#I don't deal with the pressure of choosing every day
The gender dysphoria questions they ask you can be so silly. They ask me about my dreams and if I'm comfortable seeing the "F" marker on my passport. And - like - I don't remember my dreams, and my passport is in a safe in my crawlspace? They're asking if I'm uncomfortable or if I hesitate when marking my sex/gender on "official" forms or documents at any point in the last year. I have not had to do any such thing in the last year.
"Over the last year, have you acted and/or dressed as a member of the opposite gender in social gatherings or in private?"
And my brain immediately goes to: "define acted and/or dressed." Like. I can hardly count a t-shirt and jeans as "dressing like a man" or "dressing like a woman." Most of what I own would be classified as "unisex" (gender neutral). And what does it mean to "act like a man"? Are you asking if I chop wood in the forest at night??? What are you getting at here???
Like. I try, I guess? It doesn't work. It's not like writing emails and wearing a polo are explicitly "male" things to do.
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bladeofthestars · 4 months
#we're supposed to do a final push move tomorrow#i have already felt for awhile that my partner's parents are quite annoying#which is way too easy to feel guilty about because they do a lot for us and seem like good people for the most part#but like. they have made moving very frustrating and have been weirdly controlling about it#and just. like nonsensical to the point of it feeling like aggression#i lost track of how many fucking times we had the interaction 'where do you want this?' 'over there so it's not in the way'#'imma set it here' specifically where it will be in the way? fucking why? and my back is fucked up rn WHICH THEY KNOW so#moving it out of the way myself is frequently not an option#they left literally every single box directly in a fucking tight area that seperates our entry from our bedrooms#they stacked them higher than i can handle safely even when my back *doesn't* hurt#i moved things further into the house and out of the way and informed them i had done so and why#they continued fucking putting shit in the exact same spot anyway#there's literally a mattress a boxspring seven boxes a three tier organizer and a clear tote in this fucking spot#i'm not fucking moving it and they can deal with it when they come in tomorrow#i came over here to get some clothes for my partner so they can br girlmode for a haircut tomorrow#and we were essentially harassed into packing everything except a few days of clothes already despite it having been A MONTH since we#started paying rent and we aren't fucking sleeping here yet#and like. it's so quiet. and it's a reasonable temperature in here. they come home from their other house and turn the AC down so low#that i can't comfortably sit in the house without thick pajamas a jacket a blanket and sometimes a heating pad too!!#i don't even want to go back to go bed over there but i have to bring the fucking clothes back#his dad is such a controlling dickwad and is so fucking contrarian about everything even when it's not his thing#and literally they'll offer aid just so they can control what we do i swear!!!!#like 'we'll pay for X portion but if we do you must choose thing with Y parameters'#'we'll pay for 50% of your washer and dryer but they have to be front loaders'#they tried to pressure us into accepting a condo that they would buy (we would pay monthly building fees) and sell if/when we left#they didn't say 'let's look at some condos together' they said 'here we'll buy this specific one do you like it?' and KEPT ASKING ABOUT IT#AFTER WE SAID NO MULTIPLE TIMES#i put my foot down on that offer so fucking hard because i knew there were gonna be shit ass rules because it would be their property still#like no i will not be putting cameras in my home and i will be burning candles thank you and i'm going to have a christmas tree and#on and on and on
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thedivinetarot · 15 days
Light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul [Pt.2]
Who is your future spouse?
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☆ How to chose the perfect pile for you?
1) Close your eyes.
2) Clear your mind.
3) Take a deep breathe.
4) Ask the question in your head. And open your eyes. The pile you are drawn to the most is your pile.
☆ Note:
- This is a general reading. So, please take what resonates with you.
- Please, Please and I will say it again PLEASE DO NOT think of anyone. Not your EX or crush or EVEN someone you are currently dating. This reading about your future spouse.
- Also the energy is not set in stone. So don't be surprised if your choice change after a period of time.
Lots of love
Pile 1 - Eternal kiss
Your current energy:
I see that this pile is feeling trapped and lacking something. Pile one I feel like you lack clarity regarding a situation in your life. I'm not really sure whether it is love, or work or even spirituality. I feel like this pile is paralyzed. They are trying to find clarity about something, but you can't even put your finger on. I feel like you are looking forward. You are between the past and the future. I think this pile have been dealing with something and when they found their clarity they are now ready to move on. I see that this pile are deciding whether to stay or leave this chapter and letting go of that situation. You've been trapped into that situation for a long period and now you are choosing to move on and close that chapter. You have succeeded in fighting the demons in your head. You have done the right work, you are taking care of everything. I salute you pile one. At the beginning of this reading, you were confused, paralyzed and you lack clarity but then you realized that the situation doesn't really deserve the energy you are pouring into it. I see that after you healed yourself and closed the chapter you finally received the blessings from the universe. This pile’s energy is sooo great! Guys I feel like the things you manifested are on the way. They are coming so soon especially if you are manifesting clarity or news regarding something. The universe is going to show it to you in the weirdest way. So, be open.
Who is your spouse (personality)
I see that this person is very defensive. To be honest if you are someone with high masculine energy this person is your opposite. He have a very feminine energy. He is nurturing, sweet and motherly. I see that this person is explosive. This might be something negative about him. Or he catastrophically; changes a lot. He might be pluto dominant or scorpio in his big three. I see cancer and Capricorn too, so take what resonates. People with pluto dominant changes a lot internally. I see also that this person is lazy? Or slow? I see that this perosn might be working in a bad job or he hates his job honestly. Like this job gives him a lot of money but he doesn't really like it since there’s a lot of pressure on him. This person like to work in groups or he is an extrovert. I see that he might be insecure physically OR possessive. Again I see that he is so wise and Intelligent. I see a lot of emotional maturity here. This person really loves to take care of people and help them. You see those men with mbti ENTJ or ENFJ 9w8 in movies? I'm picking up on someone like that. Also there's emphasis on the voice too, he might have loud tone. Very nurturing and sweet but manly at the same time. He might even help you balance your feminine and masculine energy. Oooh now I got it pile one! Maybe in the beginning of your relationship with him (the initial stages) you might think he is lazy, feminine and spoiled. But then he will truly show you WHO IS THE MAN at the end of the day. I see that he is the true gentleman that every lady dreams of. I see that despite his emotional side or nurturing side he knows how to take care of other stuff like work, finances and you wink wink ;). I see that once he commit to you; you'll be HIS forever. This person is not the "Oh it didn't work out goodbye" type of person. No he is "Let's work on it" type of person. He is so reliable. And stubborn omg pile 1 that's wonderful now let's look into his physical appearance.
His appearance
Well, I guess this person is naturally beautiful. He might have brown or dark brown hair with light or dark eyes, take what resonates. He has a very light to medium skin tune. Or even olive skin undertone. Also I see that he might be your type or he might be someone you are comfortable to date physically. You might feel comfortable or like how he looks. I see that his aura make you feel safe and cared for. You see that video on tiktok to a girl returning home late in the subway, she was anxious and scared and then she saw a guy with a calming and serene aura that his aura helped her to calm her anxiety down? He might be like this. I see that his weight is medium for his height to a little overweight or curve. I see light eyes also. Between hazel, green or even light brown.
Now, let's look into his finances.
His financial state
I see that in the beginning of his career. When he started earning good amount of money, people who dated him or people in his life used him for his money. But now I see that he matured honestly. I see that his financial state is very good. Like he might earn above the average person and he is very smart dealing with his finances. You see I feel like he gives off daddy vibes. He might spoil you rotten. Like if you were someone who dated dusties he will come in and swap you off the ground and show you how a real man treat his baby girl. I see that financially, he is so generous and giving. Especially for people who he care for. Like if he cared for you or if you want to know that he truly appreciate your presence he will pay for everything that's what I'm seeing. I see also the energy of someone practical. Very practical guys.
So, when will he come into your life?
I got 2,6,7. So after 2 or 6 or 7 months, again take what resonates this is different for everyone. July and November coming in strongly. You guys might meet in those months or this person is born in one of these months. Guys I see that he might be someone you already know. He is not giving any Ex vibe no I'm not seeing that. This might be someone you have brief encounters with. You might went on a date with them or someone from your hometown or childhood. Could be a childhood friend? Maybe. Or someone you dated when you were in school. I'm picking up on a neighbor too.
Possible placements (U or them)
Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn, cancer, leo. Also I see Venus, Pluto, Saturn dominant energy. Also I see 2nd, 11th, 10th, 4th, 5th house stallium or his big 6 in one of these houses.
Pile 2 - the engagement
Your current energy
I'm picking up on multiple energies in this pile. So, I see that some of you guys started your healing journey and now you are finally seeing the results. I see that this pile is channeling their inner pain into something creative like painting, drawing or writing. And if not; you are channeling this pain into physical activity like working out constantly, and going out to take a walk. Something like that. I see that other people in this group is my artistic people. You are working on a project, a painting, or a book for others I see active manifestations here. You might be manifesting healing, romance or an Ex. Guys what did I say before about moving on? It is so frustrating! Stop trying to manifest a dusty please. Embrace the abundance mindset. Believe me pile 2 you deserve better honey. That person is not that good for you so don't be delusional about them and do not manifest them. I see that this pile also are taking very good care of themselves. Like you are taking care of your health, your mental well-being and overall your fitness level. Or if you are not manifesting someone then I think there's someone (romantic offer) or an Ex who want to get back with you. In this situation (the ex) you decide whether you want them or not. Please be wise pile 2. The dominant placements in this pile are air placements (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), Aries, capricorn. Mercury, and Uranus dominant planets in your chart.
Who is your future spouse (personality)
Well, I'm picking on a very taurian energy, venusian. This person might be a Taurus, Aries, Cancer. Venus, Uranus and mars dominant. I see that this person is very practical. His mind function when he thinks about money or money is everything on his mind, he is a materialistic person to the moon and back. It is so hilarious 😂, he is very generous, active physically or energetic. I see someone in a constant motion. Also this person is so handsome/pretty? Yeah he take good care of himself. He live in the present moment, his whole life is the 24 hour in his day. He have no regrets over the past and no anxiety over the future. He is so earthy and possessive. He sees his people, or people in his life as his territory. Like you are his and his only. This person might be your twin flame or soulmate. He might enter your life out of the blue. I see a geographical distance between you two. I see that this person is feeling down lately. I feel like he lack motivation or he feel disappointed because of a problem in his job. I see that he is childish or optimistic. I'm picking up on a volcano, this person is like a volcano to be honest. He might display a poker face but inside he is overwhelmed by emotions. You see Mr. Darcy in pride and prejudice? Like he was madly in love with Elizabeth but she never knew because of the stern face he show her. This perosn had a terrible past. I see that he was constantly being lied or deceived to. I see that he had a very heavy karmic lessons. Especially about deceit or lies, people might have used him because he was naive and childish. I see that he is so nurturing. His only goal right now is to work hard on himself and his finances/career. I see someone who is disciplined too. This person enjoys the finer things in life or expensive things I'm seeing. This person adores MONEY he breathe money. But he is so caring and gentle at the same time so don't worry. I see that he is a little bit insecure about how he looks. He doesn't see how beautiful he is, you see those models who complain about their insecurities to the internet but they are drop dead gorgeous. He is like that.
