#I don't wanna put jackie in all black but MAN
shadow0-1 · 2 years
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"And what happens to the dogs when there's no one to hold their leash?"
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hockeylovee12 · 5 months
Crossing Enemy Lines
Chapter Six
Luke Hughes x Original Character
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November 18th, 2023
Luke stands in front of the mirror, in his bathroom, his fingers fidgeting with the collar of his crisp white button-down. He's paired it with a nice pair of black jeans, and his white sneakers, hoping to display a balance between dressed up and casual. 
He glances at his phone, resting on the bathroom counter, for what feels like the hundredth time In the last hour. He checks the time: 6:47. 
He knows he should probably leave by 7,if he wants to get her flowers-which he does-and still pick her up on time. 
Luke takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his curls, trying to calm the nerves in his stomach. He's nervous for the date, he's also nervous because he's about to go on a date with Jacob Trouba's sister, a detail he has and will continue to keep hidden, at least until he can figure out what to do about it, but tonight, he just needs need to focus on the date, because all the other stuff, all the other stuff can wait. 
He glances at his phone again, seeing only a minute has passed, he sighs wishing time would move faster, then the door to his room opens, and Jack strolls in, flopping down on Luke's bed with no knock, no warning. 
"Sure just come on in" Luke sarcastically says. 
Jack grins, folding his arms above his head "Aw, don't be like that Lukey. You know you love me." 
As Luke walks away from the mirror, he rolls his eyes, but he's unable to suppress the small smile tugging at his lips "Did you need something? Or are you just here to annoy me?"
"Can't it be both?" Jack quips. His eyes land on his brother's outfit, and his grin widens "Big date tonight, huh?" 
Luke nods, scanning his bedroom for his cologne. He spots it sitting on his dresser and grabs it, spritzing a little on his neck and wrists. 
Jack sits up and looks at the bottle "Isn't that my cologne?" he asks, narrowing his eyes. 
Luke shrugs, putting the bottle down. "Possession is nine-tenths of the law" He remarks as if he's playing a role in Law & Order, "You left it in my room, so now it's mine" 
Jack scoffs, but there's no real heat behind it, there can't really be, considering half of his closet is in Luke's and vice versa "Whatever. I'm taking it back, when you leave" 
Luke just smirks, knowing it's an empty threat,  and turns back to the mirror, to adjust his hair one last time.
Jack watches him for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"What's the plan for tonight?" He asks, his tone softening
"I'm picking her up and we're going for dinner at uh Velvet & Vine" Luke answers 
"Fancy" Jack jokes, before his tone shifts "You really like her?" He asks 
Luke nods. 
"So you gonna tell me who she is?" He questions, moving from his position on the bed, towards Luke. 
Luke scoffs before sarcastically replying "Why? So you can go spill it to the rest of the team?" 
A small sigh escapes Jack's lips, as a frown appears "Come on man, I was joking I didn't mean to upset you-I won't" 
Luke cuts him off before he can continue, facing his brother "Jacky, I was just kidding, I'm not upset" he tells him. 
Jack exhales, his frown disappearing "So who is she?" he asks 
"I'm not upset, but I'm still not telling you" He says 
"Oh come on man, I promise I won't tell the team" Jack swears, drawing an X over his left pec with his fingers, "Cross my heart" 
"I know, dude, but I-I just wanna keep it to myself, it's our first real date and all you know?" Luke replies, hoping Jack doesn't question the slight crack in his voice. 
"Ya ya I get it man" Jack assures, watching as Luke searches for his wallet and keys. 
"I gotta get going," Luke says, after finding them.
Jack nods, and follows his brother as he walks out the bedroom door, and into the hallway of their shared apartment. 
Luke takes one last look in the small mirror, hanging above their entry table, and takes a deep breath to steady his nerves.
Jack comes up behind him, clapping a hand on his shoulder.
"You look great man, have fun tonight" 
"Thanks Jack." Luke smiles.
Jack grins, giving him a gentle shove towards the door. "And make sure you're back before sunrise, Casanova. We've got practice tomorrow" 
Luke rolls his eyes, a smile still present on his lips as he heads out the door.
He makes his way down to the parking garage, his heart pounding with anticipation as he climbs into his car. 
Luke settles into his seat before pulling out his phone, and typing in the address of a nearby flower shop.
The drive to the shop is short, and Luke finds himself humming along to the radio, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel in time with the beat. He's never been the type to get nervous before dates, but something about Jordan feels different, special, in a way he can't quite put into words yet, he doesn't know if it's the mystery behind it, doing something he wants to do, doing something that he shouldn't be doing, or if it's just her...but he hopes it's just her. 
Luke pulls into the parking lot of the shop, he exits the car and makes his way towards the entrance, the bell above the door jingling cheerfully as he steps inside. 
The shop is small and cozy, filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.
Luke wanders the aisles, feeling a little out of his depth as he takes in the endless array of colors and varieties.
Luke's eyes scan the array of beautiful flowers, but he feels like something is missing.
As he's about to ask the florist for her opinion, a splash of vibrant blue catches his eye. Nestled among the roses, a single stem of forget-me-nots stands out, its delicate petals a striking contrast to the bold red blooms.
Luke reaches out, gently touching the tiny flowers, a smile tugging at his lips. They remind him of Jordan's eyes, of the way they sparkle when she laughs at his jokes or tells him about her day.
"What about these?" he asks, pointing to the forget-me-nots. "Could we add a few of these to the bouquet?"
The florist leans in, examining the flowers with a thoughtful expression. "Forget-me-nots? An unusual choice, but a lovely one. They symbolize true love and memories."
She looks up at Luke, a knowing twinkle in her eye. "She must be a special girl."
Luke feels his cheeks heat up, but he can't help the grin that spreads across his face. "Ya, ya she is"
The florist nods, a soft smile on her face. "Let's see what we can do."
She carefully selects a dozen of the most perfect red roses, arranging them in a classic bouquet. Then, with a delicate touch, she nestles a few sprigs of forget-me-nots among the blooms, their blue petals peeking out like little secrets.
"What do you think?," she asks, stepping back to admire her work.
Luke takes the flowers, cradling them gently in his arms. The mix of roses and forget-me-nots is striking, a perfect balance of classic romance and personal thoughtfulness.
"It's perfect," he says softly, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "Thank you."
The florist wraps the bouquet in tissue paper and ties it with a ribbon, handing it to Luke with a warm smile. "You're very welcome, dear. I hope your date goes wonderfully."
Luke pays for the flowers and makes his way back to the car.
He places the bouquet gently on the passenger seat, and glances at the little blue flowers that seem to wink at him from among the roses. 
He smiles, before pulling out his phone, and typing out a text to Jordan. 
I'm on my way. See you soon :)
Jordan sits at her desk, in her comfy robe, putting the finishing touches on her slicked back ponytail-which took forever-and admiring her makeup, when her phone chimes. 
Her heart skips a beat, as the four letters spelling out Luke appear on her screen, with the message I'm on my way. See you soon :)
A smile spreads across her face, and she quickly responds Can't wait :)
Jordan takes a deep breath, and sets her phone down, before walking towards her closet.
She rifles through hangers, pulling out various dresses, tops, and skirts.
She slips on a black mini dress with a straight neckline and spaghetti straps and turns towards the mirror, frowning slightly. It's a classic dress, it's too classic, there's nothing special about it, she's worn it a million times before, and it's just not right. 
With a sigh, she tugs off the dress and tosses it onto the growing pile of discarded clothes on her floor.
Next, she pulls out a flowy floral sundress, thinking it might strike the right balance of dressy and casual.
But as she pulls it on and looks at her reflection, she realizes the colors wash her out, and it's too summery for November. 
She groans, tugging it off and tossing it onto the floor. 
Jordan continues trying on outfit after outfit, each one failing to meet her increasingly high standards. A pair of skinny jeans and a sparkly top seem too casual and too clubby, while a jumpsuit feels too trendy and not quite her style. She even considers a romper, but quickly dismisses it as too childish. 
As the minutes tick by, her floor becomes increasingly covered in rejected clothing, and Jordan feels her frustration mounting.
She wants everything to be perfect for her date with Luke, including her outfit, and she knows it's just dinner, but it feels like so much more. 
With another groan of exasperation, Jordan flops down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She's just about to give up and resign herself to wearing something mediocre when there's a soft knock at her door.
"Come in," Jordan says, sitting up. 
Kelly enters the room, holding a black shopping bag. 
"Having some trouble?" Kelly asks, glancing around at the clothes strewn across the room.
Jordan chuckles, "I have nothing to wear," 
"I can see that" she jokes, but her tone is kind and non-judgmental.
"I think I have just the thing" Kelly says, placing the bag on the bed, she pulls out a stunning, black lace dress. It's ankle-length and just a little bit see-through. 
Jordan's mouth drops open, her eyes wide with wonder. "Kelly, it's... it's gorgeous."
Kelly grins, holding the dress out to her. "Try it on. I have a feeling it's going to be just right."
With a gleeful smile, Jordan takes the dress and slips into the bathroom to change. As she slides the soft fabric over her skin, she feels a rush of confidence and excitement.
When she emerges, Kelly's face lights up with approval. "Jordan you look gorgeous"
Jordan twirls in front of the mirror, marveling at the way the dress hugs her figure in all the right places. It's elegant and sexy, but still tasteful and comfortable.
Then she rushes over to her sister-in-law, enveloping her in a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she gushes, her voice muffled against Kelly's shoulder. "You are the best sister in the world!"
Kelly laughs, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm. "I know. Just make sure to wear a jacket with it."
Jordan pulls back, raising an eyebrow. "Because it's cold outside?"
Kelly smirks, a mischievous glint in her eye. "No, because Jake's not letting you out of the apartment in that dress without one"
Jordan chuckles, rolling her eyes as Kelly slips out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Jordan stands in front of her mirror, putting the finishing touches on her look. She carefully selects a pair of small gold earrings and inserts them into her first piercings, the delicate metal catching the light as she turns her head. For her second piercings, she chooses a pair of understated fake diamond studs, adding just the right amount of sparkle.
Next, she slips on a gold bangle bracelet, the smooth metal cool against her skin. She rummages through her jewelry box, picking out a few gold rings that complement the bracelet and slides them onto her fingers.
Sitting down on the edge of her bed, Jordan straps on her short, open-toed black heels, knowing if she chooses anything taller than 3 inches she won't be able to walk to the park, where Luke's picking her up.
Standing up, she takes one last look in the mirror, adjusting the small gold lock pendant engraved with a "J" that rests just below her collarbone. 
She reaches for her favorite perfume, a light floral scent with a hint of vanilla, and spritzes it on her wrists and neck, she takes one last look in the mirror, when her phone chimes with an incoming message. 
It's from Luke: Almost there
Jordan's heart skips a beat, and she feels a rush of excitement tinged with nervousness.
She grabs her favorite oversized leather jacket, and she slips it on, the supple material soft against her bare arms. 
With a deep breath, Jordan picks up her phone and purse and takes one last glance around her room, making sure she hasn't forgotten anything. Satisfied, she switches off the light and makes her way into the living room.
As she enters the room, Jacob and Kelly look up from their place on the couch.
"Jords you look gorgeous" Kelly beams "Doesn't she look amazing?" she asks nudging Jacob
"Very grown up" Jacob says 
Jordan scoffs "I am a grown up" 
"Ehhhh" Jacob teases
"Shut up" Jordan jokes
Jacob sits up a little straighter, his brow furrowing. "So, when do we get to meet this mystery man of yours?" he asks, his tone lightly teasing but with an undercurrent of protectiveness.
Jordan shifts uncomfortably, avoiding her brother's gaze “Someday, but not today."
Jacob looks like he wants to argue, but Kelly places a gentle hand on his arm, shaking her head almost imperceptibly.
"So, where are you two going?" she asks instead, changing the subject.
Jordan smiles, feeling a rush of gratitude for her sister-in-law's understanding. "Just dinner, somewhere in Manhattan. Nothing too fancy, but hopefully a nice place to talk and get to know each other better."
Jacob leans back on the couch, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Make sure he knows if he hurts you, I'll sic the entire Rangers team on him."
Jordan forces a laugh, her stomach twisting with a subtle pang of guilt, knowing if Jacob knew the truth, he'd do it anyway. 
"I think I can handle myself, Jake," she says, trying to keep her tone light.
She glances at her phone, realizing that she needs to leave if she's going to make it to the park on time. "Alright, I should get going. Don't wait up, okay?"
She gives Jacob and Kelly each a quick hug before heading out the door, her heart pounding with anticipation. 
The ride down to the lobby seems to take forever, but finally, the doors slide open and Jordan steps out into the cool evening air.
She walks quickly, her heels tapping out a steady rhythm on the sidewalk as she makes her way towards the park.
Luke sits in his car, his fingers tapping nervously on the steering wheel as he waits for Jordan to arrive. His heart skips a beat when he sees her walking towards him, looking absolutely stunning in her black lace dress and leather jacket. A smile spreads across his face as he gets out of the car, holding the bouquet of roses and forget-me-nots behind his back.
"Wow, Jordan, you look... incredible," he breathes, his eyes taking in every inch of her.
Jordan blushes, a shy smile on her lips. "You don't look too bad yourself."
Luke reveals the flowers from behind his back, holding them out to her. "These are for you."
Jordan's eyes widen as she takes the bouquet, her fingers gently brushing against the delicate petals. "Luke, they're gorgeous. Forget me nots are my favorite. How'd you know?"
Luke grins, feeling a rush of warmth in his chest. "Just a lucky guess."
He opens the car door for her, waiting until she's settled before closing it gently and making his way to the driver's side. As he slides behind the wheel, he glances over at Jordan, his heart full.
"Ready?" he asks, his voice soft.
Jordan nods, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Definitely."
As Luke pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road, they fall into easy conversation, laughing and talking about everything and nothing. The city lights fade behind them as they make their way to the restaurant, a cozy place nestled just outside the city. 
When they arrive, Luke hurries to open Jordan's door, offering her his hand as she steps out of the car. She takes it, her skin warm against his, and together they make their way inside.
The restaurant is every bit as romantic as Luke had hoped, with soft lighting, crisp white tablecloths, and low music. The hostess greets them with a smile, her eyes flickering to the reservation book.
"Good evening. Do you have a reservation?"
Luke nods, his hand finding Jordan's. "Yes, under Hughes."
The hostess nods, grabbing two menus and leading them to a secluded booth in the corner. "Right this way."
As they slide into the plush seats, Luke can't take his eyes off Jordan. She's even more beautiful in the candlelight, her skin glowing and her eyes shining.
They open their menus, perusing the options and chatting about their favorite dishes. When the waiter arrives to take their order, Luke goes for the lobster, while Jordan opts for the pasta with grilled shrimp.
As they wait for their food, they start talking, their earlier nerves melting away. 
"So, tell me something about you that most people don't know," Luke says, leaning forward with a grin.
Jordan thinks for a moment, then laughs. "Okay, well... when I was little, I was convinced I could talk to animals. I used to have full-on conversations with my stuffed animals, and I was sure they were talking back."
Luke chuckles, shaking his head. "That's adorable. I can just picture little Jordan, chatting away with her teddy bear."
"Oh, it wasn't just teddy bears," Jordan says, her eyes sparkling. "I had full-on debates with my brother's action figures. I was convinced that G.I. Joe was a pacifist at heart."
Luke laughs, his eyes gleaming "That's hilarious" 
"So what about you, what don't people know?" Jordan asks
Luke hesitates, thinking, before a smile crosses his face "When I was younger I had an imaginary friend" He starts
Jordan giggles, "Really?"
"Yep, he was a whale, named Captain we use to talk about hockey, and play board games" Luke explains
"Captain?" Jordan teases
"Hey I was 5, and never been very creative" Luke jokes 
They dissolve into laughter, the sound mingling with the soft music playing in the background.
They're conversation continues, exchanging funny childhood stories, and they get so lost in one another, they barely notice when the waiter returns, setting their meals down in front of them.
"Lobster for the gentleman, and pasta with shrimp for the lady," he says with a smile. "Enjoy."
They both thank him, before unfolding their napkins and placing them on their laps.
As they eat, they trade stories back and forth, learning more about each other with every passing minute. Jordan tells him about growing up with Jacob, about the pranks they used to pull on each other.
"One time, when he was about 15, he decided he wanted to dye his hair blond," she says, grinning at the memory. "But he didn't want to tell our parents, so he tried to do it himself in the bathroom sink. It was a disaster - his hair turned out this weird orangey-yellow color, and it was so fried from the bleach that it felt like straw."
Luke nearly chokes on his lobster, he's laughing so hard. "I can't see Jacob Trouba doing that," he manages, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes.
"Oh, believe me, he did," Jordan chuckles. "And he had to go to school like that for a week before he could get it fixed. The guys on his team called him 'Cheeto Head' for months."
As their laughter fades, Luke feels a sudden surge of affection for the girl sitting across from him. Without thinking, he reaches across the table, taking her hand in his.
"Jordan," he says softly, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. "I really like you. Like, really, really like you."
Jordan's smile is soft, her eyes shining in the candlelight. "I really like you too, Luke."
Luke's heart soars, but a flicker of uncertainty crosses his face. "What are we going to do about... everything else? Your brother, my team... it's not going to be easy."
Jordan sighs, but she doesn't pull her hand away. "I know it won't be easy. But Luke, I don't want to let other people's opinions dictate my life. I like you, and you like me, and as cliché as it sounds, I think that's enough."
Luke nods, a slow smile spreading across his face. "I feel the same way. But do you think we should tell them? About us?"
Jordan thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. "Not yet. I say, for now, we just enjoy this - enjoy being together, without any outside pressure. We can tell them eventually, but right now, I just want to spend time with you."
"I want that too," Luke says softly
They finish their meal, the conversation flowing easily once more. When the check comes, Luke insists on paying, waving away Jordan's protests with a grin.
They step out into the crisp night air, their hands intertwined. They walk for a bit, enjoying the quiet of the countryside, until they stumble upon a little ice cream shop.
