#I got the hoop in backwards before took it out and tried to stick the other one in front ways AND IT DIDN'T WORK
trans-xianxian · 1 year
did you get the earring in?
sort of 😭 I don't have any studs but I do have hoops with straight posts, but I had to sort of bend one to be able to get it at an angle where I could get it through the back of my ear, so right now I have a hoop earing sticking backwards in my ear w an earring back on it so it doesn't fall out.... I'm going to wait for my ear to calm down a little bit before taking it out and Immediately putting the other one in
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sturniololoco · 8 months
can you write a little sis fanfic about them going skating together or one where they all go on a bike ride and y/n gets hurt
Skating Accident
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
“SLS/N, Hurry up!” Nick yells from downstairs.
“Shut the fuck up! I’m coming!” I yelled back, frantically searching my room for my beanie. It was the special one where my ponytail could come out of the top.
After climbing on the floor under my bed, I finally found it. I then sprinted downstairs, grabbing my skates from the closet by the front door. I then rushed out the front door and locked it.
Hoping into the back seat next to Nick, I chucked my skates in the trunk, slightly out of breath from my frantic search.
“It’s about damn time slow poke!” Matt says, reversing before I even put my seat belt on.
I roll my eyes at him then turn my head to Chris.
“Remember what you promised. You said you were gonna teach me to skate backwards.” I told my brother, reminding him of the deal we made on the couch last night.
“I will I promise!” He said, holding up his pinky finger.
I interlocked my finger with his, pinky swearing.
The rink was empty when we walked inside. Nick paid while Matt, Chris, and I began to walk to the edge of the rink to put our skates on.
Matt threw their sticks down and quickly laced up his skates, hoping in the ice and skating around, stick in hand, puck on the floor.
I was having a bit of trouble however.
My skate laces were all jacked up and I was struggling to get them untied.
Chris must have noticed because he walked over and kneeled in front of me.
“C’mere kiddo.” He said, beginning to to work on my skate.
I nervously bit my nails while he worked. I’ve never been as good as a skater as my brothers, and for some odd reason, I was scared of embarrassing myself.
“There you go kid.” He said, Patting my leg, then standing up. He threw his own skates on, then grabbed my hand and helped me out onto the ice.
“Hey SLS/N!? You need a little kid walker?!” Matt yelled, he and Nick giggling at my unbalanced approach onto the ice.
I flicked up off, nearly falling in the process, which only made them laugh even harder.
Chris grabbed my hands and steadied me. I leaned into him as he started to skate backwards, pulling me with him.
- I was fine skating forwards, but backwards was a whole different story.
We went around the rink a couple of times, just skating and talking. Matt and Nick would join us in the occasional loop.
But then Chris turned me around and started pulling me backwards.
“CHRIS-“ I began to say, but he quickly cut me off with reassurance.
“You’re fine sis, I’m right here if you fall.” He said, still guiding me backwards.
I tried to take deep breaths as he began teaching me. He showed me how my skates were supposed to go in and out, kinda like noodles.
Once I got the hang of it, Matt, Nick, and Chris hooped and hollered, hyping me up. I felt my face light up with glee as I began to feel more and more confident.
But then Chris let go of my waist.
Panic immediately flooded me, as I couldn’t stop myself. Completely forgot everything Chris had taught me and made my legs go stiff.
Just as I feel my self start to slip and the ground got closer, strong arms caught me around the waist.
“I told you I’m right here.” Chris said, smiling down at me.
I let out a sigh of relief, no longer scared of hitting the ground.
Matt skated over to me and grabbed my hand, helping me get back in my feet. The both held my hands as we went back to skating around the rink.
“Who wants to race?!” Matt yelled excitedly. Chris and I lined up next to him, as Nick insisted that he should be the ref.
Again, I was fine with skating forward, it’s the backwards part that gets me.
As Nick blew the imaginary whistle, we took off, Matt easily blowing past Chris and I.
It was a tie for second as Chris and I touched the wall, already yelling about who one.
“Just rematch for second time place!” Nick yelled, interrupting our banter.
Chris and I lined up again, then bolted at the sound of Nicks fake whistle.
I easily got ahead this time, glancing back as I left Chris in the dust.
But when I turned around, I found myself heading face first into the ice. I flung my hands out to catch me, lading in my wrist and feeling a sharp pop and then a stabbing sensation in my wrist.
“Oh FUCK!” I cried out, rolling in to my side, clutching my arm in agony. The tears were falling from my eyes as my brother skated over to me.
“Holy shit- that’s a broken wrist. We need to go.” Matt said, as he was the first one to my side.
He scooped up my shaking, sobbing body and skated as fast as he could off the ice, Nick and Chris close behind.
Chris carried me into the ER due to my lack of shoes, seeing that it would be faster if he just scooped me up and ran rather then take the time to put my shoes on.
My wrist hurt so fucking had, I could barely think strait. Tears were still racking my body as Nick checked me in at the front desk.
We got lucky, the wait was only 10 minutes. But for every second of the time, I was sobbing into Chris’s chest.
“He rubbed up and down my arm, whispering soft reassurances into my ears.
After an overly long ER visit and a hard cast later, we were finally heading home.
I was laying down in the back, my head resting on Nick’s lap as he gently played with my hair.
I sighed in content as the pain slowly drifted away as I fell asleep.
I was thinking ab doing a pt 2 for this, yeah? Like they take care of her. What do yall think?
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dean’s Jeans 2
What better day to post a sweet little family oneshot than Mother’s Day? This is the same setup as Dean’s Jeans, just a different late summer afternoon on your cul-de-sac with Dean, Sam, your daughters, and their cousin DJ. I already have bare-bones drafts of a few other installments for these cuties, especially considering this one got a little deeper than I had intended. Stay tuned!
Title: Dean’s Jeans 2
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 5561
Summary: Spending the afternoon working on the driveway with Dean, Sam, your daughters, and nephew.
Warnings: fluff, some family angst, minor injury, little dollop of smut at the end
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           It was a big day for driveways and garages.
           You had been sitting in the apron of Sam’s drawing loopy pastel paths with DJ and your eldest daughter for your youngest to roll her cousin’s old matchbox cars down, watching adoringly as everyone’s palms and knees got covered in chalk dust. When the concrete was relatively full and the older two started getting a little antsy, you decided to try to stave off any bored bickering ahead of time.
           “Babe, is our garage unlocked?” you called over to Dean where he was trying to snake an extension cord out of Sam’s front door and down the porch.
           “Should be. Why, what’s up?”
           “I thought maybe DJ could take Picasso here over to the park to break in her new bike.” You turned to your nephew, sitting with his arms resting on his knees. He was just barely starting to fill out around the delicate Winchester features that had made him such an angelic looking child, the angle of his jaw seeming to sharpen every day, growing rapidly though you might still be able to throw him over your shoulder in a pinch. Hopefully it was a sign that he wasn’t destined for the late puberty you knew had frustrated Sam so much when he was younger; at least he could have one gift from his other parent, lost otherwise to the wind without as much as a periodic birthday card. Not the time for that thought, you reminded yourself, refocusing on the child’s glossy hair, carbon copy of his father’s with sun-lightened tips this late into summer. Dean would’ve taken him to get a haircut about a month ago, but as you and Sam both reminded him: not his hair, not his kid. It made you smile and likely made Sam proud that at his age, where so many kids were rebelling against their parents, DJ didn’t mind looking exactly like his dad. Somehow you had a hard time believing Sam would want to rush that process of teenage rebellion along. “What do you think, Deej?”
           Your elder daughter squealed and threw her arms around his neck, nearly tackling him onto the driveway. “Please please? Maybe Sarah and Davey can come too.” Her inclusion of the Fiore siblings into the mix was smart. They lived between your cul de sac and the park and were pretty similar in age to DJ and your older daughter. You suspected she thought on some level that DJ was on the cusp of being too cool to hang out with his baby cousin, but hanging out with the Fiores as a group gave them a little more social grace. Hopefully she’d realize, as you had, that DJ absolutely adored her and would likely rather catch some flack from his peers than drift apart.
           “Yeah but I’m not carrying your bike up the hill if your legs get tired,” he grinned at his cousin, who immediately took off across the street to get her bike from the garage.
           Sam and Dean had to move their whole setup from in front of Sam’s garage door so DJ could get his own bike out, the step ladder, extension cord, and electric drill going into the lawn next to the rest of their project, the basketball hoop. He almost got to the end of the driveway, swinging his leg over the seat, before Sam stopped him. “Nice try. Helmet, please,” he called out after his son, who reluctantly dropped the mountain bike onto the pavement and trudged back into the garage to pull a sticker-covered helmet out of a box and throw it on his head. By the time he made it into the street his cousin had done the same, yelling out over her shoulder for you to Mommypleaseclosethegaragethankyou as she tried to pump petite legs to keep up.
           You were thankful that your youngest seemed to be fully engrossed in the chalk patterns on the driveway and hadn’t seemed to notice the other kids’ leaving, not interested in having an argument about whether she was too little or not to go with them alone. Trusting the older kids or not, she was small and curious in a way that led to her sometimes running off to explore, and you didn’t want to add that into the mix. After a while, she picked up the green again, moving up the driveway to draw a picture of a dragon and immediately swipe hair out of her face, covering it with fluorescent dust. She got to her feet, and the amount of colorful powder on her made you beyond thankful that it was Dean’s turn to give her a bath that night. Crossing the driveway in a few skittering steps, she wrapped herself around Dean’s legs, practically leaving a silhouette imprint of herself on his jeans as he ruffled her hair. The way they had worn out and lost much of their dye over the years highlighted the contrast.
           “Daddy, come look! It’s a dragon!”
           Dean and Sam exchanged a smirk and Dean winked at you. “A dragon? Sounds scary.”
           “No, he’s a nice dragon,” she insisted, grabbing his hand and dragging him down the driveway, leaving Sam to drill holes into the wood above his garage door.
           “A nice dragon, huh? What’s his name?” Dean asked, grinning as he let her lead him.
           “Maurice,” she said, so matter of fact it made you laugh out loud. Sam did too, pulling the drill out of the wall to keep from wiggling the holes. “Can you do the fire?”
           “’Course I can, princess. How big are we talking?” He eased down to sit cross-legged next to Maurice The Dragon, accepting when you offered him yellow and orange sticks of chalk. You leaned back in the afternoon sun with a lap full of matchbox cars listening to the radio Sam had brought out to the porch, the chalk scratching on the concrete, and the rhythmic drilling of holes into siding for a few minutes.
           “Dean?” Sam asked, backing down the step ladder.
           “Got it,” he answered, putting a little flair on a lick of fire that went around Maurice’s nose and handing your daughter the chalk. “I need to help Uncle Sammy for a minute but I can come right back, sound fair? Your mom is better at scales anyway.” The girl seemed to consider it for a second then pouted her lips out in agreement, tilting her head to the side just like her dad did all the time. Dean got up creakily and brushed off his hands on his back pockets, the orange joining the other stains like an abstract painting.
           “You guys need any help?” you called over to Sam, who was trying to stabilize the hoop with long arms and struggling a little bit to keep it balanced in the light wind, powerful muscles rippling in his forearms and impressing upon you how heavy it must truly be if even he was having trouble with it.
           “Actually, yeah, that would be great,” he chuckled, jerking his chin to Dean to suggest his brother help him hold it up. He did, grabbing one side and having to reach up to his tip toes to match Sam’s stretch.  They were both standing on a kind of bastardized stool Dean had thrown together for this purpose, a few planks of wood balanced on some huge cinderblocks that had been in the garden holding up one of Sam’s compost setups. “It’s just those 12 screws, holes should already be lined up.”
           You climbed up on the ladder with the drill, having to crane to reach over even with the added height. When the last was in, the Winchesters carefully removed their hands. Seeing that it didn’t immediately fall, Dean grabbed the bottom corner and tried his best to rattle it to no avail. “Good job, babe,” he said, lightly smacking your ass as you backed down the ladder.
           “Watch out,” Sam said over your shoulder, and you saw him walking backwards a handful of steps down the driveway, being cautious to avoid his niece and her drawings.
           “Dude, there’s no way you can—” Dean started, cut off by Sam taking a running jump and leaping into the air, catching the rim of the hoop like nothing and doing a baby pull-up on the metal.
           “Can what?” Sam cackled, punching Dean’s arm playfully as he dropped to the pavement. “Don’t be jealous, old man.”
           “Jealous of Sasquatch? You can practically reach it standing, Lurch.”
           “Yeah, okay. Let me know when you can get up there without a stool and a trampoline.”
           You were giggling as Sam and Dean started putting all their tools way when DJ’s bike came flying around the corner. Neither he nor his cousin were wearing helmets, and she was wrapped around his chest like a novelty monkey backpack, her legs circling his waist and her arms clinging to his neck. He had to arch around her to see, but you could tell from the half-block length away that he was saying something to her. By the time they got close enough to get reprimanded for the lack of helmets, or for one of their dads to ask where the other bike was, you could hear the crying.
           Sam crossed over to his son in long, purposeful strides, holding his handlebars so he could dismount without letting go of your daughter. “What happened?” he asked, taking the girl from DJ’s arms and smoothing her hair back with a soothing palm. As he turned, you could see the blood trickling down her raw knees and elbows.
           DJ was visibly rattled, trying hard to calm his breathing down and tensing his bottom lip when it began to quiver. “Davey and I went down that big hill and, she—she was going too fast, and, um, she fell—I, I told her we could practice later but these guys were saying only babies couldn’t do it, I swear I didn’t know she would—” and then his voice broke, fat tears finally breaking through and crashing down his face. Sam nodded to you and Dean, murmuring some comforting things to your eldest as he carried her up the porch steps into his house. At the exact same time as if practiced—that same rapid, implicit communication they’d had on hunts now used to coordinate hugging their children in tandem, you thought to yourself—Dean wrapped his nephew up in a big bear hug, cradling the boy’s head and sweeping his hand up and down his back.
           “Hey, come on, you’re okay. She’s okay, she’s just shaken up, kid. Shhh shhh shhh, hey, come on, deep breaths. You’re okay,” he hummed into DJ’s hair. He gave you a tight nod over the kid’s shoulder to keep drawing with your daughter. Only a few steps away, you could still hear him as he continued. “I’m so proud of you, Deej. Got her all the way home on your bike, that’s pretty badass.” He waited for a few moments of silence until his nephew caught his breath a little. “Probably scared you, right?” he asked, his voice low and calm as DJ nodded through tears into the growing wet spot on his uncle’s chest. “That’s okay, chief, I would’ve been freaked too.”
           You noticed he was rocking a little, almost like he did when he was trying to get the girls to sleep as babies, and it really emphasized the way that no matter how wise DJ seemed or whatever signs of puberty he might be showing, he was still a child, still the same baby you’d fallen in love with when Sam had gotten that call however many years ago. It took a few more minutes for the crying to subside to hiccupping breaths and seeming to sense that the moment had passed in some way, your baby girl grabbed your hand gently. “Mommy, is DJ okay?”
           “Yeah, sweetie. He was just scared for a minute.”
           “That’s why he needs a hug?”
           “Exactly. Everybody needs hugs sometimes.” Just as she had before when considering your ability to draw cartoon scales on a dragon named Maurice, she tilted her head and pouted in agreement. When you realized what she was about to do next you almost had to wipe a quick tear away yourself, watching her get up to hug DJ and sandwich him between herself and Dean.
           “It’s okay, DJ,” she whispered, the high tender pitch of her voice like one of those unsettlingly extreme medieval harmonies with her dad’s but so much sweeter, the bright welcome sting of lemon juice in a dense poundcake.
           A moment later, Sam came out onto the porch with his eldest niece. One of her knees was wrapped in gauze but the other and both elbows had what looked from the driveway like a collage of Spiderman band aids. Sam appeared to have a matching one on his forehead, and both of them were giggling, though her eyes still looked a little puffy and red.
           Dean looked up and turned DJ to see both of them, cradling the back of DJ’s head in one palm. “See? She’s okay, just needed a couple band aids.”
           Sam winked at his brother as he walked over and patted his son on the back, taking the band aid off his forehead as he went. “Buddy, we’re going to go grab the bike and your helmets. Is there anything else you think you left at the park?”
           His son shook his head up at his dad and leaned back from Dean’s embrace to rub his eyes. “Are you mad at me?” he croaked.
           “Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you?” Sam asked, crouching down to a squat to look up at DJ. You had noticed he tended to do this in sensitive moments with all the children, trying his best to seem less looming. The first time you’d identified it, it made you a little sick to your stomach, realizing it likely wasn’t part of how inherently good he was with kids but because he knew what it was like to have an angry man towering over you. Thinking of it now had the same effect, especially compounded by the emphasis Dean had put on telling DJ he was proud of him even if his daughter had gotten hurt, that he too knew a protective kid was still just a kid.
           DJ sniffled hard once more, finally able to take a truly deep breath. “I didn’t wear my helmet home because I couldn’t see arou—”
           “Aw, DJ. No way am I mad at you.” Sam hugged his son and stood up, planting a kiss on his forehead. “I’m proud of you for getting both of you guys home safe. That was really smart, to get her on the bike with you like that.” You caught DJ’s tiny smile of pride at his father’s praise, watched it deepen a touch as Sam kissed his hair again. “So just the helmets and the bike?”
           He nodded and rubbed his eyes before peeking around Sam a little bit to see your daughter. “You’re really okay?” he asked, as though he didn’t trust the adults to be telling him the truth and would have to ascertain her safety for himself. You wondered if Sam and Dean would find that nice or insulting, that ultra-fierce, trust-but-verify loyalty.
           She nodded sort of sheepishly. “Sorry I didn’t listen about the hill, DJ.”
           “It’s okay.”
           The moment seemed a bit heavy for a half-second before Sam wrapped a big hand around your daughter’s shoulder with a reassuring smile. “Let’s go find that bike.”
           After helping Dean get his wheels back inside, DJ went up to his room. You had to resist the urge to follow him, cuddle up with him like you used to when he was small enough to tuck into your lap. If he wanted to be alone, he was old enough to decide that for himself. Dean put the rest of the tools and things from putting up the basketball hoop away and walked over to you where you were laying on the ground so your youngest daughter could trace your body with chalk.
           “I think we need a pick-me-up around here. How do you feel about i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m for dinner?”
           You smiled, knowing you only had a bit longer of these spelling secrets left as your baby got closer and closer to proficient reading age. “Works for me. I think we have 2 or 3 kinds in the garage freezer.”
           He smirked down at you. “Can you bring him over in about 15 minutes? They should be back by then.”
           You tossed him a thumbs up and watched him walk across the street, the way the denim draped around his bowed legs as he went.
           It was only five or six minutes later when Sam came up to the driveway, jogging alongside your daughter with DJ’s helmet in his hand. Of course Sam would know that she needed to get back on that bike right away, and of course he’d come up with something to make her laugh all the way home, even if that meant he had to run the entire distance on a late summer afternoon. He was slightly out of breath when he helped her dismount in the driveway.
           “My kid okay?” he asked, taking the other helmet so your daughter could go back to what was becoming a pretty spectacular chalk surrealist piece spanning the driveway.
           “He’s in his room, I think he will be. Your brother’s got a very Dean style plan for dinner in a few minutes if you’re hungry.”
           Sam looked down at his watch. “Yikes, I didn’t realize we were even close to dinnertime. Let me go wash my hands and grab DJ then we can go over together?”
           “Sounds perfect to me. And hey—Sam? Make sure he knows everyone thinks he did the right thing.”
           He nodded, and you watched his Adam’s apple jump in his throat as he swallowed hard. Sam reached down and squeezed your hand, saying thank you without reopening the situation in front of the girls.
           They came out a few minutes later, Sam in a fresh t-shirt and DJ looking a little more cheerful coiled into his dad’s side. You bundled up the girls and walked over to your house, tipping your head in thanks as Sam opened the door. The girls were the first to see the spread and took off squealing into the kitchen, where Dean had effectively set up a tiny ice cream shop on your kitchen island. Sprinkles of all different kinds, those 3 tubs of ice cream you’d been right to remember were in the freezer, syrups and whipped cream and cherries and bananas and even chopped up peanut butter cups and Butterfinger bars from the stash Dean hid from the kids. He was already handing out bowls before you got into the kitchen.
           “Ah, ah! Hands need to be washed before anyone gets ice cream,” you insisted, shooting Dean a look of teasing reprimand.
           He rolled his eyes to your oldest daughter, sending her giggling conspiratorially to the kitchen sink. DJ, presumably having already washed his hands at his place, helped your youngest daughter reach by picking her up to the faucet when her sister was done. You crossed over to Dean, kissing him on the cheek and grabbing his hands for inspection. “Babe, you’re literally covered in chalk.”
           “You should be happy about me getting some extra calcium,” he winked, sticking out his tongue at you as you grabbed his ass on the way to the sink. “Mrs. Winchester!” he said in a faux-scandalized voice.
           As you washed your hands Sam manned the ice cream scoop, doling out much bigger bowls than he would normally, seeming to know as Dean did that a little levity might help the events of the day pass faster. After all the kids doctored up heaping mounds of ice cream and toppings to beat the band, you and the Winchester brothers stood around the island while they piled onto the couch to find a movie they could all agree on.
           “How’s our champ?” Dean asked, keeping his voice low.
           Sam shook up a can of whipped cream as he spoke. “He’s okay. Just feels guilty, I think. He says he should’ve stopped her from going down the hill.”
           “You think any kid of hers would’ve let someone tell her she couldn’t do anything?” Dean ribbed, accepting the gentle elbow you hit his side with.
           “I know that, but you know what it’s like. I think once he sees she’s really okay and no one blames him then he’ll be fine.”
           “Poor guy. Feels like that Winchester ‘weight of the world’ thing must be genetic.” You were partly joking but also partly not and they both knew it, looking pitiful and pitying for a beat before trying to cover with smiles. “He’s a great kid, Sam.”
           “Pretty much feels like you guys raised him as much as I did, I should be thanking you,” he murmured, drawing a lattice of butterscotch syrup over his whipped cream.
           You snaked an arm around his waist and gave him a sideways hug. “No, we’re lucky you let us know him.”
           Sam bent over and pressed his lips to your hair. “Seriously, thank you. I’m—I don’t know where we’d be if we didn’t, you know, I mean if we—”
           “Don’t strain yourself, Sammy,” Dean smiled affectionately, giving Sam a merciful out. “Tell you what, I sure wouldn’t have made it in damn Themyscira without you two around.”
           Sam chuckled down at the counter while you disentangled your arms. You took the chocolate sprinkles from in front of him and scattered a few in your bowl. “Themyscira? The hell is that?”
           Dean set down his ice cream exaggeratedly and rolled his eyes so hard he put a backwards bend in his spine, holding onto the island to keep his balance. “Babe. Themyscira. Home of the Amazons? Wonder Woman?”
           “Riiiight. I forgot I was married to such a dork.”
           “As long as you don’t forget how this ‘dork’ makes you screa—”
           “Dude, enough,” Sam groaned, exasperated. Dean waggled his eyebrows at you as his brother followed into the living room with the kids, taking the opportunity of temporary privacy to slip his tongue along your neck where it sloped into your shoulder.
           “Dean,” you hissed playfully, pushing his chest away from you. “They’re in the other room!”
           “You taste like chalk,” he smirked, before holding your gaze for a gooier beat than you would’ve expected. His eyes softened and he glanced down. “Thank you for letting me—letting us—take that, today. I know you’re better at the Mommy Dearest stuff or whatever, but it sometimes feels like, ah, getting a redo?” He cleared his throat where it had gotten a little thick. “You know, um, like proving that it doesn’t have to be the same?”
           It was a specific vulnerability he doesn’t often let you see, but you could tell by the softness both he and Sam had with all the kids, how they beat themselves up for days if they raised their voice for even a second, that they both thought about it all the time. In so many ways they were still those same little boys who wished they could’ve drawn on driveways with their parents, that their dad could’ve given them Spiderman band aids and told them everything was going to be okay.
           He didn’t have to explain further, and you gripped his hand to tell him so. “They needed you two, not me. For what it’s worth, I think you guys were a pretty great team today.”
           Dean smiled, and it was almost like the sleepy thankfulness he had on those nights when he got home and you’d charitably done a couple of his chores for him. He closed his eyes in invitation and you leaned forward, meeting his lips with the smell of ice cream in the air. “So come on, Super Dad. Let’s go watch a movie with these great kids everyone keeps talking about.”
           The ice cream had gotten put back in the freezer immediately to keep it frozen, but the toppings had all been left out during School of Rock. Sam and DJ had left a bit after the movie, playing a round of LIFE that had been pretty ambitiously started, considering the time, and ultimately abandoned when all the kids’ yawns started to sync up. You came downstairs after trading with Dean for bath/shower duty to get out of cleaning up all the sticky dishes, the girls falling asleep too quickly for a bedtime story after you’d made sure they were thoroughly scrubbed clean and any wet gauze was replaced.
           He was rinsing some bowls in the sink, the majority of the toppings slid to one side of the now wiped-down island. You sauntered up behind him, putting your chin on his shoulder. “Your jeans are still covered in chalk,” you sighed into his neck.
           “Your kid was practically using them as a napkin, so I’m not surprised.”
           “Like father, like daughter.”
           You felt the rumble of his laugh through your chest where you were pressed up against his back. “Can’t argue with that. They asleep?”
           “You’d think I drugged them.”
           He chuckled again, putting down the last bowl in the sink and shutting off the water before drying his hands on a dishtowel deliberately. When he turned around, his face was inches from yours. “Is that right?” he asked, and his voice was as smooth and silky as any caramel drizzle you could’ve eaten that night. You nodded into a smile as Dean slid a washing-warmed hand to the nape of your neck and wound into the hair there, pulling you into him where he leaned against the sink and slipped his tongue into your mouth. He tasted like maraschino cherry and chocolate and you pushed up into his kiss hard, jamming him into the counter in a way that made him groan into you, tug that hair tighter. “Careful, baby. Been thinking about scandalizing the mother of my children for hours,” he growled, smirking through a voice rough like the sandpaper calluses of his hands.
           You bit his bottom lip and dragged it back, leaning away from Dean just enough to reach over to the island behind you, finding the whipped cream and starting to shake it fast. “That’s funny, because I’ve just been thinking about sundaes,” you purred into his ear, nipping at his earlobe before tipping back. Dean’s eyes practically glittered as his pupils blew wide. His shirt was off so fast you almost didn’t see it, feeling like you blinked and opened your eyes to him already yanking his belt open to shuck off those chalk-covered torn jeans. Before he could, you turned over the whipped cream on top of his collarbone, dripping a stream of white foam down his chest and letting it drift for a second, melt down his skin then lapping it up with a tongue flattened wide.  You shook the can again, draping a strip onto Dean’s stomach that trailed to his belly button and laying a palm on his chest, leaning him back to the counter on his elbows to watch as you licked the whipped cream with lazy swirls until you were at the hem of his boxers, sinking to your knees and taking them down his legs along with his now-opened jeans. He was already hard as rock when you took him in your palm, laying one last spray of whipped cream along the length of him and humming in delight at the “holy shi—” that punched out of Dean and fizzled into the ether when you sucked it off.  
           It was only a few minutes before he couldn’t take it anymore, bending down to kiss you rough and dirty, tongue darting out to get the little dribbles of cream around the corners of your mouth and dragging you to your feet. With one hand Dean flicked open your jeans, using the freed slack to dive into your panties, middle finger dipping into you as he held your jaw with the other palm. He breathed hot and sticky along your jugular. “Not even close to how wet I want you.” The viscous pour of his words onto your neck sent goosebumps spreading over your skin in a delicate fan and you couldn’t help but smile as he scooped under your thighs and lifted you easily onto the island, slipping the denim off your legs as the same time he stepped out of his. You relaxed onto your elbows, watching those long eyelashes drift open and closed as his kissed a path down your abdomen, gripping handfuls of your t-shirt to get to skin. A lazy hand offered Dean the can of whipped cream.
           The smirk he gave you, bare shoulders between your thighs as he kneeled on the kitchen floor, might as well have been through a time machine for the way it made you see the cocky playboy you’d first met over a decade ago, before the faint wrinkles of years in sunny cars and staying up nights with colicky babies that accessorized his big doe eyes now. It had the same effect on you in a t-shirt that was older than DJ as it had when you were pounding through shots with eyeliner artfully smudged by the power of hangovers: pooling all the blood in your stomach and making you lightheaded. He slowly bit his bottom lip. “You taste way too good to be adding anything,” he rumbled, and when you threw your head back in a shaky laugh his tongue reminded you exactly why smudged-eyeliner girl was ready to drop her independence, jump in the Impala and follow that mouth to the end of the world.
