#I even remember as a young child ( probably around 6 or 7? ) that I’d pretend to ‘ pick out a new brain ‘ out of an
venting-town · 2 years
Hate how my brain constantly does the exact opposite of what I want it to do
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lokislytherin · 4 years
euphoria // vampire!jungkook
pairing: vampire!jeon jeongguk x human!reader summary: you’re scared of vampires - until one saves your life one night. word count: 1988 + 1808 + 2373 + 1798 + 
chapters: prologue / chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / epilogue
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Seokjin takes a deep breath.  "Y/N," he says, his voice icy cold, "just what exactly is going on?" The phone in his hands morphs into a medieval sword, the blade gleaming pink just like his phone case.  You're too busy gawking to respond.  Seokjin just performed an act of magic in front of you! Your roommate is a witch!
And then it finally sinks in - your roommate is a witch.
You've been sharing an apartment with a witch for well over a year, and you've only just found out.
Jeongguk frantically works to detach himself from you, wanting to wipe the blood on his mouth with a sleeve until he realizes his sleeves are also covered in blood.  He settles for licking most of it away, but there's still a drop of blood on his chin.  "I can explain-"
Seokjin glowers down at Jeongguk.  His glare is absolutely frigid, and if your cheeks were hot before, whatever heat there was is now gone.  "Is your name Y/N?"
"No," mumbles Jeongguk like a chastised child.
Angry Seokjin does tend to have this kind of effect on people.
"Yeah, I didn't think so either," the witch grumbles with a scowl.
He turns to you, and you wince in preparation for what's to come.  He attacks you with a barrage of questions.  "Y/N, how long have you been harboring this vampire? What made you think it was okay to associate yourself with him? Why did you let him suck your blood like that? He could've killed you, don't you realize that?" He sighs, squeezing the bridge of his nose.  "See, this is exactly why I strengthened the wards.  I knew there was a bloodsucker that kept hanging around this place, but goddammit, Y/N, you were the one who kept letting him in!" He sounds frustrated, almost disappointed in you.
"He's my friend," you retort hotly, "he saved my life! Remember when I got home really late one night a month ago? That's because I almost got molested by some creepy old dude, and he helped me! He needed help just now, and what was I to do, push him away? He was dying!"
Seokjin sniffs haughtily.  "He doesn't look that dead to me.  Besides, he's a vampire.  He's already dead."
Jeongguk raises a hand.  "Technically, I'm undead? My heart doesn't beat, but I still need to eat and breathe and poop and everything," he adds in an attempt to be helpful, only to be met with a small sneer from Seokjin.  Neither of you are willing to back down.'
"You never told me you were a witch either," you say bitterly.  "You know who I had to hear that from?" You poke Jeongguk's arm.  "Him.  Do you think it's okay for you to keep your secrets from me but not for me to keep mine from you? Why do you even care how I live my life?"
Seokjin groans.  "I'm trying to keep you safe, Y/N! You're my friend, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you!"
"I'm almost eighteen, Jin! I'm old enough to fend for myself and deal with my own crap!" You're almost yelling at him, and you would've felt guilty if you weren't so angry.
Jeongguk's eyes go wide.  "Wait, Jin? Like Kim Seokjin Jin?"
doesn't look angry anymore, just plain tired.  "Am I supposed to know y-"
He squints.  "Jeon Jeongguk? Is that you?" He fumbles around for his glasses, only to realize he'd left them in his room.  
Jeongguk looks delighted.  "Yeah, that's me!" You can't help but feel a little out of place.  "You remember me?"
You shake your head.  This has been one of the most chaotic nights you have ever witnessed in your whole life, and you've had a lot of sleepovers with chaotic friends.  "What is going on?"
Jeongguk smiles shyly.  "Seokjin is a friend of mine, actually.  Or was.  I haven't seen him in person for a really long time."
Seokjin ruffles his hair playfully.  "You've grown so much, I almost didn't recognize you! I'm still taller, and you look exactly the same as you were when we were kids." He turns to you.  "I used to be neighbors with this brat," he says, "he and Tae were the most annoying squirts ever, but we moved to another district." He turns back to Jeongguk.  "If it makes you feel any better, he cried on the first night because you weren't there."
Jeongguk pouts, and your heart flutters.  "Aw, I hate it when he cries." He stands up, pouting some more when he confirms for himself that Jin is in fact taller.  He really is cute when he pouts.
“What happened to you?” Seokjin asks curiously.  “How’d you-” he waves his arms around, “-get turned?”
You turn to the young vampire, equally curious.  Every time you've brought up the subject in the past, he'd started to look shifty, evading your questions before changing the subject entirely.  You're interested to see how Seokjin fares.
Jeongguk starts to fidget, trying to use the same tactics to dodge the older man's question.  "It's kind of a long story-"
"It’s two AM," you pipe in, “you’ve actually got a few hours before daylight if that affects you. Besides, I don’t think I could sleep."
Jeongguk sighs, somehow managing to look beautiful and sad at the same time, like some kind of tragic pensive prince from a fairy-tale.  "Are you sure you want to hear?"
You nod reassuringly.  "It's okay, Jeonggukkie, you can tell me anything." You're not sure where the nickname came from, but it's cute and it fits him, so you continue.  "Besides, we had a bonding session! I cradled you in my arms!" You're not lying - Jeongguk had almost died in them too.  Well, died a little more than he already had, that is.
Jeongguk grins, the tip of his lips quirking up teasingly.  “Now, why can’t I seem to recall that? Surely I’d remember a pretty girl cradling me in her arms?”
This elicits a fierce blush from you, and you whack him in your attempt to cover it.  “Because you were unconscious, you idiot! You blacked out on me! You almost gave me a heart attack; did you know that?”
The vampire laughs, draping an arm around your shoulders.  “At least I’m your idiot.”
Seokjin doesn’t even bother to mask his discomfort, wrinkling his nose in what you can only class as mild disgust.  “That was so cheesy, JK.  Stop flirting with Y/N and explain.”
You laugh at his haughty expression.  "Maybe you're just jealous that you're almost thirty and still single." As much as you love him and support his relationships, making fun of his lack of relationships is much more fun.
"I'm being bullied," Seokjin mutters under his breath with a petulant scowl.  "Anyway, Jeongguk, please tell us your story.  We're all dying to know." Jeongguk raises an eyebrow.  "You know me, Jeongguk.  I'm not going to tell you the pun wasn't intended."
You snort, already well accustomed to your roommate’s badly timed dad jokes.  One of your friends from school also has quite the penchant for puns, and you’re not sure if facing her jokes are better or worse.  Allowing them to meet would be a disaster in the making.
"Anyway, Jeongguk, you can tell us.  If the vampire who turned you is dangerous and tries to attack you again for whatever reason, I'd protect you," you tell him earnestly.  "I don't have magic or super strength or good night vision, but I still learned to kick-box.  I punched a pervert in the face.  I'm not useless."
The vampire smirks, flexing.  You kind of wish he would strangle you with his thick, muscled thighs.  "Shouldn't I be the one protecting you? I'm the hot undead guy, you're the pretty damsel in distress, and clearly, Jin is the comic relief friend who's probably going to die first.  Besides, I rescued you from that pervert when he started chasing you." "You killed him because you were thirsty," you retort.
"What can I say?" Jeongguk has the decency to look sheepish.  "I'm not me when I'm hungry.  It's a vampire thing."
Seokjin points his phone-sword at Jeongguk threateningly.  "One more insult, brat, and you'll live the rest of your days as a disgusting undead spider instead.  I'm a witch, I'm legally allowed to do that."
Jeongguk raises an eyebrow.  "Last time I checked, transformation of objects wasn't your affinity."
Seokjin turns red, almost purple.  "I've gotten better at it, though.  I can and I will turn you into a spider that I can squish under my foot."
He turns his sword into a magic staff instead, and Jeongguk makes an "eep" sound when Jin pretends to form an incantation.  "Don't turn me into a spider," he says, "I like this human form."
"I like this form too," you say, subconsciously snuggling closer to his biceps, "I don't want you to turn into a spider."
You're a thirsty hoe, Jin mouths at you.  You can't deny it.
"I'd be the best looking spider you've ever seen," Jeongguk says seriously.  "Better than Jin."
Jin splutters, too well accustomed to being dubbed the 'handsome one' to hear Jeongguk saying "I'd be a better looking spider than you".  "Hey! JK!"
"I have arachnophobia," you deadpan.  "If you turned into a spider I'd scream and run away."
Jeongguk pouts.  "Aw."
"Anyway, story or spider, JK," says Jin menacingly.  His expression isn't very scary, but Jeongguk still gulps, well aware of the threat.  Jin will bark and bite in equal measures.  "Stop stalling."
Jeongguk scowls and makes a face.  "I'm getting to it, you impatient hag."
Jin cracks the staff down on Jeongguk's head, hard enough to hurt but not enough to injure.  "Don't call me a hag, you brat!"
Jeongguk whimpers, clutching his head and leaning towards you.  "Jin's a big meanie."
You laugh at their brotherly squabbling, petting the vampire's head absentmindedly (if you'd told your past self you'd be petting a vampire's head, your past self would've never believed it).  "We can kick him out later," you say, "but for now, let's listen to you, yeah?"
He nods.
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zeldasayer · 5 years
Loving Dyn V - Christmas Eve
Pairing: Mandalorian/Dyn Jarren x Reader
Summary: Domestic Daddy Dyn, Artist Mom & the green bean attend your parents infamous Christmas Eve party. We get to know your parents and your backstory. (Continuation from Loving Dyn II & IV)
Warnings: Flashbacks including drinking, smoking, brief depictions of depression, loneliness/abandonment, mention of coming out.
Dyn squeezes your hand as you walk up the steps to your mother’s residence. Your other hand holding up your caramel coloured silk dress, your heels clicking against the marble.
Baby looks up at the 15-foot doorway in astonishment from his father’s arm.
“Okay,” you say turning to your two boys, you feel the lapels of Dyn’s blue velvet suit between your fingers to stay grounded. It’s fitted and he looks dashing. You’ve dressed Baby in a matching blue velvet robe you made yourself out of fabric you found at the market. “There’s my mother, Wilhemina. My father, Stark. My mother’s husband, Ezra. My father’s husband, Madden.”
Dyn nods, “Wilhemina. Stark. Ezra. Madden. I got it.”
“Right, and then there’s everyone else. My aunts. Uncles. Cousins. Family friends.” You look towards the door as you start to panic. “Oh god, Dyn what have I done?”
You start to fidget. “Everyone is in there. This is too much. It’s Christmas Eve. You must think I’m insane. Let’s just leave. We can just go. Let’s just go.’’
You turn and Dyn grabs your arm, “Hey, hey. It’s fine. I’m excited. I love Christmas.”
“You didn’t even know what it was three weeks ago.” You whimper.
“Yeah, well....” Dyn shrugs, tilting his head to the side.
You look down at your hands and Dyn crouches to try and find your eye line. “Hey, I am ready for this. It’s you, me and Baby against the galaxy, babe. Always. It’s going to be just fine.”
You nod and Dyn takes your hand and you push open the door.
You’re hit by a wave of warmth, sound, and colour. As the foyer is filled with people dressed in jewel toned evening wear, everyone dripping in silk and fur and velvet and gold. There is laughter and clinking of champagne glasses. More than a few heads turn toward you and you look down in embarrassment.
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) by Darlene Love fills the air glowing rich with candlelight, as a droid skids past, offering drinks.
“HMm.” Dyn grunts in displeasure. You let go of his hand and link your arm through his.
“Come on, tough guy. Let’s find my parents”
Baby coos, distracted by the lights and colours and different voices, the vibrating music. Even Dyn has his neck craned up to the cathedral ceilings strung with twinkling lights.
“Remember,” you say looking back at them, Baby’s eyes bouncing around like a ping-pong ball, Dyn staring straight up at the oversized black and white portrait of you as a child, a goofy smile plastered across his face. “If this gets to be too much, you tell me and we’re out of here.”
“Yeah, sure.” Dyn says, looking back down. “Is that you?”
You look up at the portrait you mother had blown up after you moved out. It was taken at the beach, your hair wind-blown and salty at the end of the day. Your chin raised, and your eyes cast down to the side. You were 7.
“Uh, yep.” You say, maneuvering through the crowd. Stopping as more guests began to recognize you. You exchange quick kisses on the cheek and insist you’ll return once you find your parents.
“Kind of crazy, isn’t it?” Dyn asks.
“How so?” You say over your shoulder.
“That’s what our daughter could look like.”
You stop and Dyn walks into you, Baby’s arms go up in surprise. You look up at your love with wide eyes, “Okay, we’ll unpack that when it’s not Christmas.”
Dyn laughs and shrugs and you imitate his movements as a joke.
You turn back as you walk through the arches of the grand living room and you hear an excited scream.
A woman in a long red fur coat turns, she wears a matching red gown, her exquisitely shiny silver hair piled up with pins on the top her head. She has an opera length cigarette holder between her dark purple lips.
“Someone take this!” She calls, pulling the holder out of her mouth and stepping forward with her arms up. “There will be no smoking around my grandson! Or my daughter! Or her beautiful partner!”
“Hi, mom” you smile, opening your arms for her. She embraces you and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
“And this must be Dyn and Baby,” Wilhemina sings, wrapping her arms around the two of them.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Dyn gasps through her grip.
Wilhemina pets the top of Baby’s head lovingly, then clasps her hands together. “I am so glad you’re all here. I am so happy.”
The droid skids by again, a replenished tray of champagne balancing on top.
“Please!” Your mother exclaims, “Have a drink.”
“I’d love one,” you say and Dyn just stares.
“It’s fine, just take it.” You say through your teeth.
Dyn grunts.
“Take it.” You pretend to cough.
Wilhemina raises an eyebrow but her focus is broken as she looks passed the two of you. “Oh, Stark! Look who’s here!”
You turn to greet your father, but Dyn catches his hand first. Giving him a strong handshake and Baby cackles from the bumpy movement.
“Nice to meet you, Dyn.” Your father smiles, before crouching down to meet Baby. Everyone is always stunned when they meet Stark, Baby included. He coos with his mouth agape, reaching for his club master reading glasses. Your father wears and all white suit with a black tie, salt and pepper hair slicked back, his beard impeccably kept. He stuffs his hands in his pockets as his velvet fog voice spills out of his mouth, “Well hello there, Baby,”
Baby smiles sweetly with wide eyes and Stark squeezes his little cheek.
“Y/N!” Madden calls, stepping around his husband. “The most beautiful girl in the galaxy. When are you going to let me put you in a movie?”
“Never!” You laugh, as you kiss each other on both cheeks.
Madden rolls his eyes, “I know, but I’ll never stop trying.”
“She’s far too talented to be an actor, Madden darling.” Stark declares to his husband, crossing in front of him to embrace you and you quickly inhale his cologne.
“Hi dad,” you smile up at him.
“I’m so happy you came.”
“I think I’ve almost missed it here.”
Dyn laughs at something Madden & Wilhemina are telling him, probably something at your expense, but you smile at the sweet sound of his voice any way.
“You look happy, my star.” Stark says, searching your face.
You look over to Dyn, now bouncing Baby on his side as your mother introduces them to her husband and others you recognize as your aunt Adohara and her family. Dyn’s face is Iike sunshine, even in the darkness of winter as he smiles and nods, wishing everyone around him a “Merry Christmas”.
Your aunt comments on his exquisite face as Children pull on his arm for a better look at Baby and Wilhemina passes him champagne. He and Baby are a commodity.
You look back to you father, “I really am, dad.”
Your father nods, “I am so glad, my star.”
Stark smiles, and behind his frames you can’t help but see relief, joy and sadness swirl around in his eyes, all at once.
Wilhemina Starling and Stark Juniper were pioneers of the hologram film age, and the biggest stars on Venus-9. They were disgustingly beautiful, effortlessly funny, breathtakingly talented, and, as a duo, criminally profitable. Their marriage was iconic and your birth was broadcasted on every comm on the planet, finally an heir to a film dynasty. The next true star, so they thought. You rebelled at an early age against any matching of your parents stardom. You would rarely sit still for photographs and journalists, loudly expressed your contempt for fame, specifically declaring you had never even seen a Starling & Juniper vehicle. You didn’t mean to come off harsh, it just spilled out of you.
You were cursed at such a young age with the ability to see through it all. You didn’t see the beauty, the constant filtering of important people through your home - from filmmakers, to poets, to musicians and diplomats. You didn’t see the opulence, or even the joy your parents brought to others through their films. You only saw the loneliness looking back at you in the mirror. The confusing desire to both rebel and have your parents full attention, to be as great as them in anything. You could only see a life you didn’t ask for. You wanted to be delicate, exist in the shadows. Stunning and strong.
Instead you were full of rage and sadness. Your own beauty repulsed you and you were so desperately impulsive. You screamed out to the sky every night “Why did you send me to this planet?!” for you knew it must have been a mistake. You weren’t who you longed to be. You had an obsessive desire to set the planet on fire, but knew it wouldn’t burn fast enough. Nothing ever did. You were lost in a never ending cycle of everything being too much, or not enough.
It wasn’t until you were an adult and moved off of Venus-9 that you saw your parents for what they were, as complicated and lonely as you.
There was your mother’s exhausting career in always being “on”. Trapped in a contract she signed at 21, she had been making 6 films a year since. She was who everyone either wanted to be, or be with. A pressure she kept hidden in the dark with cigarettes and brandy. The biting of her cuticles and the ever-present guilt of so desperately wanting to be famous, just to secretly be unable to handle it. Wilhemina threw herself into every party, every role, every glass of brandy with her purple lipstick print, as to not be afraid.
Though, Stark could have been the loneliest of all. From the ages of 12-15 you could count on one hand how many times you had seen your fathers glorious face. It was a time you called, The Days of Recluse. You all slept under the same roof but at this point your parents had separate bedrooms. Your father only emerging from his for work. Otherwise, he laid in the dark all day, you were certain, catching a glimpse inside his room one afternoon when your mother shuffled out with a tray of uneaten breakfast. One of the few times you actually came face to face with Stark during this time, his appearance startled you. Gone were his golden movie star looks. His lustrous perfectly coiffed black hair had gone dull and shaggy. His skin over grown with a beard that made him unrecognizable. The dreamy look in his eye had gone hard and vacant like stone. He looked frail, his body swallowed by light blue pyjamas. Ultimately, he looked defeated. If you didn’t know your father, you wouldn’t know who was standing before you in the hallway at the top of the stairs in your own home. You stood there, eyes wide and he began to cry.
“I love you,” you blurted out, and pushed past him. You didn’t know what to do. How could you? This was just your normal.
Wilhemina became increasingly irritable during this time. Favouring chain smoking in the grand living room, with her large sunglasses on with her sister, Adohara. They spoke in whispers, but you heard them, of not knowing what to do. Wanting to help your father but not knowing where to start. “He needs his truth.” Your mother would say. “He needs his truth.”
When your father came out to you, you wept. You wept for him, you wept for yourself, you wept for the light that now crept into the home. You wept tears of happiness because you felt like perhaps this had been what was missing all along, your father’s truth.
You had a vivid memory of just days later, sitting on the floor of your parents formerly shared en-suite bathroom as your mother cut your father’s unkept hair, and trimmed his beard that he decided to keep.
Your father leaned into every touch, and your mother smiled through misty eyes. It felt so intimate, like you shouldn’t be there. It was like witnessing two people coming out on the other side, battered and bruised, but alive. Victims of a vicious studio system that overworked them and stole the best years of their lives just to display for the joy of others. A system that didn’t care what happened to them, as long as they were making money.
You once had elaborate fantasies of telling your parents you were magnificent in spite of them, not because of them, but all that came out of your mouth the night before Stark moved out of the residence was, “Growing up was so hard.”
Your parents looked down in shame. Your father’s bottom lip protruding as he let out a heavy exhale.
Wilhemina grabbed his hand and opened her mouth to speak, but you cut her off.
“And I don’t need you to be sorry, I don’t need you to want to take it back, I just need you to know how hard it was to always be alone. I was always alone.” You felt your chest burn from your voice cracking. “I know it wasn’t easy for you either, but I was the child and I needed you.”
Wilhemina and Stark nodded. They knew. And you knew that they did. There had been a shift after your father’s coming out. You actually saw each other, Wilhemina in the process of retiring from the scene all together and Stark transitioning to work behind the camera. You had begun showing them your own work, your art picking up recognition under the pseudonym F/N Zelda as to not attract any concerns of nepotism. Your mother began hanging pieces around the residence until they sold, even holding on to the ones you insisted on scrapping.