His physical appearance
Okay, this person and you have a wonderful chemistry together. So, I think his physical appearance might compliment yours. He might have a similar features. You see those people who date but everyone thinks they are siblings? He is like that. People might think you are siblings because you kinda look alike. I see someone with medium height. Curve or chubby. Light eyes (Hazel, green, grey) and light hair (dirty blonde, blonde, very light brown hair) round and cute features. I see that this person look like he is smiling or smirking even though he is not. Or his eyes, it seems like they are sparkling. Straight hair to wavy too. Pale skin, light skin and medium skin tone. This person is not too tall not too short. His height compliment yours. Like if you are short then he might be short between men. And if you are tall he might be very tall compared to men around him. This person's physical appearance might be so liked or desired by people. Or there's something sensual about him. Or he is sexually appealing.
His financial state
I see that this person's family or your future family in law financial state is very good. They might own multiple houses or multiple what do we call it? Mmmm lands? Like not estates I'm not seeing this, you see when we go and buy a piece of land? So we can resell it or use it to build something on it? This person's family have this and he might have inherited from his family. I see that his job or career requires him to travel, he might work in the court or justice. He might work in a lawyer office or he is a lawyer himself. And this job give him lots and lots of money. His financial state is sooo good. He never really faced a rough patch regarding finances. When he was young, he never really had to deal with poverty or anything like that no.
So, when will he enter your life?
I see 3 months and 5 weeks from now. This person might watch you or observe you from afar. He is so sneaky. He might push one of his friends to introduce you to him. I see a social event okay. And you are mingling and chatting with people and friends. So, he use this and come to you. And then this is how it is going to happen. This person might enter your life in June, July or he might be born in those months or his birthday on the 6th or 7th of the month (any month).
Possible placements
Taurus, Aries, Capricorn, cancer. Venus, Mars, Uranus as dominant planets in their chart. Or 2nd, 1st, 10th, 4th house stallium or his sun or big 6 in these houses.
Pile 3 - Wounded love
Your current energy
Okay, this pile’s current energy is so happy and giddy to be honest. I see that this pile are finally releasing an old relationship and healing from it. I see that you are feeling more confident and proud because you finally realized your own worth (as you should baby💋). I see that this pile are dating someone or already getting to know someone romantically. I see that this pile were single, got disappointed by someone and then they healed and now they are moving on. This pile is moving on to a better version of themselves and above all more confident. I see that right now you are discovering or seeing how many romantic options you have. I see also that you are helping someone to prepare a birthday party. I feel like this party is for a boy, young boy to be specific. And if it is not a birthday party then you are planning a wedding and helping the family with preparations. I see that you are so excited too. So maybe the person you are going to date or crushing on is going to come to the party and you are so excited and nervous. I see that this pile are coming out of the hermit mode. After a long time of healing and solitude. Anyways, I see that you are finally enjoying the present moment. You are happy of how things are. You might be someone who used to link their happiness to something/person or anything and if that thing is not around you get depressed. But now you finally detached. And got stronger and more resilient. The cards are very joyful; sooo enjoy pile 3. The dominant placements on this pile are fire placements (Aries, Leo and sagittarius) and water placements (Cancer, Scorpio and pisces) I see that you might have your sun or moon in the 1st, 5th, 9th, 4th,8th,12th house. You might also be sun, moon and mars dominant too. So, take what resonates.
Who is your future spouse (personality)
First thing I'm picking up on I someone very strategic. Someone very witty and smart. I guess this person is someone you dreamed of (you saw in your dreams) or subconsciously you manifested those traits. This person is so hot and sexy. I see that his aura is very sexual. Like people can't really resist how charming and sexy he is. I see that person is very blunt and if not blunt then he might be very honest. Like he is very straightforward. What is on his mind is going to be told to you with no filter. I see that this person is very sure of themselves. They are very confident and rigid. This person is very generous or his energy or his appearance is very big. I feel like he is the type of person that when he enter a place all eyes are on him. He is a seducer and he is not ashamed of that. I see that this person have all the tools and he know how to use them. Not to mention that this man is soo dominant. I see alot of masculinity. His voice, there's something about his voice that make him stand out. I see that this person is hard on the edge but very soft and sweet inside. I'm not sure if you are into Japanese anime or not but he might be a tsundere; which means someone who displays hard mask but inside they are a softy. I don't know why Christian grey came out all of sudden. I think this person have Christian Grey's energy. Dominant and horny. This person is very much like that. You see those dilfs who are irresistible? He have their energy. This person was very controlling before. I see that controlling thing didn't really help him or it drove people away from him so he is now trying to change this habit. This person, really knows how to manipulate things to his advantages. I see that he knows exactly when to shoot his shot and when to hold back. I see also that this person was either an alcohol addict or someone with destructive behaviors. And if not so, I see that this person might have anger issues. Also aggressive, I don't know why this aggressiveness came through but this person is kinda rude and aggressive to people whom he don't like. This person is very swift, he have hot temper. If you are not comfortable with someone like this then you can chose another pile. But I see that you are a sunshine and this person is the grumpy baby who feel weak in front of his sunshine 🌞. I see that this person usually look grumpy, but when they see you they change 180° and become that cute tamed cat.
His appearance
This person is taller that the average. Very sporty. He worked soooo hard on his body. I see that when they stand or enter a room they easily draw attention towards them. I see brown or tan skin. This person is tanny. Anyways, this person is so sexy omg. And his... Ahem is very large or big. I see that this person is dirty blonde or have a very light brown hair or he dye his hair in that color. I see also curly hair, and wavy. Might be afro too. This person knows how to dress well and he have a very magnetic aura. Sexy is coming through again. I see that you might be so picky with your taste in men. Like no one easily is liked by you. But when this person enters your life, he will be everything you dreamed and prayed for. Glasses, I see he wear glasses. He is like a sexy nerd if you understand what I mean. The eye color range from brown, grey, hazel. But mostly brown. This person's shoulders are wide. Very wide compared to the rest of his body. Also I see someone mascular. He is lean and mascular. I see that his face shape is triangle, he have pointy chin. The voice as I mentioned above. His voice is very demanding. Scary, it can send shivers down your spine. I see that he scares many people and he got told that many times. So, good luck with being able to face all of that.
His financial state
This person have a job but it doesn't really pay that much. I see he have money, average wage what I'm getting. I don't see someone rich, no. I see someone who is average. After his first saturn return he will earn more money. His job might require him to deal with children. To be a role model for children. So he might be pediatrician, or a teacher or a children mentor. I see that he is very good at dealing with babies and kids. He loves them. I see that this person work with a woman or under the supervision of a woman. And she pay for him. This person is in the education system. He is educated, have higher education. And he is now a new member in the organization he work in. He still struggles a little with money. But I think when you meet him, he will be in a better place. That's what I'm seeing. They are telling me that he is still a page; which means he is a fresh teacher or a new member in his job.
When will he enter your life?
I see 7 months and three weeks. I see also that you might know who this person is. You might be dating someone right now and if yes then this person is your spouse. I'm not seeing any Ex here. You might know this person because of someone, an older man introduced you to them. And if not then you may intuitively know who your future spouse is. Also, if nothing from the cases I mentioned apply to your case. Then, you might intuitively know this person but your head (ego, rational thoughts) is telling you otherwise about it. I feel like you can't accept the fact that someone like this is your spouse. There's an advice to this pile; believe in your intuition. That person is your spouse stop ignoring it.
Possible placements for him
Air placements (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). Sagittarius, Capricorn. Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury dominant, Air dominant. Stallium in the 3rd, 11th,7th house. A little bit of pisces. Or 12th house stallium.
Pile 4 - the gifted lady
Your current energy
So, I'm picking up on a male and this male (doesn't have to be) or a person is from 20 to 35 (This age range) is either love bombing you. Or pursuing you continously. I see that you are kind of anxious or blinded whether this person is serious or not. I see that this person is smart. He could be a sagittarius, or Aquarius. I see that this person feel that you are easy to get or you are in love with him that any action he does will woo you. What you feel about him is happiness, you enjoy this person's company and you truly like them I see that you are very daring when you are with them. Or this person make you feel like you have infinite possibilities. I see also that this person knows that you love him that's why I got this energy of surrender from you. You might like this person or even in love with them but you feel like they are distant. And you can't truly understand why are those things happen to you. If this is not the case, then the second energy I'm picking up on is that someone is coming in with a love offer to you. This person is emotionally unavailable so please don't bother to build something with them. I see that this person's main motive is sex. If you are expecting to hear from this person; they will text or call you soon. They will offer you two to meet up and you know (hook together). I'm not really sure if you want to be with this person but nothing really will come from them. Nothing serious. I see that you are not seeing things clearly. This person, might come and present himself as someone good and fun to be around but he is a fuckboy so don't give him anything to fuck. Or if you want to then it is on you 🙃. Also I see that many of you know the motive of this person but are paralyzed by their emotions or how they feel towards this person. Please honey leave that dusty to his momma. You need your spouse not this. Anyways, I see that this pile is considering to travel soon, I see a trip after 2 or 3 weeks, days or even months. The dominant energy on this pile are fire placements (Leo, Aries or sagittarius) and air placements (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).
Who is your future spouse (personality)
I see someone who is very sensitive. Someone who is really shy and dreamy? I'm picking up on a piscesian energy to be honest. This person can detach and leave any situation easily. I also see that this person have a unique perspective on life. He might be someone who is drawn to spirituality and if not then dark science. Like tarot, astrology, magic, occult, Satanism or anything that is considered taboo in your country, this is a general reading so take what resonates. This person is very spiritual too. I see that this person is carefree and can influence anyone easily. You see those people who are cult leaders? I see someone (your spouse) who can change anyone's perspective about the subject he is interested in. Let's say that you think magic is harmful okay? This person have the ability to convince you that magic is not really that harmful. What I'm picking up on also is that this person is very good at persuasion. He knows how to win any argument. This person is very responsible despite his dreamy nature. I'm also seeing that this person is very fair. He doesn’t manipulate people at all. I see someone who is isolated or you know a lone wolf. A classic ISTP or ISFP; since this person is not so rational or you know not ruled by their head or brain. This person is balanced, or when you meet him; he will balance out all the areas in his life. I see also that this person is currently collecting money or working very hard. I see that when you meet him, he will be already lunching a project that is related to his career. This person is smart too. And if not then wise beyond his age. Idk why I'm picking up on mercury in pisces. He might have this placement. I see that this person is not so extrovert, you can say he is selectively extrovert. He got to chose who he spend time with, very selective regarding people.
His physical appearance
Well, first thing I'm picking up on is that this person look exactly like one of his family members. He might have a twin or look like his father or grandpa. I see also that this person will have great chemistry with you too. I'm picking up on green and hazel eyes, round face or chubby face, someone who is blonde, brown or his hair color is caramel. This person is very sexy and active. He might not be mascular but still he goes to the gym and do the things that most gym bros do (channeling his frustration into working out). This person's face is very baby like or he have baby face or he look younger than his age. You see those people who you think are in their 20s but they are in like their 30s? This person have this thing. Also this person have a sunny aura. Or a golden retriever energy. Another thing is this person undertone is very fair; almost pale. And if not he have medium or tan skin color. He look boyish or childish. Hmmm, I'm not sure if this apply to everyone but this person physically is sexy or hot I mean his body but his face is very boyish or cute. He might have a light beard too. I don't know why but his ears might be pointy? Yeah I'm picking up on a pointy ears too. His hair is wavy or straight. This person's height is between medium to tall, mostly between 5'9 to 5'11 (175 to 180). His smile is very prominent. And yeah guys I think the smell? He use trendy perfumes. Or if not his perfume could be so special it lingers in you thoughts.
