#I hate tiktok and I hate landlords
mytearsrricochet · 11 months
“consider tipping 15% to your landlord on your rent every month especially if you bother them at 2 am” I would sooner tip 15% to Taylor Swift on my eras tour ticket
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johnpallo · 2 months
Thinking about my thoughts on Inkneedles ship from Magnus Protocol, apologies for followers who saw this already but I decided it needs its own post. I am getting somewhat Magnus Protocol brainrot i admit
Inkneedles dynamic is like imagine a Twitch Streamer and a TikToker who both met as mututals on DeviantArt in 2013 (Needles nuked their DeviantArt years ago when they blew up on Vine; Ink5oul still has their DeviantArt and refuses to get a more professional portfolio of their work), and they lowkey can't stand each other but no one else likes them so they can't get rid of each other. And the reason everyone else hates them is totally the fault of their toxic friendship. Like Needles 100% outed Ink5oul as nonbinary in a Tumblr callout post on one of his alts but blamed another one of their mutuals and convinced Ink5oul to go no contact with that mutual to keep up the lie. And the few TikToker friends Needles ever made all got their accounts mass-reported when Ink5oul got jealous and sent their Twitch audience after them. And they're always sabotaging each other like this. But Needles stays in a spare room on the second floor of Ink5oul's tattoo parlor rent free and stays up until 5AM making DIY piercing tutorials on TikTok (note: these tutorials are all terrible, unclear if he's doing that intentionally for the whole Fear Monster thing or if he's just bad at it naturally), sleeps past noon every day, and gets woken up by Ink5oul blasting the most atrocious dubstep remix of a Lady Gaga track you've ever heard in your life. Needles has 100% doxxed Ink5oul's home address twice over this behavior, refuses to admit it, but all the same Ink5oul won't give him their new address after the last time. Also every time Ink5oul threatens to kick Needles out for not paying rent, Needles just gives Ink5oul a promo on his tiktok and gets the twitch stream like 200 new followers and Ink5oul decides to let it slide. Both of them have huge folders of "receipts" on their phones about the other one in case they ever feel like they need to cancel them. Notably none of these receipts are about either of the other's supernatural crimes, it's all just stuff like them being problematic or petty.
Ink5oul calls Needles a clout-chaser on stream at least once a week. Needles is vague-posting about their bourgeoisie "landlord" every few days. They hate each other. They can't escape each other. Crackship of the century.
Also I rescind my other post about them, i think i do ship it now actually
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yaskie · 1 month
This video is also uploaded on TIKTOK Ko-fi Website: Click Here
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A continuous battle and I am scared(URGENT) - you can click on the image to direct you to the Ko-Fi Site.
Dear Friends, Right now I feel despair, and hopelessness. And I feel so tired. I deeply apologize for tagging you all again, please don't get mad. I just really needed help.😢😢 I just got my life back, and recently recovered from my debts from my previous battle in between 2021 and mid 2023. I really felt so ashamed in writing this, because I am avoiding as much as I can to ask help financially again. 
You were there for me during my darkest hours, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. But now, I find myself in a situation more dire than ever before, and I am trembling with fear as I implore you to lend me your aid once again.
The video you see attached to this post is a painful reminder of the recent loss I've endured. Uncle Dindo joined our creator last March 24, 2024, after battling Stage 4 Lung Cancer for a month. His passing has left a void in our souls, and also drowned us in debts too. I am helping with expenses as much as I can, that it also drowned me. My Father died of the same illness as well. I made a post more than a month ago with the Title: FIGHTING AGAINST CANCER sadly we still have zero donation and sales from our Emotes and Digital Stickers sale. 
I do not know how to approach all of you again, but I am so scared right now. The reason I made this new post is I've been doing my best to make ends meet, trying to loan to a bank to be able for me to start my Treatment again(but mostly got rejected). I am already back to work eversince the fourth quarter of 2023, but the income is not enough as I earn only $12-$15/day with 12 hours plus of work.  I am really really scared right now as I am writing this. First, I need to settle my rent within 12-24 hours which cost $500(water & electricity is unstable). My landlord is threatening me that he will lock the house, kicking me out and leaving my pets behind. My cats and my dog are my life. Update(05/02/2024): I asked helped from a local council here to help me talk to my landlord. We have an agreement and I am given enough time until Saturday of this week - May 4, 2024. To settle the rent and for me and my pets to leave the apartment, we found a new one but we need a 2 month deposit. And payment for a rental truck. I need to pay my landlord too - so, I can be able to transfer to another home, and he will let me leave peacefully. Which will have another cost, as I need to rent a small truck because I have my pets with me. I have written this on my previous blogs before that I have been sexually harassed(this SCARES me so much too), and stalked by a former friend. He was jailed, but he is back again(already reported it to police). But for safety transferring home is needed. My trauma is still not yet recovered. We still need to prioritize as well my Aunt's treatment, as her health is rapidly deteriorating too(Stage 3 breast Cancer is advancing, her right breast has already been removed). And I need to start mine again, it spread in other parts of my body(I am holding on). I'm really scared right now. If you can spare anything—money, support, anything at all—it would mean the world to me. I hate asking, but I don't know what else to do. Any amount is appreciated, or you can purchase from my Small Shop as well. Thank you so much. Please take Care. Love, Jasky P.S. Sorry if my writing sounds scattered. I don't have proper sleep at the moment.
