#I felt as though it would only be fitting to introduce each character with a cutesy introductory card...
stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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I thought it would be fun to make small character cards styled after old arcade flyers from Japan for each character in Rascal's candied cast, starting with everyone's favorite bunny boy Rascal! 🧡💙🧡
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comiicii · 3 months
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Backdrop: Life had been mundane until you met Clark Kent.
Pairing: clark kent x fem!reader
Warnings: None, probably some grammatical errors and a little sadness if you’re a sap like me.
A's notes: inspired by ariana grande’s new album eternal sunshine, i’ll be doing a series of one shots based on the songs. they’ll be in no particular order and will be written for other characters but some will be featured more than once if they fit the song i’m writing about. ‘we cant be friends’ has me crying whenever i watch the video and i tear up a lot listening to it so enjoy this train wreck of a story.
Word count: 3.8k
For as long as you could remember, life was nothing special. It wasn’t horrible but you woke up most days simply doing work and trying to advance your career. Your life was mundane and filled with memories of you alone after moving to Metropolis. That was until you met him. Clark Kent. You had bumped into each other on your way into the Daily Planet for an interview. Well, it was actually you bumping into his broad chest and him catching you before you hit the marble floor. The softness in his deep ocean blue eyes were what made your heart do something it had never done. It felt like a pull in your chest that you hadn’t felt before. As if the universe made sense. Once you finally registered his apologies, you came to your senses and tried to apologize for not watching where you were going. Then he smiled. Now your stomach fluttered. That was not something your body usually did when it came to people. After he introduced himself, it was as if the world had color to it again.
It would be an understatement to say that you fell for Clark Kent. You deeply fell for Clark. Words could not express the love you instantly felt for him. And he fell just as hard for you. When he revealed his true identity to you, it only solidified the endless bounty of your love for him since he was willing to trust you with every part of himself that he didn’t share with the rest of the world. Life seemed to finally be worth living and getting up for. Every morning you rose with the sun and slowly forgot about those meek feelings that used to fill your body.
It wasn’t hard for the two of you to make some of the happiest memories together. Your then-apartment had been littered with trinkets that marked your happiest moments with Clark. Like the teddy bear he won for you when he took you to a carnival in his Kansas hometown. Or the homemade picture frame that had a silly selfie Clark took of the two of you while at work. Once you moved in together, the apartment you shared was filled with more memories the two of you made together. As a house warming gift, he presented you with a beautiful pendant necklace with both your birthstones that came together to make a heart. It’s a necklace you wear everyday and became a reminder that someone loved you unconditionally. When he proposed to you atop the ferris wheel, the ring was designed to match the necklace. Your wedding was small and intimate with just friends and family in attendance on the Kent family farm. It was the highlight of your life to be marrying the man of your dreams.
Life wasn’t always perfect with Clark though. Sharing your boyfriend (and eventual husband) with the world was not the easiest task to undertake but when he came home to you, those insecurities subsided. But those pesky feelings still lingered. Feelings of being unwanted and insecurities plagued the back of your mind. Besides, the Daily Planet constantly wrote puff pieces of his alter ego - with a few being written by you. As time passed and the world became more cruel, it became harder to keep those thoughts hidden. Little by little, those insecurities reared their ugly heads that led to some of the lowest of lows in your life since meeting Clark. He didn’t seem to understand why you were feeling as such and justified his work that it was his life’s purpose. And you didn’t seem to understand why he couldn’t empathize with your feelings. You stood by him through thick and thin. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly that came with being Superman. You weren’t perfect either, though. You were an ambitious reporter and were climbing up in your career at the Daily Planet. Your work also came with some ugliness as you advanced in your career. This meant that the two of you were in the spotlight for your work. Two very different spotlights but spotlights nonetheless.
It hit particularly hard the one argument that ensued after he missed your first wedding anniversary. It was an important milestone that you had planned out for weeks. You had made reservations at the restaurant you had your first date on and he didn’t make an appearance until the morning hours of the following day. You had looked like a fool at the restaurant; patrons giving you looks of pity as you sipped on your water and twiddled your thumbs like a fool waiting for him. When he greeted you with a bouquet of lilies - the first drop of uneasiness touched your chest. You weren’t happy to see him. To see his sweet face you’d kissed good morning the morning before. To see his ocean eyes that carried such sincerity because he had broken a promise to you. He could see that he couldn’t avoid a fight with you because you didn’t look at him with love. Your eyes were filled with disappointment. The argument that ensued ended with him leaving for most of the day as you sobbed into your pillow. When he had returned you had awoken only to softly cry yourself to sleep again.
It took two days for the two of you to speak again and work through the argument. You both tried to be more mindful and quickly moved on from the unhappy moment. A part of you was content with the conversation and hopeful for what was to come with Clark. It wasn’t the first fight you two had but it was the first that hurt you so deeply.
Nothing could’ve prepared you for the day you had asked for a divorce from Clark. It wasn’t something you planned but it wasn’t something you hadn’t contemplated in the recent year after your third wedding anniversary. It had come out of your mouth after another argument that was going nowhere. You had argued about how you were growing apart - how you had taken time off after planning to go away for a small vacation just the two of you and he wasn’t putting in the effort. He had come home late but it wasn’t because of him being Superman. It was because he worked late with Lois Lane on a story after he had told you that morning he’d be home to go on the trip. You were prepared to forgive him if it was because of his Superman duties but this was the last straw.
You weren’t the jealous type but even at work, it seemed like the two of you barely spoke as the years progressed. He got paired up with Lois for more stories and you didn’t like the sinking twist of your stomach whenever you saw Clark with her. They looked cute together and probably the office assumed he was sleeping with her given how flirty they tended to be (at least she was). The first time he noticed how much it bothered you, he assured you with his words and actions that he felt nothing for the reporter. He went as far as to give you a passionate kiss in the middle of the office, in front of Lois, as you bid him goodbye to go to an interview for a story you were writing. It had made you weak in the knees and you were close to pulling him into the archives room to continue the passion but you simply blushed and told him you loved him with the most love struck smile on your face. That squashed those insecurities for a while until you started noticing how close they’d sit together while brainstorming or how he began to stay later with her to work on a story. You tried not to be the jealous wife but you couldn’t help the green monster that was building on your fears and insecurities. The few times you brought it up afterwards, Clark was dismissive about your feelings. It hurt you. Hurt how little he seemed to care about your feelings.
From there, arguments were becoming more common. Filled with silence or one of you leaving the apartment for some time. It had become common practice to not speak to each other and eventually move on from the argument. You hated that your marriage had come to this point. After the last argument, you had left the apartment this time. You checked into a hotel and went to the bar for a drink. You looked at your ring and a tear ran down your cheek realizing that it didn’t give you hope. It didn’t give you the feeling you were hoping for because deep down, you knew that you couldn’t continue in the marriage if it wasn’t going to be mended. You had run the course of the marriage and it pained you. When you returned two days later, Clark was making lunch for both of you. He was prepared to go on the trip and put the argument behind. Your heart was racing because you didn’t want to do this. You didn’t want to end something you had hoped would never end but it had to end. You needed to be the one to make Clark realize that the two of you weren’t going to get the happy ending. Not with each other. You were prepared for him to be upset and yell and express every reasonable emotion. When you uttered those terrible words, he simply froze and you could see his heart shatter from the look he gave you because he knew you were going to see the divorce through. The day ended with you packing your things and going back to the hotel, retaining a divorce lawyer and hunting for apartments. You had managed to find a job as a journalist for a small paper and put in your two weeks at the Daily Planet. By the end of it all, all you gave Clark was a letter asking for forgiveness for ending your marriage. Detailing all the love you had for him was genuine and would always remain but that for now, your paths had to separate. You ended the letter acknowledging that the two of you couldn’t be friends but that you’d wait for that day to come. Wait for the day that he’d like you again. You’d wait for his love again.
Clark’s heartbreak was just about close to unbearable as he didn’t pull his punches during missions and even Bruce had to pull him back from time to time. He had clung to that letter you wrote him and cried so hard the day he received it. Beating himself up for letting one of the most important people in his life feel the need to cut ties with him. Letting you feel like you had to end your story together. You weren’t fairing much better. For the first few months, you were crying yourself to sleep almost daily. Life had become mundane and when you thought of Clark, it became sad and lonely. You hated the pain you felt in your chest that had spread to your whole body.
A coworker at your new job had seen how sad you were about your divorce and handed you an ad about Wayne Enterprises having technology that claimed to erase people from your memory. A part of you didn’t think such a thing existed but you knew Bruce wouldn’t build something if it didn’t work. When Bruce Wayne saw your name on the list of possible subjects, he reached out to you. Meaning, he paid a visit at your current apartment that was now closer to Gotham. You had known Bruce through Clark and knew of his alter-ego as well. Batman had actually saved you a few times when you were in Gotham chasing leads and doing interviews. When he first met you, Clark and you had been together for a year and had been invited to one of Bruce’s fancy charity events. He had seen how in love you two were. He hadn’t seen Clark so happy before you came into his life and he could see the adoration you held for the Kryptonian. Clark had even said to him that night that he was going to marry you. It warmed his heart to see how happy you two had made each other in such a short period of time.
You had ironically decided to have the procedure done on what would’ve been your fourth wedding anniversary. You looked down at the box that contained every memory attached to Clark. The receptionist had handed you a clipboard with a waiver to sign; giving Wayne Enterprises permission to move forward with the process. A nurse came out to call your name and you handed her the clipboard. She brought you inside and took the box of your memories. You sat down and took deep breaths, the nurse giving you a few minutes as she left to get he others for the procedure. You looked around at the room, it was meant to look comfortable given the severity of the process. There was a mirror on the wall to your right. You figured it was part of the original room and that maybe on the other side were boxes of other people’s memories.
On the other side of the mirror, Clark stood looking at your nervous self that waited for the technicians to arrive. Bruce had elected to do the procedure himself for his friend after informing him that you had signed up for it yourself. Clark had come in on the same day per Bruce’s request since he figured it was best for it to be done on the same day for the both of you. Clark had come in with a box full of memories connected to you. Pictures that he had of you and different items you had gotten him through the years such as the bracelet you made for him while he was away on a mission with the Justice League. You had put beads with your initials on the bracelet and just like you wore your necklace, he wore his bracelet. The box also contained a picture he had taken of you out on his parent’s farm the weekend he brought you home to meet Ma Kent. The box unsurprisingly contained a great deal of pictures of you that he took. Some silly ones, cute ones, romantic and his most cherished one was at the top of the pile. It was a picture of the two of you kissing on your wedding day. Clark had taken it himself with his digital camera he carried everywhere with him. His other favorite picture was one of you under the covers, smiling and looking so peaceful and happy as he took the picture, wearing one of his flannels. It was taken the morning after he proposed to you. You had a picture of Clark in your box that you had taken a few seconds after he took that photo. He didn’t want to put anything in the box and be selfish but he knew for it to work, he had to follow Bruce’s instruction. The one item that wasn’t in the box was the letter you wrote him after your divorce. The one that solidified your parting of ways. He gave the letter to Bruce and told him wished he hadn’t made you feel so hurt that you had to do this.
With that, the billionaire decided to tell his friend that this wasn’t the first time the two of you had gone through this procedure. Two years prior to the two of you meeting, you both had been together for three years and had a great falling out that ended the relationship. It was enough to bring the both of you, at separate times, to him and ask to have your memories of each other erased. Bruce wanted to tell you but the sadness reflected in your eyes was enough to keep his mouth shut. Maybe deep down you knew that this wasn’t the first time you wanted to erase Clark from your life. You loved him so deeply that the only way for life to move forward again, he had to be erased. Clark didn’t realize he was crying as he heard his friend recount the first time you two had come in and watched you play with the pendant necklace he gave you when you moved in together. He still remembers how nervous he was to gift it to you; worried it was not going to be your style. He remembers how his heart leaped when you squealed with joy at the present. His heart felt heavy knowing you still wore the necklace despite being divorced. It was bittersweet hope that maybe you’d be able to try again without having to do this. He wanted to break through the window and beg you not to forget him but he knew that once your mind was made up, you saw it through. So, he sat down and asked Bruce to erase his memories of your relationship. All Clark wanted was for you to be happy. If that meant erasing him, he would learn to live with that.
