#I drew the rest of the gang too but I gotta clean them up or retake the pics and I don’t feel like doing that rn
teaableu · 1 year
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Drew him in my style <3
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robinrunsfiction · 2 years
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Author’s Note: Wait, but Robin, it’s December 31st. Shut up, do you want these last two fics or not? Actually because these are x OC fics, yall probably don’t really care that much. Too bad. Finishing this is important to me, thanks.
“I finally got it!” Ghoul announced as he burst in the doorway of the diner.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Jet asked the smaller Killjoy who was practically vibrating with excitement.
“My own tattoo gun! Tommy finally got one and I was able to haggle him down to a fair price and now I can do my own tattoos on myself!”
“Oh, that sounds like a great idea,” Lux rolled her eyes.
“I can do tattoos for all of you too for practice!”
“And that sounds like an even better idea,” Kobra smirked.
“Party, you want one?” Ghoul asked, turning to their leader.
Somehow Party managed to get even more pale than he normally was. “Hard no.”
“Prove that you aren’t terrible at giving tattoos and I might let you give me one,” Jet spoke up.
“Seriously?” Lux asked condescendingly.
“Seriously?!” Ghoul grinned.
Jet shrugged. “I’ve had an idea or two that I’d like to have done.”
“I’ll do one right now, you’ll see how good I am!” Ghoul beamed.
Not much later Ghoul had demonstrated his surprising ability to tattoo by inking a tattoo onto his lower leg, and set to work on a set of initials on Jet’s arm. 
“Does it hurt?” Lux asked from a safe distance across the room, as she liked needles only slightly more than Party did.
“Nah,” Jet answered as he watched Ghoul work. “It’s not that bad.”
“I think I wanna get another,” Kobra nodded.
“Really? What are you gonna get?” Lux asked. Kobra had the same spider from the hood of the trans am tattooed on his wrist. Lux liked to trace her fingers over it sometimes, but he never expressed any interest in getting any more ink.
“I dunno, you pick,” he smiled at her.
Lux scoffed. “Oh you don’t want that.”
“Why not?”
“I’ll pick something dumb and you’ll regret giving me such power,” she grinned.
“Nah, because it’ll remind me of you either way.”
“Ugh, you’re so in love with me it’s gross,” Lux rolled her eyes, but her grin never faltered. “But I dunno what to tell you to get, maybe something symbolic? Don’t get my name though, everyone knows that’s bad luck.”
Ghoul clearing his throat drew the couple’s attention. Ghoul nodded subtly toward the tattoo he was almost finished with on Jet’s arm.
“I mean, not always bad luck. I mean… Maybe… fuck,” Lux faltered. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok, there’s nothing that can change between me and… her anymore so…” Jet trailed off with a faraway look in his eye.
The rest of the tattoo session was silent until Ghoul announced he was finished. The piece was simple, but well done with clean lines and Jet expressed his appreciation.
“You up?” Ghoul asked Kobra.
“Yea, but not right now. I gotta think about what I wanna get.”
She shook her head. “It's gonna hurt.”
“It’s not that bad,” Ghoul said, cleaning up his supplies. “Besides, you got enough scars on ya, you’re not afraid of a little pain, are you?”
“No! But, I mean… it’s different.”
“How so?”
“...Shut up,” Lux grumbled.
A few days later and it seemed like every Killjoy that was allied with the gang had stopped by for some ink by Ghoul. Lux watched person after person get a piece of art that was special and personal to them. 
“Ghoul?” Lux asked quietly.
“Can you… maybe… hypothetically draw something for me?”
“On you?”
“On paper. And then we’ll see about letting you put it on me.”
Ghoul smirked. “You gonna let Kobra hear you talking like that?”
“Shut up,” she rolled her eyes. “This is maybe a surprise sorta.”
“Ahh,” Ghoul nodded, understanding what she meant. “Consider me sworn to secrecy.”
A while later the Venom Brothers arrived back at the diner from their supply run. Kobra was more than a little concerned when Lux wasn’t right there to greet him. It wasn’t that he expected her to be there, but she always seemed so happy to see him when he got back from going someplace without him.
“Hey Jet, where’s-”
“In the back with Ghoul,” the older Killjoy cut him off, already aware of what the question was.
“With Ghoul?” Kobra muttered, heading to the back room. The door was ajar and he could hear their conversation.
“You good?”
“Yea, it wasn’t that bad actually,” Kobra heard Lux say. For a moment panic swept through him, before he shook his head, knowing Lux better than that.
“Hey Lux you in here?” He asked, pushing the door open. He found Lux sitting on the edge of the cot, and Ghoul, tattoo gun in hand, sitting across from her. “What’s going on?”
“Just a bit of art,” she smiled. “Wanna see?”
Ghoul picked up his supplies and left the couple alone in the room.
“What’d you get? Not my name right?” Kobra laughed lightly.
“Nah, just something sorta symbolic of, ya know.” Lux turned her arm over and on her forearm was the faint outline of a heart, with a snake wrapped around it.
“Lux, that’s…” Kobra was speechless.
“What can I say, you’re wrapped around my heart,” Lux shrugged. “I just wanted to make it sorta… permanent.”
Kobra looked up at Lux, the soft smile on her face. “I love you Lux, so much,” he breathed, before leaning in to kiss her hard.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
“this house is a frickin’ nightmare”
so i. decided to write something for the ‘Sitcom’ AU, which is basically just the concept that post-canon, everyone lives in the same house.... its Fun.
Word Count: 2.7k
Read on Ao3
"Monkey King, get down from the fridge."
This exchange is what drew MK's attention to the fact that something was happening in the kitchen.
In MK's opinion, it was far too early for something to be happening in the kitchen.
"Wukong, I swear, if you don't get down from there-"
"What- you gonna stab me? Pigsy, you know full well that method is ineffective."
"What is going on?" MK asked, entering the kitchen and, well, seeing exactly what he had expected; Wukong crouched on top of the fridge, staring down at Pigsy, who was glaring up at him.
Still though. Just because he'd expected to see it didn't explain why it was happening.
"Oh hey, kid." Wukong said, taking notice of him. "Everything's fine, you can go back to your room, breakfast will be ready soon."
"It would be done already if you hadn't burned it." Pigsy said, gesturing to the charred remains of what supposedly had been breakfast. "Seriously, can't you follow simple instructions?? Now we've gotta start all over."
"It's not my fault I'm a visual learner." Wukong said, his tail swinging back and forth.
"It was three steps-"
"What's going on?"
MK barely kept himself from startling at the new voice behind him, turning around to see a very tired looking Red Son.
"Breakfast burned." MK said, catching Red Son up on the situation. Red Son hummed in contemplation, walking into the kitchen, picking up a piece of the unrecognizable charred food, and, ignoring the other's growing horror, he ate it.
"...Tastes fine to me." He said, going so far as to grab and nibble on another piece as he turned and left, presumably heading back to his room. The remaining three watched him go in shocked silence.
"....This house is a frickin' nightmare." Wukong deadpanned. Pigsy nodded in agreement.
"Aptly put. Now get off of the fridge."
MK decided to go back to bed.
It was commonly known, within the household, that somehow, Tang and Wukong continuously managed to get out of doing their fair share of the chores. No one was quite sure how they did it, as the two of them kept coming up with new methods every day.
Today's method was..... interesting, to say the least.
Somehow, someway, they had managed to remove their names from the Chore Roulette Wheel, without leaving any trace that their names had ever even been there. Which was, in fact, rather impressive, considering that the roulette wheel was literally a giant wooden roulette wheel, built by Sandy, and there were no empty spaces were their names used to be, they were just. Gone.
To be honest, MK would've never noticed if Mei hadn't pointed it out.
Now, there was a house-wide search for the two chore-shirkers.
"Found 'em yet?" MK yelled down the stairs into the basement. A few seconds passed, then a unanimous call of "No!" came. MK sighed. If the Spider-gang couldn't find Tang and Wukong down there, then they probably weren't there. (.....Probably. Wukong did have a lot of tricks up his sleeves, and MK didn't put it pass his mentor to use them for something like this.)
That checked off the majority of the house.... which only left-
An enraged scream (courtesy of Mei) from upstairs confirmed what MK had concluded.
They were on the roof.
MK rushed to the stairs, running up them-
Only to pause as he heard a yelp, and a flash of gold fell past the window, followed by a loud thud. MK leaned on the windowsill to look outside, just in time to see Tang fall past it. Wukong, a few branches and grass in his fur from his rough landing, summoned his cloud to catch Tang, before zooming away.
As MK would later find out, in the haste to escape Mei's wrath, Tang had actually pushed Wukong off the roof. Wukong, in return, had unceremoniously dropped Tang on the ground the first chance he got.
Both of their names were back on the roulette wheel by the next morning.
....They still managed to get out of doing their chores though.
"Oh, hey Macaque." MK mumbled, tiredly rubbing his eyes, and Macaque, mid-way through stealing a snack out of the fridge, froze like a deer in the headlights.
"Uh.....hey, bud." He said, slowly closing the fridge door, glancing at MK, who was obviously very tired, then looking at the clock on the wall.
2:43 AM. Okay, he could work with this.
"What are you doing up so late?" Macaque asked, leaning casually against the fridge in an attempt to hide his nervousness. If MK had been more awake, he would've noticed and called him out on it, but as it was....
"Just woke up.... wanted to get a snack." MK said, and Macaque quickly opened a nearby cupboard.
"Here, have this." He said, putting a cookie in MK's hands, before grabbing him by the shoulders, turning him around, and gently shoving him back towards his room. "Now go back to bed."
"G'night, Macaque." MK said, nibbling on his cookie.
"Goodnight, MK." Macaque sighed, waiting until he heard MK's bedroom door click closed again before melting back into the shadows.
The next morning, MK thought he had dreamt the whole thing. After all, Macaque had vehemently denied the invitation to live in the house with everyone else, surely if he had changed his mind and started to live with them, someone would've noticed.
"Monkey King?"
"Why do you always sleep on the roof?" Red Son asked, "I mean, you do have a room after all, why don't you use it?"
"I just like watching the stars." Wukong said, reclining on his cloud. Suddenly, Mei and MK also appeared beside Red Son, with their arms crossed, looking unimpressed.
"You told me that beds were uncomfortable." Mei said.
"And you told me that you liked the breeze." MK added. Wukong's tail bristled a little, but he still didn't look over at them.
"Well, I mean, all of those are true." Wukong said, "Figured I would just... switch my answers up from time to time, keep things entertaining you know?"
"That doesn't explain why you slept out there in the pouring rain." Mei said, "In fact, the only time we've seen you sleep inside is when we have blanket fort night."
"...The rain was nice?" Wukong said, sounding uncertain. The trio narrowed their eyes.
"Is there something wrong with your room?" Red Son asked, and Wukong flinched.
"No." He said, finally sitting up and looking at them. "Really, my room's perfectly fine, I don't know where you're getting the idea that something's wrong-"
"You're doing that nervous smile again." MK said, and Wukong slammed a hand over his mouth in an attempt to hide what the trio had already seen.
There was a moment of silence, and in that moment, each member of the traffic light trio came to a shared conclusion.
No matter the cost, they would get into Wukong's room.
Almost as though they had actually planned it, the trio took off towards the staircase, ignoring Wukong's yells for them to stop. Hurriedly, Wukong summoned two clones, then rushed after the trio.
Red on got caught on the stairs, the clone grabbing hold of the edge of his coat and dragging him down. It wouldn't be able to hold him for long of course, his fire could quickly burn the clone away, but it would still manage to slow him down.
Mei was captured in the hallway, the clone pushing off the wall to tackle her, accidentally knocking her right into Yin and Jin's room, pining her to the ground as the twins yelped in shock.
...Which just left MK.
Having trained with the Monkey King, MK found himself easily dodging Wukong's attempts to catch him. Slightly out of breath, he skidded to a stop in front of Wukong's door, turned the knob, and opened it.
"I don't really see what the problem is, the room looks fine to me-" MK said, stepping into the room.
"Kid, wait-" Wukong started to say, but it was too late.
MK tripped, tumbling into the room, dispelling the illusion Wukong had carefully crafted and placed over it.
Wukong's room was a mess, to put things lightly. There was stuff everywhere- books, clothes, antiques, food, you named it, it was probably there. It was to the point where there was no place to sleep, the bed being covered in stuff. Which, well, that explained the whole 'sleeping on the roof' thing, but still.
Wukong nervously shifted from foot to foot in the doorway. Red Son and Mei, who had succeeded in freeing themselves, as well as Yin and Jin, who had gotten curious from all the commotion, stared over Wukong's shoulders, taking in the state of the room.
MK sat there for a moment, looking at the mess (and sure, MK's room was messy too, but this-), before slowly turning around to look at his mentor, a serious expression on his face.
"Wukong." MK said, and Wukong stiffened, his nervous smile growing wider at the sound of MK saying his name instead of his title.
"...Yeah?" Wukong said, chuckling nervously as MK's look darkened.
"...I'm getting Sandy."
"Wait, no no no-"
The rest of the day was spent cleaning up Wukong's room, sorting through the piles upon piles of stuff.
Wukong, in a bout of spite, still slept on the roof anyways.
Yin and Jin stared in shock at the scene in front of them.
Everyone in the house knew that Wukong and Tang adamantly avoided doing their share of the chores. (The roof-pushing incident was still fresh in everyone's minds, after all).
So that's why seeing Wukong doing the laundry was very out of place.
"...What are you two staring at?" Wukong asked, snapping the twins out of their shocked reverie.
"It's just....weird to see you doing the laundry, that's all." Yin said, and that-
Well, surprisingly enough, that made Wukong actually pause.
"It is?" He asked, slowly setting the laundry basket down on the ground, subtly nudging it under a nearby table so that it was now out of view.
"Well, I mean, with how you and Mr. Tang utilize every method possible to avoid doing the chores, we never thought we'd actually see you doing one." Jin said.
"...I see." Wukong said, quietly. "Well, in that case. You two saw nothing."
Not giving them a chance to respond, Wukong flashed a peace sign, then vanished, leaving the twins to sputter in disbelief.
(Later, Macaque returned to the laundry room to pick up the clothes he'd left behind.)
Syntax paused as he stared at the sight before him.
"...What is this?" He ased, drawing the attention of the occupants in the living room.
"A braid train!" MK replied, and honestly, that's what it was. MK sat on the floor, braiding Bai He's hair, Bai He braiding Red Son's, who was braiding Mei's hair. Mei pulled one hand out of Spider Queen's hair to give Syntax a little wave before returning to braiding the queen's hair. Spider Queen gently weaved Huntsman's hair into a braid that looked above professional level. Huntsman was twisted at an odd angle in order to put some braids in Sandy's beard. And Sandy carefully created some tiny braids in Wukong's fur."
"I....see." Syntax said, holding up his phone and taking a quick picture before any of the braid train participants could notice.
"Do you wanna join?" MK asked, "You can either braid my hair or get yours braided by Monkey King. Your choice."
Syntax took a moment to think about it.
He ended up braiding MK's hair.
There was someone in the shower.
Now, usually, this wouldn't be such a mind-boggling thing, but-
All of the house's occupants stared at the bathroom door in trepidation.
"You sure Wukong didn't just accidentally leave the shower on again?" Princess Iron Fan asked, prompting some indignant sputtering from Wukong, who was sitting on Demon Bull King's shoulder. MK shook his head in the negative.
"No, I'm sure I heard someone moving in there." He said, crossing his arms.
"Why don't you or Monkey King just use your true sight and get this whole mystery over with?" Jin asked.
"Yeah, we've already been waiting for like, 20 minutes." Yin said.
"They're in the shower." MK said, "I'm not just gonna invade their privacy like that, regardless of who they are."
The shower turned off, and everyone turned to stare at the door again, in silence. There was some rustling around, and then the door opened.
Macaque. It was Macaque. Who, upon realizing that literally the entire household was standing in front of him, froze.
And then immediately tried to turn and run.
"Oh no you don't." Wukong said, jumping off of Demon Bull King's shoulder, and outright tackling the other monkey to the ground. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, I live here?" Macaque said, sitting up and shoving Wukong off of him.
"You turned down the invitation to come and live with us though...." Wukong said, slowly standing back up. ".....How long have you been here?"
"Two weeks."
"Two weeks?!" Everyone went into various states of shock.
"How could we not have noticed you?" MK asked.
"You- you did notice me though." Macaque said, "Like, we had a whole conversation in the kitchen at around 3 AM."
"You think I remember what happens at 3 am?!" MK said, holding his head in his hands, and Red Son comfortingly patted him on the back.
"What happens at 3 AM stays at 3 AM." Red Son said, sounding like he was saying some ancient wisdom despite the actual sentence being utter nonsense. Yin and Jin snapped their fingers as a look of realization appeared on their faces. 
"That's why we saw Wukong doing the laundry the other day." Yin said, "It was Macaque in disguise!"
"....Yeah, I figured you'd notice if I didn't do some chores, just to clean up after myself." Macaque sighed, and Pigsy turned to glare at Wukong and Tang.
"See? Even the ex-villain does more chores than you two." He said, and Wukong and Tang purposefully looked away, whistling innocently.
"Wait." Mei said, "If you've been here for two weeks, and we haven't seen you use any of the bedrooms... then where have you been sleeping?"
As it turned out, Macaque had been spending his nights in the storage closet, curled up in the darkest corner of the room with nothing other than a blanket and a small pillow. The others, of course, deemed this as unacceptable, and pretty much near shoved him into one of the leftover bed rooms.
...Which he didn't even end up using that night, as it ended up being a night where everyone ended up falling asleep in the living room, blankets and pillows strewn about everywhere.
The next morning, Macaque wasn't there when the others woke up, and there was a brief moment of panic over the monkey's whereabouts-
And then said monkey walked back into the room, using the shadows to help him carry some trays with breakfast on it.
He paused when he registered that everyone was staring at him.
"....What?" He asked, "I woke up first, that means I had breakfast duty, right?"
"I mean.....yeah." MK said, graciously accepting his plate of food. "But, to be honest. I kinda expected you to burn it like Monkey King did."
"Hey, I did that on purpose. For Red Son." Wukong said, "Cause, y'know. He likes charred food. Apparently."
"You did not do that on purpose and we all know it." Pigsy said, "You were just as unaware of Red Son's dietary habits as the rest of us."
"...I literally just woke up and I'm kinda feeling attacked." Red Son mumbled, sitting up. "Should I feel like I'm being attacked?"
"No, you're fine, we're just calling out Wukong again." Spider Queen whispered to him, and Red Son hummed before rolling back over, clearly intending on getting a few more minutes of rest despite the argument starting to occur in the room. Macaque, for his part, remained standing frozen, with MK standing beside him, nibbling at the food on his plate.
"....Should I be concerned about this?" Macaque asked, staring at the fight taking place. MK shrugged.
"Nah." He said, "This is just the same shit as always."
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Made a Grumpus OC
They're just one of few of them..not sure if I'll draw any of them, I drew them because..I'm bored
I have a grumpsona in mind..but I'm not finish with it's design
I guess I'll explain them
Amly Ductforce(I'm bad at names) came to Snaktooth island because they were bored and needed a vacation from their "job"
He's gender-fluid and doesn't mind people getting his pronouns wrong when he doesn't feel that gender, but some just call him a "They" and that's fine by him
One thing that she's really good at, is lying and stealing. When she came to Snaktooth Island, she started her hobby right away and stole some things from Wambus which got him pretty upset
He gives everyone nicknames despite not liking anyone besides Cromdo
She likes order yet enjoys chaos, sometimes, she would plant random objects that belong to the residents in each other's huts to start up something
When the town split, he went to the Boiling Bay due to the nice warm yet cold feel to it and because she wanted to steal stuff from Floofty
They're probably in their late 40s early 50s
Her and Cromdo get along for the most part as long as she doesn't steal anything from him
In their hut, they have a lot of stolen objects, most from Wambus
Their hut is beside Liz and Egg's hut but is to the right of the beach
If he was in the game, then you'd meet them the same time you meet Floofty
She doesn't like Lizbert because she always calls her out on the stuff she steals, same for Beffica
Due to his hatred to Lizbert, he shares the same hatred towards Eggabell but doesn't go out his way to steal from her, seeing her as too fragile
He's scared of Chandlo(because he would snap her like a twig), Shelda(because she acts like a cult leader), and Gramble(because he's too nice)
If they get caught stealing, they lie about it and theres a 90% chance it'll work due to their confident sounding voice and being a bit manipulative
Dialogue in game:
What everyone thinks of them
"Oh..them? They're..ok, as long as they don't cause any trouble.."
"She's just a thief, no wonder her and Cromdo work so well together, they're nothing but squeebs."
"I never spoke to him before..but..I don't think he likes me very much.."
"She stole my banjo and said she wanted to play a song, but then she threw it off a cliff! I'm so glad I have fast reflexives."
"All they do is steal stuff! Then lie about stealing that stuff! I haven't gotten my inventions back in 3 months!"
"Ah..that grump is something all right..greatest business partner ever, she and I are gonna rule the money world!"
"Oh..Amly? I don't come in contact with her often but Wamby doesn't like her."
"After they stole my balls AND Snorpy's inventions, I promised to never speak to them for the rest of my life bro!"
"I don't appreciate them stealing my leg or my notes. If given the chance, I would experiment on them."
"Do not speak of thy name who gladly would turn his back on us if given the chance!"
"Nope. I don't like her at all..she's not that attractive..and she hangs with Cromdo."
"I really don't like it when she tries to remove my arm..it hurts my feelings.."
Being asked about Floofty:
"I like stealing their stuff but if I offered to help them, I think they'll kill me."
Meeting them:
"Woah..a new face! I haven't seen anyone new around here in..grumping forever!"
"Who are ya and why are you talking to me?"
"Oh! You're that amateur journalist Lizzie was talking about! I thought you were never coming, isn't this grand? New faces! New people! New stuff to..borrow!"
"I'm Amly Dustforce, the ruler of Snaktooth island!"
Will you come back to town?
"Wait..town? No way..if Cromy's not there, then I'm not going!"
"Also, I'm a little parched, can ya get me a Sqaquiri? I'd drink those things, everyday of the week, maybe we can..cut a deal, how's that sound doll?"
*Caught Sqaquiri*
"Now THAT was a refreshing beveridge, thanks doll!"
"So, ya want me to come back to town? Well, I might need some convincing, I want ya to find out what that Filbo kid does when nobody's lookin, I could use it for..things."
*You find out what Filbo does*
"HA! Are you serious?! Oh jezz, and I thought he couldn't be more of a squeeb! HAHA! Goodness..that's a laugh I needed..ha!"
"Good to know theres some things to see in town, but I'm more interested in WHAT is in town."
