#I feel so corny I feel like. is this ok?? that I’m this happy about it???
l-cereta · 27 days
Like… idk it’s going to my head a bit but like. Being desired—more than that, being cared for and wanted—is actually a kind of crazy feeling. I never really grasped that I don’t think… the way someone looks at you? And we don’t love each other, she’s graduating in a week & it’s fine but just the way she kissed me made me feel so much better about myself & my ability to be desired than any actual sex I’ve had
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laurmaus · 2 months
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Hellll nooooooo😭😭😭😭😭
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babyleostuff · 9 months
Ok ok but how cute would they be when you try to teach them how to make your favorite comfort foods, i feel like there would be so much playful banter
oh my god, i love you so much for this request this is the cutest shit everrrr 😭 i low key cried while writing this, cuz i'm never going to experience this (i'm really fighting for my life here)
teaching them how to make your comfort food | ot13
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𓆩♡𓆪 he’d probably whine at some point that it’s to complicated and that he’s already lost, but at the same time he’d fight you for the knife, because he insists that it’s too dangerous for you to chop the ingredients on your own 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you get past the whining stage though, he’d be actually so excited to learn how to make your comfort food, and (he would not admit this) for some reason he was very touched by the fact that you wanted to show him how to do it 
𓆩♡𓆪 because it surely must be very personal to you, and the fact that you want to share it with him??? His tummy is all warm and fuzzy from the amount of love he has for you 
𓆩♡𓆪 but then again, he’d randomly tell you that you’re doing something wrong and how you’re supposed to do it, which shut up Choi Seungcheol
𓆩♡𓆪 you actually called him by his full name once and he got whiny again 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to gaslight you that he already know how to make it, which??? how??? 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d drag him to the kitchen and tell him to make it then, to which he’d just give you his sweetest smile and say that he was just joking - nothing new when it comes to your “devil dressed in a disguise of an angel” boyfriend 
𓆩♡𓆪 but that would be the perfect opportunity to actually teach him how to cook your comfort food, so you’d put on some music, give him one of your matching aprons and get to work 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d question everything you were doing, acting as if he was the pro here, but anytime you’d turn back to him, again, he’d have his sweet smile on his face, acting as if he wasn’t just bossing you around 
𓆩♡𓆪 but after some time, he’d get really invested in the cooking and he’d abandon the teasing to actually focus on you and how you were explaining everything so patiently, looking so happy to teach him how to cook your favourite food 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be the type to roll up your sleeves and kiss your forehead, while still focusing on what you were doing, just because he didn’t want to miss any of the steps 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d think that it would be just a normal afternoon cooking time with Joshua, where you’d spend some nice quality time together, make your favourite food and listen to some comforting music, while you did all of the corny relationship things, right? 
𓆩♡𓆪 wrong 
𓆩♡𓆪 for some reason, the one time that you actually wanted to show him something important and dear to you, he decided to pull out the most random moves on you 
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s not that he ignored the fact that you were about to teach him how to cook your comfort food, no - he loved it, but why make it an ordinary cooking session, when he can make it fun and very much unforgettable? 
𓆩♡𓆪 so when you’d try to show him one of the steps, he’d take the ingredient and do something very much questionable, while having the prettiest smile on his face and saying “look at this, darling”
𓆩♡𓆪 in the end, not only did you teach him how to cook your comfort food, but it turned out to be one of the best and fun dates you’ve ever had 
𓆩♡𓆪 I don’t know why, but I feel like he would giggle at everything that you were doing??? You could literally be cutting a steak with a machete, and he’d still laugh??? I don’t know, but I’m sure he’d be all giggly and smiley if you’d drag him to the kitchen, trying to persuade him to cook with you
𓆩♡𓆪 but he wouldn’t be able to say “no” to you (he never is)
𓆩♡𓆪 the moment he messes up, he turns into the poutiest baby, apologising for doing it wrong, but when you mess something up - he just straight up laughs in your face, which is so not amusing Wen Junhui (but then he does something wrong again, and you laugh at him in revenge)
𓆩♡𓆪 still, he’d try his best to focus and follow your directions, looking at you and mirroring your movements carefully, as to not mess up your comfort food, that he knew was important to you 
𓆩♡𓆪 no matter how it turned out in the end, you were still proud of him for even trying and grateful that he found some time in his crazy schedules to do it with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 we know he doesn’t quite know how to use a kettle properly, so putting him in the kitchen is a bit questionable, but you thought it would be a fun activity to cook together, especially because you’d teach him how to cook something that is important to you
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d really try to keep up with you, looking frantically around the kitchen with wide eyes, acting as if never had to cook before (at some point he’d try doing something to make you laugh, but he accidentally knocked over the flour, so the kitchen ended up looking like a big mess)
𓆩♡𓆪 to be honest, he lost the grip on what you were doing after adding like the second ingredient, so he just decided to improvise and see what happens, which led to you chasing him around the house with a kitchen cloth 
𓆩♡𓆪 but you knew he tried, he really did, and he put a lot of love into the making, so no matter how it turned out it, the most important thing was, that it was made with love 
𓆩♡𓆪 okay, making him cook is a dangerous thing and Wonwoo in the kitchen usually equals disaster, but you really wanted to teach him (+ you’d get to spend some quality time together) 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d tell him to get some salt to which he’d pull out a bag of sugar, BUT to his defence he forgot to wear his glasses, so he couldn’t really tell the difference (at some point he also almost burned the pot and you almost threw him out of the kitchen)
𓆩♡𓆪 but after a while he got a hang of it, and actually started doing a good job, so as a reward you decided to peck his cheek anytime he got something right - which wasn’t the best idea, because he got so distracted every time you did it 
𓆩♡𓆪 also, when you fed him small spoons to check if everything was good, his answer was always “tasty” 
𓆩♡𓆪 but to be fair, it really was tasty, and because Wonwoo was so proud of himself, he was flexing for the next week how good of a cook he was (you did most of the work, but that made no difference to him) 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you proposed teaching him how to make your comfort food he simply nodded, trying to act indifferent, but the slight blush that adorned his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he was actually a lot more focused on the cooking than you thought he’d be, which made you so happy, you couldn’t stop smiling the whole time
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d turn on some music, and you’d fall into a comfortable conversation, making sure that he was getting everything right from time to time 
𓆩♡𓆪 at one point, you tried to open a jar, which you were struggling with, and instead of helping you Jihoon stood by, his arms crossed across his chest, looking all smug (are you trying to flex sir?)
𓆩♡𓆪 you had no other choice but to give him the jar, which he opened with ease (who would’ve guessed)
𓆩♡𓆪 at the end, he even suggested himself that you should do it again some other time, trying to act as nonchalant as he could - despite that, the happiness was so prominent on his face :(((
𓆩♡𓆪 you know that soft smile Minghao has when he looks at his members - that smile would be apparent on his face for the whole time that you were cooking, and even after when you were eating it on the sofa, cuddled under a blanket 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be attentive to your every move, but at the same time he’d tease the shit out of you (I’m sorry, how am I supposed to hold the spoon according to you Minghao?)
𓆩♡𓆪 but you knew that it was all for fun and games, because would he roll up your sleeves if he didn’t love you? Would he hold your hair back anytime you’d lean over the pot? Would he put his arm around your waist when he was standing closer to you? 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d also blow at the spoon anytime you wanted to try the food to see if it was okay 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d probably giggle a lot about some random stuff, slowly realising how domestic you were being, which made you both a bit shy, because you both knew that this is how you’d love to spend everyday 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d act all Gordon Ramsey on you and try to teach you how to make your comfort food. Which, excuse you Kim Mingyu??? 
𓆩♡𓆪 but seriously though, he’d be over the moon, because well - he loves cooking for you, and now he’d be able to make that one special dish that always brightens up even the gloomiest days for you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be so so so focused on you and what you were doing, so that he would get everything right later on
𓆩♡𓆪  it’d be so adorable, honestly - he’d have like this cute little pout, while his eyes would follow your every move and he’d ask a bunch of questions and ughhhhhh
𓆩♡𓆪 at some point he’d try to make it corny as well, like wrapping his arms around your waist from the back, putting his head in the crook of your neck or on top of your head, kissing your cheek from time to time 
𓆩♡𓆪 Kim Mingyu focus, it’s not the time for your puppy-like behaviour 
𓆩♡𓆪 the amount of love he’d pour into making your comfort food is astronomical - he is so focused on doing everything perfectly, because it’s your comfort food, and it makes you happy, so he has to get everything perfectly
𓆩♡𓆪 but you’d have to take some breaks in between, because his attention span is rather short
𓆩♡𓆪 at one point he just randomly started singing and dancing to “Fighting”, because he was struggling with something, which okay??? Everyone has their ways of dealing with stuff, I guess
𓆩♡𓆪 and because he is so random with his antics, once, he spooked you to the point where you dropped a bowl full of ingredients to the ground 
𓆩♡𓆪 but over all, you had such a great time and you were laughing so much to the point where your stomachs were aching, but you wouldn’t have it any other way
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d make the whole experience so funny, there would be a second where you didn’t want to crumble from all the laughing 
𓆩♡𓆪 even when he was silently judging your ingredient choices, giving you his famous side eye, you laughed so much to the point where your stomach ached (in the best way possible) 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you insisted he was doing something wrong, he threw a tantrum, waving the spoon, causing some of the food to land on the walls
𓆩♡𓆪 and he never touched the spoon again, so you ended up doing most of the work yourself 
𓆩♡𓆪 but that didn’t change the fact that he was paying attention to your every move, and he was already planning when he’d make you your comfort food by himself to surprise you 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d have to write him a manual on how to use the kitchen and a VERY specific recipe (at least two pages long), before he even stepped into the room (otherwise it would end with a fire)
𓆩♡𓆪 did someone say fire??? Uh, take off your mask now / 이제는 해제 now, it's time to dance now, uh (ooh-ooh!)
