#I eat chips and make lemonade with my siblings
raycatz · 4 months
hey hey hey guess what! I was hospitalized around this time in May in 2014 for anorexia nervosa. I spent two weeks in the hospital and then three weeks in an inpatient program. I struggled with anorexia through high school and college and returned to restrictive eating multiple times. Food for the longest time wasn't safe. It's something I thought about day in and day out and it brought me a huge amount of anxiety and distress.
It's been a decade since I was hospitalized. I've come a long way since then and I'm proud to say that food isn't something I'm afraid of anymore. For four years now I haven't restricted or done any of my anorexic habits. There are still things that trigger that ED feeling, and I think there always will be, but I haven't felt the need to listen to it. I eat what I want, when I want, without any guilt or fear. This is something that would have been unimaginable to 2014 me. I've come so far. I'm so relived to be able to find joy in food again. I'm really proud!
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graveyardviolence · 4 months
Tell me about your aftg ocs!!
THANK YOU‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
okay okay okay so theres like a dozen of them but ill tell you abt my baby mercer (i may or may not be writing a fic for him)
Mercer Kyrie Reyes | #13, offensive dealer, 20, 5’7”, leo
mercer joins the foxes his sophomore year of college (he transfers) after wymack shows up at the bar he works at and basically forces his hand. this follows the events of tsc, so he & neil are the only sophomores on the team. he has a pretty mild relationship with most of the foxes since he’s not really around them that much off court. moving from bum-fuck nowhere connecticut to south carolina is a bit of a mess.
he majors in drawing (idk)
how he plays on court is usually dependent on how his day has gone. if he’s had a bad say, he won’t be of any use on court
he has a little sister, marcella, who he loves and would do anything to protect. he’s her current legal guardian.
he’s the second oldest, his older brother is 5 years older than him and has gone no-contact with the rest of his family, only really checking in every few months to make sure his siblings are alive. he has one younger brother who’s two years younger than him, and then theres marcella who’s four years younger
he has a sweet tooth that rivals andrews, it’s actually ridiculous bc this man always has candy on him no matter what
HATES spiders & flies (they freak him out)
slushy fiend
he’s vv picky eater & will only eat spicy foods
will drink lemonade no matter the season
he can COOK god hes so-
he enjoys sketching random shit he sees. if his sketchbook isnt on he’ll take a picture of whatever it is that caught his interest- but that’s almost never the case so whenever the foxes see him outside of practice he’s usually drawing
he also writes poetry! nothing serious, but he’ll write what he feels in the moment.
his relationship with wymack & abby is a little shifty. he’s got a lot of trust issues (obv) & parental issues, but abby lets his sister stay with her and keeps her fed, and wymack lets him use the foxes credit card (i forgot what its called) to buy things for her when needed, so it’s as bad as it would be if he were there alone
hes a smartass, of course, and usually gets sent off court for talking shit. he has a habit of taunting other teams. kevin usually falls victim to it during practice. he’s also very flirtatious, with just about everyone, though its usually superficial, he just likes seeing people get worked up
his nails are always chipped with black paint
he’s got his signature leather jacket that he wears no matter the season. it’s got a bunch of different pins and patches sewn into it
he drinks enough energy drinks to have a heart attack, and his hands tend to shake a LOT bc of it
he has chronic migraines! they happen at least once a day (if hes lucky)
very bad insomnia, my mans usually gets like 3 hours of sleep a day if he’s lucky. he tends to nap a LOT
he has tattoos! he wants to open up a tattoo/piercing shop, and he usually practices on himself! for marcella’s 16th birthday he gave her a small sun and moon tattoo on each of her inner forearms
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daughter-of-melpomene · 11 months
Cute character questions for Carrie, because duhskies
CARRRRRIIIEEEE MY BABY GIRL!! Thanks so much for the ask, @carmens-garden!!
the basics:
name: carrie elizabeth wheeler. age: sixteen (in season one). zodiac sign: sagittarius. one good trait: her compassion. one bad trait: her self-hatred.
one bad habit: smoking. one good habit: always turning off the light when she leaves an empty room. one habit they can’t break: picking at the skin around her nails. one they’ve broken: stress-eating. what they’re afraid of: slipping back into the worst of her depression, the upside down and its monsters, tight spaces.
their parents names: ted wheeler (father), karen wheeler (mother). their siblings names: nancy wheeler (fraternal twin sister), mike wheeler (younger brother). favorite childhood memory: the first time she played d&d with mike and the party. favorite childhood toy: a little race car gifted to her by a boy who lived down the street before his family moved. embarrassing story: when she chipped her tooth by falling off of a neighbor's fence when she was trying to climb over it. favorite family member: mike. a story about that family member: the first time mike offered to let her be dm for a campaign, she overheard him lecturing the rest of the party on how they better not do anything stupid to make his "cooler sister" not want to play d&d with them again.
what they prefer:
coffee or tea?: coffee. showering in the day or night?: day. taking baths or taking showers?: baths. tv or movies?: movies. writing or reading?: writing. platonic or romantic love?: romantic. iced tea or lemonade?: iced tea. ice cream or smoothies?: ice cream. cupcakes or cake?: cake. beach or mountains?: beaches.
song: "i think we're alone now" by tiffany. band: joan jett and the blackhearts. outfit: a plain loose-fitting t-shirt, jeans, and her beat-up sneakers. place: in the basement of her house, seated around the d&d table with the party. memory: coming out to steve and robin while the three of them were in the bathroom and on truth serum and seeing the soft way robin smiled at her when she realized she wasn't alone. person: robin. movie: the princess bride. show: the golden girls.
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send me an oc!!
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
You Weren’t Here ~ OT7 [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 4K
↬↬↬Genre: Platonic, ot7, angst
↬↬↬Pairing: OT7 X Fem!Reader
↬↬↬WARNINGS: Mentions of abandonment
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Your whole life it had just been you and your siblings which was why it had been so weird when you first began your friendship with the rest of the boys, Yoongi had known you your whole life but when he introduced you to the boys you hadn't expected to get along so well. Now you were best friends with all seven boys and having the best time of your life working alongside them. You were a stylist for BigHit which meant wherever they went you went.
"I'm telling you it was him! I totally saw him!" Namjoon said loudly while he stuffed a spring roll into his mouth claiming that it was Jungkook who had been the one to eat your final one,
"Hmm Mmm and I'm the Queen of England, you owe me a spring roll!" You laughed loudly hearing the doorbell of your apartment door go off, you frowned - you weren't expecting anyone except for the boys and they were all with you so you wondered who it could have been.
"Did you order more food Kookie?" You asked as you gazed out of the window to see a car sitting on the side of the road next to your apartment building,
"Nope." You frowned, Yoongi got up from the sofa to see what was who it could have been he knew you had a few paparazzi following you around since you'd been spotted a little closer with the boys and himself but the records had been set straight that you were all just friends. That was when you noticed the number plate and so did Yoongi, you locked eyes with one another.
"You don't think-" You couldn't even finish the thought nevermind the sentence it was far too hard for you to even try and think about him,
"It's been seven years do you think he would just come back?" Jin scowled as he watched you and Yoongi have half of a conversation where they weren't included he wanted to know what was going on but he could tell by the pained expression on your face it wasn't a good thing you were talking about.
"What's been seven years?" Jimin questioned finally coming into the conversation and not having his head stuck in his phone like he always did,
"My erm...My dad." You stuttered out rubbing the back of your neck nervously as the doorbell rang again, he seemed to be getting impatient standing at the door.
"Your dad?" They all asked in unison, they knew the story of your father. He'd been in and out of your life since the day you'd turned 15, deciding when and where he wanted to be a part of your life and leaving you to raise your siblings for him.
"Y/n?" You were staring into space for so long you'd managed to blank out everything happening around you apart from the memories of your father. Yoongi knew how this was going to plan out, your father would come back like he always did when he needed something but leave the second he got it it was how it worked with him but you made excused for him. Telling people that it wasn't his fault he just wasn't meant to have kids, that he was doing the best he could with the situation he was in.
"Shall I tell him to leave?" Yoongi's hand being placed on your waist brought you back to the present time and you looked up at him and shook your head.
"I want to see him," You whispered brushing off your hands and slowly making your way to the front door trying to remember the last time you'd actually seen him properly without seeing him through a glass panel at a prison or a rehab centre. Yoongi was anxious for you, he'd made it clear from the start that he'd never liked your father and that was because he could see right through everything he did for you, Yoongi didn't take the bullshit excuses for him. If you made a child you shouldn't just abandon them because you couldn't be bothered to raise them, he'd done that with you and all six of your siblings. Leaving you to be the one to pick up the pieces since your mother wasn't in the picture at all.
When you finally pulled open the door your dad was standing there in a rotten flannel shirt, jeans filled with holes that didn't look designer.
"I didn't get the wrong place!" He threw his arms around your neck as though it had been 7 days since he saw you not 7 weeks but you didn't hug him back you were too shocked to even remove your hand from the door handle.
"Dad, what are you doing here?" You whispered hating that you reduced yourself to a whisper in front of him but you didn't know what else to do, every inch of your body was telling you to hug him back. That he was your father and you missed him but your head was telling you not to trust a single thing he was doing,
"Oh- You have guests...I thought you would be alone, I'm sorry-" He lied looking at you and shaking his head - he knew you had guests. He'd seen the cars in the driveway it was what he was counting on to get inside of your house - he began promising he would come back another time but you took his hand in yours telling him it was fine.
"We have some leftover food, why don't you come and join us?" He smiled kindly at you following you through to the living room where the boys all stared at him,
"Guys this is my dad, dad this is Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, Jimin, Jungkook and you already know Yoongi." They all shook your father's hand while Yoongi watched him from a distance, he already had a bad feeling about this so he was going to keep an eye on him for as long as he could.
"I don't want to take up much of your time Y/n, can I talk to you in private?" Yoongi really didn't like the thought of that but you took your father into the kitchen ready to hear anything he had to say to you.
"Do you want some tea?" You offered, tea always seemed to make you less anxious for things like these. It gave you something to hold onto while the other person spoke,
"Please." You began making it while he sat down at the marble countertop. He stared around while you made the tea you seemed to be doing quite well for yourself which meant his plan would be going along well, he shifted on the seat as you came over with some tea for him.
"What is it you wanted to talk about?" You questioned sitting opposite him on the barstool and looking at the liquid instead of at him. You were determined not to look at him until you heard a sniffle fall from his lips,
"Dad?" Your voice softened and you stared at him. He had tears running down his face as he tried to speak to you the words failing whenever he tried to open his mouth. You placed your hand over the top of his to try and get him to talk,
"Breathe dad, what is it?" He sighed looking at you and shaking his head at you and holding your hand close to his chest.
"I'm so proud of you-"
"Afte everything I did to you, everything I put you through and you've turned into this amazing young woman." He reached his other hand out and brushed it against your cheek smiling as he looked into your eyes.
"You've done so well and I just-" He wiped his eyes on a tissue you were giving to him.
"I want you to tell you how sorry I am for everything I put you through. From leaving and coming back all of the time, I promise it will no longer be like that." You went to say something when he started back up again.
"I'm getting my life together I promise, for you. I have a job now, it isn't much but it's something. I'm living in this nice studio apartment until I can save enough to get a job." You smiled at him genuinely feeling happy for your father to finally be piecing things back together again.
"Have you seen the others yet?" You were referring to your siblings who you hadn't seen in a while either but that was because they were all busy with their own lives.
"I'm going to see your brother tomorrow, we're going to go to dinner." You nodded along with him,
"I promise never to let you down again darling, you can always count on me." You couldn't help but feel relieved that he was finally getting things together and promising to spend time with you but you could tell there was something bothering him.
"What else is it dad?" You questioned,
"I just...I don't want you to think this is the only reason I came to you Y/n." He started off slow and looked away from you,
"Dad please."
"I need help with some rent, my boss...He messed up my payments and I just need the rest of the rent money until I can get some from work." You nodded your head at him willing to do anything now that he was promising his life was together.
"H-How much is it?" You slipped out off the barstool and walked towards your handbag that was in the kitchen, grabbing some money from your purse.
"₩675,000," Your jaw dropped open, that was more than what you were paying for your apartment but you took out the cheque book from your purse instead and wrote him out a check,
"I'll give you ₩700,000. You can get some new clothes to go and see Josh in then." You said as you looked up at him, he didn't look like he was going to be ready to go to dinner in what he was wearing and you doubt he had much better at home.
"I can't take this it's-"
"Dad please, just...Just take it okay? You're finally getting yourself together that's all I care about." You folded the cheque up and placed it into his hand while you smiled sweetly at him.
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Yoongi didn't trust any of it for a second and headed out to follow your dad after he left your apartment,
"Yoongi where are you going?" You asked as he walked towards the front door,
"Ice cream, you want your favourite?" You nodded your head about to tell him you would go with him but he went alone and followed close behind your dad so he could see what the new scam he was building was. He'd never trusted your father, not since the first time he walked out and left you with your siblings. Yoongi and his family did everything they could to make sure you were okay growing up but you did most of it, attending school while working 3 jobs and raising kids was hard when you were 15 but you managed to make it work. Everyone chipped in, included your youngest sister who was 11 at the time he left, she began running lemonade stands in the summer and hot chocolate ones in the winter to help with funding the house.
"What are you doing?" Yoongi mumbled watching as your father pulled into the driveway of a very expensive looking house, he'd wanted very much for everything your father had told you to be true for your sake but he could see from this that none of it had been.
The front door to the house opened and four kids came running out to gree your dad, throwing their arms around him and calling him dad.
"What are you wearing?!" A woman dressed in a tight-fitting white dress with very expensive looking shoes,
"I just had an old job to do, you know how it is." He laughed loudly picking up the smallest girl and putting her on his shoulders, they all walked into the house happily and Yoongi frowned watching the display. If he was really desperate for money why was he living in such a grand place? Then the garage door opened beside the house and a boy around 16 came out holding some keys, he got into your father's car and backed it into the garage where Yoongi saw 4 other guys all of different value sitting there. Your father wasn't desperate for money it was another scam but how was Yoongi supposed to tell you all of this.
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Sitting in the window of your apartment you waited for Yoongi to come back, the rest of the boys were all laughing and joking while playing on the switch Jungkook had brought along with him that morning.
"You want a game?" Jungkook asked waving the small controller in front of your face,
"No, I'm okay-"
"She's waiting for her ice cream." Taehyung laughed watching as your nose was practically glued to the window. It wasn't true, you were waiting for Yoongi he'd told you he had something important to tell you and you didn't like the tone of his voice when he did.
"Can't be anything too bad right? I mean- He didn't sound panicked." Jimin whispered coming up behind you and sitting in the window, you'd answered the call on speakerphone, there was nothing you kept from the boys since you were so close.