"For ya final task, I want ya to steal Beffica's diary..then rip out some pages that are interesting, and give them to me. Easy."
*You grab the pages*
"Sweet! Good job my messenger grump!"
"*sigh*, I think I'm ready to go to town..but..first I want you to get Cromy in town."
But you said that was the final task
"I lied."
"Get Cromy in town and I'll follow right behind, deal?"
*Cromdo is in town*
"Wow! That was..slow but it'll do!"
"Thanks doll, looking forward to chatting with ya! Farewell!"
Have time for an interview?
"Interview? That sounds fun! I'm in."
Who are you?
"Amly Ductforce, it's pronounced Aim-ly. Strange. I know."
Why come to Snaktooth Island?
"I heard of Lizzie's stupid conspiracy on TV, I was about to change the channel when I heard there was an island involved, and I just so happened to be looking for a place to host my vacation. So I packed up and lied about being interested in her expedition."
Vacation from what?
"My life. My job. My family. Everything basically."
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
"I guess they're ok, the names could be better..but some taste pretty good. Note, keep away from the Aggroll."
"Because those things will break some bones and the flavor isn't even worth it! Also because it's named after someone I'm not found of."
Why did you leave town?
"I could handle the drama between Wamby and Gram, but once Cromy left, I had no reason to stay. I wanted to follow him, but I decided to live near the beach instead, so yeah."
What do you think about Cromdo?
"Me and him have a pretty decent relationship, I give him what he wants and he takes the fall for me. Simple business."
Are you planning on betraying him?
"No way, he's cool, I don't consider him a friend, but he's still great to work with."
Any info on Lizbert?
"Liz..I grumping hate her! She keeps saying I stole stuff from her, I would never do such a thing! If she didn't have that little obstacle beside her, I would burn her hut down!"
Woah, calm down. Who's this obstacle?
"I am calm..just speaking out my mind. And I'm talking about Eggabell. The doctor? Lizzie's girlfriend? Eggy bell? Yeah. She and her are like..two papers in a file. Theres nothing you can do to separate those two."
What happened to Lizbert?
"If we're being honest, I'm not sure."
Are you lying?
"Heh. For once in my life, no. I really don't know what happened to Lizzie, she went up that mountain and didn't come back."
How do you know she went up the mountain?
"I saw her."
Why didn't you tell anyone?
"I did. Nobody besides Cromy believed me, guess that's the price being the best liar in the world."
That'll be it. Thank you
"No problem doll, that was pretty fun! Here, have this!"
*stolen piece of journal paper*
"Found it while cleaning Lizzie's hurt, it might help ya in someway. Any who, I gotta run, farewell!"
Side Quests:
"Heya doll, you won't believe what I discovered! It'll help ya find Liz!"
"First..get me a Poptick..it's very important."
"Trust me! It's super super SUPER important!
Sure, I guess
"Caramel please."
*Got the Poptick*
"Perfect..now..I need a Snaquiri.."
Are you going to tell me why?
"Nope. Make it quick! I have a feeling my brain's about to forget everyone!"
*Got the Snaquiri*
"Good..now..I need a Cheery, that'll be all to finish this!"
I have a feeling you're lying
"I'm hurt."
"Hurry up! I'm losing my life force!"
*Got the Cheery*
"That's it. I was just hungry."
Why did you say it was important
"There was no way you'd do it if I asked, so I just..slightly lied."
"Calm down doll! Everything fine! Nobody got hurt.."
You have a lying problem
"I know..but I can't do anything about it, it's the only thing I got."
"When you're a liar, nobody wants to be around you, nobody likes you..and nobody will trust you."
"Ever since birth, I lied, stole, and broke so many things, nobody wants anything to do with me. I had no friend and my family kept saying I was a bad person..so I don't talk to them anymore."
"Lying is all I got left doll and if I stop, I got nothing. So I'm not stopping anytime soon, so deal with it."
"Thanks for the food..farewell."
Welcome back message:
"Heya Wamby, didn't know you'd be back either! How sweet! The gangs coming back!"
"Amly, if you go near my farm-"
"What? Me? Go near your farm? No way! I would never!"
"Don't think that everyone things you're a saint! Only Cromdo thinks that!"
"I don't think I am one, but it's nice knowing you think so!"
"Just stay away from my farm."
"Deal. Happy catching up with you!"
Major Celebration Dialogue:
"You know, Cromby..maybe we should take a break from our business, we're making a few people upset by it."
"Agreed. What should we do to be occupied til then?"
"Hm..maybe we could sell Bugsnax? I could..borrow that trap the journalist uses."
"Yeah..yeah I like that idea!"
"It's settled! Cromy and Amly's marketing lives on!"
"We need a better name."
*approaching him*
"Heya doll, how's the party?"
*asked to dance*
"Sorry, but I'm working. Maybe when we sell out."
*sold out*
"Wow! That was quick, how's about a dance Cromy?"
"You bet! Meet you on the dance floor!"
Reaction to partner(I guess..he paired with Cromdo and Beff):
Cromdo: "Grumping..NO!"
Beffica: "Wait..no..what..what's going on?!"
Dying message:
"I'm nothing but a liar..a cold..worthless liar. I hurt so many people..no wonder I have no friends..at least I got bugsnax.."
Final message(Good ending):
"What the ever grump was all that?! Why..did...oh zonk who cares?We're alive! Ha ha! Amly lives to see a new day!
You know..after all of this..I think I'll finally turn over that new leaf..I'll quit my job..and start fresh in the country. I should also apologize to everyone I hurt, so..sorry doll, I stole your pen...
Geez that took a lot out of me! Ah! This'll be hard!
But..it feels..kinda nice..guess I shouldn't wait around..farewell, til we cross paths again, doll."
Final message(Bad ending)
"What..the grump? Cromdo..he's..gone. This..makes me..realize..our lives are so..fragile, I..shouldn't waste it..
Oh Cromdo..if I known that..I would have put myself in your place
At least..maybe we could be together..again
Business partners forever...ha.."
I over complicate everything
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outlier-rookie · 4 years
Of Blood and Greatness - Chapter 1
Chapter 1/?? - The Kid In The Camp
AO3 Link
“Who’s there?” John’s rough voice called out as Arthur rode back into camp.
“It’s Arthur! You dumbass.” He yelled in reply, receiving a huff in return.
“You’re back. Dutch wants to speak to ya.”
“What’s he want this time?” Arthur asked, drawing his horse to a halt in front of the other man.
“Ask him yourself.” The scared man replied, walking right past Arthur to continue his patrol.
Grumbling under his breath, Arthur guided his horse, a proud Andalusian he’d taken to calling Admiral on account of the stallions headstrong and commanding nature, over to the hitching posts. As he rode over his eyes were drawn to an unfamiliar horse hitched by the camp entrance, waiting patiently and grazing on the tufts of grass at its hooves. It was a gorgeous Missouri Fox Trotter with a clean golden coat and a rich dark mane streaked with blonde. He didn’t spend long studying the horse and instead picked up the buck he’d stowed on Admiral’s back and began trudging over to Pearson’s wagon.
But for the second time in as many minutes, an unfamiliar sight drew his attention. Sitting at the circular table and looking very out of place was a kid. Arthur took a moment to study them as he passed wondering what a young one such as themselves was doing in the middle of a camp of outlaws. The kid couldn’t have been older than thirteen or fourteen and was on the thin side. They weren’t that tall either, wearing a shirt too big for their thin frame with the sleeves rolled up in an effort to make the ill-fitting garment more wearable. In their hands they fidgeted with a ratty old hat and their hair was mattered and dirty giving the impression the kid hadn’t had so much as a bedroll to sleep on. An old memory of when Hosea and Dutch first took him in, and later John, drifted into Arthur’s thoughts as he passed. He’d barely handed the buck over to Pearson when Dutch approached him.
“Arthur, good to see you back, son.” The dark-haired man smiled as he clapped Arthur on the shoulder, directing the younger outlaw back towards the kid sat at the table.
“So what’s going on?” Arthur asked, “John said you wanted to talk to me ‘bout somethin’.” As the two men approached, the kid raised their head and locked eyes with Arthur. Arthur was nearly at a loss for words as the kid stared right into his soul. Their eyes were an almost unnaturally vivid shade of blue; much more intense than his own. What stuck him as odd was the weary look they held. It was the same look he’d sometimes see in Hosea’s eyes. Tired, haunted eyes like that had no place on some kid. Standing, the kid placed the ratty hat on their head and continued to stare at the two men as Dutch started to introduce them.
“This here is, uh.”
“(Y/N). My name’s (Y/N).” The kid filled in.
“Yes, this here is young (Y/N).” Dutch continued, leaving Arthur’s side to stand between him and the kid- (Y/N). “Bold little thing. Road right up into camp saying they wanted to talk to the leader of this gang and wasn’t taking ‘No’ for an answer.” He explained, chuckling lightly as he did. Arthur nodded as he hooked his thumbs into his belt, shifting his weight into a more casual stance.
“Why you coming out here to talk to a bunch of outlaws like us?” He asked watching with a critical eye as the kid hesitated for a moment, their eyes flicking to the ground as they brought their hands together and started picking at the skin around their nails. It took a few false starts before they finally got the words out.
“I want… I want ta join the gang.” Their hands dropped back to their sides and once again Arthur found those piercing blue eyes staring intently at him once more.
“I dunno Dutch.” He started, barely managing to break his gaze away from those haunting blue eyes. “They’re awfully young to be, runnin’ with folk like us.” He said, waving his hand and gesturing to the likes of Bill and Micah.
“I ain’t that young!” (Y/N) snapped.
“Kid, you can’t be more than fourteen at the oldest.”
“I’m fifteen! And I can take care of myself!”
“They why you want to join up with a gang? We ain’t some orphanage kid and we ain’t good people.”
“Now now Arthur.” Dutch cut in, raising his hand between the two. “You were the same age when Hosea and I took you in. And John was much younger.” He argued, drawing an aggravated sigh from Arthur.
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea Dutch. Look at em. They’re just a kid. And the world’s changing, cracking down on folks like us. It ain’t safe-”
“I ain’t safe on my own either!” The kid interrupted. “I ain’t been safe since the day I was born. And besides,” They continued, crossing their arms and leaning back on their heels, doing their best to stare down their nose at Arthur, “I don’t come untrained. I can shoot any gun and hit any target and I don’t miss unless the gun fails.”
Arthur stared incredulously at (Y/N) as Dutch let out a hearty laugh.
“And that ain’t the only thing I have to offer.” They continued. “Them fellas, uh. The special lawmen, the uh, the um-”
“The Pinkerton’s.” Dutch supplied.
“Yeah them! The Pinkerton’s are looking for you and are crawling all over Blackwater. But they ain’t looking for me.” Arthur narrowed his eyes and crossed his own arms.
“Whatchu getting at kid?”
“They’re saying, Arthur, that they can get into Blackwater and get our money. We can get out of here and be on our way!”
“I don’t know about this Dutch.”
“I’m with Arthur.” A fourth voice joined the conversation as Hosea strolled up to the three of them. “You’re an avid reader Dutch. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’?”
“Come on old friend, think of what this could mean for us! All that money we lost at Blackwater, back in our hand. Valentine is only a temporary stop and we need to move soon. With the money from Blackwater back in our hands we can do a hell of a lot more than what we were originally hoping!”
Hosea sighed and continued to argue against it with Dutch when the kid cut in once more, drawing the attention of just about everyone in camp.
“I already got it!”
Dutch and Hosea froze mid-argument.
“What?” Dutch asked and Arthur swore he heard a note of confusion in the older outlaws voice.
“Your money from Blackwater. I already got it, so even if you sent someone back there and they managed to avoid running into the law, you won’t find it.”
Dutch’s earlier lax and cheerful demeanour disappeared as he stepped closer to the kid, his voice low and dangerous. “And how, exactly, did you find out where we hid it if we are to believe you.”
“Adults don’t pay a lot of attention to kids. Even less so if they’re street kids like me. Heard some of them, fancy-looking fellas, talking ‘nd saying they was investigatin’ you and thought they might know where you hid your valuables in case something happened.”
“And you just happened to get there and find it first?” Arthur growled, arms dropping to his side, right hand hovering by his gun. (Y/N)’s eyes followed Arthur’s movements as they too came to rest on the handle of Arthur’s gun.
“Yeah. I did.” They replied sharply, raising their own eyes back to meet his.
A tense silence filled the air as the camp went quiet.
“Stay. Here.” Dutch’s voice finally broke the silence. “Hosea, Arthur, with me.” The three men trekked away towards Dutch’s tent leaving the teenager alone at the table; a quick signal to Javier had the Mexican man nodding as he set himself up to watch the (h/c) teen while the others talked. Once the flaps to the tent had been drawn and fastened, Arthur exchanged a worried glance with Hosea while Dutch rubbed at his chin, his eyebrows creased with thought.
“What’s the plan Dutch?” Arthur softly questioned a hint of worry colouring his words.
“I’m not sure just yet Arthur. Hosea, what do you think?” Hosea huffed before replying.
“I think we continue with the plan to get away from Valentine. We’ve just about outstayed our welcome and it’s time to move on. I think it far more likely that this kid is part of a Pinkerton trap set to catch us.”
“And if they are telling the truth? If they really have gotten our money out from Blackwater and it’s now within our reach? It a lot of money Hosea, if we had that back then we could get the hell out here.”
“Is the slim chance that they are telling the truth worth the lives of everyone in camp Dutch?” The older outlaw returned. “We’ve already lost the Mac, Davey and Jenny. If this kid is luring us into a trap, who else will we lose?” Dutch brought his hand up to his mouth and nodded solemnly at Hosea’s words, though the crease in his brow suggested he was less than happy with the answer he was given.
“And what do you think Arthur?”
Arthur scratched at his stubble, drawing a hissed breathe as he thought about their options. He strongly sided with Hosea. This whole deal of a random kid wandering into their camp, claiming to have possession of their money was already a wild tale. Add on to that the fact they were apparently willing to just hand it back over to them in return for a place in the gang was just confusing. Anyone with half as much brains as Marston who found the money would have taken it for themselves, and yet this kid was here and offering to give it all back to them with not a lot in return. And yet something was stopping him from outright refusing to consider the kid might be telling the truth.
“I want to ask the kid something first.” He finally said. “They gotta have a reason for wanting to join up with folk like us. This kid could have set themselves up for life if they were smart with the money but instead, they’re trying to return it and get in our good graces. I want to find out what that reason is first.” He finished.
Dutch and Hosea were silent for a spell before the eldest outlaw smiled and clapped Arthur on the arm. “And you claim you ain’t a thinker boy.” Arthur tugged his hat a little further over his face as he averted his eyes, muttering a half-hearted argument under his breath before making his way back toward (Y/N). The teen looked up at Arthur as he stopped by the table, silently regarding the young teen before him. Silently, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it as he kicked a leg up on the short barrel that acted as a chair. The two stared silently at each other as Arthur puffed away before taking the lit cigarette from between his lips and addressed them as Hosea and Dutch watched a short distance behind him.
“Why do you want to join the gang?” He asked slowly, his drawl weighing his words down heavily as he spoke. “You could’ve taken all that money for yourself so why go to all the trouble of bringing it down to us? Worse people than us could have found you and they wouldn’t have had any qualms about robbing and killing some half-starved fifteen-year-old kid sleeping out alone in on the plains.” He paused, taking another drag and lazily blowing out the smoke. “Whatever you want from us must be worth a lot more to you than money.”
(Y/N) didn’t answer straight away. They squeezed their hands tightly and Arthur could barely see them biting their lip from under their ratty hat.
“M’ Dad.” Was the soft reply. Arthur stayed silent and watched as the kid drew a shaky breath. “My auntie. She said that my Daddy is an outlaw. Said that- that he knows the Van Der Linde gang. I just. I want to meet him.” They finished with a shrug.
“What’s your Daddy’s name kid?” Dutch asked, coming up to sit beside the teenager who was suddenly looking much smaller than they did when Arthur first spoke to them.
“I- I don’t-” Again the kid tightly wrung their hands as if it would relieve the emotional pressure they were feeling. “I know what he looks like. That’s all I need. I don’t care if he wants nothin’ ta do with me. I just want him to know that I exist, I suppose.”
Arthur stubbed the end of his cigarette and dropped the butt on the ground, turning to look at Hosea and Dutch who shared a mildly surprised look. Arthur mulled over the information in his head. Fifteen years ago when (Y/N) would have been born, it was mainly Dutch and Hosea finding jobs that he’d sometimes join, while Susan and Bessie looked after John. Uncle might have been around then too but Arthur failed to see any similarities between the drunken old man and the kid who currently looked like they wanted the ground to swallow them.
As Arthur was mulling over everything, Hosea stepped up and took a seat by the teen.
“You mentioned your Aunt earlier, but what about your mother?” he asked gently.
“Don’t have one.” Came a barely legible mumble. Silence once again fell over the group but no one seemed eager to break it this time. Just as he was about to say something, anything really, Dutch beat him to it.
“How far away did you hide the money?”
“W-West of Valentine.”
With a nod, Dutch turned his attention to Arthur. “Arthur, I want you to take Javier and Charles with you and the kid.” Turning back to the kid he continued. “I trust that you aren’t going to lead my boys into a trap.” He said. “If you stay true to your word then there’ll be a place for you among us.”
The kid's face lit up at Dutch’s words. “Yessir!” They cheered; face aglow in the afternoon sun as they turned to Arthur. “We should leave as soon as possible. To be back before the sun gets too low, ya know?” Arthur grunted in response and waved for the kid to mount up. They only took a few steps before spinning back around. “Can I get my gun back?” Dutch shrugged and nodded.
Arthur strolled back over to Admiral, running a hand along the steed’s neck as the horse noses at the satchel hanging by the man’s side. Feeding the stallion a fresh apple, Arthur doubled checked his saddlebags for ammo and supplies while he waited for Charles, Javier, and the kid. Not even five minutes later he was joined by the kid, repeater slung across their back, with Charles and Javier at their heels. They boldly strolled up to the Fox Trotter, smiling brightly as the horse nosed at their offered hand before the kid swung themselves up onto the saddle.
Sparing a place at Charles and Javier and seeing the two men also sat up in their respective horses, Arthur nodded at the kid. “Alright then, lead on.” He instructed with a wave.
“Follow me, gentlemen.”
And with that, they were off.
Thank you for your patience! The first chapter for “Of Blood and Greatness” is finally finished!
As a reminder, this is a Red Dead Redemption 2 crossover fanfic as it contains elements of Percy Jackson (you don’t need any prior knowledge of PJO,)
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rwbyremnants · 3 years
WARNING: tiny hints of Non-Freezerburn content 
So this is the very beginning of when this story begins to drift from being focused on Freezerburn goodness (it really goes off the rails later). I know some of you don't like to see the ships change mid fanfic so I figured I would give you a heads up. Don't worry, Yang and Weiss are still endgame and there will be plenty of those two throughout, but there's going to be a lot of fuckery happening over the next couple dozen chapters. Bear with me!
=Chapter 34
After watching Cinder enjoy the attentions of two young ladies a bit more than she probably ought to have, Kali quietly herded the rest of them from the room. Pyrrha offered to stay, despite Weiss' repeated attempts to help usher her to the exit; seemed she really didn't mind indulging Cinder just this once. Emerald offered to give her friend a ride back on her bike once they were through so everything was taken care of.
Once walking back to the car, Kali patted Ilia on the shoulder. “I'm proud of you, little one.”
“What? M-me? Why?”
“You came in, stood your ground, and reminded the rest of us that one of our own was suffering. We tried to help, but hadn't tried our hardest yet. It was important.”
Ilia was still smiling from the compliments when Blake cleared her throat and added, “Y-yeah. That was pretty cool of you.”
The next smile was a completely different kind. Weiss nudged Yang with her elbow as they split off from the others to get on her motorcycle.
“She really has it bad, doesn't she?”
“Oh yeah,” Yang chortled as she started it up. Weiss swung onto the seat behind her, sliding her arms around Yang's middle gratefully. “One too many bottles of Love Potion Number 9. She’s been head over heels for Belladonna as long as we've known her.”
“Right… do you think she’ll ever get past thinking of her as ‘the new girl’ and see her as just a girl? Because I think she's kind of sweet in her own way. But maybe she's just not Blake's type.”
Yang glanced over her shoulder at her as she began to guide the bike toward the exit of the parking lot. “Really? And if you're so smart, little miss teacher's pet, what is Blake's type?”
“Tall blondes who lead biker gangs, apparently.”
That insinuation nearly made her guide the bike into the shrubbery instead. “Hey! Not funny.”
“Well, it’s-” Weiss had been about to insist that it was the truth, but then she remembered it was a truth she wasn’t supposed to divulge! And she had come so close to spilling the beans! “It's, um, a little funny, right?”
“NO! You almost gave me a heart attack! Come on, Blake being sweet on me? That would be a disaster!”
She knew her own laughter sounded forced, but at least she had managed to laugh. After following the Belladonna car for a few blocks, she asked, “Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but I'm curious. Why would that be such a disaster? I mean, Blake is a beautiful girl.”
A scoffing noise came from the gangster in front of her on the bike. “She's just… like a sister to me, you know? It would be like dating Ruby, which I definitely don't want to do either. But I'm not denying she's cute. Just don't feel those kind of feelings for her.” Once they got to a stop sign, she chanced a grin over her shoulder. “Not what I feel for you, Princess.”
Though she still wanted to continue the conversation about Blake, feeling bad that Yang felt no attraction to her, the comment filled her stomach with so many butterflies that she couldn't seem to focus on it anymore.
Soon enough, they were parking in the driveway and disembarking their various vehicles. Ilia stretched and Kali let out weary sigh as they walked up to the front door. Yang reached down and took Weiss's hand, and she gladly squeezed back.
The sight of Willow Schnee sobbing on the couch brought their mood down a couple of points. However, upon seeing the group entering, she looked up and flashed them a bleary smile.
“O-oh! You're back much s-sooner than I expected! How was your visit with your friend?”
“Fine, Mother,” Weiss began carefully as the rest of them filed in. “She's being taken care of now. What's wrong? Are you okay?”
The woman waved a regal hand, dismissing the concern. “No worse than when you left, don't worry. Raven… was kind enough to offer to make me a cup of coffee to settle my nerves. Though she has been gone for some time.”
Weiss, Kali, and Yang went through into the dining room, then into the kitchen. There they found a clearly frazzled Raven Branwen standing in front of the counter, where coffee grounds and water were strewn everywhere — including all over herself.
“Oh.” Her eyes shifted back and forth. “I can explain this.”
Kali chuckled. “You were trying to play host in an unfamiliar home?”
