#I had to say yes. that was also Darwin actually
beaglefanblog · 2 years
I’m always thinking about at least one Second Voyage of HMS Beagle fact and right now it’s that while Darwin was exploring on land in South America he went by CARLOS and also got a HUGE kick out of the fact that nobody knew what a naturalist was and so he had this card that said “Carlos Darwin, naturalista” which he just waved around and let people believe he was some kind of mad wizard
Like “fuck if I know what ‘naturalista’ means but this gangly Englishman who turned up out of nowhere says that’s what he is and now he’s catching insects and filling his bag with rocks? maybe we should just let him do his thing?”
Ugh what a fun and silly guy
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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In the books, Nellie was an Irish-American servant girl that Samantha befriends and teaches to read. Because Samantha is nine and has had a fairly sheltered upbringing, she doesn’t quite have the understandings of class structure that separates her and Nellie, she just sees a friend. Nellie opens Samantha’s eyes to the broader world beyond Grandmary’s mansion and helps her understand the social issues facing turn-of-the century America.
In Changes for Samantha, Grandmary has finally married Admiral Archibald Beemis, and Samantha has gone to live with Uncle Gard and Cornelia in New York City. There, she finds out that Nellie’s parents have died and she is living with her uncle Mike in the city. Samantha sets out to find her, only to find that she’s been abandoned and is living in an orphanage. Eventually, she helps Nellie and her sisters escape, and they come to be adopted by Uncle Gard and Cornelia.
I always thought that felt like an unreasonably happy ending for Nellie, given her social inferiority and that adoption was actually fairly taboo in the era of social darwinism and eugenics, but I also know that rich White progressives of the era LOVED doing shit like that, so I guess it’s not completely unreasonable.
Reading the summary of the book Nellie’s Promise made me sooooooo fucking happy. It gets into all those issues of social inequality and gives Nellie a lot more agency in being more than just a lucky orphan. I especially loved the parts about how Nellie was unhappy going to Samantha’s private girl’s school where she was learning nothing practical and only being trained in how to be a rich society wife. Nellie knew she needed a practical education so that she’d be able to secure a job in the future and fulfill her promise of taking care of her sisters. In the end, she’s able to enroll in a vocational school that fits her needs. I love it. I love it so fucking much.
Before I go any further, I should probably just go ahead and say that in this era, the Irish were still very much considered White. The definition of Whiteness in the 1900s was very different from what it is today (plz read The History of White People by Nell Irvin), and some people were Whiter than others, but the Irish were White. White*, if you will. They would be listed as White on all their legal documents, and weren’t faced with segregation the way that Black people were. The Irish were never slaves (they sure as shit were slave owners, though!) and don’t ever fucking compare anti-Irish discrimination to anti-Blackness and anti-Semitism. They are all their own unique things and playing the oppression olympics does no one any good. And YES I know about the history of the colonization of Ireland by England and anti-Irish attitudes in the UK, but I’m talking about American history. Anti-Irish American history and Anti-Irish British history are very, very different.
There’s a lot of raging ongoing debate about the extent to which the Irish were discriminated against in the US, and yes, there was discrimination. But literally EVERY immigrant group in the US faced discrimination and even violence. There’s a lot of academic debate about the whole “No Irish Need Apply” thing, but it was like that for EVERYONE. Italians, Poles, Greeks, Germans, Swedes, you name it, immigrants in general were all treated as unwelcome and less-than by the Anglo-Saxon Protestant powers that be at some point, the Irish were just another part of that. The idea that the Irish were somehow unique or special in their discrimination in America is a myth.
The point I’m making is that a lot of conservative Irish-Americans LOVE to make big maudlin claims of Irish victimhood and Irish slavery (THE IRISH WERE NEVER SLAVES) that somehow means they’re somehow exempt from having White privilege and taking personal responsibility to not be a racist fuck. That is pure bullshit, Irish-Americans have been White as fuck ever since JFK.
ANYWAY. All that being said, I love Nellie’s little outfit. It’s actually super accurate! A lovely little summer dress, perfect for visiting the ice cream parlor!
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(The Museum of London, credit @in-pleasant-company​)
Again, like with Samantha, the hat should be more perched on the hair and held in place with hat pins rather than fitted to the head. But that’s probably beyond your average 7-year-old’s patience, so I guess I can give them a pass.
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ardenation · 11 days
Just my rambles. Also I only remembered sweet tooth existed 2 days before the third season came out so I quickly re-watched season 2 and then season 3 right after AND WHEN I TELL YOU I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS SHOW.
spoilers under the cut
Okay, I can't remember which order the episodes are so I'm winging it here and just word vomiting. in my defense my best friend is away camping and I have nobody to yap about this to so tumblr gets it instead.
The first thing I can remember is that whole thing with the bat kid. OH MY GOD. that poor kid man. it's so awful how his parents raised him to believe that what he was was unfit for society, below humans, and not natural. no kid should have to grow up like that. I don't completely blame the parents, but there were some very, very bad decisions made. and the fucking scene where the dad tries to cut off the baby's hybrid traits??? I got SO reminded of when Gus' antler was cut off. baby boy was mutilated. but the difference between the scene with the baby and gus was that nobody was there to stop it from happening. nobody was there to wrangle the saw out of that guy's hands. bruh. tears. I fucking hate it here.
also live laugh love Rani <33
uhh I dunno what comes after that so let's jump to the boat episode! *laughs nervously*
That. freaking. episode. broke me. I didn't even want to keep watching after that (lie) because it was just so incredibly awful. just when they walked onto that boat for the first time and It was dead silent? goosebumps. especially after finding that dead body. by the way, this is when I started to dislike Dr. singh. bro fell way off after Rani left. anyway, I did not trust Darwin AT ALL when he was introduced. I thought he was shady as all hell. Glad I was proved wrong in the end, though. not important. let's talk about those dead bodies and what Gus had to do because that is a whole rodeo.
I admit, when I first heard he was going to have to find and toss dead bodies overboard my first thought was 'FUCK yes trauma angst trauma angst trauma angst' because what can I say, it's how my brain works. it started off pretty chill, the deer boy doing some nice yardwork and tossing the flowers overboard. okay. this is fine. oh, shit, now he's found dead bodies. oh my god he's crying. oh my god i'm crying. MY BABY. MY BABY BOY, WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO YOU?! anyway that was probably the most fucked up thing I have ever watched in my life. kill me. kill me- and the fact that he kept all the people's little things as ways to remember them? what the fuck. what the hell netflix. why would you do this. he's just a little kid. I'm going to kill someone. ALSO I fucking KNEW Darwin was going to get sick. I was watching it with my little sister, and when he popped up I went 'bet you Gus is gonna look away and darwin's finger is gonna start twitching' then BOOM. also, that makes it so much worse. at this point I was like, how many more people is this poor kid going to to lose? WHY IS HE SO TRAUMATIZED???
hahaha. boy oh boy.
side note, why was Siana and Birdie actually so cute? I would've loved for their relationship to be explored more before... yk. and Nuka?? my baby. my darling. she means everything, actually.
wait what happens next?? idk
episode 7 time! or at least the end of it.
first of all, FUCK YOU DR. SINGH. I LIKED YOU AT THE START BUT NOW?.ALL THIS DESTINY BULLSHIT 'it's my destiny to kill gus' BRO YOU JUST SAID YOUR DESTINY IS TO MURDER AN INNOCENT CHILD?? WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR BRAIN. THIS IS WHY RANI LEFT. and when Adi was getting closer and closer to stab Gus, when he was screaming and kicking, I was actually going to vomit and cry. what the actual fuck. why is this show so incredibly messed up. it's not even funny. this is the most disturbing shit I have seen in a while which is saying a lot. the sheer horror of the things in this show once you start to think about it is insane. anyway before that whole thing I genuinely thought 'hm I think that blood on Adi's knife in the vision thing is actually big man's blood because he probably protected gus' and I was half right? I was not expecting Birdie to be killed AT ALL. It totally took me by surprise. once again, this show is so horrifying and sad. Gus crying over Birdie. i'm going to die. he's an orphan. why is this stupid world so mean to this kid?? he's turning into fucking Peter Parker for god's sake! I really, really thought big man was going to die in that cave. and imagine if he did? Gus would've lost both his parents AND his father figure in just a few months. I would've lost my mind. anyway. birdie's dead. jesus fucking christ. WHY. JUST WHY. NETFLIX, STOP HURTING MY BOY.