"I know but he just sounded...upset?" The door opened before you could elaborate and Yoongi was stood there without the ice cream.
"No ice cream?!" Hoseok asked looking disappointed but he soon stopped when he realised how serious Yoongi looked.
"We should be alone Y/n..." You went to get up when Jimin pulled you back down,
"Anything you have to say you can say in front of us." He told Yoongi and you nodded thinking it couldn't be anything bad so Yoongi took you over to the sofa and sat you down,
"The thing is...I followed your dad." He started off easy wanting to ease you into it and not scare you.
"He's not living in some studio apartment he's in this big house with erm..." He looked down at his hands, he'd been planning this speech the whole ride over here but now he was face to face with you it was harder.
"He has kids, one can't be more than 16 so I'm assuming some of them aren't his but he's got all these cars and a wife." Your brows furrowed together as you tried to piece together what Yoongi was saying, the boys understood right away what was happening and Jimin wrapped his arm around you to try and comfort you but you pushed him away as you got up.
"You're wrong, he wouldn't do that to me-" You were already tearing up because you knew deep down that it was exactly the sort of thing your father would do.
"He wouldn't...He wouldn't lie to me." You stuttered out staring at the floor as tears rolled freely down your cheeks, Yoongi reached out for your hand but you snatched it away.
"No! You're wrong! H-He wouldn't do that to me!" You yelled loudly trying not to imagine him raising someone elses children while he left his own alone and frightened.
"Y/n..." Yoongi said slowly as he looked at you confirming that it was serious, that he wouldn't lie to you about something like this.
"Take me there. I want to see it." Your voice came out colder than you wanted it to but Yoongi nodded his head,
"I'll take you tomorrow when you've calmed down-"
"I want to go tonight, I won't be able to sleep." You whispered looking around for your keys and a jacket but Yoongi held out his own keys telling you that he would drive instead.
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Low and behold Yoongi was right, your father came out of the house in a suit and tie that night carrying a bag of rubbish over to a dustbin before a 4-year-old girl came rushing over to him in a gown.
"DADDY!" You flinched at the way she called him dad before he bent down and span her around, you'd imagined him doing that to you when you were a kid but all he ever did was raid your piggy bank for gambling debt money.
"Y/n?" Yoongi placed his hand on yours but you didn't move, you stared at your father as he waited by the garage a black range rover pulled out and he sat her in the back of the car. A string of family members all coming out to greet him with a kiss as he helped them inside, you slowly rolled the window down to hear what they were saying.
"Thank you for this, it'll be nice to go to a dinner that isn't business-related." The woman you were assuming was his wife said as she leant in for a kiss from him.
"I told you, my boss loves treating us." You swallowed the lump in your throat as you watched him be happy with another family the way he'd never been with you.
"Take me home." You whispered to Yoongi looking away from the house and at the floor instead.
"Please." You begged him and he started up the engine driving off towards your apartment instead.
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The boys were staying over that night, they didn't want you to be alone after everything that had happened but it was 3 am and you were sitting on the sofa with Yoongi and Jin just staring at the hot chocolate Jin had made you.
"Y/n I'm really sorry," Yoongi started but you shook your head at him, it wasn't his fault your father was the way he was.
"I fell for his lies like I always do Yoongi it's not your fault." You whispered taking a sip from the cup as Jin wrapped a blanket over you and him, he was sitting with your head resting against his shoulder.
"Do you want us to say anything?" You shook your head at Jin's question it would just cause more hassle than it was worth but Yoongi wasn't willing to let this go just like that. You'd been so happy all morning but now you were upset and no one fucked with the people he loved. Especially not your father.
"You should do something though...He has your money." Jin whispered but you yawned and shook your head telling him it was nothing,
"Just leave it, I'm tired I think I'm going to go to sleep...You should too." You told them both but they just stared at one another ready to come up with a plan to deal with your father.
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The next morning you woke up to loud yelling and people screaming,
"What the fuck?" You asked throwing yourself out of the bed and heading down to see your father trying to push his way into the house but Yoongi had the chain on the door.
"She doesn't want to hear from you-"
"You don't get to speak for my daughter!" Namjoon's gasp brought Yoongi back to the room and you stared at the door,
"Let him in." You whispered, Yoongi went to protest against it not wanting you to be any more upset than you already were,
"Let him in." You repeated coming down to the bottom floor and staring at the door as you waited for your father to come into the apartment. The chain was removed from the door and your father rushed in, dressed in the same tattered clothes as before and you calmly walked into the living room.
"T-They took everything! They jumped me in the street!" You nodded your head and turned around to face your father who was crying heavily,
"You've gotten good at that, better than before." You said calmly as you looked at him feeling nothing but disgust as you looked at the man who was supposed to be your father.
"Good at what?" He wiped his eyes as he continued to fake his crying,
"Faking your emotions, acting. It's gotten good...You almost had me." You laughed but Yoongi walked into the room standing behind you to try and give you some support but you didn't need it.
"What do your other family think of it? Or is your act with them real?" You folded your arms over your chest staring him down, he went to back out of the living room but Jin and Namjoon took place at the door to stop him from escaping. They weren't going to let him get away with what he did so easily and the fact that he was going to pull another stunt over you was unforgivable.
"Other family...What are you talking about?" He stuttered out as he made eye contact with you and Yoongi who was glaring at him,
"You! You followed me home last night! You watched me!" He yelled pointing his finger at Yoongi as he began to yell out curse words,
"Don't! Don't you dare pin this on someone else! You have another family! A whole other life!?" You'd finally lost your cool, you weren't going to let him get away with this. Seeing him now and seeing how he was going to try something again sent you over the edge and you lost it.
"I started a new family, so what?" He told you as though it was no big deal and you scoffed at him.
"You didn't even finish this family off first!" You yelled loudly throwing your hands up in the air in defeat,
"You abandoned us! I had to be more than a sister to my siblings, I had to be a mother, a father, the main provider! Everything!" All the pent up anger you had for him was spilling out as you finally unleashed everything you'd felt towards him over the years.
"No! I love you! I didn't abandon you!... I just...I couldn't do the parent thing!" You scoffed at him, he couldn't do the whole parenting thing but he was raising another woman's kids,
"How long have you been with her?" You questioned folding your arms over your chest and demanding the answers you deserved,
"9 years in December," You laughed at him again but this time it was out of pitty, nine years. He hadn't seen you in seven which meant he'd been lying ever since he walked out on you when you were 15 and seeing them before he left.
"Please! I never meant to lie! I love you-"
"Stop saying that! You don't love me! You don't even know me!" You yelled looking at him as he shook his head at you, crying those fake tears once again but you could see right through this time,
"I'm your dad! Who knows you better than me?!"
"They do!" You yelled pointing at the boys who were all ready to throw your father out of the house, Yoongi took your hand in his to calm you own,
"Get out, I never want to see you again." You spat at him as Namjoon and Jin both pulled his arms towards the front door while he yelled about how he didn't care, that you were nothing but a free bank to him.
"I only came because you were in that paper with these guys! You think I'd ever come back to you! I don't need you!" He screamed right as the door was slammed in his face, the rest of the boys left you and Yoongi in the living room, he knew you the best so he was going to be the best and comforting you right now.
"Y/n?" Yoongi whispered but you just turned around and cried into his arms, sobbing hysterically as he held you close to him.
"I'll make sure he never comes near you again, okay?" You nodded as he held you close to him not letting go for even a second as you cried into his chest promising not to leave your side until you were ready.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​ 
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nowornever13587 · 4 years
MCYT Oxenfree Chapter 1
Edward’s Island.
Fundy POV
“It used to be a military base. Then it became a ranching thing, then it was turned into an army thing, then it became a bird thing and a museum or whatever. Henry Fonda stationed here, I think, for a bit. Unless he was Navy.” 
I listened to Tommy rattle on as I leaned on the rail of the ship. The salty smell of the ocean filled the overcast sky. But thankfully, it was only slightly cold. Just enough for a light jacket..
“Who’s Henry Fonda?” Eret asked, unaware that you should never ask Tommy questions when he’s explaining things. He had a tendency to not hear them.
“And around Christmas time, this little breakfast place used to sell these amazing polar bear sugar cookies…” Like normal, Tommy went on. I laughed to myself, peering back over the edge of the ferry for wildlife in the water.
“Hey,” Tommy poked me. “Are you still with us? You haven’t said anything for like… 10 minutes.”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah. My mind just drifted for a second.” I turned back, checking my watch. It was 8. Right on time.
“So, you all moved in?” Tommy continued to talk to Eret. 
“Um, not really. I just got in this morning.” Eret chuckled.
“And how did Fundy’s mom meet your dad again?” Tommy was eager for gossip. 
“They met on vacation in London. He got lost in a garden and thought she worked there.” Eret took it in good humor as we walked back in the boat. 
I took the liberty of exploring the small craft. It wasn’t that old but still had that air to it. Slightly chipped paint and worn seats. How they got worn, I never understood. Only bird watchers and history nuts ever headed to Edward’s island anymore. Particularly not in the winter.
“Hey, there’s an old ship's wheel up here.” I called down to the others from the second story as I bent to read the placard. “It’s a replica from a… Portuguese caravel, it says.”
“Yeah! I think the Portuguese discovered the island? I dunno. I mostly slept through the maritime portion of history class.” Tommy shrugged.
“Says the kid who’s been ranting about the island for the past 18 minutes.” Eret teased. Tommy shot him a teasing glare as I came back down.
“So you guys just met tonight?” Tommy continued.
“Yeah, I was… I’d been out at school and the timing had just never worked out.” Eret shrugged.
“And what does that make you to the Furry? Second cousin or something?”
“Step bro and I am not a furry!” I groaned
“Yeah, yeah! At least you seem cool!” Tommy laughed. “Cool guy, cool eyes. You get a cool new sibling living right in your house! Wearing your clothes… eating your food ... Sharing your toothbrush.”
“Ew!” We both grimaced. The conversation dipped awkwardly.
“So… how do you two know each other?” Eret prompted us.
“Oh, from way back when, like paleozoic. Grade school era.”
“I moved from the Netherlands in the first grade and Tommy was the one I got partnered with on the first day.” 
“Passengers,” Suddenly the robotical intercom kicked on, nearly scaring me out of my skin. “We’ll be arriving soon. Check under your seat-” 
“Check under your seat to make sure you don’t leave behind any grandchildren.” Tommy commented over the recording sarcastically. 
“And if you picked up a complimentary disposable radio, remember to tune to 102.3 at the various plaques…” It droned on.
“Ooh! We should get a picture!” Tommy suddenly stood, dragging Eret and I back to the bow of the ferry. 
“Fine. Just… hold the camera out. Like… far. I don’t look my freshest right now.” I told Tommy as he pulled out his phone. I ran a hand over my ears, trying to smooth down my fur that had puffed up due to the humidity.
“It’s true, Eret. This is like B Minus Fundy.” Tommy grinned.
“Take the picture you child!” I nudged him. 
“I am not a child!” Tommy retorted while holding out the camera. We all smiled as the audible click came from the phone.
“There! Great. I’ll magic erase all the warts out and stuff, so don’t worry.” Tommy checked over the photo.
Eret made a face at the mention of warts and rolled his eyes. 
“Hey, Furry. Did you remember to bring that radio? The little portable one?” Tommy piped back up.
“Yeah.” I sighed, ignoring the comment as I took the object out my pocket.
“Our high school has a radio station and Finn- he’s a friend of ours- he’s filling in because TapL went on vacation with his family or something.” Tommy explained as I began twisting the knob to find the station. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s gonna say something like… basically right now about our thing so…”
We all intently listened to the radio as I found the right station, 88.3.
“... Which I played because Karl wouldn’t stop singing it during math class!” Finn seemed to be talking about the song that was just on. “But… oh! Look at the time! Just after ten o’clock. Which means my dear friend Tommy and his bros are probably just touching down on Edwards island for the yearly bash on the beach…. Or whatever we call it now.”
“But anyways, I promised him that I’d play a song from his channel, so hope you're tuned in, Tommy! Here’s Able Sisters- Sable and Mable from Animal Crossing. He’s been tormenting me to play it for ages so here. Please stop.” 
The familiar song came on. I groaned quickly, shutting it off.
“Haha!” Tommy crowed. “I finally got him to do it!” 
His victory rant was cut off as the ferry’s horn blasted above us. 
“There’s no radio reception on the island.” Tommy continued. “I’m glad I got to hear it before it went totally kaput.”
“If we can’t use it, why’d you bring it? Not just for the boat?” Eret inquired.
“Um, no. You’ll see. Don’t expect too much but… nah. It’ll be fun. I won’t undercook it.” Tommy waved his hands mysteriously. “You’ll see.”
We all shut up as the boat began nearing the dock. The old man running the ship helped us get off, before pulling away again. 
“Oh boy! Smell that clean air, lads! This ain’t city livin’!” Tommy gestured to the now dark heavens. “My other friends should be up around the bend.”
“Actually,” Eret said nervously, waiting at the top of the dock stairs. “I mean, I don’t mean to be the guy to break us up already, but Tommy, could you do me a favor? Can I have two quick minutes with Fundy?”
“Uh… you sure?” Tommy hesitated. I glanced back up at Eret. The older boy seemed sincere.
“Something wrong?” I wondered.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just need a minute.” Eret glanced at the street light above.
“Alright, but- Look, I don’t wanna go up by myself. I mean, can’t we just stick together? You’re gonna have all night to say, like… whatever.” Tommy pleaded, using his puppy dog eyes. 
“But you were going to meet your friends, right?”
“Yeah but there further-”
“Tommy, it’s alright. Just wait for us at the end of the town, okay?  We’ll catch up with you there.” I reasoned. 
“Alright.” Tommy sighed, walking off. “Though this is a really strange way to start off, splitting up.”
“Thanks man!” Eret called after him, before turning to me. “He seems nice. Funny.”
“Yeah, he’s… what did you want to talk about? Before I suspect something nefarious.” I teased, coming back to the top of the stairs. 
“Listen, I just wanted to grab you ahead of time and say you’ve been…. Cool… about everything. And I guess it’s just - for me, I’ve never moved anywhere, ya know? And, like, getting a new family at the same time kinda feels like I’m skipping the training wheels.”
“Not that it’s bad! You and your mum have been great!”
“Eh, we’ll make do.” I nudged Eret playfully. “Lemons, lemonade, however that goes.”
“You idiot.” Eret and I laughed. 
“Oh, thanks for setting up the attic for me, by the way. It’s cool, how it’s a little bedroom.” 
“No problem…” I looked at the dark water. I really didn’t want to touch that subject. “It’s nice, at night, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Not chilly.” Eret nodded. “We can- we can catch back up with Tommy now. I didn’t mean to take so long.”
