#I don't think she saw me but for the whole train trip I was still kinda worried she'd have to go to the toilet that's close to where I sat
morningmask27 · 9 months
the "oh shit, that's my ex" lesbian joke somehow is becoming a bit too aplicable to me, but in a "oh shit, that's a girl I had (and technically still have, they're just dormant) feelings for" kind of way.
my love life is unexistant, why do I have to deal with this
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whorergal · 1 year
summary: you and ethan form a plan but in order for it to work, you need to make it look believable…
warnings: scream vi spoilers, language (cussing), blood, gore. follows the plot loosely. happy ending, i promise.
pairings: ethan landry x fem!reader
authors note: here's the final part! i just wanted to say thank you for all the likes and reblogs!! it's honestly so sweet of everyone and it means a lot to me! i have a bunch of ideas for ethan so look out for more imagines and hopefully a masterlist for easier navigation (i'm still new to this lol) :-) i love u all so much
❗️: u can find part one here and part two here <3
To say that you were surprised when finding out about Ethan and his relation to Richie Kirsch would be an understatement. He had been someone that you had hated and even vented to Ethan about when you two first met. It just seemed very ironic. Although Ethan did love his brother, he knew the things he did weren't right once he realized how much shit he put you through.
The late night calls because of your nightmares, the flashbacks you would get whenever someone touched you too roughly, having to avoid the scars on your body because it brought you back to Woodsboro; it opened his eyes.
You weren't entirely shocked to find out Quinn was the other Ghostface that attacked you. She always had some unsaid vendetta against you and you realized now it was just because of your history. What did shock you was to find out Detective Bailey was the mastermind behind it all—not only that, but he was also Ethan and Quinn's father.
He showed up the moment you and Ethan met your friends outside their apartment. Mindy had stolen you from Ethan, leaving him alone with Chad, who was asking him questions to confirm his whereabouts. Luckily, you made sure to practice what to say with him on the train ride there. It seemed your excuses sufficed because Chad nodded, apologizing for thinking the worst.
While on your trip to the run-down theater, Chad had taken Mindy, thanking you for lifting her mood (you three had always been close since you were kids). You walked in the back alongside Ethan, holding his hand to calm your nerves which ended up in you receiving a look from Bailey. You don't think he knew you noticed but ever since you found out about him, you had been unintentionally tense around him.
The memorabilia that had been collected scared the hell out of you. It increased your worries despite knowing everything would end up being okay.
Tara seemed to notice how your breathing began to increase and stepped closer to you. "Hey, you okay?"
You looked at her, faking a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going to get some air."
The group all watched you leave. Chad was going to follow after you but Tara stopped him when they saw that Ethan had already been on your trail. She smirked at him.
"You owe me five bucks," Tara informed him.
"Shut up," Chad replied, shaking his head.
No one found you two suspicious. If anything, your sudden relationship seemed to throw them off your tracks.
Everyone left the theater, finding you two on the steps, you tiredly laying in his arms. Tara smiled at you two, gesturing for you to follow. When you got up, Mindy reclaimed you as her own again, pulling you away from Ethan as she needed your comfort. You talked with her the whole walk to fill her mind with distractions.
They all needed somewhere to recoup and to come up with a reliable plan. You offered your apartment, knowing theirs was most likely still a crime scene. Yours hadn't been messed up in the sense that there was no broken doors and bloody messes all over the floor. Mindy actually agreed, saying she wanted to sit in Anika's room alone for a little bit.
"Don't mind the mess," you joked once entering. Your books were scattered about the place. "And the…blood," you muttered when you saw some it trailing where you had dragged yourself across the kitchen.
None of them cared much, getting right into what to do next. You ended up leaving to your room because your stitches were hurting like hell and you didn't want to cause any alarm to them about it.
You sat there, alone for a few minutes until you heard a quiet knock on the door. Honestly, you were expecting Tara, or maybe Chad because he kept eyeing you frequently, but Ethan peeked his head inside and you sighed of relief. He gave you his awkward smile and entered slowly, shutting the door softly behind him.
"Hey, are you feeling okay?" he asked, walking over to take a seat on your bed beside you.
You nodded, holding back a wince at the movement he caused which made you flex your muscles. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Nothing I'm not used to."
"Your stitches," he realized aloud, leaning closer. "Shit, I forgot. Do they hurt?"
"Sort of," you responded, gripping your stomach as if it would make the pain go away.
"Is there anything I can do?" He looked at you softly, as if his eye contact could harm you.
You forced a smile. "Distract me, please."
"Well, I, uh," he stuttered. "I came up with a plan."
"A plan?" You questioned, confused.
"Yeah. I talked to my dad while at the theater and I found out the last steps he and Quinn will be taking," Ethan informed you which wasn't exactly the distraction you wanted but nevertheless, it was useful. "He doesn't know about you, or about us so I have him convinced that the reason I saved you was because I wanted to kill you myself."
You widened your eyes. "Oh."
"Obviously, I'm not going to—"
"I know, E."
He nodded before continuing. "Quinn's going to get Gale next. Then she'll be heading for us. I'm not too sure what she wants to do but I know it'll involve someone in the group in order to keep them all from going to the theater. My guess will be Mindy. When that happens, she'll go for you next so you have to stick with me."
"Go for me next?" you repeated for more clarification.
"I told my dad that I wanted you there for act three. Quinn will knock you out, take you to the theater, dress you up in a robe and frame you as a Ghostface." He paused, scanning your expressions. It wasn't a bad idea, actually, other than the fact that you'll be framed as a psychotic murderer.
"Okay, so I just have to pretend that I don't know?" you questioned, wanting to make sure.
"Yes, exactly," he answered. "They're under the impression that I'm going to kill you so they'll tell Sam and Tara you're the Ghostface to throw them off and when the reveals happen, you'll be given to me."
You nod slowly, taking a second to let all the information sink in before worrying aloud. "What if they don't? What if Quinn ends up hurting me again?"
"I won't let anything happen to you," he declared, grabbing your face in his hands. "She knows better now."
Your eyes softened as you nod again for the last time. Then you fell forward into his arms, just wanting to be held. He did as told, being careful with your injury, and just played with your hair which made you smile.
"You know, when I said distraction, that wasn't really what I meant," you mumbled into his chest.
He furrowed his brows. "What did you—" then he stopped himself when he realized. "Oh."
You laughed until it turned into a wince. He pulled you apart from him to make sure you were okay. You nodded silently, diving right back into his arms again. It gave you comfort.
You and Ethan stayed close to each other the entire time you were with the group. He didn't want you to be without him, afraid losing you for one second would mean he would lose you forever. His hand was interlocked with yours or settled on top of your thigh—whatever physical touch he could get from you. You even ended up falling asleep on his shoulder inside the van with Kirby, Chad and Mindy.
Then when you guys detected the call was coming from Gale's apartment, kudos to Quinn, that was where you all headed to next. It was where you learned that Gale had actually survived her fatal attack which you wanted to snicker at because Quinn failed again but you held it back to not look weird.
Sam had created a plan with Kirby and Bailey to head to the theater in order to lure Ghostface and lock him in. Apparently that was Bailey's idea which made sense seeing as he was one of the Ghostface's. So you all headed to the train station in order to get a lift to the rundown area.
Someone had ended up shoving you away from the group, elbowing you right in the stomach. You had to pause, grunting in pain until you looked up and couldn't find anyone. You forced yourself to suck up the pain and roughly shove everyone out of your way which helped you catch sight of Ethan's worried expression, searching the crowd presumably for you.
He found you almost immediately, adjusting his backpack and running straight to you.
"I'm sorry," he apologized when he got to you.
"It wasn't your fault," you reassured him.
You two finally reached the train right when it began to ride away from you. You groaned, knowing everyone had caught it together but then you saw Mindy ahead, doing the same thing as you.
"Mindy!" you hollered, causing her to turn and let out a sigh of relief to find out she wasn't alone.
"Thank god," she muttered. But then she saw Ethan and pulled you away from him protectively. "Get your Ghostface ass away from us, Ghostface."
Ethan gave her an offended look, watching as she created a safe distance from him. He kept looking at you two, making sure you were okay but Mindy would gesture for him to stop with arm movements. It caused him to roll his eyes.
When you entered the next train, you tried to convince Mindy to stick close to him in order to eliminate one of you from being attacked. She didn't listen but knew better than to force you to stay with her so she told you to "go to your boyfriend". You scoffed playfully at her childish behavior, finding her stubbornness amusing.
You had to squeeze through people to reach where he stood in the middle. When he saw you, his expression softened as he went forward to help you. Thankfully, there was a seat open right by where he stood so you sat there, mindlessly staring around as the train shook you.
The lights kept flickering and it gave you immense amount of anxiety. Ethan's eyes seemed to be fixed on Mindy, as if making sure she was okay as well. It must have meant Quinn was nearby seeing as she was targeting Mindy next.
Once the train finally came to a stop, Ethan turned to you and helped you up since your wounds were hurting more than usual. You instantly looked for Mindy but couldn't find her, sending you into a panic. You let go of Ethan, pushing people out of the way until you saw her lumped figure against the back of the train, a large stab wound in her gut.
Ethan and you both let out a jumble of curses while helping her up, leading her out of the train while calling for help.
You three were escorted to the nearest hospital where she went under immediate surgery and you even got yourself checked. Your stitches had reopened—which explained why they hurt so much—so they sewed them back together and even wrapped it up which made it feel a lot more secure.
The doctor released you, letting you return to where Mindy's room was. When you reached her floor, it was strangely quiet. Ethan had left you earlier, saying he needed to find Quinn, which you didn't pay much mind to as you assumed it was so he didn't look suspicious.
You scrolled through your phone, having not received any texts from Tara or the rest of the group that wasn't with you which made you nervous. They were probably busy setting up the theater but you couldn't help but assume the worst. In the midst of your distraction, you found yourself stepping into an unknown liquid which caused you to look from your phone to the floor.
It was blood.
Your mind immediately went to Mindy, but before you were able to worry about her, you were smacked across the head which sent you falling to the hard floor. Your vision started to become black when you swore you heard Ethan's voice.
"Ssh. It's okay, I got you."
- -
You awoke by the sound of excessive footsteps happening all around you. The bright lighting in the room caused your head to throb, making you squint your eyes until you felt well enough to open them all the way. You immediately recognized the room and knew you were inside the theater. You had no idea where Ethan was or what the hell was going on but you were positive that answer would come soon.
Slowly, you started to get up from your position, propping yourself up on your elbows. You looked around but your eyes couldn't help focusing on the black robe covering your entire body. Even though Ethan had informed you about this beforehand, you still felt yourself starting to panic.
What if he changed his mind? What if this was the plan all along; make you think he was on your side just to easily lure you into this trap. No, no, Ethan wouldn't do that.
"Look who's awake," the familiar voice that belonged to Detective Bailey spoke.
You searched around the room until his figure came into view, wearing an evil smirk. "What the hell is going on?"
"You don't get it, do you?" Actually you did. "You know the plan. You know why we're here; to stop Ghostface. It was pretty easy to convince Sam that Kirby was mentally unfit and had taken the mantle in her own hands for the best friend she lost…but she couldn't do it alone. That's where you come in."
"What are you talking about?" Your voice was groggy. Your mind was still fuzzy from the hit you received so his voice didn't really sound as close as it was to you. "Are you saying that Kirby's Ghostface?"
"Well, to Sam and Tara she'll be," he told you. Then he crouched to reach your level. "And you'll be to."
"Kirby needed someone to do the dirty work for her while she couldn't." He shrugged, his voice becoming more and more angered as he continued talking. "Don't worry, you won't be the only one. My own accomplices will take the fall with you until the time is right. But we have to fuck with Sam somehow. We have to make her feel betrayal to throw us off her radar for the best reveal. Make her feel what she's made us feel for the past year."
"You're Ghostface?" you questioned. Your fogged up mind was really helping you play the part of confused.
He nodded. "And so are you."
You looked at him in disgust. "What the fuck?"
"It has to be this way, Y/N," he tutted in sarcastic sadness. It pissed you off. "You were the easiest pawn in this game. Your betrayal will weaken them the most. It's the perfect fucking idea!"
"Fuck you!" you yelled, kicking him straight in the face.
You were able to throw him back. Your uneasy state didn't help you much in your favor because as you lifted yourself up, your knees gave out. The mix of pain coming from your wounds plus your throbbing head made you nauseous that you didn't even completely register the feeling of Bailey gripping you by the hair until the cold touch of his gun was placed against your temple.
Unable to move in general, you froze.
"Unless you want your brains splattered across this wall, I'd suggest you follow my orders," he threatened. You winced at the rough shake he gave your head in order to emphasize his words. You immediately surrendered to which he noticed and nodded at. "Good."
He let go of your hair forcefully, it caused you to fall forward, catching yourself. You heard shuffling coming from behind you but when you turned to look, his back was the only thing you could make out. "What are you doing?"
"You need this to complete your costume," he responded, walking back over to you. He was enthusiastically holding a mask in the air. "This is Mickey Altieri's mask. I thought he would fit you well, you know, once I paint you to be this psycho who wanted to kill your friends for fun."
You glared at him. "They'll never believe you."
"Oh, I think they just might." He nodded, forcing the mask over your face which you tried to fight against. Then, there were gunshots heard which made you flinch and Bailey chuckle. "It's showtime."
He forced you on your feet by your robe, holding you tightly in his grip as he dragged you out of the room. You had no strength so he was basically holding your entire weight as you struggled to find balance. With your lack of stability, there wasn't much you could do and also because you felt his gun poking your back as if to keep you in your place.
"Get away from the girls!" Bailey announced his presence, pulling you along with him like a rag doll. "It's over, Kirby! I got you and your partner!"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Kirby questioned in utter disbelief and you didn't blame her.
