#I don’t remember hie last name—
skyland2703 · 1 year
RJ x Casey
Ouuuhh this is a toughie~ its been a hot second since I watched Jungle Fury, but I see ya 😉
Casey is a baby. I really like how much RJ cares for him. They feel like they really vibe with each other.
HE LET. CASEY. SIT. IN. HIS. CHAIR. nobody sits in RJ’s chair. HE LET CASEY— the ✨moment of weakness✨ is literally him head over heels in love and worry
Casey’s panikkkkkk over RJ getting hurt is REAL. I feel like most of their moments are worrying/caring about each other?? AND THAT IS JUST. SO. SWEET. And that one ep where RJ develops that special bike?? mode for Casey??? It’s adorable, really!!
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Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it, regardless of my overall opinions of the ship
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aliahm · 2 years
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Crowley x Gender Neutral Reader (Smut)
Summary: You decide to be honest with Crowley about what’s been on your mind, leading to a very memorable first time.
(I wrote this entire story, including the smut, about a gender neutral reader. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, so I can correct them and make this story as inclusive as possible).
Warnings: Unprotected sex, first time, nervous reader, crying, praise, pet names (gender neutral), oral sex (giving, not receiving)
If I left out any content warnings please let me know, so I can add them.
(Both the moodboard and the divider were made by me, using images found on Tumblr, Twitter and Google. Full credit goes to the owners of the images. The title is a lyric from the song “Once Upon a December”, from “Anastasia” <3).
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“Are you alright, love?” Crowley asked, switching off the volume on the television, before turning to face you and draping his arm across the back of the couch.
“Oh, um, yeah I’m fine, I heard you.” you replied, trying your best to maintain eye contact. You had been chatting while watching a sitcom together and nothing was out of the ordinary, but you felt like a nervous wreck.
There was no question that you were safe with him. He always did his best to make sure you were comfortable and happy, but what you hoped he didn’t realize was that you became flustered around him incredibly easily (no matter how much you wished you didn’t).
“You’ve been looking everywhere except at me. Have I upset you?”
“What? No, it’s nothing to do with you, I promise.” you assured him immediately. You hadn’t ever meant to make him feel guilty.
“Then what’s the matter?”
“Well,” you began, “nothing is wrong. It’s just- it’s silly.”
“Whatever it is, you can tell me.” he said. His voice was gentle and he waited patiently as you decided how to answer him.
“I’m not upset, I just get nervous around you. Not uncomfortable at all, I love being with you, I just, I look at you and- wow this is ridiculous. I never know where to look when I look at you.” you rambled, your eyes drifting from his face to his hair, then to his clothes, the watch on his wrist, his hands, then back to his mesmerizing eyes, just as had happened just about every time he was with you.
Hie eyebrows were raised, which caused you to replay your words in your mind and you almost jumped when you heard your last sentence. “I never know where to look when I look at you”.
Your eyes widened and your body went stiff as you realized how suggestive that sounded. Still, you couldn’t help but think how true it was, as you remembered all the times you had felt your heart begin to pound and your mind begin to race as you looked at him lounging on a bench in St. James park, or deep in thought on the gorgeous, throne-like chair in his flat.
“Oh?” he responded, with a smile on his lips that could be heard in his voice as he spoke. “Is that right?”
You wondered what exactly you should say and do next. He didn’t seem uncomfortable or embarrassed at all. In fact, he looked quite pleased (with himself, with you, or both, you couldn’t tell).
He leaned back, held his hand out to you and said, “Come here, sweetheart”. When you took his hand, he guided you onto his lap.
“Hey,” he cooed, “look at me”. Your eyes met his once again and he told you: “You say you don’t know where to look, but I think you do. I’ve seen you looking at me, and it’s okay, you don’t have to be nervous around me, for any reason”.
“I know I don’t have to be, and I don’t want to be. It just happens and I don’t know why.” you explained, frustrated with yourself, but proud that you were talking about how you felt.
“Can I tell you something?” he asked, and when you nodded, he leaned close to your ear and whispered, “I know what you’ve been thinking about when you look at me, and you know what? I think about it too”.
You didn’t think you were that easy to read, but you realized then that you were probably very obvious about it, and you decided that you were definitely glad that was the case.
“Really?” you asked anyway, wanting to convince the part of your mind that wouldn’t believe what he had told you.
“Really.” he replied, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“So,” he continued, trailing his lips down to your collarbone, “How about,” he surprised you by biting down softly, “I show you,” he placed a kiss on the bite, “what those thoughts of yours,” he kissed his way back up to your ear and bit down slightly harder, causing you to whimper softly, “actually feel like?”
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“Okay.” you replied, wishing your voice wouldn’t tremble. “You can show me”.
He smiled at you and kissed your lips softly. “Let’s take this to the bedroom, then, yeah?” he suggested.
You nodded, then you both stood up, as he switched the television off with a snap of his fingers. He led you down the hallway, to his bedroom, with his hand in yours the entire way there. When you walked in, he lifted your intertwined hands and pressed his lips to your knuckles, then he placed his hands on your upper arms and let them drift down to rest on your hips. He looked directly into your eyes and told you, “if at any point, you want me to stop, I want you to tell me, alright?”
“I will.” you agreed, with a small smile on your lips.
His fingers danced over the waistband of your jeans. “Can I take these off?”
You hesitated for a moment, reminding yourself of what was about to happen. “Yes.” you replied, nodding. He unbuttoned them with a single swift movement and helped you out of them, sliding his hands down your legs as he did, then back up.
“Now my shirt.” you said, more to yourself than him.
“I’ll only take it off if you want me to, love.” he assured you.
You thought of the feeling of his hands on your bare legs moments ago, and you decided that you wanted to feel him against your skin as much as possible. “Go ahead.” you allowed him.
He did as you asked him and in that moment you realized that he could have just snapped his fingers and removed your clothing in an instant, but instead he was taking his time, making sure you were comfortable before he took anything off of you. He was taking care of you, just as he always did.
“Ready?” he asked, and when you told him you were, he took your underwear off. He admired you as you stood before him, completely bare for the first time, and you suddenly felt the same vulnerability you had talked to him about on the couch. He noticed your unease and kissed you again, hoping to reassure you.
“Lie down for me.” he instructed softly. You got comfortable on the large bed, and he knelt over you, nudging your legs apart. His hand drifted lightly down your chest and stomach, stopping just shy of placing his hand between your legs. “Oh, look at this,” he cooed, “I’ve barely touched you and you’re already so ready for me”.
That’s when you realized just how obviously aroused you already were and you looked away from him, your face suddenly feeling very warm.
“Aww, don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. It’s a good thing.” he said sweetly. “Keep your eyes on me, alright?”
Once you were looking at him again, one of his hands was between your legs, while he held himself above you with the other, which was beside your head.
He was gentle and attentive, carefully watching your reactions for any sign that you were uncomfortable or in pain. Once he was sure you were alright, his movements quickened slightly. The soft gasps and moans that had left your lips since he began got louder and as your body trembled, you reached up and tugged on the neckline of his shirt.
“What is it my love? You want me to take it off?”
You nodded, not fully trusting yourself to speak just yet. Immediately, he snapped his fingers and his shirt disappeared. His other hand was still at work between your legs. You held on to his shoulders and a small groan formed in his throat as your nails pressed into his skin.
“I- I think I-“ you tried desperately to tell him that you were already close, but your voice wouldn’t cooperate and your words were cut off by loud whines.
“Shh, I know, I know. It’s alright darling, cum for me.” he encouraged you, and before long, your first orgasm took hold as a sob was ripped from you. You felt yourself dripping onto his hand and the bedsheets.
“That’s it, sweetheart, there you go.” he murmured, leaning down to kiss your forehead, then your cheek, then your jaw, running his other hand up and down your shoulder to help calm you down. When you were still, he lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked his fingers clean. Your eyes widened at the sight and you gasped, making him laugh softly.
“You want to stop now?” he asked. Despite his own arousal, he would have stopped there without hesitation if that was what you wanted. He had always been patient with you, and he would never do anything to make you uncomfortable.
“Not yet.” you replied, and you tentatively reached down to rest your hand on his waist. That’s when you realized that you could see, even with his trousers on. that he was hard. Your fingers shook slightly as you slowly moved your hand to his belt. “Can we, well can you-“ you began. You were nowhere near as nervous as you had been when you first entered his bedroom, but you just couldn’t seem to find the words for what you wanted to ask him.
Thankfully he understood, and he gave you a kiss before saying, “Anything you want, love”. Your hand was still on his belt and he followed your gaze down to his clothed hardness. “You wanna take the rest off for me?” he asked you. You looked at him in surprise, then you nodded, and he guided your hand to rest on his belt buckle.
You did your best to unbuckle his belt as smoothly as he had unbuttoned your jeans earlier, and thankfully you didn’t fumble. You unbuttoned his trousers after that and you immediately felt your eyes widen at the sight of him straining against the fabric of his boxers. He cooed softly at you and said, “it’s alright, you can touch me if you want to”.
You hesitated, not sure exactly what to do, so he took hold of your wrist and slowly placed your hand onto his length. When you moved your hand, you heard his breath hitch and you pulled back immediately. “Oh, sweetheart, no. You didn’t hurt me, alright? Don’t worry.” he quickly reassured you. “Go on”.
“Okay” you agreed, your voice stronger than before. You hooked your fingers underneath the waist of his trousers and began pulling them down. Soon you realized that you wouldn’t be able to get them all the way off while he was kneeling over you. “I didn’t think this through did I?” you sighed.
He smiled, leaned down and pecked your lips, nudging his nose against yours playfully. With another snap of his fingers, the remainder of his clothes were gone. You had never seen him while he wasn’t wearing his usual outfit, and as your eyes travelled down his body, you wondered how many people had ever had the opportunity to see him as you saw in that moment. He was the embodiment of the paintings and sculptures of gods and heroes admired within the walls of museums and so much more.
A quiet sound that was somewhere between a gasp and a sigh left your lips as you reminded yourself that this demon, this loving, caring, gorgeous demon, was here with you. He was guiding you through this experience, because he loved you.
“I’m so lucky.” you murmured, with an amazed smile on your face.
“Darling, trust me, I’m the lucky one.” he insisted, his expression mirroring your own.
He helped guide you into the right position, and when you were comfortable, he told you, “Try to relax. If it hurts or you want to stop, tell me, and we’ll stop, alright?”
You nodded and he entered you slowly, little by little, trying not to overwhelm or hurt you. You hadn’t even realized that you were biting your lip, trying to keep yourself quiet. You weren’t in pain, but the unfamiliar feeling of him inside you seemed to be too much and soon you cried out for him, desperate for him to tell you that you would be alright.
“I’m here, my love, I’m right here. Just breathe.” he whispered, repeatedly pressing kisses to your shoulder and neck. “I won’t move until you’re ready”.
“Could you-“ you hesitated, “could you hold my hand?” you asked, your own voice sounding far away. Immediately, he placed his hand in yours, which had been tightly gripping the bedsheets, laced your fingers together, and kissed the back of it. You breathed deeply and then told him, “You can move”.
He began gently rocking his hips, and soon he was moving at a slow, steady pace. You weren’t trying to be quiet anymore, and you were sure that you couldn’t even if you wanted to. You were moaning and panting uncontrollably and you wondered if you were being too loud, but it didn’t seem to matter to him. He leaned close to your ear so you could hear his quiet groans as he moved.
You couldn’t tell how long it had been, but at some point the pleasure building inside of you felt so strong that you weren’t sure how much more you could handle. That’s when you felt yourself begin to cry, and you looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he would help you through it.
“Poor thing.” he muttered, more to himself than you, as your grip on his hand tightened and your strained whimpers filled the room. He hated when you were in pain or upset in any way, yet still, the fact that you wanted him to comfort you, to make you feel better as you laid in his bed, crying and vulnerable, he couldn’t deny, he loved it.
“Shh, shh” he soothed you, his lips brushing against your ear. “It’s okay to cry, love. It’s just you and me, yeah? I know it’s all new to you right now, but you don’t have to be afraid. You’re alright, I promise”.
He held you close as he trailed his lips down your neck, then he pulled back and held your chin, turning your head so you were looking at him once again. You calmed down a bit as you tried to focus on him and remind yourself that, as overwhelming as this all was, you were alright. He was here to take care of you.
“Is it too much? Do you want to stop?” he asked, as tears continued to drip down your face.
“No, no, I-“ you tried to explain to him that you weren’t crying because of pain. “I’m okay. It’s just- it’s all so much”.
“I know darling,” he cooed, squeezing your hand comfortingly. “You’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you”. He continued the steady rocking of his hips and soon you were fighting to keep yourself from screaming. You felt your entire body tense, before your second orgasm took over. Your closed your eyes and you could feel your heart pounding wildly as fire seemed to travel all throughout your body, from your stomach all the way to your fingertips.
Crowley kept you close to him, wanting to make sure you were alright. “I’ve got you sweetheart, I’ve got you, cum for me. That’s it, just like you did before.” he coaxed you. Soon you went limp in his arms and as you tried to even out your breathing, he leaned down and kissed your jaw and neck over and over until you had calmed down once again.
He waited until you were comfortable before he pulled out of you slowly, then he brushed away the tear tracks on your face with his thumb and kissed you where they had been. After that, he began to carefully clean you up with a damp cloth you hadn’t seen him pick up. He gently ran his hands over your body as he did, trying to help you relax.
It wasn’t long before you realized that he was still hard. Apparently you hadn’t lasted as long as you felt like you had. “Wait, you didn’t-“ you began, “I didn’t realize-“
“Hey,” he placed his hand on the side of your face. “You don’t need to worry about me, alright?”
“No,” you replied, “It’s okay. I want to help, I’m just not sure how”.
A small smile lifted the corners of his lips. “Such a sweet little thing.” he cooed, his thumb stroking your jaw. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” you told him. “but I think I’ll need you to tell me what to do”.
“Don’t worry about a thing, love. I’ll do all the work”.
He stood up, took your hand, and walked to the edge of the bed, then he sat down and began his instructions.
“On your knees”.
As you knelt in front of him, you noticed that there was now a pillow beneath you on the floor of the bedroom. “Deep breaths, alright?” he reminded you, as he laced your fingers together once again and brought your joined hands to rest on his thigh. “Squeeze my hand if you want me to stop”.
He ran his thumb over your lower lip softly, then he said, “Alright, open your mouth for me”. You did as he said, as his hand cupped your jaw, then you began to slowly take him into your mouth, though he knew you couldn’t take much of him just yet.
When he was just barely in your mouth, he placed his hand on the back of your head and told you “You don’t have to do anything, just relax and I’ll take care of the rest”.
He waited for a moment, then he began guiding your movements, making sure he didn’t push you too far. You couldn’t help but wonder, with how focused he had been on you, if he was actually enjoying himself. You hesitantly tried giving a few small, slow licks and you saw his eyes widen, as a quiet gasp left his lips. You thought you might be embarrassing yourself with your attempts, but he quickly put an end to that by encouraging you.
“Can you do that again for me, sweetheart? That’s right, keep going”.
His words seemed to give you more confidence, and they made you even more eager to please. You quickened your pace, with him guiding himself in and out of your mouth all the while. Soon his eyes were closed and his head was tilted back slightly. His quiet moans were the most gorgeous sound, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t proud that you were the one coaxing them from him.
When you saw him biting his lip just as you had earlier, you knew that he was close. You heard him stifle what sounded like a sort of growl and you could tell he was trying to hold himself back. You continued your movements and before long, his release finally took over.
He groaned and his grip on you tightened just a bit as you tasted him on your tongue. You tried your best to swallow as much as you could, but when he pulled out of your mouth, some of his seed dripped down your face. He ran his hand through his hair as he breathed heavily for a moment, his eyes still closed; then, with a snap of his fingers he had cleaned himself off, and he wasted no time in pulling you up, into his lap once again. He used the back of his hand to wipe off your chin, then he leaned in and kissed your temple.
“Thank you” you said quietly, “for taking care of me”.
“You don’t have to thank me, darling. I should be the one thanking you for trusting me”.
“I knew I would be fine.” you told him, studying the snake tattoo on the side of his face. “You make me feel safe”.
“How are you feeling now?” he asked. You were messing with his hair as you answered him, thinking that it still somehow looked unexpectedly neat. “I feel good. I know it’s silly to ask, because I really didn’t do much, but, did I do okay? Was it good for you too?”
“Would you give yourself a break for once love? You were perfect.” he insisted, and as you looked at him, with his now disheveled hair, adoration shining in his beautiful golden eyes and a gentle smile gracing his lips, there seemed to be no words that could express how much love and admiration you felt in that moment.
You slowly pressed your lips to the side of his face, against the tattoo that you always found yourself fascinated by, then he turned his head and captured your lips with his own, tugging on your lower lip slightly to coax your mouth open, and slipped his forked tongue into your mouth, kissing you deeply. His hand rested on the side of your neck, with his fingers just barely wrapped around the back of it.
When you pulled away from each other, one final snap of his fingers had you both laying on the bed, under the soft sheets, him with his hands resting behind his head, and you with your head nestled in the crook of his neck, where you repeatedly left kisses across his skin.
You felt so safe laying in bed with him, so loved. You reminded yourself that life would resume soon enough, but that didn’t matter right then. What mattered was that you were with Crowley, and he was with you, and you could both relax together, without a care in the world. On top of that, you knew that when you did return to the world outside of his bedroom, you would still have each other.
You were eternally grateful for that, and you hoped he could tell, as he wrapped his arms around you, closed his eyes and whispered, “Rest, darling”
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heliads · 3 years
Into Thin Air
Newt doesn’t know what to think after Y/N disappears one night in the Scorch. She’s nowhere to be found, until a few weeks later she shows up with the girls from Group B. The only problem is that she can’t remember who Newt is, and all Newt can remember is how much he loves her.
