#I don't know much about greek mythology but maybe I thought learn...
p2ii · 3 months
just read both the udad!Orpheus centric fictions
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some highlights I really enjoyed
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amberlynnmurdock · 6 months
College Series (Part 1)
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Part 1: Moving In
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Series Summary: Matt Murdock scarcely ever let himself get too comfortable with people because comfort was always followed by chaos, or worse, abandonment. But when you move into the co-ed apartment off campus, Matt thinks that maybe this time things will be different. At least, he really hopes so. And that might be the most naive thing he would do in his time studying law at Columbia University. Soon, his nights are filled with red wine, learning about Greek mythology and barely using his own bed to sleep in because yours is right down the hall.
A/N: This is basically me revamping what I always wanted "Library Series" to be, so I hope no one minds another college!Matt Murdock fic. I don't know if this will have a real plot yet, but I'll figure it out along the way. I hope you guys enjoy! :) This chapter is entirely in Matt's POV!
Ao3 Link
Matt Murdock walked down the sidewalk slowly, counting each step as he did until he could sense that he reached his supposed destination. He stopped with his cane in front of him and listened to his surroundings: rustling leaves, a woman walking her dog, and cars turning onto the narrow street in upper Manhattan. 
The building he stood in front of was what he would be calling home for the next semester. Although he couldn’t see it, he knew it was a tall brownstone building with iron rails and large, wide steps. He could hear the creak in the old wood of the front door and the lock attached to it inside. He could hear the people inside the building moving boxes around and adjusting furniture. Strangers that he would be calling neighbors—for the time being, because people never stayed around forever. 
Matt heavily sighs as he adjusts his shoulder bag and lugs his suitcase behind him, which isn’t filled with much: sweaters, shirts, jeans, underwear, sheets, toiletries, his Bible, and Orbit Reader. When he was packing at St. Agnes’ he didn’t think much about what he would need to bring. While some college students made lists and packed, and overpacked, Matt thought nothing more of it than just a new place to stay. Maybe it was because he was so used to packing the same suitcase and moving from destination to destination, that he’d become accustomed to moving around a lot. After all, he truly never had a home since his dad died. That was the only home he’d known. St. Agnes was just a place to stay. 
With heavy shoulders, he walked up the steps one by one and shuffled in his duffle bag for the keys to the building. It was easy for him to pick it out. It was an old-fashioned skeleton key with an intricate gothic design he could trace with his fingertips. Once inside, he shut the heavy door behind him and stood once more before the long flight of stairs that would lead to his temporary apartment. Unfortunately, an elevator wasn’t an option. 
He slowly trekked up the steps, passing each floor and the shut doors of other people moving in. Some were college kids, some weren’t, but he heard each and every conversation as he passed. It reminded him of when he was younger when he would sit in Clinton Church before mass and hear people praying to God. It was uncomfortable to hear personal things, but he’s gotten used to drowning out the noise and moving on. 
After a few more flights, he finally reached the top floor of the building, which led to the apartment. It turned out to be the biggest one in the building. He pulled out the other key to the apartment and let himself inside, immediately hit with the smell of dust and old wood. He couldn’t sense any furniture in the living room, except for a small kitchen island with a marble countertop and an old wooden kitchen table set.
Matt traced his fingers along the wall as he slowly made his way to the hall that led to the bedrooms. First come, first serve he thought. There were two rooms closer to the front of the apartment with large windows—he could feel the cold draft coming in through them—and two rooms tucked towards the back. He immediately gravitated to the room furthest in the back. He didn’t like hearing the city at night, and he knew if he chose one of the rooms up front he’d never get a good night’s sleep. Then again, he seldom ever did. 
When he opened the room’s door, he dropped his bags and held his hands out to feel for the bed. It was in the center of the room, which he didn’t like, so he moved it to fit right in one of the corners. He pressed his hands on the mattress—brand new as the apartment listing said. And he knew it wasn’t a lie because he could smell the fresh, factory smell of the brand-new mattress. In fact, all the beds in the rooms had new mattresses, now that he could smell it in the air. 
There was a dresser against the other wall and a small closet. He didn’t have much to fill both up. In the other corner was a small work desk for homework. He began to unpack his books from his duffle bag and stacked them neatly on the desk. He ran his fingers over one of the titles in braille: Criminal Law & Procedure. 
The second year of law school is allegedly easier than the first. At least, this second year comes with more freedom, such as the option to live off campus rather than in one of the small dorms. At least his first year he got to meet his best friend: Foggy Nelson. 
Which, speaking of, he was bounding up the steps already with three bags he could barely carry by himself. 
“Matt!” He heard his friend shout from the steps, “Hey, Matt! You here yet?”
Matt met Foggy at the top of the stairs and laughed—he could hear the struggle in his friend’s voice. 
“Why don’t you stop laughin’ at me and grab a bag?!” 
After what felt like hours of going up and down the steps helping Foggy with his bags, and carrying a couch up into the living room, followed by a long goodbye from Foggy’s mom, Matt and Foggy plopped themselves on the couch in exhaustion. 
“Man,” Foggy groaned, “I didn’t know the apartment was on the top floor. I’m beat.”
“Maybe that’s why it was so cheap,” Matt thought, “no one wants to walk up those stairs.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Foggy answered. “Welp, guess I gotta pick a room. You don't think whoever we’re rooming with will mind we chose first, right?”
“Nah,” Matt shrugged, “the apartment listing said whoever gets here first picks. I’m sure it’s fine.”
“Alright. Where’s your room? I’ll pick the one next to it.”
  “I opted for the one farthest in the back,” Matt said, leaning over as Foggy got up to pick a room. He listened as Foggy shuffled between the rooms and moved his bags into his chosen space. 
Matt stayed on the couch, his hearing strayed to the noise that was outside the front windows. Naturally cocking his head, he could hear a local deli closing up for the evening. He could even smell the lingering scent of stale coffee. He heard people closer to Columbia University laughing and getting ready to go out to whatever frat party was going on that night. In the distance, he heard sirens wailing—for what reason, he didn’t know. He didn’t understand the ache that grew in his chest the longer he continued to listen to them. 
“Matt?” Foggy called for him, “You good?”
“Yeah,” Matt stammered. “What did you say?”
“I said let’s get dressed and find a local bar to hang at!” 
That didn’t take much convincing. 
If Matt thought lugging suitcases up the flight of stairs was tough, he wasn’t prepared to walk up the stairs intoxicated. 
“Man, that was a terrible idea. Terrible idea you had,” Foggy slurred as he bumped into Matt on the stairs. Matt let out a laugh as he pushed Foggy back.
“My idea? It was your idea, you asshole,” Matt shot back playfully.
“Was it?” Foggy questioned, “Oh yeah, it was. God, how many stairs are there?”
Everything was spinning inside Matt’s head. He looked up behind his dark glasses and sensed the number of steps. 
“We have four flights left,” Matt said, pausing at the second floor and leaning against the wall.
“Jesus,” Foggy groaned. “Terrible, terrible idea, Matt.”
After fifteen minutes of an agonizingly drunk walk up the stairs, both Matt and Foggy finally made it to their new temporary home and collapsed on the couch at opposite ends. Matt let his head dip back on the couch while Foggy attempted to lift his legs on a spare moving box in front of him. Matt laughed at his attempts; he didn’t have to see to know his friend was struggling. 
“Hopefully our roommates will join us on future bar crawls,” Foggy said aloud. 
“Hopefully they don’t suck.”
“That too,” Foggy agreed. “I think—I think I’m going to call it a night, Matt. I’ll…I’ll talk to you…” and just like that, Foggy Nelson was snoring on the couch with his legs half-propped on a box. Matt forced himself to get up and move to his bed, not before putting a blanket over Foggy and turning the lights off. 
When Matt reached his room, his equilibrium was still making things seem spinning. He stumbled over his suitcase and duffle bag and caught himself on his bed, where he landed on his back. He threw his dark glasses on his desk and shut his eyes, using all his might to avoid listening to the sounds that lay outside the window. Putting himself in the back room was a good idea because it was much easier to ignore what he heard—more importantly, ignore how it made him feel. The liquor in him only swirled those feelings away. 
Matt turned on his side and reached for the Bible he kept under his pillow. He ran his fingers over the braille until he found a particular prayer he was looking for:
“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Because of it the ancients were well attested. By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into being through the invisible.” Hebrews 11:1-3.
Matt rested the Bible on his chest, mind drifting to things of his past, things he only kept hidden and locked away until he was completely alone with himself like he was now. It was heavy. Not the suitcase, not the way his legs felt walking up the steps inebriated, but the weight of the past, creeping up on him when he was alone. 
He fell heavily into a deep sleep. 
