#I don't understand why people in charge of shows can never just live and let live
decolonize-the-left · 4 months
Is anyone else just completely disillusioned? Done?
I could not think any less of people still talking about celebrities or how their biggest issues are not having a Starbucks cup that's $50
Like why are we as a collective letting people like that run the lives of everyone on the planet? A planet rife with unnecessary conflict and greed? People who can't be bothered to just Not go to chick-fil-a?
Why are people who clearly value profit over humanity in charge of humanity, ykwim? How the fuck did that become a majority opinion?
I drive thru my nuclear town, I go to our community events, our local small businesses, I try to support my community in ways I can everyday. But I can't help but notice that So Many of the people who do that alongside me, don't show up to protest for the rights of the people they claim to support.
Its all so incredibly shallow and one dimensional and obviously disingenuous and why the fuck are the rest of STILL begging for the ability to make changes within the framework they built?
Why are we still making educational posts for them and trying to make them understand when the first thing we are taught about reaching understand is that you must first be willing to listen and they refuse.
The ruling classes never listened. Never, ever have they granted anyone any oppressed group rights that they asked for without the group needing to fight for it. And it's always after generations of oppression.
I'm fucking tired of being nice and pretending the laws they made up matter and like their socially constructed bureaucracy is the only way to make change to be quite fucking honest.
They're LUCKY we use it EVER and now they don't even fucking listen to our voicemails?
The only things stopping me from taking what's mine are disabilities and I'm Dying to know what everyone else's excuses are.
Or is that?
Are we all physically too incapable? Is every single able bodied person actually a liberal fascist?
Asking for the disabled Turtle Mountain Ojibwe person typing this who's life literally depends on y'all caring enough about other people to make life anything but a list of systematic circumstances I'll suffer from until I eventually die early of an illness I can't afford medical aids for and which are not provided for me either.
And if you're able bodied and you feel the same... Start working outside that framework and stop asking so nicely. Stop giving a shit if you don't have the support of the oppressors and their liberal foot soldiers.
Stop worrying about what CNN is gonna say about you because I promise that the people who matter and Understand you will be inspired to follow in your foot steps and supportive.
Get active in your co-ops, mutual aid groups, and consider training like you're black bloc.
Learn what direct action is and how to do it and start doing it. Just reading theory era is over.
More of this
less whatever the level of cognitive dissonance this is
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Imagine saying 'i voted so I did everything I could' like the suffragettes didn't have an arson and bombing campaign because the people who Could vote were people benefitted from their systemic silence and thus did almost Nothing to help them get voting rights and they Refused to let oppressor laziness be their obstacle.
Yeah, they don't teach you that in Voting Matters School the suffragettes were bombing the UK just a year or two before they got their rights do they?
The only language oppressors will listen to is their own.
And I'm Tired of pretending otherwise because that delusion is what makes the privileged feel like they don't have to do anything but vote and makes them feel they're justified to criticize those of us that fight back through other avenues.
And maybe if we had politicians that gave a shit about any of us then those votes and movements and public sentiment would have a bigger sway in government, but they don't.
They don't fucking care.
Why are we still giving them power over any of us and letting them tell us what to do and demonize us when they use that power allowed to kill us and bury us in unmarked graves in some field in Mississippi? And make everything so expensive that the richest citizens on earth struggle to pay their bills?
Why can a government only "condemn" a state agent's right to shoot an unarmed protester 57 times, but they can bypass Congress to send Israel billions upon billions worth of weapons?
I'm tired of pretending this country is anything but a front for White Supremacists when every liberal I see is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking genocide is acceptable.
Shut the fuck up and get out of my equality tags, fascist.
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good-soupmens · 8 months
Apply this to Aziraphale how you will, but as an autistic person, I REALLY fell for Metatron's kind old man act. I didn't notice the subtle manipulation, like giving Aziraphale coffee and saying "I've ingested things in my time" to show that he's different from the food-hating, earth-hating angels. I didn't notice him taking on Aziraphale's speech mannerisms before turning away and scowling. It was only after reading meta and rewatching twice that I was like WOAH I didn't even see that.
I can see that heaven's system is screwed up, but I literally thought "Metatron's not like the other angels." I trusted his kindness, especially given that he wanted Aziraphale to run heaven, obviously the best angel for the job. I didn't consider that he wanted to appoint him because he knows Aziraphale is powerful and has stopped heaven and hell before.
I was right along with Aziraphale when all of this went down, agreeing with him when he didn't want the job ("where would I get my coffee?") and then seeing the appeal when Metatron said he could run heaven from earth WITH Crowley. They get to keep living the life they carved out for each other AND Aziraphale can fix the corruption in heaven? I love seeing kind-hearted characters fixing broken things, and I wanted him to fix the system.
As for Crowley becoming an angel again, I didn't really think of it as changing him. He's just Crowley, and he'd keep being Crowley. He's good already. I saw it as heaven offering to right their wrong because he never deserved to fall in the first place, and they wouldn't let someone they believed is evil back in, right? I trusted their judgment of Aziraphale and Crowley. I didn't consider that of COURSE Crowley wouldn't want to go back there. Why would he??
So when Aziraphale finally told him about the offer, I was hoping he would agree. It's important, they could change things! Metatron is claiming to give Aziraphale the reins. Crowley and Aziraphale for once are allowed to be together, and Aziraphale was so ready to not hold back in their relationship. There'd be no reason to deny it or go slow, it's obvious that their love is mutual.
It wasn't a surprise that Crowley said no, and deep down, Aziraphale knew why, but he didn't understand. Crowley and Aziraphale weren't seeing how the other saw it (that Aziraphale WANTS to be together. He wants to make heaven a better place, but Crowley believes it'll never happen, and heaven means to manipulate him). They truly would be the perfect team if they were in charge.
But the problem: that's not what Metatron or heaven intends. "Give me coffee or give me death" meant that if Aziraphale didn't accept the offer, he would've been destroyed. Metatron knew he'd accept, and based on the glare he gave Crowley, I don't think Crowley was ever really in his plan. Metatron will try to use Aziraphale and his power to end the world, and he has no idea he's a pawn. He fell for Metatron's apparent kindness and got swept away with the idea that he and Crowley wouldn't have to hide.
It's heartbreaking because I AM frustrated with Aziraphale, but I know why he chose heaven. There's trauma underlying his actions as well, and he didn't need MAGIC coffee (sorry, I'm mean about coffee theory) to fall hook, line, and sinker for what Metatron was selling. He loves Crowley so much, but if his plans to change heaven worked, he'd be saving the entire world from destruction.
People are still like "NO NO NO, how could he leave Crowley? He must've been hypnotized" when he is putting the WORLD first. That's not to say he won't regret it immediately, miss Crowley the entire time, or even change his mind, but it all happened so fast, and Crowley seemingly gave out on him. He refused, said "good luck", and started to leave. They didn't communicate with each other. I don't think Aziraphale was leaving him forever, but he thought "I HAVE to do this". Crowley is right, but Aziraphale can't see it another way.
Now he has to try his best to change heaven. In the end, he'll see the mistake he made and owe an apology to Crowley, but he has to figure it out on his own. After it's all said and done, it could be the last time they hold back from each other. Going through an angst arc of THIS magnitude would be worth it, and Neil Gaiman is a genius
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catt-leya · 1 year
Fucking Brat || Rick Grimes 18+
This one was requested by an anon and I think it's not my best work but anyways I'm wishing you a lot of fun hihi 💗
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Summary: Rick and you aren't going along well because you can't accept him as your leader. Until you catch him masturbating and he shows you what you'll have to do to get fucked by him.
Trigger: throat fucking, degrading, humiliation, dirty talk, masturbation and my usual smutty stuff
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The sun burns pleasantly on your skin as you sit on the grass in front of the prison and let yourself fall onto your back.
It's been a long time since you've had a moment to yourself since you and your people joined the group in this prison. 
It's not that it's a bad place and you're forced to work hard, but in the world you live in now, hard work is inevitable. Everyone has to do their part and you too have your hands full most of the time.
That's why you enjoy every little free moment you can get, especially now when no one else is in your immediate vicinity either.
For a long time you were outside with your people and it was important to always have someone around to protect each other, but when Rick found you a few weeks ago, a lot of things changed.
The man who's been acting like the man in charge around here and has driven you up the wall more than once.
You understand the position he holds with the people who have lived here for some time, but just because he gives them orders and they are obeyed doesn't mean you will immediately comply either. When you lived in the forest, they were your people and they still are. 
At least they are to you.
During the first few weeks, your people still asked your opinion when Rick ordered something, but the more time has passed, the less frequent the visits have become and you realize that they have accepted Rick as their leader.
That butthead.
The more they all defer to him and his bullshit speeches, the more you kick around and usually do the exact opposite of what Rick asks.
You'll do almost anything to get on his nerves while maintaining your pride.
It's gorgeous to see how close you can get Rick to the brink of insanity and sometimes blow a few fuses on him. The good thing is that while Rick is an ass, he's certainly not a wife beater. That's why you're not afraid to let him go nuts and didn't even flinch the one time he rammed his fist into the wall next to you.
Sure, Rick is taller and wider than you, but you're certainly not afraid of him.
Even as a shadow slips in front of the sun that was warm on your skin, you don't flinch.
Instead, you open your eyes, blinking, and immediately roll them when you see Rick standing in front of you.
Rick clenches his teeth tightly as you arrogantly raise your eyebrows and grumble, "You're standing in my sun, asshole."
Oh God, those words alone make his body shake with tension.
He hates how you lie on the grass in front of him and look up, only to make it sound like you're superior to him anyway.
He hates how you never do what he asks of you and always put him to the test.
He hates how fucking hot you look in that tight top, which shows off your breasts ridiculously well as you sit up and shoo him aside with your hand to get back to the sun that's now warming his own back.
With anyone else, he'd take a step back now, but with you, he only builds himself up more, completely blocking out the sun.
You stroke your hair on your face and he notices how he starts to stare, but that's when you open your mouth and no matter what you're going to say now, every bit of attraction to you is going to suck out of his bones.
Yeah, you're hot, but you don't know when to shut up, "Are you just standing here to bug me now, or do you have something specific you want to tell me?"
You watch him push his chin up a little and sigh out loud. Especially with you, he always lets the leader hang out and plays damn often with his physical superiority over you.
Yes, he's a good bit taller, and yes, he has a natural aura that makes him seem competent, which makes people listen to him when he talks, but that doesn't mean you'd ever defer to him.
You can hold your nose just as high as he can. Well, not literally, but metaphorically.
Rick looks at you from narrowed eyes, "If you did what I wanted you to do, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all."
You know exactly what he means, but bat your eyelashes innocently, "You gave me an order? I didn't catch that at all. Usually, in your presence, I only hear such a low and penetrating whirring. Hmmm, that must have been it."
You drop back onto your back, "But don't worry, my ears are otherwise perfectly fine, so it must be you."
You can literally feel Rick's body vibrating with anger and can't suppress a grin.
Rick squeezes his fists so tight his knuckles are sticking out white and he growls, "You do what I tell you."
"Nope," you let the "p" pop and know he's about to lose it, so you stretch out on the grass and calmly say, "I'll ride with Daryl."
Still Rick is shielding the sun and you feel like you won't get much of the slowly setting sun soon.
It's disturbingly quiet for a moment and you look to his tall stature.
He looks like he's having to decide whether to jump down your throat or rather throw you to the walkers as he says creepily quietly, "You're going to climb that damn tower and do the shift I assigned you to."
You'd never admit it out loud, but a slight chill coats your arms at the pitch of his voice and you clear your throat quietly, "You know, maybe I'd consider going up on the tower, except I also know you have absolutely nothing to do today and might as well take over while I go off with Daryl."
Rick lets his gaze slide over your small body, wondering if he'd be quick enough to grab you and throw you over his shoulder to take you to the lookout tower single-handedly.
It's clear you'd be kicking around and calling him the nastiest names, but that way you'd finally do your job and submit.
