#I feel like Cassie's favorite character/s would be from the comics
chipistrate · 9 months
Vanessa would love Amy, Blaze, and Shadow Gregory would love Sonic and Tails And Freddy would love Emerl
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misspickman · 8 months
cassierose for the ship ask game !!
Ship It
What made you ship it? i liked them in tt03, which you know, is truly a feat considering how terribly that comic treats both of them. but their dynamic (angry homoeroticism) managed to be compelling still
What are your favorite things about the ship? i enjoy girl antagonism from time to time. i know were all sick of the trope that teen girls all hate each others guts but considering cassie has a pretty good relationship with all the other girls on her team(s) its fun to see her just go ugh i hate this one. this one can go. theyre just fun and bitchy and i think they should hatefuck about it. but beside that theres also so much potential there ! i think you know, if anyone writing that comic actually cared about cassie or rose or about their character development, it would have been interesting to see their relationship change over time instead of getting one issue where cassie implicitly calls rose family while protecting her, and then the next one she immediately she calls her a manipulative psychopath for no good reason bc they cant figure out how to make the team interesting without having some wildly antagonistic relationship that doesnt make sense if u think about it for a few seconds. theyre never going to be besties but it would have been nice to see them go from blind hate to an uneasy truce; they dont like each other but they do, unfortunately, care about each other, and lets see where we go from that. + itd be interesting to dig into cassies hypocrisy when it comes to hating rose
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? i guess its that i would like them to grow past mindlessly despising each other ? this is not me criticizing anyone but i feel like a lot of takes on cassierose ive seen are that they should stay in the hatefucking no mushy business❌❌❌phase which is definitely fair and true to how they are in tt03. but i do have some issues with the way they were written in tt03 (particularly cassie) and would like to see their dynamic progress from that (see rant above)
#i guess the reason im personally more interested in them sort of working through it is bc cassie doesnt have. a good reason for hating rose#i dont think its ooc but a lot of it Is supposed to be bc shes either jealous of her bc of tim (??)or thinks rose sucks bc she killed peopl#which is. she was drugged and manipulated and i think most teen titans in the superhero business should be able to handle#that sort of a not black and white situation#and idk. be more understanding. i know rose isnt super nice but maybe calling her a manipulative bitch constantly isnt the way to go#theres fun antagonism and theres cassie being just needlessly awful to her (that convo she and tim have about rose)#and i do think theyll always be bitchy to each other but i would like to imagine cassie is more considerate than this#and would eventually recognize she was occasionally just being shitty ! it would make for an interesting story ! alas#i think cassierose going from hating each others guts as teens to adult coworkers who dont really hate each other anymore#bc theyve been through so much shit together#but need to keep up the appearances of hating each other bc god forbid they admit to being kind of friends. that would be fun. to me<3#ask#thank you. so sorry this got so long#youve given me an excuse to rant about cassierose so this is what u get<3#sorry that the question was what i like about the ship and i just bitched about how it could be better#i guess the answer is im intrigued by the potential. also i love lesbians
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youngjustus · 4 years
For the character thing: Tim drake? But if someone else said that then how about Kon? :)
First impression:
i was many years old when i found out there was more than one robin, and then proceeded to spend many hours into the night googling all of them. i read his origin story first, and that really sold me on the character.
Impression now:
he’s for sure in my top favourite characters list, and through him i’ve found a lot of other characters and story arcs that mean a lot to me. he just makes me happy, and i see a lot of myself in him!
Favorite moment:
every single part of a lonely place of dying. no, i will not elaborate. ❤️ (at least in this ask because it’s already very long lol)
Idea for a story:
basically any and all story ideas i have for anybody are character studies, and for tim it would for sure be surrounding mental health and probably seeking a therapist.
Unpopular opinion:
he’s not as shy or... as easily embarrassed i guess? i’m not sure how to word it, but i’ve seen a lot of fan works tend to portray him as more outwardly sad than he actually is. some people who know him can see past it. also his humour tends to be sarcastic, and he’s capable of being, like, mean.
Favorite relationship:
conner, bart, and cassie go without saying, but also dick, bruce, alfred, stephanie, cassandra, cissie, anita, greta, and kara.
Favorite headcanon:
he has autism and ocd. :)
First impression:
my first impression was unfortunately from the yj cartoon, where i didn’t really like him! i thought he was way too much of the angry jock trope and not much else. but then i delved into the original 90′s comic, and i loved his costume and his personality way, way more than his cartoon adaptation.
Impression now:
conner is one of my favourite characters ever! he’s one of the few characters that i feel very confident talking regarding his history and characterization. i think he’s a really interesting character when in the right hands with still a lot of unexplored aspects of his origins, powers, and relationships with other characters. i love conner very much, and i love talking about him!
Favorite moment:
reign of the supermen! is objectively, like, a bad story, but i unironically enjoy it a lot; i love conner’s introduction and his growth just in his few first story arcs.
most of the black zero arc in his 90′s solo series where he meets an alternate version of himself that never left cadmus.
i also like his death in infinite crisis. if it were up to me i’d change a few things about this story arc, but i do like his reluctance to rejoin the fight and then his sacrifice.
Idea for a story:
i don’t want to go into a whole lot of detail in case i do end up doing this, but i’d love to get to write about him moving to smallville.
Unpopular opinion:
he shouldn’t be superman! that goes against all of his character development of being his own person! also he’s not superman’s kid! i will say both of these things until they disappear from fanon!
Favorite relationship:
the rest of the core four of course, but also clark, kara, martha and jonathan, mae, linda, cissie, anita, greta, and krypto.
Favorite headcanon:
that is a gay man, your honour.
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 years
Animorphs Read-through Book 3 Part 2: On Social Graces When You're A Wolf
Sure, changing into animals is something you can get used to, but changing into an animal that’s a different sex from you? Transgressive.

Chill, Marco, Jake had to be neutered in his first morph. You’ll be fine.
(I mean, Jake morphed into a dog that had been neutered. He didn’t get neutered while morphed. I have a feeling the series isn’t going to go there, but I guess you never know.)
OK, they listened to Cassie once anyways.
Are they going to mention grinding bones every time someone morphs? Bleurgh.
I’m not sure Applegate understands how long two minutes is. I’m just going to watch my cell phone clock for two minutes while picturing a morph.
Yeah, even taking my time with the passage I think 30-60 seconds would make a lot more sense.
Why are they watching wolf-Jake pee? Surely the decent thing to do even in wolf morph is to look away.
Ok, this part of Tobias being caught in hawk morph is genuinely sad. The rest of the team is getting to bond over being wolves and howling and stuff and he can’t join in. (Tobias stuck in hawk morph as metaphor for disability…)
(I was physically healthy/abled at that age; I didn't run into significant physical issues until my mid-30's. (Mentally...yeah, I had mental illness issues in my early teens.) I don't think most people at these kids' age really know how to treat people with disabilities that mean that they can't do a lot of the things healthy/abled kids can. How to be thoughtful and inclusive and stuff. Goodness knows I didn't.)
Hard to find a support group for “I turned into a hawk and now I can’t turn back.”

 I don’t think “feeling sorry for yourself (derogatory)” is really a useful framing. “Grieving”. “Mourning”. “Feeling sad.” Those are real concepts. And it’s normal to need to grieve a major, unwanted change in your life.
Anyways, if we’re taking it as symbolic disability, it’s actually being done pretty well. The discomfort with other people’s pity. Being left out. Sometimes missing the things you can’t do any more and sometimes focusing on the things you’ve got. Some things aren’t really about your innate limitations but are about other people’s perceptions. The isolation, the “nobody else understands.” The way you don’t get to choose.
The Hork-Bajir. Captured, enslaved in their own minds. So far from home. Forced to fight in a war they don’t want to win. Ayyyyyyyyyyy.
Marco's character seems like he should be comic relief, but he’s not actually very funny.
Why would the Park Rangers relax at seeing wolves? Aren’t they Controllers, that know about the "Andalites"? Shouldn’t they be jumping at every wild animal they see? ha, can you imagine being in some national park and you can't tell which wild animals are just animals and which are your enemies? Absolute nightmare fuel.
Ooooh space ships shaped like marine animals one of my favorite things of all time. Manta ray!!!!!!!
Hork-Bajir are relatively humanoid and are the more sympathetic figure. Taxxons resemble big invertebrates and are represented as just plain evil. (similar for Andalites being relatively human-ish and yeerks (in their natural state) being very invertebrate-like.)
I mean, not that that’s especially notable, that’s normal science fictioning. But just once, I’d like the bug-like aliens to be the most morally upstanding and the more human-like aliens to be worse. For variety.
Being human is overrated. RIP Tobias, but if I got permanently turned into a hawk, I’d just let myself be a hawk.
…that passage was supposed to be about Tobias feeling an urge to mate with the real hawk, right? That’s why he was so revolted? (That is kind of more extreme than eating mice.)

 Tobias is the Eliot of the group. He’s set himself up as protector. Watching out for the others.
(Uh, Eliot Spencer. Leverage.) 

If I was a hawk, I too would go around screaming “Tseer!” all the time.
The rabbit probably weighs as much as Tobias does.
According to the internet, 2.4 pounds versus…depends on the rabbit. But yeah, probably at least that much.
And the fear of other people worrying they might end up like you. That.

 I have to say the book really had me there. The idea of being stuck between forms indefinitely. Neither human nor animal. Yikes.
And. Whatever that was. When you’ve been trying to not think about a thing but it’s thrown in your face and you’re supposed to be happy and they’re celebrating but you…. that thing where you don’t want to wish misfortune on anyone but also you kind of want there to be more people like you…or maybe you don’t even want that it’s just, sometimes you can’t be happy for someone else not having to experience your reality.

 “punks at school” like I know what that means and also usually bullies aren’t “punks” or even especially … out of the ordinary. It’s usually the most normal, conformist people doing the bullying. It’s not…about bullies being rule-breakers or whatever. Bullies are rule-enforcers. Vigilantes. Authoritarians on the smallest possible scale. Assholes.

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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
What I Thought About the MCU (Phase Three Part One)
...I’m gonna have to split this one into two parts. Because Phase three is when these movies start getting good, and which in turn results in my have a LOT to talk about. So, here’s the first half of this phase.
10th place: Captian Marvel (6/10)
This is not the worst MCU movie. This isn't even close to the worst thing in the MCU. THAT honor goes to Inhumans, which might just be the most boring TV show that I ever had the displeasure of watching. And if you're a person who only counts the movies as part of the MCU, then there is no way you can look me in the eye and tell me that Captain Marvel is worse than Thor: The Dark World. Because this movie actually has better action, a handful of funny moments, a decent (albeit predictable) story, a fantastic tribute to Stan Lee, and Goose the Cat. Who is free from any criticism due to being equal parts adorable, hilarious, and awesome.
However, there is one major issue that this movie has, and that is Brie Larson's Captain Marvel. Before you say anything, no, it's not because she barely smiles (shut it, if you think that's actually the problem). The problem is that I just don't know what they want her character to be. Is she meant to be playful yet mysterious, like Marceline from Adventure Time? Is she meant to be a stoic badass with a deadpan sense of humor like Garnet from Steven Universe? Or is she supposed to be this perfect hero with witty remarks like Kim Possible from Kim Possible? Because at times, it feels like the people behind this movie are trying to do all three personalities at once, which makes the character feel disjointed. Plus, it's probably not a good thing that I listed three female characters in children's shows better than this character in this movie for teens and adults. Nor is it a good thing that every actor, including the males, act circles around Brie Larson, who is known for giving Oscar-worthy performances. Still, I'm willing to allow the benefit of the doubt that this issue will be solved in time for Captain Marvel 2, as it took both Captain America and Thor a while before they finally became fan favorites. For now, while Captain Marvel is nowhere near the worst, I wouldn't exactly jump the gun and call it the best, either.
9th place: Doctor Strange (6/10)
This movie is somehow both memorable and forgettable at the same time. The visuals alone help make Doctor Strange memorable, seeing the world bend and morph in a way that is best experienced on the most gigantic screen you can find. The visuals even lend to making the fight scenes unforgetable, resulting in action that's hard to forget. It's still just punching and kicking, but the way this movie uses punching and kicking that makes it fun to watch. Such as having Strange fight wizards as astral projections, or while the world is reversing in on itself, dodging debris as it puts itself back into place. Plus, that ending is not only the most unique defeat of a bad guy that any MCU movie has done, but it also proves how selfless Doctor Strange can be as a hero. So I won't be able to forget bits and pieces of this movie...but I can easily forget everything else. The jokes, plot, characters, and especially the villain are things I tend to lose track of on each rewatch. Which might honestly be worse than it sounds. Because while it's still a fun movie that I recommend, it's not a good thing that I constantly forget it, even as I'm writing this.
