#I don't even know how to tag this one
adiposesaleswoman · 1 year
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sequel to the blue collar worker bodytype sebby post ‼️‼️‼️ I definitely love men
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negative2iq · 5 months
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lil doodle of @ghostiivenus' au characters
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i want to suggest that the ship name for brock is "disco". similar to how like, pest is referred to as "beetle" and infected is referred to as "skater"
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kindlingkeen · 18 days
My darling, that movie (Batman Ninja) is a fever dream I'm still not over with.
The only good thing I can think about it it's like the only movie with four/five official robins (no Steph).
Darling, the designs. Red Hood: Bucket Ninja Edition is only the tip of the iceberg (Robin: 60 years old men Edition is crazy)
(this poor boy)
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Oh. my. lord.
I have so many questions. Is that Tim? Where did most of his hair go? Did he choose to style it that way, or is it some horrific form of early-onset male pattern baldness? Is that a monkey? Or a very hairy small child? Why does he have a monkey/small hairy child? Wait, is the monkey Damian? OR, is that Damian and the monkey/small hairy child is Tim? Good god 🤯
There's a bottle of wine in my fridge and a slightly more illicit substance in my pantry set aside for a really bad day, and now I know exactly what I'll be consuming them in front of. 😂
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mentalisill · 9 months
mcyt polycule but it's a rainbow circle
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halls-and-home · 9 months
It still fucks me up that we're at a point with graphics where real-time global illumination is a thing games are utilizing and performing well with. Maybe it's just the teenage rendering nerd in me from years ago who still sees it as an unachievable graphical dream, but it's still insane to see it utilized so well now.
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lesboylycan · 4 months
this just in: local narcissist downplays its own trauma and assumes it can't be traumatized, making itself out to be overdramatic, and that's why it starts physically shaking and getting nauseous when it hears someone use "narcississt" or "narcissistic" as a pejorative because of memories from anywhere between a month ago (lost contact with someone who it thought was safe because they "associate narcissism with abuse" and refused to understand why trying to explain without listening would make the person they were talking to, who had just come out as having NPD, panic and get upset) to multiple years ago (watched a popular trauma recovery blogger say that all narcissists deserved to be forcefully castrated and/or murdered because "narcissist = abuser/abusive", only to have thousands of people agreeing with said trauma recovery blogger and going even farther than they did). more at 8
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larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
O Desafio - História please!
Thanks for the ask! (from this ask game)
So this is actually a bit of a weird one lol. I grew up in Brazil and speak Portuguese as a second language, so at one point when my family was traveling in the States, I decided to write a story in Portuguese for practice. I was not good at the finer points of Portuguese, and hadn't read much in Portuguese, so the prose was, uh. lacking. Still, it became a fun vibey fairytale sort of story that I still really like, and hope to someday come back to. Probably in English since I do Not trust my grammar/prose in Portuguese, but who knows, maybe it (and all of my books maybe, fingers crossed) might get translated.
It's the story of a young orphan girl, a skilled information broker, who gets contracted by a councilman to help him confirm the existence of faery encroaching on their kingdom. He's worried that something is terribly wrong in the faery forest that will also affect them, and wants her (and a small team) to find out what they can about the situation. She agrees, because he promises, in return, to get her the proper papers and funding so that she can leave the country --but she is very skeptical that "faery" is a thing. Also the heir to the throne has been missing for a while, which is definitely totally unrelated to the fully-trained knight in their party.
This scene is when Kira, doing preliminary investigations, gets attacked and knocked about by a shape-shifting monster in the woods. She is not a fighter and not used to monsters--thankfully, someone nearby is.
Short snippet:
Uma lança apareceu, de repente, como se estava crescendo do pescoço da criatura. Com um gorgolejo horrendo, a criatura cambaleou por um longo momento, o processo de transformação parado. Tombou no chão. Kira exalou, percebendo que ela estava no chão ainda, estremecendo. Ela ficou instavelmente de pé, retornando a funda ao cinto dela. “Tu deves ser a Kira.” Ela virou, procurando a voz. Pertencia ao um cavaleiro; ele desceu do seu cavalo, levantando o viseiro do seu capacete e revelando uma cara muito mais jovem e gentil do que a armadura pesado prometeu. Ele era mais alto que parecia no cavalo--Kira se ofendeu nisso. Ela não gostava de se sentir mais baixa do que precisava. “Sim, sou eu.” A própria voz era estranho e tremulo. Acalma, Kira. Respirando fundo, ela adicionou com mais força, “e quem é você?” O cavaleiro sorriu e estendeu a mão. “Sou Alnor. Foi mandado para te procurar.”