As you closed your eyes, recounting the countless memories you had made with Clark for the last five years, it was hard to hold back the few tears that wet your cheeks. Your breathing got heavy as Clark disappeared from your life. Your fingers reached for your necklace - the remaining piece of the love you were erasing from your entire being. You looked at the nurses beside you, asking with teary eyes if you could keep just this one memory for yourself. You softly begged them as one nurse held your hand and told you that it was going to be okay, that the process was almost complete. You took in a shaky breath and closed your eyes as your fingers cling to the pendant; feeling the final memory of Clark’s ocean eyes fade.
When you opened your eyes again, you were slightly disoriented but greeted with the kind face of the nurse. She asked if you were okay and you smiled. You knew whatever just happened, it worked because there was a lightness in your chest. It felt as though you were brand new. As you stood from the chair, you thanked everyone. Without noticing, Bruce Wayne had come in to the room to congratulate you on the success of the procedure. You thanked the billionaire and went about your day. You took in the crisp afternoon air of Gotham and headed back your apartment. Clark came out the building a few minutes after you.
A few years later, life was certainly different. You had landed a job working for the Gotham Gazette as the lead investigative reporter and had made a name for yourself. You were content with life but there was something missing. At night, you found yourself out on dates that never led anywhere. On the nights where it was particularly bad, you phoned your billionaire friend Bruce Wayne whom you grew closer to in the following years with working at the Gazette. He became a confidant for your woes and wishes of your life. Bruce had come to deeply care about you after you had the procedure. Part of the reason was because Clark asked him to look out for you since he wouldn’t be able to. He couldn’t help to grow close to you because you were that type of soul that brought a warmth and comfort he hadn’t felt since he lost his parents.
Clark had focused on his work in the following years of his procedure. He had struck a relationship with his coworker, Lois Lane. They had been together for three years but it wasn’t working. Mainly because Clark hadn’t felt he could spend his life with her. She was beautiful, smart, ambitious and just about everything he could ask for in a partner but there was something missing. He couldn’t put his finger on it and quite frankly it killed him to continue in a relationship he knew wasn’t going to end in marriage.
Bruce had invited you to his charity event to raise money for the orphaned children of Gotham. He always invited you since he knew it could be good for networking for you and every now and then, you would get a date out of it. Clark and the other Justice League members were in attendance for this event as they knew this was an important cause for Bruce. Clark had just broken up with Lois the week prior and had been sulking, He originally wasn’t going to attend the event but Bruce and the others convinced him that a night out would be good for him.
A couple of hours into the event and you find yourself feeling out of place. Especially with the dress you chose; it was from a thrift shop you had found in Gotham and it had more of a bohemian look to it rather than the posh aura the other attendees wore. Bruce had checked in with you a few times to make sure you were okay; knowing how intense the scene of the Gotham elite could be and assuring you in the process of how beautiful you looked. You found yourself at the bar, grabbing what seemed to be your fifth flute of champagne for the night. Your spacial awareness was starting to go so it wasn’t surprising when you bumped into a large figure at your side, spilling some of your drink on him. You were a mess apologizing to the man. You were expecting him to make fuss but it was a pleasant surprise when you heard him softly chuckling at you. You were flushed with embarrassment but when you stared into the eyes of the man, your heart stopped. Meeting his deep blue eyes spread a warmth the champagne earlier hadn’t achieved. His heart also seemed to stop upon meeting your gaze. Your eyes made him feel like he had finally come home after a long journey of searching.
To continue having you in his presence, he joked that you owed him a dance in order to make up for ever so slightly wetting the sleeve of his navy blue suit. Hearing the slight mischievous tone only made you laugh in agreement, a sound he already found addicting. When he pulled you close to him, you hoped he couldn’t hear how hard your heart was beating. As you followed his lead, you relaxed and he took the opportunity to ask for your name.
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like-apollo · 7 months
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A Funky Friendsgiving
[I thought it would be fun to include some characters from my last story]
You were laying on your back in Anthony's king size bed, as his tan bubble butt was spread across your face.  “Don’t be shy babe, eat it up” he said as he was grinding on you, rocking up and down your face causing his hole to move from your nose to your mouth, back and forth. It smelled so bitter yet sweet.  “I mean it is Thanksgiving after all.”
The movement was building pressure around his puckered ass and you knew you were trapped.  Not that you minded
“Ahhhh there you go, baby” he sighed as your tongue pressed against his hole and penetrated deep into his anal canal, causing him to realase more heavy gas down your throat. 
“Kiss it for me, babe?”  He kept ripping ass while grinding on your open mouth and up your nose.  You knew it was the only air you would be breathing tonight but you didn’t care.  It was coming from Anthony’s beautiful buttocks and you had no plans to stop…
Earlier that night, you arrived at your friend Christina’s house for a friendsgiving.  You had been looking forward to catching up with some good friends that you’ve known since high school.  It’s tough to get everyone together being in your 30s now, but you always made it work and it was always worth it. 
Even your friend Dante who you hadn’t seen in several months showed up, which was a nice surprise.  He brought his father David.  His dad was extremely fit and good looking for his age and you couldn’t help but to admire him.  Even though he was older, he fit in with everyone and made good company.  You happened to notice that Dante and David seemed very close for a father and son. Their energy threw you off at first, but you tried not to read into it too much.  Everyone was having a good time, after all.
With such a diverse group of friends, there was an exceptional mix of cuisine:  Dante and David brought their delicious Macaroni and Cheese; Noel brought a large platter of brown rice and beans along with a side of cheesy beef empenadas; Anthony brought his home made stuffed shells; Tia made mashed potatoes and a side of brussel sprouts; you brought a broccoli and cheddar fondu; and Christina, being the host, prepared a delicious turkey with a side of gravy and stuffing.  There was way more than enough food for the 7 of you.
Everyone was catching up and having a good time.  You stepped away to get a beer when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
“Yo man!  Long time no see.”  You tunred around to see your friend Anthony.  Anthony was tall, handsome guy and he always had your back, even in your earlier school days.  Being an extrovert, Anthony now worked in sales and introduced you to a lot of people throughout the years, both friends and colleagues.  He was charismatic and always made people feel comfortable, but he was also a great friend. You couldn't help but admire his charm. 
“Hey Tony!  I was just grabbing a drink.”  Tony walked with you to the kitchen as you caught up with each other.  You've always had a crush on Anthony, but your friendship never went beyond that.  He knew you were gay from the beginning which helped him open up to you when he began exploring his own sexual identity and thoughts about other men, but it was more platonic.  Plus he had been living with his boyfriend Alex for over a year now and you cared about his happiness more than anything. 
Still, you felt more of an attraction to him tonight and noticed he was talking to you more than any of your friends.   Not that you minded, but it was hard to keep your feelings down - literally as your cock jumped in your pants every time he spoke. 
After a few drinks, it was time for dinner.  You looked in awe at the abundance of a delcious dinner in front of you.  Anthony grabbed 2 plates and handed one to you.  “Look, so there’s something I wanted to tell you.  After my promotion, I was actually able to move out and get a place of my own.  It was rough at first, but I’m making it work.”
You didn’t really understand what he meant.  Last time you checked, him and Alex were doing well together.  “Oh wow. I mean that’s great Tone, but you and Alex already had your own place, no?” 
“Yeah, so about that...”  Anthony was loading his plate up now.  He started with the Mac and Cheese and then added rice and beans. “As you know, me and Alex have gone through our ups and downs in the past.”  He was piling up his plate now with turkey, brussel sprouts, 2 empanadas, stuffed shells and mashed potatoes.  “We were always able to work through them, but we got into a big argument and there’s just no going back.”
You honestly didn’t know what to say. On one hand, you were shocked.  I mean, you cared about your friend, but it also low key made you excited knowing that he was single again.  But you also wanted to be there for him.  “Wow Tony, wait so back up, everything was going good between you and Alex, so what happened?” 
“I don’t really know how to tell you man, but“
“Sheesh Tony, the food isn’t going anywhere” he was interrupted by your other good frined Noel, noticing the mountain of dinner on his plate.  “I can’t even see the plate underneath!”
“Relax Noel, there’s definitely more than enough food here.” Christina chimed in.
“Yeah, but we all know what happens to Tony’s stomach when he eats too much.” Noel said grinning.
Noel was great guy and he was part of your inner circle back in the day.  What he was referring to was Anthony’s lactose intolerance, which you all were familiar with.  Even when he took his digestive enzymes, Tony’s gas was heavy and lethal. And dairy just added fuel to the flames.  Tonight his plate was full of different cheesy foods in addition to the turkey.
Tony walked over to Noel: “Life’s too short, man.” he turned his back to Noel.  “Sometimes you just gotta let loose-”
“…and live a little” he said as he ripped a booming 7 second fart right on Noel’s plate.
“Come on Tone, that was right on my food!”  Noel said frustrated as he walked to the living room.  Anthony just gave an evil smirk as he followed behind Noel.  Everyone was laughing about it as they went to the living room – well, everyone except for you.
Aside from the potent stench, his fart didn't really phase you. You stood in the kitchen for a moment contemplating what to do.  You really wanted to tell Anthony about your feelings tonight, and he just disclosed that he was single now, so you had the freedom to speak on it.  Still, as his friend, you wanted to know what happened with Alex. You wanted to talk to him, alone.
Back in the living room, everyone was eating and chatting.  Anthony was enjoying his massive plate while chatting with Dante and David.  You walked over and sat with them, trying to join in the conversation. 
“Man that was a pretty gnarly fart earlier” Dante said with a laugh.  “Can’t imagine how bad it’s going to get after dinner.” 
“Trust me, it’s gonna keep me up all night.” Dante and David gave each other an interesting look, which you never understood to this day. But your mind was occupied about Anthony to think too much about it.
Anthony finished his plate without saying a word to you.  You felt a shift in the energy, as he got up and walked to the bathroom.  As the night went on, you caught up with your other friends.  You tried to talk to Anthony again but it was as if he ignored you.  He was showing you so much attention at the start of the party, so what was going on?
By the end of the night, everyone was saying their goodbyes until it was just you and Anthony.  You both decided to leave together and after saying goodbye to Christina, you walked outside in silence.
“I’ve been trying to talk to you all night Tony” you said breaking the silence.  “You okay?”
“I’m good man, it was just a little bit uncomfortable earlier” he was finally opening up to you.
“Look, Tony, I’m not sure what happened but you can talk to me about anything.”
He looked at you and took a deep breath, then closed his eyes forcefully as he leaned forward.
He let out a loud, chunky 23-second fart that shook the whole street and set off the neighbor’s car alarm.   Even being outside, the smell hit burned the inside of your nostrils as you began coughing.
“Damn Tony, you might wanna check your pants. I was just-“
He interrupted you.  “Look I don’t know how to say this, but here it goes: yes, I have some powerful gas. But it’s not for everyone.  Alex wasn’t a fan of it.  We ended up getting into a huge fight over it.  The reason I left is because he couldn’t take it and he wasn’t open to it.”  he was looking at the ground now.  “He told me it was disgusting…”
“Wow, Tony, I’m so sorry man, I had no idea.  I mean it seems a little extreme to break up over farting.”  You wanted to tell him more about your feelings, but you were just trying to be there for your friend at this point.
“Well it’s not just about the gas.  The thing of it is, I have a kink for farting on other men.  I haven't been able to explore that yet. And I wanted to with Alex.  He seemed so open minded when we first met and I thought that after so much time he’d be willing to try it” Anthony said, now looking up at you.  “And the other thing is, seeing you tonight just made me feel good again.  But I didn’t want this to weird you out.  I mean I saw how Alex reacted…” It was all making sense now as to why he was ignoring you.  
Somehow through the gas, you were extremely turned on.  You had never really tried anything with farts before but just the idea of Anthony being so vulnerable in this moment about his deepest desire was turning you on. You didn't understand it but you were open to it.
“Look Tony I gotta be honest with you man.  It’s always been you.  I’ve always liked you.  Yes, your gas is powerful, but that never really bothered me.  Actually, if you want, we could try it out sometime…”
He grabbed your hand. “Well hopefully Christina doesn’t mind keeping your car overnight.  And we can just tell her you drank too much or something” He said with a laugh. Now Tony was the one getting hard at the thought of farting in your face all night.  “Would you wanna come back to my place?”
You couldn’t say no to him.  The thought of being with Anthony, who you've known for years, and the thought of taking his beautiful ass just felt right.  His stomach was rumbling at this point and he was ready to give you all of his built up gas, and you had no choice but to be there for him. 
