#I don’t really wanna put anyone on blast or anything
chibishortdeath · 9 months
Ok stupid rant, but I’m sick of looking up a game and only being able to find guides and wikis made by people who obviously hate the game they’re writing information about.
I was looking for guides for the hedge maze portion of Castlevania 64 because I was stuck in it and couldn’t visualize what the layout of maze looks like (turns out, it’s not technically a traditional maze, aka one route to the exit, which helps a lot) and the only guide I can find is one on gamefaqs or something where the person cannot contain themselves from constantly interjecting to say how much they don’t like Malus cause “ugh overdramatic cutscene, his parents are dead who cares, he looks like a girl” or how they hate the game cause it’s too hard and annoying and “oh boy as if this game couldn’t get worse”.
And like dude! Sincerely! Shut up! I don’t care! I just want to know what I’m supposed to do! You are allowed to dislike the game and express your opinions, just please keep those to a little ending opinion section or a review!!! Stop breaking up actual instructions I can’t keep track of what you’re telling me to do!!!!!!!!!!!
And I saw something similar happen on a different smaller wiki-ish sort of website (it might have been the Castlevania Dungeon, I’m not sure. Definitely not Fandom tho.) on the Castlevania: The Adventure page when I was looking for some facts. Again, the person writing was constantly being all “not that this game is important anyway” and like! I literally don’t care if you don’t like the game that’s not what I’m here for!!! Heck the website even had some misinformation on the page too saying that Christopher was Simon’s grandson in that “or whatever, it doesn’t matter” kind of tone! Like!!!!! Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!! I am here for factual information! Not a review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s just absolutely annoying and now I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do in CV64 cause I can barely process what this guy is saying ugh.
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rpstartersinc · 1 year
* 𝐇𝐁𝐎'𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐎𝐅  𝐔𝐒  /  𝐄𝐏  𝟖  &  𝟗.
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ do you remember what comes next? ”
“ when can we bury him? ”  
“ the ground is too cold to dig. ”  
“ it was dark, see what you wanna see sometimes. ”
“ i sensed doubt in there. ”  
“ i need to know you’re with me. ”  
“ you think we can just take it? ”  
“ any sudden moves, i put one right between your eyes. ”
“ we didn’t even hear you coming. ”  
“ you can’t drag this back on your own. ”  
“ i’m not following you anywhere. ”  
“ it’s not code, do as i said. ”  
“ you know, you really shouldn’t be out here all on your own. ”
“ from where i’m sitting, you shouldn’t be out here on your own. ”
“ it’s hard to trust strangers. ”  
“ is this some weird cult thing? ”  
“ the whole world ended and you still believe that shit. ”
“ i actually started believing after the world ended. ”  
“ luck? there’s no such thing as luck. ”  
“ i believe everything happens for a reason. ”  
“ you won’t survive for long out there. ”  
“ i can protect you. ”  
“ you should kill him. ”  
“ i’m gonna lead them away from you, but if anybody makes it down here you fucking kill them, you got it? ”
“ do not fall asleep. ”  
“ you so hungry for vengeance? deliver it. ”  
“ i started worrying you wouldn’t wake up. ”  
“ why am i in a cage? ”  
“ i’m afraid of you. ”  
“ you’re a dangerous person, you’ve certainly proven that. ”
“ the others, they want me to kill you for all that’s happened. ”
“ i stopped them. ”  
“ you can’t survive on your own, no one can. ”  
“ i’m not on my own. ”  
“ you focus right here, or i’ll pop your fucking kneecap off. ”
“ you’re gonna chop me up into little pieces. ”  
“ you don’t believe that. ”  
“ you remind me of me. ”  
“ you have a violent heart. ”  
“ what did you say? everything happens for a reason, right? ”
“ no one infected fights this hard to stay alive. ”  
“ neither one of us is dying today. ”  
“ it’s me. ”  
“ it’s okay, baby girl. i got you. ”  
“ you fucking tell them. ”  
“ you’re so tough. ”  
“ it’s not your fault. ”  
“ i can’t kill you. ”  
“ have you ever played this? boggle? it’s a word game. ”
“ if you want to beat me at something it would be this. ”
“ i haven’t played in forever. ”  
“ i was thinking maybe i could teach you. ”  
“ you want to learn how to play guitar? ”  
“ i was thinking we blast our way through that rubble. ”
“ i’ll give you a boost. ”  
“ you kinda seem extra quiet today. ”  
“ don’t scare it. ”  
“ is it everything you hoped for? ”  
“ can’t deny that view. ”  
“ maybe there’s nothing bad out there but so far there’s always been something bad out there. ”
“ i’m only saying there’s risk. ”  
“ after all we’ve been through, everything i’ve done - it can’t be for nothing. ”
“ i know you want to protect me. ”  
“ i’ll follow you anywhere you go. ”  
“ there’s no half-way with this, we finish what we started. ”
“ they were way better at stitching you up than i was. ”  
“ there’s no story. ”  
“ i couldn’t see the point anymore. ”  
“ i couldn’t have been more ready. ”  
“ when i went to pull the trigger i flinched. ”  
“ so time heals all wounds, i guess. ”  
“ you know what i’m in the mood for? shitty puns. ”  
“ people are making apocalypse jokes like there’s no tomorrow. too soon? ”
“ moon rocks taste better than earth rocks. why? because they’re meteor. ”
“ what did the green grape say to the purple grape? breathe, you idiot. ”
“ you got hit pretty hard. ”  
“ you are the one person i never wanted to be in debt to, but i owe you. ”
“ there is no one else. ”
“ i’m the only one who understands. ”  
“ he tries anything, shoot him. ”  
“ i didn’t hear anyone say ‘stop’. ”  
“ i don’t have time for this. ”  
“ how did you get in here? ”  
“ you can’t keep her safe forever. ”  
“ it isn’t for you to decide. ”  
“ it’s not too late, even now, even after what you’ve done. ”
“ it’s alright, you’re with me. ”  
“ take it slow, the drugs are still wearing off. ”  
“ they’ve stopped looking for a cure. ”  
“ i barely got you out of there. ”  
“ were people hurt? ”  
“ i’m taking us home. ”  
“ she got us close enough, we gotta walk the rest of the way. ”
“ bet you would’ve liked her back. ”  
“ not much further now. ”  
“ she got bit, too. ”  
“ she was the first to die. ”  
“ that’s not on you. ”  
“ sometimes things don’t work out the way we hope. ”  
“ if you just keep going, you find something new to fight for. ”
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kicharges · 4 months
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🐉 18+ Only Dragon Ball Multimuse, as told by Mami
🐉 Tracks the tag, kicharges
🐉 Crossover friendly, multi ship friendly, OC friendly
🐉 Semi-selective
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NOTE: I enjoy TFS as much as the next person, but I won’t be making any of the TFS HC’s a part of my roleplays anytime soon. Truth be told, I think people who take TFS at face value are kind of annoying. If you have a problem with me giving Piccolo a dick, then please don’t spam me with “but Namekians don’t have dicks.” Remember—this is RP and anything is possible. If Mami says Piccolo fucks, then he damn well will.
WIP: I am also currently playing through Xenoverse 2 and am halfway done with completing FighterZ. Anime wise, I am re-watching Dragon Ball Z and will continue on through the other iterations of the series. (GT, Super, etc.)
Please don’t ask me to write the following ships with you: Piccolo x Pan, Piccolo x Gohan, Goku x Pan, Trunks x Mai, Android 17 x 18, Android 17 x 16 or 18, Cell x Android 18 or 17. Basically, if it’s a ship that involves incest or literal adults x children, then keep it to yourselves…? 🙏🏽 PROSHIPPERS DNI!
Please don’t talk to me about real life events/politics: For the most sort, I simply don’t care. I do care about the genocide happening in Palestine however and that’s as much as I’m saying on the topic, but I prefer to keep my political opinions and worldviews to myself. And I’d rather avoid bad blood between me and anyone else, I’m here to have fun, not make enemies.
This page is 18+ only, as the mun has a preference for writing with older muns. This is in no way made to offend anyone, I just prefer writing with others around my own age group.
Yes, I am the same one who runs @mamismulti and @theultimateandroid both of which will still function, you can go give those a follow at your own leisure. My time on here won’t always be consistent, so if you need me, you can find me on either one of these pages.
Mun doesn’t equal muse, and yes this also applies to my Dragon Ball Xenoverse OC. (Coming soon)
This is a no drama zone, I’ve put up with so much drama already with old friends, please don’t pull me in on any ongoing drama please? And whatever you do, don’t ask me to take your side. Learned my lesson about taking sides in drama before, plus your drama is really none of my business.
No god modding unless we’ve discussed things before hand, and no power playing either unless we’ve also discussed things. Either than that, I would like to be informed before you decide to go and suddenly take away my muses abilities or decide to weaken or handicap them.
OC’s are welcome, as well as OC x Canon and OC x OC. I’ll ask you to send me your muses bio if you don’t have one readily available on your page for me to access.
This page is crossover and multi ship friendly, so don’t be shy to approach me on any ideas you may have. 😊
Remember, role play isn’t just about fun, but it’s also about communication and letting each other know where our boundaries lie. For example, I won’t write themes involving incest, cheating, child exploitation, or threads featuring the exploitation of animals. (Ie. animal or child 🍇)
Dark themes such as racism, genocide and overall violence will be present on this page. And yes, these subjects will be tagged for your black listing pleasures. (But also be aware that I don’t excuse or stand for what my villainous muses do or say)
No, I will not be discussing power levels with you or getting into arguments over whether or not Pinkie Pie could blast a hole through Gohan or Beerus. My honest opinion is: I don’t really care enough about it, so if you think Pinkie Pie could solo the entire DBZ Universe, then live your truth.
I don’t usually like to utilize the block function but I will if you’re giving me grief or if you’re displaying any problematic behaviour. I’m just a fellow human passing through, I just wanna have a good time and don’t wanna bother with difficult to get along with people. Not my cup of tea.
Think we may have an issue? Then please come to me and speak with me about it, I’ve had to deal with old friends vague posting in the past and chickening out when I approach them on it, so, simple solution is to just tell me out right. Unlike Kami, I’m not a mind reader so please don’t tip-toe around the subject or try hinting at things I may be unaware of.
Does your muse have a pre-established relationship with one of my muses? Let me know and I’ll gladly work with what I’m given. The only exception with this rule is that I won’t magically change my character interpretation, I like to keep them as close to canon as I can.
I won’t dull down any of my villain portrayals. If you’re uncomfortable with violence, death, violence against your muse, death threats/murder attempts, your muse being subjected to torment, etc. then try another muse.
I won’t kill or grievously injure your muse unless you give me the green light to do so, considering that this is the Dragon Ball Universe we’re playing with, it’s not entirely impossible for your muse to survive an attack from one of my muses or be brought back to life with the Dragon Balls, etc. Honestly this is roleplay, so creative liberty is always at our disposal.
Smut or any other violence or distressing content will be placed under a read more line, I don’t expect you to turn around and do the same because I don’t run your page, so do whatever the heck you feel like. But for myself, I’ll always prefer to keep my smut or triggering content under a read more for the sake of my mutuals comfort.
I do head canon most of my muses to be pansexual, so gays, they’s and them’s, feel free to flirt with any of my characters. However, not everyone will be as reciprocating, so don’t be surprised if your muses attempts fall flat on their faces. And if your muse persists with their advances, then don’t be surprised if they’re removed with force. (Ex. Punched, thrown, ki-blasted, kicked, etc.) This will usually only happen if they’ve been continuously warned.