           Dean built the earth up and cracked it into pieces beneath you twice perched on that kitchen island before grabbing the counter edge to haul himself up. “Were these tiles always so fucking hard? Feel like I just took a hammer to the kneecaps.” He shook out each of his bare legs, spring of his erect cock as he did looking silly and out of place with the glisten of his lips and chin, the sultry cast of his eyelashes on angled cheekbones. The juxtaposition made you laugh, breathy as it was with muscles that had been turned to jello, thrown in a blender, and scattered about the room by the deft movements of Dean’s tongue and fingers.
           “You’re thinking about your knees right now?”
           “That’s how hard these fucking tiles are,” Dean chuckled, deep and still sexy somehow, bending forward to catch your lips. When you reached down to stroke him, a hand wrapped around your wrist. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, I’m nowhere near done with you,” he murmured through kisses, a shade of playful challenge in his throat.
           You giggled, leaning back as he dragged a wet path of suction down your neck. “I don’t want to torture those legs, old man.” Running a hand through hair you’d sent spiking in all directions in your writhing, you dragged Dean’s head back on his neck, giving you a chance to meet his eyes, still the same dusted olive they’d been since that first wink. Long past the honeymoon stage when it was appropriate to do that kind of thing, you’d been content to spend hours searching them, cataloguing every spindly muscle of iris for posterity, trying to gather up every grain of him for when he inevitably was lost forever to a hunt or the solitude of the road.
           But here he was still.
           Here you were still. Living a life—living two selves—you never thought you’d get, lucky to have grown in and around each other like mangrove roots. Those eyes still every inch as beautiful, every spark of that electric heat still there now cloaked in layer after layer of what you’d built together: the complete trust and fanatical admiration he had of you flowing out like fountains of sunlight, strong enough they streamed through any raunchy waggle of his eyebrows.
           No time to think about it now with a hungry coil of desire tightening in your stomach. You traced the length of him with your fingertips, feather-light and teasing. “If you give me fifteen seconds to get my sea legs back I’ll show you who’s got tougher knees.”
           “All right, that’s it,” Dean said. He tipped his head forward and bit your bottom lip with that impossible pressure that made you whimper. “I’ll show you how old these knees are.”
           Before you could react, he’d put his shoulder below your sternum and thrown you over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. When you squealed he smacked your ass. “You’re going to wake up the girls,” he buzzed, starting toward your bedroom without a stitch of clothing on, you draped over his back.
           “Dean, Jesus Christ,” you giggled. “Get the clothes at least!”
            “Don’t need any jeans for what I’ve got planned—quit—squirming—or I’ll give you something to squirm about,” he continued, lowering his voice to a lascivious whisper and giving one of your upper thighs an impish bite as he headed up the stairs.
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
Tags: @sams-sass​ @vxnderlindes​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @akshi8278​ @itsjensenanddean​ @flannellover67​ @weepingwillowphoenix​ @tj-drinks-tea​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @winchest09​ @winchestergirl2​ @samwisethegr8​ @nurse-sarahrn​ @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love​ @deanwanddamons​ @stressedoutkitten​ @winchestershiresauce​ @tatted-trina6​ @percico-heronstairs​ @downanddirtydean​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @lyarr24​ @wonder-cole​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @fairlyspnfanfic​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @mimaria420​ @jensengirl83​ @zooaliaa​ @superfanficnatural​ @deangirl93​ @cockslut-padalecki​
And as always, if you want to be on my taglist, were on the taglist and changed your handle, or I lost track of it, please let me know!
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r3almellow · 5 years
MLQC Boys With Angry F!S/o Who Denies Them Touch/Sex
Thanks @dafnew for the request!!! I know it took me a while, but I hope you enjoy it! I apologize if there are any typos!
Slightly NSFW!
All he did was accidentally eat the meal you were looking forward to all day long. Was that really the reason you were currently upset with him.
This wasn’t the first time Kiro has done this and you knew it wouldn’t be the last, so you decided to teach the little glutton a lesson.
Since he loved touching your food, how would he feel not being able to touch his precious Miss Chips?
“No sex.”
Huh?! You’re not serious are you?
To test to see if this was really a “threat,” he’ll try to give you a quick kiss on the lips, but you skillfully turn your head causing his lips to land on your cheek.
That man is heartbroken, with a capital BROKEN.
Will apologize nonstop and mope when you don’t accept it.
Will give the biggest puppy dog eyes in history. It almost breaks you...ALMOST.
You turn your nose up at his antics and casually go about your business.
He will whine like there’s no tomorrow.
If the two of you are sleeping in the same bed, you will find yourself sleeping on the opposite side of the bed with your back facing him.
Kiro will have none of that and will make his way over to your side and wrap his arms around you.
If you’re really tired you’ll let it slide because you’re a sucker for cuddles; until you feel something hard poking your ass. 
Cheeky man...
You’ll be tempted to press your ass against him, but REMEMBER the mission.
Just before he can even sneak a hand up your shirt or press a few kisses against your neck, Kiro will be hit with a barrage of pillows and forced back to his side of the bed.
You’ll start placing pillows in between the two of you.
Savin figures out whats happening the minute you’re in Kiro’s eyesight and the blonde isn’t hovering around you like a lovesick puppy.
Savin feels for him, but will most likely poke fun.
Kiro will try to eat himself into a coma to battle his cravings for you, but his agent will be on his ass.
This will go on for about two days.
When you finally let up, be prepared for him to jump your bones.
It’ll be even worse if he’s been out of the country and didn’t have sex with you prior to leaving.
He doesn’t even care where it happens at this point.
Apartment? Dressing room? Storage closet? IT DOESN’T MATTER.
Needs to feel your body against his.
Just know that, if left up to Kiro you’re not going to be able to leave your bed for a while.
It was extremely rare for you to get angry at Gavin. Like its almost impossible for you to be upset with him since that man will bend over backwards to make you happy.
There is, however, one thing that sets you off.
Whenever he gets hurt on the job and doesn’t tell you about it. 
You know Gavin doesn’t like to worry you, but you deserve to know when the love of your life almost comes face to face with death.
So this time around, he omits telling you that he was hospitalized due to a stab wound.
You are LIVID. 
First off, why wouldn’t he tell you he was in the hospital?!
Second, why did you have to hear the news from Eli?!
Gavin tries to ease your frustration with a hug, but you back away instantly.
“No, amount of hugs is going to fix this. In fact, no touching until you’re 100% healed!”
Gavin won’t argue, but he will be sulking! He’ll just have to accept his fate if he wants to be back in your good graces again.
Then it dawned on him...does that mean..? 
He had to ask. He had to know!
“Yup! No sex, Mister.”
Looks like that right hand about to work overtime. 
Gavin has gone through training to withstand torturous circumstances, so the idea of you not having sex with him didn’t sound so bad.
He waited years just have you in his arms and it wasn’t like all the two of you did was have sex. 
However, Gavin didn’t factor in one thing.
His need to worship you.
Gavin loves worshiping you in so many ways from using his words to his body.
His favorite thing to do was to make you feel loved in every way possible. 
So when you graciously refuse to sleep in the same bad as him or deny him any ounce of affection, he’s so hurt. 
Will try to keep his distance, if he feels like he’s really hurt you. 
If you two live together, he’ll make sure to stay out of your way and even sleep on the couch. 
Gavin will  still keep a watchful eye on you.
He notices all! 
Like when you’re wearing his t-shirt without a bra and your nipples involuntarily protrude through the shirt for him to see. 
Or when you walk out of the shower with only a towel around your torso. One little tug and you’d be baring all for him to see.  
Like I said before, that right hand about to work double shifts if he’s going to make it through a long work week. Gavin is only human and has needs! 
His hands got nothing on your mouth or the warmth of your pus- NOPE! NOT DOING THIS. 
This doesn’t just impact your relationship with Gavin, but his relationship with others. 
And by others, its mostly Minor.
“Boss, can I be totally unprofessional for two seconds?”
“Minor you haven’t been professional a day in your life, but sure...” 
“Gavin, hasn’t been himself lately. Like, he’s been sulking and doesn’t even want to shoot hoops anymore. He just sits on a bench and watches birds! And he hasn’t threatened to kick my ass in days! He’s like a sad ass puppy!” 
“I don’t control Gavin, Minor. What do you expect me to do?” 
“I expect you to....SUCK YO MAN’S DI-” Bless Willow and Kiki for pulling the idiot away. 
You do notice he’s more sullen these past few days and has barely spoken to you.
You’ll feel so guilty, but you know you had every right to put him through this!
Not being able to see your precious Bird Cop look like someone killed his dog for much longer, you cave in. 
When Gavin hears the good news his eyes light up and without hesitation he pulls you in for a bone crushing hug.
“I’m sorry for making you worry...” He’ll say.
The minute you nuzzle his cheek and accept his apology, its like a weight has lifted off of him. 
You’ll stay wrapped in his embrace for a while, but will toss out an invitation.
“If you’re all healed up we could....” You don’t even have to finish your sentence.
Your boy is touch starved and desperate to make it up to you! 
Get ready for the most mind-blowing yet passionate sex you’ll ever have to date!
Victor is a prideful man, who refuses to let other’s see him sweat. 
So, when he makes a rude remark in regards to your cooking skills after you generously made him dinner, you decide to put his resolve to the test.
“Well you can suck your own dick since I clearly can’t do anything right!” And you meant it. No sex of any kind!
For how long? Well…until he apologizes.
It takes a lot for Victor to admit he’s wrong, so Victor is more than willing to go toe to toe with you. 
What Victor doesn’t realize is that this is going to be the hardest thing he’s ever had to commit to.
If you live together, you would sleep in the guest room just to punish him. However, you also didn’t want to be tempted. Resisting him was a challenge, but you refuse to let him know that.
If you don’t live together, your frequent sleepovers will cease until he apologizes. No more of his home cooked meals… A sacrifice you were willing to make just to stick it to him.
Either way, Victor will be sleeping alone for the next few nights! 
Victor is pretty good with keeping his composure, but by the third day of this ridiculous sex ban everything around him became an irritation.
From Goldman’s voice to the sound of a pen tapping obnoxiously on a desk. It was all so insufferable!
“If you want to keep your job, I suggest you stop that tapping.” 
“Uh, sir, you’re the one that’s tapping.” Oh. 
After a week, you realize that this man was not going to cave on his own. 
He needed a little....incentive. 
When the eighth day rolls in you show up for your one-on-one meeting with the CEO to go over some future plans. 
Your plan was to indirectly seduce him, you know....to nudge him a bit.
Show just enough cleavage.
Wear a short skirt that may or may not reveal the lack of underwear. 
He’ll be eating out of the palm of your hands. Or in this case he’ll be eating out that pussy. 
That was the plan, however....
Little do you know, that man is a raging ball of horniness. 
It took everything he had to keep his cool once he saw you. 
He noticed everything.
To the smallest DETAIL.
The outfit you wore perfectly hugged your body in ways that had him outlining your curves with his eyes. 
Your lips were painted in a soft pink gloss that made your lips shine and seem fuller.
The air is filled with the scent of the perfume he had bought you for your birthday last year and…was that a faint hickey on the base of your neck?!
Victor could feel his cock painfully press against his tailored pants.
He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. 
The meeting went on without any problems. 
You flirted a bit, but he wasn’t taking the bait!
Have you met your match?!
Once the meeting concluded you turned to leave. 
You’re never aware of this, but he LOVES watching you leave his office so he could get a look at your ass.
Feels like eternity since he’s had the chance to squeeze it with his bare hands. 
That skirt.
He knew that skirt all too well. He was the one who bought it after all. 
It was just tight enough to show the outline of your panties. The main reason he bought it for you. 
But.....there was no outline this...time...
The next thing you know you’ll be pinned to the door with the a frowning man towering over you. 
“I can’t believe I let a dummy get the best of me…”
 “That doesn’t sound like an apology...” 
Don’t worry, he’ll apologize to you and then he’ll fuck you on every hard surface he can find in his office. 
It takes a lot for you to be upset with Lucien.
But if you do ever get upset it’ll be because he’s never forthcoming with information and likes strategically misleading you. 
When you become fed up with that you refuse to be in his presence until further notice or until you have to work together again.
This won’t last long. Like a few hours....
Lucien is just too good at turning things in his favor.
Lucien is pretty good at keeping his horny levels in check, but....
He doesn’t sleep well without you by his side. 
Sometimes the sex is what helps him sleep. 
So you ignoring him will simply not do. 
Lucien will find some loophole in your plans. 
Like he’ll pitch interesting ideas to you that will leave you with no choice but to work with him. 
One minute you’re going over notes for an upcoming project and the next...
You’re gripping the sheets beneath you, clothes tossed to the ground,  back arched, and heavy pants passing through your lips. 
Where’s Lucien? 
Between your legs of course!
How did this happen?!
This man is definitely made of magic or something!
Done!!! I had to rewrite this one like twice because I had too many scenarios going through my head! I hope you all enjoyed it!
Be sure to check out my other MLQC stuff here!
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Games (soulmate au)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word count: 2,382
Warnings: Making out?
Request: hi! It’s me again, could I request a Fred Weasley soulmate au? The type where their soulmates first word’s to them is tattooed on their body? Please make it fluffy and cute, thank you! :)
A/n: I am so sorry this was late. I had a grad party I forgot about! Also I'm probably going to have the other request out on Wednesday I'm so sorry but I have another grad party 2mmaro and I wont have time to write. Hope you guys like it!
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The words in Fred's ankle had always been, well controversial at his household. His mother sure didn't like them. George thought they were hilarious. Ginny thought they were almost sad, sad that was how him and his soulmate would meet. Ron agreed with George, Percy thought they were ridiculous and his other brothers thoughts were pretty neutral. Fred simply thought they were odd. And as he looked down at the words, he couldn't help but smile, this was going to be one interesting person.
You snickered watching as your seeker checked his hair in the mirror again.
"You know Malfoy maybe if you spent less time putting grease in your hair and more time practicing then we would be winning for a change."
He whipped around glaring at you. "That's not very good team spirit y/l/n." He seethed.
"And since when are Slytherins known for their teamwork?"
He rolled his eyes and snatched his broom from the rack and joined the rest of the team in the horseshoe they had made around their captain.
You glanced around trying not to look as bored as you were. You have heard it a thousand times before; kick Gryffindors ass. Nothing new, except for the fact that your seeker was almost ok and theirs was amazing. Which meant it was basically up to you to score a shit ton of points before the snitch was caught. It was all quite stressful.
As you walked out onto the pitch you heard a mix of boos and cheers, the former as always, over powering the latter. You ignored the crowd and boarded your broom. You flew a couple feet in the air and waited for the whistle. When you took a deep breath and then sped upwards. If everything went right Montague should have the quaffle ready and waiting for you. And he did. You snatched the pass and made your way toward the goals where you could see Wood waiting.
You ducked under a bulger, dodged some girl in a red uniform and made for the large hoops. You reached for the quaffle tucked under your arms and shot it in the far left hoop. It soared through and you whipped around to get back to your position.
The game had been going for hours. It was hot and sunny and you had already ditched your outer layer. Currently you had scored 160 points, you were doing pretty well. All together your team had 210 points while Gryffindor was 50 points behind. Things were looking up.
You were headed towards the hoops once again the quaffle locked securely under your arm. You were about to shoot when out of nowhere something hit you straight in your side.
You dropped the quaffle and tipped off your broom with a scream. You managed to keep your feet wrapped around the handle and was hanging there attempting to reach your arms up. When you finally did, the pounding of your heart on your ears stopped and you could hear shrieking laughter.
You turned to see Fred Weasley pointing and laughing at you.
You flashed a brilliant shade of red before shouting, "If you don't shut up Weasley I'll shove that bat up your ass."
His smile dropped. A look of absolute astonishment replaced his joyful features. He felt his heart stop. You flew away with a scoff and an eye roll, you had no clue what you had just done to that boy.
For the rest of the match Fred could simply not focus. He hardly hit any blunders and most of them were completely off target. George scolded the boy and tried to get his head back in the game but it was helpless. He wanted to say something to you but what? What could he possibly say, "Oh hey what's up, your my soulmate by the way." It was all so stupid.
Gryffindor lost when Draco caught the snitch and Slytherin was celebrating in there locker room as Oliver almost killed Fred in their locker room.
"What the hell!" He yelled at the red head. "You couldn't hit a thing this whole match!"
"Look I'm sorry. I was distracted." Fred apologized.
Oliver didn't seem to care for his apologies at all. "You were doing fine." he sighed, "And then suddenly you knock y/l/n off her broom and you cant hit the broadside of a barn with a bludger."
"Look Wood, I'm sorry." Fred apologized again trying to make it sound sincere although his thoughts were elsewhere.
"What in Merlin's name could have made you so distracted any way Fred?"
Fred paused, the whole team was listening there was no way he was saying anything. "I just umm was?" He raised his eyebrows, hoping that his captain would buy it. Which of course he didn't.
"What eas it Weasley?" Oliver practically growled
Fred cast his gaze downwards trying to aviod eye contact with anyone.
"I swear to Merlin Wweasley if you don't tell me what gave Malfoy a free ride to the snitch I will-"
"She's my soulmate alright!?" Fred yelled his patients wore through.
"Wait, y/l/n is your soulmate?" It was George talking this time. His eyes were wide and mouth slightly agape, he was mimicking the rest of the team.
"Yeah." Fred looked down blushing a bit, he wasn't used to these situations. "But she doesnt know so don't tell her." He added quickly.
"Alright, sorry for laying into Fred." Oliver said.
"Its fine." He waved it off. He then turned to George panick in his eyes.
"How is she my soulmate?" Fred asked his twin desperate for an answer. They were now sitting in the Gryffindor common room eating candy they got from honeydukes.
"I don't know mate, but I wouldn't be too concerned. I mean she's hot." George pointed out, stuffing a chocolate frog in his mouth.
"Yeah but she’s Slytherin." Fred groaned.
"It probably won't be that bad Fred, you are destined to be together."
"How are we destined to be together? I mean we sure as hell aren't best buds." Fred said popping a fizzing whizbee in his mouth.
"So what," George started his voice muffled by chocolate, "You'll get along, just wait till Ron finds out he'll flip."
"Ok then what should I do?" Frdd asked
"You have to talk to her idiot." George pointed out.
"WWhat do I say?" The older twin asked.
The younger just shrugged, "Wwhatever you say will be on her ankle anyway so just try and make it romantic."
"Alright." Fred said still quite unsure on what to do.
You sat in potions trying not to laugh your ass off as Angelina a girl from Gryffindor totally ditched her potion.
You had finished ages ago and were simply waiting to be dismissed. You glanced down at your watch. Five minutes.
You had been anxious to get back to the quidditch pitch. You had to get in some more practice before the next match. You were playing hufflepuff and wanted to stick iit to Cadwallader. You had five gallons on the fact you would score more points then him in the upcoming match and you'd don't lose.
So when Snape finally said you could go you practically slept from your seat in excitement.
You sprinted down the hallways as quickly as you could only run striated into someone. You fell backwards landing hard on your butt and letting out a yelp of pain. You book bag had slid across the floor and hit the opposite wall of the thin hallway.
"Oh Merlin, are you alright?" A voice asAsked and you about passed out. Those were the words on your ankle. You looked up to see a mess of red hair with matching red robes and red cheeks. His eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight as he stuck his hand out for you to grab. You felt the heat rise in your face as well, since when was Fred Weasley so attractive?
"Shit, I said something didn't I." He looked upset, as he pulled you to your feet. You felt your face grow even brighter at contact with his surprisingly soft hands.
"Uh yeah ya did." You practically whispered your y/e/c eyes big as golf balls.
"So then you know?" He asked fidgeting with his robes.
"Know what?" You asked completely bewildered by the things that had happened in the past minute.
"That your my soulmate." He laughed.
"Yeah I guess I know that." You said your mind was going crazy. Fred Weasley was your soulmate? What? I mean sure he's incredibly good looking and funny and smart and great at quidditch but, what?!
"You probably don't even know which twin I am." He laughed a bit although the idea of his soulmate not knowing who he was hurt. "Im-"
"Fred." You finished for him. "I know who you are."
"Really?" Fred asked eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Yeah I do. Wait, how did you know o was your soulmate?"
Fred blushed as your y/e/c eyes gleamed up at him. Your y/h/l y/h/c hair framed your face beautifully and he was suddenly struck with how attractive you are. Your face was dusted pink and it made you look incredible. "Well umm, remember when I knocked you off your broom yesterday?"
"Vividly" you answer eyes narrowed a bit, your arms now crossed.
"Well afterward you said-"
"If you don't shut up Wesley I'll shove that bat up your ass." You finished for him again doing your best to contain the laughter inside you. You failed miserably and burst with giggles. He thought it was the most amazing sound to ever grace his ears.
"Wait wait wait," you managed to squeak out still giggling, "Is that seriously tattooed on your ankle?"
"Yep." And to prove it Fred pulled his sock down and showed you the words printed on to his pale skin
You burst in a wave of fresh laughter, "I'm sure your mom loves that." You said between laughs.
"Glad you find my misfortune so hilarious." Fred said rolling his eyes playfully.
"Oh come on. If it was me with those words on my ankle you would be losing your shit." You pointed out still laughing.
"Your right, I should have said something closer to, 'Look where the fuck your going." As payback." He smirked and you burst into laughter once again.
"You should have!" You were crying with joy at this point, "It would have been one hell of conversation starter!"
Now Fred was laughing too, his smile bright. He looked down at your giggling form and he was once again talking by your beauty. Your eyes shining with tears and gleaming with joy. Your extremely soft looking lips a light pink color were stretched into a wide slightly lopsided smile.
As he stared your laughter died out and you had looked back up at him, you blushed a bit to find his gaze on you, "Like what you see Weasley?" You asked a cocky smirk on your lips.
"In fact I do." He said smirking right back and leaning down a bit to be somewhat level with your eyes.
"Well you aren't exactly ugly." You bit your lip as you did so and Fred about lost it. Keep it cool he reminded himself. So instead he placed his hand over his heart dropped his mouth and blinked a few times feigning hurt.
"That's what I get as a complement?" He asked in fake surprise, "I'm offended."
"Ever the dramatic Weasley." You smirked.
"I am quite a good actor." He said leaning closer to you, you could feel his breath on your cheek and your smirk dropped. He had to know that he was doing right? That wasn't fair.
"Im good at more than acting though." He winked, smirking as you blushed a deep crimson.
You attempted to stay on track, "A-and what else might you be good at? I haven't seen much." It would have been fine if you didn't stutter but damn he was really close to you and smelled like a mix of smoke and chocolate. It was completely infatuating.
"Oh, you'll see plenty." You wanted to smack the smirk off his face. He was playing with you, but you weren't in the mood for games anymore.
"Oh shut up." You whispered face burning. With that you yanked him down to meet you lips. He was clearly taken off guard but kissed back quite quickly once your lips moved against his. He quickly pushed you up against the wall and grabbed your waist. Your hands found their way to his fiery hair, it was surprisingly soft. You felt his tongue glide against your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, granting it access.
When he pulled away your lungs were burning and you gasped for air.
"I hope you know this doesn't change anything on the pitch." You said.
"Of course, I'm just going to have to make sure not to hit your face with any bludgers. Wouldn't want to ruin its beauty, would I?" He winked.
"What every weakness you show I will use to my advantage." You smirked shrugging.
"I like the sound of that." He winked again.
"Keep it up and you will only be able to blink with one eye." You said eyebrows raised.
"Winking won't do that." He pointed out.
"Yeah but me poking one of your eyes out will." You deadpanned.
"Has anyone ever told you your a little scary?" Fred asked as he leaned in again.
"Yep-" you were cut off by his lips.
You pushed Fred off of you to see Malfoy standing a few feet away a disgusted look etched on his face.
"Captain wants you, so get the Weasel’s tongue out of your throat so you can actually talk." He scoffed
"I'll see you later." You whispered to Fred. Before walking towards the platinum blonde. "You call him weasel again and I will cut your tongue off and make you eat it." You flashed the now terrified boy a cheeky smile and walking towards the pitch the young seeker sulking at your heels.
"See ya later Mouthful!" Fred shouted saluting the boy as he walked out the door.
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Being Friendly | Jikook x Reader
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Being Friendly a.k.a. 31 Days To Get Over A Crush
Pairing: Fratboy!Jimin x Sororitygir!Reader x Fratboy!Jungkook
Side: Fratboys!BTS, Sororitygirls!BLACKPINK
Key words: pov, f2l, university life, greek life
Warnings: heavy drinking, lying, jealousy, swearing
Word count: around 16,000
Day 0
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“Woah. Hold up.” Jungkook put his hands on my shoulders pushing me away.
As our lips parted I opened my eyes and noticed his horrified expression. I wish I hadn’t. I wish I kept them shut and stayed in that state of bliss for a second longer.
“What?” I looked him in the eyes, scrunching my eyebrows.
“What?” He widened his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. “You just kissed me. That’s what?” I blinked a couple of times trying to understand what he meant.
Yes, I just kissed him. What’s the matter with that?
“So?” I raised my previously knotted eyebrows at him and he just sighed, looking away.
“So?” Shaking his head once again he looked back at me with something of a patronising note in his eyes. “We’re practically siblings, (Y/N).” I felt an invisible hand reach down my throat and grab my heart, threatening to rip it apart.
“What?” I scoffed in shock. “We’re not though.” He chuckled, shaking his head - a motion I was starting to get sick of.
“Still-” He put his hand on my shoulder, shaking it lighty. For the first time in forever his touch made me feel uncomfortable. “-you’re like a sister to me.” The invisible hand tightened its grip on my pounding heart, crushing it irrevocably.
I blinked a couple of times before coughing to clear my throat with hope that it’ll help me mask the fact that I was close to releasing an angry, sorrowful sob.
“You’re right.” I croaked out, giving my head a small shake as I looked away from him - the sight of his face, the one that I loved so dearly right now made me want to vomit. “I’m drunk, I’m sorry. I-”
“It’s fine.” He generously cut off my stutters.
“Yeah.” I sighed, letting my shoulders fall a little lower as Jungkook lifted his hand off me. “I guess I- I-”
“It’s fine.” He interrupted me again as I was trying to come up with some kind of an explanation for myself. “Let’s just forget about it.” The invisible hand turned into a huge paw that slapped me across the face, making both my cheeks turn bright red.
“Yeah, let’s do that.” I said, feeling glad that the sun had set already and the balcony we were standing on was dark enough that he couldn’t see my flushed face.
“God, that gave me chills.” Jungkook chuckled, shaking his shoulders. I looked up at him, getting ready to hit him right across that smug smile. As he noticed my angry expression he raised his hands in an apologetic gesture. “No offense. It’s just so weird even thinking of thinking of you that way.”
“Yeah, shit.” I stepped backwards, leaning on the railing of the tiny, one square meter balcony. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out onto the buildings surrounding us. How many people out there have been as viciously friendzoned as me tonight? “I guess.” I turned my gaze to my feet and then back up at him. “I’m really drunk.” I added with an apologetic smile. The only way to come out of this situation and still save face was to play along with Jungkook and pretend I was shitfaced beyond the point of understanding.
“I can tell.” He chuckled. My stomach dropped and so did my face. It turned out I didn’t have to act that much to seem shaken up and out of it. Does he know me at all? I looked hazily into the apartment, the party was still in full swing. Why shouldn’t it be? It’s not like anyone knew or even cared what just happened out here.
“I bet I won’t remember any of this tomorrow.” I said and he chuckled again, making a step towards the half open door.
“I won’t remind you.” He said with a silly grin that still made my crushed heart flutter.
“Good.” I pretended to exhale a small laugh as he shook his head and stepped back inside.
Day 1
Thank god for the weekend. After the heartbreaking incident of being ruthlessly friendzoned by my long time crush I needed time to blow some steam off before seeing him again in class on Monday.
On Saturday morning I woke up with a raging hangover from the night before and the bitter memory of Jungkook’s lips on mine. I let myself sulk in bed for over an hour before I forced myself to get up and take a hot shower. I got out of the bathroom feeling like a freshly cooked sausage wrapped in a white towel. My skin was soft and reddened from the temperature of the water that’s been running down my tired body for the past fifteen minutes. As I massaged my favourite flowery lotion into my puffed up face someone knocked on my dorm room door.
“Jungkook, let me in!” The person yelled out as I walked to the door. The sound of my friend’s name made me stop in my tracks. “Jungkook, get your ass up and let me in! Come on!” The pounding on the door grew louder and more frequent with each second.
I twisted the key in the lock and opened the door, not knowing what to expect. Outside I saw an unknown guy, probably close to Jungkook and I in age. He was a little shorter than him, but just as lean and good looking. His light brown hair was down, covering most of his forehead. He was wearing gym clothes and had a big exercise bag draped over his shoulder.