His financial state
This person work as a soldier and if not then his effort got used in return to a very low wage. I'm not saying that he is now broke but he was broke before. I see that someone hired him and used his time and energy to underpaid him. You see those people who work in malls? As cashiers or even clean the floor? This person endured that job and got nothing in return. And then I see that one day he met a man and that man helped your spouse to get a better job and even better payment. I see that your spouse struggled a lot financially. His family perhaps wasn't really that supportive of him so he had to work and earn the money. Now I see that your spouse in a better place financially, there's no more debts on his shoulder. And honestly I see that he possibly might have worked multiple jobs just to earn money and support himself. I see why in the beginning of this reading I felt like he is paralyzed and stuck! Because his financial state literally traumatized him.
When will he enter your life?
10 weeks from now, the cards are telling me that this person will enter your life all of sudden. Or if not then there's something traumatic that is going to happen to you and at that time your spouse will be there. He might enter your life after you broke up with someone or if you're not dating anyone then you might witness a divorce of someone around you. Capricorn season is prominent here. So, this person might enter your life via a woman who is a Capricorn or have earth placements. I see also that you might intuitively know that this is your spouse. Or you might be having a spiritual awakening at the time he enters your life.
Possible placements
Libra, Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, earth signs (Capricorn, virgo and taurus). Moon, neptune, Saturn dominant in their chart or he have sun or moon or his big six in the 7th, 4th, 12th, 11th house.
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Post date: 7th/Sep/2024-Sat
*Feedback is appreciated
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wileys-russo · 1 month
ahem. You. I have a foxy request— her obsession with her kindle while she’s dating you, perhaps? You don’t want to go paperless, but Foxy keeps trying to convince you to get a kindle. She’ll hide your book and make comments like “but if you had a kindle” and teasingly roll her eyes, but it goes both ways? Maybe R is taller than her, so one day she takes emily’s kindle and holds it over her head and emily tries to get it back and R just keeps gently tapping her head with the kindle before holding it back up. Absolutely no pressure, this just sounded like smth down your alley?
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brand deal II e.fox
“em?” you called out hesitantly, frowning as the majority of the lights were switched off in your apartment and you let yourself in. “emily?” you called again, hair pricking up on the back of your neck as you took a few cautious steps forward.
“where is she?” you mumbled with a frown, knowing she was in fact here given she’d called you about five minutes ago as you were pulling into the parking garage to check when you’d be home.
you settled a little as you flicked on the living room lights, hanging your bag up and shrugging off your puffer jacket. “you’re back!” you screamed and almost fell over at the new voice interrupting the thick silence.
“don’t do that!” you scowled at your girlfriend, kicking off your shoes as she made her way closer with a grin. “do what? say hi?” the brunette teased as your facial expression remained unamused.
“why were all the lights off you freak? i called out for you twice!” you defended, making your way into the kitchen to wash your hands.
having caught your neighbours practically pantsless in your buildings elevator the other day you’d made sure to thoroughly wash your hands every time you had to enter it since.
“well it was light outside when i started this chapter, and now…many chapters later, it’s dark.” emily shrugged in explanation as you gave her an odd look.
“you were reading…in the dark?” “yes." "do you have like some superhuman ability to see in the dark that you just never told me about?" "obviously?"
"oh well sorry i didn't realise i was dating a mutant!" you teased with a roll of your eyes, your girlfriend smiling in amusement. "you don't need the lights on to read on a kindle babe." the american revealed the truth as you rolled your eyes again but this time less playfully.
"you know if you had one-" "don't try to brand deal me fox, i know all your little tricks."
"no come on, don't be like that!" emily laughed at your obvious disdain as you moved to start rummaging through the fridge. "like what exactly?" you sighed, tapping your foot trying to magically conjure up what you were going to cook for dinner with your severe lack of groceries.
the two of you were going away for a few days since there wasn't a game this weekend for arsenal and the girls were given some time off, so you'd both put off buying anything which might perish while you were gone.
"like such a negative nelly." "you are so american sometimes its painful." "hey! you were living in the states by your own choice when we met, thank you."
"emily i truly believe that if it was put to you that you had to choose between being with me or never reading on that stupid thing again, you'd choose the kindle." you pivoted back to the original subject making the brunette chuckle.
"and if i said you might be correct?" she grinned teasingly as you pulled your head out of the fridge to shoot her an unimpressed glare in warning.
"joking, i'm joking! just using my delightful sense of humor that helped you fall so in love with me in the first place." your girlfriend smiled charmingly as you hummed and bit back a smile of your own.
"since we have no food, how about i take you and paige to dinner?" emily offered, leaning around you and snagging a half empty bowl of strawberries out of the fridge, pulling herself up to sit on the counter to pick at them.
"me and who?" you closed the fridge and turned to look at her with confusion, untwisting the cap on a bottle of water and taking a sip. "paige." emily echoed as you waited for her to elaborate which she never did, just smiling at you as if nothing was wrong.
"who is paige?" you sighed, sensing you likely weren't going to enjoy her answer as the grin on her face grew.
"my kindle." "you named that thing?" "yes and you'll call her accordingly!" the brunette pointed with a playful glare. "darling i would so sincerely rather stick toothpicks into my eyes than address your kindle as if its a living thing."
"paige, address paige as a living thing." "are you cheating on me with an e-book fox?" "well she doesn't argue with me and nag me about doing my laundry after a game." "emily!" "just joking, joking again! trying to make you laugh since you have the most musical laugh babe." "kiss my ass fox." "who sounds american now?"
your rivarly with 'paige' only got worse as time went on, specifically as you both checked into the hotel you'd be staying at over the weekend for your little getaway.
your girlfriend had at least not pulled her kindle out the entire flight, the two of you playing a few very spirited rounds of her favourite card game instead and catching up on a few episodes of community which she had you watching for the first time.
but no sooner had you both gone out for a lovely meal together and a walk around town, retiring to the room for a glass of wine and some downtime, did paige resurface and not in the way you were expecting.
"em did you repack my case?" you questioned, sat on your knees and rifling around with a frown as your girlfriend had already settled herself in bed with her kindle in her lap ready to go.
"yeah you said i could put my big grey coat in if it fit, remember?" your girlfriend reminded as you hummed, eyebrows furrowing as you hunted around for what you wanted but came up empty handed.
"what have you lost baby?" the defender questioned as you unpacked and repacked your case for the second time.
"my books. i packed three of them and i can't find them? and i know they were in here because i was texting with lia about the series last night as i packed." you huffed in annoyance, sitting back and glaring at your now messed up case as if they might make them magically appear.
"oh those? yeah they're at home." the american confirmed, sitting up and fluffing the pillow behind her as your head slowly turned. "they're what?" you asked slowly, unsure if you'd misheard her.
"they're at home." her fingers flew across the screen with a slick click clack as she typed in the password to the kindle, not even looking at you and missing the way your eyes narrowed toward her.
"as in...they're still in london. "well that is where we live." "why are they at home?" "i unpacked them, you didn't need them." "i don't need them?" "nope."
again you waited for her to expand a little, even clearing your throat as she glanced toward you with a smile and going back to her kindle. "emily why wouldn't i need them!" you stood now, moving to stand at the end of the bed with crossed arms and a scowl.
"well if you had a kindle, you could just download whatever books you want and carry an entire library in your bag instead, without the dead weight." "are you trying to market me again? i told you i am not buying one."
"you don't need to." your girlfriend shrugged as you scoffed and threw your hands up in the air. "why? because you could click your fingers and have one magically appear for free?" you jutted your hip out and raised an eyebrow.
"you know you look very hot when you're getting all mad and dramatic." the american grinned, successfully winding you up more. "where are you going?" your girlfriend laughed as you mumbled something under your breath and turned away, sitting down on an armchair to wrestle on some shoes.
"theres a gift shop downstairs and i'm going to buy a book since i don't fancy sitting here staring at the ceiling while you get to read all evening!" you huffed, grunting as you managed to wedge your feet into your trainers without undoing the laces.
"i told you, you don't need a book."
"actually i'm now going to go and find the heaviest book i can and hit you over the head with it!" you threatened, standing and making a beeline for the door, a rustle sounding behind you.
"emily." you groaned as her hand shot out over your shoulder and pushed the door back closed as you opened it. "come here please." the girl snapped the waistband of your pajama shorts and you let out a long and deep sigh before following her.
"here." the defender rummaged around in her own suitcase for a moment before grabbing out a box and shoving it into your hands. "see? no need for any books, you're welcome." she kissed your cheek and wandered back to the bed.
it didn't take you more than a millisecond to clock what the box was for, the brand name splashed across the front as you shook your head. "you kidnapped my books so you could force me into using a kindle?" you waved the box in your hand at the brunette who nodded.
"correct, and i already purchased and loaded those same three books and the two that come after it. again; you're welcome babe." "i didn't say thank you!" "i know, i'll be waiting."
"well you'll be waiting for a long, long time!" you huffed, dropping the box back on top of her pile of clothes in her case. "where are you going now!" emily asked with a frown as again you headed for the door.
"to buy a book. then maybe while i'm at it look a new girlfriend who likes the smell of the pages and cracking open a fresh new novel, the thrill of a dog eared corner and the hefty weight of the paper in your hands. someone who appreciates reading for what it is, not something done digitally!" you rambled out with a huff, hand on the doorknob.
"baby, you're being dramatic. come here and i'll read to you, you can even close your eyes and pretend its a book!" emily opened her arms expectantly as your gaze narrowed and her face lit up more as you took a few cautious steps toward her, stopping once you'd reached the side of the bed.
"come on babe its our first night on vacation lets not argue over something so silly, come cuddle." the american patted the space between her legs as you stared her down.
her features brightened yet again as you pushed her legs together and moved to straddle her lap, lips curling into a signature smirk. "actually, why waste time reading?" you breathed out, leaning in as your lips ghosted hers.
you leaned back slightly as the american surged forward, a smile on your face as a pout appeared on hers, kindle left on the nightstand beside her as one hand grabbed the back of your neck and the other your hip trying to pull you closer for a kiss.
however right as you leaned in to do just that within seconds your arm darted out and fingers grabbed at the smooth cold metal, snatching the kindle and swinging yourself off of her, headed again for the door.
"babe what the hell? where are you going now?" emily groaned, head thumping gently against the wall behind her watching you walk away with a frustrated frown.
"oh well since you insisted on bringing 'paige' on holiday with us, i figured why should she miss out on all the fun? so i'm gonna take her for a little evening swim!" "don't you dare." "oh yeah? watch me."
again within seconds as your hand gripped the doorknob you heard the covers go flying and feet hit the floor, the door barely opened a few centimeters before a body jumped onto you and your own slammed into the door closing it again.
"give her back!" "no! you have a problem you just called an inanimate object a her!" "i said give it!" emily grunted, arms wrapping around your neck and legs clutching at your hips as you held the kindle away from your body, stumbling backwards trying to keep your balance.
"oh my god you are addicted to this thing, you need help!" "i do not! you just don't understand the future." "oh i do, i know the future is looking awfully wet for paige!"
