anything
• Anxiety was the exact opposite. She was all about making decisions as fast as possible. Securing Riley’s future one step at a time until there was no future left
• The other emotions were growing tired of this constant battle between you two and finally decided to do something about it
• It was an intervention-like situation
• All the emotions took turns on speaking about how your and Anxiety’s relationship was negatively impacting them and Riley
• You both didn’t mean to cause any trouble, you felt guilty
• You both apologized for feuding and decided it was time to resolve whatever bad blood you had with each other
• You and Anxiety had a quick chat about what you two could work on as far as overcoming your rivalry
• You just wanted her to realize that she didn’t have to rush every plan
• She wanted you to know the importance of decision making
• Once you worked out your issues you both became closer
• And closer
• Everyone was starting to notice how you two were basically inseparable, like best friends
• They were so glad for everyone’s sanity
• However, the change didn’t stop there
• You two never stopped growing closer
• The pair of you became more physically affectionate
• You’d throw flirty disses, teasing became a daily routine
• It definitely crossed the line of flirting at this point
• The others grew suspicious about your relationship. Knowing that it had evolved into a little more than just friendship
• Anxiety went as far as to picture a world without you and it almost sent her into a panic attack, unnoticed by anyone
• She started to think, she’d never felt that way before
• Meanwhile you were feeling confused. Did you like Anxiety as more than a friend? You couldn’t decide
• Eventually Anxiety confided in you about these feelings, she couldn’t hold it back anymore. Every time she thought of it she panicked
• You consoled her, revealing you felt the same feelings, just in a different way
• Anxiety asked if you wanted to pursue a relationship with her
• You wanted to but you didn’t know for sure
• You just couldn’t decide
• Now it was time for Anxiety to tell you to not overthink
• You told her to give you a while to think about it and that you’d get back to her
• She was anxious and sad because she thought you’d never make a decision and forget
•However, a few days later you came to Anxiety telling her yes, you wanted to be her partner
• You said you wanted to take a chance and decided, knowing you could go back if things didn’t work out
• Anxiety was ecstatic
• She would’ve never thought she’d be this close to you ever
• As a couple, you two get along pretty well, despite some differences
• The other emotions were happy to know what was finally going on between you two
• They would tease you saying things like, “Remember when you two couldn’t stand each other?”
• Anxiety blushes every time
• Both of you couldn’t even imagine a time where you weren’t in love
• Anxiety learned that anything could happen at anytime, not everything goes according to plan
• You learned that you have to take risks sometimes and decide on things, even if they seem hard or scary
• You couldn’t be happier that you decided to date her
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shreddeddescent · 14 days
hhhhh yeah ok just for funsies.....
here's a snippet (its way longer than a snippet its 4000 words) of the worst case scenario story i wrote.
idk how much of the specifics will be canon. but i do think this is such a good blow up that it would be mean to keep it to myself.
Warnings for mentions of: CSA rape forced incest uhhhh more probably. nothing shown but much mentioned. possibly warnings for more im not even thinking of. Im sorry just be careful.
Don’t be fucking weird about it to me ok we are in the raw place
so context. shredder kidnapped the boys for days to get what he wanted out of them. implications are clear enough through context i think. lot of drugging. they escaped and killed him (like for real this time) shit is weird and they're handling it as best they can. everyone is aware of this. they've had one therapy session w a weirdly inhuman therapist april found (from her connections in cryptid world) and nobody wants to look their mom in the eye. least of all raph. cuz god does it ever feel bad to know she knows.
the boys seem ok to the naked eye though. hence. this.
When they woke up the next morning Mikey had decided to make everyone pancakes. A true feast of flavours after their days of slop.
Donnie and Leo had set the table and let Raph rest at the head of it, he was still wearing Donnie’s old ratty black hoodie, it fit him perfectly. He’d also found some sweatpants, but those only rode up to his mid thigh. It still helped though.
Mikey was making two batches of pancakes, half with chocolate chips and half without, the pickier eaters with the cool mask colours refusing to try something sweet.
The air smelled strongly of bacon, and it was making Raph’s tummy growl loudly.
“Mikey you better hurry up, Raph’s gonna eat his plate!” Leo joked as he pat Raph on the back.
“You can’t hurry perfection!” Mikey whined as he plated some bacon.
“Uuuughhhh Mikey…! I can see the light!” Raph gasped out and reached his arm out above his head, miming his own death.
Mikey huffed and chucked a piece of bacon on his plate.
“To tide you over you big baby.”
Raph gasped and picked it up between his fingers gobbling it down with a loud moan.
“So fucking good Mikey…”
“Oh you’re all up!”
Raph froze, swallowing hard.
His mom was behind him and he was wearing Donnie’s hoodie. He had just moaned Mikey’s name. And his mom was behind him.
He felt Leo hovering over him but he didn’t move.
“Hi mom.” Leo said gently.
“Decided to make a big breakfast?” She wandered over to look at what Mikey was doing at the stove.
Leo put a hand on Raph’s shoulder when she turned and leaned down to enter his eyeline.
Raph stared at him with a panicked expression. Leo looked sympathetic.
“Yeah, we’re all pretty hungry.” Mikey responded.
“You want some help?”
“I got it, it’s almost done anyway.”
Raph was trying like hell not to have a panic attack. Leo put both arms around his shoulders in a loose hug, leaning down to speak in his ear.
“Deep breaths, Raph, it’s just mom. You’re okay.”
He tried to breathe, placing a hand on Leo’s arm. He saw his mom turn and quickly threw Leo’s arms off him.
She stared at him sadly, but tried to smile anyway.
“How are you feeling today Raphael?”
“Hungry.” He answered quickly. “Just really hungry.”
Her smile faltered for a moment, but she tried to keep it up anyway.
“Well, good thing your brother is such a good cook.” She turned to the fridge to grab some juice.
Raph clasped his chest, he didn’t know why it hurt.
Donnie was staring at him with some concern, he looked like he was about to ask him something so Raph just glared at him and held his finger to his lips.
Donnie rolled his eyes and rest his folded arms on the table.
Raph just stared at his empty plate, trying to calm his nerves.
Leo pat him on the back and shook him gently.
“Raphael do you want me to put on some coffee? Or would you like to take a nap later?”
He stared at his empty plate. Caffeine would make his chest worse than it already was.
“No, I'm very awake right now, super okay.” He super fucking wasn’t okay and he didn’t know why.
She turned around to pour a glass of orange juice for herself.
“Enough food for me to join you boys?”
Mikey turned his head to look back at Raph in question.
Raph stared back at him with an anxious look in his eye. He then looked back at his mom.
“Of course you can eat breakfast with us we’re not avoiding you or anything that would be mean!” He tried to make his words sound as playful as he could but he was pretty sure he sounded crazy.
She gave him a puzzled look but smiled anyway, and sat at the other end of the table.
Donnie gave him the most dumbfounded look, shaking his head slightly.
Leo nonchalantly scooted his chair closer to Raph and leaned over the counter.
“So. What did our doctor tell you?”
Raph kicked him under the table but he didn’t react.
She frowned and clasped her hands around her cup, looking down at it.
“She… said a few things. She told me to give you space, but not be too far in case you needed to talk. I’m trying not to worry, but I’m a little surprised that none of you have seeked me out for anything.”
Raph frowned and rubbed his arm, looking away.
“I.. I’m sorry, feels too raw right now..”
“I think anything we need to talk about can be said to the therapist.” Donnie said.
Raph looked up to glare at Donnie for his rudeness, but he’d stood up to help Mikey bring plates of food to the table.
“Which I understand, but I feel out of the loop. You’ve spoken to April. And this doctor. But no one even looked to me for a hug…”
Raph chewed his lip and closed his eyes. He felt horrible.
“Mom, I’m so sorry I just—“
“Because trying to be physically close with anyone right now is hard, mom.” Leo interrupted. Raph thought his tone was too harsh. “We’ve been through hell and we’re just trying to be normal. It’s awkward and it sucks. But it’s hard to add other people to it.”
Raph groaned and shoved him lightly with his shoulder.
“We’re fine, mom. We’re coping.”
She eyed the two of them carefully with her hands clasped in front of her face as Donnie and Mikey placed the plates of pancakes and meats in front of everyone.
She was looking at Raph’s hoodie, she was looking at how close Leo was to him.
He looked away from her so he could pile as many chocolate chip pancakes onto his plate as he could. Leo leaned over him to add some bacon and hash browns to it, knowing he would forget to diversify his plate.
