#yandere swsh x reader
bluemoondust · 2 years
can you write yandere!klara and yandere!avery realizing each other is a potential rival over the reader and shenanigans ensure? like klara tries to put poison spikes on avery's bed and avery tries to levitate darling away from klara claiming he thought he saw them almost tripping
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✧Rivalry✧ — Gym Leader Klara vs Gym Leader Avery
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Hoo boy. I wish you best of luck, darling. First of all, these would be highly possessive of you; always wanting your attention or praise. Whether they admit to that or not.
In the beginning, they wanted to deny that they've grown an attachment towards you. It was absolutely preposterous that they would ever have feelings for you! You're the thorn on their side! Well... Not anymore, but you're still their rival! Having these fuzzy, unhealthy feelings means that you have the upper hand, which is what they don't want.
Klara is the first to cave in. She could care less that her love for your was borderline obsessive; all she wants is your attention. So she of course, tries to wrangle it out of you through honey coated words and sweet smiles. She's sure you're not that busy with anything to avoid lil old her, right? Of course not! You're not a dunce after all and you care too much for her to ignore her!
Avery comes right in once he notices Klara's behavior/actions. It's not that hard to notice how much she hovers over you, plus the insistence to train with you no matter the time of day. He isn't a fool, nor someone who will let this slide. It brings a bitter taste in his mouth when he so much as glances your way, only to see Klara near you. Well... Two can play at this game. He manages to be the first to greet you when you approach the Master Dojo every single day, meaning he has dibs on where the two of you will go afterwards. It brings a smirk of triumph on his face knowing that he has more free time with you while Klara has to wait.
There's no way Klara would turn a blind eye. She takes notice immediately what Avery is up to and seethes with jealousy. How dare he! Doesn't he know that you obviously have someone more important to spend time with? Who does he think he is!? Almost on the verge of throwing a fit, Klara quietly hatches a plan to get the psychic type user away from you. Her first thought was to fake an injury so you'd coddle her, but the spite she felt diverted her thoughts to just sabotaging your training session with Avery. He wouldn't be able to battle properly if his team were inflicted with poison. Klara smiles to herself as her rival excuses himself to go heal his pokemon, leaving her to drag you wherever she wants.
This pisses Avery off, because who else would have poison types at hand... Plus, he narrowly avoided a the chance of food poisoning once he realizes a certain someone tampered with his food. How pitiful can this woman be? Certainly you wouldn't want to associate someone with underhanded methods only a dark type would possess. Again, he can't let this whole thing slide, so he throws back what has been throw to him. DEFINITELY will use his psychic abilities to pick you up out of nowhere, claiming you're needed elsewhere. Unbeknownst to you, the two are sending glares at each other.
Oh, and you bet the two have spats whenever you're not around. It ranges form petty insults to... Personal insults. Klara is much more harsh when it comes to the latter, because once it is clearly known that Avery doesn't possess all psychic abilities, that's the weak point she goes for. It gets on Avery's nerves to hear the same things told to him by his family from someone he detests. He does bring up Klara's failure in being a pop sensation, which just causes her to go all out with threats. In short, the two would absolutely use each other's insecurities against one another.
Making the other look bad is also common. Klara always claims that Avery isn't up to snuff at the Dojo or even as a lower division gym leader. She also tells you how uptight and arrogant he is. "Plus, his puns are soooo lame! Everything about him is so lame! But not me, right? I'm super cool to you, right?" Avery, on the other hand, tells you that Klara is an annoyance and that she's only around you for the sake of getting something from you. It's not hard to believe that one day she'd throw you under the bus when the time is right. "I know people like her. She's only around you due to your battle prowess. If you were any one else, she wouldn't give you the time of day. Oh, but of course you still have more reliable individuals such as myself around."
It gets bad. They're both trying to sabotage one another's image, so you'd of course lean more towards the other. They also try not to let their quarreling be known to you. All you're aware of is the two having this sort of rivalry, but just in terms of battling... At some point, they will cave and fight over you while you're around. Maybe you assume it's just for your time, but slowly and surely you realize that the two are extremely serious about taking the other out of the picture.
Also, others should be very wary of them if they so much as try to take your attention away from the two. Dealing with one of them is bad enough, but having the two of them on that person's tail will not end nicely.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Congrats on 500!!! i dont say it enough but i really do love ur work and istg i need to start interacting more to say it >.<. but since you're doing requests-
If you're willing to do Yanplatonic stuff- Do you mind if you do Yanplatonic Kokushibo x Sister reader? (theres so little. i write it for a reason ;-;) But if you're not- How about Yan! Raihan x Reader? Can be anything you want really- I'm just starved of Raihan content in general rn :(((
If you're not comfortable with yandere requests then PLEASE feel free to get rid of/ignore! Again, Congratulations on your milestone, IM SO PROUDDDD!!!
THANK YOU!! 😭 Why not both? warnings for mentioning of death and killing in Michikatsu's part only and both parts having yandere themes. Raihan's being more romantic than Kokushibos bit. @trancylovecraft
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*It was really strange in the beginning. Everyone knew that Michikatsu being the oldest and 'normal' twin was assigned to be your father's heir while Yoriichi was unwanted and almost killed but was now destined to go be a priest come his tenth birthday. So where did that leave you?
*The youngest Tsugikuni that no one expected to be born. One heir was all that was needed so what to do with a third child let alone a daughter. You were lucky not to be a twin or more because perhaps their fate would've repeated with you. But since you were both unexpected and unplanned everyone just sorta..kinda didn't know what to do with you.
*Your father had no interest in you from the beginning but he'd be damned if he became a laughing stick twice with a son like Yoriichi so while he didn't care about your existence or bother to interact with you, he ordered that you become 'a proper lady' and one worthy of your status. 