You can feel free to mention me in posts such as: dash comms. tag games, etc. but please be sure to forward me any dash comms. you might’ve mentioned me in as I may not see them. I follow a lot of blogs already and there’s a slim chance I might actually see a dash comm. which was intended for me. (I would rather avoid making anyone feel as if I’m ignoring them on purpose)
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Cell (all forms included)
Chichi (adult Chichi only)
Mrs. Brief/Bulma’s mom
Princess Snake
Future Trunks
Gogeta (be sure to specify if it’s Gogeta Blue or SSJ4)
Mercenary Tao
Android 17
Super Android 17
Android 18
Android 21
King Cold
Ginyu Force: Ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Recoome, Dodoria, and Guldo
Broly (preferably from DBS)
Lord Beerus
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yeowangies · 1 year
Blood Stains
CHAPTER III: Delicate Unspeakable Lines
PAIRING: Raditz/Reader RATING: Mature CONTENTS: Canon Divergence AU, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers. WARNINGS: Attempted Assault in this chapter, Drinking WORDCOUNT: 3506
You realize he’s standing well within arm's reach. You’re not exactly drunk, but you’re obviously not sober either. And the experience from earlier has left your mind more than vulnerable for any kind of thought. So you can’t help but stare at Raditz right back, determinedly inspecting his face. He has a few tiny scratches from wherever he had been before crash landing at your place, and he’s still damn handsome.
Please check the warnings.
I have a trigger warning for this chapter for attempted assault, it's some few very short paragraphs and I put the first word and last word in bold letters if anyone wants to skip them, you will still understand the story. And if you want to read them, it's nothing graphic
There's drinking involved in this chapter too, no one gets drunk, but just in case anyone is uncomfortable with that.
You can check the tag #*bs if you wanna see the previous chapters.
Dust and debris rain all over you, scratching your skin. You curse under your breath; Raditz blasted through the wall, again, and this time he left. Seemingly for good. 
You were positive he had warmed up to you, but apparently that wasn’t the case. And you’re not even sure what you’re supposed to do now. Piccolo was strong enough against Raditz when he was injured, but not now that he’s fully healed. And you don’t even know where Piccolo is to begin with. Maybe keeping Raditz alive was a mistake, you’re not sure he’s not going to hurt other people; but at the same time, you don’t actually regret having given him shelter. 
You’re just pissed. Why did he have to leave like that?
“So, he’s gone?” Bulma’s voice brings you back to reality as you try to get up. She holds your hand, helping you up as you dust off the dirt of your clothes. “I don’t think you wanna hear an ‘I told you so’.”
“You’re right, I don’t.”
“Well, we don’t always get what we want. He’s dangerous and he’s out now, I warned you about this!”
“I know! I didn’t want him to leave either…”
“Especially because you didn’t get to fuck him.” Bulma says in a disdainful tone.
“What did you say?!”
“This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn't been so damn selfish!”
“You have some nerve! Do you really wanna talk about being selfish? You, of all people?”
“What does that mean?!”
“It means you break up with Yamcha whenever he says he wants to focus on his training, and instead of supporting him you get pissy, thinking that he’s cheating on you!”
“What does that have to do with anything?!” Bulma yells, visibly furious as her brows furrow as deep as possible. 
“It also means you not even calling Chichi to tell her that her husband is dead and her son has been kidnapped!”
“You’re a hypocrite, you didn’t do that either, if I remember correctly!”
“I wasn’t even there!”
“Because you were taking care of Raditz! Just because he looked at you like any man would! Talk about being selfish!”
“That’s… only half true!”
“Oh yeah? Like you haven’t been trying to get into his pants this whole time?!”
“That’s not-”
“And he didn’t even give you the time of day! Because he realized quickly how boring you are!”
You can’t help yourself when you slap her across the face, surprising yourself and Bulma as well. She looks stunned before she growls angrily, attempting to slap you right back but you notice it from a mile away, grabbing her wrist just in time. 
“You bitch!” She yells with tears in her eyes. 
“I’m the bitch after all you said?” You step back, staring at her for a moment before turning around to gather your things. “Don’t worry, I’m leaving now.”
Bulma is looking at you with anger as you walk out the room, dusting off your clothes on the way out. 
This is the last thing you expected to happen, even when you knew Raditz would leave, sooner or later. You were hoping it would be later than sooner, but it was only a matter of time until he completely healed. But you should have known, Goku also had moments when he healed abnormally fast. 
The argument with Bulma had caught you off guard, but you were pissed. And she has always been insensitive. 
Upset, angry and sad all at once, you decide to just stay at your apartment. If Raditz does something like kill an entire city or something, it for certain will show up on TV anyway. If that happens… you’re not sure what you can do anyway. 
Surprisingly though, as the days go by, nothing happens. You were positive Raditz would be breaking havoc by now. You wonder what he’s up to, if he’s ok and where he is. Of course he would be ok, he’s technically the most powerful being on the planet currently (shivers travel up your spine when you think about it), and his injuries were all healed too. So what is he doing?
After a week, you convince yourself to go to Capsule Corp. and apologize to Bulma so she can help you find Raditz, she has his scouter after all; but as you stand in front of the entrance gate, you change your mind. You don’t feel like apologizing just yet, not after everything she said (some of the things she said were true but they she said didn't sit right with you yet). She’s for sure going to check the security cameras and see that you were there anyway, so you turn around to leave. 
Before going back to your apartment, you stop for groceries, and it’s already dark by the time you head home. You double check your surroundings as a habit, and a few blocks away from your place, you feel someone following you. You’re not sure, but you can sense they’re just trailing after you. You panic momentarily, before grabbing your keys in your hands, just in case. 
Everything happens so fast, you barely have time to register as the stranger who was behind you abruptly pushes you into an alley, leaving you momentarily out of breath. A large man dressed in black pushes your back against the wall, and you yelp, letting your bags fall to the floor. Instinctively, you jam your keys against his face. Hard.
“Let go of me!” You yell, struggling to get free.
Your attacker doesn’t let up, only groaning in pain when you push your keys into his face. Pushing your hand away, he holds your shoulders hard, and you scream as loud as you can, slapping and clawing at his face.
“You fucking bitch, stay still!”
You keep screaming in anger, yanking at his hair and kicking your legs, despite the fact that he’s a lot stronger than you, and you’re not exactly doing any damage. His fist draws back, ready to hit you in the face, and you close your eyes, expecting the blow. 
It never comes, and when you open your eyes, you’re shocked to see Raditz standing right beside your attacker, holding his arm in place. He effortlessly yanks him off you with one hand, throwing him to the floor. The alley is dark until your eyes adjust to it, but you had never seen Raditz look so menacing before, not even when he first arrived at Kame House. 
When you see that he’s lifting his fist, getting ready to punch your assailant in the face, you grab his arm.
“Raditz, no! Let him go.”
He growls, deep from his chest, and his arm shakes in your hold before he lowers it, yanking your hand away. 
“Get lost before I rip off your intestines.” Raditz says, and the man looks terrified, obviously seeing the same threatening aura around him than you.
Your attacker runs away, and the adrenaline you felt a moment ago starts to subside, making you shake. You kneel on the ground, panting and closing your eyes tight. Your thoughts are jumbled up, feeling upset, angry, surprised all together. 
Raditz is still standing there with his eyes on you, but he remains still. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him after an eternity of silence that was probably only a couple of minutes; he doesn’t answer. 
The cool air hits your face as you stand up and you notice that you’re crying, a few tears streaming down your face. He’s looking at you, stoic, as you wipe them off with your sleeve before gathering the few items that are somehow still intact even after you had dropped them so abruptly. 
“What have you done to me?” Raditz suddenly asks, and you turn to him with a frown.
“I wouldn’t have even flinched before, under any other circumstance.” His brows are furrowed, and you notice his tail, tightly wrapped around his waist, bristling. “But I couldn’t…”
Confused, you stare at him for a minute. He’s gazing right back at you with dark angry eyes. You’re not entirely sure what he’s trying to imply, whether what he’s saying is something positive or not, but you’re too on edge to feel the need to engage in this conversation right now.
“Are you seriously telling me all this now?” Raditz doesn’t reply and you take the sight of him in, noticing that he’s dirty and his clothes are torn, with a few scratches on every visible part of skin. “What happened to you?”
He shrugs, and you don’t press for more answers. 
“Come with me, I’ll give you new clothes.”
He wordlessly follows you, taking one of the bags from your hands when you notice a couple of your nails have broken, and you’re bleeding a bit. You curse under your breath, and head back to your apartment with Raditz trailing behind you. 
He looks around when you open the door to your place, letting him in before locking it. 
“You stink,” You tell him, having felt his scent closely when you were in the elevator. “When was the last time you showered?”
“When I left your friend’s house.”
“You haven’t showered in over a week?!”
“There aren’t showers in the wild.”
“Fine… You can take a shower here, I’ll wash your clothes too.”
You get things ready for him, leaving out shampoo and a towel, along with fresh clothes before you basically push him towards the shower, frantic to get rid of the smell he has on him. 
After you order pizza for the both of you, you clean your hand, getting rid of blood on it and fixing your nails as best as you can. The incident left your mind rattled and your hand is shaking slightly. 
You don’t even notice that Raditz has already come out of the bathroom, wearing the clothes you left for him, until he grabs your hand to check out the small wounds on it. You jump in surprise but let him to as he pleases. 
“You’ll live.” He says with a smirk, and you snort.
“Yeah, well, that jerk owns me a manicure.”
“You fought well.” He lets go of your hand and sits across the table, in front of you. The clothes you gave him are from an ex boyfriend, and they don’t look that good on him; they’re clearly not his size, and everything seems too tight. 
“I hardly would call that a fight.”
“Whatever, you defended yourself and did a good job.”
You don’t answer as you get up to look for a drink.
“Do you drink alcohol?”
“Sure. What do you drink on this planet?”
You bring a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine, pouring some for the both of you. 
“This is wine. If you don’t like it, I have other drinks.”
You watch Raditz smell the glass like a sommelier would before he takes a sip, and nods. You smile, amused and happy, taking a long sip of your own.
“Is there alcohol in space?”
“Of course there is. Believe it or not, not all planets are that different from one another.”
“Really? Do they have trees, water, a moon and a sun?”
“Most of them do. Moons are not as common, sometimes there aren’t any, sometimes there are more than one.”
“That’s cool.” You look him over for a second, taking another sip. “I never thought aliens would look similar to us… Then again, I guess I’m an alien too.”
“To me, you are.” Raditz smirks before swallowing down the entire glass. “Most species have the same features, though.”
“Yes, as in, they have a head and arms and legs.”
“Well, I suppose that’s similar enough.” You chuckle. 
There’s a moment of silence as you fill both of your glasses again, and take a gulp out of your own. 
“Yours is the most similar to ours.” Raditz comments, looking around your kitchen briefly before landing his eyes on you. “There aren’t many species that look like us.”
“Didn’t you just say-”
“Having arms and legs doesn’t mean we are similar. There’s a reason why Kakarot could pass off as human on this planet. The skin tone of your species is as diverse yet exactly like ours.”
“I suppose… the tail is what tells you apart.”
“Our strength, too.”
“Yeah, I guess…”
Raditz opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. Whatever he wants to say dies in his throat, and you let it go, drinking more of the wine in your glass. 
“The structure of your species…” He says, catching your attention. “That’s also different.”
“What do you mean?”
“We didn’t always stay together like you humans seem to do. We mate but that doesn’t mean more than what it is.”
“You mean… you have sex just for fun, not to procreate?”
“We do that too.” You chuckle. “Too often, actually.”
“I’ve seen you go around in couples, or in groups.” He arches an eyebrow, questioningly. 
“Well, yeah. We have friends and families, and sometimes we date too. But not always.”
“You know, like… have sex exclusively with one person? And have a romantic bond and all.”
Raditz lets your words sink in as he drinks the rest of his glass at once. You watch him, intrigued by everything he’s telling, and what he’s not telling you as well. He seems curious about your culture, however, so you don’t mind this conversation. 