Sorry for tagging again, please do not get mad at me. I really help so badly. Reposting, or if you have any at least $5 or buy stickers it will really mean a lot to us, to me.
@boost-the-signal @measurelessdreamer @c1a1r3r3df1e1d @samblerambles @nearlybitches
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
My Unpopular Hobie Brown Opinions (& Headcanons) - [Part 1/??????]
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Excuse me excuse me i got some shit to say that needs to be said cause this just what i be thinking when i be thinking too hard cause i be doing that sometimes (photo is of me when i be thinking cause i be doing that)
First of all - Hobie doesn't have a smart phone.
Those little fake text yall be making? Where Hobie has a blue bubble? Nah bro not happening.
You think Hobie Brown is walking around with Siri in his pocket?? Siri who listens in on you and responds to the things you're saying while storing your info?
He isn't.
And he's not on twitter either so you can put those fake tweets in the basket too
He's not scrolling on the bird app giving Elon Musk revenue and engagement
Hobie seem like the type to walk in your house and start bad mouthing your Alexa. Be in your kitchen like 'Hey Google, kill yourself'
He has never opened or witnessed Tiktok and he never will
AT MOST he has a burner flip phone like a plug. And even then you have to pray he buys minutes. Voicemail? FULL.
Hobie is not a player.
He's from the 70's - the strongest time for HARDCORE second-wave feminism. Like bra-burning. Plus he's in the punk scene. He knows better than to say some slick shit or pull anything
BUT if ya'll make it clear it's casual and you catch feelings.. damn that sucks for you
Also, Hobie Brown doesn't get jealous. Lets stop the cap right now.
Mans doesn't even believe in private property and you think he'd feel comfortable being possessive over his partner
ESPECIALLY if they're a woman?
And secondly what insecurities does he even have to make him jealous? Can YOU , right now ,even imagine a man that would make Hobie Brown insecure/jealous?
I'll wait.
Realistically speaking, if you're not punk he's not into you most likely.
You don't have to listen to the music or 'dress the part' he doesn't care about that i mean like politically if you aren't in the movement good luck
Like if you turn down going to protests, or organizing,
or you don't wanna do community service with him he's not gonna feel it.
And he'd most likely be into people educated and into thinks like communism, socialism, anarchism, etc. If you can't hold a conversation about the immoralism behind being a landlord, then yeah there might be some awkward silences
Also can't believe I have to say this but ACAB and I mean that.
If you fuck with cops, Hobie doesn't fuck with you. Unless they're your family and even then they're on thin fucking ice.
Hobie has one-on-one interacts with fascists cops on the regular. The actively know who Spider-man is and target him.
Of course he's gonna hate them, or vent about them. The same way his one good experience with Gwen doesnt make him like the Society, having one good theoretical experience with a cop wouldn't make Hobie not hate cops.
In addition, Hobie has canonically killed people and is willing to kill again any day of the week if he has to. He stays ready.
He's done it with his guitar and he'll probably do it again in the future
And if you're with him you'd genuinely have to be comfortable and okay with that.
What are you gonna do? Defend a fascist? Exactly
So if he comes home with blood on him that isn't his, how you react is on you-
He's still gonna sleep good as hell at night
Hobie isn't very romantic. Like at all.
He's not buying you flowers - that's a sexist trope. He's not taking you to the movies because fuck the studio execs. He's not celebrating Valentine's Day because it's literally made up and he'll only celebrate anniversaries if you REALLY want to
He probably isn't chivalrous at all because he doesn't think to be - it's outplayed. So he's not opening doors and pulling out chairs or nothing
I feel like he's the type that if you got mad about it he'd be genuinely surprised because it just doesn't occur to him to be romantic
He'd be like 'why the fuck do you need roses?? i mean i love you i can knick you some if u want??'
He'd probably feel like all that is superficial as hell, and show his love in other ways
like stressing that you text him when you get home or always asking if you've eaten
he'd be like 'had any scran' or 'you've eaten right?' and if you havent hed immediately turn and go looking for the nearest food to give you (food insecurity does that to you)
Oh and he is not getting married not even a hippie wedding
cause Hobies not buying a ring (gold mining causes suffering anyway) and he's not proposing and if his partner proposed I feel like he'd be shocked in a slightly uncomfortable way
I could absolutely see him being poly. Like either being in a thruple, but most likely just having multiple seperate partners who also have partners
i can see Hobie being a baby daddy. Not in the bad way. In the good way. But not in the Peter B. way.