8th place: Ant-Man and the Wasp (7.5/10)
How is Ant-Man and the Wasp a dividing movie for MCU fans? People either really hate it or just think it's ok, and I don't get that. Because personally, I think this movie is really good. Yeah, there are leaps in logic, and the ending is a huge cop-out, especially since this movie came after Avengers: Infinity War. But I think Ant-Man and the Wasp incredibly improve upon the original with a tighter story and better-written characters, who all have great personalities and fantastic chemistry. Sure, these characters fall flat during certain dramatic moments, but really succeed when written for comedy. My personal favorite is Cassie, who might just be my favorite little girl character in fiction. She admires her father for everything he does, going so far as to smile with glee as he's wreaking shop in the finale. 
Speaking of her father, I really love how Ant-Man and the Wasp differentiate Scott Lang from the rest of the Avengers. In a world of gods and supersoldiers, you have Ant-Man, who's basically just a regular guy. The best example that shows how it that montage of him doing stuff while under house arrest. If any of our other heroes were in this situation, they would take advantage of the time to train, build cool s**t, and maybe even meditate. But for Scott? He wastes time singing karaoke, practicing close-up magic, and crying himself to sleep while reading The Fault in our Stars. It's a great way of showing how he's a little fish in the world's biggest pond. And I like that.
This movie may not be perfect, but every now and again, it's nice to get something small-scale (get it) and personal within the grand adventures in the MCU.
7th Place: Captain America: Civil War (8/10)
There are three camps of people who argue about this movie. The first camp is the people who fight about whether this is a Captain America movie or an Avengers movie. The second camp is the people who disagree on how Captain America: Civil War is the same as Batman v. Superman-Dawn of Justice. The third and final camp argues whether or not the movie is better than the comics. And I'm about to address each and every one of these camps.
First off, this is an Avengers movie. Captain America may take a more primary role, but consider that Thanos is easily the main character in Avengers: Infinity War, and how that movie isn't called Thanos: Infinity War. The fact that Cap barely takes center stage kind of ruins this being his movie, which is why it's arguably the worst Captain America movie by default, but that doesn't change how good this is. Mostly because it's easily a better Avengers movie than Age of Ultron.
As for how this movie is the same as Batman v. Superman, I can tell you right now that it isn't. They're similar in concept, I'll give you that, but their differences meet with the execution of said concepts. Yes, both movies have two people with different ideas fighting it out due to heroes causing collateral damage while inadvertently doing what an evil mastermind, with a tediously complicated plan, expects them to do. But you wanna know what Civil War has that BvS doesn't? Comedy. Marvel's ability to laugh at itself, to realize that what they're making shouldn't be taken too seriously, is what makes it worth the watch. Every. Time. Plus, I find it hilarious that a movie with four times the amount of superheroes manages to give each character a proper story and subplot than the film with just three.
This leads me to my third point: The movie is much better than the comics. Would it have been more awesome to see the number of characters we have now battle it out than seeing the relatively small one in this movie? Maybe. But look at Infinity War and Endgame. As good as those movies are, there were still many characters that got the short end of the stick. By keeping the cast small, Civil War gives each hero time to have an understandable motivation to pick one side or the other while giving each of their stories a proper conclusion. Even Black Panther and Spider-Man, introduced in this movie as sequel bait, still somehow manage to have clear motives and satisfying stories. Plus, where the comics make it hard to pick a side between Captain America and Iron Man because both made awful decisions after awful decisions, the movie makes it hard to pick and choose because both have to make hard decisions. Both Cap and Iron Man have clear reasons for their choices as well as hesitations. But they still see the point of view of the opposing side and try to talk things out. Which makes things all the more heartbreaking when they finally disagree. Something that never happened in the comics even once.
Overall, Captain America: Civil War is a great movie. It may not entirely be a Captain America movie, and the villain's plan is, again, tediously complicated. But it's still good because it understands the importance of characters and even a sense of humor. Which is something that I wish I could say about Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.
6th place: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (9/10)
It's not every day that the sequel is better than the original, let alone being equally good. And yet, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is just as fun as its predecessor, if not a smidge better. Everything that I love about the first movie is here in spades, with a few improvements added to the appeal. Like the visuals, which not only have the colors and gradient turned up to thousand, but there are also some spectacular shots that at times look like they could be panels in a comic book. Plus, Ego the Living Planet is a much better villain than Ronan ever could be. Ego's motivations are typical, but his charming personality creates a character that's fun to watch while also showing how dangerous a person like Ego could be when his true motivations are revealed. Although, despite improvements, there are still some elements that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 takes away. Because while most of the jokes are funny, there are some scenes where it's hard to tell if I'm supposed to be laughing or feeling emotional. Also, I just hate what they did to Drax in this movie. In the first one, he was a stoic badass with a deadpan sense of humor. Here, he's written as a dumb a**hole who gets one emotional scene. And it's a powerful one, sure, but it's not enough. Still, I love this movie. If I had to pick which one is better, I would probably say it's Vol 2, but even then, it's a close race, in my opinion.
And that’s all for now. Here’s part two.
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thegeekerynj · 4 years
Short Reviews, when the Big Mouth doesn’t have much to say… Or is trying to get caught up from COVID / Election Overload
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An Occasional Attempt to Read, Discuss and Review the Wonders of Comics
By: John Rafferty, cranky old man, and Fan of All Things Comics
Short Takes 
Short Reviews, when the Big Mouth doesn’t have much to say… Or is trying to get caught up from COVID / Election Overload
Legion of Super Heroes 6-10  (DC Comics)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis    Pencils: Ryan Sook (#6 - 7, 10) Various (8 - 9)   Inker: Wade Von Grawbadger (#6 - 7, 10) Various (8 - 9)
‘You want to be called Bouncing Boy?
Looking at the Memexes, we were considering “The Bullet”.
It’s a projectile that——
No, with me, it’s all about the BOUNCE.
Can Brian Bendis write everything?
Between story, and downright FUN, this is a great book.  Team books are hard to do well, if for no other reason, because of the characterizations. 
Multiple characters mean multiple personalities, and some of those will always get underdeveloped in relationship to the team, as the writer invariably has favorites  Unless…
What we are seeing with LSH is development of characters from across the spectrum. Every book has development of some of the characters, even if they’re not directly involved in the story. This is a far cry from what you see in other books.
Add to this Ryan Sook’s breakdowns, and Wade von Grawbadger’s inks, and you get a pretty package, all tied up in a big bow. More importantly, this is a story with a legacy reaching back 60 years, and is being truly refreshed for a new audience.
This isn’t the Legion I read in 1967, but it’s damned good! 
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Suicide Squad #9 - 10  (DC Comics)
Writer: Tom Taylor  Artist: Bruno Redondo
I have Kord’s location.
Okay. Do you also have the Senator?
Oh, did you want him back for some reason? That spineless mouth-breather championed a law to dump more waste into the sea. Delusional, greedy @#$% thinks he owns the world.
I have some friends reminding him he does not.
Floyd Lawton, first appearance, Batman #59, June 1950, as the man who never misses.
Floyd Lawton, a man who feels no rereason to continue living, but has no wish to die: who puts his life on the line to save his teammates time and time again, to save his daughter and her mother, all with the wish of dying in a truly spectacular fashion.
Floyd Lawton, who finally finds a reason to live, in the eyes of his daughter, Zoe.
Floyd Lawton. Deadshot. Perennial member of Task Force X, finally earned his pardon.
Game Over.
By all that’s Unholy, Tom Taylor is a hateful SOB! But the man writes a great story!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
Marvel Zombies Resurrection # 1 - 4  (Marvel Comics)
Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson   Artist: Leonard Kirk
‘Fine. I guess we came all this way. 
Might as well do something really stupid.
This sums up exploring the World, any world, during a Zombie Apocalypse. Especially when those with Super Powers have been turned into Super Zombies.
So, we pick up with Peter Parker, Forge, Karla Sofen (Moonstone), Valeria and Franklin Richards, a Flerkin named Chewie, and the reprogrammed Sentinel lovingly called ‘Nana’, moving from defendable place to defensible area, seeking a ‘safe place’. Somewhere they can rest for more than one night… if that is possible.
Always realizing the next tree could be hiding a zombified Avenger, or Defender, or Loved one…
Johnson’s Miniseries is another version of the Marvel Zombiepocalypse, which begs the question, what happens when Zombie Galactus infects your world? Or, more importantly, when it CARRIES the infection to your world?
Leonard Kirk’s art style is perfect for this story, a very dark, visceral style which is a little hard on the eyes, making the reader work for every panel. Yes, it hurts to read, but IT SHOULD! It’s Zombies!
This is worth the read if you can get all 4 issues (the first issue came out in July).
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶
Rorschach #1  (DC Black Label)
Writer: Tom King   Artist: Jorge Fornes
‘They won’t talk to me. Treating me like I’m a  damn Kindergarten kid. I got twins in Kindergarten. Duane and Dwight. I’m not a Kindergarten kid. 
Jesus Christ. What’d they say to you?
That you’re dying.
In 1985, Walter Kovacs died. 
It went unnoticed, but for the few in attendance, for Kovacs died following the Alien Invasion of New York, which, in effect saved the world.
Yet, unnoticed, but for the few, Walter Kovacs became a red splash on the Antarctic permafrost.
And Rorschach, the Crime Hunter, died with him.
Or. did he?
In a world existing somewhere between Watchmen 1985 and Current Multiverses, Tom King and begun a noir-ish tale… Did Rorschsch come back, to foil an assassination attempt, and die in the process?
Did he come back, and fail at an attempt at assassination?
Or, Gentle Readers, is there a whole slew of balls in the air we just haven’t seen yet, that we are going to be expected to juggle deftly, as they drop just into sight?
I can’t wait for the answer!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Justice League #54 - 57  (Death Metal Tie-In) (DC Comics)
Writer: Joshua Williamson    Artists: Xermanico (54, 57), Pencils: Robson Rocha (55 - 56), Inks: Daniel Henriquez (55 - 56)
“Don’t you get it Cyborg? We’re not the Justice League!
We’re the Suicide Squad!
I have said before I am not a fan of Joshua Williamson’s writing.
Maybe I just don’t like him on the Flash. 
Four issues, each of them a very good story, each building, with some action and humor, to a smash mouth endpoint, that brings us to Death Metal #5.
I have to say, I’m enjoying this run of Justice League, even with the switch of artist teams mid - tale Xermanico’s work os beautiful, right into the valley of the Starros (that gave me giggle fits!) Rocha and Henriquez’s work is very pretty, and a little darker than Xermanico’s, giving a more atmospheric touch to the Antenna of LOD.
I have to admit, they do a mean Kori, as well! Really FIERCE, with a Full Length mohawk!
Well worth the cost of admission, and a strong addition to the Metal storyline.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Nightwing #75 - 76 (DC Comics)
Writer: Dan Jurgens   Artists: Travis Moore and Ronan Cliquet (75), Ronan Cliquet (76)
‘We have to talk.’
Four words. 
Four words that have ended more relationships than violence.
Dan Jurgens has done a masterful job of tying up the Ric Grayson / Amnesias storyline that seems to have run for nigh on ever… by bringing it full circle to Anatoli Knyazev, the KGBeast.
The artwork in these two issues was pretty, with obvious switches between that of Travis Moore (the Titans / Batgirl pages) and Ronan Cliquet’s Batman / KGBeast pages.
Nicely tied up, completing multiple storylines in two issues. Ready to move forward/
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶.5
Young Justice  #19 - 20 (DC Comics)
Writers: Brian Michael Bendis and David  Walker   Artist: Scott Godlewski
Red Tomato?
I think he said Tornado, and you know it.
Honestly, he talks so fast, I can’t understand him most of the time.
Damian Wayne, Robin.  Cassie Sandmark, Wonder Girl. Bart Allen, Impulse. Conner Kent, Superboy. Stephanie Brown, Spoiler. Keli Quintela, Teen Lantern. Zan and Jayna. the Wonder Twins. Jinny Hex, Naomi, Amethyst,
Twenty issues in, and the book is cancelled… or is planned to end. Either way, this is a suck way to do things, DC.
This is a great group of characters. Much better than the roster in the Young Justice cartoon, simply for the diversity. Some heroes just coming into their own, some who have existed for years,  (the Wonder Twins have been around in MULTIPLE iterations since the 1970’s), all helping each other… This was a great jumping in book for pre-teens who weren’t up for all the violence / hyperkinetic action / storytelling of a true adult book.
And, it was FUN!
Bendis, Walker and Godlewski produced a fantastic product every month.
One which is ending too soon. Unless, of course, it is going to come back in a new package… 
Hint, hint, hint…
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Amazing Spider-Man 50 - 53  ‘Last Remains’  (Marvel Comics (duh!))