Morning came, and so did his hangover. 
Matt was awakened by a knock on his door. Not his door, but the front door. A knock he would not have heard if not for his heightened senses. Throwing his dark glasses on, he rolled out of bed and walked into the living room. On the couch, Foggy still lay asleep, snoring. Matt’s head was pounding and his feet felt like cement as he stalked to the door, the knocking growing more erratic. 
When he opened the door, he was met with an overwhelming waft of sweet beery perfume and bubblegum. The person who stood in front of him—a young woman, he sensed—popped a bubble and clicked the gum inside her mouth. 
“Oh,” a squeaky voice said. “Are you a roomie?”
“I’m Marci,” the young woman introduced herself. She held out her hand, but Matt made no move to shake it. 
“I’m—I’m Matt,” Matt said. He could sense the young woman’s candor by the way she pulled her hand back immediately and placed it on her hip. 
“Are you blind or are you hungover?” She clicked her gum again, taking note he was wearing dark glasses inside. 
Matt’s mouth twitched upwards. He wasn’t offended by her bluntness, only amused. 
“Both,” he simply said. 
“Hm,” she said, “well, I’m your new roomie.” she peered inside to see Foggy sleeping on the couch. “I’ll need help with my suitcases.”
And yet again, Matt was subjected to the torture of helping people bring their suitcases up the long flight of stairs. But if this was someone he was going to be living with for the next year, he thought it better to make friends and help than make enemies and refuse. Even if she was a little brash. 
“Matt?” Foggy groggily opened his eyes to the movement of boxes being lugged around. “Jesus!” Foggy said in the startling realization that Matt was no longer the only one he shared a space with. When he saw the beautiful blonde with her arms crossed and a look of judgment on her face, Foggy thought he might’ve woken up to an angel. 
“I’m Marci Stahl,” she popped her gum again. “Are you going to help bring my stuff up?”
“Absolutely,” Foggy stumbled to his feet, ignoring the spins he felt. Matt suppressed a chuckle as he placed the final box (he decided it was the final box for him now that Foggy was awake) on the ground. Now, it was up to Foggy.
Well, Foggy couldn’t completely help Marci yet before making a trip to the bathroom and yakking up the previous night’s regrets. Marci waited in the hall with her arms crossed. When Foggy met her outside again, he smiled awkwardly as Marci told him where her remaining boxes were. She had her mother waiting outside as well, who couldn’t be bothered to help bring up boxes. 
Matt took this as an opportunity to lock himself in his room and boot up his Orbit Reader to learn of his new schedule, starting Monday. He scrolled to find his classes and their descriptions, and what books he would need for class. With one earplug in, he listened as it read it to him. But not even the Orbit could help drown out Foggy’s attempts at flirting with Marci.
“You’re not so bad, aren’t you?” Marci asked with suspicious eyes at Foggy. Foggy offered a hearty laugh and sat down on a pink velvet love cushion that belonged to Marci. She took a seat at the end of the couch, closest to Foggy. 
“What do you mean?” Foggy shrugged his shoulders, a goofy grin on his face. His long blonde hair peeked out under his green beanie. He had a terrible goatee, but for some reason, made him all the more endearing. 
“Well, we’re all going to be living together this year. Glad the co-ed space I chose has someone willing to carry all my boxes up the steps without complaint. And you’re not an asshole,” Marci rested her elbow on the arm of the couch, studying Foggy carefully. 
“What can I say? I’m pretty charming,” Foggy smiled.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Marci smirked. 
Matt sat at his desk laughing to himself as he listened to their conversation. 
“What are you studying? You’re a grad student?” Foggy asked, ignoring her retort. 
Marci looked at him like it was an obvious question. “I’m in the law school.” 
“Really?! No way!” Foggy exclaimed. “That’s what we’re here for, too. 2L?”
“Of course,” Marci said. “I wouldn’t be here if it were my first year.”
“Hey, maybe it was your third. I don’t know. What kind of law do you want to do?”
“IP, corporate, civil rights,” Marci shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll let it find me.”
“Badass,” Foggy nodded his head in amusement. Marci chuckled and rolled her eyes. 
“What’s up with your friend in there? Why hasn’t he joined us?”
“You’re right,” Foggy agreed. “Matt! Get your ass outta there and come bond with your roommates!”
Matt sighed and leaned back in his uncomfortable wooden chair. It was only a matter of time before he was summoned to socialize. He shut down his Orbit Reader and joined them in the living room, reaching in front of him to find the other end of the couch. 
“Well, I’m here,” Matt simply said with a small smile. He wasn’t really sure what to say.
“You’re the moody one, aren’t you?” Marci said with slight amusement, resting her chin in her hand. Matt chuckled.
“I wouldn’t say moody,” Matt scratched the back of his neck. “Uhh. Maybe I would, actually.”
“Every friendship duo has to have one. Clearly, your friend Foggy here is the opposite,” Marci teased. “My friend is like you, too. Quite type. Locks herself in her room. She should be here soon,” Marci thought aloud.
Matt quirked an eyebrow in curiosity, “Is she our fourth roommate?”
“Sure is. Let me call her real quick.” Marci got up and into her chosen room, the one in the front with the largest windows. 
Now that it was just Foggy and Matt, Foggy immediately bounded over to sit next to Matt on the couch and squeezed his arm.
“Dude, did we get lucky or what?!” Foggy shout whispered. “Rooming with two chicks?!”
Matt pushed his friend away with a laugh, “Foggy, don’t be like that, that’s gross. We’re supposed to be roommates.”
Foggy held his hands up in defense, “I’m just sayin’ man, let things run their course. Oh man, she’s beautiful. Blonde, has sharp features and—“
“Shh,” Matt hushed his friend. “She just got off the phone.”
“She’ll be here in ten minutes,” Marci announced as she walked back into the living. She paused as she noticed how close Matt and Foggy were sitting. “What were you guys talking about?”
“Nothing,” they said in unison, feigning innocence. 
While Foggy and Marci were exchanging life stories and their experiences studying to get into law school, Matt let his senses drift to focus on what else was going on in the building. He didn't want to engage in conversation, especially if the topic was backstories. He wasn’t ashamed of his upbringing at all, nor was he ashamed of where he grew up after his dad died, but he couldn’t deal with the reactions or sympathy his story inevitably brought out of people. He just didn’t feel like dealing with it with Marci, especially given how well her and Foggy’s conversation was already going. What did he have to add to it other than a tragic accident? 
A cool draft floated through the stairs, finding its way in any open creak or door in the building. Some of their downstairs neighbors were still moving in. In another room, someone was twisting a bottle of white wine open. Another attempted to hang a picture frame. Matt could hear the banging of the hammer on the second floor, the vibrations against the wall. He had to hide his grimace when he heard a chair squeak on the hardwood floor. 
Despite these sounds that no one else could hear, Matt had high hopes for the near future. He imagined late-night studying and sleeping in on weekends. He imagined sneaking into frat parties with Foggy and ending the night at local dive bars. 
When he heard the front door open, something shifted in the entire building. Something that caused Matt to move forward on the couch ever so slightly to hear better. The cold draft was replaced by a warmth in the air, followed by the ever-so-faint scent of lavender. Accompanied by the smell was an equally faint heartbeat. This person wasn’t nervous, they were content. He heard them sigh, and at this sound, Matt confirmed he was listening to a young woman. She too had a shoulder bag and suitcase she was lugging around, nothing else. No boxes filled with decorations or other extra things. No family dropped her off. 
Just her. 
She walked up the steps, one by one, and Matt could hear the pauses she took from the amount of stairs. His mouth twitched into a smile, fascinated that she was equally surpassed by the amount of stairs. It was clear that she was their fourth roommate, and it was confirmed when Matt heard her dial a number in her phone and Marci’s began to vibrate. 
“Are you here?” Marci asked through the phone immediately. 
“Yeah,” her friend breathed, “but I didn’t realize how many stairs there were! I’ll be up in five minutes if I’m lucky.”
“Do you need help with your bags? We luckily have two strong, burly men to do any heavy lifting we need,” Marci winked at Foggy. 
“No, I’m okay. I just have two bags. I’ll be right up.”
Marci squealed when she hung up the phone. “She’s here! Let me get the door for her.” 
As Marci walked over to open the front door, both Matt and Foggy stood up from their seats and awaited their fourth roommate’s arrival. Foggy waited like an excited puppy as he watched Marci lean in the doorway for her friend. Matt stood awkwardly, terrible at first encounters. He kept his hands in his pockets and tilted his head low, feeling more comfortable behind his dark glasses and chocolate brown hair that fell right over his eyes. The scent of lavender grew stronger the closer she made it to the apartment. 