It was not helping.
Raph grumbled and took a big bite of pancakes. He couldn’t help but moan again. “These are so fucking good, Mikey…”
Mikey grinned from his seat near splinter at the corner. He and Donnie had very different plates, his full of all the variety, Donnie sticking to his plain pancakes with nothing on them.
“Thank you! Worth the wait right?” He asked with his mouth full.
“Yes, I’m sorry.” Raph whined dramatically and stuffed his face more. Eating real delicious food after all that gross paste felt so good. He’d never felt so hungry, he was going to overindulge.
“How are you coping?” Splinter asked suddenly between her bites of food.
Raph tensed and looked up at her, gulping back hard.
“You said you were fine and coping. So how are you coping?” She looked up at him with a weird look and he needed to look back down. It was making him queasy.
“I.. I don’t know, we’re just hanging out I guess.” He mumbled and picked at his food.
“Is that a new hoodie?”
He tensed and tried to make himself small.
“No, it’s Donnie’s…”
“Hm.” She washed back her food with a chug of juice.
His brothers weren’t as tense as he was, but they did look uneasy by her presence. It wasn’t unusual, he was usually the only one trying to hold conversation, and he had been the one to inadvertently invite her to join them. They all kind of wanted to be alone.
“Mikey? You should have let me help, you seemed to have forgotten the eggs.”
‘She knows she knows she knows she knows!’
Raph slammed his head down on the counter to shut the voice in his head up.
There was a pause. Leo pressed a hand to his back.
“You good..?”
He picked his head up sharply and grunted.
“Never better.” He started scarfing down the pancakes in as big of bites as he could. Maybe he could finish fast and get out of here.
“I… didn’t make eggs cuz our stomachs are a little too empty for eggs…” Mikey mumbled between bites.
‘She knows he’s lying she knows he’s trying to protect you she knows!’
He clenched his fist around his fork and swallowed hard, staring intensely at his plate. He put his free hand under the table to dig his nails into his thigh instead of hurting his head where she could see it.
Unfortunately Leo noticed and grabbed his hand under the counter to stop him. Which she also noticed.
He slapped his hand away and glared at him.
“Leo what are you doing to your brother?!”
Leo snapped his head up to look at her and he looked like a deer caught in headlights.
Raph wished he had hair so he could pull it all out.
“Oh for fucks sake, SPLINTER, we are NOT. FUCKING each other!” Donnie shouted as he suddenly stood up and leaned over the counter.
Raph looked at him in absolute horror.
Splinters eyes went wide and she looked at him angrily.
Donnie growled.
“I can see what you’re doing! You keep eyeing Raph up for being too close to us! You’re assuming the worst!” Donnie gestures to him with one hand without turning his gaze away from splinter. “You’re going to give him ANOTHER panic attack!”
Raph clutched his head in his hands, staring wildly at nothing as he curled his upper body over the counter, facing down at the table.
“Donnie!” He heard Mikey yell as another stool scooted back.
“I-I am not assuming anything!” His mother sounded offended and angry.
“Guys.” Leo said sternly.
“You literally asked him about my hoodie! As if it was the weirdest thing in the world for my traumatized rape victim of a brother to request items of clothing!”
“He’s just never worn anything like that before!”
“Gee Splinter I wonder why!”
“Donnie this isn’t your fight!” Mikey yelled and Raph heard a small smack.
“Someone has to fucking fight for that idiot! Everyone’s fucking dancing around it as if we don’t all know what’s wrong!”
Raph was staring at his plate so hard the colours were burning into his brain.
“No one wants to tell me what’s wrong! Everyone comes home from hell and avoids their mother like the plague! And I am just supposed to not fear the worst?! You have no idea all the things I can smell on you boys!”
“Where was that nose THE FIRST TIME?!” Donnie shouted as it sounded like he slammed both fists on the counter.
He was growling.
“You didn’t smell DAD all over Raph?!”
Raph stood suddenly, hands still clasped over his ears and he didn’t look at anyone, just kept his head facing the ground as he ran out of the room.
He bolted into the bathroom and proceeded to throw up all of the delicious pancakes he’d enjoyed so much. He couldn’t even have one nice thing.
He heard a gentle knock at the open door and didn’t turn away from the bowl.
“I have some water…” Leo said quietly. He made no effort to step inside.
Raph reached his arm back to take the cup without looking.
Leo passed it to him and stayed in the doorway.
Raph kept staring at the bowl, waiting to see if he has anything left before he chugged water and rinsed his mouth out a few times.
“Thanks…” he mumbled as he grabbed toilet paper to wipe his face with.
“Do you want me to sit with you..?”
Raph kept staring at the bowl.
Leo walked inside and sat beside him propping up an elbow on his knee.
“Can I rub your back?”
“Why are you asking permission?” Raph looked up at him frustratedly. He was just giving him a sympathetic frown.
“Cuz I think no one is asking how you feel before they decide they know what’s best for you.”
Raph turned back to the bowl, taking in what he meant.
“I… thank you…” he sighed, straightening his back out to look at the back of the toilet. He was pretty sure there was nothing left in him, but he just kind of wanted to sit in this quiet moment away from everyone else. Puke or not.
Leo took it upon himself to flush the toilet for him.
“If it helps, I’m pretty sure Mikey’s gonna chew Donnie’s ear off for that.”
“What does it matter, he’s not wrong.” Raph sighed.
“It was not his place to shout your bullshit at mom.”
Raph turned to look up at him frustrated.
“He’s right though. That’s what hurts.”
Leo frowned and nodded.
“He is, but it’s still not his place to talk over you about you. It’s not moms place to make you feel like shit about yourself when you’re barely holding on. And it’s not Donnie’s place to decide how you tell mom about your own shit.”
Raph looked away, feeling tears coming.
“I was never gonna tell mom. I was… I was literally never ever gonna tell her that…”
Leo scooted closer and leaned his head down to be at eye level with him.
“I get that. We all kinda knew that. I’m sorry Donnie did that to you.”
Raph closed his eyes.
“You can hug me if you want to…”
He felt Leo pull him in to a loose hug from his side, letting him lean his body against his.
“I… I know what Donnie did is fucked but… but I also mean that I was never going to be ABLE to tell mom that…”
Leo hummed and rubbed his shoulder.
“You’re half grateful. Half angry.”
He laughed a little. “Yeah… I know it’s.. it’s my fault for saying it was ok for her to join us but… but god Leo I feel so bad all the time, she seems lonely and sad and I just.. I can’t look at her and think about what she thinks of me…”
“I mean—“
“And don’t just tell me not to worry about what she thinks.”
There was a pause.
“That’s all you were gonna say.” Raph grumbled and pat Leo’s arm. “I hate that nobody ever gets along, and I hate that I’m stuck in the middle of it…”
“Sounds exhausting.”
“It is! I’m tired and I just want people to fucking… I don’t know.. I’m trying to be okay…”
Leo tugged him closer. “You don’t have to be okay, no one expects you to be okay.”
He sighed and pat Leo’s arm. “I wanna go back in there…”
Leo gently let go of him and stood up, holding his hand out to help him up. He then pointed at the sink.
“Maybe one last rinse and spit.”
Raph sighed and leaned over to gargle tap water for a moment before turning and staring up at Leo who gave him a thumbs up.
Leo let him lead the way out of the room.
He was still hearing arguing as he walked towards the kitchen.
“—have any idea how hard this was?!”
“Yes! Because you never shut up about it!”
“Oh that’s kind of you to say!”
“Does it EVER cross your mind how hard WE had it as BABIES?!”
He hovered in the doorway for a moment.
He saw his mother standing on a stool to shout at eye level, Donnie just glaring daggers still in the same spot.
Mikey had his arms folded, the expression on his face looked far older and exhausted than it should have on his sweet face.
“Of course I do! That’s why I needed to get you out of there!”
Raph walked in the kitchen and they all stared at him.
Mikey’s expression softened instantly, he looked worried.
Raph parsed the last thing his mother had said and he turned to look at her, feeling angry for some reason.
“But… you didn’t get us out… I got us out.” He said quietly.
He sensed Leo standing behind him leaning against the door frame.
His mother made a face.
“That’s not fair.” She said as she climbed down of the stool to sit normally. “I found us all a way out, I got us a home.”
“Six years later.” He almost whispered. He wasn’t sure where this was coming from.
