#I enjoy cheesiness okay hush
altocat · 10 months
*gives babyroth to Vincent*
Stop brooding and SAvE hIM
Vincent is having a giant panic attack, years upon years of ruthless, unrelenting guilt overtaking him. He's failed in every way. He's no longer even a man. He failed Lucrecia. He failed himself. He no longer has any right to happiness, too submerged in sin to even consider alternative objectives. He needs to punish himself. He HAS to punish himself. All monsters must be punished. He should go back to his coffin, back to nightmares, back to vilification and self debasement. That's what he deserves, what he well and truly--
Babyroth *taking Vincent's index finger in his tiny hand*:
"Papa 🥺"
Well shit. All sins are now rendered meaningless. Unimportant. There's something even greater in his life now, some new meaning he has to shelter and protect at all costs.
He gathers the toddler up in his cloak and leads him away, this time towards what he hopes is a better, happier future for them both.
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beebee18 · 4 months
Ramen & Confessions
Lee Know x Reader
Genre; fluff, frenemies to lovers, feel good.
Characters; Minho, Y/n, Felix Brief mention- Changbin, Han, Chan & Hyunjin
Summary; You and Minho never were the best of friends however his worry when you finally attend movie night after being mia for a week seems to give way for his seemingly cool confession.
Warnings; Extremely cliche, slight insecurities, tall reader (like 5'7 and more), like one bad word.
Main masterlist skz masterlist
(I made a post long time ago about a Minho ff and you guys asked to be tagged. I would like to apologize for it not being a complete ff but I hope you enjoy this oneshot of cheesiness.) @antisocial-socialbutterfly @lixxpix @kaiyaba
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Your thoughts lingered on Minho when you remembered him staring at you in the doorway, and after your talk with Felix. Even if you didn't like each other, not that you didn't, he was handsome and caring & sweet. It would be impossible to not crush on the guy, you owed him an apology.
So you moved to sit closer to him. He was surprised, to say the least, when you tapped his thigh to get his attention.
Turning to face you was not a good idea, you were so close, a mere jerk of his head and your lips would meet his, with the tv lights flashing at you, your brown eyes framed by those cute little glasses, slightly dishevelled curly hair framing your face oh so beautifully, and that smile with your barely there dimples (you insisted you had), you were a sight.
This was the closest and calmest you had been with each other in a while and it seemed to stop time for a second. He looked so pretty, his bedhead, sweats and no makeup on, shiny brown eyes looking into yours, the mole on his nose so cute you want to just boop it and that look of surprise mixed with concern on his face could melt you into a puddle if physically possible.
"I'm sorry I disappeared without saying anything." You started in a hushed voice, so as to not disturb the others. "I should have told you guys why earlier."
A snarky remark or comment would've been better cause what he did next made your heart skip a beat.
"It's okay y/n, I'm not gonna lie I was concerned, especially with Felix reminding everyone every minute that you could've 'died'. I am glad you're back." He nudged your arm with his and went back to the tv screen.
You stared at Minho side, small smile on your face, for a few seconds before Han coughed from behind the man, smirking at you, making you blush, you quickly turned to the screen to distract yourself.
Nearing the end of the movie people were asleep, mainly Felix, Han, Changbin and Hyunjin and somehow in a pile... Chan took off a few minutes ago to the studio leaving you and Minho the only ones awake.
After the movie ended you both looked around the find the human pile of idols making you giggle and Minho shake his head to stifle a laugh.
"Are you gonna put them to bed? How would that even work?" You ask standing up to help clean the remnants of the night.
"Eh just let them be, they'll separate when they want to. Are you leaving?" He asks as you start collecting your stuff, his expression slightly glum.
"I'll just move my stuff aside so I can help you clean, don't want you to do all this alone." You smiled at him putting your bag away and offering him a hand.
Minho swore he could scream in that moment.
He did take your hand and stood up facing you. You both just stood there for a few seconds, hands in each others before he cleared his throat.
You looked down and started gathering wrappers, bowls and edible food that just fell to take to the kitchen, so did Minho. And that's how he ended up making you both ramen.
He'd asked if you were hungry and you replied yes, after that no words were spoken. You went out to check on the boys, switch off electronics and when you came back there were two packs of cup noodles in front of Minho on the counter as he waited for the water to boil.
"Minho what... " You trailed off a questioning look on your face.
"You said you were hungry so..." He shrugs, smiling sheepishly, making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
You went and stood next to him, shoulders brushing the others, as he poured water in the cups and looked at you for a second, you grin at him in return which makes him chuckle, effectively hiding the cute that slipped his lips.
"Why are you laughing?" You ask him, giggling a little yourself, leaning on the counter adjacent to him. He was so cute and pure like this, you wanted to crush him in a hug so bad.
Once he was done with his fit of laughter he turns to you, coming closer, closer than ever. The proximity burned you, you guys weren't even on speaking terms 2 weeks ago and now...
"Wha-what are you doing?" You ask not wanting to embarrass yourself but you were flustered beyond belief and he was being nice?? To you??
"How come you don't hate me?" He asked staring into your eyes, he wanted a genuine answer, there was no point in lying to him, he seemed impatient.
"Well, you being mean isn't a reason for me to hate you. I knew not every one of Felix's friends would like me, it was okay. I was coping just well by being mean back. There was never any hate from my side. Unfortunately for me, the one I like, doesn't like me back...." The look of shock on your face as you slapped your hand over your mouth made Minho throw his head back in laughter.
People often said you rambled or spoke a lot. You agree now.
The embarrassment slowly creeping up on you. You made a move to slip away but Minho put his hands down by your hips on the counter and laugh slowly dissipating into a small smile, looking at your blushed face now.
"I'm sorry for being mean to you, truth is, I like you a lot. I've liked you since you visited us at dance practice for the first time and brought everyone homemade cookies. I was shy, I still am but your flustered state gives me confidence." He says, wanting to kiss the small pout from your face.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You asked, finally processing his words.
He liked you?? He still likes you?!
"I couldn't at the time, you were bestfriends with Felix, I didn't want the dynamic to shift plus there was a high possibility you liked any of the other 7 dudes in the group." He finishes scratching the back of his neck, looking down ears going red.
"And you?"
"Oh, I-I just, I didn't think someone like you would fancy someone like me." You hesitated gesturing to yourself, the insecurities finally creeping up.
Great way to ruin the moment brain.
"Someone like me?" He questioned, raising one of his eyebrows, tonguing his cheek as if he knew what was coming.
"Come on Min, look at you, your life, the people around you. I don't fit in, like a friend great but not as anything more. I know I sound dumb after we've both basically confessed but still..." You finish hesitantly.
"Y/n you'd fit right in. You fit amazing right now, that would just be a few more steps, it would work if we wanted it to." He says comforting you, his heart pacing at the nickname.
"Also I'm not your type, remember Han Sora, the girl you dated when I first met you guys, she was so pretty and petite, her clothes and shit. I admired her so much. She's your type, not me." You finish, eyes dropping to his chest to avoid his piercing gaze, that's all the argument you had.
"First of all, she was a publicity stunt and an obsessed trainee who was fired after I complained." He says, placing his right hand on your jaw, making you look him in the eyes. "Secondly, you're beautiful, kind, funny, smart, mature and well dressed. Being taller than the national average of a country you don't belong to is nothing to be insecure of, and let's be honest..." He lips tug up into a smile, hand falling to your hip from your jaw "...those thighs, are to die for." He says slowly with a wink, making you widen your eyes with shock and blushing like crazy.
"You wanna know who my type is?" He asks, searching for uncertainty in your eyes.
His lips came close to yours, an inch of a distance between them. He wanted you to make the final move, being careful so you'd have nothing to regret.
Your lips met, his hands on your hips, yours around his shoulders. Months of silently crushing on each other, finally being able to express it.
When he angled his face to deepen the kiss and your noses bumped, you separated, a giggle leaving you. He smiled softly, complete adoration in his eyes.
"Now what?" You asked, a warm feeling spreading through you.
"You wanna have ramen with me?" He asks, smirking, gesturing to the cups that have been sitting out for the past 15 minutes.
You scrunched your nose at the implication, your stomach saying other things "But like, I'm actually hungry." A small pout appearing on your face.
He quickly kissed it away taking your hand in his, walking into the living room to collect his things and yours, and now towards the door.
"Where are we going?"
"Our first date, the convenience store across the street. Great ramen!" He winks at you before pulling you closer into his chest, smiling wide at you, you couldn't help but reciprocate.
Texting; ( Y/n, Felix )
Felix: Did you leave already?
Felix: Where's Minho? Is he dropping you off?
Felix: He is, isn't he? 😏
Felix: Told you he had a thing for you.
Felix: Oh yeah ignore Lix when he's right, sure sure, I get it.
Texting; ( Minho, Felix )
Felix: Don't fbck this up.
Minho: Never Lix, never.
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dandelions-143 · 5 months
In Love
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Pairing: Seungmin (non idol) x f!reader
Genre: cheesy fluff, very little angst, FWB
Wk: 1543k
Warnings: None
{I was listening to Taylor Swift while writing this so the cheese is cheesing so hard but it’s still cute, enjoy}
You were sitting on your bed, the blankets a skewed mess all over the place. The afternoon setting sun cast an orange light that leaked into your window casting a hazy glow on the side of the mans face that was leaned down concentrating on drawing a puppy on your upper thigh. You two had just spent the entire day together, tangled up in your sheets, loving, fucking, talking, and laughing. Your eyes lingered on his profile, the curve of his nose, the soft edges of his full lips. "Beautiful" you mumbled out loud. Usually you two didn't open up about your romantic feelings. It was more playful jokes and affection, you two just were not the best at expressing how you felt.
Seungmin looks up at you with his sweet smile, "well it's not as good as what Hyunjin Hyung would do but, you can tell it's a dog... I think." You giggled and watched him finish the cute little dog with a crooked tail that was drawn right at the top of your inner thigh. He then leaned in and kissed it softly causing you to shiver just a little. You ran your fingers through his thick hair, scratching his scalp gently causing him to moan a little bit. "That feels so good, babe." In the midst of all of this happiness you couldn't help but feel a small pang of sadness in your chest. You and Seungmin were not officially dating but, you had been doing this for months now and you were falling hard. You wouldn't dare tell him, you were afraid that you would scare him off. You felt as if you needed him even if it was in secret rendezvous and only talked about in hushed whispers.  It was worth it.. right?
He happily went back to kissing up your inner thigh, inching his way towards your panties when he was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Ignore that." Seungmin mumbled between nips and bites of your delicate skin. You began to tug gently at his hair the closer he moved towards your still sensitive pussy but, his phone just kept ringing. "You should probably get that." You said as you moved to sit back up. Seungmin groaned in frustration and rolled off of you to grab his phone from the night stand beside your bed. When he looked at the screen he instantly got up and walked over to your attached bathroom. He gave you an apologetic look before disappearing behind the bathroom door. The pain in your chest grew into more of a panic at the realization that you may not be the only girl in his life. 
He is a young single man and you two are not dating. He has never eluded to the fact that you two are exclusive what so ever. It still stung, it still hurt horribly and all you could do was clench your teeth, slide down into your bed more, pull the covers up and hide.  It took maybe fifteen minutes and Seungmin came out in a little bit of a rush. You sat up instantly asking, "Is everything okay?"  You watched as he began to grab his clothes and put them on, then his shoes. "Yeah, uh a friend just needs me."
"Oh, right." Is all you could say because if you said anything else he would definitely be able to tell you were on the verge of tears. He grabbed the rest of his things and headed for your door. Just before he rushed away from you Seungmin turns around with a soft smile as his brown eyes met yours, "Don't forget about tonight, okay? The park, our bench at 9." You simply nodded and gave him a reassuring smile that didn't quite meet your eyes. Then he was gone and all that lingered was a mix of his cologne, the love making you two had, and the salty tears that began to stain your cheeks.
It took you the entire three hours to drag yourself out of bed, get showered, and clothed.  You wanted to go to the park to see him but, you also wanted to lay in your bed and sulk while you listened to your sad playlist.  You left your apartment heading in the direction of the park, which was only a block away.  This park was very significant to you and to Seungmin. It's where you two met, he was playing catch ball with a few of his friends and the ball rolled onto your blanket that you were laying on while you were reading a book. He ran up to grab the ball and apologize to you. After that you two met every chance you could at this one bench in that very same park.. until friendly laughs turned into gentle touches and soft kisses.. and the rest is history.
You were trying to get the way he had left you in your bed out of your head so you could just enjoy your time with Seungmin tonight when you turned the corner and there he stood next to that same bench you both had claimed. The closer you got the more you realized that he was not just standing there alone. "I know it's kind of cheesy." Seungmin began as you grew closer to him. You were slightly confused at first, wondering what he was talking about but just behind him was an entire display of white roses and flickering candles. He moved aside so you could get a better look at it. "It's beautiful..." at first it just seemed like a scattering of roses and every so often a white or red candle would be there.
He was watching intently, anticipation in his eyes and a worried set of his brow that deepened the longer you took to say anything. Then it hit you.. the roses and candles spelled out, "Can I be your puppy?" Your eyes grew wide with shock and you turned to him.. "you...what?" You knew what he was asking but it came as such a big surprise you didn't know how to make the words come out of your mouth.
Seungmin stepped forward and placed his hands on your shoulders, "I've been a coward. I have wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you that day you were reading on your strawberry pink blanket. From that day forward I was hooked. I looked for your texts every morning and then every 20 minutes throughout the day. I made sure to see you every single chance I could. But I was scared of these feelings. Even when you reciprocated my physical advances I still couldn't tell you how you made my heart race, my palms sweaty, you made me smile so much my cheeks would hurt. But all of that was not enough to push me to tell you how I felt until the other night..."
You were mesmerized by him, in this moment.. he had never spilled his heart out to you like this... about anything. So you gripped his hands and waited patiently for him to continue. The air was growing chilly and you could see his breath as he spoke nervously, "that first night I stayed a full night with you. We had made love twice that night and you fell a sleep faster than I did. I couldn't sleep because all I could think about was you. How you smelled, your taste, your sounds.. even the way you gently moaned in your sleep was the best thing I had ever heard. My chest was tight as fuck the moment I realized I'm in love with you and I needed to tell you."  Seungmin looked over at all the cliche roasts and candles with a soft chuckle, "I know you've always told me you find these showy gestures of affection very annoying and insincere but, you know  I had to prove you wrong. This is very sincere and I'm very serious.. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. Cheesy fucking roses and all." He paused, "Also this was Binnies idea.. you know I would never come up with this on my own." You giggled, realizing that's who it must have been on the phone earlier when Seungmin had to leave in such a rush.
All you could do for a moment was stare. Stare at his handsome face, his bright puppy dog eyes. Feel the way his warm hands engulfed yours as he stood there watching you.  You felt breathless..happy but unsure if you could even form the words you wanted to. You could see the light in his eyes fading the longer it took you. Seungmins hands began to slip from yours but, at the last minute you gripped his hands and tugged him to you. Your lips collided with his, kissing him slow and sweet. His lips were a warm home in the cold night air. "I love you too, idiot." You mumbled between kisses. He smiled against your lips and picked you up swinging you around. You had never seen Seungmin like this but you wanted more of it and this felt like a new beginning for the both of you.
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wriothesleysgf · 1 year
safety net — k. nanami.
notes: i needed some nanamin comfort tonight, so here's my rambling. enjoy :3
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"my love, it's okay, i promise," nanami cooed. his strong arms wrapped around you as you wept into his chest, finally beginning to believe the soft sweet nothing that he's been whispering into the crown of your head. "you're safe with me; i won't let any harm come to you, no matter what,"
he didn't mind when your fists balled up his carefully ironed dress shirt. he didn't bat an eye when you crawled into his lap for comfort. he didn't complain that your tears had sodden his clothes.
instead, he encouraged you to let your feelings out. however, nanami can barely stand to see your dejection. he hushes you tenderly, waiting for your mood to shift towards something a tad brighter, or even exhaustion. the man got his wish shortly enough, for your cries began to weaken, and you became increasingly limp in his arms.
"are you tired, my darling?" nanami asked, voice barely above a whisper so as not to alarm you.
you only nodded, your feeble movements an indicator of how truly depleted your energy levels were. your arms wrapped around nanami loosely, head resting against his chest. you could hear the rhythmic beating of his heart, its strength a reminder of all the times when he told you that it beats for you, and you alone. though most would assume it cheesy, coming from a typically stoic man like nanami you found yourself touched by such sentiment.
he watched as the small smile appeared on your face, relief spreading over him. without a blanket in reach, nanami assumed that the second best thing would be his jacket, so he reached for the apparel and threw it over you. you instinctively snuggled into the material, your lover's scent bringing you a familiar sense of calmness in your drained state.
"sleep, princess," nanami mumbled, placing a kiss to your exposed forehead. "i'll be here when you wake up, i promise. nothing will hurt you now. i love you,"
you mumbled a return of his final words to you, entangling yourself in the man to get comfortable. he watched with a gaze full of adoration, allowing you to writhe as you pleased as you quickly drifted off for the night.
when the morning came, you expected to find yourself buried in the warmth of your sheets. instead, you were met with the slumbering face of nanami kento, in the same position that you'd fallen asleep in. you couldn't help but light-heartedly giggle, both thankful for his actions and as a realization of how deeply you returned the care he held for you.
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twirlywhirlywriting · 7 months
Consequences of Being a Brat
Eddie Munson Fic Incoming!
NSFW 18+, Minors DNI! Okay so this one is… whoo. A lot more intense than my previous fics. I know I said my next fic would be with Clarke Griffin from The 100 but I got smacked in the face with inspiration for this so, here you go. This fic is purely self indulgent and I pretty much made it just for my own desire BUT I am sure all you dom!Eddie lovers out there will enjoy it too. I honestly have no clue if The Magic Wand existed in the 80’s but for the sake of this fic, it absolutely did. The ending is super fluffy so please stick around for it too! Please like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed this, it would mean the whole entire world to me!
Word Count: 9,016
Warnings:NSFW 18+, Angst (very slight), Smut, Fluff, AFAB Reader, Aftercare, BratTamer!Eddie, Brat!Reader, Breath Play (one time near the end), Bondage, Biting, Potential CNC? (honestly I’m not sure if it is or not. Reader doesn’t want to accept punishment but it’s all a part of their brat/tamer dynamic and consensual, but as always, read at your own risk), Choking, Crying During Aftercare, Dom!Eddie, Degradation, Dacryphilia, Eventual Submission, Extreme Sensitivity, Face Slapping (Only a couple of times and it is not extreme), Forced Orgasms, Fingering, Humiliation, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Oral Sex (f and m receiving), Orgasm Control and Denial, Punishment, P-in-V (unprotected, wrap it up irl folks), Rough Sex, Sub!Reader, Spanking, Swearing, Squirting, Subspace (mentions of, it’s not super deep), Vibrators
Idk I feel like I overdo it with warnings sometimes but I want you to be able to read at your own risk and avoid your own triggers, I do not want my writing to cause harm! Only horniness and happy feelings! Anywho, here is my newest fic and I really hope you all love it!
Consequences of Being a Brat
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The stage lights focused, the crowd hushed, and the electric hum of anticipation filled the air. Eddie Munson, with his shaggy brown hair cascading over his shoulders, stood center stage. His fingers started strumming his electric guitar as Corroded Coffin launched into their first song. In the sea of people, Eddie scanned the crowd, looking for one face in particular–yours. You never missed a single concert, and tonight shouldn’t have been any different. But tonight, no matter how hard he searched, you were nowhere to be found. 
Where the hell is she? He thought to himself. As the concert reached its crescendo, Eddie’s mind wandered, his performance slightly faltering. Once the last note echoed through the quarry, Eddie rushed offstage. His heart pounded with a mix of post-performance adrenaline and concern for where you could be. 
Back at home, I was absolutely fine. My coworker at the bakery asked me to pick up their shift, so I was working overtime and honestly forgot about the concert tonight. I was laying on the couch, lounging in Eddie’s Hellfire club shirt and black cotton panties while watching some cheesy horror flick. I was just about to get up from the couch to call in for a pizza delivery, when Eddie crashed through the door. 
He looks absolutely frantic, making me feel instantly guilty. I totally forgot to tell him that I wouldn’t be able to make the concert tonight. Fuck. “Eddie, I’m so sorry! I had to cover Emily’s shift tonight and I completely forgot to let you know I wasn’t going to make it. I feel terrible.”  I stand up to give him a hug, he looks like he needs it.
Eddie’s frustration softens, but is still very present. “You just forgot to tell me? I was worried sick, baby. I thought you were hurt.” He hugs me back tightly, before sighing and letting me go.
“I know, I know, Eddie. I’m sorry,” I say, stepping back as he runs a hand through his hair in exasperation. One of the rings on his fingers gets stuck in his hair and as he is figuring out how to get it un-stuck, I can’t help but giggle.
His head immediately snaps to look at me, questioning, “What’s so funny?” 
I try not to, but I can’t hold back another giggle. “I can’t help it, you looked so worried.. It was kind of cute.” I know this conversation will get me nowhere but trouble, but my heart feels so inflated with how much he cares about me, I don’t even care right now.
His eyes close for a moment as he processes what just came out of my mouth, his tongue jutting into the side of his cheek. When he opens his eyes again, they seem much darker than they were before and I knew that my words had started something. His tone itself could cut through ice. “Excuse me? Would you like to repeat that? I’m just not sure that’s what you were really trying to say, sweetheart.” 
His words shoot a shiver through my body and directly down to my core. He doesn’t call me that unless I’m really starting to push my limits. It’s a fucked up nickname because it’s way too gentle for whatever he’s planning to do to me.
For some stupid reason, the desire to provoke him becomes unbearable. “That is actually exactly what I was trying to say. You were so worried about me that you ran home and almost tore the front door off its hinges. It was absolutely adorable.” I put extra emphasis on the last word, a smirk playing on my lips. 
His eyebrow raises at me as his arms cross over his chest, his fingers tapping his arm in an attempt to control his desire to put me over his knee right that second. “Oh yeah? Wanna make that hole you’re in a little deeper?” He takes a step closer to me until it feels like he’s towering over me, his face only inches from mine, and whispers, “Go on, say something else. I dare you.” 
Those fucking words. Maybe on any other day, I would have just apologized and took a spanking or two. But daring me? Oh boy, today was not the day. I just got done with two fucking shifts at work in a row and okay, yeah, I can see why you’d be worried about me and now you’re mad that I’m mouthing off, but seriously? Fuck you, Eddie! I thought to myself. 
Surprise registers on his face as his mouth opens slightly, eyes widening. Oh god. Did I just say that out loud? I look up at him and laugh nervously. “Is it too late already to say I’m sorry?” My voice is much more quiet than I mean it to be, but it’s too difficult to speak up when his eyes are on fire and it’s directed right at me.
He just stares at me, his eyes going from that teddy-bear brown to straight up black. He starts unbuckling his belt, pulling it from the loops slowly. My mouth dries out and for a moment, I’m frozen in place before the realization of what he’s about to do hits and I fucking bolt towards the bathroom so I can lock myself in there for a while until he calms down. 
His hand quickly reaches out and grabs me by the wrist before flipping me around to face him. He grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him while his other hand continues pulling his belt from the loops at an agonizing pace. “And just where do you think you’re going? You really think you get to say that shit to me and then run off to avoid my belt? Really?” He can’t help but laugh at my escape attempt, but his laugh sounds empty. 
I try to pull my face away from his grip, but it’s impossible. My nerves turn into anger and I suddenly swat his hand away from my face, my voice raising to a yell. “You can’t get me in trouble for this! I was just messing around, Eddie, can’t you take a fucking joke?” 
The growl that escapes his lips is feral. He grabs me by the back of the neck and pushes me forward, forcing me down the hallway towards the bedroom as he bites back, “Eddie? I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to, sweetheart, but that is incorrect.” 
I’m practically stumbling over my own feet, he’s pushing me so hard and walking too fast for me to find a good rhythm in my steps. I get shoved down onto the mattress face first, but quickly flip myself around and sit up, scrambling backwards to the opposite side of the bed. “Stop it! Eddie I said I was sorry, I was joking! Don’t do this, seriously.” My voice is definitely mixed with panic and anger… arousal is in there somewhere too, judging by the wet spot I know is coming through my panties right now. 
He grabs me by my ankles and drags me back towards him, before flipping me over, scolding me as he yanks off my panties and giving my ass a few hard spanks with his hand to warm me up. “Let me get this straight. You are acting like a fucking brat, and now you refuse to take your punishment for it? Not only that, you know how you’re supposed to address me right now, yet you keep acting like you’re just my sweet little girlfriend and calling me by my name. But you’re not my sweet little girlfriend right now, are you?” 
He doesn’t even give me a chance to respond to his questions, he just grabs his belt and uses every harsh spank with it to emphasize his next words. “You. Are. My. Bratty. Fucking. Slut.” I wince and whine at every smack, and then my hands fly back to cover my now-bright red ass for protection. He has no patience with me anymore, I can tell. He grabs my hands to pin them behind my back, which makes me groan out in frustration and panic, and without even thinking about it, I’ve kicked my feet at him and hit him right in the thigh. Thankfully it wasn’t a direct kick to the balls, but it was close. And now I’m fucked.
I look back at him as best as I can, and the look on his face sends another round of chills down my spine. I can feel myself getting wetter by the second though, fuck my life. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it!” I scream at him, squirming as hard as I could to try to get away, “I wouldn’t have done that if you had just let me go!” 
He tuts at me from behind, sighing in disappointment. “You really need a lesson in obedience today, don’t you? I tried to just give you a few spankings with the belt. Just a few, and you just can’t stop making things worse for yourself.” He grabs me by the hair and yanks me up to sit, making me yelp. My shirt is torn off of me before a quick, double-handed shove sends me crashing back down. It’s not gentle, and I let out an “oof” when I hit the bed. He grabs me by my hips and flips me over again before getting onto the bed and straddling me so I can’t squirm away. 
He leans over and grabs a piece of rope in the bedside table drawer before grabbing my wrists harshly. As he is tying my wrists together, he talks to me rather calmly, as if he’s explaining how two plus two equals four. “If you had just taken your punishment like a good girl, I wouldn’t be having to do this, sweetheart. But you just couldn’t shut your mouth, could you? And then you kick me? You actually kick me? Well, when this all gets too intense for you, just remember that you brought this on yourself. I tried to let you off easy, I really did. But now it’s time to face the consequences, sweetheart.” He sighs as he pulls my arms up to tie the other end of the rope against the headboard, acting like my squirming is literally nothing to him.  The entire time he’s talking I’ve been doing my best to squirm, to look at him with pleading eyes, to whimper at him submissively like I know he likes, but none of it was doing a single thing to change his mind. 
I suddenly notice just how naked I am, and just how clothed he is. It makes my thighs squeeze together as I try to hide just how fucking turned on I am by all of this. Am I terrified? Yes. Have I ever gotten in this much trouble before? No. Am I wetter than I’ve ever been before in my life? God, yes. When he is done with the ties, he looks down at me with his arms crossed against his chest again and his eyebrow raised, waiting for… something?
I look up at him for a few seconds, getting a little bit irritated by the way he’s sitting there and staring at me expectantly but not doing or saying anything. “What?” Oops. That came out harsher than I meant it to.
“Well? Are you going to apologize?” He demands. Why the fuck is my only urge when he looks like that to make him even more agitated? I know punishment is coming. I know he’s at his limit with my disobedience and attitude. And yet it’s just too entertaining to witness all of his reactions when I refuse to give up.
“No. You don’t own me, you can’t make me do shit.” I glare at him, shutting my eyes and pulling at the restraints slightly as I prepare for a slap. It doesn’t come. 
I slowly peek one eye open and he leans forward, grabbing my chin in his hand so hard it hurts until I fully look at him, and then whispers, “Oh, but I do. And you’re going to learn that the hard way.” I can’t help but swallow hard, and my mouth dries out again. I have no clever response to that. 
He crawls off of me and grabs the underside of my knees, yanking them open despite me trying to keep them closed. I knew I was a mess down there and I didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that too. When he sees how wet I am, he lets out a whistle. “Damn, baby. You are such a dirty girl.” His fingers go right to my core, spreading my lips apart with two fingers, causing me to whimper and turn my face away from him because the way he’s looking at my pussy right now has my stomach doing flips. 
He slides two his two fingers up and down my slit to wet them before shoving them both inside me, giving me absolutely no time to adjust before he starts pumping them in and out at a much faster pace than he normally warms me up with. I moan out as his fingers are sliding in and out easily. I can already hear how wet I am on his fingers, and it makes my cheeks flush at the sound. I can’t even help it at this point and I squirm at the sensation, my legs closing around his hand. Which, obviously doesn’t do fucking anything to stop him or even slow him down. He curls his fingers up once he feels my g-spot start to swell from stimulation, not only making a “come here” motion but also still bringing his fingers in and out of me at a vicious pace. I squeeze my legs tighter and my moans straight up sound like I’m in a porno movie or something. 