And when she walked in, no longer did Matt hear the creak in the wood, the downstairs neighbors’ chatter, the outside city noises. No longer did he feel the cool draft from outside, or his own nervous heart beating in his chest. All of his senses, and all of his focus, were on her. The one other roommate who showed up alone, with no family, with nothing but two bags, and possibly an equally lonely heart. 
TAGS: @marvelcinematiquniverse
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windywallflower · 11 months
We're a small queer duo making comics and we have...???
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We've been telling folks this is kind of a Mad Max meets Greek Mythology, my brother said its more like a Disney's Hercules meets Borderlands-- all of these are absolutely wrong but we'd be lying if we weren't inspired by them all even just a little bit. Its queer, this group of misfits is a found family out in some junky little desert where the cash is literal liquid (water) and the people are rough around the edges. August and her team just want to be heroes but maybe pissing off rich people comes at a bit of a nasty price.
We're working on Chapter 2 right now and will be back to regular updates in August this year!! You have a whole honkin 75-page first chapter to read already!! HURRY!!
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You want vampires? You want werewolves? You want them to kiss? You want them to flirt? You want that gross gooey shit that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside? Look no further, we're throwing a layer of sapphic over all of these babes and ripping the drama rug out from under them-- okay I'm losing my train of thought here.
Winny's never known much about the supernatural side of Merlot aside from the fact that werewolves exist, so what does she do when she suddenly becomes one? Well she sets up a shelter with her best bud Odile (also turned werewolf) and takes in visitors during full moons. Except one night a vampire stops at their doorstep... what are they even supposed to do with that?
We've got 3 volumes up on our shop and are now uploading them on a schedule to make the story free to read online!! We're nice like that.
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Hey so, you totally know what its like when you're living your life absolutely normally, totally unbothered, just having an average time living and then suddenly your best friend is actually a monster and your whole life goes to shit and you meet a shifter who turns into a seagull and I guess he's you're new best friend now and--
No? Well you can definitely learn what that feels like reading through 700-800 pages of Sanity Circus up riGHT NOW--
I know... its on hiatus... its not been updating REGULARLY--if I catch you making my partner feel guilty about it I'm breaking through your screen and kicking your ass. It's not dead, the whole ending is planned. Its gonna be killer I promise.
Now go read for a bit!!
(and reasons why you should pledge-- you're getting like a 3-for-1 deal here we have so much to unpack, this is barely the tip of the iceberg!!)
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Hey you mighta seen some of this... looks familiar...?? You should pledge and find out a little bit more, help us out making them all so we don't have to worry & stress about bills! Gosh wouldn't that be something~!
(We also have a shop, though if subscriptions aren't your jam.
AND WE ALSO HAVE A NEWSLETTER we update once a month for folks who might not be able to spend money right now, you can be in the loop of everything we're working on and what's coming up~!)
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skaikruswan · 2 years
did you watch the new episode of Sandman today? Can you write about y/n jealous of meeting Calliope
I don't know if it makes a difference, but y/n is human 🙃
The green-eyed monster
WC: 1k
Relationship: Morpheus x reader
Notes: As requested, jealousy, established relationship, slight spoilers for 1x11.
Dear anon, thanks for your request :D I hope I understood it correctly.
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Standing in your room inside the palace, you watch through the window as you wait for Morpheus to return. You love the Dreaming. You adore the vast expanses filled with wonder, a refuge for every dreaming soul. 
With Morpheus by your side, you’ve started exploring and every night has become a miraculous adventure. You’ve spent a long time wrapping your head around the fact that the man you once considered to be nothing more than a figment of your imagination is the ruler of this realm. What’s even more incredible is that you have his attention and affection. It’s literally a dream come true. 
You tap your foot against the marble floor, every past minute feeling like an hour. What are you supposed to do as the man you love is rescuing his ex-wife? After Morpheus had received her message, he had immediately departed. 
“Calliope needs my aid. I shall return as soon as I can.” 
Morpheus has left, and it almost feels as if he has left you. You would never presume to demand his attention, yet it irks you how quickly he responded to her call. Never has the Dreaming felt lonelier and more like a prison, and you almost wish that you could wake up and find comfort in reality. 
Would he even care if you’re gone? The thought bites at you like a serpent and you feel as if the poison spreads, turning you more bitter by the second. 
You let out a groan and make your way to the library. The many bookshelves filled with volumes of every story as well as chronicles of past lives always ground you. Maybe Lucienne has time for a chat. 
The scent of leather and paper puts your mind at ease, and you saunter through the library, your fingertips brushing against the polished wood of the shelves. 
“Lucienne, I hope I don’t interrupt. Can I help you?” you say to the librarian. Lucienne, always looking prim in her suit, gives you a polite smile after storing away a particular ancient-looking tome. 
“It’s kind of you to offer, but everything is under control,” she replies, adjusting her glasses. Your shoulders slouch as you starting to feel restless. 
“What is Calliope like?” The question has left your lips before you can stop. You know that no good can come from learning more about her, but your curiosity is relentless. 
“Calliope is the youngest of the nine sisters, also known as the muses. She has been imprisoned by a mortal,” Lucienne explains, before clicking her tongue. Is she withholding information, so you don’t feel bad? Well, the damage is done anyway. Your knowledge about Greek mythology tells you that a muse is a goddess of inspiration. Didn’t one of them inspire Homer? 
Calliope has been imprisoned by humans, just like Morpheus. Chances are that they are catching up, sharing experiences, and remembering adventures long past. 
You feel your heart fall into your stomach. How can you compete against a goddess who suffered through the same horror than Morpheus? 
“Calliope? Man, her beauty and grace were enough to inspire humans and even dreams. I remember the time when she walked through the realm. The sweetest melodies would fill the halls and the boss even managed to crack two smiles a day!” Merv reminisces, looking as thoughtful as a carved pumpkin can, and you bite the inside of your jaw. 
A beautiful and graceful goddess is a much better match for the God of dreams than you are, your insecurity cackles. You give Lucienne and Merv a small wave before you rush towards the entrance of the palace, trying to keep your emotions off your face. 
Maybe a stroll through Fiddler’s Green will calm you down? The grass tickling your skin, the scent of flowers and the soft murmur of the leaves in the wind will keep at least keep your body occupied. 
Morpheus surely took her here too. Maybe she made the flowers sing and had animals dance around them. 
You sit cross-legged in your favorite meadow, tearing out the grass, wishing your mind would just shut up. While you knew about jealousy, you’ve never experienced it like that. Green-eyed monster indeed. 
Why did she have to ask for help now? Why couldn’t she wait a little longer? She should no longer have any claim over Morpheus, right? 
In the end, you choose to return to the confines of your own dream, comfortable in a beach chair on the beach and listening to the lullaby of the waves. It’s probably better this way. You wish you could say that you were a better person, and you feel awful about it, but you don’t think that you could smile at Calliope without turning green.
Morpheus announces himself by clearing his throat, and you do your best to control your emotions. You will be kind, understanding and the opposite of jealous. 
“Morpheus,” you say and stand up, smiling at him. No matter how often you see him, you will always be struck by his otherworldly beauty, his dark clothing and hair making his pale skin shine like marble. The sharp angles of his face probably inspired artists through the ages. 
“My love.” Hearing him utter these words in his deep baritone will never grow old. You wish you could record it. 
“Did you help Calliope?” you ask, keeping your voice polite as you await his answer, digging your toes into the sand. 
“Yes, she’s free now.” Morpheus gives an inscrutable look at the sea, and you try not to panic. Free to make a move on her ex-husband?
“Free to return here?”  
“One day, perhaps, but not now.” You are a terrible person but after his answer, you feel your shoulders drop as the tension leaves you. 
“My love, were you jealous?” Morpheus gives you an inquiring look, his arms crossed, but his lips are almost quirking up. You curse your luck and let out a long sigh. 
“How could I not? Calliope is after all a beautiful goddess, and well, I am me, a simple human, and …” You can’t continue your rant, for Morpheus steals your breath by pressing his lips against yours, and you melt at his gentle touch. 
“You hold my heart, not her,” Morpheus says, his hands cupping your face, and you feel relief and affection flow through you. 
“Just like you hold mine.” 
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modelbus · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
can I request a cc!Wilbur were he has a crush on the reader, they work in a library. And when signing the books back in, he leaves note for them.
Have a amazing day <3
I actually love this so much; I just couldn't stop smiling while writing this. I don't know if you meant that he admired from afar, but I took kind of a different route that I haven't seen before :D
Library Love
pairing: cc!Wilbur x Gn!Reader
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The first time he comes in is like any other day.