Not elaborating on that last part it just is what it is
okay ill leave this here before it gets long also no proofreading oop - but tell me what you think id love to hear your thoughts! What you agree with or disagree with and why :) im chill and nice and not a twitter person i promise lol
but also, I said what I said <3
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leastdatablebracket · 8 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Peter King
Oh I could go ON AND ON but here’s a list: He’s a stalker, he showed up late to a date HE REQUESTED, he killed either your landlord, roommate, or coworker (depending on route) and stuck them in a freezer, lied to the police about it, followed by a car ride either consisting of traumadumping about his family (valid tbh) or him talking about how much he wants to fuck your brains out, then you finding a bloody knife in his glove compartment, asking about it, and him smashing your head into the window to shut you up while he takes you to his house. He is The Worse Datable, as well as The Only Datable because well…he killed the others…and kidnapped you….
FUCK THIS DUDE!!! Country Human looking-ass bitch, I want him dead and obliterated
Many violence, Yandere behavior, cut your leg off in a semi-canon series of illustrations, smashed your head into the passenger side window of his creepy van, chloroformed you in your own house, brought you flowers that were probably tainted with his own blood, given context from another route. Generally a terrible person. Also just very strange to look at :/
He knows what he did….😒
He broke into Y/N’s house and chloroformed them. Generally a really creepy and perverted guy. TK is better :/
Send that man to Worst Datable Hell! Put him in the trash file (he’s a pseudo-sentient AI, similar to Monika, so this threat is valid)! He sometimes looks like a kicked puppy when talking to you, but with your small contributions, we can make him look even more like a kicked puppy! Vote Peter King for Worst Datable Datable Character today! Bonus: Funny canon facts about him! - He can’t swim - He’s allergic to peanuts - He has to wear glasses, but usually wears contacts - He had an emo/goth phase in high school - He’s a YouTuber; he does product reviews - He has very strong mother issues (understandably) - He will respond to and greatly enjoy the nickname “Cockbite” (there are many other names he enjoys, but this one’s the funniest to me)
Cullen Rutherford
stupid racist cop creep whose fans cry about how hes "changed" and "you can't judge him he was addicted to magic drugs" nah he still chose to be a racist cop and abuse his power over innocent people and i hate him. the writers making him romanceable in da:i after how blatantly horrible he was in da:o and da:2 is baffling but i guess they had to appeal to the part of their audience who watch those "mafia boyfriend" videos on tiktok or whatever
He's creepy in origins, though still 100% willing to kill the female mage pc he's crushing on, as well as all the other mages trapped in the circle with him. He's the second-in-command in an even worse circle in 2, listening to and defending the increasingly obviously insane meredith until literally the end. He's one of the people still pushing for the circle system by inquisition, and yes he's going through withdrawals and working through the traumas of previous games. And to be brutally honest his was the first romance i took and while i don't remember much from it, its not worth all the girls going absolutely nuts over knockoff terrible alistair.
He's basically a cop who thinks being born a certain way can revoke personhood and by Inquisition still thinks mages are monsters to be controlled, not people. He gets a fairy tale cutesy romance that focuses on his personal struggles with addiction while showing absolutely no regard to the atrocities he committed and still thinks were justified. He can be romanced BY A MAGE and his actions and beliefs are just glossed over. He believes mages are 'not people like you (Hawke) and me', but if the Warden was a female mage he canonically had a crush on her and would deliberately hang around her despite the fact that he was her *jailer*. If that Warden romanced Leliana, there is war table dialogue in which he pesters Leliana for news of his 'former' crush despite her repeated statement that she doesn't want to talk to him about her. All this shitty behavior and lack of introspection gets swept under the rug by the game, not even giving the PC the chance to really challenge his beliefs. Like damn even Fenris could apologize when he lashed out due to past trauma with mages, and if anyone has a reason to hate mages it's Fenris. If you want an ex Templar hottie Alistair is RIGHT THERE. Tbh I know Cullen is a popular romance and I'm not here to tell anyone what they can or can't do or like in a video game, I'm just saying I think he is deeply undateable
Spends the first two games as an antagonist, fervently devoted to the cause of subjugating mages, then a bunch of "character development" happens off screen and the games treat him like he's completely reformed. However he's actions make it clear he still sees mages as dangerous and lesser. Not to mention if you romance him with an elf he doesn't pay your culture more than lip service respect like most of the devout characters 
He was a total villain in the first two games who was violently prejudiced against mages and uses one single bad experience as an excuse for it (a bad experience that is pretty much exactly what he in his job subjected graduating apprentices to, mind you, but this is never brought up). Now he says he's changed, but his words and actions say otherwise. He still distrusts mages, sympathises with the rebel Templars trying to kill them, and he never owns up to the terrible stuff he did and helped others do in the past two games. He totally knew what Meredith was doing and says he doesn't, and he still tries to defend her intentions. And you have no option to call him out on it. If you romance him as a mage, he angsts about how he might have seen you as subhuman in the past but NOW you're one of the good ones, and when you ask him if he'll kill you if you get possessed, he dodges the question. And the PC is written as being almost sad that she's a mage? Like 'can you love me despite what I am??' Also if Leliana romanced a female mage PC in the first game who is still alive, he asks her creepy questions about their relationship. Fitting considering his original purpose was to be creepy to the female mage Warden. 