“How do you work this stupid espresso machine? You pretentious ass.” Her pale cheeks were the very tiniest bit rosy; it wasn’t much of a blush, but still far worse than Weiss ever remembered seeing in Yang’s mother’s expression.
“Here,” she sighed, nipping up a washcloth to help clean it up. But Raven stiffened, so she put her hands on her hips. “Do you want my help or not?”
Raven relented, and Weiss and Yang stood back and watched in mild fascination as Kali helped her clean the counter off somewhat, then moved on to preparing coffee together. It was like seeing a ballerina dancing alongside a rhinoceros. Several times, they glanced at each other in sheer disbelief before returning to the spectacle.
“That was… special,” Yang muttered once they had finally excused themselves.
“Agreed. I’ve never seen her like that.”
That brought a slightly shy smile to the bruiser’s lips. “I have. But… yeah, not real often, or in front of other people.” She shrugged. “Maybe she likes your mom.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. She barely knows her!”
“So? You barely know me.”
“You… make a compelling point,” Weiss conceded as they returned to the living room, Yang chuckling and slinging an arm around her neck.
Within half an hour, Raven came back with the coffee. There had been a couple of shouts, but nothing prolonged or sharp enough to truly worry anyone. Mrs. Schnee gracefully accepted the cup and they all chatted for a while. In a way, it almost seemed like they were paired off: Willow and Raven, Ilia and Blake, Weiss and Yang. Kali was the odd woman out, but didn’t look at all uncomfortable simply playing host.
“Wouldn’t that be weird?” Weiss asked when they were poking around in Blake’s room a little later. Yang looked right at home, but she was completely captivated by the unfamiliar surroundings. Stunned that she was going to live here for a while… possibly a long while.
“Wouldn’t what be weird?”
Shrugging, she sat on the bed. “If our mothers were dating. I mean, that would make us sisters.”
“So?” Yang giggled. “I was sniffing around your skirt first; I get dibs.”
“Stop that,” she laughed, swatting her shoulder. “I mean it. Do you want to be sleeping with your stepsister? Aren’t our lives crazy enough already?”
Yang walked over and straddled Weiss’s lap, hands sliding into her hair as her thumbs traced their way up and down her girlfriend’s temples. “Sounds hot.”
“Ohhhh… wait, what are you doing?”
“Enjoying myself?” Her nose nuzzled into Weiss’s ear. “Didn’t think it had been so long since we fooled around that you forgot what it was like.”
Dipping her head away from the nose and the lips moving down to her neck, she sighed shakily. “Hey, hey! We’re in Blake’s room!”
“So what? She’ll understand. I mean, we gotta take it where we can get it.”
“No, you…” How could she explain this to her? She couldn’t - not without betraying Blake’s trust. “I just… don’t think she would… not on her bed.”
Yang drew back, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Why? Is there something wrong with this bed?”
“No, it’s-”
“Bedbugs? Rusty springs?”
“Yang…” The lips pulled her earlobe in, and she had to push her away to head off a pronounced moan. “Listen to me!”
That finally got her attention. The bruiser finally sat completely back, frowning at her girlfriend. “Hey. What’s shaking? You’re being kinda weird.”
She didn’t have to tell her the whole story. But she at least deserved part of the truth. “I’m not comfortable doing this in Blake’s room. If you want to go out to the back yard and neck for a little while, then that’s peachy, but… I don’t know. I can’t get in the mood in here.”
“What’s so special about a room? I wasn’t going to get her sheets dirty or anything.” But seeing that Weiss was serious, she leaned down and gave her a sweeter, less heated kiss. “Sorry. We can put it on ice.”
“Good. Because I fully intend to go back to the icebox for it later.”
“Good,” she agreed with a wicked little grin before their lips found each other’s again. Even that was a bit odd for Weiss to be doing in the room of the girl who was still crushing on her girlfriend… but all relationships require some amount of compromise.
Weiss felt awkward about sleeping in Blake’s bed. Though Blake had insisted, and taken the couch, it still didn’t feel right; she was only supposed to be crashing there for a short time. Kali's large queen-sized bed was big enough to accommodate both their mothers with ease, but Blake’s smaller twin was not; technically, yes, but comfortably, no.
She was so discomfited that she couldn’t stand it anymore. Sometime after midnight, she began to creep downstairs, hoping to check on her. She only got halfway down the staircase before she began to hear…
‘Shoot,’ she thought harshly to herself as she frowned, trying to decide if she could make it back upstairs without being noticed. It wasn’t terribly likely. Besides, even though she wanted to give Blake her privacy, she wanted to help her friend even more. Or at least offer help; if she told her to go the hell away, that would be that.
Instantly, the raven-haired girl sat bolt upright, eyes wide with true fear as she stared at Weiss. It faded quickly, leaving her looking broken and tired.
“Weiss… go the hell away.”
Message received. “O-okay. I’m sorry.”
“Wait…” Sighing, she covered her eyes with her hand. “No, I should be the one apologising. I’ll go, I’ll… I want a drink of water.”
When Blake stood to make her way to the kitchen, Weiss moved the rest of the way into the living room as quick as she could. “Please don’t go. I can get it for you.”
“Why would you?”
“Because… because I feel bad for interrupting. Please, just let me? I won’t take two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”
She let her take care of the task. Weiss came back with two small glasses of milk. Blake raised an eyebrow. “What are these for?”
“Milk helps you sleep.”
“That’s warm milk, isn’t it?” But when Weiss’s smile slipped a little, she took her glass quickly. “I-it’s fine. Thanks.”
“Mm.” They both took a few sips as Weiss sat next to her on the couch. The air seemed to ratchet up with tension. So long had passed since they had a simple, civil conversation that she almost had forgotten what that was like. Eventually, just when she felt she might have to make an excuse and just go back upstairs, Blake spoke up.
“Sorry I’ve been so weird.”
“It’s alright.”
“No… no, it’s not. I’ve been stupid, and jealous, and… and taking out stuff with our moms on you. Still being weird about Yang. And that’s gonna stop right here, tonight.” Her amber eyes turned up to look at Weiss, a little uncertainty in them. “Not totally, I mean… I’m still a girl, I can’t help my girlish heart. But I’ll work on it.”
Smiling and nudging her with her forearm, Weiss said, “Don’t worry about it. It’s really alright. Um…”
“This is none of my business. But I think you and Ilia would be really cute together.”
It took Blake a few seconds of staring off into the corner before she came up with an answer. “You’re right. That’s none of your business.” Seeing Weiss deflate prompted her to nudge right back. “But I get that you think you’re helping. Just… cut it out, that’s all.”
“Got it.” After a second, she sighed and said, “Are you really alright on this couch? I honestly thought it would be me down here. Doesn’t seem very comfortable, and we are invading your hou-”
“You know my mom would never let me hear the end of it if I made you sleep on the couch, sister.”
“Then let’s share the bed. Please, I mean it, I just do not feel comfortable up there by myself - it’s not my room, it’s yours, and I can’t… I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. That’s unacceptable!”
Blake appeared caught off her guard, openly staring at her guest. However, a little twinkle of amusement was sparking in her amber eyes behind the surprise. “You want to sleep with me?”
“If you’re going to phrase it like that, then no,” she scoffed, prompting a little chuckle from the other Dragon. “Otherwise… I mean, you know I’m pretty tiny.”
“Not that tiny. But alright - you’re on, Schnee. We could try it.”
After finishing off their milk, the two made their way upstairs and wriggled into the bed. It was more than a little uncomfortable at first. They wound up facing away from each other, trying not to think about rear ends and toes touching; it helped that Weiss was in fuzzy pyjamas, adding an extra layer of separation.
Weiss rolled onto her back. “What?” But Blake only curled around her side. “E-excuse me! What is the meaning of-”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered softly.
“What for? We already covered this topic downstairs.”
“Still feel like a horse’s ass. You’ve actually been a real cool cat since Yang started making eyes at you, and I just… wanted to hate you. Tried not to, but it would have been easier if I could. And I… and w-with our parents… why am I so stupid?!”
“Again, we covered this,” she told her again, but her voice was more gentle as she pet gently along her back. “I could have tried harder to understand that this wasn’t easy for you. And… I feel like I should have figured out that was part of the problem a lot sooner. So don’t-”
Blake squeezed a little tighter, and Weiss could do nothing but wrap her arms around her a little more tightly. They stayed like that for a few minutes before she could feel Blake begin to shake from the force of her own sobs, in spite of how desperately she was trying to suppress any noise escaping. It broke her heart. Why did life have to be so hard sometimes?
“You thought you could get away…”
The fire was coming. Weiss was trying to throw off the chains as quickly as she could before it caught up to her, clawing them from around her ankles and wrists, but she couldn’t grip them firmly enough. What was the matter with her? The stupid puffy ballgown was definitely not helping matters, it kept getting tangled and snagging on the bed of nails below.
“You’re mine,” her father snarled - except he wasn’t her father. He was a dragon, large and sprawling and covered in gleaming white scales, red eyes blazing down at her as he clawed his way across the craggy landscape. “MINE!”
“No!” she cried, even though no sound was coming out. A silent scream as she tried desperately to escape. He was going to catch her, drag her back to his hoard of treasure!
Then the claws were closing around her, pushing chains into her skin, closing the trap…
When Weiss’s eyes flew open, for just an instant, she still believed it had all been real. The sweat soaking through the neckline of her pj’s told her that her subconscious mind had believed it as well. What a horrible nightmare. Obviously she had a lot on her mind lately, but did her brain have to put her through it when she was asleep? That should have been her time to escape from the strife.
Then she realised why she felt so chained.
“Yang,” Blake was mumbling in her sleep as she clung even tighter to Weiss’s body than she had before slumbering, practically on top of her now. That was about the saddest thing she had ever witnessed. Poor thing had it bad.
Maybe… she should step aside? No. That was stupid. Weiss knew without any further reflection that she and Yang loved each other. Even if she wished she could do something for Blake, that would not be possible without making an even bigger sacrifice - and one that would solve nothing, since Yang did not have those feelings for Blake. But there had to be something she could do!
Then she felt hips shifting against one of her thighs, grinding slightly. That wasn’t the ‘something’ she had in mind.
‘Oh golly,’ she thought in alarm, going stock still. ‘So she’s having THAT kind of dream. What do I do?!’ The movements didn’t stop, presumably because Yang wasn’t stopping in the raven-haired Dragon’s mindscape. If she woke Blake up, she would be horribly embarrassed if she ever found out later… but if she didn’t wake her up…
Another little moan told her she couldn’t leave it at this. Weiss tried to shake her shoulder. “Blake?” No response, just more squirming - and her cheeks flared with heat, her heart beating faster. “Blake! Gee whiz!”
Finally, those amber orbs popped open in the darkened room. They swivelled around a few times before training on Weiss, completely caught off her guard seeing her there.
“You were, um….”
“Schnee, what are you doing here? What's-” She moved a little, and her words cut off. Even in the low lighting, she could see her face draining of colour. “What… was I...?”
Even though she felt a little mean about saying so, she couldn’t help teasing a teensy bit. “Your dream self clearly thought I was some other gal. Unless… you still want to make me ‘see stars’?”
“Shut up. This isn't… I'll move so we can-” But when she tried to move, it prompted a shiver and a moan that cut off all further speech.
“Wow. You're really ready to go.”
Holding completely still, Blake hissed urgently, “It's not what it looks like! You know I would never do this to any girl while she's asleep, right? Please tell me you know at least that much!”
“I do,” she laughed, her own cheeks rosy by now. “I could tell you were having some really steamy peep show dream. And… and that's why I woke you up.”
“Ugh… couldn't you have just let me finish? Now I'm all pent up and frustrated.” Her hips moved a little again, and she whimpered.
“If I let you finish while you were asleep, then I would feel like the one taking advantage! But for what it's worth, I'm sorry!”
After a few more idle thrusts, Blake sighed and forced her hips to still. “No… no, you're right. I'm just… never mind.”
But Weiss decided she'd had enough of pussyfooting around this topic. “Just wish it was Yang sleeping over instead of me?” When amber eyes turned to her, guilty as they were fearful, she hastened to add, “I'm not upset. Believe me, I understand just how attractive Yang is. Maybe if you were trying to get her to two-time me, I'd be getting territorial, but… I don't know. You're a good friend to both of us, and you can't help having eyes for her.”
“How… can you not be angry?” she breathed in sheer surprise. “Or at least yelling at me to… to get over it? Yang is going steady with you now, and I have no right-”
“Hey, you have every right to feelings. It's what you do with them that counts.” Her hand reached down to give the Belladonna behind a little tap. “And this was involuntary, so don't think I'm holding it against you.”
For a moment, Blake just tried her best to weather the sensations and take in the words from her temporary roommate. Then she smirked. “Y-yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm the one holding 'it’ against you.”
“SHHHH!” Though they both giggled. “Um… yeah, I don't know what to say. You can keep going if you… really need it? It feels like-”
“No, no, I can stop.” She rolled onto her back, panting as if she had just run a mile. “Wowie zowie…”
For a few seconds, the two teenagers lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to make sense of their crazy situation. A lot had transpired in a very short amount of time. Really, in only a few short weeks, Weiss had gone from oblivious little princess of Atlas Heights to a bonafide gangster, dating a girl and standing up to a tyrannical father she had never thought would force her and her mother out of their own home. And Blake…
Well, Blake had lost her shot at Yang. Knowing just how great Yang was made it impossible to pretend that wasn't an awful blow.
“What?” Weiss whispered.
“I… I can't go back to sleep.” Her eyes looked even guiltier when her head turned to look at her. “Maybe if I… move to the couch?”
Weiss bit her lip. “Or I could make a trip to the bathroom. And while I'm gone… you could, um, take care of whatever needs taking care of?”
“Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that! And then you'll come back in and the room will stink like me. No, I'll… I'll get over it. Don't worry.”
“But you're so keyed up! Just let me let you do this. I don't care how the room smells,” she added as an afterthought.
“But it'll be…” Seeming to rethink her words, she turned away. “Besides, the last thing I want is to wake up my mom with this. So if either of us get up… forget it. I'll just wait until I take a bath in the morning.”
Scoffing, she reached over to nudge Blake with her elbow. “You just said you can't sleep. I'll be really quiet on my way out, I promise.”
Now she looked truly conflicted. Even moreso than before. Why? Was Kali that light of a sleeper? A glance over showed her that Blake's legs were constantly squirming, though in a way that kept her from moving the bed too much. She looked miserable, and humiliated besides. Even while she was looking, she could swear she saw her eyes misting over, though in the low light from the window it was hard to tell.
“Hey,” she breathed softly, hand coming to rest on her forearm. “I can be quiet as a mouse. It's no trouble; I have to go a little, anyway.” That was an exaggeration; she did, but it would be easy to ignore until the following morning.
“How can you be so nice to me when I've been such a bitter… shrew?” she demanded, her voice soaked with emotion. “I even… I even thought…”
When she didn't finish, Weiss eventually gripped her forearm a bit tighter. “You even thought what? It's alright, I'm not going to kick you out of your own bedroom. I promise. You can say anything that's on your mind.”
“I even…” The tears were falling now, and she reached up to brush them from Blake's cheek. “When y-you were in the hospital, I really thought for one second that it might be better if you didn't make it, and everything could go back to normal! How stupid! I don't w-want you to die, not really, and even if you did, things won't go back to normal anyway! Why do I have to be so… s-so awful?!”
Weiss rolled over to hug Blake tightly, and felt her return the embrace as they clung to each other, only the latter sobbing. Though a cold feeling settled into the pit of her stomach from the sentiment, the knowledge that at any point Blake had wished death upon her, it didn't make much of a dent in her gratitude that she was opening up - no longer keeping her at arm's length. If they were ever going to truly be friends, they would have to evolve past petty jealousies one way or another.
“You're so sweet!” she finally growled into her shoulder when she could speak again. “God damn you for being so sweet, I can’t stand it!”
“Shhhh,” she soothed her as best she could, not really experienced with this sort of thing but trying her best. “I’m not, really. I feel like I should have said something earlier, but I didn’t really know how to - and it was easier just to ask Yang to talk to you instead of getting involved mysel…”
A little too late, she realised what she had said. Blake pulled back to blink down at her, halfway between puzzled and still remorseful about the whole situation. But then she nodded. “It’s okay. I know I was a terrible brat about it when it happened, but I do appreciate you trying to do the right thing, and get us talking again. Even if I had a funny way of showing it.”
“Yeah. Like I said, it's not easy with you still being hung up on Yang. For us to be pals, I mean.”
“It’s not just that. I mean, you’re right, Yang’s the one I… well, you already know. But it would be a lot easier if my rival weren't such a bleeding heart. I mean, Yang and Cinder? I'd be clawing her eyes out!” They both chuckled, and Blake relaxed against her. Apparently, the more heavy subject matter had dissipated much of her arousal. “Too bad the one who rode in on a horse and swept Yang off her feet was actually a tiny white knight, and a sweetheart.”
Smirking, she murmured, “Pretty sure that happened the other way around. I was a lamb to the slaughter.”
“Hey, careful; you’re still talking about the woman that holds my heart.” She rolled over to face the other way. Weiss almost didn’t catch the next words over her own weary sigh: “One of them, anyway.”
“Nothing. Goodnight, Weiss.”
However, it took quite some time for Weiss to drift off after that. She wound up eventually taking a trip to the bathroom, after all - and was very cautious when returning to the bedroom, but Blake was fast asleep this time. Completely content. It made for a nice change.
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
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In These Arms | Chapter 4: Proposition
Throughout the night you and Lin switched sleeping positions with her spooning you and wrapping her arms around you, gently squeezing you in her sleep. You wake up in her arms and smile sinking in lower into her embrace as you stretch gently then carefully turn around to face her. Lin is at her most peaceful when she’s asleep, you rub your eyes as you look over squinting to see the clock and notice it’s five in the morning. Laying your head back with a soft groan, you’re not really feeling going to work today. You wish you could just stay in bed, you look back at your lover and carefully move some hair off of her shoulder and lean down gently placing your lips there. Her skin is soft despite her rough nature, you can’t get enough of her.
Lin gently stirs and wakes to the sensation of a pair of lips kissing their way along the nape of her neck. You work your way up, planting one just behind her ear, causing a sleepy smile to spread across her face, “y/n…” Your hand was at her hip, grazing her sensitive skin as you slowly urged her nightshirt upward. She still hasn’t gotten used to being touched like this by you. She drew in a happy breath and rolled onto her back to catch your mouth with her own, placing her hand on your cheek. “Mmm morning beautiful” you mutter against her lips. “Don’t lie to me” she whispers back as your hand slips down along her side. “I’d never lie to you, baby” you smirk as you leave a trail of kisses down her neck. She groans digging her nails into your side “I’m not an infant…” causing you to groan smirking against her neck “….Do I have to remind you of the last time you lied?” she grazes her through your hair giving it a light tug. A chuckle escapes your lips as you bite your lip “Well…I may have lied on that particular instance, dear, but I would never lie about you” you lift your head up and look into Lin’s eyes as you rub her hip with your thumb. Lin lifts her head up and catches your lips once again with hers deepening the kiss. Enjoying this quiet morning moment between the two of you before you both mentally prepare for the mess of work awaiting at headquarters. Glancing over at Lin’s alarm clock while you kiss her you see how close it is before it’s time to get ready for work. Parting on a string of soft kisses, you gave Lin a final kiss on her shoulder before getting out of bed.
Lin licks her lips then stretches and looks over at the clock “Is that the time?” she sits up quickly and jumps out of bed as you nod - stretching yourself. You open the door to the bathroom and get the shower going before walking to the dresser to grab a change of undergarments.
“Well one of us is going to end up late and it’s not going to be me” she grumbles as she pushes you aside and walks into the bathroom. She starts stripping from her sleepwear as you lean against the doorframe folding your arms and smile. Lin side glances at you and huffs “What? Just because you’re with me doesn’t mean you can slack off, Captain” she carefully places her clothes on the counter and then starts wetting her body. You shake your head amused by her sudden stress as you walk over to her “Ok, well I have a proposition where we can both get to work on time” you lean against the counter to watch Lin shower.
“Proposition?�� Lin raises her eyebrow as she starts washing her hair,closing her eyes so it doesn’t get in her eyes. You start unbuttoning your nightshirt and slide it off, folding and setting it beside Lin’s. “I’m going to join you in the shower...” as you start sliding your night shorts off. “What!” Lin got done rinsing her hair as she opened her eyes wide looking at you from behind the glass shower doors. “Yeah, come on it’ll save time” you slide off your undergarments then stand returning her stare.
“No funny business?” she glares at you as she steps aside to let you step in with your hands up like a criminal and start wetting your hair “No funny business” ensuring her.
“Keep your hands up” she orders you and you smile at her command, keeping your hands up “I’m going to start washing my hair” you talk her through your actions as you grab the shampoo and quickly wash your hair as Lin grabs her body wash and cleans her body. Lin continues watching your every move as you get done rinsing your hair “You don’t trust me?” you breathe out from under the water as you look at her before stepping out to let Lin rinse her body. You grab an extra washcloth as you wash your body down and watch Lin shakes her head, biting her lip, I don’t trust myself. Lin thinks to herself as she steps towards you, pulling you to her and pressing you against the wall as she kisses you deeply. Your hands move down to her hips and she grabs them pinning them against the wall “Hands. Up.” She growls against your lips. You gulp which seems to be loud because Lin smirks against your lips and chuckles softly.
“What about no funny business” you stutter out “That was for you, not me” she squeezes the side of your neck, kissing the back of your ear as she suckles on your earlobe causing you to groan and tilt your head back, “Lin….”. she runs her hand down your body as she kisses down your neck “You didn’t think I forgot about your little stunt in my office” she growls on your skin as she bite on your clavicle causing another groan to escape from your lips, “Fuck….Lin”
“Someone is getting antsy” Lin quips and you lift your head to look at her as you drop your jaw “What?” you mutter, and before you can say anything else Lin runs her hand down your body and places it over your core while she kisses down your chest. You close your eyes - feeling them roll back while arch your back, breath deepening and fighting the urge to move your hands to grab onto Lin. “Don’t you even think about moving your hands or this shower is over” she growls against the space between your breasts and you grunt as you plant your hands on the wall. “Yes, Chief” she gives you a soft kiss “Nice to know you still follow orders, captain ” she drags her teeth down your abdomen as she whispers seductively that tone of voice just causes you to melt. The shower went on twice as long as it should have but there are no complaints.
