#I don’t simp for Gale… no…
dekariosclan · 10 months
Hear me out.
I 1000% agree that non-godhood, orb-free, romanced professor Gale is the best ending. He and Tav are SO happy and in love, Tara approves, Gale’s mom isn’t sad, it’s nothing but good things and I absolutely adore it and it will have a place in my heart forever.
I also agree that in the Godhood ending, while Gale retains aspects of his former self, he has changed. His most precious human qualities have been replaced with ambition and pride. And you can’t ignore the fact that Tara is now unhappy, Gale’s mother misses her son, Elminster is distraught and feels responsible for Gale having chosen this path, and there’s the possibility of looming disaster in the future as described by Raphael.
…and yet…
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…seeing how much God Gale still loves Tav—and knowing they’ll get to spend an eternity together—is pretty damn wonderful, too.
(Note, playthrough not mine, I captured these screenshots from a public YouTube video posted by user MUNMOMUU)
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elendsessor · 5 months
i may be crucified for this opinion but
one of the many reasons i think dds deserves a remake is just how little impact some of the characters have and it’s really fucking sad. unless they’re party members or antagonistic forces they don’t get nearly as much screen time as they deserve and i think that hurts them as characters???
jinana and lupa especially. i get the setting of the first game is a battle royale that turned into a cannibal battle royale so of course not everyone could live but they kinda didn’t get as much screen time as they deserved. i mean think about it they kinda just exist to introduce their tribe, interact with the embryon for a bit, disappear, reappear once or twice, then next time you see them they’ve succumbed to hunger, you beat the shit out of them, and they end up dying. what little they are given does make you like them don’t get me wrong but a lot of that rides on dialogue which, as someone who loves seeing people experience certain plot stuff of games i enjoy, i kinda noticed that it was a really mixed result. it’s either “oh no anyways” with maybe the player getting a little melancholic when they get brought up again or the player doesn’t care. considering how important their struggles and mini arcs are that’s not good??? the fact that they exist solely to develop argilla and gale is a shame since unless you like the exchanges they have their deaths don’t have that big of an impact. they do get mentions and all that in 2 yet it kinda just. makes me question it more from the standpoint of what could’ve been done with them or the giant emotional aftermath that should’ve happened. this isn’t to say they can’t die or whatever but considering the interesting conflicts dds introduces and how it already struggled to explore it as much as it could’ve, jinana and lupa really did have the potential to help remedy some of those issues.
and then there’s fred aka the smokey of dds. i still don’t know why he exists except to explain why lupa somewhat knows what a child is and to introduce the existence of tiny humans to the gang. i’m sorry i straight up forget he was a character at points.
qds fixed a lot of this yes yet i still think it’s important to point out on a game standpoint, since most people who play dds don’t end up reading qds, and i really don’t think actual important contextual stuff or major aspects of a game’s themes should be exclusive to books. it’s not as bad as something like fnaf or other mascot horrors—that shit was over a decade later—but it is a major writing issue and i don’t think the fact that the original lead writer got sick and had to leave means there wasn’t a writing decline. you can tell there was stuff that was going to be built upon only to be abandoned or underdeveloped.
it’s extra sad because this is straight up one of the best instances of world-building the series has ever had, and the whole cannibalistic character drama mixed with spiritual and buddhist + hindu themes is something so inherently interesting while also being in some ways taboo??? there’s not a lot of games out there at least not made by indie developers that get that risky since it’s not marketable, and something like that is next to nonexistent now in the mainstream market. we fuckin need games like the dds duology that challenge the status quo and goddammit if it got expanded upon and had more development for side characters that would be actually perfect.
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sserpente · 9 months
The Mistletoe Tradition
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There was only one piece of decoration left in the box now—it was a dew-fresh mistletoe complete with a red ribbon. And you knew just where to put it.
With a smile, you danced over to Astarion and held the green plant above your head. The vampire spawn looked up, confused and flustered both at the same time.
“Wanna know what my favourite Yule tradition is?”
“I’m sure you’re about to tell me,” he purred.
“Whenever two souls are caught under the mistletoe, they have to kiss.”
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A/N: I’m not sure if Christmas/Yule is a thing in Faerûn but if it wasn’t… I sure made it a thing now! Worked in some of his actual quotes for it to be even more relatable because we're all simps, lol. Also using Yule and Christmas interchangeably here because I can. Merry Christmas to you all! ♥
Words: 2197
Warnings: fluff
“Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…” Humming to yourself, you rummaged through your bag to take a closer look at the items you had snatched on your journey today. A bag full of peanuts, perfect to still your hunger on the road, a new dagger you had taken from a corpse, for your old one was falling apart at the hilt, a letter from an Iron Fist written to Lord Enver Gortash himself, and—perhaps most importantly—a little snow globe you had found in an abandoned cottage. It wasn’t much but it was better than nothing and had definitely been worth Lae’zel’s eye roll.
You were headed towards Baldur’s Gate and decided to rest in the Elfsong Tavern where Gale, Wyll, and Halsin were currently discussing the price of a room to stay in for the next couple of days. The air smelled like mulled wine and pine cones, and the tables in the tavern were decorated with tree branches, candles and sliced oranges and cinnamon sticks. The atmosphere was lovely—festive. You leaned against Astarion with your cheek against his chest, a sigh escaping your lips.
The pale elf was quite used to your—at least by his standards—unusual behaviour by now. Well… sort of. He’d expected more hostility toward him after the night he tried to bite you, that much you knew. Instead, you’d offered to help and… huh, secretly drooled all over him.
He certainly knew what he was doing and you hated that it worked. You didn’t want to turn into a giggling and blushing mess in his presence and yet… that was exactly what happened. Every. Single. Day. You tried to hide it as best as you could but at this point, you were pretty certain that he knew you were a hopeless case whenever he was near. And once you’d started sleeping with each other… you had become putty in his hands entirely, desperate for his touch even when it wasn’t sexual.
You offered him a cuddling dose daily now and you never let go until he did.