𓆩♡𓆪 even if he can’t cook and does not do it often, he’d really try doing his best - like, just take a second to imagine his confused, yet focused face (he’s the babiest of them all, I can’t anymore), and you’d have to be very patient with him, but it’s okay, because he’s trying :(((
𓆩♡𓆪  he would constantly be asking questions, and nudging you with his shoulder to get your attention, so you could check if he wasn’t messing anything up
𓆩♡𓆪 and even if he was, if he added too much or too little of something, you’d still tell him how great of a job he was doing
𓆩♡𓆪 it made him so smiley, and he blushed a little at your words :(((((
𓆩♡𓆪 oh, he was so happy when you suggested that some time you could try teaching him how to make your comfort food, to which he went “some time? Let’s do it now”, and he dragged you to the kitchen himself 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d take it so seriously, even when you assured him that he doesn’t have to get everything perfect, as long as it’s edible it’s fine, but he insisted (he’s such a perfectionist, I swear) that he has to get everything right 
𓆩♡𓆪 guys, I can practically hear his laugh echoing in your kitchen when you joke around
𓆩♡𓆪 then again, Chan isn't the best cook out there, so there were times where you just wanted to laugh at him for being so clumsy and oblivious, but he looked way too cute for you to do that 
𓆩♡𓆪 so you just stuck to helping him out (also the way he smiles when you put your hands around his waist to guide him, I NEED HELP)
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d spoon feed you after, because why not 
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star
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lemons4u · 9 months
Hello, Pri! How are you? If you're ok w/ it, may I have the anemo boys with a s/o who enjoys seating on their lap? (Sfw)
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notes ! OKAY THIS LITERALLY TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO ANSWER, so i’m really sorry 😭 and also i’m doing great thank you! also not proofread (my grammar is a little bad anyways so)
warnings ! fluff, heizou’s part is suggestive
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v e n t i
he loves it when you sit on his lap! it gives him a nice a sense of comfort… to have you so close to him.
he also thinks it adorable lmao.
sitting in his lap while you both are out at the statue of seven at windrise— he’s putting windwheel asters in your hair as you read to him or something.
or maybe he’ll hum a tune for you!
it’s depends what he’s feelings like :3
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“your hair is looking beautiful today, hehe..” venti cooed, tucking yet another flower in your hair.
“hmmh..” he pressed a delicate kiss to your temple. “no thank you?” he asked with a grin.
“no.” you reply, continuing to read your book.
“hmph. are you really going to treat your darling boyfriend like this?” he pouted before smiling again.
“your so mean to me.”
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x i a o
xiao gets a bit (very) flustered, the poor guy isn’t used to all of these acts of affection :<
the first time you asked he was like.
“you… wanna sit on my lap?” he’s adorable, oh my god.
sitting out on like a hill or smth, idk, watching the stars— on xiao’s lap.
it’s a really cute a wholesome thing that both of you (i’m assuming) like to do.
it’s usually really quiet, unless xiao decides to tell you about his day.
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“i spoke a little with the traveller today.” he murmured, fiddling with your hair.
“aw.. you did?” you tilted your head.
xiao didn’t really speak to anyone aside from you, so it made you happy when your boyfriend finally decides to speak with someone.
“about what though?”
“about you.. the traveller wanted to ask you some questions— but i told them i could answer them instead.” he said dully.
“i could’ve answered them myself..” you mutter.
“i know that… but i felt like talking about you at that moment.”
you laugh a little. “oh really? you wanted to speak about me?”
“yes… i mean you are my s/o right? i can speak about you… unless you don’t want me to?”
“no! it’s fine if you wanna talk about me…”
“are you… sure?”
“yes i’m sure!”
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k a z u h a
he’s like venti, he loves when you sit on his lap :3
maybe he’d be a little surprised at first, but he doesn’t object.
the two of you sitting out on the crux, watching the sunset reflect on the ocean. (idk)
you could be reading a poem he wrote to you— or you could just genuinely be talking to each other.
either way it’s adorable.
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“kazuuu.. this poem is adorable.” you coo, smiling fondly at the piece he dedicated to you.
“is it? i really don’t think it’s all that good.. compared to my other poems.”
“nono! it is! i absolutely love this one..” you say in defense.
“oh…? i thought it was a bit… um.. corny?” kazuha said with a laugh.
“well it’s not… i think it’s quite lovely.” you cross your arms.
“whatever you say, love…” he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“whatever you say..”
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h e i z o u
he finds a way to tease you for it… like this man literally will not stop teasing you when you ask him to sit on his lap.
when you first ask him he’s like this though…
“oh? you wanna sit on my lap?” he grinned at you.
“how could i ever deny such a request?” he cooed.
“but… may i ask why you wanna sit on my lap?”
he’s got a very dirty mind so like… um, just be aware.
sitting on his lap while he works on his cases or smth, idk.
i actually hc he rushes through his work, so like he always makes mistakes.
but then you, his beautiful s/o, can help him fix them!
(he 100% makes mistakes on purpose)
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“mmhhm..” heizou arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
he craved to feel your body against his.
“you… made a mistake over here..” your murmur, circling it so he could fix it later.
“oh? did i? my, my… i’ve been making so many mistakes recently.” he smiled innocently.
“maybe you should doublecheck my papers, just in case.”
that… was just excuse to have on his lap for even longer. ( he probably wants it and likes more than you do )
“i’m already double checking them.”
“hmm… triple check?”
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w a n d e r / s c a r a m o u c h e
was the only thing you heard when you first asked scara.
you would just have to beg then.
whining and complaining to scara about literally just sitting on his lap—
it was a small thing, really, but were you just going to let it go? nope.
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“pleaseee scara! all the other couples do it!” you pout, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
“yeah… and i’m not like those other couples.” he responded coldly.
“arghh.. you suck.” you whine, flopping down on the bed.
“hmph..” he crossed his arms.
“you are making such a big deal. it’s really nothing major.”
“to me it is.” you frown.
there’s a moment of silence before a idea pops up in your head, it was probably a bad one… but whatever!
“i bet any other guy would let me..” you sigh, almost dreamily.
“mhm.. like childe…”
you were answered by silence once again.. scaramouche was just staring out, arms crossed with a unreadable expression.
“fine then.”
before you knew scaramouche rushed to the bed beside you— tackling you into his lap.
“your gonna stay here now.”
“nuh uh.”
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haven-cove · 2 months
For All That Is To Come
Characters: San x Reader Genre: Fluff Trope: only one bed, reincarnation, past-life lovers, friends to lovers Warnings: cORNY, none Word Count: 1.2k
italicised texts are flashbacks!
。゚☆════•°• •´*¨`*•☆ ✦ ☆•*`¨*`• •°•════☆゚.
Standing by the door and having a staring contest with the one queen-sized bed in the hotel room, you and San turned to look at each other after a pause.
“Um…” you started, twiddling the straps of your backpack hanging heavily on your shoulders, just like the tension in the air upon discovering having to share the bed with San.
It’s not that you aren’t close. You have been working with each other on your graduation project for the past semester. And having to work with each other on a research paper required close collaboration as partners, so you and San were both close friends. But to share one bed? You aren’t sure if this would help with your ever-growing feelings for the man.
“I overheard that there aren’t any more rooms to spare, so we'd have to make do. I’ll take the floor if that’ll make you more comfortable? or maybe I can room with one of the guys.” Suggested the ever-gentleman San.
Seeing the furrow in your eyebrows, he opened the door wider and rested his hand on the lower of your back, grounding you. “How about, we move into the room and think over our choices?” He gave you a reassuring smile.
Looking at him, you found yourself moving deeper into the room with him, dropping your backpack by the bed before settling down on the cushioned chair.
San too, let his bag rest beside yours and headed into the toilet to freshen up. Sighing through your nostrils, you stared hard at the bags resting against each other as a wave of familiarity washed over you.
