#I hate weddings too
rotten-rodentia · 2 years
I'm constantly questioning my own transness, and then I have a breakdown over my stepmom taking pictures of me in a robe that says bridesmaid on the back
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goblinbeetle · 3 months
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We've all seen the iconic duo
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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stormikitty · 7 months
Cosmic Love prompt:
Danny and Damian have been engaged since they were babies. The Fentons wanted access to Lazarus water, and they made a deal with the league of assassins to get it. Danny is trans. Danny and Damian haven't seen each other since Damian was 10 (I imagine Danny is anywhere from a few months to a year younger, so Danny was either 9 or 10 at the time). They had been seeing each other twice a year the last time they saw each other. They used to have more time scheduled to spend together before Damian started training to be an assassin. They weren't getting along when they last saw each other. Danny was upset/angry that his life had been planned out for him and that he was going to be in an arranged marriage. Damian was kind of a jerk at the time (because of trauma but he was still a jerk), and he thought Danny was being a jerk too because having his whole life planned for him was all Damian knew and it didn't make sense to him to get upset about it because that's his reality that he just had to accept. Damian does care about Danny, and cares about what he wants too. But they were kids. They were upset about their situation and frustrated and angry with each other and their families. They haven't had contact with each other at all since Damian came to Gotham.
Skip forward a few years and Damian has fallen in love with his best friend, Jon. He tells his family and Jon about the arranged marriage even though it's likely not going to be a thing anymore since he has cut ties with the league.
Damian and Jon start dating.
Danny is 16 and on the run from his parents and the GIW. He only managed to escape after he had already been captured and vivisected. He goes to Gotham because it'll be harder for his parents and the GIW to find him there. He runs into Damian and Jon at a park while he's at a point in his life where he's got nothing left an he's just sad, scared, angry, lonely, and he'd just about sell what's left of his life for a hug.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
You know, Steve and Robin’s relationship must be fucking confusing for other people, since Steve is a flirt and they get along super well.
You would guess that with time people will get used to it and find it less confusing. I’d love it if it got the opposite of that.
Like, after the kids, especially Dustin, pester Steve too much he finally explodes and says «okay that’s it!» he turns to Robin «Buckley! You and me, date tonight, pick you up at 7.»
And Robin, immediately understanding what Steve has in mind, replies «oh Steve, I thought you’d never ask!»
The kids cheer and they’re happy for a while. Now, when asked, both Steve and Robin say that they’re dating.
Except that they act like always. They joke around, mess with each other, never kiss. They go on “dates” but they are no different from their usual hang out.
One day Dustin spots Steve at the movies with another girl and he’s fuming. He immediately tells Robin which chuckles and ruffles his hair «thank dude but don’t worry, I know about Steve’s hang out with this girl and I don’t mind!»
Another day, they’re all hanging out at Steve’s place and Eddie and Steve are sitting extremely close to one another, talking to Robin who’s all alone on the opposite couch.
Dustin scolds Steve for not sitting next to his girlfriend, which Eddie interject with “but Dusty-bun, I also need some Harrington love! Buckley can’t always have him for herself” making both Steve and Robin laugh too loudly, like there was something more Dustin wasn’t getting.
Eddie and Steve’ skinship gets worse with time.
“It’s like they’re testing Robin’s patience!” Dustin says to the rest of the Party.
One day he even tells Steve to put it to rest otherwise people might think he’s dating Eddie and not Robin.
Steve reassures Dustin that everything is fine.
A month later, Steve and Robin announce that they’re moving in together, and everyone is happy for this important step in their relationship.
What they don’t understand is why is Eddie also going with them and sharing a room with Steve.
“Don’t be absurd, I would never share a bed with my boyfriend before marriage! I am a woman of church” that’s the explanation given by Robin, who has gone to church a total of 5 times throughout her lifetime.
Finally it comes to a halt when the kids do a surprise visit to the trio and find Eddie and Steve in a compromising position on the living room’s couch.
They all stare quietly at each other until Steve breaks it.
«Uh, don’t worry! Robin doesn’t mind…?»
Then chaos ensures.
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foileadeux · 1 year
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points. white lady!
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seaweedstarshine · 4 months
“That’s a bold choice, Dalek Supreme, coming to a wedding planet dressed in white! Unless you’re here to get hitched… should I be flattered?”
“We are here to exterminate you.”
“Oh, that’s probably for the best. Not sure River would be up for a marriage à trois… not with a Dalek, at any rate.”
—Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Victory of the Doctor
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personally think the madney wedding should've been in the finale.
i think they should've been like 'we can wait' and then have the show bait everyone into thinking we had to wait until s8 to have Maddie Han, and then BAM, everyone's in the hospital with Bobby, and he's like 'yall might be able to wait, but clearly, i cannot, can we get this over with so i can see you guys get married, preferably before i die?'
and they have a hospital wedding still, but their officiant (if that the term) is the one in the hospital bed. And the people that matter are all there, and i just think it would be really sweet, idk. I think it would be a cute play on the hospital wedding trope, and would give us a nice season finale.
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mot-hesbian · 1 month
The Mondrich storyline in season 3 is so unnecessary, personally I think they should have saved it for Benedict's season bc I find his relationship with them and his advice to be really interesting and would love for it to go both ways with him receiving advice regarding his relationship with Sophie.