“All right, everyone. We’re settled. The owner has agreed to give us one of the suites upstairs. It has thirteen beds, its own washing area, and a fireplace. I don’t know about you but I am knackered,” Wyll announced as he cracked his bones.
“You go ahead without me. I’d like to take care of something real quick. I won’t be long,” you said, the idea thundering through your head with a start having you beam from the inside out.
Gale lifted a hand as if to raise everyone’s attention before speaking. “I hope so! I have a perfectly hearty rabbit stew planned for supper.”
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It had taken the inn owner ten gold pieces and a lot of convincing to get you a Yule Tree. Was it important in midst of everything that was happening? Possibly not. Were you still humming Christmas songs yet again as you carried a small box full of ornaments and decorations up the wooden stairs to your room? Absolutely.
Gale was already cooking. They all knew the very moment you entered the room with it that the tree someone had brought up in the meantime was your doing. And now, while the others were getting ready to rest for the day, you began decorating the room as if you didn’t have a care in the world. And for just a moment, you pretended you didn’t.
You spotted Astarion glancing at you from the corners of your eye. He’d crossed his arms before his chest, looking as handsome as ever and even more so now with his hair still a little damp from getting the dust of the road off of him.
“Need something?” You smiled, noticing how he admired the pine cones dipped in molten silver and the delicious-smelling orange slices on the tree for just a second too long. The straw stars you were specifically proud of as you stood on your tiptoes and stretched to put the biggest one on the tip of the tree, completing your masterwork.
“Oh, don’t mind me… I’m just enjoying the show.”
You blinked at him, gnashing your teeth as you felt a treacherous heat creeping up your cheeks, for his gaze was by no means fixed on the tree anymore but your behind. At times it was still hard to believe this incredible elf was attracted to you of all people.
“Is this really necessary? I mean, really? You’re wasting our time and energy on decorating a tree?”
“Hey… we won’t know yet if that’s our last Christmas. I don’t mean to be pessimistic but you know just as well as I do that there is a good chance we won’t make it out of this alive. I might as well enjoy the little things until… I can’t. You never know. Besides, this is the first time in weeks we’re sleeping with a roof over our heads. We have beds and a fireplace. I would be silly not to decorate a little, especially with a recent murder right next door.”
“Well… I suppose… but don’t expect me to help you.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, oh fangy one! I’m actually done and it looks absolutely amazing, if I may say so.”
Astarion scoffed—playfully so. It was then Halsin joined, admiring your tree up close with a second portion of stew in his hands.
“Well, I think it looks beautiful. There’s no better way to get into the festive spirit than with a little bit of nature in one’s home.”
You fought hard to hide the chuckle bubbling up your throat when Astarion rolled his eyes as soon as the druid turned away again.
“The man really can’t shut up about enjoying the freedom of nature’s gifts.”
You couldn’t help it. You burst out laughing. Needless to say, your companions’ shocked expressions made you cackle even more but perhaps the surprise on Astarion’s face was what brought you even more joy than the way he had mimicked Halsin.
“In the end, it won’t be the mind flayers who kill me. It’ll be you,” you choked out, wiping your eyes with the ball of your thumb. Gods, you were actually crying from laughter.
There was only one piece of decoration left in the box now—it was a dew-fresh mistletoe complete with a red ribbon. And you knew just where to put it.
With a smile, you danced over to Astarion and held the green plant above your head. The vampire spawn looked up, confused and flustered both at the same time.
“Wanna know what my favourite Yule tradition is?”
“I’m sure you’re about to tell me,” he purred.
“Whenever two souls are caught under the mistletoe, they have to kiss.”
“Do they now?”
You grinned.
“Well… in that case, we better not risk the wrath of whatever god came up with it.”
“That would be Frigg, wife of Odin and mother of Baldur who never wanted the mistletoe to be forgotten again after Loki—“ You didn’t manage to finish your sentence for in the next moment, Astarion pulled you close and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was a promise and a reward, a display of affection… and a small gesture of care warming your heart.
“How do you always do that?” you murmured against his mouth, breaking the kiss just long enough to draw a deep breath. “Leave me wanting for more? Tempting me?”
“Tempting you, hmm? Well… You know what they say… the only way to cure a temptation… is to give in to it.”
A little squeak escaped your lips before you could stop yourself. You pressed your lips together to a thin line, eyes wide as your hand flew up to your mouth to cover it. But of course, Astarion had heard you. Amused, he quirked an eyebrow.
“What was that?”
“Really? Because I think I heard quite the delectable little noise coming from your lips just now.”
“N-no. Oh gods, you have to stop this. I will melt, Astarion. I will literally melt and then you can go get a mop and wipe me up!”
Astarion laughed, surprise mixing with delight. “Oh, darling, I could go all night… as you well know,” he purred.
Another squeak. He’d caught on to it now, of course—that the reason for those inhumane sounds escaping your body was all his doing. Oh, for fuck’s sake…
“Okay, that’s it.” Arms akimbo, you narrowed your eyes at him. You were all but flustered when you grabbed the collar of his shirt with such vigour, the tiniest hint of surprise and hesitation flittered across his face before his smug smirk returned and you kissed him yet again, longer and more passionately this time.
“You really will be the death of me” you breathed against his lips. “It’s a nice way to go though, I won’t complain.” The urge to rip off his clothes there and then grew stronger with every passing second. You knew he wasn’t ready yet, despite his relentless teasing and you’d be the last person to push him but… judging by how he wrapped his arms around your waist yet again and pressed you closer to his body yet again, a heartfelt kiss was never off limits.
You sighed against his lips, the mistletoe dropping to the ground. Only the gods knew what would have happened if you had not been interrupted despite your fellow companions still in the room but alas, the door burst open with a bang so loud you both flinched.
“This… is… AWESOME!” When Karlach entered the room, she was wearing the ugliest Yule sweater you had ever seen. Tinsel and two baubles were hanging from her horn and in her hands, she held a massive candy cane and a mug of what you assumed was eggnog. “I LOVE Christmas! Oh, you got us a tree! We should go and buy presents for each other to unwrap tomorrow!”
