#I don't know if that's a good think or not but it sure is happening
ashwhowrites · 3 days
Older Eddie finding out you’re pregnant and has hard emotions over it. He’s excited but nervous because of his age and reader overhears him saying he doesn’t know if he can be a dad and you choose the ending
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Baby talk
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Eddie had his dream of having a wife and kids, but it fizzled out the older he got. It never seemed to be in his cards and he found himself okay with that. He didn't feel like he was missing out on anything. He enjoyed his life the way it was.
He had been together with Y/N for about two years. He loved that she wasn't in a rush to be married. She was young and had many years before she felt like her time was cutting short.
Y/N knew Eddie didn't have a plan in mind for having kids, and it wasn't something they talked about too much. She knew at his age, that kids were the last thing on his mind. She'd be lucky to even get a ring on her finger.
As she looked at the five pregnancy tests on the bathroom counter, she feared to tell Eddie the news.
She jumped into action as she heard his voice. Scrambling to throw the tests into the trash can. She washed off her hands by the time he made it into the doorway.
"Just using the bathroom, what's up?" She asked, a fake smile plastered on her face
"Home from work and was thinking about ordering pizza?"
"Sounds good,"
Eddie nodded and walked out of the room to call the pizza place. YN looked at herself in the mirror and wondered what the hell she was going to do.
It had been almost two months and she hadn't said a word. She dumped out the trash and tried to forget it.
But now she was sick every morning, and her emotions were all out of whack
She knew she needed to say something before she began to show. She was scared and she hated that it was her own secret. She had all this on her shoulders and needed to share the weight.
"You okay? You barely ate your dinner," Eddie said, he sat across her at the restaurant. Couples talking all around them but they sat in silence. He watched her as she slowly picked at her food. He knew something was going on. She always looked tired, he'd hear her cry all throughout the day and he spent every morning holding her hair back.
"Would you ever want kids?" She asked, finally looking up
Eddie coughed as he was caught off guard
"Um, I don't know. I guess if I'm being honest, I would live perfectly fine without them." He shrugged, "But if it was something you wanted, I'd make it work."
"Make it work?" Y/N scoffed, "What just suffer and stick around because you got trapped?"
Eddie blinked at her aggression
"I didn't say that" Eddie deflected, "I just think if it happened, it would take me a while to be good with that. I never saw myself as a dad and it would be a lot to learn."
"Would you be happy?" she asked, her stomach began to turn and she felt vomit in the back of her throat
"I don't know,"
"Well, figure it out within these next seven months." She said she watched as his eyes shot open and he looked down at her body and back up again
"You're pregnant?" He choked out
She bit her lip nervously as she nodded
"Dammit" Eddie whispered to himself as he sighed
"Dammit?" She snapped, "That is all you have to say!" She stood up and slammed down her napkin.
Eddie watched as she marched out of the restaurant. He quickly threw as much cash as he had on the table and followed after her.
The car ride was silent. Every word that left Eddie's lips was ignored. She had her arms crossed as hot anger tears rolled down her face.
Eddie pulled into his driveway and she was fast to get out of the car.
"Baby, can we please talk?" He asked once they made it through the front door
"Sleep on the couch, asshole." She spat as she yanked off her heels and walked down the hallway.
Y/N wasn't sure how long she stared at the wall in silence but she knew it had been a while
She closed her eyes when she heard the bedroom door open.
Eddie slowly lifted up the sheets and crawled into the bed
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" he whispered, he wrapped his arms around her body and pressed her into his chest. "I was caught off guard and surprised. I thought we were always safe."
"Not safe enough," she snapped. She wanted to stay mad but his arms and lips kissing up and down her neck made her melt
"I'm going to be right here the whole time. You're not alone. We will do this together."
She rolled over, tears in her eyes as she tried to find his eyes in the dark
"Good because I am really scared," she cried
"It'll be okay." He soothed, leaned in, and pecked her lips
"Here is your beer, love," Y/N said as she placed the beer on the small table
It had been a crazy few months. She was now eight months and they were preparing for their baby to arrive.
"Thank you," he said as he pecked her cheek. Then turned his attention back to painting the wall
"I think this color looks great," Y/N smiled as she rubbed her bump. The light blue brightened up the nursery in the perfect way.
"I agree. The crib and changing table will be delivered tomorrow so Wayne will be over to help out. You just stay in bed and relax." Eddie said as he set down his paintbrush and grabbed his beer.
Y/N sat in her bed as she watched TV. Wayne and Eddie were down a few doors putting together the last few touches of the nursery.
She sighed as she grew restless, she needed to move. She climbed out of bed as fast as she could. Then walked out to the kitchen, she figured she could make lunch for the boys.
She finished the sandwiches and grabbed some beers. With her hands full, she walked to the room. But she stopped when she heard the two in a heated discussion.
"You are not walking out on her or that baby, Eddie," Wayne's voice was aggressive and stern. Y/N felt her heart drop at the thought.
"I didn't say that! I'm just fucking terrified. I'm too old to be starting over in my life. A newborn? That is a ton of work, and even more for someone who is as old as me." Eddie sighed
"I don't give a shit what age you are. Teenager, her age, or your age, doesn't matter, you are having a baby. I'm sure she's scared. And I'm sure she has been scared since she found out. She needs someone to count on, and you need to be that person. Having a kid will always be scary."
"I know! But what about when he starts school? I'm going to drop him off and be older than every dad there. I'll be a grandpa age by the time he gets into college. I don't know if I can be a dad."
"Edward quit making this about you! Who cares if you are older than the other dads. You've got an advantage. You've been working for years, probably a better income than they have. You have benefits that you can support her and your child with. You already made a fuss when she told you, don't make another scene." Wayne lectured
Eddie sat in silence and Y/N took the cue to walk in
"Lunch is served" she announced as she walked in. Acting like she didn't hear a single word.
"Thank you, dear," Wayne said as he pecked her head
"You didn't have to, you are supposed to be in bed," Eddie said as he pecked her cheek.
"I needed to move my legs," Y/N shrugged, "can I talk to you for a second?"
Eddie nodded and followed her into their bedroom
"Everything okay?" he asked as he softly touched her stomach
"Do you want to be a dad or not? Because it seemed like we figured it out and we were on the right track. And if you don't want him, you don't get me. I want this and I want us to be a family. But if you don't want that, be a man and tell me so I can figure out what I'm going to do for my child." She ranted, her arms crossed as she panted. She tried to keep her tears back.
Eddie sighed and sat on the bed. He grabbed her hand and moved her to stand between his legs. He released her hand to place both on her stomach and looked up at her
"He's our child. I am not walking away from you or him, and I never will. I know I'm all over the place, but I do want this. I'm worried about my age and how that might affect me being a good dad. I just don't want to let him down and I don't want you to regret having this magical moment with me and not someone who has a better grip on things." Eddie said
"Oh Eddie," she sighed then placed her hands on his cheeks. "You won't let him down. All you have to do is love and support him, which I know you can do. I don't want anyone else. I want this baby with you. I know you can do this. I believe in you." She leaned down and pecked his lips.
"I love you," he said against her lips
"I love you too"
And she was right. The second their baby was born, Eddie became the best dad she had ever seen. He adored Gavin, and Gavin was glued to his dad's hip. They were best friends and Y/N couldn't have been happier.
Eddie's fear never went away, but he treasured every moment he had with his family. He became a dad and he conquered it. Next, he was ready to conquer being a husband.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 days
🍓The Ascendant & Descendant 🍓
Aries rising with Libra Descendant- your personality is strong and energetic. Everything you do, you do with passion. You are led by Mars, and therefore you can often be quick-tempered and do things without thinking. You know how to put your needs before others. You can be selfish when it comes to your own needs. You take care of yourself by playing sports, doing various adrenaline-filled things. You are very passionate, competitive. Your energy can always be felt on the outside and you are not afraid to show your emotions and anger. You are brave and often take risks. You go into things without thinking too much about them, you just go and see how it goes.
Libra Descendant- in relationships they can be flirty, you may find it hard to stop because you can also be very picky when it comes to relationships. The right person for you is the one who can balance you, give you harmony and support. It means that you seek a partner who is brave enough to desire partnership, despite knowing how vulnerable emotional commitment can make you. It's wanting someone unafraid to love love. Your ideal partner is elegant and graceful. They accept that you need a lot of space and independence is important to you. You are an active person by nature, and you need someone who teaches you balance but also supports you in your ventures. In the relationship, it is probably you who makes the most decisions. You are a leader, and you get along the best with someone who prefers to be led.
Taurus rising with Scorpio Descendant- your personality is calm, stalin, grounded. You only give your energy to those who really deserve it. You can do many things yourself. I noticed that taurus rising people are very independent people, that they can be themselves no matter what. You invest a lot in material things. You like good food, watching TV, going to the cinema, listening to music, sleeping, lounging. You take things slowly and don't like too much change.
Scorpio Descendant- in relationships, you like privacy, you like that someone is only yours. You don't like to enter into a relationship if you see that it is not on the same level. In relationships, you can be very possessive, deep, persistent. Scorpio descendant, you naturally gravitate towards intense, transformative partnerships and may face power struggles or hidden dynamics.The descendant in Scorpio indicates that you are unconsciously attracted to people who stir up your everyday life, and who are magical in some way.They can be either be quite dramatic themselves or dramatic things happen to them/around them, but they for sure push you out of your comfort zone. If this energy is not properly integrated, your partner can turn your life upside down. Extreme situations are not uncommon when Scorpio is involved.Your partner is the most familiar with this side of you.
Gemini rising with Sagittarius Descendant- your personality is very open (you can start a conversation with anyone). Communication is part of you and you like people who are communicative and especially people who are interesting. You have a very changeable personality and you can change a lot in yourself and around you. Although you don't change your appearance that much, but when you do, it really makes a big difference. As a person who is willing to listen but prefers to talk. Sometimes you can say things that may not be appropriate because your mind is so fast that you don't even realize what you are saying. With Gemini on the Ascendant, you may lack a deep need to find answers to life’s big questions. It’s not that the concept of “truth” is not important to you, you just choose to spend your precious time on other endeavours, and may take things more at face value.  
Sagittarius Descendant-in relationships you like to explore and you like independence. You are attracted to people who are educated, intelligent, interesting. You can sometimes be a little unstable and take a new step too quickly. You might be deeply attracted to love relationships with a partner who has a background quite different from your own, either culturally or with lifestyle beliefs. These differences can stimulate and inspire you. You can be too optimistic about others. When under pressure, you can get stuck in your own little world, and you can’t find the solution without stepping back and taking a look at the bigger picture. You want a partner who is funny, fiery, likes to travel, likes different things.
Cancer rising with Capricorn Descendant- your personality is private, moody, emotional. You perceive many things through emotions, and you can also have many needs..You are very sweet , showing a willingness to extend their arms wide for a person in need. They provide a certain type of warmth that puts people at ease, even to their casual acquaintances. While they might come across as reserved, shy, or cautious when meeting new people, Cancer risings are warm and friendly once they feel comfortable. While Cancer risings can appear quiet and reserved on the surface, they are extremely motivated and driven when it comes to creating security for themselves or their loved ones. This ascendant has an inherent craving for financial safety, driving them to work diligently toward achieving their goals. They naturally tap into their intuition in terms of what move they should make next or what decision is financially sound. You are open and act as a person very open to conversation. You tend not to show your tender or shy side in front of others. But you don't really like meeting new people or going to parties.
Capricorn Descendant-in relationships you can be strict, serious, relentless and also stubborn. Many of your relationships can be based on business. You can have a business or a company with your spouse, and your spouse can be the one who helps you with this. Many times it can be a relationship based on business and benefits. A relationship seems meaningful to you if there is some benefit from it. In relationships, you can often be cold, distant, alienated, and the relationship can suffer because of this. Your career can be important to you and you like to have reputation and recognition. You like your spouse to be good for society. Capricorn suggests that you often find yourself attracted to people with strong Saturnian energy. They teach yo how to be mature, take responsibility, be patient and focus on long-term goals. marriage is also usually karmic. However, your standards are quite high, and if someone doesn’t live up to them, you know that there is no point in settling for them. You rather wait for someone who can be a good partner. Family life is important to you. As a Cancer rising, you probably want to start a family at some point in your life. They might be emotionally unavailable too. In other cases, they are unconsciously attracted to others who behave this way. It can also happen that you get married and then get divorced.
Leo Rising with Aquarius Descendant- your personality is proud, strong, determined. You know what you want and you do it. You like to have fun in your own way and usually always find your fun in yourself and in things that involve you. You like to dress well and usually also like to stand out. You like extra things. You tend to be confident. People see you as a charming person and a person who always shines in everything. You can be popular among people. Leo risings seek others who can appreciate their need for admiration and share their zest for life. Leos also have an optimistic and open outlook on friendships and social connections. They can chat with anyone and have acquaintances all over the world. They do keep a group of what they would consider close friends, and they’re loyal to those connections.
Aquarius Descendant- in relationships you can be quite free and seek independence. You don't like to depend on someone, and you especially don't like pressure. You are attracted to people who are independent, different, interesting, have many friends or someone who has a large circle of people. You like someone you can hang out with at various events and introduce to your friends. Common interests and hobbies are important to these two. When Aquarian Descendants are married or in long-term partnerships, they want to know, for no rational reason, the whereabouts and activities of their partner. You are joyful, optimistic person. People with this placement tend to radiate with warm energy that attracts other to them. You like to be in a relationship with someone whose views are similar. You prefer smart, entertaining, interesting partners. They have to surprise you and show you things from a fresh perspective. You tend to see your partner as your friend rather have very romantic feelings for them. The descendant sign Aquarius can indicate marriage with someone who is divorced.
Virgo rising with Pisces Descendant- People may perceive Virgo risings as being dedicated to maintaining a sense of calm and willing to do whatever it takes to stay organized to avoid disorder and chaos. You do everything skillfully with a fine sense of craftsmanship and precision, perfectionism, care and attention to detail. You are keenly observant and have an acute sensitivity to each and every thing in your environment; therefore, you attend to small things that others do not readily notice, the subtleties, the fine points. You fulfill your soul function through service, assisting and helping others, perhaps in a rather humble, understated, unglamorous way, and doing a job for its own sake rather than for personal recognition or glory. When out of balance, you criticize, worry, obsess about yourself and/or your health or body, and tend to magnify problems.
Pisces Descendant-suggests that you have a lot of experience with order but haven’t dealt with chaos frequently. You tend to choose partners who inspire you to transcend reality. They show you that there is more to life than what meets the eye. The descendant in Pisces suggests that your partner is often involved with spirituality, art, music, they are compassionate and selfless. They encourage you to discover your intuition. Your partner can be detached from reality and have weak boundaries. You can also see them as too emotional, sensitive, easy to hurt. You can find their behavior irrational which upsets you if you have not recognized the descendant in Pisces in yourself yet. Unconsciously being attracted to delusional people can also happen. The descendant in Pisces suggests that you show your partner how to be more efficient and grounded. It comes naturally to you to take care of others. You are there for your partner when they need practical help.
Libra Rising with Aries Descendant- your personality is kind, sympathetic, harmonious. You can quickly get along with people because they find you a friendly person. You can do much more for others than for yourself. Sometimes you can forget yourself for others. In a way, you can also sacrifice a lot for others. You like fashion and you like to dress well. You can also be very indecisive, which can also be a little annoying to others. You like peace and don't like conflict. Libra Risings were born with a naturally charming dreamer. With age, they only learn to fine-tune their allure. When it comes to the art of flirting, these seducers are very aware of how to speak to the senses. But you are usually always inclined to want a relationship or some kind a thing with someone. Also can be hard for you to find yourself.
Aries Descendant-Aries suggests that you are attracted to partners who are courageous, outgoing, enthusiastic, passionate, bold, impulsive. They swipe you off your feet their self-confidence and directness. You need a partner who can balance out you and who is a go-getter and an action taker. You are usually attracted to dynamic personalities. Your ideal partner is passionate, enthusiastic, fiery. In the long run, you get along the best with someone who is rather energetic and who doesn’t overthink just takes action. Aries in 7th house suggests that you need someone else to borrow you courage. Your partner can inspire you and teach you to be bold. They often say what is on their mind, without thinking twice if they will offend someone. They are brutally honest. Your partner can be impulsive and impatient, what takes effort to get used to for you. You can perceive your partner as selfish and egoistic sometimes. There can be a tendency to project the traits of Aries onto other people.
Scorpio Rising with Taurus Descendant- your personality is strong, intense, deep and passionate. You always fight deeply for the things you want to have and achieve. You have a stronger sexual drive, so sex in itself is important to you. You like to be familiar and you are not afraid to show your body to others. Usually, these people are very satisfied with their bodies. You are a demanding person and you only give yourself to people if you trust them, which is also one of the important things in your life. That people trust you and tell you their secrets. As a person who is more reserved and does not like to have conversations with people who do not suit you. You are an intense and passionate person, perhaps too much for some people to handle
Taurus Descendant-.You may impulsively jump into one relationship after another and eventually settle into an enduring and stable one. The descendant in Taurus indicates that you are used to crisis and drama, and you are attracted to people who promise you peace and comfort. However, you don’t trust people immediately and you are reserved. A Taurus descendant suggests that your partnerships are meant to bring peace and joy. Your ideal partner is grounded and practical, they don’t let strong emotions influence them. In your relationships, you seek stability.Your long-term relationships work out the best if your partner can be a firm ground in your life you can build on. Trust is not easy for you. You are drawn to the mysterious side of existence, and you need a partner who will help you stay realistic and practical. It takes time for you to let someone close. You need stability in a relationship, someone who you can count on and who will reciprocate your commitment. Your ideal partner is receptive to the beauty present in the world. They are usually artistic and they appreciate the finer things in life. The 7th house in Taurus indicates that your partner is a hedonist and sensual. Sexuality is an important part of your marriage.
Sagittarius Rising with Gemini Descendant- your personality is optimistic, fun, independent. You like to explore and do things that make you happy. You like intelligent people, people with whom you can share a new path and who always bring you light. You are independent and like to do things on your own. You grow again and again through new experiences. You are a humorous person who likes to joke around. You're not as open as people first think. You share knowledge with others, but when it comes to privacy, you don't share much. You can always put others in a good mood and give them motivation. Your path is always bright no matter what. You are also very kind to others.
Gemini Descendant-communication is very important in this regard. The person may have good thinking and may listen to you. Also suggests that you are attracted to people who radiate with the energy of the Twins. (and perhaps you are intimidated by them at the same time).The descendant in Gemini indicates that your ideal relationship is based on intellectual connection. You are attracted to people who are witty, smart, great conversationalists. You are usually interested in air signs in general. Mental connection is more important to you than emotions in the long run. You need a partner to point them out and show you what you need to pay attention to. You learn a lot from your relationships with others. You also teach your partner, for you, relationships that support growth are the best. People with this placement enter relationships out of curiosity. They want to explore what it means to be in a union. This can indicate more than one committed long-term relationships or marriages.
Capricorn Rising with Cancer Descendant-your personality is very strong (many times people perceive your energy just by your silence - you can say more with silence than with words). You have courage and always know what you are doing. You have no mercy for people who hurt you and once you lose respect for someone you become very rude to that person and they are like trash to you. Respect and loyalty are very important to you. If you give and invest energy in someone, then you expect the same in return. You don't like to wander if you feel that it will just be a waste of time. You always stand proud and tall and aware of your worth. You don't judge others and you are very understandable to yourself. But you have rules that people can follow. When you really love someone then there are no limits here and you would do a lot for the person. You are not interested in others and you always know how to look after yourself.
Cancer Descendant-you seek partners who can give you the nurturing and emotional security you needed as a child. The descendant in Cancer indicates that your ideal partner has high emotional intelligence, they are warm and supportive, and they give you an emotional background. In some cases, you want a partner who is a homemaker. In your relationships, you feel that you can finally show your sensitive side. You are caring and protective of your partner. The descendant in Cancer suggests that you can experience the emotional security to be vulnerable in your close relationships and marriage. Your ideal partner helps you connect with your emotional side and encourages you to listen to your intuition every now and then. Ideally, your partner looks after you and they support you. You come across as reserved and serious, and other people who have warmer energy balance you out.
Aquarius Rising with Leo Descendant- your personality is different from others, maybe sometimes you feel like you don't belong with other people or you simply do the opposite of what others do. You are rebellious and do things the way you think is right. Maybe you can seem less approachable and more distant to people. You embody an intriguing blend of open-mindedness and progressiveness, all while maintaining an unemotional composure that can sometimes come across as aloofness. You may be forward thinker with opinions, but you are fixed, rigid nature can also come across as stubborn and dogmatic, if you are not careful. U are a very independent and freedom-loving person. You appear a bit unconventional and shy, but you have amazing ideas and you are smart. However, it can be hard for you to get support from others. The need for freedom of Aquarius can be challenging when it comes to relationships-you want to be attached and detached at the same time.
Leo Descendant-in a relationship you are looking for fun, openness, playfulness. You want a relationship where you can be seen. You learn to express yourself with warmth and genuine appreciation of others. This helps you connect with others more easily, and improves your relationships as well. It is one of the most important lessons of the descendant in Leo. For a long-term relationship to work out, your partner must recognize your need for independence and respect your boundaries. They have to understand that you need a lot of space in a relationship. You are not the right partner for clingy people with your descendant in Leo and ascendant in Aquarius. Your ideal partner also has to respect your need for making things better. Aquarius is all about rebellion and revolution. You are looking at old structures from a new perspective and wonder about topics like social equality and creating better systems. If your partner doesn’t understand the way your brain works, you sooner or later feel that you have to get out of the relationship. You expect to be the one and only in their life and you are not willing to put up with anything less than being treated as a royalty. Giving each other enough relationship is key in your close-relationships. Your ideal partner is a born leader. They are courageous, fun-loving, gregarious, enjoy attention. You possess these traits as well, but it takes time for you to discover them in yourself. Many people with their descendant in Leo enjoy being in the center of attention later in life. The seventh house in Leo indicates that you love being in the public eye.