"Cut the bullshit!" Bailey hollered. "I saw this one helping you out to stage your attack!"
"What?!" Kirby's voice rose an octave.
"Who is this, Kirby? Huh?" he asked, referring to you as he shook you in his grip.
"I have no idea, okay?! It's not me!"
"Well, I'll just have to see for myself—" he was muttering to himself, using the hand that held his gun to rip the mask off your face. "Oh my god…"
"Y/N?" Sam looked at you in betrayal.
"What the fuck," Tara whispered, backing away from you.
"Stop! It's not me!" you yelled, squirming but he readjusted his grip. "It's not Kirby either! He's lying!"
"Y/N Y/L/N?" Bailey questioned. "How could you? Where the hell are the others?!"
"You're insane!" you yelled at him. You redirected your attention to them, finding it hard to breathe. "I'm not Ghostface! He is! He knocked me out and forced me into this costume! Please, you have to believe me!"
"Did you and Y/N kill Quinn?" Bailey asked in anger, his question targeted at Kirby. "Did you two kill my daughter?!" He shook you, looking at you when he finished his question.
"Jesus Christ!" Kirby let out.
"We didn't do anything!" you answered, feeling your voice beginning to give out. "You know that, you asshole!"
"Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him! Y/N and I are innocent!" Kirby defended you both. "He's probably Ghostface."
"Why would he kill his own daughter?" Sam couldn't help but question, glancing back and forth between you and Kirby.
"Because he's a psycho!" you answered loudly.
"It doesn't make any sense—"
Kirby's voice overpowered Tara's concern as you saw her eyes go wide and gun straighten. "Behind you!"
You heard loud footsteps rushing toward you from behind but everything went silent the moment Bailey shot his gun, landing two bullets in Kirby's stomach. She fell to the ground, causing you to gasp. You let out another shriek when you felt a pair of strong arms grab you from behind, restricting you from movement as they dragged you along with them to stand beside Bailey.
It was Ethan.
"Great job," Bailey complimented. "Both of you."
"What the fuck?" Sam breathed out in confusion until she saw your frightened figure still being held. You saw guilt flash across her face for not trusting you.
"Let her go!" Tara screamed, heading for you but Sam had to hold her back.
It caused Bailey to chuckle. "Oh, you should've seen the look on your faces. To think your only friend would betray you but she's actually innocent; just ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Fuck you!" You let out.
Ethan covered your mouth with his gloved hand and you instinctively relaxed in his grip but forced yourself to fight him in order to make it look believable. You assumed he wanted to make sure your words wouldn't end up pissing Bailey off so he didn't do anything rash to you.
You were fading in and out of reality. You weren't paying attention until Bailey nudged Ethan to take off his mask.
He pulled it off with a smile on his face.
You looked up from where he had you, your mouth dropping into a fake gasp. "E-Ethan?"
"Hi, baby," he whispered in your ear. "Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do to meet you guys was to room with a conceited, condescending asshole, literally named Chad. Fuck, it felt good to kill him!" His tone made you flinch; he sounded really insane. Then he rose his mask in the air. "This was your grandmother's Sam; Nancy Loomis. Really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it? And speaking of family…my names not Ethan Landry. Isn't it, dad?"
Tara looked lost. "Dad?"
"Had to keep it secret. I mean, I had to get close to you guys somehow," Ethan stated, leaning his cheek to be against yours. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek which would've made you blush in any other circumstance. "Had to have Y/N for myself."
"You're psychotic," you told him.
Catching him off guard, you managed to shove his arms away from you. Tara and Sam were prepared to pull you away but he gathered you rather easily as you didn't make it much of a battle to. You just needed to look like you weren't comfortable with being in this position.
What startled you was the feeling of his blade being placed against your throat. "Not so fast," he whispered.
You gulped. Now you were really afraid.
"Let her go, you asshole!" Tara shouted.
Ethan pulled the knife away and rose it at her which absentmindedly made her flinch. "Oh, come on. Y/N doesn't mind this. Don't you, baby?"
"Fuck you," you breathed out.
"So vulgar that mouth of yours." His attention was purely on you as his knife was placed back against your throat.
Tara watched in disbelief, shaking her head.
"Ethan was the one who came up with this plan," Bailey said proudly, squeezing his son's shoulder. "He knew how easy it would be to make Y/N fall for him. It kept him from looking suspicious because nobody suspects the caring boyfriend."
They both began to chuckle together. You rolled your eyes at them. It caused Ethan to dig the knife deeper into your skin, on the verge of slicing you.
"Wait," Sam interrupted them. "If it's you two, then that just leaves…"
While they all gawked in betrayal at Quinn's reveal, Ethan leaned his lips close to your hair to cover his words. "You okay?"
You glanced at him and you could see the apologetic look in his eyes for the position he had you in. You nodded very slightly before trying to squirm out of his grip again.
"Hey, roomies. You didn't see that one coming, did you?"
"Yeah, because you died!"
"Kind of didn't." Quinn tilted her head. "I had to get off the suspect list. Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy in the train, take Y/N because Ethan couldn't do it himself!"
Ethan rolled his eyes.
"It's funny, isn't it," Quinn continued. "Poor Y/N. She was just trying to help her friends which only led her straight into the trap. Come on, how fucking stupid can you be?!"
"Let her go," Sam stated sternly. "She has nothing to do with this!"
"She has everything to do with this!" Quinn yelled back, walking over to where Ethan still held you. She traced the tip of her knife along your stomach which caused you to shiver as she pressed into your stitches. "She's a killer, just like you, Sam. That's why it'll be easy to frame you both."
"What?" Tara questioned.
"Oh." Quinn jumped from her spot. "You didn't really think we'd take the blame for it. It'll all fall onto Sam, the villain of Woodsboro. She couldn't get enough so she just had to go on another killing spree and she couldn't do it all alone! She needed someone to help her."
"Y/N's not a killer," Sam stated matter-of-factly, watching in disbelief. "Neither am I. We're not killers."
"Oh, shut up!" Quinn snapped.
Bailey walked forward, pulling out a mask from his jacket and raising it for her to see. "You're a killer just like your father."
"No, I'm not!" Sam yelled.
"Yes, you are, you motherfucker! You killed our brother!"
Tara furrowed her brows. "You said your brother died in a car accident?"
"No, no, no, you sweet dumb thing," Ethan jumped into the conversation. "He died in Woodsboro at the hands of your bitch sister with the help of Y/N, here."
Sam's face fell in realization. "You're Richie's family."
"Now she's finally getting it." Ethan smirked.
He gripped your robe, tugging you carelessly to follow him as he and Quinn ventured around the seats in order to get behind Sam and Tara, significantly trapping them. It caused the two to tense and you as well. You weren't sure what was going to happen next.
"Y/N didn't kill him," Sam declared in annoyance. "I'm the one who slit his throat; I'm the one who watched him bleed to death as he cried like a fucking baby."
"Shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn lashed out, walking forward to push Sam, catching her off guard.
"Hands off, Quinn!" Bailey demanded loudly which seemed to set his psychotic daughter in place. "Before we get into that, we have something else that needs to be done first." It seemed all their attention fell on you. "Ethan, why don't you go take care of Y/N. Plant her body just where we discussed."
"No!" Tara yelled, attempting to head toward you but was stopped by Quinn, who stepped in front of her with her knife.
Sam pushed Quinn, causing an uproar as they tried to fight her but Bailey put their actions to a pause by facing the gun to their faces. They both shuddered and stopped fighting, having to watch you be dragged away.
"Go, Ethan," Bailey instructed.
"No, no, no," you heard Tara cry out until he pushed you inside the room and the door was shut, silencing all sound.
"God," Ethan groaned, dropping the act, even dropping his knife in the process as he rushed towards you, grabbing your face in his hands as he checked for any injuries. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay? They didn't touch you, right? I didn't mean anything I said; I promise. I hate this so much—"
"Ethan," you interrupted his rambling. "Hey, it's okay. I'm fine, I promise. I've been through worse."
Not wasting another second, he leaned down to pull you into a passionate kiss. Several emotions were coursing through you but once feeling his lips on yours, you felt yourself relax as if you two weren't on the verge of being potentially murdered by his fucked up family.
He couldn't pull away, afraid if he did, he would lose you so you had to be the one to do it—even if it hurt you to. "What's the next step?" you asked him.
"Faking your death," he told you casually. It almost made you want to laugh. "They're too indulged with Sam and Tara to pay attention to us. Besides, they can't hear much but I have to make this look quick."
You nodded, listening as he was about to get into what he wanted you to do next but the sound of footsteps caused you both to go rigid. When you looked past his shoulder, you felt relieved when you saw Kirby, miraculously still standing despite the amount of injuries she had endured, with her gun aimed at Ethan.
"Let her go," she instructed him.
"Kirby, wait," you interrupted, pushing him behind you so now her gun was facing you. "He's innocent."
"What? But I heard him. He killed Chad—"
"I didn't. I didn't hit any major arteries," Ethan defended himself.
"What are you talking about?" Kirby questioned.
"Ethan was Ghostface but he had to be in order to keep me safe so I offered to help him kill Bailey and Quinn for saving my life," you explained very vaguely, your words slurring together. "Please, you have to believe me. He would've done something to me by now if he wasn't."
Kirby took a second to process your words before she began to slowly drop her aim. "Okay. Okay, I believe you."
"Good," you thanked her, turning to Ethan. "What's next?"
"Down the hallway will lead you into the room where the back entrance is located. The plan for them is to make Sam understand what she's done before attempting to kill them both," he told you and Kirby, who had approached you two to watch your backs for any unwanted guests who would pop out. "Our backs will be facing you two and which gives you both the opportunity to get either of them because they won't see you coming."
"Okay." You nodded. "You got that, Kirby?"
"One step ahead of you," she responded.
"And this is for you." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a large hunting knife. "For your protection."
You chuckled breathlessly, taking it from him as you looked up from the knife to him. "We got it from here," you assured him. "Go before they find you suspicious."
Ethan nodded, preparing to leave until he paused, leaning down to pull you back in for another kiss. You sighed into his lips, wanting nothing but to kiss him all day and not have to face the reality that lied outside the room.
"Wrap it up, lovebirds," Kirby said in impatience.
Ethan pulled away, his cheeks flushed red. "Be safe," he demanded more than said.
"You too," you told him, smiling.
He squeezed your hand, as if reassuring you, before he let you go and headed towards the door. He grabbed his knife, taking a second before finally leaving the room.
"Let's go, kid," Kirby demanded, already walking away which gave you no choice but to follow.
She took lead as she was the one with the gun, securing the place before gesturing for you to follow.
While stopped at a corner, her peeking past the wall to make sure it was clear, you couldn't help but question aloud to distract you from your thoughts. "How are you still alive?"
Kirby turned and gave you a look, as if saying 'right now really isn't the time'. You sucked in a breath and nodded, letting her go back to what she was doing.
When you both made it to the room Ethan was talking about, you found Chad propped up against a counter. He looked dazed, on the verge of passing out—or dying. You immediately ran to him, crouching to his level.
"Chad, hey? Can you hear me?" you asked stupidly, grabbing his face.
"…Y-Y/N?" His voice was quiet and weak.
"Yeah, it's me," you answered. "I need you to hold on just a little bit longer, okay? It's almost over with."
"I'm trying," he hissed through his teeth.
"Y/N, when should we make our move?" Kirby asked, making you look to see her peering through the window.
You rubbed Chad's arm reassuringly before getting up to look through the other one right beside her. You could see a video of Richie when he was younger playing on the projector, causing you to scoff.
Kirby glanced at you and back at the scene. "That's the fucker who got you guys last year, isn't it?"
You nodded, feeling angry. All the pent up emotions you forced yourself to swallow over the past year were resurfacing. "Let's get them now."
She nodded, opening the door very quietly. You put your finger to your lips, gesturing for her to stay silent as you crawled forward to the memorabilia. Kirby whispered a bundle of words but you didn't listen as you discreetly reached up at one of the cases, opening it and stealing the knife that was being displayed.
You had no idea who it belonged to previously but you needed to get it just in case Tara or Sam needed one.
When you crawled back to Kirby, she had a surprised mixed with disbelief look on her face. "What the hell?"
"I had to get one for Sam and Tara," you responded.
"Just get behind me," she instructed, which you followed because she was someone you didn't want to piss off.
Kirby took a moment of contemplation, preparing herself before she leaped out, shooting perfectly at Bailey. She had two shots in his stomach but was stopped from continuing as Quinn tackled her to the floor.
You jumped out from your spot, stabbing her straight in the back and throwing her off Kirby.
"Y/N?" Tara questioned, running toward you.
You gasped in surprise when you felt her body being thrown on you, her arms wrapping around your waist. You had pry her arms off of you. "Here, give this to Sam," you said, handing her the knife. "Kill that motherfucker."
"I thought Ethan killed you," she said sadly, tears in her eyes.
Before you could respond, you fell forward into Tara's arms as Quinn stabbed you in the middle of your back. She pulled it out and was prepared to land another one until Ethan shoved her back to the ground, keeping her in place by shoving his knife straight into her chest. At this, Tara looked extremely confused, helping you gain your balance.
You glanced behind your shoulder to see what she was looking at and groaned as you straightened your posture to help yourself stand. "He's on our side," you let out before you pushed her toward Sam. "Just go help Sam—hurry! I'll take care of Quinn."
Tara nodded, making sure you were okay before running back to where Sam was struggling to keep Bailey down.
You turned to help Kirby up from the floor. She dusted herself off and grabbed her gun. "Thanks."
Then you two hovered over Quinn, who was gasping for air as Ethan twisted the knife, causing her to gasp. He pulled it out, blood flying to coat his face as she winced loudly.
Kirby rose her gun, aiming it at her forehead but you stopped her before she could pull the trigger. "Wait."