*Which was why your favorite parent was your mother. Even if you couldn't spend a lot of time with her either because of your harsh studies and your orders to be kept away from Yoriichi who was always around your mother. 
*As a result most of your studies coisided with Michikatsu's minus his fighting training. So you both developed a greater bond than the one's you had with either parent or Yoriichi. He'd take you to sneak out and visit Your other older brother Yoriichi. Not as often as Michikatsu saw him but it was enough for you to love your silent but kind older brother too. Until everything changed.
*Yoriichis true talent was revealed. Your mother passed away. Yoriichi visited you in the middle of the night just to hug you, nothing more, before leaving in the middle of the night. Michikatsu's jealousy increased as did the anger your father possessed. Unbeknownst to you, Your brother was intentionally taking up all your father's attention from Yoriichi not only to make his father forget about the more talented twin in risk of loosing everything, but also to steer his new found frustration off of you. And it worked scarily well. 
*Now without your mother and older brother you were left in the care of maids and tutors and barely saw your remaining family anymore. You tried to make it work, really you did. You tried studying hard and becoming the best high society woman you could possibly be to make your father and Michikatsu proud. It worked...a little too well. Because not only did you accidentally overhear your father make arrangements for your arranged marriage to a known wrathful and brutal man, but he planned on not telling you at all until the day of said wedding so you'd have no choice but to go through with it.
*Terrified you sought out your older brother in the middle of his studying to explain what was happening and that you feared for your life. Michikatsu's expression is blank as he calmly regards the way you're shaking and hyperventilating as tears weld up in your eyes. The man he spoke of marrying you too happened to be one of his father's most powerful men. Ruthless in both killing enemies and how he treated others in general so the fear was warranted.
*Michikatsu himself was already married with his wife expecting their first child in six more months so he supposed their father decided that it was time his daughter was married off too. He didn't do anything. Didn't even offer to calm you. Just calmly close his book and place it down. "Have you tried talking to Father or this man?" "You know he wont listen to what I say! He never did! What am I going to do?!" "I see...I'll talk to him tomorrow. I can't guarantee I'll change his mind but perhaps I'll see what I can do. In the meantime my wife is lonely by herself. Why don't you go keep her company for a while?"
*You didn't know what to do. Your life was about to be ruined. But you had to trust your brother to try and steer your father's mind from this. You spent the next three days with your sister-in-law helping her along with maids in preparation for you new niece or nephew. So imagine your shock when news reached you both of your husband to be being found slain by a demon. His body sliced so badly that no one recognized him at first. It should've been a relief but it was really more shock than anything else. Your father was furious however he himself would pass away soon as well. Tripping over the second balcony and passing away. 
*You didn't know what happened to either one of them but the look in your brother's eyes when you asked him about it told you all you needed to know. "Do not worry about it. After all ..Big brother will always be there to look after his little sister."
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-You catch his attention either one of two ways. You either keep defeating him and become a second rival to Leon or you are completely indifferent by anything he does. Since he's literally Galar's strongest gym leader let's go with the second option and say you got his attention by being indifferent.
-Raihan is a good looking guy. Very handsome. His friends know it. He knows it. And his fans REALLY know it. It's no secret Raihan has acquired fans of both genders from just his charms and looks alone outside of his strength and status. He can make anyone swoon if he tried hard enough. So that's why when you came along with your indifference it was like a surprise slap across the face to him.
-You were one of the people at the local meet and greet after that year's Pokemon championship. As usual he was unable to defeat Leon but the crowd's after pleading for autographs and pictures from both the gym leaders and Champion was ready in wait for them. He loved greeting his fans. Practically head diving first into the crowds to supply selfies and autographs to his endless fans. So when he meets a group of ladies bashfully waiting for their turn, he gives them the good old charming smile and wink. It sends the whole group into giggles. Except for you. Your bored, deadpanned face never changed other than giving an eye roll.
-This genuinely catches him off guard. Usually no one ever did that to him so perhaps you're a fan jealous you're not getting his full attention. Nope. When he walks over and tries to chat you up you shut him down immediately. "Hey there.~" "NO." No. Just ..No? He hasn't said more than two words to you and you're not even looking at the wide eyed gym leader next to you. "I'm not interested in whatever womanizing antics you got to say. Beat it before I make you." A choked sound of surprise leaves him at that.
-Him? A womanizer?! Sure he was flirty and stuff but that's how he always was! He tries to say something but instead you walk away. Turns out you were only there because your friends dragged you along with them but you didn't want to see Raihan. To you he came off as full of himself and the way he just flirted with everyone just reeked of womanizing behavior.
-Raihan is left shocked, confused, a little bit hurt..and a LOT intrigued by you. He's never met someone like you before and he wants to find out more! He heard one of your friends mentioned your name and looks you up later on social media ended up finding your socials. Naturally he follows you back and flips through them. There's...not a lot really. Just a couple blogged posts from your friends and family, a few pictures of said friends and family and some of your Pokemon, a funny meme or two and.... That's it. Apparently you're not online much and you don't follow a lot of people outside of friends, family, and a few blogs that was about Pokemon.
-Well surely you would appreciate it and follow him by after seeing he followed you. Nope. You straight up ignored him even if you noticed at all. It drives him crazy. Posting everything from cute pics of his team to beautiful views from the back of his flying to selfies of him showing off his admittedly impressive build. But nope. Zero. He'd spend hours obsessively flipping through notifications for any reblogs, comments, or even a like on anything. Nope. Nothing. You don't bother to notice him. And when he tries to get you to notice him, you also ignore any comments or otherwise by him.
-Its frustrating to him! All he wants is to be recognized by you! To show you that you were wrong and he was a really good person. When messaging you online didn't work he tried in person. After all you barely posted anything so maybe you didn't really go online that much. He found your work place in Wyndon City by a picture you posted once of you getting promoted at work. A small little Pokemon groomer's shop. He went there under the guise of getting his duroludon's metal body polished so you wouldn't be freaked out by suddenly seeing him there outta the blue.