“Have you dated?” He suddenly asks. 
“Of course.”
“Are you dating right now?”
“No, I haven’t dated anyone in a while.” You snicker, pouring more wine on both of your glasses. You have to get a new bottle for the next round. “Do you Saiyans date, too?”
“No. Most of us didn’t, anyway. We rarely stuck to one person.”
“So, what? You have sex with anyone, no matter what?”
“I wouldn’t put it like that, but sure.” He smirks.
The doorbell interrupts whatever you’re going to say next, and you quickly get up, knowing that it’s the pizzas you ordered. 
“What’s this?” He asks when you open one of the boxes. 
“It’s pizza. It’s really good, you’re gonna like it. I bought six, because I know you eat like crazy.”
Raditz takes a piece in his hand, staring at the cheese that practically drips down before he shoves the entire slice into his mouth. You stare at him with amusement as he starts gulping down slice after slice.
“You like it?” You ask sarcastically. He grunts in agreement. 
You eat slowly, even more so when you notice your hand is still shaking a little; you don’t want to drop a perfectly good slice of pizza. You tried to sort out some of your thoughts, currently all jammed up in your head. The fact that Raditz is currently sitting at your table seems funny enough, you thought you would never see him after he left Capsule Corp. like that. That he showed up out of the blue in the middle of an alley when a man was attacking you was even stranger. 
“How did you find me?” You ask him when he was almost done swallowing the last slice of pizza. 
Raditz flicks his eyes towards you briefly as he takes a large gulp of wine. 
“I got used to your… energy when I was at your friend’s house.” He looks deep in thought for a second before he goes on. “I went looking for you there at first, but I couldn’t feel you until I started to fly off.”
So, he’s learning how to read and feel other people’s ki. Makes sense that he would, since he doesn’t have his scouter. 
“Why were you looking for me?”
He stares at you for a while, and doesn’t answer in the end. You don’t feel like dragging it out of him, so you let it go.
“Thank you for saving me, by the way.” You say, realizing you haven’t really thanked him. 
Raditz keeps staring at you, and you’re starting to feel a little self conscious after a while.
“Are you going to eat that?” He asks, pointing to the one pizza left, the one you ate only two slices from. 
“No, I don’t think I can eat all that.” You laugh. 
“Eat.” He says sharply. 
You breathe in deeply before taking another slice. You’re not actually that hungry; if you were, you would eat more than two slices. His gaze is fixed on you even as you munch, and you feel more uncomfortable the more he stares. He notices your hand trembling, and you don’t try to hide it.
It only takes a few seconds for tears to well up in your eyes once more, and you try to keep them at bay but you can only do so for so long until they start spilling out of your eyes. 
“Why are you crying?” Raditz asks flatly. 
“If-If you hadn’t shown, he…” You stutter, wiping off your eyes with a napkin. 
“I know what he would have done.” His muscles tense and his jaw clenches when you look at him. “You should have let me rip his head off.”
“I probably should have.” You say with a small laugh. “Why are you here?”
He looks away from you, still very much on edge. You get up to pick up the empty pizza boxes, putting them to the side to dispose of them later. You clean your nose before turning to sit by the table again, but you almost collide with Raditz’s massive body. 
“God, you scared me!” 
“I thought you weren’t afraid of me.” He chuckles.
“I’m not, but I didn’t feel you when you got behind me.”
“You’re a strange woman,” He says, with a smirk on his face. “You get rattled over an incident like before, but you’re not scared of me, a very real threat to you right now.”
“It’s different. I know you won’t hurt me.”
“How do you know?”
“You would have done so already. Besides, you… saved me earlier.”
Raditz’s smirk flattens as he stares down at you. 
You realize he’s standing well within arm's reach. You’re not exactly drunk, but you’re obviously not sober either. And the experience from earlier has left your mind more than vulnerable for any kind of thought. So you can’t help but stare at Raditz right back, determinedly inspecting his face. He has a few tiny scratches from wherever he had been before crash landing at your place, and he’s still damn handsome. You focus way too long on his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Is his skin soft to touch? You doubt they have moisturizer in space, and you doubt it’s even a priority for what are basically space pirates. 
The moment passes way too quickly (or way too slow, you can’t really tell).
Taking a step back, Raditz moves to let you walk to the table to drink more wine, though his eyes don’t leave you.
“I must look very sexy right now.” You comment sarcastically, feeling slightly nervous about whatever just happened (even if it seemingly just happened in your head). He laughs, to your surprise, and you turn to him with a raised eyebrow. “You’re supposed to say that I do!”
“Now, why would I lie to you like that?” He grins.
“Excuse me?” You look at him with wide eyes. “You’re such a jerk!”
Raditz laughs again at your face, and you playfully slap his arm. 
“How dare you! After I feed you and everything, you say something like that to me! You’re getting too comfortable here…” You scoff, blushing slightly the more he laughs. He chuckles, keeping his eyes on your face. “...What?”
“Nothing.” He says with a grin, making you glare at him. 
You look away after a second, feeling too embarrassed and tempted to kiss him. Whatever you feel hanging in the air seems too delicate, like if you were to overstep any unspeakable lines would somehow make everything disappear. 
“I’m leaving.” Raditz says, bringing you back to the present.
“Don’t you wanna stay? I… I have a comfortable couch, even though you’re so tall.”
“No, I’m leaving.” He looks you over with a smile before turning around. 
“Hold on, mister, you’re not thinking of blasting through the wall again, are you?”
“Am I not supposed to?” He chuckles, and you roll your eyes.
“I have a balcony, you can fly from there.” You grab his wrist to make him follow you to the balcony, and you open the door to let him out. “I hope you’re behaving, I don’t even know what you’ve been doing.”
“You didn’t ask.” He smirks, turning to you briefly. 
“I ask you a bunch of questions you didn’t answer!”
“I suppose you did ask. I must not want to answer then.”
Before you can respond, Raditz flies off the balcony, wind making your hair disheveled. You huff, staring at the dot in the sky that’s him until you can no longer see him.
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yeehawbvby · 8 months
Damn i really didn't think about ever spiraling back into my pokémon hyperfixation like this, at least not this deep, but your posts are birthing blorbos to haunt my every waking moment. So. *cocks gun* i need some uhhh milo headcanons for a uhh friend (the friend is me being down bad for him) (obviously joking pls there's only a watergun involved) (your pokemon stuff literally inspires me ty)
*takes out a mini-water gun and shoots it into ur mouth* I am here to quench your thirst (get it?? Because water. And thirst for Milo. and. . Sorruy)
Hello hi I finally did this omg I am so sorry it took literally MONTHS but here we are!!!!
I did my best, not very confident in my characterization of Milo by any means, and most of these are silly, but I hope I did him justice :’)
- I told you this in DMs already but I’ll put it out there for everyone else to enjoy: Milo voiceclaim BLAST‼️ (doing this on mobile so I can’t link from a time stamp atm but I think he starts talking around 30 seconds in?)
- Milo isn’t a gamer. But. If he ever got into a DnD campaign somehow (I feel like he’d prefer tabletop > video games if anything?) he would absolutely 100% be a druid
- Spent a while internally debating his race class. I think maybe he’d stick with human, tbh, or maybe a halfling
- If he wasn’t a farmer, I could see him still working closely with pokemon beyond just being a gym leader. Like maybe he’d have a gig at a pokemon center
- OR. Or!! maybe he’d work in a battle café as a pastry chef?
- Or maybe I’m projecting, because the thought of baker!Milo is so cute to me ckejvoskckd
- Clothes headcanons.. hmm…. Lots of sweaters? Those sweaters that have a Very Pointless zipper that goes down to the, like, mid-upper chest area before stopping?? Yeah?
- Omg wait this guy KNITS
- He totally gives out scarves and mittens and beanies that he made as a (platonic) love language
- If and when things are romantic then you’ll get sweaters and blankets too, alongside everything else
- I don’t think he’d eat meat! I don’t think he would be vegan necessarily, but I can’t see Milo being the type to eat the creatures he exists so closely with
- So maybe a vegetarian, or at least the type that eats meat sometimes but avoids it for the most part
- I wanna imagine that he meshes well with anyone he meets. Bro is a pure people person
- When it comes to romance, I think he’d be very surprisingly confident
- He’s a sweet cinnamon roll but he’s not shy by any means!!
- I think he’d be pretty up-front too. If he likes you, you’ll know. Hell, maybe he’d say it outright one day while you’re just hanging out, doing something super mundane
- Milo’s definitely a gentleman. Lets you walk inside the sidewalk rather than on the street side. Opens doors for you. Walks you to your door (maybe with a cheeky smooch?) after a date night
- He’s a ditto that’s gotten REAL good at acting btw. I mean look at that cute happy little face— You hear something?
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kingshimura4872 · 11 months
Shorts With Shimura
A/N: HI GUYS!!! I'm so sorry lmfao, I had a date with my partner and his friends for a day and we all got blazed.
I've kinda been vibing for the past few days and completely forgot about time as a whole. Anyways, here you goooo
Pairing: Kirishima x GN! Reader (Pretty sure)
Warnings: Other than heavy topics of injuries and stubbornness, it's pretty mellow, if I missed anything, lmk
Word Count: 2.9K
"Can't you just accept when people do nice things for you?"
"No, I can't."
You pushed the first aid supplies away, opting to stand up and walk towards the entrance of your makeshift shelter. While on patrol, Pro-Heroes Chargebolt, Red Riot, and yourself had been caught in a sudden attack by a suicide squad of lower class villains. They’d followed your patrol patterns and decided to take the whole block out with extremely powerful explosions. On the lucky side of the day, everyone in the block in question were across town to partake in an annual festival. And anyone who’d stayed behind in their homes were promptly rescued by nearby heroes. On the not so lucky side of the day, no one, including yourselves knew where exactly you were and both the impact of the blast and the large sinkhole that happened because of it trapped all three of you underneath multiple tons of rubble. The impact of the fall itself knocked Chargebolt out immediately as he’d knocked his head on uneven concrete on the way down. Red Riot was heavily injured as well, suffering a broken leg, however he used the last of his energy to knock down a wall of a broken building to shield everyone from any future falling debris. You weren’t spared either, as your left arm broke under a random piece of building that fell on you as soon as you hit the ground. Your right shoulder had been dislocated, but that was a quick fix to you. Everyone was bleeding and Chargebolt, while occasionally stirring, hadn’t properly woken up yet. You’d also sustained a bad sprain on your ankle which hindered your walking ability. However, you hid the pain well, barely showing a limp as you hobbled off. Everyone was covered in blood and dust, smaller bits of concrete in everyone’s hair and hero costumes ripped in many places. 
   “Just let me help you, Reaper, please? You’ve already fixed both of us up as best you can, it’s only fair.”   “I’m fine, Riot. I’ve already splinted my arm, there’s nothing else for you to do.”
   “You need to get off that ankle, I know you messed it up.”
You leaned against a large piece of rubble, looking up to see small spots of the now night sky peering through. “I’m fine.”
Riot sighed, wanting to get up to drag you back, but his current condition prohibited him. You’d also splinted his leg with the straightest piece of pipe you pulled out of the area and a random shirt you’d luckily spotted underneath a broken T.V. 
Luck was on your side today as you had mindlessly brought your emergency backpack out of your apartment with you on patrol. You hadn’t really thought much about it, knowing you were already too far away to put it back by the time you realized you’d even brought it, so you carried it with you. And lucky for you all, it had everyone you’d need for some kind of multi day crisis. Unopened foods, water bottles, two first aid kits, stitch kits, extra bandages, rubbing alcohol, and more. You didn’t know why you’d brought the bag with you but you thanked your lucky stars you did. It made fixing those boys up a legion easier and because it seemed the other heroes hadn’t pinpointed your exact location yet, the food and water definitely helped. Charge Bolt would definitely need some when he woke up. 