“San! Just leave the bags there and come look at the view!” You called out to your husband excitedly by the windows of the room.
Being the crown prince and crown princess of your kingdoms, both your parents decided unanimously that the marriage of two best friends would benefit the country and your families.
Seeing that the crown prince and princess would have no issues getting married due to the love blossoming between the two; you and San were allowed to cut the wedding ceremony short to enjoy your honeymoon.
You were currently in San’s family’s holiday inn in the mountains, surrounded by the beauty of nature and what it has to offer.
Chuckling at your excitement, he dropped the two pieces of luggage he was holding onto the bed before promptly making his way over to you, mirroring your eagerness. He wrapped his arms around you from the back and nuzzled his cheek into your hair while listening to you gush about the majestic view.
“Look at that! I bet the night view would be as amazing as this! Oh San my dear, I’m just so happy that I can be here to enjoy this with you.” You turned around at the end of your sentence and looked up at him with your eyes glistening with tears.
“Yes my dear, the view is great, but you’re my greatest view. I’m as happy to be here, with you.” He cupped your cheeks with his palms and scanned your face. Oh if only he could, he would love to have this moment tattooed on his body to serve as a reminder of the love that you two shared.
Leaning into you, San nuzzled his nose with yours, and you leaned in to meet his lips with your own, sharing a light kiss with your beloved. San moved his hand further down to your neck and deepened the kiss, giggling at your reddened face.
“Already betrothed to me and still as shy as ever?” he teased.
Unable to shake off the feeling that settled in your chest, you decided to distract yourself. Maybe it’s ok to share a room with San. It’s just San, your friend… and also crush… sighing, you reached over to your bag and pulled out your pajamas and toiletries.
Exiting the toilet and seeing you arrange your items, San tilted his head. “So, I’ll take the floor?” he asked from behind you.
Being so distracted with your toiletries, you failed to realise that San was behind you, and you let out a yelp hearing his voice. “San! You scared me there!” You exclaimed and momentarily forgot about the thoughts in your mind.
Giggling at you, San bumped his shoulders against yours in apology and looked at you through the mirror. “So? It’s your call; no hard feelings at all.” he prompted.
You looked up and locked eyes with his through the mirror, “I-I’m okay with sharing the bed with you, you don’t have to take the floor.
“Are you sure? I’m really fine with-“ and you cut him off, “It’s really okay! I mean, if you’re okay, I’m okay.”
“I’m okay.”
And there it is again, another pause of silence.
San observed you and realised that your shoulders were tense, just like his and he thought that maybe, it’s about time.
“Hey, I have something I’d like to discuss with you. It’s been a running thought and I think it’s about time I do something about it. I don’t want to regret not ever telling you this before we graduate.” he heaved a sigh, as though a weight had been lifted off his chest.
He lifted his palm toward you, an invitation.
Playing with the bottle of moisturiser in your hand, you echoed his sentiments and put the object down on the table. You reached your hand toward him, a sign of acceptance.
He pulled your hand gently and guided you towards the balcony that held an amazing bird's-eye view of the mountains.
Never letting go of your hand, he stepped one step closer to you and took in a deep breath before saying, “I think… I’ve been in love with you this whole time. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, you’ve been the one running tirelessly in my mind. Everything reminds me of you."
He continued after a short pause, "There have been many moments where I considered if I should possibly risk our friendship by confessing to you, but I was afraid. Today, I just want to let you know how I feel, and please do not feel pressured to give me a response. I’ll understand.” he looked at you with a shine in his eyes, his hair tousling in the blowing winds.
Gripping his hands tightly at his confession, you teared up as you spoke with a tightness in your throat. “All this while, San?” you laughed as a tear of relief fell, which San quickly wiped away with concern all over his face.
“I feel the same. I too, can’t sleep, eat, and work without the thought of your presence with me. I’m so glad that we’ve been given this chance to tell each other how we feel, and I’m so relieved to tell you that I feel about you in the same way.“ You added with a slight tinge of embarrassment. It is hard to be so direct with your feelings toward your crush.
Throwing his head back in laughter, San stepped closer and loosened his grip on your hands only to raise them to cradle your face. “Will you be mine, for this life and all that is to come?” He leaned his forehead against yours.
“Yes, San. I will be yours just as much as you are mine. for this life, and all that is to come.” You echoed and nuzzled your nose with his.
He moved to embrace you from behind as you two looked out to the horizon.
“I bet the daytime view would be as amazing as this.”
。゚☆════•°• •´*¨`*•☆ ✦ ☆•*`¨*`• •°•════☆゚.
And there it is! My very first ATEEZ fic that I wrote for a dear friend <3
Please do not repost, or translate.
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dementer-blue · 1 year
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Warnings: Hurt/comfort
Notes: I haven’t written anything in some years and english isn’t my first language either, so sorry if it’s corny yall
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Melissa wasn’t doing well.
     She missed her girlfriend so much, even when they saw each other just before the classes started, in the break room.
     Y/N was the third-grade teacher and knew there was something off with Melissa. She was extra clingy today and that wasn’t much like her morning self. She even walked Y/N to her class today, which was odd, the other teachers still don’t know about their months old relationship, only Barbara, always Barbara.
     Melissa just wasn’t feeling herself today, she felt sad for no reason, she felt jealous for no reason. She just wanted to cling into her woman and sleep.
—Ms. Schemmenti, are you ok? — Jack, a sweet little girl, one of Melissa’s students, asked, amused about the teacher’s behavior
—Oh, yeah, hon, I’m good, I’m great, how are ya doing? — Melissa cursed on herself for looking vulnerable next to the kids, she hated that. How could they rely on her if she looked as bad as them?
     Thankfully the girl quickly forgot as she busied herself on telling the teacher about the new word she learned the passed day. Melissa shoved everything away for a bit, for the kids, and got her usual face and behavior back for the rest of the lesson. Fortunately, lunch came soon, and the redhead hurried to the break room in the search of her partner. There were no people in there yet, the teacher sat as she waited for her girlfriend to arrive, it would be useless going after the woman in her class, if the kids weren’t there the woman would already be on her way to the break room.
     Barbara got there, Melissa still wore her “natural” face, but the kindergarten teacher knew her too well.
—What’s wrong, Melissa? — the woman had a soft expression, she could see there was the way on trying to make Melissa talk when she wasn’t feeling well
—I don’t wanna talk about it, Barb. — she barely looked at the other teacher, she couldn’t.
     That’s exactly when Y/N walked in, cutting Barbara who was just about to ask something else. She didn’t even had time to react when Melissa got up, grabbed her by the arm and quickly dragged her to one of the second grade’s classroom, Melissa’s classroom. The redhead closed the door and shoved herself in her lover’s arms, she had a quick breathing and was in the verge of tears. Y/N knew something was off, but usually it wasn’t that bad, Melissa would never break in front of people.
—Mel, try breathing with me, alright? Just like that… — she inhaled and exhaled deeply while holding the teacher close. Not much later, Melissa’s breathing got in a steady pace, and she wasn’t trembling anymore.
—Thank ya, dear…
—Do you wanna talk about it? — the younger woman said as she kissed the other’s head.
—I don’t know…
—It’s ok, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, dear — another peck on her head.
—It’s just-… It’s just that I feel sad and I don’t really know why, I missed you during classes, I feel jealous of people your age cuz I think you would be happier without having to change your spouse’s diapers in some years and all of that makes me feel stupid…
—Oh, dearest, there isn’t a single person in this whole universe that would make me feel better than you do. I love you so much it makes me feel like a teenager. I wouldn’t’ change you for the world because you’re the only thing in it that matters to me, I don’t freaking care if I have to change geriatric diapers for you or glue dentures in your mouth, I don’t care! The only thing that matters to me is if it is with you, I don’t want anyone else because I love you so much it hurts my heart to see you like that, my only job is to make you happy and you aren’t right now cause you’re the best thing that happened in my life and I cannot lose you, Melissa —they were both crying, not sad tears now, happy ones. They felt found.
—I love you too, baby, so much. — they sobbed in each other’s arms, their eyes were filled with love, they felt better, so much better.
     The finally sealed their lips together, in an oh so passionate kiss, they felt so overwhelmed with love, is like the whole world could collapse at that moment and they wouldn’t care, they wouldn’t even see it.
     Melissa felt better.
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beestriker015 · 6 months
Jealous Mythra x male driver s/o
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(This is an AU where s/o is Mythra’s driver instead of Rex or Adam)
After helping a group of traveling merchants recover their stolen goods, s/o and his blade Mythra, known all across Alrest as the legendary Aegis, are graciously thanked by the friendly merchants.
“We owe our livelihood to you both. Is there anything we can do to thank you beyond mere words?”
The leader of the merchants asks as s/o smiles and shakes his head.