“Finally, I-” His happy expression turned into a surprised one as soon as he laid his eyes on me. Within a second he managed to look my whole figure up and down and as our eyes locked once again he smiled brightly. It wasn’t the same friendly smile though, this time it was an embarrassed one. “Ah, I’m sorry.” He giggled as a light blush spread across his face. It took me another second to realise the cause for his reaction was that I opened the door dressed in nothing but a towel.
If there was one thing dorm living has taught me it was to stop caring so much about what others thought of me. People constantly roamed the halls of my building in pajamas and yesterday’s makeup so I didn’t see anything wrong with opening the door in a mere towel?
“Is- uh- is Jungkook in?” He stuttered out, running his hand through his hair and obviously trying to look everywhere but at me. He must have assumed I was Jungkook’s girl for the night and honestly I still kind of wished I was… 
“Next door.” I muttered and he finally looked at me, wide eyed.
“W-what?” He stammered. I had to admit the sight was amusing.
“He lives next door. This is 201, he’s at 203.” I explained and a look of realisation came over his face as he read the number on my door.
“Ah, right. Sorry.” He chuckled nervously and ran his hand through his hair one more time.
“It’s fine.” I said smiling lightly. He apologised once again and thanked me for the directions before walking away with the cutest look of embarrassment I have ever seen. As I closed the door and went back to drowning myself in lotion and sorrow I heard him call out Jungkook’s name once again as he knocked on his dorm room’s door.
Jungkook and I had many mutual friends simply from the fact that we lived in the same building, on the same floor, next door to each other. Often when we went out with our own groups we still somehow managed to run into one another somewhere throughout the night. Usually whenever that happened we would stick together until the latest of hours and walk back to our campus building together. Jungkook and I, together… I shook my head to snap myself out of the painful daydream and plopped down onto my unmade bed. Why was I still imagining myself with him when he  was so quick to friendzone me last night?
“Siblings.” I scoffed. “What the hell was he even thinking? What was I thinking?” I wondered in confusion.
We’ve known each other for years, it wasn’t weird of me to develop a crush on the boy after some time. We went to the same primary, middle school, high school and now university. I never even thought of him in a romantic or sexual way until he joined the football team at the beginning of the year. I shook my head again, because my mind was already taking me back to the memory of seeing him play for the first time. I turned on my back and sighed deeply.
“Forget it.” I whispered to myself, knowing well that I won’t be able to do that. At least not yet. Running my hand over the soft linens it seemed as if they were calling my name. I closed my eyes ready to drift back into sleep when I actually heard my name being called. I got up on my knees on the bed and leaned on the windowsill, peaking my head slightly out the open window.
“Her name’s (Y/N).” I heard Jungkook’s groggy voice through his cracked window.
“She’s cute.” I recognised the voice of the sandy haired guy who knocked on my door earlier. “Can you give me her number?” As I heard him ask that question I forgot all about my stupid crush on Jungkook for a moment and smiled, looking out the window onto the campus grounds.
“You know she tried to kiss me last night?” My stomach dropped at the sound of Jungkook’s words. I immediately closed the window and reached for my phone. I opened up Spotify and played my Daily Mix on the highest setting. Right as the soothing sounds of Crush’s new single filled my ears I started dressing up.
All I yearned for was the comfort of my grey sweatpants, but I knew that if I were to walk out this door in them I would feel like shit for the rest of the day and do nothing of substance. I cursed under my breath before reaching for a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top. I threw on my favourite hoop earrings and a pair of Nike sneakers. Looking at myself in the mirror that hung on the inside of my wardrobe’s door I nodded in satisfaction. Putting on nice clothes made me feel a bit more motivated to do something other than sulk over being so harshly rejected last night. I pulled out my phone to text my girlfriends to go out for a late breakfast. Right as the screen lit up an unwanted notification appeared at the top of it.
10:47 [Jungkook] can u turn it down pls? im hungover as fuck rt now
I decided upon leaving the text unopened and proceeded with getting ready. I sat down at my desk and started putting my makeup on. With each stroke of a brush, each pat of a beauty blender I felt myself become more and more agitated. He was texting me while dishing to this random guy about how I threw myself at him last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all. Me kissing him, him pushing me away, me being blind enough to assume he would feel something as well… I wasn’t drunk. I drank that night, but then I was barely tipsy. I knew what I was doing when I leaned in and kissed him. Fortunately for me he didn’t know that.
I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out my door shutting it loudly behind myself. Strutting down the corridor of the dorm I decided to reforge all my sadness, embarrassment and anger into something positive. I haven’t told anyone about what happened last night so it was still possible for me to play the ‘too drunk to remember’ front. I texted my girl squad to meet up and put a pair of dark sunglasses on my nose as I walked out of the building into the blinding sunlight.
My best friend Lisa was the first one to arrive at the restaurant I chose for our late breakfast. As she walked my way I knew she knew something was up with me.
“What’s wrong?” She asked sitting down next to me. “And don’t even try to say ‘nothing’.” I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Lisa was the only one I told about my crush on Jungkook in the first place so why not tell her about my failed attempt to make it work with him… Right?
“I kissed Jungkook last night.” I said bluntly and she lapped my arm, gasping.
“No.” She whisper-yelled, leaning towards me. “How was it?” I couldn’t help, but smile a little at her excitement.
“He pushed me away and said we’re practically like siblings.” I whined, remembering his hurtful words. Lisa gasped once again, but this time instead of hitting my arm she rubbed it comfortingly.
“Oh, no. I’m so sorry.” I rested my head on her shoulder and breathed out heavily. Lisa wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug. “It’ll be alright. I know tons of guys that would kill to get kissed by you.”
“I wanted him though.” I whined sitting up straight.
“I know.” She grabbed my hands in hers and smiled brightly. “But hey, there might be something good coming out of this whole situation.” I leaned my head to the side, eyes full of doubt.
“Well, you never moved into the Alpha Psi house even though you’re a sister, because you wanted to be close to your stupid crush. Right?” I looked away, feeling a blush of embarrassment creep onto my cheeks. “And now that he so viciously friendzoned you what’s left keeping you in that disgusting dorm?” I looked back at her with understanding.
“You’re right.” I nodded slowly. “This is actually perfect.” Lisa’s smile grew wider along with the levels of my excitement. “Fuck him, fuck the dorms. I’m moving to Alpha Psi.”
“This is perfect!” Lisa exclaimed, crushing my palms in hers.
“What is?” Both our heads snapped up to see Jennie and Rose, walking up to our table.
“You better sit down before I tell you.” Lisa warned the two girls and they followed her order with intrigued looks on their faces. “(Y/N)’s finally moving in!”
Day 3
I looked around the lecture hall in search of an empty seat. As I scanned the room I noticed a hand waving at me to come over. Focusing my gaze on the person I recognised Jungkook. Walking towards him I ordered myself to stay calm and pretend nothing happened.
“Hey.” I breathed out sitting down beside him.
“Hey, where have you been?” He asked, turning in his seat slightly. “I haven’t seen you all weekend.” The fact that he noticed my absence at the dorms made me feel warm inside, but I quickly waved the feeling off remembering how shit I felt on Friday, all thanks to his smug face.
“Oh, I was at the Alpha Psi house.” I said casually, pretending I didn’t just notice him raising his eyebrows at me suggestively at the mention of my sorority.
“How are your sisters by the way?” He asked, scratching his chin with a dreamy smile on his face.
“Great.” I set my bag on the ground in front of me with a loud thud. “I finally decided to move in with them.”
“Hm, a perfect reason for me to come visit.” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. How did I manage to develop a crush on this guy? He clearly has only one thing on his mind… 
“No luck, Jungkook.” I shot him down. “No boys allowed in the house.” He groaned tiredly and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the professor's commanding voice asking everyone to take their seats.
The old man announced that starting today and until the end of the spring-summer semester in four weeks we will be working on a  project regarding whatever he was teaching. Since I always sat with Jungkook in his classes I ended up never really listening to what he was saying which led me to being totally clueless when he started reading out the topics of individual projects he’ll assign to us.
“Wanna do this together?” Jungkook nudged my side right as the professor said we’ll be working in pairs.
I looked at him with my mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say. Of course I want to do this together! But at the same time the proximity of our bodies was making me sick… 
“I guess-” My answer was cut short as the professor started reading out individual students' names assigning them to specific topics.
“Shit.” Jungkook groaned leaning back in his seat and I smiled lightly, knowing that for now I was saved.
“(Y/Full/N) and Park Jimin.” 
“Ah, really?” Jungkook scoffed. I looked at him, crossing his arms in his seat with an annoyed expression.
“What?” I asked writing down in my phone the name of the boy I had no idea was in this class with me.
“That’s my friend.” He explained and turned towards me with a grin growing across his face. “Switch with me.” I rested my back in my chair weighing the options in my head.
“Who do you have?”
“I don’t know yet.” He shrugged.
“Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung." The professor read out.
“Forget about it.” He shot me down before I could say a word. Taehyung was one of the best students in the class and working with him would definitely earn Jungkook a good grade for the end of the semester.
Day 5
Since Jimin was absent during the lecture the professor assigned the project’s topics I asked Jungkook for his number so I could message him about it. I finally got around to doing it on Wednesday afternoon. I was sitting at a cafe on campus looking through the menu when he texted me back with a proposition to meet up in person. For some reason I felt reluctant towards meeting up with one of Jungkook’s friends. What if he told them about my little kissing escapade? I sighed typing back an ‘okay’ and asking him if he could see me right now, knowing the project won’t just do itself.
17:42 [(Y/N)] im at the cafe in building 23
17:43 [Park Jimin] omw
By the time six rolled up the cafe practically emptied. I sat at a table with two small benches on its sides stirring my iced smoothie with the paper straw. I glided my finger across the laminated menu wondering whether to order now or keep waiting for Jimin, fortunately I didn’t have to wonder for much longer.
“Hey.” My head snapped up as a light brown haired guy sat down across from me. He smiled sweetly, going over my figure shamelessly before looking me right in the eyes. “It’s you.”
“Hey.” I said returning his smile without hesitation. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on why.
“I liked your other outfit better.” He said gesturing to my white flax shirt that I half-tucked to my jean shorts. I raised my eyebrows unsure of what he meant. He grinned, running his hand through his hair slightly embarrassed. “I- uh- the- the towel.”
“Oh, you.” I exclaimed in realisation. “Hi.” He nodded, still smiling. As he moved his head his multiple earrings shined in the cafe’s dim lighting.
“Jimin.” He reached his hand across the table and I took it shaking it lightly.
“(Y/N).” I said holding up a smile despite coming to one more, this time shocking, realisation. This boy was the one Jungkook told about the stupid ‘drunken’ kiss and god knows what else.
“I know.” Jimin released my hand from his with the same sincere smile that seemed more like a devilish grin in my now close to paranoid state. I raised my eyebrows once again, though I already had an idea regarding where he heard about me. Jimin leaned back in his seat, no longer embarrassed. “Your reputation precedes you.”
“Excuse me?” I scrunched my eyebrows somehow feeling that my reputation wasn’t anywhere close to squeaky. “What do you mean by that?” Jimin smirked, scratching his chin.
“You’re a known party girl and…” He made a pause to look away for a second and poke the inside of his cheek with his tongue. When we finally locked eyes again he was grinning cheekily. “Boys talk.”
“Yeah.” I scoffed leaning back on my bench and knotting my arms across my chest. “That I know they do.”
“Mhm.” Jimin hummed and took one of the laminated menus from the table. He scanned the page over casually before speaking up again. “You’re the topic of the day at least once a week.” He said, still reading the menu.
“Amongst?” I squinted at him slightly, wondering about the crowd on which’s lips I am on so often. He glanced up at me quickly before tossing the menu back on the table with that same satisfied smirk plastered across his handsome face.
“My football team for starters.” He put his hands between his legs leaning forward, making his chest touch the edge of the table.
“You play football?” His face expression changed from something along the lines of ‘i know something you don’t know’ to something more… Cocky.
“Yeah.” He leaned back again, resting his back on the wooden bench, his chin elevated slightly. ”With Jungkook.” I nodded slowly, scanning his face with my piercing gaze.
“Huh, I guess I never noticed you.” He appeared to have visibly shrunk for a moment at the sound of my words. Quickly he recollected himself, going back to the confident smile that - I have to admit - fit him perfectly.
“You will from now on then.” He said, cocking his eyebrow at me and I couldn’t stop myself from exhaling a weak chuckle.
“Hopefully for all the right reasons.” I said relaxing my shoulders. There was no reason - other than Jimin possibly knowing everything about my ‘drunken’ mistake from the other night - for me to feel uncomfortable or inferior to him. I decided to keep my front up and pretend, just as much in front of myself as in front of him, that I don’t remember anything that happened last Friday night. “Let’s get started on this hell of a project.”
“Before we do-” He cut me off, putting his arm on the back of the bench he was sitting on. “-I have a question.” I raised my eyebrows at him, taking a long sip from my smoothie. “You’re an Alpha Psi, right?” I smiled leaning back in my seat.
“Mhm.” I simply hummed in answer to his question. Party girl, Jungkook’s friend, sorority sister. What else did he know me as?
“It’s really a miracle we haven’t met before.” He smiled, shaking his head. “I’m in Theta Sigma Phi. Rush Chair.” I widened my eyes at him as he described his position.
“It is a miracle.” My interest in his person grew as I tried to go over all the boys I knew from his fraternity in my head. “I thought I knew all the exec boys from your frat.”
“Must have slipped your mind.” He smiled at me from across the table.
“Must have.” I said, looking into his dark brown eyes. “I just rushed this year so I’m still a baby.” I chuckled lightly.
“Not that much of a baby, Miss Treasurer.” He smiled at me showing his perfect white teeth. He either did his homework before coming to meet me or I was that loud of a bitch that everyone knew who I was and what I did way before I even met them. Either way the fact he knew this much about me when I knew nothing about him made me feel both a little unsettled and excitedly curious. “Rumor has it you’re after the Vice President chair.” My eyes involuntarily turned into small slits as I heard the words ‘vice president’. He noticed the change in my expression and laughed loudly. “They say you’re ambitious.”
“Who says?” I didn’t even try to sound casual as I asked him, reaching for my drink. His smile turned into a cocky grin as he stretched in his seat.
“Jungkook.” I rolled my eyes at the name.
“Of course.” I scoffed. “That boy can’t keep his mouth shut. Say one thing once…” I took a big sip of my icy beverage, trying to calm my nerves.
“Also Jisoo says she wants you as her Vice Prez when she takes over next year.” I choked on the ice as he said the name of the current Vice President of my sorority. “You okay?” Jimin laughed at my reaction.
“When did you talk to Jisoo?” I asked when I finally caught my breath again.
“Uh, sometime over the weekend.” He scratched his head in wonder. “Sunny’s graduating this year and-”
“I know how it works.” I interrupted him angered that he knew so much about my sorority.
“I never said you didn’t.” He raised his hands in an apologetic motion.
“Let’s get on with this project.” I sighed putting my empty glass down and Jimin stood up. I raised my eyebrows looking up at him. “Where are you going?”
“What, you wanted to work here?” He asked, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. I nodded and he shook his head smiling again. “No way, we’re going to your house.”
“Uh, no way.” I looked at him with a satisfied grin, still sitting down. “Alpha Psi does-”
“Doesn’t allow boys inside the house.” He finished my sentence in a joking tone. “I know. I hoped I could trick you.” He chuckled innocently. “Come on, we’ll do this at my house.”
Day 6
Jimin’s P.O.V.
“Should we take a break?” I asked, laying my upper body over the table in my fraternity’s chapter room.
(Y/N) looked over at me from across the table, her face resting in the palms of her hands. The way her body was positioned made her top scrunch up slightly over her chest showing off a bit more cleavage she might have wanted it to. I couldn’t help but imagine her in that skimpy towel I saw her in the first time we met.
“Yes.” She finally breathed out, letting her arms fall on the counter. She quickly straightened up and stretched her hands over her head, bringin the tops material back in its place. “I should go home.”
Looking at the clock I realised it was already ten minutes after midnight. We met to work on our sociology project around six in the afternoon, but spent more than half of the time bonding over our experiences being part of the greek life only starting to gather information and brainstorm about our designated topic about an hour ago.
“I’ll walk you.” I offered standing up from the table as she packed up her belongings.
“I live down the street. There’s no need.” I stretched my arms, nodding slowly.
“If you say so.” I walked her to the door and frowned as the night’s cold wind came through it when I held it open for her. “Wait a second.” I said shutting the door closed.
“What?” She asked behind my back as I was already jumping up the stairs to get to my bedroom.
I rummaged through my closet searching for a clean sweatshirt, preferably one with my name on the back of it. 
“You’re in deep, Jimin.” I chuckled at my own possessiveness. “Coming!” I yelled as I finally found the piece of clothing I was looking for. Skipping down the stairs I pulled a grey hoodie over my head and as I approached (Y/N), waiting for me by the door, I handed her a navy zip-up. “Here. It’s cold.” She took the sweatshirt and zipped it all the way up without a word. “I’ll walk you.”
“Jimin, I literally-” I cut her off breathing out a hiss.
“I’m walking you.” I repeated myself and she just smiled pushing the heavy oak door open. I held the door for her, staying behind to take a look at my masterpiece - ‘Park’ written in golden lettering over her shoulders.
Day 8
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
I was stretching by the coach’s bench before the big game when I noticed her, sitting in the bleachers, fourth or fifth row. She was smiling, talking to a brown haired girl to her right, looking down at her phone.
“(Y/N)!” I called out straightening up. Her head instantly shot up, looking around. I waved and called her name again. Finally her friend pointed her towards me and our eyes met. I gestured for her to come down and rested my elbows on the railing separating the field from the bleachers, waiting as she skipped down the steps with a smile on her face. “What are you doing here?” I asked, leaving out unnecessary greetings and pleasantries.
“Cheering for my university’s team.” She answered resting her palms on each side of my arms. I looked down with a smirk before straightening up and crossing my arms over my chest.
“You mean for me?” I asked and she raised her eyebrow at my teasing comment.
“You wish.” She spat back with a smile. I already opened my mouth to let her know I have to go join my team as the game was about to start when something unexpected happened.
My teammate Jimin came out from the door under the bleachers, he must have just left the locker room. I nodded his way as a sign I’ll be joining him on the field in a minute and he nodded back before quickly averting his eyes from me to (Y/N).  Now, I’m no expert, but his eyes changed when he looked at her. It felt borderline inappropriate. My smile faded as he made his way towards the two of us, eying (Y/N) from head to toe, instead of walking towards the main entrance to the football field. He pushed on the small gate in the railing opening it to walk onto the green grass.
“Hey, (Y/N).” He said walking past her with a cocky smile I knew so well from the many times we went out to bars together to pick up girls.
“Hey.” She smiled back and I swear I never saw her look at anyone like that. I followed Jimin with my gaze as he started jogging to the rest of the team. “Good luck.” My head snapped back to (Y/N) as she smiled at me before walking away to join her friend in the bleachers. With a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach I jogged towards my team. 
“What was that?” I asked standing next to Jimin. He was warming up with some high kicks, but switched to stretching his shoulders when I came over.
“What?” He asked, confusion on his face. I shook my head and also started stretching.
“Why are you talking to (Y/N)?” I asked him bluntly.
“We’re…” He stopped to think of the right word, but when he finally spoke again I wished he hadn’t. “Friendly.” He smiled brightly showing his teeth.
“Friendly?” I scoffed and stopped stretching to rest my hands on my hips. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“What do you mean?” Jimin asked, scrunching his eyebrows as he reached both his hands behind his back to stretch his chest. “We’re doing a project for sociology together.”
“She’s off limits.” I said through gritted teeth, not even looking at him, not caring that the reason behind their ‘friendliness’ might be as simple as them doing a project together.
“What?” He gasped with a chuckle that made my blood come close to boiling. “Since when?”
“Since always.” I finally looked at him again. He had his hands on his hips, mirroring my movements so I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to become visibly bigger. For some reason I wanted to look intimidating right now.
“Boys, positions!” Our coach called out cutting our altercation short.
I jogged towards my spot on the field. As I leaned forward resting my hands on my knees I looked to my left at the bleachers. From this distance I was unable to find (Y/N) in the crowd. I glanced to my right and saw Jimin staring forward, this time nothing but will to win in his eyes.
“(Y/N)’s off limits.” I breathed out jogging next to Jimin towards the opposing team's side of the field. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, her and their meaningful stares. It felt wrong. It felt disgusting. Jimin and her… Over my dead body.
“What?” He panted, glancing at me confused. “You’re still talking about this?”
“She’s practically my sister.” I said looking down at him. Jimin chuckled, his eyes focused on the black and white ball in the distance.
“She’s not though.” He said in a suggestive tone.
“Yeah, well I don’t want you being ‘friendly’ with her anymore.” I hissed, running a little faster to increase the distance between us.
“Oh, fuck off.” I heard him call from behind me. “I’ll be ‘friendly’ as much as I want.” He said catching up to me. “And for the record.” He glanced at me over his shoulder as he ran in front of me now. “I’m not the only one acting ‘friendly’.” He chuckled with a grin and I almost tripped over my own feet.
”What did you just say?” I asked and he chuckled again, turning to face me and jogging backwards for a moment.
“You heard me.” He said, cocking his eyebrow. As he turned forward again I picked up my pace and ran by him hitting him with my shoulder hard enough to make him stumble and almost fall to the ground.
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“I thought you said they were good.” Lisa whined in the seat next to me. I sighed looking at the scoreboard, our university’s team was far behind its rivals and the second half of the game has already started.
“That’s what Jungkook always told me.” I looked around the field looking for my friend and noticed him jogging along the white ‘out’ line. “Jimin said they were in top shape just yesterday.” I added noticing the guy next to him was Jimin himself. “I don’t understand why they’re playing so shit all of a sudden.” I whined, keeping my eyes peeled to the two of them. 
Jungkook picked up his pace leaving Jimin behind, but he quickly joined him by his side. After a couple of seconds he went in front of him, even from this far I could make out his smile. He turned to Jungkook jogging backwards for a moment before facing the right direction again. Then the other one matched his speed and ran over to him hitting him with his shoulder so hard he almost fell to the ground. I gasped.
“What’s going on there?” Lisa asked, straightening up in her seat.
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good.” I said, stretching my neck as far as I could to see more of what was going on on the field.
“Oh, shit.” Lisa hissed as Jimin ran over to Jungkook again. The taller one turned around and pushed him away harshly. “They’re gonna fight.” She said with both excitement and anxiety lining her words.
Fortunately the fight ended right where it started. Jungkook pushed Jimin once again earning himself a yellow card before the coach ran over and separated the two. Jimin kept his cool and walked off to the rest of his teammates shaking his head. 
“This is just sad.” I sighed after the next fifteen minutes passed. Looking at my phone I realised there’s still about twenty minutes until the end of the game, but I didn’t really want to stay any longer.
“Should we go?” Lisa looked at me with begging eyes.
“I kind of want to, but I don’t want to be a dick to Jimin or Jungkook.” I answered her truthfully.
“It’s not like you told them you’re here to support any of them or they invited you or something.” I looked at her with a weak smile as she spoke. She was right. It’s not likeI was here for any of them… Right?
“Alright.” I sighed and grabbed my bag from the floor. “They won’t win anyway. Let’s go.” We stood up and squeezed through the crowded bleachers.
Day 10
Walking to my morning Philosophy class I felt more than happy that I decided to move to the Alpha Psi house. It was located in the Fraternity-Sorority Row that was way closer than my dorm to most of the buildings I had my classes in this semester. Walking by the Theta Sigma Phi house - Jimin’s house - I noticed a familiar car.
“Jungkook?” I asked stopping by the vehicle. The buy peeked his head from behind the car, holding a carton box in his arms. “What are you doing here?” He shut the trunk loudly leaving my question unanswered.” What’s going on?” I asked again, not letting him go without getting an answer.
“I’m moving.” He said simply, locking his car.
“Here?” I pointed my head towards the frat house and he just hummed in agreement. “I didn’t know you were rushing.” I said, beginning to feel uncomfortable in his presence.
“We keep our rush procedures a secret, (Y/N).” My head snapped from Jungkook’s intimidating figure back towards the house.
“Jimin.” I said greeting him with a smile as he approached the two of us. “Congratulations. You got a real good brother on your hands.” I tried to sound as sweet and sincere as I could, unwittingly referring back to the time Jungkook said we were like siblings. “How fun. We’ll be neighbours again.”
“Yeah.” Jungkook answered in a dead tone.
“You need any help?” I asked after a moment, not sure whether I wanted him to agree.
“No.” He shut me down quickly.
“You got my hoodie?” Jimin asked, breaking the awkward silence that settled between Jungkook and I.
“Oh, no.” I whined cutely. “I left it home. I can bring it by after classes if you need it.”
“No need.” He waved me off and I started wondering why he even brought the topic up in the first place. “It looks better on you anyway.” I smiled at his compliment before looking down at my phone and realising the time.
“I have to run.” I sighed, putting my hands in the pockets of my jean shorts. “But if you need anything you know where to find me.” I smiled at him and then averted my eyes at Jungkook who stood in front of me with  the most serious expression. “Both of you.”
Jimin’s P.O.V.
I shamelessly checked (Y/N)’s ass out as she walked away, her jean shorts hugging her hips just perfectly.
“Keep it in your pants.” Jungkook scoffed as he turned to walk towards the house.
“Really?” I asked, still standing on the sidewalk. “Really?” I repeated myself, but he kept walking. “I can’t believe you’re still mad about me hanging out with her.” I called out after him. “She’s not your sister, Jungkook.” He walked inside, shutting the door behind himself loudly.
I sighed unsure of what I should do. Jungkook was my friend and now my frat brother as well, but there were no rules in the guy’s code of honour when it came to  girls your friend felt were like his sister, but really weren’t. There were rules about sisters and other relatives, exes, crushes, but nothing about, well, (Y/N). I already told Jungkook that I had my eye out for her when we first met in their dorm building and he didn’t seem to have any objections then.
“For fuck’s sake.” I sighed as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.
9:59 [Jimin] project tonight?
10:03 [(Y/N)] can’t. chapter meeting.
10:03 [(Y/N)] tomorrow?
10:04 [Jimin] k. ur house
10:06 [(Y/N)] don’t even start
10:06 [(Y/N)] ill b at urs round 5
10:08 [Jimin] i have football til 7
I debated for a moment before sending the next message.
10:10 [Jimin] pick me up from practice? ;)
10:11 [(Y/N)] c u there :*
I exhaled loudly as I read (Y/N)’s answer, making a mental note to myself to work extra hard in practice tomorrow in case she decided to show up earlier.
Day 11
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
I scrolled through my Instagram feed mindlessly as I walked towards the football field. It was already five minutes past seven when I finally made it to my destination. Looking around the vast space I didn’t see any players. I pulled my phone out to text Jimin.
19:05 [(Y/N)] im here
“Hey.” Looking up from my phone I saw Jungkook walking my way with his exercise bag over his shoulder.
“Shit.” I hissed under my breath, totally forgetting Jimin and he were on the same football team. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him, well… Maybe a little. He was so weird the last time I saw him and my heart was still fragile from him rejecting my kiss.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, stopping just a step away from me. “Came to see me?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes at his teasing.
Before I could open my mouth to shoot him some kind of a comeback I heard my name being called from behind his back. He stiffened looking over his shoulder, noticing Jimin walking our way with a bright smile.
“Hey.” I greeted him as he stopped next to Jungkook, the height difference more visible than ever before.
“Hope you didn’t wait long.” He said in a chipper tone, adjusting the hold on his bag.
“I just got here.” I said, reciprocating the smile.
“Let’s go.” Jimin ordered and we both started walking, leaving Jungkook a step behind us. He quickly matched our pace, walking on my right hand side, Jimin on my left.
“Oh, I didn’t notice your text.” Jimin said in an apologetic tone as he scrolled through his notifications. Jungkook raised his eyebrow at me questioningly, but I decided to ignore him. “Honestly, I was hoping you’d come a little early.”
“Why?” Jungkook and I asked in unison, making Jimin chuckle.
“‘Cause.” He averted his gaze to his feet before glancing back at me. “I wanted you to see me play.”
“I just saw you last week. You were pretty bad.” I shot back, giggling lightly.
“Touche.” He scoffed, jokingly shoving my shoulder with his. “We’re playing again at the end of the month.” He stuffed his hands into the front pocket of his sweatshirt. “I’ll make sure to play extra well if you decide to show up.” 
“I’ll think about it.” I teased him, looking away.
“I have something to do at the dorms.” Jungkook muttered before taking a sharp turn right and walking away without any further explanations.
“Uh- Bye.” I called out looking at his back. “What’s with him?” I asked Jimin as we kept walking towards the Fraternity-Sorority Row.
“You tell me.” He shrugged. “We’re not really on talking terms right now.”
“What happened?” I asked, truthfully concerned.