“Karlach, please, it’s late and I’m tired,” Astarion complained.
“Fiiiine, tomorrow morning then. A kid downstairs just told me about this fat guy called Santa who climbs through the chimney and puts gifts under the tree if you leave him cookies and milk. Do we have cookies and milk? We have to get cookies and milk!”
You laughed. In that case… you certainly had a long night ahead of you before you could get a good night’s sleep.
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Everyone was fast asleep by the time you got up and tiptoed across the cool floorboards on naked feet in the dark, past the crackling fire in the centre of the warm and cosy room, and toward Astarion’s bed. You could hear the wind blowing outside the tavern in the dead of night as you climbed under the covers and cuddled up to your lover who had, without a doubt, been expecting you. Astarion wrapped you in his arms, his lips grazing your bare neck ever so slightly.
“Hello, darling.”
At peace and content, you both listened to the instruments Gale enchanted to play quiet music to lull you all to sleep.
“Well, aren’t you brave, revealing your lovely neck to a vampire like that?”
You chuckled into his pillow, stretching even more.
“You know… I think we’re past the point now where I have to tell you each night that you can… I mean… if you’re hungry just… feed on me, alright?”
“R-Right.” For a moment, a both vulnerable and surprised expression washed over his handsome face—but it was gone before your memory could properly capture it, not to mention the darkness around you made that very difficult. He was so incredibly good at masking his feelings, that you longed to cuddle the shit out of him and tell him that it was all going to be okay. “Well… I’ve only just learned how wonderful it feels to have a choice and have your boundaries respected, all thanks to you. I’d actually prefer if you asked.”
So instead, you settled for wriggling yourself under the covers until he stirred.
“That’s… that’s good. That’s very good,” you whispered as you cuddled up to him even more.
“So? Can’t you sleep or are you just too excited until morning to see me again, love?”
You chuckled. “Your bed is more comfortable than mine.”
In the dark, it was hard to tell whether Astarion’s confusion was real or feigned. It was amusing nonetheless. “You will find that all the beds in this room are the same, pet.”
“No. No they aren’t. Mine doesn’t have you in it.”
“Oh… my cheeky little pup.”
Your chuckle turned into a childish giggle as a jolt of electricity rippled through you as if Gale had hit you with a lightning blast.
“You know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t you?” you whispered.
Astarion hummed in response. “Well… yes. Though I have to admit I have never met anyone displaying their excitement as openly as you, darling.”
“I’ll make sure to never stop. Merry Christmas, Astarion.”
The vampire spawn sighed when you shuffled even closer and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“Merry Christmas, love.”
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A/N: And Merry Christmas to you all as well! ♥ I had to dedicate this year's Christmas Imagine to Astarion. I fell so hard for him thanks to Neil, it's insane. I hope you'll spend some lovely days with your loved ones! ♥
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caustinen · 2 months
hollywood au - how does Gale feel about Bucky doing intimate scenes in movies? is there any project that Bucky rejects because Gale doesn’t want him to do it?
another lovely question!! everytime i think i don’t have anything more to offer to this au these kinds of questions appear and i find myself writing another essay 😂
hollywood au! sexy scenes in bucky’s movies 🫨
gale has seen approximately million sex scenes in his life (we have to remember that before he was a john simp he was already a film bro) so he’s used to seeing them with or without john and he doesn’t really care most times, even if they’re not his favorites he can rationalize it well.
however. HOWEVER. he and john have been together for a long time, and it’s impossible to completely separate the images he sees on screen from memories of sensation — the rational part of your brain can only do so much. and because john happens to be a very good actor and is often cast in heart throb roles, he’s also a pro at doing a sex scenes, and the way he portrays want and enjoyment can sometimes be very close to the real thing, leaving gale hot and bothered in the theatre. he might even squeeze bucky’s hand in his by accident or, also completely accidentally of course, drop his hand to the thigh closest to him in the dark audience.
but really, sex scenes don’t make him jealous, because they are so strictly choreographed and staged. kissing scenes, on the other hand…
it’s the same thing with kissing as with sex, he’s a grown man who’s seen hundreds of films, he knows it’s acting and doesn’t mean anything. he knows bucky is crazy about him. but maybe that’s exactly why he lets that feeling sometimes grow in his chest when he watches his boyfriend kissing someone else; jealousy is a nasty feeling, but there’s also something exciting about it when it can be explored in this safe environment, it’s almost more like a roleplay to let himself feel jealous every once in a while.
(mostly he just feels melancholy sometimes when bucky’s been away for a long time filming far away and he tells him they’re doing the intimate scenes that day, then he feels jealous he can’t be there to do that stuff for real with bucky but it’s directed at the universe more than the actor playing against him)
in conclusion, maybe sometimes gale gets a bit more worked up after they’ve seen a film where bucky is intimate with someone else. maybe his fingers wander a bit more, maybe he’s draped a bit closer as they chat with others after the screening; maybe he’s staring into his boyfriend’s eyes everytime he puts something in his mouth and keeps saying innuendos or loaded inside jokes until john get’s the message and they can go home so gale can have a replay of those sounds and expressions of pleasure, just for him
i think i hc’s somewhere before he’d also be easily inspired by some of bucky’s roles/costumes/films, i might need to revisit an idea about gale getting some nsfw propositions that include john in a pilot uniform 🤭
as for what kind of films he’d ask john to reject… this is super interesting because my initial idea would’ve been nothing, like gale’s personality and love for art would overcome any personal preference. but that also means that he has high standards for films he likes and since bucky trusts his judgment over anything and they discuss the scripts together, i’d think gale’s personal preferences would sometimes shine through a bit. i don’t think he’d tell bucky not to audition for a role just because it includes a lot of intimate/sex scenes, but like i mentioned before i hc this gale loving text over everything so he’d be looking for the reason for all of the intimacy — are the sex scenes there just to sell to certain audiences or aesthetically show beautiful people (which is also fine and has a time and place) or does it move the plot or characters along — how does it function with the text overall? he’s not a prude and he’s never gonna say ”oh don’t do that” for a shallow reason but these would be the things he’d probably notice in a script 🤔
maybe the only time he (and bucky for that matter) was really disturbed by a script was when it was clear it was basically their story reimagined with LOTS of unnecessary sex scenes in it, like super inappropriate project overall and the development team had the nerve to ask real john to star with some random person portraying Gale; he didn’t have to tell john not to do that film that time 😅
hope these were okay!! have a lovely day 💘
(more of hollywood au)
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pumpk1n-writes · 1 year
Tell Me All About The Dark Places You Hide ~ Part Nine
➥ in which the reader figures out that their best friends are the infamous Woodsboro Killers and decides to help them rather than turn them in. {ft. Drugs and alcohol, murder, short chapter, fake knives, real knives, Billy and Stu being soft for each other}
Part Eight | Part Ten || Word Count ~ 830 Words
Taglist ~ @wasawattpadkid @katie-tibo @laurajmcmanus @sparklyphantom @minkyungseokie @misscaller06 @juda-the-simp @severuslovebot @asdorlia @billysbae @lilac-fangirl @bloody-delusion-expert @rubyroscoe1 @honeynicoole @ok-boke @thatonetallweirdo @ren-ni @fictionalcharacterslut @ennycutie @moneyoverl0v3 @lexasaurs634
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Your heart was racing as you ran, laughing, around Stu’s kitchen and living room as he chased you with a soup ladle. Billy watched from the couch, a smile gracing his usually serious face. It was a picture taken from people who deserved to be happy and in love, not a merry group of murderers.