They were trying, but change wasn’t immediate. You weren’t suddenly delicate overnight. You felt for your father who was now faced with dreaming up his entire life all over again, and your mother who was losing you both to new lives at once. The three of you had a lifetime to mend and heal from, but it finally felt like the beginning of the end.
“Dyn, Y/N,” your mother sings as Baby reaches for her, much to your surprise. “I hope it’s alright, I got a few Christmas gifts for Baby.”
Wilhemina adjusts Baby in her arms as he rubs his face softly against her fur coat.
“Of course,’ Dyn says.
“We got him a few things, too.” Stark says, putting a hand on Madden’s shoulder and Madden beams a radiant smile.
Your mother turns and you all follow her as a parade through the sea of people to the back of the home. Past the 18-person dining table and through the kitchen with servant droids assembling platters of hors d'oeuvres and glasses of champagne. You link your arm through Dyn’s again, pressing yourself against him as delicately as you can. You look up at him with doey eyes and he smirks.
Through the kitchen you’re met with the more modest living space, the one you frequented most growing up. You gasp.
The room is lit up by a Christmas tree surrounded by package after package wrapped in different coloured foils, all tied meticulously with bows. Different shapes and sizes, there is at least two dozen of them.
“Oh mom.. Dad...” You sigh.
Wilhemina sets Baby on the ground and he waddles toward the shiny colours.
Stark and Madden walk passed you excitedly as you and Dyn have stopped in your tracks, eyes wide.
Dyn leans into your ear and whispers, “Baby isn’t going to know what to do with any of this.”
“Yeah, no. Not a clue.” You whisper back.
Baby looks back at you, as his finger traces along a gift.
“Go ahead, Baby.” Dyn nods. “It’s all for you.”
Sometimes you can’t believe this is your life. A civil relationship with your parents. An angel you would run to the end of the galaxy for, and his sweet green bean that you came to care for as your own. A delicate existence that satisfies you creatively, emotionally and otherwise. Filled with soft moments and a love so deep, if you think about it for too long, it makes you cry. A life you didn’t know was possible, for you once believed you’d be screaming up into the sky for eternity. But here you are. Sitting cross legged on the floor with Baby in your lap as he tears through Christmas presents, more interested in the wrappings and bows than the toys themselves. Dyn scarfing down hors d'oeuvres with your step dads and father just above you, stopping to feed you one, as your hands are tied with your sweet boy. Your mother watching everything with excited eyes, sipping on Coca Cola from a glass with her purple lipstick print.
You made it. You’re okay.
Tags: @otherthingsinhead @aeryntheofficial @maryan028 @readsalot73 @osric-the-l3m0n-l0v3-demon @capsironunderoos @antclottz @intense-sneezing
A/N: I feel like I should apologize as this has turned into more of myself practicing/finding my writing style than an actual Star Wars tale. I promise in the next chapter or 2, everything changes....👀 Stark and Wilhemina are based off of Rock Hudson and Dorothy Malone. I hope you enjoyed. Happy holidays! Love, Zelda
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Sunday Stumped Day 29
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day!
Sometimes we straight out get stumped. So every few months we will pick a Sunday when we’ll post of a list of asks that we need your help on.
This time around we have focused on Asks that are looking for specific fics. 
If you know the answer to any of these asks please shoot us a message/ ask/  with the Post number and the fic details and we’ll add it and give you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16, Post 17, Post 18, Post 19, Post 20, Post 21, Post 22 , Post 23, Post 24, Post 25, Post 26, Post 27 and Post 28 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with. 
495. theman189-blog said:
Also looking for a growing together fic where peeta and katniss are painting a room ar one point and they get in a paint fight, at the end when peeta has katniss over his shoulder she draws a heart in paint on his lower back
494. theman189-blog said:
Hi there, just read a fic where katniss and peeta were peacekeepers and fall in love called protect and serve, and I could have sworn there was another one where they're peacekeepers and fell in love but had a more concrete ending and I cant remember it... any thoughts?
493. breakmeaswitchson said:
Hi! So I posted asking about this on a sub in Reddit and got directed here, it's not specifically an Everlark one (I don't think) but if you could help I'd be so thankful! Basically, it took the characters from the 74th Hunger Games, but the twist was that they all had to work together in designated groups? And (I think) weren't allowed to turn on each other until nobody else was left. I'm pretty sure Rue and Clove were on a team together, and I think the setting involved abandoned buildings.
492. jayana90 said:
Hi! I'm looking for a specific fic from Peeta's POV. I read it about a year ago & now I can't find it. It begins at his house in 12 with his family, then traces nearly all of the Hunger Games trilogy. It ends with a chapter with Peeta & Katniss living in 12 years later with their kids and a bakery. I think they loved cheese bread? It was really long and so good, I hope to find it again. V smutty.
FOUND! The Sexual Frustrations of Peeta Mellark by PeetasAndHerondales, which has sadly been deleted. - thank you, mistressnightshade!
491. allflowerscatchthesunlight said:
Fic name needed: I recall Peeta was taken by the capitol and then there was trackers embedded into his skin or something and he was found by the squad while in the capitol to kill snow. They cut it out of him. Also katniss was pregnant, but miscarried.
Found!  Secret Wishes, Secret Kisses by @katnissdoesnotfollowback -- thank you KDNFB!
490. jsth2obooks said:
Hi I read this fix a while ago and now I'm trying to find it. It's Modern day Katnisss and Peeta have to go to a high school reunion an they pretend to be either together/engaged. At the end they end up with a child. Thanks in advance
FOUND! Somewhere That’s Green by Jlala. Thank you, @fangirlingoverquotes
489. uglydora15 said:
I read this fancition about Katniss and Peeta post mockingjay and Katniss was pregnant I think for the second time and Peeta has a flashback and Katniss caught him kissing someone else in the bakery and he had to beg for her forgiveness
Possibly There Are Still Worse Games to Play- The Second Part of Our Journey by panskiss123.  Thank you, @sunsetsrmydreams
488. bad-fad said:
Hi so I think there’s a fix where mr. Mellark like takes in katniss when she’s young (I don’t think prim existed in the story but I could be wrong) and she grows up with the Mellarks but I can’t remember?? If not maybe some recs along those lines
Possibly - “Kinship” by Misshoneywell - thank you @endlessnightlock
possibly Star by HGRomance  - thank you @nightlock-89
Possibly the deleted Lion’s Tooth by Alexabee
487. craftydiva0828 said:
Looking for a story where after the war, Katniss rides the trains searching the districts for Peeta; people search for loved ones by posting their pictures at the train depot bulletin board.
FOUND!  when the far-gone dead return - writingforhugs (Thanks, @ladymurphyevermore!)              
486. bookworm06 said:
I was wondering if you guys know about a fic where Peeta woos katniss slowly, they dare secretly for a long time i think. And then Katniss comes out in this beautiful orange dress(peeta’s favorite color) to announce their engagement. She’s dressed up for a feast or party in the district or something! I loved this story but can’t even remember the name 🤦🏻‍♀️
FOUND! -  I Knew This Would Have Happened Anyway by @abk1973 - thank you, @litharalen
485. cowrintimrousbeastie said:
Hello! This is actually the first time I'm posting a question, I usually enjoy doing the detective work. This time though, I've looked high and low and can't find it... it's a drabble posted on tumblr in several parts. Peeta is living with his girlfriend Delly but during one of his baking workshops discovers that this longtime best friend Katniss is in love with him (she has him as her phone screen saver). She works at the library? He confronts her and she says forget it as he is happy w/Delly..
FOUND!  By @cowrintimrousbeastie herself!  It is How Long by @ra3lynn3.  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4 and Part 5.
484. beautiful-harmony1 said:
Hello! Thank for your great work. I am looking for a fic I read a while ago. Post-mockingjay. Katniss is really sick and Peeta comes homes a realises. He takes care of her. On her “death bed” she talks about this that would have happened between the two. I’m pretty sure some bursts in and say “we found a cure”. Thank you so much
483. thehopefuldandelion said:
So I’ve been craving to read this fic that hopefully I didn’t make up and I’ve been trying to remember it’s name. All I remember is that Katinss and Gale(I think) are dating but when Gale would go to sleep Katinss would text Peeta. I’m pretty sure they were coworkers and couldn’t date bc of this. I know that she broke up with Gale but that’s all that my brain can remember. I’m sorry if this is vague or you can’t find it. I just wanted to read this again. Thanks for all you do for the community❤️
FOUND! This is After Hours by SoThere -thank you, @mendontprotectyou!
482. redhoodhungergames said:
I’m looking for a fic where peeta goes to this hotel (or something) and finds Katniss who works there as a singer. I remember when talking we hear that Katniss is from Virginia
481. just-absolutely-super said:
There’s a pre-epilogue fic I read about Katniss and Peeta growing back together. I can’t remember all the details but I think in the fic Katniss finds out Peeta painted Prim and it upset her? Toward the end she’s outside his bedroom door and confesses to him that she loves him. Thank you!
Possibly - The List of Words by MyKonstantine - thank you, @jennagill
480. peetniss27 said:
OK i must be going crazy, but this fanfic is about panem being a bunch of islands and they all do a computer session and are matched with their spouses after being “reaped” and Katniss was dating peeta and ended up with gale. It was called the islands but idk the new name please help!!!!!
Are You Leaving Me? - iloverueforever (*Thank you, @superchocovian!)
479. uniquepizzacollectionblog said:
Hi, i"m looking for a fic where katniss and peeta and best friends and have slept with each other in the past and now the sexual tension is coming back, maybe you guys know of this story?
478. xgetawaycar13 said:
Hiiii so I’m looking for a fic in which Katniss and Peeta get married in catching fire by order of snow and they are also forced to have children but I remember that at some point someone told Katniss about how all the girls at school liked Peeta so she got jealous and have him a blowjob Thank youuu I already look through your master list about marriage in catching fire but I couldn’t find it:(
FOUND.  This is Have Heart, My Dear by monroeslittle.  Thanks @finestunicorn.
477. ochri said:
Hi i'm looking for this fic from fanfiction It's a post-MJ fic and there's this one chapter where katniss peels? her skin off her fingers and then Peeta takes her to hospital. That's all I really remember :/
476. nikki-pondtheauthor said:
hey im curious if there are fanfics in which peeta learns how to use a bow and shoot arrows (taught by katniss). bonus if he does this in hunger games. im sure ive a read a fanfic before, that was awesome in my opinion because it is a bit out of character for him but highlighting the fact that he is a survivor too and can handle weapons even if he is more a friendly persona
475. white-dandelion-seeds said:
Hey, can you find me this story- Peeta helped Katniss to escape when her family was being killed. But he got captured and was made a slave. Later he helps Katniss to take revenge of the death of her family
474. chippedcupsandbrokenhearts said:
Ok do you know the name of Fic where Katniss finally gets away from her abusive marriage with gale and goes back to her family. They didn’t know she was being abused. She falls in love with Peeta and I remember at one point gale found her and her family drives him out of town. I read this YEARS ago and now I just randomly had the urge to reread it but can’t remember the name. Thank you!!!
Possibly - A Safe Place by HavishamWard,but this fic has been deleted. Thank you, @endlessnightlock
473. jillpill55 said:
Hi, I love your page and have read probably a hundred fics because of it. I hoping you can help me find this fic I read a couple of months ago. Peeta was captured and when he came back he couldn't kiss Katniss because of a implant snow had put in peeta's leg. I would be a mutli-chapter and may or not be finished. Thanks
Possibly - Rekindling by ShiningCity.  Thank you, @sunsetsrmydreams
472. svmn14 said: 
There was a story about Peeta suffering from an undetected hijacking attack timed 10 years after the last Games where he was designed to hurt Katniss 
FOUND!  This is Broken:  Scenes from the Sequel by MockingJayFlyingFree.  Thanks @sunsetsrmydreams
471. hiyosakura said: 
Hello! I was wondering if you could help find this everlark fic. I’m not sure if it’s completed or not but it also has hayffie in it a bit I think. So the story is that k and p fall in love before their games and they meet at their tree in school or something but then they get reaped and I can’t remember what happens after that but during the quarter quell Katniss is actually pregnant and Peeta and Katniss are able to communicate with their lips touching.
FOUND! That’s 74th Hunger games Challenge: We Always Were - Jamie Sommers(*Thank you, @superchocovian!)
470. ptx-holic said:
 Hi, i’m looking for a fic where katniss is in a relationship with gale and then she met peeta and they are in a relationship but they caught katniss having two relationship and katniss move to somewhere and then she came back few years later and met peeta again. I’m sorry if this is confusing for you but i can’t find it. Thank you :) 
Do any of these fics ring a bell? Please let us know!
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chicagosfinest2021 · 3 years
nosy anons let's go
(I know people are supposed to anonymously send these to people but most people usually don't bother so I'm just going to answer them myself because I can :-P )
0: Height-5'3"
1: Age-Old enough to know what a pager is but young enough to never have actually used one before X-D
2: Shoe size-9
3: Do you smoke? No
4: Do you drink? Occasionally/socially
5: Do you take drugs? Just benadryl for my allergies
6: Age you get mistaken for? Early to mid 20's
7: Have tattoos? No
8: Want any tattoos? No, I like my chocolately skin the way it is :-)
9: Got any piercings? Just my ears
10: Want any piercings? I might get one or two more
11: Best friend? My sister
12: Relationship status? Happily unattached
13: Biggest turn ons? Men who have money and spend it on me
14: Biggest turn offs? Broke men who are looking for free sex and free therapy
15: Favorite movie? An Indian movie I just watched on Netflix a few months ago called "Queen". I saw so much of myself in the main character, it was amazing.
16: I’ll love you if… For men, you consistently make the effort to make me happy and make sure I'm taken care of(which includes respecting my time and my presence in your life). For women...we just have to bond and genuinely enjoy each others company, that's really it. Women earn my love much more easily.
17: Someone you miss? My grandmother, I'd probably give up a lot of good things I have going for myself right now in exchange for having my grandmother back.
18: Most traumatic experience? (*Trigger warning*) My sexual assaults, especially the second one because it was someone I'd known since I was a kid.
19: A fact about your personality? I've been introverted since childhood. I like either small intimate settings or being alone, rarely do I enjoy being in big groups.
20: What I hate most about myself? That it took me so long to come out of my social anxiety and had low self value for so long. I think that if I had conquered all of that sooner, I'd be a lot further ahead in life.
21: What I love most about myself? I'm more secure in who I am now than ever before. There's certain things that I used to tolerate that are unthinkable to me in the present, and I don't have "haters" because anyone that might be throwing negative energy my way doesn't register.
22: What I want to be when I get older? A luxurious Black woman with my own condo and living in an upscale neighborhood. I want to be saving money, making wise investments, and spoiling myself and my niece <3 I also want to have a tight group of girl friends I spend time with regularly.
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)? I have one full sister who is like my twin and we're very close, and a younger half-sister who's 8 years my junior whom I love but don't relate to too much. We have different mothers and (through no fault of hers) we grew up in very different environments: me and my oldest sister are a lot more "bougie" as a result of our suburban upbringing, but our little sister grew up in the 'hood and applies "hood logic" to a lot of things. The type of men we're attracted to, the type of music we like, the company we keep. . .it's like trying to talk to someone who speaks a foreign language.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)? I'm a daddy's girl. Even though my dad and I don't see eye to eye on everything he's the reason why I have such high expectations from men. My mom and I only recently started getting close, she and I tend to bump heads more often than me and my dad.
25: My idea of a perfect date? I show up to a 4 star Italian restaurant and my date meets me with roses and a small gift. We sit down and he's a gentleman, we eat, chat, makes jokes, and have a few drinks. After he pays the bill but before we get up to leave he passes me an envelope under the table. I take a look and see that it has $700 in cash inside of it. I accept it and thank him. Before we part ways he requests to see me again soon and I tell him I'll have to check my schedule. My Uber ride pulls up and my date opens my door for me before taking my hand and kissing it.
26: My biggest pet peeves? Men who want maximum benefits for minimal effort and the women willing to give it to them. Also trap music, just. . .in general. Oh and Black people who still insist we're "taking the sting out of the N-word" by using it casually amongst ourselves, it's just such a problematic and counterproductive mindset and I can't even pretend to entertain it.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like? I don't currently have anyone that I like but ideally they'd be well groomed, witty, intelligent, stable mentally, emotionally and financially. Someone who likes jokes but isn't vulgar, and notices the little things about me (how I make eye contact, my natural scent, the way I carry myself when I walk, sit, stand, etc). Being physically attractive is always a plus, but things that I find physically attractive in a person is very broad.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most? Rude, unkempt, body odor, someone who doesn't respect personal boundaries, ungrateful, uninteresting, someone who talks incessantly about things they don't actually know or can't comprehend.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend? I can't remember the last time I lied to a friend about anything.
30: What I hate the most about work/school? My current position is uninteresting, tedious and not in a field I was working in previously. Also I'm doing work that realistically should be performed by 4 or 5 people but of course they expect one person to take care of everything. It's really just a temporary gig to make money to save up for a new place, so I'm trying to suck it up because I know I won't be here long.
31: What my last text message says: My cousin said she got her 2nd covid vaccination today so I responded with "Hip Hop Hooray!" LOL
32: What words upset me the most? "I'm just looking to have fun. . ."
33: What words make me feel the best about myself? When another pretty Black girl gives me a compliment, I immediately feel invincible.
34: What I find attractive in women? High self esteem and a sense of security, not seeing other women as competition, women who are cultured and have multiple interests, and who enjoy learning new things as well as sharing her wisdom with others. I also enjoy creating bonds with women who are child-free by choice like myself.
35: What I find attractive in men? Their ability to spoil me and give me pleasure.
36: Where I would like to live? North side of Chicago maybe around Lincoln Park. Outside of the US I'd like to live in England or Ireland in the future.
37: One of my insecurities: I am a short woman with large breasts (double D's). I've been buxom since a very young age and being well endowed has made me the center of negative attention on more than a few occasions. I'm constantly battling between wanting to highlight my curves without "advertising" too much either.
38: My childhood career choice: I believe I wanted to be a writer. I'd love to be a travel blogger actually.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor: It used to be cookie dough but now it's mint chocolate chip
40: Who I wish I could be: Sade
41: Where I want to be right now: Sitting on the balcony of my luxury condo, sipping wine and watching the lights of the city while smooth jazz is playing on my record player.
42: The last thing I ate: A slice of my dad's birthday cake (red velvet)
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: I have this picture of this male model saved on my phone who looks like a "stereotypical" sugar daddy to me: tall, caucasian male, white/silver hair, piercing blue eyes, mid to late 50's, full beard and mustache, about 6 feet tall, muscular build.
44: A random fact about anything: Countries with more irreligious people/atheists/non-believers tend to also be the most peaceful and prosperous.
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
A Secret Unveiled (SC Titanic, Zetta x Adele Series, Ch.9)
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It took me ages -sorry folks!- but here’s the continuation of Zetta x Adele Series. I am also happy to announce that for a lucky coincidence the next chapter about the party will be released a week from now on April 14, that is...on Zetta’s birthday!
Little disclaimer-favor: if you do enjoy it, please consider supporting the author & sharing this. A little gesture that means a lot!
Word Count: 3000+
Zetta x Adele Tag: @storyscaped @storyscapefanficarchive @marmolady @animus-and-anima  @hayley-carter19 @escako @everlastingchoices @andrxrneda @aestheticsayeed @indescribablechoices @ahrielstuff @bornonawdnsday @nazario-sayeed  @h-doodles @adele-serda @marlcasters @brightpinkpeppercorn @nightwhite13 @ramenwithaspoon @michelleconnoly @charliejane-blog @ghost-of-yuri @choicesgremlin @shadeofangelus @mistressofspiesxenia @orange-elephants​
Zetta x Adele Series Tag: @eternal-langdon @nydeiri
➡️ Ch. 1, Ch. 2/1, Ch. 2/2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8/1, Ch. 8/2
I wake up thinking of Adele. With my eyes closed, I can trick my mind into believing we never parted since last night. She could be sleeping in my arms, her curls gently tickling my skin and her breath soft and calming against the crook of my neck. Her calloused fingers entwined with mine as I hold her close, afraid she might fly away like a dream or a fantasy. I know there is no sense in pretending things are different than they are. I'm perfectly and painfully aware that my love is not here with me but you can't breathe if you're constantly underwater, right? Adele is my safe harbour, a gentle hand preventing me from drowning in my own sorrows and troubles. I can hear Sabine setting up the table in the adjacent room. My little Napoleon...she never forgets to arrange a private breakfast on my birthday morning. My favorite treats, good coffee, my books or some company if I feel like to have a chat. And well, today is the day, my day. Time to say goodbye to Adele's ghost for now: luckily enough I'll be reunited with my love later today.