Alright, let's see if I can remember literally anything that happens in episode 8.
It was such an emotional rollercoaster fr. I felt like I was getting emotional whiplash every five seconds. he's gonna die! wait, he's gonna live! now this guy is actually gonna murder Gus! wait, now this guy turned good and saved him! holy shit, everybody is going to die- holy shit EVERYBODY IS DEAD! wait, Gus cut himself to bleed on a tree and now they're alive! oh my god, Gus finally snapped! wait, now his dead dad is popping up and convincing him to save people again! OH MY GOD BECKY IS DEAD! WAIT OH MY GOD SHE'S ALIVE! (I think that one was the worst) NO is big man going to die on that mountain?? oh good he's not! omg jordan actually died in the crash!
....there was no resolution to that one. good riddance. sorry Jordan fans.
and then we had the whole reveal of Gus being the narrator the whole time- how tf did I not predict that?? Also, am I the only one who doesn't like stuff that does those huge timeskips where it shows the main characters when they're old. is it just me who doesn't like it. okay i'll go
let's talk about Gus and Wendy for a second. honestly, throughout the whole of season 2 and three there was a little nagging voice in my head saying 'it's a boy and a girl interacting.... you know they're going to end up together' and I would tell my head 'stfu, I wouldn't really like that because there are no good girl boy friendships in any media ever that's completely platonic (mostly, anyway)'. I was hoping SO SO badly Wendy and Gus would stay platonic besties forever, simply because it's cute and stuff like that barely happens. praying to GOD. but I knew deep down it was hopeless from the start. I don't like when media does that. 'oh, look! it's a boy and a girl of the same age meeting as kids! OBVIOUSLY the only possible route to go from here is romance, RIGHT?' I mean i'm biased as a gay enby chronically online person who thinks these stereotypes are shit but it's true. don't get me wrong. I love wendy. I love her so, so so much. but just- WHY?! I was at least hoping it would be somebody we didn't know or something. oh well.
i mean, I guess they only held hands a few times and sat together as old people, so maybe there's a tiny little chance it wasn't romantic? but they also had grandkids. yk what fuck canon. they're old besties. I think they'd be cute either way but I just prefer them friends.
SO. the sweet tooth fanfic community. it's admittedly nonexistent. I went to check the tag earlier and like- what?? it's ALL weird shit. there was like three good ones but just like why Is that all of what's in our fandom?? guys, we have not done well.
I call upon all ao3 authors and encourage them write sweet tooth (if you want to). It doesn't even matter if it's a short fluffy or angst drabble, we just need to wash the weird shit out. go ahead and post that 200 word interaction you wrote between big man and Gus in the aftermath. we need more good fic in this fandom, DESPERATELY.
and why did the writers put Gus through so much. like his dad dies, he's captured, traumatized, mutilated, shot in the leg, shot in the back, traumatizedx100 on the boat, watches his mom get murdered to protect him, has his father figure almost die multiple times, has a scientist try to kill him with a knife while holding him down multiple times, fucking snaps, and idek. WHYYYYYY. WHAT DID HE EVEN DO TO DESERVE THIS?? WHAT DID ANYBODY DO IN THIS SHOW TO DESERVE ALL THAT HAPPENED TO THEM?????? man....
I think that's all that's in my brain? this wasn't really a review just me spitting words.
moral of the story, I have adopted Gus and that is that. if you managed to get through all this you have a longer attention span than everybody I know combined when they try to listen to me ramble so congrats lmao
and I know I only brought up a few things but don't even get me started on Zhang, Rosie, and her kids because I will not shut up. and Jordan. Jordan why did you do that. and Munaq, that poor guy. ANYWAY I gotta stop talking now cuz it's 9:45pm byeee
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janeleclerc · 2 years
request here!
── warnings; !!SMUT!! (unprotected), language... i think that’s all! also, it’s a long one this time, i kind of got slightly carried away 😅
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To say that Y/N was nervous about her first day working at Liverpool Football Club was an understandment.
She’s studied in various different medical schools, and due to her being Jurgen Klopp’s niece gave her the opportunity to work as a medic in the club. He’d offered her the opportunity a few weeks ago in a family dinner, mentioning that the medic’s team were slightly struggling, and would use a few new additions to the team.
She said yes without hesitation - even if she wouldn’t continue in the job, it shall look good on her CV.
Y/N took a deep breath as she pulled up in the club’s car parking area.
Relax, Y/N. It won’t be that bad... Jurgen will introduce you to the team and you’ll have a smooth first day. Right? Right. She assured herself.
As Y/N made her way to the gates, she dropped her phone onto the ground, causing a long string of curse words to leave her mouth.
“Never thought my niece would know such words,” said a voice from behind followed by a chuckle. Y/N turned around to be met with Jurgen, who grabbed her phone for her.
“Oh, hi! Sorry, my phone is precious to me... thank you, by the way,” she mumbled with a wave. He waved back as he laughed.
“I could tell! Are you ready for your first day around here?” He asked as the two of them walked inside.
“Erm, yeah, I guess so... will probably be a bit rocky at first but hopefully I accommodate better after a while,” she responded. Jurgen nodded.
“Yes, that’s understandable. But everyone here at the club is so welcoming, you’ll feel at home in no time,” Y/N smiled.
“Okay, you should go to the medics team first, get to know them beforehand. Then I’ll introduce you to the seniors team!” He announced enthusiastically.
“Alright, thank you for the offer again - I appreciate it,”
“Of course - my pleasure,” he said with a smile as he walked away, leaving Y/N alone in the empty corridor.
“Okay... now I’ve got to figure out where the medics team is...” She said to herself. After walking around for a while and finding herself ending up at the gym.
“Fuck me for not asking where the medics room is,” she cursed herself out loud.
“Need help there?” An unfamiliar voice asked from behind. Y/N jumped and turned around to be met with a rather handsome man. His hair looked so soft, and he had a million tattoos on his muscular arms.
“Um, yes, please... do you have any idea where the medics team is?” Y/N muttered.
“Oh, yes, see that room at the end of the corridor? It should be there,” he explained.
But Y/N wasn’t actually listening, she was just staring at his lips, the way they looked so soft and─
Y/N, what is the matter with you? She shook her head.
“Sorry, could you repeat that?” She asked again.
“Someone is distracted,” he smirked. “Room at the end of this corridor, love.” He repeated.
Y/N, pull yourself together.
“Oh, okay, thank you,” she said as she quickly hurried off.
She knocked on the office door, nerves creeping up on her.
A nice-looking woman opened the door for her, smiling when she saw Y/N.
“You must be Y/N! I’m so excited to meet you! I’m Violet, I heard a lot about you from Klopp and-”
“Violet, let the poor girl breathe,” a man said from the other side of the office, laughing.
Y/N smiled as Violet pulled her in.
“Hello, Y/N, pleased to meet you! Take a seat, make yourself at home,” another woman said. Y/N sat on the little couch in the corner of the room, looking around.
“Uh, nice to meet you all!” Y/N smiled, with as much enthusiasm as possible.
“Your office should be ready shortly - tell us about yourself a little!”
“So, have you met the senior team yet?” Violet asked as the two of them unloaded stuff in Y/N’s office.
“No, not yet - I think I met one of the players though, tattoos, muscular, man-bun...” Y/N trailed off.
“Darwin Nunez, I think. Darwin is lovely, he hasn’t been around for long but he’s so sweet,” Violet said, placing some fake plants on the shelf.
“And he’s so hot too,” Violet added with a grin.
“Violet!” Y/N laughed.
“What, you must think the same!”
“I suppose so...” Y/N said as Violet giggled.
A knock on the door startled the two of them, as Violet left what she was doing and went to open the door. Jurgen was there.
“Hi, Violet! Hi, Y/N - do you mind coming with me? I want to introduce you to the seniors team,”
Y/N nodded as she made her way to the door, waving bye to Violet as she left.
“They might look slightly serious in the beginning, but they’re the complete opposite, I promise.” She hummed in response.
“How is it so far, by the way?” He asked.
“It’s been okay! I talked with the team and got to know them a bit - I’m mostly close with Violet at the moment, but they’re all lovely.”
“That’s great to hear, great to hear.” Jurgen responded as they made their way out to the training ground. The team were standing together - somehow, they were in little groups and pairs but at the same time they were one big group.