All too soon, it was over, and the three of you were back to planning. You checked the food and made sure the blood capsules and fake knives were safely hidden in the pantry, along with the second Ghostface costume, and the door was locked. You turned around to one of the most surprising images you’d ever seen. Billy had both of Stu’s hands in his and was giving him a pep talk of some sort. He finished and patted Stu’s cheek, and nobody made any sort of weird joke.
You smiled to yourself and shepherded Billy out of the house, tossing his own Ghostface costume towards him for the first part of the plan. You found most of the anxiety of what you were going to do leave your body as the first few party guests arrived.
Around an hour passed and you were well on your way to giving up and murdering Sidney in her own house and completing the job right then before you heard Tatum’s voice and Stu’s greeting. They were finally here. Rolling your eyes in resignation, you took a final swig from your beer and slammed it on the table, turning around and plastering a fake smile onto your face.
You stumbled over to them, watered down beer sloshing in your solo cup. You purposefully slurred your words in your best attempt at a drunken stupor. Leaning heavily on Stu, you pretended to think really hard about what you were about to say. “How…” a pause while you furrowed your eyebrows, ignoring Stu’s hand snaking down your back. “Are you?” You beamed happily at them and the two girls laughed.
“Having fun already, are we?”
You nodded, waiting until they were out of sight before dropping the act and groaning to Stu. “That was perhaps the stupidest thing I’ve ever had to do.”
Stu laughed at you, patting your shoulder. “It was your idea. You have to be passed out on the couch in order for Act 3 to happen.”
You groaned again rubbing your face with your hands. “Yeah, yeah. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
The next part of the plan was quickly approaching, and you watched Stu send Tatum out for more beer and then lock the door. You quickly put on the act again, pouring half a beer into your cup and stumbling out to the living room to listen to Randy’s rant about horror movie rules.
The phone call came in and you watched happily as everyone left. You giggled to yourself, laying down on the couch against Randy’s shoulder and closing your eyes.
You woke up to find Randy gone and Sidney frantically shaking your shoulder. “Valerie! Valerie please wake up, please.” You pretended to sit up groggily, looking at her with an unspoken question. “It’s Billy, it’s always been Billy.”
You sat up straight, standing up and facing Sidney. “What? No, I don’t believe it. He was perfect, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” You internally vomited at the words coming out of your mouth. There was blood everywhere, and if you peeked through the hallway, you could the see the open door revealing the bodies of Dewey and Gale Weathers. When had she gotten here?
Billy stalked through the hallway, seeing you with your back to him, talking to Sidney. He switched the knife in his hand for the fake one and came up behind you, tapping your shoulder. You screamed and turned around, rolling your eyes as soon Sidney couldn’t see.
He stabbed, puncturing the blood packet, then stabbed again and again. You fell into Sidney, pleading with her to run. She did. Straight into Stu.
She was cornered in the kitchen, Billy behind her and Stu in front. She seemed pretty preoccupied to pay attention to you, so you silently stood up and moved, limping pathetically to sell the act. toward the kitchen.
“Oh my God. Valerie, you’re alive. Please, please. The gun is on the table. Please.” Her pleads we’re pathetic. You wanted to shoot her perfect little face.
You whimpered to make the “wounds” believable, limping over to the table. Stu shot forward to “stop” you, except you decided to change a few things about the plan.
You grabbed the gun from the table, pointing it at Sidney’s stomach and firing two shots in quick succession.
“What the fuck?” Billy yelled, anger filling his eyes. “That wasn’t part of the plan!”
“Not your plan, no. But mine?” You pointed the barrel towards Billy’s forehead. Something told him you knew your way around a gun and wouldn’t miss. “It’s all part of mine.”
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salemcantupdate · 1 year
So this is my updated shipping and favorites perspective, given my prior one I no longer agree with.
First things first, I believe in big polycule ship, everyone is together and dating. (Sobs in that’s not the case).
But! My favorite ships that isn’t just massive polycule (preface I am a multishipper):
Gale and Astarion, aka, Bloodweave. Listen, it’s all big now, we all know about it. Opposites but the same, walking the same path, they can make each other so much worse or so much better. Hubris vs self preservation, both essentially having the possibility to become a god. Both have been beaten down and belittled by beings far more powerful than them, one knowing the abuse and the other not. Also the manipulative hatefuck to love would be incredible.
Lae’zel and Shadowheart, aka Silverheart. Classic enemies to rivals to lovers. Both have been mislead and brainwashed by evil female goddesses that demanded total obedience, that both people completely dedicated themselves to until they realized everything they knew was a lie. Whats more romantic than fighting and getting bloody and then fighting over who tops?