-He saw you as soon as you walked in. Brushing down the fur of a minccino as he walked in right in front of everyone. You looked up from the Pokemon with a smile but was shocked and then frowned as soon as you saw his smiling face. "What are YOU doing here?" "I'm in Wyndon visiting Lee but I figured my duroludon could use a good polishing after so long. I heard this place does a good job grooming Pokemon so can I get the big guy in?" You still frowned but didn't seem to be none the wiser. Only grumpily ringing him up as he paid and your coworker took his duroludon to be polished up. 
-"I also want to apologize to you." "For what?" "I may have come on in a way that made you uncomfortable. Sorry for that. I swear I'm not like that all the time. It's mostly just an act for the fans. They have a certain image of me." "So you act like a womanizer for publicity stunts?" "Hey. We all do. You think Piers is really introverted and shy? Nah man. He might be punk goth but he's not that emo. It's just what his fans like to see from him." "....Alright. I guess I can buy that. Apology accepted."  "Good. Since we're all cleared up now..Can I make it up to you with dinner?" "Really?" "Really! It's not a date but I would like to get to know you better since I never met anyone like you before. So what do you say?" "....I get off at five. Remember it's not a date."
-He couldn't have been happier. It was a start of a long road of living you.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
If it's okay can I request general yandere headcanons for Leon, Raihan and/or Kabu please?
You got it!
🔞18+Only!🔞 for unhealthy relationships!🔞
CW : stalking, kidnapping
- he’s delusional. He saw you in the stadium during one of his matches, and even bumped into you afterwards! You were so nervous and polite, so sweet and shy.
- He’s the champion after all, of course you’d be nervous about bumping into him. You were just glad he was nice, and not angry with you.
- But that’s not how he saw it.
- You were nervous and shy because you love him! And that’s okay! He finds you so cute, so charming. He can’t help but try and find you on social media.
- He wants to know you! He tries to bump into you, but he’s always getting lost.
- Yet you find him! You help him find his way back to town! So much so, he offers you to work for him, to help him not get lost.
- The pay is insanely well, how could you refuse the sweet champion’s offer?
- He’s always falling you around, hanging off your every word.
- You don’t seem to notice his glare at reporters, or his ‘friendly’ touches lingering. He’s Leon, he’s always been an affectionate man, what’s there to worry about?
- You confused when people start asking you about your boyfriend, or how long you and Leon have been together.
- You aren’t dating Leon, so what gives?
- Asking Leon this, he just tilts his head at you, his confusion mirroring your own
- “What are you talking about? We are coming up on our one year!”
- He tugs lightly at his long purple hair, golden eyes filling with tears that never fall.
- “How could you say that! I’ve been doing everything for you, because I love you! You’re mine, please, just sit down and we can talk about this!”
- “Leon, there is nothing to talk about-“
- The more you deny it, deny him, the more he starts to hyperventilate. It only gets worse when you tell him you’re quitting.
- He won’t allow it! He can’t! You can’t leave him! Through all his crying, through all his begging, his pleading for you to stay with him, to not throw your entire relationship away.
- He panics.
- You can’t leave him! Not after all you two have been through!
- You won’t remember exactly what happened.
- But you’ll wake up, cuffed to his bed, and his bedroom door upgraded with so many locks.
- His Dragapult sees you’re awake, and phases out the door. Only to return with Leon.
- “Ah! I’m so glad you’re awake. I was worried I was too rough, haha!”
- You try to move, thrashing, demanding to be freed.
- “Shh shh it’s okay, love! I got you, you can’t leave me now, isn’t that great? You can be with me forever, isn’t that great! My sweet spouse.”
- No matter what you say, he truly believes you just need an adjustment period.
- You love him! He just knows you do!
- when he first saw you, he knew he needed your contact information. But you made that easy.
- You work at a battling café, said to be one of the best employees, and hardest to beat.
- You look delectable in your uniform, smiling so warmly at him, ready to battle.
- You were a challenge, but that only made him want you more. Making his infatuation grow.
- Your name tag made it easy to finding you, allowing him to stalk you easily. He finds your posts easily, seeing you post pictures of your pokemon, things you’re proud of, and outfits you felt more confident in.
- He’s drooling, you’re so hot, so perfect.
- Your posts show him you’re so kind.
- He becomes a regular at your café, only asking to battle you.
- “They are the only one who’s giving me a challenge.”
- Your coworkers are jealous that THE Raihan, only wants to battle you. He’s easy to talk to, he’s always so chill, and fun to talk with.
- And with your coworkers current attitudes towards you, he becomes the main person you talk to anymore.
- He asks you for your contact information, as if he doesn’t already have it. So he can follow you.
- You aren’t away how he scares all your suitors off.
- Who’s going to talk to you, when you ‘boyfriend’ is Raihan? Who’s glaring at them from over your shoulder? Who texts them to leave you alone, cause you’re already with him.
- You fall into a depression, as your friends no longer want to be around you, as people whom you thought had a connection with, no longer want to be around you.
- But Raihan is there, he makes time for you, even when he’s at work! He always makes sure to text you the second he has a chance, or when you text him.
- He gives you his undivided attention. You’re his beloved, how can he not?
- Raihan makes sure you have no one in your life, except for him! All you need is him anyways.
- He’s two faced with you.
- You only see how protective, funny, kind, and loving he is. You don’t need see how he gets with other who want you, or to get between you and him.
- He tries to hide his possessiveness from you, nor wanting to scare you off. But sometimes it slips, but he’s so charming and easily covers it.
- You can quit your job, and move in with him! He can take care of you! Let him take care of you.
- Let him spoil you, let him be the only one.
- Kabu is a tricky case.
- He met you as a trainer working under him, helping him in his gym. You’re such a hard worker, he can’t help but be around you more, asking you to train with him.
