#I have More of an income now im not living as one of at-the-time 5 children to a single mother with a mortgage (and i can have a job)
seraphim-soulmate · 1 year
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my friends time and again as i tell them there are fruits I've never tried
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dnpbeats · 1 month
There is one thing I know for a fact they will never share with us. Like they would rather post a 3 hour video of them making out before sharing. And thats how much they earn and how much they have earned. And If I had one question I could ask them that they had to answer, it wouldn't be "are you married" or anything like that, it would be how much money do you make, and where does that income come from. Because based on the look of the phouse and the price of the clothes they buy, I would not be shocked to find out they are millionaires, but where is that money coming from?? Because surely its not all from video veiws. They have not uploaded consistently enough throughout their career for that imo. And I mean. Yes they are big creators and used to be bigger, but its nothing compared to the numbers of big creators now. They never even broke 10mil subs. Is dragon city seriously paying them that much??? And what about the 5 years where they basically posted nothing and phil did like one 10min video a month. Surely that was not covering mortage costs plus rent of TWO apartments, plus all of dans bougie clothes?? Were they living off of savings from before the haitus??? That brings me back to HOW MUCH WERE THEY MAKING??? This is the phan conspiracy I want them to address.
i also would love to know how much they’re currently making bc im a nosey bitch. but also for sure they are millionaires. like multi-millionaires. think about how much money they were bringing in in their prime (2014-2018). obviously there are their videos, so the adsense money plus any sponsorships. they were getting money from the radio show and also all the other hosting gigs they did for the bbc (those handful of random docs dan did, all the festivals, etc). there was money from their own merch, but also remember that they own irl, so they're getting a cut from other people who were using irl as their merch distributor. then they had the money from tabinof and dapgo. they had the money from tatinof and ii (while we know they lost money on some legs, I'm sure overall it was income gained not lost). also whatever money they got from tatinof + story of tatinof being posted on yt red and then the money from the ii dvd. also other random shit, like they had licensed t-shirts at hot topic (which as a side note is so batshit 😭). also those random two events they did for dapgo (dapgoose 🤩). oh also truth bombs!! also the partnership they had with rize (I want to say they also had one with younow at one point?? but I could be making that up lol). and this is all just stuff off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more i'm forgetting
and then okay, the hiatus hits, but phil's still making videos, and then dan eventual comes out with ywgttn. (then wad ofc but dan didn't make money on that so 😭 lmao.) but also keep in mind that during this time, they're still getting adsense revenue from anyone rewatching any of their videos, and also like you said im sure they had savings. and on top of all of this, I'm 100000% sure they have investments that we don't know about, because I don't know how they could've not invested any money lmao. like we know they aren't stupid when it comes to business, and investing is something regular ppl do too. so you’d assume for ppl like d&p who are self-employed (and making a shit load of money doing it) they have more investments than most ppl. so like they aren’t mr. beast obviously, but I don’t think dan is losing any sleep over dropping $600 on a shirt
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on-leatheredwings · 5 months
i've found your account only a few days ago but ever since then I've been STUCK here rereading your fanfics, especially ones with damian. i wasn't even a dc fan (heard about some stuf, watched some films and cartoons, but that's it) but now im reading comics since im Obsessed and need more batboys in my life (rip my productivity😔)
Anyway, after Sleepover i'm curious what will Bruce (and maybe even Thalia) think of batboys strange behaviour towards reader. He's smart, so he definitely notices it early on, but how he'll react....
I can see him being weirded out (like he was by Jason's anger issues, before his death), but he also can be an enabler, since Robin (literaly any of them) had a hard life, so if those relationships can help him why not pretend that everything is normal? you'll be safer in a Wayne's Manor anyway
All in all, thanks for a new hyperfixation 💞💞
P.s. About games:
1. Boyfriend to death 1&2 - since you're into yanderes you might want to check this game out. I prefer the second game, but the first is also fun. But beware the trigger warnings!!
2. Long live the Queen - more of a raising sim than dating sim but you still can romance some guys and girls.
,3. Hatoful Boyfriend - mostly a comedy, but there is a yandere.
4. The Royal Trap - it's been a long time since i played it, but it used to be one of my favorites so i'll just mention it.
5. Higurashi - once again not really a romance sim, but its an interesting horror mixed with a slice of life
and yes yes get into DC!!! (girl who hasnt even read a full run since like. injustice)
damn now you got me thinking and excited. incoming spiel
i agree entirely about bruce just knowing how Bad things can get, so to make things simpler, he's like "yes, your darling(s) can stay in the manor, boys. 🙄"
mmm yes..... when it comes to bruce noticing the batboys are yandere, i think it's always sinfully delightful to just have him be reluctantly okay with it. 😈 it's also easier narratively ngl but i also like the idea that the batfam is all just corrupted.
bruce's thoughts are that they (his sons) fight for vengeance and justice but this is where they could use some leeway.... we all need our vice... they fight so hard for gotham, they deserve a little treat (getting rid of your human rights)... it's very "Dad who wants his sons to have happiness even if its not healthy" of him. in fics where bruce is a yandere, well, he's the exact same way so he can't judge. although if that's the case, i like the idea of bruce just being like "yes what we do isn't right. let's not talk about it. just don't kill <3"
still wondering what i like more. a yan!bruce who's self aware what he's doing is wrong but he just refuses to think about it. or a yan!bruce that justifies it all because of his paranoia, Tower of Babel style (if you don't know, that's when it's revealed batman has plans to subdue/kill the justice league just in case they go rogue.)
for the batboys depends on their personality... for damian, he's so resolute in things that i prefer when he just believes 100% what he's doing is okay, if not actually righteous. ^_^
hmmm talia.... I'M STILL UNSURE HOW I PREFER THAT AS WELL... i think talia being a you-arent-good-enough-for-my-son mom is a little cliche but also. she kinda would say that. you'd have to prove your worth somehow but idk how tf darling would do that LOL. in the end, i think talia is just relieved/comforted that her son indeed feels desire and wants love and will continue the family legacy (regardless if youre afab/can biologically have children.)
no THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! AND THANKS FOR RECS!!!! heheh yeah ive checked out btd and im not averse to the warnings its more like im not that most of into the designs ngl. fox guy seems cute? AND LMAO FUNNY BC IM ON A HIGURASHI REWATCH (never played it tho)
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solar-halos · 1 month
i finished the umbrella academy s4. i am not amused. here are my thoughts (looong post incoming)
1. i don’t remember diego being so fucking annoying. actually that’s a lie he’s always been annoying but since he was hot i let it slide but now that he’s not treating lila right (how do u fumble a baddie THAT HARD) i think he should participate in the shut the fuck up challenge
2. “their uncle will pick them up” HUH? like obviously this timeline is different but you’re telling me lila has uncles (and parents! or someone! she was talking to some elderly couple before the party!). what does that mean for the others… were their mothers still killed in this timeline or did klaus live out his little amish dream, even if he wasn’t around to experience it? ykwim? like did they show up to this timeline and someone was like “omg where did u wander off to? i was looking all over for u!” and then it turns out it’s their sibling/uncle/whatever in that timeline and they just have to be like ah yes. i surely do know who u are
3. what they did to lila and diego was criminal!!! “she said she couldn’t get pregnant while breast feeding. but she could” dramatic ass reveal for no fucking reason. like get over yourself diego
4. ok i know they prob couldn’t get rays actor to come back but what the fuck do u mean he walked out. and how can allison afford that nice house when all she’s doing is being in commercials nobody wants. our girl has a BEAMER. also i thought they weren’t supposed to have phones or anything like that so why does allison have a vape lollll. not complaining bc that scene was funny to me but why and how
5. ughhh they were tryna set up lila and five SO BAD in the beginning. and even then they still gave off intense sibling vibes
6. ok maybe im just too american but the gun imagery was kinda not it for me. like idk i think the bit with santa claus coming out shooting at everything was supposed to be funny but idkk i think im just too sensitive bc i was like mkkk whatever not funny. also i know luther has super strength but even in s1 he still got majorly injured when that chandelier fell on him but now he’s fucking indestructible apparently?? like getting shot at and stuff?? what???
7. ok but that grandma loading her old timey gun while she turned to the siblings like O.O was funny i’ll give them that
8. speaking of guns wtf siblings are killing EVERYONE. like ik they started the apocalypse and everything but idek just the way they did it was so weird. like less detached/guilty and more like… triumphant? satisfied? idk but it had a different tone than even s3, i remember in s2 it was such an intense ordeal when allison made those two european brothers kill each other but this time they straight up mass murdered a bunch of ppl in a small town and were like B). like ok. like allsion mutilated that guy in front of her DAUGHTER and it was just chill. major tonal shift
9. “you just had to one up me” 1) you just killed a bunch of ppl diego!! 2) that is NOT the lila and diego i know. the real lila and diego would have started making out nasty style the moment lila killed that guy w her laser eyes. also wtf were the point of the laser eyes. she used them like twice and then that was it
10. with that being said all that affair stuff and recovery and addiction and relapse was getting so heavy. which ik is the point and the umbrella academy has always been heavy but like holy shit u GOTTA pick a struggle. is lila gonna groom five or is klaus gonna give claire trauma cos u can’t have both
11. speaking of claire… “would it help to remind u that we were just as shitty at her age” no u fucking weren’t. u could have breathed at ur british alien father wrong and he would have made u do drills until u puked. don’t play rn
12. why did they not trust the audience to pick up on the fact ben spiked their drinks. like we did not need a full on FLASHBACK. or like to be fully immersed in that scene, a tiny little flashback would have done
13. ok but why is this season so scary. like that train station made me paranoid
14. i will never forgive them for what they did to my girl lila. she used to serve CUNT
15. that british lady alien annoyed the fuck outta me
16. WHERE was pogo. and grace. they needed to find a way to bring them back. maybe they could have transported to a universe where the apocalypse happened and now the world was getting ruled by a planet of [gunshots]
17. why the fuck was diego acting like jennifer and ben weren’t linked in some way when all of s3 they alluded to the jennifer incident every other scene. i get it was supppsed to be so obvious even to someone who has ONLY watched s4 that jennifer and ben were linked so it was just a case of diego being stupid BUT that doesn’t work when it’s already been established that they all know jennifer played a part in ben’s death. hence calling it the Jennifer Incident
18. “they tried to address that in later scenes” they failed. they didn’t know how ben died, fine. but they knew jennifer had something to do w it. i’m tired of scenes that poke fun at diego for being stupid. he’s not stupid—he’s cocky
19. okay no but this season was SO gory. like. whatever they have guns this is a revolution but the guts? the intestines?? they wanted to be stranger things sooo bad
20. no but we need to talk about that. the monster thingie at the end was so stranger things and the guns and the military and everything it was like we were back in s3 (or whenever we met the russians)
21. LOL but that scene where diego finds out about five and lila was lowkey funny. this season was so meta in general
22. speaking of the holidays… i sure did love watching everyone sing christmas carols and walk around in the snow when it was hot asf in real time
23. i do like how many parallels there were to s1. like w viktor and reggie, it was very viktor and leonard in s1. and klaus getting kidnapped. although i was kinda tired of klaus getting abducted and his siblings not giving a fuck. i thought there was supposed to be growth there
24. okayyy but ben and jennifer were cute SORRY. “let’s get married” that would have worked on me. however being rude to me while i was at work WOULDNT have worked on me so maybe yall are right maybe we didn’t need a love interest this season
25. i did NOT expect them to actually drag out lila and five’s love story. other than the age gap (no matter how ur looking at it) you already knew it was gonna be bad as soon as they had their first kiss. i hate those multiple little open mouthed kisses that are literally just ALL lip and spit like that’s fucking gross if ur gonna stick ur tongue in my mouth u better do it by the third little :O we got going on there. and then five was giving boy. like literal boy. and lila is a literal goddess but a goddess that’s well into her 20s and the contrast was so sharp it rlly was giving mom and her caucasian child. i mean that bit about lila viewing it as survival vs five actually clinging onto it showed their different levels of maturity, but since it��s never specified if five is still a 50 year old man or just aging normally, his reaction rlly was such a teenage boy thing. “i’m gonna kill him” man shut the fuck up
26. ok no bc we need to talk about this. i think fives actor is my age—maybe even a little bit older—but i don’t see how anyone over the age of 18 is supposed to find him attractive. like idk it’s weird in the show but even creepier irl cos lila’s actor had to have known him when he was still a minor. why did anyone at the umbrella academy think we wanted this
27. anyway not to make this about myself but when i was writing the odesta longfic there were a lot of lore inconsistencies as we kept going bc i forgot some of the details and was too lazy to go back and read it sometimes, and i think that’s what happened this season. the most notable detail is when klaus covered his ears while everyone was shooting at each other. i was expecting some sort of vietnam flashback but like no. he was just there being normal about it, all things considered
28. “ex-squeeze me?” it wasn’t funny when klaus said it in s1. and it wasn’t funny here
29. alright i think that’s really all i wanted to say about the season tbh… like idk diego and lila starting a family made sense i guess and i know they were falling out of love (even tho they would never do that…) but i didn’t rlly feel any of the love w the kids. like even when lila stepped off the train at the last min and her daughter was banging at the glass it looked more like she was like “oh no :(“ and then just started poking at the glass. i don’t even think it matters that she didn’t fully know what was going on—if you’re a child and ur mom steps away in an unfamiliar situation, you’re gonna start to freak. especially w everything else that was going on
30. ok this is such a small thing to harp on but they abused the fuck outta that time skip font. like i don’t think they ever used it that much before now
31. now let’s get into the ending. this is how i would fix it:
we can keep jennifer. whatever. that thing they added at the very last second about her having a particle that causes the end of the world was… whatever. like i get it. they needed a way to explain the end of the world and that was the thing they used and even if it was very late to introduce such a (admittedly confusing) bombshell, at least it fits in with what we already know about this universe’s rules. magic and particles and marigold and whatever. jennifer is fine.