“I don’t know.” He sighed, clearly not wanting to elaborate much on the topic and I didn’t dig further.
Jimin’s P.O.V.
I was ready for us to sit down and relax while pretending we’re doing research, but when (Y/N) pulled out her laptop and started spewing questions at me I knew that was not going to be the case. We ended up almost finishing our Sociology project that night, only thing left was to send out our survey and go through the results in a couple of days.
“Can’t we just forge it?” I asked, rubbing my tired eyes.
“What?” She frowned, scrolling through something on her computer. She was sitting on the couch opposite to me, her hair tied in a messy ponytail at the top of her head. She looked so pretty.
“The results.” I explained, keeping my eyes glued to her chest rising up and falling down rhythmically.
“But then we’ll be done and I won’t have a reason to hang out with you anymore.” She whined sweetly and I chuckled, taken aback by her cheeky answer. I leaned my back against the comfortable couch now looking at her face, her eyes still focused on the screen instead of me. I couldn’t help, but feel jealous.
“Come over whenever.” I said in a low voice. “No reason needed.” 
“I just might.” She smiled, typing something on the keyboard. “Alright.” She slapped her laptop closed. “I’m going home.”
“Already?” I straightened up in my seat.
“It’s close to ten.” She stated, packing up her things.
“Is it?” I asked more myself than her, not realising how fast the time went by. I followed her to the door and held it open for her. “I’ll see you soon, huh?” She hummed in agreement, but stopped mid step as she was walking through the doorway.
“Are you going to the party at Tri Kappa on Friday?” “I am if you are.” I thought to myself and nodded at her in answer. 
“And you?” I asked, trying my hardest to play it cool.
“‘Course.” She said sweetly as she smiled over her shoulder, walking away. “See you, Jimin.”
“See you.” I said, closing the door behind her.
Day 14
Stumbling through the crowded room I felt like throwing up. I definitely drank too much tonight. I walked towards the open door and finally stepped outside onto the open air. The loud music made my ears ring so I shook my head to get rid of the sound. Bad idea. I lost my balance and leaned on the wall beside me. When I finally looked up and scanned my surroundings all I saw was just more drunk people. People on the back porch, people in the pool, people on the lawn. Dancing, drinking, talking.
I inhaled deeply as a flowery smell filled my nostrils. Blinking excessively to make my eyes focus better I looked around for the source of the sweet scent. It didn’t take long since I knew exactly what, or rather who, I was looking for.
“(Y/N)!” I called out, looking at her bare back as she just passed by me with one of her girlfriends draped on her arm. “Hey, girl.” I said grinning as she looked over her shoulder.
When our eyes locked she reciprocated the smile, quickly whispering something to her friend before she walked off. I felt my brain fighting against the alcohol and telling me to act sober as she turned to face me and stepped closer to hug me ‘hello’.
“Hi.” She called elongating the word so it lasted throughout the entirety of your hug.
She lifted her hand off my shoulder slowly, making sure to run it down my bicep briefly. When we were no longer touching I felt intoxicated in a totally different way than I did a moment earlier. Her skin… It was just too much for me to handle in the drunken state I was in.
“Come here often?” She laughed at my  stupid pick-up line and my smile grew wider as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“Only when you’re around.” She answered cheekily.
“Smooth.” I nodded at her quick response and had to stop myself from turning into a giggly, blushing mess when she shoved my arm jokingly. “You want something to drink?” She barely started lifting her hand in which I noticed she held a half empty cup of something when I heard my name being called.
“Jimin!” I looked over (Y/N)’s shoulder onto the crowded garden and saw my friend and frat Vice Prez Namjoon, drunk out of his mind, gesturing for me to come over. “Beer pong!” He yelled towards me. We had this unwritten rule among our frat brothers that whenever one of us called another one to play a drinking game, especially Beer Pong, the other one just had to join. He just had to. “Now!” I sighed, letting my shoulders sink as I wanted to stay and talk to (Y/N) just a little bit longer.
“I have to go.” I whined sadly. “I wish I didn’t though.” I said in a low voice, gliding my hand over (Y/N)’s waist as I walked by her. She grabbed my forearm with her soft palm and my head snapped back to her ignoring Namjoon’s voice in the background.
“I wanna play too.” She said smiling sweetly. I muttered a soft ‘okay’ and grabbed her hand to guide her through the mass of sweaty people.
“Boys vs. girls.” I stated as we got to the ping-pong table. “Fuck off.” I growled at the two strangers standing on the side of the table opposite Namjoon's.
“Who do we have here?” He asked walking up to (Y/N) and I.
“Namjoon, meet (Y/N).” I introduced her, bringing my arm around her shoulders. “Next year’s Alpha Psi’s Vice Prez.” 
“Don’t jinx it.” She nudged my side teasingly.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N).” Namjoon smiled. “You got someone to be on your team?”
“She does.” Someone said and before I knew it (Y/N) slipped from under my arm and into her friends hug. “Lisa.” The girl introduced herself briefly with a cocky smile.
“Alright, let’s get it.” I said, rubbing my hands together.
“House rules: If you don’t drink you do a dare.” Namjoon said, smirking as we took our positions on opposite ends of the table.
“Of what kind?” Lisa asked, stretching her arms in front of her.
“Winner’s choice.” He answered her, picking up the white plastic ball.
Day 15
(Y/N) and Lisa were surprisingly good at the game. They were knocking out our cups one by one and spitting dares left and right. When we managed to shoot our ball into one of their cups they drank it without hesitation, not even wanting to hear our stupid dares.
“Yeah!” I exclaimed as my shot made it into one of their many plastic cups.
“Dare! Dare! Dare!” Namjoon called out repeatedly and I just raised my eyebrows at (Y/N) standing with her arms across her chest on the other end of the table.
“Fine.” Lisa chuckled and Namjoon cheered drunkenly.
“I dare you to take a shot of (Y/N)’s stomach.” He blurted out and she rolled her eyes at him with a laugh.
“Get on here.” She asked her pointing to the table.
I gulped loudly as (Y/N) layed down on the wobbly table, lifting up her shirt to reveal her stomach. Lisa placed a half full shot glass over her belly button as (Y/N) put a quarter of a lime between her lips. Lisa leaned over her friend’s stomach grabbing the glass with her lips and jerked her head backwards swallowing the contents of it in one, swift go. Later she grabbed the glass with her hand and put her other palm on the back of (Y/N)’s head as she lifted herself up on her elbows, still lying on the table. As their faces inched closer Lisa bit on the lime (Y/N) was holding between her teeth as a chaser.
“That was hot.” I muttered and Namjoon hit my back with his open palm laughing.
“Our turn.” (Y/N) exclaimed, tucking her shirt back into the front of her short skirt.
“Uh, house rules.” Namjoon cut her off with an evil smile. “Winner’s get a second turn after you take the dare.” 
“This isn’t even your house.” She protested, chuckling.
“Yeah, well I started the game so… My rules.” He explained himself poorly and shot his shot. “Fuck yeah!” He yelled out, making it into one of the girls’ cups once again.
“Dare.” (Y/N) said without hesitation.
(Y/N) stumbled down the front steps of the Tri Cappa house, chuckling to herself. 
“Sorry.” She mumbled as she bumped into me. I smiled looking up at her as I was sitting on the wooden steps, trying to collect myself before walking home.
“L- leaving already?” I asked with hiccups interrupting my words. She nodded, pulling her phone out of her skirt’s pocket.
“Shit, it’s three already.” She inhaled sharply, not realising the time.
“I’ll walk you.” I said, slowly pushing myself up from the ground. She didn’t protest though her house was less than a minute away.
“You’re drunk.” She chuckled and I gave her a serious glare.
“You’re drunk.” I shot back and she chuckled again, looking at my stupid expression.
“Walk with me.” She asked, grabbing my arm and pulling me to her side.
Wishing I could be glued to her like this forever I walked with her through the front lawn of the frat house and right into her sorority’s front garden. We climbed up the front two steps onto the elevated porch and she let go of me, grabbing in the golden door handle.
“Oh.” She looked at me over her shoulder and I felt myself become sober all of a sudden. “I still have your sweatshirt.”
Before I could think twice my hands were already on the sides of (Y/N)’s neck, pulling her face towards mine, making our lips crash in a sloppy excuse of a kiss. I tried to move my mouth in sync with her’s, but couldn’t, resulting in me practically kissing her chin as she chuckled.
“What?” I breathed out, also starting to laugh as she rested her hands on my hips.
“You’re drunk.” She snickered against my lips.
“You’re drunk.” I spat back, still holding her close to me.
“Yeah, but that was so bad.” (Y/N) giggled, grabbing on the bottom hem of my shirt.
“Okay, fuck you.” I laughed stepping away.
“No, wait.” She smiled, pulling on my shirt. “Try again.” She pleaded, bringing her face close enough to mine that our lips almost touched as she spoke.
“Give me a second.” I said, cupping her face in my hands. “Close your eyes.” I asked her as she stared at me through her half lifted lids. She followed my order, still smiling. I leaned my head forward kissing her lightly.
As our lips touched again she reciprocated the kiss in a way I just imagined she would. Our tongues moved in unison, her hands travelled up my sides and to my chest. After a blissful moment of feeling her mouth on mine I could feel her smile into the kiss.
“Stop.” I breathed out against her lips before she started giggling again.
“I’m sorry.” She said, backing away slightly. “Just- just keep-” I cut her off connecting our mouths again.
I pulled the covers over my head as the bright sunlight made its way into my bedroom. I licked my chapped lips, still feeling the bitter taste of alcohol in my throat. I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids when it hit me.
I made out with (Y/N) last night.
Instantly I sat up in my bed, but quickly laid back down again as my stomach rose up in my chest. I reached for my phone,but couldn’t find it on my night stand.
I made out with (Y/N) yesterday.
I fell out of bed and onto the cold wooden floor with a loud thud, wrapped in bed sheets. I frantically looked through my jeans pockets and finally found my phone.
I kissed (Y/N).
As I tried to unlock the device its screen stayed black for a moment before I saw an image of an empty battery pop up. I quickly crawled to the desk in the corner of the room and connected my phone to power.
“What are you doing?” My head snapped to Namjoon. He was laying in his bed on the other side of the room, elevating himself on his elbows, staring at me with amusement.
“I made out with (Y/N) last night.” I blurted out without thinking.
“Congrats.” He said simply, prior to falling onto the mattress and drifting back to sleep.
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
My eyes fluttered open slowly at the sound of my alarm clock. I felt an overwhelming pain forming in my head as the buzzing went on for a good minute. When I finally turned the thing off I was already too awake to fall back asleep. I slowly sat myself up in my bed, wrapping the covers around my cold shoulders.  Entangled in the blankets I reached for my phone to scroll through social media. My phone chimed in my hand making me frown at the abrupt sound. I squinted reading the text on the screen.
11:32 [Jimin] u up?
“Huh?” I groaned. “Lisa?” I called out my best friend's name, making her turn in her bed. “Lisa, check this out.” I slowly walked from my bed to hers, plopping down lazily next to her. “Look.” I put the phone up to her face. She scanned the screen with half open lids and looked up at me with confusion.
“What do you want from me?” She asked and I sighed, remembering I haven;t yet told her what happened between Jimin and I last night.
“Jimin walked me home last night and we made out on the porch.” I spoke as I rubbed my tired eyes. “And it wasn’t like- he wasn’t like- well, it was more-” I sighed, unable to voice my feelings. “It was kind of romantic.”
“Are you sure?” She asked with her eyes closed. “Would he test ‘u up?’ if it was really romantic?” Was she right? I didn’t want her to be.
“What should I do?” I asked her. “I am ‘up’.” Lisa chuckled at my annoyed tone.
“I don’t know.” She whined, turning away. “Text him back, or don’t.”
I looked at the screen. There were no dots in the corner that would signal Jimin was about to write another message.
11:42 [(Y/N)] im up
Not more than ten seconds passed before he texted me back, the contents of the message made my stomach turn.
11:42 [Jimin] i need to talk to u
11:42 [Jimin] can u come over?
“Oh, no.” I scoffed. I was not going to walk all the way down the street just to get rejected again. The PTSD after Jungkook was still all too fresh.
11:45 [(Y/N)] cant u?
11:45 [Jimin] omw
I squealed, hiding my face in my hands.
“He’s coming over.” I muttered, feeling Lisa turn under the blankets beside me. 
“What?” She asked, sounding awake all of a sudden.
“He’s coming here.” I repeated, standing up quickly. “I need to get myself together.”
“Brush your teeth!” Lisa called behind me as I ran out of the room.
11:59 [Jimin] come on down
I ran my hand through my hair and exhaled loudly.
“Just stay calm, dude.” I said to myself. “Stay calm.” I turned away from the front door, glancing over the garden, the sorority houses always had them look better than the frats.
My head snapped back to the door as I heard the lock turn. (Y/N) stepped outside wearing the shortest gym shorts and a t-shirt with her sorority’s name on it. I bit my lip, running my eyes from her feet to her face as she leaned on the red brick wall of the house.
“Hi.” She said sweetly and I smiled lightly hearing her voice.
“Hey.” I answered, feeling my shoulders tense up a little. “Can I come-”
“Sorry, Jimin.” She cut me off almost immediately, an apologetic look on her face. “No boys-”
“No boys allowed.” I finished her sentence smirking. “I know. Can’t blame me for trying.” I joked, but at this point she wasn’t looking at me anymore.
Her eyes were focused on something behind me. I turned to look over my shoulder when another guy passed by me.
“Hey, (Y/N).” He said opening the door.
“Hi, Hoseok.” She answered.
“Wha-” I looked between them both in utter shock.
“No boys, dude.” He said shooting me a superior stare. “Men can come in though.”
“Excuse me?” I scoffed as he chuckled, shutting the door behind himself.
“Don’t mind him.” (Y/N) sighed, putting her hand on the golden handle. “There’s an exception for boyfriends.”
“Well then we should talk inside.” I stepped closer, putting my hand on hers gripping the door handle.
“What?” She asked, her smile growing wider.
“You know what.” I leaned towards her so that our chest touched and she exhaled a small chuckle. “Stop laughing at me.” I tried to sound serious, but her attitude was infectious and I was already smiling.
“I can’t.” She snickered, covering her mouth with her free hand. “I’m sorry.”
“Goddamnit, girl.” I sighed, stepping away. I put my hands on my hips and looked at the street before turning back towards her - a giggling mess, leaning on the front wall of the house.
“Why are you here?” She finally asked me, still smiling, but no longer chuckling.
“I wanted to talk to you.” I said, stepping closer once again. “About last night.”
“What about it?” She asked, cocking her eyebrow at me.
“I liked it.” I said leaning my face closer to hers, putting my hands on either sides of her shoulders on the wall behind her.
“Mhm.” I sighed at her half-ass answer. “And?” This time I raised my eyebrow at her teasingly.
“And I wanna do it again.” I said, looking deeply into her shining eyes.
“Why don’t you?” My body reacted faster than my brain when I heard her words. Within a second our lips were connected again and I was tasting the sweet cherry taste of her chapstick.
“Wait.” She breathed out against my lips and I pulled away, only a centimeter. “I don’t- I don’t wanna be fuck buddies or anything like that. I’m not really-”
“Me neither.” I cut her off, scanning her face hungrily.
“Then what do you want?” She asked and I smiled at the sweet pleading audible in her voice.
“I wanna be exclusive.” I cupped her soft face in my hands. “With you.” My hand travelled up to her forehead where I brushed a loose piece of her hair behind her ear, watching her face carefully for any switch in emotion, but there was none. She was still smiling, looking me in the eye with the softest of gazes. I fluttered my eyelids slowly, feeling a soft blush come onto my cheeks. “I think it’d be really cute.”
“You think?” She asked, letting her eyelashes fall a little lower, making her expression change from sweet to sultry in an instant.
“Don’t dodge my questions.” I said in a jokingly warning tone, smiling a little wider. She raised her eyebrow at me, coming back to the cute teasing vibe.
“You didn’t ask a single-” I shook my head and put my thumb on her bottom lip.
“Just say ‘Yes, Jimin. I’ll be your girlfriend.” I moved my finger, making her lips open and close as I pretended she said what I wanted to hear from her so badly.
With my finger still over her now closed lips she smiled sweetly and pressed on the door handle.
“You should come in.” She said opening the door with one hand and pulling me in by the hem of my shirt. Her hands travelled to mine as she walked backwards with her eyes focused on me.
“(Y/N), no boys in-” A female voice called out as soon as I stepped through the threshold of the sorority house. I didn't even have time to look over at whoever was speaking, because (Y/N) grabbed my hand and led me up the grand staircase.
“He’s my boyfriend.” She called out casually to the other girl and I cocked my eyebrow at her teasingly.
“Am I now?” I asked, looking up at her a couple of steps higher than me.
“Shut up.” She chuckled, glancing down at me.
Day 17
I looked around the lecture hall I haven’t been in for ages. In search of an empty seat I scanned the room finally noticing (Y/N). She was sitting in the back, with her feet on the chair, knees up to her chest, scrolling through her phone mindlessly.
“Hey, babe.” I breathed out sitting in the empty seat beside her. She looked up at me confused, as if she was expecting for someone else, but quickly her surprised expression turned into a happy one.
“Hey.” She said sweetly, leaning over to give me a kiss. “I swear this is the first time I’ve seen you in this class.” She chuckled going back to her phone.
“Because this is my first time in this class.” I explained, unashamed about the fact.
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
I pushed open the lecture hall’s door and my eyes immediately shot up  to scan through the back seats where I would usually sit with (Y/N). I quickly found her sitting in the very last row, but was unpleasantly surprised not to notice an empty seat beside her and even more than surprised when I recognised the guy sitting next to her was none other than my best friend Jimin. Did she just break our unspoken agreement of holding a seat for each other in our shared classes for him? For him? Shaking my head I walked towards the first empty seat I saw and pulled out my phone.
11:13 [Jungkook] >:(
11:15 [(Y/N)] what?
11:15 [Jungkook] figure it out
I tapped my foot nervously looking at the three moving dots in the corner of my screen. After a moment they disappeared and I sighed in annoyance. After a couple minutes of patient waiting I decided to take the matter into my own hands.
11:24 [Jungkook] ok ill tell u. u didnt save a seat for me and i had to sit in the front row
11:26 [(Y/N)] i did save u a seat. jimin just came i and took it xd
11:26 [Jungkook] shouldve chased him away
11:27 [(Y/N)] i will next time
I smiled for a moment at the small victory, but it’s sweet taste didn’t drown out the bitterness I still felt inside. I haven’t really spoken to Jimin since arguing with him at our match last week. I’ve had more than enough time to think about what both him and I said that day, but I didn’t. In actuality I decided to ignore the way I felt and with that, ignore Jimin… But now, faced with him and (Y/N) looking ‘friendly’, as he put it, sitting together in the back of the class I couldn’t push it all down anymore. Before I could stop myself my thoughts took me back to the moment I saw (Y/N) in the bleachers at last week’s game. I was so happy to see her. Why?
I shook my head, trying to stop myself from thinking it, but it seemed impossible. We’re friends. We’ve always been friends. I literally friendzoned her like two weeks ago I can’t- I don’t- I… I looked over my shoulder towards the back of the room. She was still sitting next to Jimin, showing him something on her phone. They were close, awfully close.
Turning back forward to face the professor’s presentation I tilted my head trying to find an explanation for why I was so upset by that. An explanation other than the obvious that came to my mind.
Day 22
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
I skipped down the dark wooden staircase typing up a text in the groupchat I had with my best girlfriends. I walked to the heavy oak door and pulled on the goldish handle. The door made a loud creaking noise as it always did. I already told Jimin about a hundred times they should get it fixed, but he never brought the issue up with their House Manager.
“(Y/N)?” I heard someone call my name from behind me. I turned in place and my eyes were met with the familiar warmth of Jungkook’s brown irises. I smiled looking at him, standing with a clueless expression in the middle of the living room to my left.
“Hey.” I said sweetly, not letting go of the cold metallic handle.
Somehow I forgot Jungkook also lived here. I came here so often to see Jimin and never saw him here so it just… Slipped my mind.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, taking a couple of steps closer.
“Well, I was just leaving.” I pointed to the door with my phone in my hand, playing dumb. He shook his head with a slight smile and I realised my heart didn’t flutter at the sight as it used to just a couple of weeks ago.
“Yeah, but why?” He asked, stepping closer.
“Oh, Jimin.” I said with a chuckle of pretend realisation. Jungkook’s face seemed to have dropped a little as he heard my vague explanation.
“Oh.” He sighed, still looking me in the eyes.
“I haven’t seen you in a long time.” I said leaning on the half open door and he scratched the back of his neck and again… Nothing. Not even one butterfly in my stomach at the sight of his flexing bicep or his small bunny-like smile.
“Yeah, I guess.” He leaned on the door frame. The proximity in which we stood meant nothing to me at this point and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. Am I really over this boy? Wow.
“How’s the fraternity life?” I asked smiling up at him, the soft summer’s breeze came through the door ruffling his fringe a little.
“It’s… Good.” He finally answered, unconvincingly.
“I’m glad.” I said, not really wanting to hear more from him right now. “Actually, I have a question.” I took a step outside and he turned to the side to still see me while leaning on the tall door frame. “Are you going to be here tomorrow night?” I turned back towards him, flipping my hair over my shoulder. “At the party I mean.”
“I live here, so… Yeah.” He sighed. Why did he sound so goddamn tired? “Why?” He asked, putting his hands in his pockets and flexing his arms ever so slightly - a trick boys did to make their muscles seem bigger when talking to a girl. I smiled at his silly actions.
“I didn’t want to be here alone, that’s all.” I lied swiftly.
“Well, Jimin’s gonna be here as w- wait.” He squinted his eyes at me. “You’re thinking of going?”
“Yeah.” Jungkook raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly. “Don’t look so surprised.” I added with a chuckle, taking a step away from him and towards the steps down from the big front porch. “I’m a known party girl with a reputation to uphold.”
“Yeah, but not in the week prior to finals.” He said smiling at me with disbelief.
“Well, tomorrow is kind of… Mandatory for Alpha Psis.” As I finished my sentence I turned my back to the boy and skipped down the three steps from the stone porch to the paved lane.
“Who are you?” He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest, again flexing his arms.
“Your worst nightmare from now on.” I said shooting him a serious glare over my shoulder before walking away making sure to sway my hips a little harder than usual. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you, Alpha Psi.” He called from behind my back and for the entirety of my walk down the lane connecting his frat house to the sidewalk of the street I didn’t hear him close the heavy oak door.
Day 23
The moment I heard Lisa’s footsteps on the wooden floor of the corridor separating our bedrooms I knew she was going to accuse me of underdressing or something of that sort.
“Really?” She said, sitting down on my bed behind me as I put my large hoop earrings on, standing by the full length mirror leaned by one of the walls of my bedroom.
I eyed her outfit in the reflection and bit my lip. She was wearing skin tight black shorts with fishnet tights underneath. Her band t-shirt was half tucked into her bottoms, revealing the thick leather belt holding them up. To top it off she wore a pair of heavy combat boots that gave her at least an extra five centimeters of height.
“Okay, help me.” I said letting my arms fall to my sides in resignation as her gaze drilled into my back mercilessly. 
“It’s… Fine.” She said gesturing to my figure dressed in a tight mini skirt and spaghetti-strap crop top, both in black just like what she was wearing. “Maybe with different shoes?” She said more to herself than me as she looked at my thigh high boots. I rested my hands on my hips, looking at her warningly. She knew well that I hated it when she commented on my style. “Okay, okay. Just one thing. Just try it and if you don’t like it go as you are and I won’t say a thing.” She murmured walking to my closet. She rummaged through the boxes of shoes at the bottom of it and pulled out a bright orange one.
“Nike’s?” I asked, taking the box and sitting down at my bed.
“And these.” She tossed a pair of white Nike socks from my dresser and I chuckled. It was so her style - wearing a sexy outfit with a pair of branded sneakers of an opposite colour.
I took off my high heeled boots and slipped on the comfortable sock and sneakers. Their bright white colour contrasted well with the darkness of my outfit. I scanned the whole thing in the mirror and nodded to myself.
“Okay, you were right.” I finally said and she nodded in satisfaction. “This time.” I added wagging my finger at her jokingly.
“Girls! We’re leaving in a minute!” One of your sorority sisters called from downstairs.
Since becoming part of the greek life I rarely went to parties alone and tonight was no exception. All the Alpha Psi’s were going to show out tonight at the annual ‘finals start off’ party at the Theta Sigma Phi fraternity house - also known as Jimin and Jungkook’s house. Living in the Fraternity-Sorority Row we didn’t have to take a car to get there. We walked out of our house in an intimidating formation - close to thirty girls walking down the street, dressed to the nines with bottles of champagne and whatever other alcohol in their hands, making people take second glances as we strutted on the hard asphalt.
With Lisa holding my hand and giggling about something into my ear I walked confidently through the open oak door. As I’ve been to the house many times before I led us straight to the kitchen to get us both a glass, or better a bottle of something strong. As I was about to grab a bottle of tequila from the counter I heard my name being called through the loud music.
“(Y/N)?” I turned around and locked eyes with Jungkook. The hair he had tied in a messy bun at the top of his head yesterday was falling on the sides of his face in soft waves right now. He looked me up and down, exhaling loudly. “What happened to you?” Not getting an immediate answer he shook his head and walked up to me, opening his arms.
Shocked by the sudden hug I reciprocated the motion letting my hand travel down his back. As he pulled away he noticed Lisa by my side and with his arm still draped around my shoulder he introduced himself to her and vice versa.
“So, what happened?” He pressed, still looking at me with a mixture of confusion and satisfaction lining his eyes. From where he was standing he probably had the perfect view down my skimpy top, but I couldn’t care less. “You look fucking great.” He breathed out heavily and both Lisa and I giggled.
“As I always do.” I shot back with a smirk waving his hand off my shoulder.
“Of course.” He quickly assured me. “Honestly.” He shook his head looking at me with his doe-like eyes. “I didn’t think you’d actually show up.”
“I told you: Alpha Psi’s are coming. And since I am one…” I shrugged and smiled lightly at him. “I’m here.”
“And I’m so fucking pleased you are.” He said smiling down at me with his bunny teeth. 
“Ladies.” Another voice called, this time from behind our backs. “Hey, Lisa.”
“Jimin.” She exclaimed with a bright smile and kissed the boy on the cheek as he approached her.
“(Y/N).” He said, turning towards me with nothing but adoration in his shining irises. “Beautiful as always.” I smiled at his compliment and kissed his cheek lightly as his hand glided down my waist only to stop right above my butt to rest there comfortably. “I’m happy you made it girls.” He looked at our empty hands and then at Jungkook. “Jungkook…” He hummed disapprovingly. “You haven’t offered our guests drinks?” He asked in a scolding tone before looking at Lisa and I with his eyebrow raised. “The usual?” We both confirmed and he reached to the counter beside him to make us drinks.
I couldn’t help, but realise that Jungkook stiffened standing next to me. I also couldn’t help, but let myself wonder for a moment why he did that. Was he angered by something? Uncomfortable maybe? Was it me? Was it the fact that if we hadn’t bumped into each other yesterday he wouldn’t even know I was coming? Was it because I was close with his best friend, his fraternity brother? Closer than I’ve ever been with him even though we’ve known each other for barely a couple of weeks when Jungkook and I went as far back as primary school… 
“Here you go. With double shots.” Jimin said, passing us both plastic blue cups. I immediately took a sip of the bitter mixture, letting my throat burn as I swallowed the liquid.
“You girls want a tour of the place?” Jungkook asked in a cocky tone, leaning on the kitchen island with his arms across his chest, biceps flexed.
“Ah, Lisa maybe.” Jimin answered him before any of us could open our mouths. “(Y/N)’s been here tons of times.” Jungkook’s eyes travelled between Jimin and I frantically as his friend spoke. “She knows the place like her own.” He bumped my shoulder with his own shooting me a knowing grin, before wrapping his arm around my figure, pulling me close. I reciprocated the expression without hesitation, despite feeling Jungkook’s fiery gaze on me.
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
“So you’re here often?” I asked, tightening my crossed arms over my chest.
“Mhm.” (Y/N) hummed as she took another sip of her drink.
“Why?” I blurted out, not caring how rude that might have sounded.
“Why wouldn’t she be when her boyfriend lives here?” Jimin asked rhetorically and I raised my eyebrows, looking between the both of them, trying to hide my shock.
“You’re dating?” I asked, wishing that they’d just say they were joking and it was all a bad prank, but no. (Y/N) smiled lightly my way before averting her eyes to Jimin, her lips moved and so did his, but I didn’t hear them. Suddenly I noticed his hand resting on the small of her back and thought back to the moment when he asked me for her number a couple of weeks back, to the moment she got him as her project partner in Sociology, the moment when I saw her in the stands at our game. How could I be so goddamn stupid?