Writer: Nick Spencer   Artist: Patrick Gleason
‘You’re going to love it, Pete. There’s no better feeling in this life — Than being surrounded by those you love.
So, what are the rules around DEAD Characters returning?
Do they have to be relevant after so many years? Shouldn’t they be, well, driven to do something? Not take more than 50 issues to finally get around to saying…”Bazinga!’, or it’s equivalent?
I must admit, issue 50 is the first issue of a Spider-Man book I picked up, and started to enjoy, until I realized I needed to pick up the LR issues also in order to get the whole story. Didn’t’t we get enough of this in the Shooter Years? 
What about a year and a half ago, when Marvel vowed they would never pull this crap again?? 
I guess they forgot… (Insert comparison to jackass in office here).
Too much work, don’t really care.
Especially when the reveal of who Kindred is happens in issue 50, and Peter finds out in #53… Puh-Leez!
At least it’s not Professor Warren and his Gwen Stacy clone. **BRRRRR** Freakin’ Creepy Old Perv!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶
Batman 101 - 102 (DC Comics (bigger DUH!))
Writer: James Tynion IV   Artist: Guillen March (101)  Pencils: Carlo Pagulayan   Inks: Danny Miki   Artist: Carlos D’Anda (Pages 13 - 16)
‘DOUBLE RENT! And you don’t talk to the other tenants! They are good people.
Little Santa Prisca is a community. We live through BANE. We live through JOKER. Don’t blow it up with all your nonsense!
You got it Charlie, No Nonsense. Not Here.
Hey! What’s your policy on Hyenas?
So, Lucius Fox is one of the richest men in the world. 
Selina Kyle has put the Bat on a One Year Clock to get his stuff together, or she walks.
Clownkiller might be the Bernard Goetz of Superhero Vigilantism (look up the reference, I can’t do everything!), but he goes about proving you can’t keep a good vigilante killer down if he has Google.
Ghost Maker is more than we thought, and knows who Bruce Wayne keeps in the closet (or cave).
Is there anyone in Gotham who doesn’t know who Bruce Wayne is?
Tynion continues to pump out some great product, the stories and characters do not disappoint. Including Grifter as Fox’s ‘bodyguard’ was a nice touch, having him get the drop on Batman, a nicer one.
The art in both books, while vastly different, is simply gorgeous. I want to see more od the team of Pagulayan and Miki, I’m hoping to see their work grow with the storylines.
Next issue, BATTLE Sequences! Should be fun, not that it hasn’t been so far.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Shang Chi  #1 - 2 (Marvel Comics)
‘I have to save my Little Sister!
I have to kill my Big Brother!’
Only meetings should have agendas.
-Me, just now
Once upon a time, Sax Rohmer wrote stories about the machinations of one Fu Manchu, and his oft overturned attempts to take over the world.
In 1973, Steve Engelhart and Jim Starlin brought Shang Chi, son of Fu Manchu into the Marvel Universe, where he and his MI-6 partners Clive Reston and Black Jack Tarr were responsible for being the monkey wrenches in the machinery of Fu Manchu’s Plans.
It seems that Shang Chi is back, without his prior father. He is still proficient in all forms of martial arts, but now, he is ‘Champion of House of the Deadly Hand’ (like that name isn’t going to come to but him in the butt like a Karmic werewolf), and since the passing of his ‘Father”, now the Commander of the Five Weapons Society.
The artwork is pretty, and the story, steeped in Asian Mysticism, is a little draggy so far. Is the story good? Yeah, it’s a nice reminder of a character I exjyed a long tome ago.
Will it get better? Time will tell.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶.5
The Rise of Ultraman #1 - 3 (Marvel Comics, by way of Tsuburaya Productions)
Writers: Kyle Higgins and Matt Groom    Artist: Francesco Manna
Oh. You’re here to fight because you think we’re one of the species that can’t evolve.
No. I know you cannot evolve.
Fifty-Four of your years ago, my brother came to assist you. And you killed him.
In the late 60’s, on certain New York television stations, the Saturday Afternoon hours were filled with Japanese imports, Kaiju - United Science Patrol, and of course the story of the death of Moroboshi, and the coming of Ultraman.
Ultraman, a human - alien symbiosis, who fought the Kaiju menace coming to take over the Earth.
Forward to 2020, a new Ultraman, with a new team of USP helpers / friends, and what looks at this point to be a corrupt system surrounding them.
This creative team has done a marvelous job with the material thus far, reviving this character for a modern reader.
It’s just a shame it’s only 5 issues…
It is definitely worth the read.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
American Vampire 1976 #1 - 2 (DC Comics)
Writer: Scott Snyder   Artist: Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
‘DAMMIT! Before what happened with Gus, you were the best vampire tracker and killer around. I’m asking you to help me take down whoever this PEELING MAN is.
But if this shitty music and LASERS is your life now, then just say so, and I’ll leave you to it.
It’s not a laser, you goddamned idiot.
It’s a SOLAR LAMP. **klik**
Ten years ago, Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque and Stephen King started a journey which has spanned 10 Years in real time, but 200 years, and 12 separate cycles in series time.
The current iteration has our favorite group of vamps and exterminators running around 1976, wrecking discos, trains, and graveyards, all in the name of bringing back Stoker’s primary villain.
Snyder proves again he is up to the task of creating a world of whimsy and horror, providing mayhem, madness, and the occasional snorting giggle. His droll wit, and ability to write a phenomenal action piece makes this cycle of the American Vampire story a must read.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶
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hackedmotionsensors · 4 years
the art in empyre looks not too bad, mantis hairstyle aside. i'm kinda tempted to pick it up.... what's the story about and what are your thoughts on the story from a tony fan and steve/tony fan perspective? i know you've been enjoying it but i would love to know more if you feel like talking about it
oh. Do not get it twisted.
Valerio Schiti is probably my favorite artist at Marvel right now (not counting like...kevin wada on covers or something like that). His work is really really gorgeous and the heroes are STUNNING. Plus he can really do expressions and humor. I’m a huge fan. I just think he flubbed the hair on Mantis lmfao (but there are interior problems with Marvel that I ASSUME they expect you to know the characters more than most artists probably do. there was an issue where someone stole a fan design of Kate Bishop because he thought it was the canon look. It appears that Marvel doesn’t really give a book or set of canon references to their artists. Also I think their artists are under insane crunched schedules so that could be another reason for it)
ANYWAY!!! The art is beautiful so at the very least you can give it a look see for its art.
Gonna put the rest under a read more since this contains spoilers
I generally like it. I’ve been tricked before lol so I won’t say that its really good but I so far like where its going. Its enjoyable for me to read every Wednesday. 
As for the story, it deals with some older comics stuff. More Kree/Skrull war stuff. Young Avengers stuff. That time the Kree I guess lived on the moon and Tony and Carol blew it up (I forget what exactly happened lol). The most recent run of the Avengers where they literally dragged a BUNCH of people outta the woodwork to be on various Avengers teams around the globe. T’challa is the leader and the Avengers base is inside a Celestial in the North Pole. At one time Mantis and Swordsman (the guy who trained Hawkeye and was on the Avengers once or twice but not for very long since he’s normally a bad guy) had a baby that they keep calling the Avengers Baby and I’m like this is Cassie erasure.
But they recap most of that at the beginning. All you really need to know is that Plant People (like really fuzzy looking but sexy groots) lived on the moon. And they tricked the Avengers into thinking the Kree/Skrull alliance was going to kill them. Instead what they want to do is kill off all animal kind. Which is very silly but that’s the kinda comic book nonsense I want from cape comics lol
If you’re looking for Tony content in this right now I wouldn’t say its got a LOT of it but he’s a major player in it. He had a kind of come to jesus moment about the plants but then took it really hard when they tricked him (spoiler). For SteveTony content I wouldn’t dive too deep too fast into any Marvel comics for that bc most of the time, especially in events that aren’t centered around their divorce, they’re usually too busy scrapping. Currently Tony is with Reed (the original Science Bro) trying to stop the Cotati (plant people)’s technology and being really depressed. And Cap is on earth fighting. I haven’t read his specific event issue yet but I figure its him punching things and being righteous.
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thesaltofcarthage · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame: Did Marvel Pull It Off?
This is a followup to my (surprisingly popular!) post “The Stakes Are Too High.” (at least, it surprised the hell out of me that it got so popular; I wasn’t expecting it to resonate as widely as it did.)
FULL ENDGAME SPOILERS AHEAD. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I’m putting it under a cut just in case.
Also, above the cut in case you’re still dodging spoilers, tagging @kryptaria @iamanartichoke @taurileonis @hjbender @chey-tips22 @wu-the-stoic @englishontheinside  @rennemichaels @alwida10 @ladylowkeyed @saltoftheearths @mizkit @thelightofthingshopedfor @essesnceofhappiness @theravenofwynter @pinetreeparadoxx @ironhammermagicshieldedgreenbow @philosopherking1887 @waywardkansasflower @lokeanrampant @maneth985 @ilovethemallsoimconfused @bengalaas @icyxmischief @yuuki-fandoms @snailchick  @fictions-stranger  @adhdasianaroace @artherra @missmaladicta @queerfictionwriter because you specifically commented/reblogged.
So having seen Endgame, the question becomes: Did Marvel pull it off? 
My answer is: yes and no.
Did we get an emotionally satisfying ending? Did Marvel understand that closure doesn’t have to come with corpses?
There were a lot of things I loved about Endgame. There were many, many of the “small character moments” we were begging for. Marvel didn’t forget that we fell in love with people and we need to see people and their choices and how they live with the consequences of those choices... mostly.
I loved how Marvel rewarded the audience for watching 11 years of movies. It was practically wall-to-wall Easter eggs and callbacks. I loved how the time travel allowed us to loop back through some of our favorite scenes and see them from other points of view, and the additional information. (Sitwell and Brumlow taking the scepter immediately after Loki’s capture: oh, so that’s how HYDRA got the Mind Stone!) I loved the cameos upon cameos (despite how silly it is for someone like Natalie Portman to show up for literally 15 seconds and not get any lines). I appreciated that Captain Marvel was used exactly the right amount: she saved Tony and Nebula, she was established as part of the post-Snap team, she came in at the end to lend some firepower, but she did not have any part in solving the problem nor was she the person who ultimately handed Thanos his raisin ass. I LOVED THE FINAL BATTLE, HOLY FUCK. (With the exception of Loki not being present, but I’ll get to that.) There were real laughs, and real tears. I cheered when Steve summoned Mjolnir (and laughed my head off at the Cap-on-Cap fight). I loved Morgan and Cassie, and the echoes of fathers and daughters throughout.
There were things I did not love, even before we got to the final or semi-final fates of some characters. I was genuinely offended with Thor’s treatment. I was not happy with Loki. I was confused about Vision, Gamora, and Black Widow, because they are due to return for future TV shows and movies, so leaving their statuses open or cloudy (or “dead,” which I put in quotes for a reason) was just disconcerting. The time travel opened up a lot of problems.
My original post was about endings, so let’s talk about those. In approximately descending order of Satisfying to WTF:
Stan Lee: Got his last cameo in the end of the arc so he didn’t miss any, driving along, clearly having the time of his life. Excelsior, Stan, and thank you for everything.
Clint: Got his happy ending. He was deeply bitter about losing his family, but got them restored to him. He did lose Nat, but I’ll cover her in her own section.
Steve: He did get his soft epilogue, albeit with Peggy Carter, and I can’t fault that. Marvel was never going to give us the Steve/Bucky romance no matter how obvious it was, and Steve/Peggy also works. (And really, I love Peggy, so for her to get a happy ending too is a bonus.) Steve gave so much of himself over the years. I can’t object to allowing him to be selfish and re-live his life quietly, to finally put down his shield and go home from the war. He got his reward.
It basically works with the existing timeline if you squint and assume that Peggy’s Alzheimer’s was messing with her at the beginning of Civil War, or if there’s another timeline altogether. I’m slightly annoyed that whatever he got to have with Bucky all happened offscreen between the stinger of Black Panther and the beginning of Infinity War, but apparently they did spend time together. And Steve clearly told Bucky was he was planning; that’s what “I’m gonna miss you” was foreshadowing.
Bruce: I was okay with the “Professor Hulk” storyline (which I was told by a sharp-eyed nephew is from the comics), although I wouldn’t have minded seeing that internal struggle onscreen, but I understand it’s an IP rights issue and there isn’t going to be another Marvel standalone Hulk film.
Tony: Augh. AUGH! I get it. I know why he died, on a meta level. But still.