"What?" Kirby asked, confused.
You didn't answer, leaning down instead to hover above her face as she struggled to move, let alone speak. Blood was spewing out of her mouth as she tried to say something, probably an insult of some kind.
You straddled her waist, gripping her hair as you brought her face close to yours. "Ready to die just like your brother?"
Quinn's eyes widened but she wasn't able to do much as your knife sliced her throat, causing blood to run out. You stood up, returning back to your spot between Ethan and Kirby, watching as she took her last breath. Her eyes fell motionless, staring at the ceiling.
You turned your head to look at Ethan. "You okay?"
Ethan glanced at you, nodding. "Yeah. She was always a terrible sister, anyway."
His response made you smile. Kirby watched the two of you with a smile of her own. "You two did good."
"So did you," you complimented.
She ruffled your hair, earning a smile from you.
A gunshot caused you three to jump, turning around, prepared to attack but became aware that it was from Sam. Tara had the knife in her hand, covered in Bailey's blood as Sam was the cause of the bullet between his eyes.
When you approached them, Sam flinched at the sound of footsteps and rose the gun.
"Hey, it's just us!" Kirby hollered.
Sam nodded until she furrowed her brows, turning her aim at Ethan. He widened his eyes in fear, raising his hands.
"No, wait!" you shouted, jumping in front of him like you had done with Kirby previously. "He's with us."
"What?" Sam questioned.
"It's true," Kirby confirmed, taking a spot next to you in order to shield him as well. "He was the one who told us what to do in order to save you guys."
"But your dad and sister—"
"Are insane," Ethan finished her sentence. "I wanted nothing to do with this. The only reason I helped was because they threatened to kill Y/N," he explained to them, making you reach to hold his hand to comfort him. "I'm sorry for what I've caused and not being able to stop them before we got to this point. I'm really sorry."
"Sorry won't bring back the people we lost," Sam told him.
"I know." He nodded sadly.
"Sam." Tara brought her hand up to force her sister's arm down, making her lower her aim. "He helped us and he saved Y/N. He could've just let us die."
"We don't have time for this," Kirby groaned in annoyance, sticking her gun back into her holster. "You have to get to Chad. I'll call for help."
"Chad?" Tara questioned.
Kirby nodded, leading her into the room where he was situated. She left you, Sam and Ethan alone for any further conversation that needed to be made as she went to go help Tara and call the police.
Sam sighed, dropping the gun. "I can't forgive you, Ethan but I'm sure as time goes by, I can find a way to. You mean a lot to Y/N and she means a lot to me. So, if she's able to trust you and then I am too," she told him, giving a brief smile until she turned serious. "But if you do anything to hurt her, I won't hesitate to—"
"Got it," he interrupted, nodding sternly.
"Good," Sam responded. "I'm glad you two are safe."
"I'm glad you are too," you told her sadly, walking forward to give her hug. "Don't believe anything they said, Sam. You aren't like your father."
"I know, Y/N/N," she whispered, caressing your head.
You heard soft chatter coming from outside the theater room, catching your attention. "It must be the police."
"Let's go," Sam told you both.
You nodded, letting her walk first as you grabbed Ethan's hand in yours. Before you two continued, you paused, turning to face him with a sad expression. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Ethan smiled, genuinely smiled, looking down from where you held his hand back into your eyes. "I will be because I got you and I couldn't be more thankful."
You grinned. As long as I got you.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Hi, i just saw some accs are doing the “princess treatment girlfriend headcannon “ can you do one with Gavi? Thanks 😊
His Princess
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Ever since you were a young girl, you always wanted a soft kind of love. In the past relationship you were called "clingy" because of it or rather too "hight maintenance" for them stay around.
When you met Pablo, you didn't expect him to want just the same thing as you. Since he was a footballer, you were afraid he just saw you as an occasional hook up but quickly realized what a soft heart he has.
Whenever you're in his presence, you're his sole focus despite anything that might be going on around him. When you go to the match with him, he always makes sure to open your door, take your hand and not let go until he is sure you passed the crowd safely.
"You should have brought a jacket, amor. It will get colder on the stands later. Wait for me here please!" he said running towards the changing room to grab one of his jackets he always gets to wear on away games.
"Are you sure you won't get in trouble if you don't wear it?" you ask when he places it over your shoulders helping you get your arms in smiling when he saw goosebumps on your arms. He loved seeing you in his clothes like this..especially those with a Barça crest. Two of his loves in one place!
"I'll explain it to Xavi. Don't worry princesa...besides he always taught me to be a gentleman" Pablo winked making you blush and pucker your lips as he kissed them lovingly.
"I need to make sure mi princesa is nice and warm while she watches me score..just..for..her" he whispered the last part into your ear and you blushed even more really loving the way he made you feel like a real life princess.
Not only did he always take care of you, but he never lacked buying you surprise gifts all the times. It happens so frequently, that you ask him to stop spoiling you so much but he refuses.
"Donde esta mi nena preciosa??" he walks into the house after a particularly long training with bouquet of roses in his hands and you smile brightly while standing in the kitchen.
"Dios mio! Pablito, they are so beautiful!" you say about to take the bouquet but he hides it behind his back shaking his head and you looked up at him with big eyes and pouty lips.
"I think I deserve a kiss for being a good novio, huh princesa??" he smiles and you nod quickly going on your tip toes and kissing his lips lovingly. After pulling away he gave you the bouquet and you smelled the pretty flowers feeling so happy and special in that moment.
During events that you accompany him to, your feet get particularly swollen from whole night of wearing high heels to at least be up to his shoulder (short queens!!!).
"You look so precious tonight, mi amor.." Pablo said after opening your car door ready to finally head home and get all comfy and cuddly with his girl.
While he drove, you undid your heels taking them off with a groan. Your feet were swollen and tired excited to finally be laid to rest on a comfortable bed.
"Awe preciosa, looks like beauty really is pain. Put them onto my lap" he said after stealing a glance and you were unsure but still did as he asked.
He drove with one hand while massaging your feet with other during the entire trip to your shared apartment. By the time you arrived, your feet felt so much better and you thanked Pablo for helping.
He opened the door taking the heels from the ground to carry them himself while you stepped out barefoot without a care in the world grabbing his hands and walking to your apartment. He could really care less if some paparazzi snapped a picture of him carrying his girls shoes, he was proud of it anyways!
When you both showered, changed and got into comfortable pajamas, Pablo was calling for your while you sat in the bathroom brushing your hair.
"Where did you disappear off to princesa??" he entered as you smiled at him at the mirror and he realized what you were doing. He always told you how much of a weakness your long dark hair was for him..how it always looked so soft and beautiful.
"Let me amor..por favor" he said taking a brush from your hands and slowly untangling your hair while you sat staring at him in utter awe. He was deifiantelly special..a man that really knows how to treat his woman.
"Pablo?" you say and he looks at you in the mirror with raised eyebrows still brushing your hair careful not to pull too much and hurt you.
"Um..why do you always treat me like a princess?" you say with a blushing cheeks seeing him smirk at your question. He finished brushing your hair carrying your bridal style to bed and laying you down in bed while hovering on top of you.
"Porque eres mi princesa amor..and you deserve it. It's my love language..praising you and..spoiling you..and making you blush..making you feel like you can turn your brain off when you're with me.."he was kissing all over your neck while speaking and you started breathing heavily.
"There are other ways I can treat you like a princess..sabes??" he smirked when your lips collided again into a heated make-out session and you knew exactly what he was thinking about having the same desire in that moment.
"Mhm..por favor" you moaned the last part since he was already sucking on your weak spot..Pablo always knows how to gives your princess treatment ;)
Ik it's not very long but I hope you like it anon 💕💗💗
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blaxcunicorn · 2 months
hi hi! i saw your post of requests for writing and i wanted to ask for a roronoa zoro one! something about him being acting like he doesn't have feelings for the reader but when a stranger flirts with reader, he gets super jealous and angry. then reader confronts him and he first acts like nothing happened but after a while he finalley confesses his true feelings? idk if it makes sense but anyway thank you!!
also hope you are doing well, have a nice day!! ^^
Hey friend!
I'm well thank you!
Also, thank you so much for the request! I tried my best to write it, but please give me feedback if I missed anything.
This is my first time writing Zoro, I tried my best to capture his character but he is not the romantic type haha.
Word count: 1.1k
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After returning from Whole Cake Island after saving Sanji, you worked as a geisha woman in disguise with Robin in Wano. "I believe Zoro wishes to see you again," Robin said with a smile. You felt the skin on your cheek burn. "W-We have to focus on taking Kaido down…I—" you stopped yourself, knowing that arguing with someone as intellectual as Robin would be a waste of time. "I'll cover up for you, just go and greet him. Besides, he might have collected some valuable information on our customers."
"When you put it like that, I'll go." You say, sneaking out of the house. You feel your stomach growl and decide to take a quick trip to Sanji's new food stand. On your way, you freeze as you hear Zoro talking to Sanji. "Don't you want to see Y/n-swan? She looked gorgeous in her geisha outfit." Sanji drooled. Zoro turned around, blushing, feeling a bit embarrassed. Sanji noticed Zoro's blushing and asked him again if he didn't want to see you. Zoro hesitated for a moment before saying no. You overhear this conversation and feel your heart break into a million pieces. You had been so excited to see Zoro, but now it seemed he didn't want to see you.
Sanji looked at him with confusion. "Why not? I thought you liked her," he said. "I do like her, but I don't want to put her in danger," Zoro explained. "I'm not strong enough to protect her yet. I need to get stronger first." Sanji nodded, understanding Zoro's concerns. "I see what you mean," he said. "But you know, Y/n-Swan is a strong person, too. Maybe you could talk to her about it and see what she thinks." Zoro thought about it for a moment, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to talk to you about his feelings. He knew that you deserved someone strong by your side, but he didn't want to lead you on or hurt you in any way.
He knew that he had to become stronger so that he could protect you and be with you, as the crew had many enemies. He would train harder than ever to become the world's strongest swordsman. He knew it would be a long journey, but he was willing to do whatever it took. The scar on your leg from defending him against Mihawk after their first battle still haunts him.
You quietly walked away, tears streaming down your face. You had been so excited to see Zoro, but now it seemed he didn't want to see you. You didn't hear Zoro's confession to Sanji about his feelings for you, as you had already left.
After your Captain's victory over Kaido, Wano hosted a big banquet party to celebrate their new freedom. You sat next to Nami, confiding in her. Nami listened patiently, his eyes wide with empathy. "Don't worry, Y/n. That idiot loves you. He just doesn't know how to show it sometimes." You smile as you find comfort in Nami's words. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around to see Mr. Kuyama standing there. He was one of your clients during your undercover job as a geisha woman.
He looked at you with admiration and said, "Y/n-chan, you are the most beautiful geisha I have ever seen. I would be honoured if you would consider marrying me." You felt flattered but didn't know how to respond. Nami stared at you in disbelief; there was no way you were going to leave the crew for a marriage. However, if you marry him, you'll be the richest woman in Wano. Nami drooled over the thought of the money your kind heart would gift her. Before she could say anything, Zoro noticed the man's advances and felt a burning sensation in his chest. His grip tightened around his sake bottle as he struggled to contain his rage.He couldn't bear the thought of you being with anyone else but him. Feeling the tension, Luffy stretched his arm, dragged you to him, and stuffed your mount with meat, hoping to help Zoro by observing the situation from a distance. The Captain facepalm himself when he sees Zoro walking up to Kuyama, grabbing his shirt. "Hey, back off. She is not available for marriage." He said between his teeth. "M-My a-apologies Zoro-San", the poor man managed to stutter out before running away. You could swear that he wetted himself a bit.
Zoro turns around and sees your disapproved face, he could tell he messed up. He left in embarrassment, knowing that you'd confront him anytime soon. It'd be better for the two of you to talk in private. You left Luffy's side to follow Zoro, knowing he'd probably want to choose the meeting spot.
You spotted Zoro standing alone outside, staring at the stars. With hesitant yet determined footsteps, you approached him, letting out a heavy sigh. "Zoro," you started, gently yet firm. "Zoro, what happened earlier?"
He turned to face you, his expression guarded as he pretended not to know what you were talking about. "Nothing," he replied sharply, his tone short. Your frustration grew as he dodged her question. "Zoro, please," you urged, her voice tinged with urgency. "I saw how you reacted. Please tell me what's bothering you."
"I just couldn't bear to see you… with him," he mumbled. "Huh?" you said in confusion. "I just couldn't bear to see you with him, okay!" His honest admission softened your heart. You closed the distance between you and gently touched his arm, offering him silent comfort.
"I see, I didn't know as I thought you didn't want to see me." Zoro is now the confused one. "What are you talking about?"
"I overheard you talking to Sanji about not wanting to see me," you mutter, looking down. He gently lifts your chin to look you in the eyes. "It's not that I don't want to see you. Hell, I would rather spend time with you than training. I just wish I was strong enough to protect you. I don't want anyone else to take you away from me." You smiled, feeling a sense of ease by his confession. "You don't have to protect me, Zoro. Just love me."
With those words, Zoro pulled you into his arms and gently kissed you. The rest of the world melted away as you lost yourselves in the moment.
As you pulled away from each other, Zoro looked at you with a newfound sense of confidence. "I'll always protect you, Y/n. No matter what." Since that day, the two of you have been inseparable.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 8 months
Should Have Picked Up The Phone |So-Mun|
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Sorry this is short
I strolled around the neighborhood shivering at the low temperature. I was originally supposed to be on a date with my boyfriend but he never showed up. Recently he's been canceling dates or leaving me hanging like a fool. All of the pity looks thrown my way by others makes it 10x worse. My mind always makes me wonder if he wants to break up and it makes my heart shatter. I can't help but think of what I did wrong if he doesn't like me anymore. He always says it's because his grandma wandered off again which is valid. I've seen her try to leave and even helped him before but that excuse is getting old. At this point, I wouldn't mind just hanging out at his place if that's the only time I could see him. I haven't seen him in days and even then it's a brief conversation. I walked down the street to my house and saw a man with a hoodie stopped at my door. I quickly hid behind the big dumpster ignoring the awful smell.