"Ice cream? In this weather?" Luke laughs, but she's already tugging him towards the door.
They order their flavors - rocky road for Luke, strawberry for Jordan - and settle onto a bench outside, huddled close together for warmth.
"This is crazy," Luke chuckles, taking a lick of his cone. "It's like 40 degrees out here."
"Hey, there's never a bad time for ice cream," Jordan argues, grinning. 
They finish their treats, laughing and talking, their free hands clasped tightly together. When they finally make their way back to Luke's car, he walks her to the passenger side, his heart pounding in his chest.
Just as he's about to open the door for her, Jordan turns to face him, her eyes locking with his. The air between them is charged, electric, and before either of them can think too hard about it, they're kissing.
It's soft at first, tentative, but it quickly deepens, Luke's hands coming up to cradle Jordan's face as her arms wind around his neck. They pour everything they're feeling into the kiss - all the affection, the longing, the hope for what's to come.
When they finally break apart, they're both breathless, their cheeks flushed and their eyes shining.
"Wow," Jordan whispers, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.
"Ya" Luke agrees, pressing one more quick kiss to her lips before opening the car door for her.
As they drive back towards the city, their hands clasped over the center console, Luke feels a sense of peace settle over him.
Jordan and Luke sit in his car, in the parking lot of the park. The engine is off, but neither of them makes a move to leave, both reluctant to let the night end.
Jordan turns to Luke, a soft smile on her face. "I had a really great time tonight, Luke."
Luke reaches over, taking her hand in his. "Me too, I'm so glad we finally got to do this."
They sit in comfortable silence for a moment, their fingers intertwined, before Jordan's phone buzzes, she can see her brothers contact name, and reluctantly pulls away, "I should probably get going" 
"Ya, ya me too, I got practice in the morning" Luke sighs "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off at your apartment? It's a little late" Luke asks 
"Ya I'm sure, Jacob's probably still up" Jordan says 
Luke nods, "Fair enough, just be safe okay" 
Jordan nods, a warm feeling spreading through her chest at his concern. "Of course. And Luke?"
"Text me when you get home, okay?"
Luke smiles, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips. "I will. I promise."
With one last squeeze of his hand, Jordan steps out of the car, the bouquet of roses and forget-me-nots clutched tightly in her hand. She makes her way across the park, down the street, and  into her apartment building. 
When she opens the door to her apartment, she's unsurprised to find Jacob and Kelly still awake, cuddled up on the couch watching TV. They both look up as she enters, muting the television.
"Hey, Jords," Jacob greets her, a teasing smile on his face. "How was the date?"
Jordan can't help the grin that spreads across her face. "It was great, actually. Really great."
Kelly's eyes land on the flowers in Jordan's hand, and she lets out a little squeal of excitement. "Oh my gosh, he brought you flowers? What a gentleman!"
Jordan blushes, looking down at the bouquet. "Yeah, he really is. It was such a sweet gesture."
Kelly stands up from the couch, heading towards the kitchen. "Let me get a vase for those."
Jordan follows her, setting her phone and the flowers down on the counter. Jacob trails behind them. 
"So, when do we get to meet this Prince Charming of yours?" he asks, leaning against the fridge.
Jordan rolls her eyes, but there's no heat behind it. "Slow your roll, Jake. It was just one date."
"One date that apparently went really well," he counters, raising an eyebrow. "I'm just saying, as your big brother, it's my duty to make sure he's good enough for you."
Jordan laughs, shaking her head. "I think I'm old enough to decide that for myself, but I appreciate the concern. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change into something a little more comfortable."
She heads off towards her bedroom, leaving her phone on the counter. Just as she disappears down the hall, the device buzzes with an incoming text.
Jacob glances at Kelly, who's busy arranging the flowers in a vase. "It's probably her date" 
Kelly shoots him a Look. "Jacob Trouba, don't you dare snoop through your sister's private messages."
But Jacob is already reaching for the phone, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, come on, Kel. It's not snooping if it's left out in the open like this."
Kelly swats at his arm, but there's a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "You're impossible."
Jacob just grins, unlocking Jordan's phone with a swipe of his finger. His eyes scanning the screen. The contact name reads Luke, there's no last name attached, just the single word followed by a heart emoji.
"I had a great time tonight," he reads aloud, his tone softening. "Smiley face."
He sets the phone back down on the counter, a genuine smile on his face. Kelly leans over, resting her chin on his shoulder.
"She seems happy," she murmurs, watching the screen fade to black.
Jacob nods, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist. "Ya she does."
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huffle-dork · 2 months
Swap Beyond the Crystalverse Chapter 1: Swap/Bad End Revisited
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Other Multiverse Stories: SITCV | SATCV | GITHV
Alt, Bro and Oliver are all in Alt’s old apartment before he moved in with Bro. The big area has been cleared of all the TVs and stolen goods- and instead has been padded with mats and supplies for training. Punching bags and equipment for them to learn to fight with. They even have wooden swords and targets with dummy arrows- just in case they felt nostalgic for the medieval world. 
It’s been a couple months since they all returned from their last adventure. Alt had been putting his nose to the books, trying to learn more about Glitches, theories of multiverses and working on his magic. But, a 1-2 months could only get him so far. Bro wanted to try to keep them both sharp while they waited- even Jackie wanted a better place to practice things. So they converted Alt’s old place into this training space. 
Oliver is sitting on the window sill, watching Alt and Bro trade blows. A med kit sits next to him, just in case.
Alt ducks and rolls away from a punch Bro sends into the ground. 
Bro grins and nods, “Good one!” 
Alt pants and wipes sweat off his face, “How are you not exhausted??” 
“Hero stamina, baby bro!” Bro laughs, patting his chest. “That’s why we’re doing this more! We gotta build yours up too!” 
“I-I need to be studying more magic-“ Alt mutters and then glitches out of the way of another blow. 
“You also need to get out and move, Alt, magic or not.” Oliver gently reminds him, “Sitting in a dark room everyday hunched over books isn’t good for you!” 
“Yeah, listen to Ol! He knows what’s he’s talking about!” Bro grins. 
Alt rolls his eyes. “I don’t really see how trying to get me to fight like you is helping…” 
“You never know, dude! You could face something that like- takes your glitches or magic away! You can’t rely on it forever- “ 
“Says you…” Alt smirks, “I’m a Glitch, remember? I’ll just bend the rules around~!” 
Bro can’t help but shiver a bit at this but he tries to shake it off, “It’s still good practice! Glitch or no- you gotta get your blood pumping, bookworm!” He goes to strike again and Alt blocks his punch with both of his arms then throws him back with a little zap. Alt grins as he watches Bro stumble, his blue green eyes sparking a bit. 
And then--there's another zapping sound. A bit of green electricity appears out of nowhere at the edge of the room. It zips through the air, leaving behind a black line, hanging unsupported by anything. The line opens up, becoming a wide rip--a wide rift. And out of the darkness steps a man wearing mostly black, with a green scarf and an eye-patch hiding his right eye. He looks around the room, taking in all the details. "Impressive set-up," Anti says.
Alt glitches back in surprise. Oliver nearly falls off the ledge, “what that hell?? Hello??” 
Bro turns around then grins brightly, “Anti! Wassup??” 
Alt’s eyes widen as he straightens up, “…i-is it time?”
Anti looks back at the Brodys and nods. "If you want it to be time, it's time. I don't want to rush you. But sooner would be better. You'll probably want to call your friends and such."
Alt’s eyes narrow in determination towards Anti, magic sparking around him. “Y-Yes! We’re ready!” 
“Uh- I’m not??” Bro raises his hand, “I mean I’m okay if we go now but if it’s not an immediate rush then like… I wanna change out of these sweaty clothes at least.” Bro also points a thumb back at Alt, “I’m also not like Alt’s who’s had a bag ready for months, just in case.” 
Alt flushes bright red, “Chase! C-C’mon man!”
"Heh." Anti grins. "Really? A bag ready? That's... fun." He glitches over to the wall, leaning against it. 
Alt blushes even more, “L-Look last time I didn’t have my spell books or-or our bracelets and I-I need fuel especially if we’re gonna be glitching at all so that needs to be stocked and Oli, Jackie and Dr. J would throw a fit if I didn’t bring first aid and-“ 
Bro laughs and claps Alt on that back. “Relax bro! I was just teasing- lemme just get changed okay?” 
"Well, like I said, you'll probably want to take care of things. Go on. I can wait." Anti says. The edges of the rift crackle with green electricity and it shrinks until it's barely big enough to stick your arm through. 
Bro grabs the bag he brought with his spare clothes then hurries down stairs, “I won’t be long!” 
Anti looks up at Oliver. He blinks. "...Oliver, right? Or is it just Google here?" 
Oliver blinks in confusion, “Um- what? T-That’s a nickname for my brother but uh-“ He looks to Alt for context but Alt just shrugs, shaking his head. He’s only met one other Ollie. 
"Where I'm from, there are four... brothers... all called Google. They're friends of a friend. You look like them."
Oliver blinks back at Anti, “O-Oh! Huh… n-never thought me and my brothers would be in… these things. But I guess if it’s a multiverse- that makes sense.” He laughs, “Imagine calling all of us the googles- Griffin would be so mad about that.” Then the nurse tilts his head at Anti and kicks his feet slightly. “So, uh… Anti. What is it exactly that you’re taking Alt and Bro away for again? They’ve tried to tell me but… I dunno- it’d be nice to hear from the person they’re going with.” 
Anti nods. "We're going to find the pieces of a device called a TRVLR. When it broke they got scattered across different worlds. I think that all of us working together will be faster than just me." He glances back at Alt. "Though... we'll have to stop by Sam's world first, to get the rest of the parts I've already collected. Don't worry--a lot's happened since they were last there. They won't have to worry about that Anti attacking them." Then back to Oliver. "Once we get the TRVLR together, we'll have to track down the person who broke it. Another version of me. But we don't have to do that right away... probably." 
“Oh… right- that… doesn’t sound so bad…” Oliver says, biting his lip a bit in worry.” 
Alt had headed over to the corner and has been changing into his other clothes while they talk. Mostly just changing his shirt and putting on an oversized short sleeved hoodie with different patterned long sleeves. He ruffles his hair as he walks over, slinging his bag over his shoulder. He tried to smile at Oliver. “Don’t worry Ols, we’re used to this kinda stuff. I’m sure this will be a breeze.” 
Oliver huffs out of his nose and crosses his arms, “Yeah- but every time you go on these things… you come back hurt…”
Anti stares at Oliver silently for a moment. Then, a bit after the moment starts to get uncomfortable, he says, "I'm coming with them too. I can help protect them. Not that they'll need it, of course." 
Alt looks at Oliver with worry and opens his mouth to say something but Anti says something instead. So he just grins nervously. “S-See Ol? We’ll be fine.” Oliver frowns, not looking any less worried. 
Anti looks over at Alt. "Did you hear what I told your Oliver here? We'll have to go back to Sam's world first. There's no more corrupted, though. And we won't be there long."
Alt can’t help but freeze a bit as he hears this but he nods, “No more corrupted huh? That’s… that’s good.” He holds onto his arm, rubbing at the back of his hand… as if he can still feel the burning of the corruption there. 
After a few more minutes, Bro hurries back up the stairs. “Sorry! I’m good!” As usual- he’s wearing some off-brand bootleg stuff of his own hero merch, a big cozy hoodie version, ripped jeans and sneakers, with a slick half collar tank top with the eye logo on it. He fiddles with his utility belt- his mask pushed up into his hair, making it shimmer halfway between green and brown. “I texted the lads but uh- how long do you think we’ll be gone this time?”
"Hard to tell," Anti says. "One of the universes is a bit lacking in technology. But hopefully Sam will be able to drop us close to where the TRVLR parts are." He pauses, thinking it out. "Four days, maybe. But time is inconsistent, of course."
“Okay… four days… could be worse! I’ll let them know.” Bro says, pulling out his phone to text them. 
Oliver fidgets a bit at this and then finally jumps off the windowsill and grabs Alt’s hand, “Alt, let’s talk over here real quick!”
“Oli what are you- agh!” Alt gets tugged to one of the corners. Alt frowns at him. “Oliver… What's wrong? It’s… better this time right? We’re not just… disappearing without a trace.” 
“I know I know I just…” Oliver bites his lip, “I can’t help but worry! Especially after last time when you got a concussion and didn’t even tell anyone and-“ he stops in his ramblings and sighs, holding both of Alt’s hands in his own. “…I know I can’t stop you… I know you need to do this… I just… you all went through so much last time.” He hesitates then runs a hand against Alt’s jaw, tracing the very faint scar there. Alt leans slightly into it and closes his eyes before looking back. “…I want you to try to stay safe and… look I… I know you’ll be okay but j-just in case I have something I’ve been wanting to give you and just- now feels like a good time!” 
He lets go of Alt’s hands, leaving Alt to blink in confusion as Oliver digs around in his duffel bag of supplies. He pulls out a box and then opens it and takes out what’s inside- handing it to Alt. “…I asked Blaise what good charms she had in her shop for you… for l-luck and protection even if I don’t.. f-fully understand. She said this was… indicative of your magic.” He holds out a necklace on a thick black leather chain with a sliver chaos star charm. 
Alt’s eyes widen as he gently takes the necklace. “O-Oli…” 
“J-Just- use this to… to promise me you won’t do anything d-dumb… and you can use it to think of m- u-us! Us… if you need to. Everyone who’s waiting for you to come back… s-since all those worlds… gotta make this place feel k-kinda boring, huh?” Oliver says timidly, looking away. 
Alt’s face drops and then he looks nervous, cheeks flushing as he pulls in Oliver for a quick kiss. His face is super red but he just whispers. “Never… We’ll come home… I promise.” He slips the necklace on and gives Oliver a weak smile. 
Oliver smiles back, cheeks flushing as he squeezes Alt’s hand. “…Good. Y-you better.” 
Bro blinks at the two of them exchanging stuff- then can’t help but smile dopily at them. He chuckles and walks over to Anti. “Guess they need another minute… wonder if I should pop by to say bye to Stacy…”
Anti also watches, more fascinated than anything. So this is what a version of him who was into romance would act like. He'd only ever met ones who didn't care for it. That didn't mean they were all heartless of course... even though many were. He shakes himself out of it and looks over at Bro. "That depends. If she tried to text you or call you during this absence, would she shrug it off and wait or get worried? If she would get worried, you should probably at least send her a message explaining it."
“Mmm… she knows about my hero stuff now… but m-maybe I should pop by…” Bro says nervously, “But I uh… haven’t really explained like.. magic and the rifts…. And I don’t want to delay us more… I’ll just explain to her I’m out on a mission…” he says hurriedly and sends her a text, his own cheeks kinda red. 
Alt and Oliver kinda just stare at each other for a second before Alt coughs and looks away and Oliver does too. “T-Thank you… for the gift. I-I’m sure it’ll help and well… I-It’s nice to have a… a piece of you.” 
Oliver giggles, “Sap-“ 
“Hey! you were first-!” Alt laughs. 
Oliver pulls him in by his shirt and kisses his cheek. Then, he pushes him towards Anti and Bro. “…go on- you got multiverses to try to go save, right?” He smiles. 
Alt touches his cheek and flushes more but he nods. “Y-Yeah…” 
“Hurry up before I decide to keep you~“ Oliver says with a cheeky smirk. 
“R-Right!” Alt glitches over to the others, hiding his face somewhat in his mask and now fiddling with his new necklace. “S-Sorry! Ready-“
Anti tilts his head, looking faintly amused at all this. But he doesn't say anything. "Alright, we can head on out then." He turns towards the small rift. That green lightning appears around its edges and it grows larger once more until it's big enough to step through.
Oliver watches with awe as it opens back up but keeps his distance. 
Alt hoists his bag onto his back and straightens up. “Alright- let’s do this.” Then he blinks and looks to Oliver, “Oh Ols! Y-You’ll take care of Glitches right??” 
“Of course, you doof!” Oliver laughs. Alt laughs too. 
Bro finishes typing up his message and puts his phone away. “Alright! Let’s do this! Bye Oliver!” 
Alt smiles and waves, “Bye. Be back soon… promise.” 
Oliver smiles and waves them off as the Brody bros step through the rift.
Anti nods back at him as he steps through right after. And then, with that, the rift disappears, leaving no sign it was ever there.
Walking through a rift isn't the same as being pulled into one. Bro feels a jolt, like he stepped down a curb when he wasn't expecting it, and everything grows dark with the hint of the green light usually found in the space in-between. Then, sensation returns. 
He is standing in what looks like a cafeteria of some kind. There are rectangular tables lined up, and up against one wall are counters with food. And not only that. There are appliances like mini-fridges and camping stoves. White lights in the ceiling light up the area, but... they don't look like traditional fluorescent lights. There's something off about them. Honestly, this whole place looks weirdly temporary.
Bro stumbles a bit and catches himself as he steps into the new area. He looks around a bit in confusion- especially since Alt and Anti aren’t there. Man- it’s been a while since they were immediately separated. But, he’s not too worried about it.
"Chase? When did you get here?" an accented voice asks. The question comes from one of the tables--the only one currently occupied. 
There are three men sitting there, each with a mug, and a teapot and coffee pot in the space between them. One man is wearing glasses and a pale blue sweater, some yarn bracelets on his arms. Strange branching scars crawl up the left side of his face. Another is wearing a yellow button-up with overlong sleeves. He has a mustache. The last is wearing a maroon sweater with the words Stay Strong printed on it in white. His hair is short around the edges but a bit longer on top, slightly covering the raised scars lining the upper half of his face. 
Bro jolts a bit as he hears his name and then he grins awkwardly and raises a hand in a wave, “Oh uh hi! Not… not the Chase you know uh sorry- um… I- didn’t meet any of you guys last time-“
The man with the yarn bracelets blinks. "Last time...?" 
The man with the mustache gasps slightly. He nodded, and looks at Bro in recognition. Of course! You're that Chase from another world! 
"Huh?" The man with the scarred face looks at him. "You remember him?" 
