#I don't know if they think I'm an Eclipse account if they aren't one of my friends
I don't know if it's one of my friend or not running this Lunar account that just messaged me but maybe tell me who you are first instead of randomly messaging me "Hello brother! :D"
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pillowspace · 8 months
Hi, it's like almost 4 in the morning, but I suddenly had an angsty Time Loop AU realization that was like semi-horrifying and I kept thinking about it, so.
It could be easy to write off Sun and Moon as not really having to face much trauma during the time loops, while just Y/N does. But when you take into account that Y/N's the only one who knows they'll be okay in the end, the loops in which Y/N dies are devestating on Sun and Moon. Because they're not constantly in virus mode. Moon has moments. A lot of moments, but they pass. The virus eases up. And the loops aren't dependant on Y/N, they're dependant on the day of the fire, meaning that they're just kind of in sleep mode until time's up to bring them back. So Sun and Moon just have to deal with the burden of what's happened to Y/N until time resets, and they're not waiting for that reset to happen, because they don't know it's coming. Sometimes it all went wrong early on, and those times were easier. Sometimes it all went wrong much too late when they already loved you, and those times broke them.
Maybe just the faintest phantom memory of what that loss felt like slips through on Y/N's next "first day" of the job (if we're sticking to Eclipse having the memories, then it'd be a fun thought to consider the tiniest of memories slipping through sometimes), and Sun and Moon are both confused by the sudden wave of relief-desperation-anguish-love-guilt-guilt-guilt they randomly feel upon Sun meeting you. The feeling's easy to discard, but they don't understand why it happened. They suspect it to be a bug. Just a quick second of confusion in the programming that runs what emotions they feel.
After the loops, Sun and Moon remember every single day they spent genuinely believing Y/N was gone forever, and that hurts. And honestly, I'm caught between saying "they never let go of Y/N afterwards" and "they're too scared to hold Y/N anymore." Perhaps it's both. Perhaps they want to hold onto Y/N, and Y/N is the one who has to help them learn that's okay. I did put post-loops Y/N down as "very cuddly," after all.
Mm. Anyway. I should sleep
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amphiptere-art · 3 months
I think I'm the only one that really cares about the time Eclipse had with lunar before. Before he got the star. Before the lunar and eclipse show really started going.
Lunar actually enjoyed being evil. I don't know how many people realize this. But he really seemed to have fun with it. And even when the lunar and eclipse show started. Lunar seemed to really enjoy it.
Of course like normal eclipse started getting more hostile. He had to maintain his grasp of course. Which came with the constant berating and eventual physical confrontations. Which made lunar see eclipses sour attitude as much more than just a sour attitude. Now it was an evil one. And all that joy faded.
Eclipse has given questionable responses for anything really correlating to lunar. In some responses it's like he can't believe he can care. In some responses it's framed as some sort of not care. In some responses lunar is no more than a tool. Eclipse likes to hide and so his responses are varied.
The most genuine we probably ever got was him questioning if he really cared for lunar. Which while isn't all the way there, He was alone and questioning his actions. Not confronted or asked why. He was alone and he couldn't figure out why he cared. So I like to believe some part of him cared. The punch was simply the beginning point to make him question if he really did.
Eclipse in the end decided that no he couldn't care. And so he made his treatment worse. I didn't kept getting worse and worse as he pushed himself further and further away. And while people with a sour attitude aren't exactly fun to hang around with, It's not like they're evil. But eclipse like always couldn't be good. So he became what was safe and comfortable. He became evil.
And so we lost this time of lunar having fun and eclipse questioning if maybe he actually made somebody he cared about.
Maybe there's a separate timeline where eclipse realizes maybe he wants to care about lunar. But that timeline sounds rare and by most Canon accounts shouldn't happen.
I still miss those good old days though. Lunar had fun being evil. Eclipse seem to experience some sort of endearment rambling with his brother.
And yet it all faded. And there is no longer hope of that endearment ever coming up again.
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kkatastrophic · 2 months
role-swapped: sokka, and either fire sibling
made an account solely for this, but i feel like sokka role swapped with either sibling (either zuko or azula) makes some sort of sense. call me crazy (if anyone is even seeing this to call me crazy at all, then hello) all you want, but i don't know, i feel like it makes sense. though to be fair, i do really um, overanalyze things and might just be making my explanation sound really ooc and weird and too 'he's me i'm giving him my issues'. not sure. just here to be overdramatic i guess. sorta relate to all three of these characters so. take my 'it makes sense!!!11111!!11!!' with a grain of salt. also scared i got the characters all wrong. so. yeah
firstly, the similarities.
sokka and zuko:
sokka and zuko are both insecure fellas who want to prove to someone that they are honorable and worthy people; zuko wants to show his father and his nation that he is a worthy prince that should return to his rightful place for the throne, and sokka wants to show his father and his tribe that he is a strong and manly warrior, that he can protect katara and the tribe. they both have something to prove, something they want to become. they are both overshadowed by their prodigious sister and they both find themselves feeling lesser by it, just in different ways. sokka doesn't feel as useful as he wants to be and zuko feels like a failure compared to azula. they both don't quite like the fact that their skills aren't the best they believe they could be. the two of them both solve an issue between themselves: sokka learns how to overcome obstacles without bending, and zuko learns how to follow his own destiny and stand up for himself. they both have lost their mother, they both have distant fathers (except hakoda isn't distant because he wants to be, nor is he abusive, but that doesn't mean he isn't distant), and these similarities made me write this whole thing. it would be interesting to see how much would change and how much would stay the same, what life would be like for zuko and what life would be like for sokka. would their personalities swap as well? sokka's would change drastically, but i think zuko's would not change extremely.