We walked down the stairs into the parking lot. Commenting on the lonely car, I noticed a blocked off road. I decided to ignore it in favor of heading up the long staircase to the little shops that made the town of the island. 
“Oh, what’s that?” Eret pointed at the statue as we reached the top. A bird on a pedestal with a whale below it. 
“I forgot this was even here.” I chuckled. “It’s a monument to some submarine that was sunk off the coast.”
“Oh, wait. Can’t you do that radio guide thing like the boat said?” Eret looked excited. “I wanna see how it works.
“Sure.” I pulled the thing out of my pocket.
“It was…. 101 or 102, I think.”
I found the station. The voice of some tour guide came on. 
“Named after the Hawiian god of the sea, the USS Kanaloa was launched on January 15, 1941 and commissioned into service at the end of that year under the command of Lt. C. Dream...”
“Never heard of this before. Kinda creepy in a way, right?” Eret murmured. 
“On October 28, 1943, it was sunk by the Japanese sub chaser Tokisada some 25 miles off the coast of Washington…”
“Yeah, I hate thinking about it. It reminds me of those scenes in movies where sailors have to seal somebody up to drown or else the flooding will take the whole ship, you know?” I shivered at the idea.
“... and remains, to this day, the only submarine casualty in American waters. Eighty-five officers, as well as twelve Army passengers, were lost.”
“Yeah, no. I always thought submarine duty was, like, the worst possible war assignment. There’s no way out if something goes wrong.”
I turned off the radio as the recording began again. We continued through the town. All the stores were closed. Probably because it was starting to become winter and we took the last ferry here. 
“Hello kids. The other guys and gals must be further up, so be quick now.” Tommy’s voice suddenly called from the top of a ramp. We laughed, running up to him. 
“Okay, speed-read definition of Edwards Island. This is a tourist trap with shops and beach. Nobody lives here except some geriatric named Mr. Halo. But, cross my heart and hope to die, we’ll never mention him or any other old person’s name again.”
“We are here to drink and be stupid. A tradition apparently started by bored recruits in the nineteen fifties who would sneak dates over from the coastal towns. They literally called it ‘trawling’.”
“Wow, interesting.” I lightly mocked. Eret snorted behind me.
“Yeah, like kids at camp or something.” Tommy shrugged. “So, to summarize, we are not allowed here after dark. The town is shut down, and we - the L’manberg High Junior Class- have come to commit improper acts.”
We came to a fence just taller than me. I frowned, glancing at Tommy. 
“The beaten path officially ends here. The beach is past the fence a way. I think Nikki told me that there’s a way that they used to get over there, but… I can’t remember how. I mean, can’t be too difficult.” Tommy looked around.
“Dumpster?” Eret pointed to the relatively empty bin sitting by the edge of the path. 
“Perfect, we can push it over and close the lid.” I got beside him and helped. 
“And the other thing about this nowhere island,” Tommy stayed back to finish his story. “Is the weirdo caves.”
“The weirdo caves?” Eret echoed incredulously. 
“The whole reason Fundy brought the radio is because when you go to the- it’s like ‘front’--
“The mouth.” I supplied.
“The mouth of this particular cave, you can sometimes pick up frequencies to stations that don’t exist.” Tommy grinned. “You’ll hear voices or just... sounds… And they’re impossible to get anywhere else on the island. Crazy, right?”
“It’s, um, it’s pretty creepy… at least I’ve heard.” Eret and I managed to get the dumpster into place. 
“I did it once. It’s amazing when it works.” 
“Okay, back up a minute here. What about that Mr. Halo guy? Is he the saint for the island or something?” Eret looked back at the town below us. 
“His family, I think, like owns or owned some of the island or something… he’s been shackled in the same spot for like seventy years. He’s kind of what you’d call a local legend. His house is on the other side of the woods.”
“I can’t imagine living in the same exact house looking at the same exact wall for that long a time.” I climbed up the dumpster and hopped over the fence. The other two joined me a heartbeat later.
We walked down the path, finding the trail that dipped down to the beach.
“Oh, before we get there, I should mention-” 
Tommy was cut off by laughter. 
“Who’s that?” Eret asked from behind me.
(Sorry if it's too long. But I shall try to post the next chapters every few days or so. Each should be around this long.)
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tracle0 · 4 years
hello hey hi and a splendid saturday to you, I come bearing a question for the wip4 gang and that question is: what is each of their most significant memories? additionally, are there any memories they would jump at the chance to get rid of? ok bye please have an excellent day \o/ (and before you yell at me I'm going to sleep now I swear)
I’m glad that when you even LOOK at me you think ‘oh sleep time’ I am Pavlov and you are my dog and this metaphor is stupid I will answer your question now
I’m gonna... assume this is uhh pre-story question because I know for a fact that at least three characters would change their answer to at least one question if it was post-story. My house, my rules. 
Keaton’s most significant memory is p r o b a b l y the time when he was in year 12 (17), and he was called to the head of sixth form office. He’d been at this school since year 7 (11), and had realised he was trans in year 8 (12/13), and had then been fighting for the right to use his bathroom ever since. This had previously resulted in punishment. In year 10 (15), he made progress, being allowed to use the disabled bathroom, but he wanted the men's bathroom dammit. 
Anyway, called to head of sixth form, assumed it was related to that issue. Pessimistic about the whole ordeal. 
Turned out there was another student in like year 9 who had come out as trans as well, and the school had gone ‘UHHHHHHHHH LET’S DO BETTER THIS TIME’ so Keaton, being the only other trans student in this rural Norfolk school, was assigned as her... mentor??? I guess? 
He was half like ‘fuck y’all’ and half like ‘I will not let this young woman go through the same shit you all put me through, I will guard her like a HAWK’. He was still not allowed to use his bathroom, but he makes her fight a little easier; she’s allowed to use her bathroom in year 10, after he left. They still meet up every now and then for coffee. 
Memory to be rid of: First day on a Professional Set, he walked backwards whilst taking a tea order and fell into a bin. Terrible first impression. He still got jobs afterwards, but sometimes people will be like ‘oh yeah I’ve heard of you you’re the bin guy’ and he wants to punch them. 
This is getting long already I’m gonna put the rest under a cut
I know you’re here for Mika so I’ll go to them, most significant memory: probably his first pride? He didn’t intend to go to pride, but he was in the city on the day of pride and just walked past all these rainbows and flags and people being so open and proud and themselves. He was maybe fifteen, and had been having those fun Gender Feels that you try and hide at age fifteen, because you’re only fifteen and most people tell you you’re not old enough to know anything about yourself, yknow? 
Someone gave him a flyer at one point, and when he got back to his Ultra Christian Household, he hid it and would read through it some nights. When he had it memorised, he started to explore more about queerness online. He’s the guy who can tell you all about LGBT history due to this research. This was only done in the city on the library computers, where his trail couldn’t be tracked. It gave him some sort of start for labels, some sort of safe space, some sort of New Approach to everything he’d been feeling. 
Memory to be rid of: last day in Ultra Christian School. He was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school and it wasn’t awful until he was about fourteen, at which point he started to grow his hair. They told him to cut it constantly. He was punished for it. He kept the hair. 
It got bad but it wasn’t until he was about seventeen that it really buckled; first real notable psychotic episode. He told people, they were convinced it was some sort of possession, convinced he’d sinned, convinced of all these horrible things about him and drove him out until he could ‘act normally’ again. He did not go back. 
In all honesty, the second he turned 18, he took his savings from various dead grandparents and a part-time job, bought a second-hand (maybe third-hand) camper-van and left home. 
He goes back for Christmas only. 
Mooooving on, Lynne! Who I do not talk about enough; she’s also part of the documentary squad, and actually the reason the whole squad exists. Producer and director, she’s very cool okcoolthanks
Most significant memory: That one time she was thirteen and her parents had officially declared their divorce. She was living with her dad and it was really, really weird and she was not enjoying it. Divorce is a big deal to some families, and this family was one of them, and she was really unsure about her entire future. 
Cue Mika, young and mostly obedient, kicking down the door (not literally) and kidnapping her (again, not literally) to come pick blackberries with him (very literally). They stayed out until the sun went down in early Autumn. She forgot about the divorce for a small amount of time. They ended the day eating fish and chips straight from the paper whilst sitting in a tree and talking about nothing important at all. 
They made jam out of the blackberries the next day. It was gross. Both of them refused to admit it was gross. 
Memory to be rid of: She went camping one time with friends from school. Lynne is Muslim and so did not go to Catholic school with Mika, they just lived near each other, and so school friends went ‘hey we’re going camping you should come’ she did come. 
It was a mess. They were fifteen and determined to drink, and English peer pressure to drink is weird, so she did take some drink but didn’t drink it. Someone threw up on her tent and blamed it on her. No-one bought any food or water, the only thing she was able to drink was lemonade bought for mixing and that had ants in it within two hours. 
She woke up first and left them all there, then walked home because she was meant to be lift-sharing. It took an hour and a half. She preferred that to being in the car. 
That group wasn’t her only group of friends, but it was her main group, so things were awkward for a while. 
Moving on from Documentary Squad, Percival! Percy Percival who I wish I could call Percy because it’s so much easier to write. 
Significant memory: winning an art contest when he was like. Eleven. Really living the high-life, ol’ Percival. It was a city-wide contest, with various age categories. He was part of the 11-18 clump, which put him at a disadvantage, but he still won. As a reward, his art was replicated on a mural in one of the shopping malls in town, and he got some fancy vouchers for a fancy art shop in the city. 
Winning the art contest made him go ‘oh wait I’m actually good at this thing I really like doing I should learn how to do that more’ and you could barely pry him away from his sketchbook from that point on. 
Those vouchers were stored away until he was 14 and doing art GCSE, at which point he bought a nice sketchbook and oil paints. He’s now very good at oil painting. I hate him for being good at oil painting. Oil painting SUCKS. 
Memory to be rid of: I’m torn between three and they’re all similar so I’ll go for all of them. 
#1 - losing an eye to Abby’s experiments. You read the lil short story I think (I know I checked just now) - she’s a very kind and loving sister who sometimes moves his body parts around. One time, he lost an eye and went blind for a few weeks. He had nightmares about it for months. It was very painful.
#2 - losing a finger. To Abby’s experiments. It was the middle finger on his left hand and it didn’t go back into place quickly enough - now it’s always numb and discoloured. Good news is he’s right-handed and not a musician so no worries about losing dexterity on that hand. 
#3 - losing two ribs. To Abby’s experiments.  There’s a very clear trend here. She wanted to try moving things she couldn’t see around. She moved two ribs away. She decided it was more dangerous to put them back. Now they just have two of Percival’s ribs lying around. 
On that note, final person, this is very long. Abby! She’s fun. Most significant memory;
okay the word ‘significant’ has caught me off-guard several times cause like wow how do you figure out significant memories for people. I don’t have just one, yknow? But I think I know one for her. 
She’s the eldest out of her and Percival and, for a while, people wanted her to set an example for him, which she tried to do, but she wasn’t good at what people wanted her to be good at. She’s good with people. She’s good at very specific parts of biology. She’s good at psychology. She’s not good at school and tests. 
So, when Percival started to beat the standards she set for him, her parents almost... egged competition on. Played favourites, compared the two siblings. Nobody really noticed what she could do, they only cared about what she struggled with. And the parents were rarely around to help out with what she was struggled with. So she struggled on and tried to keep her head high.
Cue a family wedding, she was snooping around the snack table at the reception and overheard her parents talking about her. And how they were almost disappointed in her. How they were annoyed that she couldn’t be more like Percival, honestly, what did they do wrong? 
She got bitter. She pretends she doesn’t care but she’s bitter, and with no parents around to lash out at, she lashes out at Percival, who isn’t even aware. Good times. Not good times. Significant times. 
Memory to be rid of: Honestly? Probably hearing her parents talking about her at the family wedding. It stings. 
A n y w a y this was extremely long I like going into detail with short stories, if you read this far then thank you I appreciate it I will give you a feather from my feather collection. Probably a swan feather. I have a lot of swan feathers. 
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laylacooke · 4 years
A New Hope || Lucas & Layla
timing: Sometime last week (5/17- 5/22) parties: @lucastheunlucky & @laylacooke summary: Luke invites Layla over for blanket tents, snacks, and Disney movies.  warnings: Prepare yo-self for this cuteness! ♥
Luke felt terrible about not really introducing himself to Layla before, even if he had literally just got out of the hospital and had a lot on his mind after his attack. But Luke was an extremely caring person and sent her a text inviting her over to his apartment which was equipped to the nines with security to keep them safe. Luke had a plan for tonight, equal parts to combat his boredom and, also, as a peace offering to a calm night for the other. On the couch, he had a short stack of clean lines, clothesline, pins, and various objects to aid in his vision of camping indoors. When he heard the buzz from downstairs he ran over and rang her in, opening his door he waited for her to come up. Offering a crooked smile at seeing her. “Are you picky with snacks? Cause guess what--” he let her into his apartment. “We literally have twenty different kinds.” He laughed. 
Layla had been hesitant about answering Luke’s text. The wolf pack meeting hadn’t exactly been what she had expected, and while she had stayed in her own corner most of the night, it seemed like no one had cared to reach out, and with Salva being there, had only made things worse. But she had played fault in such a bad experience, and in hopes of showing one of her fellow wolves that she wasn’t as bad as she seemed, she had decided to accept his offer. As soon as he opened the door, Layla let a small smile drift over her sad features, “Hey, and uh...if you’ve got any vegan options...if not, it’s totally cool.” She eased inside upon being invited in. Luke’s apartment was homely, and it felt like a safe space to be in. Something she could imagine having someday, if she could ever get her life in order, “Cute place.” Walking over towards a nearby wall, she stood quietly waiting for his lead.
“I mean junk food, so hopefully that’s okay,” he chuckled, showing the actual pile of snacks like Lucas had robbed a few vending machines. “I never get to eat bad, so it’s a treat.” Lucas poured them some drinks, offering lemonade, water, or iced tea. “So, first impressions weren’t the best, but listen-- I’m sorry. I couldn’t entirely focus on anything else. The nice thing about having a few of us around means we can all take care of each other now. Rotate, take when we need too, give when we can. It will balance out.” Lucas seemed sure of it, coming from a place where his family always felt like a pack before they left.