Pisces Rising with Virgo Descendant- your personality is very dreamy and spiritual. You have a lot of compassion for others and you feel many things around you in a deep way. You can be in your subconscious most of the time. You can be hard to figure out because of the mysterious energy you give off. You can feel a lot of energies around you that are difficult to describe. Pisces Risings have a light aura and carry a pocket full of magic dust in their back pocket. The world can be difficult, but Pisces Risings know that creative joy can help them rise above. These folks have lived a life that requires extensive thought, and often they face experiences that are more than meets the eye. Pisces Risings have accepted that in many ways, life is what you make it—which is why they don’t hesitate to let the good times roll.
Virgo Descendant-You need someone to give you a shape in which you can exist in the physical world. People often perceive you as idealistic, gentle, soft-hearted, and they can feel that they have to protect you.You are attracted to people who are analytical, logical, intelligent, pay attention to the details. You hold the vision and your partner makes the plan and then executes it. In your ideal relationship, you help your partner connect with their soul and intuition, and they teach you how to be more practical and be better at things like running errands, preparing healthy food, time management, organization, taking care of yourself. In the relationship, you come up with an idea and your partner plans the details. One of the things you need to watch out for is giving up yourself for your partner. Pisces is soft, compassionate, and it is prone to people-pleasing. Unless there are some placements in your chart that make you more assertive, you can give in too easily and prioritize the needs of your partner even if it doesn’t feel right. Your intuition is probably strong as a Pisces rising, make sure you listen to it.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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natigail · 2 days
Dan: Look, DanAndPhilGAMES, what the fuck has happened in the last seven months?
Phil: I don't know.
Dan: I got back, Phil said 'you know what, Dan? I've got a crazy idea. I feel like we've got it in us right now. Why don't you try un-hiatusing for a moment. And we had like no expectations, right? Because, like, this channel has not been active for five years, we don't know if people want it, what is it - gaming channels is such not a thing that people have - and the Dan and Phil Renaissance *giggles & laughter from both* has happened!
Phil: It surprised us. We didn't know how much you guys would like would... *loses train of thought*
Dan: *picks it up* ... they've grown with us, Phil. Now people need it. It's now they're with child, they have that content to reflect who they were now. We made them this way and now, they need to see us being here for them in this way.
Phil: They do.
Dan: I think, you know, what I'll say is, we have been very casual about this because a gaming channel it's like what are we doing? Playing The Sims, playing some games on the browser, playing a couple of card games, it's very casual.
Phil: It is.
Dan: And we were so shocked by how much people care about such light entertainment sat in this chair-ass content. And it's beautiful. It took us by such surprise that now we're like where is this going?
Phil: What is next?
Dan: Because it was supposed to just be a let's do this for a bit and see what happens. And now look what the hell has happened! So, now, we find ourselves going, well, okay, this channel, this content, the people, the future of it - what else are we going to do?
Phil: What could it be?
Dan: Because it seems like there's a thing here.
Phil: I know!
Dan: And we need to be like, celebrate the things, acknowledge the things. So, I guess we can say in the most vague way that we can-
Phil: Vaguery.
Dan: - that Dan and Phil have been cooking.
Phil: We've been cooking.
Dan: We've been in the kitchen, we've been brewing, scheming, considering whether things are good or bad ideas, little ideas, big ideas, things I'm sure we'll live to regret.
Phil: Yes!
Dan: If you want to manage your emotional expectations, I'd say give it a couple of weeks and then clench your butt cheeks. For the love of God. OKAY! Because this only happened because of you, don't you just love it when you enable two twinks and something like this happens.
Source: Dan's birthday charity livestream
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rimunagenius · 2 days
Only Angel — K.M
❝ words : 1.5k ❞
❝ warnings : RPF!! , suggestive , body worship , jealous!Kate , fwb theme ❞ (dk if i forgot anything, if i did lmk!)
❝ rimunagenius speaks : sorry this took a literal fortnite to complete LMAO (pls idek if this good :// )…anyways i have summer school bc o my fuck ass chem teacher soooo lowk might take a while to put other stuff out but i’ll try i promise!! ❞
| Women’s Basketball Masterlist |
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I saw this angel
I really saw an angel
Kate noticed you on the baseline at every single one of your home games. Your black and gold cheer uniform fitting you insanely perfect. Your short skirt and your form fitting top. You looked so pretty, so beautiful, so angelic, you were truly a distraction sometimes. The way you moved hypnotizing her whenever she wasn't focused on her team. 
Open up your eyes, shut your mouth and see
That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me
I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth
And there's nothing I can do about it
It took about five months of dancing around the physical attraction you both had towards the other before making what was happening between you two something. You both had amazing futures set out for you, establishing yourselves in your sports. You were on track to become a professional cheerleader, NFL cheerteams already inviting you to camps. 
Kate was optimistic that she'd become a prospect in the upcoming draft. Deciding to continue to put all he focus into basketball. So why on earth were you both suddenly trying to pursue something that could be nuclear to your careers. 
Kate had been buried between your legs for the better part of an hour. "Oh my god, Kate. I love you." The initial shock in the declaration immediately set a new tone in the atmosphere that you two had spent months building up. 
Her lips paused the attack on you, eliciting a small sigh from your lips, now accepting the consequences of your own actions. "Im sorry, what?" There was no denying the cultivation of feelings you two began to nurse. There was no point in lying to herself that she didn't feel the same way. 
"Forget it, just please, don't stop." You squirmed under her gaze. Now growing increasingly uncomfortable with the look she seemed to be giving you, and now uncomfortable with the abrupt confession. 
"You know that I can't just drop basketball." She sighed, her forefingers pinching the bridge of her nose. The frustration that immediately began to build within your chest, at her action of dismissing your confession. 
"Alright, whatever. Forget about it, didn't mean it anyways." You sighed heavily, suggestively spreading your legs, signalling her to continue, foregoing any act of bashfullness and self preservation you had to give. 
"No, because we had this conversation. I need to focus on basketball right now. Not to sound rude but you're not in the picture yet. I'm pretty sure I'm not even in the picture for you're life right now." The short tone she took with you was something almost foreign. 
You didn't like the tone, rolling your eyes at her. Suddenly the small smirk you grew accustomed to in this scene, inching it's way onto her face. So over the awkwardness but totally enthralled by the way she manages to manipulate the situation to make  it seem less harsh than it really is, annoys you. She’s so good at making you forget about why you were mad at her when she has that look on her face. Chuckling softly, looking away to your left, you grabbed her blonde hair at the back of her head and shoved her head back down where you both were needing. 
The slight aggression and dominance you took elicited a gravel moan from the depths of her throat. The reverberation could be felt everywhere. You guys just couldn't help but feel the way you felt for each other. 
Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door
I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor
Couldn't you take home to mother in a skirt that short
But I think that's what I like about it
Kate didn't know what it was but the feeling brewing in her chest from the sight of you with another girl had her on a whole new level. You guys never put a label on what it was between the both of you. You guys just had a common ground.
Thats why she didn't know why she was pounding the living shit our of your door at two in the morning. Team outing at a local bar in Iowa City, invite extended to you from your mutual friends, turned into you leaving with another girl. She was your friend, deciding you were tired of your shoes, opting to go home and drink your own beer without people bothering you and asking if you two were single. Seemed like the most optimal solution. Until you realized that the pounding on your door signaled you forgot to tell Kate. 
Kate had felt the anger and anxiety build up in her the longer her fist repeatedly connected with the wooden door of your apartment. The dread of finding another girl in the apartment where she thought only you two seemed to find yourself in more often then not was unsettling. Mainly because she thought this was going somewhere but you just called it casual. She had you. 
"Jesus Christ, Kate. It's two in the morning, what the fuck are you doing?" You looked at her perplexed, the cold breeze hitting you from the hallway. You wrapped your arms around yourself, the crop top and the short sleep shorts you made yourself comfortable in now suddenly sounding like the worst idea. 
"Who did you leave with?" Is she fucking serious right now? You looked at her like she had suddenly grown two more heads. 
"Are you serious? That's why you came banging on my door at two in the fucking morning? Because you wanted to know who I left the bar with?" The animosity in your voice growing as she continued to keep the straight face she had since you opened the door, but moved on her feet in anticipation. 
"Yeah. Was she a friend or...?" You genuinely laughed at the way she was acting. Two nights ago you had confessed that you loved her accidentally, but truthfully, and all she could say was you weren't what she envisioned herself with in the future. Atleast not yet. So you both decided to continue doing what you have been for the last two months. 
"Like you care?" You scoffed, walking away from the door, letting her in. She closed the door behind her, kicking her shoes off, and hanging her jacket up on the hook next to yours. You walked through the whole apartment, knowing she’d follow. She did. You didn't say a single thing but just look at her while she saw no girl had been in your apartment. 
"She was my friend, Kate. She was in one of my classes and we came here for and she only stayed for like twenty minutes before she walked to her floor." You now stood in the middle of your room, a room Kate had been all too familiar with. 
"That's it?" Kate's brows raised, her body inching closer to yours. 
"Yes. I'm not easy you know." You rolled her eyes, unintentionally getting a rise out of Kate. For some reason she seemed to like when you had an attitude with her. "Don't even think about it, Kate." You looked at her, the knowing gaze her eyes held that your eyes were trained to remember. 
"Why not? You’re always easy for me." Her voice dropping and becoming faint as she slowly reached one hand to your waist. She knew you’d let her have her way. You always did. You were just equally as dirty and needy for Kate as she was for you. She couldn’t take you anywhere…she loved it. She got to have you in private any way she wanted.
"You're seriously asking that after you just stormed into my apartment thinking I was sleeping with another woman when that wasn't the deal we made. The lack of boundaries you seem to have." You sighed as her other hand connected with your waist, pulling you into her chest while her lips started their attack on your neck. 
"Mhm." She hummed softly, planting an open mouthed kiss right below your ear. 
"Kate, are you serious?" You were genuinely shocked that she just forewent her previous accusation against you, and suddenly thinks she'll get lucky tonight. It was slowly working, dammit.
"Why are you still talking, baby?" Her hands on your waist slipped underneath the hem of your crop top, her cold, ringclad fingers, slowly traveling the familiar path that brought her so much pleasure. Her eyes now looking into yours, she smiled before looking at your lips. 
Who were you to resist her when she looked this good? You probably should have but there was no going back after you connected your lips. It didn't take more than two seconds to have her slowly backing you up against the side of your bed, making you fall onto your back. 
You inched your way towards the headboard, you resting neatly on the pillows as you watched her discard her shirt. She got onto the bed, working her way from you bare legs, all the way up your stomach. The way she crawled slowly above you, ravishing you before she intended to tear you apart was so sultry and almost cinematic that you couldn't even breathe. 
Later on, the talk needed to be had. You both would have to unanimously decide to commit to one another. There was nothing casual about the way her lips traveled to every part of your body, with small chants of appraisal leaving her lips, ghosting your skin with goosebumps in their wake...nothing casual about it. 
"You're like an actual angel, baby. Can't get enough of you." Her lips barely articulated the words that she desperately needed to get off her chest, as they tried to kiss you everywhere all at once. You almost didn't catch it when she kissed up the apex of your thighs, mumbling 'mine' over and over again. 
In her eyes, you were literally an angel, needing to be worshipped.
She's an angel
My only angel
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smoooothoperator · 3 days
What Was I Made For?
01: Crossfire
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
a/n: Hi!!! First chapter! Are you guys excited? What do you think that will happen?
previous part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Monza. One of the two most important races for Ferrari in the calendar.
And my home race as well. 
The weather is still warm at the end of August, the sky is blue and every house has a Ferrari flag hanging from their windows. Every person that lives in Milano or in Italy knows that this weekend is important, that this weekend is their weekend.
“Do you think they will give you a chance to be the priority today?” 
Erica, my older sister by only two years. She was completely different from me, with blonde hair and skin easily tanned. She always came to my races, being the one that takes care of my flights and to rent cars to have during the weekend. Not like Soleil, who was actually a little version of me and my nutritionist.
“I mean, I'm ahead of Leclerc. They should” I said, shrugging my shoulders as I ate my breakfast. “The only person in front of me is Max, I don't think they want to risk and fuck up things right if front of all the Tifosi. They are idiots, but not that much to make me and Charles switch positions just because I'm the second driver”
Erica looked at me with a smile, nodding as she tied the strap of her dress in the back of her neck. Every time she came to the races she made sure to be dressed with the colors of the team, always wearing red since I was contracted by Ferrari and then white, red and black when I was in Haas. Today, for my homerace, she was wearing a nice cherry red dress from Meshki, a brand I made collabs with some months ago. 
“If they were smart they would do a good job and instead of letting Charles fight, they would order him to defend you from Lando” Soleil pointed, helping Erica to tie the dress. “Is not the first time they order you do that for him, and for once that you are in front of him they should give you a chance”
“I just want to end on the podium, that is the goal today” I sighed. “What Charles does is all his business”
“At least you should talk about the strategy…” Soleil sighed. “Only to make things clear. This is your home race, he should respect that”
“Hah! Sure” I laughed. “It was my home race last year too and he didn’t think twice to overtake me in the last lap even if his engineer was screaming in his ears to not do that. That’s even more cruel that overtaking me in the middle of the race” 
“But last year you two didn't have a warning like this year” Erica sighed. 
“Whatever, he’ll be an asshole anyway”
My sisters looked at each other and rolled their eyes, probably tired of the rivalry between Charles and I. But they don’t understand, they don’t understand how it feels to always be challenged by him since the first time he saw me. It was like he was a bully and I was his victim.
“You two are twenty six, when will be the day you two fix things?” Erica asked. 
“When one of us dies” I stated, making both of my sisters groan.
“Drama queen” Soleil sighed.
“Yes I am”
Getting out of the hotel was something that took us half an hour, being stopped by fans that waited for the drivers to start their way to the track. They called my name and the nickname they gave me when I got famous.
The good thing about being half Italian was that they didn't care if my other half was British. They cared about my Italian roots, feeling proud that someone from their country is driving for Ferrari. A Tifosi driving for the Tifosi.
“Today will be your day” a fan said. “You'll win this race”
I smiled at them, letting them put the friendship bracelets on my wrists and taking pictures with them, somehow wanting to believe all the words they said.
Some meters in front of me was Charles, signing caps and shirts on his way to the car. I recognized Andrea (his personal trainer), Joris (his photographer) and then a girl, probably his new fling. They were waiting for him already inside of the car, the three of them looking down at their phones.
“Is that his new girl?” I whispered to Erica, looking at the car Charles was walking to.
“I think so, she was in the hospitality yesterday” Erica answered, nodding. “I would say she's nice, but the only things she did was make tons of Tik Tok videos and pictures for her Instagram”
“Are we gossiping about his new girl?” Soleil smiled, stepping between us. “She's not nice. She thought I was one of the restaurant crew and just ordered me to bring her a coffee! And her manners? Uhg, non existent”
“His taste in women is really suspicious” I joked, looking at that girl, who actually looked like me.
The three of us walked towards the car that was waiting for us, walking in front of Charles' car and looking at the girl that was sitting in the front seat on the passenger seat. She was looking at her phone, recording a Tik Tok probably, while Joris and Andrea tried to not make obvious eye rolls.
“Yeah, neither his friends like her” Erica pointed.
I sighed, walking to the driver seat of my rented car and got it, turning on the engine while my sisters got in the car. People noticed us and started to wave at me, all of them holding the shirts and and even flags and waving them as I drove next to them.
“They want you to win” Soleil said excitedly, watching the Tifosi wave their hands.
“They want Ferrari to win” I corrected. “They don't care of it's me or Charles”
I heard them sigh and I just shrugged my shoulders, driving towards the track while the police guided us, somehow making sure neither Charles or myself suffered an accident before arriving.
If we have an accident during the race it’s no longer their problem.
After I parked the car, I saw Charles parking right next to mine, opening the door and looking at me. He sighed, rolling his eyes when I waved at him and immediately placed his hand on the back of the girl that was with him in this race.
I walked with my sisters, just a little faster to enter the paddock first, and when I looked at his girl I nearly laughed right on his face.
She was dressed with a top that only covered her front side and a skirt that had an opening on the side and let you see all her leg. 
“I think you went to the wrong place” I smiled at that girl. “Coachella was on April and Tomorrowland was on July”
“It's fashion” she frowned, her voice sounding too high. “You wouldn't understand”
“I do understand. At least I went to the Met Gala” I smiled, walking away and pressing my Paddock Pass on the ID scanner.
I could feel Charles' eyes on my back, probably thinking about ways of how to take me off of the track in a few hours, or how to poison my lunch. He would do anything to make sure I won't perform better than him.
Cameras and reporters followed me, making my sisters walk some feet behind me, taking pictures of me and asking things related to the race, which I always replied with the same answer.
“I'll do everything I can to win. It's an important race for me and for the team”
When they were satisfied with my answer and after they had enough pictures of me, they walked away to focus on other drivers that were around the paddock too.
As soon as the red building was close enough, the media managers and content creators of the team started to fly around me and soon after Charles, asking questions and doing the trends that were famous on social media.
Let's start the act.
The smile on my face was half real, half fake. Having Charles near while we were inside of the hospitality meant that the rivalry we had since kids had to be left outside the building, making us act friendly and fake just to make the team and sponsors happy.
“Hey Daf!” 
He knows I hate that nickname. He knows that every time he called me like that I ended up screaming at him, telling him that he's not allowed to call me that way, only one person and he is dead.
“Charlie!” I smiled, fakely, watching how he fought to not roll his eyes or look daggers at me. “Those jeans again? How many of them do you have?”
In moments like this I enjoyed teasing him, giving him nicknames he hated and making sure he couldn't fight me. 
“This jeans, dear Dafne, are my lucky jeans” he said, smiling. 
“Mhm, I wonder when are you going to burn them” I said. “But seems that your girl has the same taste as you, now makes sense”
I saw him clench his jaw and fists, taking deep breaths and looking at him with his eyes furrowed. He knows he can't do anything, so he simply smiles and nods, walking away to his room followed by that girl.
“What was her name?” I asked Soleil. “She has face of Karen”
“I think it's actually Karen” she laughed. “I wonder where he met her”
“I'm sure it was on Raya” I chuckled. “Maybe a summer fling that stayed for too long and he doesn't even know how to say no to her”
“I don't know who I should feel sorry for” Soleil sighed. “Him because she clearly is with him for the money, or her because she will probably be replaced soon”
I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the room with his number on the door, wondering what they would be doing. Ignoring each other? Her looking at the phone and taking pictures while Charles got changed? Probably that, or she would even be using him to take pictures of her so she could post them on Instagram, hinting that she's with him.
“Whatever, they are adults” I sighed, getting up. 
When I opened the door of my room and sighed, hearing how they talked, or most likely argued.
“What is her fucking problem? Why did she talk like that to me?” that girl exclaimed. “How dare she?”
“Come on, it wasn't that bad, Melanie…”
“Are you going to defend her or me?” her voice was too high, piercing into my ears. “Charles!”
“What! Fuck off, Melanie! You knew where you were coming, don't cry now. I told you what clothes you had to pack and, as always, you did whatever you wanted” he groaned, and I could hear how he closed the door of his closet.
“God, sometimes you are so stupid”
I smiled, changing my clothes to my racing suit and folding my clothes, stretching my back and arms before walking out of the room, just at the same time as Charles. His jaw was clenched and I could see the vein of his temple a little swollen, something that always happened whenever he was angry or stressed, and probably now would be both reasons.
“Next time you bring a girl, make sure she knows where she's coming” I whispered.
“What about you won't open your mouth next time I bring a girl?” he frowned. “You are giving me a headache”
“Oh really? That's nice!” I smiled, winking at him and walking away. “You should have a painkiller, anyway”
“What I should have is a good race without you in front of me” he groaned.
“Too bad it won't be possible” I said. “Get used to it, I plan of being in front of you as much as I can”
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That smile. 
God, I hated that smile.
I hated that she always knew what to say and how. 
“We'll see soon” I frowned.
She rolled her eyes and walked away, making me follow her with my eyes. Melanie walked out of the room and stood next to me, never letting go of her phone.
“Should I go to the balcony? I think there are nice views of the… How do you call it?” she said, making me take a deep breath and fake a smile.
“Paddock” I said.
“Oh yeah! That” she smiled.
“Look” I sighed. “I have things to do, I'm not your photographer”
Before she could say something I already was walking away towards the restaurant, sitting on a table and looking at my phone. Just a small lunch before doing interviews and then getting ready for the race, an ice bath and some stretch outs.
“Where did you leave that girl?”
I turned around and sighed when I recognized Erica's voice. She sat next to me and placed the cup of coffee in front of me.
Dafne's older sister always tried to be out of our  arguments. When we were kids, she always avoided our fights and stood away with my brother and Jules, ignoring us. I always believed that Jules and her would end up together, and somehow maybe they were for some time.
Maybe that's why she always tried to befriend me too, to make me feel that Jules was here too, and for her to have someone that reminds her of Jules.
“Last time I saw her she was asking me to take pictures of her” I sighed, grabbing the cup and drinking it slowly. “She was getting annoying”
“And why did you bring her, then?” she sighed. “I thought you were smarter”
“Did Dafne send you so she could just use this against me later?” I said looking at her, watching how she shook her head and smiled weakly.
“I came here because I care for you, Charles. I don't care if my sister and you can't stand each other” she said, resting her back on the chair and crossing her arms in front of her chest. My eyes went to the small tattoo of her wrist, one of many she has. The little 17 was facing me.
“A guy has his needs” I sighed. “And she was there on vacations”
“Sure, but you know what she has been doing while you were out of the hospitality?” she sighed, but I already knew the answer. “She thinks she's your girlfriend, Charles, only because you let her be in your bed”
“And what if she is?” I frowned, and somehow that tattoo got darker than it already was.
Jules would be disappointed, right?
“Look, I just…” I sighed, but immediately shook my head. “You wouldn't understand”
Of course she wouldn't. Because I don't understand it either.
“Then explain it to me, hm? I might be Dafne's sister, but I'm your friend too” she said. 