Annoyed, he puts his hands on his hips, "I've got enough on my plate and arguing with you is just taking up unnecessary time. YOUR job is the lookout tower, not mine."
Snottily you reply, "Because YOU assigned me."
He groans and puts his head back because, unfortunately, that takes your mind off things for a moment.
Rick has a nice neck.
In fact, he's really gorgeous in general, and you'd be lying if you said your little caboodle didn't turn you on a little.
You watch him as he growls, struggling for composure, "Just do it and don't act like a fucking brat."
Your eyebrows go up and he stares at you again with his blue eyes, "I have to take care of my people here, after all, and that means everyone has their jobs to do to keep us safe."
You clench your teeth and slowly straighten up to at least not look quite so small next to him, "Your people? It's MY group. MY family and you're acting like an asshole."
He takes a step toward you so you can feel his breath on your cheek as he leans down to you and hisses, "You lost them when you stepped through the gate. They've accepted that everything works when there's a chain of command and that's how you can ensure everything goes right. So get used to it already."
You jerk your head around and stare at him with a deadly stare.
Normally you're never at a loss for words, but right now, you don't know what to say other than "Son of a bitch" and you turn around to look for Daryl.
You're not going to do shit and you're certainly not going to stand on the lookout tower.
Rick watches you stomp away.
Your hips swing from right to left and he can't stop staring at your ass. At least this way he doesn't have to think about how good you smelled when he was just this close to you.
Shit, he's sure you'll never go to that lookout tower and is actually forced to take your shift now, even though he promised Beth he'd practice shooting with her. But then she'll have to wait for tomorrow, because he's now stomping off to the tower in his turn, and when he gets to the top, he slams the door. 
He doesn't care at all that the door swings open a little crack again in the process, and he sits down furiously on the chair that is supposed to make the shifts more comfortable.
With his arms crossed, he sits there and stares out into the forest.
Why the hell can't you just realize that you have to listen to him?
You're acting like a fucking brat and shit, he's dying to put you in your place.
He doesn't even notice as he loosens his arms at the thought and reaches over his pants for his hardening cock.
He wants you to crawl before him and finally do what he wants you to do.
He reaches harder for his cock.
He wants you to look up at him with your big eyes and ask him if there's anything else you can do for him.
Rick winces briefly as he realizes what he's doing with his hand and who he's thinking about.
But instead of stopping, he curses harshly and tugs at the belt of his pants.
The thought of you kneeling in front of him with your mouth open, begging for him to fuck your mouth, never leaves his mind and he pulls his pants down to his thighs and reaches again for his cock, which is now slapping against his stomach.
Rick moans hoarsely as he runs his hand down his length, thinking of how you would look at him and breathe his name.
Your name slips from his lips as his hand speeds up.
What he doesn't know is that a guilty conscience is starting to get the best of you, because Rick wasn't wrong about the division of labor and that's why you let Daryl know you wouldn't be accompanying him after all.
Instead, you go to the lookout tower where Rick must have taken your shift and even though it goes against the grain, you want to apologize to him.
You're certainly not going to grovel before him and beg for his forgiveness, but you do owe him an honest apology.
So you climb the stairs and see that the door is only ajar.
You frown in confusion when you hear your name.
Actually, he shouldn't have seen you yet, but with Rick, many things are possible, so you shrug and pull open the door to the room.
The door doesn't make a sound and that's why Rick doesn't hear you stop rooted to the spot as he thrusts his hips up, thinking about fucking your pussy.
Again he curses harshly and moans your name as you take a step back and loudly ram the door frame.
Rick flinches and jerks his head around, his hand still wrapped around his cock.
You stare down at his crotch and just can't take your eyes off it.
Fuck, he's big.
"I wanted to apologize for earlier," you barely recognize your own voice and speak to his cock, which you're still staring at.
He should be slumping in shame, but his heart is still beating way too fast and your eyes, completely focused on his cock, are only turning him on more.
He sees you blush and a crazy idea takes shape in his head.
Instead of pulling up his pants and panting at you to get you to go away, he just keeps looking at you and slowly continues to jerk off.
The fact that he doesn't have to imagine you anymore only makes the feeling that much more intense, and he has to pull himself together to keep from groaning out loud when he asks hoarsely, "You wanted to apologize for acting like a brat?"
You barely notice his snooty choice of words and nod silently, no longer trusting your own voice.
Your eyes follow Rick's fist and the urge to touch him grows stronger.
Roughly, he says your name and you can't suppress a soft whimper.
Shit, when did you get so weak?
"Yes?" your voice is, as you expected, way too high to sound normal.
You should leave.
You should turn around and pretend you didn't see anything.
Like you didn't see the best dick in the world.
Like you didn't see Rick jerking off while thinking about you.
You should go.
He runs his thumb over his tip, which is glistening wetly, and growls, "Come here."
Only now do you look him in the face again, and the excitement you see in it makes you tremble, "What?"
The door is only a step away, but you just can't move and he knows it. You could have left by now, but instead you're still there.
Rick lets his eyes wander over your body, then hisses, "Come here and apologize properly."
Your head is screaming to go. It screams to turn around and defy him again, but your body does what it wants.
With soft knees, you walk up to Rick and stop in front of him.
His normally bright eyes, are noticeably darker now that you are standing so close to him and he lets go of his cock.
Immediately your eyes are back on his crotch and he pushes his legs a little further apart, "On your knees."
A thousand thoughts buzz in your head and he sees your hesitation.
Sluggishly, he tilts his head and repeats with dangerous pressure, "You get on your fucking knees now or I'll make you."
He doesn't touch you, but you flinch and fall to your knees in front of him.
With huge eyes you look at him and he can't believe how easily he can direct you. 
Usually you fight him off with everything you've got, but right now you're looking at him like you're just waiting to get the next command from him.
And that turns him on so much that he could cum at the slightest touch from you.
Your whole body is electrified and you bend over to reach his cock with your lips, but he's faster and grabs you by the hair.
Just inches from his cock, he yanks you back and that puts some clear thoughts in your head about what you're doing.
Completely overwhelmed, you don't know whether to pull away from him to get away, or try again to get his cock in your mouth and let him cum down your throat.
Do you even have a choice?
You blink frantically, realizing how you're panicking from this unfamiliar submissive you've never known on you before.
Your voice is squeaky as you whine, "Rick, I-" your voice breaks and he mocks you softly, "Use complete sentences."
Oh god it's so humiliating as you actually try to get at his cock again, but his grip is so tight you miss a few inches that make him laugh harshly, "Look at you. Have such a need to suck my cock that you're about to start crying. That's just how I always wanted to see you."
Your voice is low and weak, "Stop talking to me like that."
You squeeze your legs together, realizing how wet you already are.
At that, Rick raises an eyebrow and grins at you, "Oh, it turns you on? If you could just see yourself. Big mouth a minute ago and now all meek and on your knees in front of me, huh?"
You close your eyes and he pulls your hair, "That was a question I want you to answer now."
Shit, shit, shit. You should have gone with Daryl.
Muffled, you mumble, "Yeah."
It turns you on when he talks to you like that, and fuck actually, he always turns you on.
You scrape together the last bit of dignity you have left and look him in the eye, "You were jerking off thinking about me."
The setting sun casts long shadows in the tower, making the silence seem that much more oppressive.
Rick just looks at you and you brace your hands on his thighs to straighten up a bit and are actually a little surprised that he lets you and doesn't reprimand you again.
At the back of your head, he presses you closer to him and murmurs far too softly, "I was thinking about how I was going to break you."
An unusual sound slips from your lips and by then he's already pressing your face to his cock, "Suck."
Willingly, you open your lips and let Rick push you down on his cock.
With your eyes closed you try to relax your throat to get as much of him in your mouth as you can and you hear him moan harshly.
Your mouth is warm and wet and his eyes roll into the back of his head as he pushes the tip against your throat.
Once he's sure you're going to suck him off, he releases the back of your head and crosses his arms behind his head to watch you do it under lowered lashes.
Your small hands cling to his thighs and you keep taking him so deep into your mouth, as if your life depended on your nose bumping against his pubic bone again and again.
His leg muscles tighten and he growls, "That's a decent apology. Plugging your pert mouth is the right thing to do, don't you think?"
Your words make you moan around his cock and you look up at him with tears in your eyes.
He looks down at you as he did before in the meadow, only now you don't have a clever line in store, instead you dig your fingers deeper into his legs and run your tongue over the prominent vein on his cock.
With a jerk, he pushes his hips further toward you and then grabs your hair again to tug you off his cock.
Pathetically, you try to lick him again and at the sight, he hisses, "Fuck."
Your lips are swollen and you realize your throat will be overstimulated tomorrow, but you mumble softly anyway, "Let me keep going."
He sits up a little, "What was that?"
His cock shines wet from your saliva and you try again, "Please, let me keep doing it."
Mockingly, Rick grins at you, "Are you begging to suck my cock right now?"
It almost physically hurts, but you nod and he rewards you with, "Good girl." And pulls you back to your feet, "Show me how wet you are for me."
Rick stares at your pants, but you don't know what he means by that and when you don't respond he sighs, "Take off your pants and show me your cunt."
At the last word you wince, but do what he asks and that you follow his orders makes his eyes glisten with pleasure and when you then also stand half naked in front of him and wait, he can no longer deny himself the comment: "You're pathetic. You already realize that, don't you? Just had to see my cock and gone is any resistance from you."
Your pussy clenches excitedly and that he talks to you like that makes you tremble again.
Never would you ever let someone talk to you like that, but Rick has this innate aura of respect and the more he talks to you like that, the easier it is for you to accept his superiority in that regard.
Shit, you actually enjoy him doing that to you.
You bite your lower lip as he murmurs, "Show me."
Slowly, you spread your legs a little, and you know your thighs are already glistening. It feels so dirty to feel his gaze right there.
You feel so incredibly vulnerable, and you see Rick's cock twitch as you slide a finger through your wetness and hold it out to him so he can see how wet you are for him.
He sees your knees shake and lifts his chin a little, "That's good and now you do exactly what I want you to do and then you'll get what you need from me."
With your heart pounding you nod and he grins dangerously at you and the way he looks at you makes you nervous.
It looks like he's about to pounce on you as he leans in and purrs, "I want to see you vulnerable. Humiliated and pathetic."
Rick wants everything from you.
He wants to break you, and he knows what will be enough humiliation for you.
His tongue darts across his bottom lip, "Hold your cunt open with your hands while I fuck you."
The words rush through your body and he looks at you sharply, "Do you understand or is it just another buzz in that pretty little head of yours?"
"No, I mean yes...I" you get the words stuck in your throat and he tilts his head slightly, "If you play dumb and let go then I will continue to use you to cum in your cunt, but you will not. If you're a good little girl, I'll let you cum on my cock."
You hesitate and he hisses, "Go on, or I'll fuck you and you'll get nothing out of it."
Your hands shake as you frantically climb onto his lap and reach between your legs with your hands.
The smacking sound as you open your lower lips with your hands is so incredibly humiliating that your cheeks grow hot and he laughs mockingly, "Just the prospect of my cock in your cunt makes you so fucking compliant. What did I struggle so hard to get you to do your assigned work when all I had to do was fuck you to make you my whore."
Your mouth is slightly open and you fall forward a bit before he holds you up by your shoulders so you stay upright and he pushes you down on his cock.
You feel his cock against your fingers as it presses into your spread cunt and you groan far too loudly to be considered decent anymore.
Your first reflex would be to release your hands and hold onto Rick, but you dare not let go of your pussy as he puts his hands on your hips and fucks you as promised.
He's big and hard inside you and almost makes you pass out.
Rick is so...good.
He's so fucking good and without warning you lean forward and press your swollen lips to his parted from moaning.
Kissing him is like a drug as he moves you on his cock the way he likes and you are wide open for him.
His voice is rough and husky, "You're inviting me to fuck you."
It's true.
It's humiliating and fucking hot to present yourself to him like this, and your pussy throbs hard on his cock as he continues to take you, growling, "This is my pussy, you understand?"