Mikey and Donnie were staring at him in awe. Splinter looked offended.
“You know where I—“
“I know where you were. I know why you were gone.” He clenched his fists and took a breath, standing up straight. “I don’t blame you for leaving. Or being gone. I’m sorry. But…” he looked at Mikey, his sweet eyes growing larger. He eyed Donnie, whose guilty look was turning warmer. He looked back at his mother. “But when you were gone bad things happened to us, and no one came to save us.”
Her eyes were watering. It made his water too, so he turned his head to look away.
He sensed Leo step in beside him and felt him grab his hand gently.
Raph looked up at him, he was giving him a gentle smile and nodded at him to continue.
Leo had him.
He looked back at his mom’s tearful eyes.
“I-I know that! And I feel terrible about it every day!”
He gave her a dark glare.
“Did you know dad raped me?”
Her eyes went wide and she didn’t say anything.
He frowned.
“You either didn’t think about how bad we had it, or you knew and didn’t do anything about it. I don’t know which makes me more miserable to think about.”
“Stop!” He shouted. She tensed up and he felt guilty instantly, none of them liked a booming voice.
He rubbed his temple with his free hand.
“Stop. We know the therapist was April’s idea. And we know you didn’t let her get one for us before. I understand….” He sighed, “I understand that we were in hiding. That you were scared for us, scared we’d get caught, shipped back there and have the worst thing happen, but… but we could have gotten help years ago! I could have gotten help! I-I shut down mom! I forgot all about it! And you might think that’s good! That makes it all okay cuz I shut it all out but it came back to haunt me!
Tears were falling down his cheeks, he felt so angry and so miserable and so so justified.
“You said… you told me. When you found me you told me you had been watching us! Trying to watch over us right? What… what did you see dad do that finally pushed you over the edge and made you admit you were there?”
She looked so pained, so guilty. He didn’t want to break his stare no matter how much it hurt. He didn’t want to give her a way out.
“Your… the things he wanted to do to you… to your brothers because of you…”
“BECAUSE of me?!” He snatched his hand away from Leo’s to clench both of his fists.
Her tears were free roaming, she balled her fists on the counter.
“Because of how you were born! H-he got opportunity as soon as he found that out! He was going to use them on you! Because of how you were born!”
Raph shook his head dumbfounded, staring at the ground.
“Because of how I was born…” he repeated. “So it’s.. so it’s my fault guys! Because I was born like this!”
“Raphael that’s not what I meant!”
He snapped his head up to glare at her. “Isn’t it?! You just said what caused you to finally warn me was learning about that! How did you even learn that!”
She stared at him for a long while. Crying silently as she tried to find her words.
His muscles were trembling from how tightly wound he felt.
“I… saw you get examined in the lab… I was in the vent, y-you were on the table with your little legs…” she sobbed. “I-I saw what he did… i s-saw you lie there l-like you were asleep…”
Raph felt an icy chill run through his body.
He stood back, staring at her in shock and shaking his head a little.
“You… you saw him do it…”
It wasn’t a question.
Her face answered it anyway. Anguished, guilty, miserable. Sobbing away at the table.
He couldn’t move and she didn’t say anything.
“Mom…” Leo softly whispered beside him.
Donnie kicked his stool over with violent force and marched out of the room.
Mikey was staring at Raph with big wet eyes.
Raph was frozen.
“How… how could you..?” Leo asked her.
She hid her face in her hands, sobbing loudly.
“Y-you couldn’t go back! H-help would have brought attention! You couldn’t go back!” She wailed. “A-and you blocked it all out! What was I supposed to do!!!”
“SOMETHING!!!” Mikey screamed suddenly.
They all turned to look at him. He looked more furious than anyone had ever seen him, pure rage in his eyes, sitting up on the counter with his body hunched over.
He shook his head in utter disbelief and got down off the stool, marching over to Raph and taking his hand.
“We should leave.” He said seriously and tugged on it.
Raph didn’t want to move.
“H-he tried to do the deed himself Raphael! H-he tried to use himself as the donor first! H-how could I tell you that!” She slammed her fists down.
Leo’s hands were on Raph’s shoulders now.
“You… saw dad rape me…”
She kept sobbing.
“I-I couldn’t d-do anything to s-stop him!!”
He shook his head slowly and turned his body to face Leo behind him.
“I… I don’t want to talk to you…” he said softly.
Leo stepped around him to hold him from behind and Mikey tugged him once more.
This time he followed.
And just left her crying alone.
They both walked him into the bedroom and sat him down on their pile of beds, Donnie was already here curled up in the corner crying by himself.
Raph just sat very still, his feet still on the ground. He stared into space as someone put a blanket over him, someone else shut the door.
He couldn’t even cry, he felt emotionally comatose and just stared blankly into the wall.
He felt his brothers grab his hands and squeeze them.
“Raph…?” He thinks it was Leo, he couldn’t see.
A soft chirp came from his other side.
He blinked but didn’t look over.
“I… Don’t wake me up…” he mumbled. “I don’t want to feel this…”
They both went quiet, he sensed movement behind him, and then felt all three brothers hugging him on all sides.
He just kept staring at the wall.
“She watched him rape me…” he said quietly again.
The grips got tighter. Someone was sobbing. It could have been all of them. They just held on to him, and it was the only thing he was going to let himself feel.
“If mom watched him rape me, then that means she let him rape me…”
He kept staring. The grooves between the bricks started to glow from how little he’d moved his eyes.
“And if she let him do that, and then… then all these years she should have known what was wrong with me, right..?”
He closed his eyes.
He took a deep breath.
And then he just screamed as loud and long as he could. Until his lungs were fully empty and then some.
Then he finally let himself break down.
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
TBB x female!reader (pronouns only) 
Word Count: ~3.5k 
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Summary: Tech accidentally triggers your body dysmorphia. The Bad Batch team up to prove to you that they all love you dearly. Angsty comfort fic. 
TW: This actively talks about body dysmorphia. Tried not to be too specific so it would be more generic and just comforting, but it does start with a kinda mean comment from Tech, he means well tho. No smut or nothing, but since it is potentially triggering for those with body dysmorphia, I am gonna label this as 18+. 
A/N: Just felt like this needed to be written. Based on my own personal struggles, but also inspired by a conversation with someone on here who might also struggle with this. Hope this helps at least one person out there. 
hyperspace dividers my own, tbb dividers by @/djarrex
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Sitting in the cockpit, working on a project, Tech continues what is, to him, a normal conversation with the woman sitting next to him. 
“I have noticed you are shaped differently than most women.” 
He turns towards the copilot seat where she was sitting to find the seat spinning and vacant. He turns towards the door, only to see her exiting the ship. 
Echo appears in the doorway, a flash of anger on his face. “What did you do? Why was she so unhappy?” 
“I did not do anything,” Tech blinks at him in confusion. 
Hunter appears next to Echo. “He told her she’s ‘shaped differently than other women’.” Of course he heard the whole thing from the other end of the ship, but Tech notices his tone implies that he, Tech, should not have said that. 
“To us, ‘different’ is a positive character trait. Why did she leave the ship?” Tech asks, perplexed. 
Echo sighs searching for words, but it’s Crosshair who answers, “to nat borns, being too different is bad,” is all he says. 
Echo scratches the back of his neck and explains, “Most of them don’t like that ‘different’ is negative, but it takes a lot more work than you think to get rid of an idea that is so deeply ingrained in a culture.” He looks at Hunter and glances towards the open ship door. 
Hunter returns the look and nods towards the door, “Go talk to her, we got him,” He gestures at Tech. 
Tech blinks at them confused as Echo jogs out of the ship after her. Tech looks at Hunter then Wrecker, awaiting the usual explanation that followed his lack of emotional intellect. But they both seemed hesitant to start. 
Over the comms they could hear Crosshair’s voice telling Echo where to find her. Cross was in his favorite quiet place, sitting atop the ship watching their comings and goings like a vulture. 
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Echo finds her hugging one knee and staring off into the distance atop a rock, overlooking the ocean. 
“He didn’t mean—“ 
“—I know” she cuts him off. “But that doesn't mean I can always control how I react to it. I don’t want to feel this way, but my experience has taught my subconscious to react like this. I wish I could make it stop too, but that takes a lot of practice and a ridiculous amount of time. I’ll get there eventually,” she sighs. 
He scoots next to her on the rock and just watches her. She glances at him, wishing he wouldn’t, starting to feel nervous about the way he’s looking at her, turning away to hide her face. That is, until he starts to talk again. 
“Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes look when you’re lost in thought?” 
She huffs out a small laugh. “Even when they’re starting to get puffy and red?” 
“Yes,” the confidence in his voice is unmistakable. “Has anyone ever told you that?” 
“Not that meant it,” she mumbles into her knee. 
He pulls her into a tight hug, and they sit there in silence for a while. 
Echo’s not sure what to say exactly, all he knows is that there’s a lot more that has to be said before either of them are willing to return to the ship. 
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Echo pauses briefly as he passes her sleeping form curled in a chair. 
Tech watches as Echo’s expression softens, and he just looks at her for a moment. Tech tilts his head to one side, like a tooka trying to see if the world makes more sense from a different angle (Tech finds it amusing to take these things literally and figuratively). As he watches, Echo leans down and presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, and whispers something in her ear. She stirs slightly but doesn't wake. Echo stays put, brushing a hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear and petting her head until he’s sure she’s back out. 
Tech feels a pang as he watches. Then his vitals monitor beeps at him. He looks down at his datapad, eyes scanning quickly, looking for the results from the algorithm he wrote to help him connect the way his body reacts to the emotions he struggles with. Sure enough, at the bottom of the screen, his “most likely emotion” algorithm flashes a single word at him: Jealousy. 
When she’s settled back down, Echo continues walking to the cockpit doorway where Tech stands. 
Echo, “I think we got lucky she was willing to come back onto the ship.” 
“She’s not really back,” Crosshair’s voice snakes it ways into their minds, voicing the one thing they’re all worried about and prompting them all to look at her, curled into a tight ball, her head slipping onto her knees. 
“She is sad,” Tech analyses. “I did not realize what I said would affect her this much, nor this negatively.” 
“I think it brought up old stuff for her. She’s kinda like you, Tech. She needs evidence in order to believe something is true,” Echo notes. 
“You are suggesting that I have to prove to her that being different is a good thing?” Tech asks. “I have ample evidence that she already knows that, but I do not understand why she did not take my statement in that way.”  
Again, Echo sighs, “When I went after her, she told me… she’s spent most of her life just wanting to be as normal, as pretty, as the other girls, and all she ever got was a lifetime of evidence proving that she wasn’t.” Echo’s voice was quiet. He didn’t like saying it any more than they liked hearing it. 
There’s silence as they all take this in. Crosshair had joined them, leaning in the doorway, still watching her sleeping form as they talked. 
“But,” Tech is confused, he has a datapad full of evidence to the contrary, “we all react to her in ways that show how we feel about her. Do you mean to say she is incapable of seeing that?” 
Echo chuckles darkly, gaze drifting to the floor as he scratches the back of his neck. He wouldn’t have put it quite so bluntly. He searches for a nicer way to explain it to Tech’s analytical mind. 
“Yes,” Crosshair got tired of waiting for someone else to answer, “Nat born women are conditioned to doubt.” 
Tech opens his mouth to protest, he wants to know what she is doubting, specifically. 
But Echo starts talking first, “Nat borns don’t get a choice in the cultural conditioning that plagues them any more than we get a say in how the Kaminoans’ conditioned us. It’s up to us to prove to her that she just isn’t seeing the full picture.” 
Tech blinks at the two of them, hoping someone will explain exactly how to do so and what exactly she is conditioned to think, but they don’t. To their surprise, Wrecker, who had been napping in the cockpit, is the one who answers. 
“Don’t hide anythin’.” His voice is surprisingly quiet, his expression soft. They don’t often get a chance to see Wrecker this gentle. 
They all look to Echo, he has more experience with women than any of them (except maybe Cross, but it’s not like he’s going to explain it to them unless he is forced to), not to mention more experience with the emotions of their brothers and the trauma of his own. Echo nods in agreement, “every glance, every time you want to brush her hair out of her face, or pull her into a hug just to feel her close to you. Don’t hold back. She needs to see it. But for now let’s let her sleep. Hopefully that will help a little.” 
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Tech finally gets a chance to talk to her the next morning. He had been hoping a fresh day would wash it all away, but it looks like today might be harder than he anticipated. She’s just laying in her bunk, curled into a tight ball on her side, hugging a pillow to her chest, staring off into the distance, a lost expression on her face. As he sits down on the bed by her feet she hides her face behind the pillow. 
“I only meant……….” He sighs “To us, being different is good. I didn’t know nat borns don’t see it that way. I apologize.”
It’s quiet for a few minutes. 
“I have never experienced sexual attraction to a being until I met you.” 
She is still quiet. 
He’s racking his brain for some way to comfort her. He’s no good at this part, usually emotional reactions were Wrecker’s department. So what would Wrecker do? His mind travels back to when they were cadets and he had yet to get his emotions under control. There were more than a few nights when he cried himself to sleep on Wrecker’s shoulder. Wrecker used to rub his back and tell him he’d never let the Kaminoan’s hurt Tech. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done, so telling her he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her wasn’t an option. He felt like he already had. 
Touch! That was it! She usually responded well to the everyday touches from Wrecker, Hunter, and Echo. So he reaches out and gently places a hand on her knee. She’s wearing sleep shorts, and had tossed the covers off, so Tech’s hand sits directly on her skin. He didn’t usually go for touches like this, because he didn’t understand them, but this one felt like the right thing to do, so he went with it, starting to rub, slowly, up and down on her calf. She didn’t react, but she also didn’t push his hand away. 
“Is this okay?” He asks, tentatively. 
“Yeah,” she mumbles into the pillow. 
He sighs and slumps a bit as he relaxes a little. 
They sit there in silence for a few moments, just his hand running up and down her leg. 
Tech sits up a little straighter, a look of eureka on his face. 
“I can prove it,” he offers. 
Finally, she begins to peek out from behind the pillow, and he knows this crease on her brow is curiosity. 
“I can prove that I find you sexually attractive.” He clarifies. She just looks at him, curiosity piqued, though not like he’s used to seeing when she’s found something she’s excited to learn more about. Those are his favorite moments with her. When she’s excited to learn something new, and they can talk about the possibilities and implications that has on their day to day life, rapid fire. Learning more about the universe together. He vows to find a way to bring those moments back as soon as possible. They both need it. 
He pulls his datapad out and brings up some data. “This data shows my vitals from the moment we met, overlaid on the footage I was recording so you can see the implications of visual stimulation on my vitals.” He sends it to her. 
Her datapad lights up, it sits next to her head beneath the pillow that still hides him from view. Tech can see the light from under the pillow and watches as the pillow shifts a bit as she picks it up and looks at it. 
After a while the pillow shifts again and the light goes away as she puts the datapad back down. She peers at him over the top of the pillow. She doesn’t have words to say anything. He takes that as a sign that he’s the only one who needs to keep talking right now. 
“It took me a while to figure out what I was feeling. You know that I do feel emotions, but I struggle to understand them. But I compared it to the data I have of how my brother’s reacted to you and asked them about what they were feeling and how they could tell. I discovered that we have all become rather smitten with you, myself included.” 
“That’s bound to happen considering I’m the only woman you’ve been around for months, and probably the only one you’ve been around for an extended period as grown men,” she mumbles. 
“But that would take several months to begin to show an effect, yes?” 
“I can prove that our feelings began during our first mission with you. I can pinpoint the exact moment for most of us. I am always monitoring our vitals, so any spike in heart rate, or hormone levels I have recorded.” 
He sends her his documentation, where he was attempting to understand what they were feeling. Complete with notes about ‘Echo explained that this is common during human attraction’ and ‘Hunter tells me this is a normal reaction to seeing a beautiful woman’ and even ‘Crosshair has indicated that I should talk to her about this’. 
“You now have access to the file so whenever it is updated, you will be notified. I tend to update that one quite often. I hope this is a sufficient way to apologize. I am not sure how else to do so.” 
“I’m sorry, Tech,” her voice is timid and quiet. 
“Why are you apologizing?” Tech asks, nose scrunched, he does not understand. 
“I’m sorry I walked out on you without saying anything.” 
“I have come to the realization that when topics may be triggering, it is often easier to simply leave the room. I surmise that is why you left?” 
He didn’t want to force her to tell him more, so he just stayed quiet, hoping she might volunteer more information if she felt comfortable doing so. 
“I never wanted to be this different,” is all she says. 
“I like your ‘different’,” Tech volunteers. 