Jurgen cleared his throat with a clap, getting the attention of the team. They settled down and looked at Jurgen then slowly setting their gaze to Y/N.
All these eyes made her feel extremely self-conscious, but it was forgotten about when Jurgen started speaking.
“Everyone, this is my niece, Y/N. She’s going to be part of the medics team starting today - so if anything happens, feel free to go to her!” He smiled. Y/N gave a small wave as her eyes locked with Darwin’s. He smirked as he waved back.
A chorus of “Hello, Y/N!” and “Welcome to the club,” echoed around the training ground.
“Y/N’s office is the closest to the training ground - on the right once you walk in the building from this door,” Jurgen informed them.
“I think I should get going - have a good rest of the day!”
“You too - also, I need to ask Violet something, so could you inform her that?” Jurgen asked.
Y/N nodded and waved goodbye as she slowly walked back to her office.
Violet was still there, unpacking stuff.
“Oh, thank you Violet! You didn’t need to, seriously,” Y/N said as she walked in.
“Nah, don’t mention it, it’s fine. How are the team?”
“They’re nice! I didn’t really get the chance to speak with them a lot but they seem pretty nice,” Y/N said. “Oh, by the way, Jurgen needs you, he wants to ask about something,”
“Okay, I’ll be back, thank you for telling me!” Violet smiled as she walked out to the training ground.
Y/N sat down, admiring her office. Most of the office space was taken up by two medical beds and the equipment closet, but it felt very cosy, so that was fine.
A few minutes later, Violet walked into the office, giggling.
“Someone seems happy,”
“Y/N, a little birdie told me that the team think that you are beautiful, and that bird’s sister told me that Darwin especially thinks you are-” Violet was cut off by Angela, head of the team, walking in.
“Your office looks wonderful so far! I just wanted to make sure that everything is going smoothly,”
Y/N reassured Angela that everything was fine and going great so far. Once Angela left, Y/N turned back to Violet.
“So, as I was saying, Darwin thinks that you are incredibly sexy. Him, especially. Don’t tell anyone though,” Violet grinned.
“How did you even know about that?” Y/N asked, curious.
“Perks of having perfect working ears. Anyway, it’s your first day here and you’ve already got the team thinking of how pretty you are. Lucky you,” Violet sung.
“Shhh, someone might hear you. And maybe they were speaking about someone else, why not you?”
“They specifically said your name, Y/N,”
Y/N shrugged as she started asking about the different types of hot drinks she can get from the kettle room, eager to change the subject. For some reason, the thought of Darwin thinking that she was sexy made her feel something inside - she wasn’t sure what it was, but it was definitely a unique feeling she has never felt before.
A week has passed with Y/N working at the club. She hadn’t really had proper interactions with any of the players, let alone Darwin. She spent most of her time in her office or in Violet’s - not really exploring the place much.
Y/N was sitting quietly in her office, flipping through a book, then she got interrupted by a series of knocks on the door.
“Come in,” she said out loud. The door opened and revealed Darwin standing there with Trent and Robbo by his sides.
“Hi, Y/N - sorry for interrupting you,” Trent greeted her as Robbo waved, the two of them seating Darwin on one of the beds.
“One of his upper thigh’s bones cracked or something - but he can’t really move, so that’s that,” Robbo explained. Y/N flinched as Robbo explained, that could be very serious.
“Don’t worry about this, I’ll take care of him. You two can go back to training,” They both nodded and left, closing the door behind them.
Y/N went over to Darwin and inspected his thighs. They seemed normal - but she couldn’t really assume everything from just that.
“Could you tell me where exactly it hurts?” Y/N asked softly. He took her hand and placed it on his upper thigh. She nodded as she went dangerously close to him, not realizing the effect this had on him.
Despite the fact that she should be focusing on her job, she couldn’t help but notice his boner. And he didn’t try to hide it, either.
Y/N pulled away and stood in front of him.
“I don’t see anything wrong with your thigh bones - but I can clearly see another problem you’ve got.” Y/N said quietly.
Darwin smirked, “I wonder what the cause of that problem is.”
Before Y/N could respond, Jurgen knocked on the door and walked in.
“Hey, are you alright? Is he alright?”
Y/N nodded.
“Yes, but I think he should take the rest of today off. He put a little too much pressure on his upper thigh, I guess.” Y/N explained.
Jurgen nodded.
“Right, well, feel free to go, Darwin, and hopefully you feel better soon.” Jurgen said as he left the office.
“Do you have any paper and a pen?” Darwin asked before he left. Y/N handed him a small sticky note and a pencil, looking at him expectantly as he scribbled something on the paper.
“Text me,” he said with a wink as he handed her the paper and left.
Later that evening, when Y/N was finally home, she decided to text Darwin - after all, he asked for it.
Y/N: hi, Y/N here :)
Darwin: hi love, i see you decided to actually text me
Y/N: well, u gave me ur number for a reason, so...
Darwin: true, true. want to come over?
That text caught Y/N by surprise - they just properly started speaking, and he already wants to invite her over?
Darwin: to watch a movie, you know. i can also cook you something, if you’d like; i know how to cook very well
Y/N: ohhh, alright, sure... can u send ur address?
And that was how Y/N was pulling up into Darwin’s driveway at 7:00 PM on a Saturday night. She mentally hoped that she arrived at the correct address as she knocked on his door.
To her relief, Darwin opened the door with a smile.
“Hi, how have you been?” He asked her as he let her in.
“I’ve been okay,” she said with no emotion at all. The truth was that she couldn’t help but stare at how good he looked shirtless. The tattoos on his chest, his abs... everything about him.
“Hello, earth to Y/N,” he said out loud, breaking her train of unholy thoughts.
“Oh, sorry, what?” She mumbled.
“I was asking if you were a fan of pizza - I just learnt how to make it and I can make you some right now,” he repeated.
“Sure! I love pizza,” she said as she walked behind him to the kitchen.
“Want a drink?” He offered. Y/N shook her head.
“No, thank you for offering, though!” She smiled.
They sat in silence for a while as Darwin focused on the pizza, while Y/N focused on how his muscles flexed as he reached for the ingredients, and how good his fingers looked, how his fingers would feel inside of her─
Without thinking, Y/N reached for his fingers, her brain barely focusing.
But Darwin wasn’t confused - he gazed at her as she played with his fingers a bit, admiring them.
“Your fingers are...” Y/N whispered as she trailed off, not being able to find a word that described her thoughts.
He took his other hand and placed it on her cheek, slowly getting closer to her. Without a second thought, she placed her lips on his.
The kiss was slow and sensual at first - but gradually, it became more heated, as she let go of his hand and placed her hands on his neck.
He carried her and placed her on the kitchen counter, his hands resting on her waist. She pulled away to take a breath and tugged at the waistband of his sweatpants.
“A little eager, aren’t we?” He smirked as he took off his sweatpants, then reached for her shirt.
“Is that alright?” He asked as he tugged at her shirt. She nodded furiously as she lifted her arms up, helping him take off her shirt. He couldn’t help but notice how sexy her red, lace bra looked on her.
She smashed her lips onto his again, wanting more and more each second.
He pulled away and started placing small kisses onto her jaw, to her neck, her breasts, stomach. Luckily, she was wearing a skirt, so he only had to hook her thong in his hands and pull it off.
He placed a few kisses around her thighs, slowly inching closer to where she wanted the most attention.
He looked up at her as if to ask for permission, and she nodded her head vigorously.
His tongue and fingers make easy work out of her, his tongue exploring every little inch of her. The pleasure was the only thing on Y/N’s mind; she was as loud as ever, and she couldn’t care who heard; she was only focused on how amazing Darwin was making her feel at the moment.
Her orgasm took over her not too long after; followed by a chant of Darwin’s name over and over again.
He continued his work on her, taking her into another orgasm not too short after. Y/N’s legs shook with pleasure as her body felt on fire; but she only wanted to feel him. She wanted to feel him inside of her.
“Darwin, please-”
She didn’t need to say anything else for him to understand what she needed.
He took off his boxers as he lined up with her.
“You sure?” He asked one last time. She hummed as she placed her lips on his again.
He slowly thrusted into her, causing her to gasp.
He gave her a few moments to adjust, and when she started moving her hips, he took that as a signal to start moving.
He started with slow, passionate thrusts; gradually going faster. Pleasure took over both their bodies; the sounds of their moans and gasps echoed around the kitchen.