You're behind the checkout counter, reading a book you had grabbed earlier. A huge perk of your job at the library meant that you could grab a book whenever. It was awesome! But you're reading, so absorbed that you almost miss the person approaching.
Luckily, you don't miss him. It was kind of hard to, actually. He was tall, had to be reaching over six foot. With brown hair and circular glasses perched on his nose, it was a bit hard not to think of him as at least a little bit attractive.
"Could I check out these books please?" He asked, eyes meeting yours for just a second before flicking away again.
"Of course." You replied. That was kind of your whole job, after all. "Do you have a library card?"
"They're free if you want one, makes it a lot easier to check out books."
Of course, it only worked if he came back. You'd definitely never seen him before so maybe this was a one-time thing.
After a moment, he nods slowly. "Sure, I'll take one."
Oh, wow. Normally people just gave a polite nod and didn't get one. This stranger wasn't too bad then.
"Great! You just have to fill out this paperwork." Upon seeing a grimace flicker through his face, you make a joke. "Don't be scared, there's no waiver."
To your surprise, your shitty joke makes him laugh. "Thank God. I'm not legally allowed to sign them after Disney World."
"What happened in Disney world?"
With a smile, he doesn't respond. Guess he was funny, too.
When he returns the paperwork, you give it a glance before filling out the details on the computer and printing his card. His books are added onto it, a strange mix of Greek mythology and historic composers.
"Here you go. The books are due back in two weeks. Any damages you can be fined for, and failure to return them will result in a fine."
"Don't worry, I'll be back." He promises, taking both the books and his card.
With that, he strides out of the library. Strange, to get a new face. Even stranger for it to be someone as cute as him.
As you go about the rest of your day, all you can think about is the name you entered on his card.
Luckily for you, he kept coming back.
Each time you can't help but watch him as he wanders around the library, abandoning your book. Something about him just drew your eyes to him.
When he would eventually check out more books, you'd make an effort to have a conversation. It's how you got to know that he actually writes music and plays the guitar, how you learned that he's twenty-five. It's also how he learned about you.
Somehow he was effortlessly funny, but always managed to come off as shy. From the way he avoids your eyes, you almost thought him afraid of eye contact. Undeniably, he was charming. You'd be a liar if you said you didn't have a little bit of a crush on him.
Unfortunately for you, he was just a regular. A person with increasingly odd book choices (seriously, Pride and Prejudice and The Art of War?), destined for you to never see outside the confinement of the four walls of the library.
You did enjoy seeing him though. Perhaps too much for someone you didn't even have the number of. Well, that was a lie. He had written it down on the paperwork as required, but that felt too weird.
For now you contented yourself with looking up every time the door opened, hoping it was him. Eagerly awaiting the next time you could converse. Wilbur wasn't just a regular anymore, he was your favorite regular.
So, the second he walks in, it's not hard to notice something off about him. The smile he normally wore was gone, replaced by a nervous look. You hadn't seen him in almost two weeks, meaning he was just barely making the due date for his books.
For a guy who had been showing up three times a week for months, it had gotten you a little worried.
"Hey, Wil." You greet, automatically smiling just at the sight of him. "I was starting to think you were dead."
He shakes his head, mumbling something that you can't quite hear.
"Are you okay?" You ask, now getting worried.
Wilbur nods, setting the two books he holds on the counter.
"Gotta go." He quickly says, turning and rushing out.
You're left staring at the closing door, mouth open. What the hell? That wasn't normal at all. You close your eyes and think about what just occured.
He hadn't looked great, for starters. With messy hair and circles under his eyes, it was clear he lost sleep for some reason. The normally composed man had turned into a mess in two weeks.
Wait, he hadn't checked out any new books!
At least you knew he had to come back when he checked out books, but now there was nothing to force him to come back. You very well could never see him again.
Hopefully you were just jumping ahead and overthinking it though. Maybe he had gotten busy with whatever his job was or writing music. Maybe he was just too tired to uphold a conversation.
You reach forward and grab the first book, a collection of poems. You've never personally read this particular book, but he seemed to enjoy a lot of poetry. After checking it in, you place it on the book cart to shelve later.
His last book was another poetry book, one that you've actually read. It wasn't a long read, but it was quite good. When you pick it up a piece of lined notebook paper slips out from the thin pages.
Barely managing to grab it before it falls to the floor, you set the book back on the desk and unfold the paper. He had never left anything in a book before, but maybe this was important.
Eyes skimming through, trying your best not to invade his privacy, you almost miss the fact it's a letter. And not to anybody, but to you. He had written you a letter and left it in the book.
Now aware that it's meant for your eyes, you reread it. Carefully this time, soaking up each and every word.
I keep reading these poetry books to try and write a poem of my own to impress you into going on a date with me, but it's not working. My apologies if this is weird, but I just can't stop thinking about you. Ever since the moment I walked into the library, you've consumed my every thought to the point where I come back just for you. You're just I think I'm rambling. Sorry. Would you be interested in going on a date with me?
He was asking you on a date. Somehow, the letter, short and scrawled messily with crossed out words, was the most romantic thing you've ever read. From Shakespeare to Austen, nothing came close.
Suddenly his behavior all made sense. The way he rushed out, how he avoided your eyes. He was nervous!
The idea that you'd refuse is so ridiculous that you almost laugh. Searching for your phone, you're about to message him when you freeze.
The idiot didn't include his phone number.
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mrsshabana · 9 months
Hello! I hope you're having a good day, I'm not very good with English so I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes I may have <(_ _)>
I've been thinking about this for about, um, 20 minutes, very little, I know, I just, I was watching videos about the story of Hades and Persephone, from Greek mythology and- about how he kidnaps her to become his wife and- obviously I'm not talking about real life, but I couldn't help but get excited when imagining a plot like that with Gyutaro, although I don't think he is king of something, I feel like he wouldn't like it (although it's not a fixed opinion, I'm still learning from him as a character and I don't know if anyone else or you has a different perspective on that, if so, I would really like to know please!( •̀ ω •́ )✧♥) so I thought of Douma as the king of the underworld(?) and Gyutaro as one of the high ones controls there (????) very strange, I know, I'm just very excited to talk about him, but I don't have friends who like Gyutaro (although they don't dislike him either, they just don't take him into account cries), I was wondering what a relationship originating from a long-term kidnapping would be like (FICTITIALLY SPEAKING), also what could have happened for him to develop an interest in us, basically, what did we do for him to decide to take the first step?
It's just some things I wonder sometimes, but you don't have to answer this!!!Σ(っ > Д <;)っ This is literally me rambling, I already feel happy just by finding more people who like this incredible guy! points to her Gyutaro mug, I adore your writings and drawings, if I could give kudos per chapter I WOULD DO IT, I send you my best wishes☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆. and hope soon to be able to write you something more structured than this haha
I love this idea! I'll be honest though, I don't know very much about greek mythology. And the only things I do know is what I learned from Poptropica.
So, I can't comment much about how I feel he'd fit into greek mythology but if anyone has any ideas feel free to share them in the comments! I'd love to hear.
But I can tell you what I think would make Gyutaro want to kidnap you to force you into a relationship with him.
It'd probably have to do with an act of kindness. Maybe you went out of your way to say something nice to him, or maybe you smiled at him when he was having a bad day. It wouldn't have to be something very big to make him become obsessed with you. As long as he felt like you looked at him differently than others had his entire life. Like he's a human being, and not some ugly freak.
It'd be difficult to adjust to being with him at first, especially because he literally kidnapped you. But over time you'd be able to grow close to him. He'd put on a tough front, like he's in control and just wants you to do as he says. But when you get to know him better you'd learn that he really just wants someone to accept him for who he is and show him affection. 💚
I also just wanted to say, I really appreciate your question! And it makes me so so happy to know you enjoy my writing! Thanks so much for the kind words and being so supportive. ♪(^∇^*)
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ratfuzz · 1 year
♡cupid!cartman x imp!reader headcanons⛧
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pairing: eric cartman x reader
warnings: suggestive themes
a/n: okay, first of all, it's cupid cartman, not cupid me (sounds weird...), count it as an au where cartman is cupid himself, lol. second of all, imagine cupid cartman as adult human being or i'll crawl out of your wall and stab you with a knife
uhm, anyway, this just came to my mind and i thought it was funny, so here it is. not sure if it could count as headcanons actually, but whatever ig (man i love talking)
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i don't know how the hell could you end up like this, but i guess imps can have some type romantic feelings too.
it makes it worse knowing your romantic interest is cupid, a literal god. whatever, deal with it now, hon.
well, it's not the worst it could be y'know, even though eric didn't believe your love at first. don't judge him, he's still a god, he can't just give in to temptation of every imp, okay?