“That’s not necessary. Mythra and I are just happy to have helped. Aren’t we Mythra?”
The blonde haired blade simply nods in response.
“Sorry about her, Mythra isn’t all that great when it comes to pleasantries.”
“I understand. You two make quite the team.”
“Thanks. I really am a lucky guy to have Mythra by my side.”
He gives her a friendly hug, causing her to blush before pushing him away with a huff like the tsundere she is.
“On the contrary, I’d say that she is the lucky one. I bet any female blade would love to have a hunk like you as her driver.”
A very attractive female merchant says rather flirtatiously to s/o.
“W-well, I wouldn’t say that I’m a hunk, but I appreciate the compliment ma’am.”
S/o awkwardly tells her, making the merchant giggle as she looks him up and down with a sultry expression.
“Trust me, you definitely are. Here’s a little reward for helping us.”
She kisses him on the cheek, much to Mythra’s anger.
“Did you like that handsome? If so, there’s more where that came from.”
Before she could kiss s/o again, Mythra pulls him away and holds onto him possessively as she glares at the merchant.
“That’s enough! Do you shamelessly flirt with every guy you meet?! We’re happy to have helped you all, but it’s time for me and s/o to leave. Bye.”
She begins dragging her confused driver away as the merchant calls out to her.
“Ooooh, I get it. You want him all to yourself don’t you?”
Her question causes Mythra to stop dead in her tracks and look at her with a flustered expression.
“W-what?! N-no I don’t! S/o is my driver, I don’t have feelings for him!”
“Uh-huh. Your stutter and blush are really convincing there. Just admit it, you love him.”
Not having a good rebuttal, Mythra scoffs and quickly drags s/o away until they’re both alone.
“What is going on with you Mythra?! You aren’t jealous that she kissed me are you?”
“I’m not jealous! Just shut up s/o!”
She yells at him, causing him to flinch and turn away from her with his feelings slightly hurt.
Realization what she’s done, Mythra mentally kicks herself and sighs.
“W-wait s/o, I’m…sorry.”
He glances back at his blade for a moment before giving her a response.
“It’s ok….”
After a long silence, s/o speaks up again.
“Hey. Mythra?”
She turns to him as he looks at her in concern.
“If something is bothering you, please tell me ok?”
The Aegis sighs before taking a few steps closer to her driver.
“A-about what that merchant girl said to me. I-it’s true s/o, I do have feelings for you.”
Hearing this really catches s/o off guard.
“H-how long have you felt this way about me Mythra?”
“I don’t know exactly, but one day something just clicked that made me realize that I….I love you s/o.”
S/o stares at her for a moment as a smile grows on his face.
“I love you too.”
Mythra looks at him with wide eyes.
“What did you just say?!”
“I said I love you too Mythra.
Uncharacteristically, the light elemental blade jumps into s/o’s arms and hugs him tightly.
“Woah, someone’s happy.”
“Shut up s/o, let me have this.”
To his surprise, Mythra then kisses him passionately on the lips before pulling away with a smug smile.
“There. I bet that kiss was much better than the one the merchant gave you. Am I right s/o?”
“So you were jealous.”
“Answer the question s/o!”
“Yes. Your kiss was a million times better. Wanna know why?”
“Because I’m a better kisser than her?”
“While that is true, it wasn’t what I was going to say. Yours was better….because it was from the woman who has my heart.”
“T-that’s so sweet. Corny, but still sweet.”
“And you love it.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“So, are we like…boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
“Are you seriously asking me that after everything that’s happened?! You idiot, of course we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now!”
“No need to yell, I just wanted to be sure! I love you Mythra.”
He kisses her forehead, calming her down.
“I love you too…idiot.”
S/o smiles as the two hug once more.
“From now on, if any girl tries to kiss you, she’s going down!”
Mythra grumbles as s/o chuckles and pats her on the head, which she secretly enjoys.
“As if I’d let any other girl kiss me but you.”
“Hmph. Good answer.”
She smiles in satisfaction as the two continue to embrace.
With that, s/o and Mythra’s relationship is no longer simply driver and blade, but lovers as well.
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gammagoop · 10 months
my top picks for who i would want to see added to the life series (in no particular order)
Doc— i would bet money on him finding ren and teaming up with him no more than 10 minutes into the world. he would have the craziest beef with everyone on the whole server. you would be able to hear him and bdubs arguing for miles. also he hasn’t played with a lot of the non-hermit members (outside of some being in the empires crossover) and i’m a sucker for unlikely collaborations! it would be very much unlike his usual content, too, and i can see him treating it as a UHC at first but then realizing that everyone else is being crazy silly about it instead
Pixlriffs— i’ve wanted to see him in the life series since 3rd life, mostly just because he does a lot of hardcore stuff. it would be outside of his usual content, similarly to doc, but whatever i wanna see him have fun! i feel like pix rarely gets into legitimate conflicts with others, but the times he has have been so so fun. i’m a big pix fan. do you guys remember in empires s1 when fwhip pranked him (im pretty sure it was fwhip anyway) and pix started critiquing the execution of the prank. need more of that. need joel to fail at a trap again and pix tell him that it was mid. i can see him being allies with etho which makes me giddy and happy
MythicalSausage— i think everyone wants sausage in a season. NEEED him in a season with ren. need them to do crazy cheesy corny roleplay. i was going to say that if he was in 3rd life he would’ve been a part of the red army but actually i think bdubs would have crowned him king of the crastle and sausage would’ve been launching nukes at dogwarts. he just needs to be there ok. and also i want him to meet skizz
Gem— an obvious choice and a legitimately likely one. so she goes on this list
also can we please bring lizzie and or mumbo back for a full season? at some point?
i think thats all ive got— i wanted to add some non-empires non-hermits like bigb and skizz and martyn but i really do not watch any other series . so. ah. sorry
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intheorangebedroom · 7 months
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Hey orange besties 🧡
Here's the one thing none of you asked for but I'm giving you anyway!! Listen, Halloween is my favourite holiday and I'd do just about anything rather than start working on my WIP because it terrifies me.
So here's the most indulgent headcanon EVER, please feel free to scroll past this nonsense of a post, but not before I could wish you all a very spooky Halloween 🧡
Yes, I have no shame.
Explicit HC below the cut 🔞
This Halloween, you've convinced Frankie to host a party at your place. He was really the first surprise, you're not exactly the party type, yet here you are.
You’ve been on Pinterest looking up aesthetics and recipes since August, basically, you've spent an inordinate amount of money on fancy decorations, stocked up enough candy to give all the kids in the tristate area a stomach ache of biblical proportions, and it's finally happening, today is the day, this is your version of the American dream.
But what will you and your friends dress up as???
For years, the two of you have had an ongoing argument about what constitutes a proper Halloween costume. To you, it’s either crafty and creative, or spooky if not disgusting. To her… Let’s say she’s explored all the slutty options out there.
This year, the debate resumes as early as September. Only this time, you outsmart her, challenging her to look sexy despite a plain horror get up.
Never one to retreat, always one to excel, Rosie chooses to dress up as Candyman. With the fur and the hook and the scarf, down to the fake bees painted on the left side of her face. And yes, she still is smouldering hot as all hell.
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Will? Dressing up? Fucking hell, why are you doing this to him? He’s a grown ass man. He was a warrior, for fuck’s sake. He’s not gonna go around and spend money on a fucking costume!
But. He’ll be damned if he’s the only one who doesn’t play along. He can probably whip up something with whatever he’s got in his closet, anyway. Like…. Motorcycle gang leader, for example.
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(at this point, orange besties, I’m cackling in French).
Yovanna. Understood. The assignment. Obviously because she’s hands up the smartest one of all the TF bunch.
She dresses up as the Corpse Bride. Your jaw drops to the floor when you open the door. She's stealing the show and it is fine. You’ve no idea how she can look this at ease with all that heavy makeup covering her skin, but she looks like she's having a hell of a good time, oh and also SHE'S FUCKING STUNNING.
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Pope could have made an effort and go as Victor, right? He should have. Did he, though? No. No he didn't.
Pope dresses up as Miguel O'Hara from Across The Spider-Verse, so he can slither into this tight af costume and strut his butt like a Spidey slut.
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Kidding. Tom's not invited. But if he were...
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Sweet, sweet Benny, our sunshine boy, our precious blond gem of a baby man…
Benny considered not coming at all. Not that he's not over you yet, come on, let's be serious, it's been over two years. He's totally over you. He’s slept with at least a dozen different women since you broke up and his friendship with Frankie is on the mend, so yeah, over you and beyond, thank you very much. Ok, he'll go, then. Besides... he wants to see you. Just to make sure he’s really over you. What could possibly go wrong?