tbh when jennifer started feeling sick i was honestly thinking that they were gonna go the surprise pregnancy route even though they weren’t even fuckinf hinting at that i just have no media literacy. i wouldn’t have minded that tbh, like the monster transformation made more sense but imagine if we did a twilight ripoff for a second, except that jennifer and ben were both equally protective of the killer baby growing outside of jennifer’s womb (or in her womb… whatever. point is there’s a baby). i don’t think this is a good idea—if anything i think this is a shit idea. but something that’s always been so prominent in tua are the moral implications of what they’re doing, like with everyone wanting to kill harlan in s3 instead of letting the entire world die, and with everything that happened with viktor in s1. there was the whole “i can’t kill my brother” bit, sure, but everyone kinda didn’t rlly seem too enthusiastic about it.
actually the baby addition is actually a shit idea. i’m just keeping that part of the rant in bc we need SOME sort of moral dilemma that isn’t just viktor arguing w hargreeves and then his siblings dropping in later with opinions that don’t even seem that strong. everyone needs to have a strong opinion on SOME sort of moral issue that we wanna introduce—that, in a perfect world, we’d be building up to throughout the season—and then yeah whatever there can be an epic fight scene
i don’t watch/read a lot of time travel stuff, but from what i gathered, the timeline can never be restored once it’s fucked with. there has to be consequences, like with any story. and tua did address that—they tried restoring the timeline thousands of times—but i think they shot themselves in the foot there. time travel with a (somewhat) happy ending is possible—there just has to be something to lose, and it has to be something that isn’t nonnegotiable. claire was nonnegotiable, which is why i think they stayed in s3’s timeline for as long as they did
point is, i think they should have gone back to 2019. i mean i don’t think anyone really wanted them to die. i made a joke in s3’s rant that i would just give up, but lucky for me, i am not a fictional character in tua, so the fact they just die in the last five mins and we’re supposed to be ok w that makes the last three seasons pointless. like, actually pointless. what was the message here? why is the ending of the show painted as some sort of utopia just bc we got rid of the siblings? and why is five okay with that? i think him being on board w dying could have been an interesting route to take if they showed his relationship w his siblings consistently deteriorating (both on screen AND off screen) but they only rlly managed to do that with diego, and it was for something fucking stupid
ANYWAY. bring those fools back to 2019, but don’t make them totally happy. just give them something that makes them all just stay put, like how allison has claire (doesn’t matter which timeline. it could be from the fucked up timeline. i don’t think the cleanse would happen bc of that bc claire is only one person and not an entire fucking organization like tua or an assassination like jfk. so hell. might as well throw harlan and sissy in there for viktor. that makes lila and diego’s motivation really easy for staying put, cos then they have their kids. klaus is klaus and no offense to him but i think hes just gonna roll w the cards he’s dealt without trying to fight back, for better or for worse. then ben can have jennifer and since they love each other idk they just stick around. then five’s motivation for staying is that his family is alive and none of them want to leave and that’s good enough for him bc that’s why he time traveled in the first place
again… i don’t think what i came up with is any good. i just think it’s better than them all dying at the last fuckin second. i think this show relied on a lot of haha random xd humor at the beginning and they tried to keep that intact here but everything got so serious that i think them all dying rlly did seem like the only way out but.. it’s not. they could go back to the way things are as long as there were consequences. it would suck, and none of them would be as happy as they could be, but they know that’s as happy as they’re gonna get, so whatever. like, if we were gonna take the suicide route, we might as well gone the time loop route and gone back from the very beginning when five blinks back to 2019. i think that rly would have driven home the “this all would have happened anyway” point way better than them just being like guess ill die :) bc ughhh. no they wouldn’t. also they wouldn’t let lila leave bc she still had marigold in her but… what about her and diego’s kids?? they’re half marigold, and claire is a quarter, so… what’s up with that?
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acidsaladd · 6 months
incoming rant abt a possible ninjago atla au u have been warned
the gist of the au and what i have in me head is that lloyd is the next air avatar but for some reason the air nomads are skeptical/afraid of baby lloyd so misako takes lloyd and skidadles far away from the temple. because of this, lloyd grows up as a regular kid with no air benders around to teach him air bending And no knowledge that hes the avatar (and therefore that he can bend the other elements)
fast forward to when hes like 9?? 10? wu finds him, surprise ur actually the avatar its training time something something big spiritual evil that might be related to garm something something then wu Leaves and so the training bit falls onto the ninja. which. none of them is an airbender mind u and lloyd Still doesnt know airbending. so they teach him the other elements and Hope that he somehow learns air by proxy
i have a very small and not rlly thought out idea for what an equivalent of the aging tea could be but this is basically it in terms of bg and going forward its just ur usual avatar and ninja shenanigans
ok. now. i have a couple ideas for why the air nomads could be wary of lloyd. one is that they know garmadon is his dad and garm has been cursed by a Particularly Evil spirit and so they think evil dad equals evil son and they dont rlly wanna deal with that so they r like we must get rid of the child he will reincarnate either way its no biggie which,,, uhh yea lets not
the other one is that the nomads have discovered that lloyd is going to be the first avatar that is a direct decendant of the first ever avatar (the fsm) and so they want to like?? harness his power or smth idk.
(the only problem with these ideas is that it kinda relies ok the air nomads having kind of violent and evil solutions to problems so i stil. dont rlly know 😭)
the point is!! one way or another, misako starts seriously fearing for lloyds life and the fact that he might not ever have a choice over it as his own so she takes the baby and Runs.