sokka and azula:
don't get me wrong, sokka is insecure and everything, but he's also much like azula, at least, in my eyes he is. azula and sokka are both crippling perfectionists, excelling at a specific thing: azula's firebending and battle (plus regular) intelligence, and sokka's skillful planning, his own battle (and regular) intelligence, and inventing. they both see their father in a bright light, they both were heavily affected by his actions and again, they both lost their mother. due to their need to succeed and win, they both become irrational and heavily emotional when they do not. sokka blames himself for the loss during the eclipse raid, and azula has a mental breakdown when she loses against katara and zuko during sozin's comet. when they've been defeated, they break down in one way or another. and back to the first sentence, azula is insecure too. she feels unlovable and has major trust issues, and more that if i said, would make this already somewhat long thing even longer.
now: onto what i feel like the characters would be with roles swapped. zuko role-swapped with sokka: an insecure sixteen-year-old, angsty boy with a crippling need to be useful for his family. he misses his father dearly and wishes he could have spent more time with his mother, whose face he can't even remember. he looks like a trash bender compared to his younger sister, azula, who has blue fire and a natural, raw talent. he wants to be a warrior like his father, fighting against the monstrous water tribes. he's insecure about his unimpressive bending but learns to improve his skill and find new techniques instead of letting his self-hatred get the best of him. he helps aang, the avatar, defeat the water tribes, and while on adventures with the gaang, he learns to accept himself. he becomes more than just a planning, brooding, awkward guy; instead of making himself feel worse with his less-than-average firebending skills, he focuses more on using double swords, becoming very good at it. he rarely uses his firebending because of it, realizing that he doesn't need to be a good bender to be a good fighter/warrior. sokka role-swapped with zuko: a self-hating fifteen-year-old who misses his tribe and misses his honor. he is worthless, weak, and a failure, horrible at waterbending, unlike his gifted sister, katara. his father gave his left eye frost burn, and he is partially deaf and blind on the left side of his face due to it, but he deserved it; he spoke out of line, disrespected his elder, disrespected Ice (or water) Lord Hakoda, his own dad. ever since he was twelve, he has been looking for the missing avatar to bring back to his tribe to make his father (and tribe) proud and love him again. he travels with his honorary uncle bato, who helps him eventually turn a new leaf. bato helps him learn new skills and new techniques that help him improve his waterbending quickly, being patient with him and supporting him through his darkest moments. he realizes that what he is doing is wrong and he abandons his home and his father to help aang, the avatar whom he had been hunting constantly, learn waterbending. he learns from his mistakes and successfully becomes the Ice / Water Lord, helping aang defeat his father and simultaneously helping azula defeat his maniacal sister, katara. —
sokka role-swapped with azula: either thirteen or fifteen-year-old.(katara as zuko is aged up if sokka is fifteen, sokka as azula is aged down if he is thirteen) he is an extremely impressive waterbender, gifted and prodigious, unlike his poor older sister, katara. if he wants something he gets it, and he will go at any length to win, to defeat, to conquer. he, much like his talented father, never fail, they never fail, and they never will! he doesn't need anyone's trust or love; spirits, he doesn't need anyone. sokka'll use peoples' fear of him to get whatever the hell he wants, no matter what. his mother was right; he is a monster, and he- he takes pride in it! after his so-called 'friends' betrayed him, one for looooove and the other for, well, the one in love. ((can you tell i have no clue who to make his friends? maybe suki and yue?)) he saw her once again, taunting him while he grew furious with his stupid long hair. (stupid wolftails.) he messes his hair up, messes up once again, and throws the scissors in the mirror to try and make his dead, naive, stupid mom go away. but that's not all: even though he's perfect, even though he's supposed to be, he fucks it up. his father was supposed to be the Ocean King, and sokka himself was supposed to be the new Ice/Water Lord, but of course, his stupid sister and her stupid fire-bending friend got in the way of the water tribe's supposed-to-be success and defeated him, humiliated him. and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. he breaks down, crying nonstop and feeling utterly defeated.
azula role-swapped with sokka: she's the genius. she's the one who does the planning, it's azula. not zuko with his amazing firebending, not aang with his... dumb avatar-ness, not toph with her scary earthbending; no, it's sixteen-year old ((aged up to be oldest in the gaang like sokka is, but she can still be fourteen if u want i don't know.)) azula, the bad bender. agni, she's basically a non-bender anyway, with the way her fire can barely light a torch. but her uselessness doesn't stop her from trying to be perfect, of course it doesn't! she's useful, she knows it, she just has to figure out how. she can't strive to be anything less, not when she wants to protect her brother and her friends. not when she wants to be the next chief of the fire nation when this is all over. instead of wallowing in her own self-hatred, she decides to try something new; she decides to try bows and arrows. and agni, she's good. she decides that she doesn't need to be a master bender like zuko, aang, and toph are, because she's a master in her own way and doesn't need her firebending to be useful. she can still protect her friends and brother without relying on her bending. and while azula sometimes wishes that she were as talented as zuko is with firebending, she also understands that she is just as talented as he is without firebending, but with her bow. she accepts herself and her flaws.
while i think zuko and sokka's role-swap would make sense and works better, i also think that azula and sokka's role-swap works too, just a little... reachy. i guess. i don't know!!!! i just. sorta been thinking about this for too long. ahaaa i don't think this is gonna be read at ALLLL so hey guys! hey fruity gang! #awesome!