I hate him and want to cause chaos. Plus his VA is an asshole.
I think you covered almost everything but don't forget that beautiful moment in DA2 - Act 2 where you find out some templars had a petition to lobotomize all mages and Meredith, THE HARDCORE TEMPLAR LEADER, rejects it, but Cullen says they got a point. Despite the fact that we just found out that those templars were using lobotomy (or the threat of) to rape people and get away with it. And then Cullen in DA:I is whining that anything that happened it's not his fault because Meredith kept the worse away form him so he didn't know, but also that anyway Meredith had a point and did what she had to do. Meredith does not go mad until Act 3, before she was of sound mind and Culllen was her second in command BECAUSE he hated mages as much as (or even more) than her. What the FUCK did she even hide from you, Cullen. Oh, but he changed! Because the writers make A VICTIM OF THE TEMPLARS say so. And anyway he only says so BECAUSE HE READS MINDS not because Cullen did anything to show it. Also the narrative wants to sympathise with Cullen for his drug problems while Cullen is openly attacking the only other character with the same problem for...having the same problem. And he's the antagonist, so there were OTHER things Cullen could be mad about. But he is mad about the drug problem. Also I'm not an expert on writing characters with addictions but he is an addict only when it's time to have a cut scene where you pity him. Otherwise it has zero impacts on everything else.
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my-tho-ghts · 1 year
This starts off as like an argument about hobie's age, but kinds turns into a vent/complaining post at the end. It all has to do with punkflower and hobie, but it kinda gets away from the point lol
Okay, so about hobie's age: he is probably around miles' and gwen's age or it is just up to interpretation. He is not confirmed to be 19/20, in the video that keeps being spread, if you watch the full video to get the context of what the director was saying, he is talling about the early concept/comic book version of hobie. Like, just straight up not the movie version. Which doesn't mean anything because a whole lot has changed between the comics and the movie, like, other spider people have been aged down for the movie. Anyways, people bring up two other things as well: hobie saying he goes to the pub and has a flat. One, if he is 18, then I think he can go to a pub in Britain. But also he is an anarchist who hates the police, so he'd probably sneak into a pub and drink if he was like 16 or 17. Two, for the flat, we could assume he is like his comic book version and is a squatter, which means he doesn't own the place himself. I mean, I just also don't think hobie would like landlords anyway, and would rather be homeless than pay them (because he does, in the comics at least). Also, from various different sources including the other directors and possibly the art book, his age is up to interpretation/unconfirmed, and is around gwen and miles' age. I'm waiting to get the art book to confirm the last fact, but anyways. The point is, thinking of hobie as a teenager/close in age to milee's and gwen isn't a bad thing/doesn't someone a proshipper. If people are interpreting his age as being close to miles' age and then shipping them, then that's not a proship! Barely anyone ships them and thinks hobie is an adult (and those who do are the proshippers), and proshipping means they're okay with all ships - even the problematic ones. But if you think hobie isn't an adult, then it isn't problematic. Idk how else to say it.
Also, I've seen a lot of videos on tiktok (where i spend most my time because I love edits lol, and where I really want to post this but am a bit too anxious to do so. Maybe when I get the artbook) where the posters are showing off the video I talked about with the director, or reference it, and are just so happy to be right and hate on punkflower. Like, they were actively rooting for a reason to hate and "cancel" punkflower shippers. And jesus, it really does seem a bit homophobic. And by a bit I mean a lot. (I also noticed that people are not as upset with the chaipunk ship over there? Which idk why, pavitr is also like 15/16).
Also it pissed me off at first to see videos of people using the punkflower hashtag, and then saying it's a duo name, but now it's just kinda funny. Like they'll put the most romantic song in the background with miles and hobie's, and the caption will be "not a ship! They're bffs!" Like, c'mon man. Actually, I think you can change the caption on videos, so maybe it was intended to be a ship but they got a lot of hate (which is also a huge problem) and so they put that caption.
Speaking of hate, I've seen one creator on Twitter who talked about how much hate they got over the ship, I think even before that video came out where hobie's age was "confirmed". Like, for such an unproblematic ship, people were so upset. And just, all the people taking that cropped video at face value and not even watching the full thing to properly understand the content is a bit telling. I mean, I didn't lol, but I didn't exactly believe the video immedietly anyways.
Wow yeah this became was more of me just talking about stuff at the end, but whatever I've just been needing to say it.