He placed a few kisses on her neck and collarbone which will definitely be leaving marks.
“Darwin, I think-”
“Go ahead, love,” he whispered into her ear, and her orgasm came crashing over her, her body squirming and shaking with pleasure. He let out a moan as he slowly came after her as well, collapsing onto her chest.
The two of them stayed in that position for a while, catching their breaths.
“I thought we were going to watch a movie and eat pizza?” Y/N laughed lightly when the two of them were able to properly breathe again.
“As far as I’m concerned, you kissed me first, no?” He responded as he slowly carried her off the counter and placed her onto a more comfortable chair.
“Your fault you’re that good-looking,” Y/N shrugged, her eyes following him as he gave her a glass of water.
“I could say the same to you,” he winked as he left to prepare her a bath.
Being part of the medics team wasn’t that bad, after all.
well, that was long 😅 i had the whole day off today so i decided to write this. i hope you liked it, please don’t be a ghost reader <3
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igglemouse · 5 months
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Episode 3 - Heart of Combat
The man took a seat at the table with the comfort that this was his home. He invited me to sit down and have a conversation but I still didn't appreciate that this stranger was in my house acting as if I were the guest.
"To answer the question you didn't ask, you can call me Darwin. I'm a recruiter for the S.A.H," and that was something I had heard of before, just a night or so ago actually. "That is also how I know your name. We keep tabs on....interesting people, you could say."
His answers only bring more questions. "What does that stand for, S.A.H, I think I've been sent an email about it?”
"Supernatural Association of Hunters," he says with pride but unfortunately for him the name only brings more confusion. "Yes, I see you are not a true believer. That's ok, you will be by the end of this week, I assure you."
"Ok," he does have my interest, just a little bit, but he has it. “This...organization, you call it, association, whatever. What do you want with me? Explicitly."
"Have you been paying attention to the news recently, Talla," ugh, he's the type to answer a question with another question. "Yes, of course you have. Any ways, we have reason to believe there is supernatural activity going on in this small little town."
"What kind of activity are we talking about here?"
"Vampiric activity mainly but we would not rule out other causes."
"Ok." What else am I to say to that? The man believes in stories, fiction, and nonsense. "I'm not interested. Thank you for coming and if you break into my house again I will have you arrested."
"I understand," he doesn't, I can tell by the smug smirk on his lips. "I'll be seeing you soon, Talla...and I do hope sincerely, for your sake at least, no one else breaks into your home because I assure you they will not be friendly," with that he gives a wink towards Loma and makes his leave.
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tanadrin · 9 months
Not sure who the dysgenics post is vaguing, and I don't want to get into this off anon, but sterilization (ostensibly voluntary) of genetically inferior potential parents is an idea that I've seen advocated by someone concerned about dysgenics
It's a side post to big discussion involving some people I follow about Scott Alexander's pessimistic predictions for the future. All very silly Decline and Fall stuff, as @discoursedrome put it.
(And even then I think he was being too charitable--"the whole world looks like it's decaying if you live in the political and economic center of it and even small things are shifting around you" is true, but I actually don't think very big shifts are occurring--I could go on at length here, but suffice it to say I think US hegemony is assured for the time being, we're making progress even on the biggest issues facing our society, like climate change, and I simply do not think a 50/50 chance of humans destroying themselves within 100 years--or even experiencing a major global collapse--is realistic. I think Acott Alexander lives inside a bubble of people with a lot of really silly ideas about the world and how it works, where being clever is seen as a sufficient substitute for expertise, and he is there because he is fundamentally gullible to any idea packaged in the right aesthetic.)
But historically, the idea of dysgenics/eugenics arose in the context of Social Darwinism. I think Social Darwinism is a funny animal; it is a surface-level retread of some ideas that were in circulation in Britain for a long time before Darwin. Specifically, the idea of a hierarchy of virtue that exists alongside and underpins a hierarchy of class is nothing new--that in itself may be as ancient as human civilization, since every society needs an ideology to legitimate its power structures. But in the context of early 1800s Britain, you had the Whigs, the new middle class of the burgeonining Industrial Revolution, looking to join the ranks of power--either to position themselves against the lazy shiftless aristocracy who did not work for a living, or to join them, to be like "yes, we don't have titles [but please give us some!], but we're also not like those awful lazy/drunk/Irish poors." I think alongside the Whiggish enthusiasm for science and progress, Social Darwinism nicely blends both that older idea of a hierarchy of virtue with newer ideas about dispassionate natural processes to produce an idea with a lot more mimetic heft for the new age (if you don't know much about either Darwinism or economics) than the unfiltered Anglicanism of the pre-1860s generations, one which takes the exact same policy prescriptions and like 90% of the same underlying rationale ("we cannot improve the social condition of the poor; they will waste their money on drink and gambling, breed like rabbits if their children are no longer often starving to death or dying of cholera, and they will corrupt the virtue of our society") and adds just a light dusting of pseudoscience ("we cannot improve the social condition of the poor; they will waste their money on drink and gambling, breed like rabbits if their children are no longer often starving to death or dying of cholera, and they will have a dysgenic effect on the white race").
(Along with the corollary, obviously, that we should get rich people to breed more, because clearly wealth and intelligence and virtue are heritable.*)
I do not think Scott Alexander is a Social Darwinist. Almost nobody is these days, and while I think he sometimes takes some very bad ideas seriously, I do not think he is at "19th century British racist" levels of taking bad ideas seriously. AFAICT the kind of eugenics Scott Alexander would support is what's sometimes called "positive eugenics," i.e., not sterilizating people against their will, but making sure that (for instance) middle-class people aren't actively discouraged from having kids by the tax structure, and using genetic engineering if/when it becomes available to gradually improve longevity, health, and IQ. But where concerns about dysgenics do pop up in modern authors, they tend to echo or simply restate older Social Darwinist concerns--as a general argument against welfare, for instance. But Scott has also talked about how UBI is a good idea, and that's pretty much the welfariest welfare you could possibly welfare. So I assume he's not worried that if we give the poor food, we will be up to our eyeballs in shiftless drunk Irishmen within a few generations.
(*"Heritable" is a great word! Wealth, for instance, is indeed heritable! How much money you will have is strongly predicted by how much money your parents had. But "heritable" is obviously not the same as "genetic," and this kind of equivocation--like that between intelligence and education, or between virtue and conformity to arbitrary social norms, was the bread and butter of 19th and 20th century Social Darwinists.)
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Oh actually there’s running gag in how convenient that a lot of historical figures are in one game
AC syndicate is one of the most infamous, because despite it taking over a year. We meet Frederick Abberline, Charles Dickinson and Darwin(actually there a lot of tongue meta jokes with him. As his theory of evolution is still accurate in ac. He doesn’t know that humanity to primatesto what dogs are to wolves), Karl Marx (sadly you can’t kill him), Alexander Graham Bell, Nightingale, and the motherfucking Queen Victoria
Not counting dlc with Arthur Doyle and Deup Singh
And yes we do have dlc centered around Jack the Ripper
Oh shit I forgot there ww1 segment where you work with Winston Churchill
Another thing, so in the halo series, there a propaganda line of “Spartans never die, there just Missing In Action”
It took Herdotus in odyessy, yes the Father of History (or Lies to the Egyptians), saying that Spartan poem of them being immortal I went
“Wait that where halo got it from?!”
Actually leaks said William Adams is going to be in the game too. I presuming third act or late game, wait could Adams travel to other places after becoming a samurai? I can see him being used a mechanic to explain how we can go to other countries like India
Btw I meet Rolo of Normandy in Valhalla when he was 17…in a medieval bdsm dungeon while he blindfolded and wiped
Dear god Middle Ages England was truly the apocalypse
Also I only realize it after the endgame…young Rolo actually lives in my settlement for a bit
But yeah I can see them making up a relationship with Yasuke and William Adams. Oh another joke
A Japanese: another Gajin join us?’
Yasuke: Yes and make him a proper samurai this time
Oh this is Valhalla main menu theme. But rest to sure the ac red music will be authentic
Hell the teaser trailer I sent actually ends with the game Japanese cover of ac iconic song ezio family
Lots of stuff ending with Oh shit I forgot there ww1 segment where you work with Winston Churchill
Doyle and Churchill don't quite fit, Deup Singh either but in the other direction
It took Herdotus in odyessy, yes the Father of History (or Lies to the Egyptians), saying that Spartan poem of them being immortal I went “Wait that where halo got it from?!”