This, at least, we can say is mostly “heartbreaking” and not “burn.” Tony got the five-year interval to make some kind of peace with his losses. He and Pepper got married and had Morgan. He got some kind of Happy For Now. He got some kind of reward, which RDJ brilliantly conveyed even in the few minutes we saw.  
@hjbender linked @starkysnarks’s excellent post about Tony’s arc. One important part:
That’s why I think that giving a better, more positive message is so important. While other characters have flaws, it’s only Tony who has this consistent, this carefully streamlined storyline of improvement, of redemption, of self-realization and self-betterment. It’s Tony who is most often referred to (by the aforementioned mainstream outlets AND within the fandom) as the most human of the characters, and his story – as the most humane. His happy ending with a new house and young family will not feel like an opt-out, it will not feel complacent, at least not to me. It will feel like hope. It will feel like achieving, at least partially, the goal of that endless internal struggle that we all go through daily. It will feel like it’s possible to be good and be happy and be content, to know that you have done you best and your best is good enough for you to live, and go forward, and be.
He ultimately got some of this, for a while. Tony’s fatal flaw is his fear about Thanos, or the threat that Thanos represents. Prior to Avengers, Tony was happy-go-lucky because he could, eventually, beat whatever the world threw at him. But Thanos was not of this world, and would have wiped everyone out if Tony hadn’t managed to get that nuke through the portal. That trauma, that guilt, that fear, is what drives him for the rest of the Infinity Stones storyline. He is desperate to protect everyone. It’s what makes him want to put “a suit of armor around the world” in Age of Ultron, and of course the way Ultron backfires compounds Tony’s PTSD and guilt, which is what leads to his position in Civil War and the fight he picks with Steve at the beginning of Endgame.
And the worst happens in Infinity War, and the Avengers lose. Everything Tony feared ultimately happened.
Five years later, he’s managed to move forward. He has his happy ending — as happy as he can be, given their losses. He’s accepted his failure, more or less. He wants to rest, which is why he rejects Steve and the others at first.
But his tinkerer’s brain won’t let him put their proposal aside. He needs to know intellectually that there’s no chance, that he can’t fix what he screwed up. Because that’s the other part of what drives him: they lost. He lost. “I lost the kid,” he tells Steve (meaning Peter). That fear of loss, of losing people, of failing people, of disappointing people, is what keeps pushing him. If he knows that there’s no possible way he can undo his mistake, he’ll figure out a way to cope, especially since he still has Pepper and then his daughter. But now there is a way, or there might be, and he can’t let that lie, he can’t rest, until he knows one way or the other. And when the way to fix things becomes possible, there is no other outcome for Tony to choose. He wouldn’t be a hero otherwise.
It is a terrible loss, but in the end I could accept it. Tony got a Happy For Now. He was able to enjoy his life for a little while. He got the genuine closure with his father which he couldn’t in the BARF hologram at the beginning of Civil War thanks to the time travel, and he got to see Peter restored and give him the hug which they weren’t at yet in Homecoming. Tony was triumphant. He defeated his greatest, most terrible adversary. He defeated his fear. Thanos is gone, and his minions with him. The echo of “I. Am. Iron Man.” was exquisite. (even more so knowing that line in the first movie was ad-libbed! it wasn’t in the script! It was RDJ’s idea!) So his death is sad, but it’s earned.
Natasha: Meh. Just meh. The scene where she and Clint fight over who is going to die was blackly hilarious. It made narrative sense for Nat to be the one who died — she has found family, but not children; she spent the interval trying to run the Avengers and SHIELD and trying to fix things, and this allowed her to contribute in a material way; she still has a lot of red in her moral ledger — but on a meta level, we know there’s a Black Widow movie in the works. It doesn’t make sense to have a spinoff series set before Endgame when you know how the character dies. It’s not a bad ending, all things considered, but the actress herself can’t get younger. Is it supposed to be her origin/backstory movie after the character has died? Is it Multiverse Branching Timelines? Was she restored when Steve returned all the Stones to their place in the timeline? Was she restored with Tony’s Snap, or Bruce’s? Not knowing how that’s going to work with the rest of the MCU timeline blunted the emotional effect of her death for me.
Although he’s not an original Avenger, I had similar issues with Vision. There will be a Scarlet Witch and Vision TV series. Vision is still dead, according to Wanda at Tony’s funeral. So was he restored with either Bruce’s Snap or Tony’s? Was 2018 Gamora? 
And the two which completely did not work for me, the ones where I think Marvel really missed:
Thor: Of the original Avengers, he was the one I was most upset about.
I really, really did not like how Thor’s very legitimate grief, depression, PTSD, and alcoholism were played for laughs. Thor is down to a “kingdom” of a few hundred people at best (we don’t know what Asgard’s population was to start with, but Hela killed quite a few, and then Thanos killed half of them on the Statesman, and it’s entirely possible that the Snappening dusted half of whomever remained). He’s living with the murders of Loki, Heimdall, and the Warriors Three (I can’t remember if Sif was supposed to have survived the Snappening, but she doesn’t appear in Endgame). He didn’t “go for the head” in Infinity War, which clearly haunts him despite the fact that Peter Quill is just as much to blame for interrupting Strange, Tony, Peter, and Mantis, or Wanda is just as much to blame for not getting the Stone out of Vision’s head faster, etc. etc. He cut off Thanos’s head after the fact and is clinging to that — “Who else here killed Thanos?” — as some kind of cold comfort. “Look, at least I did that in the end. At least I got revenge.”
Thor is a mess. His family is dead. His dearest friends are dead. He’s in a depressive spiral, self-medicating with food and alcohol, lost in video games because they are a consequence-free way to “win.” He’s holed up with Miek and Korg because they didn’t know him before Ragnarok and they have no real expectations of King Thor, God of Thunder, Avenger, Hero. He feels he has failed at everything which has ever been expected of him.
And the script... plays this... for laughs.
We are meant to laugh at his pot belly and flabby physique. We are meant to laugh at his unkempt matted hair and wild unbraided beard. We are meant to laugh at his drunkenness, at how he passes out, at how he blearily begs and whimpers to be the one to unSnap everyone ( “Please let me do something good, something right,” he pleads), at how he returns to Asgard on the day of Frigga’s murder and tries to frat-boy off to the cellars for some of Odin’s best ale because he cannot face his failure on this day too.
None of this is funny. It’s not funny at. all. It’s horrifying.
I do understand that this is likely more Hemsworth than Marvel. The actor vocally complained that he was bored with formal, upright Thor and would have been done with the character without Taika Waititi’s more comedic take in Ragnarok. He has said in interviews that Thor in Endgame is the closest to Hemsworth himself that the character has ever been, and clearly the actor loves doing comedy. He’s good at it — I enjoyed Kevin in Ghostbusters 2016.
I don’t object to loosening up Thor. I don’t object to showing Thor spiraling into alcoholism and depression and hiding from the world in food and games. I object to using depression and alcoholism for comedy.
Thor faces Frigga, reluctantly, and she counsels her son whom she loves, telling him not to worry about living up to expectations but to be his best true self. This is consistent with both characters; Thor has accepted how hard it is to be king. Then as Thor is quantumming out she adds “And eat a salad.” Really? You had to throw that in there? She sees the wreck her son has become and she nags? She gives him some kind and loving advice, she knows there’s some weirdness going on, but she has to cap it with fat-shaming?
We are meant to mock formerly ripped Thor for being “fat and ugly,” but let’s be clear: Thor’s appearance is an outward manifestation of deep emotional issues. Thor has not been able to cope with his failure. He and Tony faced similar terrible losses. Both characters originally had sunny dispositions. Tony, who still had Pepper at least, has managed to crawl out of his hole and build something with his wife and daughter. Thor lost his brother, his other half, and has mentally, emotionally, and physically collapsed. There really is no Thor without Loki.
And speaking of, I’m going to scream for a moment:
Loki: I am well aware that Loki started as an antagonist, and that my perspective is skewed from the fandoms I choose to participate in. I know that he’s not an Avenger.
But purely from a narrative point of view, Marvel, ya done fucked up. You dropped the ball.
From my previous post:
Loki’s death in Infinity War was so stupid and narratively pointless that a lot of fans, myself included, believe that there’s a plan behind the scenes (since we know Endgame involves time travel) which somehow explains it and gives it meaning. Because if not, then one of the most popular MCU characters — the only antagonist to keep returning, film after film, and primarily because audiences love him — died for nothing.
And there you have it. Explaining it after the fact in Loki’s TV show doesn’t count (and we don’t know that they will). Yes, Loki grabs the Tesseract in 2012 and disappears, so you can argue that “he doesn’t die,” but all that really does is screw up the timeline. It creates another timeline branch which isn’t resolved.
Is everything now a branched universe? If Loki took off with the Tesseract, does that mean The Dark World and Ragnarok never happened? If Loki didn’t go back to Asgard in chains at the end of Avengers, that means TDW couldn’t have happened the way it did. It means that Loki didn’t sacrifice himself, but does that also mean that Malekith would have gotten the Aether/Reality Stone from Jane and killed her? (It was Loki’s plan which saved Jane, let’s recall. And killed Kurse.) Does that mean Odin is still alive and on Asgard? And Hela was never unleashed? And therefore Loki and Thor never ended up on Sakaar and Hulk and Valkyrie Brunnhilde are still there? Or worse, that Odin died and Hela was unleashed but Thor wasn’t able to stop her because he didn’t have Hulk, Valkyrie, and Loki to help him? So she’s now loose and rampaging across the realms murdering at will?
It was appropriate for the larger arc for Carol to be part of the cavalry swooping in during the final battle to pummel Thanos for a while, but I kept waiting for Loki to show up. Loki was tortured by Thanos and Ebony Maw, which is what kicked off the plot of Avengers. If 2014 Thor was willing to break Loki out of prison to get revenge for Frigga’s death, why wouldn’t either 2014 Thor or 2023 Thor be willing to tell 2012 Loki “We have an opportunity for you to get back at Thanos. Wanna help?” Because as strung out and as still cocky as he was, jauntily waving in the elevator at the beast who just beat the shit out of him, I bet Loki would have been delighted to take a few swings at Giant Purple Nutsack Face. Yes, he probably would have escaped at some point during the final battle, because that’s who he was at the time, and still is — he’s “very comfortable with chaos,” as Hiddleston notes. And that would have been consistent. Help others if it also helps him, he’s not really a hero at that point in his arc, check out after Thanos is dead because he doesn’t want to go back to prison. That all would have worked. Even if he had no more to do than Shuri or Okoye, just to show him shooting a few blasts of seidr and showing that he is in fact just as powerful a sorcerer as Doctor “I’ve only been doing this for a year” Strange.
But Loki’s death in Infinity War is for nothing. Even if I wasn’t as invested in the character as I am, from a storytelling standpoint, it was pointless. The entire heavy foreshadowing of that line was utterly whiffed. You can’t even argue that “Loki sacrificed himself for Thor” because Thanos disappeared with the Space Stone, leaving Thor behind, and Thor crawled over to his brother’s dead, broken body and crumpled there to die. Thor gave up and never recovered. The last word he expected he would ever say was “Loki....” 
Thor didn’t choose in that moment to use Loki’s sacrifice to stand up and claim revenge. Even Clint did more than that after Natasha’s death. Thor only continued on to forge Stormbreaker because the Guardians happened to pick him up in the vacuum of space after the Statesman exploded. That wasn’t a choice by the character, which is what moves a character arc forward. It was happenstance. Thor’s heart was destroyed with Loki’s death. It’s a shell of a man who eventually beheads Thanos.
Loki got an “Avenge the Fallen” poster, but he wasn’t avenged. The 2012 version of him escaped and branched off a new timeline, according to the Ancient One’s explanation of how time travel works in the MCU.
We don’t know if either Tony’s or Bruce’s Snap restored 2018 Loki. Endgame is the end of this arc. Marvel can’t patch stuff up later and claim a do-over. 
So: did Marvel hurt us?
Not as badly as I feared. There was a ton of fanservice and moments which were so go-for-broke that I felt like we were watching wish-fulfillment fanfic. (So many jokes about Steve’s ass. Steve joking about Steve’s ass.) The script didn’t stop to explain who people were or give context; it assumed the audience knew everything and was keeping up. And that last battle, have mercy, Helm’s Deep and Pelennor Fields look like playground skirmishes in comparison.
BUT: The loose ends are deeply frustrating, and I think the Loki fandom is going to blow a collective gasket. Grotty Drunk Thor having constant My Dick Is Bigger fights with Peter Quill is not going to make me want to watch Guardians 3. (Although if Loki comes back and sneers at Quill, and Thor follows his brother off into the wild yonder with stars in his eyes, okay, call me.)  