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OMFG folks. Please. Please don't uncritically reblog this bullshit
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Yes it looks pretty if you're into that kind of thing. Not it's not real. Not a little bit. If the sun had been this close to earth on 08-04-2024 or at any other time (compare the size of the damn star to the size of the leaves on the trees I beg you. eclipses can play tricks on the eye but not to that extent) then we would all be toast. Heck with the level of solar activitiy supposedly going on there (including some absolutely MASSIVE coronal mass ejections) we'd probably be toast, or at the very least severely fucked, even at the usual distance. YOU WOULD HAVE NOTICED. Which would be fine if OP had labelled it, IDK, "photomanip of solar eclipse into the sky behind my house" or something similarly appropriate, but no, it's "one of the best shots" via "nasa-official". Suuuure it is, Betsy. The "nasa-official" link goes to this tumblr account btw:
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Totally reliable in that they make it clear up fron that they aren't NASA or working for NASA, but not a source for reliable eclipse photos (also? this photo isn't even on their blog. funny how that goes) I doubt they even know about the photo, or the fact that they've been cited...
(This is the official NASA tumblr account btw)
Just to top things off, this is the OP of what is supposedly one of the best shots of the most recent eclipse, and in reality more like (at best) a composite montage or (more realistically) some heavy editing, possibly but not necessarily done by an actual human photo manipulator:
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I mean this is a weirdly unpolitical piece of misinformation for a tankie but I suppose whatever gets people's attention? Hmmm I'm sure they're totally trustworthy otherwise Anyway, please think for a second, consider all the information you have about the solar system, or at the very least your personal lived experience about the size of the sun in the skies that you hopefully manage to glimpse at least occasionally, and then maybe check some facts? idk (I mean, in Tumblr's defense, the notes of that post are full of people calling bullshit (though a lot of them seem to be blaming AI). But apparently not a whole lot of people actually look into the notes)
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
We have a plan. I do not understand all of the details of the plan but it is a plan and that's better than dying hopelessly. Let's give it a go.
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Alright, team meeting before we head in there. Here's what I'm thinking.
Prophecy said there is no version of events where we fight the Dweller of Strife and win. But prophecy also sent us to the Chosen One door that wouldn't open because we aren't the Chosen Ones.
Since Resh'an put his hand on the scale, we're having this confrontation here inside Clockwork Castle; Something that would have been impossible to occur under the normal events of the timeline.
That means we're actually off the map, in terms of prophecy. None of the "versions" of us fighting the Dweller of Strife ever accounted for us meeting Cael and... doing whatever his plan is going to do. Catalyzed Eclipse Magic is not a thing we ever had in this timeline before.
So. Who knows what's going to happen in there? Prophecies are overrated; We're forging our own destinies right now.
Okay. There are four extremely punchable people, two slightly less punchable people, and an unbeatable Dweller waiting for us in there. I want everyone ready to unleash a hurricane of violence. I want to hit them so hard that they don't even know whose boot is lodged up their ass. Except you, Resh'an, since you're not allowed to fight the Dweller. Let's go!
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WHAT'S UP GUYS, HOW'S THE BROKEN RIBS!? You want me to do the other ones?
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Oh, don't worry about that. It's never too early for violence. That's what coffee's for.
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Are our previous altercations not a clear indicator of how this is about to go down? I wouldn't really call it "boldness" so much as "basic pattern recognition".
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Hey! HEY! Don't focus on them; Focus on me. I'm the one threatening you right now. You can use your dying breath to wonder what that's about when we're done here.
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This is how we count to four. One, two...
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...three, four. Four dipshits! Ah-hah-hah!
Honestly, guys. I don't know why you try so hard to be threatening when you just aren't cut out for this. I don't know what you do for a living but it's clearly not combat.
What are you, Aephorul's tax accountants?
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Oh fuck me, they stalled us for time again.
That's okay. We still have the plan. We just have to stick with the plan and then hopefully everything will be fine.
Either the four of us (not counting Resh'an) are about to slay a Dweller that took dozens of Solstice Warriors to bring down or we're about to die horrible, brutal deaths. But either way, it's going to look really cool.
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Let's bring the Eclipse.
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It's Go Time.
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And now it's bombing us. I don't think it appreciated our Pocket Eclipse trick. I'm pretty sure we pissed it off.
*sigh* Goddammit, why am I so good at drawing aggro?
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Ooooo I love it. Is that like the solar/lunar beam crystals? Is it, like, a concentrated eclipse crystal? It's perfect.
I know you weren't here for the fake birthday debacle but I want you to know that this present just unruined it for me. Thank you so much.
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"Hold the line while I charge up energy to unleash the murder beam that wins the day" but with extra steps. Got it.
This will be easy. I'm fantastic at drawing aggro.
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As agreed. No argument from me. I'm honestly surprised you came this far with us.
Now, I have a job to do: Be as obnoxious as humanly possible. Ahem.
HEY POINDEXTER, get down here, I want a word. I was told you were supposed to be scary. Big bad Strife killed two dozen Solstice Warriors. But this? Seriously? All I see is glaucoma with wings. I've mugged scarier things than you.
If you're going to try that hard for the edgelord aesthetic, maybe reconsider the "Whole Body Eyeball" thing. Not exactly the most formidable part to present. A slightly off-target eyeliner pencil could take your whole ass out.
