#I have thoughts on Hunter okay
starwarsbundle · 5 months
TBB Headcannons they probably deserve.
Did you know that a headcannon means something you (YOU) think is cannon about a character?
WELL I DID NOT. Until a couple of days ago.
Also I started binging the Bad Batch; so now I have thoughts.
Hunter is probably most of those thoughts, so he’ll go first.
He absolutely listens to Hozier’s “Too Sweet”. And Britany Spears’ “Gimme More”. No I will not elaborate.
He looks like he should know how to braid hair but DOESN’T. He’d let Omega braid his hair though. Or Tech, but only those two. Again, I will not explain the specifics.
His Fett(tm) Dad(tm) instincts immediately emerged the minute he saw Omega. Unfortunately poor guy makes up parenting as he goes along.
He has reactions to certain sounds/scents/textures, due to his enhanced senses. And by reactions I mean cat-bristle-pine-tail-standing-up-on-end reactions.
Awkward hugger. Doesn’t know how to hug/be hugged. This guy hasn’t figured out how to properly express affection. He’s getting there.
LIKES hugs though. Just doesn’t know what to do about it.
Would definitely throw random sh$t at his batchmates if he was annoyed. Like, whatever is to hand - tools, Lula, socks (sometimes his own boots).
Can and will sleep sitting up with his helmet on if too overstimulated. Will be cranky the next day though from an aching back.
Sleep migrates. As in, went to sleep in his bunk, woke up in someone else’s. With them. The Batch is used to it. Wrecker gives him hugs if he finds him. Crosshair complains but will snuggle closer to Hunter if he wakes up first. Echo pretends he doesn’t notice. Tech gets annoyed because Hunter sleep-steals his blankets. Doesn’t shoo him away though.
Mends his own socks. Can’t mend anything else for the life of him, however.
Spinning his Knife(tm) is a form of stress relief. It definitely intimidates strangers who don’t know the poor guy is just stressed.
Surprisingly is NOT food fussy, despite his enhanced senses. It is an ongoing mystery for Tech.
I might make more of these. We’ll see.
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hahnsplatinum · 1 year
As much as a love Kim, I also think there’s just something so important about Cuno discovering the phasmid with Harry.
The angry little boy who steals away locusts and houses them with the same well meaning (albeit rudimentary) care he extended to Cunoesse. (She too, is a skittish, biting thing far away from home). “Locust City” is such a prime example of the thin line children like him toe between grasping for any opportunity to exert control over the little things they can grasp hold of and the arguably innate comfort found in providing care and comfort to others. The locusts are trapped with him as much as they were in the phasmid traps. As much as Cuno is trapped in Martinaise, in his father’s tiny apartment, in the infuriating prison of adolescence. He can’t control what happens to him. The locusts can’t control what he does to them. Cuno saves them from bait traps and builds them a mud city sheltered out of the cold. He houses his not quite sister, not quite friend and gives her a name when she has none. Cuno’s father terrifies and enrages him in ways he doesnt have the introspection to express properly. So he throws stones at a bloated corpse and tries his best to build a safe haven amongst the trash of that shack and screams awful things at people who dont even spare him a glance anymore.
And then he watches a man only a stumble away from becoming the same angry drunk that sleeps in his father’s bed reach out toward the most terrifying insect he’s ever seen like it’s something beautiful. Something worth paying attention to. A lone creature thats seen so much of the world and still loves living within it anyway. People cared about the phasmid before they even knew it truly existed. Cuno exists too. Why doesn’t anyone care?
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hurricanek8art · 5 months
Okay SO I've never Bad Batch posted beyond reblogs but there's two episodes left and I'm going insane so my big giant theory for why the finale is titled The Cavalry Has Arrived with a sprinkle of Tech is Alive Yes I Am Delusional:
Tonight's episode is going to end with the Batch, Omega's gang, and CX-2 all colliding in one of the hallways.
Big Western faceoff, tumbleweed, yadda yadda y'know.
Right before the shooting starts, CX-2 tells them their escape plan through whatever hallway they're planning is strategically ill-advised, because *insert tactical explanation here*
Hunter: "Oh yeah? What, you trying to help us or something? No thanks."
CX-2: "It was worth the attempt. It's not as if we've ever followed orders anyway."
Omega: "...Tech?!"
Tech: *removes helmet to reveal it's him* "Well, I thought it was obvious. Shall we liberate some clones together, then?"
end conspiracy theory rant. 🥴
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I also finished Dreamzzz season 2 yesterday, and I can't believe we actually had kissing Legos.
Good for them though. Beau and Hannah are a power couple, even if Beau became the night hunter and ended fighting (and hunting) his own daughter and her friends around in the dreamworld. At least he admitted to being a deadbeat father himself 👌. I do wonder why he became evil... ish. If it was just the use of the sword, or some additional factors. Though I think it's implied that he wanted to do the right thing, but used the wrong methods and eventually ended up on the wrong side.