“You are so fucking wet. I don’t even need to warm you up like this, do I? No, I don’t think I do.” He rips his hands away and leaves me whining at the empty feeling, but it is quickly replaced by the tip of his cock teasing my entrance. I don’t even remember seeing him take off his pants. He slides it along my slit and barely touches my clit with it, which makes me flinch. He slowly pushes himself inside of me as he grabs my hips so hard, I swear they’ll bruise. He leans his head back and groans at the feeling, but just a moment later he is pounding into me at an unforgiving pace. I look at him as my mouth hangs open, keeping eye contact as I’m unable to hold back my moans yet again. The speed of his thrusts mixed with just how turned on I am causes me to get closer to an orgasm much faster than I’d like to. 
I absentmindedly try to wrap my arms around him for something to hold on to but the ropes promptly remind me that I can’t. As he feels my pussy starting to twitch and throb the closer I get to an orgasm, he grabs onto the back of my thighs and pushes my legs up and to the side of me, giving him a much better angle to hit my g-spot with every thrust. When he hears the sweet sounds I’m making at this angle, he starts pushing himself deeper and thrusting his hips even harder, practically slamming into my cervix every few thrusts. If it weren’t for how ruthlessly he was fucking me, I would be extremely distracted by the heavenly groans that were freely flowing from his lips right now. 
I’m heading towards an orgasm so quickly, I barely have time to say “I’m gonna” before he pulls his cock out of me faster than I can realize what was happening. Right as I’m about to open my mouth to argue or whine at him for rudely stopping my impending orgasm, he brings his hand down to slap my pussy. The wet sound it makes mixed with the sting on my sensitive lips makes me arch my back and groan. He chuckles darkly and slaps my pussy again just to hear me make that sound again. 
Then he gets right in my face, and his voice sounds like it’s practically an entire octave lower than usual. “Do you want me to make you cum? Hm? Is that what you want?” I know where this is heading, and it is not in my favor. I nod my head quickly at him, making my voice sound as submissive as I can manage right now, hoping it will work.
“Yes! Yes please, please make me cum! Please Ed-Sir! Please make me cum Sir!” When I almost called him Eddie, he looked like he was about to fucking lose it, so I corrected myself. There have been times before when he’s edged me for days without letting me cum, and I absolutely cannot take that kind of punishment right now. 
He places his hand around my throat, squeezing tight enough so that I can’t easily speak and then slams himself inside of me again without warning. No sound comes out when I try to cry out from the sudden force. He speeds up and slows down in a repeating pattern until I’m quivering under him and he can feel just how close I am. He loosens his grip on my throat and has a devilish smirk while he says, “Say it again. Beg me. Say ‘Please Sir, please make me cum like the little slut I am.” 
I balk at his words; my voice is caught in my throat and I even stop moaning for a second. I’m so fucking close to cumming though, my legs are shaking uncontrollably. He slaps both of my tits, hard, to jump-start my brain into saying something. “Fuck! Don’t make me say that, God, please just let me cum!” 
A chuckle escapes his lips and he tuts his tongue at me in disappointment. He slaps me in the face suddenly. “God isn’t here, sweetheart. It’s just me. You just don’t want to listen, do you?” He says this casually, as if he didn’t just hit me. He pulls his cock out of me again, and I whine as my impending orgasm fizzles out again. He leans over and grabs more rope, silently tying my calf to my thigh and then tying the other side of the rope to the headboard. He does the same thing to my other leg, so that both of my legs are tied up and out of his way. I give the ropes a test squirm and become increasingly nervous as I realize just how little wiggle room I have. I can barely even move my hips an inch. Not good.
I want so badly to complain, to whine, to beg, to argue my way out of this. But as soon as my mouth opens, no words come out. Which is good, because the way he’s looking at me is telling me that now my punishment is going to really begin, and I am too nervous to make it any worse than it’s about to be. He reaches his hand out towards me and grips my cheeks in between his thumb and fingers, digging in. “You have been such a brat today, you don’t deserve an ounce of mercy, sweetheart.” 
He lets my cheeks go with a bit of force, before aligning himself up against my entrance and slamming inside me again. I’m hitting the edge so fast, I can’t even help myself from begging, despite what he literally just told me about not deserving mercy. “Please! Please just let me cum. Don’t edge me again, please! Two times is enough, Sir. Please, two times is enough!” My voice sounds whorish, even I can hear it. The force that he’s slamming into me makes every other syllable sound strained through my moans. 
“Oh, you think two times is enough?” He scoffs at me before pulling all the way out until just the tip is at my entrance, before slamming into me all the way and growling, “You think two times is all you deserve? You’re pathetic, baby. You don’t even realize how much you need me to break you, to put you in your place.” 
He pulls out and slams into me again, his hands reaching up and pinching my nipples hard enough to make me yelp. He continues at this pace, keeping me right on the edge with his incredibly slow, forceful thrusts. “Now beg me for it. Tell me you want me to make you cum. Say ‘Please Sir, please make me cum like the little slut I am.’” He spits out the word “slut” with venom, his eyes don’t leave mine for a second. I’m so close, so needy, so fucking close that I don’t dare look away from him either.
I cry out in frustration, a “no!” escaping my lips before I can even stop it. I look at him desperately, about to apologize for defying him yet again and beg him to just let me cum, but he smacks my tits again and uses both of his hands to grip my throat. He squeezes just enough that I can still breathe, if I really focus, but there’s no way I can talk. 
“No?” he repeats, an evil grin spreading across his face as he pulls out of me all the way again, and I think for a second he’s going to stop completely. “Well then, I guess we’re just going to have to keep going, aren’t we?” He leans in and bites the inside of my tit right next to my nipple so hard that I pull against the restraints and my eyes squeeze shut. He pushes himself back into me again, his pace so fast the bed sounds like it’s going to fucking break. I’m so close, so so close, and he knows it. He can feel it. “Don’t you dare fucking cum, babygirl.” 
As tears start to spring to my eyes, he lets my throat go and places his hands on each side of my head instead. The second I can, I’m begging as best as I can, “Please! Please pleasepleaseplease let me cum, Sir I can’t take it, please!” My words are barely even words, they’re all mushed together and tangled in between moans. My entire body is shaking from being so close as I try my best to hold it back. 
The grin on his face is sinister. “That’s more like it! Keep fucking begging, sweetheart. Say those magic words for me and I’ll let you cum.” His pace is unrelenting, giving me no option other than to hold back my orgasm, which he knows I can’t do for long.. Bastard, he isn’t giving me a choice anymore. 
My breathing becomes ragged as I fight desperately not to cum, but I can’t do it anymore. My eyes fly open wide and just as I’m about to lose control, he pulls out of me all the way. I never thought I’d be so relieved to feel the sensation of my orgasm fading away. I immediately pout at him, my voice barely above a whisper, “I can’t say it, Sir.. It’s too embarrassing. Please, please just let me cum.” 
“Oh, is it embarrassing for you?” He asks, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. He wraps a hand in my hair, pulling my head up just a bit and putting his face very close to mine. “You think it’s embarrassing to beg for my cock? To admit that you’re mine and you’ll do anything for me to let you cum?” He slides his fingers inside of me, curling his fingers up towards my g-spot and fingering me violently, putting his entire arm into it, causing my hips to jiggle with the pure force of his movements. “Well, you’re gonna have to get over that embarrassment and beg me the right way, because I’m not stopping until you do, slut.” 
Tears form in my eyes at his words and the fact that he’s yet again working me so quickly towards an orgasm. It’s making my brain start to go fuzzy from all of the edges, slaps, and harsh words. My mouth opens and I can tell that the moans and gasps coming from me are just entertainment for Eddie at this point, because he mockingly moans right back at me, then growls. “Yeah? That feel good baby?” 
I can’t handle it anymore, all of my nerves feel like they’re being set on fire with how much I need to cum right now. I let out a single whimper in defeat, and my eyes drift away from him despite the fact that he’s holding my head up and forcing his face in mine. “Please Sir! Please make me cum…” the second half of my sentence is barely above a whisper, but I know he can hear it. “Like the l-little sl-slut I am.” My cheeks are on fire and I’m sure I am the color of a tomato after I finally say it. 
He sighs with satisfaction, his smirk turning into a huge grin and he finally lets my hair go. Just as I think he’s finally about to let me cum, he pulls his hand out of me yet again. I squirm against the ropes and a single tear falls onto my cheek with pure frustration, looking at him with horror as if he just committed a crime. 
“You’re not getting off that easy. Say it like you mean it, baby. Say it like you’re proud to be my slut.” He slides his cock back into me, both of us emitting a low, guttural groan at the same time. He barely gives me a second to hesitate before slapping me on my cheek again, his voice as sharp as a knife. “Fucking. Say. It.” 
I gasp as he slaps my cheek again before letting out a mix between a moan and a whine in frustration from how torturously slow he’s going. His goal right now is just to keep me teetering on the knife’s edge of an orgasm. I finally give up and cry out, “Please! Please Sir, make me cum like the little slut I am, please! I can’t take it anymore!” 
The smirk that crept back on his face was pure evil. “Good fucking girl!” he groans as he finally picks up the pace, pumping into me deep and hard and fast, slamming into my g-spot with every thrust. As my orgasm finally crashes into me, I practically scream. My back arches as much as it is allowed and I can still hear the sloppy wet sounds of him slamming into me over and over, despite how loud I am. My breath is stolen away from me with how intense it all is, all of those edges making this one orgasm almost unbearable. My limbs keep shaking and fighting against the rope even as my orgasm slows down because my pussy immediately feels overstimulated. My eyes look glossy as tears are filling them again and I can’t stop squirming. “Please stop, please stop, it’s too much! I came, I’m done cumming! Sir I came, now please give me a break!” 
He chuckles at my predicament, leaning down and brushing his lips against my ear as he whispers, “You are mine to use however I want. I’m not going to stop until you’re a sobbing, blubbering mess.” The sound I make at this is in between a cry and a moan, since he is fucking me so hard and fast that I’m immediately being dragged toward another orgasm. The sound I make causes him to groan and add, “And even then, I might not stop. Not until I’m good and ready to stop watching you cum. You have been such a naughty fucking girl today, and I am going to teach you a fucking lesson.” 
I cry out at his words in protest, hopelessly squirming against the restraints as he fucks me closer and closer to my next orgasm. The closer I get, the more uneven my breathing becomes. I look up at him, pleading with him desperately. “Sir, please don’t do this to me! I’ve learned my lesson, I promise!” I can’t help but squeeze my eyes shut, fighting hard to hold back my next orgasm threatening to hit me like a brick wall.
“I don’t believe you,” Eddie growls, thrusting harder as he feels me tensing up beneath him. He looks down at me heartlessly. “You’re going to cum for me. Right now.”
As soon as he tells me, no, fucking commands me to cum, I’m seeing stars. I can feel his eyes locked on my face, committing the look of pleasured agony on my face to memory. My moans are stuck in my throat with the intensity and my entire body is shaking and twitching and squirming. The sounds coming from his cock slamming into my pussy is fucking filthy. As my orgasm slows down, my limbs go limp and I am panting hard, trying like hell to catch my breath. 
He finally pulls out of me, leaving me twitching and whimpering from how hard I just came. My eyes flutter open at him, thanking him wordlessly for finally giving me a break. As I lay there with my chest heaving, believing he’s going to actually have some mercy on me, he lets his eyes trail down my body and fall onto my pussy. More specifically, my swollen and twitching clit. 
The sight makes him look at me like he was just given a new favorite toy. “Oh look, your poor little clit is just begging for my attention. I’ve been so mean to neglect it!” He slowly glides his fingers down my thigh, looking into my eyes and chuckling, “I hope you didn’t think I was done with you, sweetheart.” He quickly removes his own shirt before ever so gently sliding his fingers up and down my folds, before landing on my clit and gently circling it, but not quite touching yet. He leans down and kisses my chest, working his lips all the way down to my pussy, ignoring every one of my whimpers. He places a single, very gentle kiss directly on my clit as a warning for what’s to come, making me jerk and squeal. 
“Please Sir, my I’m way too sensitive for this!” I beg, a full pout on my lips. “I’m too sensitive..” 
Eddie laughs in amusement at my protest. His tongue darts out to flick at my clit, making me gasp and jerk my hips again. “Oh baby,” he breathes, “You’re always too sensitive for me.” He smirks and flattens his tongue, slowly licking from the very bottom of my entrance to the top of my clit, making me squirm and whine, unable to peel my eyes off of him. He suddenly pulls back, bringing his hand down to slap me 5 sharp times on my pussy, which makes me throw my head back with a long groan and flinch with every hit. “I don’t remember asking for your fucking opinion, though, slut.” He leans back down, placing his lips directly over my clit and sucking just barely, before rolling his tongue slowly. He only gives me about 2 seconds of soft touches before starting his assault. He violently lashes his tongue against my clit, then starts sucking hard, rolling his tongue with force. 
I squeak and jerk, before ungodly sounds start falling from my mouth. My arms and legs pull against their restraints and I do my very best to buck my hips away from his ministrations. I’m babbling nonsense and moaning lewdly, already fully overstimulated and he’s barely even started eating me out.
He groans at the sight of me squirming, sending vibrations through my clit. He’s unable to stop himself from groaning out some more as he hears every one of my incoherent babbles for mercy. He keeps going at a steady pace, pushing me close to another orgasm. He could spend days down there, the sound and sight of me right now just too sweet for him to not enjoy every single second of it.
I’m internally panicking as I near the edge of another orgasm. My breathing is fast and shallow and I can barely get a single word of my begging to actually sound like a real word. “Please, please no this is too intense! I can’t!” I pant out, praying he can understand me between my moaning and panting and how much I’m stuttering through my words. 
Eddie chuckles darkly at my pleas, happy that he’s got me exactly where he wants me. He pulls back just enough to lick a long strip up my entire pussy again and looks up at me with a smirk. When I look back at him, I gasp slightly. His eyes are fucking black, his pupils are so huge that all the pretty brown in his eyes have disappeared. There wasn’t a single ounce of leniency in his features. “You can’t handle it, huh?” he taunts, laughing. “It’s too intense, baby?” He pouts at me mockingly, using his fingertips to gently rub my clit, keeping me from getting a real break, but I’m grateful to be able to catch my breath at least.
I whimper at him pathetically and nod, looking at him with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. “Yes! Please, please no more Sir, it is too intense, it is! I won’t be able to handle cumming like this!” My words are flying out of my mouth as fast as I can say them, hoping beyond all hope that he listens to me this time.
He watches me intently as I beg and the tears threatening to spill down my face are obvious, but his eyes don’t soften one bit. If anything, they seem to somehow darken even more. He shakes his head slowly, his lips curling into another sinister smile as he whispers, “Oh, it’s so cute when you beg me like that. I think you’re finally starting to learn your lesson in respect.” And with that, he returns his tongue to my clit, thrashing it cruelly against me and wrapping his lips around, sucking and rolling his tongue to elicit more sweet, desperate cries from my mouth. 
I let out a strangled moan as soon as he continues, and my orgasm hits me almost immediately. I struggle and thrash against the restraints, this orgasm feeling 100 times more intense than the others. Tears fall onto my cheeks as the pleasure turns into pure torture, words lost in my throat yet again as all I can do is scream and moan and take it. 
His tongue works up a frenzy, not giving me a moment's rest as he forces my orgasm to be drawn out as long as he can. When I finally come down from my high, he looks up at me to see my ruined face. Pink cheeks, tear stains, red and swollen lips from how much I’ve been chewing on them. His hand moves to gently rub my pussy lips, licking his lips at the sight of me. “That’s it, my little slut. You belong to me. I can do whatever I want with you. Right?” 
His question is a test, and I am desperate to pass with flying colors. “Yes! Yes Sir, I belong to you! You own me, please!” I look at him with pleading eyes, a few tears leaking down my cheeks again as my legs tremble uncontrollably.
To my utter relief, his eyes finally soften towards me and he smiles up at me. He pulls himself up to kiss my lips gently, slowly sliding two fingers inside of me, thrusting them deep and hard, but slow. “That’s it, good girl. I’m so glad to see you’ve finally learned your manners, baby.” He pulls back to watch me, enjoying the sight of me being so submissive as he slowly slides his fingers in and out of me with force. After a minute or so, he talks gently to me. “I’m going to leave you tied up, sweetheart. I know you’re being good now, but you understand that I have to finish your punishment, right? I can’t let you off the hook just because you’re finally being my good girl.” 
I’m so grateful that he’s finally being gentle with me that it takes me a good few seconds to process what he says. My eyes are glossed over and my brain is so fuzzy; I can feel myself drifting into subspace with every passing moment. He can see it in me too, he knows me so well. I sniffle when I finally realize what he’s said and he’s expecting a response, slowly nodding my head. My voice is hoarse from all the sounds I’ve been making. “Yes Sir. I’m sorry Sir.” 
He hums, visibly pleased with my response. “That’s better baby, I know you are.” He pulls his fingers out of me before standing up, turning towards the night stand again. He opens up a drawer and pulls out my arch nemesis: The Magic Wand. I can never handle that without begging and sobbing for mercy, even without it being a part of a punishment. Even when he tries to be nice, it’s always too much. 
He turns back towards me, searching my face for any sign of resistance, just to make sure that I really have learned my lesson and I plan on being a good girl. The second I see the wand my cunt clenches and I let out the tiniest whimper, gulping nervously. A single tear falls down my cheek again and he brings his hand up to wipe it away. “I know baby, I know.” He says softly before turning around and plugging it into the wall. 
The moment he turns back around and switches it on, he presses it against my clit, watching every single expression on my face. I jerk against the restraints and feel like the wind has been knocked out of my lungs. He bites his lip for a second before groaning out, “Ohh, that’s it baby. Feel that?” I can only whine at him in response, struggling to keep my eyes on his but somehow I manage, although tears are threatening to spill out any second from the overstimulation. “You’re going to cum so hard for me, aren’t you baby?” He presses it into my clit more, making tiny circles, causing me to cry out and arch my back, my entire body pulling against the restraints whether I want them to or not.
“Yes!” I cry out in response to him, although it barely sounds like a word. My entire body feels like it’s being electrocuted, and I can’t help but shake violently as I’m being thrust into an orgasm within seconds of him asking. A scream rips itself out of my throat and I feel like I’m going to explode. Eddie’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he hears me, groaning out, “That’s right, fucking scream for me.” 
I feel like this orgasm is never going to end. My vision is going black, or maybe my eyes are just squeezed shut, I can’t even tell anymore. The way I scream is absolutely primal, tears rolling down my face and my crying turns to sobbing. My entire body is full of electricity and suddenly, I feel it. My body is fucking convulsing (as much as it can against the rope, anyway) as fluid starts squirting from my pussy. I feel it pool up underneath me and I hear a gasp and a groan from Eddie. “Thaaaat’s it baby, look at you fucking go!” he sounds like he could cum just from the sight of me. As soon as it ends, he finally turns the vibrator off and pulls it away. I feel like I can finally fill my lungs with oxygen again.
 When my eyes open, Eddie and I stare at each other with the exact same look of utter shock on our faces. That’s the first time I have ever done that. His look of surprise is short-lived though because when he sees the mess I’ve made on his hand, he drops the vibrator to inspect his hand in the light. He licks off every finger with a smack of his lips and a wicked fucking grin on his face. My face is frozen still, especially after seeing him do that. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he breathes, staring down at me with a mixture of awe and something wild in his eyes. 
I close my eyes and a few more tears fall out onto my cheeks as my breathing is still a bit ragged. I feel his hands gently wipe away my tears and he whispers, “Baby, look at me.” My eyes flutter open halfway, nibbling my bottom lip. “Color?” He asks, his eyes look so warm and caring at this moment. I lean into his hand on my cheek with a tiny smile and a sniffle.
“Green.. I promise I’m okay. That was just… I don’t know if I can do that again.” I shake my head at him to emphasize my words, but I feel much more grounded after the check-in. 
He smiles gently at me, nodding back as his expression softens. “I know baby, I know that was a lot. But you’re doing so well.” He puts two fingers under my chin, making sure my eyes stay trained on his so that I really hear every word. “You can do this, sweetheart. I know you can.” He leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead before lifting back up, a stern expression on his face again. “Now. I want you to repeat after me. Say ‘Please Sir, I want you to make me cum like that again.’” He watches me closely, licking his lips as he waits for my response.
I close my eyes as he kisses my forehead, nodding through his encouragement. But my eyes fly right back open with his last demand and my voice gets caught in my throat again. Even as fucked out and obedient as I am now, my heart rate spikes at the thought of having to do… that again. Still, I swallow hard before somehow forcing the words out. “Please, Sir… I want you to make me cum like that again.” My lower lip is quivering as I whimper the words out. 
He groans as I say this, his cock twitching noticeably. His lips suddenly crash into mine, kissing me roughly. As he pulls back, he’s got that wild look in his eyes again as they trace over every inch of my body. “That’s my good girl. I’m going to make you cum one more time while I use that throat of yours.” He climbs onto the bed again, facing away from the headboard and putting each of his legs on either side of my head. I open my mouth and stick my tongue out, the heavenly sound of his own moan flooding my ears as he slowly lowers himself into my mouth, making sure to glide himself all along my tongue on the way in. He pumps his cock in and out of my mouth at a steady pace, slowly working its way towards my throat. After a couple minutes of this, he feels himself getting close to his own release. He leans over and grabs the wand again, turning it on and growling, “Get ready, slut. Knock on the headboard if you really need to breathe.”
He shoves his cock deep into my throat and I can’t help but gag, struggling to breathe through my nose and relax the muscles in my throat. “Fuck!” he groans out, before he pulls the hood of my clit back, something he knows is the most cruel thing he could do, and presses the wand firmly into my clit. Every single muscle in my body cries out in agony, begging to be allowed to squirm away from the sensation. I try to scream out but it makes me gag, and I lose my ability to breathe at all as my lungs refuse to work anymore from all of the stimulation. Too much stimulation. My brain feels like it’s short circuiting. Just as my lungs are starting to burn from lack of oxygen, I cum somehow even harder than I did the last time. I feel like I’m on fire and being shot up into icy space at the same time. I can’t move, I can’t scream, I can only cum. Once again, I feel myself start to squirt, and it all becomes too much. I start gagging on him again, and I hear him fucking whimper before groaning. His cum shoots down my throat and I have no choice but to swallow it. 
He turns the vibrator off and throws it to the side, pulling his cock out quickly as I gasp for breath, taking in huge gulps of air as he makes quick work of my restraints. He slowly guides my arms down and gently rubs my shoulders, then helps me close my legs and gently rubs my hips. He whispers, “I know baby, I know,” as I wince from the pain of finally being able to move my limbs and them being so sore. 
The second he looks me in the eyes and is about to ask how I feel, my vision goes blurry and I’m confused for a second before I actually realize I’m crying again. I can’t stop it though, my body is so exhausted and my brain is so fuzzy and every part of me is buzzing and sore. He instantly wraps me up in his arms, cradling my head against my chest and kissing my head. “Good girl,” he whispers to me, and his voice back to the normal, sweet and kind Eddie I hear every day. “You are such a good girl, I am so fucking proud of you, baby.” 
This was easily the most intense punishment I have ever been through, and he knows it. I’ve never squirted before in my life. I can barely even hear him whispering reassuring words to me over my own ragged breathing and sniffles, but I do notice that I am clinging onto him for dear life. He holds me close, rocking me gently back and forth. He kisses me on the top of my head again, and his voice starts to soothe every ounce of unrest in my body.
“Shh, shh.. It’s okay baby, I know it was rough, that was a really hard lesson. But you did so good.. I’m so so proud of you, baby.” He slowly takes his hand off of my head, leaning back enough so that he can wipe away the tears on my cheeks with his thumbs. Then he cups my cheeks in his hands and kisses all over my face. He starts at my forehead, then my nose, then both of my cheeks, and over my eyes. He is so gentle with every kiss, and about halfway through my tears stop falling and a little tiny giggle escapes my lips. 
I open my eyes to look up at him and his heart breaks when he sees my eyes red from so many tears and my cheeks absolutely covered in tear stains and blotchy pink skin. “Was that too much for you?” he whispers, talking so softly, as if his tone itself could blow me away if it was too loud or firm.
I smile softly and shake my head, still sniffling but just barely. His eyes look so pretty, I could get lost in them and never want to find my way out. His eyebrows are furrowed with concern and I can see his eyes scanning my every feature to make sure I really am okay. My heart swells about a thousand times its normal size. “No, it wasn’t too much, Eddie. It was so, so good. It was easily the most intense thing I’ve ever felt in my life, but it wasn’t too much. I promise. I just need lots of love now, okay?” I smile at him again with a little scrunch of my nose, trying to make extra sure he knows I really am okay. 
Eddie lets out a shaky breath but I can see the relief on his face as he brings my head into his chest again, holding his hand there to cradle it as he tickles gentle circles across my back with his other hand. “I’m right here, baby. I’m right here. I’ve got you. I love you so much.” 
I close my eyes again because the sensation on my back feels like heaven. I mumble into his skin, “I love you too. So much, Eddie.” I start trying to regulate my breathing, every deep inhale brings his delicious scent of woodsy musk and cigarettes. Once I feel like I’m returning back into a normal headspace, I pull back a little and show him my wrists and point to my legs. They’re still red and indented from the rope. “Can you help these feel better please?” 
He smiles softly down at me, his eyes and fingers running over every single mark on my skin, before nodding. “Of course, baby. Let’s go into the bathroom and I’ll take care of you.” He gets off the bed before picking me up and helping me wrap my legs around him. I press my face into his neck and wrap my arms around him and can’t help but smile. I could honestly live like this, in his embrace. Smelling his skin. His hair tickling my face. Feeling his chest against mine. It’s all perfection.
Once we get to the bathroom, he slowly puts me down and spins me gently to face the mirror. He looks into it at me, smiling and petting my hair to smooth it down. “There’s my pretty girl,” he murmurs, “You are so perfect.” My face turns a bright ride and I hide my face in my hands, unable to help myself. 
“Eddie!” I giggle out. He always knows how to make me smile and completely fluster me at the same time. I gently peek at him in the mirror through my fingers, his smile is so sweet as he watches me. He chuckles at my reaction, gently placing his hands on my hips and spinning me around to look at him. I lower my hands and stare into his eyes, practically entranced.
“You’re so cute, baby.” He smiles and kisses my forehead again, bringing each of my hands into his and up to his lips, kissing each one so gently. He guides me over to sit down on the toilet seat, before turning to the tub and turning on the water. “Let’s get you all cleaned up, yeah?” 
As I sit down and watch the tub start to fill, I nod and lean forward to rest my head against his side, wanting to never stop touching him. “Yeah…yes please, I’d love a bath.” 
We wait in silence for a few minutes before he checks the temperature. Deeming it perfect, he grabs my hands again to help guide me towards the tub. As I sit down and relax into the water, he smiles at me and says, “Ahhhhh, that’s better, isn’t it? Feel good baby?” 
I nod and smile up at him and watch as he grabs the shower head to bring it down. He sits down next to the tub, turning on the shower head and he is so careful about wetting my hair without letting water drip onto my face. 
He takes his time, massaging my scalp slowly and with the perfect pressure as he shampoos it. After another few minutes of silence, I hear him starting to hum one of the songs from that Black Sabbath album, Master of Reality. I can’t tell which song it is, though. My eyes start to droop and I giggle a little at the end of the song as he’s slowly rinsing the soap out of my hair.
“You’re going to make me fall asleep if you keep this up, you know. Warm water, massages, and music? You’re spoiling me, Eddie.” I say, my eyes closed still to make sure no soap or water gets into my eyes as he rinses my hair off.
He chuckles softly at me, pressing a kiss to my now-clean hair. “I could do this for hours, baby. Plus, you deserve to be spoiled. Trust me.” I sigh in content and lean into his kiss, feeling utter bliss in the calm of the moment. 
Once he is done making every inch of me nice and clean, continuing the whole time to give me praise and making sure he is absolutely as gentle as he can be, he drains the tub for me and helps me stand up. He wraps me in a towel and gives me a great big hug, and it takes him a few seconds to let go. He picks me up again, bridal style this time, and brings me back to the bedroom despite my giggling at him that I am able to use my feet again. 
“I know you can, but I’ve got you baby, don’t you even worry about it.” He presses another kiss into the side of my head, which is probably the thousandth kiss of the evening. Not that I’m complaining for a second. He helps me get dressed into my comfiest pajamas and then dresses himself in boxers and a random t-shirt. He turns to me when he’s finished, cocking his head at me with a smile.
“So…I call for pizza, you pick the movie?” he asks, already reaching for the phone. Yeah… I’m so spoiled.