"Hello?" I heard the man say as he knocked on my door. "You dropped your ID card so I figured you would want it back."
I scrambled through my bag and looked in my wallet to see if I had actually dropped it but seeing my ID in my bag confused me. Why would he lie about that? I decided it wasn't safe for me to be around here so I quietly and quickly ran away praying I wouldn't trip over my heels. I ran for a good 10 minutes not caring about how much pain my legs and feet were in. I hunched over both of my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. I looked around and saw I ended up near the park.
"Mun's house isn't far from here maybe he'll be there," I said to myself my breath still shaky.
I grabbed my phone from my purse and made my way to his house. Even if he wasn't home I would be able to lend a hand to his grandparents. I pushed his contact and let the phone ring but he didn't pick up. I called him a few more times scared and upset about everything.
"Come on pick up pick up" I continued to walk but felt like someone was watching me the whole time. This made me call him more and more. I started to speed walk getting closer and closer to his house calling and calling. I hit the call button one last time before having someone grab me from behind. I dropped my phone struggling against the person who grabbed me. The call went directly to voicemail.
"Mun, shouldn't you answer your phone?" Hana said as she walked over to him. "I think you've trained enough today."
"Who was calling?" He asked stepping away from the punching bag and wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Y/n" Hana handed him his phone.
Mun groaned as he took the phone from her hand. "I forgot we had a date tonight"
"Again?" She said.
"She'll understand"
"How would she just understand?"
"I'll just say what I usually do, something came up with my grandparents"
"Shouldn't you just find time? Or take a break for a day" Hana crossed her arms.
"Evil spirits don't take breaks" He argued. "And with everything going on right now I can't afford to fall back"
"You're not the only counter, you can take a day off," Hana said. "Your not alone"
"I'm just nervous Cheong Shin will do something while I'm taking a break," Mun said as his phone vibrated with a text message.
"Call her back quickly," Hana said. "The nights not fully over"
"I-fine I call her back," He said as he called you back but came back with no answer. He sighed as he texted you saying how sorry he was hoping to get a response. He raised an eyebrow confused but slowly turned into worry as he called you again.
"She isn't picking up," Mun said looking at Hana.
"Try calling her again," Hana said now concerned herself.
"Pick up pick up," Mun said as he paced back and forth. "She's not acting petty right?"
"I highly doubt it"
"It picked up!"
" Y/n? What's wrong? Y/n?" He said concerned. "Are you okay?" The panic and concern in his voice was clear.
"So you do know him" The man said but it sounded like there were two people.
"Who's this?" Mun asked unsure if his ears were deceiving him or not. He was only met with a deep chuckle from the other end of the phone.
"Your worst nightmare" The man grinned. "She might have been safe if you picked up the phone"
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fuzziemutt · 10 months
On the views of Rio in relation to Miguel within fandom
There's something I'm commonly seeing that has been worrying me which is the depictions of Rio "latina mom-ing" Miguel.
This includes Rio:
- slapping him
- coming at him with "the chancla"
- "dressing him down" verbally or yelling
- humiliating him
- straight up just... Beating him up
And I'm bringing this up because guys... This shit be low-key racist. I know racism towards latines has already been a problem (Yes. I am gesturing to the everything that is how Miguel is treated within the fandom), but I personally wanted to bring up this issue as well as I'm unsure if others have talked about it- and we all know how suck ass searching anything on this site is.
Anyways, I won't lie. I don't know how many latines are making these jokes, but it being so prevalent being her "main" interactions makes me feel even if it started as a latine joke, it sure as hell didn't stay that way.
But the depiction of Latina women as fierce, aggressive and (yes it is) straight up physically abusive (in general words) is a major fucking Problem. Latinas are often depicted in media as these "feisty exotic women" who takes no shit. Perpetuating that with Rio does not feel as #girl power as you guys might think. It feels like a step back in treating latinas not as these power houses but as... Y'know... People who aren't depicted as aggressors 24/7....
But also I really hate this cutesy look at what is a serious issue within latine communities. It's always "ha ha funny" seeing a Latina mom beating someone's ass but guys. That is still physical abuse. That is a serious issue and discussion that is held within the latine community. And seeing it so casually assigned to Rio kind of makes me feel sick.
And this isn't even tacking on that you're having a Latina beating/acting aggressive towards a canonical child abuse survivor (yes. Miguel is a child abuse survivor.) Which adds a whole new layer of how shitty this actually is.
Because I hate how people are boiling Rio down to just being an aggressor towards Miguel to "put him in his place". That's discrediting her character so badly.
Yes, latinas can be strong. Yes, latinas can be angry. Yes, latinas can get aggressive.
These are things people are and do because people are complex.
But I really need the fandom to stop for a second and really think about how they saw Rio, witnessed her give her heart on the screen, - a mom who's trying so hard to break these cycles of yelling and humiliation with kindness and understanding (even being a foil to Jeff's strong headed approach on purpose) -
took her and said "she would perpetuate a real cycle of abuse towards a fellow latino because he's the 'bad one'" and laughed.
I know you guys are depicting her like this as a means to defend Miles, but maybe not like this. Her character doesn't deserve being so bastardized like this for your stolen joke.
(which this whole "need" to defend him in the first place points right back to the racism towards Miguel if we're honest. I have complex thoughts on Miguel's interactions with Miles especially involving the end train scene but boiling a traumatized Latino man down to just being an "aggressive threat" that needs to be "put in place" as I've mentioned above is racist as hell too.)
You guys can reblog this, but don't fucking guilt trip people into reblogging this okay? I'm not giving you brownie points for that shit.
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Aita for revealing to my mother that I knew about a surprise?
I (21f) and my mother (50F) were supposed to be going to New York for a joint birthday present, because I can drink in the states now and mum is 50. Mum is American but I was born and raised in the UK, so we were going to see family and stuff over there too. The trip, however, was cancelled. It was just too expensive. I was a little disappointed but what can you do? If you can't afford it you can't afford it.
Another key piece of information is that my parents still have a family desktop computer like it's 2006, and I forgot to sign out of my Google account when I left for university this term. So, my dad (main user of this computer) has been googling stuff on my account. I didn't notice for a long time because he was basically only googling train times and I do that a lot too. After a while though, very dad specific searches started coming through and I realised what happened. My parents are pretty tech illiterate, so I decided just to tell them when I got home and sort it out myself rather than try and explain it to them over the phone/facetime.
So, I was studying a few weeks ago, and I saw a lot of searches for Ryanair, a European city and cheap hotels in the area. I was like 👀👀 but I didn't mention it to them. Later that evening, mum and dad called me and said they had a surprise trip planned seeing as New York was off the table. They were very excited about it being a surprise. I was like "shit, I can't tell them I know" so i played along. My housemate agreed with me, saying, "this is one of those secrets you die with." (Direct Quote)
Cut to a few days later and I'm back home from uni. Mum is very giddy about having a surprise and it was taking a lot not to tell her I knew. The night before we were due to go, she was really giddy and was kind of playfully teasing me with the secret. The whole "oooh shall I tell you? Hmm" (all in good fun).
I just blurted it out that I knew then. I don't ever know why. I had to explain what had happened several times, because of the tech illiteracy, and by the time she understood her mood had really deflated. It was like an air mattress just going flat during the night. I feel terrible. Mum claims she thinks it's funny but she has a history of brushing things under the rug to make me feel better.
I feel like such an asshole, and I should have taken the secret to the grave to let her have fun with the surprise.
What are these acronyms?
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Future promises: Rosaria x Adventurer reader
a gift for @cosmichorrorsarestillnicerthanme you really gave me a LOT of room to do whatever I want here lol... I hope I did a good job! I'm not really used to writing full fics like these, but I'm working on getting better at it!
it was for @2023gisecretsanta event!
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Summary: A lot of things can change in one night. Rosaria goes from denying feelings for you, to planning a romantic trip. Reader is: Gender neutral Cw: Alcohol mention 
“Kaeya, I already told you I don't have time for dates” Rosaria exclaimed, she and Kaeya were drinking together. Today he suddenly got into a teasing mood, although with Rosaria it's a dangerous territory the Cavalry Capitan can't pass the opportunity to see if his drinking buddy's face can turn red not due to alcohol.
“Aw come on, you're usually more fun” he chuckled as he looked into his glass admiring the liquid within.
“And you're usually less invasive” she tapped her fingers against the table, almost as if she's sending him a warning sign- which he ignored.
“Perhaps, but I think I'd just like to see you with someone” he smirked “Like for example, I heard Y/N is single” 
If looks could kill, there would be a funeral soon. Kaeya could only feel a bit amused by her extreme reaction “Come on, I've seen how you look at them. I swear I saw you smile by a degree, which should earn them a medal honestly” he joked but he wasn't done “And besides, if it truly wasn't anything going on you wouldn't react in this way” he drank some of the wine while his smug smile remained.
Rosaria allowed herself to calm down before speaking “Well played” she sighed “But it's still far from your business” her gaze moved away from the man in front of her. Her attention went fully to her glass, maybe emptying it will make her sappy thoughts disappear. Just mentioning that name made her brain come up with some sweet ideas, and she didn't like how her heart fluttered at the thought of any of it becoming real. It was just so odd to imagine herself being vulnerable. Yes, a part of her somewhat wants to just allow herself to melt in your arms. But she won't allow herself to idolize you or believe that she's ready for romance. Admiring you from a distance is more than enough.
Rosaria continued to wonder and Kaeya didn't disturb her train of thought, finding the whole thing to be amusing, and worrying at the same time. While the Sister continues to lose her focus, the knight waved his hand at a familiar face, inviting them to join the table. 
“Oh, Y/N what a coincidence that you can join us. We were just talking about you” those words snapped her back to reality “We were just talking how it's been a while since we drank together” she tried to deny him any way he could tease her. It's not the first time she needs to cut in before he tries to give you any weird ideas. 
“It's still nice that you were thinking about me” usually, such a polite tone would make her annoyed. But it's you. It's always different when it's you. And she hates it. She doesn't want to have feelings for you, but she can't help it.
“We like your company, so it's not unusual for us to miss you” she tried to say as casually as she could “Due to your travels it's been a while since we spent some time together too” although it was undeniable that she usually missed you much more than the rest of the company by the table. And it was about time said company tries to force you to spend some time alone.
“Ah, how unfortunate. We won't be able to be in the full group. I'm afraid I need to get going” Kaeya stood up from his seat. He pats Rosaria’s shoulder before leaving, making her roll her eyes.
“What's up with him?” 
“What isn't up with him?” she shrugged “Besides I think we have better things to talk about anyways” as much as she wasn't a fan of indulging in long conversations, it was different with you. It was more a matter of your company, but she liked it. Regardless if you sit in silence or share your thoughts, she could never get enough of you “Maybe you could tell me a little about your recent trip?”
As far as she was concerned, you had just returned from Inazuma. She heard that it was quite a beautiful place, not to mention they have quite the choice in alcohol… Which honestly got her tempted to visit but she just couldn't find an excuse to go yet.
“Oh right, Rosaria I have bought you some sake… but I didn't bring it with me here” it was understandable, after all who brings their own alcohol to the bar? Even if you don't plan on consuming it.
“It's the thought that counts. And hey, that'll give me an excuse to walk you back” she shrugged, masking how happy she is about the very idea… it's making her feel like some helplessly lovesick teen. It's dumb but… should she really be fighting her feelings still? Maybe that's dumber.
“Alright then, I certainly won't say no to spending more time with you” your sweet smile was like a curse that made her heart skip a beat. Although it was rather loud at Angel's Share at this hour, she feels like everything around you stops for a moment. 
“So, are you going to tell me more about your trip or is only the alcohol making it a worthy visit?” she went back to the topic.
“I've ran into a few issues here and there, some of the procedures really got confusing… but I didn't get into any unwanted trouble” 
“You say like there is wanted trouble” 
“Definitely there is. I mean, what adventurer doesn't seek any thrills? If everything went smoothly all the time it would be boring” 
“True, so tell me more about the wanted trouble then” she leaned closer as you got her full attention. It made you a little shy to be put in the spotlight, but it's not the first time you're talking about your adventures- so you got used to it.
As always when you spoke she could only pay attention to you. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed, it was just the two of you. Hearing your stories she felt happy for you, but at the same time she only wished she was there with you. From enjoying yourselves in hot springs, admiring fireworks to even just fighting by your side and protecting you. She could only imagine how better it would be to experience rather than hear about it. Only this time, she didn't push these thoughts away any further. Yes, she still wasn't going to make a move… but she won't fight her feelings.
“That all sounds great, maybe one day I'll tag along huh? I think it'll be better if I see your achievements with my own eyes” she wasn't exactly serious, as much as she wanted to mean it she knows that travels aren't on her list right now. To her surprise you were a bit more excited about the idea.
“That would be amazing!” you could already imagine it. You could see Rosaria pretty much anywhere in the world and she's fit in perfectly.
Seeing that fire in your eyes she chuckles “Remember, I said one day. Don't plan like we're heading out tomorrow” she crossed her arms.
“If I prepare a plan now we won't waste time preparing it later. Besides, I don't want to do the same trip twice, so I have to know what to avoid on my next departures” you explain, but honestly you were just so hyped about the idea of traveling with Rosaria that you needed everything ready now.