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perrypixel · 3 months
The more I hear from others the Luz and Hunter’s VAs don't support lunter is laughable bc the way they were bantering and flirting with each other in Hunting Palisman like they really thought there was a chance that they were each other's character's love interest at the time of recording that episode
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kaiserouo · 2 months
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typical hunter behavior amiright
btw anyone wanna see pencil draft?
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artfulacrostic · 7 months
memes for The Bad Batch 3x05, "The Return" PT 2
told y'all i'd be back here's ur second delivery
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honeyxmonkey · 3 months
"You are actually insane," Nico accused, looking rather like a drowned rat.
Douxie spit more water out of his mouth, wrung his hair out, and got to his feet. "I know, it's one of my many charms."
"It's not that charming." Percy informed him. He helped Nico up, regarding the wizard cautiously. "I can't believe Carter married you."
Douxie smiled. "Carter's just as insane as I am, he's just better at hiding it."
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livethrushit · 11 days
that last scene in the qaf finale was painful. we get a voiceover of michael talking about how some things should never change and the show decided that very much included brian. we then get him dancing in babylon to beat us over the head with the idea that nothing has changed at its core. but everything has in that moment. everything had changed for seasons. with everyone dancing "the way it should be" brian was the only one who didn't fit in that scene, yet there he was smack in the middle of it all
this wasn't growth, it wasn't poetic, it was a poorly written ending
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crimeronan · 9 months
thinking about the princess AU kiddos properly being kiddos. like elementary-school-aged. the thing about hunter is that you'd EXPECT him to harbor at least Some resentment toward luz for being the favorite and for being naive and for always needing protection as a kid, especially since he is also a kid who is never afforded the same kindness. but the other thing about hunter is that luz was his painkiller WAYYY before he ever needed to be hers.
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month
Here is an idea.
For the human AU a new deviant appears. But it’s not that kind of deviant we know. It has some special abilities and Gil is in danger. How about some horror for this one? 👀
His head whipped around. He was helping clean up some of the ruins of the outer city, since that was all he was good for, now. The moon was high, providing a good amount of light.
The others were reluctant to let him outside Babylon temple--they were reluctant to let him do anything. He had to all but sneak out to even do this much, especially without worrying Thena.
That was definitely her voice, though. Gil dropped the rocks he was moving and looked around again. He couldn't sense anything, but his senses were diminished at the moment. He tried to listen for the slightest sound, but he couldn't pick up anything.
He cursed his human condition, not for the first time.
"Gil, help me!"
That was definitely Thena screaming. It was her voice, at least. Gilgamesh started walking, looking around the corners of crumbled homes and around the deep shadows of the rubble. His cautious steps turned to a light jog.
"Gil, please!"
"Thena?" he called out, but he swore it was just the open air to hear him. What was happening? He jogged closer to the edges of the walls. The wall was still technically under construction, Phastos working as fast as he could. But Gil was the main source of their work efforts, and Babylon wall was huge.
"Gil?" it sounded like a whisper, now. But it was still her voice, thin and high, as if she had been crying. He had never really heard her like that before. But it was his Thena. It was her voice.
"Thena," he repeated, whispering for her as he crept around in the dark. "Thena, if you-"
"Gilgamesh," the voice changed. This sounded less like her. He knew it was off.
He froze. He didn't have Eternal strength or senses anymore, but humans had the best survival instinct. His was screaming. Something wasn't right. It wasn't before and it really wasn't now. He crouched lower, looking around but slowing his breathing as much as he could. His heart was pounding.
"Gilgamesh, help me," the voice cooed, but it was closer. He could better hear what was wrong with it--the wiry echo trailing after it. It sounded almost mechanical, like the grind of Phastos' gears.
Gil lowered to one knee, trying to peek around one of the corners of a building's remains. He hadn't heard it at all, but he saw the massive foot come down. It was wiry, thickly muscled, a terrible colour.
"Gil, help!" it repeated, in the same tone and intonation as last time. It could only conjure so much.
He held his breath, and when he did need to breathe, he pressed his palm over his mouth and nose. This was like the one that had rendered him all but human. They were evolving, and not just new appendages or wings or even that gas. This one was luring them into a trap.
"Gilgamesh, help me!" it repeated, louder this time. It prowled around the house. It was assuring that these things still had some weaknesses to account for.
He watched as the thing rounded the corner. Its head looked like it was a bare skull in comparison to the rest of its body. Perhaps it didn't have a sense of smell, and that was why it was depending on using the sounds it was producing to lure its prey.
Its horrible maw opened again, its paws hitting the ground. "Gil, please."