You made it back to his car. As he puilled out of the driveway, he locked all of the windows.  
BrrRRrRRMmpppffffFffFt. The first of many deadly farts erupted and he moaned in relief, hand on his stomach.  The smell was intoxicating and you felt your eyes water being trapped in his car.  You honestly weren’t sure if you could take it but that was just turning you on more. Not to mention that it was giving Anthony so much pleasure and fulfilling his desires. Your dick was growing in your pants.
You started giving him a belly rub as he drove back to his place.  You could feel the bubbling in his guts as he was driving quicker.  The combination of all the food he ate was really messing with his stomach.
PffFfFFFFrRUrrrtT His farts kept coming out and shaking his seat.  “Ugh babe I have so much gas tonight.  I hope you’re ready for it.”  The smell was overpowering your mind.  You moved your hand down from his stomach and felt his throbbing cock through his pants, which turned you on even more.  Good thing Anthony’s house was only a few minutes away.
Tthe smell was overpowering, but you were so turned on being inside in Anthony’s fart cloud and breathing in his gas.  It’s like he was conditioning you to fall in love with his funk.  He quickly parked and you looked at each other as he kissed you passionately in the midst of his stink.  You were both precumming now, as he licked your lips and you felt his tongue inside your mouth. You both made it inside to his room, while he ripped as with each step up the stairs. 
You walked in first and he followed, closing the door behind him.  You walked over to his bed and he followed.  “Baby, you know you’re gonna take all of this ass tonight, right?” he says taking his pants off.
He turned around and you saw his bubble butt busting out of his slacks as he threw them to the wall.  He turned around to reveal his 8 inch rock hard cock poking through his underwear.  You were staring in awe, dick throbbing as you began to unbutton your own pants when he pushed you back on the bed. He turned around and stood above you. 
You saw his beautiful ass pointed out getting closer to your face as his legs straddled each side of your torso.  He finished taking your pants off as his ass rested on your face like two firm pillows until he was pressing full weight on your warm face.
Anthony pulled out your dick and jerked you off as he leaned forward .  You gripped his waist and pushed his butt farther down onto your face as his cheeks spread further apart in his underwear.
This was the first of his farts that you ever took directly to the face and the smell hit you instantly. You had no choice but to breathe it in and smell his toxic fumes.  “Ahhhh fuck baby, having your face on my ass is what I've been waiting for.”  Even through his thin briefs, you could still taste the bitter aroma of the enormous plate he ate earlier. 
He ascended up giving you a moment of semi-fresh air with the smell of his farts still lingering and pulled down his underwear to reveal his glorious, tan bubble butt.  It was slightly hairy and his raw, unwashed crack looked delicious. 
You were laying on your back in his king size bed as he spread his bare, tan ass across your face, feeling the rim of his smooth asshole brush up against your mouth.  “Don’t be shy babe, eat it up” he said as he was grinding on you, rocking up and down. It smelled so bitter yet sweet.  bBBBbruuppPppFfT “I mean it is Thanksgiving after all.”
He was moving his butt up and down your face while your tongue was going in and out of his dirty hole.
“Ahhhh there you go, baby” he sighed as your tongue pressed against his hole and penetrated deep into his anal canal, causing him to realase more gas down your throat. 
“Kiss it for me, babe?”  He kept ripping ass while still grinding on your open mouth and up your nose.  You knew it was the only air you would be breathing tonight but you didn’t care.  You were in heaven with Anthony, enjoying all his gas. 
“Fuuuucckkkkk babe, I hope you weren’t tired tonight, because I have no plans of stopping.”  You opened your mouth and planted it around his ass, pushing deeper as he pressed harder on your smothered face. 
“Mmmhhhhh-ugh” Anthony was moaning in pleasure as your entire mouth surrounded his throbbing hole.  He ripped more and more ass.  You could feel the pressure release from his body as he moaned in relief.  
Even though you could barely breathe, you kept licking Anthony’s hole and taking all of his bitter farts, as you felt his warm mouth surround your throbbing cock. You released loads of thick cum down his throat until it overflowed from his mouth.  “Nngghhh” You heard a faint strain from above before
The strong pressure from his hole released a violent, meaty eruption of farts that lasted more than 60 seconds, with his toxic fumes releasing directly into your face, forcing you to breathe pure gas.  Your vision became blurry until you were unconscious, knocked out by Anthony’s dirty farts.
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aluveras · 1 year
The avengers quest
Peter Parker x Fem!reader
Also she is a Stark.
A/N: This took very long for no reason other then that i couldn't finish it for the life of me. I tried my best to write the characters as i think they'd be but i feel eeryone writes them diffrently so...
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, established relationship, Peter being an anxious cute guy, protective Tony (i am a sucker for fics with protective dad Tony), One daddy joke (once again a sucker for a daddy kink but it's only mentioned once) and i think that's about it
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You and Peter have always felt something for each other.                                                                                You first met when your dad said he wanted introduce to his teenage intern, which you were surprised by. He never interacted much with teenagers besides his daughter.
When you first saw each other you both felt something through your entire body. The feeling couldn’t exactly be described but it was sort of like a need to get closer to each other both physically and emotionally.
After you two met you would sometimes see him in the lab and after a while just started to hang out and watch movies or play videogames. Though you thought you both felt something Peter hadn’t made any move, so you decided that he probably didn’t like you.
That was until you told him you were going on a date with a guy and in a fit of jealousy he told you how he felt.
After that you two decided that you would try dating but keep it a secret for now so it doesn’t change anything at the compound.
For now things were going well. Your father hasn’t found out anything yet and  you hadn’t got the idea that any of the avengers knew (Natasha and Wanda excluded cause their THE besties).
You were watching a movie in the afternoon when you heard a knock at the door.                                        As you opened the door there stood Peter leaning on the side of the doors frame turning to you with a smirk.
‘’Hey baby, did you order a big pizza with some sexy spider toppings?’’
You broke out laughing/cringing while he was happy he made you laugh.
‘’No, I ordered a akward boy who can stop a bus with his bare hand, but can’t take my bra off without me having to turn around.’’
‘’That’s easy for u to say, you wear one every day I have no experience.’’
‘’No that was very clear.’’
As you both walked over to your bed you guys got into a cuddling position. Legs tangled, your head on his chest and his arms around you. It started it off with a kiss on your head which let to a kiss, which let to a make out session. As you straddled his lap he started to take off your bra.
‘’Hey! You did it!’’
‘’Thank you, thank you. I’d like to thank my aunt and Mister Stark and-‘’
‘’You’re really talking about my dad, while we’re doing this?’’
Peter smiled apologetically ‘’sorry..’’ he mumbled
‘’It’s okay, only because you’re so cute.’’
As you continued the door suddenly flew open.
Both you and Peter looked to the door in horror.
‘’Pocket sized stark and Spiderling?!’’
‘’Pointbreak?!’’ ‘’Thor?!’’ both you and peter were scream whispering.
It was silent for a few seconds.
‘’So, I’m just gonna go.’’
Thor turned around and just left without closing the door.
After a few seconds of you staring at the door Peter started kissing you neck again.
‘’Peter….’’ You whispered.
‘’Hm.’’ He hummd.
‘’Are you for real right now?’’
‘’What? I just wanna kiss you so bad.’’ He whined and putt your bra on right.
‘’Thor’s gonna tell everyone!’’ You said as you got off peters lap.
‘’There’s nothing you can do about it now. It’s a Friday so he’ll go to a bar and drink                            and fall asleep on his bed absolutely drunk and won’t tell anyone.’’’
‘’The best you can do now is kiss me because I’ll die if I don’t get to kiss you more.’’ Peter said with a bit of a desperate voice
‘’Fine, but if he tells someone drunk, he can also tell everyone we’ve broken up.’’
‘’Then he can also tell everyone I passed away because I can’t live without you.’’
You started to fight off the smile that just wouldn’t go away.
‘’You’re so cheesy.’’
You straddled his lap again and took off your top and bra.
‘’Hey, I was finally starting to get the hang of it.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah just take off your clothes and fuck me already.’’
‘’Yes ma’am.’’
As you went to get breakfast the next morning (Barely being able to walk).                                            You see Thor standing in the kitchen trying to figure out how the microwave works.
He saw you and his face looked like you’ve saved his life
‘’Hey pocket sized Stark, do you know how this weird thing works?’’ You had to hold in your laugh as you said.
‘’Hey pointbreak, yeah I’ll help you IF you do something for me in return.’’
‘’Of course milady, what is it?’’
‘’Well you remember when you walked in on me and Peter-‘’
‘’’Having sex? Yeah of course! But don’t worry its totally a normal thing and luckly I know Peter doesn’t have a small-‘’
‘’NO that’s not what I meant! I just need you to not tell anyone about us.’’
‘’Uhm.sure but you might wanna talk to Sam aswell about it.’’
‘’WHAT?!’’ You groaned. You knew you shouldn’t have listened to Peter and just immediately have followed Thor. You showed Thor how the microwave works and he thanked as you quickly started sprinting away to find Sam.
You spend some 5 minutes running around the compound to find him                                                 infront of the tv with bucky. Sam layed full wide across the couch with Bucky standing next to the couch with his hands in his pockets. As they saw you Sam started screaming ‘’Peter! Peter! Yes!’’
‘’Yes?’’ Peter asked as he walked in. Seeing you stand there he immediately knew why they said that and started blushing from embarrassment.
You rolled your eyes and said.
‘’Ha ha very funny. Now I need you guys to not tell anyone before my father finds out.’’
‘’You might wanna talk to Steve then…’’
You groaned annoyed and started to search for Steve with Peter running close behind you.
‘’Did you talk to thor?’’
‘’Yes and he told Sam, and Sam told Bucky and Steve. So now I have to talk to Steve’’
‘’We, I’ll go with you.’’
‘’Alright, just don’t slow me down.’’
‘’Yes ma’am.’’
After a while you found him in the gym working out. Probably breaking another gym equipmrnt.                                                  You stopped and stared for a bit at his muscles.
‘’Wow make it more obvious you want him more then me.’’
‘’Alright calm down, you are the reason I cant walk properly and also like you don’t stare at Natasha.’’
‘’THAT WAS ONE TIME! I stare at you constantly you can ask that to her!’’
‘’It’s fine, she would eat you anyway if you hurt me or try to flirt with her.’’
‘’Ha ha.’’
‘’I’m not joking.’’
‘’Don’t you have to talk to Steve?’’
‘’We right?’’ Peter rolled his eyes which you chose to ignore.
You walked in and Steve immediately said.
‘’I know you’re here to talk about me not telling anyone about you two.’’
‘’How?’’ both you and Peter said.
‘’Sam texted me and saying and I quote ‘The love-insects are on the move’.’’
‘’PLEASE tell me you didn’t tell anyone.’’
‘’Only Natasha’’
‘’Oh great, she already knew’’ you sighed in relief. Peter immediately whipped his head towards you
‘’Wait you told her?!’’ Peter asked.
‘’Yeah well she knows about everything, also Wanda knows by the way.’’
‘’Of course..’’
Suddenly Steve interrupted you two.
‘’Oh and I also told Bruce!’’
Just as he said that FRIDAY started speaking out of your phone.
‘’Mr. Stark requests you and Peter appearance in the lab.’’
‘’Why don’t I just go jump out of a window?’’ Peter asked
‘’No, I can handle my father’’ You said.
‘’I can’t.’’
You both walked into the lab. You walked in confidently you were ready to defend you and Peter’s relationship. Peter however was shaking. He held your hand in a death grip as you walked in.  Afraid it might the last time he gets to.
As you walked in your father was leaning on a desk with a disapproving look on his face.
You felt Peter get more anxious the closer you got.                                                                                           As reassurance you gently squeezed his hand and you felt him get just a little less tense.
Tony looked at your collided hands and start shaking his head.
‘’So, it’s true.’’
As Peter wished Nat would come in and eat him already, you knew that as cringy as it                    is, your father just wants what’s best for you. You let go of Peter’s hand                                            and he took that as a sign to step back a bit and  leave you two to talk.
‘’So, I putt a roof above your head and you decide to repay me back be lying to                                     me for about how long?’’
‘’I’m so sor-‘’ Your dad cut you off dramatically with a hand infront of your mouth.