A horror classic connoisseur, his first idea is to dress up as something overly sublte. Say… Tom Conway in the 1942 Jacques Tourneur’s Cat People, for instance. Only because it would be obscure enough for people to ask him about it, which would give him a good opportunity to show off his impressive... cinematic knowledge. Not at all because you and the director share the same last name. Of course not. And it has nothing to do with the fact that you’d probably be the only one in the room able to identify the costume. Argh fuck, he can’t go as Tom Conway in the 1942 Jacques Tourneur’s Cat People, can he? 
Fine. He’ll play it safe. Mainstream. Mike Meyers. But Mike Meyers with a twist: the kid version. 
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What he does not anticipate, is how many times he gets asked if he’s that stupid Pennyclown from It. Doesn’t anyone have any fucking classic culture?? It’s winding him up real bad and he’s starting to think he’ll leave early, until you walk up to him with a shy smile and a tall glass of beer. 
“You make a real good baby Meyers, Benjamin,” you whisper, and it's the first words you've spoken to him all night. Of course you knew, of course you’re the only one who guessed, and he wants to say something smart but he can’t, he’s riveted to the floor, melting under your soft gaze. You lift your arm, as if reaching for him and for a split second, he thinks you’re gonna run your fingers through his hair like you used to, and his heart does this lurching thing, like it simultaneously shrinks and explodes in his chest, and fuck him. He’s not over you yet.
(maybe I’m not over him either 👀)
Meanwhile… Meanwhile, Frankie's watching the whole scene from the kitchen. Ticking jaw, sucking on his teeth, vein popping in his neck. 
But what did Frankie dress up as, you ask. If you're still reading this, that is.
Well, Frankie’s not exactly big on Halloween. For one, he grew up in a household full of ghosts. The candy sure was a perk, as a kid, but he’s always enjoyed savoury food more than sweets. Later, Izzy would let him tag along to the parties she went to (not that her mother left her much choice, anyway), and those were fun, admitedly. There was always alcohol, but most importantly, ✨girls✨ Girls who would never fail to find Izzy’s baby brother oh so cute with his soft curls and his golden skin and his lovely dimples and he’d spend the entire evening passing from one set of arms to another set of hands, which suited him juuuuust fine.
However, the man now has an actual body count, so he’s not too keen on the notion of the dead coming back to haunt the living for one night…
But thewhole thing makes you so damn happy. In the end, it doesn’t matter if he has to fend off an entire army of undead.
Unlike Pope, whatever your choice of outfit may be, he’ll get behind you. You wanna be Lydia Deetz? He’ll be your Beetlejuice. He’ll be the Gomez to your Morticia, the John Bartlett to your Patricia Bradley. 
This year, you announce most enthusiastically, you want to be Frankenstein’s Bride. 
Alright, baby!
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And let's just say this: he makes it very, very difficult for you to be a good host to your guests. How on god’s wretched earth can he be this incredibly sexy as Frankenstein's creature??
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Not only is he good with the kids, patient and gentle and cracking dad jokes with each group of little monsters and Elsas and cowboys eagerly standing on your doorstep, but that jacket… That damn jacket he got himself, three sizes too small, fuck, that poor jacket is working hard ALL NIGHT trying to contain his breadth, the seams just as strained around his shoulders as your poor clenching cu– 
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Oh and you’ve no idea where he found that headband with the bolts on each side, but you don’t really care because he’s slicked black his hair and it's curling thick and luscious on his nape and you can’t wait for every one to get the hell out of your place. 
You’re gonna go down on him the minute the last guest leaves your house, take him down your throat and show him just how grateful to him you are for playing along so well. Watch that handsome, pretty, pretty face, that the green makeup and fake scars can't even spoil, go slack when you suck on his balls and swallow his spend. 
And you almost get to do it. If it wasn’t for that tiny little misstep. The sultry teasing words you pour into his neck, halfway through the party. When you tell him that what you truly wanted to dress up as was Margarita at the Midnight Ball. And Francisco’s eyes grow dangerously dark and wide and wild, pupils shot open with lust, because he knows what this means. And what this means is stark naked. 
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And sure enough, he has barely closed the door behind the last guest that Frankie turns around and orders you to "Take off those fucking clothes. Now."
His tone brooks exactly zero argument. You comply at the speed of light before he shoves you onto the couch and kneels on the floor between your spread thighs, and it's very obvious, very fast, that you are his Halloween candy.
He keeps your ass balanced on the edge of the sofa and your back pressed into the soft cushions, thick fingers digging into the dips of your hips to hold you still with a welcome, bruising hold. 
His mouth feels like lava, liquid and hot as he licks into you like a starved man, broad sloppy stripes through your dripping folds, tongue dipping to feast on your slick like his sole purpose down there is to drink you dry. 
And when he wants more, because it’s never enough, he fastens his plush lips around your pulsating clit and plays it with the curled up tip of his tongue, two fingers hooked inside your cunt and pulling on that fucking spot with the same deftness with which he used to pull the trigger, and you give him more, give him everything he wants, you leak straight into his mouth, you’ve lost track of time somewhere after your third orgasm. 
There’s green makeup smeared all over your inner thighs, rivulets of black tears streaking your once ghostly pale cheeks. Sweat’s pooling in the small of your back and damp locks of hair are glued to your temples and forehead. 
You're a writhing mess, nearly slipping out of consciousness when he grabs your waist and flips you around, rough and urgent. 
With that easy strength that makes you light-headed, he pulls you downward, kneeling you down between his folded legs, your back flush to his chest, you’re moulded into him, and by the time you register the change in position, he’s already lining himself up. 
It’s no longer than a split second before he all but impales you on his length. It’s too sudden and the stretch downright painful, and you cry a strangled cry of his name but it's soundless, there’s no more air in your lungs, he’s fucked all the oxygen out of there. 
“How are you so fucking tight,” he says, his voice sounds strained, and he starts fucking up into you, absolute, merciless, the pace is punishing and you’ve gone blind with the stretch. 
It’s too fast, too deep, too fucking thick. Your spine goes stiff as a metal rod as you try to get away from it but you can’t, one hand is clutching your throat and his other arm’s banded around your waist. You’re helpless, nails digging into his flesh, crushed against his sweaty torso and he keeps sliding your rigid body down onto his impossibly thick cock at this impossibly fast pace, hips hammering your ass, lewd and loud, slap slap slap. 
And he knows, he feels you trying to recoil. The flat of his tongue licks up the column of your throat and it’s a sharp bite on your earlobe, and a low grunt in your ear, “I'm not gonna last long,” and you relent, you slump down into his hold and let him give you what he needs you to take. 
“Good girl”, he pants, and what do you know? You feel another one coming. 
Oh but this one’s deep and violent, it’s building tense and heavy into your core like a burning fist gripping your insides right behind your navel, and if it wasn’t for his own grunts, you’d hear the pathetic mewl you let out when it explodes in your breasts. 
The frantic clench and clutch of your cunt around his length is more than enough to tip him over. He rams his pulsating cock into you one last time before he starts to grind, so forceful his hipbones are biting into your ass, pushing further inside you to bury his come as far up your body as possible, up to your fucking cervix, sinking his teeth into your shoulder to muffle his rumbling growl. 
When he stills, finally, he doesn’t unwrap his arms. Doesn’t loosen his embrace. Instead, he draws your body with his when he slouches backward, his broad shoulders hitting the coffee table.
Limp, spent, blissfully used, you lay on top of him, his length sheathed inside your warmth, your chest heaving along with his chest. 
“Thank you,” you breathe out. 
He nuzzles the crown of your hair, gentle again. 
“Happy Halloween, baby.”
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heavenlymarie0 · 9 months
slight exhibition, soft dom aki and sorta kei, childhood friends, usage of princess and slut like once, afab(mentions female parts) no i didn’t read through, see bottom for more stuff
xoxo happy reading
“why do you have to take what’s mine kei!”
“cause it’s fun to see you get mad”
tsukishima kei, has been your best friend, predestined way before you were born. When your parents met the tsukishima’s they immediately became close, basically considering one another family. A few years later akiteru was born, then kei, and then just a few months later you. life as the youngest had its pros and cons. you and kei walked together everyday, ever since primary school so that means no ever bothered you. but, that didn’t stop kei from messing with you….
“your edges are a lopsided”
“kei…go somewhere and leave me alone, unless you learn to do hair don’t comment on mine”
“i’m just trying to help, also your glasses are smudged”
you side eye him with extreme distaste.
but there was one pro that you loved the most about this relationship with the boys, and that was aki. you have been smitten with him ever since you could see colors, he is the complete opposite of kei, laughing at all your terrible corny jokes, watching movies with you, letting you practice your braiding.
“aki don’t wine! i’m almost done, hand me the braiding gel please”
You loved the boys in different ways but still equally, y'all would always spend one weekend a month together. even when everyone went to college. it definitely wasn’t hard, being that you and kei were roommates. when your parents found out y’all were both interested in going to sendai city they were able to arrange you both to be roommates. which was the biggest mistake ever.