“Alright, if you say so” 
You stayed up for a long time, chatting the night away as you discussed the possible adventure that awaits you. So as she walks you back home you give yourselves a moment of silence. It was peaceful, and not awkward. You don't remember the last time silence in her company didn't bring you comfort. It made both of you appreciate the moment more.
You'd ask her to stay a bit longer, but in the end you pass her the bottle along with a farewell “See you tomorrow, Rosaria” 
“Goodnight Y/N” to fight her desire to stay with you she quickly ends your conversation as she walks away from your house, thinking  when she should take her time off and just what kind of wanted trouble you'll find yourselves in soon…
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slytherinbangchan · 11 months
Inked Dreams (NCT Dream Tattoo Artist!Au) (M)
Chap 1 out of 6 -> Second arc: Tattoo apprentice Park Jisung x tattoo artist female reader.
>>Inked Dream's Chap 1 here
Summary: A NCT Dream Tattooist!Au where the Dreamies are college's heartthrobs and most likely will steal your heart whenever you less expect it.
Cute, shy but very hot, flirty Jisung. A deadly combo, I promise.
Inked Dreams Masterlist~
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[2nd Arc: Seven Days. ("A Week" 없어.)🐹 Chap 1.]
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Wow, that was close. You hate having to postpone apprenticeships. It's hard enough to make room for them in your schedule as it is, so you don't even want to think about having to reorganize everything again until you'd find a new apprentice. Luckily you remembered about Renjun's friend in the middle of your crisis. You wonder which one of them might be though. Cause you know that most of them already finished their training. A couple even got their licenses, but Renjun is the only one working at a shop and you have only met some of the guys in person when they've visited him but you can't really remember all of their faces right now. Guess you'll have to wait.
“Hello, are you y/n? We saw your pics on insta.” A guy talks to you and you forget about the apprenticeship for a while. Normally you don't have time to take walk in clients, but they were two foreigners and just wanted a very simple and small tattoo each as a reminder of their trip before leaving the city. Since you have the apprenticeship in an hour, and it's the first day, you didn't make any other appointments. So you take them in and quickly start working together to pick the perfect tattoo.
As you tattoo the second guy, someone else enters the shop. You stop for a moment to lift your eyes and see a tall guy with black-blue hair and an undercut, a lip ring piercing and a good amount of tattoos. He says hi shyly and you chuckle softly at how cute he looks while doing so. “You're Renjun's friend, right?” You guess and he nods. “Jisung.” He says and you invite him to sit while you finish your work.
“Sorry that I didn't introduce myself properly earlier.” You apologize after sending your clients away. “Ah, it's okay, I know who you are anyway.” He says as he nervously scratches the back of his neck. “Oh, right. Renjun must have told you about me, right?” You ask him as you clean your equipment and he nods. “Actually... I really like your work too so...” He says and you lightly blush. “Oh, you do? Wow, thank you. I'm sure I'll be a fan of yours too.” You smile at him and he shyly nods as he thanks you.
Ah, he's really handsome and has a deep voice too. You wonder how old he might be... Probably a bit younger than you since he's still in college.
Your second apprentice, Seonhui, arrives just in time and you introduce her to Jisung before getting started. Since it's the first day, you explain a couple of stuff to them and then later in the day, allow them to watch you work on some clients. Making them take turns to apply what they learned about cleaning the tattoo equipment. They both learn fast and haven't wasted much time talking to eachother, they simply focused on what you were explaining to them the whole time.
“Wow, you guys did really well today. Thank you for listening so carefully.” You thank them and they nod. “Do you have any questions before leaving?” You ask and Jisung stays silent but Seonhui shakes her head. “No doubts but I wanted to thank you again for being my mentor.” She says and you thank her too for choosing you. Her phone rings then, just before she speaks again. “Oh... I have to go. Sorry.” She apologizes and you nod. "Mhm, see you tomorrow Seonhui."
“What about you?” You ask Jisung as you get ready to leave the shop too. “Now or never.” You chuckle. “Well, not never, but you won't be able to ask your question until tomorrow otherwise.” You say as you put away in the cabinet some bottles of ink. “Well... Can I buy you dinner, mentor?” He asks and you blush immediately. Thankfully he can't see your face right now. “Dinner?” You ask, still hiding behind the cabinet's door. It's not like you're thinking anything weird, you just didn't expect him to ask something like that. “Mhm, as a thank you for thinking of me for the apprenticeship and becoming my mentor.” He explains and you finally look at him. “You know that you're already paying me for that, right?” You ask and you see him chuckle for the first time. Your heart skips a beat at how handsome he is, but you brush that thought off your head as soon as you can. “Mhm~” He says, playing with his labret as he says so, and you scoff as you smile. “Then stop with the nonsense. You don't have to buy me anything, just go home and spend that money on something else.” You tell him as you walk past him on your way to check the register before leaving, and he slightly moves a bit so your shoulder brushes with his arm, but you decide to pretend you didn't see that.
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You put your phone away before setting the alarm at the shop and getting outside. It's already cold these days but not as bad as it'll get in a month or so. You wish there was more people in the streets though, also there's not a lot of buses that can take you home by this time of the night. You feel relieved as you see a woman waiting at the bus stop, luckily you won't be alone with the drunk men that sometimes take your same bus.
You sigh after checking how long the bus is going to take to arrive then lean on the bus stop sign. Someone clears his throat behind you and you turn around to see Jisung standing there. “Hello.” He shyly says and you lightly blush. “You were there the whole time?” You ask and he nods. “Wow, I'm sorry. I really didn't see you.” You apologize and he ruffles his hair nervously as he smiles. “It's okay.” He says, then you apologize again and put on your already dead for the day airpods to pretend you're going to listen to some music as he goes back to listening to his.
There's a bit of a weird vibe as you wait for the bus in silence. Guess it's normal when you know the person next to you a bit but not enough to keep a conversation. You never liked small talk and he's shy enough for the both of you. So, for now, pretending to listen to music will do.
When the bus finally arrives he waits for you to step in first. You sit next to the back door and he stands close to it too. Your eyes accidentally meet a couple times but apart from that, there's no interactions until you reach your stop and you softly pull from his hoodie's sleeve to say good bye. He blushes lightly and takes one of his airpods off. “I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?” You smile at him and he nods. “Mhm.” He shyly says and you chuckle softly. “Bye then.”
Ah, damn, that was cute. You chuckle to yourself again as you think about it. “He really wanted to buy me dinner when he can't even look at me for more than 5 seconds, huh?” You say to yourself, feeling the blood running to your cheeks as you think of his blushing face. “Ah, seriously.”
------------------------ Next Day~
“Jisung-ah, come here.” Renjun calls him as soon as he shows up the door and he shyly walks towards you two. “Was it yesterday the first time you came to the shop?” He asks and Jisung tilts his head. “Of course not.” He answers and Renjun laughs. “And you knew y/n noona already, didn't you?” He asks again and Jisung nods. “Yeah, we never talked before though.” He explains and Renjun slaps your arm softly. “See?” He chuckles and you feel like you're in a prank video or something. “Lies! I hadn't seen you in my life til yesterday?” You tell Jisung and he chuckles softly too as he nervously rubs his sideburns. “You're making him nervous noona.” Renjun laughs and Jisung takes out his phone and scrolls down. “Here...” He shows you a pic on one of the mirrors of the shop. “This is from last month.” He explains and Renjun clicks his tongue. “See?” He asks. “Anyway, I have to work on a tattoo so let's talk later.” Junn says before ruffling your hair and walking away.
“Do you have more pics?” You ask Jisung as you fix your hair and he nods. “I really come here a lot.” He chuckles softly as he blushes lightly while looking for more pics and you silently watch him do it, wondering what scenarios make him shy and which ones make him comfortable enough to talk to you normally, like he's doing right now. “Ah! Here.” He says, showing you his phone again. “This is from when I got my neck tattoo a couple months ago.” He explains and you check the photo. You can even see yourself in it working in the background. “Okay... I guess I was too busy to notice.” You chuckle and he does too. “I'm sorry Jisung. I promise you I won't forget about you from now on at least.” You say and he blushes again as he nods.
Seonhui texts you saying she'll be a bit late. So you take Jisung with you in the meantime and tell him about what he'll be doing today. “But you can clean around a bit while we wait for Seonhui anyway.” You tell him after showing him the schedule and he does as you say. “Jisung-ah, can you bring me more black ink?” Renjun asks. “Ah, sure hyung.” He replies and you hand him a bottle so he takes it to Renjun. “Careful, it's open.” You warn him and he nods, then one of your co-workers drops something heavy, startling Jisung, and you watch him spilling some ink and bringing his stained hands to his face. “Nooo! Omg..” You say as you try to stop him, but you can't help to chuckle.
“So, you get startled easily, huh?” You ask as you carefully wipe the ink from his cheeks and he lightly blushes. “Yeah...” He says, looking at the floor and you chuckle softly again. He's sitting on a chair in the break room. He was too tall for you to help him out otherwise. But right now, he looks so helpless and tiny in your eyes. “I'm sorry, mentor...” He apologizes and you almost punch yourself as you feel your heart about to skip a beat. “It's fine, it was funny actually.” And with that, internally, you meant fucking adorable.“That ink is expensive though...” He continues moping and you sigh. “Jisung, it's not the last time you're gonna spill some ink.” You chuckle. “Don't think too much about it, yeah?” You ask, guiding his chin up with your hand so he finally looks at you. You lean over to make sure you got rid of all the ink, making him blush very obviously in the process. That's when you realize how close your faces actually are. “Y-You should wash your hands too.” You tell him, taking a step back, and he nods and leaves to do as you said.
You meet Renjun's eyes as soon as you step out the room. “I saw that.” He says, making you blush even more. But you simply show him the middle finger, making him laugh.
Seonhui finally arrives right after that and Jisung comes back just a minute later. “Hello.” Seonhui says and Jisung says hi back. “So... How old are you?” She asks him as you prepare some materials. “Ah, I'm 21...” He says, he definitely sounds kinda awkward now. “Yeah, I thought I saw you at some of my classes. We are the same age. Let's be comfortable around eachother, yeah?” She suggests. He agreeds with a shy nod and you chuckle at how cute they look.
By the end of the day Jisung looks exhausted. You're not sure if it's cause of all the work you made them do or just the amount of questions he had to answer to Seonhui. “Well, I have to go. My friend is here to pick me up~.” She happily says and everyone says good bye to her. Jisung sighs as soon as she's out, making you chuckle. “So, it was her.” You say and he blushes. “Huh?” He asks and you chuckle again. “I was wondering why you looked so tired.” You explain. “Oh... Yeah, I had never been interrogated like that before.” He says and you giggle. “Yeah, well. Go home and rest then.” You say, taking over what he was doing. “Ah, no... Noona... I can finish my chores.” He says, then immediately blush. “I mean, mentor...” He corrects himself and you chuckle. “It's okay Jisung, we're gonna be around eachother for a long time. Plus, you're a close friend to Renjun. Noona is fine.” You tell him and he shyly nods. “Now, go home and rest a lot, yeah?” You say, but he doesn't move so you tilt your head at him, confused, and he blushes lightly once again. “I was thinking...” “Hey.” Renjun says, interrupting Jisung. “I'm leaving, you're walking noona home, right?” He asks and your heart skips a beat. “What? Who?” You ask, looking at both of them. “Jisung, who else? He lives just one bus stop away from you. He told me last night.” Renjun explains and you look at Jisung who simply nods making Renjun scoff as he smiles. “Noona, you're always complaining about the drunk guys in the bus, right?” He asks. “Yeah but I don't think he needs to walk me home.” You tell him. “Why not?? Jisung lives roughly 15min away from you and you both leave the shop more or less at the same time every night.” He says and you sigh. “Okay, I get how we could leave and get the bus together. But why would he get down a stop earlier just to walk me home? It's 5 minutes from the stop to my apartment.” You explain as you chuckle. “Hm, well I'm just a bit worried about the drunk guys situation, but you two talk about it and decide whatever you want, yeah?” He asks and Jisung nods. “See you tomorrow guys.” Renjun says. “Yeah, thank you for worrying Junnie, see you.” You say, waving at him as he walks out.
There's a bit of an awkward silence after Renjun leaves so you simply start getting ready to go back home and Jisung does the same. It's not like you hate the idea of having him in the bus with you, since you hate going back home alone, but you feel bad about him having to wait for you to close the shop when it's your turn to do so. “Jisung...” You call, startling him a bit. “Sorry... Are you sure you're okay waiting for me even the days I have to stay later to close the shop?” You ask, kinda pouting without realizing. “Of course.” He says. “But what about your morning classes?” You insist. “They're not that early nor everyday, it's okay noona. I promise.” He says, and it's not like you know him a lot, but he seems pretty sure about this. You sigh and tip-toe to ruffle his hair, making him blush one more time. “Okay, let's leave already anyway. I'll finish this tomorrow.”
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“Jisung-ah, you only have one piercing?” You ask on your way to the bus stop trying to make some conversation. “Ahh, no.” He says, then leans over to show you his ear. “Oh, the industrial~ Right. I saw it earlier when I was wipping the ink out of you.” You chuckle. “I actually really like those.” You tell him and he smiles happily, making your heart flutter lightly.
There's a bit of a silence as you wait for the bus to arrive but, this time, it's not awkward at all. “So, Renjun jokes around saying you're all college heartthrobs, is it true though?” You ask as you get in the bus and he chuckles. “I guess so.” He says and you gasp, a bit surprised that he's not denying it. “Reaallyy? Wow.” You say, making him chuckle again. “So you're a heartbreaker, huh?” You insist and he smiles shyly. “I wouldn't say that...” He says and you laugh. “Woah, you totally are. That answer said everything.” You jokingly say and he keeps chuckling. “Aah... Noona...” He says as he blushes, ruffling his hair. “You want me to stop?” You ask, chuckling and he shyly nods as he smiles. “Okay, okay. I understand.” You say. “It's really not like that...” He insists after a tiny pause and you bite your lower lip trying to keep in a smile. “I see.”