Wyll and Karlach, (I don’t know their ship name, may I suggest Devilbound?) is one that I’m still kinda iffy about honestly. I’m not sure if I can see them as explicitly dating, but I can see them being best buddies who fuck sometimes. I can see them making a deal like “If neither of us are married in a decade let’s just marry each other.” Like they aren’t actively in love or awed by each other but there is deep respect and they would fight and die for each other. And I also headcanon that if you romance Karlach and then go to Avernus with her, Wyll HAS to join and it’s gone be a weird little polycule thing I don’t CARE.
So, another thing. I really really like a threesome of Karlach, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart. The Ladies. But like, Lae’zel and Shadowheart both immediately love Karlach. Lae’zel being like “You WILL respect her” and Shadowheart like “She could carry me to safety.” Are they not blatantly simping??? Like I think they would hatefuck and then stare at Karlach and be like “We need her too.” Two scary women and then the golden retriever girlfriend.
Wyll and Astarion isn’t one that really calls to me, though I get the appeal. Monster and monster hunter, Wyll being the hero that Astarion always dreamed of saving him so long ago. So on and so forth. I just prefer a Redeemed Durge playing that role for Astarion?? But I definitely get the appeal.
Wyll and Gale, I haven’t seen anything for. I don’t know if anyone ships them. But listen, these two would try and one up each other in wowing and wooing the other, Gale with the weave and Wyll with the stories of old. Imagine Wyll trying to get old and out-of-shape Gale to dance in his physical body. They are both 100% into worshipping their partner, so them worshipping each other would just be so cute to me.
Now, this one really surprised me. But I really like Karlach and Astarion??? Like, cause, OK. If you romance Astarion as Karlach, you can’t actually have sex with him in his first romance scene cause it’ll burn him. This causes Astarion to panic, immediately forced him out of his comfort zone, and also ensures a route in which you never have to have sex with Astarion??? Which I know I wish I could do in a normal route! So lowkey adore those two. Also, they’re literally black cat and golden retriever??? Someone who literally went through Hell and lost all bodily autonomy for so long but still laughs and smiles and has so much hope compared to someone who was beaten to hopelessness. It’s cute! But I also ship this in specifically the asexual way. They kiss and cuddle and bump heads and are adorable, but I can’t really see them having sex. That’s just me though haha.
Durge and Gortash obviously fucked and were so in love with each other in such a horrible twisted way. If Gortash ordered it, Durge would stay their hand. Durge prayed for forgiveness, begged for it, promised, swore, vowed that he would still kill everyone, kill all. But he was in love, he was obsessed, and Gortash may have been able to pull Durge from Bhaal’s grasp, only for Gortash himself to fall to the depths of depravity. I need more fucked up fics for these, with all the gore dirt and blood. I want it to be like the movie Hellraiser.
Durge and Astarion is by far my favorite for “canon” routes. It’s just, Astarion doesn’t feel like he’s a damsel in distress being saved, he doesn’t want that. He wants to be your equal, he wants to help you, and as Durge you are able to save each other from the hunger, from the urge, from the “monster”, from the Father. Both were created to be a tool, to be used, for a singular purpose to serve. And both break free, and then have the choice. Shall they become what they were made to be? What they are destined to be? Or take a shit on destiny and be truly happy?
Now for bear-daddy Halsin. He’s more difficult, as his story isn’t fully explored in the plot of the game and he was mostly added as a proper companion because he was so popular. Which I’m extremely happy about cause I fucking love him. But! Due to this, it’s hard for me to ship him with anyone. I’ve seen some people argue for Kagha or Rath, but I personally disagree. I do like Astarion and him, or a poly with him, Astarion, and Redeemed Durge. Fighting the “beast within” and all that, Halsin in the more metaphorical sense. BUT, let me offer something up as an idea, a concept if you will. Gale and Halsin. NOW, now, let me explain. This isn’t JUST them being my two favorite romance options and me being sad I can’t be with them both. But! Both were young men suddenly thrust upon with a massive amount of responsibility and faith put in them; Halsin becoming a commander and archdruid as an apprentice during the war against Ketheric, Gale with being chosen by Mystra, taught by her, and then becoming her romantic partner. A literal goddess. And I’m one of the people who headcanon that their interactions started when Gale was a teenager. Gale both believes he is the best and deserves to die, Halsin has never once believed in his ability to lead. Also Halsin explicitly notes he will miss the library at the grove, and GUESS WHAT GALE HAS? A library. But like, imagine Gale making a magic teleportation circle thing that goes from his tower to the middle of the forest with a little cabin that Halsin lives in and they can easily travel and visit each other and fbskfhwkfjw. Also, both of them having weird sex scenes (that I absolutely adore). Gale with astral projection and Halsin with bear. I bet Gale is one of the few companions who’d be like “Oh you’re a bear? Chill, not the weirdest sexual experience I’ve had.” Halsin would also smile and nod along and sip tea and Gale goes on his long long rant and then— gah it could be so cute. Cottagecore meets academia. I’m gonna call their ship name CottageAcademia. I will take criticism on that name. I’m dumb.
Speaking of, if I failed to mention, Halsin and Gale are my absolute favorite romance options. Gale makes me giddy every single play through and I break my heart every time I have to say no to him for a different romance (like Astarion). He’s just… I find him so charming and cute and I love him and I GAJDHAKSHQK.
Anyways, npc involved ships. (Also I can’t say anything about Minthara cause I literally don’t know her, never played evil route)
Karlach and Dammon is cute, but, eh? I don’t get much from it personally. I think Karlach and Alfira would be cuter.
A fucked up ship that I like is Astarion and Raphael. It… yes, I know, it’s terrible, it’s abusive. But it’s juicy, it’s delicious, the best of the poisoned apples. There’s a fic on AO3 that’s just fantastic even though it’s only got two chapters so far, it’s called Palmarosa by thespectaclesofthor
… The Emperor and Gale. LISTEEENNN, it’s just, Gale is the only one ok with mindflayer Tav. And like, Emperor is smart. It’d be funny. Come on.