You breathe weakly, "Yours." And he penetrates you harder and deeper.
Your pussy is so fucking wet that he can barely think straight and slips almost completely out of you every time.
As he feels you clench tighter and tighter around him, he knows you're about to cum and lowers his lips to your neck to suck on it, eliciting a fucking loud moan of his name from you, "Rick...Oh God, I can't hold it in. I..."
He growls, "Beg me and when I'm satisfied, you can cum."
His thrusts get messier and you howl, "Please, please, please. May I cum?"
Rick's cock twitches, "Will you do what I ask of you from now on?"
"Yes, yes, yes."
He laughs, "Always resisting me, but when my cock is in your pathetic cunt, you suddenly become quite compliant, huh?"
The knot in your stomach becomes almost unbearable and you squeeze your eyes tight when he finally says, "Now."
With the first wave, your pussy clenches so hard that you almost crush him, pulling him with you.
Your body tears up and you release your hands to grab Rick's cheeks and turn his head so that you're kissing him hard and desperately.
You swallow his harsh moan as he comes inside you and you frantically ride out your climaxes, getting as much as you can.
Shivering, you collapse on top of him and press your nose into his neck to catch your breath and take in his scent.
Fuck, he smells so good.
Surprisingly gentle, he puts his hands on your back and pulls you closer to him, his cock still lingering inside you.
You're afraid to look him in the face after letting him do this to you, not knowing what's going to happen now.
Slowly Rick's hands slide to your round butt and squeeze lightly, "You're going to do your shift here on the tower, understand?"
Of course he would want you to.
After all, it's been your job and now he can always tease you about begging to cum on his cock as you held your pussy wide open for him like a cheap whore.
Tears well up in your eyes from shame, "Yeah, you can go do what you wanted to do in the first place, Rick."
He feels your body stiffen and has to laugh softly, "Relax. I'm staying here too."
Surprised, you lift your head and look into his blue eyes, "Yeah?"
His gaze slides down your face to your neck where there is now a dark hickey and nods again, "I'm not going anywhere."
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@hail-yourselves  @bean-is-reading  @chanlvr2  @criminalwalkingsupernatural  @sunshinevirus  @toxic-ink   @kingtwhiddleston   @bloodycherry22   @vane28282   @bamslover   @revesephemeres   @emo-potato-virgil   @tropodyn   @mrsashleybarnes18-blog   @igotbasicdrag @starsaroundmyscxrss @moonshine147 @1-800-isabellapotter @starkstiless @marvelfan789 @eternalrose81 @daryl-dixons-crazy-woman @darylsonlylove @your-shifting-gurl @strnqer
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 3 months
I just cannot get over this one kid in the cinema who went "But he isn't evil!"
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We are talking children here! Children don't really know or understand anything about ptsd and trauma (mostly, yet) they just observe! And if a KID between the age of 5 and 10 observes Magnifico and can read between the lines and conclude he isn't evil, what excuse does that leave for haters calling him one?
Now, more analysing cause you've been loving those and I enjoy doing them 🛡⚔️ (I might repeat some points but in a alightly different way)
Every single arguement I've seen haters or anti-Magnifico people make so far was either straight up stupid, ignorant, uneducated, defiant, baseless and or senseless. And then we also have the hardcore Amaya/Asha fans who just go on hating on Magnifico just "because!"
Or those who go "He's the worst villain ever." Yeah, Sherlock, maybe thats because he isn't one? 🤨 Like, seriously, you take Magnifico, compare him to aaaaall the REAL villains like Jafar, Frollo, Scar etc. And you wanna tell me he was anything like them because his trauma forced him to get himself posessed by evil trapped in an evil book and only went bonkers after he was literally posessed? And his sole motivation was to protect and keep safe at all costs ?
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And then come the arguements 🫴🏼
"He's vain and narcissistic!"
Because he acknowledges the fact that he's handsome and like's to see himself in mirrors? 🤨
"He didn't grant every single wish! He shouldn't have kept them."
He didn't grant every single wish because of his trauma caused fear/paranoia and kept them for the same exact reason. However, he always meant well.
Yes, I agree that a traumatized person shouldn't be in any leading position, nor should they be in the position of making important decissions. But lets take a look at his motivations and goals again!
His motivations :
- Never have anyone suffer a fate like he did
- Never have people have to see their hopes and dreams get shattered
- Never have his past repeat
Quote - "Everything I do is to make sure that never happens again!"
His goals :
- Protect and keep people safe
- Make sure people live happy, content, free of hardships and strive
Further comparisons
All the other villains when singing - Sing openly about their evil plans, desires etc. showing they're evil!
Magnifico when bursting into song :
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"promise as one does, I will protect you at all costs. Keep you safe here in my arms. I will protect you at all costs."
"If you're ever feeling like you're lost, I'll come find you. Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across to be right by you. And not just once, here and now I swear on my response. I'll remind you-"
"I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent. I clean up all your messes and I'm always there when you need to vent. I give and give and give and give, you'd think they'd all be content. And all I really want is just a little respect."
Back to the arguements Anti-Magnifico people make and even more comparisons ⬇️
More for the vain and narcissistic
Gaston - treats everyone like trash and thinks the whole globe spinns around him only. Doesn't care if he walks over dead bodies looking good.
Evil queen - Wants to kill her stepdaughter because she's prettier than her.
Mother gothel - Kidnaps the baby princess, locks her up because the magic hair makes her stay young and pretty, doesn't give a toot that the king and queen are suffering immense heartbreak and guilt. And to keep the princess locked in, gaslights and belittles her.
And then we have Magnifico ✨️
"I'm handsome and I know it." Likes to look at himself in the mirror and is happy and content with his looks. Hurts not one single fly with it. Doesn't put others down.
"He's power hungry!"
Why did he want to keep his power? - Because he was terrified if he would lose it, he wouldn't be able to protect anymore and his past would repeat.
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"He threatened everyone and destroyed wishes!"
Again, he was posessed? Do people understand what posessed means? Amaya knew this book would control him! Not him controling the book!
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In the end, I don't even care for people who disagree with me. But one thing I just don't get is : Why are some people so out to prove to us Magnifico-defenders that he's evil? Like, are these guys for real? We push forgiveness and love and the other side pushes hate, ignorance, unforgiveness and bitterness. Why does someone feel the need to spread negativity rather than positivity?
I won't stop defending Magnifico 🛡⚔️🩵
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bombusbombus · 1 year
It is vitally, vitally important that Clark Kent is boring.
I don't mean 'boring' in an inherently bad way. A desk job is boring. Data analysis is boring. Due process is boring. All of these things are imperative for a functioning society but almost nobody will ever be praised for them.
When my car got stolen a year ago, the guy who took it stole a bunch of other stuff too. I was sitting with a cop in a backroom of the campus police station for almost an hour while he was doing paperwork (to make sure everyone would get their stuff back), and at one point he looked up at me and he said, "sorry about this. It's not all shootouts and car chases like on TV."
And I almost said, "well, due process is sexy" (I didn't, for obvious reasons). But he looked surprised when I told him I thought due process was pretty cool. Like nobody is supposed to think due process is cool. Things are only cool if they're glamorous or flashy.
The guy who stole my car was horribly addicted to meth. The sheriff told me, "you should press charges so we can put him away for as long as possible."
The sheriff was lost in a world of heroes and villains. He was the "hero." The addict was the "villain." But the person who helped people was the guy at a desk, who went back over the mile long paper trail and returned every stolen item to its owner. The important stuff is when some guy in an office writes an algorithm to save endangered whales, or when the third double blind test finally shows sufficient evidence for the efficacy of a new cancer treatment. The goose that actually lays the golden egg almost never cackles.
This is why the 'Glasses' comic is so important, to me. We live in a world which glorifies exciting acts of heroism but not "boring" ones. We live in a world that thinks people like Clark Kent aren't important, when they're often doing the most important work, solving the systemic issues, saving people who aren't lost yet. Sometimes we need firefighters, but in a perfect world, we'd only need safety inspectors.
And sure, Superman is necessary within the story. There are disasters and villainy he can prevent. There are lives he can save. But being Superman is ultimately a terrible sacrifice, and if the heroism wasn't necessary he'd be Clark Kent all day. That's what makes him not a cop: he's not enjoying the car chases and shootouts. He avoids letting things get 'interesting' at all costs. He avoids glory.
The comic Strong Female Protagonist (by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag, BRING IT BACK) has several fascinating pieces of philosophy on superheroes and society, but my favourite is this:
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Kal-el, living solar battery, isn't just someone who contributes to society from the outside or the top. He plugs away at boring, everyday kindnesses just like other humans. (This can make for great contrasts with Lex Luthor, who is the epitome of a light bulb person and could never understand why Superman would want to be a battery.)
Clark Kent is boring. Clark Kent plays things by the book. Clark Kent is sexy in the same way that due process is sexy, and any character who thinks the Clark Kent side is 'less than' the Superman side, is textually a goddamn idiot. "No glory save honour" and he will always have both.
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reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Blog Post Series: Breaking Down Hiccup
Title: Tunnel Vision
Ep/Season: Episode 4, Season 2 (Defenders of Berk)
Somethings brewing underneath Berk and it is up to Hiccup and gang to find out exactly what that is.
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From the very trivial pursuits like giving Gobber a bath to fighting off the Screaming Death, the team has to be in it together. As girlboss as Astrid is on her own, as intelligent and savvy Hiccup can be and as strong as Stoick is, IT TAKES A (literal) VILLAGE to well... run a village.
Though the episodes called Tunnel Vision, everything about it is peripheral. The gang straggles along for answers and solutions to their water problem and then to the rogue dragon issue and then back to Gobber's bath. It is just interesting to actually see an episode where the dragon dynamic also relies heavily on teamwork.
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I didn't catch this at first, but the Screaming Death and his siblings, the Whispering Deaths, are one whole unit and function as a team too. As such, the strategy to beat them can't be one-to-one combat. To be fair, Hiccup and gang always function as a team but the movies don't highlight the importance of the other members of Hiccup's unit as they should. I understand why they built it that way, and I love the movies (no complaints), I am just thankful we get to explore it in the shows.
Defenders of Berk, unlike Riders of Berk, focuses more on the life there and what they do to defend it. It has a more nuanced approach to the other riders than just solely on Hiccup and Hiccup training them. Which is an interesting shift suited to the mood of the second season.
I say that this was a pretty feisty episode and I like that it stayed within the confines of the village, because I can't get enough of the day-to-day village-viking-dragon issues. It's theatrical in one word. And the way the Screaming Death was introduced is a great built up to becoming an actual threat to Berk.
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Can we also like appreciate the fact that Snotlout's pretty industrious. I mean, he's a jerk by community-living standards, but if anyone is going to capitalise on anything, its going to be Snotlout. That drop Astrid laid when she discovered Snotlout charged the villagers for water was a hilarious exchange, because let's be honest, we've all purchased bottled water. We've all been taken advantage off. I mean, why isn't water free? Anyways...
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I like how despite the episode harbouring on teamwork, the individual aspects of Snotlout, Astrid and Hiccup was highlighted in this exchange. Astrid explains that Hiccup didn't mean for the people to be charged for water and Snotlout's proud that the trade was his idea because he thinks profit and Hiccup thinks people. This is just a great marked difference between leadership qualities and a capitalist.
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I do not emphasise enough on Hiccup's dragon nemesis. I really should've paid more attention, but after re-watching this episode, it just clicked. The Screaming Death is a terrifying monster of a villain. I mean, I suppose he's not a villain, he's just marking his territory where he was planted. The Outcasts are villains, but the Screaming Death is a worthy adversary. It's intelligent, strong, fast and responsible. I mean, all its trying to do is protect its own and find a home, just like anyone of us would.