Day 24
I stumbled through the front door onto the porch of the house. I looked at the concrete lane leading to the street and suddenly felt really dizzy. Holding onto the railing I slid down the front steps and walked the front lawn. I sighed deeply before bending down and puking onto the ground. I heard someone squirm in the background, but I couldn’t care less about whoever saw me right now. All I cared about was the sweet sound of (Y/N)’s voice ringing in my head. She called my name over and over again.
“Jungkook.” I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I quickly straightened up, which turned out to be a huge mistake since it made my head spin ten times faster than it was before. “Woah. Hold up.” Small soft hands grabbed on both of my shoulders holding me in place. I fluttered my eyes open trying to focus my vision on the person before me.
“(Y/N)?” I asked unsure if it was really her.
“Yeah.” She said, frowning at me.
In that moment I remembered all the times we walked to our dorm together - sometimes not talking, sometimes holding each other up as we were too drunk to walk straight by ourselves, sometimes holding hands… How I missed it.
“You have someone to walk you to your dorm tonight?” She chuckled at my ridiculous question.
“Don’t worry.” She said pulling on my arm and guiding me back towards the house. “I came here with an army of girls. One of them is bound to be walking back to the house when I’ll be.” She sat me down on the steps and stood in front of me with her arms across her chest.
“I’d love to see that house of yours.” I said grinning up at her and she exhaled a small laugh.
“I bet you would.” She said with a smirk. “Don’t move okay. I’ll be right back.” She walked back inside the house before I could come up with even a word of protest.
I put my face in my hands. My forehead was sweaty. I felt disgusted with myself. Did I just puke in front of (Y/N)? When the realisation hit me it was too late to do anything about it. I wiped my face with the sleeve of my t-shirt and shivered in the night's cold wind.
“Seokjin’s coming to drag you upstairs.” I jumped up at the sound of her voice as she stepped in front of me again. I opened my mouth to apologise for my behaviour, but nothing of that sort ended up coming out of it.
“You and Jimin… Are dating.” I muttered, looking up at her through my half open eyes. (Y/N) just hummed in agreement to my statement, which made me even more aggravated. “You come here often to see him and never to see me.” She just stood there with her arms over her chest, looking at me with her beautiful eyes. “Beautiful, shiny eyes.” I tried to stand up, but she pushed me down by my shoulder and since I couldn’t really hold my balance well I fell back down onto the steps. I blinked repeatedly to focus my eyes on her. “Say something.”
“Like what?” She asked immediately with a pretectional smile. “You’re really drunk, Jungkook.”
“Not that.” I groaned, resting my head on the railing next to me. “Say- I don’t know.” I sighed, feeling close to puking again. “Uh, I can’t hate you.” (Y/N) frowned at the sound of that word.
“Why would you?” She asked, tightening her arms around herself. I looked up into her eyes and knew that though I was drunk beyond understanding this was the right moment to tell her everything.
“Hey, big guy.” I felt a pat on my back and leaned forward at the impact. “Let’s get you to bed.” Jin pulled me up and put my arm over his shoulder. Feeling my stomach rise to my throat I thought it was the safest option to keep my mouth shut and concentrate on moving my legs in unison with his. I glanced towards (Y/N) one more time before Jin dragged me back inside the house. She looked disappointed.
Day 26
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“I’m telling you he’s pissed.” Jimin whispered in a conspiratorial tone.
We were sitting together in the back of the lecture hall, waiting for the professor to call our names and read out our grades for the project, pretending we’re listening to his words of praise or disapproval as he was grading other students before us when in fact we were both focused on Jungkook, who was sitting a couple of rows ahead of us. Unfortunately we couldn’t read much out of his back and broad shoulders.
“He was pissed when I said we’re friends, now he’s pissed we’re more.” Jimin added, shifting closer to me in his seat.
“No way.” I whispered back, sure of my words.
“(Y/N), I’m not kidding.” We looked at each other and I realised how serious he felt about the matter. “He hasn’t spoken to me since that one game you came to.”
“He’s got some fucked up siblings syndrome, that’s all.” I brushed him off unconvincingly. Jimin shook his head, shifting his gaze back to the back of his best friend’s head.
“I think it’s more.” He bit his lip.
“What do you mean?” I asked, scrunching my brows.
“I think he’s jealous.” He explained and I barely stopped myself from scoffing out a chuckle.
“Of what?” Jimin looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised, as if he was challenging me to guess the answer.
“You.” He finally breathed out.
“No.” I shot him down immediately. “He’s the one that friendzoned me, remember?” I added, cringing at the memory of going through that rejection and then telling Jimin all about it when we started dating. “Why would he be-”
“Maybe he changed his mind.” He interrupted me before I could finish my sentence and I shook my head in disbelief.
“Don’t think so.” Jimin sighed at my answer. It seemed there was no way to convince him he wasn’t right. “And even if he did it’s a little too late for that.” I added, shoving his shoulder with mine jokingly before planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“It’s still weird.” He said after a moment. “I want my best friend back, but he’s acting like a total asshole.” I sighed, knowing how hard it must be for him.
“I know.” I rubbed his hand as I held it in mine. “If there was anything-”
“Actually, there is.” He cut me off though I haven’t finished my declaration of help yet. “You could, you know, ask him.”
“Ask him what? If he likes me?” I looked at him with a bit of aversion.
“Yeah.” His voice sounded so timid all of a sudden I didn’t know what to say to him. 
For the next ten minutes Jimin and I worked on drafting the perfect message to send to Jungkook, but ended up typing up the shortest of the ones we thought of. Long paragraphs weren’t really our thing anyway.
11:35 [(Y/N)] are u mad at jimin?
11:35 [Jungkook] no
11:35 [(Y/N)] he thinks ur mad at him and it makes him sad
Jimin shoved my shoulder as I sent the message before consulting him.
“You are though.” I said, rubbing his leg comfortingly and he just sighed.
11:35 [Jungkook] im not
11:35 [(Y/N)] then why are u avoiding him
11:36 [Jungkook] im not
11:36 [(Y/N)] u are
11:36 [Jungkook] no
11:36 [(Y/N)] Jungkook come on
11:36 [(Y/N)] are u mad at me then?
11:37 [Jungkook] no
11:37 [(Y/N)] then what the fuck is up with u?
11:37 [Jungkook] nothing
11:37 [(Y/N)] bull
11:37 [(Y/N)] talk to me
11:37 [(Y/N)] now
11:38 [Jungkook] can u see me after class?
11:38 [(Y/N)] yes
11:38 [Jungkook] without Jimin
11:38 [(Y/N)] okay
“Why’d you say that?” Jimin hissed into my ear.
“Because.” I locked my phone so he couldn’t read my text over my shoulder anymore. “He’s clearly not feeling confident about himself right now. I’ll just talk to him for a minute and that’s it.” Jimin bit his lip. He looked concerned. “Don’t worry. You’ll have your friend back in no time.”
“It’s not that.” He shook his head and grabbed my hand in his. “I’m worried he might actually like you and-”
“And then what?” I asked, also beginning to feel a little nervous right now. “It’ll be awkward for a while and then it will all go back to normal.” I squeezed his hand and took my other one to cup his chin, bringing his gaze up to meet mine. “I swear.”
Jimin and I walked out of the lecture hall with almost a hundred percent for our project. I gave him a quick kiss before he left to go to his next class and I went on to talk to Jungkook. The other boy, though along with his project partner he got the best grade in our year, walked out the lecture hall’s door with his head down and shoulders sunk by the weight of his backpack.
“You okay?” I asked as he walked up to me with a more than tired expression. Instead of saying something he just shrugged. I brought my eyebrows into a slight frown looking at him. Who was he? Not the Jungkook I fell for months ago, that’s for sure. “So? Tell me. What’s up?” I pressed him as we stood in the, now empty, hallway. Jungkook sighed deeply before opening his mouth.
“Can we walk?” He asked weakly and I nodded.
We walked outside of the building and slowly made our way through the campus grounds. I let us spend around two or three minutes in silence before I spoke again.
“So?” I started vaguely.
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
When we were texting during class I felt ready, but now faced with the situation telling (Y/N) how I felt seemed like an impossible task.
“So?” She asked again as we walked through the campus.
I looked up into the sky breathing in and exhaled slowly as I brought my gaze back to the ground. This wasn’t the time.
“I’m just stressed.” She scoffed at my words, clearly not buying them.
“Yeah, and?” She pressed, looking done as she walked next to me.
She was doing it for Jimin, not for me. She had plenty of other friends, she didn’t need me. He must have asked her to talk to me, make me come to my senses and stop being so overprotective, so possesive, so… Jealous.
“This isn’t easy for me.” I said truthfully and this time it was her that exhaled a heavy sigh instead of me.
“I know.” She was looking ahead and not at me. “It’s hard for Jimin too, you know? He really misses you.” I swallowed loudly thinking of my best friend. He wasn’t the one at fault, it was all on me. I was the one that realised his feelings all too late.
“I know.” I muttered, looking down at my shoes.
“Then what is it?” (Y/N) asked, the concern audible and sincere in her soft voice. “Why are you not talking to him?” She pressed. “He says you leave the room when he walks in and refuse to go to parties when you know he’s coming. He’s really hurt.” Hearing her say it made me feel like a real dick.
“I know.” I whined. “I’m sorry. I-”
“I’m not the one you should be apologising to.” She was right, but it was so hard to look at Jimin right now. I hated him, even though I knew well that I shouldn’t.
“I know.” I admitted tiredly.
“Good.” She said sternly and glanced my way, her expression softening once again. “But really, Jungkook.” She stopped and sighed as I looked at her running her hand through her hair carelessly.
“Hm?” I hummed, wanting her to continue.
“Why did you stop talking to him?” She asked and looked me in the eye. I swallowed slowly, knowing how hard it’ll be to lie to her right now. All she wanted was for me to get along with my best friend again, my frat bro, her boyfriend… “What happened?”
“I-” I took a deep breath and then my tongue started moving before I even had time to come up with the words in my head. “It’s just we weren’t doing well in the playoffs and you know how I am about football.” I glanced at her nervously, she wasn’t too convinced yet. “And then he was busy hanging out with you and I blamed you for him not being in perfect shape when in fact it wasn’t just his fault, ‘cause like I wasn’t in that great of a state either, physically and mentally.” Shooting her another look now I was sure she believed me. Her eyebrows were knotted in concern, her mouth curved into a slight frown. “And finally getting into Theta Sigma Phi and moving there was also such a hassle. Don’t get me wrong I was really fucking happy, but also just so tired after all the hazing and everything and then I found out you two were going out.” I made a dramatic pause to take a deep breath. “It was weird. Two of my friends…” I swallowed my pride and feelings prior to saying the next sentence that came out of my mouth. “He’s like a bother to me and like literally my frat brother right now and you’re like a- like a sister and it was all just… A bit much, I guess.” I was impressed at my own ability to come up with such an elaborate and believable lie so quickly.
“I’m sorry you felt so overwhelmed.” Right as I heard the heartfelt hurt and sorrow in (Y/N)’s tone as she spoke I felt like the world’s biggest asshole, but what else could I do? Confess? I couldn’t do that to my best friend. “And that both Jimin and I had part in making you feel that way.” She looked up at me with a half smile that I quickly reciprocated. I wanted to tell her it’s fine and she shouldn’t worry, but my stomach was in knots and my tongue tied. “I really hope you two can work this out rather quickly. He wants his best bro back and I want to see him happy.” Of course she does. He’s her boyfriend. She’s doing this for him. “You too for that matter.” My eyes shot up to her and I smiled again, this time sincerely.
Day 31
After the official announcement of the winning team and all the hand shaking and picture taking I walked off the field with the rest of the team, still smiling widely. It was the last game of the summer season and we won. I couldn’t be happier. Hoseok, our team captain, announced we’re going to a celebratory party at one of the frat houses in our university’s Row. I shrugged not recognising the name of the frat and went into the showers, tired after the long game, but still full of joy. After I got myself cleaned up I collected my things and along with the rest of the team walked out of the locker room. As the first guys made their way out I heard whistles and howling sounds.
“Get a room!” Hoseok called teasingly.
As I looked above his shoulder with a cheeky grin ready to comment on whatever was going on in the corridor I felt my spirit shrink inside my chest.
“Piss off!” Jimin yelled back to our captain with a satisfied grin, wrapping his arms around embarrassed (Y/N). “Don’t listen to them, babe. They’re just jealous.” He chuckled, brushing her hair out of her face and he couldn’t be more right… 
As we walked by I glanced at them quickly one more time, an act I regretted almost instantly. I saw (Y/N) cupping Jimin’s smiling face in her hands and bringing him towards her to share a kiss. I bit down hard on my lip and turned away. I was on good terms with Jimin again and I didn’t want to fuck that up. Not just because he was my best friend, but also, because I didn’t want to upset her, (Y/N). My unfortunate crush.
When will I get over you and forget the sweet feeling of your lips on mine? The lips that were now Jimin’s to kiss, the lips that I kissed once and pushed away. How could I be so stupid?
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simsandfiction · 4 years
Camping Confessions Part 2
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Part 1 
Pairing: Grayson Dolan x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: After setting up camp, you and Grayson decide to go for a walk. You stumble upon a secluded lake. OooOh wonder what happens next!!!??
You were nervous about being the one to help Grayson put the tent up. You’d been there, hidden behind a camera, to witness the brothers try to figure out the instructions. It always ended in a big quarrel, and you didn’t do well with conflict.
“Whatever you do, don’t let this corner go.” He proceeded to fold the metal rod together, and slide it through the hoops, just like the directions had read. The fact that he read directions before diving in was a quality you admired in Grayson; it reminded you of yourself. “Okay, now slowly let it go.”
“Is this a trick question?”
His hair flopped as he looked up at you from his squatting position. His facial expression read -- are you joking? -- before his eyes lightened and a smile spread across his face. “No. This half should be able to stand on its own.”
And it did.
“Yes!” Grayson was quick to jump up and meet your raised hands for an ‘epic high-five.’ Both your hands stung a bit, but neither of you felt the need to mention it. You still had another half of the tent to build, after all.
You lingered for a second, admiring his bare shoulders exposed by the white muscle top he sported. Now that the boys weren’t uploading weekly, Grayson had been spending more time in the gym. You knew that. But it wasn’t until today, with the sun glistening down on his tan complexion as his arms stretched to fold the next rod together, that you realized just how much of his free time had been dedicated to his newfound pass-time.
Holding down the tent just like you had before, you let your mind wander. You debated on whether he would be strong enough to lift you -- to hold you -- against a wall as his mouth worked over your neck. You imagined you’d either have your hands on his shoulders, or tugging at his lengthy locks, or even running down his bare back as-
“And for the big reveal!” Grayson stepped away from the tent, motioning at you to do the same. He laughed like a kid as your hand released the nylon string and the tent didn’t topple over.
“We pitched a tent!” His embrace was sudden and forceful, almost knocking you off your feet. His strong grip was quick to wrap around the other side of you, keeping you from falling. Even with a thin layer of sweat and outdoors, he still smelled like fresh linens.
It took you a moment, but soon your arms were wrapped around his neck. Laughter and cheers surrounded the two of you as you jumped up and down, moving together as one. “We did it!”
The two of you had settled down and resumed your places in folding chairs. You sat with the cooler in front of you, digging down to the bottom as Grayson watched with an intent stare.
“We don’t want to fly through our P-N-J’s just yet!”
You handed him a sandwich and grabbed one for yourself as well before shutting the cooler. Without a word, you opened the reusable container and sunk your teeth into its soft bread. Your mouth was sticky with peanut butter as you mumbled, “I packed extra.”
His eyes danced down to your closed mouth smile, and his face softened. Something between awe and amazement plucked at his heart strings as he opened the container, taking a bite of his own.
“I’m back!” Ethan was marked up and down with scratches and splotches of dirt. He flopped down backwards into the last fold out chair, across from you and Grayson. “I got lost.”
“What do you mean you got lost? How did you get lost going to pee?”
With the flip of a switch, every ounce of anger or annoyance you’d spent the last hour trying to shake out of Grayson had built back up. His eyes bled with disdain toward his brother as he ripped out chunks from his sandwich.
You stood from your chair, grabbing the bottle of water from the cup holder. “E, Grayson and I are going to go check out the area. We’ll be back in a little bit.”
Watching you two stroll off, arms brushing and sharing small smiles, Ethan couldn’t help but to feel upset. He was happy for his brother, he could tell there was something going on between the two of you, but he just wanted to engage in a conversation without feeling like he wasn’t meant to be there.
“So I’m thinking we should look for firewood?”
“Didn’t know we had an expert survivalist on our hands.” Grayson’s shoulder bumped against yours as you squeezed down a narrow path. He smiled down at you, watching you watch your feet for any sticks or pebbles that might cause you to trip.
“Learned from the best.”
It was his turn to look at his feet.
“You’re cute when you blush.” You felt like you were walking on air, waiting for his reply. You were sure that the wind was going to trip you and your nervous limbs, sending you face-first into humiliation.
“That’s supposed to be my line.”
The two of you walked with quiet smiles on your faces, until you came across a lake. The body of water was surrounded by trees on each side, with the falling evening sun reflecting off of the still water.
“Last one in the water has to build the fire!”
Grayson knew he’d be the one stuck with the task, but he enjoyed the way your face lit up at the challenge. So, he matched your pace down the hill and raced to strip down to his underwear. Just as he had jumped off the rock, your squeal was muffled by a splash.
You pushed the water from your eyes just in time to see him resurface and do the same. Paddling over to him, you smirk. “Guess we can’t all be winners. It’s a shame, too. Your fire won’t last fifteen minutes.”
“Are you questioning my survival skills?”
“I might be.”
“You’re going under.”
A yelp escaped your mouth as you tore through the water, desperate to get back to shore before you got pulled underwater by the man stalking right behind you. When you could touch, you used your feet to try and tread through the water faster, but Grayson was able to reach your ankle and pull you down into the cold.
He let you catch your breath and wipe your eyes before slowly stalking toward you. With every step he took forward, you took one back. The dance, a mixture of heavy breathing and intense stares, continued until your back was against a rock. “Now, what was that about being a winner?”
With his hands resting on either side of your head and the mischievous glint in his eyes, you were unable to find words. You tried, you really did, but when his head tilted down and his hot breath fanned over your neck, you gave up.
His hand rested at your chin, turning your head to meet his eyes as his voice dropped to a whisper. “Stop me if you don’t want this.”
Alarm bells were going off in your mind, reminding you that this was your best friend. Somehow, as his eyes fell down to your lips, you found them quieting down and being overtaken with thoughts. Do it do it do it do it do it do it.
So you did.
You inched your head forward, connecting your lips. They were wet and soft and needy against yours. Your lips battled for dominance, which he easily won as your head came to rest back against the rock.
A soft moan escaped his mouth as your fingers tugged at his wet locks, and his hips involuntarily jutted against your stomach. The hand that had been on your chin was now cupping your jaw, pushing your head to the side as he left open mouth kisses along your neck.
Chills ran though your body and your own sounds began to escape your mouth. You found your leg trying to wrap around his waist, trying to — needing to — get closer.
It was a simple command, one that caused you to open your eyes for the first time. You were met with his eyes, which held no trace of a joking matter.
So you jumped.
As soon as he pressed you back against the rock, you were reminded of how little you actually had on. You were sure the rock behind you was leaving scratches all along your back as he began to rock into you, making quick work of leaving hickies along your neck. You could feel him right between your legs, right where you needed him most, which only made the fire burning within you grow stronger.
Everything came to a halt so fast.
You felt like you were falling from cloud nine as all friction between you two stopped, and his forehead came to rest at the crook of your neck.
“Not here.” His words were muffled, but audible enough for you to understand that maybe you should get off him. Once you were on stable footing, he took a step back from you. His face was flushed as he pushed hair from his eyes. “We should start us off right.”
His words were simple, but they spoke measures.
“C’mon,” he offered out a hand, which you took, “let’s go back.”
Tag List: @dear-raspberry​ @msjackiealyson​ @mmmmmgd​ @graysavant​ @killmonger-dolan​ @wtf-no-idk​ @goblinwithnocore​ @writeblrforyourmom​
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| hey m.v.p. | j.jh
Tumblr media
pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: okay. this is not the first that i’ve written a scenario based on basketball, so i hope this can maybe(?) make your hearts giddy again? also! it’s really not proof read nor well written but please do enjoy reading! hehehe 🥰 ~j.
the continuous, long, ringing sound of the impact from the bouncing amber colored ball boasted its decibels at the outdoor mini court.
today was another date with your boyfriend; a varsity basketball player of the university. unlike most couples, girls would wait for their darlings to finish a game. for you however, would join him for a one-on-one match. serious or not he’d always let you play; not because he would go easy on you, but because you knew how to take on his challenge.
jaehyun called a timeout, noticing how heavy you exhaled and your lungs struggled to catch breath. he tossed you a bottle and you gladly took it to quench yourself. he watched you standing at the center of the mid-court, the sun’s rays acting like your glowing background, defining beauty and a heaven-sent figure he was blessed to have.
feeling squirmy and shy around you was something he couldn’t resist to feel out in the public. he was affectionate with skinship and you didn’t mind that at all.
“baby!” you jogged towards your boyfriend, helping him wipe the rolling beads of sweat by his temples and forehead. “teach me how to nail a through-the-leg shot.”
“why?” he interlocked his fingers behind you so you wouldn’t escape.
he copied and mimicked your whines because it was the nth time you have asked him, and he always refused to teach you. “but every time i do it i miss a shot-” your words close to inaudible but jaehyun understood what you meant and he pressed his lips. “-or i end up falling.” you shrugged.
“y/n. your form’s okay. it’s just your jump landing and timing.” he pinched your cheeks lightly. “i wanna teach you but i don’t want my baby to get hurt, so no.”
you took the towel that was placed on his head as he took the ball, feeling bummed that this time yet again he wouldn’t teach you. he gestured you to go to him and you obliged no matter how salty you slightly felt towards him.
a short break was enough for you both to continue with the sport. with all the small matches you’ve played against him, there was one thing you’ve always known: jaehyun was very competitive, so whatever ball game or any game you both played, he was always, always going to play it better. you loved how concentrated his eyes were, the tiny smirk when you were open, the deepening of his dimples once the ball went in the hoop, and the victorious stretch of his arms as he celebrated.
he dribbled the ball and you tried to steal it away from him, but given your smaller frame with his, he probably held himself back and went a little lenient to you. “there’s a game that mark taught me. it’s called h.o.r.s.e. we played it for at least thirty minutes. wanna give it a shot?” he stopped moving and spun the ball on his pointer finger.
“okay!” you cheered, making him smile wider at the willingness you showed. “how does it go?”
“i’ll do a move and you follow what i do, but you’ll gain a letter if you failed to shoot. the game ends when either of us reaches ‘e’.” he tossed the ball to you. “i’ll let you start.”
“hold on, i feel hot.” you dropped the ball to hold in between your feet, and removed the thin layer of jacket sticking to your skin. you wore a loose white crop top over the new sports bra you bought and grey sweatpants.
jaehyun averted his gaze although he blushed unnecessarily at your carefree action. he cleared his throat from thinking of unnecessary thoughts entering his brain. he tossed you the ball again and the game started with you doing a simple free throw; followed by his layups and double clutch. the punishment were always the same; buy food for the other. this time you didn’t want to lose and made sure you make the shot while he misses.
he began to smirk, something he’d usually do to signal you. the battle was on. there was no way he would lose this, so he went for a move that he knew you wouldn’t do. you guessed it, the through-the-leg shot. however he groaned right after he realised what he had done, and was too late when you got the ball in your palms.
you attempted the move and just when you thought you had it, the ball missed the ring and fell— so was the view before your eyes, you were falling too. the good thing was you managed to get on your toes, but collapsing on your knees afterwards.
“aww, that’s an ‘e’ for me.” you hissed and laid down on the ground, defeated again.
“it’s okay.” he helped you up and hugged, but you immediately pulled yourself away from him.
“tsk, you’re sticky.” you ran towards the bench, to no avail he picked you up and turned you non-stop. “put me down jae.”
jaehyun loved spoiling you the way he could get his chance upon, that included almost every little thing you did— from the pursed lips when you were feeling embarrassed to your breaking smile that sent his heart flying everywhere. however, he wasn’t the only one you sent his heart flying and bursting in the sky.
it was a given that in the campus, you weren’t part of the ‘visual spectrum’ the students have created, but it was your beautiful soul and kind-hearted personality that attracted them to you. and jaehyun was pulled to you like a magnet once his friends continuously nudged each other that one time at the locker hall. since then he was one of those secret admirers who skilfully and secretly left you letters after class, a carton of juice or milk in your bag, and offered you an umbrella on rainy days.
you didn’t like the attention, in all honesty you weren’t even craving for some. there were worries whether if you had done something wrong that caused them to talk about you all the time despite being a transfer student of the creative media department. so that one day when your friend invited you to watch a basketball match, it was when you saw jaehyun for the first time.
the team noticed your existence at one area of the blenchers. imagine the impact they gave when they all stared at you like meerkats and yet smiled like adorable quokkas. one certain quokka however got your attention, well not because he had dimples, but because he was hit in the face with a basketball.
let us all say you became friends and he invited you to be in his group project. great chemistry and ideals for each other. what made jaehyun fall for you even more was that, you played basketball, just like him.
the memory of that time was interrupted with jaehyun leaving you at the bench, off to somewhere the heavens knew where. as you waited, your eyes led to the ball, tempting you to try out the skill you’ve always failed at. this is the chance, you thought. dribbling the ball several times, your attempts to try it failed miserably again.
you stood right at the arc of the lines beneath your shoes. determination fired your eyes and felt like goku from the dragon ball animation. the repetitive sentence echoed your ears, telling yourself ‘you could do it’. however that was stopped when players you’ve never seen before circled around you, almost hovering your small frame.
“hey, mind if we.. teach you?” they offered, but their intentions were very transparent. and you should’ve worn your jacket.
“no thanks. i pretty much can handle it myself.” you picked the ball up and went back to the bench, only to be stopped halfway when one of them grabbed your wrists. “let go.”
a smug look on their faces had you stepping backwards. “little miss killjoy, we’re offering you help-”
“she’s already gotten help.” jaehyun soon came behind you and your back hit his chest.
“who the heck are you?” they asked as if putting up a front would scare him.
“i’m her boyfriend and i’d appreciate it if you lot stop staring at her like that.” he let you sit on the bench once they scurried off, placing his towel on your head that was large enough to reach your lap. “from now on you’re wearing my my jacket and don’t take it off.”
you gulped when he stared into your eyes, full of worry and as if he sent protective shields to wrap around you. “the weather’s getting hot jae, and do you want me to die out of so much heat?”
“it’s better than getting your skin so exposed like earlier. you know you attract guys in the way i can’t tolerate.”
ah this argument again. more fingers and toes were needed to count because this wasn’t the first time jaehyun has been protective of you; although you couldn’t really blame him as to the whole campus— maybe to the majority of your admirers, he did win your heart. it wasn’t that you hated that side of him, you couldn’t bring it up to tell him that it limits you to be free.
a sigh was heard from your lips, catching his attention and he knelt down to see you properly. “but i’m not hiding anything!” you whined, removing the towel and jacket all at the same time, jaehyun startled at your childish response.
he arched his brows like he had something up in his sleeves. “really? you’re not hiding anything?” his palms reached for the ends of your sweatpants. he pulled and rolled them up until the fabric reached your thighs.
“what are you- look jae i swear i’m not hiding-” you then hissed at the pain soon as the wind hit your wounded, scarred knees.
“well?” he asked, tearing off the plaster packaging with his teeth and cleaned the wounds on both. “you’re not good at hiding something like this though.”
a spread of heat and embarrassment crawled your cheeks. “how did you know?”
jaehyun let out a soft chuckle. “you’re easy to read, honey.” he planted a kiss on your forehead and sat beside you. “you should’ve told me you’re in pain- why are you staring at me like that?”
he saw how your eyes widened and they asked for a quick stare contest. he was definitely lured into you, and that wasn’t new to him. “what?” he questioned again.
“ugh no good. i can’t read you at all.” you defeatedly laid on the bags. “i was confused why you left so suddenly. i thought you felt guilty because i lost the game and that you bought us snacks. i didn’t know you went all the way to tend me.”
“at the beginning of our relationship i told you i’ll treat you like a princess.” he pulled you close to him. “so let me treat you like one.”
“i’m no damsel in distress.” you rolled your eyes, a faint smile curving by the corners of your lips.
“uh clearly you were? i saved your butt from those guys.”