Another fun fucked up ship that I haven’t seen much of, Minthara and Orin the Red. It’s bad, it’s terrible, it’s so fucked up, but I like it.
Barcus and Wulbren, no, I don’t think it’s healthy. But Barcus clearly loves Wulbren so damned much and I just want the poor stupid gnome to be happy godsdammit all.
Apikusis and Kagha. So, I don’t know if anyone else has spoken to the Druid Apikusis, but she is one of the few druids who is desperately against the rite. And when I spoke to her after, she said she saw the old Kagha in the woman, was desperate that what she saw was true. What if they were girlfriends? Then Kagha fell to the shadow druids, and now that they’re back they can fall back into love? I just see so much possibility in them!
Olly and Rugan got down and dirty after barely surviving the gnolls and I’ll put money on that.
Omeluum and Blurg, they just seem like science husbands. They’re married and I refuse to take criticism on this.
That’s all I can really think of, but for characters I’m just absolutely obsessed with: He Who Was and Abdirak are my favorite npc’s. Gale and Halsin are my favorite companions.
Now, my personal opinion on class/race Tav/Durge romance for each character.
Shadowheart: Selune Cleric for obvious reasons, race I don’t think super matters. But I do like Durge, connect on amnesia. Just figure out how cleric and a Durge works haha.
Lae’zel: Githyanki who defected from the gith and has been living peacefully in hiding until recently (so a class that gives peaceful options) Tav
Astarion: Redeemed Durge, any race any class. I’m personally doing a Drow Spore Druid. But a paladin or cleric could also be super cute.
Gale: Wild Sorcerer / Bard, and I personally prefer gnome? But any race is still fine. Also Tav or Durge work fine to me, he’s gonna be a big simp. Though, I do personally like the idea of you becoming the mindflayer in this route. He would use magic to disguise you and it’d be cute
Wyll: Tiefling Bard… I know it’s the first that’s so specific but come on. He becomes a devil, he loves stories of old, y’all dance together. I think it’s cute. I also prefer Tav here, I just can’t see a circumstance where he looks past the murder of Alfira to romance a Durge.
Karlach: Honestly she’s the one I’m least sure over, other than I like being smaller for her. I also like the idea of a paladin / bard for her?
Halsin: Literally anyone and anything as long as you’re down to fuck a bear.
These are all just my own opinion, added it cause I know sometimes I wanna see what other people think is the best “romance route” for a character.
But that’s the closing! These perspectives might change again, but for now this is my thoughts on everything shipping and romance related (that isn’t explicitly canon).
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chronicsyd · 10 months
So I saw The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes over the weekend and there’s been a few oddball things I’ve seen on social media
Now the first being all the people simping over young Snow… Im mainly chalking that up to Tom Blyth being in the role than anything else and the fact that the movie doesn’t really show Snow’s inner monologue that the book does cause when you’ve read the book then you Know what kinda sociopath Snow really is.
Second, the amount of Snowxreader fics I’ve seen… y’all missed the point SO badly
Third ties into the last two with people being avid Gale haters since the first trilogy and then being a Snow apologist. Like How?! (At least with Gale you feel some sort of empathy with him in the beginning that dissipates as the books go on with the decisions that he makes and the way he treats others but because TBOSAS is a prequel that we got later we know what person Snow becomes so you can’t feel anything but destain for the guy)
Fourth, the “Lucy Gray is actually President Coin” theories… what? What in Lucy Gray’s character in the book Or film would lead you to that conclusion? I understand that you want some semblance of closure to Lucy Gray’s character because we don’t get one because the story is told through Snow’s perspective but to think that a girl who wants to be free of Snow would turn around and end up as “Snow in a different font” to the point to where Katniss kills her instead of Snow is just Beyond me
And this is just a personal thing for me but I don’t understand the people getting upset that the Ballad of songbirds and snakes had Singing in it. Common sense ain’t so common I guess…
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sweetestlittledarling · 9 months
Building Little Worlds
Finley peered around the bushes at the wizard, who didn’t show any signs he knew he was being watched, before pulling back and taking in a steading breath. Okay Finley, they thought to themselves, you are covered in dirt and possibly some blood, and you smell like you haven’t properly bathed in over a month but it’s just a conversation. Just a conversation with a handsome wizard who is clearly out of your league. Yeah, no pressure. Finley let out a deep breath before building up the courage to move out of hiding. Hearing their approach Gale looked over and his face dawned a playful look as he leaned back in an inviting way. Just act cool, Finley's inner voice tried to remind them as they already felt the nerves flaring. They took another step closer but stopped suddenly as they found themselves looking at the brilliant show above them.
The usually cursed hazy dark sky was filled with hundreds of beautiful twinkling stars and colorful galaxy like swirls of color like nothing Finley had ever seen before. Not even the real night sky looked so beautiful as this. “Gale,” Finley asked in astonishment as they sat down next to him, “did you make this?”
“Indeed, the curse is still present of course, just veiled and at arm’s length for now,” Gale answered. “Not a trick I can repeat often, but after everything I think we deserve a little bit of starlight.”
“It’s beautiful! I've never seen such a amazin' sky before.”
Gale smiled. “I love this time of night. There’s almost this irreverent silence that accompanies the peak of darkness, when you almost feel like the dawn will never break. The cradle of eternity. The timelessness of lovers.” His eyes turned to Finley as he continued. “The most beautiful of fantasies.”
Finley felt the heat rise as their cheeks burned. Damn, he’s slick, Finley thought. Good thing he’s not a bard or he might kill people with his swagger.
“I wanted to show this to you,” Gale continued without missing a beat, “and if this is going to be my last night alive, I want it to be under a canopy of beauty and wonder with company to match.”
Finley had been ready to protest the idea that this was Gale’s last night, but the 'company' comment caught them off guard sending them back into a tailspin of fluster. Focus Finley! their inner voice demanded. Stop bein' a hopeless simp and help the man!