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Newt sits alone, staring out at the desolate desert before him. He’s hidden from view, sheltered by a craggy outcropping, but the protection does little to settle the turmoil of thoughts lurking inside his head. The sound of footsteps approaches behind him, but Newt doesn’t have to turn his head to recognize his friend.
Minho stoops and sits down a few feet away. Newt glances at him. It’s strange- all of Newt’s memories of his life before the Maze have been stripped away, leaving behind only his time trapped within those walls. Minho is his best friend, but Newt can’t help but wonder if he had other friends, before all of this started. Before he was imprisoned in the Maze, before they escaped WICKED and stuck themselves in the desert. Did he have friends before that? Would it really matter if he did, anyway? If they’re not dead by now, they will be soon.
But he has Minho, and that’s enough. Minho’s been his friend for a long time. Newt hasn’t really known anyone for that long, or grown that close, except maybe Alby. Even the thought of the guy makes Newt’s throat burn. He’d known the guy forever, even been his second in command for all that time in the Maze. Newt can still picture Alby’s face in the back of his mind, that look of determination just before the Griever snatched him away. They’ve lost so many people. Alby, and Chuck, and Winston, and-
Newt can’t quite bring himself to finish the sentence.
Distantly, Newt realizes that Minho is still there, and staring out over the same horizon Newt had been studying a few minutes ago. At last, the other boy speaks. “We’re going to find her, you know? There’s no way we won’t.” Newt sighs. “We don’t know if she’s out there anymore. Or if she’s even somewhere we can find.” 
Minho shakes his head, resolute. “She has to be somewhere. They wouldn’t take her just to kill her when nobody is watching.” Newt opens his mouth to argue, but Minho holds up a hand and continues speaking. “WICKED had to have taken her. She would never have left any of us, and definitely not you. Besides, we went to sleep with her right next to us, and woke up to her gone. No footprints, no tracks, no nothing. If she had left on her own accord, we would have seen a trail leading away, but there was just blank sand. It’s like she never even existed. Does that sound like some girl who’s sick of us and wanted to leave, or like WICKED wanted to send a message?”
Newt’s heard Minho’s attempt to soothe his worries a couple of times now, but he still plays along. “What message would WICKED want to send instead of just taking all of us? If they have the ability to get her, what’s stopping them from completing the job and getting all of us back?” Minho jabs a finger in the air, ready to prove his point. “They want to scare us, make us think that WICKED’s way more powerful than we’ll ever be. If they pick us off one by one, they’re hoping that we’ll come back to them easily instead of them having to chase us down. Less damage to the subjects if they return of their own free will, right?”
Newt chuckles quietly. “If they were interested in keeping their subjects in the best condition they wouldn’t have put us through the bloody Maze in the first place. They would have stuck to inkblots and blood tests like any other reasonable doctor.” Minho grins. “Hey, who said they were reasonable? They just don’t want us killed off before they get the chance to do it themselves.”
In spite of himself, Newt feels a smile growing on his face. “Alright, alright. I’ll stop moping. Are we heading out soon?” Minho stands, clapping his friend on the back as he leaves the outcropping. “In a few minutes. Thomas thinks the Right Arm reinforcements should be in the mountains just a mile or so down. We’re almost there.”
The Right Arm. Thomas seems convinced that the people of the Right Arm can help them, and save the Gladers from inevitable deaths at the hands of WICKED. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense- use a shadowy, mysterious organization to escape another mysterious organization? At least the Right Arm isn’t known for running death tests on teenagers. That’s already a bonus.
The path to the mountains is dangerous, but to be honest, what part of their journey hasn’t been dangerous? Newt thinks it’s going fine, that although the terrain isn’t the best they’re at least making progress, and then the bullets start to ring out. Instantly, everyone panics and starts to hurtle toward whatever cover they can scrounge up in the desert, cowering as gunfire rains down around them. From the corner of his eye, Newt sees a couple of figures emerge from the mountains, faces hidden and weapons drawn.
Newt shoves Thomas and Minho to get their attention, and they start to come out with their hands drawn. Three figures stand before them, weapons pointed at them. Newt scans their faces, but he doesn’t recognize the first one, or the next. It’s only when his gaze falls upon the last of the three, on the figure standing farthest away, that he feels his heart freeze in his chest.
It’s not her. It couldn’t possibly be her. But yet-
Before he even knows what he’s doing, Newt is stepping away from the protective cover of the car, away from his friends, and towards the third figure. He can see Thomas and Minho extending their arms to pull him back, but they’re moving slowly, as if coming from far away. All that matters now is the girl before him, the girl with those all-too-familiar eyes that are now glaring at him in fear.
Newt’s voice comes cracked and quiet in the space at the foot of the mountains. “Y/N?” The girl levels her gun at him. “Who are you, and how do you know my name?” Newt stumbles, thrown by less by her threatening tone of voice and more the words that she’s just said. “Y/N? Why don’t you-” Hie voice breaks off into silence. Minho and Thomas are next to him now, and all Newt can do is stare at the girl in front of him. “Why doesn’t she know who I am?”
The other two figures are by Y/N’s side in an instant, the two pairs of three staring at each other. The tension builds and builds until finally the first of the figures glances away, at the other boy walking up to them. “Aris?” Suddenly, the hostility vanishes, and the figures are pulling away their face coverings to reveal the smiling faces of two girls. Aris turns back to them, clearly happy to see the girls. “This is Harriet and Sonya. They’re from Group B.” He addresses the Group B girls now: “They’re with me. They’re friends. They helped me escape from WICKED.”
Harriet and Sonya nod, but Newt just watches as the third girl hesitantly removes her own coverings. Sure enough, it’s Y/N. Harriet notices Newt’s stare and turns to his former friend. “Y/N, do you know these guys?” Y/N shakes her head. “I have no idea who they are, or how they know who I am.” Newt’s heart seems to drop in his chest. “What are you talking about? Y/N, I’ve known you for about a year, ever since you came into the Maze.”
Y/N’s eyes hold no recognition, no laughter, no light. She seems to have no idea who Newt is. “All I know is that I showed up one day alongside the Group B girls. They’ve been my family ever since.” She walks away, presumably to tell the people with guns to stand down. Newt is left alone with the words dying on his tongue: We were your family first.
Newt watches from a distance as his friends talk and laugh around him. They’re happy to have the Group B girls, who went through the Maze just like the Gladers did, and they’re relieved to have the protection of the Right Arm. Newt should be out there too, finally allowing himself to relax or at least have a good time, but he can’t quite muster up the energy to fake the smiles. Y/N doesn’t recognize him. That’s the only thing he has room to think about right now.
As if just thinking about the girl was a summoning, Newt turns to see a familiar figure walking away from the fire and coming to stand next to him. This picture, the two of them standing so close together, away from everyone else, is so painfully familiar that it hurts to know that she isn’t thinking of the connection they once shared. All Newt can think about is that he’s stood by her a hundred times, but all she can think about is that the boy next to her is a stranger, someone she’s never even seen before.
Y/N is the first to speak. “Is it true? Did you really- did you really know who I was?” Newt nods hollowly. “We first met when you arrived in the Maze. We were friends for a while, and-” He cuts himself off. He can’t talk about that, not right now. “And then we escaped, and you disappeared.” Y/N looks at the ground, at the fire, at her friends. Anywhere but him. “I have this strange feeling like I know who you are. Or I should, at least. But I can’t remember a single thing about you.” Newt stands silently, not trusting himself to speak.
Y/N turns to him at last, eyes burning into his own. He’s missed that look, that focus brushing across her brow. “Can you tell me what I was like? You know, in your Maze?” Newt sighs. “I’m not sure we could fit it into one night. You were there almost as long as I was, bordering on two years.” Y/N’s gaze is unrelenting. “Can you try?” Newt could never say no to her. Not in the Maze, and not now, when it’s just the two of them and he’s missed her so much. He clears his throat, and begins to speak.
“We were friends at first. Probably since the moment you showed up. You had this way of getting people to listen to you, even when the shanks were seconds away from tearing each other apart. There were only a few of us in the Maze, or at least at the beginning. You, me, Alby, and Minho. We were like a little family. I thought our friendship would last forever, and then other boys started showing up.”
Y/N frowns. “Did we fight or something?” Newt laughs ruefully. “No, we just- Well, I was kind of a shucking idiot myself. This one boy showed up, and he used to make me so angry. You’d be doing your job, not focusing on anything else, and then he’d come up and start talking to you. I didn’t know why it was bothering me so much, that he would be there for just a few seconds and the two of you would be laughing like you’d known each other all your lives, and then I realized after a while that it wasn’t him that annoyed me, it was that I was just jealous. Stupid, but jealous all along.”
“I kept it to myself, didn’t want to bother you. I didn’t realize you loved me until later.” Y/N looks up at him, mouth slightly tilted down into a frown. “But then what happened with you?” Newt smiles to himself. “I’d loved you all along. Don’t think I had much choice in the matter. Anyways, it took me a while to get up the courage, but I told you how I felt one night at the bonfire. I was nervous about it, but you just looked at me with this smile and I knew everything was going to be alright.”
Y/N’s smiling now. It’s strange, thinking of that night with this new Y/N next to him. She’s got the same expression on her face as the night Newt told her he loved her, and it cuts away at Newt that she could smile at him like that without remembering that night at all. Newt realizes he’s been staring too long, because Y/N gently nudges his arm. “Go on.” Newt looks away, fighting the shyness that suddenly overwhelmed him.
“We were happy, for a long time. We had months of uneventful life. Well, as uneventful as the Maze can be. Then Thomas and Teresa showed up, and the Maze doors didn’t close, and the Grievers attacked us all.” Newt’s eyes flicker shut as he remembers that night, remembering the tongues of flame spiraling over the buildings and the horrified looks of his friends. He can still hear the screaming, smell the coppery tang of blood like the scene was still being played out around him.
“We managed to escape. Not quite sure how. I don’t think I was scared for myself, more that you were going to die and I was going to have to live without you. When we first showed up at Janson’s building, I thought we were finally out and in the clear. We were so excited to have escaped and have a new life, one where we could actually relax and be just teenagers.” Newt’s voice twists into something bitter as he remembers how hopeful they’d been, and how quickly that hope had fallen apart, just like everything else that seemed to come their way.
“Then Janson turned out to be with WICKED, so we escaped. Took a while and a lot of running, but we made it out.” Newt falls silent, and Y/N tilts her head expectantly. “And then what?” Newt swallows unevenly, still feeling the pain and overwhelming heartache of that one specific night. “And then we were alone in the desert, all of us from the Glade who’d made it out plus Aris. We went down to sleep, late at night. You were right next to me. When I opened my eyes, you were gone.”
Newt looks away, fighting back the hot prick of tears threatening to appear at the corners of his eyes. “That was the worst part. You were right there, so close. There was no way you could have left without waking me. I knew you wouldn’t leave, so it had to be WICKED, but it still hurt. I was so worried that you’d died, or that they had dragged you back to their facilities and were experimenting on you-”
Newt can’t finish. Y/N nods, understanding. “And then you showed up to the mountains, and I had no idea who you were.” “Exactly.” Y/N sighs, leaning up against the rocky crag behind her. “I don’t know what to say. It all sounds familiar, but it just doesn’t sound like me. Are you sure that you’ve got the right girl?”
Newt nods. He’d know Y/N in a heartbeat, across the darkest night, anywhere. This girl is the one he loves, right down to that slight crease in her brow that she gets whenever she can’t figure something out. “I don’t know how to explain it. You are you, Y/N, and you’re the same girl I’ve been in love with since the Maze. You’re the same girl who always had a smile, even when things got dark, who yelled at the Builders but made friends with all the Greenies, who helped everyone survive the Maze because that’s just who you were.” Newt draws a ragged breath. “You’re the same Y/N who made me fall in love with you, and I’m not going to let any trick from WICKED convince me to let you go.”
Newt’s staring off into the darkness of the desert, but he turns with a start when he hears a slight noise from Y/N. He stares at her. She’s almost bent double in pain, hands clutching her head. He rushes over to her, helping her to the ground. “Y/N! Are you alright? What happened?” She just shakes her head, gritting her teeth through the pain. “I don’t know. You started talking, and I felt like I recognized something, and then my head started feeling like it was about to crack in two.”
She squeezes her eyes shut in agony, and her shoulders tense up in a spasm of anguish but then suddenly fall still. She lies on the ground, silent. Newt feels like his heart is in his throat. “Y/N? Can you hear me?” Her eyes open slowly, eyelashes fluttering in a dark frame around her eyes. She looks at him for a moment, then two, as if drinking in the sight of him. She reaches out a shaking hand to him, lightly touching his cheek. “Newt?” Her voice is quiet, as if she’s doubting herself, and then she breaks into a grin.
“Newt. Yes. I remember you.” All of Newt’s worries leave him in a rush, and he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close. “Y/N?” She nods, laughing slightly. “I remember everything. The Maze, the Gladers, you, everything.” She pulls back, smiling, so she can look in his eyes. “I don’t remember the part about you being in love with me from the start. You should have told me that earlier.” Newt chuckles, helping her stand. “I was trying to help you get your memories back. I’m sure it was just a dramatized detail.”
She flashes him a beaming glare. “I’m sure it was.” Newt can’t take his eyes off of her. “I was so worried, you know that? I was so worried that you’d left.” Y/N shakes her head. “I could never leave you. Not in a million years.” Newt lets himself smile again, and reaches out to lock his hand around hers. Y/N remembers him. The girl he loves is finally back once more.
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theweasleyslytherin · 4 years
i knew you (ron weasley x reader) part 5
part 1/masterlist
summary: Ron inexplicably broke up with Cassiah Black just days before their final year at Hogwarts, leaving them both with broken hearts and no future plans, but too stubborn and too proud to fix things. The centuries-old rivalry between their Gryffindor and Slytherin houses only make things worse, and friendships are truly put to the test. Will they find their way back together before the year ends, or will the end of their time at Hogwarts be the last time they ever see the each other? 
warnings: angst, drug/alcohol use, eventual smut ;)
CHAPTER 5 - say what you mean
You say I'm changing Sorry I didn't know I had to stay the same Can we talk about this later? Your voice is driving me, driving me insane
Be Nice to Me, The Front Bottoms __________________________________
Due to all the chaos of the week before, Cassiah was really hoping for an extraordinarily ordinary Monday. After helping a distressed first year girl in the common rooms who could not figure out how to tie her tie, Cassiah left the Slytherin dormitories and headed to her first class of the day. Thankfully, the class was entirely uneventful. She sat in her usual seat with the Slytherin boys and stole the occasional glance at Ron, who was seated where he always was – in the back of the class with Neville.
It was when she was on her way to her second lecture that things took a turn for the worse –  really sharp turn.
Cassiah smiled as she saw Hermione ahead of her in the hallway and quickened her pace to a jog to catch up. "Mione, hey! Wait up!" she called, grabbing gently on the shorter girl's arm.
They pulled over to the side of the hallway and Hermione gave Cassiah a tiny smile, "Hey."
Immediately, Cassiah sensed that something was off. Ever since she'd been blindsided by Ron, her intuition had been heightened, almost like her instincts were trying to protect her from getting ambushed like that again. She frowned, concerned, "Is everything okay? I haven't seen you in almost a week." Until this moment, Cassiah hadn't thought twice about not seeing Hermione. They were both very busy and in different houses, so it wasn't crazy to think that their schedules would conflict.
Hermione glanced around, not liking that there were so many people in the hallway, but sighed and spoke her mind anyways, "Not really. Ginny told me about what happened. I really don't like the way you lashed out at her. It's really not okay."
Cassiah's jaw gaped open and she stuttered, "Are you kidding me? Hermione, first of all, she was totally in the wrong for spilling to the boys about my date, but second of all, it wasn't that big of a deal."
The curly-haired girl's eyes hardened, "It was a really big deal to her when she was crying about it, Cassiah."
Cassiah flinched when Hermione used her full name. She couldn't remember the last time she'd called her that – it was probably over a year ago. Something about it felt very final – very permanent.
Hermione continued, "Ginny meant no harm. She was so traumatized from people so senselessly attacked. I told her that's what we can expect from a girl who spends all her time being buddy-buddy with Draco Malfoy of all people."
Cassiah's breathing stopped for a second. What was happening? The girls had been so loyal to her through her whole recent break up, and now they were ganging up on her. The fight with Ginny was two-sided, and Cassiah refused to take the blame for the whole thing. It takes two to tango, and Ginny definitely was dancing.
And to attack her friendship with Draco?
"Draco's been a much better friend to me these past several days than you have, actually. If you guys had been there for me since we got back to school, maybe I wouldn't have to lean on him so much. But you weren't, so I have. And he's been a great friend."
Hermione scoffed, "That's rich, Cass. His parents are Death Eaters. He's Draco Malfoy for crying out loud. Don't act like he's suddenly a good person."
Cassiah had had enough. She wrinkled her nose, giving Hermione a once-over, and shook her head, "You Gryffindors are all the same. But you're wrong. You're wrong about all of it, but especially about him. 'Draco Malfoy'  has one of the biggest hearts you'll ever come across if you ever got to the time to actually get to know him. But you guys refuse to see it. And it's a damn shame, because you're missing out on a truly amazing friend." Cassiah stared at Hermione for a second, her disposition having changed from angry to simply remorseful. Her voice quieted as she added, "I thought you of all people could understand not wanting to be judged based on other people's perception. But until you learn that, I don't really want to be around you right now."
Hermione scowled and walked away. As Cassiah turned to do the same, she almost crashed into tell-tale platinum hair and green robes.
Draco was wearing the softest smile she had ever seen, and his eyes were wonderstruck.
"Draco, I–"
"Thank you," he said earnestly, reaching out to hold on to her shoulder, "No one has ever done something like that for me before." He was a man of few words, but based on just those words alone, Cassiah knew how much this meant to him. It saddened her that just the bare minimum of loyalty made such a large impression on him.