And that's why, I never really viewed them as Hiccup's nemesis, because they're just doing their thing in line with nature. People like Viggo or Alvin the Treacherous or Dagur purposely upset the balance of the ecosystem to get ahead in life. So it's easier to pin them as threats or enemies. But, I like that in the second season, Hiccup doesn't just have to deal with difficult people, but very difficult forces of nature and survival.
The Screaming Death would go on to have another episode I really love in the franchise and I can't wait to get to it.
I have been away for too long. Longer than I expected to. Numerous are the reasons but procrastinator, that I am. God, I am not sure if that previous sentence English-ed well. The truth is, I needed a break. I was super gung-ho about the last number of posts and made many in response and was super hyped by them, I literally lived to produce content for this page.
But then, I kind lost the luster for it after I finished my exams and resigned from my previous posting because I was just feeling really blah. I'm quite honest with my feelings on this page, and if you've been following, you'll know that my life is in a period of a pretty great transition and that hasn't really been... transitioning. So I got stuck. Then I got sick. And am still a little under the weather. And every time I wanted to post something, I felt like I took too long a break, no one's gonna read this stuff anymore, so I stopped writing.
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But I never stopped consuming HTTYD content and I was in the Jay Baruchel rabbit hole for a very long time and frankly, I missed my Tumblr interactions. (Images above placed to illustrate me, being in a hole.)
I also felt like, I wanted to improve my writing and analysis, so I was reading a lot more. Then I got stage fright, or writer's fright, and got scared you guys might find me dull and cancel me. And lived in that period of insecurity for weeks.
Well, today I got out of my head and decided, look, I did this because I love HTTYD. I never expected to have a single following. I wrote because it gave me purpose, it realigns my life. It provides structure to my day-in-day-out and I miss you guys. So, I took out my laptop, re-watched this episode, cut my stills to post this.
I'm really sorry for disappearing, I guess I was just embarrassed, but the truth is, I'm trying and with each day, it is getting easier to keep at it again. I hope.
Love you guys!!! XOXO and thanks for sticking around.
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vladdyissues · 4 months
(I should ask it anonymously from the first time, shouldn't I?)
Tumblr resembles the old Rich History pairing. It returns me to the thought of how dark this pairing must be if it was a background. I mean, if Vlad wanted to be loved for whole series then CW must be secretly in love with this man (if we see this pairing as bg canon), Vlad didn't knew about it. But CW should know better how Vlad tortures in his loneliness, there's no reason to keep your feelings secretly only unless you do your best to your crush was left alone. That's the great and insidious plan: Clockwork let Vlad first find out how wonderful to be in love (let him to have a crush on Maddie), but then has been doing his best for loneliness, torture and, at last, desperation devoured the whole Vlad, abstract any potential partner using your Time-control power, so, at the end, when CW reveals his feelings to Vlad, he would 100% accept it. And even if their relationship would be a little abusive to hold Vlad, there wouldn't be any person around Plasmius to help him. Even his little badger.
I know, it's too dark and most in phandom sees CW as absolutely good guy but I always have seen him as true neutral (good guy for the whole reality but still can be a little egoistic)
I agree; characters and relationships are more interesting (to me and in general) when they're not 100% good or 100% evil. True neutral characters run the same risk of being flat and boring, unless there's an element of omniscience and/or omnipotence, like Clockwork. Then it gets interesting.
Let's examine canon: Clockwork is charged with keeping the flow of time in order and making sure things happen as they should—which would have to include terrible events. Terrible events that happen to innocent people. To do his job, he must be truly impartial*. He's like a force of nature or an element—the same rain that nourishes the earth also causes destruction and loss of life, but it's neither wicked nor divine.
(*He violated his neutrality in The Ultimate Enemy and intervened to give Danny a second chance, clearly showing favoritism. But this is a kids show, and cartoon logic dictates the good guy never loses.)
Maybe Clockwork is compassionate and capable of loving others, but he can't let it interfere with his job. And his job is perhaps the most important one in the universe.
But my question is this: What would Clockwork possibly find attractive about Vlad? What could Vlad, a half-mortal man who's only existed 40-some years, a mere blink of the eye in the scope of eternity, possibly have in common with the Ghost of Time?
Loneliness. That's my theory. The curse of the overpowered (Clockwork) and the overzealous (Vlad). I would argue that it's more likely for Clockwork to take an interest in Vlad because of their mutual loneliness rather than any kind of perverse desire to manipulate someone he happens to find attractive. (For that matter, what's so attractive about Vlad? What could Vlad have to offer someone as omnipotent as Clockwork? Nothing—except maybe companionship.) They would understand each other, perhaps Clockwork more than Vlad, since he's omniscient and has been living alone much longer.
Being understood is, in my opinion, better and more important than being loved. For this reason, and the fact that canonically we never really saw any indication of Clockwork being selfish or egotistical (a little mischievous, but nothing malicious), I just don't see him using/abusing his powers to manipulate Vlad into loving him. Why would he? Boredom? Self-indulgence? The thrill of enjoying his absolute power? That's something villains do, not neutral characters. If anything, Vlad seems more likely to try to manipulate Clockwork into loving him just so he'd have a powerful ally who might bend time as a little favor.
But Rich History is definitely a ship with potential for a lot of really good angst and "darkness", and the more I'm in this fandom, the more attractive it becomes to me.
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r0-boat · 11 months
A commission for 
Thank you for your support! i hope you enjoy your Sfw headcanons!
(if you have any issues with your commission please let me know)
Lucifer x Gn!Reader
Reaction to you disliking his ownership proposal(lesson 20)
Angst / hurt/comfort
Cut for length~
 As soon as he Saw your face, he knew he had gone too far. Being a perceptive person and just being with you for so long, he has learned to pick up on your more subtle tells. Being a demon of pride, he can never just straight up admit that he had feelings for you, that he'll miss you, and that he wants to have a connection with you in the form of a pact, nope. Like the peacock, he represents, he has to puff out his chest in Pride and show off.
Maybe internally, he's scared that his brothers may surpass him in importance in your eyes? Or that you might never return one day. Mortals care about their short life far more than demons do. Whatever those fears may be, Lucifer was never one to open up about them. Nope, he had to grab you and declare his ownership of your being with you clearly said no, too, before having a pact with you.
Instead of becoming vulnerable, sharing his grievances, and making not just a pact but a promise, he had to show you who was 'the one in charge.' Lucifer would curse at himself feeling his heart sink when you left the room, a sinking feeling in his chest of regret for what he had just done. You are far more important than his pride. And to forget that was foolish.
two of you sat together in his study, with a glass of Demonus hoping to ease his nerves and perhaps yours as well. You shared your concerns eyes red from crying. he swallowed his pride "Thats…"... "I could never Own you."
Lucifer sighs ,trying to find the best way to put it into words. "The way I went about this conveyed something different to how I truly felt. I am sorry, i don't want to own you. I don't want to lose you."
Although Reckless, much too Reckless for Lucifer's liking. he does admire the way you did things in your own way hell what you did fixed his brother's lives ,something that he couldn't do for hundreds of years. 
I feel like that's when he tell you. Lucifer very rarely gets vulnerable but you're one of the very few people he would show this vulnerable side to. Feelings of you potentially leaving him for someone you deserve that's far greater than himself, (the root of Pride is deep insecurities after all)
That someone in the human world will sweep you off your feet and you won't come back. No matter how much the thought scared him it wouldn't be unusual for a human to continue with their own life before it was uprooted when they were essentially teleported to the Devildom.
What Lucifer really wants is not for you to blindly obey him; he wants to know if you'll be by his side and continue to be there for not only him but for his brothers as well. He wants your relationship to be more than just a pact.
He knows that you don't care about pacts at all. Maybe that's why he trusts nobody else but you to be in a pact with. Because Lucifer hates being Owned and controlled as well, he couldn't think of anyone else to entrust his well-being with. Even if you use his pact, he would know it'd be for his good. As well as for you to call upon him when you're in danger.
That independence he loves so much is the Independence that terrifies him, that unpredictability that he fears might lead to his demise one day, that reckless behavior of standing in the face of demons that have the strength of 1,000 men baring their teeth snarling threats in your face, and still march to your goal. Lucifer would never want for you to stop being you.
'Then why did he say it in the first place?' Lucifer is never one for vulnerability. Even if it's with the person he trusts the most, he never wants them to see him in this light. But he completely understands why you reacted the way you did. So he would essentially take back what he said. And effectively apologize and ask for a redo taking your hands in his and making something akin to a promise, maybe even a vow? to be at each other's sides. To support and be in each other's lives to your grave.
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laf-outloud · 7 months
I must be blocked since I didn't see those, but also... LMAO! Sometimes I wonder if they even comprehend what they're posting.
Yea, probably - Raina is a hardcore Jensen/Dean stan who reblogs ppl like cynifer so that should tell you all you need to know about them. They love to jump in and comment on posts that are even mildly Jensen critical. On the layoffs post they made two comments:
raina16: If it was actually a dumpster fire I would think he could have gotten a job elsewhere long before getting laid off. They also just won a major Texas beer award that's a pretty big deal. Maybe it's sour grapes because he got laid off. And in any case Gino runs it, not Jensen. Most beverage and food establishments don't last half as long as FBBC already has. raina16: Jensen was there working because that's how he has to do it now that he lives in Connecticut, come in periodically and do all his work at once. They were filming promos and creating new content for the social media pages.
Starts out hard with victim blaming "they're just mad they got laid off / they should have looked for another job before they got laid off" which... yikes. Literally just google laid-off vs fired and you see this:
The difference between being laid off and fired is who is at fault. Being fired means you are terminated from your job due to something that the company deems was your fault. If you are laid off, that means the company deems that they are at fault.
So if these employees were laid off and not fired then they aren't at fault and might not have seen it coming since they clearly didn't commit fireable offenses.
Then we go into FBBC praise - "they won an award (that's a "pretty big deal") so they must be doing fine!" Listen, they won an award for ONE SPECIFIC BEER they brewed, not their business as a whole. Even failing businesses can make a good product, doesn't mean they aren't still failing.
Gotta throw in the "in any case its all actually Gino's fault and not Jensen's" - so you're admitting there IS something wrong? But ofc it could never ever be Jensen's fault!! 🙄
And then finally had to add another comment just to make sure people know that's its totally not weird that all of the sudden Jensen is actually working at his business that he hasn't been seen at in years (unless for events where he is the main attraction and they are charging people a ton of money to attend). And lets not forget that its weird AF that they had at least 3 separate employees AND the FBBC account all document Jensen being there to work... Plus Jensen posting ig stories about it. Had to show Jensen at FBBC and meeting random fans (FBBC vid).... Almost like they're reminding people that he's still part of the business even though he moved because they know that ppl show up in the hopes that he might be there but now that he's living in CT the chances of that happening are slim to none (lbh, they were slim to none even when he lived in Austin because he was never there anyways).
Yeah... every wonder why they felt the need to do so many new promos, Raina? They really don't understand business, and aren't afraid of proving that.
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antheiantics · 1 year
Breaking down ENTJ stereotypes to uncover the true face of the type pt.1
1. ENTJ individuals are cold and emotionless
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Okay, that's by far the most idiotic stereotype of them all and one I haven't been shy to object to in this blog of mine. That's the main reason why I chose to cover it first.
First things first:
No one is emotionless. We all feel things. ENTJs just choose not to show it that much. We are analytical, observant, and what one might call stoic. It's not like there isn't something that has hurt, bothered, or offended me, I just try and find a way for it not to prevent me from doing my day-to-day tasks. No one likes to have to work or communicate with openly emotional messes. Of course, it's a good thing to express yourself... shutting yourself out or pretending everything's fine is an option but never a solution to the issue, and we ENTJs love solutions. They're practically our drive for anything which kind of explains the fact that we're good at finding and establishing them. Being able to control ourselves in tight situations or around certified stress inducers, as I'm keen on calling humans, is essential to us. Anyone can lose their composure, it's always easier to let go than to keep it down. ENTJs understand that and sometimes even unconsciously strive to achieve it, whilst still being on the job to look presentable and socially active. That's where it becomes tricky - to look like you have it together when you don't, to maintain the appearance of the "fine and successful way of life".
