kytrisz · 2 years
tease | Raja Gemini
| pairings. raja gemini xx reader 
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As7 Ep 3: Ball of Fortune
"Are you ready for the runaway?" Monet asks the person beside her.
"Duhhh bitch, I'm born to be ready" Raja answered, who is also finishing her makeup.
"Or more like born to be wild?" Monet smirks, causing some of the queens to chuckle.
Raja playfully rolled her eyes at them, "Very funny…Bob" Raja looks at Monet with a smirk.
All the queens inside the Werq Room let out a loud laugh, shouting "YASZZ!" and "OHHHH BITCH!"
During the commotion, Raja used the moment to take a glance at the picture that is taped on the vanity in front of her. It was the picture of both of you in Paris together, where you two celebrated your anniversary.
Raja study your features, and couldn't help but wonder how she got lucky to have someone as beautiful not only outside, but also inside as you. You always never fail to make her heart skip, even if it's just a photo of you, it still makes her stomach feel butterfly.
"Miss her don't you?" A voice startled Raja, she immediately pivot her head and saw Jinkx already in drag behind her.
Jinkx gives an amused look, before repeating herself again "I said you must miss the beautiful lady in the picture, don't you?"
Finally gathering her though, Raja nods. Turning her head in front to longingly look at you again, she whispered "Yeah, yeah I do."
"Who did this bitch miss?" Jaida loudly entered the conversation, getting all the queen's attention, and being the curious queens they are, they went to Raja's area, who seem a bit bothered being crowded by them.
Seeing Raja a bit uneasy with the attention, Jinkx replied in her stead "Her girlfriend~"
Raja felt the nervousness rush into her, It's not like your relationship is a secret, but with both of your careers as public figures you guys try to keep it lowkey. Making it your family and very, very close friends only know about your relationship.
"A girl? You're in a relationship with a GIRL?!" Jaida blurts out, breaking off the silence wrapping the room.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"OHH, MY GOD!! I never thought Roger would be ROGER!" Trinity laugh, cracking everyone up.
"So who is this unlucky human being? Does this person have a name?" Monet cut in.
"Hmm, her name is (Y/N)" Raja let out a small smile, she grabbed the picture in front of her and caressed it with yearning. Everyone gathers to see the mystery woman in the picture.
"Wait, wait, WAIT MAMAW! I-Is that (Y/n)? As in (Y/N)? Your dating THE (Y/N)(L/N)?!" Jaida exclaimed with wide eyes.
"Is that the model one?" Vivienne ask.
Before Raja could answer Vivienne, Jaida beat her first "Bitch, she is not just any model, SHE IS THE FUCKING SUPERMODEL!!"
Jaida turns her head to focus again on Raja, "You're really dating her? As in DATING her?!"
Raja amusingly look at her reaction and everyone else, as they crowded her, intent to get the answer out of her.
"So are you dating her or what?" Shea shook her head impatiently, crossing her arms as she waited for the answer just like everyone.
Making them wait for a minute since she enjoys making them suffer, Raja finally answered under her breath, "Yes…"
The room was immediately filled with the sound of gasping, squealing, and any long high pitched noise you could think of.
Everybody, except Jinkx, starts to ask Raja a lot of questions and requests, making the older queen a bit uncomfortable. Thankfully a staff enter to break off the commotion
"Okay queens, you have 8 minutes left before going into the runway!" The staff announces the room, causing all of the queens to go back to their tables and finish working.
Raja let out a big sigh of relief, she then turns back to the vanity and finish her work. However, before she began, she gives your picture one last look as an inspiration.
After all, you were the muse of her drag
The queens are already lined up for judgment on their performance. All are prepared and ready to win for this week's challenge.
All of them are focused on the judges, especially RuPaul.
Raja felt nervousness and worry rising in her. This is a design challenge after all, and she is known to be the fashion icon of drag, so the pressure is really on.
However, that pressure doubled when RuPaul announce another twist.
"Now before the judging begins, I have an announcement to make. There's one more queen I will add to this competition."
A series of emotions and reaction form in each of the contestant's faces.
"And the queen that we all love and adore, let us welcome back in the main stage… Manila Luzon!"
Everyone immediately turn their head at the runway entrance and saw a back figure with a familiar white wig in a stunning silver gown.
Raja is now confused, Manila wasn't a winner of any season or anything at all. So how come she is fucking here?!!
She carefully studies the figure and notices something different, especially the height, resulting her thinking it could not be Manila and can be someone else instead. RuPaul after all likes to make a twist inside of another twist. Therefore, who could this person be?
Her thoughts were cut by the sound of shrieks coming from the other queens when the 'Manila Luzon' turned around and walk across the runway. Raja's eyes went wide after she realize its not Manila at all.
It's YOU.
Her heart flutters as she watches you regally and sophisticatedly walk the stage, the same as what you always do on every fashion week runway, grabbing everyone's attention in the studio.
"My queens, say hello to one and only (Y/N) (L/N)!" RuPaul introduces you with a smile.
The room instantly erupted with cheers and whistles, making you feel bashful.
"I'm very grateful for being here Ru and I'm a big fan of everyone here! "
"But I heard you also have your favorites, is that true? " Ru cheekily asks you, even though she already knows the answer.
Raja felt her cheeks become warm after she caught you looking at her with a smirk.
"Yeah I do have one" then you give Raja a wink, making her flustered even more
And so the judging begins.
Truth be told, you were kinda worried about giving critics to other people since you're pretty much a player instead of a judger. That's why at first you were reluctant on accepting the invitation of being the guest judge. However, you still pursue it because it's also the only way to see Raja after weeks of not being able to be together.
Thankfully you were able to perform well and give each queen the critics they deserve for the week.
"Hello Raja," you said with a sultry voice that she loves, giving her a flirty look. Causing her to blush, you love teasing her in public.
"Your outfit is very stunning and regal. The way how you make the collar, sleeves are utterly astounding. All of this defines y-"
"You're so beautiful." Raja cut you off, stopping you midway.
You blink for a couple of seconds, caught off guard "Co-come again?"
She gives you a teasing smirk before repeating herself again "I said, you're very beautiful and I love you,"
Realizing what she said, everyone starts to whistle, laugh, and tease the two of you, including the judges, making your face to be full-blown red from embarrassment and surprise. You didn't expect her to say that in public, especially with everyone around the globe could watch it.
Thankfully everyone calm down, but still there some teasing whispers can be heard.
"Continue (Y/N)," Ru said, trying to hold her laugh.
Rolling your eyes, you try to compose your posture again "Thank you Ru, so back to you Raja, like I said — stop that!"
"Stop what?" Raja innocently ask.
"Looking at me like that! Stop distracting me! "
"I'm not doing anything." But you know she is fully aware of what she is doing. She is giving you that hot look again!
"I hate you," you grumble.
" I love you," Raja replied sweetly.
"Okay let's stop this relationship quarrel, we don't want to get illness from this so-called PDA." Rupaul said, making you low your head from embarrassment.
You saw Raja give you a satisfied smirk and it only irks you even more.
Raja may not be the winner of this week's challenge, but she's already felt like a champion from what she did. Annoying the hell out of you.
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what does the imaginary parkour guy outside your window do when you're on a plane instead of a car
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imaginationblur · 5 months
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Honey so sweet, she packs a punch ✨🍯💛
<< Mina Nicole>>
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iinsertblognamee · 11 months
mama's little diva
summary ― it's finally time to play against Iran in Perth, but a certain someone has other plans
pairing ― sam kerr x reader
warning/s ― fluff
based off this request
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You looked distressed as Sam tried grabbing the toddler who was throwing a tantrum on the floor in front of the two of you. Her earmuffs were long forgotten on the floor next to your feet. 
It was way past her bedtime and her whole routine had been messed up since arriving back to your wife’s hometown. 
You shook your head a little as you continued to watch Sam try to wrestle your daughter who wasn’t giving either of you the light of day. A sigh left your lips as you looked at the time on your phone. 
“Sam, just go out there”. 
“She’s crying, babe”. 
“That’s what kids do Sam! You can’t just delay the game because she’s crying, she needs to learn”. 
You watched as a pout took over your wife’s face, one you saw on your daughter's face too often. This was slowly becoming a normal occurrence in your household, Sam having an extra soft spot for your daughter. She was a great mum, the best but in moments like these, you just wished Sam wouldn’t be so easy on her. It made it a million times harder for you when Sam wasn’t around to defuse the situation and you were left with a screaming child. 
You knew she was still young and was learning how to use her emotions, and most times she was great - but right now you were ready to rip your hair out. 
“Ju-just let me take her for a second or two” she tries again, your patience wearing thin. You could see the security guard who was meant to take Sam to the tunnel was getting weary, and you sent him a small apologetic smile. 
“Y/N-” Sam starts but the security guard mentions that she needs to leave now to be able to play. You watched as Sam tried to grab your little one again, despite the disapproving looks you were giving the back of her head as your daughter raised her arms up on cue to let Sam take her into her arms. 
“She’s a diva just like her mama” You called out as you watched Sam turn around and give you a small wink before walking out towards the tunnel where her teammates were waiting for her. 
You hear the crowd go wild as Sam walks out on the field, your daughter in her arms as the screams get unbelievably loud. You couldn’t help but feel pride welling up in your chest. The noise startled your daughter for a few seconds, her head pushing into Sam’s neck as you watched Sam plant a kiss on the top of her head - rubbing her back to give her some sort of moral support. 
You watched from afar, teammates of your wife coming over to Sam and your daughter - which both of them thrived for. Despite the annoyance you felt towards Sam at this present moment you couldn't help but pull out your phone and snap some shots of your two girls mucking around. Smilies on both their faces. 
You could see the flashes going off around the stadium, fans screaming for Sam to come over. Your daughter - now found her confidence was now kicking the ball between Caitlin Foord and Haley Raso as some of the other girls nearby cheer her on. 
Both you and Sam watching with pride. 
Eventually, you were handed back your daughter, the two of you getting seated in the friends and family section. The game went on, both of you alongside the rest of the crowd cheering when Ellie and your wife scored their goals. 
It didn’t take long when the girls were making rounds for Sam to make her way towards the pair of you, a smile on her face as your daughter started jumping up and down for her mama to take her. Sam lifted her out of your arms and onto the other side of the barrier, the second her legs touched the grass she was off running towards any of the other girls. 
“Be careful baby!” you call out as you watch her slam into Mackenize’s legs, bringing her arms up to indicate she wanted to be carried - which Macca did. 
Your focus moved off your daughter and onto the smirk on Sam’s face - shaking your head as you attempted to step away. 
“No way” 
“Come on love, you know I can do it” 
“Sam no!” 
Her hands were already moving to your hips, as you grasped onto her shoulders. She lifts you over almost as if it were nothing, placing a kiss on your lips. “See” 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the cocky grin planted on her face.
“Hi there” she mumbles onto your lips, the crowd calling for her attention but she doesn’t pay attention to it. 
“Good goal out there baby” 
“Had to put on a show for my beautiful wife and daughter” 
The conversation closed up shortly after that, Sam making her way back to the crowd as she went off and signed anything and everything for the fans. You couldn’t help but admire it all - having been to many games before, it was amazing to finally see the girls getting the recognition they deserved. 
And as you stood there, watching it unfold with ‘Kerr’ written on your back you knew there was nowhere else you would want to be.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Tender Care.
Written for a very lovely, very indulgent anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Yor x Reader (SxF).
Word Count: 2.5k.
TW: Non/Con, AFAB!Reader, Slight Asphyxiation, Overstimulation, Implied Violence, Bad Medical Advice, Oral Sex, Delusional Behavior, and Prolonged Stalking.
[Part Two]
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Your first instinct was, unimpressively, to assume that she’d followed you here.
It wasn’t the most brilliant idea that’d ever flashed across your mind, but honestly, what else were you supposed to think? You could count the number of days in the past three months you hadn’t ‘coincidentally’ run into the Forgers on a single hand, and you had to hold the precious few nights you didn’t spend helping Loid cook for his busy family or attempting to tutor Anya or trying to talk your way out of whatever family outing they’d invited you on close – if you could really call Yor showing up on your doorstep with a spare dress and a beaming smile an invitation. You couldn’t seem to get rid of them, so it wasn’t out of the question that you wouldn’t be as safe as you’d hoped in the sanctuary of an opera house two trains and three taxis away from the little apartment complex that’d become your waking nightmare. Even if it was only Yor, rather than all three. Even if she clearly wasn’t paying attention to you, her concentration solely on the man she had pinned to wall, one hand wrapped around his throat and a long, needle-like blade clasped in the other. Even if she couldn’t have known you would’ve gotten lost on your way to your seat, couldn’t have snuck into a place like this in a dress sporting so many strange, crimson stains. Even if nothing you were looking at made any sense, you couldn’t help it.
Your second instinct – when you realized that the man she had pinned to the wall wasn’t breathing, that the strange substance painted across her dress probably had something to do with the blood leaking from his throat, that you could only pray she hadn’t come here for you – was to scream.
You covered your mouth as quickly as you could, but it was too late. Yor snapped in your direction, letting the dead man fall to the ground as she turned to face you. Suddenly, as those prying crimson eyes met yours, the hallway between you and her didn’t feel as long as it had, a moment ago, the threat she presented less psychological and more immediate, more physical. Yor seemed to recover from her bloodlust before you managed to pull yourself out of your shock; her eyes widening as she took a step towards you, then another, tucking her weapon into her belt as she approached you slowly, as if her pace would be what scared you away.
And, to her credit, you didn’t move. It was one thing to dread running into your clingy neighbor in an unused wing of an opera house on the other side of town, another entirely to see that same neighbor strangling a man to death. It was all you could do to remind yourself to breathe, to try and fail to stop yourself from shaking as she came to stand in front of you. There was an airy sigh, a quick shake of her head, then her blood-stained hands came up to cup your face, to tilt your head back and force you to acknowledge her adoring stare, the tentative grin tugging at the corner of her lips – not entirely dissimilar to the expression she wore as she forced you out of your peaceful seclusion.
“What are you doing here, sweetheart?” she asked, in the same gentle tone she used when Anya got into a fight with one of her classmates, when Loid came home with bags under his eyes and only half the energy it would’ve taken to stumble to bed. “I thought you were supposed to be staying home, tonight.”
Did you? You didn’t remember that. Then again, you couldn’t remember much of anything beyond this, beyond the feeling of Yor’s warmth seeping into your cheek, the sight of her looming above you. Had she always been so tall? She couldn’t have been. If it’d always been so clear just how easily she would be able to overpower you, you would’ve moved to the other side of the country the day she and her awful husband moved in.
You didn’t respond, but Yor didn’t seem to care. “It’s alright,” she went on, as if that would be enough to stop your knees from buckling underneath you, as if that would be enough to stop you from running for your life as soon as you remembered how to move your legs. “I’ll have this cleaned up in a few minutes. Then, we can spend the rest of the night together.”
She bowed her head, ducking low enough for her lips to brush against the top of your head and linger there.
She didn’t get a chance to pull away before your legs gave out and the world around you went dark.
Yor’s first instinct was, of course, to catch you, smiling as your body went limp and collapsed into her arms.
Her second, rather belatedly, was to remember that she was still very much in the middle of a mission and think that maybe, just maybe, she should stage your little reunion somewhere other than her crime scene.
It helped that her time alone with you was cut short before she could let you distract her, again. For as adorable as she’d found it, your scream had drawn more than a little unwanted attention; she could already hear a rush of footsteps only a few hundred feet away, five or so civilians she didn’t have the clearance to dispose of. With a small frown, a disappointed sigh, she took you into her arms and found somewhere to stow you away – a cramped, forgotten dressing room, left neglected by those responsible for its upkeep. She didn’t bother trying to turn on the lights, relying on her limited sight to find a dust-coated vanity and lean you against a cracked mirror she could only hope wouldn’t cut you. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself if you got hurt because of her carelessness.