“Is that you talking, or your brothers? What did they tell you to say to me? How much pity did they recommend you bring to the table?” Her tone of voice suggests she is getting mad again. 
Tech’s eyes widen and he shakes his head rapidly. “No! Echo said to never pity someone. He said pity only hurts people. He made us all swear never to pity you for anything. I did not mean to imply that. I like your different, I mean that.” 
“Sorry,” she whispers, sinking into the pillows again. 
Again his mind reaches for something to help comfort her. He doesn’t like how she seems to be conditioned to apologize so often for things that are his mistake and not hers. Again, touch finds its way to the forefront of his mind. So he reaches out physically this time, for the hand resting on top of the pillow she still clutches. 
His hand gently slides underneath her own, threading his fingers through hers. He’s struck with the urge to kiss her hand. He’s not sure why. He’s never felt this before. He tries to hold back. 
Until Echo and Wrecker’s words surface amidst the confusion in his mind again, ‘don’t hold back’… ‘don’t hold back’… ‘don’t hold back’… 
So he stops trying to hold back and lets go, and leaning forward, lifting her hand slightly, to press a soft kiss to the back of her hand. He doesn’t mean to let it linger, but he’s never felt this way before and he wants to remember it forever. 
She looks at him with surprise. And then smiles a little. His heart skips a beat. Again, his vitals chart blinks at him, drawing his attention from her eyes. He laughs softly when he sees the new “most likely emotion” blinking at the bottom of the screen, so he shows it to her. 
‘Adoration’, the blinking word reads. This time the smile doesn’t leave her face. It still hasn’t quite reached her eyes, but it’s starting to get there. As she stares in disbelief at the word on his screen, a new message from Echo pops up at the top of the screen. 
Tech feels it buzz, but doesn’t take the datapad back, knowing now how important that one word is to her. 
Her brow scrunches when her gaze drifts to the message from Echo. 
She raises a finger to tap on it, but stops, realizing it’s not her datapad. 
“You may open it, if you wish,” Tech offers. “I wish to show you I trust you.” 
She smiles, the turbulence inside her beginning to settle again as she taps on the message from Echo. 
As the message opens, she begins to shift. Moving the pillow around so she can sit up. As she settles, her hip presses into his own. He does not protest. He likes this touch. He moves to hold the datapad between them so they can both see it. It’s a photo of a beautiful waterfall sent to the group chat with the caption, “you guys would love this place”. He and Hunter were out scouting the camp site while they await their next set of orders. 
From the increase in noise just outside the ship it seems that Wrecker is excited to go exploring. 
“Would you like to go on a walk?” Tech asks. 
She nods, squeezing his arm to her side briefly, whispering a quick “thank you” into his ear. He looks up at her happily as she stands up, letting his gaze linger on her as she bounces to find some civilian clothes to change into. She spots his look and pauses for a moment, confusion on her face. 
“I like your happy, too,” he tells her. “You know we pride ourselves on being different. It was meant to be a compliment. I did not understand how sentient beings could be considered attractive until you joined us.” 
She smiles at the floor, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“I like your shy, as well,” he adds. 
She giggles. 
…‘Don’t hold back’… he’s learning what that means. And this time he wants to hug her. So he stands up and opens his arms to her, a question on his brow. 
She beams and throws herself into his arms. He wasn’t quite prepared for her enthusiasm. It sends them both back a few steps, until his legs hit the bunk and his hand reaches for the one above to stabilize them. 
Today might be okay after all. 
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When the two of them arrive outside they find the commotion was Wrecker putting together a picnic. Crosshair pretends he didn’t help. They all know he did, but they let him think they believe him. Donning the packs Wrecker holds out, the four of them hike their way out to the coordinates Hunter sent them. 
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After they’ve eaten, as they are enjoying the sunlight and time off, Crosshair stops her for a moment, tilting her chin up to look deep into her eyes. Where confusion paints hers, his show only confidence and lustful smirk. In a split second the moment is over, he places a kiss on her forehead and walks away like nothing happened. His brothers pretend they didn’t see. Moments later, her datapad lights up with an update from a document of Tech’s. It’s the document he sent her earlier, the one filled with all his evidence that they all adore her. The newest entry is a snippet of a video of her and Crosshair from just a moment ago. She glances at Tech and nods a shy ‘thank you’. 
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That evening, Tech exits the cockpit to find her laying with her head in Echo’s lap as he pets her hair and they both study their datapads. Again, Tech feels a pang of jealousy, and it is once again confirmed by the flashing word at the bottom of his screen. 
He sits down by her feet, pretending to be enraptured by something on his datapad too. She looks over at him and smiles, he returns his signature half smile, with half lidded eyes. 
Hesitantly, she stretches out a foot and places it in his lap, biting her lip as she looks at him to ask if this is okay. 
Tech holds her gaze and places his hand on her leg, stroking it just like he did before in answer to her question, and letting the hand holding his datapad rest on her ankle. Tech has never been so intimately close to a woman’s ankle before. He’s seen her’s plenty of times, she likes wearing shorter things that let her ankles breathe from time to time, but he’s never had a chance to really memorize every curve of them before, no matter how archaic a fascination with ankles may seem, it’s new to him, and he enjoys it. 
Echo glances over, to exchange ‘told you so’ looks with Tech, but Tech is still looking at her, fascinated by the studious look on her face as she goes back to reading something on her datapad, still biting her lip as her mind returns to her work. 
Instead Echo exchanges one with Hunter, who has just entered the ship, brushing rain from his ruggishly handsome locks. 
Hunter stands in the doorway for a moment, before stepping forward and placing a kiss to her shoulder, then heading to the fresher to find a towel for his hair. 
In Echo’s lap, he can feel her cheeks warming as she tries to suppress a small smile. This is new to her too, but who would say no to 5 sweet, handsome men doting on them? 
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
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Took a glance at the Canon Jiang Cheng tag today out of curiosity and got a free blocklist for my trouble but I did notice something really interesting
That is to say: Most of the stans “reclaiming” the tag literally outright admitted that their main reason for liking Jiang Cheng was that he’s attractive. The vast majority of the stan posts that I saw talked about his appearance first and foremost, and the other batch admitted they were woobie-fying him. Art was either hypersexualized or soft chibi shapes and all of it focused on either his suffering or him raising Jin Ling (specifically in a way that seemed Milf-y. He was drawn with exaggerated hips a lot.)
Most interestingly, almost none of the fanart was of CQL Jiang Cheng. Almost none of the gif sets showed CQL Jiang Cheng. This was Manhua and Donghua design Jiang Cheng, sexually exaggerated and squished into an UwU Woobie Baby Sadboi shape, palatable for consumption.
I’ve long had issues with the way fandoms — and the world at large — rank characters based on visual appearance. Wen Ning is to Wei Wuxian what so many fics depict Nie Huiasang as being; his best friend and closest confidant, the person who is in his corner no matter what, who sees and supports him and stands up for him even when it’s scary. But it’s hard to picture Wen Ning as the booty-shorts-wearing white-girl-wasted gender-ambiguous party friend, so Nie Huiasang gets that roll. If Wen Qing shows up at all, she must be The Mean Lesbian, because if she’s straight then her crisp no-nonsense attitude (which is literally just the way every trauma nurse in the world acts) isn’t attractive, it isn’t fun. And of course if she IS the mean lesbian, then her vulnerability and her fear and her deep compassion and desire to help people needs to be shoved to the side, because the mean lesbian doesn’t feel those things. That’s not sexy.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this. This problem isn’t unique to MDZS or Jiang Cheng Stans or anything like that. It’s a pervasive issue I’ve seen everywhere for as long as I can remember; beauty exclusively means fuckability. There are no versions of attractiveness that don’t lend themselves to sexual consumption. Beauty also means morality and value. If someone is not beautiful — that is, if you don’t want to fuck them — then they are unworthy. Characters that are extremely important to a story get either erased (if the fandom doesn’t think they’re hot) or rewritten (if the fandom does think they’re hot) because hot people can’t do bad things, or at least they can’t do bad things that aren’t kind of thrilling and exciting. Because they’re hot.
It reminds me of people who are into Slashers, actually? Although from what I’ve seen slasherfuckers are more self-aware than Jiang Cheng Stans.
Boy was that a sentence.
Update: the fun thing about this post is that it also comes with a free blocklist
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drafthorsemath · 1 year
Crosshair’s Redemption
I posted this here in response to an earlier post, but also thought this should just live on its own on my blog, so apologies if you’ve seen it twice. Essentially, here are some thoughts about whether Crosshair should be held accountable for his actions with the Empire. Spoilers for The Bad Batch Season 2.