‘’How. Long.’’
‘’6 months.’’ He once again dramatically sighed and called Peter forward.                                                Your boyfriend looked like he was about to shoot webs out of his butt as he slowly shuffled   forwards.
‘’So, I give you your superhero dream and YOU repay me by sleeping with my daughter.’’ 
‘’Excuse me Sir, but you know its not just about sex.’’
‘’Alright well, you didn’t have to confirm what we do.’’
Peter ignored what you said as he looked at you and smiled
‘’She’s my everything. Whether I’m angry, sad, happy or confused about what I’m feeling, when I look at her. I feel my chest glowing, like it’s going to explode. I can’t fight off the smile that grows on my lips when I see her laugh. And yes I do have a physical attraction but even then I’m trying to be focused on her needs the most. It feels like everything I do is for her and in return I get that glowing feeling and strong smile.’’’
‘’Can you get more cheesy?’’ Tony said with an eye roll.
‘’Just because you can’t be romantic doesn’t mean its cringe.’’ You said
‘’Oh please, you believe that? I mean I love the kid but I saw in his google search ‘’Y/n Stark hot pictures’’ I will never get over that.’’ You giggled a little.
‘’What I said was true and Sir I would love your blessing to date your daughter.’’
‘’You don’t need his blessing to date me, I love him but it’s my love life.’’ You said reassuring him
‘’I know my love, but let me at least try to kiss your dad’s ass.’’
It wasn’t quiet for long with you trying to hold in your laugh, your father trying not to send Peter to an early grave and Peter saying as quickly as possible.
‘’Heard it as soon as I said it , just leave it alone.’’
‘’Let’s leave this all alone and have you two stop whatever you’re doing.’’
‘’Sir, you know there is no other guy that can treat and protect your daughter better then me.’’
‘’Alright, one dinner. Where in you will show me how you will treat my daughter perfectly AND if I then give you my blessing I will not HEAR or SEE any things past a little kiss.’’
‘’Sir yes sir!’’ Peter said very happily since he can now finally show off his girlfriend to the people that matter to him.
You yourself felt very happy. You and your father actually have a great relationship and because of that he’s very protective of you. You felt bad having to lie about something important in your life or more someone.
‘’Thank you so much daddy!’’ You said as you hugged
‘’What are you thanking me for?” Peter said
‘’Forget the dinner. I would rather say captain popsicle is a mediocre man then ever see you two again in the same room. Breathing the same air.’’
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
Hey girlie,
Can you write a mini story of Jack and the reader. And can you write how she met him on the set of avengers endgame. With that, the reader is already casted in her future marvel movie(like in 2022?) and during the timespan, she was filing avatar as well, so she and Jack got closer. And in her own marvel movie premiere, she comes with jack(as her date) and everyone is crazy about and interviewers are asking questions. And with the press tours as well. And can you be specific in how they met and how they got closer.
hi! 🫶🏻 sure! i love the best friends to lovers trope and i will never get tired of writing it. hope you enjoy it! 🤍
i’m only me when i’m with you — jack champion
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words: 2,971
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack met on the set of avengers, and then reunite on the set of avatar. they form a close friendship and eventually fall for each other.
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Y/N WAS ENERGETICALLY RUNNING AROUND THE AVENGERS SET WHEN HER BODY COLLIDED AGAINST SOMETHING. Hearing a grunt of pain, she realized it was not something, but someone. A boy around her age, with a Justin Bieber 2010 hairstyle.
“I’m so sorry!” she apologised. He stayed silent, looking at her with wide eyes. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”. The short boy shook his head frenetically, without emitting a word. “You are not okay or I didn’t hurt you?” she laughed.
“You are Y/N Y/L/N” the boy said breathlessly.
Y/N looked down, inspecting her body before laughing “Yeah, I think so. Are you okay?” she repeated.
“Yes! Yes, sorry. I’m just a big fan, you are amazing as Venus” the boy replied nervously.
Y/N smiled widely, her cheeks tainted a deep red “Thank you so much! What’s your name?”.
“Jack, Jack Champion. I’m doing a very small role at the beginning of the movie. It’s not much, but well, I’m excited”
“No matter how small the role is, it’s still a marvel movie. So, you should be proud of yourself. Congratulations” she gave him a genuine smile.
“Thank you, that’s very nice of you! I appreciate it”
Jack was called by the director, so they had to say goodbye. Sadly, it was his first and only day on set, so they didn’t see each other again until a week later.
It was the first day of filming the Avatar movie, and Y/N was very nervous. Unlike the rest of the young cast, she didn’t have to audition, the director already had her in mind for the role, so she didn’t get to meet anyone until that day. She was afraid of, not only not fitting in, but that they would think badly of her for not having to live the excruciating experience of the audition.
The pressure on her chest intensified when she saw the group laughing together, but she walked towards them nonetheless. They fell silent when they noticed noticed her, and Y/N felt like crying.
“Y/N!” the excited voice of a kid said, and the sight of a familiar face calmed her nerves a bit.
“Jack, hi! So nice to see you again” she smiled.
“You too!” Jack was utterly surprised that the girl had recognised him, and even more excited to have the opportunity to work with her. “Let me introduce you: this is Bailey, Trinity, Jamie and Britain. Guys, this is-”
“Are you kidding me? We know!” Bailey interrupted him. “It’s so nice to meet you! You are amazing!”.
“Your character Venus is so cool!” Britain said.
“Yeah, and you are very talented” Jamie complimented her.
Y/N blushed at the wave of flattery she had just received “Thank you very much guys!”.
“Can we ask you if you are going to be in any marvel movies after Endgame? Only if you can say it” Trinity asked her. Her voice was so sweet and adorable that Y/N couldn’t lie to her.
“Please don’t say anything, but yeah. I’m still going to be working with Marvel, can’t tell you what though, for now. But I promise you that when I’m allowed to say it you’ll be the first to know” Y/N smiled at her.
“Not fair! She gets privilege for being adorable?” Jack said, acting as if he were annoyed.
“Yup” Y/N said, and Trinity stuck his tongue out at Jack, making them all laugh.
Y/N was happy she fitted right in. She bonded with the young cast pretty quickly, and she had never been happier with her work. Excitement was all she felt every morning she woke up to go to the set, and sadness when the filming hours were over.
Jack and her were the ones with the closest friendship, as they spent most of their time with each other due to their characters having lots of screen time together. So comfortable around the other, they also started to spend their free time together. Their mothers literally couldn’t pull them apart, they appeared to be sticked together with glue.
“School is trash“ Jack groaned in frustration, resting his forehead on his math book.
Y/N laughed “Come on, don’t be dramatic. You better get use to it, because we have four more years of high school” she hit him with her pencil.
“Y/N/N! That hurt” he tried not to laugh while rubbing his head.
“Oh my god! Did you hear that thud? You really have nothing in there” she said motioning to his head.
“Oh you think you are hilarious, don’t you? You’ll pay for that” he said before tackling her to the floor of his living room and started to tickle her.
She let out a small scream “No! Stop it!” she said in between laughs.
“Say you’re sorry!”
“No!” she said stubbornly, trying to get him off her. She was taller than him, but his training clearly gave him an advantage.
“What is going on here?” Y/N and Jack’s mothers entered the living room.
“She called me dumb and I’m making her apologise” Jack answered.
“Jack please let go of Y/N/N” his mom told him.
“And Y/N, apologise to him” her mother said.
“I’m sorry I called you dumb, dumbass” she said. The thirteen-year old grabbed a small pillow from the couch and hit her with it “Here, let me help you with that task” she offered once they recovered from the laughing fit.
The two mothers looked at their kids with big smiles painted on their faces. “They’ll fall for each other eventually. I have a feeling”.
“Oh, most definitely” Y/N’s mom agreed.
“Sorry I called you dumb, I was joking” she told him before leaving his house.
“Y/N/N I know it was a joke, don’t worry. Besides, everyone knows I’m the smart one in our friendship” he teased.
“Literally no one believes that” Y/N said, rolling her eyes. “I have the looks and the brains”.
“I hate you” he pushed her shoulder lightly, making her laugh.
“I love you too. See you tomorrow” she waved goodby after kissing his cheek.
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“YOU ARE TELLING ME EVERYONE HAS BEEN PEEING ON THE TANK FOR YEARS AND NO ONE TOLD ME?” Y/N asked Jack in disbelief. They were on her room, she was lying on her bed, resting on her elbow and with her head on her hand while Jack laid on a made-up mattress next to her bed.
“I thought you knew! Why are you surprised, though? It’s not like you haven’t done it”
“I haven’t”
He sat up, eyeing her expression “No way. I don’t believe you. We spend hours on that tank”.
“I swear I haven’t” she told him truthfully. He furrowed his eyes “Not because I didn’t want to. I was just being respectful, but guess no one cares about manners anymore!”.
Jack laughed “And then you say I’m the dramatic one”.
“We are both the dramatic ones” she said. “I can’t believe the film is almost over. I’m going to miss working with you”.
“Don’t get all sad on me” he said, grabbing her hand. “We are still going to see each other. You’re my best friend, you are definitely not going get rid of me”.
“You promise?”
“I promise, Y/N/N. I love you” he said.
She sat up to hug him, and also to hide the blush that tainted her cheeks. “I love you too”
He looked at his watch and smiled. “Happy 15th birthday, Y/N/N”.
“Thank you, Jack” she said, hugging him even tighter.
“My mom and I got you something” he said excitingly, standing up to look for something in his bag. “Close your eyes!” she muttered an ‘okay’. “Don’t cheat!”.
“I won’t!”
“Okay” he placed a package on her hands. “Open your eyes”. It was a thin cardboard and it had the shape of a square. “You have to open it carefully”.
When she finally unwrapped the gift, she gasped at the recognisable cover. “Holy shit, Jack! You didn’t”.
“We did!”
“How?!” she said loudly. “It’s extremely rare, and the prices are also extremely high… oh god, Jack you didn’t”.
“You are worth it” he shrugged, as if it was nothing. He had no idea how fast her heart started beating when he said that.
She stared at the 1989 vinyl in awe. It wasn’t just any vinyl, it was the pink one. Being an special RSD edition, there weren’t many left. Jack knew how obsessed she was with that record—it also was her favourite album of all time—so he didn’t hesitate to buy it, nonetheless of the price.
The vinyl was special to Y/N, not because of its rareness, but because Jack got it for her.
“Thank you so much! It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen”
Her smile was so wide and her eyes so bright that Jack swore he would buy every single thing she wanted if it meant he would get to see her like that.
That was the day Jack and Y/N knew they liked the other as more than a friend.
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THE AVATAR SHOOTING ENDED AND SOON ENOUGH Y/N BEGAN SHOOTING FOR MARVEL. She was excited of course, it was marvel, but even if it had been a year since she finished filming Avatar, she couldn’t help but miss the homey feeling that set gave her. Most of all she missed Jack. They talked and hung out, but they used to spend the whole day, every day, for years, together so it clearly wasn’t the same.
After doing lots of stunts, she finally had a break, so she went to her trailer. She threw herself to the couch—she was exhausted and her suit was beyond uncomfortable.
“Holy shit you are Venus!” the familiar voice invaded her ears. She looked at him in surprise, then stood up and jumped into her friend’s arms. “Hey…”
“I missed you” Y/N whispered against Jack’s chest.
It was funny. When they first met, also on a Marvel set, he had been a very short twelve year old with an awful haircut. Now, he was a very tall and muscular seventeen year old with very nice curly hair. She once used to tease him about being taller than him, now she had to raise her head to properly look at him. They had grown together, and their bond was one of a kind.
“Hey… what’s wrong?” he asked worried, noticing the hint of sadness in her voice.
“I guess I’ve been feeling a bit homesick, that’s all” Y/N answered in a low tone. She closed her eyes when her vision started to get blurry from the tears, she definitely did not want to see her cry over missing him.
“You go home every single day?” Jack said confused.
“Not my homesick for my house… for the Avatar set… for you” she whispered.
“I know it’s silly…” Y/N said a bit embarrassed.
“Hey, no. Look at me” Jack told her, she instantly shook her head. “Y/N, please” his heart dropped when he saw the tears in her eyes “It’s not silly. Why did you think I came here? I know exactly what you’re feeling. I miss you like crazy too. Two days a week and facetiming is not nearly enough of you for me”.