Even unconscious, it was clear you were already in distress. Your breathing was uneven, ragged, and she could practically feel your heart beating as she pressed her ear to your chest, even if she was glad to know it was beating at all. She’d let rose-colored joy tinge your greeting, but she now that she thought about it, Yor could remember how shocked you’d looked to see her, how shaken the sight of so much blood had left you. Oh, poor thing. She couldn’t begin to imagine how scared you must’ve been.
She couldn’t begin to imagine how scared you still were. With her head still resting against your chest, she felt you start to stir, shifting underneath her as your own restlessness brought your brief respite to an abrupt end. Your hands – still shaking, much to Yor’s shame – rose to her shoulders, shoving her away gently as you attempted to speak for the first time since you’d run into each other. “P-please, I need—Please, don’t—”
The footsteps were closer, now, a small collection of vaguely masculine voices coming into earshot. Her hand was around your throat in a moment, her palm forced over your mouth in another. You let out a panicked, muffled shriek, and Yor did what she could to hush you, to comfort you. You looked like you could use some comfort, right now.
“I know, I know, it’s scary,” she started, doing her best to keep her voice down, to make sure her hold on your throat wasn’t too tight, that she wasn’t pressing too hard on anything you couldn’t live without. It’d be a shame to accidentally snap your neck, or worse – choke you until you passed out for the second time that day. Even you wouldn’t forgive her for something like that. “Please, try to stay with me. We just have to wait until the commotion dies down, then I can explain what’s going on.”
Her excuses did little to soothe you. Her heart broke as you kicked and struggled, your nails biting into her wrist and thick, warm tears soon flooding down your cheeks. In any other situation, the sight would’ve brought her to hysterics too, but she couldn’t, she had to be strong for you. Catching her with her mark must’ve left you more off-kilter than she’d thought. You weren’t just startled, you were terrified – no, worse than that, you were irrational, past the point of anything Yor could think to say. You were—
You were hysterical.
The phrase rose up from a half-remembered conversation she’d had with Loid weeks ago, after she commented on how cutely your voice shook and wondered aloud if you were always so nervous, if there was anything they would be able to do to help you lower your guard. It was only a passing thought, an ill-advised suggestion, something he’d mumbled about in a state of exhaustion and refused to mention again after a full night’s rest. Pelvic massages, he’d called them, an outdated treatment administered to women experiencing fits of extreme emotion. Often administered without consent, let alone proper documentation.
‘Outdated’, Loid had called it, but he never said ‘ineffective’.
Yor took a deep breath, steeling herself. She tightened her hold on your throat until each shallow breath took every last drop of your concentration. Only when she was sure you didn’t have the oxygen to cry out did she let her palm fall away from your mouth – taking to the space between your thighs, instead. “I’m going to help you,” she whispered, more for herself than for you. “Just… just let me do this for you, please.”
Her voice shook as she found the hem of your dress. Thankfully, your skirt had pooled around your thighs when she set you on the vanity, meaning she’d only just started to blush by the time she’d dragged it up to your waist. She tried to think about how Loid would handle this, about how he would handle you, but nervous static overwhelmed her more rational thoughts the moment her fingertips made contact with your panties, already damp where the fabric pressed against your slit. That was good. A doctor would’ve thought that was good, surely.
Yor couldn’t help but think that it was great – just how quickly you’d gotten wet for her.
She slipped too fingers underneath the thin material, pulling it to the side. In response, you let out a noiseless whine, only identifiably by the slight reverberation of your throat against her palm, and tried to shut your legs, to stop her from helping you. She worked a knee between your legs before they could close completely, forcing your thighs apart and finding your clit with her thumb, eager to prove how useful she could be before you tried to shut her out again. Admittedly, she wasn’t the most experienced caretaker you could’ve had, but she tried to picture the anatomical models she’d seen in Loid’s study, to think of the way she touched herself when she had a excuse to let herself into your apartment, when she was surrounded by things that smelled like you and unable to hold herself back. Slowly, carefully, she started to circle the bundle of nerves with the pad of her thumb, mindful not to hurt you or leave you feeling neglected, unloved.
When you bucked against her, she only held you more securely. Soon, her chin rested on your shoulder, quiet coos and words of comfort falling past her lips as she slid two fingers into your pussy and scissored them apart, savoring how you clenched around her. You weren’t in a relationship (she would’ve noticed if you were, would’ve made sure no one else got close enough to hurt you), and while she wasn’t sure how often you… how often you took care of yourself, it couldn’t have been often enough. All she had to do was curl her fingers, flick her wrist, pay a little attention to your clit, and you were practically melting around her. As your slick began to drip down the inside of your thighs, she added a third digit, and your body stiffened underneath her touch, a pair of hands shooting up and taking hold of her shoulders. You really were adorable, she thought, as your nails bit into her skin. You really did need her.
It took more than a little strength to remember why she was doing this, to keep herself from leaning into your affection and keep her pace steady, her tempo constant. The most self-indulgence she allowed herself was a stolen kiss to the curve of your neck, right above the point where her hand wrapped around your throat, then another to your collarbone, a satisfied hum escaping despite her best efforts when she realized you were wearing the low-cut dress she and Loid had gotten for you, last time you accompanied them on a day-long shopping trip. Still, it wasn’t enough to stop her heart from skipping a beat as you stiffened, as your pulse raced underneath her palm and the walls of your pussy convulsed around her fingers. Your mouth fell open, but she managed to keep any sound you might’ve made silent as she brought you to your first climax; your orgasm gentle, but intense enough for her to draw out for minutes before it ended and left you limp, clearly exhausted. Your eyes flickered up, meeting hers in a wordless plea to stop, but she couldn’t afford to be soft with you, not when your own well-being was at stake. Not when you so clearly needed her help.
Tearing a strip of material from the ringed collar of her dress, she pushed an apologetic kiss into the corner of your lips and fastened the makeshift choker around your neck, tight enough to keep you quiet, tight enough to make sure you’d have that pretty, glassy-eyed look for just a few minutes longer. She couldn’t hear the civilians anymore, but then again, she couldn’t hear much of anything over the sound of her own heart beating in her hears as she kneeled in front of you, her hands keeping your thighs spread open as she buried her face between your thighs, mouth latching onto your dripping pussy as if by instinct. Attempting to think about what was medically necessary, what was best for your health was beyond her, now, as her tongue lapped over your entrance, as she tasted you for the first time and found pure euphoria between your thighs. For all the joy she felt, she wasn’t surprised. She’d always known you’d be the sweetest thing she ever tasted.
Any noise you might’ve made was quickly replaced by the slick noise of sucking, lapping, savoring. It was messy, not as calculated as she wanted to pretend to be or as tender as it had been whenever she imagined your first time together, but Yor’s best traits had always lied with her passion, her brute strength, and it only took seconds for you to let out a breathy, muffled sob of a moan, to grind stiltedly into her mouth as she swallowed down everything you had to give her. This time, she didn’t attempt to pull away, to act like she could let that much distance form between you and her. Loid had called it a treatment, right? No, it wasn’t a question, she was sure – this was supposed to be a treatment.
And, as far as Yor could tell, that meant she’d have to help you until you were completely, entirely, absolutely better.
No matter how many hours it took to cure you, she wouldn’t leave your side until you’d made a full recovery.
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choerypetal · 9 months
A Lumberjack's love story / Coriolanus Snow (ft Treech)
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summary : You found yourself appointed as Treech's mentor. You had believed that falling in love, especially with someone from a District, was an impossibility. The idea of developing feelings for your tribute seemed even more far-fetched. However, it became unmistakably evident that Snow had become somewhat obsessed and jealous of this unexpected connection. The love that was once rumored to be a mere Game strategy now revealed itself as undeniable truth. Snow is determined to assert your allegiance and make you aware of where your loyalties lie, employing Treech's memories as a strategic tool in the process.
p.s.: english is not my native language, so I apologize for any errors or mistakes. Additionally, I am open to writing about other tributes, like Treech x reader, or any other characters. Feel free to make requests; my ask box is always open!
Snow was never inclined to publicly display the bond between the two of you. Given the stakes of his family name, he recognized that their relationship was merely a facade. As time passed, it became not only unattractive for a woman of her youth but also jeopardized her reputation as a young aristocrat in the streets of the Capitol. Such thoughts that became fueled within your mind as you were compiled with a reminder of your mother’s desire to know what were your plans upon graduations. And to be completely fair, you had zero idea. 
While the Academy expected you to maintain unwavering focus, Snow found himself increasingly intrigued by you. However, he wasn't the type to initiate things. Instead, he expressed his interest through subtle glances, careful not to be caught observing you during class. Despite his reserved yet confident demeanor, it was evident that Snow harbored an attraction towards you during his time as a student at the Academy. If only both of you were aware of the mutual sentiments brewing between you. If only. 
In the initial weeks of the 10th Games, he witnessed you under the relentless summer sun of the Capitol. Your forehead glistened with a sheen of sweat as you struggled to maintain professionalism with your tribute. Treech.  Recognizing the challenging nature of the task, he found himself increasingly captivated as your vulnerability became more pronounced each day. It was this vulnerability that marked Snow's first overt fixation on you. From the way you pampered Treech’s wound after training, to how you carefully swiped his sweet, making it slightly harder due to his curls peaking beneath his hat. How he had envied to be in Treech’s place.
The following day, as you prepared lunch for your tribute, he offered his suggestion. His very first interaction with you. "I'd recommend the sandwich." He said. Having noticed your early arrival in the cafeteria, he quietly approached you from behind, his gaze fixed on the softness of your skin as your fingers delicately folded the freshly cooked food into an aluminum bag. The aroma lingered, a distinct scent that had left an indelible impression on him since the first day he could approach. You responded with a smile, taking his advice to heart and adding additional sandwiches based on Snow's recommendation, expressing deep appreciation for his input. 
On that very first day, Snow found himself unable to divert his thoughts. Whenever both of you shared the same space, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy when you attended to Treech’s skills during training. At times, he pondered whether your sentiments were equally directed towards someone like him, someone he considered beneath you. This notion offended him, yet he couldn't deny that he, too, harbored affection for his tribute. However, for Snow, it was more about care and presentation than genuine emotions. 
Unlike Snow, you had gradually developed deep feelings for Treech. Similarly, even though he needed to take care for his female tribute, especially in your absence. Treech could only think about you. He often expressed his longing for you, complaining about how much he missed your presence or simply wanting to catch a glimpse of your face when you served him his regular meals. These seemingly ordinary gestures were significant to Treech, and he was determined to make you proud once declared the victor. To run away from the Capitol– To build a family of your own. However, that aspiration crumbled when, in the end, Lucy—Snow's tribute—claimed victory herself. Despite your efforts to conceal any sorrow and refrain from openly grieving for the person you loved, Treech's name appeared from Flickerman's announcements, and he was declared as deceased. 
On that fateful evening, during the closure event of the 10th Hunger Games, Snow observed you closely. A sense of pride welled up within him as he witnessed his tribute not only surviving but excelling. However, this sentiment quickly shifted when he laid eyes on Treech's lifeless body in the arena, just moments before his demise. In his mind, he could almost hear Treech's voice pleading. "Be proud of me, Y/N." Despite suspecting that you might not be able to, given the emotional toll, Snow couldn't resist locking eyes with you, even with other tributes still alive. 
Before just a few minutes that Lucy was announced the winner. Snow had yearned to approach you, to envelop you in a comforting hug, assuring you that everything would be alright. He wanted to commend your efforts in standing by Treech's side, supporting him in his quest for victory. Yet, a conflicting feeling gnawed at him, a sense that he was supposed to be the one you cared for, the one you cherished as you did Treech. It was a realization that he, too, would soon need to confront. 
It was inevitable that you will be compelled to pay homage to your District. The profound impact of your care for Treech had touched his family, leading them to extend an invitation for you to visit his home District. Gratefully acknowledging this gesture, you agreed to be present at Treech's funeral. Simultaneously, Snow, prompted to return to District 12 himself, sought a distraction for his troubled mind. Before his departure as a Peacekeeper, you seized the opportunity to express your congratulations, a sentiment you had unintentionally neglected during the Games. And informed Snow about Treech’s funeral. "Treech's family invited me to their son’s funeral... I'm uncertain about the duration of my stay, but can you promise me something before I go?" 
Your melodious voice, as you spoke to him, almost turned his stomach. He observed every nuance of your movements, noting the way your gaze traversed from his body to his lips. The awareness of your attraction to him lingered in the air, though you attempted, albeit futilely, to conceal it—thanks in part to Treech providing a convenient distraction. Or was it only in his head?
 As you prepared to share your concerns, expressing the challenges of being a Peacekeeper, a role your sibling had also undertaken, he sought to reassure you. His fingers tenderly traced the contours of your soft cheeks, creating an irresistible desire to kiss those plump lips of yours. They appeared too tempting to resist, with a fleeting fear crossing his mind that Treech might have been the first to experience that indulgence. Despite the conflicting emotions, Snow found a peculiar satisfaction in Treech's demise. Yet, he remained steadfast and resolute in ensuring your promise. "I'll promise. I swear on my father's grave." 
"Promise me you'll be cautious? When I return, let's meet at your grandmother's garden. No questions asked." Clarity was crucial, and Snow understood your aversion to ambiguity. Even in the aftermath of the Games, with Snow away during your grieving for Treech, the uncertainty gnawed at you. You couldn't shake off the nagging doubt about whether Snow would indeed come back from his duty or, worse, not return at all. "I will." He assured you sincerely. Leaning in, he planted a gentle kiss on your forehead just as his name was called to depart the Capitol and head back to District 12. What you didn't know was that his decision to serve as a Peacekeeper and be in District 12 wasn't solely an act of care; it was driven by a desire to reunite with Lucy. If only you were aware that things weren't unfolding as expected, and Snow was returning as a completely different man. "Noon?" He asked quickly before nodding to his colleague, indicating that it was his cue to leave. 
Snow detested every moment of his stay to District 12. Honestly, witnessing how he treated Lucy served as a constant reminder of you back in the Capitol. Your image would casually infiltrate his thoughts, diverting his actions as he found himself doing everything with you in mind. Forgetting that the Games were still being aired, the revelation of the strong opinions on other Districts held about the tributes and their mentors left a bitter taste in Snow's mouth. It was especially repugnant if your name was uttered by those with the filthiest tongues. Snow harbored a visceral reaction, ready to eliminate anyone who dared to disrespect you with tasteless comments or words he hoped you hadn't heard during your time in Treech's District. Since emerging from that harrowing experience, he vowed to ensure that those in District 12 who spoke ill of you would suffer the consequences, every bit of it. 
And the memory was etched in his mind, vivid as if it happened yesterday. Snow hadn't intended to be invited to the Hob, yet he found no reason to object when offered. Lucy remained a distraction for him, seated just a few tables away when he overheard those contemptible words. While he tried his very best to remain his eyes on the silhouette that was on the stage. The one he “Loved”. He imagined as each words began to fuel his determination to make their speaker cleanse their mouth with the foulest soap, a gesture to demonstrate that such opinions should be worn like armor, wielded like a weapon. "You know, Treech's mentor? Apparently, they fell in love during the Games... I can't even imagine, let alone see the person you loved in such a distraught situation." Although the speaker may not have sounded offensive to an average person, to Snow, it was the complete opposite.  
Without a moment's hesitation, Snow unleashed a punch. He paid no heed to the gasps around him or the attempts of other boys to pull him away or defend themselves. In his mind, you belonged to him, and he couldn't fathom, let alone accept, the idea of you being with anyone else but him. The mere thought of enduring more distasteful words about you from the most insensitive individuals during your absence was unbearable. Regardless of the consequences, he was determined not to let it slide. When Snow, meant he’d do anything for you, he meant every words. 
As Snow neared the end of his tenure as a Peacekeeper, with only a few months remaining, his anticipation to reunite with you grew stronger. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to receive updates about you during his breaks, thanks to calls with Tigris. Hearing her speak about your successes in university brought immense joy to Snow. Knowing that you were thriving and well was what mattered most to him. However, there was an underlying concern that continued to nag at him. Despite your objections, Tigris felt compelled to address it, especially considering Snow's already demanding role as a Peacekeeper. "She hasn't been coping well with Treech's death, Coryo. There are times when I see her crying in her sleep. She mentioned how she wishes he were here, sensing his presence, you know? I can’t believe I am going to say that but– I think they were genuinely in love. And it wasn’t just for the show."  