- He finds himself falling in love with you, seeing you with yours and his Pokémon only solidifies that.
- Kabu tries everything he can think of, to earn your affection, but he can’t seem to win your favor. So he tries, and tries, and tries, never giving up.
- Bringing you lunch, offering to take you out.
- “It’s the least I can do for you! Your work is admirable.”
- “You must take breaks! Your body can only work, if you take care of it. You can only show your full potential, if you are rested.”
- Kabu gets bashful when he tries to tell you, how lovely he thinks you are.
- But you only take it platonically.
- He’s a yandere that won’t make a move, just longing for you from the shadows.
- It’s not until you say you have a crush on someone, does he snap. You can’t be with anyone! Only him! Why would you betray him like this?
- No, no no it’s a mistake! You’re being guilted that’s it! Being manipulated by that person.
- Kabu thinks you’re so innocent, so pure, you just see the good in everyone! That had to be it! You don’t want to think that person is evil.
- But Kabu does.
- Kabu purposefully keeps you away from your crush. You belong to him, so why should that other person be around you?
- You are meant to be his spouse! As he’s meant to be your husband!
- He knows this is wrong, he does! But he can’t stop himself, you’re the spark his flames need.
- He knows it’s wrong of him to fantasize about keeping you for himself, but the pain in his heart, when he sees you with another is too great!
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yanpotatowriter · 1 year
I loved your yandere leon headcanons! If you're still doing prompts, can I request “I don’t want to do this, but I’m not afraid to" with yandere Leon please?
“I don’t want to do this, but I’m not afraid to.” That single sentence that Leon uttered made you freeze up and look at him, not knowing what he did not want to do however that answer became very clear once you looked at what he was holding. It was an ankle cuff with a chain on it, one end already tied to the bedpost.   You realized that this was the consequence of trashing the room in a fit of anger while Leon was out.  (or at least you assumed that he was not in the building as you did not hear anything besides your own movement) “Don’t make this any harder for both of us, I do so much to make sure that you are able to be here and stay here comfortably and this is what happens when I leave?” He said, a frown on his face as he gestured around the room when he said ‘this’.
“Sorry…” You said, slightly mumbling and hating the fact how he still was able to make you feel guilty for being angry at the fact that he kidnapped you. You still moved towards him, albeit a bit reluctantly because you did not want the situation to escalate further. The moment you did that, he clasped the ankle cuff on one of your ankles while his face kept having a frown on it.   You had thought about moving out of the way so that he could not cuff you, but you did not want to think what could happen if you were to do that. “It won’t happen again.” You said after a small awkward moment of silence, you did look in his direction, but you never knew what was going on in his mind.  You did see his face soften as he pulled you in for a hug, at this point you did not refuse as you did not know what could happen next or if something could happen should you refuse the physical affection. “Just make sure to never do this again, I don’t like seeing you like this” He mumbled while he was still holding you, “What if one of the items injured you…” He said trailing off, and well he was not wrong for thinking that the items could injure you while you broke them as multiple were made out of wood and one or two had glass in them.  If you were not wearing anything to protect your feet you could accidentally step in glass at the moment. “I won’t…I promise” You said after realizing that he was waiting for you to respond, when you did, he let go of the hug while still holding you by the shoulders.  He looked at your face for a few seconds before letting go, probably scanning your face for any deception. “I’ll make sure it is all cleaned up in the morning…or at least most of it.” He told you before leaving the room, leaving you alone in the room while you heard the door get locked when it closed behind him.
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Hello! i was the anon that requested hop and i loved it sm thnk u!!! if it's alright could i also get a short drabble with yandere prof!Hop ? thnk u if you do!!!
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The sound of keys jingling made you break out in cold sweat and before long, the front door of the house open and shut with a loud thump. And with it, came a loud and cheery voice "Honey, I'm home!" He said. The Pokémon professor setting down his lab coat and bags by the side of the door, golden eyes twinkling with delight upon seeing your shivering and cowering form. "I hope you didn't miss me too much," Hop murmured, burying his face into your hair as he engulfed you in a nearly bone breaking hug, hands wrapped tightly around your waist "Because if you did, I would've skipped work and came home right away," To which, he laughed a beat later, ignoring the flicker of fear present in your eyes before pressing a gentle, sweet kiss to the temple of your forehead. The male pulled away, still having his arms wrapped around you "Now, let's make some lunch together, alright? I'm just dying to have your cooking again," He simply grinned when he saw you nod reluctantly to his plan, even more so at the sight of your submission towards him It was such a good thing that he has such an obedient wife waiting for him at their home, and he can't wait for the day when they'll finally have a baby together. A baby would do good for his lovely wife, it'll make her want to stay by his side more
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your-pkmn-love · 4 months
pkmn character x reader blog
hello! my name is luc, i'm they/them, and i'm taking pokemon character x reader headcanon/oneshot reqs! anybody in the series goes, but i'm best at writing for pokevillains! my requests are open right now!
all i ask is that in your request, be very specific about what you'd like! (hcs/drabbles/imagines, tropes, scenario/plot, type of reader, etc)
reader is gender-neutral unless otherwise specified!
i am open to darker ideas such as toxic relationships, yandere, gore and can also mental health topics (SH, ED, etc.), age difference or platonic/familial work, but never pedophilia or bigotry!
i hope to see you around!