“and you saved me again with this.” you pointed at the carefully-plastered knees of yours and nudged him. “m.v.p.”
jaehyun felt you kiss his cheek, stunned with the title you named him. “i call you all cute nicknames and that’s all i’m gonna get? and you know i’m already the m.v.p.” his bummed voice caused you to giggle.
“not in basketball.” you reasoned.
“you expect me to play ‘guess the word’ now? because y/n, i’m not in the mood for-”
“you’re my valiant prince. m. v. p.”
jaehyun now laid on your lap, covering his ears at sudden nickname; obviously was awestruck and have never blushed so hard in his entire life.
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the-kingofsnakes · 5 years
Chapter 2: The Oruwin's Nest
Part II: Harry POV
Harry's eyes widened as he peered at the box in the professor's hand. It was small, whatever it was but it was also his mother's so he knew that he would cherish it forever.
"Can I open it?" Harry whispered out.
He didn't mean for his voice to be so soft but he was already on edge from the previous events and English really did sound awful coming out of his mouth. It always felt like his mouth was full of chalk dust when he spoke it and he had to work around how a snake would think and speak versus a person. He couldn't help the small gasp that he involuntarily let out when the professor smiled at him slightly and gave him the box. Harry ripped at the wrapping paper and let it fall to the floor as he tore open the box to reveal a silver ring with two interlocking hoops on the top that looked like arms linked together. 
"The knot on it is an iteration of the true love knot. I have a similar one with an eternity knot on it instead on a necklace I constantly wear. I made them myself just before we graduated from Hogwarts and we used them as friendship rings. I thought that you would enjoy having something she used to wear for your birthday."
Harry could only nod his head in agreement as he took the ring out of the box. He had never gotten a real gift before much less anything that had to do with his mother. He wasn't allowed to ask questions about her at the Dursleys unless he wanted to get hit with something. His aunt and Uncle viewed his mother's name as the foulest curse word imaginable to the point that even the flower wasn't allowed anywhere near the house. He started to place the ring on his right thumb only realize the small metal probably would fall right off when he changed into a snake.
"Could you… maybe make it bigger? So that it's a bracelet instead of a ring or would that be wrong?"
"Why do you wish for that?"
"Well, it's just that when I were to eventually turn into a snake then the ring would probably fall off because it's so small but if you could turn it into a bracelet then it would maybe fit in both of my forms. ...I think."
"Very well then. Since it was made with magic it is possible." 
Harry watched in awe as the small ring got thicker and grew so that it was a small bracelet just as he wanted instead of a ring. He wiggled it onto his arm before it was done and found that it stopped growing once it was around his wrist and actually shrunk down a bit so that it fit nicely against his skin.
"Awesome." Dudley whispered out from beside him.
Harry felt the sentiment entirely but could only grin at his new present as Snape explained that since it was magic and was now his then he was the only one who could remove it. He had made them with that aspect in mind in case they got stolen and while originally they were intended for just he and Lily he had changed her ring to be able to store a bit of Harry's magic inside of it so that he would be its new owner instead of her. 
"We should be off soon. I believe it's time for you to gather your things now as we still have a long day ahead."
The boys did as they were told and went to gather their belongings only to find that they had none. Dudley suggested that his parents had probably stashed their clothes, other than their pajamas, in with their own this morning when they were packing. Neither boys noticed Snape frowning as they came back from the bathroom with only their pajamas. 
"Is that.. all that you have?" 
"Apparently." The boys say in unison.
"I see. Then our first stop shall be to get Mr. Dursley a locket."
"A locket sir?" Dudley asked hesitantly. Harry wasn't sure why Dudley needed a locket but he knew not to question adults to closely.
Professor Snape seemed to not feel that Dudley needed a reply as he just walked out of the cabin and left the boys to follow. Harry shrugged when Dudley looked at him like the man was crazy but they decided to follow him outside anyway as they clutched their pajamas in their arms. They arrived outside only to find the odd professor holding his right hand out with a long stick in it, like he was trying to hail a taxi.
"What'sss the stick for?" Harry whispered to his cousin as they got closer. The leaves crunched under their feet as they made their way to the man.
"Your guesss is asss good as mine at thisss point." 
"For the record Mr. Potter," Harry straightened up as stiff as a board, "I do not mind if you speak in parseltongue so long as your cousin is willing to translate if you are trying to ask me something." Snape said without turning around.
"Th- Thank you sir."
"Um, what's the stick for Professor?" Dudley asked once they got next to him.
"Hm? Ah. My apologies, this is my wand. I'm trying to hail the knight bus so that it can take us to diagon alley."
"Did he just say diagonally?"
"No. Diagon alley. It'sss two words I think."
"What? Is there a reverse lane and sideways avenue as well?"
"I don't know! Why don't you ask him?" Dudley snapped impatiently at him.
Harry decided he was going to do just that when the biggest bus he had ever seen pulled up in front of them in a flurry. At least he was pretty sure it was a bus. The thing was dark purple and looked more like a van if it hadn't been for the two stacks of windows encased in metal that protruded off the top of the van base. It looked more like a backwards camper if you asked him. The bus opened its door to reveal a short white haired man with big round glasses on his face who turned and greeted them all with a smile. Harry thought he very much resembled a small owl when he did so.
"Why hello there! How many for the bus? Three? That'll be one gallon and thirteen sickles then!" The owl man said to Snape in quick succession.
Snape gave the man what looked to be coins and went straight onto the bus without so much as glancing back at them. They followed closely behind him this time and stared at the floating seats as they walked by. 
"No luggage?" A tall brown haired man asked them as they passed on their way down the aisle. He had on a uniform similar to the driver with black slacks and a black vest and shirt combination with a bus hat on his head.
"No Stan. Now leave us be and let Ernie know we're headed to diagon alley please. I'd prefer to stop at Madame Elaine's Treasure Trove if possible."
"Righto Professor Snape!" The man replied quickly and tilted his hat at them as he walked away.
Snape sat down on one of the floating seats and eyed them expectedly making the children squirm a bit before they followed his lead once more. No words were spoken between them as the bus started moving. An announcement came on from the driver that they should buckle up before they really got going. The three of them did as they were told as they looked down to see seat belt attachments now next to them. Harry had just buckled his in when the bus jerked forward. The strap did nothing to keep him in his seat due to his small size as he went flying through the air. Midway through his ascent panic took over his senses as he changed into a dark red leaf viper and landed in a pile of suitcases that had fallen off of the overhead rack.
He heard Dudley and the Professor shout for him as the bus jerked once more. Harry burrowed himself under the suitcases and tried not to get squished. Eventually the bus stopped and the suitcases were moved around him to reveal a very concerned Dudley and Professor Snape. Harry slithered out of his spot rather slowly and changed back to human with a dazed expression on his face. He was pretty sure he heard Dudley ask if he was alright but the vibrations in his jaw were still translating sounds for him that humans wouldn't normally worry about.
Going from snake to human when he was trying to hear something was always strange. Sometimes he missed entire words that were spoken and other times he just had to take a few seconds to reply. He found that his hearing was relatively the same in both forms for some reason: vibrations were sent to his jaw and then he could somehow make sense of them. Sometimes he could translate rather loud vibrations and other times he could only translate normal ones depending on the snake he chose to be. 
Once they were off the bus and said their goodbyes Harry went back to holding onto the seam of Dudley's shirt once more as a safety net. Snape led them through the odd traffic of the crowded alley and Harry ignored the strange stares and whispers about him as his jaw vibrated slightly with the sound currents. He led them into a shop that looked oddly enough like an open treasure chest that said Madame Elaine's Treasure Trove on the sign above the old door. 
Madame Elaine, or who Harry had assumed was her, looked a lot like Dudley's Aunt Marge if she were as thin as a toothpick. Her attitude however was the complete opposite of the woman as she smiled kindly at Harry and didn't comment on his unruly hair. The shop itself looked like a big antique store with baubles and trinkets everywhere. Harry swore he saw a necklace move by itself even though he knew it was impossible. Maybe he really did need glasses?
"Verus! It's so good to see you again!" The woman yelled from behind the counter.
"Verusss?" Dudley asked in a hushed tone.
"Nickname?" Harry supplied while cautiously eyeing the woman behind the counter.
"I was wondering if you had a locket and a booth currently available Elaine?"
"Oh of course! Anything I should know about?"
"Not really, just a reducio and engorgio charm combination, an extension charm and some atmospheric charms for the inside."
"You are aware that you'll have to catalogue the extension charm correct?"
"I was hoping you could make an exception as it isn't for me."
"Oh? You don't normally give out presents. Who's it for then? If you give me a good reason I'll keep it off the books."
Snape turned towards them at them and eyed them expectedly. Harry wasn't sure if they were supposed to leave or explain that the locket was for Dudley for some reason. He didn't have time to ask before Dudley was pulling him along to go peruse the shop, who had apparently picked up on the social cues that the professor was trying to impress upon them before he could. His cousin drug him all the way to the back of the store to look around without so much as a second glance. There was even more weird stuff in the back like jewelry boxes that glowed and metal eyes on locks that followed you. 
The cousins eventually went their separate ways to explore the shop while the adults talked. Harry had every intention of looking at all the small shiny things. He truly did, until he heard squeaking behind a rather old looking bookcase. He followed the squeaking vigorously passed old grandfather clocks, through rows of strange globes, and even under a table until he finally cornered the mousey morsel. All of his instincts were telling him that he was hungry, the mouse was food, it's fresh. While the human part of his brain was screaming at him that was not proper behavior for a boy to do. That mice are not food when he's human but he's hungry. He hasn't eaten anything more than that bit of broccoli from yesterday. He didn't remember the last time he ate before that. He swiped up the snake with deft hands and raised it to his mouth, ignoring the fact that it was very much alive and covered in fur. He ignored the footsteps coming from around the corner as he lowered the squirming mouse. He faintly registered Dudley staring at him but couldn't make out the expression on his face. His only concern was the mouse in his hands and how fast it would take him to eat it.
"Harry look at- Harry no! Drop the mouse! Drop it! We will eat later. Now drop the mouse!" Dudley shouted.
Harry glared at his cousin for interrupting his impromptu meal and screamed when he was suddenly drenched in water. Harry reflexively dropped the mouse, ignoring the thud and subsequent scampering, and wiped his eyes of the water that he was somehow drenched in. Glancing up afterward to see a small storm cloud fading from atop his head.
"I'm not a stupid cat!" Harry said once he opened his eyes and saw the smirk on Dudley's face.
"You're right! You're a stupid snake!"
"You can stop now Umdri." Dudley replied in a low tone like he was talking to someone else.
Harry huffed as he thought about searching for the mouse again until a new noise caught his attention. Chattering that he could only describe as one similar to a chipmunk was speaking animatedly near him. Harry gawked at the scene before him as Dudley seemed to be speaking to an eight inch gremlin with blue skin and a red stripe on its head who was standing on his shoulder and holding onto his neck for support. It had big floppy ears on the sides of its head and two small black horns protruding from the top. Its eyes were a deep purple color and it had black sharp nails on each of its hands. Both its hands and feet seemed to have three digits with its feet looking similar to a bird's. The strangest thing about all of it had to be that both Harry and Dudley seemed to be able to understand the tiny creature.
"Glad to be of help Keeper Dudley!" 
"What is that thing and how did it get me soaked with water? Also how can we understand it?"
"Well first of all he's not an it he's a him and his name is Umdri. I'm not sure how you can understand him but I know I can because he bit me when I was trying to help him get away from another snake that's in here."
"Honestly Prince Harry, it's like you've never spoken to another magical being before! Didn't your Oma teach you anything?"
"Ugh, again with the Prince stuff! Did that snake tell you to call me that? How many times do I have to tell them that I'm not a prince for them to understand! Also I don't know what the hell an Oma is, so no!"
"Ah! Well then… that is odd. No matter, I shall explain as much as I can to you little princeling! I am what wizards call a Coco Rumsey Catcher. Although we prefer the term Oruwin. As for what you are little highness; you are a prince of snakes and when you grow big and strong you shall be a king of snakes!"
"King of snakes? How is that even possible? There's no such thing as a king of snakes."
"Well of course there is! There is only one creature known as the king of snakes Majesty! They are known by many names sire: the great hatcher of dragons, the protector of creatures, the golem sister's champion, the petrifier of wizards, the most hated of spiders! Why I am referring to none other than the great basilisk! That is what you truly are majesty! Most creatures bow to your decree, others hide in fear and the muggle snakes are your most faithful retainers. The wizarding world is where you truly belong and where you shall rule with your mate until your designated end as fate sees fit!"
"I'm not some great big snake king! I'm just Harry! Boring, ordinary Harry Potter who has dead parents!"
"Of course you are not a king yet majesty! You still need to grow up. In due time you will grow to be the king you were meant to be. Now, Keeper Dudley I wish to find a home that I can grow my precious seedlings in and preferably one that you may also call home if you so desire! Shall we go searching my Keeper?"
"Seedlings?" Harry asked his cousin. 
He didn't feel like trying to ask the Oruwin more things since he thought it would be a lost cause. 
"He takes care of flowers and other magical plants. He can do small elemental magic to help with their growth which is how he made the small storm cloud. He was trying to find a nice field to grow some plants in but then he got chased into here by that other snake. I helped him out and now he calls me Keeper. Said he wants to stay with me if possible but that his search for a nice field with a low chance of predators comes first."
Harry hummed at this new bit of information. His head felt like it was going to explode. Sure he was glad Dudley made a new friend and it made sense that said friend wanted to try to do what he was supposed to before he decided to stick with Dudley but his happiness was short lived and replaced with panic quite quickly. It was bad enough that every other snake he had ever come across had called him a prince or some variation of but now this tiny magical creature said he was supposed to be a king when he grew up? He barely knew anything about the wizarding world, Professor Snape hadn't exactly been helpful so far, and according to this new guy he was supposed to rule in it with a mate! 
No, no, absolutely not. He didn't want to be a king. He didn't even really know what a basilisk was but it didn't sound like anything good. He just wanted to get out of this shop, get the rest of his school supplies and wait out the rest of summer so that he could learn how to do magic at Hogwarts. In order to do that though he needed to find Snape. Now. He found him still chatting with the shopkeeper at the front desk and it seemed that the only thing had changed from when he left the man was that he now had a silver beehive pendant in front of him on the counter. He heard Dudley come up behind him and faintly registered Umdri chattering away from his perch. He paid them no mind as the Professor looked at them with a pleased expression only for it to turn into confusion seconds later.
"Mr. Dursley why exactly do you have a Coco Rumsey Catcher standing on your shoulder?"
"I saved him from a snake in here. He's trying to find a place to grow plants that doesn't have a lot of predators but he also wants to stay with me so it's a bit tricky."
"I see. I believe I have something for you that will assist you in both of these endeavors."
Snape grabbed the beehive and brought them into a medium sized room off to the side of the shop. He set the little pendant on the ground and the boys watched as the nest grew in size. It was silver in color and looked like it had just been plucked off a tree with a pointed top and a relatively flat bottom. The black truncated oval opening near the bottom that looked like it had been painted on was now big enough that they were able to step into it easily.
"How?" Harry asked with a breathless tone.
Snape quickly explained that the inside actually had another world he had created by using magic and that he intended for this place to be a safe space for the boys to go to if they needed, whether in the muggle or wizarding world.  
"I've put an altered enlarging charm on it so that it's easier for you to enter. Normally you would have to use your wands in order to use any magic however I've altered this spell so that once it comes in contact with this ring." He lifted his right hand to show them an ornate silver ring that had celtic markings on the sides with a diamond O in the middle that had the bottom lines extending from it a bit.
"Then you will be able to enter it without casting. The symbol is the ancient futhark rune Othala, which loosely means home." He said to them as he produced a similar ring to Dudley and gave a rectangular pendant version of the same color to Harry that he quickly fastened onto his bracelet.
"In its smaller form it I made it appear that the opening was painted on to not attract attention but in reality it's an open hole to a hollow nest. It will shrink back down in size once you are inside and will grow once more when you are ready to leave."
Before any of the three wizards could move the Oruwin jumped off of Dudley's shoulder and ran straight into the nest. Dudley called and ran after him only for Harry and Snape to follow closely behind. 
The inside of the nest was filled with plush green grass and blue skies. It even had a sun, trees, mountains and Harry could swear he smelled water coming from somewhere. Snape told them that there was a lake a few hundred feet away along with fruit bearing trees and vegetables growing in natural patches. He even added game such as rabbits, toads, deer and a few snakes and foxes for predators. If the animals got to be too much then they could discuss measures to tone them down but that the populations should stay relatively fine due to everything having a limited food and water source.
Once they looked around some more Dudley and Harry both expressed an interest in having some kind of shelter created in the new space and were soon kicked out by Umdri who said that he would be more than willing to assist them so long as they let him stay and tend to the grounds while they were on the outside. All three wizards agreed and soon exited the nest. Dudley picked up the pendant and put it on his neck after he grabbed its chain from Snape. Both thanked the professor for the extremely generous gift and thanked him even more when he explained that it was already paid for. Food was the only thoughts on their minds as Dudley recounted the event of Harry going after a mouse in his human form.
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saemi-the-writer · 6 years
Deathmaker part 4
An attempt was made for the description of a fight! Enjoy!
Contrary to what he expected, the wool balls were easy to dodge. They just bounced against the floor when they touched it and rolled to the feet of hypnotized students, so were they in normal wool?
“Aw! Cats usually love those! I thought you’d like to play with them!” pouted Deathmaker. “Oh well, they won’t be lost for everyone! Have fun with them, my friends!”
Still smiling, she threw the other balls around randomly and reached for her bag. A quick step asides and she avoided Chat Noir’s stick, who had aimed for it. The hero tried to hit her from afar again, but Deathmaker easily dodged his blows, humming gleefully.
He fought at distances, gauging his opponent. She was good, too good for his likening. And where was the akuma? In her purse? She didn’t have much on her, and Marinette had not been wearing any stick in her hair… had she? Maybe not in her hair, but what if-
“Chat Noir!! Make them unhand me!” Lila called out, interrupting his reflexions as she fussed against their two classmates.
Chat Noir glanced at her, and pins suddenly cut through the air towards him. He quickly whirled his weapon in front of him for protection.
“I’m not one you can defeat looking away, Chat Noir!” Deathmaker pointed out, seizing more pins from her bracelet pincushion. She held them out as a threat before throwing them at her foe. “You better pay attention to someone worth it!”
The cat hero shielded himself once more with the same move before deciding to go for it. With an outcry, he launched himself at Deathmaker, wielding his stick. The girl’s smile and eyes widened in what could only be excitement; she stopped the hit with her left arm – the pincushion took most of the damages without being destroyed- and swing a pair of tailor shoears, aiming for the face. Chat Noir barely dodged the blades, some of his blond hair were cut and flew off but he didn’t care.
She kept swinging at him, he alternated between dodging and parrying while trying to find a fault in her moves. The shears and his stick clashed and the two foes stood their ground, pushing against the other.
Chat Noir gritted his teeth whereas Deathmaker grinned. Her smile was so disruptive that he failed to notice the incoming attack.
A short cry of pain escaped his lips as he felt something pointy -but not sharp- sink into his abdomen, making him stubble backwards. The entranced students then rushed to him.
They had taken the wool balls and untie them during the fight, and now they were swinging the threads at him
Horror raised inside the young hero when he slowly got tangled into the wool yard, his classmates throwing more and more of it at him, some ran in circle to better snarl him in it while others pulled on it, strengthening the ties.
Chat Noir tried to escape, but it was useless. He was bounded, trapped.
He cursed himself. Why didn’t he pay attention them?
“Oh no, look at you, kitty! What a mess you made!”
Deathmaker gloated, waving one of the stick she had in her hair a moment ago and twirling her tailor shears in the other hand. She walked slowly to the group and leaned towards the tangled cat.
“I like your new suit. Let me look at it.” Once again, a butterfly shaped light glowed around her eyes.
“Now, Deathmaker!” Hawkmoth’s voice calling out to her. “Take his Miraculous!”
The girl batted the air with a loud “tsk”, watching closely her foe’s outfit. There was a big red spot in the middle of his abdomen, surrounded by pink-reddish glitters. A smirk made her way on her lips when she realized the red spot was actually a ladybug, and that he had another one in the palm of his two hands.
“And where is your partner, Chat Noir? Did she ditch you? She may have finally got tired of your attitude and flew off.”
Chat Noir’s eyes widened a second before he snarled something back, but his answer went unheard as an irritated Hawkmoth yelled in her mind:
“Just take his Miraculous!”
And all at once, Lila started bawling. Deathmaker gritted her teeth and closed her eyes at the ruckus before shouting in turn:
They all turned silent.
Growing frustrated, she seized some wool threads and quickly made a noose with it. She turned to Lila who stiffened under her glare.
“I am not done with you yet. In the meantime, hang there!”
The brown haired teenager yelped as she tied her up before hanging her to the basketball hoop. When she sensed the wielder of the butterfly miraculous was about to bark another order at her, she snapped:
“When I said shut up, I included you in the lot! You want the miraculouses? Fine, but we do it my way! I am not your stooge!”
“You better watch your language, Deathmaker, or you will regret it!” the akumatized girl felt her legs shake. “If you want to keep your powers. Now, just do as I say and take Chat Noir’s miraculous before Ladybug-“
“You have no power over me, Hawmoth.” Deathmaker retorted as she took control of her body again. She stood tall and proud, and spread her arms open, smiling widely. “I am the one in control, and I will do whatever I want! And if you don’t like it, well too bad for you. You are on my list too, little butterfly!”
Several cries of surprise snapped her back to reality and she turned just in time to see Chat Noir pouncing on her, all claws extended.
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Captains/// James Potter x Reader
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SUMMARY: When James meets the newest Slytherin Quidditch captain, an instant connection is born. What first starts off as a rivalry soon becomes something more.
WARNING(S): nothing at all
A/N: I can’t believe I haven’t written this yet?? I feel like this a common trope and I’m just now getting to it. In this one your a Slytherin, I’m sorry if that’s not your house but for the sake of this fic let’s act like it is. I think this is gonna be a good one. Requests are open. Enjoy!
   “Come on guys,” James shouted. He led them onto the field to start practice. He turned around and began to walk backwards. “We’re doing extra drills today, we can’t afford to lose a single game this year.” 
   When he turned back around, he was nearly knocked to the ground as someone on a broom flew past. He quickly took a step back, looking at the pitch, which should’ve been empty but was instead filled with players from the Slytherin Quidditch team.
   “Oi! Watch it,” he shouted. There was the sound of a whistle and someone landed near James. 
   “That’s it for today1" You took your helmet off, tucking it under your arm and looked at him. 
   “We were scheduled to practice. You’re taking up our time.” 
   “Sorry, I had them go a bit longer today. The season’s starting soon. We’re leaving now.” James eyes ran over you. He recognized your face but had never talked to you before. When his eyes found the shining silver Captain’s Badge on your uniform, his eyes met yours. 
   “So you must be the new Captain.” 
   You nodded, sticking out your hand. “Yep. I’m (Y/F/N). And you must be James Potter.” He shook your hand. “I look forward to competing against you, we play against each other this Saturday, right? I know you think that your team is wonderful but if I were you, I’d make your team practice a little bit longer because I do not plan on losing this season.” You let go of his hand. 
   You began to walk off and your teammates followed you. James stared at you, almost transfixed, as you walked away. The way you talked to him made him so pissed that he wanted to give some sort response but he was so shocked he didn’t know what to say. So he just watched.
   After that, James seemed to be seeing you every where. He picked your face out from everyone elses when he saw you in the corridors or in class or in the Great Hall. And every time he would stare. He couldn’t help himself. But as soon as you looked his way, he’d pretend he never saw you.
   One afternoon, he was in the library with Sirius, Remus, and Peter when he saw you walk up to one of the bookshelves and began looking through books. James sighed. He leaned over to Sirius. “You see that girl over there.” He discreetly pointed towards you. Sirius leaned forward, getting a better look at you. James punched him in the arm. “Don’t stare, she’ll notice.”
   Sirius sat back, rubbing his arm. “Yeah I see her. What about her?”
   “She’s the new Slytherin captain I was telling you about.” 
   “Hmm.” Sirius’ eyes trailed back over to you and he smirked. James punched him again. “She’s hot.”
   “She is not hot. She’s an arsehole is what she is. Thinks she can just talk to me any kind of way.” He crossed his arms, his eyes fixing on you.
   “That doesn’t change the fact that she’s gorgeous. I know you think so too. I’ve seen you staring at her.” 
   “I don’t stare at her.” 
   “You’re literally doing it right now.” James realized he was right and tore his eyes away from you. “Why didn’t you say something to her?”
   James paused. He still hadn’t managed to figure that out. “I don’t know. I didn’t know what to say.”
   “Damn, do you really like her that much?” James quickly looked over at him. 
   “I don’t like her. At all.”
   Sirius looked unconvinced. “Then why haven’t you said a word to her. Scared?” 
   “That’s ridiculous. You know what? I’m going to say something right now.” Without putting any more thought into it, he got up from the table. 
   He walked over to you and you turned your head towards him. As soon as your eyes met his he went blank. You stared at him, waiting for him to say something. He stood there looking like he’d say something any second. 
   You laughed slightly. “Hey James.” 
   “Hi,” he said, sounding rather angry. “I just came over here to say that we’re going to kick your arse on Saturday." You tilted your head slightly. 
   “Those are big words for someone who couldn’t even think of something to say the other day.” 
   “And those are big words for someone who’s just becoming captain. I’ve been captain for three years now.” 
   “Doesn’t matter if I’ve been captain for an hour, I know how to run a team. And I also know that my team is going to crush yours.” You gave him a smile. 
   James felt himself at a loss for words. He quickly recovered. “Well, then how about you put your money where your mouth is, huh?” 
   You crossed your arms. “How would I do that?”
   “Whoever loses has to buy the winner butter beer.” 
   “Really?” He had a confident smirk on his face as if he had finally stumped you. 
   “Fine.” You clutched your books close to your chest, turning to leave. You paused for a second, looking back at him. “But if you wanted to take me to Hogsmeade all you had to do was ask.” You walked away without another word. Leaving James staring once more. 
   “Wait I-I was not asking you to Hogsmeade alright, I...” His voice faded off. You were too far away to even hear him anymore. He sighed.
   James couldn’t stop thinking about the match. He wanted nothing more than to just prove you wrong. He imagined the look in your eyes as the game ended and you both hit the ground. The realization that you’d loss. 
   Then going to Hogsmeade with you and drinking a butter beer with you. There would be a lot of gloating of course but then he’d ease up. Tell you he knew you’d beat him next time. Then you’d spend the rest of the night joking and  he’d watch you laugh.
   No. He tried to keep that thought away whenever it came up. For now he just had to focus on beating you.
   The game was tied, despite his best efforts. James was getting increasingly frustrated. He could feel the adrenaline running through his veins but it wasn’t nearly enough. He yelled at his teammates to pass him the ball each time Gryffindor was in possession. 
   “Come on,” he said under his breath. He switched directions as a Slytherin grabbed the ball and flew towards the Gryffindor goal. He leaned forward, increasing his speed. The Slytherin tossed the ball but James intercepted it before it could get close. 
   He raced back down the pitch, weaving through the other team’s players and dodging Bludgers. He was so close now that he could see the look in your faced. You looked amused. He hoped you could see his too as his lips curled into a smirk. 
   The only thing standing between him and the goal was you. 
   James threw the ball as hard as he could and he was sure he’d make it. But at the last minute you swerved around to the right hoop and swatted the ball away.  Someone on your team caught it and took off towards the goals on the opposite side of the field. 
   James and you made eye contact for just a moment. James couldn’t stand how confident you looked but he couldn’t spend too much time looking at you. He had to get that Quaffle. 
   By the time he was flying towards the Chaser, the Chaser was already throwing the Quaffle. And it made it through the goal. James heart sunk for a moment. 
   He quickly regained his composure. He couldn’t stop now. There was still a chance to win. “Pass me the ball,” he shouted, holding his hand out. Whoever had the Quaffle tossed it to him. He tucked it under his arm, trying to go as quickly as his broom could carry him. 
   But it was too late. He heard a loud whistle blow and knew someone had caught the Snitch. He turned, trying to see who it was. He hoped it was a Gryffindor but quickly his eyes landed on a Slytherin with his hand raised in the air, the Golden Snitch glinted in the sunlight. 
   James sighed, diving towards the ground. He landed and began to look around the field for you. He saw you standing there with your other teammates. They were hugging and congratulating each other. Suddenly, you turned your head in his direction. You smiled and despite his best efforts, James couldn’t help but smile too. 
   You walked over, your head held high. “I won.” 
   “I know.” 
   “Which means you owe me a butter beer.” 
   “Don’t you have a Slytherin victory party to go to.” You looked over your shoulder at your team. 
   “I’m not fond of Slytherin parties. I only go if I have nothing better to do and I’d much rather be rubbing my victory in your face.” 
