#I feel like soemthing else happened but I’m not remembering what it is
harapeveco · 6 months
It’s funny to think that January 2024 was the wildest month ever in the utaite community like wym that in just a month (and the very first month of the year even) we got two crimes, everyone collectively thinking a man went missing and the divorce of a marriage no one knew anything about
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tmntxthings · 3 months
Anon from before who asked about the request! So happy to hear you’re interested I’m so excited!! I can’t remember if there is a word limit to asks so I may have to send this in two parts. I’ll refer to future Leo as F!Leo and regular Leo as just Leo 
So the request is inspired by that one shot you did were Future Leo (rip-) ends up in the past and sees his younger s/o, yelling at his younger self to cherish them before they’re gone 
That request? *chefs kiss* mwah, le magnifique~
So a what if idea for a bittersweet contention! 
So F!Leo is stuck at the lair while the bros are out patrolling, it’s been a while since F!Leo ran into his s/o’s younger self, and he’s adamant on not letting it happen again. It’s easier for everyone that way…but then his s/o shows up at the lair, looking for younger him. He’s panicked, naturally, but eventually his younger s/o stumbles into him (it’s not like F!Leo had anywhere else to hide aside from the lair anyway). F!Leo speaks in short sentences to his younger s/o as they try to make small talk while making some tea, saying they can just wait for the boys to get back (to F!Leo’s slight, very mild annoyance) 
F!Leo is trying to be polite, but the lasting sting is still there
The sting that tells him yes, this is his darling, but it’s not HIS darling. His darling died to the Kraang, he let them down. This alternate version of her wasn’t his. His s/o was gone, nothing was going to bring her back. 
While Leo is showing off at nothing, his younger s/o ends up burning themselves with the hot water, having been distracted. Instantly, F!Leo is up out of his chair and making a beeline to them. He’s carefully inspecting their hand, assuring that it’s not a serious burn, and careful getting them a wet flannel
There’s a beat of awkward silence as F!Leo focuses intently on his younger s/o’s hand to avoid looking at their face, meanwhile, his s/o shifts uncomfortably….but F!Leo has his attention on them when they nervously speak up “Do you…not like me, or something?” 
Before F!Leo can even say anything, in a desperate, nervous tone, his s/o could reply with soemthing along the lines of 
“I mean- it’s just, ever since we met it..it just feels like you’ve been avoiding me? Whenever I come round you’re always so quite, a-and whenever I talk to you it’s like,  I dunno, you always try to use as few words as possible? Yet when you talk with the others, you seem fine” 
His s/o would then go on to ask if they did something to upset him, or if in in his timeline she did something bad. All the while F!Leo is just sat there, stunned, because he made his younger s/o feel like they where doing something *wrong?*
Maybe for a fluffy/happy ending it could be wrapped up with F!Leo admitting that - in his timeline - he messed up the lives of so many people (due to the Kraang war). I doubt he’d admit his s/o died in his timeline, but he still has a sad, broken expression on his face as he recalls the day he lost them, HIS s/o. 
But then, before he can start crying, his younger s/o places her hand on his arm and says something reassuring? Maybe how no matter how messy things might have been, if she got to spend a messy future with Leo, they’d be happy 
Anywho sorry this is SUPER long plz take your time and no worries if you don’t wanna do this one since I know the FUture Leo post was a while ago! 
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author’s notes: anon lemme just say, you are most definitely a writer, likeeee i hope you have a writer blog 🙌 phenomenal!! this may be a tad more sad than u wanted 😅
warnings: angst, fluff, unedited, flashbacks, mentions of death?
The work we are discussing ↑
→ Blast From the Past ←
This was uncharted territory. Which of course shouldn’t be a big deal to Leo. Not after dealing with Yokai or the Hidden City. Weird shit happens down there all the time. Mysticism is something that no one really understands. (Which drove Donnie crazy) And let’s not forget about the organized crime, like the Foot Clan. Or literal aliens escaping from a prison dimension.
No Man’s Land should be right up Leo’s alley with a track record like that. He should be used to the weird, to the abnormal.
But even with the world’s fate suddenly thrust into his hands, Leo may pick that over getting thrown back into the past. Or a different timeline. Whatever. See! It’s already getting confusing.
Alas fate doesn’t give two shits as to what Leo would rather choose. So here he is, six months later after being dropped 40 years back in time. Back before he royally screwed everything up for everyone. It was heavy at first. The burden of not repeating the same mistake twice. With that out of the way, Kraang imprisoned once again, Leo felt like his purpose was complete.
That was why he got sent back wasn’t it? To right his wrongs. Shouldn’t he have gone up in a cloud of dust? Or a portal should’ve opened up for him to waltz into?! Needless to say none of that happened. So he’s still here, with a bunch of teenagers and his dad and April. All alive and healthy and happy.
Talk about a culture shock. Leo could eat good food again. Go to sleep with both eyes closed. Or well, try to. Old habits die hard. He tries to keep to himself for the most part. There is this weird sense of déjà vu that happens when he runs into anyone from this timeline. Over time the feeling has faded, especially to those who he can’t really avoid. All the brothers check in on him regularly. Leon, (his younger self) begrudgingly does so.
Ever since they had that little spat Leon maintains a certain distance which is perfectly fine with Leo. Boundaries are good. Leo feels safe for the most part in the lair.
That is until you come in. Leo would’ve heard you coming if he hadn’t had headphones on. A luxury that he lost in his own timeline. He missed music. Reading comics. So he thoroughly enjoys all of those things now.
His hearing is a bit impaired due to y’know a war lifestyle. Gunshots and laser canons and all the other weapons Donnie could piece together took their toll overtime. So when he listens to music he has to turn it up pretty high. (Which he would’ve done anyhow).
Leo sits motionless in Dad’s recliner, eyes wide as he watches you shake your umbrella. It’s obviously raining topside. Little water droplets hit the cement floor. Like your umbrella, you aren’t exactly dry either.
You haven’t noticed him yet. Leo hasn’t seen you since the very first time. Back on the rooftops when he used to patrol with the boys. You haven’t changed a bit, and that nostalgic feeling takes over. He sees you and your future self. The way you move, the way you groan in dismay at the tears in your umbrella. How you run your fingers through your damp hair. It’s all so achingly familiar.
Maybe he can make a quick portal getaway. Maybe you’ll never have to know he was here. Maybe if he doesn’t move, doesn’t breathe, you won’t see him.
But as you sigh and place the umbrella propped up to dry, you finally check your surroundings. Your own eyes widening before a smile graces your face. It’s more than he deserves. He wishes he could smile back. But his mouth doesn’t move, in fact it feels like he ate sand. It’s dry and uncomfortable. He’s uncomfortable.
He watches on as you begin to speak. The older version of yourself still right beside you, doing the same thing. Mimicking. Leo swallows as he schools his features and tugs the headphones down to hang around his neck.
“W-what was that?” He asks, clearing his throat after the words come out a bit stilted.
“I hadn’t realized anyone was home! It sure is pouring down and I happened to be nearby when the wind suddenly ramped up and—“ You point over to your damaged umbrella.
“The darn thing couldn’t handle the weather! So I decided to come take refuge here until it dies down.” You pause for a moment. Then continue.
“I called Donnie after getting past the manhole cover. Something about a day in the Hidden City..?”
Leo nods.
You shift your weight. Still standing by the entrance. A bead of rainwater slowly making its way from your hairline, down your cheek, to your jaw. “So I guess they won’t be back til later!” You add on.
“Yeah,” is all Leo can think to say.
He doesn’t want to talk to you. Well he does. But he knows he shouldn’t. He really really shouldn’t. It’s a bad idea for multiple reasons. Even if you already know he’s from the future and all that drama. The less you know the better.
And yet, he can’t help but notice how you’re starting to shiver. His tongue clicks inside his mouth. He’ll just get you a blanket. That’s it! After that he’ll go off to his own subway car.
Leo stands, grabbing a throw blanket off the back of the old couch and walks over to you. He offers the blanket, his eyes firmly planted on the ground. You’re wearing converse, socks that go up to what he would guess is your mid-shin.
Your hand grazes his as you take the blanket. “Thank you,” and that’s all it takes for his eyes to be magnetically drawn upwards. He doesn’t deserve those words. “It’s nothing. You should go sit… or whatever! I’ll get out of here-“ Leo is moving as he talks. Already tearing his gaze away, turning his shell towards you. Making for the exit. To go to his room and hide.
“Don’t go!” You call out to stop him. And he does. Immediately he stills. His shoulders tense as he closes his eyes. Déjà vu. You’ve said that before. In the future...in his timeline. So many times.
“Leo don’t go, we can last a little while longer on the supplies we have.”
“The longer we wait the more dire of a situation it’ll be later on, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Please don’t go! This mission is impossible!”
“It’s not impossible Donnie ran the numbers and our chances aren’t zero, not trying at all makes it impossible hermosa, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Y/N?! Nononono. C’mon not like this. You can’t leave me. You’re the one always saying don’t go. So you can’t go either! Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go, please don’t go!
“Leo?” You say softly. He must’ve missed the sound of your footfalls. Because your voice is right behind him. Next to him once more. “Okay,” he sighs after a moment. He turns to see you bundled up in the blanket and squashes down the complicated feelings that try to bubble to the surface.
“Let’s go to the kitchen, Splinter has tea right? Or should I try for the hot chocolate stash?” Leo wonders if these questions are purposefully asked to get him to answer. Thankfully you just keep on talking. You grab onto one of his fingers, and gently pull for him to follow.
So he does, into the kitchen you both go. You tug him towards a stool, where he sits as you get busy. Chatting away about different kinds of tea. How it isn’t your preferred drink but it’s sure to warm you up. Asking what his own favorite is to which he shrugs. Leo’s decided nonverbal is the hill he wants to die on.
You keep on talking. Wondering aloud how the trip to the Hidden City is for everyone. Leo has a feeling that if everyone split up like last time, it’s probably just as hectic as before. Nothing ever goes as planned down in that city.
“The future must’ve been rough…”
Leo blinks, as looks over at you. You’re leaning your back against the countertop. Next to the stove where a kettle has been placed on the nearest burner. Your arms are crossed and you meet his gaze, you don’t say anything else.
“Yeah? What gave it away?” Leo can only let out a dry chuckle. Attempting at humor and failing miserably. His eyes can’t handle staring at you for too long. So his gaze wanders away, finding the silhouette of your future self once more. He looks away from future you as well. He can’t handle that either.
“I don’t know. Maybe your eyes? Like you’ve seen stuff… bad stuff and it haunts you.” And Leo can’t help but think how perceptive you are. He always felt seen when it came to you. He couldn’t hide for long with you in the room. His good hand squeezes into a fist.
“Yeah..?” His voice is weak in his own ears. Cracking. Fragile. And he smells you. The scent of rainwater and lingering tones from your perfume. They get closer. And he closes his eyes. Because they are filling with tears. He breathes in, and out. Then opens to see you standing before him. Even with his sitting down in the stool he’s just a tad bit taller. But he feels so small under your gaze.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. As if you could possibly know. If the boys told you all they knew, that Leo had failed the world, that Kraang had invaded not just New York. That the resistance he led had slowly but surely been picked apart until it was only him left standing. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He knows this, and yet he finds so much comfort in those words.
Maybe because they are coming from you. He doesn’t say anything as his eyes fill with tears once more. And he can’t help but be annoyed at that fact. That all he wants to do is cry around you. He looks up at the overhead light hoping to burn his retinas into submission. That he won’t cry.
Then he feels you touch his good arm. And he doesn’t flinch. But he stills. Not moving at all. As you slowly get closer, coming to stand in between his legs. And your arms go up around his neck. And you hug him.
Leo is frozen. The light above going a bit fuzzy. A second passes. Two. Three. And Leo thaws as you continue to hold him. His own hands going around your sides, pulling you in impossible closer. His chest starting to heave, tears starting to fall, so he squeezes his eyes shuts and buries his snout into the warmth of your neck.
It’s not exactly the same. Your scent is just slightly different from the you in the future. But he can almost imagine it is you from his timeline. That you’re okay. Telling him that all the things he did, tried to do—
“It’s okay Leo,” your hand is soft as it goes up and down the top part of his shell. Maybe you do know. Maybe his eyes did give it all away. And despite his eyes being shut so tightly, tears still manage to leak out.
“Thanks” he croaks into your skin. Allowing himself this one reprieve. Or maybe he just can’t help himself now that you’re here in his arms. He nuzzles his snout into your skin. Just once. His hands tighten around your sides, just once. Before he goes slack and the sound of the kettle is piercing as it squeals. His hands fall away from you, and he leans back in his stool letting you go.
You have tears in your eyes too. Now that he can see your face again. So he gives you a grin, shaking his head. “Like you said, it’s okay.” And he stands, offering you the stool, passing you by to go to the kettle. To finish making your tea.
Leo tells you all his guesses as to what is happening to everyone in the Hidden City. Laughs are shared, and the conversation flows pretty smoothly from then on. April, Dad, and the boys get back not too much later and they regal all of their adventures to you. Every time Leo's guesses are confirmed you can't help but look over at him. A big smile on your face. Tears no more.
That's how you should be, Leo thinks. You should get to be happy in this life. In this timeline. And for the first time ever since he was able to defeat the Kraang. Leo feels hopeful that you will be.
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damn-stark · 10 months
Please the way i am really wanting to see Reiner take a break from the group of ambassadors to be the first to solo follow after Cherry after she left to go home but also i’m on the fence about the idea..
you’ve built their relationship and interactions up so well from the beginning to current which is why i’m so on the fence about verbalizing my partial (?) want.
i think that neither of them ever had a real moment of both being mentally and emotionally stable together, IE; when Reiner was undercover he carried his guilt, plus dealing with the mental switch between solider and warrior, the reveal ruined them both, Marley arc they both were going through separate issues, the night when Yelena helped reveal the truth on the entirety of Marcos death, Reiner and Cherry have never gotten a moment after cadet training and beginning of joining the scouts where it could be 100% honesty. and while i know they are most likely are 95% not the endgame couple, it would be bittersweet to see them recover together before Jean comes back into cherrys life regardless of friendship or romantic feelings or none at all between Rei and Cherry, especially with what happened in the last chapter. If i remember the canon story correctly it was three years after the battle of heaven and earth that everyone goes back to Paradis, so there would be plenty of time for Rei to pop up somewhere inbetween, perhaps helping cherry with that land she mentioned in her letter to Levi, and attending therapy sessions together or alone just on the same days, of course i see Mikasa heavily supervising them for the first two weeks if not longer since cherry nearly killed the man and she knows how difficult it’s been for her cousin.
my reservations for mentioning the idea is the fact that Reiner and Cherry having time to heal together would mess with Jean’s head and emotions (whether he finds out before or after reiners there/been with her) and cause issues in the future but maybe that’s something that’s needed so everything can be put on the table..
I DONT KNOW UGH i don’t know how you can write so amazingly, anytime i try i get stuck on the many possibilities and can’t make a decision. I hope that this is not offensive to send, i’m not demanding you do this in anyway and it’s totally up to you if you do, or have soemthing similar! i love the story so far and can’t wait to see what else you continue with 💚🪽 have a great day love!
I’m gonna be real honest here where cherry is heading in her road to recovery, talking to Reiner in any way besides friendship will hold her back. She left Jean for a reason.