I will watch the Marvel TV shows because I’m a masochist, but I don’t know how much I’m going to allow myself to get emotionally involved. My expectations are far lower than before IW/EG. I don’t know how the shows and movies involving “dead” characters are going to explain things. Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey handwaving is kind of a cheat, and it doesn’t excuse the shit storytelling which was allowed to happen in the first place.
Do I regret the journey? I don’t. It’s been a hell of a ride, and I’m so glad to have met these characters. I could wish for some things to be better, and hoo boy is there going to be a lot of corrective fanfic, but I’m not sorry I came along. 
(and P.S.: Loki lives. :P)
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rebelredeyes · 5 years
Why Johnny Cage is my favorite from the MK Universe.
I got asked by a friend why I like Johnny Cage so much. Well there is a lot more reasoning of how I grew to like his character. Which leads me to state, I only know of the rebooted universe of the MK universe. I don’t know what happened in MK 1 to MK 8 at all. I just know MK 9 onward, so yeah. I like Johnny Cage due to his character development.
I will admit, seeing Johnny Cage’s design for the first time ever, I hated it and him. It looked tacky, out of place and only something a crazy or over-arrogant bastard would wear with confidence. And yep, that’s what we got. He was set-up as the first person you play as which is also ironic in a sense of you normally forget the first couple fights of your game as the story was still preparing to take off and also running you through tutorial on how to play. Still Johnny Cage appears first, like the star of the show. Whether is was on purpose or not, it was interesting and fed into his “I’m the star” vibe even more. Then twist on the bridge comes with Sonya which I have explained in a different post. It was good and set up the stage for Johnny’s development which is seen in small cutscenes which makes him seem less of an ass. Still arrogant, but not sucking his own dick level.
It then goes into the comics after MKX’s opening with the sky temple where a lot of things about Johnny get broken down. It’s hinted at that he hides his pain while playing it off as Hater’s Hate, but really it does bother him. Also that he was the one to raise Cassie, not Sonya. Which also seems to imply that he filed for divorce first and it’s why Sonya is so angry with him. She feels betrayed by Johnny for filing and taking custody of Cassie most likely too. And Johnny tries to better himself for Cassie’s sake while making sure never to paint Sonya as the villain.
The bettering himself thing really sticks out more with MK11’s dialogue lines between future and past Johnny. Johnny was afraid of turning out like his dad for Cassie and did his best to not be him. Which could be taken as Johnny’s father was a divorced man who villainized Johnny’s mother for leaving, or at least that's how I take it due to the reflection of Johnny’s actions with Cassie’s upbringing. Still ended up with an arrogant streak in her, but also became more like her mother with a flare of dazzle mixed in from Johnny’s end. Which we know he is proud of and will beat the living shit out of anyone saying different. Which is why the end of MKX is good to me as it shows Johnny is willing to let Sonya back in despite years of fighting as he sees through his daughter the good in Sonya. Yes, he could be bitter and mean like his dad, but chooses to be open and willing to let go of his pride to try again. And it makes me smile. 
Johnny could have been kept as this some complete jerk who screwed Sonya, before breaking it off as she was never around and didn’t want to raise the kid himself. Dumping Cassie off with Sonya, who would not have been a good mom during that time, and leaving their lives for fame and glory. 
Instead we got a guy who only acted tough and was a huge softie who tried to salvage his marriage and raise his only kid without villainizing Sonya for being too busy for them. He probably lost a lot of deals, and took on smaller gigs -B rated films- so he wouldn’t be away so long and could be a constant in Cassie’s life. Just because he didn’t want his past to repeat itself
I love Johnny cage cause he is more than just a movie star that can fight. He is a guy with a heart and a lot of love to give. I just wish more people would notice this.
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Endgame Thoughts
I FINALLY saw Endgame last night and have so many mixed emotions. I still might need time to properly take in what I saw. But here's my favorite things, ones I was mixed on, and ones that I outright hated.
The Good/What I loved:
Getting to see Tony and Pepper settle down at least for 5 years and have Morgan. Also, Tony and Morgan's bond. Seeing him with daughter was such an amazing part, how different of a dynamic it was between his relationship with Peter.
AMERICA'S ASS! Tony saying how Cap's 2012 suit did his ass absolutely no favors and Steve agreeing that he had America's ass!
Clint teaching Lila archery and her being so amazing at it, right before being dusted.
SCOTT REUNITING WITH A TEENAGED CASSIE! So many feels and that she never forgot about him.
Seeing Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek. My Ragnarok-loving ass was so happy at least one female character wasn't done dirty by being made queen of New Asgard (more on that later)
THOR AND HIS MOTHER! Frigga having the ability to recognize that Thor's current self was from the future and it had not been kind to him. And giving him the motivation to help undo the past. That's what mothers are for. This is also making me cry cause I saw Endgame Mother's Day weekend, and almost lost my own mother, but I'm fortunate she's still around.
Hulk becoming just essentially a Jolly Green Giant by learning to meld him and Bruce together! It was so damn cute seeing Bruce actually be happy as Hulk and having loads of fans! He's clearly changed his reputation as Hulk since Johannesburg and Sokovia.
Nebula and Rhodey's pairing of all people. I thought that was poignant when he mentioned how his accident in Civil War changed him.
Bruce and the Ancient One's scene
2012 Hulk not wanting to take the stairs! 😂😂😂
ALL THE FREAKING CALLBACK LINES AND MOMENTS! Especially Sam saying, "On your left," to Steve, the elevator scene with Rumlow, Happy asking Morgan is she was hungry and she wanted cheeseburgers 😭😭😭😭. Korg, Miek, and Valkyrie alive and Korg wearing Taika's pineapple shirt he wore to Comic Con 2017.
Bruce giving Scott a new taco
Rocket's interactions with Scott, Rhodey, and Thor again. He loves people who joke around like he does and anyone who has loads of weapons.
Clint as Ronin.
ALL MY DAMN QUEENS HELPING CAROL! Women are powerful in numbers and that scene shows it! Even though Carol, really probably didn't need the help.
Steve actually being worthy to lift Mjolnir and temporarily having Thor's lightning powers.
I AM IRON MAN! Even though what happens next is the worst.
Scott, Clint, and T'Challa all getting to reunite with their families and Thor and Cap finding new ones!
Steve actually getting his dance with Peggy 😭😭😭😭
Mixed Opinion Scenes
Fat Thor. I thought it was saddening to see what being depressed and self-blaming for the Snap, little mad that he wasn't that hunky piece of ass I love him, angry for all of the fat jokes (even though I'm ashamed to admit I laughed at them). But yet, I also liked it that it's a complete 360 from how Thor was in his first movie. It showed Thor still has human qualities about him. He even was having a panic attack/anxiety/PTSD like Tony did in Iron Man 3. That he's not not the perfect God he once was. Depression changes people. And most of us who have it (myself included), search for ways to find ourselves again. That we are all are trying to prove that we're worthy of ourselves. That we matter. That the lives of the people we love are better with us in it. And like Thor if we lost a relative or friend close to us, continuing to live our lives in how they would want us to live them. Ones where we don't hold ourselves down.
Seeing he lack of new Loki as a Loki fan. I thought it was funny to show how he got that muzzle in the first Avengers. Thor put it on him to shut him up!
Lack of Romanogers as a Romanogers (even though we got that small scene where Nat poured her heart out to him about how the Avengers became her family).
Steve and Peggy at the end though. I felt he had accepted Peggy's life without him and let her find her happiness. But I choose to view it as ambiguous. Steve never explicitly said Peggy was actually his wife.
The lack of Captain Marvel. I get some people may have been happy cause they didn't like her solo movie, but her powers were amazing and I really liked her. But it was super cool having her show up ala Thor in Wakanda and having her own, "You guys are so screwed now!" moment!
That this is the end of the OG6's time as The Avengers. But I'm looking forward to the sequels to Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, maybe Captain Marvel (seeing what she'sdone before coming back to Earth, just after the Snap/what she did in the five years everyone was apart), (HOPEFULLY A THIRD ANT-MAN!), maybe at least one New Avengers team up movie and ALL of the Disney+ shows about Loki, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Wanda and Vision, and I could have sworn Renner was getting his own show as Hawkeye.
HOW DIRTY THEY DID MY QUEEN NATALIA "NATASHA ROMANOFF" ALIANOVNA ROMANOVA! We all knew someone has to die for the Soul Stone and I was saddened it was Nat. However, her death and not having any kind of funeral, memorial like Tony did made me upset. She was just as important to the rest of the MCU as the guys were and that they actually didn't get to show her fighting hardly at all was a let down. She was severely fridged and I hope they take a moment in her solo movie to honor her in some way.
NO CAROL AND VALKYRIE INTERACTIONS! Those two would have been badass if they had the kind of moment similar to Bucky and Rocket having in Wakanda in Infinity War.
No acknowledgment of Vision or any attempts to rebuild/bring him back. Leaving Wanda with hardly anyone.
That the OG 6 Avengers' time is up. Maybe those left may make cameos in the newer Avengers' movies. But I'll seriously miss Tony, Steve, Nat, Bruce, Thor, and Clint grouping up.
Well those are my thoughts about finally seeing Endgame. Like others, I had both moments I loved and moments I hated.
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daeliariddle · 5 years
My opinion About Cassie Cage.
First of all, I write from my humblest ignorance having not read the Comics of Mortal Kombat. When I can finally read them I hope my opinion will change, or in any case, have more support.  Again, I don’t want to read myself as Cassie’s hypocritical Hater. And it’s just my personal opinion, we can discuss it, agree or disagree. Forgive my bad English. I try to learn slowly. 
I like Johnny and Cassie, but I can’t stand most of their fans, especially those who hate Sonya because "she’s mean to Johnny," "she’s boring," "she needs to be replaced by Cassie." And Cassie is a character fucking fanservice and Mary Sue lately, level with Kitana. And worse, those ridiculous arguments, usually created by men: “whose is the most beautiful, Sonya or Cassie?” Totally unnecessary and even machist Besides having her, Sonya (which is my favorite character but I hate to have her classic moves taken away, it seems that one plays with Ronda Rousey and not with Sonya Blade), I am bored by the Special Forces! Takeda and Kung Jin gave more diversity (a Shirai-Ryu with telepathic powers and a shaolin monk). I’m sick of drones and turrets for Sonya, that better be for Cassie and Jacqui. Something that I do not like is that they have (and people also think) that Sonya took hers out and will take her classic moves to give to her daughter. That would make me less like Cassie. And honestly, it wouldn’t help Cassie’s character. She already has her father’s power and personality. Her mother’s appearance and her own work, also her classical movements, which distinguish Sonya from other female characters? Oh, please don’t. That doesn’t even happen between Sindel and Kitana. Cassie seems like a mixed character of Johnny and Sonya, a mere recycling who desperately tries to grasp the trends to get attention.Something even Jacqui and the others don’t need so badly.  It’s kind of understandable because they’re her parents, but what NRS does with Cassie making her an exaggerated mix of Johnny and Sonya... It’s like seeing Kira at Deception! Who was a Black Dragon with the movements of Sonya and Kano.
Cassie is the easy way out of having a female character who’s nice to fans. And they’re wasting the genuine power that she has independently of her parents all the time remembering who they are. We know how inheritance and genetics work, we don’t need to keep mentioning it in the game, and worse fans. The obvious is not said.
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Which is a shame, because for me, a more progressive evolution would have been better for Cassie. I felt very abrupt that her MKX debut was the one that defeats Shinnok, because the chance is incredible! She has the power of her father. Arguational convenience, where? I miss Kung Jin as the friend who annoys you, as the friend who puts your feet on the ground. sarcastic. Loose mouth. Sincere to the point of cynicism. (Although I don’t see people hating her character as they do Sonya when she’s not so cruel, either, but many will understand me.) That friend who will insult you in front but will defend you behind your back.  Like antithesis and some rivalry with Cassie worked great. Because I think he was helping to show more fluently and naturally Cassie’s flaws and insecurities, who’s trying to get away from her parents' shadows and make her way. But unfortunately they do not stop doing it. Kung Jin was like Jax to Sonya. And for me, he needed it. Jacqui is great, but she also had her own drama with her father.
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{ And That’s Cassie, that hairstyle for her is a thousand times better than MK11’s sappy ponytail. Cassie is the cute, cool girl. Blonde with blue eyes. Centennial, modern. Fresh personality. witty, irreverent. A female Johnny with the physical appearance of her mother. Addicted to the phone, addicted to bubblegum, making the Dab. We just need to be told that he plays Fortnite in her spare time. And I’m not saying it’s wrong. It’s obvious that Cassie was created to be popular, but why not make her brown like the father, make her serious like the mother? But I don’t like the way I do it, to feel like I’m reading Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince.