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r0-boat · 2 years
Master list 3
⭐- mosty my writing
🌹- smut
🧨- dark/dead dove
Pkmn Sc/Vio
MonsterFucker Larry⭐🌹🍷
Yandere!Larry ⭐🍷🌹🔪
Yan!Larry snaps⭐🌹🔪🍷
Alpha! Larry⭐🌹🍷
Lactation kink larry⭐🌹🍷
Larry pinning after waitress⭐🌹🍷
Waitress askes him out on a date⭐
Giving larry a Bento box hcs⭐ & part 2
Larry soft dom⭐🌹
Larry with pregnant!s/o⭐
Larry x waitress on a date⭐
Sfw&Nsfw hcs⭐🌹
Teasing Geeta w/h proper s/o⭐🌹🍷
S/o on their period. Comforted cannons⭐
Breeding kink⭐🌹🍷
Alpha!rika losses it⭐🌹🍷
Rika with a horny! s/o⭐🌹
Snaps after you tease him all day⭐🍷🌹
Sub brat! Grusha⭐🌹🍷
Evil!Clavell headcannons⭐🔪🍷🌹🧨
Bondage fantasy ⭐🌹🍷
Dendra headcannons⭐
Hassel,Rika,Larry they forget their lunch⭐
Brassius x reader x hassel p2⭐🌹🍷
Pokemon b/w
Warden ingo x Zoroark hybrid reader⭐🍷
Self aware!ingo x depressed!reader⭐
Emmet kissing hcs⭐
Random Emmet hcs⭐
Vampire twins hcs⭐
Stardew Valley headcannons⭐
Twins as fathers hcs⭐
Twins being fathers to twins⭐
Shy s/o comming out as trans⭐
N taking care of you on a cold day⭐
Pokemon DPPt/hisui
Cynthia Period hc⭐🌹
Cynthia fucks wth strap⭐🌹
Roark sfw & nsfw headcannons⭐🌹
Wallace breeding kink⭐🌹🍷
Dom! Pussy drunk ⭐🌹
Praise kink power play⭐🌹
Alpha!Cyllen hcs⭐
Volo slice of life with s/o⭐
Butler! Volo punishs s/o⭐🌹🍷
Volo breeding kink⭐🌹🍷
Volo being sweet headcanons ⭐
Peg him⭐🌹
Pokemon USUM
Blue and Red sharing S/o⭐🌹
Pokemon S/W
Piers, Kabu, Raihan dating hcs⭐
Pokemon ORAS
Virgin!Maxie HCs ⭐🌹🍷
Maxie as a father⭐
Pokemon SwSh
Pokemon SsHg
Morty in autumn⭐
Genshin Impact
ZhonglixAdepti wife!reader Lantern right reunion⭐
Geo sovereign!ZhonglixWife!reader⭐
Pt1 Alpha!Haitham x omega!reader x omega!kaveh⭐🌹
Pt 2 More alpha Haitham x reader x onega kaveh⭐🌹
Pt3 MORE A!Haitham x reader x o!Kaveh⭐🌹
Pt 4 MOREE!! Alpha!alhaith x reader x omega kaveh⭐🌹
Pussy drunk Neuvillette⭐🌹
Neuvillette Comfort fluff⭐
Sub!Neuvillette ⭐🌹
wriothesley nsfw brain rot ramble ⭐🌹🍷
Honkai starrail
Jarilo vi
Dom!sampo hcs⭐🌹🍷
Gepard ramble⭐🌹🍷
The Xianzhou Loufu
Jing Yuan nsfw hcs⭐🌹🍷
Stellaron Hunters
Sucking Blade off⭐🌹
Obey me
Teasing Sub!beel⭐🌹🍷
Sub bunnyboy! Barbatos⭐🌹🍷
Sub! Mammon degrading⭐🌹🍷
Sampo, Caelus, Dan heng dating hcs⭐
Hsr men with audio accounts: part 1 ⭐🌹🍷🧨🔪
Neuvillette, blade, kafka tit sucking⭐🌹
Leon, larry and warden ingo with harpy s/o⭐
Neuvillette, Wriothesley oral(m!giving)head cannons⭐🌹
Various! Cuteness aggression with their partner(multifandom)⭐
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Intro Post:
We are a polymultiple DID system. Because this blog contains content that may cause harassment from 🐜is, we will not use our actual names or usual sign-off emojis here, nor will we share our main with anyone here.
This blog is for our fics (some linked from ao3, some onsite) that contain dark, violent, and sexual content - though we don't post anything that violates TOS here.
Expect to find written content containing: sibcon, dubcon, noncon, yandere (and other dere subtypes), self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, torture, major character death, along with x reader fics, f/o imagines, and more dark and "cringe" content. Cringe culture is dead btw. Block the tags and filter the words for any of these that bother you, and block if you need to, we won't be offended.
Our fandoms are: the locked tomb, legend of zelda, my little pony, undertale, my hero academia, rainbow high, keeper of the lost cities, frozen, supernatural, encanto, disney as a general, mcu, mario, sherlock, pokemon (swsh and sv mostly, though also the indigo and bw tv series a lil bit), sun haven, stardew, eragon, lord of the rings/tolkien, angelic layer, hamilton, fairy tail, madoka, yuki yuna, witcher, sao, arcane, legend of vox machina, star trek, star wars, divergent, sleepless domain, and probably more I'm forgetting rn.
As a note, we do also create fanworks for that wizard series. They will be tagged "that wizard series", so block that tag if you wish to avoid it. We do not support the creator nor giving her money, but as trans people in a system with members who are also in other affected groups, we feel it is our choice to continue engaging with the fandom aspect. That being said, we block and report and refuse to engage with transphobes.
We will update with a list of any NOTPs and subjects we will not write. We don't have a true DNI, because the only people we wish not to interact won't listen to one anyway (like bigots and people who think harassment is okay for any reason). We block liberally though.
Be aware that some works may romanticize or sexualize anything and everything, as we are very into traumakink and have found it incredibly healing for our own trauma. This may also include fetishes of anything and everything - we are disabled, fat, neurodivergent, and trans, among other things, and believe fetishes of identities are fine as long as you treat people like people and not sex objects for your consumption.
F/O requests are currently OPEN.