“I thought this place might bring me peace," Gale continued, his voice filled with defeat. "I thought it might make the weight of what I must do feel a little lighter…but I’m not so sure.”
Steeling their resolve, Finley dared to place their hand on top of Gale's. “Gale,” Finley said, determination clear in their voice, “I refuse to believe this is the end. I promise you, we will find another way!”
“Thank you," Gale said, though not sounding so sure. "But even if we do find another way, perhaps this is the right way. The end fate wishes for me.”
“Well then fate can go and kiss a goblin boot then! I am not lettin’ you sacrifice yourself plain and simple.”
“But there is no point of running from the inevitable,” Gale stated, “Better to meet it on my own terms.”
“But nothing is inevitable Gale! Not when we face it together! I mean look at all the things we have done up till now! Against all odds we are alive, and we have done so much good! We can figure this out!” Finley squeezed Gale's hand reassuringly. “You don’t have to die.”
Gale looked into their eyes and the sadness seemed to wash away. He smiled as he took their hand in his. “One moment with you could sate me for a lifetime,” he sighed, holding tightly to Finley’s hand, “and prize the fear from my heart. I’m so very glad you came to share this with me. I know it’s unreal, but I want you to know I made it for you.”
“For me?” Finley asked, honestly a little lost in Gale's eyes, “You made all of this for me?”
“Yes, you must know that...” Gale paused a moment, looking as if he was trying to find the right words. “That you’re very special to me. If things were different. If we were home, I’d have taken the time to do things properly. To say it all better, but time is short.”
“Gale- “
“I’m in love with you.”
All thoughts stopped in Finley’s mind as they blinked. “Say that again please?”
“If you don’t feel the same or can’t- “
At that moment all the walls holding months’ worth of feelings broke. Finley leaned forward and kissed Gale. It was a quick kiss and a clear shock to both as Finley pulled away. Suddenly all the words that Finley had been holding back came spilling out without warning. “I love you, Gale! I have for a long time, and I was holding back because well you are wonderful and smart and handsome as all fuckin' heck and I'm-"
Now it was Gale's turn to surprise with a kiss, cutting Finley’s words off as their lips met with more passion. It sent tingles through Finley’s body, right down to their toes which curled in their boots. As Gale pulled away, they sighed happily. “You are an amazin' kisser.”
“And you are a bad liar,” Gale chuckled softly, “I lived the life of a hermit before I met you. Safer for all but not conductive to the pleasures of the flesh.”
“Excuse you,” Finley gasped, faking indignation, “I am a great liar! Once I convinced one of my bard college professors I was inflicted with pun-omia.”
Gale raised an eyebrow. “Pun-omia?”
“Yes! The most fatal of illnesses!” Finley answered dramatically. “My brain was filled with nothing but the need to say compulsive puns all day long. I would have gotten away with it to, if it weren’t for the fact after a week of non-stop puns my fellow classmates were ready to murder me.”
“Did you ever have to face any pun-ishment?”
“Oh, what do we have here? A punny wizard?”
“Well, I have been known to play a bit of word play now and again” Gale offered with a sly smile, “you could say I am pun-stoppable. I have a pun-limited number of jokes at my disposal.”
“Well, I guess it’s true what they say then,” Finley laughed. “Love really is an o-pun door.”
Gale let out a laugh as he gazed into Finley’s eyes. “I must say that I’m glad that you feel the same way because it would be a shame to spend my last few hours making an ass of myself.”
“If it were, which it’s not, at least it would be a handsome ass,” Finley offered, gazing back at gale. “Can you say it one more time? Just so I can make sure I heard you correctly.”
Gale’s smile was gentle as they looked at Finley with eyes filled with adoration. “I love you Finley.”
Finley’s heart skipped a beat. “I love you, Gale.”
They sat there in silence for a while, both taking in the unspoken feelings that held on to for so long and now were able to dance freely amongst the stars. Gale’s warm brown eyes never strayed from Finley’s emerald ones as they held tightly to each other’s hand. “I want this to be perfect,” Gale breathed, “to bond with you in the way the gods do, intertwining our spirits in visions of the weave.” He rose to his feet, helping Finley to theirs. “Will you allow me to show you?”
Finley nodded. “Show me.”
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astarionposting · 8 months
okok question-- What is your most morally gray but most enjoyable thing to do in Baldur's Gate? Mine's making big things of ice and playing music to watch NPCs slip all over the place. I can do that for HOURS Is that morally gray? Idk, but it's fun 🙈
I would say that is probably morally gray LOL, but also extremely entertaining!
Hmmm, I don’t know if this is considered morally gray, more just a silly thing, but I always slap gale’s hand before saving him in every playthrough lol… I also like to make that tiefling in the grove bow to Lae’zel every playthrough 😆
Everything else I do in bg3 that I consider fun is just straight up evil or mean 💀 like I don’t actually enjoy saving people in bg3, but I do it if my character is supposed to be good (I’m lazy) 😭 the only person I’m actually nice to all the time is Astarion because I’m a simp 😊 😊
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hnybnny · 5 months
i don’t even own baldurs gate 3 but i’m a gale simp now. he’s my TYPE
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angelumcaedis · 11 months
backstories/personalities i’m slowly imagining for my various Tavs and Durges:
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Yevenna: Acolyte background, Way of Open Fist Monk. Half-drow. Romancing Gale - she thinks he’s cute when he’s infodumping. Tries to find balanced options, talk her way through things before resorting to a fight. I imagine that her acolyte background came from being raised as an orphan by a monastery (not sure which god I feel is appropriate yet). Given her racial background, she assumes that her parents were stuck between a rock and a hard place and opted to leave her somewhere she would be safe. She doesn’t harbor resentment - she likes being a monk, it suits her. Leans neutral good, at times flirting with true neutral depending on how you look at it. Initially let Lae’zel kill her (which, don’t do this if you want to keep Lae’zel in your party, so I reloaded). Just got to the Githyanki Crèche.