Tag Request: @tlclick73
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solarisfortuneia · 5 months
i adore baizhu. i love him so much i cannot fathom an existence without him. this piece was so easy to write. i've totally perfectly proofread this jhsjhs for the summer fest @xianyoon
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most pleasures in life tend to be simple. 
a soak in a bath warm enough to evaporate away the tension in your muscles, the feel of cool wind on your face on cloudy days, the first kiss of a lover in the morning, and so on. simple luxuries, truly.
summer days are the farthest thing from that, you decide. after all, who’d enjoy the lingering stickiness on your body, the sweltering heat that clings to you stubbornly, and the unyielding glare of the sun upon your face?
not you, that’s for sure. 
at least the festival is at night, you think. no sun around to bother you and your love and your evening of fireworks and food, and with plenty of spinning anemo thingamajigs, courtesy of that one inventor woman with the red glasses, to keep you cool. (you can never remember the name of the device, but you are grateful for it nevertheless.)
“dearest,” someone calls out to you from above. you raise your head to see baizhu walking down the stairs, the ever-familiar silhouette of the snake around his neck, with qiqi hanging on to one of his fingers. “shall we go now?” 
“ah, look, it’s the doctor of my dreams.” you say playfully, ascending a few steps and extending your hand. 
“how cheesy.” changsheng comments. “you should get your head checked if you’re seeing doctors in your dreams.” you make a face at her, and she mirrors your expression the best she can. baizhu chuckles lightly at the two of you.
“now, now.” he hushes the two of you, clasping your outstretched hand in his free one. “the festival awaits. let’s not dawdle too much, time is precious, after all.”
“okay!” you swing your hands together, careful to be gentle with him.
the festival that greets you is an impressive sight. parade floats line the street from one end to another, each crafted with impressive skill and artistic detail. the hustle and bustle of the harbor seems to have doubled, with people cluttering at the various stalls, performances and attractions. golden lanterns decorate every corner, illuminating the festival with warmth.
your attention darts to the main stage, where you see yunjin and xinyan perform a fusion piece as an opening number. you clap along with the crowd, and as the final beats ring through the air, you hear the sounds of rockets zoom-ing their way into the sky. they explode in bursts of color, combinations of golds, silvers, pinks and greens a stark contrast against the darkness of night.
life’s pleasures are simple. summer days may not be among them, but right now? standing hand in hand with baizhu, watching the rainbow colored fireworks dance among the stars?
luxurious, indeed. 
you’d gladly bear the heat for moments like these.
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blossom-hwa · 8 months
Hi ^^ for the drabble event... maybe wonwoo + demigod au, if that's okay??
in honor of the recent PJO resurgence (I need to watch the show) please take this soft and cheesy demigod au of child of athena wonwoo + child of nyx mc as my humble offering <3 hope you enjoy!
summertime drabble fest: send me an idol from the list (Stray Kids, Ateez, TXT, Seventeen) + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: Stargazer
Pairing: Wonwoo x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1k
Genre: fluff, demigod!au
Warnings: n/a
"Careful, there."
Wonwoo grumbles as he pulls himself onto the roof, though really, he's counting on the darkness to hide his smile. "I wouldn't have to be careful if you didn't insist on nearly breaking our necks every time you wanted to meet."
Your laugh, though hushed, sends a warm tingle up Wonwoo's spine. "What, you don't trust me to save your neck before you die?"
"Tch." Wonwoo stops trying to hide his smile as he sits down next to you, bumping your shoulder with his. "Of course I trust you. I'd just rather not get to that point in the first place."
"Wouldn't we all?" you snicker. You turn to face him and not for the first time, Wonwoo wonders at your beauty in the darkness between the shadows cast by the moon and the stars, mystery cloaking your every movement. Up on the roof, under the night, you look so at home that for a moment Wonwoo finds himself uncertain whether or not he belongs here, disrupting your peace. Then you lay his head on your shoulder, all the while casting that moon-glow grin on him, and the uncertainty disappears. 
"I think everyone likes to avoid death, or near-death experiences," Wonwoo replies. A breeze spins across the two of you, fluttering his hair, and he shivers a little. 
You pull him closer. "Yeah, well, that's just not what happens for us," you say, and even though Wonwoo can't quite see your face right now he knows the smirking smile that must be on your lips, sardonic but sweet. "Should've brought a blanket," you continue in a mumble, only just loud enough for him to hear. "I can get one now if you want."
"It's fine," Wonwoo murmurs. The world is so quiet now that the noise of the earlier celebrations has gone. If he closed his eyes, and if he didn't feel so safe, he'd almost feel like he was back on the quest—him sleeping, you keeping watch, your careful fingers smoothing hair out of his eyes. "Don't go."
He hears your smile more than he sees it. "I won't," you promise. "Not going anywhere, now."
"Good." Wonwoo sighs, pulling his head off your shoulder to look at you. "Let's stay here for a bit longer."
Your eyes turn a little softer, a little sweeter as you nod. You know he doesn't just mean now, on the roof of your cabin, under the stars, overlooking Long Island Sound. You hear the words he didn't say. Stay with me. Stay safe with me. Stay where we won't face death almost every other day—stay where I can love you peacefully.
Child of wisdom, child of night. When the two of you appeared at camp within a week of each other, battered and bruised and more than a little traumatized, it was clear even without the prophecy that your fates would be intertwined. The connection was only cemented when Chiron declared the two of you were the subjects of the prophecy—child of wisdom, child of night—and would leave just a couple weeks later that would take the best part of several months.
Wonwoo thinks about himself then. Nearly an adult, newly christened son of Athena—a goddess he hadn't even known existed until then—uprooted from his books and studies to fight monsters instead. You had seemed like just another anomaly with whom to acquaint himself, a child of Nyx, more comfortable at night than during the day, words sharp and strange and more than a little cryptic, and in truth, he'd been scared of you. At least a bit. Until nights spent in awkward silence turned into nights spent in stilted conversation turned into nights spent noticing that for all the darkness cloaking your every movement—
You looked just as comfortable among the stars, too. 
"What'cha looking at?" you murmur, tugging him close. Your eyes twinkle, the shadows that follow you wrapping around him too in a soft blanket. "Stargazer."
Wonwoo's cheeks feel warm even though his lips curve wide into a smile. You came up with the nickname after he once compared your eyes to stars in a moment of loose-lipped weakness, during the quest when you'd snuck him into a hospital babbling and exhausted and bleeding out of his side, and he'd woken up to you sleeping in a chair by his bed, his hand clasped tightly between both of yours. 
"You said a lot of stuff while you were out."
"Gods. How embarrassing was I?"
"I'll leave most of it out." Your laugh, soft like moonlight. "But you did say my eyes look like stars." 
His face flushing. Your eyes twinkling. 
"So I said that you must've looked at my eyes a lot to come to that conclusion, and you agreed, Stargazer."
Wonwoo leans in, presses a soft kiss to your lips. "The stars," he replies when he pulls away, smiling so hard it almost hurts. 
You raise an eyebrow. "Last time I checked, the stars were up there, in the sky." You wave a hand in front of your face. "Not right here."
Wonwoo likes reading. Likes stories, likes philosophy, likes pretty much anything that isn't a stupid physics textbook that he can't make heads or tails of. And while he doesn't read a lot of romance novels, he likes them well enough that sometimes he can't help but wish the two of you were in one—fated lovers guaranteed a happily ever after. 
Nothing is guaranteed here, though. Not his life, not yours, not that of those around him either. There may never be a perfect romance between the two of you, demigods that you are, forced to be on the watch every single waking moment. But despite that, right now, Wonwoo thinks this is about as perfect as it gets—the night sky, the stars, and you.
"That's usually true," he replies, smiling. You smile back, and when you do, it seems that the night smiles, too. "Just not if I'm looking at the ones in your eyes."
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Reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed this, and have a lovely day :)
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Carlos Sainz x Celebrity OC… Part 4.
Okay, I know I said this next chapter was going to be spicy but I don’t know if it fits in with the story so it’s just gonna be some Carlos x Jenna fluff of their first few days and I promise part 5 will be spicy 🌶️🌶️ Again any apologies if I’ve used the wrong name for the OC, I’ve gone through and tried my best to correct any mistakes so hopefully there isn’t any! No warnings, I’ve tried to make this a fun little chapter with mainly Carlos x OC x Platonic!Charles. Just some badly translated French, Italian and Spanish. Jenna does her first interview with Carlos since their first date together and things are overtly flirty. The only thing breaking that tension? Charles Leclerc the proud 3rd wheel.
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“Good night.” Carlos smiled knowingly as I rested against the hotel room door frame. “I’ll see you on Thursday.” I spoke softly, shyly glancing down to my hands. “You’ll be doing the interview?” He spoke quietly as I nodded back up to the dark haired man.
“Yeah, thank you for tonight anyway, you really didn’t have to pay.”
“I’ve got it all covered.” He shook his head firmly. “Well I owe you.” “No, never.” He hushed as I giggled slightly. He was adamant all night that I wouldn’t pay, he almost looked offended when I offered to buy a €7 crepe for him. “Okay. I feel bad.”
“I know how you can pay me back.” He borderline giggled as I gazed up to his eyes. He had a shy expression, a childlike amusement spreading in his eyes. “What’re you gonna say?” I let out a soft laugh as he giggled again. “I can’t, it’s really embarrassing.” He rumbled our laughter, putting a hand on my shoulder. “What? Was it for a kiss or something?” I snickered causing him to snicker harder. “That’s so cheesy!” I teased, nudging his shoulder as he moved closer, cupping either side of my face as I chuckled out before he pressed a quick kiss to my lips. It was a little hard because both of us were laughing and he kept bumping his teeth against mine clumsily.
“Sorry.” He snickered, kissing me more gently as I ran my hand over his bicep, enjoying the feeling of his muscle. He was so toned, he was literally unreal. “You make me laugh.” I commented with a shy smile once we broke apart.
“I hope so.. I’ll see you Thursday, yeah?” He spoke as I nodded, swallowing the urge to let the most excitable screech of laughter that would most likely scare him off. “Okay.” He smiled, eyeing up my lips once more in a manner that made my knees week. With one more lingering kiss we’d parted ways and I’d fainted as soon as I got back into my hotel room. Not literally, but I wanted to. The heaviest sigh escaped my mouth as I relived his kisses over and over again, swooning at the thought of his plump lips pressed up against my own.
Now there was only two more days until I’d see him again…
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“Hello, I’m back in M-Mon-“ I burst out in uncontrollable laughter as the two men besides me joined in. “I can’t- I can’t! Okay, I’m sorry!” I waved my hands at the camera crew who would crack me up further with their smirks and grimaces to bite back laughter.
“Okay, I’m calm.” I turned over to Carlos who has his hand over his eyes giggling. “Why is this so funny?” Charles then asked, the two Ferrari boys stood at either side of me as I straightened my back, dedicated to getting the introduction right this time.
“Somethings made her nervous… it’s set you off, hasn’t it, Jen?” Lisa asked, making my cheeks warm up. It’s as though she knew. I mean- maybe she did, Anise had a loud mouth when she was drunk. I didn’t blame her.
“Nothing to be nervous of.” Carlos shrugged from besides me, making my cheeks grow even warmer. “Oh- I’m going red, I need- okay, I’ll do it seriously now.” I pushed my blonde hair over my shoulder, clearing my throat and taking a couple deep breaths.
“Hi, I’m with Carlos and Charles-“ Charles burst out laughing from besides me, trying to hold it in as I burst out another giggle, my shoulder grazing against Carlos’. “Charles!” I exclaimed but Lisa ushered me to continue. “Um and we’re back in Monaco- and this interviews a mess I’m sorry- but we’re gonna um…” I covered my mouth from giggling as the two amused boys besides me watched.
“We’re gonna drive a car blindfolded!” Both of them started laughing again as I felt Carlos’ hand rest on my shoulder for support. “Not a real car!” Somebody cleared up from behind the cameras. Poor men were probably fed up of my nonsense. “Not a real car! Anyway- who wants to go first?” I attempted to usher the interview on, despite the fact I was blubbering out bursts of laughter every two seconds. Charles had lost it, he couldn’t even hide his laughter as Carlos jumped forwards.
“I’ll go.” He ran his hand off my shoulder, leaving it feeling slightly cold as I giggled again, nervous from his touch. “Okay, Carlos is going first.” I inhaled again, biting down harshly on my chewing gum when I almost inhaled it. That would not have been a good look.
“Where’s my blind fold?” The Spanish man smiled up to me as I turned to where Lisa threw one over, handing it over as he smiled up to me, before tying the black cloth around, over his eye. “Charles you gotta direct me!” Carlos exclaimed as the other man ensured his eyes were fully covered.
“I will try my best.”
“Ai, ai, ai, this is difficult.” Carlos muttered, feeling for where everything was on the simulator. I guided his hands to the wheel amused as I watched on as the chaos unfolded. Surprisingly the ‘interview’ went kinda well, it was chaotic but people enjoyed that. I had a good time, and even though I was nervous as hell with Carlos next to me, I’d managed to calm myself down from my giggling fit earlier.
“Make him crash.” Carlos whispered in my ear, cupping his hand as his fingers nudged through the strands of my hair. I didn’t know if it was purposeful or not, but it made my stomach twist with butterflies. “How?” I smiled back to him as he nodded me to follow him, pointing at the wheel as I reached forwards, nudging the wheel further and further to the left.
“Okay, I’m- Carlos where are you?! Why am I turning?!” Charles exclaimed in surprise as the whole simulator began jittering violently before he’d crashed directly into the wall. “Nooo!” He cried out dramatically, Carlos clapping his hands in amusement as I jumped back, acting all innocent.
“What happened?! Why did you crash?” I exclaimed as Charles forced the blindfold off his eyes.
“Carlos you fucker! You turned my wheel!” He jumped up out of the seat as I bit back a laughter. “Wasn’t me!” Carlos snitched as my mouth opened, mocking a gasp as the Spanish man laughed, holding either side of my arms and giving me a quick squeeze.
“It was you?!” Charles was wide eyes. “You are a bad influence on her.” The monegasque playfully shoved Carlos. “Now it’s your turn!” Charles pointed out. “I don’t even drive in real life!” I held out my hands.
“Even better!” Charles responded excitedly. “You don’t have to do it blindfolded.” Carlos exclaimed. “No! That’s not fair!” Charles held out the blindfold, clearly competitive about the whole thing.
“She doesn’t even drive!” Carlos defended as I climbed into the seat, feeling the Spanish man adjust the seat so I was further forwards. “Such a gentleman.” Charles pointed out before plopping the blindfold over my head. “Okay, I’ll use the blindfold but don’t expect me to be even able to start this thing.” I was just as shit as I thought, first of all I couldn’t even start the damn simulator, then my chair was constantly jittering from something I was doing wrong on the pedals. Who made a simulator this hard in the first place?! Maybe that was a stupid question. “Keep your foot down! No, no!” Charles screeched out in laughter, snatching the wheel to turn it- I was assuming back on the track. “I don’t know where I’m going.” I worried, yanking the wheel back to where I felt him turn me.
Carlos choked out a laugh. “No pensé que serías tan mala!” (I did not think you’d be this bad!).
“Qué? ¡Soy una mierda!” (What? I’m shit!). I exclaimed back out in Spanish. “Oh my god.” Charles snickered when the simulator lurched forwards and the simulator jittered furious.
“Mamma Mia.” Carlos playfully spoke as I lifted the blindfold back off my face. I had indeed crashed, and I had been going backwards for a good- “7 laps?! I was backwards?!” Both the boys began laughing profusely as I groaned, knowing they’d been messing me around the whole time. “Whatever, I think I was good.” I joked, biting down on my tongue as I jumped out of the simulator.
“Amazing.” Carlos teased back to me as I smiled back up to him. “Thank you!” I attempted to joke along but ruined it with a chuckle.
“Um, anyway, thanks for watching- if anybody made it this far in. This afternoon we’ll be joined with Daniel and Landon to see if McLaren can beat Ferrari’s high score.” I wrapped it all up as Carlos snickered. “You are funny.”
“That was the most fun I have had in one of these in a while.” Charles admitted as I secretly was super happy about the admission. There’s nothing worse than boring interviews that these drivers already had too many of to do.
Thankfully, we’d all have a break from the filming, I didn’t mind, I was having great fun, I couldn’t lie. It was fun to do something different other than just asking things all day. I was looking over the table of endless amounts of food, eyeing up what looked to be blackberry seeds piled on top of some kind of cracker.
“It’s caviar.” A familiar voice spoke as mg hand immediately yanked away from the food. “Ew.” I accidentally spoke before looking up and seeing Carlos besides me. “Where did you come from?” I smiled, biting down on my lip as he carried a plate full of the most food I’d ever seen.
“From the interview.” He spoke like it was obvious. “Holy shit, that’s a mountain of food!” I eyed him back up as he flashed me a toothy smile.
“I’m a hungry man, after this my diet starts again.”
“Fuck dieting.” I shrugged. “You never diet?” A
“Nuh uh, I don’t have the self control.”
“How do you look so good then?” He flirted as I turned back up to him with a perked brow. “I am being serious?!”
“I just… I don’t know.” I blushed, completely forgetting I was walking to put food on my plate. I was too caught up with being in Carlos’ Vinci it’s.
“You’re red now.” He pointed out. “Oh, Carlos don’t!” I laughed. “I’m sorry, will you come sit with me? Charles is there as well, he’s lonely.” I turned over my shoulder to see Charles eating alone like a lost school boy.
“Poor guy.” I giggled before looking up to Carlos again. “We best join him…” I’d been sat with them for a couple of minutes, swinging my legs nervously when I accidentally caught Carlos’ with my own. “Sorry.” I turned to see him smirking. “It’s okay.” He shook his head and continued eating as I joined back in the conversation with Charles.
“-sorry, and then she never ended up coming, so.. now it’s just me.” I shrugged, “do you enjoy it? Like the racing in general?” Charles asked. Just as I was about to answer I felt the nudge from a foot under the table once again that almost made me choke on my food.
“Mmmh!” I perked, knowing it was Carlos’ foot that had nudged against my own in a playful manner. “I didn’t when I was little, I have to admit I was forced by my brothers to watch it. But no I do, I have for quite a while.” Carlos let out a laugh at my words, as though he was being soo casual and definitely not playing footsies with me under the table. “Was it karting you used to do?” I then asked Charles, purposefully nudging my foot back into Carlos’s as he kicked back almost instantly. This time I jumped, reacting physically to the kick under the table. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean it to be that hard.” Carlos quickly put a hand on my arm.
“What are you doing? Playing footsies under there?!” Charles burst out in laughter. “No, he kicked me!” I lied. “Purposefully.” Carlos teased, biting back down into a burger.
“Jésus, je suis en troisième roue...” (Jesus I am third wheeling). My eyebrow perked back up to Charles.
“Je peux aussi parler français, tu sais.” (I can speak French too, you know). His eyes widened in surprise. “Really?!” Charles eyes landed on Carlos. “Sposala.” (Marry her). “Anche italiano Charles.” (Italian too, Charles).
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n0v4t33z · 5 months
The Syndicate - Chapter 8 : Complications & Whiskey
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Pairings: Choi San X Female Reader, Park Seonghwa X Female Reader, Ateez X Female Reader
Genre: Lots of angst, Romance, Crime Fiction, Psychological Drama
Word Count: 15.9k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Mentions of Illegal activities (i.e Kidnapping, extortion, assassination etc.), flirting, kissing (yk that cheesy stuff couples do) Mentions of San's past lover being not so cool. (Not edited properly, I'll come back to it when I can)
Nets: @newworldnet
Spotify Playlist🎵 | Series Masterlist📝
Author's Note 💌: Hi! It's been a while since I updated this story, unfortunately I had really bad burnout and kind of struggled writing this chapter. Luckily one of my readers reached out to me which really motivated me to finish this chapter. The beginning is a little bumpy but it gets better! Like always I hope whoever reads this enjoys this chapter and if you didn't keep it to yourself! Again, thank you for remaining patient! (It's 2 am and I'm tired but I still wanna post this rn because I need to get it off my hands asap so I can work on the next chapter) - N🌙
How did this happen? How did he get my number? Did he bug the hospital room somehow? Maybe Chris’ phone? Fuck. There was a long silence of me trying to process what just happened then Captain Lee continues “I was just calling to let you know you’re more than welcome to come back to the police force.” My blood runs cold causing me to slightly stutter “So how’d you get my number?” He chuckles which gives me a horrible case of my whole body feeling cold “Ah, don’t worry about it Detective I have my methods.”
I nervously laugh and my grip becomes increasingly tight on my phone while I carefully look around making sure no one was watching. Making sure "he" wasn't watching. “Ah well, I’ll think about it Captain but I was just hoping you keep my anonymity since Aurora Syndicate is currently out looking for me.” I’m hoping he doesn’t suspect anything “Oh yes, Detective Bang told me earlier and don’t get me wrong I’ll grant it for you but I’ll let you know that I’m also aware that you know I worked with The Obsidian Dragon. So naturally, if you tell anyone I’m afraid I’ll have to get rid of you. So to keep tabs on you, you’re coming back to the police force whether you like it or not.”
I put my hand on my forehead and push my bangs back and hold back tears “What do you mean Captain? Why am I being forced into this? This is why I disappeared, to distance myself from this. I can't go back.” Captain Lee clicks his tongue a few times and says “Well, I’m sure you do know investigating these Mob bosses will get you killed so you should know that once you step into the world of corruption and ghost money your only way out is death whether you’re involved or you’re investigating it.”
He isn’t wrong, every single word he’s saying is right. I got myself into this mess and now I’m stuck. The only words that manage to leave my mouth are “Okay then, when do I go back?” I’m going to regret this. I could hear the smile in his voice “Anytime you want, preferably on Monday but don’t worry you’ll be doing desk jobs until you’re cleared. or until I feel you're good to go” I silently nod then I say in a very hushed tone “Alright, see you then Captain Lee.”
I hang up and clench my phone in my hand trying to blink back tears. I can’t cry here. I wipe away the stray tears before I buy the groceries. Once I've paid for them I put my phone on factory reset and throw it away into a trash bin outside the grocery store and head back to the tattoo shop. This is not good, I'm worried as to how he got a hold of my phone number. I didn't even give it to Chris. I'm terrified he probably knows more than what he leads on.
 When I arrive to the hideout I notice everyone was still asleep so I stand in the dark kitchen and silently cry for a few minutes. I know everything will change after this. They’re all going to stop trusting me, not that they trusted me much anyway but what worries me the most is San. I might as well enjoy the calm before the storm.
Once I start cooking I notice Seonghwa sleepily rubbing his eyes and says “Hey, good morning no wonder I smelled sauteed meat and garlic, you’re in the kitchen.” I smile and nod “Yes, you’re spot on. I decided to cook for you guys since your cook isn’t here. I’m afraid it won’t be as good though.” Seonghwa raises his hand and shakes his head “Nah, it can’t can’t be worse than Hongjoong’s cooking. At least what you're cooking smells edible so I’m sure it'll taste just as good as it smells.”
He washes his hands and walks over to me “Need a hand?” I shake my head “Oh no you don’t have to, I was hoping you guys wouldn’t wake up until I was finished” He pats my head “Hm, I’ll help you. I’m awake so I might as well make myself useful” I giggle “Alright, please peel the potatoes?” He nods “Yes, ma’am” after we prepped and cooked everything I exhaustedly sit on the couch then I space out.
I want to tell Seonghwa but I’m scared he’s going to get upset. How do I tell him? Seonghwa soon follows and sits next to me and looks over at me waiting for me to say something. Worriedly he says “y/n? Are you okay?” I look over at him “Hm? Oh nothing I just have alot on my mind as of recently. A Lot has happened.” He nods “I agree, that attack from the feds hit us hard but don’t worry. Everything will fix itself eventually.”
I sigh and reach over to nudge Seonghwa’s arm “Hwa, I need to tell you something. I know I need to tell San right away but I’m scared.” He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me with a huge concern “Did something happen?” I hide my hands under my thighs “Captain Lee called me out of nowhere when I was grocery shopping this morning and he told me I have to go back to the police station again to keep tabs on me or else he says he’s going to take me out. I honestly have no idea how he even got a hold of my phone number, I had no choice but to say yes. I fucked up. I’m so sorry.”
I bite my lip to keep myself from bursting into tears while he silently stares at the ground for a moment then he cautiously looks back at me “No, no. This isn’t your fault, but you do have to tell San. This isn’t good at all. ” I nod  “You’re right, this can’t wait can’t it? I was going to wait until everyone finished eating. Forgive me please don’t tell anyone else about this I’ll tell San myself.” I get up trying my best not to start crying in front of Seonghwa. Before I even have the chance to walk away he stops me tugging on my hand so that I turn to face him. He looks up at me from his seat "Remember, everything is going to be okay even if it seems like there's no way out of it." I force a smile and nod "Right, thank you for being such an amazing friend Hwa." Seonghwa slowly lets go of my hand and nods. "Always." I'm grateful to have a friend as caring as Seonghwa, someone who will comfort me and reassure me when i'm in doubt. I just hope one day i'll be able to return the favor.
When I open the door to San’s room and slowly close the door behind me. I carefully sit down on his bed and gently shake him “San, I have something to tell you.” He quietly hums and sleepily turns to face me trying to blink away his sleepiness  “y/n? What’s wrong? Are you okay? You’re awake?” I shake my head trying to hold back tears. I’m so scared. He sits up and grabs my hand and gently kisses my knuckles “What’s wrong?” My lip slightly quivers “I have to tell you something. It’s something kind of serious.” He sits up and gently rubs the back of my hand with his thumb “Well, whenever you’re ready angel eyes.” I tighten my grip on his hand and put my other hand over his and take a deep breath then silently exhale “Well, Captain Lee called me and said I have to go back to the police station again or he’s going to kill me and whoever else knows about him working for The Obsidian Dragon and that he was the true reason why The Phantom died.”
San stays silent for a few seconds then in a low tone he responds “Why?” I stare at his hand then I look over at his body language and I could feel how angry he is right now which is what scares me the most because I know how impulsive he is. As much as I don’t want to look at how angry he is I look up at him meeting his eyes “He wants to keep tabs on me.” He lets out a long sigh and gently kisses my forehead “I promise you’ll be safe.” I look into his hypnotizing dark brown eyes “So you’re not mad at me?” His demeanor quickly changes and gives me his cute dimpled smile “Hey, why would I be? This isn’t your fault at all.” Part of me felt like it was, I feel like a burden now that I know Captain Lee is unknowingly threatening San with me.
“I don’t know, I just feel like somehow it was my fault because I told Chris about Captain Lee being corrupt. Despite that I know deep in my heart that Chris would never say anything.” San’s smile disappears and raises his eyebrow “Are you sure? How do you know it wasn’t him?” I bite the inside of my lip second guessing my previous statement now because of his serious demeanor. “Well, because I know him and he always keeps his word no matter what. That includes secrets. He'd never put me in harm’s way, he’s always protected me so it can’t be him.” He lets out a quiet sigh “Babe he’s a cop what do you expect? He’s going to open his mouth if it benefits him. Especially now since you no longer work at the police station that lead is probably a huge opportunity for a promotion.” I shake my head “No, he’d never do that especially not if it ended up hurting someone.”
He looks at me with a straight face almost like what I was saying is a bunch of nonsense  “I’m sorry, I love you but I don’t trust that partner of yours.” I frustratedly put my hands on my forehead “Hear me out, when I told Chris I specifically told him to ask Captain Lee not to release the news of me being alive and to grant me anonymity. Which yes, Captain Lee acknowledged and said he’d agree too if I went back to the station but another thing I told Chris was that Aurora Syndicate was after me and that I needed my anonymity because of that. Captain Lee didn’t know that and he never once mentioned it until I said something about it so if Chris did tell him he would have known that and would have mentioned it first.”
San's eyes slightly narrow “But what if he didn’t mention it on purpose? He’s a cop so he’s great at being able to convince someone with words by conveniently leaving things out.” Okay, as a cop this is embarrassing how I’m forgetting my own methods now. I sigh and lay back onto the bed “Ok you know what?" I frustratedly run my fingers through my hair. "Fine who cares how he found out, the problem is that he found out and now I’m fucking scared to go back knowing I’m only there because he’s going to wait until I fuck up so he could kill me. Even then I still don't want to lose you either.” A big knot grows in my throat, feeling the tears begin to sting my eyes “This is why I'm telling you, because I need your help. I don’t know what to do, and I didn’t want to leave without a word and leave you wondering whether I’m okay or not.”
San lays next to me and wipes the tears away then gently pulls me close to him “You won’t be alone I promise, Seonghwa will be my eyes. I have a plan but that will be all up to you if you want to do this.” I nod “Of course, anything.” He smiles and kisses my forehead “Good girl, the plan is you will be my informant on what the police department is up to regarding Aurora Syndicate. Of course you’ll be under observation so evreytime you do have Information I’ll have Seonghwa send over the information via burner phone and dispose of it after each use to lower the chance of us getting caught.” San gives me the most gentle gaze and gently kisses the side of my head “This is going to end soon I promise, even if you’ll be someone else’s temporarily.”