Josephus is a good historian to read too, and it's entirely possible that's where they got it, not sure the poem tho so can't say for sure.
Actually leaks said William Adams is going to be in the game too. I presuming third act or late game, wait could Adams travel to other places after becoming a samurai? I can see him being used a mechanic to explain how we can go to other countries like India
Ya Tokegawa let him go back to England even at some point, he had freedom of movement probably had to still have permission from the boss to leave Japan but well
List of foreign-born samurai (Yasuke doesn't make the cut because they can't 100% prove he was or wasn't a samurai.) but this list goes through their credentials or however you want to put it.
For Addams it was
250 koku. He was granted the rank of Hatamoto, a fief and 80-90 servants. Interpreter and shipwright of Tokugawa Shogunate.
Only one managed a higher worth.
Btw I meet Rolo of Normandy in Valhalla when he was 17…in a medieval bdsm dungeon while he blindfolded and wiped Dear god Middle Ages England was truly the apocalypse
Not just in Europe either, though that's where we have the specific information about things, shit was bad in Asia, the middle east, and Africa too. Lots of those areas had the same problem too.
But yeah I can see them making up a relationship with Yasuke and William Adams. Oh another joke A Japanese: another Gajin join us?’ Yasuke: Yes and make him a proper samurai this time
I take it Yasuke managed to pick up the language ok then, Addams did ok but still had a interpreter with him all the time too just in case.
Oh that's pretty
Hell the teaser trailer I sent actually ends with the game Japanese cover of ac iconic song ezio family
I didn't catch that apparently, that's cool af
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doubleddenden · 1 year
Alright so I'm trying to take my mind off of some horrible stuff rn, so I'm gonna theorize some more about Indigo Disk based on some stuff I just learned
Before we go further, keep in mind that Pokémon does mix and blend some myths and folklore around to get a result, so it could be many things
So let's get talking about it
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Okay so Terapagos. Pretty obviously our Terastilizing source and the hexagon pokemon mentioned by Heath and the professor.
A few popular theories floating around about it is that it's based on World Turtle mythologies- yes, plural, because it's actually a pretty common mythos found in many Asian religions and even some from Indigenous American religions. Yeah I knew it was mentioned in Hindu, but apparently a lot of people looked at these bad boys and said "yeah that could hold us." It's neat
BUT Terapagos itself is neat in that it's name also references Galapagos Islands, famous for Darwin's study of evolution and also home to Galapagos tortoises.
Could be something, could be nothing.
On a different note, you know how everyone figured out that the Teal Mask legendaries are based Momotaro? There's another Japanese folktale that could bear some significance here.
The Tale of Urashima Taro
I am going to paraphrase, but essentially, a guy some kids messing with a sea turtle. The guy stopped them and helped the turtle back to sea. To thank him, the turtle offered to show him a place called Ryugu-Jo- or as it's known to us, the Dragon Palace, an underwater castle at the bottom of the sea, where Taro met a princess named Otohime, and was welcomed and treated handsomely for several days. After a bit, Taro became homesick and wanted to return home. Otohime gave him a box called the tamatebako, warning him to never open it. When Taro came back to land, he found that 300 years had passed. Everyone he knew and loved had died, and everyone basically thought he sank at sea. Taro opened the box thinking it might help him, only for a puff of smoke to transform him into a feeble old man.
Now let's look at what's represented here:
1. Sea turtle
2. Underwater kingdom
3. Taro is warmly welcomed
Obviously Terapagos is the sea turtle here
The underwater kingdom?
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Maybe not so much a kingdom or Dragon Palace, but it is a very fancy underwater school dedicated to battling
And as for the warmly welcomed part: we're exchange students, by this point already Champions of Paldea, and we've met and hung out with Carmine and Kieran in Kitakami- plus given how Pokémon usually is, we're most likely given the welcome wagon.
Now the question is this: given the ending of Urashima Taro, are we to expect something bad to happen to us?
Idk about 300 years passing, but given the history that Heath endured in Area Zero and the madness that eventually took over the professor, it's probably safe to say this turtle may not be so innocent.
Of course, there's another theory floating around that also makes sense: Atlantis. Everyone knows Atlantis, especially modern interpretation that it's a lost, ancient civilization home to all sorts of ancient technology. Blueberry Academy most likely could fit this as well- but... maybe also the Dragon Palace.
Think about this: who makes a damn school underwater? I know mine flooded in heavy rain, but we usually tried to AVOID the water, especially water that could lead to thousands of pounds of pressure breaking in and drowning us all. That and the school specializes in battling- why here?
Unless... this facility is looking and preparing for something.
A place? An object?
Maybe Terapagos IS the object and its being kept there- another reason to be out at sea is to hide. After all, how did it leave Area Zero otherwise? Why the secrecy with the name in the books?
Now let's consider this: who would have knowledge of Terapagos? The professor obviously, but they're dead
At least... one of them.
In Violet, Arven's mother left shortly after he was born. In Scarlet it was Turo. In fact, lots of employees left the original professor.
Theory time: the opposite professor took Terapagos to Blueberry Academy to hide it.
We know that the professor invented Tera Orbs about 10 years ago- that means that they had access to Terapagos that recently.
We also know the AI hated the professor's plan and wanted to stop it at all cost.
What if the deadbeat parent came back for Terapagos? Or eas entrusted with it by the AI at some point?
We also know BBA is a fairly recent build in comparison to N/A Academy, which has been around for hundreds of years.
My theory is that the opposite professor had the school made- or maybe was hired into it- in order to hide Terapagos or use it for their own purposes.
Hell it may not even be the professor. It could be any other of his employees.
Anyway that's enough theorizing. For all we know it's all unrelated and Terapagos just shows up somehow.
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mebiselfandi · 4 months
Dearest fellow Mo/Darwin truther 🫡
“Always On Your Left” plssssss 🫶
Kind regards,
Is this who I think it is👀
I swear I had given always on your left another alt name but I can't remember it now for some reason. It's currently sitting at 3k and if I'm actually serious for once about my wips it'll be out this weekend.
It's like a character study from darwins pov and also a relationship analysis about mo and darwin. I can thank someone for putting me onto the ship who I won't tag rn cause its for them and even though I'm posting this for all of my followers to see I do wanna kinda keep it secret (it's very obvious lmao). But yes I heart devotion and hero worship and said say no more. Literally the first thing I started writing as soon as midnight on Monday hit cause my writing break was over
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Do you mind telling us your opinion on what astrological signs the Blacks are?
Hi there! 🤗
Sorry for this delay and may I say that your ask was so polite! I am almost not used to this!
Omg I love this ask! And can I say I am not an expert on signs but I get curious and binge watch youtube so XD let's do this.
Easiest one first.
Daemon Targaryen - Scorpio. I mean... is there ANY doubt?!
The sign most associated with sex. Dark. Mysterious. Easy to anger and slow to forgive (if ever). Vengeful. Relentless desire for control. Manipulative. Ambitious. Enticing. Someone who almost never opens open and hides away their feelings. 
I think Daemon is almost a perfect personification of what a scorpio is hitting all the major points. 
BUT I would add that he is a Scorpio with Sagittarius rising as a reader I had who knows MUCH more about signs than I once told me she was sure he had this combo, and that this was the hottest combo for the gentlemen, so yeah. I can see it as Daemon did seem to be fun-loving, party-boy, and outspoken. And the Sagittarius I have met in life do NOT back down from a fight! Imagine someone with this Scorpio-Sagittarius combo in a fight... Yep. That’s Daemon.
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Rhaenyra Targaryen - Taurus. No doubts there.
Very stubborn. Demanding. Prone to anger. They like pleasure and the fine things in life, like to live a comfortable life. Resilient. Devoted to those they love. Jealous and possessive. Like to be pampered. 
While Scorpio is the most sexual sign of the zodiac, Taurus is the most sensual sign. And there’s little surprise that these two form one of the most explosive combos of the zodiac, and supposedly they are the hottest of all the zodiac combos. Complementary opposites. I think this pretty much sums up Daemon and Rhaenyra -> very similar in some things and opposites in others. 
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Rhaenys Targaryen - it’s actually canon she is a Cancer because we do get her name day. So this just makes my job easier and yes I do think she has many of the Cancer traits. Does not back down from a fight. Cares deeply about family. 