Truly in love, the revelation that struck Snow the hardest was the hidden well of genuine skill that only emerged when necessary. Lucy lingered in his thoughts, a constant presence, while you were navigated the grieving process for you first love as well. He too, had doubts that Lucy was amongst his first love. Although genuine doubts crept in as he questioned whether the efforts he invested were truly worthwhile. The chaos he instigated at the Hob last night, the desperate plea from Sejanus – all of it was orchestrated for your sake. Yet, the realization that you hadn't given up on Treech, your former love, dampened his spirits. Snow, however, knew that your heart now belonged to him. Upon his return, he vowed to assert his claim unequivocally, free from any expectations. 
Anticipating his imminent return, Tigris meticulously selected the most exquisite dress she could envision for someone of your stature. While the occasion might have seemed extravagant, she understood that her cousin Snow would value the effort, especially since your meeting was set to take place on Snow's rooftop—an ethereal space where innocence, purity, and passion converged. Restlessly, you began nervously nibbling at the cuticles of your fingers. "Don't be too shocked when you see him without his curls." Tigris quipped as you arrived at their apartment.
Since Snow became a victor, you noticed a shift in the opulence of the place compared to your last visit. Tigris's room now exuded her fashion sensibilities with a palette of pinks and light beiges, while Snow's room contrasted sharply with bright white walls and accents of crimson red. A broken frame holding his father's portrait captured your attention, and as you surveyed your surroundings in Snow's empire, you couldn't help but see a parallel with yourself—a broken frame that Snow seemed determined to mend with his love. 
Before encountering you, Snow had a few errands to run, one of which involved settling the score with Casca. The second stop was to finally meet you. As the gentle rays of Capitol sunshine transitioned into the evening darkness adorned with stars, anticipation for the exciting yet thrilling meeting with you heightened since his return. "Where is she?" Arriving just in time at the entrance of his apartment, although he was well aware of your whereabouts. He played the part to make it appear otherwise, a little trick that didn't escape Tigris's notice. Her chuckle prompted him to follow her, momentarily catching his breath as she revealed. "At the rooftop. Waiting for you." 
A wave of relief swept over him, and he expressed continuous gratitude to his cousins. Tigris attempted to assist him in catching his breath, noticing Snow's heightened excitement upon seeing you. She, too, was well aware of his intense fascination with you. However, witnessing the spectacle involving Treech and you, she grasped the potential threat her cousin might have posed.  Bound by blood and family, she couldn't deny the reality and opted not to pretend. If Snow was genuinely in love with you, she had to believe him. "Just be gentle, okay? She just returned from Treech's District. Even if it’s been a few months. She might need more comfort than one can fathom." 
She might need more comfort than one can fathom. Was read like butter to Snow’s ears. As if this was his very own speciality let alone being with the one he truly learned to hear that she was the one for him. He did not approached this statement as a sort of threat. In fact, he was going to use to his full potential and let you completely be compiled by him and emblembed the relationship between the two.
Upon entering, the familiar fragrance of fresh roses enveloped him—a scent he had sorely missed since his grandmother used to present him with one during the reaping ceremony. Despite his absence, the care bestowed upon the flowers was evident. It became clear that, much like him, you had also been away for some time. However, upon your return, you diligently attended to the flowers daily, diverting your focus from Treech. Among the many qualities Snow admired in you was your meticulous attention to detail, a fact he subtly acknowledged as he casually plucked a fresh rose and delicately inhaled its scent, all while listening to your sweet voice. "I'd be careful if I were you." he remarked nonchalantly. 
And there you stood, flesh and blood. Your skin bore a slight tan from the harsh weather of Treech’s District, which quickly faded upon your return to the Capitol, where the grief over Treech proved more challenging than anticipated. Tigris noticed the change in your complexion, the lack of color that had manifested in your skin. Fortunately, you maintained the bold red lip, a shade crafted from the lipstick your mother often made for you—a detail Snow admired, especially as it harmoniously blended with his own colors.
"Thank you.” He managed to say, though in his defense, he was so captivated by your beauty that he found himself absentmindedly caressing the rose, which had fallen on its own. "You've picked the wrong rose. It was about to wither." You added, your words revealing both concern and almost boredom.
Snow detected a subtle tremor in your demeanor, observing how you had become fragile and adrift amid the chaos of your own emotions. Despite your efforts to conceal them, your vulnerability remained apparent. Inwardly, Snow acknowledged that he, too, wasn't immune, having fallen for a Snake that led him back to a recurring beginning. "How are you doing?" Was all he managed to say, careful not to exacerbate your grief for Treech or delve into the complexities of Lucy's memory. This one-on-one interaction became a delicate balancing act, particularly since you were well aware of the romantic display he had been showcasing. 
"Okay, I suppose." Was your cautious response, accompanied by a hint of uncertainty, as if contemplating whether to revise your answer. In truth, you hadn't been doing well, resorting to sleeping at Snow's place to hide your tears. It added another layer of complexity to rest in Coriolanus's room, knowing he would return soon. You were aware that upon his return, you'd need to find your own place, a life independent of others. Yet, it seemed this wasn't part of Snow's agenda. "How was District 12?" You inquired, steering the conversation toward another topic. 
"Could ask the same, sweetheart." Snow retorted, a reluctance to recall evident in his expression. Yet, for you, forgetting proved to be a much harder task. The memories of moments spent with Treech haunted you – sneaking him out of the Capitol's Zoo, hand in hand, discussing a future that now felt lost. Memories of him teaching you to wield an axe, his relationship with Lamina, and the dreams of building a family together. The breaking point came when you saw his eyes on the screen, calling out your name, almost begging and apologizing for deciding your fate. In that moment, you desperately tried to erase it all, but it only resulted in a torrent of tears. Your trembling fingers betrayed the pain at the thought of Treech. Sensing your anguish, Snow reached out, comforting you and reassuring. That it wasn’t all your fault. "Hey— Hey— I'm here." 
Snow, despite his aversion to everything, understood the pain of losing someone dear. Despite his pride and the incident that involved being bitten by a snake, Lucy had become a memory he learned to rely on, blurring the lines between that memory and the reality of you. "You did everything you could..." He spoke, the resonance of his voice echoing the tone he maintained during the Games. "You taught him everything, prepared him to be a victor, and yet—" He paused, a moment of reflection taking him back to his own experiences in a similar position with Lucy. 
"Please..." You pleaded, attempting to bury the remnants of memories. Yet, as your gaze locked onto Snow's, you found yourself fully engulfed in his eyes, surrendering to a state of vulnerability and desperation. You implored Snow silently, begging him to restore you to the woman you once were. Snow was prepared to undertake that task, ready to unveil the true essence of himself.
"Stay with me." You uttered the same words spoken that night with Treech by your side, the eve before the Games commenced. Feeling Snow's arms enveloping you, he whispered the same reassurance Treech told you, that everything would be okay, that tomorrow would bring us all home. Unfortunately, that promise remained unfulfilled. “You are at home now.” Snow implied on reassuring you the best he can offer. An offer of love, protection, and making sure you were the queen in his very own eyes. The same way Treech did. 
"I'll ensure your protection, shower you with love, and take care of you." Snow vowed, his words echoing those once spoken by Treech when he confessed his love to you. With that commitment hanging in the air, Snow approached, and this time, with no Peacekeepers present. Snow was fortunate enough to feel his lips meeting yours for the first, and not the last, time. As he leaned in, he silently and gently brushed the bottom of your lips. Unbeknownst to you, Snow had been well aware of the connection between Treech and you. He had observed the way Treech looked at you and noted the similarities in their demeanor just before a kiss. Everything had been meticulously calculated to make you his own. 
Every details were orchestrated to convey the authenticity of a man you had once deeply fell in love. 
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byeuijoo · 9 months
crush on you 𐀔 boynextdoor
genre : fluff ⋆ warnings : none ⋆ word count : 0,5k
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ୨ ✩ ୧
⭒ park sungho
when sungho realized he'd developed a crush on you, he began to act like a gentleman. hold the doors for you, gives you his umbrella, make you dinner.. all these little attentions to try and tip you off. and even if you notice that he acts differently with you than with other people, you don't immediately understand that he's crushing on you. it's only when he lets the words “ i like you ” escape his mouth on the other side of the phone, that you finally understand why he was like that.
⭒ lee riwoo
riwoo is a little shy, so he started dropping love letters in your locker to express his love for you. obviously, he didn't sign the letters with his name.. but he tries to make you understand that it comes from him by smiling at you when he cross paths with you in the school's corridors. after a while, he finally dares to approach you, trying to hide the smile itching his lips and the reddened tips of his ears.
⭒ myung jaehyun
if jaehyun has a crush on you, he'll suddenly become the clingiest boy you'll ever know. he will sometimes act timidly, especially when you are alone together — in front of his friends, he possesses a certain self-confidence that instantly disappears when your eyes meet his. his hand is often close to yours, innocently brushing against it, and the smile that paints his lips is different from his usual one : more flamboyant, more charming.
⭒ han taesan
taesan is a shy boy : he prefers to watch you from afar and imagine all sorts of scenarios in his little head rather than approach you boldly. so for weeks on end, he watches you silently, trying to find the best way to attract your attention without making a fool of himself. then one day, when he finds himself working with you on a musical project, he sees it as a sign of destiny — and decides to leave clues here and there about his hidden love for you.
⭒ kim leehan
i think when leehan has a crush on you, he won't hesitate to tell you. one day after school, he just stood in front of you and smiled as he said he liked you, without worrying about the answer you'll give him. who are you to resist and reject him anyway? after that, he becomes the perfect gentleman, makes sure you get enough to eat and sleep, helps you with lessons and takes care of you when you're not feeling well.
⭒ kim woonhak
to show you that he's got a crush on you, woonhak will leave little love notes and chocolate milk on your school desk. every morning when you arrive at school, you see a note on your desk — and day after day, something is added. a flower, a drawing, a packet of sweets.. until you decide to come early to surprise your mysterious secret admirer. and when woonhak enters the classroom, and sees you sitting in your chair, your gaze locked in his. he can swear his heart has never beaten as fast as it did then.
reblogs & feedbacks are highly appreciated !
taglist ౨ৎ @leehanist @wtfhyuck @florainnie @dazzlingligth @yuma-is-mine
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theewritingroomm · 3 months
A Friendly Favor - Part 6.1
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Summary: Taking Robin's advice, you go to prom with Steve. Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem Reader (unrequited), Steve Harrington x Fem Reader WC: 3,086 Warnings: mentions of unrequited love, angst, swearing, kissing (like 1), Steve is down baaaaad A/N: *Surprise* it's long awaited and looooooong overdue but the final instalment(s) of A Friendly Favor is here. I decided to make two differnt endings because it was a hard decision on who reader would end up with. Sooooo with that being said Eddie's ending will be coming soon after edits and stuff.
18+ only — by choosing to ‘keep reading’, you are agreeing that you are eighteen years old and over. MDNI
I do NOT consent to my work being translated or published onto third party sites - including AO3 and Wattpad. 
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It took little convincing to get Steve to go to prom with you. Much to your surprise. Which is how you found yourself putting the finishing touches on your makeup as you waited for Steve to pick you up. You had told him that was not necessary, that you could meet him at the school. He had laughed at the suggestion, telling you that if he was going to be your date you were going to do it right. It had caused a small fluttering in your stomach to hear him refer to this arrangement as a date. It had shocked you at first but you quickly welcomed the feeling. Not remembering the last time that feeling had caused you to smile. In the recent month the fluttering in your stomach felt more like angry wasps than butterflies. 
When the doorbell rang that fluttering feeling reappeared and intensified as you exited your bedroom and walked towards the living room where you could see Steve standing with your parents. 
The soft clicking of heels alerted Steve to your presence. He abandoned the conversation he was engaged in with your father to turn and watch you walk down the stairs. The sight that graced him rocked Steve to his core. You were beautiful even on a bad day, but right now Steve was sure he had never seen anyone more gorgeous. You were dressed in a black gown that sparkled under the lights and made your skin glow. Your hair had been expertly pinned back with a few strands framing your features, the jeweled pins caught the light and Steve smiled to himself when he saw they were spiders. As you reached the bottom of the stairs, your eyes locked to Steve’s own wide brown eyes. 
Steve couldn’t remember a time when your eyes shined as bright as they did now. 
“You are gorgeous.” Steve said breathlessly, the way his eyes were raking over your form had a deep blush heating your cheeks. 
“Thank you Steve.” 
Before either of you could say anything else, your mother was ushering you into taking various photos with Steve. Who, try as he might, could not keep his eyes off of you. 
Music was already streaming out of the gym when you and Steve arrived. The beat that vibrated through the floor seemed to echo the nerves that drummed in your veins. Nearly rocketing your beating heart out of your chest. You wanted to turn around and run back to Steve’s car, wanted to tell him that you couldn’t do this. Though seeming to sense your spirling thoughts, Steve slipped his hand into yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze. 
Steve’s hand was warm in yours. His thumb rubbing soothing circles across the back of your hand. Calming you, grounding you to the moment, to him. 
You looked from where your hands were connected to Steve’s face. Finding him already looking down at you with a soft smile and softer eyes. 
“You ready to have a blast?” the corners of his mouth ticked up with his question. 
Steve watched you square your shoulders and hold your head up high. 
“Let’s fucking do this.” you replied, a wide smile directed at the man beside you. 
He didn’t let you change your mind as he opened the door for you and followed you in. 
As you and Steve entered the gymnasium a few people looked your way and a few hurried whispers followed their gaze through the crowd. Steve tuned into the whispers that followed you through the crowd and it made him angry. To hear them speak of you in that manner, to hear the pity and sympathy directed towards him for being your date. Unbeknownst to any one, yourself included, Steve would cut off his left arm if it meant he didn’t have to leave your side; tonight … or any night for the foreseeable future.  
You could hear the whispers and feel their eyes on you. Of course you could, they were the same whispering glances that would follow you and Eddie down the halls. However, with Steve’s hand as a comforting weight in your own, the whispers did not seem sting the same way they had months ago. 
“Thank fuck,” Robin’s voice cutting through the music and slicing through the whispers following behind you like a shadow. “Thought you strangled him on the way and as much as I love ya Y/n, hiding a body would be hard in this dress.” 
Robin sent a friendly elbow into Steve’s side. Steve rolled his eyes at your mutual friend. He watched you do the same, as a wide smile stretching across your lips. 
“Came close,” you teased, giving Steve’s hand a gentle squeeze. “But he’s not so bad.” 
Robin waved it off in faux annoyance, “yeah, yeah, Steve’s amazing. Let’s get you on the fucking dance floor!” 
Before you could protest Robin was grabbing your free hand and pulled you away from Steve. The man watched you follow your friend through the crowd until you and Robin settled into the crowd, getting lost in the music and the company of a good friend.
Steve watched you from the edge of the dancefloor, trying to convince himself it was for your benefit. That he wanted to make sure you were okay and had a quick out if you wanted it. However, the longer he watched; watched you smile at Robin, watched you get lost in the music, watched you become more carefree. The longer Steve watched you, the more his heart wished to join you, the more his fingers itched to touch you, the more he wanted to see if your lips were as soft as they looked. 
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Eddie, like the rest of the gymnasium, had watched as you and Steve walked through the door. He noticed the way your hands were intertwined together, he noticed the matching cheesy grins plastered on your faces. He noticed how Steve’s eyes drank you in when you were not looking. He noticed when you did it back. That, watching you and Steve, caused something angry and hot to burrow into his stomach. 
When the emotions washed over Eddie, he did what he did best and pushed it down. He shoved and pushed those emotions down until he could shove them in a box and push them away to the deepest corners of his soul. Where he had shoved the remnants of his friendship with you.  
As the night went on Eddie could feel the chips and cracks breaking away at his defenses.
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 “I’ve gotta get some air,” you informed your friends over the music. “Gonna step outside.” 
“Want me to go with you?” Steve asked, you shook your head and smiled at him. 