I furrow my eyebrows and give him a confused stare “Uh what?” He smirks and lifts up my chin “You’ll have to pretend you and Seonghwa are in a relationship because he’s going to be living with you, even though it pains me. I have no choice at this point than to fool Lee for a little while longer while we gather up a plan.” What is this? Again with the fake boyfriend? I look up in disappointment while massaging my temples lightly “Really? How can you be so comfortable sharing me with another man like that? Can't we just be roommates or something?” He shrugs “The thing is if he's not related to you in anyway at all people will start looking into him a lot more, your supposed relationship to him might be a good distraction for them and much more convincing.”
He's really trying to sell me this, it's not a horrible idea but I don't know.. Kind of awkward after what happened between me and Seonghwa last night. “Besides when you went to your funeral with him and he brought you back home safely didn’t he?” I roll my eyes and jokingly retort “Yeah, what if I fall in love with him? Then what?” He smiles and takes my face in his hand “Hm, well then I’ll try to win you back no matter how many times it takes because like I said in the end you and I both know you’re mine. I know my place in your heart and you know mine, we are one. So, no. I’m not worried I'll lose you to him because I know it’s not going to happen. You’ll always be mine in one way or another.” Never have I seen a man so sure about how he feels towards me. How... Nice.
“You really feel that way?” I ask while I gently run my hand along his white t shirt clad chest. “I mean, do you? Because, I do.” he chuckles and raises an eyebrow giving me a dimpled smirk while I try to keep myself composed and nod “Of course I do.” he pulls me in a little closer and kisses me while he gently tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “No one will hurt you.” I poke his small dimple “I know, I believe you. I’ve seen what you can do.” San smirks devilishly hovering his lips over mine “I can do that and much more, just for you.” I giggle and clear the few stray pieces of hair from his face. His cat like eyes making me dizzy, for a second I forget how lost in his gaze I am until he leans in and kisses my forehead "My angel."
In response I rest my forehead on his shoulder and sigh "I'm tired of all of this San. I want this to stop." He gently presses his lips on the top of my head whilst he holds me close "I know you do baby. I want it to stop too, I want to be happy with you. Soon, okay?" Feeling a tinge of guilt, I bite my lip trying my hardest not to cry despite the huge uncomfortable knot in my throat.
San rolls onto his back and pulls me onto his chest "Let's lay here for a bit." I look up at him "So that's it?" San raises his eyebrow and hums "What do you mean? Was I supposed to say something else?" I shrug "I don't know, you don't seem shaken up over Lee's threat towards me." San runs his fingers through my hair "Well, how do you know I'm not scared?" He's right, maybe he's trying to keep me from freaking out. "Well, for one we moved on from this conversation way too quickly." He quietly stares up at the ceiling for a few moments his fingers now gently massaging my scalp until he finally speaks again. "Hm, well I am scared. I'm also angry and bloodthirsty, but I can't show you that part of myself. I don't want to scare you, I don't want to fuel your brain with ideas of me that might make you not trust me at all."
Okay so I guess I was right, he knows he still scares me to some degree despite loving him so much. I hate how conflicting this is. "I see, so you're trying to spare me from freaking out then?" He smiles gently booping my nose "You got it." I rest my head on his chest and sigh.I hate how my "fake" death ended up becoming pointless, and unfortunately it's probably something Captain Lee will end up blackmailing me with. I thought I was going to catch him by surprise but no, now I'm hoping I can find a way for Captain Lee to get blindsided while still under his observation.
I look up and notice San staring up at the ceiling again then I bury my face in the crook of his neck holding onto him tightly. He turns to me and gently plants a kiss on my temple then rests his head onto mine. “I really am going to miss you.” I lace his fingers between mine “I am too honestly. I wish we could stay like this forever.” Letting him go now seems like a crime, why is it that he terrifies me but yet makes me so happy? “I got so used to having you at my side for so long that I forgot what it felt like to not feel so- I don’t know, alone?” I giggle “That’s a nice way of putting it because I feel the same way.” He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and shows me his dimpled smile “Yeah?” My ears get hot and I bury my face in his chest causing him to quietly laugh “I swear you’re so cute when you get shy. I’ll miss that too.” I peek and look up at him “Hey, don’t be sad. I did a surprise for you and the guys this morning but I think maybe the food has gotten cold by now.” HIs eyes light up “Wait, wow. I get to try your food?” I nod and awkwardly smile “Yeah but if you don’t like it it’s okay. I honestly hate my cooking but my family strangely seemed to love it so I just wanted to cook for you guys because I trust my family’s opinion on it despite personally not really being a fan of what I make.”
San gives me a dimpled smile “I’m sure it’s delicious angel eyes, I know I’m going to love it so don’t worry. Also, I think we should go eat. I’m sure after everything this morning you’re probably really hungry.” He smirks and winks at me causing me to cover my eyes. Why is he always making my heart feel like it's going to jump out of my throat? “Stop it. Stop doing that thing with your face again!” He removes my hand from my face and chuckles "Wait, what's wrong with my face?" I shyly look in the other direction avoiding eye contact while my voice slowly trails "Um, nothing. You just.." San turns my face back in his direction "You what?" Stunned, I simply blink back in response until he chuckles and pulls me into a chaste kiss. Once he pulls away he gently runs his thumb along my bottom lip and for a few moments I recalibrate my brain until I finally respond "You're handsome...That's what I wanted to say." San hums and pulls my hand up to his lips gently pressing it onto his lips. "So sweet aren't we baby?"
When we walk to the kitchen we notice most of the guys were in the living room except Hongjoong, Jongho and Wooyoung who were in their respective rooms. I look over at San awkwardly knowing full well that some of them aren't too keen on me. I clear my throat trying to lightly bring their attention “So uh, is anyone hungry?” Yunho looks up from the game he’s playing “Hm? There’s food?” I nod “Yeah, I woke up early this morning to make it mostly because I couldn’t go back to sleep. Do you mind getting the others? I’ll bring Wooyoung’s breakfast later when he’s woken up.”
Yunho nods and walks over to go fetch the 2 others while everyone else takes their seat at the table meanwhile Seonghwa and I set the table while evreyone talks amongst themselves waiting for the others to come. Eventually Jongho, Hongjoong and Yunho sit down at the table with the only person missing being Wooyoung. Seeing everyone here except Wooyoung felt odd considering he was always very much present in the conversations but now that he wasn’t here the table was more at peace or so we thought. Seonghwa looks over at me and San “So uh, why are we here all together?”
San laces his fingers together “Well, something happened this morning.” Hongjoong narrows his eyes "The feds know where we are?" Jongho glances at San "Did they?" San shakes his head then pushes his glasses up "No. Captain Lee contacted y/n about going back to the police station. Of course he knows she’s alive now but blatantly threatened her to come back to the police force because he knows that she knows about his involvement with The Black Obsidian. He says he wants her working there to keep tabs on her which comes to my next statement. We’re starting a very important assignment regarding this issue. Of course the person who’s going to actually be joining y/n will be Seonghwa.”
Everyone is silent then Mingi slowly raises his hand “So it’s just him? What are we supposed to do then?” San nods “yeah, the reason why he’s going is because he’s the only one that that has no file under his name in the NIS data base” Hongjoong looks at San “Neither does Yeosang though.” San looks over at Hongjoong and smirks “That’s the thing, I’m sure Yeosang is not going to want to pretend he’s y/n’s lover. I also know y/n is definitely not comfortable with him either.” Yunho looks over at Seonghwa whose ears were a bright pink hue then back at San “Wait so are you saying Seonghwa is going to go with y/n and pretend he’s her boyfriend? Why though? Is it to keep an eye on her?” San nods then Seonghwa uncomfortably shifts in his seat “Yep, Seonghwa is also going to be the one communicating to us what’s going on at the station since I’m sure y/n won’t even have the chance to since she’ll be under a microscope with Lee.” 
Yeosang frowns “So what does that have to do with us? Isn’t it just going to be a mission just for them?” San takes a sip of his warm tea and continues “No, it’ll involve you guys as well but that means you’ll have to lay low. Some will be tailing Lee and other officials working for him that includes y/n’s partner Detective Chris Bang, some of you will also be keeping watch the security cameras at the police station and the cameras near and around where y/n will reside in case anyone is sent by Captain Lee.” Everyone stays silent for a while then Jongho says “Wooyung isn’t part of any of this right? He’s still recovering from that punctured lung.” San bites the inside of his cheek “Yeah, he’s not. I just want him to get better and that means he can’t strain himself so please no one speak to him about this. Obviously I don’t know how long this will take but until he gets better please don’t say anything you all know how he is.” Hongjoong cocks an eyebrow “What about when he asks about y/n? You know how he is with his questions.” Yeosang then says “Just tell him she voluntarily left on her own because Lee found out she was alive.”
San leans back onto his chair “There’s your answer, with Seonghwa just say he went on an assignment abroad. Everyone understand? ” Everyone agrees and say in an untimed unison “Yes boss.” Meanwhile Seonghwa silently stares at the table then he looks at San “So you trust me enough let me pass off as y/n’s lover?” I look over at Seonghwa and can tell he’s probably not comfortable going through with this. San gives him a smile clearly showing him how much he trusts him “Of course, you’ve taken such great care of her when I wasn’t able to. Besides this is all fake anyway.” He understandably nods and says “Alright, I’ll do my best to make you proud again.” Seonghwa catches me staring at him and gives me a sweet smile “I promise I won’t let anything to happen to you.” I nod and try to act as nonchalant as I can “Thank you, I appreciate it.” Meanwhile San pats my head and says “Alright everyone can resume eating now, I heard y/n cooked this for us so let’s not leave anything on our plates.”
Everyone begins to eat and after a few moments I notice a few of the guys nodding in approval. Yeosang then looks over at me and says “Thank you for the food y/n.” Shocked he even complimented me I vigorously nod “Thank you so much but it wasn’t just me, Seonghwa helped me as well. I’m sure if he didn’t help the food wouldn’t have been as good as it was.” Could it be that a way to get to a cold man's heart is food? It's starting to ring true now. Seonghwa chuckles “I only peeled the potatoes and made the rice, it was all you y/n.” With his cheeks stuffed with food mid chew Mingi says “You’d honestly make a great wife, your cooking is immaculate and reminds me of my mother’s” San gives Mingi a stare and I nervously laugh “I’m sure your mother’s cooking is way more delicious Mingi” Jongho gives me a comforting smile “Honestly your cooking is amazing, even if you don’t feel that way. I’m saying that because these guys are so picky that the in house chef we had back at HQ quit after about a month of being there.”
I cover my mouth trying to cover up the big smile on my face then I say “Well, I guess I’m lucky to have such picky eaters like my food.” San puts his hand on my thigh and gently squeezes “See? Don’t forget to give yourself some credit sometimes.” I give him a small smile and nod then I look in the direction of the rest of the table “I know this is random but I just wanted to let you guys know I won’t be outing any information regarding the Syndicate if that’s what some of you are worried about, I’ll take that to the grave.” Jongho sets down his coffee mug onto the table “Don’t worry, I trust you. I’m sure the others do as well to an extent they just don’t want to admit it but I believe you y/n.” Yunho and Seonghwa both nod then Yunho responds while looking directly at Yeosang and Hongjoong “Even then for the ones who still don’t trust you they’ll see you’re not a bad person and you’re worth trusting.” Hongjoong tilts his head “You must be talking about Yeosang and not me. If I didn’t trust y/n I wouldn’t have let her touch a computer and much less suggest to San to let her have her own.”
My lips slightly part looking at the table then I look back and notice Hongjoong’s usual annoyed look replaced with one of a small smile “But also how could I not trust someone who likes Spongebob?” I giggle then I turn to Yunho “He’s right, he’s actually been very nice to me so no worries about that.” He continues looking in Yeosang’s direction “I’m glad to hear, although I was mostly referring to Yeosang here considering how many rude and tasteless things he’s said to you and that doesn’t even include the things he’s said while Wooyoung instigated.” I shake my head “Ah, no that’s okay don’t worry. I respect his reasons.”
He silently nods for a few seconds as if he was unconsciously doing it to calm himself down “You’ll see she’s not a horrible person, and when Wooyoung comes back he’s going to see for himself too.” Yeosang sits there staring at Yunho for a few seconds then stands up silently and walks to his room leaving everyone in shock. Why do I always cause these things, if someone isn’t getting upset over something I did someone else is getting upset over something someone did to me. I wish this wasn’t the case, it only comes off that I’m the one causing problems.
San glances at Yeosang’s empty seat then back at me “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine he just can’t stand being wrong.” I silently nod then San smiles and says “Everyone is dismissed for now, we’ll talk about everything in detail later…” A few moments later San’s cellphone rings and hurriedly gets up and says “I’ll be back, I’ve got to take this call..” Eventually evreyone finishes eating but San never comes back so once everyone leaves, I stay behind to clean the dishes while Seonghwa clears the table. He silently walks over to me holding a few plates gently setting them down onto the sink and walks back to the table to retrieve more. He’s awfully quiet.
Should I say something? I stare down at the bubbly water in the sink until I finally speak “Why’d you stay? I would have cleaned up, it’s fine.” Without turning in his direction I could hear the slight clinking of the glasses as he steps in my direction again. “I wanted to, besides it didn’t sit right for me not to clean up after myself.” I dryly laugh “You mean after your friends?”  I turn to Seonghwa who walks up next to me and sets down the glasses next to the sink and gives me a smirk “Exactly, you need my help. Scoot over.” I roll my eyes and scoot over, giving Seonghwa room to stand next to me and begin to dry off the plates I've already washed. For a while he and I clean together in silence until unexpectedly I hear “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting the call to be this long but something came up.” Both Seonghwa and I turn to San and he continues “I know this is very short notice but do you mind coming to something with me tomorrow night angel eyes?” I glance at Seonghwa who looked just as confused as I then back at San who was standing at the entrance of the kitchen waiting for a response “Aren’t we supposed to lay low?”
I ask slightly unsure, San gives me a reassuring smile “We’ll be okay. I just wanted you to meet my mother and sister, you know since Seonghwa here knows them I think it’s a good idea you meet them as well. I’m almost positive you three will get along.” I can’t meet his family, what if they don’t like me and they send for me to get killed? Especially if they find out I’m a former cop. Seonghwa glances at me slightly concerned “What if she just stays home and rests? She’s been through alot these past days.” San lets out a sigh and pats Seonghwa's back turning his attention back to himself. “Jongho, you, and the rest are coming so we’ll be fine. Besides, if she doesn’t want to go she's more than welcome to stay home.” Well, I guess I have a social affair to attend to now. At least now I'll get to do a little familiarization with San's family.
"I'll go..I don't mind sounds fun. I'm kind of tired of being couped up." San gives me a small smile "There you go, you heard the lady. She's going." Seonghwa quietly washes a glass under the warm running water while I dry off my hands on the hand towel next to the sink “What exactly is this thing we’re going to?” San walks over to me holding back a big smile “It’s my sister’s birthday” He gently rests his hand on my uninjured shoulder “I wanted you to join us. I know you’re supposed to be resting right now but Jongho will be there, so I promise you’ll be okay. Besides I figured you'd like to know who works for us and how deep our business runs. ” I slowly nod “Okay sure, but what am I supposed to wear? I didn't bring anything with me, much less anything that covers up what happened on my shoulder..”
San shakes his head “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of everything.” He glances over at Seonghwa and says “Make sure my mother doesn’t find out about the specifics with the police, I don’t want her to worry. There’s also a small job I need you to do for me. Mingi will be joining you.” Seonghwa nods obediently “Noted, but what happens if she asks why Wooyoung isn’t there? She knows he’d never miss anything like this..” San stares off into the distance for a moment “He had a family emergency and he wasn’t available.” San seemed to have become a bit haste to which Seonghwa seemed to pick up on and responds “Oh, okay that seems plausible.” San motions him in the direction of the living room “Mingi’s waiting.” Seonghwa sets down the dishes, wipes his hands dry on the hand towel next to the sink and excuses himself.
I notice there’s this weird tension between them but I can’t put my finger on why they feel that way towards each other or if it’s mutual. “You remember Nari? She’s coming over to get you ready for tomorrow.” Oh, it’s the same woman that did my hair and got me dolled up for my funeral. I guess it makes sense, she’ll probably know what the family approves of. “Sounds nice, she was nice..” I look down at the ground not wanting to meet his eyes. San gently turns my face in his direction with his eyebrows softly furrowed “What’s wrong angel eyes? Are you okay?” I sigh and lean into his touch “I’m scared. What if they hate me?” San gently caresses my cheek with his thumb “Babe, I promise they won’t hate you. I’ll just tell them you’re not involved in the business so they won’t ask you any questions over who you're affiliated with and who you work for.” Wait, does that mean he’s going to tell his mom about us? “Wait, why would you tell your mom that? Are you going to tell her about us?”
He nods and takes both my hands gently bringing them up to his lips “Of course, but I’m still going to tell her not to speak on it to anyone and to pretend you and I are simply colleagues in the eyes of others but she’ll know.” San lies alot, which worries me. If he easily lies over the smallest things like this does that mean he’ll easily lie to me? “You’re lying again.” He dryly laughs and pulls me closer to him “My mother won’t speak I promise, if she was able to keep my dad’s deepest darkest secrets I’m sure she can keep our relationship a secret. I felt like it’s something we should do before you’re gone, I want at least someone to know about us..” if only he knew that someone does know, just not who he thinks it is. He leans in and gives me a quick peck making sure no one was around then gently pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear “You trust me right?” Stupidly enough, like always my brain decides to completely betray me and respond without thinking “I do.” He gently kisses my forehead and softly says in a low voice “My beautiful angel.” Everytime he calls me that it makes me melt, and I think he knows that.
“I’m going to give you a more dramatic look today, obviously still within the likes of Mrs. Choi” Nari gently works in some sort of eye primer on my eyes using a soft brush and begins to work on my eye makeup. After a few minutes of her working her magic I have a sudden urge to ask her a question “Nari, I have a question..” She softly hums and I clasp my hands together  “Do you know Mrs. Choi and San’s sister?” I concentrate on the gentle brush strokes to calm me down for some reason slightly afraid of her answers “I do, they’re very sweet. I work with them quite often actually. I just saw them this morning.” I quietly hum then Nari continues “How come? Are you worried about something?” I let out a soft sigh “Well, I’m scared they might not like me. I heard what the mother did to one of San’s exes and ordered for her assassination.”
The older woman clicks her tongue “Well, do you know what happened?” What happened? What does she mean? Does she mean that woman did something to upset San’s mother? “Uh, I mean no. Not really that’s honestly all I could dig up, besides San’s never mentioned any of his exes so I genuinely don’t know the full situation” Nari pops her gum followed by the smile in her voice “I can tell you, I’ve been working for the Choi family for years…” I softly gasp and open my eyes “Wait, for how long?” Nari gives me a soft smile “ I was hired personally by Mrs. Choi ten years ago, ever since then I’ve been doing her and her daughter’s makeup for public events..”
Nari gently has me close my eyes again and continues “Anyway, as you know her name was Hae Jihye she and San dated for a few years. I believe it was about 5 or so years but they eventually became engaged, both were pretty young but since the Choi family was so well off Mrs. Choi encouraged them to get married. She was very fond of Jihye up until San found out she was secretly seeing another man and stealing money from him and ordering shady dealings without double checking these were allies and not possible undercover cops. Up until her death she always said it was because San never gave her attention and because she felt lonely but everyone close to the Choi’s know he treated her like his princess. He would have brought her the moon if she so wanted, he gave her everything. Open.”
I open my eyes and see Nari begins to fill in my eyebrows and continues “Anyway, it so just happened the real reason was that she thought San was a huge pushover and was only planning on marrying him for his money and the Choi’s heavy influence. She wanted to be someone important since she came from a poor background.” Poor San, he gave his heart to this woman and she stomped all over it… “So when Mrs. Choi caught wind of it thanks to San’s best friend Wooyoung she began to conspire against Jihye. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..” Nari smooths out some sort of face primer on my skin, her hands being gentle against my skin then quickly begins to work on my base “She got Kang Yeosang, one of San’s associates to carry out the assasination and right as she was exiting the beauty salon she was shot and killed. Just to add insult to injury Mrs. Choi sent the hand of Jihye’s secret lover to her grieving family along with a note that read “Hope you enjoy this small gift!” and that was that. ”
I look at Nari giving her a very unnerved expression “Wow that's…heavy.” Nari nods while gently powdering my face “So lesson of the story is don't be an opportunist and Mrs. Choi will be kind.”  I know Nari and San said Mrs. Choi is nice but I can't keep myself from thinking she's going to find something she doesn't like. What a great time to overthink. “Actually, San doesn't want to tell her about me being a cop..” Nari begins to gently apply my lipstick with small gentle strokes “Sweetheart I think you should just be honest, I mean you've been all over the news recently. I'm sure Mrs. Choi knows exactly who you are.” Oh my gosh how could I forget about that?! She's right, it's going to be a horrible look if I lie to her right from the start.
“I should let San know, you know like about me not wanting to lie to his mom not what happened with Jihye. I'll definitely never mention her ever.” Nari then raises her eyebrows “So, are you going to tell his mom you two are thing?” Her question catching me off guard I almost choke on my own saliva causing me to swallow quite hard. For a moment, I struggle how to answer until I finally but hesitantly respond “Well honestly, I think it’s a bad idea that I tell her we’re together especially if she knows I'm a cop. Despite how nice she is, she has too much history between my previous boss and her family, not the good kind either. Knowing she’s willing to kill I think I’m going to steer clear from her radar as cowardly as it seems.” Nari rests her hand on her hip “So, what do you plan to do?” I sigh “Well, continue to keep it a secret.”
Nari furrows her eyebrows and crosses her arms in front of her chest “But for how much longer? You know, Mrs. Choi isn’t getting any younger and eventually she’s going to ask San to marry again. You do understand right?” She’s right, Mrs. Choi is definitely going to ask San to marry only it makes sense for him to marry of someone of his status and the same lifestyle as his. As much as I love and I’m in love with him, we’re too different to be in each other's life in the long run and only confirms what I've been thinking this whole time which is to just enjoy it while it lasts. “I do, which is why I'm going to backtrack telling her about our relationship but not who I am. That I can't lie about, as scary as It is.” gives me a soft smile “Well, it's settled.. Also, we should get started on your hair. Your dress should be arriving sometime soon!” I nod and let out a nervous sigh. I have to brace myself for everything. I will try my best to look like a good person.
Later after Nari is done with my hair, makeup and dressing me I look in the mirror and honestly just like the first time I'm not disappointed in what I’m seeing just a little weirded out that I can look this good. My hair was loosely curled, like those gorgeous movie stars on tv, the makeup was light (For my taste at least) so that it complimented my features. Meanwhile the dress that was picked out for me was a satin strapless asymmetric neckline dress with a high slit on the right side of the dress luckily it was a long dress so it covered my legs really nicely and it wasn’t as showy as I thought it’d be considering how high the slit is. Finally to cover up my wound Nari carefully drapes a gorgeous white fur wrap over my shoulders. Nari steps behind me and hands me a black pair of designer high heels. It’s those shoes that movie stars wear, the ones with the red soles. I let out a gasp and carefully take the shoes as if they were made of glass “Nari, are you sure?” Nari smirks “Of course I’m sure, you’re wearing vintage Mugler.. You can’t just wear any old pair of shoes.” I give her a nervous smile and carefully put on my black high heeled shoes. Nari then steps back and gives me a proud smile “You look amazing y/n, I hope you feel as pretty as you look. “ I smooth out the soft fabric beneath my fingers and nod “I do, thank you for everything..” The older woman smiles and shakes her head “Thank San, he asked me to do this for you.”
Of course he did, this man is all about the details. Now it was about that time I look for San so that I could talk to him about what to say to his mother. Right after exiting my room I'm soon greeted by a dressed up Jongho who’s jaw immediately drops “Wow, you look amazing y/n. I uh- San is waiting up front, he asked me to guide you into the car.” I give Jongho a smile and tease him “You might want to pick your jaw up from the floor or a fly will go in there.” Jongho chuckles and leads the way while I silently walk behind him. Awkwardly enough I had to walk into that tattoo shop dressed like this but unlike before all eyes were on me which made me alot more nervous so I gently hold onto Jongho’s arm so that I wouldn’t risk embarrassing myself in case I trip over my dress. Once outside I realize it was beginning to get dark out that’s when Jongho opens the door to the expensive looking car and lo and behold San was there.
His hair was now cut shorter than before with a small strand of hair framing his face, whilst he wore a white dress shirt with a few buttons undone and a buttoned up black vest, a back blazer, with matching slacks and shoes. He looked so immaculate and perfect, that In the moment I think I almost forgot why I was even there to begin with until San gently grabs my hand and gently tugs on it. I blink a few times and it’s like I rebooted remembering where and why I was there. San gives me a small dimpled smile and I get into the car sitting next to him. His cologne slowly bringing me back to reality “You look gorgeous angel eyes.” I glance over at him, his eyes looking at me like he was devouring me with his gaze which was making me painfully shy, that is until I remember I needed to tell him something. San gently reaches for my exposed thigh and gently squeezes causing my ears to begin to burn and I mindlessly respond “And you look handsome Sannie..”
San leans in and gently kisses me whilst his hand squeezes my thigh a little harder leaving me to let out a soft sigh whilst he deepens the kiss. I only allow myself to indulge in the kiss for a few more seconds until I gently pull away while gently pushing him away. He gives me a confused look then furrows his brows “Angel eyes are you okay?” I nod and gently smooth out my dress “Yes, I just wanted to talk to you about something before we arrive at your sister’s party.” He gently takes my hand and nods “Sure, what is it?” I glance over at San whose eyes were soft again, a complete one eighty from a few seconds ago “We should just tell your mom that I’m a cop, you know it’ll be much easier than lying” San looks at me slightly worried and looks down gently rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand “Um, I don’t know about that..” I tilt my head “How come? Is it because I’m going back to the station next week? You know she’s probably seen the news..”
San lets out a sigh and stares down at my hand for a few moments before he briefly glances back up at me me then says in a lower almost worried tone “That’s why, because I’m sure she’ll like you but once she realizes you’re a cop she’s going to bombard you with questions..Assumptions.” I reach over and take San’s handsome face in my hands gently caressing his soft skin “And that’s okay, it’s valid on her part considering the previous history between cops and your family. I understand.” He gently takes my hand in his lovingly squeezing it “Are you positive you’re going to be okay with the questions?” I nod giving him a reassuring smile “Of course Sannie, let’s just be honest for once. This is something so important to me that I want to be honest out of respect to your mother and our relationship, please. Just this once I don’t want to lie about something I can’t hide. I don’t want to pretend to be someone I’m not even if your mother ends up hating me for it, it’s the risk i’m willing to take.”
San gives me a dimpled smile, takes my hands from his face and gently kisses them “You really do have a heart of gold angel eyes.. No matter how hard things get your intentions are always well intentioned.” I look down and press my lips into a curt smile “One more thing.” San gently turns my face to face him "What’s that?” Not wanting to meet his eyes I look down at the collar of his shirt “I thought about it and I don’t want your mother to find out about us.” San gives me a confused look “Wait- but..” I nod “I know, I just said that I didn’t want us to lie but I was talking about things I can’t hide.. Besides we’re technically not lying if you just don’t mention it.” slightly upset San takes my arm and tightly squeezes it but only enough to get my attention “But you agreed with me yesterday, why the sudden change of mind?” I shrug “I don’t know I just did a lot of thinking and it doesn’t make sense to come clean right now, it’s too soon.”
San lifts up my chin to meet his eyes while holding on to my arm, they were sad with a hint of anger. He looked genuinely hurt, but now it’s complicated. I need to see how his mom will react to the news of me being a cop, then I’ll know my answer. I need to tread lightly with this family because I truly don’t know their intentions. For all I know this is all a part of San’s plan to get me to trust him then get me killed once I do. Even then I doubt San will hold on much longer, Nari is right his mom is probably looking for someone he could marry right this moment which is why he wants to tell his mother. “As much as I strongly feel the complete opposite, I'll respect your wishes. I understand you’re nervous.” I sigh “I’m sorry but can you blame me? Any regular person would be terrified considering how powerful your family is. I don’t want to fuck up.”