You look at Lin as she bends on her armor while you button up your shirt. You smirk as you fix your cuffs, “Because of your funny business we’re late to work” Lin looks at you as she bends her belt around her waist. You laugh softly “I was ordered not to do anything” you remarked as you fix your collar then step behind Lin wrapping your arms around her kissing her neck. She turns around to look at you and steps back from your embrace, “To add on that whole beautiful remark earlier. You, Lin Beifong, look beautiful in all hours of the day.” You glance down to her lips before looking at her eyes and notice her cheeks getting rosy so you give her a sweet kiss. You softly place your hand on her cheek and Lin rests her hands on top of yours “I’ll go patrol the city so I can arrive later at the station,” You mutter as you bend on your cables on your back.
“Sounds good” she gives you a soft smile
“I’ll see you at the station” you whisper your lips curling up to a smile as you see Lin’s smile
“I’ll see you at the station” she assures you and quickly kisses you before opening the front door and steps out heading to her satomobile.
Patrolling the streets of the city, It’s been a while since you’ve been out doing fieldwork, with the new recruits to handle there’s been a rise of gang violence and turf wars with the triads. You’ve spent most of your time in your office or training the new recruits. Now you’re preoccupied with your new relationship with Lin. It’s nice getting some fresh air and time on your own, but it’s been about two weeks now and you still haven’t gone out on an official date. Of course it’s a bit difficult since the relationship is supposed to be a secret, but that doesn’t mean you can’t just happen to stumble into the same restaurant and enjoy a meal together.
I should ask Lin out to dinner… as a date. I’ll figure it out as I go. First I gotta get Lin to agree.
Not noticing the large vine on the ground you almost trip on it and you suddenly notice the change of scenery as these spirit vines have come to inhabit the city. Looking around, curiosity got the best of you and you walk past the barricade and survey the area. Raiko and pretty much most of the city are tired of dealing with the unpredictable spirits and vines, but you don’t mind. It’s brought back the airbenders after all, so it seems to be a sign that things are going in the right direction.  
You never really asked Lin for her opinion on the vines, but she doesn’t really seem all too thrilled about the subject. It’s just caused her more work and problems to handle so there weren't any pros to outweigh the cons. You’ve always kept telling everyone that it’s an adjustment that will take time to get used to. The spirits have been separated from the material world for a very long time, and you think they should get the chance to experience our world - just like we need a better connection to the spiritual world. That is something you did agree with Unalaq on. You’ve noticed you’re a quarter of a mile away from where you entered and you start to debate whether or not to turn back, “Hey!” a gruff squeak comes from above your head causing you to turn around and see a mongoose spirit angrily pointing its finger at you. “What's a human doing in here?” it got closer to you and you start to walk backwards putting your hands up in the air, “I mean no harm! I was just admiring your home”.  
“Scram if you know what’s good for ya!” the mongoose stomps on the ground and starts charging. You run back and hop over the vines sprawled all over the ground floor instead of climbing over them, “Sorry!” you yell out. Looking at the entrance you came from, it starts to close and you sprint quicker and dive through before it shuts. Landing on your side you turn onto your back panting “Some neighbors” you breathe and get up dusting yourself off before walking away and heading back to your patrol route.
“Hey y/n, where have you been?” Chen called out as you walked into the office “Out in the field, which is where you’re supposed to be Chen.” You remark, walking over to the snack station to grab a water, “I was---on my way to do that, Cap” Chen stutters as he heads out of the station. Turning your head toward the other snickering officers “What about the rest of you?” you raised an eyebrow at them “You’re lucky it's me here rather than the chief seeing you lot slacking” you slide a hand in your pocket as you watch the men slowly get up from their desks and head on out to go to their respective duties. You shake your head as you pinch the bridge of your nose and turn the corner nearly running into Lin “Oh…Lin…sorry” you blush and grab the back of your neck “Let me get out of the way”. Lin looks at you confused but doesn't say anything as she continues on her way to her office, and you go to your own office.
           After work you decided to head down to the gym and work out, and gratefully it’s empty. Since there’s not much to do with Team Avatar out searching for airbenders and Lin is still working, you guess you could visit Air Temple Island, or maybe unwind back in the Sato mansion. Puffing as you bench press some weights, you get your reps in before moving to the power rack. It’s been a while since you’ve strength trained or built muscle alone. You walk to the piece of equipment and start stripping the rack of all the weight and start setting up your next work out. You make sure the bar is at the right height and adjust the parts needed to set it at your shoulder height, also making sure the safety bars are set in case any problems arise. You move under the bar and grab onto it making sure your arms are roughly parallel with the floor and start to take a deep breath and contract your core muscles. You establish a solid foot position and start doing your squats while looking at yourself in the mirror checking your form.
           “Nice to see someone taking their job seriously” Lin leans against the doorframe folding her arms. “Got to keep my strength up and my appearance” you smirk as you look over at Lin and go down another squat before setting the bar back on the power rack. You shake your shoulders before walking over to a mat and get into a push up position, all while Lin just watches you, “What appearance would you be talking about?”. You do about five pushups before talking “Just because I’m up in rank doesn’t give me the excuse to slack off.” You do another five “It also helps if you’re trying to impress a certain someone” you glance at her before doing another five. “Care to join me, Chief?”
“No, I have too much to do” Lin stands up and turns her body away. “I propose a wager…” you call out to her as you plank “Oh?” you’ve peaked her interest.
“Whoever can do the most pushups in the next two minutes wins. Loser has to pay for the winner’s dinner” you smile as you go down to the ground “If my math is right, I’ve got 16 ahead of you, chief” you bite your lip as you watch Lin turn back to look at you and she gives you a glare as if debating in taking on your wager. “Is that all?” she approaches and bends her armor off, getting into position on the mat next to yours. “That’s all, just don’t go easy on me” you grin as you prop yourself back up to look at her. “I never do” she smirks back at you and you look over at the clock mounted on the wall, making the call to start. Despite Lin’s age she quickly puts down ten pushups by the time you’ve done five, you’re taking this wager seriously, but you keep looking over at Lin and watching her. Your pace slows down as you watch her biceps flex and her core hardening, you bite your lip hiding your smile then remember what you’re doing and quickly try to catch up. Once the second minute comes around your arms are burning and you collapse on the floor turning on your back, “Did I win?” you pant. Lin lets out a laugh as she sits on the mat “not at all” she pulls her tank up and wipes her forehead. “Well can’t blame me for trying.” You laugh as you prop yourself up as you turn onto your side “I guess I owe you dinner, chief. How about tomorrow night? 8 pm?”
“You were serious?” Lin’s eyes widen as she drops her shirt down and you smile “Of course, I never go back on a wager. What do you say?” you smile as you glance towards the door before scooting closer to her. “I—” she tries to speak, and you smile softly “It’s just dinner, Lin” you assure her, and she groans “Fine” she rolls her eyes and gives you a faint smile.
“Great, it’s a date” you smile wide and sit up once you get the strength. “WAIT! You never said it was a date!” Lin spoke in a hushed tone. “Dinner…date…same thing” you shrug and smile “Your armor is off the table.” You push yourself up as you softly groan from your sore muscles and put a hand on your back. “You lost the right for any requests,” Lin gets up quickly and debates with you as you walk over to the door and look around before closing it. “That’s the only thing, I’ll handle the dinner, I’ll send you the directions. If you don’t wear your armor then you won’t be spotted so wear civilian clothing. That’s final?” You retort in a hushed tone. “I’m taking Lin out to dinner, not Chief Beifong,” you approach her just as she walks towards you and you slide your arms around her. You smile as she rolls her eyes, folds her arms and grumbles. You take in her demeanor and sigh “Okay fine, it won’t be a date. It’ll be a celebration dinner for my promotion to captain.”
Lin purses her lips, still looking hesitant at this dinner proposition. You give her a soft smile and kiss the right side of her temple before letting her waist go. Grabbing your towel to wipe the back of your neck you head over to the water station. Lin softens, watching you walk away and she follows after you “y/n, you’re not upset are you?”
“No, I’m not upset…. I’m just gonna grab some water” you laughing softly as you grab a paper cup, Lin leans against the wall, “I know I might not have the best lie detection like my mother, but I can sense something is off” she folds her arms and you take another drink of water before tossing the cup in the trash. “Great detective skills, Chief” you smile before stepping aside .
“You’re upset” she looks at you and your lip twitches a bit “I’m not upset, Lin” you chuckle as you fidget with your towel “Maybe that’s your guilt talking” you add in as you toss your towel playfully at her. Lin catches it and rolls her eyes “Yeah right, guilt” she scoffs then pouts lightly looking down.
You purse your lips a bit and step over to put your arms around her in a comforting gesture “Really, I’m not upset, Lin - what is there for me to get upset about? I’m already lucky to be dating Lin Beifong” you grin as you lift her chin up as she smiles but looks away.
“I just wanted to treat you to dinner… an actual dinner in public or semipublic, as much privacy as it can get without being public.” you ramble, chuckling “Even if it’s in some table in the farthest corner or a backroom” you motion, “Something that I can do to treat….my girlfriend” you wrap your arm back around her as she folds her arms, “If it’s not wearing the armor you’re worried about, then wear the armor. I don’t mind it. I like you in your armor ” you ramble on some more when Lin covers your mouth with her hand “Okay”. You stop and look at her “Really?” you muffle behind her hand as she removes it and nods “Fine, dinner it is. It’s not a big deal. Just dinner”.
“Just dinner…. I’ll handle everything” you smile as you lean down and kiss her “I’ll send you the details tomorrow” you whisper before stepping back onto the training mats.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” jogging away happily.
Lin shakes her head at your antics “You’re not staying over tonight?”.
“No, figured I should stay at the estate. Let you miss me a bit” you smile, giving her a wink before jogging back to her and give her another kiss “You won’t regret it.” You whisper against her lips as you pull away.
“I feel like I might already might” she whispers under her breath. Lin stands there slightly nervous, what did she get herself into for dinner tomorrow night. She looks down noticing that she is still holding on your workout towel and a soft smile appears on her lips as she hangs it over her shoulder while walking back up to her office. She wonders what kind of crazy plan you have in store.
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septic-skele · 4 years
UT - In All But Name
Summary: Papyrus has grown up believing that he's never had or even needed parents. When the other children explain what a dad is, however, he comes to the conclusion that Sans has been his dad all along.
Sans and Papyrus, last surviving skeleton monsters of Snowdin Town, were sons of mystery.
No one was sure of where they were originally from, the exact time they snuck into Snowdin or how long they had been there before they were noticed. It was to Sans’ credit that some of the shopkeepers to this day were unaware that he had snatched their foodstuff to line his pockets. Grillby, however, was more observant than most, clearing away the trash behind his bar to uncover the sneak thief and the hungry, fussy bundle he protected with his life.
No matter how the nosy yet well-meaning townsfolk poked and prodded, they could never pry anything out of Sans about their parents. Whenever the topic came around, it seemed to trigger all of his trap doors; in the span of a soul beat, he would close off with a tense shrug and a grin.
“Dunno, it doesn’t really matter. Hey, I actually gotta get goin’, okay? Y’know. Papyrus.” That was all he would say, as if Papyrus’ existence explained nothing and everything at once. Baffling, the townsfolk thought, but they wouldn’t stand between Sans and supervision of his charge for an answer.
Why not ask Papyrus then? the bold ones pointed out, only to be reminded that Papyrus had just recently grown into striped shirts. If he was an infant when they arrived in town, he would have little to no memory of his parentage unless his brother opted to inform him. Sans’ obvious caginess about it made that unlikely and it would be unfair to upset Papyrus by pointing out that something was missing from his life. It wasn’t their place to drop such a realization on him.
If there was ever a scenario where the notion of a parent was strictly necessary, such as school registries or field trips, Sans handled it with the teachers behind closed doors. He was Papyrus’ guardian, a single parent in all but name—though whispered rumors of that sort weren’t unheard of either.
“Are we certain they’re brothers? If Sans is older than he looks, he could be…”
“No, no. Skeleton genes ran strong, back in the day. Papyrus would be his spitting image if it was like that.”
“What if he takes his looks after the mother?”
“Grillby said that Sans was barely out of striped shirts himself when he found them! He couldn’t have, not at that age—certainly not with a gimp soul.”
Those conversations were always smothered before either of the skeletons got close enough to overhear; no one wanted to risk offending Sans any further with the suggestion.
With all of the secrecy surrounding the subject, a short attention span and the wide-eyed obliviousness of a carefree child, Papyrus remained largely unaware. He had his brother, his teachers, the various children he (hoped to) call his friends. What more could a baby bones ask for? What more could he want?
One afternoon, after what might have been four rounds of the game Humans and Monsters, Papyrus finally felt the surrounding enthusiasm waning. He was always cast as the scary human, chasing down the other children with the goal of snatching and eating them. They had proved to be expert runners and hiders, scrambling away from him at every turn with very convincing shouts of disgust. Nevertheless, Papyrus was relentless in his attempt to play the game properly. At long last he caught up with them to find that they collapsed into the snow, worn down and breathless.
“Wowie! That was a lot of fun, right?” he burst out eagerly, undeterred when they groaned at his presence. “Oh, don’t worry! The game’s on pause; I won’t try to eat you now!” With no further ado he scooted himself into their circle and crossed his legs nicely. A couple of them glared at him. They must be sore losers of the game.
“We didn’t really wanna play Humans and Monsters, Papyrus,” a rabbit monster by the name of Hedda told him flatly. “’Least ways, not with you.”
“Oh!” How was he supposed to respond to that? “I’m sorry. But thank you for playing anyway; it was fun! We can play something else now if you want! What do you like to do? Do you like puzzles?”
“No,” Hedda huffed, ears flattening in annoyance.
“I don’t think I have time for another game. My dad’s coming to get me soon,” a boy named Chiff sighed.
“You got lots of homework?” Capra, a teacher’s daughter, guessed sympathetically.
“Nope. Dinner’s been cold two times this week ’cause Dad’s late picking me up, so Mama’s mad at him about it. She wants him to come get me a whole half hour early!”
A half hour was an eternity of playtime stolen from him. Scandalized gasps of dismay went around the cluster at this dreadful news.
“That’s awful! Instead of taking you earlier, your dad should just walk you home faster. You should tell him that,” Capra advised firmly, backed up by noises of approval.
Papyrus, for his part, concurred with the others, though his brow was furrowed with curiosity. When something he didn’t know was brought up in conversation, he would often nod and smile anyway, happy to pretend he was in on the secret, but the question had been on his mind for some time.
“What is a dad?” he asked. He had heard them speak of their dads before, always referring to a specific adult in their lives, but he was never certain of what singled that one out as a “dad”. It was only now that he was in the right mood to ask and the others seemed in the right mood to answer him.
“Don’t be stupid!” Hedda snickered, shoving at him. “Everybody knows what a dad is! Don’t you have one?”
“Well, tell me what it is,” he urged, bouncing back upright just as hurriedly, “so I can know if I do or not! Why’s it so important to have? What is a dad?”
Hedda drew herself up confidently, as though an entire dissertation on the matter had already been prepared, only to falter as she gave it a second thought. Until now she had never needed to explain something she believed to be common knowledge. “A dad…Well, a dad’s someone older who’s in charge of you,” she announced at last, folding her arms authoritatively. “He makes up the rules.”
If that was the only condition, Papyrus had quite a number of dads! His teachers had pasted colorful “Class Rules” posters on the walls. The King made rules for the entire Underground and Sans had created plenty of annoying house rules: finish homework before playing, clean your whole plate, don’t try to build snowmen in the house, close the door after coming inside but don’t slam it. That had to count for something.
“That’s not all a dad does,” Chiff protested before Papyrus could comment on this.
“Oh, then you tell him what it does, if you’re so smart!”
“My dad takes me all sorts of places, like I said. And he shows me how to do stuff, like reading and numbers and magic and…lots of things! And he scolds me when I get in trouble.”
Gnawing pensively on one of his knuckles, Papyrus mulled over this information. Briefly he considered the river person, who had taken him and Sans in a boat on their special outings to Waterfall, but there wasn’t much else to say about them. They didn’t fit the rest of the criteria.
Because he had never met the King, he couldn’t be sure of his opinion on getting in trouble. At school he often heard of things that the King had said or done, but did that count as Asgore showing him things? Probably not, which meant that he was out of the running too.
Still, that hardly created a shortage. His teachers spent all day explaining sums and magic and Sans helped him read a picture book every evening. None of them were happy with him when he misbehaved; that he had learned the hard way, many times over. Sometimes he would walk from a teacher’s scolding with a note in his hand, right home to Sans’ reproach for making them scold him in the first place. Oftentimes it felt like they were ganging up on him.
He frowned. “Is that all they do?”
“Not just that! When you’re not being naughty, dads are really nice to you. They give extra big hugs; sometimes they’re so big, they take you right off the floor!” Capra asserted. “And they play games with you and cheer you up when you’re sad and take care of you when you’re sick or hurt. They buy you sweets and clothes and tuck you in at night and tell you that they love you very much.”
At that Papyrus perked up. The teachers played games with him and his classmates sometimes at recess and if he got scraped up they would take him to the school healer, but comfort, big hugs and tucking in? All of those things were Sans’ job.
Just a few weeks ago, when they were playing chase, Papyrus had slipped on an icy patch and smacked his head too hard. As soon as Sans reached him, he had gathered him up in a hug, patting his back and hushing him while he cried. Later that night, when the headache became truly awful, Sans perched on his bedside and pet his skull until he fell asleep. The next day, he had chocolate syrup in Papyrus’ oatmeal as a surprise treat.
“Nyeheheh! I do have a dad!” Papyrus exclaimed. “Sans is my dad!”
“Sans is your brother,” Hedda snorted. “Brothers can’t be dads.”
“Why not?” Chest puffing out in defense of his new conclusion—and Sans’ honor—Papyrus remained triumphant. “If those are all of the things only a dad does and Sans does them all, that means I’ve got a brother who’s cool enough to be both! Can your brothers do all that your dad does too?”
Hedda’s nose twitched. “Well—” Before she could muster an answer, an older monster calling interrupted the conversation. Chiff pushed himself upright.
“There he is,” he informed them before raising his voice. “Coming, Dad! I gotta go. Bye, Hedda. Bye, Capra. See you tomorrow, maybe.”
“I hope so!” Papyrus chirped. He was eager to play another game with him sometime, as thanks for being part of the group to offer him all of this newfound knowledge. Next time he could catch all three of them at once, he would have to ask what the difference was between a mom and a dad.
Once Chiff left, the girls rose to make their exit too. Papyrus trailed after them at a distance, hoping not to seem overeager or clingy for companionship, but he wasn’t too far to see when their parents came to fetch them. He couldn’t help but feel pleased on their behalf at the hugs and kisses they received.
It was curious, though, that Sans had never asked Papyrus to call him by the well-deserved title. Papyrus had only ever called him “brother” and Sans called him “bro” in response.
Oh, stars! Did Sans think Papyrus didn’t want to call him Dad? Was he hurt about it? Papyrus had learned quickly over his short lifetime that even when Sans was hurt, he would pretend he was fine for some stupid adult reason. Was he secretly disappointed that Papyrus only thought of him as a brother all this time?
How could he not have noticed? If no one had told him the secrets of dad-ness, how was Papyrus supposed to know? With this new wisdom, he couldn’t let that stand any longer. He had to set it all right!
“Hey, Pap!” Sans hailed as he waded through the snow, his grin weary but no less genuine. “Did you have fun?”
Lighting up, Papyrus whirled around to face him and, now ready to demonstrate his new regard for Sans’ feelings, charged and flung himself at him for a hug. “Dad!”
With his arms tight around his brother’s neck and his face tucked into his shoulder, he didn’t see the way Sans’ smile froze or the startled looks Hedda and Capra’s parents cast their way. As he gingerly returned the embrace, Sans forced an uncertain laugh.
“…Bro? You ready to go home?”
“Yes! Ooh, can we have oatmeal tonight? Can we? May we?”
Maybe Papyrus hadn’t realized what he said. Maybe it was a fleeting, random aberration, Sans decided, like calling a tutor “Mom” by mistake. Shouldn’t he have corrected himself already, though?
“I guess breakfast for dinner couldn’t hurt,” he answered, rolling with the changed subject. He wouldn’t comment.
“With chocolate syrup?”
“Heh, sure thing, buddy. We can’t miss oat on that!”
Papyrus groaned, shoving into his side in annoyance, though he didn’t resist when Sans promptly slung an arm around his shoulders to give him another affectionate squeeze.
That would have been the end of it, Sans thought, if it hadn’t been for Papyrus’ call at dinner:
“Dad, we’re almost out of milk!”
And after dinner:
“Dad, look at the puzzle I drew in school!”
And at bedtime:
“Da-a-ad! Dad!” he appealed to Sans down the hall, following it with a small, self-satisfied giggle as if he had just done something particularly clever. “I’m ready for my story and tucking in!”
Was this…some attempt at a joke? If so, Sans wasn’t sure of the punchline. Eye sockets narrowed in bewilderment, he slowly eased into his usual perch on the edge of the bed. Snuggled into his blankets, Papyrus beamed at him in anticipation as he picked up the book.
Sans opened it, read the first two lines aloud—and then promptly gave up. With a shake of his head, he propped the book face down against his leg. “Papyrus, what’s gotten into you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been talkin’ to me weird all night. Why aren’t you just using my name?”
Judging by the expression that came over Papyrus’ face, this was clearly not the reaction he was expecting or hoping for. Confidence faltering, he scrambled upright in bed, displacing the carefully arranged blankets. “I—No, but I am! That’s what I’m supposed to call you!”
“‘Dad’? Why would you think you gotta call me that?” Fingers subtly tightening on the book, he lowered his head. “Was someone teasing you for not having one?” That would be some well calculated cruelty.
“No, no, see, that’s just it, I do have one! I do ’cause I’ve got you!” Papyrus protested. “Hedda asked me if I didn’t have a dad so I asked her, ‘What’s a dad?’ and everyone said it’s a monster who teaches you things and scolds you for trouble and makes you happy when you’re not and takes good care of you, with lots of hugs and niceness! So I said I do too have a dad, and it’s my brother, so I can call you both, can’t I? ’Cause I thought you might be sad about me not calling you that, ’cause that’s what you are, so I thought I ought to call you that so it’ll make you happy!”
Blinking through this slew of information—rather impressively fit into one breath—Sans reeled back slightly, stammering. “Papyrus, I…I’m not your dad.”
“But you are,” he insisted. “I know you are. There are rules and everything and I checked them for you. You act just like a dad’s supposed to!”
“Okay, well—thank you, but acting like a dad isn’t the same as being a dad.” Sliding the book off to the side, Sans weighed his words. “Listen, Pap. I really love you; I love you with my whole soul.”
The doubt on Papyrus’ face was swept away with delight at the familiar words. He loved this guessing game. “More than ketchup?”
“More than that.”
“More than space books?”
“More than that too.” Twisting, he scratched his free hand gently over the crown of his brother’s skull. “More than gold—”
“And your trombone? And your best jacket?”