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chezzabellesworld · 29 days
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Nancy Spudgen
Absolutely love this woman and I’ve just done a podcast on my Spotify and cherry info dump, please feel free to listen about how strong women are often degraded and major feel not good and Nancy features in his episode along with Courtney Love Margot Robbie and many of us, to get it right otherwise it’s not right and I’d put a video recently as well on my TikTok about how much people hated Nancy and describing it and I honestly feel and I’m not just rubbing this in that if people got which is just describe me and many people would hate me also, I have just been by my neighbours selling math which is a drug. We don’t even get over here., I literally leave my house twice a week to go to the pharmacy with my mother and my my mother is the one who helps me. I support dogs also., in fact I told my landlord I was assaulted here at the time I said can I have a new property? Can I go somewhere else? He didn’t help me and maybe, but the other neighbours haven’t been here as long as he’s never had a problem with me at all I’ve never given him anything to be annoyed about. It’s just my paranoid neighbour, hasn’t been here for months and then not my face but I have always had this thing thing where I can tell when people don’t like me and it is quite often which is, and this is how I feel. Nancy must’ve felt a lot of her life maybe Nancy didn’t care but I guess deep down that she probably did I mean she was a deep Pisces a double Pisces at that Pisces rising and Pisces with a Gemini moon, this woman suffered whole life and she only lives till 20 she said she even predicted the fact that she wouldn’t live past the 21st birthday🌑 and her mother even knew that she wasn’t, she was born into this world where the mother couldn’t hold her for days born with the umbilical cord wrapped round her neck and which caused brain damage, and then these men from the UK who are working class have the right to this woman some skank who comes from middle-class Jewish background not that I’m saying classes to do with it but it’s just the irony of it,
Her family in fact especially her mum because I’ve read her book were disgusted by wishes they didn’t think he was talented at all and I tend to agree with him. He is not a very talented musician in fact Courtney Love and being a talented version of silly Nancy Nancy is talented in the way of spotting things and realising things are going to be a success so she would’ve made a good manager and like business woman if she’s gone down a different path or even in the music industry it doesn’t have to be she had it where her mind was behind her body so she got talk guitar and she found it really frustrating because she couldn’t because her mind was behind her body. Her body was growing fast as a child scream murder literally every day and when her youngest sibling came along which was another girl she absolutely hated it and treated the younger sibling really bad! then she had a younger brother so she actually didn’t treat that badly. Maybe it was because he was a boy. I’m not too sure but the household get her away because it was just easier than having to go through her mood swings anyway once she moved to the UK, they barely saw her. They spoke to her on the phone every day and she was very close to her mother.
But from the ages of about 19 she was just gone that was it they did see her back-and-forth and when they said at night she moved to New York Nancy being from Philadelphia they did see them from time to time but said what a bad way they were she said talks about one time how they met met them on the train platform and how everybody was staring at them and they looked really out of place. They both like translucent and really white and they just didn’t look very well and everyone was staring at them and they weren’t even aware of it at the time. She said that Nancy said we’re just like any other couple and that said try to act like her son and called her mother., himself didn’t have a very good mother, his mother was a drug addict and his drug dealer. A lot of the time gets blamed for her addiction but one he’s older and his mother was already an addict so people will get your stress and read. I can’t live like this anymore by Deborah Spudgen
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this is one of the two pieces i did for the zine Sing It Like The Kids That Are Mean To You created by @thrashbeatles and laid out by @birdloaf (you can get a physical copy here, and a digital copy here). i hope you enjoy it!
laundry day
or, put down the bleach
When I was little, I really liked dress up games. I knew how to play them right too. Straight blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pink skirt on the white girl. That was how you won. I don’t think I really understood how much I wanted to look like that. I remember thinking blue eyes and blonde hair made you pretty, and I remember how much I wanted to be pretty, and I remember I knew you didn’t really get those things unless you were white. But if you’d asked me if I wanted to be white, I’d have said no. I was perfect the way I was. That was the right answer, everyone knew that. Just like everyone knew blonde hair and blue eyes made you a smokeshow, and that only pretty people get put on TV and that pink was my favourite colour because I was a girl. Common knowledge.
I’m older now, and I get why that’s all bullshit. It’s not knowledge, it’s culture. It’s the victors writing history. It’s control of information, the power to decide what’s normal, the construction of an Us and a Them. It’s all a lie. Everything’s normal unless it hurts, and pain is normal too. It makes me angry that all these people—who are just like me, who are nothing like me, who love me, who hate my guts—think something’s wrong with them without even knowing what. So I turn to music that’s just as angry as I am: punk rock. Hard, fast and sloppy, countercultural and questioning authority, it’s a safe haven for everyone who just isn’t normal. I listen to people sing about poverty, about mental health, about rent and landlords, about all cops being bastards, about dirt and grime and grit and suddenly it hits me: all these people are fucking white.