Smiling, actively participating in conversations, sharing ideas and opinions, debating when needed, backing down (reluctantly, if it must be somehow defined), taking charge or navigating others while they lead are all part of the things we make ourselves do, to maintain our image of the always prepared person that's capable, well-organised and a tower of strength. To other people, we might seem proud and conceited at first. Sometimes we appear as robots because we take on situations a lot more different than how it's normally expected. We take in shocks well and are durable. Sometimes we think so much, that we forget to react appropriately because we were busy thinking about the possible outcomes. To put it simply, brainstorming is on 24/7. ENTJs are prone to a lot of overthinking. If there are three possible scenarios of how a certain event might go, we come up with four. That's not to say that we're the only ones capable of doing that, a lot of people are overthinkers too, but the main difference between them and us is that their overthinking is derived from possible past experiences (traumas, toxic relationships, anxiety) and ours is more like a personality trait. I can't recall a moment in my life when I wasn't thinking of possible scenarios for all the different kinds of situations I was in. Sometimes it even became too much. I was too aware and that slowed my reaction time to a negative number because my brain was so ahead of the present moment that it already counted the event for passed, finished achieved, you name it - in other words, over.
Being emotionally strict with ourselves isn't an ally to us either. I've had moments in which I've hardly managed to get a word out because I'm so confused about how I feel that my brain just stops working.
When it comes to feeling spectre ENTJs are as well developed as any other person out there (excluding the issues, varying from person to person). However, if we speak about the full emotional spectre, our operating system starts to glitch. Emotions are not unfeelable but are hard to process and when they are hard to process they become a burden. And what do ENTJs do about burdens? Yep, you guessed it right, we remove it.
That's all there is to it. Emotions are not a burden, but when they do appear as one, we push them away for later so we might navigate smoothly throughout our lives. The coldness that's negatively looked upon, is the fruit of the constant thinking of possible outcomes, statistics, and solutions.
Part 2 will come sooner or later, depending on the interest this blog gets. Hope you enjoyed reading, thank you in advance for appreciating my work.
See you soon.
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transhawks · 1 year
your last meta abt enji is very interesting and nuanced. i think its the closest one to what hori is trying to say that ive ever read. im one of those ppl that can relate to touya and dabis anger so i dont relate to whats going on with endeavor. like in the beginning his atonement felt to me like humiliating shoutos, reis and eventually dabis characters, and i still cant find myself caring for enji. but tbh so far theres no malice in the way hori writes it so lets see where it goes.
Thank you.
I just think there's a lot of resistance to the idea Touya might love/want his father. It's definitely not the... idea we had years back. The Dabi reveal(s) threw a lot of fanon out the window as to Touya's backstory and motivations and I think a lot of people have trouble moving past that too because it also means looking at Enji a little more.
But also, and I want to be clear - the vast majority of people opposed to Enjidemption and anything that goes with it are people who are abuse victims. That's why I respect that so many people are upset by this narrative. It upset me too. I have a very complex relationship with my own folks, and come from a culture with an enormous amount of mandated familial closeness (divine-ordered) and guilt/shame if you don't follow through on it, so I get the emphasis on ties with your parents being important no matter what that certain cultures like to impose. I understand wishing, wanting, some reassurance that our reactions to our abusers are fine - that we don't need to allow them back into our lives if we so choose.
But I also think it's important to note that the Todoroki family is complex! Not everyone has the same reaction to the abuse! I'm pretty sure if Natsuo hadn't been pressured by Fuyumi he might have cut off Enji completely!
Victims do not all think the same (which MHA does do well in showing), do not all want the same things, do not all have the same feelings in regards to their abusers. It kind of hurts when I see people take an extremely severe stance on this because as much as I can hate Endeavor-defending, a lot of time when it turns to criticizing Horikoshi's choices, it skews or nears hating on victims who choose to have contact with their abusers or complicated relationships with them despite admitting to the abuse. Or to those who, despite everything, still feel some love for their abusers (aware we are, that the love we get back is a conditional mimicry of the love we wanted). It goes into victim-blaming; "if you were strong and correct you'd cut contact and condemn them." or "if you really genuinely were abused you wouldn't still be there".
Again, I acknowledge that those of us who don't personally favor reconciling with abusive family have the short end of the stick when it comes to societal views. And there's nuance; some of us love our parents but cannot have them in our lives.
Abuse is complicated! Trauma makes for irrationality and inconsistency in thoughts and feelings, heck, just mere human existence does that too!
But yes, I don't think it's malicious on Horikoshi's part or him "misunderstanding" abuse as I've seen said for years on here. That charge never sat right with me given the consistent theme of child abuse, especially the focus on over-bearing patriarchal figures throughout this work and in Horikoshi's other works, I think we should also acknowledge all of that is coming not from Horikoshi misunderstanding abuse, but forming his own interpretation through likely his own experiences of it.
So, yeah. Shit's complicated and didn't go the way many of us hoped - but we can still sympathize with the anger at being rejected and discarded by a love one, even if we won't like the ending to this story.
Edit: I wrote this a few years back, but there's no shame in dropping BNHA if the Todoroki narrative and likely resolution are too triggering to you as a victim of child abuse or survivor of sexual assault. Take care of yourselves first.
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lacependragon · 2 years
So here's the thing. I'm working on the BF5 rewrite fic. But y'all gotta understand.
I fucking love Sage. She hits all my tropes and all my sweet spots and I think she is an incredibly strong, powerful, nuanced character and genuinely one of the best written ancient aliens out there (at least in cartoons).
I also absolutely adore writing how grief stricken, guilt ridden, and horrified she is by what she's become. How the warping and loss of her memories has left her with only a glimpse of what she's done, and that glimpse is dark, and coated in the gore of broken open red sentients and their spilled anti-matter. How she tries so hard to be better to fight.
She's dying, you know.
The mobi slows it, but it doesn't stop it. She's dying. They know she's dying. Every week the glowing gash in her chest gets a little brighter, a little bigger. She doesn't remember how she got it. (We can guess)
She doesn't know how she survived (she will).
She doesn't know why she survived (and she will, we know, and we will understand more than we were ever given).
She is grieving and mourning and broken and damaged and weak weak weak. She is not enough to save them. She is not enough to protect them.
(No matter how many times they say she is not broken, that weakness and illness are not brokenness, that health is not worth, she does not listen. sentients are supposed to be perfect. she is not perfect. why can't she be perfect.)
She was never supposed to care. They were supposed to be replaceable. But they include her. They teach her games. They tell her jokes.
They love her.
The tell her that they love her. And they show it. In every action. In every word.
And by all the stars in the multiverse, she cannot deny that she loves them too. She loves them so much it hurts. She would do anything for them. And that terrifies her. She's never loved something as much as her people before.
They are not her people. But they want to be. And they want her to be theirs.
When she is healed, when her mind and body are whole again and the pieces she lost to her brother are returned (they are not. the ones that come back are broken and gritty, and there are some she'll never get back. she'll never be a perfect sentient again. how can she protect them if she is not perfect?), she finds herself with synthetic tearducts that bleed a glowing light Spinner calls stardust. She is the only sentient she has ever known that can cry, and she now remembers many sentients.
She almost cannot stomach how appropriate it is, in the face of everything.
But before then, when she is still broken (you're not broken, sage, please, believe us. you're okay) and dying, when she is begging them to keep going without her, she has to learn to live with this feeling of love. They refuse to leave her. They refuse to let her die. They fight as much to protect Earth as they do to find a cure and save her. They don't want to do this without her.
And as the time she can spend outside her charging bubble shrinks, and the things she can do begin to slip away (she cannot float anymore. her feet refuse to leave the ground. she cannot call things to her. she must ask someone to get them.), she curls into herself and pleads to every power in the multiverse that they find a way to save her.
She doesn't want to die. She wants to live. To laugh. To help them win.
She doesn't want to die.
And when the chance is there, to get it all back, to save herself, to be with her friends, to be able to help, to feel worthy again -- can you blame her for taking it? Can you blame her for ignoring the warning signs?
She had weeks, if not days. She knew the price was high. She knew it would be a cost she might not be able to stomach.
She didn't know it would be Krytus, stars believe her, she didn't know it would be Krytus.
And she'll never forgive herself for that.
They should have just let her die.
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machifuwa · 1 year
World's Most Beautiful Mirror | Epilogue 3
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Yuuta & Hinata: "~……♪"
Hinata: "--Yes! We, '2wink', are in charge of the honorable opening song, which marks our second appearance at "Volcano Island"!"
Yuuta: "Peace, pea~ce"
Hinata: "But first, let us introduce ourselves again. We '2wink' are close twin idols belonging to Cosmic Production!"
"I'm your twin brother, Hinata Aoi!"
Yuuta: "I'm your twin brother, Yuuta Aoi."
Hinata: "Yuuta-kun is low on tension!?"
Yuuta: "That's the instruction, it can't be helped."
"It's our selling point that they won't know which is which."
"Aniki was the only one who appeared in "Volcano Island" last time, and as a result, it seems that each of us (2wink) have our own fanclub."
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Hinata: "Heey, we both have our own fanclub! I'm thankful!"
Yuuta: "Or rather, only Aniki, who just ran away and appeared in "Volcano Island" out of the blue, has fans."
"People would come to our live performances, and they would mistake me for Aniki and give me cheers like "Hinata-ku~n"."
Hinata: "That's also somethingーdoesn't it feel like a game that no one can beat? That's why, we've decided to play different characters as a challenge for a while!"
"The brighter one is Hinata, the older brother, and the darker one is Yuuta-kun, the younger brother!"
Yuuta: "Wouldn't it make a bad impression to say 'the dark one'? Why not 'the cool one' or something instead?
Hinata: "Yuuta-kun, my younger brother, is always complaining like this!"
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Yuuta: "Hmm."
Hinata: "By the way, Yuuta-kun changed his hairstyle a little bit! What do you guys think? Now it's easier to recognize!"
Yuuta: "Of course, the best thing is for '2wink' to be loved as '2wink', but in the future, we hope that by doing so, the number of our fans will increase as well!"
Hinata: "Yeah ♪ Our style might be a little different from before, but we will shine brighter than ever, so make sure to keep an eye on us!"
"This was Hinata, his older brother!"
Yuuta: "This was Yuuta, his younger brother ♪"
Hinata & Yuuta: "And the two of us combinedーwe're '2wink'~✩"
Hinata: (Is this...is this really okay? I wonder if the viewers are saying, "What the heck are they talking about all of a sudden?" I wonder if they're taken aback by this?)
Yuuta: (There's no point in ranting about it now! We just followed the instructions of the "Producer"!)
Hinata: (Heeey...Oogami-senpai said that the "Producer" might be able to understand our feelings.)
Yuuta: (That was never the case! What the hell are you saying! I summoned up all the courage and even though my heart was beating fast, I still went to that meeting as "Byakuya Aoi" to test him.)
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Hinata: (So that's the style you're going to use from now on, isn't it! You're going to give each and every one of us our own personality! That's very good!)
(All of our staff here in "Volcano Island" will surely be of help to us!)
Yuuta: (Yeah! That's how it is! It's not harassing at all! It's interpreted positively and weirdly!)
(...Well, I kinda like the fact that he recognized me at first glance as "Yuuta Aoi with a different hairstyle" instead of "Byakuya Aoi".)
(I don't think he even suspected you as someone else. That person probably really likes us and just wants to produce us well.)
(That's what a "Producer" is, after all, yeah?)
(They will do whatever it takes to make a sale, as they have done since their working days. They never miss an opportunity.)
(...If you're an idol, of course, you'll want to seize that opportunity. So, the reason why I was the only one to perform in "Volcano Island" in the first place is because...)
(--It was a 100% well-intentioned request. There was a slot for one person, so they just asked one person.)