   "Fine then, let’s go.” 
   Suddenly, James couldn’t even remember what he’d said. All he knew was it must’ve been funny. You had your head thrown back in laughter and it was quite honestly one of the best things he had ever seen. 
   He was trying not the think about your laugh but he realized that his only other options were noticing how beautiful your smile was or how much he loved the look in your eyes. He knew he definitely shouldn’t be thinking about any of those things but there he was. Practically drooling. 
   You finally stopped laughing and leaned forward to take a sip out of your butter beer. You leaned back in your seat and looked up at him. “Stop staring.” 
   James ran his hands through his hair. “Sorry...I just...sorry. You were really great tonight.”
   “I know,” you said with a smile. “And although you didn’t win, you weren’t so bad yourself.” James laughed and stared down at his butterbeer. “Maybe you’ll beat us next time.” He looked up at you and you shot him a confident smile. He watched as you finished the last of your butterbeer before standing up. “I better be off now but I do look forward to playing you again.” 
   You stuck out your hand for him to shake and he paused. He really didn’t want you to leave but he couldn’t seem to find an excuse to get you to stay. So he just took your hand and shook it. “I look forward to beating you.” You let out another laugh. 
   “Goodbye, Potter.” You turned to leave and although, you didn’t look back at him, you could feel his eyes on you.
   You were wrapping up practice, dismissing your team and waiting for him to come down from the stands. You’d seen him while you’d been practicing and at first you weren’t sure but the longer practice went on, the more you could feel James Potter’s eyes on you. You turned around and saw him walking across the pitch towards you with his broom in hand. 
   “Are you stalking me now?” He rolled his eyes but he was still smiling so you could tell it was only pretend. 
   “I came here to clear my mind and then I saw that your team was taking up the pitch as per usual so I decided to sit in the stands and study your team, learn their weaknesses.” You burst out laughing and he just watched you. “I also wanted to talk to you about something. 
   You lowered your eyebrows in confusion. “What could you possibly want to talk to me about?” 
   “Your match against Ravenclaw is this weekend right?” You nodded. “Well, I was thinking, how about we go for a butterbeer that Friday just for good luck. We can hang out, talk about your strategy, and-”
   “You’re asking me on a date,” you interrupted. His eyes widened slightly and he ran his hand through his hair, already losing his cool. 
  “I am not asking you on a date.” You gave him a disbelieving look. “I am not.” He gave you an angry look and his eyes drifted around the pitch for a moment before meeting yours again. “Listen, do you want to go or not?” 
   “Fine, I’ll go. But no funny business.” 
   “I would never.” You smiled at him.
   “Good luck clearing your mind.” You turned before he could even reply and began to walk away. 
   “Thanks,” he mumbled. But you definitely couldn’t hear him. He watched you as you walked away. He knew that that exchange with you, wasn’t going to help clear his mind. He wanted to come here to get you off his mind but the way you smiled at him didn’t help at all. 
   You’d been there for awhile now and still hadn’t finished your butterbeer. You had gotten so distracted talking to James that you hadn’t even bothered. The more you spent time with him (and it felt like lately you were spending a lot of time with him), the less insufferable he was. You actually sort of enjoyed being around him. 
   He was really funny, especially when he was trying to act cool. Trying and failing. And he was sort of handsome, his hair was gorgeous and you wondered how it would feel to have your hands in it. And there was his perfectly white smile against his pink tinted lips. And finally, there was the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t looking. 
   You were drinking your butterbeer when you looked up and saw him looking at you in that way and your heart skipped a beat slightly. You choked on your butterbeer and started coughing. James hand shot forward onto your shoulder. 
   “Hey, are you alright?” Once you were finally done coughing, you looked up at him. He gave you a concerned smile. “Are you okay?” The way he looked at you made you slightly nervous. 
   You stood up from your seat. “I should go.” 
   He stood up as well, giving you an odd look. “You’re leaving already?” 
   “Yeah, um, I’ll see you later though. Bye.” You quickly exited the booth and he did the same, following you. “Aren’t you going to finish your butterbeer?”  
   “No, it’s no big deal, I’ll just walk you back.” You didn’t look back at him as you continued on towards the door. 
   “I don’t need you to walk me back.” 
   “I know you don’t need me to but I want to.” As soon as you were outside in the cold night air, he caught up to you. “Are you cold?” 
   “No,” you lied. You crossed your arms, trying to conserve heat.
   James looked down at you with an eyebrow cocked. “Yes you are. Why didn’t  you bring a jacket?” You shrugged. James began to take off his jacket and you turned around. 
   “What are you doing?” 
   “Here.” He pulled his jacket onto your shoulders and he paused slightly, his hands lingering on your shoulders. You knew it was coming before it happened. You knew you should’ve to pulled away before he could do it but some part of you was just waiting for it. 
   He leaned down to kiss you and you leaned into him and for just a moment you forgot that you shouldn’t be kissing him. You were just enjoying it so much. When he pulled away from you, he was just looking into your eyes and smiling gently. 
   You looked at him with a stunned expression. “What was that for?”
   “Good luck on your match tomorrow?” You sighed, trying not to laugh.
   “You shouldn’t have done that. We’re opposing captains, this’ll mess everything up.” 
   “You can’t be serious.” James rolled his eyes. “Who cares?” 
   “I care! If my team finds out they’ll think I’m becoming weak and it’ll change the way we play against each other. You’ll start going easy on me and it’ll just be a whole mess.” 
   “Trust me, I definitely won’t be going easier on you. All I want to do is beat you at Quidditch..” His eyes moved down to your lips. “And maybe kiss you some more.” You looked down at his lips just as he bit down on his bottom lip. You sighed, leaning forward slightly. 
   “James.” His eyes met yours. “No one can know, especially neither of our teams. If anyone finds out, everything’ll be ruined.” 
   “Okay, no one will f-” Before he could even finish his sentence you launched yourself at him. Your lips landed on his and he wrapped his arm around your waist trying to pull you against him. Your hands ran up and gripped his hair. It felt just as nice as you’d imagined. 
   You knew you were going to be late but some part of you really didn’t care. Months had passed and you were constantly trying to be very careful about people finding out even though James didn’t particularly care. You waited until all of his roommates had left before you snuck into his room. 
   As soon as you were there, he couldn’t get his hands off of you. You rarely ever got to spend that much time alone so when you did, you both took full advantage of it. Which was wonderful but you had a Quidditch match to get to and you were definitely going to be late.
   “James,” you mumbled, pulling away from the kiss. “I have to go.” He groaned. He tried kissing you again but you sat up. 
   “Come on, stay just a little longer.” You stood up, grabbing your uniform. He  reached for your arm and when you pulled away before he could reach you, he sighed. 
   “I can’t, at this rate I’ll have to run to the pitch.” You grabbed your broom and turned back around towards him. He stepped forward and you fixed his hair. 
   “You’re coming today right?” 
   “Of course, I would never miss a chance to watch my girlfriend kick ass.” You raised your eyebrow. He’d never called you that before and you didn’t really know how to react. 
   “Um...good...great. I’ll see you afterwards then.” 
   “Yeah, uh before you go. You left your tie here the other day.” He held out your tie to you and you took it. Quickly, you grabbed his wrist and tied the tie around it. When you were done, he stared down at it with a smile.
   “I’ll se you later, okay?” He was leaning down to kiss you but at the last moment you turned your head so he kissed you on the cheek. Before he could say anything else you said “bye” and headed for the door.
  You were attempting to focus on the game but all you could think about was what James said earlier. Girlfriend. You hadn’t expected it and although it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it made you feel...weird.
   You were his girlfriend, by every sense of the word but to hear him say it out loud was just something that made you feel awkward. In some way, you wanted to be his girlfriend and you wanted everyone to know that you were his girlfriend but you knew it would make everything different. So it really just couldn't happen. 
   Your eyes suddenly flitted upward and you saw a Quaffle barreling towards you. You swerved on your broom and knocked it back in the other direction, just in time. The crowd erupted in cheers but you could especially hear James’ voice from the stands. You tried not to look at him but your eyes briefly traveled to where he was. 
   He had his fists in the air with the tie still wrapped around his wrist. You smiled. You were about to look away but you really really didn’t want to. Finally, when you managed to turn away your realized that there was a Bludger, just a couple feet away from your face. You dove, barely missing it. 
   You were about to fly back to your position when another Bludger came flying towards you, knocking into your stomach and sending you flying off the broom. The impact knock all of the wind out of you and you thought you were going to vomit or maybe pass out. 
   You were in pain all over and you could barely understand what was going on. There were people crowding around you and all of their faces blended together. It felt like they were all talking at once but then there was voice that you could clearly make out over everyone else. “Get out of the way!” The crowd was parted as James shoved past everyone. 
   “James,” you mumbled. 
   “I’m right here. Are you okay?” You barely had enough strength to answer and you wanted to tell him the truth but you quickly remember that you were surrounded by all of your teammates. 
   “I’m fine, Potter. Just get out of my way, I need to go to the Hospital Wing.” You tried to sit up and although your head spun, you managed. However, when you tried to put pressure on your leg while trying to stand up, you winced and nearly crashed back to the ground. You would’ve if James hadn’t caught you.
   “It’s alright, I got you. Come on.” He picked you up bride-style and although, you knew how weird it must’ve looked and you so badly wanted to yell at him to put you down, you knew you couldn’t walk on your own and it was incredibly comfortable to just be in his arms so for the moment, you couldn't care less.
   Once Madam Pomfrey, was finished examining you, she allowed your teammates to come and visit. This was the exact moment you were hoping to avoid but you knew it had to come sooner or later. They all shuffled in giving you weird looks.
   Emma Vanity was the first to speak up. “What is going on with you and James Potter?” She said his name as if that were the most horrific way to end that sentence. 
   You cleared your throat. “Well, I certainly didn't want anyone to find out this way but I knew I’d have to tell you sooner or later so I suppose, I’ll just keep it very brief. I am...dating James Potter. It’s been going on for quite some time without any of your knowledge. I do want you to know first and foremost that this will certainly not impair my skills as a captain and will not change the fact that I want to kick Gryffindor’s arse every chance I get. My relationship has nothing to do with any of that. Okay?” 
   Emma raised an eyebrow at you. “In fact, just to prove this, I’ll make sure we work harder than ever. How does an extra practice this week sound, Emma?” 
   “What?” You crossed your arms. 
   “That’s what I thought. You can all go now and can you send James in?” You knew he’d waited out in the hallway this entire time and you couldn’t imagine how awkward that must’ve been for him. They all shuffled out of the room and James came in behind them. 
   “Hey, how do you feel?” 
   “Better.” He looked nervous like he was afraid you might yell at him and for awhile you had considered it. 
   “So, before you even say it, I realize I probably shouldn’t have done that in front of everyone but I was just really worried and you looked really hurt so...yeah.” He was talking so quickly that some of his words blended together.
   You smiled at him. “At first I was a little mad because I didn’t want everything to come out like this but it’s fine. It had to happen eventually, we couldn’t hide forever and to be honest it felt kinda good. To be protectively wrapped in my boyfriend’s arms. I could definitely get used to that.” His eyebrow raised slightly at the word “boyfriend.”
   “ ‘Boyfriend’, huh?” He was smiling proudly, you knew he loved it. 
   “Yep, it’s got a nice ring to it. James Potter, my boyfriend.” His smile grew and he leaned down to kiss you. “You hear that everyone, James Potter, second best Quidditch captain in this school is my boyfriend,” you said louder. James snickered slightly, making a mental note to prove to you later who the best Quidditch captain really was. For now, he just pulled you into another kiss. 
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bulletproof-petals · 7 years
With Everything;
A/N: Chapter 5 everyone!....don’t hate me too much ;)
Warning: Blood, Violence, Mentions of Rape, Smut (in future chapters), Swearing, Abuse.
Word Count: 2069
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chp 6 
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“What do you mean he’s dead?!” Minsung boomed as he rose from his seat when his men reported the murder of his brother. The men retreated further from Minsung as if trying to defend themselves.
“S-sir, we found him dead in his...chamber.” One of the braver men spoke up as the others scatteredly nodded in agreement. Minsung let out a sigh of frustration before he slumped back into his armrest. He knew his younger brother was careless - doing everything he wished to do, causing further troubles that he had to constantly clean up after. But that absentmindness has finally cost him his life and Minsung didn’t know who to direct this anger to: his brother? the murder? It wasn’t like he cared enough for his brother to seek revenge but the murder did taint his reputation as rumors spread in the underground world commenting on how weak their gang was to be so defenseless - and he hated to be marked as weak. Minsung found himself rubbing his temples in irritation, trying to release the tension that was slowly inching further into his already compact brain.
“And what about whoever killed him?” Minsung finally spoke up after a long silence. One of the men hurried to his table and cautiously placed an envelope before retreating to his previous position.
“The CCTV captured these pictures,” Minsung examined the pictures taken and clenched his jaw. Those fuckers-.
“And from  what was shown on video, it didn’t seem like they had any intention of hiding who they were…” The man trailed off, noticing the increasing tension within the room that weighed down the words that were now stuck in his throat.
“Of course they fucking wouldn’t. This is my fucking brother we’re talking about. Who the fuck would be scared of that prick.” Minsung gritted through his teeth before crunching and tossing the pictures into the bin beside his desk.
He never had good relations with Bangtan. They were...acquaintances, but there was always some sort of tension whenever they greeted one another. He hated Namjoon and his stuck up attitude to anyone who approached them. Although they were one of the hierarchies who were respected by the underworld Minsung never thought they deserved the title but he had no reason to defy against them - but now he did.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lip as his eyes grew darker.
“Call the rest of the gang and inform them we’ll be having a meeting tomorrow,” He took a glance at the rubbish bin and caught a glimpse of  whatever face remained on the crumpled up paper.
“It’s time for a little treat.” Minsung leaned back on his chair with a sly smile as he tapped onto his desk. The rest of the men nodded before almost darting out of his office.
“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t let me out of the goddamn house!” You groaned as you slumped yourself dramatically on the couch that was beside Namjoon’s office desk. After the assault, Namjoon and you have finally become what you considered as “normal siblings” and his office was one of the few places you liked to lock yourself in - you just liked to stare at him while he concentrated and looked all professional.
“You know why (y/n).” Namjoon replied once more and sighed before placing his fountain pen down and finally up at you. You frowned. It has been a solid thirty minutes since you’ve been prying at Namjoon to have you out of this ‘hell hole’ is what you described but he hasn’t budged an inch till now. You had almost given up if it wasn’t for Namjoon to finally - and I mean finally - break away from his documents.
“But Joon, that was weeks ago,” you slump back into the couch once again.
“It’s not like they’ll be stupid enough to come after me after you personally killed their leader.” You rolled your eyes.
“(y/n), it happened once and I am not - I repeat - not going to risk it happening again. Do you understand?” Namjoon stretched back into his chair, cracking his knuckles in the process.
“So you’re just gonna leave me cooped up here?” Namjoon simply nodded.
“I can’t believe this!” You flung your legs up in the air along with your arms.
“I’m not a child anymore Joon. I’m turning 20 this year! 20! And I still need to ask for permission to step out of my house.” You huffed.
“It’s for your own safety (y/n),” Namjoon’s voice softened as he lifted his head making direct eye contact with you. Something in you toned down as you heard the change in Namjoon’s voice but that didn’t allow the fire die down.
“Do you really think you can keep me cooped up in here like I’m some Rapunzel?”
“No, but I can always try.” You could almost hear the smirk in Namjoon’s response and you sighed in defeat - but of course, there were other ideas in your mind.
Dragging yourself out of the couch, you made your way downstairs only to be greeted by the exact people you were looking for: Jungkook and Taehyung. A sly smile stretched across your lips as you skipped towards them.
“Hey guys,” you said oh-so-casually while sliding across the counter, sitting yourself next to them. Taehyung raised a questioning brow before scooting over to create enough space for you to squeeze in between them.
“What’cha guys up to?” Jungkook who had been lying face down on the counter stole a glance of whoever was in front of him before his eyes widened a bit when noticing it was you.
“(y/n)!” He jolted up in delight and Taehyung jumped back a bit in surprise, almost tumbling backwards from his stool. This earned a giggle from you which made Jungkook flash his infamous smirk towards Taehyung who was clearly embarrassed with the tint of red hue that was beginning to taint his cheeks. He simply gave a sheepish grin.
“We’re getting bored out of our minds.” Jungkook whined. You responded with a sympathetic smile. The boys weren’t exactly allowed anywhere without Namjoon knowing so it was hard for them to sneak out without getting caught by Namjoon. Plus, since the incident at the club...let’s just say Namjoon had made a point of them being alert and constantly around you in case anything happened. So technically, them being bored out of their minds was...your fault.
“I’m sorry guys...really.” You exhaled.
“It’s fine, it’s fine - I mean I kind of get where RM is coming from.” Taehyung waved a dismissing hand around.
“Yeah, but there’s literally nothing to do in this bloody mansion. Like if we’re so fucking rich why can’t we at least get a damn game room.” Jungkook whined as he retreated back to his former position. You simply ruffled Jungkook’s hair.
“You know, I could use some fresh air.” You slowly started. Jungkook’s ears seemed to perk up at this idea as well as Taehyung but it was quickly replaced with a conflicted look as they both frowned at the idea.
“But Namjoon said…” Taehyung started uneasily. They knew better than anyone to defy Namjoon’s orders - especially when it came to you.
“Please? Pretty pleaseee.” You gave your best puppy eye, trying to at least hinder them.
“I promise it won’t be long. I’ll just stick to your side like glue.” You stuck your bottom lip and pouted. Taehyung was a sucker for pouts and Jungkook was just too easy to convince when it came to girls. Taehyung gave a hard swallow while observing your face and you knew you got the answer you wanted.
It was decided that you guys could go hang around the arcade that was a few blocks away from the house and you’ve never felt so happy - you didn’t even like arcades but the fact that you were finally out of the house since what seemed like forever was enough for you. You linked both your arms with Taehyung and Jungkook each by your side. Taehyung’s boxy smile surfaced as the three of you joked and laughed all the way to the arcade. It wasn’t a surprise that the arcade blasted with heavy base music and character tunes even from the entrance. You felt a bit hesitant to step inside since you’ve never been good with big crowds and loud places, but a reassuring squeeze to your hand made you look up. Taehyung was grinning down at you with his hand tightly clasped around yours. Jungkook was too engrossed at the glistening screens that he paid no mind to you as he began to slowly slip out of your grip. The two of you followed Jungkook hand in hand into the arcade since the youngling seemed to be more educated in places like this. Jungkook had announced that he was going to be at the shooting section and scattered off, leaving you alone with Taehyung. You both exchanged sheepish grins as you began to walk around - you had long forgotten that Taehyung still held onto your hand.
“Let’s play ball!” Taehyung leaned into the crook of your neck, his breath tickling your ear as he tried speaking to you. Something inside you tingled at the sensation but it was quickly overlapped with the heavy base from the speakers that vibrated your whole body.
The two of you snaked through the crowds before finally reaching the basketball hoop section and Taehyung picked up a ball.
“I suck at basketball though.” You almost shouted into Taehyung’s ear. Having to tiptoe because of your lousy excuse of a height, Taehyung graciously leaned down causing you to accidentally brush your lips on his warm earlobe in contrast to his cool metal piercing. You silently thanked the heavens that the arcade was dark or else it would have given away the heat on your cheeks.
“It’s okay, I can teach you.” He gave you a playful wink before shooting the ball that was clenched in his hand into the hoop. You gave a slow clap of acknowledgment.
Just like that, the two of you began shooting into the small hoop for a few minutes but none of your throws ever actually made it into the hoop. You frowned in protest when the game ended with big flashing sign of ‘you lose!’. You could see from the corner of your eye that Taehyung was trying to hold back his laugh. You glared at him and he raised his hands up in defense.
“I told you I sucked.” You whined while sticking out your lower lips forming a pout. Suddenly, you felt something, someone warm pressing against your back and before you had the chance to protest, their hands had guided yours to pick up another basketball. You felt a thump in your chest and titled your head questioningly.
“You’re just throwing it too high.” Taehyung’s voice tickled your neck and you tensed in his arms. To be frank, you didn’t know he was this toned as his firm arms wrapped around yours held your hands up before he shot the ball with your hands. It wasn’t a surprise when it made it into the hoop but you were too caught up in the excitement when you squealed and turned around with your arms up only to realise that you were trapped in between him and the basketball hoop machine. You coughed awkwardly before trying to squirm yourself out of the gap but Taehyung seemed to have other ideas. Instead of stepping back, he leaned further in confining you into the small space. You weren’t sure whether it was because of the compact space, the heavy blasting music, or the man in front of you but you felt light headed as if the air was being knocked out of you. You swallowed hard and stared as he leaned in so close that his bangs brushed slightly against yours. Taehyung’s gaze travelled from your eyes to your plush lips that parted slightly from the unknown anticipation that you had.
“You’re so pretty (y/n)...” Taehyung whispered before the gap slowly disappeared between you two. You couldn’t push him away, your half hooded gaze so transfixed on his glistening lips that he licked before closing into you. However, the heavens know you’re not supposed to be doing what you’re doing as an awkward cough snapped Taehyung’s face away.
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promptlists · 7 years
Seeing Red (Harry Hook X Reader)
A/N: This is my first imagine so I hoped you guys like it! Let me know what you think! (P.s - I feel like I got slightly too into this and might have got a little carried away) Words 2896 Requested: Yes!
Prompt: #10 A: (whispering to B) I’m going to kill her. I’m going to rip her pretty little head off of her pretty little… B: (whispering to A) Come on calm down. It’s not that bad. Calm down. Look it’s fine…C is leaving anyway C: ( kisses D) B: Well shit A: (to B) hold my hoops I’m going in (takes out ear rings) LISTEN UP BITCHES!
You had never really realised how much you hated the word “Princess” until the VK’s arrived from the isle. Sure, before they came, the title had been thrown around to stop you from participating in the sports you wanted, and you had become accustomed to hearing the phrases ‘Princess’ don’t fight", 'Princess’ don’t swear" or “Princess’ don’t take their anger out on other people” whenever you let the ladylike persona everybody expected from you slip. You weren’t like the rest of the kids in Auradon, your parents Tiana and Naveeen may have been King and Queen, but they had raised you to be down to earth, giving you the normal life you craved now you were at Auradon Prep. Everything you wanted, you used to have to work for. That’s how it was and that’s how you liked it, there was no way you were going to be the snotty spoilt stereotype of a princess. You were far too feisty to simply sit on a thrown , quietly ignoring all that was going on in the world, so your heart hurt when the only classes you were allowed to take at Auradon were Sewing and Embroidery, Royal Etiquette and a whole host of other obnoxiously regal subjects. It really wasn’t a surprise to anybody when you protested “peacefully” to take chemistry and fencing lessons like the rest of the kids. It was safe to say you had always disliked the word princess but you never realised it could be used as an insult until the children of the villains arrived.
“Have any of you guys seen Harry?” You asked, pulling a chair beside Uma and Gil in the cafeteria. You had become unlikely friends with the pirates since they got there, despite what the other AK’s thought about them. “No, actually. We were about to ask you the same thing” Uma said, setting down her sandwich and turning towards you. You gave her a puzzled look. The first mate was never far away from his Captain so it was alarming that none of you could place where the red cladded pirate had gone. “Is it just me or has he been disappearing a lot lately?” You said, your mind drifting to recall the last time you actually saw Harry. The two of you had a very strange relationship, it was apparent to everyone you were completely infatuated with each other and at times you almost acted like a couple, yet somehow nothing had happened. You weren’t together but you weren’t not. You weren’t dating, but you weren’t single. “Maybe he’s not disappearing, maybe he’s just invisible!” Gil exclaimed, throwing down the hard boiled egg he was peeling. Uma raised an eyebrow at him. “What guys? I’m completely serious. He’s spending all that time with Mal, maybe he got her to do a spell and now he’s…” He was jabbed in the ribs by Uma before he could finish. “Wait, he’s spending time with Mal? Mal? I thought they hated each other.” You said, a very evident bitter tone in your voice. Uma leaned forwards, slamming her hands on the table as she spoke. “Precisely what I thought. Clearly he’s forgot about the whole shrimp incident” You shot her a sympathetic look. “But I wouldn’t worry about it Y/N, he was just getting homework answers the last time they were together”. You relaxed and exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Harry wasn’t about to go running off into the sunset with the purple haired villain which suited you just fine. “It’s not like I care too much anyway” you lied, which seemed to amuse both Gil and Uma. “I just wanted to ask him about… You know tonight” “Tonight? What do you want to do tonight? If you’re finally going on a date you’ll have to re-schedule it Y/N! It’s Cortillion and we have to go! Ben made it a rule” Gil rambled before he eventually caught on, smiling to himself that he had figured it out. “Oh! I get it. You want to go to with him.” “Hate to break it to you Y/N but I don’t think Harry would be seen dead at Cortillion” Uma said giggling slightly “Yeah me neither, but I didn’t think he’d be seen dead with the daughter of Maleficent a minute ago, so maybe Hook’ll surprise us.” “Well well well sweetheart” You felt two hands cover your eyes from behind you, two strong arms resting on your shoulders and a familiar accent interrupting your thought process “Who exactly am I supposed to be surprising?” “Harry! So glad that you could join us” you said with a hint of sarcasm, grabbing his hand and pulling him in to sit beside you. “Careful darling. It almost sounded like ye missed me” he said with a smirk, wrapping his arm around your waist. You swatted him away playfully. “You wish” you replied, sticking your tongue out at him. Harry ignored you, placing his arm over your shoulder. Uma tutted. “What did I miss?” He said. “Well Y/N was just saying how much she wants to go to Cor…” Gil began “THE WAFFLE HUT! Yeah, the waffle hut. I was just saying I how wanted to go to the waffle hut.” You interrupted before Gil could do any more damage. If Harry had wanted to go to Cortilion with you he would have asked, clearly he didn’t want you to be his date you thought. “Y/N? But you just said…” “I just said nothing Gil” I hissed, kicking his shin under the table slightly. “Ow!” He said making you roll your eyes “But your gluten intolerant Y/N, you can’t eat anything at the Waffle Hut anyway. Why would you want to go th…” “Gil. Zip it’ said Uma, unamused. "The Waffle Hut eh?��� Asked Harry, chuckling slightly. You nodded your head in response, slightly too vigorously for what would have been considered a normal response, and shoved a couple of fries in your mouth to stop you from saying anything else stupid. “That’s a real shame sweetheart, 'cos I was just about to ask ye to Cortillion”. He winked at you. You nearly choked on your fries. “You’ll actually come!” You said excitedly. “I know how much those silly little dances mean to ye. So if it keeps the pretty pink princess happy, I’m in.” You, frowned at him, pretending to be offended but burst out into a huge grin. “Harry Hook, I want to punch you in the face and kiss you at the same time” You ruffled his hair slightly and kissed his cheek. “Geez!” Uma groaned. “You two are sickening”
“This is not what I had in mind” You were stood by the punch table, sulking beside Uma, your arms crossed scowling at the couples slow dancing on the dance floor. “This is exactly why I hate dances. Look Y/N, we can just leave. How about I go steal you those waffles you wanted” “It’s not the waffles I want” I hissed glaring at Harry as he walked about the room. It had started off so well. You collected you dress from Evie and forced Harry into an all black suit and shirt ensemble giggling at how much he looked like a prince. Less than impressed with the royalty comment, Harry refused to turn up without his hook, so you found yourself laughing at the boy for most of the night as he attempted to juggle all of your drinks single handedly. Everything was going perfectly, until Harry practically dropped you when Mal asked whether he would dance with her. You stood, with your mouth gaping open like a fish as Harry traced his hook along the outline of her face, until Uma and Gil had pull you away from the two of them.