“And my slippers, and even more than sleeping—though I love those a whole lot too. But you had a dad once and it wasn’t me.” He smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eye sockets. “He was our dad, for us to share.”
Eyes round, Papyrus peeked past Sans’ outstretched hand. “But I don’t remember him.”
“I know. It was a long time ago…I don’t really remember much either, but I know someone was there in our lives back then. Who else would it be?”
“Oh.” Picking at a loose thread on his blanket, Papyrus considered. “Did he love me as much as you do?”
“Heh, I’m sure he did. Who wouldn’t love a cool guy like you?”
“So where is he then? Why doesn’t he live with us? The other dads live with Hedda and Chiff and Capra!”
Sans wavered, digging his toes into Papyrus’ worn carpet. How could he explain it in a way Pap would understand when most of his own ideas were fog, faint hopes and guesswork? His next word was more of a sigh. “Well…he probably thought it would be better for us to strike out on our own. Prove how strong and independent we can be without his help.”
“Oh! We’ve done that right, haven’t we? I’m super-duper cool and you take care of me just as good as a dad could!”
He was a sorry substitute, nothing more, but Sans was already aware that putting himself down in front of Papyrus would only upset him. He wouldn’t mention it. “Yeah. So all we would have to do to make Dad proud is keep going on the way we are now. We’re…doing alright without him, aren’t we?” The last thing he wanted was to create a new sense of loss for something that was little more than a whisper.
“We’re more than alright, Sans!” Papyrus reassured him, a balm on Sans’ soul as he reached to squeeze his hand. “We’re great! If he comes to visit someday, so he can know how good we’re doing, everybody in Snowdin will be able to tell him so! Wait and see!”
“We may be waiting a long time for that, Paps…years, probably.” His voice fell a shade softer. “Or forever. I dunno.”
“Well, we can still be great in the meantime! I can be patient and be happy at the same time, as long as you’re with me!”
“Heh…you really are the coolest.”
“I know! And whenever Dad comes, if he comes, he’ll see that.”
“Maybe. Maybe.”
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Finally!!!!!! I’m posting another prompt fic❤️ I know it’s taking me a while but I am working through them so I promise, if you requested one, it’s coming!! I really liked coming up with this idea so I hope you enjoy it!
@randers198 requested #67 “Don’t look at me like that.”
*title comes from Sleeping At Last’s song January White*
the future is brighter than any flashback
It had been an hour since Hailey and Jay had been in the damp, empty basement and as far as kidnapping experiences went, this one so far hadn’t been bad. They were both fairly unhurt, the basement floor looked to be somewhat clean and they had been left alone which was nice and frankly, they were getting kind of bored. 
Or at least tired of waiting for something to happen.
It was the most uneventful experience Jay had ever had in being a captive and while he wasn’t knocking that, he had been kicking himself for even getting into this situation in the first place. 
He and Hailey had been undercover with this new up and coming gang. All its members were fairly young and clearly inexperienced but Intelligence had it on good authority that there was a silent leader who was pulling the strings and putting dangerous ideas in their heads so they were trying to figure out who it was.
Everything had been going smoothly and he and Hailey had managed to work themselves into the gang’s group of friends but for reasons unknown to them, things between the boys seemed to grow tense and then apparently one of the boys thought that Hailey was smuggling information to a rival gang. 
And to be fair she had been smuggling information just not to a rival gang. 
One thing led to another and as soon as Jay thought it was getting a little out of hand, he’d jumped in which made the boys even more antsy and then the next thing they knew, they were being forced into a van and then kicked into this windowless basement which was dead bolted from the outside.
Now Jay was fairly confident he could have taken all of their captors, they were really just kids after all, but they’d had guns and they were visibly scared and nervous and Jay hadn’t wanted to risk it with Hailey there. He knew she could hold her own but one of the boys had a gun to her head so Jay wasn’t going to take any chances. He knew they could bide their time and find a better opening to escape or wait for the team to come rescue them.
And so far that was their plan. The gang of boys still had no idea that they were cops which worked to their advantage because they were left untied and unharmed which meant the boys were either stupid or didn’t think they posed a threat or both.
And now they were just waiting.
They sat next to each other on the hard floor, their backs resting against the wall and their shoulders brushing, both of them staring aimlessly at the locked steel door a few feet in front of them.
Hailey let out a sigh, letting her head fall back to rest against the wall, “I can’t believe we got kidnapped by a bunch of teenage boys.”
“Teenage boys with guns,” Jay glanced at her. If it weren’t for the guns they would have never been taken in first place; he and Hailey could have definitely  been able to take them if it weren’t for the jumpy boys with guns.
They sat in silence a few more minuets before Jay lazily motioned to the door, “I mean I guess we could try the door again.”
Hailey drew her legs up to cross in front of her, resting her elbow on one of her knees, “I don’t think it’ll work just like it didn’t work the past ten times we tried it.”
“Yeah but it’s better than just sitting here,” Jay lamented grouchily and Hailey had to refrain at rolling her eyes at his impatience.
“No Jay. We’re gonna sit here and wait for our team.” She played with her shoelaces, propping her head against her hand, “I’m sure they’re close at locating us. The boys couldn’t have been that good at evading them. They don’t even know we’re cops.”
“I hate just sitting and waiting,” He grumbled, looking around, “I mean there’s gotta be something we can do to get us out of here.”
She glanced back at him, sitting up a bit straighter, “Like what? We’ve already swept the basement for bugs and cameras and we’ve checked the door multiple times. There’s else to do.”
Hailey leaned back against the wall, turning her head to look at him, “Look Jay, I wanna get out of here too but you gotta admit, this isn’t half bad for being held against our will. I mean, we’re together, we’re in a somewhat clean basement and I think we’re fairly safe for the time being so I think we should just try and relax and hope our team gets here soon.”
Jay scrunched up his face in displeasure before letting out a big sigh and banging his head lightly against the wall a few times in frustration.
They fell into another bout of silence and Hailey could see Jay rapping his fingers impatiently against his leg from the corner of her eye.
As long as he didn’t start pacing again then she didn’t care.
She knew it bothered him not knowing what was happening outside that door and it bothered her too but she knew how much he really did hate sitting and waiting. He didn’t like feeling powerless and she knew not having a gun with him was making him even more anxious.
She grimaced at the memory of the boys forcing them to give up any weapons they had. 
She knew none of that would have happened if they hadn’t had a gun to her head and she knew that’s why Jay had been complicit and truthful to their demands. 
She would have done the same in his place.
But here they were. Waiting and Hailey was so grateful they didn’t seem to be in serious danger. She knew those boys wouldn’t kill them, they barely had the guts to hurt them. The only real danger here was either their silent boss showing up or one of them getting scared and accidentally pulling the trigger. She just hoped they would be left alone and their team would deal with them.
It was silent for at least half an hour before Hailey piped up again.
“What if we had a baby at home?”
Jay turned his head sharply at her very unexpected question, his eyes going wide. He let out a garbled, “What?”
She wasn’t looking at him, just staring off into space with a troubled look on her face. She picked at some imaginary dirt on the floor, “What if there was a baby waiting for us at home?”
Jay’s heart was beating so hard he thought it might beat right out of his chest and he felt like he could hardly breath as his eyes drifted towards Hailey’s midsection, “Um, Hailey...?”
She seemed to pick up on his distress and she glanced at him, doing a double take at his very pale and stricken face, his eyes trained on her stomach.
Hailey rolled her eyes as she lightly hit him on the arm, pulling a face, “Don’t look at me like that.” When he raised his eyes to meet hers, she gave him another look, “I’m not pregnant if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Jay was still staring at her not sure what to make of this conversation. Of course they had talked about having children in the past but not recently and he wasn’t sure what brought this on. Especially since they were sitting on the floor in a locked up basement.
“But I’m serious,” Her brows were furrowed as she bit her lip, “What if something happened to us? Who would take care of the kids?”
Jay swallowed, trying to formulate a response, “Hailey, honey. We don’t have a baby let alone kids, plural. What brought all of this on?”
“I don’t know,” She shrugged against the wall, “I guess I was just thinking that if we were in this situation and we had a baby waiting for us to come get them but something happened to us, what would happen to the baby?”
He scratched the back of his neck, his head reeling slightly at the emotions he was being bombarded with all of the sudden. Shocked that the question was provoking all these feelings he’d never quite experienced before.
He definitely hadn’t anticipated this conversation when they were forced into this basement.
“Well,” He cleared his throat, “I guess we would have godparents picked out and that’s where uh, he or she would go. My brother or maybe someone on the team.”
Hailey gnawed on her bottom lip, “I guess you’re right.”
Jay turned his head to look at her again, “I mean, we would figure all of this out if you got pregnant.”
She looked deep in thought and Jay paused, trying to figure out how to phrase the question he wanted to ask.
“Do you,” He hesitated, “Do you want to get pregnant?”
Hailey slowly turned her own head to meet his gaze. Her eyes were blazing and he could tell she had been thinking about this. He had no idea that she had been thinking about having kids.
They had talked about it briefly before they got married and some since but it had always been in hypotheticals and vague some days. But this, this felt more concrete. Like Hailey was thinking those ‘vague some days’ were upon him and while Jay had always envisioned having kids, the thought of it actually happening for real made his brain short-circuit and his chest get tight.
“I don’t know Jay,” She seemed to be struggling with her thoughts, “I mean, we both agreed we wanted kids and I just feel like we need to have them sooner rather than later but then things like this happen,” She motioned around the empty basement, “And I wonder if maybe it shouldn’t be in the cards for us because I can’t see either one of us quitting. I don’t want to quit but is it fair to a possible future child for us to go to work knowing that we might not come back?”
Jay, again, wasn’t sure what to say to all of this. He hesitantly put a hand on her thigh, catching her gaze, “We’re going to get out of here, you know that, right?”
She rolled her eyes at that, “Of course I know we’re going to get out of here. The team will be here any minute,” Hailey huffed, “But what if we were in a more dangerous situation. What if one of us, or both of us, had to go undercover with really really bad people or what if you got shot again or something happened to me?”
“Well,” Jay interjected seriously, “First of all, I’m not going to let anything happen to you if I can help it. Second, me getting shot is something that might not be avoidable and thirdly, we would do everything in our power to get back to any children we might have in one piece. But Hailey, we take risks for a living. You know that better than anyone and you know that sometimes we can’t avoid the situations we get into. And sometimes, that means we don’t come home. That one day, one of us might not come home.”
Hailey glanced at him, unsure at where he was headed with this. Maybe a little afraid to know where he was headed with this, “So, what does that mean exactly?”
Jay took a breath. His mind was racing and he’d be lying if he said he’d never thought about the things Hailey was voicing. He’d just never thought that they would actually have this conversation that they kept telling themselves they would have someday. 
But here they were. Locked in a basement talking seriously about a decision that should not be made lightly. Or one that should be made individually; this was something they needed to decide on together but he’d heard the quiet hope in Hailey’s voice even amidst the fears and he knew that deep down, both their hearts were in the same place.
He just needed to give her, and himself, the courage to take the step they had been so hesitant to talk about. Something they had been hesitant to address aloud but something that had been brewing in the back of both of their minds since they got married.
Hailey was still looking at him for an answer so he turned to her with earnest eyes, his hand grabbing hers in reassurance. He swallowed, trying to organize his thoughts into what he wanted to say, “I think it means that we shouldn’t be afraid.”
Tears sprung into Hailey’s eyes and Jay gave her a soft smile, pushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, “Yeah, our jobs have a higher risk factor than most and yeah, one of us could die but should we let that stop us from looking down into the face of a baby that has your eyes and my hair? Should that stop us from missing out on first steps and first words and a life full of joy and wonder that only a child can bring?”
Hailey watched as Jay shook his head, looking somewhat perplexed, almost like he was torn but there was a crooked little smile on his face despite that, “Maybe it’s selfish to bring a child into a world that we know to be so cruel. Especially into our life because it holds so much unpredictability but I think it would be worth it. God, Hailey,” He chuckled, tears in his own eyes, “Think about it. A little girl or a little boy who looked like a perfect mixture of both of us. Something that’s an actual living, breathing, walking, playing, crying, laughing manifestation of our love.”
“And if I died because I did something dumb or some evil dude shot me or hell, because I was in a car accident. Even if I had just known our baby for a day, it would be worth it to see your face in a child we created together.”
Hailey was desperately blinking back tears at his words. The fears were still there and she knew they always would be but hearing Jay talk about a little boy with his eyes and her smile or a little girl with his smile and her eyes. It just solidified the yearning that she had been feeling in her heart for the past few months.
Every time someone would ask her when they were having kids or how many she wanted or when she deposited a little girl or boy back to their crying mother after a burglary or a shooting. It was scary and heart-warming all at the same time and something she found herself wanting even though she knew the dangers.
But Jay was right. Why worry about the things that may never happen and give up a life filled with children? And she knew that if, God forbid, something happened to both of them, there were plenty of people in their lives that would step up to the plate and care for her children as if they were their own.
Hailey met Jay’s eyes, smiling as she squeezed his hand, “You’re right. We shouldn’t sacrifice something that we both want because of things that may or may not come to fruition.”
Before she could say anything else, Jay captured her lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. Long, languid kisses that made her forget everything except how much she loved her husband. They somehow ended up laying on the hard basement floor, one of Jay’s arms cushioning her head as he leaned over her to continue giving her long kisses.
“So that’s it then?” He murmured against her lips, “We’re having a baby?”
Hailey smiled impishly under his kisses, “It would seem so but it could take a while yet so we should probably get started.”
“Right now? On a strange basement’s hard cement floor?” He sounded somewhat incredulous but he moved his lips to her neck.
Hailey rolled her eyes, giving him a slight shove, “No. I meant tonight. After we’re rescued.”
Jay popped his head up from where he was nipping at her collar bone, “Well, then, they’d better hurry.”
“I’m sure they’ll be here any minute,” She smirked down at him.
Almost as soon as she said it, there was a crash and the door to the basement went flying open.
They both tensed up, adrenaline starting to rush into their veins, preparing for a fight but upon seeing Vanessa and Kevin’s forms rushing into the basement, they relaxed back into their somewhat compromising situation.
Vanessa’s eyes widened and a sly smile crept across her face and Hailey and Jay realized they had been so caught up in relief at seeing their friends that they had forgotten the position they were currently in.
“Um, wow. Maybe we should have waited,” Vanessa was full on grinning now, a mischievous sparkle in her eye.
Jay stood up so fast that he was almost dizzy at the blood rushing to his head as he grabbed for Hailey’s hand to help her up.
“We’re here to save you,” Kevin was right on Vanessa’s heels, an amused look on his face. He coughed, gesturing between the floor and where Hailey and Jay were now standing, not touching each other, “I hope y’all weren’t too uncomfortable.”
Even though everyone obviously knew Jay and Hailey were married, the couple tended to refrain from much PDA so it was a little amusing to walk in on them kissing. Especially since they were expecting them to be chained up and maybe in need of an ambulance.
Kim appeared in the doorway, her worried eyes immediately assessing Jay and Hailey, “Are you two okay?”
Jay was about to answer when Vanessa winked at them, turning to Kim, “Oh, I think they’re more than okay.”
Hailey just rolled her eyes while Jay looked a little put out that they had been interrupted. She crossed her arms, giving Vanessa a glare, “Yes, we’re fine no thanks to you. What took you so long?”
She heard Kev mumble something along the lines of “It looked like you were doing just fine without us” to which she did not respond. She also ignored Vanessa’s poorly concealed snickers.
Kim looked a little confused but the relief was clear on her face as she reached for her radio to tell Voight that everything seemed fine.
“Well, thanks for the assist,” Jay nodded to Kev as he slapped him on the upper arm in thanks. He grabbed Hailey’s hand and started tugging her towards the torn open steel door, giving a smile to Kim as he passed her on the steps, “Now if there’s nothing else, we’re really kind of worn out from this whole experience and it’s almost,” He glanced at his watch, “seven o’clock anyway so I think we’re just gonna head home.”
Just then Adam joined them and he opened his mouth to say something to them but Jay slapped him on the back with a smile as he beat him to the punch, “Hey man, thanks for finding us. We’re okay but I think we’re gonna head home.”
Adam stared after them as they disappeared into the house that was attached to the basement.
“Um,” He pointed after the couple as he looked at the rest of his team in confusion, “Did I miss something, here or...?”
Kim shrugged; Vanessa and Kevin laughed.
Approximately nine months later, Ellie Halstead was born and Jay and Hailey were never so grateful for being locked in a basement.
The end!! I know it was probably a little anti-climatic and maybe a little awkward but I just wanted to get it done😂 I feel like I’ve been writing this thing forever! But I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I borrowed some of the lines from a show called ‘Chuck’ that used to be on NBC before it got canceled😭😭😭 so if you watch the show...you know😆😉 I would love it if they ever had Hailey and Jay have a conversation like this in the show but for now, I thought this would be a cute mixture of sweet and funny. I wanted it to be somewhat lighthearted but in a situation where Hailey would feel the need to broach a conversation that had been weighing heavily on her mind—like having children with the dangers of their job. I can’t wait to hear what you thought!!
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dcbbw · 4 years
How do DC AU Maxwell and Olivia commemorate the grand holiday of 4/20?? Moreover, what do they do to set it apart from every other day?
Thanks for the ask, @burnsoslow! Answer below. (excuse typos and grammatical errors)
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Olivia walked into the kitchen, pulling her hair back in a ponytail. Maxwell looked up from a pan of chicken breasts, setting the spatula in the counter. He moved to the sink, cutting the faucet on.
“Hold on, let me wash my hands and I’ll help you,” he offered.
Olivia nodded as she looked around the apartment. It was minimally decorated for the upcoming holiday that would be arriving in a little over an hour. But she had holiday music playing, and their friends would be over for a quiet get together; there would be food, drink, conversation. And presents!
The holidays were about togetherness.
Maxwell’s hand on her arm drew her attention to him. He was standing in front of her, his fingers combing through her red tresses, pulling some hair across her forehead; he then stood behind her and pulled the rest back, looping it through a hair band. His lips touched the back of her neck lightly.
“You’re beautiful.”
“Does the apartment look okay? Should there be more decorations?”
“The gang doesn’t care; I just hope they remember to bring the food!”
“They will,” Olivia said dismissively. “If not, it’s gonna be a pretty quick dinner.”
Maxwell sang along with the song coming from the CD system. “That song is a classic!”
There was a knock on the door. Olivia asked him to check on the macaroni and cheese as she hurried to the door. She pulled it open to see Liam, Riley, Alyssa, and Drake laden down with bags and aluminum trays.
“Happy Weed Eve!” Liam exclaimed cheerily as he walked through the doorway.
Greetings were exchanged as packages were set down on tables and countertops. Jackets and coats were hung on the coat rack before Riley, Liam, and Drake began unwrapping pans of hamburgers, steaks, potato salad, and tuna and pasta salad.
Alyssa was pulling paper plates and plasticware from bags. “Did we get cups?” she asked with a frown.
“Yeah! They should be in the white bag! With the napkins!” Riley called from the kitchen.
Liam heard the music and began to dance, his shoulders rolling and his hips gyrating. “Dude … Dr. Dre?”
Maxwell grinned as he moved chicken from the pan to a serving plate. “The Chronic,” he confirmed.
“CLASSIC!” Alyssa threw her hands in the air as her head bobbed.
Liam grinned as he shimmied over to her. They began to dance, complete with hip bumps and foot locks. Riley and Drake saw the pair dancing and exchanged blank stares.
“Why did we break up again?” Riley asked.
Drake shook his head. “No idea.”
Olivia shooed her friends out of the kitchen and into the living room, insisting she and Maxwell could set up. There was another knock on the door. Drake went to answer it. Madeleine and Leo entered, carrying bags of alcohol and ice.
Riley was sitting on an oversized floor pillow; she waved to Madeleine and Leo. Liam danced up to his brother and his girlfriend. “Sookie sookie, now … issa party for real,” he said as he took some bags from Madeleine.
Drake and Alyssa sat on the couch; they were soon joined by Madeleine and Leo. Liam sat next to Riley on the pillow. His socks peeked from beneath his black jeans. Leo noticed.
“What socks you wearing tonight, bro?”
Liam proudly pulled up the hem of his pants to show off black socks with bright green weed leaves. The green of the leaves matched his shirt.
“Riley B. has sock game too!” he said proudly.
Riley rolled her eyes. “He guilted me into wearing them.”
“I did not! She was pressed to wear them.” Liam teased.
Alyssa clapped her hands together excitedly. “Can we see?”
Riley sighed as she rolled up her leggings to reveal a blue sock with multicolored flowers and the phrase “I’m a delicate fucking flower.”
Madeleine’s eyes widened in appreciation. “I like it!”
The conversation was interrupted by Maxwell, asking who the designated drivers were. Riley and Leo raised their hands. Everyone looked at Riley. Riley stared back.
Liam pulled her arm down and raised his instead. Everyone nodded in relief.
Drake looked around. “Where’s the holiday bong?”
Maxwell’s head tilted towards a table in the corner, where a tall, cylindrical glass bong with swirls of green paint decorating it sat. Random strands of tinsel hung from it while green Christmas tree balls surrounded it. Before he could comment, Olivia hollered for folks to come and get it!
Liam looked at Riley B. “What do you want?”
Liam shook his head. “You’re not gonna eat it all. How about we share a plate?”
Riley nodded. “And can I have a water?”
“You get a beer. I’ll get a water.”
Liam stood, and went to the kitchen, feeling Riley watching him. They still had not been on a real date, but they were hanging out more. Usually at her place; they cuddled, kissed, and made out , but no further. He didn’t care. He was getting more than he had ever dreamed of; at least Riley was beginning to trust that Liam was truly interested in her. And not just in a sexual bucket list kind of way.
Riley watched Liam chat and maneuver his way around the kitchen, filling their plate.
He really liked her.
All this time, he had harbored his crush while she kept trying to dismiss hers. She still had her reservations:  Riley worried about their friendship if a relationship didn’t work out. What would he do when and if he ever saw her naked?  But she was getting ahead of herself. They hadn’t even started, no need to worry about their ending. She saw him look up, and wink at her.
She quickly turned her head to look out the window. I wasn’t watching you.
Olivia was fixing a plate for Maxwell. He came behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Having fun?” he whispered in her ear.
Olivia laid her head against his chest. “Always with you.”
Drake was fixing plates for him and Alyssa; Alyssa was fixing their drinks. Madeleine smirked. “Somehow I figured Drake to be the bartender.”
Leo chuckled as he spooned potato salad on his plate.
Soon, everyone was seated, eating, and talking.
“Thanks for hosting this, guys!” Alyssa said as she bit into a burger. A low moan escaped her mouth. “Oh, my God! These are delicious!”