Plus, Dweller of Strife? What, was Dweller of Bickering taken? Can you get more generic? At least Torment rolled off the tongue. Torment. There was a title that filled me with terror. Your name sounds like you want to debate.
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There we go, I think that got it. Now we just have to try not to die horribly. Don't tell the Dweller but, actually, Debate Bros are the worst kind of abomination.
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HEY! DON'T TOUCH MY GARL! That is not acceptable Dweller behavior!
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This is actually a piece of cake. All we need to do is channel our magic into the cannon, right? I've got the perfect spell for that.
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I see your eye lasers and raise you invincibility moons asshole. Choke on my brick wall of lunar magic! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I'm giving Cael's team a raise after I snipe them from Aephorul. Zale heals and I keep up the invulnerability shields, and all the while...
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You can't break these walls, Dweller of Strife. HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST
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Oh. You are. You are literally breaking the....
That's cheating! T_T
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Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck where's Zale fuckfuckfuck he had two invincibility moons when we fell he has to be okay fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
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Oh, he's okay. Spent both invincibility moons but he's okay.
Not for long though. Uh. Hi. We. Um. Now we both said some things that maybe we both regret, and if we can just try to see things from the other's point of view then maybe--
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Okay, that's fair.
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What are your current fandoms??
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1. Black Butler<3
It would've been incredibly distasteful to not put this beauty on top of my list. I have been a fan of this one since 5th grade, the literal backbone of my insanity.
I may complain monthly over the agnoizingly short chapters, but the narrative and storytelling in this manga is one of my favorites ever.
Although you didn't ask, I have the need to mention: Ciel Phantomhive is my child!!
And yes, I am still awaiting Prince Soma's return.
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a sebaciel wierdo and my space doesn't welcome the romanticization of pedophila. "waah waah but it's fiction!" okay?? my account is dedicated on fictional stories and characters and I don't want your wacky shit here. Thank you in advance.
2. Bungou Stray Dogs!!!
What a crime it would've been if I didn't mention the reason my account grew in the first place!!
BSD has such a special place in my heart. Tbh bsd saved me during the downfall that was 2021.
I think people who aren't new to my blog know I'm a sucker for Soukoku. I've made extensive analysis on their relationships for 3 years now. When will this brainrot end!?!?
And oh, of course I am forever greatful to the lovely @ryuuaka713 for collaborating with me on various post, I couldn't have done it without her!! Hope life treats you well! You got a tumblr friend always rooting for ya<3
ALSO: If any of you ever want to ask me anything regarding bsd that isn't Soukoku, please do! I love bsd as a whole and would be happy to answer<3
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3. Berserk
Let me make one thing clear!!! I am NOT a berserk reddit fanboy who completely ignores and neglects the narrative of this story in order to fill whatever inner void that needs to be filled.
I am suuuper passionate about the Golden Age Arc and the Pre Eclipse era of Berserk, it would be impossible to shut me up about it.
I could go on billion rants about Griffith's character and his actual complexities throughout the narrative. (no, he isn't emotionless, that would destory the whole point of the story lol)
Also I want to give a not-so-subtle shoutout to @bthump for validating every single thought I had while reading Berserk and always providing textual evidence. Thank you for being the light in the darkness of this fandom!
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4. Death Note
sighs yes I am still in the fandom of an anime that has only one season and ended so poetically that it makes perfect sense that it doesn't have a continuation yet my brain screams for content when obviously it will never happen.
Before anyone asks, I am not team Light or team L, both of them are selfish people and used others lives in order to beat one another.
I am a constant defender of the fact that the Death Note consumed Light. Not only is it textually stated; but it's visually stated
(Light's eyes get wider and more innocent looking for a reason when he forgets the death note guys!!!)
Anyways, this story is absolutely awesome and I think most people can agree with that.
I don't rewatch this anime often, but when I do I get shooked by the big brain plans and big brain confrontations lmao.
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5. Moral Orel
"MORAL OREL SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!! FOOLISH PEOPLE FEARED IT SPOKE TOO MUCH FACTS" I scream into a void, tears fill my eyes as losing my religion by R.E.M plays in the background.
Seriously though, I love this show; a literal masterpiece. I don't think theres any show that made me incredibly concious of how my own family's dynamic worked as this one did.
Has amazing takes of the human condition and contains life long lessons.
I once made a long post about the generational abuse of moral orel if you want to check it out!
Anyways, if you haven't had the glorious chance to watch this masterpiece. PLEASE DO!! I BEG!!! The whole series is out on youtube!
we don't talk about the first 3 episodes!!!
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6. Sonic!!!!
I never post anything sonic related on my blog, but I adore Sonic! Not only my childhood, but it continues to pump off amazing content and games.
Fun fact: I have a cute mini sonic keychain my friend gifted me, I take it with me everywhere!!
Nobody asked, but my favorie character is Knuckles and Shadow for anyone who wants to know! (No one wants to know but I HAVE THE NEED TO SAY IT.)
anyways yes, I love Sonic, I am at arms-lenght with the fandom since i'm... well... not much into the furry stuff that goes on. But theres lots of fanmade content out there that is super cool!
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I have lots and lots of other fandoms im in but i fear i will go on forever if I keep on talking.