He didn't like that it could make it sound so convincing. It really sounded like Thena--it sounded like her voice crying for him. How would this walking nightmare know what that sounded like? And how did it know exactly whose voice to use to lure him out here?
"Gil," the beast repeated in his sweet Thena's voice. Its teeth clicked against themselves as its jaw swayed back and forth on its head. "Gilgamesh, please."
He could hear it now. The way it chopped up the words, not sounding totally fluid. But he had to get this close to hear that? If he weren't careful, he would already be fighting this thing.
And that wasn't an option for him now. He was in no condition to fight a Deviant, let alone an evolved one. And it had lured him out here, in the dark, alone.
Fear: humans felt fear. They had incredible instincts for self-preservation, protection, survival. But every cell in his body - whatever body it was - was feeling fear. And he had never felt fear quite like this.
He could die out here.
The Deviant drew closer to him. It repeated the sounds of Thena's distress, switching to screams of terror and agony. What a terrible monster these things could be. They really were here for a reason; humans couldn't fight these things.
He couldn't fight this thing. He couldn't fight at all, anymore. Pure instinct had brought him out here--a need to protect Thena. But she was the one protecting him. She was the Fighter of them now.
He had never had to consider life without Thena. She probably hadn't considered it either. Would he be leaving her alone if he died out here? What if she fought this thing? Would it use his voice to lure her out alone like it did with him?
She could fight it. She was stronger than this thing. He was still glad that it wasn't her that had been turned human. He hated being this vulnerable--this useless. But he hated the thought of it being Thena even more.
"Gilgamesh," that thing whispered. It was right on top of him.
He breathed into his palm. He couldn't control his heart, he couldn't control his lungs. His body was crumbling under the pressure. Thousands of years of fighting and it was lost on the human adrenal system. He squeezed his eyes shut.
Maybe he could manage to see Thena one last time before he died.
That time sounded different. He kept his eyes shut, although he heard footsteps somewhere in the distance. Then, nothing, then, impact.
"Run!" Thena landed with force, cratering the ground between the Deviant and him. She already had her swords ready, slashing at the thing.
It roared at her, first with her own voice, then its usual, beastly cry.
Thena stood her ground, swinging her staff around, keeping her back to him and her arms raised. "Are you hurt?"
His stomach lurched. She had come running to his aid, just like any weak, defenseless human. "N-No."
The Deviant swiped at her but she raised her shield, swiping at it in return. These evolved ones were smart, guarded, it knew she was a threat, and it wasn't pursuing her needlessly. It was watching her.
He couldn't see her face, but he saw her body locking up.
The Deviant opened its mouth again. "Thena!"
"What in all the stars?" she asked rhetorically.
"That was how it got me down here," he admitted. The thing's jaw clicked and its teeth rattled around again.
"Thena, help!"
"Celestial demons," she cursed it as she shifted her spear into a different shape. She directed the point at it, tri-tipped and wide. It was a weapon not for slicing but for inflicting an irreparable wound. The great warriors of Greece copied this very weapon. "Try it."
The beast chose not to. It gave her another half-swipe, only for show before retreating. Its long, wiry body slithered away from them and through the crumbling cracks in the wall.
Gil let out a breath as its form disappeared into the shadows. He dragged himself up the wall behind him and to his feet, not liking the state of his knees. "We gotta get that fixed."
Thena didn't say anything.
He frowned, fidgeting with his sweaty palms. "You okay?"
"You shouldn't have been out here."
He was tempted to wince at the cold tone of her voice. She was right, he shouldn't have let that thing lure him away, especially knowing he was in no condition to fight.
"What were you thinking?" she asked him. It was worse than her yelling and shouting at him, her voice was barely above a whisper. She turned to him, her powers fading into the air like sparks. Her hair picked up in the wind. "What were you thinking, Gilgamesh?"
He was feeling properly chastised now. "I-I just..."
She waited for him to finish rather than prompt him.
He sighed. "It was your voice, Thena. You were calling for my help."
She didn't argue. She didn't chastise him further, she accepted his answer. She even moved closer, wrapping her arms around him. Her cheek was cold against his warmer one. "Don't ever scare me like this again."
"Sorry," he patted her shoulder before moving his hand to the cutout of her armour that allowed him the relief of her soft waist.
She huffed at him, but her hold on him didn't loosen. "I'll have more to say about this later."
"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled despite her anger. He let out another breath, relaxing his body more. His limbs felt heavy as Thena began leading him back to the temple.
She gave him a nudge, "I should tell Sersi about this--she'll be livid."
He laughed, giving her a nudge in return.
She stumbled.
They both stared. He blinked, looking at the hand he used to nudge her arm. "Uh, s-sorry."
Thena just stared, at the hand and then at him. She had been expecting a gentle nudge--a human one. He had given her a push that an Eternal would give.
He blinked, surprised by first her kiss and then by her laughter. He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off her feet. It was easy, but it wasn't that easy--whatever it was had been a freak accident. But it was a promising sign.