Despite the weight of my birthday and the decision I made in the middle of a sleepless night, I am in a good mood. I ask Sabine to join me at the breakfast table and we chat and gossip like old friends. It's nice to be reminded I have friends even if we never pronounced that word aloud. When she leaves to add the finishing touches to the venue of tonight's party, I sigh contently, taking one last sip of coffee. My eyes accidentally fall on one the boxes piled up on the couch. I reach for it: it's my pearl necklace with my initials engraved on it. A foolish thought crosses my mind. I decide to indulge in it for once and before I can think twice I take my leave and hand it to the first stewardess I come across, asking to deliver it to Miss Carrem. As I head to the first class deck to catch some fresh air, a smile lingers on my lips. I try to picture Adele's reaction to my necklace. Will she blush, understanding its true meaning? Will she wear my token of affection tonight? The thought distracts me from the more urgent matter I need to discuss with her. A gust of wind greets me as I stand at the railing, the Ship of Dreams gently vibrating underneath my fingertips. Yes, I made up my mind. I know what I have to do, what I want to do. Jamie dear will never take that from me. Yet it makes this no easier. I won't back down though. I sigh and stare out to the vast azure ocean in front of me. It's so calm today: gentle waves stroke the side of the ship as the salty breeze makes a kite waltz into the late morning sky. The little owner is standing a few steps away. Well, standing is a strong word: he's jumping up and down, his chubby cheeks red with excitement, and I'm pretty sure he's not hearing a single word his father -I wager- squatted down by his side is saying to him to help him manoeuvre his colourful device. So sweet and pure. Only kids can experience that absolute unconditioned happiness, I consider, smiling at the kite taking a gracious turn up there, far away from us. A gleeful squeal of the little boy soon follows. I hear steps approaching behind me. I don't even need to turn, I perfectly know who's there. I bumped into Matteo on my way to the first class promenade and sent him to look for Adele. It took him more than I would have expected but for once I don't care. I won't give him a scolding. Not for this, at least: his complicity with James's scheme will get him one when time comes. One he will remember, I'm pretty sure of that. "Leave us, Matteo" I say, still looking out to the sea. He quietly steps away. As soft taps approach I wonder if he bowed before leaving, it would be typical of him. Adele joins me at the railing, standing by my side. I turn my head slightly to look at her. The soft features of her visage never left my mind since our encounter but she's radiant. Her skin is glowing in the late morning sun and I can't help but notice that her delicate curls are now graciously fastened with a cloth. Is my love dressing up for my birthday party tonight? A sudden urge to caress her rosy cheek and untie that lovely cloth to gently run my fingers through her hair takes hold of me but I suppress it. I must. We're in public, people would stare. People would murmur and disapprove. The loving father nearby would probably drag the little kite runner away to prevent him the sight of us. That is why I lower my voice as I say: "Our fun last night must have done you some good. You're glowing" My love turns and a soft smile forms on her lips, mirroring mine, as she beams at the warmth behind my words. She opens her mouth to say something but...nothing comes. Too soon a shadow crosses her face and she diverts her eyes. Was I too straightforward? Or is the thought of the people around us accidentally catching our veiled words of love? "Me? I'm the same as always. Ready to carry out my duties" she says, clearing her throat in a professional tone that doesn't fool me for a second. "Oh Lord. 'Same as always', she says" I roll my eye, barely refraining myself from groaning. "We can play it like that, if you want" "Like what?" Adele turns towards me again, visibly taken aback. "Like last night didn't happen" My voice may still be low but the meaning of my words is unmistakable. Sweet Adele, haven't I told you that I don't beat around the bush? You should know it. And I have no intention to pretend a thing like that! Adele looks at loss of words: I start wondering if I'm seriously too direct for my British love. She searches my eyes staring back at her before lowering them as a flush of red color her cheeks. "I'm very...aware last night happened I just thought you'd want-" she whispers but without ending the sentence. Oh, honey, you thought I wanted you or both of us to bury our sweet time at the Turkish Baths deep inside our mind and forget about that? Never speak about it ever again as if it was a dirty secret between the two of us? It is a secret, but not half as dirty as most people would claim or want us to believe. I don't think you share that sentiment too: you weren't afraid to show your true feelings last night and you're too rebellious and free to let anyone tell you who to love, despite all the insults or threats. Or both. Have you ever gotten in trouble because of that, my love? Adele, were you trying to...protect me and my reputation? I'm hiding my true self but I'm tired of pretending. I don't want to, not with you. When I speak again, my voice is softer. I can only hope it will convey how I wish I could take her into my arms and cradle her, easing her mind. "Darling, I'm forty today, I don't have time to pretend." Then I sigh as I remind myself why I sent Teo to call her. The weight of the unpleasantries to come washes over me and I barely hold back a wince. Why there must be always nasty hurtful things to discuss with her when all I want is her happiness, to see her gorgeous smile light up my whole world? "Which brings me to my point..." I continue, my voice shifting to a more somber tone. "I told you I'd think about your little deal with James." I sigh, holding a bit tighter to the railing as if I were to lose balance. "You brought me proof. You brought me...trust. And now I know what I have to do. What I want to do." I sense Adele tensing up at my side, taking in the gravity of the moment. "I'm here. I'm listening. My life is in your hands" she notes grimly, bracing herself for whatever I have to say. "I certainly hope so, considering I've become a sleep-deprived wreck because of it" I snap, but my angry witticism is not meant for Adele. No, how could it be? I turn to face her: I want to look at her when I uncover my decision. A decision I took not only out of fairness, to correct the wrongs of James but also for you, my love. "So here it is. The 'dirt', I suppose they call it, that James is seeking. I was already married once. Long ago. And, in fact...I'm still married." I pause and let my confession sink. It takes a moment to Adele to realise the full implications of my words. When she does, she frantically searches my eyes and gapes. "Zetta, no! I want your help with James, not to give him what he-" she starts, trying to stop me but I interrupt her. "Shut your mouth and listen, Adele. I heard you out before - now you'll hear me" I should have known better that she would have tried to oppose my decision out of ethics and for the sake of the bond we share now. But no, I'm sorry, my sweet chivalrous love, you can't stop me this time. I made a decision. I can tell Adele is running all the options to protect my secret in her head -running away, covering her ears like a child maybe or even arguing with me- but in the end she grimaces and nod sombrely. I can continue. "I was very young. He was my manager. Plucked me right out of Tristan and Isolde at the Vienna Playhouse. He had this way about him, this confidence. Confidence which I lacked, if you'll believe it" I close my eyes as I turn to look out to the sea again and I can still see him. Myself, leaving the theatre late at night exhausted and frowning. Herr Direktor was kind enough to gave me my start but he certainly wasn't a kind man: never a praise, only harsh 'constructive' criticism. He always wanted more and more, your best was never enough, just 'tolerable' if you were lucky. It was no secret that he made an effort to be twice as hard with me to test my motivation and see if I had "what it takes". "Is that all you've got, fraulein? Oh good Lord", "you said you had talent, please introduce it to all of us because so far I can't see none", "Wolfgang, do you have an understudy for fraulein Zetta's role? I don't want to jeopardise the whole play". I was barely sixteen and his shoutings and scoldings got to me somehow. He didn't seem to notice how the press was pleasantly impressed by my performance of Isolde's maid: Theresa saved for me a copy of a newspaper where a famous critic noted that "we might also be witnessing the rise of a new talent, raw but vivid as it suits the young age of its beholder. A new star is born on the stage of Vienna Playhouse? Only time will tell". I can see now why Herr Direktor was so demanding and harsh with me but back then it only made me feel miserable and angry. I took an hazard pursuing that career when my family was struggling in a poorhouse and I started second guessing myself, doubting myself. He must have sensed it too when he approached me that night. He introduced himself as an admirer simply wishing to praise my performance and soon started flattering me with all the words he knew I wanted or needed to hear. When he had stroked my ego just enough for me to accept an invitation for a private meeting at one of the most exclusive cafè in town, he straightened his dashing tuxedo and leaned to kiss my hand like a romantic hero of a cheap novel. I wasn't smitten with him but it stupidly drew a smile on my face. That's how I met Franz. "Anyway, he's dropping names of directors and theatres over tea at Zum Roten Igel..." He performed with great flair the role of artistic entrepreneur he claimed to be. He knew everyone, treated me with the finest treats I had ever tasted and repeated how impressed, no touched -he said- by the talent he could see burning inside me. He confessed to have great plans in store for me, us: "dear Zetta, allow me the honor to join you in this adventure as your manager. Let us show the world what bright light shines inside you". He squeezed my hand with a practised display of deep affection and enthusiasm when he whispered "let us take on the world, sweetheart!". "...and next thing you know, we're married and on a train to the nearest port" I add, grazing my fingers over my old wedding ring at my ring hand, a testament of my foolish naivety. It wasn't love what I felt for him and what led me to accept his proposal. Maybe I thought it was, for a moment, being so young and clueless about this yet unknown feeling. But it was soon clear it wasn't love: I didn't shiver underneath his kisses nor feel the urge to hold his hand or be held in his strong arms. None of those gestures so very often described in novels and plays came natural. He just fed my hunger for more, my ambition. I soon regretted dearly leaving my family and Vienna with him but it was too late. "I would have twenty offers for twenty shows by the time we hit New York, he told me. Of course, there were no parts. We were turned away at every stage door in Manhattan" It was humiliating. His bundle of lies uncovered and our fights in the streets followed. We accused each other of our failures but I knew I was right. Such awareness did little to soothe my heartbreak: I was young, an ocean away from my family and my only mentor, and tied by law to a miserable liar. I'd never felt so lonely and lost in my whole life. "I let his lies go on a year, then I left him. I couldn't divorce him, even if I wanted to. I didn't know how." I wince as I see my younger self summoning up every ounce of courage and dropping a letter on our kitchen table with too many glasses of whiskey and unpaid bills. Then she would walk out of the door without a second glance, a lump in her throat and a suitcase filled with hope and her few belongings spared from the pawn shop down the street. She had nowhere to go and knew no one who could help her get out of that marriage, a young foreign girl in the big city. Even if she had known, she couldn't have afforded the price. So she focused on starting a new life where she could be victorious. But just like now, when she thought she was done with my past, her past wasn't done with her. "Then there I was, years later, my name on marquees, and he's cornering me outside of the Algonquin Hotel" I remember that day. I'd made it: I'd crawled back from my own ashes and now I was the next big thing. Producers were fighting over me, to get me in their pictures and please crowds of adoring fans. They started calling me "American Aphrodite" after one of my first main role and worshipping me like a goddess. I was walking in on my way back from a stroll down Central Park when I heard a way too familiar voice behind my back. "Can I have a moment, Miss Zetta?". Blood ran cold in my veins as I froze. "Please, fraulein, I'm just an humble admirer" he continued in German, repeating the words of our first encounter. When I turned, he looked so different from the charming prince who spoiled me in Vienna and blinded me with empty promises. His hair showed the first signs of silver and his overall look was messy, a hint of dust over his coat. What never changed was the wolfish twinkle in his eyes when he flashed me a sarcastic smirk, running his fingers over our ring. "You seem surprised to see me. Why don't we take a seat and have a lovely chat, my love?". Honeyed words in a foreign language, the premise of a vile threat. "I didn't need the scandal. I've been paying him to stay quiet ever since" I conclude and silence falls between us. Adele speaks again after a moment. "It couldn't have been all bad, if you agreed to marry him. Was there...love?" she asks, her voice flickering between encouragement and grief or sympathy for my sorrow. "No" I answers sharply, without hesitation. "But he promised me he'd help me act. He swore it!" "He was a liar" When I meet her gaze again, Adele is wincing at the simple hurtful truth. "All men are liars. Just some of them are useful. My husband wasn't. Isn't" Husband...what a curious and cursed word. "Isn't the whole thing absurd? I forget I'm a married woman most of the time" I mock myself but Adele doesn't laugh. No, there's little humor in it, you're right. "But Richard would hardly have me if it got out. I can't imagine what the press would do" I add. Actually I know. They would feast above my ruin like vultures. The thought makes me shrug but Adele's voice bring me back to her. "With all due respect - why are you trusting me?" I chuckle deep in my throat: to be honest, it's quite absurd. I'm handing the key to my downfall to the person hired to destroy me. Ironically, she's also the only person I would ever trust with my secret. My love. I face my secretary and, uncaring of prying eyes, I reach for her hand. "I don't have an answer to this trouble with James" I frown before searching her gorgeous eyes again. "But I'm not going to let him pit us against each other, and besides...when you confessed about jumping bail and the rest, you told me everything I'd need to destroy your life" You foolish, brave love of mine... My gaze softens as well as my voice as a I say, gently squeezing her hand: "If we're going to handle what's coming, I want us to be equals" I take a deep breath and look her right in the eye before adding: "You trust me with your life, I trust you with mine" I feel Adele's hand squeezing mine back and warmth spreads through my veins. "I'm...I'm honoured, Zetta. Truly" "There's not much honor in it, but I appreciate the sympathetic ear all the same" I smile grimly. She mirrors my smile. The salty breeze from the ocean plays with our hair as we keep quiet. "Where do we go from here?" she asks after a moment. I can't tell if she refers to the final decision she needs to make in a few hours or if she's talking about us. I don't realise immediately how wickedly connected the two issues are. I decide to give her an honest answer: she deserves nothing less. "I don't know exactly. I hate to say it, but it's on you as much as me. I can give you support. I can give you lawyers. And I'll give it thought...but when it comes to the party tonight - well, do what your heart tells you" I know I'm probably out of my mind for exposing myself to this hazard, but I want to give you what James stripped away from you, my love: choice, freedom. I want you to be my equal, and God knows more than that. I squeeze her hand one last time and give my love a look filled with all the tenderness and affection I feel for her and can't express here before walking away. It's almost lunchtime, she needs space now and I have a lovely family reunion to attend.
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parrishh · 4 years
Dig a little deeper
tagged by @gcralts​ thank u libby ily
i’m putting this under the cut because it’s long!
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? blue!
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? oh i’m definitely a city gal (to be totally honest, i’m actually a suburban homebody, but i couldn’t live in the country)
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? i have owned a guitar for...five years? and have never learned how to play it so that would be good
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? tea sometimes, coffee always
5. what was your favorite book as a child? oh gosh i had so many...ella enchanted by gail carson levine (still my favorite book), the children of noisy village by astrid lindgren (but in polish, the english version is missing too much of the story), & stargirl by jerry spinelli come to mind first
6. do you prefer baths or showers? showers, definitely
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? i just want to be a witch/wizard, that’s all
8. paper or electronic books? oh, god, paper, no question
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? i have this oversized forest green sweatshirt from the park my family goes camping in every year and it’s my favorite thing ever
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? i...really don’t love it, but i don’t think i would change it at this point in my life
11. who is a mentor to you? i mean, to take this question very literally, since i was a new teacher this past year i was assigned a mentor teacher at the school i work at and she’s so wonderful! i text her with so many questions all of the time and she never loses patience with me
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? it’s my dream to publish a book one day and of course i’d want it to do well, so, yes, i’d like to be famous for that
13. are you a restless sleeper? i mean, kind of? i’m a light sleeper but i don’t think i move around that much in my sleep
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? very much so, yes
15. which element best represents you? earth earth earth
16. who do you want to be closer to? this is probably not what this question is asking for but i wish my good friends on here lived closer to me (or at least on the same continent) so i could see them irl
17. do you miss someone at the moment? of course! covid has kept me away from so many of my loved ones
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. i remember standing in my grandparents’ living room back in poland when i was probably around two. my grandma gave me a bag of clothespins and i was throwing them out the window for my grandpa to catch and i thought it was so fun! they’ve both passed since then so it’s a memory i cherish
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? i ate an entire post-it note once? just because someone told me i wouldn’t
20. what are you most thankful for? i was in a dark place in my life for...a long time, so i’m incredibly grateful for the wonderful people i have in my life now who help keep me away from that place
21. do you like spicy food? yes but my tolerance isn’t as high as i’d like to think it is
22. have you ever met someone famous? literally the most random people. wesley stromberg from emblem3, kaylin white from kaylin and miles, & alli simpson (???) come to mind. also, one time, at a concert in, like, 2013, i met a bunch of youtube beauty gurus i used to watch back then. i don’t even remember who they all were, but one of them was claudia sulewski and i still adore her. i’ve met the members of my favorite band (the maine) multiple times, as well as cameron leahy from the downtown fiction (that was many, many years ago) and the members of the griswolds. ooh, and i met the 1975 at an album signing! 
23. do you keep a diary or journal? i used to! i had one of those “one line a day” journals and i wrote in it every day for five years, but i finished it last year and since then i haven’t journaled at all
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
25. what is your star sign? taurus
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? um, soggy cereal can stay far away from me
27. what would you want your legacy to be? i just want to inspire my students and my future children, if i have any, to make the world a more equitable place
28. do you like reading? what was the last book you read? do i ever! i just finished crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo
29. how do you show someone you love them? if i love someone, i want to share pieces of my life with them, so i’ll reach out about things i’ve read or watched or thought about with them on a regular basis! also, when it comes to being in person, i’m very touchy-feely with people i love
30. do you like ice in your drinks? sure, but it’s not a must for me
31. what are you afraid of? something happening to my younger brother (i have nightmares about it all the time, for no good reason), never finding someone i want to spend my life with, finding out that people i care about are only pretending to like me
32. what is your favorite scent? everyone always comes for me for this but warm milk
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? surname, i guess, but i just try to avoid addressing them by name if i’m unsure lol
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? jeez, i don’t know...i’d travel! a lot!
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? pools! now if you asked me pools vs. lakes, that would be a different story
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? i’d probably just keep it but it depends on the likelihood of determining where it came from
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? yes and probably
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? how not to be an asshole
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i already have two! i do want more, though! the next one i have planned is something related to my favorite band (the maine), and i want it on my ribs
40. what can you hear now? air conditioning, and someone rummaging through a bag in the kitchen
41. where do you feel the safest? i’m not sure, but the first thought that came into my head was in the backseat of the car, at night, while my dad is driving
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? i’ve been telling myself that i should go see a therapist for the past, i don’t know, ten years, so i want to actually overcome my fear of taking that leap and just go
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? i’m as content as i can be in this era, things used to be even more messed up than they are now. if i had to time travel, i suppose i’d like to experience being a young adult in the 70′s or 80′s (the music scene UGH)
44. what is your most used emoji? 😊 or 🙃 or 🥺
45. describe yourself using one word. persevering
46. what do you regret the most? something i’m not ready to share
47. last movie you saw? the hate u give! 
48. last tv show you watched? love, victor!!!!! it was so good!!!!!!
49. invent a word and its meaning i’m lame but i literally can’t think of anything
tagging: @hathawaywrites @gcndalf @remusjlvpins @phantomness @louvegoods @kazbrekkerrs (only if you want to, no pressure!)
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30 Day Fandom Challenge
Here we go again for my fandom challenge. You still with me? @domsberto I'd also like to nominate @jimonsprettyface
This next fandom is one that I have been a part of from the very beginning and it holds a special place in my heart. Hold on tight and for those who haven't seen it, spoilers ahead.
Day 2- Teen Wolf
(TV Show not Movie)
1) Favorite Character: Stiles Stilinski
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Reason: I have a thing for adorable dorks apparently. 😂
Ok so I adore Stiles the most because he is the backbone and heartbeat of the group. Sure he's a spazz and a nerd but he also always finds a way to get the group out of sticky situations because of his intelligent and knack for looking at things from every angle (he truly is his father's son....it helps his Father is the Sheriff alot of the time). He is loyal to a fault and though he has a hard time trusting most newcomers, once you are in he will literally follow you to the ends of the earth. He is a hopeless romantic, as shown with how he is with Lydia and even Malia. He loves deeply and thought he tends to be a fuck up at times he always finds a way to make things right. He keeps the others in line and helps everyone that needs his help. As the only human of the group he takes his job very seriously and is damn good at keeping the group together even when he personally feels like falling apart. I adore him to no end.
