#I gladly wanna know
gio-goose · 7 months
Yohooo important announcement
Due to the recent shit storm happening on here I have decided that I'm gonna delete my art posts in the following days. I don't want my stuff to be fed to AI bullshit. I hope y'all understand
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whereismyhat5678 · 8 months
Ehem- not me playing around with the digital pen again 👀
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radjerda · 1 year
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Story-time in Rivendell with Uncle Glorfindel! Elladan and Elrohir absolutely love going out adventuring early and listening to stories of old when offered the opportunity.
(Hopefully Glorfindel chose something more appropriate than the balrog story, this time.)
This piece is intended to be a panel of a comic that as of yet lives in my head, but it stands on its own (and I'm impatient), so I thought I'd share this as it is now
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lxvenderjewel · 8 months
when sonic 3 comes out i will be so insufferable. because it is the one hyperfixation i've had where my friends are actually willing to watch it. if you think i'm throwing this opportunity away you're sorely mistaken. sonic 3 will be my roman empire
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jasontoddsno1simp · 3 months
Stop trying to make Jason feel bad for Titans Tower!! That man got other shit to deal with!!
Namely, the fact that his so called father figure wants him dead!!
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eun-luv · 8 months
okay can I vent check hashtags
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starscelly · 9 months
hello its mathewbaldzal hehe. i looooove ur art style and i was wondering ... could we perhaps get a little TK action (i think you would draw him sooo well!). or - to live up to my brand - some barzal ... at first glance he looks normal but that face is all weird angles and fucked up noses. if u cbf drawing them i will gladly come up w some other options ehehe
!!! tysm!!!! i feel like i change my art style every .5 seconds so. sorry abt that lol 😭 but i’m rlly happy/honored u like it!!
i did want to do an actual nice beautiful tk drawing but the reference i found reminds me of a gaping fish mouth and that covers abt the only thing i know abt him (fishing) and i think that’s beautiful …. so fish vibe tk <3
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ween-kitchens · 17 days
dude crochet is truly a craft that gives you so much hubris. like i was fully fully convinced I could crochet an entire hat (without a pattern btw. I just thought 'hey this looks like it might work' and decided to give it a go) within less than an hour. it's now 2am and needless to say I have not fully completed the hat i’m making up on the spot
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cyanidas · 9 months
Hope yall are having a good holiday season!
I'm excited for the new year ;w; small update in tags
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raulfernandez · 2 months
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lesvegas · 2 months
Am I the only one who just uses the archived fallout wiki aka the vault
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 months
just read the lobotomy fic and i adore the way you write all the characters. i relate to tim already but the way you write him was like you lobotomies me and out my brain guts on the page. please tell me you have more
thank you so much! i'm glad you loved it! it's delightful to know the fic was... immersive in that was, lol. it was fun to write!
i do have other dead dove fics you can find on my masterlist here, but that fic is the only lobotomy fic i have. i have plans for a lot more dead dove-esque fics i'm working on to come out hopefully soonish, though none of them are going to feature lobotomies. i might add more to that fic though, i've got some ideas i want to explore, but there's so many other things i'm working on first. i have a whole rough schedule of fics to work on. but if people really like the lobotomy fic™ i can definitely prioritize writing more for the universe! or other lobotomy fics in general, i've got some other vague ideas in that vein.
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oooohno · 3 months
Umemiya telling Sugishita that he doesn’t wanna become his junior’s whole world -> THEN MOVE LET ME BE HIS WHOLE WORLD
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noctiilio · 2 years
hi! why do you like LLS and Gengetsu so much? ^^
Okay so! I've already answered the question about the character of gengetsu in this tumblr post and this youtube video which yeah go check them out if you want to discover her and learn more about her personality, lore, behind the scenes design choices etc!
But if i were to answer this post, without paraphrasing anything ive said about her ? I'll have to talk about myself and the person i am, not her, to answer you properly.
We're about to get sad real fast this is an extremely vulnerable moment for me but everything about what makes gengetsu special to me IS vulnerable (which is why i never talked about it before but nows the time methinks)
1 - I'm also very reclusive and a bit of a dreamer
Dreams always are fascinating to me. Ever since i was small i'd get so caught up in my imagination i'd forget about the world around me. To extreme extents, may i add. Tripping over myself or running into poles may seem like exaggeration but it's not, i legitimately got sent to the nurse's multiple times because of it. My parents would get called to the teacher's office every year without fail because "nocti isn't there in class. Her mind isn't there at all, we're concerned about how well she'll perform". I did perform good, for some magical reason! But i was barely there. My mind is also very active at night. i tend to remember most of my dreams, which are all memorable in some kind of way. I always get excited to find out what i'll get to see when i'm going to sleep. I consider this some kind of entertainment! Sometimes I'll get dreamless nights, yes, and i wake up disappointed and just hope for better programming the next time i sleep. And the secluded dream world aspect, the whole "this is my place just for me" thing she has with Mugetsu also overlaps with what makes Flandre special to me, by the way. I'm also a little bit of a shut in and i like to bury myself into a pile of stuffed animals that take three quarters of the space on my bed, i have fairy lights, i like to be comfy. it's my little safe bubble. If you've seen my plush unboxing videos, like the custom gengetsu and the clownpiece i have, you'll know what my safe haven looks like! It's nice to put myself on my bed with my cat, burrowed under blankets and stuffed animals, and let my mind peacefully wander wherever it wants to. But yeah! This makes her being a dream denizen and the close knit purpose of her dream world really cool to me!