   “Please? At least come back here so we can talk quieter. I don’t wanna wake him before he’s ready.” Riot tried again, leaning against another piece of broken wall. It wasn’t the comfiest he thought, but they didn’t have much to work with. You sighed, giving into the request, walking back slowly and sitting down beside the redhead.
   “Thank you.” He whispered. You let out a small hum, taking the half drunk water bottle you both had used and taking another sip. Your throat had been bone dry the whole night but you did your best to conserve what you had, not knowing how long you might be down here.
   “Can I please clean you up? At least bandage that cut on your head.” He pushed, reaching for the kit again.
   “Why are you so persistent?” You huffed, setting the bottle down and crossing your arms as best you could. It was really your unbroken arm gently gripping the other while the broken one moved to sit in your lap.
   “Because it’s what I do. Besides, we were all hurt and you’re the only one who hasn’t been properly cared for. You splinted my leg, fixed my wounds and helped Kaminari the best you could, but you’re the only one with wounds that are still open and vulnerable.”
   “I don’t need help. My cuts are fine, I heal fast.”
   “Not fast enough.”
You let out another sigh, glaring the hero down. His stare remained unwavering and after a few minutes of silent staring, you gave in.
   “Fine.” You groaned. “Just be quick about it.”
You could see his face brighten as he swiftly placed the kit in his lap and you slid closer to him so he wouldn’t have to move too much.
   “This’ll sting.” He warned.
   “Just do it.” You grumbled, closing your eyes as he dabbed the cuts on your face, neck and shoulders with an alcohol soaked piece of fabric. You winced just a bit when he got to a deeper slice on your neck, but otherwise made no protest. He gently placed small bandages over each now semi cleaned wound and sat back once he was done, proud of his work. 
   “Done. For now anyways. How’s your arm feeling?”
You looked down at the makeshift splint you’d made, noticing the slight bend in your upper arm from the fracture and all of the bruising that stretched over your entire body. “Feels fine.” You hummed, leaning back against the rubble with him. “As good as a broken bone can feel anyways. How’s the leg?”
   “Hurts like a sucker, but you did a good job keeping it straight.” He chuckled, looking down at his leg.
   “Can you move your foot at all?” You asked. He focused for a minute, his foot slightly jerking to the side once before he relaxed it again. “A bit. That’s a good sign I think.” 
You nodded, leaning your head back against the cold surface only for a moment before lifting it again to glance over at your unconscious co-worker. He jostled a smidge, but eventually settled back under your blanket - which had also been in the bag. Your eyes softened just a bit seeing your old classmate in such a state, knocked out with no real way to see if he was alright. It hurt your heart a little to know you couldn’t help them any more than you had already and it hurt even more to see the way Kirishima uncomfortable shifted trying to settle himself back onto the rubble. You couldn’t fix this. Not with the way you were anyway. Your entire body felt like lead, your head was fuzzy and sleep tugged at your eyelids as you forced yourself to stay up for their sake.
   “You should sleep.” You mumbled, reaching into your bag to see what else you had. You had an old jacket in there, belonging to a long forgotten ex. It was much bigger than you, which at this moment in time, you thanked him for as you pulled it out and handed it to your conscious partner. “Here. This should fit you. It’s getting colder, so you should cover up your torso.”
   “What about you?” He asked, a tone of concern coating his voice.
   “I’m fine. I’m used to the cold, so it’s no big deal for me.” That was a lie. You were freezing. Sure you were used to the cold, but it was the dead of winter right now and you were almost certain that it could probably snow with the current temperature. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was that he was shirtless and the temperature was dropping drastically the later it got. 
   “Are you sure-”
   “Yes, Red. Please, just-” You sighed slowly. “Just take the damn jacket.”
He hesitantly accepted the jacket, slipping it on and zipping it up. You slowly rose to your feet, making your way over to a sleeping Charge Bolt, kneeling and checking his pulse and forehead. He was alive and for the most part warm. That was good. You watched as he once again squirmed around, the blanket on him riding off his shoulders as he struggled to lay on his side.
   “He’s movin’ around, that’s a good sign. Means he’s not too far gone at least.” You muttered, grabbing the top of the blanket and pulling it back over his shoulders. He subconsciously snuggled into the fabric and your lips couldn’t help but curl upwards a bit as you stood back up and went back to your previous spot. You looked down at the cracked walkie talking in between you and Kirishima, letting out a small breath as you picked it up and pressed down the button.
   “Reaper speaking. I’m still here with Red Riot and Chargebolt. If anyone’s around, we need you to look for a way into the sinkhole to get them.” You spoke, lifting your finger and hesitantly waiting for a response. When nothing but broken static came to you, you put it down, closing your eyes in defeat. “Dammit. Who the hell is in charge of comms up there?” You whispered, pinching the bridge of your nose.
   “I’m sure there are people already looking for a safe way in. Don’t worry, they wouldn’t just leave us here.” Kirishima smiled, placing a warm hand on your thigh. You looked down at it, eyes softening again.
   “I hope not. I can’t trust a damn thing they do until it happens.” 
   “Why? Why do you never trust others, Reaper? We’ve never let you down.” His tone came out a little defensive, something he quickly noticed, giving you a slightly apologetic look.
   “Because-...Just because.” You bit the inside of your cheek, cursing yourself for almost letting it slip. He didn’t need to know.
   “(Y/N), please. You can trust me, if not anyone else. We just wanna help you.”
   “No you don't, no one ever has. No one ever did.” You huffed, gripping your other leg with your unbroken hand.
   “What do you mean?”
   “I mean what I said, okay? No one ever came to help me when I was in trouble, so until they come to help you two, I have no goddamned reason to trust any of ‘em.” You snapped, looking away from his pitiful gaze.
   “But what about you? You’re here too.”
   “I don’t need anyone’s damn help. I’ve made it this far, I’m not gonna start now.”
He sighed slowly, letting silence wash over you. It stung. The memories of your childhood spent alone and in fear. The memories of your high school years spent ducking from everyone and walking on eggshells to avoid anyone that tried to upshow you. Everyone knew you were strong, you knew it too. But you didn’t like flaunting that fact. Whenever someone would be paired to spar with you, you intentionally lost, immediately leaving the arena as soon as you could. You didn’t like hurting people. You didn’t like having to fight the people you’d eventually have to work with. For the first year or two, this definitely didn’t mull over well with your fiery blonde bomb of a classmate Bakugou Katsuki, who quickly realized your fleeing tactic and would try and force you into real sparring matches. 
The one day he caught you in a bad mood while you were walking to the common room in the dorm building, you laid him on the floor in less than a few seconds, glaring at him and walking into the kitchen to get a snack. 
Everyone watched in awe as you moved in a blink and he was suddenly shoved onto the carpet, coughing for breath while you simply walked off with no words spoken. Neither of you talked about that day for different reasons - him, his pride. And you, embarrassment that you let yourself go like that. 
Another day, everyone was paired for a training period fighting against seasoned pros and while everyone had two people to a group, because of the odd number, you’d been added to Bakugou and Midoriya’s pair. Of course it wasn’t just random choice, however you never really understood the reason why. Nor did you really care. You had a chance to go head to head with the one man you loathed in this world. You hated All Might, but you wouldn’t tell anyone why to save your life. That was something that you’d take to your grave. 
Why Bakugou and Midoriya were bickering, you were running around, attempting to locate the Hero. When you did finally find him, he had appeared in front of the two boys, sending them flying while you balled your fists. You used your quirk, manifesting a large scythe as you charged for him. The edge was dulled for obvious reasons but it was still strong enough to get the job done. By the tie he’d realized your presence, you’d swung the weapon around, knocking him down. Or so you thought. You quickly spun around to see the 7”2 menace behind you and prepping a punch. Your eyes widened as you jumped back, letting go of your weapon as it dissipated into dust. 
For a while, it was constant back and forth, dealing blows to each other and dodging others. Bakugou and Midoriya had since returned to the site, stunned still at the scene playing out. A high schooler was giving the Number one hero - the symbol of peace - a run for his money. They wanted to join in on the fight, but they felt like they couldn’t. You were on a whole different level from them and it left them wondering how you even had to go through this school to become a hero. You were strong enough to become one without the training. 
All Might kept dodging your attacks which eventually began to tick you off. “Quit running away, dammit! Fight me for real!” You barked, letting go of the weapon you had as you manifested your scythe again. “I’m getting real tired of this cat and mouse bullshit!”
You landed a few more blows on him, and he, you before he’d caught onto a small opening. He leapt forward, ramming his large knee into your stomach and knocking all the air from your lungs. The sudden shockwave caused you to release your weapon as he grabbed you and flung you a few yards back into the dirt. And while you laid there catching your breath, your training partners took advantage of the opening to get their own licks in. 
A few minutes later, you heard the hero exclaim how you’d all passed and made his way over to you. You lay there motionless, an arm over your eyes as he picked you up and put you on your feet.
    “You’ve done well today, Young (Y/N). You’ve passed.” He smiled as you stared blankly at him. No I didn’t. You thought. Nevertheless, you were ushered back to your group as you continued a blank stare at the ground. You were silent for the rest of the week.
“You should sleep, (Y/N). I’ll take first watch and if Kaminari wakes up, I’ll wake you.” Kirishima’s offer cut through your silent monologuing as you blinked and looked up at him.
   “N-...No, you sleep first. I’ll take watch for if anyone decides to show up.” You rebutted, squirming around a little.
   “You’re tired.”   “So are you.”
   “But you’ve done more.”
   “Doesn’t mean I have to stop.”
   “Just let me help you for once. You said you don’t trust people until they do something, so I’m doing something now. Go to sleep. I’ll wake you after a few hours.” His tone was assertive and you couldn’t help the surprised look on your face. “But-”
   “Ah. Sleep.” He cut in, staring demandingly into your eyes.
   “I don’t-”
   “I don’t wanna hear it. I wanna see you sleeping, so do it.” He ordered. 
You swallowed, a slight blush dusting your cheeks. You weren’t used to being told what to do like this. It wasn’t from a malicious place. He was doing this out of care for his co-worker. His friend. You couldn’t fight him anymore, your body getting heavier and your eyes dropping a bit. He seemed a little proud at his feat as he unzipped his jacket and pulled you to his chest.
   “And you are cold, I know it. We can keep the both of us semi-warm this way.”
   “But you-”
   “Nope. Not gonna listen to anything else you say until after you sleep.”
You huffed a bit in annoyance but didn’t fight it as you situated yourself so as to not accidentally press against his hurt leg.
   “...Are you sure you'll be alright?” You whispered, a tinge of worry in your voice.
   “I’ll be alright, I promise. If anything happens, I’ll wake you, okay? Promise.” He hummed, holding you closer. You nodded lightly against him as you finally let sleep take over you.
   “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He muttered, placing a soft hand in your hair as you slumped and relaxed against him.
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Synopsis: It's 1966. Elvis and Frannie are laying in bed and he pours his heart out to her about his mismanaged movie career. She comforts and encourages him. This will be incorporated into a later chapter of my fic, Gambling on Your Love. Enjoy!
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“Wait, you’re serious? Parker takes fifty percent of everything you earn?”
Elvis is silent, but his nod speaks louder than words. 
“Elvis, that’s robbery. Nobody’s manager takes fifty percent. He’s robbing you blind!” Frannie sits up in bed, covering herself with the blanket. “And he’s got you tied to a picture contract four years in advance? And you can’t give final say for scripts or storyline or anything else? If my manager did that to me, I’d kick him right in the ass and send him packing!” She is practically beside herself now, her arms crossed in indignation at the thought of him being exploited. 
