#I go by rosie (or princess 😇)
rosicheeks · 2 years
All in favor of seeing Rosie wear a ballgown on just a regular basis, say I! 🙋🏾‍♂️
Hmmmmm if this gets 15+ likes I’ll post me in a ballgown 🥰
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sexymase · 4 months
Thank you for tagging me! @masons-tours @harvestmount @lovelynikol16
tagging: @masonreds @masonmtxo
1. Do you make your bed?
I try to, but some days I just leave it messy when I’m in a hurry😅
2. Favourite number?
Tbh don’t think I have one😭
3. What's your job?
Fashion Marketing
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
High School no, but I would love to study something else like journalism 🩷
5. Can you parallel park?
No, I just sit cute in the passenger seat😇
6. Do you think aliens are real
7. Can you drive a manual car?
No, I’m a passenger princess
8. Guilty pleasure?
Watching rom coms
9. Tattoos?
Nope, would love some but I’m way to scared of needles
10. Favourite colour?
Pink, especially fuchsia 🩷
11. Favourite type of music?
Reggaeton, I’m going to Karol G’s concert next week🥳
12. Do you like puzzles?
13. Any phobias?
Needles and spiders
14. Favourite childhood sport?
Athletics & kickboxing
15. Do you talk to yourself?
Yeah, especially when I’m home alone😂
16. Tea or coffee?
Coffee when I wake up and rest of the day a nice cuppa🩷
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
Fashion Designer and cheerleader 😂
18. What movies do you adore?
Love Rosie, my all time favorite and literally any move with Kate Hudson, I just loveee her
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sweetdreamsbuck · 3 years
Hi baby! Would you rather go for a sunset motorcycle ride with beefy!Bucky or have a lazy morning in with Lee? 😇
baby! this is gonna shock you and was surprisingly a very easy decision . i'm going to have to go with my Lee baby.
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Lee is so soft, so loving, so much warmth is hidden behind the icy terror of his eyes and tight jaw. soft mornings with Lee are ethereal— the sunlight dancing off of his soft skin, the welcomed slack and ease of his plump cheeks and jaw evident in his slight drool and light breathing, the very ends of his long eyelashes seeming translucent and featherlike against rosy cheeks from the cast of the sun's rays dancing along the curves and edges of his sleeping profile. 
a real angel. 
outlining the skin of his plump pink lips, tracing your fingers along his arm muscles, mapping out the hairs and freckles of his tight chest, teasing softly as your knuckles ghost up and down the curves of his stomach— feeling him clench and shudder lightly under your ticklish caresses. he's so responsive to your touch even while coming out of the deepest of slumber. it's your favorite moment of every day— the Lee only you get to see. no guard is up, no tension in the scowl he wears on his face. heaven with the soft and precious man only you get to love, always and only for you.
you aren’t even aware he’s been awake, his eyes haven’t yet fluttered open. but his hand quickly catches yours, the torturously slow but pleasured stroke of your fingers promptly rousing him and reminding of your deep love for him but also the magic that your touch can really bring. “mmm morning princess. gimme a kiss, would’ya?”
“didn’t even know you were awake, Sheriff”
he brings your hand to his lips, finally letting his eyes open to find yours. taking his time, he drops soft kisses to each fingertip, ensuring each swirl and line of what identifies you is filled with his kiss. “jus was enjoyin’ these devilish lil fingers. i love you, princess. now, be a good girl 'nd lemme make you feel good...” his raspy drawl pulling you under his spell, the softness of his voice doing nothing to mask his intentions or expectations for the next hour. 
join in on my holiday season & 1k+ sleepover!
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rosicheeks · 2 years
I am new to your Tmblr and I’ve been scrolling through your archive and WOW! Your pics are amazing! Your tags are insanely hot! Thank you for your honesty. Thank you for your fantasies!
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rosicheeks · 2 years
How do I get your snap again?
✨info on my snap✨
My snap is *only* $25 right now!
If you’re interested send me an ask and I’ll reply privately ☺️ I have a few rules I have everyone agree to before they join.
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