2) Most Relatable Character: Liam Dunbar
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Reason: Liam is an adorable, scared and confused little rage monster. Unlike the others on the show who had a few seasons to get used to the world of the supernatural, Liam was still new to the world and was often left scratching his head wondering what the hell was going on. I can relate to that because even in real life I don't know what the hell is going on most of the time. He is also the most relatable because unlike the others on the show, he actually acts his age for the most part and wasn't forced to grow up as fast as the others. Honestly, for a young Beta wolf he can be the most human of them all at times. He likes to have fun, he likes to hang out with his girlfriend and play lacrosse. He marches to the beat of his own drum, which I do most of the time. Another thing I can relate to is having a short temper. While my temper is not nearly as bad as Liam's (who as Intermittent Explosive Disorder) I still get how hard it is to calm down once that temper is triggered.
3) Most Underrated Character: Isaac Lahey
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Reason: Besides Derek, Isaac probably had the most growth of all the characters on the show before his exit from the show. He had to shoulder alot of pain and loss in his life starting with his mom leaving and his brother dying, then suffering from years of abuse at the hands of his father. After being turned by Derek, he felt empowered to help not only himself but others as well and did all that he could to help people in need. He even found it in him to forgive his father for abusing him for so long, which takes strength all on it's own. He went from being a scared and abused little boy to being a badass who did everything he could to help people he cared about and those who were unable to defend themselves. I see you Isaac, I see you and I appreciate you.
4) Most Overrated Character: Derek Hale
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Reason: Ok before I start this, let me just says that I love Derek Hale ok? He is all kinds of sexy and has some good qualities but of all the people on the show he is also the most overrated. Ok hear me out here before you come at me. Throughout the series Derek is hyped up as this big bad Alpha dude. Yes, he turned a bunch of teens into wolves and helped them, and Scott, learn the ropes but when it came down to a fight most of the time he either made things worse or just didn't show up when he was needed the most (example when they were fighting the Nogitsune, Dread Doctors, Ghost Riders, Alphas). Most of the time it was Scott and his pack that ended up saving the day. Sure Derek helped gather intel but as far as fighting goes, he didn't really do much for such a "Big Bad Alpha" who threatened to rip people's throats out with his teeth. Hell he didn't even kill the bitch that murdered his ENTIRE family, nor did he kill the Darach...instead he slept with her. Wow Derek, just wow. He ran most of the time, went MIA alot of the time only to make a dramatic entrance and knock a few people around when Scott already had things under control. I love Derek but.....some big bad Alpha he was.
5) Least Favorite Character(s): Tied Kate, Gerard, and Victoria Argent
Reason: First of all, Kate....She got away with murdering an entire family (minus Derek, Laura, Peter and Cora) and then manages to cheat death by turning into a freaky ass werejaguar when Peter ripped her throat out. How?!?!?! No matter how much chaos she starts she still ends up getting away. How is she not dead yet? Jesus! She was a manipulative person and honestly one of the most toxic on the show besides her shady ass who I will talk about next.
Gerard was a piece of work. He brainwashed Allison into trying to kill her friends, he praised Kate for killing the entire Hale family, he tortured and killed innocent supernaturals simply for existing and used Jackson in his kanima form to carry out his shady agenda. He was also a hypocrite. He hates supernaturals yet relied on Scott to help take away his pain when he was sick and dying only to turn around and train a new generation of Anti-Supernatural hunters to do his bidding. He was a piece of shit.
Victoria Argent was the Matriarch of the Argent family and even when her daughter (Allison) and husband (Chris) wanted to actually help the innocent supernaturals she did everything in her power to make sure they felt like shit for wanting to help. She freaking tortured and tried to kill Scott for no other reason than he was a werewolf that was screwing her daughter and then made herself out to be a victim when Derek came to save Scott and he bit her a few times after she attacked him. She refused to turn and killed herself instead of facing the consequences her actions lead to (her turning into the very thing she hated, a werewolf).
6) Favorite Canon Pairing: Stydia (Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin)
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Reason: From the beginning when you first see Stiles and Lydia interact on screen you start to root for the spastic nerd to win the heart of the most popular girl in school. Stiles always saw the real Lydia that she hid behind her popular facade. He saw how smart she was, how much she actually cared for people despite pretending like she didn't. He had been in love with her since the 3rd grade and even when they dated other people, that love never died. The closer they got as friends the more you wanted them to just end up together. Several seasons later and we finally hear them confess their love for each other and finally FINALLY get together. Praise be to all things Holy! Stiles and Lydia manage to balance each other out and anchor each other. When Stiles has panic attacks, Lydia is there to help calm him down. When Lydia gets overwhelmed by her Banshee powers, Stiles is there to help ground her. Stiles saved Lydia more times than I can count but she saved him too on more than one occasion. Stiles and Lydia have a love that is beautiful and pure. I see them lasting forever and they should even now that the show has been over for a while now. They are beautiful and they are my OTP. I could go on forever but I will just leave it here.
7) Favorite Non-Canon Ship: Scisaac (Scott McCall and Isaac Lahey)
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[Close Call Honorable Mention: Sterek (Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale)]
Reason: Ok first of all this was a close race between my boys Scisaac and my boys Sterek but when I look back at both pairings, I love the purity of Scott and Isaac versus the almost toxic pairing that is Sterek. (I adore Sterek but come on! Looking back now they were hella toxic!) Now for Scott and Isaac they had their moments. They lived together and Scott always managed to find a way to help bring Isaac back to reality when he had moments where he would lapse into PTSD style symptoms and nightmares. They always had each other's backs and they always gave each other looks that went beyond that of just friendship. Hell Isaac even agreed with hearts in his eyes that Scott was the "hot girl". I believe that if these two had of both cut Allison lose and crossed the boundary of friendship into a romantic relationship they would have been just as strong as Stydia. A pure and passionate kind of love born out of genuine care for one another.
8) Least Favorite Pairing: Stalia (Stiles Stilinski and Malia Tate)
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Reason: First of all their first hook up was in a freaking insane asylum so that right there is not a good start for any lasting relationship. Throughout their relationship, Malia took Stiles for granted and then had the nerve to get jealous when he paid more attention to Lydia (who he had been in love with forever at that point). Malia had the mindset of a child and was immature most of the time. Don't get me wrong, Stiles could be immature at time too but she brought out the worst in him. I don't dislike Malia. I actually like her as a character but not as Stiles's girlfriend. Plus this biggest reason I dislike this ship? It took longer for Stydia to finally happen. Let's not forget how she practically walked all over him.
9) Favorite Part/Moment: Lydia tells Stiles she loves him too.
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Reason: Stiles had been taken by the Ghost Riders and everyone forgot who he was but before he was taken he told Lydia "Remember I love you." But she never got the chance to say it back before he and her memories of him were ripped away. When he finally came back there was a touching scene where Lydia said "I never got to say it back." And the two of them shared their first real kiss (not counting the kiss she gave him to stop a panic attack in a previous season). This was one of those moments that was several years long overdue and for us Stydia fans, we rejoiced when they finally got their shit together and actually became a couple. Praise!
10) Least Favorite Part/Moment: Allison is killed by the Oni
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Reason: Allison Argent was a character you could sometimes love and hate at the same time. When they battled the Nogitsune and she sacrificed herself to the Oni to save Isasc, I sobbed like a baby. It was a way for the writers to write off the actress's character but one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the entire series. It is my least favorite because Allison died. It was a beautiful farewell as she died in the arms of her first love (Scott) but I can't even think about it without sobbing.
Thank you for sticking with me. Until tomorrow! ❤
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iximaz · 5 years
Blood-Forged ch4
Summary: Din takes his young charge to a new planet with a new plan to hide. It quickly goes sideways after he meets another Mandalorian who has never seen her own kind.
Characters: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin), Baby Yoda, enby!fem!OC
Pairings: Slow burn Din Djarin/OC because it turns out I’m a thirsty hoe
Warnings: Eh, right now it’s just in light PG-13 territory. Mentions of family death, some blood/violence/bodily harm. Will probably end up becoming smut later.
Word Count: 2333 (indefinite chapter count coming)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (you’re here!) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Aysa’s apartment was small, but cozy. They had walked into what looked like the main room, a combined kitchen and living space stuffed full of squashy, mismatched, secondhand furniture. A door to a bedroom that had to be Aysa’s judging by the green-painted walls stood ajar at one end, while two doors that led to what Din could only assume were a bathroom and the building proper were shut tight. 
“You guys can take the bedroom,” Aysa said, pulling off her helmet and setting it on the dining table. “I imagine it’d be easier for you to sleep without your helmet.”
Din looked around and nodded. “Thank you. Though if the little one could sleep in here…?”
“Huh,” Aysa said, raising her eyebrows. “Even people who won’t remember your face can’t see it?”
Din shook his head. 
“Alright, then,” Aysa said. “I’ll keep an eye on him. He doesn’t cry or anything, does he?”
“Not often.”
“Good,” Aysa said. “Because I like being able to sleep.”
Almost on cue, Baby began to make little whimpering noises. Din swooped down in an instant, picking him up and bouncing him gently. “Got any broth?”
“Think so. Stock okay?”
Din nodded, and Aysa stripped off her gloves, going to the kitchen and pulling out a pot from the icebox. She put it on the stove to heat before glancing at Din. “What about you? No foods that your Way won’t let you eat or anything?”
Din shook his head, and Aysa turned on the oven before going back to the icebox. “Afraid I’ve only got leftovers,” she said, sliding a meat pie into the oven. 
“That’ll be fine,” Din said. He hovered by the table, studying Aysa’s helmet without touching it. 
Aysa glanced behind her. “You can pick it up if you like,” she said, though there was a faint hint of trepidation in her voice.
Din picked it up, treating it with the respect it deserved. “You’re very fortunate,” he said.
Aysa glanced up at him. “Hm?”
“Your mother’s beskar,” Din said. “I don’t know if the practice was the same in your clan, but in mine, it’s traditional for armor to be passed down between family members.”
“It was the same in mine,” Aysa said. She smiled a little ruefully. “Nobody to reforge my mom’s armor, though, so it stays like it is.”
“When we find my clan again, I’ll ask the armorer to reforge it for you, if you like,” Din offered. “I think she would be honored to do it.”
Aysa’s eyes stung with tears, and she nodded, hastily turning away so Din wouldn’t see her struggling not to cry.
He noticed, of course. He noticed lots of things, after all, but it was kinder to pretend he hadn’t. He turned the helmet over in his hands, admiring the craftsmanship. “Did it belong to anyone before her?” he asked.
Aysa shrugged. “I dunno,” she said, focusing too hard on stirring the stock pot. “Never really asked before it… happened.”
Din nodded. He inspected the interior, nodding in satisfaction when he saw the internal wiring was compatible. It looked much newer than the rest of the helmet, and he wondered if Aysa had done the work herself. The soldering work looked clumsy, which made him think so.
Still—not bad for someone without training.
“When the soldiers attacked,” Aysa began. She cleared her throat and swallowed back the growing lump. “Well—Mom took a blaster bolt meant for me. She shielded me with her own body, but it missed her armor.”
Din inspected the half a scorch mark on the bottom of Aysa’s back plate. So his suspicions had been correct.
“I had to play dead under her body when they ran past us,” Aysa said. She shivered. “We were separated from my dad. I never did find out what happened to him.”
Din set the helmet down abruptly, and Aysa startled, looking around at him.
“I lost my own parents in an Imperial raid,” Din said at long last. “They hid me in a bunker. I never saw them again.”
“I’m sorry.”
Din shook his head. “Don’t waste your breath apologizing for things that weren’t your fault,” he said. 
Aysa bit her lip, but nodded. 
“The Mandalorians saved me after that,” he continued. “They took me in as a Foundling—but they didn’t do the same for you.” He left his words to trail upwards, the barest hint of a question. He’d leave it up to her if she wanted to share.
“Scavengers,” Aysa said. “They helped me get the armor off Mom, packed it in a bag for me. Dropped me off at the next planet over with a couple of credits and the bag and nothing else.”
Din frowned, his shoulders tensing. “You were a child.”
Aysa nodded, not turning around. “The rest of the people who took me in, one after another—some were kind. Some weren’t. Doesn’t matter—I survived, and I managed to keep ahold of the armor, and that’s what does.”
Din studied her for a moment. He was hardly the type to go around dishing out compliments, and he wasn’t about to start now. All he said instead was “That’s good.” He tapped the helmet in an obvious change of topic. “If you’d like, I can wire your helmet’s coms up so we can keep in contact.”
Aysa glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled. “I’d like that.” She stooped to pull out the meat pie and dished some of it into a bowl; she looked around and grabbed a cutting board, putting the bowl, a fork, a napkin, and a glass of fruity cider on the makeshift tray. “Here,” she said, carrying it over to Din.
He took the tray, then glanced over at Baby, who was sniffing curiously at Aysa’s curtains. “I should feed him first.”
“I’ll take care of him,” Aysa said. “I’m not the most maternal person, but I do know how to get a baby to eat.”
Aysa nodded at the cutting board tray. “Your food will get cold. And you’ve gotta be starving,” she added, raising her eyebrows. “If it really makes you feel better, you can always snarf it.”
Din smiled, but gave no indication of it that she could see. “Thank you,” he said, and disappeared into her room.
Organized chaos was probably the best way to describe it. Din paused just after shutting the door behind him to take a look around; it was clear the clutter had a pattern to it. 
A row of alcohol bottles were lined up haphazardly on the windowsill, but their labels were all turned forward and they all had their matching lids or corks. The papers strewn on the desk were apparently sorted into teetering piles by category: bills, invoices, medical notes, bank information, insurance. 
Din tugged the curtains shut before he pulled his helmet off and set it on the floor, running his fingers through his tangled hair. It always felt good to smell that first breath of air that wasn’t filtered through his helmet.
Books were stacked in strategically precarious rows on an old shelf, some tomes crammed in sideways on top of other books. As Din ate, he cast a curious eye over the titles. Lots of planetary encyclopedia books, but a fair amount of novels, political analyses, books on economic theory, electronics wiring.
Sometimes he wished he had the space for a proper library on his ship, but books took up weight and space, both of which were valuable commodities on a ship. Besides, it was unnecessary when he could simply download all the books he could ever want to read straight to his datapad.
The meat pie was good, and hot enough to nearly burn his tongue as he quickly ate, then chased it down with a gulp of cider. 
Before he went back into the main room, he paused by the mirror to inspect his face. No new scars, but his hair and beard were starting to get scraggly. He’d need to trim them both soon.
Din grunted and put his helmet back on, retreating into the safety and anonymity it offered him. He picked up the tray and went back out, pausing and grinning when he saw Aysa sitting with the Womp-Rat at the table, coaxing him into eating one spoonful at a time.
“Here comes the TIE Fighter,” Aysa said, her voice noticeably higher-pitched and more sing-songy. “Open wide…”
The kid willingly opened his mouth for her to spoon in the broth, and he giggled and clapped his hands together after he’d swallowed.
Din was sure he hadn’t made any noise when he’d come in, but Aysa spoke without turning to look at him. “Food was alright?”
“It was. Thank you,” he said, setting the tray on the counter.
“Bet you don’t have many home-cooked meals on the ship,” Aysa said, and Din shook his head.
“It’s mostly ration bars,” he said. “There’s a galley, but it’s barely large enough to fit in even without my armor.”
“That does sound problematic,” Aysa said. “And you’re not a real big guy, either.”
Burg’s comment of “Tiny” came to mind, and Din rolled his eyes at the memory. “No,” he agreed neutrally.
“Hey, not saying that’s a bad thing,” Aysa said. “Means you need less beskar to be all armored up, for one. Right?”
Din grinned, knowing she’d be able to hear it in his voice. “I suppose.”
Aysa set the spoon down. “Are you smiling, Din?”
The sound of his name from unfamiliar lips was… strange. Not unpleasant, just unusual.
“I guess you’ll never know,” he said. “Go eat. I’ll finish here.” He pulled the bowl of broth towards him, beginning to coax the Womp-Rat into eating.
Aysa watched the pair for a moment, smiling. Her stomach growled, and she got up to help herself to a small serving of pie.
“So does Baby eat anything else yet, or just broth?” Aysa asked, sitting back down and digging into her food.
“Frogs,” Din replied, sounding slightly strained. “Preferably live.”
Aysa choked on her pie and began coughing. Without taking his eyes off the kid, Din reached over and thumped her squarely between the shoulders.
“Thanks,” Aysa gasped. “Frogs?”
“I’m trying to get him to stop,” Din said, reaching out to poke Baby on the nose. Baby scrunched his face up and leaned away, only to lean back when Din offered him another spoonful. 
“Well, it doesn’t seem to have killed him yet?” Aysa offered faintly.
“Yet,” Din muttered.
Aysa made a small noise of sympathy. She dumped her empty plate in the sink and headed back out to the speeder pad.
Din eyed the plate in the sink. She’d barely taken several mouthfuls of food. She wasn’t kidding about not eating well, but he wondered how much of that was by choice.
Aysa returned with the crates from the speeder bike and set them down just inside the door, beginning to unpack one of them. She glanced up at Din; he ignored her, so she figured she was okay to continue. With one crate empty, she disappeared briefly into her room, returning with a thick blanket that she used to line it. 
“Baby can sleep in here,” she said, and the kid’s ears perked up at the sound of her voice. “Settle him down whenever, but I’m tired.”
Din said nothing; Aysa shrugged and disappeared into her room, reemerging a few minutes later with a pillow and blanket under her arm. She was wearing nothing but a pair of thin sleeping trousers. Din glanced up and was suddenly quite glad she couldn’t see him staring.
He hadn’t been wrong: her chest really was boy-flat, distinctive white scars just under where her pectoral muscles curved. Surgical, unlike the other scars that lined her torso. Most of them were heavy burn scars like the one on her face, but a few on her arms and stomach where the armor didn’t cover looked like cuts or blaster hits. Not too dissimilar to his own.
She was lean and well-muscled as fit a mercenary, but thin enough he could count her ribs. He frowned. Muscled she might be, but there was no way that meant healthy. When she turned her back to him, his frown deepened. Parts of her spine—or maybe all of it—had been replaced, angry red skin growing up over the metal segments embedded in her back. It didn’t look like an old injury by any stretch of the imagination, especially judging by the twisting, ropy scar that stretched from shoulder to hip, cutting across her body.
He couldn’t imagine baring himself like that. It was the height of vulnerability, a complete lack of regard for one’s safety.
It was not the Way.
Not for him, he had to remind himself. For her, this must be normal. 
Or—and this thought drew him up short—she was acting like this because she trusted him. It made a certain amount of sense. He trusted her as well. Not fully—they had only just met—but there was a certain respect that went to fellow Mando’ade that would grow stronger with time. The differences between their clans were a footnote in that larger picture.
Aysa lay down on the lumpy sofa and rolled herself into her blanket until the only parts of her Din could see were her toes and the top of her head.
Baby whined at him insistently and he quickly refocused his attention on feeding the child. As soon as Baby let out a soft, contented belch, Din gathered him up and set him in the makeshift cot in the corner of the room. Baby looked like he wanted to hold on, but he yawned as he was set down, big eyes slowly closing before he’d been fully laid in the cot.
“G’night,” came Aysa’s muffled voice from the corner.
Din’s mouth quirked up in a smile. “Good night.”
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smkkbert · 5 years
Do you remember (12/13)
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Eight years after Oliver and Felicity became teenage parents, they have everything they could have ever hoped for and more. They have a good life in a nice house. Their marriage is happy, and a second baby is on its way. The calm they have settled in is interrupted abruptly when a stalker starts terrorizing Felicity.
Previous installments in this series:  - The best mistake - In my daughter’s eyes - To make you feel my love
Rating: Teen
Previous chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 or read everything on Ao3
Author’s note: I’d love to hear your theories about the end of this chapter. ;)
With racing heart and held breath, Felicity watched Cooper bobbing Gabriel up and down on his hip playfully. He was tapping the tip of his forefinger against the little boy’s nose.
“Come on, Sport, at least give me a smile.”
Gabriel released a low sound, a mixture of a cry and a giggle. He looked at the stranger with his big blue eyes for a moment before he turned his head towards Felicity. He looked insecure like he was waiting for her reaction to tell him if he could trust the stranger or if he should start crying.
Although it went against everything Felicity was feeling, she forced herself to smile. She was already in panic as it was. If Gabriel started crying too, she wasn’t sure she’d manage to keep a clear head, but it was certainly the best she could do.