“No, it’s perfectly fine. I’m sure there’s something.” Layla looked at the pile of snacks. It was a lot, but it had been kind of him offering up all the treats for them to share. “I think, since being with Ari, Celeste, and Ulfric, it’s the first time, in a long time, that I’ve been able to eat good. What do you think you’ll eat first?” She looked back to the pile spotting some almonds and sunflower seeds. She had found her snacks. “I’ll go with water. Thanks.” She moved over towards the pile and pulled out a few packs of nuts and seeds. Listening to him talk about the pack, she could see how much of a family they were. She had hoped to eventually navigate her way in, but right now, she had felt like the outsider of the bunch. “And you don’t have to apologize. I know I wasn’t very friendly. I just still sorta feel like the outsider and being around a bunch of people makes me nervous, especially when I don’t know most of them, and one of them is a complete douche.” She paused, “Salva’s the douche...to clarify…”
Lucas chuckled, grabbing three different bags of chips, and plopping right on the floor in the living room. “Well, this is new for everyone. I’m not used to even existing for people to care about. I only just got my brother back. So, it’s alright to feel weird--” he paused, realizing he used the same description word Regan always used. “Not weird,” he corrected. “Just, different. Change is always going to be a ride.” He felt a little affection over her explain who the douche was at the get together. “Everyone has a variety of experiences to shape them. Sometimes the ones who are the meanest, and the loudest are the ones who are the loneliest in the group. We’re all a bit messed up, we gotta make do. Try to live. I hope that for you too.” Lucas sighed a little, trying to believe his own words, which would be a challenge, but he was determined. “So, think we can make a tent in here without further injuring ourselves?” 
If Layla was going to make the most of hanging out and getting to know Lucas, she knew she needed to lighten up. Her mind had been so clouded with darkness lately that it was hard to be happy and cheerful, even during Ariana’s adventures in pie making. But she was tired of being sad. Tired of feeling alone. And tired of just being. Without second guessing herself, the young wolf took a seat on the floor next to Lucas, “I get everybody’s going through their own drama. Throwing a moody baby wolf at everyone is probably the last thing on anyone’s mind, especially since there’s talk of...murdering a man?” She still wasn’t entirely sure what that was about, and did she really want to know? Looking to the stack of sheets and stuff needed to make a tent, Layla pondered the idea, before looking down to her red cast. “You know what?” She looked back to Lucas, “If someone can get a group of furry, full moon worshiping dogs together in one room, how hard could it be to put up a tent on our own?” It couldn’t be that hard, right?
“No murdering,” Lucas lied. “And you don’t have to worry about this particular hunter, ever. But, I’m here for you in the capacity I can be, alright.” He bumped her shoulder. “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” A cheesy smile spread easily on Lucas, looking up at the banister leading to his loft bed. “Maybe, we can connect it there first with ties? That way we know for sure one corner will be pretty secure.” Luke said all this in between chips. “Climbing that ladder has been a feat, let me go up and you can try to feed them to me.” Rolling up, he made his way up to the loft, using only one arm to hull up and balance on it. This is probably why Miles wanted him at his cabin. “Okay, I can sorta reach you, heh. Can you get the sheet up?”
She didn’t know if he was lying or not, but she also didn’t want to get wrapped up in anything. Layla had already found herself in enough trouble. The shoulder bump brought a soft smile to her face and made her feel accepted, “Thanks. I know you don’t really know me, but the same goes for you too.” Looking up to the banister and back to Lucas, she nodded, “Yeah, we’ll make this work.” Getting up, she watched as he maneuvered up to the loft. Layla grabbed the blanket off the couch and carefully climbed up the latter, so she could pass it over to him, “What do you need next?” This was going to be a task at hand, especially considering how weak she had been, but she wanted this. She needed something fun and silly.
Lucas took the blanket and tied a knot on the bottom of the banister, letting the rest hang down. “Let’s maybe knot a few on the other end by you? That way we can drape it over some chairs or something? Luke pondered cutely, poking his cheek and pursing his lips, “yeah, maybe, the sheet instead of another blanket so it’s not too heavy. You got that?” He asked, securing a few more knots on the banister so when they pulled on it or it had more weight, it wouldn’t unravel. “Also, I haven’t done this since I was like, nine, have you ever built a blanket tent before? I have three siblings, including Miles, and we’d always do stuff like this. But I’m having a blank moment remembering them.” 
Layla did as he had requested making sure the knots, she tied, were good and secured. Ironically enough, one of the survivalist techniques her parents had drilled into her mind were various types of knots, and those skills were coming out as they worked on the blanket tent, “How does that look? I can tie it a different way, if you need me to.” She hadn’t really realized it, until he had said something about making blanket tents as a kid; something she had never actually experienced being an only child to werewolf hunters. But what she had learned how to do was set up tents, start fires, and basically survive in the wild if it didn’t involve hunting or killing things. Face fading into a blank stare at this realization, she replied to Lucas, “Yeah, I wouldn’t know. I can set up a real tent and teach you how to survive in the wild, until the cows come home, but typical childhood things, you might have to google, unless you like tea parties and The Little Mermaid…” She blinked a few times before looking over to him with a sad smile.  
“No, shit-- that looks awesome, knew I called the right person, hehe,” he gave a cheesy grin, finishing up his work and jumping down the ladder to land gracefully on the ground. He stood up, tugging on the blankets, and sheets, opening them up little and seeing how far they would spread open. “I get that, some families don’t always give you everything you might need. This stupid shit? Playing? It’s so important to do, keeps you happy, reminds you of simple things like laughter. I’ll make sure you get lots of playtime in now and do fun stuff. I always have ideas.” He pet the back of her head affectionately, a motion that Lucas did with everyone to show he cared about them. It was always with a little scratching of his nails, and a rub with his thumb before he walked away. “I personally always like The Emperor's New Groove. Heh, just thinking about ‘LLLAMA FACEEEE-- ahh haha, get’s me rolling every time.” Luke started pushing the couch closer to the sheets with his shoulder and grabbing some chairs so they can lift the other end up.  
She smiled when she noticed the cheesy grin, he had given her. At least her hunting techniques had paid off somehow, and, in the best way, because no one would get hurt, “I might have to take a picture of this when we’re finished. Show Ari my first blanket tent.” It was weird to think she could still play at eighteen, but the thought comforted her, especially knowing that Lucas was just as willing to keep her young at heart. Feeling him pet the back of her head had startled her slightly, but when she felt the affection, the teenager closed her eyes for the briefest of moments taking in the ease of the situation and cherishing the opportunity he had given her to just be a kid. When the moment had passed, she turned her attention back on Lucas, “Do you know how to walk the Llama, Llama?” Layla could feel herself letting her guard down; a feeling she had long since forgotten. Realizing what he was doing, the red-head moved to help him, “This is gonna be pretty awesome when we’re done with it. Thanks for inviting me, Luke.” She looked over at him with kindness in her eyes as she continued to help.
“Okay. It’s settled. We watch The Little Mermaid then The Emperor's New Groove tonight. And if it gets too late, another night,” Luke said easily, together the chairs secured the bottom half of the blanket canopy and stepping back it looked a bit of a mess in the loft space, but under it with the cushions off the couch and spare pillows and snack— it was pretty neat. He plopped on his back and stared up, his arm resting on his chest and enjoyed it for a moment. “You’re welcome,” he said with quiet delivery. “Squeeze in, let’s take one ugly selfie to mark our success—“he pulled out his phone and angled it badly. He was already laughing but tried to squish his chin and make a silly, bad face for the picture. 
“Deal.” This was one of the best moments Layla had had since coming to White Crest. Everything with Ariana and Celeste had been special, but this was different. She felt like it was just a normal moment of not trying to fit in or act the way a werewolf should. She was genuinely starting to feel good about herself and the moment she was having with Luke. Finding her place under the tent, she settled in. Laughing and shaking her head, she gave into his request, and made the funniest face she could think of. “Can you send that to me?” She grabbed a pack of sunflower seeds and laid back down onto one of the pillows staring up at the top of the tent, “How are you feeling?”
“Mhmm--” he texted her quickly and showed that it was now in fact her picture for when she called. Lucas actually giggled a little, finding it quite amusing with their silly faces. He rolled up and sat crossed legged. “I’m still pretty tired, but that’s understandable. I don’t know if people told you about that, but you need to be eating well to heal up well. Or, that’s what my mom used to say. Calories, sugars, good fats, all needed and what not to speed up the process.” Lucas knew that question could mean the other half of that same coin involving him, so he added. “I’m hanging on--” he chuckled a little. “I’m way tougher than I let people know about. It’s my secret power. Being able to get back up even if it’s hard and hurts.” He opened a new box of treats and pulled out some fruit roll ups. “Hmm, have you tested your strength much yet?” 
Layla couldn’t help but laugh when she had seen what Lucas had done with the picture. It was the first one she had taken since coming to White Crest, and it was one she would cherish. Even though she hadn’t really known him when Ari had clued her in on what had happened, she had still felt bad. She hated seeing people in pain or hurting. It’s why she had made the world’s worst hunter, “I’ve been told. I just haven’t really felt like eating lately. Ari’s been making me Beyond Burgers, and I like the veggie burritos from Veggie Tables, but my appetite just isn’t there. I’m glad to hear that you’re doing a little better though, and I’m sorry I haven’t been much help in terms of...whatever is supposed to happen. It must be a nice power to have, but don’t forget to take care of yourself.” She poured a few sunflower seeds out of the packet she had grabbed earlier and popped them in her mouth, “I punched a tree…” She held up her hand with the cast, “Does that count?” The tree seemed to have won though, but she had left a rut in it the size of her fist.
“Nope,” he popped the ‘p’ dramatically, but Luke showed in his expression that he really did understand it. He’s been there. Being a teenager once with hormones and the change happening, he’d hit things until they were dented, and he was left bleeding. “Miles and I are pretty good on regimen things. You saw my brother, right? We got strength training on lock. If you want to learn your limits, you call on us. I’m working with Simon too, we’re going to be a strong ass pack, right? We gotta show off our muscles, hehe,” he chuckled while rolling the fruit roll up into a ball. “Also, you don’t always have to be the one giving help ya know? It’s okay. It will always balance out if your heart is there for it.” 
“I used to do some things back when life wasn’t all...Who am I kidding, it’s always been fucked up. Are you guys meeting up at a gym or something? Maybe once this thing is off my arm…” She held up the hand and arm that was dressed in a brace and shook it, “I can join you, and learn how to take out my rage in a healthier manner.” She ate a few more seeds, “I’ve got a little muscle.” Layla sat down the pack of sunflower seeds and flexed her tiny little muscle with a sheepish grin spreading across her face. It wasn’t much, but she was proud of it. Picking her snack back up, she resumed eating, speaking in between bites, “I know. I guess I just feel like if I suppress my problems enough and help other people, what I’m feeling will eventually just go away. Out of sight, out of mind sorta deal.” She knew it wasn’t healthy, but that’s where her head and her heart currently remained.
“I hear that all the time from others. It doesn’t go away. Sucks big time, I know,” Lucas didn’t want them to fall into bad thoughts together. It was easy for him to feel awful enough to contemplate the worst of things. “We’ll show you. It will forever be difficult for you though. Just know that and own it. You will get better; I can’t imagine you getting worse.” He laughed a little, to keep the mood light. “But all our training is outdoors. We climb rocks and run in the woods. Push boulders and jump from big heights. It's the best form of training. You will find something primal about it. Or I hope so.” He rolled on the side and pulled his laptop over and scrolled through Disney + in hopes the Little Mermaid was on there. “Come on, let’s chill.” He yanked a soft blanket over and a big pillow.
She appreciated his honesty. The last thing Layla had needed was for everything to be sugar coated, “Thanks for being honest. I really do appreciate it. And believe it or not, I can take a hit. Outdoor training sounds great actually, and I’m kinda looking forward to just the release of it all.” She finished off her sunflower seeds and chased them with a drink of water. Finding a cozy spot next to Lucas, she settled in. Whether it was The Little Mermaid, Emperor’s New Groove, or whatever, she was just glad to be doing something normal. Something that didn’t make her feel like it was fight or flight, and as she looked over at Lucas, Layla took in every part of this moment, so she could look back on it, when she felt sad the next time.
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 2 years
Can't believe that when i was a teenager afraid of growing up, nobody told me about this:
Right now, I'm sitting in my kitchen, at a table that's mine, under a roof that's mine. The pantry is full. The dishwasher is humming in the background. Vegetables are roasting in the oven. I'm sipping icy lemonade and eating chips straight out of the bag with guacamole that my partner and i made last night. My cat is dozing on the couch. The sun is shining; it's a beautiful Sunday; and nobody can come into my house and tell me what to do. I'm living my best adult life and it's freaking amazing.
Like, yeah, i have bills to pay and a corporate job during the week that can be a pain. I still have depression and anxiety. Some of the problems i deal with now are more complex than i could have imagined as a teen, and the stakes are higher.
But also, i live under my own roof. I make my own rules. I set my own curfew. I decide who i get to spend time with. I decide what kind of media i want to read/watch/listen to. I get to decide when and what to eat. I get to set the thermostat. I get to decorate how i want to. This space is mine, this life is mine.
In short, i don't have to put up with any of the bullshit that comes with being a fully formed human living under someone else's roof.
Dealing with complex problems is a small price to pay for that freedom.
I have good parents. I love them very much. They are also very strict--i didn't even completely realize how strict they were until after i had moved out. So yes, i have to pay my own bills now yada yada, but also, paying my own bills means making my own rules, being my own person, and taking pride in my life.
I genuinely believe that any adult that's like "adulthood sucks! You teens don't know how good you have it" is suffering from the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. I have good parents and I'm always welcome in their home, and yet even in my worst moments, living on beans and potatoes cause it was all i could afford, working at terrible jobs, shivering as i rode my terrible bike through the snow to school, I've preferred the life i have to the idea of moving back home, or returning to the life i had as a teen.
Maybe not everybody feels this way. But like, this is on my mind right now since my younger siblings are right on the cusp of embarking on adulthood and they're scared. I remember feeling like that. But if you're a teenager and you're scared of adulthood, just know you're gonna be ok. It's ok to be scared; you're going to figure it out. It's completely different on the other side. It's so worth forging ahead for.
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Hacked: Part 4
You didn’t go to lacrosse practice.
There’s no point and you need the money, anyways, so you forgo fun and go to work. The boy watches you as usual, the bus runs late as usual, and you mop the floors of the hospital until they’re shining, muck the floors of the stable until the only thing on them is dust, and then you go home and prepare for two hours of frantic homework.
You used to live in a regular house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and now you live in a trailer with one bed, a couch, and one bathroom. How the mighty have fallen, except you weren’t all that mighty before your mom got sick.
“Y/n?” she calls when the door creaks open. You’d left your keys at home again, but it’s not a big deal because your mom always forgets to lock the door and anyways, if you’re really in a pinch, a good, hard shake of the door will have the locking mechanism popped out.
Good thing you two live in the scrubby backwash area of shining New York, the toilet of Queens, a blemish in the city. No one comes here of their own volition, and everyone dreams of leaving as quickly as they can. The crime rate here is as low as it gets because no one has anything worth stealing, and no one would rack up a big enough ransom to make it worth the kidnapper’s time. Plus, there’s cameras everywhere and we’re not rich enough to pay off the police if we get caught committing murder.