“Not now, okay?” I sighed. “I have things to do, a race to make”
“Alright” she sighed. “Good luck today, Charlie. Just… don't kill my sister”
She stood up and walked away, not after she messed my hair softly.
Jules and her would have made a really beautiful couple.
I took a deep breath and sighed, getting up and walking to my room again. I looked inside Dafne's room and frowned when I saw a fruit basket on her table, finding a big amount of peaches on it.
“Fuck” I sighed, walking in and grabbing that fruit.
I might hate her, but I don't wish her death.
“What are you doing?”
I tensed and took a deep breath, turning around and finding Dafne leaning on the door frame, watching me with the peaches in my hands. 
“Nothing” I said. 
“Putting a fruit you know I'm allergic to in a basket?” she frowned. “I thought you were stupid, but this? This is crossing the line”
“No! Hey!” I frowned. Did she really think I put them on purpose? “I just grabbed them because I know you are allergic to the peel of the peach, asshole. You are welcome”
Before she could say anything I walked out of her room and went to mine, locking the door and groaning. 
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The Italian anthem echoed through the stands of Monza, reverberating in my chest as I stood in front of the grid. My heart pounded in time with the fervent claps and chants of the Tifosi, their energy a palpable force lifting me higher. The sea of red around the circuit was a sight to behold, with their flags waving, faces painted, the roar of their passion almost louder than the melody of the anthem.
This was my home, my people, and today, I was going to give them a race to remember.
After the final notes finished, I walked back to my car, in the first line of the grid, next to the navy blue Red Bull. No one was in front of me, the only car to beat was the Red Bull. I looked to the car behind it, the other red one of the grid, Charles’ car. I felt his eyes on me, and the only thing I did was put on my helmet and remember that today was my day, not his.
This is my race.
The formation lap felt like an eternity, each second stretching as I warmed up the tires, feeling the grip, the balance of the car. As we lined up on the grid once more, the tension was almost unbearable.
Five lights.
Lights out.
I launched off the line, my tires gripping perfectly as I sped towards the first chicane. Max had a strong start, but I was right on his tail, the slipstream pulling me closer. Behind me, I could feel Charles trying to find an opening, but I shut the door firmly at every opportunity.
Lap after lap, I pushed harder, feeling the car’s every response. I stayed within striking distance of Max, waiting for my chance. And then, halfway through the race, it came. Max made a slight error going into the Parabolica, his line not as clean as usual. It was all the invitation I needed.
I dived down the inside, my heart in my throat, and for a moment, we were side by side. But I had the better exit, my car flying past him down the main straight as the tifosi erupted in a deafening cheer. The lead was mine.
Now it was a matter of maintaining it. Every lap felt like a battle, not just with the track but with my own nerves. I could feel Charles gaining behind me, his pace relentless. But I focused forward, hitting every apex, every braking zone perfectly. The laps ticked down, and with each one, my confidence grew.
The final lap was a blur. I could feel the tears in my eyes, barely letting me see the track, but I kept driving, pushing and turning the wheel until I crossed the finish line. 
“Dafne Morelli, you are a race winner!”
I did it. I finally did it.
As I parked the car in the pit lane and got out of the car, I heard the roar of the crowd, all of them waving the Italian flag over their heads. I saw my team, all dressed in red and jumping, cham¡nting my name. I felt pats on my back and helmet, some drivers coming to congratulate me.
But I felt that gaze too, the one that always burned me alive whenever I won him.
And it felt so satisfying knowing that I won against Charles Leclerc.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins
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goquokka00 · 10 hours
how about skz with a midsize reader and having insecurities since it’s a complicated body type? Like not being thin enough to be skinny but then not exactly plus size either yanno? but still having thick thigh and a lil belly 😫
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I can one hundred percent see them all handling different problems in their own way, cuz there's so much that comes with insecurity, y'know? But I just decided to assign a different insecurity to each of them, something I could actually see happening, and so I really hope that this is to your liking!
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When You Feel Insecure... (skz OT8 x Midsize! GN! Reader)
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Note: Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Please understand that everyone suffers from insecurities, whether it's mental or physical. But it doesn't matter how much you weigh, how tall or small you are, how much acne you have, how you style your hair, or what style you have. You are a beautiful and wonderful person, and there are people who will always love you regardless. 💕
Changbin's got a little suggestive, but hey, sometimes you gotta convince people using any means necessary.
As of recent, you had taken a notice to your stomach more than average. It's gotten...bigger. Much bigger than before. It wasn't round enough for you to be considered fat, but you definitely had gotten rounder. It looked gross.
And so, you had resorted to wearing hoodies. Every day, you'd always throw on a hoodie, whether it was yours or Chan's, but you'd still put one on regardless. And because it was summer, you'd always roll up the sleeves and wear shorts, mainly so you wouldn't overheat. And for a while, you managed to get away with it. But it didn't take long for Chan to catch on.
At first, he found it cute. But after weeks passed of you wearing the same clothing choices, he started to get suspicious, bringing it up with you.
"Baby, aren't you hot?" He'd ask you, only for you think about it a bit.
"A bit, but it's not bad. I'll be okay." You reassured, just watching as he shook his head.
"Hun, it's really hot out, even without a sweatshirt on. Why not just take it off?" He asked, watching as you went silent. You looked away from his gaze, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"I just..." You knew it was a bad idea to lie to Bangchan, because he was used to dealing with 7 men who were beyond crazy. It'd be hard to get away with anything. Course, he was also good at reading you, too.
"Is it your insecurities bugging you again?" He asked, watching you nod shyly. Chan immediately smiled softly, going to you and giving you a gentle hug, kissing your cheeks. "Baby, you know I don't care what you look like. You're beautiful just the way you are."
"But I've gained a bit of weight. I got rounder." You mumbled, Chan pulling back from the hug before brushing some hair out of your face.
"And? Who cares if you got rounder? You're you, right? That's all that matters to me, sweetheart." He told you, pecking your lips. "You're still an incredible human being who wouldn't hurt a fly."
"But I kill flies in the apartment all the time-"
"You get the point." He interrupted, the both of you laughing. He definitely knew how to make you feel better, that's for sure.
Your new job was intimidating. And it was hard to fit in, too. All of the employees who worked in your building were so...skinny. And you were... not that. You were in between skinny and fat, in your terms at least. In your boyfriend, Minho's, terms, you were slim-thick. But you just didn't see it, especially after you had your job.
And so, to try and catch up with everyone else you work with, you started cutting meals. You'd bring the lunch Minho'd make for you, offer it to your coworkers, and then bring the empty box back. When cutting lunch wasn't enough, you started to stop eating breakfast, too. But even that wasn't enough to slim you down. And so, you figured that dinner would have to go, too.
But of course, the day you were going to start skipping dinner, Minho immediately caught on. You were more sluggish, always complaining that you felt lightheaded after work. Which would only be consistent if you weren't eating. And so, once he set your plate in front of you, he sat next to you, starting to eat his meal.
"Oh, no, I-I'm not really all that hungry." You claimed, Minho looking to you and raising a brow.
"The hell you mean you're not hungry? You're always hungry after work." Minho claimed. And he was right. You were so hungry, but you also really wanted to lose weight so you wouldn't drown in insecurities at work.
"Well, I'm not hungry today."
"Bullshit, I can hear your stomach grumbling from here." Minho said, setting his chopsticks down before looking to you, placing a hand on your cheek. "Babe, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." You replied, an upset look on your face.
"Then why do you look so upset?" Minho asked, searching your eyes for an answer. "You can talk to me, you know."
"I know, I know." You said, letting out a breath. "I just...I get insecure about being the body type I am at work. And so I figured that skipping some meals wouldn't hurt so it wouldn't be so-"
"No, no, no, no, no, absolutely not. Skipping meals isn't the way to go, my love. You need nutrients to be able to work well at work." Minho said, his eyes softening at your reasoning. "And even then, you are absolutely gorgeous. You're cute, and you're a hard worker. I highly doubt anyone there is going to care how you look. And if they did, I'd storm right on over there and stuff everyone into an air fryer."
"I will, don't doubt me." Minho continued, smiling as he saw you giggle. He gently pecked your lips, patting your head before moving back to his meal. "Now please, eat your damn food, or you'll eat tissues instead."
"Alright, fine." You said, going to your meal. That meal tasted much better than some damn tissues, anyway.
You tsked, turning once again in the full body mirror as you looked at the problem of the hour; your thighs. They were so...big. So disproportionate to the rest of your body. And the pants you were looking at buying made it even worse.
They were the right size, but they squeezed at your thighs, making the pants look like they were too small. It was a constant battle with your mind, too. Maybe you could confront Changbin about exercises for making your thighs smaller.
But either way, you didn't think as you mumbled a comment to yourself, forgetting that your one true love was sitting behind you, admiring the way the pants hugged your ass and squeezed at your thighs.
"My thighs are way too fat for these."
"I'm sorry, what did you say?!" Immediately, Changbin was up and off of his chair, going over to you to stand behind you, watching as your eyes stayed glued to your thighs.
"My thighs are too big. And these pants make them look horrible." You explained, pulling at the side of the pants to show just how much they were squeezing your thighs.
"No, they don't! You look stunning in them, see?" Changbin said, running his hands down your thighs while resting his head on your shoulder. "Anyone would look twice if they saw someone with thighs like yours. They're so thick, thick with three c's."
"I'm serious! Y/n, anyone would kill to be absolutely suffocated with thighs like yours!"
"I'm being completely honest!" Changbin shouted over you, a small chuckle and smile leaving him. "Baby, I'm completely serious when I say that you are perfect no matter what you're wearing. And these pants? God, I wanna buy like, 30 of them so I can see you in them all the time."
"You're insane."
"Only for you, pookie-bear."
You don't know how long you had been cycling through tops, but it has been a while. Each one either showed too much or showed too little. Anything tight-fit would show too much. But if it was too big, then it would drape over you and make you look even bigger.
It was a constant battle.
Eventually, you had settled on a sweater, one that seemed to hide just enough, but it also showed enough, too. But after staring at it too much, you just didn't know. You could still see your figure which was a plus, but it also made you look a bit bigger.
"Hey babe, you ready to go yet-whoa..." Hyunjin had come into the room to check up on you, make sure that you were ready to go on the date he had planned out for you both. And seeing you in those jeans that hugged your legs just right. And that sweater... "You look stunning, baby."
"Are you sure? I think it makes me look big." You said, looking back down at yourself. You fidgeted with the bottom, trying to get it to lay nicer. But Hyunjin stepped forward, doing it for you instead.
"You look perfect to me." Hyunjin said, giving you a smile.
"But it kinda shows my stomach. It makes me look bigger than usual." You said, looking at him. Though, he was focused on fixing the bottom of your shirt.
"Sweet baby, you look incredible, even with your stomach. It makes you look mysterious, hot, sexy, and yet soft and fluffy and cute. It's like I said." Hyunjin commented, fixing your top once more, stepping back to give you a smile. "It's perfect."
"And you're absolutely certain? Like, I won't get judged at all or anything right-"
"Stop, stop, stop. Just take a minute and calm down." Hyunjin told you, placing his hands on your cheeks, guiding your face to look up at him. He placed a kiss onto your forehead, giving you a warm smile.
"M'Sorry..." You mumbled, Hyunjin shaking his head.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. Feeling insecure is a human emotion, and I can't be mad at you for experiencing it." Hyunjin told you, brushing your hair out of your face. "Nobody's gonna care how you look, okay? All that matters is that you look like an angel to me. It's our date, nobody else's. Right?"
"Right." You smiled, giving a nod to him. He was right. And you couldn't be more thankful that you had a boyfriend who could see the beauty in everything.
You loved Jisung. You really truly did with everything in your body. But after the two of you started going out, you realized that you and him couldn't be more different. Not in personality, no, no, no. It was in your body types. Jisung had a slim waist, broad shoulders, was muscular and was just...godlike.
You were...not that. You had chub. A round belly and thick thighs, and every time the two of you went out in public together, you could feel people's eyes on you. Judging you. Probably wondering how someone with your body type managed to get with someone like Jisung.
It made you feel so insecure, it wasn't even funny. And so, you decided that you'd save yourself the trouble and stop going out in public with Jisung. Not that he minded since going out in public was hard. But even then, after a while, it got concerning.
"Baby, please? I wanna go on a walk with you, and Han River is the perfect spot!" Jisung whined, leaning onto your shoulder. You gave an apologetic smile, shaking your head.
"I'm just not feeling it right now, I'm sorry." But you and Jisung both knew the truth.
"But you love going to Han River. Especially when it's with someone you love!" Jisung taunted, making you laugh a bit.
"Yeah, but why do that when we could just stay here?"
"Because we always stay here!" Jisung complained, making you sigh. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah..." You trailed, only to see him give you puppy dog eyes. You let out a sigh, knowing you couldn't keep it from him. "No..."
"What's wrong, baby?" Jisung said, holding your hands in his, moving his head so he could see into your eyes.
"I just...I always feel like I get judged when I go out in public with you. I'm not skinny, and people think you need to be with this god-like figure, and--"
"But you are! You are my god, I literally worship you every chance I get!"
"I know you do, but your fans don't."
"Well then screw what they say!" Jisung said, making you jump a bit. "My baby, to me, you are the best human being out in the world. I don't care what you look like, because you are literally the sweetest person in the entire world. And if they can't see what I see, then they aren't real fans. Okay?"
"I..." You weren't expecting that from Jisung. He loved Stay a lot. But it was clear that he loved you even more. And that thought alone was enough to make you smile.
"Okay. "
Damn it. You've gained weight again. You were just starting to slim down, but Felix had been in a baking mood for a long time, and all of the sweets that he made were always so good. Sure, he'd take most of them to sets and recording sessions for the guys.
But most of the time, he'd leave a few behind for you, and let you try the new batches. And you had gotten too carried away. Now, your stomach was rounder. And you hated it with a burning passion. And so, you made a rule for yourself.
No more sweets.
But that really didn't help when Felix had just made a new batch of cookies just now, and was walking over with one fresh out of the oven.
"Baby, come try these cookies!" Felix exclaimed, getting closer with the cookie in hand. "They're so good, you'll really like them!"
"I think I'm gonna pass tonight, Felix." You said, giving him a small smile as a form of apology. Instead, you were met with Felix's pouty face and sad puppy dog eyes.
"What?! But you love eating my sweets!" Felix whined, holding the cookie with sadness in his eyes. And immediately, you felt bad.
"Oh, Felix...I just...I'm not really feeling like eating the sweets right now." Course, right after you said that, you swallowed the saliva that had started to gather in your mouth. How perfect.
"But you seem like you're salivating. Don't they just smell delicious, baby?" Felix asked, bringing the cookie closer to you. You let out a sigh, nodding along.
"Yes, they do, but I..." Damn it. Felix always managed to get you cornered with his adorable need to have people eat his cooking. Damn it all. "I just...I'm trying to cut back on sweets."
"Oh, really?" Felix raised a brow, managing to catch on quickly. "Wait, are you starting to feel self-conscious again?"
"A little, yeah." You said with a shrug, Felix setting the cookie down and giving you a hug. You returned the gesture, a smile appearing on your face.
"Babes, you know that I'll love you no matter what, right? You're sweeter and way better than anything else I've ever baked." Felix pulled back from the hug as he spoke, brushing some hair out of your face before pecking your lips. "If you still wanna cut back on sweets, I'll understand, but one every time I bake won't hurt anyone."
And he had a point. It wasn't like he baked often, anyway. It was when he had time, and that was rare. And so you nodded, kissing his cheek before taking the cookie from the table, not wanting to potentially crush your lover anymore.
"I guess one wouldn't hurt."
You hated the look of yourself today. Every time you turned in the mirror, you managed to find so many things wrong with yourself. You had rolls starting to form, your stomach got round, your thighs were so fat it made your calves look stupid.
You just...you looked gross. You weren't skinny, you weren't fat, but you felt fat. Even with the small amount of things you did to spruce up your look for the day was just...blegh.
You deemed to yourself that you just looked disgusting. Though, when you said it out loud to yourself, you didn't realize Seungmin happened to be walking into the bedroom.
"I look so...fat..." You claimed, not knowing how else to put it. Of course, Seungmin overhearing that jumped right into action.
"Um, excuse me? The hell you mean, 'you're fat'?" Seungmin asked, walking over to you and looking at your reflection in the mirror.
"It's what I said. I look fat." You repeated.
"Baby, I love you, I really do, but you need to shut the hell up." Seungmin said, placing his arms around your waist from behind. "You're beautiful both inside and out. If you weren't, I wouldn't be dating you."
"Is that supposed to help?"
"Do you want me to help get rid of the insecurities or do you want to just continue wallowing away in them?"
You went silent at that, placing your hands onto Seungmin's arms, looking at both of you in the mirror. Seungmin was well aware of what your silence meant, and so he continued on.
"When you look in the mirror, what do you see?" He asked, kissing your cheek.
"I see a beautiful man hugging a big person who just looks gross and doesn't deserve to be with said man." You said. Seungmin hummed, taking in your answer before responding.
"Well I think you're wrong." He said, hugging you closer to him. "I see a beautiful, stunning, smart, funny, sexy person in the arms of an extremely lucky guy."
"Aw, you mean that?"
"Don't push it." Seungmin said, kissing the side of your head again before patting your ass. "Now come on, we're gonna be late meeting up with the guys."
"Okay, okay." You replied, playfully shoving Seungmin. You were pretty sure that you were the one considering yourself lucky, now.
When Jeongin said that he would be coming home with outfits for the both of you for the upcoming award ceremony, you weren't expecting something so...tight-fit. It showed off everything, your belly, your thighs, everything that you were completely insecure about.
You weren't a fan.
And so, when you left the room in something other than what Jeongin had intended, he obviously got extremely concerned. He wanted you both to match, but if you weren't gonna wear what he wanted you to wear, then what was the point?
"Babe, what happened to the outfit I got you?" He asked, watching you walk over to him.
"Oh, I just-"
"Did it not fit?" He interrupted, looking you over. He was almost certain that everything would've fit. He got all of your sizes right, or at least, he thought he did.
"No, I mean, yes? Kind of." You said, thinking about how to put this. "It was just...it kinda just showed off a bit too much of me."
"Babe, it's supposed to do that." Jeongin told you, cupping your cheek as he tried to figure out what could've made you not want to wear the outfit he got you.
"Yeah, but that's kind of the problem." You said, placing your arms over your stomach. And that was when the buzzer went off in Jeongin's head, realizing the issue. You were feeling insecure.
"Aw, babe...I'm sorry..." Jeongin just felt bad now. He didn't realize that you could've felt insecure about the outfit he got you. "Can I at least see you in it?"
"Just let me see so I know. Please?" Jeongin asked. And how could you say no? You went back to the room and put on the outfit, walking back in so Jeongin could look at you. And immediately, you were met with an awestruck Jeongin.
"It's terrible, right?"
"Terrible for my heart? Cuz yeah, you look...really good, baby..." Jeongin told you. It made you blush a bit and look away.
"Yes, really! Baby, you look incredible!" Jeongin said, going over and admiring your fit. "You're gonna make people drop dead! They won't even know what hit them! I still don't know what hit me!"
You couldn't help but laugh at your boyfriend's reaction, finding it cute. Maybe it wasn't so bad if he liked it as much as he did.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
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AITA for breaking up with a man to immediately date a woman?👩‍❤️‍👩
So a couple of years ago I (at the time 25F) identified as bisexual and ace. I had dated before, but it was all long distance relationships, and all men. At this point, I was single, and while in university, I met a guy (Jake, 26M) and he confessed he was into me. I only really thought of Jake as a friend, but I agreed we could date- because I've always confused platonic/romantic feelings, and foolishly thought I could probably "grow into" the relationship, like my previous ones. Jake is smart, friendly, very sweet and supportive, thoughtful, I didn't see why we couldn't date! But of course, as relationships do, suddenly he becomes more physical, more affectionate with me- which duh, we're dating, I should've expected this- but it blindsided me.
I would very frequently communicate to him what I was comfortable/uncomfortable with, and he'd be okay backing off and taking things more slowly, but would occasionally gently push my boundaries. I'd have to remind him that I wasn't comfortable, and he'd back off and would tell me it's okay- but I don't think he meant it. I think he was hoping I would "get over" these uncomfortable feelings and give him what he wants, eventually. It got to a point I was uncomfortable even being alone with him, because I knew he'd start acting this way. I was deeply appreciative of his patience, since I know I was being weird about our relationship.
While this is happening, I was venting to my dear friend Mary (25F) about how I felt terrible, how I felt stuck, and Mary would support me, hear me out, and comfort me. I had also met Mary in university, and Jake and Mary knew each other and were also friends. We were all a part of the same friend group- but I only would talk to Mary about what was going on between me and Jake.
A few months of this passes, and it occurs to me that I had a crush on Mary. A real, actual, true crush. One I'd never felt before in any of my other relationships- I had a connection with her, she and I understood each other. One night, we jokingly both kind of confessed to each other at the same time. It was then that it all clicked for me- I'm not bi… I'm a lesbian. It's why I've felt that I've had to "grow into" my previous relationships with men. I never truly was attracted to them, and just thought that was how all relationships were. Mary was the first person I actually felt like I could be myself.
Anyway- Mary knew about Jake obviously, and I told her up front that I'd need time to break up with him. She understood completely. I broke up with him the next day or so in person, quietly, in private. I didn't tell him about Mary, nor about me realizing that I'm a lesbian. I just said that I didn't think we could work out- that he wants more than I could give, and that I wasn't good for him, he deserved someone better. He understood, but he was very upset. And angry. He threatened me with a "If you date anybody in our group- we won't be friends anymore." and stormed off. I cried, but figured I deserved it. He truly cared about me, and I feel like I lied to him through our whole relationship- even if I didn't realize it.
Mary and I dated in secret shortly after, to prevent Jake from finding out and hating the both of us and causing turmoil in our group. He went around and told all of our male friends to leave me alone and not to touch me, so I'm pretty sure he never suspected Mary. I only found out about this because one of said other male friends approached me and told me what Jake had said- Jake never made this apparent to me.