I do, but it sounds like he doesn't remember me. Which... makes sense. I wasn't really there. The mustached man waves. I'm Jameson. This is Henrik and Marvin. But... I assume you know that? I think we're all your friends in your world, yes? 
Bro’s eyes widen a bit as he takes in Jameson’s face. “Oh- Oh you were… you were the one that… that Anti used to-“ 
JJ nods. Don't worry about it. I know what you mean. 
Bro swallows nervously then tries to smile. “Well, N-Nice to officially meet all of you. I wondered if that’s who you guys were but uh- s-sometimes it’s hard to tell.” 
Henrik pulls on his bracelets. "Ah, right. Of course you are not our Chase. You look... um... more... fit?" 
Marvin laughs into his mug. "Be glad Chase didn't hear you say that." 
"Well it is true." 
Bro laughs a bit more at the comment, “Yeah I get that a lot… but I think he even realized that when we met.”
Marvin laughs some more and put his tea down. "Alright. So... you're the Chase from another world. Nice to officially meet you, too." His smile falls into something more serious. "What are you doing here?" 
"Do not be rude, Marvin," Schneep says. 
"Oh. Sorry, didn't mean to be." Marvin looks a bit embarrassed. "But—last time you came—with that other Anti and that other Jackie and that fucking..." He goes a bit pale, and doesn't mention Magnificent by name. "Last time you all came here, you were lost or something, right? Are you... still lost?" 
"And those others, are they with you, too?" Schneep adds.
“Mag isn’t here,” Bro says hurriedly, “Just me and my brother and our friend, Anti. I think he said we’re just here to see Sam and pick up supplies!”
"There are two Antis where you come from?!" Marvin blurts out. 
I'm sure that's not it, Jameson says
Bro laughs, “No just the one! Other Anti is from another world- he’s like- pretty powerful though so he’s helping us find our device that got broken that we used to travel between worlds. We gotta… find another anti and… try to stop him from doing something… bad.” 
Oh, you want to see Sam? I don't know where They are right now... 
"If They are in camp, They will be at Jack's tent," Schneep says. "Ooooh, should we tell our Chase that this Chase is here?" 
He and Stacy might be with the kids, though, JJ says.
Bro tilts his head, “Same camp as last time? …I wanna say I know where that is but then I’d probably just get myself lost-“
"Oh right!" Henrik nods. "Last time you appeared, the resistance was still in the caverns. Well, that has changed since then." 
"God, the time loop was still in effect, too," Marvin mutters. "That's also been fixed since then. In fact... a lot's been fixed. Though we, uh, still have problems." 
“Oh fuck I forgot you guys were in one of those! We didn’t stay long enough to really… feel that though-“ Bro says sheepishly.
Henrik stands up, smiling a little. "Do you want to see the camp?" He points at a set of double doors. 
JJ sighs. I suppose we're cutting tea time short, then. I'll clean up. 
Bro waves his hands a bit, “Oh I didn’t mean to interrupt! You guys can finish, I'm chill!”
JJ blinks. Are you sure? 
Schneep sits down. "We could finish our drinks, then. I'm sure there is no risk. The camp is very safe, ever since we drove Iris out." 
JJ nods slowly. Would you like a drink then, Chase? We have mint tea and coffee.
“Oh I’d love a coffee-“ Bro smiles and goes to sit down, even if he feels a bit awkward. “…did you guys say IRIS?”
Schneep gets up to grab an extra mug. "Yes--Iris Hopkins, the fucking.... worst." 
Marvin swirls his mug of tea like it's a glass of wine or brandy. "Fucking worst. She's a magician. Used to be on the Réalta Council which is... apparently? The magician government?" He shakes his head. "Anyway, she did some shitty things, so they kicked her out of camp. Now she's on the run somewhere in the city." 
“Oh.. they’re a person- okay,” Bro says, looking a bit relieved. “I’ve heard that name with like a pretty fucked up company so… got worried there for a second. Glad you all drove her out! She sounds like bad news.” 
Schneep returns and pours the coffee pot into the mug. "Here you are." 
Bro looks up at Schneep and gratefully takes the coffee, “Thanks!”
JJ nods. Very bad news. Sam says she likes to push the borders of magic. 
"I got locked in a room overnight once," Marvin mutters into his tea. "Jack had to uncorrupt me before she agreed to let me out, even though Cat was no threat to anyone."
“What?? Jesus that’s… that’s awful-“ Bro gasps. “That’s… Jesus-“ He shakes his head. “You’d think she’d have some kind of empathy if you weren’t a threat…”
"Yeah, you'd think that, wouldn't you?" Marvin says. 
She's who we're dealing with now that Anti is... no longer the center of corruption, JJ says. 
"But we have not seen her in some time, so it is all fine!" Schneep says.
“Yeah our Anti told us the corruption is gone… so… Anti is… what’s his deal now, then?” Bro tries to say casually, but his fingers dig into his mug, a bit of anger bubbling deep in his gut. 
"Anyway--you probably have to find your friends, yes? Your Antis?" Schneep says hurriedly. 
Bro blinks then smiles a bit at Schneep and nods, “Yeah uh- we have a lot of places to visit I think… but you know- …coffee.” He says with a small chuckle as he takes a big sip.
"Coffee." Schneep nods understandingly. "I have forgotten much, but I never forgot the sweet taste of coffee." 
Sweet? It's rather bitter, I'd say, JJ says jokingly. 
Neither of them had addressed Bro's question about Anti. After taking a big drink of his tea, Marvin mutters, "Anti got more than he deserved. By which I mean... more mercy than he deserved. But apparently it was necessary, because of how he and Jack are linked."
Bro’s expression darkens, gripping his mug tighter, threatening to crush it. “…is that so?” Dangerous light flickers in his eyes. Like the first sight of lightning before a storm starts.
JJ puts a hand on his arm. Breathe, he says. And don't break the mug—it's communal. 
Bro blinks as if he wasn’t aware of what he was doing and looks down at the mug, carefully letting go. “Oh- r-right, sorry…” 
"Trust me, I know how you feel," Marvin says. "But... this is how it is." 
"Anti is... actually... trying to be... not bad," Schneep says slowly. "Though clearly, he is not going to win back hearts."
Bro nods to the others, his expression still somewhat stormy. “I guess… he’s only still around because of Jack. Still… doesn’t seem fair to all of you- to have to see him.”
"Oh, I'm not seeing him if I can help it," Marvin says. "I don't know how these two are okay with... being there." 
JJ shrugs. It's not worth ruining the peace to me. 
Schneep is thoughtfully silent. He finishes off his coffee.
Bro follows Schneep’s lead, downing the last of his like a shot. “Well uh- thanks for filling me in. This is all good to know… I should really go find Alt…”
We'll go with you, JJ signs. 
"Yeah, I'd... like to see Alt... again," Marvin says awkwardly. 
Bro smiles, “I’m sure Alt will be happy to see you all alright… I remember him uh… talking about what… happened to you. It really affected him…” 
Marvin nods slowly. He subconsciously rubs his neck. JJ puts a hand on his shoulder. 
"I will put the cups away, then we will go," Schneep says, standing up. 
Bro gets up to help. Hopefully Alt hasn’t run into any trouble… 
After a jolt, Alt appears in a grassy field. Surrounding him are some temporary-looking buildings and round, colorful tents—a campground, of some kind. The sun hangs in the sky in its afternoon position, a few wispy clouds drifting across the blue expanse but not enough to dull the sunlight. There are some people wandering about. They all give him a second look, surprised to see him... but no one approaches him.
Alt blinks at the appearance of the field. So much different than what he dealt with last time. He looks around, wandering towards some of the tents. Guess… it was time to try to find Sam, right? He plays with his necklace as he goes- already finding it comfortable to fidget with.
As he walks past a green tent, the flap unzips and someone starts walking out—almost running right into Alt. "Oh, sorry!" The man backs away. "I didn't see you. Are you here to see..." He trails off. "You're not Chase." The man is wearing a blue t-shirt with a cloud pattern on it, a red hoodie tied around his waist. Many scars marr his arms, all of them unnaturally straight lines.
Alt glitches back in surprise, “No, I-I wasn’t watching where I was…” He trails off as he takes in the sight of the other man and his eyes widen as he scrambles back a bit more. “Y-You’re - you were E-Error…!”
Jackie's eyes widen. "A-Alt?!" He also backs up. "I—you—what're you—I-I um—" He looks nearly as panicked as Alt is. 
Alt tries to keep his breathing under control- because clearly Jackie isn’t Error anymore! But he sees- he sees him leaving with Anti- abandoning him as the corruption ate him alive.
There's a slight green glow in the tent behind them. A small golfball-sized green eye slips past Jackie, where it then grows bigger, to soccer-ball size. {ALT!} Sam says cheerfully.
Alt swallows shakily and then glitches again in surprise but relaxes at seeing Sam. “S-Sam! Hi…!” He grins nervously.
Sam tilts to the side, like an animal cocking their head. {ALT... I UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS.} Their mental voice is soft, gentle. {BUT JACKIE IS NOT THE SAME. HE HAS GONE THROUGH A LOT AS WELL. YOU DO NOT NEED TO FORGIVE HIM, BUT REMEMBER THAT.} 
"I... I can... leave," Jackie says slowly. "I just... th-thought I would... get Jack something from the cafeteria..." He can't look away from Alt.
Alt winces a bit at Sam reading his feelings. But soon enough he shakes his head, “n-No it’s… it’s fine. Y-You were… you weren’t you… then.” He tries to laugh but it comes out forced. “and you had it w-way worse than I… I did.”
Jackie nods slowly. "O...kay. Yeah. I... I really am... so sorry. I'm... so sorry." 
“It’s okay… really.” Alt says sincerely. 
"Jackie?" A voice comes from inside the tent. "Who are you talking to?" 
"Uh..." Jackie glances back over his shoulder. "Do you... remember Alt? Did you see him?" 
"Do I remember—oh, I'll never forget Alt—wait, is he here?!" There's a shuffling noise. 
"Jack no, be careful!" Jackie hurries back into the tent.
Alt perks up and then smiles brightly at the sound of Jack’s voice. “J-Jack?!” He blinks in confusion at Jackie’s reaction then glitches inside after him.
There's some furniture inside the tent. The central area has a circular table with two chairs, then there are two alcoves to either side--one with a twin-sized bed with a metal frame, the other with a series of cubbyholes that have various things inside--a couple card sets, puzzles, and folded clothes. Jack is sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing a white hoodie and gray pants. He looks a bit thinner and paler than the form Alt saw last time... but he's solid. He has a physical body. Jackie is standing nearby, holding a pair of arm crutches out to Jack. 
"Alt! Hey!" Jack waves at him cheerfully. "Oh my god, it's good to see you!"
Alt’s expression brightens as he sees Jack. “Y-You’re awake…!” He gasps and glitches over. “God- it’s good to see you too, dude!”
Jack laughs. "It's good to see you too! Hey, is it okay if I hug you?" 
"Be careful, Jack," Jackie says. 
"C'mon, I'm not gonna shatter if he hugs me."
Alt laughs and nods, “Y-Yeah of course!” He glitches a bit closer, hesitates for just a second then goes to hug Jack.
Jack hugs him back as tightly as possible. "God--I missed hugs," he says, and laughs a little. 
Alt laughs and smiles warmly. “I’m… really happy to see you’re okay…”
As they pull away, Jack asks, "What are you doing back here?" 
{THE THREE OF THEM ARE HERE FOR THIS.} Sam flies over to the cubbyholes, landing in one near the top.
Alt blinks and looks to where Sam is going. “Oh yeah! Sam has parts of the TRVLR… it got destroyed so we’re going to go look for all the missing pieces.”
"Right, your device." Jack nods. "Sam said something about keeping an eye out for things a lot recently..." 
Jackie walks over to the cubbyhole and grabs the things in the cubby where Sam landed, bringing it back to the table. There's a plastic bag full of computer-y parts, a small clutch of some kind made of slick black fabric, and three small items. Meanwhile, Jack straps on the arm crutches Jackie left by the bed and walks over to the table. 
Alt’s eyes widen as he glitches over to the table. “Woah! You found so much- honesty I thought we’d have to find a lot more!”
"What're those?" Jack indicates the three small items. They're orbs made of glass, designed to look like eyes with green scleras and blue irises. The pupil is the size of a fingerprint, slightly indented. 
“Ohh! Neat!” Alt grins, picking up one to look at. Then he looks at the fabric clutch. “And what’s this?”
Jack raises an eyebrow. "Going somewhere with lots of water, then?" 
“…one we’ve been to before or- somewhere else?” Alt asks, blinking back at Sam. He starts to take the TRVLR parts and puts the plastic bag inside the fabric one.
“So somewhere new,” Alt laughs. “That was a really round about way of answering that.” 
"You went to a world where you turned into merpeople?!" Jack gasps. 
"They what?!" Jackie's eyes widen.
Alt blinks then grins, “We’ve been to two worlds where we got to do that! One was in the far off future on an alien planet with really weird fish but they had like- mermen alien fish hybrids so we got to be some of those. Then- once we landed in a world where actual mermen existed too! Honestly it was really cool,” Alt laughs. “I got to practice some cool spells to make it happen!”
"Whoa..." Jackie whistles, impressed. "I don't think Marvin could do that. Don't tell him I said that, though." 
"Alien planet with weird fish? That sounds cool!" Jack says. "So... you need to meet up with your brother and this other Anti, right? Sam, do you know where they are?" 
Jack sighs. "Yeah... probably for the best." He looks at Alt. "Turns out, having your body in a coma for years has some side effects. But we'll take what we can get. Better than being ghosts."
Alt looks relived the others aren’t far. “Well if they’re on their way here then- I don’t mind keeping you company.” He says with a shy smile. “Maybe you guys can… catch me up? Seems like a lot has happened since we were here last!”
"Oh you have no idea." Jack sits down at the table. Jackie hovers nearby. 
"Uh... short version. Surgeon left the Place where Anti was keeping him. But unfortunately the tradeoff was the cave where the resistance was hiding was found. But in the escape I managed to uncorrupt JJ. Then, turns out, this camp was here the whole time--this place is run by magicians, turns out there's more of them than just Marvin and Raven, hah. So we all came here. I uncorrupted Schneep. Then this group of other magicians led by a woman named Iris arrived--turns out she was secretly doing shady magical shit. We got Cat out of the Place by tricking Anti into thinking we were somewhere else. I uncorrupted him, he's Marvin again. Anti then freaked out, and..." He glances at Jackie. 
"He... really held onto Error tightly," Jackie says slowly. "Ended up... fucking with my head enough that I wanted to leave, even in that state." 
"So I uncorrupted him, then," Jack says. 
Alt listens carefully to the story, nodding along. He seems relieved to hear that Marvin is no longer Cat. Then, He looks sympathetic towards Jackie when they explain about Error. 
"Then uh... the Place kind of... became part of the world? And the corruption... became its own thing? And started controlling Anti?" Jack continues. 
"That part will probably take a little more explaining," Jackie mutters. 
"That whole thing made Anti start to reconsider shit," Jack says. "That, and some of the voices--holy shit, you don't even know about the voices, uh... that's a long story too. But to sum it up, I went into Anti's mind and got rid of the corruption, but as a result... we both... returned to this body." Jack pauses. "Anti is... in here." He taps the side of his head. "He's... asleep right now, though."
Alt’s eyes widen as he hears about the corruption. Then, at Jack’s last statement, he inhales sharply and glitches back. “H-He’s what?!” He squeaks, turning a bit pale.
Jack winces. “Yeah no I expected that reaction. Don’t worry, he’s not gonna pop out or anything. He only wakes up once I fall asleep, and I’m not planning on doing that anytime soon. A-and even if something happened, he’s not… going to… H-he doesn’t hurt people anymore. Or, he’s trying not to. And the corruption is gone anyway…”
Alt slowly relaxes- even if he still looks wary. “Oh uh… o-okay. If you say it’s nothing to worry about… I-I trust you.”
Jack lets out a breath. “Yeah… it’s uh… really awkward, given… everything that happened.” 
“Understatement,” Jackie comments. 
“Everyone’s keeping an eye on him, but he’s really not gonna try anything,” Jack continues. “Besides, we both lost a lot of our powers once we got our body back, so he couldn’t if he wanted to.” 
Alt nods, giving Jack a weary smile. 
“Oh, I can do some party tricks, though. Jackie, hand me the tablet.” 
Jackie picks up a small tablet—like an iPad, but slightly different—from the bed, and walks over to hand it to Jack. He props it up so Alt can see the screen. A bit of static flickers across it as Jack opens and closes some apps just by concentrating. YouTube, some idle matching game, an art program that’s currently on some drawing with a lot of red splatters—which Jack closes quicker than the rest. “See? This is the most we can do now.”
Alt blinks a bit- impressed. “hey- that’s pretty neat!“ he laughs.
“Really?” Jack brightens. “I mean—I know you can probably do a lot more with your like electric magic but I’m really proud that I’ve managed to do this, it’s taken some practice—” 
“Ha I can’t do anything like that! So I think it’s pretty cool!” Alt laughs. 
Then suddenly, there’s the sound of static. Anti—the green scarf wearing, eye-patch’d Anti—appears inside the tent near the entrance. 
“Jesus fucking christ!” Jackie jumps in surprise.
Alt glitches a bit in surprise but quickly recovers, “Oh hey Anti! You gotta give these poor guys a warning or something-“
“Sorry,” Anti says to Jackie. “And sorry I’m a bit late, Sam. I showed up right next to this world’s Chase and Stacy, had to convince them I wasn’t this Anti who’d suddenly escaped his body. I think they’re coming here to check.” 
“Oh yeah- that’d probably freak them out,” Alt laughs nervously.
“Oh. Cooooool.” Jackie nods slowly, still looking a bit rattled. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box of BandAids, applying one to a cut that’s suddenly on his arm. 
Alt blinks at Jackie a bit in confusion. Then brightens as he hears Bro is on his way. “oh good!”