“Yeah, it’s me,” you call back, dropping your backpack at your feet and wincing when it thunks. You never welcome charity but don’t have a problem with stealing. What a fucked-up child you are. And the food in the bins was going to go to people who’re in the same trouble as you are, so what’s the harm? Worst comes to worst, you get caught and explain your position. Your boss would understand. “I got food.”
Your mom probably knows about how you get money, but she can claim ignorance as long as you don’t hurt anyone else in the process. She might have a conscience, but you don’t. It should bother you that you would steal from someone struggling like you if you were hungry.
It should.
It doesn’t.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and no one’s going to help you, so you put a smile on your face and steal from the stores no one else would bother stealing from and you take the cans out of a donation bin because your stomach is complaining. You raid food pantries. You Dumpster-dive.
You humiliate the rich and rack up the money.
Your mom appears in the doorway, looking as thin and ragged as ever even in four sweaters and multiple layers of pants. “Did you have a nice day at school?”
“Yeah,” you say absently, already typing an English essay on your computer. You know your world’s gonna end soon, but you don’t want to spend the entire time waiting around. You’ll do the work and not stress about the bad grades for once in your life. It’s freedom and it’s fun.
“My shift starts soon,” she says. “I’ll be back by the time you’re leaving for school.”
She has one job. You have four. You resent her for that, slightly, because it’s her fault the two of you are in this position, and she doesn’t even try anymore. Inside, you know you’re dying, but on the outside you can at least pretend everything isn’t going to shit. She’s not even giving you that much false peace of mind.
Once again you consider moving out and living with your friends. You used to love your mother, you know, but now you mostly feel blank around her.
She ruined your life. She’s not trying to fix it. She’s going to die soon and leave you with nothing and nobody except for the man who knocked her up and then left her, because she’s too stubborn to see around the issues she had with her parents.
You smile at her. “Don’t work yourself too hard, okay? I’ll see you later.”
“Love you!” she calls while exiting the trailer, leaving you alone in a drafty tin can.
You race to the window to make sure she’s left before pulling up the research you really want to work on.
You’ve spent days trying to hack into Tony Stark’s bank account. It’s heavily protected and you’ve never seen a security wall quite like it, but you’ll get through it… eventually. You know nearly everything there is to know about Stark, partly because because he’s a celebrity, he’s got no privacy, but even the most private secrets aren’t hidden to you. You know his birthdate, the birthdate of Pepper Potts, the day his parents were killed, what road they were killed on, who killed them, and so much more.
Your laptop bings with an incoming video call. Stick’s face pops up onto your screen, scowling—as usual. Through the computer’s speakers, his voice is tinny when he asks if you’re in yet.
“Not yet,” you say, biting your lip a bit at the disappointment on his face. Even though Stick’s got no stake in your project, he’s still invested in it, wanting you to succeed just as much as you.
He’s practically your dad. You’d like him to be your father much more than Tony Stark.
“We can have Pom help you tonight, if you want,” he offers. You hesitate before shaking your head. You wouldn’t let Pom anywhere near your laptop even if your life depended on it. Stick’s actual daughter, and therefore your rival, is everything you want to be in life—smart, tall, tattooed, pierced, great at fighting and sneaking, and Stick’s daughter. The only thing she doesn’t have is a great personality, but then again, neither do you.
You wish you could get a tattoo—of what, you don’t know, but you’d like one, like a planet or a flower or a bird. And you’d also like second piercings.
More than once, Pom’s nearly gotten everyone killed on a mission because of her hot head, and you’d had to hack into some tech to save them. She hates being saved, so she hates you, and she’d do anything to sabotage you. Besides, you’re better at hacking than her. She’d probably announce your presence, chipping away at the shields.
You don’t hate her, per se, but you don’t go out of our way to be in the same room as her, mostly because she’ll start trying to pick a fight with you.
“What are you going to do once it’s released?” Stick asks.
You shrug, trying to appear nonchalant, but warmth glows in your stomach at his absolute faith you’ll be able to do it. “Run to Canada, maybe?”
“I’ve got contacts there,” Stick says thoughtfully. “I could probably still help you, all the way from here.”
“Maybe I could still save your asses on missions,” you joke.
“Pom would hate that,” Stick remarks. “Come over whenever. We’ve got booze.”
You gasp as a sudden thought comes to you. “Booze!”
“Well, I didn’t think you’d be so excited—”
“No,” you say loudly, “how much booze Stark drinks! It’s no secret he drinks a lot… what if I get records of how much he drinks and make an article questioning if it’s safe for an alcoholic to be leading the Avengers? I’ve also got records of all the women he gets—I’ve got, like fifteen half-siblings here in New York—he’s an alcoholic and cheating on his wife!”
“All those girls were before he got married,” Stick says, but he’s excited, you can tell.
“Well, they must’ve dated for awhile, right? I’m coming over. Save me some Mike’s. I need to check the dates with Dennis.”
“You got it,” you almost-father-figure says, amused, and ends the chat. You quickly pack up your equipment. Your end may be coming even quicker than expected.
You grab your second backpack from the compartment over the microwave your mother’s all but forgotten about and stuff your equipment into it. And by ‘equipment’, you mean ‘laptop, headphones, and USB drives’. Before leaving, you reach behind your refrigerator and pull out your hoverboard. Being friends with a tech genius sure has its perks, even if you can’t flaunt those perks anywhere but at Stick’s. Then again, where else would you need to flaunt them? The people there are the only ones that matter.
You click the ‘on’ button and step onto the board. You could also ride it on your bum, and sometimes do, but that’s not as cool. The stabilizing tech on this thing allows you to take sharp turns without the board ever getting more than slightly tilted, and ’d included a way to make the board’s surface latch onto your boots when it’s on, so you can’t fall off it either. Best part of it is that you don’t have to charge it—the tech’s regenerating and powered by light, including that of the artificial and moon variety.
You lean forward to start the board’s movement and press down harder with your back heel to gain a little height. You can’t go as high as you’d really like to, because it’s not super dark. You’d prefer to be riding above the trailers in your park, but now you’re just skimming along around the height of your knees if you’d been standing on the ground. The cool air laps against your skin like the ocean. You feel like you’re flying.
Once you enter the trees, you slow down a bit to navigate the different tree trunks and branches. The sounds of the party reach your ears before you see Stick’s base. The base is way into the forest, which doesn’t do much to muffle the sound all that well. It used to be a cabin but was abandoned before Stick found it and decided to claim it. You smile upon seeing it. When you were younger, you’d pretended this place was your real home.
A few people whistle when you emerge from the foliage. You grin and wave, dropping down steadily before turning your board off and tucking it under your arm. Dennis exits the crowd, a scowl on his face. He scowls a lot, just like Stick.
Just like his dad.
He’s got Stick’s dark hair and bushy eyebrows but his chin is more blocky, his cheekbones less evident.
“Stick said you wanted to run some dates by me?” he says immediately. He’s not one for greetings.
“Possibly,” you reply, smiling at a younger girl who’d just placed hard lemonade in your hands. “It’s just a hunch, and I’ve not even looked them up yet. It’s probably just a dead end.”
“Well, it’s better than nothing,” he says emotionlessly and you follow him into the house and up the stairs. The study is soundproof, so even during one of the parties you’re able to research.
Five minutes later, you lean back in your chair and let out a loud sigh. “Well, that was pointless.”
“Say what you will about a murdering alcoholic, he hasn’t once cheated on his wife,” Dennis says sarcastically.
You groan. “Tell me about it.”
“Well, let’s keep with the original plan, then. Wanna frame him for something?” Den offers halfheartedly.
You consider it for a second before shaking your head. “I want him brought down by his own actions.”
“Ooh, kinky,” your friend says blankly before cracking a smile when you giggle. “Oh, wait, have you seen the new YouTube videos? There’s this new superhero called Spiderman.”
“I’ve heard of him,” you say casually, taking a small sip of your lemonade, “but I thought he wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“Depends. He got lucky with Toomes a bit ago, but nearly killed everyone on a cruise ship by baiting some of our people.”
“What an ass,” you say lightly. “Is there a reason you’re bringing him up?”
“Am I not allowed to fangirl about the new superhero on our block?”
“It’s not really like you, no. How’s your boyfriend?”
“He’s still being smart and in Harvard,” Dennis shrugs. “You’d be surprised the number of students who’d give anything for some drugs.”
“We’re still doing that stuff?” You feel slightly put out. You haven’t been to the most recent meetings because you’d been working on your project, but you hadn’t thought you’d miss that much. Dennis should’ve texted you about it. It’s not like he no one else knows about your project; it’s literally your coming-of-age ceremony, so to speak.
“The lower people are, but some of us’ve taken over Toomes’ biz.” Den shrugs again. “I bet I could get Spider-boy in my bed.”
“You could get anyone in your bed,” you laugh.
“Except you.”
“That’s cuz I’ve seen you shit your pants when a rifle was pointed at you.”
“When did he ever load it? Never? You should’ve known it was an empty threat.”
“Well excuse me! There’s a reason Vin’s in Harvard and I’m not. Wanna go down now?”
You shrug. “Sure, let’s go.”
“It’s time for you to start training with Dennis,” a familiar voice says behind you.
You turn around, a wide smile on your face. “Stick! What’d you say?”
“It’s time for you to start training with Dennis,” he repeats.
Your grin falters. “Right now?” Normally you’d be all for it, but you’re pleasantly buzzed right now, all your senses dulled by a comforting blanket called ‘alcohol’.
“Den’s got a sobering pill,” Stick says, reading your hesitation correctly. “I let you have your fun, but you’ve gotta remember that you’re not safe as long as you’re continuing with the project.”
Your cheeks burn at his scolding. You set your drink down and follow him into the kitchen, where Dennis hands you a pill and a glass of water silently. After gulping it down, you follow him into the back, where a lone figure stands. The golden strands in her black hair give away her identity.
“She’s all yours, Pom,” Dennis says and goes back into the base.
“Seriously?” you mutter when he passes.
“I heard about your project,” Pom says after a beat. Who hasn’t? You ask silently. “You do realize no matter how incriminating the evidence is, people are gonna wonder how you got it?”
You scowl and say, “Why do you care?”
She flashes a surprised look at you, raising her pale eyebrows. “You’re my friend, of course I care.”
You squint at her. “What?”
Pom squints back at you, tilting her head. “What?”
“Since when are we friends?”
“Since you got me out of that jail,” she responds.
“That was a year ago,” you remark incredulously—around the same time she started trying to punch you— “and you never said anything about it! You just started trying to hit me when I wasn’t looking!”
“Yeah. For training. Is that not how girls do it?” She tucks her hair behind her ears. “That’s how Dennis makes friends.”
“Yeah, well, Dennis is a sociopath. You’ve seriously been thinking we’ve been friends for a year without me saying practically anything to you?”
“We fought,” she points out. “You’re not very good at it, though.”
“Oh, thanks,” you say sarcastically.
“We’re both helping each other, though, and that’s what friends do,” Pom says, sounding pleased.
You scoff, “How on earth could I help you?”
“I need to learn how to do the computer stuff,” Pom admits sheepishly.
You tilt your head at her before shrugging. She’d never shown any interest in hacking before this, but whatever. “I don’t think I’ll be very good at fighting,” you warn.
“That’s what I’m for. And I don’t think I’ll be very good at hacking.”
Turns out that you’re pretty good at punching, but not at dodging.
“Sorry, sorry,” Pom says again but she’s laughing.
You flip her the bird with the hand not used to pinch your bleeding nose.
“How ‘bout we call it a day? It’s nearly eleven,” she suggests. Your eyes widen.
“My mob!” you gurgle.
“I didn’t know you had a mom,” Pom remarks, then winces when she realizes how stupid it sounds. “What’s she gonna do after your project?”
You shrug. “Bot goba be here after. Cabcer.”
Pom winces, saying, “That sucks,” which is so much more refreshing to hear rather than ‘I’m sorry’.
“Doesn’t really batter,” you shrug again. “Don’t like her all that buch, really. That’s probably wrog, right?”
Pom shakes her head. “Blood doesn’t mean shit. Especially when they’re assholes.”
You hesitantly stop pinching your nose and wipe it on your sleeve. “She refuses to get in touch with by gradparets eveb though she’s leavig be a trailer wheb she dies. I’m workig four jobs a day and she’s got—” you hold up one finger.
“What a bitch,” Pom says with disgust.
“You bow what? Fuck her. She cab worry all she wants; I dob’t feel like goig hobe tobight,” you declare loudly.
Pom laughs. “Wanna make some trouble?”
“Let me clean up my face first.”
Peter’s sitting on a fire escape when someone on a motorcycle drives by, way too fast. “Excuse me, sir or miss!” he yells, shooting a web at a building next to them. “You’re going too fast!”
The figure must not hear due to their loud motorcycle, because they don’t even twitch. They just turn a corner into a dark alley.
“Stop!” Peter yells, shooting a web at the bike’s back wheel and missing narrowly. “You’re going to hurt someone! Karen, release the tracker. I’m going to try to get in front of this guy,” Peter commands, swinging into the alley way behind the motorcycle rider.
“Sure, Peter,” Karen says easily. A small metal spider detaches off the shoulder of Peter’s suit and leaps onto the motorcycle just as it turns another corner.
Peter sprints along the rooftops, using his webs whenever possible, until Karen commands for him to stop. Peter jumps to the ground just as the rider roars into the alley. He can see their eyes widen and they skid to a stop just inches away from Peter.
“Dude, you were going way too fast,” he scolds, scowling even though the person wouldn’t be able to see.
The person lifts up their helmet, revealing a pale, thin face and long dark hair. “Sorry,” she says with a rich voice.
“Be careful next time,” Peter says, deepening his voice. “You could’ve hurt someone.”
“Peter,” Karen says suddenly, “there’s a situation at a supermarket across town.
Peter jerks his head up. “Where?”
“To your left,” the girl on the motorcycle giggles. She kicks it into gear and zooms off, but this time her bike’s silent. Peter curses and shoots a web to the top of the building on his left. Sure enough, he can hear screams coming from that direction. He swings to the top just in time to see a flash of light. The girl’s motorcycle roars somewhere behind him, just for a moment.
There’s another flash of light, and for a second Peter swears that someone’s hovering in the air, like something photoshopped against a photo’s background, but when he blinks they’re gone.
“Karen, did you see that?”
“See what, Peter? Are you talking about the person on the hoverboard?”
“Yeah,” Peter says with relief. “That.”
“No,” Peter insists, “I swear, Mr. Stark! Karen saw it too!”