She needed a clear head, so she could figure out what to do.
Felicity took some deep breaths, trying to push past her panic and past her anger. She wanted to scream at Cooper to give Gabriel back to her and never dare to touch her child again.
All those words John and Quentin had said to her about her stalker and everything she had read about stalkers in general echoed in her head though. Her stalker her escalated quickly, and stalkers were often unpredictable. They didn’t take well to rejection and a lot of them tended to be very aggressive when the target of their obsession forced them to see past their craziness.
“What are you doing here, Cooper?”
Felicity could clearly hear the tremble in her voice, but she guessed that a little tremble was still better than screaming at him from the top of her lungs. She even managed to shoot him the slightest of a smile though she doubted that it reached her eyes. It rather lowered to her stomach and made her insides twist painfully there.
Cooper turned his head towards Felicity. There was a wide smile plastered on his lips that sent a cold shiver down the length of Felicity’s spine. There was something really creepy about his smile. It took a lot from Felicity to not start trembling everywhere.
Just when Cooper was about to answer, Gabriel released a low cry. Tears were willing in his eyes, and he was reaching out his arms for his mommy. Felicity didn’t want anything more than to cross the distance and wrap her little man up into her arms where she knew he was safe. Cooper was already rubbing his hand over Gabriel’s back soothingly though.
“Don’t cry, Little Man,” he told Gabriel with weirdly soft voice that didn’t sound like him at all. “It’s okay.”
Gabriel didn’t seem convinced. He was looking at Cooper briefly before he looked back at Felicity. His insecurity about the situation was written all over his face. When Felicity put on a smile, as little as it reached her eyes, it did seem to soothe Gabriel at least a little though.
“You know, I was so surprised when I heard that you were having a baby.”
Felicity held her breath, looking at Cooper. She was searching for any threat in his voice, but there had been none. It was almost like he didn’t want to reproach her. He was just trying to have a conversation with her. With Gabriel in his arms, Felicity still felt like his words did hold a little bit of a threat though.
Feverishly, Felicity tried to think about what she should answer to Cooper. She wasn’t sure which pregnancy he was referring to. Did he mean the pregnancy with Mae or the pregnancy with Gabriel? Even if she knew, she’d feel clueless about what to answer. She had no idea what exact craze Cooper was caught in. She didn’t want to risk saying something wrong that caused him to hurt Gabriel.
“How long had you been in Starling?” Cooper added, clarifying that he meant the first pregnancy with Mae. “A little more than a year?”
He released a low chuckle, shaking his head. There was a little bit of anger hidden in his eyes, but it didn’t take over the entire expression on his face. It was just a spark that was there. If Felicity hadn’t known Cooper as well as she had years back, she probably wouldn’t have noticed at all.
“We have known each other forever, Felicity,” he continued, not letting her say anything. “We have been together for so long.”
They had indeed known each other for a long time as they had gone to the same aid program for kids with advanced computer abilities. They had gone to the same school, and they had even been in some classes together in high school.
Felicity wouldn’t say that they had been together for very long though. They had been friends until they had become a couple. They had both been young and they had mistaken their interest in the same things for something more. At least for Felicity it felt like that now that she was looking back and realizing that she had never felt really safe with Cooper. They had never had a level of intimacy that even came anywhere close to what she had had with Oliver from the very start of meeting him.
“We never went that far.”
Cooper whispered the words, looking at her intently. Felicity just pursed her lips, not replying yet. She couldn’t tell him that the reason she had never had sex with him was simply that she had never felt really comfortable around him. It hadn’t been because of Cooper himself, at least not solely. Felicity just hadn’t felt comfortable with herself yet, and maybe their chemistry just hadn’t worked outside a computer lab.
“I- I never planned this,” Felicity whispered, her voice trembling slightly. “It just happened, and it had nothing to do with us. I mean-“
“Oh, I know.”
Felicity had trouble not to flinch as Cooper took a large step towards her. He was standing so close to her that Felicity could almost smell the scent of his skin. The thought creeped her out as only Oliver was allowed to stand so close to her.
When Cooper lifted his hand, Felicity felt her muscles tensing. She didn’t know if she thought that Cooper was going to hit her or if maybe just the thought of being touched by him freaked her out. She forced herself to stand still instead of backing away when Cooper rested his hand against her cheek and stroked his fingertips over her skin.
For a long moment, he just watched her. His eyes were filled with a somewhat warm and amazed expression, almost like he honestly loved her. His thumb stroked over her bottom lip just as his eyes lowered to them.
Felicity could barely hold her gaze, but she didn’t dare to look away either. She had no idea what she was doing right now. She was just following her instinct and her instinct told her to play along until she’d made a plan that would save at least Gabriel.
“I know it wasn’t your fault,” Cooper repeated, his voice now cold and his eyes angry. “It was your mother’s fault. That selfish bitch never liked me. No matter how hard I tried, I was never good enough for you. She just moved away, taking you with her, and ruining all chances we had at happiness. She forced that Richie Rich guy on you and just-“
Cooper stopped, sucking in a deep breath. He was so angry that his entire body was trembling. He clenched his free hand to a fist and unclenched it a couple of times, timing the movement with his breathing. Felicity wondered whether he had maybe learned that from a professional. Maybe Cooper had been to therapy.
“I- I can see that you are angry,” Felicity said carefully. “Maybe it’s better you leave now, and we talk about this some other time when you are calmer and we are alone.”
There was a glint in Cooper’s eyes that told her that her words were only making him angrier. She regretted departing from the way of playing along to his craze. Something told her that he wouldn’t take another rejection with the same calmness.
“Don’t worry, Babe,” Cooper said. “I am not leaving. This is our chance at happiness. Together.”
Felicity swallowed down the lump in her throat. Still, she wasn’t able to say a single word. Her nervousness and fear made it impossible. One wrong movement or wrong one word could cause Cooper to snap.
Glancing at Gabriel, Felicity felt her heart starting to race. She needed to find a way to get her son out of this danger. His safety was her priority right now.
Gabriel, despite his young age, could probably feel her fear. He was releasing another cry, louder now, and again his arms reached out for Felicity to take him. As soon as Felicity reached out her arms for him, Cooper turned his hip away to get Gabriel out of her reach though.
“I can do that,” he said. “Don’t worry.”
Felicity had to bite down on her tongue hard. As scared as she was about all of this, she couldn’t prevent the hot anger to boil in the pit of her stomach. The longer Cooper was holding Gabriel, pretending like he was close to her baby boy, the angrier she got.
Gabriel’s cries calmed down eventually though Felicity could see that he was just saving some energy to really cry soon. In a couple of minutes, he’d be crying from the top of his lungs. Felicity feared the moment that would happen and she feared Cooper’s reaction if he didn’t manage to calm the crying baby down.
“You know, if you had just told me that you had wanted a baby, I would have made it work for us somehow.” Cooper said.
Felicity’s stomach twisted at the bare thought.
Having a baby with Oliver while they had been still been in high school had been incredibly hard. Neither of them had known who they really were and where they wanted their lives to go. They had been insecure about themselves and their relationship. Having Mae had been the kind of fire test they would have never needed.
Sometimes, it still felt like a miracle that they had made it through all of the troubles and had come out of them only stronger. They had both grown – as individuals as much as they had grown as a couple.
Felicity doubted, no, she knew that this would have never happened the same way if it had had anyone else than Oliver at her side. They had complemented each other through all the years, and they still did now.
“Look, nothing against your kids,” Cooper said. “Madeleine looks exactly like you did when you were younger, and Gabriel does look a lot like me to be honest.”
Felicity was biting down on her tongue so hard that she could taste blood in her mouth. She couldn’t bare the thought that her son was even just the tiniest bit similar to Cooper.
“The two of them would just be so much smarter if they had more of my DNA, you know?” Cooper asked. “Your husband is just not the smartest.”
He almost spit out the word like it was some dirt in his mouth. The pure idea that she had a husband that wasn’t him seemed to insult him.
Felicity pushed that thought as well as her anger away without forgetting about it. She was sure that anger was a lot better motivator than fear was. Fear only paralyzed her, stopping her from doing anything because, if she didn’t do anything, at least she couldn’t do anything wrong.
Not replying to Cooper, Felicity glanced past him at the large clock. It was two p.m., so it would take another hour until Tommy would pick Mae up from the birthday party she was at right now. Felicity didn’t want Mae to be around, but maybe she’d find a way to signal Tommy that something was wrong. All she’d have to do was playing for time.
For a brief moment, Felicity wondered if there were any other options. Since she was almost sure that she couldn’t attack him, she figured it might be her only chance.
Felicity took in a deep breath, warming toward her plan. She couldn’t say that she really succeeded, but she did understand that it was her only option. Well, maybe not the only but the safest option. As long as Cooper was still holding Gabriel, she could only play safe anyway.
“I think Gabriel could need a new diaper,” Felicity suddenly heard herself say. “He will calm down then, so maybe we can… talk.”
Waiting for Cooper’s reaction, Felicity held her breath. She felt like her heart was beating so loudly that even Cooper could hear it. It was beating against her ribs with so much force that it almost felt like it wanted to break them. It would probably run away screaming as soon as it could.
When Cooper smiled, Felicity did her best to get an honest smile on her lips too. She doubted that it worked, but Cooper didn’t seem suspicious. It was quite the opposite actually as Cooper looked relieved and even happy about her suggestion.
Kissing Gabriel’s cheek, Cooper held the baby boy out for Felicity. She didn’t wait for even a split second. She just stepped forward and took Gabriel from him. Their hands touched, but Felicity couldn’t bring herself to care. The relief over holding her baby boy back in her own arms just rushed through her veins and pushed ever other feeling aside.
The moment Gabriel was back in her arms, Felicity pushed her right hip that Gabriel was sitting on further away from Cooper. She put her hand to the back of Gabriel’s head and kissed his forehead. Her hand stayed at the side of his head, cradling it to her shoulder and protecting it from Cooper.
Her instinct to protect her child seemed to only grow now that he was back with her, and she could feel his heart beating firmly in his small body. If it was up to her, Cooper wouldn’t be even looking at Gabriel for just a second longer.
When Cooper nodded towards the stairs, Felicity nodded her head in agreement. She followed him up the stairs and towards Gabriel’s nursery. He went there with a certainty that made Felicity wonder how much time he had really spent here. It definitely looked like he had gotten to know the house really closely.
The thought made the silence that had spread even more threatening. Felicity didn’t want to talk, but the silence left a shrill sound in her ear. It was deafening.
“How do you like the house?”
Lying Gabriel down on the changing table, Felicity shot Cooper a brief look back over her shoulder. He was sitting in the rocking chair, watching her with sharp eyes. She didn’t dare to look at him for too long, afraid that he could see how scared she really was or how much she wanted to escape this situation.
“Not my style.”
It was all Cooper said. From the small mirror at the wall, Felicity could see him continuing to watch her though. He never took his eyes off her, giving her no possibility to even just taking a look out of the window to check if there was anyone who could possibly help her.
“I have been watching you for a while now, you know?”
Cooper’s question made Felicity’s stomach sink. She bit down on her bottom lip, swallowing whatever words were possibly rising in her throat. She had known that her stalker had watched her for a while. There had been too many hints to forget about hat. Yet, hearing Cooper say it out loud and just so casually, Felicity didn’t know how to not feel freaked out about that.
“I could have given you all of this too if you had just given me an opportunity to do so,” Cooper continued calmly. “I can still offer you all of this and so much more. Whatever you want, I will read it in your eyes and give it to you. The flowers and the lingerie were just the start. I have so much more I can offer you.”
Cooper’s voice had started out low and gentle, but it had gotten firm and scratchy by now. A cold shiver ran down the length of Felicity’s spine. She didn’t feel like this conversation was taking a good turn. If Cooper’s voice was any indication, talking about his obsession with her only made the underlying anger about not being with her increase.
When Cooper lowered his eyes to his hands briefly, Felicity shot a look out of the window. There was no one outside it seemed. Calling for help wouldn’t help her at all.
Just when she had pushed Gabriel’s jeans back into place, Felicity heard Cooper getting up from the rocking chair. With slow steps, her neared her. His hands came to rest on her hips before his arms wrapped around her waist. Every muscle in Felicity tensed, and every cell of her body wanted to urge away from him. She didn’t dare to do so though.
“And with both of our intelligence, we can just take over the world.”
Cooper’s voice was soft. He lowered his head a little, pushing his nose against the side of her neck to breathe her in and his lips grazed against her skin. His chest pressed closer to her back until his entire body was close to hers.
Felicity looked down at Gabriel. She knew that because of him, she couldn’t take any too bad risks. With how intrusive Cooper was already, she doubted that she could play along for much longer. Eventually, she’d do something that would make him see that she was about to reject him. If he did and she wasn’t prepared, she’d only be in more danger.
There was no choice to make. She had to be brave and do something. Now.
Sucking in a deep breath and not thinking about it for long, Felicity hauled out and pushed her elbow back into Cooper’s face with as much force as she could use. It was a simple but effective move that John had showed her when he had trained her a little during that hellish year that they had believed Oliver was dead. He had called it trauma management when really it had been more of a self-defense training that had just been supposed to distract Felicity.
Cooper groaned and turned away from Felicity. There was a part of her that wanted to turn around and look, but she knew she didn’t have the time. Cooper would probably catch himself quickly. If he did, she should be as far away from him as possible.
Cradling Gabriel in her arms and holding him against her chest protectively, Felicity ran over to the bedroom. She locked the door behind herself and though she felt like she needed to take a deep breath to get a clear head, she didn’t dare to wait. She hurried over to the window and opened it.
To say that Felicity was afraid of heights was a terrible underestimation. Climbing onto a chair to reach the topmost shelf in the wardrobe already made her feel so dizzy. To escape out of this situation, she might have to overcome her fear of heights though.
Looking out of the window, Felicity checked for any way to get out of there safely. Even if she didn’t have Gabriel with her, Felicity doubted she’d make it out of here alive though. There was no way out other than the door.
Just in that second, a loud noise came from the other side of the door. Gasping for breath, Felicity turned around and held Gabriel, who released low cries, against her chest even more tightly.
“Open up, Felicity!”
Cooper sounded completely crazy now. Felicity didn’t know if a voice could sound crazy, but right now she felt like Cooper’s voice did. He pounded his fist against the door a few more times, and Felicity flinched with every single bang.
“Come on, Felicity, open the door!”
While he continued pounding his fist against the door and kicking against it, Felicity just backed away further and further towards the corner. She knew it was no smart move because there was no way to run away once you had walked into a corner. Her instinct didn’t let her go anywhere else though.
Felicity’s heart was pounding wildly while she was continuing to watch the door. It was already shaking in its angles. It would only be a matter of time for Cooper to break in. The thought made Felicity tremble so heavily that Gabriel started crying out even louder now.
With one more firm kick, the door flew open. Cooper was standing in the frame of the door, looking at her with wild eyes. He was breathing just as heavily as Felicity did. With his hands tightened to fists, anger was written all over his face.
Taking large steps, Cooper walked towards her. Felicity had no idea what to expect. Between being forced to hug or kiss him, being hit and just being killed, she’d trust Cooper to do absolutely everything.
By instinct, Felicity turned away and leaned forward slightly with Gabriel still held safely in her arms. She’d be at Cooper’s mercy now, and all she could do was protecting her baby. It was all she could think about, all she really wanted. No matter what he’d do to her, as long as Gabriel came out of this unharmed, she knew she’d be okay.
When Cooper’s hand wrapped around the back of her neck, his fingers digging into her skin firmly, Felicity hunched her shoulders. He pulled her back like that, forcing her head back as far as possible.
“Look at me.”
His words only made her screw her eyes shut. She didn’t want to look at him. Cooper’s fingers dug even more tightly into her skin though. His fingernails were probably leaving red marks all around her neck.
“Look. At. Me.”
Gabriel’s cries grew even louder, and Felicity didn’t dare to disobey to him one more time. Despite everything, she opened her eyes.
Cooper was looking at her with an indescribable expression on his face. His craze was written all over his face. His obsession and his blindness for reality was so damn visible in his face. Felicity was sure that she wouldn’t be able to predict anything that would happen from now.
“We are going to be together now,” Cooper told her, “whether you want it or not.”
While his right hand stayed wrapped around her neck, the fingers of his left hand brushed against the space between her shoulder blades. From there, they slowly lowered down her back.
Felicity felt tears welling in her eyes. She had never been one to give up easily. She wouldn’t be where she was today if it was any different. Right now, she just had no hope that she could free herself from this. She had no idea what she should do.
Right before Cooper’s hands could lower from the small over her back down to her butt, Cooper was suddenly ripped away from her. Felicity stumbled back a couple of steps as she lost her balance and almost fell to the floor. She was caught by the last second though.
“Lock yourself in Gabriel’s room!”
Oliver half-whispered and half-shouted the words, making sure she was back safe on her feet. Felicity felt a wave of relief almost rushing through her. Before it could really unfold its effect, the adrenaline was already pushing back in as Cooper got back to them.
Just in time, Oliver pushed Felicity out of the way and towards the door. She could feel Cooper’s hands reaching out for her. His fingertips grazed through the tip of her ponytail. It only lasted a moment before he was already ripped away from her again. At least that was what Felicity believed happened from the noises in her back as she didn’t dare to look back and check.
Exactly like Oliver had told her, she ran right over to Gabriel’s nursery and locked herself in there. As soon as the door was locked, her legs that had been shaking the entire time gave in. With her back pressed against the door, she sank down onto the floor, breathing so heavily and yet feeling like she could barely breathe.
She tried to calm Gabriel, who was crying from the top of his lungs now, down. His face was all red and thick tears were rolling down his cheeks. Felicity kissed his temple, rubbing her hand up and down his back and holding him against her gently.
As much as she tried to calm Gabriel down, she doubted that she’d succeed though. Even through the closed door, she could hear the noises coming from her own bedroom where Oliver and Cooper were probably still fighting. She could hear their grunts and their movements and something that she’d probably identify as their punches. She hadn’t thought that you could hear punches, but apparently you could.
There was a loud bang before silence followed. For a long moment, no more sound was to be heard. Everything was quiet. The only sound Felicity could hear was the sound of her heart beating right up into her throat.
A thousand different scenarios flashed through her head. One picture in her head followed the next. There was no time for Felicity to progress any of them. They appeared and disappeared in front of her inner eye too quickly.
When she could hear steps in the corridor, Felicity held her breath. For a brief second, the thought of holding her hand over Gabriel’s lips crossed her mind. As soon as it popped up there, as soon Felicity discarded it again though. Cooper knew exactly where she was anywhere. There was no point in hiding.
The steps came closed until they stopped right in front of the door to Gabriel’s nursery. Onerously, Felicity managed to hold back a sob. She squeezed her eyes shut and almost waited for Cooper to pound his fist against the door once more.
Instead, there was a light knock.
Oliver’s soft voice made the sob she had tried to hold back so much fall from her lips after all. Sniffling, she pushed her nose against the crook of Gabriel’s neck, breathing him in.
“Felicity, Honey, it’s me,” Oliver whispered, probably mistaking her silence for something else. “Please, open the door.”
Felicity’s entire body was trembling, and tears were running down her cheeks. The little spark of hope that she was safe now was settling inside of her, but it didn’t spread all through her yet. It didn’t reach the far corners in her brain and in her heart just yet though.
It felt like it took her forever before she managed to get up on her still shaking legs. She had no idea how she managed to keep upright. She did stay on her legs at least long enough to open the door though. After a moment of silence, the door knob turned and the door opened.
Felicity’s breath hitched in her throat when she saw Oliver standing in the door. She looked at him closely. There was a bruise at his right eyebrow, and his bottom lip was split in the middle. The knuckles of his hands were bruised shallowly.
Except from that, Oliver looked like he had gotten out of the fight rather unhurt though.
Sobbing, Felicity threw herself at him. Only one step was necessary for her to reach him. She let her head fall against his shoulder and moved as close to him as possible. Oliver’s strong arms wrapped around her trembling body, holding him as tightly against her as she was still holding Gabriel against her own chest.
Oliver kissed the top of her head over and over again, tightening her arm around him whenever he did. Her hair got tangled in his stubble a little, but Felicity didn’t mind. She loved the feeling of it as it was a feeling, she had grown wonderfully familiar with in the last years.
“I called the police on my way here,” Oliver whispered to her. “It’s all going to be okay.”