Y/N smiled softly and relaxed a bit. Between filming, finals and being homesick, she felt overwhelmed. And now, being in Jack’s arms, felt like getting the fresh air she was desperately needing. Everything was becoming too much, and if she didn’t have a contract with Marvel, she probably would have quit. Not very professional of her part, she knew it, but she felt suffocated.
They sat on the couch, Y/N’s leg over Jack’s lap and head on his shoulder, while the boy had his arm around her shoulders and rested his head against hers.
“You don’t know how much I needed this. After this movie, I’m taking a break. Only interviews for the things I filmed, nothing more” she told him.
“That’s perfect, love. That’s what you need” Jack massaged the side of her head.
“You’re making me fall asleep, I need to go in a few minutes” she laughed, looking up at him.
Their breaths hitched at the closeness. Eyes so connected they felt like they were in a trance. Y/N couldn’t believe how pretty he was, she could admire him for the rest of her life. And he was astonished by how breathtaking she was, even with puffy eyes.
“If I were to kiss you right now… would it ruin our friendship?” he asked, so low he almost couldn’t hear himself.
“Only if you don’t feel the same way that I do” Y/N whispered back.
Jack’s eyes never left hers “And what do you feel?”
“That I’ve loved you since we were fifteen”
“Then our friendship is, officially, not ruined” he smiled.
And the moment they have been waiting for two years finally came. And it was better than they have ever imagined, like their lips belonged together and now that they finally were, they couldn’t pull away. Like some magnetic force was holding them together.
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THE DAY OF THE VENUS PREMIERE ARRIVED AND Y/N WAS HAPPIER THAN EVER. Ever since she and Jack got together, six months ago, everything felt better. They weren’t a private couple, but definitely not super public. They shared pictures and tiktoks with the fans, but never talked about their relationship. So, when they walked appeared together at the red carpet, everyone was thrilled. They were definitely considered one of the “it” couples, and everyone loved them.
“Have I mentioned how gorgeous you look today?” Jack whispered in her ear as they walked towards the reporters.
“Only a hundred times” she smiled at him.
“Well, my goal is a thousand, so I have a long way to go”
“I might do the same, because you look extremely handsome. Could you stay in that suit forever? Wait- you also look very cute in your hoodies and tank tops, so scratch that. Wear whatever you want, you always look handsome” she sent him a wink. She absolutely loved complimenting him, because his cheeks always turned red and she liked being the reason why they did.
“Hi Y/N, Jack” an interviewed greeted them.
“Hi!” they both answered with big smiles.
“First of all, congratulations on Venus! That’s a big deal, having a film dedicated only to your character” the blonde woman said.
“Thank you so much! And yes, it was quite a shocker when they told me about it. I was scared at first, because we’ve entered a complete different era for the MCU and people are, with good reason, very attached to the original characters and critics can be a little harsh. But I am actually very proud of this movie and I hope the fans enjoy it”
“Do you have any more projects now that the film is over?”
“No, I’m taking a break for an indefinite amount of time. I’ve been through very emotional phases and it’s best for me to stop for a little bit. Stay at home, enjoy my family and friends… so yeah”
“I hope you are feeling better. It’s very understandable, though, you have been working non-stop for years! And you are so young”
“I am feeling much much better, thank you. You aren’t getting rid of my face, though, I still have interviews to do for Venus. And Avatar is coming soon too, so yeah! I’m actually excited for that, I miss the cast so much”
“You two worked together in Avatar, right?”
“Yes!” they both answered.
“You met there?” she questioned.
Y/N looked at Jack, telling him to respond. “Actually, no. We met on the set of Avengers Endgame!”.
The blonde interviewer’s jaw dropped “Wait what?”
“Yeah! I had a small role at the beginning. If you are a big fan, you might remember me. I’m the little boy on the bicycle who stumbles upon Ant man!”
“No way! Yes! You had a Justin Bieber haircut!” the interviewer recognized him.
Y/N chuckled, and Jack turned red “It was stylish at that moment!” he exclaimed.
“No it wasn’t! That hairstyle, thankfully, died on 2010” Y/N said.
“Whatever” he rolled his eyes while smiling. “She’s always bullying me”.
“Not true! I’m a very sweet person”
“Most of the time, yes, but you do bully me a lot”
“Stop playing the victim in front of the cameras, you aren’t fooling anyone” she laughed.
The woman smiled at their dynamic “You two are so cute! How did you get together?”
“Well, we have liked each other since we were fifteen-ish, but I guess we were too scared to ruin the friendship. Six months ago, he visited me on set, and I was feeling a bit sad because I missed him too much. We both confessed, and yeah, that’s pretty much it” she explained.
“She’s truly the best person in the world, and I’m so glad she bumped into me that day on the Avengers set” he said, a dazzling smile on his face.
“And we have to say thank you to James Cameron. He’s like our wingman” she said. “Anyways, thank you for being here and sorry for having to deal with us”.
“What? Thank you! It was so fun to interview you both. You make such a good couple and the love you have for each other is very evident. Congratulations on Venus and Avatar!”
“That was really fun” Jack said once they got away from the cameras. He leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. “You look gorgeous tonight”.
Y/N laughed “And you look annoyingly handsome”.
“Isn’t that a back-handed compliment?” he asked confused.
Y/N shrugged “It may have sounded like that, but I promise I mean it as a compliment”.
“Couldn’t you just have said ‘You look handsome’?”
“Oh so you are making your own compliments now” she laughed.
Jack shook his head “You are impossible” he laughed.
“I love you, Jack” she hugged him “Thanks for being here with me tonight”
He rested his head on top of hers “Tonight and always. I love you too, love”
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 1 month
TMAGP 15 Thoughts: Seasoned Hunters
What a fucking episode. No complaints at all. It's just solid gold all the way through and just like gold it's a dense so there is lots to dig in to, and not much point in a preamble.
Spoilers for episode 15, and all of TMA, below the cut.
I really like the introductory office drama portion of today's episode. It's not particularly enlightening, and there isn't anything new in it, but it sets the stage well. Yes, that was a pun. Alice reacted to the news as I knew she would, because she can't help herself. But other than that I really like the mention of Luke playing at The Glad. Magnus stuff always does a really good job of peppering in real places.
This incident was also incredibly short. However unlike last week's episode I think it utilised that time so much better. All of it was a slow build up to one event and was really just three scenes. Set up, hunt, conclusion. Simple and to the point but incredibly effective. Last week's episode felt like too big of an idea bent to fit too short of a time, while this weeks felt like a good story that was given the time it needed and no more or less. Really big fan of the whole thing.
The incident didn't have too much to really get into here. If I were live blogging you would've seen me say "Lady Mowbray?!?!" when the Caterer said "the really high-end stuff". I have been waiting for something aristocratic. The set up is a little cliché but I really like the subversion of Battle Royale instead of The Most Dangerous Game. It's not only an effective twist when the story is from the Caterer's PoV it's a much better insight into the characters were being introduced to. It also highlights something fairly interesting about TMP vs TMA. This incident is one of the most singular in terms of its representation of a TMA Entity but that expectation is somewhat subverted by having these characters hunt each other for another rather than all be hunted down. It wouldn't be out of place in TMA but it is taking a bit of a different approach.
Speaking of the characters though. Fuck Yeah. Lady Mowbray. Finally. I, and probably all of Statement Remains, have been waiting for her appearance since last October when some lucky folks got to meet her bodyguards as part of the ARG. I didn't have her pegged for a badass cannibal but here we are. She really surpassed my expectations. I love aristocratic monster people so I had high hopes and I am still pleasantly surprised.
Celia and Lady M's interaction is really great. I love that we're getting more and more evidence that Celia is clearly more than she's letting everyone else in on. I, obviously at this point, think she's from TMA's universe for a lot of reasons. Lady M not being able to place why she smells so wrong but picking up on her being out of place is just more evidence of that. Celia holding her ground and not taking any shit from Lady M is also incredible. She just listened to how she eats people, gets jumped scared by her, and then instantly tells her to fuck off by way of not giving her a name. She's really living up to the Ripley namesake and I love every second of it.
I will not soon forget that tiny little tease about Bouchard lore either. Actually cruel.
Luke and Alice at the bar wasn't a big moment but it's nice to see her interact with more than just her co-workers. Meeting Luke and he being seemingly normal was also nice, be a shame when he dies.
The final section was phenomenal. I really love it when these shows break format and what a format break it was. So first things first this was recorded on a tape recorder. Significant for likely obvious reasons but unlike the last time these showed up this one isn't an incidental placement like the Institute's one. It was being carried by the woman. We know Alice feels like she's been followed since that incident and this is likely related to it but I don't think it's related in the most obvious sense. There is a very obvious conclusion to draw from TMA knowledge but I feel like that might be folly here. It seems a little too obvious and a little too strained at the same time. The Institute and [Error] being so related to that and in this fashion I think would feel a bit forced, and so this feels more like a red herring to me. Something is going on with them but I don't think it's going to be that.
So Drowning Victim, as she is credited, is super intriguing for a million reasons. Continuing on from that prior thought it's quite possible that the tape recorder and Alice being in the same place is entirely coincidental. It's one of those things that feels like a scheme from TMA context but everything being linked feels too TMA to me for right now. But what she's saying is really interesting. Because with those tape recorders it sounds like a statement. It's not just random mumbling but a fairly coherent narrative. Or a recalling of prior events. Whether the Drowning Victim is the original PoV for that potential statement is hard to say. I doubt it but it would be possible. Another strong idea here is that it is linked to [Error] and her deal might be another archive. Instead of just collection and storage she could be able to force others to relive them through the statements. That's a TMA parallel I think would be a much stronger use of TMA's theme.
Outside of that Alice's interaction with her is so so well done. I think it's really important to show that Alice both has a heart and is able to stop with her attitude when it's really important. Getting to see that when push comes to shove she can step up is going to be something that'll come back around. We all know that everyone at the OIAR is in for a world of hurt and I think Alice is the person the fanbase has the biggest issue with in that sort of context so far. And her singing Nellie the Elephant for compression rate is sort of heart breaking to listen to. Just a really fantastic performance from Billie and people better be nicer to Alice after this. I better not hear her getting any shit for running away either. She gave CPR to a woman who basically attacked her, drowned in the middle of London, died, and then kept talking.
Also, quite note, this episode had five new voice actors in it.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
Klaus Watch: Wasn't expecting this to return so soon but here we are. This incident doesn't appear on Klaus but what does is this, CAT1RB2373-10072023-########. This has the accompanying note "Dame M" and a location "London, England".
DPHW Theory: 6451 is a pretty reasonable rating for this. Hunting mostly focused on the killing part of it. Some mental compulsion, seclusion, and obviously the predator/prey dynamic. The 1 in Weird is more evidence that 1 is the lowest rating with 0 being the highest. Nothing Weird in this one really.
CAT# Theory: CAT1 has a person in it.
I'm still debating whether to do a post on that theory because part of me does feel like it'd ruin other people's fun. Another part of me thinks that theories as prolific as that deserve to be scrutinised as intently as possible. Although there is a problem with that idea because my DPHW theory that has become the default does seem to be mine and I've not seen any cases of parallel thought on that one. The CAT theory has 10+ individuals all coming to roughly the same conclusion though and I'm not sure if that makes it more fair game or not. I, personally, welcome any challenges to my theories and I know some people who have posted the CAT theory do but that's not the same as them all holding that stance. It's not really possible to single anyone out either as it's not about any single person but the idea itself. IDK, give your thoughts on it.
This one does solidly fit into that theory though.
R# Theory: B sounds good to me. Although it's worth mentioning that there is a hyphen in this header between the rank and the DPHW.
Header talk: Hunt (Aristocratic) -/- Compulsion is interesting for two reasons. First off it being Hunt sort of precludes, secondly Compulsion is a strange filing for this IMO. There was an element of it but it was fairly minor and didn't seem like the thrust of the episode. The Caterer was compelled to be quiet but wasn't forced to hunt the rest of the brigade. He chose that when he realised what Lady M. was getting at.
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animelga · 9 months
I saw a post on the Bleach subreddit which asked about which parts of the series people found most disappointing. And a lot of people there obviously said Chad, and I agree - But I want to be more specific. Chad in the Lost Agent arc is some of the most blatant missed potential I've ever seen.