"Draco, of course," she replied, staring up at him with earnest, "That's what family's for, right?" She gave him a wink.
He chuckled lightly, clearly a bit embarrassed at being so vulnerable, "Yeah. You're finally acting like a true Slytherin after all these years."
Cassiah laughed back with him and raised an eyebrow, "Well, I don't have much choice other than House loyalty now. I think I just broke up with the last of my other friends for you, Malfoy."
Draco smirked, "Fuck Gryffindor, anyway, right? Who needs 'em."
Cassiah couldn't help but think of Ron and the other Weasleys, but she kept up the joke, knowing that Draco meant no harm,
Ron and Hagrid had developed a sort of tradition last year after Fred and George had graduated of getting absolutely stoned down at the hut about once a week. For the sake of Hagrid's job, no one else knew about it, besides Harry of course, but it had turned into a sort of refuge for Ron from the rest of the world. It was so peaceful down there, and Hagrid felt like family to him when he was away from the Burrow. Plus, with the twins gone, the half-giant was the only other person at Hogwarts who could hang with him.
They had completely hot-boxed the hut and the air was thick with smoke when Ron spoke. "I bloody miss her." Hagrid said nothing. He was a good person to talk to about these things because he knew when to be silent so that Ron could really get to the bottom of his thoughts. The red head sighed, "I was so happy. I don't know why I couldn't just let us stay happy. And now I'm left carrying a torch for her and she ends up not missing me at all. I never thought that any of this would happen."
It was silent for a minute, the fire crackling in the background, before Ron continued. "She seems different," he said, staring at the fire, "Does she seem different to you? You know, in class."
Hagrid didn't have to ask who Ron was talking about. "You talk first, then I'll answer. Different how?" he asked. He knew he was the only person, except Harry sometimes, the boy felt comfortable talking about the relationship. Ron just knew that Hagrid wouldn't tease him like the guys his age for being a pussy.
Ron sighed, running a hand through his red hair, "I can't put a finger on it. I obviously don't spend time with her. But just when I see her around she seems... like she's not fully there? Almost cold, but not cruel. Like she can't be bothered."
The older man nodded, "Perhaps she's got something pretty heavy weighing on her mind. Something more important than dining hall banter or Care of Magical Creatures class."
Ron sat up straighter at the mention of Hagrid's class, "Ha. So you did notice it."
"I'm staying uninvolved."
"Uh huh," Ron laughed lightly, "But you couldn't possibly mean that you think she's acting this way because of me?" When Hagrid did nothing but raise hie eyebrows, Ron shook his head and explained, "There's no way. I wish. But bloody hell, she's going on dates with other guys. I'm the last thing on her mind."
Hagrid shifted in his seat, the old wood creaking under his size, "I can't make you see it from the outside, Ronald." Ron furrowed his brow, not understand the nuance of Hagrid's words. Why couldn't he just say what he meant?
"What do you mean?" he asked, but Hagrid was rising from his seat and gesturing to the back door.
"It's getting late, young lad. Better get back to the castle before someone notices you're gone, yeah?" Hagrid said, showing him out the door. Ron clearly was not getting answers out of him tonight.
So he headed out the door and back to the castle to grind through his Dark Arts paper. His stomach growled. Perhaps he'd stop for a second dinner, first.
Back in the Slytherin common room, Cassiah was seated on the couches with almost all her friends: Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne, and even Goyle was there, although he was mostly silent. Draco was proudly recounting the events of how Cassiah had stood up to Hermione – cautiously leaving out the part about how she defended him, as he wasn't ready to be that vulnerable with the others – and everyone was more that happy to hear that she'd severed her ties with the Gryffindors. As they pointed out, now there was nothing holding her back from her loyalty to her own House. Cassiah supposed that was a positive outlook, but she couldn't help but feel a bit sad. Sure, Hermione and Ginny had been bloody awful friends, but she had some amazing times blurring the lines between rival houses with the Gryffindors.
She and Fred and George had been fast friends after she and Ron had started dating. Something about their energy was infectious and they brought out an unbridled, uninhibited side in her that she never knew she had before. Ron had loved how close she was with his family, especially his favorite brothers.
The music was blasting in the Gryffindor common room and almost the entire 5th through 7th years were packed in the room. There were even a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Cassiah was the only Slytherin, however, but she didn't mind a bit. She never let someone's house determine her relationship with them.
"Black," George had said, and Cassiah, in her tipsy state, shrieked with laughter at how the twins had seemingly materialized at her side.
"Shot?" Fred asked, already knowing the answer as he held out a cup for her. She grabbed it eagerly and smiled up at them from where they towered over. She was tall herself, but not compared to the twins.
"Ready Fred?"
"Ready George. Ready Cassie?"
She giggled at being let in on their joke, "Ready Fred." They tossed back their shots and Cassie cheered, throwing her hands up in the air and letting the music take over her.
The twins were always the life of the party, and Cassiah couldn't help but get swept up in their energy. She cheered at the song changed and it was one of her favorites.
"I dare you to get up on the table," Fred yelled to her over the music, and she scoffed, "No way!"
"Cassie, it's your song!" George pressed, and she grabbed the bottle from him, taking a long swig. She wiped her sleeve over her mouth and smirked at the two of them.
"I'm only going up there if you guys are my back up dancers."
"Oh, it is so on," they said in unison. Cassiah was hoisted up onto the table and the twins followed. The room erupted into cheers, enjoying their drunken rendition of the song, complete with ridiculous dance moves. She could barely control her laughing at their antics. She was so crossed and life was so, so good.
When the song ended, Ron appeared at the foot of the table below her. He held out her hand for her, looking up at her with his bright eyes twinkling. She took his hand and let him lift her off the table, spinning her around. She threw her head back and her arms out, laughing wildly.
"My girl's quite the performer," Ron whispered in her ear as he finally let her feet meet the ground.
Her heart fluttered at being called 'his girl.' He knew how she loved when he talked that way.
"Allow me to give you an encore performance, then," she said, biting her lip mischievously. She turned so that her back was to his chest and grabbed his hands, wrapping them around his waist. Ron sucked in a breath at the feeling of her backside against his crotch as she started moving her hips to the music. God, she had a gift for getting down on the dance floor and it drove him mad.
He pressed a sloppy kiss to her neck, sucking lightly before murmuring gruffly in her ear, "Bloody hell, Cassie. I love it when you dance on me."
She giggled, grabbing his hands and running them up and down her sides before spinning herself out. She dragged him behind her as she headed to the couch, "Come sit. I need to catch my breath from all that dancing."
Ron plopped down on the couch, and inhaled sharply when Cassiah took a seat on his lap.
"I love you," she said sweetly, looking back over her shoulder to press a kiss to his lips.
He smiled too, "I love you, too, honey," but frowned slightly when she pulled away from the kiss. It wasn't enough. After watching her dancing so confidently, and then teasing him all sexy on the dance floor, he was getting worked up. He was desperate for some more snogging than that, but she didn't pick up on it.
She shifted in his lap as she bounced along to the song. Every movement was torture for Ron, who was trying to play it cool in a crowded room. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore.
He grabbed her hips roughly, holding her down in place. "Cassie," he whispered in her ear. She shot him a look that said she knew exactly what she was doing, and she was doing it on purpose.
He tightened his grip on her and thrust up his hips up roughly. "Don't start what you can't finish, Cassiah," he growled. The hair on the back of her neck stood up at his tone and she melted a bit.
"Who said I wasn't going to finish?" she replied, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
With that, Ron lifted her off his lap. The ease with which he did it made her feel hot all over. He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the stairs to the dormitories. She knew she was about to get what she'd been asking for all night.
She caught Fred's eye on her way out the door, who gave her a juvenile wink. She flipped him off playfully right before they disappeared up the stairs.
Life was good.
Her other friends had left the common room following the discussion about her disaffiliation with Gryffindor, and only she and Draco were left studying alone.
Cassiah couldn't help but notice that as the group was all laughing and joking together, Draco's eyes were trained on one person in particular, but she wasn't going to mention it. She knew Draco well enough to know that he'd mention it when he was willing to talk about it.
She sighed. Thinking about that party had really messed with her head. She missed the way her life had been. Things had been so perfect with Ron. She was truly becoming a part of the family, and then one day it was all gone. It was so cruel. Before this, she had never thought of wanting to hurt another person or seek revenge, but she felt different lately. She wished that he could understand the way that felt, but she couldn't imagine a way she could ever hurt him the way he had her.
"I want to make him jealous," she stated out of the blue.
Draco looked up from his parchment and placed his quill down on the table, "I've been waiting for this. Good thing you have the perfect way to do that. Why don't you ask Ernie out on another date? A more public one, of course."
Cassiah paused for a moment, considering, before shaking her head. "No. I don't want to use him as a pawn. Even though I didn't feel anything with him, he's still a really nice guy and it's not fair to play with his emotions."
The blonde boy grinned, "You're too good, Cass. But I know what you mean." She smiled back at him across the table.
They both turned back to their quiet studying, the only noise being the sound of quills on parchment. Several minutes passed before Draco spoke again,
"You know, uh. I could do it."
"Do what?" Cassiah asked absently, copying down a charm onto her paper.
"Make Ron jealous," he said matter-of-factly and Cassiah coughed loudly.
"What?" she spluttered, her face reddening. Draco had always been just her friend.
Draco chuckled from across the table, "Calm down, Cass. Not like that. I've got my eye on someone else, anyways."
Cassiah was more than relieved, and also excited that he was finally admitting his feeling, "Merlin, I knew it! I saw the way you were looking at Pansy like a little puppy. Why don't you just ask her out."
He rolled his eyes, "Draco Malfoy does not simply ask a girl out. Especially when I'm not sure if she's into me. And especially not when we used to do it on the down-low. It would be humiliating to say the least."
Cassiah stared at him across the table. "Well, maybe Draco Malfoy should grow a pair," she lectured him. "But, seeing as your idea might be mutually beneficial... What are you proposing, exactly?"
"Nothing physical–"
He sighed, "Just some mind games. Little things that they're sure to notice. Like you can carry my hanker-chief around for class or something."
Cassiah shook her head. That wouldn't be enough to make Ron jealous because there was no way he'd notice. He wasn't that observant. If she was going to make him jealous... "That's not big enough," she conceded, "It has to be at least a bit more scandalous. Something to get people talking."
They both sat for a minute, considering, before she suddenly rose from her seat and crossed to sit beside him. "Draco?" she said coyly, "Have you smelled my new perfume yet?"
He looked bewildered, but responded honestly, "No? Cass, what–"
"Would you like to?" she asked, pulling her hair away to expose her neck. There was an evil glint in her eye that Draco had never seen before. He leaned over, letting his nose graze the skin against the nape of her neck and he inhaled her scent lightly,
"It's lovely," he commented. She let her hand trace over her own sensitive skin, and she inhaled sharply when she felt Draco's breath still on her skin.
"It would be shame if Ron somehow got the impression that there had been another man in my bed. They've already noticed that you and I are spending a lot of time together. He doesn't have to know the truth," she whispered, "I wonder how we might trick him into believing such a wild story..."
Draco suddenly knew what she was alluding to, and he had to admit it was genius. He let his lips ghost over her skin before sucking lightly at the nape of her neck. She shivered. Even though things with Draco were strictly platonic, there was still a pair of lips attached to her neck.
He pulled away, revealing a red mark that would surely form into a dark love bite.
"You're a bloody genius," he laughed, returned to his seat.
"I know," Cassiah replied smartly, her eyes smiling. She glanced at Draco, smirking knowingly when she noticed the slightest bulge in his pants.
He blushed slightly and stammered, "God, Cass, it's not like that. It's just a physical reaction."
She snorted, and punched him in the shoulder, "I know, Malfoy. I tend to have that affect on people."
"I hate you," he retorted, but the belly laugh he let out a moment later said differently.
That’s the end of this chapter! Cassiah and the twins makes me happy. And ugh, I just love Cassie and Draco's friendship so much. What do you guys think of their plan tho? I also love the Ron and Hagrid vibe. I don't know where it came from, but once I got the idea, I couldn't not put it in. It just feels too real.
I hope you guys enjoyed! Hopefully the next one will be up a lot sooner :) if you enjoyed, show me some love :)
xx jenna
Published on my Wattpad (halebscallison) and my Tumblr (theweasleyslytherin). 
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kirishwima · 4 years
Don’t worry about us, please try not to stress out. I am only sending in this request merely due to it not leaving me alone. RFA+V, Unknown (cannot remember how to spell his name) reactions to MC in their wedding dress, what type of wedding will they have? Please do not mind and please study wisely.
ahh this is a cute and light-hearted idea :’) You speak of a wedding dress but refer to MC as they/them, so I’ll be writing for them as non-binary! 
I’ll also add photos of what I think their wedding dress/suit would be bc....I have to, and because I have a whole pinterest board of wedding dresses saved from last summer when I was helping my sister plan her wedding orz :’)
* When speaking of weddings, Yoosung’s always imagined the beautiful classics; standing at the altar, seeing the love of his life walk down the aisle dressed in the most gorgeous gown, his smile broadening at the sight of them.
* He himself wore a humble black suit, but with a baby blue bow-tie; reminiscing of his own innocence.
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* He absoloutely had Zen help him pick out his suit; they took Seven along too but he kept insisting Yoosung should just wear a onesie instead lmao
* He did discuss with MC what they’d like to wear; when they said they wanted to wear a dress, he immediatly thought of classic puffy white dresses with lace and toule. 
* Seeing MC walk towards him though, he couldn’t help how his jaw hung open, how his eyes widened. “Lucky you”, he heard Seven whisper, standing besides him as his best man. 
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* MC was like a princess, and he, their soon-to be prince. He took their hand as they reached the altar, kissing their knuckles with a wide smile. He’d ditched his glasses for the wedding, finally able to see better with the help of surgery, and he blessed each of his doctors for being able to witness the sight that was MC.
*Overall he’s just a tearful happy nugget, and 10/10 will choke with tears whilst saying his vows
* Despite what you may be thinking, he actually doesn’t dream of big fancy weddings and expensive venues. His ideal wedding would be something simple; a gathering of friends and loved ones, perhaps even by the beach, being able to stand besides the one he loves comfortably and proudly.
* He’s glad that he and MC are on the same page about that; even if he’s a celebrity, his humble approach to life never changed, and he wants their wedding to reflect that. So a wedding by the beach it is!
* It’s Zen we’re talking about, so even a potato sack would look flattering on him, so his choice of suits is endless. He’s classy but doesn’t like the plain old black suit, so instead he goes for something more summery, given their venue. 
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* I can really imagine him in a linen suit, ditching the tie for a more laid-back look, his hair tied into an intricate braid, even wearing one or two little white flowers at its end.
* He’d be just as awe-struck with how MC looks no matter what they’d wear, suit or dress, casual or formal. He’ll love them just as much if he sees them every morning in their pyjamas and bed hair, or in a gown and heels. 
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* Simple and elegant, and nicer than the summer breeze blowing through Zen’s hair, he had to bite his lip, blinking back tears threatening to fall at the thought he’s about to spend the rest of his life with his beloved. (Also he has to fight the Beast until later tonight and hoo boy is that a hassle or WHAT)
* All in all-he’s one happy hecking groom, and he can’t wait to tear that dress off of them the moment they’re in their private quarters lol
* Honestly...she didn’t see the point of holding a wedding at first. Did she fantasize about it as a little girl? Sure, she did. But as she got older and the thought of dating and family got further and further away from her, that childhood dream was put aside, stored in the repressed part of her brain.
* It’d been MC who proposed, and MC who began the planning for the wedding-they didn’t want Jaehee to feel burdened with organizing, but the more Jaehee worked to plan their wedding, the more she fell in love with the idea of this special day just for the two of them, and the more she fell in love with MC, seeing their hard work and adoration towards her.
* They didn’t want to have an all-out wedding like many couples do; just them, their families and the RFA, a little get together to celebrate a milestep of their life together. 
* They had arrived at the dillema of; will we both wear suits? Dresses? Should one of us wear a suit and the other a dress? In the ned MC suggested they each decide on a look without telling the other, so it’ll be just as much of a surprise for each of them to see the other on their wedding day!
* Jaehee is a practical woman, yes, but we know that she’s not the strict short-haired lady she was whilst working with Jumin-she allows herself to explore femiminity more and more in her route, and I feel that’d be evident in her choice of a wedding gown-simple, yet elegant and chic.
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* With her hair in a gorgeous loose bun, flowers adorning her head, her ring-finger soon to be decorated with a delicate ring she and MC chose together-she almost can’t believe the person looking back at her in the mirror is herself.
* Less so can she believe that the person she’s about to marry is soon walking towards her, a smile on their face as if they’re the lucky one to be marrying Jaehee when Jaehee stares wide-eyed at the beautiful person she’s eagerly waiting to spend the rest of her life with;
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* Of course they’d choose a dress with pockets, she thinks with a roll of her eyes, if only to tease Jaehee about her own lack of pockets later on. 
* They both can’t help but stare at each other as they meet at the altar, wide eyed with incredulous smiles. The preacher even has to cough politely to get their attention back to well, their wedding lmao
* It’s everything Jaehee could’ve wanted and then some.
* Yeah yeah, it’s Jumin Han, the handsome man in a suit, and yeah he’s gonna have an all-out wedding alright-but only if that’s what MC wants. 
* He honestly...doesn’t care what the ceremony will be like, who will be there or what they’ll say. He only cares about seeing MC’s ring finger adorned with a rind that has his surname engraved in it, a mark on them that says MC’s his, his and no one elses.
* Even if he wears suits on the daily, his wedding is no exception; he’ll wear a suit tialored to perfection, classic black and sleek, matching his raven-dark hair, slicked back for the occasion-he’d go to the ceremony in his pyjamas if he had to, so long as he’s able to call MC his spouse once the day’s over.