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c6jpg · 5 months
classic genshin trailer making a story quest seem a lot more dramatic than it actually is LMAO
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age-of-moonknight · 6 months
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“Hunter’s Moon,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight, (Vol. 2/2024), #4.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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Missed you Hunter
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sinhasfluffyheadfur · 11 months
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happy birthday to my beautiful son!!!!! you are so huggable my little junebug :]]]
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closeup + new song for his section of the playlist :3
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Episode 13 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
I very nearly spoiled myself for this episode because the clocks in America changed and it meant that this episode came out earlier than expected. Managed to scramble off Tumblr quickly enough this morning that I missed anything major. 😅
But let's get into my thoughts!
I forgot that Phee existed. How did I forget Phee existed??? 😭
Cute ceramic tree.
Love Phee teaching Omega how to bargain. 😂
Hunter grabbing the guys wrist when he tries to steal the credits. 🤣
Hunter's senses have had a little more attention this season and I love that. A lot of it is just for small moments but they're nice little additions that actually give us a chance to see how he uses his mutation.
Fun fact, centipedes can actually be venomous! Not so much to kill a person, but they can be carnivorous and use venom to catch prey. So these centipede-y things that they set after people are actually not too dissimilar from what we find on Earth! (Just more dangerous).
Where's Tech at? 🤔
Okay, Phee pushing herself off the table like that was very cool. 😄
OMEGA DROPPED A BELL (-shaped thing?) ON A GUY??? Well done. ����
Tech's just playing a game by himself???
"It is the only time this game is a challenge" TECH 😭
Phee's right, Omega needs more friends her own age.
Tech pointing out that they didn't have any. 😭 Tech, honey, I can't say clones are the most socially adept group of people and there's a reason for that.
I'm definitely concerned that she's gonna dob them in to the Empire. 😬
Pabu's pretty!!!
Looks like we were right about it being a safe place for the Batch to camp out.
Wrecker has my heart this entire episode. 😭
"You've got some competition" WRECKER OMG 😭🤣
After everything that happened last week, I needed this episode. It's so wholesome. 🥰
"I have not heard her laugh like that in some time" IT'S STILL GONNA MAKE ME CRY THOUGH 😭
Hunter's dad vibes are strong this episode.
Wrecker being appreciative of different cultures is so sweet
Wrecker being full and Tech making a note of it. 🤣 Ffs, I love them all so much.
They weren't kidding. This episode is so pretty! 🩷
I'm not one for unnecessary romance but I gotta say that the whole thing going on between Phee and Tech is so wholesome. 😊
Is there some island monster that we don't know about???
Oh great. It's a tsunami. 😨
Avalanche last episode, tsunami this episode. WHAT'S WITH ALL THE NATURAL DISASTERS??? 😭
I love moments where we get to see the Batch help people without the need to shoot a place up.
Wrecker carrying Mr Eenta! 🤣
I was very concerned that something was going to happen to Shep for a second. 😭
All the lights from earlier compared to all the dark rubble...
These poor people are all refugees. They've already lost their home and now their safe place has been destroyed too.
And to be taken out by an uncontrollable force as well. It brings up the question of whether or not there is a place anywhere that is truly safe.
But I love how Sheb says that they are resilient. These people can keep on fighting, even after they've been through so much.
(Reminds me of a very specific cyborg, who I am missing very much at the moment 😭).
But after the defeats we've seen this season, I love that we have an episode that is so strongly grounded in hope. That even in the face of tragedy, they can keep on fighting.
And hope is a key concept in Star Wars which is why this episode works so well thematically.
Aaaaahhhh!!! So I really liked this episode. After the absolute misery that was The Outpost, I really enjoyed having a much more wholesome episode. Even though the middle wasn't particularly action heavy, there was some nice exploration of themes in Star Wars. It was super sweet and I loved it. 🥰
No doubt that there's gonna be "it's filler" comments but it really isn't! It's a deeper look into the Batch and stuff that's happening in parts of the galaxy that people don't think about. I love it for that.
And while I'm really not a fan of unnecessary romances, this thing going on between Tech and Phee is adorable. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, she's still helping him open up a bit and appreciate things in life from a slightly less analytical perspective. It's cute and I can't be mad about it. 🥰 (Although I will start having an issue if it starts getting in the way of the story but I think we're good for now).
Saying all of that, it's been another week without Echo. 😭 That man would've been in top form this episode as well. We know how he is when it comes to helping people. AND WE COULD'VE HAD WHOLESOME MOMENTS OF THAT MAN ACTUALLY GETTING TO RELAX FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE! Hopefully they get to come back here and bring Echo along because he really needs a vacation.
But overall, solid episode! The animation was beautiful and the soundtrack was great as always. 🥰
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