“KEI!! how many times do i have to tell you?!? KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY STUFF”
“I didn’t touch your stuff Y/N and even if i did who cares, it’s just a couple hair products”
“oh really!!! well next time i order my stuff you can swipe your card so you can see how expensive they are”
“whatever. just cleanup, niichan will be here soon”
the three of you are all sitting watching a movie, kei on the ground using the couch as a pillow, and you and aki cuddling. cuddling with aki is so normal to all of you since you’ve been doing it forever. but tonight was different.
everyone falls asleep, but you feel your throat getting dry and also want some more comfortable clothes. you walk into the room and put on some shorts and the oversized t-shirt you stole from kei a couple days ago. walking back towards the kitchen you try reaching for a cup on the top shelf, but you feel something warm behind you. immediately you noticed it had to be kei, since aki is a little shorter
“k-kei…what are you doing?”
“Y/N why do you prefer niichan over me?”
kei says while his hand roams your plump waist, softly rubbing every part of it, admiring it.
“is it ok for me to touch you like this?”
“yes..it feels mhm~ really nice”
your head falling onto his chest, sinking into his warm touch that now surrounds you. You turn around to make eye contact with him. As you open your mouth to ask him what’s this all about, his soft lips meet with yours. His hand placement draws you closer, worried that you would slip away. He needed this moment to last forever.
He breaks the kiss trying to give you a chance to breathe. His eyes glaze over as he looks at the girl he’s been in love with forever.
“wh-why did you do that kei…”
“wow your slower than I thought, as big as your head is you have a small brain Y/N”
you roll your eyes at this comment, but kei bends down, making close contact with the shell of your ear, immediately it gets hot.
“i want you.”
you look up, mouth wide open, staring at the large boy in front of you. the only thing in your mind is how great he’d feel, touching and worshiping your body.
“take me then kei.”
almost running out of the kitchen he drags you inside his room. you’ve been inside it multiple times since you steal his stuff practically everyday, but this time you felt more nervous and anxious. he pulls you around the side of his bed, pushing you back so you fall. while you lay there his soft hands begin to pull up the shirt to exposed you stomach
“you complain about me taking you stuff only to walk around in my shirt.”
he smirks looking up at you, only to start kissing your stomach. he pulls the shirt even further and makes his way to your chest. his lips opening and latching onto them. a small moan exits your mouth, to which he responds with a bite on your nipple.
“fuck! ow kei what the hell you dick”
“if you’re gonna moan, it needs to be loud enough for niichan to hear.”
“you’re so sadistic mhm~”
before you could finish your sentence, kei interrupting you by rubbing his hand on your wet clothed cunt.
“did niichan make you this wet or was it the way i was holding you?”
the blonde hair boy asks while he pulls down your shorts revealing your pretty pussy.
“no panties? nice choice”
licking a soft line up to your clit, he begins to swirl his tongue around the bundle of nerves. Your hands fall down to reach his slightly curly blonde locks, pulling him closer. He removes his hands from your thighs, only to hold yours back.
“ahh~ kei please”
“sorry but hands off my love”
his gentle slow licks speed up. unable to hold back anymore your voice echoes off the wall.
“mmm yes kei right there”
his glasses starting to fog up from the heat of your body, he removes them and places them on you. you look so cute, face all flushed, his glasses on you, and desperate for the pleasure he’s giving you.
“hey Y/N, look at me ok.”
trying to reposition yourself on your elbows. you notice how truly handsome the boy in front of you is, especially as ravages you. tiny beads of sweat appeared on his forehead causing his hair to stick to his face. his long fingers hold on to you so tightly. you were so focused on his charm you didn’t notice the slight flood of light entering from the door. but kei did.
“looks like we have a guest”
your eyes instantly shoot towards the door, as you begin to reach your climax and feel the twisting in your stomach.
your eyes see white and your body twitches. aki mesmerized by the way you lay on the bed. heavily breathing, bonnet slipping off, just a mess.
“oh no Y/N seems you woke up niichan, and you’ve also caused him a slight problem”
you look down to see the hard on aki has. motioning for him to come over to you, mustering up the strength to move, you crawl over to him and slowly pull down his plaid pajama pants. he looks down at you, the girl he grew up with. tugging down his boxer you are surprised by aki’s dick. it’s not long but it’s extremely veiny, with a blush pink tip, and an impressive amount of girth. your mind begins to wonder what the other brother’s looks like. but before you could even look at it while you were distracted he had begun rubbing it on your wet cunt, teasing your clit and entrance. trying to turn around aki grabs your head pushing himself all the way into your mouth and kei pushes himself into you at the same time.
“wow Y/N it’s like this slutty pussy of yours was made for me!”
aki lets out a soft moan as your mouth vibrates in response to kei’s lewd remark.
“mm you look so pretty Y/N my little princess”
as if in unison both blondes began slowly thrust into you. feeling full in both holes, your moans rise in volume but muffled by aki dick. focusing on kei pushing in and out of you manage to imagine what it looks like. kei’s isn’t as girthy but definitely long! it feels as if he‘s in your stomach with every thrust. the slow hard thrust turning fast, almost completely unable make sense of anything. you let the two boys use your body. trying to reach your climax you feel kei stop.
“mhm kei why did you stop~” your words slurred.
“don’t cum until I say so…both of you”
you look up at aki face, similar in confusion to yours, but you both nod anyway and continue.
eventually you reach the same highness you felt earlier.
“I guess you wanna mphm~ cum huh slut?”
“does our little princess wanna cum?”
PT. 2?!?!
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heartz4wonnie · 1 year
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jay x reader
authors note- thank you for all the support on my two part “cafe boy” series!! i’m a new writer so all of this is so crazy. love you all!! <33
genre- fluff, established relationship, jay taking care of a very sick and stuffy y/n, one use of the word “shit”
honestly, you were dying without jay. sweating and sore, you wondered how you even got into this condition. but then it hit you.
“jay this is so corny.” you laughed as your smiling boyfriend dragged you out into the rain. “come onnn y/n live a little” you fake a disgusted face “okay, jay you’re really sounding like a hallmark movie right now.” despite your resistance and warnings that one of you could end up sick, you were pulled into the pouring outdoors and into jays arms. you weren’t going to lie. as ‘corny’ as it was, you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach as jay tucked a strand of wet hair behind your ears. “you’re so pretty y/n”
now, normally you would call jay. you just knew his soup and warmth and overall presence would make you feel so much better. but you knew your boyfriend. if you called him this time, he would be overwhelmed with guilt. you knew he would feel terrible that you were sick because of him and you felt awful thinking about it. so you decided you could survive on your own.
~ having dozed off in bed, you were awoken by the suddenly ringing of your phone. your head immediately started to pound and you struggled to open your eyes as you felt around for your phone. “hello..?” you managed to get out. “love? hey! ..are you okay?” shit. it was jay. “um..” you quickly cleared your throat (which was insanely painful due to the pain in your throat) “im doing just fine, what’s up jay?” there was a few seconds of silence on the other end. “i don’t think you’re okay y/n. you’re sick aren’t you. please be honest.” you heart swelled at his concern but you knew that if you went one more second without him, you’d pass out.
“ok fine. i’m a little sick. ..can you come over?” “of course my love, i’ll be there in a bit.” a little relieved, you told him to drive safe and hung up the phone. resting your head on your pillow you prayed jay wouldn’t blame himself when he got to you.
a knock sounded on your front door and you gathered the little amount of energy you had left to open it. you knew it was jay. as the door opens jay rushes in and examines your figure. “oh my god y/n, you said you were ‘a little sick’ this doesn’t look like a little to me.” jay takes a step forward to rest his forehead against yours holding you close. you bask in the moment before he pulls away. “y/n my love you’re burning up.”
“jay it’s okay really. i just want you here with me.” jay frowns and picks you up, carrying you back to bed and gently placing you down, pulling the blanket up to your chin. “you got sick because of me didn’t you.” he says, as he seats himself on the edge of your bed, stroking your hair. there it was, you thought. this is what you were afraid of. “i’m sorry y/n, you warned me. i just wanted to create a special memory for the bo-“ you placed your hand on his, “it’s ok love. we were both out there. im just happy i’m the one who’s sick and not you.”
jay stares at you for a moment before leaning down and kissing your forehead, then your nose, then your cheeks. he mumbled tiny apologies and i love you's in between kisses that scattered all around your face, the last one landing on your lips. “rest ok? i’m gonna go make you soup.”
you pulled his wrist as he turned to leave. “don’t go. please stay.” jay lets out a gentle smile. “you need to eat my love.” you shook your head “i’m not hungry. i just want you to stay.” and so he did. jay took off his jean jacket and placed it on your chair before climbing into bed with you and placing his arm around you, allowing you to turn on your side and hug his waist.
breathing in his comforting scent you slowly drifted off to sleep, feeling more and more safe as the seconds passed by. before you fell into your slumber, you felt jays lips on the top of your head, kissing your hair as he whispers “get well soon angel.”