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I think its pretty easy to infer that each of Bleach's five arcs focuses on one of its five originally-introduced main characters. This is something my librarian-coded brain adores!! Our lineup, as introduced in Substitute Shinigami, is Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, Chad and Uryu (Renji gets added to that group later, but ignore that for now). The first two are pretty obvious - Substitute Shinigami introduces us to Ichigo's character and his moral code, what he fights for, what potential he has. Rukia, or more specifically the Shinigami as a whole, are of course the focus of the Soul Society arc - even though she's trapped in a cell for lots of it, characters like Renji, Ganju and Byakuya specifically serve to explore the different sides of her character. Both her and Ichigo are of course important throughout Bleach in its entirety, but these two first arcs put them and their relationships with those close to them in the focus far more than atany point later in the series.
Arrancar arc and TYBW are pretty self-explanatorily Orihime and Uryu-focused, if arguably a bit misguided with TYBW in particular. Even though, again, Orihime spends most of Arrancar stuck in a cell, she shows tremendous growth and maturity, and the entire arc's theming of what it means to have a heart is centered entirely on her. And Uyru...well, Uryu is the center of the conflict in TYBW, despite it definitely feeling underwritten in the Manga. I think thats mainly a result of its rushed pacing by the back half though, and it seems to be getting resolved with the adaptation now. So I'll hold off on Uryu for now - his treatment is salvageable and if nothing else he's always gotten at least one golden moment to shine in all other arcs.
That only leaves Chad and Lost Agent - a perfect fit for one another, and something Kubo himself was pretty clearly going for at the start. Its Chad's disappearance that instigates the drama, he's there with Xcution to help Ichigo regain his powers, and the existence of Fullbring in general elegantly explains where Chad's powers came from in a way that's true to his character (the "pride in the color of my skin" line is still one of his best character moments imo). It is, effectively, an arc built entirely around answering the questions Chad himself asked about his powers back in the Arrancar arc.
And then...nothing. He explains his powers, helps Ichigo, he trains to get stronger in a video game, and...then falls under Tsukishima's mind powers and gets knocked unconscious. Only for the Soul Reapers to show up and do all the fighting again - even characters like Byakuya and Kenpachi, who clearly don't have any material for growth when pit against the Fullbringers, show up just to clean house. To me it reeks of Kubo deciding to include fan-favorite characters toward the end of the arc just to make people happier with it, since Lost Agent in general was so divisive. Though it was obviously earned for Rukia to return in order to give Ichigo his powers back, having everyone else also show up to do the work of other characters for them felt kind of like a slap in the face.
It feels so obvious in hindsight, but Chad and Tsukishima would have been a borderline perfect matchup for a fight to move the arc to a satisfying conclusion. Out of the entire core cast, Chad is the one who feels most motivated by his past to act - he remembers his Abuelo's words, he remembers his times in turmoil with Ichigo, he remembers just how hard he's had it in life and fights to make sure nobody else has to suffer like him. Pitting him against the character able to alter memories would've been a genuinely fantastic challenge of character, and would've made for the most satisfying Chad victory the series could've pulled. Even though Tsukishima isn't Bleach's strongest villain, he's certainly one of its scariest and most potentially dangerous, and Chad's entire personality and design is built around protecting others from such harm.
Instead, Kubo just kind of... procrastinated with Chad, always hinting at more to come, hoping maybe anotber matchup as good as Tsukishima would roll around eventually. Only for him to still gst nothing to do for all of TYBW, and his send-off being to fight some stone statues off-screen.
It's such a shame, imagining what could've been, and remembering just how damn cool Chad is when he actually gets to play with the cool kids.
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Some notes from watching Ghibli's Tales from Earthsea:
I guess they were hoping having Lebannen be a killer runaway would make him more engaging a character than he was in Le Guin's books. Certainly its a more exciting introduction than "was sent to Roke and Ged decided he should tag along." But this is hampered by how Lebannen and all these characters have maybe two character traits between them.
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No matter how bad the movie is, if its a Ghibli film its gonna be beautiful. The background artists for this should be given a medal. Hork town especially is incredible:
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Although these are clearly Ghibli asthetics more than Earthsea aesthetics. We got all your Ghibli staples: the weird mammals that are almost real animals, the random fighterpilot elements in the costume design, that one weird type of hood, etc.
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I do like the action scene of Lebannen dealing with the slavers. Only well-paced part of the film I've seen.
The shadow "visiting" Lebannen while he rests was done very well. The color dimming, the shadow on the water, the rushing wind towards him, its all great. I'm especially a fan of how when Lebannen looks over his shoulder, he sees nothing but a stream of water coming out of a wall. Fits with what's actually happening on in the dryland very well.
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The "Ged rescues Lebannen but only takes the chains off the other slaves" is a weird detail to keep in the adaptation, though I guess it's less an obviously dick move when the slaves aren't trapped on a boat with their former captors.
I feel mixed about this version of Cob? Making him the slaver lord isn't a bad choice, though it does kind of positions slavery in Earthsea as "the bad thing that the one bad guy is doing" instead of, y'know, a cornerstone of Hork Town's economy.
They don't make him an especially originally villain either. He's literally introduced with the old "flash of villains castle, lieutenant comes in nervously to report on escape, almost gets killed until he mentions something important" trope. They did kind of flatten him into the stock fantasy big bad.
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But Cob from the books didn't really have a lot going on character-wise either, so its less offensive a flattening than some of the other characters. And I do like his character design alot. That eye makeup is some Hot Topic Shit but it works. The thin lips and tall everything is a type of exaggeration I don't see in Ghibli's character design very often.
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Christ, Ged's monologue about the balance and true names is really just plopped on the audience's lap like a dead mouse. The bridge from "why does a wizard like farming" to "everything has a true name that wizard's use for its power" is nonexistent. They really couldn't find another place to explain the basics of the magic system? Couldn't seed it with Ged using true names while freeing the slaves? No? Lord.
The ghibli food twitters aren't gonna touch this movie. No love was put into that cheese.
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Oh this depiction of the dry lands fucks. Love how the sky is a completely different artstyle than anything else in this movie, really sells this as a weird and alien place.
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Hare and two suspicious women clutching each other and going "they're not from around here" are the only time this movie has felt like it knew what it was doing. They're giving them banter and the actors are being allowed to put emotion into their voices. They're actually breaking out facial expressions for these guys.
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God all the dialogue is so bad.
What the fuck is Lebannen and Tehanu's relationship. None of their emotional beats have any real connection.
The thing haunting Lebannen (are they giving him the gebbeth plotline?) always makes the best scenes. Lebannen struggling to wade through the muck while the shadow casually strolls atop the water's surface creates such great tension and horror.
Tenar keeps talking about being rescued from the tombs and pausing like there's about to be a flashback. Why are they bringing so much attention to that detail if they're not gonna tie it in to anything. Either have it be an aside to make the world feel richer without it being a thing your constantly gesturing at, or don't bring it up at all.
It really was a choice to take the worst Earthsea book as the main thing they're adapting. All the "life without death is no life" rubbish and not even Le Guin's prose to save it. It's not even a theme the rest of the movie seems concerned with.
Why are they taking something called "Earthsea" and making 90% the outskirts of Hork Town. We saw the ocean like twice. This supposedly expansive fantasy world feels twenty feet across.
Having Tehanu follow the gebbeth to the castle is honestly a really cool adaptational choice. I do like the weird conflict they set up between the gebbeth and Cob over who gets to have Lebannen.
Great shot of Cob getting amputated. Thats some Mononoke-level satisfying gore.
See when Ged didn't do shit for most of The Far Shore it was fine, because it was the third book in the series and the reader already knew why he was a big deal. Here we keep hearing how cool and powerful he is but get shown nothing.
2D has grown odd in his old age.
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They have not set up dragons as a thing (or connectd them to Tehanu) nearly enough for this ending to work. Having Tehanu transform instead of calling Kalesin works adaptation-wise though.
Final analysis: I liked Hork Town. I like how the dragons trail sparks from their eyes. I like Cob going all gooey. I like Hare. These were the isolated pockets in an otherwise bland experience. The plot was barely held together and I can't imagine someone who hadn't read the books would be able to enjoy this at all.
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
Everything I enjoyed about Ted Lasso 3x10
It was so exciting to watch them announce the players that got into their national teams
Laughed at Ted not knowing Bumbercatch is swiss
Appreciated the whole team being there for Sam when he was snubbed
I genuinely laughed out loud at all the jokes to do with Dani's personality change
When it cut from the title sequence to ted sitting down with rebecca for biscuits with the boss i really thought it was for real gonna be an OG one but then they panned to trent and i was disappointed but i couldnt even be mad because it was so funny
Ted is a LIAR we have seen him gossip so many times he is such nosy biddy 🤣
Trent loving getting a good grade in girl talk was so funny and cute!
"So chaps, what do we think?" was such a fun line to me for some reason
All 3 of them going "Nah" and making the same face, so fun!
Ted was saying such nonsense for the rest of that scene and they made sure to show us Rebcca's reactions to every single one and she looked so fond every single time
Of course Rupert is saved on Rebecca’s phone as "The Devil" she is so insane
I loved Keeley's green skirt suit
I laughed at Beard's 17 throwing axes that he brought to the UK with him 🤣
"Sneaking in here today reminded me of the first match I ever saw at Nelson Road." "Ah, when they used to play by candlelight." 🤣🤣
I was SO happy to see Phoebe, then happier still to see her mum! And Jamie is totally right, she is fit
That whole scene was an absolute delight, filled my heart with joy, the England kit! the E for U swap! the tie dye shirt with Roy colors! One thing I can say about this season is that things do tend to go great when Jamie is involved
I laughed at the doomed handshake at Sam's restaurant, he was so resigned to his fate 😅
Nate breaking into his parents house in the middle of the night because he felt lonely and lost reminded me of 13 Going on 30
I was happy to see Rebeccas Amsterdam pants again! Especially with that purple blouse 💜
I love that Higgins knows Keeley, Ted and Sassy are Rebecca's top options in that order and that this is unquestionable
Higgins' comparing Akufu to the Chocolate Factory kids was both very accurate and very funny 😆 "I hate to break it to you Rebecca, but those children are dead."
I really liked Rebecca being insecure about the meeting because she knows she's only been invited as a token. It felt true to life and also reminded me of a favorite moment from a beloved show of my past, The Good Wife, where a character expresses a similar concern and gets much the same advice as Higgins gave
I really thought Rebecca was taller than Higgins' office door and was momentarily scared she was going to bump her head on the way out 😆
I liked Keeley and Mae's conversation, though I, much like Keeley, did not understand the lightning saying 😅 did appreciated the little "Maybe" joke though, it felt like something Ted would do and I always love to perceive them mirroring each other
Everyone noticing Roy's cheerful t-shirt was very funny
I loved that we saw Rebecca studying for the meeting
THE!! TOY!!! SOLDIER!!!!!! She's been carrying it around!!! She is fond of it!!!!! She treats it with such care, and it still brings her strength, gosh!! To think of the moment she picked it up off the ground and stored it away, of whenever it was she decided to keep it with her as an amulet!!! I'm breathless!!!!!!!
Kenneth saying "twins" to Roy lmaooo
The fact that Rebecca has panic attacks is something that can be SO PERSONAL that meant so so SO much to me, I could cry just thinking about it, I've always been sure she did and to have it confirmed was a thrill, and so emotional and satisfying to me to see her self soothe and how it paralleled Ted, truly beautiful gorgeous amazing
Ms Bowen is blonde now! Idk why but that was exciting, I like her! I think Roy should introduce her to Beard, I feel like she could beat up Jane. It was also hilarious to me that they named her Leann for real 🤣 they have no shame!
Barbara's Juicy couture tracksuit and "I like clothes that tell the truth" LMAOOO COMEDY GOLD
Barbara and Keeley's snow globe exchange was delightful. Barbara slowly grew on me throughout the season and was a true highlight in this particular episode, I was very glad that she chose Keeley.
I love that Rebecca went to that meeting in a bbp top and one of her less murderous earrings
I appreciated seeing Rebecca in a professional setting, taking a stand, and going to bat for the club and for football in general, it's something I have always longed to see from her and I'm glad I got it even if it was late in the game
Really liked that Nate plays the violin
I liked the window into Rupert and Rebecca's past and the glimpse into why they were in love once
I liked the contents of Roy's letter to Keeley and thought it was funny that she couldn’t read his handwriting
It was exciting to see Rebecca at Keeley's house! She demanded a hug! She's going to fund Keeley's firm! Their friendship has stayed beautifully consistent throughout the season and I appreciate that.