2- I have a similar personality.
I'm a little naive, believe it or not! It's probably another reason why i don't open up like this very often. You could tell me most things and i'd probably take them at face value. I'm just a little clueless. I'm curious, I'm cheerful, a little chaotic sometimes, well, if you follow me and my content you probably are aware of all that. I'm quick to protect the ones i care about. I'm usually the one who takes care of bad eggs in my friend circles. I'm not very confrontational, but when it comes to it, i'm somehow good at it…? But did you know at the same time i'm a HUGE crybaby? … I should not tell you this. WHY am i telling you this. ever since i was small i was always prone to the Weeeeeehhhhhh it's not faiiiiiir weeeeeh. It's not a bratty "things arent going my way" kind of WEEEH it's always been a "i am being wronged and i don't have the inner cool to express it" kind of WEEEH. But it WAS excessive. All it'd take was for my childhood friend (love you bestie btw) to get tiger face paint on and tell me she was gonna eat me for me to think it was real and start wailing. You know who else breaks into a frustration tantrum when you defeat her after lotus land story? You know, the stage where she hasn't done a single thing wrong to warrant reimu and marisa's intervention? YEAH.
3 - I, too, am an older sister.
This is probably the most central aspect that draws me to her, positive sisterhood is my favorite trope because it calls back to how I once was. I am the first born of my family, and i have four younger siblings, my uncles had children of their own which amounts to four little cousins. Counting me, thats nine children. I was between the ages of 3 and 13 when they were all born. I was always quick to get attached to them, I'd always show them cool older kid stuffs like showing my megabloks dragons collection to my infant brother who could not even sit yet. I gave it my all. And that applied outside of my family too i was everyones government assigned big sister as soon as i became verbal. We have vhs footage of 5 year old me at my mom's lord of the rings stage play (2003) cheering up a crying kid from my group because she had stage fright. I ripped that digitally for preservation so maybe one day i'll show you some bits of that it was neat.
Sadly it didnt last long and ive lost contact with two siblings and three cousins, because of adults taking sides in major arguments for good. I'll never see them again. I guess if you really wanna psychanalyze me there, little Gengetsu here resonates with my memories of before bonds began to shatter, you know?
The family kinship she has with Mugetsu is everything I wished I could've strived for but due to reasons outside of my control it never came to be, so that's why she's so special. She reminds me of the little nocti who still had her heart full.
Thanks for reading! I hope you, too, have a character that's just as special to you. Tell me in the tags who's the character that resonates with you! Oh! And if you're a fan of the twins too, let's be friends, yeah?
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trollbreak · 10 months
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danielnelsen · 1 year
Hey first I want to say that I really like your in depth posts on Dragon Age! Can I ask if you have any information and/or insights on the Jainen Circle from Legends? And do you think it's canon?
Everything That Happens Involving the Jainen Circle of Magi:
The First Enchanter is Jendrik whenever DAL is set (it's canonically sometime after the start of the 5th blight, but imo it's more specifically set somewhere from 9:34-9:37).
Sometime before you arrive in Jainen, the Circle is overrun by demons.
The leader of the local dragon cultists, Deymour, sends his lieutenant, Guillen, to kill Jendrik. If you head too far into Jainen without going to the Circle, Jendrik will die, otherwise you save him. If you save him, he's too wounded to help you so he just...leaves, I guess. He doesn't get any dialogue or a sprite or anything.
When you fight through the Circle, you fight both templars and mages (who are fighting together). I don't think you fight any demons until the very end, which has one desire demon as a boss.
The source of the demon(s) is Deymour who, as part of the overarching plot of DAL, is hosting a shard of a pride demon's soul in him. It's not explicitly stated that he summoned the demon(s), but his whole pride demon thing and also his general involvement (asking Guillen to kill Jendrik) is a pretty good indicator.
No matter the outcome, none of this is ever mentioned again.
Is the Jainen Circle Canon?
Nothing from DAL is canon.
That said, most of the game can be stretched to fit into canon (even Eiton being 'born Tranquil', fight me), and the Jainen Circle isn't any less realistic than anything else in DAL. Honestly, the main potential conflicts with canon are probably:
The times when we've been told how many circles there are (either 14 or 15; it's not even consistent). There are more than that listed on the wiki, even without including Jainen. However, quite a few of those Circles only have references from hundreds of years ago and may not exist anymore, so even 14 is enough to include Jainen as one of them.
Kinloch Hold is generally discussed in canon as THE Circle in Ferelden, replacing Denerim's Circle in 3:87. Maybe Jainen's just smaller or too remote or something, idk.
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