“Your A.I.” Tony’s voice drips with disbelief. “Well, send the video to me, kid. It was probably just a big bird.”
“Got it, Mr. Stark.” Peter hangs up the phone. “Karen, send Mr. Stark the video of the person on the hoverboard.”
“Of course, Peter.”
You and Pom are sitting on a fire escape on the outskirts of New York, eating the candy you’d stolen.
“I bet we could do a bank,” she suddenly says. The very thought gives your stomach that nervous weightless feeling that you get while missing a step going down, or going down the drop on a big rollercoaster.
“Probably,” you say cautiously. “But that would be a bit harder.”
“Oh, definitely, but we’ve done it before.”
“Not just the two of us.”
She shrugs. “We could get Dennis in with us.”
“Speaking of, how mad do you think he’s gonna be that we stole some of his mini-bombs?”
“He’s got millions. He won’t probably even notice, don’t worry,” Pom reassures you. You nod and look away, out at the skyline of New York, looming in front of you, massive.
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marrvelle-fics · 7 years
Yellow Rose~Part 3 (1940s Bucky Barnes x Female Reader)
Catch up here: Prologue  Part 1  Part 2
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Words: 1438
Pairing(s): 1940s Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Kissing, I think that’s it??
Requested By: Anon
Request: Hey, do you think you could write a Bucky x reader based on Ed Sheeran’s song Nancy Mulligan please ?
Summary: (AU where Bucky never falls off the train and gets to live a happy life) Working as a nurse in WWII, you never expected to fall in love. But then a certain blue-eyed soldier walks into your life, and you can’t ignore the sparks between you. Eventually, the war ends, and you return home. Bucky courts you for a while, before proposing. But your father refuses to give you his blessing. Will you give in, and let your father control your life? Or will you take a leap of faith and run away with the love of your life, James Buchanan Barnes? 
A/N: WHAT IS UP Y’ALL?! I am so sorry for the inactivity, but as some of you may already know, my computer sorta died so I didn’t have a way to post this (I mean i coulda used my phone but I prefer formatting on a computer). I finally got my hands on another computer though, so here it is! Part three! It was actually gonna be longer but I decided to split it into two parts. I’m not sure when I’ll have the next part up but hopefully I’ll have my computer back by next week and I’ll be able to work on it. Hope you guys like it!
Bucky took you on that second date. 
The second date became a third. That led to a fourth. Then a fifth, Pretty soon, you had lost count. You were head over heels in love with him by now. He had taken you to meet his parents and his siblings. His sister Rebecca loved you. Summer had finally arrived, and today he was taking you on a picnic.
Betty was sitting on her bed smiling as she watched you. 
You look at her. "What?"
She laughs. "I just can't believe how happy you are. I hope I can find someone who makes me as happy as Bucky makes you some day."
You laugh, standing up and going over to her and hugging her tightly.
"Oh honey, you will! I know you will!" You say. "Just make sure that Will's around to keep dad under control."
She laughs. You hear the doorbell ring, and you immediately feel a flurry of butterflies in your stomach.
Betty hands you your purse, and you take one last look at yourself in the mirror.
Your sister laughs, practically shoving you out the door. "You look fine! Get down there before dad eats him alive!"
You snort as you leave your room. As you're descending the stairs, you overhear your father speaking.
"Let me see your license."
You hear shuffling. And then silence.
"Alright, but have her home by seven."
"Yes sir." Bucky's familiar voice says.
You get to the bottom of the staircase. Bucky and your father are standing there. Bucky's face lights up as soon as he sees you.
"Hey doll."
You blush. "Hey Buck."
"Are you ready to go?" He asks.
You nod.
Bucky shakes your father's hand, and thanks him, before the two of you exit the house. You descend the stairs of the porch, hand in hand with Bucky.
"I want her home by seven! Don't forget!"
Bucky turns with a huge smile on his face. "I'll have her home by six."
The shock is evident on your dad's face. You giggle.
You look back to the road, and your jaw drops. There's a red convertible parked in front of your house.
"Wh-What?" You stutter.
Bucky chuckles. "It's my dad's car. He let me borrow it for today."
"Wow... well thank you Mr. Barnes!"
Bucky opens the passenger side door for you, before going around and getting in the driver's seat. And then the two of you drive off.
"Did he give you hell about driving safe?" You ask.
He chuckles. "Yep. Asked to see my license and I think he might have written down my license plate number."
You roll your eyes. "God, I'm sorry."
He chuckles. "Hey, don't worry about it doll."
You finally arrive at your destination. It's a park out in the country. There's a lake, and hundreds of trees around it.
You stare in awe at the scenery around you.
"You like it doll?"
You turn and look at him. "It’s amazing."
The two of you get out of the car, and he pops the trunk. He grabs a picnic basket and a blanket. You offer to help but he declines.
‘Men are such show offs.’ You think to yourself, rolling your eyes.
He leads you to a shady spot on the bank of the lake. The two of you lay out the blanket on the soft grass before sitting down. He opens up the basket, and starts pulling out all kinds of food.
It’s a simple lunch, sandwiches, chips, and a pitcher of fresh lemonade. When the two of you finish eating, he pulls out a box of chocolates.
You gasp. "Bucky! You didn't have to get all this food for us! I'd be fine with just the sandwiches."
He chuckles. "I know, but is it so wrong for a man to pamper his girl every once in awhile?"
‘He called me his girl!’ You think, blushing.
"I suppose not." You say finally.
He smiles, and you look out at the lake as the two of you down the box of chocolates.
When you finish. you stand up.
"Let's go for a walk." You say.
He stands. "Alright."
You stare out at the lake while he puts the basket and blanket in the car.
And before you have time to process what's happening, he's throwing you over his shoulder and running towards the lake.
"James! Put me down!!" You yell, while banging your fists against his back.
The only response you get is his laughter.
You realize he's almost at the end of the small dock.
"James Buchanan BaaAARNES!!!" You scream as he throws you over the edge.
But he doesn't let go, he holds onto your waist and pulls you back against his chest. You're a laughing mess. He sets you down on the dock.
"You're crazy, you know that?" You ask.
He chuckles.
You stare out at the lake, admiring the way the trees and the sky look as they're reflected on the water.
"It's so beautiful..." You say softly.
"Not as beautiful as you are." He says.
You turn around to playfully slap his chest, but then you see him down on one knee and you swear time stops.
He takes your hands in his, and his eyes meet yours. They're shining with nothing but lobe and admiration for you.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), ever since the moment I saw you, I knew I wanted to make you mine. Every day on the battlefield, I thought of you. You were my reason to win the war, and go home. Ever since the war ended, we've gotten to know each other more. I've discovered that you're incredibly kind, smart, funny, and even stubborn at times. And I love everything about you. You are the most beautiful dame I've ever met, inside and out. So I guess what I'm tryin' to ask you is, would you make me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife?"
The tears in your eyes make it hard to see, but you're able to see the small velvet box he pulls out of his pocket.
The ring is a simple gold band with a small diamond in the middle. But it's beautiful.
You can even form words, so you nod.
"Yes!" You finally choke out. "Oh my God I thought you'd never ask!"
He has tears in his eyes and the biggest smile spreads across his face. He stands up and you throw your arms around him, before he's lifting you up and spinning you around.
He sets you down, and you hold out your left hand for him. He slips the ring onto your finger. It fits perfectly. You smile, holding your hand out and admiring the way it looked on your finger.
You look back up at him. "I love you Mr. Barnes."
"And I love you, soon-to-be-Mrs. Barnes." And then he's kissing you.
His lips are soft, and the kiss is a little passionate, but still gentle. You smile into the kiss. He slowly pulls away. He chuckles, pressing his forehead against yours.
"What about my father? I mean, I know my mother will be more than happy to give us her blessing... But he's a completely different story."
"I know, and I'm gonna talk to him as soon as we get back to your house."
You nod, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. There was a weird feeling you had at the pit of your stomach. You push it away and smile at him.
The two of you pack up the picnic, and get in the car.
You're silent the whole drive home. Bucky takes your hand, making you look at him.
"Are you having second thoughts doll? Because if you're not ready-"
"No!  Of course not." You bring his hand up to your face pressing a kiss to his knuckles. "I'm just worried about my dad. He's so overprotective and... I'm afraid that he won't give us his blessing."
He sighs, nodding. "I get why you're worried doll. But just trust me okay? I'll handle it."
You nod.
The two of you finally arrive back at your house.  Bucky parks the car, and you turn to look at him.
"Ready?" He asks.
You sigh, but smile and nod. "Let's do this."
He's about to get out of the car, when you suddenly grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down to meet your lips.
You pull away. "For good luck." You say, breathless.
He smirks, before getting out of the car and helping you out. The two of you walk up to the house hand in hand.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked this chapter. I’m not completely happy with it, in the sense that I think it’s too cheesy, but I figured I should just get it posted already. As always feedback is appreciated. Have a wonderful day/night my lovelies!
@marvelofcourse @anbrax5553 @meep-meep22 @the-craziestone @barnes-toddpartnersinheartbreak @storm-howlett @a-e-and-peggy@imaginingadifferentlife
Please send me a message or let me know in the comments if you’d like to be added to my tag list. Please specify if you want to be tagged in all of my imagines (including all the characters I write for), imagines just about this character, or if you only want to be tagged in this series. Thank You!
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bornconfused444 · 7 years
I did this survey over 2 days in two weeks so this shit is varied as fuckkkkk
Have you ever fallen asleep in the last car you were in? No.
Have you ever been cheated on? Yeah.
What’s something you do every day besides breathing, eating, and sleeping? Listen to music or lately cry.
What’s the nearest blinking object to you? My roommate.
What were you for Halloween last year? Nothing.
Don’t you need to charge your phone right now? Nope I already charged it.
When’s the last time you laughed really hard? Yesterday.
When’s the last time you cried really hard? Today.
Do you believe that karma can come back and slap you in the face? Yeah.
Are you currently trying to avoid somebody? No.
Are you feeling guilty for something? No.
When you’re sad, who/what usually cheers you up? Depends on who cares enough to bother with me but when no one wants to bother with me music or sleep usually helps.
What was the last thing you bought? Food.
Do you own suspenders? Nope.
Do you get mixed signals often or rarely? Lately, often.
Are your nails/toes painted? Nope.
Are you usually quiet or loud? Quiet.
Do you ever check your horoscope? Sometimes.
What color is your microwave? Black..
What was the last thing you ate? Chips.
Do you talk to people even though you hate them? If I have to.
Name something you have always wanted and never got. Heelies.
When was the last time you went outside? Today.
How many hours do you spend on the computer a day? Depends on the day.
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
Do you know someone named Curt? No.
Have you ever been to Texas? No.
Do you have an alarm clock? Nope my phone is my alarm clock.
Can you play the piano? Somewhat.
Do you go to church? Nope.
What color was the cup that you last drank out of? I don’t know blue maybe?
What is the show that you watched when you were little, and you still do? Arthur sometimes.
Do you have shoes on? No.
Do you have a printer? Yes.
Do you read the paper? No.
Do you have a swingset? No.
What is something you do every summer? Go out for nice long walks.
Do you have a job? No.
Do your siblings text you? Rarely.
Do you tend to make things complicated? Sometimes.
Do you want a small or big wedding? I don’t want a wedding.
Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Yeah.
Would you rather have cash or a gift card? Cash.
Did your last kiss end up with you and the person doing anything sexual? No.
Do you live near a beach or amusement park? Nope. Unless you count the water park that’s int he east end of the city.
Who is your ex dating/talking to? No idea.
Do you have your eye on anyone at the current moment? Yeah.
Ever been called a bitch? Yes.
Who would you be shocked to see call you? My ex. <-- same.
If you could drink only 2 things for the rest of your life, what would it be? Water and grape juice.
Would you date someone taller than you? Yes?
Have you met anyone that has been a major influence on you this year? Yes.
Ever kissed someone who smokes? Yeah.
Have any interesting conversations lately? I’m sure but I can’t think of one right now.
If your friends warn you about someone you like, do you listen? Nope.
Who did you last pinky promise with? Boyfriend.
What do you do when you’re having a bad day? Cry, sleep. <-- and listen to music.
Does it take a lot for someone to annoy you? Nope.
Do you own your own computer? Yes.
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? Nope.
What happened at the last party you went to? I don’t even remember.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Yes.
What’s your hair like at this present moment? Up in a ponytail and messy because I haven’t brushed it since last night.
What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? I don’t know but there’s plenty because I don’t like most movies.
Do you like to flex your muscles? Nope.
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? Yes.
Favorite kind of cake: Vanilla was vanilla icing..
Did you get any compliments today? No.
How old is the last person you kissed? 20.
Why did you kiss the person you last kissed? Because I wanted to.
Do you have any fears? Yes.
What’s your sign? Aries.
What is your favorite color? Purple.
Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? Depends on what needs to get done.
What do you hear right now? The t.v.
Are your parents going to buy you a car? -
Have you ever screamed in the shower? Yes. When you’re on the computer do you use your iPod or iTunes/Limewire? Some music player that came on my computer. Who are the four people you talk to on MSN most often? I don’t have MSN. When was the last time, if ever, you spoke back to a teacher? When I was in grade 11 probably. I remember talking back to that teacher because she was just a straight up bitch. What teacher would you never speak back to? My grade 11 Art teacher because she was the sweetest woman ever. She was the only teacher who truly wanted to be there.
Could you be classified as shy? Yes.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained? My ankle. In your group of friends, are you the smart one, athletic one, etc.? I’m the loud one which is surprising because I’m a generally shy quiet person. Who are your closest friends? Boyfriend, Ashley, Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes. Because of yours? I don’t think so. What was the last test you got back, and what did you get on it? I don’t remember. Are you out for summer yet? If not, when do you get out? It’s not summer. It’s fall. <-- Do you have any big plans for the summer? I did. I wanted to go to all the summer festivities that my city had for Canada 150 and I did. It was so nice and fun. It was a really good summer. :3 Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language? Yes lmao. What kind of iPod do you have and what colour is it? I have an iPod touch it’s black and silver. But I don’t use it, I just use my phone now and my phone is also black and silver.
What do you wear when you’re going to sleep? Depends on what the temperature is. Say something to the person you like right now: Wake up and check Instagram because I just wrote a boyfriend appreciation post because I just love you so much and want the world to know, Who is the last person that was at your house? I don’t know. Whose house were you last at? Boyfriend’s. If you go out for lunch during school, where do you go? I don’t anymore but when I was in high school I would go to one of the pizza places because they had deals for students.