Translated snippet:
A spear appeared, suddenly, as if it were growing out of the neck of the creature. With a horrible gurgle, the creature staggered for a long moment, its transformation process halted. It thudded to the ground. Kira exhaled, realizing that she was still on the ground, trembling. She got unsteadily to her feet, returning her sling to her belt. "You must be Kira." She turned, seeking the voice. It belonged to a knight; he got down from his horse, raising the visor of his helmet and revealing a face much younger and gentler than his heavy armor promised. He was taller than he looked on the horse--Kira took offense at that. She didn't like feeling any shorter than she needed to. "Yes, that's me." Her own voice was strange, quivering. Calm down, Kira. Taking a deep breath, she added with more force, "and who are you? The knight smiled and extended a hand. "I'm Alnor. I was ordered to come find you."
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Brazil keeps being a complete ridoculous joke when dealing with indigenous issues because for some reason too many people think rural coorporations are more important than human lifes. The possibility of a law that promoves aculturation (the pressumed loss of identity of a tribe - determined not by the comunity itaelf but by people that don't even know this culture or identity - means they lose their land), stops futher progress in giving indigenous people the land that is rightfully theirs and allows intersctions with isolated tribes that never had contact with other civilizations. This is just plain evil. At this point the goverment and capitalism just evolved into a real cartoon supervillain from who money is worth more than anything else.
Did we learn nothing from the yanomani humanitary crisis? Or from colonization? Or from literally basic decency. I'm not even kidding this could easly just be a Captain Planet episode and the only difference would be that the good side would win for sure.
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alittlefrenchtree · 7 months
Nick saying that he is very jealous of Taylor's eyelashes 😭😭😭
As if Nick isn't already very beautiful as he is 💜
I'm also very jealous of Taylor's eyelashes every time i look at myself in a mirror so you and me (and everyone else on earth) both, Nick 🤝 But I imagine we can get him an extra sense of compassion on the subject because poor Nick had to look at these eyelashes from realllllyyyy close and for a reallllyyyy long time so congrats on still being alive mate i guess 💀 next trial is on the shooting of the sequel good luck Nicky boy
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I have fantasies about my friends often. all of them are in a platonic way, but a few have sexual elements (in a platonic fuck-buddy way y'know?)
It's both with online and irl ones and they make me happy. I get to imagining doing things with them that I'd never be able to do otherwise. Whether that be hanging out in person, cuddling, the platonic sex, it all serves as a way to release emotions I have for them in ways I couldn't irl. Its nice. Highly recommend.
There is a bit of shame that eats at me though. I know it's stupid its not like I'm doing anything, but it eats at me what they would think if they found out. The only way they could find out is by reading this and somehow tracing it back to me, which is almost impossible. I have more shame for the ones with online friends, because its a very Do We Even Know Each-other way and .... idk it feels more wrong then the irl friend ones. I know none of this is wrong I don't know why I am full of shame. I'll work on it. I guess I'm afraid its all one sided? maybe I don't know them as well as I think, I probably don't. But then again they don't know me as well as they think probably.
There was no point of this, just a semi-vent? anyway, highly recommend having fantasies about your friend and cuddling them in your mind, very comfy
(feel free to respond with your own thoughts on any part of this, I love reading peoples opinions on things)
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kaahmbem · 2 days
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legend has it that the young witch circe and the once beautiful nymph scylla shared a complicated past...
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RIP Will Campos the only person who was murdered this episode.
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fernsnailz · 9 months
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ma'am are you aware of the hold you have on furries and gay people everywhere
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fruutes · 1 year
guys Instagram isn't fun anymore so I'm gonna start shit posting my art here. Here. My husband doodle. Stardew valley Harvey. Isn't he beautiful.
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buckera · 4 months
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9-1-1 • S7E01 || S7E07 // No, Eddie, he did not. // ↳ for anonymous
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