I’ll start by saying that Crosshair is already holding himself accountable, even if he’s not calling it that. When people say they want redemption for Crosshair, often, from what I’ve seen, they either implicitly or explicitly want him specifically to suffer in some way and many don’t seem to realize that he is already suffering.  They seem to think he deserves that suffering and then some.  In some cases, they flat out want him dead and think that is the only way for him to “pay” and be redeemed.  I won’t even pretend I’m not projecting when I say that as a cult survivor, that hurts me to my core because I relate to him so much and I suppose I’m at the point in all this when I can talk more about what it’s like to be in a cult and why people do what they do.  (If you want to hear what it’s like growing up in a doomsday cult, I’ve been interviewed for two podcasts and can direct you there and my DMs are open.)
No, I didn’t murder anyone, so you might think Crosshair has done worse than I have.  I’m not here to argue about that, but in some ways I think helping to destroy someone’s life or sense of self without killing them can be just as bad, no? I definitely hurt people, even if I didn’t kill them. I hurt them deeply, just as I was hurt, but is that an excuse? No. But also, I was under the influence of many layers of authority in my cult.  Did they put a gun to my head and “make” me do hurtful things? No, but they also constructed the situation so that it very much felt like life or death.  I did what I had to do to survive.  Does that mean I’m not accountable? Also no.  Amazingly, it’s complicated.  I’ve certainly paid for my time in the cult even though I was born into it.  No one else showed up and passed down a punishment, but figuring out how to grieve, make right, help others, and build a life while thoroughly traumatized was pretty damn punishing.
How is my survival in a cult any different than Crosshair trying to survive? Different than Crosshair telling Hunter there is a place for all of them in the Empire? Any different than Crosshair saying he made his choice and the clones that matter will be just fine?  Crosshair may try to play it cool and seem unaffected, but this man is doing what he feels he needs to do in order to survive in circumstances that are not of his choosing.
I think by The Outpost it becomes very clear that Crosshair is changing, even though we see glimpses earlier.  He was literally pushed to the point where he thought his life would end for killing Nolan.  You can argue that he didn’t know for sure if his life would be over, but when he killed that asshole, he could have been shot where he was and he knew it.  He knew by that point that the Empire did not care about him at all and he still pulled the trigger.
Crosshair started holding himself accountable the moment he started making different decisions.  The moment he went from playing along to survive to actively going against the Empire was when he started holding himself accountable.
We should also talk about the chip that was (is?) in his head.  He was very much being controlled at least at the beginning of season 1.  We know that the clones acted the way they did during Order 66 because of the chips.  Should he still be held responsible for what he did under the influence of the chip?  Then what about Cody and Bly and Wolffe and every other clone who killed or tried to kill the Jedi?  Like where do we draw the line?  Is it even our job to draw the line?  Is it the job of the Rebellion to draw the line? I don’t think it is.  I think it’s fine for the Rebellion to say, “if you don’t see what you did as a problem, then we don’t want to work with you,” but I don’t think they should get a firing squad or pass down a punishment.  In Rebels, did the Rebellion not want to work with Rex, Gregor, or Wolffe? Kanan had feelings about it, sure, but ultimately no one made them atone for being clones under the influence of a chip.
It’s always interesting to me that people talk about Crosshair atoning, but not Vader or Sidious or Kylo Ren or any number of lower level cult leaders like Rampart.  Maybe it’s because we already know what will happen to Vader, Kylo, and Sidious.  Maybe it’s because they die and we figure that has to cover all their transgressions, but we don’t know how Crosshair’s story will end and people want to make sure there’s some “justice.”
Throughout season 2, although there’s not a ton of Crosshair shown, we see he’s really miserable. He’s not sleeping, he’s not eating, he was left on the platform for 32 rotations.  He looks like hell and he feels like hell.  He is so expressive and it’s clear he’s miserable by the look on his face.  Isn’t he already paying for his bounded choice? Being in a cult is already awful, it’s really traumatizing, but people seem to love to pile on more guilt and then blame cult members like if they just weren’t so stupid none of this would have happened.  Ultimately, the only people in cults who are irredeemable are the upper cult leaders.  Sidious does not care about anyone but himself. He can’t be redeemed.  Everyone else though?  There’s hope for them.  Don’t we want a better world where people can learn from their mistakes and help others?  Where growing and bettering oneself is an ongoing process that lasts a life time?  How many awful things need to happen to Crosshair before people will say “okay you ticked enough boxes, I forgive you now”? He is a complicated man, but he has empathy and he loves and cares for his family.  Again this doesn’t mean he gets off without paying for what he’s done, but also, he’s already paying for his choices by living in a version of hell.  Being in a cult is terrible and soul-crushing for everyone but the top cult leader.
I also would be remiss if I didn’t mention how Crosshair spent the end of season 2 strapped to a table, able to fight drugs in his system to get far enough to warn his siblings that the Empire is after Omega.  While the full message didn’t get out, he did his utmost to warn them.  He didn’t try to run for himself. He tried to save his family. If that isn’t Crosshair trying to do better and holding himself accountable then I don’t know what is.
Ultimately, I think when people want someone to hold Crosshair accountable, they are missing a part of his humanity and they assume he must want all that has happened.  It’s like they think someone must dish out justice because surely he doesn’t realize how badly he screwed up, but Crosshair knows he messed up and now he has to reckon with it.  Assigning the Rebellion or some person or group the job of holding him accountable only furthers the us versus them that cults instill into their members. It will only push him away further.  Do you want to know what happened between me and the people who felt I needed to be held accountable for my time in a cult (that I was born into, just like the clones)?  I never spoke to them again and I had one less person offering support as I tried to build some semblance of a life.  The few threads of connection that I had were ultimately severed because they felt I hadn’t gone through enough.  
Let Crosshair go on this journey.  Let him try to do what is right, because he’s well on his way.  Let him grieve for all that has happened and all he’s done.  Because I promise, he’s grieving.  He’s lonely and guilting himself to his core.  It’s written all over his face.
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cybersteal · 2 months
tagged by @harellan 🥰
tagging @katsigian @elvenbeard @wraithsoutlaws @my-alternatevy @kharonion @theloverstemperance (no worries if you don't want to or have already done it ❤️)
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Full Name: Viceroy De’Angelo Torres
Nickname: V, to anyone not a family member
Age: 27 in 2077
Height: 6’/182 cm
Eyes: Colour matched his Kiroshis to his natural dark green
Gender: Cisgender man
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Is tall and strong; you need something heavy from the top shelf, he’s got you covered, (but he’ll tease you the whole time).
Fosters a sense of community where-ever he goes! He has pals and acquaintances all over, even in some really hostile areas. Because of this, he’s very resourceful, and always knows a guy who knows a guy.
Have something you’re incredibly passionate about? Congrats! He’s passionate about it now too, and will listen to you talk about your interests for hours.
Is surprisingly patient with people in difficult situations (who didn't seemingly get themselves into said situation), and doesn’t take most things personally. Thick-skinned softie.
Enjoys every genre of music, and I do mean, every genre. Put on your fave tunes without fear of judgement, he’ll always jam out with you!
Isn’t afraid of looking silly if it makes you laugh! He’s secure enough in himself that he’s always comfortable in his own skin, and there’s very little he’s not willing to do to cheer you up.
Is very intense in bed, and tends to get wholly lost in the experience. When he wants you, he wants you bad.
Is an addict, straight up. Alcohol is the big one, but he also smokes, and uses hard drugs (bar synthcoke after a bad batch almost killed him) and while he’s self-aware enough to know he’s an addict, he isn’t interested in getting clean any time soon.
Has an explosive temper, and a very provocative sense of humour. He has to be reminded to censor himself in situations where it isn’t appropriate, and his anger is very hard to rein in.
Has a very fucked up sleep schedule; in fact, he doesn’t have much of a routine at all. There’s no rhyme or reason to his availability, as he’ll go off to do a gig at 3AM just as easily as 3PM, simply because he wants to, and will just sleep whenever he’s tired for maybe 5-6 hours.
It’s On Sight™ with some folk, and nothing you say will deter him. He’ll go looking for fights when he’s aggravated instead of trying any other, healthier coping mechanism.
Is a natural flirt, and sometimes doesn’t realise just how far he goes with it.