even like this you couldn't leave him alone. distracting from his work (not like he does much🙄 lazy ass) or being a homewrecker only to get some attention from him.
uh oh, i think eric is pissed...unless?
oh, of course he's into brats, who would've thunk that
maybe he didn't fall in love with you, but totally did with your playful disobeying after every time he tried to stop you somehow. that's what made him succumb to you
he's letting you be with him on his work now!! but lord save you from fucking something up.
no, of course he won't try to kill you, of course not, he can't lose such a precious diamond like you, dark entity that fell in love with him and almost submitting to everything he says (almost), this makes him feel so powerful.
but you remember that cupid is coming from greek mythology, right? so yeah, he doesn't resist his sexual desires. sometimes he just acts like you did something wrong that messed up all his work, so he can feel you once more. and now you are going to be messed up. not like you're against it, you need to fulfill your desires too and he's pretty good at it
okay, let's save it all for later, dirty little creature, i have one more thing for you
eric also tried to teach you how to use a bow and for some reason it actually felt so...intimate? and not in a sexual sense. just how his hands held yours guiding them, that felt so sweet, you could even say it felt loving.
maybe he really fell in love with you
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a/n: yeah, i think teaching you things eric actually knows how to do is his love language, what are you going to do about it. and, ugh, i need to learn how to put up my thoughts in text normally, but this shit makes me want to cry
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randomnameless · 10 months
Faerghus is based on Russia and Adrestia on Rome right? I can't tell why they made the agarthan language Russian. Is it some kinda big brain move to connect them like Ancient Greece and Rome are connected, or was that just a coincidence?
On another note, some nabatean names (among other things) are inspired by Celtic/Irish mythology so their language can even be old Irish.
In the end it depends on who you attribute Ancient Greece to. It could be the original of both of their cultures and they split off and did their own thing? Idk, we just don't know enough...
I don't remember where I saw that post (maybe the dev interview from 2020?) but Faerghus's real life inspirations was a mix match between various "northern" "european" countries, idk, Fr-england-ssia or something like this.
While Adrestia has a coliseum and used to rule over "the world" a long time ago, Enbarr's current architecture is closer to the eastern part of the roman empire (that'd later be called the byzantine empire!) who... used way more greek than latin! IIRC in that same interview the devs said Adrestia was inspired by Germany and Italy? Italian inspirations (historical at least) are evident with the coliseum and Enbarr's palace (it has a crapton of mosaics in Nopes!) while the German ones can be spot through names of Adrestian characters and particles, and how squads are called.
I think the first historical nonsense that pissed me was about someone trying to fit ancient greece/rome in the Nabatean/Agarthan conflict - but reading too much about languages and irl parallels, while fun to honeypot, is ultimately a sterile debate when Japan has been known to use several languages/names in various video games because they sounded cool/exotic enough (Jugdral's Sigurd and Deirdre and Chulainn come to mind, but then Granvalle's knight squads made me learn the name of some colors in german!) - even if Agarthan units being named after ancient sages, and their titans - i mean giant robots - having an arte called "titanomachy" is pretty revealing on the aesthetic the devs wanted to give them, which is also all kinds of interesting when you take into account that Rhea is the only one of Sothis's kids who is named in this fashion - from her name we could guess she's an Agarthan, but no, Sothis named her youngest kid the Agarthan way?
Anyways, I thought about it for funsies in the original language post (rather, tags) to be something like aramaic, with an alphabet that would be so different from modern day Fodlan's alphabet that randoms who never thought those symbols might be letters would just, ignore it - but it's basically headcanon land.
If nabatean language came from Sothis, is it like "the blue sea star's language", or are they even communicating in "Nabatean" through words, can this language be vocalised by humans, is it like entish, or was it kept secret and only used between Nabateans like Tolkien's khuzdul?
Or, about Agarthans - maybe they used a certain language before being wiped out and shared it with those lizards and some other random humans, Sothis confined them underground, Enbarrians kept on using the Agarthan language and through centuries of usage it eventually branched to become the Enbarr language - and pissed to speak something even similar to the language of those beasts, Agarthans evolved their original language to the one we can now spot in Shambala?
#anon#replies#idk if it makes sense#usually i wouldn't think too much abotu comparing a fictional coutnry to its rl inspiration#even if some parallels sting like#uh Almyra#and Adrestia's leader suddenly sprouting a dubious rhetoric about people sekritly controling the world and hoarding gold#imagine Chilon being so pissed because he wrote the Illiad back then#and then some beast in what is now Enbarr found it and plays it in a random odeon like#no that's his!!!#Rhea being named 'Rhea' when ancient greek names are agarthans in nature is fascinating#like maybe Sothis wanted to break peace with them and picking her latest kid's name like this was supposed to be a sign of pacification?#i don't think we are supposed to see links between who is connected or not#i saw a stupid post early in 2020 basically saying nabateans were liek rome and stole tech from the greek agarthans#but dude#the tech Agartha had came from Sothis and the Nabateans word of god said so#if anyone has screenshots of Zanado hit me plz#I'd like to check the background#from what I rememeber we can spot ruins of aqueducts ?#I thought about aramaic bcs of Sothis and Seiros's religions#but maybe nabatean was something like akkadian?#damn now i'm imagining young!Cichol reading a bedtime story to even younger!Rhea and siblings#like the epic of one of their sibling and his human partner heavily inspired by the epic of gilgamesh#Enbarr being way more inspired aesthically by the eastern roman empire rather than the western one we keep on seeing everywhere was a choic#I still dig it though#FE16#nabatean stuff#sort of since we talk about their languages and it spiralled in me ranting about i don't even know what lol
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illeaadante · 10 months
Concept: the Alien Legendarium
We (the people in the Humans are Weird fandom) have touched on humans love of story and storytelling despite medium, but what I don't think we've really gone into is just how much.
And especially stories from other cultures. Every kid I knew growing up went through a(t least) a phase of obsession over different mythologies. I myself have a deep love of all fairytales.
So, maybe Aliens would be surprised at how much we love stories and how many stories we tell and retell, especially to them. What if other alien cultures didn't share their stories? Their histories, sure, that's necessary for politics and stuff, but what if they never thought to be interested in each other's myths or religions.
We all know that would never fly with humans. The first time someone caught a whiff of a culture's founding myth or creation story there would be at least a small, dedicated group of humans ready to ferret out every version they could get their little raccoon hands on.
Even more interesting if an alien culture doesn't seem to have any myths, legends, or urban legends. I honestly can't imagine a society without things like local ghost stories or religious conspiracy theories, so seeing one, or at least one that appears to not have any of those things, would be fascinating.
Of course, my definition of legend is very broad, so, for instance, it would be incredibly funny for an alien to come up against some of the common social myths. (The first alien to take an exam with a bunch of humans and hear "Y'know that if someone dies during an exam, everyone else gets an A. So, who's takin' one for the team?" definitely almost has a heart attack.) And, and! the aliens know that plenty of humans are alien/monster fuckers, but they're absolutely flabbergasted at the idea that the humans want to fuck their monsters??? Like, the ones from their mythologies??? How did you even know what a Xin'krakx is much less what it looks like?
I'm digressing a bit. Think of how strange humans would seem though, if aliens suddenly had to figure out how to deal with converts to their religions? They go out to see a movie and it's a human retelling of their creation myth that most of them barely know, so how did the human know about it?
And then! The aliens start hearing their own stories, songs written about their folk heroes and legendary kings, seeing artwork and religious writings hundreds of light years away from their home. How did it get there? The humans liked it. Your culture's creation myth is now written down in this beautifully illuminated and hand bound leather tome in both a human language and your native language.
Imagine the confusion.
Imagine the culture clash.
Imagine the space sjws who are convinced that making a short film based on a myth from an alien culture is appropriative, despite the people from the culture in question having no problem with it other than being perplexed at why the humans care about heroes that aren't human or otherwise from earth and from their own stories.
And of course, humans being humans, we would do what we do and collect all of these myths in one place. I can imagine that each alien culture would have at least one volume of legends translated into a human language each that are constantly getting new additions when the researchers resurface. The Aarne-Thompson-Uther multilingual folktale database expands rapidly as well as any cryptid compendiums. Children start going through Andromeda-6 and Corscal-14 mythology phases as well as greek or egyptian or japanese or aztec.
And we do what we also do, and we mix up those stories. We retell them and mash them together regardless of cultural origin. We tell them and retell them and many of us dedicate our lives to studying and learning about them and what they can tell us about the perceptions of the early culture and their values and experiences.
Idk, I just think it'd be interesting.
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windywallflower · 22 hours
Its a very late post into pride month here (we've been exercising sleep-month jk... we've been kinda scrambling to get back on top of everything after May. Idk what it is but every year is the same).