Yuuta: (I don't know. I still think they were testing us. If we had insisted on being twins and refused to have only one of us in the show--)
(--We, "2wink", have decided that we didn't want to sell in that way, to put it simply, we wanted to prove that we weren't the same creatures as they think we were, and lost interest in us.)
("I'm an idol who doesn't deserve to be produced.")
(I felt that kind of eyesight as a worker...I had the same eyes as the "Producer".)
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Hinata: (Yuuta-kun, you don't seem to like being tested like that. But for some reason, the conversation with that person was rather lively.)
Yuuta: (There's no reason to hate him. I'm a little angry that I was being tested though.)
(That person's serious as a "Producer" and set up an equal fight with us.)
(That's what I've always wanted. I was looking for someone who would look at us as equal business partners and do everything in their power.)
(And. Maybe that person, once he admits it, he'll never let us go. We're doing what he says, and he's doing his best to produce us even now.)
(I don't think it's an overestimation to be a talented "Producer". That's why they have so much to offer, and they can't afford to be all that concerned about us.)
(And since no one always succeeds, there's no guarantee that the strategy to differentiate us this time will work.)
(For now, I'll go with the flow.)
(I'm done with being a recluse and babbling on and on about my problems to the point of worrying my friends and family... I'm moving on. I'm going to work hard and leave my mark on the world.)
(...I peeked in the CD Aniki gave me.)
Hinata: (Ah, that "Producer's" personal song during his active idol life? How was it?)
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Yuuta: (It was awesome.)
Hinata: (I knooow~! It was great!)
Yuuta: (Yeah. It was frustrating, but it was great. It was a sparkling and refreshing idol song that completely blew away all my bad feelings.)
(Even such good things are buried and forgotten without anyone noticing. We live in such a harsh industry.)
(In the idol industry, where the eyes of the living are drawn to the world, that person wanted to be noticed and turned to the light of other people.)
(And as a result, it sounds like his being called a bat bastard.)
(Let someone who wants to say it say it. What's wrong with wanting someone to notice you, to love you?)
(Moreover. Using that frustration as a springboard, he's doing his best to produce something better so that everyone will notice something good this time around.)
(He's taking idols out into the shining sun so that they won't be buried like he did.)
(I want to reflect that light back to him. I want to shine beautifully, too.)
(I don't want to feel depressed every time I look in the mirror.)
(So I'm not some "Byakuya Aoi" or who-knows-what...)
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(--I will become the Yuuta Aoi that people can be proud of and love!)
(I'll change my hairstyle, change my character! Do whatever I want! I won't choose any means, I'll just pretend I'm dead!)
(As myself, as Yuuta Aoi, I will remain in everyone's memories!)
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Season: Winter
Translated by mars
Proofread by machi
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callsign-bunnie · 11 months
Please. PLEASE.
Write a third Part of the Phantom of the Opera AU
I see that you have not updated it and wanted to let you know that people are still interested in the AU, If you have lost your motivation.
But please don't feel pressured into writing a new Part! It is still your work and you are the only one deciding what you want to write.
I would still give you one of my ribs for a third Part tho
I already had a third chapter written but I did not think anyone wanted it, lol, since I never received an ask for it! I tend to not get asks for things while also getting yelled at to find out why I never posted the next part...
Soap worried for his best friend, which he was desperately trying to convey to Price. “Rodolfo never came back to his dressing room, last night… I worry something happened.”
Price only laughed. “Laswell told me that he was asked after by the Viscount. I am sure he ended up just with him.”
Soap didn’t understand how that wasn’t also concerning Price. His brother wouldn’t just go to an Alpha’s home, even if he used to know the alpha well… Rodolfo had too much concern for his own well being for that. “Price-” He tried before being cut off by Laswell coming in. 
“John- Oh, Soap.” She frowned. “You should go, I need to speak to Price. I just received a letter from Phillip Graves.”
“Let the boy hear.” Price waved his hand, exhausted. “He can know. I tire of Phillip’s games.”
Laswell seemed to hesitate before sighing and pulling out a piece of parchment. “Dear John Price and Kate Laswell,”
I found myself rather insulted at the blatant snub on my talent by you replacing me with such a young, inexperienced omega. Rodolfo Parra hardly held his own on that stage and it was an insult to both my image and to the omega that you expected him to live up to me. 
You are lucky he was such a great beauty, for I dare say his face was the only reason much of the audience even attended once they heard of my absence. And then, of course, the scandal of his disappearance after the show certainly did not help his case in any way. 
It is sadly so very clear that I am needed in this operahouse, for it to remain open and operational. I am prepared to offer a return of my presence, but only in exchange for a higher salary and a promise that I will remain the sole star of any performance, and every performance. Furthermore, the Alpha Valeria Garza is to remain my co-star, even if she does not desire it. 
Only under these conditions, will I allow myself to reign against my better judgment and return to the Opera house and continue to sing.
Your Servant, 
Phillip Graves
PS. I know the truth about Shepherd. Should you want to keep this knowledge sealed behind my lips and not released to the authorities, I recommend you think long and hard before rejecting them.
“That bitch!” Soap exclaimed, immediately. “My brother was on stage for only one performance and he sang six times better than that washed up, useless whore!”
However, his indignance fell on deaf ears, for Price and Laswell seemed to be communicating silently. Soap just sighed and turned away from them, shaking his head. He needed to find out where Rodolfo was… 
He paused, hearing movement, and then turned back, seeing Price and Laswell were exiting the office, speaking low. He groaned, perhaps dramatically, and quickly followed them out, trying to stay close enough to hear their conversation, but they were speaking far too low, which frustrated him. 
“Where is he??” All three jerked around, seeing Alejandro Vargas storm up the stairs of the main foyer, which they had just ascended.
“He’s not with you?” Price asked, eyes widening. He shared a concerned glance with Laswell, but notably avoided Soap’s eyes. Soap was deeply irritated with that.
“Of course not!” Alejandro stopped, halfway down the stairs. “Where is he?”
“How should we know??” Price exclaimed. “You were the one who planned to take him out for dinner.”
“Is he not in your charge??” Alejandro demanded, waving a piece of parchment around. “I received your letter, too. What an insult after everything I have tried to do for this opera house. I don’t expect anything in return, but blatant disrespect has only offended me.”
“What letter?” Price started down the steps and Soap cringed at how tense he was. Price had never been one to enjoy being accused of things he didn’t do.
Alejandro snorted, indignantly. “You mean this-” he held up the parchment, “isn’t the letter you wrote?”
“And what is it, exactly, that I am meant to have wrote? Oh, written!” He snatched the paper, correcting his verbal blunder, and sighed, reading the letter aloud. “To Alejandro Vargas,”
Do not fear Rodolfo’s disappearance, for his Angel has him under his wing. He has outgrown a need for your protection and he needs only to rely on my guidance and my protection. He will be well taken care of by his Angel of Music.
Do not make another attempt to see him, or you shall deeply regret it. He doesn’t need you, anymore, nor does he wish to see you.
“Making up some absurd Phantom is some nerve.” Alejandro narrowed his eyes at Price.
Price made a frustrated sound. “Why would I risk losing my Patron?” He pinched the bridge of his note. “I’ve made it clear, time and time again, that we need you to keep this place functional.”
“Well, if you didn’t write it, then who did??” Alejandro took the letter back, inspecting over it. 
“Rodolfo has mentioned an Angel…” Soap spoke up. He was even more concerned for his brother, now. If he was not with the Viscount, where was he? “I thought you took him for dinner last night?”
“I never got the chance.” Alejandro shook his head, his expression softening a little. “I went to his dressing room and he was gone. I went to confront Price but he wasn’t in his office, either. One of the alphas in production , Karim I think her name was, claimed Price had wanted to take the ticket sales to the bank.”
“I did!” Price defended. “I assumed I could leave since I assumed all of my dancers and children would be taken care of.”
Soap only frowned more, because Gaz had told him he was with Farah. “Was an omega with Karim? His name was Gaz?”
“Yes, but Karim called her Malika.” Alejandro nodded. Soap furrowed his brows; so Gaz had lied… But, why? Why would Gaz lie to him?? And where was Rodolfo?!
“So you didn’t send the letter and you don’t know where Rodolfo is?” Alejandro sighed. “Where is he?”
Price took the letter back and furrowed his brows before sighing. “I think I know where he is. I will have to-”
“Where is he?!” Soap cringed hard, recognizing the voice immediately. 
Laswell and Price quickly turned to the doors, seeing Graves and some random alpha, likely whoever he got to follow him around like a lost puppy. Bitch. Soap glared at him as he stormed over. “There you are! Your precious patron!” Graves threw a letter at Alejandro. “I got your letter, you rat bastard!”
“Did you send it?” Laswell asked Alejandro, and though her tone was gentle, her face turned hard when Alejandro immediately whipped at her and proclaimed that of course he hadn’t written it. 
“So you did not send this letter?!” Graves gestured.
“What am I meant to have sent?!” Alejandro half snarled and Soap became aware of strong scents hitting him all at once, making him dizzy. “Dear Phillip Graves,”
Your days at the Opera are numbered. The audience has grown tired of talentless singing. Rodolfo Parra has replaced you and all of us are glad for it. Be prepared for a disaster beyond even your wild imagination, should you attempt to return to the Opera.
“Price.” Laswell stepped down and touched Price’s arm. They shared a look and then Price looked exhausted. 
“I didn’t send this letter.” Alejandro handed it back to Graves, who looked even more pissed somehow. “Why do you even assume I sent it?”
“Who else would send it?” Graves snarked. “Everyone saw you go into his dressing room, alone! It’s been the talk of the town! Rodolfo Parra sleeping with-”
Soap stepped forward. “Hold your tongue, whore.”
“Or what?” Graves looked smug, putting his hands on his waist.
“I’ll cut it out of your mouth.” Soap got into his pocket, pulling out the small dagger he kept in there. “You keep my brother’s name out of your mouth.”
For a moment, Graves genuinely looked frightened, but then they were interrupted, again. Hopefully, for the last time. “Rodolfo has returned.” 
Soap relaxed, seeing his adopted Mom, Jen Laswell, was standing there with Gaz. He quickly went down the stairs to stand by her and Gaz, relieved. “No worse for wear, correct?” He looked at her, and she smiled, nodding.
“Where is he, now?” Laswell spoke up, her face softening for her wife. 
“I thought it best he was alone.” Jen murmured, reaching up and petting over Soap’s hair, comforting him. 
Gaz spoke up. “He needed rest.” He looked deeply concerned and so Soap’s feelings mirrored his brother’s face. He hoped Rodolfo was alright.
“Can I see him?” Alejandro asked, gently. “Please.”
“No, my Lord. He will see no one.” Jen’s voice was apologetic, though Soap knew this was likely her decision. Soap really hoped this didn’t extend to him and Gaz. 
Soap felt bad at the distraught expression on Alejandro’s face. He went to him. “I’ll ask if he wants to see you.”
“Thank you.” Alejandro relaxed and nodded, taking a deep breath.
Soap knew the answer to that would likely be yes but he would ask all the same.
“Will Rodolfo sing??” Graves spoke up. 
“I have a note.” Jen had always tried not to be cruel to Graves, but she didn’t really like him, either. Especially since he had often targeted Rodolfo, Soap, and Gaz. She held up an envelope. 
“Let me see it,” came from Graves, Alejandro, and Price all at once.
Laswell, however, made it down the stairs. “Please, my love.” Jen relaxed and smiled, handing her the letter as Laswell kissed her cheek, gently. “Thank you.”
I have returned Rodolfo Parra to you, so that he may go on performing. I am anxious to see that his career should progress. In the new production of Il Muto, you shall therefore cast Graves, should he return, as the pageboy. Then Rodolfo as the role of Countess.
The Countess’s role calls for charm and appeal. The role of the pageboy is silent, which makes my casting… ideal.
I expect Price to keep Box Five empty for my use. Rodolfo shall be allowed to train his voice and practice with me at night, and the Viscount will be confined to his primary role as Patron and will not interfere with Rodolfo’s career or provide himself as a distraction.