That’s the problem. The difference between making a good character, and a character that likes. When you can do both, it results in a great character! But when you can’t. It’s very easy to resort to the popular, to the comfortable. Not to put too many defects on a character for fear that he/she might be hated. Which I didn’t feel with Cassie. And personally, I love when a character is not perfect. When he/she shows flaws. When that character is afraid, he/she may fall ill to others for his actions. He/she can be cowardly, liar, irrational, .When he/she’s vain, hypocrite. He/she does not want to listen. And yet it’s believable. It’s real. And that’s why I love Sonya on MKX, because she was real. She was believable. She wasn’t a good mother, and I have already expressed that in my previous post. And not only is Cassie the problem, the daughter’s first debut of an attractive martial arts celebrity and a beautiful Special Forces blonde woman? Defeat an Elder Fallen God: Shinnok? Let’s see, Cassie is about twenty and so many years old. She has gone through a teaching and military life as her mother, but with her father at her side, being her support. While her mother was away, Sonya spent more time on her mission, according to Johnny she used to devote more to family than to work. Surely in Cassie’s early years of life, and bearing in mind that Jacqui also came to Sonya for his father. That was the breakup, I must think, in marriage and family CageBlade. But the problem is not the characters, Cassie is great, D'vorah the same, the problem is, ironically, for me the time. The problem is the Time. And it makes the evolution, the progress of the character Cassie lacks something. I even found the evolution of Jacqui more realistic. Even though Jacqui’s character is the same as Cassie’s. It’s a female version of Jax. And at the same time it’s compared to her best friend. Which is highlighted by its physical appeal, to be like her father and to have defeated Shinnok. It’s a problem. If you are going to extol a character then what happens to others? They are "unbridled". It is not equitable. Especially since Jacqui and Cassie have lived together, among them is a bit of harmless rivalry/friendship. And fandom exaggerates this (and so does Cetrion when she says that Jacqui is jealous of Cassie). The same thing happens to Sonya because of fandom and Cassie, in a way. They have a complicated relationship of mother and daughter, and fandom ends up hating Sonya. On the other hand, I think Johnny is more natural about evolution, perhaps because of the years you’ve known the character since the '90s. And his adulthood. The opposite of Cassie’s evolution in the same game (MKX). Even he realizes how annoying and, to a certain extent, machist he was with Sonya, and his younger version. 
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It’s ironic that Cassie could have (at least in the game, I remember I didn’t read the Comics yet) finally had a talk with her mother. A mother who could be her sister. Although she would have wanted this sister to have her leg grab, arc kick, air drop, rising bicycle kick, kiss of death, so that they would have differentiated better, showing what Sonya was before technology, when she used her legs and brains to fight (which she tells Jax on MKDOTR) Cassie instead in John Wick mode with infinite ammo weapons, drones and turrets. It would be a better way to show the past and present among them. Not with crude comments.
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If a character will do something or have a big change, why not show it better? Even I felt that Scorpion/Hanzo missed more. Because in MKX at times I found two different characters, two different bodies even though we know Scorpion is Hanzo Hasashi’s manipulated spectrum at the hands of Quan Chi. We know it’s been decades, I personally don’t feel that weight of time. Especially with Cassie. Both she and D'vorah to my view must first "pay your dues" (or “pagar derecho de piso” as we say in Argentina). Or do hazing with the new characters: KombatKids, D'vorah, Kotal Kahn, Erron Black, etc. Otherwise, it’s very shocking to see new characters from nowhere taking so much prominence in such a short time against classic characters. Especially when they don’t measure up, their story falls short, their skills. Or quite the opposite, they end up devouring too much prominence in an unreal way. 
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Although well, Erron Black is not hated because everyone loves that he flirts with almost all female characters, that he has JUST killed those characters that not even the creators wanted (Kobra and Hsu Shao), the design that he has, his voice, his movements. She also sins from the same thing as Cassie (created to be popular) although in history mode she is relegated to be Kotal Kahn’s bitch and then Kano’s.
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Instead, D’vorah has an unattractive design (although for me original and it was time to have more characters who do not look like humans), treacherous, seeking (just like Tanya) their own survival. It has been involved OF THE SAME WAY that Cassie in the story (taking on MKX until her chapter), many things does in one game. To be loyal to Kotal and then betray him. And even, for many, take the courage to kill Baraka, Mileena, and for worse in the next game, kill Hanzo. 
And also, where does the relationship between Jade and Kotal Kahn come from? A classic character like Jade, linked to Kitana, Sindel, Shao Kahn and other edenians. Kotal Kahn who has his story tied to Shao Kahn although he is a new character, at what point in the story have they met? Because if I’m being honest, I don’t remember anything in MK9 or MKX.
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Classic characters and loved by the fandom. I don’t dislike that he killed them (although I love those three characters) but it’s definitely surprising, a completely new character, in two appearances causing so much havoc. Cassie the same, but she just “killed” a not so dear but an ELDER GOD.
For me, it was missing that one knew Cassie and the other KombatKids, like the other debutante characters of MKX (and a little Skarlet if I’m honest), more development time to adapt to them, if they are going to replace classical characters (in theory) not to give him the debut of just giving us data of his story and finally they are protagonists; he also hoped to see more Kenshi who is of the few characters of the third era that give him his space. It is not pleasant that, characters with whom one lives for decades are abruptly replaced by others (and I remove from here to Liu Kang because we go, he is the main protagonist and was present in almost all the games, and has been the Chosen One) But the others have not been so lucky. Especially since I never know in the end what canon is or not, a pity. And now, with MK11 developing every character, every change has gone to waste.
So in short. To my eyes MKX must have been mainly about how Mileena tries to be Kanhum, fighting Kotal. Sonya, Jax, SF and Johnny versus Shinnok as it happened in the beginning. And, the flashbacks of the KombatKids must have been the present. And get to know D'vorah better, Erron Black. Make a second part with a more mature Cassie but at the same time reflecting on herself. And there defeating Shinnok. And then the plot of MK11. With some changes. Timelines are a good excuse to do fanservice, do, remake and undo. And then press reset and go back to the comfort zone. But, you know, if I have a great reason to love Cassie, it’s because, after all, what got her to beat Shinnok was love for her father. And at the same time, the endings of the CageBlade family are, are seen and will be a beautiful family. And that’s the most important thing of all, that they love each other.
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cienie-isengardu · 5 years
MK 11 story
Since  there are already MK11 storymode / cutscenes out on net, of course I couldn’t help myself and watch. For now, this is more like chaotic rambling than any serious meta, but I really need to get all the emotions out so, beware spoilers:
Things I like and/or wish were more exploited
RACISM/SPECIESISM IN OUTWORLD what always was a big part of storyline but rarely were talked or pointed out. We see this with Tarkatans, who were always treated as animals / slaves / beneath the Edenians or other Outworld cultures. I liked how Kitana and Jade (who in MK9 called/treated Baraka like dog) changed - or at least started changing that. The fact princess Kitana and Baraka worked against Shao Kahn reminds me one of old MK comics, what only adds points of awesomess.
Also, I freaking love how MK11 gives Outworld cultures so much details. Tarkatans (among them females too), people of Kotal with their masks and painting and all. SO GREAT! Oh, and the people watching fight in arena, cheering all the bloodness and not giving any fuck who will win and become the new khan XDDDD
Scenery. Everyone is So Beautiful. Also, nice to see old arenas, including Shang Tsung’s Island :3
KUAI LIANG AND HANZO HASASHI’S TEAMWORK :3 :3 :3 I just can’t! I love it so much. The way they work in sync with each other and their banters, SO BEAUTIFUL ;3 Also, people’s reaction at seeing them / hearing about them on good terms. So much fun! My favorite little things is their meeting before mission to destroy Cyber Lin Kuei and Sub-Zero making sure Hanzo is looking in right direction to see entrance he is actually talking about XD
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ALSO, KUAI LIANG AND CYRAX. Cyrax once again breaks my heart :( Please, someone let him have his human body again! I wish there was younger, human version of Cyrax then, if just to see the epic scream match between him and Cyber Sektor XDDD Once again, Cyber Cyrax proved he never should be in command of C.I. Project; give him a free will for like few seconds, and he will be willing to blow up all cyborgs including himself :(
I’m gonna tell more about Sektor, Noob and Frost while rambling about things that irked me more or less, but let me tell you this: I start think my meta about Sektor and Bi-Han’s relationship may be actually valid thing. Also, all of them are right now the trio of black sheeps of Lin Kuei which makes this little scene
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quite... heartwarming? Taking care of each other - even if just for pragmatic reasons - hits me hard cause no one really care now for Frost, Sektor and to some degree, Noob (Kuai cares, sure, but in story mode he says they share the same blood but are not brothers) :(
OLDER JOHNNY! God, I love this version of his character :3 Also, the way he deals with his younger self :D :D :D :D
Generally, I liked very much all the interaction between younger and older selfs and all family feelings :3 This reminds me MK movie (1995)’s quote, how Mortal Kombat is not about death but about life and hell yeah, MK11 brings a lot good emotions.
Wonder what happened to Erron, to change so much from his younger reckless(?) self to more calm, loyal(?) to Kotal self. Even Johnny pointed something along the lines.
For once Raiden does not fuck up stuff and his relationship with Liu Kang ends on good terms. Nice.
Kung Lao’s remarks! Haha, I missed his sense of humor. Shame there was no Jinn to share sarcastic humor...
The talk about Cassie kickings Shinnok’s ass cause she has some magic in her while Jax/Jacqui needed to use magic item to beat godness makes me wonder how Jacqui is doing, the normal mortal between all those fighters with special powers (Cassie & Johnny and their magic, Takeda & Kenshi with reading minds and so one). I wish we could see more about this.
Here are things that irked me more or less.
The inconsistency between games.
I know, messed up timlines and all, but for example, Sektor as Grandmaster and his supposed crimes. Destroying Shirai Ryu & having deal with Quan Chi wasn’t Cyber Sektor doing, but his father, the Grandmaster from Sub-Zero Mythologies. I don’t like how Sektor is now blamed for stuff he wasn’t in position(?) to do back then. He is messed up evil, but please stop making him a scapegoat for everything that went wrong with original Lin Kuei >_<
Wasn’t Jax already out of military in MKX?
I’m not sure about Kotal’s backstory too, the supposed Shao’s betrayal and being given to Shang Tsung, as “ laboratory rat”. I’m pretty sure MKX gave different story, in which he was Kahn’s loyal general once who simply put Outworld’s good over serving Mileena.
Also, the thing that pisses me off for good is the whole Jax’s wife died so he can’t deal with grief and/or wish Jacqui did not serve as soldier so he is working (for some time) for Kronika. Eh. I’m so dissappointed with this one. Killing older!Sonya does not help the feeling but frankly, why not use Sonya’s death as motivation and have two combined tragedies/family dramas into one, since Briggs and Blade-Cage are one big family? I mean, Kronika was talking about Jax’s fear that something bad will happen to Jacqui on duty which makes sense, because this connect the game to previous one and all. But it makes me sad there is little connection to Sonya’s death. Okay, maybe I need to rewatch the cutscenes to get better perspective about this plot.
MK11 in my opinion also lack the great friendship between Cassie and Jacqui seen in previous game. I get it, really, there is so many stuff happening and both girls have family crisis to deal with and all, but there is something off about their relationship and that upsets me a lot :(
The treatment of Noob Saibot, Sektor and Frost. The first two were in game solely to be beat down while the way everyone give up on Frost so fast makes me really sad. I’m supposed to believe that Kuai wish to redeem his brother (in Sub-Zero’s ending) but does not think twice about Frost? His precious student? Not to mention that once again Frost plays the villain. I wish there was second Frost to stand up with her mentor against Cyber Lin Kuei/Kronnika. Or at something that could judge how much her claims is delusion and how much truth. Did Kuai really failed her so much? :(
Also, where the hell is Smoke and Sindel? The dead queen at least was mentioned by Kitana and Shao Kahn and, if I remember correctly, wraith Jade. While there is no mention of Smoke??? :( Okay, there is, but in intro. Thanks Noob, for once you were uselful XD
Frankly, the lack of Takeda is also something I wish was changed. His presence would add a lot weight to discussion between Scorpions, what makes Shirai Ruy. The younger version felt those new students of grandmaster Hasashi aren’t worth (cause no real blood ties to original clan members) while Hanzo disagree. Takeda, as an example of great skills and loyalty to clan/Hanzo could be nice addition. Lack of Jin upsets me too :( And Syzoth :( :(
And this is really minor thing but why the hell Noob Saibot would tell Jacqui and young!Jax his former name? Like, fine, Jax knew, but why he didn’t just call himself Sub-Zero? What would made much more sense.