Elvis slinks lower into the blankets. “Yes,” he responds faintly as a whisper. “That’s how it is.” He takes a deep breath, “Y’know, there are some things I really wanna do. I want to be in a serious film. I want to make a classic film that people will remember. Sometimes I get violently ill thinking about the things they got me doin’. People don’t think I care, but I do. I care. I care,” he winces.
“So do it.”
The advice couldn’t have been simpler. Just do it.
Deep down, Elvis knows he’s a cash cow for so many that he can hardly think about himself, even to his detriment. As a good Southern boy, he never ever allowed himself to, not even back in 1954 when his star was starting to rise. Elvis has always put the others around him first. 
I’ve got responsibilities, he tells himself. I’ve got people—hell, family—on payroll. Is it any wonder then, that he swallows his pride and lowers himself time and time again for the bottom-of-the-barrel projects Parker scrounges up? The kinds of things that not even a lesser star, let alone Elvis Presley should be doing?
He wishes with every fiber of his being that he could just fire the leech. But Parker, for all his carny faults, was there when Elvis was just a pup. He'd guided him, molded him, made him into the man he is today, including all of his riches and privileges. A man made of far sterner stuff, Parker took care of Elvis when his own blasted father couldn't. Elvis feels loyal to Parker and has given him his word, even though he sees more than anyone else that Parker's choices are tanking his career. This puts Elvis in an untenable position, for being at heart just a poor kid from Mississippi, loyalty is everything. And God, he's afraid. He's terrified that if he doesn't keep working somehow, all of it will disappear. He'll have to go back to driving a truck and everyone in his orbit will be destitute. The stress is unbearable.
"I have obligations and upkeep and maintenance, and everyone turns to me with their goddamn mouths open and hands out and eyes expectant," he growls.
Everybody except Frannie.
Elvis looks at her and his expression immediately softens for a moment. She has her own money and career and she's never asked a single thing of him except his love. And for that, he is eternally grateful.
In her bitingly direct New York way, Francesca Ferrara was the first person ever to give him the permission to be selfish. Now, her stark advice cuts through his fog like a knife and he sits up next to her, practically rumbling as his anger returns. 
“I’ve had enough of these bullshit movies. If it’s got me singing in it, I don’t wanna do it anymore. I’m not who Hollywood thinks I am!” Elvis’ voice grows bolder. And Frannie knows it’s true. Her Elvis is an introspective person… soul-searching, even. A man who is surprisingly deep, thoughtful, and intelligent beyond his high school education. Frannie knows him to be gentle and kind and curious about the world. She smiles at the thought of the man she loves one day showing the world who he really is, testing his mettle with a meaty script or even playing to crowds abroad.  
Elvis’ hands ball into fists of rage. “A-a-and I wanna go back to touring, especially outside the country. I miss going out and seeing the people. I miss making music I care about. I miss being on stage and connecting and moving and doing what I want to do. I’m sick of singing to turtles. Man, that shit is beneath me!”
Frannie can see the excitement building in his eyes, the hope flashing through them. It exhilarates her to see him this way, seeing him take front seat in his career for the first time in years, knowing that she's not the only one who believes in him—that he's finally starting to believe in himself, too.
“It is,” she adds, her voice a calming presence as she gently touches his arm. The thought of the world wearing him down makes her heart ache. She wants to care for him so badly. To just miniaturize him and carry him around with her all day to shield him from all harm and hurt.
“Elvis, you have the talent to do whatever you set your mind to,” she cards her fingers through his tousled hair, “So why don’t you go out and do it?”
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rust-bearer · 10 months
I’ve got a whole zombie au one-shot planned out that I’ll be finishing soon, and I’ll definitely send a link when it’s done, but in the meantime I’ve got some other au stuff I’ve thought of. It never ends 🥲 but anyway, this is mostly more Combaticon related things and mainly revolves around transportation:
1. Not sure where I wanna focus or start or go with it, but to begin, I’m debating on their choice of transportation. Sure, encountering one Combaticon being in the wild is startling, but something tells me they travel in packs. I think that before the apocalypse, almost all members of the family had separate vehicles since Swindle is super fucking rich and refuses to carpool.
2. Post-apocalypse, though… hrmmm you could possibly do an electric vehicle? I dunno if those possibly run on electricity from solar panels? I don’t know if that could work. A simpler solution could be one of those church van things, or just a van used by paint companies or the vans that are stereotypically used by creepy kidnappers, I dunno just a van like that. Where does the gas come from, though? My biggest solution is that they go around and straight up siphon the gas from various vehicles LMAO they’re not passing up free opportunities.
3. Vans are nice for big groups of people, and I’d say five people plus Aid plus any kids they bring is fairly big? I dunno. Anyway, it’s just another way to cause complains and disagreements and arguments and such. Nobody can decide whether or not seatbelts or necessary or whether they should keep it clean/empty or keep things like napkins and condiments and such. Brawl and Onslaught, as the oldest siblings, demand that seatbelts be used, much to Vortex’s disappointment.
4. Seating arrangements are almost as bad as arguing over how full the gas tank should be kept on an average basis. Onslaught is usually the only one who drives the van for the most part. Sometimes Brawl borrows it for trips to the nearest Tractor Supply Co, but that’s the extent of his driving. Vortex and Blast Off are both permanently banned from driving, both for various reasons, and Swindle absolutely refuses to even touch the (as he puts it) “outdated, unsafe, rusty piece of shit’s excuse for a steering wheel.”
5. Ironically, despite his unwillingness to drive, Swindle is ADAMANT about sitting up front. When questioned about it (mostly by Vortex, who is a bit of a musical chairs passenger and hasn’t sat in the front seat of a vehicle for some time now), Swindle typically resorts to the “I get carsick” excuse. Nobody actually knows if he’s telling the truth or not, but nobody really cares enough to challenge the claim. Also, despite claiming to hate the town they live in due to the “red-neck” vibes it gives off, he knows his way around the area best out of everyone.
I’m not 100% satisfied with the “we have a creepy van now” solution, mostly because other variations of transportation exist that DON’T involve guzzling gas and making a shit-ton of noise with a vehicle that lost its muffler upwards of three times, but I don’t think the Combaticon’s would settle for anything different. Also, Swindle is against anything that involves excessive physical exertion, so extra points for poor long-term transportation planning. That’s all I’ve got though, and hopefully I’ll have that one-shot written soon.
Swindle is both the most adaptable but also the one who will complain the most and I cannot imagine how he felt when he had to go back to sharing a car with his siblings. Like. For as smart and easy to switch tracks as Swindle is, he’s never going to get over the fact that he now rides in a glorified van as his main source of transport.
Vortex, when he’s not playing musical chairs with seating, of course is like. Don’t worry guys I’ll just ride my horse. No you can’t ride her. I mean, you can try, but she bites. And the horse DOES bite because Vortex trained it to bite anyone who isn’t him. He thinks it’s hilarious. Then he’s a little less enthusiastic when children arrive with their proddy little fingers that the horse absolutely wants to bite and Aw fuck first aid is gonna get so mad.
But anyway. Yes Vortex rides his horse into town for supplies. Saddlebags and bandana/gas mask and both gun and sword. The zombies are sluggishly intrigued by the horse and more intrigued by the prospect of eating Vortex, but horse hide is THICK and any grabby hands just graze off the surface.
I’ve always wanted to throw a specific twist on the zombies, because every story does and for good reason; Kingdom has zombies that sleep during the day (kind of!), 28 days later has sprinters, Last of Us has fungus zombies; I Am A Hero zombies are superhuman and retain some memories.
WITH all that being said. I think a riff on that could be fun. The zombies continue to do whatever was last on their mind at time of death during the day. At night they seek out humans and invest all their energy into that. So you could wander the city during the day, provided you don’t alert the zombies or disturb them; at night, you have to hide. I can imagine going into a mall, for instance, and you try to grab something from a store, but the zombie security guard’s last routine and thoughts were ‘stop theft’ so you suddenly uh. Have to run, because he starts screaming, and everyone else reacts to try and get you, etc.
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hedgiwithapen · 2 years
Wait, you believe me? Ezekiel and Cisco
The  guy standing at the gate had a really  great accent, Cisco had to admit. “I’m the Librarian,” he said, like that explained  everything, when Cisco had spotted him on the cameras, very obviously looking for a place to climb the somewhat rickety chain link fence that surrounded STAR Labs. “This is a restricted area,” Cisco said, nodding at the signs while folding his arms in his best impression of Joe. He knew he wasn’t exactly the most intimidating as a civilian, but this guy was kinda scrawny too, so it was worth a shot. “Sorry, Mate,” the guy beamed, holding up a black ID wallet for a heartbeat. “I’m here to pick up an item on loan.” “Don’t you usually just send out a letter with a fine?” “Oh, Ezekiel Jo-Johns, Special collections!” he said brightly. Well, it’s certainly a unique way to try and rob us. Cisco thought, Better than bribing a janitor, anyways. He knew he should call Barry in, since he was in civvies and he couldn’t count on just blasting the guy and hope that the resulting concussion would give him a little memory loss but not actually hurt him much. But it was a fairly boring thursday, and Cisco  wanted to know what the guy thought was here that was both so special and also remotely portable. “Special collections, huh? I thought that was just old books they didn’t let anyone touch without those acid free gloves.” Ezekiel gave an almost affronted look, casually checking the gate. “Nah. I mean, yes, some of it, but this isn’t the 16th century. Clearly. Because Time traveling is wrong. I mean, uh,  impossible.” The way he said it before correcting himself sounded like he was quoting a lecture. Internally, Cisco wondered if whoever gave that kind of scolding might come pay them a visit here. “ Pretty much all libraries lend audiobooks, ebooks, movies, some special collections have, like, powertools, or 3D printers… video games, which is pretty sick, right?” Cisco nodded in agreement before the little voice that sounded like Caitlin in his mind hissed, do not agree with the thief.
  “Yeah, well, that’s a good pitch for our tax dollars at work, but we didn’t borrow anything from CCPL.” “Oh, not that library,” Ezekiel smiled again. “Maybe it was your boss? I have the paperwork…” he rummaged in his shoulderbag. Cisco stopped him “How do you know I’m not the boss?” “Well when I hac--looked it up in our records it said Harrison Wells, and you sure don’t look like a paraplegic old white guy, so…” “Dude, he died like a year and a half ago.” “Oh. You should really update your website, then. And we should update our files.  Still using the card catalog system, it’s a bit of an issue. Anyways, he borrowed a thing, we need the thing back, so if you wanna just unlock that gate--” “Sure,” Cisco said easily. More than ever he really wanted to know what this dude’s plan even was. He wasn’t a metahuman, his prop badge just said “ the Library” on it, and he sure didn’t have a getaway car idling nearby. “I’ll help you find it. What is it, exactly?” “Oh-- yes, good idea, you want to make sure I’m not here to steal all of your, uh… particles.  Uh, wood box, about so big--” he indicated  nearly his own height. “Got a stick in it. Pointy.” Cisco had a flash of memory--just regular recollection, no blue strobe. Sara had brought them a box like that, something that needed to be destroyed. Something they’d tried desperately to destroy. Something that couldn’t be destroyed, and so needed to be locked down with people she trusted, but where even she couldn’t get at it. Not Argus. She’d warned him not to open it, so of course he had. The Spear of Destiny had promised him power, had promised him his brother, had promised him a thousand things he had seen himself with in vibes. He had locked it back into darkness. Anxiety crept up the back of his neck. “Of course. I think I know where Dr. Wells put it. Follow me.” This was no longer a case of turn the thief away and laugh about it later. This was A Problem. Cisco mentally calculated the days since the last massive teamup and came out with well under a year, so hopefully whatever calamity this was, it wouldn’t require a full crossover. Ezekiel followed him, his footsteps almost silent as they went down one curving hall, past the cortex and further. Cisco smacked a scanner, opening one of the storage rooms that was eighty percent boxes of STAR Labs sweatshirts and the remaining twenty star labs mugs.  “Right here,” he said with a gesture. The “librarian”  grinned, looking a bit apprehensive for the first time. “Great. I appreciate it, really.  Some people--all kinds of judgements, you know? That I’m too young or handsome to be a Librarian. So thanks for not making me call my boss and pull up my MyFace account and all that, you just believed me.” “Oh, I super did not,” Cisco said, pushing him in and closing the door hard and fast. It chirped as it locked. “You should have picked a better cover. FBI, MI6, literally anything else.” He heard some of the best cursing of his life from the other side of the door as he pulled out his phone, sending the trouble alert.  No one was stealing the Spear of Destiny on his watch. Just ahead, the elevator doors glimmered with blue.