Keeley writing down the number and saying "This is how they do it in the movies" was another Ted-like moment (down to Rebecca being endeared by it!)
I enjoyed the joke of Roy walking in when he did and I loved loved loved that he and Rebecca saluted each other again! I'd been waiting for that!!
I think Nate's apology to Will - how he did it, the score, the note with the sprig of lavender, how it was filmed - felt like such a season 1 moment that it filled me up with this sense of right-ness and I truly appreciated it. Possibly one of the best moments of the season 🥹
Rebecca looked so at peace hanging that painting and also SO beautiful in that dress
Ted sat down without being invited, and Rebecca scooched a little closer once he did 🥹🥹
She specifically wanted to tell him about this big emotional milestone and Ted looked? I have no idea how to describe it, but it was new, it was a face he's never made before, and it was so?? I don't even know, I don't know what to do with it, or with "I wanna win for us too."
Rebecca is truly insane for spitting on his face on purpose like that lmao
Aaaand that's it! I liked a lot of the bits and pieces of this episode as you can see, and I had a mostly good time while watching it. There were a couple big things that bothered me though, but I'll save those for a different post later in the week once I've gotten a chance to collect my thoughts!
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mr-miss-anonymous · 2 months
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Chubformers drabble #6!
Character: Skyfire (G1)
Word count: 550 (won’t be going over again in the future I swear 😭)
The new arrangements Skyfire had been introduced to were nice, if not a little cushy. As a shuttleformer, he’d almost resigned himself to expecting to be used for official transport during his entire stay on earth, but help from close colleagues and the scientific board had proven otherwise. It was certainly a shock, having his background in foreign sciences and resources respected, but he certainly appreciated the newfound reputation.
Of course, there was a bit of a downside. Skyfire’s new role as lead researcher was a coveted spot, and he cherished every aspect of the beautiful setup and private lab that it earned him. However, there posed an unexpected problem with being assigned to work on earth among his fellow colleagues.
In short, Skyfire had grown rather… chubby.
It hadn’t been much of an issue at first. After all, he was a massive mech with an even larger alt-mode. A little extra pudge here and there was expected, if not healthy, for a mech his size. The problems began when he kept growing.
No changes in his appetite or fuel intake were apparent, though Skyfire had to admit he occasionally indulged in a little excess energon on nights spent working late hours. The only reason he could think of for his sudden influx in weight was the recent lack of physical exertion, which Skyfire wasn’t eager to change.
He enjoyed his newfound role as head researcher, and he valued the respect and opportunities that came with it. To give up his position for chances to go back out into space and orbit the stars seemed foolish after all of the effort he’d put into getting there in the first place. And yet what difference would it make if he grew too fat to make it through the doorway?
Skyfire squeezed his way through the doorframe of his lab, faceplates flushed with embarrassment at the amount of effort it took for him to do something so simple. Only weeks before he would have been able to easily walk into any room of the building without so much as looking up. These days, he was starting to get too fat to be able to access most of the facility. Soft, plush thighs jiggled with each step, and Skyfire’s belly was just about big enough for him to be able to comfortably rest his datapad atop the swell of it as he walked.
After he’d made it through the entryway without causing any damage to the door (which had happened before, to his further embarrassment), Skyfire headed for one of the sturdier of his chairs across the room. Accommodating his newfound weight often meant making sacrifices such as using larger chairs that didn’t fit under most of the desks for fear of breaking another good set of furniture. It was embarrassing, but necessary.
Slowly, Skyfire eased himself down onto the bench, listening for any telltale signs of metal creaking under the strain of his weight. He was lucky this time; not only did it hold his weight, it hardly even moved. With a contented (if not sheepish) sigh, Skyfire scooted himself closer to the makeshift work desk, ready for another day at his dream job.
The weight was certainly becoming a problem, but for the moment, the joy he felt outweighed all else.
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livviem-009 · 11 months
Mephisto - Sherliam & Isekai'd adopted daughter! reader
Summary: You had a bad dream about your past life and you reflect on what has happened to you and judge your own worth. Was this reality real or were selfish for projecting your own desires? A/N: This fic is half venting and half wish fulfillment. I wrote this to let some things out about what happened earlier. The title of this one is based on the song Mephisto by QUEEN BEE because it explains my feelings about my favorite characters. Trigger Warning: Suicide and Existentialism.
Y/N felt her senses heightened as she fell asleep in her dream again. Her past life was foggy, but it was all too familiar. She feels like a puzzle out of place, a monster from dark origins, and everyone wants her gone. She was content with running away, not noticing the trucks that sent her to this new world. The one from her favorite manga, the one thing keeping her happy and inspiring her through her darkest times. But now she questions herself. Everything about this world is fictional; how was she going to handle things when the fantasy was over? She woke up in a cold sweat and drank the glass of water beside her.
"It’s just a dream, Y/N, it’s just a dream!" She tells herself before sneaking around the mansion to the bathroom.
Everyone’s been so kind to her since she got there, but she was mostly close to William. He adopted her into the family with no hesitation, taught her fencing, and saw her as a competent person even though she made mistakes. Y/N was even close to Sherlock Holmes himself and related to him through his thrill-seeking energy. But they aren’t real, right? After all, she was aware that this was a serialized manga series based on a very old book series. So often, these thoughts pile up in her head, but she doesn’t care since she is having fun. She just enjoyed meeting the characters and subtly thanking them for just existing.
‘But... Do real people say that? ’
Looking up at the mirror in the bathroom, she sees herself. This isn’t what she looks like in the real world. She was boring and weird in the real world, and no one wanted to be near her. Her ranting over characters only seems to push the people in her life away, especially her parents. Oh, how she remembered her father reprimanding her for watching anime instead of learning her new lessons for the new school year. Instead of encouraging her by introducing stuff that is both appealing and educational for her, like a nice person politely suggesting something interesting, Of course, it had to be shoved down, and it was taken as Y/N’s fault for ‘not fitting in’ and ‘being a weirdo. Sure, let your own daughter hate everything in her life just so you can feel superior for putting down others.
‘Did I do anything wrong? ’
They said that to help her, right? Y/N knows that she’s weird, and her family said that they loved her. But why were they trying to hide her so much? They didn’t even know that it got to the point that her darkness manifested inside her. She isn’t perfect, but did they lie about actually loving her?
‘Why... Does this hurt? ’
One day, she gets interested in something that gives her joy. William James Moriarty was her idol, her role model for how to be kind, and someone to admire. He was imperfect, but his nature was in the right place. He was a capable man who would answer for his sins, and after all that misery and despair, his life finally became happy after he was saved by the people he met along the way. To her, he was everything she wanted to be and more. He was admirable for living on
‘... But I’m not him.
Y/N was nothing like that. Reading through each panel, she rooted for him to succeed and wanted him to see how he was deserving of living in the new world he sought to create. For her, he had to live with Sherlock. When she was reborn into their world from the beginning, she met the younger version of them as the Rockwells only daughter. She turned to him for guidance. When she hits her teen years, her happiness stems from solving cases after school with Sherlock and John. She admired the two men; they were so different yet on the same page. Eventually, that admiration turned into a love between parents and child. But her dilemma comes from a different thought: she knew this was fake, so did she just replace her real family and world just for a fantasy to be happy?
Her tears fell. Y/N was selfish. She’d replace her own family—such a selfish wish to be granted by characters who were better than her. Compared to them, she was only an outsider. She only knew how their story ended, and yet, why was she given the opportunity to live with them? Looking up at the mirror again, her face fell. No one truly loved her there; this was the reality she was running away from. No matter what world she lives in, no one really loves her, and she’ll never belong. Standing up, Y/N sneakily went to the weapon room and grabbed a gun.
‘Maybe this will wake me up. Why did I get reincarnated? Why were Liam and Sherly nice to a weirdo fan like me? ’
Her emotions felt numb as she walked towards the open window. Her hair was a mess from crying, but she didn’t care anymore. As she felt the cold night breeze blow through her hair, she adjusted her gun and put it on her head. This opportunity was a gift. Why did someone like her get to be happy while she herself was a monster? All she ever cared about was the lives of people who weren’t real, to the point where she doesn’t care about herself anymore. Before the girl could make the fatal mistake, she was yanked off the window and hit the cold, hard ground.
"What are you doing?" A frantic and scared voice rang out, making her freeze.
Two pairs of arms wrapped around her, giving her a head pat. Hot tears fell as Y/N recognized their voices. William and Sherlock saved her, didn’t they? The girl realized that, while they may be fictional, the feelings she felt for them were real. Every hardship they face inspires her to keep moving on. That’s why she was attached to them; they were her escape and hope. They’re the ones making her stronger, and just living makes her feel better. It’s what people who love you do for you. No matter what, the world she’s in is her reality now. Y/N’s old life was behind her since this world was a blessing and another chance to move on. She hugged her favorite characters close, feeling their warmth as she lost herself in the stories they shared.
"Y/N, are you okay now?" Sherlock asked, looking down.
His little girl was tired from crying. William wanted to stay with the both of them, so they just hugged until sunrise.
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shinader · 15 days
Yoshie Koda
Hey fellas I'm doing the thing again! Rambling about the OC yippee! Once again I'll be starting with describing my thoughts behind the name!!
For Yoshie, I had a few names thought up. When giving these characters first names I always consider the meaning behind the name so I go through a list of Japanese names along with their meanings. And when I can't settle on one I present it to my lovely beloved @mrfamousthirsttrap to choose for me and she went with Yoshie (好恵) which, according to the site I use, means nice favor/grace. Pretty fitting as I'll elaborate on in a minute but girl only chose the name bc it was similar to Yoshi.
As for Koda, the whole debacle with THAT will be in the next post when I introduce her husband. It's his name, after all, she simply happily took it. I never established a maiden name for her, either. Not important for the story I have to tell.
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Yoshie my beloved<3 She has an important role in both the protagonist's & deuteragonist's lives. For Mr. Takeshi the Protagonist, well, she is the weapons tutorial lady. For those familiar with the Yakuza series, you likely remember Kamiyama, the illegal weapons dealer. In Yakuza 3, to unlock every weapon in his shop, you must get certified by the stranger that's training on your private beach. Yoshie is effectively the Kamurocho equivalent of that guy, keep fighting her and get access to more weapons.
Describing her like that makes her seem like a lifeless NPC only meant to be used for gameplay purposes but that is certainly not the case. Each time Takeshi gets a new certification he also gets closer with Yoshie, learning more about her and her connection to the whole story that's unfolding. On top of that, she ends up as a sort of mother figure to Takeshi, something he desperately needs.
Yoshie's connection with weapons runs deep, she's constantly training her body to use them every day, keeping maintenance on them to make sure they're always combat ready, and takes training others very seriously. Unfortunately for her, a lot of what she deals with is illegal, so she's a criminal through and through.
That criminality is etched into her body, same as a yakuza. Yoshie didn't always have tattoos, of course, but when she got engaged to a man in the Yakuza she got sleeves. If her and her husband's tattoos are overlayed on top of one another, they would connect perfectly. They are permanently bonded to each other and the darkness.
With all female characters I'm creating for this story, I want to make sure their story is deeply interwoven with femininity. Yoshie herself is mostly to do with Motherhood, as themes of Family is of course big in this story. There are all sorts of ways a family can be made, and though she's never had a child of her own, that doesn't stop her from caring for others as if they were her own. I mentioned above her thing with Takeshi, but I haven't yet elaborated on Ceddy.
When Ceddy was born, Miyazaki was understandably blindsided by the whole thing. He wasn't sure what to do in the slightest. He wasn't meant to be a father, he was barely a responsible Patriarch as it is, an actual child would not survive with him. That is, that's what he thought, but Yoshie was adamant he keep him, take responsibility for his actions, and raise him right. She, of course, volunteered her and her husband to help raise him. It takes a village, after all.
Yoshie had always loved kids. It always felt natural to simply care for them. However, due to her and her husband's jobs, it would be irresponsible to add a baby to the equation. So they decided they would never raise a child together.