“Just gonna be gone a second.” 
Steve nodded in return. Watching you walk away and out the door. Only looking away when the door fell closed behind you. 
Outside the gymnasium the night air was crisp and cold. The moon cast a silvery hue over the parking lot causing long shadows to dance over the concrete. The wind carried the smell of stale cigarettes and weed through the night air. You practically fell into the metal bench a few feet from the door, allowing the chilly night air to cool your heated skin. You began to get lost in the silence of the night, thinking about the events of your life from the last few months. Though the silence was interrupted with the groan of the heavy gymnasium door opening and the echoing click of it closing. 
You remained looking out towards the parking lot as footsteps echoed on the concrete. As the person drew closer you dropped her head, looking at the long crack that stretched across the ground. A pair of beat up Reeboks stopping in your field of view as the night was plunged into silence once again. 
“Can I join you?” Trepidation wavered in Eddie’s voice, though you noticed a hard edge there as well. 
Glancing up at the man in front of you, you motioned for the empty space next to you. Eddie plopped himself down into the space but said nothing. The silence stretched between you, eating away at your resolve. Soon hundreds of thoughts were swirling around in your head, each fighting for the chance at the forefront. Though one persistent thought won out above that rest. 
“What do you want, Eddie?” voicing the one thought into the night air you finally turned your full attention to the man beside you. 
Eddie was staring back at you. His own head swirling with unsaid thoughts and unanswered questions. Eddie opened his mouth to begin to say something but quickly closed his mouth when he couldn’t get his thoughts to make sense. 
“Why Steve?” was what decided to tumble out of Eddie’s mouth. 
“What does it matter Eddie?” You rebutted. 
Because what did it matter to Eddie who took you to prom? He had his own girlfriend, one who was likely inside waiting for him. So why did he care so much about you showing up with Steve? Eddie kept telling himself that it was because you hadn’t known Steve as long. He kept telling himself that Steve was still King Steve and would inevitably hurt you. He kept telling himself he was worried about you and your feelings. Though the more Eddie tried to convince himself, he only knew he was lying to himself. 
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” Is what Eddie settled on telling you. 
At the sound of your dry laugh, Eddie knew it was the wrong thing to say. 
“That’s fucking rich Munson.” You bit out, standing from the bench. The sudden urge to be as far away from Eddie Munson taking over. Though you did not get far. As you began to take a few steps back towards the gym door, long fingers wrapped around your wrist. Stopping you abruptly in your tracks. 
You cut your gaze to Eddie, putting as much fire behind your eyes as you could. You ripped your arm from his grasp, a tight “don’t touch me” hissed from behind clenched teeth. In an attempt to not rip the boy's head off you closed your eyes and sucked in a lungful of air through your nose. It was a futile attempt as months of repressed emotions bubbled to the surface like a boiling kettle. 
“I just want to look out for my best friend. I miss her.” 
Anger. White hot, blinding anger filled you. Settling deep in your stomach and spreading like wildfire in your veins. 
“Your best friend,” you laughed harshly, nearly spitting the words back into his face. “It’s been weeks, Eddie. I laid it all out on the line, bore my heart to you and you ignored it. You ignored me. For weeks. A-and, fuck, Eddie! It really fucking hurt.” 
The fire in you died as you finally let the sadness and hurt seep into your bones. The man in front of you was silent, letting your words wash over him but also wanting to give you a chance to continue. Knowing that once you started it was hard to get your brain to stop moving a hundred miles an hour. 
“A-and I had almost gotten used to it. Almost come to terms with the fact that you weren’t in my life anymore. But n-now you’re standing here saying you miss me. And it’s pulling me in a million different directions and it’s breaking me Eddie. I loved you for so long, not just romantically, and to just lose that in a blink sucked.” 
A soft sob escaped your lips at the end of your confession. It broke Eddie’s heart to hear, but there was only one word that worked at his heart like a sledgehammer. Loved. Past tense. 
“Loved,” Eddie whispered, “past tense?” 
You stared wide eyed at him. Tears begin to pool at your lashes. “That’s the only fucking thing you heard? Un-fucking-believeable.” 
Eddie struggled to find the words. Sure he resembled a gasping fish as he tried to find the words. When he floundered Eddie dropped his gaze to the ground. Finally a whispered “I think I love you” fell past his pink lips. 
Weeks ago you would have killed to hear those words. Now. They turned the air around you acidic and heavy. They turned your blood hot.
“You are a piece of fucking work Munson.” Your hand came up to poke Eddie in the chest, hard. Not dissimilar to how you used to when he was stuck in that head of his. Except now, it didn’t hold the same caring weight it used to. Now it felt like a stab to the chest, digging deep into his heart and bleeding him dry. He’d gladly take on another hoard of demobats, certain it would be less painful. 
“I’m sor-” he began to apologize. 
“No, I need you to listen,” you interrupted him as the first few hot tears rolled down your cheeks. “You don’t get to do that Eddie. You don’t get to ignore me and my feelings for weeks, you don’t get to break me down and worry about how I choose to put myself back together. You don’t get to ride off into the sunset with your fucking girlfriend, leave me in the dirt and come back when I don’t follow blindly. I wanted so badly to be your first choice but I’m not going to wait around to be your second choice if you and Chrissy don’t work out.”
You wiped at the hot tears tracking down your cheeks. There was so much more you had to say. But the groaning of the gym door stopped you. Grabbing both yours and Eddie’s attention as a mop of chocolate brown hair appeared in the crack of the door. 
“Y/N, I just came to che-,” the words died on Steve’s tongue when he saw the tears streaking your face. In two long strides Steve had placed himself in between you and Eddie, big hands coming up to frame your face. Gentle fingers wiping away your tears as Steve spoke again. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Can you take me home? I’m tired.” The words whispered into the night were all it took for Steve to link his hand in yours and pull you out into the parking lot towards his car. 
The drive back to your house was silent except for the low hum of the radio and the occasional shuddering breath from you as your tears began to slow. Steve’s hand was still intertwined with yours as Steve drove through the quiet streets of Hawkins. As his car rolled to a stop at the red light on Main Street Steve raised your hand that was laced in his and placed a tender kiss to your knuckles. 
“If you want to talk about what happened I’ll listen, if you want to ignore it then we’ll do that for now. But I'm not going to let you get trapped in you head over it.” Steve said gently, when you stayed quiet Steve turned his head to look at you. 
You had your head leaned against the window, eyes trained out the window to watch the small town pass by. The only indication that you had heard him was the small squeeze you gave his hand. 
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In the six months after prom there was a distinct shift in your friendship with Steve, though you were both hesitant to label it what it was. A relationship. 
For months when you would go to clock in for your shift at Family Video there would be flowers and post-it notes from Steve with sweet words scribed on the page waiting in your locker. In return you would leave various baked goods stacked in his locker with his lunch, a heart always decorating the wrapping. During your shifts there would be lingering glances passed between the two of you from across the store and soft brushes of fingertips against flesh when he walked past. Steve had become your personal chauffeur simply so he could have an excuse to lace his hand in yours across the car and listen to you sing along to the radio. Friday and Saturday nights were now spent on Steve’s couch with a stack of movies from Family Video and a pile of junk food. 
Which is where you currently sat, in Steve’s living room curled up on his couch with The Evil Dead playing on the screen. Though you were not were not paying much attention to the movie. Rather you were staring at the man who sat on the other end of the couch. Staring at his features; the way his nose crinkles when something gory happens on screen, the way the light reflects off his eyes drawing you into their whiskey gaze, the way he bites at his bottom lip during the jump scares. It had your mind reeling with the thought of what it would feel like to have those lips pressed against yours and what sounds he would make if you bit at that bottom lip of his yourself. 
“I can hear the high pitch whine of you thinking from here,” Steve’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. He turned that whiskey gaze towards you and you could see the emotions swirling around behind them and immediately wanted to hide from them. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Steve reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. Waiting with bated breath for you to answer him. 
Hesitantly you scooted closer to Steve, your knee bumping against his as you settled. Your eyes were downcast, hiding from Steve’s graze because you knew he would be able to read you in a second. It was only when gentle fingers found their way under your chin that you looked back into his amber eyes. And you went for it. 
Softly, you slotted your lips against his tasting the cherry cola that stained his lips. Gently, you worked your mouth against Steve’s, savoring the way he was gently cradling your face in his hands. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before you were pulling away. 
“I’m sorry, I um… I sh-” you stumbled over your words. 
Steve silenced your stuttering with another quick kiss to your lips and his own whispered confession. “I’ve been waiting to kiss you for years, just needed to let you catch up first sweetheart.”
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Tags: @wolfstarsimpxx, @jaceblack, @gloryekaterina, @intoanothermind, @vxmpfreak, @girlsvvish, @ogoc-19, @sunflowerabyss, @athenxt, @aurumbelis, @whisperingsarah, @tlclick73, @k-1-ll-em-alll, @lokiofasgard616, @rach5ive, @sidthedollface2, @its-quinns-breadd, @tayhar811, @captainonaboat, @ajkamins, @goldstars-to-all, @harrys-tittie, @phantomxoxo, @adaydreamaway08, @angelina16torres-blog, @coryisagee, @foreveranexpatsposts, @skulzombiw, @sadbitchfangirl, @lelenikki, @mmvnsons, @sinczir, @cherrytree69, @parmawiolets, @disrespectfully-ira,
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punster-2319 · 1 year
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kytrisz · 2 years
not saying it back | Raja Gemin
| pairings. raja gemini x reader
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It's already afternoon and you're laying on the couch scrolling your phone. You don't have work today since it's the weekend, but it's not the same case with a certain someone, your boyfriend/girlfriend. Well more like a girlfriend today since she'll be having a drag show this later evening.
As you wait for her to finish her makeup and clothes, you spend your time watching TikTok videos, and then a prank just flashes into your screen. Being a curious bitch, of course, you are interested in how she'll react. So you try it out.
You watch Raja leaving in the bedroom, already in her drag. She heads towards you to get the bag that you prepared for her for tonight's show. Turning her head to look at you, Raja gave you her sweet smile, it's really sweet it that could probably give you diabetes.
"Thank you, my Angel" Raja sincerely said, leaning toward you to plant a soft kiss. 
You let out a giggle from the cute gesture before replying "You're welcome, Love" 
It only makes Raja's smile widen, and she leans over to kiss you again, but this time, it's long and passionate. A perfect kiss you always look forward to. It took seconds before she pull back and look at you again, studying your features as if it was her first time seeing them, making you swoon to her even more. She really knew how to make you fall harder.
Standing up, Raja starts to make her way in the door to get going to the show, as she twists the knob and opens the door slightly, she looks at you again on her shoulder and shouts " I'll be leaving, Angel! I'll be back soon, I love you!"
"Okay, I'll see you later! " You responded with a smile, before looking back at your phone again.
The sound of the door shutting startled you, making you shift your gaze to Raja, who is already striding her way to you, glaring, giving you her ‘I’m-not-in-the-mood’ look.
You try to give her a smile, even though you're already scared for your life. Because you know when Raja is angry, you'll be in big trouble, because it only means punishments. And those punishments can be really harsh, to the point you can't even walk anymore. 
(Author note: ;) )
When Raja is already in front of you, you pull yourself up and properly sit, putting your innocently curious face. However, she doesn't buy that act.
"Angel,"  Raja began, slow and laced with menaced, "I Love You..." She continued, emphasizing each other words.
"I know, take care." Maintaining your smile.
Raja rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed huff. She put her fingers on your chin and leans over to you, making you directly look into her eyes.
"I said, I love you, Angel," Raja said, aggressive this time.
Instead of replying back, you just smile at her innocently. Making her really annoyed.
"Angel, it's etiquette that if I say I love you, you say it back." 
You let out a nervous laugh, before retorting,  "I'll see you back! "
Raja rolled her eyes, and pulled herself off you "Maybe you will, maybe you won't. I got the stuffs that I need, I could be gone for a very long time" she sassed, while waving her bags at you.
"Okay... " 
"Fine! Do you want me to beg for it? Well, news flash darling I won't. I can't believe I'm arguing with you about this right now!" Raja groans, turning around and stomping her way to the exit. 
You laugh loudly at her reaction and quickly chase after her.
"Baby, wait!" Still laughing, you wrapped your arms around her waist to stop her from going further.
"I'm just joking really, I love you~~'
You turn her around to face you, and plant kisses all over her face and neck, as an apology.
Raja smiled at the action, and tightly hold you onto your waist. "That's what I thought."
She lean to you again and seal a small kiss, pulling away she whispered: "Say it again..."
"I love you, Raja, so much... Please come home soon."
"I love you too, Angel. And I will... Promise." Raja promised, pulling away from you completely and striding her way out of the apartment. Not without kissing you again on the lips, making you giggle.
As you watch her figure blur into your sight, you closed the door, and hold onto her promise that she'll be back in your home, arms, and life.
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Never Grow Up
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Prompt - ‘Your little hand’s wrapped around my finger and it's so quiet in the world tonight.’
Requested - Yes - Anon
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You hadn’t been entirely sure what was happening, one minute you were fighting back to back with Commander Grazer, a dozen more clones fighting around you until the droid army was in pieces. It had been a long battle and you were panting by the end of it, exhausted and desperately praying that Obi-Wan was winning his own battle on Utapau.
When you turned around to check on your men you froze as you came face to face with a blaster and Commander Grazer’s face showing his conflicting emotions as his arm shook slightly. You had just been about to open your mouth when you glanced around and saw the others all had their guns upright and steadily pointed directly at you.
“What is this?” You asked as you reignited your lightsaber, not wanting to use it against the men under your command.
“Execute Order 66!” Commander Grazer said and suddenly there were blaster shots being fired at you from every direction, you just about managed to jump out of the way, using the Force to push the clones aside as you used your lightsaber to deflect as many shots as you could.
The ships were a good few klicks away and you had a full battalion following after you as you darted away from their shots, desperately trying not to get hit. It didn’t help that the planet’s terrain was steep and uneven, full of hills and cliffs.
One of the clones managed to get close enough to try and grab you but when you pushed back, using the Force to push him away you ended up sending yourself tumbling down one of the deep hills, wincing as you felt sharp rocks slicing your robe, some deep enough to pierce your skin.
By the time you had stopped falling your hands were cut, bruises would definitely form and you could feel blood sticking to your shirt. You didn’t have time to stop though, blaster shots were still coming from above and you could see the clones making their way down towards you.
As you ran towards the ships you pressed at your comm but it had taken a hit during your fall and there was no way to get in touch with anybody to see what was happening. You couldn’t even fathom what was happening, these clones, those men had become more than just soldiers under your command, they had turned into friends, family, you fought side by side with them every day. For them to just turn so suddenly didn’t make sense.
You ran until your sides hurt, until the cuts and bruises ached painfully and your feet begged for a break, you pressed on and eventually saw the ships in the distance. The clones were still behind you but you had put a fair bit of distance between you and them, twisting and turning here and there, but every so often a blaster bolt would shoot past you forcing you to run faster.
By the time you actually got to the ships you felt about ready to pass out, the battle that had tired you out to begin with felt like it had happened in another lifetime. You knew you had less than a minute to get on a ship and off the planet before the clones were in their own ships trying to shoot you down.
Somehow you managed it though, jumping into hyperspace just as the clones came into view. You had quickly typed in the coordinates for Coruscant but once you were in hyperspace you figured that might not be the best plan, you weren’t sure just how widespread this thing was with the clones since your comm had broken.
You pressed a few more buttons on the ship before a voice came through, a voice you recognised well and had you sighing in relief to hear but then you registered his words and felt your blood turn cold.
“This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple.”
The Jedi Order had fallen along with the Republic? How could that possibly be the case when just hours before you and Obi-Wan had parted ways with every intent to have the war finished when you saw each other again.
You keyed in Obi-Wan’s private comm number and felt your fear worsen when there was no reply after more than a dozen attempts to contact him. You prayed to the Force he was safe, you knew to get his message out he would have to have gone back to the Temple. Your mind kept trying to conjure every scenario, every bad thing that could have happened to Obi-Wan but you tried to do as he instructed, you had to trust in the Force.