But HEY! If you don't know who we are yet, we're Tas & Winter and we run a small minipub called Windy & Wallflower where we write a bunch of fun stories featuring gaggles of queer characters.
Note: on our shop ALL of our PDFs are 5$ no matter if its comics, prose, zines, what have you (some of our older stuff is free/pwyw).
But here's a VERY quick run down of our series/titles!
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AUGUSTINE - is our newest webcomic! A series we lovingly dub as our junkpunk meets greek mythology, borderlands meets hercules, mad max meets... uhhh uhhh t-troy?? ENOUGH COMPARISONS. You've got a found family of freaks who get into trouble pissing off local landlords in a crusty pit of desert lovingly called the Crater. Maybe the group relies on their leader a bit too much, maybe she DOESNT know what she's doing. Maaaaybe we'll find out what happens ... when she ... [spoilerspoilerpsoiler] (You CAN buy the PDF on our shop, the physical copy of Volume 1 OR you can also catch up and read it FOR FREE online!) (.....yes its coming back v soon we're almost done rebuilding the buffer i promise)
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MYTH RETOLD - Is prose! Retelling Greek myths but with a queer twist. There are 3 in the series so far: Iphigenia (sapphic babes, Iphigenia gets to KISS Artemis? mmm~), Medusa (maybe she meets a transmasc Perseus... maybe its just bi af and Medusa DOES get a happy en-- wait spoilers--) & Atalanta (what can i say, im a sucker for sapphics... Atalanta x Dyktinna) with loose plans to make ... even More. (You can also get all of these as PDFs or as physical copies... im a sucker for the physical since I went pretty hard with the foil ANd spot gloss--)
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PAINT THE TOWN RED - is our other major ongoing comic of the queer persuasion (are we... starting to notice a pattern--). This one with a main cast consisting of Vampires, Werewolves.... ... and other mysterious babes. Story opens up with a werewolf shelter, but what happens when a vampire shows up one night?? Hmmm. Looks like things are a lot messier in Merlot than we thought~ This one releases in volumes first so you can grab them all on our shop OR you can test it out for yourself and see if its your thing by reading the first 2 volumes for FREE online~!)
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PRISM KNIGHTS - A series of short stories (loosely based on fairytales) in the POV of queer knights! Each story is a 'different shade of queer'. You will be hearing a LOT about these two in the next month because we're funding the paperback print of the omnibus so here are the highlights:
Coquelicot: Evil lesbian knights.
Bronze: A nonbinary, ace knight caught in a time loop.
Lamplight: A haunted trans knight learns to love the beast within.
Juniper: A tragic gay knight meets his blacksmith boyfriend.
Sapphire: A polyship between a dragon, a knight and a royal.
Velvet: A sad bisexual knight overcoming grief.
You can snag ALL of the PDFs on our shop though a lot of the physical copies are out of stock because, as mentioned, we're hosting a campaign to reprint soon. You can follow along to be notified the second we launch! (We'll need a LOT of help pushing this one since... um... it IS a reprint).
THAT'S my schpeel. I know we try our best to offer our stories free/as cheap as we can possibly make them to keep them accessible so if you CAN afford to spend a bit this pride consider checking out our shop! You'd be doing us a real solid.
We have a TON of really cool stories in the works all of them extremely queer so any little bit goes a long way, boosting, sharing, buying, telling your libraries about us.... hinthint, everything helps!!
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foxtricksterwriting · 8 months
A piece of the pie MC
Author's Note: here they be lol
Tags: @piece-of-the-pie-if
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Name: Elijah Bosch ("Hey, dude! What's up? ....Sure, sit with us! We've got you, man!")
Alias: Peach
Gender + Pronouns: Agender + They/them
More About Them: The class clown, they go out of their way to be chaotic and make others laugh. They love to tease. Not quick to anger, they'll get uncomfortable before they get angry. They're nosey and like knowing the latest gossip. When they end up being at the center of said gossip, they actually laugh about it! ("Lmao, how did this shit get started? Heh, maybe I can stir the pot more~")
They talk a lot, all the time and to everyone. People can say that they're obnoxious and annoying and they'll agree. They also talk really fast and can mix up or trip over their words when excited, which is often. They're pretty friendly and often try to get to know new kids in their school, offering a place at their lunch table or help with schoolwork. They're an average student, grades wise.
Elijah is very, very new to romantic feelings and prior to the events of PotP, they thought that they were aromantic. Thanks to this they are awkward around the object of their affection and never sure what to say or how to handle it. It's one of the few things that make them nervous. They'll end up stuttering and fumbling their words more than usual.
Fun Facts;
Pinterest here
Literally made of allergies; allergic to nuts, shellfish, wasps and bees, aspirin, pollen, latex, some dish soaps and more. Also lactose intolerant, but they don't care much about that one. ("You still drinking that milkshake? Can I have it? I don't give two shits, a milkshake is worth it, now can I have it?")
Favorite pie is apple; it's the first thing they learned to bake. It's a family recipe, really simple but that's what makes it good.
Has painstakingly crafted a long furby. Probably annoyed their friends into helping make said long furby. Once wore it around their shoulders like a scarf for Halloween. ("Uhm, excuse you. Her name is Starlight and she has committed so crimes.")
Got some stick and poke tattoos to see what it felt like. They ended up liking them a lot and plans on getting more tattoos.
They love video games and play basically everything. Their favorites are Hades and Ib. They are always looking for opportunities to talk about the latest games they've played.... they're basically a walking ad lol. ("Hey hey, have I told you about Hades yet? The game Hades? The greek mythology inspired hack-and-slash with beautiful graphics--")
Elijah enjoys baking and cooking, they're not the best at it but they find the process fun. Would love to have their partner just sit on the counter while they bake, they'd let 'em try whatever they're working on lol.
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mysterious-gizem · 2 years
A God With No Control
*Disclaimer—Not everything in this story is accurate about Greek mythology so yea*
TW:Mentions of Abuse.
"NO, NO, NO FOR GOD SAKES YOU USELESS BRAT CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT!?" Zeus—Dream's father—Scolded the child, Dream was only 6 and his father expected so much of him. Well Dream was only a Demi-god atleast he thought he was...
"I'm sorry father I'll do better next time..." Dream shuddered speaking he knew how his father would be when he's extremely mad the bruises on him was all the proof needed—"IT WONT BE NEXT TIME, YOU WONT STOP UNTIL YOU CAN ATLEAST CREATE LIGHTING." His father spoke in a very annoyed tone, Dream's breath became uneven he didn't have alot of control and his father knew that—But he was making him create lightning...
Oh poor Dream if he doesn't control his powers soon such a simple spark could go so wrong~
Eventually Dream had almost no progress no matter how hard he tried—It did not end well with his father that day when he asked to show his progress—He got tired of training his son, He paid no attention to him no more, He left him to learn how to take care of himself. His father left him alone.
Dream couldn't control his powers— Whenever he tried to practice it always ended up dreadful, He never used them again he practically was just a watcher as he saw all the others using their powers, some with so much grace and some with not so much. But either way they were doing so much better than him.
"Hey Nerd!" The piglin hybrid ran up to the blond, Dream chuckled then responded "Hey Techno."
—Techno was a blood god, God's like him are hard to find nowadays but they still existed ofcourse—"Anyways what did you need?" Dream asked the hybrid.
"Well I never really seen you use your powers and you're the son of Zeus so surely you have cool powers." Techno told the blond with the aura of curiosity surrounding the pinkette, Dream stared—He stared in shock, He was 17 now and has never used his powers since. He probably even forgot how to use them anyways.
" I uhm-...I don't think I remember how it's...It's been a while." Dream answered truthfully, "Dream I know you know how just show meee." Techno said pretending to be whiny.
Hundreds or maybe even thousands of thoughts raced across Dream's mind.
'You can't do it you'll just end up hurting someone.'
'Ugh just show him you're acting so weak.'
'So pathetic...'
'Such a disappointment.'
Voices...Dream always heard voices whenever someone brought up the conversation of his power, They wanted him to use his power because they know it could go haywire.
"-arth to Dream?" Techno spoke waving his hand infront of the taller snapping him out of his thoughts, "Yea sorry, sorry." Dream answered as he fiddled with his cloak "So can you show me?" Techno pleaded to the blond.
"Fine-" Dream hesitantly answered as he switched his gaze to his hands to the tip of his fingers. "Cmon let's go to the forest near the town." Techno said turning around and heading there, Although Dream's breath hitched alot of other god's stayed in that area that means most of them would see him.