Proship blogs are welcome to signal boost this! Though if you tend to get a lot of 🐜 attention, please use your best judgment on doing so X')
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somekidnamedkai · 2 years
Navigation Post
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Hi!! I’m Kai. They/xey pronouns. I’m 18.
Some fun facts about me are; I love baking, there’s a book with my birthday on it (November 9), I’m very passionate about animals, I love reading (especially fairytales) and writing.
Also. We Bare Bears is like my favorite show. That’s beary important.
My favorite TWST boys are Azul, Vil, Ace, Epel, Riddle, and Kalim! although i love them all so much
DNI List: Creepy people, Homo/transphobes, racists, MAPs, Zoophiliacs
Reblog Acc: @kaistwstyreblogs
Requests are: Open
Prompt Ideas
Prompts Masterlist
Basic request rules
What I will do: Fluff, Angst, Yandere/Dark themes, Headcanons, drabbles, text-posts, shitposts, etc.
I will do smut and nsfw but those have different rules. See them here
What I won’t do: Gore-ish stuff, certain dark themes (like ab*se, and the act of committing suicide, and some others), threesomes (poly relationships are fine just not threesomes), etc.
Any character that are little children or not human ex. Ortho & Grim requests should be PLATONIC only. Or I will not so cutely delete it
No more than 5 characters in a request unless it’s a request for a group ex. the dorm leaders from TWST or Gym Leaders from pokemon
Don’t repost my shit please and thank you <3
Idk anything else. Don’t be mean please.
If you have any questions feel free to send an ask, I promise i’m nice
What fandoms I write for
Twisted Wonderland
Pokemon SV & SwSh
Masterlist Of Masterlists
TWST Masterlist
Current WIPs
TWST smau series (character x reader)
Pokemon smau series (character x reader)
Aiden Zhou x reader fic
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pokenerd98 · 2 years
A little bit about me... LarryLass!
Hi! I'm Nikki. 25 F, with She/Her pronouns and am from the UK 🇬🇧
I'm super excited to be starting my very first blog page! Thank you for following me on this journey!
I'm fairly new to Tumblr, and writing in general, BUT from what I have come across in this lovely community, I have a preference for HeadCannons and Character x Reader fics. I'm also not opposed to NSFW spicy stuff, but bare with me, as I don't have a whole lot of experience with it.
Most of the things I reblog and intend to write will be NSFW, so if you're not 18+ or have zero indication on your profile of your age, I will block you, without any hesitation. Something to keep in mind BEFORE making a request, also.
See below for my personal writing dos and don'ts. I may add to this at a later date, but you'll be informed in a separate post if this happens!
Things I will write:
I am a huge fan of ScarVio, so am hyper focusing on that for the time being. That being said, I will make an exception for Leon from SWSH or Guzma from SNMN.
Gym leaders (With the exception of Iono), The Elite Four (Minus Poppy), Professor Turo and Sada, Jacq and Saguaro.
I'm kinda on the fence about Arven at the moment, but I may change my mind once I connect with his character a little more.
Focusing on x Reader content for the time being. I've never really been a huge fan of shipping cannon characters together anyway, but general headcannons for canon characters I would certainly give a try!
Unless otherwise specified/requested, I will write the reader as gender neutral.
Romantic and platonic scenarios considered in all their entirety.
NSFW scenarios will be considered, but please bare in mind, I have literally ZERO experience writing that sort of thing, so please bare with me, while I get to grips with it! 😭
I'll also consider writing scenarios that contain more heavier topics, such as mental health and health in general, but only if I feel I can do the topics justice. I have some experience when it comes to mental health, so I will use that to aid my writing.
Things I will NOT write:
Characters whos ages have not been confirmed yet. I know some Tumblr users headcannon characters as a certain age, but for me, I don't feel comfortable doing so.
Anything pregnancy related. This is a personal decision from experience.
Male reader
Hybrids. Just not something I feel I can write about affectively.
I reserve the right to decline a request if it makes me feel uncomfortable, even if the requested subject isn't contained within the "I will not write" section.
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champion-prism · 3 years
Okay sounds stupid buuut yandere Leon with a yandere S/O how would that end?
Also I hope your having a amazing week
I see it ending with Stockholm Syndrome.
Leon is a completely delusional yandere. He's been adored for so long that he absolutely can't see anyone NOT adoring him. Of course you love him, of course you want to be his! Everyone does! You're just moody, and you're not easy to get and he appreciates that, it gives him all the more chances to win you over. He'll kidnap you straight up, and he has the resources to pull it off perfectly, but he's quite an angel, too. He's taken the time to get to know your interests, so your new home likely has a video game room stacked with all sorts of games and state of the art/rare vintage tech, which you prefer. Or an art studio, or a gorgeous library with a balcony and hanging terrariums. Your wardrobe is full of pretty lingerie that almost makes you want to let him touch you, and eventually, you do. In fact, you fall for him so hard that your own possessiveness comes into play- after he loses his champion title, Leon will begin to gradually disappear from the public eye, spending almost all his free time with you. You may occassionally have a meltdown over all the people ogling him on a daily basis, but overall, i think it'll end pretty well depending on what kind of yandere the reader is, since leon will only take any returned affections in his stride.
edit: it's not stupid anon I'm all up for yandere stuff!!! I'm a bit woozy cause it's four am, but thank you for this ask!
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Can you do yandere Leon headcannons (and I'm talking about pokemon)
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♡General Yandere Headcanons♡ — Champion Leon
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Warning(s): Possessive Behavior, Semi Delusional Behavior/Mindset, Passive Aggressive Behavior, Mentions of Blackmail and Abuse of Power, Overbearing Behavior
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Leon ranges from an possessive to overprotective yandere. He can also be seen as a smothering yandere, but that is only later down the line. Though hints of it will be spread out in between your interactions with him. The possessive part is mostly fueled from how little time he can have with you, looking at the perspective of him being the champion and all. It's one of the things that peeves Leon off; with how obviously busy he is. No matter how much he tries, there's always something that prevents him the time he'd like to spend with you. All he'll get are snippets here and there, but it's not enough. He won't let yhat show, of course, but everyday it gets more difficult to walk away when his duties are calling for him. He desperately wants to push everything to the side just for you and only you.