Anti glitches over to the table--surprising Jack in the process--and picks up one of the glass eye trackers. "Did you explain to him how this works?" 
"Fair enough." Anti pockets the glass eye. He then looks at Jack. And seems to freeze. "...Hi... Jack." 
"H-hi?" Jack gives a little wave and laughs. "This is so weird."
Jackie notices Alt's confusion from the bandaid and looks away, seeming somehow ashamed. 
Alt looks even more confused- and now concerned. He glitches over and he hesitates before asking, “…you okay?”
Jackie jumps slightly. His eyes dart around a little. "I... don't want to freak you out." 
“You won’t, it’s okay-“ Alt tries to say gently.
Jackie hesitates... then nods slowly. "The... the glitches. You probably remember Error's glitches. They're... still around. Meaning... there's still a bit of corruption in me." He whispers that, eyes wide with panic. "I-I don't think it's affecting my brain. But... the glitches are still there."
Alt doesn’t look too freaked out- he looks more worried than anything. “O-oh… I’m so sorry Jackie… t-that must be really hard…” he glances over at Jack and Anti, “…I’m guessing Jack can’t help anymore, huh?”
Jackie shakes his head. "He tried. We uh... did this spell to go into my mind to check on things. It's... If there's some way to get it out, we can't figure it out." He gives a small smile. "But on the bright side... no one else has any left in them. Just me."
Alt’s eyebrows furrow, “…that’s still not something you should have to deal with… that really sucks. I… I wish I knew how to help…”
Jackie smiles. "Thanks. It's okay, we'll figure it out eventually. It'll just take a while. Besides... sounds like you guys have something else to work on, right?" He glances towards the tent entrance. 
Alt chuckles, “Yeah… we got a pretty big mission from the sounds of it.” 
Jackie hums, "Wonder how far your Chase is. The camp isn't that big, he'll probably be here soon." 
"--and over in that direction is the meeting building, the magicians set it up very quickly," Schneep says. He's been giving Bro a verbal tour of the camp as they walk. "It is amazing, actually." 
"Yep, magic's amazing," Marvin says a bit smugly. 
Jameson chuckles. 
There are a few people up and about camp. They occasionally glance at the group, but apparently this isn't an odd enough sight to stare at.
 “Yeah dude this is really impressive! This was a magician’s camp?” Bro says. He smiles at people as they walk by, trying to appear friendly.
Jameson nods. Turns out, the Council that's in charge of all magicians in the area knew about the time loop and set up this camp to keep an eye on things. Once the time loop broke, we all came here and let them know about the corruption. They've been a great help since then. 
"Can't believe I never knew about them," Marvin mutters.
“Damn! That’s really great- well besides that Iris woman but… good you guys got help right away!” Bro smiles.
"Yes, very good," Henrik agrees. "Oh, perhaps if you stick around a bit I can introduce you to Fern, she is a magician doctor! I think she is at the clinic now." 
"Fern's great," Marvin says. "A real miracle worker." 
“Oh! That’s cool! Don’t meet too many magician doctors! You’d think that’d be more prevalent…” Bro laughs. 
"Hey!" A voice shouts. "Guys!" 
To the left, a pair of familiar faces are running towards the small group. 
"Hello Chase!" Henrik waves. "And Stacy!"
Bro blinks then grins, “other me! Stacy! Hi!”
"Oh! Hey." Chase skids to a halt next to Bro. He's wearing a brown aviator jacket, his hair a bit longer and shaggier than last time they were in this world. 
Stacy's hair has also grown out, now only the lower half of her shoulder-length hair is dyed blonde, everything else is its natural brown. She's wearing a yellow long-sleeved shirt with little pink dots around the cuffs. 
"You are here, then. Uh, good to see you!" Chase says. 
Stacy nods. "So... weird question, did you really come here with your brother and some other, glitchy version of Anti? Or should we be worried?"
Bro laughs, “I really came here with Alt and another Anti! We’re picking up some stuff to try to fix the thing we use to visit other multiverses- Sam collected a bunch of it!”
"Ohhhh, that would explain that plastic bag in Jack's tent," Chase says. 
"We are heading to that tent now, actually," Henrik says. "Do you two want to come?" 
Stacy nods. "Sure, why not? The kids are being tutored so we might as well keep an eye on things." 
As the group continues, Chase explains, "We were in the hangout tent together when this Anti guy suddenly appeared. Gave me nine consecutive heart attacks seeing him. He, uh... really looks like our Anti. Except with an eye-patch. And a scarf. I don't think Anti would like scarves." 
“Oh yeah he’s kinda freaky when you first meet him,” Bro chuckles, shaking his head. “I never got to see what your Anti looked like but I can imagine. You can trust him though- Sam does. And he’s also like… saved me and Alt multiple times. He’s moody and acts aloof but he’s- he’s a good guy.”
So like Marvin? Jameson says. 
"Wh--hey!" Marvin sputters. 
Chase laughs. "Alright. If Sam trusts him, we'll trust him." 
"I'm not moody," Marvin grumbles. Henrik pats his shoulder.
Bro hides a laugh, “it’s okay dude- some of the best people I know are like that! Alt is like that too.”
Marvin smiles a bit. "Heh... that helps." 
"Honestly, it's good to see you be a little moody," Chase says, smiling back at him too. 
"Really? O-oh." Marvin blinks. "Hah... I'll try not to be too moody, but, uh... thanks." 
Bro smiles warmly at Marvin. 
They're approaching a green tent. Jameson points at it. That's Jack's tent. He's not staying with the rest of us because of the... Anti situation.
Bro blinks at Jameson before looking back at the tent. “Oh yeah uh… he was in a coma right?”
"Yeah..." Chase nods slowly. "I remember you and Jackie could hear him. But, uh, now he's back in his body!" He smiles... then the smile slowly fades. "Unfortunately... the side effect of that is that Anti is also back in the body. He, uh... They kind of take turns. When one falls asleep, the other takes over." 
But Jack should be awake right now, you won't have to deal with Anti, JJ reassures him.
Bro’s smiles hearing Jack is awake- but it quickly falls as he hears Anti is with him too. “…that’s- gotta be hard to deal with… t-the way you all were talking about him… thought he’d be separate from Jack at least-“
Marvin winces. "Well... it meant that the corruption went away, and everyone was uncorrupted again. So I think it's... worth the trade-off." 
Chase sighs, rubbing the back of his head. "At least they don't just randomly turn into each other. That'd be weird. And at least Anti's not trying to hurt anyone any more. He's, uh... trying to... redeem himself?" 
Marvin looks away. Jameson purses his lips and doesn't say anything.
Bro’s expression darkens again, “Hm… hard to redeem turning people into corrupted monsters against their wills. …I believe in second chances but that… I dunno if I would… I dunno if I could with him. Not after what he did to Alt.”
Stacy nods. "Well... you're not alone in that. All of the uncorrupted people are staying in camp too. And a lot of them..." 
"They are not happy," Henrik states. "To put it lightly." 
"The fact that he's stuck with Jack does make things difficult," Stacy says. "We don't want to punish Jack for what Anti did. But the magicians are at least keeping track of him." 
Bro at least feels a bit better knowing he’s not the only one upset. “Yeah… poor Jack… having to deal with all this…” 
As the whole group approaches the tent, Anti--the one who came with Alt and Bro--glitches outside the entrance. 
"Holy shit!" Marvin jumps. 
"Yeah, freaky, isn't it?" Chase mutters. 
"Sorry," Anti states. "Hi, Chase. Bro Fantastic, I mean. Alt's inside."
Bro blinks then grins, “Yo Anti! Heard you gave other me a heart attack-“ 
There's the sharp sound of more glitching and Alt appears by Anti at the entrance. He grins at Bro and the others, “There you are!”
"Ah, hello!" Schneep waves. "So you are Alt. I didn't meet you the last time you were here, nice to see you now." 
"Hey!" Chase waves, and Stacy nods. 
Good to see you--though you are a bit strange, Jameson says, looking at Anti. 
"I can imagine," Anti says, shrugging. "We won't be here long, though." 
Marvin stares at Alt. He raises a hand. "Hey. You look... good."
Alt blinks at eveyone then smiles sheepishly and waves, “Hi…! Good to officially meet you all…” His eyes meet Marvin’s though and they widen. He glitches over, then smiles a bit. “H-Hey…! It’s… god… good to see you out of that… y-you know. You… look good too.” He laughs a bit.
"Whoa!" Marvin takes a step back, then laughs. "Thanks! I'm sure even the scars are an improvement to how you last saw me." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "I, uh... yeah. It's good to be uncorrupted." 
Alt smiles and nods, “I’m sure it’s a relief…” 
The tent flap opens again, and Jackie peeks out. "Oh, uh... hi everyone. H-hang on." He disappears for a moment, and then he and Jack come out, with Jack using his crutches to support himself. Sam flies out after them. 
"You, uh, forgot these, Alt." Jackie holds up the two glass eye trackers. 
Alt jumps a bit as everyone else comes out and then laughs, going to grab the trackers. “oh I- didn’t mean to lead everyone outside! T-Thanks though.” 
“Yo Sam!” Bro grins, “Good to see ya!” He blinks at seeing Jack and Jackie but then smiles more, “And Jackie and Jack! Good to properly meet ya both!” 
Jackie waves a bit, smiling shyly. "Nice to properly meet you, too." 
"Hey!" Jack grins. "Yeah, last time I was still a coma ghost. So glad that's over with." 
"Ah yes, because it was so easy for you to become not a coma ghost," Schneep says, deadpan. 
"It only took the whole Place being dragged out to the city," Chase says jokingly. 
Anti blinks. He looks over at Sam. "Was that what you were dealing with that time those five got stuck in-between? Is that why you were late?" 
{YEP.} Sam swishes Their optic nerve. 
"Well... shit. No wonder."
Alt and Bro blink in surprise. “T-The whole Place?” Alt asks in awe, “wasn’t that place like… infinite???” 
"Oh--no, not infinite," Jackie says. "I mean, it definitely seemed like that when you were wandering around and its hallways were shifting, but at most it was as big as the city." 
"If you look over thaaaat way..." Chase points to the side. Part of the sky seems... red? "That's where the city is. You can see the effect the Place had from here." 
Bro looks at Anti and Sam and tilts his head, “Damn… then it’s only been like… what? 2 months? Since all that happened? That’s crazy…”
It's been longer for us! Jameson says. It seems time in your world runs slower than ours. I think it's been about... four months or so. Twice as long. 
"Even so, yes, that is a lot that happened," Henrik agrees.
“Still… four months isn’t long at all… you guys seem to be adjusting well,” Bro says with a gentle smile. 
Alt looks towards the city with furrowed brows, “…what happened to the city? I-Is that why you all are out here?” 
"Yyyeah..." Jack says slowly. "It's uh... it has a red sky now, and there are weird hallways everywhere and the sewers and caves are a maze... it's a fucking mess." 
"Yeah... that's our main problem now," Marvin says. "Fixing that and finding Iris again."  
“why are you looking for Iris? I thought she got ran out of here…” Bro asks. 
"Yeah, ran out of here and into the city, where she's probably plotting something." Marvin folds his arms. 
"Besides--she's broken magician laws, so she's basically a fugitive." 
“Ah… makes sense then.” Bro nods. Alt frowns at the city in worry.
"What are those things, by the way?" Stacy says, pointing at the glass eyes. 
"Right." Anti nods. "They're trackers so we can find what we're looking for." He takes out his own glass eye from his pocket. "You put your finger against the dent where the pupil is and the information gets beamed directly to your mind."
Alt’s attention gets drawn back from the city as Anti explains the trackers. He hands one to Bro. 
Bro whistles, “Impressive! … and a tad bit invasive but- guess that can’t be helped-“ He and Alt immediately go to try it.
Immediately, Bro knows that all the TRVLR parts in this world are in that black clutch Alt is carrying. 
Alt merely becomes aware that there are no other parts besides that in the area. 
Bro and Alt still seem impressed. “Cool!” Alt grins. He stuffs it into his pants pocket for safe keeping and Bro stores his in his utility belt. 
"Oh, it works on a world-by-world basis," Anti adds. "But Sam knows which other worlds have the remaining parts. We're actually going to that universe with the Glitch Henrik next. He probably found the part there by now.”
Both of them look delighted to hear they’ll be seeing Schneep next. “Aw fuck yeah! I bet Schneep crushed that-“ Bro grins. 
"So... are you guys just gonna leave right away, then?" Jack asks, a bit disappointed. 
The brothers exchange looks before Alt says quietly, “I guess… we can stay for a little bit longer- if you guys want.” He smiles sheepishly.
"Well I mean--this is important, isn't it?" Chase says. "I'd hate to delay you. And there's not a lot to do at camp, really." 
Marvin brightens slightly. "We could play Insane Monopoly." 
The others all groan and immediately start to protest. 
That's sure to make them want to leave! JJ says. 
"And that will literally take all day!" Jackie adds.
Alt and Bro burst into laughter. “As crazy as that sounds… we.. we probably should go.” Alt says, holding his necklace. “…we have uh.. people waiting for us at home….” His cheeks turn a bit red at this and Bro smirks.
"Ah... of course." Schneep notices the blush and nods. "W-we... we understand." 
"Hen's gonna spend the rest of the day with Trisha, oooo," Chase says teasingly. 
Schneep nudges him. "And? What about you two?" He gestures at Chase and Stacy. 
"Huh, what? I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Chase protests, face getting red. 
Stacy's eyes widen and she fidgets awkwardly with her sleeves, looking away. 
Bro smiles at Chase and Stacy though, maybe they’re getting along better! That makes him feel more secure with his own relationship. 
“Careful guys- you’ll make Alt jealous~” Bro teases, “His boyfriend threw a fit that we had to leave-“ 
“C-Chase!” Alt protests, pushing him slightly and looking away, hiding his face in his mask. Bro laughs.
Bro looks at the others and smiles, “Wanna help send us off then?” 
"Hmm? Help how?" Marvin asks. 
"I mean, sure, we'll wave goodbye!" Jackie laughs. 
Bro laughs, “That’s what I meant!”
"Alright, come on, everyone after Sam," Jack says, making his way after Them. Everyone else follows, matching his slower pace. Except for Anti, who immediately glitches over to where Sam is waiting in a clear spot away from most tents.
Alt glitches to walk beside Jack, playing with his necklace timidly. Bro keeps up with the others.
It's a clear day. The clouds are only wisps. 
But... suddenly... there's a feeling of ozone in the air, like the moment before a lightning strike. 
Anti's head whips to the side, eye widening in alarm. 
{NO!} Sam shouts. {THAT'S IMPOSSI--} 
And then a shockwave of red light blasts outward from midair as a rip is torn in space.
Bro holds his arms over his face and digs his feet into the ground to try to not get blown away but he ends up getting thrown back. Alt yells out in surprise and glitches to cover Jack, curling his body around him to keep him safe-Jack gasps as Alt suddenly appears in front of him, stumbling but managing to keep his feet. 
Chase and Stacy, out in front, get thrown through the air. JJ and Marvin are just behind them and both get knocked to the ground. 
Anti glitches out of sight and then returns just in time to glare at the black rip in midair. "Y͏̛ou.̶̷" 
A figure forms from the red light as a low, threatening laugh echoes through the clear day. Another Anti, glowing red and black, eyes filled with white static and a scar wrapping around his neck. He floats a few inches off the ground. "Did you think I wouldn't notice?" His voice comes from all around them. "Those three little blips I could brush off, but you. The ripples you caused getting here again... I'd be a fool to ignore it." 
Alt got knocked to the ground too trying to keep Jack up but he quickly glitches back up to his feet. He goes to hold an arm out in front of Jack and the others and his stomach drops. “N-No…!” He breathes, blood running cold. 
Bro hurries to push himself up and rushes forward. His eyes fill with blue light as he growls. “Y-You! …w-what are you talking about??”
"Oh? Do you not recognize me?" The red Anti grins, and his image shifts, until it's abundantly clear--this is the Anti from the first world with the rifts. The red light quickly returns, darkening his appearance. 
Bro bares his teeth at the red Anti. “oh, I’d be hard pressed to forget you bitch-“ He snarls. 
"And do you think I'm a fucking moron? There's always people like you in every world! People like you who will get in my way. And that's what you're doing now, isn't it? Are you trying to stop me?" 
“Of course we’re trying to stop you! We’re not gonna let you destroy innocent worlds!” Bro bites back.
"Who the f-fuck is this?!" Marvin says, climbing to his feet. 
"Someone bad, clearly," Schneep says, shuddering. 
"He's the one who broke the TRVLR," Anti says, glaring at the red image before them. He summons a knife. "Leave this world alone! It's been through enough!" 
{I WILL PUSH HIM OUT!} Sam says. {I WILL--} 
"You won't do anything," Red Anti says, snapping his attention to Sam. He grins, tearing his face in two. "Don't you think it's strange how you couldn't see me?" 
Sam backs up. Being just an eye, it's hard to read Their expression, but They seem taken aback. 
Bro’s eyes widen, “S-Sam can’t see you?!” Then he growls, “That doesn’t matter cuz we’ll find a way to stop you!”
"I'm an anomaly," Red Anti says in a soft, threatening voice. "You can't fucking stop me." 
Alt pushes Jack gently towards the others, “G-Guys…! G-Get Jack to safety- g-get out of here!” He warns them- but he doesn’t take his eyes off the other him.
Red Anti laughs, and turns his attention to Alt. "You care about him then? I'll show you what happens when you care." His image disappears, and red lightning races towards Alt and Jack.
Alt panics and yells out, holding out both hands and shutting his eyes as a green-blue electric bubble curls around him and Jack.
The red lightning bounces off the shield. Red Anti's image appears outside it, growling at Alt through the electricity. "Why can't I grab your power?!" he demands. "It's magic! It's energy! It should be--" 
Alt stares at Anti with terror clear on his face and he stumbles back. “I-I don’t…!” He tries to say. 
A bolt of green light passes through the image from the side. Marvin, having got to his feet, has his hand extended, green light coming from his eyes, his pupils now contracted to narrow cat-like slits. 