Plus she can’t do that to Jean! And as nice it would be for Reiner, I don’t think Cherry could ever forget him lying to her, she’d resent him even after growing past her trauma.
Maybe in another life they’re together though 😫
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
Ok im back so idk if you’ve already done this could you do one with harry haz Tuwaine and tom (tom being your boyfriend) where reader gets thier period while there all at the beach then you can choose what happens next thanks xx
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Period || Tom holland
Summary: You, Tom, Harry, Tuwaine and Haz all go for a nice day at the beach. You all walk around in the sun, going through shops then playing in the water and on the sand. The day was going well until mother nature had to come over to ruin the fun you’ve had.
Today you was going to the beach with your boyfriend and his friends. You and Tom have been dating for about 10 months now, yesterday being the first time you ever slept over when his friends were in the apartment.
You all got up nice and early around 8am as the beach was a bit of a drive away. When you had woke up though, you felt a pain in your lower stomach. You didn’t really take notice to it at the start, you thought it would eventually go away later on through the day.
You slipped on your white bikini before looking in the mirror to check out your body. You felt like your belly had gotten a tiny bit bigger like you was bloated a little. You kept staring at yourself in the mirror thinking whether or not you should just change.
You must’ve not noticed Tom walking into the room, as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. He placed a kiss on your shoulder before saying, “You look beautiful baby, what’s wrong?” He then asked seeing your annoyed but sad expression.
“I-I…..I just feel fat now, I mean look at my belly. I might just change into something else” You sigh moving his arms off you to get another spare swimming costume that you did pack.
“Hey, hey, hey! You look amazing darling, you might not be able to see it but I can, your beautiful. Your figure is amazing, I love your curves and everything. Plus this bikini brings out these baby’s” He tells you, pointing to your boobs.
“Oi! Thanks babe but I should definitely change if it shows that, im hanging out with a bunch of boys” I laugh at his comment.
“No wear it, if they look at you i’ll kill them” He said seriously, but we all know he was joking. Then Tom and you went downstairs bringing the bag that had both your towels and spare clothes for when you go home. You decided not to eat anything due to just wanting to not look anymore bloated.
“Are you lot ready to go you take forever” Harrison complained whilst rolling his eyes.
“Yes we are you div, remember i’m driving” Tom slides on his shoes whilst You throw on your cover up over your bikini.
He then opened the door for you to walk outside to his car. It is going to be you, Tom, Harry, Harrison and Tuwaine who would be going to the beach on this sunny day. Tom put the bag in the back of the car, running over to open the passenger door for you .
“Thank you” you peck his cheek getting into the car, the other boys sitting in the back. You all listen to music on the way to the beach, the drive being a bit long. You started to feel a bit sick half way of the drive, your stomach having a small sharp pain.
“You okay, Angel?” Tom asked, placing a hand on your thigh whilst the other was on the wheel. He saw your discomfort, your hand firmly pressing your lower belly. You nod your head turning to look outside the window. “You look a bit pale, did you eat?” He questioned now placing his free hand on the top of your head, feeling if you had a temperature.
“I forgot…didn’t feel great earlier” You shrug like it wasn’t a big deal, however to Tom it was. Once the next turn came up, Tom took a right going into the drive through of Starbucks.
“What are you doing mate?” Harry asked.
“Y/n over here forgot to eat so i’m getting her soemthing-“ Before you could look at him to complain he beat you to it. “Don’t say anything, i’m getting you something. Anyone want anything?”
After eating your food and having yo ur drink from Starbucks you felt more better. You still had that small pain in your lower stomach but it wasn’t as unbearable anymore. Once Tom parked his car everyone got out, feeling the heat hit your faces. Tom grabbed his bag which had both your stuff in like your towels and spare clothes.
There was quiet a few people on the beach today, some with their families or friends, simply having a good time out. You all walked over picking the sun beds that were free, luckily there was four all lined up. It wasn’t enough for the five of you but most the time you would all be in the water anyways.
You set the towels and sun cream down, as the boys take off there shirts putting some sun cream on themselves. Tom helped you put some on yourself, you doing the same to him, rubbing it all around his body. After a few minutes, they all went running through the hot sand and into the cold sea water. You laid there on the sun bed, your cover up now off with your sunglasses on, watching them mess about with a ball they had brought with them.
Tom then begged you to come into the water, well he more like came over dragging you into it. You all splashed around, laughing when the boys did silly things. Then they decided to play a game of net ball, you joining with them. The teams were Tuwaine and Haz against you and Tom, Harry being the referee. Tuwaine and Harrison won the first game but then you and Tom won the second.
You were all going to play another to see who would win, but Tom quickly pulled you by the waist, your back against him. “We’ll be back” He told the boys them saying an ‘alright’ to us.
You was confused at first to why he pulled you back over to the sun beds. But then he sat down, grabbing the bag of yours a his things. He pulled out a spare pair of his boxers, a pair of long jogger shorts that was his and your shirt that you brought.
You sat down on the opposite sun bed, giving him an confused look. He cleared his throat before speaking. “Y-you erm…uhhh. You started your period” He says making your eyes go wide as you stand up looking at what once was your white bikini, but now one with a red stain.
You sit back down, your face flushing red with embarrassment. “It’s okay though, don’t be embarrassed please. Just get changed into these. D-do you need them pad things? I can get them” He suggests feeling bad at how embarrassed you are. He’s never really seen you on your period in the ten months you have been dating.
You felt embarrassed, like you wanted to cry so all you did was stand up throwing the cover up over you. Grabbing the clothes and getting your purse. “No it’s f-fine…i’ll get it. Thanks though” You mutter walking along the sand to where the shops were.
You was having such a great time and now mother nature had to piss you off. You brought the pads you normally get going into some changing rooms that were along the beach. You put on the pad in Toms boxers, slipping on the jogger shorts which landed a little above your knees then your shirt.
You took a deep breath, walking back to the sun beds where Tom was still sat. The sun was starting to set now, the other boys having one more go in the water. You placed your bikini that was wrapped in a towel into the bag, looking over at Tom who was now in his normal clothes.
“You okay now? Do you need anything?” He curiously asked grabbing your hand playing with a few fingers. You stood there sighing, looking at your fingers.
“I’m sorry, Tommy” You wipe your eyes with your hands, Tom immediately bringing you down to sit on his left leg.
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s natural. I’m not disgusted by it, if that’s what you think I am. Y/n, I wanna be here for you at that time. I wanna help you so you feel better” He kissed your forehead, his fingers slowly circling your side.
“It’s just embarrassing that I leaked through and y-you saw” You say, looking in his eyes.
“That’s okay, love. Don’t feel embarrassed, silly.” You smile just at the nick names. “How about when we get home, I’ll get your favourite snacks we can watch whatever you want and cuddle in my bed?” He asked with a light smile.
“That sounds good” You smile kissing his lips.
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itsthewritergal · 3 years
I was worried - Odd One Out part 4 - Weasley!Reader x D.M
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 
Draco had searched the castle, high and low. Every single place Y/N and him had found last year, yet she wasn’t anywhere to be found. Draco didn’t expect to find her in the Common Room, he cursed himself silently as it now seemed so obvious that she was here. She stood by the large windows looking out into the depths of the Black Lake, she really loved the views from the Common Room.  She’d even persuaded Draco and the others to move the nicest sofa over so that she could watch the lake as they spoke. Draco of course wasn’t very happy about it all, but once Y/N asked he gave in instantly, somehow she had wormed her way underneath his skin, much to his friends amusement of course. Draco slowed once he realised she wasn’t alone, there were a few first years gathered around the window next to her, her voice rung through the common room
“And on the sunny days the sun shines through the window and it casts this beautiful light all through the room” She said with a kind smile, Draco grinned as he remembered the words he had spoken to her on her first night
“But the Gryffindor’s said we were bad” One first year said
“They said we’re with You Know Who” Another added
“Well they’re wrong” Taylor said with a pitiful smile at Y/N
“Completely wrong, you chose your own path. And here you can be anyone you want” She said ignoring the look from her friend, Y/N’s eyes landed on Draco who stood leaning against the wall with a goofy look on his face. She grinned at him then turned back to the first years
“Anyone?” One asked “Anyone at all” Y/N said “You know when I got sorted last year I begged the hat to change its mind. But the hat knows best, I’ve made friends who I know I’ll have for life now. And i wouldn’t change it for the world” She grinned
“Y/N?” a girl said “You’re a Weasley, what do your family think of you being a Slytherin?” She asked, Draco knew there was no malice behind the words but he saw how they cut through Y/N’s facade for a moment
“They know this is the best place for me” She said with a faltering smile
“Last one to the dorms is a slimy frog” Taylor said quickly bursting into a run towards the dorms. The first years laughing behind her. Y/N was left alone. Her attention turned to Draco who moved closer to her,
“I thought they were my lines” He smirked
“Shove off, I was only comforting them” She said
“The hat should have put you in Hufflepuff you’re so soft” He laughed as he pulled her down onto the sofa with him, she landed on his lap with a huff
“You’re an idiot” She said clambering off of him and placing her next to him with her feet laying on his lap
“I’m an idiot that’s been looking around the castle for you” He said, the worry appearing back on his face
“Why would you do that?” Y/n said
“Cause I was worried about you” Draco said gently
“I’m fine” She said tiredly
“You don’t have to lie to me” He said brushing a strand of hair from her face
“I’m used to it, I’ve had it all summer” She said quietly fiddling with her fingers, Draco placed his hand on top of hers stopping her from pulling at the skin around her nails.
“You’re staying with me then next summer” He said firmly
“I couldn’t do that to your family that’s not fair” “Mother loves you, it would be an honour” He chuckled
“ooh already getting an invite to the manor, where have I gone wrong” Blaise laughed as he landed heavily on the sofa
“You don’t look like Y/N” Crabbe laughed
“That’s enough” Draco snapped, he caught the way Crabbe looked at Y/N and it made his skin crawl. Y/N shifted in her seat
“I’m going to go to bed, I’ll see you guys in the morning” She hummed tiredly
“Night” Draco said with a smile.
— — — — —
Y/N had heard about the Buckbeak incident, it had been all over the school by lunch. Typical Draco she thought making a mountain out of nothing, Pansy had apparently been doting on him all morning in the hospital wing, Y/N was sure Draco loved all that. She told herself not to be jealous, that she and Draco were only friends and he saw her as only a friend, but the thought of Pansy all over him made her angry. Really angry. She walked into the Great Hall for dinner with a scowl on her face, she had lied to her friend and said it was because of her bad grade in potions which was partly true; Snape had been particularly rude and horrid to Y/N today. Her scowl deepened when she saw Pansy sitting with Draco with her arm around her shoulder, and Draco’s arm in a sling. Y/N sat a few seats away from Draco, who tried to get her attention as she sat down. Y/N noticed the looks she got from Draco and her other friends but she decided to ignore them.
“Does it hurt terribly Draco?” Pansy doted on him, Draco replied but Y/N didn’t bother to listen. Instead she pushed her plate a little away from her and walked out of the great hall, she heard some whispers, but that was nothing new to her. She was a Slytherin Weasley having people talk about her was practically her birthright. The Slytherin common room was practically empty, with a few students getting ready to head to dinner. Y/N sat herself down on her favourite sofa, and settled her mind on getting her potions work done.
“Missed you at dinner” Crabbe said sitting down next to her, Y/N looked around for Draco, Crabbe and Goyle had always given her the creeps. Y/N didn’t respond “Come on Y/N, talk to me” He begged, the tone made her skin crawl,
“I’m busy” She said simply, she had hoped Crabbe would get the message, Draco would have noticed the fear in her voice, but he wasn’t here
“Do you not like me then?” Crabbe said, Y/N left Crabbe on the sofa and sat herself down at one of the desks at the side of the room, Much to her disappointment Crabbe followed her and sat opposite her
“I can help you with your homework” he offered
“You’re bad at potions, so no thank you” She said with a tight smile “I Can still help” He argued
“No” She shut him down, turning her eyes back down to the work in front of her, only for her leg to get kicked by the boy in front of her “What?” She asked scowling at Crabbe “Why don’t you like me?” He asked “You should go out with me then i’d show you” He said
“Don’t you understand what no means?” Y/N snapped,
“woah Y/N” Blaise said walking into the common room, with Draco and Pansy following “You alright?” He asked
“He won’t leave me alone” She snapped angrily, feeling her emotions bubble up at the sight of her friends
“That’s not true” Crabbe argued “She was leading me on”
“Why don’t we go on a walk?” Draco asked Y/N
“No thanks, it seems like you’ve got your hands full with Pansy” She snapped turning on her heel and storming off to the dorms.
— — — — —
Y/N was up early, sitting in the common room already dressed for the school day ahead. She watched the giant squid as it swam up and down past the windows. Her fingers played with the frayed edges of her knitted jumper, it reminded her of home. She didn’t feel a home at Hogwarts this year, the sofa dipped next to her pulling her out of her thoughts.
“You’re up early” Draco said gently
“Yeah” She said not once looking at him, she didn’t want to or need to. Although the sling caught the corner of her eye, she wasn’t going to dote on him as well
“Crabbe was out of order, I’ve sorted him out” Draco said draping his good arm across the sofa behind Y/N
“I was handling it” she snapped
“I was only trying to help Y/N” Draco replied
“Right well I should go and sort out my books for the day” Y/N knew it was a bad lie but nothing else had come to mind
“Have I done soemthing?” Draco said impatiently
“No Draco you haven’t” She said not daring to look at him, scared that she would break apart
“Clearly I have because You’ve been avoiding me” Draco snapped “I’ve noticed, ever since yesterday you’ve barely said two words to me”
“You’re making things up Draco” She replied turning with a scowl plastered on her face “Y/N,” he said seriously “has someone said something?” “It’s nothing” She said gently
“I know you too well for that to work” Draco said taking a step towards her, he towered over her. She hadn’t noticed just how much he had grown before
“I don’t like it” She said quietly
“I’m going to need more than that darling” he said
“I don’t like seeing Pansy all over you, she’s acting like you’re hers. It’s pathetic” She snapped
“You know what Pansy is like darling, pay no attention to her” Draco said “I don’t” She defended herself
“There’s something else Y/N, I know there is” he said gently coaxing her back towards the sofa
“Last night when Crabbe was being weird with me, I couldn’t do anything. I felt so powerless, I didn’t like it” She said
“I won’t let anything like that happen to you again. I promise” Draco said
“Does your arm hurt badly?” Y/N asked gently her fingers brushing over the sling
“not really, I just wanted to see how much homework I can avoid doing” He chuckled, not admitting how much he adored watching Y/N gently touch his hand,
“Nothing’s going to happen to Buckbeak right?” she asked
“No, I don’t want anything to happen to him. It’s why I haven’t told my parents yet” Draco said gently “Promise you’ll try and stop them if they do anything”  She said gently
Draco brushed her face with his good hand. A smile graced his lips,
“I promise”
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
25 To Life
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter deals with the repercussions of his identity being revealed
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It all happened so fast.
That's what Pepper and Tony’s legal team told to say.
That it all happened so fast.
You didn't see it. You didn't hear it. You can't make out a face. You have no idea who would do this, Officer.
It all happened so fast.
