#I guess that means we're BOTH coffee snobs.
crmsnmth-journal · 5 months
5/1/2024 10:39 PM
Today was a good…No. Today was a great day. I don't know if it's just because I finally feel back to normal. No more stomach cramps and gurgling, no more running to the bathroom. I feel like a million bucks. Still. Today was a great day.
I woke up to an empty house with four hours before I had to go into work by noon. I showered, had my morning coffee and cigarette out on the porch. And then I pulled out my guitar and literally just jammed until it was time to go. I haven't done that for a long time. I used to play every day for at least an hour, but the motovation for it kind of fades away after awhile. I wish my dad and I would've gotten to actually play together. We always talked about it when I would visit, but it just never came to fruition. I guess, in a way, we're playing together now.
I got to work at noon, and had plenty of time to clean out a freezer and reset it, do both of the fryers (boiling them out and then cleaning them.) By the time open came at 4, we were well stocked and ready to go.
Sherry was actually a lot of fun tonight. I'm wondering if it had to do with my music choice. Usually, I just play my main Spotify list (Songs You Should Know) but tonight I played some Rock Hits of the 60s through the 90s. For some reason, Sherry seemed like the old version of herself. I'm curious if that's what it is. I mean, my playlist is extremely eccentric. I've got a very wide and varied taste when it comes to music, but I'm also an absolute snob when it comes to music. There's everything from Dying Fetus to Katy Perry to Eminem to Veggietales songs. A bit of everything. And a lot of the time, it stays in the punk area, usually folk punk. I don't think Sherry likes my music all that much. And she'd never say anything if that were true. It's just not in her nature. Work absolutely flew by once we got going. I swear I looked at the clock at 5:35 and the next it was after eight. It's been a long time since that happened. Usually, it drags on, and even more so lately with all my groaning and whining.
And now I'm home. I took my meds. Showered to get the grease off of me. And Bob's Burgers is my background noise. Kind of a stupid show, but every once in awhile they get a good laugh from me. I just can't get over how great today was. I think I needed that. A good day. I've been so stressed and angry lately, what with work and the attempts at moving the hell out of my mom's house and the hospital and everything. It was all getting to be too much. So I guess the universe is throwing me a bone.
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sinstained · 2 years
Cain brewing you some fresh coffee, beans carefully toasted and ground to perfection, only to be mortified when you dump copious amounts of milk and sugar into it.
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