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druidgroves · 2 years
ok i spent entirely too long on this so i present to you under the cut:
georgia companion swap dialogue
Georgia: Hey, Codsworth, while I’m out, could you water my plants for me? Thanks, hun. Codsworth: Of course, ma’am. Our geraniums were once the envy of Sanctuary Hills, you know.
Codsworth: I’ll be sure to point sir/mum in the direction of any interesting books while we’re away, Miss Georgia. Georgia: Aw, thanks, honey. See you later, Codsworth.
Georgia:  Aw, c’mon, Dogmeat, that’s not fair. Put those puppy-dog eyes away! Dogmeat: (Sad whimper)
Dogmeat: (Bark) Georgia: [Cutesy voice] Bye-bye, little baby boy. [Regular] We’ll play fetch when you get back, alright?
Georgia: Stay here and hold down the fort for me, will ya? Wouldn’t trust anyone else. Preston: I could say the same of you. You have fun out there.
Preston: Anything interesting to report since we last talked? Georgia: [Excitedly] Oh my goodness, Preston, you would not believe--
Georgia: If I see anything story-worthy out there, you’ll be the first person I tell. Piper: Oh, Georgia, you know just what I like to hear. My eyes and ears in the Commonwealth.
Piper: Hey, Specs, my treat at Power Noodles for that last piece you helped me with. It got looots of people talking. Georgia: Ooh, lookin’ forward to it, Piper.
Georgia: Sorry to take your spot, Mr. Valentine. Hopefully I’ll be just as effective in your place. Nick: With that attitude, you’re already halfway there. Take care.
Nick: Guess it’s my turn to take a spin. We can finish our talk another time, Missus Tate. Georgia: I’ll make sure to mark it on my calendar.
Georgia: Hey, Shades. Don’t wait up, yeah? Deacon: See you later, Teach. Go have some fun for me.
Deacon: Huh, if it isn’t Blast From the Past Two: Electric Boogaloo. Georgia: I’ll just pretend like I know what that means, Deacon.
Georgia: Looks like it’s my turn for a loop around the Commonwealth. Talk to you later, Hotshot. MacCready: Try not to get hurt out there, alright? See you later.
MacCready: Hey, Georgia, got any extra credit I can do for you? Georgia: Well, now that you mention it...[Laughs]
Georgia: Hey, Hancock, if there are any books you want me to keep an eye out for while I’m gone, you just let me know. Hancock: Hm...Surprise me, won’t ya?
Hancock: Hm...you seem like a Mentats girlie. Favorite flavor? Georgia: [Nervous laugh] Oh, you must be mistaken, I don’t really do chems.[Pause] ...Orange.
Georgia: Sorry, Danse, looks like a more delicate touch is needed right now. Danse: Hopefully you'll be up to the task, civilian.
Danse: You keep staring. Is there something you need? Georgia: ...It’s nothin’, you just remind me of someone. Stay safe, Danse.
Georgia: Huh, wow, are you sure you want to take me over the strongest woman in the Commonwealth? Cait: Aw, you’re flatterin’ me, sweetness.
Cait: I doubt there’s much you could teach me that experience hasn’t already. Georgia: I dunno, Cait, there’s somethin’ to be said about sittin’ down with a good book.
Georgia: Finally wanna travel without people chasin’ you around with pitchforks and torches, huh? Strong: Strong fast. Strong chase back.
Strong: This squishy human weak. Make good food for Strong’s brothers. Georgia: Oh, that’s not threatenin’, no, not at all...
Georgia: Oh, bye, Curie! Guess we can finish catchin’ up later. Curie: Au revior, Mademoiselle Georgia. I look forward to our future conversations.
Curie: Mademoiselle Georgia, please do be careful, I think I may have spotted a few large insects on our way in. Georgia: Oh dear. Thanks for the heads up, Curie.
Georgia: Hi, X6. Bye, X6. X6-88: From her, that was quite the efficient greeting.
X6-88: Remember you’re traveling with the future of the Institute. Do not let personal feelings get in the way of that. Georgia: If that ain’t ominous...will do, X6.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Heyo everybody! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 
I have another wee update before the start of the new year! (and I have to pass out in order to be up and at work at 7 am rip)
First off, I just wanted to thank you guys so much for your support and for getting me out of a tough spot this last couple of weeks. A lot of stuff was going on and getting into my head. I'm getting better at it, slowly but surely…and taking it day by day.
However, there's something I kinda wanna get off my chest, in hopes that maybe it can alleviate some of my other anxieties of posting and creating content...
I've been mulling over how to make this post for a hot minute. And I think I'm ready to finally put it out there, especially in time for the new year where I have no doubt more requests will be rolling in.
I won't highlight or detail any specific requests in my inbox I have now, but I will just say I have unfortunately had to delete several requests in my inbox that I feel I wasn't able to get to or I feel like I wasn't able to fulfill properly. 
I know some of you wonder if it may or may not be yours, I don’t really wanna share the ones I didn’t do because I don’t wanna put anyone on blast (even if its anon, I don’t want anyone to feel discouraged) plus they’ve already been deleted so I couldn’t go back and find them if I tried. 
However, here’s some…I guess hints? To what type of requests may have gotten deleted? Or like what to avoid requesting me in the future? I dunno the best way to put it rip
I do ask you guys to refrain from things involving parenthood, pregnancy, or children. 
Pregnancy scares the shit out of me. I know to many it’s a beautiful natural thing, but all I can think about is the movie Alien and having some being sucking the life force out of me. I can get the appeal in some ways, but not enough to where I feel comfortable writing about it. 
I deal with kids on a fairly regular basis (I work at a pet store that some people use as a free day care) so it's hard for me to like...get in the mindset for them. I just can’t stand kids that have had zero discipline and coming home from work to try and work on a request with kids is just really difficult for me rip
I know I wrote one thing with the Riddler's being dads, and I had fun with the dialogue and the hilarious scenario, but that's as far as I want it to go.
Another type of request I’ve been struggling with, is requests dealing with mental health. I’ve gotten a couple requests for an autistic reader and I’ve tried doing research and asking around, but I’m worried that no matter how much research I do…I won’t ever be able to fully grasp it in terms of a character that has it. I can write about anxiety and depression cause I suffer from it, but I don’t wanna risk the chance of offending someone or being way off! I’d highly advise that you guys reach out to authors that are autistic and can write your neat ideas to full proper fruition! I have no doubt they’d appreciate the opportunity!  
One more thing, please when requesting, give me everything you can think of. The more suggestions, ideas, prompts, etc. you guys give me the more I can work with. 
It doesn't have to be anything crazy specific but something other than "*insert character trope* reader and riddler" would be gratefully appreciated. 
I do appreciate the creative freedom, but it’s also really easy to feel like I’m just a content engine meant to just pump something out from the bare minimum. 
I hope this helps!
 I just wanna apologize in advance to all the people who sent me a request that got deleted. The number was just getting too much for me and I wanna make room for newer requests in the future and alleviate some of the pressure of not being able to fulfill a certain idea or prompt.
Thank you guys so much for understanding, I hope you know that I still appreciate the fact so many of you trust me with your ideas but some of them I just couldn't find the inspiration for or couldn't get in a proper headspace for and just hope you guys can understand!
I love you all! Here’s to a happy new year! See you guys soon!
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genkigratification · 2 years
or read it here on ao3
Eda'd known for longer than she'd ever been willing to admit that the Owl Beast curse wasn't the only problem racking her old body. The second was at least a more normal affliction, one that didn't require a trip to whatever apothecary that'd take her coin for a potion to keep that blasted bird at bay, but it sure as hell was more annoying.
But time eased it. Let the miserable thing weaken it until what remained was little more than an annoying tickle in her throat. Wasn't like Eda'd hated it, what it meant or why, but it let her keep that many more snails from her sales. It was just something any witch growing up caught and kept.
Well, except Lilith. As far as she could tell, it wasn't like her sister kept secrets.
The only times it flared was when Eda's eye caught an old gift, a piece of paper scrawled with scores, when she'd wake up from the same recurring string of memories the Owl Beast infected as if trying to tell her something she definitely didn't want to acknowledge, and then the telltale tickle would scratch at her throat, chest congesting before petals scattered out with a cough, and Eda'd have something new but familiar to cast her irritation of the day on.
Oh, you'd think anyone with a bit of experience in plant magic would've cured the damn thing by now, but the best they could figure out was something Eda'd realized the week she'd been working it through her little head and trying to extract the bud burying itself deep in her chest: that it was sourced directly from their magic, and taking away one'd just take away the other. Call it a bit of magical overstimulation taking life's easiest form, and thank the Titan for that — she's pretty sure if it'd been anything similar to what Alador was up to in his heyday, there'd be a lot less people in the Abomination track.
"She does this sometimes," King explains from atop his sofa throne, carefully stacking blocks one on top of the other. Luz waits for him to put on another before she continues the tower up, and he waves a claw. "I dunno really what causes it, but one minute Eda'll be fine and the next BOOM! Flowers everywhere. She said it was some sorta witch thing, so I'd be careful if I was you."
"I don't know if it's something a human can catch just by learning magic, King, but thanks for the heads up. I'm preeeetty sure I'm never gonna have that problem though."
Because like, she has some super cool friends and Amity was way amazing, but flowers? No way.
Eda leans on the doorway, arms crossed, and the two jump at her voice. "You're not, 'cause it's a witch problem, not a human one. Luz is right, King, you don't catch it from learning magic... especially not from learning magic with those little glyphs she does."
With a wiggle of her fingers, because the little glyphs deserve it.
"So what is it anyway, Eda? If it's magic related, I wanna learn about it!"
Luz's determination is always as endearing as it is annoying, but the former wins out and Eda forces her sigh to sound a little more exasperated than she really is before she comes to join King on the couch, the pup wehing as he's bounced from her landing.
"Alright, alright, I'll tell you. But in exchange, you two have got to tell me what you've got going on here —"
"It's my future castle!"
"I'm teaching King how to play reverse Jenga. It's when you stack blocks on top of each other instead of taking them off."
The older witch looks at them both, King proud with his little claws against his hips and Luz sitting cross-legged on the ground, and shrugs. "Either way, count me in. I'll teach you two how to make a heckuva nice castle and tell you a little story to boot. The Flower Curse isn't a real curse, like my Owl Beast, but..."
... It sure does feel like it when you're a runaway hiding from the law, a teenage Eda gripes to herself as she suspends the petals in air at chest level, careful not to let the Emperor's goons catch wind of them. Raine's somewhere nearby, she knows, waiting for her to reappear, and once the clanking passes she's up and away on her broom, cruising over the rooftops and dropping the mass of flowers onto one of them to be swept by the wind as she keeps an eye out for the other. Once she's caught sight of them she swings down and through the alley, landing neatly next to them with nary a hair out of place; Raine, on the other hand, has to smooth down their clothes at her dynamic entrance.