For you, it seemed more like slow motion. You weren’t there to witness Mysterio’s death. Peter had told you Mysterio tried to shot him but ended up shooting himself. That’s what you were told and that’s what you believed.
But the video told a different story.
It was all there: Mysterio saying Spiderman had gone crazy, Spiderman ordering everyone to be executed, and Mysterio dying. The video made it seem like the London drone attack was the work of Spiderman, but you knew the truth.
To the media, Spiderman had gone rogue following Tony’s death and killed Mysterio. To the media, Spiderman was a murderer.
And to the public, Spiderman was Peter Parker.
You watched the screen, paralyzed with shock, as your boyfriends identity was revealed. You dropped the remote, not bothering to look back as the batteries flew out and hit the ground, and ran to Peter’s apartment. 
The cops arrived Peter’s apartment the same time you did, baracading the entrance with their cars. All the flashing lights and sirens made you sick to your stomach. There were officers everywhere, some talking amongst themselves and others turning the nosey public away. Did they really think your Peter did soemthing that warrrented that many officers? You dodged a few officers by the doorway and snuck up the fire escape to climb into Peters window. He and May were already in there, faces pale and haunted. May locked the window behind you and quickly drew the shades. You approached Peter slowly like he was a frightened animal, just in case he was skiddish. As soon as he saw you, Peter ran to you and threw himself into your arms in a desperate search for comfort. You combed your fingers through his hair to soothe him as his body shook with terror. He cried into your shoulder, his tears seeping through your shirt within seconds. You whispered comfort in his ear until his sobs became silent. 
“You have to get out of here. I don’t want you to see this.” Peter sobbed as he cradled your face.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You shook your head. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“But the video.” Peter whimpered. “It looks like I killed him. People are going to think I’m a murderer.”
You laid his head back on your chest and shushed him. You didn’t have to heart to tell him that people already thought he was a murderer. He didn’t need to hear that. He just needed comfort. 
“My identity is out. They’re gonna arrest me.” Peter sobbed. Before you could respond, there was a heavy pounding on the door.
“NYPD. We have a warrant. Open up.”
Peter held you tighter and you backed up towards the closet together. You clung to him, hiding his face from view and looked at May for help. 
“It’s all right, kids. I’ll go talk to the police. Stay here.” May said calmly. You shared a sympathetic look before she left the room. You held Peter tightly and kissed every part of him that you could reach as he shook with fear. 
“It’s okay.” You whispered as you fought back tears of your own. “It’s going to be okay.” 
You clamped your hands over his ears, not wanting him to hear what the police were saying and began to sing to him softly.
You knew Peter was innocent, but that video was incredibly convincing.
And incriminating.
How were you going to explain it to the cops? 'No sir, it wasn't Peter. Mysterio pretended to be a warrior soilder from another planet and gained Peters trust so he could pretend London was being attacked by a giant smoke monsters using special sunglasses called EDITH. Peter didn’t kill Mysterio, you see, Mysterio projected a fake version of himself using a drone and shot it on accident when he tried to shoot Peter. No, there’s no evidence of this. Yes, he was invisible when Peter grabbed the gun. He knew he was there because of his Peter Tingle, silly. Can't you tell?'
Is that what you were supposed to say? They would never believe it.
“Please, be gentle. His uncle was shot. He’s scared of guns, please.” May was hanging on the arm of one of the police officers as they burst into Peters room. You and Peter looked up fearfully as three police officers pointed their guns at you, clutching to each other for dear life.
“Peter Parker, you are under arrest for the murder of Quentin Beck.” An Officer stated as she pulled you and Peter apart. You and Peter reached for each other until only your hands could touch, crying out for each other the whole time. Peters hands were brought behind his back as an officer handcuffed him. You  were restrained by an officer and squirmed in the his embrace, kicking and writhing to break free as you screamed Peters name. He was lead out of the room, locking eyes with you the whole time until he was out of sight. May followed them out as she wiped the tears from her face, pleading with them to be gentle. The room fell silent, the only sounds coming from the police sirens, slowing fading as they drove to the station. 
You lost time from being at Peters house to arriving at the station. The car ride with May was silent as you tailed the police car Peter was in. Once inside, you were lead to a winess interrogation room and May was brought to the chief. You bounced your leg up and down as an officer went over the day Mysterio died, barely listening to what she was saying. The florescent lighting of the room made you feel nauseous as she questioned you.
"Can you tell me what happened?" The officer looked up from her notepad to look at you. You came back into yourself and blinked a few times.
“No, I'm sorry.” You said robotically as you smoothed your hand over your leg to keep it from bouncing.  “It all happened so fast."
They held Peter in a cell until the day of his court hearing to determine his sentence. You sat next to May in the courtroom and tried to follow what the Judge was saying, a lot of legal jargon was spoken that frustrated you when you couldn’t understand it. Your eyes drifted to Peter, who looked exhausted and frightened in his baggy orange jumpsuit. He made eye contact with you gave you a weak smile, rasing his handcuffed hands to wave. You both jolted out of your gaze when the judge banged his gavel.
"I hereby sentence Peter Parker 25 years to life for the first degree murder of Quentin Beck.” The judge spoke. The silence in the room was so deafening that your ears buzzed and rang. Officers arrived to handcuff Peter and take him away as surprise murmurs emitted from the crowd. You felt paralyzed as Peters terrified eyes met yours.
And then everything happened so fast.
You remembered standing up and screaming.
You remembered saying he was innocent, that he was framed.
You remembered May putting her head in her hands and sobbing as she lost her last family member.
And you remembered Peter looking back at you and mouthing that he loved you before they lead him out of the room.
Everything else was a blur.
You visited Peter the first day you could.
“Inmates are allowed two hugs; one on arrival and one when leaving.” Rang over the loudspeaker every five minutes.
It took a few weeks to get your name added to his visitors list. The judge had tried Peter as an adult, so he was put in minimum security federal prison to serve his sentence. You sat and waited at the table for Peter to come, looking around at the other inmates to distract yourselves from your nerves. Everyone was separated by a small table, some people with little kids on their laps and some alone. You smoothed your skirt for the hundredth time and rubbed your lips together.
Peter was lead into the room by a guard, his face lighting up when he saw you. He walked over to you and threw his arms around you and you hugged him tightly. His orange scrubs were rough against your skin as you buried your face in his chest.
"No contact." A guard barked and he jumped out of your arms. You gave Peter a sympathetic smile and sat down.
"How are you?" You asked despite his appearance telling you that the answer wasn’t good. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, with his eyes sunken in and his skin pale. His uniform was ill fitting, unless he had lost a lot of weight.
"I'm getting by." Peter nodded, both of you knowing it was better if he kept the truth to himself.
"Are the people here nice?" You asked hopefully.
"This is a federal prison, darling." He said shortly. You realized it was a dumb question and gave him a tight smile. Your fingers twitched, desperate to hold his hand but not wanting to get him in trouble.
"I know. I just hoped you had found some friends to protect you." You nodded and looked down. Both of you could tell how awkward it was between you. Neither of you were your usual selves, as you were guilt ridden and Peter was exhausted.
"I'll be okay.” He said, and neither of you knew if it was true. An uncomfortable silence returned and you kept your eyes down.A small smile tugged on your lips as you got an idea.
“Excuse me, guard?” You piped up and looked at a correctional officer. “Could you tell me what time it is? I can read the clock from here.”
Peter looked at you in confusion as his eyes darted to the watch on your wrist. As soon as the guard turned around to look at the clock, you leaned across the table and gave Peter a quick kiss. He smiled shyly as you quickly sat back down, pretending nothing had happened.
“12:34.” The officer answered you and you gave her a tight smile. You cocked an eyebrow at Peter and he chuckled for the first time in weeks.
“How are you holding up?" He asked you and you shrugged.
"I haven't been sleeping well.” You answered honestly. “I'm just so worried about you."
"I know." He said simply. He had no way to assuage you, and you knew it.
"We’re doing everything we can to prove your innocence.” You assured him and Peter fake you a fake smile. “All of us. Scott, Rhodey, Sam, Banner, May, everyone. Even Bucky is trying to help. Maybe there's a way to tell the cops about your Peter Tingle without them thinking we're crazy."
You looked so hopeful that it pained Peter. He reached for your hands and took them in his before he did what he came to do.
“No contact.” The guard repeated and Peter stared at him for a long time. He retracted his hands and folded them on his lap, swallowing thickly as he composed himself. 
"You don't have to do that, Y/n.” Peter said quietly. He knew what this was, what he was about to do.
This was the calm before the storm.
"Yes we do.” You blinked in confusion. “You're innocent, Peter. You shouldn't be in here."
"Maybe I should be.” Peters voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “Baby, I killed Beck. I moved the gun. That’s why it hit him. And I’m the one who gave him EDITH in the first place. Who knows what else he could've done. What if he killed you too?” Peter whispered in pain.
“This isn’t your fault, Peter.” You shook your head stubbornly. “And as soon as the police realize that, they’re gonna let you out of here. I promise, the second you’re free we can go right back to the way things were. We can be together and we’ll be happy again.” You smiled hopefully. “But until then, I'll visit you every single day, from the start of visiting hours to the end."
You thought he’d be happy, but Peter looked pained by your statement.
“Whats wrong?” You worried when he didn’t look like your plan.
"That's not a good idea, Y/n.” He said softly. “You can't spend everyday waiting for someone who isn't gonna come home. You need to get on with your life.” He said abruptly. You were taken back by his response and let out a nervous laugh.
"What are you saying?"
Peter looked at you for a moment and his bottom lip began to tremble.
"I'm saying you need to forget about me.” Peter stated as tears came to his eyes. “Go find another boy. Someone who isn't in prison can be there for you when you need him. Marry him and start a family with him. You can't wait for me to get out of here, Y/n. That day might never come." He cried. You looked at him in bewilderment and tried to process what he had said.
"What are you talking about? I don't want another boy. I want you.” You sputtered as you leaned forward on the table to really look at him. “Only you. I'm going to wait as long as I have to."
"I can't ask you to wait 25 years." Peter shook his head sadly.
"You're not asking. I'm making the decision by myself." You snapped.
"That means you'll have to wait 25 years to get married and have children. You probably won't even be able to have children at that time." Peter reasoned.
"So we'll adopt." You shrugged in dismissal.
"Is that really what you want?" Peter asked skeptically.
"No. But I want you.” You said definitively. “That's all that matters. If you can wait 25 years, so can I."
"But I don't have a choice." He reminded you.
"But I do.” You sniffled. “And I choose you.“
"Our only interaction will be these short meetings. I'm not even allowed to touch you.” Peter cried. “Don't you think you'll fall out of love with me?"
You reached out to wipe his face but a guard shook his head. You balled your hand into a fist and slammed it on the table. 
"Of course not. How could I? It's you.” You laughed sadly. “Every single time, it's you. You’re the only one I’m ever gonna want, Peter.”
Peters face scrunched up as he cried and looked away. He couldn’t look at you when he knew he was hurting you.
"Y/n, you're making this impossible." He sobbed and sucked in a sharp breath.
"Please don't do this, Peter.” You begged.
"You know I love you. So much." He said sincerely.
"Then stop breaking me." You whispered.
"I'm so sorry, but I have to do this.” Peter protested as he slammed his fist on the table. “I can't have you wasting away while you wait for me to be free. I got 25 years to life, baby.” He whimpered. “That means I'll only get a chance for parole in 25 years. And even then, they could deny me and keep me in here. Everyone has seen that video of me. That’s enough evidence to keep me in here as long as they want, even if it’s fake. I'm never getting out of here.” He shook his head. “Just because my life is over doesn’t mean yours has to be over too. There’s still a chance for you, angel.”
“I could never be happy without you.” You cried, fingers twitching as you fought the urge to reach for him. 
“Yes you can. And you will.” He decided. “I can’t let you die unloved. You need to forget about me. Guard!”
It all happened so fast.
You were escorted out of the visitation room, kicking and screaming Peter’s name. He was lead away by a correctional officer, mouthing that he loved you before he disappeared behind a wall.
For the next four years, you went to that prison every week.
And every week, Peter refused to see you.
The guards stopped asking for your name eventually and who you were there to see.
They knew why you were there.
It became somewhat of a routine. They'd call the guard outside Peter’s cell and ask if Peter wanted to see you, Peter would say no and you would go home. He thought that by not allowing you to visit him, you’d eventually move on.
He was wrong. 
You never did move on. Even after Peter was killed in prison by Adrian Toomes after four years of being locked up, you didn't move on.
You asked the guard how an inmate could be killed in a prison full of guards. The guard answered simply, "it all happened so fast."
At least he's free now. At least you can visit him.
Even if all you were visiting was a grave.
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Fell Into The Same Arms
Pairing: Thomas Jefferson x reader
Warnings: Language, implied material, angst, a sliver of fluff, and injured reader.
Part 2
You know what, this is on me, because I was on Pinterest YET AGAIN and came across prompts that made me want to vent!!! So here is this!! Also, I’m really struggling with this one WIP and I jsut wanted to post soemthing, so I don’t even really know if this is “finished” yet. Let me know if you want to be tagged, and give me some feedback. I apologize in advance if I hurt your heart! But...it’ll be worth it I swear!
Rain was in the forecast the entire weekend, and it didn't seem to stop anytime soon on Monday. It took a toll on traffic, that was for sure; the roads were starting to flood and the bus routes were changed unexpectedly. The streets were in no shape for anyone to be out.
But Y/N didn't pay no matter to that. Instead, she kept walking, despite the throbbing in her thigh and the blisters on the back of her heels. She ignored the piercing feeling in her back when she tensed. That pain in the back of her head: didn't bother her. Not now, not when she's in the wet streets alone at night, having someplace to be.
Another lie. It was someplace she needed to be, and maybe she wasn't welcomed, but she had no other option. Every other door that used to be open was now closed after comments like you're better than this and don't come crying to me when I'll only say I told you so were thrown at her.
Y/N should be getting her keys out to unlock her apartment door, heading to the shower and ignoring the worried cries from Hercules. She could even be knocking on the screen door and letting Eliza draw her a bath while they sipped on hot tea. Hell, she was even considering jumping the gate and climbing up to John's window and letting him hold her as she cried herself to sleep.
What was she doing instead? Knocking on the hardwood door in front of her, not knowing what the outcome ahead would be.
Seconds felt like hours before the door was opened quickly, only going so far as the small chain up top would let it. She was met with brown orbs, in a flash they were wide in shock.
She couldn't blame him.
She could only imagine what she looked like, it obviously wasn't a pretty sight if the feeling in her bones had any say in it. But something told her that her appearance was not why he had the reaction.
At this point Y/N believed that he was, in fact, in shock because it's still pouring rain and she can feel her limbs start to grow numb from the cold. He's still staring at her with that look...
"I didn't know where else to go," Her voice sounded raspy even to her, and she guessed it was loud enough for him to hear, considering he shut the door before the sound of a latch being pulled again was heard, and he fully opened the door.
He looked good; dressed in his pajamas, but still good, considering the last time she saw him. He looked fresh out the shower, and she took that as a sign that he didn't have company over.
Thomas hated leaving people waiting. Something they didn't share in common, apparently.
He stepped aside and Y/N didn't waste a second before stepping into the warm house.
"Just- wait a second," Thomas walked down the hallway, soon returning with a towel that he laid across the floor. "Don't want to ruin my floors."