"Cmon, Look it's easy." The half-piglin said waving his hands as a glowing red orb appeared then disappeared leaving a smoky aura as it also faded away, Dream tried to remember how to atleast create a spark but he could feel a rumble in his chest.
He held his hands as he focused his energy, He felt a spark on the tip of his fingers—In the side Techno watched as what was about to unfold—Sweat dripped down the blond's forehead as his control was slipping away he could feel his power swirling around him. He gritted his teeth before something happened...Something he dreaded and wish wouldn't happen.
He lost control...
Smoke was evident in the scene as a crowd gathered around wondering what went on, As the smoke cleared everyone gasped at the sight—There was Dream kneeling down shaking with beautiful black-feathered wings, His eyes glowed an even more vibrant green—.
Others stared at the blond—Demi-Gods weren't supposed to look like that right?—As whispers filled the silence Techno looked at his friend he saw something in Dream snap and he went ballistic.
Techno watched as Dream used his powers so gracefully to attack the other god's at the scene—Techno knew Dream for so long he knew he hadn't had much control but today he tried to push him—This wasn't Dream...
Dream didn't know how to use his powers and he definitely wouldn't try to hurt anyone...
But here Techno stood alongside other god's fighting the blond they didn't realize until it was a bit too late that their attacks did nothing and during that the 'demi-god' grew slightly he was much more taller than Techno knew, Everyone continued trying to weaken the giant as other tried informing Dream's father.
Dream's father—Zues—was ecstatic hearing his 'son' could control his power but that happiness soon ended as he saw the destruction scattered across his land and the bloodied and bruised god's lying on the ground...
I hope you liked my first oneshot I posted :^
Forgive me for my typos or grammar English also isn't my 1st language.
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 years
*Thor: Love and Thunder SPOILERS*
Here's part 2 of my thoughts on this movie.
Stormbreaker is sentient in this movie like Mjolnir.....SINCE WHEN?!?! The weapon never showed signs of being sentient in Infinity War nor in Endgame, so why now in Love and Thunder is it sentient here?! I'll tell you why. It was for an unnecessary plot point of having the ax be jealous of the hammer cause Thor wanted to call Mjolnir and Thor has to talk to Stormbreaker to reassure it that the ax isn't getting replaced.....that's why! 🤦‍♀️
Jane being Mighty Thor was actually cool to see. I'm surprised that she can fight in that form cause I didn't think she had experience in combat. Must've been something granted by the hammer.
Speaking of the hammer, apparently Thor put an enchantment on Mjolnir to protect Jane when she needs it...oh okay! Apparently, Thor can do that. Maybe he wasn't aware he can do that, but I don't know.
Oh yeah, how the two broke up. It was a "Dear John" letter....I'm not kidding, Jane wrote a breakup letter to Thor and left. Y'know, I didn't mind learning how the two broke up, but there was a nice deleted scene in Thor: The Dark World with the two and it was more serious and emotional than the scene we got in Love and Thunder. I wish that was where the Thor and Jane broke up cause that came off more amicable than the official breakup.
There's a place called the Shadow Realm which is where Gorr is hiding with the kids he's taken. Now, there is a Shadow Realm in the comics, which contained the Soul Masters and I think Knull and the symbiotes reside there too, but I could be wrong with that. But, in the MCU, it's just a barren planet of infinite darkness. Everything's black and white, no color. Also, every time the Shadow Realm gets mentioned in this movie, I think of Yu-Gi-Oh! 😆
Russel Crowe as Zeus....oof....big oof. I don't know if it's because of the actor or if this is how Zeus is supposed to be portrayed in this movie, but Zeus was just....yeah. Well, they definitely set him off to be a future antagonist. And, he's an @$$hole here, which honestly shouldn't be a surprise cause he's an @$$hole in Greek mythology.....also a grapist (minus the g). His accent....I'm not sure if his accent was supposed to be a Greek accent, but it was something.
Where the hell are the other Greek gods? Where is Hera, Zeus' wife?! Cause I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be okay with her husband having a harem(?) with him during that meeting. Also, are those men and woman gods too or are they mortals? And, why did they let Valkyrie take the lightning bolt?! They just stood there and stared at Valkyrie, and one of the woman got a kiss on the hand. I shouldn't expect much from this movie, but I can't help but ask these questions.
Speaking of the kiss on the hand, that's basically all you get with Valkyrie interacting with another woman. If you're expecting to see more of her bisexuality in this movie, I'm sorry but that's not gonna happen. A kiss on the hand and her talking about her maidens is all you're gonna get. Also, Korg at end gets a husband named Dwayne (get it, cause he's made of rocks....hahaha) so he's gay. I think that's all the LGBTQ+ representation this movie has, or I may have missed some.
And now the elephant in the room, Thor accidentally being stripped by Zeus. Now, I don't mind fanservice, but I'm probably one of the few people that got weirded out from seeing this scene (once Chris Hemsworth's butt was exposed, I immediately looked away). I know there are those that'll love seeing Thor naked, but think about the circumstances that led to that. Thor was forced to be nude in front of a lot of gods and his ex and friends. Sure it was an accident, and later on Thor said that he didn't have a problem with it, but what if he did have a problem with it? What if he wasn't okay with it? It would've been bad if Thor wasn't okay with it if that's the case. I also hope that the actor was okay with filming that scene, btw. Anyway, what if it was Jane or Valkyrie that was forced to be stripped? I know more people would've been vocal if that happened to either female characters. Cause, we live in this double-standard world where it's fine to force male characters in those situations when it's not okay to have that happen to female characters. I personally think no one should be forced in noncon scenarios , whether be male, female, nonbinary, or genderfluid.
Speaking of Jane and Valkyrie, it's really messed up that they thought to wait to help Thor because they wanna ogle at Thor's nude body. Like, I get that Thor's hot, but come on! Again if the genders were swapped, people would be more vocal on why this is messed up.
Korg almost dies....honestly, I would be a bit sad, but I'd move on. It's fine if other people like Korg, I'm just kinda indifferent really.
Zeus didn't die from getting hit by his own lightning bolt. I don't know how he survived that, but he did. Guess it's cause he's a god and him being the God of Lightning wouldn't get killed by his own weapon. Would give a sense of irony though.
When Thor was talking via astral projection or something (courtesy of Axl I think), Valkyrie thought it'd be amusing to tickle his nose with her braid. This was just an unnecessary comedic moment, I think, cause he's trying to talk to the kids and it's a very important task, and Valkyrie's trying to interrupt him cause amusement.
Eternity, in the comics, Eternity was the embodiment of the Seventh Cosmos. Eternity was all that existed along the fabric of time across the entirety of the Multiverse, having been formed to ensure the boundlessness of creation. In Guardians of the Galaxy, it was mentioned that he was one of the four cosmic beings that created the Infinity stones. Here? He's a wishing macguffin. That's his purpose! Come to him? He'll grant you a wish! Well, at least they got his shape right, but that's it. Hell he doesn't even talk.
Speaking of wishes, I'm gonna have to assume that Thanos didn't know about Eternity. Cause if he did, he'd have to get something to summon the bifrost to get to Eternity and have his wish granted to wipe out half the universe. Would've saved a lot of time if he knew. Now, it seems to imply that Thor and Valkyrie heard of Eternity so that got me thinking....why didn't any of them suggest to find Eternity to wish everyone that got dusted away to come back?! Would've saved A LOT of time, time travel wouldn't have been invented, Black Widow and Iron Man wouldn't have died, a massive war wouldn't have broken out, and Captain America wouldn't have gone back to the past! Either those two didn't know, or did know but forgot about it. *sigh*
Anyway, that's it from part 2. Part 3 will be the last part.
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fictionfixations · 11 months
thoughts on the preservations of myths (what are important?)
I believe that any myths could be important, not just one. I mean, there's the thing where I think there's Helios, whose the god of the sun in Greek mythology, but then people forgot about him and claimed Apollo to be the sun. Or well, the one who pulls the sun across the sky, so on and so on. I mean, is it that big of a deal? Not necessarily. But it's all about preservation, and if you're gonna learn about myths and their culture and the like, then I'd prefer you to learn as much as you can.
I mean, I think Disney made like a movie where it was Greek but they called Heracles Hercules. So then it stuck (in which I always find myself automatically correcting it to Heracles because it's become expected, which then sucks when I'm reading about Roman him). I remember watching it once, but most people have watched it too so now it just really sucks when people call him the wrong name because it was set in Greek with Greek characters (there's Zeus and Hera), but the main character being of the Roman kind. That might just be me who has an issue with it, but in general it's just annoying when people get things wrong. I understand what that's like, considering I have a last name that's hard to pronounce.