"em!" you squealed as she managed to pull you down onto the bed, crawling on top of you as you quickly wedged the kindle under your back and fought to push her off.
the two of you bickered back and forth as you grabbed her hands and got a knee loose, pushing her off of you and trying to flee again as her arm wrapped around your neck and her leg around your waist in an attempt at some sort of sleeper hold.
you had a couple of centimeters of height on her though and held the kindle just out of reach, using it to bonk her several times on the head to try and get her to let go of you to which she protested loudly.
after a few more minutes of struggle you almost rolled off the bed, yelping as strong hands grabbed you and using that to your advantage you managed to climb back on top of her.
"are we really fighting over a kindle?" you managed to press her arms to the bed with a grip on her wrists, her chest heaving beneath you and both your faces flushed rosy pink after the tussle.
"yeah, yeah we are." your girlfriend sighed, body going limp as a beat of silence passed before you both shared a look and suddenly you were rolling off of her, both your combined laughter filling the air as you clutched your stomachs.
"this is so stupid!" you managed out with a shake of your head. "i know." the defender agreed with a chuckle of her own, both of you taking a second to calm down again.
"truce?" you held a hand up in the air, her own coming to interlock and give it a firm shake. "truce, i love you."
"i love you too." you smiled, head turning to look as hers did the same, the two of you craning your necks to sweetly peck one anothers lips a few times with some giggles, your body rolling so you laid half on top of her, legs intertwining as her heart pounded beneath your eat that was pressed against her chest.
"one thing though?" "mm?" "paige is not allowed to sleep in the bed with us."
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tawaifeddiediaz · 1 month
you know, after watching day 3 of the democratic national convention, i need to say something, especially to other muslims like me.
most of the muslim communities that i'm a part of have chosen to vote uncommitted, or independent, or sometimes, even trump. they refuse to give their vote to kamala harris and tim walz, because of the way the us has handled the war in gaza, and how they have been careless with acknowledging palestinian lives lost, how it was american bombs and american tax money that went towards funding this genocide. it's fucked up, and it's wrong, and there shouldn't be any debate on that.
and i am 100% in support of that anger. i am 100% in support of forcing america to stop funding this genocide. no one wants to keep seeing palestinian lives suffer. no one is free until we're all free, and i believe that to my very core.
my only concern is that where this anger is being placed, from 1 year to 11 weeks before the presidential election, is so scary. because the reality of the situation is that america has a bipartisan outlook. whoever gets the presidency is either democrat or republican. and every vote that doesn't go towards democracy (i.e. voting for kamala harris) inadvertently goes towards trump's big plan of project 2025, which is basically dictatorship. Even voting uncommitted, even voting independent. we cannot afford to elect trump for a second term, and voting anything other than democrat draws that line way too close, especially in swing states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia.
yes, there are many issues that we wish joe biden would handle better. there are many ways that the democratic party has fucked up beyond repair. there are many ways the democratic party has refused to acknowledge the pain of people affected by their military people throughout the years, and we've been seeing it for years. this is not a new thing. this did not start on october 7th. we see it during pretty much every administration.
however, voting for your candidate should never be based on a singular issue. no political candidate is ever going to check every single box. and its so unfortunate that we have to always take the "lesser of two evils" approach when nominating our president, but that's the reality of the situation at this very moment. there are many other rights to be considered that are at stake this election, all of which trump is trying to remove. abortion bans, women's rights, healthcare, social security, climate change, to name a few.
(and, somehow, there's a belief that trump will lead to a ceasefire deal where biden-harris didn't? let me tell you that is never going to happen.)
does this mean we just stop protesting or pressuring? absolutely not. you NEVER stop, because if our votes are the ones that put the candidate in their position of power, then we expect results. we expect them to work towards what they promised. and we can't let up on reaching out to our local county offices and our state governors and escalating these issues further until someone takes notice and does something about them. we don't elect them and just leave them to do what they want. we keep them accountable. use that anger i was talking about.
but it also means not having tunnel vision. the election in november could very well mean the end of democracy if kamala harris doesn't win. this post is not me all giggly-happy over the democratic party, because trust me, i have my fair share of issues with them as well. this post isn't to tell you what to do, because i can't force you to vote blue. i can't force the community i'm in to change their minds about toss-up votes. but what i can do is put down plainly what's at stake this election. and that is, very simply, our right to choose everything.
so if you are eligible to vote and haven't registered, please do. if you haven't voted before because "what's the point", please see above what the point is. a handful of votes is enough to flip the outcome of an election, especially with the electoral college.
and if you're still on the fence on whether to vote for kamala or trump, hopefully this post gives a little bit more perspective in the most streamlined way i could manage without bogging you down with statistics and numbers.
the choice is yours.
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daylightaftertherain · 7 months
also the whole symbolism of the strike and how it reflects the difference between simon and wille's circumstances??
hillerska doesn't take the strike seriously- it's something fun and gimmicky almost; a party instead of a protest. they know they're going to win. they have rich parents they can threaten the school with and have never been told no for more than a few weeks in their lives.
wille can afford to join in, he can give into peer pressure and take the easy way out. even if simon tries to point out the irony of the whole situation, this is what he's comfortable with, and a "stand" the crown won't say anything about. hell, simon even shares food with him when he gets hungry while the others are laughing over auctioning food.
henry says ar one point "if I knew it would be a hunger strike, I wouldn't have done it" and cincent admits he didn't think it'd take this long. these people have no idea how long it take real change to happen. they don't have a concept of what suffering for a cause or belief is, and felice and wille are included in that. this is why he has such a hard time listening and understanding what simon's trying to say.
simon can't afford to do that, both because he thinks the strike is stupid and hypocritical, and because he can't risk getting suspended. he doesn't have rich parents; his only real solid connection to this world is wille, who's choosing to go with the crowd. he's the one getting mocked for taking part in a worker's day demonstration while his ideas and beliefs are used by vincent to get their way and complain.
speaking of the demonstration, that's real life for simon. it's not trivial things like getting your phone taken away or not getting a fancy graduation. he's had to work since he was 14, his mother has to work to feed them, and he faces elitism and classism every day. it's not something he can choose to look away from or join in just for fun.
it reflects wille and simon's attitudes about everything that's happened. their clashes are based on fundamental differences in their view of how the world works. wille has learned that following what tradition says or what the majority says is the most neutral answer that keeps him out of trouble. it's very, very hard for him to break out of that mindset, even when he's trying and even when he has made an effort. simon needs to fight for himself and fight a vast majority because this is his life. wille isn't the one who might have to move or the one deleting his social media or having rocks thrown through windows treated like it's not a big deal.
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rogersideup · 3 months
Nice to be Kneaded
More fun stuff!
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America’s Sweetheart
Can be read as a one shot, or in conjunction with Nice to be Kneaded.
Series Masterlist More Fun Stuff Masterlist
Nomad Steve x Baker reader
3,621 words
Reader finds a way to make Steve’s birthday special despite all odds
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You sat cozy on your couch, relaxed as could be. A movie played quietly, your softest blanket was thrown over your lap, legs propped up on the coffee table, and your favorite fugitive next to you fought off sleep so hard he could barely even pay attention to the movie anymore.
It was one of those rare nights you decided to work from home to spare both you and Steve a night at the bakery. Sure, he could've found ingredients to organize and endlessly dust flour off of shelves, but it was important to you that he got relaxing nights with peace of mind, and no manual labor.
With your laptop open, your last task of the night was to look over the schedule and make sure everything was ready to go. Themed treats for upcoming holidays were thought of, time off requests were approved, supply deliveries were marked on time.
A date on the calendar caught your attention. The Fourth of July was quickly approaching, so you placed an order of red and blue sprinkles and some extra food coloring just to make sure you had enough to supply the small town with all of their themed treat needs. For such a quaint place, everyone around took the fourth very seriously.
Then faster than a bullet train, you nearly gasped as you got hit with the realization... Captain America's birthday is on the Fourth of July.
You looked over at your sleepy super soldier and couldn't help but to smile at his long hair flopping onto his face but being too tied to even fix it.
"Stevie" You quietly caught his attention, reaching over to rub his arm.
"Hmm?" He replied, turning his attention towards you.
"What do you want to do on your birthday?" You asked him while closing your laptop. If you had to choose between working another minute, or snuggling the sleepy hunk of a man next to you, you'd always choose the latter.
"My birthday?" Steve furrowed his eyebrows at your question, sounding genuinely confused. "Wasn't gonna celebrate it this year."
His eyes widened at your immediate pout to his statement, but his arms welcomed you and pulled you closer as your body cuddled up to his. He kissed your forehead as you settled in, but you looked up at his sweet face again. "There was only one wrong possible answer to that question, and it's the one you just gave me."
"Holidays are busy for you at work anyway, don't need to add anything else to that chaos." His beard tickled your neck as he shoved his chin onto your shoulder. "I didn't celebrate last year either. It's not that big of a deal."
"You didn't even tell me when your birthday was or that it was coming up." You pouted, sadness lacing into every work you spoke. "If the date wasn't so painfully obvious it would've passed by and I wouldn't have even known, and I feel like you did that on purpose."
"It's okay Sunflower," he mumbled before placing a kiss to your shoulder. "I don't really like my birthday, so I'd rather just skip it."
Your pout deepened even more at his statement. Of course circumstances aren't ideal, he was in hiding so there wasn't much you could even do with or even for him. He couldn't spend it with his friends or chosen family, and it's not like you could take him to a fancy dinner at a fine dining restaurant, but you knew in your heart you could still make the day special.
"Why don't you like it?" You questioned.
The sadness in your eyes was killing him slowly, and quickly melting away the walls around his heart. "I guess I liked it more when I was a kid, but as I've gotten older it's always gotten more complicated. There's always so much pressure surrounding one day of the year and I usually end up on some sort of parade float for the city anyways. It's not really my birthday anymore, I always just feel like a holiday novelty."
"That makes me so sad." You admitted before Steve kissed the pout right off your lips.
"Don't be sad, it's fine." He grabbed your blanket from the couch and pulled it right back over the two of you. "This year has been quite taxing, emotionally and physically so every day I get to spend like this with you feels like a gift. This is all I want."
"You're very stubborn." You noted, shaking your head. "Your mere existence is practically a miracle, and you don't think that's worth celebrating."
"I think you might be the only person who feels that way about me anymore." He mumbled.
That statement made your heartbreak, and caused a physical pain in your chest. You knew now that this was a sensitive subject, and you've probably pushed too far.
"You know damn well that's not true." You said seriously, looking right into his tired eyes. "And I'll prove it to you."
"That sounds a little more than mildly threatening." Steve grinned.
"Good, I'm glad. You should feel threatened." Your arms squeezed him tighter and you snuggled impossibly closer to him. "Because you're very special, and you deserve to feel that way."
"look who's the stubborn one now." Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Happily." You kissed him. "I'm taking advantage of the fact that you're too tired to even argue, but we can drop the subject because I want you to sleep well tonight."
"That's so sweet and so mean at the same time." Steve grinned.
"It comes from a place of good intentions." You clarified.
"I know it does, you have the biggest heart I've ever known." Steve agreed. "So if we must celebrate my birthday, this is all I want. If you happen to find some spare time on the fourth, I will happily spend it with you."
Finally, your pretty smile poked through. "I guess that's better than refusal."
"Shall we agree to disagree and call it a night?" Steve pitched, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Only because I care about you so much." You laid your head right on his chest.
"No! Don't get cozy!" Steve sleepily giggled. "Let's go to bed."
"Fine, fine." You sat up and let out a yawn as he stood up from the couch and stretched.