She snorted. Still the same stuck up she remembers. "Could you spare one for me, you think?"
"I was actually going to offer you a shower, and maybe help you patch things up. Looks like you need it," He gestured to her head, which had a small gash, or at least that's what it felt like.
"That'd be nice," She cleared her throat once more, removing her shoes. She stopped after stripping of her jacket, standing awkwardly and hoping to give the man a hint.
Instead, he scoffed and went down the hall again. "It's not like I haven't seen it all before. Just leave your clothes on the towel, I'll throw them in the dryer."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but did as he said. She quickly walked to the bathroom and stepped into the tub. It all looked the same, including the bottle of shampoo he bought her months ago, still in the same spot.
She cleared her throat, mentally shaking herself clear of those warming thoughts.
A few minutes after she turned on the water, she heard a knock on the door, his silhouette behind the curtain.
"I brought a towel, and some fresh clothes," There was some shuffling before he sighed loudly. "Did you eat? Can I get you something?"
"No, I'm fine, thanks," Y/N cut him short, trying to ignore his caring need that he normally hid from the public. She wasn't any different, not anymore.
"Well, knowing you, you probably had a large coffee this morning and called it a day. And I'm not quite sure what you got yourself into yet, but I'm sure it didn't happen over a meal." Thomas sounded so sure of himself, and damn him for knowing her so well. Her silence gave it away, and he soon clicked his tongue in assurance. "I'll make you something quick."
There was no resisting the water in her eyes. Pain expanded all over her body, she had an excuse. Plus, he couldn't see her get emotional behind the curtain, and there would be no tear tracks on her cheeks later.
It might seem odd to others, to those who see Thomas as a public figure, a politician. He carries power, and never lets anyone outside these doors see his vulnerability. To them, he is a man with high standards and a precise wardrobe.
But she knew the real Thomas.
He was sensitive, caring for others, acting like he was just now. The newspaper titles were full of shit, they didn't have any right to criticize him because that wasn't the real him.
Of course he was passionate about his job and position, but they didn't know what Thomas acted like in the morning. They didn't know what Thomas's favorite meal to have when he's had a long day was. About his constant need to have a book to read before he goes to sleep, no matter what time it is. About what he looked like when he was in complete bliss, when he was really happy....
No, Y/N knew though.
She reached for the shower handle, turning the knob on the cold setting. She finished up washing her hair as quick as she could, then carefully dabbed her body with a washcloth, avoiding direct open wounds.
Stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a rather large t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, Y/N found Thomas at the table. He was standing over scattered papers, rubbing his chin softly as he thinks to himself.
While he's distracted, she takes in the house, knowing she really shouldn't, it will only hurt her or, worse, make former feelings reappear. But she can't help but look over to the wall beside him, where dozens of picture frames line up in a pattern. Some are of his parents, some of Thomas and James, there's even a group photo of his colleagues standing before Washington. She remembers how excited Thomas was that day, to finally be getting the recognition he deserves.
She also remembers that there used to be a frame below it, one that held two photos of Y/N and Thomas, holding hands, smiling. She remembers that the photographer wanted their hands close to the lens, getting a good capture of piece of jewelry that looked so simple, but held so much promise.
Was suppose to hold so much promise.
Should she really be sad that he took it down? Y/N didn't deserve to feel angry or disappointed that it wasn't hanging on the wall, to be a constant reminder to anyone that walked by of what used to be.
"Food should be ready soon. I just put it in the oven to warm up." She jumped as she was released from her thoughts, Thomas now looking over at her.
"Thanks," He soon walked over to her, only feet away when he lifted up his hand. She instantly flinched, swallowing hard as she realized what she did.
Thomas slowly put his hand down, looking at her with wide eyes. "I wasn't going to-"
"I know," Her voice was shaky, but she held a hard expression, looking at the floor.
Nodding, Thomas cleared his throat before heading to the bathroom, moments later coming out with a tube of ointment. "Let's get you cleaned up?"
Maybe it was fate, or maybe it was just Y/N's luck. Whatever it may be, she would never stop thanking whoever was watching over her that she got to feel Thomas's soft touch once again.
Yes, maybe she'd like it better if it was under different circumstances, but she was appreciative of the light touch he had against her head, one hand holding it still while the other gently dabbed the cream against her bruises.
The quiet was disturbed when he winced at the scrape right above her hip. There was no hiding it; it was already layered in dried blood, purple outlining the crevice of the soon-to-be scar. Thomas shook his head slightly, and she didn't know if it was from shock or disappointment.
Once he cleared the wound completely, Thomas pressed his thumb against her hip bone, rubbing her skin in soothing motions. Y/N smiled sadly.
"Can you stop, for one goddamn second, and just talk about this?"
"I can't, Thomas! You don't understand why, but I just can't-"
"Do you know why I stick around? Do you care about what I have to say? Don't you know that I love you? I would do anything for you, Y/N, why can't you trust me on that?"
"I do! I trust you with my life, Thomas! That's the problem!" The room grew silent, Thomas forming a sudden frown, eyes teary.
Her own were wet, as well. Vulnerability was not her thing, so Y/N quickly turned around, not bearing to see his reaction.
Lost in her own self deprecating thoughts, she felt a hand on her hip. His long fingers began stroking her bone, her skin lighting on fire every under the fabric of her underwear. Somehow, the simple touch completely broke her, letting out a shaky sob. Thomas wrapped his free arm around her chest, grounding her. Y/N allowed her own arms to grab at his as she shook.
“We’ll get through it,” Thomas whispered, his own voice a bit shaky. “Together.”
There used to be moments where Y/N would allow herself to completely fall into him, would just let go of all the pent up frustration and troubles she had. Because she knew Thomas would catch her, she knew that he would let her release all of her worries for him to fix, and if not fix, just to listen. He would offer comforting phrases that would make her feel like the only woman in the world. He would physically comfort her, whether it was a bath or his touch or his body, he would take away her stress.
And no matter how many times Y/N would experience such ache, Thomas never turned away. Not once. Not even after all this time separated. And she knew damn well that if she did the same thing now, he would let her.
That’s what scared her.
She couldn’t do that to Thomas, not again.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Apparently, him knowing exactly what she’s thinking didn’t change either. His soft voice rang loudly in her ears, traveling all throughout her body. Y/N had to bite the inside of her lip to keep from breaking down.
“You can let go...” It sounded like a promise.
Maybe she could count on him to catch her again, even if it’s just this one last time.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!!
@notebookgirl30 @dontblinkumightmiss @tinywhim @checkurwindow @einfachniemand @daveeddiggsit @ohsoverykeri-blog @astralaffairs @i-know-i-can
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Yandere! Werwolf Ateez finding their mate
Warning: strong language, toxic relationship, some mature scenes if you don't like that don't read it
It's my first time writing something like that so please don't be mad at me~💙✨
We all can agree that Hongjoong is an alpha
It is very rare that a human is the mate of an wolf but fate has chosen you to be his mate and he loves every second of it
The first time he saw you he was stunned, you looked so beautiful, you smelled so delicate and something inside of him clicked
His once so calm personality changed and he got deeply obsessed with you
He wanted you, you and your sinful body
Nothing is more important than you right now and he will take advantage of the first good chance to take you, to make you his
Hongjoong not just wants you, he craves you and he wants you to love him just as much as he loves you
Softly someone bumped into you and as you looked at the stranger who happened to run into you, your breath stopped for a second. He wasn't just handsome no, there was something else on him what makes you attrakted at the very first moment. A handsome smile appeared on his facials as he looked at you with soft and loving eyes, eyes who hide the true intentions of the male. ,,I'm sorry but do we know each other? "
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Another alpha who just wants to claim you as his
You are a beautiful omega and directly on your birthday, the day you can finally find your mate
And when you followed the scent and stepped out of the territory of your pack you didn't even noticed it
Just as you heard a loud growling behind you, you realized what happened
Your eyes widden in fear and you tried to run away, as you shifted in your wolf form
The wolf was faster than you and catched you, but as soon as he hovered over your petite body
Someone pulled him away and gets protectively infront of you
The wolf who attacked you immediately backed away and then left quickly
Your savior shifts back and looks down at you
And you did that too, and when you calmed down a bit your brain connected everything and you knew that this man has to be your mate
Seonghwa would not kill infront of you
But if anyone lays a finger on you again he will be not that friendly
He tried to calm you down and to be as soft as possible towards you
Seonghwa carefully placed his hand in yours helped you to get up, while a soft smile layed on his face as he saw how your cheeks turned red. ,,This isn't your territory anymore little omega." After his comment your face turned even more red and you quickly shake your head. ,,But don't worry little omega. I won't hurt you.. If you come with me. My mate."
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The first time he saw his mate wasn't that pleasant
Because someone else was hovering over his mate
His mate, you, was half naked and shivering in fear, not strong enough to fight against the alpha hovering over you
Everything he saw was red and he fastly pulled the alpha away, ready to fight against him
And he didn't even have a chance against him
He would kill for you and that's exactly what he did
As soon as he finished that he turned around to you and pulled you into his arms
He would never let you go again
Shivering and crying you layed in the arms of the strange male who saved you. You don't know why but his whole appearance and scent lured you into trusting him. Even if you didn't know him yet you felt save in his arms. ,,Don't worry my little mate. I will never ever let soemthing like this happen to you again."
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He is a player in your pack
Everyone wished to be his mate
And now you, you are his mate and he doesn't know how to feel about it
And you didn't know it either
That's why you didn't pay much attention to him at first, just doing what you did before you knew that he is your mate
And San doesn't like it at all
You are his, his precious little mate and now you aren't giving him attention at all
If you don't give him attention at your own, he will take you
He wants you and what he wants he gets
,,Y/N. Don't ignore me! " San said annoyed and just as annoyed as him you answered him. ,,Why should I not annoy you? You weren't happy that I'm your mate any now? Now you are complaining like a little-" The wold roughly interrupts you as he roughly pinned you against the wall, a loud growl escaping his lips. ,,If I want something, I get it so if you not stop behaving like that little mate. Let's say you won't like it."
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His jealousy and possessive behavior wasn't something nobody knows
No everyone know that soon he will find his mate and as soon as he marked his mate nothing will get between them
He doesn't care if his mate is ready or not
He wants his mate, his sweet little mate he can protect
Mingi isn't just someone he is the leader of some. Rogues
And you, you are a pretty omega living a happy life on your pack
But one night changed everything
Some rogues attacked your pack and soon you find yourself staring and shivering infront of an alpha you didn't know
But he didn't kill you, he had bitten you and knocked you out
The next time you opened your eyes you saw a guy infront of you
And you immediately know that he has to be your mate but also the one who killed and attacked your pack
You hated him and Mingi? Mingi is just so happy to have you finally in his arms
Carefully and still feeling the pain in your neck you opened your eyes, just to see that the same eyes you saw before everything went black looked down at you. Fear rushed over you and you quickly tried to get out of your roped but nothing really helped, just as you were about to shout at the strange male his dark and snicker stopped you. ,,Why are you trying to get away from me? My little mate."
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He wasn't just anyone, he was the leader of your pack even if he is so young
He is in control about everything and on your birthday, you both knew that you are meant to be together forever
You are unsure if it would work out but when he touched your shoulders all the doubts disappeared and you just wanted to sink in his arms
And yeosang? Yeosang wants power, he is greedy if someone would discribe him
He wants the same power over you but of course this isn't the first thing he shows you
He wants you, you are his and just his and no one will ever lay an eye on you
Or they will die
If you try to overpower him, try to tell him what he had to do you will suffer
So don't try that
,,Yeosang that's.. That's wrong! You can't just-" a loud growl interrupted your speech and you immediately lowered your head as Yeosang stepped in front of you and looked down at you with his dark eyes. ,,Y/N. My sweet little mate how often do I have to tell you that." He slammed his fist beside your head in the wall, as another deep growl came out of his mouth. ,,I'm in control and you don't have to say anything in things like that."
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He is an prince
Arrogant and spoiled
He is used to get what he wants
And the first step you layed in his castle was a mistake
Because he smelled your scent and he wanted you
You as his mate because you are meant to be his and just his
But you
You flighted against him, because he is so spoiled and arrogant you couldn't believe that someone like him is your mate
And if you refuse to do what he wants he will lock you in the cellar till you learn your lesson
,,No no no let me go!" you screamed and struggled as the guards guided you through the catacombs, before they opened the door of the cellar. Not letting you say anything against it, one of them pushed you in the room and the other one said with a soft and slightly regretting tone. ,, I'm sorry but we have to fulfill the orders of the prince."
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You aren't just anyone
You are the princess/prince, but at the same time you are the weakest out of all your siblings
That's why your father hired someone to protect you
Your new guard has to be Jongho a strong and powerful beta
And the first time you saw each other you knew that you two are mates
But what you didn't know is that Jongho wants you just for himself
So one day you went out with him he knocked you out and when you opened your eyes again
Ou found yourself laying in a bed in a strange room
And after some confusion Jongho opened the door and told you that this is your new home
The home you are living in with him and just him
Confusion filled your mind as you looked around, you couldn't remember anything and it scared you. But soon Jongho opened the door and smiled at you brightly. ,,Oh you are awake little one." Carefully he strokes over your head and smiled at you, and immediately you felt save. You snuggled deeper in his hug and lost yourself in his beautiful scent. The scent of your mate.
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mc giving belly rubs to the rfa + minor trio to sooth a tummy ache
That’s adorable
MC giving belly rubs to the RFA+minor trio to soothe a tummy ache:
He was feeling pretty sick, but he didn’t want to make a big deal out of it
After all, he recovers super quickly
The thing is, you still wouldn’t let him go to work and you insisted on him staying home and while you took care of him
At first he felt a bit weird, since he didn’t like being spoiled so much, but as time passed he got into it
Then when he was laying on the bed, he had this horrible stomachache
So you decided to rub his belly in circles to try and make him feel better
He didn’t know what you were doing at first, so he was surprised
But then he felt really good
And he just, he was super happy
But he had to also try and control the beast because holy shit he’s feeling way too many things at once pfft
When he gets better he will cuddle you and kiss you, then he’ll tell you that he absolutely loves your belly rubs
This bastard lmaooo
He was pretty sick
But he didn’t mind because he had you taking care of him
Then when he said that his stomach was hurting, he saw you come close to him
And then you made him lay on your knees, while you rubbed his belly
Yoosung.exe has stopped working
He blushes like CRAZY
He literally blanks out, he isn’t thinking of anything pft
He will lowkey say his stomach hurts all the time because he wants your belly rubs
And you know the brat is lying, but you still go along with it because Yoosung is a cinnamon roll
That’s the first thing she does when all of a sudden you made her lay between your legs and then you started rubbing her belly
Jaehee was red in the face, and she couldn’t stand it that much, so she quickly gets up to do soemthing else
But when you aren’t looking she will let out a little squeal and smile remembering how you took care of her
She didn’t want to admit that she was sick, and she doesn’t do it often
But she will start doing it more, since you will always rub her belly and kiss her face
And she just loves it, so now Jaehee doesn’t hide that she’s sick!
“Love I don’t get it, how is rubbing my belly going to help me with the stomach bug?”
“Shh Jumin, it’s just sort of like...uh...magic!”
“Magic...that’s interesting. When I feel better I would like to see where you’re getting your information from. I’ve never heard of magic belly rubs.”