But me and Mary? I've never been happier. We cuddle, we kiss- we do everything you'd expect in a relationship, and I'm never uncomfortable. And when I AM uncomfortable, Mary leaves it alone. She never pushes my boundaries unless I try something on my own terms or we talk about it first. She's a dream come true, and she's beautiful and I love her.
Cut to years later- me and Mary have been together for 10 years now. We've both graduated university, we live together, and we're soon to be married. We're still very close with our friend group- we regularly meet up for movie nights, dinner outings and dnd sessions. Jake's still one of our best friends, and he knows that we're dating, now. I've never addressed me and Mary to Jake directly, so I've never known how he's felt about us.
This is years after the fact, of course, and Jake is still a wonderful friend and (seemingly) has moved on/doesn't care about me and Mary. But I'm occasionally haunted by this mess that I caused, and I feel like I was terrible to Jake. So, Tumblr, I leave you all to judge me. Was I the asshole?
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bonefall · 1 day
Not sure if this is the place to ask or if I should go to Bonebabble, but ooh, Dungeon Meshi mention! I love what you said about low-empathy and apathy, I think I’ll use that in ny own characters.
I wanted to ask why you think Shuro is autistic. I’ve seen a lot of people say it so there must be a reason why, but I don’t think it’s really obvious to me? Like with Laios, autism/neurodivergence is so integral to his story, so it’s deeply obvious. I love the way he’s written! But we don’t see a lot of Shuro, so I’d like to hear more of why people see the tism in him.
@bonebabbles is the better place to send these in the future but it's chill! The vibe right now's loose since we're all coming down from the heaviness of Mooncourse lmao
Honestly, I feel a little 'tism in a lot of the cast of Dungeon Meshi. As a very autistic writer myself, it kind of has a vibe like it was written by someone who's autistic and so it gets peppered into all of her characters. It's something I notice a lot in my own art, too.
But like, when it comes to Toshiro... I can't stop thinking about him. He makes me want to chew the furniture. With every passing day I become less normal about him.
glossary because I had a lot of thoughts about Toshiro Dungeon Meshi i guess. Oh my god this got long
He reminds me of some people I know
His culture clash is very relatable to me in an autistic way
He has a rigid commitment to his values and morals
Miscellaneous Autism Moments
in conclusion
He reminds me of some people I know
He reminds me of certain autistic men I've met from affluent families. The type who both is taught to repress and mask their own traits, yet also not to be incredibly mindful of the emotions of other people. Because of their status, they don't have to learn how to work out interpersonal conflict because the majority of the people around them are servants or family. People who would never go away if they didn't like you.
So, his vassals have to learn to talk to him and how to carry out his orders. Not the other way around. As a result, Toshiro has a bit of unearned confidence about his leadership abilities and communication skills. NOT in a way that is smug, DO NOT misunderstand me; just in a way that overestimates his own judgement. Maybe he has encyclopedic knowledge for talking to other nobles offscreen, but when it came to his own team, he was ignoring a lot of the good advice they gave him about taking breaks.
Yes, Toshiro is from a high-context culture-- but his communication issues are bad with everyone.
ESPECIALLY his vassals, people he calls family, from the same exact culture as him. They're worried about him, most of them are desperate for acknowledgement, they'd do anything for him, and he doesn't address this until AFTER his brawl with Laios!
His culture clash is very relatable to me in an autistic way
Toshiro knew he was going somewhere that was going to be a melting pot of mostly western cultures. He knew the manners were going to be different, and he came alone, not in a group where he was only interacting with his own people.
Yet he NEVER adjusted his own social behavior.
I'm American and my partner is British. When I first went, I had no idea why they were offering me so much tea. I thought I was being polite by following them into the kitchen, thinking they wanted to move the conversation over there. My partner quickly fixed this by explaining that when someone offers you tea, they're taking a short pause in the lull of a conversation to be a good host.
I am autistic. What someone else might have just figured out through getting an awkward look, I had to be told directly. There are a lot of little things like that.
Toshiro feels like what would happen if the opposite was happening, an autistic person from a high-context culture coming to a low-context culture. He can't properly express discomfort. It's not JUST Laios, King of Autism, that he's having issues talking to. Neither Marcille nor Chilchuck know that "Shuro" is a mispronunciation, and they had no clue that he disliked Laios THIS much.
I even think it's kinda telling that Toshiro felt the most comfortable with Falin out of the rest of the party. The hyper-empathetic autistic girl who goes out of her way to accommodate others.
He has a rigid commitment to his values and morals
A strict, uncompromising moral compass is a hallmark of autism. It's everything Toshiro does!!
When Falin was eaten, he bolted off to assemble the best team he could think of. He believes that love is sacrifice, so he pushes his body and his family to the limit to try and prove how much he loves Falin. Chilchuck freaks out when he finds out that Laios told him about the dark magic, because "HE'S THE WORST PERSON TO TELL!"
Maizuru also explains that from a very young age, he's been incredibly compliant. He never asks for anything, he's always been a bit sickly and uninterested in eating. He always tries to be on his very best behavior, even if that means not asking for accommodations he might actually need.
In fact, the only food he seems to LIKE eating is what Maizuru makes him. To the point where she ended up getting pulled into the kitchen even when she was on a "mission." Senshi makes a cute comment that it's "love" that Maizuru puts into those meals, but... what if it's actually because she knows the textures and flavors he likes?
Miscellaneous Autism Moments
There's so many little moments that are so incredibly autistic to me.
He sees Falin with a bug and he proposes right on the spot. The other characters are like, "oh that's just how they act in the east" but no the fuck it is not. They don't even know "Shuro" is a mispronunciation, how the hell do they know anything about eastern courting traditions?
I know EXACTLY what happened. I'm beaming you this information directly from the truth.
Toshiro was TOLD that you're supposed to 1. make your proposals a surprise, and 2. you will know the right one when you see them, and NO ONE elaborated any further because he comes from a high context culture. He popped that question the first time both of those boxes were ticked off.
In coming from a high context culture, what he does is strictly follow rules and conditions he was taught.
And that's absolutely why he handed Laios that bell. Because he does care about him and the party, and he's taught that doing these acts of service is a show of that... and he didn't even think ahead to the fact the bell was going to be ringing constantly.
And yet. In spite of that, he ALWAYS keeps it near him.
Before it clicked and I realized why, I used to think Toshiro was kind of an asshole for running off to get his vassals without even telling Marcille and Laios about his plan. Like... how could you not know they were going to do something drastic? The three of them were the Falin Fan Club and he was the most normal member of it. It's so obvious to me that Laios (brother) and Marcille (""Gal Pal"") were going to get themselves in danger.
So how could you just run off like that without telling them? Even if lack of supplies meant they couldn't go back in, how could you just leave them worried sick in the town, thinking you abandoned Falin?
And then it hit me. The man just has low empathy.
There WAS no malice, just like how there wasn't malice in how he was pushing him and his vassals to the limits, just like how there was never malice against Laios. It simply didn't occur to him like that.
He's never been taught to consider the thoughts and feelings of others very deeply and they don't come naturally. He's still compassionate. There's a reason all of his vassals love him!
But THAT'S WHY he never put himself in Laios' shoes, or anyone else's. Empathy does not come naturally to him. All of his good behavior is as a result of his moral code, NOT empathy.
So with that said, why does he love Falin so much? Aside from the wonderful, positive traits he lists when he's asked? I mean, what's really deep down at the core of why he finds these things so lovely?
Well... Falin and Laios are not all that different from each other, to the point where Toshiro gets gently ribbed in a bonus chapter about how if one of them was a girl, Shuro might have loved Laios instead. He waxes poetic about the ways she's different from most women, how she's not afraid of things like insects, her compassion, her face, her laugh.
These are all things Laios does too (in fact in one of the panels where Toshiro is appreciating Falin, she's trying to check if a caterpillar is a male or female), but Falin's personality expresses in a more subdued and introverted way. Closer to how Toshiro is, as a person. So... I think it's because he relates to her.
To both Touden siblings. But Laios makes him see things he doesn't want to.
We established that Toshiro has a strict commitment to his values, he probably has low empathy, and even taking his cultural differences into account he's bad at communicating.
So then, why was one of his complaints against Laios' obliviousness that he "knows he doesn't mean anything by it, and that makes it worse"? Isn't that kinda specific when you think about it?
If you're neurodivergent, I want you to think back to points in time where you dealt with people who have the same issues you do. Autism, ADHD, PTSD, DID, whatever. Did you ever have a moment where they did something harmless or mildly inconvenient, definitely as a result of the same exact thing you have, and you just... HATED it?
You HATED it even more than you would anyone else doing the same thing. You probably know your response was disproportionate. But YOU don't do that THING they did. Or if you do that, it's less bad somehow. Or you used to do that but don't anymore and it reminds you of when you did.
If you're reflective, you might have realized it might be internalized ableism. I feel like that's a huge part of why Toshiro finds Laios SO. ANNOYING. Laios is like this stupid, idiot, blundering caricature of things Toshiro has been taught to avoid, which violate his moral code. Shuro comes from a place of so many more rules and subtle cues, and it's like Laios doesn't respect any of them.
What STARTS this fight, causes Laios to finally hit back after being smacked, shoved, and shouted at, is being told "YOU'RE NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY."
It's so obviously wrong! Laios, who ran back into a dungeon immediately? Who Toshiro himself called rash? This is NOT a logical conclusion to make about Laios or his party. I think it came from frustration that Laios "does things the wrong way." That it's projection, stemming from that low empathy.
He's not like Kabru in the same chapter, who's desperately trying to get a read on Laios' inner workings and failing. Shuro's just extrapolating his own feelings onto him, because he's recognizing that same "sense" within him. If TOSHIRO didn't follow the rules he sets down for himself, that's not "taking it seriously."
Toshiro follows the rules. Laios does not.
...and Laios is FREE.
He's open and honest in a way Toshiro can never be, not as a noble, not as an easterner, and not as an autistic man. Hell, Laios was ALSO a noble, he gave that up! Threw that away, and then came back to his village and took Falin away from it. If Laios is acting like an idiot, he's acting like an idiot who does everything Toshiro has ever wanted to do. Laios cannot mask and Toshiro resents that.
One of the things Toshiro even explicitly says he HATES about Laios is the fact he's willing to be a burden on other people. Maizuru said earlier that he's NEVER made a "selfish request" before-- but Laios can just open his mouth and ask for help, feeling no shame, just as he did in this chapter when he asked him not to tell the Island Lord about the dark magic.
And then, after they literally come to blows, Toshiro tells Laios some incredibly brutal things, revealing he's NEVER been his friend and he has resented him this whole time. This actually sits with Laios well into the later chapters, but the fight ends and then they're just CHATTING FRIENDLY LIKE IT DIDN'T MATTER.
More honestly than ever before, because Toshiro is returning the effort. He eats some food (the narrative's metaphor for making connections). He thanks his vassals for the first time. He talks about how he wishes he'd told Falin about all the things he adored about her when he still had the chance.
I have to take the panels of his response right out of the manga actually because this little expression here is so subtle, but so meaningful.
(Read <- <- <- that way)
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Look at the way that when Laios makes that genuine movement, assuring him with passion that he will be making sure Falin receives this message, Toshiro's gut response is annoyance. But then it softens and he pauses, like he's reconsidering what his response is going to be.
To admit that he envies "this side of Laios" is also admitting that the earlier fight was based on envy.
Laios was like this the WHOLE time. Making these grand speeches about his plans, what his party's been doing, how Toshiro needs to eat something and take a nap. He's ALWAYS been like this. It was Toshiro's mindset that changed.
In conclusion
Something I really like about Dungeon Meshi is HOW MANY of its characters can be read as autistic. Laios is just the most obvious one, with his special interest in monsters and inability to read social cues being central to the plot. His is a more "well known" expression of autism-- it's rare you get characters whose masking is central to their characters.
But it's really refreshing to see characters like Kabru, Falin, and Toshiro. Autistic people are rare enough in popular media to begin with, but we NEVER get characters whose autism intersects with their trauma, gender, and culture quite like these three.
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We know that Mu Qing is constantly teasing Feng Xin with the whole Ju Yang situation (maybe he created it himself - to me he's guilty till proven innocent).
What if Feng Xin's been itching for something to hold over Mu Qing too?
I mean he's 100% tried a whole bunch of ways to piss him off but after the initial fluster, Mu Qing is just apathetic. The whole broom thing pisses himself off too at this point, and his pride can only take so many eye rolls when he dares insinuate anything about Mu Qing's obsession with his dick.
Mt-Tonglu happens and Mu Qing says he wants to be "f-f-f-friends". And after Feng Xin's got over the whole shock of "Fuck, he almost died" (accompanied with the obligatory feelings realization), he's hit with the "holy fuck he stuttered. I CAN DEFINITELY USE THAT".
He knows that in order for the treasing to actually work on Mu Qing he needs to be patient. To make sure the other god thinks that he forgot about it. So he waits for the perfect chance.
A couple of years pass and Feng Xin is still waiting, while commenting himself on his patience. In the meantime, their relationship has kind of blossomed into something more. They have been fighting just as frequently but they don't wreck half of the heavenly capital anymore. Most of their arguments don't even end up in physical altercations.
And since Feng Xin's patience if wholly spent on looking for the perfect moment for the "teasing of the millennium", he decides not to wait around for Mu Qing to make some kind of move.
They're currently sitting side by side on the roof of one Xhua Zhen's temple, both exhausted after hunting down a bunch of ghosts (yes, they work together on both their territories by now). The sunset illuminates the forest surrounded the temple in warm orange colors and when Feng Xin turns to look at the other god, only to realize he's looking right back at him, with a soft look in his face. Feng Xin's brain feels like there's high voltage electricity is passing through it and he figures now's a good time as any. He leans in, closes his eyes and hopes he won't get punched in the next 6 seconds.
To his absolute delight, Mu Qing actually kisses him back. It's a shy, soft move from him but Feng Xin expected nothing more from a 800 year old virgin.
They keep kissing for a while, getting used to this new development. When they part, Feng Xin rests his forehead on his "rival's", while the goofiest grin spreads on his face.
Mu Qing turns his head to look at the sunset again but moves his hand to tangle his fingers with the archer's.
Feng xin knows he's probably trying to hide his blush. The god of the southwest blushes so easily and he's extremely embarrassed by that fact.
Feng Xin's train of thought complete derails from its tracks. This is the moment he's been waiting for.
"Mu Qing" he whispers, not daring to look him in the eyes, lest he ruins this perfect attempt.
"Yes, Feng Xin?"
"Does this mean that we now are more than f-f-f-friends?"
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angel-kyo · 1 day
Pay it no mind
Part XX
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself. mentions of injuries, marriage, and... Huh, that's it.
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part IV, Part XV, Part XVI, Part XVII, Part XVIII, Part XIX
“Did you know [name] rejected a marriage proposal from the Zenin?”
Satoru almost spat out the tea he was drinking upon hearing Ieiri’s words. Then he did his best to put on his nicest smile.
“And I thought you didn’t like cracking jokes, Shoko.” He laughed, but in reality, he could not find it funny.
“I wish I were joking,” she said taking her own cup to her lips.
Seriously, it’s not funny.
Why the Zenin? Who among the Zenin? Who was idiotic enough to…?
“I’m not sure of who exactly or why. All I gathered is mostly gossip,” Shoko went on, not allowing any more questions to form in Satoru’s mind. “But what I do know is that the rejection was not taken kindly.”
Of course, a rejection would not have been taken kindly by them, but it still puzzled Gojo, and by the look his friend had on her face, Shoko felt the same way. Was it even allowed to reject anyone from the Zenin?
You did not come from a renowned sorcerers’ clan, for that reason you probably had no one who would fiercely push you into an arranged marriage, but it was also why it did not make sense that anyone related to the Zenin had taken a special interest in you, someone who virtually had not a strong presence in the jujutsu world.
“When?” Satoru asked.
“Weeks ago, maybe more,” his companion stated.
Maybe around the time they started coming back with more wounds than explanations.
That led Shoko to the second half of her theory. Whoever you had made angry, had enough connections to keep stepping on your heels while you were out completing missions.
Shoko started digging into it after the last time you had come to her back from a battle. Your injuries had been bizarre for the simple routine mission you had told her you were going on that night, and after seeing the report of your mission, she noticed the curse you had fought had been misclassified. “That happens sometimes, it’s unfortunate it happened to them,” Ijichi had said, unaware that those misfortunes had been happening a lot with the missions assigned to you as of lately, as Shoko herself realized after looking at all reports from your missions of the last couple of months.
It could be someone from the higher-ups, but if I told that to Gojo, he might just go and kill them all.
Ieiri took a look at him. Judging by the thin line on his lips, he was in deep thought. Contrary to what Shoko had been expecting, she had surprised him, at least as much as one could surprise Gojo Satoru.
You did not tell him that either, huh, [name]?
“Don't think much of it,” Shoko said in an attempt to pull Gojo back to Earth, "[name] did not tell me anything, but if someone is holding a grudge and trying to do a number on them, I think...”
“I won’t let it happen,” Satoru’s voice sounded definitive. "I won't let anything happen to them."
I hope so, Shoko thought.
“Honey, I’m home!” Satoru cheerfully exclaimed upon crossing the door to your apartment.
You rolled your eyes in the kitchen. He had been doing that almost every evening when he came to visit you after work, and such visits had not been scarce either.
At this rate, the neighbors are really going to think he is living here.
“That smells good,” Satoru whispered in your ear, one of his arms already wrapping around your waist.
“You are just looking for a free meal.” You laughed and looked at him. “Why don’t you set the table?”
He nodded and was quick to leave your side to do as requested.
As you sat to eat together, you could not help but smile at how domestic it felt to have Satoru dinning with you any other night, even if he would sometimes leave for work or to sleep at his own place, it felt as if he was installing himself in your life more intimately.
You both talked about your day, your students, and overall, what you would be up to the following day. However, Satoru had left out his conversation with Shoko form earlier. As much as he wanted to know the details of what happened with the Zenins and ask why you had not said a word to him about it, he did not want to push for an explanation yet.
Maybe you had been coerced into not talking about it, or maybe you were trying to keep everything still given that the child Satoru (often with your help) was kind of looking after was also related to the Zenin clan, and that had created discord between the Gojo and the Zenin families in the past.
The more Satoru thought about it, the more it appeared to him that the Zenins were trying to bug him with the idea of a marriage. He had always considered you family after all, and of course he would never allow his family to fall into a Zenin’s claws.
It was unfair.
It was unfair how good Satoru looked after a shower.
He had taken a quick shower after dinner and changed into the spare clothes he kept at your place.
You were sitting in the living room trying to watch TV, but the man that had just walked in and taken his seat next to you was distracting.
“Like what you see?” he asked without looking at you as he browsed the channels on your TV.
When had he grabbed the remote? And why had you not realized you were staring at him?
“I… Don’t be ridiculous.” You turned your reddened face away from him and stood up. “I’m taking a shower.”
Satoru smiled as he watched you march away. He knew he was good-looking as a fact, but what he truly enjoyed was having that effect on you. It was only fair in his opinion; after all, you had the same effect on him.
Satoru looked at the screen in front of him but did not feel like watching anything, so he turned it off and walked to your room.
He heard the water running when he passed by the bathroom door, and he assumed you were still in there, so he went right to your bed. He sat down and that was when he noticed the drawer of your bedside table had not been closed properly.
He had no intention of snooping, but the cover of the book inside caught his eye, so he took it.
Pride and Prejudice.
Satoru observed it. It was a used copy but in pretty good shaped. His first thought was that you must have obtained it from a secondhand store.
Why would they put the book in the drawer and not on the shelf with the rest of their collection, though?
Satoru knew you read a little bit of everything, but he did not know you were a fan of romance, let alone of Austen, but he would not have teased you for it... Or maybe just a little.
He opened the book on the first page and the hand-written dedication under the novel’s name seemed to answer his question as it read:
"My affections and wishes are unchanged." – I.H.
Satoru immediately knew whom those initials belonged to.
He closed the book and threw it back into your drawer as fast as if it had burned him.
Note: This part was initially going to be longer, but at some point, it got divided into two parts. Oh, well... I should get a breather for a couple weeks now that the semester is over, so hopefully I can upload that not too far away in the future.
Thanks for reading!
@mavs-stuff @witchbybirth @crookedlyaddictedone-blog @tqd4455 @maybe-a-bi-witch @mo0nforme @maliakealoha @zacatecanaaaa @blushhpeachh @astriarose @missesgojosatoru @ba-ks @sukunasleftkneecap @songbirdlully @cole-silas @heijihattorisgf @chokesonspit @hersheyzzz @smolbeanzzz @luciledreamz @avidreadee123 @moonmalice @ratscandaler @sadmonke @allie-jay @username23345 @spin-garden @ashehateaccount @kayzens @blehtotheblehtothebleh @stellasloth @bloopsstuff @cheesemachine44 @tetsuski @rosellerinfrost @catowru @bi-narystars
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bcacstuff · 3 days
Yes She's BACK!
First things first, thank you all for all you did, for all your support in this weird situation, it's very heartwarming to see you do not only appreciate my blog, but also reach out and take action when something like this happens. A very huge and special shoutout I absolutely want to do is to my friend @brian-in-finance who after some notified her took immediate action and posted a post asking to join in contacting support and reactivate my blog! Love you all!
It was all very weird and strange, never happened to me before anywhere or anytime. But yes, as you all saw all of the sudden my blog was completely vanished.
So what happened?