Left to his own devices, he will do some gonk shit if he gets bored. Tends to run toward danger, instead of away from it. Thanks to his heavy-duty protective cybernetics, he sometimes thinks he’s invincible. He’s a reckless driver, and has never really fostered any sense of self-preservation to speak of regarding speed, heights, or running his mouth.
Will hyper-fixate on something to the degree that he won’t answer calls or texts for hours. Doesn’t really feel any urgency to work on that either.
Has serious FOMO and can’t really keep his nose out of things once he gets wind of them. He’s got a knack for getting himself involved in everything.
Is almost always playing music, or is humming or singing something under his breath. Can’t fucking stand silence.
Enjoys trashy tv – he watches shows like Watson Whore and Little Big Corporats religiously.
Eats a lot of junk food and if given the choice will always pick the nastiest, greasiest item on the menu.
His sense of fashion can be a bit much sometimes, and while he usually manages to pull his wacky outfits off, he understands not everyone else will vibe with it. Just don’t cramp his style.
Owns a frankly ridiculous amount of sunglasses. Yes, you can borrow them.
His love languages are words of affirmation, and physical touch.
propaganda time;
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writingforfun0714 · 7 months
So I’ve seen all current episodes of Bad Batch S3 and I will post about it but I wanna talk specifically about the reunion scene.
Hunter and Wrecker shouldn’t have looked at Crosshair like that. Yes-I know there is history. I actually wasn’t expecting hugs/tears either, just genuine shock and nothing more.
I’ve heard people say Hunter and Wrecker are justified in their reaction, but to me, it seems like sloppy writing.
We know Hunter and Wrecker don’t know what Cross has been through. We know that the group knows about the chip removal (Cross says he had his chip removed). Crosshair killed the rest of his new squad and saved Omega, not to mention that Hunter told Crosshair that they might want different things but that doesn’t make them enemies and that they never were enemies—all in S1. And, in S2 Tech tells the group that he found a coded transmission from Crosshair and Wrecker even asks if Crosshair has turned on the Empire.
The last time Hunter and Crosshair saw each other, they left amicably/mutually. Crosshair chose not to go with them, despite Hunter’s offer. Even Wrecker told Crosshair that they still would’ve taken him back. S1 made it so that it was up to Crosshair to come back or not. In S2, Crosshair hardly got any screen time. We first see him in S2 is with Cody on a mission not even related to the Batch. The 2nd time is during his mission with Mayday and after killing Nolan is taken to Tantiss. The last time we see him is warning the group but he gets caught by Hemlock. We do see him once more but he’s unconscious on a table as Omega arrives by the S2 finale. Crosshair didn’t do shit to CF99 during S2 and even gave them cause to think he is defecting by S2.
So after all that, it’s a little odd to see Hunter and Wrecker look at Crosshair with such anger that would’ve made sense mid S1 but not when Hunter literally told Crosshair
‘We want different things Crosshair. That doesn’t mean we have to be enemies’ —Hunter 1x16 (around the 23min mark)
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din-miller · 11 months
Heyoooo! I’m not sure if you take requests, or if this is where your supposed to ask, it’s my first time doing so :’)
If you do, I was wondering if you could maybe wright an angsty fic, could be platonic or romantic, idm, but after a mission the reader dies similar to how aunt may dies in Spider-Man. Like, everybody gets out alive after a mission, and they’re about to head back on the ship r somthin and then BOOM, the reader falls. They don’t know the are dying and everyone is panicking(or just one of TBB for bonus individual trauma) then after a few, they die. One minute TBB have it all, the next, their world shattered.
Ofc your free to change as much as you want up, and you really don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, it’s just a prompt I’ve been thinking about. Personally its just been nagging me for a while and I love your writing, and would really love to see it done (we all love some heavy angst, no?)
Again, if you don’t want to that’s perfectly fine, just thought I could ask <333
Hello dear, sorry this took so long.
Full disclosure, I’ve never seen Spider-Man. I watched a few videos on YouTube. Both for the movie and the video game not knowing which death of Aunt May you had in mind. Thankfully you provided enough details in the request which helped me hugely!
Thank you for your love and support. It means the world to me ❤️
(Ps. You didn’t mention if you wanted the reader to have a specific pronoun so I’ve chosen to use she/her as the readers pronouns)
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Go Peacefully, It’s Okay
Pairing: The Bad Batch + f!reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warning: Character death, blood mentioned, female reader, fun sibling dynamics THEN hurt with not a drop of comfort to be found, platonic relationships, use of mando’a (translation at the end)
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Sometimes everything you hold dear to your heart, can slip out of your fingertips without out a cause, without a warning, without an explanation
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“Remind me when we get back to Ord Mantell, to tell Sid that being hunted by an unknown animal was not in the job description.” Tech grumbled, re-gaining his balance after tripping over a root hidden in the soil.
You laughed, dodging another tree branch as you raced past him, “I wasn’t aware Sid was handing out job descriptions.”
“It’s probably for the best that she doesn’t, we’d be broke if she did,” Hunter pointed out, “If you haven’t noticed, her missions are getting more dangerous lately.”
“Oh, come on, they’re not all bad,” You flinched when the creatures let out a loud roar, “See, even they’re agreeing with me.”
Your commlink beeped, Crosshair’s voice coming through the speaker, “Take the next left, you should be able to lose them in the tall grass.”
“Lose them?” Echo smirked, enjoying this more than he probably should as he jumped over a fallen log, dodging the sharp claws trying to shred his prosthetic leg into pieces, “The fun’s just getting started!”
“You can say that again!” Wrecker cheered, running beside you; Omega balanced on his shoulders, shooting her bow in hopes that it’ll slow the animal chasing them down.
“Has anyone found their weak spot yet?”
Of course nothing is ever simple with the Batch. The creature's skin ricochet any blaster fire and for the first time in history, Wrecker didn’t pack any explosives. Something he’s still evidently mad about as he complained very loudly: “No need for explosives, Tech said. It’s a peaceful planet, Tech said.”
“It was peaceful until you decided to awaken the den, Wrecker.” Tech pointed out, dodging another pounce from the creature behind him, “This plan isn’t working.”
“Crosshair, I thought you said we’d lose them in the tall grass, not attract more!” Echo growled, annoyed as his prosthetics creaked loudly, “You’ll be in charge of oiling my prosthetics when we get back.”
You let out a snort, because that'll be a sight to behold. The others laughed when all Crosshair replied with was a sneer. With a fond roll of your eyes, you opened your comm link, “I have an idea.”
“If past experiences have proven anything, those words have never been followed by anything good.” Typically Tech response.
“You got a better idea?” You asked, a tad judgemental, “Just trust me, okay. Hunter, grab Omega and run. All of you, out of the grass.”
“Copy,” Echo turned to brothers, “Race you to the ship, last one takes first watch tonight.”
Hunter’s helmet is focused on you and you know underneath it he’s giving you a pleading look to not do anything stupid. You just waved him away in response.
“I’ll be right behind you.” You promised and drew your blaster. He sighed and took off with Omega at his side.
As promised, you followed. Albeit a little further behind them as you shoot at the ground again and again, the blaster shot hot enough for the dry grass to catch on fire, forming a wall of flames that prevent the creatures from continuing their attack. As the fire builds and they begin to retreat, you let out a breath of relief. Then, with a huge grin, you threw your hands in the air, ”Victory!”
“Parjir!” Wrecker cheered, high-fiving the youngest Batch. The kid giggled and gave a cheer herself.
Hunter shook his head at them, but you can see the tiniest hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. The smile disappeared as quickly as it came, your name falling from his lips: “Behind you!”
Before you could turn around, your body is slammed to the ground. A vicious snarl came from right behind your ear and you winced at the loudness of it. You twisted your body and grabbed the blaster off of your belt. In the distance the boys are calling your name and without sparing a second thought you started firing into the creature's stomach, taking no pleasure in the pained screams it let out.
You laid your head back against the ground and tried your best not to gag at the smell and warmth of the blood seeping into your clothes. A second barely passed before a pair of hands pushed the animal off of you, “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” You answered, letting Tech help you up, “Thank you.”
“Next time please eliminate all threats before celebrating.”
“I’ll make sure to triple check my surroundings.” You promised, brushing off the dirt clinging to your pants.
“That would be suffice, thank you.” He said dryly and you chuckled in response, amused with his way of speech.