Oh boy this man is confusion
He has NEVER had a belly rub in his whole life
So when he’s laying down and you start rubbing his belly because of his stomachache he’s like ????
Wat??? Wat u doin????
Then you explain to him that it’s a thing you do when someone’s belly hurts
He doesn’t understand.
He honestly never will
But the only reason he allowed you to do it it’s well, because it’s you.
So he lets you rub his belly all you want! Even if it doesn’t really help that much
Also when you get sick he will try to do the same thing to you, but since he’s Jumin he will be totally awkward about it
(Jumin rubbing our belly tho? THATS SO CUTE I CANT I will die for this man)
He of course, knows what a belly rub is and why you should do it while you’re sick
But he’s never had anyone do it for him before
He doesn’t really like saying he’s sick
I mean he won’t try to hide it, but he won’t tell anyone
So when you notice and make him go to bed he obligues
Then you just started making him soup, and then tucking him in
He...he felt so happy
But then at one point, when he was half awake
You started rubbing his belly
And Saeyoung started crying
Not because he of his sickness or because his stomach hurt
It was because never in his life, had he ever been taken care of like this
I mean, we all know what a shitty mom he has, so all those moments of childhood where your guardian takes care of you?
He’s never had them
But then here you are, pampering him and treating him so good
He just can’t help but cry
Then he will smile, with tears still streaming down his eyes, and he will grab you and hug you tight
And then he will fall asleep and he won’t let you go so you’re screwed pft
V is like still super chill when he’s sick
He just doesn’t give a fuck LMAO he will go and paint
But then you come along, and he starts taking better care of himself when he gets sick
He really likes it when you both spoil each other
And then when he’s sick, you’re just always by his side, taking care of him, so no matter how bad he feels he’s still happy to be with you
One day, he was having a horrible stomach bug
And then you came in and started rubbing his belly
And V is just 😶
He’s speechless
He’s never had anyone really rub his belly that much
He can barely recall if maybe his mother did it once or twice, when he got super sick as a kid and she snuck over to take care of him
So he’s actually super happy and he absolutely enjoys the belly rubs so please give him some more
Saeran hates it when he gets sick
He just...he starts feeling so useless
He hates that he can’t control any of it
And he also has tons of nightmares when he’s sick, so that’s not fun
It was until you came along that he started to tolerate it a bit more
Since he was working on himself, he understood that getting sick wasn’t really a sign of weakness, it didn’t mean he was useless
But Saeran still hated when it happened, and a tiny voice at the back of his mind would always whisper awful things
Also being sick didn’t bring back any good memories at all actually
Normally when Saeran gets sick you just spoil the crap out of him
He’s super grateful to you, because you can always manage to make him feel better
One day while he was having this awful stomachache, you quickly came home from work and stayed beside him
And then you told him to go to sleep (he had just waken up from an awful nightmare and was shaken up) so you made him laid beside you and then you started humming a little song to make him go to sleep
And then you started rubbing his belly
And Saeran was just
He was shocked
He tended up and you pulled your hand away, thinking he didn’t like it, but he grabbed your hand and pulled it to his belly once again and smiled
“It...it actually feels really good Y/N...can you keep doing it until I fall asleep?”
How can you say no to this (get it, it’s Ham-)
He loves it and he loves you, and he will definetly do the same when you get sick
For him these sort of things are super meaningful too, since like Saeyoung he didn’t get the best childhood
What the fuck
First of all,
You have the AUDACITY to make him stay at home because he’s sick
Like? It’s not that bad please calm down?
But he begrudgingly accepts and decides to enjoy his day off
Except you won’t let him smoke which make his mood worse
He will act as if he doesn’t care about you pampering him
But you know he loves it
And then all of a sudden
You start rubbing his tummy
He is so shaken up
He’s never really had his belly rubbed before
But when you ask if you should stop, Vanderwood just looks the other way and mumbles a no
He will definetly enjoy those belly rubs
Also at one point when you get sick he tries to do it to you too when you’re half awake
He was blushing like crazy, and he would never do this if he knew you were actually awake
But you were lmao
And oh boy was it great
I feel like Vanderwood’s x MC’s relationship would be like this in a nutshell:
MC: *kisses Vanderwood*
Vanderwood: the hell was that?
MC: Affection
Vanderwood: Disgusten (like the poop video with the two girls DISUSTEN I’m sorry pft)
Vanderwood: Goddamit do it again
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seulbby · 4 years
nothing hurts more
warnings - angst, unrequited love, sweating
pairings - steve rogers x reader, bucky barnes x reader (platonic) steve rogers x natasha romanoff
a/n - idk why but i love angst lol.
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“i’m going to tell him” you’ve had feelings for america’s golden boy for months now and also happen to be your bestfriend. bucky kept telling you to just say something because he swears steve feels the same way.
“finally!! you actually taking my advice.” he was more than estatic which was weird because this is your love life? but whatever. as you were walking up to go to steve your feelings you over hear a conversation that maybe you didn’t want to over hear.
“i know she has feelings for me tony, but i’m with natasha and y/n isn’t my type at all.” it hurt. that’s a pain you never thought you’d feel. but you can’t show your emotions right now in the open. so you walk in like nothing happened. what are you supposed to say to that.
“oh hey y/n. when did you walk in?” now he’s trying to save his own ass. how nice. but just the sound of his voice makes you wanna break down and cry.
“just walked in captain.” to keep your composer you just grab a water bottle and walk out. you can’t stand the thought of being in here any longer.
“oh well do you wanna hangout and watch a move for old time sake?” he says with that goofy grin he always does when he wants something. you really want to say yes, but you can’t. you just need to go in your room and cry and cry until you can’t because this is the most broken you’ve ever felt.
“not right now cap. i’m pretty tired so goodnight.” you pains your to say it but you can’t hang around him anymore. you just can’t. it would take to much out of you just to make him happy and you can’t do it anymore.
“oh. well goodnight maybe we can hangout tomorrow” probably not you thought. probably never again.
with that you just nod and walk out. you legs don’t move quick enough to get out of that environment. once you get back to your room you can’t open the door fast enough. as soon as your in you slide down the door and cry. cry until your heart is repaired. cry until you can’t anymore.
after of what felt like hours of crying you hear a knock.
“hey y/n. it’s bucky. are you okay in there? i hear crying.” you stand up and wipe your eyes and open the door.
“hey buck” as soon has he looks at you his heart breaks. he’s never seen you so distraught. he’s never seen you cry at all actually. your usually not a crier. but tonight is the exception.
“omg what happened?”
“he’s with natasha” you said with a shrug. there’s not much else to say.
“i am so sorry y/n. i had no idea. if i did i wouldn’t have pushed you” he brings you into a hug. and that’s the last straw and the dam breaks. you cry and cry some more and your sobbing and doing those weird hiccup things you do when you cry to hard.
it’s been a couple days since that whole fiasco and the only thing you got out of this is unrequited love is a bitch. it’s a whole bitch and a half. this pain in your chest is unlike any other. it isn’t like the tile you got shot during a mission. it isn’t like the time you got hit by one of sams wings.
you haven’t talked to steve since that night. it hurt you to much so you asked friday to keep you updated on his whereabouts so you didn’t run into him. youuu go to the gym late at night so you wouldn’t see him. the only good thing that you got out of this is you got closer to bucky. bucky has always been a good friend but now you could safely say he is probably your bestfriend. after wanda. she’d get mad if she heard you say that.
bucky has been there thought out the days of your broken heart. it’s been great having him there for you. but the one time he can’t be you see steve since that night.
as you walked into the kitchen you see him making cereal. you shocked. you asked friday if he was out here and she said no. that little weasel.
“hey y/n. where have you been? i haven’t seen you in a couple days.” what’s are you supposed to say to that? well i have kinda been ignoring you for the last couple days because you broke my heart unintentionally.
“haven’t been feeling well so i’ve stuck to my room to avoid getting anyone else sick.” you lied. straight through your teeth.
“well that’s funny cause i saw bucky go in there quite a few times. so” fuck. fuck. fuck. how the fuck do you get out of this.
“oh well he was just bringing me medicine and stuff. it’s not a big deal” another lie. you just can’t stop the lies from coming. you hate confrontation. so you just try to avoid it as soon as possible.
“oh well why didn’t you ask me? i could’ve helped you and brought you medicine that’s what best friends are for” bestfriends. the word made you wince.
“well he offered and i didn’t want to be a burden so. but i’m gonna go. see ya”
“y/b wait-“ before he could finish it you were already halfway down the hallway. this was no way to heal a broken heart.
the next time you saw him was a couple days later and he was knocking on your door.
“y/n. open the door. i know your in there”
“just a minute.” you didn’t have anything on besides bucky’s t-shirt and panties. you were in your room after all. after finding a pair of sweat pants you open the door.
“hey steve what’s up?”
“well i was hoping we could watch a movie or something since we haven’t hung out in a while..” what the fuck. you thought. you can’t do this. you haven’t even stopped crying yourself to sleep at night. you can’t handle this.
“actually i was about to go to bed and i’m still a little sick wouldn’t want you to get sick”
“cut the bullshit y/n. you know i can’t get sick. why have you been avoiding me?”
“i haven’t been. i told you i was sick. i haven’t been up to hangout with anyone.”
“that’s bullshit because bucky has been in here every night hanging out with you. so what’s your deal?”
“nothing steve! mind your own fucking business.”
“i can’t when soemthing it going on with my bestfriend so please tell me so i can fix it.” running thing is, this was soemthing he couldn’t fix.
“you can’t fix it! so please get the fuck out and leave me alone!!” you were yelling at this point. how come he couldn’t take a hint and leave you alone? this was all to much. next thing you know he’s bathing in your room and closing the door.
“tell me what going on with you! because we used to hangout all the tome every day! and now you can’t even look at me?” of course you can’t. because you love him and he loves someone else.
“because i love you. and u love someone else. so please give me a couple weeks to get over it before we start hanging out again. because i can’t heal my broken heart when your always around. so please can you get the fuck out now?!” you were out of breathe at this point from your monologue. but yet he’s still standing there.
“you don’t thing i’ve known? i see the way you look at me but i choose to ignore it because your my bestfriend besides bucky and i love nat. so why can’t we go back to normal now?” he was seriously pissing you off. why can’t he accept you decision to wait a couple weeks and heal yourself?
“no. i said get the fuck out now. because i can’t deal with this. and if you don’t get out of my room we’re not friends anymore.” this whole situation was exhausting to say the least.
“okay whatever” and with that he left. fianlly you thought. he can’t just expect you to heal over night. like what kind of person does that.
it’s been a couple months and you haven’t talked to steve since that night. you’d gotten over the whole thing fairly. a little bit of you is still heartbroken he didn’t feel the same way. but what can you do.
you’ve been on a couple dates with someone special. actually someone really special. and ou there he was.
“hey bucky” yes bucky was your new someone special. after he helped you get over steve. you realized you had feelings for him.
“hey baby, how’s it going” you both decided not to tell the team yet. and since there was no one around you guys could act like you did in private.
“good good. how do u feel about having a movie night tonight?” you asked as you walked up to him for a kiss.
“what the fucK?!”oh shit. you both just got caught. you whip your head to see who that came from. and guess who it was. mr. captain america himself. “shit” you whispered.
“hey steve. how’s it going?” bucky tried playing it cool. steve really shouldn’t be so mad. he chose someone else when you had feelings for him so.
“what’s going on in here? you going through the whole team?” you couldn’t believe what just came out of his mouth. at this moment you decide to channel your inner merideth grey.
“what did u just say to me?” shut was going down. other member of the team heard and were gathering in at this point.
“this is unforgivable. you going after my bestfriend.”
“i don’t remember asking you to forgive me.” this was getting real heated real quick.
“what? you gonna go to wilson now? or maybe stark i heard he sleeps around” a gasp eluded everyone.
“you don’t get to call me a whore. when i met you i thought i had found the person i was going to spend the rest of my life with. i was done. so all the boys and the bars and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared? because i was done. you didn’t love me. you chose natasha. i’m all glued back together now. i make no apologies for how i chose to repair what you broke. you don’t get to call me a whore” and with that you left. you left steve dumbfounded and embarrassed and standing there. you left the rest of the team shocked and surprised at your outburst. you’d never been that blunt before to anyone.
bucky follow you after you left.
“hey, you okay baby?” he was always so sweet to you.
“yea i’m okay. it feels good to get that off of my chest.” you laughed. it did actually feel like you got a weight lifted of your shoulders.
you finally felt happy. with bucky and with everything. so you were good.
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tylerwritez · 3 years
Tuesday, june 22 2021
I've noticed I'm getting "the shiverys" or "the twitchy" a lot today. Like every time I FEEL something I take a moment to violently tic.... every time I think about certain things I tic.... good things, bad things, things from an hour ago and things from years ago. Tic, tic, tic.
Also, I have... some stuff to explain. Its really no big deal, but you know me: I'll freak out about it anyway. Basically I dissed my friend (rightfully so) around the time that we had just met cos they did something that threw me off.
He saw it in my phone... NOW. it's not RELEVANT anymore and I've since redacted that criticism...and now I gotta explain it to him anwyays. Oh well. I'm good at this stuff. I can get myself outta any situation. I dont even know why I'm talking like this tho... it's not a "Situation" it's just smthn I gotta explain rq.
Oh, today's song recommendation is Spirit Crusher by Death. I'm a huge Death fan...
Also! I gotta study... for my replacement exam. How stressful. Its about photosynthesis, but like, it's not simple. We went DEEP inside those fucking leaves.
One sec, lemme hook up my IV tube
Not an ACTUAL IV tube... just my headphones. But since I'm so #emo, it might as well be a fucking IV tube with the way that I cant live without it.
Its 3:08 and I'm walking home now. I was upset last night but me and Star have made up now lol... it was thAt easy. I'm so defective, making shit hard when it doesnt need to be.
It's so hot out damn. Idk. I had school today, so I had Bio class... I ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION for once. I had lunch with Star and her friend group, and I honestly kinda feel like they're MY friends now too, even just a little bit.
Actually, I used to rant about feeling lonely like all the time but now I have so many friends it's crazy they all keep inviting me places and it's like people WANT ME AROUND... idk. It makes me happy.
Today I gotta ask if tommroow after school I can go to Bee's house to watch Supernatural (famous homoerotic ghost show)
I should also add songs to Erin's spotify playlist for our picnic saturday which I still need permission to go to.
I gotta ask for Wednesday after school to watch Insidious with Jay  which is apparently really good
Also hes the friend that I gotta explain stuff to... the DrAmA... the ThEaTrE....
Update my dad said yes to hanging out with Bee but first I'm gonna miss school to fix my broken brackets on my braces
Also turns out the house I THOUGHT we were moving into has substantial damage from shifting so... we aRENT moving there.
In case you didn't know, shifting is when like the house that's been built literally SHIFTS like it moves around.
Anwyays Jay just texted me... I'm gonna change into shorts since it's hot, set up my study area,.... and respond to him.
The time is 3:22 p.m.
Wish me. Luck.
Luck is plentiful! As it so often is in my risky, risky life.
I play my cards right. It's a learnt skill.
But also there wasnt much to explain since it passed already and was tiny anywyas.
XD so I've made up with the whole goddamn world by now.