[abt the fsm, raine lowkey gave me this idea entirely so shoutout raine hello but i was thinking that theres two of them. like. u have the FSM, the first ever avatar, all plwerful godly being. and then u have the dad, the f in fsm stands for Father, this guy is just wu and garms dad. i dint have much else thought out for him just. yea]
now. if i want to talk abt the possible aging tea equivalent i need to talk abt garm. soo augh idk abt garm but i think rhe gist of it is that hes been possessed/corrupted by a spirit bc of a deal he made or for messing with a spirit when he was researching things. the point is hes known as this being that brings chaos and stuff but then wu and misako reveal to lloyd like, thats ur dad actually, and misakos being researching ways to bring him back and lloyd stumbles on this research and decides (not so smartly) that if one qants their dad back one must do it himself so. he manages to contact the original spirit that garm annoyed
so they talk and the spirits like "well i Would give him back but he kinda made me lose my time and energy on him for like,, 4/5 years so unless u figure out a way to give me rhat time back i aint giving him to u" and lloyd goes bet take does from me no biggie
so then lloyd makes this deal not rlly knowing what hes doing and he goes back to the real world and suddenly he has a brand new dad and also abt two whole heads more in height woops
(this all happens post training arc starting so lloyd already knows the ninja and has been living with them for a while)
so ive been Rlly debating whether i should do the Usual thing and just stick em in the element rhat they have in the show. OR (and this is the idea im leaning more towards) i go with vibes. obviously the vibes are still informed and consider their element in the show
ok first kai and nya. i want them both to be fire nation buut idk if i should make them both firebenders or make them have their usual elements. i do wanna let nya be a waterbender, However since they do live in the fire nation (most likely in a more rural town far from the mainland) nya would be a waterbender that uses mostly firebending styles and techniques. i just have always found this type of mix and match they do with aang and zuko specifically SOO COOL i love it so im gifting that to nya
cole is an earthbender obvi. i havent rlly thought much abt cole bc i immediately decided he would stay an earthbender and didnt question him further.
NOW HEAR ME OUT HERE. i kinda rlly want to make jay earth kingdom and leave him as a non bender. why??? bc the Vibes man. i want to rlly focus on his engineering and tinkery side. i think he would still be rlly involved with bending and stuff and he tries to find different uses to bending outside of fighting. maybe him and cole are childhood friends and jay is always bugging cole to try some of his projects with coles bending.
and finally zane!! hes water tribe but i struggled to settle him on either tribe. i think the northern tribe could fit him in the future but i do think he's originally from the south. i feel like the south gives him more potential to be the specific brand of Peculiar that zane was in the beginning of the sbow. and since this is situated pre war, the southern water tribe would be bigger and better off than how we see them in atla so it would be cool to explore that
so im picturing him as the weird son of the local medic and whatever else dr julien gets up to . so maybe dr julien is teaching zane stuff and he gets Rlly Rlly good so they send him to a bigger settlement with better teachers and eventually he decides to leave the south pole to continue learning and stuff.
i do have ideas abt how wu gathers them together but ive ranted way too much so i will make another post on that if i remember to
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idsb · 6 months
hi im new here can you give a brief rundown of like you lol?? where youve lived, jobs, partners, interests, give me the idsb lore please!!!!!
hi!! sure, I have a lot of new followers and I was just thinking the other day abt this and how my blog is like 70/30 my personal life v Taylor so that must be confusing for new people. so yes! here's the spark notes:
My name is Holly and I just turned 28! I grew up outside of Boston and lived in NYC for ~10 years after I went to art school there. I dropped out of college after one semester to pursue my actual dream of touring with artists. After I dropped out I spent a while willingly homeless in NYC so that I could establish myself & my career there. Eventually it worked & I had been doing freelance photography, videography, graphic design and merch sales as steady income since ~2017. I was in a 5 year, emotionally abusive relationship with my high school sweetheart and finally ended it in 2018. A bit after this, I went to Australia for the first time with my then-friend now-boyfriend (Nov 2018). I've been obsessed with Australia since I was like 5 years old and it was an incredible adventure. I spent about 3 weeks there alone without then-friend, and during those 3 weeks met a Man. The last night we spent in Australia on this trip was Christmas Eve, and said man invited me to have an outdoor Love Actually screening and have a wine picnic with him and all his friends. it was one of the best nights of my life. We hooked up and he singlehandedly cured some sex-related fears I had from the previous relationship and I couldn't stop thinking about it for months. Back in America (Jan 2019) I entered my hoe phase in a never-ending quest for validation and slept with every guitarist I'd ever worked with while meanwhile having a big mental breakdown. Enter a John Mayer vibing man we called the Guitarist here, and a lot of Bad Shit he did to me in his own validation quest mental breakdown (May-August 2019). Clearly my only choice was to fly back to Australia to see the other guy! And I did (September 2019)! Then I was mega depresso when I went home bc my life felt hopeless & I'd already lived out all the hope it had going for it :) I continued my hoe phase and chronicled it via Spice Nights where I’d just answer nsfw asks and give advice for like 8 hours straight. This is waxing over it but it was chaotic and I cannot understate the Depression (Feb 2020).
Then the pandemic happened whomp whomp. I lost all my gigs and posted about it on Tumblr dot com, this blog gained a very large following sort of bc of being a Taylor blog and sort of bc of live-blogging all the drama. ms Taylor Swift saw it and she sent me $3,000 to cover my rent for all of lockdown. a lot happened as a result of that but in the end I realized it was not smart to stay in NYC and spent summer 2020 roadtripping around the US with my then-friend who had first come to Australia with me, who had since joined the leagues of guitar-playing-employer-i-was-sleeping-with (there were 4 in total but I was in loveeeeee w this one). Big Cruel Summer vibes. my friend group exploded partially as a result of my behavior and partially bc they were cunts who didn't care about John Mayer vibe man manipulating me. So then I said fuck it and moved to Montana to work in a national park w guitar guy I Actually Loved who had become my boyfriend at that point, and we lived there until winter 2021. Then I started touring again, got insanely successful, was making more money than most people I knew with salaried jobs and booking work all over the world, my relationship ended over some drama I found out about way after the fact but then we got back together & moved in together (May 2023). Going great. Then I got so fucking burnt out from my job I was like stop the presses I am fucking off to Australia I can't do the music industry and the mega late-stage capitalism anymore. so now I live in Melbourne and am a bartender at a fancy cocktail bar and my relationship is sort of a LDR but I’m going home soon maybe(?) and that is what you missed on Glee!!!!
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digital-chance · 1 year
Writer Q&A Tag Game
thank you for the tag @clairelsonao3!! you're lovely.