He reached out his hand to you, seemingly offering to help you up. But the second you placed your hand in his, he hooked your arm around the back of his neck and picked you up like a groom would his bride.
Your laughter warmed his heart all the way up the stairs, then your arms held him appreciatively as he carefully set you down on your bed and got in next to you.
A few kisses and affirmations of nothing but the sweetest dreams to come was just about all the two of you had any energy for before falling asleep shortly after.
The next morning, Steve went off on his daily run and you headed off to work leaving your mind perfectly free to devise a plan to make his birthday as special as it could possibly be.
You knew he was a very chill guy. He did everything on the down low and never liked to bring too much attention to himself, even when he wasn't in hiding. So if there was one thing you knew for sure, especially after your conversation about it, your plans needed to be just as chill as he was.
You were so chill about it, in fact, time flew by without you even bringing his birthday up again. So as it approached, Steve nearly forgot about it.
The night of July 3rd, your plan started wonderfully. Though the two of you would usually watch a Pixar movie since Steve hadn't seen most of them, you were able to sway him towards the perfect Disney movie... Tangled.
You got him to watch the whole movie with you, and even managed to get both of you through it without either of you falling asleep before the ending.
Ever since you learned about Steve in history class as a teenager, you found his birthday to be rather interesting. The chances of a sickly little boy born on Independence Day growing up to be the face of the country's best fighter was probably less than one in a million.
Every year on his birthday, fireworks lit up the sky over the whole country, much like how every year on Rapunzle's birthday, the entire kingdom let go of lanterns to float in the sky in hopes of finding her.
Perhaps your parallels weren't enough for Steve, he didn't put two and two together. Or maybe he saw some connections but didn't say anything, but regardless, the context was bound to make your plans for his birthday even more special.
The worst part of the whole day was that Steve was correct, holidays at work were very busy so you couldn't take the whole day off to spend with him. But, you still made some arrangements to make his time away from you feel special.
You got up extra early, just about 3 in the morning, to sneak into his house to decorate his living room with balloons, and a cute happy birthday banner you strung across the mantle. Just to cover all your bases since you knew he wouldn't accept any real gifts, you also left him a card with a cute note written inside, all his favorite snacks, a new hat and a super cute hoodie, and a few chocolate chip cookies just for good measure.
A few kisses to his temple while he was asleep, tucking him in tighter before you left, then you were off to work. You pretty much helped customers all day long with the exception of making Steve a birthday cake and decorating a custom sugar cookie order.
When you got off work, you quickly ran home to shower and change into some comfortable clothes before making your way to Steve's house once more.
Using the side gate and entering the back door, you smiled at the sight of Steve walking towards you.
"Happy birthday, Stevie!" You smiled excitedly, happy to finally get to spend time with him.
"Thank you, pretty girl" Steve smiled right back and greeted you with a kiss before pointing at the cake box in your hands. "What's that?"
"Your cake, silly. What else would it be?" You questioned with a giggle and set the box down on the table.
"I have a bone to pick with you." Steve playfully scolded.
"Already?" You questioned. "We haven't even gotten to the fun part!"
"I told you I didn't want this to interfere with your already busy day, and I know you got up early, and I know that took time away from work." He said pointing to the cake box.
"Oh but you're just so cute I can't even help myself." You fake complained. "Plus we actually get to eat this so we both benefit."
"I'll let you get away with it this time, but this behavior is unacceptable." He continued joking, referencing everything you've already done for him.
"Well, don't speak too soon because I have to admit I'm a bit embarrassed about something."
Steve preemptively giggled at your admission as you started opening the top of the cake box. "What happened?"
"I realized while I was making this earlier that you never actually told me how old you are, so I had to secretly google you at work so nobody would know I was making you a cake. Then google was telling me all sorts of nonsense about how old you could be but I refuse to believe what it said, so I had to do math which is not my strong suit." You explained. "All of that is to say I committed, and it could be completely wrong."
He stood behind you with a hand on your lower back, peeking over your shoulder. Never expecting what was to come, he nearly choked on a knot in his throat and had to try really hard to not let tears well in his eyes when you showed him the cake you made.
It was small and round, his favorite color green, perfectly piped borders on the top and bottom, the perfect sprinkle mix, and it read 'Happy Birthday, Stevie!' With candles that said 33.
You looked back at his face to see if you got it right, but you were met with an expression you couldn't quite gauge. With an awkward giggle, you asked the dreaded question "Oh no, it's wrong huh? How old are you?"
"No, no, you got it right." Steve shook his head and finally got himself to smile and chuckle at his own reaction. He wrapped his arms about you from behind. "It's just- this is the first time I've ever had a cake that wasn't red white and blue. I really love it, it's so pretty. Thank you so much"
"What? That makes no sense. Your favorite color is green so why would you have a red white and blue cake?" You asked as if it was the easiest, most obvious choice.
You didn't even realize how much something so simple to you meant to him. He knew two things for sure right then and there, the first being that him being captain america meant so little to you that you couldn't even fathom why he hated his birthday so much, and the second being you were the only person since the 40's to make him feel like himself again. You didn't use his birthday as an opportunity to make jokes about how old he was or what had happened to him, and you put forth your best effort to separate it from the holiday. He was so sure this moment was when he was certain he wanted to marry you.
"You're too good to me" Steve shook his head before kissing the top of yours.
"Save it for later, we're just starting the celebration." You smiled, turning around to face him. There was no containing your chuckle as he kissed you yet again. "Would you like 33 kisses today?"
"That's not enough." Steve denied, the blush in his cheeks spreading to the tip of his nose. "Some would say I'm actually turning 99 today. I would like 100 kisses. One extra for good luck"
"Oh, so now you actually tell me what you want?" You smiled. "My lips might fall off but that's a price I'm willing to pay."
"Okay then we probably shouldn't test that theory." He regretfully let you go.
"Here's the deal Rogers, I’m about to kidnap you and take you on a little hike so I need you to put on some comfortable clothes and get your beautiful booty in my car.” You pointed your finger at him. “I don’t want to hear any complaints!”
“Yes ma’am” Steve agreed with a smile before turning around to walk up the stairs. “Beautiful booty…” he repeated your words to yourself.
“And don’t you forget it!” You called out to him.
While you waited for him, you put the cake in the fridge but eventually got him into the car. After a short drive through the town and a relatively short hike up a hill, you set up a picnic at the very tippy top.
Together you sat on a plush blanket and ate Steve’s current favorite food which was ever changing, watched the sunset, and chatted away while waiting for the main event to start.
The sun fully left for the night at around 8pm, leaving nothing but the stars above you and crickets chirping to mask the sound of silence. You did eventually turn on and tune the little radio you brought with you to the right station that will synchronize with the towns firework show.
With a few minutes to spare, you finally explained. “The sunset was lovely, but I have ulterior motives.”
“Oh yeah?” Steve’s lopsided smile poked through. “Do tell more.”
“I told you I was going to prove to you that you’re very special and everyone else still thinks so.” You pulled a pair of headphones out of your backpack. “I made you watch tangled for a reason.”
“What’s the reason?” He asked curiously.
“Every year on her birthday, rapunzel watches the lanterns from her bedroom window because she thinks they’re beautiful and helped her feel less trapped in the tower she was stuck in. She always felt like they were meant for her since they always happened on her birthday.” You explained. “I know being on the run also has you feeling quite stuck, but I think it’s beautiful that every year on your birthday the whole sky is filled with fireworks like they’re meant for you. This is the best view point from the whole town, but it’s always empty because nobody knows it’s here. I thought maybe we could watch them together, and maybe it’ll bring you some peace when you see how many really light up the sky. In the least creepy way possible, before I even knew you I always thought of you on this day and really took a moment to appreciate how your existence inadvertently affected my life and so many others. If thats just what little old me was thinking about, imagine how many millions of people are still out there thinking of you tonight”
Steve looked dumbfounded for a few moments even after you explained. You continued to blow him away, and never ceased to know exactly what he needed to hear in the hardest moments in this crazy newfound life as a nomad. He didn’t quite find the words to respond before you started talking again.
“I know that sometimes someone in your line of work can have a hard time with the sounds that come along with fireworks, so I brought you some noise canceling headphones just in case. Or we can always just head home if you don’t want to..” you became a bit unsure of your choice when you realized you could damn near send the man into a panic attack.
“No. No this is perfect.” Steve shook his head, swallowing the lump in his throat once more. He had no idea he could ever be loved this much, so much that you didn’t even have to say it with words for him to know it was true. “I don’t even know what to say. I think this is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me.”
You smiled and snuggled up to his side. Tightly wrapping your arms around him, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“You don’t have to say anything at all.” You rested your head on his shoulder. “I think they’re going to start any minute now. Would you like the headphones?”
“I don’t need them when I have you to protect me.” He grinned and rested his head on top of yours.
Over the radio played an announcement that the display was now starting.
“Okay here’s the part where I prove to you that you’re still America’s sweetheart.” You told him. “If I remember correctly, every year the show starts with…”
Steve started laughing as Star Spangled Man started playing on the radio, and fireworks illuminated the sky. From up close and from a distance, the view was so good he could see them from neighboring towns miles and miles away.
“You know this song, right?” You asked Steve sarcastically. You knew damn well he had heard the song about him hundreds of times on his USO tour.
“No, I’ve never heard it before” he responded just as sarcastically.
“You know, if the hatred for you was actually as bad as it feels for you, they would’ve stopped using this song last year.” You explained. “But look, it’s still here and people still love it, and people still love you. Even in this teeny tiny town that doesn’t even know you’re living in it.”
Steve nodded in understanding and he choked back more tears. He wrapped his arms around you just as tightly as you held him, and for the remaining 25 minutes both of you were so mesmerized by the lit up sky no more words were spoken to each other until after the grand finale.
The very last firework in the sky fizzled away, and he finally found the words. “You were right.”
You smiled. “It wasn’t about me being right, I just wanted you to have a good day.”
“I’m not even exaggerating, but I think this might be the best birthday I’ve ever had.” He said genuinely. “Thank you, I don’t think you’ll ever know how much I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, sweet boy. Even if this is the only birthday of yours we get to spend together, I hope you know that every year when the fireworks go off, where ever we are in the world, I’ll always be thinking of you.” You kissed his lips.
“That might be even sweeter than the cake waiting for us at home.” Steve smiled, taking your words to heart.
“The only thing that’s between us and that cake is a hike down a hill.”
“In the complete dark.” Steve added. “Doesn’t that scare you?”
“Not when I have you to protect me.” You admitted, standing up to start the process of making your way back to the cake. Steve stood up, and under the moonlight he just looked to beautiful you couldn’t even resist giving him yet another hug.
He happily accepted, and rubbed your back in appreciation.
“Happy birthday, Steve.”
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stars-tonight · 2 months
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kageyama tobio
word count: 683
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kageyama wakes up early every day, but he never notices the sun. the sun is something that is always there, so much so that it's faded into the background of his morning runs. when kageyama is focused in, as he often is on these runs, he is aware of nothing but his task at hand. he doesn't have the time or the energy to notice the sun. he has some big matches coming up, and he is dedicating most of his waking hours to volleyball, falling behind on schoolwork in the process. as of right now, everything in his life revolves around volleyball. so when you suggest taking the time to watch the sunrise together one day, he initially is confused.