It strikes me as odd that I’m not hearing these complaints from people who have it a few shades worse. And when I look into looking the part and I find more people who do not look like me. I find liberty spikes and mohawks sticking straight up in a way my hair could never, not without an atomic straightener and a ton of gel. I find people bleaching their hair until it’s deep fried just to dye it, ‘cause it’s just hair, it’ll grow back. I find straight black hair, blue eyes and torn black jeans on all the pretty white girls. That’s how I’m supposed to look.
A friend who knows I think about this stuff sends me a TikTok of a black girl showing how to look punk with afro hair. First thing she does is straighten it, like she has to make up for the fact that she’s black first. It’s strange, the way the land of outcasts still has me wanting to feel like I belong. Wanting to draw up a bath and fill it with bleach and wash myself clean, get out all those tough stains. To lay my head on an ironing board and get rid of all the wrinkles in my hair. To sew new blue buttons to see through. It’s frustrating, too. I’ve got all this dirty laundry in the form of everything I am. Who wouldn’t want to get it clean?
But who says I have something to air out anyway? Why keep it a skeleton in my closet? Why not be black on main? A mutual follower of mine has locs, and he wears them like emo bangs. I wear bantu knots, and I think they look punk as fuck. I see Edith Victoria rocking braids and faux locs in a million fun colours, and hair colour waxes getting popular, I see the success of afro punk and bands like Big Joanie and Bob Vylan, I see all these people being punk not in spite of their blackness but because of it. I see that it’s possible to put down the bleach, and I do.
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funshinebf · 25 days
anytime i see someone making a tiktok or other video about having pets that their landlord doesnt know about i feel SO insane. like. im sorry but how stupid can you get. its the same with people doing stuff they shouldnt at work, or talking about being closeted, meanwhile their entire fucking face and name are on full display. its astonishing. when i see these same people later post about their landlord kicking them out or getting fired or whatever else. its like on one hand i do feel sympathy because those are awful situations to be in. but also. what the fuck did you think would happen? 😭 i hate to break it to you but landlords can use tiktok too! and bosses, and parents, or even just friends of these people. please for the love of GOD if youre gonna put your name and face in your videos, DO NOT also show yourself doing things that will get you in trouble!!! i seriously thought this would be common sense but i see it all the time 😭
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shoujoboy-restart · 7 months
Didn't Israel attack a celebrity for speaking out against the atrocities? Response to that post I just saw about them claiming the crisis actor thing.
Also about Israel, is everybody that still supports Israel are bad people like the people in that protest from days ago in Washington showing support towards them? Cuz I kind of do feel a little conflicted because one of those reasons involved the October 7th massacre, which is kind of rarely brought up and the focus is more on the Palestinians, which I'm not saying shouldn't be focused on but it looks like most people are making it seem like what Israel is doing is proof that every Jewish people are bad and that the Nazis had a point, which is something I feel like is alluded to somehow with the rise of anti-Semitic hate crimes around the world.
Like I mean come on a fucking man just killed a young boy to death because of this fucking conflict and this idea that Jewish people are the bad guys and the conflict shows that which I don't feel is fair at all to condone everybody because their government is following Hitler's steps with their own touch.
Yeah they tried to drag Bella Hadid(a model with Palestinian heritage) on their fucking Instagram stories, it was so patethic lmao.
I wouldn't say everyone who supports Israel is a bad person, that's a very pointless generalization, many of them are people that since babies believed this was some sort of birthright of them to have this land and all Palestinians were evil people who seeked to kill them, before the current conflict there was some random girl on TikTok who made storytime/vent about how she had these neighbors that were nice and lovely and sweet, but after she discoverwd they were Palestinian she immediately started to believe they would hate her, kill her hark and therefore want then harmed as well, again, completely unprovoked without any aggression from the neighbors, Zionist Jew are under some crazy powerful propaganda and cult like beliefs.
And it is absolutely disgusting to think every single Jew is somehow at fault for israel's actions, Netanyahu had a absolutely abysmall approval ratings before the conflict, and he will absolutely not be elected democratically again or still be in power if there any actual democracy in that place and the support for him is extremely isolated, Jews in and out of Israel have always protested and fought against the occupation.
Both Islamophobic and Antisemitic hate crimes are on the rise, and if you are talking talking about 6 year old Wadea Al-Fayoume that killed by his landlord it is absolutely a case of how the media was at first reporting completely favourably of the Israel government:
“The father said [the landlord] had built a tree house for the boy and allowed him to swim in a makeshift pool and brought him toys. But it wasn’t until he started watching the news and hearing the statements [about the war] that something changed,”
Obviously there was probably some sort on mental illness at fault too(still not enough for a insanity please as of now it seems), but divise politics got a whole generation of people saying and protesting wanting a little black girl hanged and lynched for just wanting to go school as well.