"Did you think that would work?" Anti's voice says. "I'm not there. I'm everywhere." More red lightning forms behind Marvin and shoots towards him. 
At the same time, another bolt shoots towards Bro. Bro yells and tries to rush at Anti but gets blasted back and skids a couple times across the ground.
Marvin cries out, falling to the ground as the lightning sneaks up on him. 
"Marv!" Chase gasps, scrambling to his feet and rushing over. Henrik also runs over, his doctor training kicking in as he checks Marvin over.
“Chase! Marvin!” Alt calls out and then he tightens the bubble more around him and Jack- unable to hide his shaking.
"H-he is okay!" Henrik reports in a shaky voice. 
"You bastard!" Jackie shouts, a few squares of colorful static flickering around his shoulders. He rushes for the image of Red Anti, but he disappears well before he gets there. 
"He doesn't have a physical body!" Anti snaps, his eye darting around. "I'll buy you some time. Sam, a rift!" 
Abruptly, he dissolves, turning into shadowy pixels and then disappearing. Red and green lightning flicker around the clearing, zapping through the air. 
Bro slowly pushes himself back up and then quickly nods, momentarily watching the Antis battle before he rushes over to Sam. 
JJ, now kneeling by Marvin's side, looks up in surprise. Then he nods. He takes a deep breath, and his irises turn gold. The lightning... slows down. Like someone put a video in slow motion. 
"Y-you have to get out of here!" Jack says, grabbing Alt's arm. "Don't worry about me. The others can protect me."
Alt jolts a bit but then nods, holding onto Jack’s arm and squeezing it. “O-Okay- just- be safe okay?” He then lets go and glitches out of the bubble- leaving it intact just in case as he glitches over by Sam. 
“S-Sam what do we do?!” Bro pants, “We didn’t think he’d be on our trail already! We can’t even fight him!”
{FOR NOW, WE CAN ONLY STAY AHEAD OF HIM,} Sam says. {AND THERE WILL BE A WAY TO FIGHT HIM, I AM SURE OF IT. WE JUST HAVE NOT FOUND IT, YET.} A bit of green lightning appears, unzipping a rift. {HERE. GO HERE!} 
"Wait, your Anti!" Chase gasps. The green and red lightning are moving slowly, crashing against each other. 
Jameson glances around at the others. I can't hold time forever!
Alt looks at the lightning with worried eyes. But then he shuts his eyes and grabs Bro’s wrist and turns them towards the rift. “H-He can catch up to us-! I-I think…! Right, Sam?” He hesitates right before it.
{I'M SURE HE--} 
Then JJ gasps and time starts up again. The red and green lightning crack through the air, and two figures form as a red one tackles a greenish shadowy one to the ground. The shadows glitch over, reaching Alt and Bro in a second. 
{YES, HE'S WITH YOU NOW!} Sam says. {NOW GO!} They turn around towards the red figure, slowly growing in size as a second rift opens up behind it. 
Alt doesn’t hesitate now and both him and Bro rush through the rift. Alt looks back with a bit of worry towards the others then turns to hurry through.
Jack waves them off. The others also all look over, watching them leave.
The last thing Alt and Bro see before the rift closes is a shock wave of green light pushing all the red light towards the second rift.
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ruvviks · 1 month
caleb 1 & 2, christian 4 & 5, glory 7 & 8, jackie 14 & 15 aaaand rex 17 & 18. <3
team alpha asks!
1) What’s their closet like? Do they have a lot of clothes or just a few staples?
caleb is a little business boy and his closet would be super organized but also it is literally just various shades of black and gray. all his suits are neatly lined up and there's a few piles of plain shirts, the most color he has at his disposal would be a dark red or blue or green. even his socks are boring :/ but at least he has the personality and the autistic whimsy to make up for it
2) Do they carry a water bottle? Does it have stickers on it?
caleb does carry a water bottle around but it's also a plain and boring one, one of those silver bottles that can also keep something warm in it if necessary. he has only one sticker on it and that's a little name tag so people know it's his bottle because he forgets it EVERYWHERE. people know that he's back from a field mission because his water bottle just keeps mysteriously popping up in seemingly random locations
4) Who do they main in mario kart?
christian has always and will always main yoshi. it's kind of a tradition at this point and if others don't let her pick yoshi she will become even more annoying in-game than she already is
5) What is the most used app in their phone?
christian would honestly rarely use their phone! they mostly use a computer at work or their own laptop because they prefer to look at a bigger screen :] when they Are using their phone it's usually to chat with friends, so whichever chat app would be most common in this universe (i say, as if it's not MY universe) would be the most used one :]
7) Would they enjoy being famous?
glory would NOT enjoy being famous at all. she joined CALAMITY to vanish entirely if anything, and she's living her best life like this. has never liked being in the spotlight and would hate to be put back into it after all the trouble she went through to basically disappear
8) What is their favorite piece of clothing they own?
glory has a very cool dark green mechanic jumpsuit with a bunch of patches on it and she loves it to bits! doesn't wear it in the hangar anymore since it's one of her favorite pieces nowadays and she doesn't wanna risk tearing it or getting it too dirty, but she will often wear it when not on duty :]
14) What is something ridiculous they’d impulse buy?
jackie would impulse buy anything if he's in the right mood for it honestly. it doesn't take much to convince him to buy something because he loves gathering random items to fill his room with :] he does have a lot of random "useful" kitchen supplies that he's never really used because turns out he doesn't actually know how to use them or they're just useless plastic things that don't really do anything LMAO
15) What does their desk space look like? Is it messy or organized?
oh it's a mess. jackie has entirely too many things and he leaves everything anywhere because it's an organized mess and moving anything out of sight will cause it to vanish from existence in his brain. and also nobody else is allowed to touch anything
17) Do they talk to themselves when they’re alone? When they’re with others?
rex doesn't say a lot unprompted to begin with, so he wouldn't talk to himself a lot. he Will however sometimes say something randomly out loud out of nowhere which always startles those around him which ALSO startles him in return because he wasn't expecting anyone to hear him
18) What do they want more than anything in the world?
honestly? rex really just wants to kiss caleb even if it's just once. he loves that man so fucking much and would die and kill and live for him all at once but like. well. they're both difficult and it will take a very long time for either of them to even admit their feelings to themselves so it's gonna take a while before he gets his kiss :(
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vampir3bitez · 7 months
The Hero and Mage
Jse Puppet Au
Jackie and Marvin first meet.
The door slammed shut, the hero staring at it for a moment before covering his face. " God fucking danm it Reagan..." he felt soft tears beginning to form until he heard a creek. His head popped up and he looked around, " Shit..." he picked himself up, frantically looking around his apartment. " I'm not gonna hurt you Jackie.." Reagan came walking out from Jackie's bedroom. Jackie put his hands up in a defensive position " Oh now you aren't? But earlier when your buds were around you were completely fine with this!? " Jackie screamed. His own best friend. The sole person he had, the only person he had. Completely betraying his trust, handing him over to the villains. Being a villian himself this whole time. " They don't want to hurt you! They just..wanna know how you got these powers...we all kinda do. " Reagan sighed, Jackie just stared at him. He didn't know how to respond. " I mean..think of how these could help people! You seem to be in good health! " Reagan paused after that, Jackie just giving him a very doubtful look. " Okay. Maybe you aren't. But seriously powers like these are extraordinary...if properly controlled. "
" I can control them. "
" Can you? What if there's more you don't know about? What if you black out when these powers are used? Look Iris isn't gonna like..fuckin kill you. It'd just be..light testing. And you get free housing! "
" A cell. I'm gonna get a cell aren't I? Because I'm gonna be treated like a science experiment. Because this is EXACTLY what happens in the comics. " Reagan groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose " Jaxson life isn't one big fuckin comic book! Life is a lot more serious. Yeah this is gonna be a bit of an experiment. Because they need to know if you're safe or not. " Jackie paused for a moment. " I am safe. Sure I'm not the greatest at it but I help people! I use what I have for good! I've messed up a few times sure, the first time that robot apocalypse wasn't a thing but the second time that guy did have bad intentions!! Probably had bad intentions the first time too..." he sighed " I just..I trusted you. You were the only person in my life who knew. And then I find out you're working for people who have helped villians!? Seriously Reagan how am I supposed to trust you! "
Reagan groaned and slammed his hand into the wall. He paused for a second then sighed, regaining his composure, patting down his outfit. Jackie stepped back a bit.
" I'm gonna keep being a hero. I'm gonna keep being JackieBoy-Man despite how completely unserious that name is, yknow why? Because in a world as shitty as this where people shitty like you can get away with what you do..somebody needs to be a beacon of hope. Because you all sure as hell aren't. " The two stared at each other, Jackie putting himself into a more defensive position. Reagan pulled out his phone, shaking his head a bit " They'll be here soon anyways. You have no where you can go...I'm sorry Jaxson it's for your own good. " Jackie's eyes widened..he got away the first time out of dumb luck, lucky that Chase was willingly to hear him out so randomly. I mean, to Jackie, Chase was just the barista he happened to like at the local Cafe. And to Chase, Jackie was just a regular he happened to get along with. Now Chase knows about Jackie too. Maybe..he'd be willing to help Jackie out a bit? Doubt he works for Iris.
The two stood there as Jackie tried to figure out what to do, until something began happening. Some portal looking thing on the ceiling.."...Yall can make portals? " Jackie questioned, looking up at it. Reagan shook his head " Not that I know of...I thought that was you- " the two looked at each other for a moment fairly confused. Faint yelling could be heard, slowly getting louder until someone crashed down in between the two as the portal closed.
"...I don't think he works for Iris- "
" Definitely not- "
The males head popped up as he looked at the two " Iris?! " he held his head a little as he picked himself up, putting his other hand out a little, " What do either of you have to do with that organization.." he had a bit of a British accident to him, long brown hair too with some green. Looked extremely beat up. " Well apparently my so called 'best friend' fucking works for them! " Jackie used both his hands to point to Reagan, Reagan just glared over at him. " And they wanna run experiments on me! I mean how crazy is that!? "
The male stared at the two for a moment and sighed " I take it you don't like them then? " he looked at Jackie before there was a bang at the door. The three looked over at if before Jackie turned to the male " You can call me Jackieboy, and if you don't like them either mind helpin' a guy out right now?? " The male looked at Jackie for a moment before nodding. " Marvin. " The two got into defensive positions, Reagan sighed " Great..even more paperwork with portal freak...", Marvin turned around to Reagan with a glare " Believe me, the only paperwork being filled out will be an incident report of your men. " He waved his hand across his face as a Cat mask went across it. Jackie looked over in total awe " Oh my god are you like..a fuckin super hero too!? " his eyes practically lit up as Marvin turned over " Ehh..not exactly. Let's worry about that later. "
Within seconds of him saying that the door busted down, Iris workers practically surrounding the door, flooding into the room. Guns and other weapons were aimed at the two as Jackie adjusted his mask, though in all reality it was a bit useless right now. " Lets kick some ass kitty-cat! " A grin went over Jackie's face, though Marvin gave him a confused look. He shook it off however, focusing for a moment before sending a powerful energy blast towards the employees, sending them all back against the walls. Jackie stood there jaw dropped " I...holy shit man- "
" Come on! I'll fend them off while we run. " Marvin took hold of Jackie's one hand and began running out of the room, jumping over any guards in the way. " WAIT!!! WHERE ARE WE GOING?? " Jackie yelled out, trying to keep up the pace, " Wherever! Anywhere away from here is good! " Marvin looked back for a moment before sending another blast just barely past Jackie. While he definitely knew what he was doing it didn't change how reckless he was being. The two ran out into the streets of the city as guards followed behind them, almost feeling endless. Marvin swiftly ran into an alley, pulling Jackie down along side him by the side of a trashcan. He watched as the guards ran by, leaving out a sigh of relief. " Should give us enough time to find somewhere safe..." he looked at Jackie for a moment " Why would they want you for your powers? That just seems unreasonable..."
" Tell me about it!! I mean...you don't see people every day with powers but I can punch a little harder than normal and they think I wanna like...kill people?? Like hell no!! "
Marvin quick hushed Jackie, looking out from the alley before pulling back and sighing again. " You're awfully loud..." he shook his head a little. " Do you know anywhere safe we could say for the time being? Couple hours at least..." he looked out once more, letting go of Jackie's hand and standing up. Jackie shrugged " Uhm...I know a nice Bar? I don't really go to drink but the owner is really nice. " he suggested, Marvin nodded. " Take us there then. " he said as he took the mask he was once wearing off. He had a rather large scar covering his one eye, with a smaller one under his other eye. Jackie stared at him for a moment then nodded " Yeah! Just..when we get there can ya explain that whole portal thing?? "
The two made their way out of the alley, heading down the streets as the streetlights began to shine. It was getting rather dark. They walked for a little before making their way into the Starcrossed Tavern.
" Wait!? So because you wanted to stop this like freaky demon thing that IRIS made your magic buddies exiled you to another universe!? " Marvin loudly hushed at Jackie before taking a swig of his drink. " Yes..now can you please keep it down?? We don't need other people hearing this.." he sighed. " I need to stop him though. He followed me here last second..I want to stop him before he can wreak any more havoc..." he held his head a little. Jackie looked at him for a moment " Why don't we make a deal? You help me out with Iris, and I'll help you with this demon thing! I may not be the most helpful but..better to do it with someone then alone, plus I'm sure my punches could do some damage. " Jackie smiled, a hopeful smile. Marvin paused
" I..as much as I appreciate the offer it..I don't believe it's safe for someone else to get involved.."
" Believe me dude, I've delt with a lot that IRIS or other villains have thrown at me. Besides you helped me today, I owe you! "
Marvin sat there for a moment, looking off to the side. " Ifff you let me I'll let you crash with me! Though we..probably have to stay at a hotel..assuming I have the money to even afford a room..." Jackie lacked...a lot in the funds department. Marvin laughed a little "...Okay then. A deal. " Jackie smiled happily, doing that little yes pose with his arm. " Great! A deal between Jaxon Ridge and Marvin the Magician! " he held his glass up, Marvin laughed tapping his own against Jackie's " I guess so...though please I am much more than a magician. Much more...magnificent than that. " he said, taking another sip of his drink.
" Fine then! Jaxon Ridge...no...Jackieboy-Man, and Marvin the Magnificent! Hows that sound? "
"...Sounds perfect. "
Hiii I hope everyone enjoys this :3 I'll be posting more with this au (especially better ref sheets) soon!! But for now Jackie and Marvin :3
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mydearburkhart · 3 years
The Amy-verse
(or "if I was in that '70s show" part 4) | previously on The Amy-verse
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from That '70s Show, which is created by Bonnie and Terry Turner and Mark Brazill. I own nothing, except for my original character, Amy Hamilton.
Warning: I'm not fluent in English and this is one of the ways I found to learn on my own. So if you find any mistakes, please let me know :)
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Hyde: Does it bother anybody else that these women live in Hooterville?
Eric: Technically, Petticoat Junction is down the track from Hooterville.
Hyde: Okay, does it bother anybody else that these women live down the track from Hooterville?
Donna: It bothers me that they bathe in the town water tank.
Kelso: With the dog.
Jackie: It isn't the drinking water, it is the water for the train.
Donna: It's still three naked women with a dog.
Fez: I want to be the Hooterville dog.
Jackie: Ames, you're awfully quiet. Are you okay?
Amy: Yeah, I was just trying to understand the context of this... scene, then I gave up and spaced out.
Kitty: Coming down... now, don't mind me. I'm just putting some clothes in. Eric, honey, I thought you could wear this on your birthday. It's nice, you look so handsome in it.
Eric: Why would I want to dress nice on my birthday?
Kelso: It's your birthday?
Amy: You don't know when his birthday is?
Kitty: Oh, you never know what's going to happen on your birthday!
Eric: Mom... mom, do not throw a party for me.
Kitty: Oh well, listen to Mr. Popularity. Like I have time to plan you a party. [laughs] Oh, uh... by the way, your sister Laurie is coming home from college for the weekend. No special reason, she just is. [goes upstairs]
Donna: Well, you're getting a party and best of all... it's a surprise!
Amy, to Eric: Your mom sucks at keeping secrets, but she's lovely. You should stop being an ungrateful idiot and appreciate the effort she's putting into this party.
Amy: So...
Donna: What?
Jackie: What are you gonna get Eric for his birthday?
Donna: I don't know, nothing seems right. I wanna give him something... special.
Amy and Jackie looked at each other, then gasped together: He kissed you!
Donna: Shh!
Amy: Donna, get in the car!
Jackie: Yes, get in the car so we can talk!
*in the car, Amy is on the back seat with her head between Jackie and Donna*
Jackie: Okay, what happened?
Amy: Tell us everything!
Donna: I'm not gonna talk to you two about this.
Amy and Jackie, at the same time: And who are you gonna talk to?
Amy and Jackie, to each other: Nice!
Donna, watching the boys play in the driveway: Okay! We get home from the Rundgren concert, and I'm sitting in the hood of the car, and I kissed him...
Jackie: French or American?
Amy: Even though everyone knows Brazilians are the best kissers...
Donna: I can't believe I'm talking to you two about this... [looks out of the window and sees them playing again] Okay! So, I lived next door to Eric my entire life and we talk about everything together, we love the same music, we love the Packers and then I kissed him and everything changed. And now I don't know if he's my boyfriend or if he's my best friend. If he's my boyfriend I lose my best friend, If I screw it up I lose my best friend and my boyfriend. Now, I have to give him his gift...
Jackie: Donna, Donna! I solved it. Get him... a scented candle.
Amy: Oh yeah, good idea.
Donna: A scented candle?
Jackie: It's practical and romantic.
Amy and Jackie: Oh, yeah.
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Amy: Hey, Mrs. Forman.
Kitty: Hello... young lady with an accent.
Amy: It's Amy.
Kitty, laughing: Amy... is there anything I could help you with?
Amy: Actually, I want to offer you my help.
Kitty: You want to help me?