San loosens his grip on my arm “I’m sorry I’m forcing you to do all these things so fast. It’s just-” He shuts his eyes and rests his head on my shoulder and lets out a long sigh “It’s my mom, she’s been looking into having me marry the Iceman’s daughter, Jisu.” I furrow my eyebrows “Why?..” He stares down at himself gently squeezing and holding onto my forearm “Business.. And because she’s close friends with Iceman’s wife.” Wow, yeah. I think involving myself even more will be a death sentence. What if she has me killed because she wants San to marry into her friend’s family? “Ah, I see.” I stiffly nod. I knew it, his mom already has eyes for someone. San raises his gaze and looks at me with concern painting his features “You’re upset aren’t you?” I shake my head and fake a laugh “No, I mean I saw it coming. I understand.”
San gives me a very unamused look  then the driver driving our vehicle clears his throat and says  “Sorry for the interruption boss, but we’re here.” San nods slightly detached still fixated on my expression “Yeah, okay. Thanks Woosik.” I feel horrible pissing him off but I think this is it. I’m so cowardly. Almost as if a switch went off he gently takes my hand and kisses the back of it “I’ll introduce you as a colleague okay? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable let alone feel like i’m forcing you to do things you don’t want to..” I nod and lean in to gently kiss his cheek then I give him a soft smile “Thank you..”
San’s expression brightens up a bit and gives me a small dimpled smile “Are you ready angel?” I nod and he gives me a sweet smile. Next to me the door opens and a very well dressed man helps me out of the car and soon after San steps out right behind me. He then gently rests his hand on the small of my waist and gently guides me to the big mansion, that house.. It’s huge. The Choi family is loaded. It’s everything you would have imagined in a mansion: the fountain, the gates, the two sculptures near the entrance, the beautiful decorative trees adorning the front of the house.
The times I’ve been to houses like this is usually when we’re going to arrest someone or when we’re investigating the murder of a high profile person which isn’t very often so to see this gorgeous house and being dressed in designer from head to toe, it makes me feel like I'm in some sort of movie. Once we’re inside the faint sound of classical music fills the air along with the high class ambience immediately making me straighten up my posture. All the people here look expensive, it also kind of freaks me out knowing that 90 percent of the people here are more than likely white collar criminals. I look over in San’s direction slightly worried only for him to give me a small reassuring smile. ”Follow me.” I grab onto the sleeve of his blazer following behind him quietly whilst he makes his way to presumably his mother. 
We approach a gorgeous older woman who obviously didn’t look her age but could tell her age based off of what she was wearing, which was a long semi fitted dark blue dress with a high neck “Mother, I’m here.” The woman turns her attention away from the woman she was speaking to and gasps “Sannie, you made it..” San pulls the shorter woman in his arms and hugs her tightly “You know I’d never miss my sister’s birthday.” She pulls back gently cupping her hands on his face with a smile. “My son, my strong handsome son.” Both him and his mother chuckle then she pulls away and looks around us “Where’s Wooyoungie sweetie? Last time I talked to him he said he’d come..”
San takes Mrs. Choi’s hand “Ah, yeah about that. Wooyoung couldn’t make it tonight he had a personal emergency.” Mrs. Choi worriedly furrows her brows “Oh my- Is he okay?” San nods giving his mother a reassuring pat “He is he’s fine, he’s just dealing with a few private matters that couldn’t be postponed and were very last minute.” Wow, he’s good at lying to his own mother too that’s actually scary. He’s not even hesitating. The mother understandably nods “Well I hope whatever it is I hope he sorts it out soon..” Mrs. Choi then turns  in my direction, for a few seconds she examines my face then she says “Oh hello, wow who is this gorgeous girl Sannie?”
I reach out and shake his mother’s hand politely smiling “Hello Mrs. Choi I am Detective y/n y/ln, I’m one of Mr. Choi’s current colleagues. His connection to the Ulwood PD. ” His mother’s eyes widen slightly then quickly composes herself before San says “She’s been a great help helping me track Lee and his other people..” For a few moments San’s mother stares at me “Are you really working for the Aurora Syndicate? Are you sure you don’t secretly work for the police to turn my son in?” San chuckles gently patting his mother’s back “She’s fine mother, I made sure of it. Besides she has her own grudges against Lee, I promise you she won’t betray us.” Mrs. Choi nods “You’re that detective that was found dead aren’t you?” I nod and lightheartedly chuckle “Yeah, that’s me. So you have no worries about me turning on anyone.” Mrs. Choi looks over at San and smiles “Look at you, giving that old bastard a taste of his own medicine. You’re definitely your father’s son.” San nervously laughs “Mom..” 
A gorgeous long dark brown haired woman approaches us, her eyes were sultry and had a very mysterious and intimidating energy surrounding her. Her gaze looking straight at San, almost like he was some sort of target to her. “Hello, how are you on this lovely evening?” Mrs. Choi turns in said woman’s direction and smiles “Jisu sweetheart, hello how are you? I’m glad you could make it!” Jisu smiles and reaches for Mrs. Choi’s hand and gently pats it “Of course, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I’m glad I could be here for Haneul’s big day.” Mrs. Choi smiles “Thank you” Jisu looks back at San and smiles in his direction “Is this the infamous Choi San?” Mrs. Choi chuckles and gently pats San’s shoulder then San responds slightly hesitant “Yeah, you must be Jisu. My mother’s mentioned you before.” Jisu reaches over to shake San’s hand and for a moment her hand shake lingers.
A bit shocked she’s holding onto his hand and not letting go until he pulls away his hand and puts it in his pocket. Mrs. Choi looks at both San and Jisu “I did, did I also mention you’re both the same age? I’m sure you two would get along very well.” Jisu looks in San’s direction tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear “Of course we will, San seems like a person I’d get along with perfectly. He’s so hardworking and it shows.” Jisu smirks then shifts her gaze over to me where her smirk slowly disappears then she softly laughs “Oh my- I’m sorry hello, who are you?” I give Jisu curt smile and extend my hand “Detective y/n y/l, I’m currently working for Mr. Choi.” She raises her eyebrow “My, my I didn’t know San was willing to be risky, you feds are hard to trust. Nine times out of ten you have ulterior motives.” I chuckle feeling the venomous intent behind her words. “Well then I guess I’m the 1 out of 10 who has no ulterior motives. Mr. Choi knows he’s in good hands trusting me. Am I right Mr. Choi?”
I turn to him giving him a small smile. San immediately picks up on what I was trying to do and responds “Of course, she’s shown me her loyalty multiple times. At the end of the day we both have the same goal so why not team up with someone like minded.” Jisu hums then shrugs “Well, as long as you’re confident that’s all that matters.” Mrs. Choi gently takes my arm and says “San, I need to have a word with Detective y/ln. Do you mind keeping Jisu company?” San looks at me sympathetically then back at his mother “Ah, yes mother.” Jisu looks in my direction, smirking almost like she knew this was something I couldn’t get myself out of. Almost like she expected the worst. I’m worried. Did I say something wrong? 
Mrs. Choi quietly walks me out of the room the party was being held in and once outside in the hallway she lets go of my arm. Expecting her to maybe say something she continues walking in silence unnerving me even more as the seconds go by. I walk behind her until we enter the big marbled floor living room, she motions me to sit down on the expensive looking velvet couch which I oblige. She walks over to the small cocktail table and serves us both drinks, I'm presuming whiskey. At this point I’m beginning to get very impatient. What exactly was the reason I was pulled away from everyone else. What is she going to tell me? She sets my drink on the coffee table then sits across from me while she holds her whiskey in her hand. I clear my throat running my fingers along the soft fabric of my dress “So, uh what did you want to talk about Mrs Choi?” She takes a small sip of her drink the gently rests it on her lap ”So you said you work for the Ulwood police department correct?” I nod carefully clasping my hands together and gently resting them on my knees “Yes, correct ma’am” She swirls her drink in the heavy crystal glass whilst I carefully reach for my drink on the table “In the police department? I work under Captain Steven Lee Ma’am.”
She’s not going to like this..I know it. She slightly raises her eyebrow “Very interesting…You do know your Captain killed my husband right?” I nod looking down at my drink slightly bowing my head “Ah, yes Mrs. Choi I was the one in charge of the case. We arrested the people who were involved in the murder.” Like San, his mother has a very intense stare only this time making me very more nervous knowing the lengths his mother is willing to go for her son so I can only imagine what she'd do for her husband. “That you did. Unfortunately you missed the main culprit.” Her words felt like swords stabbing right through me. Words that immediately make my stomach drop.
“I’m aware Mrs. Choi, unfortunately when San showed me what Captain Lee was really up to everything finally made sense. He purposely would steer things away from anything that he thought would get him caught, at the time my partner and I didn’t really understand why he wanted to be so heavily involved in the case since usually he’d be the one to usually just assign them and just stick to focusing on the department’s strategy. So I assure you I didn’t know anything until I met San.” Mrs. Choi stares at me unmoved, a complete 180 from when she was with San and Minia. “I understand, I'm sure that bastard has everyone back at the station fooled..” I nod respectfully agreeing “Yes, unfortunately even the best one among us got fooled. Which is why I’m working with San to put that man down.”
God, I sound so pathetic saying it like that. “So what’s your reason for helping my son? What did Steven do to you?” There’s the question I was waiting for. I let out a long sigh then I meet Mrs. Choi’s eyes finally lifting my gaze to meet hers “Well, San kidnapped me to get Captain Lee back but unfortunately he gave up trying to get me back once he realized he was going to have to expose his crimes to everyone so instead he left me for dead in hopes San gave up threatening him and I’d get killed. Luckily San did the opposite and instead had me pretend I was dead, which unfortunately caused me to lose everything I had; friends, family, career, my home..” With the last words quietly being trailed off from my throat growing a huge knot. Is she going to sympathize with a cop? Someone who works under the man who killed her husband?
Mrs. Choi’s gaze grows a bit soft and sets down her half filled glass on the arm rest of her seat “I am so sorry this happened to you. I can only imagine how many more people are suffering at the hands of Steven.” She’s right there are probably quite a few people getting blackmailed to do his dirty work for him. No doubt. “I just want to make sure you mean well working with my son, because if your intentions are not pure- and please do not take offense but a mother will do everything in her power to protect her son no matter who it’s against.” Ah, just what I was dreading. Nice. “ I understand Mrs. Choi, you have my promise there will be no moves on my part against San. I’m fully on the Aurora Syndicate’s side, you have my word.” Mrs. Choi Smiles “ I have one last question for you y/n.” I nod, taking a sip of my drink, the warmth slowly trickling down my throat and to my stomach. Yep, definitely whiskey. “Sure Mrs. Choi go ahead.”
She gives me a mischievous smile her finger tracing along the rim of her drink “So y/n what do you really think about my son?” I run my finger under the crystal glass trying my hardest to stay calm “Hm, like as a person?” Mrs. Choi warmly smiles clearly trying her best to get me to open up “As a man sweetheart.” My throat tightens causing me to clear my throat. “Oh, uh I mean he’s very handsome, and of course very kind.” Wait, why is she asking me this? “He definitely is, he takes a lot from his father…” Wait that’s all she was going to ask? I mean yeah it’s kinda weird but that’s it? “There’s one thing I will tell you is that my son tends to be quite flirty sometimes and I want you to pay no mind to him” No mind to him? Like ignore him? “Uh- Could you elaborate Mrs. Choi?” She sighs “To be frank, I don’t want you to get involved with my son. I understand you’re working with him but just leave it at that. Nothing more.” Is she really starting to pin this on me? Like I know it's true but oh my gosh how does she know? What gave it away…I need to convince her otherwise or I'll be in big trouble.
“My apologies for asking Mrs. Choi but why?” Mrs. Choi scoffs then retorts in a venomous tone “Because I don’t trust you. No matter what Steven Lee did to you, you’re still working under him. I don’t want San to fall for the same bullshit my husband fell for with Steven. That tragedy is not going to repeat itself again.” I carefully set my glass back onto the glass coffee table and I shake my head “I assure you that’s not going to happen Mrs. Choi. San and I have grown to be very close friends from sharing the same hatred for one person and the last thing I'd ever do is betray him. If anything I owe him my life.” Mrs. Choi seems unconvinced from my plea. “Then know that your place here which is only to help my son get rid of the man who killed my husband and not being romantically involved with him.” I drink the remaining whiskey in my glass in one go to prepare myself “Again, my apologies but I never explicitly stated my feelings towards Mr. Choi. I only really said he’s good looking and has a great heart.”
The woman rolls her eyes at me like just told her the stupidest thing on Earth “You were the one my son was shopping for. I asked you if you were the deceased detective because my son was telling me he was shopping for someone special. The problem is one of his associates let it slip that the girl he was shopping for was “the detective” After a bit of pondering I put two and two together. The last time my son went out of his way to spoil someone like that he was engaged to his former sweetheart.” I’m guessing San is not the type to gift just anyone, they have to be special to him. In that case, I'm special to him.. Wow. “You’re not wrong about your son getting me things, that’s true. That’s only because I needed them. What’s not true is my relationship with him. We’re simply friends.”
Without hesitation Mrs. Choi throws her drink at my face and gets up looking down at me “Don’t get smart with me, stay away from my son.” Her heels clack away little by little becoming more faint while I blankly stare down at the marbled floor in disbelief, my eyes blinking rapidly from the alcohol burning my eyes. She really knows. It's like she stays out of San’s business in front of him but behind his back she gets rid of people she deems useless for her son.. It’s probably why San is insisting of only a few people knowing his true plans. Unfortunately I understand her fear of trusting a cop, it’s completely validated. The thing is I’m not liking how this played out, we’re off to a bad start. Judging from the small things San would tell me about his mother, she seemed nice but now not so much. At least not when you get on her bad side. 
Eventually I manage to clear my eyes, my face and ears are burning out of embarrassment. My lap and chest wet from the whiskey, once I manage to stand up I walk back into the party.  I let out a long sigh and look around, trying to ignore the wet dress against my skin and my hair and makeup feeling gross. Maybe I should get San out of talking to that girl. He didn’t seem too comfortable with her. I walk around looking for San not really paying attention ahead of me until I accidentally bump into someone with my shoulder causing me to hiss in pain tightly clutching onto my wounded shoulder. “I’m sorry, are you okay? y/n?”
I look up and notice a worried Seonghwa staring down at me whilst the other people he was talking to just silently stare at me. Gosh, I’m so glad to have found someone I recognize. Walking around with a bunch of people I don’t know was starting to make me really uncomfortable considering how horrid I probably look. “I’m fine, sorry I was looking for San. He was with a girl.” Seonghwa raises his eyebrow then he excuses himself from the people he was talking to and walks a few steps away from them pulling me aside “A girl?” I nod looking around trying to see if maybe San was anywhere close by. “Yeah, her name is Jisu, really pretty, looks like a model.” Seonghwa slowly nods “Ah, yes. His mother is trying to set them up..” He looks around and steers me in the opposite direction I was walking “I think for now it’s best you don’t interrupt them, you don’t want to upset Mrs. Choi.”
I glance over at Seonghwa and scoff looking away, feeling the tears in my eyes making them sting “I already did that, can’t you see my makeup is all runny?” Seonghwa turns my face in his direction and slightly squints, gently pushes a lock of my hair behind my ear inspecting my face “Your makeup is fine surprisingly, your hair though. It’s a bit-” I look down clearly embarrassed “I know, ugly..” Seonghwa warmly smiles and takes out the handkerchief in his breast pocket gently patting my face and hair dry “No- I mean your hair looks wet.. What happened?” I close my eyes for a bit to force my tears back into my eyes when I open them I pull his hand towards the exit “I can’t say it here.. Can we go outside?” Seonghwa gently rests his hand on my uninjured shoulder “Before we go, are you hurt? Do we need to get Jongho?”
I look under the fur wrap at my wound and shake my head “No, I’m fine. I just bumped it a little.”  He reaches over and links my arm around his “Alright good, this is so you don’t fall by the way. Those shoes look like an accident waiting to happen.” I roll my eyes and laugh “You do know I wear heeled shoes to work sometimes, I have no issues walking on high heels.” He shrugs stifling a laugh “So? What if you fall? In front of all these people..”
Well he’s right, that would be embarrassing and I’ve been embarrassed enough tonight “Okay fine..” Seonghwa starts to guide me out the door until we step outside the chilly evening. “Geez, it’s kind of cold.” I slightly shiver and hug myself standing behind one of the statues at the top of the stairs leading to the door. Seonghwa unbuttons his blazer about to take it off before I panickily mumble “No please, it’s okay…” Seonghwa looks at me for a moment and asks “Are you sure? I don’t want you to catch a cold..” I shake my head forcing a smile “I won’t I promise.” He stands next to me clearing his throat “So, what happened?” I look down and let out a soft sigh and for the first time tonight I begin to really process what happened making my throat grow a knot again. For a few moments I struggle to get the words out until I finally blurt out “San’s mother, she hates me.” Seonghwa gives me a very concerned look “What? Mrs. Choi? How?..” Slightly frustrated I hug myself tighter, tears now rolling down my cheeks “ She found out about me and San, she doesn’t want me to be romantically involved with him because she thinks I’m going to get into his head and basically be the downfall for their business..”
Seonghwa lets out a sigh and pulls me into a hug “I’m so sorry y/n. Did she find out through you or-” I sniffle and pull away looking up at an uneasy Seonghwa “I tried to deny it, but she found out through a slip up with one of the associates, not sure who it was but they referred to me as “the detective” when talking to his mother over who San was shopping for..” Seonghwa lets out a long sigh and rubs his forehead slightly frustrated “San’s going to get pissed..” Once he lets out his small frustration he gently pats my head gently pushing it back onto his chest “Do you want to leave? We don’t have to stay here if you’re uncomfortable.” While my head gently rests on Seonghwa’s chest I look at the entrance for a few long seconds “I don’t know, I feel like maybe I need to go tell San over what happened with his mother. He seemed pretty worried when she asked me to talk.”
Seonghwa gently clears the stray hairs on my face “San will understand, don't worry. I can call him and let him know that I’m taking you home.” I worriedly look at Seonghwa “Are you sure? You don’t have to, you can just give me the keys and I can drive myself.” He chuckles and gently pats my head “It doesn’t bother me, I promise. Besides I can’t let a girl looking as pretty as you drive herself home alone.” Seonghwa pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and scrolls on his phone for a bit then puts his cellphone to his ear, where you can faintly hear the dial tone until you hear San’s voice “Hey, y/n isn’t feeling too well. I’m taking her home.” San’s voice responds but I can’t make out what he’s saying, only that he sounded a bit annoyed. Seonghwa then responds “She’s not feeling too well being here-” Suddenly Seonghwa stops talking while San says something to which Seonghwa tensely responds “Ah, okay then we’ll be out in the front waiting.”
San curtly responds then the call ends rendering Seonghwa to awkwardly let out a sigh putting his cell phone away then slowly pulls back and looks at me forcing a smile “Change of plans, San’s going to take you instead. He asked me to stay and talk to some investors.” I raise an eyebrow “What? I thought he was busy.” Seonghwa gently pats my head and chuckles “Well, I guess he’s not too busy for you. Which is good, maybe he’ll learn to take time to himself instead of working all the time.” Seonghwa looked kind of upset now, although he’s really good at hiding it; his tense body language and his faint darkened mood replaces his usual warm and caring demeanor which is what gave it away. “I’m sorry, for bothering you Hwa.” Seonghwa gives me a faint smile then turns to look at the horizon.
The sky being painted a beautiful shade of sparkly dark blue now as opposed to earlier. “You don't need to, if anything I'm glad we bumped into each other. You needed someone after that encounter with Mrs. Choi, I know right now you’re holding back trying not to cry as much as you’d like.” Unfortunately he’s right, I can’t bawl my eyes out like a child here. Not only would that be embarrassing for me but I know it’ll be embarrassing for San as well. “Yeah, considering what my job is, I kind of have to keep it together even if I am a crybaby when I’m alone.” Seonghwa glances over at me “Just know with me you never have to hold back, I know we still don’t know each other very well but I’m here.” Seonghwa has always been very kind, although I feel weird confiding in him now considering how we’ve gone through the unfortunate situation of him seeing my true relationship with San. I guess it’s nice knowing I have a friend in these situations “Thank you, it means a lot.” Seonghwa gently nudges my arm “So are you going to tell San what happened with his mother?”
I stare at the ground for a few good seconds, before I’m even able to say anything the front door opens followed by “y/n are you okay?” I glance up and it’s a worried San hurriedly walking in my direction, Seonghwa steps aside letting him stand next to me where he reaches over for my arm. “Uh..” Seonghwa looks at the both of us then slightly bows in San’s direction “I’m off, I hope you make it home safely y/n” I give him a reassuring smile then Seonghwa looks in San’s direction  “I was keeping y/n company but now that you’re here-” San pats Seonghwa’s back turns him towards the door “Yeah I’ll call you if I need anything, thanks for keeping an eye on her.” Seonghwa forces a smile and excuses himself without saying anything else. What was that? 
“Why didn’t you let Seonghwa just take me home? Weren’t you on a date?” San dryly chuckles “What? No.. I mean I was with Jisu but I promise you it wasn’t a date. I was just appeasing my mother since I really didn’t want to upset her here.” San takes my hand gently pressing his lips onto the back of my hand  “Enough of me though, what happened?” I let out a long sigh and start walking down the stairs “We have to get out of here, I’m not risking anyone overhearing us no matter how “Safe” it is here. “ San follows behind not letting go of my arm “Wait, is it really that bad? Was it some asshole that said something to you or was it my mother?” San’s last words render me to make the knot in my throat break knowing damn well I wasn’t going to make it without crying. “Baby?” San stands still causing me to be pulled into a complete halt “Look at me, it’s okay. I’m here, I'm not going anywhere.” He pulls me into his arms where he gently presses his lips on my shoulder “Don’t cry, please. We’ll go into the car and talk about this okay?”
San digs into his pocket where after a few moments I hear the sound of his car beeping which was luckily nearby. He pulls back cupping my face looking into my eyes, his usual intimidating gaze is now soft trying his hardest to comfort me “Come on baby, car’s over there.” He grabs my hand and we walk to the car whilst I quietly sniffle behind him. When we finally get to his car he opens the door to his expensive looking car and lets me in.  Surprisingly it wasn’t a sports car but a luxury car that looked like it cost more than the average person’s yearly income. I better not let any tears fall onto the seat if that’s the case. Once San enters the car and closes the door behind him he turns in my direction and reaches for my hand “Okay, now tell me what happened?” Still teary eyes and without even letting silence run by that long I blurt out “Your mother knows about us San, the thing is she’s not happy about it.” San furrows his eyebrows “Wait? What? How?” I shrug blinking back my tears “From what she told me is that one of your associates let it slip.” San’s gaze darkens which is the look I was most afraid of seeing. “Who was it, I need names y/n..”
I shake my head my tears running down my cheeks while I slightly stumble. “I don’t know that’s just what she told me, she specifically said he referred to me as “the detective” and of course she pieced it together saying that you don’t usually go out of your way to gift anyone anything especially if it’s a woman. She said that when you asked her for advice on how find a dress she asked you who you were shopping for to which you simply responded “Someone special” which gave her a hint of what type of relationship it was” San stays silent gently rubbing his thumb on my hand whilst he listens. “She also said she didn’t want anything between us because she doesn’t want a repeat of what happened to your father which I understand and I guess to explain my wet hair she kind of threw her drink at me.” The air changed, he’s upset. I can feel it. 
He clenches his jaw while he bounces his leg trying to dissipate the anger. He sits there in silence for a few seconds before he finally gets up and exits the car angrily. Terrified of making it worse I get out of the car and speed walk behind him “Please, don’t tell her anything..” He silently walks in the direction of his home most. I speed walk a little faster finally catching up to him immediately reaching for his hand with tears blurring my vision. “San! Please!” He comes to a halt once those words leave my lips and halts glaring at the Choi’s property, his eyes seething with anger. I stand in front of him and tighten my grip on his hand. “Please, let’s just go. It’s okay, I just need you to be with me that’s all..” San’s gaze stays fixed to the house in silence until he finally utters  “I really am sorry y/n, I’m so sorry my mother treated you like this. You didn’t deserve this at all, you have no idea how much it pisses me off. I could have avoided this happening to you had I gone with you instead of obeying my mother. I trusted she wouldn’t pull something like this..” I walk into his arms, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest. “Don’t worry about it, we’ll figure it out. We don’t want to ruin your sister’s day do we?” San’s eyes remain angry and cold while holding onto me.
Once I manage to get him to get back in the car San practically glares ahead of him then turns on his car anger seething through him. “Put your seatbelt on we’re getting the fuck out of here.” Obeying him I immediately pull the seatbelt over myself clicking it into place “Where are we going?” He grumbles “Somewhere that’s not here.” He pulls out of the driveway and the tires screech as we drive through the gates and back to the long pathway leading out of the Choi’s property. I notice San’s tight grip on the shift gear making the veins in his arms pop out that’s when I reach over and rest my hand over his  “I’ll be fine, it hurt but I’ll be okay. I’ve been treated much worse.” San looks ahead keeping his eyes on the road but still very clearly upset “You don’t understand y/n , all my life my mother’s been like a saint to me. In my eyes she could do no wrong because that’s how much respect I have towards her. The thing is this time she’s wrong, you’re nothing like Lee, you’re a godsend, someone I was so happy to have met even if they were all under the wrong circumstances. My angel.” I gently hug San’s arm whilst holding onto his hand “See? All it matters is that you recognize it.” I still hate that his mom ended up hating me, but I saw it coming. “I know, I just wish she saw what I see in you, the sweet, hardworking and strong woman that I fell for.” I gently squeeze his hand on the gear shift and kiss his cheek “She will.” She won’t, and I know that because I know you’ll go on to marry someone who fits your lifestyle. 
“So Mr. Choi, where are we going?” He gives me a dimpled smile while keeping his eyes on the road “Hm, is there anywhere in particular you want to go angel?” I hum watching the cars ahead of us pass by “I’ll go wherever you go Sannie, just being with you makes me happy.” He quickly leans in and kisses my forehead before he says “Take a nap baby, you had a long day. I’ll wake you up when we get there hm?” I adjust in my seat resting my head against the head rest and cross my arms in front of my chest. As soon as I close my eyes close San lets out a groan “Why’d you let go of my hand?” I open my eyes and look over at a pouty San “What? I was going to leave you alone so you drive comfortably”
He lets go of the gear shift and takes my hand lacing his fingers between mine “Who said I wasn’t comfortable?” I giggle “Okay fine, my mistake my pouty boy.” He feigns a pout trying not to smile but completely fails. “Ah, look it’s your dimples! Look, you're smiling!” San chuckles “No I’m not!” I reach over with my free hand and poke his dimple “Oh but Mr. Choi you are look I just poked your dimple..” San keeps his eyes on the road then gently brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my hand “Go to sleep detective or I'm afraid I’ll end up crashing this car if you keep distracting me with your antics.” I slowly nod stifling a laugh “Fair enough I’ll sleep, it better be good.. ” I close my eyes and pull San’s hand onto my lap, until the car’s movement lulls me to sleep.
“Wake up angel, we’re here.” San gently strokes my arm while I slowly stir awake, the distant sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. I open my eyes and see a smiling San by now he had removed his blazer now leaving him with his vest and dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up like usual while resting his forearm at the top of the car door way “Ah, look at you. Such a beauty..” He looks over at the sand then back down at my shoes “Hm, I think you might want to take those off.” I kick off my high heels and throw my fur cover up in the back seat. “You’re right high heels in sand aren’t fun.” He gently leans in and and kisses my forehead before he helps me step out of the car. “We came to the beach..” He nods gently squeezing my hand in his “We did, do you like it? I know it’s dark right now but you can still see pretty well from the lights” I look at the waves being delicately illuminated by the soft glow of the moon.
“I love it, but why exactly are we here?” San brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my hand while we both walk towards the beautiful ocean “I wanted to cheer you up, what happened tonight was my fault. I shouldn’t have let you go alone with my mother so I wanted to make up for it somehow even though it doesn’t undo everything that happened.” I stop us a few feet before the shore and I turn to face San, he looks down at me gently running his thumb along my cheek. I lean into his touch and hold his hand onto my face “Don’t worry. Whatever happens, happens. I’m used to hatred coming my way.” His brows inch together “You shouldn’t say that though. You should always have love coming your way because you deserve to be loved.”
I look up at him and examine his face, he’s so beautiful, just like his words. “Your words are so pretty Mr. Choi, you always manage to remind me why I love you so much.” San nervously chuckles then cups my face with one hand and pulls me close with the other “My words are only pretty to resemble the one who receives them.” He leans in and kisses me, his soft lips very tenderly latching onto mine whilst he holds me close to him. My hands slowly run up his chest while my feet slowly sink into the sand below me so I tip toe to reach around his neck, San notices this and breaks the kiss. “Having trouble baby?” I pout feeling a bit embarrassed “No..” San chuckles planting a kiss on my cheek “You’re so cute..” I pull the front of my dress up “I bet you can’t catch me..” He raises his eyebrow and smirks “I think I can.. Go ahead and get a head start..”