* He had given MC the absoloute liberty of choosing what to wear, with the only condition being they have the best tailors across the world work on their outfit, wanting it to be as unique and wonderful as MC themself. 
* It was jarring at first, to have 5 or 6 professionals tug and probe at MC whilst working on their measurements and meeting up to discuss their style, but they figure that’s just how life with Jumin as their husband will be-extreme, sometimes awkward, but full of love and care; they could see it in his smile when they came home from their fitting, tired but happy as they snuggled up in his arms, him stroking their hair until they fell asleep.
* It’s hard to find a dress picture that I feel captures what MC’s dress would be, but I think the closest to it would be something like this;
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* “The most befitting dress for royal beauty such as yours”, Jumin whispers to MC’s ear as they approach him at the altar, his smile small and private, for MC’s eyes only.
* Yet as he leans down to kiss them, completely ignoring the preacher waiting to start the ceremony, he whispers on their lips ‘I love you’, and MC knows from the bottom of their soul, that no matter what they wore, how they looked, Jumin would love them just as much. And they’re forevel grateful for that.
* p.s: Elizabeth the 3d is ABSOLOUTELY going to be the ring bearer, and she’ll have her own little dress appropriate for the occasion, fight me on this.
* Y’all....tease him about the ‘let’s get married at the space station’ bit all you want, but this boy DREAMS of a wedding, a family and happy life for so long, you can never convince me he doesn’t go all out for his wedding.
* A beautiful, flower-covered venue? Check. Tailored, custom-made suit? Check. Planning everything to the most minute detail? YES. He’ll run himself dry working on creating the perfect wedding, it’ll take some convincing from MC to tone it down lmao.
* He’ll still insist on inviting absurd guests just like he did with the RFA parties, but in all honesty, he just wants MC besides him, Saeran and Yoosung next to him as hie best men (yes he can have both of them shush), the rest of the RFA there to congratulate him and MC on their special day; the people he loves, to celebrate the day of uniting with his one true love, that’s all Saeyoung wants.
* To be able to say ‘I love you MC’, and to have MC tell him ‘I love you, Saeyoung’-to formally and completely leave the life of 707 behind, to have his brother hug him, congratulate him on his wedding-this is all more than enough to make Saeyoung cry happy tears, pushing his palms on his eyes as he laughs and cries at the same time, letting MC hug him to help him calm down.
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* While he does dream of a classic classy wedding, he loves the colour red a little too much, so he’d try and sneak it in there, be it in a vest or bow tie lol (he’d absoloutely wear a bow tie instead of a tie, and he’d be allowed one (1) doctor who joke for the duration of the ceremony lmao)
* ((also....not relevant to the wedding itself, but his marriage proposal would absoloutely be at a planetarium, js))
* As for MC...they’d spent nights on the couch together, eating chips and wondering what they’d each wear on the day of their wedding. They ended up taking Jaehee and some more of their friends with them when looking for a dress, as much as Saeyoung pouted and asked to tag along.
* It was worth it to keep him in the dark though; his big wide eyes as MC walked towards him, how he had to bite his lip to stop giggling like a fool, he was jumping up and down at the altar, giggling behind his hands as he mumbled ‘oh my god oh my god oh my god allah and buddha!’. 
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* “Holy shit” he whispered to himself, earning a stern gaze from the preacher, his brother groaning in the background. MC took it as a compliment though, smiling up at him as they stood across him.
* This boy....will cry real ugly snort filled tears at his wedding vows, I guarantee it.
* Like hello??? Have you seen this hippie-ass man at the end of his route?? He’ll be so happy with a marriage ceremony in the forest, in a little church that looks almost abandoned in its little spot at the edge of the woods, in a little city no one knew before V brought it up.
* He’d love to help decorate and renovate the church for their wedding, using funds taken from a painting collection he did featuring the very forest the church sits besides. 
* (I can also totally picture their wedding taking place in a botanical garden/greenhouse, if you’d rather skip the church option! Just surrounded by plants and nature :D)
* Even if it’s not a boho wedding though-just being able to spend the rest of his life besides MC, the person that truly taught him what love is, that’s all handsome mint boy needs.
* Honestly...he’s extra enough to be the kind of guy that ditches the shirt, so I can imagine him wearing something like the following, but in a darker colour; 
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((something with a little simpler bust, but the puffy sleeves,,,flowy dress,,,the line cut that’s honestly so charming on any figure,,,fight me this is the cutest kind of dress))
* He’d really want a small, closed wedding just for him, MC, and the RFA sure, why not (he’s kidding, he’s grown really fond of them all but he refuses to openly admit it)
* If MC suggests they hold their ceremony at a greenhouse he’ll be over the moon; he’ll personally visit the greenhouse and make sure all the flowers are in tip top condition for their wedding.
* For his own suit, he’d like to keep things simple, maybe even ditching the whole suit and tie thing; 
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* I really imagine him with a suit similar to this, but ditching the vest , with flowers pinned to his blazer that he looks fondly at, knowing MC will be holding a bouquet just like these, ones he himself picked out with all his love and care, removing each thorn to make sure nothing can harm their hands as they hold the bouquet.
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* As MC walks towards him through the greenhouse his breath shudders, any words he may have had dying in his throat; MC looks ethereally beautiful and he’s out of words as they come to stand in front of him, his lips trembling.
* Is this person really his? The one he’ll be able to hold, to love for as long as he lives? He shakingly takes MC’s hand in his, giving them a tight squeeze as he smiles.
* “In sickness and in health” he whispers, smiles as MC says it back.
* In sickness and in health.
-Send me mystic messenger headcanons for character reactions-
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
When you threaten a snake yokai’s humans- Luktober Day 31
Happy Halloween and sad cause it’s the end of luktober. I wish I had done more but this actually works out as I have 3 gift exchanges to work on now. This is also the only fic I did for this that isn’t lukadrien, mostly. It’s hinted lukanettegamidrien (IDK this ship name), but there is a kinda more lukadrien scene near the end, I couldn’t help it. Also, another @write-it-motherfuckers prompt used, one as a flashback. Anyway, before I babble on, thank you to @lukacouffaineappreciation for creating this event, I liked it. Snake & Yokai
This was annoying. Usually he’d be helping his companions out of these situations, not be in them himself. For someone who didn’t have the ability to summon their magic companion – a dragon, a giant cat or a swarm of ladybugs – he surprised his group by being the one to get them out of situations, even if most who saw him thought him only a simple bard.
They’d have no clue he’d walked the earth longer than any of them had been alive and even further on. Snakes swarmed to him, as he was one of their own in human form. He believed someone once called him a yokai. He didn’t know if it fit in this part of the world, but it’s the name he kept going back to.
He was bound in frail rope and he saw a huge crack in his lyre where it had been thrown. He was going to make them pay for that. Kagami had unexpectedly given him that after seeing him admire it in a marketplace. He’d have to take care of this before the others came looking for him.
“The blonde one, he’s the duke’s son ain’t he?”
“Duke of Paon. Want to rip that bastard’s guts out. Treating my family like they were less than his. Like to see what he’d do when he’s about to lose his son.”
Paon, where Adrien and Marinette were from. The Duke, that would bring a frown to Adrien’s face.
“What about that girl, the one with the dragon? You ever see a summon like that? She’d fetch a nice price.”
“Might as well get them all. And they’ll be back for that one.”
He wasn’t going to let that happen. Perhaps if the situation had been different, he would have found this somewhat entertaining, but given the fact that these, annoyances were trying to use him to bait his companions into willingly walking into a trap, he was feeling far from forgiving. He came to care for them after all, and the protectiveness he had developed over them was only to be expected from something such as the creature he was born as.
Luckily, tricking his “captors” into approaching his bound form, was all too easy thanks to their ignorance of his nature, and once they were within reach….well….
Sinking teeth into someone’s vulnerable throat had never felt quite so satisfying. The screams they let when he easily escaped the ropes and let his glamour drop. Glowing eyes and scaled skin would be the last things they’d see before he split their blood onto the forest ground.
He could have done without having to taste their foul blood though. It felt wrong to act like he was scared of whatever came to kill his captures when his companions eventually found him, but he never spoke anyway. They wouldn’t be able to pull answers from him, unless they wanted to see his fangs.
“Here you are.” A kind barmaid said, dropping off 4 tankards of the only non-alcoholic drinks the bar had. “Rooms should be ready soon.”
“Thank you.” Adrien said, taking one of the tankards and giving them to their quite companion. “Luka, are you sure you’re ok?”
Luka. he couldn’t give them his actual name without speaking when they all first met. Marinette had given him the name, from a childhood book about a quite bard who travelled. He didn’t need words for his music, much like the book’s character. He nodded at Adrien’s question, sipping at the drink, washing down the blood that made his mouth tacky.
“I would have liked to introduce those men to my sword.” Kagami said, looking at the expertly crafted sword in its sheath sitting on the table.
“Too bad whatever it was got to them first. I would have helped.” Marinette said. “Hopefully it doesn’t come looking for more food in the village. Maybe we should take a break from doing any quests?”
He shook his head. They were on their way to the City of Miraculous. Last time he’d been there, it was only just starting to be known as the magic epicentre of the world. It was much bigger now. The quests helped pay for their way to it.
“At the very least, we should take a break here. An early night would be best.” Kagami said.
“Fine by me. Luka, why don’t we room together? I’m sure Plagg wouldn’t mind cuddling with you.”
Plagg always gave him looks whenever Adrien summoned him, like he was warning him, but his high body temperature did feel nice against his always cold one. He nodded, smiling at the sunny smile he got in reply.
Once their rooms were ready, Adrien led them to their room and closed the door. He dropped his stuff on the floor in the heap he usually did and let his magic surround him. It started to take shape and eventually, shaking off the extra magic like it was fluff, Plagg stood there, yawning and stretching like his usually lazy self. He summoned familiar watched as the two pushed the beds together before making himself at home on the top half of the bed, allowing them to lean on his side.
He’d been focused on looking at the damage left on his lyre when Adrien spoke.
“I was kinda hoping whoever saved you would have been him. You know, the one who saved me in that last village?”
That had been him but he of course couldn’t let Adrien know that. They’d only just arrived in the village when screams ripped throughout it. A monster had been attacking the village, treating it like its personal dinner service. They all split up to get people to safety. Luka had just cast protective spells on a barn, to keep from being destroyed and to protect those inside when the spells he’d put on Kagami, Marinette and Adrien went off. He saw his view go green, meaning Adrien was in trouble. He ran off to see Adrien shooing people inside a building, whatever monster realising Adrien just lost it it’s meal. It growled at him and it had looked like Adrien had expelled a lot of his magic. Without thinking, before the monster could attack, he jumped in front of Adrien, throwing up a protective shield. He felt his glamor slipping as he focused on protecting Adrien and spoke to him for the first time.
“Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes.” He didn’t think Adrien would listen to him but by the time his magic had obliterated the monster, Adrien was still pressed against the door, eyes closed and hands covering hie head, his ever-present hood gone, knocked off from running around earlier. He remembered gently grasping the hood and pulling it up again, leaning down almost resting their foreheads against each other. For a moment he’d been scared that if he did lay his head on his, Adrien would know it was him and he wanted to keep Adrien and Kagami and Marinette closer for a while longer. So instead he whispered for him to open his eyes and was gone before the green pupils were revealed.
He let out a hum then, to let him know he was listening.
“He had to be pretty powerful to destroy that monster. I wish I could have at least thanked him. But hey, if it was him, then he protected something important to me.”
And he’d continue to protect those important to him. If they never heard him speak or never saw his fangs, that was fine. He wouldn’t admit to himself that he was scared about what could happen if they did.
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tinyanimelover · 4 years
Red Flags
(Part Four)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
What the hell did he do in his past life to have such shitty encounters? Of all people, he ran into the said brother of the roommate. "You're the burger guy!" Suzo chuckled "What're you doing here? Wait--you're with Hinami, right? I remember my sister telling me Hinami had a boyfriend now. Congrats man, she's--uhh, a lot to handle". "I'm not her boyfriend, just someone I mess around with when I need to" Grimmjow corrected, tilting his head a bit to sow he was annoyed "..what're you doing here?". The man's eyes widened slightly before a sad smile graced his lips "Ah, just came to check up on my sister and take care of whatever she needs...". This was the third flag. "..what she's got a cold or something?" He pressed, crossing his arms. Suzo chuckled nervously, "Ah...well, I should get going...hey, I know my sister can be quiet at times and stubborn when she needs help..but, if you can..take care of her, yeah? I know she's not really your business but..I'm quite selfish when it comes to her, so please..look after her when you can". "Suzo?" Hinami interrupted as she stepped out of her room "What're you doing here?". "Hinami!" Suzo grinned "Just here to check up on my sister. I was heading out right now". "I thought she was at your place, didn't know she came back" Hinami said surprised. "Yeah well...a-anyways, about the rent..thank you for being so patient with me and I'm so sorry but can you give me some more time? I'll be paid at the end of the week. I'll come straight here after work" the man bowed apologetically "I'm really sorry". "It's fine. But I really can't keep putting off the rent, Suzo. The landlady's getting really annoyed, she's threatening to kick me out if I keep it up with the late rent" Hinami sighed "So after this, you're gonna have to figure something out...sorry. She still doesn't want to go with you?". "No..she doesn't want to burden me.." the man shook his head with a smile "I'll try speaking with her again. Until then, please call me if anything goes wrong". "Sure" Hinami let out, watching the man leave. "..the hell was that" Grimmjow finally spoke up. "Nothing important. Weren't you leaving?" She asked. "Whatever" he walked away "See ya".
"Why do you look constipated?" Grimmjow's co-worker asked lazily as he glanced over at him. "Why do you always look like you have shit in your pants?" He retorted "Seriously wear pants that actually fit you. No wonder you can't get a girlfriend". "So mean..." The male half-whined "But seriously, that's the third customer you've pissed off today and its not even noon yet". "I'm fine, just didn't sleep much last" Grimmjow let out with a frustrated sigh. "Whatever man, just stop yelling at the customers or else the boss is gonna chew us both out again and I can't have my pay docked this week, I promised my mom I'd help with rent" the co-worker said as he yawned, leaving Grimmjow alone. Why was he so irritated? He was fine up until he ran into Suzo, unable to get his mind off of what Hinami and Suzo spoke about. Was Hinami going to kick the roommate out? Over rent? Even he could tell that the Suzo guy felt bad about the situation, why would Hinami just kick her out? Wait! Grimmjow closed his eyes as he gripped the edge of the counter, "What the hell?!". Why the hell was he even thinking about those two?! "Can I please have the combo number 7?" The customer asked as he walked up to the counter "Without the fries though, can I have potato wedges instead?". "Can't you read?! No substitutions!" He snapped "Get the damn combo or get outta here!". "What the hell's your problem?!" The guy scowled "Just get me the damn combo with potato wedges! I'll pay extra!". "Are you deaf?!" Grimmjow yelled back, "You're not getting potato wedges!". "Grimmmmmjowwww!" The boss yelled as he stepped out of the kitchen "I'm docking your pay! Give the customer what he wants!". "You do it old man!" Grimmjow yelled back. "You stupid brat, I'll fire you!" He yelled. "Try it!" Grimmjow scoffed.
Grimmjow blinked a few times, surprised. He'd shown up to meet Hinami, but instead he was met with the roommate in the living room, drinking some water and watching tv. It was quiet and awkward but he couldn't leave since he was waiting for Hinami to get back. Where was she anyways? He glanced over at the girl, obviously he sat on the other couch, but seeing her up close now for the second time, she looked sickly. "Where'd Hinami go?" He asked, trying to get rid of the awkwardness. Or maybe it was just him who felt this way? She looked over at him, quickly lowering her gaze as she looked away "She said something about work..". "Work?" He mumbled, throwing his head back gently and staring up at the ceiling "She could've called so I didn't waste my time coming over". The silence began to settle in and for some unknown reason, Grimmjow felt an urge to learn more about the roommate. And before he knew it, his lips parted and words were already coming out. "You're brother seems like a cool guy" he found himself saying. "Huh?" She let out, surprised he was speaking to her. He furrowed hie eyebrows. You're brother seems like a cool guy. What the fuck was he even saying? It was too late to back out now though. "Your brother. Met him this morning" he continued, lifting his head a bit to look at the tv "He's cool". "Yeah..Suzo was always able to get along with people easily.." She said with a smile. He looked over at her, "He said he was here to take care of you...why do you still look like shit? There's medicine for colds and stuff, you know that?". Her eyes widened, "C-cold?..I..don't have a cold.." She attempted a smile but failed miserably. It was obvious it was a pined smile, she looked away "A-anyways, Hinami should be back soon...I'll be in my room". "..whatever" he let out, looking away as she got up and went towards the stairs. An itch again. That stupid urge. And before he knew it, his lips did what he didn't have the courage to do, "What's your name?". "My name?" She asked, halting at the bottom of the stairs. "Hinami just told me you were her roommate, nothing about your name or anything so...yeah?" he explained, looking over at her again. His eyes widened as he did so, she smiled so he kinda forgot what it was he was doing. Damn? "(Y/n)" she informed before waving and leaving him alone. "..(Y/n)?" He whispered as he looked back at the tv. (Y/n). (Y/n). It rolled off of his tongue just as easily as it invaded his mind. It fit her. Like really fit her. Then he deadpanned, "What the fuck did I ask her that for?".
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drakexwillow · 5 years
One Long Summer
Chapter 2
Pairing: Drake Walker x Willow (OC) Maxwell Beaumont x Sophie (OC)
Warnings for the series: Smut, Swearing, Drug use, Sexual references. do not read if under 18.
Premise for the series: This will an AU following Drake when he leaves Cordonia to go to Texas for a year, instead of college he decides to get a job and just live a simple life with Maxwell joining him to also get away from court.