"the sun rises every day. what makes it such a big deal?" he asks, when you first bring up the idea.
you shrug. "it's pretty," you respond vaguely. "and it can help you look at things from a different perspective."
kageyama tilts his head, pondering. perspective? he doesn't quite understand what you mean. but your eyes are bright and hopeful, and he's used to getting up early, so he agrees.
on this day, you let him lead you to the park he always goes to for his morning run. it's mostly dark out, with only the faintest rays of light lighting up the world. you find a bench and settle down together, listening to the birds chirp peacefully. in kageyama's busy life, you doubt he's ever had the time to slow down and be one with nature before.
when the sun starts to rise, lighting the world in pink, red, orange, and yellow, you sit up straight in awe. beside you, you feel kageyama stiffen slightly, before relaxing as you take his hand in yours and squeeze. the park starts to fill with more people--dog walkers, early morning joggers, people who stopped to watch the sunrise like the two of you. but you and kageyama are only aware of each other. of each other, and the sun.
you turn to look at him. his eyes are fixed on the sunrise, an unreadable emotion evident on his face. "what did you mean by 'different perspective'?" he asks suddenly.
you blink in surprise at his question, before smiling gently. "look at that," you whisper, pointing to the sun. "isn't it beautiful?"
he nods. "this spectacle is put on every day for us," you continue quietly. "but very few people pay attention to it. everyone is too busy with their own changing lives to care about something as everlasting as the sun. the world is so big, tobio. all of us, everyone in the world, we're insignificant when compared to the massiveness of the universe."
he looks up at the sky, sunlight shining on his face and the morning breeze gently wafting through his hair. he nods in agreement.
you look up at the sky too. "remember that when you play volleyball, okay?" you say softly. when he frowns, looking at you in confusion, you carry on. "i know you love volleyball. you work harder than anyone i know. you're already so good, but you're always striving to be better."
you lean your head against his shoulder. "but remember there's more to life than volleyball, tobio. take a step back sometimes. breathe. watch a sunrise. don't put so much pressure on yourself."
you look back up at him. he nods again. "breathe," he repeats, before looking at you.
he leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead. "thank you, [y/n]."
you smile up at him, hugging his arm. "i love you, tobio."
kageyama shows his love through actions. he thinks words are fleeting and meaningless. they change so fast, are so inconsistent, that they become almost as invisible as the sun.
anyone can say anything, but very rarely will they mean it. so when kageyama chooses to speak, it's nothing but the honest truth.
he looks at you now, the light shining on his hair and his face. his eyes soften, his lips quirking up into a rare smile. "i love you too."
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bokuto kōtarō
word count: 667
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bokuto kōtarō is not a morning person.
oftentimes you have to wake him up so he won't be late for morning practice. he's heavy, so you can't physically drag him out of bed, so you end up promising that you'll reward him with a kiss if he gets up. (he always gets up very quickly after that.)
you never thought bokuto would willingly get up early, especially because you had made sure to tell him that he didn't have to today. "i just want to see the sunrise, is all," you had told him. "you can stay in bed and sleep in. it's the weekend and you don't have practice."
but when you slip out of bed this morning and bokuto realizes you're no longer next to him, he's tripping over himself and falling out of the bed to eventually catch up to you as you walk down the stairs. now he is clinging to you, hugging you from the back as you drag him out of your house. "[y/n]," he groans, burying his face in your neck. "why are we up so early?"
"to see the sunrise, ko," you respond. "i told you yesterday, remember? but you didn't have to get up with me."
"you weren't next to me," he says, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. you chuckle at his sleepy, glazed eyes and set the two of you down on the patio bench. bokuto yawns, his head dropping onto your shoulder.
"go back to sleep, ko," you say softly. "you're tired."
he shakes his head. "wanna watch with you," he mumbles, although he can barely keep his eyes open. you hide a chuckle, gently ruffling his hair.
you're entranced by the sunrise, eyes wide in awe as the golden light washes over you. you're rendered speechless by nature's beauty, so much so that you almost forget about bokuto. that is, at least, until he lets out a tired groan and snuggles farther into your shoulder. you let out a small giggle--it tickles--and look down at him. he's staring back at you; lovestruck eyes shower you with so much affection you blush and look away shyly.
"why are you looking at me like that?" you mumble, gently pushing his head away.
bokuto hugs your arm tightly and leans into you. "you're pretty," he answers.
you blush harder at this. "have you been awake this whole time?" you ask suddenly.
"mmhm," he answers. (what you don't know is that he hadn't been watching the sunrise at all. instead, he was watching you, entranced by your beauty.)
"why?" you ask curiously. "i thought you didn't like getting up early."
"i don't," he says bluntly. "but i like seeing you happy."
you duck your head to hide your smile and shake your head. "come on, you big baby," you say, standing up. "let's go back in."
bokuto holds out his hands and makes you pull him up--you dig your heels into the ground and lean back so far you almost fall over, he's so heavy. he leans on you as you walk back into the house and collapses immediately on the couch. you smile fondly at him and pull a blanket over him. "get some sleep while i make breakfast," you say. "what are we feeling today?"
he doesn't answer--he's fast asleep. you shake your head at his childlike behavior and head to the kitchen to make breakfast.
bokuto proclaims his love for you almost every other day. he's extremely clingy and can be very needy. some may compare him to a puppy, others a six year old in a professional athlete's body. but to you, he's your biggest supporter, your lighthouse amidst stormy waves, your one and only.
bokuto kōtarō does not like early mornings. but for you, he would get up before the sun rises. to see you happy, he would do crazy things. for this, some call him a lovestruck fool.
but you? you are happy to call him yours.
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suna rintarō
word count: 751
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suna doesn't like the sun. it makes him sweat and blinds his eyes. but you had asked him to see the sunrise with you, and he wasn't about to say no to you, so now he's sitting next to you on the grassy hill, scrolling on his phone and trying not to yawn. "did we really have to go to the park to see the sunrise?" he asks.
"it's for the nicer atmosphere," you respond. "besides, you can barely see the sunrise from our yards. there are other houses in the way." a dull pain shoots through your head, and you grimace.
he grumbles in acknowledgment. "are you tired?" he asks, as you yawn.
"yeah," you admit. "stayed up late studying for today's english exam."
he sighs, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over your legs. "take a nap if you're tired."
you shake your head. "i woke up early just for this."
"you'll be regretting it during test time today," he warns. "i'm serious, [y/n]. i'll take a picture of it and everything. a time-lapse video, if you want."
seeing your hesitation, he continues. "you can't retake this test if you don't do well. you can see the sunrise any day."
"for someone who doesn't have good grades, you sure care about mine a lot," you grumble.
he gently flicks your forehead. "i care about your grades because you care about your grades," he says. "and i care about you. although i care about you more than i care about your grades, so i want you to rest because you're tired. besides, i know you get headaches when you don't get enough sleep. you'll be grumpy all day if your head hurts."
you sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder. he strokes your hair, hand gentle. "go to sleep, [y/n]," he whispers.
you try to stay awake, but fatigue eventually takes over. with the feeling of suna's hand on your head, you slip into unconsciousness.
the next thing you know, someone's gently shaking your shoulder. you frown, feeling the sunlight on your face. "[y/n]," suna whispers. "wake up."
you open your eyes slowly, blinking at the bright light. suna uses his hand to help shield your eyes from the sun. "you were sleeping so soundly i didn't want to wake you," he says, "but we have to head to class now. do you feel better?"
you do, actually. your headache has almost completely disappeared. instead, everything feels light and clear. you're definitely in a better mood than you were before, even though you missed the sunrise. oh well. suna was right--you would have countless chances to see the sunrise in the future.
"did you fall asleep too?" you ask, remembering that he was also pretty sleepy.
he snorts, shaking his head. "of course not." he takes his camera out of his backpack. "i took some pictures. see if you like them."
he had brought his favorite camera, you realize with a start. his special vintage one, the one he only uses to store his favorite memories.
suna hands you the camera. "i remember you said you liked the pictures that i take with it," he says. "so i thought i'd bring it today." a pink blush tinges his cheeks.
a warm feeling fills your chest as you click through the photos. suna's great at photography, and he always captures the moment perfectly. "these are beautiful, rin," you say, admiring a photo that was perfectly timed to capture a hawk flying next to the sun. you press a kiss to his cheek, giggling at the way his face flames red. "we should do this more often."
"no way," he says. "i almost went blind. if i can't see well at practice today, atsumu will kick my ass."
you laugh at this, hugging him. "what time is it?" you ask suddenly.
"it was six thirty by the time the sun was up," he says.
you frown. "six . . . are you sure? there are usually students walking to school at this time, right?" the park is strangely empty.
he frowns too. "i did scroll a bit on my phone before waking you up," he admits. "shouldn't have been for very long though." he digs his phone out of his pant pocket and checks the time.
"rin! didn't you say it was six thirty? how long were you scrolling for?"
"i don't know! time flies like the wind when you're having fun, you know!"
"shut up and let's go!"
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A/N: an idea i had because i love sunrises. unedited because i'm lazy. also i suck at endings so they kinda just die at the end 🥹
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ Wearing Baggy Clothes Around SKZ {Chubby Babe Edition}♡
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♡ I was asked to explore how these cuties might feel about having a girlfriend who wears baggy clothes 24/7 because it makes her comfy, not because she's insecure. So let's get into it... ♡
Pairing: ot8!boyfriend!skz x chubby!fem!reader
Genre: fluffy fluff ♡
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♡ Bang Chan ♡
Your choice to wear baggy clothing isn't something he's ever given a second thought to
Duh, he thinks you have a beautiful body but it's 100% your choice if you want to show it off or not
It's actually really nice having a girlfriend who has the same fashion sense as him because he doesn't feel pressured to dress more revealing either
Whenever companies offer to send him free stuff he makes sure he asks for a size that works for both of you that way you have a few items that you can share/wear when you miss each other
♡ Hyunjin ♡
Being fashionable to him has never translated to having to wear tighter clothes so he still finds what you wear to be quite cute
When he goes to special events he likes to take you with him but he'll never get upset with you if you choose not to wear what's "in" at the moment
He puts a lot of effort into helping you pick out fashion week worthy outfits that keep you looking as gorgeous as you do without compromising comfort
If anyone ever says anything rude to you about it they're catching some major side eye from him coupled with some colorful language
♡ Changbin ♡
This is it. Dwaekki's chance to talk you into wearing matching gym clothes even when you aren't even kinda sorta heading to the gym that day
When I say matching, I mean matching. Whatever he has, you have the women's version of and it will be worn when you're together. I don't make the rules here
If you ever decide to change your mind about how you want to dress he'll support you 100% in rocking something tighter/more revealing
But he'll never pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. The most important thing to him is that you're happy, whatever that looks like for you
♡ Lee Know ♡
Outfits that have too much going on agitate him when it comes to what his stylists put on him so he understands completely why you wouldn't want to deal with that
He pretends that he doesn't want to be touched around other people but he really likes cuddles and your clothes make cuddling better for him
Every time Soonie, Doongi, or Dori make biscuits on the dangling fabric of your clothing he thinks it's super adorable. Best cat step-mom ever
Has a habit of always rolling your sleeves/pants/etc up for you when you're about to do something that might be messy so that they fit snugly in the right places
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♡ Felix ♡
At first, he asks a lot of questions to make sure that you aren't doing this because you're insecure about your body
It's not done to imply that you should be. He just wants to know if you are so that he can remind you more often that you're beautiful and that anyone who says otherwise can bite you
After that though, he lets it go and starts to do things like slipping into your hoodie with you even though there's no way he's getting his head out of the other end
Ultimately, he encourages you to go even bigger because how can he be properly attached to you at the hip if there isn't room for two all the time?