He still acts the same as he does everyday, but Leon's facade slowly cracks every now and then. You know he is very capable of being serious when the time calls for it, so you don't think too hard on it when his sighs sound more... Irritated. It's not because of you, Leon assures you, and it's assumed that maybe the weight of victory might be taking a toll. However, you won't know that it runs much deeper than that as he quickly goes back to being his gleaming self. Off day, huh.
The Galar Champion is aware of what's going on, but similar to Red, Leon believes that he deserves to be selfish just this once. He's put effort into everything he's done for the region with his battles, putting on a show for the people. So, why can't he allow himself to indulge in this? It's not completely wrong since he hasn't hurt anyone. Leon completely pushed aside the red flags, almost deluding himself in a way. He snaps back to reality whenever there's a reminder that you aren't really his nor are you returning his feelings yet.
Leon is... Somewhat passive aggressive in terms of jealousy. He's not blatant about it but those who've come to notice the little things about him will see how the corner of his lip twitches when someone interrupts a conversation between you and him. His smile close to faltering for a split second. Oh, and there was the time where his comeback towards Raihan when said rival was getting comfy talking to you sounded off. It was presented as a friendly jab, yes, but underneath his tone was clenched teeth. No hard feelings, but Leon would appreciate it if Raihan would just get lost already.
It would be too much of a hassle to try anything drastic with his position in the region. Leon sticks to what he's good at, battling, when it comes to dealing with people who are seen as a threat towards you. Who in their right would even try to challenge or do anything against the champion, huh? It'd be foolish, Leon thinks. Adding on with the advantage of his position, it would easy to just blackmail others in case of anything. Although Leon can get impulsive from time to time, he knows how to sit down and ponder on the situation. There's a reason why he's undefeated after all.
Hurting you is something Leon is highly against. You make him feel amazing and the last thing he'd want to do is scare you away. Honestly, he is trying to pursue you in a way that doesn't force him to take desperate measures. It shouldn't be too hard, right? The... The only reason why everything would fall flat would be if you rejected him. However, that won't happen, right? He's done so much for you, always trying to be there for you. He is a great guy, so there should be no reason why you'd turn him down.
If you ever did, Leon would automatically blame the fact that his duties as the champion have kept him away from you too much. Do you believe that he would choose his status over you? He can assure you that you are always on his mind and that when it comes down to it, he'd do anything for you. The mere thought of such before even confessing is where Leon is pushed to contact you more. He becomes borderline overbearing with the messages and phone calls.
Leon is selfless and would do so much for his darling; even declaring such in front of you. However, deep down he really wants to be selfish as mentioned before. He's always been a giver. To the region, to the people, to his friends, to anyone. Now... He just finally wants to take for once. It's a dangerous wish and with his determination/motivation, it can become scary with the type of yandere he is. Leon has worked hard to get where he is now in life, and he wouldn't be against doing so in this situation. He wants you and that is what he'll get one way or another.
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qtipcottonbuds · 3 years
psst psst, who would you lovelies like to see as yanderes ?? I've got a few storyline drafts but I'm not entirely sure who to choose for these aosnkwk
- open to all suggestions >:D
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Hello, hello! If it's not too much trouble, may I request some general yandere headcanons for Avery? Thank you!
*furious research sounds* I GOT IT!
CW this is yandere themed, so unhealthy thinking and relationship ahead!
- It started off as him loathing you. First you show up, best him in battle, and get his teachers praise, and everyone expected him to be fine with it!
- Then he noticed small things about along your journey.
- You’d playfully jest with him, never insulting him or snapping at him, you acted more like a playful rival than anything.
- You always offered to heal his Pokémon after defeating them, offering to camp with him and feed him and his team.
- You are just so kind to him.
- You believed in him.
- “That was a close battle! You did amazing, Avery!”
- He is desperate for more of your praise.
- Avery quickly tries to do everything and anything just to have your attention solely on him, he wants your praise, he wants you to tell him how great he is and how much you love him.
- The blonde can feel himself spiraling further down into his obsession every time you give him the smallest amount of your love.
- He can’t stand you looking at anyone else but him! You love him, don’t you? You have to! Why else would you praise him?
- You notice your rival gets almost dopey and nervous around you, but aggressive and boastful around everyone else. You thought he was just warming up to you.
- You weren’t sure why some of your friends were starting to avoid you. Your cried about it to your only friend, Avery.
- You are so grateful to have a friend like him who stays with you through thick and thin.
- And he’s so happy to have his partner all to himself.
- You started noticing a few supplies of yours going missing, it was never any healing items, but your personal items.
- A shirt would go missing, then pants, then your deodorant.
- You’re out on the road, you don’t think you’ve miss placed them at all. Yet they aren’t here.
- Avery would never!
- Except he has been.
- Taking them back to his own room and coating a pillow in your deodorant, then placing the shirt around it, just so he could feel like it was you sleeping next to him.
- He wants you, he wants you to want him, but you’re taking so long! And who’s that you’re speaking to!? It’s certainly not him.
- That just won’t do.
- Avery is the only one deserving of your love and attention! No one else comes even close!
- You’re too kind, that’s it! You’re just too polite and kind to tell them off. They are using you. They are making you feel uncomfortable.
- He can help you.
- He can keep you safe.