I don't know! I'm still in the dark. I was logged in all the time and posted as you have seen over the day/evening. I was chatting in DM to people and all of the sudden - POOF - I was out. Upon refreshing I needed to log in again, wasn't really alarmed about that, that happened before but when I tried to log in I got the simple screen saying my account and blog was terminated and a link to contact support to know what the cause is. 😳
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So I clicked the link and it took me to the support request form, I filled in all the details, clicked sent.... and .... nothing happened 😔
I waited a bit, normally you get a confirmation email when you sent in a support request through the form but... nothing 😔
I tried to sent another one but I couldn't even click the sent button anymore... Tumblr didn't like me anymore? 😢
Fortunately I could reach out to a few people outside Tumblr who then took action and they kept me posted about things. At some point I could see the post and all the comments and reblogs you all did and the many saying they contacted support requesting to reactivate my blog. Of which I'm very grateful, truly so nice and good to know of all of you. I know many readers appreciate my posts with verifiable information, the diversity in comments even though sometimes some have some issues with the more extremes (on both sides). But I also noticed how a lot of people who do not agree with my views on things commented, reached out and said how this is not what they wish upon me. Yes, I even now heard in DMs Purv reached out to BIF and said so!
And today, as suddenly as my blog vanished, it's back. Nothing, not a blip from Tumblr as to why or what happened. Nothing at all! Just back again 🤷‍♀️
Thank you, if anything I can do is go on with what I have always done! I surely will and you're all welcome, agree or disagree I don't care! You all showed you compassion, your respect as an adult well thinking human being! 🧡
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Something I can not say about this other group of people, who immediately jumped to conclusions accusing me of all kind of mischief, well now that must be the reason. Cheering upon things you don't wish someone when you have a rightful mind, even if you disagree. That's plain pathetic, it shows your true colors, your inhumanity, your childish vileness in all the colors thinkable but mostly very gray and dark.
Things that happened to yourself, where nobody here on this side said these vile things when it happened to you. nobody in my inbox cheered on nor in my DMs and I never wished it upon you. Yet you are cheering as if karma did its job.... well here you are, within a day it's all back. Don't you feel stupid about all the things you said now? And how to explain now I must be a PR plant and things are dropped into my inbox?
You know what, you all that did so are the smalles people in the world and can all crawl back in your tiny shitty stinking holes deep down in the earth and let this things sink in:
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Thank you all, soon I'll resume with the latest I found out (nothing bad 😉)
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Lost Fic #186
1. Hi!! Before anything i want to tell you that you are amazing, and i admire what you do. I'm looking for a fic, is an Human AU, where Aziraphale is Gabriel's Boyfriend but is in love with Crowley, who is his best friend, and who is (supposedly secretly, but everyone knows) in love with Aziraphale. I remember it was Azi's Birthday and he breaks up with Gabriel bc of a Polo, but I can't find it :( - @xenocryp
2. I'm trying to find a fic that I read a month or two ago that had Crowley and Aziraphale talking about what they would do to each other while sitting on the sofa in the bookshop. They aren't together before the conversation and Crowley ends up so worked up their first time ends up being a quick thing on the sofa instead of upstairs like they were describing happening. I thought I found it through your recommendations, but now I can't find it again. - @annedieuleveut
3. There's a fic I've been trying to find where Aziraphale got a holy brainwashed and turns on Crowley. I don't remember the name, just this 😭 I think his eyes even glow at some point? Sorry if this isn't very specific - @hauntingofgorehouse
4. hello again! im hoping you can help me look for a fic: it's nsfw and set in the 1500's, aziraphale and crowley go to watch hamlet at the beginning and afterwards they go back to their hotel and ofc have sex. they have this friends with benefits arrangement for lack of a better phrase, and the fic ends with a kiss/declaration of love, which has never happened before. it's really good but i can't remember the title! would very much be grateful to you all for your help! - @knivez4teeth
5. (NSFW) i'm looking for a lost fic! crowley and aziraphale are sitting in the bookshop when crowley out of nowhere says "i saw you. with a fusilier. you were sucking his c***." i'm pretty sure it's a short PWP where they talk about the fact that aziraphale has fooled around with humans (leading to a "i'm right here, you know," from crowley) but i desperately just wanna reread that stupid coy opening conversation - @mrghostrat
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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pizzapottah · 2 days
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summary: it's been almost three years. can james make up for the lost time?
pairing: james potter x slytherin!slughorn!reader (no use of y/n)
word count: 5.4k
warnings: language, injuries, the marauders' usual stupidity....
author's note: oof. this was a whole lot of work. i know this was supposed to be much longer, but there's a specific part (the one about james and reader getting together) that i just could not manage to finish. this can count as last chapter, but if i manage i will finish the other about them being in love and blah blah blah. unfortunately i am in a terrible writer's block so i don't know when or if i'll be able to finish it.
as always, my requests are open, so please feel free to request anything. bridgerton, hotd, got, hp, pjo.... ANYTHING. please help me get out of this writer's block lol. enjoy the reading even if i'm not really satisfied with it and, as always, english is not my first language, so constructive criticism is pleasantly accepted.
runaway | homecoming
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James is utterly, unmistakably and without any doubt going to fail Potions. 
It’s not his fault - not really. He doesn’t actually like Potions. He took the class, even after fifth year, for two reasons: his father and Lily Evans. The latter is the same reason why, right now, he’s failing it. 
Fleamont, his father and a renowed potionist, looked so happy when James passed with the grades needed to take the class for the last two years. He didn’t actually think of taking it, but he looked at him like he expected him to do it and- it’s not like his parents ever forced him to do something he didn’t want to, but he was just so happy. James told himself that he could take Potions for just two more years if it meant them being so proud about it. 
Besides, there was Lily Evans in the class. How could he deny himself of even more hours spent in her presence? 
Well, guess what? Slughorn doesn’t grade based on who stares the longest time at Lily, apparently. 
James stares at the burning red T on the parchment of his assignment. Troll. Until now, he thought that this achievement wasn’t within his reach, both because the grade Troll always sounds like an urban legend when other people talk about it and because he never had anything under Acceptable in his assignments. When Sirius hears about this, I’ll never hear the end of it. He didn’t even think Slughorn was able to put less than A, always too kind to his students. 
“Man, what did you do to get Troll?” Marlene whispers beside him, frowning at his paper. James peeks at her test; a green O stands in the same place where his T is. “I suck at Potions, Potter, suck. And my dad surely didn’t invent the Sleekeazy’s Hair potion, so, tell me, did you do it on purpose? There’s no other reasonable explanation.” 
The bell rings; the students immediately get up, happily chatting about the good grades that apparently everyone but him got, and James finds himself putting away his things without the usual vigor, already dreading the time when his friends will inevitably find out. Slughorn approaches him, taking pity for a boy which he saw grow up. 
“Potter, it’s not the end of the world, don’t worry.” he tries to reassure, but his eyes say something else. They say ‘How the hell did you manage to take a T in my class?’ “I’m, erm, I’m sure you’ll be able to get better.” he looks at Lily, on the other side of the class, like he’s trying desperately to help him. “Evans, maybe you could give him some lessons?”
Lily sends an apologetic look at the professor, then a glare at James. “Sorry, professor. I would, but not for him.” She bids him goodbye and exits the class, Snape right after her. As Slughorn turns again to look at his students, he’s clearly concerned. “Merlin, Potter. What did you do to get Evans to hate you?”
He dramatically sighs. “I don’t know, professor. If you happen to find out, please let me know.”
The man sighs, taking out a napkin from his pocket and gently patting his forehead. “You have to get better, Potter. If you fail as a student, that means I fail as a teacher, too. Godric… this is the first Troll of my career. What will your dad think of me if you fail my class?”
James isn’t sure he wants to know. He’s never disappointed his parents before. “We have to find you a tutor, Potter, and a good one. I can’t give you extra lessons, I’m already busy enough as I am…” Yes, with the Slug Club, James almost replies; but then Slughorn looks like he just had the idea of the century.
“But of course!” he exclaims, happy to have found a solution. “My granddaughter!” he says your name, and James suddenly feels like a soldier being sent back to war. “She’s a year younger, but she knows everything, you see, I made sure of it… she’s more understanding of this subject than some licensed potionists out there, she could help you a lot, yes, yes… and you were friends, am I wrong? Good, good, she already knows you, I’m sure she won’t refuse…”
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James is actually sure you will refuse. 
Why? Because the last time you ever talked to each other, it ended up with a broken arm, a broken nose and two bruised egos. And even if technically, it wasn’t his fault, it doesn’t mean that your friendship magically mended itself over the years. 
You two never interacted at school after what Remus calls The Accident, not really - the only form of contact you’d had was from Quidditch, where you were both playing as Chasers in your respective Houses, and more often than not during games happened to hit each other in a not-so-fair way. More than often professor McGonagall herself had to reprove him - and not only him, but Sirius too - for playing an unfair game. And when they tried to protest, saying that you surely weren’t innocent either, she just huffed. 
“Miss Slughorn is not my responsibility; she’s professor Slughorn’s, and I’m sure he will make her understand her mistakes and she will not try again. But it is my duty to punish you for your deplorable behavior and lack of sporting spirit!”
It seems like McGonagall’s reprimanding did little, because Quidditch games become carnages. 
It feels like Slytherin and Gryffindor rivalry is at its peak, and suddenly the violence reaches the school, too, and hallways are no longer safe from the squabbles of the students. Students who hang each other upside down and constantly cause fights to break out, ruining the usual peace of Hogwarts. 
It looks like the teachers aren't really sure how to handle it. Dumbledore gives a long, heartbreaking speech about friendship, loyalty and helping each other, but it doesn't help much; a search for whoever told Dumbledore about the fights is started between the Houses, with the intention of… well, not making them say anything about it next time. 
It honestly feels like war. Even Hufflepuffs start to attack to avoid being attacked - that's what happens when you constantly get picked on because you don't defend yourself, you guess. 
Nobody is safe, but it's like between Gryffindor and Slytherin there's a feud. It was always there, ever since Godric and Salazar created their Houses, but it's getting out of hand.
The straw that breaks the camel's back is the last game of the year, fought between those two Houses. 
In the first ten minutes, already three players were on the ground and wailing in pain. After a threat to disqualify anyone who dared to cheat from Madame Hooch, the game went on without much problems for a while; that was until James saw the golden snitch. Because apparently, you saw it too.
You both launch at the snitch, who keeps flying, unbothered, and even if you want to make James fall off the broom in the most violent way possible, you're able to hold yourself back. You follow the snitch, almost shoulder to shoulder, hands stretched out to catch the little flying bead.
A quaffle almost cuts your heads off. Thrown off balance, James falters for a moment, slowing down, and gives you some advantage; you clearly see the snitch going under the stands of Ravenclaw, creating a hole in the big banners of the House. You don’t really have time to think - you just go for it. 
You speed towards the banner and tear an ever bigger rip on the poor Ravenclaw flag. James is fast to get back on your tail, though, barely dodging the wood beams that are holding together the structure. And suddenly you’re shoulder to shoulder again - for real, this time  - pushing each other. Hooch can’t see what you’re doing, anyways. 
It takes a moment to adjust to the lack of good lighting, but then you see it: the golden snitch, speeding right in front of you, blinking in the little light, almost mocking you. You hold your hand in front of you, and already can imagine the victory - oh, suck it, Gryffindors-
The snitch takes an abrupt turn, hitting James right on the nose, knocking him out and making him fall from the broom. Except, before he actually falls off, he manages to take a hold of the cloak of your uniform, taking you down with him.
Meanwhile, Madame Hooch notices that not only one, but both Chasers just disappeared in thin air. “Black!” she yells, not really thinking about the fact that there’s two Black in the pitch right now, “Go and tell them to get out from under the stands, dear Merlin…” 
Regulus and Sirius speed at the same time towards the rip on the banner, which now is basically a full-on opening to under the stands, clanking shoulders in the process. 
You don't think you've ever felt pain like this before. Your left arm is throbbing, feeling like it’s going to fall off any minute now, and your head has never hurt so much since you can remember. A sob falls out of your lips before you can hold it in, and suddenly you’re crying out in pain, not really knowing what to do. James is hovering over you the second you start sobbing, worried as you’ve never seen him, taking a hold of your face as gently as he can. Blood is gushing out of his nose, going over his chin and staining both your uniforms. His glasses lay somewhere near, surely broken. 
“What hurts? Is it- oh dear Merlin, your arm, it’s-” well, if not even James, who suffered countless Quidditch injuries over the years, can describe the condition of your arm, then it’s probably not something you’d ever wish upon your worst enemy. 
You try to regain your self-control, even if your sight is blurry from the tears and your voice feels like it’s gone. Then, before you can try to say anything, yells come from the direction in which you both just came.
“I told you, she was looking at me!”
“Yeah, dumbass, like we weren’t side to side when she yelled our surname!” 
“Aren’t you tired of always following me? It’s a miracle you didn’t convince the Hat to put you in Gryffindor, you little rat-”
“Oh, so I’m a rat? What about your friend that literally turns into one?” “I see Snivellus has filled you in with the details-”
“You know, it’s pretty given since one of your friends could possibly hurt us just because the moon is big-”
“Remus wouldn’t hurt a fly, you little shi-”
They both come to a stop once they see you two, looking like a living crime scene, but even then they don’t really stop arguing - they never will, probably. Regulus is by your side in a moment, pushing away James, all the while screaming at his brother. “Why do you always have to be like this? Can’t you just shut up for once, you son of a-” “We’ve got the same parents, dipshit!”
“No we don’t! According to your words, you found me in a dumpster, remember?”
Sirius winces. For what is maybe the first time in years, he looks sorry. “Aw, c’mon now. You know I was kidding.”
“Yeah, yeah, you say that now, but you didn’t tell that to the Gryffindors that started teasing me about it, nor did you try to correct them.” Regulus stares at your arm, who is in an unnatural position, and starts asserting the damage. “Merlin. Can you get up on your own? C’mon, I’ll help you,”
He helps you get up and wipes away your tears, while your sobs reduce to muffled sniffs, and takes your broom from where it fell so that you can return to the pitch. “We’ve gotta take you to the infirmary, it’s not looking good…” he spares a look at James, “And maybe you should visit Madam Pomfrey too, Potter, but if you die from blood loss I’m sure we’ll manage just fine without you.”
As Reg helps you stabilize yourself on the broom and to get back out there, James feels completely numb. 
He once was the one that managed to make you stop crying, that helped you back up on your feet when you fell and scraped your knee. The one you’d look for when you searched for help, comfort or someone to talk to. Now, as he watches you fly away with Regulus, who holds a hand on your back to keep you stable, he barely hears the screams of the students in the stands and the words of Sirius, who’s trying to snap him out of his daze. 
“James? Hey, mate, you okay? You’re covered in blood.”
He barely even sees him - his vision is clouded with tears, tears that he desperately tries to hold back. Taking a deep breath, he collects the remnants of his glasses and takes his broom, knowing that if he talks, he’ll start sobbing. But Sirius doesn’t get the memo. 
“Did she throw you off? I bet she did, but karma has your back. She deserved it, believe me, she had to learn her lesson in a way or another.” James hopes that he stops there, because the guilt’s already eating him alive and he just wants to lie down and let the floor swallow him whole. Hearing Sirius insult you for something you had no fault in doesn’t help the already disastrous situation. But his friend apparently still has many things to say left in his repertory. “She has to be terrible to befriend by brother. Saw how she was crying, like she’s the victim? I swear-”
“Could you please fucking shut that trap, man?” James bursts. “I made her fall, okay? It’s my fault she was hurt. Stop insulting her.”
Sirius glares at him. “What is your problem, man?”
“What is my problem? My problem?” James laughs in disbelief, tears streaming down his face. “My problem is that you always think you know what’s going on, don’t you?” 
His friend is about to reply, but he doesn’t let him. “No you don’t! You have no idea what we went through together, nor what happened between us, nor what person she is! So you have no right to criticize her for everything she does, even when she has no fault in the matter!”
James ends up in the infirmary with a fractured nose, barely two beds away from you, who actually have no intention of talking to him at all, and made sure he knew that. You stayed there a lot more days than him, but your friends visited every time they were able to, bringing sweets and flowers. They also skillfully ignored James, who instead laid there sulking while you got pampered by Lily. 
He did try to talk to you after you were dismissed from the medical ward, at least to say sorry for having broken your arm, but you ignored him with all your might. Regulus became your mediator, always telling him off, never leaving your side when he saw James near.
Him and Sirius didn’t talk for a while, but it didn’t last long. Soon they got back to talking like normal, never addressing the things that were said during that game. Sirius stopped talking about you, going as far as avoiding his brother too to not cause any more damage than he already did. 
He made a last, desperate attempt at your forgiveness by writing you a letter - I know you don’t want to talk to me, but if you ever happen to need a friend, i’ll always be there for you - and sending it to you with his owl.
You never replied. 
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That was a year ago, and that’s also why James is sure you’ll say no. 
Except you say yes. 
James is at Sprout’s class when Slughorn knocks and pokes his head in. “I’m sorry, Pomona, could I borrow Potter for a moment?”
Professor Sprout stares disappointed but not surprised at James, motioning for him to go. “You better not have set the Slytherin dormitories on fire again, Potter,” she hisses. Slughorn happily shakes his head, “Ah, don’t worry, Pomona, he still hasn’t done it again, I’m here just to discuss a little something with him.”
Once he’s out of the class, Slughorn happily takes out a letter from his pocket and gives it to him. “My granddaughter agreed to give you lessons, and gave me some days and times that go with her schedule. She’s often busy studying for the O.W.L.s, as you surely know, so it’s a tight fit, but I’m certain you’ll manage.”
James is honestly dumbfounded. All this time ignoring him, acting like he didn’t exist, and suddenly you’re aware of him and his struggles? He must be dreaming. He opens the letter and reads the schedule:
Monday — 18:00 - 19:00
Wednesday — 15:00 - 16:30
Friday — 11:00 - 12:30
Sunday — 13:00 - 15:30
You must have read his weekly schedule, too, because it all strangely fits well with his lessons. Under the voice Sunday, there’s a little note: All lessons will take place in the library, except for Sunday, when we’ll go to professor Slughorn’s class to practice the actual making of the potions. 
The idea of spending so much of his free time making potions is almost revolting, but the thought of making it up to you makes it all worth it. He’ll spend time with you - almost eight hours a week - until his grades are decent enough or you get tired of him. I won’t let it happen, he promises to himself. You won’t get tired of him, and if he has to seal Sirius’ mouth shut to keep you around, then he gladly will.
He comes back to the class with a triumphant smile plastered on his face, making his friends frown - even if no one is more confused than professor Sprout. “Potter, are you alright?” she asks, worriedly. Usually when he got called out of class it was because of some prank gone wrong, so it wasn’t strange for the teachers to just take their time to yell at him. He nods, shining with anticipation. “Never been better, professor.”
“You didn’t set the Slytherin dormitories on fire, did you?”
“Absolutely not, professor.”
“A- alright.”
But it’s only when he notices that James stopped looking at Lily Evans that Sirius actually gets worried. He bumps his shoulder, whispering, “What did Slughorn tell you?” he waves him off, “Nothing important, I’ve got extra lessons in Potions.” He still hasn’t told any of the Marauders about the Troll, and he’s surprised himself on how well he managed to keep the secret. Even more surprised at Marlene for not telling anyone - he’ll probably have to buy her something as a thank you, as she rarely does something for him for free. 
James spends the rest of the week waiting for Monday, often thinking about it with a dreamy look on his face, always making his friends frown and then check if Lily was around. Strangely, more often than not she wasn’t even in the same room.
Monday eventually rolls around, and James has never been happier to enter the library. He may have entered it like, two times since first year, but as of now he’s ready to live in it if it means seeing you more. 
He waits at one of the tables feeling like an idiot, and maybe he is, but also a lucky one. You’re late by almost ten minutes, and he thinks that this may be the first time a girl stands him up. 
But, surprisingly enough, you show up. 
You're with Regulus - and that makes him seethe, but he's ready to make a point of bearing his presence if that's the price to pay to get you back. 
Talking about you; your hands are full of books that stand in a shaky pile leaning on your chest. You're chatting with your friend, your brows furrowed, the strap of your bag almost falling off of your shoulder. You notice James, then, and as he grins, your brows furrow even deeper. You look tired - he’s not really surprised, he remembers the struggle of the O.W.L.s; he’s surprised that you’re able to stand up, as he vividly recalls not being able to do that last year in this same period of time. 
“Potter,” you and Regulus greet at the same time. You let the books fall on the table, huffing, and he interjects, “For you it’s James,” he replies smiling cheerfully. Then he turns to Regulus, frowning, “To you, it is Potter.”
The boy rolls his eyes, “Yeah, that’s what I called you. Even if to me, you’re Dickhead.”
You blink, not amused, at James. “Keep insulting my friends and I’ll do my best to make you fail Potions.”
James lets out a squeal. “Please don’t.”
The first lesson is strange. There’s tension in the air - maybe it’s just the glares that Regulus and James are sending each other the whole time - but it feels refreshing to have your presence near again. You don’t even seem to hate him anymore; you just act… indifferent. You don’t laugh at his jokes, not even when he bashes Sirius - even if he sees Regulus holding himself back from laughing - and just explain everything he did wrong in his assignments to him, explaining some concepts and basics. 
Once the clock ticks to 19 o’clock, you’re already putting your things away, chatting with Regulus about dinner; you barely spare James a glance as you exit the library, He’s feeling lost - suddenly he would like to ask his little self how he would feel about you not being friends with him anymore. He’s sure that eight-years-old James would cry for a week straight and then beg on his knees for forgiveness, and is also sure that you probably wouldn’t have forgiven him nonetheless. 
But that’s okay. He never liked easy challenges. 
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If it wasn’t for your grades in Transfiguration, you would have happily let James rot in the depths of Hell. 
When your grandfather asked you to please help the Potter boy, you had been against it. Refusing profusely, like your life depended on it; you promised to yourself you’d never let him back in your life, not after he pulled that stunt on the Quidditch pitch, a stunt of which your grandad is still blissfully unaware of. But then again, Horace Slughorn is still Horace Slughorn, and he pulled one of his many favors like you were one of his prizes on the nightstand. 
One of his many friends is, apparently, the inspector for the Transfiguration trial of the O.W.L.s. He promises that he can make him give you an O on the only subject you’re barely Acceptable in. 