Although I don't agree with the Hitler comparison(even thought the Israel got caught saying the whole "children of children's, children of darkness" shit that was found to be a mindset within the SS army) yeah Jews shouldn't be penalized for what Israel is doing, not Israel citizens should, we can complain about collective punishemwnt for Gazans and Palestinian and then make excuse for the same thing with Jews and Israelis
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threadrunner · 1 year
I hate subscriptions I hate AI I hate customers I hate Republicans I hate two factor authentication I hate advertisement I hate minimum wage I hate liberals I hate landlords I hate influencers I hate TikTok. Also fuck gas prices
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kickinganddriving · 1 year
ok hi!!! certified Christian pulisic lovergirl here. apologies in advance if this message is unwelcome.
I, a card carrying chronic daydreamer, had my cute little fantasy world interrupted today by the "girl posting tiktoks from his house" rumor. Anyway I looked for said tiktoks like...... evvvverrryyywhherree (i guess i like the pain idfk) and i can't find even a ghost of a hint of something like that. I could be wrong, maybe you've seen them for yourself idk? but if alleged tiktok girl does exist, he doesn't follow her on insta (like 99% sure). And without seeing the actual videos/having more context i just feel like...... A: she could be anyone. a friend of a friend who hung at his place one time. a cousin. his homie's gf. his landlord. a ghost. idfk. or B: the videos literally don't exist and someone just made it up to watch us squirm
also i wondered for a hot minute if he was dating elena chiriac or someone named bridget (trying to be a little more nondescript bc i don't think she intends to put herself in the public eye), but both of them have boyfriends (boyfriends who are not christian lol). receipts on that!
anyway I wasn't sure if i should send this; on the one hand i worry i'll be adding fuel to the fire, but also i hate seeing so many of my fav blogs in the puli sphere having to deal with fallout from this really flimsy claim sent by one random anon. I just think the sadness might be premature/unneeded so i wanted to send you my take incase it could help remedy that. again, no idea if I'm doing the right thing sending this message, so imma leave it up to you what you wanna do with it/who you wanna share it with lol. i decided to send it to you bc you seem pretty ~drama free~ and like you know the other puli blog girls well enough to know if this message would help/harm. hope I'm making sense? idk? lmao ok I'm out, peace &blessings to u my gal, and p.s. i love love love your writing hehe
-coco chanel
now folks when we make claims it should be in this format, but yea, honestly im also a chronic daydreamer but these are actual peoples lives, so when they do something, its not our place to hate them, hate people involved, and i am a full believer never speculating until confirmation, seeing is thats how people get hurt. Lets give everybody some space and lets just take a deep breath in, and out.
also thank you for all the love!!!
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I don't know what I'm doing here.
If my 18 year old self found out that I skipped out on a charity rave to make a Tumblr page in the year of our lord 2023 she would... Well, shed probably be cool with it because she was in jail waiting to sign my will to live over to the state of new jersey. She's probably ask me for a cigarette.
Any way I found this really beautiful journal last night in a garbage can while I was on my way out of a comedy show (btw rlly funny support indie comedians case comedy free at Abyssinia in philly every Tuesday night!) and it was brand new with the lilies" all across it. It made me miss drawing, scribbling little poems, feeling like I was leaving something positive behind. The last ten years of survival mode made me a really miserable person for a long time. If I had one wish, it would be to transfer my conscienceness into a newborn baby and relive life knowing everything I know now. Me now, in my sixteen year old body? I could be a doctor! I could be a drug kingpin! I could be invited to parties ! Here's how I imagine the difference would be;
current me : CM
young me: YM
CM: hey, let's ask lucy to hang out
YM: if she really liked us she would have asked already
CM: she just asked if you wanted to hang out at home room..
YM: I asked first clearly she hates me
CM: ok... Johnny asked if you want to go to the beach with blah blah blah and also blah
YM: I hat blah and blah and I had like two granola bars today I can only wear sweatshirts until I poop you KNOW this
CM: ok... We got invited to a party---
CM: uh... We could go to *best friends house* and watch a movie?
YM: no I don't feel like putting pants on
CM: ok well I have plans with a friend so I'll just leave ya to it----
YM: I wish I had friends :/ no one likes me! I never get invited anywhere! I don't know what it is!!! *aggressively chews hot pocket*
-end scene-
I would do more of an intro post if anyone ever asks but for now this will be my little place to rant and post my pathetic doodles and snapshots. And also! I will explain at a later date but I made a gofundme kind of for shits and giggs and mostly out of desperation. I just got evicted seven days after moving into this room, owned by a man who wanted no background check or even a deposit. Yes I know it sOuNdS tOo gOoD tO bE TrUe I KNOW OKAY I GET IT- essentially the landlord is mentally ill, bizarely paranoid, obsessed with my social life to the extent that I face a ten to twenty minute inquisition about my actual plans for the day... I could go on, but it's a tale for another day. Anyway, I have to stay in Philly until October and I definitely want to get tf out of dodge the day they hand me those papers. All my money since moving here has gone to rent, deposits, food and fines to two different states. I've been able to get my license back for a year but I literally can't afford the fee, or a car to rent to take the driving test.