Felicity only sobbed harder at the words. For so long, they had believed that everything was going to be okay. Only now that they had definite confirmation of who the stalker was and having probably unconscious in the room next door, they could be really sure that those words were true. Everything was going to be okay.
Still, especially now Felicity had problems accepting this truth. She was still so in shock that the thought of everything being alright eventually seemed incredibly far away. Oliver seemed to sense that. He just whispered the words into her ear over and over again.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, Felicity. It’s all going to be okay.”
* * *
Oliver could still feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins. He was still so high on it that his heart was beating against his ribs with force. It also prevented him from feeling the headache he should probably have from the punch Cooper had thrown at him.
After the police had finally arrived at the scene, they had taken Cooper with him. A crew of policemen had perpetuated evidence, while other officers had questioned Oliver and Felicity about what had happened. Oliver had had been taken to an ambulance to check him through and only because he had seen in Felicity’s face that it had been important to her, he had eventually agreed to it.
Standing in the frame towards the bedroom that was completely destroyed from the fight now, Oliver just realized what a bad ending this could have taken. Cooper had been so deep into his craziness and his obsession, he might have killed him. Oliver had seen an unpredictable wildness in his eyes.
If it hadn’t been for his thorough training with John, maybe this would have ended badly.
A cold shiver ran down Oliver’s back once more. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, sucking in a deep breath. He clenched and unclenched his hand a couple of times, feeling the soreness of his knuckles from punching Cooper over and over again until he had passed out.
For a brief moment, Oliver remembered that thought that had crossed his mind when Cooper had been lying there unconscious. It had just been a split second, but during that second it would have been so easy to just punch him a few times more until Oliver could be sure that he would never wake up again. Oliver had never felt an anger like that before, but he just hadn’t been able to help himself.
Cooper had scared him and Felicity. He had threatened them. He had threatened their kids. It might have been a lot less than other victims of stalking had had to endure, but it had been bad enough for him.
Oliver shook his head quickly. He knew that he had to get that thought out of his head as soon as possible. Otherwise, he’d probably go insane.
“What did the paramedics say?”
Oliver turned his head back to Quentin briefly just when he was stepping behind him and taking a look into the bedroom.
“I’m fine.”
“Good,” Quentin just said briefly and nodded his head. “My team is just packing their stuff. We have your statements, but you will have to come to the precinct in the next days anyway. We can talk about that later though. For now, you should all rest.”
Oliver nodded his head slowly. Mae was going to spend the nights at Tommy’s and Laurel’s, and Donna had just picked up Gabriel. Felicity hadn’t been particularly fond of the idea of having the kids stay away for a night, but Oliver had convinced her that it was better that way. They had to recover themselves first before they could help the kids. Mae and Gabriel were better off with their friends and family for the night, so they wouldn’t see any of this chaos here.
“Where is Felicity?”
“She was outside in the garden when I last saw her.”
“I will go to see her.”
Quentin didn’t say anything more. He just nodded his head and stepped aside to let Oliver pass. He walked downstairs quickly, ignoring the bunch of cops that were running around in the house.
The moment Oliver turned towards the terrace doors, he could already see Felicity. She was sitting on one of the swings in the garden, her head lowered to her hands in her lap. The swing was only moving slightly. Oliver could almost feel her sadness and her shock in his bones like they were his own.
Oliver felt his heart breaking for Felicity. He had been so scared for her already that her own fear must have been unimaginable.
Taking in a deep breath, Oliver walked outside. He let the door fall shut a little harder than necessary. Just like he had hoped, Felicity lifted her head at the sound and looked in his direction. She was smiling softly, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It just made her look even more exhausted.
Oliver didn’t say a word. He just sat down on the other swing and started seesawing slightly. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Felicity leaning her head against the rope of her swing and watching him.
“What’s happening now?”
Felicity’s voice was low, so low that Oliver could barely hear her. He did hear her though and he didn’t even need her to specify what she mean to know it anyway.
“Cooper will be examined by a psychiatrist to check whether or not a mental disease is to be blamed for his crimes,” Oliver said and shook his head. “God, I hope it turns out that he is not just crazy because I want him to rot in prison rather than tinkering necklaces with macaroni.”
Anger was no word for what he felt when he was just thinking about Cooper now. After everything he had done and the long time, he had tried to scare them, Oliver wanted Cooper to suffer from that. Hopefully, a man that was threatening children wasn’t being treated well in prison.
“Honestly, that man deserves so much more than just a few years in prison. If it was up to me, he would-“
“Don’t,” Felicity interrupted him quickly but with soft voice. She moved close to him, taking his hand and lacing her fingers with his. “Don’t let him get into your head and into your heart like that. You will never get him out otherwise, and he doesn’t deserve that.”
Oliver looked at her. Despite her exhaustion, there was a calmness in her eyes that only Felicity could transfer right to him. It was like her eyes reached right into his heart. It didn’t take the rage and the hate he felt for Cooper away, but it calmed it down enough so he didn’t feel consumed by it.
In the years Oliver had known her, he couldn’t count how often he had been amazed by her. Whenever he had believed that there was nothing left that could still amaze him about her, she just managed to take his breath away again. Right now as she was proving how strong she was once more, Oliver couldn’t help but feel amazed by her all over again.
He tightened his fingers around her hand and lifted it to his lips. Never taking his eyes off her, he kissed the back of her hand firmly.
“How are you doing?”
He could see in Felicity’s eyes that something inside of her told her to look away. No matter how strong that urge might be, she didn’t look away though. She kept her eyes on him, holding his gaze.
“I don’t know,” she whispered eventually, shrugging her shoulders. “I think I am still in shock.”
Oliver nodded his head slowly.
When he had unlocked the door of the house and stepped inside, he had heard Cooper’s voice upstairs even though he hadn’t recognized it as he had never met Cooper before. He had ran upstairs and ripped Cooper away from Felicity before he had been able to hurt her like he had probably planned to do in that moment.
The image his eyes had met the moment he had stepped into the bedroom would forever be burnt into his mind. Felicity had held Gabriel clutched to her chest, shielding him with her body, so no harm could come to him. She would have taken everything as long as Gabriel was safe.
“I never felt safe with Cooper, you know?” Felicity asked eventually. “I mean I didn’t think he was dangerous, but I never trusted him in the way that I trusted you. I don’t know how to describe it, but I never felt the way that I feel whenever I am with you. It’s why I couldn’t sleep with him. I should have known it was him sooner. There was always-“
“You couldn’t know, Felicity,” Oliver interrupted her gently, shaking his head. “Cooper hasn’t been a part of your life you’re a very long time. You couldn’t know.”
“I have met him when the stalker was around the first time,” Felicity said. “It’s been weird in a lot of ways, and I got a strange feeling, but it was nothing but a strange feeling, so I forgot about it and-“
“Hey,” Oliver interrupted her once more. He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “It doesn’t matter. It’s over now.”
Felicity didn’t look exactly convinced, but she dropped the topic nonetheless. With a nod of her head, she released a long sigh and closed her eyes. She held her face into the cool breeze while Oliver just watched her. She was as beautiful as always.
When Felicity opened her eyes again, they found his immediately.
“It really is over now, right?”
Oliver nodded his head, squeezing her hand once more. He tugged at her fingers until Felicity got up and sat down on his lap. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and rested her other hand on his chest. Oliver put his arms around her waist and leaned her head back until he could look at her.
“It really is over now,” he whispered to her. “I promise you.”
Felicity looked at him for a long moment like she needed to make sure that he really was saying the truth. Only when she didn’t find any doubt there, she nodded her head. With a sigh, she rested her forehead against his and spread her fingers over his heart.
“Good,” she whispered.
“Yeah.” Oliver tightened his arms around her. “Good.” 
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crassussativum · 5 years
Mass Effect Asks Masterlist- Cato
(Originally posted by thenerdcommander, credit where credit is due.)
1. What would their recruitment mission look like? ((Cato’s recruitment mission, if it even can be called such, would be after Menae. Primarch Fedorian has fallen. Cato finds Shepard on the Citadel after that mission and demands to come along with them. Shepard might be reluctant at first, but eventually allows it.)) 
2. Would they be a romance option?  If so, who would the option be available to and what would their romance look like?  Would there be any special scenes? ((Cato is a shy thing in the ways of romance and sex. And another species? That’s just too confusing for him).)
3. If there is one, what would their sex scene look like?  How would the scene change if Shepard or Ryder turned the sex down? ((On the off chance, we’d get to see a naked turian that’s probably never had sex before and certainly never with a human lol it’d be awkward but sweet with a quick fade to black.))
4. If left unromanced, do they hook up with another character?  If so, who is it?  Is it a canon character or another OC? ((Nah, probably not.))
5. Would they be available as a fling option?  What would that scene look like? ((Also probably not))
6. Is there any way Shepard or Ryder could get them to turn on them or betray them?  How?  Is there any way to get them to back down once the betrayal is triggered? ((Shepard would have to do something big and horrible for Cato to betray them. Like genocide big. And yes, not doing the right thing with the Shroud mission, but then how would Cato know that?))
7. What would their loyalty mission look like? (Cato’s loyalty mission would be simple. All he’d want is a day to pretend the galaxy might not actually be ending, a day to be normal. He’d want to go somewhere the Reapers haven’t touched yet and while that may be hard, he’d just need Shepard to pretend everything’s okay with him for just a little while.))
8. Is there any way to lose their loyalty after it’s earned?  How? ((No, I don’t think so.))
9. What would their relationship with Renegade Shepard look like?  Paragon Shepard?  If they’re from Andromeda, what’s their relationship with Ryder (pick any two alignments)?  ((I think Cato would greatly look up to a Paragon Shepard, the always doing what’s right would speak to him on a Spiritual level. Renegade Shepard would probably rub him the wrong way because sometimes doing what’s right in the moment in a way that’s not right is a grey concept he just doesn’t have the experience to grasp.))
10. What phrase(s) would they shout during combat? ((“Incoming!” “Outta the way!” for biotic attacks/charges. Otherwise I think he’d be verbally keeping count of enemy positions.))
11. Any squadmates they don’t particularly get along with? ((Honestly? I think it’s less that he wouldn’t get along with Jack but that she would scare the hell out of him. He’d find how powerful she is totally fascinating, and that her body is her own canvas would intrigue the artist in him. But she’s outwardly abrasive, crudely spoken, and volatile. Waaaay too intimidating for Cato. I think, were he to go along on her loyalty mission, he’d view her as something more of a kindred Spirit, but still be too skittish to make friends. ALSO since ME3. Javik. Javik would terrify him. He’s mean, he’s battle weary, he’s bleak and he finds no joy in the little things.))
12. Are there any instances where rivalries between them and another squadmate could potentially jeopardize their loyalty or views of Shepard or Ryder? ((Maybe? Like I can’t think of anything right now, but I’m sure there’s something. Cato mostly just follows along with the flow, but he’s moody so... it’s possible.))
13. Which squadmates are they likely to make friends with? ((Everyone but maybe Javik. Tali he’d adore. Garrus is a role model. Liara is asari and he loves their artwork and history so much. James I think he’d warm up to fast. Ashley/Kaiden are in the air but I don’t see why not.))
14. In which game would they be introduced to the franchise?  ME1?  ME2?  ME3?  Andromeda? ((In ME3))
15. Would they make multiple appearances throughout the games or are they limited to one installment?  If they reappear, do they remain as a squadmate or do they become an NPC? ((He’s just a squadmate in ME3 but maybe we saw him as an NPC in ME1 or ME2. He’d have been on the Citadel a lot then.))
16. Which skills are available to them?  If they’re from the OT, pick four active powers and one unique passive class power (ex: Turian Agent, Asari Commando, Turian Smuggler, etc).  If they’re from Andromeda, pick three active powers and two passive (one of which should be a unique class power). ((So... this is hard. Cato’s an Adept, so his top four biotic moves are: Warp, Shockwave, Throw, and a Biotic Charge just for fun. Idk what passive class powers are, sorry.))
17. Write a quick exchange of banter between them and one other squadmate of your choice.
Cato: “I could use my biotics?”
Mordin: “Yes. Turian biotics, burn bright, burn hot, strong in bursts. Sufficient.”
Cato: “Or you could reach up there and pull it down. ‘Cause you can reach.”
Mordin: “….Small for a turian youth. Still growing? No, stunted. Lack of nutrition? Genetic mutation? Hmm Could take samples….”
Cato: “No samples! Spirits, I’m still growing, everyone says so….”
18. What weapons would they use?  Pick 1 minimum, maximum of 2 firearms, 1 melee weapon, and/or 1 special or unique weapon. ((Cato’s got an M-3 Predator, a Phaeston, and an omniblade for close quarter emergencies.))
19. Name one thing that players would remember them most by (ex: Garrus’ calibrations, “Lola”, Mordin’s singing, etc).  (Folks would remember that Cato’s the baby! He’s so young and idealistic, kind and caring. Like… he’s great as a squad member bc biotics and small arms fire, but… but he’s still a kid that wants to do kid things. Like go somewhere and eat nothing but junk food, or hit the movies or whatever. He would always need to be supervised bc he has no impulse control either.)
20. If they’re from the OT, what ways could they be killed on Virmire, during the Suicide Mission, or the events of ME3 (pick one)?  If they’re from Andromeda, are there any ways they could die?  If so, how and how could Ryder prevent it if prevention is possible at all? ((So ME3 and I think he could maybe die during the final battle on Earth, but only if Shepard didn’t do his loyalty mission which reminded Cato “normal” was what they’re fighting for.)) 
21. Can they be Indoctrinated or Exalted?  If so, what would they be like?  What options would Shepard or Ryder have to handle the situation?  Would there have been options to prevent it? ((No, I don’t think so))
22. How would they react to other squadmates, Shepard, or Ryder being Indoctrinated or Exalted? ((Aghast confusion. Sadness, fear.))
23. When on the Tempest or Normandy, where do they like to stay?  Do they roam around?  What about on the Citadel or Nexus?  ((Cato likes to hang around Garrus or the galley on the Normandy. Turian biotics are always hungry and Garrus is another turian that he can look up to. On the Citadel, he either loiters near the embassy in hopes of visiting with his grandpa -pre 3- or he’s down at the docks praying to see someone he knows. ))
24. Do they have an opinion on the way Shepard drives the Mako?  Or how Ryder drives the Nomad? (At first, Shepard drives the Mako way too recklessly and fast…. but Cato is still a child in many ways and I think he’d gradually have fun with Shepard driving, if Shepard was willing to teach him how.))
25. Are they vocal about their opinions of the Council or Nexus Leadership?  If so, what is their opinion?  Do they make a passing comment to another squadmate or do they say it to Shepard or Ryder directly?  (I’d say Cato is vocal about his opinions. His grandpa’s the Primach, he kinda has room to be, lol. And I’m sure he’d willingly talk about it if asked. He hates how the Cabal/biotic turians are ostracized, he doesn’t really understand why. He hates how barefaced and outer colony turians are looked down on. He’s sure that the Turian Councilor has turian people’s needs in mind but how can you see the scope of the big picture if you’re not looking at all the pieces that make it whole too?)
26. What decisions could Shepard or Ryder make that they greatly disapprove of? ((If Cato was aware-somehow- that Shepard put the fake cure in at the Shroud mission, he’d really disapprove of that.)) 
27. What decisions could Shepard or Ryder make that they greatly approve of? ((Doing that mission for the new Primarch and SAVING Tarquin. Fight me on this. My biotic Shepard could���ve saved him, damnit.))
28. Would they have any special scenes or dialogue in the Citadel DLC or for Movie Night? ((Maybe to Shepard in regards to their clone and is that like having a sibling? Cato always wanted a sibling. He probably drinks too much at the later party and ends up passed out in a cozy, secluded spot.))
29. Would they have any special scenes or dialogue in the final battle against the Reapers or the Archon? ((The final battle against the Reapers, he wouldn’t be able to just sit on his hands, he’d be on the ground driving whatever vehicle transported the survivors to safe locations.))
30. How would they react to meeting Shepard’s clone?  Or Ryder’s twin? ((Much confusion. By that point, I like to think Cato would’ve intergated himself into Shepard’s day-to-day. And why doesn’t Shepard talk to him as warmly? Or joke with him the same? Clone? Oooohkay then.))
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positivelypossessed · 6 years
halloween roundup
a short list of some of the spooky places i’ve been this year. This isn’t including most of my urbex/rurex stuff, since this would be a crazy long list if I did that. So, without further ado, in no particular order:
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1.The Sallie House! Atchison, Kansas
Cheers, demons!  I stayed here for one night in May, and it was predictably creepy! I didn’t really experience anything one might consider to be “concrete” evidence, but I don’t really think that’s how spirits work anyway. I might do a longer write up about my stay here in the future. 
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2. The Devil’s Tramping Ground, Bear Creek, North Carolina
For anyone whose been hanging out on the ooky spooky side of the internet for long enough, y’all know this is a must see. And it did not disappoint! The day I went was pretty rainy, which created the perfect ~ambiance~. Nothing weird happened, but I was followed back to my car by a pretty little red bird, which I like to pretend was some sort of demon keeping an eye on the place.
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3. Strawberry Chapel, Cordesville, South Carolina
Another spooky internet classic! I obviously didn’t get to go in, but even from outside the fence this place gave off a vibe. Whoever owns the property has clearly had issues with other ghost seeking peeps in the past, since this place is covered in cameras, no trespassing signs, and barbed wire. Still a great place to check out imo.
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4. Lost Colony of Roanoke, Dare County, North Carolina
This is probably the scariest place on the list I visited, and it had nothing to do with the Lost Colony. When I went there was a pretty hardcore storm, and the road you have to drive on to get the island seemed a little too close to the tumultuous ocean that surrounded it. I was pretty sure my little Camry and me were toast. So if anyone asks, I’d say that the Lost Colony probably died on the highway on the way there. 
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5. Grave of Carrie Kiene, Topeka, Kansas
This one isn’t so spooky to me , but it is a grave so I guess it belongs here. Some mysterious person (or spirit?) dresses up the statue at the grave of this child. Honestly I think it’s pretty cute, and a nice way to remember someone who died so young so long ago.
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6.The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, Bishopville, South Carolina
I finally got to visit one of my favorite cryptids, and let me tell you he’s a charmer! This little town basically has the lizard man, and a cotton museum. Be warned, the man at museum is very nice, but you will get sucked into an hour long talk about the history of cotton. 
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7. Roswell, New Mexico
I mean, it’s Roswell, what else is there to say? A tourist trap, but probably the most famous tourist trap ever. Roswell will always have a special place in my heart. 
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8.Branch Davidian Massacre Site, Waco, Texas
Didn’t really get to go inside, but it was still really interesting to put a visual to one of the most infamous cults of all time. 
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9. Grave of “Little Boy”,  Graniteville, South Carolina
2 child graves in one post? Yes, but again this one is mostly sweet. Over 150 years after this anonymous boy passed away, townspeople are still dotting his grave with toys, flowers, and blankets. 
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10. Biggins Church Ruins, Biggins, South Carolina
Some church ruins. I tried to whip out my tape recorder and catch some spooky ghost toons, but there were other people around, and it was like 2pm on a Tuesday, which I don’t think is prime ghost hunting hour.
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11. Bell Witch Cave, Adams, Tennessee
Okay, tbhrn this is another one that I couldn’t actually get into. But I was in the general area, and like, I get it. This counts right? Maybe I’ll try again this year. Roadtrips are 100% trial and error.
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12. Monkey Massacre Memorial, Duluth, Georgia
It’s a tale as old as time. Circus train crashes, dozens of monkeys flee into the woods, Georgia farmers freak out and shoot all of them, artists creates a weird tribute to them in an otherwise normal nature preserve.
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13. Clutter Family Home, Holcomb, Kansas
Real life site of the In Cold Blood murders. We drove off pretty fast after seeing that it was very visibly occupied by some random family. Kudos to them for living there, I don’t think I could.
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keichanz · 6 years
I apologize for falling a little behind with these prompts, but they’re proving to be more difficult than I thought lol. Anyway I’m hoping to get out 7 and 8 tomorrow, so you have two to look forward to!
This one came out longer than I’d anticipated but I doubt you guys are complaining lol. Major thanks to the guys in the discord server for helping me come up with this idea! Enjoy, guys! :D lolol i know you were all dying to know what I came up with xD
Spooktober Day 6: Banshee
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It started innocently enough. Their neighbor’s child Shippou from down the street – or, “that brat” as Inuyasha liked to call him – had suddenly decided that scaring the big bad hanyou that lived two houses down was going to be his goal for the month of October. Kagome also knew for a fact that the young kitsune had a crush on Izayoi and no doubt wanted to impress her with his scaring skills. “He who scares the Unscarable Half-Demon wins the girl” and all that.