It’s wrong. Maybe. But it would be stupid to pass down an opportunity like this just because of a personal grudge. You’re not ready to ruin your whole grade sheet just by refusing. Because of what? Of a boy? Not happening.
So you have to agree, and your grandfather is eager to shower you in kisses and hugs, gushing about how you saved his career. You’re pretty sure the Troll hurts James more than him, but choose not to say anything about it. You go through your schedule and his - just so that he can’t complain about the time and start arguing with you again - and manage to find some hours where the both of you are free, even if it was pretty hard considering all the study groups you took part of in preparation for the O.W.L.s. 
The first lesson is unbearable. He tried so hard to be funny and he didn’t even understand that to you, he is not. You don’t think he will ever be to you again. Everytime he opened his mouth you just thought about every time that he called you stupid just because you were making friends on your own, friends that he didn’t like. 
You know that sometimes kids say stupid things, wrong things, just because they are kids and don’t really know the real weight of words. Maybe he regretted it, as Remus often tells you; in-fact, despite the bad experience with his friends, Lupin actually became somewhat of a friend to you, sometimes updating you on James’ life. 
(“He broke his ankle going down the stairs,” he told you once. You had snorted, “Really? I wish it was his face.” 
He actually laughed. 
Sometimes you think Remus is too smart for the Marauders; too sensitive to be with friends like them. But you don’t dare to say anything, because if you did, you’d be no better than James.) 
Thankfully on Tuesday there’s no lesson, but you do have a study session with some Ravenclaws to put together Sprout’s notes to try to understand whatever the fuck she taught last lesson. On your way to the garden, it’s actually Remus that stops you. 
He looks terrible. His eyes are red, his hair mussled, and his uniform looks more wrinkled than usual. “Please, just get this over with,” he pleads, and for a moment, you think he’s about to fall to his knees and beg you. You blink. “Get over with what?”
His left eye twitches. “Do you have any idea of what I went through last night, woman?”
You raise an eyebrow at his antics. “No. Should I?” 
He lets out a scream that holds all the stress of sixth year in it, and that makes many students in the hallway turn to glare at him. “Your bloody student! He talked my ear off all night! All night! I didn’t get a blink of sleep, he made sure to usurp my bunk and knew how to keep me there! I have an important test today, and I swear, if I fail it, I’m gonna say to McGonagall that it’s your fault!”
You gasp. “But I didn’t do anything!”
“Well, tell that to James, because he probably hasn’t understood that your lack of response to his jokes isn’t because you’re reminiscing about your friendship, but because you simply don't find them funny!”
You notice something and try to stop him. “Remus-”
“He spent hours talking about how he’s so happy to finally be able to be friends with you again! Hours! I haven’t slept in three days because of my exams and now this! Could you just tell him that you didn’t agree to the lessons because you want to be friends with him again, please?”
“Uh…” the voice comes from behind him and Remus freezes, recognizing James’ voice. Your face is contorted into a frown, knowing that you tried your best to warn him. You don’t care about the fact that he heard that you have no intention of becoming friends with him again; you care about the fact that he has heard one of his friends talking about him like this.
How ironic is it that he warned me so much about my friends, but the first one to dismiss his feelings like that is one of his closest friends? 
Remus pales. James’s usual tan complexion is a bit paler than usual, too; it probably isn’t nice hearing all your thoughts and hopes being screamed in the hallway, for anyone to hear. “James, I…”
But he’s already going the opposite direction, and you’re pretty sure that you saw tears in his eyes. Remus runs after him, spluttering a spring of apologies, and then they both disappear behind the walls of the Castle. 
Pandora, who was near there when Remus started shouting, approaches you. “What happened?”
You sigh. For the first time in years, you feel bad for James - maybe you even pity him. And that is not a good thing. “Dunno, Dora,” you mutter, deep in thought. “Men are strange creatures.”
Xenophilius Lovegood passes by, and Pandora sighs dramatically. “Oh, don’t tell me.” 
You almost expect James not to show up to the lesson the day after, but he does. He does and this time he’s silent, not joking around, only opening his mouth to ask you questions. Now, you do pity him; you know he has really bonded with the Marauders. James is one of those people who manage to be friends with everybody, but not actually friends; he doesn’t bond that easily. He has a lot of acquaintances and knows nearly every student, yes, but he can count on the fingers of his hands the people he actually considers to be his friends.
It’s strange how you know so many things about him, even after all this time. You fear you may never be able to forget them; that James will remain etched on your brain, a stain in your younger years that never managed to go away. 
“I’m sorry about what happened yesterday.” you mutter, not even knowing where the words came from. He looks surprised, not expecting them either from you, not after all that Remus said. 
“Yeah,” he blurts out. “I… should’ve expected it, actually. S’not like you have ever actually shown interest in me after… y’know.”
Your thoughts go back to the letter he wrote you: I know you don’t want to talk to me, but if you ever happen to need a friend, i’ll always be there for you. You know it’s not much, but you think that maybe, just maybe, you can put your grudge away for a moment, just because he really looks like he needs a friend right now, and since Remus at the moment is out of the picture, Peter isn’t really good with these types of things and Sirius is… well, Sirius, maybe you need to step in. 
You hastily get up, going around the table and sitting right beside him. “Remus said things he didn’t think in a moment of stress,” you try to console him. He’s flushed from when you sat down next to him, probably not expecting this move from you, but pleasantly surprised. 
He blinks at you for a moment, and you almost want to take everything back. But then he smiles, a smile so tender that it could melt ice. “You always tried to make me feel better when we were younger, too,” he sniffs. You put a tentative hand on his shoulder, “We can try being friends again, James, and I mean it. But this time the Marauders have to stay out of it. You, of course, can stay friends with them, but you have to understand that I've got friends out of us just as much as you have friends out of us.”
He nods, but then his lower lip trembles and his eyes shine with tears. “You know,” he starts, stammering, “I don’t think anyone gets me like you understood me.”
Of course they don't, you want to say. Something like our friendship happens one time in a lifetime, James. You don’t get to grow up with your best friend every day. James sniffs, “Sirius maybe comes close to it. But I can’t talk to him about you because that’s when he starts to not understand me. Remus… well, I found out yesterday that he actually can’t stand my constant yapping. Peter always looks at me like I’m crazy.” he suddenly looks up, an alarmed look on his face. “Am I? Crazy, I mean.”
You wince. “I mean, you look sane enough to me.” no he doesn't, his eyes are blood-shot and he looks like he hasn't had a moment to relax since yesterday. But you can't just say that to him. “James, I think you rely too much on your friends. Usually it's a good thing - it means you trust them and all - but sometimes you just have to make decisions by yourself. Remus can listen to you all you want, but he can't solve your problems for you.”
You know that him and Remus will probably resolve and then get back to their friendship like nothing happened, but James looks at you with eyes full of unshed tears. He looks like a baby deer. “Are we solved?” 
You melt. “We can be.”
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bobohu4eva · 3 days
Hitched (M)
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: arranged marriage au, acquaintances(?) to lovers, smut
Summary: Can great sex make an unwanted marriage less shitty? Yes. Yes it can.
Warnings: explicit unprotected sex, semi public (outdoor) sex, edging, Baekhyun has a Big Dick, alcohol consumption
WC: 9.8k apparently I don't know how to keep things brief anymore!
A/N: The majority of this is extremely self-indulgent smut. Oops? You're welcome? It is (mostly) pretty soft though.
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The cameras flashed, and you put on a show for your friends and family. Your new husband kissed you, and from the outside, everything seemed perfect. 
The perfect dress, makeup, hair, a rich and handsome groom, and everyone you cared about right there with you, celebrating you and the man who was supposed to be the love of your life. It was a lavish ceremony and even more opulent reception, but you couldn't enjoy it at all. 
There was nothing wrong with him, but you and Baekhyun had never even dated, and you definitely never pictured yourself marrying him. You didn't exactly have any reason to dislike him, you'd known him since you were a kid and he was undoubtedly an attractive guy, but marrying him had been your parents idea, not yours. 
As a kid your family had everything you could've imagined, foreign sports cars, numerous vacation homes, a yacht, nannies, tutors, and the list goes on. Your parents' companies had been doing well, and life was easy. 
But that didn't last forever. Now in your early 20’s, you watched as the fortune your family had built for generations was slipping away. 
You were still a teenager when it started and couldn’t fully comprehend what had happened, but it seemed like some combination of bad investments and unpaid debts. Slowly the vacation homes, yacht, and cars were sold off one by one just to pay the bills. As the years passed it seemed that the walls were starting to close in, but on the surface your family, especially your mother, made sure it didn't seem that way. 
The good family name was pretty much all that was left now, and your mother would do anything she could to keep it strong. 
Growing up with generational wealth, your family always associated with others of similar standing, and one of the families you'd grown up with had been particularly close; the Byuns. 
Their only son, Baekhyun, was someone you'd grown up around, but at seven years older than you, you hardly knew each other. He was the perfect rich kid, smart, handsome, and polite, but you still would've much preferred to marry someone you actually loved, or at least were close with. 
“Y/n, you're doing it again.” He whispered in your ear, and you realized that your smile had once again fallen as you zoned out, and his mother was right there in front of you, looking concerned. 
You perked back up, and saw her face flood with relief. You looked at Baekhyun, and he was still smiling for the pictures as well, but you noticed the slightly apologetic look he shot you. 
You really did try to play the part, for the sake of your families, but it was hard. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, but instead you were putting on an act, hiding how miserable you felt under the facade of it all. 
The worst part was just how happy both his and your families were. Both moms cried, and even your dad teared up a little. You couldn't even blame them, either. It had been a beautiful ceremony, and you and him both looked the part so perfectly. It was everything a high society wedding should be, and on top of that, it was the only thing saving your family from bankruptcy. 
Once pictures were done with it was time for the first dance- in a gazebo decorated with fairy lights and at least a thousand fresh white roses. All you could think was how incredible this would have been, if it was a real wedding, between two people who actually loved each other. Every beautiful thing was a cruel reminder of how you would never get to experience that for yourself.
Baekhyun did a better job than you, and if you hadn't been so depressed, you might've even gotten flustered a few times. He looked incredibly handsome in his tux, smiling sweetly at you as he led you through the dance, a painfully romantic song filling the spring air. He was the picture perfect groom. 
You so badly wanted to hate him for agreeing to all of it, but knew it was more complicated than that. Despite not knowing him very well, you did know how close knit his family was. If his parents really wanted him to do this, he would have a tough time refusing. 
You were closer with his parents than you had ever been with him, and they adored you. Despite not being related, you almost thought of them like your own aunt and uncle. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was like your mysterious older cousin. He always seemed preoccupied with his studies, or later, his job. You'd been around each other at holidays and various parties throughout the years, but he never felt approachable. 
To act so romantically with him felt unbelievably strange. On top of your disappointment at the whole situation it was also just very awkward. The kissing and touching, the dancing, the “loving” looks you shared, they all made your chest feel tight. Baekhyun was obviously very handsome, but the nature behind all of it still got to you. 
Before the wedding Baekhyun had asked you if you would rather not kiss or touch at all, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, but you'd assured him that it was fine. Aside from the parents and those closest to you both, most of the guests had no idea this wedding had been arranged just a few months earlier. If this was going to be believable, you had to make it look real. 
Eventually the dancing ended and the reception began, relieved beyond belief to finally get to have a drink. The champagne made things much easier, and as distant friends and family asked you and your new husband about your love story, you lied with increasing confidence. Baekhyun, too, was leaning into the act more heavily after a few drinks. His arm around you and the way he looked at you made everyone oooh and ahhh, giving them the same story you'd told minutes earlier, about how the two of you realized one day that all of those years you'd been hiding your love for each other, and when you realized that the other felt the same, you couldn't marry quickly enough. 
It was all bullshit of course, but they ate it up, and that was the important thing. You didn't want to think about how embarrassing it would be if an acquaintance or extended family member found out your parents had orchestrated everything. 
Several times people gushed about how lucky the two of you were to have found each other. The bitterness you felt was so intense you hoped dearly that they couldn’t see right through your smile. 
The relief you felt when the guests finally started to clear out, leaving the lavish ballroom for their hotel rooms, was monumental. Eventually the last of them were gone, and since both families insisted, you and Baekhyun retreated to your shared suite. 
Both you and him knew that your families were hoping for a grand baby soon, but that wasn't something you could even consider at the moment. 
“I don't mind sleeping on the couch.” He told you once you were alone with him. 
As nice as the room was, it didn't make sense for him to sleep on the couch. The bed was huge, and the couches weren't long enough for him to fully lay down. You shook your head. 
“Are you sure?” 
You smiled a little at his sweetness, “There's plenty of space for both of us, don't worry about it.” 
And so you and Baekhyun shared the bed on your first night together as husband and wife. You stayed on your side, and he stayed on his, not once touching, even a little. 
It was expected that eventually you and him would buy a house together and live there, but in the meantime, you stayed at that suite together. His parents owned it, and they hoped that living together would help spark something real, not to mention sharing a bed. 
Life after marriage wasn't that different, aside from your living space. You didn't have a job yet, having only graduated college a few months earlier, so you spent much of your time out with friends. As nice as the suite was, it reminded you of your loveless marriage, so you took every chance you could to get away. Baekhyun mostly just worked, keeping to himself, although he always asked you about your day when you’d get home. To his disappointment you kept your responses short. He wanted to try and get to know you better, but you didn't seem interested. 
The truth was, every time you saw him and he tried to talk to you, it made you feel worse. He did absolutely nothing wrong, but he, like the suite, was a painful reminder of your unfortunate fate. The result was you essentially avoiding him, even in your shared space. Baekhyun, however, wasn’t willing to live that way. 
A few weeks passed with hardly any words exchanged between you and him, so he decided to try something different. That evening when you returned to the suite, you were met with a generous dinner spread, the entire room meticulously decorated, and your husband sitting at the center of it all, looking at you bashfully in the candle light.
You were surprised, to say the least. 
He noticed the way you froze up, getting up from the table and taking one hand, guiding you to the table. He pulled out your chair for you, leading you to sit. 
Soon Baekhyun was seated across from you, looking back at you with a slightly unnerving intensity. 
“Why are you doing this?” You asked. 
He took a deep breath, “I want to try to make this work.” 
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I can tell how much you hate being married to me, and I’m sorry. I think we should at least try to make the best of it, though.” 
“Make the best of it?” 
“Well, yes. I mean it could be worse, right? Am I really that bad?” 
You sighed, annoyance taking hold at his nonchalant attitude. “No, Baekhyun, that's not the point, this whole situation just… sucks. Maybe it's stupid but I always thought I'd marry someone I was actually in love with, and it would be one of the best moments of my life. Instead I’m married to someone I barely even know.” 
“I'm sorry, and I know how you feel, I really do. But don't you think we should at least try to get along?” 
After a week of keeping your discontent to yourself, it came bubbling up and you no longer bothered to hide how you felt from him. You let it out, finally letting out what had been plaguing your mind since the wedding.
“Every time I see your face or even this suite for that matter, it makes me feel like shit. I really didn’t want this, and I don’t understand how you seem so unbothered. I mean, are you really not that upset about all this? Why did you agree to it so quickly?” 
“I didn’t have much of a choice either, you know how my parents are. A couple years ago when I still wasn't in a serious relationship of any kind they started floating the idea of setting me up with someone. Your name got mentioned a lot, so I've had more time to come to terms with it, I suppose.”
You scoffed, “So you've known for years that this would happen?” 
“Well, no. It was always just a suggestion, until a few months ago when they told me that they discussed it with your parents and actually wanted to go through with it.” 
Not sure what else to say, you shifted your focus to the plate of food before you, and he did the same. An awkward silence filled the dining room, though you still preferred the silence to his rationalizing of your miserable arrangement. Much to your dismay, however, it wasn’t long until he was again doing just that. 
“A lot of our parents' friends started out like this too, you know. To be fair most of them at least got to date for a while before getting married, but they’re happy now, so why shouldn’t we be able to do the same?”
He wasn’t wrong, this kind of thing wasn’t exactly rare, though you still hadn’t planned to turn out that way yourself. Still, you just stared back at him with a look of annoyance. 
“What I really wanted to talk to you about, the reason I made this dinner for us, I thought maybe, if you would be interested, we could go on a honeymoon. I know that wasn't originally part of the plan, but I think it could be good for us. Anywhere you want to go, I'll make it happen.”
His offer was extremely generous, but still didn’t exactly sound appealing. Being alone with him for days on end wasn’t your idea of fun, you worried that it would even become quite depressing, not to mention awkward. 
“I don't know….” 
“It can be as long or short as you like, and if you decide you hate being around me that much you can come back here anytime. You're my wife now, and I want to be able to make you happy, to make this whole thing work out for us. If there's anything I can do to help us get there, I’ll do it, whatever it takes.” 
When he put it like that, it was hard to argue with him. 
“Anywhere I want? And you’ll really fly me back if I don’t like it?” 
He nodded, “I promise.” 
Though you still had your doubts, you reluctantly agreed. A couple days later you were packing your bags, flying first class to Switzerland, where you'd stay for two weeks at one of his family's vacation homes in the mountains near Lucerne. 
Baekhyun grinned when you told him you wanted to go somewhere with mountains, “excellent choice.” 
The flight had been surprisingly nice. You’d expected that Baekhyun’s family would fly first class, but you were still surprised by just how nice the Swiss airline he’d booked was. You and him essentially had an entire bedroom, and while it was spacious for a plane, that was the closest you’d ever been to him in bed before. Maybe it was just hormones and general touch depravity, but you were all too aware of the way he occasionally brushed up against you as he slept.
When you finally arrived at the house you'd call home for the next couple weeks, walking into the main living area, you understood his excitement at your choice to stay in the mountains. It was nothing short of breathtaking. 
The house itself was beautiful, modern, and impeccably decorated, but you'd seen plenty of nice houses. It was the view that made it so special. The sprawling green valley surrounded by snow capped mountains looked like something out of a fairy tale. 
“My wife has awesome taste.” He said, not missing the way you grimaced, cringing at the word ‘wife’. 
“It still feels super weird hearing you say that.” 
You kept your eyes fixated on the view, and after a moment he was taking your hand and leading you into the master bedroom. Inside on a small table stood a bottle of champagne as well as two glasses, and beyond the sliding glass doors you could see the patio, fit with a hot tub and infinity pool. The king sized bed stood at the center of the room, covered in rose petals. 
You let out a short exhale of a laugh, mostly in disbelief at the sight in front of you. 
“Not bad right?” 
“Oh God, you really are trying to make me fall in love with you. Rose petals and everything…” 
He laughed, shaking his head. “I don't think two weeks is long enough to fall in love, but if you did, that would be great. I guess the staff went a little crazy with the romance since my parents told them this is our honeymoon.” 
He opened the bottle of champagne, pouring each of you a glass and handing one to you. God knows you needed it.
“Cheers.” You clinked the glasses together, each taking a sip. “By the way, I can sleep in one of the other bedrooms, if you'd prefer that. I know the rose petals on the bed are a little much.” 
Maybe it was the alcohol, but it looked like he was blushing ever so slightly as he said it.
Your immediate reaction was relief, that you'd get your own room, but then again that wasn't why you'd traveled all this way together. You were used to sleeping in the same bed with him by now anyway, so you shook your head, hoping you wouldn’t end up regretting it. 
A long sigh passed your lips.“You didn't take me here for us to sit in different rooms all day, we can do that back at home.” 
There was a faint smile on his lips and he nodded, cheeks still a little pink. You both knew what your families were hoping would happen in that bed, and you couldn't help but blush a little as well. For a second you wondered if you and him would ever get that far. He was perfectly fuckable, in theory, but the nature of your arrangement sucked all the excitement out of it for you. 
It was still early in the day, and once the champagne glasses were empty Baekhyun called a car to take the two of you into town. 
“You already seem less bummed out than you've been the last few weeks.” He commented as you headed into the city. 
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I’m still sad about everything, but you're right. It's better to at least try to make this work out. I'm trying to be optimistic.” 
He was smiling again, and you couldn't deny how gorgeous the sight of it was. He reached for one of your hands, giving it a light squeeze, holding it for the rest of the car ride, and then again as you walked through the streets together, window shopping.
The city of Lucerne really was like a fairy tale. The old buildings, the crystal blue lake, and the mountains in the distance were the perfectly romantic setting for your time with him. In front of that amazing backdrop, he truly looked like a prince. 
As sad and angry as you'd been the past month, now that your hand was in his, on this beautiful honeymoon, just enjoying the scenery, you couldn’t find the energy to harbor any resentment towards him. Although you still had a lot to learn about each other, you realized you could enjoy his company more than you expected. Either that, or it was just hard to be mad when you were in such a lovely place. 
You'd been walking together in comfortable silence for a while, just appreciating the city, when he told you, “If you see something you like, tell me and we can go inside for you to try it on.”  
As nice as it was, you knew you weren't actually going to go inside any of those shops. They were all high end designer outlets, the kinds of places you hadn't been to since your family was actually doing well. 
Baekhyun saw the way you shook your head, turning your eyes to the pavement in front of you. You felt him abruptly stop, your hand still in his. 
“Now that we're married, you don't need to worry about all of that anymore. Your family wasn't so insistent on you marrying me just so that they could finally pay off their debts, you know. They want a better life for you, too.” 
“Yeah well they have a funny way of showing it.” You mumbled, not even trying to hide the bitterness in your voice. 
“Did you tell them you didn’t want to get married?” 
You scoffed, because of course you didn’t, and he should know that. You gave him a bit of a bitchy side eye and he seemed to get your point. 
“They know I would’ve much rather chosen my husband myself. But I wasn’t really given a choice, just like you.”
He mustered up a surprisingly sympathetic look, sitting you down with him on a nearby bench. 
“I’m not saying this to call you ungrateful, really, but I think we should remember how lucky we are. Because of our parents we got the best educations, grew up in nice homes, get to travel the world, and so on. Money isn't something we'll ever have to worry about. When they asked me to marry you, I didn’t fight them, because I know how much they’ve done for me.” 
You understood perfectly where he was coming from. However, despite it all, you still couldn't deny your disappointment. 