But hold on! This ain't a sad story kids! Because I've decided to get in on that #vanlife game. Not to TikTok or anything, just because... Well, I've been stuck between NJ and PA for ten years. I accomplished a lot I think, got clean off drugs and worked for several reputable rehabs, made some friends, heard some live music, met some cool strangers... But I want to see the world. I don't want to sign a lease every year and plan my vacations six months I'm advance. Life has proved time and time again that I'm just not cut out for it , mentally or physically. I guess someone else would see a therapist, go on antidepressants and make themselves adjust. I was on of those people. But freedom is so close I can taste it. I wasted my twenties and I don't plan on being forty regretting even more then I do now.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Fun game! Guess which girl is on drugs!
Any way, the go fund me. I found a pretty good RV my friend says he can fix up for $4000. I know even if I'm hired tomorrow I won't be able to even think about saving until I find a place to live so ya know what? Fuck it. Here's my change cup.
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docholligay · 1 year
There's worse things Midge can grow up to be than a tiktok influencer, right?
I mean she could be a venture capitalist or a landlord, so I guess.
I mean, I make my living on the internet so far be it from me to tell her she can't, but if she did I'd prefer she was a creative: Writer, artist, etc. Or an analyst like her papa. Even if you does like, youtube videos, which I do hate, and lives her entire life making meetings out of what could have been emails, but they're about something--history, art, etc--great!
But like, if she's just spreading bullshit on tiktok to become a spokesmodel for Shein or whatever, yeah, I'm not gonna be super proud of her. And maybe that makes me a shitty parent! But bitch I was hot at 21 too, we just didn't have TikTok so I could embarrass myself in front of thousands with tepid --you know as I'm sitting here thinking about this? The issue is I don't want her to have companies sponsor her. Once companies start sponsoring you, you have to lie in order to get more sponsorship. I don't like it, it feels greasy. Don't get me wrong, coupons, even free product, as long as you aren't chasing more free product, are I think, pretty normal for low level folks. But like..."Jewlet's cooking corner, sponsored by Hershey!" We're gonna have a fuckin fight.
Unfortunately I am not super morally flexible in some ways, and while that is in some ways a boon and laudable of me, and I am rarely (though of course I am human) a hypocrite, but in the bad way, I can see myself being like, "Am i supposed to applaud you getting 40 new pieces of clothing a year?"
But then again, I know the thing on the internet is we're supposed to support our kids no matter what, and I do not get with that exactly. If Jewlet does something for a living that opposes my values system...yes I'm going to think less of her for it?? I mean, I'm not gonna, probably, be like, "YOU CAN'T COME TO THANKSGIVING!!" but if she's taking cash from, oh fuck I don't even know who's all sponsoring that shit now, Tesla, yeah I'm not gonna act like my little baby is living my greatest dream.
And of course, this isn't easy or smooth. If she could somehow convince me that she had integrity while taking cash from, we'll go back to Hershey, great. But I'm not sure I think that could happen, depending on the company, and so, where do we make the line of profiting by bad behavior?
People are gonna come at me with this, because A) they want a bright line and B) they want to believe that unless we are Exxon itself, we are in no way responsible for our contributions to how society words (unless we're using terminology people don't like) but neither of those is true! It's a complicated tangle, but how we choose to engage with things also DOES matter.
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mtsainthelens · 2 years
your 20s are- i hate marvel movies- gerard way- i dont know who needs to hear this- boy girlfriend- [vile slur omitted]- yall- girlboss- the fandomification of litera- gender- landlords- goes hard- garfield- absolutely fucks- better call saul- stories where- be kind- OP- [vile slurs omitted]- you- i hate tiktok- you- cryptobros-
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hoziersonofnyx · 2 years
Y'all love to hate on TikTok and its users, but I just want to remind you that
Most of the posts you guys make fun are SATIRE.
Most of the TikTok users you guys make fun of are KIDS and people in their EARLY TEENS. Ex: that post that went around of landlords asking for pet pics and people cute-ifiyng them is probably kids that have never paid rent or talked to a landlord
This site crashed in terms of content and engagement the SECOND it banned porn
Which means that most users were only here for porn
The racism and misogyny on here is WILD
Like TikTok is bad, but at least they usually take it down
The MLM fetishizing on here is BEYOND
Like TikTok was AWFUL during 2020-early 2021
But you guys are STILL at it
And I do recognize there's a difference between shipping and fetishizing
But there's a lot of both
Anyways, I have a confession to make: the only reason I came here was because my parents restricted my TT usage to one (1) hour a day.
HONESTLY, I was addicted to TT, because it's FUN.
And honestly, this place has stopped being fun.
In conclusion, if I ever get my parents to undo the restriction I'll probably use TT for HOURS. BECAUSE IT'S FUN. Meanwhile, on here, I've honestly lost count of the tags I've had filter, of the accounts I've had to block.
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