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s-creations · 10 months
Dude DUDE I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ur writing. U have a way of just weaving everything into this beautiful tapestry of a story. I'm in absolute awe. I really like ur YPRG Au!! Anything related to it I inhale. It's so cool and interesting the way every character interacts with each other and the world. And I'm so so soft for both sets of bros🥺. Would it be ok if u did 🌱 and ☁️ for them? Only if u want to of course no pressure!!
First off, THANK YOU! This was an awesome message to wake up to! This is going to sound absolutely corny, but I love hearing from people about my stories. Because there are some times where I really don’t feel confident in what I’ve written. It’s nice to hear/read that I’m somewhat competent. Again, thank you for the kind words!
I too am also soft for the bros. XD
With that said, I’d be happy to answer your emoji asks! (Original Post)
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
Wario - When Waluigi was born, though he’ll never ever admit it. He swears if he was even remotely artistically competent, he’d be able to paint a picture of what the room looked like, where their parents were, and how it looked when he got to hold Waluigi for the first time. It’s so well stamped into his mind that he recalls it on days he’s really stressed out. As a reminder for why he keeps working so hard.
Waluigi - The first ‘invention’ he and Wario made. He barely spoke at the time as Wario knew what Waluigi needed, so he never had to ask for anything. But working on making a prototype for their ‘Chores Robot’ (so the worry of keeping the house clean wasn’t such a burden), it was the first time that Waluigi took over. Telling Wario what he needed and what part needed to go where. Even if it didn’t work (seriously, why the heck did they think sticks and rocks would be good materials?) Waluigi was still thrilled by the idea of building. 
Mario - It was a conversation between him and his father. Learning about how sick Luigi was and how scary it could be. But also talking about what they could do, together, to keep the younger twin safe. It was the first promise Mario made to anyone. A promise to his parents, said to his father, that he would keep Luigi safe and well, no matter what. Because he loves Luigi, and he wouldn’t let anything keep them apart if he could help it.
Luigi - When he was able to go outside for the first time. While the twins were a little older at this point, Luigi’s early early memories consisted of white walls and doctors. This was the first solid memory he had. He remembered it was nearing the end of Spring, if not already in Summer, when he saw something outside the window that he really wanted to see. He was well enough to leave the house, but still fearful, until Mario agreed to take him outside. While he could only reach the edge of the patio, he was still able to get a better look at the flowers that interested him. Mario told him they were looking at roses. Those are his favorite flower to this day.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Wario - He loves to hear Waluigi snoring. It lets him know that his brother’s still there. He wouldn’t listen to it on end, but it’s a comforting reminder.
Waluigi - He started to learn how to cook so it was one less burden Wario and his mother had to deal with. But he says it's because no one in the family besides himself knows what spices work together.
Mario - He’s very shy about it, but he loves to sing. Mainly to Luigi with a lullaby from their childhood, on days when they're feeling nostalgic and missing their parents. But…if asked…he wouldn’t say ‘no’ if Peach asked to hear him. 
Luigi - He took up baking as a way to stay close to their mom, as well as to learn how to embrace every second given to him. Because nothing lets you think about life like waiting for cake to rise.
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canirove · 1 year
The Nanny Diaries | Chapter 9
Author’s note: First of all, I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has read and supported this story. Like I said when I published the first chapter, this was something I wasn’t going to post because I wasn’t happy with it, so the fact that so many of you have liked it, is a very welcomed surpise 💜
Also, sorry about it being so short compared to the others I post. I tried to think of ideas to make it a bit longer, but they all seemed repetitive and I didn’t want to force it and ruin it, so it is best to leave with an ending that I am happy with.
Again, thank you very much for reading, and keep an eye on Chilly’s tag or my blog for a little Christmas surprise next week 👀
Previous chapter 
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"So you are dating, right?" Alice says while we drive to pick her wedding dress.
"I don't know" I shrug.
"How can you not know? You've been going on dates for a month now, are constantly texting or calling each other, checking how you are feeling and talking for hours, when you are free you go to his house and have sex on his piano..."
"That has never happened and you know it."
"Fine, not on his piano but I'm sure you've done it all over his place already. You are dating."
"We aren't. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, and I haven't asked him to be my boyfriend either."
"Then do it. What are you waiting for? You like him, don't you?"
"I do, yes. A lot."
"Then ask him to be your boyfriend. You can do it at my wedding.”
"Take him as your plus one. I want to see him wearing a suit in real life, confirm that it actually is as powerful as you always say" Alice says with a big grin.
"You may want to ran away with him and leave Rose standing at the altar."
"Never. Rose is my one. And by the looks of it, Ben is yours. If you make it official, of course."
"Ask him to come to the wedding and to be your boyfriend. It's all I ask as my wedding gift."
"Isn't getting married on Valentine's Day a bit... Corny?" Ben asks while adjusting his tie.
"They met at a party on Valentine's Day. It's special for them."
"Do we have a special day too?"
"I don't know" I say while I check myself in the mirror, making sure everything is ok. "That's something couples do."
"I thought we were a couple " Ben says, arching an eyebrow.
"Maybe. But not officially."
"What does that mean?" he says, hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder.
"It means that we haven't asked the other to be girlfriend and boyfriend."
"Oh, that.”
"Yes, that" I say while I turn to look at him, putting my arms around his neck.
"Ladies first."
"What?" I chuckle.
"You ask first, I'll start it for you. Ben, would you do me the immense honor of being..."
"I'm not saying that."
"We are at a wedding, it seems fitting" he shrugs. "C'mon."
"Fine" I say, rolling my eyes. "Benjamin, would you do me the immense honor of being my boyfriend?"
"Yes" he says. "Yes and one million times yes."
"Cheesy” I laugh.
"Only the truth" he says before kissing me. But the kiss doesn't last long, someone knocking on the door and interrupting us.
"I guess that's my cue. My duties as bridesmaid await."
“You’ll survive” I say, letting go of him.
"Wait, you lost a bracelet" he says, picking something from the floor.
"Oh, that's the bracelet Alice gave us at her hen do. Apparently, the day it falls it means that your wish has come true."
"Has that happened with yours?"
"It actually has. I have him right in front of me" I say with a big smile.
"I was your wish?"
“And what did you ask for exactly?” he asks with a smirk.
“Nothing, really. I was just thinking about you and the way you make me feel.”
“Which is?”
“The fact that I just asked you to be my boyfriend should tell you already.”
“But I want to hear you say it” he says, hugging me by the waist and pulling me closer to him.
“Ben, I need to go. Alice will kill me if I don’t show up.”
“C´mon” he pouts, making me want to kiss those gorgeous lips of his.
“Ok, fine” I say, rolling my eyes. “I’m falling in love with you.”
“I am also falling in love with you.”
“The fact that I just said yes to being your boyfriend, should tell you already" he says, teasing me.
“Idiot” I chuckle. “And I seriously need to go, or this will be the shortest relationship the world has ever seen.”
“Ok, ok” he says, letting go of me. “But before you go...”
“You are missing something. This” he says, kissing my cheek, my skin tingling where his lips have been. “See you around, girlfriend.”
“See you around, boyfriend."
But before I leave, I look at him one last time. He also is smiling, though this smile isn't one of his cocky ones. Or a teasing one. This one is different.
This is a sincere and honest smile, a happy one. And the type of smile you give to the person you are in love with. Maybe your one like Alice said? Only time will tell.
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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hellboundhimbo · 7 months
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a commission i did for my dear friend kody!!
i don’t think ive ever talked about McQueen on here before, and that is a damn shame. time to fix that >:D ramble under the cut,,,
ok so yeah elephant in the room— i named her McQueen and no i am not sorry even a little bit it is Very funny to me. kachow.
i’ve always thought kuwabara could make a great drag queen (under the circumstance he suddenly stop being so up his own ass about manliness and all that machismo he’s got going on…) and so i’m very happy my friend gave me the push to finally design something for her!! plus i got like 20 bucks out of it so that’s always a plus.
at some point, i’d like to write a fic for her. i’ve already got some ideas floating around, and overall i think a semi-lighthearted story following the development of kuwabara from where he is in canon to fully embracing his queer masculinity/identity through the art of drag could be very interesting and fun to explore! kurama drag mother anyone? been thinking of calling her “Ms. Thorne”, though maybe that’s too corny… i dunno, i’m not very good with naming things.
lord knows it’ll probably be kuwameshi, too. i just can’t get enough of those idiots, honestly. anyway, yeah. i’ve got a few other looks for her thought up, some of them drawn. really hoping to make something out of this concept just because i feel like one of the best parts about these characters is their potential to grow and evolve, especially when viewed through a queer lense. anyway yeah uhh slay the house boots down girl im deceased.