“I know it would've been selfish to refuse, and of course I am grateful to be this fortunate. That doesn't make it feel any less shitty, though. I always had such big dreams for how I would meet the love of my life and get married, and they know that. When they told me I should marry you, they knew it would be heartbreaking for me, they just didn't seem to care. They didn't even want to acknowledge it.” 
“I'm sorry. I can imagine how hard that would be, I want you to know that I don't blame you at all for being upset. I just want to do whatever I can now to hopefully make this better for you.” 
When you didn’t respond his hand was pulling you back up with him, “Come on, there’s a really great ice cream place nearby.” 
He was relieved to finally see you smile again, even though you rolled your eyes at him. “I’m not a little kid, you can’t manipulate me with ice cream.” 
“I’m not manipulating you! I just want to cheer you up.” 
At least the ice cream really was fantastic. 
Eventually you returned to the house, deciding to finish the champagne in the pool together, enjoying the view. You'd seen Baekhyun shirtless in the past, but it had been years, and you couldn't deny how great he looked as he joined you in the water, holding both of your glasses of bubbly. 
The mountain air was chilly on your upper half, and you sunk deeper into the warm water as he handed you your champagne. Steam rose from the water into the cold air creating a wispy fog, the sun barely peeking out from behind the mountains as it set. 
You said cheers, clinking the glasses together, giving Baekhyun a funny look at how intently he insisted on making eye contact before bringing his glass up to meet yours. 
“You know why Germans are so insistent on eye contact when cheersing right?” He asked before taking his first sip. 
His eyes widened ever so slightly, surprised, to say the least. 
“Oh… uhh, never mind.” 
“No, tell me!” 
This time, he was definitely blushing, “Ok but don't get mad at me! I was joking… I didn't think I'd have to explain it..” 
He sighed, ready for you to scoff at his lame attempt at flirting with you. “In Germany, it's said that if you don't make eye contact while cheersing with someone, you'll have seven years of bad sex.” 
To his surprise, you actually let out a small laugh, again meeting his eyes and holding his gaze intently as you clinked your glass to his one more time. 
It had to be the atmosphere, both of you barely clothed in your swimsuits, the alcohol, the sunset, and the view of the mountains. That had to be it, that had to be why you were going along with everything he said so easily. Because at the end of the day, you both knew well what he was implying. He was your husband, and you his wife. Unless you both planned on cheating, which to your understanding still wasn’t acceptable despite the nature of the marriage, he would be the only one you'd be having sex with anytime soon. 
You kept slowly sipping on your drink, enjoying the calmness and beauty of the landscape. This time, the silence between him and yourself actually felt comfortable. 
“Do you really think that it's possible for us to eventually be happy, like any other married couple? You know as if we'd actually chosen this for ourselves?” You eventually asked. 
“Yeah, I definitely think it's possible.” 
“You really mean that?” 
He shrugged, and nodded. “I don't want this to sound too forward, but that's part of why I wasn't too upset about the marriage. I would've liked to marry someone I chose myself, just like you, but in our situation I think we still have a good chance at making it work. Even though we've never been particularly close, I feel like I know you fairly well, because of our families. I know that we had similar upbringings, share the same basic values, things like that, and those things really matter in a partnership. You're beautiful too, which definitely helps.”
“Thank you… I've never really thought about it like that.”
‘You’re beautiful.’ Those words had a greater effect on you than you expected.
His eyes had been fixed on the sun setting over the mountains, but slowly he turned back towards you. “Do you find me attractive, at least physically?” 
His sudden question left you dumbfounded. The answer was so obvious but the way he asked you truly didn't sound cocky at all. You had to stop yourself from making a dumb joke considering his abs were currently glistening in the light of the setting sun and his face looked like something out of a magazine. 
“Baekhyun, you know you're a good looking guy.” 
“Well, some women are more into big muscles, or really tall guys, or a more rugged “manly” look. I could still not be your type.” 
You shook your head, feeling the way your cheeks burned, knowing they were probably bright red. You kept your eyes glued on the valley below, avoiding the way you knew he was looking at you. “You definitely are my type, at least when it comes to looks.” 
You expected him to say something cocky and smug but instead he just smiled at you when you finally met his gaze again, seeming genuinely happy and relieved by your answer. 
“I appreciate that.”
It occurred to you then that despite the champagne, his words and eyes on you made you quite shy. He was simply an extremely handsome guy, and you found yourself having to fight the urge to downright ogle him. 
His broad shoulders and strong chest looked so inviting, the water on his skin adding a gorgeous sheen to his entire form. You wanted to touch him, to feel his skin against your own, and know how his slender hands would feel on your body. 
The view of the mountains was nice, but as the minutes flew by, your eyes kept traveling back to him. It didn't go unnoticed, as he felt himself slipping into similar thoughts as well. 
Maybe you really were just that easy to read, but it surprised you nonetheless when he stepped closer, taking your hand in his, before placing it on his chest. 
“Wh-what are you doing?”
Your eyes were stuck to his torso, heart beating rapidly at the knowledge of his eyes gazing down at you, his heartbeat under your hand a comforting reminder of the shared tension. His gentle touch on your chin triggered a small gasp, and he finally guided your face up towards his own where he could look at you, and you at him.
Being so close now, you noticed the scattered moles painting little constellations across his face. Each one appeared to have been placed with purpose, further adding to the near perfect harmony of his stunning features. 
When his eyes shifted downwards ever so slightly, gaze falling to your lips, you stopped breathing. You could smell him, so sweet and inviting, every minute aspect of his presence pulling you in. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
His eyes bore into your own again, and you could feel the magnetism between you both. All you gave him was a small nod, but that was enough, his lips meeting yours. 
This was so different, so much better than when you'd kissed before at your wedding. His chest under your palm felt warm and firm, the taste and smell of him surrounding you, easily letting you melt into him. His lips were soft, and the lack of clothing, the feel of his wet skin against your own, made you shiver despite the hot pool. 
Growing increasingly overwhelmed, you pulled away, red faced and genuinely a little embarrassed to have given into him so quickly. You quickly grabbed your glass and downed the rest of your champagne.
Baekhyun, however, saw right through you. He gave you a knowing smirk, he knew you were still skeptical of him and the marriage, but that didn't mean you weren't attracted to each other. Being half naked in a pool with a view definitely helped set the mood, too. 
“What? There's no reason to get shy now.” 
Still, you turned away from him, bracing both hands on the edge of the pool as you fixed your eyes back onto the mountains and valley below. 
“Hm? What's wrong?” 
His breath on the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine, surprised by the proximity. Gently, he brushed your hair aside, giving himself access to whisper in your ear. 
“As odd as it might feel to be married, as husband and wife, there's no use in denying that we're attracted to each other.” 
He didn't miss the way you whimpered when his lips gently grazed the sensitive skin just below your ear, turning your head to grant him more access. 
He took that as his sign to continue, leaving a trail of kisses along the side of your neck, his lips growing bolder as the minutes passed. Soon he was sucking and biting at the spot on your neck that made your knees weak, and his hands slowly came to rest on your hips, leaving you every chance to stop him, but you did no such thing. 
Maybe it was just how pent up you were after not having sex for so long, and barely even having an opportunity to touch yourself, but you found yourself squeezing your thighs together, trying to relieve some of the ache that was starting to form between them. 
When one of his hands left your hip, instead coming to your jaw, turning your head to grant him access to kiss you again, you easily let him. The kiss was nothing sweet, desperate and hungry as you both fought for dominance, though Baekhyun quickly took the upper hand, not that you minded. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked the second your lips parted. 
“You are touching me.” 
“That's not what I mean.” 
His hand moved slowly down the front of your body, the soft touch making your head spin, until his delicate fingers began to play with the waistband of your bikini. 
He resumed the movement of his lips on your neck, soon coming to whisper in your ear, “May I?” 
You nodded, breath shaking, and let out a soft moan when his fingers finally pushed beneath the wet fabric. His first touch against your clit sent a jolt through you, and you didn't miss his soft chuckle before pressing his lips against you for the nth time. 
The way he nibbled and sucked at the skin of your neck combined with the soft circles his fingers made on your clit, were nothing short or euphoric. You leaned back into his chest, quiet moans and whimpers filling the air. Being touched like this from behind had always been a big turn on for you. He already made you feel so weak under his touch. 
Baekhyun was obsessed with all of the delicate sounds escaping your lips, sounds that proved how much you were enjoying what he did to you. The more he listened, the more he felt himself grow needy for more.
A breath got stuck in your throat when he pushed his hips forward, letting you feel his hardness against your ass. Even through his swim trunks, you could tell he was big. 
With his cock pressed to your ass and his fingers moving perfectly between your thighs, you were already losing any rationality you’d once possessed. When his other hand untied the knot of your top and began to tease your nipples, you couldn’t bring yourself to worry about how exposed you were, outside in the open. You knew you would be pushed over the edge sooner rather than later if he kept it up, and he did. 
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” He whispered in your ear, the smirk on his lips apparent in his voice. 
You nodded frantically, warmth bubbling up inside you, turning into a searing heat. 
“Good girl, let go, I got you.” 
His fingertips slipped across your clit just right, one hand pinching and twisting the sensitive nub on your chest. Your whimpers grew into delighted moans, the craving for even more growing almost unbearable. The promise of eventually having his length inside you was what pushed you over the edge, shaking and twitching in Baekhyun's arms as you fell. 
“Fuck.” He whispered into the crook of your neck. “You're really sexy, you know that? Can't wait to be inside you.” 
The combination of his words and breath against your heated skin prolonged your pleasure, nodding to show him just how badly you wanted him, too. 
As soon as his hand withdrew from between your legs you turned towards him, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him into a heated kiss. It was messy, desperate, communicating the urgent need you both felt for more. His tongue greedily licked into your mouth before biting your lip, coaxing another weak moan from you. His hand on your thigh quickly had you wrapping both around him, and the feel of his substantial length and girth against your center, even through your bathing suits, left you panting, desperate for more. 
He put some pressure on you, pushing you against the edge of the pool, letting you feel even more of him. 
“Do you wanna go inside?” He whispered into your ear between kisses, but you didn't have the patience for that. 
You shook your head, “just fuck me right here.” 
His cocky smirk somehow had even more moisture flowing out of you, “as you wish.” 
With that, he undid the string of your bikini, and pushed down his shorts. 
You reached for him, intimidated by the size, hoping you would even be able to handle him. He was hot and hard in your hand, and you felt the telltale throb of his own arousal. 
Anticipation hung thick in the air as he positioned himself, his tip nudging against your clit, and you swore you were about to lose your goddamn mind. 
“You ready?” He questioned with an unexpected softness, forehead resting against your own. 
“You sure?” 
“Yes, Baekhyun, please.”
As soon as he pushed forward, however, you understood his desire to double check. His size presented quite the challenge, your eyes squeezing shut at the discomfort of being stretched so much. He could sense how you struggled to take him, hands digging into the skin of his back, legs squeezing involuntarily around his hips.
“Fuck you're so big.” 
“Just relax, I'll go slow. Tell me if it’s too much.” He said before pressing another kiss to your lips. 
You couldn't remember ever feeling so full, and he was still only halfway in. Slow, shallow thrusts carefully let you get used to him, going deeper with every roll of his hips. Soon tears pricked at your eyes, the new sensation of being fucked by such a huge cock leaving you awstruck. 
When he finally fit himself all the way inside of you, his hips meeting your own, you felt his head pressing firmly against your cervix. The slight pain of it heightened the already intense moment even further. 
“Oh my God.” 
He pulled almost all the way out, sinking himself all the way back inside, and you swore he had to have the best cock you’d ever fucked, by a mile. Any unpleasant thoughts surrounding your marriage to him were long gone as he set a steady rhythm, each thrust pulling gasps of pleasure from you. 
The water splashed wildly around you but you might as well have forgotten it was even there, too overcome with Baekhyun’s length as it pleased you in ways you never knew possible. The way he filled you so completely was unlike anything you’d experienced with another man, blissed out by his incredible size and precise thrusts. 
“You’re so perfect, take me so fucking well.” 
His lips crashed into yours, hot and greedy as you moaned into one another. You were certain you’d never felt anyone that deep inside you before, and it was addictive. 
“Think you can handle more?” He muttered, now that you’d gotten fully acclimated to his substantial length and girth. 
You nodded, greedy for anything and everything he could give, and Baekhyun wasn’t going to deny you. 
His lips swallowed more moans and cries of delight as he picked up the pace, thrusting harder, faster, feeling you clench down on him as you got closer to your release. 
Every time he sunk into you completely, he felt your body tremble in response to the intense sensations. As much as you wanted to keep your eyes open to look at him, you simply couldn't. The force with which he pounded you and how deep he reached left you an incoherent mess. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, desperate whimpers and whines leaving your parted lips. 
“Will my beautiful wife let me feel her cum on my cock? Hm?” 
Frantically, you nodded. With only a few more pumps into your dripping core he made you cum, so hard that you just about forgot your own name. 
Baekhyun let out a deep groan at how tightly you squeezed him when you came, the pulsating of your orgasming pussy bringing him to his peak soon after. His hips fell out of pace, eventually slowing to a stop as he emptied his cum deep inside.
It wasn't until you slowly started drifting back to reality that you realized you were still outside in the pool with him. 
You continued to cling to him, feeling him gradually soften and slip out of you. When his eyes found your own you both stared, panting, basking in the afterglow. 
You finally stood back on your own two feet, leaned back against the edge of the pool, and couldn’t fight the fit of laughter that came over you. 
Baekhyun stared at you, confused, unnerved, and slightly bewildered at your sudden outburst. 
“Jesus fucking Christ Byun! That might be the best sex I’ve ever had. No, it definitely was. I can’t believe you...” 
A relieved sigh escaped him, grinning at your admission. “Go on. I’d love to hear all your thoughts.” 
“Oh shut up you don’t need any more ego stroking with a dick like that.” 
He leaned in closer, bracing both hands on the edge of the pool at your sides. “Well you’ll be happy to know that this dick is all yours, till death do us part.” 
A genuine smile graced your lips, and this time as you looked at him, your new husband, you actually felt a little excited for what your future with him could hold. 
You leaned in, giving him a quick kiss. “It's only day one and you already succeeded at seducing me. I have to admit I feel a little pathetic.” 
“I didn’t seduce you.” 
“Oh yes you did! You got me half naked and drunk and started kissing my neck. That has to count.” 
“You only had one glass of champagne and we're in a pool, what else would we wear?!” 
You rolled your eyes. “Okay fine, but you still seduced me. Not that I mind, that was fucking incredible. I hope no one saw us, though.” 
Baekhyun just shrugged. “I doubt it, but if they did, we put on a pretty good show.” he smirked. 
“You’re unbelievable.” You laughed, enjoying the way he admired you. 
“I asked if you wanted to go inside, but someone was too impatient.” 
“You’re awful cocky, you know that?” 
Again, he shrugged, moving away from you to find his glass of champagne. He finished it, and since it was getting late, you both finally decided to get to bed. This time, the rose petals just made you giggle. Once you'd both settled in, you even found yourself inching closer to him, until one of his arms pulled you closer, wrapping around you. It was easy to fall asleep like that, in his embrace. 
The first night in a new bed was usually pretty rough, and the jet lag didn’t help. When you awoke in the early morning, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. 
Baekhyun had detached himself from you at some point during the night, the blanket bunching up around his waist. He seemed to still be resting peacefully, and you shamelessly enjoyed the view of his bare chest and sleeping face. Everything about him was just so gorgeous, it didn’t really make sense to you how you’d ended up with him like this. You’d been so pissed about the marriage for so long, but now a small smile crept to your lips as you watched him, his chest slowly rising and falling with every breath. 
You turned to fully face him, shifting around for a bit before settling into a comfortable position. From that point of view you could enjoy the profile of his face as he slept, taken with the seemingly perfect outlines of his jaw, nose, and lips. 
Minutes passed, dragging on painfully slow, and the sight in front of you definitely didn't help you get back to sleep. Images from your time in the pool with him kept resurfacing, along with the memory of how incredible he'd made you feel. You couldn’t understand how you hadn’t always wanted to touch him, even when he was more of a stranger to you. He was way too attractive to just ignore, you thought. Every cell in your body seemed to gravitate towards him, now that touching him was allowed, and even welcomed, holding yourself back was nearly torturous. 
You and him could nap during the day. Right now, you needed him to wake up. 
Carefully, you moved closer, molding your body to his, leaning in to press your lips to his neck. He stirred a bit, but didn’t wake up, so you went on to plant more kisses, moving down towards his chest. When you gently sucked on his collarbone, his eyes finally fluttered open. 
Much to your delight, he didn’t question your actions, or why you’d woken him up. He just took hold of your waist, pulling you on top of him, and into a kiss. You ended up straddling him, lips still locked as they moved together lazily. 
“Goodmorning,” He hummed, looking around at the dark bedroom. “Awake already? What time is it?” 
“Four? Five? I don't know.” 
“Why'd you wake me up?” He half groaned, half whined, voice rough due to the early hour. 
Instead of replying, you just kissed him again, kissing down to his jaw, then neck, moving your hips a little to make your intentions clear. 
“Ready for round two? Already?” 
“Shut up.” 
He chuckled, “Why don't you make me?”
You moved to bring your lips to his once more, but he stopped you, one finger pressing to your lips before they could make contact. You pouted.
“I have an even better idea.”
“Oh yeah?” 
A mischievous grin lifted his cheeks so prettily. 
“Sit on my face.” 
You froze, “Huh?” 
“You heard me. C’mere” 
He hoisted you up, eliciting a small shriek from you, but you didn’t let him take you all the way up the bed, instead settling atop in chest. 
“Are you serious?”
“Hmm I’m a hungry boy. Now come here.” 
His hands on your ass attempted to push you further up towards his face, but you stayed put. 
“I still have underwear on, dummy.” 
He looked down, narrowing his eyes when he spotted the lace that was, in fact, covering you. 
“Do you like this pair?” 
“Kinda? They’re a little old I guess, why do you-” 
Before you could finish his hands were taking hold of the flimsy fabric, easily ripping it and tossing it to the side. 
“Baekhyun! Are you out of your mind? Why-” 
He cut you off again, hoisting you up by your ass till your thighs were on either side of his head. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll buy you new ones.” 
With that his arms circled your thighs, pulling you down, until your center met his hot tongue. 
You inhaled sharply, bracing your hands against the wall as he licked and prodded at your clit. It was soft, teasing, wanting to warm you up before showing you what he was really capable of. When you would start to whine and plead for more, he would pull away entirely, instead leaving kisses on your inner thighs, letting the anticipation grow until it was nearly unbearable. 
Until then you'd still been hovering, not wanting to smother him, but when you once again began to whimper and ask for more, he told you, “I’ll give you what you want if you just sit.” 
Without giving you a chance to protest his strong arms, still wrapped around your thighs, yanked you down roughly. At last you got the kind of pressure you needed, putting some weight on him, no longer caring if he could breathe or not. His hums of pleasure made it clear that either way, he was enjoying this as much as you were. 
He lapped at your clit with greed, happily drinking you in. Every gasp, sigh, and groan he drew from you egged him on, eagerly awaiting your release, wanting nothing more than the taste of your delight flooding his tongue. When he transitioned from mere licking to sucking your bud past his lips, he felt your thighs shake, gripping them so tightly you almost wondered if it could bruise. In your ecstasy, however, there was no place for such thoughts. You were too preoccupied with your building orgasm. 
His fingers earlier in the pool had been fantastic, but his tongue and lips were on a whole new level entirely. The way the warm muscle flicked at your most sensitive spot was absolutely perfect, and when combined with the suction of his lips, you almost couldn’t handle it. He could tell you were getting close when you began to rock your hips against his tongue, silently begging for even more, and he was eager to deliver. 
He picked up the pace, suckling harder, licking faster, and he reveled in the increased volume of your moans as you got lost in it. When the moans were silenced, replaced instead with sharp gasps, he knew you were on the precipice. He didn’t falter, if anything, he gave you even more. 
Seconds later you fell apart, twitching and shaking while he still didn’t stop, the sensation flooding your body with relief and joy until it slowly became too much. Baekhyun still had a firm hold of your thighs, and he moaned with delight at the taste of your orgasm on his tongue. He kept lapping at your tired pussy, not wanting to let a single drop go to waste, until you basically begged him for a break. 
When his hold on your thighs finally weakened, you sat back, your ass landing on his chest eliciting a grunt from him. You looked down at your husband's face and he was beaming, lips and chin still wet with your arousal. You grinned right back, watching as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. 
Again, all you could do was laugh, and this time he happily joined you. 
“You know, I really hadn't expected all of this to happen on our first night here.” You told him. 
“Neither did I.”
He was still smiling up at you, now just watching, admiring you, and when he still didn't look away after several seconds had passed you started to feel shy. 
You rolled off of him, one arm covering your eyes as you basked in the unexpected comfort of the moment. Eventually you felt him move your arm away and his face was hovering above your own, slowly moving closer until he was kissing you. It was slow, relaxed, just enjoying the closeness as you gradually recovered from the heated moment. 
You felt him shift, realizing that he was adjusting himself beneath his silk pajama pants, and your hand followed. His eyes fluttered shut when you palmed him, and he took the hint, discarding the shirt you still wore before stripping himself. 
Wet lips met the sensitive skin of your neck as he positioned himself between your thighs, the heat and weight of him above you somehow making your heart race even more. His fingers entered you first, stretching you out to get you ready to take him. He started with two, soon adding a third as he leaned up slightly, watching your flushed form squirm and whimper beneath him. It was a sight that didn’t help his patience one bit, throbbing as he thought about getting to be inside you again so soon. 
It wasn’t long until Baekhyun assumed you were ready, that or he just didn’t want to wait any longer. Both of his hands found yours, lacing them together and pressing them to the bed above your head. His eyes were on yours, dark with lust as you felt him push inside, the stretch again making you wince, though you easily powered through, too enticed by what was to come to even consider stopping him. He rocked into you, getting deeper with each push, until he was burying himself into you entirely with each roll of his hips. 