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philsbrownquiff · 2 months
I have an unpopular opinion and it’s that they won’t actually get married in June bc they have so much stuff in June. It’s dans bday and it’s BIG day and it’s pride month so they have to be gay. I think they will do it in October
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raeflora · 2 months
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blair waldorf outfits 6x10 new york, I love you xoxo
outfit 5
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antianakin · 5 months
Zeb brings Rex to Lira San at some point to introduce him to the people there, both the Lasat who had already been there as well as the two Lasat survivors from Lasan. I have to assume that the culture on Lira San is significantly different from the culture that had developed on Lasan. Lira San is literally thought of as a LEGEND on Lasan from what we know which means it has been so long that these two cultures have probably developed in very different directions over time. So while there's probably stuff that Zeb IS familiar with on Lira San, there's going to be so much that he's being introduced to for the first time, as well.
Zeb is so excited to introduce Rex to his people, his culture, but he hasn't really ever spent any time on Lira San himself. He went down quickly to get the other two survivors settled there the first time they arrived and, for security reasons, doesn't go back until after the Empire is defeated. So he's not quite prepared for what it's actually like there. He tries showing Rex things he remembers of his culture, but everything is off or wrong somehow, and he ends up feeling like he doesn't know ANYTHING about these people or this culture and instead of being fun, it's just frustrating and devastating for Zeb, especially since Rex seems genuinely impressed by everything anyway, no matter how wrong it is. Eventually, he just snaps because he can't take it anymore and storms off.
Rex follows and Zeb tries to tell him to leave because he'll never get it and Zeb can't begin to understand. Rex says that Zeb's right, he'll never get it, because his people won't ever have something like this. Rex is never going to find some hidden enclave of the clones somewhere that have been safely and peacefully developing their culture on their own. It's just him and Gregor and Wolffe now, as far as Rex knows and it always will be. So Rex will never understand the pain that Zeb is currently going through by being confronted with a culture that feels like it SHOULD be familiar, but isn't quite. He'll never be confronted with an entire culture that manages to simultaneously bring him so much joy and relief as well as endless pain and devastation.
But this puts him in a unique position of being able to see the Lira San culture through the eyes of an outsider, without the pain it causes Zeb. He offers to show Zeb what HE sees when he looks at Lira San, to let Zeb explore this culture through Rex's eyes instead of his own. Zeb agrees, reluctantly, but it actually works. They go back through the market, the landmarks of this city they're staying in, the surrounding landscapes, the people, the language, the music. And instead of being frustrated at what he CAN'T see, he starts just enjoying being able to listen to what Rex CAN see. He can't always see it himself, he knows that it might take him a while to see it for himself and that sometimes he might NEVER see it, but for now, it's enough that Rex can see it and enjoy it and tell Zeb all about it.
They try a bunch of new foods together, they spar together and practice both the fighting styles they already know as well as try to learn local Lira San styles, they take a lot of trips out across the planet to see its different flora and fauna, they go see performances. Rex and Zeb just... spend a long time experiencing everything Lira San has to offer. And Zeb recognizes the irony in Rex having to sort-of introduce Lasat culture to him instead of the other way around, but he loves Rex so much for giving him this. He already knew how much Rex meant to him, he wouldn't have brought Rex to Lira San otherwise, but this is the moment he realizes he's going to spend the rest of his life with Rex.
In return, Zeb tries to ask Rex about the clones as much as he can. He asks Rex to talk about Wolffe and Gregor, but also about everyone he's lost. He asks about the 501st, and learns about Fives and Echo, about Hardcase and Dogma, about Tup and Jesse and Kix, about Appo and Denal and so many others. He asks about the other captains and commanders and hears about Cody and Fox and Ponds and Bly and Gree and Doom and Monnk. He asks how the clones chose their names and hears so many stories about the different ways clones got their names, some choosing them for themselves and some being given them by other clones, some naming themselves after something they loved and some naming themselves something that sounded cool at the time. He asks about hair and tattoos and learns about whether Rex ever wanted to dye his hair a different color and what everybody's tattoos meant and how the clones learned to tattoo each other when they left Kamino and started to see tattoos on other species.
And Zeb doesn't just ask for these stories so he alone can hear them, he sometimes asks when they're just walking around the marketplace and have picked up a gaggle of little Lasat kids who think they're cool and are perfectly happy to try to follow along with the stories Rex tells about his people. Rex always makes sure those stories are funny or heroic. He saves the sad ones for when he and Zeb are alone.
It turns out that the Lasat also had a tattooing culture of its own. The people of Lasan had had their own styles of course, but the practice itself had been brought there from Lira San, so Zeb asks Rex if he would want to teach the clones' style of tattooing to the tattoo artists on Lira San, so that the style at least could live on even if the clones themselves did not. Rex needs a few minutes to get himself together enough to try to teach anyone anything, but he is more than happy to work with the tattoo artists and pass along what he knows of his people's tattoo culture. Afterwards, Zeb asks if Rex wants to get tattooed with him, something they could share. A piece of both of their cultures, linking them together.
Rex says yes, because this is the moment HE decides he's going to spend the rest of his life with Zeb.
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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when the lip differs from the lip
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Simon Casey | Teachers | requested by Anonymous
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok & T’Pel at their Koon-ut-la: May peace and bliss follow them forever.
Based on this picture I found:
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Love how T’Pau is sitting down for this. Tuvok & T’Pel’s ceremony was presided over by a local but well-respected priestess because not everyone has the sway to get a stateswoman. Also, I count this more as an approximation of engagement than marriage since they’re established to have a whole marriage-or-challenge thing as adults later on. After the ceremony Tuvok and T’Pel were each given a seed and instructed to plant them side by side in the temple’s garden. When they returned to the temple for their marriage proper whatever they’d planted there that day would be in full bloom.  After that they played- uh...I mean...bonded with one another until their parents had to drag them away kicking and screaming. A fact which neither pair of parental units will ever let them quite forget much to their joint embarrassment.
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