♡ Han ♡
This is absolutely going to turn into a lengthy conversation about how a lot of women in the old school hip hop scene chose to dress this way too
He's bound to get sidetracked talking about certain artists who wore things he thinks you'd look cute in. Some of it might be hideous. Just nod and smile
It's cool because he gets to be as physically affectionate as he wants to be with you in public without worrying that he'll make a wrong move and something slips out
The day will never come when it isn't adorable to him that you can curl up in your clothes like a lil cat. Just this cozy, warm ball of cuteness
♡ I.N ♡
It's in his spirit to take advantage of the fact that baggier clothes make you easier to grab
Meaning, if you try to run away when he's inevitably doing something to get on your nerves he'll catch you immediately and you'll be trapped with him
This isn't a bad thing because, even when he's torturing you, it's impossible not to see how much he cares about you
The other guys tend to tease him about how smitten he is with you and how cool he thinks you are but that'll never stop him from acting that way
♡ Seungmin ♡
Your face is what he spends most of his time staring at anyway so it's no big deal that you don't wear revealing clothing
It's kind of a good thing that you don't because he can be a real brat when other guys are staring at you and you aren't sure how long he can resist the urge to poke their eyes out
Of course, he can get over that jealousy so that you feel supported in switching it up sometimes
Though he will playfully tease you about being his "other girlfriend" when you switch back and forth because being a menace comes with the territory
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keesdarlin · 9 months
☆// merry and bright (MDNI, 18+)
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info! 141 + könig + keegan / fluff, established relationship + gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
prompt! their favorite christmas/holiday activities
notes! i'm not big on christmas usually, but this seemed cute so i thought i would do a little bit of writing for it. hope you enjoy :]
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könig's favorite holiday activity is going to see the lights. he'll take driving through the neighborhood in a car if he has to, but he really likes making a whole night out of it. to him, going to see the lights is an entire event. you'll dress up all warm and stop on the way out to grab some hot chocolate or tea or whatever it is you fancy along with some warm snacks. then you'll find a nice neighborhood, probably packed with all the other people who had the same idea as you, and just walk through it. it's a nice way to just get out for a little bit, to bask in the fresh air and that winter chill. a nice excuse for him to spoil you a little bit with some treats and sugar. he keeps a hand on you so that you don't get swept away in the crowd and is ridiculously attentive to you. asks if you want him to go get you more hot cocoa when your cup empties. pulls you closer into his side when you complain about how cold it is. looks at all the displays that you point out and smiles for every picture. it's all very sweet, really. he just loves seeing the way your eyes shine while you're looking at all of the pretty lights.
kyle loves taking you present shopping. he mostly likes it because you like it. window shopping, putting so much care and attention into choosing gifts for someone else, trying to figure out what you want for yourself. it's even more fun when you're doing all of the shopping in one place, preferably the mall. it's convenient and lively and full of energy. the lines are kind of a pain, but it's a little bit less annoying when he has you to talk to. he buys you whatever snacks you want while you're shopping. stopping for lunch is the best because that's prime time for people watching. you guys will just sit in the food court while listening to other people's conversations and commenting on them. makes sure that you're as comfortable as possible before you leave the house -- good shoes, comfortable clothes, hair tie on hand just in case you need it. he brings along band-aids in case you end up getting a blister. he also takes note of things that you like. he can't resist getting you a little gift or two to slip you when you're at home later.
soap really likes the parties. really he just likes any excuse to see you all dressed up, especially for a party. add in some alcohol and he's having a great time. in his defense, what's not to like about a good party? music, free food, and some scheduled time to hang out with all of your friends, maybe catch up with some people that you haven't seen in a little while. he likes how clingy you get at parties too, all in the spirit of cuffing season and everything. you guys are basically joined at the hip, you either hanging on his arm or his arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders or waist, keeping you pulled to his side. he likes the whole deal -- the themes, dressing up, having an excuse to dote on you a little extra, the coziness. he's super down to get lost in the moment of course, but he's always paying attention to you as well. all making sure your cup is full, making sure you have a plate of snacks if you're hungry or a sweater if you're cold, making sure you have someone to dance with if you feel like it. the whole event just gets him going.
ghost really enjoys the lazy days that the holidays allow for. he just likes having the time to just exist with you. of course he loves planning dates when your busy schedules allow the both of you to see one another, but that can get a little bit high-pressure from time to time. if you're lucky enough that he's home for the holidays when you also happen to have work off, he really prefers to stay in with you. his favorite part is probably getting to sleep in late with you pulled to his chest. there's no risk of him waking up to an empty bed because you had to run off to work or go buy milk before an appointment or whatever else life throws at you. even if he wakes up before you, he can just hold you to his chest and find comfort in the sound of you breathing (and you can do that same. just listen to the beating of his heart as he sleeps beside you). when you are both finally awake, the morning is still slow to start. you stay in bed for another hour or three and take your time convincing each other to get up and start the day. it's usually simon that caves first, getting up and dragging you out of bed along with him. you both trudge to the kitchen, enjoying the coziness of your little apartment as you make tea and scrape together a lazy breakfast. from there you spend the day in your pajamas, cuddling on the couch and watching movies under a few blankets, dozing off and on, occasionally grazing on snacks.
price usually enjoys being in the kitchen with you around the holidays. this usually consists of him being your little helper or leaning against the doorframe and rambling while you cook whatever you've set yourself to. he'll stand with you and make jokes or talk about random stuff while you roll out sheets of cookie dough or work on cooking something for dinner. to keep him occupied you'll assign him ingredients to dig through the cabinets for, really just so that you don't have to do it yourself. he'll probably find it with maximum efficiency too just so that you're not left waiting on him. he hands it to you, waits for you to measure it out, and then puts it back so that you're not losing any counter space either. and he's always bugging you for a taste of whatever you're making whether it's cookie dough or soup or whatever, but especially if it's some kind of sweet treat. if you're making cookies, you can guarantee that he'll sneak one off the cooling rack when you're not looking. would absolutely insist on making the most absurd gingerbread house with you (and would probably end up either painting you with frosting or eating it all).
i'd like to think that keegan's favorite part of christmas is the snow. anything to do with the snow, really. during the first snow of the season, he drags you out to see it. it doesn't matter if you're working or sleeping or what, but cue keegan shaking you as gently as his stifled excitement can muster to come out and see it. if he's not with you when it finally start snowing, he'll call you and leave a short but sweet message about it. he loves playing in it; it's one of the only times he lets his guard down. loves snow angels, building igloos and snow men, having snowball fights, sledding. the whole nine yards. he just has a blast with it. he also teaches you how to make snow creams when you guys have the time for it (firm believer here that keegan would like his snow creams with chocolate chips). sometimes he'll go outside by himself and just sit in the snow for a little bit or stick his hand in it and feel the way it melts on his palms. it helps ground him, helps clear his head. no matter the case, he's more than happy to be able to share it with you.
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xythlia · 11 months
- ̗̀໒ mdni. inspired by is it over now? oral, clit sucking, fingering, face riding, use of baby. idk im eepy sorry for any mistakes
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"You know I've been a mess, baby. I need you right now," satorus smooth murmur barely breaches the gooey warmth of arousal drowning your brain.
The way he gently caresses your thighs, shifting on the couch, makes you forget about being miffed that he blew you off days ago. In your head his request is already granted, no need for asking despite the part of you that knows you should be telling him there's better ways to deal with whatevers got him twisted up inside.
Could anyone really blame you for choosing this instead? It's simpler than trying to scale one hundred foot tall emotional barricades, and despite what you tell yourself each time you always pick up the phone, always find yourself bundled into a cab to wind up here.
And he asks so sweetly, those crystalline blue eyes brimming with desire. He knows you fold so easily, both because of selfish lust and because you've given up on everything but this. He can't blame you, after all he forced your hand.
"Been thinkin' about this pussy all day-" he cuts himself off with a throaty groan as he pushes one of his lithe hands between your thighs, cupping your aching cunt and biting his bottom lip in smug satisfaction feeling the wet spot spreading against his fingers.
"Just one taste?"
That's all it takes to have you disregard the few remaining pieces of clothing on your body, standing to shimmy off your damp panties before straddling his chest. He takes his time, kneading the soft fat of your ass, gingerly pushing you to move forward and situate your legs on either side of his head.
Before you can even settle in the position his tongue licks a hot stripe up your pussy, lapping at your arousal and pressing your thighs down fully. You squirm but he holds steadfast, not caring about anything but getting his fill of you.
Your head tips back, hands finding their way into his soft snowy hair, nails scratching against his scalp lightly with every prod of his tongue against your puffy clit.
"Finally," he moans and the slight vibration of his voice makes you grind your hips down against him. Ecstasy drips like honey down the back of your throat, squeezing your eyes shut and whispering his name like a reverent prayer.
"Fuck," he says, barely audible through the slick wet sounds and the way your cunt muffles his mouth. "Always so good."
Higher pitched gasps leave you, floating away up to the ceiling as your body preens from the praise. His hands rub up and down your thighs as he sucks on your aching clit, turning the darkness behind your eyelids into static fuzz. Two of his fingers prod at your soaked hole as you lean forward, slightly lifting and incidentally giving him a better angle to keep teasing you.
You can feel the way his fingers slide in with zero resistance, your body eager to accept the familiar intrusion of him. "Got the prettiest pussy don't you, baby?"
All you can do is nod dumbly above him, eyes rolling back and teeth digging into your lip as you feel an overwhelming pressure build in your tummy. Feeling those long fingers scissoring against your walls and his tongue stroking your clit is all too much, all simultaneously.
"Please, please don't stop-" it's fever pitched and frantic, knowing you're about to tumble headfirst off the cliff.
When his teeth lightly scrape your throbbing clit your eyes snap open, mouth agap in a silent cry as the sugar shell of pleasure cracks and shatters inside your head. Your hips buck messily against his face, no regard for anything but your own pleasure but it's just as satisfying for him to see you breakdown into a hedonistic mess.
It's better, easier this way. Speaking in bodies is oddly enough, far less messy than words. You're his constant comfort, you'll always pick up the phone no matter how many times he breaks your heart.
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jyndor · 21 days
so apparently israeli workers are going on a general strike today in favor of a ceasefire because of the deaths of the six hostages. this feels like a moment where there may actually be either an end to this nightmare.
remember that the economy of israel has been wrecked - there are many factors but the pressure that bds has exerted on the israeli economy is a significant part of that. their economy has been downgraded like twice iirc, once literally a few days ago. this genocide has finally disrupted the comforts of living as a client state within and for the imperial core, and what I cannot say is if israeli society will learn any anti-racist, anti-apartheid, anti-genocide lessons from this mess (doubtful) but I do believe that it is now possible that israelis themselves will put on enough pressure to either force netanyahu to accept a real ceasefire deal or unfortunately to escalate to a level that we haven't seen before.
because while netanyahu is a symptom, not the disease of fascism in israel, he is also a particularly dangerous man because he knows that once this "war" is over, he's cooked and very likely going to be sent straight to prison for his corruption (doubtful he will see actual justice for the genocide but we will see).
now all of that being said, the biden administration still has immense power to keep this genocide going and keep supporting netanyahu if it chooses to do so. I do not see why it wants to so badly, it isn't like another israeli leader is going to be pro-palestine lmao and anyway netanyahu is imo also trying to fuck up harris's election chances (if you don't believe me... lmao he is literally in the bag for trump).
anyway keep eyes on palestine as always but especially right now because I am very worried that israel might do something even more heinous than its done so far. remember that israelis protesting for a ceasefire deal are mostly doing so because they want their hostages home, not because they've had a change of heart around palestinian liberation. there certainly are israelis who are anti-zionist and pro-palestine, but they are few and far between. and they do definitely need our support in this and every moment.