“Thank you guys for coming! 420 is our favorite holiday, and we appreciate you all sharing it with us,” Maxwell said.
“I’m going to petition our Congressperson to make it a national, federal holiday!” Olivia said.
“Hmmmm … DC doesn’t have representation in Congress,” Drake pointed out.
“Well, that’s bullshit!” Olivia huffed before taking a long pull of her beer.
Liam fed Riley a forkful of steak and macaroni and cheese. Alyssa saw them.
“You two are so cute together,” she squealed.
“We are not together!” Riley corrected her.
Liam smirked. “Not yet. Until our schedules align for proper dating, we’re more Netflix and chill kinda folks.”
“Stop saying that!” Riley hissed as she swatted his arm.
Liam kissed her on her cheek.
An alarm chimed, signaling it was midnight.
“HAPPY 420!” the group yelled.
Maxwell set his plate on the coffee table, and reached into his pocket, extracting a large bag of weed. He grinned to the group. “This is from our guy in Mount Pleasant.”
Leo looked impressed. “I heard they shut that corner of the world down.”
Maxwell winked at him. “You gotta know where to look.”
Drake suggested they tidy up and pack their to-go plates first. They would be useless trying to do it while high. Everyone agreed.
Olivia asked if they had brought their own Tupperware because they weren’t taking hers.
Riley, Alyssa, and Leo began gathering plates and heading towards the kitchen. Liam joined them after rummaging in bags for the takeaway containers. Madeleine, Maxwell, and Olivia worked together to roll a huge blunt.
Twenty minutes later, food was packed away, and the kitchen was clean. Trash sat in bags to be taken down when the group left. Alyssa turned the music up and Olivia fired up the blunt. There were coughs and chokes and murmurs of damn, this is good shit as everyone except the designated drivers toked. The room quickly filled with pungent smoke.
Oliva freed her hair from its ponytail, her movements both deliberate and languid.
Maxwell settled back against the couch cushions, eyes closed.
Alyssa cuddled on Drake’s lap while he blew her shotguns.
Leo watched Madeleine carefully. She didn’t indulge often and was a sleeper when she did. Madeleine had once fallen asleep at Liam’s after a Saturday afternoon toke; Leo spent the rest of the weekend at his brother’s apartment waiting for Madeleine to wake up.  
Liam got Riley a water because she kept choking when she inhaled. “It’s not a cigarette, Riley B. Take your time,” he encouraged her.
Riley looked at him with wide, red eyes. “This is some strong shit, Liam!”
Liam smiled gently at her, his finger grazing her cheek. “I can tell.”
Riley giggled.
Silence as the friends finished passing and puffing. When the blunt was gone, everyone looked at each other in a slight stupor.
“I’m so high right now!” Madeleine yelled to no one.
Alyssa looked at Oliva with glassy blue eyes. “So, what else do you two do on 420?”
Olivia stretched her arms above her head, her hands landing in her hair. “We exchange presents, sleep in, get high. It’s a lazy day for us.”
“I’ve never celebrated it,” Alyssa confessed.
“Well, now you have.” Drake nibbled on her ear lobe.
Maxwell’s fingers began slowly walking up Olivia’s thigh. She bit her lip as her green eyes locked with his sapphire blue ones. She arched an eyebrow. He nodded his head.
Leo and Liam saw the exchange; the brothers exchanged smirks. Here it comes …
Maxwell clapped his hands together as he jumped up from the couch. “Okay, guys! It’s been great, it’s been fun, but it’s time to leave!”
Riley looked at him with a confused expression. “Go home?”
“Not saying I don’t care where you go, but you gotta go! Olivia has your goodies for you, and you’ll get them at the door.”
Liam laughed as he helped Riley stand up. Max and Liv did this every time. And Riley always acted as if it were something brand new to her. Riley straightened her stance and wobbled a little bit.
Olivia snickered. “She always was a lightweight.”
Slowly the rest of the group stood; they experimentally tested their reflexes and balance. Riley broke free of Liam’s grasp, insisting she was fine, and promptly stumbled into a wall. Liam grabbed Riley around her waist, turning her to face him; he inspected her forehead before peppering it with kisses.
Alyssa wrapped her arms around Drake’s waist and refused to let go; she wouldn’t let him put on his jacket and said to leave hers. She didn’t need it. Drake gently pried her hands from his body; he knew from experience anything left at Max and Liv’s place became their property. A person would have an easier time retrieving their car from an impound lot.
Madeleine was the only one who had indulged who could both stand and walk without staggering. She helped Leo gather up bags of food and bottles of beer.
Olivia began passing out small brown paper bags to her friends as she bid them good night.
Liam wrapped his arm around Riley’s waist, guiding her to the door. She pouted at Olivia. “You’re mean, Liv! You’re like … a bitch! A teeny, tiny bitch! I don’t wanna go home!”
Olivia gave Liam his goodie bag before quickly flickering her eyes between him and Riley; he nodded, indicating he would take care of Riley. She pressed a small paper bag containing two blunts and a bag of edibles into Riley’s hand.
Behind Olivia, Maxwell’s hands were palming her ass, his fingers skimming her skin as they hooked into the waistband of her yoga pants.
“Public holiday, private after party! See ya, girl!”
Tagging: @sirbeepsalot @wannabemc2 @jared2612 @katedrakeohd @hopefulmoonobject @custaroonie @liam-rhys @jovialyouthmusic @thequeenofcronuts @amomentofsinclairity @bobasheebaby @ao719 @sashatrr @marietrinmimi @ladyangel70 @gardeningourmet @umccall71 @angi15h @romanticatheart-posts @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @blznbaby @tabithacarlisle @emceesynonymroll @bbrandy2002 @ab1901 @janezillow @debramcg1106 @radlovedreamer @jessiembruno @lodberg @thecordoniandiaries @ramseyandrys @caroldxnvxrs @princess-geek @burnsoslow @annekebbphotography @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @emichelle @indiacater @loveellamae @forthebrokenheartedthings-blog @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @zaffrenotes @bebepac @liyanin @soheila-1996 @dibberdipper @yungnayque
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fallout4holmes · 3 years
Nuka-World 5
Holmes held off on putting up a flag in Kiddie Kingdom; he wanted to give Oswald plenty of time to round up his remaining friends and leave town before raiders moved in. Holmes also wanted to see more of Nuka-Town's exterior, keep going before we attracted attention with his absence. I think part of him was hoping to see some chink in the wall, some flaw we could use to our advantage. Heck, I know I was.
All we found was a foul-tempered deathclaw.
"Did you ever hear Danse's recommendation for how to hunt deathclaws?" Holmes hissed as I got a stimpack in him afterward. "'Return to base and forget about it. You'll live longer.'"
I chuckled, "Man's got a sense of humor I never give him credit for. You alright?" He nodded. "Honest answer, Sherlock," I said with a small smile.
Holmes frowned and admitted, "There is a ringing in my ears, but the rest of me will be fine as soon as the stimpak does its work."
I gently tilted his head back to get a look at his eyes. "Vision blurry?"
He hesitated, "Slightly."
"I want that Dr. Mackenzie to check you out. Might have a concussion."
"We can't waste the opportunity—"
"I'm not risking you being hurt worse than you look," I said, firm. "I know I'm killing a great chance for intel, make a plan, get the hell out of this place… but damn it, Sherlock, it doesn't do me any good if you wind up getting hurt beyond repair."
"If it meant you at least could get home—"
"You're gonna stop that kind of talk right now. You're seeing the doc," I helped him up, "and we'll figure something out."
I helped him back, but he insisted on going in through the front gate on his own. He pulled it off too, not that I thought he wouldn’t. The guy’s impressively stubborn. Maybe I should have said “infuriatingly,” but I guess it’s a bit of both. The doc checked him over, with the marketplace guards looking curious all the while. No one asked any questions, and Dr. Mackenzie said he probably suffered a mild concussion and needed to take it easy a couple days.
“Limited physical exertion and mental concentration, if possible,” she suggested. I guess it’s hard for a doctor to be firm with her patient when she’s got a shock collar around her neck.
Holmes sighed, “Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to be an option.”
With that, we headed back to the Overboss’s room. Gage was waiting for us by the lift and followed us up. As soon as we were safely above listening ears, Gage helped himself to the bar. “Shit,” the raider chugged a swallow of what was probably vodka, “The fuck were you thinking, boss?! Everyone’s talking about how all of a sudden Kiddie Kingdom ain’t got a rads problem anymore, you can see the fucking park instead of a green haze! Then you come walking back in, go straight to the doc, and she tells you to take it easy?”
He slammed the bottle down on the bar and started pacing. “So you went in, cleaned out the park, nearly got yourself killed, and didn’t put up a flag. What the Fuck am I supposed to do with that?” He turned to me, “Shut up, I don’t want an answer, I got an answer already lined up. You gotta understand, the new Overboss getting his ass kicked doesn’t look good.” He turned back to Holmes, “You made it here without help, that’s good, but you look like shit. Cleaning out Kiddie Kingdom, rads central. Makes sense you’d get sick. I can run that angle. No flag? Eh, who wants the kid town anyway. Besides, wanna give it time to air out or whatever. That’ll keep folks… not happy, but not angry, which is the important part. Soon as you're ready, we’ll head out for one of the other parks." Gage walked right up to Holmes then, "This time, I’m coming with. Can’t let anyone get the idea I don’t care about the Overboss’s health.”
So much for finding a way out on our own.
The Galactic Zone was west of Nuka-Town and, according to Gage, the traders used to scavenge for scrap in the space-themed park before the raiders moved in. The dead bodies by the entrance weren’t encouraging.
Holmes looked at Gage. Gage shrugged, “I dunno what killed ‘em, they were here when we took over the place.”
Holmes searched the bodies and found a holotape. It was a diary; the dead traders had come to salvage the tech in the park, but something had gone wrong. Something called a "Star Control."
"The fuck is a star control?" Gage grumbled.
"I don't know," Holmes said, pistol drawn, "but activating it somehow caused these people's deaths."
Gage was not impressed, "Killing a bunch of traders already running away don't mean much."
"I have found it is best to be cautious when dealing with technology one does not understand," Holmes said flatly.
We headed in. Considering the theme of the park, the hostile robots weren't much of a surprise, but the number and variety was a bit of a shock.
"Didn't think I'd be getting shot at by a walking refrigerator today!" I shouted to Holmes as we took cover from the bot's blue blasts.
"Is it really shooting that Quantum shit??" Gage sounded offended. He got off a few shots with his rifle, shattering the display screen on top of the fridge. It didn't seem to slow it down. “Never did have the aim to knock the batteries out of 'em,” Gage shouted, “Always had to take down robots the hard way!”
Holmes drew Oswald's sword and charged. I swore, loudly, “Damn it, Gage, don’t give him ideas!!” Gage and I rushed after Holmes as he crippled the robot. Then I saw the eyebots. And the protectron. “We got company!”
“C’mere, spare parts!” Gage growled and opened fire.
I’ll give Gage some small credit; the man’s good in a fight, even if I hate how he shanghaied us into this mess. The three of us took the robots out, but that was just the welcoming committee. The whole park was populated by modified models of robots, painted in Nuka colors. Holmes wanted to find the Star Control, figuring that whatever it was probably had something to do with the robots run amok, and the dead traders out front.
None of us were expecting it to be a huge military-grade computer mainframe.
Gage whistled low, “Well ain't this somethin'. Probably don't all work, but... I'm gonna keep my hands to myself just the same.”
“You’re smarter than you look,” I muttered.
“Least I look like something, instead of falling apart.”
“Enough,” Holmes ordered. He approached a corpse holding a black circuit board with glowing red lights. The board was the same size and shape as the empty panels all across the mainframe. Holmes placed the board in one of the panels, and the mainframe powered up.
“Guess shooting it won’t do the trick, huh?” Gage joked as Holmes accessed the terminal.
“Shooting things is rarely an effective way to gain information, Mr. Gage,” Holmes said.
“Sure it is,” Gage shrugged, “you just gotta be careful not to kill ‘em on the first shot.”
While Holmes read, I looked around. The building was a military and space exhibit, a diorama of a Quantum-blue suit of power armor on the moon enclosed by glass in the middle. The fella Holmes had taken the gadget from had a holotape on him. Turned out he was the one that turned on the robots to defend his people from Colter's raiders, before making sure that the system could handle it. ‘What’s the worst that could happen,’ he wondered.
Holmes stepped away from the terminal and gestured to the panels, “The system is a Systemized Telemetry for Automated Robot Control, or S.T.A.R. Control. These cores enable communication to all of the robots in the park. If we can find the cores, we can shut the robots down and eventually disable the defense mode they’re currently in.”
“Find the shiny rectangle things? That’s it?” Gage said.
“And not get killed by rampaging robots in the process,” Holmes nodded.
“Right. I’m so glad we picked this park to start off,” Gage headed toward the entrance, “who’s bright idea was that?”
“Yours,” I said.
It’s hard to imagine Nuka-World as a place families once came to when you’re shooting robots alongside a raider who essentially kidnapped you and your partner to force you into being his front for power… but the Galactic Zone was probably pretty impressive back in its day. RobCo sponsored a battle arena to show off its robots, there was a movie theater featuring whatever sci-fi flick of the day, a space-adventure roller coaster, everything a kid with a fascination for robots and astronauts could want. There was also a Vault-Tec exhibit.
The attraction was obviously just a way to attract customers to purchase spots in vaults. I got a kick out of the "Mutations: It Could Happen To You” pamphlet we found behind a desk. Of course, it’s not really Vault-Tec if there’s not some sort of immoral experimentation going on, and sure enough this facsimile of a vault had all the requirements. Vault-Tec used the ride to experiment on visitors. After everything we’ve found in Vaults, you’d think I’d stop being surprised.
“You ask me, whole idea of these ‘Vaults’ was messed up,” Gage grumbled as we walked through. “Sure, stick me underground with no control over anything... What could go wrong?”
“You would have made a fascinating specimen for some of the horrific experiments I’ve seen,” Holmes muttered.
Gage frowned, “I don’t know if that was an insult or not, so I’m gonna keep my mouth shut this time. But if—”
Whatever threat was lined up got cut off by the protectrons on display coming to life.
We fought our way through the park, explored the nooks and crannies of every ride and exhibit until we’d collected a hefty haul of star cores. Once we were back at the Star Control, Holmes loaded them into the panels. There were only a few empty spots left, and that was more than enough for our purposes.
“There,” Holmes announced as he accessed the terminal again. “The robots have been taken off defense mode.”
“Good,” Gage said. “Means they won’t cause any trouble for whatever gang gets this place, right?”
“Yes.” Holmes kept neutral.
“So which is it gonna be?”
“I hadn’t given it much thought.”
Gage rolled his eyes, “Well start thinkin’, boss. Sooner you hoist a flag, the sooner we can get back to Nuka-Town and get ready for the next park.”
Holmes thought for a moment. He rifled through the pack of flags and pulled out a tattered sheet with a red knife crossing four black blades painted in the middle. As he headed up one of the ramps to the second floor of the building, Gage laughed, “Shit, the Disciples? Really? Figured you’d be more fond of the Operators.”
I was frowning as Holmes came back down. He gestured that we leave. The three of us got moving, Gage leading the way back to town. “Disciples?” I asked in a low voice.
“To paraphrase something Gage said earlier, raiders aren’t good with technology. I don’t imagine the Disciples will find much relief for their bloodlust in fighting robots.”
“Unless they make the robots fight other people.”
“That’s something the Pack might attempt, but not the Disciples. They enjoy getting their own hands dirty too much. And if any of these raiders could figure out how to use the Star Control system, I imagine it would be the Operators.”
“So you gave it to the gang that would get the least use and satisfaction out of it.”
He nodded.
I smiled, just a little.
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papa-nikki-writes · 4 years
Rowvember Day 1-Approval
Warnings for language, couple of C bombs like.
a positive feeling that you have towards someone or something that you think is good or suitable
Official agreement or permission, given by someone in authority
It was strange, being back here.
      It was the church, but it wasn’t. In her memory it was still covered in graffiti, Saints members would be stood outside, drinking, smoking, just vibing with their boomboxes by their sides, their shadows stretched tall by the evening sun as they shared their latest escapades in the escalating gang war, sometimes they would even be talking about her.
        Shea really thought she was doing something worthwhile here once, and she scoffed at the ghost of her younger self as she knocked back some of her vodka. If she could go back in time she’d slap herself, and then Julius, and then Dex. Troy would be watched, she still wasn’t sure where his loyalties lay, but she had a feeling that he didn’t know the answer to that either.
       She counted two pavestones and stepped forward, the edge of the graveyard would have been here and so she turned the rest of the bottle upside down and let the rest splash on the pavement, watching the alcohol seep through before she continued on her way up the steps, pushing open the heavy doors and stepping through.
       The doors slammed shut behind her, and silence fell like a curtain, the road outside seemed far way, insignificant, and as she stared around at the walls and up into the church rafters, she couldn’t describe this feeling. It was almost like coming home, almost.
       She preferred the old squalor and the grime and the passed out Saints on the floor, an empty beer bottle would be kicked across the floor, rolling under a collapsed pew before it would stop with a clank, she preferred the threadbare carpet instead of this new one, spongy under her steel toe boots. It felt so wrong. It was purple still though, and she found that a personal affront- whitewashing the past of this church was one thing, but using the colours? Nah.
        Her steps became heavier on the carpet and her hands shook and balled into fists, everything she’d done was for nothing, friends had died for nothing, she would have done anything for Julius, sure they’d disagreed on a couple of things but they were family, that shouldn’t have mattered. Loyalty was everything to her and her heart had been shattered listening to those wiretap conversations, it was all a fucking lie, Julius was a fucking lie, and he’d smiled in her face while he planned setting the bomb off on that yacht.
You did good out there Playa
Couldn’t have done it without you, we’re cleaning these streets, trust in that.
       And she did, Julius and the Saints were her world, for the first time in her life she had people watching her back, cared about what she was doing and where she lay her head down at night, it wasn’t perfect, but it was hers, being a Saint had softened her a little, and the worst thing about finding all this shit out, was that she wished it hadn’t. The riot inside her was focused then, but now she was finding herself more scattered than ever and she didn’t know where to point it.
       She caught sight of the golden cross adorning the altar and frowned, staggering slightly. She touched two fingers to her forehead, then her chest over her bullet scar, then her shoulders before she lifted the hand holding the bottle and launched it, taking little satisfaction in the glass exploding into tiny pieces before her eyes like glitter.
      She’d bled for him and his ideals, nearly fucking died, watched friends get hurt, watched some die both as a soldier and as the Saints boss. She often wondered if the deaths weighed heavy on Julius’ mind too, wondered if he thought of all those faces staring back at him from the abyss, because she did. She hardly slept at night because she couldn’t stand it and the only way she could go now was forward, to keep pushing on. To backtrack would be a slap in the face to Lin, to Carlos, to Aisha, to all her soldiers and she wouldn’t screw over those that had placed their faith in her, that deemed her worthy to follow, even to an arsehole like her that was sacred.
      Speaking of, she pulled her phone from her pocket and blinked at the screen, she’d messaged all her lieutenants but as usual only Shaundi was up, and probably high, as she responded to Shea’s furiously typed message with a ‘?’, and Shea shifted her weight to the other side, wondering how she could explain best when the heavy doors opened once more and her eyes flicked up. Finally, Dex had fucking made it here.
“The fuck took you so-”she began, putting her phone back in her pocket.
       Her blood chilled in her veins and she stood frozen as the man came closer, and though he was older, skinnier now, time had changed them both but he still wore those chains around his neck, his eyes were the same, it was Julius Little in the flesh. Confusion laced his features first as he drew near but that soon changed to a wariness as recognition dawned, but just beyond it was something else. Something else was there, and Shea knew it well too. It was contempt.
          But was that a new thing he got when he looked at her or had it always been there? Had she always been a means to an end or did he actually care about her once? She didn’t know, but she did know the feeling of adrenaline forcing its way through her veins and the blood rushing in her ears, and the ice was thawed by the heat of the rage flooding through her.
“You ain’t Dex.” he said.
“Neither are you.” she replied, eyes fixed on his, imagining burning a hole through his skull. Julius’ face then changed, his face breaking into a smile as he stepped forwards, and Shea stepped back in turn.
“You look different, did you-” his words died in his throat as his eyes fell on the gun in his face. The grin was still frozen in place however, but the smile wasn’t reaching his eyes, maybe his smiles had never reached his eyes.
“I didn’t do shit to my hair.” she snapped, and his eyes flicked back to hers, cold as steel as he raised his hands up.
“You pullin’ a gun on me?!” he asked, and Shea could hear the genuine surprise there, it made her lips twist into a smirk, though it didn’t hold much mirth.
“Well I didn’t have time to plant a bomb in the church so this will have to do.”
       And there it was. Fear. He knew she knew everything, and it was an interesting case study to see the cogs turning in his brain, to figure out his next move, Shea wondered if he could actually talk his way out of this one. Part of her hoped he would.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said, shaking his head and Shea tilted her head to one side, that was….disappointing to say the least. She had expected more. He began to pace, and so she did too, keeping her gun trained on him.
“Why don’t you educate me?” she asked, and her moving must’ve triggered something in his brain as he circled her, and he waved a hand, the contempt in his face clear as day now.
“I don’t gotta explain shit to you.” he growled, and Shea found laughter bubbling up out of her throat before she could stop herself, was this really the man she had idolised? A coward that couldn’t even explain why he did what he did? Now she had killed a few massive cunts, both before her coma and after it, but at least those cunts had enough conviction to stand by their actions.
“Well that’s where we’re gonna have to agree to disagree.” she answered.
“Why don’t you put the gun down, we both know you’re not gonna use it.” a ghost of a smirk played on his lips as he said that, and she smiled and took her finger off the trigger, flipped the safety on.
        Oh I’m going to use it alright, she thought as she lowered the gun a little, just enough to see Julius breathe a sigh of relief.
Before she pistol whipped him across the side of his face.
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dngrdyke · 4 years
May The Best Bitch Win Part 2
"Let's go, bitches!" Dyke whooped. "Last one to the Hub has to clean up after the party!"
Poison rallied the engine. "I can't wait to beat your ass twice!"
Dee said nothing, and instead sped off without warning, making Faggot yelp and grab her waist tight.
A vague "motherfucker!" was heard and soon the Trans AM was catching up on her right. On her left, Ghoul and Cola were keeping pace, seemingly effortlessly.
The convoy made it to the Hub just as another gang pulled up. Dyke skidded to a stop in front of the leader of the pack, followed closely by Ghoul. Poison rocked up a split second behind and climbed out.
"I wanna rematch! You've less mass so you go faster!"