Do not deny my demands. You know the consequences.
“Rodolfo Parra! It is all a ploy to help Rodolfo Parra!” Graves exclaimed. “And of course, who does it? The Viscount, his lover.”
“This is absurd! The letter demanded I stay away.” Alejandro gestured, taking the letter from Laswell and looking over it. “Price-”
They all turned to Price, who was rubbing at his temples. “Rodolfo has returned. He will play the countess, but Gaz will play the pageboy. Farah!” He called and Soap looked over to see that Farah was walking through the foyer. 
Farah came over. “Yes, sir?”
“Please escort Phillip out.” Price gestured, taking all of the letters and folding them together. “Do make sure the door doesn’t hit him.” 
“Gladly!” Farah grinned and turned to Graves. “You heard the man.”
Graves glared at Price before following Farah back out, with the alpha he came with. Soap waved bye as he left, “Goodbye! No one will miss you!” 
Gaz laughed and covered his mouth. “Come!” He took Soap’s hands, dragging him off. “Rodolfo wants to see you!”
Soap frowned. “Is he truly alright?”
“Completely!” Gaz nodded. 
“Okay. Then why did you lie to me?!” Soap yanked him behind a staircase. “You said you were with Farah, but the Viscount said Farah was with Malika!”
Gaz blushed dark red and looked down. “Alright, but you cannot tell Laswell, Jen, or Price… I was… I was with Alex…”
Soap gasped, his eyes going wide. “You were! Price will kill you!”
“That’s why he won’t know!” Gaz covered Soap’s mouth. “Please don’t tell him… Please…” He pleaded. “He was showing me the roof…” He murmured as he uncovered Soap’s mouth.
Soap glared at him, “just showed you the roof?”
“Okay, maybe other things…” Gaz blushed darker. “Soap, please… Price will be so disappointed in me and I… I’m in love with Alex… He won’t let me see him again if he finds out…”
Soap hesitated before sighing, relaxing. “Alright… but only because I love you…”
Gaz relaxed and beamed. “Come!”
Rodolfo closed his eyes, tired. After he’d been returned, Jen had been so doting on him that it had been tiring. He already missed his Angel, Ghost… Alejandro too. His mind was so conflicted between the two alphas… 
He didn’t want to displease Ghost by continuing to see Alejandro, but… he missed Alejandro so much. His heart longed for his childhood best friend. He wished his longing for one could outweigh the other but… It seemed he could not be so fortunate. 
He just shook his head and laid his arm over his eyes, wishing he could drown out his own thoughts. Oh well, Jen had allowed him to rest, for which he was grateful. He remembered his first few years, when he had just came to the ballet dormitories… She was so kind and gentle with him. 
During a particularly difficult practice, he remembered he lept too high and ended up scraping up his knee and she made such a fuss, wouldn’t let him dance until he promised it didn’t hurt. He’d been so scared that she would be unkind to him… But she was so sweet and caring. 
He uncovered his eyes when he heard the door open and then Soap and Gaz were practically rushing into the room. Soap immediately came over. “Where were you??”
Rodolfo hesitated. “You won’t believe me if I tell you…” He mumbled, sitting up slightly. 
“Please, Rodolfo, I have to know.” Soap sat on the bed. Gaz nodded in agreement, coming over and standing beside Soap. “I’ll tell you where Gaz was last night if you tell me where you were!”
“Soap!” Gaz glared at Soap, lightly hitting his shoulder. “No you won’t!”
“Yes I will.” Soap nodded. “Please, Rodolfo.”
Rodolfo watched them with amusement before sighing, softly. “I was… with the Angel. He came to my dressing room and took me down to where he makes music. It was… wonderful…” He just melted, remembering everything. “He wants me to call him Ghost.”
“Ghost…” Soap frowned. “He was the one who signed the letters! He told Alejandro to stay away from you, he told Graves he was no longer wanted in the opera house, and he said you were to remain the star.”
Rodolfo frowned, deeply. The Angel had told Alejandro to never come near him? He didn’t like that. Alejandro was his childhood friend, he missed him very much… He wanted Alejandro to keep coming around. He looked down at his lap and sighed. “I… my heart is torn between them.”
Neither of his brothers answered, he wasn’t expecting one, anyway. “Alright, where was Gaz?”
“Soap, don’t-”
“He was with Alex!” Soap immediately said. “Alex apparently wanted to show him the roof.”
Gaz went dark red and glared at Soap. “Asshole.”
“Price is going to kill you! And Alex!” Rodolfo immediately exclaimed. Alex was sort of a “guard” for the Opera Populaire. They had a few of them and their job was mainly to make sure no one got hurt by outsiders. They were always “conveniently” not around when Graves was being tormented, however.
“I love him.” Gaz shook his head, sitting down. “I just… I want to be with him. I know Price is just looking out for me but… Don’t I deserve love? To be loved?”
Rodolfo softened for his brother, understanding his ailment. “You deserve love. We’ll keep your secret.”
Soap made a face. “I never-”
“Soap.” Rodolfo glared at Soap, who just sighed, closing his eyes. 
“Fine, we will keep your secret, Gaz.” Soap mumbled. Gaz seemed to relax and nod, appearing grateful. “Alright, Rudy,” Soap spoke again, “you have to tell us all about your night with Ghost.”
Rodolfo hesitated. “Well, he came to my dressing room… After Alejandro left, that is. He was rather enraged by Alejandro, but he was so sweet… So gentle with me. He calls me little Dove…” He smiled to himself, touching his neck where he could still feel Ghost’s mouth. “I care greatly for him…”
“It sounds like you do.” Gaz nodded, going around and climbing onto the bed on the other side. “But it doesn’t sound like he wants Alejandro around… What will you do?”
“I don’t know…” Rodolfo shook his head, sighing. “I care so much for Alejandro, I cannot simply abandon him now that he is back… But I don’t want to disappoint or hurt my Angel… Why are these matters so complicated?”
“That reminds me.” Soap nodded. “Alejandro wants to know if you’ll see him.”
“He’s here??” Rodolfo immediately perked up. “Of course I do!” Even if his angel was angry, he still wanted to see Alejandro. They had been childhood friends, childhood sweethearts. How was he to just throw that aside?
Soap laughed, though Gaz seemed worried. “I will go get him, if he’s still here.” He stood.
“Is that a good idea?” Gaz spoke up. “I mean… I don’t know. Ghost doesn’t seem to want him here.”
“So what??” Soap scoffed and shook his head. “Rodolfo can decide who he wants to see on his own.” 
Gaz hesitated before sighing. “You’re right, he can.” He stood. “I will come with you.”
Rodolfo smiled and settled back into the bed, waiting for them to come back with Alejandro. Or to inform him that Alejandro had left, though he really hoped it wasn’t the second option. He wanted to see Alejandro again so badly…
Fortune seemed to smile upon him because it was only a moment later and Alejandro was stepping into the room, his face appearing to almost melt with relief upon seeing Rodolfo. “You are alright… I’m so glad.”
Rodolfo softened at the clear worry that had been there. “I am.” He nodded, sitting up fully. “I apologize, I think I fell asleep after you left…”
Alejandro frowned. “I heard a voice with you… Right before I came into your room and you were gone.”
Rodolfo winced, embarrassed at being caught lying. He looked away, trying to come up with some explanation that wouldn’t push Alejandro away from him. “I… I…”
Alejandro slowly came over and then touched his face, turning Rodolfo to look up at him. “Oh, Estrellita… I want the truth.”
Rodolfo paused and then softened, looking up at him. “I… I was with the Angel… The one I told you about.”
Alejandro furrowed his brows before sitting on the bed. Rodolfo decided to keep explaining. “He has been tutoring me since I first came. He is why my voice is so strong… Why I can sing…  He has done many things for me.”
“You cannot believe that a man who calls himself an Angel is purely good in his intentions.” Alejandro murmured, taking Rodolfo’s hands.
“But he is!” Rodolfo defended. “He’s… just human, I understand that. But… He’s saved me from being harmed, he was… there to comfort me when I was so painfully lonely, when I had no friends.”
“He’s tried to kill Phillip Graves.” Alejandro sighed, shaking his head. 
Rodolfo winced. “I don’t think he was trying to kill him… I care for him…”
Alejandro seemed to pause and then he was softening. “I understand, Rodolfo.” He leaned over, kissing the corner of Rodolfo’s mouth. “I will still come to see you. But, please, I beg you… Do not allow yourself to be alone with this alpha.”
Rodolfo blinked and then softened. “Alright… I will… Try not to be…” He mumbled, unable to deny requests from either alpha. 
Alejandro reached up and stroked over his hair, again. “How I’ve missed you, Estrellita.”
I do plan to keep writing this one, but only if I continue to get asks for it, I think
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AU: @del79jji
Ship: @thegodofsleep @lieutenant-storm @roachboy @stardust-medic99 @spacedout-ace
Omegaverse: @arwenprinses @vergilnelosparda @thisisthedarknessofmymind
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megamijadeheart · 5 months
Ohpe closed the chat. They considered closing the whole browser, but there were other people in the program they didn't want to cut off contact from.
Not that they would be great company at the moment anyway.
One of the old ladies had used a term that is generally frowned upon in modern usage. Not maliciously. Out of joy of feeling a kinship. And others tried to let her know that she was understood, but maybe needed to find a new word to describe her meaning that didn't misuse a religious concept from a marginalized culture.
That might have been fine. She was grateful to be informed.
That might have been the end of it.
Except one of the chat members suggested as an alternate, a term from a fandom culture that the old lady was only aware of in vague context that were sexually charged.
The old lady felt the need to defend herself, because she was not interested in sexual or kink adjacent discussion, and in defending herself cited her age, the fact that the world had changed, expressed her discomfort, and asked for people to be understanding and patient with her. I understood her meaning. She didn't mean harm, she just needed some space to recalibrate in the revelation that she had been unintentionally harmful.
No one likes to learn that they have been unintentionally harmful.
Unfortunately in her defensiveness, she lumped lgbtq+ personhood descriptors in with the concept of innately sexual things she would rather not be exposed to. Which is very much news adjacent in the othering and decriminalizing of gay and trans individuals.
Ohpe had known this lady for years. She had never been hateful, just awkwardly antiquated. There were definitely things she could be doing to keep up with the evolving discourse of microagressive linguistics.
They didn't blame the person who pointed out that her defensive statement made them uncomfortable. It made Ohpe uncomfortable too.
But, now the old lady was feeling persecuted and even more defensive. When Ohpe left, some members were offering to explain further why her words made people uncomfortable. But they had still had to leave because they could feel the visceral indignation of "how am I the bad guy?" Because people don't like being wrong.
People don't like finding out that they are capable of doing harm by accident. Or carelessness.
People get invested in the idea that they are "a good person" and need to defend the idea of their personal goodness in the face of evidence to the contrary.
"Good" people don't like knowing that they can do harm without malice.
Ohpe really wished it had ended with the lady thanking people for the heads up. They really wish she hadn't tried to explain or justify her mistakes. Because that was what became hurtful.
It was okay to just say "oh, I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know," and then ignore the goading of someone making themself feel superior by pointing out that they thought it was common knowledge by now.
Knowledge didn't just show up fully formed. It had to be shared. Sometimes it took longer to reach some people than others. If someone got the news late, that didn't make them a bad person. If someone got the news early, that didn't make them morally superior to the person living under a rock.
The only moral judgment, Ohpe felt, was if someone learned that a way of speaking was harmful and deside it didn't matter enough to bother changing. Because that became intentionally perpetuated harm. But people still need time to retrain themselves.
Ohpe sighed and rolled out of their chair to lay on the floor. They would probably end up leaving the server again. Some of the people there were wonderful, but Ohpe just don't have the resilience in the face of everything else– in face of the multiple instances of colonial genocide, and the crush of oligarchical capitalism– going on in the world.
In the darkness, alone in their room, they muttered: "Can we maybe just... Not be dicks to each other?"