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averagekanadekinnie · 2 years
I hath arrived again 🧍🏾‍♀️
But, hello hello!! Hope you're doing well after your break!! I was wondering if you could do a Kel x reader scenario where Kel has been really busy with basketball and hasn't gotten time to hang out with his partner, which is slowly but definitely surely taking a toll on the reader who just wants to spend time with him. However, one night, Kel comes to reader's house and asks is he can stay over and the reader agrees because like who can say no to Kel's innocent puppy dog smile. But then the two of them get to spend time together playing games and talking and then something sentimental happens (ex: first kiss, one of them crying about missing the other, etc. but I'll leave it up to you!!). Sorry thats it INCREDIBLY complicated but I thought it would be pretty cute!!
Type: Fluff-ish
Warnings: doubting kel-ish?? (jealousy n stuff??)
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Since KEL has been making more time for basketball, you were okay with it at first!!
Of course, he lets you know first hand.
"Hey, hey Y/N!!" KEL called out to you while you were talking to OTHERMART. Of course you turned around with curiousity. "Oh, yeah what’s up, KEL?"
"Okay so.. listen um.." His tone of voice got serious so your heart dropped for a minute. He noticed and jumped a bit, surprised. "Oh no no! Trust me it’s not THAT type of topic, hehe.." You sighed in relief at his words. He then continued,
"Well um.. I just came to tell you that I might be practicing BASKETBALL a little more than usual! Surprise, haha! Only because there’s this game me and my friends are gonna play next week at the PARK so I wanna practice extra hard until then! I’m sure I’ll win!" KEL boasts playfully before looking at you with his expression and tone a bit guilty.
"Anyways I— I hope you don’t mind that and all..!" KEL sweats a bit. Of course you’re not gonna mind, it’s his favorite hobby anyways. You shook your head and smiled at him. "Of course I don’t mind, I know you’ll win too!" You joked before continuing, earning a laugh from KEL, "But seriously, I don’t mind at all, as long as your happy and all that corny stuff."
KEL smiled back at you, god was he lucky to have you. "Aww thanks Y/N, you’re the best! I loveee you!" He hugs you, he smells bad tbh. He lets go and waves you goodbye. "Well, I’m gonna go back home, I’m babysitting SALLY! Just had to tell you first! Cya, Y/N!"
I mean, it’ll be fine right?
I mean, you got other people to hang out until then, yeah?
Or if you don’t.. that’s tough.
It’ll be 3 days until you’ll start to feel REAL lonely without him.
Yeah, sometimes you guys meet up at school but not as you use to.
You don’t even hang out
Whenever you guys look at each other, it’ll just be a simple wave and one of you leaves right after.
I mean, it’s fine right?
You still have friends to hang out with?
Unless you’re alone, then dang,
But KEL… he’s your boyfriend, so obviously without him you felt alone a lot more
Dude he’s the sun you’re the moon
And right now, you want your sun.
You felt really guilty right now, I mean.. this relationship has been going on for 3 weeks, you can’t be all clingy and jealous right?
KEL wasn’t seeing anyone behind your back, right?
No of course he wouldn’t, he’s literally the most loyal person you’ll ever meet
Plus, he doesn’t pull any bitches /hj
Ok ok, let’s move on
On the 5th day, something FINALLY happened
Something good I promise.
You heard a sudden knock on the door, it was raining, who could be outside at this weather? Your parental guardian(s) were taking a nap because this weather is literally a good time to, so you had to open the door. So of course you acted accordingly and speed walked to the door, opening it to find—
A very soaked KEL! Wow, how surprising! "H-Hey Y/N, good to see you! Haha..!" KEL smiled widely at you, completely ignoring that HES SOAKED. "K-KEL, what the hell are you doing outside in the rain?! Eugh, wait here for a second, I’ll get you a towel or something."
You dashed to the bathroom either upstairs or the same floor, opening it to get a towel big enough for a tall man such as him. You ran back and literally threw it on him, which completely surprised him. "W-WOAH, hey what gives?!" After a bit, he finally got it off his head and around his entire body as you let him inside.
You let him sit down on the couch, making a mental note to apologize to your parental guardian(s) for the wet spot of the couch later, as you sat next to him, "Alright, what the actual hell were you doing outside?! You can get sick, you dumb-dumb!" You lectured him as you were his mom or something.
"Hey hey, I know that! I just- I just wanted to see you! I just wanted to come over, alright..? Can I— just stay over, for the night?" KEL looked a bit guilty. When he’s like this, how can you refuse? I mean, you can’t say no to KEL at ALL. You sighed. "Fine, fine. Um, you can sleep on the couch tonight, alright?"
KEL cheered out loud, you immediately covered his mouth so he doesn’t wake up your parental guardian(s). "Shush it, will you?! My (older sibling/parent(s)/grandparent(s)/caretaker/etc) is/are sleeping!" "Haha.. sorry." KEL apologized right after, quieting down.
For the remaining hour(s) until it becomes nighttime, you and KEL hung out. It felt nice, considering the fact that he basically focused on his hobby for the past days rather than you. When you were both on the couch, watching whatever, KEL spoke up with his serious tone again.
"Hey uh, Y/N, can I be serious just for a sec?.. I just wanna say sorry." KEL said, feeling guilty. Ah, so he finally noticed. Don’t, don’t actually say that to his face he’ll feel even worse. Play it cool, play it dumb. "Sorry for..?" You asked, even though you already know the answer.
"Sorry for um, not talking to you for those five days n stuff.. jeez I feel- I feel really bad." He says, very guilty as hell. You kinda feel bad. "Whenever we pass by each other at school, I feel so bad that I just.. left you in the dust like that. Sure, playing basketball with friends is super fun, but hanging out with you is better! That sounds pretty corny doesn’t it? But- y-yeah, I’m super sorry Y/N. I’m not really good at these things so.. heh.." KEL laughs it off awkwardly, but you can clearly tell he’s really sorry and definitely wants your forgiveness.
I mean, like I said, you can never say no to KEL, especially when he’s like this. So you simply turn around and give him a biiiig hug! "Of course I forgive you, dude. I cant stop you from doing the things you love. And sure, yeah, that apology was kinda bad, ("Wh-Hey!") but I know you’re being sincere. Just— just promise me after the game, we’ll hang out ten times as much as we did before, okay?" You put your face on the crook of his neck, just hugging him. After a few seconds of taking that all in, he returns the hug, smiling even if you can’t see it.
"Yeah.. ‘course I will, Y/N." Was all he said, but you didn’t care, as long as he promised.. hopefully. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, he spoke up.
"Man, I’m such a terrible boyfriend!"
"..Don’t say that, dude."
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subskz · 11 months
alr strap up IN ladies nd gays grindset live reaction to bb4 REAL (⬅️ pretending like the warnings aint got me quaking in my boots)
THE TWIN FLAMES CONVO I AM GIGGLING ND KICKING MY FEET DAWG THEY ARE SAUR CUTE I’M SICK,,, got me feelin delusional fr like yes chanathan nd i are soulmates thx for asking 😏 “do you like your reflection?” ”for once i do” SHUT THE FAWK UPPP I’LL CRY YOU THINK IGAF?!?!
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i loved that whole ass bowling scene like legit i would read 500k words of just y/n and hyungline fucking around THEY ARE SAUR SPECIAL TO ME 🥹🫶🏽 BUT LEE KNOW’S ANNOYING ASS PROVOKING,,, i’m glad y/n is losing patience wit him like mf i will show you a temper 🤣 nd changbinnie once again slaying as the best damn character in this fic i love him saur moch ngl it kinda makes me soft tht he still cares so much about y/n’s feelings even tho minho is his close bestie
HERE WE GO!! please step up to the podium and never leave my dearest grindset hehe you know i love reading ur feedback like the finest literature!
they are so disgustingly in love aren’t they…thank you for supporting all the lovey dovey nonsense that ensues between channie and the reader HAHA i simply can’t help myself…them being twin flames gives me the perfect excuse for them to be this corny 🥰 I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU CAUGHT THAT DETAIL…our genius grindset indeed omg ur mind is sharp as ever! yes i wanted to include lil hints of them being twin flames all throughout the story but i thought it’d be more fun if it wasn’t acknowledged until the end hehe…and thermodynamics + the emphasis on temperature was the opportunity for that >:) it seriously warms my heart that u noticed smth as small as that!
that’s so sweet of you to say 😭 u know i love my hyung line boys don’t test me i might just actually do it! i’m really happy you enjoy the scenes w them they’re lots of fun to write! BINNIE <333 truly our best boy and the reader’s lifeline…now that bb is complete it’s safe to say i had the best time writing him throughout the story! and yes! as much as bin loves lino he also has a lot of love for the reader that she underestimates ㅠ
judging by where you’ve left off things are abt to get a lil bumpy out there…i wish u the best of luck w the rest of pt.4 babe ♡
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