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Dahmira: The Dark Urge, “Seldarine Drow”, Oath of Vengeance Paladin. Dumb as a rock, relates a lot to Minsc, trying her best to resist her urges. Loves animals. Romanced Astarion because she thinks she can fix him. Their dynamic is the epitome of the meme “He asked for no pickles”. Did not realize Gale thought they were dating until she had to break up with him. Broke her oath by agreeing to let Gortash be their temporary ally, she’s still dealing with how she feels about that. Started praying to Selune after her bestie Shadowheart’s rejection of Shar. Was not impressed by the Emperor’s Rizz, but was impressed by Halsin’s earnestness. Currently looking into the Hag situation in Baldur’s Gate.
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Dirge: my second Dark Urge, I was not being creative with the name. I figure they had to name themself, after all, what with the amnesia. Half wood elf gloomstalker ranger. Romancing Shadowheart. Also loves animals. Generally the “strong and silent” type. Friendzoned Gale immediately. Sometimes gives in to their urges, but refuses to kill Isobel or Shadowheart because they’re a simp for cute clerics. Supports their girlfriend 100% and was a little surprised she rejected Shar, but not mad about it. Just got to the city. Not sure if they’re going to give into Bhaal or not.
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Bardker: This is my friend @sleipnir-in-disguise but as a College of Swords bard. We went for the urchin background when building because solidarity with the Tiefling kids. Romacing Karlach (and Laezel for a bit). Just escaped the crèche and heading to the shadowlands. We’re just trying to choose the most chaotic and horny options we can while being good.
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lunarreverb · 11 months
Tonight in Durge adventures
I took one last long rest after telling little butler gremlin ass Sceleritas Fel that I wasn’t gonna kill Isobel, but before heading up to polish off Ketheric Thorm. So of course, Scoobity Doo Fellow stopped by my camp to telegraph very plainly that I was gonna try to kill Gale. It occurs to me now to wonder if it’s actually possible to kill your SO or if they always catch you and stop you? Would it have been a game over to successfully kill Gale due to orb reasons, or does the cantrip-ification of the orb prevent that from being an automatic big boom?
Anyway not important because of COURSE I woke Gale and confessed everything up and got cutely hogtied for the night. I love that I got the bonus for my saving rolls from an elixir of heroism. My girl is putting in heroic effort not to be not a force of malevolence!
Without too many specific spoilers, I think I have the basic idea of what Durge’s deal is now - Durge is a bhaalspawn. I don’t know specifically what a bhaalspawn is - is it a construct? Descendant? Very cursed acololyte? Of the murder god? But whatever, Durge is made for murders and for serving Bhaal, and I guess got sent to the nautiloid to get the artifact, and something went haywire? I don’t know what went awry, but I’m laughing because I’ve been playing my Durge as perfectly moral and as sweet as I can. So, she’s really the opposite of the ‘died and came back wrong’ trope. My Durge died(?) and came back… not as bad as she could have!
I understand that Durge was originally the only custom character option. And goddamn, am I glad we have Tav as a unmurdery alternative, but I’m also glad that the Durge route isn’t ALL Alfiras and inescapable compulsory atrocities, all the time. While the setup and the quest line for Durge sure give you wink and nudge reasons to just give in and make them your ~evil~ playthrough, I have honestly not felt seriously penalized or pressured for playing it good. Which is surprising, and nice!
The other other OTHER interesting thing about being a Gale-mancing Durge is that, in the Weave lovemaking scene, it looks like she has a relatively normal kind of soul? I’m pretty sure Durge gets a slayer form, like the kind Orin has, but I take it that’s not what she IS. If I’m not reading too much into the abstract symbolism of Durge and Gale magically bonking each other in inner outer space, anyway.
Anyway it should be fun to get to Act 3. I keep hearing that Gortash is a HUGE Durge simp and it sounds funny as hell.
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teethmafia · 11 months
Respectfully, fuck off with that astrology shit. All I care about is who you’re romancing in baldurs gate 3. Apparently I’m dating a hardcore gale girly.
Update: just looked in the mirror and realized I kinda have this man’s face shape. I hope that’s the reason cus I don’t exactly have a terrible obsession with my ex or an insatiable cosmic literal hunger for weapons, jewelry, or clothing items.
(I’m a karlach simp myself)
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villainology · 11 months
hi kai ^_^ your blog is so so pretty O: !! also i squealed bc i looked thru ur rules and saw your write for dick grayson omg omg 🤭 always excited to meet another dc comics mootie !! AND BG3 !!! astarion forever has me in a chokehold >_< !! PLS ok i’m rambling but i just wanted to say hi and i look forward to interacting with ya ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
eee hi!! you’re so sweet omg, I love ur theme so much, it scritch scratches my brain just right ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ eeee yes im such a red hood n nightwing simp omg!!! it’s so nice to see someone else who liked dc hehe! AND OMG YESSSS, I love astarion but gale n halsin have my entire life omgomgomg! :> sodbeifnem eee pls ramble I don’t mind! but hihihi, cant wait to interact w u too! <3<3
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mtreebeardiles · 6 months
Spoilers ahoy for bg3 now that I’ve finished a few runs:
I don’t like ascended Gale. It just feels… off? And maybe that’s the point, he’s obviously not who he was before afterward but dang, remind me to make sure I encourage him not to do it earlier to avoid it entirely if I’m not romancing him yeesh
He’s like a student trying to write a dissertation and can’t settle on a fucking stance to defend 🤨 “god of ambition” what does that MEAN Gale that’s just VIBES you gotta have more than VIBES
To be clear it’s not that I object to this narratively, this is me expressing a personal dislike for that particular route if that makes sense. And I wish there were more options to push back against it without simping for the other gods, ya know?
“Mystra knows best” the fuck she does. She’s an asshole and I should be able to maintain that stance AND object to Gale’s ascension because I don’t want him to join the Asshole Club 🤨
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So I have a Bauldur’s Gate 3 no commentary play through playing in the background (bc I don’t have a console to play the game on, and im so curious about the game), and I have no idea what’s going on, but I understand why a lot of people simp for Asterion, and I like the voice of Gale
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