*Amy nods*
Kitty: Oh, well. That's new.
Amy: I noticed that you're busy planning Eric's party and thought you could use some help.
Kitty, laughing: Oh honey, that's very kind of you. But wouldn't you rather spend time with the girls?
Amy: Uh... Jackie went to the mall with Donna to help her find a gift for Eric and I'm... kinda avoiding the mall.*
Kitty, understanding what she meant by that: In that case, I'd appreciate your help. Now, what do you know about American birthday parties?
Amy: Nothing really, but I know a lot about Brazilian birthday parties. See, there's a very popular candy on birthdays called brigadeiro. I can teach you the recipe.**
Kitty: Well, doesn't that sound fancy?
Kitty: Oh, Amy... this is delicious! [laughs]
Amy: I know!
Kitty: Thank you for helping me today, honey.
Amy: You're welcome, Mrs. Forman.
Eric: Look, I know what you're all doing here.
Kelso: What are you talking about, man? We're just hanging out, like always. Except we're dressed nice, but that doesn't mean anything.
*Amy comes into the basement, wearing a red dress and a black jacket*
Amy: Let's party! [sighs] Why aren't you guys excited? I even wore my favorite dress!
Eric: Because I didn't want a party.
Amy: Oh, stop being such a pain in the ass. It's your birthday! Come on, cheer up a little. [she pulls him into a tight hug and gives him a kiss on the cheek] Happy birthday, Eric!
Amy, looking around: Why are you all staring at me? I'm Latina, I'm a hugger!
Kitty, from the stairs: Hi kids, I need your help with something. Amy, Jackie, Donna, Michael, Steven... young man with an accent, would you give me a hand? Not you Eric!
*everyone but Eric goes upstairs to help her*
Kitty: Everybody's ready? I'll call him.
*back in the basement*
Kitty: Eric, honey! Honey, could you come up here for a second? [goes upstairs again] Shut up, he's coming!
Everybody: Surprise.
Eric: Cassettes? Great, thanks, Hyde.
Hyde: You're welcome.
Amy: Open mine now.
Eric, opening the present: More cassettes? Wow, thanks, Amy.
Amy: Yeah, I didn't really know what I should give you. I was gonna give you a book, but I couldn't find an English version.*** So I thought, I'll give him some cassettes with Brazilian songs.
Kitty: Ooh, let's put them in the 8-track and play them.
Eric: Hey... it's a hot shave dispenser.
Kitty: Oh, he won't need that for a long time... a long, long time.
Midge: Of course he will, he's almost like a man.
Kitty: *kinda laughing, kinda crying*
Donna: I got you something...
Amy and Jackie: No!
Jackie: Donna, help me find my purse...
Amy: And I need help to find... my jacket?
Fez: But you are wearing it.
Amy: That's not the point, I'll lose it so Donna can help me find it.
Jackie: Donna, now!
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Donna: Jackie, you didn't even bring a purse... [sighs and points at Amy] And you have your jacket on.
Amy: Like I said, that's not the point!
Jackie: Duh! You can't give him your present in front of his guy friends.
Donna: I am one of his guy friends.
Amy: But you want to be his girlfriend!
Jackie: Look, Donna. I have put a lot of thought into this gift, please do not wreck this for me.
Donna, sarcastically: I'm sorry, I was being selfish.
Jackie, hugging her: It's okay...
Amy: Jackie, she was being sarcastic.
Jackie, gasping: How rude.
Amy, rolling her eyes: You know what? Go ahead, Donna. Give him a romantic gift in front of his friends, who are a bunch of assholes by the way, and his parents. He'll be embarrassed, you'll be embarrassed and it's more entertaining for us!
Donna: How come you're always right?
Amy: It's a talent of mine, you'll get used to it.
*the Pinciotti's kitchen*
Bob: Three fours, I need them.
Midge: Bob is very good at Yahtzee.
Kitty, gasping: The liquor cabinet!
Red: It's locked.
Kitty: What if there's an emergency?
Red: They'll call.
Kitty: What if they run out of chips?
Red: They'll starve.
Bob, standing up: I'm gonna fix myself a drink. Red?
Red: No... Kitty needs one.
Kitty: Well, I am just so worried– [motorcycle noise] Oh my lord, Laurie's leaving.
Red: Oh honey, she's in college. She doesn't wanna hang around with them.
Kitty: Well, maybe I should make a call, just in case–
Red, reaching for the phone before her: Kitty... what could happen?
Kitty: What could happen? [pause] Well, plenty could happen. Oh, plenty!
*fantasy sequence, Forman's living room*
Donna: Now that the adults are gone, we can be as bad as we want!
Jackie: Who wants to give Eric a venereal disease?!
Kelso: Hey, look... coasters!
Hyde: Forget coasters!
Eric: Please fellas, my mom put out coasters for a reason...
Hyde: I think I'm gonna put my drink directly on the furniture, that way it will leave a ring!
Eric: NOOO! Why oh why didn't I begged my mother to stay?
Amy: Oh shut up gringo, have some of my country's exotic food while we listen to samba!
Fez: Quiet you silly Americans, I'm on a long-distance call on your parent's phone.
Eric: But that's immoral.
Fez: Ha, in my country of... wherever it is I am from, I can never tell... morals get in the of a good, dirty time. But first, I need to eat some chips... What? Out of chips? Now I am mad, I must shoot something! [pulls out the gun]
Eric: Not the littlest hobo!
*Forman's kitchen*
Jackie: Wait on the porch, and I'll get Eric.
Donna: It's dark out there.
Jackie: And you're giving him a candle, yeah?!
Amy, shaking her head: Poor Donna, so young and naive.
Jackie: Here, matches.
Donna: He might not want to light it.
Jackie: Don't say that...
Amy: Don't even think it!
Jackie: Now, when he opens it, he'll say cool... or something. And then, you give him a look... like this. [demonstrates]
Amy: Oh no, honey. Don't do that, it won't shine on you. [to Jackie] Jackie, it's Donna, the same girl who wanted to give Eric his gift in front of everybody.
Donna: I'm right here.
Jackie, shaking her head along with Amy: She's right though, don't do that.
*living room*
Fez: So, what did you get from Donna?
Eric: Nothing yet.
Kelso: Oh... maybe it's the big gift. You know the really big gift. You guys... know what I'm saying when I say the big gift, right?
Hyde: Yeah, we got it... and we got it.
Fez: I'm not even from here and I got it.
*Amy and Jackie come into the living room*
Jackie: Oh Eric... Donna's on the porch.
Amy: She's waiting for you.
Kelso: He's getting the big gift!
*Amy, Jackie, Fez, Hyde, and Kelso are spying on Eric and Donna*
Jackie: This is it, he's going for it.
Kelso: Uh-huh, it's his birthday, she should kiss him first.
Jackie: She did the last time.
Fez, Hyde, and Kelso: What?
Amy: Shut up, Jackie.
Jackie: Nothing... shut up and watch.
Hyde: Come on Forman, go for it.
Eric, from outside: The door is open, we can hear you... We can see you!
*everyone hides*
Fez: Is he kissing her?
Hyde: None of us can see them, Fez.
Fez: Eric, are you kissing her?
Amy: Since you can hear me... Donna, I told you not to give him the look, it doesn't shine on you.
*Donna closes the sliding door*
@kim1918, @supernannygirl704things, @snookstheallmighty
let me know if you want to be part of the list ;)
* I don't know if it's clear, but Amy's family is broke.
** Brigadeiro is a little ball made of chocolate, and it's just THAT good.
*** That's actually true, but the English version of the book I chose was only released in 1988.
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tragertrap · 4 years
Intimidating || Juice Ortiz x Reader
Summary: (Y/N), although Jax's best friend, wants nothing to do with the motorcycle club that's fucking up her town. Well, at least that's the case until she meets a certain member of SAMCRO with a stupid haircut. Even though he seems too intimidating at first, (Y/N) learns to never judge a book by its cover when she gets a chance to see his softer side.
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Having a best friend that works at an automotive repair shop definitely comes in handy for (Y/N), especially since her 'old ass disaster of a car' constantly breaks down.
"Wow, that's the 3rd time in a month (Y/N)!", Jax said before he let out a chuckle.
"You know I'm saving for a new one asshole." She hit his bicep playfully.
"I hope the best friend discount is still on", she mumbled.
"It expired after the forth time you used it darling."
"I'm sorry. It's just that... money's kinda tight right now."
"I can imagine..."
"Can I pay you back in pancakes?... or waffles? I know you won't deny waffles." She asked with an awkward smile on her face, hoping her best friend would accept.
"Have you not pay for the car AND poison me with your cooking? I think I'll pass", he teased her.
"I meant going to the diner outside of town but since you're being an asshole I guess the offer is off the table."
"Okay okay if you're not the one cooking, I'm down", he said, his smirk never leaving his face.
She couldn't help but laugh, thankful for her best friend being there to cheer her up.
"Thank you Jackie."
"My shift ends in half an hour. If you wanna wait we can go for pancakes after I'm done here", he said, putting an arm around her.
She had just left work, so the timing was perfect for a warm meal at a cozy diner with her best friend.
"Yeah, sure! I can wait."
They started walking towards the garage and the blond man started talking again: "You know I'd fix your car for free anyway but then you mentioned pancakes so I couldn't say no."
She narrowed her eyes and looked at him.
"You're lucky I love you Teller."
He laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek, his arm still around her shoulder.
"Me and Chibs are just finishing off with an old bike and then we're good to go."
"Chibs?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as they were approaching the bike Jax was talking about.
"One of the guys... the Scottish one. Do you ever listen to me when I talk?"
"I was mostly asking because of the weird name but sure... Scottish one. Got it! One of your scary biker friends, right?"
He couldn't help but laugh yet again.
"Scary biker friends?"
(Y/N) loved Jax. The two immediately became best friends at a pretty young age when (Y/N)'s family had moved to Charming next to Gemma and John Teller's house. She loved him the way you'd love a brother, she was always there for him whenever he needed her but one thing she decided to stay completely away from was the club. She wouldn't approve of the outlaw lifestyle in the first place but also witnessing the mess it caused to her town, and most importantly her best friend, was only making it worse. She wouldn't ask any questions in case she'd get answers she wouldn't like. He was ok with it. More than ok with it actually. She was an escape for him to a carefree past and a light of positivity in his chaotic present.
She met the 'Scottish one' that was helping Jax fix the old bike and it went better than she expected. Once she got over his pretty intimidating look, scarred face, leather jacket and all, he actually seemed pretty nice and interesting.
She was sitting on a bench next to the two bikers working when she noticed another guy trying to fix a car nearby. Well, it was pretty hard for him to go unnoticed. He had a short dark mohawk and a tattoo on each side of it on his head, wounds on his face from god knows what and tattoos all over his arms and torso, that was now visible since his shirt was long gone. His muscular body was glistening from his sweat in the Californian heat and the muscles on his arms and upper back were moving in sync as he was working on the damaged car.
He had been over that car's engine for what seemed like forever and as much as she hated to admit it, (Y/N) wished she wasn't jealous of an old car. She had noticed the guy before, one of the many times she had to visit TM due to her shitty car, but that day she had the chance to take a 'closer look'.
His left hand was resting on the car's open hood now, giving her a better view of his muscular arm and flexing abs. The focused look on his face, lowered eyebrows and clenched jaw, made him appear even more intimidating and yet attractive, especially when he unconsciously licked his lips in deep thought.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)?" her friend interrupted her watching of the 'show'. "Can you pass me that cloth over there?", he asked as he pointed to a gray piece of cloth on the bench she was sitting.
After that small interruption she was back at unapologetically starting at the tan guy nearby. She guessed that she had missed a lot since a small part of his abs was covered in grease now and his face seemed even angrier after the amount of failed attempts to start the car.
After some more conversation with Jax and Chibs, once she looked over at the mohawk guy again, he had already put his black shirt on, meaning that his job fixing the car was done. Later as he was putting a no-sleeve leather jacket on, which (Y/N) unfortunately recognised, he was aimlessly looking around when he caught the almost-drooling girl looking at him. She immediately dragged her gaze to Jax and Chibs, mostly out of embarrassment as well as some fear of his intimidating look. Next thing she knew, the mohawk guy was strutting confidently towards her and the two bikers, shoulders and arms swaying back and forth. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses, no one knowing where his brown eyes were focused on.
"Hey brother", Chibs said with a smirk.
He answered with a simple 'hey' and a light hit on Chib's back and then did the same to Jax, after he took off his sunglasses and put them hanging outside his leather jacket's pocket.
(Y/N) didn't know if she should have been mad or relieved that the hot outlaw completely ignored her existence, exactly because he was a hot outlaw. Nevertheless, she was satisfied she could study the biker up close. He was wearing buggy cargo pants with chains hanging from one side near his waist and the black shirt she had noticed earlier was visibly a little too tight on his muscular chest. He put his hands in his pockets, as (Y/N) was staring at the veins and black tattoos on his arms that had started to fade.
"Jax, I wanted to tell you that I can't come with you guys tonight. I have something personal to take care of." He didn't give any further details since his brothers were not the only ones present. He was waiting for an answer from Jax with a frown on his face since the sun was getting into his eyes. (Y/N) noticed how his chocolate brown pupils appeared almost red against the sunlight.
"Yeah, that's okay. We're more than enough for tonight anyway. You can take the evening off."
"Awesome, thank you man", he said with a smirk as he lightly hit Jax's back.
He then shook his head up as an indication of saying goodbye, while maintaining eye contact with (Y/N), before he walked away.
Was that saying goodbye to me as well?
It was a goodbye to everyone.
He was looking at my direction though.
(Y/N) wasn't exactly loving the fact that she was enjoying this.
The hot pancakes Jax and (Y/N) were eagerly anticipating finally arrived at the table.
"Thank you darling", the blond biker said to the waitress while intensionally making his voice sound a little deeper. He was smirking the entire time while sitting all laid back, exuding confidence. The young girl gave him a cheeky smile and went her own way.
"Do you ever take a break?" (Y/N) questioned him sarcastically.
"A break of what?" Jax asked, a playful look on his face since he obviously knew what she was talking about.
"Hitting on innocent women."
"She was eyeing me since the minute we walked in."
The only way she could respond was with an unamused look.
"Also don't act all innocent to me. You're worse than I am", he said before letting out a chuckle and taking a big bite of his pancakes.
"What are you talking about? I don't hit on any person on a 18 feet radius, at any given time and place."
"Well yeah, that's because you're too scared to actually hit on them so you just stare from afar."
(Y/N) kicked his leg under the table.
"Ouch", he screamed in a playful manner while rubbing his leg. "You bitch", he whispered.
"That's not true."
"You were staring at Juice the entire time we were at TM. Didn't even say hello to him."
"Staring at what?" She asked while laughing, not even understanding that with the word Juice, Jax was refering to a person.
"The guy back at the garage. Mohawk and tribal tattoos. You were practically drooling over him."
"No I wasn't", she sounded offended.
"You can't hide from me girl. You know that. I know you better than I know myself."
"Ok he's hot... I was looking, yeah... but 'drooling over him' is an overstatement."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say", he raised his eyebrows while taking a sip of water.
"You weren't even listening to what me and Chibs were saying."
"Actually I was actively trying not to listen to your club... business... stuff."
Jax rolled his eyes at her desperate attempt to change the subject.
"You could've at least say hello, you know. Dude doesn't bite."
"Are you sure about that? He looked like he could bite to me. If I'm being honest I was kinda scared of him."
Jax started laughing. "Scared? Of Juice? I can guarantee you he was more scared of you than you were of him."
"What do you mean?" she asked amused.
"Let's just say that not everyone has their way with women like I do."
"You're an idiot."
"No seriously, he'd get nervous even if he was around a female dog."
"What? He looked pretty confident to me. Intimidating. And scary as I said before."
Jax couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh. "You know, underneath all the leather and the tattoos, we're still human. Didn't you like Chibs?"
"He was pretty nice I guess. Well, when I could make out what he was saying", she said referring to his thick accent.
"See? And Juice is even... milder...", he was trying to find the right word, "than Chibs. Dude's into technology and computers, coding and shit. He's a total nerd."
"He's still an outlaw biker. Seriously, could you ever imagine me being with someone like that Juice guy?"
"With the stupid haircut of his? Hell no, you deserve way better."
"Jax, I'm serious."
"Well... no, it's not the easiest thing to imagine, but you're full of surprises baby, I know that", he chuckled.
"A mohawk, head tattoos and chains hanging from his pants is a pretty big surprise though, don't you think? And these fucking leather jackets."
"I've told you a million times, they're called kuttes."
She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"(Y/N), if you can be best friends with me, you can date a guy like Juice, trust me. Also I have chains on my pants too, should I be offended?" he was once again teasing her.
"You should meet him. And by meet him I mean like actually have a conversation." He was trying to find a reason for her to meet the Sons after all those years, meet the other part of him she had been avoiding for so long.
"I'm not getting into your club business shit for some boy, Jackie. Especially a boy with a fucking mohawk."
"I'm not asking you to get into the club shit. Trust me, I wouldn't want that", he was all serious now, "I'm just saying that you can meet the guys. They are my family. They... they're a part of me. You met Chibs, he was ok. You know we don't only talk about dead bodies and guns. We have other interests as well."
She was quiet, not knowing how to respond, so he continued:
"We are family (Y/N). They've been there for me through my hardest times, just like you have. Maybe you have more things in common than you think. Besides, I think you and Juice would make a great duo", he told his best friend, smirking after the last sentence.
A few days later (Y/N) was heading to TM once again. She had agreed with Jax that when she'd come to pick up her car, she'd come in the clubhouse to meet the guys for the first time.
So there she was, nervous, walking slowly towards the clubhouse entrance. Second thoughts were taking over her mind.
I don't know if I'm ready for this. I'm not meant to be involved in this kind of stuff... with these kind of people. What am I supposed to have in common with a bunch of criminal bikers? If only it wasn't for this dumb, scary, hot ass Juice dude.