Personally Kagome thought it was adorable whereas her husband was not as keen to the idea as she was. His daughter was his princess, so of course no boy would ever be good enough for her, especially the annoying brat down the road. Thankfully the fox demon never let the half-demon’s overprotectiveness deter him, however, always showing up with gifts and asking if she’d like to come over to play. Kagome was pretty sure Izayoi considered the kit a friend, but was still unclear on how she viewed him as a potential suitor. She was still young, after all, so perhaps love wasn’t the first thing on her mind whenever she was around boys.
Which, thinking on it now, was probably a very good thing when it came to one Daisuke Matsuno. A little older than Izayoi, Dai was the charming son of one of her colleagues, Kouga Matsuno, and the little rascal had been after Izayoi since he’d first seen her. Inuyasha disliked Dai more than he did Shippou because the kid was a carbon copy of his father, right down to his suave personality and winning smile. Thankfully, to Inuyasha’s relief, their daughter was more or less oblivious to the wolf’s advances and never reciprocated his shameless flirting.
Kagome felt a little guilty admitting it, but Shippou’s rivalry with the young wolf demon was very amusing and it was the reason why she never said no whenever Kouga called and asked if she could watch Dai for a bit while he and Ayame ran some errands. Shippou never failed to show up a few minutes later, probably because he didn’t want his crush’s feelings to sway toward the young wolf, but whatever the reason, it was always a very lively few hours.
Unfortunately Inuyasha was less than amused whenever the “cocky wolf brat” came over and most of the time Izayoi was suddenly no where to be found – because that wasn’t suspicious at all – and to this day her husband refused to admit he had any part in his daughter’s mysterious disappearances.
Kagome wondered if this whole plan to scare Inuyasha was some sort of payback for not letting him spend any time with his crush, but at this point, she didn’t dare venture to ask.
At least Shippou was the lesser of the two evils, to quote something Inuyasha had said once.
At first the kit would hide in random places and jump out at Inuyasha as he was leaving the house, but because of his superior senses, the half-demon had always been aware of his presence before the kid could carry out his scare tactic. So when that hadn’t worked, he’d kicked things up a notch by using some of his kitsune tricks and creating illusions. Inuyasha still hadn’t fallen for it and saw right through them with nary a flick of an eyelash. Shippou’s third attempts involved props that varied between store-bought Halloween decorations, homemade questionable concoctions, and a playlist of spooky sounds via YouTube.
Those attempts had resulted in Inuyasha loudly demanding to know what the hell that stench was and why his front lawn was riddled with “fake ass plastic shit and bed sheets.”
If Shippou had any other bright ideas to spook the hanyou, he didn’t get the chance to try because fed up with the brat’s annoying attempts to “scare him,” Inuyasha devised his own plan to scare the bejeesus out of the kitsune and unfortunately, it was rather very easy to frighten the poor child, so her husband’s first attempt had been a success. Kagome didn’t remember the particulars in how he did it, but something about duct tape and one of those fake wound tattoos you can buy on Amazon.
And thus started The Great Scaring War and needless to say, Kagome was getting very tired of it.
Rubbing her temples while sitting at the kitchen counter, Kagome groaned and tried very hard to ignore the ruckus that was going on upstairs, heavy thuds and banging sounds echoing throughout the house, accompanied by her husband’s laughter and Shippou’s screeching, that was giving her a goddamned headache. A solid week this has been going on and this point she was ready to do anything just to get them to stop.
“Are they still going at it?” Izayoi complained as she came into the kitchen, her little brother in tow. “Hasn’t it been, like, a week?” With a sigh she sank down into a chair while Tai opted to climb into his mother’s lap.
Releasing a sigh of her own, Kagome ran her fingers distractedly through her son’s hair and kissed his head. “Just about, yes,” she replied, frowning as she rubbed one of Tai’s ears. The tiny half-demon sighed and snuggled into her chest. “I’ve been toying with the idea of scaring both of them to get them to stop, but I have no idea how to go about doing it. Shippou wouldn’t be hard, but your father is the most difficult person to scare that I’ve ever met.” Kagome shook her head and stared helplessly down at her dozing five year old. Dammit, but if only she could think of something...
Izayoi was silent as she pondered her mother’s words and Kagome missed the strangely contemplative look on her face before her daughter spoke, her innocent tone instantly catching her attention.
“I think...I might have an idea, Mama...”
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Strutting downstairs with a rather arrogant smirk on his face, Inuyasha was feeling mighty proud of himself as he strolled into the kitchen with a deflated Shippou behind him, looking decidedly less proud and more dejected than anything. Seeing Izayoi sitting at the table, however, perked him right up and he smiled, his gloomy disposition completely vanishing.
“What’s up, babygirl?” Inuyasha said cheerily as he retrieved a soda from the fridge and popped it open. He eyed the kit as he slyly slid into the hair beside his daughter, narrowing his gaze in warning. Shippou pretended to ignore him and beamed at the younger half-demon.
With a dreamy look on her face, chin propped in her hands and golden eyes holding a far-away look in them, Izayoi sighed and her lips curled up into a wondering smile. “I found him, Daddy,” she said in a distracted manner and both males sent her a puzzled look.
“Him who, Iz?” Lifting the can to his lips, Inuyasha leaned back against the counter and crossed his ankles, gazing curiously at his precious babygirl.
Izayoi suddenly giggled, a high-pitched, entirely girly sound and for some reason it put Shippou on edge. “The guy I’m gonna marry, Daddy!” she said brightly and Inuyasha froze.
He blinked and slowly lowered the cold soda, his brows dipping into an apprehensive frown. “Marry...?” he echoed, his stomach clenching at the thought of his little girl running off with some boy. Who was the unlucky chump that managed to get his daughter’s attention?!
With a little seedling of hope embedded in his heart, Shippou bit his lip and leaned forward a little, inwardly praying that she was talking about him. “Uh, who are you gonna marry, Izayoi?” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing miserably.
The smile that stretched Izayoi’s lips, for some reason, had a ball of dread knotting tightly in his stomach and amber eyes that were identical to his own looked directly at him.
“Daisuke,” she told them, her voice breathy and holding a note of absolute reverence and wonder and Inuyasha could swear he saw little fucking hearts in her eyes. Reining in the rapidly increasing urge to giggle manically, Izayoi sighed, “I’m in loooove, Daddy.”
The color drained from his face, his heart stopped beating and he was barely aware of the loud choking noise Shippou made as he flailed in the chair beside her. He gripped the can in his hand so tightly his claws punctured the tin and Pepsi leaked onto the floor, but he barely noticed it. Had he...had he heard that right? Did his precious daughter, his princess, his whole world, just tell him that she was going to marry that cocky little shitstain Daisuke, son of the even bigger shitstain that motherfucker Kouga?
Inuyasha and Shippou stared at her in abject horror, the disbelief clear on their faces and if this was some sort of cruel joke, both half-demon and fox did not like it.
“D-Dai—wha—no. No no no no no no noooo, baby you can’t—” Inuyasha frantically shook his head back and forth, refusing to believe his precious daughter was in love with—with the damn wolf. Oh god, this was a nightmare! He was dreaming, right?! This was not happening, he would not accept this!
“B-but—but—but—” Shippou babbled, tears pooling in his green eyes and Izayoi felt a stab of guilt when she glanced over at him, trying not to wince.
“He’s so dreamy,” she gushed, biting down on her lip in an effort to keep from grinning. “Mama’s gonna talk to Kouga and Ayame and see if we can—”
“KA-GO-MEEEEEEEE!” Inuyasha cut his daughter off with a screech that would do any banshee proud and in his frantic state he failed to notice Izayoi’s rather smug look or the way Shippou seemed to have turned into a statue, complete with an unhealthy looking pallor to his skin.
“Jeez, Inuyasha,” Kagome said as she sauntered into the kitchen, wiggling a finger in her ear with a wince. “Stop screaming like a banshee, I’m right—”
In a blink Inuyasha was in front of her, clutching her arms and looking utterly terrified. “Kagome, she’s—she’s—you can’t talk to them, she can’t be in love with—no!” He proceeded to make a noise that was a cross between a whine and a groan, the desperation obvious in his eyes and on his face, the grip he had on her arms tight Kagome could detect a slight trembling.
She blinked. Smiled, then said, “Okay.”
Inuyasha paused. Stared at his wife. Blinked. “...Okay...?”
Kagome nodded. “Okay, Inuyasha. I won’t talk to them and Izayoi will not be in love with Daisuke.”
Drinking a glass of her mom’s homemade cider she’d poured for herself, Izayoi strolled casually past them, looking very pleased with herself. “That’s how you scare someone, Daddy,” she said cheekily and disappeared into the living room to watch some cartoons.
Shippou moaned and promptly fainted onto the floor while Inuyasha continued to stare dumbly after his conniving child.
Happy that her daughter’s creative plan had gone exactly as expected, Kagome was in a much better mood now and wow, her headache had miraculously disappeared! “No more scaring Shippou, honey,” she said and patted her husband’s cheek affectionately before merrily sauntering into the kitchen to check on a stunned Shippou.
Still standing where she left him and looking dumbstruck, Inuyasha blinked as his brain tried to process that it had, indeed, all been a very, very cruel joke, one that – had had to admit – had scared the shit out of him. “Okay,” he mumbled in response, unable to move quite yet, the relief so strong it had temporarily immobilized him.
“Oh, and could you mop over by the counter?” Kagome asked as she picked up a now sleeping kitsune. “For some reason there’s Pepsi all over the floor and I don’t want ants. Thanks, honey. I’m gonna go take Shippou home now, love you!” She brushed past him and breezed out the door, humming a jaunty little tune to herself.
“Love you, too,” Inuyasha automatically replied, suddenly feeling weak, and abruptly deciding that he’d stop being so hard on the runt for crushing on his little girl.
After all, at least he wasn’t related to Kouga.
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themysteriouslou · 5 years
👀 all of them for leslie?
The Basics
1. Give their full name, and describe them or post a picture! (Height, build, hair, eye, and skin color, etc.)
Full name's Elena Leslie Grünewald! Only a handful of people refer to her with her first name though. 5′4/5′5, lean and fit. Wavy, medium-dark chestnut hair; gray eyes, light skin that gradually tans, has a scar that runs across the right side of her jaw.
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2. How old are they? 
3. Sexuality and gender? 
Heteroflexible, cisgender female.
1. How did they end up at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department? How long have they worked there?
Her father told her about the job just as she graduated from the police academy. He had been a colleague of Whitehorse’s when the two were young men in the office and following his transfer he kept in contact with him, so he must have mentioned her interests in a passing conversation. As for the second question, she has been working there for a year.
2. Relationship with Pratt, Hudson, and Whitehorse?
Pratt: he was the first to welcome her to the department—it took them some weeks but they grew close to each other during that time. He teased her a lot (because he was a little shit) but they got each other's back and genuinely care about the other's well-being.
Hudson: one of the first alongside Pratt to welcome her to the county, as well as the one who gave her some insight and help on how to work at the station. It took longer to befriend her than Pratt for the simple fact Danny’s death had been a recent thing and she was still blaming herself from it, but she eventually warmed up to Leslie.
Whitehorse: She has a soft spot for Whitehorse—she knew him since she was a child and had enough good memories of him to consider working alongside him a blessing. Likely sees him as a surrogate uncle figure due to the trust he extended to her as soon as she was given the duty of a cop.
3. Do they have an education?
Yup! Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice.
4. Where are they from? Did they speak a different language there?
She’s from Virginia! Aside from speaking Italian in her maternal family’s household, English has always been her main language.
5. Is there anyone outside the valley that might have come looking for them?
Her relatives and some of her friends back at home—she keeps in contact with them occasionally so I'd think they wouldn't make a big deal out of her going radio silent at first. However, they'd definitely start suspecting something's wrong if there hasn't been a call from her in months...
6. Did they have a religious background of any kind?
Quite — the Grünewalds aren’t attached to religious institutions but they’re Christian nonetheless. Leslie considers herself a believer, just more laid-back and chill about it.
Inside Hope County
1. What was going through their head when the helicopter went down and during the subsequent chase?
It was a mix of words: an increasing stream of "fucks" on loop coupled with an exasperated “are you fucking kidding me”. She was almost moving on autopilot—it was a terrifying experience for her but she knew she had to escape, she had to be fast or else, it was over.
2. Were they afraid of Joseph and Eden’s Gate? Angry?
Leaning towards afraid—she didn’t know what was going on and the only thought on her mind was to get to somewhere safe. Leslie had a few run-ins with Eden’s Gate before the attempted arrest and could understand why the locals were wary of them. Mainly, she was cautious.
3. Did they trust Dutch?
Let's put it this way: waking up cuffed to a post isn’t the best way to start trust between two people.
4. How did they feel about their team being taken by the cult, did they count them as lost, did they want them back, did they not care?
Les was worried sick—the memories from hours before started to return as she recovered, which meant she remembered trying to stop the cult from taking Joey, Staci's and Whitehorse's screams, and the Marshal’s protests as he was found by the peggies. More than anything, Leslie was determined to recover them—she was not going to leave them behind if she had anything to say about it.
5. How did they take to the idea of being part of, if not leading, the resistance?
It… didn’t dawn on her she was leading the Resistance at the beginning. She was just doing what she thought right—if she could help the people of the county, so be it. Then one day she was at the county jail, talking to several Resistance members and one of them said “you gave us hope to fight back”. It baffled her at first, but eventually she slotted right into the leader role.
6. Which companions did they recruit, and who did they travel with the most?
All of them! Nick’s a constant companion of hers, the second companion often varies depending on the region she is at.
7. Did they have time to find romance amidst the chaos? How did they do it?
It's... complicated, considering she fell in love with one of her enemies. Not even her knows how did it happen.
8. Feelings about Joseph? 
Mixed. On one hand he's the man she was ordered to arrest and the accusations against him, the bad he inflicted onto the county's residents should've convinced her he should be taken down. On the other hand... Leslie can see his point. She gets what's he's trying to say and why he is doing all of this, she sees him treating her carefully and taking his time to make her understand (which in turn makes her feel more conflicted tbh). Reading the BOJ in an attempt to understand him only furthers these mixed feelings.
9. Feelings about the other Seeds?
Faith was the scariest Seed for her—she gets into your mind, her persuasion convinces you that you belong with the cult and her management of the Bliss is absolutely terrifying. Leslie feels like she was walking on thin ice around her, yet she didn't see the need to refuse to listen to her (likely because her story pulls her heartstrings and her instinctual need is to help others, even her enemies and people who wronged her).
As for John, Les can admit he doesn't put pretenses and is straightforward about his motives. He doesn't try to use pity or fear to get to her, rather he just tells her the reason he is the way he is. She appreciates honesty in people, so I think she'd be the same way with him. Snarks a lot at him through the radio, though, and probably enjoys messing with him way too much, but that's it.
Jacob... well, here's the complicated part—Leslie should fear him, shouldn't feel at ease in his presence, shouldn't feel safe when she's in his arms, yet she does. It was a matter of survival what made them grow closer and fond of each other and now they don't know how to deal with it. She wants to soothe his scars, both physically and psychologically, wants to be there for him. Wants to save him. For the most part she tried to pretend these obvious feelings weren't there, but as the war wages on, with every unplanned meeting... it's just more difficult.
10. How did they handle having to kill animals and other humans? Had they done it before?
Killing animals wasn’t hard—Les participated in past hunting trips with her male relatives and the county people before. As for killing humans… she tries to not do it when she has the chance. Killing Angels and peggies in self-defense still leaves a bad taste in her mouth though.
11. Which canon ending did they choose in-game, and would you have changed the ending at all?
She choose the Resist ending. Leslie is too stubborn to go back once she had made her choice. As for the second part of the question: boy would I have. I would have spared and arrested the Seeds. Having to kill them hurt me and made me wish we could've given them a chance at life.
Favorite weapon(s)?
Any type of rifles and explosives! Molotovs and pipes are a recurrent thing in her inventory too.
2. Stealth or firepower?
Most of the time she likes stealth. However, it’s not uncommon of her to go Rambo and punch everything on sight if she has no other choice.
3. How did they spend their time, when not fighting peggies?
Lots of time spent at Fall’s End and the 8-Bit Pizza Bar. You could also find her enjoying the regions' scenery, drawing, fishing or doing tasks for the locals—basically she spent her time on things that relaxed her or took her mind off the war.
4. Where did they live during the events of the game?
Les wandered A LOT. Her actual house is at the border of the Whitetail Mountains and Holland Valley region, but she has had few opportunities to go there after the Reaping. After, she mostly uses her secret log cabin and takes naps in abandoned cars and houses/bunkers.
5. Any other facts you want to share about your Deputy!
- can tie a cherry stem with her tongue.
- used to practice baseball when she was younger.
- doesn't know how to ice-skate for the life of her —her face practically belongs to the floor if someone manages to convince her to try it.
- will laugh at the dumbest of jokes.
- prefers calling to texting people but know she's a keysmasher.
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brenli · 6 years
Tagged by: @goddamnitkastle​ (YAYAYAY ANOTHER ONE!)
1. how tall are you? 5′3″
2. what color and style is your hair? Dark brown. A couple of stray silver strands. When the light hits it right you can see natural auburn-y red highlights/tones in it, especially near the ends. I wear it long, down to my lower back, usually parted in the middle (sometimes on the left) and with bangs. Usually blunt-cut across my brows, but I'm not as good about trimming them as I ought to be so they usually end up growing out long enough that I need to brush them off to the right.
3. what color are your eyes? Brown
4. do you wear glasses? My cat-eye specs are basically part of my identity at this point.
5. do you wear braces? Nope
6. what is your fashion style? I have contempt for this question that likes of which you cannot believe. XD I guess in the most general sense it's rock-chic. Rock/metal girl elements mixed with glamorous or feminine elements/silhouettes. But this is MASSIVELY boiling down my massive wardrobe and I've certainly had moments of departure from the rock-chic umbrella depending on how I'm feeling. I dislike strictly adhering to specific style labels; I find it stifling.
7. full name? Brenda Lee Larson. My maiden name is cooler to be honest; I only changed it because I was more interested in sharing a surname with the Honey and I know I can still use my maiden name for other things.
8. when were you born? July 24, 1987
9. where are you from and where do you live now? Technically born in Coupeville on Whidbey Island, WA, USA and spent the first 4 years of my life bouncing around different naval stations because my family was about that Navy Life, but the majority of my formative years Spokane, WA, USA so my assumption is that would be more accurately where I'm "from." (Hawaii is where my heart wants to say I'm from though as that's where my earliest memories take place~) After some years spent CA (first in the Bay and then in LA), I'm currently living just south of Seattle, WA. So. Basically I've been wiggling around the West Coast my whole life, including going so far west I ditched the mainland for a spell.
10. what school do you go to? I WORK at a school currently, Cornish. Freelancing as a house manager for 3 of their 4 venues. The 4th one never seems to put on any events that require one of us from the house management roster, otherwise I'd work gigs at that one, too. XD
11. what kind of student are you? Some of you who make these questionnaires clearly cannot think beyond life-after-schooling and it shows. XD I was an above-average student for the vast majority of my years in schooling but I started falling off a little toward the end, largely because I was very keenly aware of what areas of study pertained to me and my interests/goals, and I had no patience for areas of study that did not. I left before it got too bad.
12. do you like school? I liked the parts of school that spoke to me~
13. what are your favorite school subjects? Literature/English was always the major go-to throughout all of my years of schooling. I was in Choir up until highschool; this was when Theatre became available to me and I wasn't able to participate in both, so I parted ways with Choir and focused on Theatre all the way up through my last years of schooling. Other subjects of interest, in highschool: Photography, Psychology, Forensic Science, World History. In college: Creative Writing, Journalism, Japanese.
14. favorite TV shows? The major ones have been racy period dramas The Tudors and The Borgias. I grew up on Star Trek TOS and as such it has a very dear place in my heart despite it not being a racy period drama. XD I also am quite invested in the Netflix MCU with Daredevil and The Punisher being my two favorite shows (Frank is my everything!). More currently I've been expanding my Sanada-san filmography-binge thanks in large part to @anagraves​; I recently finished the 1993 Koukou Kyoushi and am through episode 10 of Konna Koi no Hanashi. What I've been learning from this - Hiroyuki Sanada knows how to break hearts whether he's being soft and vulnerable to cold and cruel and anything in between, but that's exactly why I love him.