You remain silent for the rest of the route until your stop, but again, it's not awkward at all. You're both just too tired and distracted with music or what the few people in the bus are talking about, you don't need to chat. But he's sitting next to you today, he's almost too tall for that seat though and it's somehow adorable.
Your eyes drift to his arms's tattoos as he plays with his fingers while listening to music. He doesn't have complete sleeves and you wonder if he'd allow you to fill some spots with your art at some point. You don't know him enough though, you barely have any idea of what you could design for him that would suit his mind too, but ah, you're so curious... After knowing him for two days, you definitively want to know what goes on up there. “Noona.” You hear him calling you but it's like if he was far away, you're too deep into your thoughts right now. “Noona.” He calls again, and it's then when you notice that his hands are not playing anymore but waving at you. Fuck. Did he notice how you were staring at his arms?
You blush lightly and look at him. “Yeah?” You finally answer and he smiles softly. “Your stop...” He says and you look outside. “Ah, yeah. Thank you, I was a bit distracted.” You say, as you stand up to get closer to the door. “Yeah, I could tell.” He says. Is he smirking? You throw him a look, narrowing your eyes at him and he giggles. “I didn't see anything.” He winks at you and you scoff as you smile. Where's his confidence coming from so suddenly? “I don't know what you're talking about.” You jokingly say and he chuckles. “You can take another look tomorrow, noona.” He teases as the bus's doors open and you scoff again. Can't believe those words are coming from his mouth. “Bye, Jisung.” You say, as you get down, ignoring his teasing, and he chuckles to himself. “Mhm~ bye noona.” He says and you wave at him without looking back.
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You stare at his last text for a long second as you blush before just tossing your phone to a side. Is he drunk? You almost convice yourself that what happened last minute at the bus was just an illusion but... Is he an actual fuckboy or something? You chuckle softly to yourself as you think about it but you're still blushing. No, can't be. He's too shy for that, probably he simply felt comfortable enough to make a couple of silly jokes. "Yep, that's probably it." You tell yourself, brushing it off, then you unlock your phone to check your other chats, but Jisung's is still open and his last text makes you blush again. “Ahh, seriously... What's with this kid?”
1st Arc🐻🐬..... Next chapter🐹
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fanficwriters-posts · 4 months
Hiro hamada x spiderman! Reader
Nobody knew reader was spiderman until reader swoops in, in their spidersuit, and saves the main 6 from a villian they couldn't beat. But ends up getting super hurt and having to take their mask off.
That sounds interesting and inspiring! 😃
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Hiro Hamada x Spiderman!reader
It was like any other day in a normal human life. I got out of bed, take a quick shower, brush my teeth, pick out my clothes, put on the clothes, grab my necessary items for school and my homework, go downstairs, eat my breakfast my mother prepared for me, kiss my parents' cheeks before i leave to go to Hiro's place.
I do it every single day, it's just the same routine. Until one day...
There was a school field trip to this campus in New York City and mostly it was because Professor Granville didn't want any of us to slack off while she's away so she decided to bring us with her and make us learn about Alchemax with Doctor Octavius being our tour guide.
I got a little bored and was sidetracked with this spider that has a 42 number on its back. I was sorta staring for a few seconds until Doctor Octavius caught my attention away from it and lead us into another room. I didn't even realize the spider escaped its closure. Not did i felt it crawling up my pants and to my hand.
When Doctor Octavius introduced us to one of their latest inventions, i was amazed and wanted to take a picture. That's when i saw the spider. It bit me and i nearly drop my phone from shock. I grab it from the back of my hand and i put it on a table so no one will notice.
Hiro came over to me, i think he saw me when the spider bit my hand. He checked to see what was wrong and I just told him that my hands were just shaking from excitement. He found that amusing and grab my good hand to bring me back to the rest of the group.
Thankfully, that was the end of the tour and we all got home. Me? I was sweating the whole way back so i went straight to my home. A lot of things happened.
I ran really fast like i don't usually do, I can jump really high, i can hear almost everything that's going on, I can even stick to anything. Walls, metal poles, etc. But what made me so shocked is that i can shoot spiderwebs from my wrists. I found that out when i put down my backpack and try to reach for the bathroom.
I decided to experiment on myself and turns out, i have super-strength. I've seen these in the Spider-Man comic books and i didn't think it would happen to me, too. I was so psyched about it but... i didn't tell any of my friends. I was scared that they might report this to professor Granville and have me change back to normal.
But, i wanted to be a hero. Like those Big Hero 6 guys. So, i trained myself in this old, abandoned factory that i can use as my training arena. Of course, i had to put everything together first before i can start.
I've been training myself for 3 months just so i can do everything perfect. Somehow, in the process, i didn't realize that i got myself sorta fit and tough. I even cut my hair a little shorter.
Once i know i'm ready, i started designing my suit while watching the news about the Big Hero 6. Sometimes, i write down the villains and their powers in my notebook that i keep to myself.
And if you're wondering, what about school? Yes, i still go to school and everything went on smoothly. Though, sometimes they ask during the first week about why i'm so happy but i just tell them that the Alchemax field trip made a whole new perspective in my life.
I did everything i could to keep my secret from everyone and it works so well. And now, i'm a new superhero of San Fransokyo. (Hero name)! Heck yeah! I saved a bunch of people, get interviewed by the press, even got my own superhero action figure. Everything went smoothly on my side but with all the homework that started piling up, i couldn't keep up and let everything to the Big Hero 6.
I wasn't aware of what the villains were up to behind my back.
Present time
I'm in Hiro's lab doing my homework per usual but this time he wasn't here or Baymax. I called him and he said he had to help around in the cafe with Baymax before he gets here. I just said, "Take your time." And "Love you." Before we hung up.
When i set down my pen, a notification appear on the screen of my phone while i was watching (Favorite Cartoon Series) and i press it.
"This just in, a group of robot has attacked downtown and with Big Hero 6 on the job- Wait, sorry." The news reporter spoke before he press the earpiece he has on. "Oh! It looks like the Big Hero 6 are down. Take it away, Carol." The screen switches to another news reporter and she's in a helicopter.
"Thank you, Bluff Dunder." Carol said to the microphone in her hand. "It seems like our heroes have been outnumbered by unknown robots and can't seem to find a way out of the corner. Our former lovable mascot, Noodle Burger Boy have gathered robot mascots from all around fast food restaurants into villainy. If only (Hero name) was here to aid them in their battle."
I couldn't believe my ears and immediately i texted Hiro that i needed to get home because my parents called me and change into my spider suit. I grab my things and my clothes into my backpack before i swing out of the campus and drop off my bag at my bedroom window.
I head straight to downtown and... Oh yeah! I can go camouflage mode but right now is not the best time to use it because these are robots we're fighting. They might have heat-signature visions, but it wouldn't hurt to try it out. I landed on the rooftop above the Big Hero 6 and i went camouflage mode as i slowly crawl down the building over the heroes and robots.
"There's no way of escaping, heroes! Give it up!" Noodle Burger Boy exclaims with this girl robot beside him and Hyper-Potamus on the other. There were a few other robots i've never seen before.
"What do you want with us, Noodle Burger Boy?" The guy in purple ask the robot, standing in front of his team.
"The whereabouts of the new superhero, (Hero name)." Noodle Burger Boy replied before the robot girl beside him speak up, "She can be of use as our ally."
"What? No way! She will never side with you! She doesn't even side with us! Because we never ask." Another hero spoke but he's wearing a blue monster suit.
"Then tell us where she is. 'Cause we'll make her." Noodle Burger Boy tells them before the rest of the robots got into stances, ready to attack.
"That's my cue." I muttered before i un-camouflaged myself and jump down between them.
"You wanted to see me, Noodle Burger Boy?" I ask him, my voice high and mighty.
"Oh! There she is!" Noodle Burger Boy tells his group of robots, clapping with joy.
"(Hero name), what are you doing here?" The guy in purple asks me, walking up to me. I look back to him and stop him.
"Stay back. This is gonna get a little ugly... For me." I tell him, my voice slightly deepen.
I turn back to the evil robots and i shot my web at one of them, swinging them to the others before i leap up and attack the rest. They fought back and of course, a hero such as myself cannot take on this many but i try to.
I took the fight elsewhere so that no one would get hurt, using my spiderwebs to swing me and let them chase after me. I landed on a dock and turn around to face them. Finally realizing how many there are.
"Oh, boy." I whisper in shock. They're made out of metal, i should've thought this through.
"No where left to run, (Hero name)!" The girl robot exclaim with a menacing grin before she shoots multiple rockets at my way.
I gasped and dodged it as my spider sense went off. I thought i was save for a couple of minutes until the robot, which i think is Crushroom, punched me so hard that it send me into a side of a boat.
I groaned and got myself out before i stick my feet and hand on the wall of a building. "Okay, this is a bit unfair, don't you think? I mean, there's literally some of you but you're made out of metal and i'm made out of flesh, myself."
I hear the Big Hero 6 coming from my right and i look up. When my eyes landed on the guy in purple, i feel a bit of familiarity to him. Like i knew him from somewhere. Obviously, behind that orange glass shield he has black hair but his face... Somehow...
And it's not right to be deep in thought when you're being chased by a bunch of robots is not highly recommended. My spider sense went off but i didn't have time to react before i was shot off of the wall and fall to the ground. I fell! A great 6 ft from the building and i think i got scratches on my suit because i was not full conscious.
I got up from the ground and i pant heavily from the great impact. I look up to the rest of the robots and i use this advantage to shoot my spiderwebs at their faces to blind their sights. The Big Hero 6 took care of them as soon as they arrived and i had to leave the scene but my limbs were aching with pain. And they're killing me!
Don't blame me. This is my first time getting actually hurt during a mission.
I hear the big red robot land behind me and help me stand up. "Are you alright, (Hero name)?" The robot asks, his voice calming.
"Yeah. I put my guard down for a second and they just shoot me." I replied, holding my side. I look up to the rest of the team and i think a quarter of my mask was torn.
"What were you thinking taking those crazy robots on your own?! You could've died!" The big guy in green exclaimed at me with worry.
"Not to mention putting your life at risk just to save ours." A girl in pink with long blond hair spoke softly.
"Super cool! But dangerous. But SUPER AWESOME!" The guy in blue yell with excitement.
"You could've asked us to help you." The guy in purple steps up, his height same as mine but i was sorta bend down from the pain.
"Yeah. I just... You guys were already in trouble. I just wanted to give you guys a break." I tell them.
I grunt in pain as my side aches even more and i nearly fall forward but the guy in purple caught me before i hit the ground.
"My boyfriend will not like this at all." I muttered under my breath as i let him support me.
"Your body cannot take anymore muscle use and you have a cut on your face. In order for me to heal you, you must take off your mask." The giant red robot said before he approaches me.
My eyes widen and i hold out my hand. "No, no, no! The hospital is fine! You don't have to heal me." I say quickly, holding the guy in purple's shoulder.
"Oh, come on. You can hardly stand up by yourself, let alone swing back to the hospital." Said the girl in yellow.
I groan in defeat and look up to them. "I know where you can heal me, but, you have to promise to keep it a secret." I tell them.
All six of them agreed and took me to my training arena because i have first aid kit and a bed there. Not plain. I decorated them so that it doesn't look so bland.
The red robot lay me down on the bed while the others look around at the training place i build.
"You built this place yourself?" The girl in yellow asks, standing in front of one of my deadly obstacles.
"I like to challenge myself and make it a whole lot more interesting." I replied to her as the robot place a pillow behind my head.
"Huh." She muttered. "Awesome."
"Alright. Let's take off this mask of yours." The robot said. I sigh heavily.
"It's a big no-no. But from one hero to another, i guess." I say to him before i take off my mask and set it aside.
I was startled by the sound of my name and i look up to the guy in purple with wide eyes. "Y-you know me?" I ask him nervously.
He walk towards me and take off his helmet. My eyes widen even more and i stare at him in shock. "Hiro?!" I exclaim in surprise.
The two of us stare at each other for a solid 5 minutes while the red robot heal the wounds on my body.
The rest of the BH6 came and take off their helmets which made my heart nearly jump out of my chest. I look at each of them before i look up to Hiro again.
"Wait, wait! You lied to me about help Aunt Cass?" I tell him, going to sit up but he held my shoulder and keep me down.
"Y-you lied to me about hanging out with this whole new group of friends when it turns out you were here! Training yourself!" Hiro said back.
I frown a little and look down to my lap. "I..." I sighed heavily and lay down on the bed. "I didn't want to tell you because i was afraid that you guys might tell Professor Granville and that she might take me back to Alchemax and make my powers disappear."
Hiro sit down on the edge of the bed beside me and he hold my hand. "So, this whole time you lied just so you can be a hero?"
"In my defense," I quickly said. "You guys inspired me to become one. I thought that with this power, i might be able to help but i just didn't have the guts to say anything, yet."
Hiro frown at that and he brush my hair out of my face. "And yet, here you are, laying on your bed with Baymax healing your wounds."
"I'm sorry for not telling you. For not telling any of you." I apologized, looking up to them with sincerity. "I know i'm supposed to trust you with this but..."
"Hey, don't worry about it, (Name). I mean, we hid all this from you. We should be the ones to apologize for not telling you that we're heroes." Honey Lemon speak up, walking towards me with a warm smile.
"We could've told you but someone didn't want to because he didn't want to risk your life." Fred steps in, looking at me with a smile.
I look up to Hiro from him and he just look away sheepishly with a blush across his face. I chuckled and i hold his hand. "Aww, really? That's so thoughtful of you!"
He smiled back as he turn his head back to me and he lean down and peck my forehead. "If any of them knew that you were connected to us, i wouldn't know what i would do if something happens to you, (Name)."