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yanpotatowriter · 1 year
loved your yandere hop and leon stuff, can we please get some yandere bede up in here
Bede is arrogant and pretends like his obsession is just wasting his time, even when he is the one that initiated the conversation or got in his obsessions way while they were walking somewhere. He doesn’t understand why he gets annoyed when others talk to his obsession and openly antagonizes anyone his obsession talks to their face, saying how he doesn’t understand how even someone like his obsession is able to stand being around dead weight and how the people they have talked to will only drag them down in the end. He starts off cold and demeaning to his obsession, but after he realizes that he wants them in his life he starts giving them back handed compliments and tips disguised as insults.
It takes a while for him to give his obsession a compliment to their face instead of it being veiled of something else but once the first one left his lips you can bet that his obsession will be complimented a bit more after that. He gets jealous very easily and cannot stand for anyone talking to his obsession as they could have been spending those precious seconds with him, after all no one is better than him, so his obsession has no right looking at other people with a smile on their face. He bullies his obsessions friends away, beating them in Pokémon battles and demeaning them for even thinking that they were good enough to be friends with his obsession while they are only dragging their (his obsessions) name through the mud whenever they lose a Pokémon battle. He will offer his obsession to work alongside him as a trainer of his gym if his obsession has fairy type Pokémon, if they don’t, he will just bring them to the gym and have them help him train for the next gym season. He thrives off of his obsessions praises and will go out of his way to do something nice for his obsession when he wants to get one.
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could i get some hop headcanons (pkmn swsh) both fluff and yandere with a fem reader, thxs!
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╭───────────────── ╰──➤ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FLUFF ♥
┊❥ Hop is the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for!!
┊❥ Now that he's a full fledged Pokémon professor, he doesn't have much time with you but he makes it up with leaving presents littered across your shared house !!
┊❥ The presents vary from just a small sweet confectionary treat to actual jewelleries, like silver bracelets and necklaces placed in ribbon wrapped boxes (his family is pretty-well off thanks to Leon when he was Champion)
┊❥ Sometimes, the presents he leaves are just so huge that they stick out like a sore thumb so it's obvious where he hid it (he thinks he's smart for placing them like that)
┊❥ One time, he had left a wrapped plushie of your favourite Pokémon in one of the kitchen cabinets that the door itself couldn't be shut right ! The gift then soon fall flat on your face right after, it's a good thing that it wasn't heavy or else it would've hurt !
┊❥ Once he's done with his research at the laboratory, he puts his phone on Do Not Disturb mode for the entire rest of the day and directs all of his focus on you only, littering kisses all over your face as you greet him by the door
┊❥ He'll draw circles on your tummy as he hugs you from behind, his chin tucked into your shoulder while you cook up lunch/dinner and just relishing the scent of your shampoo and the food
┊❥ Hop just loves, loves whispering praises to you, how he's just grateful to have you in his life and that he'll never trade it up for anything in the world while interlacing his fingers with your own; it's such an intimate moment for the both of you ! !
┊❥ On his off-days, Hop will just spend the day laying in bed with you, flashing those golden eyes of his so that you'd stay with him longer, his lips pressed to your cheek and arms wrapped snugly around your figure
┊❥ You'll find yourself in his more often than you realize, the male is very keen on physical affection behind closed doors where he can simply scoop you up and twirl you around as if you weight nothing ! And partially, because he wants to show off his sculpted build after working hard on it over the years so please, compliment him lots and lots about it !
╭───────────────── ╰──➤✖✖🔪 YANDERE ❤︎ ✖✖
┊❥ The first he had laid eyes on you, he knew he just had to have you all to himself ! It was simply love at first sight ! He can still even faintly remember how fast his heartbeat was on that day
┊❥ The amount of times he had followed you back home was incomprehensible, the male simply watching and admiring the way you keep on turning around to try and catch a glimpse of the shadowy figure before hurrying back; he thinks it's so cute !
┊❥ Everyone knows how kind and sweet Hop is, so nobody would really believe you if you were to say that Hop was the one standing next to your bedroom window every night; he's just too innocent to do such a horrible thing !
┊❥ Hop uses Leon to get you to him, he knows how much influence his big brother has so he doesn't feel an ounce of guilt when he sees Leon usher you into the laboratory, his brother's hand holding on tight to your wrist so you wouldn't run away while he excitedly explains that his relationship with you is secured
┊❥ He keeps you under lock and key at another house Leon bought for him, one that's far from civilization so even if you did managed to escape; know that you'll running for miles in the middle of nowhere until he comes and finds you before dragging you back to the house
┊❥ Hop doesn't see any of his actions wrong, in fact, he's in the right for doing this to you. How could you think that you deserve to be with someone else? No one would treat you as good as he does, you'll never want to find someone else once you get a taste of his love. His unbridled, ruthless love that he bottles up in his heart meant solely for you
┊❥ He'll actively manipulate everyone and anyone by putting on a sad face and tearfully expresses to them how you never seem to reciprocate his feelings, how you always seem to be so distant with him in the public eye. Soon enough, everyone you know will keep on pestering you, scolding you, insulting you to try and be a better lover to Hop; he's just that good
┊❥ While he's away at work, Hop keeps an eye on you by discreetly placing a tracker in your phone, where he can check your messages and who have you been frequently in contact with, despite the many complaints you've yelled at him once you found out about it, he doesn't bat an eye as he smiles sweetly at you. It's almost like he enjoys getting on your nerves
┊❥ If you keep on resisting him throughout the many months where he had been nothing but patient with you, the love in his golden eyes turn cold. He keeps a hand wrapped around your throat as he lovingly whispers that if you do resist one last time, he'll make sure to strip everything you have one by one until you're left with nothing. He'll make sure to bring your reputation down into a ditch so he knows you'll come back crying to him to make everything 'better' again
┊❥ If you stayed obedient however, the Pokémon professor will be over the moon. He does let up in his advances just a tad bit, the male being more compliant to your whines of wanting to go out of the house (under the condition that he's there with you) or even letting you have a friend or two but never more than four. He doesn't want you running off with them, after all !
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