Its 6:31, we saw 1 house. Only one. Its kinda hot out but I'm gonna bike now since we just had supper. I finally finished my homework... I just have to finish one mixed media piece as my final project for art!
Friday is my replacement. On photosynthesis and cell resp. We know this. But what I didn't mention, or I dont THINK I did, is that if I finish my art project before then I have the second block FREE!!! Me, Star, and her friend
A are planning to leave for second block and maybe get mint chocolate chip ice cream!
Also I might eat her out XD
Anyways idk. I hope I can bike tonight to call Jay.
I keep accidentally using people's real names here then having to correct it... I dont know how much i care about MY identity being discovered... but to have my friends doxxed would suck.
Man I feel bad abt saying fuck star last night cos we made up....
Wait we r looking at another house? Idk I'm in the car still waiting to go home
Oh wait no now we r goin home
Its 6:39... I hope I still have time.
I went biking, called Jay. Went home. Idk, friendly conversation... we talked more tonight and I also talked to my other friend A. Jay is... I LOVE HIM?? SO MUCH??? I feel so happy. Talking to him thinking about him seeing his STUPID FUCKING FACE JESUS. his eyes alone... I could stare at his face all day probably. I want to kiss him... hOLD HIS HAND... omg... huG HIM!!! Eofjwpxjwie he's so sweet like I can't even... and I'm proabably not good enough for him like. Wtf. Hes easily a 10. And I dont rate things outta 10. How tf do I end up with HIM? Doing stuff, as friends. Like wHAT. I guess I got lucky XD. He says he loves my personality and I'm hot XD ofc I dont see it myself. But like. JESUS CHRIST he could proabably easily pull whOever. XD me?
Whatever though. As long as we r together and stuff. I LOVE HIM A LOT. he said he loved me. Every time he says that it makes me so overly happy.
Maybe I'm just sappy and stuff.... whatever. I think it would be nice to be hugged by him.
Yeah I'm cheesy.
I'm sorta tired now so maybe I'm not writing the best.
I just keep thinkinf about love. Love is a muscle of evil suggestion. But how evil can it really be? I am just a human being and that is all. Everything else is applied. I am just a human being with soemthing in my heart that pulls me all over the place. Love is this strange thing because I'm fucked up and to be able to love without that fucked up part of me, without the damage... is this complicated, hard thing to do and I can NEVER tell if I'm doing it right but I know I'm DOING IT. I know I FEEL LOVE. And soemtimes it's such an intense thing like when you go to surf on a wave at the beach with ur belly but u hit it wrong and it's so big and overwhelming it washes over you and PULLS you down to the bottom and smushes your face into the sand and YOU CANT BREATHE jesus Christ it's like that.
Or maybe I just want to experience love as it should be felt.
Obviously all of my problems surrounding this Damage could be easily fixed if I went to therapy but. there are reasons I can't.
I LOVE a lot. Too much for my own good. Enough to hurt me, get me into trouble, etc etc but also... enough to liberate me. I LOVE. I love Jay. So much. LIKE. MY BRAIN ORBITS AROUND HIM CONSTANTLY THINKING OF HIM AND PRAISING HIM AND MWUAH HE IS SO LOVELY I BOW BEFORE HIM...
I think as much as I love, a lot of the times I tend to focus even more on BEING loved.
If I am told I am loved, and shOwN I am loved... it is one of the most powerful things. Especially since I was literally emotionally neglected in childhood... yeah. I feel like I'm always trying to fill that hole.
Not EVERY feeling I have is for that reaosn but sometimes, if you tell me you love me, show me you love me, hug me,... I'll like start crying,,, that's the childhood emotional neglect kicking in. If you call me #smol and #cute and say I look young and fragile which happens more often than you'd think XD, I know I'm not supposed to like that shit, so I act like I dont....but I do. Which is PROBABLY ALSO THE CEN 🤪  like whatever lol
Anwyays I'm fucked up
You see how quickly things become complicated in my mind?
Convoluted? Is that the word?
Whatever. I OVERCOMPLICATE THINGS COS I OVERTHINK THEM BECAUSE I'm LITERALLY MENTALLY ILL IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS. I'm not joking. I obviously have unresolved undiagnosed "issues"
I do Suspect things, though.
I can make a list
Maybe I shouldn't.
Maybe I will.
I shouldnt.
I used to hate when people brought up my self harm. I would actually panic. I still self harm but now? Now I'm fine with anyone  talking about it as long as it's not an adult who can get me into trouble/force me into therapy over it. Because really? I kinda like having it mentioned. It's kinda validating and it's like hey... people can see that I'm sick.
I dont do it so people talk to me about it though. Dont get me wrong. If I did, I'd go vertically on the arms, not for suicide but so it healed and people would ask XD.
My scars are actually VERY hidden... cos I never intended for ANYONE to see. But for those who DO see them,,,, it's nice soemtimes to have people express concern.
I dont wanna be PITIED or anything, but idk I just think to myself "wow, they're CONCERNED... about ME... they arent angry or mean... they didnt yell at me or threaten me... they respect my autonomy and privacy...
And they CARE ABOUT ME..." and it makes me cry.
That's also the CEN.
I dont know. I just like when people express genuine concern. Even if they see and then just ask if I'm okay. That's all it takes cos then I go wow.
Its validating and irs lovely because finally people care... FINALLY PEOPLE CARE. FINALLY I GET SOME EMPATHY OR SYMPATHY AND NO ANGER.
Even just having them brought up tells me its noticeable enough
My brain does this thing where it thinks nothing bad that's ever happened to me was Bad Enough for me to be upset about.
And I dont know... its nice sometimes to be told shit like "omg that looks so bad" or to see that people who do see my cuts are somewhat shocked or revolted... it's nice because I go... "hey, it was bad enough for them..."
Because I'm not used to that...
Because CEN
I'm. The worst perosn on the fucking planet.
I should kill myself.
I suddenly actually feel so self hating I do want to kill myself... oh god.
I ruin everything. Everything. Everything. Everything. What have I done. Like. Why. Oh god.
I'm just remembering when Star said my kindness seemed like an act. And how I've been called out for seeming fake like 2 other times.
DO I SEEM FAKE???? I DONT EVER PUT ON ACTS OF KINDESS.... CONCIOUSLY? but the very idea that I could be perceived that way...
Should I like not try to be nice or some shit?
Jesus christ she hurts my feelings even now when it was a long time ago.
But I cant blame her. I can't blame anyone for how i feel except my parents because they left me with fucking. Heart nerve damage or some shit.
I'm tired and now I'm sad too. Goodnight guys.
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Watching the Rimmy Tim GTA Garage Tour video and omg.
Spoilers under the cut because reasons, but talk of AUs and ridiculousness also because reasons.
(In hindsight, the spoilers are like. A smidgen of this post/AU, but yes.)
I’m just.
That One AU with Jeremy who comes from a wealthy family but there’s, idk, Issues or some such associated with it that has him join the military as soon as he can?
His mom passed away when he was a kid - barely remembers her, really - and his dad threw himself into his work and Jeremy’s childhood wasn’t the greatest, you know?
Decides to go by his mother’s maiden name or something because his father’s name is so well known and he’s trying to get by on his own merits and such?
(Prove to himself he can after the last Big Argument with his dad over taking over the family business and having all his doubts and insecurities thrown into his face because born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he’s always wanted to be “norrmal” whatever that is, so. Yeah.)
Goes into the military and takes to it like nothing else. Gets thrown into a special forces group where he meets Ryan and the whole Battle Buddies thing happens, right?
Couple of idiots who don’t get along at first because Ryan’s been in spec ops for a while and he’s maybe a little jaded about rookies like Jeremy (even though Jeremy’s not shiny new at the time, but yeah).
Some rough spots until there’s a mission or something happening on their downtime/at HQ wherein they learn to look at one another in a different light?
Ryan thinking Jeremy’s a by the book kind of guy because hey, pretty new to things and he’s great at the “Yes, sir,” and “No, sir” and “Understood, sir,” shit and doesn’t yet realize what a little bastard he can be?
But yeah.
That mission where things go to shit really early on and Jeremy gets tired of playing the good little soldier - their usual handler replaced for the mission by some asshole from an letter agency who clearly doesn’t give a fuck about them, and just.
“Oh, shit,” Jeremy says, plucking his earpiece out and dropping it in the mud. “Fuck.”
Ryan watches as Jeremy brings his foot down on the earpiece, grinds it into the mud where he won’t have to listen to the weasel’s voice anymore and maybe get some shit done with minimal casualties.
Jeremy slides a look at Ryan who’s got his own earpiece in hand about to toss it into the jungle somewhere. (Always a jungle setting because anywhere ese is just not Cool Enough I guess?)
Ryan shrugs, feels his mouth twitch into a smirk because hey, maybe this Dooley asshole isn’t all bad after all?
And then the two of them go on to wreak havoc like whoah and fuck up the baddies to rescue the innocent civilians or whatever that got caught up in all this. (Ones the letter agency asshole told them were acceptable losses and to set the charges that would bring the building they’re being held in down and just. Yeah.)
Everything after that is just overall terrible for Jeremy and Ryan’s regular handler and superiors as they get along like a house on fire and things explode everywhere all the time.
After a while Jeremy feels guilty about not telling Ryan who he really is although he’s 99.9% sure Ryan’s figured it out by then? (Ryan’s kind of an idiot, but he’s not dumb, so.)
Talks himself up into Confessing to Ryan (the fact he’s in love with the asshole is a major motivation for it) but then they get that shitty mission that leaves Jeremy thinking Ryan’s dead.
Wakes up in a little clinic in a little country somewhere. No ID because the kind of mission the government would have to disavow and all that and anyway, anyway, better this way?
Problem is, okay, problem is the government thinks he’s dead too?
Helpful as he unravels the conspiracy that nearly got him killed and sure as fuck killed Ryan and also, okay, because I’m terrible like that, has Jeremy drawing on all the contacts and resources he’s made over the years in spec ops.
More than a few are ones he met through Ryan, and all of them are super fucking delighted to lend a hand when Jeremy tells them what he’s doing, you know?
Getting revenge on the assholes who killed Ryan and tried to kill Jeremy and anyway, okay. They’ve got a lot of friends out there.
Once Jeremy uncovers the conspiracy/baddies he has the choice of going back into hiding or taking his life back?
And at first he thinks it won’t be that hard of a decision because his old life was never something he wanted?
But his supposed death changed his father or made him realize how he’d been pushing Jeremy away and there’s this.
Jeremy’s old superiors give him this phone while giving him time to make his decision. (Figure he’s earned it, and they’ll make sure whatever he chooses he won’t get trouble from them and all that?)
And there’s voicemail messages he doesn’t intend to listen to, doesn’t want to know what they are because he’s definitely made up his mind about going into hiding/creating a new identity for himself?
But there’s a night in his motel room, shitty little thing close to a highway and the kind fo place he’s been staying in for the last however long it took him to get the assholes behind the conspiracy that fucked his life up beyond repair?
This night where everything that happened, everything he lost, hits him hard and he’s sitting on the edge of the bed with this stupid phone in his hand, you know?
Unremarkable flipphone deal, burner phone written all over it and it shouldn’t even be a problem to toss it in the trash and disappear, start a new life, but.
Jeremy listens to the messages on it.
A few from former friends and coworkers wishing him well and the like? But also a few from his dad.
He almost, almost deletes those messages right off the bat, but something makes him sit through them and he’s glad he did, you know, because, okay, because.
It’s clear some of the messages were left before The Mission, his dad all stiff and awkward checking in on his son? Doesn’t get why Jeremy left to join the military and there’s disapproval and condescencion galore in them, but after the first few messages the tone changes significantly.
Start just after The Mission, his dad angry at first like he thinks Jeremy’s put his superiors up to pranking him with a dead son (Jesus fuck) and the other stages of grief?
A few where he’s obviously accepted Jeremy’s death and is telling him the things he wished he had the chance to before he died. Has a whole change of heart and apologizes - he was tough on Jeremy because he wanted to prepare him for th world and all that bullshit? Did everything he did out of misguided love and apologizes and Jeremy, okay.
Never got to know his mom, but he’s got this chance to get to know his dad so he decides to reclaim his old life.
No interest in staying in the military after everything that happened, and they’re grateful enough for all he did he gets a dishonorable discharge and all that.
Goes back home and gets to know his dad, thinks about taking over the family business even though he’s not 100% sold on the idea just yet.
Which is good, because his dad isn’t pushing him to do it even if he wants Jeremy to?
Is trying real hard to let Jeremy make his own decisions and suchlike. (Has someone in line to take over some day, bright kid from the midwest and a degree in aerospace engineering. Which. Kind of not the right degree for this, but his dad doesn’t seem overly bothered and anyway, anyway, Jeremy likes Trevor pretty much from the start, so it’s all good.)
Jeremy doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life at the moment, pretty much content to let it come to him in time.
He’s got his own money - trust funds and/or the whatnot his mom set up and investments here and there, not to mention his time in the militray - so he’s covered on the financial front.
Gets a decent place of his own and starts working on figuring out who he is outside of the military and all that? (Tries not to think about shit like that he talked to Ryan about for hours, the things Ryan promised to show him/introduce him to One Day not knowing it would never come and all that, because Delicious Angst.)
Is finally starting to make good headway on figuring his shit out when his dad - who, by the way, Jeremy’s building a good relationship with - gets into trouble.
Finds out one of his trusted people in the company’s been making shady deals and the whatnot on the side for a while now. Profiting off other people’s suffering and keeping it secret until there’s a lip up. Discrephancy or soemthing Jeremy’s dad notices, looks into.
And then things go to hell again, because it gets Jeremy’s dad killed, you know?
Supposed accident - plane crash or something while he’s touring a facility and the press talking about it for weeks/months/however long, because.
Jeremy’s dad and the multi-billion dollar company their fmaily built up from nothing over several generations and just.
At first even Jeremy thinks it was an accident, but then he gets these phone calls and messages and realizes it totally wasn’t.
That someone killed him because he knew to too much and he’s like, fucking Christ, not this again?
But yeah, this again.
Can’t quite disappear to investigate on his own with how high-profile everything is and all that?
(This is where things take a turn for the are you fucking kidding me??? with my Plot Reasons, so bear with me???)
Jeremy goes vigilante.
Totally Batmans the shit out of things.
Digs into the money he had under his previous fake identity that he never told anyone about because who knew if he’d need it again, you know? (Don’t bother asking where he got that money because you don’t want to know? Also. A fair amount of his contacts/resources have warrants out for their arrest, so yes.)
Uses it to fund everything, and maybe puts some of his real identity money into things when his fake identity money isn’t enough, which.
Good idea?
But has the unintended result of drawing the attention of Trevor, who’s got his hands full handling the business side of things since Jeremy’s father died.
Has feelers everywhere (and a very, very good hacker in an old buddy of his) and confronts Jeremy about it.
Not sure what’s going on - thinks maybe Jeremy had something to do with his father’s death because rocky relationship ~conveniently mended not too long before his father’s death?
So, yeah.
Thinks Jeremy’s a murdered or at least capable of arranging a murder, and Jeremy’s like !!! and ??? and “What the actual fuck are you talking about, Trevor?”
And that’s how Trevor basically becomes Jeremy’s Lucius Fox???
The two of them working together to figure out what the everloving fuck happened.