A/N: Okay this is my first ever series, i’ve decided to make the jump and just go for it so it might be abit rough around the edges. Let me know if you want on or off the tag list at any point
Tags: @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @lyndsaycdrake1111 @furryperfectionlover @tinypenguincheesemachine  @janezillow  @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld  @msjr0119 @jlynn12273
Chapter one here if you need to catch up.
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Drake was roused from his sleep when his alarm on his phone went off. Groaning her rolled over shutting it off before burying his head back into his pillow. His head was pounding and his mouth was dry, silently thanking himself for remembering to leave some aspirin and a glass of water on his bedside table. He popped a pill into his mouth before downing the glass of water. He dragged himself out of bed and hopped into the shower, hoping it would help him feel more awake. He swiveled the handle letting the water run before he climbed in, he stood as the water cascaded over his body. Once satisfied he climbed out, grabbing a towel and drying himself before throwing on his work clothes and boots and making his way to the living room in search of coffee.
Drake wondered into the living room finding Max sitting cross legged on the couch wrapped in a blanket, eating cold pizza from the night before and engrossed with the cartoons on the TV. He chuckled taking in Max’s disheveled appearance “you look like shit” 
Max groaned as he rubbed his hand over his face “I think i’m dying”  
Drake made his way to the kitchen, grabbing two mugs from the cupboard and pouring coffee into each of them “i thought you’d be used to a hangover by now”
“I’m never drinking again”
Drake snorted as he walked over handing him one of the mugs “We both know that’s a lie”
Max nodded “yeah” he took a sip of coffee while side eyeing Drake “Sooo...you and Willow looked like you got along last night”
Drake shrugged “just being friendly” taking a swig of his own drink and thumbing at his phone.
“so friendly that you kissed” Max waggled his eyebrows as he nudged Drake’s shoulder with his own.
Drake glanced at Max before looking back down at his phone.
“Drake and Willow sitting in a tree K-I-S-S” 
“Okay” Drake interrupted standing from the couch putting his phone in his pocket “i preferred it when you were dying”
 “Hey!” Max shouted “take that back”
Drake chuckled as he walked over to retrieve his keys from the bowl by the door “I’ll be back at 5″
“Are we watching the game tonight?”
“sure” Drake called over his shoulder as he left the apartment.
Willow’s eyes snapped open as she felt the covers being pulled off of her “5 more minutes” she groaned pawing at the blanket desperately trying to pull it back over her head.
Sophie stood, arms crossed over her chest “Willow get your ass out of bed it’s nearly noon”
Willow sat up rubbing the sleep from her eye’s “fine i’m up, happy now?”
Sophie cocked an eyebrow “sitting up doesn't count as getting out of bed and I've come to help you unpack your stuff”
Willow eyed the boxes around the room full of her things. She’d been back a few days and still hadn't unpacked not wanting the memories of the past 3 months to flood her mind. She sighed as she rubbed a hand down her face “Alright i just need to get this over with”
Sophie sat down on the bed placing a reassuring hand on Willow’s arm “Look i know it hard but the sooner it’s done the sooner you can forget about it”
Willow slowly nodded her head “I know”
Sophie pulled her into a hug “It’s good to have you back Lo, i missed you”
Willow pulled her tighter “i missed you too”
Drake was finishing up his work on the ranch for the day. Walking around the stables making sure all the horses were secure. he left the stables pulling the gate closed and securing the padlock around it. He slid both his hands into his pockets and began walking up the dirt path back towards the ranch. He paused as he looked at over the field's and rolling hills in front of him, the sun peaking over then casting a golden glow. Drake as startled when he heard a voice behind him “Beautiful isn't it?” He turned to see Willow sitting under a tree leaning against it, a sketch book on her lap and various pencils laid on the floor beside her. Drake looked back at the view as he nodded “sure is” he turned making his way towards her “I’m surprised to see you out here” Willow twirled the pencil in her fingers “trying to find inspiration”
Drake sat down beside her as he glanced down at the drawing on her sketch pad “you like drawing?”
“yeah, i’m a bit rusty i haven't drawn anything since I've been back”
“Mind if i take a look” Drake gestured towards her sketch pad. She nodded him handing him the book. she shifted pulling her knees up to her chest and rested her head on her knees as she watched him. Drake turned the pages looking through the drawings. All of them of different landscapes, forests, rivers, lakes and various other locations. Some had pictures taped to the opposite page he guessed used for reference “these are really good”
“you think so?”
“Yeah” Drake nodded “have you been to these places?”
“Most of them, i traveled for 3 months.Took a lot of pictures and decided to draw the ones i liked” Willow shrugged
“i think this ones my favorite” Drake pointed to the drawing on the page. Willow shifted to look over at the book, a smile tugging at her lips “Mine too and lucky for you i can actually take you there” she stood picking up her pencils and took the sketch book from Drakes lap “come on” Willow held out her hand to help Drake up. He took her hand and he got up onto his feet. He followed her to the ranch, just as they reached the steps she turned towards him “wait here i’m just going to put these inside” she motioned to her pad. Drake waited as Willow ducked inside the ranch and then appeared moments later. She lead him round the back of the ranch and to a wooded area, she held out her hand “take my hand it will be easier to get through” Drake placed his hand in hers as they weaved there way through trees and bushes until they came to a clearing. She lead him just short of a little cliff edge and dropped his hand, she sat down with her legs dangling over the edge and patted the space next to her. Drake complied and sat down mimicking her position, He looked out taking in the few. Not far down from the little drop was a lake that sat in the middle of a wooded area, as the trees encircled the lake. the sun shone through the trees causing the water bellow to sparkle in the light. It was quite and peaceful, the only sound to be heard where the birds singing. “This is beautiful i didn't even know it was here”
Willow smiled as she scanned the lake “Most people don’t venture past the trees that’s why” 
“So how do you know it’s here”
Willow sighed “My mom used to bring me here all the time as a kid. every night we would sit out here and talk or just enjoy each others company away from everything. Once she died i used to come out here when i need to think  or draw or just be away from everything when it all got too much. i haven't told anyone about it, it’s always been my own little safe place.”
Drake smiled as Willow slowly swung her legs back and forth over the edge “i’m surprised Sophie doesn't know about this seen as its part of her ranch”
Willow shook her head “It’s not, it’s my families ranch Sophie was just looking after it while i was away”
A comfortable silence fell over them as they both took in the scenery. Drake turned hie attention to Willow allowing himself to drink in the sight of her. Her hair was tied up in a loose messy bun. The way the light hit her caused the gold flecks in her brown eyes to shine. He loved the freckles that were scattered across her nose and sprawled down onto her cheeks. Willow turned to look at him, blushing under his gaze, she grinned caused to deep dimples to appear either side of her face “what?”
Drake shook his head not able to hide the smile on his face “Nothing just...thank you for bringing me up here”
Willow grabbed Drakes hand and squeezed it “I know we only met last night but i like you Drake, Sophie’s told me a lot about you”  
Drake watched as her eyes flitted to his mouth and back up to meet his gaze, he licked his lips in anticipation as she started to lean towards him. There faces were inches apart when Drake’s phone began to ring, he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, he fished his phone out of his pocket to see Max’s name flash across the screen. Willow giggled as Drake rolled his eyes as he answered the call
“What is it Max”
“Drake the game starts in 5 minutes you were meant to be back an hour ago!”
Drake could see Willow Biting back laughter as he smirked at her “yeh sorry i got caught up i’ll head back now”
“Make sure you bring food”
Drake chuckled “okay i will” he ended the call and slide his phone into his pocket. Willow playfully nudged his shoulder “i didn't realize you had a curfew ill keep that in mind next time” Drake laughed as he rose to his feet, offering out his hand to Willow “come on I better head back he’ll only keep calling me otherwise”
the pair walked back to the ranch hand in hand, as they reach the steps to the porch Willow turned to look at him offering him a smile “i guess i’ll see you round”
Drake nodded “i’m sure you will” Willow stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss onto his cheek, she turned and headed up to the front door as she reached it she turned and gave him a small wave which he returned. As she diapered through the door Drake headed towards his truck, a smile plastered on his face as he rubbed his cheek.
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anurasally · 4 years
Formatting Error
(Hey so really been enjoying the multiplayer au stuff by @thecryptidcorvid​  so decided to write a quick little thing. I have more ideas and stuff plotted and this isn’t edited but just wanted to get some words on paper for the first time in a while. So, uh. It’s a oneshot for now. Fic under the cut.
big tw for unreality stuff, but I mean, it’s hlvrai fanfic, that comes with the territory.)
Benry woke up to someone shaking him violently. Hie eyes weren’t even fully open before he realized who it was. The orange gave it away. Not to mention the shouting.
“Benry! Wake up! I can’t find the others.”
 “Huhnh? Wha?” He slapped the AI’s hands away from his shoulders. He sat up slowly and blinked several times to dislodge the crust from his eyes. Normally, he’d make some joke, comment on Gordon touching his chest, but, for some reason… he didn’t want to. There was an odd, uneasy atmosphere, a fuzziness in his head, but Gordon didn’t seem to notice. He was flailing about like usual.
“I swear, if you–”
Benry wasn’t much of a morning person at the best of times, and right now, it felt as if he was getting lag in his own brain.
 “I don’t—What are you talking about?” Benry mumbled. Gordon groaned in frustration. Benry idly remembered that, at some point, Coomer had pulled up Gordon’s console to show him his train of thought. His neuroticism had made a lot more sense after that. Anyone would be anxious, with all that bouncing around their skull.
“The science team. I can’t find them.”
Awareness came slowly to Benry, in chunks.
“You woke me up?” Something about this fact made him sick to his stomach.
“Yeah, of course I woke you up—EVERYONE’S GONE. And I know you have some, some freaky powers, so it’s probably your fault. Where’d they go.”
Benry, not for the first time, regretted how often he feigned ignorance to piss feetman off. Sure, it was funny, but in moments like this, moments where he really had no fucking clue, it just made Gordon madder. At the moment, Gordon’s face had twisted into an expression of sheer close-to-crying frustration. His jaw was so clenched, teeth grinding… Benry could almost see his throat vibrate.
“—SO. I PROMISE I will get you those feet pics.”
Benry suddenly jolted. He’d been staring so hard at Gordon’s face he hadn’t heard a single word he’d said, but the phrase ‘feet pics’ knocked him out of his stupor.
“Oh, word?” His voice was joking, but his face felt hot, his hands sweaty. Somewhere far away, his gut rolled in discomfort.
“Yes. If you use your, your weird alien powers to find my–OUR friends—I will get you the feet pics.”
“…Yeah, okay. Fffucken. Gimme a sec.”
Benry suddenly realized that he had no idea where he was. But—No, this was Black Mesa. He was in Black Mesa. He had to be, right? Gordon was here. He was here. Black Mesa. There wasn’t anything else out there. Right?
Panic gripped at his throat. What the hell was the MATTER with him? He asked himself that a lot anyway, but right now, he really wished he knew the answer. Benry touched the floor. Yep, concrete. But somehow that just made him even more frazzled. He… shouldn’t feel concrete? Why not? It was right there. What the hell was going on? His hand went to his face, traced the lines around his eyes, yep, still shaped the same way he remembered, and—he could rub his eyes. That was wrong for some reason. He had no idea why it was wrong. It just was.
He was… there were crates. It was Black Mesa, of course there were crates. Yeah. And there was a pigeon in the rafters. There was a door, with a keypad scanner. Okay. Okay, yeah, that sounded right. It was there. He could see it.
“Hey, uh, didn’t think I’d be asking this, but—Are you okay?”
“Huh????” Benry startled. Gordon was staring at him. How long had he been staring? Even weirder, Benry’s response hadn’t pissed him off. He just looked… worried? Why? Benry suddenly realized he’d been rocking slightly, running his hands over, over…
His face. He wasn’t wearing a headset.
Of course he wasn’t. He never had? He had, had a helmet, yeah, but.
It was so hard to think. Worse than the usual fog in his head. Something was really, really wrong. He just wished he could figure out what the hell it was.
“BENRY.” Gordon’s shout briefly jolted him out of the rising swell of panic. Benry knew he should have been grateful for the reprieve, but instead, he just felt angry. Angry at himself, which made him angry at Gordon. He wasn't usually a panicky guy. He was a chill, cool dude. He didn’t freak out. And right now, he was acting like a big baby idiot in front of his bro. Cringe.
“Yo, shut up,” He hissed. Gordon flinched away slightly, but it didn't take him too long to set his jaw, cross his arms, and open his mouth for more yelling. Benry didn’t give him the chance.
“You, you shouldn’t—You shouldn’t have woken me up. We’re heavy sleepers. Yeah? Waking, waking me up. Not good. Very bad.”
“Dddddddd. Don’t call me that.” Something about his name was making him feel worse and he didn’t know what it was. The whole not knowing thing was starting to get to him. Even though he had a lot of experience with it, he never was a huge fan of forgetting important things. He huffed slightly in frustration, a noise that sounded loud and crackly.
“Oooookay.” Gordon said, giving him a quizzical look. They stared at eachother silently for a few awkward moments. What?
“…So, WHY shouldn’t I wake you up.” Benry blinked. Oh, it was his turn to talk. Fuck. Okay. And now he had to figure out an answer. As usual when he didn’t know what to say, he just blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
"'Cause it’s rude?”
Gordon looked like he wanted to launch into an angry rant, but he stopped himself. Instead, he stared Benry straight in the eyes. His expression made Benry squirm. It was… mad, sure, but there was more to it. Resignation? Whatever it was, Benry didn’t like it. Fuck, this was hard.
“No. What’s the real reason.”
“That’s—That’s the real reason.” Benry sounded more unsure than ever. Gordon’s gaze had him pinned. He squirmed in place. Why did he feel so guilty? That was the reason, wasn’t it? Or--no. Couldn't be. The actual answer felt like it SHOULD have been obvious, but it was slipping his mind. Gordon had been quiet for too long, and something about the awful, heavy silence forced more words out of Benry’s mouth.
“I, I mean—You woke me up, right?” Benry stammered. Gordon nodded. He was sat on the floor, legs crossed. And he was sitting still. That was wrong too. He was always so animated, like a clown. That was why Benry was always staring at him.
“A-And. I’m not supposed to be awake right now. So I think I can’t remember stuff right.” Gordon pursed his lips in thought, but nodded again.
“So. I’m in Black Mesa, which, not supposed to be here–” Gordon let out a little snort at the phrasing. Oh. Right. Passports were the last thing on Benry’s mind right now.
“Not supposed to be wearing this.” He pulled at the fabric of his uniform. The rough jumpsuit material felt the same as usual. Benry felt another pang of fear. Gordon said nothing.
“And I can’t, I can’t–”
Benry trembled violently. Gordon said nothing.
“I can’t break character?”
Gordon’s eyes were impossibly orange.
Then he smiled, and said:
“Hurts, right?”
 Jaden woke up.
 Jaden did not show up for work the next day.
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har-rison-s · 5 years
i was born to love you: one
request: Ok! Well, could you write a Ben!Roger story? He has an affair with some girl and cheats on the reader but she finds out and the relationship is over. He regrets what he did to her right away and everytime he sees her hanging out with the group (cause she is friends with the boys and Mary) he feels embarrased and sad. He wants her back so he writes a song for her (maybe I Was Born To Love You or a song of your choice) and Idk… a happy ending, please? Is that okay for you?
A/N: Love this idea. Angst is my favourite to write. Hope this meets your dreams, and thank you for requesting. I split this into multiple parts, because I tend to do so haha. Hope you enjoy. Happy reading!
warnings: infidelity, drug use (very slight).
series masterlist
main masterlist
borhap masterlist
borhap!roger masterlist
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Roger sits on the edge of the hotel bed, head down and shoulders slumped. He's tired, drunk and hangover, about to smoke his mind out. But he can't bring himself to even stand up, his eyes fixed on staring at the floor, blown wide and not moving at all. How could he ever do this?
The cause for his greatest regret starts to move around the bed and makes noises that cut like knives into his nerves. Roger can't help but groan out, and her rolling closer to him makes him stand up immediately. Her hands are empty.
He wants to tell her to get out, shout at her, but mostly himself, but Roger realises that he can't even remember her name. He just wants her out of here, out of his sight, out of his life, wishing she'd never been in it at all. 
Roger wishes most of all that he'd never met or seen her while he walks to the small fridge in his hotel room. He opens the door only to meet utter disappointment—there are no drinks left in the fridge. Roger sighs and looks around the rest of the room. It's full of empty beer and whiskey bottles, cigarette butts and plastic cups. Fuck's sake...
“Morning, Roger.” The naked girl in his bed greets him, and Roger glances at her over his shoulder. She's got the hotel bedding wrapped around her, and it's good that she has. His immediate response to seeing her is comparing her every feature to the ones Y/N has. And that makes hie eyes gloss over.
“You can go.” He says to her simply, turning around and pouring himself a glass of water, blinking his tears away. 
“But what if I want to stay?” She asks and Roger shakes his head. He turns around and leans his back against the counter, drinking his water. His eyes fix on her. She's, of course, good-looking, as all the women in the world are, but she can't compare to Y/N.
“Please go.” Roger replies and gestures for the door. “The breakfast is still available downstairs, I think, so...” He trails off, not really knowing what to say. “But don't come back.”
The expression on the girl's face saddens, but she understands. She would have never expected the one and only Roger Taylor to ask her to stay, and even ask her for more. He's famous, and has a girlfriend, after all. She can't help hoping that Y/N Y/L/N won't find out about them two sleeping together. She's just for fun, and she doesn't want to be the reason of a lovely relationship ending. 
She puts on all her clothes and walks out of Roger's hotel room, smiling at him before she does. He doesn't respond in any way, but sighs contently after she leaves. 
Roger calls for room service to clean everything up and throw out the trash. While the old lady does her duty, Roger takes a long shower. He wanted to take a bath, but decided against it when thinking that he'll probably fall asleep there. He has other plans.