You were still heading toward Coruscant and knew that you had to change course, you were still a few days out but didn’t want to be anywhere near the planet, it was too dangerous. You needed a new destination but had no idea where was safe.
You wanted Obi-Wan.
With Obi-Wan not answering his comm you moved onto other people who might know something. Anakin was your next call but you had a bad feeling, he had been on Coruscant and whatever had happened with the clones with you it was clearly happening on Coruscant too and when Anakin didn’t answer you tried desperately to shut your mind off. You tried Padmé after that, she was also on Coruscant but she would have been rushed away from the danger and yet she too failed to answer.
You felt sick to your stomach, whatever was happening on Coruscant must have been deadly, the Empire had taken over and you just hoped your friends were safe.
You tried one more person, praying and begging with the Force to let this call connect because you didn’t know what you were supposed to do if it didn’t.
“Y/N?” A voice exclaimed startling you back to reality, eyes snapping open to look at the holo in front of you. “You’re alive!”
“Bail.” You breathed out, tears stinging your eyes and you barely choked back a sob at finally getting through to somebody. “Thank the Force, I tried everyone but nobody is answering. What’s going on?”
Bail looked down, a grief stricken look on his face that had you even further on edge. You weren’t sure you wanted to know the answer.
“How much do you know?” He asked you instead of answering your question, he wasn’t quite sure he could tell you.
“I got Obi-Wan’s message.” You told him after taking a deep breath, your mind still running wild and Bail’s avoidance didn’t help. “I know the Order and the Republic have fallen, I know the clones have turned against us.”
“Yes.” Bail sighed and he looked back up at you looking older than you’d ever seen him before. “That is the basics of what has happened. Where are you now? If you got Obi-Wan’s message you know you mustn’t return to Coruscant.”
You nodded but didn’t answer him, staying silent for a minute as you played with the ring on your finger. It wasn’t really allowed, possessions weren’t a thing the Jedi had but nobody had ever brought it up and it had been a gift from Obi-Wan, one that you never wanted to part with.
You knew you had to ask, knew you had to know but you hated that with one little question you could suddenly be in a galaxy without Obi-Wan. You took a shaky breath, a tear falling down your cheek as you looked at Bail.
“Obi-Wan,” You managed to choke out, pausing to swallow around the lump in your throat as more tears slid from your eyes. “Obi-Wan, is he-”
You couldn’t force yourself to say the word, refused to even speak it into existence. The sympathetic look Bail wore did nothing to help the devastation running through you. You couldn’t imagine a galaxy without Obi-Wan, you’d known him your whole life. As a Jedi you had been taken to the Temple at a young age and you didn’t remember a time before that, Obi-Wan had already been there when you arrived and the two of you had been inseparable ever since.
It might’ve been against the Jedi code but you didn’t care, you knew you loved him even if you could ignore it most days.
He couldn’t be gone, he just couldn’t be, not Obi-Wan. A galaxy without Obi-Wan was not one you wanted to be in.
“He’s alive, Y/N.” Bail told you, forcing his voice to be steady even as his face softened as you broke out into relieved sobs, when he hadn’t answered your calls you’d assumed the worst but he was alive.
“Where is he?” You asked and Bail didn’t hesitate to tell you he had travelled to Tatooine and he was staying there, he sent the coordinates over to you and you quickly changed the destination and turned back to Bail.
“Thank you, Bail. If you ever need anything you know where to find me.” You told him sincerely. You had known Bail for years, becoming close friends with both him and Breha and you were beyond relieved to see he was unharmed.
“Likewise, Y/N. Stay safe and…keep an eye on Obi-Wan, he’s going to need all the support he can get.” Bail told you and you frowned, something about his tone telling you whatever was happening with Obi-Wan went deeper than the fall of the Order and the Republic.
“I’ll always look after Obi-Wan.” You told him, watching as a smile spread across his face and he nodded, knowing full well that you and Obi-Wan loved each other and would die before letting the other get hurt. “Stay safe, Bail.”
It was still a two day journey to Tatooine and your mind ran wild in those days. Bail hadn’t told you anything more than what Obi-Wan’s message warned about so until you were reunited with Obi-Wan you were left with the most dreadful thoughts. During your journey you didn’t sleep, the one time you managed to drift off your dreams were plagued with screams and death and you forced yourself to stay awake as you flew through hyperspace.
You finally arrived on Tatooine, following the coordinates given to you by Bail and felt a wave of relief rush through you when you saw a small shack in the middle of nowhere, far enough away that nobody would stumble across it but close enough that Obi-Wan could travel out for supplies when needed.
When you landed the ship you had to take a moment to just sit back in the seat and let out a shaky breath as you stared at the shack, even though you had been told Obi-Wan was alive and safe, you knew you wouldn’t truly believe it until you saw the man, so with another deep breath you pulled yourself together and headed off the ship.
Obi-Wan had heard the ship and he was proud that his wave of panic only lasted a minute before he reached out and felt your Force signature. Once he had pushed aside his fear he felt his heart speed back up for a different reason, you were alive. He had truly thought that after days of not hearing from you that something had happened, that you hadn’t been able to fight the clones off.
With Luke still in his arms, awake and content to be held, he made his way outside and watched as the ship's door opened and you walked down the ramp. You looked worse for wear, clearly injured, robes torn and muddied but none of that mattered, you were alive, that was the most important thing.
He walked to meet you halfway, noticing the exact moment your eyes widened as you took note of Luke in his arms, it seemed Bail hadn’t shared everything with you. When you finally reached him your eyes moved from Luke to look in Obi-Wan’s.
“Is that…” You went to ask, trailing off as your eyes fell back to Luke.
“Y/N, meet Luke Skywalker.” Obi-Wan said softly and your gaze snapped back to him, eyes wide and watery as you tried to keep the tears where they were but it was no use, once one leaked over the rest followed. “Would you like to hold him?”          
You opened your mouth to say something but the words clearly died on your tongue as it fell back shut and instead you gave him a shaky nod. Obi-Wan smiled as he carefully transferred the baby to you, guiding your hand to hold his head properly and then just watched as you looked down at Luke with a mix of emotions playing out on your face.
Your hand came up to gently run along the baby’s cheek before you let out a choked sob when Luke’s tiny hand came up to wrap around your finger. You looked back to Obi-Wan and saw tears welling up in his own eyes as he stepped closer, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest as he placed a gentle kiss to your hair and looked down at you and Luke, so thankful that he had something good left after all that had been lost.
Not much later you and Obi-Wan were settled on the sofa, you tucked against Obi-Wan and Luke cradled in your arms. Given the past few days, the fighting, the overwhelming emotions, the pain and suffering, the dragging yourself off the ground when all you wanted to do was give up, this small part of Tatooine, this quiet corner of the planet Obi-Wan had picked out felt so quiet compared to how loud the rest of the galaxy seemed.
Your gaze was on Luke, heart equal parts full of love for the child and pain for what had become of his parents. You hadn’t had the full story yet, Obi-Wan hadn’t said much and you were content with the silence for now but you knew nothing good could have happened if Obi-Wan had Luke.
Eventually the baby’s eyes closed and began to flutter as he fell asleep in your arms and a small smile tugged at your lips as you stood up and carefully walked over to the small crib Obi-Wan had set up, tucking Luke in and placing a gentle kiss to his forehead before joining Obi-Wan back on the sofa.
In the short amount of time it had taken you to put Luke to bed Obi-Wan had gotten up to get supplies to patch you up. Most of the injuries were cuts and bruises, nothing too serious and most of them had closed up after your long travels.
“Will you tell me what happened?” You asked softly, wincing as Obi-Wan gently ran a wet cloth over a long cut on the side of your stomach.
Obi-Wan was silent for long enough that you resigned yourself to not knowing but then he sighed, a deep, heavy, tired sigh before starting at the beginning with the battle on Utapau right up until giving Leia over to Bail and leaving them behind to bring Luke to Tatooine.
By the end of it you were all patched up and tears fell down both your cheeks. You felt even more exhausted after hearing everything, heartbroken as you cried for everything that had been lost. How had things gone so wrong in the span of just a few days?
Obi-Wan looked drained and when he suggested retiring for the night you didn’t hesitate to agree, letting him pull you from the sofa and into the small bedroom. That night neither of you got much sleep despite feeling more exhausted than you could ever remember being, both of you curled against each other as your thoughts played through the last few days.
For a long while things were tense, the weight of the fall sat heavily on both your shoulders, knowing that the organisation you had dedicated your lives to and the only home either of you had ever known was gone like it had never been there, it was a lot to come to terms with.
Luke seemed to grow more and more every day until he was a small boy who began resembling another little boy you had once known although that felt like another lifetime ago.
You knew Obi-Wan had bad days, days where he excused himself to the nearest town because looking at Luke hurt, you know he hated himself for it no matter what you said to try and convince him that it made sense. You got it too, sometimes you looked at him and saw a glimpse of Padmé’s smile, sometimes the resemblance to Anakin was too much for you too.
Things did get easier though, eventually the hurt of losing the Order faded into something easier to live with, the pain of losing Padmé and Anakin had become a part of you and all you could do was keep their memory alive.
“I wish he could stay this little.” You murmured as Luke cuddled into you, squashed between you and Obi-Wan on the sofa, eyes closed as Obi-Wan finished reading a story to him.  
“I know what you mean.” Obi-Wan smiled as he looked down at Luke, the boy hadn’t long since turned five but Obi-Wan could still remember how he had cradled the small baby against his chest like it was only yesterday.
For years during your time in the Order you and Obi-Wan had always known you were special to each other, it was different to how you were friends with the other younglings, you and Obi-Wan had been inseparable from day one. Both of you were loyal to the Order and followed the code even if it did mean you couldn’t have the other.
Now there was no code, there was no Order for you to be loyal to. All that was left was this small patch of land on Tatooine and each other. You had already been here for five years, five years that seemed to have flown by in the blink of an eye and had let yourself fall more and more in love with him now that there was nothing stopping you.
You and Obi-Wan had never mentioned it, never defined it but you didn’t have to, you both knew it was love. Waking up next to each other every morning, moving in sync with each other as you cooked, Obi-Wan watching with a soft smile as you and Luke danced around his room whilst getting him ready for the day, the lingering touches, the way you got to fall asleep curled against each other, it was all love.
“Sometimes I wish we could give him more though, a life beyond this shack, one where he could go to school, one where he could make friends.” Obi-Wan sighed, letting his head fall to the side so he could look back at you, you who were smiling at him with such a softness to it.
“Careful what you wish for, Obi-Wan,” You chuckled, reaching over to brush a strand of hair from his face. “Before we know it he’ll be sneaking off into town and wanting to move out and go on his own adventures. Besides, I quite like our little shack in the middle of nowhere.”
“Yes, I suppose our small corner of the galaxy isn’t so bad.” Obi-Wan’s smile widened at your laugh, letting himself lean into your touch causing you to trail your fingers down his cheek and letting your thumb brush across his beard.
Obi-Wan had been a good Jedi, he had followed the code despite how many times he had thought about you in ways that would have seen him thrown out. But five years had passed by since everything had changed and he couldn’t remember what he was holding on to anymore.
It was the easiest thing in the world to lean across, careful not to jostle Luke too much as he did, and press his lips to yours, enjoying the little muffled surprised noise you made against his lips as he kissed you softly, your hand curling around his jaw as you pulled him closer, both of you knowing in that moment that this was right, that the two of you belonged to each other.
“He’s not mad at you.” You told Luke softly as you sat down on the sand next to him, smiling softly as he lifted the toy ship Obi-Wan had gotten for him in the air and flew it around half-heartedly.
“Yes he is.” Luke mumbled, refusing to look at you as he spoke.
It had only been a few years and somehow your life had changed so much. You’d gone from relationships being forbidden to freely and openly loving Obi-Wan, overjoyed with the fact you could kiss him whenever you wanted, with the way you could tell him that you loved him as many times as you wanted.
You and Obi-Wan had been raising Luke for nine years now, the little boy next to you the same age his dad had been when you first met him and the resemblance made you choke up some days, especially when he started showing an interest in the ship you’d brought to Tatooine all those years back, wanting to know everything about it and begged you to let him fly it.
Neither you nor Obi-Wan had left the planet since arriving, that was until today of course. When you and Obi-Wan heard another ship landing outside your hand flew to your lightsaber, Obi-Wan had long since got rid of his and instead reached for a blaster that still seemed odd for him to have even after so long of him owning it.
Obi-Wan had told you to stay in the house with Luke, the little boy having no reason to fear whoever had landed and instead was curious, trying to peer through the windows. As Obi-Wan exited the little shack you joined Luke and stayed where you were for all of thirty seconds before you saw the person who walked off the ship.
You were out of the door and past Obi-Wan before he himself had a chance to see who had arrived and he watched as you wrapped your arms around the figure, barely catching Luke as he ran after you, most likely wanting to see the new ship rather than the new person.
“Bail!” You exclaimed as you pulled out of the hug, “It’s so good to see you.”
“Y/N, Obi-Wan.” Bail smiled before looking down, Luke suddenly shy and clinging to Obi-Wan’s pants. “And this must be Luke.”
“Not that it isn’t good to see you, Bail,” Obi-Wan said and you shot him a look, sure it didn’t bode well that Bail had showed up on Tatooine for the first time since you’d arrive but he didn’t have to jump straight into it, he could at least invite him into the house first. “But you wouldn’t be here unless something had happened.”
“I’m afraid you’re right. I need your help, Obi-Wan.” Bail said and you could see the exact moment Obi-Wan shut himself off, already shaking his head and not letting Bail continue before he cut him off.
“No. Whatever it is you can handle, I won’t get involved again. I have my own family to take care of.” Obi-Wan told him firmly, Bail frowning as he nodded, his eyes falling down to Luke before he sighed.
“And a fine job you’ve done it seems but I’m afraid I have to ask anyway, you know I wouldn’t but…”
“What is it Bail?” You asked him softly, seeing the fear he was trying to hide.
“It’s Leia.” Was all Bail said and it was enough for Obi-Wan to gesture to the house, all of you sitting around the small dining table as you sent a pouting Luke off to play in his room.
“You’ll be safe, won’t you?” You asked Obi-Wan, Bail had left not too long ago after Obi-Wan agreed to go and find Leia.
“There is no need to worry, my love, I will get the girl and be back home before you know it.” Obi-Wan assured, pulling you into his arms and letting his lips linger against your forehead.
“I wish I could come with you.” You sighed and Obi-Wan chuckled softly as he looked down at you.
“I’d rather you were here where I know you’re safe. Besides, somebody needs to watch over Luke.” Obi-Wan told you, grinning at the huff you let out.
“Yeah, yeah Kenobi, you go on your little adventure and I'll stay home and watch the kid pout about not being able to fly around the galaxy with his Uncle.” You grumbled with no real heat behind it, unable to stop a smile tugging at your lips as Obi-Wan laughed before pulling you into a kiss.
Luke had refused to say goodbye to Obi-Wan, instead he only glared at the ship as he watched it disappear from view before walking away, sitting a short distance from the house.
“I know you want to explore the galaxy but you know it’s not safe out there right now.” You told him and watched as he rolled his eyes.
Generally Luke was the sweetest child you’d ever met, so polite and well behaved but the one argument that always came up was Luke wanting to explore the galaxy. He had loved your ship for as long as you could remember, most days you could find him at the wheel, stirring it this way and that, or tinkering away on something that definitely hadn’t needed fixing before he started.
“You and Uncle Obi always say that!” He exclaimed and you felt your heart ache for him.
For years you had fought in the Clone Wars, for years you had battled Separatists and Sith and it was all for them, for the kids like Luke who would get to grow up only knowing the new galaxy you had fought for and not the one plagued with darkness.
Of course all that fighting had amounted to nothing, all the lives lost and hearts shattered, the thinking you were so close to victory only to have it snatched out of your grasp by a plot put together before the war had even began.
“I know we do,” you told him quietly, thoughts so far away on a life that felt like it had been lived a million years ago. “Luke I wish you could, I really do, we wanted the galaxy to be safe but it’s not, I’m sorry.”