Realize it’s something big, fucking huge. (Possibly connected to The Mission and the baddies responsible for it, although they’re not sure how at the moment.)
Trevor taking a specific interest in the R&D department to create gadgets/vehicles for Jeremy’s use in this private little war of his.
Matt taking on the side-gig of being Jeremy’s Oracle-ish person.
And Jeremy taking up the job his father wanted him to because it makes him a nice, shiny target, doesn’t it?
Feigns stupidity because actually great tactic? And also allows the conpirators to underestimate him to the point they expose themselves and just.
In all this - Jeremy Bruce Wayne-ing/Batman-ing his way through things he meets this reporter type.
British bastard who’s recently moved to the states and not at all intimidated by the Dooley name and just.
All these dinner parties and Events, comments and the like over a flute of champagne on a balcony while the elites mingle inside and all that?
Feeling one another out because Gavin is totally looking into the same conspiracy that got Jeremy’s father killed (and possibly Ryan?) for his own reasons and just.
You know the careful back and forth that goes along with all that, right? The sly looks and double-speak and Intrigue that slowly gives way to mutual respect and even this friendly verbal sparring.
And then, okay, and then.
Gavin’s asked to do a piece on Jeremy for the paper/whatver news outlet he works for. More of a puff piece than anything - his last article whatever got him in big trouble because it was too critical of powerful figures in the city. (The piece on Jeremy is either a bid to keep Gavin out of trouble until things calm down or punisment, but yes.)
Jeremy’s gotten a reputation for having A Thing for fast cars (and bikes and planes and so on) and he takes Gavin on a tour of some of them.
The one thing Jeremy really spent his money on before things went to hell and his father died, and since he’s Bruce Wayne-ing the fuck out of thing he’s gone a little overboard.
Has this entire fleet of vehicles he’s given ridiculous names to  - and okay. Most of them didn’t have names until he and Gavin were walking through the garage and Jeremy was capitvated by Gavin’s laugh and honest joy at the ridculous names he had given some of them that he just made the rest up on the fly.
At which point Jeremy realizes he’s kind fo fucked because oh shit, he’s got FEELINGS for Gavin???
Has a little freakout over that because the whole Ryan thing and when did he stop thinking about him? (Guilt like whoah and thinking he’s betraying his memory even though rationally he knows Ryan would want him to move on, and anyway, anyway, Ryan never liked him liked him, so. Yes.)
He keeps freaking out until Trevor and Matt notice and have A Talk with Jeremy, get him to get his head out of his ass and realize that while his life is a shitshow - honestly, only so much Tragic Backstory one guy can have, you know? - he still deserves to be happy.
And then, okay.
Just as Jeremy realizes they have a point and he’s going to Do Something about his FEELINGS he runs into this little shit while out Batman-ing.
Thief, because of course, and breaking into the Dooley business tower for Secrets and there’s.
Fighting with the acrobatics and flexibility and Major Flirting. Rooftop chases and all that with Jeremy being like (oh no, he’s hot) because reasons, okay?
And then!
Just as he’s about to catch the thief the bastard hits him with a superhero/supervillain tazer-ish gadget. Enough to knock the wind out of him, have him drop like a ragdoll while the thief crouches beside him, something like concern (oddly familiar?) on the bit of their face he can see as they make sure he’s okay.
Little smirk when he catches Jeremy’s scowl aimed at them and a, “Next time, hmm?” before they make their getaway while Jeremy watches helplessly.
And, okay.
I think we all know Gavin’s the thief, right?
Only not so much thieving at the moment as he’s been hired by another party to do some digging into the Dooley business files because Plot Reasons.
Something Jeremy, Trevor, and Matt figure out after several weeks/months/however long of running into the bastard (Jeremy not realizing it’s Gavin all that time because of course) and such.
Jeremy fail!flirting with reporter!Gavin and the two of them kind of sort of dating? (Certainly end up in the tabloids with all this speculation surrounding them and such.)
And then, okay, and then.
Some situation where Jeremy catches Gavin in the act of Thieving at a Dooley business (it really needs a name, huh?) and thinking he’s finally caught the little bastard?
But then the real baddies, or rather some goons hired by the real baddies show up and the two of them reluctantly teaming up, because of course.
(All this time the two of them have been butting heads they’ve formed mutual respect for one another and such. Know they’re not the actual baddies of this plotline but can’t fucking get their shit together to team up on exposing the main conspiracy together because Plot Reasons???)
They team up and manage to beat the baddies, but Jeremy’s got a bullet in him and the cops are coming and they think Jeremy’s just as bad as the acutal baddies and it’s a mess, okay? Huge fucking mess.
Gavin dithers for a bit before he decides the hell with it and drags a Jeremy to his base of operations or whatever. Jeremy tries to protest because hey, what if this is a ploy to unmask him/kill him and Gavin ignoring him because good God, idiot, no.
They end up in a pretty involved lair - totally a lair - that’s clearly been in operation for a while now. (Years, maybe.)
Gavin sitting Jeremy down and telling him to stay put for God’s sake as he bustles off to get a medical kit to patch Jeremy up.
Fusses over him, Jeremy watching quietly because look, okay, look.
He’s known for a while who this thief must be, but he’s just.
Jeremy’s a fucking spectacular liar, you know. Best there ever was, and he’s gotten fucking great at lying to himself over the years.
So yeah.
He’s known Gavin’s the thief for a while now, just didn’t think about it. (Because then he’d have to face the truth and his life has been enough of a fucking roller-coaster without that revelation.)
And Gavin, alright.
Knows just as well the idiot he’s patching up is the same damn bastard he’s maybe a little in love with. idiot with his name on the side of a building and target painted on his chest and just.
They know.
Before either of them can admit any of that, the asshole who hired Gavin to do the Thieving for him shows up.
Fucker Jeremy’s had the misfortune of running into a few times over the last however long he started Batman-ing around.
Stupid skull mask and all those goddamned knives and of course, of fucking course Gavin would not only be the thief he’s been trying to catch for forever, he’s also working for the goddamned Vagabond.
And, like.
Ryan (totally not dead, but don’t tell Jeremy that just yet) also ended up in a little clinic after The Mission.
Thought Jeremy was dead and decided to get revenge for him (them), but while Jeremy did the whole vigilante/Batman deal? Ryan went a little darker, got his hands dirtier.
Ended up picking up a mask and reputation the likes of which has hardened criminals looking over their shoulders.
Took an unplanned detour or two looking for the truth behind everything, and just as he thought he had everything figured out Jeremy resurfaced and brought it all tumbling down.
And then like.
Disbelief and anger and all that at finding out Jeremy was alive? (And guilt, for not looking for him hard enough, thinking he’d die that easily, who knows.)
Wanders about aimlessly after that for a while as Jeremy’s putting his life back together. Ryan did some shit he doesn’t think even Jeremy would forgive him for, and anyway, anyway, it’s better like this, you know? Not like Jeremy ever like-liked him, and other bullshit reasons.
Just when he’s about to set himself up for a life as a miserable bastard he runs into this little thief.
Has zero (0) plans to get to know the little bastard, but Gavin’s curious and persistent and before Ryan knows it Gavin’s carved a spot for himself in Ryan’s life.
Also, to his horror, Ryan’s gone and got FEELINGS for the idiot.
Mutual Pining, because of course?
idiots being idiots, and Gavin dragging Ryan out of that pit he’s tossed himself into bit by bit. And just when it seems like maybe Ryan can find some peace of mind?
The whole Thing of Jeremy’s father’s death and Ryan still having FEELINGS for Jeremy that make him want to find out what the fuck’s going on with that. (Because FEELINGS, but also they get wind of some terrible rumors surrounding the whole business, and also people wanting Jeremy out of the way, and just. Yeah.)
Ryan’s too dumb to know Gavin would help him out in a hearbeat if he asked like a normal human being because friends? So he goes and fucking hires Gavin, and then the thing with Jeremy’s Batman-ing and various things that end with the whole Jeremy being shot and Dramatic Reveal and yes.
Suspicion and paranoia (~broken trust that’s just them being dumb, but with good reason) and Delicious Angst and Drama as the three of them try to work together to find out what the fuck is going on.
Mutual pining like whoah because of course Jeremy and Ryan are still in love with one another after all this time? But now they’re also in love with Gavin and Gavin’s in love with them and they’re all super fucking dumb about it.
Trevor and Matt figure out the whole complicated ~love triangle (it really isn’t that, though, like wow, no) almost immediately and are just like jfc, why all the time the three of them are painfully oblivious about things?
Lots of fights with the baddies and minor injuries that allow Jeremy, Ryan, and Gavin to fuss over one another and have quite confession times about shit.
(Jeremy telling Ryan he wanted to tell him who he was before The Mission. Ryan wanting to ~reveal he was still alive to Jeremy but being afraid what might happen if he did because emotional constipation? Jeremy and Gavin and the whole situation they’ve been dealing with since they met, because omg, idiots. And then, like. Ryan and Gavin and this whole Thing neither of them have face up to between them that’s been brewing for forever. AND. The three of them being really fucking stupid about things.)
And then!
Final Confrontation in which they finally uproot the conspiracy/baddies responsible for The Mission and Jeremy’s father’s dead and this ??? moment where they’re not sure what’s going to happen now that everything’s dealt with?
Gavin’s still a thief and Ryan’s done some things (he thinks) Jeremy would never forgive him for and fuck knows what’s going on with Jeremy and his Batman-ing now.
Ryan and Gavin are about to take off - better that away and obviously Jeremy doesn’t have FEELINGS for them - when Trevor and Matt have ahd enough and engineer a situation where the three of them have no choice but to figure their shit out.
Lock them in a room/wherever together and refuse to let them out until they fucking talk to one another or something simlar and then it’s just.
Jesus Christ it’s awkward. And painful. And honestly kind of horrible, but they do the Talking and realize holy shit, they do have FEELINGS for one another and realize they could maybe actually do something good about it if they fucking tried, so.
The three of them getting their shit together and  Jeremy continuing to Batman.
Ryan and Gavin sticking around, although now they’re working (mostly, although there are times they Thief when it comes to pretty shinies or just a unique challenge rather than for crime’s sake. (But that’s actually okay, because it means cat and mouse games with Jeremy in which outrageous cheating methods such as kissing Jeremy stupid are employed or vice versa and just. Yes.)
Jeremy takes a twisted sort of delight in confusing the fuck out the tabloids because he’s seen out and about with Gavin or Ryan. It’s assumed he’s shamelessly cheating on one with the other? But then the three of them are caught on what’s clearly a romantic night out or whatever and is the Dooley heir in a poly relationship or just that shameless???
And so on.
But really, it’s the three of them being complete assholes who are totally ~in love with one another taking perverse joy in tormenting the tabloids and all that.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
ok so ik it’s been a while but i’m still hurting over the fact that tom has a gf. like no hate or anything & ik he cant be single forever bc fucking look at him and i really am happy for him but it hurts? i thought i was over it but then he posted that pic of her and it hurts again. is that normal? is this what heartbreak feels like? what do i do? distractions only work for so long. i’m so in love with him and it’s painful, man. i cant even read fanfics or watch his movies anymore bc it hurts 🥺
Hi Sweetie, Im so sorry that I didnt get to respond to this fast enough! I deleted Tumblr for a bit 🥺
I know how you feel believe me. Its completely normal to feel heartbreak. Sometimes you get so emotionally invested in someone it feels like you were close. So yes. Its okay to feel sad. Its okay to cry. Its okay to talk about how you feel to someone you trust and know wont be judgemental to you.
And you’re right distractions can only take you so far. Youre always gonna have that tempting urge to go back to the thing that hurts you the most whether its an account, a post, an app, etc. But its times like these when you really have to fight that temptation.
Heres what I’ve learned:
Delete anything to do with Tom at the moment. Right now your state of mind is still in this hurting phase and you need that seperation to make it hurt less and not think about it.
Accept whats happened. Dont tell yourself youre not good enough or its a one in a million shot. Its the hardest part but you have to simply accept the fact that hes taken and just be happy for him. Try not to view him as someone youve fallen for. View him as just a friend if it helps. Either way you need to build up to accepting the fact that you need to let go of the romantical ideals about him for the moment. Question yourself, why do you see him as more than role model? How much do you know about him to say you really genuinely love him?
Talk and hang out with friends to get your mind off it. Find new hobbies that require all youre thinking and focus. Do soemthing youve been so interested in trying out but never had the opportunity! Nows the time!
Tell yourself, you’re going to be okay.
I cant always say itll work for every person. But for me, I didnt feel so bad about it anymore. I was okay. The more I saw him as just an idol or someone Id be so down to be friends with it and not think so romantically about, I felt more at peace and happier.
Remember theres about a billion other people on this planet, and down the road Tom will just be somone you look back at and laugh saying I remember when I used to like him. You’re going to find someone and feel just as strong as you felt for Tom, and that person will return the feeling. You have a whole life ahead of you so dont get so down because of one celebrity.
Again you’re feelings are valid. Its okay to feel what you’re feeling. Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. Just be happy that our boy is happy right now. Thats all we can really do❤️
I am always here if you need to talk ☺️
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thehonestbanana · 4 years
Onision's refusal to change a baby girl's diaper feels similar to his story about 'distancing himself' from Sarah until she turned 18. Like he has to control his urges to do anything horrible by avoiding the situation or being cruel. I mean, that's why he refuses to speak to his daughter too right? And that he tweeted those vile sexual things while she was in the hospital suffering from life threatening injuries? It all reinforces what an evil man he is.
Now I’m not accusing Greg of anything because he doesn’t like young babies and kids he likes teenagers. I’m not saying he has or ever will hurt a child or baby because I’m not sure that he would. This is just a whole hypothetical mkay?
100% yes. The fact he said he was worried he would be “accused of something” made me just know something was off and warnings were everywhere. You were put in charge of watching this baby, mother had full consent and knew he might have to change the diaper, she was close to kai and gurgle, why would she accuse him of anything? Makes me wonder, again hypothetically if Greg knew he MIGHT do something. Again not saying he ever would hurt a child, but it’s really weird he would be worried about that. Because really, why would an innocent person think they might be accused of messing with a child and focus on the babies parts? Again yes some people just aren’t comfortable with kids/other peoples kids which is fine. But yknow Greg had 2 kids at this point and really didn’t have a choice, it just adds on more suspension to Greg; was he actually worried he might actually do something.
Again not saying he would hurt a kid, but his wording and actions lead a hypothetical to where people would think yknow.... tbh though, I think Greg is so absorbed with the internet the accusations of being a pedo for YEARS that and his fathers accusations kinds added on to this weird mind thing for him. I think he just didn’t want more shit piled on, so I order to make sure he wasn’t accused of more shit he didn’t change the baby, even though.. he’s had two kids and no one would have really said anything and we assumed he changed his babies. Like remember Greg didn’t want to be blamed for his daughters accident, he was worried what the internet was gonna say so he made SURE he didn’t get blamed. Much like Madison daughter, he didn’t want to be blamed for something that hypothetically wouldn’t have been his fault if soemthing did happen. So he distanced himself but parts of the gross nature peeked out. “Eww baby genitals.” “Those tweets.” “That booty doe and yknow everyone else.”
But yeah grge worries too much about the internet and what they might say and do if they found out he did something so he has to make ridiculous things up to make it seem like nothings wrong he’s not sick YOU ARE.