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Corlys Velaryon - Leo. I did struggle with what sign I should give the Sea Snake, and for a long time I thought something like Sagittarius because of how adventurous he was, but in the end I think he screams Leo. He’s super charismatic, proud, major main character vibes. I mean it’s said the only woman good enough for him was Rhaenys Targaryen so like... 
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Jace “Velaryon” - Sagittarius
We know he was born later in the year so it’s really between Sagittarius and Capricorn. I choose Sagittarius, however, because of how good with people Jace was. He easily inspired loyalty, was charismatic, independent, and took initiative. 
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Luke “Velaryon” - Capricorn
He was also born late in the year and him and Jace need at the very least like 10 months between them?! Let me have a year please XD. Please XD for my sanity. 
So I was actually torn between Capricorn and Sagittarius with Luke, but his seriousness and how he kept his word instead of beating Aemond -> any proper Sagittarius would have taken him up on his offer of a showdown I think XD like these people do NOT mess around, they are a fire sign - make me say Capricorn. 
Joffrey “Velaryon” - Aries
I am going to say Aries because of how hot-tempered and bold he was. He acted first and thought later -> as he did during the storming of the Dragonpit - and showed enormous bravery. 
Aegon III Targaryen - Capricorn 
Luckily this is canon too so less work for me as we know our God and Saviour was born at the end of the year, like last days. And this is the sign of divine people btw. 
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Viserys II - Aquarius 
The sign of so many incredibly smart people - I mean Darwin was an Aquarius! Duh! Analytical, detached... plus I love the idea of the best boys being the Ice Kings. Just making others uncomfortable with their silence and then giving them the verbal beatdown of the century. Btw I think this sign would fit Daemon’s boys very well. I mean... imagine taking on a scorpio an Aquarius and a capricorn... it’s like... call the police. 
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Baela and Rhaena - Thank GOD these two were twins since this means less work for me XD. Gemini. This is not me just being funny and obvious. I think these two do fit well with being Geminis. They just seem to have a way with people, they exuded energy and positivity wherever they went, and Baela does show she was NOT to be messed with as anyone who knows a Gemini knows it’s better to be on their good side. 
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That’s all! ☺️ and again sorry for my delay!
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Oh yeah. The whole titanic sub incident. It's actually really tragic those 5 guys died because the guy who orchestrated it decided to Penny pinch on the sub. It's even more tragic that people are cracking jokes about their deaths. Like I'm all in for dark humor, but there's a thing in comedy called "timing". And making fun of 5 people who aren't even evil the moment after they died is pretty fucked up.
//I don't mean to be contrarian because of my own hatred of billionaires, nor do I like bringing current events onto the blog if I can help it, but I'll say a few things about this:
The reason people are making jokes is because this situation was completely avoidable. The guy in charge was a billionaire who built his own submarine that violated basically every safety standard imaginable, because he thought safety regulations were a waste of time and made things less fun. His company, Ocenagate, has made multiple submarines like this, which brings me to my next point:
The Titan submarine they used was basically a coffin already. It was so small that you couldn't even stand up inside of it, the doors were impossible to open from the inside, and it was decided it would be cool to pilot the thing using a goddamn gaming controller. Even ignoring that, actual experts pointed out that there was no sufficient stress-testing for the vessel going down beyond 1 km, far past the point where the Titanic sank. It didn't even have a warning beacon.
The billionaire asshole who built the thing actively lied about both the Titan's integrity and where he got the materials to make it. Companies like Boeing had to repeatedly deny that they ever worked with Oceangate. There were problems reported with the thing even as far back as 2020, yet they were all ignored or downplayed.
Even after losing radio contact with the surface team multiple times, they still kept going.
The men involved had massive amounts of disposable income, and instead of helping people who actually need it, they waste it on self-indulgent activities like this. Jeff Bezos going to space while his employees die in shittily-made warehouses during a tornado is another such example.
The news media was glad to talk about how much of a tragedy this was, but completely ignored the far more costly and tragic sinking of a ship in the Aegean carrying a group of Pakistan refugees. I didn't even hear about it until after the news of the implosion.
//I don't celebrate their deaths, but I only feel bad for the kid onboard. One guy dragged his 16-year-old son down there, despite his son protesting that he didn't want to go, so they could spend time together. He didn't even want to be a part of this mess.
//In short, literally everything about this situation was completely avoidable, and yet it happened because the people involved were grotesquely arrogant. They spent thousands that could've been put to better use, used a vessel that was not properly built or tested, and ignored all the warning signs on their way down.
//Is it a tragedy? Yes. Did they still earn their Darwin Awards? Also yes.
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Honest question from a fellow Azul fan, wtf do you think is under Azul's tentacles? Because normally there's a beak down there, but I highly doubt he has one. Is it just smooth? Is there an ink sack in addition to releasing ink from his face? Is it where he releases his "waste?" If so does that mean "parts" are there too? Does he have the typical human/mermaid situation going on or does he have the "special" tentacle male octopi do? Both? It's been haunting me ever since I saw his mer form.
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First off, don't be sorry 🥺 I actually found the ask entertaining and pretty unique! Sorry it took so long.
I'm putting my answer under cut, though, since not everyone might be comfy with the topic. I will say as a general reminder that I am an SFW blog and don't entertain NSFW asks, but I'll still take this ask since it leans more onto biology and speculations.
Okay, now that you're here, let's address the first question: What is under Azul's tentacles?
Some people have thought that he has a beak under the tentacles, aka his second mouth. Yes, in octopuses, there is an ink sac near the anus area (but inside his body) where ink is produced. And since I said anus area, then yes, we can say that that is where Azul excretes. (Lawdy this is weirdly invasive to say)
The short answer I'll give you is this: I think under his tentacles is an anus, and he still has an ink sac, but he has no beak.
The long answer?
Here's the thing we have to take note of: Azul is a mer, not a full octopus. He has a human upper body, which includes a mouth. Assuming Little Mermaid's events took place around ~200 years before TWST"s story (which is set in contemporary era), that means octopus merfolk already go pretty far back. Thus, this means that that is a lot of time for the octopus mer species to evolve and change.
You probably heard in your biology class this theory called the theory of evolution by natural selection, made by Charles Darwin. The most rudimentary explanation I can provide is that the organisms whose traits ensure their survival in an environment will have more offspring than organisms with traits that don't ensure survival. Therefore, there is more of a chance for the former to produce offspring with the same traits as the parent.
Part of the evidences of this theory is this funky thing called vestigial organs. Basically, it's organs that have become useless over time because the species found no need for it. When the species finds no need for the organs, they weaken and/or disappear with each generation.
Let's go back to octopus mers then. They have a human upper body, including a mouth that has a pretty powerful jaw. So it is safe to say that the beak for octopus mers eventually had no use and slowly disappeared as the species evolved.
However, with the anus and ink sac, well octopus mers don't have a human bottom half (and therefore no human butt), so the hole under all the tentacles serves as the anus. The ink sac is honestly the one I'm most unsure about, but the reason why octopuses dispel ink is to distract predators and make their escape. The ink also serves to propel the octopus to swim faster. To this day, Coral Sea's social environment is still pretty vague, but there is the implication that it isn't as nice as the social environment on land. So it's possible that Azul has the ink sac still.
Now, onto the second question: Does Azul have the "special" tentacle?
Well 🤔 I don't see why not. Mer biology gets pretty funky when it comes to This, but each species evolves differently. Fish mers probably underwent the funky human/mer thing, while octopus mers were probably like, "lol wut" while flexing their one tentacle. It's important to also remember that male mers are built to mate with female mers, so whatever keeps the species thriving. 😂
Hope that this helps? 😅 I'm not sure which tags to put this under, but let me know if you need me to tag this under a certain topic.
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maquekenzie · 7 months
DND Questionnaire
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art by @kiikiibee
Name: Princess Loeva of the Vermillion Halidom
Alias(es): Baby Peony (by her mother), My Peacock Spider (by her boyfriend)
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Place of birth: Cinnabar in the Vermillion Halidom
Spoken languages: Yura, Prism, Savannah, Sol (Sorry Grandpa Phaedra wanted someone to learn Elder!!), Elder
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Princess, Cryptid Guardian, Ward
Class: Thaumaturge!
Ancestry: Savannah (Whisper) Elf
Eye color: Gold! She got her father's eyes, which indicate lineage from the royal family of Sol
Hair color: Pink, like her mom's!