1. What motivates you to write?
The stories themselves. If I get inspired and like the premise, I'll write it down. From there, my passion for stories will take over and tell the story and expand upon the characters.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
From the first chapter of my fanfic ysbwm; This place he’s in is a different world than the one he knows. There are so many flashing lights popping out of the building, constantly moving. The cars are shaped differently and drive on a painted street at amazing speeds. These buildings, like the one Steve just ran out of, are so much taller and sleeker than what he’s used to seeing. He gapes and haltingly spins around, letting his eyes flit around him and be momentarily captivated by the movement.
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
At the moment, Theodore, from Scars of Duty. Writing a villain character is so interesting to me, especially since their character is going to change throughout the novel and series. I'm not the greatest at making ocs and I haven't purposely written a character like this before so this is a challenge that im excited to take on!
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Brainstorming. It's a love-hate relationship though lol. I love gathering all the stuff that inspired me and organizing it though so it's both worth it in the end and satisfying. Lately I found a template/organizer for the Notion app for my writing and I'm so excited about my projects now!!
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Honestly I'm not sure. I would say research and potentially preparation.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I love the tag games!! I love seeing what people wrote and learning about them and then being able pay it forwards for others!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Tumblr, with it's endless quantities of prompts and the short stories that people write on here. I love it. I also starting using both Grammarly and ProWritingAid to correct my grammar after me being in denial for ages about needing them. Very useful for the editing process.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Oooh my favorite piece of worldbuilding i like is from Scars of Duty but it's a huge spoiler so I better not say it haha. My second favorite is from Nova Futurum and it's the underground community's culture. One thing I've noticed when I was living in a lower-income neighborhood is the sense of community and how that can influence not only social interactions but also things like crime. People look out for each other and care about each other and will help each other get to better places, to the best of their abilities. And in my new neighborhood, in a different part of the city, it's entirely different. More money = more socially/emotionally distant. I barely know anyone and the weight of others' opinions matter more. It's interesting to me and I definitely will add this to Nova Futurum.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Read other people's writings in a genre that you are NOT trying to write in. It doesn't have to be any particular style of literature, but something different enough from what you're working on. This way you can get inspired or even just have a break from the genre and get refreshed. It can get exhausting reading for research or inspiration.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
@tea-and-mercury, @leisoree, @ruinmegently, and @janec23 are my biggest supporters and i adore their work. to name a few more people with amazing work: @scribbling-stardust, @halfbit, @hallwriteblr, @repressed-and-depressed, & @fire-but-ashes-too
tagging those people above and no pressure tagging: @ntzsche9, @writingmargo, @mthollowell-writes, @wingedcatastrophe, & @lostpasswordreturning.
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saintofanything · 6 months
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material
tagged by @sasusquatch
hockey narratives: specifically sid and geno but i will literally never shut up if you let me start about hockey, i have a 50-slide powerpoint on hockey duos and it only covers 4 of them and i have it memorized. i can, will, and have ranted about for an hour about sid crosby. i got into this fandom two months ago and let me tell you i fell down the rabbit hole so hard and fast it made everyone in my life think i'd been replaced by an alien
my garden: let me tell you how much of a bitch it is to grow cherry tomatoes out of a hanging basket in an effort to maximize their vining nature and my square footage. growing everything in containers because of soil issues. how i wanted to get a worm bin for vermicomposting but my family wont let me keep it in the basement and im growing milkweed for the monarchs and trying to find real wild lupine for the karner blue butterflies and how to grow a polyculture lawn when climate change is a bitch
social justice: one time i got drunk at a con i was in a guy's lap in a pool and he absolutely wanted to bone and i was too busy ranting about late stage capitalism and minimum wage and he put up with it for far too long to not get laid sorry not sorry dude maybe be more sympathetic to the plight of the working poor (this is not an isolated incident)
fallout 4 but the logistics of being General: i played too much fallout 4 but for every hour in game i spent 2 figuring out how it would work realistically (within the game's universe) i had every settlement figured out for what it would realistically produce including getting salt from the castle using nuclear reactors and fishing in taffington boathouse, how to use vault 111 for cold storage and build up sanctuary as a rival to diamond city while putting a foothold in hangman's alley, trade routes to maximize efficiency of the traded goods value for each farm/resource, raiding the library for books, setting up civilian vs militia work rotations and having universal basic income to allow for the cap-currency vs commune living discrepancies... i would have been a great general of the minutemen except for the part i'd die of starvation or malnutrition from eating only 200yr old pre-war snack foods and nuka cola or more likely a deathclaw
c!tommy: this was my child. i love him so much even though dsmp went to hell and i hated the ending but i was there gandalf. i was in the trenches. i miss him. i loved his arcs and his growth and his portrayal and how important it was that he was unlikeable sometimes. he made me stop apologizing for being That Bitch. he was a child and he deserved justice and now it's worse because he deserved it in real life too. c and cc tommy you both deserved better.
tagging my 5 with absolutely no pressure or time limit <3 we here for funsies: @hearty-an0n @medusasstory @veerani @the-sad-little-fallen-angel @hir4
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chapstickman · 1 year
“I just came from r/196” ask game
Saw another post. I think I should invite y'all to one of our longstanding traditions. Answer the questions then tag 10 (or more) people. I'll go first.
Name? Jarrod
Pronouns and gender? they/he, guy???
Sexuality? Pansecual
Country? USA MERICA FUCK YEAH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Top 5 fandoms? hazbin/helluva, fnaf, team four trees two, i forgor the rest
What is your Most forbidden snack? fabuloso also chapstick
Would you pet a bug? scared scared scared of bugs. dont like them. scary scary.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. i love fixing things, no matter what it is. my silly little brain just latches onto it like a puzzle, which it kinda is. i can already fix most electronic devices, or alteast know how to (FUCK apple and their stupid fucking anti repair policy. thats actual fucking bullshit. i dont want to have to pay for a 200 dollar course and license to fix your shitty god damn phones. mac books and ipads are aight. but FUCK apple as a company. all this does is protect their silly little fucking income from their stupid ass fucking phones breaking all the fucking time. all it does is make it so that people who do fix phones for a living fucking cant, and no devices to fix means no food on the fucking table for them or their families. they're toying with peoples livelihoods for a bit of fucking profit.) if i dont know how to fix it (cars, microwaves, tvs, literally anything that could break) i want to learn
What does the color blue taste like? mmm yumby
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? the ocean. it goes on forever. it doesnt stop. i didnt realize that until i saw it in person. it stopped me dead in my tracks.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? ive got this protein bar. in 2020 (my second year of marching band, freshman year) i was eating a box of them on the way to marching band camp. i lost one. this was in july. i found it on the ground still sealed in january of the following year. i still have it. im going to eat it my senior year at the end of the year band dinner. i have not done it yet. im going into my senior year. im going to do it. it will kill me. i will not regret it.