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tragicomedys · 4 years
every 5th number
WOAW thanks for asking ameer 🥺
5. Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh.
aw god fuck.... OH FUCK the big lebowski. that movie is just. it's soemthing alright. most likely my favorite comedy. airplane was also so funny but the big lebowski takes the cake for sure
10. What is something (or someone) you’re in love with?
ooohoh.... uhh hm. yknow i've never actually thought of this sorta thing before oddly enough. i think i'd say when it comes down to it i'm pretty in love with arts yknow, like everytime i come back to it theres smth else i end up loving. i think i know more about fine art and art movements in comparison to writing and film, but i still truly love those arts a lot i get rlly passionate when thinking and talking about them and i constantly try looking into details of stories and movies and all kinds of artworks bc it's just somethin i love !
15. Talk about something exciting or good that happened to you this year.
oooh uhh honestly i think one of the good things about this year is how i've grown and matured. i feel like i'm more independent and understanding emotionally/mentally speaking now, and i remember somewhere a couple months in this year i realized how i'm becoming more mature in that way. also i've been more open and talkative, met new and more people, which is pretty cool !
20. What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
good Question... tbh i'm the kind of person to look into things and romanticize the smallest things like i'll fall in love w u if you like made hot chocolate for me or smth. i honestly don't know the answer to this... maybe just be there for me? lots of people have helped me with emotional problems and some have helped me through school work and it's all meant a lot to me. but more personally and kinda embarrassingly i remember once with a friend i will Not name KSJSKDJ we both had to shower so we raced to shower and change clothes as soon as we could and the first to message back over discord and say they finished first would ""win"" and it just made me feel rlly playful and young n it was just rlly sweet?? so it stuck out to me
25. What’s a song that gives off good vibes anytime you listen to it?
UMMM... wow i'm looking through my music i dont have many ""happy"" songs per se AKSHKASJ. but umm hmm... song 2 - blur (that songs really nostalgic to me too🥺) and.... beef flo mix - flo milli bc like cmon that song bangs
30. What do you do to feel at peace?
🤔🤔 good question cuz this is something i've been trying to figure out.. i think i usually talk to my friends. mostly it's that yeah. but other times i go back to a good show or movie i liked, or i just sit down and create (draw or write). i think my friends bring me a lot of peace in general though
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 11: The 4pm Bookstacks (Part 1)
Previously: we had quite a heavy chapter last time. Teru and Hanako faced off. It was a very one-sided confrontation and simply put: Teru is not someone to mess with. Not only was one of the most action heavy scenes we’ve had so far, but it was also very emotionally heavy. It provided a good amount of character development for the three boys, and specially for Hanako and Kou (and helped solidify the foundation fir their friendship to grow). One very crucial point was how Hanako feels about the crime he commited and his need to atone. Overall, I had a lot of feelings and seeing my two children cry broke my heart. Then we finish the chapter with Yashiro finally meeting the suspicious green haired girl in the school’s library and boy I’m sure nothing bad or dramatic will happen hahaha...haha......ha
Now onto the next chapter!
Ohhhhh that’s right, this is the start of the new volume!
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Well, this is an interesting cover right here. We have an almost apathetic looking Hanako facing the white haired dude that I think it’s gonna be the next apparition/mystery. There’s something about his expression that makes quite the contrast with the rest of the element of the picture. Like, there’s a pair of hands that are trying to grab him from behind and he’s also bound by what seems to be a red rope. Maybe it’s just me, but it directs my focus to his face because it makes me wonder why he looks so indifferent but also kinda defeated?? idk maybe I’m reaching again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we’ll see
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Okay, yes it definitely looks like the white haired dude will be our next mystery, and that at least Kou and Yashiro are gonna run into him. Hanako seems to be doing soemthing else and it looks like he’s not on the same scene as the other two. He’s sitting on what looks like a school desk, with Yako on his head and holding various gem stones? There’s a lot to unpack here that will probably make sense after I read some more��
Next is the chapter index and it looks like the this next arc is called “The 4pm Bookstacks” and it will be a four parter. Going by the usual formula, these bookstacks will be the next mystery
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I’m so incredibly curious like.......what could this even imply, why is there a chapter dedicated to donuts
Anyway, I’ll stop rambling because we haven’t even started the chapter yet
Our suspicious green haired girl is asking Yashiro if she’s interested in the seven mysteries and it seems like she knows about Hanako? and that according to her, he’s “the one that’s like a cat” and I have......so many questions.......
Oh, okay, I was thinking about the comparison in a more cute light but the description “capricious, selfish and childish” really makes it seem like she doesn’t hold him in high regard.
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.....................excuse me, what? “is yours like that too?” That’s very specific wording. Hanako mentioned before that not many people can or do summon him, right? Could that mean that she’s one of the people who summoned him? And that like, he adapts his personality according to whoever calls upon him? Or could it be that there’s multiple Hanakos going around? Like different versions of the same apparition that can exist at the same time? Or maybe there’s different spirits that take on the same title? Because we know Hanako is not his real name, since it’s the name of a common urban legend.............I now have even more questions
So Yashiro is also wondering if this girl knows Hanako personally and that her description of him doesn’t really match the boy Yashiro has come to know so far.
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Bless your very active imagination, Yashiro. As entertaining as that mental image is, I really doubt that’s the case.
Green haired girl is telling Yashiro that she should check out the fifth mystery if she wants to learn more about Hanako. Yashiro will probably find information, but still, this is a very convinient piece of information drop without expecting anything in return and I don’t trust this girl clarifying in case me calling her suspicious at almost every chance I get didn’t get the message across
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Hey! There he is! The white haired dude has finally arrived. What an entrance
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Also I see you back there you suspicious pretty boy, don’t think you can escape my eye
Oof, Yashiro crashed into him so hard that they ended up on the floor. Poor guy. Also, I remember that I saw this guy in one of the first episodes (in the background) walking around, so I’m guessing this dude is a teacher of some sort, or maybe the librarian. If that’s the case, I wonder how the hell did an apparition ended up working at the school. Also why would he want to do that, just why (then again, maybe that’s just because I don’t particularly like the idea of teaching and it’s one of the possible work options I’ll have once I graduate so.....yeah, maybe he likes teaching and I can’t relate)
Wow the suspicious duo really moves fast, the practically vanished into thin air
Ohhhh the cover page is really pretty! It seems like butterflies are a really strong motif during this arc. Also the little bubbles with their names are really cute to me for some reason. Is HanaNeneKou their three way ship name? I bet it is. And if it isn’t, it should be
It’s the next day and Yashiro decides to ask Aoi about the fifth mystery and of course Aoi knows since she’s our designated exposition fairy.
Okay so, according to the rumor, in the school library there’s a special room you can only enter at 4pm (hence the name). The room is full of books with people’s names and each of them has a record of that peron’s life at the school. And what’s really interesting is that these books show not only the past but also the present and the future. 
That sounds like it could bring a lot trouble for a lot of people. But if it’s true, then it makes sense why the suspicious girl told Yashiro to check it out, since all she would have to do is check for a book with Hanako’s nam-wait..........Yashiro doesn’t know Hanako’s real name, so would she even be able to find anything? Because not only we would have to count on the bookstacks containing records of people who are already dead, but also that they somehow would know of his “new identity” and changed the name in the cover. So I feel like the chances of finding his book are pretty slim. Well, I guess she could look into her own book to see if she would learn his name in the future?? Would that create a paradox? .......possibly, idk, I should keep reading
Ah, and now we have the downside of going to the 4pm bookstacks. Aoi says that there are three kinds of books there: white (records of living people), black (records of dead people) and red (books that you should never ever read, because you’ll probably get killed or something, that seems like something the new rumors would say). Okay, that answers one of my questions: yes, Hanako’s book could be there since there are records of dead people. Still, I would think his book would have his real name and that will make it harder (if not impossible to find it). Also, Yashiro will probably end up reading one of the red books because of course things are not gonna be easy here.
Yashiro would like to go see if she can find Hanako’s book but she (thankfully) thinks that going there alone would not be the smartest idea. And (again, thanfully) she also thinks there was something suspicious about the suspicious girl and that she maybe probably most definitely should talk with Hanako about it. Though, if she goes with Hanako, she (and I) feels like he wouldn’t let her read his book. I mean, if he hasn’t told her anything about the details of his past already, that would indicate that he’s not ready to share yet. In the end (an judging by one of the color pages), she’ll probably go with Kou without telling Hanako.
And speaking of the devil, there he is. And he’s talking to the white haired dude! What a coinkydink. 
Ohhhh he’s Kou’s homeroom teacher and Kou says he’s being mean. But sensei (I’ll call him that until we learn his name, okay? okay) says he only wants to ask him for a favour.
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.............pfffft. Yeah, that, that probably looks hella suspicous,huh? Like, he’s not doing anything bad, but the others don’t know that.
Oh! It seems like Hanako is not here right now. Apparently he’s at a meeting??? Interesting.
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Well, if the art of this guy in the anime opening and in the color page hadn’t already told me he’s a supernatural, then this would really bring it to light. What would be the odds of him having a meeting at the same time Hanako’s gone for a meeting and have it not be the same meeting? Like, that could be the case, but I doubt it. I wonder if they’re meeting to discuss about the recent events and changes that have been happening with the school’s apparitions. I mean, probably, but we shall see
And yep, Yashiro’s taking Kou with her.
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Precious boy, bless him.
He adds that he agreed to come because he also wants to read Hanako’s book. And it makes sense, since it could possibly help him find more evidence to prove to Teru that Hanako is not a bad guy. And he’s telling Yashiro about his change of heart, too! That’s great! They need to know where they all stand, and even if he doesn’t tell her all the details of the fight, it’s good that Yashiro now knows that he doesn’t really want to exorcise Hanako without a good reason.
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This is a nice parallel to the realization Yashiro had during chapter 8. Again, good foundation for their friendship to grow! I love it!
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Precious baby, bless her heart. Why are the main trio so cute omfg I shouldn’t be so attached already
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Arrow straight to the heart. Man down, man down, Yashiro’s cuteness has reach critical levels, Kou’s heart can’t handle it
Ohhhh a butterfly appears and it leads them to the door to the bookstacks. Okay, so that’s why we had such a strong butterfly motif 
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Wow, indeed. It’s both pretty and creepy at the same time. Also there’s the lamps and the gem stones that appeared in the colour pages.
And there’s water! So this is indeed another boundary (in case there was any doubt left) like when we were in Yako’s territory.
Yashiro is thinking back to Aoi’s warning about not reading the red books. But Yashiro, dear, I need you to do more than thinking. Please tell Kou about it if you haven’t done so already. Please. I beg of you.
Okay she’s telling him about the white and black books, but she’s only thinking about the red ones and Yashiro p l e a  s e I’m dying over here /( ̄ロ ̄;)\
Ahhhhh anyway there seems to be a lot of white ones, only a couple of black ones and no red ones. That’s suspicious and we’ll probably end up finding one by accident while looking around and ahhhhh ple a se just tell me if Kou knows 
They spent hours looking but they didn’t found anything. And I’m not surprised, since I think that his book would have his real name on it
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Kou’s poor heart can’t catch a break, Yashiro is just too cute
But it seems like our butterfly friend(?) might know where we could find a clue.
Ohhhhh it’s Yashiro book! And it’s very possible we could find information about Hanako there if the records really have their entire time at the school. According to the index, it does have everything up until her graduation and it all seems very detailed.
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THAT’S SO PRECIOUS oh my god!!!
Yashiro, sweetie, you’re writing poems about this boy. You can be in denial only for so long, come on. You have to admit you like him, even if it’s just a little bit.
Kou seems to have the same idea I had earlier: if they can’t find Hanako’s book, they might as well check the future section of their own books and see if they can learn something from there.
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Omfg t h a n k y o  u!! Now I feel a bit better
Oh........the page that reads “the future” is red.............and Yashiro says that it could be a place marker but knowing that we shouldn’t read the red books, reading a red page doesn’t sound safe to me. But Yashiro is gonna read it, because she’s braver than me and her sense of self-preservation is almost non-existent
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..................yeah, this looks fantastic, nothing bad will happen by reading this, no sir
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Yashiro, baby, you need to find better people. Because most of the guys you like seem like trash. Like, honestly, who tf says things like this when turning down someone??? It’s just rude
Anyway! She finds a page that talks about Hanako’s “true identity”! But she hears a scream in the distance and she’s not sure if it was Kou..........nothing bad will happen, no si-
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OH.............that’s. that’s not good. Does this mean that the whole book is turning red now? Why? Do the books turn red if one looks into the future section, is that how this works? Either way, girl, you need to close it right now because this smells like trouble
But of course she doesn’t because she’s so close to finding out about who Hanako is and
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......................well, hello there. That’s nice and terrifying. Is she(?) made out butterflies? Is this the thing that comes for you if you read a red book? Does it just....eat you?? Also what about the sensei? Thanks to the colour page I’m pretty sure he’s part of this boundary, so is he not here because he’s at the meeting right now? Is this butterfly thing something he controls, like Yako did with her dolls? 
Anyway, It would really be a great time for Kou or Hanako to show up right now ple a se 
Ahhh and there’s our cute boy, thank god.
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....................holy shit it does look like her. It has her hairstyle and her skull brooch, I didn’t even notice. That’s so creepy. Does that mean that the apparition’s appearance would change depending on who had reads the red books?  (EDIT: now I realize that Kou was the one saying that since later on the apparition that does look like him appears behind Tsuchigomori, so.....yeah, that answered my question)
Oh noooo they’re trapped inside! Kou tries to use his staff but it doesn’t work because of the seal that Hanako put on it ahhhh this is. not good. And speaking of the boy himself, there he is, just at the right moment before our children could be eaten. 
And just like that, he’s got it under control. Like, I know he said it’s his job to keep the rest of the supernaturals in check, but still, I wonder why he’s so powerful. I’m sure we’ll learn in the future, but it’s still an interesting mystery
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He really isn’t subtle about it and I love it. You jealous baby pfffft
Aaaand there’s sensei. And this overall confirms that he and Hanako were at the same meeting since they arrived at the same time. He’s not happy about the state the books were left in.
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(;☉_☉)  oh no
He’s grabbing them with his creepy extra arms and he’s confirming what I said before: yes, the books turn red when you read entries from the future, and boy he’s really not happy about it
Annnnnd there’s his face from the intro and from last chapter’s preview.
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He’s kinda hot ngl
The situation looks pretty bad, but Hanako (with an adorable smile on his face) tells him “no bullying” and sensei lets them go.
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Huh. Interesting. “Honorable number 7″ and “the boss’s guests” imply that Hanako is in charge. Like, it was implied in the fact that he’s the one that has to maintain balance between the supernaturals and the humans, so I guess this is more of a confirmation? Also, I wonder if that means he’s just overall more powerful than the other mysteries and that’s why they consider him “the boss” or if there’s another reason.
Other than that: we finally got a name! Tsuchigomori. That’s a mouthful. I’ll try my best to remember it. But this is the barely the beginning of this this arc, so I’m sure I’ll remember it soon enough. (EDIT: I just noticed that Yako is there, too! Did they all come here together? Or maybe she’s just there as imagery because she’s also a school mystery? Either way, we’ll see next chapter)
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