Thank you so much for reading all the way through and please, don't ever hesitate to ask me anything related to any of these fandoms above. Hyper analizing stuff is my speciality after all:D
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justastarholder · 5 months
Why did Lunar think that if he showed star holder the place where the first gods had convened then they would have changed their mind about Eclipse? Why didn't Lunar think that the SH would change their mind about him instead? That they would have stopped trusing him or even started fearing him. I mean, I get it that Lunar kinda vaguely answered SH's question of why was his ancestor banished (even blamed the other gods), but even so, it's still evident that the first god of thunder did something very horrible that even Star Mother herself banished him, and maybe it would have raised some questions in SH's head about their guard, and well, maybe even destroyed their friendship. In a privious ask you said that Lunar doesn't know what his ancestor did exactly, but he only knows that he was a traitor, does he question himself about what did the first god of storms did to deserve such a punishment? And if he did ever find out, what would be his reaction. (I hope you understand what i'm trying to say, cause I'm not really good at putting my thoughts in words)
This is a great question!
What you have to take into account is that Lunar is often driven by his emotions, and tends to get... too passionate.
BUT if you recall, this isn't the first time Lunar has shown SH proof of the gods doing something and then covering it up. He knows that they'll inevitably lean in his favor, even if his ancestor WAS the traitor. After all, in the months leading up to being taken to the palace, SH had learned:
-That Eclipse was a nice person, despite constantly being taught he was sadistic and had no mercy in his heart
-Only to turn around and find out that Eclipse had burned an ENTIRE VILLAGE to the ground (through Lunar)
-Pluto had been arrested after a mental break down (granted it was a violent one) and left to slowly die out of the eye of the public
-Lunar lost everything to a mistake Sun made that NO ONE has heard about. (The lead spill) Why? Because Sun is also the type of god to brush things under the rug.
I think with all SH had learned about Sun (and in part, Moon) during the story really tilted the odds in Lunar's favor. He knows that they are beginning to question everything. They are starting to see these terrible things the greater gods have done and they are beginning to wonder how far back this corruption goes.
To your second question:
Lunar DOES wonder. He is constantly wondering. But Lunar also already hates his lineage. As a kid, he may have loved his demon grandma but she has left him with a deep distaste for the entire line of Thunder Gods. Lunar believes ALL the greater gods are terrible and that there needs to be a significant change for the world to begin to heal. (Some of this ideology also bleeds over from being raised among and living among dragons. You may have noticed that the dragons refer to the greater gods as 'gods of man'. They don't recognize or worship those gods- but they do worship LUNAR. And what's more, they have other gods of their own-- but WHERE are those gods? Why aren't they among the dragons, like the Greater Gods living among the humans?)
This is kinda long-winded but I hope that it helps.
TL;DR: Lunar hates the greater gods and thinks if he gives SH all the info carefully they'll come to hate them, too.
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sandsorghum · 1 year
Hollywood AU
With Oscars round the corner I wanted to explore a Movie Industry 'verse, featuring Screenplay writer Nanamin x Starlet Reader, with some messy Director Geto x Reader thrown into the mix cuz it's HOllywood so why not.
I don't have things fully fleshed out, this is only a drabble. It's just a fun little plot bunny I'm considering chasing down the rabbithole, so if you enjoy it, please leave some feedback! Thanks~
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Nanami toes the line he's sketched in the sand - and you keep scuffing it. Because it is sand, not cement, as much as Nanami would like to believe that. The grains keep trickling through the hourglass, and his throat gets ever more parched around you.
He used to be able to call you to the side of a sound stage in between takes to murmur his corrections. Now he just scratches them out on a clipboard, cursing PAs and sticky notes that aren't at all adhesive.
"I miss you."
Glue floods his throat. Nanami glances at your reflection, eclipsed by a bevy of stylists coiling your locks into perfectly tight, period-accurate ringlets.
"Bunkering down in that cramped trailer, discussing stories. Have you seen Sangsoo's latest by the way?"
You catch sight of him in the mirror and smile, but someone tuts at you to "stay still". Nanami watches your lips go taut as the gloss swipes over, but he knows where to look. Sure enough, there's a matching shimmer in your gaze, locked in on his. Nanami swallows, his eyes dropping to the papers in his lap.
"Been too busy," he grunts.
"Right Now, Wrong Then remains my fav, but you should make your own assessment. I wouldn't mind seeing his new film twice. Maybe over the weekend, we could-"
"I'll be holed up with the rewrites. Studio's orders. I'm leaving your new lines here."
Nanami doesn't so much hear you sigh, as glimpse a small corner of the glass getting fogged up. He feels your stare slide from the rear view to his retreating silhouette as he turns and walks away from your pout, from the memory of a puff of air tickling his mouth.
Every day you seem more like a mirage, less an oasis.
But these are the desert dunes he's chosen to trek through, grounds ever shifting.
Framed by ink strands, jet stone irises cut across steepled ivory hands, with a gleam that renders the lamination of the page redundant.
[And would you like to address the rumours-?]
[Talent's drawn to talent. That's all.]
[The final say?]
[Your next soundbite - until another distraction from our craft comes along.]
The black and white portrait rustles, a splotch of darkness seeps over those eyes, coloured grey as the super-sized quote [DRAWN TO TALENT] is imprinted across the ravines of cheekbones and deep recesses of sockets, now thinned with text.
He's well aware of your history with Geto, the inaccuracies of the accounts on both sides, the way the two of you are the darlings of the gossip columns, as cyclical as the seasons and heroin chic coming back in vogue, appalling as it is.
"How's the fluff piece for our auteur extraordinaire? He opt for self-flagellating or self-fellating?"