I stick my tongue out at him and run ahead along the beach as fast as I can while giggling knowing he was dumb enough to give me a head start. Just as quickly as I ran a gap between us he quickly catches up to me and carefully throws me over his shoulder as to not hurt my injured shoulder and slaps my butt. I loudly gasp playfully smacking his arm “San, stop!” He chuckles and slaps my butt again and defiantly squeezes it “This is fun actually. So soft.” Catching me off guard I squeal and cover my mouth embarrassed that someone might see us and pat his back. He gently lays me down on the sand the crawls on top of me and places his soft lips on mine.
We kiss for a few moments before he lays next to me and lets out a soft groan. I reach over to hold his hand and we both look up at the beautiful glittery sky where he says “Are you happy with me y/n?” I turn to look at San who was looking up at the sky his lips pressed together anticipating my answer. “Of course I am. You have no idea how happy I am every time I see you. Although we can’t really hang out like a normal couple I still really like being around you.” He holds back a smile and nods, kissing my hand for the nth time today.
“Good, because I wish you were with me a little longer. I don’t want you to go.. You’re the only one who doesn’t force me to wear the mask I have to keep on every single day since my father died.” I bite the inside of my lip and silently stare up at the sky, for a moment I don’t know how to answer. How can I? So I stay silent for a bit trying to figure out what to say, maybe.. “So, are you finally admitting that San likes to be San and not an evil criminal?” San chuckles and lets out a soft exhale “Yeah, I do like being San even if I try to hide it most of the time, it’s better than having enemies you didn’t know you had and having to keep your guard up every time you meet someone new.” I’m surprised he’s not a paranoid mess all the time with the amount of people constantly going after him.
“I’ll be your safe space. Always, just find me when you need me.” He lays down on his side propping his head on his hand “Be careful, I might kidnap you from the station and this time I won’t return you..” I boop his nose and giggle “You have to return me silly, or we won’t get rid of our mutual enemy.” He pulls my face close to his and before he pulls me in for a kiss he says “Screw that man, I want my girl by my side..” He kisses down to my neck burying his face and letting out a soft sigh. I gently stroke his now shorter dark hair without messing it up too much “You know what’s funny?” San lets out a soft hum and I continue “This dress is a vintage Mugler and I got whiskey on it and now a bunch of sand is all over it..”
San lifts his head and looks up at me “So?” I scoff and a dryly laugh “It’s ruined..” San gives me a dimpled smile “Don’t worry about it, I’ll buy it. As long as my angel is happy I don’t mind.” I blink in confusion and shock “But it’s expensive-” He gently covers my mouth “It’s fine, I promise. Besides it got ruined because of me so don’t feel bad.” He kisses my neck one last time before he lays his head back down on his arm “So, do you want to go home?” I exhaustedly hum and he gets up “Come on, I’ll carry you to the car.” I shake my head “No wait, it’s okay. I want to hold your hand again.” San helps me up raising his eyebrow “You really are a softie Detective..” I roll my eyes and lace my fingers between his. “You like it though.” San sucks his teeth “I do. Alot. Do it more often.” I glance up at him, the moonlight hitting his features at just the right angle making my heart skip a beat. “Yes Mr.Choi..” I got whiskey thrown in my face today but somehow San made me feel better. 
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writingduhh · 1 year
Jschlatt || Night Walks
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(A/N): Hi guys! I’m a new author here! I’m planning to write for the chuckle sandwich boys!
I’m looking for some 18+ friends/mutuals! So don’t be afraid to reach out! :)
Anywhooo I hope you guys enjoy this! I’m new to this so hopefully I’ll get better.
Pairing: Jschlatt x Y/n
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You and Schlatt had a little tradition that happened at least once a week during the fall season. Though cheesy, the two of you would get a hot drink and take an evening stroll at a nearby park. It eventually became something you both eagerly anticipated each week.
"What did you get?" Schlatt asked, walking hand in hand as you exited the coffee shop.
"A hot chocolate, like always," you said, playfully rolling your eyes.
"I remember. You just look really cute when you're annoyed," he snickered.
"Oh, is that why you're always so annoying?" you retorted, sticking out your tongue.
Schlatt gasped, pretending to cry. "Fine, I'll just go to the park myself," he scoffed, starting to briskly walk away.
"No, wait! I'm sorry! I love you!" you yelled, running after him.
He chuckled as he slung his arm around you “I love you too.”
After a few minutes of walking, you finally reached the empty park.
"Okay, would you rather eat slugs or spiders?" Schlatt asked as the two of you sat shoulder to shoulder on a park bench.
"Ewwww! I choose slugs! I hate spiders!" you exclaimed, shivering at the thought.
"Good choice," he remarked, taking a sip from his cup.
"What about you? What would you pick?"
"Hey, I'm the one who asked! I don't have to answer," he smirked.
"Oh, come on, J, what do you pick?"
He pondered for a moment before answering,
"I pick you." You couldn't help but smile. He was such a dork, your dork.
"Aww. I guess I'll accept that answer."
"Good. Because I'll always choose you." He gently lifted your chin, gazing into your eyes before slowly kissing you.
After sharing a few more kisses, the wind began to pick up, sending chills down your spine.
"Remind me to wear a warmer shirt next time."
"Don't worry, I got this." Schlatt took off his coat, wrapping it around your shoulders.
"You're so sweet, J, but won't you get cold?"
"I came prepared," he remarked, tugging at the thick hoodie he wore.
"But it's so cold. I don't want you to get sick."
"Here, how about we share?"
Slightly confused, you nodded. He opened the coat you now wore, sliding his arms inside and up the sleeves next to yours. He rested his chin atop your head.
"See? Now we're sharing."
"Oh! I get it now. Maybe I don't need to bring a coat."
As you both huddled together in contented silence, it suddenly hit you...
"Wait... are you saying when I brought up the question of spiders or slugs, it made you think of me?"
"Shhhh, Y/N, don't ruin the moment," he hushed, covering your mouth with his finger before replacing it with his own lips, softly kissing you.
Hope you all enjoyed it!!
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sp00kycrumpet · 1 year
When Our Paths Cross Again. (Part One)
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: E
Tags: Soft!Joel; pre-outbeak up till end of Season 1; no use of y/n; sometimes Ellie is the adult in the situation
Warnings: swearing; character death; spoilers (if you haven't watched the series/played the game)
Word count; 7,259 out of 22,020
Will also be posted on my AO3
Notes: This is the first TLOU fic I've finished (I've got a bunch half written) so I hope you enjoy it ㅠ.ㅠ imsonervousomg
"You should ask her out." Joel almost choked on his burger, eyes wide as he stared at his too confident daughter. He swallowed his food and watched her.
"Excuse me?" Sarah just grinned, leaning forward with her elbows on the table like they were sharing a secret.
"The waitress. You keep watchin' her and she does it to you. I've seen enough mushy romance movies to know how this goes. You just gotta make that move!" Joel hushed Sarah as you came over to their table with refills of their drinks. Sarah and Joel were practically regulars at the restaurant; sometimes accompanied by Tommy and you always convinced others to let you wait their table. You insisted it was because Sarah reminded you of your little sister, but in reality it was mainly because of her father. Joel Miller was a handsome man, broad shouldered and warm; and that southern accent melted your heart.
At first Sarah had been shy but the more they came, the more she opened up. She made you Christmas cards and birthday cards once she learned when your birthday was - she even made you a friendship bracelet one year with hers and your initials in beads on it. She presented it with a big grin and showed you hers that matched. She always greeted you with a big smile and a hug. Joel would smile warmly, amused Sarah's best friend was a woman old enough to be her mother. It amused you too but after you learnt Joel was solo parenting, you could sort of understand why Sarah had gotten so attached to you in a sisterly way. He sometimes came alone to get take out for him and Sarah, making small talk with you while waiting for his food. You learnt his favourite movies were the cheesy Curtis and Viper ones, he played guitar and worked as a contractor with Tommy. He played it carefully with you but would sneak little tidbits of information out now and then. You would always greet him with a smile that made his chest feel funny and would sneak your staff discount onto his order. You definitely heard Sarah trying to convince her father to ask you out but pretended not to as you chatted with her about an album she'd recommended to you the week before. You could feel Joel's eyes on you and you eventually turned to him and gave him one of those heartstopping smiles that made his brain turn to mush. Once you left them, Sarah turned to Joel again with a pointed look.
"See!! You get that gross look on your face whenever she smiles at you. C'mon dad, how am I supposed to start datin' if you don't date!" She whined, Joel frowning a little.
"You wanna start datin'?" Now it was Sarah's turn to blush and change the topic quickly. Joel laughed, a rich sound that you heard from your place cleaning a table nearby.
An hour before the end of your early shift a week later, Sarah came in with a look of determination on her face. You put the cloth down you'd been using and headed over.
"Hey Sarah, you okay?" She blinked up at you and a grin pulled instantly over her lips.
"Yes! I was lookin' for you!! You said before that you bake, right?" You laughed a little, surprised by the sudden question.
"Sometimes, yeah. Not to brag but my friends say my raspberry filled cupcakes are the best." Sarah clapped her hands together.
"It's my dad's birthday next week, do…you think you could make him a cupcake? Since I know he'll forget to get a cake." You tilted your head slightly, watching the young girl before you nodded.
"I don't see why not. I'll make one for each of you." Sarah nodded, rummaging in her backpack for her schoolbook. She scribbled down the date and her phone number in case you needed her.
"I'll come by after school on his birthday and pick them up if that's okay? I'll pay you with my allowance." You waved one hand.
"Oh come on, I'm not going to charge you! I enjoy baking and why not for my best friend!" You grinned at her, Sarah gasped and thanked you repeatedly before wrapping you in a tight hug. She darted out of the restaurant when Tommy pulled up outside to pick her up, apparently in on the plan. You just shook your head and got back to work, planning out how you'd make them the best damn cupcakes you'd ever made in your life.
Letting himself in the house a little after eight, Joel felt exhaustion pulling at his bones. He could smell the pizza Sarah had ordered for them as he kicked his boots off and padded through to the living room where his daughter sat. Two large pizzas on the coffee table and a giant bottle of cola.
"You're gonna make me fat kiddo." He teased as he eased himself down to sit beside her, leaning to kiss the top of her head. Sarah just waved one hand.
"Sometimes we just gotta indulge in the nice stuff!" She grinned, picking up a slice of pizza and taking a bite as she sank comfortably beside him, watching the tv as they ate. She eyed her dad quietly for a moment between slices of pizza before making a comment.
"I mean… if you're worried about your weight then you won't want the super special dessert I got for you." Joel perked one eyebrow.
"Now where'd you get money for all this?" Sarah just grinned, rolling a shoulder. Tommy had funded this little experiment; wanting to help encourage his brother to grow a pair and ask out the waitress he constantly swooned over.
"I got myself a high payin' fancy job. But it's super top secret so I can't tell you what it is." She glanced at Joel and grinned, Joel just nodding.
"Oh good. The mortgage can go in your name now then."
"Nah they'd know I told you and I can't risk that." She nodded solemnly, pausing for dramatic effect before sighing and eating some more pizza. Joel laughed, he loved his daughters insane imagination and made a mental note to thank Tommy for giving her pizza money.
Once the pizza was done, Joel gathered up any leftovers and took them through to the kitchen. Joel placed the slices into a container then turned to open the fridge. There on the shelf at eye level sat a little white box. Curious, he opened it and inside sat two cupcakes with a decent amount of frosting, and a small card. He opened the envelope and couldn't help the little smile that worked over his lips.
Happy birthday Joel! I hope you like raspberry cupcakes~
Beneath that was a phone number written neatly beside your name along with the line "You miss 100% of the shots you don't have take." Joel read it over a few times before he headed back to the living room; cakes in one hand and card in the other.
"Somethin' tells me you had a lot to do with this. My birthday ain't till for another three weeks." Sarah just gave a pretend snore in answer, Joel snorting softly as he moved in to sit down. "Well damn, I guess I better eat both of these then." Immediately Sarah sprung back to life, holding out her hand for the cake. "Explain yourself missy." Sarah huffed a little, watching her dad.
"I just… want you to be happy, dad. I see how you two are around each other, it's like a romance movie. I ain't ever seen you smile the way you do at her. So I accidentally gave her the wrong date for your birthday so that maybe, just maybe, you'd take initiative and just go for it."
"I am happy baby, I have you." Sarah groaned and pushed at his knee with her foot.
"Gross. But, you need more. I know being a single dad is kinda your jam but, think how nice it would be for you to be able to date and be happy and be loved how you deserve." Joel tilted his head a little, watching Sarah.
"Now when did you learn to talk so much like an adult?" He offered over her cupcake, quietly taking a bite of his own as Sarah watched him.
"I really like her dad. I think she would make you happy." Sarah pressed again, Joel glancing at her before he nodded a little.
"I'll call her tomorrow." Sarah grinned excitedly, putting her cupcake aside in favour of wrapping her arms around Joel's neck in a tight hug.
"I was almost about to Parent Trap you, but Uncle Tommy insisted this was better."
You never used to keep your phone close by but after your little card to Joel, you couldn't help but keep checking it in case he called. Maybe Sarah was wrong and he wasn't wanting to ask you out despite her insistence when they thought you couldn't hear. Maybe you'd ruined your relationship with one of the best customers by taking such a blind leap. You chewed your lower lip as you peeked into your apron pocket for the millionth time to see if there was anything on your little phone. A few days passed and you figured maybe he wasn't going to call, you felt a little disheartened but decided to not let it ruin your week. You said goodbye to your collegues and headed out after your shift had finished, nuzzling your face into your hoodie with a muffled yawn. You were just turning to head towards the bus stop when you heard your name called, you looked up - expecting to see a coworker holding something you'd forgotten - but there in his usual khaki tshirt and dark jeans stood Joel. A hand raised in a wave and you had to stop yourself swoon as your eyes watched the muscles in his arm shift. You smiled, suddenly nervous as you turned to head back to him.
"Hey stranger, did you have a good birthday?" Joel presses his lips together before he gave a little smile.
"While your cupcakes were incredible, I gotta come clean. Sarah gave you the wrong date on purpose. My birthday is in a couple of weeks. But she has some romance movie script in her head for us." You felt your cheeks flush, Sarah wasn't the only one. You'd wondered many what if scenarios before, how it would feel to have those dark eyes looking at you so fondly, or what his hugs were like, or if his stubble would tickle when he kissed you. You nodded a little, shifting your weight awkwardly on your feet.
"She's so funny." You said softly, fiddling with your backpack strap. Two thirty-something year olds acting like thirteen as neither dared speak up first.
"Her next plan was somethin' to do with Parent Trap." Joel smiled, a sight you'd commit to memory forever. You chuckled, nodding a little.
"Well, I'm glad you liked the cupcakes Joel." You replied, feeling a little silly for your sudden moment of bravery when writing his card. You smiled and turned to head and see if you could still make the bus when his voice reached your ears again.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." It seemed strange to hear his voice repeat your words as you froze midstep and turned to face him.
"I'm sorry?" Joel rubbed a hand awkwardly over the back of his neck.
"That's what you said in that card. And the more I thought about it, the more it just made solid sense. I was gonna call but I couldn't risk chickenin' out once you answer." He glanced up at you from under his lashes, a soft look that made you weak at the knees. "So I figured I'd offer a ride home and maybe suggest a walk or somethin'." You smiled, your heart skipping in your chest as you nodded.
"I'd like that." Joel exhaled when you agreed, just as nervous as you felt. He offered his arm and you looped yours through his with a shy smile on your face. He was so warm and smelt good. The walk to his truck was relatively quiet other than some small talk. He even held the door open like a gentleman, making you smile and curtsey before getting into the vehicle.
"So I thought maybe we could head to Lake Travis? Sarah's at school till four then she's going to see our neighbours for a few hours… unless you just wanna go home?" You glanced up at him, was this the first date? Unplanned and a surprise after an early shift. He still wanted to go even if you looked tired, luckily you always got changed at work so you weren't in uniform at least. You eyed him for a moment before you smiled warmly.
"I'd like that. Maybe we can stop by Starbucks and have a coffee and cake?" Joel smiled back at you, butterflies stirring up a storm in your stomach at how it lit up his face. He agreed and headed off in the direction of the lake.
It was a quiet drive, only forty minutes or so, made longer by the Starbucks break and playful argument over Joel paying for both of you. You eventually gave in and vowed to hide $10 somewhere in his truck. You parked up in a spot with a good view of the lake and the two of you climbed into the back of the truck where Joel laid out a blanket to sit on. You smiled softly, it was so simple but so wonderful. You sat there for a good few hours just talking. Learning more about each other and it just made your crush on this gorgeous man all the more stronger.
"Sarah's great, a little too grown up for her age but she's got a good head on her shoulders." Joel smiled softly as he finished his drink then paused, glancing at you. "I've done nothin' but talk about Sarah haven't I?" You chuckled, placing a hand lightly on his arm.
"It's lovely, it shows how much you adore your daughter. She is pretty incredible." You nodded, Joel smiling warmly.
"I know but… you shouldn't really spend hours talkin' about your kid on a date." He wrinkled his nose a little and you paused at the word, a smile slowly spreading over your lips as you glanced down at your cup.
"This is a date?" Joel paused, realising finally what word he'd used before he glanced at you.
"Ah… it was bold of me to assume… I never even asked. I ain't dated since Sarah's mom. Fuck I'm sorry." You chuckled and looked up at him, leaning to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
"No, I like it. Assume away. This is definitely the best kind of first date, relaxed and fun." You nodded, Joel's cheeks flushing slightly at the kiss as you settled beside him again.
"I figure a traditional dinner date might not be your thing since that's what you work around all day, every day. And I had no idea what movies you like so… I figure a drive out to the lake wasn't too far and it's a nice view." You nodded in agreement, looking up at him with a playful grin.
"Yeah, it is." He glanced at you, a little confused before he realised you were openly flirting and he suddenly felt shy. But bold enough to eventually slide an arm around your shoulders and cuddle you against his side when it dropped a little cooler. You could hear his heart beneath your ear as you settled comfortably, it just felt right. That this was exactly where you were supposed to be. The conversation flowed a little more naturally after that, the two of you talking about anything and everything for hours until Joel's phone buzzed and Sarah was calling to make sure he was actually coming home. He apologised and helped you out of the truck bed, riding home you couldn't help the smile on your face. Stealing glances over at Joel, the way the lights bounced off his features and highlighted his skin. You couldn't believe out of everyone, you were the lucky one spending time with this man. He dropped you at home, the truck idling as you gathered your things.
"I had a lot of fun tonight Joel." You said softly as you watched him. Joel smiled, taking your hand in his own and lifting it to gently brush a kiss to your knuckles.
"If you're interested, I'd like to pick you up next week and take you out again? I'll text you what days I'm free." You blushed and nodded.
"I'd love that." Joel smiled, squeezing your hand gently before letting you go. You climbed out of the truck and watched him drive away until the taillights disappeared. You let out an excited squeal and finally headed inside, your head full of Joel and what possibilities the future held.
Unfortunately your shifts didn't align with his the following week, but you managed to squeeze in a couple of quick coffee dates together. Sitting in overcrowded cafes for an hour or less, just talking and eventually his fingers would find yours across the table. He was everything you dreamed of, he was caring but cautious. He explained what had happened with Sarah's mother and how that had put him off of dating until you. You shared your own tales of unrequited love and failed dating attempts. His thumb gently ran along yours as you exchanged stories, lamenting at how people were stupid.
"Yeah but… for their stupidness, I got you to myself." You said softly, your bravery getting the better of you. Joel watched you and smiled tenderly, lifting your hands to kiss your knuckles as he did every time you met up. Always the gentlemen, patient and content to take it slow. As you walked out of the cafe with him, Joel checked his phone for a moment.
"It's my birthday on Friday. If you want, you're welcome to come over and join Sarah and me for cake?" You blinked, watching him. If he was inviting you over for his birthday then he must be serious about you. You nodded and smiled.
"I'd like that. I'll bring more cupcakes." Joel smiled fondly at you as he ran his thumb along your knuckles.
"Perfect. I'll see you Friday then." You nodded, your gazes lingering on each other before you let his hand slip from yours. He smiled, then surprised you with a soft kiss to your cheek before he turned to climb into his truck.
Sadly he had to raincheck when there were issues on the job and he wouldn't be home till much later than planned. You text him back a sad emoji but said you understood; maybe you could take him for a belated birthday breakfast on Saturday instead. He agreed to that and said he couldn't wait to see you again. You smiled softly and headed off to your bedroom to put his gift back in the closet until tomorrow.
Of course tomorrow never came. You barely remember much of that night anymore, Austin in flames and people panicking. Those things attacking at random and spread more panic. You tried calling Joel a few times, terrified to be alone but the phone lines were down almost instantly. You packed as much as you could carry into an old boyfriends camping backpack and headed out of your apartment. No idea where to go but you couldn't stay here anymore. You thought you caught sight of Joel running past you with Sarah in his arms, but as you turned to call out to him, he was gone. Scared and alone, you decided you'd try to head out of town and try to make it as far away as possible.
That was twenty years ago now, those little dates with Joel were a thing of the past. Austin was a no-go and you found yourself in Kansas City after crossing paths with a man named Henry and his brother, Sam. They were scared and alone, Sam barely five. As you settled into life in Kansas, Sam taught you sign language while you taught him the joy of comics and enjoying the little things. Henry only trusted you to babysit Sam if he had to go out for work. Kathleen never gave a damn about anyone except her own mission in life.
Henry woke you up in the middle of the night, climbing in through your bedroom window. You sat up, staring at him.
"Jesus Christ Henry, you can't do that! I have a gun on the nightstand." The boy stood there, fear his eyes and blood on his shirt. "Henry…what happened?" Henry swallowed and looked down at his hands.
"I had to… Fedra had the chemo drug to save Sam but they needed something from me. Brian." He muttered, his eyes wild as he watched you. You took him gently by the hands and lead him into the bathroom to help clean him up.
"I would have done the same thing if it were my sister." You said softly, making sure he was clean and uninjured before you took him through to your spare room where Sam's hospital bed was set up. Henry quickly snapped into big brother mode and gave Sam the drugs, reading the poorly printed instructions and hoping it'll help. You helped them as best you could while Kathleen prowled the streets like a bloodthirsty demon, demanding anyone give up Henry and Sam. You found a doctor who could help Sam while hiding them, considering Kathleen was starting to eye you as well. You packed them both a bunch of food and promised to keep Kathleen off their tracks as long as possible.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but somehow Kathleen still trusted and never suspected you. You were careful and never told anyone a thing. You felt your blood run cold when your radio crackled to life and she said Henry had killed again and was on the move. You sighed heavily and followed her to the attic you knew they were hiding in, silently relieved when they were gone. Kathleen was angry, she almost sent you flying down the stairs as she barged past to continue looking for them. People were dying and suddenly everyone realised someone else was here too, and they didn't know a thing that was going on. Kathleen heard whispers through the radios about sightings of Henry and Sam. She gathered everyone together and headed towards the suburbs on the edge of town, the only way out. You headed out early, wanting to catch a headstart and warn Henry. You were quick and light on your feet as you moved through the streets, scanning for any sign of them - or Kathleen. You caught a glint from a window and knew it was one of Kathleen's snipers camping out, an older man named George. You let yourself into the house, walking up the stairs and placing a hand on the old mans shoulder.
"Jesus I coulda shot you. What you doing here?" You sighed, pretending to be as wound up as everyone else.
"I heard Henry and Sam were headed this way with two others. I'm gonna set up my rifle next door but I wanted to see how you're doing after that scuffle the other day." The old man shrugged, tapping his bad leg with the butt of his gun.
"It's just a bruise, looked worse than it is. You're a good woman, thank you for checking in." You nodded and smiled, squeezing his shoulder again as you shouldered your rifle to head out. You heard the man mutter under his breath about a damn distraction before firing. You spun around and heard voices from outside. Two male and one young female. You knew Henrys voice like the back of your hand but before you could react, the radio had been called. You cursed under your breath and moved into the next bedroom, hoping you could get their attention or try to help them get away. Using the sight on the gun, you searched for Henry on the street, catching a blur of a man heading towards the house you're in; you moved back to where he'd come from and finally saw them. Henry and Sam, plus a girl. They looked pretty much unharmed from what you could see, you were trying to figure out how to warn them when you heard the stairs creaking behind you as George shot again. You held your breath and slid down into the shadows as the figure of a man appeared and headed into the room next to yours. He spoke softly with George, you strained to hear what was said but a gunshot made you jump. You fell backwards and smacked your head against the windowsill; you cursed under your breath then slapped a hand over your mouth as the footsteps suddenly turned to you. The muzzle of a gun entered the room first, followed by it's owner. Dark eyes scanned the room before landing on you, you squinted a little in the dim light and raised your gun; aimed perfectly at his throat. His gun slowly lowered as you finally see each other.
"No fucking way." You breathe, Joel Miller stared at you in bewilderment before a noise from the other room pulled his attention away. It was George's radio, Kathleen was asking for information and Joel ran back through. You pushed yourself up, rubbing a hand over the back of your head as you turned to look out of the window as you see Kathleen and her brainwashed army tracking down Henry and the kids. You couldn't hear them properly but before you could even try to figure anything out, the ground behind them collapsed and opened up, hundreds of infected clambouring out and making quick work of everyone on the floor. You cursed under your breath and steadied yourself before starting to pick some of them off; doing your best to keep Henry and Sam safe between shooting any that may stray towards the house. Pops from the next room told you Joel was doing the same. You held your breath as you watched Henry and Sam clambour underneath a car for safety, you shot a few infected that approached them before turning your attention to the main horde. Fear ran up your spine at the sight of the huge bloated mass literally ripping people apart like paper. You'd heard rumours of such a monster but just assumed it was urban legend. You fired at it a few times before figuring it was a waste of ammo and turned your attention back to Henry and Sam, watching as the young girl made a bee-line for them and dragged them out from their spot before all three bolted for the house. You heard Joel approach your room again, lingering in the doorway for a split second before nodding his head towards the stairs in a silent request to come with him. You dropped the rifle and pulled the glock from your hip holster before following him closely.
Once outside, he called to the trio and gestured for them to come this way. Sams eyes went wide as he saw you, a moment of childish joy at a familiar face as he ran past you towards the backyard. Kathleen seemingly appeared from nowhere, yelling at Henry. Everyone saw the infected child creeping up behind her but no one made a move to alert her or stop it. Even as it pounced and dragged her to the floor. Joel glanced at you before turning to follow the others. You stepped closer, aimed then fired two shots. One at the infected and one at Kathleen. She as a nightmare alive, you couldn't stomach facing her as one of those things. You holstered your gun and sprinted after the group.
"This way!" You called out, leading them out through the gate at the back of the garden that would be their final break for freedom.
Once out of the cul-de-sac and into relative safety, Sam wrapped his arms around you and hugged you so tightly you could have sworn he'd leave an imprint of his face on your stomach. You smiled warmly at the boy, signing to him that you told him you'd see him again. He smiled and adjusted his bag before running off to catch up with the girl. You turned to face Henry, trapping him in a hug as well.
"That could have gone so wrong…" He muttered, walking beside you as Joel walked behind as look out. You nodded, pushing your hands into your jacket pockets.
"I know but I knew you'd make it. I stuck close to Kathleen so I always knew any info she did on you. When I heard you were headed this way, I knew I had to do something. There's a motel about two miles down this road, I cleared it last month as a precaution." Henry nodded.
"Thank you." He said softly, glancing over his shoulder at Joel before everyone walked in relative silence, the only words were directions that you gave.
At the motel, you led the way to the one room you knew was still habitable. Digging out a pack you'd stashed behind a broken vending machine that had a little food in it and some bottles of water. In the room, you shared them out.
"It's not much but it'll do till morning." You nodded, handing Joel a bottle. He watched you quietly before taking it, the girl throwing a curious glance at the man given he barely took his eyes off of you. Once everyone had eaten a little, the kids went into the bedroom to read comics while the three of you sat in the living room.
"So how'd you two know each other?" You asked, glancing between Joel and Henry. Joel shrugged a shoulder.
"I woke up yesterday to Sam holding a gun in my face." He muttered, Henry rolling his eyes as you stared at him.
"Unloaded. We just… had to be sure they weren't with Kathleen. Joel really didn't want to go together but Ellie and Sam helped convince him otherwise." Henry smiled softly, his gaze wandering to the two in the bedroom. The three of you talked quietly for a bit, Henry getting up eventually to tell Sam it was time to sleep. Once the bedroom door closed, Henry took his place in one of the chairs. Joel caught your eye and inclined his head towards the front door.
"Hey Henry, we're just going to step out for a moment. You'll be okay?" Henry nodded, sinking comfortably into his seat.
"I'll probably be asleep before you get back anyway." He mumbled, folding his arms over his chest as he gave in to the tiredness. You smiled, squeezing his shoulder as you passed him and moved to the door where Joel waited.