"You're my boyfriend, Hiro. You have all the right to be worried but you have to trust me with protecting myself. I can handle anything." I tell him to reassure him, my smile never falter.
Hiro chuckled and nod his head. "You're right. I should've told you and i should've listened to my friends, too."
"I told you she'd be cool about it." Fred tells them which made us all chuckle.
And let's just say that from now own, we tell each other everything and we help each other. I'm not part of the BH6 but i still help around. Hiro and i's relationship became stronger also mine with our friends.
With great power, come great responsibility. And that responsibility is protecting everyone i love and this city.
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hazel-of-sodor · 7 months
Day 29-Rise Above
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 29-Out of Service
Rise Above
Henry had almost missed her. He was tired, and more than ready to begin the long trip back to Sodor. The news he was being diverted south and would have to make the climb up the infamous incline had only further exhausted him. She sat on the out-of-use siding, her black paint faded to a dull worn gray. It had been decades since he last saw her, long before his rebuild, but he recognized her nonetheless.
He stopped beside the LBSCR B4, wondering idly if she was the last of her class, and what to say to her.
"Hello Linda." He settled for.
The 4-4-0 looked up in confusion at the Black 5 before her, before her mouth twisted into a smirk, "I know they said I'd go crazy in the sidings but I didn't think it would happen this fast.
Henry scowled at her, "You weren't exactly sane to start with."
She barked out a genuine laugh, "Fair enough Jumbo. Nobody on the North Western was sane."
He went to snap back, but then he thought about it.
 "Fair enough," He grumbled
She smirked at him, "What's wrong Jumbo? Don't tell me you're not happy to see me after all this time?"
He glared at her continued use of the nickname. "You don't exactly bring up happy memories."
She paused, a hurt look on her face, "I never treated you any differently from anyone else."
Henry snorted, "Does that matter when you insult everyone?...well everyone but Thomas."
The 4-4-0 hesitated "How is..."
Henry sighed, 'of course.'
"You're favorite little gremlin has a branchline of his own. If you asked him it's the most important part of the railway."
"Of course it is, they gave it to him after all." She said fondly.
Henry tried not to feel bitter, Linda and Thomas had just clicked, and he knew the tank engine considered the 4-4-0 his big sister.
"And how have you been Jumbo?"
Henry blinked, as he was interrupted in his musings. 
Linda rolled her eyes, "How are you?" We were hardly close back then, but we were shedmates?" She looked over his new form slowly, "you look far better than when I last saw you."
"My firebox was too small like you said," he admitted, "they tried me on Welsh coal, but then I had an accident in 34..."
"Hatt had you rebuilt," she said, unable to hide her envy.
"At Crewe... Gordon as well a few years later."
Linda laughed, "Oh I bet the great tosser hated that."
Henry chuffed a small laugh, "he was less than thrilled."
She smiled sharply, "He's gonna hate that you told me."
"That alone makes it worth it."
"He's still that bad?" She chuckled disbelievingly.
"No," Henry admitted. "He's much better now... but he's still Gordon."
"I can imagine," she said, amusement still coloring her tone.
She considered Henry seriously, "It was good seeing you big green." She said genuinely. "I'd thought I'd never see any of you again "
"I enjoyed seeing you again more than I expected."
"It probably helps you're finally whole and strong and I'm in an out-of-use siding." She said dryly.
Henry didn't reply.
She sighed, "Will you do me a favor, Henry?"
Henry raised an eyebrow at her use of his actual name, "go ahead."
"Will you tell Thomas I'm proud of him?"
"Of...of course." 
"Thanks, big green... It looks like your train is ready."
Sure enough, the final cars were being shunted into his goods train back to Sodor.
"See you, Big Green."
"Goodbye, Linda."
He rolled forward, his thoughts whirling. He finally stopped with a sigh, 'Blast it all, I can't leave her.'
The yard manager walked up, "Is everything alright No.3? Your train is ready."
Before his crew could respond Henry spoke, "I'm looking for my banker."
"Your banker?"
Henry raised an eyebrow, channeling as much of Gordon into the expression as he could, "Surely you weren't thinking of sending me up the incline with over 50 trucks without a banker."
"Oh well, you see..."
"You do realize if my train was to stall on the incline, it would delay the traffic for the entire region."
"Yes, but we don't have any engines to spare!" The yard manager blurted out.
Henry's driver thankfully understood and leaned out of the cab, "What about the B4 in the siding?"
The manager blinked, "the 4-4-0? Her fires not even lit!"
"But she could have steam by the time we hit the hill?"
The manager nodded, "Aye...she could. If you can find someone to crew her you can use her, you can send her back with the next train back this way."
Henry's relief crew soon had her fire lit as Henry backed down to couple up to her.
"Big Green?" She said in bewilderment.
"You're helping me up the incline."
"I see you've finally lost what little sense you had?"
Younger Henry would have grit his teeth, thirty years on Sodor meant he just rolled his eyes, "Just hush and come along, I'm not putting up with the little pest moping because you're gone again."
Linda smiled, "Oh big green, you do care." She teased.
"To my great regret," both knew he didn't mean it as he set off with his train and his former shedmate in tow.
A/N: Linda is @mean-scarlet-deceiver's OC, who I have been given permission to use in my AU. This is not their canon ending for her in their 'Quiet Little Island Railway' Au, merely what happens to her in my AU.
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Midnight Swan
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason doesn't die in the explosion in this AU, BUT he does team up with Kate Kane in this.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Jason Todd Survives The Explosion, POV Jason Todd, Angst, Secrets
Chapter Two: Cousin Kate's
Kate came to the door around six in the morning and asked when I had to be home at the manor. “Like two tomorrow afternoon,” I answered. She came in and gave me a bundle.
“It’s not safe for you to be out in that costume,” Kate noted. She took the costume I made and put a knife through it. “And I’ll finish training you.” I was dumbstruck at first, but I think she figured I’d catch up.
“Why were you in the sewers last night?” Kate questioned. She sat in a chair by the bed and nodded as if she was about to tell me something I wasn’t supposed to know. “I followed you. I’ve been following you for a while now… I didn’t know it was you, I didn’t even know you were a kid until I got close last night, and that’s exactly why I’m not gonna tell Bruce.” She let me take in her words for a second, and I nodded. “How comfortable are you with fighting in water?”
“I’m not sure,” I answered honestly. Kate smiled for the first time.
“Let’s get breakfast kid… We’ll go to the beach later on… A little field trip. Can I call you Jay?” Kate asked. I nodded. “You can relax, Jay. Go get washed up. I’ll make you some breakfast. Does Bruce let you drink coffee?” I shook my head. “I usually have a glass of milk,” I whispered. Kate chuckled.
“Go brush your teeth,” Kate commanded. She told me where her bathroom was, and I showered, brushed my teeth at the sink, and washed my face before standing there and taking a good look at my reflection. I still had some visible scars and burns, even after all those months of healing. It didn’t bother me as much as it did at first, but I knew it was the first thing everyone saw when they looked at me. Victim. That was the last thing that I wanted to be. I just hoped that that wasn’t what Kate saw in me. I hoped that she saw potential in me. I put on my clothes for the day, and Kate was already making waffles.
“Jason, do you want a grapefruit or an orange with breakfast?” Kate asked. I sat at the kitchen island and pointed to the orange. “Really? I figured Bruce would have you eating grapefruit at home. He seems old-fashioned in that—.”
“Why do you want to finish training me? I’m sure Bruce told you what happened.” She nodded.
“So what? You almost died. You failed… But you got back up. You’re not bad at what you do... You need more training. You’ve got spunk, and flair, and the reflexes needed in this line of work. Besides, I wanna see what the big deal is,” Kate smiled and poured me a glass of milk.
I smiled back and took a sip from the glass before asking, “The big deal about what?”
“Having a kid around…” She cut up the oranges in near-perfect slices and looked me in the eyes. “You weren’t going to kill him. You might have planned to kill him and still want him dead, but I don’t see it in you,” Kate confessed. She was so casual in saying it.
She finished making the waffles and made both plates before sitting across from me, and she started eating. “Are you and Bruce close?” I asked. She shrugged.
“Well... We’re cousins… You and Dick close?” Kate returned.
“I’d like to say we are…” I ate one of the orange slices off my plate while Kate tried to figure out what else to say to me. I honestly didn’t mind. She seemed to be a little more laid back than Bruce.
“I was aiming for your face last night—.” I laughed, but she didn’t. “I was serious.” I didn’t say anything, and she started laughing. “I’m just messing with you.” I smiled.
“You didn’t want kids?” I asked. She stopped mid-bite and thought about it for a moment.
“I’ve always wanted a kid around, but I don’t think it would work. Bruce made it work for him, but I don't want to make the whole kid thing work for me. I can’t make that work around my life, schedule, and current goals… So to answer your question, yeah, I did want to be a parent,” Kate answered, “But who knows, had Bruce not beat me to the punch, maybe you would’ve ended up in my charge.” She ate an orange slice and finished off the rest of her waffles.
I took a little longer to finish my breakfast, but it didn’t seem like Kate was in too much of a hurry. Her phone rang, and she answered and put it on speaker. “Kate?”
“Hey Bruce,” Kate replied. She didn’t look all that surprised that he called.
“Did you do that last night?” Bruce sounded worried. She held up a hand.
“Was what me? Oh, you meant that clown hanging upside down outside of GCPD? Yeah, it was me,” Kate answered. There was a long silence. She couldn’t help but allow a grin to spread across her face.
“Kate,” Bruce whispered. She went to get her bag off the couch.
“What? I told you it was me. I didn’t rough him up like that, though. The clown was like that when I found him,” Kate lied. I looked at her, and she gestured for me not to worry.
“You don’t know who it is?” Bruce questioned. He seemed a bit shocked.
“No. Not yet, but I’m looking into it. Why? You almost sound concerned," Kate replied. I washed my plate and hers in the sink while she stood by the couch. “How’s your kid?”
“Jason, I… I don’t know. I knew he would take things hard when I hung up his cape... I didn’t think that he’d become so distant from me. Especially these past few weeks.” Kate took the phone off speaker and looked at me.
“It’s not like you can expect him to return to normal… I don’t think that means he doesn’t care about you anymore… I think maybe what he needs is time… I never took you for the worrisome dad type… No, I know, you’ve told me before. I would have to meet him and see for myself… See you around B.” I stood at the counter and waited for her to hang up. “No, no long faces.”
“What’d he say about me?” I was worried that maybe I was hurting the one person who cared about me, and I didn’t want him to feel that way.
“Bruce said he loved you and that he was worried about you… He told me you were a good kid,” Kate answered. I smiled. “A little bit of fine print before we start today. If I finish training you, you’ve gotta tell Bruce the truth once I’m done with you. Can you promise me that?” I wasn’t planning on having to tell Bruce anything. I think part of me was afraid of how Bruce would react. I thought he’d give up on me completely. I couldn’t take him giving up on me. I wouldn’t.
“But what if—.”
“He’s gonna be upset, but he isn’t going to disown you. Besides, I’m gonna take most of the heat anyway because I’m not supposed to be training you anyways,” Kate whispered. Kate seemed like she meant it, but I was still hesitant. “Two choices, you let me finish training you, and you can tell Bruce once I’m done, or you give this all up, and I drive you home tomorrow, and don’t think you can tell me you’ll give this up because we both know you don’t want to.” I nodded.
“Okay, yeah,” I mumbled. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but at least it wasn’t just my secret anymore.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
can you write yandere!klara and yandere!avery realizing each other is a potential rival over the reader and shenanigans ensure? like klara tries to put poison spikes on avery's bed and avery tries to levitate darling away from klara claiming he thought he saw them almost tripping
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✧Rivalry✧ — Gym Leader Klara vs Gym Leader Avery
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Hoo boy. I wish you best of luck, darling. First of all, these would be highly possessive of you; always wanting your attention or praise. Whether they admit to that or not.
In the beginning, they wanted to deny that they've grown an attachment towards you. It was absolutely preposterous that they would ever have feelings for you! You're the thorn on their side! Well... Not anymore, but you're still their rival! Having these fuzzy, unhealthy feelings means that you have the upper hand, which is what they don't want.
Klara is the first to cave in. She could care less that her love for your was borderline obsessive; all she wants is your attention. So she of course, tries to wrangle it out of you through honey coated words and sweet smiles. She's sure you're not that busy with anything to avoid lil old her, right? Of course not! You're not a dunce after all and you care too much for her to ignore her!
Avery comes right in once he notices Klara's behavior/actions. It's not that hard to notice how much she hovers over you, plus the insistence to train with you no matter the time of day. He isn't a fool, nor someone who will let this slide. It brings a bitter taste in his mouth when he so much as glances your way, only to see Klara near you. Well... Two can play at this game. He manages to be the first to greet you when you approach the Master Dojo every single day, meaning he has dibs on where the two of you will go afterwards. It brings a smirk of triumph on his face knowing that he has more free time with you while Klara has to wait.
There's no way Klara would turn a blind eye. She takes notice immediately what Avery is up to and seethes with jealousy. How dare he! Doesn't he know that you obviously have someone more important to spend time with? Who does he think he is!? Almost on the verge of throwing a fit, Klara quietly hatches a plan to get the psychic type user away from you. Her first thought was to fake an injury so you'd coddle her, but the spite she felt diverted her thoughts to just sabotaging your training session with Avery. He wouldn't be able to battle properly if his team were inflicted with poison. Klara smiles to herself as her rival excuses himself to go heal his pokemon, leaving her to drag you wherever she wants.