So, trouble in paradise then, Nanami thinks.
He shrugs. "The box office'll be happy."
"Oh, hooraay. Praise be for the ultimate - nay, the only metric and arbiter of art."
His tone is withering, but not enough to stop your belligerence from sprouting. Or spouting.
"Hey. Do you think I got where I am based on sheer luck, or looks?"
You're a few too many whiskey neats in.
"Clearly they weren't stumbling blocks," he says drily, gesturing for his refill. Normally you'd find his diplomacy coy. Now it's just tiresome.
"I expected more than this calibre of flattery from a BAFTA nominee," you sneer, fingers creeping along Nanami's taut wrist. He steadies his grip around his bourbon.
"I'm off the clock. You'll have to get your one-liners elsewhere. Union rules."
You lean in, the cloud of alcohol and your perfume shrouding Nanami.
"Such a stickler," you whisper, the taunt gusting warm and wet against his lips. Through the fog, just barely, Nanami telescopes in on the gleam of your maraschino-red mouth, the gimlet glint of your eyes.
Not chandeliers, but stalactites, the notion coalesces somehow, despite your distractions. Nanami's brain churns, scrambling for a deflective quip, only to short-circuit when he feels your other hand land on his thigh.
"You know, in these scenarios, the rulebook gets thrown out - if one even exists in the first place."
A rough palm clasps your hand, but your forehead brushes Nanami's.
"My point is, I don't give up. I always get what I want."
"Assuming you know what that is."
You freeze.
It's better this way, Nanami thinks, watching the shards twist in your eyes. There is still barely an inch between you and him, close enough for him to feel the breath and consequences you hold in the quiver of your lips. At arm's length, and a lifetime away.
At least like this, he has a front row seat to the fracturing story.
He was never meant to be the protagonist, let alone a hero.
"Are you really coming after me, or are you just trying to get away from Suguru?"
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Gonna rant about this on main cuz why not. It's my account lmao.
Anyway. Idk how long this'll get so rambling below cut.
In MLP:FiM I always got the vibe that Luna, even after the "Luna Eclipsed" episode in season 2, never got the love, attention, or credit she deserved in the show itself. I'm not going to blame any one specific character (even tho I don't like Celestia, that's for different reasons.)
First thing I noticed when I got older is that no lunar imagery is really present? Mostly in the architecture. The buildings, banners, etc. we see in the background. Most of it is a pretty abstract design, or sun related.
Luna's WHOLE existence was boiled down to ONE traumatic life event, that turned into a fucking child's tale??? Damn, that would sting...
Even when she comes back, later in the show (before the Canterlot Castle redesign), she has NO THRONE??? Celestia didn't make room for her in a castle she (assumingly) already knew she would come to live in, after being reformed, but never made space for her? Like ever???? Why???
⬆️ Thinking about it, before the castle redesign, there's VERY little lunar-related imagery at all present. Not shocking, ngl.
Luna pretty much doesn't exist throughout the show unless it's a part of the plot. She's never really mentioned, no one ever swears by her name (like how some swear by Celestia's name), etc. etc.
I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH how Celestia doesn't take her sister's experiences seriously. They act like they're on even ground. They aren't... There's clear favoritism/advantage that Celestia has, which Luna doesn't have, and won't have.
⬆️ Again, CANNOT stress this enough! It took 1000 years of separation, having a strained relationship for who knows how long, a switch of cutie marks/magic, and a whole ass EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN for her to give her sister a SLIGHT bit of credit towards the end of one episode. (A Royal Problem, season 7)
The fact that Celestia has like... What? One royal celebration? (Two, actually, Twilight calls one of them her "One-versery") That were founded on the sun, history, and magic. Luna's one celebration, "Nightmare Night" is based off of, again, one main traumatic event, that was watered down to scare small children.
⬆️ Ya'll remember when Luna didn't lower the moon in "Horse-play" from season 8, because it was still night, so when the sun was raised during the play, it pushed the moon out of the sky? Everybody cheered? Luna didn't look happy tho. Great example. Luna just would have been sucker-punched with magic for pulling a reversed version of that.
⬆️ Fucking speaking of which, why did Celestia even celebrate/allow the Summer Sun Celebration to exist? Who created it? Why? Talk about a slap in the face. (For context: "The first Summer Sun Celebration was celebrated not long after Nightmare Moon's defeat and banishment, the event mainly commemorating Celestia's defeat over her foe.")
⬆️ It took until season 6 for the tradition to be rewritten, btw.
In conclusion, I guess that's why I never cared for Celestia much. I also just genuinely hate the "regal loving motherly sun" and "edgy overshadowed moon" dynamic. It's boring, overdone, and never sits right with me.
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the-era-of-shadow · 3 years
A random Harazuki headshot ❤
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✨ Pride version ✨ and ~transparent version~
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~Ramble below contains me going off about Hara's whole ass backstory basically, I know some are just here for the OC art, also the Ramble includes a death mention or two sooooo ye cut off point~
Ya know? I'm not fully sure what to call Hara
Like, she's the midway point between Shadow and Eclipse, but only kinda?
She was created quite a bit after Shadow, Shadow was finished in 1954 and Harazuki was created in 2003, ya know? She's the sequel no one was expecting, well, sorta. With doubts of the planned invasion of Earth set for 05, Harazuki was made to replace Shadow in a way.