INB4 "you post Snow White everything so why isn't OUAT on here" I do enjoy OUAT a lot, but I don't know if I would consider it a favorite show overall. I'm more fond of the earlier seasons than the later seasons and it's that ambivalent feeling I have for the later seasons that make the show not a favorite - but still very good overall.
It's also at this point that I should probably explain what my blog description does not - my blog started running a Snow White-themed queue LARGELY as part of an inspiration-drive for a Snow White AU project that I haven't actually touched in a long time. I REALLY should do something about that; I just keep getting pulled in other directions and now it's years on and here I am with what's basically a Snow White queueblog. XD If I can ever get my dumb head in gear and FINISH what I've started, that would honestly result in the queue being mass-posted and then probably altered to suit whatever the next project would be. That's always been the intention, anyway.
15. favorite movies? While I'm still feeling the chilly gaze of my Snow White queue, my favorite Snow White movie thus far is Mirror Mirror. I think it's massively underrated and that makes me sad.
As far as Disney is concerned, while I have a HUGE amount of respect for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, my favorite film growing up was Beauty and the Beast (and my Rococo-loving ass does adore the live action remake). Surprise??? XD More recently, Moana is the film of my heart; it's the closest Disney has gotten to making a Princess culturally-relevant to me as a half-Filipina so my tropical islander ass is just utterly enamoured with Moana. ((Listen Disney if you ever decide to make a super fun colorful precolonial Philippine film THE PERFECT PRINCESS EXISTS FOR THAT, I submit for your consideration - Urduja!)
Because of my rather open-door childhood with regard to media, my earliest favorite movies are actually Nightmare on Elm Street and Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors. Freddy is my Nightmare King Murder Boyfriend and I'm prepared to face judgement for that. XD
Fondness for Star Trek TOS has resulted in an affection for the AOS movies~
But a movie that speaks to me very much is What Dreams May Come.
Currently I've gotten re-ensnared into The Last Samurai, in correlation with the most recent AU project. Because I am hopeless, Grumpy Samurai is Best Samurai, and I've been spending time manically fretting and pretending that because Ujio drops before the gatling guns are brought out, maybe he SOMEHOW managed to survive in SOME way and he can have tons of cool battle scars. Right? ... RIGHT???
16. favorite books? If manga counts then it's Angel Sanctuary. Hands down. No contest. It's easily woven itself into my life in the form of fanfic that is/was well-received within the fandom, and a weirdly HUGE list of AUs that somehow burst out of nowhere. (Currently all of it, AU work included, can be read via my FF.Net account under brenli. I have a placeholder page on AO3 that's currently empty but may end up holding all my content there as well, in time. If I can ever make the time.)
I was and am really into Sue Harrison's Ivory Carver series, particularly My Sister the Moon.
It was part of my middle school/junior high reading curriculum but I honestly DID really like The Diving Bell by Todd Strasser. Even if the cover art of Culca coming up out of the ocean looked A LOT like me and resulted in my class calling me Culca for the entirety of our unit on that book. It's fine. Culca is a badass queen of pearls and seawater so I'm happy to be associated with her~!
Every now and then I remember a book that clearly really resonated with my as a child if I still remember it, but the problem is that I don't remember the title or the author, or even any of the characters' names. It was about a Roma girl who lived in the American south - I wanna say Tennesee? - who was discovered for her talent playing guitar and singing country music. The book essentially details her struggle between her traditional roots as a Roma person, including the arrangement for her to be married young, and her interest in pursuing music as a career but feeling alienated by an industry and a society at large that is wealthier than her and has a different culture from her own. The book ends with her running away but it isn't made clear what her ultimate fate is. To this DAY it bothers me that I don't remember the title or the author because I honestly go through periods where I want to reread it. And yes, this was the kind of stuff I was reading as a child. XD I also read My Sister the Moon for the first time when I was like. 11 years old. If you're familiar with the content of that book then you're aware that certain scenes are really not 11-year-old friendly, but. If I can watch gratuitous 80's slasher horror at age 4 then I can read about a young woman surviving sexual abuse at age 11.
17. favorite pastime? Writing at this rate, honestly. Which probably speaks more to my inner tortured artist than anything else. XD
18. do you have any regrets? I feel like everybody has at least one regret and anyone who says otherwise is either very very young, or lying. XD It's not about whether you have regrets, it's about not letting them hold you in the past.
19. dream job? Telling stories, in any and every way attainable to me.
20. would you like to get married someday? I already am~
21. would you like to have kids someday? Absolutely not. I don't feel like my life is conducive to childrearing, and INB4 "you're never truly ready" and "you make it work" the key factor here is I'm not WILLING to become ready and I'm not WILLING to make it work. That's how I know my life is not conducive to childrearing. XD (I'm at that age where tons of people are asking me this and feeding me words meant to encourage me to consider and it's honestly EXHAUSTING by this point. I can't wait for when I'm menopausal maybe people will finally shut up about it because I'll be past my prime~)
23. do you like shopping? I mean, yes, but I usually avoid it because I'm aware of how impulsive I am.
24. what countries have you visited? I'm tempted to say that Hawaii should count because it's so far away from the mainland. XD But honestly I've never been outside of US territory. It's in the plans to try for Japan during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. I'm not sure if we'll make that goal but if not, I figure it won't hurt to continue saving up anyway and making a Tokyo trip post-Olympics. Prices will be cheaper post-Olympics, anyway, so~
25. what’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? At the risk of raising weird red flags I've gone through periods where I'll have reoccurring nightmares about being actively pursued by someone who very obviously intends to do harm. It happens often enough that the Honey wonders if I'm mentally suppressing something. XD I did have a standalone dream though, where me and the Honey were asleep in bed and then I become aware that someone's broken into the house and is approaching our bed. I'm walking through every possible option in my head with my eyes shut; if the Honey and I both lunged at the attacker we could possibly overpower them just because it would be two against one. But I know that I can't possibly wake up the Honey and make him aware of the situation without the attacker immediately acting and resulting in at least one of us being injured or killed. I realize that I have no choice but to try and take the attacker by surprise by myself and hope that is enough. I make peace with that. I can feel the attacker leaning over me. I suddenly lunge at them in full primal adrenaline-filled rage.
I wake up.
26. do you have any enemies? I guess that I have a few, yes, but honestly at this point I've gotten probably a little too used to being vilified. Barring physical assault or turning the animosity on innocent third parties in my life, I am prepared to weather the metaphorical lashes.
27. do you have an s/o? I have my Honey~
28. do you believe in miracles? I believe in miracles that aren't the overt surface-level wish-fulfillment-from-above which I think most people expect a miracle to be. I think that sometimes luck plays out via a slim-to-none chance and that can be a miracle. I think that sometimes a person works very hard at something or for something and when they achieve it, that can be a miracle. I think that the butterfly effect is a double-edged sword, but sometimes that little flutter of a butterfly's wings is a miracle.
Tagging: @yacky-jackie​ @halorecoil​ @anagraves​ @benevolentqueenofstars​ @lesbomancy​ @candybunnieholic​ @lemonedscream​ @tinathefish​
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sintheyokai · 6 years
Layton Brothers: Devil’s Child (7): Chapter 6: Fallen Angel
A/N: Warning: If you have Dissociative Identity Disorder, note that not everything in here is accurate, and I apologize and acknowledge this in advance as it is for the sake of plot continuation.
Word Count: 2631
Time: ???
Blaine felt his eyes drift open. He looked around to find himself sitting on a green chair in an office. It was tidy, small stacks of paper neatly placed on the large desk that was parked in the near middle of the room, and file cabinets in a simple row against the left wall. Against the right wall, there was a small shrine, decorated with pictures of Jesus and candles; a fairly sized cross was placed on the wall above the shrine. In the back, there was a corkboard with five pictures. Upon inspecting them, he realized with horror that pictures were of the Baker children when they were young.
The exact same pictures that Lucille had shown them.
Blaine noticed the door in the back. Before he could get up to check it, however, it opened to reveal a shadowy figure.
"Layton! You're-!" Blaine paused. The man behind the door may have been as tall as Alfendi, but it was anyone but.
The man had deep, jet black hair and stubble, his eyes a bright, glowing green. The suit he wore was clean and crisp, showing him to be a man of whom no one was to trifle with. The same could've been said for his pants and shoes; they showed nothing but professionalism.
"Hello!" the man suddenly said in a kind and soothing voice, his stern face immediately switching to a friendly smile, "Mr... Dartwright, correct? It's what your badge states anyway."
Blaine only nodded, too afraid to speak.
The man seemed to notice this, putting his hands up in a calming matter.
"I apologize for making you uncomfortable, as well as attacking you. The Lord does not wish us to attack our brethren, after all."
Blaine calmed down, albeit still a little jumpy. This man seemed so kind and friendly; how could he abuse his own children?
"I myself have already asked for forgiveness. Both for you and me, as you were the ones to trespass." he stated the last portion in a matter-of-factly tone. He sat at the desk in front of Blaine.
"However, I digress." he smiled, "You did return my daughter, and now I can possibly continue her therapy."
Blaine's heart began to quicken.
"What therapy?" he asked cautiously. The man sighed.
"I'm unsure as of whether or not it's obvious, but my dear Lucille is... not in the best mental state..." he tapped his fingernails against the desk. "Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Lucius. Lucius Baker; a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand. Blaine wearily took it.
"Blaine Dartwright; the pleasure's all mine. If you don't mind me asking, what mental state?"
Lucius sighed again, leaning back into his chair before speaking.
"A long time ago, perhaps 16 or summat years, my children were kidnapped, all five of them. When they were found six years later, it was on the side of the road. They refused to come back home, claiming that I was the one who had abducted them, even though I had been mourning with my wife. I can only assume their kidnapper looked like me..." he stood up, walking over to the pictures on the corkboard, "I started attempting to regain their trust, but it's been easier said than done; they keep screaming for me to get away."
He turned to look back at Blaine, "Does she trust you?" he suddenly asked.
Blaine hesitantly nodded, "In a way."
"You wouldn't mind convincing her I'm safe, would you? The yellow eyed man has fled in terror, so I can't ask him. I'll allow you any method and any reward."
Blaine thought about this. Lucius didn't seem like a terrible man, rather someone who wished to be loved by his children again. And if Layton had fled, then he saw this as a chance to take Lucy as his own.
So, if anything, he didn't regret his decision.
Time: ???
Alfendi awoke to the searing pain in his head. He tried to rub his head before he realized his state.
He was strapped down to a mental patient table.
Potty immediately panicked, struggling against the thick leather binds until Placid forced him to stop. He suddenly heard a raspy and dry voice a few feet next to him.
"A...l...f...e...n...d...i...? Tha- T..hat you...?"
It was Lucifer!
"Lucifer!" Alfendi exclaimed in response, "What's going on!?"
"D-Dadd...y..." Lucifer strained. Suddenly, they heard footsteps.
Clip, clop, clip, clop
Alfendi's heart seized and tightened as he remembered those heavy footsteps.
A door opened, but Alfendi could not see who had entered, only hearing the footsteps grow closer to his table.
Clip, clop, clip, clop
They stopped and Alfendi saw that his captor wore a wooden mask, painted gold and white.
"I'd keep still if I were you, demon..." a voice from behind the mask spoke, oozing hatred and disgust, "You are in the presence of God's chosen Messiah."
Neither Placid nor Potty could think straight, thoughts scampering about like frightened animals. He felt a sharp pain in his right arm and he yelled in anguish.
"Hurt?" the man asked, "Good. You deserve every bit of pain I give you. Those yellow eyes only enunciate your demon form."
"What did you do to me!?" Potty raged, thrashing about to escape.
"Hm.. And a violent personality to match. Just a few slashes to the arm, nothing more, unfortunately." He muttered the last part, "But you're a lucky demon. I won't start the real purification and banishment until I deem you worthy of it. This one, however..."
He walked over to whom Alfendi could only assume was Lucifer pretending to be asleep. The masked man rose up the knife edged with Alfendi's crimson blood, "Don't you dare try and fool me, you despicable spawn of Satan!" He dug the knife into Lucifer's shoulder, and the boy screamed, failing to hold up the guise.
"Leave him be!" Placid yelled, "Or you'll be under worse charges than you already are!"
In retaliation, the masked man stuck the knife in the same wound, this time twisting and rocking it back and forth. Lucifer responded with even louder screams that pierced Alfendi's eardrums.
"I don't obey orders spouted from the mouths of demons!" the man shouted in fury, "Creatures like you are beneath me!! God himself chose me to eradicate you all!!!"
Alfendi continued to struggle. This man was nothing short of insane; Alfendi couldn't comprehend what was happening, but he did understand one sole thing:
This man was no Messiah.
Time- ???
She woke up with a fierce jolt, rolling out of the crude bed she lay in and onto the cold, stone floor. Slowly getting up, she found herself trapped in a cell. Her heart began beating faster, gasping for air as she recognized her surroundings.
It was her old prison.
Lucille walked to the barred wall, gripping the cold, rusty iron. Out of pure survival instinct, she cried out.
"'elp! P-Please?!"
No answer.
"Please!? Somebody 'elp, I'm beggin' you!!"
Still no response.
She was alone.
Just like before.
Her heart felt as though it were being compressed into nothing as she stumbled back, the hopelessness of the situation seeping in. She sunk to the floor and sobbed. Sobbed and sobbed until her eyes could produce tears no more.
It was then she heard the little voices in her head. The voices she hated beyond belief.
Oh, get UP! Loopy cried out, Ya jus' gonna sit there an' bawl while Mr. Two Face and Shitwright are prolly bein' tortured?!
"Don't remind me, please!" Lucille responded aloud in horror. She suddenly heard another scream, a man. It was different; she'd never heard It before.
Alfendi! Lucy exclaimed. Lucille felt her insides squirm and twist about in fear. "Y- You two got any plans?" she asked.
Move. Loopy replied with a firmness no one could disobey. Lucille felt a sharp pain in her head as she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw herself. She was no longer in control.
Loopy stood up, immediately walking over to the bars and inspecting them.
Too thick to hack through with any knife she owned, even in their rusty condition.
Too tough for her currently quivering knees. Damn her father for using such a strong sedative!
She looked around for the lock. Upon seeing it, she unbuttoned her coat, digging around in the small inner breast pocket for...
"Bingo!" she exclaimed, pulling out a paperclip and bobby pin.
She immediately went to work, unfolding the paperclip and putting it and the bobby pin in the keyhole. She placed her ear on the little box as she listened for the heavenly click that ensured her freedom.
After a bit of frustrated attempts, her paperclip broke. Loopy began banging the bars with her head in desperation.
Knees gaining a great strength, she kicked the bars, which promptly broke before falling.
Could've been a lot easier if you 'ad jus' rammed yaself into th' bars... Lucy sang accusingly.
"Shut it, Longstockin'!" Loopy barked.
She walked out, taking a long, hard look down each end of the hall. Her gut said left, but the others just wouldn't shut up about going right.
So she went left to spite them. After a while, she came to a large iron door.
And someone was screaming behind it.
Loopy tried grabbing the handle, but... It was hot? She started panicking as she realized someone was probably boiling in there. She put her sleeves over her hands before violently opening the door.
There, on a mental hospital bed and blindfolded, was Luna, practically being cooked alive.
The entire room was iron, a fire burning bright in each corner and heating the room to an unbearable degree.
Loopy only hesitated for a moment before grabbing the bed and swiftly rolling it out the room, closing the door behind her.
Luna still screamed as Loopy ripped off the blindfold and fiercely held her head, "Luna, calm th' fuck down!"
Upon hearing and recognizing the voice of her sister, Luna stopped screaming.
"Lo-Loopy?" she stuttered, cheeks flushed and some parts of her body tender. Too tender.
"Ya gotta get someplace cowd, ya've been cookin' for far too long." Loopy poked at her sister's shoulders to prove the point.
Luna nodded in response, slowly sinking to the floor. Loopy picked her up and carried her back to the entrance, which she was surprised she had remembered where it was. Putting Luna down, Loopy looked her in the eyes.
"If ya 'ear owt, run for cover." she ordered, Luna nodding. Loopy left, continuing down the hall. She walked and walked but everywhere she went just seemed to lead in a circle. Finally, she huffed.
"Fine, I give up. Lu! Could use a smidge of help!" she shouted, as she took a pen out of her hat and began writing.
Lucille, sensing the distress, opened her eyes to see she had the wheel again. She looked at her hand, seeing the loopy cursive her personality had left behind.
Lead the goddamn way Lu
Lucille looked around only to panic. She didn't recognize this area.
She stamped her foot in aggravation. How was she supposed to help if Loopy didn't even lead her to a place she remembered? Maybe Loopy had meant Lucy?
After failing to coax Lucy out (all she did was bang her head on the wall), Lucille simply turned around and started heading back to the first door she saw. As she reached for the door, she noticed something on the knob.
"Li'le Guardian Spider!" she exclaimed, holding out her hand, to which the little arachnid gladly crawled onto.
"Do you know where t' go?" she asked it, "I seem to 'ave go'en myself lost..."
With a little wave of it's legs, it hopped out of her hand and back onto the doorknob. Lucille went through the door as the little creature scurried down the hall; she followed it until she came to a wooden door. There was no sound behind it, but Lucille put her ear to it.
She twisted the knob a bit.
She then noticed the little spider climb up and into the keyhole. After a while, there was a click, to which Lucille pushed the door open.
Behind the door was a whimpering, blindfolded Loosha, wrists strapped above her head and a variety of wires attached to her arms.
Lucille was confused by this method of torture until there was another click, then a loud hum.
Loosha's screams echoed off the walls and into the hall as the volts coursed through her veins. Her body strained and jolted as she struggled to break free, all while Lucille watched in horror.
She was only brought out of her horror when she felt the spider on her hand. It jumped onto the ground, scurrying to the electrical box on the far wall.
Lucille followed, quickly searching for a switch to turn the torture device off. She searched and searched but couldn't find anything obvious. After spending far too long searching and hearing her sister scream, she went with the only viable option she hoped wouldn't end in her sister's death.
She smashed it with her elbow.
The screams stopped abruptly as the Baker child fell limp. It hadn't been long, but Loosha had been through high voltage, much more than a safe amount.
Lucille ripped off Loosha's blindfold. The girl's face was calm, eyes closed and lips slightly parted. Lucille held her hand to her sister's mouth, hoping to feel a breath.
To her relief, it was there, albeit faint. Detaching Loosha from the wires, Lucille carried her sister to a small, unused area of the dungeons.
Upon coming back out into the hall, she heard a voice call her name.
It was hushed and small; it seemed to come from below. Getting on all fours, she crawled towards the sound, the little spider following suit. They both stopped in front of a small, barred storm drain. Just through the hole, Lucille saw a pair of large, red eyes staring back from the dark.
"Lucas?" she called out into the drain. The eyes, in response, came out to reveal the face of the small Baker.
"It is you!" he cried out, "I'm in our li'le 'idin' spot! Daddy still doesn't seem t'know about it!" Lucille saw him grin a bright, childlike grin she hadn't seen in so long.
"Luna's by th' entrance, and I just put Loosha into a blank area," Lucille called out, "If you can get them to th' safe spot, I'll get Mr. Layton, Mr. Dartwright, an' Lucifer there! Then we can-"
Before she finished, Lucille felt a thick, heavy cloth being forced over her mouth and nose as she passed out. Lucas leapt back, eyes wide and hands over his mouth.
The spider also crawled between the bars, stopping a few seconds as though it was sad to leave the assaulted Baker behind. Regardless, it went down into the darkness. Then, a voice spoke.
"I'm terribly sorry, Luce..." Blaine muttered, "But you have to understand; your father misses you." he glanced into the storm drain. "I'll come by later. You'll need to warm up to him as well."
Blaine then swiftly picked up Lucille and carried her down the hall, blissfully unaware that he had now been dubbed a Fallen Angel as Lucas watched from the shadows with sorrow. Eyes glued to the traitor, he had to hold back his cries for his sister as she was carried further away from the light of safety.
And as Blaine held Lucille, walking through the stone corridors, a pair of red eyes were just opening...
Hey y'all! Sorry for the long ass hiatus: Finals, winter break, Christmas, and me starting to lose interest. But I'm back! And determined to fucking finish this (because my personal goal is to ACTUALLY FINISH A STORY). Anyhow, see you guys next chapter! Boii~!
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