"You're always making a statement," Raine says to her cattish smile, and the underlying endearment in their tone makes her chest all stuffy. "Did you lose them?"
"Probably. If I didn't already, there's no way they'll find us once we're out of town."
Confident as ever, as Raine liked to say, but it's true — the Boiling Isle is a treasure trove of hiding places, and the knee remains one of Eda's favorite places to tuck away into. The wild magic everywhere just feels so... good, unlike how contained it is in town, though she knows Raine'd prefer their warmer hangout above the trees. The sound of music is muffled by snow, they'd say, and Eda waves them off; it's better they're out here, then, so they can play as loud as they'd like.
("And how's this relate to that flower cursey thing you have?"
"Shut up, King, I've been dying to know about the next chapter in Eda's romance, so—"
"Both of you keep your mouths shut. I'm not tellin' you all this for fun, I'm tellin' you as a warning. Keep an eye out for your friends at school, they're getting around the age. Anyway, like I was saying, Rainestorm and I headed up to the Titan's Knee to play a few tunes...")
The cold air was refreshing on her face, and the sharpness of the chill always felt like it helped keep the petals at bay just a little longer; for all the talk of the snow muting sound, it seemed as if the music she plucked from the strings was clear as bells. The soft, sweet melody that accompanies it right beside rests warm over her shoulders like a shawl, and maybe, maybe if she wasn't so into keeping her magic as wild and free as the bird on her staff, Eda'd consider going into the Bard Coven, too. They sure were nice, and their style suited her plenty.
Bidden by the song, the gentle brushing of their elbows, Eda can feel the lightness, the tickle in her throat, how the flower curls its petals and reaches up, out, stretching basking in the sun that they harmonized together, but she knows it won't cause a cough. Because it's in moments like these that she feels pretty at ease, that the world falls away and all there is is the two of them on a lonely mountain only the crazy, stupid, and desperate dared to traverse.
And hell, weren't they all three?
"Boy, does it feel good to be up here!" Eda says with a stretch, falling back into the snow and holding her lute to her chest. "You can see the whole town."
Raine hums their agreement, violin laid carefully in their lap as they look down the mountain.
It's quiet, simply the wind grazing snow against the two, before the bard speaks up. "It's funny, don't you think?"
"What, how small everyone is? Definitely. They're like little ants."
"No— Well, sure, that too... but I'm talking about the curse."
Eda stiffens, chill going through her, and she sits up on her hands as she looks over at Raine. "Curse? What curse?"
There's no way they know. There's no way, because Eda's been perfectly fine at hiding what's wrong with her and Raine's never chased it and—
"The Flower Curse," they continue, and she barely keeps herself from sighing too much in relief.
"Oh, that thing? It's a total load of crap, you mean. Who'd spit flower petals just because of a crush?"
There's silence, and she glances at her companion. Raine tended to get colder than her, a little more easily, and the redness on their cheeks reminds her of that; Eda closes the gap and pulls her cloak around the two of them, thinking nothing of the motion as she ties the front back up.
"There's no cure for it," she eventually replies to the quiet, "but who cares? It's not like anyone's died from it—"
"But they have, Eda."
Raine lifts their head and turns to her, noses brushing thanks to their close proximity. And Eda couldn't even blame the cold for the burning in her ears. "They have died, but the blame's being thrown to another cause. Anything but their own magic suffocating them."
It's ridiculous to think about, is why. The sac pressed against their heart shouldn't bear any sort of curse, or anything that'd kill them in that way — magic deprivation might do it, or going in and removing the thing definitely would — but saying it does was like saying that to use magic was a curse itself. And it didn't make a difference if you were wild or bound to a Coven, which really must make the Emperor mad.
She frowns a little, hands crushing the snow at her side. "Rainestorm, what's—"
"I have that curse," they rush suddenly, and Eda's words fall away. If Raine had the curse, then—
"You have a crush on someone? Oh, no way, who? I'll help you out!"
The flower in her chest rises again, tickling at her throat, and Eda swears to drink some weed killer if it'd stop it in its tracks. Raine flushes again and shakes their head, burying their face into Eda's cloak.
"I—I don't need help or anything, Eda, I just wanted to talk about it." About how they might die, and become someone else in the papers. "Maybe we can figure something out, between the two of us."
Nothing seemed impossible together, after all. The witch rubs at her throat, turning back to look at the sprawling town so far below. Someone in the Bard track, maybe. Raine kept a bit to themselves, and was a little shy to show what they were made of on stage, but they had a quiet confidence and mischievous streak that matched her own — and she liked that about them, had always thought it cool, it's a wonder they had any worry of their magic acting up when the person they had a crush on would definitely feel the same.
(Luz would wonder the same when she caught stray petals by Amity, and Amity would wonder as well once the time had past; but the young are young and it's only once older you realize the bud remains forever, flowering differently each time for different reasons and different people.
Loss, too, is a form of yearning.)
The two linger longer on the Knee, before eventually the chill worms firmly into their boots and hides and they return back to the hideaway they share sometimes, where Eda makes her bed and Raine studies for their continued ascent into the Bard Coven; the warmth has never been so welcome, and the redhead hurries to bundle herself up under the covers as her counterpart goes to sit at their desk, dredging up various journals and books from within the drawers painted a meadow of colors.
They tour the town, asking after witches with telltale imprints on their throats from roots snaking through their veins, finding flowers of all varieties among the covens — it didn't seem to matter one bit, only that it was connected to love (which they knew) and the theory of curing it by removing the sac where their magic gathered only strengthening with research into restricted topics, taboo experiments performed by "lesser" witches long past. It was as natural as breathing to have it, as if one begot the other, and the realization put a stopper in their plans to cure Raine's affliction.
Eda remained aware of her own, careful not to show it or the beast that lay lurking in the depths of her mind to Raine, and eventually their own lives caught up to them once more; the books were put aside, research shelved for a day that may not come, and returning to the time they made for one another.
... In present time, the story is much less than the memory itself: They learned of Raine's curse, sought a cure for it, and found there was none. Fruitless as their search was, it was fun to hang out and learn more about magic than they'd been taught at Hexside, to explore the darker ends Eda wouldn't suggest Luz follow, with a hint to where the restricted sections of the library held its best secrets. It's as bare as any other story Eda's told them when it came to more personal matters, and she stands with a stretch as she finishes it off.
"Soooo after all that research and junk we did, we just ended up right where we started — with no answers and just what we knew, that it was magic based and people with those wiggly feelings got it worse than others."
Luz opens her mouth at the same time King does, two very different statements crowding Eda's ears:
"That's it? That's all? Edaaaaa, you suck at telling stories! There wasn't even any—WEH!"
"So you had feelings for them too? Did you ever tell them—OOF!"
King's cut short as he's swooped up by his tail, wriggling fruitlessly in Eda's grasp as she tosses him in the air and then into Luz's fumbling embrace. "Yeah yeah, no blood no fighting, but you know what time it is, kids?"
The two look at her, waiting, ignoring the darkness that'd come to press itself against the house's windows as if holding its breath for the rest of Eda's unspoken tale. She opens her mouth and Hooty springs back to answer for her:
"Hoot hoot! It's bed o'clock, you two! Nighty-night, don't let the bunkcrawlers bite!"
"Oh, don't let Hooty scare you, they're perfectly harmless," Eda reassures the human. "They only bite if you kick 'em."
But without any knowledge of where they were or what they looked like, Luz would certainly stay as still as a rock once she'd been tucked in — King too, from the look on his face, and Eda shoos them off before escaping Hooty's evening conversation starter back to her room.
Once there, she heaves and petals scatter across the flooring, a multitude of colors of all shapes and sizes. Eda clicks her tongue and waves her hand, magic pulling them aside and into a jar for later casting when the two were off on some youthful venture.
The tickle remains in her throat long after she screws the cap shut, rubbing her throat with a sigh as she flips through the same journals and books she and Raine had poured over so long ago. Within some of the pages are drawings on the margins, notations of a song or the sort of flowers they'd found evidence of from others, secrets written in code as they ventured closer to three words that'd only strengthen the roots threading through the magic sac pressed against their hearts— Eda looks at them fondly, setting the books aside and leaning back in her chair as she pops open a bottle for the curse that belonged to her and her alone.
The rest of the memory plays out in her dreams as they always do, though rare it is when it isn't that recurring string that the owl beast's fond of plucking, and the teenaged Eda rests her head against Raine's shoulder with a yawn, closing her eyes. The other's stillness breaks and she feels their arm wrap around her, their head resting on her own.
And, as always, Raine speaks first.
"It probably won't cure it," they say, "but do you mind if I try?"
She peeks open an eye, squinting at them for a second before shrugging. "Oh, sure, I don't mind. Go for it, whatever it is."
It's a simple thing, ends before Eda realizes what even happened, but Raine's warm face close to hers puts two and two together so fast she spits petals right into it, a flurry of flowers that get them both spluttering and back a foot.
Raine wipes their face and stares at Eda; Eda starts to wipe her mouth and lingers instead, staring back at Raine.
"I like you," they say simply, but their voice is soft and wavering; they still can't get over their stage fright, even though the performance is a private one — it's for an audience of one, their speciality, but the piece is too important, too close to their heart, and Eda laughs awkwardly.
Not the best move, going by Raine's sheepishness as they start to draw away, but what else was she supposed to do — she grabs for them before they get too far, the moment quiet before Eda fumbles with words she didn't think would be so hard to reply with. "Me too— I mean, you too. Liking. I like you too."
No, it doesn't cure their curse — never in the history of magic had it, it was simply a fact of life no different than the palismen the Clawthornes carved or the Covens the Emperor had put into place so long ago. But the flushed look on Raine's face, the way their hand grips hers, the sweetened sound of Eda's own heartbeat in her ears as they share another kiss...
It makes her think that maybe there didn't need to be one.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Hey everyone, while I work on a few different fics, I wanted to talk about Arcane. I haven’t really seen anyone talk about this or make comparisons so I thought I’d put in my 2 cents.
Warnings: Spoilers for Arcane, contains theories/thoughts for S2, lemme know if I need to add more
Ok so we all know that moment when Powder makes her monkeybomb and lets it loose in the building right? It was devastating, yes and I really loved seeing the different perspectives of the bomb going off so we got to see what happened to everyone.
But I’d like to talk about the first person to get hit. Deckard. Powder also gets hit around the same time and gets blasted off the window ledge, but I wanna focus on Deckard. At this point, Deckard is the closest to the bomb when it goes off, but he is a Shimmer-monster.
The first time I saw that scene, I actually expected him to be at least injured. I pretty much knew the bomb wouldn’t have straight killed him but I did expect him to be hurt. He seemed disoriented at first until Silco’s order of ‘kill them’ gets his attention.
I’ve seen Arcane 6 times start-finish along with watching individual episodes out of order and honestly, I hadn’t thought about Deckard a lot until a few days ago when I watched the finale and it finally hit me. I’m probably stupid or wrong about this and as an Arcane-only fan, I have no idea if this goes against the game or not, but I think Deckard was purposely supposed to survive Powder’s monkeybomb.
Lemme elaborate.
The setting of Arcane (currently) is Piltover, which is a huge city consisting of 2 parts, the ‘Topside’ (Piltover) and the Undercity (Zaun). They seem to be pretty opposite of each other so it makes sense that the technology available would be wildly different as well. In Piltover, we have the Hextech technology from Jayce/Viktor. In the Undercity, we have Shimmer/drug enhancements. Then we have Viktor, who merges the two, but that’s a whole other post but Viktor does play a role.
Anyways, this monkeybomb explosion is the first time we see the beginnings of both sciences interacting with each other. The bomb envelopes Shimmer-Deckard and even reaches Singed, his lab and Shimmer. And, as stated earlier, Shimmer-Deckard appears ok after the blast.