Height: 5′8"
Scars: None!
Burns: None!
Overweight: Nope!
Underweight: Nope!
Color: Yellow and blue!
Hair color: No preference but she thinks rainbow hair would be neat!
Eye color: Seafoam green............
Music genre: ALL OF THEM
Entertainment: Looking for bugs, reading about scary monsters, playing her biha & lute, dancing
Pastime:  Playing her instruments at the temple, taking care of the horses in the Agria stables
Food: Strawberry cakes, ramen, unagi onigiri, fesenjen
Drink: Strawberry milk, mango juice
Books: Anything folklore/myth related
Passed university: She definitely would not have if it existed.
Had sex: Nope
Had sex in public: Double nope
Kissed a man: Yes!
Kissed a woman: Yes!
Gotten tattoos: Nope
Gotten piercings: Her ears are pierced in a few place!
Had a broken heart: Yes!
Been in love: Yes!
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Probably once on accident much to her mother's dismay
A cuddler: Absolutely
A kisser: ALSO Absolutely (the other day in character she said "SMOOCHES POWER ME!")
A smoker: Nope!
Scared easily: The opposite! She gets scared of things she shouldn't be scared of.
Jealous easily: Absolutely not.
Trustworthy: Yes, though you need to be very clear if something's a secret otherwise she's not apt to get it.
Dominant: She's very blissfully assertive and bossy, but also easy to dissuade.
Submissive: Nope.
Single: Nope! She's being courted by Lord Tarquin of the Topaz House.
Have they harmed themselves: On accident a few times.
Wanted to kill someone: I wouldn't say explicitly? But it's Pathfinder/D&D so fights happen and she works to stay alive and keep her friends/loved ones alive.
Actually killed someone: Yeah, people trying to kill her.
Have/had a job: Does doing activities in the township she's a ward in so she gets paid an allowance for enriching herself count???
Have any fears: 1) Grammaw being mad or disappointed at her. 2) Biting into something and finding out it's rotten. 3) Encountering the Council of Snails and having Darwin sadly inform her that they and the horses have all agreed they hate her forever.
Sibling(s): Princess Solenne the Summoner of Eidolon Luxia-Kan the Bright Fox and Prince Faras the Royal Ranger, both older
Parents: Princess Tifenn the Summoner of Eidolon Qi'ka The Rise of Spring, and Prince Karim of Sol Nephew of the Sun King
Children: None!
Grandparents: Lady Vermillion and reigning Monarch of the Vermillion Halidom Fiona (aka Grammaw, the scary one), Prince Set of Sol Brother of the Sun King (Grandpa, the fun one), Princess Zara of Sol (Grandma, the nice one)
Aunts/Uncles: Auntie Princess Maëlys Heir to the Vermillion Throne and her husband Uncle Cyril de Leon the Future Red Warden. Uncle Prince Masuud of Sol and his wife Aunt Phoebe de Corvo. Uncle Qadir of Sol.
Cousins: Prince Cayden of the Amber Phalanx, his wife Lady Laurentia of the Diamond House, Prince Darwin of the Royal Rangers, Princess Linnea Heir to the Vermillion Throne, and Princess Pheadra her fellow Ward and chosen one despite her desires!! Cousin Prince Bast of Sol.
Pets: Familiar, technically: Prince Darwin Brach'an Edemomious of House Watercress (Prince Darwin for Short Don't Mind That's her Cousin's Name TOo), a giant land snail. She also has a horse, as noted, named Bindletwix the Bold.
Tag someone:
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Hello! I’m in certain need of assistance, for the past 2 years or so I typed myself as ENTJ 3w2 but now I’m not very certain, not because I see myself in another type, but I think my Se and Fi is developing rather quickly (I will talk about it later) and also because even though I still think I’m ENTJ there is something in the back of my head (idk if it’s envy of Se and Fi dom types or it is actual doubt) that says that maybe I’m not ENTJ…
Anyway, let’s start: since I was a kid I didn’t know exactly who I was, what I liked, what I disliked, I was always organized and not in the tidy sense, but I loved to create systems, I was rather observant of my environment (not quick to act on it tho) and was always looking for patterns and systems that repeated, that’s why I asked a lot of questions, like A LOT, I had a deep need to understand things and when a system kinda “clicked” in my head I applied it to other places. For example, I love libraries, I think the organization of it is so smooth, and so, I did it at home, I organized my bookshelves in sections of genres.
This is very Te-dom / ETJ.
Even though I liked rational decisions I was always sensitive, I cried so much, and liked to help, when I couldn’t or when I thought I was incapable I cried, when someone gave me a harsh critic I cried, not because it hurt me, but because I thought I failed…
Dominant thinking types often have very unstable emotions, and are vulnerable in their hearts, because they don't quite know how to handle their feelings and may repress them until they "bubble up." As a core heart type (2 is one of the most emotional types), you being an "emotional" ETJ is not out of the question. Hermione Granger is a fictional ETJ, but also a good example of a young ETJ -- she is very emotional, she cries quite a lot (always in private), and yet, she always makes the rational choice. It's extremely important to ETJs to be competent, especially if they are core competency types like 3.
Changing your career goals is normal for an ETJ as well.
After a long while I settled for biology (my current major) because I like how all systems in biology are universal, how Darwinism, Genetic Drift, Chemistry etc are universal to all animals and living beings, and yes even the chaos there is a order, even when things seem out of place there is actually a motive (even with mutations that came with no reason, there is a reason) I also love how everything is interconnected, how killing a species of bee will cause the destruction of the food chain and all of that.
Another indicator of ETJ and your love of rational systems. :)
[...] started doing therapy ... after it I think I kinda developed a good understanding of who I am, I know when to be emotional, I know when to be rational (I’m a teacher and a lot of times I have to be a bit rational but after the moment, after a kid tells the other that she shouldn’t be here, and I tried to handle it without showing anything I would arrive home only to cry my heart out to my boyfriend) people that know me a lot say that I’m sensitive and that I have an easy time reading others. But for me, I don’t think that I do, yes for a long time I was sensitive but I don’t know if it is because I actually am a feeler or because I was so traumatized in my life that I became moody…
Since this sense of self awareness and control developed later in life, it would speak against higher Fi. It's consistent with ETJ.
And to conclude, I want to say that I always loved your posts, I think they are so well written, I read about the ENTJ one and I relate to a lot,
Thank you. That means a lot from a high Te user. :)
I just don’t see myself in stereotypes like being dominant or aggressive (I’m quite easygoing actually)
3s are aware of how they are coming across, so they can be 'softer' than a 1 or an 8 ETJ (upon which many stereotypes are based). You probably also do not have a super-aggressive tritype in general, which can lend itself to a more easygoing Te-dom.
I hate the “I see the world as a chess board thing” lol for me it actually is a set of domino pieces that I put in order, with some assistance of others, for me to push the first one and see a amazing image being created, some pieces may take a long while to fall but it is always in the path I predicted…
That is very, very strong Ni.
but even so, I think I don’t want to be ENTJ because I hate the “no empathy” gang, I mean, it’s completely biological to feel empathy, to help, to see the other and connect, so that’s probably another point of why I am questioning my type…
ETJs have emotions, have compassion, and have a great deal of love for other people; they merely struggle to know how to connect to them and feel confident doing so on a purely emotional level. Because in their mind, fixing a problem seems most important.
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frostyreturns · 1 year
So that post about evolution reminded me I wrote this post which has been sitting in my drafts, it’s a plato-like dialogue that represents just about every argument i’ve ever had about evolution.
Wait so you’re telling me you believe humans evolved from non humans hundreds of millions of years ago...and you believe that crocodiles were around before humans...and didn’t change at all in those hundreds of millions of years. 
evolutionist: yes crocodiles are an anomaly and didn’t change because they didn’t need to evolve to survive. 
Isn’t it more likely that your idea is just wrong and and that’s evidence of your wrongness rather than an outlier. I mean if survival is your explanation for why crocodiles didn’t need evolve that means you think we evolved in order to survive...which means we evolved things like speech and higher order thinking to survive...but if we need them to survive how come apes survived without it. Also if it takes million of years to evolve and we evolve to survive doesn’t that mean we would have to survive for millions of years without a basic biological survival function. If we needed to walk upright to survive how did we survive without it. This is circular reasoning and it looks like you’re trying to handwave away evidence your theory is wrong. Actually now that I think about it, if all of our bodily functions are evolved doesn’t that mean we’d need to survive without basic functions at some point...how did we survive without blood clotting for example...that’s a very complex and organized function of the body how would any species that needs it survive without it, we’d have all bled to death over minor injuries or died from infections. 