Outside the room, the two of you stood silently for a brief moment before Joel surprised you by wrapping you up in the tightest hug. You held him close, all those old memories and feelings bubbling to the surface.
"I can't believe of all the people I run into, it's you." He said softly as he finally stepped back. He looked older and tired but he still looked as handsome as the last time you'd seen it.
"Me either. I often wondered what happened to you." You replied, your eyes never leaving his face. "The grey suits you." You smiled, lifting a hand to gently brush your fingers through his mess of curls. The two of you fell quiet after a moment, leaning against the railings of the balcony walkway.
"Where's Sarah? And Tommy?" You asked, Joel's jaw tensing slightly as his eyes fell to his hands on the metal.
"Tommy's somewhere in Wyoming. That's where we're headed next." He nodded, taking a steady breath. "I lost Sarah." You felt your heart ache, for both Joel and the loss of Sarah.
"Oh Joel… I'm so sorry." You said, placing a hand against his forearm. He watched your fingers against his skin before his gaze moved to the parking lot below.
"Sometimes I feel selfishly glad she didn't have to see the shitstorm the world turned into. But mostly I just miss her." You nodded a little in understanding.
"When did it happen?" Joel shifted his weight on his feet, moving to stand up properly and stretch his back.
"Outbreak day. We were tryin' to escape Austin. The car flipped and we had to move on foot. I was carryin' her cause she hurt her ankle in the crash and some fuckin' powertrip soldier shot at us. She died in my arms." He muttered, flexing his fingers a little. You nodded a little, you'd seen it before. Fedra were scum and it only took a soldier on a bad day to ruin people's lives.
"I'm so sorry Joel. I can't imagine how that must feel." He exhaled slowly and nodded, folding his arms loosely over his chest.
"I can't believe of all people I find you though." He muttered, glancing at you as you resumed leaning against the railings.
"Me either. I thought I saw you on outbreak day but… everything was so chaotic and loud that I didn't think to call out. I…did what I could to survive. Kept moving then I ended up here. Kathleen took me in, I befriended a few people like Henry and Sam. But over the years… Kathleen changed and she became more of a dictator. When her brother was killed she just lost it… I did what I could to help them without her knowing but it was so risky. But I wasn't about to let them get killed. They're good boys." You nodded, leaning to rest your chin against your forearms as you watched the horizon. Joel hummed quietly, glancing back at the door before facing you again.
"That uh, that girl in there. That's Ellie. She's… she's immune." You blinked, staring at him.
"Joel… what? How?" He shrugged, rubbing his palm against his jaw .
"I don't know how it works. I've seen it with my own eyes. She got bit and nothin', it healed like it was just a papercut. I'm takin' her to Wyoming to try and find Tommy. Then off to the Fireflies hospital cause they say they can make a cure from her." He paused a moment, watching you as you tried to work it all out and if he was just following a lie. "You're welcome to come with us?" You lifted your head to look at him, studying his face before nodding.
"I'd like that. The five of us would make a good team." You smiled a little, muffling a yawn into your shoulder before standing up straight. Joel nodded, glancing around then shifted his gaze back to you. Quiet fell and the two of you just watched each other for a moment.
"I missed you." You said softly, your eyes on the broken watch around Joel's wrist. He was quiet, you worried if it was too bold to say so soon. But instead he just reached out a hand to pull you close, his arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders as he rest his chin against the top of your head. You sighed quietly and nuzzled into him, snaking your arms underneath his jacket to feel his warmth against you. You could hear his heart beating and the way his muscles shifted as he breathed, it instantly took you back to that evening by the lake. He was real and alive. Your eyes closed as you breathed him in, savouring this moment in the back of your mind.
"I missed you too." He eventually replied, his voice soft as you leaned back to look up at him. He looked even more guarded than he had when you first met, you wondered what he'd had to deal with to survive this long.
"C'mon. We got a long way to go tomorrow." You hummed in agreement and followed him back into the room. Henry was already asleep, his chin resting against his chest as he snored softly. Joel handed you Ellie's sleeping bag before getting himself comfortable on the floor with his own bag. You smiled softly and spread it out to sleep on before draping your jacket over yourself as a makeshift blanket. In the darkness of the room, your gaze slowly drifted to Joel and found warm comfort in his relaxed face as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Morning came too quickly and with a loud yell as Ellie came tumbling out of the bedroom with Sam on top of her, snarling and gnashing his teeth. Everyone woke up with a start as Ellie yelled for Joel for help, you sprang to your feet with your eyes wide as Joel went for his gun. Sam had turned. Fear rooted you to the spot as you watched, Henry firing off a shot and yelling at Joel didn't even pull your eyes away from the kids as you quickly grabbed your own pistol from the table behind you. Before you could react, Henry fired. Sam fell off of Ellie and lay still. The silence in the room was thick as Henry stared at the body of his brother, wide scared eyes moved from Sam to everyone else in the room.
"What did I do?" He gasped, breathing heavily as Joel edged closer and gently tried to coax him to hand the gun over. Henry's eyes moved to you, filled with pain and sadness as he lifted the gun to his own head. You jumped and tried to cover Ellie's eyes out of instinct as the shot rang out. Ellie whimpered, fists tight on your shirt as she stared at the chaos in the room as Henry slumped to the floor.
No one said a word as you and Joel set about wrapping them both up in the sheets off the beds, Ellie gathering everyone's belongings together. You took a private moment in the bathroom to sob into a towel, in less than twenty four hours you'd been reunited with Joel but lost two friends. No one commented on the obvious wetness of your cheeks or redness of your eyes as you headed out, carefully taking Henry and Sam to the two graves Joel had dug. Still no one spoke, just worked silently to bury the brothers. You watched as Ellie placed Sam's board on his grave with 'I'm sorry' written on it. She quietly asked which way they were going and Joel nodded with his head, Ellie slowly heading off that way. You stood beside Joel, staring at the two mounds of dirt as you brushed the dirt off your jeans.
"You okay?" Joel asked softly, you glanced at him resisting the urge to bite that it was a stupid question and instead just shrugged. He nodded, not pushing anymore as Ellie called out to you both. You grabbed your bags and headed out after her, everyone lost in their own private thoughts for a while.
It wasn't until you stopped for a break that the silence was broken.
"Did you tell her?" Ellie asked, her eyes flicking from Joel to you then back again. Joel nodded and Ellie sighed softly. "And we can trust her? Just because she got us out of the city?" Joel frowned a little, swallowing his food.
"I knew her back in Texas. I've known her for a while. We can trust her." He mumbled, Ellie eyeing you a little before she leaned back against the tree she sat under.
"I know trust is hard to come by around here, but you have my word that you can trust me. Or at least I hope I can earn your trust." Ellie pursed her lips a little before twisting around and digging in her bag for a moment, you and Joel exchanging curious glances as she eventually turned back around. She was quiet for a brief moment before she fixed you with a serious look.
"I once heard a joke about amnesia... But I forget how it goes." You stared at her for a moment, noticing the muscles in her face twitch as she tried to not smile. Only to lose that battle when you burst out laughing, Ellie grinning as Joel rolled his eyes and shoved his thermos back into his bag.
"I swear, you're just pickin' the worst ones out now."
"She laughed!! Fuck you I'm funny." She puffed her chest up, proud someone finally laughed at the stupid puns she spent hours trying to memorise.
Travelling was tiring and slowly getting colder, but Ellie would keep asking random questions or poke at Joel for information. Eventually turning to ask you things when he kept up his apparent normal scowling silence.
"Was he this grumpy when you knew him in Texas?" She whispered to you during a break when Joel wandered off to check the area. You chuckled and shook your head.
"If he was, I never saw it. He was quiet like this but… he smiled a lot and when he did talk, he would get really passionate about certain things." You nodded, glancing at Ellie as she tried to picture it.
"How did you know him?" You debated it for a second before giving a half truth.
"I was a waitress at a restaurant he used to come to a lot. When you have regulars, you tend to get to know them to a degree. Joel and I were… pretty close." You smiled softly, thinking back to your little coffee dates. It seemed like a dream now. Ellie narrowed her eyes for a moment before pulling a face.
"Ew. You like him." You blinked and looked at her, opening your mouth to retaliate when the crunch of snow behind you signalled Joel's return.
"What?" He said, both you and Ellie watching him before Ellie shrugged and carried on along the road.
"Just seeing if she'll answer my questions since you don't like to talk." She commented, you just smiled at Joel and shrugged a little. Joel shook his head and followed the girl. This Joel was quieter, he barely smiled and you never heard him laugh. The new world changed him, losing his daughter no doubt did the most to do that. But behind the walls he'd built up around himself, you knew old Joel was still in there. You could see it in the way he quietly looked after Ellie, the way he would put himself in front of you both, the way you would sometimes catch him watching you. Something in his eyes sometimes would have you wondering if he still had the same feelings towards you but was too scarred from years of loss to pick that thread up again. You promised yourself you wouldn't make things awkward by bringing it up. Ellie slowly warmed up to you, telling her puns when things were quiet for too long or asking you about things she'd never seen or experienced, or her favourite topic was poking fun at Joel and what she dubbed his "asshole voice".
(Part Two)
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chickensoupleg · 9 months
Alas, the poll (and my status) tempted me so. Why not, it came out 1987. Within an appropriate time period.
Eddie was sitting on Steve’s couch when he had gotten the idea. He had invited a few friends over to hang out since everyone’s schedules lined up perfectly. A movie night, plain and simple.
Robin was in charge of choosing the movie, and she had snuck in some cheesy comedy romance. Eddie had stopped really watching a couple of minutes in, but Steve was at the very least invested, talking over the movie to Robin. She went between shushing him and talking right back. Billy had conked out sometime during the movie, a blanket draped over his lap. Heather and Chrissy were sitting together, Chrissy on top of Heather’s lap. They were just as invested in the movie, although unlike Steve and Robin they were silent save for a few hushed giggles. Jonathan and Nancy were present as well, Jonathan paying attention as much as Eddie was.
“No, but it’s romantic! It’s a duet about how much they adore each other!” Robin loudly whispers.
“But she totally sounds like she wants to get out of there. Like, yesterday.”
Robin scoffs. “Not the point, it’s like… society standards or whatever. She’s just making fake excuses! She wants to stay with him.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Okay, but she definitely makes it seem like she wants to go. I mean, it’s pretty clear?”
Robin sighs, turning back to the screen. “You never sang to seduce a lady before about how much you want to keep her?”
Steve shrugs, knocking his shoulder into Eddie’s from the movement. “Eh, once or twice. But they didn’t stick around long. You know, horrendously single still right here.” He gestures at himself. “But it is what it is, you know? Never been sang at either, but whatever.”
Robin chuckles, lightly tapping her fist on Steve’s knee before the only noise left was the movie again.
Eddie glances at Steve silently, watching him sink into his couch, eyes dropping to Nancy for a second before returning to his lap. Steve catches his eyes, shooting him a small smile. Like nothing was wrong.
And, well, that just won’t do.
When everyone had dispersed after the movie he shook Billy awake. Billy grunts, cracking open an eye.
“I have an idea.”
“Oh, joy,” Billy mutters, rolling over.
“Come off it Billy, don’t be so dramatic.”
Billy yawns, readjusting himself. Waves a hand to let Eddie know he could continue talking.
“Okay.” Eddie clears his throat, scooting right up to him. Steve was upstairs with Robin since she had wrestled Steve’s clothes right off of him and shown up to the movie night in it. Billy rolls back over to face him, blue eyes peering up at him through his lashes. He raises an eyebrow as he waits for Eddie to speak. “You like Steve, right?”
“Mmm, yeah. Pretty boy.”
“Right. So do I.” Eddie gestures at himself.
“Mmhmm.” Billy knew this pretty well, they’ve spoken about this at length. It was one of many topics they would ramble to each other about, if not about music or the funny stories Eddie would bring from his job at a mechanic shop.
“Steve was talking about how he’s never been seduced by song.”
“So what if we did it.”
Billy is silent, frowning. Eddie is silent, smiling.
Billy sits up, stretching and groaning as his back pops. “You want us to… sing for Steve. Us. For Steve.”
“Could give it a try. You’ve seen his love streak.”
Billy scoffs. “You mean his on and off again first dates that end in no return calls? The many times someone had to come console him before he went ass first into another attempted date? That love streak?”
“Very same.” It was almost pitiful how he tries, but Steve was a creature of love. Seeked it out as much as he seeks nice sweaters and bananas.
“... Okay. What song?”
Eddie blinks. “Well it has to be a song he’ll enjoy.”
“So nothing we listen to,” Billy says.
“He comes to my gigs! Willingly!” Eddie exclaims.
Billy tilts his head, smugging him. “You know he brings headphones just so he can stand in the same room, right. Migraines? Don’t think blasting his eardrums out means he’ll enjoy it very much.”
Eddie pouts, bouncing back a few seconds later. “Then I guess we’ll have to go the alternate route.”
“... Which is?”
“Adhering to Steve Harrington’s very boring, predictable taste in music. And I know just the song. It’ll be perfect for him!”
Billy blinks when Eddie says nothing else. “Are you gonna. Tell me.”
Eddie just smiles secretively, Billy huffing.
“Alright, fine. I’ll bite. Do not make me regret it.”
“Great! By the way, can you dance?”
Steve had accepted the invite easily enough. After all, there was no way that Steve could have possibly connect the dots between the movie and Eddie asking him if he wanted to go hang out at some bar that came with free entertainment. Eddie had to wait a few weeks before schedules aligned again. It wasn’t hard to convince Robin, she was down for anything concerning her best friend in the whole entire world. The bar was out of town, in Chicago. Eddie knew the place well, knew it wasn’t judgemental about the type of people they were. Singing here wouldn’t get them kicked out, or worse.
Billy met up with them at the bar, already a drink in. It was the only way he agreed to what they were about to do, being a little tossed before getting on that stage. Chrissy and Heather were there as well, Chrissy happily waving at Eddie.
Chrissy had helped them over the week after Eddie had told her his Super Radical Plan to Seduce Steve. She had agreed with it wholeheartedly, even learned the dance with them just to make sure they were doing it proper. It was so much easier with her around, Eddie was sure he or Billy would end up just throwing the dance out completely.
But, no. Somehow they made it through, and the fruits of their actions was to be revealed right here.
The bar doubled as a karaoke spot where people could go up on the stage whenever to sing their hearts out. Usually it’d be the drunks belching out whatever, or a few who did it for special occasions.
Eddie supposes he and Billy were fulfilling both criterias at the moment.
They didn’t go immediately, Eddie needing a little taste of liquid courage before he could even think about it. He’s used to performing for a crowd, sure, but this was for one guy.
A guy that he likes. A lot.
He looks at Billy knocking back some fruity drink that Heather had used her straw to pour into a shot glass for him. Watches as they do it again.
Well, at least he had the other guy he likes a lot suffering with him. He’s sure that if it wasn’t him, Billy would have done literally anything else. If it wasn't Steve they were doing this for, he would have done anything else.
Eddie knocks his elbow against Billy’s side, jerking his head towards the stage. Billy sighs, sliding off of the stool and following after Eddie. Chrissy gives an early cheer for them as they hop on stage. Eddie taps the microphone.
“Testing! This working? Good. Helllllloooooo everyone! I’m Eddie Munson, and this is my good pal who if I name him onstage he will tear my throat out and render me unable to sing. Now, this particular song and dance goes out to a good pal of ours sitting riiiiight there!” He points in the general direction of Steve, who looks at them with an amused interest. Billy was speaking offstage to the one in charge of the music, Eddie continuing onwards. “This song is for you, Stevie~ Enjoy!”
The beginning starts filtering through the speakers, like dropping a bean down a tube, the TV coming to life with the lyrics. Neither of them needed it though, they practised long and hard for this very moment.
Billy hops on stage, taking the other microphone as they sync up into the dance.
“We’re no stranger to love~ You knows the rules, and so do I!” Eddie belts out, and he hears Chrissy cheering even louder for him. He keeps his eyes on Steve, who was staring right at them with eyes like saucers. Just what they needed. “A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of~”
Billy joins in for the next line. Heather’s laugh is clear even from here, despite her trying to hold it in. Not that she’s trying all that hard. “You wouldn’t get this from any other guy. I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling, gotta make you understand-”
They start singing together, Eddie yanking the microphone out of the stand as Billy continues shaking back and forth. “NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN-”
Their friend group erupts in cheers, Steve still stunned in his barstool. Billy and Eddie spin in synchronisation. “Never gonna run around and desert you! Never gonna saaay goodbye! Never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you!” They repeat it again, still dancing together. Someone wolf whistles in the crowd.
Billy sings on his own for the next verse, Eddie jamming out on his own. He grabs the mic, leaning forward and staring into the general crowd. Eddie’s pretty sure a few girls swoon at that, but he gets it. Billy showed up in his nicest clothes, sunglasses perched in his hair despite it being dark outside. “We’ve known each other for so long… Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it. Inside we both know what’s been going on~” He smirks, pointing between him and Steve. Eddie can see him rose red even from here, clutching his cup like any looser he would drop it on his lap. “We both know the game and we’re gonna play it!”
Eddie joins in again. “Aaand if you ask me how I’m feeling, don’t tell me you’re too blind to see!” They start the chorus again, and the crowd was going wild. Eddie wishes this was the kind of crowd he gets back home, but hey. Win some, lose some.
The song eventually, mercifully, ends. Eddie grins and bows to the applause they receive, Billy hopping right off stage and back to base before there was any more attention on him. Eddie follows after him, Billy collapsing into the bar stool and knocking back another shot as soon as Heather hands it to him. Steve’s eyes move from Billy to Eddie, clearly in shock.
Eddie’s grin falters for a second, but he keeps it up. “So, how was it, Stevie? Like the performance?”
“Was- Did you-” Steve stammers. He shuts his mouth, collects himself, then starts speaking again. “Did you mean that? The song?”
Eddie grins. “Course we did! Didn’t we, Bunny Blue?”
Billy mutters something incoherent, but the nod was all they needed.
“We even learnt the dance. Well, as much of the dance as we could find. Made up most of it with the help of Chrissy.”
Steve’s face was red, whether it was from the alcohol or the obvious serenade. He eventually snorts, then breaks into laughter.
Eddie blinks in confusion, Billy lifting his head to stare at Steve.
“Wha’s so funny, princess?” Billy asks.
Steve was bent over on the stool, Robin patting his lower back. They wait to collect himself, Steve sucking in a deep breath and facing them again.
“Never been seduced before, or by two guys even. But that was- Great. Really great.” Steve taps his chest. “Really gets me right- Right here-” He’s breaking into tears now.
“Oh, Stevie-” Eddie pulls him into a hug, Billy patting him on the head gently.
“It’s so sweeeet of yooooou…..” Steve blubbers. “Sorry, I’m druuuunk….”
“There there, pretty boy. So am I,” Billy mutters, petting through Steve’s hair. “But yeah…. Never- Never gonna… give you up.”
Steve nuzzles into Eddie’s jacket, nodding. “Promise?”
“Never gonna let you down, Stevie. Weren’t you listening?” Eddie grins, Steve wetly giggling.
“Great, now you know how it feels to seduce someone by song!” Robin says. Steve is quick to turn around, jabbing a finger on her chest.
“Yeah, but my argument still stands, they were singing that they wanted to stay! She was singing ‘bout how she wanted to go!”
“Oh don’t you bring this argument back up with me Steven-”
“Ah, you got them riled up again,” Heather says, sipping her drink. “Oh wells, you got your man at least. Nice work.”
“Thanks Heather. Maybe you should sing to Chrissy too. Let her hear your fruitful tunes.” Billy raises his hand for another drink.
Chrissy squeaks, Heather turning her head slow with a devastatingly mischievous look. “You wanna have a go, Chris?”
“Oh, I’m good! Thanks though!” She chirps, already flushed despite not having drunk a sip of alcohol.
“Worth a shot.”
16 notes · View notes
lveclouds · 2 years
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↬ pairing/characters: music major dokyeom x nursing major reader, other members will make appearances/be mentioned, some ocs 
↬ genre/aus: fluff, heavy angst, college/university au, non idol au, established relationship, long distance relationship 
↬ summary: in which dokyeom is always there for you, through the good, bad, and the ugly, even when you’re apart. 
↬ rating(s): pg15, nc17 (see warnings) 
↬ tw: heavy swearing, mentions of burnout/stress (brief), mentions of alcohol/mild intoxication (reader and the members get a bit tipsy), mentions of breakdowns (very, very brief), reader works in a hospital, dokyeom is also an absolute sweetheart (wbk), mentions of a long distance relationship (brief)
 ↬ wc: 6.2k
↬ note: hello loves! here is yet another seventeen college au fic :) i absolutely love writing these, and i hope you enjoy reading them <3 also, the title is from a song i’ve been obsessed with lately, and if you can guess what it is, i’ll give you a virtual hug hehe + i also really wanted to write a fluffy, cheesy fic about dorks (affectionate) in love to remind myself that i’m single :’) also, for a visualization of what dokyeom looks like in this fic, think excalibur dokyeom <3
 ↬ disclaimer(s): i am in no way an expert on medicine/nursing, so aspects of that in this fic may be inaccurate. also, i know nothing about italy, so i apologize for any inaccuracies. 
the hospital was a flurry of activity, with nurses flitting about, attending to patients, the obnoxious shrill of the phone ringing every few seconds, no doubt a doctor calling to give yet another order, and patients speaking in low, hushed tones in the waiting room.
 you were currently sitting at your small desk amongst the chaos, head throbbing as you typed out a care plan for a patient who had been hospitalized for a few days post surgery. 
as soon you finished typing out the last set of instructions, you let out a deep sigh, slumping in your blue desk chair. the past few hours had been absolute hell, with a flurry of patients coming in and out of the hospital, along with a near-mishap with medication. 
you felt your heart ache, the way it always did whenever dokyeom drifted to the forefront of your mind. the aforementioned male was currently studying abroad in italy, likely going to fancy restaurants and attending operas every night. 
while you were thrilled that your boyfriend had gotten the opportunity to experience and enrich himself in italian culture, you wished that he were back in seoul, no more than a phone call or text away. it was absolute hell to be apart from him, for he was the person who kept you grounded and sane during the long clinical shifts you had throughout the semester. 
dokyeom was always there, there to support and comfort you in any way he could. one day, during a particular long shift at the hospital, he had stopped by to bring you a bag full of sandwiches from the cafe on campus, insisting that you eat something before you passed out, knowing that you’d probably forget to eat at work. 
then, dokyeom always listened, no matter what. you’d had a terrible habit of rambling and ranting whenever you were stressed or angry, and he would listen attentively, even if it was complete gibberish. he’d always lend you a shoulder to cry on, and was always there to gently wipe away your tears with a tissue or with the soft pad of his thumb, cerulean eyes soft. 
you felt your face grow hot, and soon, you were a sobbing, shaking mess, burying your face into your hands, feeling as if your heart was about to crack entirely. it was pathetic, you supposed, to be crying over your boyfriend as if he’d broken up with you, but you couldn’t help it. 
sniffling, you hastily wiped your tears away with the back of your hands, feeling utterly pathetic. “y/n, are you okay?” a gentle voice said from behind you. “i’m fine.” you mumbled, trying and failing to keep your voice steady. 
you looked over your shoulder to see your best friend, astrid, lingering at the entrance to the nurse’s station, a deep frown etched on her gorgeous face. “you don’t look okay. besides, we’ve been friends for four years now, i can tell when you’re spiraling. what’s wrong?” astrid demanded, albeit gently. 
you let out a shaky sigh. “you’ll think it’s stupid.” astrid rolled her eyes. “i bet i won’t. tell me.” before you could stop yourself, the words flooded out of you, and by the time you were done speaking, tears were rolling down your face once again. a beat of silence, and then, “oh, y/n.” 
astrid crossed the distance between you in no time, pulling you into a hug, and you melted into her embrace, burying your face in the crook of her shoulder. astrid smelled like the perfume she always wore, amber and lavender, and it was almost comforting and familiar.
“it’s that boyfriend you’re always going on and on about, isn’t it?” you let out a small laugh. “y-yeah.” “do i need to kick his ass or slash his tires? did he cheat on you?” astrid demanded, and you chuckled, shaking your head resolutely. “n-no, he’s just studying abroad in italy, and i.. i just miss him.” “how long has it been since you last saw him?” 
“t-three months.” you muttered, feeling your heart ache irrevocably, and felt astrid’s arms tighten around you. “are you able to talk to him at all?” 
“n-no, i mean, w-we text and call sometimes, but with our clinical shifts and the time difference, it’s hard.”  “how about this? as soon as this awful shift ends, let’s go to that stupidly expensive bar downtown and drink away our sorrows.” “y-yeah, i’d like that.” 
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italy was quickly becoming one of dokyeom’s favorite places in the world. the food was exquisite and the people were bright and welcoming, but it lacked one thing: his girlfriend. 
god, he missed you, more than anything, and you were all he could think about as he attended operas at the teatro alla scalla in milan and teatro la fenice in venice, and while wandering the streets of sicily, admiring rounded balconies and flowery windowsills. 
though his time in italy had been nothing short of amazing, having been able to attend many opera shows and enriching himself in the culture and cuisine, dokyeom was a bit homesick. he missed the serenity of his college campus and the sharpness and softness of his mother tongue. 
 most of all, dokyeom wished that you had gone with him to study abroad. he could imagine the look of awe and delight on your face as you’d take in the flowery windowsills and the noble palaces of sicily, and how you’d urge him to take pictures. 
“you okay?” dokyeom snapped out of his mini trance, bringing himself back to reality. he was sitting at a corner table in la casa del caffe tazza d’oro with joshua, one of his friends that’d actually decided to study abroad with him, eyebrows drawn together in concern. “i’m fine, i just miss home. that’s all.”
joshua hummed in agreement, downing the rest of his coffee. “tell me about it. as much as italy has amazed me, i’m craving korean food.” “i also miss y/n.” dokyeom mumbled, hoping he wasn’t blushing as he took a bite of his croissant, feeling the powdered sugar dusted on top melt on his tongue. 
joshua’s hazel eyes flashed with understanding. “i miss her too. she’d love it here.” he said wistfully, and dokyeom nodded, feeling his heart ache. i hope she’s eating enough and that she’s holding up okay. “what if we book the next flight out to korea tonight?” dokyeom nearly choked on his croissant. 
“w-what?” he stammered, voice a bit hoarse. “we book a flight out to korea tonight. then, in just a few hours, you’ll be reunited with your lovely girlfriend and i can be back in the warmth and safety of my dorm.” joshua declared, hazel eyes bright.
 “a-are we even allowed to do this?” dokyeom managed, and the former shrugged. “dunno, but the professors that came with us on this trip are probably too exhausted to care.” “i-i should text y/n then, tell her-” “no.” “w-what?” “surprise her!” joshua exclaimed. “w-would that be a good idea? i mean, she doesn’t really like-” “trust me, she’ll love it.” 
dokyeom fought the urge to roll his eyes. “fine, but if she gets pissed at me for it, i’m blaming you.” “go ahead, but promise me, you’ll both thank me later.” “you’re a fucking menace, you know that?” joshua just gave him a smug smile. “sure do.”
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that night, you and astrid were at the stupidly expensive bar that you’d discovered during your second year of nursing school, with astrid insisting on paying every time. you were on your second whiskey sour of the night, attempting to drown the stress of nursing school away with alcohol. 
astrid had ordered one cocktail, and then had immediately asked for a glass of water, insisting on driving you back to your dorm. as you guzzled down the drink in your hand, you couldn’t help but wonder what dokyeom was doing right now. is he watching an opera show? or maybe he’s already cheated on me with some gorgeous italian model, and- no. what the hell, y/n? stop overthinking everything. 
“the shift today was absolutely horrible.” you murmured into your glass, and astrid let out a noncommittal grunt in agreement. “tell me about it, the doctors were being extra naggy today. i mean, we’re not superhuman, we only attend to so many patients at a time.” the doctors at the hospital you worked at were notorious for scolding nurses for the smallest things. 
worst of all, most of the doctors at the hospital were predominately male. “i hope they all die alone.” astrid grumbled as she took a sip of her water, crossing one long leg over the other. a comfortable silence fell around you, save for the amicable chatter and soft pop music blaring from the speakers. 
“why have you never introduced me to your boyfriend?” astrid asked after a while, arching a perfectly shaped brow, and you felt your cheeks burn.
 “is he ugly? does he have a weird fetish or something?” you snorted. “no, he’s not ugly, and no, he doesn’t have any weird fetishes, at least, not that i know of.” astrid fixed you with a thoughtful stare, dark hazel eyes like melted chocolate in the amber lighting of the bar.