This time, he was slower, savoring the way your tight walls hugged him, in contrast to the frenzied passion of the evening prior. You sighed gratefully each time he hit that spot inside you, appreciating the unhurried pace he set as he continued to thrust. Your previous orgasm left you especially sensitive, and you seemed to be floating on a cloud of pure bliss while he steadily fucked you, the euphoria of it reaching even greater hights than before. 
His size was one thing, but Baekhyun was also just good. He knew how to angle himself to make you feel just right, keeping a steady pace to allow the pleasure to build. 
“You feel amazing, so tight and wet for me.” He whispered into your ear, and your knuckles paled with how hard you gripped his hands. 
Normally faster, rougher sex was what you preferred, but now, with him, you couldn’t help but think that this slower, more relaxed approach was even better. Maybe it was because it was so early, and you were still a little tired, but this felt nothing short of perfect. Baekhyun was taking care of you so well, listening to your body, and giving exactly what you needed. 
Your orgasm was getting close again, warmth growing into a burning heat in the pit of your stomach, but as soon as you started to clench around him, about to let go, he pulled out. 
He chuckled softly at the way you whined in protest, but assured you, “Just trust me, this will be even better.” 
He stood on his knees and straddled one of your thighs, bringing the other leg over his shoulder before pushing back in. With the same leisurely pace from earlier he continued on, the new angle making you feel him even deeper. 
When you started to whimper and ask for him to go faster, he just shushed you, pushing his hips into you slower, but harder, leaving you with little room to protest. Either way, it was divine, and you knew he’d easily get you there in the end. After a while you decide that whatever he had in mind, you would happily accept it. He made you feel so damn good, you trusted him to take you however he saw fit. 
His thrusts were steady, letting you chase your orgasm, but when you started to get close he pulled out again, leaving you shaking and whining and clenching around nothing. 
One hand came to rest on your cheek and his forehead met your own, prompting you to open your eyes and meet his. He stared for a second before pressing a quick kiss to your lips and whispering, “Turn around for me baby.” 
You obliged, rolling onto your stomach, and you felt him straddle you, leaning down to leave a trail of kisses along your shoulder. Without any warning he filled you once again, and this time when he bottomed out, the increased pressure against your cervix made your stomach tighten, the pain almost too much for you. 
His moans and grunts made it clear that he, too, felt the added pressure, making sure not to press too hard, to be gentle as he continued working his way in and out, his eyes fixed to the view of your ass and his length plunging in and out of you. Every time he sank himself inside completely he felt the way his tip would reach the bottom, savoring the feeling while doing his best to not hurt you in any real way. 
Little did he know, you enjoyed the intensity of it, and your high was approaching even quicker than before. He’d been edging you for so long, all you cared about was getting your release. He could’ve fucked you as fast and hard as he wanted and the pain still wouldn’t have stopped you from cumming all over his length. 
But Baekhyun was cautious nonetheless, filling you in the same relaxed manner, wanting you to feel as good as possible, to prolong your pleasure, without bringing it to an end just yet. He, too, was enjoying himself far too much to rush this. 
However he soon felt the same tell-tale throb that your orgasm was quickly approaching, so he pulled out once again. 
Once he’d turned you over, settling back between your thighs, he took in your fucked out expression, eyes softening at just how desperate you looked. 
“Does my baby want to cum?” 
You nodded, frantic. “Please, Baekhyun.” 
He placed a tender kiss to your lips, then your forehead, before pushing forwards to fill you up. This time as he kept moving you could feel the difference, and you knew he was getting close to his own release. His thrusts were less consistent, and he became shaky, gasping and moaning more freely than before. 
For you it came as a relief, knowing that it wouldn’t be long until you finally got your long awaited high. You weren’t sure how much more you could take, more than ready for him to finally just fuck you through your orgasm, and let you feel his release, too. 
The push and stretch of his length inside you, the angle of it, and his entirety surrounding you, the heat and weight and smell of him, they all became too much. When he finally let you reach your peak it was strong, blinding you and making your skin tingle with the intensity. Every time he’d denied you he’d built the tension to such a degree that when it was finally released, it was otherworldly. Broken versions of his name passed your lips, though you weren’t conscious of it, the wave of pleasure leaving no room for coherent thought, only gratitude for the incredible feeling after having been deprived. 
He didn’t stop when he felt the obvious pulsating and twitching of your orgasm, he continued to chase his own high, which came soon after. He’d been holding himself back, so when it finally hit him, the burst of euphoria was explosive. As he shuddered apart his lips crashed into yours, hungry and rough as they sought greater contact, something to communicate how much it affected him. 
The kisses became more relaxed as you both slowly drifted back to reality, until he finally collapsed on top of you, burying himself in the crook of your neck. Gently kisses were peppered across your skin, each one paired with some sweet words, “So beautiful, so perfect, so good for me.” 
After some time his weight above you lost its charm, turning sweaty and uncomfortable prompting him to roll off you, though you still desired some contact. Your head rested atop his chest, and the feeling of his hand on your waist was a welcome comfort. 
Something about this just felt right to you. Your marriage to him, now, came as more of a relief than anything else. You knew that after having him, nobody else would ever be able to compare. As sure as you’d been that the jet lag would keep you up until daylight, his embrace ended up luring you into a peaceful sleep in mere minutes. 
As it turned out, your honeymoon ended up being a beautiful experience full of gorgeous scenery, plentiful laughter, and amazing sex. Most days were spent strolling through town, enjoying the spa and pool at the house, and in bed with your new husband. 
He was fun, maybe a little cocky, but you couldn't blame him for that, everything considered. At the end of the day, he was always sweet to you, and never acted truly arrogant in any way. Confident, that was how you would describe him, and that confidence came as a comfort for you. He was confident in himself, yes, but he also showed a lot of confidence and optimism towards his relationship with you. 
The initial awkwardness disappeared completely after your encounter in the pool. The sex had been great, but more importantly, it brought your guard down. You quickly became far more comfortable around him, and as the days passed, he started to feel like a genuine friend. A friend, who also gave you the best sex of your life. 
While it may have still been early in the relationship, by the time you were flying back home with him, you felt confident, too. 
You'd make it work with Baekhyun, your new husband. 
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formulauno98 · 2 days
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Yacht Girl Summer - Chapter Three / Saturday - George Russell x Reader, Toto Wolff x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Nothing spicy yet. This is going to be a slow burn and if you're uncomfortable with the idea of two-timing don't read this.
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction. No use of Y/N and minimal descriptions because I want everyone/anyone to be able to enjoy this.
Having woken up early again you slipped out of bed and left George snoozing, throwing on your favourite sundress and some light make-up just in case a certain Team Principal happened to already be at breakfast. You chastised yourself for even allowing yourself to think this way, knowing that your loving boyfriend was innocently sleeping a few metres away. 
Stealing yourself, you promised that it was just a crush and besides, Toto was a few decades your senior and likely was not interested in you in that way. He was just being friendly, right?
Making your way to breakfast you were a little disappointed to find the table empty. Perhaps it was a sign. As you started to get lost in your thoughts, your solitude was interrupted by the arrival of James and Cara. They were perfectly nice people but again, several decades your senior and the small talk had already started to grate. God knows how you were going to survive seven days of this.
Raising a smile, you bid them a good morning.
“Morning,” said James, sitting down across from you, Cara to the other side. “How did you sleep? George not up yet?”
“So well actually, our cabin is lovely.” you said, adding, “George was fast asleep so I figured since it’s his holiday, I should leave him for a bit.”
“Good good, ours too.” chimed in Cara, “That poor young man, he must be off of his feet.”
Just as you were about to reply, a deep voice boomed from behind you, “Good morning everyone.”
You gulped. It was Toto. As you all murmured in response, he settled down beside you, not taking his usual spot at the head of the table, “Do you mind if I sit here? It feels more sociable.” he said.
“Of course not, it’s your boat,” you said laughing. “Did you sleep well?”
“Like a baby.” said Toto, “I take it George is still in bed?”
“Yep,” you said, “I was just saying to these two that I let him have a lie-in. He’s been exhausted from work lately.” Realising you were talking to his boss, you backtracked somewhat, “Although I know you and James must feel it too.”
Nodding, James chimed in, “Yes and no, we’re older, we’re used to it. Toto will agree with me on this.”
“Thank you for calling me an old man.” said Toto curtly, chiding James as he poured his morning coffee, “Would you like some?” he added, gesturing at the empty cup in front of you.
“Yes please,” you replied, “Thank you, Toto.”
“It’s no bother,” he said, flashing you a grin before offering the same to James and Cara.
– – –
You’d almost finished your breakfast by the time George joined you, John and Marion having joined your group shortly after Toto. Your boyfriend still looked half asleep and faced some gentle teasing from his colleagues on the state of his hair as he settled down in the empty chair at the head of the table.
“Forget your hairbrush?” asked James, laughing at his own comment.
“I’m not sure if that’s from sleep,” added John, with a sly look to you, insinuating that you might have been involved.
Uncomfortably blushing you felt Toto’s eyes on you once again as you mumbled a denial, “He wishes.”
“Indeed,” said Toto under his breath, giving you a strange look.
Now it was George’s turn to blush as he laughed off his bedhead, denying the accusations.
Quickly conversation turned to the day’s plans. As promised, Toto had planned another snorkelling excursion, this time to a spot nearby with an underwater trail that promised some interesting sights.
Tired from yesterday’s activities, George and John were less than keen to join, George turning to you and asking quietly, “Can we just chill today?”
A little disappointed to miss out on snorkelling you felt torn. You didn’t particularly want to spend the day trapped on the yacht with George, John and your feelings but equally you would feel very guilty if you went without him.
“Sure.” you said, “Or maybe I could go in the morning and come back in the afternoon?”
Overhearing your conversation, Toto offered the solution, “Why don’t we all just go in the afternoon? The water will be warmer and we can all chill.”
The group were agreeable to his suggestion and resolved to have a lazy morning in preparation for an activity-filled afternoon.
Having spent the morning tanning on the sunloungers on the sun deck beside George, you were well and truly relaxed. Reluctant to admit it, George had made the right call to skip another early morning adventure and you were content as you basked in the warm rays, slathered in your favourite shimmering body oil.
“I told you you’d love it,” said George from beside you.
“Well, I could get used to this yacht life,” you said, not entirely lying.
George flipped onto his side to face you, “Maybe one day we can get our own yacht.”
Raising your eyebrow, you countered, “I’m not sure if we’re quite in this league.” before humouring him slightly, “Maybe a small one.”
“Great, I’ll pull up on my pedalo next Summer,” said George with a laugh. “But you’re going to have to pedal.”
“Fuck off.” you said teasingly, “I’ll push you off the slide.”
He leaned forward to squeeze you around the waist as he laughed at your protests. Guilt flooded through you as you considered the fact that this might be your last Summer together. You had no doubt you’d have a nice life with George and he clearly wanted a future but something was off.
Ever the mindreader, at the very moment the thought passed through your mind, a broad shadow loomed over you. Looking up, it was none other than Toto, smirking down at the two of you fooling around.
“Lunch is served, lovebirds,” he said, interrupting George’s shower of affection.
“Thanks, boss.” said George, sitting up and righting himself, ever obedient to his Team Principal, “We’ll be right down.”
“No rush,” said Toto, still smirking as he turned to return down the stairs.
“How long was he standing there?” asked George, a worried look on his face.
“No idea.” you said, “Why does it matter?”
“I don’t know.” George’s face dropped, “I’m trying to be professional. He is my boss after all.”
“George, you guys are considerably closer than most working relationships, I don’t think he minds you relaxing.” you offered, knowing that this was no lie.
“I guess.” said George, pulling on his shirt before slapping his knees as he stood up  “Right, shall we head down?”
“Sure,” you said, your mind still elsewhere.
– – –
That afternoon had flown by, with lunch being a late and lazy affair, the perfect preamble to your snorkelling adventure.
Going back on his word, George had decided to stay on the yacht with John and James, leaving you, Cara and Marion to go snorkelling with Toto, the stoic Austrian getting more and more flustered as the three of you teased him about it being a girls trip.
“You’re one of the girls Toto!” said Cara, a little tipsy from your boozy rosé-fuelled lunch. Possibly not the wisest idea before going snorkelling but the currents were gentle in the Med and you had two crew members with you on the motor launch to make sure nothing went awry.
“You secretly love it, Toto,” teased Marion. “Besides, I want to know, do you have any new lady friends on the go? I met Sandrine at Imola but John said she’s no longer on the scene. I’m surprised you haven’t been snapped up.”
Your ears picked up at his tidbit, you hadn’t considered the fact that Toto was probably entertaining women. You wondered what his type was. Probably tall and elegant. Someone to match his stature.
Blushing furiously, Toto retorted, “Not at the moment. I’m too old for dating. And too busy.”
Marion scoffed, “I don’t believe that for a single second. John’s told me some stories, Mr Wolff.”
Going even redder, Toto looked down at the floor, “Well that was only after my divorce was finalised…”
“So I heard,” said Cara looking at him furtively, “We’ll have a think, maybe we can set you up with someone.”
Not knowing Toto as well as the other two women, you’d remained silent throughout the conversation, until now, “I’m sure Toto can find his own girlfriend.” you said with a laugh, trying to end their plight.
Toto raised his eyebrows at you, “Well, to be fair my track record is not so great.”
“I’m sure you’ll survive,” you teased, the other two women nodding in agreement.
“You’re a handsome guy, Toto,” said Cara, her face soft, “Any woman would be lucky to have you.”
“Steady on Cara, your husband is back on the yacht.” teased Marion, lightly tapping her arm jokingly.
Laughing along with the two older women you locked eyes with Toto once more, his dark eyes indecipherable.
– – –
The water was lovely until it wasn’t. You were a strong swimmer but you quickly found yourself battling a strong current as you fought your way back to the motor launch, swimming and making no ground. Fuck.
You could just make out Cara and Marion on the boat ahead, the two of them having quickly given up due to the rougher-than-usual conditions and continued their boozy afternoon. You had stupidly followed the snorkelling trail all the way around and now found yourself caught out. Toto was nowhere to be seen and you were too far away from the boat to signal. Double fuck.
You could feel yourself tiring but knew that if you gave up you’d be swept further out so you soldiered on, making little ground when suddenly out of nowhere, an arm grabbed you around the waist, pulling you forward.
“Hey!” you said, getting a mouthful of sea water as you were taken totally by surprise.
“Need a hand?” a familiarly heavily accented voice asked. It was Toto.
“Maybe,” you said feebly, coughing up the last of the salty water you’d inhaled and letting him wrap his arms around you, pulling you effortlessly through the water and towards the boat. “Thank you, I was struggling there.”
“I could see,” he said kindly, his muscular arm holding you secure against his surprisingly solid body. Once again you chastised yourself, you had almost drowned yourself and were now busy thinking about Toto’s body.
The strong Austrian made quick work of getting you back to the motor launch, the crew clocking the fact you were in trouble and waiting attentively over the side of the boat to pull you on board. Toto somewhat unceremoniously scooped you up and pushed you back on, you trying your best not to think about the fact he’d just grabbed a handful of your ass to do so.
“Darling, are you okay?” Cara and Marion fussed over you, immediately draping a large stripy beach towel over your shoulders. You glanced up to see an equally sopping wet Toto clambering onto the boat, water clinging to his rash vest showcasing an impressive physique.
“Yes all good, thank you so much Toto.” you stood up, embracing him warmly and wrapping your towel around him. “Sorry I took the last dry towel, please have some!”
Looking bemused, he allowed you to extend the towel over his shoulder and sat down side by side with you. Cara and Marion looking equally amused at your exuberant display of thanks.
“It’s no problem.” he said bluntly, “What were you doing all the way out there?”
“I just followed the snorkel trail but the current picked up and I couldn’t get back so I drifted,” you said, now embarrassed that you’d managed to struggle with a simple trail. “Please don’t tell George, he will freak out.”
Looking even more amused, Toto put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer, “These things happen, we won’t tell him. Right ladies?” he said, looking across at Cara and Marion.
“Of course we won’t darling,” said Marion kindly. “Here have some rosé, flush out that seawater.”
Smiling weakly you took the glass she offered and sipped contently, Toto’s arm still resting on your shoulders. You were grateful for the extra warmth as there was a sudden chill in the air.
Content cuddling up to Toto, you found the journey back to the yacht all too quick. As the motor launch pulled up alongside the yacht and Marion and Cara hot-footed it back onboard, you shivered as Toto took back his arm, gently placing the towel back around your shoulders, “Here you go,” he said kindly, his eyes crinkling.
“Thank you again, Toto,” you said, standing up to walk back along the passerelle to the yacht.
“Don’t mention it,” he said, following closely behind. 
As you made it back onto the deck, you were suddenly very aware that you were alone with Toto once more, the ladies having disappeared inside and the crew busy slotting the motor launch back in place.
“Did you have fun at least?” he asked, coming to a stop close by your side.
“I did.” you said, smiling, “Even if I swallowed a bit too much seawater.”
“Sorry about that,” he said, clutching the back of his neck with his large hand, looking slightly embarrassed by his actions.
“Oh gosh, not your fault at all,” you said, reaching out to pat him on the arm, completely misjudging it and ending up pawing his firm chest.
Toto looked down at your hand curiously, the tension palpable. Surely this was not one-sided? You tried to shake your thoughts but couldn’t break the connection.
It wasn’t until you heard George’s laugh travelling from the other side of the boat that you snapped out of the trance, a flicker of disappointment on Toto’s face as you dropped your hand back down.
“Right, well like I said, we will keep it between us,” he promised, turning his head to greet George. 
“Hey guys,” said George, sidling up to you, merry from drinking all afternoon, “How was it?”
As you began to tell George what you’d seen, you kept sneaking the odd glance at Toto, wondering if there was something there. Only time would tell.
Taglist: @prettiest-at-the-party @noooway555 @annewithaneofgreengable @xoscar03 @totowolfffcheco
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goquokka00 · 2 days
The Little Things (Seungmin Ver.)
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The small things he does every day that make you feel oh, so special.
Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
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| Gets You Coffee |
I feel like this is kind of a given, considering the fact that Seungmin is a fanatic of coffee. Every single morning before he leaves for work, he will always stop by a cafe that he knows serves quality coffee and will get you your absolute favorite coffee before bringing it back to you. Seungmin would 100% play it off, saying some bullshit like, "Well, you're cranky without coffee" or some shit like that. But we all know he did it because he loves you.
If you're not a coffee drinker (Seungmin will probably judge you harshly and then just poke fun at you for it), he will still get you something from the cafe. If you like tea, he'll bring you tea while calling it "leaf juice", and if you want a smoothie, he'll bring you a smoothie with the fruits he knows you'll like.
Now, let's say Seungmin is gone on tour with the guys, or is on a business trip. That's not gonna stop this mofo. He's absolutely devoted to getting you your drink, and so while he's away, he will order your drink through a delivery service, and will always attach a sweet note to your drink in his own...Seungmin-like way.
| Playful Fights/Threats |
Alright, alright, alright. We're all probably extremely aware that Seungmin is always kind of playfully roasting and being sarcastic with his members. It's his way of showing love. And that's exactly why he does this with you, too. Y'know, like how some people do with friends when they're being stupid.
Usually, you both do it to each other when either of you are being stupid. Name calling definitely happens, as well as goofy little insults that make both of you laugh. Neither of you ever take it to heart, ever. And if Seungmin thinks he did take it too far, he'll always make sure to double check and make sure that you didn't take anything he said to the heart. Which you never do.
I also think that if you both say something that is more on the embarrassing side, or makes you flustered, the playful threats come into play. Things like "I'll slap you SO hard!", or, "I will actually beat you so badly if you don't stop right now." But both of you know that neither of you would hurt each other. You love each other too much.
| Sings to You |
We all know that Seungmin has the voice of an angel. And I seriously think that there would be times where he'd just randomly start singing to you. Sometimes it's just to annoy you. But other times, he'll ask you if you've ever heard a song, and you'll say no on purpose just so you can hear him sing it for you.
I also firmly believe that if you were panicking or were just crying because something bad happened, Seungmin would sing to you in order to calm you down. His voice wouldn't be loud, he would quietly hum or sing a song that he knows you love. And while he sang, he'd run his hands through your hair, just giving you gentle touches to give you comfort.
Other times, you ask for him to sing to you. And who is he to deny you something when he can so easily provide it? I feel like he'd call you a big baby for wanting him to sing to you, but then sing and sing until you're satisfied or until you're fast asleep in his arms.
| Asks You About Your Day |
Alright, I know what you're thinking. "Alex, sweetie, you seem like you're running out of ideas because all of the guys would do this for you." Yeah, you'd be right. However, I feel like Seungmin is a bit different in his methods besides his other members.
I think Seungmin wouldn't let you off the hook when you just say that your day was "good" or "okay". He would push and push and push, trying to get you to fill him in on every detail. Why? Because he loves hearing about how your day went, and wants to hear what he missed out on in your life.
Will he ever admit it? Ha! No. But we all know that in his heart, he loves hearing about your day. And while you might get seriously annoyed with him for it, its a great way to get a conversation happening. And if you had a bad day and need to go on a rant? Go for it, Seungmin's here for all the gossip and tea from your job or day.
| Lays on You |
No, I don't mean that he'll lay his head on your chest and cuddle up close. Well, he does that, don't get me wrong. Especially when he's had a rough day. But what I mean by this is that Mr. Kim Seungmin will find you laying down on the bed, or the floor (because to me floors can lowkey be really comfortable), or even the couch, and will just lay on top of you, making sure you're squished under his weight while laughing.
This man will do this whenever he feels like annoying you, because why not? Annoying you is fun, and he finds joy in your complaints and whines for him to get off before you suffocate. Will he find any offense in your words? Of course not.
I also think that he'd do this if he wants you to get up and do something with him. Like, if you're being lazy and Seungmin wants to go out for lunch or go on a date or something and you're refusing him? Boom. He's laying right on top of you, and the only way this man is getting up is if you get up with him. It's just the way it's gonna be.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
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