"I have better mass," she grinned, kicking down the stand and flicking her hair out of her face.
"Why'd I join a posse with a bike," Faggot mumbled as he climbed off shakily. Dyke killed the engine.
"The Fabulous Killjoys, huh?" one of the other gang scoffed. "Seems like a buncha kids to me."
"And who the fuck are you then?" Poison asked, coming over to stand beside Dyke with a hand on his hip.
"The Angels of Road Slaughter. I'm Roadkill. This is my second, Rock Machine. You gotta be Party Poison, or is it bootyshorts there beside ya?"
"The name's Dyke. Pretty sweet ride ya got there, Roadkill. What is it, a Chopper?"
"Yeah, got her from some Blind warehouse a while back. You don't have a bad bike yourself."
"Power cruiser, baby. I'm gonna smoke all you bitches outta here."
"Nobody's smokin' me out unless it's your little friend there," Roadkill said and winked at Poison.
"I think that's enough conversation for one day," Doctor D said, materialising out of nowhere. "At least while your old man is listening. The afterparty is a different story. Don't gotta pay attention to no-one at a party."
Dyke glanced at Poison, who was looking anywhere but at Roadkill, who was looking directly at Poison. You coulda cut the tension with a knife.
"Oh, hey, D, you'll never believe what happened earlier," Dyke said, seizing her chance to escape the awkward situation unfolding before her. "C'mon, let's get a soda and I'll tell you. Ya still got orange?"
He took the hint. "Sure do, DB. Come on in. I got a tape just about to hit replay so you can pick the next one."
He turned himself around and went back inside. Dyke took Faggot's arm and squeezed gently. He glanced at her and nodded.
"Jet, you wanna go over your battle plan?"
"I- yeah, good call." He silently thanked whatever god there was.
"I'm coming too!"
"Yeah, same here!"
Kobra and Ghoul followed, with Cola shaking his head and coming in the rear, saying nothing.
"Y'know, Roadie, a soda sounds pretty good right now," Rock Machine said. The rest of the gang murmured their agreement.
"Fine. We'll get some soda then. See ya later, prettyboy. You're gonna eat ass on the track."
Dyke bit her lip as she walked away, trying hard not to laugh. Doctor D looked back at her with a glint in his eye.
Poison ran up and draped his arms around Dyke and Jet. "Those are some hardass motherfuckers."
Dee snorted but covered it up with a cough. It was a talent of hers.
"Anyway, DB- you said you had some crazy story to tell us."
"That I do, Doctor D, that I do." She ducked out of Poison's grasp and lead the group walking backwards. "So I was headin' out to the Rendezvous- thanks for those supplies, Cola- and I saw these two assholes without any masks on takin' the kidneys outta some Drac. Y'all know I hate Blind as much as the next person, but you just gotta show some respect, ya know? Anyways, I pulled my guns on 'em and told 'em if they didn't scoot asap I'd shoot. They left together on a bike but they kept the kidneys for some reason. Dicks." Dyke turned back around and smacked her face into the beads that hung over D's doorway. She moved them out of her face and went straight to the kitchen- the only place with a working refrigerator. She took out an orange soda and cracked it open. Everyone else just stood, watching her.
"What? Somethin' on my face?"
"Dyke... Like, no offence or whatever, but how in the hell are you still alive?" Faggot asked. His eyes were huge, as if her head would explode at any second.
"DB my good friend, I'd bet my left arm that you just had a clap with Scarlet Ripper and the Mongoose," D said, running a hand through his hair.
"Those freaky-ass motherfuckers you were talkin' about earlier? Then why ain't I dead?"
"You musta got lucky," he sighed. "I gotta go tell the world to start showin' up. You gonna choose a tape?"
She chugged her soda and tossed the can into the trash. "I nearly died today. Of course I'm gonna choose the fuckin' tape."
"And it's Doctor Death-Defying back at you desert-dwellers with a whole new tape. But first, a drag race update from our very own DB."
Dyke's eyes widened and D motioned to the mic. Go crazy, he mouthed.
She grinned.
"Well hello there, desert kings, queens and everything in between. Tonight's gonna be a clear night with a high chance of road dust. Anyone willing to eat my shorts in the drag race better hurry up and get here, else someone'll take your spot. So far we have tension brewing 'tween the Killjoy squads and the Angels' racers. Who knows what's gonna happen next? Not me, but 'til then, here's Quiet Riot to keep ya kickin'."
D loaded the tape and set it playing.
"Not too bad for a first-timer."
She shrugged. "Sometimes you want the attention. I'm gonna go take a smoke break, see who else is here. We should get goin' soon."
Outside, the Angels were milling around on their bikes with some sodas.
"Hey! Dyke, wasn't it?" Roadkill jogged over to her.
"That's me," she said lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag. "You need somethin'?"
He scratched the top of his greasy, black hair. Roadkill sure lived up to his name.
"Party Poison he, uh... he knows I was just dicking around, right? Well, kinda, anyway. Mostly."
"Probably. He's not pissed or anything, if that's what you're worried about. He just hasn't had anyone 'cept the mirror flirt with him in a while."
"Ah," he said and nodded, then "can I bum a smoke?"
She said nothing, but instead drew out the pack and offered it to him.
"Hey, thanks. You know you look like him though, right?"
"Long story. Might tell you one day."
"Hey, Dee! Doc says we're ready to go!" Faggot yelled out a window.
"You two gonna come out and watch?"
Dee knew from experience that he had the Girl scooped up in his arms and was making faces at her.
"Be right there. Oh, and Jet says to meet him out back with the bike."
She stubbed out the cigarette under her foot. "You comin' to the afterparty?"
"Wouldn't miss it, DB."
Jet was standing with his arms crossed when Dyke rounded the corner, pushing the bike.
"Poison wanted me to ask you if Roadkill was being serious. He said he has a nice butt."
"Kinda serious. He would. It could happen."
"God-fucking-damn it."
"Racers!" the crackly sound of Doctor D's PA system came towards them. "If your bedazzled ass isn't at the starting line, go put it there or get it kicked out."
"My ass isn't even bedazzled..."
"C'mon, Jet. We got a race to win."
They took their places at the starting line, Jet with his lanky frame scrunched up behind Dee. She had the motor running and her legs on either side of the bike for balance. Doc had better start the party soon, she thought.
She scanned the crowds lining the track and saw Faggot with the Girl on his shoulders. He grinned and waved, then took the Girl's hand and waved with that.
She smiled.
"Alright racers, I want a nice clean match. No bashing, slashing or body flashing, ya hear? And that includes you audience members, too. We don't care how well God has made you- this is a road race. Save it for the afterparty! But I think that's all an old man like me's gotta say so... On your marks!"
Dyke snapped back into reality and tensed her legs. A few of the racers revved their engines. Road Kill caught her eye and winked.
"Get set!"
She flexed her fingers and tightened her grip on the handlebars. For her, driving gloves weren't just a fashion statement.
A foghorn sounded and Dyke kicked off. "Heads down, elbows tucked in, DB and Jet Star take an early lead," the Doc's voice came over the roar of engines. "But look's like Party Poison and the Kobra Kid are close behind. Damn! Road Kill and Rock Machine leading by a hair."
"We need more speed!" Jet shouted in her ear.
"No fuckin' shit!" She sped up, taking back her spot. No way was she losing to some short, ratty-ass clown. Or Poison either, for that matter.
"Nice view, Dyke! You steal Poison's ass, too?"
"Jet, honey?"
"You remind me to break his nose at the afterparty."
"Sure thing, Dee."
She pressed harder on the accelerator. "C'mon. Please. Carla, if you can hear me..." she mumbled.
The bike, against all odds, against all the laws of physics, went just that much faster.
"Holy shit!" Jet shouted. "Dee, we- Dee! We're gonna die!"
"No way, Jet Star! We're gonna win!"
They could still hear Doctor D's voice narrating the race, but quieter now as they sped further away. "And that's DB with Jet still in the lead! I didn't know her bike could even go that fast- but don't tell her that, else I'll lose the use of my remaining working limbs."
"We almost there, Jet?"
Dyke was trying to focus on keeping the bike going as fast as possible. Sure, she had here eyes on the road, but it was a kind of tunnel vision. She didn't care about anything that wasn't directly in front of her.
"Not sure... maybe- yes! I can see someone with a flag!"
Dee whooped. The engine whined.
"Shit, will we make it?"
"If we believe, Jet! Just pray and don't stop 'til we cross that line!"
Sure enough, Jet started to mumble something. Whether he was praying or cursing her, Dyke didn't know.
She couldn't speak Spanish.
She saw Road Kill out of the corner of her eye and her face hardened. They were so close. She could almost taste it.
A rush of colour. The flag was waved. They did it. They did it!
She screamed. "Jet! Jet! We did it! WE DID IT!" She gently lifted the accelerator and braked hard to skid to a stop. Down went the kickstand.
"Did we do it?" she asked doubtfully, looking between Jet's face and the person with the flag.
"Only one way to find out, Dee. We gotta wait for the rest of 'em."
The Trans Am and Road Kill's Chopper had come in neck and neck, while someone riding solo came in just before them. The only people the two had been keeping an eye on were Road Kill and Poison. Other than that- who knew?
The crowd at the starting line started to make their way to the finish. Some people had spread out along the track, but most had stayed at the start where they could see everything that was going on.
"Alright, alright, simmer down you folks."
Doctor D spoke through a megaphone. Where the hell was he getting all this stuff?
"After careful consultation with our flagboy V, it would appear that Dyke and Jet Star have stolen the scene and come in first place!" There was a mix of cheering and groaning from the crowd as accessories were exchanged. Faggot ran up with the girl on his hip and threw an arm around Dee.
"I knew you could do it, you old bitch!"
"Hey! Poison's older than I am!"
"Dee! Dee!" the Girl giggled, clapping.
"Now that first place is settled, in second place we have Maximum Voltage, riding solo."
The crowd clapped half-heartedly. Nobody knew who this Max guy was.
"Wait... Maximu-?" Dee started. She was cut off by the Doc shushing the crowd again. The flagboy whispered in his ear.
"And in an exciting turn of events, in third place is Party Poison and the Kobra Kid tied with Road Kill and Rock Machine!"
More accessories were exchanged. Dyke was even sure she saw masks being swapped.
"Yeah, yeah, all prizes will come in due time, but for now I think we all just need to party."
Dee and Jet were swarmed with people congratulating them, and all thoughts of Maximum Voltage were pushed from her mind.
"We did it, Dee. I can't believe we actually did it!"
"Fuck, me neither! Hey- careful, these pins are sharp. To the afterparty!"
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chromecutie · 6 years
Cable x Reader - burlesque fluff!
A/N - unedited because I got sleepy but I still wanted y'all to be able to enjoy it for Saturday Night!
Tag: @starman-thorsus-canos-jock @emma-frxst (idk who else would want to be on a Cable taglist if I had one, but here y'all go!)
It was a Saturday night, and the team managed to not have a mission. Colossus tried to suggest a board game from the fancy high-strategy collection, but was quickly shot down by Wade (“What, so Domino can ruin us all again? I don’t think so!”). Wade tried to suggest a movie, but Cable cut him off before he could finish his suggestion (“I cannot watch the porno version of Predator again.”).
Domino hoped you might make a suggestion everyone could agree to, and finally asked, “Where the hell is Y/N?”
Wade howled at the top of his lungs, “YYYYY/NNNNN???”
“SHE’S NOT HERE,” Cable practically roared to make himself heard.
Colossus couldn’t help glancing around. He hadn’t noticed when you left, and felt a little embarrassed like he’d made a rookie mistake. “Do you know where she went?”
Cable fixed his gaze back on the gun he was cleaning. It was already clean; at this point he was fidgeting. “If she wanted us to know,” he hedged, “she would’ve said something before she left.”
“Ohhhh my god,” Wade gasped, “You do know!” He clapped his hands, excited to play a guessing game. “What’s she up to? Underground boxing? Secret meth habit? Robbing a bank?”
“High stakes poker? Cock fighting?”
They all said some variation of, “Then what??” in unison.
Cable sighed. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to see you, but he was pretty sure you wouldn’t want the whole gang showing up. Surely, if you had, you would have dropped some kind of hint. “We gotta dress up,” he said finally. “Black tie. And we gotta pick up flowers on the way.”
The gang had done their best on short notice. Domino wore a short, black cocktail dress cut so tight it was a wonder it didn’t split when she got in and out of the car. Colossus still wore his cargo pants and work boots, but classed up with a dress shirt, black suit jacket, and a tie. Wade, to no one’s surprise but everyone’s quiet exasperation, was in full Deadpool gear with a bow tie. Cable had managed to find a full three-piece suit, and though it wasn’t a perfect fit, he made it work. In his metal hand he held a bouquet of roses. They weren’t the freshest flowers, but they were the best that the store had.
They stood in the parking lot of a shabby strip mall and Domino said, “Looks like a nice neighborhood to sell your kidney.”
“This way,” Cable led them to the back door of one of the suites. He knocked and was quickly greeted by a drag queen in green glitter eyeshadow and three-inch long lashes.
“Hi honey,” the queen made a kissy noise and asked, “Who y’all with tonight?”
“Liz Lugosi,” Cable said as if he had been here several times.
The queen lit up with glee and put a long-fingered hand on Cable’s shoulder. “Ohhh! Lizzie didn’t mention anyone coming tonight!”
Cable gestured vaguely to the roses. “She’s not expecting us.”
The queen made a purse-lipped smile and shimmied her shoulders, hardly able to wait until she could spill this tea later. The team paid for their tickets and were ushered inside to pick a table.
The floor was full of glammed up people milling about, sipping cocktails and snacking on Chex Mix. The tables all faced a makeshift stage with a curtain made of cheap velvet. “What is this place?” Colossus folded himself into a chair that was too small for him, but he wouldn’t complain.
“It’s a kids’ ballet studio during the day,” Cable replied. “This is probably how they pay rent, though.”
Domino caught on and grinned, “It’s a speakeasy burlesque show.”
Wade cracked up laughing in earnest. Pretending to wipe away tears from his mask, he said, “What’s her act? Kicking off her boots and sexily peeling off a spandex onesie?”
“You’ll see,” Cable said impatiently. “Shit like this is probably why Y/N - Liz - never mentioned it, you assclown.”
The show started soon enough. Three performers in sparkly costumes made a show of sneaking out from behind the curtain. Each held a microphone. “Good eeeevening, daaaarlings!” the one in purple sequins drawled. The crowd applauded, some hooted.
The second performer wore something like a green velvet bikini with a lot of feathers. She tossed her blonde curls and said, “Who here has been to our show before? Come on, make some noise!” Almost everyone gave a shout except Cable, Wade, Domino, and Colossus.
“I don’t know that we should have come here,” Colossus whispered. Domino hushed him quickly.
The third performer wore a long, black satin robe, trimmed in purple rhinestones that glittered in the stage lights. She wore a wig of bright pink waves and cocked a hip as she turned toward their table. “I understand we’ve got some new blood in the house tonight.” The pink-haired performer sauntered between tables as she continued in a sultry purr, “So let’s go over the ground rules. If you’ve been here before, say them with me! Rule One!”
The audience responded, slightly drunk and mostly in unison, “No photos or video! We do this show live and only live!”
“That’s right,” she let out an easy giggle. “Rule Two?”
“No touching the performers unless you are specifically asked!” One young woman added in a buzzed, but enthusiastic slur, “Consent fucking matters!”
“YES, HONEY!” the blonde in the green bikini agreed.
The pink-wigged woman beamed. “Wonderful. You know, just to make a point,” she went over to the buzzed woman’s table. “Why don’t you give me a good slap on the ass, huh? Not too high on the cheek now, nice and low.” She leaned over, sticking out her round butt. When the patron gave a smack loud enough for every table to hear, the performer snapped straight again with a surprised hoot. “That’s how I like it! Haha, and Rule Three, let’s go!” She gestured grandly, long sleeves swaying.
The veteran audience chorused, “If you see something you like, make some noise!”
The three performers gathered in front of the curtain again and struck a sexy pose that showed off cleavage, thighs, and arched spines. The crowd made a good ruckus of whistling and applause, the X-Force gang included.
The show continued - there was an opening group number, the drag queen from the entrance sang a parody cover of a popular love song, there were a few aerial silks numbers, and of course classic burlesque striptease. Domino and Wade had gotten comfortable quickly, cheering and applauding each performer like they were the sexiest they had ever seen. Colossus took a while to loosen up, but even he enjoyed the athletic fluidity of the silks performers. Strength, flexibility, and making it all look beautiful with a big showgirl smile? Gold star in Colossus’s book. Each performer had gotten a funny and colorful introduction by the drag queen, who was emceeing most of the show.
“Our last lady of the night,” the queen teased, “has a slither that’ll make you shiver and she has NOOO idea how to just SIT in a chair!” The crowd chuckled. The drag queen bobbed her head and gave a wide flourish, “Just make sure you check for fangs before you kiss her - it’s Liiiiz Lugosiiii!!!!” The crowd hollered and clapped as the curtain drew back, revealing the pink wigged woman with the black satin robe.
Something steamy and full of saxophone blared over the sound system as Y/N, aka Liz Lugosi, swirled her robe - and disappeared. She reappeared a few feet away in a puff of smoke, similar to Colossus’s friend Kurt. As Liz Lugosi swirled, floated, and poofed around the stage, Colossus couldn’t help but note that where Kurt’s ability was abrupt like popping a balloon full of smoke, Y/N was smooth and soft, like drips of ink in water. A simple folding chair was on the stage, and in another few beats, Liz let her robe slide from her shoulders, down her back, and onto the floor. Domino glanced over at Cable and saw his face was relaxed in a gentle smile, eyes shining in the light.
Liz Lugosi turned to the front - and revealed that she appeared to be wearing nothing but black and purple rhinestones. Of course, her thong and pasties were there, but they matched her skin tone and the stones and beads had been carefully stitched and glued to cover them. The crowd screeched their appreciation. Wade yelled, “Holy shit!” but Cable barely even registered it.
“How did you find out about this?” Colossus asked him.
Cable answered without taking his eyes off Y/N, “I followed her to rehearsal once, to see where she goes.”
The stage floor filled with rolling fog as Liz Lugosi tossed her pink waves and slid over the chair so her chest was on the seat and her legs arched over her head. The rest of her routine was a series of acrobatic rolls and stands on and around the chair. Just when it looked like she would sit normally, she would turn and suddenly she was upside down, nearly sitting her butt on her head, with her legs in a deep split.
“Is that a mutation?” Domino asked, astounded.
“No,” Cable beamed, absolutely smitten, “she can just do that.”
Wade clapped for a particularly unexpected roll off of the chair. “I can’t believe she’s been holding out on us!”
Colossus agreed, smiling despite the awkwardness of seeing a coworker mostly naked for the first time, “You can tell how much she’s enjoying herself.”
As her number ended, Liz Lugosi bowed, dramatically tossing her pink waves. The team cheered louder than any other table and drew her attention. If she was caught by surprise, she didn’t let it show, maintaining her stage persona. She swayed her wide hips over to their table, and made the rounds expressing her thanks. She kissed Colossus on the cheek and left a red print on his chrome skin, though he froze when her boobs touched his arm. Domino soaked it up when she got a kiss on the cheek too. Wade didn’t get a kiss until he laid his palms on the table, and he all but squealed with delight. Cable, subdued and a little sheepish, offered the roses when she got to him. Instead of kissing his cheek, she pressed her lips to his and made it steamy enough that the crowd hooted and whistled louder than ever.
Y/N pulled away and teased in Cable’s ear, “Do I need to learn to cover my tracks better?”
“Aw, I hope you never do,” he was still grinning like a fool, “I’ve been wanting to bring you flowers for a while.”
She pulled away and she was Liz Lugosi again. Bouquet cradled against her heart, she winked and sashayed back to the stage to pick up her robe. The curtain closed, and Cable didn’t even try to hide how light and pleased he felt after getting to kiss the woman he’d been quietly pining after for months.
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easnuppa · 5 years
The outlawˋs way
Chapter 2
This chapter have violence in it, so if you donˋt like it do not read.
Daryl chewed on his lips to hide the victorious grin that was lurking on the crock of his mouth, he slowly laid down his cards and watched as the other rugged looking men was hit by the realisation that they had lost the poker game once again, Daryl’s uncle Pat, wiped the table clean of bons and coins.
That’s when one of the men that had played laid his hands on the cards.
"Rematch!" he demanded, and the others hummed agreeingly.
Pat looked at Daryl, he knew the boy had gotten a little too much whiskey to not blow his fuse any second, his brother Wills boys had very short fuses, just like their daddy. He gave Daryl a stern look.
"Nah," Daryl grunted and gathered his cards and stuffed them into the bag his uncle Pat was holding open.
"Come on, ya’ll gotta give us a chance here man?!?"
The man had started raising his voice and both Pat and Daryl knew this could turn ugly any second.
"Unless ya’ll are cheating?!?"
Another man now shouted, and that was it for Daryl, he was a thief and a killer, but he had never ever cheated in a card game. His anger flared up and he pushed the chair back with his legs as he swiftly jumped to his feet. His pistols dangling on each side of his hips, he grabbed the man’s shirt and balled it up in his fists in a tight grip.
"Ya callin’ me a cheater huh?"
The man met Daryls stormy blue eyes, his eyes flickered to the side to see if the others would help him take this young man down. Before Daryl had the chance to draw his right hand back and throw a well-deserved punch to the idiot’s face, the saloon doors swung open and in walked Goldcreeks Sherriff, he had his pistol already drawn and the saloon got deadly silent.
"Daryl Dixon and Pat Dixon! Y’all are under arrest for stealing the Goldens Horse property!"
Daryls fist softened the grip on the man’s shirt and looked over to his uncle, cocking a brow, was this man for real, did he just walked into this saloon alone trying to arrest two members of the notorious Dixon gang?
Pat shrugged and turned to the sheriff.
"Now now, lower yer weapons there sheriff, I’m sure we can work this out without pumpin’ this fine establishment full of lead."
Daryl scoffed, his uncle Pat was always a sweet talker, not much older than his brother Merle, he still had the looks too.
He watched as Pat grabbed his hat on the table and placed it onto his head, covering his light brown hair that was brushed slick back on his head, his sky-blue eyes were now hard as steal, but his voice soft and smooth.
"I saw the horses tied up in front, it got the Golden horse brand to them, and I know the owner didn’t give ya’ll those horses!" The old man that was the sheriff continued, taking a step closer to Pat.
Daryl had now released the grip of the man’s shirt and grabbed his hat before he brushed the same shade of brown hair as his uncle back and placed his hat on his head, he was now ready to take this whole town on, and he knew Pat was too.