 “are you ashamed of him?” “w-what? no! i just.. it’s not that i don’t want to introduce him to you, i keep forgetting, i guess.” astrid didn’t look too convinced, but didn’t press further. “ok, but next time he’s in seoul, you better introduce him to me. i need to know if he’s treating you right.” “i will. and don’t worry, astrid, he treats me like royalty.” 
a few hours later, you were curled up on your bed, hugging the penguin plushie that dokyeom had won for you at the campus fair last spring, trying and failing to sleep. it’d been exactly two hours since astrid had dropped you off at campus, and you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. 
you had gotten used to curling into his side at night, relishing in the warmth that radiated off his body, and feeling secure and safe in his strong arms, that the feeling of sleeping alone felt almost foreign. 
sighing, you closed your eyes once more, trying to will your body to relax, to forget about the lack of warmth beside you, when you heard the front door open. your eyes snapped open. is someone breaking in? 
your heart pounded wildly against your chest as you scrambled out of bed, grabbing the wooden baseball bat that dokyeom insisted you keep close by, and quietly tiptoed out of your room and down the hall, grip tightening on the bat in your hands. 
you braced yourself for who you’d see in the living room. i really, really hope it’s not an axe murderer. the living room was dark, and yet, you could make out the outline of a figure, tall and broad shouldered, and your heart felt as if it could burst out of your chest at any moment. then, the living room lights flickered on, and you swore your heart stopped at who, exactly, stood a few feet away. 
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dokyeom was exhausted and extremely jet-lagged from the long flight and was eager to change into comfier clothes and crawl into bed next to you. he had been about to quietly walk to your room when the living room lights flickered on. 
dokyeom froze and looked up to see you standing a few feet away, dark hair adorably mussed and clad in a large white shirt, his shirt, and black sweatpants, face bare of your usual makeup, and he thought you had never looked so gorgeous. 
he also noticed the baseball bat in your hand, which nearly made him laugh, if it’d not been for the hopeful expression on your face  “dokyeom? is that you?” his heart ached at the shakiness in your voice and how your eyes were shimmering with unshed tears.
 “hi darling, did i wake you?” dokyeom couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth as he opened his arms slightly. “come here.” he mumbled, and you wasted no time, the baseball bat clanging to the floor with a loud thud, running across the carpeted floor and throwing yourself into his arms. dokyeom chuckled softly as you let out a choked sob, burying your face into the crook of his neck, hands bunching the soft fabric of his sweater. 
“i missed you.” you blubbered, and dokyeom held you tighter, pressing a kiss on the top of your head. “i missed you too love, more than you know.” “h-how are you here?” “you can thank joshua hyung for that. he was the one who suggested we book the first flight back to seoul, and i’m sorry for not telling you, he wanted me to surprise you.” 
“remind me to send him a gift basket and an obnoxiously large bouquet of flowers.” you mumbled, and dokyeom huffed a laugh. “i will, and, if anything, i think it’ll boost his already large ego.” that earned him a light smack on the arm. “don’t be rude, kyeom, joshua helped you get back to me, and that’s all that matters. though, you did scare the shit out of me. i thought someone had broken in.” 
dokyeom felt his stomach churn with guilt. fuck, im such an idiot. of course you would be scared if you heard the front door open this late at night. “i’m so sorry for scaring you, i didn’t mean to. i just didn’t want to wake you up in case you were sleeping, and it obviously backfired.” you shook your head. “it’s fine, besides, i couldn’t sleep anyway.”
dokyeom frowned. “why not, love?” you murmured something incoherent, and he sighed, rubbing comforting circles on your back. “darling, you need to speak up, i can’t hear you.” 
“it’s embarrassing and cheesy as shit. you don’t want to know the reason.” you muttered, and dokyeom could imagine the adorable blush that was likely spreading onto your face. “i think i do, actually. i would like to know why the love of my life hasn’t been able to sleep.” you groaned. “fine. icouldn’tsleepwithoutyou.” 
this time, he didn’t fight the grin that spread across his face. “what was that, love? i didn’t quite catch that.” “i couldn’t sleep without you, okay? it’s stupid but i-” “it’s not.” dokyeom reassured you, carding a hand gently through your hair. he felt you melt at the gesture, body going pliant against his, letting out a soft yawn. 
“someone’s tired.” dokyeom teased, and the grip on his sweater loosened as you pulled away enough to look up at him. “i had a long day at the hospital, and then my friend astrid and i went out for drinks afterward. and before you ask and act like a mother hen, i only had two drinks. astrid made sure of that.”
dokyeom made a mental note to thank your friend for getting you home safe. “i’m glad she stopped you, or else i would’ve been extremely worried.” you rolled your eyes half-heartedly. “you absolute mother hen, i can take care of myself.” he leaned in to press a soft kiss to your mouth. 
“i know, but as your boyfriend, i am contractually allowed to worry about you.” “ok, enough talking, can we please go to bed? i am fucking exhausted.” dokyeom laughed, reaching out and flicking your nose gently. “ok, but only because i know you need your beauty sleep.” that earned him a scowl. 
“you may have just gotten home from a long trip, but don’t think i won’t hesitate to let you sleep on the couch.” you said sweetly, and dokyeom bit back an amused laugh. “ok, ok, fine, i’ll stop.” “good.” 
then, before you could pull away completely, dokyeom lifted you into his arms, causing you to yelp in surprise, wounding your arms around his neck. “asshole! you could’ve warned me. also, you don’t need to carry me, i am perfectly capable of walking on my own. besides, i’m probably heavy.”
dokyeom shook his head. “first, where is the fun in that? second, i know that you are, but i wanted to carry you. and third, you are as light as a feather. also, have i told you that you look gorgeous in my shirts?” color crept onto your cheeks. “prick.” you groused, and dokyeom laughed. “i love you too.”
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getting up for your clinical shift the following morning was the hardest thing you’d ever done. it’d been extremely hard to leave your bed and dokyeom’s warm embrace, but you’d managed. barely. 
dokyeom had spent at least fifteen minutes trying to convince you to not to go, looking up at you with a forlorn expression that you were an absolute goner for, and yet you still managed to wiggle out of his arms and head to the bathroom to get ready. 
having your boyfriend home after three months apart was an absolute dream, and it’d been an absolute struggle to not jump back in bed, especially after seeing dokyeom’s adorable bedhead, peeking out from underneath the thick comforter. 
you left him with a kiss on the cheek and a promise to eat whenever you got time during your shift, and went to your clinical shift, feeling lighter than you had in months. astrid noticed that you were unusually cheery, and of course, demanded to know what had happened overnight that had made you so happy. 
you quickly informed her that your boyfriend had come home from italy late last night, and astrid had smiled, caramel eyes glittering with mirth. 
“no wonder you’re so cheerful this morning!” she’d exclaimed, swatting at your arm playfully. “you asshole, you should’ve told me that he came home, i would’ve covered for you.” “i would never throw you to the wolves like that. besides, spending time with my boyfriend can wait.” 
surprisingly, the morning had been relatively uneventful, with you and astrid attending to only ten patients with mild problems, and by the time the afternoon rolled around, you were almost bored. the hospital wasn’t swamped for once, and the hours seemed to trickle by slowly. 
you and astrid were sitting idly at the nurses’ station, with the latter demanding to see a picture of dokyeom, and you were about to show her a selfie he’d sent you a while ago, when a quiet hush fell over the nurses’ station, and you looked up to see dokyeom strolling in through the visitors’ entrance, holding a cup of coffee and a brown paper bag, no doubt filled with pastries.
astrid nudged you in the ribs with her elbow. “is that the boyfriend that you always go on and on about? he’s gorgeous!” she whispered, and you nodded, unable to keep the blush from forming onto your cheeks. 
dokyeom, who had probably just gotten out of bed, looked as if he’d just come straight from a photoshoot with vogue, clad in khaki pants that clung perfectly to his lithe figure, white sneakers, a light blue button up with a navy blue sweater vest thrown on top of it, raven hair adorably mussed. 
you also noticed that he was wearing black glasses, perched atop his nose, making him look like a young professor. and god, you couldn’t believe that this man was yours. even in the fluorescent lighting, dokyeom still looked breathtakingly gorgeous, dark, curly hair falling over chiseled cheekbones, cerulean eyes near glowing. 
“dokyeom!” you called out, ignoring the whispers of the other nurses behind you. aforementioned male turned, and as soon as his gaze landed on you, his face broke out into that gorgeous, charming smile you absolutely adored, eyes crinkling at the corners.
 “hi love! i brought you some pastries from the cafe on campus. and since i know you’re going to be here for a while, i may have gone a bit.. overboard.” he said sheepishly, placing the large paper bag and coffee he’d been carrying on the counter.
 you beamed up at him once you inspected the contents, heart swelling impossibly in your chest that he remembered that you adored the cafe’s blueberry muffins, and he’d gotten you at least four of them. 
not caring who was watching, you leaned across the counter of the nurse’s station and kissed dokyeom’s cheek, which caused the tips of his ears to turn red. “y-y/n, we’re in public! you can’t just kiss me out of the blue like that!” he hissed, color creeping onto his cheeks. 
“you do it to me all the time, so take it as payback.” you said simply, reaching for the cup of coffee and taking a light sip. dokyeom’s blush grew deeper as he realized that astrid and your fellow coworkers were watching him intently. you let out an amused laugh.
 “guys, don’t scare him off, please.” astrid simply rolled her eyes, while your other coworkers simply fidgeted nervously in their seats. “astrid, meet dokyeom. dokyeom, meet astrid, my best friend and the bane of my existence.” you teased, chuckling at your friend’s scowl. 
“nice to finally meet the guy that y/n’s been raving about.” astrid said cooly, sticking her hand out for dokyeom to shake. your boyfriend smiled, inclining his head in a small bow as he shook her hand. “nice to meet you too, y/n’s told me all about you.” astrid grinned. “good things, i hope.”
dokyeom chuckled. “of course.” “thank you for the pastries, do you mind if i share them?” “no, not at all. just make sure to eat, okay? i don’t want you to pass out during your shift.” your heart swelled impossibly, and you leaned across the counter, kissing dokyeom softly. 
“i will, i promise. i’ll see you later, love you.” dokyeom smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners. “love you too.” with a small wave and a wink, he was gone, and you reached into the paper bag for a pastry, pulling out a blueberry muffin and taking a small bite. 
your gaze shifted to astrid, who was looking at you in disbelief. “what?” “i cannot believe you didn’t introduce me to your boyfriend sooner! he’s the sweetest guy you’ve ever dated, and by the way he looks at you, i can tell that’s utterly besotted. i can see a marriage proposal in your future.”
you nearly choked on your muffin at astrid’s bold declaration. “w-we haven’t even talked about that yet. and we haven’t been together that long, there’s no way he’s-” “trust me, dokyeom’s contemplating marriage. i bet he already has a ring hidden away somewhere.” astrid said, winking playfully, and you felt your cheeks burn. 
“d-don’t be ridiculous astrid.” your friend just shrugged, her sleek black bob shifting with the movement. “you’ll thank me later.” you rolled your eyes, taking a light sip of your coffee.
 “y/n, can i ask you something?” a voice said from behind you, and you startled, glancing over your shoulder to see one of the new interns, rachel, leaning against her desk chair, lean arms crossed over her chest. 
“sure, what is it?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as polite as possible. rachel had never particularly liked you, even though you had been nothing but friendly and forthcoming towards her. astrid insisted that it was because rachel was merely jealous, but you had your suspicions that she just really had a deep hatred for you. 
“was that your boyfriend who dropped by?” before you could reply, astrid cut in. “yes, yes it was, what about it, rachel? jealous that y/n has someone to come home to you and you don’t?” rachel scowled, dark eyes blazing.
you cut astrid a glare. cut it out, be nice. astrid’s answering glare was defiant. hell no. “i’m sorry about her,” you began, ignoring your friend’s squawk of protest. “she’s uhm, protective.” rachel rolled her eyes at that. “whatever, all i wanted to know was who that guy was, and now that i know, i can go back to pretending you two don’t exist.” 
astrid clapped her hands in mock excitement. “oh goody! y/n and i will do the same! oh, you know what, we’ll do you a favor and rat you out to the higher ups for being a stuck up bitch. better yet, you’ll be so traumatized by it that you’ll never come back and we don’t have to see your hideous face ever again.” “
astrid let out a gasp, hand flying to her mouth in mock surprise. “oh, i’m sorry, did i say that out loud?” despite yourself, you bit back laughter at the way rachel’s nostrils were flaring and how her face was as red as a tomato. 
huffing, rachel turned on her heel and stormed out of the room. “you’re the absolute worst.” you giggled, giving astrid’s shoulder a light shove. your friend’s smile was nothing short of smug. “all in a day’s work.” 
the rest of your shift was uneventful, with very few patients coming in to the hospital, and doctors seemingly too preoccupied with paperwork or something else to demand nurses be on alert for any emergencies.
 “so, i was wondering, would you and your boyfriend be willing to get dinner with me tonight? i think i need to interrogate him a little.” astrid asked as you walked out of the hospital, the cool night air washing over you.
“astrid, the last time you did that, the poor guy was scared out of his wits.” your friend rolled her eyes. “that was one time, and besides, that guy was a piece of shit anyway.” you let out an resigned sigh. “well, you are not wrong about that. also, weren’t you the one who set the date up in the first place?” astrid groaned. “don’t remind me, it was my first and last mistake.”
you had gone out on a date with a guy a few years ago that astrid knew through a mutual friend, and he seemed decent enough, at least, from what astrid had said. in the end, the guy had turned out to be an egotistical and narcissistic piece of shit (astrid’s words), and you were extremely relieved that he did lost interest and decidedly did not ask for a second date. 
“i’ll call dokyeom once we’re in the car, ask him if he wants to grab dinner with us. though, i vaguely remember him mentioning a while ago that he wanted to see his friends once he got back from italy.” astrid hummed thoughtfully. “well, if anything, i would love to meet his friends.” 
you arched a brow, and color crept onto astrid’s cheeks. “it’s not what you think, okay? i just want to meet some new people, that’s all.” “sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.” that earned you a light shove to the shoulder. “i hate you.”
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dokyeom hid an amused smile as hoshi’s head fell onto joshua’s shoulder, clearly shit-faced, pale cheeks red from the bottle of soju he’d drank minutes ago. to his credit, joshua didn’t seem to mind, as he continued to converse with vernon, hazel eyes glittering with mirth. 
of all his friends, hoshi had the lowest alcohol tolerance, and dokyeom would be lying if the sight of his friend pouting and muttering incoherent words under his breath wasn’t the least bit amusing. the bar, which was about a ten minute commute from campus, had become their usual place to hang out on weekends, especially when there were no classes.
soft pop music was blaring through the bar’s speakers, and dokyeom could barely hear it above the cacophony of the amicable chatter occurring around him, both from other patrons and his friends. across from him, mingyu, the tallest of his friends, was deep in conversation with wonwoo, the latter the picture of quiet calm as he took occasional slips of the beer he’d been nursing for the past hour or so. 
seungkwan semed to ranting about something or other, gesturing exuberantly with his hands, while seungcheol simply listened, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. jun and minghao were talking in their native chinese, rapid conversation filling the air. 
woozi was slumped on minghao’s left, sipping quietly on the glass of whiskey he’d insisted on ordering, the picture of boredom, though dokyeom knew that he was listening intently to the conversations happening around him. on jun’s right, dino was laughing at something seungkwan was saying, cheeks flushed with red. 
you and astrid were giggling about something next to him, downing tequila shots as if they were water. dokyeom internally winced as you knocked back another shot, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, cheeks flushed red. 
despite your drunken state and his worry of your terrible hangover the next morning, dokyeom felt his heart warm impossibly. 
you were breathtakingly gorgeous, hair tied back into a messy bun atop your head, stray strands falling across your forehead, cheeks flushed from the alcohol you’d consumed, dark eyes glittering with mirth.
 you had an effortless, casual beauty that had captivated dokyeom from the minute dokyeom had laid eyes on you on that fateful summer orientation day sophomore year, where students were gathered on the campus grounds, chatting animatedly amongst themselves.
 dokyeom had been standing with mingyu on the far left side of the sprawling lawn of their campus, the latter leaning against a tall pine tree, muscular arms crossed over his chest, humming softly to himself. he had allowed his gaze to wander, and felt his breath catch in his throat. 
standing just a few feet away, talking animatedly with a tall, slender female with a sleek bob, was easily the most gorgeous female he’d ever seen. there was a casual confidence to you, and dokyeom felt entranced by it. 
the mid-afternoon sun bathed you in golden light, turning your dark hair to a caramel brown, and dokyeom swore his pulse quickened at the sight. “go talk to her.” mingyu’s deep voice snapped him out of his trance, and he felt his cheeks burn with shame. “d-don’t be ridiculous, gyu, there’s no way i could ever talk to-” 
“y/n!” mingyu called, waving excitedly, and dokyeom just gaped at his friend, feeling utterly betrayed. to his horror, the gorgeous female turned at the sound of mingyu’s deep, loud voice, and the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth was nothing short of captivating. 
the gorgeous female bounded over to them, eyes bright with recognition as she glanced at mingyu. “hey, mingyu, it’s been too long! how was your summer?” dokyeom could only stare at his friend in disbelief as he rattled on about the three weeks he’d spent in jeju with his family. “oh, this is my friend, dokyeom. he’s a second year music major.” 
the gorgeous female’s gaze had shifted slightly over to him, and dokyeom swore he felt his heart stop. “h-hi. nice to meet you.” he stammered, cheeks burning, and pointedly ignored mingyu’s not-so-subtle smirk. “nice to meet you. dokyeom, right? mingyu’s told me all about you.” she grinned, and dokyeom felt his cheeks burn. 
“good things, i hope.” dokyeom managed, and the gorgeous female let out a laugh that sent a shiver down his spine. “i’m y/n, by the way.” y/n. it suits her. it turned out that you had met mingyu at a party last semester, and the two of you had become close friends. “he was drunk off his ass and kept rambling about how you keep bullying him all the time.” dokyeom had scoffed. “i do not, that’s all in his head.”
mingyu had simply rolled his eyes. “sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, i suppose.” you had all but laughed at their petty argument, and dokyeom knew he had fallen, hook, line, and sinker. 
“kyeom? are you okay?” dokyeom snapped out of his trance and looked over to see a frown etched on your gorgeous features, despite your drunken state. “i’m fine love, just thinking about the first time we met.” he said, shaking his head softly, reaching over to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. 
astrid turned towards dokyeom then, fixing him with a stern look. “dokyeom, do you mind if i ask you a few questions?” he felt his shoulders tense, but managed a small nod. “don’t scare him off please.” you hissed, nudging astrid softly in the ribs with your elbow. 
the aforementioned female ignored you. “so, dokyeom, what are your intentions with my best friend?” dokyeom paled slightly. “w-what?” astrid let out an impatient sigh. “when are you planning to propose to her?” 
“i-we’ve never really discussed marriage, i mean, we’ve only been dating for two years.” astrid scoffed. “so? it never hurts to plan ahead you know. and you don’t have to get married right away, you know, there’s always engagement.” “astrid-” you began, but the aforementioned female cut you off, shooting you a pointed glare. 
“w-well, i have thought about it, proposing to her, i mean, but i was scared to bring it up, i mean we haven’t been dating for that long. i didn’t want to make it seem like i was pressuring her. besides, she already has a lot on her plate, and the last thing i wanted was to add more stress to her life.” dokyeom admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“you should just pop the question now, you know, before i decide to steal her from you.” mingyu cut in, light green eyes sparkling with mischief, and dokyeom snorted. 
“don’t even think about it.” the former gave a casual shrug, giving you a playful wink. “i’m just a phone call away if dokyeom breaks your heart.” mingyu said to you, and dokyeom swore you looked like you were holding back a laugh. “i appreciate the offer.” you joked, and dokyeom had never wanted to strangle mingyu more for the smug smirk he sent his way. 
“i want to propose, but i just haven’t found the right time, i guess.” dokyeom amended, and astrid nodded. “totally understandable. also, sorry for interrogating you on the spot like that. what i wanted to say was that i really like you, dokyeom, and i can tell that you absolutely adore my best friend. she deserves to be spoiled. also, if you break your heart, i will kick your ass, understood?”
dokyeom paled slightly. “u-understood.” astrid smiled, seemingly satisfied as she knocked back another shot of tequila. “glad we could come to an agreement.” once astrid was occupied with debating with seungkwan about something, he felt a slight tug on the sleeve of his shirt. 
he turned to see you looking at him with unshed tears in your eyes. “did you mean it?” you asked, voice hesitant and barely audible over the capochony of the loud and obnoxious laughter of his friends. dokyeom swore his heart nearly melted. “yes, i really do want to marry you one day.” 
dokyeom noticed your lower lip quiver, a telltale sign you were about to sob uncontrollably, and panic immediately set in. “love, don’t cry.” he whispered, reaching out and gently wiping away a tear that had managed to escape with the pad of his thumb.
“i love you.” you sobbed, and practically threw yourself into his arms. dokyeom immediately wrapped his arms around you, rubbing soothing circles onto your back. “i’m sorry for turning into a sappy, sobby mess when we’re supposed to be having fun.” you mumbled into his neck, and dokyeom couldn’t help the amused chuckle that spilled from his lips. 
“it’s okay, love, i’ll always be here for you, remember? even if you’re getting snot and tears all over my favorite shirt.” “i hate you.” you mumbled. dokyeom laughed, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “i love you too.” 
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a/n: no bc wtf was that ending ugh i can’t write fic endings to save my life apparently :’) anyways i hope you all enjoyed this fluffy fic, because i have another svt fic in the works that is basically pure angst soooo be prepared for that kfsjjljdklf but seriously i adore you all and to those that read my mediocre fics, i love y’all :((( anyways i also have another dokyeom fic in the works, and he’s a prince in that fic hehe 
ok bye my loves, its almost one a.m. so i need to sleep lmao till next time <3 also sorry for the inconsistency, ya girl’s a struggling nursing major who has little free time ahaha :) 
tagging: @taeyo95 , @skyjoong , @babybreadontop , @playmetheclassics​ , @shuashong​ , @saturnyeo​  + anyone else who wants to read this <3 
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horror ask number ten billion: what is a horror movie that you had heard a lot of good things about online/in horror fan spaces, but watched and didn’t like it as much as u expected too? and on the opposite end what’s a horror movie you liked more than expected?
Oh my god, I feel like there are so many and I'm sorry if this ends up being a whole essay.
Movies I heard good things about but didn't like:
Hostel. Genuinely one of my least favourite movies ever. I hate it, and I had heard so much about it for years.
House of 1000 Corpses/The Devil's Rejects. I actually don't dislike these movies, I think they're okay. But I think they're a bit overhyped. Haven't seen the third one in the trilogy though.
The Strangers. It was okay, but I think home invasion movies are hard to make all that interesting. Had a similar feeling with Hush.
Prom Night (1980). I love slasher movies, so I heard about this one a lot, but it's just so boring. The 2nd one is way more interesting.
PG Psycho Goreman. I saw so much praise for this movie, and the effects are great, but I hated the characters and most of the writing just wasn't that good. The effects being good was not enough for me to enjoy this tbh.
The Purge movies. I've seen the first 3 and they are all really boring to me :/
Creep (2014), again I thought it was alright, but I've seen people really praise this movie and the sequel and I didn't think it was as good as others seem to. (Also I sometimes see people say that Creep 2004 is better. It's a completely different film, just with the same title, and honestly, Creep 2004 is also just fine. I love the setting and atmosphere a lot, but the story ends up a bit meh)
All the boys love Mandy Lane. Saw this mentioned from time to time in slasher movie circles, and generally given good reviews. It's such a nothing movie. The last like 10 minutes are decent, and everything before that is not.
Shutter (2004). Thai horror film, which so many people seem to love. It's got some great scares, but I didn't like the rest of it very much.
For ones I liked more than expected:
Laid to Rest. Specially the first one. It seemed like a regular slasher movie and, it is, but I thought it was so enjoyable and fun! The 2nd one isn't as good though.
Jennifer's Body. I saw so many mixed reviews initially, but this movie is probably one of my favourites now. I think now most people like it and give it good reviews, but it didn't have that a few years ago.
The Chucky sequels. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first one, but I ended up really liking the sequels. Even though others seem to hate Seed, I didn't think it was that bad. I appreciated it for trying something weird, and I had fun watching it. And Curse and Cult are great!
Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows. This one has really bad reviews, but it's actually so interesting imo. I love the 2000s vibes and the movie is a fun watch. It's not in the documentary style as the first Blair Witch, but I think Blair Witch 2 gets overhated.
Spiral (the 9th Saw movie). Again, I've seen so many negative reviews, but I think it's pretty good. Not the best Saw movie, but better than Jigsaw and Saw's 5 and 7 imo. The twist was predictable as hell, but I loved the traps in Spiral. Especially the opening one and the finger trap! I just think people need to lower their expectations for the 9th entry in a horror movie franchise
The Pool. A slasher movie set in an empty water park. It's the most generic, cheesy slasher movie ever made. And as someone who loves generic slashers, this is like the best thing ever. I had so much fun watching it, even though no one ever talks about it and it's reviews are on the lower end.
There might be some more that surprised me, but usually not because of bad reviews, but because the descriptions made me think the movie was gonna be different. Tbh I am very easily impressed when it comes to horror lmao
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booasaur · 2 years
Of course I meant N and A they are very lovely and has great chemistry, I’m glad N found someone like her and am glad you liked their story, for me C did too many bad things even if she apologize she shouldn’t get what she want that easily even though N forgave her and gave her hope that maybe in the future they can be, I do still have a little feeling for their relationship maybe I like toxic characters 😂 or maybe because I was really hoping they will end up together on season one and wasn’t expecting someone new, I’m also glad they added a lesbian character in an Indian show that’s why I’m so invested in the series and enjoyed it even if some people find it cringey or even rushed and thank you for your review 🔥
Oh, okay, good, good, phew.
Haha, I don't think it's necessarily a matter of liking toxic characters if you sympathize with C and still ship them, the show tried pretty hard to make you forgive her and want them together even after everything. As you said, this is something they've built up since season 1, and they've shown us C's feelings and interiority this whole time. That just builds a natural investment and interest (which is why I always say it matters who the leads are and who gets screentime).
For sure, it was great to see this character written into in an Indian series from the start. I have to confess, as cool as it's been to see the influx of international media on the big streamers, it's always disappointing when it pretty much rules out queer content. I think India's actually doing better and better with their media, since we have the various recent movies and then shows like this and Four More Shots, Guilty Minds, Call My Agent: Bollywood, maybe not so much Hush Hush after that ending, lol (Juhi betrayed me :<), overall it's a very encouraging shift.
And aww, cringey isn't even in my vocabulary, I'll a million times like something more for trying than giving up and going for cynicism out of self-consciousness, it's so brave. Hopefully the show continues to lean into the cheesiness, even for the hets!
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httpiastri · 1 year
perfect – al12
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arthur can't help but admire you right before you're going out with your friends
genre: fluff
pairing: gender neutral!reader x arthur leclerc
warnings: none
requested?: yes
author's note: the guy in the pic looks more like lando than arthur 🙈 oops. anyway, hope u enjoy!
f2/f3 masterlist
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"you look perfect."
arthur peeked in through the doorframe to the hallway, watching you as you carefully put on your earrings in the mirror. "stop it," you hushed him, taking one last quick look at yourself.
"am i not allowed to tell the truth?" he asked back. "i thought you wanted us to have a completely honest relationship." you turned over to take him in, your eyes meeting his ones that were filled with nothing but complete love and utter adoration.
taking a few steps over to him, you hung your hands on his shoulders. "that's true," you snickered as the corners of his mouth turned upwards. "but you don’t have to be so cheesy about it."
"what if i do?"
"what if you don’t?"
he shook his head at you, grinning in disbelief. your hands found themselves playing with the hair in the back of his neck as he asked, "so... where are you going?"
you hummed. "i'm not sure, one of the girls said she knows a place."
"text me when you get there, okay?" you nodded quickly. leaning down to give you a kiss to your temple, he continued, "have fun, but not too much fun," with a warning look.
"don’t you trust me?" you grinned, knowing his response before the words even left his mouth.
"oh, i do. more than anything in the world."
there was a moment of silence where you were doing nothing but staring into each other’s eyes, and you felt like your heart would soon explode with the constantly growing love for the man in front of you. that's what it was like living with, dating, and just existing around arthur; like love was endless and you were just collecting more and more and more of it for every second.
your moment was interrupted by a noise from your phone. arthur let out an inaudible sigh of disappointment when your hands let go of him and instead grabbed your phone from the table behind you. "they're here," you told him, slipping your phone into your pocket before pulling on a pair of heels. "i'll see you later, okay?"
you grab your purse, before snaking your arms around his body and pulling him in for a hug. "call me if you need anything. i can pick you up when you wanna come home."
"okay." tiptoeing up to his height, you placed a quick peck to his lips. "i love you."
"i love you too."
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