Once the cleaning lady has left and Roger's done rolling himself a joint, he lits the end of it and sits on the floor, his back resting against the bed, and he takes a long, deep drag. He needs marijuana to erase any memory of last night and what he's done. Roger was in a dilemma between calling Y/N and telling her about it the second he realised he's been unfaithful and not telling her ever and making himself forget it ever happened.
He can't, of course, control what the girl of the night will do—will she tell the whole world she's slept with Roger Taylor or will she keep quiet. He wishes for both. Roger wishes for a lot of things right now, but none of those things are losing Y/N. 
Roger doesn't even know where she is right now. They came to the party together, but he lost her at one point during the night, but then he thinks she's probably with Deaky, her close friend. That's how they met - through John. When Queen had finally formed and it was time for their first gig, Deaky took Y/N to see them. She was so proud and happy at the gig, and watched all of the guys individually. Then John introduced her to the rest of the band, and Roger had fallen in love with her from the first glance. So had she.
Roger chuckles at the memory and looks up at the ceiling. His eyes are completely red from smoking his joint, and he can't even see properly. He wants to cry so much, but fears that his eyes will start bleeding if he does so. 
How will he ever live with this?
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
“Hi, my love!” Y/N cheers once she comes inside Roger's hotel room. “Sorry, I got up late and then got caught up at breakfast...” She sighs. Her face is free of make-up, laced with lack of sleep and tiredness, but she covers all that up by a bright smile that makes her shine like the actual sun. She searches for Roger in the room, but she can't quite find him. Then she spots his hand on the edge of the bed.
Y/N furrows her eyebrows and puts her things down, walking around the big bed after doing so. Roger's passed out in a sitting position, his left arm resting on his bed and his head almost reaching his lap. Y/N kneels down before him and takes both his cheeks in her small hands, lifting his face up. His face doesn't move a nerve.
“Roger.” She says, trying to wake him up. He still doesn't react. Y/N grins as she knows what will wake Roger up—he hates when Y/N touches his eyes. She stretches down the skin below his left eye with her thumb, doing the same with the skin above the same eye. She notices his eyes are blood-shot. He's been smoking, and surely not just cigarettes. 
There's a groan from Roger and he moves his head away from Y/N's invading fingers. There's a glad smile on her face and she sighs quietly. She moves Roger's face back to her and he squints his eyes, opening them slowly. He's very confused at first, but his eyes focus on Y/N.
“Good morning, Rog.” She says with a soft smile. The corner of his lips tugs up slightly upon seeing her, but then his face changes as if he'd have a heart attack. He hasn't forgot what he did last night. “Why have you smoked your mind out?” Y/N asks. Her voice is so caring, and so innocent. She has no idea what he's done.
“Hi.” Roger finally speaks, his voice imitating the sound of a dog growling. Y/N chuckles and lets him yawn and have his morning stretch, sitting back on her knees. “What time is it?” Roger asks. 
“Almost two, day-time.” Y/N responds, glancing at her watch. “And you, mister, have a plane to catch. I hope you haven't messed your clothes up too much.” She says and pats Roger's leg. Roger looks at her, and his are the perfect example of guilty, though she doesn't see it. Not yet. 
Roger lunges at Y/N, taking her lips between his. His gesture surprises Y/N, and also the horrible smell of his breath, but she gives in. She feels like she hasn't seen Roger in ages. 
Roger's hands comb through her washed hair, and he kisses her more. He feels sad, almost like this would be the last time he can kiss her like this, freely. No matter what happens, he knows the truth will come out at some point. So Roger pulls Y/N even closer to him and kisses her like his life depends on it.
She can't deny the feeling that builds in her stomach from the way Roger's kissing her. But he's practically on the verge of passing out, and they have to get to the airport in time, and get all their stuff in their suitcases before that.
Y/N puts her hands on his cheeks and pushes him away slightly. “Missed me that much, have you?” She asks slowly, her eyes searching his. Roger is avoiding her stare, looking at her lips or even lower. “What's happened, Roger? Why have you smoked so much?”
Roger shrugs. “I just felt like it.” He tries his best. He falls against the bed and Y/N laughs, shaking her head. 
“Felt like being in a coma?” She asks. Roger nods and gives her a grin.
“Sorry, must have had no control over myself.” He tells her, fiddling with this hands and yawning again. Y/N smiles at him sweetly and stands up. 
“'S alright, as long as you don't die.” She says, walking past the bed. “But get up, we have to manage to be at the airport in an hour. Did you take a shower?”
“Yeah.” Roger says, staring through the window. “That was before I smoked.” He mumbles, but Y/N hears him. 
“Then go again, the water's free here.” Y/N chuckles, but Roger doesn't feel like laughing. “Rog. Get up! There's really not much time. And you're always taking long showers.” She says and groans at the last part. Roger grins and pushes out a breathy chuckle. He then stands up and walks over to where Y/N is, wrapping his arms around her slowly.
“Shower with me.” He says, almost begging as his hair tickles Y/N's shoulder and she laughs. 
“I already showered, I feel fresh enough.” She replies and turns around in Roger's hold, looking at him. Her pointer finger bumps his nose and he keeps looking at her lips. “Go.” Y/N laughs again while talking, and slaps Roger's butt. He bites his lip at that, but pulls away from his girl. While she's still his.
Roger nods and walks in a very lazy manner to the bathroom to shower for the second time that day. Y/N gets all his clothes into his suitcase while he's at it and also organises her own stuff, humming one of Queen's songs to herself. It's the end of their tour, and the band and their girls are about to go home. Y/N can't wait having Roger all to herself again for a long time.
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“When the summer’s over I get my house back, I get my name back, and this Mystery Shack junk is over forever.”
AU where Weirdmageddon doesn’t happen. Shortly before the end of summer, Ford gets de-aged. Early 30s. He’s confused and defensive at first, thinking he’s landed in a parallel Earth that’s modded his memories. Stan explains the situation, somewhat reluctantly. Ford runs a test and discovers the truth—he’s home, dimension 47’\
He sees the destroyed portal and can’t believe Stan really got him home. Early 30s Ford hadn’t met Jheselbraum yet, and still had some deep hope of returning home, one day. Wasn’t completely embittered at Stan.
All that to say, Stan tells Ford he can truly have his life back. Stay 30s, restart his research where he left off (give or take one doomsday portal) and keep the house, take back “Stanford Pines” as a family name, not reclaiming it from Stanley. (Like a nephew taking ownership with a family name. Don’t even gotta change names on ownership papers).
Stan says he can have his life back.
Stan offers to steer clear and get out of Ford’s way.
Ford is conflicted. He’s missing years of perspective and knowledge. On the other hand, he’s been dreaming of a do-over for some time
(the metal plate sized down with him as he de-aged, didn’t get removed. At some point summer has ended and the kids returned home in the time it takes them to figure out a cure for Ford.)
He writes and signs himself a letter explaining his reasons for curing himself. In the time it takes, he and Stan have made amends. But he fears he’ll have no recollection of the past couple weeks. He speaks of his decision in the letter, but also his thoughts on his relationship with Stan, so his older counterpart will know where they stood.
Ford, re-aged, remembers none of it. He yells at Stan, blames him, has no idea of the work he and Stan had done to reconcile before re-aging himself, he’s still too angry at his brother for everything against him. Stan, frustrated, takes it all. Takes everything Ford throws at him, but he’s about to boil over, and he’s lost energy at yelling at Ford if his brother is just going to keep shooting him down and shoving him away. He leaves the note in the kitchen and goes for a drive.
Ford finds the letter, reads it, is angry but aimless with it. He realizes he was an ass to Stanley. He decides to apologize.
He waits for Stan to come back home.
And waits.
He paces.
And waits some more.
He goes to bed, annoyed at Stan for making him wait to apologize.
Stan doesn’t show up the next day.
Now he’s worried but he holds onto the annoyance so the guilt won’t set in.
He turns on the news and one of the first stories is about how “local Man of Mystery, Stan Pines was taken to the hospital in a vehicle-vehicle accident last night, still under investigation.”
Ford freezes. The anchorwoman reports with a grim look all of the details, but with a poise and without leaving out any of the known facts. Ford can’t move until he’s jolted back to the present by seeing a commercial for “Baby Fights” that turns him into a whirlwind of activity before hie is running out the door, using some portal tech to speed him to the hospital.
(There is confusion but acceptance at another “Stanford Pines” at the hospital.
“Yes, our father was a jackass, we’re both named Stan. Where is my brother?!”)
It’s not looking good.
Stan isn’t expected to make it.
Ford bursts into the room.
“Stan, Stanley! What happened? What were you doing, you knucklehead?” he asks, voice cracking as his eyes sweep over the broken body of his brother. Stan looks terrible.
Stan chokes on a cough, trying and failing to laugh.
“Spun out in the rain. Couldn’t avoid the other guy. Never—ack—never was that lucky.”
Ford is pulling devices out of his pockets, saying there’s still time, he can fix him, he can fix this.
Stan waves feebly at Ford, shaking his head no.
“It’s too late for me, Sixer. But hey, look at it this way—ah hueck, huh, ouch—you can finally get your life back.” Stan grinned and there was blood on his teeth I nhis weak and tired smile.
“No, Stanley, I don’t want it—not like this—“ his hands flutter at his coat pocket pulling out a picture and shoving it in front of Stan’s face desperately.
“Hold on, Stanley, please, I-I’m so sorry.”
Ford’s hands are shaking as he begs Stan to hold on, the picture trembling in front of Stan’s face.
Stan smiles at it, bringing one hand up to steady Ford’s hand, holding it in his own, a cough wracking his body and causing a low groan of pain in his brother, but Stan doesn’t let go.
“We can get our live back, Stan, our dreams, please don’t die,” Ford begs.
“Promise me you’ll get your life back, Sixer. I’m sorry I had to live it for you,” Stan half-whispers, half-croaks.
“Stanley,” Ford turns his hand so he’s holding Stan’s back and squeezes it. “Don’t leave me. Not again. I—I just got you back.” Stan looks up from the picture into Ford’s eyes.
“Love my family,” he mumbles before his eyes roll back into his head and Ford hears a long, high-pitched beep.
Stan. Stan flat-lining.
“No! No, Stanley! You’re not—you can’t be—“ Ford sobs over his brother’s body, leaning down to gather his brother in a hug with his free arm, still holding Stan’s hands, the picture crushed between them.
The doctors come and try to move him, to make preparations, but Ford doesn’t budge. He weeps over his brother’s cooling body, apologizing and saying everything his pride wouldn’t let him before that.
Too little, too late.
The service, the kids, everything was too much. He could barely look them in the eye, knowing how they’d loved their Grunkle but he’d been the reason they lost him.
He goes through the motions with a certain hardened determination.
After everything is settled, he goes back to the Shack.
Everything is packed away. It’s just an empty house again, like it was decades ago, when he first moved there.
Ford figures out how he was de-aged originally. He writes himself a letter, signs it, with proof of dimension and authenticity. He creates a more accurate tool for it, then de-ages himself.
A younger Ford appears, suspicious but eventually accepting.
He reads the letter.
He takes his life back.
And he lives the life Stan had wanted for him all along.
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lex1nat0r · 6 years
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Four of this show’s twenty-four episodes were recaps. In this case I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator of the quality here; the plot is meandering and none of the characters really have clear motivations. I don’t have a very high opinion of this show. I’ll try to explicate some of the show’s sins that stood out to me below the thinger. Watch out for spoilers, I guess.
As a disclaimer, the last episode teased another series or a movie or something that might clear up some of my issues, maybe. But after sitting through twenty-four episodes I’m not feeling inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt.
Alright, time to air my grievances in no particular order. Let’s see, first of all, the thing that I keep getting hung up on, is that this series centers around these HIE androids, and yet the question of personhood... never comes up. The HIEs are considered objects and need an ‘owner’ to take legal responsibility for their actions but I can’t remember the concept of HIE rights even getting lip service in the show. I’m not sure how self-aware the average run-of-the-mill HIEs are, but it still seems like a glaring omission in a show like this. Arato, the main guy, repeatedly declares his love for Lacia, but still refers to her as an object. To be fair, there’s a pretty big plotline about an HIE model being developed to take over some function of government (that’s also left pretty vague, it might just be tallying votes from the general populace), but still the question of self-aware HIEs is just glossed over. There could be room for a story involving sentient androids like this that ignores the personhood debate, but given how much focus Beatless puts on the HIEs, it isn’t this one.
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The evil(?) corporation is called Meme Frame. I’ll just let that sink in.
So this story is mostly about these five main HIEs, the Lacia-class. And the origin story of these is that they were designed by a super-intelligent AI for... some reason, and then built by humans. The way it’s framed makes it sound like the AI, Higgins, just submitted these designs out of nowhere and all the people involved shrugged their shoulders and just started building them because why not. I would have liked some more explanation about that! At least I’m actually on board with the reason the Lacia-classes escape. It was some guy who wanted to see how these HIEs designed by an AI would influence the future. I can get behind that as a motivation. Even if the explanation of where these super advanced HIEs came from makes everyone involved seem rock-stupid.
The kicker is that one of the Lacias, Kouka, gets mass-produced at the end of the series, but with white hair. Higgins says that the red hair the original Kouka had was due to an ‘unknown substance’. WHAT!? Higgins, you designed her! And she was explicitly supposed to be built by humans (as a stepping-stone to building the later Lacia models). How could any part of her be from an ‘unknown substance’!?
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I’m not making this up!
Anyway, the guy who released the Lacia-class HIEs has possibly the clearest motivation of anyone in the series. At least he actually explains why he did it. Arato kind of has a clear motivation, he just wants to be with his robot waifu and... use her to create some kind of ‘future’ for them. What that means is never actually explained. It’s eventually revealed that Lacia herself wants to learn how AIs can control humans or something and may have just been using Arato. It was a good twist, whatever it was. Snowdrop, another Lacia unit, also has a pretty clear motivation; she just wants to get rid of humans because their networks interfere with her robo-bug things. I’m not sure what Kouka’s deal is. She works with the anti-HIE terrorist group, Antibody (at least, I think that’s what their deal is), for... some reason. Something about wanting humans to choose their own future? Again, it’s not clear. She strong-arms one of Arato’s friends (whose name I forget because he disappears around like episode 18) into becoming her owner and he actually has what I think is the best characterization of the show. At one point he has a little speech about how he’s angry at the world for moving on without him. That’s a good motivation! Actually exploring the concept of an unevenly distributed future and making that what’s driving one of the characters!
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Seriously, you could make a whole series about that.
But alas, he gets arrested and we’re back to focusing on people in conflict for... some reason. Methode is another Lacia-class, who wants... freedom? I think? One of her owners is Ryo, another of Arato’s erstwhile friends who decides he must be stopped because... Ryo doesn’t think Arato should trust Lacia? But he himself is trusting Methode to not be manipulating him! I don’t know, this is the central conflict of the latter half of the show and I’m left wondering what exactly the ideological conflict the show is trying to portray.
The final Lacia unit is Saturnus, who is actually called... Mirage? Marriage? through most of the show. She becomes the maid of a character named Erica because she decides that Erica would be her ideal owner. Erica’s an interesting concept for a character - she was put into cryosleep a century earlier (I’m... not sure why) and awakens now and is still in control of her company’s assets. There’s an interesting bit where she tells Saturnus that she doesn’t care for this future and so just wants to have the Lacia units go at each other to see what develops. That’s another cool motivation! Someone from the past who decides that this isn’t the future they were promised so they might as well watch it burn. They would make a great villain. Except Erica... doesn’t actually do anything. I’m pretty sure she and Saturnus could be cut from these episodes and the story wouldn’t suffer for it. Maybe she actually has some schemes in the next bit.
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What she does have is an obsession with Hello Kitty.
As one final gripe, the show keeps using its made up term ‘analogue hack’, which seems weird considering we already have the term ‘social engineering’.
The tone Beatless sets feels like it’s trying to make some big philosophical point about something. But the actual execution gets it very lost in the weeds. I’m sure there are better shows for... whatever Beatless is trying to do. Like Ghost in the Shell, or maybe Plastic Memories. All I know is these twenty-four episodes burned me out hard and I’m not interesting in seeing the follow-up thing, whatever that turns out to be.
1 note · View note
eckva-archive · 6 years
ECKVA video Transcripts - updated ECKVA15
Please Note I’ve included the text visible as well as audio.  Feel free to message me if there are any mistakes or know what the missing audio/music is. Thanks
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
SO MANY NEW THINGS Coming to your television set
Stay inside
See what’s important
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
ECKVA IS HIEING Our career fair is taking place next t-
COMPETITIVE PAY (Calculator numbers:: 52366 , 52124.36)
APPLY NOW http://www.eckva.net/careers
NOTES:: When Was This?
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
(Background covered with the word-)TEST
“Alis Pastry” Test #452 Copyright ECKVA netwo- Dept: children's progr-
(Music unknown)
Stay inside stay inside ?? ?? ?? still be alive I see you watching the ad’s ???
Why not start your new life today
NOTES: Eckva Network Was Supposedly Developing A Children’s Show At Some Point. But Its Name Was Never Revealed.
NOTES: Could It Have Been “Alis Pastry”? This Version Seems Way Too Crude.
NOTES: “Why Not Start Your New Life Today” Also Sounds Very Familiar To Me But I Can’t Figure Out Why.
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
We’’l be right back.
Life needs your full attention. There’s no reason to give it any less. But sometimes, things happen that our out of our control. That’s why there’s Preaxin.
-Taking Preaxin don’t drive or operate heavy machinery. Common side effects include: nausea, headache, fatigue, ataxia, drowsiness and dizziness.  Sleepwalking, eating and driving can also occur. Abnormal behaviours such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal. Confusion, agitation and hallucinations may occur. If you experience any of these behaviors contact your doctors immediately.
So get back to the things that matter and ask your doctor for more information about Preaxin.