While Hunter started checking Omega over for any injuries, you pulled Wrecker toward you to do the same. The biggest clone willingly allowed you to poke and prod at various body parts and he doesn’t even complain when you checked a second time despite knowing that other than a bruise or two, he’s fine.
“Your turn,” Wrecker gestured for you to turn around, but before he could begin his check, Hunter called for everyone to grab their packs and start moving out. Wrecker clapped his hands together with a giant grin, “Finally! The heat is killing me! I guess I’ll check you over once we’re back on the Marauder.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” You patted Wrecker’s shoulder and followed him to where the others started preparing for the trip.
You begin the journey back to the ship at Wrecker’s side but the longer you walked, the slower your pace became and eventually you fell behind. The fire is still roaring behind you, the warmth of it faint against your back and despite having felt like you’ve travelled miles, you're not even halfway back to the ship yet.
Echo slowed down to match your pace, arm brushing against yours, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, Echo. I think the adrenaline is starting to wear off, that's all.”
“Should I get Tech? He’ll probably have a stim shot.”
“No, there’s no need to bother him. I just need a sec-,” A sharp spasm rippled down your back, the force of it knocking you over, your legs giving out from underneath you.
Echo caught you, his arm wrapping around your waist and you leaned into his embrace, head crashing onto his shoulder. Echo lowered both of you to the ground, “Help, we need help!”
Hunter dropped down beside you, helmet placed on the ground as his eyes scanned over your body, looking for injuries, but he can’t tell if the blood is yours or the creatures, “Echo, what happened?”
“I don’t know, we were talking and then she collapsed.”
“Collapsed?” Wrecker appeared beside Hunter, helmet also off, his brows knitted together, “Is she okay?”
You know what he’s thinking, it’s written across his face. He should have checked you over earlier and you know very well that thoughts like those never lead anywhere good, so you grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “I’m okay, Wrecker. I just need a second.”
“We don’t have time for this,” Crosshair huffed impatiently. He’s out of your line of sight but you know he’s scowling, “Get up.”
“We have time to let her catch her breath,” Hunter surveyed the burning grass. The fire is steady and far enough that it wouldn’t hurt to sit for a few seconds, “When we get back to the ship, Tech is going to check you over, okay?”
Tech eyed the flames with caution, “For once I find myself agreeing with Crosshair. We don’t know what other animals the noise and fire might draw. We shouldn't stay here. It’ll be best to let Wrecker carry her to the ship.”
“First cardio, now a full upper body workout! It’s shaping up to be a good day after all.” Wrecker joked, but he couldn’t hide the anxiety that lingered in his words as he waited for Hunter’s permission.
Hunter nodded and moved out of the way, “Thanks Wrecker.”
“I got ya, ner vod.” Wrecker scooped you up, shifting you in his arms to get a better grip, only before he could find one comfortable enough for the both of you, he froze, his hold on you loosening until you were set back down carefully.
“I-, she’s…,” He stuttered, taking several steps away from you until his back collided with a tree behind him. His eyes desperately searched for his brother, “Tech, she’s… oh maker, please no.”
You frowned, confused at his sudden behaviour. Tech seemed equally confused but he must have seen something in Wrecker's expression that you hadn’t, because suddenly he’s digging through his pack, searching for something of importance judging by the urgency of his movements.
You turned back to Hunter, “What’s wrong? What’s Tech doing?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure everything is fine.” Hunter reassured, returning to his previous place beside you. His hand slipped under your shirt, fingers deftly prodding at your side until they stopped at the bottom of your rib cage, then he’s applying pressure against your skin, cursing as he yelled for his brother to hurry.
Echo grabbed his pack, emptying the contents carelessly onto the ground before lifting your head up and placing the pack on the ground as a cushion for you, “Just relax, everything is okay, you’re okay.”
Tiny footsteps made their way to where you’re laying and Hunter held up his hand, stopping Omega from coming any closer. He doesn’t take his eyes off of her but his words are directed at his older brother, “Echo, take Omega to the ship.”
“No,” Omega fought the hand that grabbed her arm, shoving Echo back, “What's going on? Why aren’t we moving?”
She looked at you, anxiously awaiting an answer and you're quick to reassure the small girl, “Need a sec’, I prob’ly inhaled too much smoke.”
Realising that she isn’t going to go willingly to the Marauder, Hunter sighed, “Omega, go check on Wrecker. That’s an order, kid.”
Omega pressed her lips together and for a second you thought she was about to argue but instead she listened and went to check on Wrecker. The bigger clone’s sat on the ground, head between his legs, but he welcomed Omega into his arms when she hugged him in an attempt to calm him down.
Hunter cocked his head towards the two, “Echo, keep an eye on them.”
“Yes, sir,” Echo stood up and laid a hand on Hunter's shoulder, his voice lowering to a whisper, “Take care of her, vod.”
Tech took Echo's place, a scanner held over your body and he adjusted his goggles in the way he does when something isn’t looking good. The muscle in his jaw twitched before he turned the scanners screen to Hunter.
You tore your eyes away from them and tilted your head back to watch as the fire curled up into the dawn sky. Red and oranges mix with the pale pascals, and the stars, so bright from here, so familiar, blur with every breath you take. You can’t help but let your eyes drift shut.
“Don’t do that,” Crosshair hissed, “Keep your eyes open.”
You blinked them back open and you’re a little surprised to see Crosshair kneeling down beside you, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek. When your eyes met his, the corner of his mouth turned up, “Good, keep your eyes on me.”
“Crosshair?” You leaned into his hand, seeking the comfort he’s providing despite his usual nature, “Why aren’t we movin’? Is someone hurt?”
“No, everything is okay,” Crosshair replied, but it’s through clenched teeth. Something he only does when he’s having to say something he doesn’t fully believe and/or agree with. He positioned himself criss-crossed above you and lifted your head, replacing Echo’s pack with his lap, “We’re just taking a break.”
Right, a break. A second to relax and catch your breath, that’s what you needed. You closed your eyes, even though you're pretty sure someone just told you not to, but there’s a heavy fog clouding your mind and you can’t remember who it was.
“I said to keep them open.” Crosshair, right, that’s who said it. The man who’s currently demanding you to look at him.
“Crosshair, keep her awake.”
You're able to open your eyes enough to watch as the sniper glared at Tech, “What do you think I’m trying to do?”
Hunter’s fingers threaded through yours, “You can’t fall asleep, cyar’ika, okay? Hey, look at me, let me see those pretty eyes.”
The fading sun is too bright and your vision struggles to focus but you listened to his words and for that he gave you the softest smile, “There you are.”
“Wrec’ ok’?”
“He’s okay. We’re all okay. You just take another second to relax and don’t worry about anything, we have you.” Hunter pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Echo rubbed the back of his neck, looking anywhere but at his Sergeant, “You have to tell her, Hunter. You have to let her say goodbye.”
You want to ask what he means. Who’s saying goodbye by who. You want to ask why he looks so sorrowful, but your body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate and your voice only comes out in weak gasps.
“Move,” Tech ordered Crosshair, taking his position to support your body up against his chest, helping the air fill your lungs, “Deep breaths, nice and slow.”
You tried to match Tech’s breathing, the strength in his inhale and the sturdiness in the exhale, but your lungs start to fail you as your breathing became weaker, your grip loosened but Hunter doesn’t let go. Not even when your eyes drift shut for the final time and your chest stills.
Hunter lowered his head, pressing his forehead to yours as he whispered a promise: “Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum.”
“Kid-,” Crosshair reached out for Omega, not sure if he was trying to comfort and protect her or hell, maybe even himself, as she dropped to her knees beside your body. It took everything in him to not walk away, far from here, but she needs him. His brothers need him.
They all watched helplessly as Omega finally noticed the blood pooling around your body, “She's bleeding! Tech, why are you just sitting there?! Help her!”
“I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do, Omega. The wound was too deep, she was losing too much blood. I’m… I’m sorry.”
“No, I don’t believe that. There has to be something we can do!” She pressed her tiny hands against the wound while she begged through tears: “Wake up! Talk to me, say something, anything! Please, open your eyes!”
“Ad’ika, she’s gone,” Hunter swallowed around the lump in his throat, his lower lip quivered when he pulled the small clone into his arms, “She’s gone.”
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Mando’a translation
Parjir. – Victory
Ner vod – My sister
Cyar’ika – darling/sweetheart
Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum – Daily remembrance of those passed on *I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.*
Ad’ika – Little one
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