At first, I thought Deckard was supposed to be a sort of ‘sacrificial’ character to show the effect of Shimmer, but I also realize he’s actually pretty similar to Viktor. Both are from the Undercity and partner with a morally gray character (Viktor willing, Deckard not). Both are also forced to use Shimmer from their respective morally gray character (Viktor’s illness makes him feel like he has to while Silco literally kidnaps Deckard and makes him ‘volunteer’). And they both end up getting addicted to the Shimmer after their first use. Deckard willingly takes the vial Silco offered to him in ep3 as Vi+co try breaking Vander out and Viktor willingly goes to Singed for help in ep7 and is given a ‘variant’ of Shimmer, which Viktor merges with the hexcore.
Because Shimmer-Deckard was shown to survive the monkeybomb explosion *(which had 4 crystals inside)* with little injuries, I think that’s what’s gonna save Viktor from Jinx’s Fishbones rocket in the finale. I know I said I was an Arcane-only fan, and it’s true as I’ve never played LoL, but I did do some research about the game over the times I’ve watched the series. I used google, so please correct me if I’m wrong about anything.
Jinx uses a stabilized version of the hexgem to power Fishbones, but I believe the stabilized version is more powerful than the ‘un stabilized’ (jagged kind Powder found in Jayce’s apartment), but because Viktor has already merged Shimmer and Hextech, I believe whatever he’s created (that new kind of blood cell shown in ep7 I think) will allow him to survive the blast.
I believe Jayce is the only other Champion/playable character in the Council (I don’t think Mel is a LoL character) so I believe Viktor will also save Jayce as well. But Cait’s mom (Cassandra?), all those other council members and possibly, even Mel, will all die. I can see Mel going either way. One, she dies and Mel’s mom starts a war with Piltover. Two, Mel lives (is injured) and finishes her arc with her mother (the people who killed Mel’s brother still want vengeance).
But yeah, I just thought showing Shimmer-Deckard surviving the monkeybomb kind of foreshadows Viktor surviving Jinx’s rocket since Viktor’s also technically Shimmer-injected/fused as well.
Thanks for reading💖
*—2 in the body, 1 in the cymbals, 1 in the head
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joonsbagchaser · 2 months
pppl don't fw you they just do shit on purpose to get at ppl so therefore you not special lol delusional girl fr aweee pobrecita
never did i say i was special or anything ? maybe im dyslexic or this peaceful unlike you but i legit have no clue what you are saying + what ur referring to….. i seriously don’t understand why u keep stalking me after years dawg…. do you wanna be my friend ? do you like my reposts?? (i do :] ) im aware i’m delusional in general, i’m aware of my faults but unlike you i don’t make it everyone else’s problem. i seriously hope you heal one day because i understand maybe the world has been hateful to you so you feel the need to put that on others, but i legit have never done you wrong except for defending myself that one time. i have no intentions with you or anyone you have current connections with. i’m really sorry you feel this way but i assure you there’s bigger problems in the world to worry about rather than my boring life or my geeky reposts. i have long moved on from whatever situation we had (none to begin with cause cause nothing happened ever) and i really hope you do too. hate won’t get you anywhere but a vicious toxic cycle for yourself. there’s literally no reason for you to worry about me of all people. you’re the last thing i have in my head on a regular day where you aren’t stalking me. i’m genuinely shocked i’m still a hot topic for you after like half a decade… please let it go and do something worth your time. go get a baja blast or something. get a footlong cookie, it will heal you !!! (sweet treats help me feel better!!) please don’t take my actions the wrong way cause at the end of the day i’m not doing things to hate on people purposely or to “instigate” anything. we are way too grown for this ….
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etricajoi · 1 year
Lucky 13
thirteen. Thirteen. THIRTEEN.
These years that keep on tickin by, truly give no fucks.
Ugh. Every year I fight with if I want to keep this thang goin (the blog. or whatever you wanna call this), and every year I say to myself “but this is the 13th year, (or whichever year we’re on)” sooo, why stop now. The reason I go back and forth with myself, is because it can be kind of painful opening this box, that I pretty much only “open” once a year. That old saying “time heals all wounds” bounces around in my head every now and again, it’s just something people have grown accustomed to say. Why do we do that?? It’s a bullshit phrase, and frankly IT AIN’T TRUE! Time makes it bearable, sure. But for me, if I allow myself to think about my last day with my dad and the fact that I had no clue that it was our last day together, all time does for me, is make it hurt more. It makes me realize that now it’s been THIRTEEN years, since I last had an actual conversation with him, since I last hugged him. In those earlier years, thinking about being with him and seeing him 2-3 years ago vs. now and it being over a decade later, was soo much easier because those memories were more fresh in my mind. Soo I say all that to say, fuck. It’s still hard, and I think it will always be hard to visit that part of my heart that I’ve locked away. Especially as we continue to get older, and we’re now raising our kids, and recognizing things that my parents did for me and my sibs, that I probably wouldn’t recognize if I weren’t a parent. I’m falling more and more in love with Matthew as I watch him be the most amazing father to our young men, so much to the point that it terrifies me. Yesterday, (as I was mentally trying to prepare myself to write this lovely excerpt) I was laying in Matt’s arms thinking about how damn much I love him and then realized, that it absolutely terrifies me to allow myself to fully love because I feel like the moment I do…I can’t even write my deepest fears because I refuse to let it exist in writing. But I just don’t want anything shitty to happen. Don’t worry, booking my next appt with my therapist in a few minutes 🙃 I realize that living that way isn’t conducive for anyone including ya girl 🙋🏾‍♀️ So I’ve decided to allow myself to fully love for the first time in 13 years. That’s not to say that I haven’t been head over hills in love with my man, my boo thang, my soul mate! However, there’s a difference between 90% and 100% know what I’m sayin? Damn, this is a long one. Sorry! Other than still figuring this shit out as the time races on by, I’ve made a shift in my career and I still can’t believe it. I quit my well paying fully remote job and took real estate classes and now I’m waiting to take my real estate exam! I pray it was the right move, but if not I’ll do what my dad was a pro at and make a way out of no way. Mom is still workin her ass off and spoiling her GamGam boys, I’m soo proud of the things she’s doing! I ain’t gonna put all her stuff on blast, but I see you MA! You’re AMAZING! Keep doing what you’re doing, because watching you is motivational! Brother is still adventurous getting the dopest most random jobs because he’s just like dad haha, he works for the Clippers (Yhup the basketball team) they’re currently just starting the off season, which is great because he decided to give his arm a little compound fracture 🤦🏾‍♀️ just like dad. Gordy is one year down at CPP and just got an electric bike, keeping true to the hippieish/vegetarian vibes. All of our young men are growing (way too fast) we’re gearing up for the twins 3rd bday and baby boy Nova is just trying to keep up with his big bros. Gosh damn it! I really wish dad were here for this phase of our lives. Until next year…
Lucky 13
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camilleroses-blog · 2 years
dogfight football
jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader cs: angel
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“for training tomorrow meet at the hard deck, be ready for a workout” mav said as he ended the training session for the day. you looked over at phoenix with a intrigued face but shrugged it off as everyone got up to leave for the day.
you arrived at the hard deck and found everyone inside sitting down and talking. you took a seat next to jake and joined in on the conversation. “what are we even doing?” bob asked. “don’t worry it’s probably something we can handle” jake said. “well most of us” he said, adding on as he gestured to you, phoenix, and rooster. you slapped his arm and smirked at him as he put his arm around you.
the door opened and mav walked in and headed towards penny. her face lit up when she saw him and they started talking. “they’re so cute together” you said as the whole group looked over at them as they laughed together. “there is definitely something going on between them” fanboy said looking in their direction. “dude where have you been?” coyote asked. “i’m a slow observer” fanboy replied, taken aback. as you were all gossiping about penny and mavs relationship he walked up to the table.
“aviators. follow me” he said as he headed towards the exit. you all got up to follow him and ended up on the beach. “dogfight football. offense and defense at the same time” he said tossing a beach football to hangman and another to rooster. “we start in 10”
you stripped off your shirt, revealing your dark brown sports bra and put your hair up in a messy bun. you looked over at your boyfriend and found him staring at your chest. “jake.” you said. “mm y-yeah” he responded, his eyes glued to your chest. you inched closer to him and took his aviators off of his face and put them on. “i knew you would do that so i brought backups” he said as he held up his backup sunglasses. you smiled and pushed the glasses up your nose. “your turn” you said looking him up and down. “god please shut up” phoenix said as she cringed. jake took his shirt off and threw it next to yours. you’ve seen jake shirtless plenty of times but you will never ever get sick of it. never. ever.
you started stretching and realized bob was missing. “guys where’s bob?” you asked as everyone looked around for him. “i’m right here” he said as he stood up from a crouching position. he held a tube of sunscreen in his hand. “does anyone want?” he asked, scanning the group. you didn’t hear anything he said because you were in shock. he had pretty defined muscles and a six pack. your mouth was agape as you stared at him. “what?… did i not blend the sunscreen in well?” he asked as he noticed everyone staring at him. “bob. you’re ripped…” payback said, breaking the silence. “damn hangman, looks like i gotta trade you in for bob” you joked. bob wasn’t as jacked as jake but the last thing you expected was for him to look like that. “oh really? you want to trade me in?“ he said as that smirk of his appeared on his face. he slung you over his shoulder and headed towards the water. “JAKE” you exclaimed in between giggles. “you wanna trade me for bob?” he asked again. he put you down instead of throwing you in. you gasped with sarcasm. “i would never” you exclaimed with your hand on your chest. “that’s what a thought” he said as he smiled and took your hand to lead you back to the group.
mav split the group in half. you parted with phoenix and moved to the other side with rooster, coyote, bob, halo, and omaha. you had an understanding for football but have never played it much, only when you were little with your brothers. you lined up next to rooster, making eye contact with jake. you two were extremely competitive so this should be a blast.
it was a few plays in and the teams were tied. “ready to give up princess?” he asked as you all lined up. “not quite” you said as you bent over with your hands on your knees to give him the perfect view of your cleavage as you slightly squeezed your arms together. his eyes travelled down to your chest and lingered. hondo blew the whistle and you ran as jake stumbled out of his daydreaming to chase after you. you waved your arms at rooster to say that you were open. rooster saw you and threw the ball to you as jake charged at you. just as you caught the ball in your arms jake picked you up and slung you over his shoulder again. you held up the ball to your team as they all cheered for you. “that was evil” he said as he put you down. “all’s fair in love and war” you whispered into his ear seductively and walked away back to your team. rooster and bob greeted you with high fives and smiles.
jake scored in the next play and celebrated with his team mates. he pointed to you and smirked. you looked over at phoenix and smiled. you both started to boo him. “BOOOOOOO” you both yelled. “you’re on my team” he yelled to phoenix. “SO??” she yelled back.
eventually it was a tied game again. the whistle sounded and you ran so rooster could throw it to you. but jake had other plans. he ran over to you and blocked the shot. he towered over you so he easily destroyed your chances of getting the ball. you struggled with him to find a way around him. you jumped onto his back and tried to get good positioning. you looked up and saw rooster throw the ball. you and jake froze in your places to watch what would happen. both your eyes followed the ball and it landed in the arms of bob who had a surprised look on his face. “RUN” you and rooster yelled. bob started to run with payback not far behind. “touchdown” hondo said as he raised his arms up. you threw your arms up and cheered. you slid off of jakes back and bragged in his face. you all gathered around bob as he got lifted onto roosters shoulders. you all started chanting his name. “BOB, BOB, BOB, BOB.” he had a big smile on his face as he celebrated.
you all headed back and everyone started to leave. “guess you win this time princess” jake said as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him. “i win everytime” you said as a smile formed on your face. you interlaced your fingers behind his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
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