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doumadono · 11 months
Emergency request
Been dealing with self esteem and weight issues lately which I know I can't control but it's slowly getting the better of me.. could I request the clones comforting an s/o with weight issues and low self esteem?
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A/N: remember, it's okay to reach out for support and help during difficult times. Take things one step at a time, be kind to yourself, and focus on self-care and self-love. You're stronger than you think ♥
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Karaku, with his easygoing personality, constantly reassures his S/O that he loves her just the way she is. He adores her for her uniqueness and never wants her to change for anyone.
He surprises her with little acts of kindness, like preparing her favorite snacks, to make her feel pampered and loved.
Whenever she has a bad day, he'll hold her close, reminding her that she's precious to him.
He encourages her to join him in fun and low-pressure physical activities, like going for a relaxing walk or having a light workout together, to boost her confidence and mood.
Karaku often compliments her genuine qualities, emphasizing her intelligence, kindness, and resilience. He reminds her that her worth extends far beyond physical appearance.
He enjoys dedicating his time to his S/O, reveling in the act of worshipping her body. After passionate moments together, he refuses to let her conceal herself, choosing instead to bestow kisses upon every inch of her form while whispering sweet affirmations about her beauty. "I can't help but adore every curve and contour of your body. You're a work of art."
"Remember, you're stuck with me, no matter what, khe-khe! and that includes all your beautiful imperfections."
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Urogi is incredibly attentive, always listening and understanding her feelings. He never judges his S/O.
He's known for his sassy and playful demeanor, often teasing his S/O with cheeky comments and light-hearted banter.
When his S/O is feeling down or experiencing a mood drop, he gently comes close and envelops her within his expansive wings, whispering to her that tears aren't necessary, and that this moment of sadness will eventually pass.
He's a fantastic cuddler, and he loves to hold her close and reassure her that she's safe and cherished in his arms.
Urogi encourages her to set achievable goals for herself, focusing on self-improvement rather than striving for unrealistic standards of beauty.
"You're unique, and that's what makes you so incredibly beautiful to me. Embrace your individuality."
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Aizetsu, being a bit mysterious and reserved, tends to show his love through actions rather than words. He constantly supports her, offering to help his S/O with tasks.
He often takes her to peaceful and natural places, like a serene forest or a calm lake, to help her connect with the beauty of the world beyond appearances.
Aizetsu is a great listener, often sitting with her in quiet moments, giving her space to express her thoughts and feelings. He never interrupts and offers a patient ear to help her release her burdens.
His presence alone provides a sense of comfort and understanding, as he values her words and emotions.
"Don't feel that way, my love, it's truly heart-wrenching, and it stirs up an overwhelming urge within me to shed tears."
He appreciates her artistic and creative side, encouraging her to express herself through writing or other creative outlets, helping her boost her self-esteem.
Aizetsu values her inner strength and resilience, often reminding her that she's much stronger than she thinks, and he's there to support her no matter what.
He's a master at creating an aura of calm and serenity, helping her relax and find inner peace when her self-esteem issues become overwhelming.
"Look at the stars. They don't judge. They just shine, much like your inner beauty."
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Sekido's anger is like a protective shield around his S/O. Whenever they face a threat or feel vulnerable, his anger flares up, ready to defend and shield them from harm.
Despite his constant anger, Sekido's unwavering support is evident in his actions. He's quick to take action when his S/O needs help, making sure she's always defended and cared for.
"Tsch! Don't keep things from me, weakling. It's fucking frustrating."
His anger also acts as a healing force, as he fiercely helps his S/O confront her fears and insecurities. He encourages her to face challenges head-on, providing the motivation and courage she needs to overcome obstacles.
Sekido cherishes the quiet moments with his significant other. He understands the importance of relaxation and calm, and in these moments, he is surprisingly gentle and tender.
He often points out her accomplishments and the things she's proud of, emphasizing that her worth goes beyond her physical appearance.
"Don't let fear hold you back. You've got this, and I'll be right there beside you."
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cradle-quill · 2 months
For those of you who have been following me for awhile, you know that every few weeks I throw myself a little pity party here on my blog. This is another one of those times, so feel free to ignore this post if you're fed up with my whining lol.
I'm just feeling very disconnected from everyone right now. I feel distant. Like I'm merely inhabiting my life and not truly living it. I feel as if I'm going through the motions, doing the right things in the right order to yield the right results. But there is so little passion, so little earnest intention behind my thoughts and behaviors right now.
I'm going through some difficult personal stuff, and I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. That should hopefully, finally be taken care of in the next few days, and I'm going on vacation right after, so I hope to enjoy that. Spending time with my partner is the only relief from this feeling I get lately, but that's a lot of pressure to put on one person.
Sometimes I just get so in my head. I convince myself that nobody really likes me? That I'm inherently off-putting in some way, or that I rub people the wrong way by the things I say, despite my sincerest intentions. A lot of my friendships within the community feel so shallow, despite me so desperately wanting intimate, meaningful connections with others.
I've assigned a lot of my self-wroth to my writing on here, and that was a silly thing to do. Now, when a post doesn't get a lot of likes, or when I try something new and receive only mild interest, I decide that's a form of rejection, and I've never dealt with rejection well. Dealing with rejection takes a lot of concerted effort for me. I have to choose to not be petty or lash out, because those are my instincts, and that's not something I like about myself.
I don't really know what the purpose of this post is. I guess I just feel lonely. And I miss people. And I want others to care about me, and tell me and show me that they care about me. But that's never good enough, either. Because as soon as those people are gone, I just fall back into this place of malcontent. It's not a fun place to be.
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chaotic-archaeologist · 8 months
hi internet bro, You posted Duolingo Yiddish the other day. Are you taking it as a heritage language ? Did you hear it growing up? How do you feel about studying it (in the Duo version of study)
I ask because I am curious about learning the language of my ancestors, but don't have a clear place to use it- whereas my workplace is multilingual and it would be more practical to learn the trade languages I hear every day.
but I still want to help revitalize indigenous languages and culture.
Hey there, thanks for asking!
I'm learning Yiddish because it's the language of my ancestors who fled Russian and Lithuania in the wake of pogroms at the beginning of the 20th century. When they reached American there was a great deal of pressure to assimilate.
One of my great great grandfathers was very proud of his ability to speak English without an accent, something that he associated with his success in starting a business which would later give him the ability to send my grandfather to college, making him the first person to do so. On the 1920 census, that great great grandfather's native language is listed as Jewish, which was sometimes how Yiddish was referred to.
My grandmother grew up in a house with Yiddish speaking parents. They were orthodox, but her father didn't wear a kippah outside of the house because of the pressure to assimilate. Her parents only spoke Yiddish when they didn't want their children to understand what they were saying. As a result, my grandmother never learned.
So I'm learning Yiddish for the same reason I wear a kippah, because my not-so-distant ancestors didn't feel like they could. Because it makes me feel connected to them, who and what they left behind, and the generations of Jews who have kept Yiddish alive both in Europe and diaspora communities. Certainly, it's less "practical" than learning Spanish or Chinese or Arabic or any number of other languages that are more commonly spoken.
But if we only learned languages because they're practical, what happens to the languages that don't make the cut? What happens to the languages that have been deliberately suppressed by colonialism and genocide and assimilation? There are many different reasons to learn a language; practicality is only one of them.
I'll be honest: I'm conflicted about the Duo version of Yiddish. Here's a really good article that explains the debate over the dialect of Yiddish that Duolingo chose to use for their course. The TL;DR is that Duolingo teaches Hasidic Yiddish, a popular dialect but not a universal one. Different dialects result from different communities, and there are political implications for choosing one over the others.
But Duolingo is free, and it's easy for me to spend ten minutes in the evening practicing a few words. It's not the best language learning platform by any means, but it has the language I wanted to learn and it meets my (admittedly simple) needs. After a year or so (and I'm maybe 50% of the way through the course) I find myself able to read simple texts and understand snatches of spoken Yiddish.
I'm also a member of the Yiddish Book Center, which I would totally recommend. They have lots of great resources for learning Yiddish and for interacting with Yiddish culture via literature, oral history, music, art, etc. Most of their programming is in English, and is easily accessible. There are other organizations out there doing great work to support and revitalize Yiddish, this is just the one I'm most familiar with.
(mazel) מאַזל
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meridiansdominoes · 3 months
I am LOVING "Dominoes" so far! I can't wait for what's next! Also, I have two questions. What inspired you to write "Dominoes" in the first place and gave you the idea for the story? Secondly, out of all the Jedi that could've possibly confronted Krell to arrest him, what made you choose Unduli and Windu? I understand why Anakin wouldn't be a good choice because he would've straight up murdered that sleemo besalisk on the spot. Not that I would blame him. But I know Obi-Wan is a good negotiator and seeing him sass Krell could've been hilarious! And seeing Plo Koon confront him could've been interesting as well with their completely opposite views on clones. Also, Master Plo doesn't strike me as the type to loose his temper easily. I don't know as much about Aayla so I can't really guess for her. But if she loves Bly, seeing her whoop Krell big time could've been interesting as well. Did you choose Unduli and Windu because they're were the most likely to be able to keep their cool dealing with someone like Krell? Or was it something else? Thanks! Keep being amazing!
Hiya! Thanks for the ask! I got the original idea when I was reading clone wars fanfics a while ago and every time travel fic was mostly Jedi! Not that there's anything wrong with that, and also now there's a ton of clone-centric time travel too, but back in the day it was very difficult to find clone time travel that was well executed. Since the clones had always been my favorite characters, I really wanted something like that, and the more I thought about it the more I became interested in how non-force sensitives and people with very little galactic influence would handle a time-travel situation! I decided to write it myself, using Domino squad because that way I could bring back three of my favorite characters and expand on characters who didn't get any screentime!
As for your second question, I actually chose Mace Windu to go after Krell because I decided that he had the highest chance of defeating Krell in a 1 on 1 lightsaber duel! I don't know how good of a fighter Krell actually is against other Jedi--we never get to see him fight another lightsaber user... maybe he's actually terrible and even Ahsoka could beat him, or maybe he's a monster. Regardless of reality, he's huge, and those dual double-bladed are super intimidating, so I decided he's probably pretty tough. With that in mind, I needed someone who was super competent at lightsaber dueling to take him on, so I chose Mace! It also made sense to me that the council would choose someone fairly important to go and arrest one of their own. I chose Luminara to back him up because, as you mentioned, she's good at staying calm under pressure, and I also felt like I had missed an opportunity to include her on Geonosis, so I wanted to make up for that! I also partially chose her because I'm a big fan of clone commander Gree, and I knew I eventually wanted to write a short about it from his perspective, which I did!
Plo Koon and Aayla both would have been interesting choices as well, you make really good points that their relationships with their clones could have really made them fierce opponents for Krell! As for Anakin... I didn't choose him for a very specific reason that you will find out in a few chapters hehe!
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