Preaxin. Why not start your new life today.
NOTES: I interviewed for a job with ECKVA a long time ago. Back when It was still operating.
NOTES: I was taking Preaxin around that time too.
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
(Music unknown)
Normal ECKVA service has been interrupted to bring you a important service announcement. There will be a knock at the door. Do not open it. Stay inside today and watch TV. This is very important. This is very important. Keep looking at me. Keep looking at me. Keep-keep
NOTES: The internet connection at the house was interrupted before the broadcast completed.
NOTES: This caused the auto upload to me to be cut short.
NOTES: I have to drive out there to see what happened.
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
I inherited this house several years ago and don’t have the money to fix it.
While cleaning it out one day. I found that this area was able to pick up the ECKVA broadcast signals that I thought no longer existed.
I put together a crude setup to have the station monitored at all times, and for any broadcasts to be automatically recorded and sent to me.
Some faulty wiring caused the problem during the last broadcast.
(Signal numbers. 2400. 9735)
Another Broadcast had already been picked up once I got home.
/////refreshing receiver list///// … … 1 receiver of null online … !exception occurred in system … -running “brightest_light”
Are you sorry for leaving
NOTES: Was it waiting on me?
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
“Alis pastry” Ep 99.002 “alis goes to TV- Copyright ECKVA Network
“Alis pastry” -051 “alis goes to doctor” -ght ECKVA Network
(Background with text repeating) -UT ERROR INPUT ERROR INPUT ERROR INPUT ERROR
diagnosis does not see what’s important
house call dispatched
NOTES: I have no more doubts. This is specifically about me.
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
LIVE FEED (music unknown)
ADVERTISEMENT Drug testing trails underway in your area *PAID FOR PARTICIPATION* For more information PLEASE CALL --------
NOTES: The auto upload was cut off before the bread cast could end again.
NOTES: I have to go back to the house and fix it.
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
YOU Listennow
Someone broke into the house and left me this note and pill.
If I remember right, the pill looks exactly like Preaxin did when I was taking it.
Once I was home. I checked ECKVA.net and found that /database/452 was password protected.
After some trial and error I figured out the password is “Listennow452”
Arklistener v0.0.9 STATUE: Online “Automated system message” New broadcast upload complete
A broadcast was picked up right after I logged in
!MONITORING ACTIVE Checking system for updates … System up to date … Checking receiver point ONLINE
- running “brightest_light”
HOUSECALL COMPLETE Why not start your new life today
NOTES: Whoever broke into the house has a define connection to ECKVA
NOTES: They may even be the one responsible for the broadcasts
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
Alis learns to listen
Housecall complete
Preaxin -Covered by most insurance- -Low dosage word for many- -80% report feeling better within days- -----don’t you want to see-----
NOTES: The pill I found in an envelope at the house has got to be Preaxin.
I got rid of it
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
Quietbug comes home
!MOINTORING ACTIVE … Receiver point ONLINE … … !FAULT DETECTED … … …. !response required -respond with accept? --
NOTES: The house in the beginning of this is definitely based on the one I inherited.
NOTES: I’m going back there to set up some kind of security system so no one breaks in again.
NOTES: Then I’m staying away.
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
Checking system for updates … !system update detected v.0.1.0-Install? y/n … ------------------_____________50%  (0 to 100%) … Restarting… ……………………………………………………………….
*********v.0.1.0********* … Restoring previous output … Retreving layout data …
*********v.0.1.0********* ... Run “scheduled_programming”
Quietbug and the brightest light
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
/////scanning archived faults/////
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
ø Æ\èr°sòâE,=\±ø#ãÍRTEÒ Þ7 $™pžæ€<Ûs4qÅHÝØy«KÄ>¹ðÏ^oôkü5Åœ
²«qœŠîŒÝÓF7’Ý»S‰Ý•ô©Šì |¤<i»ó Ah ø8>õpʹ’)ï•l¨ÏÖ >w8>,€¹ž
(note: well write more at later date)
  everything you need
  stay inside and watch Your Favorite Program
  it’s better at the touch of a button
  it’s better at the touch of a button
  An ECKVA Network Production
  /////retrieving message client history/////
  ø Æ\èr°sòâE,=\±ø#ãÍRTEÒ Þ7 $™pžæ€<Ûs4qÅHÝØy«KÄ>¹ðÏ^oôkü5Åœ
²«qœŠîŒÝÓF7’Ý»S‰Ý•ô©Šì |¤<i»ó Ah ø8>õpʹ’)ï•l¨ÏÖ >w8>,€¹ž
(note: well write more at later date)
  *SHawkins1928: I sent you the missing footage
*ARaymond4848: Great, thanks!
*SHawkins1928: No problem
*SHawkins1928: I have a quick question before you leave if you’re not in a hurry
*ARaymond4848: Okay
*SHawkins1928: Is anything besides footage stored in the archive?
*ARaymond4848: I don’t think so
*ARaymond4848: Why?
*SHawkins1928: I found an old computer program stored in it
*ARaymond4848: That’s strange
*SHawkins1928: Does “Arklistener” sound familiar at all?
*ARaymond4848: Nope
*ARaymond4848: Tell Danielle about it I guess?
*SHawkins1928: I will
  /////end of thread/////
-- + -- + -- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ---
16 notes · View notes
muse--minded-a · 6 years
ℒ (Daveline + Daisy/Reg + Garrick/Luna)
A streak of red and gold and brown rushed past the crowd. It was so noisy in the Gryffindor stands, but this sacrifice i=was worth it, because Davey was here cheering with the rest of his classmates. Benjy sat beside him, draped in a Gryffindor scarf over his Ravenclaw robes. Davey looked like he was there just casually cheering on his house, but he was really only there for one person in particular. 
Emmeline flew deftly around the pitch, looking regal and confident. She hovered, watching the action around the quaffle, waiting for her in. She spotted it soon, streaking off toward the other end of the pitch. Slytherin’s beater saw it too, and he set off after her. He whacked a bludger in her direction, and Davey’s breath caught in his throat. Emmeline was so focused on what she was trying to accomplish that she didn’t even see it coming. 
Davey shouted her name, but there was no way she could hear him over the crowd, and the bludger smacked her in the shoulder, knocking her off her broom. Hie heart leaped out of his chest and he stood, frantic. This kind of thing happened all the time, but this was Emmeline, not just any person. 
“Whoa, mate,” Benjy caught Davey’s arm and he realized he’d been nearly about to jump down into the pitch. “Hey, Emm will be fine.” The officiant had caught her before she hit the ground, and lowered her down safely, but Davey couldn’t see her anymore. “I have to go,” Davey mumbled to his best friend. Benjy gave him a look, but he knew Davey, and let him go. 
It took what felt like forever for him to wade through the crowd and start running up to the castle. He knew she’d be in the hospital wing. He knew that this wasn’t a life or death situation, but it had sort of felt like one, and one thing echoed in his mind as he made his way up. I have to tell her I love her. He’d been debating asking her out on a date, but hadn’t quite made up his mind or found the courage yet. But now he would. He was ready. He needed to tell her. 
Regulus had always been the most cautious person in whatever group he was in. He was far more mild than Sirius, and the Black cousin that hung back from the action most of the time. He didn’t like having to make decisions, or go against the grain, or have a lot of responsibility. all the Slytherin wanted in life was to get through it, quietly in the background, and make no ripples. 
But he was about to do something that had the potential to make some big ripples. 
He waited for Daisy at their usual meeting spot, an out of the way corridor by the charms classroom, with a bouquet of wildflowers in one hand. As far as she knew, they were just meeting to do classwork together. 
Her brunette head appeared from around the corner and her smile lit up the cobblestones, and it made something in Regulus’ gut flop, in a good way. “Daisy,” he said before she could say anything. “I know I’ve been beating it around the bush, but I want you to know something.” He held out the handful of flowers. 
Daisy took them, looking at him expectantly with her beautiful, innocent eyes. “What is it, Reggie?” His gut flopped again, but in a bad way. He was about to go home, in a few days, when the term ended. He was about to be sworn in as a Death Eater. He was supposed to hate people like her- Muggleborns. But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Despite everything his parents had tried to instill into him. 
“I love you,” he said quietly. “No matter what happens. Remember that, ok? You don’t need to say it back or anyth-” 
She cut him off, shaking her head. At first he thought she was about to say that this was all too much for her. “I love you too, Regulus.” She leaned into him and stood on her tiptoes, and pressed her soft lips to his. For the first time in a very long time, it felt like things might not be so bad. 
Luna said it so easily- “I love you.” She said it over breakfast, grinning like an idiot over her oatmeal, while Garrick scarfed down a piece of toast. Garrick was never organized, especially in the morning, so he was rushing about, coat half on, notebooks in a precarious pile on the counter, and he’d just said he was ready to leave when she said it. Garrick didn’t have time to freeze, he was already late for the expedition to the caves, and he had his mouth full of toast, so all he could think to do before disapparating was use his thumbs and pointer fingers to make little finger guns at her. 
And then he was gone. 
The disheveled Ravenclaw stumbled back to the ground outside his meeting point and straightened his coat. The witch who was giving him the tour was already giving him an odd look. “Sorry I’m late,” Garrick breathed. “Shall we?”
“Are you okay?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. The tip of her wand lit up as she allowed him entry to the cave, where he was looking for some dark dwelling creatures, always for more wand core experiments. 
Garrick was already jotting something down in his notebook. “Hm? Oh, peachy.” 
The magizoologist shrugged and let him do his work. It only lasted a few minutes before Garrick turned, somewhat startling in the semidarkness, and said, “No, actually, I’m not okay.” He sighed. “You see, my girlfriend told me she loved me this morning as I was leaving.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Did you say it back?” 
Garrick threw his hands up in the air. “No! I didn’t know what to do! She pulled it out of nowhere! I just did this-” he showed her his finger guns. “And disapparated!”
The witch gave a low whistle. “Yikes.” 
Garrick ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. “You’re not very good at giving advice.”
“I never claimed to be,” she replied. They continued on with their work in silence, but again, it only lasted for a few minutes. “So, do you love her?”
Garrick frowned. “I think so. I mean, I really like having her around, and she’s really funny and very, very cute,” he replied. But he’d never been in love before. How would he know if this was it or not? 
Had he just said that out loud? The witch cocked her head. “Is she the first thing you want to see in the morning and the last thing you want to see at night? If you got stranded on a desert island, would you want her to be the one person there with you? When you’re stuck in bed with a nasty cold, do you want her to be the one making you chicken soup?” 
He took a long moment to think, standing in the dark. “Yeah,” he said, feeling a little dumb. “Yeah, I do.” 
“Then what are you waiting for?” the witch asked. “Go tell her that. I can reschedule this with the department for you.”
Garrick’s face lit up. “Really? Thanks!” They turned and headed back the way they came. This trip could wait. 
When they reached the mouth of the cave, Garrick’s jaw dropped. Luna was sitting calmly outside, playing solitaire in the dirt. She looked up when she heard the footsteps. “Oh, I thought you’d take much longer on your expedition,” she mused. 
Garrick’s brow wrinkled. “What-? How-?”
Luna stood, gathering her cards with a flick of her wand before tucking it behind her ear. “You seemed off when you left this morning. I wanted to make sure you were ok. I thought if I sat out here it’d send good vibes down there where you were.” 
His lips twitched up into a smile. “Luna Lovegood, I love you.” 
She smiled back. “I know.” She pointed her fingers at him in the same way he had earlier. Garrick laughed and stepped forward to sweep her up in his arms, trench coat swirling as he did so. 
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lubdubsworld · 7 years
The Lake House ( Namjin )
chapter 4
“it could have been a carpet.” Hoseok said, sounding perfectly reasonable, as Jin balanced the phone between his shoulder and his cheek bone as he dropped the laundry into the basket.
“but it looked like a body....” Jin protested. “And it was such a stormy night , perfect for disposing a body. Also i didn’t imagine it, because yesterday i went back and there were tire tracks all over the lawn.”
“come on, Jin. Would the guy seriously kill his husband ? you told me they went at it like rabbits...”
“but still...”
“did you go see the house again? Maybe the kid is back now. “ 
“I... I can’t go back there, I’m so terrified. “ Jin whispered.
“Why don’t you take one of those welcome home baskets again and go snoop. that way if Mr. Murderer catches you, you’ll at least have an excuse for being there.”
“i love you.”
Hoseok chuckled before hanging up. Jin placed the phone back on the table , before picking up the basket of laundry and moving to the bedroom. He passed the hallway, glancing at the wicker basket . once he finished putting the folded laundry away, he grabbed the basket again and moved to the lawn, and then  out into the driveway. 
He walked around the house, calling out for Jung Kook tentatively. The house seemed deserted. He glanced at the tire tracks from the other nioght and felt some of his resolve return. Steeling himself, he stepped onto the patio, going around the length of the wooden structure and stopping when he saw the same cardboard box with jung Kook’s name on it. 
He opened it tentatively, stared at the few t shirts and a small pair of basketball shorts. He flipped the cover back on and his eyes caught sight of the postmark, almost smudged completely, his eyes picking out just the last syllable.
He scratched a bit more and noticed a ‘b’ .
Jung kook was from busan, right? 
“Jung kook ssi?!” He called out loudly, his voice ringing out through the silence of the woods and startling a few birds into flight. 
He went back around the patio and stopped when he remembered the shoe that he had picked up earlier. The one with the blood stains. It made him nervous, the knowledge that all these little clues just screamed about something ominous and yet there was nothing he could do about it. 
He thought of the face in the lake. 
And why was jin the only one feeling these things? Didn’t anyone else notice? Worse, why did Namjoon not believe him? 
Feeling incredibly lonely, Seokjin shivered, the icy wind from the lake making his skin breakout in gooseflesh. He gripped the basket tighter and made his way back around the patio. 
And found himself face to face with Min Yoongi.
“Can i help you?” yoongi said briskly and Jin felt his fingers go icy cold in terror.
“I... “ Get it together, Kim Seokjin....
“ Hi,...” He laughed, relaxing a little.” I’m Seokjin . I just.. i wanted to give you this..” he held the basket out. “ To welcome you, to the neighborhood. “ 
Yoongi gave him an even smile.
“thank you . but this is really not a good time.” He said firmly.
“I .. is your husband in? i met him the other day..is he...alright?”
“He’s fine. Please, i’m a little busy and...”
“Isn’t he in , now?” Seokjin insisted, aware that he sounded a little rude.
yoongi stopped and frowned.
“He’s not.” He said shortly.
“When will he be back?” 
“Seokjin ssi...”
Seokjin bit his lips in frustration, offering Yoongi a wan smile. 
“alright. Please let him know that i really want to see him again.” Seokjin said firmly, and yoongi gave him an even smile.
“Thank you, Seokjin ssi.” 
‘Let me get this straight. You went there and broke into their house...”
“i did not break into their house... Are you even listening to me...”
“you harassed him.... hyung, you can’t just....” 
“i asked him where jung Kook was... Why shouldn’t i..?!” 
“Because it’s none of our business , that’s why....” 
“Hyung.. what is this? ! First it’s voices.. and then you’re stalking the neighbours... Hyung.. why are you doing this...” Namjoon sounded exasperated. 
“Namjoon, I know what i saw... that boy seemed so distressed and ...”
“ you’re pretty distressed now... Doesn’t mean, i fucking killed you hyung....” Namjoon snapped. 
“do you need to see someone hyung?”
“Do you want me to make an appointment with Dr. Lee...”
“i’m not crazy!”
“I’m not saying you are hyung.. i just... this paper is so important to me and it;’s obvious you need someone to talk to... he’s a good guy.. he can really help you...”
“i’m not seeing a fucking psychiatrist!!” 
“then, why won’t you just let me sleep hyung?! its one in the morning and you won’t stop thinking about something that isn’t even real!! “
Seokjin bit his lips, refusing  to answer and turning on his side to stare at the wall instead. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that jung kook was hurt. How could he? 
And Namjoon was smart yes, but he could be so awfully pig headed sometimes. 
Sighing, he stood up gripping the edge of the sheets. 
“Where are you going hyung?” Namjoon said tiredly.
“i need to get some air....” Jin muttered, before rising up and moving out into the hallway. He almost walked past the bathroom when his eyes caught the subtle movement, out of the corner of his eyes.
A flash of something bright, darting into the bathroom, quick as light. 
Hie entire body went cold.
 Call Namjoon. Now.  
And tell him what? I saw something ... He’d believe you at once. 
Gripping the edge of his t shirt , he moved carefully to the bathroom door, staring down at the gap between the floor and the door.
There was a foggy mist , billowing out of the small space, hot and humid. 
Swallowing, Jin pushed the door open. 
The entire bathroom was smothered in the humid mist, the tub filled with hot water and overflowing into the floor , the mirror completely fogged over the entire place so uncomfortably hot, that jin flinched.
 Did i leave the tub running? No, i did not....
 He moved to the tub, walking slowly through the hazy condensation that was almost opaque. He reached the tub, peering into the watery expanse of the porcelain bowl. 
Reaching into the hot water , he reached for the plug.
 A pale grey face, wide and grinning with greying teeth and murky brown hair stared out at him , dead eyeballs swiveling inside rotting sockets as it turned to stare at him.
“ Jiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn” .....It moaned. 
Sokjin screamed so loud , his vision clouded. 
Namjoon was inside , with him a second later, gathering him close and hugging him, whispering platitudes and somehow the fog was gone, the face in the tub was gone..... and Seokjin.
Seokjin was terrified out of his mind. 
“Are you on any medication, Seokjin ssi...?” the psychiatrist, an old frind of Namjoon was relatively young, a bright intelligent looking man in a sweater and vest. He smiled softly and Seokjin relaxed marginally. 
“I just... i’ve bee talking some valium...when i have trouble sleeping...”
“Why do you have trouble sleeping?” 
Seokjin sighed. 