To her surprise the dumb, scary, hot ass Juice dude was sitting by himself on a bench outside the clubhouse.
Shit, shit, shit. Ok. Go talk to him. No I can't go talk to him. I have to walk right by him anyway, I should talk to him. What am I supposed to say? I can just say hello. Or hey. God just look away.
Juice was looking down at something so she hoped he wouldn't look up at her. She was getting closer, still overthinking.
I should ask him about my car. Or Jax... yeah, I should ask him where Jax is.
Juice looked up giving her a small smile that made her knees weak.
"Hey... you're Jax's friend right? If you're looking for him he's probably in the clubhouse", the tan biker spoke first, making everything way easier for her. The truth is he did know who she was, that's for sure. 'Jax's cute bubbly friend whose car was breaking down constantly.'
"Awesome, thank y-" she didn't finish her sentence. She had felt something against her ankles, so she looked down. To her surprise there was a small gray kitten slithering between her legs and rubbing its small head against her ankles.
"I think she likes you", Juice said with a wide smile, the kind where his eyes smile as well. Apparently that's why he was looking down earlier.
"It took her weeks to trust me and stop running away from me and now she's all up on you the minute she meets you. I'm kind of offended actually", he said before letting out an adorable laugh, while spreading his right arm close to (Y/N)'s shoes, making the kitten rub its face on his big palm. He eventually grabbed it and put it gently on his lap where he was sitting.
A 'badass' biker dressed in black leather, full of tattoos and with a fucking knife hanging off his belt, petting a small kitten that was purring loudly on his lap. The contrast in this image was pretty apparent, to say the least. (Y/N) was sitting there taking in this unusual sight before he spoke again:
"She's a stray. Found her by some trash cans a few weeks ago and fed her. Now she won't leave." He was busy petting the cat, only looking up to face (Y/N) by his last sentence.
What he said, along with his big smile at the end, warmed her heart. Maybe bikers do have feelings after all. He suddenly didn't appear all scary to her. She sat on the bench next to him and although confident, it took all the courage she had.
"Why don't you take her to the animal shelter?" she asked while petting the cute kitten that was still on his lap.
"I wanted to... but I couldn't", a loud laugh escaping his lips. "I tried, I promise", he added while raising his hands in the air in an 'I'm innocent' motion. "I mean look at that face."
The cat was looking up at them, its green eyes shining. She was still petting it, when her hand accidentally brushed against Juice's.
"She's so cute", (Y/N) said after a few moments of silence while looking at the kitten, in order to change the sudden awkward atmosphere.
"She is", he said softly while looking at the cat and then up to the girl next him, not knowing who he was referring to either.
"I wanted to take her home but I'm too busy for a pet, you know, with the club an' all. I'm not even home that much. I wouldn't want to neglect her."
"I've always wanted a cat, but never really made the decision. I... I would love to get her... Well, if you're okay with that of course."
"Yeah, of course", he exclaimed all excited, "it breaks my heart knowing she's out here day and night. Getting her a home is everything I could ask for... you're gonna have to let me visit her though."
A sexy smirk appeared on his face and (Y/N) responded with a lovely smile. Maybe meeting the club wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and Her Gunn (Part 117 2xs2) "Internet Thangs"
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Colson and Luna pull up to The Chateau Marmont. Colson steps out first, handing his keys to the valet. As another man approaches Luna's door he puts his hand up to stop him. Walking around, he'd rather open His Girl's door himself. Slipping out of the SUV, the somewhat notorious couple manages to walk inside, hand in hand without being bothered.
"Why are we here?" A slightly drunk and totally confused Luna asks.
"They usually film in NY, out here they book where we want. Ash or Jackie must've chose The Chateau... I'm not sure who booked this one." He shrugs out his answers as he leads her to room 29.
Inside the room looks nothing like the hotel Luna's used to. Everything is draped in black sheets. It actually makes the tragic landmark a bit more gloomier, which Luna didn't think was possible.
"Hey, Colson! How are you?" Sean the host greets him. "This must be Luna, it's such a pleasure." He grins as he stretches his arm out.
"Thank you for having us." Luna accepts his hand warmly, still not knowing what the fuck Colson has gotten her into; all she knows is that there's supposed to be wings and she's starving.
"We're all set up. Make yourselves comfortable and we'll start in 10... Sound good?" Sean confirms to Colson's nod and Luna's look of uncertainty; this is Colson's third time, Luna's never have I ever.
"Welcome to Hot Ones, Everybody!" Sean greets the camera. "We've got a special couple's edition here today with some self proclaimed Bad Things. I'm talking with Machine Gun Kelly and if you don't mind my saying so, his STUNNING girlfriend THAT Brooklyn Bitch. They're both ruling the charts with their hit single Bad Things along with other collaborations like I Think I'm Okay and Nightmare." Sean now turns to them directly. "Guys, I've gotta admit, I've seen the music video, caught your performances on SNL, Ellen and GMA... Not a stalker but I might've also peeped a couple hot Insta pics and stories of you two... I have to say, they do not do justice to the amount of tattoos and bad assery, I don't know if that's a word but I'm making it one... That comes along with the two of you in person. Just looking at the you, I wanna peirce my nose, buy a fender and find a hardcore chick to rule The World with!" He laughs nervously as Luna gives him an weird look; in her drunken mind, he's an odd, little man.
"Do it! Live the dream, my Dude!" Colson encourages him with a chuckle.
"Don't tempt me, I just might." Sean wishes. "Okay, so lemme give Brooklyn a little insight... We've got ten wings. Ten types of hot sauce raising in intensity with each wing... And one question to go with each wing and sauce." The host explains.
"Wait, what?" There's that magic sentence again as Luna hears how each wing is contingent upon a question. "You told me hot wings... You didn't say anything about questions." Luna raises her eyebrows at Colson.
"Ten wings. Ten questions. Come on, we got this, Kitten." Colson sinks a firm kiss onto Luna's cheek.
"Not the way you eat fucking wings." Luna lowly snarks for only Colson to hear with an obviously unamused tone; she doesn't like to be blindsided.
"Okay, Round One... One wing, one hot sauce, one question. Beware they get hotter as we go. Don't worry though, we've got your water and your milk that you can refill at anytime." Sean begins to start them off.
"Hold on... Wait. What? What is milk and water? Are you... Are you children?" Luna slightly stutters in disgust. "If I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna enjoy it. Fuck this ballsack shit, lemme get a beer. Please." Luna asserts while finding herself asking the same stupid fucking question AGAIN as she tries to reel herself in.
"Fucking MILK??? Who the FUUUUUCK... Ugh... Shut up, Loons. Get your beer, eat your chicken, let Colson answer whatever questions and roll on." She tries to calm down and mentally prepare herself for who knows what besides chicken and beer. "They are REALLY trying to ruin two of my favorite things though." Luna can't help but still complain to herself, thinking of how much she HATES interviews.
Colson can't help but laugh at her. He knew today was gonna take a lot of patience and persuading, considering Luna's great love for interviews and all things The Internet. He's surprised she's held up this well so far. "SHIT!! I hope either Ash or Jackie screened these FUCKING questions." Colson's heart suddenly begins to panic.
"Heineken, please." The sound of Luna's voice breaks Colson's thoughts as he focuses on the secretive smile on her face.
"Alright, Penny Lane." He teases her as he squeezes her thigh and tries to drop a kiss on her lips.
"Unh Unh... Luna Smith, motherfucker." She declares with a slur as she ducks just out of his reach; reminding him of the first time he tried to kiss her.
Giving him a playful eye, she let's him pull her into his lap. Luna runs her fingertips along Colson's jawline as he dips his tongue inside of her willing mouth, lightly dancing together until he breaks away to only hold her by the lips; hands firm upon her ass as always. There's a sweet, sensualness to them as love and other emotions rush between their beings by just their kiss on the lips. Colson wraps his arms around Luna, both sighing upon his release as they rest forehead to forehead. Intimate words are exchanged between the two of them until Sean interrupts them after grabbing Luna a few beers. EVERYTHING being caught by the cameras. Slightly intoxicated, Luna doesn't even think to be aware of them like a fucking dumbass.
"Alright... Round One... Now complete with water, milk and beer." Sean rubs his hands together with a chuckle.
"Thank you." Luna lifts her beer graciously to his smiling nod.
"Starting us off, we've got Hot One's classic sauce. It's our garlic fresno edition so critique away." He suggests as they all bite into a leg.
Colson takes one bite. Luna's eating the fuck out of her chicken wing as always. Then dude starts asking questions and ruins everything.
"You two are getting married in like two weeks so I'm assuming you live together... How do you guys typically start your day off?" He is easily the most awkward interviewer Luna has ever encountered.
"We do." Colson answers after he swallows his bite; looking over at Luna whose still munching away, her chicken filled nod agrees with him for the moment. "We usually start the day by fucking and getting stoned. One or the other or both together. It don't matter which order as long as their together. Back to back. Fucking and stoning. Stoning and fucking." Colson clarifies himself as Luna almost snorts her beer and Sean tries to compose himself.
"I fucking love him." Luna's soul shines for Colson.
"Round Two... This is a shawarma sauce by Dawson's. Little spicier but not much." The host leads.
Colson takes one bite as expected. Luna's chilling. Eating fucking chicken. She can't talk if she has a mouth full of chicken.
"You've got this new album out, Hotel Diablo... What would you say is the most personal song on it?" Sean asks as he takes a sip of his milk.
"Glass House." Colson answers lowly; Luna hands him her beer, only slightly happy her mouth is preoccupied by delicious meat.
"Next we got Goat Rider by Angry Goat Company... " Sean begins to describe the next sauce.
"They should call Em that... " Luna says lowly as she looks up at Colson and tries to contain herself; his smirk only encourages her. "Because he's the angriest little GOAT of them all." She says in a tiny, childlike voice; it's Colson's fault she couldn't help herself as she dips her face into his chest to hide her giggles; he's just as bad as he covers her head and his own laughter with his arm crooked around her.
"God Damn, I fucking love her." Colson's heart glows with amusement from his Kitten's sense of humor.
"Hey... Hey... Hey... No secret conversations. Hot wings and questions." The host tries to redirect them.
"Alright, super chicken man." Luna announces as she comes out of her hiding spot. "What's next?" She asks as she grabs her third wing and chomps into it.
"Are you guys REALLY getting married at ESTFest?" He asks as Colson almost chokes on his chicken.
"Need some milk?" Luna asks sarcastically with a full mouth.
"Fuck you." Colson coughs out as he sips the milk. Luna almost chokes on her own chicken as she laughs at him. "See, that's what you get. Asshole." He calls her out after handing her, her beer and making sure she'll live.
"So ESTFest... ?" Sean goes on to remind them.
"Yeah... " Colson nods after he collects himself also. "During ModSun's set."
"What?" Luna asks Sean directly when he won't stop looking at her for an answer. "You see the ring." Luna wiggles her sparkling left finger in the air. "ACTUALLY... I got two." She grins like a spoiled little girl as she extends her right hand out. "THIS one is my favorite... " Luna declares as she admires it herself before she leans back against Colson, staring up at him with THAT One Look as she plays with one of her most prized possession.
"Is that a guitar string?" Sean asks with pure wonder.
"Is that the fourth question?" Luna asks with a teasing charm as she holds her hands together towards her chest, just underneath her chin.
"I like that you play hard ball." Sean chuckles nervously as he wags his finger at her, not wanting to let this question go. "I'll trade it in for Round Four's question as long as it's a two part answer." He bargains.
"Mmmm... Nope. Two questions. Two answers. Two chickens." Luna's unwilling to budge.
"Fine... Is it a guitar string?" He asks again with a tinge of disappointment but still wanting to know.
"Yes." Luna nods her head proudly as she answers and presents her hand back towards him again so he can fully study the work of love.
"Wow. That's really neat the way the wire is twisted around to reinforce itself." He observes in admiration. "Where did it come from? EXACTLY." He reframes the question.
"We were On Tour in Pittsburgh and Colson sporadically proposed to me in his dressing room after The Show. He made it with one of the strings off the guitar he'd used that night within like 20mins." Luna sweetly admits as she thinks back to those private moments.
"I just wanna say, for the record, One... The guitar that string came off of goes everywhere with me now. Has ever since... Actually I don't think I've used another electric since that night." Colson looks over at Luna, who shakes her head to agree with him that he hasn't. "And Two... I had that rock for a few weeks but my dumbass left it behind when we hit The Road." Colson points out.
"Annnnnnnnd I love them both." Luna coos as she pecks Colson on the side of the mouth. "Now can I see why this goat is so angry?" She asks as she shoots him a grin and grabs her chicken leg.
"Alright, where are we at?" The host struggles to regain control of his show.
"We're at you owe me another hot wing because we gave you two answers." Luna reminds him of their deal as she splashes the sauce from the next bottle in line onto her fifth tiny drumstick. "You want any?" She asks Colson as she reaches over.
"Ahhh... Just a bit." He groans.
"You know Imma tell Slim all about this later tonight, right?" She chortles at him lightly. 
"I fucking hate you." Colson chuckles at a munching ass Luna while he reaches for her beer.
"So... Round Six?" Sean asks as he weakly throws his hands up to their nods. "We've got Scorpion from the Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co. Now we're climbing up the ladder guys but Brooklyn, you've eaten all of each of your wings. The only other person to do this is Shia Labeouf. Think you can you keep up?" He asks her as if it's a test.
"This motherfucker is DUMB." Colson snickers to himself at the idea of anyone challenging Luna.
"Hold up, I have some questions. First off... What do you mean only one other person has eaten all their wings? What the fuck do they do with 'em?" She asks, feeling kinda offended by the lack of chicken respect on this Internet Thang that Colson has her involved in.
"Most guests usually take a small bite of each wing." He explains to Luna's look of horror.
"Why did you ask me if I can keep up? Did you run out of chicken and beer?" She genuinely asks around the sexist insult to his head shake.
"She's such a fucking bitch." Colson thinks in amusement as he watches Luna. She is his favorite person in The World, especially when it comes to her level of IDGAF.
"Okay then, let's eat and answer questions." Sean simply requests as he takes a healthy bite. "What's the craziest thing you two have done together?" He asks once he's swallowed.
Colson takes a drink from the beer he's now sharing with Luna, mentally refusing to sip anything else after she made fun of him. His insides are dying. Luna's having the time of her life like she's the Abba Queen of hot wings as she wipes her mouth after fucking up her latest victim. Both of them are on totally different waves lengths but when their eyes meet for the question anything drops away and everything makes sense.
"The craziest thing I've ever done with Luna is fall in love with her almost 10yrs ago simply by her presence and smile." Colson grins as he looks down for a moment. "I think I might've even described it once as a cosmic boner." Colson lightly laughs to himself as he looks up into Luna's welling eyes and they lightly giggle together at the reality of their love; she covers her mouth to slightly to muffle her happy whimpers.
"Yeeaaah... We've done some crazy shit but none of our foolish antics compare to the risk that we're taking by starting a life together." Luna answers sincerely as her breath catches and her eyes never leave Colson's.
"More wings for Round Seven?" The host interrupts their intimacy again.
"Round Seven." The couple agrees before nodding studiously at each other and focusing on their wings.
"Round Seven we have Bourbon Habenero Ghost from Hellfire Detroit. Let's give it a go." He suggests as they each take a bite. "Best song on Hotel Diablo?" Sean hits them with a rapid fire question.
"AHHHHH... Fuck!! THAT'S hot!! Ahhhh... Ahhh... Bad Things!"  Colson shouts out his answer as he stands up and begins waving his bandana around.
Sean heads directly for the milk after one full bite, chew and swallow. Luna eats the whole wing. Then finishes her beer.
"Aww... Bunny." Luna coos with a smile as she lightly giggles and sucks her teeth. "Don't listen to him, he's hot sauce dumb right now. Col, get some milk... " She advises as she hands him the glass. "Hotel Diablo is bigger than just ONE great song." Luna air quotes. "It's a whole concept from beginning to end. I won't say which song I think is the best but I think when a song that is not only number on the Alternative charts but also number two in POP with a major lyric that stands alone about hurting oneself... " Luna's voice begins to quiver. "Than that means to me that millions of people are responding to and resonating with a certain kind of painful feeling... " Luna starts to become visibly emotional as she continues to speak. "And I think it's important to pay attention to that point because it's incredibly concerning that so many individuals in our society obviously relate in some kind of vulnerable way to the words of this song but we don't talk about ANY it. It's time to change our question. It's not what is the best song. It should be WHY is this the best song." Luna has tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks down in her lap to let them drop silently, leaving both men speechless.
"Holy fuck... I never thought of it that way." Colson stares at her while holding the empty glass of milk before making his way over to comfort her.
"Are you guys ready for Round Eight?" Sean gently asks as he sits back down with them after Luna's had a chance to pull herself together.
"Yeah, Man. We got this." Colson answers as he squeezes Luna's thigh.
"Okay... Round Eight... We got Beyond Insanity by Da Bomb and a direct question for Brooklyn. We ready? Bite!" Sean declares skipping his own wing to ask Luna the question mid chew. "Why won't you proclaim your birth name publicly?"
"What the FUCK was that?" Colson's bewildered by the question presented to Luna as he holds tight of her thigh and drops his wing as she speaks. "Just know I'm here, Kitten." Is all he can think as he stares daggers into Sean and Luna cooly rips the host a new asshole. 
"Do you know my birth name?" Luna asks as she slows down her chewing and stares through the stupid host. "Because I don't. It's not Luna Smith if that what you're suggesting. That's my legal name. Not my birth name. You should really do your research before you ask your guests personal questions... Or at least have them worded correctly." Luna advises icily as she finishes her wing. "We ready for Round Nine?" Luna asks loudly with an annoyed tone as she drops the chicken bone onto her full plate.
"Yeah. Let's do it." Sean continues uncomfortably. "This is called Chipotle Express and it's by PuckerButt Pepper Co... We may be rising in heat but we're gonna take it down a smidge in the questions... I know you've collaborated a few times but do you guys think you'll ever do anything like a full album or project together?" Sean asks as he bites into his wing.