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? a pastor for a church i used to attend (unfortunately hes my uncle) blamed crime and evil on transgender people
Hyperfixation song? long list. Starman David Bowie, banana man tally hall, mr white keys cherry poppin daddies, play that funky music wild cherry, cant take my eyes off you frankie valli, sh-boom the ink spots, the devil went down to georgia the charlie daniels band
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? I've been asked several times where "Chapstick Man!" comes from. It comes from TF2. I named a rocket launcher "chapstick gun" with the description "ngl chapstick taste kinda good" and then i thought the joke was funny and it stuck. my name is now Chapstick Man on like everything. i have not been sued yet. Im too cool to be sued.
Dream career as a child? also electronics repair technician (i am answering these out of order)
Dream career as an adult? still kinda a child ig. but i want to be an electronics repair technician, running my own little computer/electronics repair shop. i already know how to do it, i just need a building and to be 18 (i turn 18 in december) and people to come and give me their stuff to fix. i love fixing things.
Thoughts on cilantro? its aight ig
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? I havent. but i plan to be. i am going to be silly and they cannot prevent it.
What is your cursed food combination? I did my burgers in ketchup if i want ketchup, i did my biscuits in gravy for biscuits and gravy
Trans rights? are epic!!!!!!
@everyone im lazy
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thecoolertails · 2 years
Now that I know you like Fred Jones a whole lot, I want to know your opinions on the rest of Mystery Inc. :D Also, what do you think of Scrappy, Flim Flam and Vincent Van Ghoul?
oh i am so glad you asked! i love all the main 5 members of mystery inc! fred's my favorite of course, but the rest aren't that far behind (infodump incoming)
velma was my favorite as a kid (i was dorky kid with glasses myself) and she's still such an icon. i probably like her the best in where are you, what's new, and zombie island/witch's ghost-- sweet, smart, and enthusiastic, rather than being more sarcastic or reserved. OH and i love how they made her semi-nonverbal in a pup named scooby-doo! she's an autistic legend just like fred
daphne's adorable, i especially love her characterization in be cool scooby-doo, she's so chaotic but is also the heart and soul of the group. i still really like her original and #girlboss characterizations as well though! i love how they ended up giving her so many different talents and interests to make up for how undefined her personality was originally, so she has so many cool hobbies like surfing and martial arts.
shaggy's great too! i think how good he is hinges heavily on the given writers grasp on comedy, but i also think he's at his best when he has some depth beyond just being comedy relief (early 00's live action and be cool are probably my favorite versions of him, followed by the gold key scooby-doo mystery comics and where are you).
and of course i love the good boy scoobert doobert himself! i prefer a more doglike scooby, rather than more recent iterations that have him act a lot more like a human, but sometimes it can be done well. i found be cool's scooby to be really funny and likable despite being more humanlike, probably because they don't have him talk a whole lot, but when he does it's usually in dry one-liners and it just kind of works.
as far as scrappy goes, im kind of in the minority in that im kind of neutral on him? i think he has a lot of potential as a part-time member of the gang (the whole concept of "scooby's baby nephew who fears no man or god and really REALLY wants to punch a ghost (and also looks up to scooby and thinks HE'S really brave)" is absolutely hilarious. that being said, i haven't seen anything with scrappy in it as an adult (not counting the 2002 movie), and as a kid i didn't prefer the shows with him in it, ESPECIALLY the ones that didn't have velma and fred (but mostly because of velma). i think i just saw that velma wasn't in those ones and saw it as a personal slight lmao, i was like really offended asdjfkdjf. i think it was a mistake for them to go all in on scrappy (and the extended doo family) like they did, where they kind of sacrificed the original gang and formula for something new, which didn't really stick for most people. scrappy saved the scooby franchise, but also almost ended up destroying it once it started to kind of revolve around him (luckily it was saved by a pup named scooby doo). but, because i refused to watch the movies and shows from the "dark era" as a kid, its kind of a literal dark era for me in that i really don't know that much about it and have seen very little. it's high up on my list of scooby media to watch though, and i might detour from mystery incorporated to look into some of that soon.
but ANYWAY lol, long story short i think scrappy has potential and doesn't deserve all the hate he gets, but as he is he's not really my favorite, and even if he was done well, i wouldn't want him to be a permanent member of the gang, because i think the chemistry between the original 5 is so good. i wouldn't be sad personally if he never returned, but it'd be nice to see him come back as long as he was done well.
i've never seen the 13 ghosts of scooby-doo, so i'm not really familiar with flim flam or vincent van ghoul! well, i saw a little bit of van ghoul in mystery incorperated, but idk how similar he is to his original counterpart. it feels like it doesn't count lol
anyway scooby-doo autism moment over, thanks for giving me an excuse to infodump about my current hyperfixation haha
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padawansuggest · 10 months
Hey sorry but I’m actually so confused about your post about crosswalks. Do they work differently from where I live? Like you wait on the sidewalk next to a crosswalk and they the cars stop and you cross the street? What do you mean walking behind the car???
I live in a very very small town. At the busiest time of day there are maybe 10 cars that’ll hit this specific crosswalk at once. It is a plus sign shape right outside my apartment complex.
Now. See. I guess I didn’t explain what enrages me so much about this specific spot. It is easily the most unused part of the four way. I cross one more street and I’m at my apartment complex, and the street is only used when a car comes out the complex (there are very few people in my complex that HAVE cars it’s the lowest of low income) and the college (much more often but the daycare is directly there on that side so it’s a more unused part of campus too lol) and so it’s not used much at all.
Which means. The chances of there being one car right there, much less more than that??? Are so fucking slim. In fact, most of my trips to the store don’t involve seeing more than a single car in that entire section, and very rarely on that street.
So. I get to that point. And like I said, im a slow walker and also I have this huge personal shopping cart that I bring with me and it’s loud and people look at it funny and im still an agoraphobic person so I don’t like them looking at me. I would rather them take the five seconds it takes for them to cross ahead of me, than 15 for me to go.
But here’s the thing? A lot of them stop way too short to try and FORCE me to go ahead like a good ways away before the ‘crosswalk’ (lmao there is no crosswalk on this street and j walking is only a thing on like three streets in town here) and so. To be contrary. And cause they have already ruined my day with this. I will walk the extra 12 feet to the back of their car and cross behind them.
But srsly tho they could have pulled up a full five more feet before even hitting the crosswalk area and I could have easily walked a few feet back and it’s just this big massive thing that pisses me off because why would you stop so far back when you could have not done that and frankly it would have taken maybe two seconds off my walk???
