#I don't want it
wanderingmind867 · 2 days
I think the 70s and 80s push to make comics grim, gritty and edgy destroyed something in the medium. I don't want Batman to be a violent rich freak who lets his sidekicks die and who dresses in all black! I don't want a Green Arrow who grows a beard, loses his sidekick to drug addiction and then becomes this stupid preachy political tool for Denny O'Neil! I don't want Frank Miller and Denny O'Neil and Jim Starlin and whoever the hell else to come in and ruin things with their insistence on "serious realism". No! Some realism is fine (the realism of stan lee's sixties marvel stuff is fine, for example), but edginess ruins it.
And to me, DC just blows it on this scale. I don't want my escapist storytelling to feature children dying or getting addicted to drugs! I don't need that in my life! Goddamn it, just give me something like Adam West's Barman show (or like Batman: The Brave and The Bold. That show nailed the right vibes for me, and it was on when i was young).
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deliciousnecks · 1 year
they really have no business looking at each other like this.
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: Why Ray x Mew is Doomed to Fail
This show is consistently catching me off guard and I LOVE that. I was not expecting this to come out of the fallout, mostly because I didn't see Mew ever choosing this. But here we are. As soon as the final scene of Ray and Mew dancing at Yo's bar came on screen, I was wildly uncomfortable. Something felt so inherently wrong and off-kilter with this image. So let's discuss why.
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Resigned Acceptance VS Active Choice
Let's be clear firstly; Mew hasn't chosen Ray. The entire exchange between them is Mew doing calculations in his head. And what he concludes is if someone loves you far more, then you don't lose out. Logically it's a far easier and safer proposition to try. (Whereas with Top, who was supposedly so out of Mew's league, has now caused Mew a tonne of insecurity because of his betrayal). Ray can't hurt him because Mew has never regarded Ray as suited for that spot.
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It's with an air of resigned acceptance (and an obvious lack of any enthusiasm) that Mew accepts Ray's pursuit of him. Like a lukewarm shrug, 'Yeah. I guess. I suppose. Why not.' Right now Mew needs a distraction and here is his perfect opportunity to appear as if he's 'moved on' already. That he's unaffected. Mew is only doing all of this because he's hurting. If Top hadn't cheated, his stance on Ray would still be unwaveringly firm.
This also serves as an ideal way to punish Top. Top's reason for cheating was thinking (wrongly) that there was something going on between him and Ray. So why not rub that in his face and actually have something going on now to spite him? Top's worst nightmare manifested.
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Mew Playing Mew 2.0
I had a really strong feeling this episode that Mew was trying to emanate Ray, especially with his new look. Bit by bit, Mew is denouncing everything that once made him who he was. He's trying to embrace the opposite end of the spectrum and his closest point of reference is Ray.
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Ray isn't responsible. Ray is impulsive. He has everyone else taking care of him. I think in some ways Mew may envy Ray at times. The luxury to be reckless, spontaneous and have people around you to pick up the pieces. To test run Ray's 'fuck it' mentality for a change and forego accountability is freeing, it's seductive.
However, Mew 2.0 is just Mew playing 'dress up'. It's a costume and a form of armour but nothing more. Mew is not coupling up with Ray as his authentic self (and ultimately the 'self' that Ray fell in love with). The man Ray loves VS the man Ray is now dating are two different people. There's already a layer of falsehood sandwiched between them.
Ray's Glorification of Mew
In Ray's eyes, Mew can do no wrong. The way that Ray sees Mew is faultless, blemish-free, almost saintlike. Mew is his saviour and Ray holds him on a incredibly high pedestal. This puts an enormous amount of pressure on anyone who is the subject of this adoration.
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When we love someone, what we really desire is to be seen for all the things that makes us painfully human. The things we hate about ourselves; the ugly, the unsightly, the flaws - for someone to know us at our very worst and still love us despite all that.
Ray's opinion of Mew means he can never truly appreciate who he is as just another person who has his faults and shortcomings. It also means Ray is likely to look to Mew to have the answers, to share his wisdom and that's just not always going to be the case.
For now, Ray may be basking in the awe of living his ultimate fantasy but I don't think he'll be able to cope with the reality being less than perfection. Of Mew being less than perfection. You've set Mew up to fail, and you've doomed this relationship to fall short of the spectacular grandeur you may have conjured in your head.
This pairing is fundamentally not on equal footing. Mew is vicariously living through Ray like some rollercoaster ride to hedonism. Ray is a means for him but not a destination.
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avintmich · 10 months
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Эт я ⬆️ , да да !
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theliterarywolf · 11 months
>Zelda movie
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heresiae · 2 months
it's 2024.
everyone is still recovering from the self isolation of 2020 (the ones saying they're not are either liars or in denial).
and we didn't learn shit.
despite our workplace deciding to letting us having the opportunity to work from home for 60% of the time after the end of lockdown, some coworkers still think it's a good idea to come to work with the "sniffles", even if it's not necessary for them to be physically in the frigging office.
which is how I was exposed to Covid yesterday.
now, I don't really care that it's Covid, I care that people are still going around thinking is no big deal to pass their stupid germs to other people.
and it's the eve of summer holidays for everyone here. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING AROUND SPREADING SHIT?!
if I would not be able to go Friday to my AHDH medication assessment because of this idiot, I would be maaaaaaaaaaaad
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Istg if we get Pen getting engaged to Debling and Colin only then confessing his love I'm gonna stop watching 😭
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khanumshahrzad · 1 month
This will be controversial (or not lol) but I think first person pov in writing fucking sucks unless it's done REALLY well ,,, it's one of these certain genres that just needs to be perfected for it to work
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unicreamuwu · 1 year
"Damian is the cutest baby in Young Justice-!"
Nah, be fr
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florascove · 19 days
got asked what my favorite book was yesterday... fanfiction?...
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lukaherehelp · 4 days
I’ve never been homophobic (im a lesbian) but watching the flirting in battle of the writers made me. Not bc it’s bad or anything but I was def yelling at the screen
you know the flirting is effective when it turns you against your kind, wouldn't want it any other way
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nationmckinleyscorset · 10 months
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They're both so babygirl I'm in love with them
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derangedbutfun · 3 months
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Emily: The BAU is yours
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waitineedaname · 5 months
the fucking wizar
the fucking wizar
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aromantyczno-liryczna · 3 months
No the dry and sunny weather is not welcome bbc news
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tarnussy · 4 months
I'm still so angry and sad about not being able to show my so-called friends anything of this game via streaming bc they didn't care
which hits especially hard bc I sat through numerous hours of streams when some of them showcased me games I had 0 interest in but I thought I'd watch regardess bc I thought it'd be fun to see their excitement, and it was indeed fun despite me not caring for the game
hell, when I finally was able to get a laptop that would be able to run games, one of the main features when making my choice was to be able to stream elden ring on discord specifically and all the system requirements for that
it's been well over a year ago but I still am extremely angry about it, and I know it will keep bothering me for years
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