If only Merle hadn’t chased two of the saloons hookers upstairs and would certainly be caught with his trousers down. That would surly piss him off to no end.
Pat gave Daryl a short grin and in one swift motion Pat had drawn his colt and had fired one shot right between the sheriffs brown eyes, they watched as the man almost in slow motion fell back, hitting the saloon doors and land on his back half way outside to double doors.
Daryl felt the wave of hatred and rage roll over the room and he felt a fist being connected with his jaw, unprepared as he was his head flew backwards and he had to take a couple of steps back to regain his balance, but his eyes flew onto the man he had just threatened and he saw how shocked the man now was, he knew now who they were and who he had just hit.
Daryl growled and jumped the man and let his fist connect with the soft flesh of the man’s face, both men fell back onto the table and it broke under their weight. Daryl felt another man grab him around his chest and pull him off the man he was straddling and punching, as he got to his feet he broke loose from the grip and blindly punched the man who had grabbed him, men were coming at him and he was punching wildly, his hat was no longer on his head and he could feel sweat and blood covering his face.
Suddenly a pistol was fired into the room and Daryl swiftly drew his colt, but the room grew quiet and at the saloon doors stood his father, Will Dixon, the leader of the Dixon gang. Daryl lowered his pistol.
"Now who the hell decided to throw a party without invitin’ me?" Wills voice boomed into the room, his evil grin back on his face, now that he had everyone’s attention, Daryl saw how Pat staggered to his feet, spitting blood and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
Will and Pat Dixon were so different. Will was tall and muscular, short white hair and a week’s scruff on his face, his nose crocked from years of fist fights, while Pat was tall, but lean built, his shoulders broad but his hips slim and his hair still the same colour as the day he was born, and his tongue smooth as silk, when Daryl thought about it his father and uncle were just as unlike as himself and his brother Merle, though Daryl could not be accused of having a smooth tongue. He had always been socially awkward, the only friends he had was his family and the guys in the gang, him and woman was a big joke.
He could shoot, throw a knife, he could use a bow and arrow with unbelievable accuracy, but horses were his passion. Daryl met his father’s eyes.
"Go get your brother and the rest of the guys, boy, we’re leavin’!"
Daryl huffed and ran up the stairs and started shouting.
"Merle!!!! Joe!!! Len!!!"
Merle rushed out into the hall, pulling his trousers up as he ran out into the hall.
"What?" he growled annoyed, eyeing Daryl.
"We’re leavin’" Daryl said gruffly, he was the youngest, only 20 years old, and was always treated like the baby, something that always had annoyed him.
The rest of the guys came piling out from each room, cursing and complaining that they weren’t finished playing.
"Not my damn problem," he grumbled on his way down the stairs, he followed his dad and uncle outside and saw the rest of the gang sitting on their horses, just waiting on their leader to order them to head out, he got up on his horse. It didn’t take long before all the guys were on their horses and galloping down the street.
It was late at night and Daryl had been told to stand guard around their makeshift campsite, the bonfire was low and quiet snores could be heard where the gang was scattered around on the ground sleeping.
He had just checked on the horses and was sitting by the fire when he heard some rustling in the leaves, he cocked his pistol and directed it to the direction of the noise as he got up to his feet and silently walked over.
"What’s yer business ‘ere?" he growled; it took about a minute before a man stepped out of the bushes holding his hands in the air.
Daryl looked the man over, he held his horses rains in his right hand, the man’s hat was pushed back on his back, his black hair had a bit of grey in it, the man had a stupid smirk on his face, Daryl eyed the pistol hanging loosely on the man’s right hip.
"I don’t want any trouble," the man said, still smiling.
Daryl scoffed but kept his eyes on the man.
"Who are ya and what ya want?" Daryl growled lowly.
The man lowered his hands and leaned back on his heals.
"I’m Negan, and I saw ya’ll at the saloon earlier, I wanted to join yer gang," Daryl huffed, was this man for real, no one came up and wanted to join his gang, they had a nasty reputation,
"Get back on yer horse and trot along, the application office is closed for today," Daryl said sarcastically, he knew if something or someone woke Will Dixon up, there was gonna be hell to pay, he wanted to end the conversation before someone ended up with a bullet stuck in their forehead.
The man sniggered.
"Maybe I should wait until the mornin’ and talk to yer pa?"
Daryl turned back to the man with his pistol cocked and raised pointing at the man’s face.
"I told ya to get lost! Now git!!!"
It was one thing was when his family or gang teased him about being the youngest, another was when strangers made fun of him as well. He was the best gunman in the whole fucking gang for crying out loud.
Merle stirred awake.
"What is all that hollerin’ baby brother? A snake bit yer ass or somethin’?"
Merle sat up and pushed his hat up from his forehead so he could get a clear view of what was going on.
"Nah, this idiot decided to take a moonlit stroll and stumbled into our camp, told him to get lost," Daryl growled still pointing his colt at the man’s face, the man stepped towards Merle, the stupid grin back on his face.
"Actually, I wanted to join yer gang," he said and this made Merle throw his head back and bark out a laugh, Daryl cringed from the sound, but what Merle did next made Daryl want to sink into the ground.
Merle got up to his feet and kicked their fathers’ boot.
"Hey pa, there’s some guy ‘ere who wants to join us," Daryl clenched his jaw, Merle was pure idiot, no brains.
Both Will and Pat jolted awake and was on their feet in an instant, their guns drawn. Daryl could see that Will was definitely not happy.
"What makes ya think we want yer sorry ass in our gang?" Will asked, his voice was dripping with hatred.
The man’s grin faltered a bit, it didn’t seem like he was used to being questioned like that.
"Well for one I know the good people of Goldcreek have sent for the marshal and that they are plannin’ to hang Patrick and Daryl Dixon."
Daryl scoffed, it wasn’t the first time he had heard that, they all had their price on their heads.
"That is old news, friend," Will said, his voice dripping with poison at the word friend.
"Alright, " Negan said. "I know that the bank of Gold Creek is at the moment loaded, since its holding bonds and gold for the miners from the area, and it wasn’t picked up like it was supposed to last week, operantly there is a flu spreading."
Will, Pat and Merle were now curious, Daryl knew what this meant, they were gonna set up to rob the bank. He was pretending not to be interested as he looked over the horses, but listened in on the conversation, he was more at ease now since his family was awake and could deal with any form of problem that the stranger might cause.
"Now that you have our attention, tell us of the banks routines?" Pat said quietly, keeping an eye on his youngest nephew, Daryl had been acting strangely lately, he was becoming more and more distant to the others, always keeping himself more busy with the horses, more interested in stealing from the ranches or go out and capture wild horses out on the prairie, then about money.
Negan walked over to Daryl and pushed the reins into Daryls hands.
"Feed and water her, and treat her kindly, she is my special little girl," he then turned and returned to the fire and sat down.
Daryl let his hand glide over the light brown, almost beige soft fur, she was definitely a beauty, he pulled the saddle off of her back and gave her hay and water and tied her up with the other horses.
He went back to the fireplace and sat down just as Negan was done explaining.
"You guys shot the only lawman in town and it takes a while for the marshal to get here, so I think it’s wise to strike now."
Will rubbed his scruffy chin.
"Yeah I think not only will the good folks of Gold Creek part with their money, but I think their lives as well would be in order for wanting to see my baby brother and my youngest son dangle," Merles face cracked into an evil grin.
"Ooooo hell yeah pa, we’re gonna have ourselves a little pow wow in the Golden town."
Their father nodded grabbing his knife and picking at his nails with the sharp point of the blade.
Daryl had a bad feeling of this, Will had sent Len, Billy, Dan and Lou with him. Will knew that Daryl and Len weren’t exactly on good terms, and that it always ended badly when the two of them had to work together.
They all walked into the bank, a few people stood in line in front of the counter, Daryl was first and walked up to a petite looking brunette, he unsheathed his knife and quietly laid his hand over the woman’s mouth from behind and then pressed his knife to her throat as he whispered to the little brunette.
"Be a good little bitch and do as I say and I won’t hurt ya," he could hear the woman yelp from the surprise and he felt how the little body tensed under his grip, he watched her eyes grow big with fear.
He pushed the woman to the front of the line; he raised his voice.
"Now, if everyone cooperates then this little lady will walk out of here without a scratch, if not, then we will paint the town red with her blood!"
His voice was clear and serious, no one would question if he really meant what he said. The banker grabbed for his rifle, but Daryl pushed the woman’s head back further and pressed the shining blade firmer against her white skin
"I wouldn’t do that if I was you," he said, his blue eyes met the banker’s orbs.
Len walked up to the counter and pushed the saddlebags into the bankers now empty hands
"Better fill ‘em up, and be quick about it," Len said, his voice cocky as ever.
Daryl watched as the banker grabbed the saddlebags with shaky hands, the woman was whimpering, and he felt his hand he held over her mouth getting wet from her tears, he removed his hand and whipped the tears on her right cheek with his thumb.
"Shhh, yer gonna be fine darlin’, this will be over soon, in twenty years ya can tell yer grandkids about the time ya where being held hostage by the Dixon gang and how brave ya where," he felt her whole-body tremble and shiver when she recognized the name.
"Please Mr Dixon, please don’t kill me," she shakingly whispered, Len heard the woman’s plea and leaned into her face.
"Aww yer gonna beg us to kill ya, been a long time since we have had a taste of something so pretty as yerself."
The woman’s cries grew louder, Daryl hated the sound, he forced the woman to take a couple of steps away from Len.
"Shut up woman or I swear im gonna slit yer throat," the woman forced her cries back and sniffled, the banker came back with the saddlebags, but just as he was to hand them over to Len, two men walked into the bank.
Daryl swiftly turned, still the woman in his tight grip, she was light as a feather and he felt her skirts wrap around his legs as she was thrown around like a ragdoll, Daryl could see the two men who walked in was one of those people who always wanted to play the hero’s, each town had them, they drew the guns on them, everything happened in a blink of an eye.
Daryls knife slid through the soft white skin of the woman’s neck, he could hear the recognizable gurgling sound of her life slipping out of her as she fell like a sack of potatoes to the floor, he drew his pistols and fired one shot, hitting the second man in the neck, he saw that Len, Billy, Dan and Lou had also drawn their guns and they shot the rest of the people in the bank, Daryl turned and grabbed the saddle bags and threw them over his shoulder as they all ran to the door.
Guns being fired could be heard from the streets, there were also woman and kids crying and screaming, as Daryl ran out into the street, he could see the rest of the gang was about to tear the town apart, two buildings where already burning.
He heard Merles hollering as he passed him galloping down the street, a rope tied to his saddle, the other end was around a woman’s neck who was being pulled behind the running horse. He felt a bullet graze his shoulder and turned and shot the man who had shot at him, he recognized him from the saloon, the man was dead before he could even blink.
Daryl got up on his horse and took off, he figured he would meet the rest of the gang back at their camp, as he pushed his horse harder he felt a burning pain in his side and he looked down, and saw his deerskin jacket quickly got soaked with blood, he gasped for air and clinged to the saddle as his horse continued up the mountain.
Daryl didn’t know how long he had been riding, the throbbing pain in his shoulder and side wouldn’t give and he felt dizzy and nauseous from the bloodless, his jacket was now soaked.
He had given his horse free reins and trusted the animal to bring him far away from the town, he knew the horse had headed a different way than the campsite, but he didn’t care, he was probably going to die either way from the gun wound.
He looked up at the sky, thick clouds had gathered and the temperature had dropped drastically the last weeks, winter was right around the corner he thought, and on cue big snowflakes started falling.
He shivered, his hands felt frozen, he had often imagined how he would die, being an outlaw he knew it was gonna happen sooner or later, he always thought he would die instantly from a bullet, or being hanged, but not like this, slowly and painfully fade away into nothing.
What did he have to show for from his life? Nothing, just a bad reputation, and it was not really his reputation, more his family. With the woman today he had killed 15 people, he didn’t take pleasure in taking someone’s life like his brother or pa, he did it more to save his own neck.
Being an outlaw was a struggle, it was a hard life, you slept on the ground more then you slept in a warm bed, you ate when you were camped up someplace and not on the run from the lawmen. He wouldn’t have chosen this life for himself, but the fact was he was born into it.
His ma was a whore, one of the regulars his pa used every time he came into the town she lived in, she had died giving birth to him, he had been left at the brothel, spending his first 7 years, carrying water, emptying bed pans, caring for the horses at the rental stable in town, until one day his pa and 10 year older brother came riding into town to fetch him.
A Dixon belonged with his family, the owner of the brothel was happy to hand him over, one less mouth to feed and from that day he had been drilled on how to be an outlaw. Now he was 20, almost 21 and he was about to die, being shot by a coward.
Daryl slipped in and out of consciousness a couple of times, every time he came to he was almost sliding off his horse, he had grabbed a rope and tied himself to the saddle the best he could, he noticed how the snow was starting to cover the ground now, he looked around, the landscape was open.
He had been riding on the ridge of a hill for hours now, it had gotten dark, he could hardly see in front of his horse. He knew his horse was getting tired as well, it needed water and hay, he had to find somewhere to stay for the rest of the night, the wind had increased and the snow was coming sideways now, he had pulled up the rag he had tied around his neck over his nose, but his cheeks were still cold as ice. He could feel the frostbite on his feet.
He came to when his horse started trotting and then suddenly come to an abrupt halt, he thought he could hear a woman’s voice, but it had to be in his head, he felt the rope around him give and he crashed into the ground, he grunted from the impact of hitting the ground.
He thought he could see a woman’s face hovering above him, her pale blond hair covered with a thin layer of snow, her cheeks pink from the cold wind, had he died, was she an angel who had come to collect his rotten soul? He tried to blink and focus but the image of her was getting blurrier.
"You have to try and get up, I’ll help you into the barn, you are hurt Mr."
There that soft angelic voice was again, he felt someone tugging at his shoulder and he grunted, the movement made the pain shoot like lightning down his arm and side, he could feel the warm stream of blood soaking the waistband of his trousers.
He forced himself up on his feet and leaned heavily on the small figure next to him, a small arm snaked around his waist. What the hell was happening, was this a test? He had never heard that you had to go through tests to die.
He continued to force one foot in front of the other for what seemed an eternity. He felt warm damp air suddenly hitting his face, he was led over a wooden floor and then the grip around his waist was gone and he tipped over and fell into something soft. Bright light hit his eyes and he squinted his eyes, still unable to focus.
"Your hurt Mr, I’m gonna try and help you, but I have to remove your jacket and shirt."
He was pulled up into a sitting position and his jacket was pulled down his shoulders, his shoulder was on fire, why would someone undress him if he was dead?
"Leave it, im gonna die either way," he slurred, his voice hoarse.
"No Mr, the wound in your shoulder is shallow, and from what I can see I think I can remove the bullet in your stomach, you have been bleeding a lot, but with rest, food and water, I think you will be as good as new."
The light, soft voice answered him. That was the last thing he heard before the pain exploded and he passed out.
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annoyedfanfiction · 6 years
van der Linde.
You blinked awake, and for a moment wondered if the sunlight burning across your face was the same from the pane-less window in the O'Driscoll basement. Then long, dark hair fluttered into view, a blurred face mumbling apologies about the stinging in your wound and the absence of Arthur, but he was just too damn in the way.
"Charles?" you queried, squinting at him until your eyes focused.
"Y/N," he answered, gently. "Ms Grimshaw is coming back now. I'm sorry for the pain, I just need to clean this before she bandages it, alright?"
"Thank you, Charles," you murmured, resting your head back down again.
"Y/N, you're awake!" Ms Grimshaw's familiar voice breathed, as she re-entered. "Just one moment dear, while Charles and I finish this. That O'Driscoll did quite a number on you. Then I promise we can get onto the less gruesome matters of your mending." You whispered your thanks, bracing yourself for the pain to twist through your flesh.
"She's awake!" Arthur jumped up as soon as he heard the scream. "She's–"
"Wait, Arthur," Hosea grabbed his wrist, "Susan doesn't need to throw you out again. Let she and Charles finish their task." He growled, but remained anyway, pacing in front of the tent. The screaming ceased, and he heard quiet voices, yours a lilting familiarity that he hadn't heard for too long. Then the tent flapped open, and Charles exited.
"She's asked for you," he said, calmly, but he grabbed Arthur tightly by the arm before he could go in. "Take Hosea with you. Y'ain't gonna like what ya see." Hosea stood, with the help of Arthur's proffered hand, and limped into the tent behind him. Ms Grimshaw stepped aside and exited the tent with a brief nod.
"Arthur, Hosea," you smiled, warmly at them, despite the echoing wince of pain in your eyes. "I-"
"I'm so sorry," Arthur whispered, dropping to his knees beside your bed. "I should've caught you, I should've never let you go, I should've got there sooner, I–"
"Arthur!" You cut him off, pulling yourself into a sitting position, with Hosea's help, to trace your hands over his cheeks, before leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "This ain't your fault."
"But –" Your eyes cut him off before your mouth did.
"You listen to me well, now, Arthur Morgan," you commanded, your voice cracking into the command tone you'd mimicked from your father. "This ain't your fault. This ain't nobody's fault except Colm O-fucking-Driscoll and Micah bloody Bell. You and Charles and Lenny and John, you saved me. None of this is on you."
"And Dutch," Arthur murmured, quietly. "Dutch was with us."
"What?" Your tone wavered, for a moment, and Arthur moved so he could cradle you against him.
"Dutch was with us. Demanded he came as soon as Charles came back with Artemis," he continued, rubbing soothing circles down your back with featherlight fingers. "Hosea thought he was gonna saddle up but I reckon if I let him outta camp with his limp you'd'a whooped both our asses."
"Damn right," you mumbled, peacefully, resting your head against him. "You're meant to be the level headed one, old man." Hosea scoffed at the insult, making you and Arthur both laugh. The tent opened again, and John bustled in.
"Y/N! You almost fuckin' died!" John Marston wasn't a man that cried very often. But he was a little boy that had shed many tears in your too-rough childhood games. And he looked almost like that boy, despite the scars blistering across his face and the rough set jaw that you'd seen glare down many a target.
"Little brother," you smiled reaching for him.
"I ain't littler than you," he huffed, grumpily, but let you scoop him into your arms anyway, burying the few tears he had left into your shoulder.
"John, you'll always be my little brother," you replied, brushing your lips against his forehead, tenderly, just like you did after either of you woke to nightmares.
"Rude." His response was muffled against your skin, and you laughed, ignoring the daggers of pain such a simple movement shot through you.
"You've gotta get rid o' him, Dutch!" Arthur growled, John by his side and for once neither of them had even one dig at the other. "You heard Y/N say it was him that ratted us out in the O'Driscoll camp. That ain't make sense as a ploy when she didn't even know we was there!"
"I ain't gettin' rid of no one 'til I know the truth!" Dutch growled back, even as commotion echoed outside.
"Y/N, you shouldn't be out of bed!" Hosea's voice drew the three of them out of the tent, to be confronted by Y/N on the ground, her hands wrapped firmly around Micah's throat.
"I'll go back to bed when I've killed this rat bastard!" you answered, even as Micah struggled under you. Arthur and John raced over to help Hosea haul you up. You took one look at them and burst into tears, coiled in Arthur's lap, your arms thrown tightly around the family you'd made for yourself.
"The Hell was that about, Bell?" Dutch's voice made you jump, close to your little group, and you turned your eyes to see him towering over Micah.
"That bitch almost killed me! I was just checking in–"
"You have no fuckin' right to go near her!" John spat, throwing himself to his feet, as Arthur's grip tightened around you. Dutch threw a hand back, quickly, tucking John behind him, as though Micah wasn't the one scrabbling in the dust.
"Dutch, I think you're gonna have to face that whatever O'Driscoll did ta her, she ain't the same," Micah continued, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
"I'm same enough to beat you to a fucking pulp if you say one more word about Arthur or my family, rat!" you snarled, despite Arthur keeping you restrained on his lap.
"Y/N–" Dutch began, slowly.
"Don't you start this bullshit again, Dutch," you responded, icily, turning to face him fully, but not moving from Arthur's lap. "Maybe I weren't an expert before but I been on the inside now. An' I can tell you where Micah got his damned broken nose from two weeks ago – my skull's a pretty strong one when a rat like him is gloatin' over me about how he's gonna sell my family out! Or his new haircut? Burned his damn dreadlocks trying to screw around with a match, an' I got the scars to prove it. Micah Bell is a fucking rat!"
"That's some pretty damnin' evidence there, Dutch." John's voice rumbled low in his chest, and you weren't sure you'd ever seen him so angry. "How's that for fuckin' truth?"
"Dutch, listen to me, she's lyin'!" Micah scrambled backwards, still not managing to regain his feet. "The O'Driscoll's've turned 'er against us an' she's tryin' ta turn us on each other."
"An' how d'you suppose she knew you broke your damn nose while she was trapped with those fuckers?" Charles' voice piped in, as calm and gentle as always. "Or cut your hair? Don't flatter yourself, Bell, we all know she can't stand to look at you long enough to notice it." Micah finally managed to find his feet, hurling slurs at the unfazed man, before he was thrown to the dirt again, surrounded by the shouts of the rest of the gang.
"What did I say about one more word about my fuckin' family, Bell?" You threw another punch, firmly cracking his barely-healed nose, before you were dragged backwards again.
"Y/N, please." You froze, then thrashed against your captor's arms. "Y/N..." He released you, and you catapulted back into Arthur's arms.
"Dutch," you responded, after a few moments. John flipped Micah onto his back, pinning him down with a foot trapping his hands on his lower back.
"John, deal with Bell," Dutch commanded, anger burning through his voice. "Out of sight, preferably. Everyone else, get packing. The O'Driscoll's have gotta know where we are by now. I'm sure they'll want their pet back." John nodded, dragging Micah out of sight by his collar, as the rest of the gang dispersed to pack, leaving only you and Arthur facing Dutch, with Hosea fixed firmly between you all.
"I owe you a lot more than an apology, Y/N," Dutch admitted, his eyes fixed on the ground, while yours never left his figure. "An' I can't make what I did better, we both know that, but I need you to at least know that I am sorry. I'm damn sorry I ever let you out of my sight, and I swe–"
"Look at me when we're talkin', Dad," you reprimanded, gently. "I'm away for a couple weeks an' you lose all them manners you took so much care teachin' me." He looked up, slowly, to find you standing between him and Hosea, tears glistening on your cheeks. "You an' I are both fuckin' assholes, y'know that?" You rushed to him, wrapping him in a tight hug.
"I think we can agree I'm the biggest asshole 'ere," he answered, embracing you gently, to avoid aggravating your tender wounds.
"I dunno, I ain't heard John's gun yet." Your sentence was punctuated by a gunshot. "Never mind, now you're definitely the biggest asshole."
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