I don’t like crossing in front of cars. It legit gives me a fear like a prey animal in the sights of a dragon. I don’t want it. It’s such a completely unused crosswalk that the point of stopping for a pedestrian when you’re likely to be one of 5 cars I SEE and the ONLY one in my way from here to the store is so wild to me.
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mammon-was-here · 1 year
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By: hey-there-armeen
Genre/s : World Building
Synopsis : Ok, so I've been having this reacurring thought that most PJ.Sekai characters are probably loaded. So, today we'll start either debunking or reinforcing my theory! (Because school ended and I have a bunch of free time to be researching the wealth of fictional characters)
Character Focus : ICHIKA HOSHINO (answer is all the way at the bottom if ya don't want to see the process)
Words : 705
Written : Monday, May 29, 2023
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First of all, we're going to need to find out what exactly "rich" is for our Pj.Sekai characters. According to the PJ.Sekai Fandom page, both Miyamasuzaka Girl's Academy and Kamiyama High School are located in Shibuya Tokyo, so now, everyone is gonna have their wealth be based on Shibuya, Tokyo.
The average annual income for Shibuya Tokyo is more complicated than I first thought, but imma go in the middle of all the money it was telling me, so for our experiment the average yearly income is 5,000,00 yen yearly per person.
The average square feet of a normal house for a 3-5 person family (i couldn't find anything that said ichika has siblings) is 2,500 square feet. A normal house in Shibuya costs around 680,000,000 JPY, monthly payments being around 91,000 JPY which means around 1,092,000 JPY for housing yearly.
The average cost of utilities per person (electricity, gas, & water) is around 10,000 JPY per person. Internet is around 4,000 JPY a month and having a phone is around 6,000 JPY monthly per person. All combined its around 20,000 JPY per person monthly or 240,000 JPY yearly.
School tuition for public schools (i think Kamiyama can qualify as public school, explanation will come later) is around 1,000,000 yen yearly. School tuition for private schools (i think Miyamasuzaka can qualify for this) is around 2,500,000 yen yearly.
Alright, so right off the bat, Ichika doesn't have any siblings that I could find. She just lives with her mom and dad. Which means yearly average income should be around 10,000,000 yen. There isn't any mention as to what Ichika's parents do for a living that I could find so we'll assume that the average income is what they're earning right now.
That means that average spending that's happening for a family of three is around 4,216,000 yen yearly. Leaving 5,784,000 yen out of the 10,000,000 starting yen.
Food isn't calculated in this because different brands, different prices and i've already realized this is more complicated than i first thought...
The only other noticable spends Ichika and her parents should make is the bus fare, and maybe her yakisoba bun addiction. Other than that, I don't know that much about Ichika. I don't know what she spends money on the most frequently.
Her buying a Yakisoba bun everyday for 150 yen totals out to 54,750 yen yearly. A bus fare for one person yearly is 584,000 yen a year (bus ticket is around 1600 yen daily). Which means for three people its about 1,752,000 yearly. Im guessing to come and go. If its just a one way, its 3,504,000 yearly. Plus, the extra times where Ichika went to visit Saki, which if it was like once a week for a year it's 83,200 yen. Again, if the ticket is only a one-way then it'd be 166,400 yen yearly.
Out of the 5,784,000 yen we had, now we subtract another 3,725,150 for the bus fare (assuming the bus fare is one-way) and the yakisoba buns. That leaves us with 2,058,850 yearly. If its split up into months then its around 171,000 yen left each month. Thats enough to go out to eat a few times, or to do some monthly food shopping. Its also good to keep in mind that Ichika has a Fast Food part-time job, so she probably uses what she earns there to go out with her friends.
So, Ichika's family uses 7,941,150 yen out of the 10,000,000 yen yearly income average. Her family is left with around 171,000 yen each month. She doesn't use more than the national average income, so we can assume her family makes 10 mil yen or a little more by the way her family lives as we have no idea what her parents do for a living.
SO. Is Ichika Hoshino technically rich? No. But, she lives pretty decently, and is probably higher-middle class. (The reason she's probably higher middle class is because kids who attend Miyamasuzaka are considered "rich kids", which can be learned by a line Ena says in what I think is an area conversation)
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End notes:
It’s 1:54 AM…..I wrote the head cannon a while ago but man is it late 😞😞 ANYWAY THIS TURNED OUT TO BE MORE COMPLICATED THAN I THOUGHT BUT HEY we gonna finish this no matter what 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
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Thanks for reading!
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wcamino-confessions · 2 years
Misconceptions and stuff - MiseryXCPR again
Stuff I forgot to add to the post / Saw within it from what others have said.
1) Im still technically an amateur at commissions, I'm still learning how to do them effectively and efficiently,  I'm still learning my style despite what everyone says about it, etc. I'm still ""new"" at commissions. I learned about a app called Trello, in which I have been looking into for future reference for commissions. Trello from my understanding helps organize a lot of things such as commissions due, person it belongs to, etc. I'm still looking into it but I'll definitely keep this in mind.
2) Terms of Services - I never had one. I'm still learning about commissions and taking them, I never had a TOS nor have I thought about it into too much because at first commissions were a- for fun type thing. Now, I do it as a part time job and I've been considering a Terms of Service but never got around to it - mostly due to how busy I am but also because I'm not familiar with learning how to do it. 
3) I will be working on my memory after hearing amazing advise from people. Trello will most likely be my solution, or writing things down on a sheet of paper is what someone advised me I believe.. I will be working on it as best as I can and will actively try to improve off of the situation. Please keep in mind; I'm not trying to excuse myself nor am I trying to make excuses or create a "pity party". I wanted to clear things up to show i have no ill intentions and that I am deeply sorry for the inconveniences.
4) "Why did I take so many commissions" - I have addictions that I am now currently battling and trying to face, commissions was an extra income for me to either get rides or important necessities like food, a home, etc or to fuel my addictions or want to help my "friends" whom use me for my money. It wasn't healthy of me to do so much nor was it worth the stress, and I am again- actively trying to battle these addictions. I do also enjoy art and such, at first it was a thrill to do commissions - I've never felt so proud that I could do something with my art. However I went overboard with the commissions and it became a drag and something unenjoyble. This regards any robux commissions I have done that doesn't involve the top one - which is why I mostly do PayPal commissions. 
5) More on Tansy, as I've been questioned about it and seen misinformation still going around. I have spoken to the person whom paid for them (will not involve them anymore due to their own request), and I've noticed that the commissioned they paid was 12$~ roughly. Which, is incorrect as I double checked and it was 8$ or 7,28$. I am still actively trying to give them back their money and solve the situation, and I do not wish for any ill intentions or harm towards anyone involved. 