It sounded so easy in concept. But people were never easy. They were all fragile little blobs of selfish feelings. And some people defended themselves by making certain that they through the first punch
And some people defended themselves by pulling far enough back from everyone that they could never get hit.
Neither was healthy. But both were so very human.
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kennyomegasweave · 1 year
I caved and started watching Never Let Me Go despite usually not watching shows as they air because I like to marathon things. These are my live thoughts on episodes 1-3. Let's go.
Ep. 1:
Damn. The dad got Bruce Wayne'd in the first scene. And on his kid's 18th birthday. Guaranteed he ain't liking his birthday anymore.
This mom is a bad bitch. Nothing better happen to her. Also they're like this 18 year old is in charge of the family and all that and like he's 18. But his mama is a bad bitch.
MY MAN HAS SHOWN UP ON A BOAT. Oh I'm guessing he's poor. lol
Oh this rich baby is already struggling. Also he's getting bullied??? Excuse me. He's wealthy???
Did this young man make it to 18 with no friends at school??? What is going on. No wonder he's gonna get sprung on his first friend hired to protect him.
Oh shit my man is fine as hell. I'm stuck.
Oh I figured out why they're bullying the wealthy kid, I think they're all rich kids cause my man showed up and they were like I DONT RECOGNIZE HIS NAME HE LOOKS POOR. lol
"We can wins thousands on playing basketball at lunch cause everyone bets." My man is like ...what. Like some of us are poor Steven. lol
Oh main kid is like LEAVE ME ALONE GO WITH YOUR FRIENDS YOU ALREADY HAVE my baby really has no friends. OMG THE KIDS ARE LIKE YOU KNOW HIS MOM HIRED SOMEONE TO KILL HIS DAD. Y'all is rude as hell. Just you wait until my man becomes his man cause y'all are gonna get WRECKED. I can taste it. lol
Oh shady uncle has shown up. Shady ass bitch. I don't trust him.
MAMA IS A BAD BITCH. Just out here putting shady uncle in his place. Although like I can't 100% say she didn't have her husband killed but I also know that the shady uncle very well may have. TRUST NO BITCH. I just love seeing women slap down men.
Dude this dude is stupid hot I cannot even focus. lol
Baby just realized my man is here as kinda his bodyguard. Like bro that was obvious. Oh baby. He's not handling his babysitter well. He's being rude. Don't be rude. You're gonna fall in love with this boy.
Aww he just asked him to be his friend, not a bodyguard. Baby really is out here alone. That's so sad.
"Your job is to protect Nuengdiao. This could be a lifelong job for you." Well I mean I'm guessing he does and it is cause they're gonna fall in love.
Ep 2:
"Have you ever had eggs Benedict?"
I've never heard of it.
"It's breakfast for rich people."
Why do rich people need so many breakfast dishes?
"So he can chose what he wants." I screamed. Eat the rich. Though I'm guess Palm will be eating the rich later. HEY OH.
Nueng really is precious cause he just doesn't seem to understand he's rich and rich people like don't act this way. Baby just wants friends so badly. lol
Oh here's Palm's dad being like "we are the help we can't be eating at the table" and poor Nueng is like I JUST WANT A FRIEND. I'm guessing Palm's dad is really not gonna handle them falling in love well.
AWW HE WANTED TO DRIVE TO SCHOOL TOGETHER. My boy is just lonely as hell.
Not the teacher picking Palm to speak Mandarin as if he studied it at all. PEOPLE ARE POOR STEVEN.
Oh possible shady cousin is now Palm's tutor. "Oh you're from the beach? You worked on a fishing boat? That's so cool!" He's one step away from like I've never met a poor person before. lol
Oh Palm just learned Nueng gets bullied. He doesn't look pleased. As I said I'm sure these dudes will be getting WRECKED at some point. Also okay maybe shady cousin isn't that bad. But they're clearly not friends.
This class president doesn't seem like a bad dude but I'm also like what is your motive. Oh maybe he's just a good dude? Don't know that, neither does Nueng.
Oh does the cousin who is possibly not shady like the class president? Who is now trying to be close to Nueng? Oh the tangled weave of feelings we have. lol
"At school I can be your friend but here I am your employee." Oh baby don't listen to your dad, Nueng wants to be your friend. But also like Nueng you kinda are his boss and like you can't do that.
Oh not shady uncle having his kid there while he's cutting off fingers of dudes. Okay, I'm gonna go with I don't think Chopper is a bad dude. His dad is def wanting a coup. Oh he better not poison Chopper. He seems sweet.
NOT THE UNCLE SAYING WE COULD KILL THEM BOTH. Chopper wasn't even down for cutting off fingers of people stealing and he's like WE COULD KILL YOUR AUNT AND COUSIN to him. SIR.
Chopper better get his man, the Class President, and be cute somewhere away from his flop ass dad.
Aww Nueng just got Palm permission to use the pool in front of his dad. I've only had Nuengdiao for an episode and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill his shitty uncle and everyone else in the room.
What the hell? Y'all are late so you gotta do push-ups? Thailand don't play. Oh snap and here comes Nueng late and the teacher's like oh you don't have to do them. No fucking wonder the kids all make fun of him. Y'all are creating hatred in their hearts.
Oh Class President is Ben. And Chopper is sprung. Chopper's only interested in stocks and bitcoin? Don't do my boy like that. Don't make him a Reddit Bro. Oh he's jealous af. He's also a bad liar. Okay I've only had Chopper for like 15 minutes and I would kill his dad for him. Also, damn Ben just went off about how much he likes Nueng and you can see Chopper's heart breaking.
Oh he wants to watch Palm swim? I get it. He's stupid hot. I understand Nueng in this scene because I am Nueng.
"Music's an art and you play sports." Palm's little offended face. lol
Oh the boldness of Maggie. I like her but it's also like girl how can you see Palm's face watching Nueng play and be like "oh I'm interested in this one." Ma'am. He was stuck hearing Nueng play.
Nueng is jealous of Maggie. Palm is catching feelings for his 100% off limits boss.
Palm straight up whooping those dudes. Nueng was scared and horny. Aww he bought all that man's food. Palm helped him by saving him physically from being robbed and Nueng helped him with money. They compliment each other and they don't even know yet. 🥹🥹🥹
Not Palm showing up and interrupting Nueng and Ben's flirting and being like ABSOLUTELY NOT. A jealous baby. But it's also so sad because like he can't just be cute and flirty with the boy he likes cause he's his employee and just ugh.
"I didn't have any questions, I just thought he was being an ass to you." No baby you were jealous. But it's okay.
Oh Nueng laying it down to Palm and his dad. Just straight up ordering them. I mean, if Palm's dad is so big on "they are our bosses" he's gotta listen to Nueng.
Ben witnessing the potential hit. Are we supposed to think he's shady? Cause I don't want to believe that. I think he was just watching the cute boy he likes cause you know that's what you do in high school.
Nueng 100% has a point. If he's supposed to a leader and in charge, they can't keep him in the dark. But I get Mama's point. That's her baby. She's like absolutely nothing can happen to him. I get that. But also like ma'am how can you be like "take care of him physically and emotionally." Please don't let Nueng think Palm only likes him as an order.
Ep 3:
I do kinda feel for Palm's dad because I get it's kinda like a situation for him cause he is an employee of a wealthy family and he's like "we are the help" and that's never led him wrong before and now Nueng's like breaking norms for his kid and that's gotta be weird. But also like they gonna fall in love dude you gotta accept it. Most people would love it if their kid was taken in by a kind rich man. lol
Nueng just saying "we're a good match. You have muscles I have a brain" and wrecking Palm. Play Usher's U Got It Bad for Palm. lol
Why doesn't Palm have a tie? I need someone familiar with Thai schools to help me. Because I'm really sitting here like "it's cause he's poor." And I know that's not right but it amuses me. lol
That dude trying to bully Palm and Nueng saying not on his watch bitch.
But damn they go hard in Thailand cause they're like YOUR DEAD DAD SUCKED and that's ice cold.
I've gone back to trust no bitch about anyone not Nueng or Palm. Like Ben, why are you asking about Palm? I'm sure it's just cause he's jealous but I'm also like ...is that all? NUENG DON'T TELL BEN ALL THIS. Ben just shooting his shot. I honestly don't know if I don't trust him or if I'm just like LEAVE MY MAN'S MAN ALONE. lol
Palm's assorted button ups are A+ and I would like them in my wardrobe.
Palm really is out here watching Nueng play piano like it's the greatest thing he's ever seen. My boy is sprung.
NO YOU DID NOT DO THAT BENJAMIN. HOW DARE YOU. Fuck off. "I'm the class president I can handle it no one's trying to kill him." Like he didn't witness that motorcycle confrontation. I don't trust him anymore. I don't like this bitch. I don't trust this bitch.
Maggie really out here like Palm come to this party for me. While he's watching Nueng sprung. Ben being all DON'T INVITE HIM. You speak when spoken to, BEN. And nobody fucking spoke to you. Maggie just being like come dance with me." "Girl are you deaf? He wants to get with Jeff." Also Ben being like let's dance together while Nueng's watching Palm dance with a girl all sadly. Get a clue.
Damn. The longing. They are both dancing and they are both dancing with the wrong person who they don't wanna be dancing with. THE LONGING. They keep looking at each other. I don't understand at all how Ben and Maggie are pushing on. It's embarrassing.
Nueng looking at pictures of Ben but thinking of Palm. And getting jealous of Maggie. Girl he don't want Maggie. He's legit sitting in bed day dreaming about dancing with you. Play Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer.
Okay. I stil think Mama is a bad bitch but I'm also don't think she may be the best like business person? I don't know. I have no knowledge of business. lol
Also. Where is Chopper? I miss my boy. I am back to thinking he's shady based on nothing except he's clearly sprung on Ben's flop ass but I don't care. I will stand with my wife.
Okay, it's hot but like why does Palm know how to shoot? And shoot so well? He's so mysterious and sexy. Palm says he fights for love. I like that in a man. Also he kept going and Nueng's face was getting more and more thirsty. Same girl. Same.
Oh so now we're getting to the point where I think Nueng is becoming aware of the ~tension~ between them. Yes. Yes god. Nueng is looking at Palm shooting, and shooting well, like he's ready to risk it all in that shooting range. Same girl. SAME.
MY BOY IS HERE. Not Nueng asking him about Ben cause Ben has a crush on him and he's trying to be interested. Don't make my boy give you advice on how to mack on his crush. "He can't stay close to someone." The subtle don't like my man please. Oh Chopper.
NOT SHADY UNCLE SAYING CHOPPER CAN TAKE OVER THE BUSINESS CAUSE NUENGDIAO HAS NO INTEREST. Chopper's already told you he don't want it. Take my SON'S name out your mouth.
Chopper out here like damn Palm you built. This is a homosexual. Shady Uncle really is the worst. And I will not learn his name. He's really out here threatening everyone every two seconds. My dude. Get a grip.
Palm's feelings are hurt cause Ben's hating ass said he was a servant. And Nueng's like no I didn't call you that! But his feelings are still hurt. Sad babies.
That's right Nueng. Put a tracker in your shit. Oh Nueng can't fight. But his man sure can. And that dude fucked up by touching Nueng. Damn he put him in the ICU.
And here's flop ass Ben. "Sorry I didn't help." No need for you sir Nueng's man put a dude in the hospital AND got his necklace back all while you were useless somewhere else.
"Are you scared of me?" Palm, he thought that was hot as hell. Let's be real. And his "you gotta let me get hurt sometimes." Yeah baby I don't think he'll be doing that. Ever. You got a man that will whoop ass for you. Cherish it.
In conclusion. I am so into this show. I'm mad I can't just watch it all in one go. I don't know how I'm supposed to watch all this on only a weekly basis.
1. Nueng and Palm better end up married with two cats and a dog.
2. Chopper is my son, my wife, my confidant, my silly rabbit. He may be shady, we don't know yet, I don't care. I'm prepared to stand with my cancelled wife if it comes to it.
3. I need all of these episodes out like now.
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