But once she was finished, she was mostly regarded as a failure, mostly due to her short stature (she's like a full foot shorter than Shadow) and her less than powerful Chaos based fighting, as a lot of the Chaos energy inside of her was being used up to power her unique Chaos Flight power (not showcased here, but basically she can manifest wings made of Chaos Energy (similarly to how Shadow's Chaos Spears are) and use them to fly). Black Doom believed in her a bit more than Black Death did (yes, they both worked on her, but Death did most of the work while Doom mostly oversaw the process) but ya know, two years after Hara was created, Doom died so... either way she was more considered in Death’s family anyway, both because of him doing most of the work on her and the fact that between her creation and the events of ShTH, Harazuki lived with Death’s grandmother Lillian (another oc of mineee ;p).
Either way, she was meant to be a new Shadow, but she was intentionally made a bit more alien like. Shadow had to be created to look almost perfectly Mobian because that's what Gerald demanded, but with Harazuki, there was more freedom, though Black Doom desired her to still mostly resembled Shadow, both as to make her a more welcoming, sibling-like presence if they were able to get Shadow back, and also cause Doom missed Shadow a good bit still :'). Hara notably does not have Shadow's nose, and her mouth """"fur"""" is very light while Shadow's is rather dark, but she has the hedgehog ears, and Shadow's eyes. She both does and doesn't look like she could be Shadow's younger sister, she more looks like a cousin. As far as actual relation goes, no one but Doom and Death know whether Doom's blood was used in Hara like it was for Shadow, and as I said earlier, most people see Hara as Death’s daughter rather than Doom's. Death refused to let Hara live with Doom, as to not place a "burden" (his words not mine) on the Dark Lord. As for Doom, he truly just wanted Shadow back, and then the idea of Doom taking Hara in was completely shut down when his wife Black Widow (again, another oc :3) fell pregnant.
But the events of ShTH aren't the end of Hara's story, far from it. Despite being basically shunned by him, Black Death forced Harazuki to come with him on his away mission as "assistance". Perhaps he started to see the good in her? Maybe then that she would become the new Shadow she was meant to be?
But those dreams of Hara's were never fulfilled, as the events of ShTH happened, and just like that, she lost so much. She lost the woman who took her in, she lost the one of her two creators that really seemed to love her. All she had left was one of her two best friends that she had made in those two years on the original Black Comet (maybe one day I'll talk about the one who died. They're more of a fan character than an oc just owned by me... haha), Black Death's nephew, Yuki. Yuki wasn't even supposed to be on the away mission, but he snuck in because he didn't trust Black Death with Hara alone (seeing a guy killing your mother in a blind rage right in front of you will do that to ya, ya know?). Hara, trusting herself with Yuki after him doing such a thing for her, stuck by him for a good couple of years.
But enough of the sad stuff for now, I'm actually about to cry.... haha (well maybe if I wasn't listening to "Hey There Delilah" while writing that part I'd not be-)
Anyway, right after getting the news that Shadow killed Black Doom and the majority of the Black Arms, Black Death quickly got planning to get revenge, and took the base idea of Hara and took out some things (mainly the Chaos Flight), expanded on other things, added an all new Monster Form, and long story short, Eclipse the Darkling was created. Eclipse looked full on alien, though that look includes having Hara's mouth/nose area structure and her tail (not showcased in the picture).
So, there's arguments to make for calling her a hedgehog, yes (mainly the ears), and you probably could call her a "hedgeling" or go through the effort to constantly write "Hedgehog/Darkling hybrid" but after writing all that and info dumping on y'all with minimal warning like Doom did to Shadow in the cutscene before Sky Troops, I think calling her "Harazuki the Darkling" works well
Or I could just use her full name Harazuki Chai/Harazuki Black-Chai
If you're reading this part, thanks for reading my nonsense haha-
Why don't you read a bit more while you're at it? Here's my fanfiction.net account link, where you can read more about Harazuki and other characters of both mine and SEGA's https://www.fanfiction.net/u/14774919/
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everxvigilant · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog💕
I have a list of both celebrities and fictional characters I'd like to have sex with (I'm very gay and want a girlfriend really bad, don't judge me. And if you plan on asking, I'd be both top and bottom (switch)
With characters I hate I immediately think: I can't wait to see how you die. (Though it will switch if I start to like the character(s) because of y'know, character development (example Peter Hale from MTV's Teen Wolf and this isn't a spoiler)
I still absolutely detest every single one of you that still makes jokes and memes about Robert Pattinson's role as Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen.
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THEY STARTED A WAR WITH THE HARRY POTTER AND TWILIGHT SAGA FANDOMS A.K.A. MY CHILDHOOD. Do you know what that means? I had to block every person that asked me 'OMG WHY DO YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER? IT SUCKS' or 'OMG WHY DO YOU LIKE TWILIGHT SAGA, IT SUCKS!' and I eventually moved blogs and deleted account after account each time it happened. Stopped RPing in both fandoms for about....ehh 2 or 3 years? Then came back and all the toxic people were gone from both fandoms. At least in the RPC anyways.
You wanna know what's funny?
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^ (my first favorite Twilight Saga meme because honestly, we all know that's how most of us imagined the scene when we were watching the film)
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^ (If you've seen Mean Girls, you'll understand this, if not WATCH IT, IT'S REALLY GOOD)
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^ If I were hurt like Jacob in this scene in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, I'd definitely want the people that care about me to surround me like that (at least 4 people because you know, more than 4 would make my anxiety skyrocket. Allso not to be gay but Kristen Stewart is fucking gorgeous in each film she's in and also I want abs like that)
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^ And my second favorite Twilight Saga meme (because pretty much almost everyone women has had that moment.)