“I’m going to kill her. I’m going to rip her pretty little head off of her pretty little…” You were crushing the plastic cup of punch in your hand, causing the liquid to spill everywhere. “Come on calm down. It’s not that bad. Calm down. Look it’s fine…Harry’s is leaving anyway” Uma said, taking the cup from your hand. She was right, Harry was weaving his way through the crowd back towards us, his usual cocky smirk on his face, his arms swinging beside him. You felt the knot of anxiousness in your stomach diminish. You were just over reacting. Then Harry came to a holt, a purple manicured hand on his shoulder, spinning him around. Before anybody could comprehend what was going on, Mal had pulled Harry towards her, locking lips, her hands working their way up to his hair. “Well shit” Uma whispered Suddenly, the room felt dizzyingly small, all the air knocked out of your lungs. It took all but a second for you to process what had happened. She kissed him, she fucking kissed him. The overwhelming feeling of betrayal and hurt was replaced with something much more dangerous. Hatred. “Hold my hoops!” You growled quietly, pulling the pearl encrusted earrings from your ears and dumping them in Uma’s hand “I’m going in…”
Harry pulled away from Mal as quickly as he could, pushing her chest away from him with enough force to send her flying backwards. “What the fuck did ye do that for?” He glanced nervously to the sidelines only to be met with your glare, a mixture of sadness and pure anger. He gulped. He had fucked up Before anybody could restrain you, you marched passed Harry and Mal to the podium at the front of the dance floor, climbing the stairs to where the microphone was. “Y/N look, listen to me…” Harry tried to pull you back, trying to hold onto your arm. “Get your hands off me Hook” you spat. “Y/N I…” “It’s fine I get how it is” You tapped on the microphone a couple of times to check that it was working. “LISTEN UP BITCHES!” You screamed down the PA system. “Oh this can’t be good” said Gil whilst being pulled by Uma to the front of podium where a small crowd had gathered. “I just wanted to check where the fuck Prince Ben was when his supposed girlfriend decided to make out with my boyfriend!” You yelled. You saw the gasps and shocked faces in your ever growing audience and the horrified look from the Prince as you spoke. You refused to relent. “Oh I’m sorry,” snapped Mal, parting the crowd of people and making her way towards you. “I didn’t realise you were a couple. How long have you been together again?”. Her voice sounded sweet enough and to those watching the question appeared innocent, but the gleam of bitterness in her eyes said otherwise. She knew how the complicated relationship between you and Harry was. The little bitch. “Well … Actually .. You see…” You stuttered not entirely sure how to explain yourself. “Exactly! The villain plays the victim so well.” Mal cut in before you could finish. “Now run along little princess and play tea parties with your stuffed toys before I turn you into a toad” “Mal, what are you saying? Why are you acting like this?” You heard Evie whisper to her, trying to get her to back down. Princess, that stupid word again. It was as if it was synonymous for weak. You clenched your fists, that was the last straw. “Princess?” You laughed coldly “No bitch, Queen”. You started to square up to her, ignoring which ever random person was tugging on your arm to get you away. This is not how anybody expected Cortillion to go. “Oh please, what are you going to do? Throw a tiara at me?” “No but I certainly wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a nine inch heel to the face” You screamed, pulling the shoes from your feet before a figure grabbed you from behind. You secretly hoped it was Harry and were slightly more than disappointed when Ben hauled you backwards and attempted to restrain you. Jay grabbed hold of Mal and by the way he scowled at her, it was pretty evident he was on your side too.
“I bet you’re just so smug aren’t you Y/N?” “I literally have no idea what you mean!” “The only reason I kissed Harry was because of you and Ben!” “Ben?” You asked completely puzzled. “Don’t think I don’t know. There’s something going on between you two” Whatever situation the girl was insinuating was news to you. The moment the Prince’s name was muttered, Harry shoved his way threw to the podium, as angry as you had been a moment earlier. He glared at Ben who, unfortunately due to the circumstance, currently had his arms wrapped around you. “Oh and the plot thickens” Gil whispered almost excitedly to Uma. She hit the son of Gaston in the stomach, sending him a dirty look, and charged towards the podium too.
“What do ye think yeh doing with my girl there princey boy” he snarled, making his way slowly towards Ben, who was still holding me back, pointing his hook threateningly at his face. “Weren’t content enough with your whole bloody kingdom that you had to take the one thing that mattered the most to me?” Your mouth dropped open. Was he talking about you? You began to panic when he rested the tip of the hook on Ben’s nose. “Harry! Back off!” You yelled at the pirate, not too keen at watching your friend get hooked right in front of you. “A pirate wasn’t good enough for ye was it eh? Had to get yourself a prince?” “Harold - bloody - Hook! For godsake! I don’t give two shits about Ben!” You yelled before spinning your head around to speak to Ben, who for some unbeknownst reason still thought it was a good idea to be holding you. “No offence” “None taken” he replied. “Mal, I assure you nothing has ever happened between me and Ben.” You said before chuckling a little “In fact the only time we ever really speak is at events where are parents have to be civil.” You saw the girl relax a little and appear somewhat guilty. “He loves you” You added. Ben finally got the message and let you go, running towards Mal and hugging her and dragging her away from the crowd. She mouthed 'I’m sorry’ to you as she walked away, which made you roll your eyes. Typical. The crowd eventually began to dissipate, leaving you and the pirate to awkwardly stare at each other.
“You know you are so hot when yeh angry Y/N” said Harry taking a step towards you and attempting to wrap you into an embrace. You pushed him away. “I’m not talking to you Harry” “Y/N” “No” “Y/N!” “You still kissed her Harry! It doesn’t change anything.” “Actually, sweetheart she kissed me” “Don’t you sweetheart me Hook. You threatened the fucking King!” You snapped walking back up the staircase, attempting to leave the disaster of the dance. “And you tried to attack a lady of the court princess, but ye don’t see me screaming at yeh!” He replied, running a couple of stairs a head of you and blocking your path. “You’re screaming at me now Harry!” “Because yeh not listening to me!” He put his hand to your face but you snatched it away. “Because you’re being a dick!” “No, you’re being a dick!” He took a step downwards so you were both stood on the same ledge. “I am not! Clearly you’re the di…” Before you could finish, Harry let go of his hook, placing both of his hands either side of your head, ignoring the clanging sound of metal as he pulled you towards him. He didn’t even pause for a split second, his mouth colliding with yours, leaving you no time to react. Suddenly he was kissing you like he was afraid to continue and afraid to stop all at the same time. His lips were surprisingly warm and soft, fierce yet powerful, but you were stunned, paralyzed almost. That’s when he pulled away. “I’m sorry… I … I shouldn’t have done th..” It was your turn to cut him off. You grabbed the front of his shirt and didn’t let go, your lips crashing together messily. All you could taste was Harry, spearmint and sea salt, as you moved your hands to his shoulders, then the back of his neck, then his hair. Neither knew who was breathing for who, his lips hot and strong against yours, his hands snaking around your waist. You eventually broke the kiss and you stood their, grinning at each other as you felt a weight lifted off both of your shoulders. Your forehead and noses were still touching, your hands flat against Harry’s chest, his hands gripping too tightly on your hips. “I think I love you Y/N” he breathed. “You think. Gee thanks” You joked, nuzzling your face into his neck. “Yeh never know when to shut yeh mouth now do yeh?” Harry laughed quietly, moving your face away to look him in the eye..“I love yeh Y/N Y/L/N” “I love you Harry Hook”. You kissed his cheek “But this still doesn’t change the fact that you’re a dick”
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random-drunk · 7 years
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old novahd monster
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A NovaHD monster I was trying to go back to, finally did and made MAJOR adjustments. They used to be attached to each other’s sides and was just a really humanized monster.(I have a friend that is big on conjoined/fused characters, told me the new monster is in the Queen/King formation :0 fancy!)But it still starts at a science facility with the same goal. However, the story is drastically different, I’m trying to make a video, but it might just turn into a comic later. Not sure if I’ll do anything at the end. Just in case I don’t, I’ll write out the story below. It’s long! I’m sorry for any grammatical errors. This is part of a bigger story, I just like to put a twist on characters, my OCs, popular fictional characters (that I also like), and irl people.
Quick note: You can draw the old or new design, but tag me so I can see it! I LOVE SEEING ART!!!
Somewhere in the US rests a science facility named, “Vita Brevis.” Out to make a human’s lifespan longer so we discover more and no relying on offspring to take on our studies. Out for this goal, even if it’s taking so far 50 years.
Tried advanced medicine that either resulting in the subject’s downward spiral of insanity or suicide. Tried diets and life routines that proved to be far from useful. Tried to fuse animals with humans, some died within months and others were a few years. They tried everything they had on their minds, but not fusing two people together.
Some scientists found it a silly idea, other found it borderline retarded. Two lives fused together doesn’t equal to a twice long lifespan, one would repeatedly state. To those that doubted, had no chance against the willing and desperate. So the project went underway.
Two young men were picked for the project.
James Wilson was in jail for a hit and run murder, ending serval lives and injuring a few more. The hit and run seemed to be done on purpose, the people involved seemed to have no relations with James prior the accident. Motives are still unclear.
Aleks Merchant was caught smuggling drugs overseas. He denied it all and said he was set up. All fingers were pointed at him and nothing to back him up. He was tested for using drugs, was under the influence of crack. He came alone but says someone was there, they just missed them. Either they did escape or he’s hallucinating, He was of course put in jail either way.
Vita Brevis contacted the prison and requested a certain amount of prisoners, regardless what they were in for. So Aleks and James were picked for the group, how unlucky.
Once in operation, Aleks and James saw each other, was told to say hi and then count backward from ten. Said small greetings and started to count after getting air masks, getting tired past five. The sleep was like heaven. Felt like nothing was there and just a release of pain and worry. They wished this is what death felt like. They had to wake up to something worse than death.
They woke up in bed, couldn’t feel their legs. They looked down, which happened to look at each other. Sewn together by the waist, stitches still visible. They screaming loud and bloody. Their hands took action before they could think, ripping the stitches and feeling each other’s warm blood cuddle their skin. Organs falling as the blood was seeping out more. A doctor heard their screams and came in just in time to save their lives. 
Worse than death.
When stitched back up, they were put to sleep for a longer time to heal. The two skins forming as one. Now stuck forever.
When awake, they were feed and bathe in warm water. They took small pleasures of watching TV and browsing the internet, of course fighting here and there.
In a few months, Aleks and James had trouble eating. Aleks would regurgitate the food and James would choke on food like if it was powdered cinnamon. James was given wet foods and was fine, but Aleks just kept puking it make up, more painful each time. Feed through a tube, it got down for a moment before it was shot back up through the tube. The force surprised scientists but didn’t at all classify as a breakthrough of anything. So they stop providing food for Aleks, but James seemed to have a bigger appetite since after Aleks’ cut off. So they did and it was much better.
However, one night, the boys were visited by a big shadow of fabric and bones, looking cold. A smaller and more flesh filled figure stepped forward. He spoke, “I see Poppy is still trying to push the monster agenda after my visit. It’s almost flattering... It’s my job, however.” He stepped closer and caressed Aleks’ face. “Don’t worry, Simon is here, I’m here... And you will do everything I say.” He leaned in and whispered into Aleks’ ear, then repeating the same words to James. He stood up and chuckled to show his joy. “Make me proud, Amphis.” The tall figure swung his wings and disappeared with the smaller figure, Simon.
Doing with what they’re told, when the nurses and doctors came in at breakfast with the food, Aleks quickly spit into the bowl of oatmeal. Everyone gasped and was grossed out, but saw the spit was a little orange and gave out a sizzle. James reached for the bowl, begging. The doctors hesitated but gave the bowl. James ate it, surprisingly no gaging and no gross facial expressions, he even seemed surprised. 
After some months, the scientists finally gave hard and dry foods, the two boys able to eat them all. They then started to do physical exercises like pushups, handstands, neutral “standing” form, pull-ups, so forth. They only got stronger from that point, but a lot of things started to happen. Aleks’ teeth were falling out and his tongue was sticking out more, after farther expectation, his tongue grew and only got bigger. James’ teeth got far sharper and seemed to get a few more extra teeth in the back. Their pupils got bigger and as time went on, the pupils covered their entire eyes, making them unable to come out under light. Aleks’ spit/vomit was now bright orange and is extremely toxic, but harmless to themselves. The scientists had to learn the hard way that the acidic saliva was still on the skin of the subjects, making them protected from harm. Their ears got more of a point, but that was the least threatening thing on the list.
Things did take a turn.
One exercise had basketball as the activity. James was on top and catching the ball and tossing it into the hoop. Repeating this a few more times before the boys switch. James leaned back to have his hands meet with the ground, flipping Aleks up. They turn around and meet eyes with the doctor. Aleks caught the ball and tossed it through the hoop, nothing new. When he was on his last toss, the boys staggered over to the hoop, a little uneasy. Aleks quickly grabs hold to the basketball hoop’s net to catch his breath and James to get his strength back. The doctor patiently waited. James picked them up again and Aleks seemed less dizzy judged by his expression. He didn’t let go of the net though and just stared into space.
The doctor spoke, “Hello? Are you alright..? Better come down so you can rest.”
Aleks didn’t move. Aleks did start to cough, having sharp bubbling sounds form in his throat. The doctor tried to talk Aleks to coming back down. Aleks still hasn’t moved. The doctored tried but sighed and pulled out a taser gun, firming and loudly speaking from this point.
“Get down.”
James’ eyes darted to the gun and got his lungs and heart doing overtime. Aleks felt his heart and lungs fasten and spotted the threat. His lungs and heart copied the same speed as James, if not, faster.
“Get down, or else.”
Screaming and alarms went off. Quick loud, “help me!’ filled the room. Outside doctors peered in and saw the scene. The doctor was hushed by Aleks’ overgrown tongue being forced down his throat, stretching his neck beyond the limit until life escaped from his body with a few painful cracks. The scientists kept watching, seeing Aleks then regurgitating into his mouth and throat, disgusting him from the inside out. James then stepped in and started to pick flesh out and eating him, tasting better than the food they served. Almost tasting like heaven. 
“We must stop this! This is getting out of hand!” One scientist shouted.
“No! We can fix this! Keep them alive!” Another shouted.
“Dr. Grise!” The first one shouted at the second one. “We were meant to expand our lifespan, not destroy it with whatever this is!” The turned back to the monster and found the dead doctor already half eaten. “Enough!” The doctor slammed a button, but nothing happened.
A small chuckle filled the building. Something pulled back like wings and revealed the small figure named Simon. Smaller than a human, one big singular eye, green iris. He seemed happy. 
“Thank you for the apology gift, Poppy,” Simon said as his tall figure friend lowered his wing so Aleks and James can climb on. Simon’s eyes got thin, either smirking or angry. “You’re still a bitch, though.” They all disappeared, leaving the half-eaten and acid burned doctor all alone to be cleaned up. 
Worse than death.
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lamesorrow · 6 years
“Both healers down!”
Gornar turned around, his eyes glowing with the kind of determined ferocity you could only feel while fighting for your life. Before he could shout anything an arrow pierced through his neck from behind, tearing out a chunk of meat. A spray of blood burst from a severed artery. The sound of Gornar's body hitting the ground drowned in the noise of unfolding pandemonium.
Chana watched it happen in helpless horror. She opened her mouth—to scream, curse, call his name—when something heavy struck her side and sent her toppling to the ground. A second later she heard a sharp whistling sound of arrows piercing the air right above her, followed by a pained roar.
She looked up just in time to see her saviour—Tanu!—lift his massive axe and use it as a shield against the barrage of projectiles. He got incredibly lucky—only one arrow had reached its mark, lodging itself deep in his forearm, but for a tauren it was only a minor wound.
“Regroup!” Roban hollered, loud enough to be heard over the screams and frantic clanging of metal. “To the tower! Take the wounded—!”
Her howl ended abruptly and Chana's heart sank.
The band was dying, slaughtered by some unseen force. Where was Tahene?
She scrambled back to her hooves, selfishly hiding behind Tanu's wide back. Everything happened so fast she was caught completely unaware. Light. They need some light. And they need a distraction.
Luckily, Chana had an ace up her sleeve. The one single most powerful weapon in her arsenal, never used... until now.
Most of her totems hanged freely from her belt, kept in place by simple metal hoops. The one she reached for now had its own elaborate leather holster. The totem's surface, covered in traditional carvings and decorated with inlays made from exotic wood, felt warm in Chana's hand. Warm and impatient. Like a living thing.
She spotted her shield on the ground and felt an irrational pang of regret—she's been using this thing for years, after all—but she knew better than to mourn for an item.
In one fluid motion she planted the totem on the ground, right next to Gornar's body... Gornar's corpse. The carvings erupted with orange light, illuminating a puddle of blood that surrounded the dead orc like a slick halo. Chana felt a rumble deep in her bones as the elemental spirit bound to the totem stirred and manifested itself on the physical plane of existence.
The air above the totem suddenly erupted in flames, forming a small tornado that kept expanding. Fire stretched in different directions, forming powerful shoulders and long arms. The spirit unravelled its fiery form with a deafening roar.
She could see the attackers now; their nimble bodies, almost invisible in the shadows, looked terrifyingly out of place in the warm light of the fire. Night elves. In a way it wasn't surprising at all; they haven't killed all of them in the initial strike, after all. Still, these bloodthirsty creatures were... different somehow. Chana had fought against night elves not that long ago and they were ferocious fighters, but not nearly as vicious and horrifying. Their faces were twisted in feral snarls and their eyes... Earthmother, their eyes...
A commanding shout in a language she couldn't understand snapped her out of it. There it was—the distraction she needed. In a matter of seconds the elves were going to focus their attention on this big, bright, destructive enemy she had given them. Her shield was within hand's reach, as was Gornar's body. She had only one thing left to do.
A primal fire elemental is a formidable foe, but it can exist only as long as the totem that binds it. Chana dropped to her knees, grabbed the shield it pressed it against the glowing totem.
There. Now it was protected from one side by the shield and from the other by the dead commander's body. It was not perfect, but it was going to buy them some much needed time.
“Tanu! We must go!”
The hunter groaned—Chana had no choice but to take it for agreement—and scrambled back to his feet. By the time it took the flame keeper to plant the totem, her friend had been struck by three more arrows.
The silhouette of the ruined tower would've been invisible on the starless sky if not for the campfire that cast a faint glow on the crumbling stone bricks.
Before Chana could take even one step towards that beacon of hope, Tanu's strong hand closed around her arm and forcibly dragged her in the opposite direction. Into the darkness.
“Tanu—? What are you doing, we need to get to the tower!” Chana protested and tried to wrench her arm free. The tower was where Roban told them to regroup. The last order.
“They can climb!” Tanu growled in response and yanked her further towards the forest.
For a second Chana didn't understand, but then her blood suddenly turned to ice when she imagined...
The band, barricaded in the remnants of the tower. Kaldorei archers, casually sitting on the crumbling walls and sending arrow after arrow into the mass of writhing bodies. A slaughter.
“Earthmother, we need to gather the others—“
“We already lost!” the hunter snarled. “Those who are smart will run!”
“But what about the wounded..!”
“Zekiki and Mora are dead! We can't do anything for them—Frazz!”
In any other situation Chana would've laughed at the contrast between Tanu's words and his actions; here he was, growling about leaving the wounded behind, and then less a second later he was dropping his precious axe and reaching out to scoop the goblin's body from the blood-stained ground.
Frazz was barely conscious, but still alive; he was clutching at his belly and Chana immediately noticed a broken-off shaft of an arrow sticking out of his gut.
Not a good wound, but if they got him to a healer...
“Take him! I need my axe!” Tanu growled. Chana nodded and obediently held Frazz, instinctively cradling him in her arms as if he were a child. This time, when they started to run, she did not protest.
Together they barrelled through the forest, focused on nothing but getting away from the slaughter. Soon the noises of battle were drowned in the sound of their own laboured breaths, but neither Tanu nor Chana slowed down.
Chana prayed. She prayed to the Earthmother to aid her companions; guide the steps of those who  were trying to get away and embrace the souls of those who died. She prayed to the elements to give the primal fire spirit the strength to keep the Kaldorei busy for as long as possible.
She noticed Tanu slow down. Another step and she understood why; before them stretched a large crack in the earth. Chana's ears twitched when she heard the faint murmur of water.
A river.
It had eaten deep into the land over the years, leaving the bank sharp and jagged. As they hurriedly approached the rocky edge, it quickly became obvious that there was no chance in hell they could possibly jump to the other side.
“We need to find a crossing,” Chana muttered and looked over her shoulder. The black trees in the distance had never looked more ominous.
Tanu looked around. “Which way?” he grunted.
Left or right? They all had their turn looking at the maps that Gornar had in the tower, but after rushing through the woods at breakneck speed Chana no longer knew where they were. She knew the Horde had at least two strongholds in the area, but how to reach them? She had no idea.
An arrow zigned through the air and hit the ground right between Tanu's hooves. Chana let out an involuntary yelp, only belatedly understanding what just happened.
All this time, they were being toyed with.
Fools, Chana thought numbly. We're fools. They see in the dark. Did we really think they wouldn't have small groups hunting down survivors?
She took a step back and cautiously looked over her shoulder.
Once chance. They had only one chance, and it was a poor one. Chana was a flame keeper. She had an obvious mastery over one element. Of course, she was still a shaman and as such revered all spirits of the world, but wind, earth and water were much more reluctant to aid her.
Still, what choice did they have?
Tanu let out a ferocious roar and lifted his axe. Chana knew what he wanted to do; charge forward, ignore the arrows hitting his body, try to close the gap between himself and the night elves and then try to slay as many of them as possible before succumbing to his wounds. Maybe he could even get one or two of them, especially if Chana dropped Frazz and sent some bolts of exploding magma at the trees.
And then all three of them would be dead.
Tanu didn't get to finish his battle shout. It stopped abruptly when Chana threw herself at him, hit him right in the chest and sent him stumbling backwards.
Over the edge. Into the turbulent river.
The second icy water closed around Chana's body, she suddenly realized: Tahene wasn't there.
She was so used to her mate always being a step behind that she didn't even notice her absence until now. She didn't even consider the possibility that Tahene could be anywhere but right behind her.
Irrationally she tried to fight the stream. Get out of the water! Get to the tower! Get to her mate!
The river didn't listen. It stubbornly carried her away from the battle, away from the elves, away from the band.
Away from Tahene.
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natteryaktoad · 7 years
Dale starting School, Day 53
Dawn walked up the lane to Dale’s school, Dale clutching her hand so tightly he was squashing her fingers.
“You’re going to love it, Dale,” she told him, trying to stay positive and not let on how nervous she was, let alone Dale. “There’s the big reading corner with all those lovely books you read with Daddy-”
“With You,” Dale corrected, in a voice which was barely more than a whisper.
“And there’s lots of new friends you can make,” Dawn continued. “Gabe will be there, and Eddie, and all the other girls and boys.”
“No,” Dale said, dragging his feet now as they approached the front door - Reception starting times were staggered today, so they had to come through the main entrance rather than the playground.
“You’re going to have so much fun,” Dawn continued, ringing the intercom buzzer and being waved through.
She and Dale walked into the courtyard, which had been pretty much empty last time they were here, but now contained a small stage with a big wooden throne on it, and little stools covered with fake grass set out as an audience. There were also old tyres turned into flowerpots, a wooden playhouse labelled “Story Shack” and a grid of sticks attached to the wall labelled “Patten Maker” and “No Climbing”.
“Wow, Dale, look at this!” Dawn said. “Doesn’t it look great? Won’t it be so much fun to play in here?”
“No,” Dale said. “Mama, go home.”
“I’ll come and pick you up later, and we’ll go home and you can tell me all about your day,” Dawn said, leading Dale through the big door which lead to the Reception area.
Like last time, she and Dale were amongst the first to arrive. Dale stopped in the doorway to the classroom, an immovable object.
“Come on, Dale,” Dawn said briskly. “Why don’t we read a book together before I have to go?”
Dale didn’t say anything, or make any attempt to move.
The teacher, Mrs Pleasant, came over.
“Hello, Dale,” she said. “Shall I show you where your peg is? - where you can hang your coat up.”
Dale stared at her for a long time, and then nodded.
Mrs Pleasant lead the way just round the corner in the corridor, where, in the middle of a long line of pegs at child height was one labelled “Dale Hart”, with a little picture of a seahorse next to his name.
“Seahorse,” Dale said, stroking it.
“Yes, because we’re Seahorse Class,” Mrs Pleasant explained. “So, if you take of your coat and put it on your peg…”
Dale took off his book bag, which he wore over his shoulder, on top of his coat, and held it out questioningly.
“We’ve got boxes for book bags in the classroom,” Mrs Pleasant explained. Dawn held Dale’s book bag for him as he took of his coat and hung it on the peg. Then the two of them followed Mrs Pleasant into the classroom. “You’re a Blue Butterfly, I think,” Mrs Pleasant said, consulting a set of coloured lists on a cupboard door. Sure enough, Dale’s name was on the blue list. “So this is your book bag box.”
Dawn handed Dale his book bag and he put it in the box.
“The children will keep arriving until about quarter past ten,” Mrs Pleasant told Dawn, “and at that point we’ll ask the parents to leave, but if you feel your children are settled before then, you can leave whenever you’re ready.” She turned to Dale. “Dale, why don’t you choose something for you and Mummy to do?”
Dale took Dawn’s hand and lead her to the book corner, as Mrs Pleasant headed back to the door to great another child.
Dale found the book of poems he and Ad had read last time, and Dawn settled down to read it to him, with Dale getting up to pace periodically.
After a couple of poems, a blonde boy came over and joined them. “Hi, I’m Theo,” he said.
“Hi Theo,” Dawn said. “Dale, say hi to Theo.”
“No,” Dale said, moving closer to Dawn, and further away from Theo.
Theo didn’t seem particularly peturbed. “My real name’s Theophilus, but that’s nearly too big to say, and definitely too big to write, so mostly I’m just called Theo. My daddy’s already gone, because he had to go to work - he’s a policeman. Can I listen to your story?”
“Of course,” Dawn said, attempting to angle the book so both boys could see.
“Poems,” Dale said. “Not story.”
After reading a couple more poems, Dawn decided it was time to start thinking about leaving. She knew that separating herself from Dale was going to be difficult, but it might as well be difficult now than difficult later.
“Why don’t you boys find something to do together,” she suggested, looking around the classroom, trying to find an activity Dale was reasonably likely do actually do. “How about some drawing?”
“Yeah!” Theo said enthusiastically, leaping up and making Dale jump. “I can write my name - look!”
He rushed off, and Dawn followed with Dale, over to the low table which was surrounded by cushions, rather than chairs. Theo was kneeling on a cushion, pulling a piece of paper and a chunky green pencil toward him.
“It’s spelt T-H - which makes the th sound - and then E-O,” Theo said, sticking his tounge out as he carefully wrote the letters in block capitals. “Can you write your name?” he asked Dale.
Dawn wasn’t sure if Dale could - with everything going on for him, penmanship wasn’t something they’d paid any attention to.
Dale considered, and then knelt on a cushion - not the one next to Theo, but the one after. He picked up a piece of paper and a grey writing pencil, and slowly wrote his name in wobbly letters. The “a” was backwards, and the “l” a single line without the flick at the bottom, but Dawn thought it was a great first attempt.
“I’m gonna draw my family,” Theo said. “You could draw yours.”
Theo started drawing, and after a slight hesitation, Dale did too. Dawn watched for a minute, and then decided this was the perfect moment to leave.
“Mama’s gonna go now, Daley,” she said, kissing the top of his head.
“No!” Dale said, but Dawn walked swiftly out of the classroom, not trusting herself to look back without starting to cry.
She hid round the corner out of sight for a minute or too, listening. Dale was screaming for her - now she could hear Mrs Pleasant trying to comfort him, to no avail. Part of Dawn wanted to rush back into there, scoop Dale up, take him home, and tell him that he didn’t have to go to school, except she knew he did. So she stood listening until she could bear it no longer, and then hurried out of the building, away from her son’s screams of “Mama! Mama!”
Dawn cried all the way home.
She felt like the worst mother in the world.
They were staggering the pick up times today, too, so that the children who’d started earlier were picked up earlier, so Dawn headed in to pick Dale up at about quarter past two. She hoped he’d been alright after she’d gone, and would forgive her for leaving him.
The class were out in the playground when Dawn arrived. She looked around for Dale and spotted him pacing up and down a length of fence, stroking the multi-coloured fence posts as he passed them.
He hadn’t seen her yet, so she headed over to have a word with Mrs Pleasant before she took him home.
“How’s Dale been?” she asked, after waiting for the teacher to help solve a dispute about the ownership of a hula hoop.
“It took him a while to calm down after you left,” Mrs Pleasant told her, “but he’s been alright. He’s been reluctant to join in with some of the activies we’ve been doing today, but he likes the book corner, and managed to sit on the carpet with the rest of the children for short periods. He didn’t eat much lunch.”
“He’s not a big eater,” Dawn nodded.
“Mama!” Dale had spotted her, and came running across the playground. He seemed happy to see her, and Dawn scooped him up into a big hug.
“Hey, Daley woo,” she said as he threw his arms around her neck and clung on for dear life. “How was your first day at school?”
“No,” Dale said, shaking his head violently. “Go home.”
“We are going home,” Dawn nodded. “Say goodbye to Mrs Pleasant.”
“No,” Dale said.
“Goodbye, Mrs Pleasant,” Dawn said herself, deciding not to push the issue. “See you tomorrow.”
“No!” Dale said. “Go home! Go home, Mama!”
“We are going home, baby,” Dawn said, she tried to put him down, but Dale refused to let her until they were out of the building.
“Goodbye school,” Dale said viciously as the front door closed behind them. “Not going back.”
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