This pisses Avery off, because who else would have poison types at hand... Plus, he narrowly avoided a the chance of food poisoning once he realizes a certain someone tampered with his food. How pitiful can this woman be? Certainly you wouldn't want to associate someone with underhanded methods only a dark type would possess. Again, he can't let this whole thing slide, so he throws back what has been throw to him. DEFINITELY will use his psychic abilities to pick you up out of nowhere, claiming you're needed elsewhere. Unbeknownst to you, the two are sending glares at each other.
Oh, and you bet the two have spats whenever you're not around. It ranges form petty insults to... Personal insults. Klara is much more harsh when it comes to the latter, because once it is clearly known that Avery doesn't possess all psychic abilities, that's the weak point she goes for. It gets on Avery's nerves to hear the same things told to him by his family from someone he detests. He does bring up Klara's failure in being a pop sensation, which just causes her to go all out with threats. In short, the two would absolutely use each other's insecurities against one another.
Making the other look bad is also common. Klara always claims that Avery isn't up to snuff at the Dojo or even as a lower division gym leader. She also tells you how uptight and arrogant he is. "Plus, his puns are soooo lame! Everything about him is so lame! But not me, right? I'm super cool to you, right?" Avery, on the other hand, tells you that Klara is an annoyance and that she's only around you for the sake of getting something from you. It's not hard to believe that one day she'd throw you under the bus when the time is right. "I know people like her. She's only around you due to your battle prowess. If you were any one else, she wouldn't give you the time of day. Oh, but of course you still have more reliable individuals such as myself around."
It gets bad. They're both trying to sabotage one another's image, so you'd of course lean more towards the other. They also try not to let their quarreling be known to you. All you're aware of is the two having this sort of rivalry, but just in terms of battling... At some point, they will cave and fight over you while you're around. Maybe you assume it's just for your time, but slowly and surely you realize that the two are extremely serious about taking the other out of the picture.
Also, others should be very wary of them if they so much as try to take your attention away from the two. Dealing with one of them is bad enough, but having the two of them on that person's tail will not end nicely.
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ladyswillmart · 6 months
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"Hey, hey, what do you think this thing does?" Mallow wondered as he raised the crystal shard towards the sun, allowing it to split the light into enough tiny flecks to drive the whole of Monstro Town absolutely bonkers.
"What it does is annoy me! So give it a rest, capisce?" muttered Bowser. He kept picking at his fingers and grumbling under his breath, no doubt still steaming over the fight that saw his claws so egregiously chipped. "Yo Geno, make sure you write down what that guy did to us in full detail. I wanna remember this for the rematch!"
Geno sat propped upright against a pile of crates. Standing unassisted would be temporarily impossible—or at least difficult for the doll, whose left leg had been ripped off his body close to the hip joint, exposing a bundle of severed copper wires, red and blue, arteries and veins of the body electric. The leg itself laid beside him, its stillness yet possessed with a strange aura of pride, having proved its worth as a crystal-busting cudgel.
"Yeah, sure," he said. Business as usual, he scribbled words into the group's scrapbook but gave no indication towards what, precisely, he was scribbling.
"Make sure you get the part about my claws!"
"Gee, Bowser. How could I possibly forget to mention that you broke a claw on one of Culex's crystals." Geno's statement was suspiciously devoid of the expected question mark.
Rather, he seemed stumped on something, tapping his pen against the paper in anticipation of words late to arrive. Peach leaned over his shoulder and took a peek at what he'd written so far:
...but once again, when defeated, Culex didn't seem to be up to anything overtly evil.
"You're right about that, I guess," she noted. "Seems like all Culex wanted to do was prove himself in a good fight. I hope he got what he wanted."
Geno kept tapping, leaving tiny flecks of blue biro ink in the margins. "Hmm. I don't know. Something about this doesn't sit right with me."
"I think you're overthinking, Geno."
"Not one of my better habits, for sure. Well. Do you think it's enough to simply declare one's intentions as evil?"
"I think actions speak louder than words, if that's what you mean," said Peach. "Like if Bowser over there said he was going to sell his prized golden chain chomp and donate the proceeds to the Mushroom Kingdom community chest. I don't think it would really matter if he framed it as another one of his evil schemes or not. At the end of the day, he still did a good deed."
"What?! Grrahh!" roared the King of Koopas, having caught the conversation by the tail. "Hell're you jawin' about over there? Me, doing a good deed?! Urggh! Bag it, sister!!"
"Just a hypothetical good deed," Peach reassured him sweetly. "I would never suggest such a horrible thing for real, dear."
"Better not! Gonna make me puke! And we haven't even got to the buffet yet!"
Now it was Mallow's turn to settle in next to Geno and leer over his other shoulder.
"Hey, can I write some?" he asked.
"Sure," said Geno, finally giving up on his stalled train of thought and the pen to go with it. It doubled as the ring finger on his left hand—Gaz's doll was full of surprises and school supplies. "What do you think about good and evil, Mallow?"
"Mm. Not much. I like clam strips though!" he replied, already getting right to work and appending a sentence in his loose kid scrawl about that fight's real reward being a trip to the Seaside Smorgasbord, where they will no doubt enjoy a veritable pirate's bounty of king crab legs and fish filets and smoked salmon and fried shrimp and imitation lobster and blooper calamari and the unlimited soup n' salad bar and also those little plates of red (or green) gelatinous cubes with dollops of whipped cream on top.
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jakethesequel · 10 months
Trans-Femme Fatale
We were partners, he and I. Private investigators, ace dicks, problem sleuths, whatever way you gab it. Only so many ways to put lipstick on a pig. But I digress. Now he's missing. Three days. Could be dead, far as I know.
All started when that girl walked in. He was out on a case, I was keeping up an important conversation with a bottle of scotch. Girl said she was looking for her brother. Ran away from home in '44 to join up. Good on him. Get away from family drama and kill some ratzis to boot. Except the war's over and nobody's heard from him since. He and his folks, the girl tells me, never much got along, but her brother always doted on her.
New York City, that's a long walk from here. She tells me some actress friend of the girl's moves here a few months back and swears up and down she saw this brother on the streets, but couldn't tail him. So the loving sister comes down to reunite. She tells me the location. It's near my partner's building, so I call him and I'm lucky enough to get an answer. I give him the case, on merit of location.
I never hear from him again.
And the girl, neither. Hotel clerk says she signed out the morning after we met, with an older woman. Possibly a relation, he says. Something fishy about what the girl told me. The mother wouldn't come to find the brother if he was on fire, to hear her story.
No sign of a forced entry or a quick exit at my partner's pad. Hell, all his clothes are still there, so if he ran off on his own, he did it in a hurry. But no note? No nothin', after these years of working together? You'd think I'd earned that much. All's I got to go off of now is the faint smell of a nice perfume hanging low in the air. Fennel. Maybe a clue, or maybe a hooker.
I ask the old landlady if she's seen anyone go up to his floor. He seeing anyone? He ever meet with this girl from New York? She doesn't spy on her residents, she says. I get Andrew Jackson to repeat my questions. She tells me sometimes this dolled-up blonde visits him, late. Looks a little like that New York girl, she says, only with a whole lot more woman. Like I said: fishy.
Imagine my surprise to check back at the office and find this leggy dame sitting at his desk. I'd be pissin mad if she didn't fill those stockings so nicely while she did it. As it stands I just drag my eyes up over the broad's body so I can ask her to her face what she did to my partner. Is he dead? Who's the girl? What's your angle here, lady?
"Dead? No, no, only in a manner of speaking."
I tell ya, I almost pulled my piece right there, joking about this kind of a thing. But it'd be a cryin' shame to ruin a chest like that. I let her sultry voice speak. She starts by telling me she's the girl's sister. Bullshit. The girl told me she only had the one brother. Shut up and let me finish, she says. Yes ma'am, I say. Feisty one. Says her parents always thought they had a son, but she knew otherwise. Don't know how you could make w mistake like that! They made her live as a boy and tell everyone else, too. So she runs off to join the fighting in Europe. Gets denied, 4-F she says. I didn't know they made 'em bigger than a size D. So she does the next best thing: hop a train west and hope there's work wherever you get off. Sets herself up a new identity once she's got living money. Two, in fact. Some people still don't like her being a woman, apparently. A double life: one for work and the other for leisure. When her sister came around looking, she got in touch and explained everything. Apologized for running out on her, paid for her trip back home, even gave her the phone number if she ever needed anything else.
Lovely story, pulls at the heart-strings. She needs a minute to compose herself. I offer her some scotch and she takes it, staining red lips on the glass. Still, I lean forward, I've got to press her: how does my partner play into all this? Is he all right? Is he safe? Is he even alive? Then I catch a whiff of fennel, and I realize. We were partners, she and I.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
23 - Love is stronger Darth
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Part 24
Kenobi's Future
Tag list - @supernaturalgirl30 @nanagoswife @lycaonpictusphotography @bigbendyhorns @abaker74 @haideehaids @sassycowboygoatee @jedi-archives @iifloweringnightsii @ocappreciationtag @just-dreaming-marvel @foundationsretail
Hi readers the next chapter will be the last for the story of Obi-wan and Y/n with their little girls.
The scar across his face had healed but it was still a horrible reminder. He slowly walks forward but I take two steps back fear in the pit of my stomach. "What's it going to be my darling. Join or die?" He spoke softly without any hesitation in his voice.
I almost dropped my lightsaber from my hands because I am shaking so much. A shiver went through my whole body. I could handle fighting Sidius or even Vader but I can't stomach that I will have to fight the man I love. That I will have to fight my husband. My Obi-wan. The wind blows through my hair where I am grateful that Kiera and Padme actually listened and stayed home on Tatooine. I don't think I could live with myself if they say this. Obi-wan and I have only ever trained together but thus time he wouldn't be holding back. Releasing a breath I opened my lightsaber creating the green glow in front of my face. Obi-wan opened his arms dropping his robe from his shoulders grabbing his lightsaber and twirling it the second he ignited it causing a flashback to run through my mind.
He takes the first advance where our lightsabers smacked against each other lightly. I step backwards spinning in a circle with my lightsaber above my heads hitting his lightsaber. "You're getting better at it, honey."
I compliment him as he just twirls his lightsaber in front of his chest until closing it quickly. "Not as good as you, love. Vader said it himself."
He shrugged his shoulders as I just started twirling my lightsaber over and over feeling the movement getting more comfortable in my hands. "Master Yoda would be impressed and probably jealous I'm teaching you my skills. You are still his padawan."
"I don't wanna fight you, Obi-wan. This isn’t you." I mumbled watching his movements closely. He started walking around in a circle and I followed his actions feeling my heart racing in my chest.
My husband just blankly stared at me with no expression on his face. Walking still in a circle with Vader closely watching. Some lava shoots up in the sky and falls down back to the ground before my husband rushed forward swinging his lightsaber at me. I screamed dodging his attack barrel rolling underneath his attack causing my hair to cover my face. "Obi-wan I know you're in there. You would never kill me!"
Obi raises his hand yanking me forward with the Force but I raised my freehand throwing him backwards instead. Backflipping in the air I landed on my feet with him laying on the ground glaring up at me. He clutched his blue lightsaber tightly. "I am keeping you alive this way. Do you not value your life!"
"Of course I want to live. But not without you...not without my family all together!" I shouted at him throwing my arms out in frustration. Tears starting falling down my face wanting this to be done with.
Suddenly he swings his lightsaber underneath my feet tripping me. My back hit the ground hard and my lightsaber flew out of my hands a few feet away. Obi-wan got to his feet towering over me. I gulped seeing the tip of his blue lightsaber aimed directly at me. "This is your last chance my love. If you don't join me I will kill you." He breathed out sternly.
"So you'd leave our girls without a mother...they would never forgive you for that?" I croaked out through tears starting to sob uncomfortably.
Vader steps closer clutching his hands into fists at his sides. "Don't listen to her. She's not going to join kill her. Kill her Obi-wan!"
Obi-wan locked gazes with me as I shutter in fear. I prayed that it didn't have to be his face as the last thing I saw. Where he's looking at me filled with anger. But if I am to die this way then Kiera would take Padme to safety somewhere else. And I would be reunited with my sister in the neatherworld of the Force. I would see Qui Gon and eventually my old master Yoda. Obi-wan swung his lightsaber back so I closed my eyes waiting for him to strike me. But I heard Vader grunt in pain instead. "Ugh....you betrayed me!"
"Yes I did Darth. I know where my loyalty is, with my family and my wife." Obi-wan turns on husband heels offering me his hand to help me up.
Before I put my hand in his he dropped his red lightsaber to the ground. "Obi-wan look out!" I screamed pointing over his shoulder when Vader raised his weapon over his head almost killing him.
He turned around using the Force drawing my green lightsaber into his hands. He blocked Vader's blow with green and red against each other. "I shall never turn to your side Darth. I have everything I want right here." My husband shoved his enemy back cutting a part of his mask with my lightsaber.
Vader dropped to the ground gasping for air. Obi grabbed my arm pulling me in the direction of my ship quickly shutting the door and making the jump to lightsaber before he could track us. "Obi...are you alright. Does this hurt?" I asked spinning in my chair to face him. As soft as possible I brushed my finger over his scar feeling him sigh in relief.
"I - I'm alright now that I have you..." He intertwined my hand with his resting his forehead against mine started to cry into my chest. Wrapping my arms around his shaking body I kiss his messy hair. "I'm sorry I tried to kill you...I'm sorry I put you in danger. I thought he was dead...I never imagined...I'm sorry my love.." He sobbed into my shirt staining it but I just clutch the fabric of his robes tightly in my hands.
The flight home was silent after that. Obi-wan clinging to me and I to him. His face laying in the crook of my neck trying to calm his breathing down. My chin resting ontop his head so I closed my eyes getting some sleep before we reached home. Tatooine was the safest place in the Galaxy for us. If Vader came again we could be ready. We proved to him that love was stronger than the Dark Side. "I love you my Obi-wan...always and forever."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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