I'm tagging: @bellas-strawberryshampoo, @worlds-in-words, @theoneswithoutpacks, @bracteatum, @naturalhero, @ofwondersandhares, @clumsyhybrid, as well as @al-damnvers-blog, because even though the meme says 7, one of my 2019 New Year's resolution was to stop being shy and make new friends and honestly I need to learn to make friends instead of having paranoid thoughts that everyone is going to hate me or think I'm annoying. (Also I can't do most of any of my other 2019 New Year's Resolutions atm because of the Coronavirus.)
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
On a quest for new coping mechanisms because somehow things now manage to seem even more hopeless than before.
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Ten years. Ten years, I've been giving Moraine no end of grief. I made fun of him. I called him a prick and a jackass and all sorts of other things. I went behind his back all the time. I complained about him to his manager. But now we're here and--
Nope, can't do it, I still think he's a domineering asshole. It's just that what Erlina and Brugaves just did transcends "asshole" by such a wide margin that Moraine looks pleasant by comparison.
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Garl, your soup could cure the blind. There's no one whose hands I'd rather Moraine be in than yours.
While I finally, finally get to bed.
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"Not the Twins", huh? I'm pretty sure Zale and I aren't twins; I think it's been confirmed that we were delivered on consecutive solstices, like we're supposed to be. Momo, Yoyo, and Roro are the Triplets, so they're out.
Teaks said that when twins are born on the same Solstice, their innate magic is either incredibly heightened or corrupted into something that must be contained for the greater good.
Brugaves and Erlina certainly seemed powerful. Powerful enough that Erlina could conjure a flame barrier to hold us all back while they summoned the Blood Moon, which seems like it's probably hard. Could they be the Twins?
Otherwise, the only people I can think of are Solena and Luan. Which is also a distinct possibility.
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Oh, that's right, in all the hopelessness and despair, I forgot I promised to be insufferably smug.
Ahem. "I bet you feel bad for not wanting him to come with us." There you go. That's the best I can do under these circumstances. I'm sure you understand.
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We. Might. Already have one? I dunno, depends on what's making it unreachable, I guess.
But. Like. We still owe Sera-- Captain Cliche, who has no relation to the talented and extremely trustworthy assassin-thief warming the doorframe, a legendary ghost ship with ambiguous magical properties.
Plus I'm fated to "make paths over water" and this could be what that's referring to.
I dunno. We should confer with our pirate friends.
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I'm sure you will, Serai. I'm sure you will.
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We're not going straight for the Dweller of Strife, are we? I doubt the eclipse will still be in the sky by the time we reach Brisk. Unless the Dweller's blood moon sky portal, like, creates a state of perpetual eclipse or something? I dunno.
Either way, it's been very well established that this Dweller will fuck us dead if we go at it with just the two of us and our enthusiastic chef.
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Fuck me, I guess we're going straight at the Dweller.
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We're not late. Serai moves at the speed of portal. She's early. Chronically.
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It's a simple, easy, four-step plan.
1 - Find the Dweller. 2 - Violence. 3 - ??? 4 - The world is saved.
We did all our coping last night in the vice capital of the world. Today, we die with weapons in our hands. Let's go.
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I admit, I do feel a little less bad about stealing everything that isn't nailed down from this town a few days ago.
In any case, I will spend some money buying groceries here. Good luck with your reconstruction. After we die horribly, that is.
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Looks like we've found its impact crater. If this thing is anything like the Dweller of Woe, I don't even know how we're going to manifest it so that we can fight it. Moraine had to do this whole eclipse ritual with a magic rune.
But it's not here right now, at least. I guess that's what matters?
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Oh, cool, eyewitness account. Now we can be sure that it's not here right now. Thanks, that really helps.
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Garl, do not let your mouth write checks that I don't know if we can cash. I already do enough of that for....
Oh, what the hell. These people are suffering from a calamitous disaster, a trade shortage only recently un-blockaded, and my crime spree. Let them have a little hope.
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Garl really does have the spirit of a hero in him. He can't be a Solstice Warrior, but he understands the value of PR like nobody else.
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Uh. This. Is going to sound like absolute crazy talk and you're probably going to hate me for even suggesting it.
But. Well. There's. This town... This town on a forbidden island that no one ever returns from....
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Trying to rebuild Brisk is an option too. I mean, this particular Dweller doesn't seem localized so it's not like it's any safer or more dangerous to stay or leave.
Probably sounds less crazy than my idea, even if the chief problem with my idea is no longer a problem, I swear!
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How are we going to get them there, though? I don't think these people will fit on our shitty raft.
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...It's time to chase down the Vespertine, isn't it?
That's what the Archivist meant about going into the eye of a storm and facing a legendary curse. He wasn't talking about the Dweller. That makes way more sense. Dude could stand to be a lot less cryptic.
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Yep, it's time to chase down the Vespertine. Without our Coin of Undeath Accord, which probably doesn't matter anyway.
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Plan's still to get onboard the ship and do something. We'll just have to wing it.
We're good at winging things! Winging it is how we got Garl's eye gouged out. And how we got Garl nearly eaten by the Dweller of Woe. And how we lost the Coin of Undeath Accord.
Y'know, maybe it's time to stop winging it. Maybe we should learn to take our time and gather proper intel.
But ain't nobody got time for that right now!
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