Ceddy, however, was already born. His best chance was with them. So Yoshie made sure they took that chance. Though Ceddy calls her "Auntie Yoshie" she is the closest thing to a real mother he has. And she made a great call, too. Miyazaki was surprisingly a natural and if it weren't for his job he wouldn't really have needed help from the Kodas. There isn't a day that goes by that Miyazaki isn't grateful for their help with everything, though. The bond between the Miyazakis and Kodas is much, much greater than blood.
And next time, I'll put a little close on their little story when talking about Shin Koda!!
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solarfeylix · 7 months
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These two shows have my whole heart, mind and soul.
Random review I typed (might not make sense) if you wanna read below
Scavengers Reign is definitely a solid 10/10, which is rare because I hate EVERYTHING. I know i'm no famous reviewer, but i do spend a lot of my free time viewing a lot of cartoons and movies; i guess i'm a buff about this sort of thing.
Scavengers Reign is very deep with story telling. Most of what we know is literally right in our face; we see the cycle of life in this alien planet and we see the way the life works without humans-and with.
In a way, this show is like Primal. Primal doesn't carry much dialogue; but in terms of aesthetic and animation similarities, and how it displays both worlds, are very similar.
Scavengers Reign and Primal both set up their individual episodes as if it were almost as, if for whatever reason that episode was the last, it would somewhat fit perfectly and allow the viewer to make up what they felt like happened based on what we knew from previous episodes, or the short encounters experienced in the hypothetical final episode itself.
Something I noticed about both shows, was that the episodes didn't feel like full cliff hangers. If the show ended right when Ursula saw the ship, and that was it, I could assume everything that happened between that episode and the current final one happened as it did or similar, maybe not the fungal human space monks, though; but everything else was totally plausible and then some.
Primal is similar, but different. Primal doesn't rely on dialogue story telling or very many flashbacks. Iirc, Primal has very few flashback scenes except when it is moments of critical standing or a side character/antagonist. Even the T-Rex has ptsd to some extent, but not a single word is uttered to tell you this. Instead, situations are introduced (similar to Scavengers reign) and we, the viewer, are tasked with puzzling the story together without dialogue and with only the rapid action and daily life of a Caveman and T-rex (for the most part).
Because of my love for Primal, Scavengers Reign really itches what I wanted primal to be, minus the Sci fi future stuff. There was dialogue, a connection to characters, and much more. While Primal had that minus dialogue, Scavengers Reign had it in a much more relatable and connective way; almost like you knew these characters before they got to where they are.
I urge you, if you enjoy Scavengers Reign and love prehistoric Era fiction, Primal is a show you should watch if Scavengers Reign goes on a hiatus until their next season (if they have one, I hope they do!). If you don't mind gore, fighting, and animated violence, I highly recommend Primal to give you the fix you desire until new episodes of Scavengers Reign drops after season 1 ends (if it hasn't already, I'm unsure if episode 12 is the end).
The creators of both shows definitely put a lot of work, effort, and love into their shows. I love each one with an unconditional amount of respect and amazement. I hope you guys decide to give Primal a try; and hope I explained things to the best of my ability here.
I love both of these shows, and hope more people start talking about how great Scavengers Reign is; I'm so happy people are developing a fandom on this site for the cartoon!
Thank you for reading this random blurb, lol
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mud-castle · 2 years
Also, for the ask game, 🌫Darkest Hour and 🌚Midnight please!
Darkest Hour-
Best death:
Mmm, I'd have to say Bluestar?
Her last heroic act, bringing back the leader we met and loved earlier in the books, her children helping her along with Fireheart, the apologies, the forgiveness, I love it.
Plus, the fact that the prophecy said Fire will Save our Clan (only knowing fire as a destructive force), and she goes against Starclan and Fireheart himself, only to meet her end to water (a life giving, but equally destructive force)? *chef's kiss*
It felt like we closed the book on her life.
Worst death:
Personally, I think that would be Tigerstar. Once you get over the shock of his death, it's not...great narritavely. His death is shock value, that's it. They wanted Scourge to be the bigger bad, but had no form of set up for his character and figured the best way for him to be the bigger bad is to kill the current biggest bad.
Bloodclan are formally introduced and Tigerstar dies in the same chapter. I'm not saying Firestar had to kill him. But I am saying Scourge had no business doing so. We as the readers know Tigerstar, we know his actions, what he stands for, his opinions, his plans, whatever. The story builds investment in his character. We don't know Scourge. He's evil, yeah, but what else?
I mean the scene is badass and very worthy of its popularity. But I don't think it fits yk?
See Tigerstar has two clans on his side and as does Firestar. Aside from Eclipse, we never see the four clans fight against each other like this. They're all on equal standing, all leaders of their clans with nine lives, assumed to have the blessing of Starclan, yeah?
But Tigerstar dies. Then Bloodclan comes, outsiders come, and become a bigger threat. Then instead of the clans split in half by different ideologies from the same code, it becomes a simplified us (Starclan-following, noble warriors) vs them (Starclan-less, vicious rogues) fight.
Though you could make it so that affects the later books had Bloodclan been written better and Po3 been written differently. Due to Bloodclan, the story never truly confronts the cats on Tigerstar's side. They helped Lionclan because they wanted to keep their territory, but it can only be assumed they hold the same views they did three days ago. This could've all come to head in the Po3.
Or just have more build up to Bloodclan in general.
But I digress.
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luminouslion-spam · 7 months
Loki S2 - A Mind Blowing And Heartbreaking Story
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Hello my dear Marvel-Loving fellows!
The final episode of Loki aired and I’m here to share my thoughts! So be warned: Spoilers up ahead!
I gotta say I have a love-hate relationship with Loki (like most other people do as well).
The only thing I really have to criticize is the time it aired. We should have gotten this season way sooner and it showed. Not because the show wasn’t understandable this way. That’s not the case at all. It stands on its own just fine. But rather because the entire multiverse saga up to now would have made more sense and would have felt way more authentic. I’m my opinion every time the multiverse has been mentioned it felt somewhat out of place because we never got a proper explanation for it.
But let’s not dwell on this too long and start talking about the things they did well!
We finally got a good show with a well written ending. And even the CGI was amazing! Don’t get me wrong I’m actually one of the few people that enjoyed nearly all of the marvel Disney+ shows as well as the new movies but I’m also able to admit that they had their flaws and could have been sooo much better if they just took more time to produce them.
But rather than just jump to the end let’s start at the beginning of the second season. They jumped right into action and you could immediately feel the urgency the characters were in. Because of that I was immediately hooked from the first second. And while I loved this sadly you could still feel that the end of season 1 and the start of season 2 were meant to be a fluent transition. For those who don’t know season 1 and 2 were originally meant to be one big season but they decided to part it.
They kept this feeling of urgency throughout most of the season which in my opinion was great! I was sitting on the edge of my couch nearly the entire time hoping for Loki and co to finally come up with a permanent solution.
Another thing I liked were the many references to north mythology. Like the entire concept of the show is centered around Ouroboros. And the reveal with Loki sitting down on his throne holding together Yggdrasil was breathtaking. And please don’t start with “bUt ThIs OnE dETaiL IsN’t aCcUrAteLy”. When has marvel ever been completely accurate to something. It’s still fiction. They are allowed to change things to make them fit more into the story. Just look at Thor, Odin, Loki… they are all different from the mythology. You have to differentiate between the marvel mythology and the real north mythology. They are two completely different things that you can’t really compare to each other.
The next thing I wanted to mention are the characters and the relationships.
I loved the development of all the characters we already new. Like how B-15 took on one of the most important roles in the tva or how we got more background information of Mobius. But also how they introduced new characters like OB and Timely and how they don’t feel out of place at all but rather are a essential part of the group. Though I hoped Timely would have played a bigger role. I don’t know, but I was just hoping for some kind of plot twist around him.
I’m also glad that they kept the focus on the relationship between the entire group rather than just focus on singular relationships. It made so much more sense to focus on this friendship especially with Loki admitting that everything he wants is not to be alone. But they still managed to keep most of the attention on Sylvie, Mobius and Loki because no matter what they still are the main trio of this show.
I loved Loki‘s character development in this show in general. While many suspected that the reasons for Lok‘s actions in the Thor movies and the first avengers movie had deeper reasons he finally admitted to them openly and they became more clear for those that haven’t read more into his „I never wanted a thron“ line.
But this is also the reason why a part of me hates the ending of Loki. It’s just so devastating. Loki finally realizes and admits what he wants. What he has always wanted in his life. Not to be alone. And where does he end up. On the one thing he seemingly chased after all his life but that he never really wanted. On a throne. All alone. For all of eternity. It hurts so much and is so beautiful at the same time. I think I don’t have to explain why it hurts. But hear me out on the beautiful part!
Loki, the character everyone thought of as the villain. Who was seen as the jealous, selfish little brother who would do everything to get his way, even destroy the entire world, is now the protecter of the entire multiverse. He is the one that saved everyone, everything to ever exist. And no one (except for his few friends) will never know about this. The one person everyone thought of as most selfish did the most selfless act of them all. Ending up becoming what he fought so hard not to become. Sitting on a throne. All alone. For All Time. Always.
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kazz-brekker · 1 year
wait tell me more of your thoughts on interview with the vampire (1994), i'm intrigued
Okay SO, me and my friends watched the Interview with the Vampire TV show (I persuaded them by being like "I hear it is extremely good and also gay and also vampires and also dramatic unhinged gothic romance" and so dragged them on a journey that involved a lot more fake blood and levitating sex than we originally thought it would) and to cope with the stress of final exams we then later watched the 1994 movie. I think it was definitely an … interesting experience to have watched the show first and then the movie rather than the other way around.
So, thoughts on the movie. The movie is incredibly not heterosexual and yet still, somehow, not gay enough. Louis and Lestat are basically a married couple raising a daughter but the movie can't quite seem to commit to making them canonically a couple even though there are, like, scenes of Lestat lying on top of Louis whispering to him about how great it is to be turned into a vampire. There is a scene where Louis and Armand have an entire conversation with their faces approximately half an inch away from each other, there is basically no other way to interpret their relationship than gay, and yet they DON'T KISS. It's absolutely maddening.
Another weird thing is how … compressed the movie feels? I'm pretty sure I would think this even if I hadn't seen the TV show first, it's just really hard to fit 100+ years of plot into a 2 hour movie. Louis is turned into a vampire so quickly in the movie that I have absolutely no sense of why on earth Lestat is so obsessed with this guy that he HAS to turn him into a vampire and live with him for eternity. The whole Louis-Lestat-Claudia household drama also unfolds wildly fast (there's like, one scene with Lestat and Claudia having drama and then she kills him). The vampire theater in Paris is pretty fun (all vampires are secretly theater kids, this is a simple fact of the world) but it only gets introduced in the second half of the movie. It felt like there was so much to fit in the story that things didn't have time to breathe.
Every single act of this movie ends with arson, which is kind of iconic and I do have to support that.
Louis owns slaves in the movie. This is extremely bad and awful. It is never remotely portrayed to be as evil as it is and the whole thing is basically forgotten as soon as he and Lestat leave the plantation. I support the slaves for burning down his house. Yvette should have gotten to stake him and set him on fire.
Louis in this movie is just … sad and kind of whiny and drinks blood from rats. He almost feels like a Nick Carroway sort of character where he is a very boring guy narrating a story full of people much more interesting than him, except those interesting people (Lestat, Claudia, and Armand) are all totally obsessed with him. One of my friends said that Louis is the most boring character in the movie but everyone acts like he is the most interesting, which is 100% correct. Brad Pitt you are nothing compared to Jacob Anderson.
Lestat is fun though! Not as good as Sam Reid (who could be!) but he is at least entertaining to watch. At one point he dances with a corpse.
There are fun 18th and 19th century outfits. The coats and dresses in this movie are pretty cool and according to one of my friends at least somewhat historically accurate.
Claudia's actress was very good! Apparently Kirsten Dunst was only 10 when she filmed this movie which is nuts, she honestly acted circles around everyone else and did a great job pretending to be an adult stick in a child's body.
The interviewer in this movie is basically a non-entity and I had sort of forgotten he existed until he came back at the end. No interrogation of the narrative going on here!
The ending of the movie is quite obviously a sequel hook for a movie of The Vampire Lestat that never got made but is still kind of fun.
End verdict: not a horribly, irredeemably bad movie, I had a somewhat entertaining time watching it and I don't regret doing so, but the TV show really is light-years away from it. I am now EXTREMELY hyped to see Louis and Claudia go to Paris in season 2.
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