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popculturespiritwow · 5 years
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This issue is the Peakiest of Peak Gillen -- Gillen to the Power of Peak to the Power of Peak, if you will, #MathisCool. It’s a comic book masterpiece of research, reference and storytelling and I’ve been so daunted at attempting to comment on that it’s taken me months to make the attempt. You only climb Everest once, people!  (Shut your mouth, Nat Geo.)
In format the issue involves a back and forth conversation/rap battle between high and low art. On the one hand, we have novelistic chapters rich with description. “The island looked like a threat, a fist of rock that had forced its way through the waves.” The island and Ananke both...
Then we cut to what at first glance seems like your standard comic book, but in fact is actually a riff on the early days of film, complete with title cards (which themselves get so silly the font might as well be comic sans #IllBeHereAllWeek) and everything shot in a wash of black, white and brown, except for the splashes of red at the scenes of death—victims’ blood, Lucifer’s apple, and my favorite, the red seaweed around Neptune.
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Love that red seaweed.
The heart of the plot follows a similar back and forth, as the elitist “classic” artists, the TS Eliot/Ezra Pounds and Ginny Woolf-ish-types of the Pantheon, want to kill the more popular art types, the Shirley Temples and Buster Keatons and Robert Johnstons, to initiate a nightmare scenario that will supposedly give them control over the zeitgeist of the future. It’s an incredibly disturbing take on some of the giants of the early 20th century -- and one Gillen found based in fact.
It’s fascinating, too, for as much as the real object of venom is the truly popular artists, the movie star types with their simplistic narratives and opium for the masses, the elitists focus on killing figures who from our perspective sit far closer to them – Lucifer (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Poseidon (Ernest Hemingway), Dionysius (Pablo Picasso) and the Morrigan (James Joyce). I wonder if it’s something about the chaos those specific figures represent, the way that their particular forms of art end up undermining not only the structures but internal belief system of the modern world. If Baal-Et-Al’s idea is to work with Joe Goebbels to coopt pop culture for their own We Will Keep Control project, in a sense a Picasso or Joyce was doing the reverse, presenting in the formats of the elites only to deconstruct their validity. (Gillen’s notes on the Morrigan point in this direction. Also, his description of Set as coming off “a little like Tahani from The Good Place made me laugh out loud.)
In the end our good guys will stop the bad using their own popular media, film from a train, which was in real life the very first motion picture, and terrified people back in the day for exactly the reason that they feared the train was real and was going to leap off the screen and kill them all. 
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Writing perfection.
As we’ve seen throughout these specials, we get lots of echoes between periods here. Lucifer is once again the first one killed, the Morrigan is once again a character all about voice and drama (I love his self-narration so much, please sir can I have a spin-off?), the Norns are still trying to figure everything out, Susanoo=Dandy Baphomet, complete with his own complicated dating relationship (those rings made out of light, though, such a pristine beauty of a moment that Baph never gets), and Woden is once again a gross racist hack misogynist -- that submarine has got to be phallic, right? -- who has stolen his tech powers from someone else to produce content that is entirely derivative while secretly playing the gods and being used by Ananke.
There is also another mechanical creature, “Little Brother”, which we see only for a few panels, and that is not nearly enough because it is an adorable looking flying squid. (SCREW YOU BABY SHARK, BABY FLYING SQUID IS EVERYTHING.) Ananke also works from her standard playbook here, the Prometheus Gambit – you can gain some life if you kill others, which Baal et al will then use for bat#!% crazy purposes, which of course is also part of her plan.
And Minerva is also once again a child who seems maybe to be working with Ananke. It’s clear right from the start that the whole Shirley Temple schtick, lots of Yays and Gollys, is just an act, part of her “character”. And we get a glimpse of the real her again at the end.
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That doesn’t have to mean she’s in league with Ananke. (Just read the next arc; she’s totally in league with Ananke.) But she also comes to know what happened to Verdandi, when she wasn’t with the group that discovered him. (Dude: She’s totally in league with Ananke.) And it gives her an excuse to leave Morrigan at precisely the right moment for him to get murdered by Ananke. (Yes, exactly, because she’s in league with Ananke.) And she will kill Set herself without a second thought; it’s all still just hint and innuendo (UGH NO IT’S NOT STOP), but given what we’ve just learned in the present day that’s all we need for now.
Meanwhile Baal is in some ways the opposite of ours, a racist white elitist who dismisses James Baldwin-type Amon-Re as incapable of being an artist given his “nature”, and Set is her own thing too, a snobby name-dropping Virginia Woolf.  Most intriguingly, the Norns have internal divisions that break them down, which make me worry a little bit for Cassandra and her friends. 
Best take care of your family, Cassie. Remember, in #WicDiv no one is just a sidekick…
CREATURE(S) IN EBONY This is the second special where the Fall of the Gods involves the introduction of a new being created by the gods by way of a classic Ananke “Definitely Don’t Do This (wink wink)”.  In 1831, Lucifer and Morrigan resurrect Hades to create an energy vampire that after killing them merged with Woden Shelley to create Steam Punk Elsa. This time the being – again a woman – is described as “looking like some ancient ancestor of the Metropolitans, but made of living poetry and bleak lightning rather than simple metal.” Which sounds an awful like the 1831 Creature.
She also emerged from “an ebony luminescence with streaks of blue beyond blue”, which again, sounds a lot like Mary Shelley Elsa Frankenstein.
Almost 92 years later we’ve heard nothing from her. But Kieron never forgets anything, INCLUDING YOUR BIRTHDAY, SO WATCH OUT. What could this all possibly mean…
For me the most interesting element of 1923, though, is everything to do with Ananke. We come into the special, like the last two, knowing she is our Big Bad (probably, I don’t know you guys, I think in the next arc Kieron’s going to make me feel bad for her and I don’t want to). (No worries, he didn’t, or did he, wait, there are two Anankes now, I don’t know, what?)
But here for the first time we enter into the story alongside her. In fact, in that very first shot it almost seems like she’s looking right at us.  
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Time’s running out, she’s got to get to the murder-y and behead-yness stat, and this time we get to watch her do it. Awesome!
It’s almost like we’re partners in the exercise, even; right before they’re about to go in for dinner and discover Lucifer Ananke seems to stop and look at us again.
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Us and the millennia-old serial killer of children--High fives all around!
For the last 30+ issues I’ve been asking why Ananke is she always wearing a mask, and now finally I get it: just like the Pantheon, she is an actor giving a performance.
Here specifically she presents herself as a classic Agatha Christie protagonist, finding herself along with everyone else in the Remote Place version of a locked room murder mystery and slowly working to uncover the truth of what’s going on while others continue to die. And Then There Was Fun!
Except in fact Ananke is not The Marple but Christie herself, author of the entire series of events that happen, which makes this to my mind pretty much the greatest Christie story ever, and also reinforces the belief of All of Us that Jessica Beatrice Fletcher is the Greatest Fictional Serial Killer that Ever Lived.  
But wait, though. Doesn’t that make Ananke basically…a writer? Like um, this guy…?
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But that’s crazy. We’ve spent the last five years with him. He’s fine.
I mean yes, both he and Ananke fashion fictional Big Bads (Note: this issue has absolutely no trace nor mention of a Great Darkness, despite the fact that this entire Pantheon has been around almost to their Use By) and also Ways to Save the World which motivate the characters down paths which lead to their eventual destructions.
And okay, true, in this issue Kieron does spotlight/ridicule parts of the storytelling mechanic, the machines characters are always trying to find/build/repair as nonsense. 
Such rituals are actually simple. It is about will and art. The machines…in my experience, they are little more than props. All that matters is your action and intent. They killed so the world would die. You die so the world can live.
But still, if we were to accept that Ananke is Just Kieron’s, er, Mask, then it’s like this whole time he’s been the one doing terrible things to all these characters, including the characters that he made me want to love.
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And then this question which I’ve been chewing on since 455 AD, whether the characters can ever be free of the roles they’ve been assigned, in a sense becomes a question about whether they can ever escape not Her but Him…
Or what about us? The Audience. The ones that Jamie and Kieron and the others are creating this for.
This isn’t And Then There Were None, is it? No, this is Temple of Doom. Kieron may be Mola Ram, but I’m the Ever-Hungry, Never-Satisfied G--D-- Kali.
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All along, Kieron has thrown in these moments where we get glimpses of the broader world, the way it feeds on the Pantheon. And I can get to the end of 1923 AD and say there’s a fascinating battle going on here about the ethics and/or violence of being a writer. But maybe there are also deeper questions being asked of me as a reader.
Maybe the issue begins with Ananke looking at me like that for a reason.
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WORLD WARS, IRL AND URL A last point: 1923 AD is unusual for the degree to which it is haunted by something external, aka war. Even as the story takes place in the effervescent champagne bubble oasis of the Roaring 20s, both the nightmare that was World War I and the possibility of another war which is somehow impossibly much much worse than it hangs over the characters. That’s an insightful take on the period, but also an awe-full twist on the sense of doom that we’ve witnessed in the 21st century Pantheon, their own personal oncoming catastrophes expanded to the scale of disaster for the whole world.
It makes me wonder whether the last act of The Wicked + The Divine will involve something of a similar scale, whether the underlying momentum of the book has not always been toward the culture of celebrity, insofar as it engenders adoration, mob-think and a lack of fundamental care for and curiosity in one another, as sign of our own massive social crisis. (See: Brexit. Trump. The Fights My Dad Gets in on Facebook.)
Are we doomed? Do I still have time to tweet a thread about it? I really think it could make a difference, you guys.
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laudatenium · 5 years
scattered endgame thoughts
tony - am i happy it happened?  no.  do i think it had to happen? also no.  it was well done i’ll admit, and i know rdj has said that he wanted tony to go out with a bang.  but like i didn’t want tony either dying or retiring.  he’s iron man, he’s an avenger.  tony is supposed to live his life as an avenger.  i cried a lot over tony, and kept on bursting into tears for a few hour after.  the sound of the hammer at the end was so visceral i sobbed.
steve - @RUSSOS MCU STEVE ISN’T WORTHY WHAT THE FUCK yall did him dirty dirty dirty this was why evans cries all the time bc hes not allowed to show any character development.  they made him so selfish and static and i cried angry tears.
thor - like i have perceived thor’s whole - very choppy - character arc to be about both balancing being himself while also learning his responsibility as a leader.  in theory i love the idea of depicting realistic grief/depression/other mental issues, but this?  it wasnt presented as sad and tragic, it was presented as a joke.  and now he’s off to smoke space weed with the guardians.  taika im so sorry all your work to waste
valkyrie - poor bitch still don’t got a name.  great that she’s in charge officially now, but wouldn’t it be great if he had handed off power to her and was like “now my queen what can i do to help” like letting her lead but staying as like general and not inviting himself on a space road-trip
clint - that murderous rampage???  why did he do it???  no one knows especially not the russos.  also he was just slaughtering mexican and japanese people??? 
nat - that affected me more than i thought it would when i read the spoilers.  did i feel like it was in character? ya.  but like with tony, it didn’t have to happen.  the rest of the film felt weirdly empty without her, which is weird bc nat while being a central character has never been an emotional heavyweight for me.  but i felt her absence strongly in the last fight.  she was supposed to be there.  but hey thanks for letting scarjo actually act for once
bruce - uhhh so bruce and hulk just . . . figured out their differences?  two movies of struggling with it and they just figured it out off screen huh and is he working in a diner making pancakes and tacos now??  but yay for bruce the scientist stuff
scott - i like scott the more i see him.  he’s great comic relief while retains some seriousness.  the scene with him searching for cassies name on those blocks was heartbreaking
nebula - not gonna lie, i wanted more of her with tony, and i wanted to see her soften up a bit more, but nebula was fantastic
rocket - fucking spectacular you funky little trash panda
rest of the guardians - so the plot of GotG Vol 3 is gonna be getting gamora back?? with thor being obnoxious in the background??
pepper - ngl pepper isn’t my favorite, but her portrayal was good (GP rot in hell tho!)  i’m happy pepper finally was able to come to terms with the fact that tony IS iron man and that it’s not some weird addiction
morgan - i love morgan 3000
debrief scene w/ tony - hey now this is what fics are made of
5 years later steve and natasha - kinda like it?  steve coming over to do his laundry is the most “guy still in his 20′s thing” they’ve let him do
cabin scenes - beautiful, but felt so bittersweet.  like tony and pepper where hiding Morgan away from the world to protect her or something, and no one better say that tony was handling their loss any better than the rest he just had more good things than the others (also when tony’s upset he throws himself into his work - so he threw himself into being a dad)
thor in new asgard - noooooooooooo what
them lying on the table while brainstorming - THAT WAS ALL I WANTED WHAT THE FUCK GIMME THAT GOOD SHIT
2012 scene - loved this shit.  you could tell they had fun with that
1970 scene - love the idea, but like. steve mooning over peggy, tony reconnecting with howard, eh.  PERFECT place to have steve apologize about not telling tony but hey lets forgive toxic dads first.
vormir scene - well done, in character, but again: why did it HAVE to happen that way
final battle - marvel fight scenes are crappy to me always. but this one had some good shit, like the “core three” fight, arrival of the dusted people, and of course tony’s end scene
tony’s funeral - the “proof tony stark has a heart” made me almost hysterical
end scene - so fucking jarring.  character loop is right.  calls a ton of shit into question.  makes mcu steve a total garbage human.  samcap was the ONLY redeeming quality.  and I haven’t seen anything about it, but what about bucky in that scene?  like did he know?  have he and old steve been getting coffee together?  or did steve tell him about his plan before going back? he was completely unsurprised like he KNEW that would happen
logical flow is super important and all the time travel shit make me froth at the mouth.  what are the repercussions of what they did no one knooooows
like i really want to know what the actors were thinking.  they can’t say anything bad in public ofc, but @evans how do you REALLY feel
but just remember friends no one stays dead in marvel except uncle ben and bucky 8/
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chaosmechanica · 6 years
From Mortal Kombat Community.