“We can make it better!” Luke declared and you laughed even as your vision became blurred with tears, Maker you were tired.
There was no better, how could there be with the Jedi gone and only darkness left. You had given everything you had and it had ended with you at the end of blasters held by men you cared so deeply for. You were tired, the war had taken so much from everyone, you weren’t sure you could do it again.
“You’re growing up too fast.” You told him, reaching over to ruffle his hair and feeling lighter when he laughed but didn’t push you away.
“One day I’m gonna grow up and be the best pilot in the whole galaxy!” Luke told you and you desperately tried to blink away the sting of more tears because you had known the best pilot in the whole galaxy and you had no doubt that had things been different him and Luke would have made one hell of a team.
You didn’t say anything though, just pulled Luke into your arms and this time Luke didn’t fuss like he usually did, telling you he was too old to sit in your lap anymore. The kid was so aware of everyone else’s emotions all the time and seemed to know you just needed to hold him tight against you for a moment.
“He’s alive?” You exclaimed, days had passed and Luke had long since gone to bed by the time you heard the ship land. “Wait, is that why Leia was taken, does he know about them? Are they safe?”
“He doesn’t know, he has no idea who Leia is to him and he certainly has no idea that Luke exists.” Obi-Wan told you calmly after telling you what had happened on his mission to rescue and return Leia. “Nobody is going to hurt him.”
“Force, I can’t believe he’s alive.” You said, sitting down next to Obi-Wan, the man not hesitating to pull you into him after so long apart. “And you’re sure it’s safe for us to stay here?”
“I promise, if I didn’t think it was, I would move us immediately.” Obi-Wan assured you, kissing the top of your head as you let out a shaky breath, nodding against his chest as you let yourself calm down after hearing his story.
“How is Leia?” You asked after a few moments of silence, turning up to look at him and watching as a soft smile pulled at his lips.
“She is quite possibly the bravest little girl I’ve ever met. Considering she has no idea who her biological parents are she is so much like both of them, a stubborn, passionate, kind hearted little thing, ready to take on the galaxy.”
“She sounds like a certain little boy I know who’s been missing his Uncle.” You smiled up at him, “Luke thinks there’s hope for the galaxy, that it can be made better.”
“It seems such an impossible thought, doesn’t it?” Obi-Wan murmured and you nodded again, your fingers playing with his. “It can’t stay like this forever though.”
“I’m not so sure I could handle another war, even then we had the numbers only because of the clones, now what is there? A few people willing to rebel, I wish them all the luck in the galaxy but we tried once.” You sighed, the war seemed a lifetime ago and yet you could still remember how drained you were by the end of it.
“Sometimes a few rebels is all the galaxy needs, maybe not to win the war but to light the spark in others.” Obi-Wan told you, you humming softly before leaning up to close the distance between you with a soft kiss.
“I’m glad you’re back home.” You whispered against his lips.
“Me too, my love.” Obi-Wan murmured before leaning back in to press his lips to yours.
More time passed and before you knew it Luke was so grown up, grown up and even more eager to get out into the galaxy. You and Obi-Wan knew it had only gotten worse, sure people had tried to fight against the Empire but nothing worked, the galaxy only got darker.
Unfortunately you knew you couldn’t keep Luke on Tatooine forever, one day he would leave, the boy was too eager, too kind hearted to leave the galaxy as it was. He had so much fight and so much good in him, not only that but he was also strong in the Force. Obi-Wan and you had been teaching him the ways of the Jedi not too long after Obi-Wan had helped Leia, knowing the boy had already shown signs of being able to use the Force and wanting him to be trained in case something ever did happen, even if it did hurt to see Anakin’s old lightsaber again after so long.
Luke didn’t get the chance to argue again about going out into the galaxy, not when something new came along to drag you out of your safe space on Tatooine.
You and Obi-Wan had made a run into town, leaving Luke alone at the house, not that he stayed there of course. Once you and Obi-Wan left Luke found himself wandering around outside until he made his way onto the ship.
He had always felt at home on the ship you had brought with you, he dreamed of flying and though he loved his life on Tatooine with you and Obi-Wan he couldn’t help but want more. He had listened to the stories from both of you growing up, the tales from the war, the adventures you had had together. He wanted that, he knew he was meant for more.
He was startled out of his thoughts when he heard a crash near the house and he leaned forward in his seat to look out of the window, not seeing anything for a moment and then suddenly two droids came into view.
“Droids?” Luke murmured to himself, pulling himself off the seat and making his way off the ship, the droids spotting him immediately and the R2 unit zooming over to him whereas the other just mumbled to itself.
The R2 unit beeped at him and Luke frowned as he watched the unit crash into his legs.
“Whoa, hey there buddy, what’re you two doing so far out here?” Luke asked them both and the R2 beeped wildly at him again.
“You’ll have to forgive my small friend, he seems to think he’s on an important mission when really we barely escaped with our lives from the Empire.” The other droid told him and Luke’s eyes widened.
“The Empire? You know about the rebellion?” He asked with a grin on his face and the droid nodded.
“Of course, me and R2-D2 here are more than familiar with the rebellion.” The droid said, sounding as exasperated as a droid could.
“Yeah you two do look a bit banged up. You want me to patch you up, buddy?” He asked R2 and the droid beeped again like he was excited causing Luke to laugh. “Alright then, come up onto the ship, that’s where my Aunt keeps the tools.”
The three of them made their way onto the ship and Luke knew when you and Obi-Wan got back you were going to kill him but he couldn’t help it, he loved tinkering with the scraps you brought home from market, now he had the chance to patch up real droids, ones who knew about the rebellion no less.
“What did you say your name was?” Luke asked as he crouched down in front of R2 and got to work on him.
“Oh I didn’t sir but I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations.” C-3PO introduced himself as he settled against the wall and watched as Luke worked.
“Nice to meet you both, I’m Luke.” He smiled at them, grunting as he tried to get something that was jammed in R2 unstuck. “You’ve got something jammed good in there buddy, let me just-”
Luke was cut out as he was shocked by the R2 unit before a holo started playing, Luke looking towards the girl as her voice filled the ship.
“Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” The girl pleaded and Luke frowned as he turned to the droids.
“What’s this?” He asked as the holo continued to play. “Who is that girl, why is she asking for help?”
His frown deepened as both of the droids shrugged it off as old footage, he couldn’t help but think they were lying to him. He didn’t know what reason they’d have to lie but two droids suddenly appearing and looking for Obi-Wan was strange.
“R2 says it is a private message for Obi-Wan Kenobi, he refuses to tell you anything unfortunately, sir.” C-3PO finally said after talking with R2 and Luke frowned before his face lit up.
“If you’re looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi I can take you right to him!” Luke said as he stood up.
“You know Obi-Wan Kenobi, sir?” C-3PO asked and Luke nodded excitedly, gesturing for the droids to follow him.
“Of course, Obi-Wan is my uncle, him and my aunt should still be in town, I can take you to him!” Luke grinned and the three of them made their way towards the town. It was a fair trek away from their house but it didn’t take awfully long to get there.
He had been to the town only a few times and each time he went he was never allowed to wander off despite being so curious about everything. This was the first time in his whole life he’d been by himself and he knew once the two of you saw him he’d be done for.
It was worth it though, the small thrill running through Luke, his first adventure!
It took some searching but eventually he found you and Obi-Wan, you were sitting together on a bench some distance away from everyone else and the second R2 saw you he shot off like a rocket, leaving Luke to chase after him with a yell and C-3PO to sigh to himself.
Your eyes widened as you looked over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, gasping at the R2 unit barrelling towards you. You were off your seat before Obi-Wan had noticed the droid and crouching down just in time for R2 to crash into you causing you to laugh.
“R2, is it really you?” You asked and the droid let out a series of excited beeps. “Force, what are you doing all the way out here?”
“Luke?” Obi-Wan asked and your head snapped up to see a sheepish looking Luke, C-3PO showing up behind him a second later. “3PO?”
“You know these droids?” Luke asked and you taped R2 once more before standing up and glaring at Luke.
“The question is how do you know these droids and what in the stars are you doing out here alone?” You asked him with a glare causing him to look down at his feet, kicking at the sand.
“They were looking for Uncle Obi-Wan!” Luke defended himself, “They have a message, a girl is in trouble, she needs your help!”
You and Obi-Wan shared a look, a girl needing his help, there was only one person in the whole galaxy who fit that description, young Leia Organa.
“Let us get back to the house, it isn’t safe to talk out here.” Obi-Wan murmured and you nodded in agreement, starting the walk back home, wondering what trouble had managed to find Leia this time.
“General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father’s request in person. But my ship has fallen under attack and I’m afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. You once told me I would see you again if I ever needed help, this is the time. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.”
You and Obi-Wan were silent as the message finished, sharing a look between you, Obi-Wan standing and gesturing for you to follow him. When Luke went to follow you gave him a pointed look and the boy sat right back down again.
“What is Bail up to?” You asked and Obi-Wan could only shrug though he wouldn’t be surprised if his old friend was part of the new Rebellion. “We have to get that droid to Alderaan.”
“We’d need to bring Luke, we cannot leave him here alone.” Obi-Wan said, causing you to scrunch your nose in displeasure. “He will be fine, the boy is strong with the Force, one of the strongest I have seen.”
“Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I have to like it.” You mumbled causing Obi-Wan to chuckle and pull you into his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I know, my dear, believe me I want nothing more than for Luke to stay here, to never know the cruelness of the world beyond this place but unfortunately, despite our best wishes, the boy has grown up.” Obi-Wan told you and you couldn’t stop the stinging in your eyes. “He’ll be fine, we raised him well.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this, you can feel it too, I know you can, something big is coming. He shouldn’t be near it.”
“That boy knows he is made for something bigger than Tatooine, one day he may choose to fight and he will be a worthy Jedi. All we can do is give him the tools and guidance he needs to stay safe.” Obi-Wan said as he pulled you closer to him, smiling softly as you gripped his robe.
“We need a way off Tatooine, the ship is fine for small journeys but it’ll never get us to Alderaan in one piece.” You told Obi-Wan after pulling away and taking a shaky breath.
“We’ll fly it to Mos Eisley, leave the rest to me, my love.”
It only took a few mind tricks to get past the troopers, tricks that seemed to impress Luke, of course he’d been taught about the Force and what it was capable of but he had never actually seen anything like that.
Taking Luke into the seedy cantina was the last thing you wanted to do but Obi-Wan seemed certain you’d find your pilot in there. As you entered Obi-Wan moved away and began talking to somebody, out of the corner of your eye you saw Luke looking around in wonder before he went to move away, only stopped by you grabbing his arm.
“You stay with me, I’m still not thrilled you’re coming along but if you are you’ll do as I say.” You told him sternly, having Luke so far away from home had your nerves on edge, that mixed with the shift in the Force had anxiety running through you.
You couldn’t do anything about whatever was happening with the Force but you could protect Luke and that you would do with your life.
“Come on, Aunt Y/N, I’ll be fine!” Luke whined but didn’t try and pull away from you, moments letting stepping closer when a creature with four arms grunted at him causing you to snort.
As you walked further into the bar Luke got closer and closer to you until he was pressed against your side, his arm wrapped around yours like he had done when he was much younger. You couldn’t help but smile despite the situation and squeezed his hand before giving him a reassuring smile as Obi-Wan gestured you over, telling you about a captain who could potentially get you to Alderaan.
“Han Solo.” The man introduced himself as he sat next to the Wookiee. You glanced at Luke and elbowed his side when you saw him staring too openly at the creature causing him to pout at you. “I’m captain of the Millennium Falcon.”
You listened to him as he talked his ship up, Luke hanging onto the captain’s every word and you almost felt sorry for the man if he agreed to take you, knowing Luke would already have a million and one questions for him.
“Ten thousand, all in advance.” The captain told you and you watched as Luke gasped, rolling your eyes as you looked towards Obi-Wan.
“We could buy our own ship for those credits!” Luke exclaimed as he turned to you and Obi-Wan before snapping his attention back to Han.
“And who’s gonna fly it, kid? You?”
“I could! I’m an excellent pilot!” Luke declared, your gaze still on Obi-Wan, full of amusement as he looked at you in exasperation.
“Luke, why don’t we let your uncle do the talking?” You said softly, ignoring the wide eyes and pout that was sent your way. “Remember what I said.”
“Obi-Wan, where in the Force are you getting fifteen thousand credits?” You asked after the deal was struck and you had put enough distance between you and anyone listening.
“Bail wants the droid, I’m sure he won’t mind paying the captain who delivered it.” Obi-Wan told you with a grin.
“You’re sticking Bail with a fifteen thousand credit bill?” You laughed as you nudged him, causing Obi-Wan to laugh.
From then on it hadn’t taken long at all to sell your ship for the advance payment and before you knew it you were meeting up with the Wookiee and making your way to the Falcon, though once you arrived you had a bad feeling upon seeing it, wholeheartedly agreeing with Luke that it looked like a heap of junk.
“So much for no Imperials.” You muttered to yourself as you heard blaster shots and looked out of the window in time to see a swarm of them surrounding you but thankfully between the Wookiee and the captain were able to get you off Tatooine and into hyperspace.
Once you were in hyperspace you smiled as Obi-Wan tested Luke’s work with his lightsaber, knowing that something was bound to go wrong on this mission and wanting Luke to be as prepared as possible. Your smile didn’t last long though, if you thought something was happening with the Force before it was nothing compared to the sudden pain and terror you felt, gasping as you leaned back in your seat and watching Obi-Wan sit down.
“Something terrible has happened.” You heard Obi-Wan say and that was putting it lightly, you managed to push yourself to your feet before sitting down next to him, Obi-Wan’s arm wrapping around you and pulling you close as you buried yourself against his chest.
You stayed quiet for the rest of the trip, reaching out into the Force and trying to feel something but it just felt empty. Whilst Obi-Wan distracted himself with Luke, you followed Chewbacca and Han into the cockpit as he announced you were coming out of hyperspace.
You were glad for Obi-Wan following in not too long after, wrapping an arm around you and holding you against his chest as you staggered back once the captain announced you’d arrived but Alderaan was gone.
Everyone around you spoke but you were frozen, staring ahead at the destruction before you as Han flew through it, frowning at the space station that came into view.
“I have a very bad feeling about this.” Luke said and you moved away from Obi-Wan to pull Luke against you, the young man not pushing you away and instead leaning into your hold.
The fear in Luke's voice when Han announced you were caught in the tractor beam turned you cold as he turned to cling to you and you hated that he was on this ship at all, you knew nothing good could have come from it and now, if anything happened to Luke you’d never forgive yourself.
You almost gasped as you felt something in the Force, Obi-Wan turning to look at you and you knew you weren’t imagining it, you knew he had felt it too. You knew what had become of Anakin but to see his destruction, to see how far he had fallen first hand was different to hearing the stories.
You didn’t have time to think for too long though, the captain grabbing your arm whilst the Wookiee took Luke’s and they led you down to hide under the compartments. You waited until it was all clear and let Luke pull you up, him taking his spot pressed against you again.
You let Han and Chewbacca take care of the troopers outside of the ship before following them into the command centre, letting R2 find his way around and sitting against one of the crates in the room.
Anakin, no Vader had done this, he had been a part of the destruction of Alderaan. Your gaze shifted to Luke, your heart aching even more as you saw the fear he tried to hide, then you moved to look at Obi-Wan.
He looked like he’d aged so much since leaving Tatooine and you were sure you looked the same, you felt the same at least. After everything you’d lost there weren’t too many people you had left in the galaxy to trust and now Bail was gone, him and Breha and the rest of Alderaan wiped out and for what?
You knew Anakin was gone but you had to believe some part of him was in there, buried deep down. Surely he was tired of the fighting and the wars. Hadn’t you all had enough of it to last a lifetime?
Obi-Wan’s gaze found yours and he smiled though it was strained, you forced yourself to smile back though, forced yourself to push your feelings into the Force and focus on getting Luke out of here alive.
You listened as C-3PO told you that the ship could leave so long as one of the terminals lost its power and Obi-Wan looked at you, raising an eyebrow and you nodded.