“i... my son, Taehyung... he just left for college and i miss him.. a lot i guess... and we’ve been stressed out with the house and stuff..... but i’m fine.... I’m ... i don’t want to be here. My husband just thinks.... ” Seokjin stopped, shifting nervously on the upholstered couch. 
“Your husband thinks you should be? ” 
“Namjoon... well...  Honestly, he’s probably just hoping you would pack me up with some prozac or something  so he can live out the rest of his life in peace. ” Seokjin laughed nervously. 
Mr. Lee hummed. 
“he’s worried about you.” 
“Yes.. Of course... i....   namjoon thinks that it would be good for me to have someone to talk to. Since he’s been really busy lately. “
“And how does that make you feel? Him being busy....”
Seokjin sighed. 
“I know how important this is for him... This conference... it’s his life’s work...” 
“You used to be a thetre major... I remember Namjoon mentioning that...”
“Yes.. Yes. “ Seokjin smiled.
“You didn’t pursue it as a career?” 
“Well.... I had Taehyung to take care of and i met Joon.. so...”
“I understand. So you’re okay?” 
“Yes... I .. I just... lately , i’ve been hearing voices and...”
“Well, honestly...Can i just be truthful with you?”
“By all means.”
“There’s a ghost in my house.” 
Seokjin waited for the laughter but it never came. 
“A ghost?” Mr. Lee said thoughtfully. 
Seokjin nodded. 
“And whose ghost..is this?”
Seokjin hesitated...
“i’d.. rather not say.”
Mr. Lee nodded. 
“In that case, have you tried contacting this spirit?”
Seokjin laughed aloud at that.
“Contacting... what, you mean you want me to get a ouija board or something....” He stopped laughing when he saw the look on Mr. Lee’s face.
He swallowed.
Maybe he should stop by at the store on the way then.
“Hyung, you know there is nothing that terrifies me more than ghost stuff... why would you even do this to me?” Hoseok whimpered sitting cross legged on the floor , watching Seokjin as he set up the small table in the middle of the bathroom, right next to the bathtub. 
“Shut up seok ah...” Seokjin said mildly, placing the ouija board carefully on the table before placing the planchet on it. He turned off the lights, before lighting the two candles on the table. He hesitated just a bit before opening the closet and pulling out a brown paper wrapped package.
“what is that?” Hoseok muttered staring at it.
Seokjin sat cross legged opposite Hoseok, the table between them, and carefully pulled out the shoe from the package. 
“oh my God.. you stole the dead boy’s shoe....” Hoseok gawked at the boot before frowning.” Wait..is that blood on it?”
“i read that ...having something of the spirit ... could help us reach it... faster...” Seokjin mumbled. 
Hoseok sighed.
He shook out his fingers before carefully placing his fingertips on the planchet. 
“Fine.. hyung.. let’s do this..” He said briskly. 
Seokjin sighed, mimicking hoseok’s actions and pressing his fingers on the wooden frame as well.
“We wish to commune with the-”
Hoseok chortled.
“What?’ Seokjin hissed.
“Wish to commune...” Hoseok giggled. 
Seokjin sighed.
“youre right.. this is stupid... “ He muttered, pulling away with a sigh and Hoseok sobered up at once.
“okay..okay.. I’m sorry hyung.. i didn’t mean to laugh at you.. let’s do this.. for real. Come on... Let’s do it...”
“Don’t laugh then...” 
“i swear I won’t !!” 
Seokjin sighed and they both touched the planchet again. 
“We wish to communi cate ..with the spirit of Jung Kook...” 
A sudden weeping chill went through the bathrrom and Hoseok stiffened.
“did you feel that?” he muttered. Seokjin stared at the candle.
The light was flickering . 
“Why is it doing that?” Hoseok whispered, eyes wide as he stared at the flamed. 
“Sshhh....” Seokjin whispered, slowly pulling his fingers away from the planchet. Hoseok did too and they stared at the little wooden piece for a second. 
It moved , a short sharp movement that made both of them jump and a second later, the door slammed open. 
Hoseok screamed and then stared in disbelief at the  figure on the door way. 
As Seokjin sent Hoseok off, he couldn’t help but linger in the doorway.
“Hobi...about our little ..seance... Namjoon doesn’t need to know...” He said softly.
hoseok smiled softly.
“I won’t tell if you won’t tell.” He whispered. 
“It’s just... after the accident... he’s been treating me differently. Like i’m this,...fragile...loopy.... “ Seokjin stopped.” Well, i am seeing ghosts in the bathtub, aren’t I?” He said softly. 
“Hey... You wrapped a car around a tree, going at around 90. He was pretty shaken up. “ Hoseok sighed. “ We all were.”
“Yes...but.. i’m okay now. i’m fine... i... right?” Seokjin said helplessly.
Hoseok hugged him close. 
“Of course you are hyung.....” Hoseok hugged him and Seokjin held on a few seconds longer than usual. 
once he left, this time taking Mickey with him, Seokjin sighed and cleaned up the ouija board and the candles and the shoe . He made sure the plug was out of the tub. 
He just finished closing the bathroom door behind him when the sound of shattering glass made him pause. 
biting his lips, he slowly made his way back downstairs.
It was the picture frame with the newspaper clipping. Swallowing , he moved to stare at the shattered pieces on the floor. 
Sighing, he reached for the dust can nearby, carefully picking up the pieces. He cleaned it all up and then spent the rest of the night fitting a new glass pane over it. once he was done, he moved to the living room only to freeze in space when he saw the computer on. 
He stared at the screen.
Seokjin shut his eyes, opening them again . 
“What do you want from me?!!!” He screamed out loud. 
And then he watched as the mirror across the hallway fogged over right in front of his eyes , letters appearing in spidery , watery tendrils. 
 You know.........
 The doorbell rang, startling him terribly and Seokjin took a deep breath, moving to open the door.
“He killed him.” He said, voice shaking and entire body sweaty with anger and terror. 
Namjoon looked thrown...
”What...? Hyung....who ?”
“ You know damn well who!!” Seokjin screamed, nerves frayed beyond endurance. 
“Yoongi....?? Hyung...”: Namjoon started but Seokjin was too distraught to listen. He paced back and forth, fingers shaking as he struggled to speak. 
“hoseok and i had a Seance.... nothing happened... but now... just now he was here... i could feel him....” He shouted.
“What? You had a seance?” Namjoon said , voice deadly calm. 
“He killed him, Joon ah.... that boy is dead and now he keeps tormenting me....”
“Hyung.... are you angry at me?” Namjoon snapped and Seokjin frowned.
“Are you resentful that I've been so busy? “
“what..no.. joon...”
“You know damn well how important this paper is to me... i can’t help but wonder if this is you trying to... sabotage me or something...”
“No..no.. No namjoon..this isn’t about you.. this is about me... this is about this house... something is happening in this house whether you like it or not....” 
The sound of a car door slamming shut made them both pause. Seokjin peered over the window.
it was Yoongi. He was getting out of his car , locking it. 
“i’m going to prove it to you right now.”
Before Namjoon could catch him, Seokjin yanked the door open, running down the stairs and across the garden, past the driveway and out into the neighbors . 
He ignored Namjoon’s shouts and ran right up to Yoongi, grabbing the shorter man’s arm and yanking him back, hard.
“what the-”
“You!!” Seokjin snarled, furious. “ You think you’re so smart don’t you? You think you got everyone fooled. Well, I know you killed him.... you murdering son of a bitch!!” He shouted. 
Namjoon appeared just then, looking apologetic.
“Yoongi ssi...I’m so sorry...”
“Wait..what... killed who?” Yoongi looked slack jawed and surprised.
“Your husband!!” Seokjin screamed. “ You killed jung Kook and-”
“Yoongi hyung?” 
Seokjin froze at the familiar voice, turning around . 
He felt oddly faint. 
it was jung Kook. Alive and well. He was staring at Seokjin like he was seeing him for the first time. 
“Whats wrong, hyungie?” Jung Kook said nervously moving into Yoongi’s arms and the older wrapped an arm around him cuddling him close. 
“i would never hurt my husband... “ Yoongi whispered, looking confused and Seokjin felt his head pound and ache.... 
Jung kook was fine. He was alive. 
He was okay.
So who was the boy in the lake? 
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Hi! Could I request a nsfw scenario where Bakugou and his gf fight and Bakugou says something very mean to her and she storms out, but later she goes to her dorm and they make up? Ohh!! And BTW! I'm so happy that I found your blog, I love it so much! You're so good!
Admin Speaks: Glad you found me too! Always happy to have new kids to care about followers!
Sitting in his dorm room you could feel the tension. He had something to say, that was clear enough by the way he kept glaring at you and growling incoherent words under his breath. You could feel his eyes burning into the back of your uniform as you tried to focus on your schoolwork and couldn’t take it any more. “Bakugou, do you have something you want to say?” You turn towards him and he growls out a no before turning back to his schoolwork. Sighing, you turn back around to continue working.
The awkward silence filling the room was unnatural. Usually he would be boasting about how great he is and how he will become number one hero, but today it was silent. “Bakugou, I want to know what your thinking.” you state and turn back towards him again. “Fuck off.” he flicked an eraser at you before turning around again. You huffed and activated your quirk, slowly pulling his chair towards where you were sitting on the bed. “For fucks sake (Y/n) stop using your shitty quirk and get your school shit done!” he raged and stood up from the chair, tipping it backwards as it fell to the floor. “Shitty quirk?” you whispered to yourself, hurt from his choice of words. “Yes! That shitty useless quirk on yours! All you can do is pull and push objects to you! Do you know how fucking lame that is?! Shitty Deku’s mom has the same fucking quirk! I don’t even know how you think you’ll become a hero with that stupid ass quirk!” he seethed at you and watched your face as your eyes slowly began to water. You bit your bottom lip, trying to compose yourself and failing. You stood up and wiped your eyes, “Well at least I don’t destroy everything I touch.” you shot back at him before walking out of his dorm room.
You couldn’t be here any longer. Not in his dorm, not in your dorm, you had to get out. You wandered out of the dorm building and started walking around campus, tears still leaking down your face, trying to wipe them away as they trailed downwards to the ground. “Stupid Bakugou. H-He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. My quirk isn’t useless. The more I use it the heavier the objects I can bring or push away. Just because it isn’t flashy or obnoxious doesn’t mean its bad.” you slid down the side of the building and curled up with your knees to your chest. “H-He didn’t mean it.” you curled into yourself tighter, gripping your legs with your hands rather harshly and nearly tearing your socks. “S-Sometimes he says stupid things. He n-never means them.” you hiccuped out and gave up trying to wipe away your tears.
You pushed yourself up off of the ground, still leaning against the building behind you. You stayed slouched against it, trying to control your breathing until you sounded almost okay. You nodded a little to yourself and pushed off the wall, walking quickly across the grounds and back into the dormitory. You avoided all invites to join others, politely declining as you walked to get to the elevator. You hit the button to take you up to your dorm, hearing the ding as the doors opened. You stepped inside when you heard your name being called. You turned to the voice and hit the button to close the door, hoping it would close before he reached you. “I’ve been looking for you! At least fucking talk to me! I didn’t-” the doors closed and you were on the way to your dorm.
“DAMN IT!”  Bakugou punched the door of the elevator. He shouldn’t have insulted you. He should have run faster to get to you. You had been crying, he could tell. You always wore a pleasant smile and a calm tone of voice but if anyone actually looked closely at you anyone could tell your eyes were puffy from crying. He had fucked up. He knew he had. He needed to talk to you. But you had made is pretty clear you didn’t want to talk right now. He hit his head slightly on the elevator door before hitting the button. The door opened and his fingers hovered over your floor number. He sucked in a breath and hit his floor before he did something else stupid
You had collapsed onto your bed, not crying anymore, when you got to your dorm. You blankly stared at the ceiling, wondering if you could pull it closer to you or not. You shook the idea from your head, knowing that the room above you would fall through if you tried that. You rolled onto your side and saw a picture on your desk. You were smiling in the photo and Bakugou had an arrogant smirk that only he could pull off. You were smiling at the camera, but his eyes were on you. His arm slung around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him in a comforting embrace. You gulped, willing your tears away as you used you quirk to tip it down facing the desk and out of your line of sight.
You buried yourself in your blankets, deciding the best way to get rid of the empty feeling in the pit of your stomach was to sleep. Then you heard a loud bang on your door. “(Y/n) open this fucking door!” You let out a whine, “No.” “(Y/n) if you don’t open it I’m breaking the damn door down myself.” “Go ahead.” you called weakly to him. It wasn’t long until you heard a forced ticking and the door flew open. “You need a new lock.” he grumbled and closed the door behind him. “I don’t want to talk to you.” you whispered under your blankets, still not looking at him. “Then don’t talk and just listen.” you felt the mattress dip down as he sat down on the edge of it. “Look, I said some shitty things to you earlier. And I didn’t fucking mean any of it.” He turned his head to look at you to see if you had moved from your blanket cocoon. “I just got worried today. You’re quirk is getting stronger. Hell! I remember when we were kids and you could barely pull a pencil to you and now you’re moving slabs of fucking concrete! You’re quirk isn’t useless I’m just…..scared. Scared you’ll get hurt one day and I won’t be able to do a fucking thing about it.” He checked again, the cocoon still unmoving. He furrowed his brows and reached out, pulling the cocoon down and grabbing your cheeks before you could take cover again, “I really fucking love you (Y/n). I didn’t mean what I said earlier! Now can you please either tell me to get the fuck out or let me stay?!” he stared intensely into your eyes, waiting for you to eject him out of your room. “Even if I threw you out, my lock is broken.” you smile weakly and pull him towards you with your quirk
He had never wrapped you in a hug so quickly. “Let me stay here tonight… Please.” he grumbled into your hair and you nodded slightly, wanting to accept his full apology but still slightly hurt. “I fucking love you (Y/n). I’m so fucking stupid to say those awful things to you. Next time just fucking punch me. I was… Afraid…. When I couldn’t find you. I don’t want you to leave me.” He hadn’t let go of you and grumbled all of this into your skin, pulling your body closer to his and pressing kisses to it every now and then. “I’m so fucking sorry.” he squeezed you one last time and you nodded once, “I forgive you Bakugou.” you pulled back a little to see his face and kissed him. His lips lingering on yours as he poured his apology into you, no words were needed. Silence took over, a comfortable one. The kind of silence that two hearts have a conversation in, no words needed.
He laid on top of you for a long while, nuzzling and kissing your neck. You let him get his feelings all out before he closed up again. His lips pressed down your neck until he reached your uniform blazer, “Can I take this fucking thing off?” he growled at the fabric, wanting to rip it off but knowing he was on thin ice right now. When you nodded he unbuttoned it and threw it from your body, starting to unbutton your shirt and working on removing his blazer and shirt as well. You reached up to try and help him but hie grabbed your hand tightly, kissed it, and put it back down onto the bed. “Don’t move alright....I want to... make you understand me.....Alright?” he continued unbuttoning himself as he finished yours. You nodded and laid under him, watching his eyes scan your body and watching the tent in his pants getting bigger.
“Tell me to stop now if you don’t want this.” he grumbled out and waited for you to look back up at him, quietly begging for him to take you. His smirk was back as he reached down to rub your clit with his fingers over your panties, “Of course you want this, otherwise you wouldn’t be this wet.” you slid your panties down your legs and dove between them, licking your clit and plunging his tongue into you. You let out a quiet moan and he smirked against you. He continued licking you until he couldn’t stand it. Your thighs around his head, your dripping sex exposed to him, the smell of your arousal filling the air around him. He fucking needed you.He pulled away from you and shoved a finger into you, searching around your room for any sign of condoms. “I know I left some in here.” he grumbled and you whined, pointing to a small silver box up high on your bookshelf. “Hm, tricky.” he said and he reached up and over and took one from the box, “You ready princess?” he asked as he pulled down his boxer and pants, causing his member to spring free and stand tall. He smirked down at you and flipped you over, making you shove your ass in the air as he rubbed small circles with his fingers onto your soft skin. He smirked as he tapped a finger against one cheek and set off a small crackling explosion. You whined as arched, showing him your dripping hole and he growled, leaning in to suck your clit before the rolled on the condom. He groaned into you and you moaned, waiting for him to fill you.
“I’m not going easy on you babe. Not tonight.” he growled and thrust himself completely into you, making you let out a small scream as he rammed himself into you without warning. “I want you hard and fast, right now. So I’m not letting up.” he groaned and ground his hips into yours. He reached around you to play with your nipples and pinch at the sensitive skin, watching goosebumps arise on your skin as you moaned and arched into his hands and dick. His thrusts getting sloppy and fast as he neared his climax, “H-Holy fuck (Y/n).” he growled and you moaned his name. “Say my name babe.” he panted as he thrusts hit deep inside of you making you moan his name louder, “Come on babe I know you can be louder than that.” he smiled as you tipped over the edge and came, screaming his name. He felt you tighten around him, his limit being reached as he arched and came into the condom, tipping his head back with a loud groan. He stayed inside of you as he caught his breath, not moving from his arched position and slowing pulling out of you.
He pulled out of you completely and went to throw away the condom in the trash bin. “(Y/n)...” he spoke quietly, surprising you.” “Yes Kastu?” you tilt your head as he comes back to bed, laying down next to you and bringing you into his chest. “I love you....” he grumbled and buried his face into your shoulders before you could see his blush. You smiled and brought one of his hands up to kiss it, “I love you too.” As the two of you laid there he kept you cuddled into his chest, falling in and out of sleep Bakugou decided to stop fighting the urge and go to bed, placing one last kiss on you head. He had finally nuzzled in and gotten comfortable when he heard the door creak, “What the fuck?” he grumbled and picked up his head to find Mina and Denki at the door. They both blushed brightly before stuttering they only wanted to know if you wanted to play Rock Band before booking it down the hallway. He growled after them and then turned back to you, pulling you further into his embrace and falling asleep with you pressed to him.
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