After the recent Mortal Kombat 11 reveal, I was excited. I was giddy. Giddy in a way I’ve never been before for a Mortal Kombat game.
It looks great (and gory, if that’s your thing). Fan-favorite characters are returning. Even fan-favorite versions of each character are returning thanks to a time travel subplot. While in combat (sorry, kombat), I’m not the most diehard Mortal Kombat player, I absolutely love the lore and worldbuilding. I know a game about soldiers, ninjas and monsters fighting in a tournament isn’t the most unique story when it comes to fighting games. However, the story mode of the last two iterations (along with the Injustice games) were some of the highest quality productions in the genre. Time was spent crafting this universe. The interactions are fun, the movesets have become amazingly animated, and the characters have the most flair they’ve ever had.
But most of all I love the updated looks of the characters. While some like Scorpion have had several iterations that are iconic and memorable, some characters have fit more into the “meh” category over the years.
Notably, the character that stood out the most was Skarlet. Her costume has changed so much from her first appearance that she’s literally unrecognizable. She’s gone from a bland, sexy bikini ninja into a character with a very distinct look, even among the Mortal Kombat roster. She’s one more kunoichi that is getting the (excuse me) makeover she deserves. Here’s what caught my attention so much,.
Skarlet’s Origin
Skarlet was originally nothing more than a wink and a nudge to fans. It’s probably why her storyline was flat.
She was first “conceived” as a rumored secret character way back when in Mortal Kombat II. The rumor was false, but the idea of a red female ninja lingered on for years. Nearly twenty years, in fact. By 2011, NetherRealm Studios made her real, through DLC. And what we got was…more of the same.
  Some may think this obvious criticism is the result of prudishness. However, it’s far from it.
Sexiness is not a character design sin. Modesty is not needed for character depth. A woman can show skin and shouldn’t be shamed or denigrated for it. This is a given that everyone can agree on.
The problem goes much deeper:
It’s uninspired.
This costume was yet another copy and paste moment for the designers: take the most basic kunoichi design and re-color it. What we have fans have seen for years. It happened with each male ninja. And it took years to make them unique. Unfortunately for Skarlet, not unlike her “sisters” Kitana, Mileena and Jade, her design meant getting what some on the internet call the “ninja stripper” design.
The Problem With Mortal Kombat’s Female Ninja Designs
Again, being “revealing” doesn’t mean being “ratchet,” “slutty,” or “smutty.” But having been a fan of the series since its inception, it’s easy to see the diminishing creativity for female ninjas as the series continued. This can be seen in the DeviantArt profile of artist OperatingTheTan. The artist’s “The Evolution of Mileena” piece emphasizes this well:
While there are some key, signature components of Mileena’s costume (chiefly, her veil-like mask), there’s not much else. Jade and Kitana don’t fare much better. They have nearly identical design choices that don’t take into account their personalities and history. There’s very little personality outside of each character’s weapons.
Outside of the very simple blood red motif, it’d be hard to tell anything about Skarlet’s character. One would have no idea that she was made to be Shao Kahn’s most dangerous and loyal assassin. Or that she is a sentient collective of blood. That Kahn made her from the bloodshed of battles. And that she considers herself as much as a daughter to Kahn as Kitana and Mileena.
Giving Purpose to “Sexiness” In Mortal Kombat
There’s also no use of sexiness as a weapon in the games. No deceptive uses. Most of the battles stem from very direct and overt confrontations. Despite the abundance of ninjas in the series, they rarely sneak up on their enemies. If Kitana, Mileena, Jade or Skarlet used their sexuality to attempt assassinations, their costumes would make sense. But this is rarely, if ever, the case.
Additionally, one could argue that perhaps women from Outerworld are just very liberal. Other females in the series are more modestly covered and generally more uniquely drawn. This is especially true of Earthrealm heroes like mainstay Sonya Blade, newcomers Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs, and forgotten characters like Kira. This makes sense and doesn’t assume the worse: that it was just easier to sell games with attractive, scantily clad, exotic ninja women. Maybe it was a purposeful design choice.
The truth may lie somewhere in the middle. Nevertheless, everyone can agree the previous designs were spartan and bland. But this debate is what makes Mortal Kombat 11’s Skarlet such a standout.
The New Skarlet
The new Skarlet has a costume with personality to spare.
There were two main looks revealed during NetherRealm Studios’ Mortal Kombat 11 reveal. The first is one not dissimilar to an alchemist crossed with a desert wanderer. One whom carries a variety of blood vials to manipulate and shape:
The second look is more like a fantasy mage ripped out of a modern RPG:
Immediately, Skarlet’s new look is leagues beyond her previous appearances. Her costumes are beautifully detailed and draw attention. They evoke ideas from other mediums. Additionally, her face has personality. There is fortitude in her gaze. Disgust and determination. Perverse pleasure in ripping her foes up the middle with her blade. Disdain.
This is what we need for the other female ninjas.
Jade has had both a bellydancer look and stripper pole animations, so she hasn’t really evolved yet. Mortal Kombat X gave Mileena a far more conservative look, but it didn’t feel unique to her. In that game she was an older and more seasoned warrior, but I missed her rabid unpredictability. Both characters are on different ends of the spectrum.
Arguably, Kitana has fared the best of the three. She’s had plenty of memorable costumes, especially in 2011’s Mortal Kombat (also known as MK9) and the recent Mortal Kombat X. This shows that the design team has been trying to define these characters with more unique traits, which will hopefully continue to standout in future iterations.
Final Word
Admittedly, Skarlet’s new costume could be considered a failure. It doesn’t truly represent her. One could argue that Skarlet’s Mortal Kombat X comic costume is more fitting (pun intended):
It shows everything she is meant to be. A deadly assassin, using deadly weapons. Weapons that draw blood and allow her to use her abilities (hemomancy?). And she maintains a ninja look.
All of this is true. Unless Skarlet’s character has changed in ways that leads her away from that archetype.
We don’t know what Skarlet’s new costume means for her. Is it a new direction for the character? Does it represent new desires or needs? Who knows. But it does invoke a lot of questions. Questions that pique interest. I certainly want to know more about the character. I’m curious about her place in the story mode. I want to know why she looks down at everyone. I’m curious about what she carries in her pouches and vials. I want to know where she’s traveled. It makes me wonder where she’s going. These are signs of good design.
Here’s hoping we get more of the same of this. Not just from NetherRealm Studios, who have continued to push their own boundaries and evolve with each iteration. But from all of the developers who give us the same tired designs. Go further. It makes characters memorable. Try something radically different. Fans will get over their biases if they see genuine change. Adapt.
If NetherRealm Studios is any indication, you’ll see:
We might just like it.
For more on video games, check out concepts and ideas and games that deserve second changes.
Skarlet Is A Huge Step for Mortal Kombat’s Female Ninjas After the recent Mortal Kombat 11 reveal, I was excited. I was giddy. Giddy in a way I've never been before for a Mortal Kombat game.
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/38LNbTS #
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Amazon Studios dips its toes into the erotic thriller genre with The Voyeurs, which premieres on the Prime Video platform on September 10. The intense story centers on seemingly happy couple Pippa (Sydney Sweeney, Euphoria) and Thomas (Justice Smith, Detective Pikachu) who move into a new apartment and find they can see a little too much of their neighbors’ lives.
What starts off as a fun game between a loving couple quickly evolves into a dark and dangerous mistake as Sydney and Thomas get sucked further and further into lives that are not their own. By the end of the film, everything they thought they knew about the mysterious neighbors (played by EastEenders‘ Ben Hardy and The Greatest Showman‘s Natasha Bordizzo) is turned on its head.
Related: 10 Best Erotic Thrillers, Ranked By IMDb
Writer and director Michael Mohan spoke with Screen Rant about the important role each member of the cast plays in perfecting the ensemble, and what directorial tricks he used to emphasize the gulf between the pairings.
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I really enjoyed The Voyeurs. How did you cast the film? Because I feel like it lives and dies on the chemistry of Pippa with everyone, but also on the two couples.
Michael Mohan: Yeah, 100%. With the character of Pippa, I think the main challenge is that here’s this character who makes a series of decisions that the audience might not agree with. So, I needed to find an actor who was so relatable and down to earth that when she falls down this rabbit hole, we’re excited to tumble down there with her.
I’d worked with Sydney on a TV show called Everything Sucks! many years ago, and she’s the best. I knew at the time that we were only scratching the surface of what she was capable of. Since that experience, I’ve watched her career blossom – seeing her arc in The Handmaid’s Tale and how Cassie in Euphoria is an icon. Then she pops up in Tarantino’s movie [Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood], and I’m so proud of her.
As a fan, I was like, “Oh, I know that this is going to be perfect for Syd. I know it’s perfect.” There’s so much range here for her to explore. But as a friend, I was a little nervous to ask her, because this is a movie that’s intense, and it’s got scenes of intimacy. I didn’t want our prior relationship to cloud what is ultimately a very personal decision. But she jumped right in, and we brought the intimacy coordinator along from Euphoria.
I have to say that her trust in me really spread out to the rest of the cast so that, even though we were making this really intense movie, the process of making it was anything but.
I love that we jump right in, and we’re following Pippa every step of the way down this rabbit hole. But on the other hand, you’ve got Seb and Julia, who we don’t know at all for half movie. We have no idea what their intentions are, and we only see them through Pippa and Thomas’s eyes. Can you talk about approaching those characters, and how you write for or even direct that?
Michael Mohan: Yeah, it was interesting. In terms of casting Seb and Julia, you’re right – they don’t speak for the first half of the movie, basically. I knew I needed actors who were absolutely riveting to watch, and actors who the camera loves. Obviously, you want to do that with all the actors – and the camera loves Justice too, I don’t want to leave him out.
But in watching films like Bohemian Rhapsody, that Ben was in, or Natasha’s show, The Society – I found that in a lot of the scenes, they don’t necessarily speak in all of those scenes. And they’re utterly riveting to watch, even if they’re not speaking.
In addition to that, I really needed a gentleman to play Seb, because he’s an intense guy. Ben is such a gentleman. And Natasha, she’s a model as well, so she was able to tell me all about her experience and the specific insecurities about being a model that we were able to pour into the character to bring more specificity. They were perfect for those two parts.
In terms of how we captured it, that was a whole different story. Because while filming them, I wanted it to feel like the characters felt: as they were getting closer and closer to the truth, these apartments were getting closer and closer together. Originally, I had this crazy idea of, “Let’s build the apartments on wheels, and wheel them closer and closer together.” And my art my production designer was like, “That’s gonna cost you like $3 million,” so I was like, “Okay, I guess we can’t do that.”
But we did it with lenses, so that at the beginning we’re very wide, and we only can sort of make them out. And then as they get closer and closer together, we make it seem like the distance between the apartments shrinks.
Justice is great, and Thomas really feels like the moral compass even as he heads down that rabbit hole at first. How did you use him to espouse the theme, if you will?
Michael Mohan: Justice is one of my favorite actors. I mean, they’re all my favorite actors, but I’ve been loving his work ever since he was in Paper Towns and The Get Down. He’s so good in those. He’s so good in everything that, honestly, I think Justice could have been any of these characters? I would love to see his take on Julia, that’d be really great.
But Justice as a human is just such a naturally smart and empathetic and warm human being. On a Saturday when we weren’t shooting, I’d wake up and there’d be a text from him. And it just would say like, “You’re a great director,” and I was all, “Justice, come on.” So, of course, he’s gonna play the moral center of the movie just because he has this sense of morality within him.
More: Sydney Sweeney’s 10 Best Movie & TV Roles
The Voyeurs arrives September 10 through Amazon Prime Video.
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