“You boys can’t help, me and Y/N will deal with this alone.” Obi-Wan told them and you ignored Han in favour of turning to Luke.
“Y/N, don’t go.” Luke pleaded as he clung to your robes before you even had the chance to speak, him already getting teary eyed and you forced yourself to smile again, to use all your Jedi training to hide your emotions and project a calm you didn’t feel.
“You’ll be fine.” You told him, smoothing his hair from his face and bringing him close enough so you could press a kiss to his forehead. “If anything happens you know what to do, you are strong with the Force, trust in it and trust yourself.”
“Please don’t go, at least let me come with you.” Luke begged, a tear slipping down his cheek.
“Come on, none of that now. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise. I don’t care how grown up you get on me, I’m not going to let anything happen to you, you will get off this space station.” You promised him, cupping his cheek and wiping away the few more tears that slipped down.
“Uncle Obi-Wan, I wanna go with you two.” He turned to the other man causing you to laugh softly and Obi-Wan squeezed his upper arm.
“You stay here, stay with the droids. They are of top priority and must be delivered safely. Now listen to your Aunt.” Obi-Wan said softly, forcing his own smile on his face before Luke nodded, seeing he was fighting a losing battle.
“The Force will be with you, always.” Obi-Wan told him before gesturing for you to follow him and you went with one last glance towards Luke, mouthing an ‘I love you’ to him and finding your smile wasn’t as forced when he whispered it back.
You and Obi-Wan kept silent as you made your way through the base, it was almost embarrassing how easy it was to move around unnoticed with so many troopers and imperial officers on board, Obi-Wan clearly thinking the same as he smirked at you when you snuck past another large group of stormtroopers.
“You can feel him too, can’t you?” You whispered as you and Obi-Wan pressed against each other to avoid another group. “Even with the darkness surrounding him, you can feel him, right?”
“Yes my dear, it is Darth, no doubt about it.” Obi-Wan told you with a heaviness in his tone and you reached up to cup his cheek, feeling him smile faintly. “How twisted the Dark side within him has become.”
“You’re not just going to disable the power, are you?” You asked him and watched as his face darkened, not giving you an answer out loud but he didn’t need to, he never had to, you knew him better than anyone in the whole galaxy. “Whatever plan you had to get rid of me, to distract me whilst you snuck away, change it right now because you are not doing this alone.”
Obi-Wan went to open his mouth but he could see he wasn’t winning this argument so let it fall closed and instead leaned down to kiss you, both of you holding each other close and savouring the feeling.
“I love you, Obi-Wan.” You whispered against his lips, feeling the way his breath hitched being so close to him.
“I love you too, my dear one, more than you could ever know.” Obi-Wan murmured back, placing one more kiss to your lips before pulling away and you continued on your way.
The two of you made quick work of shutting down the power to the tractor beams so the Falcon would be able to take off and it was easy to sneak past the troopers keeping watch once it was done.
You followed behind Obi-Wan, pausing when he gestured for you to wait as he went ahead, scouting the next room and walking into it. You frowned as he failed to give you the all clear after a few seconds and looked up and down the hallway before moving across.
“No!” You exclaimed as the door slid shut before you could enter the room, locks sliding into place, your fists banging against it doing nothing. “Obi-Wan!”
From behind the glass you could see Vader already in the room, cloaked and masked with his red lightsaber lit, an imposing figure that should strike fear but instead your heart just ached painfully.
“Obi-Wan, open this door!” You yelled and he turned around to give you an apologetic look before facing Vader, lighting his own lightsaber.
You couldn’t hear what they were saying but you winced every time their lightsabers smashed into each other. Pushing yourself away from the door you raised a hand and drew all your strength from the Force and yet the blasted door still wouldn’t open.
You never took your gaze off the two of them, eyes locked onto Obi-Wan the whole time as you watched them battle each other, tears streaming down your face as you pleaded with the Force to just open the door, desperate to get through to Obi-Wan.
You watched as Obi-Wan paused, still holding Vader off but turning to see something you couldn’t before you felt a shift in the Force again, this time instead of fear it was peace spreading through it and you felt your heart beating wildly as you shook your head calling Obi-Wan’s name as sobs wracked your body.
“No!” You called as watched him put his lightsaber down and Vader didn’t miss a beat as he swung for Obi-Wan, the man you had loved for years, for your whole life, fell to the floor before you, gone in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing but a lightsaber and his cloak behind.
As he disappeared the door flew open and you stumbled into the room, falling onto your knees as you sobbed into his cloak.
“Still so loyal to Obi-Wan?” Vader asked, he knew he had recognized more than just Obi-Wan on the space station but hadn’t been sure. “Pathetic.”
You looked up at Vader and it was Vader, there was no more mistaking him for Anakin, not anymore. The Anakin Skywalker you had known would have died before killing Obi-Wan.
Vader lifted his lightsaber again, ready to strike you down as he had Obi-Wan. There was a moment, it was only a moment that lasted no longer than a second, where you had to make a choice.
It wasn’t a hard choice, a thought you had had so many years ago back when you were young and exhausted hit you, a world without Obi-Wan Kenobi was not a world you ever wanted to be in. Even in just these few seconds it had been since Vader had killed him the galaxy felt emptier immediately, it felt like a part of you had been ripped out, an aching hole in you that would never be mended.
You had never lived in a galaxy without Obi-Wan and you didn’t plan on doing so now.
You were old and you had lived a full life, more than a full life. You had been a Jedi Master, you had fought wars and commanded armies, you had settled down with the love of your life and got to spend every day at his side, raising a child who was yours in every way but blood, a child you loved more deeply than you thought possible.
It had been a good life, tiring but filled with so much love, even before the Order fell and it was an emotion that Jedi weren’t supposed to feel. You loved the men under your command, spending years at their sides and becoming closer than friends, becoming a family as you fought together on the front lines, earning their respect by standing with them. You had loved Anakin dearly, helping Obi-Wan navigate his new life of suddenly having a Padawan and taking Anakin under your wing when Obi-Wan’s grief over the loss of Qui-Gon was too much and he needed to be alone. You loved Padmé and Bail, dear friends and two of the few people you trusted more than anyone. Mostly you had loved Obi-Wan, long before you had even truly known what that had meant.
It was a good life, a long life and you knew it was done there. You hoped one day Anakin would find his way back, that he would find a way to rid himself of such darkness but there was nothing you could do to help him, not now.
You were tired and you were at peace, ready to join Obi-Wan, sure he was waiting for you on the other side for whatever grand adventure awaited the two of you next and as you turned your head you saw Luke watching you, the boy crying but he wasn’t alone, his sister had her arms around him and you managed to mouth a final ‘I love you’, managed to see Luke choke out the same three words before Vader’s lightsaber struck you too.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) -
@paintlavillered​, @captainamericasdaughter15​, @bubsonnobx​ , @starkillerrr​, @heyitsaloy, @fall-08, @punkpirate82, @bookfrog242,  @folklorianpixie, @shadowheads-shitshow, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @marlenachiarodiluna​, @myeyesandheartadjust​, @evvy96, @crazywitchbitch, @little-diable, @navs-bhat, @alexxavicry, @asherhunterx, @myeyesandheartadjust, @top1bbgloak, @kpopperbree123, @audrie-bryant,@pank0w, @bitchineedfuckingtherapy @lillianacristina, @thunder-ki
Thank you so much for reading!💜
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imaginationblur · 5 months
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How’s it hangin’ Sal?
470 notes · View notes
iinsertblognamee · 1 year
star player
summary ― flowers, star players and soccer
pairing ― teenager!sam kerr x teenager!reader
warning/s ― minor character injury, fluff
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You met Sam on the soccer field. Shocking. Barely thirteen years of age but ready to take on the world. She was on the other team and had already scored within the first five minutes of the game. She was good, really good. 
Your team had ended up being better, winning 4 - 3 when that final whistle went off. Handshakes were given, and when you went to thank her for a good game you couldn’t help but congratulate her on her goal. A small smile appeared on her lips, as she congratulated you on your win. 
You both walk off to your represented teams and with that seemed to be the end of your meeting. The team song was chanted by your team and parents, as the water was thrown around. You made a glance back at the opposing team one last time and smiled when you met eyes with Sam once again. 
It wasn’t until a year later that you saw Sam again, another game - although this time her team took the winning goal. Once more handshakes were given and when it came to the two of you, you noted the smirk appearing on her face as you raised your eyebrows. 
“That’s for the last time” she gloated, shaking your hand. You shook your head as you smiled back, “I guess the next game determines the best” you remarked back, her hand still in yours. It wasn’t until one of your teammates nudged you to move on to the next player that you two broke away. Taking one last look at Sam, you couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of seeing and playing against her again. 
The next time your team played against Sam’s you were watching from the sideline cheering your team on. A few weeks before you had been involved in a rushed tackle that resulted in a torn ACL. As much as you wished to be on the field with your team you couldn’t complain at the fact that you were given ninety minutes to recklessly stare at Sam move around the field. 
Her team ended up winning once again, you watched as both teams shook hands as you made your way slowly towards where the team huddle was forming. Speeches were given, getting the girls pumped for the next game and ready to have a better outcome than the game just played. 
It wasn’t until the group started that break that you notice that Sam had stayed back, waiting for something. Her eyes glanced down to your injured leg before making their way back to your face. A small frown appears. 
“It looks worse than it really is” you started, limping your way over to her - she matched the distance in half the time - reaching her arm out to stable you. “Congratulations on the win - again” you added, gripping her arm as her second hand landed on your waist. 
She lets out a small laugh, sending her head back as she shakes her head. 
“Yeah, although your team seemed to be missing their star player”. 
If her hand holding your waist wasn’t enough to make you blush, the nickname definitely did the job. She seemed to smile even more when she noticed the deeper tint of red rising up on your cheeks. 
“I think you might be the star player out of the two of us to be fair” you rebutted, before adding “You did score all three goals for your team today”. Her grip tightened for a second before a slow release, although her hand not moving off your body. 
“You were keeping a close eye on me where you?” 
“Someone has to” 
It takes a second or two for your words to sit heavy between the two of you. Feeling like you said too much, you try to take a step back but that only makes her hold you tighter. Sam titles a head a little, almost like she was trying to figure you out before a smile returning back to her face. 
“I like the idea of you keeping an eye out for me”. 
It turns out Sam was definitely the superstar between the two of you, by the next year she had been signed on by Perth Glory. She only got better and better. 
The two of you had stayed in contact throughout the years, cheering her on as she continued to move from club to club, from game to game. You were lucky enough to have been able to make it to some games either alone or with friends and family. The look on Sam’s face every time she would find you in the crowd made your heart beat just that little bit faster. 
You couldn’t deny you had feelings for the soccer player. Not when you had your first sleepover and you accidentally walked in on her getting changed. Or when two months later the two of you kissed in a game of spin the bottle. 
She made your days just that little bit brighter and although after countless people telling you to take your shot with her, you kept your lips tight around her. Not wanting to lose such an important friendship. 
Sam surprised you on your 18th birthday with your favourite flowers and a nervous smile. The two of you spent the day kicking the ball around in your backyard, Sam telling you everything that had been happening with her and soccer as you told her about finishing high school and getting into university. 
The nervous smiles continued throughout the day until your mum called you both in for cake, Sam holding your arm to stop you from walking inside for a few more moments. Turning to face her, she takes a deep breath as she gave you one last smile. 
She became your girlfriend that night, and for the first time since you met Sam, your birthday wish had been answered. That night the two of you shared quiet kisses and silent giggles, your bodies tangled up with one another. 
Your mum had taken a photo of the two of you when she had come in the next morning to wake you up (and that exact photo was now framed and sitting on Sam’s bedside table twelve years later). And although you didn’t know it then, every year after that one, Sam would make sure that you woke up to your favourite flowers and a card with superstar written inside.
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
You know. I don't think I've seen you talk about Idia a lot. Which is odd because Idia is the exact type of yandere that you can get weird with. He is chronically online and has magic. A recipe for disaster. What sort of fucked up shit would a yandere Idia get into?
How deep of a rabbit hole are we looking at here?
tw - spoilers for chapter six, implied kidnapping, stalking.
dfjsjdfkldsjflk to be fair idia is a little hard to work with, just because he's not so much insecure as he is depressingly, nihilistically, overwhelmingly convinced that he's never going to be able to make any connections that don't involve a screen. he's not going to talk to you, and he's going to tell himself that it's not because he's shy, that it's not because he thinks he might stutter and he's worried he might embarrass himself in front of you, but because he knows he's so much better than anyone at this school, because he knows better than to care about things like tests and clubs and social lives, and he knows that, no matter what he does, he'll eventually have to leave the cute underclassmen he's taken an interest and retreat back to his island of solitude. that's why he can only watch you from a distance through security cameras and hacked webcams, why he restrains himself to things he could do just as easily a hundred miles away as he could a few doors down from your dorm room. when he lets his hand brush against yours as you pass each other in the hallway, when he steals the notebook you forgot in your last period of the day - those were just flukes, happy accidents he definitely won't be thinking about for the next three months, sensations he definitely won't chase every time he sees you, live and in-person rather than some distant, minimized thing locked behind the glass of his monitor.
he doesn't think about how many empty rooms there are on the island of woe, about how easily ortho could rework the school admission records to make it seem like you'd been funneled into some vague transfer program that'd explain why you fell off the face of the planet as soon as he graduated. he doesn't think about how nice it'd be to touch you whenever he wanted to, to look at you without having to worry about how close you were to the nearest camera.
in fact, he doesn't let himself think at all.
for once in his life, he just acts.
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choerypetal · 9 months
Catton's Little Puppet / Oliver Quick & Felix Catton
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summary: Oliver had harbored a long-standing obsession with both the reader and Felix. Despite his discomfort at witnessing the two together, he saw it as a chance to strategically earn their trust in an unconventional manner. It was an opportunity for Felix to potentially welcome him into their partnership, transforming the dynamic into a trio where they would all be equals, yet each holding a unique role—masters entwined in the intricate dance of their own puppetry.
ps: English is not my primary language, so I apologize for any errors or mistakes. If you choose to use or replicate my work without proper credit, it may be subject to being flagged.
tag list: @bananzaa @sisgotdemons enjoy!
Oliver hated everything about you when you two first met. 
Oliver hated the way your hips seamlessly moved to the rhythm of the music. Your smile captured the essence of every words from the songs you knew by heart. As you clutched the now-empty beer cup, poised to pour another for yourself, Felix's arm effortlessly wrapped around your waist. In a swift motion, he pulled you to his side, mirroring the smile Oliver had admired the first time actually meeting Felix. Oliver couldn't help but think that if he averted his gaze for even a second, Felix's and your lips would meet. The scene drew him back into the room later that evening, only for Felix and you to vanish until the sunrise.
Oliver hated when, the next day, you walked into class looking all polished and preppy. Although he knew that it was only an illusion, as you had once shared with him that it was simply a matter of practice. Even suggesting he follow suit that same morning. During Oliver's first week, you didn't have much information about him, like everyone. Oliver had found himself completely withdraw by your beauty upon entering on that same morning when you arrived late– clearly hungover from the homecoming of the school’s first day and an obvious amount of hickeys left from Felix. How Oliver wanted his to also be marked through Felix’s. 
Oliver hated witnessing your interactions with Felix. Typically, he would pay no attention if it were any other girls, but there was something about you that intrigued him. It all truly began when Felix introduced you to him on the same evening after borrowing Oliver's bike. "So, you're the faithful hero who saved Felix. But in the end, who can resist such charm, am I right, dear?" That marked the second time Oliver had heard your voice, yet this time it felt genuine – natural and almost too angelic to let go until its last breath. “Oh, right! Where are my manners? I'm Y/N. And you?”
“Oliver, but you can call me Ollie.” He said without insistence, a departure from his earlier encounters with Felix in person. A surge of confidence enveloped him, particularly as you extended your hand for a proper handshake, a gesture Felix took delight in complimenting, deepening Oliver's infatuation. “And thanks to Y/N's wonderful parents for bringing such a polite daughter into the world.” Oliver, if he had the courage, would have agreed wholeheartedly, envisioning a passion and intensity in a kiss that rivaled Felix's. However, the reality weighed on Oliver, when he heard your beautiful voice once more. “Oh, stop it. Felix has a way with compliments smoother than butter. But I'll remember your gratitude, Ollie.”