Are you going anywhere exciting anytime soon? Nope. When your on the computer/texting, do you spell things correctly or use shortforms? I usually spell things correctly. <-- If you could join your favourite band, what instrument would you play? Acoustic guitar. What is the last concert you went to? Uhhh I went to see Sloan at Sesquifest last summer if that counts. Are you going to any upcoming concerts? How excited are you? Nope. Do you have any homework you should be doing right now? Nope. Whose house, other than yours and your families, are you most comfortable at? I don’t know I’m not really comfortable at other people’s houses. Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? I don’t actually remember. Who was the last person to wear your clothes/shoes other than you? I don’t know. Whose clothes other than your own did you last wear? Why? Boyfriend;s because I have his nice big sweater which is reaaalllyyy warm for the cold nights. Have you ever made a “100 Things To Do This Summer” list? Nope.
Did you do everything on the list? -
Do you have any after school activities, or do you just sit around at home? I don’t go to school.
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? Yeah I played soccer but I knew I wasn’t too good at it as a kid so I stopped playing after one or two seasons on an actual team. Do you actually participate in gym class, or just stand there? I participated. Gym was one of my favourite classes. I loved being able to move around all I wanted. What class do you have the most tests in? I don’t go to school. What class do you have the least tests in? Not sure. What class were you in when you last got a class detention? I don’t think I ever got detention in class. I got detention for being late to school once though. Have you ever been on the honour roll? Yes. Lat thing you bought that was over 100 dollars? I don’t know. How much money do you have on you right now? I don’t have any ON me. It’s all in the bank. Would you consider getting a summer job this summer? I didn’t get summer job but I got summer volunteering. I wanted a summer job but no one was hiring. This fucking city needs 4 years experience in every damn job it seems. When you were little, did you ever have a lemonade stand? Nope. Did you ever watch the show Full House? Yes. What cartoons do you still watch? I don’t really watch any. What was the last thing that scared you? Not sure. When were you last in a car and who were you in it with? I don’t remember. What radio stations do you flip between in the car? I don’t listen to the radio. What song can you absolutely not stand right now? I don’t know. Do the librarians at your library know you by name? No. Which of your friends was the last one to annoy you? Boyfriend. Is there anyone at your school you feel really bad for? I don’t go to school.
How many people are in your group of friends at school? I’m not in school.
Do you ever go camping, or do you prefer to stay at home? I like camping but I don’t go because the only place you can really go camping other than your own backyard, is Fanshawe Conservation area and it’s like 100$ a night.. What ten people would you most likely bring on a roadtrip? I don’t know.
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killjoytoxicberry · 7 years
In yet another tag, this time by your friendly internet avian @dead-nightingale I answer a hella ton of questions that I’m not going to tag a whole 25 people in because I don’t know that many people, the people I would normally tag have been tagged already, and I think alot of people don’t like these! Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
1. Drink: apple juice
2. Phone call: my dad
3. Text message: my friend Ian
4. Song you listened to: Castle On The Hill (I could have sworn the lyrics where ‘cars along the hill’ not ‘castle on the hill’)
5. Time you cried: I teared up in the car earlier does that count
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Been cheated on: thankfully no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: never been kissed
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: I mean, I’ve never been medically diagnosed but sometimes I really wonder but if you mean have I ever felt then yeah I would say so
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no and I hope I will never
12. Blue(s)
13. Green(s)
14. Black and White
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: probably not? I mean I’ve talked to people and been friendly but I don't know if it would classify as friendship?
16. Fallen out of love:  probably, with fictional characters/shows.
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah definitely, it’s the best feeling late at night on the internet when you should be asleep but you get a feeling of summer freedom where you can do whatever you want and god its such a nice feeling.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so, its definitely happened but I haven’t found out about it.
19. Met someone who changed you: We haven’t met within a year but we’re gotten to know each other better and then yeah.
20. Found out who your true friends are: No, I don’t think that’ll ever be clear
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I do not do the facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see 21.
23. Do you have any pets: my mom’s fish just dies, so no.
24. Do you want to change your name: Sometimes, but I think I’ll be fine as long as nicknames exist.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Not sure, I think my parents just forced me out of the house and took me to my favorite sushi place and then the mall (didn’t get anything though, just went into shops) and then I helped make my birthday dinner which we ate along with my cake that I made the night before (I’ve made it a tradition to make myself a cheesecake for my cake since middle school I think)
26. What time did you wake up: surprisingly early today, 8 AM. I was on a couch mattress at my nana’s and it wasn’t that comfortable.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing mysme and reading http://archiveofourown.org/works/592629/chapters/1066944
28. Name something you cannot wait for: the moment in life when I feel actual motivation to do something
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: half an hour ago when I was being scolded about math grades that just came in
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my personality? I feel like another person would deal with life in a better way than I’ve been probably.
31. What are you listening to right now: On The Spot #100 again because Jon Risinger.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Riddle, yes, but it was very one sided. (actually we went to get subs yesterday and there was a lovely old man named Tom who was chatting my brother up while my mom was looking for chips. We wanted to get chicken tender subs but they were out so we god cold cut and he rang it up as the sandwich that was on sale at the time because we waited to see if they other employee was going to get the chicken but she just slowly continued working on whole fired chicken)
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The fact that no employer will hire me
34. Most visited website: Youtube or AO3
35. Elementary: My dear Watson? Idk I moved halfway through second grade and spent half a year at one school before switching to a better one only a few minuted farther away.
36. High School: currently in, starting senior year in the fall. I go to a different one than my siblings because mine has a culinary academy.
37. College/university: No idea what to do with this, will burn that bridge when we come to it.
38. Hair colour: brown
39. Long or short hair: medium atm but am planning to get it cut soon hopefully.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: fictional, yeah.
41. What do you like about yourself: hair, physically, and my cosplay ability I like to take pride in.
42. Piercings: one in each ear, but they’re rarely used anymore
43. Blood type: Idk but I want to find out
44. Nickname: Several but I haven't been around any of my friends who use them in a while so I cant think of any
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac sign: Leo
47. Pronouns: she/her, cis
48. Favourite TV show: atla, they still show it, so it counts.
49. Tattoos: none, but plan to, if i can ever decide on anything
50. Right or left hand: right
FIRST… 51. Surgery: none that I know of
52. Piercing: ears when I was so young
54. Sport: basketball, but only because my mom wanted me to be active.
55. Vacation: too young idk, but I remember visiting family in Maryland in the winter and there was snow any I tried to eat ice with dirt on it but my dad told me not to but I licked it when he wasn’t looking.
56. Pair of trainers: no idea
57. Eating: how are we supposed to remember any of this?
58. Drinking: My mom’s Mike’s Hard Lemonade, but only a tiny sip and I don’t remember what it tastes like.
59. I’m about to: go to bed probably
60. Listening to: OTS ended so now, ‘Lost in Thoughts All Alone’ Amalee English ver. on loop.
61. Waiting for: a will to live  motivation
62. Want: love, platonic or romantic idc just somthing special and comforting with another human being. I f not that then at least a cat that loves me.
63. Get married: maybe, it seems like a bit of a hassle? But I heard there are benefits, so if we need those, or if my partner wants to.
64. Career: none currently, and too indecisive to have a clear idea of what I want.
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: I feel like I’d be too nervous to try kisses until I’m really comfortable, but I absolutely love hugs ok like a lot
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller, I like being a bit shorter
68. Older or younger: I used to only think same age was an option but I don’t have a preference.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach, I feel like I’d like to lay down together and use it as a pillow
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: I would be ok with a hook up, but I want a relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker, I feel like I’m too hesitant. I need someone to be able to drag me out to do things without making me hate them.
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: nope
75. Drank hard liquor?: does the lemonade sip count
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: I have neither but my brothers have
77. Turned someone down: I kind of didn't give an actual answer until I felt bad enough to say yes but I ended it soon after.
78. Sex on first date: nonononono I don’t think anything I have will turn out like that anyway thankfully but no
79. Broken someone’s heart: I broke up with someone, but I’m almost certain he only asked me out because he wanted to annoy my brother and he just wanted a girlfriend and he was too chill about it so no.
80. Had your heart broken: I have never approached someone are you kidding me, conceal don’t feel don’t let it show
81. Been arrested: yeah no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: I keep wondering if I have but then I think “why do you always do this you are friends and reading too much into this”
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: people actually do that?
85. Miracles: I use the phrase but I don’t believe in anything “divine’ so no
86. Love at first sight: I don’t think you can truly fall in love with someone if you don’t know them...
87. Santa Claus: yes
88. Kiss on the first date: on the cheek for goodbye
89. Angels: not in reality, but I love reading about them
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: Aly
91. Eye colour: brown
92. Favourite movie: 2003 live action Peter Pan
I lied I’m gonna tag three people ok fight me
@neofox0 @paytonbriauna @littlebitofanutcase
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a tag thing, with what I’m late, sorry(also sorry for everyone that ever tags me in these kind of things because I go “I will do it tonight” and then I keep saying that and sadly I’m then 2 moths later “FUCK, who tagged me in THAT thing that I can’t find, I forgot, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”
I’m tagged by @dofnup on january the 30th, sorry
I am now also supposed to tag people that I want to know better, but sorry, I won’t tag anyone, just do it if you want
name: Jessica
nicknames: apparenly NO!jess, jess, jessie and I think I don’t have more nicknames
gender: female and totally not a cat
height: 1.73meter so I think  5′6.8′ foot
birthday/star sign: NOOOOOOO, I got so far without anyone/almost no one knowing my birthday(I think @bookwormravenclawgirl knows, but still) it’s june the 28th and cancer(I don’t associate my birthday with a happy day anymore okay, the last 2 years just weren’t really happy birthdays and the years before that it was always things that where hard for me and that I didn’t understand because of mostly autism okay)(sorry for that)
siblings: a brother and my parents also got another daughter before I was born, but she died when she was 3 and I wasn’t born yet
hogwarts house: SLYTHERIN
favorite color: black or red, as in blood thingy(that is almost the only color where I add another word to the color name..)
favorite animal: AAAAAAAAAAH, I don’t know, maybe polar bears, or panda bears, or penguins, I DON’T KNOW, DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE
favorite fictional character: I HAVE TO CHOOSE HERE TOO?, uuuuuuuuuh, maybe toph, or azula, or suki, or undyne, or sans, or papyrus, or ginny, or maybe even flowie AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
*these questions broke jessica, jessica is now under repair, so basically she is eating chips and drinking cola, a liter or 2*
time right now: 16:34
cat or dog person: for petting, dog, for having, cat
lemonade or sweet tea: depends, I know that I don’t like what I get in the usa under the name sweet tea, but like, ice tea the kind that I get here is what I prefer above lemonade, THIS IS ALL CONFUSING
day or night: NIGHT FUCKAS
coke or pepsi: coke
calls or text: uuuh, most of the time(so probably like 7 out of the 10 times) I would prefer the google hangout kind of calls, but besides that text
country or city: a combination, if that’s not possible, city
dream job: laborant(if that is the right translation) at a police instance thing, or at least somewhere in that direction
met a celebrity: I don’t think that I’ve met one
last song I listened to: “all undertale boss themes”, that is right now, at the moment napstabloocks tune
when was this blog created: I think around the 2-3 months ago, maybe 4
what made you decide to make a tumble: no idea, but I do know that I saw the app on a friends phone and that reminded me that I wanted to make one
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rat-bones-888 · 8 years
I was tageed by  @carbon–14 and @all-we-hear–is-radio-gaga to do similar question type things about me so i’ll answer them all over here. 
1. Are you named after someone?: No, but my middle name (Kerry) was passed down in my family forever.
2. When was the last time you cried? : I tired cried in class today. 
3. Do you like your handwriting?: Eh, there are some things i’d change but its cool.
4. What’s your favorite lunch meat? : I’m vegetarian but my favorite is probably ham. 
5. Do you have kids?: Hah, no. I don’t think I ever will either, I don’t trust myself with a life form to raise. 
6. If I was another person, would I be friends with me?: Depends who I was. I could probably find myself very annoying at times, but other than that I don’t really see why not.
7. Do you use sarcasm?: Who doesn’t
8. Do you still have your tonsils?: I do
9. Would you bungee jump?: I’d probably do it and then throw up.
10. What’s your favorite type of cereal?: C I N N A M O N  T O A S T  C R U N C H 
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: Some times with my Dr.Martens, but never with any other shoe.
12. Do you think your a strong person? Not physically or mentally.
13. What is your favorite ice cream? Ever, ever?: Oh lordie I love them all, but probably either mint chocolate chip or cookie dough.
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people?: Probably their motions and such when they talk, that is when I’m talking to someone in person. 
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?: Not really sure I have one thing that trumps another. 
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?: No shoes, but rainbow socks. As for pants i’m wearing baggy blue jeans.
17. What are you listening to right now?: Flicker by Porter Robinson
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?:  Either robin egg blue or shamrock.
19. Favorite smell?: Chocolate cake batter.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?: I never call people, but the last person was Najiya, a friend of mine who I can’t tag cause she doesn’t have a tumblr. 
21. Favorite sport to watch: Never really watch sports, but volleyball seems entertaining-ish 
22. Hair color?: Brown
23. Eye color?: Hazel/ switches between green and brown 
24. Do you wear contacts?: No, but I do have glasses and have thought of getting them. Its just that I don’t want to poke myself in the eye intentionally. 
25. Favorite food to eat?: Probably strawberry and Nutella crepes, they’re easy to make and taste like heaven. 
26. Scary movies or comedy?: Comedy, even though I do have some great memories watching horror movies with friends.
27.Last movie you watched?: La La Land, I loved it so much.
28.  What color shirt are you wearing?: A black tee-shirt
29. Summer or Winter?: Summer, it has my birthday and it doesn’t hurt to go outside cause it’s too cold
30. Hugs or Kisses?: Hugs
31. What book are you currently reading?: I just finished re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird 
32. Who do you miss right now?: I miss my friends that I only get the chance to see during summer and @carbon–14​
33. What is on your mouse pad?: I don’t have a mouse pad, i prefer spending 20 minutes trying to make my bed sheets work. 
34. What was the last TV program you watched?: I watched Steven Universe.
35: What is the best sound?: Never really thought of this, does Shelter count as a sound?
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?: Beatles all the way.
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?: I once went to Costa Rica for a week, one of the best weeks ever. Also the week my cousin came out as Pan.