Anyway, I got side tracked. Well technically not all of them are important, I like the smaller lesser known ones. Like Fabulinus. Just remembered the guy (whoops). Roman god of a child's first words (I learned that from a fanfic, clap clap for fanfiction. He does exist.), or the guy believed to teach them their first words. I mean, isn't it heartwarming? There doesn't have to be gods over the bigger things, there can be ones for the smaller things, and be all soft. ..Although maybe they were a little too god-obsessed by having them over a lot of minor things like that? I wonder if there was any idea that a child's first words were say, prophetic or something. There have been ideas tossed about about children seeing more because of their imagination then adults. Or maybe that's just because I play Genshin, and the Sumeru lore has the Aranara, these little nature spirits that can usually only be seen by children (until brushed off or forgotten when they grow older, and seen as myths by other adults). Who knows. It's just, myths tell a lot about the culture. I mean, if people didn't know of the existence of minor gods, they'd believe that the culture was likely all about the major domains, and being overly one thing then the other, and not necessarily there being an in-between. That they might be extreme, I don't know.
A lot of people or things get disregarded, or thought to be of someone else, so I'd like to think that preservation would be about everything. Not just the general idea, but including anything else, even little itty bitty details. It might be a lot, and it might be a bunch of effort, but otherwise people won't really be able to understand. There'll be stereotypes, and I don't know, I'd rather be able to see as many sides and ideas or perspectives as I can to get a grasp on a culture or society. If we don't get the right idea, then others in the future won't.
For example. Jewish haters still exist. Supposedly, some of them are basing it off of this old book, Protocols of something something. It's plagiarized, blatantly wrong, and horribly biased. ..And some school systems are apparently teaching with it, which sucks. And there's stuff like dog whistles where there tends to be an insulting undertone, like a racial insult that people who get it will understand, but people who don't might not. Like, I mean, propaganda. Today we know what's wrong with it and might feel incredulous about people believing that then, but it's still happening. They just got better, and can be hidden in stuff like memes, and it's just. I mean, I bet you didn't know this. Honestly this could keep going, and it might only get worse and worse, with the idea of 'it's just a joke' so people can't really point it out without either exposing themselves as Jewish or being seen as a 'party pooper', and then we'll be so desensitized to that stuff to where it could be downright cruel and we wouldn't care. It's happened before in history. And then what are people gonna think? They're gonna think whatever it says, and that doing it isn't that big of an issue. It's an issue today, and it will be in the future.
I just don't want biased information where there could've been full information that would've provided a lot of context as to why certain people do certain things, or why some things might be wrong or some things might be right but it's not shown in it.
It's all about beliefs, I guess, and it can hard to prove a reason to like something if they just think something is all about another, and you can't really explain it in a way.
Like 'oh, Roman myths are all wrong, and liking them means you're a bad person because they did really trashy [uh. curse word] things, and they were really strict and militaristic.' But there were soft moments too, not so big moments. Like, again, Fabulinus. Like, it's not all just murder or whatever stereotypes people believe.
I think it can be hard to remember that they were once people too. Like, people believed in it, people lived by it, and it doesn't mean they were a monster for doing so. It was a way of life. It doesn't necessarily mean that some of it isn't wrong, but it's not wrong to find an interest in it either. There is such a thing called dark tourism, after all.
Anyway I went on a lot of tangents.
Point being: Preserve it all. It doesn't matter if it's something that's really insignificant, it's history, it's something, and you just can't paint things in black and white, like what would inevitably happen if all the facts don't end up on the table.
Zero clue if anything I said made sense, I got really really off-topic.
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m0chigang · 1 year
June Wrap Up ✨
We're back at it again. I will admit I didn't read as much as I wanted to BECAUSE I am still reading too many fanfics (just today I started and finished one). Since it was pride month I tried to keep it LGBTQ+ (as if I don't read gay stuff on a daily basis). I read 4 books (if we count fanfics, I read 8 books), and as always, be careful because I might spoil something.
1. The Atlas Six - 4/5
Honestly, I though I was going to like it more, but the open ending just left me shocked and unable to think. HOWEVER, that does not erase the fact that I love the characters of this book??? Well, I love 4-5 characters, the other ones are just there and I tolerate them. Reina, just like her name, is a freaking queen, I want to be her, I want to be Mother. Parisa is just, wow. Bisexual representation right there, and the trio scene?? My jaw was on the FLOOR. Now I just need her to have an orgy with all of them. Dalton is hot. But the real deal are Nico and Gideon. I don't know how to explain my smile whenever they interacted. And the shit the said about each other?? Excuse me??? Just get married. Nico is one of my favourite characters of the year. Not just book, year.
2. Aphrodite made me do it - 4/5
This is a poetry/narration book and it's so good. It even made a friend of minr cry in the middle of the street. It's just weird seeing some of your own fears on paper like that, and the references to greek mythology are just amazing. My favourite poem is the Achilles one (obviously). I'm already reading the second one, and these are books I'm willing to collect.
3. The Uncensored Picture Of Dorian Gray - 3/5
I was on a Ben Barnes lock down, I obviously had to re read this bc I only read it for school and remembered NOTHING, but I chose the uncensored version. If you are going to be gay, do it well 😤. After giving it some thoughts, I see why people love it, it certainly makes you react, and Basil is the best, but like... The way the ending is written is a bit anticlimactic for me. Wilde spent paragraphs describing, but the ending felt to quick. Idk, I think I am not made for classics.
4. They Never Learn - 2/5
Listen, I was all in for a vigilante killer teacher. But this book was not it (I have a lot of thoughts and there are spoilers). It frustrated me more than anything. On chapter 10 I was already bored, but I kept reading bc I was promised dark academia and queer representation. It fell flat. Like, I know men ain't sh*t, but like, the only good men in the book are the gay couple. Everyone else is a predator. And Scarlett is a freaking hypocrite, that made me so mad. Also, the twists were predictable, but maybe it was just for me bc I am just that good. What bothers me the most is the fact that there is nothing darrk academiaish about it when I was promised that. The ending and the relationship are too idealistic. Where is my suffering?? WHERE???? ALSO, why is one of the genres of the book Lesbian when the characters are bisexual?? I know it's a lesbian relationship, but still, the characters don't stop being bisexual for it.
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Doctor Who Rankings: Moffat's Era: Eleventh Doctor
Season 6
The Girl Who Waited I love Amy and Rory, I think their love story is beautifully written and beautifully acted and them and the Doctor are my second favorite Team Tardis. Karen Gillan performance in this one was amazing. The speech Young!Amy says as Old!Amy about how much they love Rory is one of my favorite dialogues in the whole show. And the end when Rory has to listen to Old!Amy die right outside the TARDIS doors was heartbreaking.
A Good Man Goes to War It's really an amazing episode and surely a rollercoaster of emotions. I love how Strax and Jenny and Vastra wre there ( I have a huge soft spot for them and I want to see them again) I love how everyone (including the Doctor) thought he had won, but then Kovarian showed that he really hadn't won at all. When the baby melted in Rory and Amy's arms was so sad. And the final revelation of River Song's identity was moving and clever and I loved it. Also honourable mention to the girl who died and to the Doctor who pretended to know her.
The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon Mark Sheppard alone is enough for me to place this episode this high on the list. Jokes aside. When the Doctor was killed at Lake Silencio, figuring out that he was an older version of himself. Seeing how sad River was when the younger version didn't have any memories of their time together. How they started setting up the "Amy has been replaced" storyline. Plus the Silent are good villains and the way they are defeated in the end is so clever. I love it. Also. Have I mentioned Mark Sheppard yet?
The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People The concept of the Flesh is fascinating. How the crew on the island doesn't even consider that maybe the Flesh is alive or has a level of conscience that makes them suffer when they are melted. How cruel humans and Flesh are toward each other and in the end learning that such cruelty is due to the women that lead them and when they are redeemed or killed humans and Flesh can work together. Also when Amy melts in the TARDIS I was really shocked.
The Doctor's Wife The Doctor flirting with a human version of the TARDIS? Do I need to say more? I don't think so.
Let's kill Hitler I know. This episode is a mess. I still don't fully understand how River Song saves the Doctor in the end. But. Melody is fun. And the sentence " Rory take Hitler and put him in the cupboard" is worth the 6th place alone for me.
Closing Time I love Craig, I love the dynamic between him and the Doctor. I think they're fun. The story is kind of lame and the "Craig saves the world with the love of a father" is... well let's not dwell on it. But the episode is fun.
The Wedding of River Song Too much happens in too little time. It should have been a two part story. It's confusing. Probably the worst of the season finales of Eleven's era.
The God Complex Fascinating idea. Nice call back to Greek Mythology, but that's pretty much all I remember of the episode.
Night Terrors. Just no. I have nothing to say. Just no.
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