And he did remember to. How you would lean in to give him a peck on the cheek. Not that he was special, considering the fact that you always did that whoever you had meet. Nonetheless, for Oliver it meant something more, something that he too would be able to feel, to feel that same love you have for Felix just as you would for Oliver. 
Being in proximity to Felix and his circle of friends was coveted by many at the school, and an invitation to Saltburn was a sought-after opportunity. Unless someone had established connections within the group, receiving an invitation was usually contingent on existing friendships. Such was the anticipation for Oliver, who found himself in this situation when Felix enthusiastically proposed the idea of inviting him. It wasn't merely an act of gratitude; rather, it stemmed from Oliver's generosity in lending his bike to a stranger, who had now become a valued friend to him. 
Upon your arrival, Oliver caught sight of you standing alone. From the outset, what captivated him was your independence; you didn't always rely on Felix's wealth, and you had a sense of self that wasn’t easily spoiled. “Ollie!” You exclaimed, swiftly kicking off your overly tight heels and dashing towards him. You cupped his face and planted quick pecks all over, leaving him delighted by the touch of your moisturized lips on his cheek. But quickly caught up by someone’s chuckle echoing in a distance. “Jesus, Y/N. You're going to suffocate the poor thing.” Remarked Venetia, welcoming the playful scene with a teasing tone. She observed Oliver's reaction to your enthusiastic greeting, as a way to make the new comer even more relentless of his own. As soon as you released from him, you excused yourself from the exuberance and headed towards the Catton's mansion. “She's a firecracker, this one. Quite surprising that she's into nerds. I wonder what Felix will think.” She mused with a smirk.
Felix's potential thoughts were the constant contemplation in Oliver's mind during the initial days of his stay at the Catton residence. Beyond that, he marveled at how effortlessly open and welcoming you were, despite having only briefly connected during your time in school. While he appreciated the sound of your voice and the way you interacted with him and Felix, it was observing you in quiet moments that truly captivated Oliver. This fascination grew into an unexpected and almost unbelievable obsession, especially considering his initial attraction to Felix. The idea of being paired with anyone else was inconceivable, yet, over time and thanks to Venetia's indiscretions, Oliver discovered that you and Felix were in an open relationship, a decision made to explore new dynamics. You had said. What Oliver didn't know, among the many selected for this unconventional pairing, was that he would be the chosen one.
“You think this is a good idea?” You questioned one morning, adorned in your favorite gown, a cup of coffee in hand, awaiting breakfast as a drowsy Oliver entered the room. “Don't worry.” Felix reassured, leaning in close with his lips almost grazing the crook of your neck. His fingers traced a playful path around your waist, eliciting a chuckle from you at his teasing. "Remember when you said you wanted to fuck a nerd this year? Well, he's all yours." Felix declared confidently, causing a subtle blush to tint your cheeks. “But also yours too, don't forget.” You reminded him. As much as Felix hesitated to acknowledge his feelings, he too harbored an attraction to Oliver. The catch, however, was Felix's love for control. Witnessing you with Oliver was, in fact, more thrilling for him than you might have anticipated. 
Upon Oliver's entrance, a palpable tension filled the room as he observed Felix already standing close to you, a subtle fear gripping him that his presence might disrupt the connection you shared. Foolish man you are. Oliver would mutter to himself whenever he glimpsed the slightest hints of Felix's protective or controlling demeanor, not just towards you but anyone. Dismissing the notion, he decided to join both of you for breakfast, putting on a smile as he noticed the exclusive trio occupying the mansion today. “Where is everyone?” Oliver was the first to inquire, scanning the surroundings, even the garden, to find no one but the three of you. The idea began to dawn on you that this could be the perfect setting for something a bit more adventurous, something spicy involving all three. Innocently shrugging, you played along, and Felix couldn't help but laugh at your little game. “Haven't seen them, probably still in their beds, completely oblivious from last night's revelry. Wouldn't be surprised. What a shame to miss a beautiful breakfast with such lovely companions.”
What a shame, indeed, thought Oliver, his gaze penetrating yours as he found himself momentarily lost, only to be brought back by the server serving him a cup of coffee. He awkwardly thanked the server, prompting laughter from both Felix and you at his clumsiness. “You know,” Felix began, his confidence evident, especially when it came to matters of relationships and involving others. “Y/N and I have been... intrigued by you, you know? Perhaps attracted to how quickly you became part of our group. But a little bird told me that she's really drawn to you. Maybe if she had the courage to tell you instead of resorting to these daunting tasks.” Felix said casually, causing you to gasp in response to his unexpected comment. Despite your initial shock, you quickly realized he meant no harm or shame. In fact, Felix wanted Oliver to express his feelings – emotions that could harmonize with yours and eventually be shared behind closed doors. 
"Do I happen to know this little bird?" Oliver quipped, his gaze shifting between the two of you with a hint of surprise. Even though he already knew who Felix was referring to, Oliver decided to play along, much to Felix's delight, as he too wanted to please his friend. Felix nodded in acknowledgment. “Certainly, and if I may say so myself, she has a penchant for the nerdy type. However, she seems to be enjoying this new side of him much more recently.” Felix admitted openly, his arm remaining securely around your waist. He was well aware of the complexities of a polyamorous relationship, but if it meant your happiness and the joy of seeing you smile, it was all he could do. Plus, it certainly added to Oliver's amusement in seeing a different facet of Felix.
"Keep it discreet." You whispered to Felix, who, in response, leaned in so uncomfortably close that your words seemed almost ignored. This added an enticing and thrilling dynamic to your relationship. At that precise moment, Felix rose from his chair and planted a tender kiss on your forehead. “Behave now. For me– and for Ollie.” He advised, leaving you feeling utterly defenseless in the hands of someone who had evolved into an obsession similar to the initial intensity when you both first met. Your pout, intended as a defense mechanism, only seemed to amuse Felix, prompting him to gently cup your face. He teasingly bit at your lower lip, evoking a soft whine before he kissed you. “If anything happens, call me, okay? I won't be far away.” He assured you with a softer and more passionate tone, shifting his gaze from yours to acknowledge Oliver with a nod. Ultimately, Felix's interactions with Venetia were not entirely unfamiliar to Oliver, especially when it meant being alone with the most captivating woman in all of Saltbun. 
Oliver had carefully chosen his outfit for the occasion, opting for a stylish blue t-shirt that complemented his complexion. In an attempt to break the ice between you two, you remarked it so lively starting with the missing glasses. “I see someone ditched their glasses.”  Noting his uneasy glances from side to side, as if hiding something. However, upon hearing your voice, his gaze softened, and he offered a gentle smile, reminiscent of the one he gave Felix when they first met. “Glasses are so last season anyway. Prefer the contact lenses.” He casually remarked, initially giving the impression of a more reserved demeanor than you had originally perceived. This perception lingered, especially during moments when it was just the two of you alone. However, recent events, including spending a night at Farleigh's room and Oliver recounting what he had witnessed, left you uncertain about whom to trust. Consequently, you rose from your chair and approached him. His adorable gasp was the only sound as he watched your sudden movement. “What... are you doing?” he asked, stuttering mid-sentence. 
“Nothing…” You casually said to him although it was quite the obvious as you leaned to sat on his lap. His fingers trying his best to mimic Felix’s as you hushed him not to do so but to do it like how he did it to Venetia. Which at first surprised him because he began to think that you knew about it too– but you had said nothing to him since that event. After all– it was a game that Felix and you wanted. Turned out however that it was both Felix and Oliver who wanted you. To be their puppets as the masters take charge to their own demise, sadistic pleasure. Although contracting themselves perfectly, it was one of the many reasons why you had though Oliver to be fascinated in the first place. “Just admiring you.” Was what you said to him next, before continuing as you gently touched the collar of his shirt. 
“Make me love like you never have before—a love you've been craving since you arrived here. I know your little game, Ollie. We all do.” You whispered, leaning even closer until your lips grazed his, your hand cupping the side of his jawline. In that moment, you took charge, reversing the dynamics of control. However, the atmosphere shifted abruptly when your final confession made Oliver tense. His muscles stiffened, and his fingers gripped your waist, guiding you onto the table, rendering your body completely at his mercy. Gently crawling on top of you, a cocktail of excitement, lust, and a desire to submit to him filled the air. “Then..” He said softly, lifting your lacy gown casually and placing a few kisses before continuing. “I'll make sure you don't have to remember it, Princess. I’ll fuck you until your screams for more are heard at an even distance.” His eyes barely left you as your head leaned back, moans escaping your lips. However, before you could fully respond, Oliver's gaze intensified with each kiss, and he uttered. “I want you to say my name, just like you do for Felix's. Say that you are mine and mine alone.”
“Yes, I'll do anything you ask.” You affirmed. Your eyes pleaded, craving to be cherished and made to feel like a loved woman once more. It wasn't that Felix wasn't providing that, but the allure of someone unknown, a complete stranger, added an extra layer of excitement. “Make love to me as if you've never experienced anyone before. Have me begging for you until the break of dawn. I want your marks all over me, Ollie.” You confessed. With those words, Oliver eagerly removed his shirt, hunger evident in his desire to kiss every inch of your skin. Starting from your inner thighs, you couldn't help but release a soft giggle as you felt his tongue slowly traveling down.
However, there was one crucial detail both of you remained oblivious to – Felix had meticulously orchestrated this entire scenario, intending it to unfold as an exclusive spectacle for himself. His curiosity lay in observing Oliver's actions when left alone with all of you. Yet, the setup lacked a crucial element: Felix himself. Mere miles away, Felix sensed a tightening sensation in his groin beneath his pants. His fingers delicately caressed the sensation, attempting not to draw attention to himself. Seizing the opportune moment, he approached quietly as your back remained turned, your arms securely wrapped around Oliver's neck. As he neared, Felix gently untangled your shoulders, skillfully removing every piece of clothing he could manage before eliciting a surprised gasp from you. “Fe—”But Oliver's lips silenced you, a deliberate move to divert attention. Even though Oliver feigned ignorance of Felix's game, he too realized it was just a matter of finally being alone together – a scenario briefly alluded to by Felix before arriving in Saltburn. “Shh, Princess. Remember, he’s all yours.” Had Felix said upon continuing to admire your fully undressed body. 
In that moment, you realized you belonged entirely to both Oliver and Felix. They came as a combined package, a connection deeper and more intricate than anyone in Saltburn could fathom. Following the encounter at the pool, the three of you continued these clandestine rendezvous. Sometimes it was Oliver gazing into the distance, and other times, it was Felix. Yet, a constant remained – whenever you were out, they were with you. Over time, Oliver acknowledged, opening up to himself, that he truly felt at home, especially when you nestled yourself in a lacy gown between both of them, indulging in endless kisses until sleep embraced you all. This routine became a comforting ritual, repeated again and again.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
I've got your back(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x Best friend!Reader
Requested: @isabellavolere
Summary: the reader is a photographer for the Jeffersonian Institute. The reader gets a fever and is trying to hide it from everyone but Zack notices and confronts her about it. Maybe the reason the reader hides the fever is because she doesn’t feel like she belongs or she’s not smart enough or something and doesn’t want a fever to set her back.
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Today wasn't my day, my skin was burning and my stomach was turning. I haven't felt this awful in years, but I couldn't just stay in bed all day. Especially when Dr. Brennan called me to a crime scene to take pictures of evidence.
It was always an unspoken rule to not get sick, you weren't sick and you couldn't get sick. Physically I broke the rule but I wasn't gonna let me stay home. I especially couldn't get behind, not again. I also process things differently than the others. I knew I wasn't exactly a genius like Brennan and Zack, but I could do just about anything with a computer and I could do amazing things with a camera. I have Angela to thank for that, she taught me everything I know.
I groaned as I tried to keep my balance as I shuffled through the forest, the evidence and victim was far back in the woods. I didn't say much to anyone, I took the pictures of the dismembered body parts and the growing insects in the victim's stomach for Hodgins.
I groaned as I tried to keep my balance as I shuffled through the forest, the evidence and victim was far back in the woods. I didn't say much to anyone, I took the pictures of the dismembered body parts and the growing insects in the victim's stomach for Hodgins. I looked at the screen and saw my finger got in the way. I sighed and pointed the camera at the stomach once again.
“sorry Dr. Hodgins, I need to get another”My quiet voice made him and Zack perk up. Zack put the mangled humorous down and squinted his eyes at me.
“Are you feeling okay Y/n?”
I tilted the camera away from my face to look at Zack. “im fine”
“You don't look fine” Hodgins added as he filled up a container of evidence. I sighed then gave the both of them a serious face. “Guys, im fine”
The two turned back to the corpse and I immediately felt my stomach turn again. I took a steady breath and tried to concentrate on the photos so I could go to the lab.
“y/n, will you please run this through the computer. It was found on the victim” Brennen said as she handed me a busted thumb drive. I set my camera down and took it with my twitching hands. Angela set her camera down and gave me a concerned look as I walked towards Angela's office to use her computer. I sat down and took a deep breath as I tried to ignore the dizzy feeling in my head. I hated how much I was off my game, I probbay stared at the computer screen not doing anything for about ten minutes.
“Hey, I wanted to see your progress,” Zack said. I hadn’t realized how zoned out I was till he came in. I grumbled to myself when I realized I've done nothing today.
I sighed and gave Zack a sad expression. “Sorry…I haven't found anything yet”
He could tell something was bothering me. Zack squinted his eyes at me, giving me a questioning look. “Are you sure you don't feel sick or anything?”
He didn’t believe me when I said I was fine. He gave me a questioning look and pushed the back of his hand to my forehead. His brow scrunched together as he flinched back. “y/n, your Temperature is very high! You should be home”
I rolled my eyes and tried to get up, as soon as I sat up I felt the room spin. Zack quickly caught me before I could fall on my face. “you should really rest”
“Zack I can't” he stated firmly. “I'll be right back, stay here while I collect a few things” he turned on his heel and headed for the door. Before he opened it he turned around to make sure I was right where he left me.
After Zack gave me a thermometer and some medicine, he left to finish up his work with Dr. Brennan, he was bound and determined to take me home when he was done. We also had a deal that if my temperature went down I could stay in the lab. I was determined to get better even if I faked it.
“what are you doing?” Angela asked, making me flinch, I quickly pulled the thermometer away from the ice water and put it in my mouth. “Nothing”
“she was trying to make the thermometer say a lower temperature” Zack said pointing at me.
I rolled my eyes as Angela snickered. “your the first person a I ever met that tried to fake a low temperature”
Zack turned to her and gave her a confused look. I guess he never thought of faking a temperature to get out of something. Angela smiled at Zack. “What? You guys never heated up a thermometer to get out of school or something?”
“no” me and Zack both said at the same time. Angela looked at the both of us like we were crazy, she raised an eyebrow as she chuckled. “okay, I understand Zack but you never got the idea? Really honey?”
“why would I miss out on a learning opportunity?” Zack defended himself.
“and I don't like being behind” I mumbled. I always felt like I wasn't that smart and It sucked being being on something when everyone eles knows about it. I didn't miss school unless I 100% had too and even then my mother had to convince me to stay home a rest. The jeffersonian was no different, I'm suronded by the smartest people I know and I'll be damned if I miss out on something that could help me get better.
Angela gave me a soft smile as Zack turned to her. “well you please inform Dr. Saroyan that y/n will be leaving today”
“Zac-” Angela cut me off with a nodded, she was clearly on his side. I guess it was a comforting feeling that they cared so much. She left leaving me and Zack along.
“Zack I'm fine, I don't want to get behind on the case”
Zack gave me an aggravated look. “forgot about the csee, your not well and you should be home” he sat down on the couch next to me and pulled me in for a hug. “I'll take you home and I promise to keep you updated on the victim, what matters right now is you get better”
I smiled softly and rested my head on his shoulder. “thank your caring so much”
“you don't have to thank me... I have your back”
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