Evolutionist: No it’s not it’s one outlier there are outliers in science all the time one exception doesn’t disprove the rule.
Ok what about sharks.
Evolutionist: Okay two exceptions dont disprove the rule. 
What about bats? We have fossils you say are 50 million years old of bats that look identical to modern bats and nothing that indicates what they evolved from but you just assume there is an undiscovered fossil of Pre-bats.
Evolutionist: okay so three examples against all the examples that prove the theory.
 You guys like to claim the fossil record backs up your theories but it really doesn’t, you don’t have anywhere near the kind of evidence you claim to. Even Darwin said the fossil record didn’t match his theories but he just believed that given time and technology we’d discover the missing pieces and the record would fill out and vindicate him...but all this time and all this paleontology tech later and the record is still virtually the same as it was in his time. Which Darwin himself gave as sufficient reason to dismiss his theory, if Darwin were a good and honest scientist and if he were alive today he would not be an evolutionist.
Evolutionist: that’s still only 3 examples
 What about the coelacanth? You guys said it went extinct 65 million years ago, you had fossils that you said proved this then you not only discovered the fish still alive and kicking but it was alive and totally unchanged from it’s fossils and what it was supposed to look like 65 million years ago. You expect me to believe in the same time that left 4 animal species totally unchanged mankind totally evolved from one species to another? one is an outlier...4 is a trend...and that’s not even all of the examples.
Evolutionist: You creationists would just rather believe an invisible man in the sky poofed everything magically into existence.
See this is always the point where it turns to mockery because your actual ideas become indefensible because they’re wrong and you get mad because everyone told you that there’s no possible way to argue against evolution logically or with reference to hard evidence and so when you hear it you don’t know what to do. You’re always the first to bring God into the discussion when your ideas are debated scientifically because that’s all you’ve got, propaganda, ignorance of alternate theories and alternate explanations of evidence and dismissing all dissent as religious nonsense...even when it doesn’t feature in the argument.
Evolutionist: The evidence is on my side you just ignore it.
No we actually have the same evidence my interpretation of it is just different and I’d argue more charitable, more rational and more likely. For example scientists estimate that it takes around 50 thousand transitions for one species to become another species but the transitory fossils we have are maybe one or two. So what’s more likely... that these were one or two unique mutations and don’t indicate a species transition at all or were themselves a separate unique species...or that we are just missing 49,998 transitory fossils which we will totally find one day. I mean in your chart of human evolution most of those stages are assumed and digitally rendered and you just believe you will discover those missing fossils one day...that’s not evidence.
What you do have evidence of is minor changes within a species, but almost nobody denies that species can adapt to their environments or change slightly over time. You guys will cite the pepper moth changing colour to adapt to volcanic ash changing their environment as evidence of evolution but all you’ve proven is that a moth can be a few shades darker if the survival conditions for lighter colored moths changes...not that a species becomes another species. In fact isn’t there a thing in biology we know about and have studied that suggests this is impossible. Biologists have long known about a concept called genetic homeostasis where if something deviates too much from it’s origin genetic structure it will revert back to it’s original form because the ones that deviate too far become sterile and unable to reproduce. Which is one of the reason animals like mules can’t reproduce.
 Evolutionist: Well I’m not a biologist but we will find those fossils and you’ll look like a science denying idiot.
Well speaking of discoveries that make people look like an idiot how come we’ve found dinosaur bones with preserved and intact blood cells. I mean to someone following the evidence does that not indicate that there’s no possible way it’s been dead for as long as you guys are claiming. Or how about that man made objects like speaheads and hunting bolas have been found burried next to or embedded in dinosaur skulls. I mean you base being found in the same geologic strata as evidence of species coexistence but not this time? Or how about that the guy who invented carbon dating retracted the discovery and claimed it didn’t actually work at all and that it stopped being reliable past a few thousand years. 
Evolutionist: You’re just making that up, I’ve never seen that evidence so I’ll assume it’s fake but I wont look it up because it would be devastating to my case and would undermine the lifes work of my entire field and profession. 
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iamreallyboard · 1 year
Tawog x male reader
Ep 4 the dvd
Ep beings in the house
Nicole: gumball don't forget to take the dvd to the store or we get a fine
Gumball: why can't you do it you're the one with a car and why can't y/n do it he has a car
Y/n: had I crash when my favorite song was in the radio
Nicole: yes exactly and I wasn't the one who watches alligators on a train for 72 times
Gumball: ah but technically you rented it with your money
Nicole: the money I need to feed you kids!
Gumball: the kids you decided to have
Y/n makes a "cut it out"with his hands
Nicole punches the door completely destroying it
Gumball: ok nevermind!
Nicole: good thank you honey also don't to put on some pants
Gumball: what?
Y/n: umm "points down"
Gumball: ah!! What th-
Litte timeskip I mean do you really want to see hi-
Gumball: Darwin have you seen the dv- what are you doing!!!
Darwin: Iam using the pizza cutter
Gumball: that not a pizza cutter! Be careful with dvds the smallest scratch could runied it!!
He says it while using the wrong side sponge
Darwin: um gumbal-
Gumball: shut it! Iam tired of your carelessen
You walk in the kitchen and your eyes wideden
Y/n: gumball that the wrong side of the sponge!!!
Gumball looks at the dvd all scratch up he screams the dvd falls into the sink completely destroying it
Gumball: ahh!! What are gonna do?!!?!?
Darwin/y/n: face the consequences of our actions?
Gumball: no sillys I got a better idea
Y/n: if you had a idea why did you say ahh!!!what are we gonna do?!?!?!
Gumball: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Y/n would be very good at cinema sins
Gumball: there you can make anything with a marker
The dvd was drawn on the dvd cast or whatever its called
Y/n: I don't think that gonna work no actually that definitely not gonna work
Gumball: don't worry it literally looks the same Larry won't noti-
Larry: I noticed it
Gumball: pfff noticed what?
Larry: the fact that you think I won't noticed that the black "dvd" was written by a black marker listen your kids so iam giving you a week to pay
Gumball: oh thank you "whisper" y/n abord plan b
Larry looks behind him seeing you with a crowbar
Larry: hey what the iam calling the poli-
You knock him out using the handle of the crowbar
Cut to gumball reading a newspaper for job applications
Gumball: can you cook
Y/n: 100 percent no look what happened to the house after I helped mom cook
Cut to the Watterson house burning
Gumball: can you drive?
Y/n/Darwin: yes/no
Y/n: well kinda unless there no radio I can drive
Gumball: can you speak Chinese?
Darwin: "speaking Chinese" translation to
Gumball and you look down seeing the subtitle looking confused
Gumball: oh I found one! Make up products testing no experience at all
Y/n: why can't they test it on themselves
employee: are you 18 or above it?
Y/n: iam 30 and they 11/12
Employee: eh good enough get inside
Random voice: ok relax and look at the red dot close your eyed and make a kissing face
They do but gumball gets hit in the eye cause he opened one eye to see if it's over y/n and Darwin open looking good while gumball crawls the make up disfigured hi face both look disturb at what they looking at
Employee: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gumball: I can't believe she only gave us a penny it wasn't even enough for the bus
The phone ring the boys gulp as gumball picks up the phone
Gumball: uhm hellooo
Nicole: gumball I know you destroy it I got a red letter from Lazer video
Gumball: off no you can't prove it
Nicole: iam right here
She appears with the phone the boys scream and ran
Nicole: oh no your not!
She chase after them they jumped over the fence
Darwin: y/n we need a plan!!!
As Darwin said that you were gone
Gumball: dang it!! Y/n!!!!
Timeskip my hands are tried and iam lazy
Both ran to lazar video seeing you
Gumball: y/n what were you!!!!????
Y/n: bribing Larry anyways how about a tank and a machine gun
Larry: sir I don't want any guns pls let me be
Nicole appears behind them
Nicole: wait you make ran though the neighborhood on a dog for some fine that only cost 25 and y/n you have money
Y/n: oh yeah I forgot soliders get payed
Nicole reaches for her pockets
Gumball: see guys I told you facing your consequences of our actions
You and Darwin grab a crowbar
Episode ends I think you know what gonna happen
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