For the first time Luna doesn't use her love of food as an excuse not speak. "That's probably the best question you've asked yet." She compliments Sean finally as she looks over at Colson's own turning wheels before choosing to explain. "Because it's the first one that I don't have an answer to because I never heard the question."
"I think what she's trying to say is as natural of a next move that you may think making an entire album together may be... It never occurred to either of us until the moment you presented the question... " Colson turns his head to stare at Luna with a loving smile; both knowing that they're sharing almost the same thought. "And now I can't stop thinking of all the other thousands of things we could create together. So thank you." Colson and Luna turn away from each other for a moment to look at Sean with gratitude.
"Do you guys believe in soulmates?" He asks his final question while caught up in the loving feelings between the couple.
Colson and Luna answer at the same time but with different responses. Different ideals. Different expectations. 
"What do you mean no?" He asks her with furrowed eyebrows.
"I don't. I believe in true love but I don't believe that we're only destined to love one person. I think different people are supposed to come into our lives at different points for different reasons for different amounts of time. If that wasn't my truth than I would've never been able to fall in love with you after Justin." Luna explains her logic to him as if they're the only two in the hotel room.
Colson's silent for a moment. Totally hating Sean and his hot wings. ESPECIALLY hating his stupid fucking questions. Deeply contemplating what Luna just said.
"But you do, MGK?" Sean asks him directly, interrupting his thoughts.
"Yeah. I believe I found my soulmate... And if not, I'll have her as my wife." He smiles coyly, never taking his eyes off of Luna as she watches him with adoration.
"What were your other questions?" Luna inquisitively asks Sean after they wrap up taping.
"Oh! Uh... What do you think married life will look like for you guys and do you think you'll ever have kids?" He responds, slightly caught off guard.
"Life won't change." Luna smiles. "We're gonna keep on creating, traveling and being kind to The World as for... "
"You ready, Kitten?" Colson interrupts them as he slips his arm around Luna's waist. "Thanks again, Man." He acknowledges Sean before leading Luna away.
"We already have one... But maybe another one day." Luna answers his second question over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eye.
"Where are we going now?" Luna giggles into Colson's ear as he carries her piggyback style up a slight hill.
"You've shown me a lot of cool things, now it's my turn." He answers her as he gently sets her down in the evening glow of the dipping sun. "Here, lemme get that blanket." He asks of her as he takes the schoolbag from off of Luna's back. Stretching it out, he reaches for her once he sits down. "Lay with me, please?" He requests.
"Where are we?" Luna asks as she curls up next to his body.
"Just wait." Colson gently instructs as he lights a blunt.
On a quiet hill somewhere in LA, Colson and Luna snuggle up together in the warm summer's air as the sun falls off the edge of The Earth. The night's sky slowly creeping around them. Luna's breath catches in her chest as she takes in Colson's surprise. It's a WHOLE sky filled with stars.
"I knew you'd appreciate this." He smiles to himself as he kisses the top of her head.
"It's so beautiful... How did you ever find this?" She asks in amazement.
"Mod showed me one night when we were tripping. It's the ONLY place you can see the stars out here." Colson breathes in deeply as he pulls her closer.
They lay together pointing out what they think are different constellations. Debating what's a satellite and what's a star. Luna drawing out Orion's Belt as Colson shows her where he believes to be The Big and Little Dipper are.
"So you really don't believe in soulmates?" Colson asks Luna again under the cosmic sky.
"No. Not one. I believe we're destined to love who we love... And I love you, Bunny. What's the difference?" She asks him.
"I don't know... I guess I find the whole idea of belonging to one person to be comforting and romantic. It's like having a predestined home." The idealistic yet hurt little boy inside of him answers.
"Oh, Bunny... " Luna purrs as she snuggles closer to him. "I am your home. Forever. Married, not married. Soulmates, not soulmates. I know a lot of shit but there's not much I'm sure of." Luna admits. "I am sure that I've loved since I saw you but that I wasn't meant to truly meet you until I did." She places his hand in the middle of her breasts so he can feel her beating heart. "We are who we are for a reason and right now... Our reason is the only thing that makes sense or matters to me."
Colson grabs her chest with a firm lightness. Holding their feelings tightly inside of his large palm. After a moment he gently rolls his body so that he looms over top of Luna. Staring down at her, he brushes the random stands of hair from her face. Leaning on his forearms, he dips down to kiss her passionately. She runs her fingers along the sides of his face into the back of his hair as she pulls him closer and kisses him firmly.
Their touches are sweet and soft under the star filled sky. They slowly undress each other as their kisses linger on their bare skin. Colson and Luna stare into each other's souls as he fully enters her. Making them both shake from their pure feelings and emotions.
It's not often that Colson and Luna make love. They usually fuck the shit out of each other. Tonight they're not animals. They're intimate lovers, both taking their time. Dropping heartfelt I love yous into each other's ears as they softly pant and moan. Soulmates or not, Luna and Colson are in this shit called Life together. Forever.
To be continued...
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toldbymae · 4 years
𝐆 𝐑 𝐀 𝐕 𝐈 𝐓 𝐘 ~ 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐮
Fandom; Choices stories you play
Pairings; Ethan Ramsey x Mc (Lucky-Rae Longford)
Summary; Emotions are the luxury you can’t afford as a Doctor, consider this something Ethan Ramsey learned early. When the sun sets, all hope seems lost. That is, until a wide-eyed young intern tumbles, quite literally, into his life and the sun has never shined brighter. 
Warnings; Swearing, Graphic descriptions of injury, Alcohol consumption, NSFW, Character death, Violence, Mentions of stillbirth, Physical abuse.
Word Count; 1.4k (1,467 including this and the above.)
Author Note; This story is an au and starts at the beginning of open heart book one. The storyline won't entirely be the same, some aspects will change eg; Miss Martinez won't end up dying because of mc...instead it'll be because of someone else. In this story, you’ll hate Landry even more.
𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘁𝘆; 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗮 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵, 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘀.
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After a six and a half hour flight, Lucky got off the plane and made her way through security, grabbing her suitcase and making her way through the crowd of loud and rowdy people. Most of them wore a smile, running into the arms of friends and family, while others were crying and watching as they bid goodbye.
Life is something precious.
It's strong and yet, it's so fragile and easy to take away.
The automatic doors opened and, almost instantly, she was hit with golden rays of the sun. Boston, she smiled and began venturing down the street.
Lucky couldn't wipe the irreplaceable smile off her face, nor did she want to. This is going to be the start of something new. Something good. Something...unimaginable.
The sudden vibration of her phone drew the redhead from her thoughts as she hastily grabbed it out of her pocket.
Landlord guy; 27 Ilford terrace, be there at 3 pm and I'll give you your keys. NO LATER.
Lucky; Sure thing
She tucked her phone safely back in her front pocket and called for a taxi, told him the destination she was heading to, and sat comfortably in the back seat, after putting her luggage in the boot, with the much-needed assistance of the driver.
25 minutes.
The car set off and Lucky leaned her head against the window, watching everything pass her by.
A smile crept back onto her face.
It's happening, it's finally happening. All these years of dreaming, believing, and working hard have led her to where she is right now, where she will be in the future.
Edenbrook Hospital, one of, if not the most, prestigious in the country. Widely known for its efficient and dedicated health care and team.
It hadn't always been her dream to work there, nevertheless, Lucky was determined now more than ever, not to allow the past to cloud her judgment or decisions.
All the people she'd save...all the people she'd be able to help...and those who she can't save...
Seconds descended into minutes which soon felt like hours and the taxi pulled up outside her new home. She thanked him, paid, and dragged her suitcase behind her as she walked up the steps and patiently waited for her landlord to arrive. She spotted him making his way down the road, wearing a blue shirt and loose-fitting black trousers.
"It's nice to finally meet you in person Mister...."
"Just call me Farley." He said delving his hand into his over-sized pocket and fishing for the keys.
"Thank you, I promise to take good care of the property...Mister Farley."
He laughed, "I know you lot will."
She paused, you lot. But there's only one of her...
"What did you mean?" She asked.
"Oh..." He laughed again, "Go inside and you'll see, Doc."
And she did. She unlocked the door and trekked up the stairs and wished there was a lift.
Lucky's breath was instantly taken away. The view was simply spectacular, the apartment was spacious, too spacious.
"This isn't all for me, is it?"
"Turns out you really are as smart as you look." He retorted, turning his head and pointing out all the other bedrooms which would be accommodating other people. Lucky shifted uncomfortably.
"Don't worry." He reassured, "I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine." Without another word, Farley departed leaving Lucky alone.
Her momentary peace was interrupted at the sound of voices and the door flying open. Five people walked in, luggage trailing after them, and meek smiles.
"He really wasn't lying..." Someone moaned, a slim and tall man with wild curly, hazel nut-brown hair, with baby blue eyes.
"I got one can't wait!" The voice of a short, brunette squeaked, smiling from ear to ear. Lucky couldn't tell whether or not she was being genuine.
"What are the odds of us all Woking at ED?" Another woman rolls her eyes and makes her way into the kitchen and raids the fridge.
"Well...I guess I should introduce myself?" The uncertainty in her voice caused Lucky to internally cringe.
"Lucky." She extends out her hand and the small girl, no taller than her, shakes it.
"I call dibs on the largest room." Says the girl whose name Lucky is yet to know, who is currently stuffing her face with a chocolate bar, "I'm Jackie, that's Sienna, Elijah, and Landry."
"Pleasure to meet you." Lucky replies. Sienna smiles at her, "I think we're gonna get along just great and I love your voice, are you, Welsh?"
"Irish, from Killarney."
"Well, is anyone hungry might as well order something." Elijah says getting his phone and looking up nearby takeaway restaurants.
Hours of talking and unpacking later, the interns sat at the table eating pizza and watching TV, feeling nothing except mixture exhaustion and relaxation.
"There's this bar down the road called Donahue’s, wanna go?” Jackie suggests, earning the attention of her new fellow roommates.
Landry shrugged, “I mean I don’t mind...but we’ve orientation tomorrow so...let’s not drinking too much.”
“Alright, let's go.”
The bar was still and quiet as the diagnostician drank the last of his whiskey and motioned for the bartender, his long time friend Reggie, to get him another.
"You sure you want another?" Reggie asks, hesitant.
Ethan almost instantly nods and the sound of voices filling the once empty bar drew him from his thoughts.
One in particular caught his eye.
Her laugh sounded like a melody he could listen to every day.
Her eyes, glassy, pure, and ruby green. So beautiful and mesmerizing.
Her hair, long, curly, and auburn shade of red.
Her freckles, as golden as the sun, spread across her face like stars in a midnight sky.
Ethan forced himself to turn away, unable to get the image of her out of his head.
He wouldn't see her again.
Or her dark red lips, so kissable.
He drank the remainder of his drink and decided to call it a night, much to Reggie's relief.
From the corner of his sky blue eyes, he sees her stumbling and about to fall, glass in hand. He catches her just in time and she smiles and drunkenly laughs, before throwing up a river on his green jacket and white top. Ethan sighs and helps her walk over to the nearest booth and sits her down.
“Shit...” She says, “I’m such a lightweight. Sorry, I uh...you know.” Her eyes dart to the ground and her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get you some water.” Ethan walks over to the bar and Reggie gives him a bottle of water, he opens the bottle and passes it to her. Lucky smiles gratefully and drinks it.
“You're a lifesaver...sorry again about your-
“It’s fine, really.”
A hesitant silence falls upon them until Lucky speaks, “I’m not usually like this.”
“I’m really, really, really nervous about tomorrow...”
“What’s tomorrow?” He asks.
“My intern orientation at Edenbook Hospital. Have you heard of it?”
“Yeah, I certainly have. I don’t think you have anything to be nervous about. You're going there for a reason, remember that.”
“...You know exactly what to say. I like that.”
He sits down opposite her, properly able to see her golden freckles in the soft and warm glow of the light.
“I haven’t asked.” He began, “What’s your name?”
She laughs, playfully slapping his knee, “My parents named me something, like, super weird...don’t go laughing okay?”
“You have my word.”
“Lucky. Lucky-Rae to be exact.”
The following morning felt like a complete nightmare. Ethan was in the shower and for once, not even lukewarm water could calm him down.
He dreamed about her.
What was wrong with him?
Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined her long red hair tickling his skin as her lips pressed tantalizingly against his flesh, traveling lower and lower...
His eyes darted upwards at the clock and the time was five minutes past six. Ethan didn't bother wrapping a towel around himself and turned the shower head off before getting dressed and making his way to work.
The traffic was even more so annoying than usual.
Cars sped past him and all could hear were the screams of the couple arguing in the car in front and a baby crying in the car behind. Ethan resisted the overwhelming urge to gouge his ears out. Half an hour passed and Ethan was walking in the hallways of Edenbrook, watching the nurses organize patient files.
An hour later the interns arrived and the hospital wasn’t silent anymore. A sudden commotion corrupted, he turns his head and a woman has collapsed and isn’t moving. Without another thought, he rushed over and ushered for space.
Ethan looked around and noticed an intern rushing over, long red hair, dark green eyes...golden freckles. As if this day could get any worse.
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irenerei-n-svt · 5 years
BSS Spy au headcanons (plausibly)
Warning long post. I would try to finish all the headcanons in 2 to 3 parts.
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So I was talking with @yadi-xo and I got inspired out of nowhere which nobody asked
So here goes nothing
Team alpha (Coups, Wonwoo, Mingyu )
Team alpha is more on the subtle spy like you can see in Kingsman, The man from Uncle, and James bond, suits, umbrella, glasses, and mini hidden guns. They also more prone to be sent out for undercover mission.
Team beta (Joshua, Jun, Minghao, Vernon)
Team beta would be more on to be sent of for action. Not much close range mission, mostly kinda like SWAT mixed with a bit of hitman concept team (I kinda remember there is a Japanese drama kinda touches this kind of team where Ayano Gou took part in the drama), hiding on roof to help spy and back up team alpha and gamma. They would always looks like tourist but that is intentional. Occasionally, this team also is the language support to other team. Kinda like 4 male version of Black widow if you want a more easy explanation, sneaking into places to do their job.
Team gamma (Seungkwan, SeokMin, Soonyoung)
Alright BSS our main character here! This team mostly focus on misdirection. They are those who blend in very well. And using misdirection to let you drop you guard.
Team delta also aka backup and mastermind team (Jihoon, Dino, Jeonghan)
This team stays indoor mostly, using tech equipment to back up all the other teams. No specific person is in charge of specific team.
Also to mention the team designation was not like this before. They also tend to shuffle members alot. Until Mr. Pledis made the arrangements as seen above.
SoonYoung was placed with Jun, Minghao and Dino as the bodyguard/swat undercover team. (Remember Boom Boom mv where SoonYoung just confidently wanna go through all the laser?)
And SoonYoung once went out mission with Jihoon as his bodyguard (*inspired by Bring it)
Also, Vernon, SeokMin and Jun were used to operate for shooting missions (bows arrows and long range guns *got this inspiration from idol Olympic thing)
Also, Seungkwan was a short lived member in Delta team before swapped with Chan. (Because Delta team need a body guard/fighter, hence the swap)
Hence all members are very fond of each other and pretty much confident on each other's capability.
Ok after established some concept of each team let's dig down more. So team gamma or the spy office calls them BooSeokSoon or BSS in short, actually are not the most favourite team in K-SPIES.
Some people tend to think this BSS is just a gag team. Like misdirection is a basic for all spies, you don't really need a team to be specialised and skilled for misdirection purpose.
Some other K-spies will laugh and thought that BSS is the lower quality of other team in SVT department.
Cues in pouty Seungkwan when he heard this.
Cues in SVT protects and back up BSS when they heard this.
This issue sometimes hit BSS but their group mates cheers them up. They know their worth.
Ok done with the background setting let's move to how-to start the story.
Team Alpha got caught and Beta send out SOS to Delta. And Delta has no choice but to use Gamma as if they are the combination of Alpha and Beta.
Cues in BSS inhaled dramatically when heard the news
Seungkwan: Those hyungs got caught?????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME????
During weapon introducing, Delta provided them proper looking weapons. But
Soon young or SeokMin probably : Can't we get a water toy gun that shoots laser?
SeokMin : Even better why not give us sunglasses that shoots laser?
Chan as the gadget controller: *intensive facepalms
Also, Soon Young who got too excited accidentally breaks a gadget.
Either Chan notices it and yell at him, or Soon Young just non chalantly puts back the gadget without Chan noticed
Chan will notices eventually and will report to uppers so deduct SoonYoung's salary lol
How BSS choose their gadgets, rock paper scissors.
Soon young : WHY alpha team would wanna wear suits like this, it's very suffocating and hard to move.
Forgot to mention the suits alpha team wears have the same tech seen in the movie Tuxedo by Jackie Chan. (Yes I am old aunty just bear with me lol)
During briefing, SoonYoung with his weird ideas.
When Jihoon briefs on some small data retriving mission related to the Alpha rescuing mission, and states that the success rate is just 50:50 And asks BSS if they want to cancel the mission because the data maybe not even helpful at all. (I am thinking a jet black box somewhere in the sea but the place already crowded by SVT 's nemesis hence Jihoon says maybe better cancel)
SoonYoung defo : if you are gonna bet, bet in your life
Jeonghan And Seungkwan : I appreciate the passion but please don't get yourself killed because of that. Tq.
Seungkwan is the reason of the team but does not last long. He will be the one to retorts all the stupid moves and stupid ideas his hyungs come up with. Yes Boo is considered the most normal one in BSS, even team Delta starts to pity him and feels his pain
Jihoon facepalm himself : I forgot they are the misdirection specialised team and a bunch of crackheads
So will team gamma or team BSS successfully saves their colleagues?
See you in part 2 lol
I NEED TO HIGH KEY MENTION THE THEME SONG FOR THIS AU IS JUST DO IT BY BOOSEOKSOON. And during mission, they will sing this song quite often for motivational boost.
Ending song will be CLAP. No argument allowed lol
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