38. Do you have a special talent?: I like to draw, don’t expect any posts of my art though
Nicknames: Vi, vv, and some people call me by my last name                               Height: I haven’t checked in a few years, i’ll go with 5 feet                                   Time right now: 8:16, should be doing homework                                                 Last movie I watched: Answered that one already                                                 Last TV show i watched: Answered that one already                                           When I created this blog: About a year or so ago now                                          Last thing I googled: Steven Universe screenshots. I was looking for a specific one.                                                                                                                       Hogwarts house: Call me lame but I am a Gryffindor                                             Pokemon Team: Team Mystic                                                                             Favorite Color: Tie between rainbows and Aqua                                                  Lucky Number: Don’t really have one but I do have a fortune cookie, so let’s see. According to the cookie it’s 23                                                                     Favorite Character: Probably Peridot?                                                                  Number of blankets I sleep with: Anywhere from 0.5-3, depends on if the heat/ac decides to work.                                                                                       Birthday: August 27                                                                                             Gender: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯                                                                                               Relationship status: Single                                                                                   Siblings: 1 younger sister                                                                                     Pets: A guinea pig named Gram                                                                         Wake up: 6am                                                                                                       Sleep: Anywhere from 11pm-4am                                                                          Type of phone: Moto G4                                                                                      Love or Lust: Love?                                                                                             Lemonade or iced tea: Tea, I have tea instead of blood                                     Cats or Dogs: Dogs but I love cats too                                                                 Coke or Pepsi: Coke                                                                                             Day or night: Night, I live in the city and it’s the prettiest thing ever at night         Call or text: Text, I get really awkward when I call people.                                    Makeup or Natural: Natural, the closest I’ve ever gotten to makeup is fx makeup                                                                                                             Met a celebrity: No, I once almost met the Wild Kratts though                               Smile or eyes: Eyes, they show more emotion and they’re so interesting              Light or dark hair: I have lighter brown hair, but if you’re asking what I prefer on other people dark hair                                                                                           shorter or taller: shorter                                                                                        intelligence or attraction: Intelligence                                                                    chapstick or lipstick: chapstick                                                                             city or country: the city…There is a place in the distance A place that I’ve been dreaming of No more time and space don’t exist there We can dance like there’s no tomorrow There is a place, no time in space I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I can feel the city crumbling around me I can’t seem to find my way But I can see a bright light calling through dark night Hoping I’ll find my way Yeah I had what I wanted It went away so fast fast Yeah I got to let go We can dance like there’s no tomorrow So here we go I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I can feel the heartbeat underneath the concrete Just like a kick drum plays Running in a straight line guided by the street lights Pushing the dark away Yeah I had what I wanted It went away so fast fast Yeah I got to let go We can dance like there’s no tomorrow There is a place in the distance A place that I’ve been dreaming of No oh time and space don’t exist there We can dance like there’s no tomorrow There is a place, no time in space There is a place in the distance A place that I’ve been dreaming of No more time and space We can dance like there’s no tomorrow, oh oh oh! I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to Tomorrow, tomorrow We can dance
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jvc-yearofservice · 5 years
8/18/19 - 8/24/19
"When it comes to matters of social justice and personal conscience, create as much holy mischief as possible."
                 We had our second Spirituality night together, where we shared our favorite songs and then explained why after collectively all listening to them in silence via a speaker. Mine was 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran. For Community night, we watched Nacho Libre and ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant called Tres Hermanas, and when the waiter found out that we were volunteers, he gave us free extra chips for the table and a pitcher of mango margarita (Olé!). The house has been functioning pretty smoothly since we have a shared Google Docs with weekly responsibilities for each person (this week I led Community Night and swept the downstairs hallway). I also cook with the assistance of another housemate on Thursday nights. We also have a collaborative Spotify playlist for our house that we listen to on a speaker (lots of ABBA because I created it, heehee).
                 Work has been more prepping and getting ready for the kids, who come on Thursday. The other Jesuit volunteer and I went to the California DMV to get new licenses since we will be driving children around for our job (me more so than her). It was a pretty easy experience, except we didn't bring proof of residence so we had to pretend that the teacher who dropped us off at the DMV was our landlord, and he had to sign a form saying that we lived in his building. Then we had to take a written test, and I failed the first time around, haha! But eventually, I passed, and I got my new license, hooray!
                 One of our housemates hasn't been having the best time getting transportation to work, however. Apparently, the volunteer in her position had to have her parents pay for an Uber/taxi every day to and from her site (PS7 St. Hope elementary school) because the walk/bike ride there is so stressful and unsafe. When we were all visiting each other's sites, we walked together to this particular site, and even in a huge group, I will say that it was incredibly sketchy and unsafe-looking, so I do not blame my housemate for not wanting to walk BY HERSELF AT 5 IN THE MORNING to work. So far, she has contacted our regional coordinator, and he suggested that she simply take a different route, one that is much longer. All of us are behind her, however, and she is close to having her parents drive her car all the way from Boston to Sacramento because she feels like she is getting nowhere with the JVC in terms of being provided with transportation. Likewise, all the community credit cards from every single site in the JVC were declined and found to not properly work (the money we use for groceries, etc). They have since fixed the problem and promised to give us all an extra $100 for our troubles but later changed their minds and didn't give us the extra money (sad face). The most hilarious part was definitely when the administration posted on the JVC 2019 Facebook page to update us all to the problem with the credit cards, and all the volunteers were commenting hilarious things about how they were eating their own shoes for survival, haha. Another funny thing is that I recently compared the JVC to being the pimp of the volunteers since all of our work sites pay the JVC a fee to have a volunteer (and our free labor), and the JVC keeps the money, only giving us a small portion of our earnings in the form of a $100 stipend each month.
                 On the weekend, we got to swim in a former Jesuit volunteer's pool which was awesome, but my face definitely got a little burnt. I've taken to just wearing my ball cap any time I'm outside to prevent further skin damage. Then on Sunday, we attended mass at St. Francis church, which was founded by the Franciscans hundreds of years ago. We sat with another former Jesuit volunteer and our current in-city coordinator, Windi, who is awesome! I even got to hold her amazingly cute infant daughter during mass! The presiding priest was Irish which made the homily infinitely cooler, in my opinion. After mass, we went to a welcome brunch put on by the parish (mainly for the free food), and all these elderly members were so welcoming and fought over who got to sit at our table. We even signed up for a weekend night ministry opportunity to cater to the homeless that sit on the church steps.
                 More information on the homeless issues in Sacramento: I've been talking to the teachers at Mustard Seed, and apparently it is not that uncommon for children to show up for the school year, not speaking any language (not sure if from trauma or educational neglect or both). One group of siblings even created their own language that only they understood but spoke no other language a couple years ago.  It is also common for homeless children to have never been in school before the age of 7 or by middle school. The cost of living in Sacramento is lower than more of the bigger cities like L.A. or San Francisco, but it is still a lot higher than the cost of living in my hometown, St. Louis. For example, rent for one-room apartments are about $1,000 or more a month, and there are many well-off people we know here who live with several people in a small space in order to afford rent. Likewise, apartment applications cost money, which the homeless cannot afford, and even motel costs add up quickly. The homelessness here is largely attributed to the landlord's refusal to rent to anyone who cannot readily set aside 1/4 of their income for rent.
                 Our first day of school was this week, and I'm already pretty smitten! I have so far played with kids on the playground, drawn several chalk animals, packed bags for families, and sat in on two intakes. As expected, the children are deeply traumatized but fiercely resilient at the same time. Disassociating in the children is a huge problem for the teachers due to the difficulty it takes to bring a child out of that state while other children are nearby.        Some drama that occurred on the first day: Towards the end of the day, the fish bowl was broken, and the fish (formerly named 'Johnson' and now renamed 'Superdog' by the children) fell out of the bowl and onto the floor, where he laid for several minutes out of water. Thankfully, he was rescued by the homeroom teacher when she returned. For now, he is inhabiting a mason jar with some of his pebbles from before. Something that has been surprisingly fun is my job of making the backpacks for the newly enrolled children. Each backpack is chosen with care (only the highest quality of all the donations), and I strived to choose backpacks matching the personalities of their future owners based off my brief interactions with the children. Inside every backpack is a:
                 -colored pencils
                 -pencil sharpener
                 -hand sanitizer
                 -toothbrush and toothpaste
                 -package of clean underwear
                 -package of clean socks
                 Although a lot of the staff have commented on how they feel sorry that I have to pack all these backpacks in a tiny room, I'm actually having a lot of fun with it. I put on my Latin dancing music, and I move around quickly and organize and pack the bags. I nearly missed my break on the second day because I was so concentrated on making backpacks. Part of the fun of making the backpacks is imagining the looks on the kids' faces when they see how I color-coordinated their supplies or included a toy. I supervised recess and played soccer with one little boy, and I chatted with the kids about whether Cartoon Network or Disney Channel was better while they waited to be picked up. One of the teachers also gave me and my housemate some iced coffees one morning as a thanks for helping him clean his room. On the morning of school starting, we also all received some flowers from the administration. Something funny that happened too is that a nurse asked me what grade I was in, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head when I told her I had just finished my master’s degree. Something I have been looking forward to is getting free bagels and cream on Friday's with my co-workers.
                 One of the drawbacks of serving at this placement is the walk to and from there. The walk to the school includes walking by fresh urine, feces, and general human waste. I have become quite a pro at breathing out of my mouth. I'm also not a huge fan of being hassled by drunk or otherwise intoxicated men. Additionally, the girl who had my position last year got lice from the children, so I'll be careful to keep my hair braided and away from contact.
                 On one weekday night, we went to an open-mic performance at a coffee shop, called Speak Out Sacramento. It occurs twice a month, and it is run by one of the bosses of one of my housemate's sites. I enjoyed sitting and listening to poems, songs, and experimental narrations even though I didn't have money for a beer or coffee. Something hilarious that I learned lately was that one of the founders of Loaves and Fishes, Chris Delaney, hosted a movie night at her house for the previous Jesuit volunteers. One movie night, they ended up watching a pretty explicit movie, and the volunteers were visibly nervous at watching this in the presence of someone so well-respected by the service community. Seeing this, Chris (a very tiny and old woman) laughed at them and asked them if this was really their first time seeing these things. Any time I see her handing out lemonade at lunch, she always comments on how I'm smiling whenever she sees me, and I always tell her, "What's there not to smile about?"
P.S. When living simply, always get super glue! It's very helpful for any broken item, and I've already glued two pairs of shoes back together.  :)
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helatherwhite · 7 years
Healthy Memorial Day Recipes
Holiday weekends can be tough for those who are trying to eat a healthy diet and for those on a special diet. To make your Memorial Day a bit simpler, I've pulled together some healthy Memorial Day Recipes for you all.
Memorial Day Thoughts
Of course remembering the reason for the Memorial Day holiday is crucial. In the US we are celebrating those who died serving in our armed forces.
Recently, we've been chatting about war and freedom a lot in our home. Talking about what we think is a just and unjust war, what a right response is to wrongs we perceive, and what the right roles of the U.S. Government should be.
One thing is sure– we may not agree with all of the wars and why they were fought, but we can remember and honor those who gave their lives doing what they thought was best.
My father in law served in Korea. He died fairly recently, but our memories of his war stories live on. My youngest was just going through his military awards the other day, particularly thrilled that his Grandpa had received one of the most prestigious awards (at least that's what his military book said), the Combat Infantryman Badge.
Grandpa used to tell us the story of how he awoke from sleeping to the sight of a North Korean soldier with a bayonet at his neck. He startled and screamed and the soldier ran away!
It's so wonderful for my son to know the legacy of those who went before him.  I remember once, just after my father in law died, my youngest was looking at some other awards that he had won. He said, with a smile on his face, “I never knew that I was related to someone so important!”
We also have a former neighbor whom we hope to visit. She's a veteran of WWII (there aren't many of them left). She lives alone with no family around and we try to get over to see her whenever possible. She didn't lose her husband in the war, but instead met him there. But we know it's a special day for her.
Healthy Memorial Day Recipes
On Monday, we hope to have some students from my husband's college and their siblings over to have some healthy memorial day recipes and some fun, but we will remember, honor, and celebrate those who gave the supreme sacrifice as well.
Here are some of the things I'm thinking about making–thought you might want to add some of them to your Memorial Day Menu Plan as well :).
Easy Baked Chicken Nuggets
These are a BIG fave in our home! Make extra and freeze for the future!
Egg Roll in a Bowl
This is a super-simple recipe to pull together and it's very easy on the budget, too. We love it warm or cold! And you can make it without the meat for a great vegetarian side dish.
Spaghetti Squash Salad
A great side dish with an unexpected tang!
Dips for Your Veggies!
Here are 4 that we love!
Zingy Avocado Dressing / Dip
Meant to be a dressing, but doubles as a fabulous dip!
Dairy-Free Ranch Dip
I literally have this in my fridge all the time!
AIP (Autoimmune Paleo) Guacamole (no nightshades or seeds)
Whether you are on the AIP diet or not, this guacamole tastes great!
Dairy-Free, Vegan Mayo / Vegetable Dip
This recipe serves well as either a great Mayo or a Veggie Dip. It's one of the most interesting allergy-free recipes that I have ever made.
Healthy Condiments…
Easy Homemade Ketchup
While I LOVE the flavor of a great slow-cooked ketchup recipe, this one tastes great and is ready in a flash!
The “Best” Homemade Salsa
This salsa was served at a baptism lunch and was sooo popular that the woman who brought it sent out the recipe to everyone who attended!
Sides and Snacks…
Dorito® Popcorn
The taste of this popcorn reminds us of that great Dorito® taste without the odd additives!
Savory Sesame-Free Hummus
This sesame-free hummus is loaded with the flavor of great spices and is perfect for those who can't eat sesame.
Dairy-Free and Sesame-Free Pizza Hummus
Another great sesame-free hummus recipe that tastes like pizza, but it's also dairy free!
“Everyone Wants the Recipe” Popcorn
We get asked “what's on this popcorn?” literally every time we take this somewhere. Make it yourself and find out why!
 Green Bean Chips
One of our favorite healthy snacks!
Caramelized Coconut Chips
Skip the overpriced version in the store and make these yourself. They have “just right” sweetness and fill you up so you're not tempted to overeat!
Berry Cobbler
The perfect red, white, and blue dessert for Memorial Day!
5-Minute Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Balls
These are just great and you can whip them up in a flash!
3-Ingredient Shortbread Crisp
Another super-simple recipe. Make with cherries or berries for a more patriotic treat.
Superfood Popsicles
Refreshing and full of phytonutrients and patriotic colors!
3-Ingredient Strawberry Sage Popsicles
A fun combination that's super refreshing!
Easy Fruit Dip
Make this instead of the HFCS-laden fruit dips on the market.
Sugar-Free Marshmallows for S'Mores
We love making these as a family. Fun to eat on their own or to use for low-carb recipes.
Homemade Sugar-Free Gummies
These are also a lot of fun to make–and eat! Make into star shapes to make them extra special for Memorial Day!
and finally…
Sugar-Free Lemonade
Super refreshing and full of phytonutrients. The perfect drink for any day!
So there you have it. Loads of Healthy Memorial Day Recipes for your celebration.
Of course, they're great recipes for any day too!
What are your plans for Memorial Day? What will you be serving?
The post Healthy Memorial Day Recipes appeared first on Whole New Mom.
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