7) I'm French, so my apologies for horrible wording or such. While I have lived in the states, i still suck at English. I also lack a lot of empathy, I struggle with it and I'm trying hard to find ways to understand and sympathise with others. I still try to do so. While this subject is very personal to me, I feel like this should be addressed.
8) Thank you to those who have been supportive and helping me still, I'm trying to balance out my real life situation and this whole situation and I want to help clear the air and at least help put others at ease. 
I have Full intentions on refunding a large amount of commissioners, and I already refunded many people as it is so I can "start over" once I deal with my real life situation. Thank you for all the advise, criticism and support, this will be my last message regarding the situation (if I need to clear up more information then please let me know)
Also, for those who have asked, I'm a male.
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brilapse · 2 years
bruh I’m dumb, I got loaded at my cousins ready last night and spent more than I should have lol but before, I paid our credit cards off that were pretty much maxed cause some work needed to be done in the new house and then had to take a good chunk of money as well to pay for some work on the car cause ffs my future mother in law needed to borrow it cause her cars power steering went and while it was in shop, she borrowed our car and we just used the work truck for a few days, anyways, our car is fairly low and you’ve always gotta be careful going over speed bumps, like you need to slow down to fucking 5kph lol and there’s sooooo many parking lots when exiting have to be careful af cause it ALWAYS hits the undercarriage of the car, ANWAYS. There’s bad construction in one area of town right now and her work is on the other side, she has to fo through it. Anyways, she must of been fucking flooring it through the construction or some shit cause she smacked the bottom of er BAD. Like when we put it up on the lift you could fucking SEE it was smacked hard af. Well, not long after that she said to us, oh the car is making this like vibrating noise or something and the whole car shakes and we were like wtf, and then she told us about the smack she did and we got the car back and it didn’t seem that bad at first, but then after a day it got worse and worse, we were driving on the highway and it was FUCKED, it was growling and vibrating and shit, we had to go into neutral and then coast until we had to speed up again and Jesus. It did it in reverse too and it was obv the transmission. Anyways we have power train warranty still and we were hoping they wouldn’t notice it was cause of damage but lol obv they did so that didn’t cover it and we had to pay out of pocket and it was not cheap. My future MIL said she’d pay us back cause it was her fault (she’s some hard on cars man. I didn’t even wanna loan it to her but fuck, it’s his mom man.) but that won’t be for a while cause she was a single mom forever and was working for cash while getting welfare so she could afford to raise him cause his dad is a piece of shit, well, was at least. He helps now when he can but she is now a dental assistant and has been for a few years but she makes one income and pays for rent for a funking 3 bedroom upstairs portion of a house cause she “can’t live in a basement apartment” and has no money left after bills basically, so it’s gonna be like 2 years of paying us back like $50-$100 a paycheck lol. Which, whatever but it’s just a bad time for that to happen cause we just got the house and then I’m off work for a couple months right now and don’t get 100% of my salary while off and then just had expenses for the house and shit and whatever.
ANYWAYS when I paid my credit card off yesterday morning I forgot my insurance payment is coming out tomorrow and paid my credit card off with literally 90% of the money we had forgetting that it takes like 3-5 days to process and the credit to be applied to the account and had just enough and then a bit extra for my insurance to come out and then I got loaded and fucking forgot and spent like half that money and now my insurance is gonna bounce and then also I just don’t have enough till payday to live lol
Me + alcohol + money = usually not great
Me + alcohol + money + pissed off at my fiancé and ditched halfway through the night = disastrous
I’m also hungover to fuck today
I applied for a payday loan lol so I hope I hear back but it’s Sunday lol
Have to back like $100 extra than I get though which Jesus they’re fucking crooks
Okay rant over needed to rant lol and I refuse to talk to my fiancé today lol
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As a victim of ageism i put out a message to all, no matter your age or if you neauro diverse. I advise against ever contacting anyone under your age via face time. Its not that Im mean, its that im realistic. Its how i lost a mutual friend who was same age as many of my wattpad followers. I almost was hospitalized from the verbal abuse of the family member when there was nothing to be gained from an online friendship. Im a shut in mostly for my reasons.
I have however matured past my trauma. Im living a happier free life after my recovery. So to any that are my age and are friends with others within teen range, be careful.
Anyways im feeling much better cutting loose fake friends. In that particular friendship i was giving but never receiving. So it was alas a dead friendship. I have many other online contacts as i call them that were far more supportive and empathetic than the one that left me.i feel much happier emotionally with the few that actually care about me. My social media journey has lead me down many paths, some dark and tumultuous.
Now I found my solid path thanks to the trauma. It shows how in no ways will i remotely gain anything from simple friendships online. All i sought was someone to listen. To this very day im glad i made those mistakes. It made me sharper to the cold cruel world we live in.
Only reason i write this is to avoid anyone falling victim to ageism or even missinterpretations. I have no memory of the conversation due to my medication that clouded my mind. I realised after a while my meds alter my persona to be a bit on the more negative overemotional side.
I will have to from now on 30minutes after taking meds go to sleep, otherwise i fear something similar to whatever that was that happened.
My life may not be easy, it is however bareable. My dreams of finally making an income is slowly coming together. I can not work a 9-5 job due to my difficulties. In reality even the idea of having children makes me anxious. I can tolerate kids in reality, but been the neurodiverse/ introverted mess I am i just decided not to. Friendships with huge gaps may entail legal difficulties if one decides to go too far. Luckily i never did. It disgusts me how adults take advantage of teens mostly. I do not respect those types in any way.
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This is all i feel like penning down. So feel free to ignore my work here. I rather in reality dissapear. Thats just how i am in reality.
This is my third entry to my journal.
30th September 2022
Take care everyone i never judge ages just so you know.
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wonderpeople · 2 months
help majdy’s family to rebuild their lives in Gaza
Hello dear friends
Please read my story as if I'm a member of your family.
im majdy from Gaza, im 21 years old i have been through 5 wars including this one, but this one is the worse, me and my family lost our home and our source of income, we lost every thing, and we were forced to displaced more than 5 times, we are family of 13 members, right now we live in a tent, life is extremely hard right now so please donate if you can, so we can live a better life..
Thank you ❤️
My house
living room
My brother injury from an air strike at the refugee school in DEIR AL-BALAH
After being displaced for the 9th time
With your help, Majdy Abed can reach this goal and continue the work we’ve set out to do in this campaign.
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.
Thank you ❤️
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